Written June 2006, later than upcoming chapters, due to a new Hebrew theme
I suggest first reading previous chapter.

In Norse myth, it is said that a Nor/Nori and Gor founded Norway, and that Nor had a son by the name "Gard," a term evoking the old name of the Kurds, said to have been the same as the Guti peoples of Iran. It therefore seems an easy deduction (as some, though not all, historians believe) that the Guti/Gard became the Getae/Edones of Thrace who in turn became the Goths/Jutes of Scandinavia (that were there called "Eotens/Ytones").

Behold that Gor had two sons, Heiti and Beiti, and these reflect Nahor's first two sons, Uwts and Buwz, (i.e. Uz and Buz). The Hebrew-Bible form of "Uz" is "Uwts," pronounced "oots." The Hebrew-Bible form of "Buz" is "Buwz" (Strong's dictionary #938), pronounced "booz." I don't know why the King James people chose to use "Huz" rather than "Uz" when referring to the son of Nahor (the Biblical word for "Huz" is exactly the same as the one used for "Uz"), but the Huz variation (i.e. "Huwts") nicely reflects "Heiti."

Nor's father was tagged, "Thorri," the king of Gotland. That the ruler of Gotland was made the "father" of Nor would imply (if you permit me to conjecture a little to see where it might lead) that the Getae Thracians were in Scandinavia first, before the Neuri arrived with the Budini. But as "Woten/Odin" is furnished by either "Budini" or "Getae/Edone/Eoten," the Budini must have been a branch of Getae. If the Budini were in truth the Buzi Medes, while the Getae were Guti Aryans (in Iran), then it would seem that these peoples were allied all the way back to Aryan lands. The very term, “Eden” is thus connected to the Guti, wherefore the dragon bloodline is rooted in the Guti, yet the question is, to what extent were the Guti a Hebrew/Semitic bloodline?

It would appear that when the Budini and Neuri were chased out of their Bug-river homeland by the Macedonians, the Budini led the Neuri to Budini relatives in Scandinavia, and there the Neuri settled the extreme west (what is now Norway) because there were populations in Sweden already. As proto-Macedonia was conquered by the Dorians, note how the latter peoples reflect "Thorri." This then suggests that Dorians were in Scandinavia first, and that Dorians were part of the Getae Thracians. The alternative is that the Getae arrived to Gotland first, and were then replaced by the Dorians arriving later.

Let me remind you that none of these "gods" were individuals, but were mere terms specially created to depict real people groups. The fabulous/fantastical stories behind the myths are studded with codes that only the initiated understand, and, to a lesser degree, those of us who have caught on to their methods and craft. Marriage between gods must depict alliances, the female partner being the inferior of two parties (since the myths were written by men). Only the chief Scandinavian gods should be connected to the Greek and/or Asian theaters; the other gods would depict people groups in Scandinavia itself.

Behold thou, unbelievers. Another son of Nor was said to be "Raum," and to this I'll share that Job's friend, Elihu, was a Buzite from the household of Ram (Job 32:2). Not only that, but in Greek myth, Hermes was The Ram, while his son, Pan, I identified as the Getae. Note that the Germanics were descended largely from the mythical "Hermin" (son of Mannus = "Armenia"), and that "Hermes" looks like "Armenia." Note that Hermes is alternatively "Thoth," and that the father of Mannus was "Tuisto."

As Tuisto is the mythical father of all Germanics, they all descend from Thoth, who, while commonly known to have been an historical king of Egypt (son of king Menes of Egypt!), was also a king in Sidon. As I had already concluded that the Menes and Thoth (of Egypt) were Aryan Egyptians (from a Greek peoples), so I would hypothesize that the Thoth in Sidon was, not Canaanite/Hamite, but Phoenician...where I define Phoenicians as a Semite-Aryan mix. Greek myth makes the Phoenicians a peoples stemming from Egypt/Libya but descended from the Aryan god, Poseidon, wherefore they were Aryan Egyptians. There was a city of Dor in northern Israel in the face of Phoenicia, and its people may have been the Dorians (of Macedonia). [Update: Could “Thoth” refer to Titans and were Titans codeword for Dedan?] Note how "Sidon" looks like "Sitones," that latter term known to have been a Germanic tribe. And Edones were alternatively, "Sithones." Could it be that Germanic blood passed through Phoenician Sidon? As much as I don't want the hassle of trying to figure out how, and even less so do I want to try in vain to convince readers and historians alike, something tells me, Yes.

There was a city of Dor in northern Israel in the face of Phoenicia, and its people may have been the Dorians (of Macedonia). My findings were that Trojans, escaping the Trojan war (1200ish BC) as the so-called Sea Peoples, retreated in part to Dor and other Phoenician ports. One can then imagine that the Dorians of Dor, strengthened by Trojans itching for vengeance on Greece, went out and took Greece together for that reason. After some time their influence in some part of the Greek theater diminished, wherefore they were forced into Europe and finally up to Scandinavia. This would have been prior to the arrival of the Neuri in 400 BC...if indeed the Dorians were depicted by "Thorri."

It is believed that Dor was a colony of Sidon, and recalling that the Edonians were called "Sithones," one might have a mind to identify the Dorians as Edones, an idea supported by those who equate the Dorians with Macedonians (anciently, "Makedoni" i.e. MakEdoni).

Joshua 17:11-12 says that the people of Dor remained in their city even after the Joshua-led Israelites conquered them. The same is said of Megiddo in Judges 1:27. Keep in mind that "Megiddo" sounds like "Makedon(ia), and that both terms could mean Great Edones ("megus" is Greek for "great'). This could explain why, when the Dorians invaded Greece, they started in Macedonia, the Macedonians being their relatives back in Phoenician-ruled Canaan.

I don't think it’s a coincidence that "Dor" and "Megiddo" reflect "Dori" and "Makedoni" so well. It's true that both the inhabitants of Dor and Megiddo (situated beside one another) are said by the Bible to have been Canaanites initially, but this was back in the days of Joshua, some centuries before the Trojan war, and even longer before the Trojans subjugated those maritime cities.

Sidon was founded by Sidon, son of Canaan, son of Ham, wherefore I would date the Macedonian Sithones to a period after Sidon was no longer ruled by Hamites. Because it seems obvious that MacEdonians were from the Eden cult, where that was also the dragon cult, “Armageddon” may have been so named after “Megiddo(n)” because the armies of end-time Gog will be an extension of that Eden cult. I'm suggesting that the Megiddo peoples of the Eden cult (in Mesopotamia) came to rule Sidon as the proto-Macedonians. Strabo supports my case in that he saw the Mygdones (i.e. Macedonians) as Edone Thracians. Modern Macedonians argue that their ancestors stemmed from Thracians and Phrygians. Diodores wrote: "But some historians, and Ephoros is one of them, record that the Daktyloi Idaioi [these were the proto-Trojans] were in fact born on the Mt Ide which is in Phrygia and passed over to Europe together with Mygdon; and since they were wizards..." (brackets mine).

The Greeks also stemmed from the proto-Trojans mentioned above, for Zeus was the chief Greek god raised at Mount Ida of Crete, the sister-colony of Mount Ida at Troy.

The Danes are widely thought to derive in part from Swedes, and my research had, aside from any consideration of the term "Halfdan," previously defined the Danes as half Swedes and half British "Danann." I (and others) identified these Danann as an extension of Greek "Danaans" (not quite the same spelling but close enough), but more particularly the Danaan branches called "Hercules," he in turn being a descendent of Perseus. I identified Perseus and Hercules as a Greek branch of Gorgons (simply because Perseus gave birth to Gorgphones), and behold that now, day seven of my Buz theory, I learn that Dorians (of Greece) claimed to have descended from Hercules. That's to say that the Scandinavian god, Thorri, if he did depict the Dorians, was a Gorgon peoples. And if I am correct in equating the Gorgons with the Gogi, then Scandinavia was a Gogi settlement.

I read that the peoples depicted by Hercules, when escaping war, went into exile among the Dorians. It was upon this Mycenaean escape to Asia Minor (including Cilicia) that the Dorians came and conquered Macedonia and much of the Greek theater, including the Aegean sea otherwise known as the empire of Atlantis. Therefore, Greece was overtaken by a Dorian-Danaan alliance, the same that must later have furnished the Thorri Scandinavians in Gotland and the Danes in Norway.

Hercules is known in myth to have contributed to the propping up of Western Atlantis in and around the British Isles. These were the Greek Danaans come British Danann. In a region that I have identified as Erethlyn, Wales, Hercules invaded the monster, Geryon (looks like "Gorgon"). Britannica viewed Erethlyn and Haeredaland in Norway as colonies of the same Vikings, but didn't specify/know which group of Vikings. I had concluded that the British Danaan of Erethlyn settled Haeredaland, and from there mixed with Swedes to become the Danes. That conclusion came before I knew anything about Nahor or the Dorians; the Dorians enter my story only as a result of my equating Nahor with Nor (founder of Norway), and Nor's father/ancestor, Thorri, with the Dori(ans).

I would now suggest that the Dorians had come to Britain with/before the Hercules Danaans, and I would peg them as the Fomorians who lived at Tory island. I would moreover suggest that both "Tory" and "Dori" stem from "Taurus," and that Zeus, because the secret societies depicted him as Taurus, depicted these very peoples. The question is, are "Dori/Tory" and "Tyrus" to be somehow equated/connected?

It is my belief, as per my previous research, that Rosicrucianism, which practices Hebrew Kabbala, was steeped heavily in the Danann. Perhaps there is truth in the oft-repeated idea that the Greek Danaans had some Dan-Israeli blood. Perseus was placed by one myth in Joppa, a city/region in Mediterranean Israel south of Dor and Dan. The mother of Perseus was tagged, "Dana," and she descended from a peoples in Rhodes called "Danaus" (Greek myth tells that Danaus built cities on Rhodes).

While in Joppa, and just after killing the Gorgon Medusa, Perseus gave birth to "Gorgophone" when mating with Andromeda ("men of Medea," apparently). I expect, therefore, that Joppa, and elsewhere on the Mediterranean coast, was rife with Gorgons, which may have been a point in time prior to the arrival of the Israelites from Egypt. That is, the Israelite tribe of Dan was not there yet. For when the Israelites did come into the Promised Land (with Joshua), they defeated the "king of Dor" (Joshua 12:23), by which I mean to say that the Dorians had already been there.

The next statement in Joshua includes "the king of Goyim in Gilgal." Not only is this particular Gilgal near Dor, as Strong's Concordance concurs, but the daughter of Gor (in Scandinavian myth) was tagged, "Goi." Were the Goy in Gilgal the descendants of Nahor, therefore, since I'm theorizing that Gor (brother of Nor) depicts Nahorite blood? Biblically, it's "Nachor," and per chance this became "Nagor” in Scandinavia, and was finally corrupted to "Gor." [But I have another theory, to be addressed later, that "Gor" refers to the Horites amongst whom Nahor lived. In that theory, the Horites, Carians, and Curetes are one and the same...until proven otherwise.]

One of the tribes of Greek Dorians was "Hylleis," and so I find that one of the early kings of Gotland (before Thorri) was "Hler." The Biblical Hul, son of Aram, is evoked as well, whom Josephus claimed to be the founder of Armenia. Hler's brother was tagged, "Kari," evoking the Carians of Asia Minor. It's possible that "Gor" also depicts the Carians, the latter tagged "Car" in Greek myth, but in Homer's brief writings on the topic of Dorians we find: "the home of the Asiatic Dorians is simply Caria"

The same website has this to say, equally astounding:

In the 5th century Pindar ascribes to Aegimius the institutions of the Peloponnesian Dorians, and describes them as the Dorian folk of Hyilus and Aegimius."

The names of those two Dorian tribes is a golden find here on day seven, for on the same day I found that Scandinavian myth claims "Aegir" to be an alternative term for describing Hler. And Hler's/Aegir's good drinking buddy was Thor, and with that comes to mind, once again, the Dorians. Thor was Odin's first son, the mother of whom was Jord, that latter term evoking the Kurti/Kurd branch of Hurrians [probably the Kartli/Kartvelians of Caucasian Georgia]. Thor's brother is "Meili," and this reflects the ancestor of Boeotia (Greek = "Boiotia"), the honey/bee goddess, Melia (that name means "honey"). It is to Boiotia that I traced the Buzi Medes when tracing them to Greece. Moreover, Melia was a princess of Bithynia. I gather from this that the Greek Dorians had allied themselves, and moved to Scandinavia, with some Boiotians and Bithynians. The two latter terms almost look identical, and if they became the Boudini north of Thrace, then perhaps also the Bessi tribe of Thracians (see map of Thrace).

Thor's other brother is Tyr, and I think that speaks for itself (for Dor was very near Tyre). Tyr, the god of war, is not to be mistaken for the German god of war, Tiwaz, the very spelling of a Luvian god. This suggests that the Germans who first worshiped Tiwaz were from what was later Lydia (near Caria): "In the oldest texts that area was referred to as Luwiya. Much later, this same area came to be known as Lydia..." (

Lydia, a Trojan ally, and filled with worshipers of Hercules, was smack beside Bithynia. Thus the Asian god Tiwaz was exported to Germanic regions from Asia Minor in the face of Troy, and afterward a peoples honoring Odin (probably the Bithynians) moved in and took over the rule: "It was believed that Tiwaz was the original sky-god and god of war, until Wodan gained in popularity, and inherited many of Tiwaz's roles."

The Luwian language was a wide-spread Indo-European one, spreading across Anatolia and into the Middle East, and because it comes in Hieroglyphic form as well, it must have been of the very early Japhethites. It's unfortunate and probably erroneous that these Aryans are deemed "Hittites" to this day, for Hittites are Biblically, "children of Heth," he being a son of Canaan (Genesis 10:15). When the Indo-European Hurrians came to replace the Hatti in their kingdom, surrounding nations continued to call the Hurrians, "Hatti," erroneously, leading historians to view them as the Biblical Hittites...until modern historians learned that their language was Indo-European unlike that of the Canaanites. Therefore, the so-called Hittites of modern documents are not Hittites. These were Hurrian worshipers of Tiwaz [I say Hurrians were Horites]

I wonder if Tiwas wasn't Zeus, since the two terms look similar enough. "Zeus" is said to be a variation of Deus = "god", and "Tiwaz" looks as though it could qualify as the same. "Proto-Indo-European deiwos (god of daylight) was the supreme deity of Indo-European pagan pantheon. He was worshipped among Anatolians as well, and was called tiwat (sun god) in Luwian..."

Hunker down, for this is the SUPREME god of ALL Aryans. But look at how "Tiwat/Tiwaz" starts to look like Thoth and/or Tuisto. I can therefore conjecture that the almighty was Thoth in Sidon, Tiwaz/t in Sithone country (i.e. Edonia), and Tuisto in Sitone country.

The Gauls I traced to the Veneti and therefore to Lake Van. The Germans called their god of thunder, "Donar," which seems synonymous with "Danir," the alternative of "Vanir." From the Veneti (north Italy) stemmed the Vandal Germanics, relatives (or even ancestors) of the Slav Rus. The importance here is that the Neuri peoples are thought by some to be ancestors of the Slavs. Online Encyclopedia: "...there is much probability in Schafarik's conjecture that the Neuri are nothing but the ancestors of the Slavs."

Doesn't it make absolute sense that, if the Neuri were proto-Slav Rus, then the Varangian Rus (of Sweden) were also of Neuri (to some degree). It is solid history that the two Rus peoples (above) allied themselves in Kiev much later (by the ninth century AD), and then went on to become the Moscovite Russians.

I've never read anywhere that the Slav Rus stemmed from Sweden, but behold how two of their greatest gods, "Svarog" and "Sventevith," evoke "Sviar" and "Sviones," two historical terms for the Swedes. The latter god has the variations, "Svetovid", "Suvid", and "Swietowit" that are essentially, "Swede." This is a super find here on day nine, for I had previously traced the Western Slavs to a mix of Veneti and Rugii Swedes who moved to, and named, the island of Rugen (off Germany). Behold that "The main temple of [the Slav god] Swietowit was located in Arkona on Rugia Rügen..."

Then I found that many historians of the past equated the Suevi and the Slavs (Suevi was also "Suebi" and therefore quite possibly derived from "Sheba," Dedan's brother). "Ptolemy (about A.D. 100-178) mentioned in his work, "Geographike hyphegesis", a tribe called...Soubenoi...[it] refers very probably to the ancestors of the present Slavs...This theory was accepted by many scholars...It was first advanced probably in 1679 by Hartknoch who was supported in modern times by many scholars. The opinion once held by some German and many Slavonic scholars that the names Suevi and Slav were the same and that these two peoples were identical...must be rejected."

I don't reject it. The names of the Slav gods act to verify it. As historical records available to the general public (secret societies probably have the rest hidden) can trace the Suebi only as far back as Sweden, I would suggest a tracing further back to Abraham's Sheba.

It's an awesome concept, that Russians are in-part Hebrews (but not Israelites), and while Russians may be ancestral to Rosicrucians proper, I think that we ought to seek Rosicrucians of end-time importance in another line (i.e. aside from the Russians) coming forth from the Swede line. The Swede line leading to the Merovingian Franks is suspect as only one major branch. I had found that the Merovingians stemmed from a Pomeranian peoples (who depicted themselves with several dragons) in a region of Europe that faces Rugen!

The statue of Sweitovik having four faces under one hat was a Hermes temple, and it is well known that Hermes temples were depictions of a penis/bloodline (in this case four bloodlines).

The leader of the Vanir gods was initially "Njord," and thanks to an email from Greenway7, I am now able to connect the term quite confidently to “Nerthus,” the Mother-Earth goddess of the Saxons. Njord married "Skadi," a Scythian peoples, apparently, and Saxons are thought by many to be named after “Saka/Scythian.” Skadi forsook Nyord to marry "Ull," an Aesir, who may have been Ul (son of Aram), founder of Armenia.

As “Nerthus” was probably rooted in the root of our “earth,” the Aereda peoples = Redones/Ruthenes may apply, especially as Tacitus included the “Reudigni” as part of the Nerthus-worshiping Saxons. The Scandinavian goddess, Rind, plays very well into the story:

"In Gesta Danorum (History of the Danes), Saxo recounted a different version of Balder's death, where Rind was called Rinda or Wrinda, daughter of the King of the Ruthenians."

The Ruthenians were the Redones, and from them came both the Slav Rus and the Varangian Rus, according to my research. "Wrinda" may even be a variation of "Varangian." Because Rind was the sun goddess, she would configure to Rhoda, wife of Helios. I had connected Helios with the city of Verkhana (modern Gorgan) in my previous research (that ended a year ago), and behold what I found on day nine of my Buz theory:

"Perun is strongly correlated with the near-identical Perkunas/Perkons from Baltic mythology..."

Perun was the chief god of the Slavs, and as that term was a variation of "Perkunas," note how the latter is essentially identical with "Verkhana" (with a common "v" modification to a "b/p").

Herodotus claimed that the Neuri changed into wolves once per year, and he may have been referring to an annual wolf-mask celebration unto their family roots. The connection between the Neuri and the Slavs (made by some historians) is just for their common emphasis on wolves/werewolves. As "Verkhana" means "wolf land" ("verk" means "wolf), I had previously traced my so-called "wolf-line peoples" to that Gorgon/Parthian region (south Caspian sea).

I will note here that since the city of Verkhana has since become "Gorgan," that the "V" was interchangeable with a "G". Apparently, since Verkhana was also "Hyrcania," a (common) "H" to "G" change to "Gergania," or vice-versa, seems possible enough. Therefore, "Perkunas/Perun" was a Slav god that may be viewed as a G-to-H-to-V-to-P modification, over the centuries, starting with "Gergana." Behold the identity of Perkunas in the following "Paricanians": "In the list of Persian satrapies given by the Greek historian Herodotus, the Paricanians may have been the Hyrcanians."

There you go, all of you historians who do not know the roots of the Slavs in either the Gorgons of the Caspian sea, nor of the Swedes that came forth from those Gorgons.

Is it a coincidence that "In Slavic mythology, the world was represented by a sacred tree" (website above) of the same fashion as that in Norse myth? Is it also a coincidence that I had traced the Illuminati eagle to Verkhana, and that I now find the god, Perun, to be depicted on the Slav tree as "an eagle sitting on the top of the tallest branch of the tree"? Perun was depicted with three heads/faces, and this very concept reflects the Gorgon Medusa and other sorcerous terms such as Medea (granddaughter of Helios) and her goddess, Hecate. Perun carries an ax or mace and is the god of thunder, suggesting that he evolved into the European peoples depicted by "Thor." And so look to the Gorgons to be the root of the Dorians, even as the Gorgons can be easily connected to the Taurus symbol.

Perun's arch-enemy was Veles, god of the underworld, who connects with the Neuri in that it was to Veles that certain "vucari" (i.e. wolfmen) celebrated the event of "...Velja noc...Young men, known as koledari or vucari would dress long coats of sheep's wool and don grotesque masks, roaming around villages in groups and raising a lot of noise"

The grandson of Veles was "Boyin" (a wizard depicted with wolves and eagles), and he could this depict the founders of Lake Van, whom historians have identified as the "Biaini" (i.e. Bia peoples)? This information leads me to suggest that certain Nahorites of the Lake Van region – the Nairi – became mixed with the Gorgons that founded Verkana, and that the two together were the proto-Rus? I would then identify Veles as Baal/Beles/Belus.

Easter, in the form of the Easter-bunny eggs, arose from an event celebrating the oldest Slav god, Rod (god of ancestors). The question is, how is it that Easter eggs have survived to this day in America, unless America is controlled by Rosicrucians tracing their roots to the Slav Rus and Rod...whose wife was Rozanica? Russians were only one peoples who came forth from the dragon bloodline. Germanics were others, and North Americans are by and large from the Germanics.


The Garden of Guti
The dragon bloodline is essentially a counterfeit Eden cult
determined from th start to honor Satanic rulers
for reasons/logic unknown to me.

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