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In a large work, I traced the Biblical dragon to Arphaxadites of that part of Assyria between the two Zab rivers. Arphaxadites were named after Arphaxad, grandafther of Eber, the founder of Hebrews. They lived in the Assyrian city of "Arrapha" or "Arrapachitis," now Kirkuk (Iraq). I traced them to the Harpasus river, a tributary of the Aras river in Armenia, by which time I had concluded that the Aras river was foundational to the Hros Caucasians (probably the Biblical Rosh), and therefore of the modern Russians (Moscow was co-founded by the dragon-depicted Varangian Rus). I identified mythical Ares, Greco-Thracian god of war, with the proto-Rus of the Aras river (but removed to Thrace), and concluded that his mythical dragon (of Thraco = Draco) were the Arphaxidites of the Harpasus/Harpasou river (but removed to the Harpasus river of the Lydo-Lycian realm).

It is imperative that we do not confuse ancient Hebrews with Israelites, for Israel was merely one of many Hebrew tribes, most of which were pagan, and in more-recent times Kabalistic (= very Satanic, the very essence of the dragon cult). The situation turned to mud as Kabalistic Hebrews, who I traced back to the Great Mother goddess (= Ishtar) in Phrygia, at that place called "Kybele/Cybele" in honor of the Cabelees people, mixed with the Jews of Europe. There was moreover the mix of non-Israelite Hebrews in Assyria with the ten Israeli tribes banished in the 8th century BC to Assyria, but what became of that mix I do not yet have a clue. I was able to trace the Cabelees peoples into Europe, whose fellow Lasonii tribe I assumed were the Lydians, and whose fellow Solymi tribe I came to view as non-Israelite Jerusalemites...the basis of modern Zionism. I identified these non-Israelite Jerusalemites as the Babylonian Amorites who had been the carriers of the Ishtar cult. Even though Genesis 10 lumps Amorites among Canaanites, the fact is Amorites of Babylon were Semites (i.e. who moved to Canaan and became Canaanized over time).

Chaldea, a Babylonian region, was named by pagan Hebrews (i.e. Ishtar worshipers) of Babylon. Chaldeans lived on the Euphrates and Habur rivers, and I suspect that these Hebrews created myth-code, Aphrodite, in honour of the Euphrates. In the Lydian theater, Aphrodite was made the wife of mythical Hephaestus, the leader of a Kabeiri cult that I identify as the Chaldean Hebrews. It can be deduced that Aphrodite was also mythical Cabeiro (the terms are similar) because she too was made (by the myth writer(s)) the wife of Hephaestus. I reasoned that the two peoples lived on the Hebros river just onshore of Hephaestus' sacred island, Lemnos. It just so happens that the Kabeiri were a secret-society cult of perversions linked to Kybele, showing that the Ishtar cult of Hebro-Amorite Chaldea evolved into the Cabelees of the Lydian theater.

The Hebrew-Rus alliance that I discovered in several ways was confirmed by Greek myth wherein Aphrodite was said to hate her husband (Hephaestus) so as to have an affair with Ares, simply meaning that the Hebrews of Lydia/Phrygia depicted by Aphrodite/Cabeiro formed a marital alliance with the carriers (= Hros) of the Ares cult. Ares and Aphrodite were made to give birth to myth code, Eros (i.e. an even better match with "Hros"), a perverted Greek cult of boy-sex eroticism. This alliance is important here because it is the root of the Revelation dragon i.e. end-time Gog.

It became my belief that the non-Israelite Hebrews of the dragon cult of Ishtar (in Sumaria, she was called "great mother of the heavenly dragon") had merged with the Hros before reaching the Lydian theater: in the Aras river region of Caucasia. Again, the namers of the Aras tributary, the Harpasus, are in my opinion the Arphaxadite "Hebrews," but one can then assume Hebrew tribes (from Eber and his sons) among Arphaxadites. I was able to trace "Joktan," son of Eber (Genesis 10:25), to "Occitania", where the Ebro river (!!) was named (its mouth is in north-east Spain). I was also able to trace the Satanic cult of Sepharvites to Joktanites, and especially to his son, Hadoram (reflecting Adram, god of Sepharvites), this more than likely explaining why "Jews" of Spain are to this day called "Sephardics."

I am not making this up; in Genesis 10:30, Joktanites are revealed living at Sephar, and more than likely, Sepharvites named Subartu, a region of proto-Assyria. I traced "Subartu" to "Sparta," but is it a coincidence where "Sparti" were made (by Greek myth) the offspring of the Ares dragon? In other words, Joktanites together with Arphaxadites made up the Ares dragon cult, which is to say they founded the nation of Thraco. As for Eber's son, Peleg, many think that his people named the Pelasgians of the most-ancient Greek theater. I traced Pelasgians to a region south of Rome called Volscia. Latins lived south of Rome so that a Pelasgian link to Lydians is assumed.

I came to realize that Diklan, a son of Joktan, was named after the Tigris river, or vice evrsa. Here's the evidence: "...Hid-Dekhel, 'the river with the high bank,' is another name for the Tigris, which in inscriptions is called Idikla or Idikna..."!! Compare "Idikla" with "Diklan." I'm convinced, wherefore I ignore the given definition above for "Hid-Dekhel" (all sorts of competing definition/derivations are advanced for ancient terms, and only one can be correct). "Hid-Dekhel" means "river of Dekhel."

Historians speak often of an evolution of certain Babylonians into Assyrians proper, but what they don't mention much is the Hebrew nature of those Babylonians. Interestingly, Greek myth also had a Babylonian character, Cleinus, who was made the father of Harpasus, which in my mind is a clue that the myth writer believed the Arphaxadites to be from whatever Babylonian entity was depicted by "Cleinus."

All this is to say that I expect a Hebrew Russian to act as end-time Gog, the Assyrian. Consider also that the anti-Christ is revealed in Daniel 11 as an end-time Seleucid, and that king Seleucid I formed a capital city in Syria, called Antioch. The point is, I did not think it was a coincidence when I learned that Antioch had previously been Harbiye, a term reflecting the Arphaxadites. By that time, I had traced the Harpasus Arphaxadites to mount Gareb some two miles from Jerusalem, and unbelievably enough I was able to trace Garebites to Serbs and Croats (the latter are "Krevats"), to Rollo the Viking, and to Templar Zionism, explaining why Templars sought to conquer Jerusalem starting in 1099 AD.

Before discovering dragon roots in Arphaxadites, and even before touching the Arphaxad topic at all, I had traced the Biblical dragon back to the Yervand dynasty of Armenians, which was the "Orontes" dynasty to the Greeks. This link to the Yervands was before I discovered Harbiye on the Orontes river! That exclamation mark is due to a 'v' and a 'b' being interchangeable so that "Yerv" and "Harb," not to mention "Gareb," are essentially identical. I was stunned to find that Jerevan, capital of Armenia, and obviously named after the Yervand dynasty, is either on, or very nearby, the Harpasus river! Compare "Jerevan" with "Gareb." As a province called Gogarene/Gugar was in Armenia, just off the Aras river, this land was Ezekiel's ground zero for his Gog, Rosh, and Meshech (latter also "Mushki"). I was able to confirm that the Mushki named Mysia, the region beside Lydia and related to it by blood.

Mysia was central to the dragon cult of Aphrodite and Hephaestus. It was loaded with Amazons, which I discovered were the Meshech themselves. Herodotus (the ancient historian) had said that Amazons near Caucasia merged with Gargarians, and by the latter I take he meant the Georgians of Caucasia...though I trace them to serpent-depicted Gorgons. On the debate as to whether Mysia was named after the Meshech, I came down on the affirmative side. Lemnos was filled with Amazons, and they founded cities such as Smyrna and Ephesus.

There developed a question as to whether Amazons were behind Tammuz, dragon-god husband of Ishtar, for I found an article claiming that Amazons of north Africa were "Tamazons" in the feminine. In other words, the Tammuz ("Dumuzi" to Babylonians) cult may have been founded by the Meshech, and later Amazons developed from that term. That the Ishtar cult was found in the Mysian theater argues for an Amazon-Tammuz equation. In fact, "Tammuz" may have modified to Samos, an island in that theater, not to mention Samothrace, the island where the Kabeiri cult was founded (by a proto-Trojan peoples encoded as "Dardanus").

I had also traced the Biblical dragon to the mythical Greek dragon called, Ladon, and, in Greece, Ladon was made the father of the goddess, Daphne. Is it a coincidence that the locality of Harbiye was also called "Daphne/Daphnis," named after the goddess??? I won't explain it here, but will say that, after they merged, Daphne and Apollo were nearly identical cults representing nearly the same Lydian peoples (Apollo's mother was made, Leto), and that the Apollo cult of Hyperborenas (= "far-northerners") merged majorly with Arphaxadites, the Greek symbol of which was made the harp/lyre (i.e. Apollo's symbol). The Leto-Apollo cult was emphasized above all by the first Roman caesars, and Revelation 9 even includes the Apollo cult in the fifth trumpet.

It was amazing to so find that Romans were founded in part by Arphaxadites, and to prove it, I found that the wolf symbol that was foundational to Roman origins belonged to the Hirpini (= "wolf people") to the south of Rome. I traced the Hirpini back to Arpi, a city in eastern Italy, and concluded that both terms were in honor of Arphaxad elements from Gareb, Harbiye, and/or Arvad/Arpad, offshore of Tartus, a possible origin of the Dardanus Kabeiri.

It boggles my mind that I had identified Apollo most-specifically as the Dacians, originating as the Daghestani peoples i.e. the "Dahae" (meaning "dog"). It therefore makes sense that Apollo, his sister Artemis, and his mother Leto, were all depicted with the wolf symbol. The part that boggles my mind is that Dacians are known to have been a tribe of Getae Thracians, while they in turn are traced by me and some others to the ancient Guti (of Iran). This is important because the Assyrian city of the Arphaxadites became the capital of the Guti, thus exposing that the Apollo cult was indeed carried by Arphaxadites, and that the Apollo cult was central to the Hirpini. Since the Hirpini lived in Abellino, I traced "Apollo" to that term, and then forward in time to witchy Avalon of the Arthurian cult (which I identified as the island of Rothesay, now Bute). Amazingly, French Avallon (in Burgundy, near Autun) was a location of the Nebelungs. This Avallon (Celtic = "Aballo") was on the outskirts of Champagne, while Abellino in Italy is in Campania. Coincidence? Nope.

I then found that the Daghestani originated on the east side of the Caspian sea (Daghestan is on the west side), where were found the Massagetae scythians. It would seem that these were the Getae living next to the Apollo wolf peoples, and that the mix stemmed from Arphaxadites living in the Guti capital.

There was at the southern tip of the Caspian sea a place called Wolf Land, or Verkana/Hyrcania, now Gorgan. Therefore, Gorgons/Georgians were a wolf-line peoples, and Apollo belonged to a Gorgon people. This finding urges me to equate Apollo (as some others do) with Aplu Enlil, for he was the god, Nergal, spouse of mythical Laz. In other words, Nergal seems to have become a Georgian god when he mixed with the Laz. As it's known that Nergal was a god of Cutha (in Babylon), it would appear that he was the god of the Guti.

A Nergal-Apollo equation fits Revelation's fifth trumpet very well, for Nergal was a dark god of the abyss and of fire, matching the Apollyon of the Revelation text in which he is the chief demon of the abyss, out of which comes the smoke of a huge furnace. Enlil is important because he was an Amorite god of the same vein as Ishtar: i.e. both were of Dilmun, modern Bahrain.

In the sea off of Syria, near Arvad/Arpad, there was a seven-headed dragon called, Lotan, that I equated with the Greek Ladon (there wasn't such a dragon, of course, except that it depicted a certain peoples, who I claim were Taphians of mount Saphon...yes, the peoples who carried the Daphne cult). I traced this dragon to the Lydians and then the Latins, and then realized that they ultimately go back to the Laz Caucasians, though this was before I learned that, to the Italians, the province of Latinus is "Lazio"!! I found that Laz Caucasians were not far from the Harpasus river, and they were an evolution of the Satanic Georgian peoples once called, Colchians.

I was able to decipher myth codes to the point of discovering that Ladon depicted Avars (a Hebrew peoples rooted in Caucasia, possibly the same as Kabars) that had migrated to the Tyre region, and figured without much doubt that they were the Sidonians who named Laish near mount Sion, the location of a principal Hermes cult (for mount Sion was also mount Herman, named after Hermes). I was stunned when I first encountered the possibility that modern Zionism (and especially the Templar-related Priory of Sion) is based on that pagan Sion cult, not on Israelite Jerusalem (which city is also called "Zion"). I wondered whether "Sion" was a corruption of "Sidon," which theory was supported where the Swiss city of Sion is also "Sitten." In fact, I traced Sion of Pheonicia to the Adonis cult of Phoenicia (which is known to have been the Tammuz cult), then to the Sithone-branch Edones (originally settled on the Hebros river of Thrace with the Odrysians of Arda, explaining why mount Sion was also called, Ardos), then to Swiss Sion, and finally to the Odin cult of (matrilinear) Sitones which settled Gotland.

The extra-Biblical (and phony) Book of Enoch says that "the wicked angels descended on the summit of the mountain and named it Hermon (170:372):"

"And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them [handsome and beautiful daughters] and desired them...And they were altogether two hundred; and they descended into Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon. And they called the mount Armon, for they swore and bound one another by a curse.' 251:15 [I Enoch VI.6, vs.1-5]"

None of this happened, of course, but as we can see, the picture parallels the Biblical Nephilim. It simply means that the Nephilim cult was at mount Hermon, and that the writer of the book of Enoch (not Enoch himself, of course) was probably of that cult.

It seems likely that the other co-founders of Moscow, the Slav Rus, were of the Ares-worshipping Thracians. I traced Slavs/Slabs to the Halybes (also "Chalybes"), and linked them to Halab (= Aleppo) of Syria. The Halybes were nearly one people with the Khaldi, which I equate with the (Hebrew/Semite) Chaldeans. I pegged these peoples as the proto-Celts. I then traced Halybes to Calabria of southern Italy, and to make a long story short, found that Halybes were foundational to the Satanic holy grail that later came to be confused (deliberately) with the holy grail of Jesus and his bloodline leading back to king David of Israel. I traced the holy-grail cult of king-Arthur mythology back to the Halybes of Calabria, after discovering that the Excalibur sword was code for Calabria and its mount Alburnus. I was adamant about this when I learned that a variation of "Excalibur" was "Caliburnus," a match with "Alburnus." Out of this finding came the keys to unlock the dragon cult into modern times and into Britain and America (Arthur's father was made PenDragon).

I considered whether "Arab" was not a version of "Arphaxad" and/or "Arpad," and am seeking evidence for it. I also thought that "Moslem" was created as per an inhabitant/founder of Mosul. This makes sense because Mosul and the city of Arphaxad (modern Kirkuk) were near to one another. In mythology, Arabs stemmed from the serpent god, Hermes, and his name I identify as code for "Armenia." In fact, the daughter of Ares, which I view as yet another code for the dragon of Ares, was encoded, "Harmonia," yet another reflection of "Armenia." Possibly, Armenians were named after Arameans, and peoples of pre-Syria were in fact Arameans.

I was able to trace Hermes, because his symbol was the serpent-entwined caduceus rod, to the Cadusii Armenians. That's when I was able to peg the Colchian city of Kutaisi as a Hermes-Armenian stronghold. It just so happens that this Colchian city was the location of the mythical golden-fleece symbol, that was protected by the Ares dragon!! Moreover, the Laz Caucasians were an evolution of the golden-fleece Colchians. One finds it difficult to distinguish between the Laz and Bat Caucasians (e.g. of Batumi), and I'll add here that these peoples may have become the Ba'athists of Syria and Iraq. I also wonder whether Iraq was named after the Aras river, for it's variation is "Arak/Araxes."

I was able to deduce that the Cadusii Armenians evolved into mythical Cotys, son of the god, Manes, but by that point I had already pegged Manes as Mannae (probably the Biblical Minni), an ancient branch of Armenians. Is it a coincidence that Cotys was made to give birth to the sun god, Attis, who was not only the mythical son and husband of Kybele, but also the father of Lydus, the symbol of Lydia? My reasoning leads me to believe that Attis was none other than mythical Aeetes, king of Colchis of golden-fleece myth, but also co-founder of Corinth, wherein he placed the Hermes bloodline as ruler while he moved to Kutaisi (= the mythical Aea). Understand, neither Attis nor Aeetes were historical characters, but were terms created by myth writers to depict certain peoples: the Cadusii Armenians. Terms beginning with a capital C/K often lost it so as to begin with a vowel that the Cadusii look as though they founded the Hatti city of Hattusa, on the Halys river where also the Halybes/Khaldi lived. In this pictufre, Attis (sometimes Atti) certainly looks like a Hatti people.

From these considerations, I ought to predict an end-time Rus-Hebrew Gog that is zealous for Cauco-Armenia as his ancient homeland, though not necessarily born there.

In the course of this work, I understood that Babylon the Great Mother of Abominations, which rides the dragon, was none other than the same Lydian bloodline, but more in particular the Great Mother goddess, Kybele, and her Kabeiri cult of transvestites and other homosexuals. The fact that Revelation 17 shows Babylon the Great to be sitting in the city of Rome reveals her evolution from Babylon to Rome, and the Kybele cult fits this picture perfectly, for she had been Ishtar of Babylon while, as a Lydian entity, she was evolving into the Latins...who were foundational to the Romans.

Attis was given another son besides Lydus, and this one was Tyrrhenus, the symbol of the Tyrrhenians, known to be the Etruscans by another name. This serves as evidence that Etruscans stemmed from the Lydian family of peoples. Historians credit Etruscans with the founding of Rome, serving as good evidence that Latins were in fact Lydians. In about 700 BC, a king of Lydia was named Gugu/Gyges, though it is difficult to deduce whether he was myth code or an historical character. In any case, some ancient writers pegged Gugu as Ezekiel's Gogi peoples, suggesting that the Gogi had become meshed with Lydians somehow, and of course I see that alliance taking place in Caucasia between the Gogi of Gogarene and the Laz Georgians (Colchis and Georgia shared the same geography).

Interestingly, a Kartli peoples formed the hub of Georgians, and they are today known as the Kurds. One can make a Kartli link with Gargarians because "gar" is Semetic for "wheel" so that "gargar" out to mean a two-wheeled vehicle. The Kartli can then be identified as named after the two-wheeled cart, for they were also "Kartvelians," which is quite apparently "cart wheel"...the Aryan (= Indo-European) version of "Gargarian." This is some evidence that Georgians were from Gargarians, and that they developed into modern Kurds. The question is, could it be possible for Kurds of northern Iraq to join with their enemies, the Sunni Insurgents of Mosul, to usher in the Gogi anti-Christ? This question haunts me from time to time just because Kurds live in Mosul. I tend to think not, but then again.

The symbol of Georgia today is a gold lion (not to mention the Templar flag of Jerusalem), suggesting that Nergal, the mythical spouse of Laz, depicted Georgians of some kind. Templars also used a gold lion on blue, or a blue lion on gold. These are the colors of modern Jerusalem...meaning that modern Zionism is not of ancient Israelites, but of the Hebrew dragon cult (not at all meaning that there are no Israelites-by-blood in Israel today). It's possible that Gargarians had been the namers of Kirkuk because it was anciently "Kurkura." If true, then the Arphaxadites of that city must have contributed, or have been central, to the Nergal cult in Georgia. This cult had a center in Cutha of Babylon, and Cutha(h) happens to have been a center of Kabalistic Hebrews. (Ignore Wikipedia's pot-luck attempts at defining ancient terms, as for example it defines Kirkuk's other name, Arraphka, as just plain "city." You understand that many writers in the world have an adversity to advancing Biblical characters/themes).

The father of Gugu was made Dascylus, depicting a Mysian city by the same name. I at once realized that whatever Dascylus was named after had also evolved into "Tuscany," the Italian region where Etruscans lived. Yet it was only much later that I came to learn of a region smack between Tuscany and Latinus called, Tusculum/Tuscolo, an essential match with "Dascylus." This again serves as evidence that the Lydian dragon cult led to the Latins, but moreover includes a Gogi element in the Roman dragon cult. Otherwise, Romans and Etruscans were a Hebrew-Rus peoples. The Tiber river at Rome can be traced to the Tiberians of Caucasia, and it's known that Tubal (also of Caucasia) made up some of the Roman background. Greek myth made mythical Circe (daughter of Helios) the mother of both Latins and Etruscans, and it so happens that Caucasia is also "Circasia."

What's amazing is that I had identified the golden-fleece bloodline, through a golden-lamb symbol, as that of mythical Pelops, son of Tantalus, and it so happens that Dascylus was made a son of Tantalus (Lydian king of the Heneti/Eneti of Paphlagonia, who became the Veneti of north Italy...and later the Franks, Vandals, and Freemasonic/Illuminati founders of the United States). In fact, the myth included two golden lambs, which so evoked the False Prophet's "two horns like a lamb" that I began to think the False Prophet would be a carrier of the Heneti cult. The Heneti are central to Illuminati cults, though I can't begin to explain this here. I had traced them back to Anat, wife of Baal, and so I figured that Pelops was a symbol of Baal as the god evolved into the Celtic "Bel." Amazingly, the mountain of Baal, mount Saphon, which evokes Daphne, was also called Okreb, and for this reason I suspect that Croats (= Krevats) were from that mountain...which was named by Garebites.

Sorbs, which arrived to the Croatia region (as Serbs) from Lusatia, appear named as a soft-C version of "Gareb." I have noted that Lusatia was named after the Laz Caucasians, for the place is "Luzika" to the Sorbs. I had also traced Lusatian elements to the "Laus Deo" written atop of the Washington Monument, and so it's interesting that to the Germans, Lusatia is "Lausitz." I suspect that these were the Lasonii, and I was able to trace them forward quite confidently to the Leslie surname, which surname uses a green dragon as symbol. The Caucasian land of the Laz (Lazica or Lazona) has a place called Sarpi, a term reflecting "serp(ent)." Hmm.

I was also able to tie the Scottish migration of Polish/Lusatian Leslies to the migration of Hungarian Drummonds to Britain, and finally realized, to my own amazement, that "Drummond" (and Drymen, Scottish city of the Drummonds) was likely named after Adram, dark god of Sepharvites. I had for quite some time suspected that the Drummond bankers of England, out of which came the pre-tribulation rapture theory, were connected to the Hungarian Illuminati (the early Hungarians used the Bavarian symbol called "Franconian Rake"), and finally came to trace the Drummond side of royal Hungarian blood to Hebrew Khazars/Kabars of Biharia, Transylvania. Amazingly, I found that the flag of Bahrain (= ancient Dilmun) also uses what looks like the Franconian Rake). See also the flag of Hungarian king Stephen.

Amazingly, Scottish Leslies lived in Aberdeen, what evokes Kabardino, the Caucasian homeland of Kabars. I also found that Scottish Rosicrucians (of Roslin, in Lothian) are most-likely wrapped up in the Biggar surname of Flemings, which surname reflects Biharia very well. Flemings were foundational to the Templars, and Godfrey de Bouillon, first Templar ruler of Jerusalem, was from Flemmish background. It is thought that the bloodline of Godfrey founded the Priory of Sion, and it is moreover claimed that he is from the bloodline of Jesus Christ, which of course is a fable. I was able to trace Godfrey back to an important peoples called Nebelungs.

There is so much more to this sinister story that it boggles the mind just to reflect upon it. By no manipulation of my own, it began to be apparent that Rothschilds also traced to the Transylvanian Kabars. I then realized that the Rhea Silvia code that was, along with the wolf-people Hirpini, foundational to the Romans, was from (Tran)Sylvania elements, explaining why Transylvania was later re-named, Romania, as it is to this day. Apparently, Slav Rus were named after "Sylvania," but if correct to identify "Slav/Slab" as a soft-C version of Chalybes/Halybes of Heneti regions, I should mention that I tied the latter to the Kybele cult, explaining why the Roman code was Rhea Silvia, for Kybele had previously been Rhea, mother of Zeus. He was also "Dion," and this term easily modifies to "Sion/Zion."

I happened to trace the Heneti forward to a group of Germanic peoples, the Nebelungs, and upon investigating them found that they likely stemmed from a hill named after themselves, not far, or even beside, mount Gareb of Jerusalem environs. It floored me to find that Nebelungs were closely associated with German Babenburgs, for the latter were of Grabfeld, also Grabfeld!! It was after that finding that I also found evidence of Nebelungs at Jereusalem.

I first entertained that Nebelungs named modern Nabulus/Nablus, 30 miles north of Jerusalem, but then came to realize that ancient Nob (two miles north of Old Jerusalem) was their main city in pre-Israeli times, for in a Biblical list of Benjamite cities (Nehemiah 11:34), Nob was included near Neballat! In Isaiah 10, Nob is the city where "the Assyrian" anti-Christ will make his headquaters in the future, after he stems forth from Mosul. Just before the 42-month tribulation, he will "shake his fist" at Jerusalemites held up behind the walls of Old Jerusalem. Immediately beside mount Gareb there was a hill called Nephtoah that may have belonged to Nebelungs, but in any case keep the "Neph" root of that term in mind as I bring mythical Nephel into the picture, the alternative wife of Zeus.

Zeus had only one official wife, Hera, which I link to Jerevan, and therefore to Gareb, but also to the "Jeru(salem)" term. There was amid the Lasonii a Solymi peoples, and their god was Zeus-Solymi. In Greek, "Jerusalem" is "Hierosolyma," what could be construed as Hera-Solymi, and therefore a Hera-Zeus, combination. If that doesn't crack your mind in half at once, to trace Zeus and Hera to pre-Israeli Jerusalemites, I don't know what will.

When the details of this story are explained, it will frighten the jeebers out of you. In fact, Hera's daughter with Zeus, Hebe, may have depicted either the Amorite Hebrews of Jerusalem, or the Jebusites, or both. Now Apollo, being the son of Zeus, is suspect as a peoples in Jerusalem, and so is it a coincidence that beside the Zion district of Jerusalem there was a place named, Ophel? Then read the following that ties Apollo to the Solymi: "After her travail, Leto bathed in the river Cenchrius. Yet, this river is near Ephesus in Asia Minor, traversing a grove with many cypresses called Ortygia, and some affirm that here, and not in Delos, is the olive tree and the place where Leto gave birth [to Apollo]. Above the grove lies Mount Solmissus."

Ephesus was in the Lydian theater, thus supporting a Leto = Lydia equation. And since Lydians were the Ladon dragon that was placed by the Arthurian cult in Avalon, it jibes with an Avalon = Apollo equation. The question then arises: was the Arthurian cult, and its holy grail symbol, from Ophel??? This would seem to contradict my assertion that Apollo originated from Hyperboreans of far-north Russia, but then again the webpage above tells the Leto could not give birth until a certain Hyperborean entity came to be her midwife, which seems to me a symbolic way of indicating the centrality of Hyperboreans in the birth of Apollo. Perhaps there were two branches of Apollo, and perhaps this explains his twin sister (Artemis).

Ophel was the southern tip of what is thought by some to be the location of mount Moriah (though some say this mountain was Zion), a mountain apparently named after Amorites. Solomon built the Israeli temple on this mountain. It is no secret that the locations of pre-Israel, named by non-Israelites, continued in use after Israel took the land over. There is no historical indication that "Zion" was originally a term of the Israelites, or of YHWH, and it certainly does seem reasonable to link to the namers of mount Sion in Phoenicia.

As I'm linking Zeus with Sihon of the Amorites, and since I had independently traced Hephaestus to at least the same region as the Sihon Amorites, is it a coincidence that I previously identified "Hephaestus" as code for "Ephesus"? In myth, Hephaestus was made the son of Zeus. If I'm correct in identifying Hephaestus as the Jebusites, I would then trace Jebusites to the Ephesians. In fact, compare "Ephesus" with "Jebus." Also, compare "Heph" with "Hebe (= daughter of Zeus and Hera). Since Hebe was made married to Hercules, we can further trace Jebusites to an alliance with the Argives/Danaans that Hercules depicted.

I identify the Hercules cult, who was symbolized as the "Lydian lion," as the Nergal cult, which makes total sense where Nergal's mythical spouse, Laz, was a depiction of the peoples who became the Lydians. In other words, we expect Nergal to be among the Lydians, though he's hard to find under that term, but it turns out that he was the Hercules (Etruscan: "Hercle") cult. This now reveals that the Nergal cult, like Hercules, was a homosexual one. In short, Hercules depicted the Galli homosexuals that were central to the Kabeiri cult of Hephaestus (perhaps explaining why Hercules' important son was, "Hyllus"). It is no secret that the Hercules cult ventuerd to far-west Europe, this supporting my belief that the Galli were the makings of the Gauls (also called "Gali/Galli" by ancient Europeans).

What's intriguing is that I had independently traced the Galli to the "Gilead" term while it seems possible that Jebusites were linked to, or named after, the location of Jabesh Gilead. Note that "Gilead" is very likely a version of "Khaldi/Chaldee," terms that I peg as the proto-Celts. This easily explains why, to this day, Gauls and Celts are often equated, or nearly so. I would therefore seek Jebusites among the Gauls and Celts. I have found them in the Arthurian cult as close relatives of the Brits and Mercians, but the story is too long for this chapter. Suffice it to say that Hephaestus' wife, Aphrodite, evolved into Aprutium of Epirus, then Abruzzo of Italy and the Bruttii of Calabria, and finally the Brits. Ares, special mate of Aphrodite, evolved into Mars of Italy, and the (satanic) Marsi people of Abruzzo, then the founders of Marseille/Marsala, and finally the Mercians.

The trick for finding the Jebusites in this picture is to trace Hephaestus, who was Vulcan to the Italians and therefore moved to the Sicily theater. It becomes easier when it's realized that Hephaestus and Dionysus were practically one (both were made lame from birth, and both were on Lemnos and at Arda of Odrysia), so that Jebusites trace to the Druids, the Atrebates, and the Meons of Hampshire, but not before contributing to the Etruscans. Again, I can't explain the details here.

There is evidence that the Apollo-line Lydians became the Spartans under myth codes, Leda and her twin sons, Caster and Pollux. Just compare those terms with Leto, her sister, Asteria, and Apollo. As evidence that Leto, like Leda, was related to Caster, see this statement: "...the birds at the mouth of the Cayster [river] near Ephesus..." Leto was later made to heal mythical Aeneas, founder of the Romans, a point that once again tends to link Lydians to Latins. Both Hephaestus and Hercules were honored by Romans and Etruscans, exposing Jebusite evolution into the Roman make-up.

I traced the Leda Spartans to Savona Ligurians depicted by mythical Sthenelus (king of Liguria), and then to the Sitones (who lived beside the Sviones of Gotland); this was the Odin cult. The Savona Ligurians were traced back to the Lycurgas Edones, whose Sithone tribe was obviously the root of the Gotland Sitones...likely the namers of the Swiss city, Sitten, alternatively "Sion." How many Templar researchers know this? That is, this was cutting-edge discovery on Templar roots. My hunch was that the Sithone Edones were from the Adonis cult of Sidon, and that the Mygdone Edones were from Megiddo.

I had traced Edones back to Odrysians because a mythical "Dryas" (which I identify as the proto-Druids) was made the father of Lycurgus (I found Druids traced to the Odrysian region by others besides myself). Spartans entered Italy also via the Sabini (of Abruzzo realms), which I traced without doubts to the Seubi Swedes/Germanics.

My feelings are either that I'm wrong to trace the Zeus-Hera cult to Jerusalem, or, if I'm correct, that the God of Israel took Satan's seat of power as the place that He would call his own. That is, He called Abraham out from the dragon cult of Babylon, and set his descendants up over Satan's throne in pre-Israel. After Moses, he brought Israelites up against the Amorites, and partially defeated them, leaving Jerusalem's Amorites for last, to be conquered later by king David, the Branch. Notice that David called his son (Solomon) after Salem.

It's possible that Israelites and Jebusites of Jerusalem mixed after David moved into its Zion/Ophel neighborhood, and then the mix went out as various peoples more-recently claiming to be from the blood of king David, though they might honor their Jebusite side more than their Israeli side. Perhaps this is what Templar, Freemasonic, and Rothschild Zionism has been, the Jebusite-Israelite mix. Note that Rosicrucians honor Hermes and the Kabala, suggesting that they honor the Satanic side rather than YHWH. Templars worshiped a goat god, which points to the goat-man, Pan (son of Hermes), after which Panias was named, a city at the foot of mount Sion. Laish (my choice as the root of the Lasonii/Lydians) was a city smack beside Panias.

I was able to trace the Zeus cult back to Elamite/Delymite elements mixed with the Hebro-Amorite king, Shamshi-Adad, who lived on the Habur river, Babylon, but conquered Assyria, thus spreading the Ishtar cult to Assyria (and later Syria). Ishtar, it is well known, was herself rooted in Dilmun/Telmun, a term reflecting the Delymites (= Elamites) quite well. I traced Delymites (of Armenia, near Cadusia) forward to the Solymi, you see, for the terms are nearly identical. It was the Zeus cult in Assyria, as per the Taurus symbol of the Turrukku/Turrukkaens of Assyria, that brought Ishtar to Phoenicia and Jerusalem. Understand. The Taurus symbol was associated with Tyrus (= Tyre), for it was Zeus in the form of a Taurus/bull that took the Tyrian princess, Europa, away to form Europeans. Thus, Tyrians are related to the Turrukku. Compare "Tyrrh(eni)" with "Turrukku."

I came to theorize that the Nobel surname was of the Nebelung cult, and found good evidence for linking Nebelungs to the "Jewish" Illuminati (otherwise the "Bavarian Illuminati"). Then I found a large white rose as the symbol of the Dutch Nobel Coat, and due to my trace of the rose symbol to Rosy-Cross (= Rosicrucian) Illuminatists, I concluded that Nebelungs were somehow a part of Rosicrucianism (which itself I had long-before traced to the Rus and the Hros). This should explain why winners of Nobel prizes are disproportionately "Jewish." It is no big secret, by the way, that Rosicrucians undergirded the Bavarian Illuminati, or that Thomas Jefferson and others in his circle favored the Bavarian Illuminati.

Years before discovering the Nebelungs, which was very recently, not more than six months ago, I had traced the earliest parts of the Babylonian dragon cult to a Sumerian alliance with Aryan "Nephilim" of Iran, who I identifed as the Aryan side of the proto-Zeus cult, explaining why Nephele was made his alternative wife...which then shows that the Nephilim were in the Greek theater. These were not of course the Biblical Nephilim living before the Flood. That is, the post-Flood Nephilim merely took on the name of the pre-Flood cult, claiming to be a giant people as were the pre-Flood Nephilim, but also taking on their Satanic stripes. It made sense to suspected that they were identified (by myth writers) as mythical Nephel, for she was the mother Phrixus, the rider of the golden fleece to Colchis!!

Nephel was also made mother of the Centaurs, and these I uncoded as the Heneti (also "Cheneti/Genetes"). The Centaurs of the Kendron region of Greece, because it was also "Kedron," I traced back to the Kedron/Kidron valley of Jerusalem, sacred to the darkest forms of ancient paganism. The Kendron region was beside the Ladon river (!) i.e. after which the Greek Ladon dragon was named. The Taphian pirates to the immediate north of the Ladon river were obviously the peoples who carried the Daphne/Saphon cult to Greece.

My task now is to find whether Obama links to the Rosicrucian and/or Nebelung Illuminati cult, though the odds seem much against it in that the cult is of Aryan stripes. However, it is remarkable that Nebelungs had also been traced, by me, to the Nefertiti cult of Upper Egypt, smack next to Ethiopia. Nefertiti represented the Aten/Atun cult of Egypt that I trace forward to Autun, France, smack next to Nevers!! I freaked, I hope you don't mind me saying, for I had long-before traced Autun, and Merovingian Franks, back to Meropian Ethiopia (of mythical Merops), and to then find the Nevers region smack beside Autun while that term reflects "Nefer(titi)" so precisely was possibly the biggest strike I had ever made. It verified a trace of one side of the Franks to Ethiopia, though the region was technically Punt. Joktanites are known to have lived in Yemenite Punt, where we find Aden to this day. Hadoram, son of Joktan, had a city named after himself in ancient Yemen, as did other sons of Joktan. It should also be said that Aten was a monotheistic religion, and therefore smacks of having a Hebrew founder.

When I learned that, amciently, a 'N' could be alternated with an 'H', it lead me to discover that Nergal (mythical spouse of Laz), was Hercules to the Greeks. In Greek myth, Hercules married Hebe, suggesting that Hercules was himself a Hebrew peoples, and in fact I traced him independently to Hebro-Amorites living to the west of Jerusalem, probably as far as Hebron. The point now is that, while seeking Nebelung roots in Jerusalem, I stumbled over the roots of Hephaestus in the Amorites to the east of the Jordan river, and the conclusion made was that Hephaestus Amorites and Nebelungs had become one peoples, so that "Heph" and "Neph" are likely the same term! Here's what I wrote at that time after telling the reader that Memphis (in Egypt) had erected a temple to Hephaestus, meaning that Amorites that he depicted were in Memphis:

"It's perhaps related that Memphis (Egypt) was also Noph. The first Biblical mention of Noph is by Isaiah (8th century BC). Strong's Concordance, on the topic of Nophah, which it also says was "Nobah," locates it in Sihon (a very Sion-like term), in Trachonitus, east of the Jordan. A Zondervan map locates Nobah about 50 miles due east of Jabesh-Gilead. The only mention of "Sihon" in the Bible is an Amorite king. Plus, Jebusites are here traced (tentatively) to east of the Jordan, to Jabesh-Gilead. Remember, David conquered the Jebusites at Zion, indicating that Zion was a Jebusite city, and Jebusites are suspect as a branch of Amorites. It starts to appear as though Zion is rooted in the Amorite king Sihon, and the region of Sihon after which he was named; he lived in the city of Heshbon (Numbers 21:26), near mount Nebo!"

The Nubians come to mind. Isn't Kenya nearby, and isn't Obama's father from Kenya?

Amazingly, I had long-before traced the frog symbol of the Franks to Phrygia, but also to the frog goddess of Colchis: Keket/Hecate. The latter was also in Egypt, for a Keket there was the wife of the Nile god, Khnum. Upon investigating Khnum, I was able to trace him to similar terms (e.g. Polyxenus) of the Egypto-Greek theater, and myth writers writing on the founding of Marsala (south France, at mouth of the Rhone river) gave it away to me that the Khnum frog cult had gone there, specifically to Lacydon. For the writers used "Gyptis" as code for a princess of Lacydon, which was made married to "Euxenos. Previously, I had traced the Helios cult of Rhodes (which I pegged as the root of the proto-Russians called Redones/Ruthene/Rodez) to the Rhodanus the Rhone! In myth, Helios' son was made to crash Helio's chariot into the unknown "Eridanus" river, though I strongly assert that this was the Rhodanus.

Helios was made the father of Aeetes, you see, so that Helios was the most-fundamental part of the dragon cult. Rhodes was the special island of Helios, but I have not yet decided whether to view Helios as the Rhodians themselves, or a Colchian peoples into which Rhodians merged. The Russian god, Rod, was likely of Rhodes elements. I trace Rosicrucians to Rhodes; it is said by some that Rhodes was named after the roses on the island.

I could only theorize that Kenya was named after the Khnum god of the Nile, but thus far I have no evidence. Nor do I think it's all that important should Obama's anti-Israeli father stem from a modern arm of the Khnum cult, unless Obama was himself indoctrinated by its western counterpart. Perhaps in time we will discover who/what is at the bottom of Obama, for some cannot believe that he rocketed on to the political scene by his own powers or wits. My theory is that the Cecil Rhodes Illuminati, which was/is behind the Clintons, may also be behind Obama. Or, if it was not behind Obama, it might become so now that he has beaten the Clintons.

Amazing, is it not, that Rhodes Scholars wish to rule the world in a global government, and yet some say that an Illuminati does not exist, or that it is a figment of conspiracy theorist's imaginations?

See my sub-title, "Reader's Digest," in the 4th update of September, 2014, for more mythical explanations.