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August 9 - 15, 2011

Tel Aviv's Heraldry (nowhere to be found online), Founded by a Gutt Surname
Boofima's Imperi Nation Versus Liguria's Imperia Region
Why Is there a MassaBOVI location in Imperia, where BOOFima is Now Expected?
Hungarian Hussar Founders of Hesse were the Chosaroio of the Hungarian Csikos
Baar Fish Found in Butua's Montenegro

Ever since the debt crisis spiralled downward after Obama's political "victory," his face has looked unusually sick in photos. But could there be something to it other than the debt crisis?

Obama could be in deep trouble now that a court has ordered the Hawaii people in charge of his birth certificate to stand before a judge in about a month to tell why they shouldn't release the birth certificate now that Obama's people have released a copy to the world. Perhaps Obama's people didn't realize what sort of trouble they were getting into by releasing a fraudulent copy. Perhaps they didn't realize that releasing it would make the law of non-effect that makes it illegal for the Hawaii people to expose it. See" as well as this related story.

A new animal with toes in Minnesota. Could this be one of the suspected monsters that science has been creating by mixing genes of different animals and/or of animals with those of humans?

"The head suggests a canine, very likely a domestic dog," Abraham said. "However, the right front foot appears to have five toes, which is not typical for canines. Also, the long toenails are not typical for an active canine."

There was a significant quake less than 50 miles off the Israeli shore that was felt in the buildings of Tel Aviv. Israel does have quakes, but serious ones are few. Here's the history: "The last major earthquake in the region was in July 1927, when 300 people were killed in Jerusalem and Jericho. Prior to that, a quake measuring seven on the Richter Scale killed around 4,000 people in 1837." There hasn't been a serious quake since "Jews" and Israelis took the land. Rothschilds began to systematically re-settle Russian "Jews" as early as the 1800s. German "Jews" followed. Even Ethiopian "Jews" more recently. From all over the world, they came to Palestine and called it Israel under a blue and white flag with "the Star of David," the same Zionists star sported by many heraldry Coats.

In recent years, there has been a new wave of teaching, that Askenazi Jews of Germany are predominantly from Khazars. The Cohens/Kagans are blue and white too. Bavaria is blue and white too. Who really did found the "Jewish" state? After who's concept of Israel was it patterned? Am I correct to peg Khazars as Nahorites, and were they too Nahorites from Edom? Surely, we would see red in the Israeli symbols if Edomites and Rus controlled. But then Bauers are blue and gold, the colors of the Jerusalem lion.

"David Ben-Gurion climbed the nine steps into this building [at 16 Rothschild Blvd, Tel Aviv] on May 14, 1949 to read the Declaration of Independence and established the State of Israel." The Arms of Tel Aviv (lighthouse and seven stars) were created by a Guttman surname, evoking the Goths. The German Guttman Coat uses a double-headed eagle, not an Israeli symbol at all, but of the European glory. The eagle is black on gold, with bent neck, just like the one in the Italian Massi/Mattis Chief (don't assume the surname was originally from "Matthew") where we see the Cohen-colored checks below it. The Templar-related Fulks use nearly the same Coat. The Guttman Coat also uses "a knight holding a sword on green ground" Why a knight? Isn't that Templarism?

I can't find a picture online of the Arms of Tel Aviv. It seems that "Jews" are loath to show their heraldry lest we discover them to be Germans. One can read online that the lighthouse is surrounded by seven stars, apparently in the circular style of the EU flag. The latter use gold-on-blue stars, the color of the Bauer stars. We'd expect the Rothschilds to be right up there.

The Guttman write-up wishes us to believe that the surname derived in "good," though we see a Guth variation in that write-up. We then see a "Gothmann" in the "Jewish" Guttman page (no Coat shown), where the name is now traced to "God." Look at the white-on-blue colors of the Zionists star in the German Goth Coat.

It's conspicuous that German Fulks were first found in Brandenburg (home of Cohen-related Hohens) while there was a GudBRAND Kule (he was first treated in the May update above) in the Norwegian Halland bloodline (the line had not yet hooked up with Halland (Sweden) in Gudbrand's time). Then, on the history of the "star of David":

...For example, in Israel, there is a stone bearing a hexagram from the arch of a 3rd-4th century synagogue in the Galilee. Originally, the hexagram may have been employed as an architectural ornament on synagogues, as it is, for example, on the cathedrals of BRANDENBURG [caps mine] and Stendal, and on the Marktkirche at Hanover. A pentagram in this form is found on the ancient synagogue at Tell Hum. In the synagogues, perhaps, it was associated with the mezuzah.

Mezuzah? A Meshwesh/Mazyes term if ever we saw one. A mezuzah is a piece of paper with writing, placed into a case and attached to a door frame. Let's assume that it goes back to a practice of the proto-Meshwesh in Egypt during the Mosaic time that Israelites were enslaved. Wouldn't that explain why God directed Israelites to paint their doorposts with the blood of lambs during the tenth plague, as a special message to the proto-Meshwesh? Isn't it true that Masonry worships bloodlines, after all, and that the tenth plague targeted the firstborn son? Wouldn't that have been a message against the bloodline worshipers of the time? Egyptian pharaohs definitely worshiped bloodlines.

The Norwegian Halland bloodline ruled first in Ringerike, and I think I did a good job tracing to the Ringer and Ring surnames, as well as to the Speers in a line from Rennes to Renfrewshire. Modern Veres say that their Anjou line included a Rainfrou (like "Renfrew") character that I identified as code for Veres>Speers in Rennes (Brittany). It's known that Rennes named Renfrewshire, where Speers were first found (the Vere write-up traces the clan to SPROWEStun of Roxburghshire). It's not likely coincidental that the Wren/Raines Crest is a spear while the Raines chevron is in the color scheme of the Ringers. Here's the Ringer write-up, and so note the Speer-clan insinuation:

The Ringer surname in England is thought to have arisen from two distinct sources. It evolved from the Norman personal name Reinger, or Rainger, which is composed of the Germanic elements "ragin," meaning "advice," and "ger," meaning a "spear." It also evolved from Old English "hringanas," meaning "a ring" and from the Middle English "ringen," meaning "to ring," an occupational name for a maker of rings, or perhaps for a bell ringer.

It can't be coincidental that the bell in the Ringer Coat is identical to the bells in the Bell and Porter Coats? Moreover, the Porters who use the bell were first found in Kyle (Ayrshire), smacking of Gudbrand KULE. If indeed the Ringer surname derived from a bell ring, surely it would not have used the Bell-surname bell design by sheer fluke. The Ringer Coat shows fleur-de-lys (surrounding the bell) in Massey-colored fleur, suggesting that Ringers were indeed of the Bellamy>Massey line, and as you may know by now, Masseys and Veres use the same Shield and were both from Manche.

Going to the Ring Coat, we see scallops in colors reversed to Meschin scallops. The Rings/Wrings were first found in Norfolk, where there is a Sprowston location almost spelled the same as "Sprowestun" of Roxburghshire. One point is that Fulks of Anjou were first found in England in Norfolk, and the other point is that the Ring Coat is in the black and white colors of the Dutch Sprows/Spruce Coat. The Goodman Coat, using the double-headed Guttman eagle, was first found in Norfolk.

It was in the May 10-16 update when the Sprows/Spruce Shield was shown to be nearly identical to the Sprowston town sign, white birds and split Shield included. It was in that update that the Sparham location of Norfolk was mentioned as per the Speers there, and so see that the Sparrows (another "salus" motto term) were first found in Norfolk. BUT NOW, see the unicorn in the Sparrow Crest, for the Ringer Crest is likewise a unicorn. Thus, the Ringers were related to Speers, as even the Renfrew home of the Speers would indicate. That should explain why Irish Rinns/Rings use crescents in the colors reversed from the Speer crescents. The Latter Rinns/Rings were from royal Munster, where the Muskerry "cult" had a seat.

I did note that the Irish Ring Crest shows a scroll, but I'm hesitant at the moment to link it to the mezuzah. "Coincidences" in timing like this happen regularly in my writings, meaning that Ring-mezuzah link may indeed exist because the timing could have been God-orchestrated.

ZOWIE. As the Muskerry region was traced solidly to Mus of Lake Van, while near the end of the last update we saw that a mythical Mestra character definitely traces to Mus of Van (and to the Nairi there), it just hit me that the "Mnestra" alternative for that mythical entity smacks of "Munster."

ASTOUNDING. I didn't check for a Mestor surname in the last update even though mythical Mestor was also a topic, and here when it was checked it comes just after mention of the Ringer and Sparrow unicorns. The Mester/Master/Moster Crest is the Sparrow-unicorn design (!!), and because it's tongue is sticking out, I recognize it now as the Massey-Crest Pegasus design!!! Mestors/Masters were Masseys!!!!

Going to the German/Switzerland Mestor Coat, a "star of David" in the Chief, and blue and white colors in the Coat. The Coat with Chief is similar to the Massi/Mattis and Fulk Coats...that I'm linking to the Guttman surname that designed the Arms of Tel Aviv. In case you've forgotten, the Ringers became a topic at all because the Guttmans were being traced to Gudbrand Kola of Ringerike elements. Halland is beside Ringerike, and Hallands were traced to Hellespont of Muse-infested Mysia, wherefore we could expect some Muses in the Ringerike theater.

In the last update, Mestor was discovered as mythical code for a Hyksos line to Trojans. One of the three Mestor characters was even made a son of Priam, and as I trace "Priam" to "Parium/Parion," Mysian home of Gorgons, see now the Raines motto: "Judicium parium aut leges terrae." It was the Judicium term that alerted to a trace to Rennes' ruler(s) named, Judicael. As the Mestor surname was just linked to the Ringers, the suggestion is that the "parium" term of the Raines' is code indeed for the Priam-Mestor line.

The Mestor surname using a unicorn uses the Tooks/Toke/Tolkien griffins because both surnames were first found in Kent. I traced Tooks to mythical Teucer, father of the Trojans. Evidence for that trace included the white-on-blue unicorn of the German Troy surname, for Tokers (of Devon) use a similar white-on-blue sea horse. Then, compare the gold saw-like Toker chevron to the gold saw-like Mestor fesse!!! The "teeth" are identical, and one cannot get closer to "Teucer" than "Toker," meaning that with certainty, the Mestors/Masters were from mythical Mestor of Troy! Wow, and as we know, Freemasons have GrandMASTERs.

Another Mestor character of myth was made a son of Pterelaus. The latter was advanced in the last update as the Hyksos-Butteri bloodline to African western Atlantis. Let's therefore keep in mind that Teucer was father of the Trojans by the marriage of his daughter BATia, to the Tros line Trojans.

The Toker Crest is a lion's paw (holding an axe), and then we find a lion's paw (held by a human hand) in the Minor Crest. Note how the Minor Coat smacks of the Massi/Mattis Coat. I'm showing the Minor Coat (Swiss Mestor colors) because Mesters use a "minor" motto term. But the same motto also uses "tueri," much like "Teucer."

Although I've veered aside from the Guttman topic and Tel Aviv, the entire aside may link to that topic. As per Gudbrand Kole of Ringerike, I checked the Brand Coats to find the German branch using the Bellamy Shield and white-on-blue stars, the color of the Goth Zionist star. The Bellamy Shield in the Brand Coat here jibes with the trace of the Ringer Coat to the Bellamy>Massey line, assuring that the Brands were indeed from Gudbrand. Checking the Brent Coat, there is a wyvern dragon, symbol of the Vere-branch Masseys. The Brents were from Conteville (Normandy), and the Meschins had been Contevilles on one side.

Place your bets on whether the Masseys are behind much of modern Israel, for that is to be expected where the Armageddon showdown is between the God of Israel and the neo-Hyksos.

A similar wyvern, in colors reversed, is in the Drake Coat. Drakes are definitely Veres, and they were first found in Hampshire, where there was a strong showing of Butteri. The Bidens/Buttons/Buddins of Hampshire had a branch in Bath and Wells, Somerset, and it just so happens that the wyvern-using Brents were first found in Somerset. As extra evidence that the Brands and Brents trace to Gudbrand KOLE, the English Porters, who use the Ringer bell design, were first found in Hampshire. These Porters are the ones using a "portcullis" in Crest, and it just so happens that the Cullis surname shows a COLEson variation...while Scottish Porters (using the same bell again) were first found in Kyle. The Kyles of Kyle claim to trace to king Cole. I don't care what the Japanese say, this is no colincidence.

I am very sure that the Kyles / Coles come from the Mieszko Poles (and even the Veres, who I previously viewed to be close to Kyles, were recently traced independently to Poland). It was western clans from Mieszko Poles who used white-on-blue stars...just like the Brent stars, suggesting a Brent-Mieszko kinship. The daughter (Sigrid the Haughty) of Mieszko I was a Danish queen, and perhaps she birthed some children that linked Brents to the Kyles and/or the line of Gudbrand Kule. THE POINT IS, these Mieszko white-and-blue colors, which were also the Stewart colors, are suspect in the makings of the Israeli-flag stars.

I traced the Flaad name of the Brittany proto-Stewarts to Harold "Blaatand" (Bluetooth), and it just so happens that Blaatand's son (Forkbeard) married Sigrid the Haughty. In this picture, Stewarts were from Mieszko Poles too, and Kyles were linked closely to the Stewarts of Bute. The Stewart blue and white come in the form of Cohen/Kagan checks, and one should compare the Stewart Coat to the Massi/Mattis Coat. REMEMBER, the Massi/Mattis Coat became a topic at all only because it uses the same bent-neck eagle as the Guttman Coat.

Again, place your bets on whether Israel was founded by Masseys and therefore by Freemasons. It wasn't enough that I was Called to this work to discover my Masci bloodline at the roots of Masonry; now it's looking like the roots of modern Israel. I'm not going to try to force a Massey interpretation onto modern Israel, but I did find that Rothschilds and Maceys / Mackays were virtually one Rus clan in northern Scotland (raven-depicted vikings), and that Meschins and Masseys traced to Bavaria in various ways. The raven-depicted vikings were found to be the proto-Stewart Alans/Allens BEFORE I discovered that Allens were listed as a sept of Mackays. It stands to reason that raven-depicted vikings included the Mieszko bloodline merged with Forkbeard's Blaatand line.

How many Massey bloodliner "Jews" of the Moscow and Kiev regions did the Rothschilds plant into Israel? Is that why Rothschilds took Russia in the first place, for access to certain "Jews" there? The Rothschilds took Russia in 1917, the same year they took Israel from the Turks, the same year that they declared the Israeli homeland as their own project using British tax dollars. The satanist, Arthur Balfour, was involved in that plot.

Checking the Balfour Coat, we find a "baton" in Crest, very Butteri-suspicious. The French Baton/Baston surname was then first found in Poitiers (!!), and uses the Minor Shield-and-Chief combination (Minors entering the picture as per the "minor" motto term of the Massey-, Hyksos, and Troy-related Mestors). The Balfour Coat uses an otter, suggesting linkage to the Other surname at the root of Windsors. [An hour or two later, I got another Minor Shield-and-Chief in the Gutter Coat.]

Entering Bal could per chance show some clues to Balfour ancestry, and that brings up the same ermine symbol that was used by the Arms of Vannes, Brittany. This makes sense where the Balfour motto, "Forward," is like the Speer motto, "AdVANCE." Not only is the latter motto suspect as code for Vannes because Speers trace to Rennes elements (i.e. of Brittany), but because the Balfour Crest is a spear-like baton. While some Bal-surname variations use Balet-like terms, it together with the Balland variation could imply "Blaatand."

The Balls/Balders (very Templar-suspicious) were first found in Cheshire, and use "Fulcrum" as potential code for Fulks. How is it that the first Templar kings of Jerusalem were Balders (counts of Flanders) while the Jerusalem throne shortly afterward went to Fulk V of Anjou??? Balders were Flemings, and as proof that the heraldic flame symbol is code for Flemings, see the flame in the Bal/Balder Coat. The German and "Jewish" Brands used the same sort of flames.

The Ball/Balder Coat is in Balfour colors, and the latter's chevron could link, as per the direction that this is going, to the Wren/Rain chevron. Yes, in fact, for as entering "Otter" (symbol in the Balfour chevron) brings up the Other surname at the root of Windsors, the Wren/Rain Crest is the Windsor cross symbol in the same colors. And it's the Jerusalem-Templar cross!

Windsors were prolific in Nottingham, where the Ringers were first found. THEN compare the Ring Coat (which we have already linked to Speers) to the Other/Otter Coat!!! Now we know that Windsors were fundamental to the hub of Freemasonry, if anyone thought too kindly of Windsors. Expect demons in the House of Windsor. There are many examples of Arthurian codes representing nothing more mysterious than surnames. "Uther" Pendragon is likely code for the Other surname. It's possible to form an Other-like surnames from Goth-like surnames, and below we bump into the Cotters said to have a Gaelic Oitir variation. The Others show an Otir variation. Later, I'll come back to the Others.

The Wren/Rain write-up traces to "Rennes" of Brittany. The Wren/Rain-Crest spear looks like it could be the Dunham and Singletary spears. Wrens/Raines were first found in Durham, previously DUNholme. That's a Dane term, I'm sure, and it just so happens that Forkbeard (i.e. of the Blaatand bloodline) was at first married to a (Windsor-like) Wend. Wends lived in BRANDenburg.

It's possible that Forkbeard's first name, Sweyn, was part-and-parcel of the Swayne/Sion/Swan surname that I tend to link to Sion of Switzerland. As I've said many times, that surname's Coat has multiple Massey / Macey clues. This paragraph was born after everything above was already concluded. I finally got round to entering "Gott" for further possible clues of Guttman background, and there I found crossed swords, a symbol of the German Mestor Chief...where we find a Zionist (or Sionist) star on top of the crossed swords. And the reason why Sion of Switzerland was included in this paragraph is because the Mestors -- in Macey and Swayne/Sion/Swan colors -- were first found in Switzerland. Once again, Mestors look like the Massey bloodline, but now they are coming close to the Sion location that is suspect at the root of modern Zionism.

Crossed swords are also used by the Guttens/Gattenbys, first found in Kent. It was English Mestors that were first found in Kent!

After writing the above, I not only found that the German Gut/Good/Guot surname (garbs) was first found in Switzerland, but that the English Good/Gudd surname was first found in Kent.

After writing all the above, while seeking a page with the EU logo, I came across the Arms of the EU Military, using crossed swords. There is also a gold anchor on blue Shield that I'd like to know the ownership of.

As we might theorize that Israel's blue and white trace to Bavaria's blue and white, so the Gotts were first found in Bavaria while, as was said, the Goth Coat uses (nothing but) a Zionists star... in colors reversed to the Israeli flag. It was recorded above that the Gutters use the Minor Coat-and-Chief combination, and due to the minor motto term of the Mesters, it appears that both Gutters and Gotts link to Mesters/Masters. As the white-on-blue stars in the Mieszko bloodline led to Moray, it's probably not coincidental that Scottish masters are said have changed their named while being a McInnes clan. My guess is that there were Masters merged with the Innes clan who decided to go back to the Masters name.

THE BIG POINT IS, the Innes clan was from Moray, and LOOK, the Innes Coat uses blue-on-white Zionist stars!!! Here I am just following the leads as they come, and here I am on the same-colored Zionist star as on the Israeli flag? The Scottish Innes Coat shows same colored stars, but as pentagrams, the Mieszko star type. That is, it appears that the Mieszko>Mestor bloodline within the Innes clan is what got the Innes clan to Moray, and what got the Innes clan to adopt their stars in colors reversed to the Mieszko-line stars. You can read that the Innes clan goes back to a line from Flanders living in Innes.

The blue-on-white Innes stars are used also by the Guttens/Gattonbys. I have yet to read in one Goth-like write-up that the surnames could trace to Goths. But now that I see the red-on-white chevron of the Guttens/Gattenbys, I'm reminded of the same-colored chevron of the Swedish Gusts, said to be derived in "Gaut," or the Goth peoples. And because the Cohens/Kagans are suspect behind these clans to Israel's founding, note the Hohen Shield used by the Gastons. Hohens used a black eagle (i.e. as do the Guttmans), and Hohens also used black and white, favorite color combinations of the Goths.

It looks like the Innes bloodline was the Flemish- and Templar-suspect bloodline that founded Israel's flag, not forgetting that Mackays were in and about Moray. I had traced the Mieszko-line Moray star to the French Bez clan, and now I find that the German Bez Coat uses a black-on-gold eagle (not to mention that the strongarm Piast eagle looks like the Hohen eagle). Remember, the Guttman Coat also shows a knight. There is little doubt in my mind that English Boles (because they use the Pollock-Crest boar) were named after Mieszko's son, Boleslaw (father of BEZprym), and as we see that the Belgian Bole Coat also uses the Moray star, let's be reminded that Flanders is in Belgium. Note the Bellamy Shield in the Belgian Bole Coat.

Flanders is also in Holland, and so we find yet another Bole surname in Holland, this one using a tree stump. As we are thinking that the Mieszko star should link to the Zionist star of the Goth Coat, might not that tree stump be a symbol of "Goeth's oak" stump, since "Goeth" is a listed variation of the Goth clan? It all tends to prove that the Guttman surname that created the Arms of Israel's capital city was of a major Templar bloodline ultimately from the Templar thicket of Flanders.

Just how satanic was this white-on-blue bloodline that founded Israel? The Milan surname uses a tree stump to, and Milan was ruled by the white-on-blue Viscontis...of Massino-Visconti near Milan. There is a chance that the Massi variation in the databank of the white-and-blue Mattis surname (i.e. using the Guttman eagle) was from Massino.

While I first traced Viscontis to Wisharts/Guiscards (piles), I also found that Viscontis traced to the Mieszko dynasty. The Swedish Gust/Gaut chevron is in the color scheme of the Tancred chevron, if that helps to trace "Guis" to "Gust" and related Goths. And as I've shown many times, the Guiscard symbol, lattice, is used by the Gaut/Cott Coat. The latter are considered by me the Cottians, and the Cottian Alps are roughly the Massino-Visconti theater. See also the red-on-white chevron of the Codd/Coade/Cody surnames, and ask whether the clans in this paragraph are from Boscath due to the chevron being colors reversed from the Hebron chevron.

No matter what surname is investigated, it always seems to come around to Guiscards. You can bet your flaming pants that Israel's founders were from Guiscard's Samson bloodline, as this bloodline is sacred to Freemasons. But that's only because their donkeys and other kinds of dumb asses. Look at how successful God made them in Jerusalem in the years that they got badly "burned" for their efforts. Only a dumb ass would march across Europe to seize Jerusalem, and force other dumb asses to follow. The English kings were just such.

And now that they have firm fingers round the Israeli what? It's almost Burning Time again. We're only waiting for the Revelation-16 frogs to assemble their asses at Israel in the form of a mighty army. The Veres (who claim to be from Merovingians) use frogs as a symbol, and so did the Clovis Merovingians. I can't recall the color scheme of those frogs, but I think they are the same as in the Froggit Coat (three green frogs on a blue Shield). There are three green lizards on a Blue Shield in the Cotter Coat, and as Gutters are also Cutters, I think we're talking the same bloodline that created the Arms of Tel Aviv. Lizards were mentioned in the last update as belonging to the Garrys and Querries, and because I identify Garrys as Veres, let me add that Cottars and Querries were both first found in Vere-infested Oxfordshire.

The Froggit Crest is a parrot and a "bunch of cherries." Like the Froggits, the Cherry surname was first found in Derbyshire, and of course the surname is like "Garry" and "Querrie."

Let the Carthaginians come to Jerusalem. Hop to it, there's a leaping hot time awaiting. They can finally rest their tossing souls on the maggots of eternity. Eat, Carthaginians, eat what you deserve, the maggots having grown on the countless humans that you've murdered throughout history. The bodies of the innocent will live, but you will have their maggots as your legacy. And the worm shall not die, nor the fires be quenched, until human generations come to an end, by which time your dread conditions will no longer allow you to mock God, or lead humanity astray into indecency.

The Frog line was from "Frey," we can be sure, and Frey is the maggot of FreyMasonry. We can expect, therefore, that Frisians and Dutch and Franks will call out to the world for help in fighting the hot east wind that is coming to Israel. They won't have a choice if they want to keep their smelling foot in the Middle East. If they have their way, and they do, they will make porn stars of the Israeli teens. And for this the stars of the sky will fall across the horizon on the day that they come to fight the east wind. The Chinese are looking intently at the party animal called Obama, and as they see the world in chaos and ask who could possibly be responsible for it all, they will answer that the United States and her allies are to be blamed. And they won't have mercy on the day that Christ himself leads the east wind to Israel, on the Day of the Trap, when the mouse gets hammered right to the head.

That reminds me, I haven't finished the mouse story. For three weeks or even four, there was a super mouse in this house that, night after night, evaded death from the mouse trap. The details are found in two updates ago. On the Monday morning that the update was due, the mouse had gotten away again. Throughout the period, it either ate the food without snapping the trap, or snapped it and wiggled out of the thing, or the trap would miss it altogether. It had it down to a fine art, knowing just how to position itself to lick or nibble so that the trap snapped and missed it. But the morning after the update was published, the trap went off, caught the mouse on the head, and, in the morning, a pool of blood beside the dead mouse (laying outside of the trap) caused me to pay my respects to such a brave and clever thing. It was July 26.

To prove that it was for a sign, that we are to be looking to a Massey bloodline for the coming of the anti-Christ kingdom, another mouse got into the house (I think I've finally found where they get in). Most mice, as with that one, end their lives the first time into the trap. How the other mouse could get away 20, maybe 25 times, has got to be a miracle that God enjoyed playing.

The article below shares many statements made by the Russian president recently on the US-Georgia-Russia' "...the U.S. Senate...adopted a resolution last week calling on Russia to withdraw its troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia." Medvedev did not like this, and he claims it was he, not Putin, who ordered the offensive against Georgia in 2008. The first mice incidents that seemed like signs to me started as that war was getting under way. It is a total coincidence -- not by a plan of mine -- that I should be saying this in this paragraph, the one directly below the latest mouse story. I had no intention of mentioning the mouse signs of 2008 when starting this paragraph.

I think you'll find the mouse and bear story roughly at August 7, 2008. It concerned a dream of a bear moving about the people that seemed frightening or not to be trusted, when it lunged at two deer and locked jaws around one of their throats. The dream ended at that point, and it was roughly at 4 am when I felt a mouse run across some body part, but when I awoke trying to brush it with my hand from the bed, there was no mouse. I got up, and there was no mouse anywhere that it could hide for long. I got onto the computer, and never did a mouse come out. I knew that the mouse could not have gotten into my sleeping area, and knew also that mice could not get out of the trailer when in the living quarters. I assumed that God woke me up with an imaginary mouse, which would be done yet again in the near future, maybe even two more times, I can't recall.

That early morning I discovered that the numbers of the surname (Saakashvili) of the Georgian president added up to 666. During that morning's Iraq update, as the Georgian war was just starting, there was a headline something like, "Russian bear goes for the jugular." It was so much like the dream just hours before that I began to feel that end-time prophecy was coming immediately upon us. The Georgian war looked as though it could have started a long-term power struggle between the two super powers, and involving the land of Gog: Georgia. As it had long been my belief that the anti-Christ would be a Gog, I was very confused because neither a Russian nor Saakashvili had been in Iraq to fulfill the Daniel 11 prophecy. Then the Georgian tension all fizzled away, and I can't see how Saakashvili is the anti-Christ.

Saakashvili is in for another national election this coming March, and the Russians must already be unleashing all their tricks to get the Georgians to vote him out, and to elect a pro-Russia man instead. That's why the senate in the United States wants the Russians out of the Georgian sphere, NOW. But Medvedev is saying, "See this bear snout on this cute face. It snubs you."

I wish I could lay out the future for you for 2011 and 2012. I just can't. The Chinese are raving mad at the US dollar's slide, and at American supremacy, and I think Russia has much to do about that oriental attitude. But I don't see cause at all yet for a scathing Chinese wind into the Middle East. We haven't even yet seen a skincode grab the populace by storm. I'm old enough that I could die before that happens. And yet, that bear dream has got to have been for a something-soon reason. And the mice signs have got to have been for a something-soon reason. The Massey bloodline was a rare topic in the times of that bear dream, but thereafter it became the supreme theme in the Masonic and Templar investigations. If it were not the case, I could not continue to stress the Massey entity in all the updates to this day. They always figure into any surname investigation, it seems.

Below is a view of the fragile US-Russia relations by a Bayer surname born and/or living in Moscow but writing for New York. He predicts that the two nations will become enemies starting about now because America needs a new enemy in order to maintain it's global economy. That makes no sense to me; perhaps you can grasp his madness, and ask whether he is an Illuminatist that knows the future as the Illuminati wishes to make the future. The way others describe the Rothschild Illuminati, they like wars because they profit from them. Therefore, for them, a new enemy means more new war-money earned. How wonderful.

. y Will God allow the world to get to the point of creating talking humanoid apes? See an article that gets us across the threshold of that topic. Soon, in the name of finding cures for humans, mixing animal and human genes will be as standard as stem-cell research is today. And somewhere, tax dollars will go secretly to making monsters deliberately and in a well-planned program. What will neo-Nazi scientists seek to create?

All the above was done yesterday. Today, I think I've found relatives of the Swedish Gusts. It's interesting because codes seem to be in place. For example, the Gusts (from "Gaut") are said to be named in-part after "cudgel," and when we enter "Gaut" we get a white-on-red lattice of the Cotes/Cottins so that we know they're related to Cuddens/Cuttins (Norfolk) using red-on-white lattice, and the latter surname is too much like "cudgel" to be a cudincidence.

Before I go on, let me set the stage for what I see as I continued down this road. I'm expecting the Butteri to be from Boscath and therefore meshed with a Cath-like peoples. I'm also expecting the Butteri amongst the Salyes Ligurians, and in particular at Briancon near the Cottian peoples. I identified the Gauts/Cotes/Cottins, first found in Languedoc, as Cottians some years ago, related to the Constances of Languedoc. I now find that Constances are listed in the locations of: "Languedoc, Brittany, Anjou, Touraine, and Poitou." I happened to trace the Butteri to Anjou and Poitiers just weeks ago without any though of connection to Constances or Cottians.

IN FACT, I now trace the Velch location of the Butteri to Fulks of Anjou, who are known (as per the Fulkes write-up) to have moved in-part to Norfolk, and that's where the English Constances, and the Cuddens/Cuttins, were first found. Moreover, English Constances are also Custers and Custesons too, smacking of the Swedish Gusts that started this discussion.

Then, entering "Cost," we find another clan first found in Languedoc, with Cotel and Coateau variations, and using the same bell as the Porters/Pawters (French Porters were first in the Poitiers theater)!! As the Bells use the same bell, it lends evidence to the Constance eagle being the Ferte eagle. I trace the Ferte eagle to Aosta's Ferrat region (where the Salyes-like Salassi lived), and that too is in the Cottian theater.

Moreover, LG is from Finnish and Swedish families, and her surname is Gust---, while one of her other immediate bloodlines is, Dahlen, (I recall that to be the correct spelling); the French Constances use the Dallen-Coat pine tree.

It's probably not coincidental that the cudgel code of the Gusts smacks of the Codds/Codes, for they use the same-colored chevron as the Gusts. The Codd/Code write up says: "...a codder was a worker in leather, a saddler, or a peltmonger." For me, that's code or clue to the saddle-making Butteri, a topic in the 3rd update of July where it was found that Greeks and Latins call a saddle, a sela/sella, smacking of the Salyes and Salassi.

Both Codds/Codes and Cuddens/Cuttens are said to be from "Cuthbert," which seems to be tracing (not necessarily correctly) to the saint Cuthbert that supposedly named KirkCUDbrightshire. As the story goes, Cuthbert was a Catholic healer and miracle worker whose bones were so sacred that the relics were moved around from place to place. The question may be, what was Cuthbert named after? Boscath?

We naturally want to see the Cuthbert Coat, but it turns out to be the Alan/Allen Shield. That's important because the Cuthbert-rooted Codds/Codes use ravens, a symbol to which I trace the proto-Alans of Dol. And as you may know that I trace the Alans also to Massino-Visconti of the Cottian theater, what is that blue snake (color of the Visconti snake) doing in the Cuthbert Chief??? It is the Save-snake design, and the Save Coat uses a bend in the colors of the Botter bend.

The Saddler surname, said to be derived in saddle makers, used the lion of the Massin/Mason surname that I trace to "Massino."

We can know that Cuthberts, using for a Crest "A hand in a gauntlet holding a dart proper, are related to the Cudds/Cuddies using for a Crest a hand holding a dart. Note that Cudds/Cuddies use a downward pheon, symbol of the Sales Crest. Later in the day, on a separate investigation, I found a strongarm holding a dart in the Coult Crest, and it just happens to use a downward pheon too. I'll get back to that discussion later below, but note here that all three dart-using descriptions include "holding," for while it seems that Coults should link to Colters/Coulters, I tend to link "Colter" to "Holder" and such.

I kid you not that the reason I started on the Gust-to-Codd topic was due to the cudgel term found also in the Keeble(r) write-up. I mean, finding two cudgel-related surnames in the same day was extraordinary. I wanted to know why both Keebles and Gusts are traced to cudgels: "The history of the name Keeble dates back to the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. It is derived from a member of the family who worked as a person who made or sold cudgels, which were short, stout sticks used as weapons." When I finally got to the Alan Shield of the Cuthberts, it was in the colors of the Keeble Coat, suggesting that Keeble(r)s were Alans too.

And BOO! What's that stout term doing in that write-up? Didn't I trace proto-Alans to the Stout-named vikings of the Shetland theater, the Stout-named vikings that used a raven symbol?

The Keeble investigation started when I found a HEPler term that I thought should be investigated for Hebron links. Again, Boscath was in the Hebron theater, but so too was Eschol in the Hebron theater, and as I trace "Eschol" to the Skull and Bones surnames, why are there sacred bones in the Cuthbert cult to which Boscath-like Cuthberts, Codds/Codes and Cuddens/Cuttens trace themselves???

Ermines are a symbol of Brittany, and very likely used by many Alan-related clans. The Dart/Darth ermines are likely Alan-related, that is, and my best off-the-cuff attempts to identify "Dart" is: 1) with the Durance river (home of the Salyes) and the Durant surname; 2) "D'Art," as in the Bernician Arthur clan, for the Dart Crest is ""A fire burning." But look, the Burns clan is said to be Bernician, and moreover uses the same-style bugle as the Brians that trace to Briancon on the Durance river. Therefore, both 1) and 2) both seem correct.

Might the German Fire/Feuerer surname apply to the Dart-Crest description? Per chance, as I trace Butteri to the Durance river, the fire code, and possibly also the Fire surnames, link back to the "Fiori" river. For that matter, perhaps the Fers and Veres altogether trace their name to Fiori elements. (Fires/Feuerers use a white unicorn, symbol also of the Arms of Shetland). Ermines (i.e. used by Darts) are an heraldic "fur," and when we enter "Fur," the Feuerer Coat comes up...with a red Shield, color of the Dart and Arthur Shields. (The surname above is not the same as a Nazi fuhrer.)

The Fear/Fere Coat also has a red Shield and then a bend in colors-reversed to the Botter bend. Just to assure Vere relations, here's the Fear write-up: "They were originally descended from Vere from Manche in the arrondisement of Coutances in Normandy, and Aubrey de Vere..." Expect Fear kin among the Coutance-like Cottian clans. The Fears were of Middlesex, and that's where the Fear-colored, cudgel-using Keebles were first found.

Italian Fioris were first found in the Ferrara theater. SUDDENLY, we realize that there must be a slew of Fiori-like terms and clans that link back to Butteri.

Where did we see the Forey Coat before. Oh, yes, in the Cudd surname...with dart in Crest!!! I kid you not that this paragraph came as a result of (i.e. AFTER) the statement of last paragraph above. The Forey/Forer surname was the very first attempt at finding a Fiori-like clan after making that statement. Foreys/Forers were first found in Savoy, the Cottian theater. As we can see, the Fiori-river clans evolved into the Forte and Forest variations of the Foreys. You don't believe so quickly that Foreys/Forests were from the Fiori river?

See that the English Forest surname was first found in Northumbria, where the dart-using Cudds above were first found. Even the Forts are suspect as Fiori clans. In fact, German Forts use a lion in Ferrari-lion colors, and Italian Forts use the Ferrari-car logo (a horse, an apt symbol of the Butteri cowboys) as well as the Alan Shield again, seen above as the Cuthbert Coat...with another dart in Crest!!! Lest you've forgotten, the Fiori link to Fires and Fears (etc.) started with the Dart-surname description, "A fire burning."

By the way, something I don't recall saying before: the Irish Arthur Coat is a chevron in Hebron white-on-red, and meanwhile the Arthur surname is said to trace to Hebron-like "Gab rain."

Another heraldic fur was the so-called "vair," a bell pattern obviously belonging to the Vair's/Veres. AND LOOK: the French Vair's show a Fevers variation smack like the (same-colored) German Fires/Fevers/Feuerers!!! The checker-covered Vair Shield is in the red and white colors of the vair-fur seen in the Fleur Coat, which is being shown due to the logic of tracing "Fiori" (meaning "flower" in Italian) to "Fleur." The Vere star (colors reversed to the Bottar star) is in the same colors again, and i say it's the white star in the Arms of Italy.

The "nil" motto term of the Veres is for the Nihil/Neil clan (same red and white again) using estoiles as symbol of Este and/or Aosta in the Cottian theater of Italy. Compare the Nihil/Neil Coat (there we see also spot the Keon fish) with the Scottish Fairy/Ferry Coat. Why do we now think that Nichols de Vere, the dragon master of Drakenburg, says that Veres descend from a Melusine dragon woman, "Fairy" queen of Avalon-Bute? Does that link Melusine to the Fiori?

As I trace the Butteri to Bute, while myth had a Fay character on that island in depiction of the Veys and Fays/Fays, what about "Fay" evolving from "Fiori"? The Fays that use a symbol like the Baits/Beiths also use "Esperance" as a motto, smacking of Hesperides.

But I thought that Melusine was the historical Melissena Rangabe, a royal Khazar on one side and an imperial Byzantine on her other. I concluded that Melissena was the foundress of the Cohens and the near-identical Veres and Fulks both of which use Cohen checks (see French Fers). Rangabes use a white-on-blue Templar-related cross with fleur-de-lys tips, the emphasis being on white on blue, for those are the Bottar colors. It's dawning on me now that Butteri (whom I trace to Buz) may have amounted to the reason that Byzantines (whom I trace to Buz) occupied northern Italy in the Arthurian period. If I'm not mistaken, the Byzantines in northern Italy formed an alliance with Goths.

I'm thinking that a Byzantine alliance with proto-Fulk and proto-Vere Butteri set up a situation where, a few centuries later (early 9th), the same Butteri could ally with Melissena and Inger the Varangian to produce the Cohens, and where Inger was the Vere half of the deal. The trace of Veres above to the Fiori comes independent of a Fulk trace to Velch, and this nicely explains why Nicholas de Vere claims his Melusine-related Vere bloodline to have been counts of Anjou / Angers just before the Fulks became counts of Anjou. It works too well not to be true.

ZOWIE. I've shown many times that the Rangabe cross (see at Wikipedia's Michael Rangabe article) is identical in design to the Bouillon-surname cross. And Godfrey de Bouillon (sound very Boii-ish) was from Bologna elements (Artois theater) that I ventured to trace to Bologna of northern Italy -- also called BONonia -- where the Boii (who I trace to Buz) lived for a time. The ZOWIE is for the Fiori surname, first found in Bologna!

Chances are, the Boyles/Boivils and Bouillons were related. The Boyles/Boivils use a double-headed eagle in Ferte-eagle colors, the red-eagle color that I trace to Nahorites and Buzites of Lake Van's phoenix symbol. The Boyle sawtooth-like symbol shows the same tooth style as the Mester surname that was traced (in the last update) solidly to the Mus entity at lake Van.

Were the Bones from "Bononia"? The English Bonne/Bone Coat uses a bend with the Ferte=Constance eagle while French Bonnes/Bones were first found in Languedoc too (i.e. as with the Constances). Dutch Bonnes use a chevron in the colors of the Hebron/HEPburn chevron (the latter surname uses a "Keep" motto term). We therefore have a Bone-surname link from Hebron to the Codd- and Cott-like surnames of Languedoc...near the Cottians. Hello? And what is that sun doing in the Dutch Bone Coat since the Hesse Coat also uses a sun, while Hesse is where Catti settled?

You can imagine my surprise to find that the Hepler Coat (just a Shield filled with ermines), the first Coat to be viewed in this investigation, was much like the Dart Coat that was found in the second investigation starting with the Gusts. It wasn't long after entering the Kepler surname that I found myself on the cudgel-using Keebles.

As this investigation is going to lead once again to Bavaria, the white-on-blue lozenges of the Heppens/Heppers should be recorded here, for they were first found in Bavaria. The Happener variation smacks of "Hefner," and the latter too (showing "Haffener") were first in Austria and Bavaria (same theme as the Boofima-rooted Bauers). It's a little interesting that the surnames under discussion (e.g. Heplers and Keebles) smack both of "apple" and "Hesper(ides)." Didn't I just finish tracing the Boofima cult of Bavaria back to the Hesperides elements? I now find that Hesper-like Heppers were first found in Bavaria.

Heaps use the Hebron chevron in colors reversed, and a strongarm (Rothschild symbol) swinging a murderous sword. The Heap crescents evoke the similar Dutch Bonnes Coat, and the Jerusalem-Templar cross in Crest suggests the Flemings (the cross you see in the Heap crest was the personal symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon). The Heap-colored Hips/Hipkins were first found in Norfolk. The Hips are said to derive in "son of Herbert," and while that sounds wrong, yet the Herberts were first found in the same Norfolk/Suffolk area. AND, Herberts use bunched arrows (seven in number) in Crest as well as a "Constantia" motto term! For me, the Hips and Herberts (shown also as "HerBUTT" but I'm thinking "Heber" roots) are now suspect as Hebron elements too. Sure enough, French Herberts show a "Hebert."

The Herbert Crest is said to be a "BUNdle" of arrows, and that's when I noted that the Herbert Coat somewhat reflects the English Bonnes/Bone Coat.

When I came across the saddle-making insinuation for the Codds/Codes, and reading also that the surname derives in "bag," I entered some Bagh-like surnames and got to the Boughs (with "Bow" variation and the Crest showing five bunched arrows, as with the Scottish Bower Coat). That's when I remembered the Boughie topic as it touched on Boof-like surnames leading to Bauers of Bavaria, for the Bough Coat shows bows (the ones that shoot arrows), a symbol used by Bogh-like Bogens of Bavaria and trace-able to Bauers/Bowers of Bavaria. The Boughs use a Shield filled with ermines (i.e. like Heplers and Cuth-related Darts, not forgetting that I trace Hebron in Israel to the Cadusii ermine-like Armenians) below their bows, and due to their "Quarere" motto term, we can know that they are related to the "quarere-using Boughies/Buffies.

The Mestor surname mentioned above uses "quaerere"!!! Put two and two together to understand that the Meshwesh of northern Africa were meshed with the Boofima-cult lunatics...that now run too much of the world. Until these peoples are wiped out of mankind's bushes, there will be no righteousness or decency reigning. Under the cover of anything that hides, these peoples operate underground to suck everything to themselves.

As I said the last time when on that quarere motto term, it should link to the Hannibal Carthaginians because: 1) Boughies/Buffies use the Hannibal-depicting stags (e.g. the Annes/Hannes); 2) it's now concluded in my mind that the Boofima human-sacrifice cult linked to the same of the Carthaginians. Let it also be repeated that the Boughie write-up traces the clan to a Norman "relationship between the early Bougheys and the great Lords Bohun, one of the signers of the Magna Carta and that the surname Boughey, Buffey, or Boffey was interchangeable with Bohun." Not only does "Bohun" smack of "Bogen/Bogan, but entering "Bohun" brings up the Bonne/Bone Coat!!!!!! (I knew that but it was still a hex-a-surprise here).

There you have it, folks, a trace of human-sacrificers to Skull and Bones, making perfect sense. As Bohuns/Bones were first found in Suffolk, it's another testament that Skull and Bones stems from Hebron's Eschol valley because Heaps and related Herberts were first found in Norfolk and Suffolk too. See the ermines and other familiar symbols in the Yale Coat. The Yale Crest shows the Vere boar and Biden/Button/Buddins "chapeau." In the last update, it was shown that the chapeau is used also by the Capello surname, which smacks of "Keeble."

Finally, after entering the Heaps during the investigation, I landed on the cudgel-using Keebles...which then informed that we can include the Gust>Cott>Cuth-like clans into the Skull and Bones cult. We can then ask whether the Gust and Keeble cudgel was used to bash human sacrifice victims to into a coma or to death. As we saw two Gust-related surnames using lattice, it's amazing that just this moment, after this paragraph was written but while adding the last sentence in the paragraph above, I found the same lattice design used by the Capple/Cabell Coat!!!

It's known (or it should be) that Catti-like Hatti were fundamental to the (Cabell-like) Kybele cult, and moreover I once ventured to trace the Capellos (meaning "hair" but implying "long hair") to the transvestites that were the Attis cult, code of the Hatti. Attis gave birth to lattice-like Lydus (code for Lydians), and indeed I have in the past traced this lattice symbol under discussion, and even the Lattice surname, to Lydians. I didn't know then that the Lattice/Lettice Coat was a chevron in Hebron-chevron colors. At that time too, I entering Letizia" to find the Leto (and Alitto) surname, the mother of Apollo that I identify as Lydians.

If you think about it strong enough, you'll realize why the Latin-like Latona/Latoner surname was first found in Fulk-infested Norfolk. Think Buto and her branches to Lazio. Entering "Ladon" brings up the Meschin-like Ladds probably because Lydians and Mysians were related.

At the top of this update: "The Goodman Coat, using the double-headed Guttman eagle, was first found in Norfolk." The English Lot/Lethe/Lothe surname also uses a double-headed eagle, and in the Crest is a talbot dog in the color of the talbot dog of the Lothian/Loudon surname (with "custodit" motto term). Scottish Lieths/Lothes were first found in Lothian. Back to the Boughies/Buffies of Bohun elements, we find their write-up tracing to a Norman noble and manor of "Colton." There is a Colton surname first found in Cheshire, which jibes with my identification of the Bohun/Bonne-eagle trace to the Fertes (of Ferte-Mace, Normandy) that put out the Masseys/Maceys of Cheshire. It was the Coulton variation that eventually got me looking at the Coulte Coat, but before that I entered "Collett" to find three stags, a good find because the Boughies/Buffies of Colton also use three stags.

And that's what made the Coult/Cult stag so important, along with its dart that is suddenly traced easily to the Hebron-suspect Cuthbert clans. The stags here are important because it links the Bohuns/Bonnes, and therefore Skull and Bones, to human-sacrificing Carthaginians, the cannibals that were likely named after "Hannibal." Just so you know if needed, the Kelts/Kelteys of "Halland-like) Callandar appear related to the Coults/Cults.

I want to go back to the Byzantines expected in the Fiori river that made for the Templars. As soon as I started this investigation, I realized a very bad mistake on my part. The Butteri were not, as I've been saying for a few weeks, on the Fiori river. I don't know what it was that gave me that impression. The Fiori does flow in to Velch/Volci, but that city is 50 miles north of Rome while the Butteri were some 35 miles to the south-east of Rome. Perhaps I had Volscia confused with "Volci," for the Butteri lands were in the region of Volscia. It could be that the two places were named after the same peoples. I recall tracing Veres to Volscia a few years ago for a reason(s) I don't now recall.

"A buttero is a shepherd or cowboy in the region of Maremma, in Tuscany in the Northern Latium and in the Pontine Marshes." Clicking over to the Pontine Marshes article, where we find the Pontine Region "comprising the Monti Albani, the Volscian Mountains and Monte Circeo; in short, all of Roman Latium."

It's a testament as to how we are being kept in the dark by modern pagans, for as myth makes a mythical Latinus the son of Circe, they fail to tell us of this mount Circeo in Latium. You can see the location on the map below. I tend to trace the "Elven" code used of Melusine to "Alba" entities, and there we see another one in Volscia. In ancient times, the founding of Rome had to do with a location of Alba Longa of the Alban hills in Latium. "In legend, Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome, had come from the royal dynasty of Alba Longa. It is located 12 miles (19 km) southeast of Rome."

I wrongly searched for "Alba Lunga" just now, and found that the Italians called it with a 'u', but then at the top of the Google-search page, there was a map of a Lunga location in Bute and Argyll!!! As I'm tracing the Butteri to Bute, is that not significant? As proto-Scotland was called, Alba, perhaps the term came out of Argyllshire. The goddess of Argos (Io) was a WHITE cow, and there is an Iona island up the Scottish coast from Argyll.

The Pontine Region is said to begin at the city of Anzio: "Called Antium in ancient times, it was the capital of the Volsci people until it was conquered by the Romans." I had traced mythical Aeneas, who had merged with the Alba Longa royals, to Heneti as depicted by mythical ANTenor, and here we find an ancient Antium location in the Butteri theater. Mythical Aeneas traces to Aenus at the mouth of the Maritsa=Hebros river, where we could expect Hebron elements.

Here's a map of Volscia. There you can see the Satricum location that is very trace-able to Satyrion of Apulia/Puglia. In the last update, it had been said: "I think it was in the very last update that the Butteri trace to Taranto was implied, and here we see the Butteri in their locale of Saturnia, smacking too much of "Satyrion" to be ignored." I traced "Pollux" to Apulia/Puglia, and here it's possible that Volscia was named after "Pollux" elements...since after all we'd expect Pollux in the Roman thick.

There on the map of Volscia we see Ardea, what should trace both to Arda on the Maritsa/Hebros and to the Arthurian cult on Avalon=Bute. You can also see an Luca near the Liris river, which could connect to Lucca in Tuscany, home of the Botters. If Luca does connect to Lachish via Lycians, I wouldn't be surprised. We saw Apollo (in the last updater) tracing in particular to Lycians, and as he was given a lyre for a symbol, it struck me that such a symbol may have been derived from the elements that named the Liris river.

We expect Apollo elements in the Roman thick because Romulus was depicted as a she-wolf. It was my claim that this wolf-line peoples were the Hirpini of Avalon-like Avellino (to the south of Volscia), and I then traced the Hirpini to and Argos settlement of Arpi on the east side of Italy. This is being repeated because, in the upper Liris river, we see an Arpinum, smacking not only of the Hirpini and Arpi, but of a harp, another name for a lyre. On a city of Buccino we read:

Buccino is a town and comune in Campania in Italy, in the province of Salerno...

In Roman times, the town was known as Volcei. It was the chief town of the independent tribe of the Volceiani, Vulcientes or Volcentani, whose territory was bounded north by that of the Hirpini...

It appears that these Vulcientes founded Volcia way to the north of the Hirpini. Might elements from "Apachnas" (alternative name of Khyan) have named Buccino?

Remember here that the Uat/Buto cult of the Samannud region (Nile delta) is known to have evolved into Latona (Apollo's mother), and that Latona can depict nothing other than Latium elements. There to the west of the Liris we see Samnium, what I would trace to the Samson-Hebron cult, partly out of Samannud.

The Ausoni(ans) of western Italy smack of Aeson, father of Jason/Iason, and as those peoples were on an Argo ship that I've traced in multiple ways to Argyll (Scotland), how is it that there is a Lungu location now found in Argyll?

As Jason had visited the island (Lemnos) of Hephaestus (= metal smith) in a myth indicating that Jason's crew was closely related to the Hephaestian Amazons, we should note Ferentinum (iron makers, apparently) in down-town Volscia, for the latter term smacks of "Vulcan," the Roman form of "Hephaestus." But then Volci/Velch to the north of Rome also smacks of "Vulcan." If I'm not mistaken, it was Aphrodite (wife of Hephaestus) that was first found in Italy at Ardea, and that helps to trace Ardea to Arda because I Aphrodite was also "Cabe(i)ros" in respect to the naming of the Hebros/Maritsa river. Aphrodite was in love with Ares>Mars on that river, and Romans were mythically made part Romulus and part Mars, meaning that Aphrodite (and her Hebron-like Hebros entity) is expected in the Roman thick.

The Butteri are said to have been in the Pontine territory between Antium and Tarracina, both marked on the map, and as such we can see why King Arthur was located in Avalon=Bute. It's possible that Turan in Velch/Volci was from Taranto elements too, and then TARRAcino becomes conspicuous along those lines. We would expect Taranto elements on the river flowing from Satricum to the Butteri area between Antium and Tarracina. In this picture, it doesn't necessarily seem wrong to have linked the Butteri to Velch/Volci and its Fiori river. I haven't read that mythical Turan was of Velch only, but that she was worshiped in particular in Velch. On Tarracina:

Terracina appears in ancient sources with two names: the Latin Tarracina and the Volscian Anxur. The latter is the name of Jupiter himself as a youth (Iuppiter Anxur or Anxurus)...The name Tarracina has been instead pointed out variously as pre-Indo-European origin, or as Etruscan (Tarchna or Tarchuna, the name of the Tarquinii family)...

That doesn't necessarily trace Tarracina to Taranto, but it does link it to Etruscan realms of the Tarchon kind (mythically, Tarchon was a brother of Lydus). Remember here that Jupiter was traced to the Japodes (Illyria) beside the Una=Oeneus river, when it was realized that mythical Aeneas (alleged founder of Romans) was code for the Oeneus river. You can see the Latovici and a Romula location next to the Japodes on the top-left side of this map.

We can ask whether "Anxur" was proto-Angers, where the Veres claimed to rule via Melusine's son, Milo. Remember, Melusine depicted Luzica/Lusatia and Lusignan, very Lazio-like terms. For me, this suggests that Melissena's husband, INGER the Varangian, was named after "Angers" and was heavily involved at nearby Lusignan.

We are treading all over the head of the Ladon dragon here, folks. Thus was Ishtar the Revelation-17 harlot, from the Histria region smack beside the Japodes and Latovici. If it this doesn't make Nicholas de Vere shake in his boots, then he's a lover of the Ladon dragon. What part will he play in the end-time anti-Christ empire? I suppose only he knows for sure at this point.

Going now to the Velch region: "Velch was located near the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea about 80 km northwest of Rome, on the Fiora river, between Montalto di Castro and Canino. The site is not currently inhabited" If Pollux depicted Volscia, then I can see Castor (Pollux' brother, both sons of Ladon-like Leda) in Montalto de Castro. Again, the Maud/Maid/Mold surname of Cheshire is said to be from a Monte Alto in Italy, but does not tell where that mountain was located. It was just in the last update that, for the first time ever, I think, I traced mythical Castor of Cheshire's capital, Chester. This Montalto entity was not on my mind, nor part of the reasoning for the Castor=Chester equation. The Chester surname shows a Cheaster variation.

I think I now know why the Cheshire/Chessor Crest is a purple "hawk's lure." I know already that the lure is code for the McLeod sept of Lure, but the hawk now traces to Turan of Velch if indeed the Turul hawk traces there. It can't be coincidental that the list of McLeod septs included Lires, for that smacks too much of the Liris river. We also see a Lear sept and then realize that mythical king Lear/Leir was code for the Volscian peoples at that river.

The French Leir Coat uses scallops in the colors of the same of the Cheshire Meschins. Both McLeods and Lures (shows the German-Leir star) use flags, and then the same-colored scallops are in the Flag/Fleck Coat (the Samson Coat uses a flag-like motto term and the same colored scallops again).

The Leir page above shows variations (i.e. de Lair versus Layre, and Delierre versus Dayre) suggesting that AYR(shire) was named after them. Then, the Lures were first found in Ayrshire (of the Argyll theater). The engrailed Lure chevron looks like that of the Keebles, not forgetting that Keebles were first found in the same Middlesex locale as the Fears (that use the Bottar bend in colors reversed). I happened to link (earlier in this update) the Keebles to the Alans of Dol, and here we now find: "The [Leir] family were well established in the region of Dol..."

The Keeble-colored chevron is used also by the Auson surname, possibly linked back to the Ausoni of western Italy, whom I link to the Volsci. In fact, the Auson surname is said to derive in "Austin" and the related "Augustus" (not sure if I agree with that strictly) while caesar Augustus (a worshiper of Latona primarily) was from Velitrae (shown on Volsci map). The Texas city of Austin is hereby traced, possibly, to the Butteri realm, jibing with my trace of Butteri to the founding of "Texas" (that was the topic from the 3rd update of July).

King Leir traces to Ligurians (see last update in June), and behold what was found just moments ago when seeking info on the Fiori river. I couldn't find an article on the Fiori by googling, but instead got a "Riviera del Fiori" in Liguria. On the same Google-search page where that Riviera came up, there in my stunned face was Wikipedia's article on the Province of Imperia...smacking of the Imperi peoples of Africa who governed the Boofima cult! This comes as I am in the throes of seeking the Boofima-related Butteri in the Ligurian theater:

The Province of the Liguria region of Italy...Its capital is the city of Imperia.

To the east lies the Italian province of Savona while its western edge forms part of Italy's frontier with France (the departement of Alpes-Maritimes) [i.e. the Durance river and the Salyes are beside Imperia] is near and it shares its northern border with the Piedmontese province of Cuneo...This [Imperia] coast is in an earthquake zone and the deserted ruins of Baiardo [Bayers / Bavarians / Bauers???] and Bussana Vecchia [smacks of the Bassari]...

...Nowadays the term 'Italian Riviera' is used for the whole Ligurian coast as far east as La Spezia, so it is more accurate to refer to the coast of the Imperia province as the Riviera del Fiori...

My inclinations in linking the Bassari of Guinea (Africa) to the Boofima cult are found in the last update. My adventurous trace of the Butteri of Fiori elements was to the Salyes Ligurians, and yet I can't use that argument very well now unless Butteri were on the Fiori river. But I did link the Butteri to the Boofima cult before finding the Bassari, and that alone (if correct) suggests a Butteri trace to the Imperia-theater Ligurians.

INSERT -- Before I get to a short investigation of the Imperia region, there are some things to point out that seem related to the Spezia area of Imperia. The day after writing the above, I came across an engrailed chevron like that of the Keebles in the Pistol Coat. The surname is shown properly as Pestel and Pestor (BudaPEST?), though "Pistol" was entered because the Hopkins Coat uses pistols. This investigation had not to do with anything, or so I thought, on Liguria, the Imperi, or the Volci / Volsci topics. As I awoke, the Hopkin surname came to mind, which I thought I should check first thing for links to Copes et-al. I didn't know why I should be checking it.

Sure enough, the Hopkins use red roses, the Cope Coat symbol too, and as both the Copes and Pistols/Pestels were first in Leicestershire, it does seem like a match. Moreover , the match potentially moves the topic over to Ligurians. Note the three stags in the Pistol/Pestel Coat, which, while potentially linking to Hungarians and therefore to BudaPEST, could link to Hannibal alliance with swan-depicted (i.e. mythical Lohengrin) Ligurians...which swan entity I trace to "Savona" beside Imperia.

As you may know that I trace king Leir to Ligurians because he is known to have been a Leicester entity, harken thee y'all, for the Lure Coat also uses an engrailed the colors of the Copes chevron. If that's not enough, the Lures also use two red roses, assuring linkage to the Copes. Is that not amazing that I should be placing this insert immediately after the Lure and Leir topic even before I knew that Lures use the engrailed chevron??? This insert did not materialize for the Lure chevron, but for the Keeble chevron. This insert was placed here because the Pistol chevron matched the Keeble chevron, and only after locating the insert here did I find that the Lure chevron was the Copes chevron. Is that not SPECTacular? Did not God put the Hopkin term into my head this morning?

Yes, for before I knew/remembered that the Lure motto was "Spectmur agendo," I had already arrived to the Speccot/Speckott surname. Note how "agendo" smacks of Genoa, the Ligurian capital. I arrived to the last surname by entering "Space" as per "La Spezia" in the Imperia article. La Spezia is on the opposite side of Liguria from Imperia, and is the military capital of Italy, where things like iron fabrication would be important, and where world-dominionist Illuminatists would like to congregate.

The Space/Speccot bend has so-called fers de moline, evoking the Fear Coat because it uses a moline cross. The Fears had just been linked to the Fiori river, and yet the area of Le Spezia is in the Riviera del Fiori. It therefore makes more sense that the Fears and Veres trace to the latter than to the Fiori river, though both could be true.

There is a Var river and department smack beside Imperia, and right on the Riviera!! As you may know if you read updates some weeks ago, I linked the dragon cult (Drakenburg) of Nicholas de Vere to the Baphomet cult. Hmm, Var includes a prefecture of Draguignan, smacking a little of de-Vere's Drakenburg. YES YES, for LOOK, the Arms of Draguignan is a white-on-red wyvern dragon (known to be the Vere-dragon species), colors reversed to the wyvern in the Drake Coat!!! A wyvern is defined with no front legs and a pointed tail.

In the Draguignan article: "It is a sub-prefecture of the department and self-proclaimed 'capital of Artillery' and 'Porte du Verdon'." The Verdon Coat? A fret in the colors of the fret-like fers-de-moline of the Space/Speccot Coat. I kid thee not that when I wrote the Illuminati bit above on the military capital in La Spezia, I had not yet arrived to this "capital of Artillery" piece. The Drake motto, moreover, uses (capital-like) "captat."

Suddenly, the Hopkins term, in my head as though from God this morning, has led me to Liguria with certainty (I traced Veres to MontFerrat of interior Liguria's Cuneo). But why? What does God wish to reveal here? Before I get to what important thing was discovered seconds ago, let me finish what was started.

First, the fact that the Keeble chevron is the Pistol/Pestal chevron, while the latter use red stags with red antlers, suggests that antler symbol of the Zahringens and Veringers (one of them uses a red antler, and the other a blue one) is in play. I had just traced Keeblers and Copes to Varangians of "Kiev" while I'm sure that Zahringens and Veringers were of the Varangians and related Bernicians (i.e. the latter has consonants in such an order as to form "Varangi"). Secondly, the Zahringens and Veringers were in Baden while the Space/Speccot Coat uses the Arms of Baden...which are in the red-on-gold colors of the Keeble and Pistol/Pestel chevrons. As I identify the raven-depicted vikings as Varangians, see the ravens in the Dutch Spect/Spector Coat.

This is a good place to re-mention that the Baden/Batten-surname Crest is a "hand holding a human eye, where I think the hand is code for the Hand/Hant surname using the stag and therefore representing a branch of Hannibal Carthaginians. The Hand Coat is the Copes and Lure-colored chevron, and for that matter it's the color of the Hanna/Hanneth chevron surrounded by three stags. I traced Cope(land)s to Meschins of Cheshire, and Hands/Hants were first found in Cheshire.

The human eye seems a symbol of the all-seeing Uat-Buto cult, wherefore it's very conspicuous that a Baden/Batten surname should use it. The Uat/Buto cult was also "Bast," smacking of the Pistols/Pestels/Pesters who use Arms-of-Baden colors. This discussion is soon headed to Baathists of Iraq as they seem to be allied to the chief of the U.S. military, and so I want to point out once again that I trace Baathists back to Butteri of the Biden/Button/Buddins kind (vice-president Biden is officially in charge of Iraq), first found in Hampshire but strong in Bath and Wells of Somerset where the Bath surname was first found. The Space/Speccot surname was first found in Devon (beside Somerset).

It's important that the Baden surname was first found in Somerset because that's where Bath and Wells is found along with the Savone/Saffin surname that could trace to Savona of Liguria. It's important to add that the Drake Crest is a hand holding an axe, for Hants is a region of southern Hampshire while Drakes were first found in Hampshire. By now you know that Veres trace to Hannibals if the Boofima human-sacrificers were also the Carthaginian human-sacrificers. The axe is the Baden-surname symbol.

Fortunately, the Axe of God is already at the rotten root of the Baden tree.

In case you've forgotten, the Pistols/Pestols/Pesters were accessed by the pistols in the Hopkins Coat, and the "castle on fire" of the Hopkins Crest will soon come in handy for a trace to Liguria. The "primos" motto term of the Hopkins smacks to me of the Boofima cult's location of Paramas:

This Fetish [Boofima] had up to that time been kept active and working by the sacrifice of goats, but the medicine men of the Paramas who introduced it into the Imperi country decreed at the same time that human sacrifices would be required to keep it alive...The country for years has been terrorised by this secret worship of Boofima and at one time the Imperi started the Tonga dances, at which the medicine men pointed out the supposed worshippers of Boofima the so-called Human Leopards, because when seizing their victims for sacrifice they covered themselves with leopard skins, and imitating the roars of the leopard, they sprang upon their victim...

How nice. What a wonderful lot of illuminated peoples. Again, Nichols de Vere speaks online of a leopard Transylvania, home of the historical count Dracula, the co-called Impaler. Such a nice thought, to be impaled by an illuminated one. (The quote above started the Boofima investigation in the 1st update of June.)

The McLeod Coat uses a castle somewhat like the Hopkins castle, and so let's not forget the Hopkins link made above to Lures, a McLeod sept. The Lures were linked to Hopkins vis the Pistol/Pestel chevron, and so note the "Fast" motto term of the McLeods, what could be a Pest / Past variations. The Pestor variation merits a look at the Pastor surnames, and what do we find but a black eagle on a tower in the French Pastor Crest (it's the Moratin tower trace-able to Mauritanians / Moors). The black eagle belongs to the Whites, a surname, along with the all-seeing-eye Watt surname, that I trace to the Uat/Buto/Bast cult. While this tends to assure that the Pistols/Pestors are named after Bast elements, note too that the Butteri were a pastoral peoples. The Watt Crest is the falcon/eagle of the Botters/Bodins of Hampshire, clearly related to the Bidens/Buttons/Buddins.

The great significance of the black eagle on a tower will be shown momentarily, but first let me show the French Pastor Coat, for it's the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin, but also the lion of the Ley/Legh clan that traces to Ligurians. We read: "The [Pastor] family were well established in the region of Calvados," which is where the Bessin is located from which Meschins derived. In this picture, the Pastors look like Beestons/Bessins of Cheshire, suggesting that the Bessin itself traces to Bast.

The Calvados Pastors use "Patur" variations, smacking of the Pattererson- and Patrick-branch Butteri.

Did you happen to notice the blocks in the Spanish Pastor Coat, a symbol of the Plocks and Blocks and trace-able to Pollocks? As the latter were of the Mieszko Poles, who were Piasts, it looks like Piasts were of the Pastor bloodline. I had traced the Piast Poles only recently to the Basante tributary (downtown Bosnia) of the Sava, and the Sava river was traced (by me) more strongly to Savone of Liguria than to the Sabines...though I think Sabines/Saffini founded Savona.

Okie-dokie, NOW FOR THE MASSIVE REVELATION. The Lures with "Spectemur agendo" motto use a tower, as does the Arms of Imperia, but more importantly for tracing the "Specte(mur)" term to La Spezia, the Arms of La Spezia show a black eagle atop a castle, and then the Arms of La Spezia also use white towers. Look at how near La Spezia is to Pisa, where I trace the Piasts. Reading in the La-Spezia article: "...palaces once belonging to the Doria family and the Princes of Massa" (the current mayor of La Spezia is a Massimo Federici).

HERE IT IS. Clicking the Massa link to a Massa and Carrara location while having the Massi/Mattis surname on the brain, what did I find but blue and white checks, the symbol of the Mattis Coat that comes up when entering "Massi"! The checks are on a bend reflecting the white bend in the Massi/Mattis Coat. Check out the bent-necked eagle in the Massi/Mattis Chief, a black eagle on gold, and then compare with the black-on-gold, bent-necked, double-headed eagle in the Crest of the Arms of Massa and Carrara!!!

This is a great discovery because the Mattis page shows no Massi or Massi-like variations, and yet I've maintained for years now that the Massis / Mascis are a part of that Mattis/Matthew family. Here is the proof needed, very important because, when I claimed that the anti-Christ in Iraq will be a Masci bloodliner, the idea was presented with General Mattis in mind, who is now, as of the Obama administration, head of Central Command.

Finding some online quotes on General Mattis, it appeared to me that intended to stay in Iraq, and to this day the U.S. military is playing every trick it can to convince the Iraq lawmakers to extend the U.S. military presence beyond this year.

Remember: 1) La Spezia is the military capital of Italy; 2) The Arms of Italy is a white star; 3) the Vere star is a white star; 4) the white star of the United States is a military symbol too; 5) the white stars belongs to Moray and Douglas from the Moravian side of the Mieszko bloodline; 6) Veres trace to Massovia in Poland, especially to Warsaw (Massovia capital) that uses Melusine as a symbol; 7) Melusine is the Moray Crest; 8) Melusine is the Massin/Mason Crest; 9) Vere's trace themselves to Mitanni, which I traced to Modena, while "The province of 'Massa e Carrara' was born in 1859 from the separation of the Lunigiana and the Garfagnana from the Ducato of Modena.". Ferrara is in the Modena theater.

There is a Mulazzo region in Massa e Carrara that could apply to Melusine elements. Also, Massa was founded by a Malaspina clan. The Arms of Massa (looks like a mace with an eight-pointed mullet) are in the gold-on-red colors of the Massa/Massey Coat (the one with boots and now linked to the Arthur surname). If we stick an 's' in Cheshire's Mallbone surname (with Massey Shield in reversed colors), we get "Mallsbone," very near to "Malaspina," especially where "spina" could be construed as the spinal bone.

The Spine surname uses the English-Macey/Mackay Shield. Plus, recalling the quote above, "...palaces once belonging to the Doria family and the Princes of Massa," check out the photo of Marchesa Brigida SPINOla-Doria in the Doria article. The wealthy Dorias, a Genoese family, are said to be Templar-related, and then we find Zionists stars in the Spinola/Spinozza Coat. I'm thinking Geneva links to Sion/Sitten. The Genoese Doria Coat has a black eagle partially on gold, meaning very likely that the Massi/Mattis eagle is indeed related to the princes of Massa.

A mullet is a pierced star, used in the Mullet Coat. You can see that the six-pointed hexagram, or Zionist star, in the Mullet Coat is used in the Arms of Liguria, the latter being above a bugle like the one in the Mullet Coat. The Arms of Liguria are fashioned much like the elephant logo of the Republican party of the United States. The Messina/Massina Coat uses Zionists stars in the colors of the Mullets, and these are also the colors of the Zionists stars of the Weis' clan that I link to the Bavarian Illuminati's official foundings. I had traced the Mitanni through Messene and then Messina before reaching Modena.

There is an argument to be made now that the hexagram is code for, or at least was named after, "Hyksos" elements, for I now trace the Masseys to the Hyksos of the Exodus pharaoh.

The black bend in the Mallibone Coat is seen in the Italian Mazza Coat. The latter surname was first found in Reggio-Emilia of the Modena / Ferrara theater. "The Mazza family of Modena entered into the ranks of nobility in 1306." Note the Mazzone and Mazzini variations. Everything Masonry seems to come out of northern Italy, home of the Illuminatish Veneti. An Italian mazza is a stick or mace...or cudgel.

Again, the Arms of Massa looks like a mace and a mullet together, but as the Coat uses a gold saltire, what about the gold saltire of the French Mates/Mathis Coat? It looks like the same family as the Massi/Mattis family. English Mathies use the same gold-on-red as the Arms of Massa, and the Mathie symbol is a triple chevron, tentatively traced for years (by me) to the Alps of Piedmont, where the Massi/Mattis clan lived. Note the red scallop between the Fulk wings in the Mathie Crest, for the Savona/Sabine clan uses a red scallop centrally, and was first found in Norfolk where the English Fulkes' were first found.

The Savona/Sabine Chief uses five-pointed mullets in the white-on-black colors of the stars of the Italian Pastors. The latter were first found in Sicily, where Messina is located, and then the Meschin scallops, which I trace to Scylla in Messina, are also white on black. Didn't I already trace the French Pastor lion to the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin??? Remember, Spanish Pastors use a black eagle on a (Moreno/Moratin) tower, as with the Arms of La Spezia smack beside Massa. And, in case you've forgotten, the very Massa eagle is used by the Mattis surname that comes up when entering "Massi."

THEREFORE, if you were having a hard time wrapping your head around a general-Mattis trace to an Italian family, the English Mathies were Savones/Sabines who were in turn Fulks from Velch/Volci, who link to the Italian Massis/Mattis' in Massa and Le Spezia. And as I claimed with what seemed like a cosmic-sized guess (that I realized could embarrass me in the end) that the anti-Christ would be a Meschin, so we find that these bloodlines link to the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin, the first Meschin-proper so far as I know of. There is even a Bazzone location in Massa that could apply to the Bessin, and a Baita location too that could apply to the Baits/Beiths (that I trace to Bute).

Massa is located on a Frigido river, smacking of Phrygians, not forgetting that I traced Marsyas-branch Phrygians to the founding of Ligurians at Marseille / Lacydon. It seemed solid to me that Marsyas (the Satyr=goat) was the proto-Boofima cult. I (and others) also trace Marsyas to the Marsi-branch Sabines. It's easy on the mind to follow the tracks of the Marsi-Sabines to Savona in Liguria (coastal-Riviera region) and then to Lacydon-Marseille (coastal-Riviera region), especially if the Marsi-Sabines started off on the western coast of Italy in the Volci theater. It could then trace Turan of Volci to Turin of Piedmont, not to mention that there is a Turano in Masse.

As I would naturally trace Massa back to the Meshwesh alliance with Carthaginians (I'm thinking the ugly guts of the Lohengrin cult already), it should not only explain why Carrara is a twin city with Massa, but the following: "After running into a deep valley in the Apuan Alpsa, [the Frigido] receives the waters of the Renara and Fosso d'ANTONA [caps mine], and then flows in Massa before reaching the Ligurian Sea near Marina di Massa." In the 4th update of July, it was explained why the Anthony surname (using a goat and leopard) was a Boofima-cult clan as well as a Carthaginian one.

The Arms of Carrara is a cartwheel, and because the location is so close to Pisa, it evokes Piast the Wheelwright. One could venture to trace Massovia in Poland to Massa-Carrara. It's known that Carthaginians were in this Carrara theater, and as we could expect that Saracens were involved, see the Sarzana location in La Spezia. Sarzana (present mayor, Massimo Caleo) too uses an eight-pointed star. The Arms of Sarzana use a gold-on-blue crescent (when I first encountered Saracens in Illuminati hunts, I applied the crescent symbol to them), the color of the Spine-Coat crescent. I was not going to mention that the Spines (Macey Shield), first found in Warwickshire, linked to (Warwick-like) Warsaw in Massovia, until now. The MalaSPINA clan, remember, were somewhat foundational to modern-era Massa-Carrara.

"Spine" smacks of "Sabine," and like the Sabine surname, the Spine write-up traces to Norfolk (to a Feltwell location, to be exact). Moreover, Savones/Saffins use white-on-blue crescents. This implies that the Malaspina clan were swan-line=Savona elements merged with the Masci / Massi bloodline itself from Samsam-related Saracens in Messina.

Spoon(er)s (in Spine white-on-blue) were also first found in Warwickshire. They use a swan-like pelican and blood drops, suggesting the Patterson- and KilPatrick-branch Butteri...which I have already traced to the Samsam Saracens of Guiscard alliances.

As we just saw a Baita location in Masse, and as the Spines trace to the Masse theater, why do both the Spoons and Baits (of Fife) use a similar boar-head theme? Fays use the Bait theme too, and while it was suggested above that "Fay" may link to "Fiori," what about linkage to Riviera del Fiori"?

I'm getting the strong sense here that the Spine Coat is also the Macey-related Swan/Sion Coat, tracing to Sion of Switzerland, at lake Geneva...that I tend to trace to Genoa of Liguria (the Spinolas/Spinozzas use Zionist stars). On the northern slopes of lake Geneva, FE found Fey, Vey and Vivian-like locations...near Morges, which helped (among other undeniable things) to discover that mythical Morgan le Fay of Bute was just from those Swiss places. It never occurred to me until now that LausANNE, near Morges, may have been Anne/Hanne-related Hannibals merged with LACYdon Ligurians, for both the Annes/Hannes/Hanneys and English Lacys were first found in Yorkshire.

As it seems that Patterson-branch Butteri should be in the Spine / Malaspina theater of Massa-Carrara, why is there a horse in the Arms of Follo? Follo is in La Spezia smack beside Massa-Carrara, and moreover evokes the Bassari and Fula trace (of the last update) to the Butteri. If that's not enough, I recall writing on a mythical Folos, a CENTaur of a Foloi forest in the KENDron/Kedron theater (Peneus- and Ladon-river area, Greece) that was trace-able to the Kidron valley at Jerusalem, where Templars hung out, in the stables of Solomon. If I'm not mistaken, the stables of Solomon were part of mount Zion proper.

Folos was close to Dionysus and Hercules, if that helps to trace him to Samson of the Jerusalem theater. Although Folos was made a son of son of Silenus (code for a goat-cult) with a Meli nymph (apparent code for the Malea location below), one could argue that, like all/most other Centaurs, Folos was a son of Sion-like Ixion with Nephele. Nephele figured prominent in the golden fleece account of Phryxus/Frixos, which cult was recently discovered (by me) to be of the proto-Boofima entity.

To now support a Folos link to the Fula peoples of western north-Africa:

The Centaurs got scattered from Malea to Tunissia, where some died from hungers and others got charmed by the songs of the Sirens.

At the battle many famous centaurs died, Dafnis, Amfiction, Oreos, Ippotion, Frixos [mark that one]...

...Hercules buried [Folos] close to a place that today is called Androni...(webpage at link above).

If that "Tunissia" is the Tunisia on the brink of the Atlas mountains, then Malea could just be the Mali elements amongst whom the Fula peoples lived! WOW! I couldn't have asked for better verification for the suggestion (in the last update) that the Fula peoples were a Boofima-cult entity.

Searching for Androni, a village by that name was found in Terrasini, Sicily, but as that smacks of Terracina/Tarracina in the Volsci theater, isn't it conspicuous that "Folos" smacks of "Volsci." In fact, I traced Folos years ago to Volos of Thessaly because Ixion lived in Thessaly. Suddenly, we discover that the same Amazons in the Bassari and Fula theater were in Volscia...where the Butteri rode their yippety-doo-dah horses!!!

I even recall that Volos was related to Jason of the Argo ship, and that lends a hand in a trace of Jason to the Ausoni of western Italy...whom I will trace below to the Volsci theater. The family of Aeson and Jason was from Iolcus, at Volos; Aeson was code for the location of Aisonia in Volos. Compare "Iolcus" to "Colchis," and we readily see a golden-fleece connection between the two. Colchis was Caucasia, of Circasia, and we saw way above that mythical Circe was, at mount Circeo, in the very Pontine stretch that was home to the Butteri.

Wikipedia's Volos article claims that the place was once "Golkos," suggesting that Folos>Volos was the founding of Colchis, and that explains why the Argonautica had the Argo ship sailing away from Colchis (modern Georgia), with Colchians in pursuit, to the western side of Italy, and to mythical Circe on the side of Italy. In other words, Colchian elements (not necessarily Colchians proper) named Volscia. Remember that Aeetes of Kutaisi (in Colchis) was also Attis (of Hattusa), father of Lydus>Latins. It means that Latins / Romans were not only Amazons=Meshech, but Gorgons/Georgians = Gogi.

The Folos link to Volscia explains why the Marsi -- from the Marsyas goat cult related to the Silenus goat cult -- were on the Volsci frontier (see this other map).

The Ausoni(ans) were of the Aeolian islands, but can be traced to the Volsci. A mythical Auson was made a son of Circe (also called Calypsos), and Auson's son was made the island of Lipari, one of the nine Aeolian islands. Again, as Jason's crew was depicted mating with Amazon's on Lemnos, it seems an easy trace of Hephaestus>Vulcan to the Aeolian island of Vulcano, smack beside Lipari. I had traced Hephaestus to the Halybes metal workers, and both "Lipari" and "Calypsos" smack of "(C)Halybes," not to re-mention that I trace Halybes also to "Libya" and "Calabria," the latter being the mainland of the Aeolian islands.

Did I not also trace "Halybes" to "alba" = white? What then of Alba Longa? And what about that trace from Alba Longa to Lunga of Argyll? As I also traced the Chalybes to king Arthur's ExCALIBUR sword, what about the location of Ardea being so close to Alba Longa?

A bigger point for the moment is the trace of "(C)Halybe" to "Caleb"-ites of Hebron, for it was suspected way above that Hebron elements were in Volscia. If I was correct to trace the Folos entity at Kendron/Kedron to the Kidron valley at Zion, where even Israelites worshiped Molech and Baal, then, yes, Volscia could trace to Hebron not far west of Jerusalem. Again, there is a Luca in the heart of Volscia and a Lachish in Hebron.

The Massa-Carrara topic came AFTER discovering the Massabovi location in Imperia the day before this insert. You'll find it shortly after the insert. If Imperia was the Imperi Boofima entity, the Massabovi location could highlight my trace of the Boofima cult to the Meshwesh. Note Massa-BOVI, a term like "Boof."

I can now show that Imperia elements trace also to the Claver/Cleevor surname (Norfolk again), as per the Clavi location in Imperia. Not only does the Claver Coat use towers (the Moratin tower again), a symbol in the Arms of Imperia, but the Claver Coat looks like the Meschin-Coat format. Cliffs/Cleeves and Clappertons/Claptons use all three Claver colors, and Cliffords are found in the Skipton write-up while Skiptons and Meschins did merge families.

Suddenly, with the Chiava/Sheaves/Cheaves surname, we're back to the Kiev-like terms that this insert started on. IN FACT, this insert started with the Hopkin surname, using two of the Claver colors and a triple-tower castle in Crest, as with the Arms of Chiavara. Where's Chiavara? In Genoa on the Riviera del Fiori. The key ("chiava" in Italian) in the Claver Crest can then trace to Chiavari, for there is a key in front of the Chiavara castle.

If I'm correct in identifying Clavers as Clares, then the Claver trace to Liguria stands to be the known Clare link to the house of Candy/Candida in Savoy. There is in Imperia a CANTAlupo location that looks like it could be a Candy-wolf combo. Checking, lookie: the Candy Coat uses small saltires in the colors of the crosses in the Imperia Chief, and the Ganty variation smacks of Gaunt/Gant while the English Gaunt/Gant Crest shows a wolf. "First found in Kent where they had been granted lands after the Norman Conquest in 1066 A.D. The Gaunt or Gant surname is derived from the town of Gaunt or Ghent in Flanders."

Gaunt is the home of John Gaunt, founder, they say, of the red Lancastrian rose, and Gaunt-like Kent is the home of Louvains and Brabant surnames, both from Flanders. But then the Louvains use the Massin/Mason lion (in Gaunt/Gant colors) while the Masse/Massey surname with boot was first found in Savoy. The Italian Candida/Candelori Coat (the Candel version smacks of "CANTALupa")? Just one black-on-gold eagle! See also the Canton/Gandon surname and ask whether it links to Swiss cantons, for the Canton Chief evokes the Arms of Sion/Sitten and the canton of Wallis.

In the beginning of the insert, the topic led to the black-on-gold eagle of the Arms of Le Spezia, which was found to be the eagle of the Massi/Mattis clan. There's another black-on-gold eagle in the Hopkins-colored Hobb Coat (the Hopkins are said to be from "Hobb").

Another black-on-gold eagle -- the White eagle again -- is in the Irish Sheaves/Shaw Coat! Now you know bedrock's secrets, all to the Liguria mud. Remember the engrailed chevrons of the Keebles and kin at the start of the insert? The Irish Sheaves not only use one, but there are grails in the Scottish Shaw Coat. END INSERT]

The Arms of Imperia use towers, a symbol, I think, of Turin and its roots in the Tuareg Amazons of the Atlas theater (Africa). The Tuaregs of importance to my Freemason traces were of the Mali and Mauritanian peoples, and so see this: "Imperia consists of the two historical districts of Porto MAURizio [caps mine] and Oneglia, which lie on either side of the River Impero that gives its name to the city." It may be coincidental, but I'll record the Imperia locales of Massabovi and Piani, as the latter smacks of the Biaini of Lake Van. The French Mass/Masse/Massey Coat (in Massey colors) using boots, was first found in Savoy therefore could apply to Massabovi.

ZOWIE! It was just yesterday that I was studying the Arthur-Coat's organs (from a top view) when "piano" came to mind. Today I find a Piani location and then, a moment later I viewed the Masse/Massey Coat with gold-on-red chevron, the symbol of the Arthur Coat!!! Remember, Arthur at Avalon=Bute, a perfect match with the boots of the Masse/Massey Coat!!! Expect the Arthur bloodline in the Imperia location, therefore. WOW! AND LOOK, the Irish Arthur Crest is a Velch-like falcon: "A falcon volant jessed and belled."

The so-called "rests" in the Coat are organ rests. The organ-rest symbol of the Arthurs (as well as the Hicks of Clapton) was also called a "clarion," and strangely to my ears, the clarion is said to be a type of trumpet or "pan-pipes"). The Arthur symbol is shown at this page entitled, "Clarion, Claricord, Organ Rest, Rest, Sufflue." As an organ is not a trumpet, I think the "clarion" was just code for Clares/Sinclairs.

The Durance river flows to the LACYdon and Marseille locations, wherefore this is a good place to tell of Wikipedia's Nottingham article, where the city is said to be nicknamed, "Lace City":

In Anglo-Saxon times, around 600 AD{citation needed} the site formed part of the Kingdom of Mercia [I trace Mercia to the Marsi that I say founded Marseille]...When it fell under the rule of a Saxon chieftain named Snot it became known as "Snotingaham"...Snot brought together his people in an area now known as the Lace Market.

Whether that's myth code or not, how is it that the Lace-surname Crest is a "fret-knot" while entering "Knot" we find the claim that Knots (another white unicorn) were named after Canute (Dane king), the same claim made in the same-colored Notting write-up? (The latter compares well with the Buckingham Coat.) There are two clues of links to the Mieszko Poles: 1) the bezants; 2) the Cnut parentage of Mieszko's daughter. Sigrid the Haughty...or Sigrid the Snotty???

Did we notice how "Volsci" evokes the Polski=Poles? I did trace Pollux to the Poles.

ZOWIE, I KID YOU NOT that after writing the above I changed gears and took to the Monalto di Castro article, and there in the Arms was what looks like piano keys!!! I didn't notice it at first because I was studying the six mounds that reflected the six roundels in the Lacy Coat. Monalto di Castro is about 60 miles north-west of Rome still in Lazio, and is therefore on/off the Fiori river. The city is in the province of Viterbo, smacking a little of "Butteri" (Velch/Volci is in Viterbo).

Tarquinia is in Viterbo, and as we saw above, some trace "Tarquinia" to Tarracina of the Butteri theater. Just as I was thinking that Tarracina and Lydia-related Tarchon should trace to "Thrace" and the Trojans (Romans are said to have been Trojans), I went back to the Tarracina article to find:

Above [Tarracina] are several massive terrace platforms...

On the terrace stood the Corinthian Temple traditionally attributed to Jupiter Anxur (1st century BCE), about 35 by 20 meters....

...Massive remains of another temple, the Capitolium (16.5 x 16 m, with cells 9.5 x 4.5 m) lie on the street starting from Palazzo Venditti. Built in the mid-1st century BCE, it was dedicated to the Capitoline Triad of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.

When seeing "Minerva," off I went to find how the Minor surname became a topic earlier in this update:

The Mestor surname using a unicorn uses the Tooks/Toke/Tolkien griffins because both surnames were first found in Kent. I traced Tooks to mythical Teucer, father of the Trojans. Evidence for that trace included the white-on-blue unicorn of the German Troy surname, for Tokers (of Devon) use a similar white-on-blue sea horse. Then, compare the gold saw-like Toker chevron to the gold saw-like Mestor fesse!!!...

...The Toker Crest is a lion's paw (holding an axe), and then we find a lion's paw (held by a human hand) in the Minor/Miner Crest. Note how the Minor Coat smacks of the Massi/Mattis Coat. I'm showing the Minor Coat (Swiss Mestor colors) because Mesters use a "minor" motto term..."

In short, Mestors were Massis/Mattis, Minors/Miners and Trojans too, suggesting a link possible to Minerva of Tarracina. I traced Minerva=Athena to Attis, father of Lydus, wherefore we would expect Minerva amongst Latins. It's very possible that Minerva was named after "miners" of ore.

One mythical Mestor was made a son of Priam, the Boofima-cult entity at Troy. And it was then found that the sister of Pollux and Castor was a Mestra entity too. If you're wondering where the Mestra entity at Rome is, think the Aeneas Mysians. Sooner or later, the Mestra entity at Rome should turn up in a Mestra-like term. There is an Italian Mastro/Maestro Coat (no location given for this surname) with a blue bend and fleur-de-lys, a symbol also of the Mascis of Piedmont.

[Insert -- The "quaerere" motto term of the Mestors/Masters of Kent smacks of "Carrara," a twin city with Massa! Then, as per the MassaBOVI location in Imperia, what about the discovery in the 5th update of July, that the Buffies/Boffeys use a "quarere" motto term while the Bows" use Quaerere"??? Is that not astounding, Julie??? There you have your evidence that the Boofima cult of the African Imperi were in Imperia.

There are no Coats coming up when entering "Imperia-like terms. The first one found was when entering "Amber," bring up the Lambert surname (double chevron of the type I trace tentatively to Piedmont's Alps). Interesting, because I did trace Lam(b) terms to Boofima elements. Then "Hamp" was entered to find the same wolf-head, I think, as in the Crest of the Gaunt/Gaunt surname, not forgetting that the latter were traced above to CantaLUPO in Imperia. That's strong evidence that Hamps/Hamptons/Amptons were from "IMPeria." It then has the potential to identify Imperia with Campbells/Cammels and Camelot elements. Both Hamps and Buffies were first found in Staffordshire.

Entering "Amp" brings up an Impey/Impy surname with black leopard head. The Coat shows crescents. Wow, I kid you not that the Amp/Impy surname was checked immediately after writing the Camelot part, to find the Amps/Impys first found in Essex...where Camulodunum=Camelot=Colchester is located! PLUS, the Amp crescents are in the color scheme of the Bellamy crescents, not an insignificant point where CampBELLS might be related. The gold griffins in the English Camp Coat (in Campbell colors) compare with the same in the Mester/Master/Measter Coat.

The Candys were first found in Suffolk, beside Essex. Moreover, Candys are shown as GAMedays, smacking of Kemuel and Chemmites that see behind Camulos (ram-horned god of Remi elements) / Camelot elements. The same type of small saltire used by Candys is used by Lambys/Lamps.

That's all good evidence of Imperia elements to English clans, suggesting Imperia traces also to Argyllshire, where Campbells were first found. "First found in Argyllshire. Researchers suggest a joint progenitor of both the Campbells and the MacArthurs. The MacArthurs were the ancient senior sept of the Campbells." Imperia also has an ARTallo location.

When entering "Bovi" (as per Massabovi) there are several variations, Boi for one, but also Boelli, perhaps the makings of "Campbell." The Coat uses the Boss/Beaville/Boisville and Boso/Bosne bull "First found in the city of Reggio-Emilia, where records show Gerardo de Corviago Bovini living here in 1079."

As Clavi is also in Imperia, the Ember surname appears to apply because it uses, aside from a sword through a Saracen's head in Crest, a "man holding a gold [mace-like] club." The Clubs/Clobbes first lived in Clobbere of Cheshire, and then Claptons were first found in Cheshire too. Claptons (in Claver colors) use a wolf in Crest as possible symbol for CantaLUPA, not forgetting that the Hirpini were in CAMPania, where ABELLinum was too. One of three Imbert Coats is in Campbell colors.

I don't think it's coincidental that Clubs/Clobbes have a coat (with fish) like the Scottish Hykes/Hakes Coat, for there was a Hicks clan of Clapton, Somerset. The latter clan is said to derive in "something crooked," same theme as the Campbell derivation.

There is also a Costa location in Imperia, and then the bell and Porter bell symbol comes up in the French Cost/Caust Coat. The Cost/Caust surname was first found in Languedoc, beside Imperia but also beside Auvergne where the Imberts were first found (in Montferrand to be exact, smacking of Montferrat). There are three other Costa Coats, the Spanish and Portuguese ones using bones and even crossed bones, an apt symbol for human sacrificers and/or cannibals.

The write-up of the English Custs/Cousts/Cuss' traces to "Constance," and then the English Constance Coat is the Ferte eagle, linking back to the Imberts of Montferrand. In fact, the French Constance surname (Languedoc) used a white-on-blue crescent, symbol also of the French Imberts/Imbaults. As the latter are shown also as Imbarts and Imbertons too, check out the similarity between the Bavarian Barts (we expect Boofima in Bavaria) and the Italian Bertons (of Ferrara), noting that the latter shows the griffin used by Leslies (and Camps), a family known to be from Bart=Bartholomew.

Remember, Leslies were Hungarians, and Hungarians link both to Hannibals and, by their own admission, trace to Boofima's roots in Nimrod. Julie has shown that Freemasons give Nimrod the leopard symbol, and just days ago I opened an email from Julie speaking on the Hungarian Hussars/Gussars, cavalry units that draped themselves in leopards skins when going to war...just like Dionysus. I didn't think I would be able to include the Hussars into these discussions because I didn't know how they could fit in, and yet here I am mentioning them (by no plan of my own) while on the Cust/Cuss surname.

We read: "...or the Armenian Chosarioi. Through Byzantine Army operations in the Balkans in the 10th and 11th centuries when Chosarioi/Chonsarioi were recruited..." That is, the Hussars were also Khazar-like "Chosarioi," not forgetting that Hungarians were Khazar allies. Moreover, as we see Byzantines behind the Chosarioi, it evokes my theory way above, that earlier Byzantine-Khazar blood of Melissena Rangabe was in northern Italy and meshed there with the Butteri.

Excellent timing, Julie!

Emailer Patterson's suggestion that the Butteri should link to the Hungarian horse trainers called, Csikos, may now apply as per the Chosaroio!!! There was a mythical Cyzicus that could also apply.

Entering "Hussar" brings up the German Hesse surname using the same sun as the Imberts (!!!) that got us onto the Hungarian>Khazar topic in the first place. The Hesse/Hussar sun is between the same wing design as the leopard of the Amp/Impy Crest, not forgetting that the Hussar cavalry got to be a topic here only as per the Imberts/Imbarts/Imbertons. Impys were first found in Hesse-like Essex. AFTER writing that, "Cossar" was entered (as per "Chosaroio") to find a Kossar/Cozzar clan (Camp(bell) colors) first found in Essex!!!!! There's a copper-colored horse in the Crest!!!!!! This paragraph definitely reaches hexamark heights.

Remember, the Butteri cowboys are expected in Norfolk, right beside Camulodunum. The Corser variation of the Cossars may reveal that "Hussar" is a consonant reversal from "horse." There is a Corser surname first found in Staffordshire, where the Hamps and Buffies were first found! Excellent. AND WOOOOOOWWWWIE! Everything to this point in this paragraph was written while waiting for the Corser Coat to load, only to find horses and even a flying horse!!!!!!! A septamark, folks, a real live one. The Corser surname shows a Cossar variation!!!!!!!! Count them, eight.

There can be no doubt about it: everything Freemasonry traces to human-sacrifice cults. What possible good heritage, what possible good learning, what possible humanity can there be, from a peoples like that? But because the world has ignored God, so the rulers of the masses have become the beasts of humanity, the pigs and the dragons and the creepiest of things. Eat what you deserve, masses, or turn back to the Creator of your own life and spare yourself the whole of your punishments.

The Lamberts/Ambers (now suspect as Imperia elements) were traced to the Belgian Landons, founders of the Carolingian Pepins that use a camel in Crest as well as horses in Coat. We just saw that CAMPbells/Cammells and Camelot elements trace to Imperia, and so by what coincidences are they that the French Pepins (Gascony) use crescents in colors reversed from the AMP/Impy crescents, while the latter clan was first found in Essex, where Camulodunum was located? End Insert]

FINALLY, after wiring all the above, I got round to the Fiori-river article:

The Fiora is a river in northern Lazio and southern Tuscany, which springs from the southern flank of the Monte Amiata, near Santa Fiora. After crossing the Lazio Maremma [see this place in the quote below], it flows in the north-western part of the province of Viterbo before getting into the Tyrrhenian Sea near Montalto di Castro.

That's why I "wrongly" said that Butteri were on the Fiori: "A buttero is a shepherd or cowboy in the region of Maremma, in Tuscany in the Northern Latium and in the Pontine Marshes." In other words, whew, I wasn't wrong at all. The Butteri were both in the Volci-Fiori region and in the Volsci region. Whew! I don't have to go back to fix anything in previous updates. That scared me, but out of my concern came good reasons (above) for tracing Volscia to Volci. There's even a mount Volsini and the related lake Bolsena at Viterbo. And isn't it enlightening, my fellow illuminated ones, that Veres -- the royal snot kind, anyway -- trace to both places.

I didn't call Veres snots. Nicholas de Vere did, when he claimed to be of a higher, royal order than the rest of us. Veres are so high that they ruled everywhere, they tells us, which is why they are falling soon to the dust of Armageddon. Let's just try to count all the money that expansionist kings have taken from the peoples for fighting their wars, building monuments to their egos, and otherwise entertaining themselves. It was just theft, and I don't see thieves and thugs as anything to respect.

As I trace Butteri to the Buto cult of pharaoh Khyan, what about the Canino location in Viterbo? I can't tell what animal that is in the Arms of Canino, but a canine makes sense. Also in Viterbo, a Satricum-like location of Sutrium, the modern Sutri. There was a woman that Jesus spoke with, who said that the dogs have rights to eat the crumbs under the table of the Jews. She was a Phoenician implying that her people were dogs. By the time of Jesus, Phoenicians were Canaanized and therefore regarded as Canaanites, a very canine-like term. I don't mention Canaanites very often, but surely they had a presence in Europe too, and could be expected amongst Phoenician lines that founded Europe / Rome. It's possible that Apollo got his wolf symbol from Canaanites though another theory is that he got it from the Gorgons in Verkana (south Caspian), said to mean "wolf land." I trace Apollo's wolf symbol to a canine god of the Avvites, Nibhaz=Anubis.

Good morning, It's the day after the Inserts above, and I have a topic. When I saw the photo in the Doria article, immediately the Sarakas/Saracas came to mind. Later yesterday, I started to wonder how I could justify a trace of "Vere" to Italian Fers / Ferraris but also to "Varni" (northern Germany). It seems that the two topics could be related.

It wasn't so much the Daorsi near Ragusa (home of Saracas) that caused me to view the Doria family as Saracas, but the outfit in the photo, or something to do with the photo. In any case, having forgotten what the Dorey/Daurin Coat was, I looked it up again and saw a (gold) fish on a blue Shield. The Arms of Saraca use a (white) fish on blue, all on a gold Shield. The Daorsi can be seen at the Neretva river on this map of Celtic-Illyria. I've already made the case that Neretva and the Daorsi were mythical Nereus and Doris, parents of the so-called Nereids, but before that I had traced the Nereids to "Nerthus," goddess of the Varni and Angli as far back as the first century.

The English Doreys/Daores use a split blue-and-red shield, the colors of the Saraca Shield. The latter Doreys/Daores were first found in Herefordshire a place that I now trace confidently to "Herze(govina)," which is in the Saraca theater. The bees in the latter Coat should trace to the Basante/Bosna river, which I mention because we will see the Bosna-river Piast Poles crop again below as per the first home of the Saracas.

On this map of Roman Illyria, Neretva is at the Naro river with a Narensis region and a city of Narona, all insinuating "black." Out to sea from the mouth of the Naro is "Corcyra nigra." (Barbana further down the coast may suggest Berbers.) The black theme is important because the Saraca article traces the Saracas to MonteNEGRO...almost exactly where you see "Butua" on the latter map (under the "I" of "Dalmatia")!

I don't recall ever seeing the Kotor term in the Saraca article (Wikipedia articles may change from time to time) and therefore this is the first time that I've been able to trace Saracas to Butua, although I think I insinuated the link at one point. Yes, in the 5th update of July, it was asked: "Was the Saraca fish from a dolphin symbol presumably used by the Butua location near Ragusa?"

Note the Cerauni region to the west of Montenegro, for that should be elements from Cyrene on north Africa...because the Roman-Illyria map has the Ceraunii (on the Urbas) further north, beside the Maezaei. The Lamatis location on the north side of the Cerauni should therefore trace to mythical Lamia of Libya. Locations to the west of the Urbas/Urbanus, and including Lamatis, were traced (a few months ago but again in the 1st update of July) to Salyes Ligurians, Sullivans (with "lamh" motto term), and to the Sales-of-Masci.

It just so happens that we can see Chaonia to the south of the Neretva theater on the Roman-Illyria map. I had traced the Chaonians and related Thessprotians to mythical Protes and his father, Euxinos, of the Lacydon Ligurians (i.e. this could be of obvious importance to the Doria family...of Liguria). Just north of the Chaonians, see the city of Apollonia and the neighboring location of Apsus, smacking of "Avith," the Avvite capital, and the abyss of Revelation 9 where end-time Abaddon=Apollo is mentioned. As more evidence that we are dealing with north-Africans, the Ceraunii mountains smacks beside the Chaonians should trace to Apollo-founded Cyrene, where the Meshwesh=Muses lived.

On the Celtic-Illyria map, see the Mestor-like DaraMAESTae (between the Daorsi and the Doclaetians of Montenegro. Remember, the Mester/Master surname shows a "Measter." It just so happens that the Daramaestae are smack at Ragusa.

I had not seen either map of Illyria when the Doria link to the Saracas came to mind.

BEHOLD. Didn't we get led to the Massi/Mattis surname when on the topic of Massa-Carrara? And as the Doria family was in relation to Massa, what is that Mathis river doing on the latter map, with a source at the (Candy-like) Candavii mountains??? There on the east side of the Candavii are the Deuriopes, smacking of mythical Europa. The Doria family is said to derive in "Auria." See west of the Candavii mountains, at the sea, and there at DYRRhachium we see a Genoa-like Genusus. The Doria family were of the Genoa province!! [Update 2015: south of Apollonia, there is an Acrocerautae entity that traces excellently to Alauna, at Crociatonum (Manche), where I traced the Ardunici that married the Doria family of Imperia/Oneglia in Liguria.]

The Mestero/Measter Coat uses "quaerere parta tueri" in its motto!!! Didn't I trace that term to Carthaginians? It makes sense to see Carthaginians at Apollonia if the Ceraunians were from Cyrene. The "tueri" term above could link to the Doria family if what I suspect is true, that "Auria" is from the idea of "Taurus." I traced Libernia, which is the coast north of Ragusa, to the Cretan "labyrinth," a symbol of the Taurus cult on Crete. Ragusa, which I trace to Rhea on Crete (i.e. the mother of the Zeus Taurus) is just north of the "EpiDAURum" stamped on the Roman map, and I tend to link Daur terms to Dorians of the "Taurus" cult.

But now I want to get to Wikipedia's Doclea article to show that the Mieszko Poles were involved there. In the Saraca article: "The family came from Kotor in the year 1172." Clicking to the Kotor article: "Kotor (...Latin: Acruvium; Greek: Askrevion; Italian: Cattaro) is a coastal city in Montenegro." In the Arms of Kotor we find a red-on-white castle, the color of the castle in the Arms of Imperia. And while the Italians called Kotor by the name of Cattaro, we find a "Cathari" motto term in the Arms of Kotor. Might Kotor link to "Chosar(oio)" horsemen? It just so happens that the Chosaroio were introduced above as per the Imbert and Impy surname links to Hungarian Leslies and Hussars.

The Kotor castle is in the colors of the Cote/Cotard Coat (the one with lattice from Languedoc that I usually shows as the Codds/Cottins and link to Cottians).

Judging from the map in the Kotor article, the location is very near Butua. As I trace Butteri to Boscath, what about that Cathari motto term??? And didn't we see above that entering "Hussar" brings up the Hesse surname, while a Catti peoples are said to have founded Hesse??? It appears, therefore, that we have found the Edomite Esau-ites of BOZrah here in Kotor. In that picture, the Saracas are from Seir-acens, so to speak.

The Kotor mayor today has a Catovic surname even. AND LOOK! The Cato surname was first found in Aberdeenshire, where Hungarian Leslies were first found in Scotland. The Cato Coat even uses the white-on-blue Leslie bend...which is also the Italian Botter bend! The Cato castle is the Hopkins castle. As I traced Bottars to Poitiers/Poitou, see that the French Chatan Coat: 1) was first found in Poitou; 2) uses the same bend; 3) shows a white tower as with the Cato Crest; 4) uses red roses like the Hopkin Coat. The Cato motto is "OmniBUS AmiCUS," same motto as the Scottish Chatans/Catos that use a variation of the French-Chatan Coat. The write-up of the latter traced the clan -- which I'm assuming is from Kotor -- to a Chatto location in Roxburghshire. "The Chattos intermarried with the two distinguished Northumbrian families of Percy and Potts..."

You'd probably be correct to trace Potts to the Butteri of Poitou. Here's what was said above: "The Hesse/Hussar sun is between the same wing design as the leopard of the Amp/Impy Crest, not forgetting that the Hussar cavalry got to be a topic here only as per the Imberts/Imbarts/Imbertons." NOW, the same wing design shows a pot in the German Potts/Botts Crest.

If you read my treatment of Boscath a few weeks ago, and the trace to the Mus of Lake Van, you may also have read (last update) where the Mus of Lake Van were identified solidly with mythical Mestor. How is it, then, that the DaraMaestae are stamped on the Celtic-Illyria map smack on the north side of Butua??? As Mestor was seen as an alternative for mythical Neaera, no doubt the Nairi at Lake Van, what about a Nairi trace to the Nerensii on the Neretva (not far north of the Daramaestae)?

The tribwatch maistro is ringing his bell. Wake up class. It seems clear now that the Doria clan of Massa was just this DARA-Maestae combination term...that can be understood as Daorsi-Maestae, or even Doris-Nairi or Doris-Mestor. Where's my apple? Don't I deserve an apple by now? Ask the Arms of Budva below?

Clicking over to the Montenegro article, the first think noticed was the double-headed eagle, and the "majska" motto term, in the Arms. Asking whether the term was code for Mieszko, I saw the gold eagle on a red background in the Montenegro flag, asking whether this could have become the white-on-red Piast Eagle. Then, further down the page, the double-headed eagle is shown in white on red as the flag of the Principality of Montenegro.

On a map at the Montenegro article, Kotor is not shown but is just to the west of "Cetinje," smacking of the Cetina river on the Celtic-Illyrian map. The Cetina is to the north of the Neretva. The Cetina is the Tilurius on the Roman-Illyria map, where we would expect the neighboring Salviae...that I traced solidly to Salyes Ligurians. As I traced the Silurians of Wales satisfactorily to the Salyes, note how "Tilurius" smacks of "Silures." Entering "Cetin," a Cattan clan first found in Norfolk comes up, with a "Saracen's head emerging from a castle...." Like the English Door/Daors Coat, the Cetin/Cattan Coat is split red and blue.

Opposite the Kotor bay from Kotor and Cetinje is Herceg Novi, while entering "Herceg" brings up the split Shield of the Herzog Coat. The latter's Crest uses the German Here wings, making Herefordshire, where the Doors/Daors were first found, link-able to Herceg and/or Herzegovina. On the map at the Herceg link, you can see Budva, what I'm assuming was Butua. Look at how close it is to Cetinje, what should be a Boscath settlement.

THE ARMS OF BUDVA are gold-on-blue six-pointed stars (not technically Zionists stars) like the gold-on-blue six-pointed estoiles in the Butt/Bute Coat!!! When things click along this good, the horseshoes are on the horses. This paragraph was inserted here moments after finding the Este clan, details below, in Montenegro.

On the same map, see Pistula (south of Bar on the ocean), for it was just yesterday when the pistols of the Hopkins Coat were dealt with. We might suspect the Piasts at Pistula, which is just south of Bar.

Also on the same map, see Piana inland from Dubrovnik=Ragusa, for there was a Piani location found yesterday in Imperia. Beside Piana but inside Montenegro, there is a Benjana region smacking of "Biaini," the Nairi founders of Lake Van. Piana and Benjani are not far here from the Neretva river, and even closer to the Daorsi.

The Here and Herzog wings are blue, as are the English Here-Crest wings, and the latter's wings are easily identified as Fulk wings. As the English Heres were first found in Derbyshire, which i trace to Trabys of Poland, see Trebinje between Dubrovnik and Piana.

One can see a road from new Bistua and old Bistua cutting across the Tilurius. Bistua is where the Piast / Mieszko Poles had been. Coincidence? I think not, I think we have just found the Piasts north and south of Cetinje. I traced "Piast" tentatively to "pesce"=fish, and here we find Piasts in the same place where the fish-depicted Saracas lived. And because Mieszko was also known as, Dagome, which term had a Dagon-like variation, the fish likely traces to fish-tailed Dagon. Realizing that point, I then saw something interesting in the Doclea / Docleatae location (both terms are on the maps) of Montenegro. We read: "The history of Montenegro dates back to 9th century with the emergence of Duklja...The first recorded settlers of present-day Montenegro were Illyrians, the Docleata."

I had traced the son of Joktan, Diklah, to the Indigna name of the Tigris river. But before that, I thought that "Dagon" was to be found in the inDIGNus river theater due to potential traces of Dagon to that river on other grounds. To the south-east of Doclea, under the "M" of "Macedonia," you can see Pelagonia. Peleg was Joktan's brother, and their father, Eber, can be expected in Epirus, but what about "BERmion" too? Pelagonia is beside the Pieria and Bermion/Bermius theater where I had traced the proto-Boofima goat cult of Marsyas, and it just so happens that Joktanites were of a human-sacrifice Sepharvite cult.

Wikipedia says that Doclea was built by the Roman emperor, Diocletian, but there could have been a Doclea-like term after which Diocletian was named, for he was born in the Doclea theater.

Recalling that I traced the Saraca fish to the Baar and Bar-le-Duc fish (see 2nd update in July for details), what about the Bar location on this map of Montenegro!!! It's fantastic because I didn't know that the Saracas were initially in the Cetinje neighborhood at the time. If you, like me, had been wondering what the "Duc" stood for, what about Doclea??? The Bars of Doclea! (Modern Doclea is Podgorica.)

LOOK, I can scarcely believe my eyes. Opening the Cetinje map from the Montenegro article, where it shows the names of neighboring regions, there's a Mostar (!!!) smack at Dubrovnik, the latter being the alternative name of Ragusa. It's smack where the DaraMaestae used to live. There we see Sarajevo to Mostar's north.

The Baars were of the Este clan (Ferrara), and because the Arms of Este is a white-on-blue eagle, we know that the Barr surname, using the same-colored eagle, is of the Baar line. But then we see a white eagle in the Arms of Principality of Montenegro too. German Baars use a split Shield similar to the one used by the Hercegs/Herzogs first found in Bavaria, and I did trace Barrs to the Bavarian bear line. It therefore appears solid that Barrs and Baars trace to Bar in Montenegro.

ZOWIE! I wouldn't have recognized the horse in the Crest of the English Estes as the horse in the Kossar Crest unless I had seen the Kossar yesterday, and both Kossars and Ests were first found in Essex!!! Moreover, as per yesterday's trace of the Imperia elements to Camulodunum=Colchester, the Estes were first found in Colchester! Recall the wolf of Imperia elements, for Estes were Guelphs/Welfs.

AFTER writing that, the article on Bar (Montenegro) was loaded to find WOLVES in the Arms of Bar! Moreover, the Arms uses gold and green centrally, the colors of the split-Shield of the German Bars. The Bar location is "Tivari" to the Albanians, smacking of the Tiber river across Rome and Alba Longa.

After writing the above, I found the Arms of Budva (Butua, I'm sure) to prove a trace of that place to the Bute/Butt surname, not forgetting that the German Butes/Butts use a fish...while the Este horse design is that of the estoile-using English Butes/Butts. Is this not a very key find? We've just found the root of Avalon's Bute entity way over in Croatia.

"A legend recounts that Budva was founded by Cadmus the Phoenician, a hero exiled out of Thebes [Boiotia], Greece, finding a shelter in this place for himself and his wife Harmonia." Cad-Mus and Harmonia, the Mus Armenians/Cadusii snakes, from Boscath. Here they are in the proto-Bute theater, from Boiotians.


Two fish catching each other by the tail. It would be an appropriate symbol for many Mediterranean towns along the Adriatic. But it is Budva that holds the exclusive right to this mythological image, making use of it throughout the town, and even on souvenirs.

Legend says that Budva was founded by Cadmus, one of the three sons of the Phoenician king, Agenor. When Cadmus failed to retrieve his sister, Europa, who was kidnapped by Zeus, he was instructed by the Gods to build the city of Thebes.

Banished from Thebes along with his wife, Harmonia, Cadmus built Budva, known in history as Butua and Budoe. A curse from the Gods, however, turned Cadmus into a dragon while out on the sea, causing he and his wife to drown together -- the pair turned into fishes, holding each other by the tail to stay together...

...Budva is mentioned for the first time in the 4th century BCE...

I did not ever know this myth before, or else couldn't recall it. It reveals that the Illyrians who Cadmus and Harmonia founded were specifically at Butua/Budva (we can glean here that Europa should be near Budva). We now know that the Saraca fish is more-likely the symbol of Cadmus, not Dagon. Yet, there has got to be a reason why the two snakes that were Cadmus and Harmonia were alternated with fish in the Illyrian theater. Let's not forget that the Fisher surname -- likely linking to the Fisher king myth -- uses a Coat like that of the Hares. But now I can suggest that the gold eagle in the Fisher Crest is the gold eagle of Montenegro.

Another article on Budva:

...Harmonia, blond daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, left Thebes in his old age and settled among the Enchelei, founded Budva, defeated the neighbouring Illyrians and spent the rest of his life together with his wife in this distant, foreign land.... the work of Stephanus Byzantinus, a 6th-century Greek grammarian, and in Etymologicum magnum by an anonymous author and of unknown date. Stephanus Byzantinus writes: "Butoa, a city in Illyria... thus called because Cadmus rode in a cart drawn by oxen and swiftly covered the distance to Illyria. Others say that Cadmus called the city after Egyptian Buti, corrupted to Butoa."

It's amazing that in the two articles above, neither one mentions that Butua was founded by Boiotians. The Buti above seems to be Buto. The idea presented is that Butua was dwelt by an Enchelei peoples when the Cadmus Boiotians arrived, and they smack of Inachus (founder of Argos), and the Egyptian ankh. I traced Cadmus' bull to the white cow of Io (she was the Zeus-Europa cult, obviously) because Cadmus' daughter, Ino, smacks both of Io and INAchus. It may be that the Enchelei were proto-Angli.

I note that "ox" is used in the Cadmus myth above, a term that I link to "Joktan." Remember, on a wholly separate trace, I traced Joktan above to Doclea, near Budva. The latter article defines "Enchelei" as "people of the eels." Whether that's correct or not (I don't agree with it) could be beside the point if the eel in the Shipton Crest traces to Budva elements. Shiptons, who I trace with good reasons to Vere-related Skiptons, were first found in Oxfordshire.

Now that I know of the Budva spelling of Butua, what about the Batavi? As we're tracing the Cadmus Cati to the Catti of Hesse, so Hesse is off the Rhine upstream from the Batavi, and in fact Wikipedia says that the Batavi are a tribe of the Catti that founded Hesse. There you have it, my fellow small-time fishermen and fisherladies, we've got the big-time, electrifying scoop on the Batavi. Illyrian Celts. Boiotians. And for the first time, my trace of Batavi to Bute looks vindicated. My bet is that Freemason types made the eel a symbol of Illyrians based on sound-alike play.

For all my troubles in emphasizing Saracas, what has this new unfolding wrought? Well, as Ares was the Thracian Horseman, and as Harmonia was his daughter, we understand that Cadmus, the white-ox cult, was allied to horse-loving Thracians...who smack of "Saraca." And we can then assume that the Boiotians were horsemen too because the Butteri were, and that makes sense where Ares had a dragon in Boiotia before Cadmus arrived to that place. In fact, the Minyae, who were Boiotians, buried horse heads in the graves of their nobles. So I once read. But I think the Minyae were Minoans, even Cadmus' sister, Europa, meaning that Europa should trace to a horse-loving peoples. I view her as "Ebr(opa,)," and for me that spells the Hyksos Hebrews (I've yet to decide on whether the Hyksos came forth into Egypt from Hebron, but chances are, Hyksos chased out of Egypt were in Hebron). On the Minyae:

An ancient race of heroes at Orchomenos, Iolcos, and other places. Their ancestral hero, Minyas, is said to have migrated from Thessaly into the northern parts of Boeotia, and there to have established the powerful race of the Minyans, with the capital of Orchomenos. As the greater part of the Argonauts were descended from the Minyans, they are themselves called Minyae; and the descendants of the Argonauts founded a colony in Lemnos, which was called Minyae....

The Ixion Centaurs were in Thessaly, and so now we know. The Europa-ians merged with bull-depicted Minoans and evolved into the Minyae, later coming to Boiotia as the Ares dragon whom Cadmus conquered and subjected at Thebes. Myth says that the Ares dragon turned into Sparti at the defeat by Cadmus, and then in downtown Sparta there was a Eurotas/Evrotas river. Mythical Eurotas goes back just three generations to Poseidon and his wife, Libya, the same parents that produced Cadmus and Europa. Otherwise, this same line was depicted by goats, as for example Agenor and Phoenix=Pan. Cowboys, goats, and cows go Texas ranch country.

But Europa is the scarlet Revelation-17 harlot, and must therefore trace to Rome, and indeed the Minyae of Iolcus were in Volscia...where the Butteri rode their horses herding cattle and goats on the south side of Rome. I don't know how long the Butteri were at Rome, or who came first, Butua or the Butteri. I imagine that Butua came first, and rather than tracing Butua strictly to Cadmus, I'd suggest that the myth writer knew exactly where Cadmus would find Europa, but not telling us, that she was in Butua. In other words, Europa must have depicted the Enchelei.

That makes sense where Europa was abducted by a white bull (she rode on the bull's back, just like the Revelation harlot), for a white cow was the symbol of Argos. In other words, if the Enchelei were from Inachus at Argos, then Europa does trace there very to Argos, especially as both Argos and Cadmus trace back to the same place (Tarsus/Cilicia). I don't know that I've ever known a Europa trace to Argos. But if she was the Hebrews of Hebron, note that I trace the Samson Hebrews next to Hebron to the Argos Danaans. I think the long and the short of it is that EBROpa was APHROdite (same as Perseus son of Danae), special mate of Ares. Europa was the Ares dragon, apparently.

Yes, I did trace the Ares dragon to Arphaxadites, but Arphaxad was the grandfather of Eber. I did trace the Ares Arphaxadites to Arpad in Syria, which is not Europa's Tyre, but then I found that proto-Apollo (= peoples of Buto) issued out of Arpad into Crete. Hence, Arphaxadites in Crete could have merged with Europa-ian Minoans. Perhaps SARPedon (brother of Minos) depicted ARPHaxadites, for there was yet another brother, RHADamanthys, who looks like Arpad elements.

We might even be convinced that the seven-headed dragon of Revelation 17 was the Ares dragon, or Europa herself. It's got to be coincidental that the seven heads depict the seven hills of Rome, for the seven heads also depict seven Roman emperors. But then what about the seven-headed Lotan dragon that swam the Mediterranean off Syria...where Arpad is located??? Wasn't Lotan of Edom allied by marriage to Esau-ite Hebrews? By what coincidence was Apollo's mother, Leto, smacking of Lotan??? Doesn't that tend to trace Lotan's Edomites to Arpad's proto-Apollo cult? If so, then the emphasis in the past few weeks on the Butteri has important reason. There's more to it than merely a cowboy theme leading to Texans rooted in a Caddo peoples. It was the Buto>Latona cult to the Latin dragon of Revelation.

What about Buto-like Putin, who made a pact with Syria to invigorate the Russian naval base at Tartus=Arpad?

Let's assume that God in Revelation used some word-play on his own. We might seek what sea the anti-Christ of Revelation 13:1 comes out of, but what if the Greek word for sea, "thallasses," is being used as code for the Talus=Perdix cult...which I think became DaeDALUS on Crete. It was only after theorizing in that way that I came to the Greek word for "horn," still in verse one. It's "keraton," a Cretan term if ever we saw one. Then, as the ten horns are said to have ten diadems, the Greek word there, "diademata," certainly smacks of Daedalus.

Suddenly, we may now know why there is a warning at the end of Revelation not to change or omit one word. But let's face it, not every word can be a symbol. Some words just need to mean only what they are intended for. The above suggests that the powers of the beast will be in Cretans. I had not done this little exercise when tracing the Revelation dragon to Europa perhaps an hour before. Coincidence? Perhaps, because I've had a look-through in the rest of the chapter 13, as well as parts of 16 and 17, and can't see any other themes by word-play, albeit I noted that "frogs" in 16:14 is "batrachoi."

I thought that the introduction of the second beast in Revelation 13:11 might also have codework. Instead of out of a sea, this beast is out of the earth. The Greek for "the earth" is "tes ges." I thought it looked a little like "Texas," but can't take that seriously. The Greek word for "a lamb" (still in verse 11) is "arnio." In the Arnold-surname write-up: "The Frankish given name Arnuwald, which is composed of two elements, arnu, which means eagle [in Germanic], and walda, which means powerful, was given to a person who was as powerful as an eagle." I don't know whether that can be taken seriously either, but we do see the Church in Revelation 12:14 escaping like an eagle from the anti-Christ's skincode system, and it's the lamb-like beast that puts out the skincode.

If the eagle is code for the False Prophet, it's even more interesting where I see him as an American. The German Arnold Coat, by the way, uses the Bouillon and Rangabe cross, in colors reversed to the Bouillon cross. The Italian Arnolds use a wyvern dragon, and one could get a 666 out of the tail of the Drake wyvern. The Drake motto uses "Aquila," and if I'm not mistaken, a wyvern is defined as a part-eagle dragon. The German Arnold Crest uses the same wings as the Hussar/Hesse, the Amp/Impy, and Potts/Botts Crests, and, safe to say, they are eagles wings.

Let me repeat that I trace the golden-lamb cult of Greek myth from Atreus to Atrebates of Hampshire; the Drakes were first found in Hampshire. Atreus got his power in Argos/Mycenae by a golden lamb in his flock, and his father, Menelaus, was depicted in at least one myth with two lambs, which is why I think the False Prophet (with two lamb horns) will be from the Pelops>Atreus/Menelaus line. It's known that Menelaus was in Messene toward the end of his life, and while Veres trace themselves to the Mitanni, I trace Mitanni to Methoni in Messene...and then, hmm, to Modena near the Veneti. Hmm, the Italian Arnolds were first found in Venice, and of course I trace Veres to the Modena / Ferrara theater.

If you read some of Nicholas de Vere's emails shared some weeks ago, he claimed to be a Christian but with dragon illumination. That's exactly what we expect of the False Prophet. Nicholas said that standard Christian churches are missing the boat of truth when holding strictly to the Bible version of Jesus. Nicholas heads a Drakenburg organization that I know not the full extent of, nor what powers it has in the world of global rule.

If you take this Arnold topic seriously (not sure if I do), the Arney/Carney Coat uses downward-pointing pheons, as does the English Arnold Coat (a leopard, a likely Vere symbol, in the Crest). Now check out the Vere star in the Arness/Anness Coat, and the Arness write-up: "The name was also used in the Latin phrase Agnus Dei, which means lamb of God." The Agnus term is said in the write-up to be derived in the Greek "Hagne," and so checking the Hagen/Hagan Coat we find a blue fish and a boot, suggesting the line from Cadmus-at-Butua to Bute.

The Hagens put us on the path to eagle-like Hagels...and Hagar, mother of Ishmael that I traced to agi-like goat terms...though of course "agnus" can apply. An Arness surname rooted in "Hagne/Agnus" can be by way of arnu=eagle, for example eagle-like Hegels coming together with Hagens. German Hagels use a black eagle in Crest, and a lion in Coat that I trace to Italian Veres The same lion design is found in the English Eagle/Hegel Coat. Hagees use the same motto ("Touch Not The Cat Bot A Glove") as some Clan-Chattan members that I link to Butteri.

Checking the Glove surname (Fulk wings): first found in Perthshire, where Hagar(d)s were first found. Between the Fulk wings, a "crossbow," with the emphasis on "cross," I assume. Entering "Cross" brings up a Vere Shield and a "spero" motto term. The Croise variation suggests the Crois surname of Languedoc, and that's where the same-colored Arnon/Arnauld surname was first found too, using the Roque-of-Languedoc (= Rockefeller) rock.

The Arnon/Arnauld Coat also uses palm leaves, evoking the Ananes Gauls because the Anness variation of the Arness/Agnus surname reminded me of them. I recall that the Cart Coat (surname easily pegged as Carthaginians) uses palm trees and the same-colored saltire as the Scottish Annan(dale) Coat. Then, the Laevi Gauls beside the Ananes use a lion design used also by Pascals...who use the pascal lamb, though it's in reality a Templar lamb. Pascals also use a cross in the Annan- and Cart-cross colors. The Pascal Coat also shows red rising eagles that I trace to the Phoenix bloodline.

In the Iraqi news, London-based oil people in Kirkuk are gearing up. Why London?

Gulf Keystone announced that a preliminary independent report of Sheik Adi reserves suggests there are 1 billion-3 billion barrels of oil [in Kirkuk], one of the largest discoveries in the country.

...Gulf Keystone owns an 80 percent interest in Sheik Adi, with the regional government holding the remaining shares.


Muqtada al-Sadr, Iraqi Shiite cleric, on August 7 issued a statement warning the U.S. forces present in Iraq.

If the U.S. forces stay past the Dec. 31, the withdrawal deadline, in Iraq, we will attack them by military means, the statement warned.

Even a limited training mandate would not be acceptable to his Shiite militia, it noted.

No word yet from the Iraqi government on whether the U.S will be permitted to stay in a training capacity. It's not ethical to come to a deal, then go back on the deal. The deal was to be out by the end of 2011, but Obama intends not to keep promises. When he makes a deal, he's not at all sincere. He makes the deal, then spends the time allotted by the deal to get another deal that breaks the first deal. What's that? O-pocrisy, what else?

Isn't World Net daily supposed to be a Christian organization? Then why did WND allow the following heading on it's home page: "'Sweeeet!' Ann Coulter joins board for homosexual group"? Clicking to the article, Joseph Farah, founder of WND, says he opposes Coulter in this move, and yet is definitely going to allow Coulter to stay on as a regular contributor to WND articles. That makes no sense to me. I once caught wind, I think from Coulter herself, that she's Catholic. And then Hal Lindsey, divorced three times, is a regular writer for WND.

Next up in the next update is a look into the roots of the Welf-Este clan, it's links to Bavaria, the Viscontis, and the Astors clan said to be one of the most important within the 13 Illuminati families.

(you have all week to dissect it)

Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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