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The Luo tribe from which Obama comes lives in Kenya along with the Luhya tribe. The two tribes share not only similar names, but the same god:
"There was great fear of the 'Balosi' (witches) and 'Babini' (wizards). These are often referred to as the 'night-runners' who prowl in the nude running from one house to another casting spells. Today, most of the Luhya practice Christianity and they refer to God as 'Nyasaye', a word borrowed from the neighboring Luo people" (brackets not mine).

At the end of my January 21-23 Iraq Update, I shared some reasons for my belief that Babenbergs of Bamberg (Germany) were related to, or stemmed from, Garebites of Amorite Jerusalem. As I trace the Illuminati to the Babenburgs, I note above that wizards of the Luhya tribe were called "babini" (close to "bambini," by the way). I also trace Babenbergs back to Paphlagonian Heneti, a people that were ruled by mythical Pelops. There was no such human, but rather he is a myth code representing a certain entity, and while it's obvious that he depicted the Peloponnese in Greece, he was also the king of Lydia...where the Heneti lived. For those who don't know, I trace the Luo tribe to the Luwians = Lydians.

Now along with the wizard Babini, the quote above mentions the Balosi witches, no doubt a take on the Baal cult but quite likely on mythical Belus in particular, as he represented the Egyptians who evolved first into the Phoenicians and then into certain tribes of the Greek theater. In fact, I have traced Belus to Pelops (ignore the common "ops" suffix).

Having said that, it was known anciently that Ethiopia had a mount Nysus from which the Lydian god, Dionysus was named. This so impressed me that I identified Dionysus' mother-code, Semele, as the Somali tribe. And so I strongly suspect that the Luo and Luhya god, Nyasaye, was a branch of the Ethiopian Nysus cult.

I trace Bam(berg) back to the Pamphylians, and in the said Iraq Update I was kicking the new idea around that perhaps "Obama" was related to the Pamphylians. I shared that they lived beside the Pisidians, and that the latter were named after Poseidon, who represents the same said Belus line from Ethiopia through to the Phoenicians through to the Greeks. In fact, Belus was made a close relative of Poseidon and Phoenix.

Knowing that the Pisidians lived in Lycia, I noted immediately the similarity with "Luhya," and its alternative "Luyia." Both terms can modify to "Lycia," especially as a 'y' modifies to a 'g'. In fact, I traced Lycians forward to Ligurians, and so note that while I trace Pisidians to Pisa, that Italian city was smack beside the Ligurians.

As I kept reading, I came across this line: "The Luhya people call their leaders Mwami (singular – Omwami, plural – Bami or Abami)" (brackets not mine). Do we have an "Obama" in that sentence? It certainly is compelling. You will note that the 'w', as with a 'v' more commonly, modifies to a 'b'.

If you read the said Iraq Update, you might recall that I linked the Babenburgs, the Garebites, and the Hungarian Arpads to the deer symbol, suggesting that all were from the same stock. I then lumped the mythical harp/lyre symbol of Apollo to these same Garebites, though tracing back to the Hermes-depicted Armenians at Jerevan and Harpasus...because Apollo received the lyre as a gift from Hermes.

Having said that, let me share that when I got to the "Music" sub-heading in the Luhya article, it said only this: "The Luhya play a traditional seven-stringed lyre called litungu." Compare with: "Apollo was especially known as the god of music. He is often depicted carrying a lyre, the beloved Greek musical instrument with seven strings.'

Apollo shows up first in Lydia as per his mother-code, Ledo. The Lycians had for a goddess, Lada, so that Lydia and Lycia, neighbors, seem quite related. I'm suggesting that both were from the same stock that produced the Luhya and/or Luo tribes of Africa; that stock I suspect was Avvite. When I came to the article on the Luo, the first sentence naming a musical instrument was this: "The dance styles in the Luo folk music were elegant and graceful...usually to the tune of the nyatiti, an eight stringed [lyre]."

Now the Pisidians are known to have been related to the Solymi, and not only I but others trace them to JeruSalem ("Hierosolyma" to the Greeks). The only difference is that others trace them to the Jews, while I trace them to the Amorite Hebrews of mount Zion and mount Gareb. Now just as Zeus and Poseidon were made brothers, the Solymi and Pisidians represented both gods, explaining why Hera was Zeus' (only) wife-code, for she depicted the Garebites, named after Jerevan, and in fact the "Jeru" in "Jerusalem" would seem to be a take from "Jerevan." Hera's daughter was made "Hebe." Coincidence, or didn't she likewise depict Amorite Hebrews of Jerusalem?

Hera's daughter Hebe was made married to Hercules, who was the Lydian lion. In fact, the Lydian lion, a depiction of Nergal (god of Cutha), must have modified to Hergal > Hercules. Lydians were given mythical Atti(s) as a father-code, and so note the third brother (of Zeus and Poseidon), Hades. In other words, both Attis and Hades depicted the Hatti capital, Hattusa...from the Cadusii Armenians, no doubt, that Hermes depicted. There was also a Harpasus river in Lydia, if that helps to trace the Garebites to Lydia all the stronger.

Now having identified Garebites as Arphaxadites, I also identify the Hungarian Arpads as such. Knowing that the Babenburgs were related to the royal Hohens (e.g. Hohenstaufens, Hohenzollerns), of Germany, named after Cohens, and that the "cohen" surname derived from the "kagan" priest-rulers of the Khazars/Kabars, and also knowing that Hungary was founded by three tribes of Kabars, is it a coincidence that the Luhya tribe in Africa had a branch called "Kabras"?

I realize that coincidences occur, but I flipped when I found the following sentence: "[The Kabras] claim to be descendants of Nangwiro associated with the Biblical Nimrod." I knew that the Magyar Hungarians, in their own legends linking themselves to a deer symbol, also link themselves to Nimrod! One now has a strong case to make a Magyaro-Kabar link to the Luhya Africans.

But there is more, for as the deer traces to the Arphaxadites between the Little Zab and Great Zab rivers, the Little Zab was also called "Kapros," while the Great Zab was "Lycos" to the if Lycia and the Kabeiri cult were from the Zab-river region, and as if the Luhya and the Kabras were also.

As evidence that Babenbergs were tied to Cohens, see the Hohenstaufen Coat of Arms, three black lions on gold (= the colors of Saxony), that it's the symbol on the webpage for Duke Ernst I Von Babenburg of SWABIA. The lion symbol is shown further back through Ernst's line to Duke Hermann II Konradiner of Swabia (I view the Conradines as "Red Cohens"). Trust ne on this, "Swabia" is actually an evolution from "Daphne" over centuries, like so: Daphne > Saphon > Taphian > Safini/Sabines > Suebi > Swabia.

Another branch of the Luhya is called "Bukusu," a term smacking of Dionysus' common alternative name, "Bacchus." I had traced Dionysus to Methoni on the Peloponnese, where also I had traced the Gypsies from Egypt. Now I find that "Luhyas traveled south along the Nile River, as they fled Egypt, before settling in the area of what is now Northern Kenya...Their ruler at the time was Kitanga." This ruler's name smacks of "Gitan," a group of European Gypsies.

I suspected that the Dionysus cult and/or his Kabeiri cult formed the mythical brothers, Hebros and Kikon (of Thrace). Perhaps the Kikuyu peoples of Kenya were of the same stock as the Kikons. I had traced the Kikons forward to Liguria as mythical Cycnus, king of Liguria and son-code of Lycurgus of the Edones. This fits well if the Luhya/Luyia tribe was in fact a branch of the stock that produced the Lycian>Ligurian evolution.

Now read the following that convinces me of a connection to the nine Muses of Greek myth:

"It was said that [the Kikuyu] were placed near the Mugumo or Fig tree upon the slopes of the mountain. They were to give birth to Nine daughters named [leaving the names out]. It so happened that when they were grown up, they met nine young men from a distant land, (ostensibly Maasai, with whom Kikuyu's have a long standing love-hate relationship) who married the girls and from whom the Kikuyu nation arose...

The Kikuyu were generally on good terms with the Maasai – their neighbors..."

I am convinced that the Maasai were somehow connected to the Troy-region Mysians that I think were given the Muse mythcode, especially as I found this sentence: "A religious Kikuyu prophet called Cege wa Kibiru or Mugo wa Kibiru..." Is that not equivalent to the "Kabeiri" cult of Dionysus, not to mention again the Hapiru/Habiru of Chaldea? Because Apollo was made the leader of the nine Muses (explaining why they are also the nine witches of Avalon), it seems that the Muses (symbolized by music, theater, and related arts) are to be connected to Apollo's harp symbol, which I view as the Arphaxadites of the Zab river region.

What of "Mugo"? Same as Magyar stock? Note the Mugumo fig tree in the myth above tracing the Kikuyu to Muse stock. If Muse stock was indeed Arphaxadite, is it a coincidence that the Magyars of Hungary's foundations were "Arpads"? If this is correct, the Muses must have lived on the Harpasus river of Lydia. Wikipedia says that the original three Muses were named after three chords of the lyre, verifying that they were indeed the representation of Apollo's lyre/harp symbol...and meaning also that the Apollo-Daphne dragon line merged with the Arphaxadites in forming the Muses.

This supports my trace of Arphaxadites to the dragon of Ares, for the other Harpasus river, in Caucasia, was a tributary of the Aras river (the river to which I trace Ares). As Ares was a god of Thrace, I suspect that his Arphaxadites, from Arpad of Syria no doubt, went on to become the Carpae/Arpi peoples to the north of Thrace, who must have named the Carpathian mountains on proto-Hungary's east side, and then formed the Arpad Magyars who founded Hungary. This moreover supports my trace of Russians to Arpad (Syria), if I'm correct in pegging Ares as the Hros > Rus.

Since Tartus was founded by a colony from Arpad, and since the Avvite god was Tartak, it would seem that Avvites and Arpahxadites merged...and this must have been the Apollo-Arphaxadite merger since both Avvites and Apollo uses a dog/wolf symbol. The Avvites of Gath (southern Canaan) are therefore suspect as the dragon-cult stock that ventured into north Africa as the Luhya if indeed the latter later returned as the Lycian wolf-depicted peoples.

Moreover, the Avvites are suspect as the proto-Poseidon cult of north Africa that would return to co-found the Phoenicians and later the Pisidians of Lycia. In fact, note the Avvite god of Egypt, "Anubis," that it has an ending evoking the Pisidians, and a beginning evoking Anu, major god of Sumerians from which the Poseidon cult ultimately originated. Possibly, the representatives of Anubis became the Nubians.

If I'm correct in a Pos-Eidon trace to the Phoenician god, Adonis, and then to the Edones of Thrace, then note that Kikons lived beside the Edones, and that mythical Lycurgus of the Edones led to mythical Cycnus of Liguria. In this picture, the Luhya trace to Liguruian stock while the Kikuyu trace to the Kikons. It is known that the first Ligurians, at the mouth of the Rhone, descended from the mythical princess, Gyptis. It seems certain that these Ligurians were from the Lycians of Rhodes, for the Rhone (anciently Rhodanus) was likely named after Rhodes.

I explain more of these same connections in my chapter, It's Starting to Semele of Ethiopia. I make a connection between Punt, the land that included both Ethiopia and Yemen, and the Bantu peoples of Africa among which the Kikuyu and Luhya live(d). After realizing that mythical Abas of Argos founded the Abantes/Abantian peoples on Euboea (Greece), and because Greek myth placed the goddess of Argos (Io) in north Africa as the mother of the Poseidon bloodline out of Africa and back to Greece, I suspected that the Bantu were named after the same stock as the Abantes. Of course, in those early days, the Bantu, if indeed they were related to the Abantes, were not blacks yet. Black skin developed over time, as the genes are quite apparently capable of being infulenced by tanning skin.

I also noted that Punt was likely named after the Pontus, a Black-sea region where the Kabeiri and their fellow Amazons lived (it's known that Amazons and Gorgons were in north Africa too).

I then happened upon an important piece of data: "The Kikuyu are closely related to the Embu, Mbeere and Meru people who also live around Mt. Kenya." The Meru sounded too interesting to resist, as I trace the Merovingians to Meroe/Merowe of what was once Ethiopia. So I went to the Meru link and followed yet another to find the following:

"Taken as a whole, the Meru have one of the most detailed and potentially confusing oral histories and mythology of any people in Kenya. It is also one of the most deeply intriguing, at least from a western point of view, as it contains extremely strong Biblical similarities that suggest to some that they may once have been one of the lost tribes of Israel, and to others that they were once Jewish, in the same way that the Felasha of Ethiopia remain Jewish to the present day. This history includes a good part of both Old and New Testament stories: a baby in a basket of reeds who becomes a leader and a prophet, the massacre of newly born babies by an evil king, an exodus, the parting and crossing of the waters by an entire nation, Aaron's Rod in the form of a magic spear or staff, the leadership of a figure comparable to Moses, references to ancient Egypt (Misiri), and so on.

Note that the webpage above is called, "Ameru," what the peoples of Meru are called. This is very supportive of what I had theorized, that Merovingians were named after Mari, the Amorite capital. The Amorites were anciently the "Amuru." As the Freemasons who founded the Unites States were from Merovingians, note that "America" seems to be a take on the Ameru. Indeed, the Great Seal of the United States clearly reveals that the founders were from Egypt.

You may have heard that North America is soon to change to the single currency called "Amero," if the American globalists have their way. I read in a Pravda news article that the 50-Amero bill uses a deer! The article included this photo of a 50-Amero bill.

I discovered (in good theory) was that some Freemasonic groups were from the Jebusite branch of Jerusalem Amorites, and these lived in Zion until the time of David, long after the Mosaic law and other Biblical books were penned. It could certainly be that Jebusites, over the centuries until David and even after David, meshed in marriage with Israelites. Some then went on to become the Ameru of Africa, and some to become the European Zionists.

Note the Ethiopian "Felasha," who likewise have Hebrew traits; is not the term like "Belas"? There were many Israelites who worshiped both the god of Israel and Baal. Interestingly, "The Bible of the Falashas is written in an archaic Semitic dialect, known as Gecez, and the Hebrew Scriptures are unknown to them."

Note that there is a mount Meru in Tanzania, a term smacking of Tanis, the city on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile delta that was surely home to what became the Greek Danaans of Argos, for not only does "Danaan" smack of "Tanis," but "Pelusiac" was surely depicted by "Belus." I am not convinced that the Danaans were of the Israelite tribe of Dan, for similarity of terms does often occur in coincidences. I typically ignore Wikipedia when it shares derivations of people or place names, for it hardly ever divulges the fact that it's sharing theoretical and controversial derivations. We are simply to trust in whatever Wikipedia offers for derivations, as though no disagreement exists among scholars.

Since the Ameru were closely associated with the Kikuyu, and since the Meru had Hebrew signals, might the Kikuyu have been yet another north-African peoples thought to be Hebrews, namely, the mysterious Hyksos, rulers of Egypt??? In my books, the Hyksos were the "Egyptians" who enslaved the Israelites. I had traced them to the Freemasonic founders of America.

Look at how nicely this works. I first learned/discovered that Merovingians and Nebelungs were virtually the same peoples in France. Now I find that the Ameru and the Kikuyu were just those two peoples, but in Africa, for I had traced the Hyksos to mythical Ixion, husband of Nephele, symbol of the Nebelungs.

In Greek, an 'x' interchanges with an 's', so that Ixion is revealed as Sion. This explains why a myth writer made Zeus urge Ixion to mate with Nephele while she posed as Hera (Zeus' wife), for Zeus was "Dion," a valid variation of "Sion." That is, Ixion and Zeus depicted the same peoples, and Hera and Nephele depicted the same peoples. Note that Ixion's wife was made Dia, the feminine of "Dion."

I'm assuming here that when God destroyed the Hyksos as per the Ten Plagues, one branch fled south to become the Kikuyu, and another branch entered Thrace to become the Kikons on the Hebros river (in myth, Hebros was a river god of Kikonia), which river was also called "Meric" to the Turks, as though named after Mero elements. In fact, I traced the Arda region (= Ardeskos) on the Hebros to the Arthurian cult, and this would well explain my findings, that the Arthurian cult was brother to the Merovingians. Mount Sion in Phoenicia was at one time called "Ardos."

The Hebros flowed to sea over-looking the island of Samothrace, the birthplace of the Kabeiri cult, this being evidence that the Kikuyu prophet at Kibiru was a proto-Kabeiri priest.

The work I've done on this topic previously can now help me to prove that a peoples on the Hebros river trace back to the Hyksos. This works too nicely to be ignored as coincidence, and serves to prove that the Luo tribe (of Obama) was also in Lydia as the Luwians, just as I am claiming. I've already mentioned what I'm about to say in previous Iraq updates.

I'll start with the father of Lycurgus (mythical king of the Edones) who was made Dryas, which I found was code for the peoples called Odrysians, living in Odrysia at/near Arda. I reasoned with good reason that the Odrysians were also represented by mythical Atreus, so of Pelops if Lydia. I traced Pelops and his Eneti/Heneti capital to Baal and his wife, Anat. These were the gods of the Hyksos. An article on Anat, after telling that she was imported from Syria to Egypt (meaning that the peoples she represented also made that move), we read: "For example, in the Ugarit V Deity List ["Anat"] is spelled da-na-tu to be pronounced 'Anatu'." This may indicate that she represented the peoples who became mythical Danaus. The article goes on to say that "The Akkadian form is usually written as 'Anta' or 'Antu'," which was the wife of Anu in the Sumerian pantheon. Then we read that she was an early goddess:

"Her cult became established in Egypt by the end of the Middle Kingdom, even before the Hyksos...and sanctuaries were dedicated to her at the Hyksos capital of Tanis." It would appear, then, that Danaans came from the Anat cult, not from the Israeli tribe of Dan. The point is, a peoples on the Hebros trace back to the Hyksos. I had previously thought to identify the Kikons as the Caucones (of Anatolia), and consequently traced them to the Caucusus mountains; note that "Caucasus" and "Hyksos" are quite similar. As I had traced "Hyksos" to Hayk/Haik in particular, a god of Armenian origins, it works, for Armenia was in the southern Caucasus (it and "Caucasia" are probably to be understood as Cauc-Assi = Gog-Assi, and connected to the Hayk peoples when they were known as "Hayasa-Azzi/Hajassa-Azzi," a term that easily forms "Hyksos"). It would seem that while Armenia was founded by Aram's sons, the Hayk were the Caucasian Hebrews among them.

This revelation wherein the Danaans were founded in the Anat cult then gives further reason to identify Pel(ops) as a stem of Belus (= the Pelusiac), the father of Danaus (= Tanis). As I identify the Heneti (also "Genetes") under Pelops as the mythical Centaurs, note that a founding god of the early Egyptians who migrated south to Ethiopia and then Kenya (i.e. as the Luhya, Kikuyu etc.) was "Kintu." Note, too, that Centaurs were given Ixion and Nephele as parents, suggesting that the Heneti were from the Hyksos. Thus Atreus, the "son" of the Heneti as depicted by Pelops, must have had some Hyksos blood, and the finger points to the Kikons on the Hebros, at Odrysia.

I can now add the known history that Dryas was for the Dionysus cult while his father, Lycurgus, was against the Dionysus cult. The following sentence can argue in favor of a Lycurgus alliance with the Apollo cult when it was at war with the Dionysus cult:

"We may further cite the Lycaones of Arcadia, and Lycaonia or Lucaonia in Asia Minor, and especially the Arcadian Zeus Lykaios and Apollo Lykagenes; the latter surname has been explained as 'he of the she-wolf,' 'he born of the she-wolf,' that is, born of Leto in the shape of a she-wolf."

The point here is to make a trace of the Luhya tribe to the lykos wolf term of Ledo's Lydia, while tracing the Luo tribe (neighbors of the Luhya) to Lydians under Dionysus due to the Luo god having been Nyasaye. We read, "Dionysus and his worship on the sacred mountain of Nyseion in Thrace."

As I tracing the Luo to the Luwians, it should be said that the proto-Lydians were in the kingdom of Arzawa, no doubt what also formed Arda. In other words, the entry into Anatolia of the Luo stock should be sought in the Arzawa kingdom, not in the Lydians. We may assume that Lydia was named on top of the Arzawa Luwians by the Ledo-Apollo wolf cult, as it came into the region as the Lazoni/Ladoni from Syria's Daphne region. Remember, I view this wolf cult as belonging to Avvites.

And so we find that the capital of Arzawa was Apasa/Abasa, likely leading to mythical Abas of Argos, for while it's known that Argives originated from Cilicia, ditto for the Luwians. As we must look to the entry of Dionysus into Lydia to find the Luo tribe, we must look to the Hatti, for that is whom represented him, and consequently he goes back to the Cati of Cilicia. Arzawa was defeated by the "Hittites," by which is meant the Hatti. The Luwians should have come into Arzawa as a consequence of their being tied to the Hatti. We read, "In the oldest texts, eg. the Hittite Code, the area of Arzawa, together with Kizzuwatna, was named Luwia." Kizzuwatna was in Cilicia, and it should have been the Cilician land of Khassi, home to the Cati. This now places the Luo tribe in the Cati wave to the Catti of Hesse, very likely a co-sponsor of the Bavarian "Jewish" Illuminati. It works, for the Cati trace further back to myth codes, Cadmus and his brother Cilix, from the African Poseidon line. It's possible that Luwians, also Luvians, were named after Leviathan, the sea dragon sometimes equated with the seven-headed Lotan dragon. Zowie, that places Obama in the Biblical dragon bloodline! Note that the False Prophet in Revelation 13 is a beast giving his power to the seven-headed dragon.

Tarhun was the Luwian god, suggesting that Luwians were of the Tarchon fold of Lydians (probably named after Tarsus, the Cilician capital)...that went on as the Tyrrhenians/Etruscans. Note the similarity between "Etrus" and "Atreus." The Etruscans had a lion symbol in the Chimera dragon (lion's body with serpent's tail) that is known to trace to the Lycia region. Again, "Luwian" could be from "lew" = lion (the Polish "lew" still means "lion"). If true, this would seem to identify Luwians with the Odrysians.

Atreus went on to form the Spartan dragon cult, while the "Jewish" leader of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, used "Sparticus" as his alias. Note that the Ledo line to the Spartans was in Leda, mother of Pollux the founder of the Polski/Poles. Pollux was likely also a Ledo-Apollo line to the north. In myth, Leda was made to mate with a swan, and it just so happens that mythical Cycnus/Cygnus of Liguria was portrayed as a swan...meaning that Leda was allied to the proto-Cycnus entity (probably the Kikons) of Liguria. The father of Cycnus was made Sthenelas, a term I identify with the Sithone tribe of Edones...probably from the Sidonian sect of the Adonis cult.

One can assume that "Luwian" should have become a "Lubian" alternative, and while I entertained mythcal "Libya" as a Luwian root, who was indeed at the root of the Poseidon line to Phoenicia, there is of course "Lebanon" (also "Lubnan/Libnan") to consider, as Phoenicia is now that country. Lebanon uses an evergreen tree (could be a cedar) as flag symbol, the symbol also of the god, Atti(s) = the Hatti. The Maronites (I used "Marionites" in my Iraq update wrongly because some websites use that spelling) of Lebanon now come to mind as a stem of Mero's Amero peoples in Africa. Note too that Lebanon has a "Druze" sect of (Greco-colored) Islam, evoking Odrysian stock. Islam was a late development so that everything Islamic had a root in non-Islamic entities.

If this is all true, does Obama know that his Luo tribe was root to the Lebanese? If so, how can this change America's attitude toward Israel in the time that it approaches its great tribulation?

As I'm tracing the dragon cult to Garebite Jerusalemites whom I trace forward to Serbs and Croats (Krv-ites), note that "lion" in Croatian is "lav." In Czech it's "lev." Possibly, the term became "Slav" somehow. I traced "Slav/Slab" to the Halybes, namers of Halab in Syria; possibly "Alybes" was the essence of the Luwians and of Lebanon. It is said that "lubnon" (= the derivation of "Lebanon)" is a Semetic word for "white," but "alba" means "white"; I'm suggesting that the Halybes were known as the "whities," so to speak. In other words, the Halybes do appear to be at the root of Lebanon, and the Halybes on the Halys were exactly where the Hatti ruled.

This Luwian link to the Halybes would work very well if the Halybes were depicted by a lion, and indeed Kybele's symbol was a lion. Kybele was the Great Mother of Babylon/Chaldea, wife and mother of Attis, symbol of the Hatti on the Halys river. A major Halybe tribe was the Khaldi, likely the Chaldeans removed to the Black sea shores. Note that "bella" and its many variations (evoking Bel/Baal) means "white," so that "Kybele" may have had the same root idea.

As the Halybes were the inventors of iron, and as I once thought to trace "Chaldea" to a caldron for holding molten metal, perhaps the Halybes were named after a white metal. Iron may be considered such, as it was invented after the reddish coppers and brasses. Iron is silver in color, though. In Scandinavia, "silver" is "solv." It's "silber" in German, terms evoking the Slavs and a soft-c version of Chalybes. Indeed, "iron" is "chalybs" to the Latins, verifying that Halybes were the root of that term. The Greek "haly," meaning salt, may have been used for "white" as well.

The white and red rose Rosicricians, not to mention the red and white dragons, may now be identifed as inventers of iron and copper respectively. The red dragon is easily identified as the Aphrodite/Kabeiri cult from Cyprus, a place rooted in "cupris/copper." Remember, Aphrodite was made wife to Hephaestus (Dionysus by another name), whom I trace to the Hatti, wherefore the two in alliance were the red and white dragons, dragons being the symbol for metal mining and protection of the ores.

In my Draco Laden book, I traced mythical Lancelot to Sparta, and meanwhile I traced the Ethiopian portion of the dragon cult to Sparta's Ateus bloodline. From Sparta, the proto-Lancelot peoples moved to Lucania of southern Italy, smack beside the Halybe founders of Calabria (in fact, I traced Calabria to Kalavrita to Sparta's north). In one chapter, I wrote: "I have yet to fully show the reasons for identifying Lancelot's father, Ban/Bant, as the city of Bantia on the Bradanus river (Apulia-Lucania border)...As concerns me here, might Bantia be named after the Abantians of Abantes, rulers of Euboea for some time?"

I can now add that Lancelot may have depicted a European branch of the African Bantu peoples. I'm saying this because I have just learned the following:

"The Lango and Acholi tribes of Uganda are considered as clans of the Luo tribe..."

I realize it's a long shot, but, interestingly, mythical Lynceus was made the son of Aegyptus (Danaus' brother), and he was made to marry a daughter of Danaus in forming the Greek Danaans. I suspected that the Lynceus line from Egypt to Sparta was the proto-Lancelot peoples. In my chapter above (Sparta's Menelaus-al Symptoms), I wrote: "[Pausanias] noticed [in Pellana] a temple of Asclepius, and two fountains, named Pellanis and Lanceia." I can't repeat the argumentation here, but the key is in the Lanceia location, which I pegged as the Spartan home of Lancelot as it evolved into the dragon cult in southern Italy and then in Flanders.

Since Libya to this day, as well as Lebanon, use green, the green dragon would appear to be the African dragon sect mixed into the red and white dragon sects. Italy, for example, directly across from Libya, uses all three colors. While trying to uncover the green dragon, I noted that the Langobards (also "Lombards") used the color. Therefore, might they have been from the Lango tribe of the Luo? Langobards are typically tied to the Suebi family of Scandinavians, but they trace to Daphne at Saphon.

Previous to associations with the Seubi, the Langobards are unknown, but there's a clue in that the Seubi trace back to the Sabines of Italy. In a myth where their name was interpreted/symbolized as "longbeard," the Langobards were called "Vinili" and made neighbors with the Vandals/Wends, suggesting a tie to the Veneti (Vandals were said to be from the Veneti). The Langobards in this myth were represented by a Gambara, a name that sounds African. One article which includes this myth tells us that the Langobards were associated with a Ban/Bant-like location:

"After this, the Lombards migrated, and they came to Golaida (perhaps at the Oder), and later they ruled...Bainaib (also Banthaib; perhaps in Bohemia) and Burgundaib (perhaps territory of the Burgundians, at the Middle Rhine), and they chose as their king Agilmund, son of Agion, from the line of Gugingus..." (italics mine, brackets not mine).

The line of Gugingus? Hmm, mythical Cygnus of Liguria was a swan, and the capital of Liguria, Savona, sounds like it may have been the reason for the swan symbol, and moreover Savona was traced back (by me) to the Sabines. That works too well to be coincidental. Moreover, early Merovingians inter-married with the Suebi and Langobards, wherefore the above statement that Langobards were associated with Burgundians is conspicuous, as Nebelungs (Merovingians of a sort) came forth from Burgundians. Remember, I am now tracing Merovingian stock back to the Mero/Ameru of the Kikuyu tribe (Kenya, beside the Luo), which led forward to the Kikons as represented by Cycnus, and meanwhile Kikuyu stock was depicted by Ixion, husband of Nephele, symbol of proto-Nebelungs.

Lancelot was the major power at the Round Table. The British-branch Illuminati came to call itself after that table, it is thought.