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Written about a year ago but never published;
updated and published now, October 2007

It was in the course of following Eudoxus to Mysia that I discovered (for the first time) what I think was the meaning of "Lapith." If you look at the map at the Hellespont article, you will find the word, "Lapseki" on the south-western shore of the Hellespont. Couldn't "Lapith" have become "Laps"? Having traced the Lapiths to an alliance with the Nephilim of Heneti (Paphlagonia), note that Lapseki is just a giant's hop-scotch from Paphlagonia. Wikipedia says that Lapseki was founded by Phocaeans. It now seems viable that the mysterious Lapiths, known to be from Thessaly, were more specifically from Phocis (to the immediate south-west of Thessaly).

Phocis, in myth terms, was Phocus, son of Poseidon. The alternative father of Phocus (Aeacus) helped Poseidon build the walls of Troy, not literally, but this is code for Troy's founding, and should equate with the founders of Troy = the Tyrian/Taurus dragon cult. I have already mentioned that Lapiths, due to their living on the Peneus river, were from the Tyrian cult of Daphne (and besides, mythical Lapithus was made the son of Daphne's sister, Stilbe). But now I can add that the Lapiths were indeed from Phocis because that is the site of Delphi, where Daphne came to rule...and receive her dolphin symbol. That both Daphne and Taras were depicted with the dolphin is justified by both Daphne and Taranto being from the Orontes dynasty of Sophene.

Since the mother of Phocus (Psamathe) was the wife of Proteus in giving birth to TheoKlymenos, I would venture to deduce that the Ethiopian wife/allies of Merops -- codeword "Clymene" -- were likewise Phocaeans in part, explaining why Phaethon, son of this Ethiopian Clymene, ended up in the Rhodanus valley (France), for it is known that Phocaeans founded Massalia/Marseille at the mouth of the Rhodanus.

Lapseki is "Lampsakos" to the Greeks, and you will note on this map that it is just a giant's leap frog to Parion. The article below says that Lampsacus was "in a region known as Bebrycia,", an astounding find because I had traced this very term to Bibractes, France, and because Bibractes is where Autun is situated. I claim that Autun was founded by the Merops family of Greeks, specifically from Merops of Miletus, whose granddaughter was Aedon. It's not likely a coincidence, therefore, that both Lapseki and Miletus were named, Pityussa (prior to the Phocaean period). Shouldn't that latter term be the revelation of Phaethon? I realize that I have already revealed Phaethon as Pythos, but Pythos was the earlier name of Delphi! Therefore, it would appear that the namers of Pythos named Pityussa, and later the Phocaeans of Delphi came and re-named it something like "Lampsakos."

[Update -- I have found, in the writings of Pliny, a Pityus town in/near Caucasian Iberia/Colchis, near a town called Cygnus. Since a people-group is mentioned as "Phthirophagi," Liguria is evoked, for mythical Cygnus was king of Liguria, and Phaethon came into the Rhodanus = Rhone river from Liguria (i.e. he may have depicted the Phthirophagi peoples. Pliny also mentions the Segania river beside the Rhoas river, which evokes the Sequani Celts of the Rhone region. End Update]

In consideration of the Sitones being placed by Tacitus in Gotland, and because historians have magnified their domain to reach the coasts of Finland, the sorcerous Lapps of Finland come to mind. I have caught glimpse of Hebrew ancestry in the Lapps, but so far I have not published on the topic for lack of good evidence. Suffice it to say here that they call themselves "Sami," wherefore they should trace back to the stock of Samson Avvites. There was a mythical Samia that depicted the Greek-theater island of Samos, and this Samia was fused there with Hera, herself a depiction of the Rus. It appears that Lapps and Sami are to be distinguished, but that they long ago inter-married to become one. Samos was not far from Lapseki.

When I read that the Lapps have been typified with the reindeer, I thought of the reindeer symbol of the Kyles (an Illuminati family from king Cole), but thought nothing more of it...until I learned of a major "Kola" grouping of Lapps. The Magyars (founders of Hungary along with many Khazar-like Hebrews) also honored the reindeer symbol, the point being that Magyars stemmed from Finno-Ugrics and might therefore have been from the Lapp family of peoples.

Because the Kyle link to the Lapps sounds so wild, I was delighted to find the following information on Peko (Finnish spelling "Pekko"), "an ancient Estonian and Finnish god...In the area of Setonia (Setumaa) between Estonia and Russia." The article goes on to say that the Seto were "an ethnic group of Estonians in the south-east of the country...Black candles were lit to revere wooden idols of Peko." Estonia is on the gulf of Finland just across the water from where the Sitones and Kvens lived.

This was amazing because I was able to peg the Kyles as a bonafide Illuminati family just because they use a black candle as their symbol!!! See the Kyle Coat.

Connection of the Lapps to the Bjelbo Swedes is made possible, not just by the Lapps who spread to northern Sweden (= Lapland), but by the fact that the Sami "prefer the term Fjelman..." That is, they prefer to call themselves "Fjel." If this term does connect to "Bjelbo," then a trace of the Sami back to Sion is viable in that the Bjelbo Swedes were meshed with Templar Zionists. I've noted that it was the Sami in particular who used "Fjel," and perhaps this identifies the Bjelbo Swedes as a branch of Semnones.

The Bjelbo Swedes start in known history with Folke the Fat (derived from the Anjou Fulks), who lived under king Inge I of Sweden (11th century). Inge's father, Stenkil/Steinkil, may have been in honor of the Sitones. The location of Bjelbo was in south-east Sweden, and that is where the Sitones should be found. The problem is, I can't find any blood connection between Inge and Folke the Fat, meaning that I can't be certain of a Sitone-Bjelbo blood connection in previous times.

I had wondered if "Bjelbo" wasn't a bee term since "Abeil" means bee in France while "bij" means bee in Holland. I perked up when I learned that an alternative of "Barony of Bec" was "Barony of Bee." This may now have Sithone significance as per the Setonia region of Estonia, which possessed the god, Peko. Recall that Bec (in Normandy) belonged early to the Wells surname, and that I had traced the surname to the Valais/Walles canton that surrounds Sitten/Sion, Switzerland. Doesn't that support a Sithone identity for Bek, since Sitten was likely named by the Sithones?

The French Bec Coat uses a Vere star centrally, but the German Bec Coat uses a reindeer...which could link to the Lapps/Estonia...but moreover to the Kyles once again! Under the Kyle candles in the Kyle Coat, we find what could be a red Vere star. The Vere star is the white-star symbol of Italy. The region that seems significant is that of the Picentini of Campania (near Naples, the city after which the bee-worshiper, Napoleon Bonaparte, was named). I myself trace to the peoples there on my mother's side, for she was from a town called "Picenze," whose inhabitants, certain nobles of the Naples region, migrated (i.e. probably fled war) to Abruzzo. I recall taking a stab and tracing Picts to the Picenti peoples.

Aside from, or perhaps together with, Picentia, Bec and Peko evoke Pyxus = Buxentium (see map of Lucania). There is very round-about way to make another Sithone connection to the dragon cult that may be an eye-opener to those seeking the same cult but migrated toward India:

"According to other scholars, the Sanskrit name of Kabol or Kabul is Kamboj (Supplementary Glossary, p 304, H. M. Elliot). It is mentioned as Kophes or Kophene in the classical writings. Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency 1904 maintains that ancient name of Kabol was Kambojapura which Ptolemy (160 CE) mentions as Kaboura (from Ka(m)bo(j)pura?)...according to Dr J. W. McCrindle, Dr B. C. Law, Dr R. K. Mukkerji and others is equivalent to Kambu (Kamboj/Kambuj)."

We can gather that Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) is the same as Phrygian Kybele, and refers to the Hebrew Cabalists, wherefore we are not surprised to find that Kabul was also "Kaboura," almost identical to the Kabeiri cult of Kybele. And note the "Kophene" version of the term, which must be a hard-C version of "Sophene," no small point since it traces the Kabeiri to Sophene. But it's the "Kamb" variations that strike me as being counterparted in Campania and Compsa, and this fits the Kyle topic because king Cole ruled Cameldunum = Camelot, while Camelot was founded by the Camel/Campbell surname...that I ventured to trace to Campania/Compsa. I suspected that the "Campbell" version was an alliance of Compsa with Abellina (both on the Lucania map above). Aside from Abellina being the root of Avalon in my mind, the river upon which it is found, the Sabatus, evokes the Phrygian god, Sabazios (who at one point in history conquered and replaced Kybele). I found this on Campbell origins:

"Descended from the family of de Beauchamp, who were called by the Latin version of de Campo Bello in Scotland...The arms of Campbell are anciently the arms of the Baldwins, Counts of Flanders."

Blanda is not far from Compso and Abellina, though I'll admit that a simple "Campo Bella" origin, having not to do with Compsa nor Abellino, is warranted.

As the Hebrews of the Kabeiri cult constituted Aphrodite, whom I trace to the Khybar pass of the Afridi region, the "Kaboura" version of "Kabul" would seem to be named after these Aphrodite Hebrews. But if we can tolerate a soft-C version of "Khybar," we get "Sybar," which then evokes Sybaris (also on the Lucania map), the peoples whom the American Freemasons hold dear, or perhaps dearest. As Aphrodite was known as "Kyprus" (= Cyprus), I would definitely identify Sybaris, both the one in Greece and it's Lucanian offshoot, as Aphrodite. Remember, the Sybari founded Laus, and I say the latter is the topic in the "Laus Deo" written atop the Washington Monument. A point to make now is that Sthenelaus was, apparently, a Sithone-Laus alliance.

If we note how close Eburum is to Picentia, we could derive an Abruzzo-Picenze alliance defining the town that my mother was born in. I have been able to come this far with many discoveries only because I rented an apartment from a Portuguese-Canadian named "Abreu," the founding surname of Abruzzo that led to the Eburovices of Evreux. I am re-mentioning this because I have since rented another apartment (while building my own house), and this time the landlord, a total stranger to me, is from Abellina, I kid you not! His surname is Desimone (= de Simon), a term smacking of the Samnites!! Abruzzo was in Samnite territory. Just as I saw similarities between the Abreu landlady and my aunt (a Ferrari), so my Desimone landlord is the splitten image of that aunt's husband (my mother's brother), a Grimaldi. I don't know what is going on here; I rarely have contact with Italians, but these and other things keep me believing that I am being Led to making these discoveries, and it keeps me at the wheel making more of them.

[Update -- In the Pliny article mentioned above, a very revealing statement, which supports my connection of the Laz Caucasians to Aphrodite = Aprutium/Abruzzo, is this: "Behind the mountains of that quarter, you meet with the region Iberia: but in the coast thereof of the Heniochi, Apreutææ and Lazi." The rivers Campseonysis, Nogrus, Bathys. Note how similar this Apreutae term is to "Abreu." As these peoples were in Iberia, it makes sense that Aphrodite depicted Iberian Hebrews, the same that founded the Heber dynasties of Ireland. As the Laz were near the Bat Caucasians, or even a branch of the Bats, note the term, "Bathys."

I recall suggesting an equation between the Bats and the Baath party of Saddan Hussein, but at the time I didn't know the Bats were called "Baths." I claim that the Insurgency, now taking place under the Saddam loyalists in Iraq, are destined (according to Biblical prophecy) to form an alliance with the Gogi anti-Christ, and to defeat the new Western Iraqi government. I take this idea from my understanding of Daniel 11:21-24). End Update]

In light of the historical statement revealing the Sitones as a female-ruled people, consider that the Picts may have stemmed from them, for "It is also well known that the Picts were one of Western culture's rare matrilinear societies" (website below). That is, Pict princes were heirs to the kingship according to the mother's line, and because this was a "rare" practice, it shouldn't be difficult to trace it to another peoples. That's why the Sitones are a possibility.

When studying the Sitones, one is led to Kvenland as their probable Scandinavian homeland, a term that online articles are half-convinced modified later to "Finland." Because "cwen" is the Norse for "woman/queen," at least one historical writer (i.e. Adam of Bremen 11th century) used "Womanish Land" ("Terra feminarum") in referring to Kvenland. The location, determined from multiple geographical reports, was along the north border of the Swedes (website below), evens as Tacitus placed the Sitones next to the (patrilinear) Sviones. While the website below and others place Kvenland in southern Finland (across the channel from Sweden), I get the impression that it was also on the northern Swede coast, especially as one report said that there were two Kvenland locations.

As I had identified Sitones with Saturn/Satyrs, it was satisfying to learn that "It is not impossible that the name connected with the Norse mythological name of the chief citadel in their country - setur." This is similar enough to the Scandinavian-myth term, "Satr," to qualify as the Thracian Satyrs removed to Scandinavia. That is, Phoenicians in Scandinavia.

There was in Sweden a place using the "Sithone" version (i.e. with an "h") used of the Edones: "Near the old town ancient rune stone has been found, stating the name sithone" (brackets not mine; website below)." Other articles use "Sithun" as an alternative of Sigtuna; the region was on Lake Malaren. See on this map of Sweden that this lake was directly across the channel from Finland.

Like the Picts, the Akatziri "tattooed their bodies, degrees of rank being indicated by the manner in which this was done, and colored their hair dark blue." This is interesting for finding the reason behind the blue color of the Cohens, for the Akatziri are thought to be the Khazars, while I trace the Cohen surname to Khazars via the Varangian, Inger, whom I strongly suspect was a proto-Bjelbo (Bjelbos also used blue). I mention this because "kven" is similar to "cohen" and should be investigated.

Recall from the "Checks Cohenside with Stewarts" chapter that I view the Akatziri as becoming those Hebrews that to this day call themselves by the surnames, "Katz" and "Katzir." The Akatziri lived in Thrace, in what is now Transylvania.

The Picts, because they stemmed into Scotland from Ireland, were possibly from the red hand of Abkhazia (in north Caucasia). What I mean by that is the red-hand symbol of Ulster (Ireland), because I traced it to Abkhazia, reveals that these particular Irish peoples were from Abkhazia, and this theory was proven when it was found that Miletus has a colony in Abkhazia (for it is said by many that the Irish were from Miletus). The Abkhazia term smacks of the Khazars...making possible a Khazar background for the Picts and thus explaining their tattoos. But as the red hand of Ulster is found within a Zionist star, surely it was the Hebrew rulers of the Khazars that are at the bottom of this Irish symbol. Abkhazia was adjacent to Iberia, a term smacking of "Hebrew," and likely it was these Iberians who came to rule the Khazars, for Khazaria was just to the north-east of Iberia.

I trace the Svione Swedes to lake Sevan of Armenia, but then also to the Svaneti peoples (whom I'm assuming were the inhabitants of Sevan). The Svaneti, however, were also found in Abkhazia. Since "Svan" has similarity with "Kven," couldn't "Kvenland" be play-on-words for a matrilinear branch of the Svaneti? After all, Kwenland and the Sviones were side by side, and Kwenland was to the north of the Sviones, where lived the matrilinear Sitones. In this picture, Kvenland was not founded by Sitones, but rather influenced by Sitones.

There had obviously been a patrilinear-matrilinear conflict between the Sviones and their Sitone allies, long before they reached Scandinavia. I know this because I was able to trace the Sviones to Savona, and then further back in time to the Sabines. The origin of the sacred "Patrician" cult, a term known to derive from "pater" = father, was in the Sabines, you see. I have already mentioned my theory that St. Patrick of Ireland was code for the same Patrician cult, for the Hebrew-based Irish were, like the Sabines, from the Sevan > Savona bloodline. The Picts of Ireland, then, who were at that time the Pretani/Cruithne (i.e. proto-Brits), would translate to the Sithones of Britain. Hence, the king Arthur/Pendragon cult, and the red dragon of Wales, since both groups were of the Brits, were from Svione-Sithone stock of peoples. Knowing that in Ireland there was a conflict between the red and white birds, keep in mind that Sevan was depicted by a white bird of Persia that came to be the swan symbol of Zeus/Greece.

There were a Chuds peoples in northern Russia (see map) that "in Old East Slavic chronicles" were "ascribed as one of the founders of Rus' state." The article continues to say that "The Russian Primary Chronicle describes Chudes as cofounders of the Kievan Rus state along with Slavs and Vikings. In other ancient East Slavic chronicles, the term "Chudes" refers to several Finnic tribes,"

How can we not connect Chuds with the Ruthene that are likewise known to be Rus ancestors? However, the Chud portion should prove to indicate the Hebrew -- i.e. Cutha -- side of dragon cult (while the Ruthene side pertains to the Rus side). Forget about defining "Chud" from a similar word in a Rus/Finn language, for if the term is a carry-over from the Cutha, it's from Akkadia. Indeed, does not "Chud" evoke "Echidna," the mythical symbol of Akkadia...that was known to be associated with mythical Tartarus = the Tartars of Russia?

As a branch of Chuds were "Chukhna," the Greek-theater Caucones are evoked. I have traced the Caucones to mythical Cycnus, who just happened to be fashioned (by clever myth writers) into the swan symbol of Liguria. Plus, Cycnus was a Svione-Sithone people, for he was made the son of king Sthenelaus.

In Greek myth there were two related gods, Hebros and Kikon, both of Ciconia, where Rhodope was located. Rhodope was made the daughter of Hebros, exposing explicit Hebrew blood in the Caucones, and therefore in the Chuds. Rhodope was wife of a son of Boreas, but when mating with Apollo, she gave birth to Kikon i.e. the Caucones. Boreas depicted the Hyperboreans (= "far-northerners").

Jordanes admitted in his writings that the matrilinear Amazons were Goths. And he echoed others who called Scythians, "men of the Amazons." He located the men/Scythians on the Borysthenes river, now the Dniepr (where Kiev sits), and I do see that the term may be understood as Bori-Sithones, keeping in mind that I have identified the boar symbol as the Eburs (Hebrews) of the dragon cult.

After introducing the Kvenlanders to my email correspondent, Lorri, she replied with a Kiev-Kven comparison, which seemed to have more merit than the similarity in terms alone might allow. Let me now show a list of variations concerning a Quwe region of Cilicia: "Quwê – also spelled Que, Kue, Qeve, Coa, Kuê and Keveh."

Man, if that doesn't evoke the island of Kos as well, the inhabitants of which were called "Coens." Note the "Qeve" and "Keveh" variations, wherefore consider again that this Cilician region was that of the Cati (which I say evolved from the Cutha), while between Kiev and Kvenland was the land of the Chud. Keep in mind here that the Cati should trace to the Akatziri, probably before the formation of the Khazars proper.

I feel compelled to connect Odin with the Sithones. However, as the Luwian (quasi-Aryan language of the Hurrian/Cilician part of the dragon line) word for "woman" is "wanatti" (website below), that being a c-less version of "cwen," I've just got to introduce a new thing here, not only that the Heneti > Veneti were Amazons or Sithones, but that "Veneti" and other Van terms (e.g. Vanir) were woman terms. It's no surprise that the Heneti were Amazons, since Pelops was the ruler of Heneti while he married the Amazon, Hippodamia.

Vannes (Brittany) must likewise have been founded by the same femme peoples, evidenced by the city's alternative, "Gwenea," which is essentially "Kven." That's not all, for I trace Gwenea to the Gwynedd kingdom, started by Cunedda (i.e. two terms smacking of "wanatti."). It seems reasonable to identify the Hebrews of Heneti as the Aphrodite cult, since she became Venus in Italy.

By the way, "vanity" may just derive from the fussing of women over their appearance. Why do I feel compelled to say here that this all leads to homosexual/transvestite Freemasonry, concealed in the "brotherhood" term? And could it really be true that there existed a band of Gargarians who were so given to homosexuality that they abandoned their wives to the point that the women were forced to create an exclusive female society? Was the epitome of this society at Heneti? Or possibly at the city of Cnidus (between Kos and Rhodes)? Does "Canada" relate? Having traced Sithones to such locations as Torone and Taranto, why was the Canadian city of York re-named to "Toronto"? I would suggest that the term, "masculine," derived from the Meshech/Mushki, since they were Amazons. I'm referring to the male-ness of Amazonian women.

Tacitus gave evidence that the Finns were themselves Amazons, albeit he may have been referring to just one portion of Finns: "The Fenni are astonishingly wild and horribly poor...the women go everywhere with the men and claim a share in securing the prey." This is exactly as Amazons were described by others. But is it possible that Tacitus was referring to the Kvenlanders, since a K-less "Kven" is very similar to "Fin"? In this picture, we perhaps shouldn't imagine feminine women in Kvenland, but more like those who wore the pants.

Is it a coincidence that the flag of Finland is a blue cross on white background, that the flag of Zionist Israel is a blue hexagram on a white background, and that all three Cohen Coats -- the Irish, the German, and the Israeli -- consist of blue and white? What about the fact that "Cowan" is a surname variation of "Cohen"? I don't know why "cohen" = "priest" would be associated with womanhood...unless the priests were faggots or eunuchs in the name of their religiosity.

The Albanians (of Illyrium) need to enter this picture because they too were a matrilinear society. That Illyrian Albanians connect to Picts is made so obvious to me that I wonder why I have never read anyone who has made the connection:

[The Cruithne] were a matrilineal people. The Cruithne of Scotland are the original Albans, or natives of Albany (Scotland north of the Firth of Forth), and are commonly referred to as Picts."

Recall my discussion of Curete Cretans becoming Curetes of Epirus. Apparently, they moved a little north into Illyrium and there, as the Albanoi tribe, they went to Britain as the original Cruithne, and/or joined their Cruithne relatives already there. The Curetes are thereby suspect as having a matrilinear feature among them. The Curetes were Carians, and Kos was a Carian island. Only now can I begin to identify the Sithones among the Sabines, which previously eluded me. For as the Sabina had a "Quirites" people among them, they were the matrilinear society amid the Patrician Sabines. Somewhere in the Quiriti theater I expect to find the Sithones.

It may be pertinent that Israelites today consider themselves true Israelites only on their mothers' sides. My first reflex (as I write) in explaining the origin of this non-Biblical practice was to look to the Rothschilds (because they are largely the foundation of modern Israel), which led me to wonder if they were from a Sithone-branch of Edonians. Immediately, I remembered that, according to, a major sept of the Rothschild surname is "Stein"! And with that I am reminded that the true father of Vladimir Zhirinovsky was a "Jew" having the surname, Eidelstein. I have felt for a decade that Zhirinovsky could become the anti-Christ, and wouldn't that be something, to predict a Sithone-Hebrew anti-Christ correctly before it happens. Zowie.

It seems far-fetched that "Stein" should be a version of "Sitone," but see that the German Stein Coat uses a goat (the Satyrs were half goat)! The Dutch Stein Coat uses a red rose and a red eight-pointed star (on gold background). Is it a coincidence that Rothschild Coat uses two gold eight-pointed stars (on red background)??? As "stein" is German for "stone," doesn't it evoke "Sitone" all the more? Could "Stone of Scone" be code for the Sithones among the Saxons? To what group within Thuringia would the Sithones pertain to? I'd say, find out what the blue of Thuringia traces to, and you should have the answer. This is what makes Betty Rubble's blue dress so important, if I'm correct that she depicted the Wettins.


I'm currently busy with a building project and cannot resume this book on a full-time basis until later in the year. I hope to add a few chapters more as I find the time.
May you find your peace in Him in these trying times of counterfeit lights.

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