Previous Update: June 1 - 6

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June 7 - 13, 2011

The Myrina Side of the Templars
Lotan the Seir-ian Became the Multi-Headed Hydra at Saron
The Boofima Cult in the Euxenos>Protis Line of Liguria
The Seleucid Trace to ThesProtians

The following is a tip from YS. If we google "Residents Of The U.S. Required To Have An RFID Chip Implanted," you'll get this:

Law Of The Land, Another Hidden Provision In ObamaCare -- RFID Subdermal Implants

ObamaCare will require an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account.

And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment." It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.

...The Secretary [of Health and Human Services] shall establish a national medical device facilitate analysis...on each device...that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining."

There's more to the article (notice the website's name, "borntowatch,' akin to my job), but not much more. I can't find verification for the claims. The article gives no quote from Obama-care showing either the mandatory word or the human-tracking capability (aside from keeping track of medical information). This World Net Daily headline, "Microchips in Obamacare? Not yet," doesn't see anything mandatory. The article features a Tucker surname, the same surname of a supposed Bilderberg whistle-blower who, a few years ago, announced that Bilderbergs had officially decided to promote skin chips on a mass scale.

Perhaps the skin chips are being mandated in Obama-care for certain medical "options," meaning that, if you want the option, you may have no choice but to wear a skin chip. If you don't take the option, you'll be subtly penalized.

Regardless of the details, the article assures that implantable chips for common citizens are in Obama-care, signalling that the powers that be have decided to go forward with skin codes for the common citizenry (not just criminals and animals). Unless drastic measures are taken, I can't see skinchips commonplace for up to another decade yet. I don't know whether I'm sorry of happy to say that. My garden and orchard that are not yet started tell me that I should be happy. The price of foods at this time also tells me that I should be happy. Hopefully, there will be a better time in the future when the tribulation "war" will begin.

When I saw the three-year deadline, in the spring of 2013, I went to my 2016 chapter (link at the bottom of this update) to see on what day I had the last 1260 days starting:

When the 2300 days are started in the year 2010 on the day after Pentecost (May 20th), their final 1290 days (1010 days after May 20) begin on the 13th of Adar (Feb 23), the eve of Purim! Then, 30 days later (March 25th) lands on the eve of Passover (14th of Nisan)...

That's the start of the 1260 days on March 25, 2013, just two days off of the March 23 date as the Obama-care deadline. Although my March 25 date is the start of the anti-Christ's 1260-day trampling of Jerusalem, I also figured that the skincode would be enforced over the same 1260 days. However, there are two unreliabilities here: 1) Obama-care is in court, threatened there with annihilation, and, 2) I've developed serious doubts on the dating system in the 2016 chapter.

My doubts were first born when it seemed that the skincode was too far away in the future for a 2013 mandatory system. Perhaps Obama-care will survive the Republican onslaught, and perhaps Obama will be re-elected in 2012, when his skincode objectives will be invigorated, perhaps giving birth to a commercial skincode system.

The doubts were increased when nothing like an anti-Christ appeared in Iraq in 2010. Especially problematic was when the proposed start of the 2300 days came and went without an action against Israel from the anti-Christ. In Daniel 8, I tells that the neo-Seleucid anti-Christ will persecute Israel for 2300 days.

For further info as it's developing, google "obamacare" [and] "RFID".

Leon Panetta is a communist?

..."It is astounding that Panetta was confirmed as Obama's CIA director without any of [his pro-Communist leanings] being considered by the U.S. Senate," Loudon and Kincaid went on. "But now that Panetta is set to move on to another critical national security post -- Secretary of Defense -- with new Senate hearings being held on Thursday, it is time to get all of this information out in the open. One of the most important matters that deserves scrutiny is Panetta's apparent failure to be forthcoming about his personal relationship with DeLacy [member of Communist Party USA]...."

It's interesting that the Lacy surname finds the news like this just as I'm in the middle of the LACYdon topic. English Lacys use a purple "fret-knot," evoking the Cnut/Knot topic in the last update, discussed as part of the Mieszko line of Seleucids to Danish king Cnut. The Lacy Coat uses "six pellets" (BLACK roundels), a Pole-like term and probably code for a Pellet or Pel(l)et-like surname.

I'm asking myself by what coincidence the Lassie location (Normandy) of the Lacys evokes Lassie, the dog, while, some days before writing here (details way below), I traced both the Lacydon Ligurians and proto-Seleucid Thesprotians to wolf-depicted LYCaonians. This update will give more evidence of Seleucids at LACYdon.

As per the Lacy "pellets," the French Pilot/Pilete surname (first found north of Redone country) has a write-up tracing to "pile," while the Pile Coat (in Pellet-Coat gold on blue) shows a leopard (in a square).

Lacydon was found (in the last update) to be populated by Marsyas-branch Phrygians even as Marsyas was discovered to be a root of the leopard-depicted Boofima>Baphomet cult. As the Rhodes surname uses leopards (the leopard is thought by some to have been from NimROD), we expect that cult in the country of the Redones (Languedoc), that being one indication that the Lacy pellets link to the Pilot/Pilet surname.

As the Lacy pellets are defined as BLACK roundels, we suspect pellet-using-surname traces to north-African Moors involved with Sinclair Rus of More and/or Moray. As those Moors are typically linked by me to the Guiscard-Saracen alliance, it explains why the Guiscard/Wishart Coat uses "piles." Therefore, it is justified to trace heraldic pellets to the Pile bloodline(s).

The Lacy motto includes, "Meritus," likely a Moor branch. I traced the Mary-Magdalene grail cult to the Merit surname, making the gold grails in the Pellet/Pelot Coat conspicuous. Let me re-quote from Wikipedia's Baphomet article: "A chronicler of the First Crusade, Raymond of Aguilers, calls the mosques BafuMARIAS" (caps mine).

The Mari goddess of the Basques was mated with the god, Sugaar, and in the last update Sugaar was discovered to be, likely, the line of Sigrid (Mieszko's daughter) to her son, king Cnut. In the second update of May (not including May 1), before realizing what Sugaar referred to, it was said:

Bellovesus' brother, SEGOvesus, could even link to "Sugaar." In another Wikipedia article: "The Sigil of Baphomet [goat-head-like pentagram star] is the official insignium of the Church of Satan." Why is it called after a term like "Sigurd"? This article gives the name of the cult's "High Priest Peter H. Gilmore."

More and more it becomes my suspicion that the Jesus-relevant Herods were named after Rhodes, even the Redones of Languedoc, and for that reason, because I trace Herods to the McLeods of Skye and Lewis, I should add here that Mor(r)isons are from Lewis. The alternative Scottish Morrison Coat uses Moor heads, and the Scottish Morrison write-up: "A Chief of a junior branch of the Donalds, [Ceadhain Mac Mhuirich] was descended from Somerled, and through Gillemoire, a brother of Leod (progenitor of the MacLeods) - both were royal princes of the Norse Empire of the Isle of Man and the Hebrides."

Gillemoire??? A Gilmore surname either rules to this day, or did in the recent past, the Sigil of Baphomet. And as the Guiscard-related Saracens were on Sicily, founded by Sicils, I'll bet my mohair coat that "Sigil of Baphomet" is code for Sicilian elements to which the Baphomet cult belonged.

One needs to pause here and ask whether the Pilots/Piletes were from the stock of Pontius Pilate, for he too, like the Herods, had part in murdering Jesus. It can be surmised that those whom God chose as the murderers of his Son should be the wicked world rulers of the end times, represented there by the anti-Christ system. For it would be God's ultimate will in sacrificing his Son to painfully condemn and destroy the sons of satan at Armageddon.

Another major group in Sicily's founding, the Sicanians, were traced (by me) to "Sicyon" the same Greek place to which SEGOvesus was traced STRONGLY. Sicyon (homeland of the satanic Telchines) comes up later in this update as a place of the goat-branch Phrygians (the Marsyas goat cult was a Phrygian one).

I have also traced the Sicanians to the Szekelys/Secui on the Mures leopard-depicted Transylvania. IN FACT, the Szekely claim to be ancestral to the Hungarian Arpads...the same Rhodes-stock Arpads who traced themselves to Nimrod! The Szekely are said to be from the so-called Siculica union, evoking the same term that named Sicily.

We now have reasonS (i.e. more than one) to trace Baphomet-cult stock to the Transylvanian theater, and so we simply ask whether Marsyas had some kin in that theater? Yes, for in the last update, it was shown that Marsyas was made the son, at times, of Oeagrus of Arpad ancestry.

As the following brings back the co-founding bloodlines of the Baathists, including the Bitars, I should mention again the Gilmore motto term, "diBITUR."

The Pilot/Pilete Coat uses downward-pointing pheons. Obama nominated John Bryson as the secretary of commerce, having a surname using a downward-pointing pheon, as is the case again with the Sales Crest and the Arms of Salford City Council. I trace the Sales to the Salyes Ligurians (with river flowing toward Lacydon), and the purpose of this paragraph is to link the pellet-using Lacy surname, suspect already as the Lacydon Ligurians, to the Salyes Ligurians. See how nice that works? I'm not a magician making you see what isn't there, and it's not likely coincidental that it works so well.

Bryson's use the same spur (suggesting the Speers from the Spree-river) as the gold-fleece-using Dingle Coat. This may also suggest that "Bryson" is from "Bryges/Brigian," the Phrygians that is, who carried the golden fleece cult. The Spree flows through Moravia, Lusatia, and what was called, Prussian Silesia, suggesting that the Seleucid and More topics at hand were linked to the Spree>Speer bloodlines too.

Compare "Bryson" to "Prussia(n)," and ask why the Bryses/Brices were first found in Morayshire. French Brices/Brissons/Brix' use Moray white on blue.

AND YES, I was noting the scales in the Bryse/Brice Crest the last time I was on the surname (last update), and can now suggest a trace to "Schlesien," the German name of Silesians.

Let's not forget mythical Pressina (mother of the Melusine dragon), who I trace to "Prussia" (because Melusine depicted Lusatians, in Prussia). The Press surname uses the footless martin used also by the Irish Brysons, and while I'm at it I'll add that the Prussia/Preis surname uses a gold crescent, used also by Scottish Brysons. This Bryson link to Prussia is new to me now.

The Irish Brysons are Sinclair all over, using a Fat BLACK cross on white like the enGRAILED Sinclair cross, and moreover these Brysons show a MORison variation that no doubt has to do with the More elements ruled by Sinclairs. Entering "Morrison" (two 'r's) finds a "Dun eistein" motto (indicating Eystein of the Sinclair line), and another fat black cross...with five white symbols on their cross, just like the Elis Coat.

I trace the Ellis clan (first in Yorkshire) to Hallands, first in Yorkshire, and as king Malcolm III (Scotland) married a Halland, it should be noted that Lacy-like Leslies (from Arpad Rus) had married Malcolm's sister and thereby received large favors from Malcolm. Leslies use blue on white, the colors of the Yorkshire Bruces, whose blue lion is used by Hallands. It is clear from multiple evidences that Bruces were Brysons too, that now supporting my long-standing, tentative trace of the Bruces to the naming of Prussia.

AND LOOK. For as the Bryses/Brices are also Brix' (a term that Bruces are traced to by others), we find a German Brix/Bricks clan first found in Silesia! The Bruces were Seleucids too, or at least merged with them.

Irish Lacys use a purple lion, and as English Lacys were first in Yorkshire, we gather that they were linked to purple-lion Skiptons, likewise first found in Yorkshire. Keep in mind that, like the Irish Brysons/Morisons, the founding surnames of the Baathists use fat black crosses on white (Lacys use their pellets in these colors), while the Bath/Atha surname (that was just traced to Moray) uses the fat cross in white on red, the colors of the fat saltire used by English Brysons. The Randolph line of Obama, from Moray, uses a fat white on red cross too.

It appears that Obama is setting up bloodlines in power from the Sinclair and Halland Rus, jibing with what was noticeable from the start of his presidency, that he favored Rhodes Scholars. Then, consider from the last update that Seleucids appear to be from the Baathist entities under discussion, and one might finally have the understanding that, of all the many bloodlines involved with dragon-cult Masons, all have their "special" root in the antiChrist-related Seleucids.

The reader may have thought it presumptuous of me to link Seleucids (in the last update) to the mouth of the Rhodanus just because mythical-PROTIS Ligurians at Lacydon have similar terminology with the ancestry of Seleucids in ThesPROTIANS. There was a little more to it than that, and not just my tentative trace of Seleucids to Telchine-branch Rhodians.

It's known that Massalia was founded by Phocaeans, and it just so happens that Phocaea was located on Lydia's Hermus: "Phocaea was the northernmost of the Ionian cities, on the boundary with Aeolis. It was located near the mouth of the river Hermus..." Then, as per my trace of mythical Helen to both the Hellespont and mythical Aeolus:

[Aeolis] extended along the Aegean Sea from the entrance of the Hellespont (now the Dardanelles) south to the Hermus River... [i.e. beside Phocaea]

...According to Homer's description, Odysseus, after his stay with the Cyclopes, reached the island of Aeolia, who provided him with the west wind Zephyr."

The Zephyr wind, known also as the west wind of Aeolus, smacks of code for the west-migrating Sepharvites...JOKTANite Hebrews whom I traced to "OCCITANia" on the Rhodanus. It suggests that there ought to have been Aeolids in Lacydon too. As Odysseus was also Aeolus-like Ulysses, it could be that he was none other than the westward Aeolus.

The Lydian city of Sardis was on the Hermus too, and if we trace Sardis elements to "Sardinia," then I'll repeat that Sulcis, named later after the Seleucid capital of Antioch, is a location on Sardinia that was ruled and/or founded by Carthaginians in alliance with the Seleucid royal line. Yes, royal Seleucids were late in history relative to the Phocaean arrivals to the mouth of the Rhodanus, but I'm trying to show that proto-Seleucid stock was at the mouth from the beginning.

As Aeolis was a part of Mysia, we'd expect Aeolids to be Mysians too. Yes, for mythical Muses, numbering nine (eventually), likely came to depict Aeolians because there were nine Aeolian the coast of Mysia-like Messina. Okay? We know there were no Muses, but there were nine islands, wherefore the Muses were named after Aeolians, not vice versa. It may not have been that way in the beginning, when there were less than nine Muses.

As per a tip from Julie regarding the claim of some ancients that Massagetae scythians were ancestral to the Alan Huns, note that Apollo (from Abydos in Alan-like Hellespont) was the undisputed leader of the Muses, and that in that role he was "Apollon Mousageti." That recalls my trace of Apollo to the proto-Dagestan Dahae region (named, I think, after "dehae=dog") on the east side of the Caspian sea, where the Massagetae lived too. I then traced Apollo (probably his Hyperborean branch) to the Dacians, which is very Massagetae-conspicuous because Dacians are known to have been a tribe of Getae.

The Wikipedia article on the Dahae says that they had a Parni/Aparni tribe, smacking of the Muse region of Parnassus (it also evokes the Avars that to this day live in Dagestan). In this picture, the Muses, and Hellespont Mysians, had been linked to, or even rooted in, MASSAgetae, a term that may have been more-properly, MASSAG-Getae i.e. as per the Meshech. It just so happens that Avars lived in the Tubal theater, while Tubal and Meshech are routinely paired in the Bible.

The idea that Muses would sing at mount Olympus was born, I think, as per the similarity between "Muse" and "music." However, Apollo's divination cult was such that witches would listen to the rustling of leaves (i.e. the wind ) in making important decisions for the rulers. The peculiar sounds and interpretations of the wind, in other words, and not just through the trees but also at sea, may have been where Aeolids got their wind symbol.

I must confess that I too have listened to the wind at times supposing that God may be speaking through it, and I'm sure He does at times, though not likely to pagan diviners. The Hebrew word for "wind" and "(S)/spirit" is identical, though this may have been an invention of pre-Israelite, pagan Hebrews.

I should add that I traced Daphne, who was part of the Apollo Oracle, to Tubal elements, and that I think her grandfather, Everes, was a depiction of (Manda-branch) Avars (Daphne's sister was Manto). This too suggests that Muses were part Avar (recalls the Massey-Vere relationship)...and perhaps part Tubali too. I trace "Daphne" to "Saphon>Sabine/Safini", and trace the latter bloodline to lake "Sevan/Geghar" just about in downtown Tubal. This is very Liguria-relevant as I trace the same elements to the Ligurian swan: the Geghar-like Cycnus. A Daphne cult, we can assume, was just north of the Ligurians on the Rhodanus, in Dauphine.

It's known that Odysseus visited the Tyrrhennian sea, where Sardinia is located, and in that region he was abducted by (i.e. he was allied to) a witchcraft cult by the name of Circe, the sister of Helios, god of Rhodes. We can therefore expect Odysseus elements on the Rhodanus. Wikipedia's Muse article tells that when the number of Muses jumped from three to seven, two of them were named Tritone (a term related to Rhodes) and Rhodia. Another one was named, Asopo, smacking of the Asopus rivers, one at Sicyon where the satanic Telchines of Rhodes were originally from.

Telchines of Rhodes, you'll find, are lumped in with the Curetes of Crete who are given credit for the founding of Troy (in Mysia). Eventually, there were also nine Curetes. Therefore, Muses were not the classical/elegant arts of humanity, as portrayed by myth, but were in actuality the scum-foam of pagan witchcraft washing onto the shore of humanity.

In the last update, it was shown that Massalia was found by the witch, Hecate the frog goddess, whom was worshiped by Aeetes elements (i.e. his Mede daughter) in golden-fleece (i.e. Phrixian) Colchis, while Aeetes was the same Hatti peoples as depicted by Attis, the Phrygian sun god. I had traced Helios (a sun god too) to Colchian Gorgons>Georgians before realizing that he was Attis on the Halys river (i.e. that "Helios" was named after "Halys," or vice versa). It works too good not to be true. In Wikipedia's Muse article:

Sometimes [Muses] are referred to as water nymphs, associated with the springs of Helicon and with Pieris. It was said that the winged horse Pegasus touched his hooves to the ground on Helicon (Boiotia], causing four sacred springs to burst forth, from which the muses were born.

Pegasus, the offsrping of the Gorgon Medusa, meaning that Muses were Gorgons, exactly what one realizes when it's known that Muses were from Parion (Mysia), where Gorgons are known to have lived. We're talking the Meshech and Gogi peoples here, the ones who will lead the charge against God in the last days.

I opened an email from one in France last night who I don't recall writing in before. He said he'd been reading for two years but doesn't have a clue as to what I'm saying. It's a very typical email; these bloodline topics confuse. He said that while my wife wouldn't have tolerated my writing so much, it works the other way around too, because his wife is giving him the evil eye for reading so much. The point is, unless you're willing to make tentative links, burn them in your brain, take leaps of understanding through them, and always ask the logical questions, you're not going to get this new history that I'm writing. Follow the symbols, follow the codes, expand your horizons based on those clues. Or, just never mind and ignore the whole thing.

For example, I link Pegasus always to the Bellamys because Pegasus was linked to Bellerophon while the Massey surname, which issued out of the house of Bellamy, use a Pegasus in their Crest. I can reflect on exactly that whenever I see Pegasus in a myth. Therefore, I ask, when reading the above for the first time, whether a Pegasus that's made a fundamental part of the Muses jibes with my tentative links of Pegasus to Masseys, and you know it does. Eventually, with more and more evidence like this, the tentative theory becomes fact in my mind. It's not a difficult science except that there are so many links to keep track of.

Another thing that I learn from the above is that Muses were from the Gorgon Medusa, who I linked to the BaphoMET cult from north Africa. The task now is to remember it, and to remember where I got the info for when I need to use it again. If not for the computer's find/search feature, I'd be lost. If ever you want to tackle this type of work, you need to keep records and use your find/search feature (computer-file searches are made by clicking START, if you use late versions of Windows). Feel free to save my files in your computer; you may want to save any parts of my work on one single page so that the find feature makes it even easier.

A question arising from the quote above is: why were there four springs bringing forth the Muses? What four tribes or groups of peoples are being implied? The answer coming to mind was a wholly different topic, that in Daniel 7, the Greek empire of Alexander, depicted with four wings of a leopard, evolved into the Seleucid>AntiChrist empire of Daniel 8. That idea seems to click with the leopard symbol of the Boofima cult. That's a wholly new idea to be rolled around in my mind, for Helicon is in Greece, after all. Did God use a leopard, to depict the Greek empire, as his clue of linkage to the pagan leopard? If God pleases, he may reveal just that in short order.

When you are equipped with many good links, you can use them to make more links exponentially. The snowball gets bigger, and the tracks get wider, easier to see and understand, easier to follow. The latest ideas include the Boofima links to Phrygians, and that Phrygians were definitely central to the Muses. I then think of the BRIQuessart surname of le Meschin, or the Perche location of the Bellamys, because those terms smack of the Bryges=Phrygians. I do a quick scan, of ideas like this, for further corroboration. If things click nicely into place, the theories become hardened into facts, and while the reader may not see all that I'm seeing when I state theories as facts, it's the best I can do because I can't go over everything at all times to prove why I view some things as more fact than theory.

One needs to be willing to make large leaps when a good number of fact-like ideas point to a certain direction. Where Apollo=Abello is identified as Avvites, one needs to entertain that the Bellamys, if they were named ultimately after Baal>Abello, are modern-day Avvites. One can also trace Avvites (even if only tentatively) to such large entities as Pelops and Pollux and the various people-groups that they were merged with by myth writers. It doesn't matter whether myth writers knew or not, for we are armed with much more info on mythology than any one myth writer likely had at his disposal. We can have a wider picture, though I don't think that God wants many Christians spending time in learning mythology.

We also have some symbolism in the Bible. It was pointed out (in the last update) that the donkey symbol, given by myth writers to Midas, Marsyas, and other goat-depicted Phrygian entities of the Boofima kind, were from the donkey god (Tartak) of Avvites. In the Bible, we have a donkey speaking to a seer named Balaam, a term very much like "Bellamy." Already, we have some potential corroboration that Bellamys were Avvites, as expected. And I don't forget that I trace Avvites to Abydos in Massey-like Mysia.

The idea is that God used a donkey to speak to Balaam, a non-Israelite in Israel, because he was from the Avvite worshippers of Tartak. At Abydos there is a DARDanus location that may have been part code for TARTak elements. There is an argument to be made that "Baal" developed as another 'b' version Avvite term.

It would be very difficult to trace Bellamys to that one man unless he and/or others having his name developed into a significant peoples. Perhaps Balaam was named after an Apollo-based people group, in which case we would also consider what his father, Beor, may have been named after. The Balaam account has a Peor (= Baal-Peor) location. Right off I think of the fundamental link made by myth writers between Apollo and his HyperBORian allies.

The Baal-Peor link above suggests a trace of "Peor" to "Pi-Hor(us)," and indeed it's known that the Latona>Apollo cult was from the Uat/Buto cult on the Nile that was fundamental to Horus. We read: "In John Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' Peor is said to be the other name of the fallen angel Chemos..." That smacks of the Chemmites who were at the root of the Uat-Buto cult (I trace "Buto" to "Abydos" in Mysia).

By the time that the paragraph above was written, Chemmites cropped up twice below, once as golden-fleece Phrygians, and again in relation to the goat cult from Seir. I should mention here that I had traced Chemmites to the Chimera dragon (with goat's head) that was defeated by Bellerophon and Pegasus.

It's not told whether the Pieris location above is the one in the last update (at far-right of this map), where the location was discovered to be another fundamental part of the Trojo-Mysian entity code-named, Paris. It strikes me now that, due to the common l-to-r switch, the location of Apollonia (at Peiris) may have developed into "Parion" (the place to which I've previously traced Paris). In other words, Parion may have been an Apollo-based center. We do know that Apollo was on the Trojan side of the Trojan war.

The article tells that, "In one myth, King Pierus, king of Macedon, had nine daughters he named after the nine Muses..." It means that Muses were fundamental to the Pierus entity. Clicking on the Pierus link, we find, "Pierus, the eponym of Pieria." Pieria is on the map over at Olympus, where the Midas-branch Phrygians were located. I had linked Pieria with Pieris (in the last update) without consciously knowing that Muses were from these entities fundamentally. Clearly, Muses had been Paris-based Trojans of the Hector=Hecate frog cult, and these, we can expect, will be God's enemies in the last days, as per the frogs of Revelation 16...when the songs of the Muses will be the croaking of humanity.

Yes, Muses were from Pieria: "Hesiod refers to [the Muses] as 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who were born in Pieria." While the Mnemosyne term is said to mean, "memory," one sees the double meaning easily in "Mosyne. " One webpage tells: "The Chaldoi/Chalybes, MOSSYNoikoi, and Tubal/Tabal/Tibareni, are counted among the first ironsmith nations." There's an apparent Tubal inclusion in the Muse cult.

The Muse page above tells that the aulos or double-flute (symbol of Marsyas) was an attribute of the Muse named, Euterpe. I guess that the hidden meaning in this name is in "terpe," for another Muse was given the name, Terpsichore. As the latter's symbol was the lyre, that being the symbol also of the Charops line (Carpathian theater) from Oeagrus (the latter was made the father of Marsyas at times), perhaps the Terps (so to speak) were amongst the Carpae/Arpii (in the Carpathians) the Hyperborean theater. "TRABzon" comes to mind, as the Mossynoikoi and Khaldi were from that area.

Remember, the Hungarian Arpads came out from the Carpae/Arpii, and I trace them to Arpad/Arados (Syria), the peoples of which named Tartak-like Tartus. I've just checked again for the legendary ancestry of the Arpads (because I can't memorize it all) in case it links to the entities at hand. It turns out that Arpads were founded by an Almos character, smacking of Almopia (shown on map) not far north from mount Pieria.

I trace Arpad/Arados (suspect as a donkey-Avvite center) to Rhodes. As Rhodians were at Massalia's Rhodanus river, so we would expect Helios-branch Gorgons there, and "Circe" (= "Gorgon"-like) not only indicates Circasians (who lived in Colchis), but smacks of KERKaphos, the son of Helios and Rhode that was made the father of three major Rhodian cities. The one city of Lindos was settled by Danaans, say the myths, as they left Egypt (i.e. before ruling at Argos), and so we can add into this picture the following:

In Greek mythology, Pieria [code for Muses but I had no idea until now] was the wife of Danaus [i.e. Danaans were merged with Mysians, tending to prove that Mycenae, founded by Perseus=Paris-branch Danaans, was named after the Muses=Mysians]. According to the Library of Apollodorus, Danaus and Pieria had fifty daughters, the Danaides who married the fifty sons of Aegyptus. Danaus, however, instructed his daughters to kill their husbands on the first wedding night."

There we easily trace the ancestry of the Muses to Gorgons of Rhodes (Danaans were from Perseus-branch Gorgons). The idea of the wives killing all their husbands evokes the Amazons of Thermodon=Trabzon, who would remain unmarried but have intercourse (for child-birthing alone) with neighboring "Gargarians." I don't believe this report (by Herodotus) because I see it stemming from the mythical code of a female-only people but depicting Kabeiri-cult transvestites. The point is, Amazons were Meshech, allied to Gorgons, and while Herodotus tells that Amazons were originally at Thermodon when there was no trace of Amazons there, yet Amazons are known to have lived in the Mysian theater.

Can anyone suspect again that donkey-cult Avvites were in the Danaans? The same was pegged where Samson "Daniy" used a donkey bone in the Philistine theater, where Avvites were then living. The Danaans of Mycenae/Argos come from a mythical Abas that I identified as Avvites, and Abas was linked by myth writers to "Acrisius," whom I traced to "Ekron" near the Samson-Philistine theater. These donkey elements can now be traced to Pieria, which is exactly what was done in the last update when I was treading on dung heaps never tread upon before.

Upon one nasty dung heap -- mount Olympus -- there was fashioned an altar to Baal whom the Greeks called, Zeus. I'm wondering whether "Peor" and "Pieria" are one and the same entity. Were parts of the Balaam divination cult at Olympus, that is? Was the great Zeus nothing but the dung of a donkey cult?

But if "Pieria" was from "Pieris," and if the latter was a Paris entity because there is a Priam-like Peramus located beside it (see last update), then I would now identify the summit of mount Peor with "Perseus," for I now equate Paris with Perseus. It works, for as Peor is said to be the other name of the fallen angel Chemos, so the Chemmites claimed to be from the bloodline of Perseus. Also consider this from Wikipedia's Peor article:

An ancient Aramaic inscription, found at Dier Alla, identifies Balaam as a prophet of Shamash, a semitic sun-god, and consequently, it could well be the case that the unidentified Baal of Peor is Shamash.

Shamash in the Peor theater has got to be the SAMSon cult. In a chapter written in 2007, I said:

Now behold, for I have found the city that Samson was named after. I had reasoned that his name corresponded to the "Sames," which term was an alternative of "Shamash," wherefore can it be a coincidence that Joshua 15:10 places a certain "Beth Shemesh" smack beside Timnah??? See how close they are, where you see "Timnath" [west of the Dead sea] on this map of ancient Israel.

See also how close Ekron and Joppa are to Timnah, for Perseus Danaans were supposedly in those places. You can see that the tribe of Dan came to occupy both Ekron and Joppa. There two ways to interpret this, one being a Dan=Danaan equation, and another being that Greek myth writers mistakenly traced Danaans to the tribe of Dan, thus locating Perseus and Acrisius wrongly in those cities. I'm not incapable of making a Dan=Danaan equation, but I've hesitated for years because it's too important to make a mistake with, and because Danaans clearly trace to Tanis.

Another area where I haven't wanted to make a mistake, and which I've not emphasized for that reason, are the Midianites. There are many Mede-like terms in mythology, and one of them crops up as Perseus' wife at Joppa, AndroMEDA. As Balaam was of Midianite associations, perhaps Andromeda was just his Midian-associated family. This doesn't necessarily contradict a trace of Andromeda to Medes, for it's a very good bet that Perseus depicted Gorgon-branch Parthians.

It should therefore be said that Balaam was in alliance with Moabites, for the latter had a dark god, Chemosh, very much like the Chemmite city of Kemmis. That too tends to link Perseus-based Chemmites to Balaam. There is this online quote: "Balaam was a Gentile prophet who lived in Pethor (Deuteronomy 23:4), a city south of Carchemish..." CarCHEMISH???

Where the donkey cult of Arados becomes an entity of the Ares proto-Rus in Rhodes -- possibly an extension of the NimROD Assyrians developing into the Arphaxadite dragon of Ares -- the donkey again turns out to be the Danaans of Rhodes. The Danish Rus come to mind as a fuller extension of the donkey. But having now found fodder for a Balaam-donkey trace to the Pieria theater, where Edessa is located, shouldn't we look for this donkey on board the ships of Odysseus?

Whether right or wrong, I traced Odysseus-related Circe to an Ajax-like location (Ajaccio) on the west side of Corsica (the island to Sardinia's immediate north) before realizing that "Circe" and "Corsica" are similar.

The alliance that Homer implied between Odysseus and Aeolis (the Mysian=Muse region) creates the potential to trace "ODYSSeus" to "Edessa," smack beside Almopia on the one side, and Bottia on the other (see map of Macedonia). This evokes the myth where Aeolus and Boiotus were made twin brothers. Boiotus and Bottia now suggest the Helicon home -- in Boiotia -- of the Muses, a term smacking of the Haliacmon river shown running down between mount Pieria and the mount Bermion of donkey-depicted king Midas...who now smacks of the Midians to which Balaam belonged.

I would suggest that "Aeolus" was a Haliac/Helic entity, same as Helios, and perhaps Aeolus can then be identified as the Rhodian city of Ialysos, said to be fathered by the Helios>Kerkaphos line (remember, KERKaphos reflects "Circe").

Herodotus told that the Amazons who fathered the children of the Gargarians became the Sarmations=ALANs (in the Tanais theater). While this may not be technically correct, it suggests an Alan relationship with Amazons and Gorgons, and then identifies Alan stock as namers of Ialysos, explaining further that the Danaans of Alan-like Lindos were ultimately of the Tanais-theater Alans. The third Rhodian city (Kamiros) fathered by Kerkaphos smacks of the Gamir=Cimmerians (thought to have been Gomerians).

It's no surprise, therefore, that Herodotus traced the Amazon-Gargarian migration to the Sarmations via the Crimean, land of Cimmerians. We note that HERODotus had a Herod-like name long before the king Herods came to history, and as I now feel certain that Herods were named after "Rhod(ian)" elements, it should be said that Herodotus was born in a Helios-like location near Rhodes, and that he was apparently dealing with Rhodian elements when he spoke on Gargarians and Amazons.

If we don't think we see Aeolians (i.e. Mysians) at Edessa, note Marinia beside Bottia, which is itself beside Mysia-like Mieza. Here's a quote from the Aeolis article: "In early times, by the 8th century BC, the Aeolians' twelve most important cities were...Cyme (also called Phriconis)...Myrina, Gryneia, and Smyrna. The most celebrated of the cities was Smyrna..."

I say that Smyrna, known to be founded by Amazons, was named after the nearby Amazon city of Myrina. Perhaps "Smyrna" was Sam-Myrina, since after all Amazons were also at Samsun/Amisos (Cimmerians camped at Amisos when they came down to take the kingdom of the Rusa kings at Lake Van).

Did you note the Phriconis location in that quote, smacking of mythical Phrixus? I can't find anything by googling "Phriconis," but as it's assumed that Phixus was near/on the Hellespont (because the Hellespont was made his sister), I've just got to identify Phrixus with the city of Cyme. I have never before identified Phrixus with any location in particular.

I identified the Aeolus-Boiotus twins as code for westward Atlanteans (on another track, I saw At-Lindos, so to speak, as a root of "Atlantis"), and later identified Nahorites as the core of western Atlanteans (i.e. major Europeans peoples). I reasoned that God chose Abraham, Nahor's brother, seeing the future wherein Nahorites would become His world-ruling mortal enemies. It was God's purpose, that is, to overcome Nahorites with the seed of Abraham.

Nahorites were pegged as the Uat-Buto cult of Chemmites (the latter claimed to be Perseus-worshipping Danaans, expected at Mysia as per the Perseus=Paris alliance with Helen=Hellespont), and "Buto" was traced to "Abydos" on the Hellespont. Therefore, I'm entertaining Cyme as a Chemmite location. We can moreover suspect the Buto cult as founder of Boiotia and/or Bottia, especially as I identified Boiotians as Buzites long before identifying Buto as a Buz entity. In this picture, the Uat/Buto cult looks very Meshwesh-of-Tanis (i.e. from the 21 and 22nd Egyptian dynasties), suggesting that the Meshwesh of Tanis were merged with the Perseus Danaans just because both had been at Tanis.

That makes so much sense, but I'm stopping short of seeing a Meshwesh-founded Mysia. It could be that Meshwesh has been from earlier Moesian entities, and then retreated from trouble in Egypt to be back with them, who by that time had become Mysians (I'm keeping in mind that Phrygians are traced by others to the Bryges/Brigians of Moesia, suggesting the makings of a Meshwesh-Phrygian alliance). The Meshwesh at that point became the Muses at Boiotia's Helicon because the latter was named after Hellespont Mysians i.e. the Helen-Paris=Perseus alliance. In this picture, the Meshwesh out of Tanis were heavily involved in the Paris-related Trojans. This is a new picture for me. Until now I've emphasized a Meshwesh migration only from Tanis to Tunis and other parts of the Libyan theater, but not into Israel and beyond. Note that CadMUS was a founder of Boiotian elements. Zowie, just like that, the Meshwesh may be identified with the Cadmus-line Catti.

The Trojan founders, as per the Dardanus cult on Samothrace, had earlier been identified (by me) as the Exodus-related Hyksos, and while I'm now having second thoughts in favor of Meshwesh-related Dardanus founders (some time after the Exodus), I'm reserving a decision until I better understand this picture. If true that Meshwesh had been part of the Hyksos expelled from Egypt at the Exodus Plagues, then the Meshwesh out of Tanis could be expected to seek refuge amongst their Hyksos kin that had earlier founded Troy. You'll note that in Trojan genealogy, Paris was some time after the founding of Troy by the Batia and Dardanus lines...not at all necessarily meaning that Meshwesh could not have been Troy's founders from the very start.

On this map of Seleucid-era Greece, you will see Cyme smack beside Phocaea! It suggests that we might expect, at Massalia's founding by Phocaeans, some Chemmite Nahorites...whom I say were named after Kemuel, son of Nahor. But then why not also expect Chemmites at/near Bottia? Yes, for while the Bottia region was that of the Midas-related Phrygians, Cyme was also called, Phriconis (I sense a "Phricon" link to "Africa").

In the last update, it was shown that Massalia was founded by frog-depicted entities from Egypt, and while I pegged the frogs as Phrygians, to which mythical Phrixus/Phryxus apparently belonged, we would expect the Phrygian namers of Phriconis to have been the frogs at Massalia. Remember the Frey/Freis and Mason surnames at the root of "Freemason."

The Massalia term looks like a Mysian combo with Helen elements.

Phrixus rode the golden fleece of Hermes, now making sense because Phriconis was smack near the mouth of the Hermus. Strabo: "After crossing the Hyllus, the distance from Larissa to Cyme was 70 stadia, and from Cyme to Myrina was 40 stadia." I am so very glad for taking the time to ponder that statement, for clicking over to the Hyllus article: "Hyllus or Hyllos was...a tributary of the river Hermus, in Lydia...In the time of Strabo, the river was called Phrygius."

Now it can be understood why the golden-fleece bloodline was Phrygian and yet Lydian. It was my personal deduction that the Phryxus fleece depicted the Laz Caucasians at Kutaisi (later to be discovered at Las/Laas on the Mani peninsula), and therefore also the Lydians under Pelops (ancestor of Agamemnon). I now see, as expected, that Phrixus elements were on Lydia's Hermus river, (I've never known anything before of Phriconis or the Phrygius river).

The "Phrygius" river is as close to "Phrixus/Phryxus" as any real place can be (I should use the Phryxus version of the term from now on). Therefore, as the river was also the Hyllus, it appears that both Phryxus and Hyllus=Helen elements were in the Phriconis theater, making sense because Helle was made Phryxus' sister. This tends to reveal that the Hellespont was named after Hyllus (i.e. son-of-Hercules) elements, for which reason I wholly expect the Samson cult at Hellespont. Hercules, whom I've had trouble nailing down as a people group, looks strongly like the Mysians now, especially as Mysian royal genealogy had the Hercules line ruling for over 500 years up until Gugu/Gyges, king of Lydia.

In the past, I identified the Samson>Hercules cult with the earlier, Hyksos wave (17th Egyptian dynasty) that founded the Trojans from Samothrace. Where the Meshwesh wave came to Troy later, I'm seeing a Meshwesh retreat from Tanis to find refuge amongst the Samson-based Danaans of Thraco-Greece. Or, the Samson and Meshwesh waves were one and the same; I'm reserving a decision until this picture settles down from the excited state that it's now in.

In the Cyme article, we find that mythical Agamemnon -- of the golden-fleece Phryxus-ians -- ruled Cyme: "...under King Agamemnon of Cyme who supposedly married his daughter to King Midas of Lydia." There we have Midas-branch Phrygians in relation to Phriconis, making it easier to trace the Phriconis cult to Midas' mount Bermion and its Bottia locale. That is, Chemmites, if they did found Cyme, can be expected also at Muse-infested Bottia, suggesting the Kemuel alliance with Buzites that I imagine.

Let's not forget the Chemosh god of Midian-allied Moabites in this (Moabites expected in Cyme?), or that Balaam-related mount Peor smacks of "Pieria" (at Bottia), or that both Midas and Balaam had donkeys in their stories, or that "Midas" smacks of "Midian." Although Midas was a king of Phrygians, he sounds like king Mita of the Mushki, which can then suggest that Midas was a Meshwesh entity to Mieza in the Bottia theater. Remember, CadMUS, founder of Thebes in Boiotia, is now regarded as part Meshwesh (in alliance with the Perseus-related CASSIopeians) out of Tanis and into Boiotia's Muse cult. There is even the possibility that Cadmus-related Meshwesh named Adana (Cilicia) next to Khassi/Kizzuwatna.

With the identification of Meshwesh with the Uat/Buto cult, the past trace of Hyksos to Kizzuwatna must now be reconsidered. As Wikipedia calls the Hyksos by an ancient "Heka Khasewet" term, it appears strong that "Khasewet" refers to "KizzuWATna," which I see named in-part in honor of Uat. I therefore suggested that the Adana region (Tarsus theater) was likewise founded by Hyksos (out of Tanis), though at the time it was not the Meshwesh that were in mind. Perhaps the earlier Hyksos worshiped Uat while the Buto alternative of that goddess was a term of the Meshwesh-branch "Hyksos." I note that Mazaca (later Caesarea), on the Hyllus-like Halys, was not very far from Adana.

Cadmus followed a bull to Boiotia when first getting there. He was looking for his sister, Europa, abducted by the white Zeus bull. I realized that the bull whom Cadmus (father of Ino) followed was the Inachus>Io founders of Argos, depicted by a white cow. The founders of Argos are traced by others to Tarsus of Cilicia (that city's Tyrian elements probably named the Taurus mountains on Cilicia's north side), suggesting that the Danaan rulers at Argos were from Adana. But as the Danaans actually founded Mycenae, on the outskirts of Argos, it appears that Mycenaeans were part of CadMUS. That in itself can trace Meshwesh to Adana and simultaneously reveal that Danaans were Meshwesh, which then identifies Perseus as a Meshwesh entity, as expected from multiple other considerations.

On the map of Macedonia, see Europos near Tyrissa, to the north-east side of Bottia.

Strabo said that a Myrina location (can't be the one on Lemnos) was 40 stadia (less than five miles) from Cyme. "Myrina was a very strong place...Pliny mentions that it bore the surname of Sebastopolis; while, according to Syncellus, it was also called Smyrna." There we have it, a Smyrna link to "Myrina." But as Midas-branch Myso-Phrygians were involved at mount Bermion, so we find the Marinia location (smack next to Bottia) on the northern sides of Bermion.

As the Uat/Buto cult was also "Bast," and as the cult was on the Sebannytos/Samannud branch of the Nile delta, note "SeBASTopolis," the alternative name of Myrina. There's lots to glean below from mythical Myrina. She is thought by me (as of several months ago at least) to portray a major element of the Libyan-related Meshwesh. I now recall that, due to north-African Amazons being called, "Mazice," very similar to the Mazyes term for the Meshwesh, that I had traced the north-African Amazons, and therefore the Meshwesh, to "Mazaca" (Cappadocia). But at the time I wasn't emphasizing, and perhaps not even considering, a Meshwesh move from Tanis to Cadmus Phoenicians, or to Perseus Danaans in the Joppa theater.

Myrina, a queen of the Amazons. According to Diodorus Siculus, she led a military expedition in Libya and won a victory over the people known as the Atlantians, but was less successful fighting the Gorgons (who are described by Diodorus as a warlike nation residing in close proximity to the Atlantians). During the same campaign, she struck a treaty of peace with Horus, ruler of Egypt [Horus was fundamental to the Uat/Buto cult]...She also took possession of several islands, including Lesbos [founded by Lapiths whom I trace to "Libya"], and was the first to land on the previously uninhabited island which she named Samothrace [where the Kabeiri were founded]. The cities of Myrina (in Lemnos), Mytilene, Cyme (Aeolis), Pitane (Aeolis) and Priene were believed to have been founded by her and named after herself, her sister Mytilene and the commanders in her army, Cyme, Pitane and Priene, respectively.

Suddenly, we have news that Myrina Amazons were at Cyme, jibing with a Meshwesh trace to the Chemmites of the Uat/Buto cult.

As founders of Samothrace (the island was named after the island of Samos), one could trace Myrina-based Amazons back to Samsun/Amisos. I did trace the Samson cult in Israel to the Kabeiri, known to have infested three basic locations: Lemnos, Samothrace, and Boiotia. Are we seeing a fundamental Samson link to Mysians=Muses here, especially as mythical Dardanus (= Mysians) was given a brother (Iasion), also of Samothrace, who was made the founder of the Kabeiri cult?

What does it mean that the Kabeiri had the Phrygian elements of Kybele and Attis as rulers, while they were also in Lydia's Cyme region? It suggests that the Phrygian fleece line was of Kybele and Attis as it evolved into Phrixus at Cyme/Phriconis. "Attis" depicted the Hattusa elements that were also Aeetes of Kutaisi, owner of the fleece for some time. The common thread in the various Samson-cult settlements, as they evolved into the Kabeiri-related Muses, seems to be the Myrina-branch Amazons. It tempts me to make a Samson=Meshwesh equation.

My guess is that Myrina was a Marmara (beside Hellespont) entity, the same geography to which Marsyas is traced (by me). In any case, as Marsyas was identified as the proto-Boofima cult in Africa, harken that Myrina was also in Africa. Chances are, Myrina elements were Amorites in Mero(w)e, the same Ethiopian theater ruled by the Cassiopeia elements that Perseus merged with. Therefore, as the Perseus-CASSIopeia merger looks very much like the CAD-MUS line, and as Perseus is equated now with Meshwesh out of Tanis, and as Cadmus was made the father of Somalia-like Semele (Somalia is beside modern Ethiopia), who was made mother to Dionysus (= leopard-depicted Boofima entity) from mount Nysa in Ethiopia, I would suggest that Merowe elements were joined as proto-Myrina to the Meshwesh. In this picture, Meshwesh were fundamental in the founding of Merowe-based Merovingians, and the fleur-de-lys used by Masseys and Mascis attests to that idea.

Myrina was a Tyrian entity, for she was made a daughter of Cretheus (son of Aeolus, and husband of Tyro), what I view as a code for Minoan Cretans that were part Tyrians. But this does not speak on Myrina origins prior to "her" arrival in Tyre. The Myrina link to Cretheus works because he was the father of Aeson, father in turn of Iason/Jason, the two smacking of "Iasion," the Kabeiri founder on Samothrace (i.e. it explains why Myrina was made founder of Samothrace). In some accounts, Iasion was Eetion (king of a Troy-region Cilicia), smacking of ETHI(opia) elements.

Myrina links to the Dionysus>Boofima elements is clinched where she was made the wife of Thoas/Tauri, son of Dionysus and Ariadne. Note the "oa" vowel combinations in "Thoas," reflecting the unusua "ua" combination in the "Tuareg" Amazons, who lived about the Atlas mountains i.e. the Atlantean kingdom of mythical Myrina. Thoas was ruler in Lemnos (i.e. a Kabeiri center), but later ended up in the Crimean Taurus, smacking of Herodotus trace of Thermodon Amazons to the Sarmations. It just so happens that Cimmerians lived in the Crimea, while the next paragraph turns to a Cimm-like entity in association with Myrina entities.

Where Smyrna was understood as Sam-Myrina, one could imagine a hard-C "Sam" becoming "Cyme." This does not necessarily discredit a Cyme trace to "Kemmis" (Egyptian city of Chemmites / Kemmites), for it may have been that "Kemmis" was named after Sames, the Armenian god to which I traced mythical SAMSon.

Hmm, consider a Sames combination with "Mesh" to get SaMeson. Entering either "Mason" or "Macon" brings up the Kent clan first found in Tanis-like Thanet, while the French Masons use Macey colors and a Shield like Irish Mackays. The French Masons, Italian Masons (said to be from "Tomasso" but maybe not because they were first found in Piedmont as with Massis/Mattis' and Mascis), and Italian Mazzons all use roses.

THEN, Mackons (unusual pelicans) use the kettle hats shown also in the Kemmis Coat, and the Kemmis clan, like the Samson clan, was first found in Gloucestershire. That helps to link Chemmites and Cyme to Samson-branch A-mazons.

The golden fleece may have been a symbol of shepherds and/or workers in sheep wool. The so-called Shepherd Kings (Hyksos) come to mind, but so does mythical EVERES, the so-called "shepherd seer," who I say was code for the Hyksos out of the Nile capital of AVARIS (near Tanis). The son of Everes was Tiresias (a blind seer), and he was given the caduceus for his symbol, the same symbol (depicting the Cadusii) that was the possession of Hermes. And that's why the golden-fleece ram belonged to Hermes, for he and the Everes>Tiresias>Daphne line were essentially one Armenian stock.

In the end, it may turn out that Phriconis and Phrygians were named after Aphrodite elements in Egypt that also named "Africa." But I now trace "Aphrodite" in Africa to "Nefertiti," a real queen at the real location of Myrina-like Amarna. And as Aphrodite was made a wife of the god of Lemnos, it's certain in my mind that Nefertiti elements at Amarna were linked to the real Lemnian city of Myrina. The god of the Nefertiti family was Atun/Aten, which was traced to the Merovingian elements of mythical Aedon, granddaughter of Merops of Ethiopia, who I say depicted Merowe. Once again, we see Myrina linking to proto-Merovingian elements, and this time it's very useful in that Atun was a rare Egyptian god (I trace Nefertiti's husband, AkhenAten, to the Aachen elements of Charlemagne).

As Aedon was a queen of Thebes (Boiotia), and as I identify mythical Myrina as a Meshwesh entity, the earlier Meshwesh trace to Boiotia's Muses once again links Aedon to Myrina elements. That Myrina Amazons were of the Atun cult is a huge key, especially important where I suspect that Templar Zionists were of pre-Israeli Amorites of Jerusalem. The "Freemason" code for a Phryxus-Mysian mix (i.e. the Freie-Mason surname mix) brings us back to Phriconis, the Cyme location founded by Myrina's armies.

Therefore, Templarism and the outcropping Freemasonry was a Myrina-Amorite cult...though that in itself doesn't expound upon the many Amazon and Amorite elements that made it up. Myrina helps us to enlarge on the Amazon nature of the dragon cult by including Amorites. Although the Khaldi lived in the Thermodon-Amazon zone, I would suggest that the Khaldi were Amorites, for the latter lived in Khaldi-like Chaldea. I trace Khaldi to "Calydon," where the Amazon-like queen was Atalantis, which term connects the Khaldi to Myrina elements. Amorites of Chaldea ruled at Mari, if that helps to make the link even better. Follow the Khaldi across Europe and one follows the Amorites, though they're expected to be Amazon-ized Amorites.

Atalantis' husband, Meleagros (Mele-Agros?), was of AETOLIA, what I trace to Atlantis elements out from ATTALEIA/Antayla. I identify the latter PISidian city with "Tantalus," father of Pelops who married the Amazon daughter of OENomaus (king of PISa), that proving the Aetolia trace to Antayla because Meleager's father was OENeus. The latter had a brother, Melas, and another brother, Agrius (symbol of Agrinio, a city in Aetolis), tending to identify "MeleAGROS" with both brothers.

Of the several Melas characters in myth, one was a son of Phryxus and Chalciope. This Melas married a daughter of Athamas (smacks of THEMIScyra on the Thermodon) and Themisto (smacks of Themiscyra again). This tends to link Meleager to the same Myrina elements that were in his wife, but also connects Phryxus branches, suspect as Amorites, to Amazons. Another Melas (smacks of a honey/bee cult) was a son of OENopion, father of a Merope, once again linking Phryxus/Myrina elements to proto-Merovingians.

While it's assumed that Themiscyra (the location probably named ArTEMIS) was an Amazon location, it may instead have been a city of the Khaldi/Amorites. The Themis-like god, Tammaz/Dumuzi, was from Chaldea and was in fact a god of the Amorites there. Although "Tammuz" smacks of "Amazon,' I'm reluctant to make the link unless Tammuz was named after Meshech elements.

In this picture, chances are good that Pelop's wife, HippoDAMia, was code for Themiscyra and/or Tammuz elements. Is it possible that the picture of Apollo and his twin sister, Artemis, was a Amorite-versus-Amazon picture but where the two peoples were merged inseparably?

It all suggests that Amorites from Cyme/Phriconis are expected at Massalia and Lacydon, and that these Amorites developed into the Mari cult of Merovingians. Recall the Sebastopolis term that was the alternative name of the Myrina location about five miles from Cyme, and then see the Sebaste location mentioned below, near MERSin! Recalling that Uat/Buto/Bast elements were traced to Adana: " part of Adana-Mersin Metropolitan Area...According to Evliya Çelebi, the city is named after the Mersinogullari tribe; another theory is that it is derived from the myrtle which grows abundantly in the region."

Melas is definitely a bee cult, for yet another Melas was made a son of Ops ('opis' means "bee). The Melas page tells that this bee line was involved with the city of Aulis, which recalls the aulos flute that was symbol to Myrina-like Marsyas: "Ancient Aulis was a Greek port-town, located in Boeotia in central Greece, at the Euripus Strait, opposite of the island of Euboea." The bee goddess of Boiotia, Melia, comes to mind, married to Inachus of Argos.

There was an mythical Abas (Avvites) of Argos and an Abas of Euboea. It all recalls my trace (whether rightly or wrongly I don't know) of Avvites to Opis on the Tigris river, where the first Seleucid capital, Seleucus, was located. I went further and linked Opis to Abzu/Apsu, suggesting that the mythical bee-line was just that Abzu/Apsu entity, which I identified as "Pos(eidon)" and traced to PISidians and to Pisa.

Wikipedia tells that Sulcis' modern name, Sant'Antioco, was named after a Saint Antiochus, and yet when we get to the Saint Antiochus article, we find: "Antiochus' legend states that he was condemned to work the mines on the island that now bears his name." A legend is not always based on some fact, but can also be created to promote a disguising falsehood.

The article doesn't convince that he was on Sardinia at all, but rather that his life and death centered around Sebaste (Cilicia) and nearby Cappadocia, which were near the Seleucid city of Antioch. I am typically suspicious when certain dragon-line (i.e. anti-Vatican) entities are said to be named after Catholic saints, as this was a means of hiding the real root of those entities. The fact that "Solki/Sulcis reflects "Seleucus" speaks louder than legendary claims in this case.

Let's not forget the Thesprotian municipality of Souli, for this begins to identify Thesprotians to Sulcis...and at the nearby Durance river (Dorians?), home of the Salyes Ligurians. Shortly below, I fell upon a Thesprotian link to proto-Ligurians.

The problem is, Solki, apparently under that name, was founded in the 8th century by Phoenicians. Seleucids were much later. The problem can become a key, however, when knowing that Ligurians were depicted at the mouth of the Rhodanus (i.e. at Massalia) as mythical Protis, for he smacks of "ThesPROTIAN" while the ancestry of Seleucus I is said to be among Thesprotian associations. That is, if Thesprotians were at Massalia, why not also on Sardinia? In that picture, Thesprotians attracted the later Seleucids proper to Sardinia, where they re-named Sulcis after their Syrian capital, Antioch.

Yet the coincidence of that city being named much like "Seleucus" needs to be explained. There were men named Seleucus before the arrival of Seleucus I:

The Thesprotians were an ancient Greek tribe of Thesprotis, Epirus, akin to the Molossians. The poet Homer frequently mentions Thesprotia which had friendly relations with Ithaca [homeland of mythical Odysseus] and Doulichi.

"Doulichi" is a D-version "Telchus" and/or "Seleucus" if ever we saw one. Shortly below, we'll meet the earlier Seleucus'.

If ever we are convinced that Massalia was re-named Marseille after the Marsi of Abruzzo, that's the time to recognize that the ThesProtians of Epirus were named after the APTRUTium term that was the Abruzzo capital. In other words, the Thesprotis tribe was named after "Epirus," or vice versa. It can't be coincidental that Molise (now separated) was once a part of Abruzzo's southern area while Thesprotians were Molossians. In this, we see that mythical Protis at Lacydon was an Aprutium-related entity, and as the father of Protis was "EuXENOS," doesn't he smack of the Chaonians? "The Chaonians ruled Epirus first while the Thesprotians and Molossians ruled afterwards." YES, for to the Greeks, the Chaonians were "Xaones."

The Chaonian article calls Epirus, the "Epirote kingdom," supporting all the more the Epirus trace to Aprutium (modern Teramo). There was a mythical Chaon/Xaon: "Chaon was either killed in a hunting accident or offered himself as a sacrifice to the gods during an epidemic, thus saving the lives of his countrymen. In either case, when Helenus became the ruler of the country, he named a part of the kingdom after Chaon."

I know what some of the seasoned readers were thinking in this new claim that Euxenos roots were in Chaonians, that I was wrong to trace "Euxenos" (see last update) to "PolyXENOS and IphiGENIA" (Wikipedia says that Polyxena "is considered the Trojan version of Iphigenia..."). BUT NOW, as both daughters were sacrificed, at least one of them going willingly to her death by sacrifice (depends on what versions of their deaths we read), ditto for mythical Chaon (in the pago-lunatic past, it was especially delicious for rulers if they could get parents to offer their children willingly).

It therefore means that Chaonians were from PolyXena and/or IphiGenia elements. As I maintain that "Paphlagonia" was originally without the capital 'P', as a version of "Apollyon," consider similarity with both names of the daughters.

Helenus of Epirus, by the way, was a son of Priam of Troy (father of Paris), meaning that Helenus depicted Helen of Troy i.e. Hellespont Mysians but removed to Epirus. These Trojans are then suspect as the namers of Massalia. PolyXena was likewise made a daughter of Priam, wherefore, as the sister of Helenus, it easily gets PolyXena to both Epirus' Chaonians and to mythical EuXENOS of Massalia. This was all before the Seleucids proper slithered into mankind's history.

As Helen's brother was POLLUX (Latin version), whom the Greeks called, "POLYdeuces," I venture to suggest that the "Poly" on "POLYXena" was added to indicate her Pollux identity. As I trace Pollux to the Poles, who were merged with the Premyslid dynasty (featured in the last update), perhaps that dynasty was named after "Priam" Mysians. In that case, Poland's Massovia (uses the Mason mermaid), was likely a Mysian entity.

Odysseus really got around. He's obviously a huge part of the sea-farers to the West. He was also in Thesprotia, if that helps to trace Thesprotians to the western side of Italy: "According to the Telegony (Epic Cycle), Odysseus came upon the land of Thesprotia where he stayed for a number of years. He married Thesprotia's queen, Kallidike..." The latter term might just link to the "Callide" motto term of the Cauleys/Auleys, since after all I identify the surname with Helen elements. That doesn't necessarily contradict my trace of the motto term to the Piast/KOLODziej royals, for I identify both the Piasts and Thesprotians with Seleucid blood.

The Odysseus myth above speaks of a war between Thesprotians and a neighboring Brygoi/Brygi/Brygian peoples, who sound like the Phrygians/Brigians. It supports my trace of Abruzzo elements to the Eburovices, for I read that Eburovices were also in northern Italy at a Bryg-like location. Recalling that the Marsyas character was from Mygdonia but that a river by his named had a source in Phrygia, I should add that Bryges/Brigians -- the ones said to have been Phrygian ancestors -- were from THESSaloniki, in Mygdonia. That easily traces Bryges/Brigians to the same-named peoples beside THESprotians...and simultaneously verifies that Thesprotians had been from Thessalonians.

The Bryges article at the above link adds: "Brygos (son of Aphrodisios)..."

Leda [= Ligurian swan line], the Spartan mother of Pollux and Helen, should trace to a Lycian goddess, Lada, which I say because Lycians were depicted by, I think, the mythical Lycaon wolf, and it may be that CHAONians were from "LyCAON" [this is where I started to fall on the Thesprotian link to proto-Ligurians]. There was a real place, Lycaonia, not far from Lycia (and beside Cappadocia), but then "Lycaonia" smacks of Laconia, the alternative name of Sparta. Let's not forget the Lucanian region of southern Italy where the Sybaris settlement of Laus (western side of Italy, possibly the root of "Lacy(don)"), from MeneLAUS apparently, is found.

The Lycaonian capital was Iconium ("ethnologically it was Phrygian"), today called, Konya/Konia. "ICON(ium)" smacks of mythical EUKENos (ruler at Lacydon), and as Euxenos was a Ligurian peoples, it seems rather certain now that Ligurians -- and their LACYdon location -- trace to LYCians and/or LYCaonian elements. Remember too that Leda/Lada-like Leto was a wolf line, and that Chaonians smack of "canis/canine." Perhaps these peoples were dog breeders, for "Molossians were also renowned for their vicious hounds, which were used by shepherds to guard their flocks. This is where the canine breed Molossoid..."

THEN, in interior Liguria today we find Cuneo. All the more reason to trace Thesprotians to Liguria! Let's not forget all the Con/Can-like surnames that were treated in the wider Ligurian theater not long ago. The Conys were first found in Lincolnshire, making sense where Conys were from Redone France (because I see Lindos-based Rhodians in Lindsey's/Lincolnshire's founding). The Cony Crest is said to be a Coney rabbit holding "pansy," but I see it as three black roundels, which is mentioned due to the six black roundels used by the Lacy clan. There is a Pansy surname suggesting possible roots in "panther."

The Cony fesse is "cotised," suggesting links to the lattice -- used by the Cotts that I identify with Cottians in interior Liguria -- used in the Cann Coat. Like the Rhodes clan of Lincolnshire, the Conns/Canns, from Caen (Normandy), use leopards. ZOWIE, the Caens/Canns use a "Perimus" motto term, smacking of the Boofima-cult Paramus location!!!

As was told in the last update (thanks Julie!), a Paramas location in Africa introduced the human-sacrifice Boofima leopard-cult into the Pieria-like Imperi country, and a little later it was told that a Peramos location (Thrace) sits near Kabala-like Pieris in downtown goats-ville! AMAZING. The Baphomet cult is definitely honored by the Caen/Cann motto, and that suggests a Baphomet link to the Chaonian line to Lacydon.

From the second update in May (where I speak on the Caen/Cann surname's trace to Moors): "I had better jot down the "parium" motto term of the Raines' because I now make (thanks to Julie) a fundamental link between the Ligurian swan-line Gogi and the Parisii Gorgons that I trace to Parion (Mysia)." Therefore, add the Raines clan to the host of Baphomet-honoring clans. Remember, the Raines were/are special to the Nicholas-de-Vere dragonists of the elite world. I had traced Veres to MontFerrat smack in Cuneo!

There is the possibility that the "Paratus" motto term (used by Kerricks, for example) is code for Paramas entities. Both Carricks and Kerricks use BLACK. If this is correct, suspect mythical Perdix as a Paramus cult.

The whole Caen/Cann motto is, "Perimus licitus," reflecting also the Lycians/Lycaoans/Ligurians.

Below is what was also said (in the second update of May) after quoting that "Souli is a municipality in Epirus...The seat of the municipality is the village Paramythia":

[Paramythia], a locale in Thesprotia, smacks of "Parauaea." Is that not very conspicuous??? Does it not suggest that Seleucid ancestry was in ancient Souli elements?

Then, "The earliest known inhabitants of the [Paramythia] area were the Greek tribe of the Chaonians."

On modern Iconium, see that it is very Cony-like:

Konya, also spelled in some historic English texts as Konia or Koniah, was known in classical antiquity and during the medieval period as Iconium...The name Konya is a cognate of icon, as an ancient Greek legend ascribed its name to the "eikon" (image), or the "gorgon's (Medusa's) head", with which Perseus vanquished the native population before founding the city.

Either I've been reading in all the wrong places for ten years, or the cults have been hiding on us that Perseus cut Medusa's head off in relation to Iconium. I don't recall ever coming across that, but it now jibes, very timely, with my identification of Sthenelus- and Cygnus-based Ligurians as a Gogi/Gorgon peoples from the Perseus>Gorgophone>Sthenelus line.

In the Lycaonia article: "A little farther north [of Lycaonia], immediately on the frontier of Phrygia, stood Laodicea..." This can suggest rather strongly that "PoLYDEUCes" was part-code for Laodicea, and perhaps the "dicea" in the latter term was also the "docia" of neighboring "Capppadocia." I am reminded of my trace of "Cappa(docia)" to mythical Capys, nephew of LAOmedon, for that easily identifies Laomedon with LAOdicea. Capys was made married to Laomedon's daughter (by the name of Themiste, no doubt Themiscyra Amazons), and they gave birth to the father (Anchises) of Aeneas, carrier of Mysians to Carthage.

I should clarify where I had traced Aeneas to the Meshwesh of Libya. The latter existed centuries before the setting of Aeneas (some say as late as the ninth century BC), suggesting that Aeneus Mysians (as per losing the Trojan war) went to Libya in the first place to find refuge amongst their distant Mysian kin. (Although the Trojan war is laid out in purely mythical terms, it doesn't necessarily mean the war didn't occur.)

When I traced the Nimrod>Boofima leopard to the Meshwesh, I didn't know the following: "That the Meshwesh were of Libyan origin is explicitly stated in a genealogy contained on the stela of Pasenhor...are stated to be the descendants of 'Buyuwawa the Libyan.' The Libyo-Amazigh origin of the Meshwesh is also indicated in their personal names (such as Osorkon, Takelot, Nimlot, Shoshenq, etc.)..."


Here's the quote wherein it's implied that Seleucus-proper ancestry was in Thesprotian associations:

Orestis was a region of Upper Macedonia [see left side of map, above Parauaea], corresponding roughly to the modern Kastoria Prefecture, West Macedonia, Greece. Its inhabitants were the Greek tribe Orestae...A silver finger ring of 6th century BC bearing the frequent Orestian name 'Antiochus' has been found in Dodona sanctuary. During the Peloponnesian War, a thousand Orestians led by King Antiochus [father of Seleucus I?] accompanied the Parauaeans of Epirus..."

First note; Kastoria (shown on map) may have been depicted by mythical of Pollux and therefore another swan-son of Leda. Second, although Thesprotians are not immediately beside the Parauaeans (see map), yet this Parauaea article tells that they were a Thesprotian tribe. Thirdly, just because Thesprotians assisted king Antiochus doesn't necessarily mean that Antiochus was a Thesprotian, but let's investigate.

The Parauaea article above tells in different words what the Orestis article told: "Parauaei under king Oroedus [looks like a Rhodes term] and 1000 Orestai [looks like an Ares term], entrusted to Oreoedus [looks like a spelling error] by Antiochus, their king, had joined the Spartans under Cnemus during the 3rd year of the Peloponnesian war." THE POINT IS: Antiochus is now called, not just "King Antiochus" as in the other article, but the king of Parauaeans...if I'm reading that correctly.

That means that Antiochus was a Parauaean.

I didn't have the last quote above when reading the account (years ago) from the Orestes article, where "King Antiochus" is capitalized. Moreover, I'm sure I'd read from someone else that this was Antiochus I, and maybe it was, though I was assuming him to be Antiochus I, son of Seleucus I.

It's only now that I've finally got round to going deeper, and it turns out that the Peloponnesian war started in 431 BC, way before Seleucus I. On the father of Seleucus I: "Antiochus (flourished 4th century BC...was a Macedonian man that lived during the time of Philip II of Macedon, who ruled from 359 BC-336 BC. He originally came from Orestis, Macedonia."

It's clear, therefore, that there was a king Antiochus (Orestis theater) of the Parauaeans before the Seleucid empire started. We read further on that early king: "His father was probably called Seleucus, his brother was called Ptolemy and probably had a nephew called Seleucus. Antiochus had married a Macedonian woman called Laodice." Laodicean elements?

The Seleucus term therefore goes back to at least the 5th century BC. Still further back, A silver finger ring of 6th century BC bearing the frequent Orestian name 'Antiochus' has been found in Dodona sanctuary." Dodona was well to the south of Orestes and Parauaea, more in the Thesprotian theater. It's said that Dodona was originally called "Dione" when it was a cult to Zeus' mother, but then there is a Dion location smack at mount Olympus too. There's fire symbolism in the founding of Dodona (in Epirus) by the mythical couple, Deucalion and Pyrrah (= pyre/fire), but look at who else turns up. Lycaon the wolf:

In Greek mythology Deucalion was a son of Prometheus and Pronoia. The anger of Zeus was ignited by the hubris of the Pelasgians, and he decided to put an end to the Bronze Age [with a flood]. Lycaon, the king of Arcadia, had sacrificed a boy to Zeus, who was appalled by this cannibal offering [yet this child-sacrificing practice was exactly the Zeus cult itself that myth writers didn't spell out]. Zeus loosed a deluge, so that the rivers ran in torrents and the sea flooded the coastal plain [blah blah, there's even a chest by which Deucalion and his wife survived the global flood]...

The Greek myth writer(s) obviously took from the Biblical Flood account for as much as he could entertain himself. The point is, the pyre was a symbol of human sacrifice to Molech, and the pyre cult it was at the Dodona cult of Zeus: "Plutarch mentions a legend that Deucalion and Pyrrha had settled in Dodona..." There had to be a reason why Plutarch made that claim, though of course it was never true, for there was no Deucalion. As Pyrrah was symbol for "Epirus," it suggests that "pyre" was a term from "Epirus."

Let me now go back to Ajaccio on Corsica. Mythical Ajax, I didn't realize at the time of making the Ajax-Ajaccio link, because he was the cousin of (girl-depicted) Achilles and often lumped in with Achilles (= the human sacrifice cult), was very likely related to Thesprotians, and if so, we could expect Thesprotians to have migrated to/near Ajaccio. Corsica is closer to Massalia than Sardinia, wherefore Greek sea-farers heading to Massalia would be expected to dock in Corsica.

Neoptolemus of Epirus was a son of Achilles. Neoptolemus was said to have birthed Molossians by marriage to the Trojan elements of mythical Helenus of Epirus. In myth, Helenus, son of Hecate-like Hecuba and brother to Hecate-like Hector, betraying his Trojan ancestry, sided with Neoptolemus (same theme/alliance as Paris, brother of Hector, abducting Helen) of the Greeks.

In Wikipedia's article on Helenus: "He was also called Scamandrios." The father of Teucer was Scamander, wherefore Helenus was descended from Teucer. In Wikipedia's Ajax article, Ajax is "the elder half-brother of Teucer." Neoptolemus was "killed" (i.e. defeated in war) by mythical Orestes, which may indicate the proto-Seleucids in Orestis became superior to the Achilles line at that time. To no surprise where Neoptolemus was Helenus were allies, Neoptolemus was killed "in dispute over Hermione, the daughter of Menelaus and Helen..." (there is an Ermioni/Hermione location in the Argolis, near Liguria-like Lygouri).

Helenus, in alliance with his Achilles allies in Epirus, founded Buthrotum (not really, but the Trojan line he depicted was closely associated with it), a city in the land of Thesprotian-related Chaonians. As we now have multiple indications that Thesprotians were at Euxenos>Protis-depicted Massalia, what of the Redone like, ButhRotum term?

Sardinia (the Arms of which use the heraldic Moor head) is thought to have been the home of the Shardana "sea peoples," but then other Sea-People allies were from the Troy/Mysia theater. The Meshwesh "Libyans" were also part of the Sea People alliance, and if it seems odd that Libyans should have been too, it's not so strange when Meshwesh are regarded as Mysians. As I trace Hellespont Mysians under Aeneas to the Meshwesh fold, see here: "...the Latin poet Virgil, wrote that Aeneas visited Bothrotum after his own escape from the destruction of Troy."

As Buthrotum was founded by the Helen elements in Helenus, there in Virgil's claim we have the makings of a Helen-Mysian entity from Epirus migrating to north Africa's human-sacrifice cult in Carthage. It is then VERY CONSPICUOUS that the mother of Neoptolemus was DEIDamia, while Aeneas' mate was encoded as Dido (who I've previously guessed was code for Dodona, Epirus). The Deidamia term looks as though it could be understood as Dei-damia, suggesting a root in "Zeus/Deus/Dion," for not only was Dodona a Zeus-worshiping center by definition, but it was earlier called, Dione.

In the Deidamia article: "It is also mentioned that Neoptolemus gave Deidamia in marriage to his ally Helenus." If Dido was this Deidama entity (from Skyros of the Euboea theater), none of this clearly explains why Dido was portrayed as a Tyrian princess...except by consideration of the Sea Peoples, thought to have been largely Trojans escaping the Trojan war eastward, many of whom are known to have re-settled in the Tyre theater.

The above on Helenus and Neoptolemus was written a day after the trace of Protis-based Ligurians to Chaonians. I now find that Deidamia was a daughter of LYCOmedes. I didn't know that Helenus-related Buthrotum was a Chaonian region when making the CHAONian link to Lycians and/or LyCAONs. I'm therefore suggesting that Deidamia was from Lycians and/or Lycaonians, and therefore of the Chaonians, fully expected where she was made the mother of Neoptolemus and wife of Helenus, for Buthrotum is said to have been founded as an alliance of the two "men."

Zowie! When I wrote all the above, I didn't know that: "Lycomedes (also known as Lycurgus)..." I trace "LYCURgus" to "LIGURria." And remember, the location of Ermioni/Hermione is near Lygouri. Hmm, the Hermione location was also near an island of Dokos, perhaps part of the elusive meaning of (Cappa)docia," for Lycaonians lived beside Cappadocia.

Ajax was from mythical Aeacus/Aiakos, himself the son of Zeus and goat-like Aegina. I say "goat-like" because Aeacus was king of Aegina in the Saracen-like Saronic gulf. Tolkien's Sauron character was traced solidly by me to Saracens of southern Italy. My tentative theory is that Saracens were from Edomite "Seir," root of the Greek Satyrs. In short, I trace Horite-branch Edomites to Aegina.

Tolkien placed Sauron (founder of the magic rings of power) in relation to the Aeolian islands. I recall tracing mythical Telemon to Tolkien's Tel terms by which he named some of his elves. As "Tolkien" smacks of "Telchine," I traced "Telemon" to Telchines (pirates) too. It just so happens that Telemon was made the son of Aeacus...and the father of Ajax.

Although Telchines proper are from Rhodes, mythical Telchus was from Sicyon, just two miles from Corinth where Aeetes ruled before ruling at Colchis. Where Aeetes=Attis is equated with Helios, it easily explains how Telchus elements at Sicyon got to Rhodes. This topic is very Seleucid interesting if I'm correct in tracing "Seleucus" to "Telchus." The point in starting this paragraph is for the Asopus river at Sicyon, for "[Aeacus] was son of Zeus and Aegina, a daughter of the river-god Asopus. He was born in the island of Oenone or Oenopia..."

We already have reason for linking Seleucids to the Thesprotians and/or their fellow tribe of Chaonians. Then, as per the Chaonian trace to the Laodicea theater, we find that another Asopus river was at Laodicea (Phrygia), a tributary to the Lycus (remember, an early king Antiochus of Parauaea married a Laodice). To clinch that the two Asopus rivers were related by blood, "Pausanias [2.5.3] informs that Phliasians and Sicyonians claimed that [the Asopus] source was in fact the Phrygian and Carian river Maeander that purportedly descended underground where it appeared to enter the sea at Miletus and rose again in the Peloponnesos as Asopus." That's of course nonsense, but it is typical of myth code linking two entities together. The Phrygian Lycus, you see, is a tributary of the Maeander.

And it's very opportune that I should be led at this very time to the Maeander river and its Maenads of the wine god. For as mythical wine men were called "Oeneus" and similar terms, we suspect at least one historical Oeneus-like location after which they were truly linked, which brings to mind the Oenone location (later Aegina) above. Is it possible to trace Dionysus to Seir in order to confirm the Saron link back to Saracens of Seir? Yes, for I say DioNYSus depicted Horites out of Nuzi that became the Horites to which the Biblical man, Seir, belonged. And that tends to prove that Seir-ian Horites were in Aegina.

Not only was the Aegina island on the Saronic gulf, but the Dokos location mentioned above is an island of the "Argo-Saronic Gulf, adjacent to Hydra. In myth, Hydra was a multi-headed dragon, just like the Ladon and Lotan dragons. I traced the Lotan dragon to the Horite, named Lotan, son of Seir, the man! Coincidence??? I don't think so. Lotan and Hydra were one and the same cult, and it once again traces Seir-ians (especially of the satanic kind) to the Aegina theater.

Remember here that the Laden dragon is identified (by me) as the Biblical dragon, meaning that it must be linked to the Seleucid elements of the anti-Christ. I was wondering whether "Saron" could link to Sardis and therefore to Sardinia, but wasn't going to mention it without evidence. How fortunate, therefore, that I should come to the Hydra/Ydra location, for I have known for many years that Sardis was at first called, Hyde. That can't be coincidental, and strongly suggests that Seleucids were on Sardinia because they were from Saron elements at Sardis.

This little exercise reveals, for the first time, that Seir elements were at Sardis, which isn't surprising because I've long traced the Lotan>Laden dragon to "Lydia." But what it does is to add teeth for what has only been tentative, that the Lotan>Laden dragon traces back to Lotan the Seir-ian.

To this picture, add that the Seleucid capital at Syrian Antioch was anciently the city of Daphne, daughter of Ladon. The problem in tracing the dragon in a non-confusing way is that ancient writers gave it a hundred heads, depicting too many branches to follow neatly.

I'm keeping in mind that I trace Cappadocia to Capys, son of AsSARACUS (Saracen-like term), meaning that Dokos in the Saron gulf might just be from the "docia" of "Cappadocia."

I had better record here that there is a Kamini port on Dokos, for it could have been a Chemmite locale. Let's not forget the Lydian location of Cyme/Phriconis. "Dokos" reflects the Took/Tolkien surname and may therefore indicate Telchines,

At the Dokos article, we read: "Dokos is also a village in the central part of the prefecture of Rodhopi..." That's Rhodope in Thraco. The Rhodope capital today, Komotini/Komotene, has a municipality of Aigeiros. I can't find the ancient name of Komotini...that might have given clues to Kemmite identification.

If mythical Hermione depicted the Hermione location on the Saronic, then we could expect it to have had the Laz elements of her father, MeneLaus at Las. That jibes with my trace of the Lazi Caucasians to the Ladon dragon in Lydia. And of course, it suggests what may have been obvious already, that Hermione was named after Hermes elements on the Hermus river...where Cyme was located.

The marriage of Helen to Menelaus suggests that Helen elements got linked to the Lotan-dragon line somewhere along the slithering way. If Sarmations were the root of Saracens, then we would expect Alan-branch Sarmations at Seir. That makes sense. As Sarmations were "Sauromata," what about a trace of Seir-ians to the Sau/Sava river and to the Sauer/Sour surname that was named after it? In fact, I did see Savage-branch Saracens coming out of that river valley.

Julie sent this in: "Eschenbach and others write of the grail as a 'stone from heaven.' What is more like a stone from heaven than a hail stone? It turns out that the French word for 'hailstone' is 'grele' ... looks like 'grail' to me." In other words, someone, who knew/thought that a hail-like term was the pagan grail cult, put the playful riddle out that the grail was a "stone from heaven," and others repeated it. Julie suspects that the "hail" code is for the Alans, and I would have to agree, for the grail king of paganism, Parzival, seems to me like the Parisii Gorgons who had been allied with Helen, who evolved into the hail-like Halls and others.

Or, take the Parzival line back to Perseus Gorgons, who were Danaans from Tanais in the scythian land of the Sarmations>Alans. Or again, take Perseus and Cassiopeia to Adana and Khassi in Cilicia, the latter depicted by mythical Cilix, a term like "chalice." Scythians drank their own blood from human skulls when making blood pacts. Their oaths were for the purpose of pillaging and killing and taking the spoils.

Julie ended by quoting some Cilix-like terms (without having Cilix in mind): "'Halux' means 'pebble'... even 'calculus' equates to 'pebble' ... the hail that comes from heaven is the 'grele' or 'grail.'" She may have something there too, that a stone was an ancient play-on-word grail symbol, possibly explaining why a stein may be both a stone and a beer mug. Recall the "pellet" symbol used by the Lacys, for, conceivably, "Lacy" is a modification from an (H)Alice-like term. See the choice of words in Wikipedia's Helicon article: "In the Homeric Hymn to Poseidon, a brief invocation, the god is hailed as 'Lord of Helicon.'"

As the westward/Atlantean ship of Helios was said to be in the shape of a cup, it again points to Alans as an ancient pagan grail cult. And then we find that Hercules, a Danaan, rode the cup-shaped ship of Helios. I trace Helios to the Cilicia-like Gileki peoples...Iranians, Scythians. THEN, it's conspicuous that I traced the Mary Magdalene grail cult to the Alan surname WITHOUT any thought of this hail=grail topic. I traced the Mary part of that grail cult to the Merit/Merey bloodline (includes several surnames), which is being re-mentioned because the Lacy surname uses a "Meritus" motto term.

I had traced the Brittany Alans to the Brittany Helion/Haylin surname (Massey horse), similar to the Hail/Hayle surname (downward arrows like the Cauleys/Auleys).

I leave open the possibility that it's wrong to trace "Seleucus" to "Telchis," in which case "Seleucus" may have been a soft-C version of "(C)Helice/Helike." Consider the Haliacmon river at Pieria, not forgetting that Pieria was a Paris-Muse location where we would expect Hellespont elements.

Herodotus, who made the trace of Amazons to the Sarmations, was from HALIcarnassus (Rhodes league). "Halicarnassus originally occupied only a small island near to the shore called Zephyria..." I say this because, "During the Ancient Greek period, the city [of Mersin] bore the name Zephyrion " Westward Sepharvite Atlanteans? Possibly, for as we see below, Halicarnassus was an Atlantean colony. Gorgons were in early Halicarnassus, suggesting that it was named in-part after Helios-of-Rhodes elements:

The founding of Halicarnassus is debated among various traditions; but they agree in the main point as to its being a Dorian colony [though Dorians were rather late in early-Greek history, however], and the figures on its coins, such as the head of Medusa, Athena or Poseidon [all three were north-African entities too], or the trident, support the statement that the mother cities were Troezen [recalls mythical Troas] and Argos [sounds like the Gorgo-Danaans of Rhodes]. The inhabitants appear to have accepted Anthes, a son of Poseidon, as their legendary founder, as mentioned by Strabo, and were proud of the title of Antheadae.

As Poseidon of that region depicted Pisidians, and as their major city, Antayla, sounds like "Anthas," it's a good bet that Halicarnassus was an Atlantean settlement.

It's known that Seleucids were avid Hellenists, and where we find Seleucid ancestry in Epirus, we do find that they were Spartan elements too, suggesting strongly that Seleucids were from Menelaus and Helen. Remember, "Parauaei under king Oroedus and 1000 Orestai, entrusted to Oreoedus by Antiochus, their king, had joined the Spartans under Cnemus during the 3rd year of the Peloponnesian war." Thesprotia is on the Adreatic sea, what I say was named after Atreus, father of Menelaus.

Seleucid links to Spartans is important, not just for making links to child-sacrificing Sepharvites, but to the so-called "Sparti" that the Ares dragon became. I say that the Ares dragon was an aspect of Harmonia (Ares' daughter), suggesting that Harmonia was at Hermione. Remember, I identify the Hermes caduceus as symbol for a Gileki-Cadusii alliance, and claim that this was the grail cult of very ancient times.

Atreus was a king of Argos by the powers of a golden lamb (mere myth code). But as he became a Spartan, I would suggest that Atreus was part of the evolution of Hermione elements into Spartans, for Argos is between Hermione and Sparta. This migrational path from Hermione to Sparta makes sense where we already identify Hermione with the Lydian river by roughly that name, for Pelops was: 1) king of Lydia; 2) father of Atreus; 3) friend of Hermes; 4) the golden fleece bloodline. It can moreover expose again how the Saronic gulf (upon which Hermione was located) was named after Sardis elements (Sardis was on the Hermus).

This is new to me; I've not known about the Hermione location before, or at least it's not been emphasized in my writings. The mythical Hermione article says that she and her husband, Orestes, "fled" Epirus (when finding antagonism from Neoptolemus), though it doesn't tell where they migrated next. It does tell that they gave birth to king Tisamenus (of Argos/Mycenae and Sparta), and that Orestes married Erigone (Ares-like term again), daughter of his mother Clytemnestra and Aigisthus. Perhaps the incest there was deliberate to reflect the incest by which Attis was portrayed, for "TISamenus" may be code for Attis, son of Manes.

Very safe to say, OREStes and Hermione were the same as Ares>Harmonia, the Sparti-stock dragon...slithering into Illyria as per the snake-depicted couple, Cadmus and Harmonia (said to give birth to Illyrians, to the north side of Epirus).

The Aigisthus above was daughter of Pelopia, suggesting that Pelops elements had migrated to the Saron gulf, i.e. where Aegina is found. As Aegina was also OENone, it can't be coincidental that Pelops married the daughter of OENomaus. Hermione, on the western side of the Saron gulf, looks like the stepping stone for the Pelops-of-Lydia migration to Peloponnesia, but also the stepping stone of the Hermus-river Hermes cult to ArCADia.

One mythical Pelopia, when married to Ares, was mother to Cycnus (eventually depicted as the Ligurian swan). Pelopia's alternative name, Pyrene, smacks of the mountain range in southern France, with one end near the Ligurian theater of Massalia. Think about the implication in this Pelopia-Ares marriage, for it suggests that Ligurians were a Rus peoples, explaining why Ligurians are first seen on the Rhodanus. I don't usually identify Pelops as a Rus peoples, but we saw shortly above that the Pelops ancestry at Antayla was settled at Rhodian-related Halicarnassus.

Pelop's father offered Pelops, cut into pieces, as a meal to the gods; symbolism for the worst kind of human sacrifice. But I also viewed that myth to mean that the Tantalus entity had become fractioned into many tribes, smacking of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy that depicts Gog as "many" peoples. I say this because there's a good chance that the Gog of Ezekiel's day in-part depicted Gugu/Gyges (quasi-mythical character), king of Lydia, and that he was an entity descended from Pelops Lydians, for as we now learn that Cycnus was a son of the Pelops line, we have reason to identify Pelops too as a Gogi peoples.

"Cycnus was a bloodthirsty and cruel man in Pagasae, Thessaly or in Macedonia according to Apollodorus, who was so murderous he aspired to build a temple to his father constructed from the skulls and bones of travelers, whom Cycnus would kill in passing." An abductor of humans, what the human-sacrifice cults practiced then, and still do today. Perhaps we shouldn't be hasty in linking Cycnus to the Skull and Bones cult of modern times, especially if the cult was named after the Bone and Skull surnames.

Wow! From the Cycnus page above: "According to some accounts [Cycnus] killed the Greek hero Protesilaus." That's got to be code for the Ligurians otherwise depicted by "Protis," and then note the "silaus" portion, perhaps evolving into the Salyes Ligurians. "Protesilaus was the son of Iphicles, a 'lord of many sheep'; as grandson of the eponymous Phylacos, he was the leader of the Phylaceans."

Checking the ancestry of Protesilaus, we find his city of Phylace to the south of mount Olympus, near Almyros, but then there is another Phylace near Almopia, shown on the map as "Phylakai" (to the north of mount Olympus), not far from Parauaea's ThesPROTIans. In the Trojan war, Protesilaus was coupled with Odysseus, and then we find an Edessa location at Almopia. As Odysseus was located by writers on Italy's west side, that's more evidence that Protesilaus was a Protis-Ligurian entity.

The Almopia-to-Pieria stretch was found in the last update to be integral to the Boofima/Baphomet goat cult, found to have been of Marsyas-Midas Phrygian elements linking to Protis' Massalia. It was seen that Marsyas the other Satyrs belonged to the SILenus goat cult, smacking now of ProteSILAUS. That link makes greater sense if we agree that "Marsyas" elements named Marseille.

If we wonder what the Protis elements in Lacydon developed into, perhaps the Brits. There is a Welsh (= basic Brit branch) Pruit surname first found in CarMARthen, and that's where the MERlin-line Brits were. The Cretan goddess, BritoMartis, comes to mind now as a possible Protis-of-Liguria entity. The Brutii too could apply.


Especially for new or confused readers,
shows where I'm coming from.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the Table of Contents

The 2011 Update in the 2016 chapter tells why
I'll be watching Iraq until the summer of 2011, at least.