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February 9 - 15, 2021

Lindell Is on The Roll
Farrah Fawcett's Schlapp to Barry Soetoro's Lipp
When He Was on the Ramp

If you're waiting for Jesus to return, see Post-Tribulation Rapture

There were dozens of bitchute channels carrying the first Lindell documentary, predicted to get millions of viewers unobstructed by tech giants in the first few weeks. When asking bitchute for "absolute proof Lindell," on Monday of this week, there were 180 results, probably having 100 or more channels providing this production. But, almost nobody is talking about it on social-media news. Bitchute had so many of them Friday and Saturday that no one could load bitchute's home page without coming across them. But by mid-week, I didn't see one bitchute channel talking about the best part of the documentary, the part with the map. Strange. It could be because the social-media giants, like Bongino, were silent about it. I wish it were mere hesitation, but there might be something worse to it, like bigotry.

On Monday (February 8th), google still won't give people the video if they ask for it; instead, it gives all the "rebuttals."

On Monday, I wanted to check if the key ingredient of the Lindell video would make it to Fox and Friends. It took about three minutes (at youtube) to find no mention in its 6-am show. Ditto for the 7-am show, though I did stop and watch Earhardt's treatment on vaccines. She always does this show's vaccine reports, and, once again, as usual, she did NOT mention the dangers of these vaccines, but advanced them as important and vital to the people, like a sick kitten on Murdoch's lap.

There was nothing-Lindell on the 8 am show either. It was the biggest news ever, that Lindell's team has the Internet logs showing the invasion of foreign computers into the counties where battleground states manipulated the vote, but Fox news cancels this story, which includes hoards of cheaters across the country prepared to do it again in future elections.

Here's someone in the comments section in Bongino's Monday show: "An hour and 35 minutes into the Lindell video he brings on someone named Mary Fanning who reveals everything as THEY WERE CAUGHT RED-HANDED! IP addresses and everything else. After seeing something like this there is no going back!" The problem is, Bongino didn't even mention Lindell's video, and I have a feeling he won't do anything on Tuesday either. One probable reason is that he does Fox appearances, and doesn't want to disturb the Fox bosses. His viewers are perplexed as to why he's not mentioning Lindell. Many of his viewers commented on Friday, waving flags around pointing to Lindell's video, but, on Monday, Bongino treats it like it doesn't exist. There's something seriously wrong with this man.

Another possible reason is that Lindell is a Spirit-loving believer, a born-again type, and Bongino is not. There are people in the catholic / fleshy world who despise born-again, pope-less Bible believers. It's the biggest news of all that could justify a Trump come-back, and Bongino apparently despised this news just because it comes from Lindell. Why else? It's exactly the news he would love to see, if only it was one of his ilk in social media, but because it's from a born-again Christian, Bongino feels sick to the stomach to talk about it, isn't that right?

Bongino's Tuesday show was expected to at least tell his viewers why he's not doing anything on Lindell, but, nothing, nothing at all. I think it was Gorka's Tuesday show that recommended Lindell's video. Steve Bannon promoted it, with Lindell on his show, the day before the documentary was out. Lindell told Bannon that five million viewers / hits just on his own site, by Saturday, the day after it came out. Shame on Fox, utter shame, to ignore this.

Lindell says he's got lawyers looking at suing Dominion. Shame on Fox because Lindell has the goods to save Fox from Dominion's law suit. Dominion won't sue Lindell, because he's got the goods. How bad would it look for Dominion to sue someone, claiming false evidence against him, when in fact Dominion is guilty of high crimes? On top of the high crimes, they add the crime of suing unjustly, maligning someone's character on top.

Bongino claims to really-really care about the Republican party, and freedom from tyranny, yet here he's ignoring the biggest fraud story since the election, the fraud story that needs to be heard in order to fight back against the in-coming tyranny he speaks of. WHY's he ignoring it? What's wrong with this man? If he knows that the Fanning material is a hoax, or a fraud, then he owes it to his viewers to say so. This is something SERIOUSLY / DEEPLY fraudulent about Bongino. Never mind what Lindell's beliefs are; it's what he's presenting that matters. Nothing like acting the big hypocrite, Bongino. Shame, great shame. Here's the Fanning / map material:

As you can see, Fanning shows a long list of IP addresses, and each one of them represents a computer or computer system. Anyone can copy those numbers down and seek out on google who they belong to. If they were fake numbers, the leftist media would have been all over it, but the leftist media is not touching this...because, apparently, it's true. It's the biggest purported evidence of fraud, and can send to jail anyone who was on those computers at the time that the list has them on. Every hack into an election-house computer was an unauthorized, illegal hack into a United States federal election. But Bongino doesn't want to talk about it because Lindell's a charismatic Christian?

On the top line of her list, the IP "target" address is, Here's what it belongs to: Details are: Gaylord, Michigan, belonging to a company, Gaslight (is this a joke?), and having the hostname of "". So, it looks like the country itself. The same line on Fanning's page shows where the hacker originated, and I expect that the be truthful too. I would be shocked if this data is not part of a case going to SCOTUS, hopefully later this year.

Problem: Gaylord is not in Emmet county, but beside it. A Gaslight Media company (computer technology) has an official address in Petoskey, Emmet county, and so this must be the real target of the hack, not in Gaylord. "[Petoskey] is the county seat of Emmet County..." (There is a Gaslight Square apartment complex in Gaylord, but that makes no sense for this discussion.)

The 2nd-listed target IP on the fanning report is,, belonging to, or Pima county, Tuscon, Arizona. We can assume that Fanning's list has bona fide target computers, therefore, and so why won't Fox check these hacks out? Because, it's not a news organization, but a political organ, and that means it tends to use your brain up for its own purposes. Right now, it wants you to accept a Biden presidency to get rid of Trump, and it will then tell you who to vote for in 2024.

Okay, so the Fanning report claims hacks for IP addressed to government offices. Does that seem to you like a hoax? Does someone conducting a hoax actually accuse government offices of partaking in a treasonous crime? Not unless all of those government offices are in on the hoax, but how impossible can that be? She showed many, many IP addresses when she scrolled down the page. So, this looks like true data. On or near election night, foreign computers were contacting government offices, and the list claims that votes were robbed from Trump by those hacks. And Bongino says nothing? Does Trump say nothing? Is this bizarre or is this bizarre?

On about Monday of this week, a LEAK from my roof started dripping down, as it does every spring (it's not spring yet) for about a day, to a SHELF at the front of my computer table. It didn't quit dripping by Wednesday night, however, and it was starting to worry me because we're not even in a spring thaw. So, as this was looking like a BIG LEAK, I decided to check the Shelf surname in case God was indicating something about to be leaked to the news. The Shelf Coat is exactly the Coat of English House's, but so what? I don't know of any other surname with a cross in those colors. But so what?

Then, on Thursday evening, a few hours after the leak stopped, I loaded a video (a Rumble video much later in this update) where one speaker reminded me that the Lindell documentary featured Brannon Howse. Well, not only are Howse's listed with both House surnames, but French House's/Howse's share the leaf design of Lindells/Linds! Zinger, what are the chances? (Click the Howse link now to get yourself a new page where you can load other surnames to better follow along.)

So, maybe the big leak, accomplished by God perhaps, includes DENNIS Montgomery, the one who's ultimately responsible for the material that Ms. Fanning is describing, the smoking gun with the hand still holding the gun. English Dennis' happen to share red-on-white axes with the Bien's in the Montgomery motto. The Montgomery Crest has the Saracen head, with the same blue-and-gold head band, as the HAZELtons (leaves), and Hazels not only share the House and Lindell leaves, but they are in the colors of the Lindell leaves. That's pretty amazing. If you read the Fylde-Fly material in the last update, which pointed to Obama, note that Hazeltons are in Fylde colors and format, and first found in Sussex with Hammers (House/Howse colors), as well as a branch of the Singletons of Fylde. Mr. Montgomery created "The Hammer and Scorecard," the spy system that caught the election crime.

English Alberts are said to use a savage with a "sledge HAMMER" over the shoulder, and then Albert-like Halperts/Halberts share the white-on-red axe with Biens. Oh wow. God showed me through an old farmer friend, DOMINic De FILIPPis, that he pointed to Dominion FLIPPing of votes, and here I can add that German Alberts virtually share the Coat of French Dominics while English Dominics, sharing the eight-pointed star (different colors) with German Alberts, have a "PAX" motto while the Montgomery woman holding the Hazelton head also holds the ANCHOR of English PACKs. It just so happens that I tend to link the giant Albert griffin to the one of Hangers/Angers, and the latter share the "escarbuncle" with the Angers in turn having a version of the Anchor Coat.

The curiosity now is that while Danish Cnut's use a "POT hanger" as code for Hangers/Angers, I used one of my pots to catch the leak!

The Obama dream was resolved recently (topic of this month) as having a gardener that snitches on Obama. Montgomerys have a "GARDez bien" motto, and Carricks (Quare/Carre branch) have "Garde bien." The thing is, the dancetty Carrick fesse is shared by QUARRELs, and, as I've been saying for four years: the Obama dream ended with Obama looking disappointed with his employee, now resolved as his gardener. We could say that Obama was QUARRELing with that employee. As I said in the last update, the Obama dream took place on February 4, 2017, and Lindell released his documentary on the morning of February 5, fours years later. I'm still wondering whether there was a release on the 4th.

I can even use the Leak surname sharing the engrailed Knee / Needham bend. I'm not sure whether the leg in the Leak Crest is shown bent at the knee as code for their Knee kin, but this leg is probably that of Ayers/Airs, first found in Ayrshire with Carricks, Craigie's and Nons/Nevins/KNEvens'/Knewen (Knee branch?). I've not known that KNEVEN/KNEWEN variations, nor the Knave variation of Neve's/Navys, until now, thanks to the "GNAViter" motto term of Leaks, which reminded me of the "KNAWNe of Kays. Nons/Nevins/Knewens use a "ViVIS" motto term while Vise's/Vice's share the Knee / Needham stag head. Craigs use "VIVe ut vivas," and Craigie's use "vivo."

Nons are in the motto of Nagle's ("VOTum") sharing the Anger lozenges. The nightenGALE in the Nagle Crest tells that they share the Gale ("fama") and Fenn/Venn fesse, the latter surname being in the Powell motto. Gale's use a "Qui" motto term for Kay-branch Keys, and a "fama" for Fenn-branch Fiens/PHONE's/Fame's and Fiens/Finis'. Knee's and Needhams use the PHOENix, and Phoenix's are listed with FENwicks. We got back to Knee's here via the Non/Knewen motto. as Sidneys use a PHEON, it appears that this heraldry, all starting with the Leak motto, points to Sidney Powell, now Lindell's partner in a conservative Super PAC.

Nons/Knewens come up as Nems too while English Neme's/Names can be gleaned as the kin of CLOUD-kin Lutts/Lute's. Then, the House/Howse anchor happens to be coming from a cloud. The Nem variation of Nons/Knewens can be suspect in the "igNEM" motto term of Hooders ("VICimis"), whom were looked up as per the Hooser variation of House's/Howse's because the latter share a white anchor with Hoods. I don't recall the Irish NEEDs/Neme's/Name's (Lincolnshire, same as Neme's/Name's above) showing a green griffin in Crest, the Crest symbol of Powells and Fenns/Venns too. That's amazing timing, for houseofnames to put that griffin head in the Need/Neme/Name Crest just as I come to it now, for it tends to place Sidney Powell into the knee-slide goal. I loaded Needs/Neme's/Name's not many weeks ago, but did not notice its Crest griffin, although it's very familiar to me due to being in the Fenn/Venn Crest. (It's now obvious that the lion of Neme's/Name's (share Fast quadrants) is that of Fast-loving Leslie's (green griffin head in Crest)).

This heraldry apparently points to my knee-slide goal (topic of several consecutive weeks to this day) where the puck rested on the goal LINE for me to tip in. The slide with goal pointed to John Ratcliffe's China material. The Line's are also Linds, as are the Lindells. Was that winning tip-in at the goal line a pointer to the people mentioned above, all working to expose Dominion?? Looks like. The knee slide and tip-in goal pointed to Ratcliffe's Chinese material partly with Ratcliffe-related Tipps/TIPPINs, and partly with the "shin bones" of Newtons ("non" again!), and the latter happen to be arranged as a saltire cross in the colors of the Shelf / House/Howse cross. So, we now have the Nons/KNEWens, suspect in the motto of Kays (share the double bends of Ratcliffs) even in the NEWton motto!!! More legs with bent knees are used by House-like Hose's.

As Kays are to be connected to Ratcliffs, it's interesting that Craigs share the horse and rider (different color) with Neve's/Navys and the crescents of Ellis' who in turn look connectable by their Coat to the other Neve's (Angus, same as Neve's/Navys). It just so happens that Ellis' share the cross of RATs/Raids. It's maybe a long shot, but this has me wondering if it can be a pointer to Jenna Ellis, Trump's former Christian lawyer who said this week on Gorka that it's unconstitutional for Trump to take the White House even if there was election fraud where other parties aside from Biden are guilty. I'm not at all of that belief, because cheating can NEVER be protected by a constitution.

Hooders (new to me here) have an angel in Crest while Angels (Anchor- / Anger-linkable) can be gleaned as Nagle kin. The Angels share a white winged horse with Neve's/Navys/Kneve's. Having said that, Charlie's Angels are coming back to mind because they came up in the last update with the sister of Dennis, and here we're talking about Dennis Montgomery. Here's what was surprising in the last update:

I kid you not, that on the night that Sharon was screaming at the door, her boyfriend, who was at the party, was CHARLIE!!! Farrah Fawcett was the star of "CHARLIE's ANGELS"!!! As I showed in the last update, Mellanson's being angry with me was pointed to by the Hangers/Angers because Note-line Danish Cnuts use "pot hangers"! Plus, LOL, Angels not only have the lozenges of English Angers (share escarbuncle with Hangers/Angers) in colors reversed, but the Angel Crest is a white horse to go with the white unicorn in the Note/Cnut Crest. Sharon has a Quinn surname, and Quinns share the white winged horse!!!

Plus, Hooders happen to share three axes (different color) with Dennis', and the latter were at LesNEWTH while Newths (did they name Newtons?) are listed with Nutts/Knutts, expected as a Note/Cnut/Knott branch. If it seems that God arranged Dennis to point to Lesnewth, then could it be due partly to the gold pheon in the Newth Crest, the color of the Sidney pheon? In the last update, Farrah Fawcett and Sharon were part of a NOTE that God told me to write for Steve Mellanson. This is all intriguing, but the meaning is not straight-forward at all. On top of those things, I've just checked the Lipp surnames again because Sharon punched Barry in the lip before she started to scream, and Scottish Lipps have another "non" motto term [eventually below, the Lipps prove to disclose that Barry is a symbol of Obama].

I remember getting down on one KNEE to pray for Sharon as she was screaming. I remember it, no doubt about it, because I was one of the party buddies, and had just become a Christian as little as a couple of weeks earlier, and so I wasn't in the habit of praying to Jesus in front of anyone, let alone getting down on a knee in front of these drinking pals. Dennis was a wild man, not Christian material. I would like to know what he punch to Barry means, when he was sticking up for my right to become a Christian with she complaining about it. Sharon was not like that at all, not mean, not ugly, not threatening, but on this night, the demons got to her. However, I still don't know what to do with Knee's, who come up plenty. There is nothing in particular, no specific theme, about the Knee's firmly planted in my mind, though the Knee / Needham phoenix is starting to point to the Sidney PHEON. But if that prayer on one knee pointed to the knee slide, itself pointing to Newth-like Newtons, then, okay, Sidney Powell is a part of the knee slide, yet how does Sharon's punch work into that?

I was praying just inside the door of Dennis' apartment, and Dennis' come up as Dan-like Danys'. French Dany's (not "Danys") share the giant lion of Deans/Diane's (Sussex, same as Dans). As was said, Irish Prays share the Coat of Coats'/Cotes', and John Ratcliffe replaced DAN Coats as director of National Intelligence. Plus, the Coutes'/Cootes' and Celts/Colts have the Pilate pheon in colors reversed due to a related reason, and the Pilate pheon is shared by Newth/Knutts! Plus, I've just realized, Pilate's come up as "Pilotte," as do English Pillows!!! Mike Lindell own My Pillow!!!!! INCREDIBLE. The Newths were necessary to get us here, and they came from LESnewth of the Dennis'.

I trace LESlie's, who happen to share the green griffin with Powells (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), to a Lesce location right beside BLED (Sava river), and while Bloods/Bluds can be linked to Bled, there was blood dripping from Barry lip from Sharon's punch! I'm not making it up, it's in the last two updates already. Sidney Powell very likely based her accusations against Dominion thanks to the material from Montgomery's spy system, though we don't know who the leaker is. Maybe Ratcliffe.

While Ratcliffs were kin of Tipps/Tippins, the latter share the gold pheon with the Newth Crest, and the tip-in goal involved NEWTons. Axe-using Dennis' were first found in Lancashire, same as Ratcliffs and Tipps/Tippins. It has been established that the heraldic axe is code for the namers of the Axe rivers in Somerset, one flowing to a Seaton location. Seatons/Sittens and Sedans/Siddens were probably a Sidney branch, and while I trace the namers of the Axe to the Axius river of the PAEONi, that's the people group to which I trace the Sidney PHEON.

In Paeonia were the DENTheletae peoples, and then the Sedbergh location of Dents is suspect from the Sedans/Siddens (once said to be first found in Yorkshire with Sedbergh). Perhaps this people group is to be understood as DENTHeLETae, from a let-like people group, for the Lets/Late's, first found in Gloucestershire with Newths, use "organ PIPES" while Pipe's (Staffordshire, same as Stops/Stubbs) have a Coat version of the Stops/Stubbs who in turn use more pheons because they were from Stobi on the Axius river (in Macedonia).

Dennis' of Lesnewth just took us to Leslie's, first found in Aberdeenshire with the Cults location of Celts/Colts, though this statement is found in the Coutes/Cootes write-up. What crimes did the deep state commit through Dan Coats, who was Trump's choice along with Barry-like Barr soon after? Both Coats and Barr are traitorous Republicans. Why were they assisting deep-state mobsters? Why was Trump assisting them? What malicious game was two-faced Trump playing on his voters?

Wow, I've just remembered: I happened to purchase a leather COAT from DANIER leathers (about 2003), and because a leather jacket was on sale, I bought that too. Danier's (Gloucestershire, same as Lets/Late's and Newths/Knutts) share the white Note/Cnut unicorn head! What are the chances? Why does it seem that Dan Coats is being pointed to by that coat purchase? As I said, I asked the guys, after praying, to get Sharon off the floor and onto a couch (and give her a drink!), and then walked back to Mellanson's apartment at the opposite end of the hallway, where he showed disappointment in me for leaving his party earlier that night, and so I then remembered the NOTE that God told me to write that morning, to give to him because, He said, we were going to get into a disagreement / QUARREL (see Quarrels below) that night. That's how it happened, that's what God told me, and so I wrote down that Steve and I were going to get into a disagreement that night, and put the note into my pocket. It slipped my mind all day until I was back at Steve's door.

There's a great reason as to why I put an exclamation mark above at "give her a drink." I'm not making this up here, though I failed to mention that part. Before explaining how this links to Leathers/Letters, let me repeat from the last update where I went on to show how Mellansons link to Drengots, who were also called Quarrels, I kid you not: "But if that's all there was to say, I wouldn't be bringing the Mellanson topic back up here. The DRENGots came up in the first place with a crane DRINKing. I remember seeing the official description, it said the crane was "drinking." Here's from my second update in November, 2014: 'The Leto's/Letts use a 'crane DRINKing,'..." Drinks/Drengs had a Dreng location in NOTTINGhamshire, the latter named by Cnut. But now that you've just seen how Cnut liners were Danier kin (Cnut was a DANE king), let's add that Leather/Letters share the Ali/Aliotto Coat because Leto's/Letts are also Alitto's with nearly the same Coat! Incredible, especially if my leather-coat purchase is also pointing to Sam Alito of the US Supreme Coat, the Republican judge who let Trump voters down this past December.

Plus, recall "DENTheLETae," for the Tooths, said to be from a Mr. Dentibus, share the giant Leather/Letter / Ali/Aliotto griffin. Here's from the 3rd update in May, 2019:

The woman felt a little bad for this and left the apartment, walking down the hall to Quinn's place, but as she arrived to the door, she was heard screaming at the top of her lungs. I ran down to see, and as she was losing her mind, I got down on one KNEE, and looked up to the ceiling, praying to Jesus, when, as soon as the prayer was out, she stopped screaming. This was in full view of her brother and others, and perhaps also herself (I had my back to her).

So I asked the others to put her on the couch and give her a DRINK. And when she was on the couch, she stretched her hand out toward me, and said, "I LOVE you."

There you have it, the "drink." It strikes me here that Love's/Luffs are linkable to Muscats, Muschats and Epsteins (topic of recent updates). Mellanson was always drinking a beer when one went over, in those days. Beers share the bear with Couch's, and Couch's are linkable to the Coats/Cotes pale bars due to the Trot/Truth bear. "Truth" is a motto term of Ali-like Allisons while Alis' have bear heads. The Ellis use either a naked or nude woman, and if the latter term is used (I can't recall which), perhaps it's code for Newths, for they show a Nudd variation. I trace the Ellis WOMAN to VIMINacium, on the DANube river beside LEDeRATa. Dutch Beers have a Coat looking linkable to the Rat/Raid Coat. The namers of LEDERata look like they later named Leathers/Letters.

My best shot at explaining these heraldic pointers is that Alito will eventually get the victory for the legal cases on their way to SCOTUS from Lindell and Powell.

Wow, just realized that the goose on a ROCK (Rutherford symbol too) in the Leather Crest is Intended by God to be linked to the Couch's because Goose's are also GOUCH's (share Mole boar), first found in ROXburghshire with Rutherfords, MAXWELLs and Mole's. This can be a pointer to Ghislaine Maxwell. It's interesting that Roxburghs share the pale bar of Drinks/Drengs. The "bundle of RODs" of Mellansons ("axe in the middle") are partly for Rock-related Rods. Mellansons share the Note/Cnut crescents.

Now that Bidenites have the DoJ, the chances of Ghislaine Maxwell's testimony going against such characters as the Clintons are slimmer than ever.

By the way, the Drengs are in the Drink/Dreng write-up as Deerings. And wow, I get it: the latter are said to descend from Mr. Morinis, and the Morinis' come up as the Mori's in the motto of Ryans who can thus be gleaned with the Leather/Letter / Tooth griffin! I'll bet that's a pointer to Paul Ryan of Fox, a nasty piece of deep-state work. Yes, I think it is a pointer to Ryan.

Why Do I Dislike Paul Ryan?

I now recall that God gave me a fistula BUMP (issued PUS) on my GUM when my TOOTH was infected under the cavity filling. That taught me that Bumps/BumPUS' share the giant Tooth griffin, and by that time, I spoke plenty on the GOMER variation of German Gumms, a potential pointer now to Dennis MontGOMERY! Bumps/Bumpus' were first found in Gloucestershire with Lets/Late's, Samsons ("letho"), and Newths/Knutts, and we saw above how Leto's/Letts/Alitto's have a giant crane (drinking) in the colors of the giant griffin under discussion. But why would God allow a rotten molar tooth to point to Montgomery? I dunno, but the hexagram of Rotens is shared by Molers, and then Mollers are listed with Muellers.

There is such a thing as a "lodged" stag, used by Hazel-branch Islips/Haslips (holly tree), and shared Maxwells (holly bush) and Bloods/Bluds. The Lodge's are also Loge's, and Lindells/Linds use a log as well as the leaves of Hazels (share Note/Cnut / Mellanson crescents). The Leather-beloved Rocks have trefoils in the colors of those leaves. Leathers/Letters and Lodge's/Loge's look related judging by their Coats, especially as LEThams have the Lodge/Loge lion. The Lodge lion is that of Morrough's, and Ryans (griffins linkable to Leather/Letter griffin) are said to descend from MacMorrough's. The giant Lodge / Morrough lion is that also of Morinis-branch Marano's, and Ryans love the Mori variation of Morinis'. I have the sense here that Ryan was hired by Fox because he's part of the Epstein crime ring.

When Sharon punched Barry in the mouth, it was also at his tooth. Is this some sort of Indication that Bill Barr was in cahoots with Paul Ryan?

I neglected to check the Barry surnames in the last update. The Barrys/BARRETTs, sharing the black dog with Carricks and Craggs, happen to share "bien" with Carricks and Quare's/Carre's, and the latter (Carricks colors) share the lion of Carews/CARROTs. This is partly why God said Mellanson would quarrel with me, very apparently, which took place about five minutes after Sharon punched Barry in the mouth as he sat on Mellanson's living-room floor. What could this mean? A pointer also to SCOTUS' Amy Coney-Barrett? Coneys use rabbits, and rabbits eat carrots.

Carots/Carreaux's/CHARONs share a gold Chief and besants with Mellans. I showed the "GARDE" motto term of LOANs/Lane's in the last update, not only because Carricks use "Garde bien" as their motto, but because Charlie was a LOAN officer. That's why I checked for a Loan surname (share the Groce/GRAGG Shield) in the first place. It appears that God arranged all of this heraldry to match Charlie and Sharon. Loans/Lane's use so-called "ENGLISH lions," and English's/ENGLys look like a branch of Angle's/ANGELs, how about that! English's share the lion of Roys in the Loan/Lane motto, "Garde le roy." Ah, just found an Engle/AINGEL surname (raven with annulet/ring) sharing the split Shield of Loans/Lane's and Groce's/Graggs.

It proves I wasn't seeing things when that snap vision looked like Farrah Fawcett. God wants to prove that He gave the vision. In fact, while Charlie worked at a bank, the Banks are said to have had a branch at Winstanley (Lancashire). As the bank cross is the rat cross in colors reversed, I checking to see how close Winstanley is to Radcliffe, which revealed that Winstanley is in Wigan, right beside Chorley, and Charlie's are listed with Chorleys (Lancashire)!!! AMAZING. Stanleys were first found in Cambridgeshire with Wigans (version of the Annas Coat).

Wigan is on the DOUGlas river, which recalls that Groce's/Graggs came up as per the Russian MEDALlion found on my Jeep at a GROCEry store, pointing to MEDALs/DOUGals, kin of Bauds. Chorley use BOTTLEs, and Bottle's/Bodle's/Buthills (Lancashire) look connectable to Baud liners. I wouldn't be mentioning this had not Groce's/Graggs shared the Loan/Lane Shield while the latter's Roy kin share the Douglas Chief and the Medal/Dougal lion. Douglas' were first found in Moray, and share the Moray stars, but as the Moray Coat is that of Handle's / Handels, it recalls my dream with broken door handle on my Jeep that pointed to Bill Barr missing in action (= no-nothing deep-state slob) through the fiery riots seeking to unseat Trump.

I still can't say whether Sharon's punch to Barry's face concerns some punch, so to speak, against Bill Barr. While these heraldry connections are compelling evidence that God is trying to say something, it's too complicated for me to make a sensible story, on the spur. I often let you know when I see something worthy of mention. The door handle was missing a BARRel-shaped part, and Barrels with Doors were first found in Herefordshire with the English's/Englys sharing the Douglas Chief. It's a riddle, go ahead and try to solve. The bank-loan man took us to English's/Englys. The latter probably share the Pool lion because Pollocks were at Moray's Rothes castle, and this castle were proto-Rothschild bankers. making sense? The dream with Sleeping Beauty started with a shark in a POOL, having big and nasty teeth, that swallowed Trump.

[Amazingly, Bodels almost have the Moray / Handel Coats, but I didn't know of Bodels here until the paragraph below was finished, at which time the Boltens were load to see this again: "The Domesday Book of 1086 refers to BODELtone and it is generally understood that this is the first reference for most of these places." So, it's tending to unite Boltons with the Bottle's beloved by Charlie's/Chorleys. Read on, and solve the mystery if you can. The three Charlie/Chorley bottles are in the colors of the three Hannity leopard faces.]

To complicate things further, Banks (Yorkshire, same as Chimneys) were first found at a Newton location while the Newton-beloved Shins are expected to be the Shins/Chinns/Chings...sharing the Coat of ROYers, I have just learned. For those of you who know about the lightning-BOLT strike on my chimney, which I thought pointed to Boltons (maybe John Bolton and Dick CHENey together), it's interesting here that Bolton is ten miles from Wigan, and about the same from Chorley. The Shin/Chinn/Ching Coat is also that of CHIMNey-like Kemmis'/Kenys'. The bricks of the chimney were scattered on the roof SHINGles, and SHINE's/Shings look like a Shin/Chinn/Ching branch. Boltons share the lion of Roy-beloved Loans/Lane's to which Charlie points, but without those lions, the Boltons share the Chimney Coat. It's complicated because, for one, it suggests a link between Charlie the loan officer and God's lightning bolt. Can you solve this mystery???

Is Charlie a symbol of international bankers wanting into the Middle-East, the ones who put out the 666 commercial system (probably in cahoots with anti-Christ governments) leading to God's lightning bolts at Armageddon? Looks like.

Bill SHINE, who once worked as an executive for Fox news (loves war hawks), has been in the upper levels of the Trump administration. For example, Shine was Trump's deputy Chief of Staff when John Bolton (dread war hawk) was Trump's security chief. Have we started to solve the bricks-on-shingle mystery? During the period that Shine was the deputy Chief of Staff, he took over as Communication's director from Hope Hicks as she was hired for an executive position at Fox, and so, maybe, Shine got her the job at Fox. She was like an unskilled nobody at the time; why would Fox hire her there if her pretty face wasn't for TV purposes? Shine and Bolton came on-board the Trump team when the military mole, John Kelly, was the Chief of Staff. Was Trump just too stupid to see that he had hired enemies, or was he deceiving his voters into thinking that they he was too stupid to see it? I say that Trump was involved in some sort of game-changer operations upon the Christian people as the world gears up for 666 totalitarianism.

I think I can clinch the pointer to Ryan now because, a minute, or little more, before God told me to write the note, I saw a snap vision of a beautiful blonde having a non-physical head injury, which turned out to be Sharon (beautiful blond) on the couch. However, when I had the vision, as explained in the last update, the woman looked like Farrah Fawcett. This was proven correct because she was with Charlie on that night, pointing to Charlie's Angels, which starred Farrah Fawcett. The point is, Fawcetts had a Fauxside castle, you see, a pointer to Fox news.

If you load Fawcett's, you will see that Saer de QUINcy built Fauxside castle, and then Sharon was born Miss QUINN. Quince's/Quincys use MASCLEs while KEITHs/MASCULs (East Lothian, same as Fawcetts) were kin of the Mussels/MUSCELs that named Musselburgh in East Lothian. So, there we have God's apparent pointer to nasty Paul Ryan, no doubt beloved by KEITH Rupert Murdoch (Fox's founder and owner). I showed recently how Murdochs point to Jeffrey Epstein's hanging in prison (or whatever it was, which Bill Barr allowed to take place without any arrests). Murdochs were related to MARGYs/Mackeys (ravens "hanging"), both first found in Ayrshire with MARGaret Carrick. See? Way back in 1979, God was pointing to Murdoch and Ryan. That seems clear now. (Murdoch founded News Corp in March of 1980, one year after the day of the Fawcett vision.)

Murdochs were first found in Ayrshire with the Barrs sharing the Murdoch Crest. How's that for a massive "coincidence." The Crests use the Love/Luff / Muscat lion head, and Muschats share the Epstein Coat. "I LOVE you," she said to me, totally unexpected, like someone trying to rectify her bigotry against me a few minutes earlier. Murdochs share the checks of Quare's/Care's. As was said, Murdocks share the checkered fesse of Write's/Wrights, and God told me to WRITE on paper that I was going to have a disagreement with Melanson.

I've talked quite a bit about Fox hiring Hope Hicks about the very time it hired Paul Ryan. Hope at that time left Trump's White House, making me suspect that she had been a mole into Trump's agenda, and even into his private life. If she could get him to sleep with her, the deep state would have Trump blackmailed. She left Fox to go back to Trump's White House, and we never heard from her again, as always, she's low-key.

Lookie: Hope's, said to be first found in Derbyshire (until recently) with Note's/Cnuts, have a version of the Note/Cnut Coat, and, besides, Hope's share besants with Mellans. The note to Mellanson was not many days after my shark dream with Miss Hicks, born Charlotte RENA Hicks. Hope Hicks has a Charlotte middle name. As Charlotte's are listed with Charles', might Charlie the loan officer work into this? Does this not look like a pointer to Ryan and Hope Hicks together? I resolved that this dream was on Epstein's island. If the Hope's change their besants to crescents, they are the Note/Cnut / Mellanson crescents.

There was a beautiful blond in this dream too, and God said to me, within the dream, "it's you she LOVES." You see, both the dream and the beautiful woman in the vision pointed to Love's/Luffs, the latter first found in Oxfordshire with Quarre's (two 'r's). Then, CARE's/Carre's (Yorkshire, same as Dentdale) have a reflection of the Dent and Cary Coats, important because she was hovering LEVEL in a CAR at the time, a pointer to Levels/Leavells of CARY castle. The Dents were at Dentdale of SEDbergh, and Sedans share "sed" with Cars/Currs/Kerrs. She was hovering over the car SEATs, and Seatons/Sittens, first found in East Lothian with Faucets/Fawcetts, were a branch of Sedans, and of the Sutys sharing the Faucets/Fawcett lion. Fauxside can be gleans with the Suty-branch Side's, sharing the Carew/Carrot and Quare/Care lion. (The Quarre Coat, new to me now, has a lizard-like animal I can't identify; a lizard is used by Quarre-like Hare's/Garrys/Jarrys).

The woman of the dream became Sleeping Beauty. Sleeps named Sleap in Sleap-like SALOP, and Mercedes SCHLAPP was the deputy Communications officer when Bill Shine was its director. Ms. Schlapp was the director of Strategic Communications while Hicks and Shine were directors of Communications. If Beautys/BOWds (beside Bow-related Roets) were kin of Bows/Bough's, note that Hope's use a rainBOW. I just finished some pizza, and truly, I just got up, after writing the last sentence, to give a piece to my tenant, who was down doing laundry. The Hope RAINbow can be of Rains/Raines' and Rena-like Reines'/Rainers, the latter having the Coat of pizza-like Pisa's in colors reversed, and adding a so-called comet as a pointer to Comet Ping Pong pizza. There is no doubt that God arranged this pointer for a reason (won't repeat all the evidence here), but not because Ping Pong has good pizza.

Plus, Mercedes Schlapp was succeeded by Alyssa FARAH, how about that! The latter was Pence's press secretary. She is the daughter of Joseph Farah, founder of the Christian (pre-trib) news org, World Net Daily (I didn't know it until now). Uh-oh, she was even the press secretary for Mark Meadows, another mole in Trump's White House who worked to ruin Sydney Powell's efforts to save Trump from election fraud.

[A day after this update was out, Alyssa Farah was on Fox supporting COVID vaccinations as distributed by Trump, and Farrah Fawcett had a non-physical head injury in my vision, which may suggest God's warning not to take the vaccine! These vaccines are loved by Faucet-like Tony Fauci. See more heraldry on this topic in the next update. Here she is:

] Wow, there is a Mercedes surname sharing the crescents of Curbys/Kirbys/KIRKby, the latter first found in Lancashire with some of the key surnames above. As Kirkby of Lancashire is in MERSEYside, it tends to explain the Mercie-and-similar variations of Mercedes'. Kirby is just outside of LIVERpool, and about 20 miles from Wigan. The Kirks not only have a version of the Wigan Coat, but the thistle in the FAUCH Crest! It appears that Farrah Fawcett in my vision is a pointer to Trump's Communications staff as it connected with FOX news, especially as LIVERs/Levers/Lovers use a TRUMPet! Wild.

Recall the Charlie/Chorley bottles, for Bootle is a location roughly between downtown Liverpool and Kirkby. Bottle's/Bootle's are traced in their write-up to a BOLTelai location, and English Bolts (griffin, Pomeranian element) were likewise first found in Lancashire. German Bolts were first found in Mecklenburg with Trumps. Barry drove a Volkswagen BEETLE, and the Beatles band came out of Liverpool. Barry played guitar in a band as a young man, and Guitars have a giant griffin (the Griffin family had operated in Pomerania / Mecklenburg).

The Liver/Lever Crest has a rooster "STANDing on a trumpet," and Stands/Stans can be of the Stanleys that likely named Winstanley at Wigan (at the purple diamond). It was the Charlie-pointed Banks who were at Winstanley. This recalls Sleeping Beauty (Miss Hicks) sitting beside Stanley at the first-anniversary affair put on my our church of September 11, 2002. In that picture, Stanley pointed to Morgan Stanley bankers (WOW!) because it had offices in several floors, in one of the Trade towers, immediately below two maintenance floors i.e. used to house the equipment of the criminals who detonated the towers. Morgans are in Mercedes / Kirkby colors. Wow, the latter two share the Coffer/Coffare / Heffer crescents, and then English Heffers (Somerset, same as Coffers/Coffare's) share the triple lions in pale of Loans/Lane's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlie the loan officer took us to Winstanley, I am beside myself!!!

It means that the mystery of Stanley (don't know his surname) at the 9-11 memorial church affair wasn't a solvable riddle until Charlie pointed us to Winstanley. That was the night that Charlotte RENA Hicks got her knee symbol to match my touching her knee in the 1979 / Sleeping-Beauty dream. It makes her middle name look more like a pointer to Paul Ryan than I previously thought, and all of this makes Ainsley Earhardt of Fox even more suspect as the double Sleeping Beauty, especially as Wigans and Kirks look like a branch of Annas, a branch of Ainsleys. As I said, Miss Hicks likely wore a wig when I knew her, and that had been suspect with the Wigans surname. Annas-like Hanna's were at WIGton.

The pastor's name of the church that put on the 9-11 memorial was Mr. Johnson, and Scottish Johnsons, with a version of a Kilpatrick Coat, share the Crest of Wigans! Miss Hicks is Mrs. Kilpatrick! And wow, the Johnsons and Kilpatricks share "cushions," a potential pointer to My-Pillow Lindell because his partner is Sidney Powell while the Sidney pheon is colors reversed in the Coat of English Johnsons. Interesting.

I can't say with certainty that Sharon punched Barry in the mouth because it could have been a hard SLAP as a pointer to Mercedes Schlapp. It works perfectly because Schlapp succeeded Miss (Alyssa) FARAH. Sharon was posing as FARRAH Fawcett, PERFECT. Plus, the Mercedes'/Mercie's were at Berry while Berrys are listed as Barrys: "Active in the events of the times, the family branched and held extensive lands in Paris, Berry, and Lorraine..." The Lorraine lion happens to be that of Morgans in colors reversed.

AHHH wow, more: The English Berrys not only have the triple Cameron fesses, but a griffin head in Crest split in half in both colors of the Ryan griffins! Unreal. As I said, I got to the 9-11 memorial before Miss Hicks, and when she came walking down the center Isle, I went to her to set up her video CAMERA. I then took a seat beside her, noting her sandals when avoiding stepping on her feet as I crossed in front of her. Decades later, I found CAMERArius Scocie in a write-up of English Sandals, while Scottish Sandals not only share the Knee / Stanley bend, but the gold eagle in the sandal Crest can be the similar phoenix in the Crest of Knee-branch Needhams. The Camera surname is listed with Camerons!!! The ones sharing the triple Berry fesses!!! Thus, the Mercedes write-up took us here. We would not be here had Sharon not slapped BARRY in the mouth.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, the Punch's have eight fessewise bars (called four-and-four) in the colors of the three Camera / Berry fesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE! I've known this before, but had forgotten.

The Berry write-up suggests that they had a Bury branch, and Burys/Buris', the ones I point to Burisma energy. The Bury bend-with-fleur is even a solid reflection of the Stanley Coat. Winstanley is about 20 miles west of Lancashire's Bury, the latter being where Ratcliffs were first found. Burys/Buris' and Berrys were both first found in Devon (beside Bauer-branch Burleys), and the Bury/Buris fleur-de-lys can be those of Earhardts in this Sleeping-Beauty picture that is to point to John Ratcliffe's work. I touched the knee of Sleeping Beauty = Ms. Earhardt, and Burys/Buris' share the Knee bend.

As was said, Barry was sitting on the living room floor when he got hit in the mouth. Flore's, Flora's and Fiore's all share the Bury/Buris fleur-de-lys. I do believe that Charlie was sitting on the floor beside Barry at that time.

I got up from my seat beside Miss Hicks to go speak with pastor Johnson (at the rear of the STAGE), but I did not return to my seat beside her, for which reason Stanley sat beside her. He was holding the American flag at the time, for to take it to the STAGE momentarily, and while Flags/Flacks share the double Stand/STAN fesses, the Flys (of FLAGi) share the Bank fleur-de-lys, NO GUFF at all. It again shows that the evening of the slap/punch to Barry needs to be merged with the 9-11 memorial in order to figure out what the mystery points to: Morgan Stanley bankers, for one, and perhaps also to prime minister Cameron, for Camerons (and Bows/Bough's and Bowers) share the five bunched arrows of the Rothschild bankers.

The STAGE's/Staggs are in the Stanley stags. Stanley took the flag to the stage for the final part of the memorial. The Stage's/Staggs can indicate staged crimes by the deep state. The Stage/Stagg stags are blue, the colors of the stag heads of Wigton's Hanna's. Trump's were first found in POMERania, and Berrys, sharing the red griffin with the Arms of Pomerania, were at Berry-POMERoy. Is that Berry-PomeROY for a Roy reason? Trump knows about the real 9-11, doesn't he? Yes, and he was a fake pretending he didn't. The Trump stag head is colors reversed from the same of Wigton's Hanna's.

It's the Tooths who share the Ryan griffin. The Berry griffin is split vertically in colors reversed from the same of Bumps/Bumpus', and this rotten-molar event had pointed to the Rotens because they share the Moler hexagram. But then the Mollers are listed with Muellers (Catherine wheel of Catherine ROET) while the infamous Robert Mueller was made the FBI boss by George Bush just six days before 9-11. Rothschilds are listed with RODDENsteins, and Rodhams with Roddens.

Recall Bolton about a dozen miles from Winstanley, and recall also the English Bolts sharing the griffin (different color) with Berrys. Bolts are the cause for the heraldic "bird bolt," an arrow, used by German Bolts. Birds/Burds have a version of the Bunch Coat, and Bunch's happen to share the three Rein/Reno lozenges while the Ryans have the griffins of Berrys! The PUNCH to Barry's mouth can thus allude to this BUNCH picture. It can appear that Ryans were of the Reno's.

Ahh, the Punch-like Pincs/Pinks share the Bunch / Reno lozenges, and Pincs (Yorkshire, same as Panico-related Pings/Pongs/PUNGs) were a branch of Panico's (use a "BIRD" on tree, yup) at the Setta valley, which drains into the Reno river. The amazing thing now is that the Pinc/Pink Coat looks like a version of the Sewer/SUTER Coat, and the latter was pointed to by BARRY SOETORO, Obama's previous name. It thus appears that Sharon's punch to Barry is to be regarded as a punch to Obama (and perhaps not so much to Bill Barr). The Panico's list Panetta's, and Leon Panetta was Obama's FBI director as well as his Defense chief. See anything deeply suspicious here?

The State's/Stations (Cheshire, same as Birds/Burds) share the Reno / Pink / Bunch lozenges too, and the State-like Stouts (Cambridgeshire, same as Stanleys and Wigans) have the blue Pink and Mea/Meigh fitchee. Obama was on a skateBOARD in the Obama dream in the scene just before his downfall, and Boards, expected with the martlets of Birds/BURDs ("mea"), have a version of the Sewer/Suter Coat. The "Cruce" motto term of Birds/Burds makes their cross linkable to the potent cross of Skate's/Sheets. Obama was going up a RAMP while on the skateboard, and Ramps get interesting here for showing nothing but brown lions, the color of the lions being the only symbol of LIPPs. Barry was punched / slapped in the lip. That's pretty cool. Can't wait to see God's punch.

Mea's are also My's in the Guiscard motto, "MERCY is MY deSIRE." Mea's/My's were kin of Fessys (Fieschi branch), and then a fasces is used by ISE's/Assi's suspect in the "is" motto term of GUIScards. Guido's (Bologna, same as Panico's) come up as Guis', and they use the hourglass-like Shield of Sheets/Skate's in colors reversed. I always link the Ise's/Assi's (SHETland) to Azzo, founder of Este in Fermo ("Firm" is the entire Curby/Kirkby motto), and to the Sire's suspect in "deSIRE." We just saw here a subtle / indirect link between Curbys/Kirkbys and Mercedes'/Mercie's, explaining why they share crescents.

Recalling that the Schlapp-like slap to Barry pointed to the Kirkby area with Mercedes'/Mercie's (they were at Berry, France), we now find the Liptons naming Lupton in Kirkby Lonsdale!!! Do you see it? LONSdale!!! The Lones' are listed with Loans/Lane's pointed to by Charlie the loan officer. The Skate's, we might add, share the bank fleur-de-lys! Lonsdale is a location in Lancashire with Kirkby, but, WOW, Kirkby Lonsdale (on Line river) is in Cumbria, and Cumbria with is where ramps were first found!!! ASTOUNDING, for Liptons thus make it appear that Lipps do share the Ramp lion!!! Obama on his ramp was undecipherable, for the past four years, until the slap to Barry's lip was deciphered!!! INCREDIBLE.

Recalling that Mercedes'/Mercie's came to topic with Mercedes SCHLAPP, let's recall that the Mercedes write-up had them both in Berry and Lorraine, for Lorraine's share the LUNE/Lyon lion, I believe, and we just saw Kirkby Lonsdale on the Lune. Lawrence's/Laurence's were at Lonsdale of Lancashire, and Lorraine's were first found in Northumberland, near Kirkby Lonsdale. The Loans/Lane's are also Lawns, and while Lorraine (my girlfriend) had gotten a grass STAIN (Stains are listed with Stands/Stans) on her pants i.e. from a lawn, note that one Loan/Lane/Lawn Coat shares the Lorraine bend.

The Lorraine bend is shared by Keeps, and I have told the story where Kepke was left sitting on a CURB when his lady (Kim Walsh) got into my FireBIRD, and slammed the door on him. It was that event that taught me the Curby/KIRKbys, and here we just came to Kirkby Lonsdale while Lawrence's were at Lonsdale, important because Mr. Kepke was born, Lawrence! You've probably forgotten that Curbys/Kirkbys share the crescents of Mercedes'/Mercie's.

Plus, as was said, Barry got hit while sitting on the LIVING-room floor, and Livings/Levins were first found in Westmorland. "Kirkby Lonsdale is part of the Westmorland and Lonsdale"! Plus, the Sewers/Suters came up in the Obama dream when I sewered a paper plane that pointed to Plains/Platters...who have a version of the Living/Levin Coat. On the very night that Lorraine got her grass stain, and not more than about an hour before, I had danced with Mamie in her living room with Barry present on the living room couch! I get it now. I didn't see Mamie again until finding her inside the HATCH of a pick-up truck, and Hatch's share the Loan/Lane/Lawn lion! It's all starting to make sense, but I'll never remember all of this material.

The Living/Levin Coat is in the colors and format of Setter/Satter/Satterthwait Coat, and the latter were first found in Cumberland, how about that, for it's suggesting someone from the Setta valley. The Obama dream opened with a Setta-like sheet over all billiard tables, and Sheets are listed with Skate's. That's a pretty good additional clue as to where Skate liners descend from. The Setters/Satters share the roses of Carys, and Living-like Leavells (had Lupellus-like surnames, from Lupus Laevillus) were at Cary castle. The Quare's/Carre's can be linked to Panico elements.

Lupus Laevillus was married to QUADRATilla, probably explaining the "Quadarti" motto term of Quare's/Carre's, and the wolf heads of Quade's/Wade's. Watts and Vatts share a giant tree with Panico's, and the latter share the fleur-de-lys of Wade's/Waids. The latter probably have the Messey/Messier and Poulos saltire because the latter two were first found in Burgundy with Quare's/Carre's. Mamie and I went for a WADE in a lake the day after the three events above. What are the chances that Wade's/Waids were first found in Durham with SEATon-branch Sedans??? Yup, they look branches of the namers of the Setta valley, especially as Mamie took her SEAT on my lap at the PICnic table.

Sedans share the black border with KIRKhams (named Kirkham in Fylde of Lancashire), Parrs (Lancashire), and Furness' (Lancashire). For what it can be worth, Ratcliff-connectable Cliftons were first found in Lancashire's Kirkham. Cliffs share the black wolf heads of Liptons/Luptons.

As was said, I recall only three events that night, first, Mamie in the pick-up with Barry, and secondly Mamie just sitting on my LAP out of the blue (I had never known her before aside from the dance a few weeks earlier). So, it stands to reason here that Laps/Labbs' are of the Lipps / Liptons/Luptons, and that the slap to his lip related to Barry and Mamie inside that hatch. It's starting to appear as though these surnames from LUPus Laevillus.

In the third event, Mamie got her tease symbol, followed by a Thigh symbol the next day because Tease's are also Tye's. Then, the Thigh's/Thy's share the giant animal (often a wolf, sometimes a fox) of Lup-like Lupe's, both on gold Shield, yet the latter's wolf is dark brown, the colors of the Ramp / Lipp lions. Then, Browns were first found in Cumberland with Ramps, and Bruno's named Brunswick while the Hatch Coat is the Brunswick Coat too, all verifications that I'm correctly deciphering these things. A giant wolf in the colors of the giant Louvain/Lovain lion is used by Lovi's/Lovato's/Luvini's.

The thing is, I know for a fact (that google won't allow me to re-find) that Barrs were in Brunswick, and from there they branched to Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine. Lorraine's pant stain pointed to Bar-le-Duc's via the Pansys/PANTzers, because the Arms of Bar-le-DUC uses the pansy, and because Pansys/Pantzers were first found in Westphalia with DUCKs, that's right. This is why I thought Barry in the hatch was a pointer to Bill Barr, and maybe he too needs to be punched out. I'm waiting I'm anticipating. Loops (not Lupe's) named Loope in Westphalia, what are the chances? German Lipps, first found in Westphalia. Liptons named Lupton in BRIXham, and Brix-branch Bricks share the Coat and Crest of Velin-like Whelans, while Velins (ducks) and Velens (once showed ducks) were both first found in Westphalia. Panters share "spur rowells with Payens/Pagans while Panico's are also Pane's. Obama's mother was the daughter of Miss Payne.

[Insert -- The Lovi's/Lovato's/Luvini's are new to me the week after this update was out. They can act as super proof that Flemings were Ferrari kin, for the giant lion of Ferrari's, first found around the Padua area of the Lovi's/Luvini's, is in the colors of the giant Fleming wolf, and colors reversed from the giant Lovi/Luvini wolf. Louvaine's/Lovains, who have the giant Ferrari lion in colors reversed, come up as "Louvier," and there is a La Louviere location beside Mons in the Hainaut land of Flemings, and near a Louvain/Leuven location too. This explains the VAIR fur of Irish Flemings, for Ferrari-like Fers/Ferrats (a Vair/Fers branch) have a Shield of blue-and-white checks in the colors of the Shield of vair fur of Irish Flemings. The latter's Chief has the red-and-gold checks of Flamingo's/Flamings and French Louvier's (another wolf), which are the checks making up the entire Arms of Meulan, where the Beaumonts ruled who married Waleran de Leavell/Lovell, you see, and then those same red-and-gold checks are used by Pavia's while Laevi Gauls co-founded Pavia. There are full-proof family connections in this paragraph, and it all goes back to Lupus Laevillus.

It just so happens that the Hainaut surname is showing the giant lion that is the Arms of Flanders (Hainaut was in Flanders), yet it's the giant Faucet lion too, and Faucets were first found in Lothian with the Flemish Seatons and the Vaux's whose English branch share the Arms of Meulan. The latter location was also "Mellent," and Mellents are listed with Milans/Millens showing the Hainaut / Faucet lion. It looks like a Mellanson-Faucet connection.

Mamie got her thigh symbol on the same day we went for a WADE in a lake, and while Thigh's/Thy's use the same animal as the Fleming / Lovi/Luvini wolf, by what coincidence did Lupus Laevillus marry QUADratilla while Quade's, sharing the black wolf with Louvier's, show a WADE variation? As I said, I gave her a new Bible, and Bible's/Bibo's are suspect from "Vibia," Laevillus' mother. The Louvier wolf is that also of Lovato-like Lovetts.

Laevillus and Quadratilla had CHARAX Proculus as a son, though google and Wikipedia seem to have obliterated that person from our sight, for I keep telling readers that Charax is the line to Craigs, Craigie's and Carricks, for the Vibia-like motto term of Craig and Craigie's (share Mellanson crescent) tells me so. That's why God planned for Mellanson to have a quarrel with me, because Quarrels share the dancetty Carrick fesse.

It just so happens that Lupino's/Lupi's share the double HARcourt and Hair fesses while Scottish Hairs, with the same double fesses essentially, were first found in Ayrshire with Craigie's and Carricks. Moreover, both the Arms of Ayrshire and Scottish Fleming use "shaw" in their mottoes, while the motto of the Arms of Ayrshire shares "God" with Mens'/MAME's (Lothian, a Fleming home) and with the Sinclairs (Roslin of MidLothian) who add "thy." The Lothian surname even shares the hunting horn of Wade-like Weights/Waits.

The Hairs (and related Dunhams) even share yet another blank, gold Chief with Mellans and Rods, but also with the Annas', perfect, for I have predicted that Annas, killer of Jesus, was related, by his Syrian father (Seth) to Laevillus (Cilicia, beside Syria). It's how Annas got his Levite blood, I claim, from a line of pagan Levites through Pavia. Seths are listed with Shaws, said to be from "Sithech," and houseofnames conveniently, though erroneously, traces "Sithech" to "wolf." I get it: someone knew that Shaws were from a wolf-using bloodline.

Mr. Mellanson is the one with the swab-in-EAR pointer to AINSLEY EARhardt (Herod-line suspect), and Annas-like Ainsleys were first found in Note-line Nottinghamshire with Annas' and Thy-like Tease's/Tyes'!!! Just look at that. On top of that, we just saw the Hairs of Ayrshire, where the Ayer branch of ear-like Eyers were first found, and Eyers were first found in Derbyshire with Note's/Cnuts...hahaha, God did funny-to-me things!!! But probably for a serious reasons, no doubt.

As God gave a dream with a walk-in freezer in the home of Ray Luffs while Luffs are also Love's/LOVEYs, isn't it conspicuous that Rays have a version of the Freeze/Free/Freys Coat while Freie's/Freys/Vreys share the giant FERRari lion? The Freie's/Freys/Vreys even have a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Groce's/GREGGs/GRAGGs. The Freeze's are also Pharisee-like Phreeze's, how about that. I included Loveys with Luff variations because God had pointed to Lovey Howell while Howells were first found at MONmouthshire, suspect with Mons of Hainaut because Monmouth is where GAUNTlet-liner Phone's/Fane's were first found while Gaunt is in the Hainaut theater. The only thing I've ever seen with the triple Levi chevrons (Flanders-lion colors) is the Arms of the Counts/County of Hainaut.

Lovato's/Lovi's use a giant wolf in the colors of the giant wolf of flip-like Phelps, the latter first found in Monmouthshire.

The Flanders lion is also the Faucet lion, and Scottish Hains/Hennings use mascles while Mussels/Muscels named Musselburgh, a couple of miles from the Fauxside castle built by de-Quincy. The Hains/Hennings happen to have the Quincy/Quince mascles, and, to boot, a quince is use by Sforza's who share the Ferrari / Freie/Frey...and HAMMER/Hemmer lion, making me wonder what the Luff freezer might have to do with Hammer and Scorecard, which we can assume was being overseen by Christ WRAY (FBI Chief, in charge of homeland spy operations). Compare the Hammer/Hemmer Coat to that of Freie's/Vreys, then note the "vray" motto term of Wrays.

The Flemings were in the FLAMES that appeared in my door-handle dream that I resolved as Bill Barr missing in action during the riots we saw last year. The flames were around the rim of a trash can, which depicted the Trashers/Tresure's in-code with the double-TRESSURE border of Flemings and Seatons. Ferrara, where Ferrari's trace, was politically related to nearby, Barr-related Este. End insert]

As Barrs share the Este eagle, I'm sure that Barrs of Brunswick were of the Este-related Welfs. The Welfs/Wolfs are Lupus' too. The Lupe wolf is in both colors of the dark-brown stag of Bloods/Bluds, perfect because there were drops of blood (I saw at least one) coming from Barry's lip. This is all new material, folks, undeniably cracking some long-standing mysteries. The Barr / Este eagle is shared by Aquila's, potentially in the "aequales" motto term of Quare's/Carre's, though the Quale's ("Qualis") are also suspect in that term.

It was Barry who called me up for the invite to the camp site where I saw Mamie again for those three events. I saw Barry and she alone in the back of a PICK-up truck (when someone lifted the hatch), and Pink-like PICKs/Pix's have fitchees (different style) in the colors of the Pinc/Pink fitchees. Pinc-branch Panico's were from the SETTa valley, and then next thing I remember, Mamie took her SEAT on my lap at the PICnic table. Picks/Pix's share the tree with Panico's, and while Panico's put a so-called "bird" in its "green tree," Birds/Burds share the red flory cross with Spanish Fontana's while Italian Fontana's were first found in Bologna with Fantis' and Panico's. English Fountains have three fesses in the colors of the one of French Payne's.

The best part of all of this: I haven't been wasting your time if you've been following so patiently (frankly, I don't know how anyone does it). I haven't been wrong to claim that God set these events up as pointers to nasty crustaceans (they make lots of noise when God walks on them). There is lots of hope, because God has been watching, and planning, and revealing, and is concerned with what the Obamaites plan to do. Hang in there for a rough ride, and then watch them get slaughtered righteously. INDIGNATION comes after the quiet time.

Fountains can be gleaned as Hug/Hughes kin, and Hugh Lupus was likely of the Welfs/Lupus'. Hugo's share the mermaid with Laps/Labbs' and Masons/Massins. Italian Fontana's can be gleaned with the Coat of Massi's/MATTIS' (and Quare's/Carre's), who share the checks of the rulers of Massa-Carrara, at PISA, where the Reines' trace with one half of their Coat. There you have the question as to why Mr. AleFANTIS came to own Comet Ping Pong pizza, for Fantis' do link to Reines' very well. No matter how we explain this, it appears that God arranged a snitch on Alefantis. Their destruction comes to the tune of music for the Saints, and I'm not referring to catholic "saints."

Hugs (Ferrara and/or Sforza lion likely) were first found in Languedoc with Ville's/FONT-de-Ville's (lion holds a flag) who share the Guido/Guis lion, and then Flags/Flecks were first found in Norfolk with the Sheets/Skate's sharing the Guido/Guis Shield (almost).

Lorraine and I broke up due to that grass stain (she was on a walk with a married man when getting the stain), and the next time I saw her in a freak "accident" was at the subway STATION a couple of weeks later (just bumped into her almost 10 miles from where we lived). State's/Stations share the Rein/Reno / Pinc/Pink lozenges, and the State-like Setta valley drains into the Reno river, how about that. Reines' (not Reins/Reno's) point to Ping Pong pizza, owned by James AleFANTIS, and the Fantis' (show what look like boys) can be gleaned as Ping/Pong/Pagan / Panico kin. Who arranged this snitch, do you think? And what kind of big punch will pedophiles get, do you think? Have we considered why Paul Ryan might be in this picture along with Pinc-like Pence?

The Reins/Reno's share the lozenges of MontaCUTE's (Somerset, same as Karen-related Roets and Carys) while Cute's/Cutts (another reflection of the Care/Carre / Cary / Dent Coat) were once said to be first found in Cambridgeshire with HOPPERs/Happers, and with the Hounds sharing the Dent lozenges. Hope's are also Hopers, and Cute's/Cutts have a greyHOUND. The only problem is, Hope Hicks is not a blond, as was the dream's woman (with Rena middle name) who seems a good pointer to her, even more now that Hope's are said to be first found in Shropshire with Sleeps. Sleeping Beauty was a pointer also to Ainsley Earhardt of Fox news.

No Sharon surname comes up, curiously. Probably, no more that four months after the vision with Fawcett / Sharon, my first ladyfriend as a Christian was, Sharon Pasco or Pascal. Sarrons are listed with Sere's looking very linkable to Cars/Kerrs, and the latter share the sun with Quarre's. Sharon Quinn may be a pointer to Charons (listed with Carreaux's) because I asked someone to get her a drink while Drengots are said, at their Wikipedia article, to have been of the Carreaux's.

While Sheers share the Carrick dog, Sheerings list Sharrons/Carrons, and they happen to have the two-word Keith motto in reverse. Sheerings/Sharrons/Carrons share the PenderGRASS Coat, and so I think it's interesting that Faucet- and Fauci-like Fauchy's use a grassHOPPER. After HOPE Hicks left the chief position of Trump's Communications team, which looks after the press secretary, Stephanie Grisham because Trump's press secretary, and GRIShams happen to use another grasshopper. What are the chances? German Gris' might just have the Car/Kerr star, and while Serio-river liners can be in the Car/Kerr motto, it flows at Crema, near Cremona, and then the latter is where Batti's/Botto's were first found while Grishams were at Battisford. Battisfords are also Botsfords. The latter happen to have the Baud crescent in colors reversed. Cars/Kerrs were at SoonHOPE.

It's almost as though Ms. Grisham (share refused to give press hearings) is in the car of the 1979 dream too on Epstein's island. Sleeping Beauty was wearing a BATHing suit at the HOOD, and Bauds can be gleaned as the kin of Hoods (share Battisford crescent)! Bingo. Bauds can also be gleaned as kin of Hodleys. Baths were first found beside Beautys. Buttons/Bidens, a branch of Bute's/Boets, were at Bath.

BATTISfords/Botsfords share the three crescents of Cheeks/Chicks (Batti/Botto colors and format), and the latter not only share the red FITCHee of Love's/Luffs, but their Chike branch were at Oxfordshire, where Love's/Luffs (MontFITCHET kin) are now said to be first found, though for a decade or more they were said to be first found in Suffolk with their Muscat kin, and where Cheeks/Chicks were first found (though Muscats are now said to be first found in Cambridgeshire).

I suggest that Grisham heraldry here makes the pointer to Hope Hicks harder, though I don't know why. Ms. Grisham later (in 2019) took the Communications directorship once held by Hicks. Between the two women, the post was held by Mr. Shine, and it just so happens that Shine's share the FOX/Shinnock Coat. What are the chances? It looks like the All-Seeing-Sky-Eye is looking at the all-seeing-spy-eye. No contest. One's a human fool, and the other hung the planets in space. Grisham was Melania's press secretary, and her confidant, a perfect position to be an anti-Trump mole.

Dershowitz and Ryan

Fox news started to go liberal after Paul Ryan was given an executive job there. I showed, in the last update, how Alan Dershowitz, a Fox contributor to this day, and once the lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia case, may have been pointed to, by God, in heraldic clues. I didn't load the Ryans in the last update, but I just did to see an interesting thing. As was suggested in the last update, the DERE's/Res' / Dero's/Ros' can be a pointer to "DERSHowitz." I now find a "foDARI" motto term with the Ryans, and Daro's/Darrows have water on the lower half of their Shield, as do the Antonio's/Tony's who were pointers with Earhardt (worked in San ANTONIO when hired by Fox) in the last update to things-Epstein. The Waters share the Epstein Coat.

Plus, the Ryan motto, "Malo Mori quam fodari," suggests a peek at Mori's, who happen to be listed with Morinis', who are in turn in the DEERing/Dearing write-up as Deering ancestors, how amazing is that? Daro's/Darrows share the savage and the tree with Woods, and the latter were first found in Leicestershire with English Tonys. The giant tree is shared between Woods and Water-like Watts / Vatts/Watters / Watsons.

Repeat: "By the way, the Drengs are in the Drink/Dreng write-up as Deerings." This was written above just after I told that Sharon said to me, "I love you," which caused me to repeat that Love's/Luffs were kin of Muscats and Muschats sharing the Epstein Coat.

For those of you who know my story of finding someone's medallion on the hood of my JEEP, this is amazing yet more, for I found it after leaving my writings off at Sleeping Beauty at her hood (see last update for her). Ainsley Earhardt was Sleeping Beauty at the hood of the car. JEEPma's share the giant and double-headed eagle with Dero's/Rosa's!! The medallion was a pointer to Medals/Dougals, kin of Bauds (Hood crescents in colors reversed), the Bauds being first found in Stirlingshire with Daro's/Darrows (and Jeep-like Cheaps)!! What are the chances, since heraldry producers didn't know about my medallion event? Is this now pointing to Alan Dershowitz?

Bauds were first found in Stirlingshire with Nemo's (in the Poindexter motto) who in turn use a "SHOW NOT" motto phrase, perhaps an additional pointer to DerSHOWitz. The Shows/Schore's almost use the Coat of Ainsley-like Ains'/Hains, and Ainsleys were first found in NOTTinghamshire.

Bauds and their Bald branch (compare with HODnet and HODley Coats) share the ship of Ryan-like RENfrews, and it's the Reines' (a "comet") who point to Comet Ping Pong pedophilia in two ways. As was said, there were two women who fulfilled Sleeping Beauty, the other being Miss Hicks, whom has a RENA middle name in at least one of her directories. The medallion still had four links left of its NECK chain, and German Neckers, as I've shown recently, point to Epstein's hanging death (or feigned death).

Bauds and Balds are descended from something at the Bautica/Baltea river passing through Ivrea, and so the Rosa's we saw above look like they are from Rozala of IVREA. YVERY was home to Leavells/LEVELs (Somerset, beside Beautys), and Sleeping Beauty was hovering level.

I explained in the last update why Sleeping Beauty points to Ladys and Wakers/Walkers, who share the same annulets, yet they are also the Rigg/Riggin annulets. The latter were looked up because Ryans (in Rigg colors) are said to have had a Righin variation. Both Wakers/Walkers and Riggs/Riggins have their three annulets upon the same chevron. Isn't it true that Paul Ryan's been an accomplice to the riggin' of the election?

Hodnets and Hodleys/Oddeys (compare with Fasts) connect well to the Holds and Fasts in the McLeod/CLOUD motto. Holds (version of Mori/Morinis' Coat) use clouds, we get it. Yet Holds were first found in Lancashire's Bury (small place) along with Ratcliffe's, what could this be about? Sleeping Beauty was at the hood of an AUTO, and while Auto's are also Otto's, Ottone's/Otto's can be connected to Chappes'/Cheaps (saw them above), Otone's/Oltens, Odins and Oddie's. The Otone/Olten and Odin lion is shared by Links, and the medallion still had four of its links. Why four? The "for" motto terms of Ainsleys?

Ottone Visconti was in Milan with the Bono's in turn sharing the Odin / Otone/Olten lion, and while Milan is the Lombardy capital, Others/Otters, sharing the Lady / Waker/Walker annulets, are said to be from Lombardy elements. Wakers work into this because, while Sleeping Beautys was HOVERing aSLEEP, God told me to WAKE her up. Sleeps named Sleap in Shropshire, near a Market Drayton location where HODnets were first found, and Draytons share the gold bird leg with HOOVERs and HOOTers. Hoods are also Hoots. The producers of this heraldry knew nothing about the 1979 dream with Sleeping Beauty, on Epstein's island.

Compare the Lady / Waker / Other annulets with the same-colored (gold on red) buckles of Malo's/Mallets in the Ryan motto, for English Mallets share the scallops of Ryan-like Rinds. The latter have a version of the Leslie Coat with gold buckles. The Ryan-like Rynne's/RINGs almost have the Other/Otter Coat which itself shares the annulets (they may have been called, rings) of Ring-like Riggs. The Rynne/Ring Crest has a roll, and Rollo the viking was the son of RAGNvald, a line likely to Riggin-like Reagans/Regans (Rollo/Rollock colors). Rollo and/or his father ruled at least near RINGERike, and then Ragnvald's brother of MALahule of More (near Ringerike), suspect in the Ryan motto phrase, "Malo mori." MORleys/MAULs (in the sleeping-bag dream in connection to MalBANKs of Malls) have a "RIGORe" motto term.

David Morley circled a SLEEPing bag, in a dream a few years ago, with his motor BIKE, begging what Sleeps had to do with Rollo's Norman line, and I pointed his bike to Biks/Bickers, who happen to share the stag heads of Dershowitz-pointing Deerings. Davids and Morleys together were kin of Ade's/Aids, from Ada of Warenne, who married Henry, son of king David, son in turn of Malcolm, king at More-like Moray, near to where Rollo's were first found. Others/Otters, first found in Huntingdonshire, home of Henry above, have a version of the Bic/Bicker Coat. Reagans share dolphins with Morley-like Marleys (Cheshire, same as Malls/Marlybone's).

It would be interesting if Dutch Bickers are sharing the Alan fesse as a pointer to Alan Dershowitz, for this would suggest that the circling of the sleeping bag has something to do with him. WOOOOOWWW, I kid you not, that as I was writing the last sentence, it popped into my head to check for an Attorney or a Lawyer surname (because Dershowitz was Epstein's lawyer). I kid you not that I've been keeping eyes out for another surname sharing the Sleep Coat for years, but do not know anyone off-hand that does, except the new-to-me-right-now Lawyers/Layards!!!

The only thing done with the sleeping bag was for me to PICK it up. As it was on a HILL, it pointed to John Solomon (a good guy I figured) of The Hill news, because Scottish Hills share the stars of Solomons. Here I can add that Solomons, first found in the Rhineland area with LAWyers/Layards (mill rind), share the bend-with-stars of Laws.

In the dream, God said to me, "WHAT ARE you WAITing FOR...go wake HER up." Whats/Wadcote's were first found in Essex with Waters and Thans, and Watertons are also WATEtons. Are's ("than air" motto phrase) are listed with Air-branch Ayers sharing the quatrefoils of Wights/White's. Her's are linkable to Eyers / Here's/Heyers / Earhardts/Airharts. Fore's/Forez's share "Tout" with Hicks' (share Ainsley fleur-de-lys), recalling the FOUR links to the chain.

Plus, as I can link the ermined fesses of Sleeps well to Darts, are there dart tips, per-chance, in the Coat of Dutch Bickers? Remember, Sleeping Beauty was on a beach while Beach's/Bechs have a red version (compare with Bags) of a BECKER/Becher Coat, and Beach's/Bechs share the lone pile in the Coat of Countrys while Ainsleys have a "country" motto term. The Bic/Bicker / Deering stag heads are even those of Anne's/Hanne's!

Dutch Beckers/Bakers share the chevron of Betters expected in the "Better KINDE" motto phrase of WATERtons (an otter!). The latter have the look of Waters / Epsteins, though with fessewise bars...almost matching the Sleep / Lawyer/Layard Coat. The Friends in the translated Waterton motto almost have the Anne/Hanne / Bic/Bicker / Deering stag heads, and the ermined Friend chevron is in the colors of the ermined Sleep / Lawyer / Dart fesses. (Layers were first found in Lincolnshire with Watertons, suggesting that Laws merged with Layers to form Lawyers/Layards.)

Or, if per-chance the Bickers have golf tees (not too likely, but that's what they look like) instead of dart tips, then we can go to the Tee's/Tease's/Tyes', kin of Ainsley-branch Annas', and sharing the fesse of Alans and Dutch Bickers! Plus, Alans were in Shropshire with the first-known Sleeps! That has got to be the correct reason for Morley's circling the sleeping bag, which then connects to Sleeping Beauty. Circling the bag, for now anyway, seems to me to be a Morley-on-bike emphasis on the bag. Alan-like Lance's (Alan fesse in colors reversed) are in the lances of DERE's/Res'.

The Other/Otter motto, "Watch," reminiscent of Watt / Water liners, can be connectable to the "watchful" motto term of Daro's/Darrows feasibly in the Ryan motto. The question is whether Daro's/Darrows were a branch of Draytons; the latter have a version of the Bono, Bone and Otone/Olten Coats, and while Hicks have a "bon" motto term, Bonns share the red, spread eagle with Hoot-like Hotts. Bone's were first found in Sussex with Hodleys/Oddeys, and though I've been down this heraldic road before, never with Alan Dershowitz and Paul Ryan in topic. It's Ainsley's appearance in the dream that explains why they are in this heraldry, apparently. She would do much better in exposing the Fox team for what it is; instead, she's sitting pretty and comfortable with the situation.

There's more to explain with the medallion, but I don't see it at this time. Repeat: "In the dream, God said to me, "WHAT ARE you WAITing FOR, [it's you she LOVES], go wake HER up." Whats/Wadcote's were first found in Essex with Waters and Thans, and Watertons ("than" motto term!) are also WATEtons. Are's ("than air" motto phrase!) are listed with Air-branch Ayers sharing the quatrefoils of Wights/White's. The Waterton Coat looks linkable to waters and Love's/Luffs!!! I get it now. Never before have I had Watertons to work with. Her's are linkable to Eyers / Here's/Heyers / Earhardts/Airharts. The six pale bars of Watertons are almost those of Leavells/Levels, and the six of Watertons are those of Damorys/Amori's and Amore's!!! Amore = love, folks. Italian Amori's (share Earhardt fleur) share the Annas stars. Would God make me think that this was going to be my wife only to point things to Epsteins via Love's/Luffs? What's with the rapture we partook in??? Very confusing.

So, when God gave the dream, not more than a year ago, with my friends, the Luffs, having green, wagging snakes for tongues, was this a Love-Earhardt thing since Earhardts have green snakes? Is God saying that people at Fox news are snake-tongued liars mocking their viewers while teasing them? PERFECT, for Fox was just revealed as a hypocrite to its base viewership. In fact, that dream pointed to the Huckabee snakes, and Mike Huckabee is a Fox contributor. They cannot be unless they refrain from talking about the important things Fox wants silenced. Yet Fox prime time continues to speak against China. For how much longer?

Fore's/Forez's share "Tout" with Hicks' (share Ainsley fleur-de-lys), recalling the FOUR links to the chain." John Ratcliffe's input against the deep state, so far as I can see, is on Chain-like China corruption, to which the Bidens, and even John Kerry's family, seem to be focused, and Chains were first found in County Kerry.

I might not have included Ratcliffe in with the pointers from the auto and its Sleeping Beauty, in spite of Ratcliffe's sharing the black bull with Auto's, Beautys and Walerans, had not Miss Hicks, when she moved from my area of Texas, moved to about ten miles from the home of Ratcliffe. And she moved to FORney while Forneys are also FOURneys. FORNey-like Forrens/FOREhams may apply because they have the horizontally-split GROCE Shield in colors reversed while the medallion was found at the GROCery store as I came back to the Jeep with a load of groceries. I went to the town that day after last writing on Miss Hicks at the hood of the auto. The Chains share the same cross as Sinclairs who in turn share the gold rooster with Gays (Savoy, same as Fore's/Forez's) and Heaths. Ratcliffe lives in Heath.

If I wholly disregard pointers to people in the news at this time, that dream's sleeping and rising of Hicks and Earhardt yet points to both sides (north and south) of the Sleep-line Selepitanoi, and to what I see as the line of Annas and his son-in-law, Joseph Caiaphas. The bird talons of Hixons/Hicksons, Hoovers, Hooters, and Talents/Talons point to the Taulantii Illyrians at the Genusus river, location of Arnissa (see dark map), the line expected to the Arniss variation of Ainsley-branch Annas'. The northern realm of the Taulantii was the home of the Caiaphas-like Cavii, and on their north side were the Selepitanoi, and then, to their north side were the Door-like Daorsi and the Ardiaei (I was standing at the door when seeing her sleep and rise), marked right at rising-like Rhizon. Risings are in Fore/Forez colors. The Ardiaei and Daorsi both lived on the NERETva river, and the Nerets (Dol) come up as Nier's suspect in the ForNIER variation of Forneys.

The phrase, "it's you she loves," really throws me, because it's cause on the one hand to view Sleeping Beauty as the Church asleep that need to be woken when the Signs appear, because, when I touched her leg (or talon), we went up into a rapture together. On the other hand, Love's/Luffs were kin of Muscats and Muschats, the pointer to Epsteins. "It's you SHE loves" can suggest the Shee's/Shea's and Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves', the latter first found in Berkshire, where Crums were once said to be first found until this year, and Crums can be in the "LuCRUM" motto term of Forrens/FOREhams. The latter are in the colors of Tarves' and Sheaves/CHIAVA's you see, suspect from the Cavii Illyrians. And while Hicks share "Tout" with Fore's/Forez's, the latter's "Travers" motto term links well to Tarves, where CHIVES' were first found. The Shee's/Shea's are split diagonally in the split colors of Tarves'. Crums are now said to have been first found in Herefordshire with Traver-like Trevors (diagonally split Shield). Herefordshire is where the Doors and Brace's/Bras' were first found, and I was embraced with Sleeping Beauty as we rose into the sky.

The Shee's/Shea's look linkable to the Nordic HANSons, and share the fleur-de-lys of Montgomerys, which I point out because Kerrys (share bee with Doors) were first found in Montgomeryshire while Shee's/Shea's were first found in County Kerry (with Chains). I found the medallion on my hood (with a small part of its chain left) when returning to it with my SHOPping CART, and Shops are Shawlands too. Shaws, though linkable to Cavii, are from the Shawia (Cavii tribe possible) Numidians at/near CIRTa. Irish Carys/Keerys (probably the Carter and Door lion) were barons of Antrim while the Antrim bend is in the colors of the Brace/Bras bend, and colors reversed from the one of English Carys (Somerset, same as Leavells/Levels). Carts are said to be of Castle Cary of the Leavells/Levels.

Carters (beside DORset) may have been Cutters (Dorset, beside MontaCUTE's) because one Carter Crest shares the white greyhound with Cutts/Cute's. This can show that Carts and Carters were Numidians from the namers of Kotor, beside Rhizon. Cutts/Cute's, first found in Lincolnshire with BRACEbridge's, have a bend colors reversed from that of Brace's/Bras'. Kotor is right beside Butua, the line to Bute's/Butts/Boets sharing the BUTTon/Biden bend, you see. Butua is now Budva, and Bude's (Cornwall, same as Quare-branch Carrots/Carews) share the bow with Bows/Bough's (share Roet motto probably with the Quare's/Carre's), the latter linkable to the Bowd variation of Beautys (Dorset, same as Beaumonts = Leavell kin). Roets (Somerset, same as Castle Cary) were Beauforts (probably the Beaumont lion), looking linkable to BalFOURs ("FORward") who in turn share the otter with WATERtons and Fenders (Huntingdonshire, same as Others/Otters). Sleeping Beauty walked around the FENDER of the auto to the front of the hood. That's all I saw her do when she was outside of the auto/CAR. Irish Carrs almost have the Bute/Butt estoiles.

I don't recall the details, but some have said that John Kerry is in Chinese corruption with the Biden family, and we note that Kerry is already in Biden's globalist cabinet. John Kerry might be in the hovering woman because it can be gleaned that she hovered level as a pointer to Waleran de Leavell, of CARY castle. Some experts are saying that the ones fronting the COVID scheme (includes Chinese fingers) are associated with the people foisting the HIV scheme of earlier decades, which involved murder plots engaged by Bill Gates, for one. Well, Kerrys use a bee HIVE, a potential pointer to HIV. John Kerry has been put in charge over climate change, meaning that he's going to let global-government goons into the U.S. Treasury. These globalists are trying to break the will of the people so that they will not fight back through the diabolical intrusions. They are satanic pirates to the core.

There are all sorts of headlines this week, such as: "Fauci Lurked Gay Bath Houses, [Faggot] Bars To Learn About AIDS..." It's a true story, Fauci admits it, but expects us to believe he was just acting like a medical inspector.

So, did God install Ratcliffe into Intelligence to undo some of what these China-using globalists are planning to do to abuse and coral the peoples? Did Ratcliffe share his findings with Nunes and others, and will they be able to use what they have to weaken this attack? The trick is to turn even Democrat / liberal voters against the globalists, and the need of the latter to continue the mask and lockdown policies (probably to help win the next elections by cheating) is turning liberals against them as we speak. Fauci wants us to wear more than one mask as our punishment for not wearing one mask gladly. It's just so much fun to have police-ticket power over the cattle. But Trump says 99-percent of police officers are good. If that were true, there would be no ticketing for COVID because the good guys would stand up and make the ticket-happy bad cops feel ashamed of themselves.

Recall the cotton-swab miracle (topic of last two updates) on Steve Mellanson, because that's what they use to test for COVID. The brown falcon in the Cotton Crest is in the Crest of English Faux's (Essex, near first-known Cottons), suggesting that "Faux" was a take from "FALC(on)." It's interesting that while Ainsleys use "FOR MY" twice I their motto, Fauchs were first found in FORez, named by Fore's/Forez's. Then, I've just found Faulks/Foulkes', new to me (at least not familiar), sharing the My/Mea/Meigh boar heads. Ainsley works for FOX! It seems that God arranged this heraldry to point to her, for she turned me off a few months ago when supporting vaccines, exactly the thing Tony Fauci and the Fox boss likes!! Murdoch, they say, has stakes in vaccines.

Hmm, JUDy Mikovits accuses Fauchi of spreading cancer-causing vaccines, and Judge-connectable JUDDs share the boar heads Faulks/FOULke's. Fouls/Faulls', with the fleur-de-lys of Annas-branch AINSleys, as well as the Anne/Hanne stag heads, almost have the giant Fulke/Fooke fleur-de-lys. That looks like a powerful pointer of Ainsley Earhardt to Tony Fauci's agenda. Kinda makes me feel sick all over. She's not good enough to tell Murdoch to shove it with his new, Ryan agenda.

I've just realized that Annas' and their WIGGen kin share the blank, gold Chief of Mellans and Mellanson-related Rods. Hanna's were first found in WIGton, and Wigtons are also Wiggentons.

As was said, Steve Mellanson tested Joe and I because we had become Christians at that time. So we laid hands on him and prayed for Mellanson's ear, but he said he was going to stick the Q-tip into his EAR, and draw blood to prove us wrong, though, this time, there was no blood. I'm calling it a miracle because the heraldry worked super, including a pointer to EARhardt, you see. She's in turn a pointer to her Fox bosses, and perhaps it was God who allowed Fox to be exposed this past election.


When the whistle-blower below first hit the social channels, nobody said that if was James Clapper. When someone did say it, I suddenly realized that it sounds just like Clapper. I've heard Clapper many times, his voice is unmistakable, and the whistle-blowers can be seen bald, as id Clapper.

But before showing you a short clip of the testimony, I'd like to say again that the end of the Obama dream had one of his employees looking like a snitch, and Obama was disappointed in him. I don't know how many different people that one snitch can portray, but as his BACK was emphasized, I think I can show how Clapper fits the part, for Clappers share the red vair-fur Shield of Beach's/BECHs, and the latter are a branch of Beckers have a Shield of blue vair fur, the color of the vair of Bachs/Baghs. Dutch Beckers are also Bakers, and James Clapper, Obama's Intelligence chief, would have communicated with James Baker, head lawyer of Obama's FBI.

It just so happens that the English Beckers with the vair Shield have a "bene" motto term that can connect to the gardener theme I spoke of at the top of this update. Repeat:

The Obama dream was resolved recently (topic of this month) as having a gardener that snitches on Obama. Montgomerys have a "GARDez BIEN" motto, and Carricks (Quare/Carre branch) have "Garde BIEN." The thing is, the dancetty Carrick fesse is shared by QUARRELs, and, as I've been saying for four years: the Obama dream ended with Obama looking disappointed with his employee, now resolved as his gardener. We could say that Obama was QUARRELing with that employee.

The English Becker motto" "Bis VIVIT qui BENE," and it just so happens that Carrick-branch Craigs have "VIVE UT vivas." Plus, get a load of this incredible "coincidence": Nons/Nevins/Knewens, first found in Ayrshire with Carricks and Craigie's ("vivo") use a "ViVIS" motto term, and then the Vise's/Vice's share a black stag head with the English Beckers! We thus have justification to include James Clapper in with the gardener theme of the Obama-dream snitch. VIVians happen to share the chevron of Dutch Beckers/Bakers.

I kid you not, that I told readers of the following story. I found a trinket / figurine in the dirt of my yard, about three inches tall, of a cast horse with rider, but the head was broken off. I put it on the shelf beside some huge spikes (up to a foot long) that were dug up in the same soil, and then pasted on a kidney BEAN for its head. I kid you not, the Craigs have a horse with rider in their Crest, and the Bene's in the Becker motto are listed with Beans!!! Here's from the 4th update of September, 2020:

I'd like to go back to the headless-horseman figurine of two updates ago, though, for all I know, it could be a woman's head. As I had it on by shelf with the ancient spikes, I just glued a bean to its shoulders to act as the head. Beans are a Clan-Chattan member, but then there's also the "bien" motto term of Barretts (WHITE HORSE, same as the figurine).

The interesting thing here is that Amy Coney married Mr. Barrett (she worked for judge Scalia), and Coneys have a Coat version of the Clapper-like Clavers who use a key in Crest, the reason for the "qui" motto term of English Sheaves' because Italian Sheaves' use keys. The point is, Beckers have the motto, "Bis vivit QUI BENE." Keep in mind that Keys were at least the kin of Kays while Kays share the double bends of Ratcliffs, and then John Ratcliffe took the very job once held by Clapper so that the latter may have been forced to confess to things in order to avoid legal woes. By what coincidence are RatCLIFFs expected to have been a Rat-line merger with Cliffs/CLEAVE's while Clavers are also Cleavers???

Recall how this update confirmed Obama's scene on a ramp with Lipps and Liptons, for that scene was the second-last in the dream, the one before the gardener snitch under discussion. The Liptons share three, black wolf heads with Cliffs/Cleave's, and both add a black wolf head in Crest.

It's very easy in Latin lingo to go from "Blanco" to "Bianco," or from "Clave(r)" to "Chiava" (means "key"). The latter is a variation of Sheaves', tending to explain why they share the key with Clavers. The CLIFFtons share the checkered Shield of Wards, and while the latter may have been Gards so as to keep to the gardener theme of the snitch, the white-ermined bend of Wards ("Comme") is that of CLAPtons/Cloptons, for the Ward write-up has a Mr. Warde in Clopton. Claver-like Clappers are also Clapps.

In fact, we read that the Clopton Wards had one Rowley Warde, and then Rowleys (Rowell colors) were first found in Cheshire with Claptons/Cloptons and Cliffs/Cleave's. This is amazing because the Rowleys have COTISed bends, referring to the thin ones on either side of the main bend. If the main one is removed, we are left with the double-black bends of RatCLIFFs and Kays!!! John Ratcliffe took the position of Dan Coats while Coats are COTES' too! Dan Coats had taken over from Clapper!!! ZIKERs is this cool or what?

Plus, it was resolved that I tipped-in a puck on the goal line as a pointer to something winful from Ratcliffe, and it was also resolved that the puck had ROLLED to the goal line. ROWLeys are in ROWELL and Roll colors!!! WOW, that's cool too. Rolls share the Quarrel / Carrick dancetty fesse, and apparently Obama had a quarrel with the snitch. God had said to me in the morning, to the effect: "You're going to have a quarrel with Steve tonight," and that was the night that Sharon punched Barry in the lip, i.e. which event turned out to point to the Obama on the ramp. In the scene immediately before he was happy on a ramp, he was happy dancing (happy not to be in jail thanks to compromised / two-faced Trump). But then came the snitch to make him unhappy. I am impressed. Rolleys/Rawleys even share the blue-vair on a red Shield with the Bachs/Baghs to which the snitch's back pointed.

Rowleys look like Hubert kin, and Huberts (Cheshire) pointed to the killing of judge Scalia which the whistle-blower, who sounds like James Clapper, speaks on (video below). The whistle-blower says that chief-judge Roberts played a role in killing Scalia, and it just so happens that Welsh Roberts were first found in Denbighshire with Bachs/BAGHs while I had reason to link Bags to Scalia's killing who look like a Beach/Bech / Becker branch!

Italian Sheaves' are a branch of Chavez's, and Hugo Chavez is said to be a pioneer schemer with the Dominion cheat machines. The Chives'/Shewas' were first found in TARVES, and location expected from Tarvisium/TREVISo, where Vito's were first found expected in the "BIS viVIT" motto phrase of Bene-loving Beckers (= Clapper-Coat connectable), for Travers/TRAVIS' share the scallops of Biss'. It just so happens that while Bene's/Beans have a version of the Clan-Chattan motto, Chattans share the car with Chives'/Shewas'.

I can add that Dominion voting was pointed to by DOMINic De FILIPPis, my high-school friend, son of VITO.

I want to now go to my miracle marble shot (age 11), when I prayed and hit TONY's marble on a long-shot by flicking the marble off my thumb. It's just that Scalia's first name was Antonin, and Tony, being Italian, was probably born, Antonio. I've just read that Huberts were at Marple, and Marble's/Marple's were first found in Cheshire with Huberts. Scalia was murdered (during Clapper's Intelligence watch) while hunting with many men belonging to Poindexter's International Order of St. HUBERTus. Tony and I as kids would watch the original Flintstones, and while Flints/Flans use "flint stones," Flint is right beside Denbighshire, itself beside Cheshire.

I FLICKed the marble with my THUMB, and Tume's can be in the "recTUMque" motto term of Huberts. The marble shot tool place directly across the street from Skye Court, and Skye is where McLeods were first found who use flags. Flicks are listed with Flags. McLeods used a black bull head (as well as white), the color of the Ratcliff bull head. The McLeod motto, "Hold FAST," is now amazing, for Fasts can be a branch of the Fists/FAUSTs whose fist is in the Poindexter Coat! Scalia was murdered on John B. Poindexter's ranch! Poindexter admitted to inviting Scalia to the ranch. What does the miracle marble shot predict?

AHHHHH WOW, I had almost missed it. I'm sure the following was mentioned recently, but perhaps not in this context: Holds were first found in Salford with Ratcliffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What on earth could John Ratcliffe have to do with Scalia's murder? Did Ratcliffe cause Clapper's confession??? Did Dan Coats confess too, since I prayed before doing the marble shot? Prays share the Coats/Cotes Coat. Ah but wait, for Cotis' are listed with Court-like Curtis' with a version of the Holder Coat!!! Eric Holder??? Curtis' (version of the Plow Coat), in Pillow colors, have a farmer with Pillow-like Plow, and My-Pillow Lindell is taking Dominion to COURT while I worked a summer on the FARM of DOMINic De FILIPPis.

AHH MORE. Holds were first found in MIDDLEton (in Salford), and Mellansons use a bundle of rods "with an axe in the MIDDLE." It's just that the double Hold fesses are in the colors of the Mellanson fesse, and then the Mellanson crescents are shared by Hazels who share a squirrel in Crest with Holds. They are also the NOTE/Cnut crescents, recalling the note that God had me write Mellanson, now pointing to Obama's quarrel with the snitch under discussion.

Middle's (Shropshire, same as Medlicott) look like a branch of MOTleys of Medlicott (Shropshire, beside Cheshire), who are in turn a branch of Motts/MORTe's sharing the crescents of DEATHs and Huberts (Cheshire, same as Marble's and MORTons), and "morte" means "death" while Deaths have a gold dragon in both colors of the Marble griffin, yet the Death Crest is a gold griffin head!!! How did that happen? Is this Scalia's death pointed to? Looks like. But why should "the middle" of Mellansons point to Scalia's murder?

Scalia's murder was pointed to by the sleeping bag in a dream I had while investigating his murder. The sleeping bag was on a bank (hill) off of a ROAD that pointed to RODham Clinton, and so I'll add here that Banks, who probably named Rodham-related Malbanks, share the white eagle head with the Middleton Crest. Holds (part of the marble-shot set of heraldry) were at Middleton, and Holds look like a Holder branch (and even Mellanson kin) while Holders share the gold griffin with Deaths. Eric Holder, the Obama mobster, may have participated in Scalia's murder. David Axelrod was in a high position in the Obama team, and AXelRODs (axes) look like they can be a part of the Mellanson rods with an axe in the middle.

Quarrels were Carrick kin, and the Arms of Carrick (just a red-on-white chevron) is used by Gilberts who likewise have a squirrel. There's a GERVase character in the Gilbert write-up, looking like the CAREW variation of Carrick-related Carrots. Plus, the Gilbert chevron is shared by Garvase-like Jarvis'/Gervais' (Cornwall, same a Carews/Carrots). Here's the Rowley write-up: "There was a significant branch in Somerset as seen by GERVASE Rolegh and John Roley who were listed there during the reign of Edward I."

The following should be repeated from earlier in this update:

As was suggested in the last update, the DERE's/Res' / Dero's/Ros' can be a pointer to "DERSHowitz." I now find a "foDARI" motto term with the Ryans, and Daro's/Darrows have water on the lower half of their Shield, as do the Antonio's/Tony's who were pointers with Earhardt (worked in San ANTONIO when hired by Fox) in the last update to things-Epstein. The Waters share the Epstein Coat.

...Bauds were first found in Stirlingshire with Nemo's (in the Poindexter motto) who in turn use a "SHOW NOT" motto phrase, perhaps an additional pointer to DerSHOWitz. The Shows/Schore's almost use the Coat of Ainsley-like Ains'/Hains, and Ainsleys were first found in NOTTinghamshire.

There we see an Antonin-like location that I think points to Antonin Scalia's death in Western Texas, for John Bash, who worked for Scalia, was Bill Barr's attorney looking into unmasking crimes by Obama and Biden when he was abruptly terminated (maybe he didn't tow the Barr line). Bash's realm was Western Texas, including San Antonio and the area where Scalia was murdered, and Ainsleys were at Basford while Basfords are also BASHfords (share Barr eagle). Coincidences? Plus, note the Shows above, in the motto of Nemo's who are in the Poindexter motto, for Scalia was killed on Poindexter's ranch.

[I didn't realize until after this update was put out that Scalia was murdered five years ago this week on February 12/13, 2016.]

We might even consider here whether my NOTE to Mellanson applies because the Nemo motto is, "I show NOT BOAST." Nots are listed with Note's/Cnuts. Boasts are in the colors and format of Stirlings and the Hubbard branch of Huberts. The gold crescent in the Boast Crest can be that of Rowleys (because they almost have the Hubert Coat), but Mellansons and Nots/Cnuts also have it. Plus, we saw the Bauds in the repeated quote above, because they were first found in Stirlingshire with Nemo's, by what coincidence is the Rowley crescent colors reversed from the same of Bauds?

This video could be a fake, with someone impersonating Clapper's voice, and then they may have put on a bald-headed man to make it look more convincing, for Clapper is bald. My understanding is that Lin Wood provided this video to the Internet. I suppose it could be Clapper, though perhaps spreading disinformation that the deep state wants Christians to repeat in order to vilify them. I haven't decided one way or the other if this information is real. This is not the full testimony (turn the volume up in ear phones to hear best):

Cheating to win an election gives the winning candidate NO STANDING, and the fault lies with the supreme court for not seeing the evidence in time for January 20, even though Jenna Ellis' team requested an emergency look-see by the top court. Chief judge Roberts needs to be jailed for allowing the cheaters to prosper. No judge can be allowed to behave that way; set an example today, throw the bum into prison for years and years. It is the very job of the courts to right the wrongs of criminal acts, and to punish the criminals. SCOTUS SHAMEFUL and irresponsible delinquents, the very lowest of the low from those who are to be the very highest example of morality. DISGUSTING.

It's worse than disgusting upon them, for by allowing such major crime to go unanswered, the Biden administration is working very hard right now, and will continue to do so, at disregarding laws to take all sorts of short cuts for to ruin its political competitors and to shore up its own mobsterous base. This is worse than just a disgusting display of "justice" from the top court; it's annihilation of the moral fiber of the country by gangsters until the nation is subservient to criminals. It's going there fast right now with gangster Biden allowing this to take place. So, although the top court may have quelled some street riots by refusing to decide this case, it is instead handing the nation to crime bosses that Roberts deserves the electric chair along with the Jewish judges on the court.

Here's the video mentioned way above. Late in the 22nd minute, the speaker says that someone besides Montgomery leaked the material, but he doesn't know the person's name. Montgomery is the one who produced the spyware, though I don't know what part he played in acquiring and/or leaking the data. The world needs to rally behind this data, and to prosecute and persecute the Bidenites / Obamaites for this crime.

Some comments like this are starting to come out: "The proof has been there. The truth about the election fraud is that Trump was in on it like pro wrestling. That's why he didn't do anything about it." Could be the enemy talking; could be a disgruntled pro-Trumper. People are wondering now. Trump's lawyers this week don't want to see witnesses at his impeachment trial, and this is a shame, another blight against Trump. Let the witnesses come forward, and use this golden opportunity to make it backfire on the Democrats.

Trump always chooses the wrong thing, letting the deep state get away. His every choice has been to let the deep state get away. We heard nothing about the declassified documents that Trump got credit for, when releasing them on the last day, yeah, four years after he became the president, while he's stepping out. Is this what we call a fighter? No, it's a sham. When this president stepped aside on January 20, in peace, there was an eerie quiet for days. His voters were stunned. No fight at all. He handed the greatest gift possible to the undeserving enemy. Thanks, Rump. John Solomon: "Transparency thwarted? Two weeks after Trump declassified Russia memos, most aren't released". Nice timing, Rump, like adding insult to injury.

Bongino is acting the fine hypocrite, which makes me wonder whether he's into the news / political game for money, fame and/or other self interests. Bongino claimed to be a fighter; instead he turns out to be a follower. Bongino is a follower of the Fox station that betrayed his beloved Trump. How can there be any other motive here besides his Fox-slot? There is a demonic spirit working right now to create a lying machine over the people, and then when the kraken-truth comes out, Bongino ignores it. Why? Because the kraken lady is rejected by Fox Half-News? What kind of a man-of-the-people is that? A wet sock. Bongino turns out to be yap-happy on a chain, like the rest of Fox hosts under Paul Ryan. Not one of them complains about Ryan publicly, for fear of Murdoch's axe, I assume. Be a wowser unleashed today.

If Tucker Carlson had done a segment this week on the Fanning report (it's now Wednesday morning as I add to this section), it would have been seen at the videos I peruse. So, he came out to insult the kraken lady a few weeks ago, demanding her evidence, and here Lindell has put that evidence out for all to talk about, and Tucker says NOTHING. Take off your chain, Tucker, you can strangle yourself with it. Try some fresh air. You owe Miss. Powell an apology. Powell's "sin" was to believe that Fanning's list of hacks is the truth. She did have evidence, Tucker, and you opened your wide mouth like puke on her character. Aren't you going to clean up your mess? If the kraken is fake, show how that's so. So far, there's nothing from the Fox prime-timers. They've become yappity-yap-yaps, Joe-this and Biden-that.

TUCKER, look at how many hacking events came from China. You've been accusing China of bad things for months, and here you have the evidence that China was contacting election houses during the election, and you say nothing? Because you are afraid of your boss? Because you would rather work for a boss who demands you say nothing? Because it's okay to accuse China but not the corrupt in your own county??? Tucker, PUKE, I feel sick. Go work for a news org where you're allowed to speak what needs to be spoken. Take less money but do the right thing. Feel good about yourself. Grow higher by making less money.

To Tucker's credit, he's done a vaccine story that's outlawed by others. Nice move, Tucker, like daring your bosses, but I'm not going to watch you until I hear your apology for hastily maligning Powell's integrity. Besides, you've got to emphasize the many people getting sick or killed from the vaccines, for until you do that, you're an accomplice to murder. Warm people not to take this vaccine because...

Because, Tucker, the CDC said that only 6-percent of people dying from this disease have nothing else besides it, while the remaining 94-percent have, on average, two other illnesses, on top of old age for the vast majority of them, that were the true causes of death. So, if we take the death toll for America so far, said to be in the ballpark of 450,000, we know that figure's way too high based on the COVID scheme to make us afraid of it. But even if we used the numbers above, 6-percent of 450,000 is 27,000, the number of people who die annually from the regular flu. That's right, there may not be a COVID threat at all. They may even be deceiving us with false testing that picks up the regular flu as COVID-19. They have admitted that false positives are being registered. Plus, the 6-percent may have been doubled from the reality because they are playing games with us, even lethal population-control "games."

Bongino Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: nothing on Lindell.

By Friday, I caught wind that Sidney Powell hired Lin Wood to be her lawyer against Dominion's law suit against her. Wood came out swinging, saying he just can't wait to cross examine Dominion...which I think will cause Dominion to fold this case because it's wholly risky when you're holding the criminal end of the stick. I assume this case can go to the supreme court if Dominion is too ashamed to fold. Imagine the backlash if it folds, for there's only one reason to do so: GUILTY as accused by Powell. Dominion's bluffing.

Probably the biggest Word to America is: there's many filthy cups walking to and fro in your land, lots of people with too much money hoarding it and seeking more. WARNING, give to the least fortunate NOW before it's too late to correct yourselves. Filthy cups are not Godly enough to get God's attention. They want to make more money because they wish to be welcome in richer circles; they want to experience being "higher." Higher with who?

Jesus wasn't afraid to insult the religious leaders. When they criticized him for not washing his hands before eating, he told them to their faces how they were clean-looking cups on the outside, but that they need to give what's on the inside of the cup to people less fortunate than themselves. He had called the inside of the cup their filth. We thus learn that the money they packed away was the secret filth on the inside, their greed. Of all people who should set an example of fair play in the marketplace, that role goes to the religious leaders.

So, Jesus was guilty of a few germs on his hands at the dinner table, but the religious leaders were guilty of far more, just like people today who pride themselves on being super-clean of body, but, like Earhardt and Trump, pack the $millions away that they don't need, which they did not earn like the typical person earns. Earhardt made her money so big largely because she has a great television face / smile. Now she won't part with Fox when the Fox bosses are clearly anti-Christ. How's that point going to fare for her in the Book of Life?

Another Bongino-video comment: "Can you do a breakdown on 'Absolute Proof' true or false?" No, I don't think Bongino can. It's a horrible display of hypocrisy on his part. I've prayed about his cancer, but, frankly, I'm not sure God cares about this man's fate, for the way that he's driving his ship right now. There is something seriously wrong with him, his mouth reveals it at times. I say he's got demons, and needs deliverance, and I also think he may despise born-again Christianity. I'm not sure, but I see signs to that effect. In that case, the demons will overcome him, for that's what they do. Without the Spirit's protection, people go the way of demons. If I were happy with his conduct and direction, I would say so. But I think he loves filthy Hollywood movies more than he loves Jesus. That's not a man at all. Don't let his big muscles fool you.

Here's a key article from a Christian organization:

Computers in China used to conduct a cyberwarfare attack on the 2020 U.S. election by switching votes...were purchased by Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (BHR), sources say.

The investment fund BHR was founded in 2013. Hunter Biden joined the BHR board of directors and took an equity stake while his father was Vice President [oh-oh].

“In response to a question from The Post, White House press secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged that Hunter Biden was still an investor in Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., known as BHR,” the New York Post reported on February 5, 2021 [oh-oh]. ...BHR was established in 2013 shortly after Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden flew to Beijing aboard Air Force Two.

Several companies BHR has substantial investments in were the same companies that have been exposed as having intruded into the 2020 election via a cyber attack. P addresses owned by those Chinese companies targeted the 2020 U.S. election. Hunter Biden holds direct ownership in those same companies, according to a forensic data analysis by U.S. government cyber security contractors.

This story rings true. It means that Biden is the one who cheated to get Biden elected. And the fact that he's not been arrested means that the entire government is controlled by people who stage events, play with the public's mind, make people go crazy with games like this. They had Biden not do any campaigning so that they could drive the people crazy with an election win from the most-extensive fraud machine ever assembled. So, don't go crazy, but let them go crazy instead since they're most of the way there. The stone they roll will roll back on them.

Here's 23 minutes of Sidney Powell's stay-the-line (and unchained) attitude of late, what you won't hear at youtube anymore. I'd much rather listen to her than Bongino, Fox and Friends, etc.:

(The only thing I like about bitchute is that it gives the latest videos at the top, otherwise it is often and regularly a nasty and corrosive website, just so you know. I tolerate it because it's part of my job to peruse the daily news, and because other outlets are replacing the news with leftist trash.)

The great thing about the cheating machines is that, if the cheats throw out the fake ballots, the numbers will no longer match the votes recorded by the machines. We already know the numbers recorded by the machines. So, unless the whores get away with hiding all the ballots long enough, they can get caught. There is not a people-movement hard enough to force the counties to cough up the ballots. This is why big tech doesn't want people to talk about it, and so they don't want us eating together, drinking together, visiting together in any way, because we will them empower one another against them by our talking together. Fox quartered-news (lost all of it testosterone) wants you to forget about the fraud, to "take it like a man" and move on. SPIT!

It was nice to hear from Ms. Powell after so long.

If you didn't see Biden's crime with the Ukraine, where he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired just because he was prosecuting Burisma, here it is in undeniable terms, a thing that Fox news should have plastered on television sets before the election. Fox can still air this now, but why won't it? Fox is thus an accomplice to the Biden crime family:

If Fox news permits its TV faces to dance around the grim realities but not center upon them with the intent to incite the peoples to kill the schemes, then TV faces are complicit with the schemes being unloaded upon the peoples. Is that a small thing they do for money / fame? "Incite" is not a dirty word if the peoples are incited to kill the evil. If you don't incite to kill the evil, the evil will incite its forces against those who oppose them. That's right, Tucker, you even know this. The first minute of this video shows glaringly how COVID is a liberal / anti-Christ scheme, not a real pandemic:

Hmm, note the URL above from bitchute, and compare its ending -- ejWaffF2RiQ -- with the end of "". The latter URL has the same video as at the bitchute URL above. Are these companies related? If so, why doesn't bitchute censor material? Or does it? Why is bitchute far-right even with pro-Hitlerites while youtube censors pro-Hitlerites? Are these two video platforms playing to divide the people? Isn't that a crime? The alternative is that when bitchute receives a youtube video, it copies the youtube URL.

Trump cheated the American people out of hydroxychloroquine, and for this reason Trump is responsible for many deaths. He clearly caved to government forces who didn't want the drug used for COVID, and he obviously went with those who want vaccines. Trump is a murderer, there's no other way to out it, for he and everyone knows that this drug is safe, yet he stopped pushing it, and did nothing to fight against those who were warring against it for obvious self-interested reasons. He caved to the money grubbers on an issue that is said to be the reason for a "global pandemic," and this is a horrific blotch against his record:

What do you think of this frightening situation where an old man thinks he's being killed by the oxygen and drugs the hospital is forcing upon him...later in the video, we learn that the hospital won't tell the family what drugs they are giving the old man, and that the police is taking the side of the hospital so as to make the old man a prisoner of the hospital he wants to leave:

Potato Security

By the way, I have dried about ten batches of potatoes over my wood stove, working great so far as I can tell. I'm not sure if I'm getting enough humidity out by the end of the day to make them last 10 years, but aim to test them once a year to see how I've done. Potatoes are cheap but good food. I paid just $3 for ten pound bags, so I'm going to do some math to show how cheap this is.

When last talking about this a few weeks ago, I shared what others say, that dried foods need to be dried at 150 F or less to keep them from cooking. Someone said "not good" about that. However, I asked google if cooked potatoes can be dried, and the response from someone was, yes, half-cooked or fully cooked. So, there may not be a problem with drying foods in ovens at 170 F. My oven's lowest setting, and other ovens too, is 170.

The cheapest cereals in my area are about $5 per kilogram, or $2.25 per pound. However, at $3 per 10-pound bag of potatoes, that's 66 cents per kilogram. Yesterday, I dried 830 grams of potatoes until they weighed only 170 grams, about one fifth the weight. BOTTOM LINE: dried potatoes cost me $.66 x 5 = $3.30 per kilogram, significantly cheaper than the cheapest cereals, and about a third of the cost of potato chips (when they are $2.25 per bag of 225 grams = average price of chips).

The way I'm justifying this work, if the dried potatoes are never needed: I peel potatoes now anyway, because the skins are probably laced with farmer-applied chemicals in the dirt. Plus, dicing potatoes for drying is not a waste of work because we usually cut potatoes to some degree anyway (I have a slicing "machine" to make it faster). So, the only extra work is to put them on a cookie sheet above (not directly on) the wood stove. I check the temperature regularly, however, with my finger on the bottom of the cookie sheet. I've gotten to know when the temperature is too hot, but is it really too hot? Maybe yes, because if the exteriors cook, it may me harder to get the water content out. Maybe one day I'll just try cooking a batch over on the wood stove, see what happens.

If you use a wood stove for daily heating, the heating is nearly free to dry foods. But it's not totally free because a cookie sheet an inch above the stove makes it harder for heat to get out the stove top, and so some heat = wood goes up the chimney. If ten pieces of wood are used daily to heat the home, I may be wasting one or less for the drying process with a sheet one inch from the stove. Three inches would be much better, but you don't always have a choice as to what distance you use.

By the way, I keep coming across all-female youtube Christian music. What's that all about. For example, in the 2.5-hour offering below of random hymns, you would think it would pan out to half male, half female. But I clicked along the live a dozen times, and each time there was a female singer. This was the second such video I've loaded. Kinda makes me think the Christian feminists are trying cancel male importance.

The very next video loaded, I found 15 female voices (random clicking) in the first hour versus one male voice, no kidding:

A lot of church music today is sleepy music, in my opinion. I like exciting music, happy music, lively music, and I think God does too. Too much sleepy / relaxing music probably makes us soft if not almost useless, beware. I can't find any exciting Christian music when asking for Christian music...maybe because youtube is blocking it to make us all fall asleep. Yup, just like it's eradicating all the exciting news. I'm falling asleep with Biden news. The good side is that leftist media are going into the poor house with Biden steering the sailboat...with the mast down for fear he'll go too fast.

People who put up Christian music may not even be Christians, because there is lots of youtube money to make with it. So, if you have a liberal feminist putting it up, it can explain the all-female videos. If a video sharing Christian music asks you to subscribe, don't. It is obscene for a Christian to put out music about to make money. There are lots of videos like that. Beggers who ask you to subscribe at the start of the video are a real turn off.

The biggest reason that the Church will fall asleep in the last days, by the looks of it, is because the world is wholly off-bounds to us. The evil people wish to rule over us, and they don't want us to partake in any way but to be subservient. Okay, but Jesus said the servant will be the greatest, and vice-versa, the monsters get robbed by God of life. Okay, full-steam ahead monsters, go for it. Yawn.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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