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November 2006

Brackets are often for new readers jumping in; others please tolerate. You can treat lightly and/or pass on the dizzying parts if you don't plan to get deep into the topic, but for those wanting keys for tracing the bloodlines, I need to use some detail.

It relieved me to come across, in the midst of putting together this chapter, the very Caspian city and people-group that (mythical) Taut depicted in his beginnings. I know I'm correct because the historical peoples I'm referring to, the Tats, were in Cadusia (a part of Armenia). While the rest of the world doesn't yet know, readers of previous chapters do know that Cadusia is where Hermes (i.e. Armenia) originated. In short, having the Tats in Armenia supports the age-old Hermes-Taut equation.

Due to the mythical report that far-north Argives migrated to Egypt as Io and Poseidon, I was tempted to view Tats as those who became Argives (Greece) before becoming the Taut/Thoth Egyptians and Phoenicians...i.e. which would in one swoop also describe the Io-Poseidon wave of Argives. However, I decided that Tats in the Egyptian theater should be distinguished from the Argive wave, and instead traced along the southern side of the Black sea. Therefore, I see two Caucasian dragons in Egypt and Phoenicia, which I'll distinguish as Argos versus Tats.

I didn't make this distinction to provide a Melkor-Manwe distinction, but it does fit very well since I've previously traced Melkor to the Argonauts (Manwe and Melkor are major characters in Tolkien myths).

My fresh discovery that Poseidon depicted Pisidians brings to light a Pisidian root for the Poseidon Egyptians, no small key. A Pisidian-Egypt connection wasn't on my mind whatsoever when I was unraveling the Argive root of Pisidians. It's remarkable because Argives and Pisidians are both required in the Io-Poseidon marriage that from Egypt-way produced the Phoenix-based Phoenicians. As one can now see, the Taut wave to Phoenicia is to be distinguished from the Phoenix wave. This opens up a new can of concern, for to see what it could mean and explain.

As the Argive wave to Egypt formed the Danaans, the Danaans are to be distinguished from the Taut-branch Tats. It's interesting that Tolkien made just that distinction when he placed the Lindar/Teleri elves (Danaans from Rhodes) among Tatie elves. I'm convinced, therefore, that the Tatie/Tatyar elves were the Thoth bloodline in his mind. This is almost predictable otherwise, as Hermes was huge among the Celts. But with Tatie elves placed among the Teleri Danaan, it's all the more likely that "Tuatha de Danann" refers to Thoth-based Danaans.

In suggesting a southerly route of Tats to Greece, it is not to exlude Tats of the far north, for Tats could prove to be the makings of Scandinavian Teutons and Russian Tators. I'll echo my theory that while the Scandinavian Suebi (and Russian Siberians?) were of Sheba (grandson of Abraham), the Teutons (and Tators?) are from Sheba's brother, Dedan. Connection of the Iranian Tats to Hebrew elements is therefore order for this theory to be true. Some of the "Jewish" Tats still in Caucasia today might know more about this than anyone.

These findings have led me to take a stab at the origin of "Ptolemy" in the "Solymi"-branch Pisidians. One reaction to this similarity is a Ptah-Olymos understanding behind "Ptolemy," since Ptah was an Egyptian god. That being an excellent deduction that the greenest student could make easily, "Olymi/Olymos" then becomes an independent term (from Elam??), which may have been the makings of "Olympos." Since that mountain's other name was "Tahtali," I would suggest that it was the location, for one, where the far-north Solymi wave met and mixed with the southern Tat wave.

In helping to equate mount Tahtali with Taut, Tolkien located the throne of his "Manwe" character on the tallest mountain of Ireland, known in the real world as Carran Tuathail. I would suggest, therefore, that Manwe was Taut/Hermes in the mind of Tolkien, for "Hermes" and "Manes" are both variations of "Armenia/Mannae." It seems, therefore, that the Tats who named Tahtali moved to the tallest mountain in Ireland, whereas Manwe, not identified by Tolkien as a Tatyar peoples, but as a Valar peoples, is to be somewhat distinguished from the Tats.

Perhaps it's the difference between the Tats and the Mannae, which may not be much since Manes was from the Titan, Tethys. Behold thou unbelievers, that the ancient myth writers knew of western Atlantis quite well, and married Manes' moon-goddess mother, Callirhoe, to Chrysaor (a Medusa-branch Gorgon), and together they were said to birth Geryon (an early Atlantean). Under these circumstances, ask if "Chrysaor" didn't form from Gorgon > Geryon > Chory.

I am tempted to identify Tolkien's Valar characters, therefore, as whatever peoples Callirr(Rhoe) depicted, especially as Chrysaor was king of Spanish Iberia while the Irish trace themselves to those very Iberians! Steadfast readers will know that I traced Geryon to the "island" of Mona, beside Great Ormos and Rhos, all in Wales, and that I then traced the Welsh Danaans to that Tolkien's Valar should prove to be the Gali of Wales. But these ugly matters are for an up-coming chapter, promising to turn double-minded Freemasons to silent stone (the first step toward their healing and repentence).

In light of "sol" becoming the Latin sun, it reflects the Greek moon, "selene" (Sel-ina = "minor sun"?). The Greek goddess by that name became the moon goddess identified with Endymion, he and she depicting the very Solymi that I am tracing to Libya and then to Tolkien's green elves. More evidence that it was the Solymi peoples (in particular) who migrated to Libya, is in Athena, for she came out of Zeus' skull and then migrated to Libya (Zeus was Solymos). Is it a coincidence that Chrysaor came out of the head of the Gorgon Medusa when she had her head sliced off, and that the Medusa was an Aryan (i.e. Medo-Gorgon) peoples in north Africa?

It is amazing now that the severe schism in Egypt occurring during the time of king Tut was between the Egyptian gods, Aten (what sounds like Athena) and Amen (Min/Manes). King Tut first meshed with Aten as Tutankhaten, but later changed his throne name to Tutankhamun to reflect Amen. I can add this, that Aten and Amen (or Amun) were fightin' cousins since Athens/Attica was said to be from Attis, son/grandson of Manes...explaining why Pharaoh could attach either "Aten" or "Amen" to his "Tut" title. It came to my mind that the recovered Tut treasury is a hoax conducted by Freemasons holding the Tat bloodline dearest of all. And who was Tut, anyway, but a ruler of the nation despised and crumpled by YHWH?

The far-north wave produced the Telchines and Apollo. Since Sol was Apollo in Greek myth, it appears to explain why his sacred island was Delos; it was the most-important island in the Cyclade group, thus revealing in yet another way the superiority of Tel terms. Involvement of Telchines with Ptolemus-based Egypt seems certain enough (e.g. the mythical founder of Telchine-infested Rhodes was made "Tlepolemus"). But Egypt was only a blip in the Aryan dragon's tracks, which is why I don't make much of it.

The day after asking whether "Olympos" was "from Elam??" a few paragraphs above, on the day that I learned of the Tats' existence, I found verification for Solymi connection to Elamites. This was pivotal. It brought me to the bottom of the secret-society well, indeed verifying the Elamite bloodline of Olympus. It moreover confirmed that "Tol/Tel" terms became "Sol" terms. The discovery, which gives me many other good leads, is in the ancient Deylamites:

"While we know very little about the local customs of Gils and Deylamites, we know that some of their tribes originally revered the river Sepid Rud based on the evidence presented by the Greek geographer Strabo. They were not Zoroastrian prior to Sassanid overlordship, as evidenced by their custom of burying their dead and making human sacrifice...Language of Rudbar is Tati...The civilization of Rudbar and its surroundings date back to 2000 years BC."

In short, the Gils and Deylamites were related, and of the Tati nation, no small key for identifying Taut and tracing "him" to certain Greeks and Trojans. The Deylamites (also Deilaman/Deilman) were from Cadusia, and extended into Armenia and Albania! Surely, among these Deylamite "elves" was the golden-fleece line of Hermes that I had for a long time been wanting to identify within Armenia, but I would never have known it had I not discovered the Solymi a week or two before.

To put this Dehlamite discovery into perspective, it was months before I got to this point that I had discovered the Elamite blood of Phrixes (he rode the golden fleece). For the father of Phrixes was made "Athamas," whom I discovered to be a symbol of Elamites in Greece. Let me quote Wikipedia (brackets not mine): "Elamites called their country Haltamti (in later Elamite, Atamti)..." Not only does "Atamti" evoke Athamus, but mythical Althaemenes must depict the "Haltamti" version, and so see that Althaemenes was credited as the founder of the city of Cretina on Rhodes. That city should prove to be a Telchine city (since Telchines lived on Rhodes and were equated with Curetes), all the more significant if the Dehlamites were in fact Elamites.

I was already suspicious, when reading the above Guilan article for the first time, of a "Solemi" derivation from "Tel" terms, so that I was bug-eyed at finding that the "Deylamites" were alternatively "Delymaís," an almost exact reflection of the god, Solymos.

Then my eyes popped out and became magnetized to the computer screen when I saw that a variation of "Delymais" was "Elymaioi," tending to prove that "Olympos" was a variation of "Solymos," and that indeed the "great" mountain of the gods was named after Elam. But along with these realizations, I knew I had found the Aryan home-turf of the Greek Titans and their ill-begotten gods. This was Bedrock.

As I continued reading (see below), I saw the root of Zeus in the Elamites of Susa, confirmed all the more in the paragraph's inclusion of "Ray" (city of Rhagae, on the outskirts of Cadusia), which I had already identified as Zeus' mother (Rhea):

The earliest mention of the Deylamites occurs in Polybius' universal history, of the late 2nd century B.C.E. (5.44.9), in which, in the description of Media, Greek Delymaîoi is to be read in place of geographically impossible Elymaîoi (i.e., Susiana), as the tribes named immediate after them (Anaria‚ Kai, Kadou‚ Sioi, Matíanoi) were all in the north. It is also possible that the "Elymaioi" mentioned by Plutarch (Pompey 36.2; 1st century B.C.E.) with the Medes were actually Deylamites. In the later 2nd century C.E. Ptolemy (6.2) listed Delymaís as a place in northern Choromithrene, which was located southeast of Ray and west of the Tapuroi (i.e., T®abaresta@n). There, too, the toponym was corrupted to Elymaís (Markwart, EÚra@næahr, p. 126 n. 1)." (brackets not mine)

This Delymite-Elymaioi equation now explains why I read (over 20 years ago) that Elamites were anciently on the Caspian even though all maps place them on the Persian-gulf region (i.e. Susa).

The Delymite tribes of Kai and Kadoi seem conspicuous enough; were these not the Kahu and Cati, mentioned by Shalmaneser II as being in eastern Cilicia, at Tarsus? This tends to expose Delymites as the holy grail of Freemasonry...not so much Hebrew blood as Elamite.

The emphasis of the holy grail now appears to be in Zeus-Solymos, yet Helios is also suspected (by me) of being the holy-grail bloodline because one myth had his ship formed into a gold cup. It seems easy enough to fit Helios under the Delymite umbrella as their Gil tribe, otherwise called "Gelae." I've got to say that these became Callirrhoe, especially as her husband (Chrysaor) was in Portugal = Port of the Galli, In fact, Portugal was home to Galicians, the root of which smacks of the "Gileki" alternative for the Gelae. Note how "Helios" smacks of the soft-c "Galicia."

The ship of Helios was turned into a gold cup when taking Hercules to Geryon's Atlantis i.e. while sailing around Portugal...which is not to say that the holy-grail bloodline originated at Portugal, but that the region was filled with Gileki peoples whom accompanied Hercules over the sea to defeat Geryon at Atlantis (i.e. Britain). It is these that I suspect became the Welsh, since "Wales" is a variation of "Gaul." I then suspect that these became Tolkien's Valar of Ireland. Later followed the Irish Gaelics, which likewise smacks of "Gileki."

Therefore, there seems to be little ethnic difference between the golden fleece and the gold holy grail. Babylon the Great, in Revelation 17, holds a gold cup (i.e. I'm suggesting the Gelae/Helios line and Helle, sister of Phrixes) filled with the bloody murders of this cult. It is now interesting that her counterpart, the Woman of Revelation 12 (i.e. Israel), is seen with the sun around her head. I'm not equating Helios with YHWH, but rather, Satan took the sun, created by God to depict Himself, and made it a symbol of his own dragon cult.

The dark importance of the Tats now comes to light. The following verifes that they fall under Tolkien's elf umbrella:

The Tat are an Iranian ethnic group from the Caucasus. The Tat of Aran (Azerbaijan Republic) number about 22,000. The majority of the Tat of Dagestan (est. less than 15,000) live in Kaitag [the Kai term again]...The Tat descend from Persian tribes that moved into the Caucasian mountains in the 5th and 6th centuries (square brackets mine).

As Tats were Iranians, they were not always in Albania/Azerbaijan, but closer to the heart of Iran. Albania reached further south than normally shown, to the Alborz realm...where the Gelae are situated (Guilan Province is now between the Alborz mountains and the Caspian coast). Aran was in northern Albania = the elf-land from which Tolkien's elves originate (see map of Caucasia).

I didn't know until just now, as I write, that Albanians are rooted in the "Aran" term itself. See website below for that important detail, which also shares that "The Mannaeans had one of the earliest states recorded as being established in the [Albania] area as far as the Kura [river]." You see, the Scottish islands of Arran and Mann were near to one another and both ruled by mythical Mananann, and were off the elf-coast of Scottish Alba.

Another article verifies my previous view of Mannae linking to the Egyptian Min, the moon god:

"The term Mannaean means place of moon from which the Kurdish word mang is derived...Mannaeans, who most probably were a branch of Hurrians..." (brackets not mine, but may show link to Avidians)

The Kurdish "mang" certainly evokes the "Manx," the Manannan Danann on the Isle of Mann. Was Manannan not Tolkien's Manwe, whom Tolkien made ruler over Arran...his "Numenor" island? Might Tolkien have had New-Manes on his brain when he devised that code? In any case, because the historical Egyptian king Menes (same as Min) had Thoth for his son/grandson, I'll affiliate Tolkien's Tatyar to Manwe. As Tolkien had Manwe married to Maia characters, I fully expect Caucasian Tats to be related to the Maia of Greek myth and/or an historic "Maia"-like peoples. Is it a coincidence that Maia of Greek myth was the mother of Hermes = Taut?

The two serpents of the Hermes caduceus staff are beginning to look like the Gelae and the Delymites (i.e. Helios and Zeus). In any case, recall that this staff was first attributed to Tiresias, father of Daphne. Recall that I had identified the father of Tiresias (Everes) as the Avar peoples because Tiresias gave birth to Manto whom I identified as the Mandaean Avars.

Now behold, that in one myth, Tiresias killed two copulating snakes at mount Kyllene (in Arcadia), a term that not only smacks of the Gelae peoples in that their country is commonly called "Gilan," but mount Kyllene is where Hermes was made to be born (i.e. where he first entered Greece)! This tends to clinch the Gelae-Cadusii equation, by which I mean to say that the Gelae, and therefore the holy grail bloodline, was in the Cutha Kabala. No one that I know of identifies the Cutha as Israelites!!

It's remarkable that I correctly identified the holy grail with Cilicia, before knowing all of this, based only on the similarity of "chalice" with mythical "Cilix" (= symbol of Cilicia). I knew that some readers would roll their eyes when I made that connection way back, but I had such a strong sense that I understood the myth writers that I published it. To show how soft of brain I am at times, I didn't connect the Gileki to "Cilix" until I had finished this chapter. Only upon going to bed that night, and asking my relaxing brain where "Cilix" might have originated within the Delymite domain, did "Gileki" come as the answer. The irony is that I had already connected Cilicia to Colchis, and Colchis to the Gileki, by that point, so that a Cilix-Gileki connection should have been a natural, immediate realization. This verified that the holy grail is in Gelae blood.

When I asked myself (still in bed) where the Gileki originated, I remembered that I had identified the father of Helios, "Hyperion," as Hyper-Ion = far-north Ionian peoples = Io of Argos. Then I realized that the Gileki were from the root of Argives, in the Uruk>Rhagae>Araxes line.

On the other hand, mythical Ion (symbol of Ionians) was the son of Xuthus, making Ionians a Cutha peoples, which may simply mean that the Cutha/Cadusii were from the Uruk>Rhagae line. I'm comfortable with this since I've rooted the Cutha in the Guti, who did in fact (i.e. according to historical records) rule Uruk. I then realized, while still in bed, that the "rhoe" in "Callirrhoe" (mother of Manes) should be understood as "Ruhks" rather than "Hros" (there is a difference which I'll explain soon). For an "e" modifies to an "h" and then to a "c/k" (which may be why an "e" is similar in appearance to a "c") so as to produce Rhoe > Rhoh > Rhoc.

Tiresias went on to deep involvement with Cilix's brother, Cadmus = the Cati of Cilicia removed to Thebes (Greece). This shows that Tiresias was somehow associated first with the Cadoi tribe of Delymites, which then verifies that Cadusia was a Delymite domain...and that Cadmus (not to mention Europa and Phoenix) is to be traced back to the same. But the Phoenix line was from the far north, wherefore Tiresias (Tyrus?) could prove to be the same. The Cati of Cilicia (Cadmus of Cilix) is required to possess the far-north elements of Poseidon (since Agenor begot Phoenix while Agenor was made a son of Egypt-based Poseidon).

Yet, there is also evidence that Agenor's wife, Telephassa (yes, another Tel term from far-north Argos), had southern-wave Tat blood as well, for her "phassa" portion translates in my mind to the Phasis Colchians, whom for reasons to be discussed came by way of the southern route to Cilicia. In fact, as Phasis was also "Poti," this must have been Egypt's Ptah. Proof that Telephassa was both of the Argos wave and of the Tat wave is in her alternative title, "Argiope," and her father, Nilus (= the Nile) on the other. Nilus was made son of Tethys, you see, whom I'll view as the Tats/Thoth. Therefore, the Argo-Tat mix in Telephassa became a major part of the holy grail.

Moreover, Agenor himself had Tat-Nilus blood, when Nilus gave birth to Memphis, and Memphis to Libya, the wife of Poseidon in giving birth to Agenor (not to mention that Libya and Poseidon gave birth to Belas, father of Danaus/Danaans, so as to make Agenor virtually equivalent to the Danaans).

Recall Tolkien's "Taniquetil" (Dani-Cati?) term that was Manwe's mountain throne in Ireland, which I identified as an extention of mount Tahtali. Look now that an occult-term website has "Taht" equated with "Taat-Esmun," an Egyptian moon god. Wouldn't that be a Tat-Min combo (since Min/Manes was the Egyptian moon god)?

The same website says that "Tathagata" was an "epithet of Buddha," for which reason "Tathagata" may have been a Tat-Guti alliance i.e. the Buddhists formed a "great" religion because they were from these nut-cracker holy-grailers who killed their children in sacrificial fires for gods that didn't exist, invaded and pillaged nations with the help of gods that didn't exist, and did much evil in the name of gods that did not exist, gods that were merely their dead ancestors. Can one get more insane than that?

As I view the original Buddha nation as an eastern branch of the Budii Medes, while the latter are known to have produced the western Budini (Buzites of Nahor?), recall that the Geloni lived among the Budini, and ask if they were not the Gelae of "Guilan." I think so, absolutely. In recalling that the Neuri also lived among the Budini, and therefore among the Geloni/Gelonus, couldn't the Nergal lion have been a Neuri-Gelae mix?

The Neuri should trace to the Nairi of Lake Van, wherefore Nahorites might have contributed largely to the formation of Alvania/Albania. Since Nergal of Caucasia became married to the Laz Colchians, wouldn't the Budini among the Laz have been the so-called "Bat" Caucasians (e.g. of Batumi in Colchis)?

I suspect the mythical Nergal-Laz marriage to include the Gelae, and in turn I suspect that the Gileki became the Colchi(ans). The Laz lived in Colchis, at/near Phasis/Poti, which I suspect was Pythos. Yes, Pythos and Ladon go together like dragons and dragon-protectors of dungeons. I expect this line to go to Pasiphae, daughter of Helios, in Crete. See how well this fits: Helios = helix = the Gileki serpent entwined on the caduceus staff = Colchi(s) = Ladon.

The Elamite identity of Tiresias is verified because he was a priest of Zeus. Because Hera (Zeus' official wife) was angered with Tiresias for killing the two snakes, it reveals that at least one of the snakes depicted the Hros faction depicted by Hera (she was mothr of Ares). I tell you no lie that when I identified the two serpents as the Gelae and Delymites just now, I was not thinking about my having identifying them in a previous chapter ("The Sol that Sinneth") as Glaucus and Asklepius. It was only after writing the above that I remembered Glaucus, which gratified me because the Gelae are also "Gileki"!!

[Update December 2007 -- There was a Glaucus river in Armenia, for at this Pontus article we read: "Ptolemy, who writes the name Apsorrus [river], says also that it rose in the Armenian mountains, and was formed by the junction of two principal streams which he names Glaucus and Lycus.". As proof that Gorgons were in this south-Caucasian region (no doubt the Gargarians of Herodotus), we find the article identifying the Lycus river as the "Gorgoro." End Update]

I had interpreted "Asklepius" as an Ashkenazi peoples, and it does seem that the Delymite family was part-Togarmite (Togarmah was brother of Ashkenaz). In fact, Togarmah on the Tigris would be where Dagon comes into the dragon bloodline. Glaucus was a fish-man, so that we now know Dagon's roots in the Gileki-based Cadusii (or the Cutha of Chaldea if they came first). This also verifies what I had imagined, that Dagon was a southern migration to Israeli shores.

The so-called "mountain Jews" of Caucasia call themselves Tats. I wouldn't argue against Koestler where he claims a Khazar origin for Hebrew Tats, but I'd also trace them to Iranian Hebrews some 2,500 years before the Khazars proper of 500 AD. Not all Tats are "Jewish," but rather Hebrew blood entered the Aryan-Tat fold (which has since become Islamic and significantly Arabic in blood). I doubt very much that Jews from Israel would call themselves by a name attributed to Iranians...but I think that the ancient Chaldean Apiru allied to the Kassites/Guti did just that.

I'm going to venture a line drawn from the Delymites to the metal-working Kothar-wa-Khasis of Israeli shores (Gath, Gaza?), known also to Egyptian myth. I'm therefore going to identify the Kothar-wa-Khasis as the carrier of mythical Taut. The "Khasis" portion is identifiable as the "Khazzi" region of Cilicia, of Kahu realms wherein the Cati lived. In keeping with my view of these as part Hebrew, the "Kothar" portion translates to "Kythereia," a term used by mythographers to denote Aphrodite; she was the metal-working "Kypris" peoples i.e. in Cyprus, offshore of Cilicia, but then migrated toward, and into, Greece.

That Kassites of the Susa region were called "Kissians" is now making it very tempting to view the Cati as founders of Kition on Cyprus (not necessarily the Biblical Kittians, as many suggest), this then possibly tying back to Gath and its "Gittite" inhabitants. As Goliath was a Gittite (of Gath), while I identify Zeus with Susa, was the Goliath-and-David affair YHWH versus Zeus, and was it a prelude to Armageddon? Didn't David strike Goliath in the middle of the forehead, where Zeus has his third eye? I have wondered if "Goliath" doesn't mean "of the Goli." (I've explained elsewhere that Goliath wasn't necessarily a Philistine by blood, but perhaps only by citizenship.)

One article ties the Gilae to Ashkenaz and Susa as follows, but also uses a term understood as Hek-Manesh that may have been Manes. Ask if the "Suluki" term isn't a soft-c version of "Gileki": "Guilan at the time of the different dynasties before Islam, such as: Mad, Hekmanesh, Suluki-Ashkani, and Sasani..."

I happened across a term, "Bizans-Susani," that seemed interesting toward a Buzi-Susa alliance that then undresses to the Poseidon-Zeus brotherhood. The term is rife online but only on non-English websites. I found that one site interpreted the first part as the makings of Byzantium, and I do equate that city with Buzas of Greek myth, who I then trace (tentatively) to Buzi Medes. I found the following two phrases at one Google page: "Bizans kaynaklarinda da Melitene " and "Bizanslilar, Malatya’yi Sasani’", both of them seemingly connecting the Bizans-Susani entity to Melitene/Melidu = fish-tail Melusine.

With further searching I found a Bizani in Greece, but gawk here at it's location: "[Ioannina is]...part of the north-western periphery of Epirus. Its capital is the city of Ioannina. It is bordered by Albania in the north, Kastoria in the northeast..." Many don't wish to make a connection between European Albania and Caucasian Albania, but I'll bet that Freemasons who know it to be true are at the head of those claims.

To show how few mythical keys are online, I didn't know until now that there was a Castoria in Epirus; it should prove to be mythical Castor. Why don't articles on Castor at least mention Castoria? It serves to support my tracing Helen (Castor's sister) to Epirus. And yes, Helen is no doubt the Gelae holy-grail bloodline. I'll prove it in the next chapter.

I would venture to say that the far-north Delymites put forth some Kassite seeds evolving into the Khazars (north-west shore of the Caspian). These Deylamites (long before the Khazars proper) became mythical Opis and Arge of the Hyperboreans for the reason that Delymites had to evolve into the god, Solymos = Zeus, while Zeus may be viewed loosely as Opis, same as the Apis bull cult = Taurus mountains at the Azov/Maeotis sea. But as Buzi Medes are more correctly Poseidon here in my book, Poseidon (= Pisidians) seems a better fit for Opis, in which case we might more-correctly view his brother, Zeus, as Arge. I'll elaborate later on the proof for a Zeus-Argos equation.

Although I view Zeus as a far-north wave to Greece, I am yet in agreement with pegging him as the Dagon-infested Israeli shores (at Dor, Tyre, Gath), and a southerly migration from Cilicia -- where a second Taurus mountain chain exists -- to Phrygia. This apparent south-north contradiction is cleared up when it's realized that the southern Zeus (and Poseidon) wave didn't happen until the northern Zeus-and-Poseidon wave (i.e. Arge and Opis) reached the Argos theater, and then down to Egypt (as Io and Poseidon) before becoming part of the holy-grail line on Israeli shores. That is, Zeus did not cross west from Armenia to Israel/Tyre, but north and then west around the Black sea.

I do think that the separate wave (of Taut) from Armenia west to Cilicia met the Zeus-Poseidon wave in Egypt. While the Poseidon portion from Egypt translates to the Danaans and the Phoenix, the Zeus wave from Egypt, being the Athena/Aten wave, was probably the makings of the Edones from Merops, king of Ethiopia. For it was he from whom Phaethon-Sol and Aedon were made to stem. If I'm right, Zeus (i.e. Elamites, sons of Shem) was the main carrier of the Eden cult, explaining why he was from the Avvites (of Opis) = Eva, and why the Atamti, the possible founders of Edom = Adam, were Elamites.

Merops was married to Clymene (Geli-Manes?), an obvious Min/Thoth faction, yet it was Helios -- Merops' father -- who was made to mate with his wife, showing that the Gelae (holy-grailers) were down there in Ethiopia, and that the "Merops" term is to be included among the holy-grail cult. It would appear to be solid that these Merops Ethiopians had much to do with furnishing Merovee, the mythical symbol of the Merovingians.

Indeed, for Helios mixed with Clymene to produce Phaethon = peoples in Eridanus = Rhodanus river = the Redone-Danaans of France. I would suggest that Merops, as he reached the shores of Israel, became Europa. The extension into France then must have gone the way of the Cilician Cati, to Cadmus' Thebes, and from there into the Illyrians that Cadmus is said to have put forth.

I view Merops' granddaughter, Aedon, as the French Auten/Autun (of the Bibractes kingdom). Aedon was given "Itylus" for a son, and while that may be responsible for "Italy," it may also prove to be Attalia in the Pisidian region. Could this be the reason that both modern Italians and French were so interested in Ethiopia? The Heneti-to-Veneti wave that became some Trojan-based Franks might be distinguished from this Ethiopian wave, but I can certify that the Heneti were of mythical Pelops and that he became ruler of Pisa probably for the reason that he depicted a Pisidian peoples.

The Romans viewed their goddess, Opis, as Cronus' wife (Rhea), which may reveal that Cronus nitty-gritty was not Opis (on the Tigris), but close enough for my purposes here. I imagine that Cronus was a Charrian (Hurrian) peoples near and/or in Opis, and that Opis and Rhagae must have been related/twin cities since both were made Cronus' wife (I wrote that sentence the day before I learned of the Coromitrenes, near Rhagae; no pat on the back necessary).

As Rhea gave birth to Poseidon, I would suggest that Rhagae Elamites moved south to found/name Opis, and because Rhea/Opis gave birth to Zeus, I would suggest that they then moved further south from Opis to found/name Susa. This is the very-early Delymite migration to become the Elamites proper. In keeping with my new understanding that Argonauts originated in Uruk, I would also view that city as an extension of Rhagae, and of course I would view Rhagae as an integral part of Uruk's dragon sun-god cult.

Cronus and Rhea were both Titans, suggesting a possible root in the Tats. The two gave birth to Hera and Hades as well, where these were likely the Aras river and the Cadusii, an important realization, as that makes Cadusia the bottom of the well, the mythical Underground. This explains how "chthonia" came to mean "underground," as the Cadusii were also the Cutha. Isn't it perfectly logical now, when we see that Hermes, a Cadusii peoples, was made the courier into Hades?

I've yet to identify their other two children (six in total), Demeter and Hestia, but I would confidently say Tammuz/Dumuzi (of Uruk) and Ishtar (of Eridu). When we see Zeus and Demeter giving birth to Persephone, queen of Hades, I interpret it as Susa and Tammuz (Erech) forming the Parthians that became the Cadusii. Persephone was also commonly "Kore," perhaps the Horites, perhaps the peoples who named the Kura river (north of the Araxes).

I'd bet my hand-made kurgan casket that the mythical Arge was named after the Araxes river and therefore stemmed from Rhagae, this then serving as more evidence that far-north Arge was a Delymite peoples. Indeed, for Opis and Arge were made connected with Delos by mythographers. Opis and Arge should therefore be viewed as a mix of Opis-on-the-Tigris and Rhagae, who, when they got to the Trojan theater, married Cronus i.e. Carrians and gave birth to Poseidon = Pisidians and Zeus-Solymos. This suggests that the Dely term evolved into the Soly term as a result of the far-north migration.

As goes my theory that both Argonauts and Hercules conquered western Atlantis, so I had previously rooted Hercules in the Araxes river (i.e. Hercules and Arge were both from the Araxes). If I'm correct in the Araxes-Arge equation, then Arge of the far north became Ares, the Draco/Thraco. Although Zeus was made to give birth to Ares, Ares is likely to stem more importantly from Hera, Zeus' sister and wife. Hera and Arge are barely distinguish-able here, as much as the Aras term is considered synonymous with "Araxes," but some clarity ensues where one was Aria and Mari/Mary (in Afghanistan) and the other Rhagae (root of the Rukhs). Was there a difference between the Hros and the Rukhs?

From the standpoint of the Greeks, wherein they had Zeus raised as a boy in Crete (i.e. not in Susa), Arge (now as Rhagae/Rhea) mixed with Cronus (= Carians) to give birth to Zeus-Solymos. On the other hand, when Arge's twin, Opis (Cronus' wife in the view of Romans), mixed with Carians, it gave birth to Poseidon/Pisidians. While it is clear to me that Romans stemmed from among Opis and Arge, I've yet to assert which of the two, though I'm sure that Opis became Positano and Pisa on either side of Rome.

The Telchines, assumed by it's "Tel" to be from Delymites, should thereby prove to stem from the Zeus-Solymi line of Arge, which is verified in myth where mythical Telchis was made to stem from Argives. Mythical Car was also a stem from Argives. It's interesting that the city of Telchis was later re-named "Mycone," said to mean "poppy," while Strong's Concordance gives "red poppy" as a meaning of "Rosh." Demeter was known as the poppy goddess, and "'It seems probable that the Great Mother Goddess, who bore the names Rhea and Demeter, brought the poppy with her from her Cretan cult to Eleusis, and it is certain that in the Cretan cult sphere, opium was prepared from poppies' (Kerenyi 1976, p 24)."

"Eros...played an important role in the Eleusinian Mysteries". It isn't a coincidence that Eros (symbol of homosexual-boy sex) was central to that perverted cult, for he was surely an extension (into the Greek theater) of Rosh. Aphrodite (Eros' mother) might certainly be revealed as infant-killing Sepharvites because "Another legend says that [Eros] was the son of Iris and Zephyrus."

There are just too many Rus-like terms associated with Aphrodite to be ignored. She also gave birth to Rhodos and Herophilus, for example. Moreover, the website above continues to say that "Eros was worshiped by the name Erotes (which is the plural of Eros)..." I don't think the term was meant to be a plural of anything, but to indicate Rhodes and/or Eridu. While I think that the root of "Aphrodite" = the Apiru/Avar Hebrews, her "dite" ending may have been used to cleverly indicate her fingering out into Rhodes. As I have traced the bee-line solidly to the Hros peoples, and as Rhodes was known as an island of roses, consider the Rosicrucian symbolism in the following statement: "Eros once failed to notice a bee that was sleeping among the roses...""

The evident picture is Aphrodite as the southern migration that mixed with the northerly Ares migration when the two met in the Trojan theater of extreme north-western Asia Minor. I'm now trying to assess if Aphrodite had to do with the Telchines of Rhodes, since Tolkien made his Teleri elves live among Avari elves, as well as calling one of his two sacred trees, "Tel-Perion." Knowing that Aphrodite evolved into her son, Eros, look at this statement: "Who established among the Thespians the custom of worshipping Eros more that any other god I do not know. He is worshipped equally by the people of Parion on the Hellespont" (brackets mine!).

The following website reveals that the Pari peoples of Parion struck their coins with Gorgon faces on the one side and what may have been the first Rosicrucian crosses on their reverse (one website calls these "cruciform pattern with pellet at center"). For as Rosicrucian crosses came either with a rose on the center, or with four roses encircling the center of the cross, so the Parion coins (pre-Jesus, by the way) show Templar-like crosses with a symbol at the center and sometimes four symbols positioned as per Rosicrucian crosses.

Rosicrucian connection to Eros-worshipping Parion makes sense to me in that I rooted the Rosicrucian rose symbol to Rus of Rhodes. You can see one example of a Parion coin here, but the website has several more (with better Gorgon images).

Parion was in Mysia, what I view as a Gogi/Gorgon realm. Parion was settled by peoples of Paros island, of the Cyclade-island group...that I think was named by Gogi/Gogali. Now I see that they may have been named by the peoples whose god was Gugulana, even as a "Gugu" was the first Lydian king to take over Mysian rule. Remember that "Gogal" means "eagle" and should prove to be the Phoenix.

The inhabitants of Paros were from Knossos (Crete), who might thereby have been Telchines. The head of Apollo is a common feature of Parion coins, suggesting two things, that the Gorgon head often used is Apollo, and that there's Parion affinity with Apollo's Cyclade island, Delos (Delos is known to have been inhabited by Carians and Lydians; Caria was on continental Rhodes, and Lydians to their immediate north).

Paros is just five miles from Naxos island, and today the two are called Paronaxia. As Inachus was made ancestor of both Car and Telchis, that seems to clinch a Naxos connection with Inachus, founder of Argos. But behold that while the Greek city of Telchis was re-named Mycone, the Cyclade island of Myconos was "between Tinos, Siros, Paros and Naxos." In other words, the proximity of Myconos to Paros could suggest that the Cretan inhabitants of Paros were indeed Telchines. The connection is supported further in that Myconos was just a mile from Delos! Therefore, Delos and Telchines were Solymi = Sol = Delphi.

If that's not enough, a Britannica article equates Lydians with Maiones whom some called "Macones." Recall Herodotus' statement, "The Cabeleess, who are Meiones and are called Lasonii..." That tends to clinch a Lydian identity of the Lasonii, and connects all to the Kabala...which is why I suspect that the very term "Mason" is to be tied to these elements.

Since I know that Lydians lead to Leda, see that her husband (Tyndareus) had Gorgophone as his mother and then given the father/grandfather, Perieres, which looks like a Pari-Eros combo.

It is now occurring to me that the "Maione" variation of "Maeone/Meone" might have been Maia, daughter of Atlas, these corresponding to Tolkien's "Maia" characters who were intermarried with Manwe. The Maiones were immediately east of Lydia. In keeping with my old Mysia-Scythian connection (i.e. with Scythians proper), both Maia>Maja and Maione>Macone evoke Magog (Josephus said that Scythians were regarded as Magog).

I would also suggest that the Maiones were the Solymi that moved to mount Maiella in Abruzzo, and there named the city of Sulmo. In keeping with my identifying Abruzzo/Aprutium as Aphrodite and her boar line leading to the Ebroicum Celts that founded the Bruces and York, Paros island was said to have been founded by mythical Paros of Parrhasia (Arcadia), whom some equate with Paris of Troy; I had traced Paris in previous chapters to the very above-mentioned boar line, all the way to York (what about New York?).


Mars and Asklepios are Men in the Bible
Merovingians and American Masons were Amorites.
Amorites are the holy grail Anaki.
Enter the Nephilim.

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