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August 2006
Reading previous chapters will make this one better understood.

Although I have been led to believe that the first Stewart to make it to the Scottish throne was Robert Bruce II, the website below tells that Robert Bruce I was a Stewart on his mother's side, and Wikipedia tells the same. I didn't know this before, but knowing now, and that Robert Bruce I was the grandmaster of Freemasonry, I would conjecture that Freemasonry comes from his Stewart side. It happened this way: the second earl of Carrick (Neil) was grandson to the 2nd High Steward of Scotland (yes, a Stewart proper). Neil/Niall then married the daughter of the 3rd High Stewar(t), and with her had a daughter, Marjorie, who married Robert de Brus. With him, Marjorie "brought into this world five sons and five daughters, of whom the most famous son was to become King Robert [Bruce] I, 4th Earl of Carrick."

Five sons and five daughters? Is that theme cropping up again? If you have read my previous writings, you will know that I suspect that combination to be contrived by the parental murder of some children in order to net five and five. If you think this is unthinkable, know if you don't already, that this dragon bloodline is rooted in the infant-sacrificing Sepharvites/Subartu, worshipers of Molech.

Recall my finding that “Pyrrhus Neoptolemy, son of Achilles, had three sons...Molossius, Pictus and Pergamon” (website below). I made that finding just weeks after rooting "Molech/Moloch" in the Greek term, "mellaceus" (= honeylike), which is our "molasses" (details in coming chapters), and so note that the son of Neoptolemus (with Andromache) was Molossus! As Molossus was the brother of Pictus, it just may be that the latter means, "pectin," not "painted." This all evokes the drink of the gods, "ambrosia," and I'll bet you that this term secretly refers to the blood/flesh of sacrificed victims.

Because the mythical Leda, a depiction of the Ladon dragon peoples themselves, was a Spartan, where that latter term is essentially "Subartu," a link is expected between Sparta and the Ligurians (north Italy) which Leda depicted. It is my belief that I am writing this book (i.e. revealing the dragon bloodline) because I am in a position to recognize the Sparta-to-Liguria link via Abruzzo, while then connecting it to the Bruce-Stewarts. My dictionary says that "ambrosia" derives from "brotos" (sounds like the Latin for "broth"), and ignoring how others define the term, it sounds to me like the makings of "Abruzzo." The mythical king of Megara, Nisus, which I suspect was a Dionysus branch, had Abrote for a wife, and this latter term may refer to both the drink of the gods and to the founders of Abruzzo, a region that was earlier "Aprutium"! I have seen one website that also uses "Brutium."

If you are familiar with mythology, you will likely know that Dionysus and Oeneus can both be ascertained as virtually one and the same "wine" symbol. While it is reported to the public that the two characters loved wine and wine making, I would suggest that to the initiated the wine refers to blood (drinking). Knowing now that Aeneas was allied (i.e. married) to the Sabina, I would have to conclude that the Oeneus-Abrote marriage referred to the same peoples that came to Italy as the Aeneas-Sabina alliance, for not only was Abruzzo a Sabina region, but Oeneus was king of Aetolia, virtually the same as "Italia." Moreover, Oeneus was the father of Tydeus, which explains why the patriarch of the Sabina was "Tatius."

The god of the Sabina was Quirinus. My personal deduction is that he was Cronus. To support my identification of Cronus as both Carians and Corinthians, it's known that Megara was a Corinthian domain, and that it was eventually settled by the mythical Car, symbol of the Carians. Therefore, the migration of the Megarian allies, the mythical Abrote, may be viewed as being in mid-stream to Abruzzo when in Epirus. Because the goddess Maja was in Abruzzo (as per the Maiella mountains), I would suggest that she referred to these Carian Megarians. But as Maja was the daughter of Atlas, I would suggest further that Carian Megarians were Aetolians (for "Aetolia" and "Atlas" seem the same). While Tydeus/Tatius (i.e. the Sabina peoples) was son of an Aetolian king, Wikipedia reports that Aetolians were Curetes. And so we find that the Sabina peoples of Quirinus were called "Quirites." These were dragon-important peoples, for they settled and named one of the seven hills of Rome: Quirinal Hill. Include this in your picture of Babylon the Great, for Revelation 17 says that she sits on the seven hills of Rome.

Put it this way, that since Curetes raised Zeus up on Crete, they were the original Cronus-based peoples that evolved into the Carians and Corinthians. And as Cronus was the Molech of Carthage, enter the mythical Dido of Carthage. She can now connect viably to Dodona of Epirus, since Cronus-peoples passed through that region. As her lover was Aeneas, it now makes more sense that he was a branch of Oeneus, king of Aetolia. Dido may even have depicted the same bloodline as was depicted by the similar term, Tydeus (son of Oeneus), meaning that one Dodona branch went to settle Carthage while one went to found that Tatius Sabina.

Or put it this way, that the Oeneus-Tydeus father-son relationship depicted the same peoples (but of different eras) as the Aeneas-Dido love affair. For this to be true, it would require that Oeneus was somehow royal-Tyrian by blood, for Dido was portrayed as a princess of Tyre, and so see that Oeneus' grandfather was made "Agenor," a royal-Phoenician mythical term! One could therefore say that Tyre sat on one of the hills of Rome, explaining why language describing Old-Testament Tyre is distinctly comparable to language describing Babylon the Great.

Molossus was the symbol of the peoples of Molosse in Epirus. Where myth says that Molossus took over the rule of Epirus when king Helenus died, it means that the Molossians defeated the Helenus peoples in war, and it may have been this defeat that sent them, as the Geloni of Herodotus, to live among the Budini. In this way (if indeed Helenus depicted the proto- Stewarts) were the Stewarts related to the Bute name (of Rothesay). I have a feeling that these were the same peoples as the twins, Aeolus and Boiotus, albeit the latter two were the sea-faring branch while the Geloni and Budini went continental.

It's no secret that Alans were famous for their large dogs, the Alano breed, but the same can be said of the Molossians: "...the Molosse tribe, famous for his watchdogs (a huge dog is still called in French a molosse" (brackets not mine). We then need to add into this picture the Neuri, also living amongst the Budini, who were said (by Herodotus) to have been a wolf-worshiping peoples. And as the Neuri have been connected to the Slav Rus (also wolf-worshiping peoples), perhaps they furnished the Rothes of Rothesay. I have wondered if "Epirus" didn't have the "s" on "Apiru" to reflect the Hebrew-Rus alliance that I have discovered in multiple other ways to be the very definition of the dragon bloodline.

This now makes Chaonia (sounds like "hound"), an Epirus region just next-west to Molosse (see map), all the more intriguing as a possible proto-Cohen settlement...that should have branched out into Europe by similar-sounding terms. The Cahoun surname of Britain comes to mind immediately in that it means Cal-Hound. The link (below) shares other "l" versions of "Cahoun," and moreover says that the name derives from "coil," virtually the same derivation as furnished "Cole/Coel." Note that the Cahoun/Calhoun Crest uses a (red) stag's head (the symbol used by the Kyles)! The Coat uses a wavy black saltire, what seems to be a disguised version of the cross-bones symbol of pirates/Templars. It's moreover an inverted Sinclair cross (Sinclairs were Templars from Roslin, Scotland). Another thing that comes with "Chaon" and "Cohen" is the codeword, "quinotaur," the half-bull, half fish origin of the Merovingians.

The flag of Epirus (not to mention neighboring Illyrium) is a two-headed black phoenix, and so note this Four-Provinces flag of Ireland, where the bottom left quadrant represents Connacht, and sporting a two-headed black eagle. Could that region of Connacht refer back to Chaonia, therefore? Note now the black phoenix that is the Hohenstaufen Arms. It might be worth adding this: "The first stamps associated with Epirus were issued at Chimarra in February 1914...prominently featuring a double-headed eagle along with a skull and crossbones."

Perhaps Calydonians should be split into two basic groups, the hunters and the hunted. The hunters of the boar can be viewed as those using packs of dogs to fight the boar, and therefore as the wolf-line Calydonians such as the Calhouns would appear to be. The English Rothes Crest uses a crowned dog and may thereby reveal a Rothes-Stewart relationship. As the Scottish-branch Rothes use a stag on their Coat and Crest, I would root the Rothes -- and the Kyles, Calhouns, and Caledonians -- in Epirus, and then ask: who was mythical Molossus' brother, Pictus, as an historical peoples (besides the Picts)?

Andromache (mother of Molossus) was the daughter of Eetion, ruler of Troy-region Cilicia, and identical to Iasius (brother of Dardanus), a founder of the Kabeiri cult...and therefore depicting the Daktyloi. This is all the more reason to view "Molossus" as a Molech symbol, for the Daktyloi were the Curetes who brought Zeus up on Crete (Curetes were in fact Molech worshipers, and I've noticed that "Curete" may have furnished "Carthage" itself). See now that the Daktyloi were depicted in myth as five sons and five daughters. In that the first Rothschild (a Hebrew) also had five sons and five daughters, did he become part of this bloodline and then arrange those numbers? Possibly so, for he worked for the prince of Hesse-Cassel. Note that Danaus had 50 daughters while Aigyptus had 50 sons. These being the Rhodians, note that "Rothes" appears to be a version of "Rhodes."

Two days after making the Abruzzo-Molosse connection, I was speaking to my parents concerning Abruzzo, and she, not knowing anything about the Molosse topic, mentioned Molise. When I asked where it was located, I was told that is was immediately south of Abruzzo!! Then I learned that the two regions were one until split in 1963. The pre-Roman peoples of Molise were bull-worshiping Samnites (Molech was fashioned as a bull), a branch of the Sabini. To show further connection to the Molech cult, a Molise-history website connects Spartans to Molise: "Samnites got their Greek origin from the Spartans as asserted by the historians Strabone, Plutarc and Dionysious of Alicarnassus."

As my assertion has been that the Sepharvites (of Mesopotamia) became the Spartans, it now seems apparent that Spartans became the Kabala-Hebrews of Epirus. One can then root the Sabini as a whole in Spartans of Epirus. It may be a coincidence but I'll mention it anyway, that the main Samnite/Sabini tribes included the Carricini (evoking Carrick). The Spartan connection to Carrick (Scotland) is made otherwise in that Carrick may trace to Carrick of Ireland, the Gaelic peoples of which derived from Heber, and they in turn from Iberians of Spain, while the "Jews" of Spain are (to this day) called "Sephardic."

It was Alexander's purpose to advance Hellenism worldwide. Perhaps Helenus was merely a later version of what peoples were depicted earlier by "Hellen." As the latter was made father to, not only Aeolus and Dor, but to "Xuthus" (who I think depicted the Cutha in Greece but also the proto-Catti of Hesse), Hellen was the Kabala cult in Greece, and therefore likely named after "Galli."

I'm saying that the Picts/Caledonians/Kyles/etc. of Scotland were rooted in Hellen, and that they were therefore a branch of what the Bible calls: Babylon the Great Harlot. For that harlot depicted the four beasts of Daniel 7, and Alexander was the third one. The mother of Alexander was a Molossian (which is why Alexander is rooted in Achilles)! Israel, after Alexander, came under the wrath of the Hellens when the Seleucids invaded her. I would suggest that end-time Gog, because he is made an extension of the Seleucids in Daniel's chapters, 8 and 11, will be of Hellen blood, perhaps explaining why Revelation 13:2 says that he will be Greek-like.

How else can we explain the following statement except to connect the Revelation beast (and harlot) to a sacred Abruzzo bloodline(s): "Octavianus Augustus, the first Roman emperor, transformed the Abruzzi territory into the “Regal Quarter."

Again, the Patrician bloodline (that was sacred to the first Roman emperors) was a Sabini bloodline. This bloodline is the Biblical dragon, which dragon I have rooted in Ladon. As I have rooted Ladon in the Laz peoples (of Caucasia), note that smack beside Abruzzo is the region of Lazio! Just as I trace Ladon/Laz to the Latins, so a version of "Lazio" became "Latium" (see location of Latium).

That part of Latium that is north of Abruzzo is Rieti (Latin = "Reati"), and may have been proto-Rhaetians/Redones, even as Rhaetia ("Raetia in Latin) is in Ladin of northern Italy! At an Italian-language website, the Ladin language is said to be "Rhaeto-Romansh." As I'm suggesting that the Chaonians of Epirus were among these peoples as proto-Cohens/Stewarts, so read this: "The Romans themselves recognised a strong ethnic homogeneity among the neighbouring peoples like the Veneti, Cenomani, Rhaetians..." See this Gaul map showing the Cenomani removed to France and situated next to the Redones. The following website shows the similarities between coins of the Baiocasse (founders of Bayeux), Redones and Cenomani; all coins have a horse with something underneath; the Redones use a wheel underneath.

There were two other Aulerci peoples besides the Cenomani, and one were the Eburovices, which some connect to the Eboricum term that was "York." Indeed, the city of the Eburovices was (and still is) Evreux (Normandy), and this city's peoples were called "Ebroicum/Ebroicien." I can agree with those who view these peoples as Hebrews since I am ready to equate the Cenomani as Cohens. We are in Vere/Merovingian country here with these peoples, and I trace the Bruces to them.

Just as the Sabina were identified as Iberi, so the Iberi founded the "Cat" region of the French-Spanish border (on the Mediterranean); the Spanish side is Catalonia, and the French side is Catalon. The Ebro river that runs through Catalonia is conspicuous, for it is "Ebros" in Greek and "Iberus" in Latin. Catalon is in the department of Rousillon (Rosellon), ancient home of the Ruthene (see location of Catalon), and this now tends to root Lothian (Scotland), the region holding Roslin, in the Laetani peoples of Catalonia: "Before the arrival of the Romans, the plains surrounding what is now defined as Barcelona were populated by peaceful, agrarian people known as the Laetani."

Keep in mind that Iberians became the Irish before the Irish mixed with older Redones (already in Ireland) to became the Scots. The website below shows the early Carrick Coat, which included three triplets of certain crosses, called "crosslets fitchée," surrounding a single, red chevron. The Kennedy Coat is a virtual match! Plus, the above link tells that the Kennedy name was first found in Ayrshire. Note the dolphin as the Kennedy Crest, and in the Irish (Mac)Donnell Coat. The Clinton Coat uses the same crosses (six of them), and they are an integral Donald/Macdonald symbol (i.e. from Somerled's Ireland).

It's interesting that the other Democrat President of our generation was a "Car" name: Carter. The tells that this name derived from "cart," but I would point to the Kartli/Kartvelian Georgians, who were of the (historical) Laz peoples of Colchis. The Molech cult was insanely huge in Carthage. The mythical Car (depicting the Carians of Megara, Greece) is traced easily to the Corinthians, wherefore I would identify Cronus (Zeus' father) as both Carians and Corinthians. Cronus was Saturn to the Romans, and Saturn was the Molech of Carthage (and Tyre). That’s how Zeus becomes the Molech cult. I'm not suggesting, of course, that people with the Carter surname are infant killers, but I am wondering if Carrick wasn't an extension of the Carthage cult, which cult is known to have been of the Hercules peoples that founded western Atlantis. I would therefore tie the gold cup of Hercules to the blood sacrifices of that cult.

As you may have guessed, these honey-like terms reveal that we are dealing with the bee symbol of the dragon bloodline. It may be relevant that the Kerry Crest (another “Car” term, apparently) uses a beehive, while the first Kerrys were found in Montgomeryshire (root = "Gomer"), smack next to Shropshire. As I root the bee-line in Buz, son of Nahor, I'll keep my eye out for evidence showing the Shropshire region as a Nahorite/Poseidon stronghold (remember, Plato made Poseidon the chief patriarch of western Atlantis).

I found what claims to be the Italian version of Curtis Coat; it uses a double-dragon symbol (also in red) that very much evokes the Welsh design. I learned this upon finding that "Lionel Curtis founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in June 1919. A year later its sister organisation the Council of Foreign Relations was formed in America. It is perhaps in such organisations that the legacy of the round table still lives on." The Roundtable, the article also says, was "designed to promulgate the idea of the formation of a Federal World Government, based on the unification of the British Empire and the United States of America." Is that the two-horned False Prophet that speaks like a dragon?

The "Jewish" Illuminati may be distinguished from the Roundtable even though the two merged to some degree in forming the League of Nations. If the Roundtable does trace back to Arthurian blood, then Nahorite elements are suspected by me. Cecil Rhodes, who wanted make all of Africa a British colony, became a principle leader in the Roundtable.

The Dutch Burgh family Coat uses the red triple-chevron symbol. What blows me away, aside from my own relatives using this symbol, is that I had married into the Dutch Burger surname!! These may have been the very Burghs of England that moved to Ireland and, as rulers of Connacht and Ulster, married into the royal Stewarts. Jill de Burgh married High Steward, James Stewart (of the Bute/Rory i.e. blue lion line) to produce the sixth High Steward, Walter, he in turn being the father of Robert Bruce II.

If you begin at the genealogical website below, where Jill's father (Walter de Burgh) is found, and if you click his father's lion, and continue to click on the male line, you will end up at Charlemagne, king of the Franks, and in going further back you will reach Clovis, king of the Merovingians, the same one who produced, in another line, the Franco-Germanic Hohen emperors. Therefore, the royal Stewarts were of the Merovingian dragon line, but in competition with the Franco-Germanic Merovingians...where the two may just become, in the end times, the pro-Israeli Rosicrucians versus the anti-Israeli Rosicrucians, as for example the Hitler versus Rothschild war of WWII.

I should add that Pergamon, the mythical brother of Pictus, may have produced the Dutch Burgs/Bergs and/or French Burghs/Bourgs, even as the modern version of the city is "Bergama."

The dolphin (Greek = "delphis") symbol is likely a depiction of Delphi, a Greek cult-city that was earlier Pythos and therefore the root of the mythical Phaethon depicting the Redones of the Rhone river. As the Irish-branch MacDonnells (same as "MacDonald") use the dolphin symbol, the Irish dragon line is suspect as being rooted in Phaethon...which in the real world evokes Piedmont of north Italy. These terms probably go way back to the founders of the Po river, the "Padus" originally (and further back yet to the Lelegians, perhaps, whose city was Pedasa).

[Update -- "To obtain Priests for his new [Delphi] cult, Apollo became a Dolphin..."

End Update]

While seeking the meaning of “Pict” under the dictionary definition of “pectin,” I saw a roof design on the next page (the roof of the Supreme Court Building in Washington). The design was under the definition of “pediment,” and since I am seeking the derivation of the triple-chevron symbol, where a chevron is said to be a depiction of a roof, I wondered whether the chevron didn't derive, and specifically refer to, Piedmont. “Pediment” is defined in my dictionary as “A broad triangular part above a portico or door.”

But as was my hunch that the chevron depicted the pyramid, so the definition tells that “pediment” was earlier “periment,” where the latter was said (by the dictionary) to be the same as “pyramid.” My dictionary roots “piedmont” in the same “pedis” (= foot) as formed “pediment.”

The symbol connects more-assuredly to Hebrews in that the French Levi Coat uses a triple-chevron symbol, albeit in this case black chevrons on gold background, the colors of Flanders and neighboring Louvain/Leuven. I even found a red triple chevron on silver background as the Italian Leuven/Leuvel Coat, and this is important in that the royal Bruces are traced back to the rulers of Louvain (modern Leuven)! One must keep in mind that since Cohens had passed themselves off as Levites, that the Levi surname in France may have originated in Cohens who changed their names to Levi (to net respectability that would not otherwise come to them if they revealed the truth, that they were of the Khazar Hebrews).

To support a Hebrew basis for the triple-chevron symbol, a genealogy website says that Taddei is the plural of Taddeo, and that Taddeo "represents an Aramaic form Thaddai, which is probably of Hebrew origin..." Moreover, before recognizing that the symbol belonged to Hebrews, I had learned that it was rife in Dutch surnames. I have the feeling, therefore, that it became an Illuminati symbol in this way, where Rosicrucians and/or international bankers of Holland had used it. The Dutch Berg Coat uses the red chevron on a gold background, and as we saw in the previous chapter, these are the colors of the Baring bankers and of the roots of Flanders itself, the Flemings.

I would suggest that the triple-chevron symbol depicts three Egyptian-line peoples that moved to Piedmont and then to Celtic Wales. The finger points sharply to the mythical Danaus of Rhodes and his brother Aigyptus of Methoni (Greece), the latter no doubt forming Modena of north-west Italy. Danaus and Aigyptus were from their father, Belus, while the Celts worshiped a Belus/Bel. Moreover, Danaus and Aigyptus are known to have been from Io, a white-cow (Aryan) peoples that may be the root of the Taurini founders of Turin, Piedmont.

One of my mother’s parents was a Masci (Meshech/Mushki?), first found in Piedmont. I was reading up on the Bruces, and found that "the third Robert of Bruce also known as Robert le Meschin" (website below). The similarity to "Masci" is striking. As I had only theorized that "Brusi" derived in the Abreu/Abruzzo terms, this appeared as some possible support, for I knew that there had formed an "Masci-Abreu" surname, showing an alliance between the two families. Because I suspected that Evreux (Normandy), named by the Eburovices, was named by the Abreu peoples, and because the Meschin(es) were also from Normandy, I started looking for Meschin ties to Evreux...which would serve to clinch the Brusi name as an Abreu one, and thereby tie the Bruces back to the Sabina dragon ( ).

I found that Hugh de Kevelioc (6th Earl of Chester) was a "de Meschines" (website below) who married (1169) the daughter of Simon III (Montford), earl of Evereux (website below). This was verification enough to connect the Meschin to Evreux, but I also noted that "Kevelioc" appears as a caballo = kabala term ( ).

Previous earls of Chester (Cheshire, England) were "le meschin" back to the fourth earl, who was himself the son of "Viscount De Bayeux Ranulf de Meschines."

Look at the similarities between the Masci and western-Abreu Coats. The Italian Abreu Coat uses a castle. Then see that the progenitor of the Bruce surname is thought to have been Robert of Bruges, the castellan (castle-master) of Bruges, and that the Bruges Crest uses a castle (the Bruges Coat consists of three silver griffin heads (signifying the dragon line) on red background). Notice the "Bruzi" alternative of the Abruzzi surname at the above link.

As a surname, "Meschin" was first found in Shropshire, and was related to other families using sea shells on their Coats. One website says, "Arnulf de Hesdin (now Stewart and Graham)" (brackets not mine). Others do not make this Arnulf the progenitor of the Grahams, but the point is, the Graham Coat uses three gold shells in its so-called "chief," wherefore I would suggest that the Meschines were Grahams of a sort that moved with the first Stewarts to Shropshire (before they moved from there to Renfrew/Ayr). It's interesting that my mother is both a Masci and a Grimaldi, and that both surnames were first recorded in Piedmont. I keep seeing evidence that the Lord has chosen me to do this work because I am able thereby to root these royal snakes in the now obscure and sparsely-populated region of Abruzzo (my mother's town of birth), something that may not have occurred to anyone else. The importance of Abruzzo is a link back to Epirus, from which point one may trace the dragon easily to specific Greeks and proto-Greeks.

As "Bruges/Brugg" is said to derive from "Brygga" (website below), the Celt goddess, Brigid, comes to mind, not to mention the "Bryges" variation of the Phrygians, whom in myth were depicted by the golden-fleece rider, Phryxus/Phrixes. These terms may connect with the ancient "Breg" terms of northern Ireland ( ).

Now read the following, where the town of the Bruces in Normandy evokes Phrixes and Evreux:

"The family of Bruce originated from the town of Brus, modern Brix...and was founded by one particular Norman knight by the name of Robert who came across to England in the wake of the conquest of 1066 and was granted some manors in Yorkshire by William I [the Conqueror].

I would suggest that the "Bruges" term is a variation of Bryges and/or Evreux, the latter derived from the "Ebroicum/Ebroicien" version of "Eburovices." But behold that the first Bruce to cross over to England went to live in York, even as it's suspected that York (Eboricum) was named by the Ebroicum (of Evreux). Even as the English boar symbol is said to stem from "Eboricum" (York), so Brigid (the goddess) is connected to "Torc Triath, king of boars." Moreover, "Brigit or Brighit ("exalted one") was the daughter of Dagda (and therefore one of the Tuatha Dé Danann) and wife of Bres of the Fomorians" (brackets not mine, italics mine, and do know that there was also a mythical Bres belonging to the Danann)

From York, the Bruce-proper family moved to Annandale, when the Bruces be-friended Malcolm III and his son, David I. As a result of Bruce associations with the Scot throne, Bruces ended up in Carrick (Ayrshire) to mix with Kyles and Stewarts. What I would therefore claim is that peoples who were essentially the same as the Bruces, under mythical code-word, "Bres," were in Ireland long before the Bruces proper enter history, and yet the two met in Carrick to produce an important dragon-line entity, perhaps even the golden-fleece line that was important to such big names as J.F. Kennedy (and no doubt other Kennedys). As I showed that the Irish line went from Heber to Conn to Connacht to Kenneth Alpine (king of the Picts), the Kennedy name (first found in Ayrshire) may just be a Cohen-derived one. As evidence, recall that I traced the Cutha to the Catti that became "Hesse" (of Hesse-Cassel). So now see that the Kennedy Coat and Crest is virtually identical with the Scottish-branch Cassel Coat and Crest. Remember, the "fitchée" crosses of these coats is a typical MacDonald/MacDonnell and Carrick symbol. For example, see the MacDonald Clan Crest here.

I do wonder if "Hesdin" wasn't connected to the Hesse/Hessen term. The Hesdin Coat uses blue-boar heads on silver background, these being the Stewart and Cohen colors, but also the red chevron symbol of Carrick (red chevrons in other countries may not depict Carrick or Carrick elements). The Hesse Coat is a large yellow sun god, evoking the English Hast/Haste Coat with a red sun god. There's even a "Jewish" Hesse Coat sporting a dragon with sword.

Just as I found that the Ayrshire and Bute dragon line branched out to Flanders, so Bruges was in Flanders. And just as the "international bankers" of Holland are pegged as the money-guts of the Illuminati, so "In the 14th century Bruges turned also into an international financial and trading center" ( website above). One might consider adding Burgundy to the Bruges and/or Ebroicum family. Behold that the English Burges/Burgess Coat uses red and white checks, the Hohen symbol. Recall that the one Merovingian line became the Hohens and the other the Burghs of England and Ireland (who contributed to royal-Stewart blood).

To support a connection between the Taddei triple-chevron (in red) symbol and the same symbol (in red) of the Dutch Burgs, even though they are not of the same country, the Burges Coat uses three-fingered cross tips (in the chief), seen in the Taddei Coat, which cross-type I have yet to root in an original user...although it may root in Clovis in that the fingers appear to be fleur de lis. The Bouillon Coat uses it, in silver on red background -- Hohen colors -- and exactly the colors in the chief of the Taddei coat. (Bouillon is famous due to Godfrey de Bouillon, first Templar king of Jerusalem).

Robert de Bruges (progenitor of the Bruces) was the son of Lambert I of Louvain, modern Leuven in Belgic-Flanders. The Louvain Coat uses a blue lion on gold background, even as the Burges chief (above) has blue crosses on gold background. Lambert of Louvain was in turn the son of Reginar III, Count of Hainaut/Hainault. This city was in Belgium too; see that the Hainaut Coat is a replica of the Flanders black lion with red pipe depicting king Cole. The Hainault surname uses the same black lion. "Hain" is very close to "Hohen/Cohen," by the way. But note that "Hainaut" is nearly "Kenned(y)." A Scot-Flemish website confirms that the Bruces were from this ancestry when it writes: "the counts of Louvain (now Bruce)." The Bruce symbol was thereby a lion, but, as writes the website: "Robert de Bruce very properly gave up the Louvain lion to Jocelyn de Louvain, a senior son of the family, when that prince married the heiress to the Percys; and the saltire, in the colours of Boulogne, became the mark of Bruce." (a red saltire on gold background).

Having come to understand that the Bruce name derived from "Aprutium" (Abruzzo), I rolled Pruti-like surnames over in my head and immediately thought of "Pratt" as a viable alternative. Upon checking, I found that the Belgium-branch Pratt Coat is exactly the red saltire on gold background that is the Bruce Coat! The English-branch Pratt Coat, aside from evoking a Kyle design, uses innocent little birds (doves, I think) that I often come across but as yet haven't rooted to a single entity/family. I've known that the English Blakes use the birds, and that the Irish Blake Coat uses four diamonds around a red saltire cross (Rosicrucian style). I've suspected that "Blake" might be a variation of "Pollok"; being certain that the Polloks stem from Berts, I would suggest that Brut- and Bert-type names were interchangeable, even as Bridgit (the Celt Goddess) is said to have "Bright" as an alternative ("bert" is said to mean "bright").

One can then wonder if "Bert" wasn't a "Brody" variation in that both use the red Carrick chevron. Having evidence that "Bruce" was a variation of "Brut," might the Berts and Bruces have been related accordingly? Was "Lambert" a Bruce term, since after all the Bruces-proper descend from Lambert I?

In line with Bruce roots in the Ebroicum, the Cheney Coat also uses the little birds (used by the Pratts, Fords, and Forts), and this surname might just stem from the Cenomani (Cohen?) Celts, in that the Cheneys were first recorded in Normandy. Wouldn't it be something if the Bush clan was from Buz, son of the Hebrew, Nahor?

Evidence that Brussels (Belgium) was a Bruce entity is in this Wikipedia statement: "In 1041 the [fledgling] county of Brussels was taken over by Lambert I of Leuven." Brussels was central to the formation of the European Union. In fact, the Western European Union had it's beginnings in the Treaty of Brussels (1948). Brussels is to this day the seat of the European Union. "The Treaty of Brussels was signed by the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands on March 17, 1948" (Website below).

Aside from Britain, one could view these first-member nations as comprising the three frogs that will support Gog one day (Revelation 16); it's very tempting to view the 10 founding nations, as depicted on the Western EU flag, as the 10 kings whom at Armageddon give their support to the beast (Revelation 17), an idea I have opposed in that I view the beast as a Russian slated to destroy Europe. I can modify my view, however, for Revelation 17 says that the 10 kings will destroy the harlot, which may be referring to Rome and not all of Europe.

The point is, "Brussels," also "Bruxells," although said to derive from "brook," may instead have derived from Brix/Brus and therefore the Ebroicum peoples after which the Bruces were named. As they were the ones who named Evreux, so see that "The names of all other municipalities in the Brussels-Capital Region are also of Dutch origin, except for Evere, which is of Celtic origin" ( ).

Aside from reflecting the Vere name, this Evere region certainly evokes the Evreux Celts. The ramifications, if I am correct in all this, is that the end-time enemies of Jesus Christ will be based in the global-politico establishment overseen by a Kabala-Hebrew cult. It was this cult that Hitler despised, and I am now beginning to see that it was worthy of being despised, not because it was Jewish, or Hebrew, but because it has been devoted to the Dragon. I am not, of course, excusing/justifying the concentration camps, or implying that all Hebrews who died at Hitler's hands were of the Kabala cult, or even that they were all non-Israelite Hebrews.

The granddaughter of Lambert I of Louvain married Eustace I of Boulogne, and they had for a son, Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon. Therefore, one line from Lambert led to the Bruces, and another to the first Templar king of Jerusalem. This is now becoming very good evidence that Cohens were behind the Templar movement. As the Templar cross was red on white, it would seem better to say that it was a Hohen movement, even as Hohens (as rulers of Prussia) were behind the Jerusalem Bishopric, starting in 1842, that was an integral part of the start of modern Zionism. The Prussian flag uses a black phoenix, the symbol also of the Hohenstaufens, and of Epirus as well ( ).

Amazing, that Prussia (Latin = "Borussia") may have been named after the same peoples that named "Brusi/Bruce," evident in the Old Prussian version, "Prusa." At the website above you can see the Prussian Arms, what I view as the Hohen-family plague. Can you see it? The Hohens and Cohens were from the Cenomani because the Bruces were the Eburovices/Ebroicum. A larger Prussian Arms is at

The Prussia taken over by the Hohens is New Prussia, said to have borrowed the name of, but not descended from, the Old (i.e. true) Prussians. But if the Hohens were Bruces, then I would beg to disagree, since the Bruces should have stemmed from the Old Prussians. In Wikipedia article on Old Prussia, the Lithuanian version of "Prussia" is "Prusai," very close indeed to "Brusi" (and "Epirus"). Moreover, the Latin version is said to have been "Pruteni," a term so close to "Pretani," the Cruithin tribe of Ireland that furnished the Bretons, that I would now claim to be bang-on (to my own surprise) when rooting "Britain" to the Brusi/Aprutium Italians.

Behold also that "Bartians (Barthi, Barti) is an extinct tribe of Prussians in the land of Barta/Bartia...[called] "Prousi i Bartove." Therein should be the relationship between Berts and Bruces. The "Bartove" term is an alternative of "Bartholemew," and reports that the Bert clan (of Britain) was named after a(n unidenfied) Bartholemew. There may have been a Polish branch of Barti Prussians that in Britain became the Pollok clan. The Wikipedia article on Old Prussia tells that Prussians were Lithuanians, and this conforms with my findings that we are dealing with the Laz/Ladon dragon line. This is supported where the Italian Bert(o) Coat uses nothing but a large griffin.

As this tends to verify a Pollok connection to the Bruces (i.e. the Bert branch of ruces), note that the English Brech Coat uses three gold cornucopia!! Both the Berts and Pollock Coats use three cornucopia. In keeping with the Saxon ancestry of the first-recorded Pollock ("Fulbert the Saxon"), the Brechs were from Anglo-Saxon ancestry, according to, which also tells that "Brech" derives from "Braec," not only a feasible alternative of "Bruce" and "Evreux," but what evokes "Hebraic." Moreover, I finally found another yellow saltire (aside from the one used by the Pollocks), and it belongs to the Bryces of Scotland! If that's not enough the Bryce Coat is a near-replica of the Bruce Coat, but with the colors revesed. The Bryce Coat may be a Rosicrucian-style design, where the four pentagrams depict the four roses on the Rosicrucian saltire (or the four crosses on the Templar flag).

The Bryce surname was first found in Morayshire, and because Moray became paired with Ross-shire, see that the green ring on the Bert Crest is also on the Crest of the Ross-family Coat. Bert connection to the Barti of Prussia can be paralleled with my theory that the Andrew at the root of the Ross clan was Andrew, king of Hungary. Also parallelling this picture is that Moray was a version of European Moravia, next to Hungary. Behold that the Moray-family Crest is a green mermaid, no doubt the mythical Melusine and Milouziana of Vere ancestry. Melusine was given magic rings as her attributes! It's a good thing that I had recorded the surname of another family that uses the same mermaid, the Bebel/Babel family of Germany.

The Bebel family was first found in Wurttemburg, and so it is that modern Baden-Wurttemburg is essentially Hohen-land Swabia. The Baden flag uses gold and red, the Vere colors. The Wurttemburg Arms uses the three black lions of the Hohenstaufen Arms. The Baden-Wurttemburg Arms uses the lions as well, and on the chief can be seen th Franconian Rake, the black and silver checks of the Brandenburg Hohenzollerns, and a stag. I think that since the name, Swabia, survived as the Baden-Wurttemburg area, that the Hohens were of Sheba (grandson of Abraham and his wife, Keturah; Genesis 25:3). Let me remind you that Sabazios was "Saboi", and that, as the founder of the Phrygians, he also incorporated the peoples depicted by Kybele, high goddess of the Phrygians. And so now look at the lions and rings attributed to Kybele.

Then look at the inscription at the bottom of her throne, where her alternative name, Kybeb, is given, evoking the Bebel family. Recall also that the Oxford Arms, where Oxford was for centuries a Vere-ruled domain, uses a green beaver that I suggested depicts Baber/Bavar/Bauer/Beaver-type surnames/peoples, as even Babar the green elephant does. I've already said that Enki, the god of Sumeria, was not the origin of mermaids, but was called "Babbar." Kybele, in being a version of Ishtar, was Enki's sister/daughter. Plus, the dragon-line Veres (e.g. Nicholas de Vere) openly claim to root back to the Sumerian gods.

The point is, the Berts and Rosses, in using the green rings, show that they stem from Veres, wherefore the same can be said of the Pollocks. The red ox on the Oxford Coat configures to the Oxonae Saxons, as I've already pointed out.

The website below says that Walter the Fleming is "now Seton." It's interesting that a variation of that name is "Sayton," that the Seton/Sayton Crest is a green dragon, and that the name was first recorded in Lothian, what I think was the homeland of a peoples depicted by Ladon/Lotan, and what I view as the Biblical dragon line leading to the lamb-like False Prophet. The Sithone branch of Edones definitely comes to mind as the proto-Setons that once held Lothian, and Sithones were Svi = Suebi = Sheba.

As I have traced the noble Crichton family of Britain from the mythical Erichthonius/Erechtheus (king of Athens) that is said to have been either twin of (the mythical) Butes or Butes himself (details later), and as I traced the Crichtons further to the Cruithin of Ireland (details later), we should perhaps expect some Crichton involvement in the Bute-Cohen bloodline: "...a fitting home for a family that as the Crichton-Stuarts were soon to add the Marquis of Bute to their collection of titles" ( website above).

The Rory branch of Somerled, rulers of Bute, use a blue lion on silver background (probably connected to the blue lion of Leuven). And so see now that:

"The Creighton arms, although never fully researched, remains a silver shield with a rampant blue lion displaying red talons, teeth and tongue. The Creighton crest is a standing green dragon, wings unfurled, spouting fire from its mouth. These base units of the family arms have remained constant since the time of the Norman Conquest of 1066, or before."

As these Crichton symbols pre-date the birth of Rory, son of Ranald, son of Somerled, the symbols probably stem from the Scots/Irish. Consider that Brigid (the goddess) was mother to Creidhne, an obvious depiction of the Cruithne/Cruithin, obviously, wherefore one or the other, or both, the blue lion and green dragon, may depict the Cruithne. Because the blue lion appears also in Leuven, it appears that the peoples depicted by "Brigit" were the same as the Bruges region of Flanders, even as Bruges was early, "Brygga." As Rory's mother is unknown, it may be that she was of the blue lion that came to depict the MacRorys. The blue lion seems to have been the predominant Crichton symbol, even as it's used on the Marquis of Bute Arms.

The website above also shares this important point:

"Out of all of the Scottish families who carry the right to an official coat of arms, only those of Stewart, Bruce, Creighton (Crichton), Lyon, Ross, Maitland, Cumming, Lundin, Middleton, Vans and Young bear a rampant lion in either their arms or family crest. All have direct family, marital or service ties to one of the early royal houses of Scotland, or England."

The Ross clan uses a silver lion on red. The Lyons Coat uses a green lion; that's interesting/novel. But it's the Van name that I am most interested in, because it is the root, apparently, of the gold and red that the entire Coat is nothing but those checks. This is comparable to the Hohen and Cohen coats!! "Van" is the alternative of "Vaux," and so note the English Vaux/Van Coat. This name is from Normandy, and is apparently a variation of Evereux, according to the Wells website below, which website has this to say:

"This early a branch of Vaux is found in Provence, and then allied to most of the Sovereigns of Europe...the most illustrious family of Vaux, a potent early as 794, and recognized as one of the most illustrious in history ( ).

Provence is the Italian-French border, home of the ancient Ligurians. See the dolphin that is a main symbol on the Arms and Flag of the French region of Provence-Alps. Note what appears to be Stewart checks as the water under the red phoenix, and also consider how this phoenix, sitting on three hills, evokes the Province of Aquila Arms, the capital of Abruzzo. It may be a coincidence, but the black eagle that is the City of Aquila Arms reflects the same as in the Vaux Crest. What is probably not a coincidence is that the red and gold stripes of the Provence-Alps Arms are the Vaux colors.

The Vaux term was used in Normandy, but was also "Baux," evolving to "Vance" in Ireland. As I conjectured that "Morbihan" was probably "MorBigan" at one point, it may be that the Vaux/Baux peoples were somehow related in that the Morbihan founded Vannes (Brittany). A Vance website has some key revelations that reveal the Baux of southern France as Rosicrucians of the Septimanian kind. Septimanians were in-part Goths living in France, and the idea that Jesus married Mary Magdalene originates in Septimania:

"Historians of France and England are reasonably certain the Vances are descendants of the Baltic Goth tribes of northern Europe...The Vances descend from a Baltic Goth family who overtook an ancient fortress in southern France after they [conquered Rome temporarily in 410]...The de Bauxs were feudal overlords owning seventy-nine villages and towns, mostly located along the Rhone River from Marseille north to near Lyon. One author says of them
'The Princes of Les Baux were a barbaric race, … with wild mountain blood in their veins. Their association with Christianity was certainly not of a very intimate kind. They were a blind, bloodstained race, believing in violence and retaliation...'"

And yet they thought of themselves as Christians, but were obviously of a slippery, Gnostic kind:

"The de Bauxs also claim descendancy from the Magi King, Balthazar, one of the wise men following the star to Bethlehem upon the birth of Jesus. To make sure everyone understood their relationship to Balthazar and the birth of Jesus, the de Bauxs carried the symbol of the star of Bethlehem on the arms and armor they bore in tournaments as well as in battle. It was also on their coins and in wall hangings decorating their castle."

Wouldn't that be the Rosicrucian star? Wouldn't these peoples have made false claims in efforts to elevate themselves in the eyes of others? And, yes, a Wikipedia article on Septimania, having links to previous Goth rulers of the region, shows that they descended from the Goths who sacked Rome in 410. It's also telling that one Vere website, in giving possible origins of "the Vere star," wherein one could make a Vere-Vaux connection, has this to say: "Alternately the single silver star on the Vere arms may represent the Star seen by the Magi, as described in the Gospels."

The Goth wave into the west contributed to the makings of the Merovingian Franks, and included the Sicambrian and Burgundian Franks from Bude, Hungary. The Goth ruler of Septimania married the daughter of Clovis, and in coming years the two peoples formed further alliances.

My point here is to connect the red and gold checks (of Vaux/Baux) to Rosicrucians/Merovingians and therefore to Hebrew elements, for I am of the opinion that the checks belong to yet other of the Cohen family of names. It may be that all Cohen families were of Goth elements, even as the Stewarts claim descent from Anglo-Saxons. The Edones come to mind, of course, as these are the ones I have been tracing across Europe, the ones who I identify as the Hebrew-Rus peoples, the ones who ruled Lothian, the Druids, etc. In fact, the website reports that the Vaux/Van clan was recorded first of all in East Lothian. I would look to the Vaux name to account for much of Rosicrucianism. See location of Septimania in of Languedoc-Roussillon, the ancient homeland of the Redones and Catalonian Iberians. Wikipedia gives a concise version of the holy-grail hoax, and I'll exclude some parts to make it even shorter:

The area of Septimania started showing up in popular culture after the publication of the 1982 pseudohistorical book Holy Blood Holy Grail and the later fame around the related 2003 bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code... In Holy Blood Holy Grail, the claim was made that as part of the territory disputes around Septimania in the 8th century, a small Jewish kingdom was established by Charles Martel's son Pippin the Younger...The installed ruler was allegedly a man named Aymery, who, when received into the ranks of Frankish nobility, took the name Theodoric, or Thierry...with the book claiming that he was possibly of Merovingian descent, or may have been a native of Baghdad who was descended from Babylonian Jews during the Babylonian captivity...

The book further stated that Theodoric was recognized by both Pepin and the caliph of Baghdad as 'the seed of the royal house of David', and married a woman named Alda, who was an aunt to Charlemagne...Theodoric ruled the principality, and this crown was later given to his son, William of Gellone...

The reason for the book's claims, was an attempt to prove a blood link between the House of David and Frankish royalty, specifically the Merovingians, as a way of showing that the Merovingians were the descendants of a bloodline starting with the child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. However, it was later shown that many of the medieval documents which the book's authors had relied upon for research, were actually forgeries which had been produced as part of the Priory of Sion hoax ( ).

If the tracing by some of Godfrey de Bouillon back to William of Gellone is accurate, then because the Bouillon cross is identical to the Taddei cross, it may be that the Theodoric above (Gellone's father) was from the Taddei-family of surnames, especially as "Taddei" has been interpreted by some as a variation of "Theodore." Moreover, "Tudor" is said to be a variation of "Theodore."

The sort of reported things that were taking place were from the elite of the elites: "Guilhem founded a Benedictine monastery in the valley of Gellone. Charlemagne helped to get it off to a good start by donating a holy relic, a chunk of the True Cross."

It's interesting that the Marquis of Baux (Provence) is today a Title possessed by the Grimaldi rulers of Monaco. I have been wondering whether the red and silver diamonds that are the Grimaldi symbol aren't a variation of the Hohen squares. I would venture to say, yes. That makes me a Hohen in part, but who cares? It's the blood of Jesus that counts for anything in anyone, which blood is not a physical liquid, but the Act upon the Cross done in my stead. If I have that blood, I also have eyes, and a life within, unknown to those who don't. If I have that blood, I will escape death. Anyone who honors Jesus may have the same. Anyone who honors the dragon bloodline will not escape death. Do not be deceived, that bloodline is not from Israel.

For further reading tying the Rhone-Redones to the particular Picts that became the French Veres, see the Update now midway through my "Vere-y Interestink" chapter.


It Was Good Day for Cohen Salian
The Salian Franks became Germany and stronger yet;
Merovingians should be sought therein,
even in the German Cohens.

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