Previous Update: Oct 25 - 31

Updates Index

November 1 - 7, 2011

It Feels Calder with Chappes Sticks
Blowing the Horn on Radziwills, and Other Rode Kill
The Washington Cast: the United States of Vilnius
Is Herman Cain Block-Headed? It could be even worse than it sounds
A Re-mack of Mordred Myth; the Mathie Factor on Pilate's Birth
FINALLY, a Shorter Update

For a an interview on the Palestinian affair wherein it's clearly visible that Russia is supporting a Palestinian state to the point of providing armored vehicles, and who knows what else is cooking in Putin's books, see

There is this:
"The Pentagon has said it will keep about 40,000 troops across the [Middle East] region, the AP reported. Al-Sadr told Al-Arabiya his militia recently cut back on attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq “in order not to give them a pretext for staying.”" I'm not sure if that's 40,000 including Afghanistan, or 40,000 of those that had been in Iraq.

For some of the latest from WND on Obama birth certificate:

See also: "In addition to examining whether or not the long-form birth certificate is a forgery, the Cold Case Posse is examining evidence that Obama may have a fraudulent Social Security Number. The posse also is looking at records pertaining to Obama's birth narrative that suggest Barack Obama Sr. may not be the biological father." Unfortunately, the article's producers give no details, yet, on that possible score.

With the ancient book of Enoch in mind (find "boar" in this article), where Esau was given a black boar for a symbol, let's look at the heart of the Douglas Coat, now suspect as a Herod and Arthur symbol: "First found in Moray, where the progenitor of the [Doug;as] Clan is thought to be Archibald of Douglasdale (1198-1239)...The grandson of Archibald Douglasdale, known as William the Hardy..." We assume that Hardys are the reason for the Douglas heart. We can now gawk at the Hardy Coat's four black boars.

We saw the Mander surname at the end of the last update trace to "Laus Deo" atop the Washington monument, and to Menelaus, mythical symbol of Las at Mani. We find a salaMANDER in the Douglas Crest. The black boars are used also by SULLivans, who trace to the Sales and Salyes Ligures, perhaps represented by SALAmander. Hardys were first found in Lanarkshire where a red heart is used also, and where I expect Ardea elements from Rome. German Hards use the MacCarthy/Arty stag (= Desmond elements).

Next up, the Cullens/Sheehans using Melusine in Crest, the symbol also of the Morays. Douglas' use Moray stars and were first found in Moray, and so we'd like to know who the black-boar line of the Douglas' in Moray is. It's probably related to the Cullins. Thanks to Tim who sent in a whack of Coats from this page and others, we find this other Cullen Coat showing two black boar heads. Then, Irish Collins/Cullanes were first found in North Desmond.

I can only assume that Cullens are of the Kyles, Ayrshire. In the Douglas write-up: "Some claim the name is derived from a knight of 770 who after aiding King Solvathius of Scotland in his great battle with Donald Bain, King of the Western Isles was granted the lands of Clydesdale." We know that Clodes/McLeods have a Herod sept, and I'm fairly sure from the above that Herods of Lanarkshire were part of the Douglas clan, and then we find that Clydes were first found in Ayrshire (beside Lanarkshire).

The Clyde Coat just happens to use the same crown design as the Martels and Capets (= two major French royal dynasties), suggesting rather strongly that Clydes were named after French king Clodweg = Clovis (a topic late in the last update). I do trace Merovingians to Moray (i.e. where Douglas' were first found). I'm convinced: Douglas' were Merovingians.

The Clyde Shield is also the Belgian Tassel Shield, and Pepins, a power base in the Merovingian dynasty that gave power to the Martel dynasty, were first found in Belgium and yet traced (by me) in earlier period to the Tessen river. The Tessen river was the Laevi theater, and I expect Ananes there too.

Recalling that Desmonds use the red Annan(dale) saltire, which in Ayrshire turns up with a gold Shield, see red hearts around a red-on-gold saltire in the Hartside Coat taken from this page. I don't know where Hartsides were first found, but I assume kinship with the heart symbol of the Douglas'. In the last update, Herods of France were traced to Clovis himself. Now you know what I'm getting at, that Herods of France, from Redones, evolved into the Herods of the Lanarkshire theater, and they were the Arthurs there.

That should explain why the Cullens who use Melusine also use trefoils, symbol of the Rodes/Rod Coat, symbol that was traced to Clovis. From the last update: "The Roquefeuils trace to the treFOIL symbol, which is a three-leaf clover, and so read the description of the Darth/Death Crest: 'A griffin's head holding a three leafed clover.'" It just so happens that the Hartside Chief shows three black-on-white crescents, colors reversed from the three Darth and Aachen crescents. BUT, English Tassels also use the Darth and Aachen crescents!!

That lends support to the suggested Tessel trace to the Tessen = Ticino river, where Pepinids originated that ruled in Aachen, Belgium. Remember, the other Tassels (using the Clyde Shield) are Belgian. If you add to this story my claim that Tassels were Pharisees and/or Sadducees in some way, the plot becomes as thick as blood drops from the eyes of Jesus.

Tassels were first found in Bedfordshire, and that place was traced long ago to the Batavi part of the Merovingians.

Next up, the Halyburton/Hollyburton surname with black boar head in Crest. The clan could apply to Arthurians = Herods because it was first found in Berwickshire. If we ask whether the boar belongs to the Halys/Hollys or to Burtons, it turns out that Halys/Hailys/Healeys use boar heads too..and the Levi Lion in Crest!! The Halyburton motto: "I follow my ancestors."

The Holys/Hollys use torteux, tracing to Tortona, roughly where the Laevi whom the Halyburton Crest apparently traces. Just more and more corroboration here that we've correctly identified the torteux, not forgetting that they are red for a reason. The "Majores" motto term of Halyburtons speaks to me of the majors/Magors that I traced to Hungarian Magyars, the ancestry of which I had traced to Alessandria, where Tortona is located, and to the Tessen = Ticino river. Am I making all this up or forcing merely what I want to believe? No, it's just working out all by itself.

AND LOOK, while I was writing that and waiting for the Major/Magor Coat to load, there are three red-on-gold roses (Yonge symbol) and a greyhound (John-Yonge symbol) in Crest! Yonges had been traced to the very proto-Hungarians under discussion!!!

By the way, Burtons/Brytons use three talbot dogs and were first found in Yorkshire, where Hulls were first found who use three talbot heads. It suggests that Halys and Holys/Hollys were of the Hull / Hall bloodline. In fact, the Holy/Holly Coat uses a talbot in Hull- and Hall-talbot colors. It means that we are on the Cappeo bloodline...of Caiaphas...i.e. the Bruce lion from Bresci/Brixia (near the Ananes). It's therefore quite possible that the Bryton variation is of the Bryces/Bricus' (saltire in colors reversed to Bruce saltire), known to be a Bruce branch.

More good news: on this page, the Brysons are shown with a saltire in colors reversed to the Annan(dale) saltire. But at, the Bryson Coat substitutes spurs for the pierced stars, tracing Butteri again to the Laevi - Ananes brotherhood that i imagine. Also, the upward spear tip in the one Bryson Coat is a downward pheon in the other. Brysons, as with Halyburtons to which they seem to link, were first found in Berwickshire.

In my opinion already, the Haly-Burtons look like the Kyle-Bruce relationship, which can explain the white anchor (Kyle symbol) in the Major/Magor Coat.

The page in which Halyburtons are found show both hollow mascles on their bend as well as solid lozenges. It just so happens that Crooks/Cruicks use lozenges on their bend in the colors of the black-on-white boar heads of the Crookshanks/Cruickshanks. It suggests that the black boars are also the Halyburton boars.

The Crooks/Cruicks (black-on-gold boars, Carrick colors) are now looking like Carricks (black talbots)...and like the Vere-of-Blackwood line (claimed by Nicholas de Vere von Drakenscaryberg) that I had traced via a Carrick and Bruce merger to the first earl of Moray, Thomas Randolph. Bryce-branch Bruces were first found in Moray (as with Douglas'). The Blackwood Shield happens to be the same as the Burton Shield, but at this page there is BlackHALL Coat that must apply to Blackwood because it's Chief uses three stars in colors-reversed to the stars in the Vere/Weir Chief, the latter being the very same as the three stars in the Moray and Douglas Chiefs. Blackwoods, like Carricks, were first found in Lanarkshire, where the Douglas heart was just traced, and then the Douglas write-up insist that the surname is partly named after "black" (though I don't tend to agree).

I think DOUGLas' were DUDLeys (blue lion) with a 'g' because both clans use a salamander in flames for a Crest (not shown at this Dudley page). It just so happens that Crichtons also use the Cappeo = Bruce lion. "DUDLey" (Tuttel-Shield colors) could be a variation of "Tuttel" because the latter use crescents in the colors of the Blackwood crescents.

The red-on-white Black-surname stars are those of the Kyles. At a Kyle-Society webpage, I had noted (several years ago) the term, "Illuminati," and as Kyles use black-on-white candles, it seems that they use an ultimate Illuminati symbol. Then, Burtons, just traced to Kyles as per "HALYburton," use a "Lux" (= "light") motto term, as does the Scottish Black Coat. Moreover, Kyles had been traced to Mieszko Poles, as had Blacks tentatively because I considered them to be Pollocks. The point is, the Lux/Luchs/Lukart Coat uses a black-on-gold bull head, the colors of the Cole bull. The Lux bull head looks much like the black-on-gold Mieske bull head, and a black-on-gold bull head once again is the only symbol in the Pohl/Pohland Coat, surname first found in Silesia, Poland. For the record, the German Laux Shield has blue "hurts."

It just so happens that "Laux" smacks of "Laus" that I trace to Lusatians (bull symbol there too) in Poland. Lusatia and Silesia overlap in places. As I was telling GD, who is a Douglas seeking Douglas roots, the "Laus Deo" written at the Washington Monument was traced in the last update to the "Laus Deo" motto phrase of the Manders, and the Douglas salaMANDER could apply, especially as my first-ever trace of the white-on-blue Americans stars was to the Douglas stars. Remember, Washingtons now trace with certainty to Mieszko Poles (see last update for some details).

It's important to realize right here that the Vere trace to Blackwood and beyond had to do with Vere-Masseys (my finding), even as we see that the Blackwood Shield is the Bellamy Shield. Bellamys were from Ferte-Mace, the origin of Maceys / Masseys (who use the Vere Shield). We saw above that Blackwoods looked like Douglas', and that Douglas' could have been Dudleys...who use the blue (Cappeo-suspect) Massin/Mason lion. One point has to do with the trace of Ferte-Maces to "Ferrat" (Aosta), where the Salassi lived who should link both to Silesians (ruled by Mieszko) and to Sales-of-Mascy (first found beside Salop). The other point is that the Douglas and Dudley SALAmander in flames could be code for Salassi / Silesia elements. In the last update, we saw the "Manu" term of the Macey-related Mackays, who ruled Moray to some degree before the Blackwood Veres arrived, in the Mander discussion.

In this picture, Douglas' appear to trace to Silesians, and to that I'll add that a salamander in flames is used by Polish SLABodas, whom I traced tentatively to "Salop," where Mieszko-related Meschins were first found (years before FE found the Slaboda Coat, I had entertained a Slab=Slav trace to "Salop"). In the Slaboda write-up: "First found in SLEPowron [caps mine] in Polesie, the largest province of Poland. It is inhabited by Ruthenians [same as Redones], called Polesians...It was in this province that the renowned Radziwills and Sapiehas held their vast estates."

Radziwills were directly ancestral to Trabys. In case you didn't notice it, the Pohl Crest uses ostrich feathers, a Traby Crest symbol.

In the Douglas write-up: "Some claim the [Douglas] name is derived from a knight of 770 who after aiding King Solvathius of Scotland..." "Solvath" certainly smacks of "Slabod." One gets the distinct impression that Douglas' were Mieszkos to some great degree, and therefore mainline Masonic blood.


...In 1440 the young William Douglas, 6th Earl of Douglas and his brother were invited to dine with the ten year-old King James II of Scotland [= a Stewart]. The dinner was organised by Sir William Crichton of Clan Crichton. Known as the Black Dinner, a black bull's head, the symbol of death, was brought in. After the dinner the Douglas chiefs were dragged out to Castle Hill, given a mock trial and beheaded. The Clan Douglas then laid siege to Edinburgh Castle. Crichton perceiving the danger surrendered the castle to the King was raised to the title of Lord Crichton.

Here's what GD wrote:

...Also - just so you'll know--re the story of the BLACK DINNER in Edinburgh...I've researched the 'black bull head' supposedly brought out and it appears to not have happened nor can I find any record of specifically a black bull head being presented in ancient times to the condemned.

The black bull could be myth code inserted into the account of the dinner plot. It would suggest that Douglas' trace back to the Mieszko and/or Lusatian bull, but also link to the Lux and Cole bull. As these were Illuminati clans, the "death" symbol of the black bull probably has deadly reasons behind it. The point here is that the Lux/Laux bull links to Lusatia and to the very Poles that Washingtons trace to, suggesting that "Laus Deo" is code for Lusatians...who were depicted as Melusine, the dragon woman in the Moray and Massin/Mason Crests.

Melusine is used also by Cullens, and then Collins/Cullanes use black boars. In this picture, the black of the Douglas' has not to do with African skin color, but with the black of the Esau boar. One Moray Coat no longer shown at Wikipedia uses a "Deum Time" motto, and that code was recently traced to the Timms/Times of Kent (where Massins/Masons were first found), and identified as the Timna line of Lotan Edomites that had married Eliphas (son of Esau). We might assume that the black heraldic boar is used largely by Eliphas-ites.

The Moray Coat with "Deum Time" had a scroll for a Crest that I traced to Biharia independent of the trace I made of Biggars to "Bihar(ia)." Douglas were likely the Dulles'/Dallas' who use the Biggar Coat, you see, and as Biharia (Transylvania) was off the Mures/Maros river, which I traced to Moray's rulers, it should explain why Douglas' were first found in Moray. Therefore, Douglas' trace not only to Mieszko Poles (whom, by the way, I trace to Saracens of Sicily), but to Moravians (whom I trace to Moors of north Africa) of Khazar relations on the Mures. More and more it becomes suspect that Khazars, called "red Jews," had been Edomites. (The Szekelys lived on the Mures, and they are traced to Scylla or the Sicels in Messina, which could suggest that Moors were in Sicily.)

Let me draw a picture in your mind before going to another email of GD, where a huge Caiaphas-shaped key revelation may be lying in the thickets of the Roslin Sinclairs. The Halyburtons, now identified as the Kyle-Bruce relationship, leads to the Caiaphas line in two ways: 1) the Kyles / Coles are traced to Celts/Cults/Coults and to Callas'/Coles/Auls, who were from Galli priests of the Halybes and Khaldi metal makers; 2) Bruces use the Cappeo lion. As crazy as it might sound, let's just entertain that the Caiaphas high priesthood of Israel was in the Perthshire area, not only where Callus/Coles were first found that pointed to the Pilate line, but also where the Chaves > Shaw line was first found in Scotland.

The Perthshire link to Kyles has already been made, and it just so happens that while Kyles had controls in Ayrshire, the Ayrshire motto is, "God Shaw the Richt." That in a nutshell makes the Caiaphas link to Kyles...if the Israeli priesthood was indeed from the Galli priests of the proto-Eburovices in Brescia. The "Richt" term had been linked to English Richards...who use the Bruce = Cappeo lion because Ricks were first found in Yorkshire. So phar, still so very good. The "amore" motto term of the Richards assures me that Ricks were Sinclair-of-Moray elements, especially as French Richards use Moray-colored stars.

Khazars had a "Jewish" priesthood called "kagan," and entering that term brings up the phony Levites, the "Jewish" Cohen surname. We now have two options for the Caiaphas line, the Galli and the Khazars, both of which trace to Scotland's Rosicrucians. What was the common denominator between Halybes (highly suspect from "Eliphas") and the politico-religious "red Jew" rulers of Khazaria?

"Richt" could be code for the Ricks (looks like the Craven-of-Yorkshire Shield), said to be from "risc" meaning "near the (bull)rushes," but that's got to be code for the Rush surname because it uses the Rick Shield. The Rushes are suspect as Rus / Ruskies, and can, by their horse design, be traced to the Free/Friese/Freys surname that should have been a branch of Freis'/Freys (instead of "Fries") whom I identify with the creation of "FREEmason"...because both Freis'/Freys and Massins/Masons use the same blue (probably Cappeo) lion on gold.

There is a small mountain of points to be made here, so get your recollection muscle active. The Free/Friese horses are white on green and therefore Maccabee suspect. Their Phrese and Phreeze variations smack of "Pharisees." They were first found in Essex, where the king-Cole root of the Kyles is traced, and this tends (i.e. because Frees/Fries' were of Ricks and Rushes) to link the "Richt" term of Ayrshire to the Cole > Kyle line...especially as Kyles use illumination / light as codes while "God Shaw the Richt" is play on "I saw the light."

Therefore, by what coincidence is it that a Pharisee-like surname now traces to Kyles that are already suspect as part of the Caiaphas line? By what further coincidence it that the Frise/Fresal/Frazer motto is "Je suis prest"??? That's not code for "Jesus the priest," but for the priesthood of the Frise bloodline. It just so happens that this discussion, where it leads to the first grand master of the Templars, a relative of the Roslin St. Clairs somehow, is going to suggest that Templar / Freemason grand masters were priests of the Caiaphas line, and you'll see the reason momentarily.

Keeping in mind here that there was a Freskin character at the root of the Moray line helps to trace the Pharisees to Moray. Very Mackay-interesting indeed where the Freys/Frieses look like Maccabees. But it also jibes with the trace of Merovingians, who I see in the Moravia-to-Moray line, to the same Boiotians that became Sadducees.

The Frise/Fresal surname was first found in Peebleshire, and are said to be related to Keiths of Lothian. Already, the Pharisee line is tracing to the Sinclair theater. In the Frise/Fresal write-up: "There is a record of Symon Fraser giving the church of Keith to the Abbey of Kelso in Circa 1160 [Maxton and Maxwell-branch Maccabees were at and around Cole-like Kelso]. Early records include Gilbert Fraser, who witnessed a charter by Walter Olifard in 1210" Olifards were Oliphants!!! In a nutshell, the Eliphas line of Esau-ites is tracing to the Keiths of Lothian that have for a long time been suspect as Edomites of the Eliphas-Lotan marriage.

Lotan was a Horite whom I trace to Rus elements of Horus. It's a good bet that Varangians / Sinclair Rus trace to them. Long before I entered Hebrew elements in my dragon hunt, Rosicrucians were traced to Varangians in particular. Long after linking Hebrews to Rosicrucians, I was able to trace Nibelung-branch Frisians to a partnership with the first Varangians proper at Wieringen (beside Frisia). Remember, Wier/Weir-branch Veres use the Moray stars. "First found in Roxburghshire, where they were descended from Aubri de Vere...His son, another Aubri...built a castle at Hedingham in Essex...He was the ancestor of the Earls of Oxford."

Wiers/Weirs of Hedingham are easily linked to the Keiths of Haddington (Lothian), not only for the similarity of terms, but for the grey elephant in the Arms of Oxford, not forgetting that Keiths are also Mascals while one Mascall crest uses a grey elephant. The Mascal elephant line then traces rather easily to Musselburg of Haddington, and to the Mussel/Muscel surname (using plates).

To make the Rosi-Freemason link even harder to Keiths, we read from the Rush write-up: "Thus, bearers of the surname Rush lived near a marsh, which was noted for its rushes." Not only did we just see the Rush-related Frisians trace to Keiths, but here's from the Keith write-up: "Traditionally the Keiths were descended from Robert, an early Chieftain of the Catti tribe...Robert joined King Malcolm II at the battle of Panbridge, in 1006...King Malcolm granted Robert the hereditary title of Marshall of Scotland, with a barony in Lothian and the island of Inskeith [Inces = Insubres from Tortona theater?] in the gulf of Edinburgh. It is for this title that the Keiths are sometimes known as the Marshalls, and many Clansmen adopted that name." Therefore, the "marsh" in the Rush write-up must be code for Keith-Marshalls.

Checking the Marsh surname, the symbols link to mythical Ector and Kay, and because the Marsh's were first found in Kent and are in the colors of the Fries/Frey lion, which is the lion of the Massin/Masons of Kent, the Marshes do in fact link to Rushes because Rushes use the Free/Freise horses (probably a Kent=Centaur symbol). The Marsche variation may be hint that they were Marris' and therefore possibly Laevi-related Marici of the Tortona theater. The Marsh bird is also the Kay (and Kinner) bird, and the Kay Coat looks like a variation of the Ince Coat, minus the Ince torteux.

I can only theorize without much evidence that the Ector cult traces to Actons, and/or to Axton of Kent. As Rush's are accessed from the "rushes" term in the Rick write-up, it should be mentioned that both the Rick and Rush Shields are the Acton Shield too.

It dawns on me now that "Insubres" may have been an Ins-Brescia combo, which may reveal the Insubres as Eburovices-branch Hebrews. A Brescia = Cappeo identify certainly jibes where the Ince/Inis branch of "Insubres," as well as the Innes', are viewed as variants of "Annas," father of Caiaphas. SUSPICIOUS: the Innis clan was first found in Moray and uses Zionists stars in the colors of the modern Israeli flag. Does that make the American stars a symbol of the Annas > Caiaphas bloodline???

In short, Merovingians founded modern Israel...or so is the theory from that picture, but not without an alliance with Khazars of Moray. We already know that Rothschilds were such Khazars, but I know that Rothschilds were also of the On-Ogur proto-Hungarians. The "Un Dieu" motto of the Rushes is suspect from that Hungarian line that I trace to Un-like Juno and Deus=Jupiter. In fact, the Rush Coat uses rings while the Rush Crest shows a wolf, two symbols of the Juno-based Yonges. Remember, both Yonges ("juene" motto term) and Rush-related Frees/Freises were first found in Essex (Rush's were first found in neighboring Suffolk). We are on the raw nerve of Rosicrucianism while on the Rushes.

German Rush's/Rusches use arrows, a symbol that in this case should trace to the Khazar / Rothschild side of Hungarians. That Khazar side was to some degree from the Gyula Khazars, who smack of Kyles, and partly from the Szekelys...who may have become the Kellys )"Deus" motto term) and Kelloggs/Kellocks, both of whom use greyhounds. It just so happens that Kelloggs' use the same chevron as the Richards with the Cappeo lion, which comes just as I'm finally prepared to show snippets from GD's email:

I've been a family history researcher for over 40 years and at the current time am a researcher on Scottish Douglas family and work with a lady who is accepted as 'the authority' at this time on that family...I've been in touch with Sinclairs for yrs, used to be in their email group etc-- the 'supposed' marriage between Hugh Dupuy (no document of his ever was signed 'dePayen)...and Catherine Sinclair is absurd...The only marriage that 'appears' to be true for Hugh is to Elizabeth/Isabelle Chappes, a family related--and it makes sense--to the Brienne family...there is also an obscure record that [Hugh] spoke and read Arabic and was sent to Toledo, Spain to retrieve a book (don't ask me what bk but it supposedly launched the first crusade)...It is possible 'Catherine Sinclair' was not a person but another code for something else Hugh and the Templars recd from Sinclairs who were reputed to be one of the three families that held ancient info kept within what became the Freemasons...

I've written GD asking why Catherine Sinclair was pegged at all by anyone as the wife of Hugh de Payen. The idea that it's "absurd" may have been from the Sinclairs who didn't want to be connected with, or didn't want anyone to connect them to, the first Templars. I can't recall all the details where, a few times, I'd found good evidence for a Payen link to Sinclairs. But for this discussion, I want to entertain the Chappes surname as the wife of the first grand master, which is the reason for this entire discussion. GD's email comes in the thick of linking Chaves to Caiaphas.

It's this intriguing suspicion that Hugh was married to a Chappes line that had me viewing Templar grand masters as priests of the Israeli kind. Just look below at all of what his email leads to as evidence that the Caiaphas priesthood had been of the Chappes bloodline. First, look at the Pay surname (no Dupay Coat comes up), which is what I've called the Italian Pace/Paci/Pascel surname. The English Pascal Coat uses the "Jewish" Levi Lion. Just like that, in the snap of a washed thumb, we have a levincidence.

In corroborating a Payen link to the Pay/Pace/Pascel surname, French Pascals, who use the same white-on-blue, were first found in dauphine, where Payens were first found. That's also where Valerys were first found whom I trace to Pilates, and the last time the pace/Pascel surname was addressed, I had suspected that their two downward spears (with very wide tips like pheons) were the same-colored pheons of the Pilate Coat.

In this picture where Pascels look like Paces and Pays, it might not hurt to look at the ending of Pascal variations, such as PasCALLE, PasCALLS, PasCALIS, evoking the Callus/Coles using the Pilate pheon in colors reversed. Then, PasCAULT, PasCOL, and PasCOLL evokes the Celts/Cults/Coults (and related (Kyles / Coles) that likewise use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed. PasKELL may link to Kells (Mackie / Mackesy lion) using a red star, the color of the stars used by Kyles and Calls/Coles/Auls (Cauleys/Auleys use stars in colors reversed).

The Mackie and Mackesy lion is entered in the brackets above because Irish Brians use it too. We read from GD that there is no Brienne Coat, and very likely they had been Brians. I don't yet know why the Chappes are traced to Briennes, but it works rather well where French (Brittany's counts of Vannes) Brians/Briens use the same blue-on-white saltire as the Yorks, which saltire I regard as part of the Yorkshire Cappeo-lion line. The other Irish Brian Coat uses the same lion design as Bryces (Annandale saltire in colors reversed), if that helps to link Brians to the Cappeo-line Bruces...who, by the way, were grand masters of Templar-rooted cults in Scotland.

Jesus accused the chief priests of Israel of arrogance and self-interest, and of loving the leading positions, and in the end they killed Jesus for fear of losing their positions of power. The same arrogant idea is in "grand master." Jesus said, do not call anyone on earth, "master," for there is only One Master in Heaven.

I've noted that Brains (not "Brian") use three white-on-red leopard heads, same as the Yorkshire Coles (with an 's') Coat. The "marble pillar" in the Coles Crest seems an obvious code for the Pilates, especially if Pascel variations are in honor of Kyles, Coles, etc.

NOW WATCH another super consideration for identifying Hugh de Payen's wife as a Chappe. The Pays/Pace/Pascel spears are said to be "points down" (which should be the reason for the downward Pilate pheons), and then we find a "pondere" motto term of the CHAPmans, as well as this description of the Chapman Crest: "a broken lance with a wreath on the POINT, all proper."

The last time that I came across a broken spear, it was suggested to be a symbol of the "spear of destiny," the spear that was thrust into Jesus, in the same way that the "peace sign" was said to be a broken, upside-down cross of Jesus, symbol for anti-Christianity.

The Chapman/Chepman Coat uses a single devil-like crescent partially in the colors of the Speer and Spree crescents. BUT, recalling that the Frise, Phreeze, and similar surnames look like Pharisee lines, so the Chapman crescent is in the colors of the German (Switzerland) Friese/Frees/Fresen!!! That was shocking. It was the very ticket needed to prove that Chaves, Chappes and Caiaphas were related entities.

One can see here where Phreeze-like variations could morph into "Bris / Brix / Brescia." How important does that make the Cappeo vision of emailer Patterson? And since the Cappeo line is also in Macclesfield/Makeslesfield, shouldn't Pharisee blood trace there too? If so, then ditto for the Maxwells/Makeswells...who use a "holly bush proper" now trace-able to the HALYburton-branch Bruces.

By now we suspect the Proper surname (the Mackie lion again) to be relevant here, and it turns out to be a branch of the Robin surname...that had linked to Thisles/Thissles (suspect as Tassels), Tuttles/Toothills, and to the Valerius-Gratus bloodline. In fact, Robins had linked to the Tuttel-like Valois/VALAIS/Valour surname...that traces to Valais canton in Switzerland, home of Sion/Sitten. Aside from the similarity of "Sitten" to "Sithech" -- i.e. the Chaves > Shaw bloodline -- the question is whether the Swiss Freise/Frees surname links to Valais / Sion elements, and I think its very obvious already. A link of the Propers/Robins to the key-using Chaves is made possible where the Proper/Robin crest is an ostrich with a key in its beak.

The Freise/Frees write-up: "...the word 'friesen' means 'to dig ditches,'..." That's like a black-bull murder of my intelligence. It's got to be code instead for the Ditch/Dyke surname, with this write-up: "The original bearer of the name lived in Dutton, Lancashire." It was when seeing "Dutton" that the Teutons -- major Templar allies in the Jerusalem crusades -- were the underpinnings of the Touts and Touthills.

Here's the Duttan Coat, which I've long viewed as a version of the Tatton Coat. BUT NOW, by what dutincidence is it that Tattons (of Mascy) use only crescents in the colors of the Freise/Frees crescents, but also in two color schemes, both the color schemes of the Chapman crescent!? Just like that, heraldry has coughed up the meaning of the "ditch" code in the Freise/Frees write-up. The Spree Coat compares very well with the Tatton Coat. I note that Eatons/Atens were first found, as with Tattons, in Cheshire, while both use quartered Shields.

I'm now thinking that Duttons (frets = Macey / Massey elements) were Daytons, and as the latter are said to be "of Autun," where I trace Nibelungs to, one has reason for identifying Teutons, not as Germanics in general, but as Autun elements in particular. However, in the past, I've suggested (on little evidence) that Tuttels, Dudleys, Tattons and Duttons may have been Daedalus elements. It's all very sketchy in my mind, but the Autun theory seems worth recording because I trace the Aedui back to mythical-Aedon Boiotians, the proto-Franks. As Templars were Franks to a large degree, a Frankish identification for Teutons becomes logical.

I don't know by what path the Aedon Boiotians got to France. As I view them as the Cadmus line, I tend to view them moving straight from Greece into Illyria. But it just so happens that I traced Rhea and Daedalus elements to the Dalmatian part of Illyria, and Cadmus' Budva/Butua location is in that same theater. Then, the Chapman Crest is, "a broken lance with a wreath on the point, all proper." Entering "Wreath" brings up the Crea/Rae/Creight surname (Kyle-colored stars) that I trace to Rhea-based Cretans, which were the Minoan bull cult, same bull cult as Daedalus. When I was tracing Trabys for the first time, I traced their ostrich symbol to Crete, for on that island ostrich eggs were sacred. I now find that Propers/Robins, who are apparently indicated in the Chapman Crest, use an ostrich with key in mouth. Should Chapmans, therefore, not be the key-line Chaves??? Remember the Cappeo lion of the Crichtons/Craightons, for I trace them to Rhea-branch Cretans / Curetes too.

There is another Scottish Crae/Crath/Creight Coat (in Ayrshire) with a "inteGRITY" in the motto that for me smacks of "Gratus," as even the Crath variation does. This indicates that the Valerius-Gratus family in Dauphine were from Crete's bull cult. It's then interesting that while I traced Valerius elements to Burgundy's Pilate surname, that the French Crees/Cretes/Craits, who look like a branch of the two surnames above, were first found in Burgundy...which is where the Autun Nibelungs were found. Then, as per the Perdix=Talus elements (part of the DaeDALUS cult) which I tentatively trace to "Perth," Scottish Pilates have been identified with a Perthshire family (Calls/Coles) using the same-colored stars as the Craes/Raes/Creights.

Now this Cretan bit is a very good part of the discussion because the Valerius and Pilate lines have been linked to Jupiter, the Roman Zeus they say, and of course the Cretan bull cult was primarily that of Zeus. "DAEdalus" was just another name for the same cult, and for me that spells Dia, alternative wife of Ixion, his other wife being Nephele whom I traced to "Nibel(ung)."

I don't accept without evidence that Jupiter was actually from the Zeus cult, but in the case of Yonges, there is merit, for Yonges had been traced to Juno, as well as to Traby elements in Wales. If correct to trace Trabys to Crete, then Yonges too could trace to Crete's bull cult.

The Chapmans can trace to Crete by way of the Crest variation of the Cretes/Craits, for Chapman's use "Crescit" in their motto. I'll also entertain a Chapman trace to Rome's Capys cult, from the Aphrodite>Aeneas line of Trojans (there was a mythical Trojan too named Capys). The Chaves were first found in Abruzzo, founded by Aphrodite. The Chapman "ponder" motto term, in conjunction with the "point" term in the Chapman Crest description, evokes the Bundys (also "Bond"), reported as one of the 13 Illuminati families. "Ponder" evokes the "pontiff" discussion in the last update, where the term is traced (by others) to "bridge." Two Pont surnames use a bridge symbol, and the point here is that I had ventured a "pontiff" link to "Pilate" at the same time that a Pharisee and/or Sadducee link to pagan Roman priests was suggested. The Point/Poyter Coat even uses piles, and Dutch Bonds/Bunds/Bontes use the Fife Shield (I'm inferring the Pilate trace to Perthshire and Duffs of Fife).

We can begin to glean that while Duffs, who use a motto code for Jupiter and/or Juno, trace to the Valerius and therefore Payen elements of Dauphine, Chap(man)s had somehow come into contact with them. As Payens were also DuPAY, what about linkage to POYter? In fact, ZOWIE, after writing all that, "Poy" was entered to find a Dupuis/Dupuy Coat using the Duff Coat exactly!!! I kid you not, it happened just that way. It suggests that Bundys, Points, Ponts, etc. are all variations of the Payens or Dupays, or vice versa. It can certainly explain why Bundys/Bonds use Zionists stars in the colors of the Payen Zionist stars.

As the Chappes surname mentioned by GD were kin to Briennes, the Brundy variation of the Bundys now looks suspicious, especially as Chapmans are tracing well to Dauphine, where Payens were first found. Plain and simple, Payens -- the same who married Chappes according to GD -- trace to Duffs of Perthshire and Fife, which should explain why Piles are used by Chapman-related Points. The Point piles are gold on black, the colors of the Zionists stars of the English Bundys/Bonds.

Hmm, a RomPUY surname now heads the EU.

Aha! Entering the "Puis" variation of the Dupays gets the Ponds/Ponts/Pountz', first found in Burgundy! It's rising eagles compares with the English Bundy/Bond Crest.

Until now I haven't entered the Ponder term of the Chapman motto. BLACK BOARS!!! There are Ponter and Pounter variations shown, and EXCELLENT: both Ponders and Chapmans were first found in CamBRIDGE.

The Ponder/Ponter Shield is a red-on-white fesse, same as the Wreath/Crae/Rae Shield, which recalls the Chapman-Crest description: "a broken lance with a wreath on the point, all proper." We have definitely found the Chappes elements that were linked to Payens, and it stinks of the Bavarian Illuminati. I SAY that GD's email was a gift of God to the world. Harken thee four corners of the earth, and rid yourselves of these Illuminatists, black holes, sucking up all the world's light, and replacing it with black light.

Wreaths were first found in InverNESS, and the Ness river there is suspect as a Ness/Nest entity that Washingtons linked to, and that traces to Nestor of Puy-like Pylos. Probably, heraldic piles trace to Pylos better than to "Pilate," but that doesn't mean that Pilates are not relevant to piles. In this picture, PONTius Pilate was the same as the Payen > Puy > Bond > Pont bloodline. And as it was just traced to Cretans of the Dia-Ixion cult, two further points: 1) Ixion was same as Apachnas that I trace to the Pagan/Payen surname, and, 2) The Dee surname, smacking of Dia, had one pro-James-Stewart Rosicrucian louse (a spy) by the name of John Dee who signed his name, 007, as in the number of James BOND.

Interestingly, the Chepman variation may link to the Cheps/Jepps/Jappas who smack not only of Jupiter and Japodes, but of Joppa. Suddenly, the Chap trace to Jupiter is suggesting that mythical Capys was the guts of the Jupiter cult, and that jibes with the Kupa (also "Colapiani") river upon which the Japodes lived. The Chep/Jepp/Jappa Coat uses a white-on-blue Zionists star upon the Roman double-headed eagle.

It had been found that the Jove/Geve/Jeeves surname was of "Jupiter" too. It uses a small saltire of the type used by Candies, while Candidas use a black-on-gold eagle, same colors as the Chep/Jepp double-headed eagle.

Until this point in the discussion, I haven't wanted to discuss the Chappes Coat. I first wanted to exhaust the Chapman investigation. "Cheppes" was entered at this time to find no Coat shown, with this write-up: "The name Cheppes comes from a name for a rotund individual. The nickname is derived from the Old English word cypping, which is further derived from the Old German word kupp, which meant 'to swell, to be swollen.'...Variations of the name Cheppes include Kipps, Kipp, Kippe, Keppe, Cheppe and others. First found in Hampshire..."

There is a Swell/Swale surname (greyhound), and it just so happens to have this write-up: "First found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Swale from ancient times. Although the Manor does not appear in the Domesday Book in 1086 the first recorded date is of John Swale who held the Lordship. He married Alice, daughter of Gilbert de Gaunt, and related to John of Gaunt about 1150. At this time he held the manor of West Grenton or Grinton in Swaledale." I had traced Candidas to Gants/Gaunts. Look at the timing: I had not seen the Swell Coat when writing the Candida paragraph above. I had not seen the Swell Coat until after quoting the Cheppes write-up for you. I recognize the Swell Coat as a version of the Dutch Gant/Gent Coat.

It just so happens that entering "Seawell" in seeking Swell kin brings up the Severns/Sevens ("PRAESTantior" motto term), first found, as with Chips', in Worcestershire. I recall that the Severn/Seven surname came in the last update shortly after Kevens had been traced to Jove elements. As Chapmans just traced to Jupiter, it's not likely coincidental that the Irish Keven/Cavena Coat uses crescents in Chapman colors as well as the Bruce-Crest lion design.

Scottish Kevens/Kewans may use the Cappeo lion in colors reversed, and the garb may link to the same of the Scottish Chappes//Cheap Crest. Recalling that Pontius Pilate was said to be born of a Pictish girl in Perthshire, though it was gleaned that these same elements may have been in neighboring Stirling, I note that Chappes/Cheapes are said to have been Picts, first found in Stirlingshire. In my mind, this looks like the important, sought-after (and until now merely theoretical) Caiaphas link to the birth of Pontius Pilate.

In the link below, you can see that the Chappes/Cheap Crest is "a garb." The Chappes/Cheap Coat is "green ears of wheat," but then there are wheat sheaths and wheat SHEAVES that are otherwise called "garbs." Let me repeat that the Chaves bloodline, in particular the Shaw/Sheaves surname using the Pilotte grails, has a "Ghille-SHEATHanaich" variation. Then, see the wheat sheaths in the Arms of Cambellford, said in the article to be named after Campbells of an Airds location (Scotland). The "Mindful" motto term of Cambellford (said to be a Campbell-clan motto) smacks of the "mean well" motto phrase of the Shaws.

As Campbells were rooted in MacArthurs (according to the Campbell write-up), what about the Airth location in Stirlingshire??? Stirl-incidence? No, I don't think it's coincidental, for Kevens use a garb and were first found, as with Campbells, in Argyllshire. Not only does the Keven/Kewan garb (called a "wheat SHEAF"!) appear linked to the Chappes/Cheap-of-Stirling garb, but I had traced MacArthurs very recently to Airth. I didn't know about the Airds location until now.

The Airds surname (wolves, jibing with "Sithech" term in Shaw write-up) was first found in Ayrshire ("God Shaw the Richt" motto), and as it shows an Ayrd variation, it jibes with the recent trace of the Derth/Airth surname, the place of king Arthur's wound, to the Ayrshire theater, the place of king Arthur's death.

However, that death seems to be code for the Darth/Death surname, in the same white-on-black as the Airds/Ayrd Coat. The latter probably uses the Pendragon chevron. Remember, the Darth/Death Coat uses the Vince/Vinch griffin design, and Shaws/Sheaves use a "vincit" motto term.

This would be a good place to mention that Derths/Airths use a Shield-and-Chief combination without symbols, and that French Gants use a Shield-and-Chief combination without symbols in colors reversed to the Derth/Airth combination. I knew nothing of the Airds/Ards Coat until now, and here I find that both it and the Derth/Airth Coat uses the same red rooster, making it certain that Airds, and therefore Campbell-MacArthurs, link to Stirling's Airth location.

I GET IT!!! The myth wherein Arthur was wounded had him at the CAMallen river, thought to be the Allan river through Stirling, "Camallan" can now be deciphered as code for Campbells/Cammels, and that jibes with the Camallen trace of some to "Camelot."

Immediately to the north of Manann [= Clackmannan] were the Pictish tribe known as the Maetae or Miathi.

...[King] Arthur in fact died in battle against the Miathi Picts in 582 AD, in battle which the Scots/Irish called the battle of Manann, but which the Welsh and Britons called, the battle of Camallan.

The writer is taking from the death of Arthur as per the myth writer, Chrietien de Troyes. It may suggest that Mordred depicted the Maetae/Miathi Picts. I have no investigation yet on what the Miathi term may relate to. I would not rush to argue that since Arthur was "killed" by the Miathi that he himself couldn't have been code for a Maetae/Miathi peoples. It should explain why "Mordred" was also "Medraut" at the "battle of Camlann." Wikipedia's article on the battle of Camlann suggests a trace to "Queen Camel in Somerset which is close to the hill fort near South Cadbury (identified by some, including Geoffrey Ashe, with King Arthur's Camelot), where the River Cam flows beneath Camel Hill and Annis Hill." I don't agree with a Camlann in Somerset as it's now solid in my mind that "Camallan" was in Stirling, but I quote the above for the Annis term found in Somerset...where another branch of Campbells/Cammels may have, apparently, settled.

By what coincidence is it that the Levi surname, which I trace to Ananes-related Laevi, was first found, as with the French Chappes/Chapa surname, in Ile-de-France, which is at Paris? Moreover, I trace mythical Percival (father of the swan knight, now looking like a Campbell) to the Parisii, but the Percival surname was first found in Somerset. The Cambellford Crest is a swan (said to be as Campbell-clan Crest symbol), which could be code for the Severn/SEVEN surname that I suspect is root to "Keven." It just so happens that the Savona surname (like the Darth/Death Coat) was first found in Somerset, and I traced the Ligurian swan line to Savona (several years before finding the Savone coat).

From the 1st update in October: "Percivals (in Light/Lyte colors) and Perses/Pierces were first found in Somerset, where swan-using Lights/Lytes were first found. Remember, Hards use the Light/Lyte-style swan, but Hards also use an otter, while Somerset was home to UTHER Pendragon elements of the Hard-like Arthurs." Okay? Then see the Uther entity crop up below.

The Chapados variation of French Chappes (Moor heads) could reveal clan links to the Capetian dynasty. One Capet surname is from Capes, Normandy.

The Capetian dynasty, also known as the House of France, is the largest and oldest European royal house, consisting of the descendants of King Hugh Capet of France in the male line. Hugh Capet himself was a cognatic descendant of the Carolingians and the Merovingians

Capetians ruled France when Hugh de Payen was the grand master. I think this explains rather well why Hugh was in some way a Cappes surname, or, if GD is correct, he married a Cappes surname. The French king during the first Crusade was Philip I, son of Anne of Kiev, Varangians that I trace to the Chaves line as per "Kiev." This in a nutshell can explain why both Franks and Sinclairs (whom I identify with Varangians) were mainline Templars.

The long Cappes/Chapa chevron, white-on-blue, looks like the Ottone chevron, and Ottones were first found in PERUSia. This tends to trace Chappes to Otone Visconti, the first Visconti ruler of Milan, and the Milan surname was first found in Messina, where Moors may have been. If I recall correctly, the Visconti snake had a black child or Moor in mouth at one time.

For the first time, Kevens/Kewans are linked above solidly to king-Arthur elements, and as per the trace of "Uther" Pendragon to the Other/Otter surname, here's the Kevin/Kewan write-up: "First found in Argyllshire, where they were first found in the barony of Otter, on the shores of Loch Fyne. The eponymous ancestor of the Clan is reputed to be Eoghain na h-Oitrich, also known as 'Ewen of Otter', who lived at the beginning of the 12th century." Clearly, Kevens/Kewans were from the Uther line. Moreover, as I traced the Arthurians to Atrebates, both of Hampshire and of Atrecht=Arras of Artois, I now see that "Eoghain na h-Oitrich" smacks of "Atrecht." I suppose that even Ottones may apply to "Uther" and Otters.

This is all very good where I trace Atrebates to Atreus (= golden-fleece bloodline to Pylos), mythical father of Menelaus, for it seemed to me that in the last update the (Clack)Mannan traces to Menelaus. There is even a fleece symbol below the wheat sheaths of the Cambellford Arms. Every time such a symbol is explained, it's always said to be a for a local wool industry, current of past.

From the 2nd update in October: "In the last update, it was shown that the surname of Herman Cain, Republican front runner at this time in many areas of the country, linked to at least two other surnames in leadership positions in his Antioch church. Those surnames seemed to trace to Poland's Goplo region, where the Piasts and even the Poles themselves came out of." From the 1st update of October: "The Pulley Coat is the Romney and Pullen Shield! Even the (Chaine-like) Cain/Kahan Coat is almost identical!!! Another arm-and-sword in the Irish Cain/Kayne Coat!" That's what made it certain that Cains traced to the Polish Mieszkos, where Palins and other Republican contenders trace."

Then, yesterday I found that Herman Cain's chief of staff is Mark Block. It's only a theory (of mine) that the "red bricks" of the German Blocks/Blochers are a version of the "red lozenges" of the Plocks/Plucketts (both are red on gold), but if true that Plocks and Blocks are versions of the same entity, therein is possible evidence that Cain's chief of staff also traces to Poles. What would it say about him? How can it be coincidental that virtually all, if not all, Republican front-runners, trace to Mouse-Tower Poles, where also the Washington surname traces? Wouldn't it suggest that Cain, too, is a part of that cult?

Cain's pastor at his Antioch church in Atlanta has an Alexander surname, which traces to Alessandria, where also the Inces and their torteux trace. The Plock/Plucket Coat uses two "bendlets," the same idea as in the Ince/Inch Coat. Pluckets appear to have used red lozenges, therefore, in place of the red Ince torteux.

There is a way to link Blocks to Plocks/Plucketts, starting with the latter's write-up: "Plucknett is of Norman-French origin and derives from the name Plunket. Plunket is adapted from the Anglo-Norman-French word blancquet, meaning blanket or sheet. Another explanation suggests that the name is a local reference to Plugenett, Normandy." I was skeptical that "plunket" meant "blanket," but it turned out to be true, sort of. I'm reading that it was a color but also a cloth. In any case, the surname is not "Plunket," but Plugenett-like. Assuming that "plunket" is a code for Plock kin, perhaps Blankets, Blanks/Blancs and/or Blanes apply. Entering either "Sheet" or "Sheath" gets the Skeat/Skeath surname with hearts. Sithech-incidence?

There is an Irish Plunkett surname said to be derived from "the settlement of Plouquenet in Ille-et-Vilaine in France." At the sight of the latter term, "Blaine" was entered to find a clan first found in Ayrshire and using a (green) snake coiled around an anchor...a Kyle-Crest symbol. There was also a French (Brittany) Blaine surname using red-and-gold diagonal bars that actually create the two red-on-gold bendlets of the Plocks/Pluknetts, wherefore I think we have found that Blaines were part of the "plunket" code. These just happen to be the colors of the Alan Coat.

The Plunkett write-up does nor trace to blankets. Instead, to "the Old French word blanchet, which means white." The Plunkett Coat uses three white symbols.

As per the "Festina" motto term of Irish Plunketts, entering either "Fest" or "Festin" brings up nothing, but "Fast" curiously brings up the Withypools/Withipoles, first found in Shropshire, where the Brittany Alans settled first of all in Britain. Later, they moved to the Ayrshire theater, jibing with the info above on the Blaines.

The Renfrewshire Pollocks were part of the Ayrshire-Stewart bunch, and emailer Pollock insisted time and again that "Maxwell" (from whim Pollocks derive) was named in part after a "Maccus" and in part after a pool or pond. But I suggest that "pool" is code for Poles, and so when I see "Withypool/Withipole," I see SiemoWIT elements...from MOUSE TOWER POLES!!! To help corroborate a Withipole trace to Mouse-Tower (= Goplo) POles, the Withipole Coat use white-on-red crosses, the colors of the Piast eagle.

Moreover, I had traced the "wit" in "Siemowit" to the Whites and Watts, and that jibes with the blancquet term that Plocks are said to derive from...meaning that they didn't derive in blankets or blanket makers. It just so happens that, in the last update, Siemowit was traced to Witkowo (Poland). Here's what I wrote: "The Arms of Witkowo use the ALL-SEEING-EYE inside a PYRAMID, smacking too much of the all-seeing-eye in the Great Seal of the United States." Then, Watts use a human eyeball, and a pair of glasses on a tree that I trace to Glasgow, Renfrewshire. "Renfrewshire" itself traces to Rennes in Brittany.

Therefore, it is beginning to appear that Plocks do indeed trace to Poles of the Illuminati kind.

In the last update, Hungarians were traced to Witkowo by reason of a Wittelsbachs trace there, and it just so happens that Wittelsbachs passed their lozenges to the Arms of Bavaria. It just so happens that Drummonds were Hungarians while Drummonds were of the Leslie "Grip FAST" motto term...which for the first time ever can be unveiled here as code for Siemowit elements in the Fasts/Withipoles. I've never known what the "fast" motto code stood for, and so let's nor forget that Clodes/McLeods use "Hold fast."

ZOWIE, after writing all that, I went to fetch the Watt Coat for you, and there in the English Watt Chief were blocks, in the same rectangular shape as the Block "bricks," and in colors reversed to both the red bricks and red Plock lozenges!! And in the Watt Crest, a red lozenge!!! Suddenly, we have super-fast evidence that Siemowit Poles trace to the Watt surname.

German Blaines are also "Blaint," which is said because I suspect "Blane" to be from "bland" or "blonde." It just so happens that more bendlets (or stripes alongside a bend), in the colors of the Ince bendlets, are used by Blands (pheons). The same stripes are used by Pullens and Romneys, assuring all the more that these clans were Polish. Blands (who look like a cross between SALEmans and Sales) use a gold-on-black bend that should link to the gold-on-black fesse of the Ayrshire Blaines/Blanes, and because the latter how the Kyle anchor, it again traces them to Piast or Mouse-Tower poles.

I'm using the Mouse Tower at Goplo because I've believed for some two years that the anti-Christ and/or False Prophet will be a mouse entity. There is a good chance that Herman Cain will defeat Obama by taking a good chunk of the black vote from Democrats. The 9-9-9-er may become the 6-6-6-er, but, please, this is not an accusation or meant as tarnish on Mr. Cain. Everything's on the table here at tribwatch when it concerns a Christian president of the United States. As a watcher, I'm watching.

Unfortunately, I haven't yet made a solid link between Blocks and Plocks. Perhaps the Blocks were Bullocks, who I think use the Mieske bull design. Bullocks use the Wayne Shield, apparently, which I say because parts of Romulus in Wayne county, Michigan, were founded by Pullens, who use pelicans-on-nest like Waynes. I definitely trace pelicans on nests to Poles, and besides, "Bullock" smacks of "Polock." I traced Poles to Roxburghshire, where Maxwells were first found, and that's also where Bullocks were first found.

But, I haven't yet made a solid link between Blocks and Bullocks. Still, Cain's chief of staff with Block surname is highly suspect from the Poles, and already the Chaines and similar surnames have been traced to the Mouse Tower.

Bullocks use Five Lochaber axes...bound with a scarf, and then the Scherf(f) bloodline was in at least two different presidents of the United States: the two Bush's. We saw above that Plocks linked to the Fasts and that Clodes/McLeods use a "Hold fast" motto... that traces to Poles even in the Hold term. The Scarf(f) Coat uses the Clapton/Clopton-style wolf head, as well as trefoils...that can be viewed as clovers. Clovers were linked above to the Clovis > Clode/McLeod bloodline, and "Clap/Clop" should even apply.

As trefoils are traced in-part to Rockefellers, whom I trace to "Roxburgh," let me say again: Bullocks, using the scarf symbol that should be code for trefoil-using Scarf(f)s, were first found in Roxburghshire. The Scherrfs that made it to the American "throne" were Nazi agents, and so was a Siemens industry during the second world war. As we saw, the Plock bloodline traced to Siemowit.

This Plock-line trace to Clovis jibes with those who say that Pollocks descended directly from Clovis. It should explain why Dutch Blanks/Blannkes' use the same martels = hammers as the Martel Coat, and why the Martel hammers are in the colors of the Plock lozenges. Not only the Plocks, but the Pullens, use black-on-gold footless martins...that were recently traced to Charles Martel. The Blank hammers are in the colors of those martins. The same colors are used by the Scherf crosslet, which looks like a version of the Sheet.

Martels are said to be from "Martin," suggesting that the French-Martin crescent is that of Irish Martins. The crown in the French Martel Coat is that also of the Spanish Capets, and as the latter was just identified with the Chappes bloodline traced to the Brescia lion, note that Italian Martins were first found in Brescia.

Did we see Martin links above to Dutch Blanks/Blannkes' (who should be the "blanket" code of the Plock write-up)? English Martins (use the Washington Shield, apparently) were first found in Leicestershire, home of the white-on-red cinquefoil...used also by Blanks/Blanch's. English Blocks appear to use a version of the Rodham tree stump, and I trace Rod(h)ams to Rutland at Leicestershire. The Ligurians who founded Leicestershire should trace to the Salyes, as even the Blands appear to trace. The Rod(h)am write-up traces to a Rodden location in Salop, and I think that Salyes and/or Clopton elements named Salop.

I also think that Polish SLABodians were connected to Salop in some way, and it just-so-happens that it's the German Siemens who use a slab symbol...which is akin to bricks and blocks. The Siemen Crest is described with "two trunks," and aside from being viewed (by heraldry masters) as elephant trunks likely as code for Esau-ites, these trunks could be so-named due to the tree stumps of Blocks and others. I now recall tracing "Goeth's oak" stump from Brocks, suggesting that Blocks (and therefore Poles) became "Brock." Certainly, the "bricks" used by German Blocks can then link to Brick-branch Brocks. IN FACT, Bricks use lozenges (Plock symbol), and then, as we saw above that there is a trace to Brescia, what about Brescia's alternative name of, BRIXia??? Brix'/Brices/Bressens use lozenges too, and German Brix' were first found in Silesia!

It's possible that the Salian side of Clovis was from a stock of Salyes Ligures in Silesia, and it's quite solid in my mind that Clovis was from a Lys-valley Salassi peoples in Aosta. If true that Salyes and/or nearby Salassi founded Silesia, then Lusatia was likely named by the Lys river in Aosta (north side of Piedmont). Herein is how Pollocks and other Poles could have been related to Clovis, but then Pepinid-branch Merovingians were traced smack to the Mouse Tower anyway. And so see the horse design in the Rutlan(d)/RATland Crest, for the Pepin Coat uses it too (it's also used by Masseys that I trace to "Mieszko"). While you're at the Pepin page, note that their fleur-de-lys (in the colors of the Blank hammers) are on a bend, as with the Sales Coat.

Rutlands/Ratlands and Rodhams may now trace to the Ruthenians and Radziwills of Polesie. By the way, Blands use a "sperate" motto term, and then I trace Sprees and Speers (first found in Renfrewshire as with Pollocks) to the Spree river in Lusatia.

I kid you not, the above was all written before I looked at the Pack surnames as per the "back to back" part of the Siemen-Crest description, and of the "pax bello" motto phrase of Blaines (the Bouillon motto also uses "bello," now suggesting that "Blain" was a version of "Bouillon".) The Polish Pack surname (in Bouillon colors) was first found in Polesie (Poland), where the Sloboda's were first found! AND, the same Packs use a white-on-red fleur-de-lys, what I suspect were the original fleur colors because both Lilles and Lys' use them.

French Packs (Languedoc) use a red bull, symbol also of Lower Silesia. Silincidence?

The Pacewicze variation of the Polesie Packs may suggest the Italian Pace/Pay (= Dupay / Payen bloodline) surname linked earlier in the update to Hugh de Payen. How interesting is it that the Bouillon surname worked into this discussion before I conceived the Pack link to Paces??? It suggests that the root of the first Templars and Bouillon-related Sionists were from Poles, or of proto-Pole stock in the north-Italian / Liguria theater. I can now add what just occurred, that Godfrey de Bouillon was from Bologne of Italy because the Pace/Pay surname was first found there, while the immediate ancestry of Godfrey de Bouillon was in Boulogne of France. As the Boii ruled Bologne for a time, it suggests that Bouillons were indeed named after Boii.

It just so happens that the Lys river of France is in what was Artois, where also Boulogne is located! The Bouillon cross, having fleur-de-lys ends, is in the colors of the fleur in the Arms of Lille, Artois!!

Now is the time to remind that Baphomet-honoring Walsers lived in the Lys valley of Aosta, and yet were named after Wallis/Valais canton where the city of Sion is located!!! That in a nutshell proves that Godfrey de Bouillon was of Sionist elements (as many contend). Moreover, Godfrey had a swan symbol, and so note that the Lys surname was first found in Paris, the city that named Percival, father of the swan knight. I now note that the Walser Coat compares with the Italian Martin Coat (Brescia).

The trace of the "pax" term to the Packs of Polesie can then trace the Welsh Davids/Daffys to the same Polesie peoples, for the latter use "Pax et copia." First, English Paces were first found, as with the Davids/Daffys, in Cheshire!!! This is excellent because it gives some solid clues for the pax motto term wherever we may find it.

Secondly, our Swiss specialist, FE, who informed us that Walsers were verily from Wallis canton, has informed us that a Devaud/Devaux surname (pelican on nest) should trace to the Vaud canton near Sion. As the German Well (no 's') Coat uses the same pelican design, it seems that the Well (also "Waller") family was a Walser one. English Wells use a two-tailed lion of the Ulman-lion design, suggesting links to Hungarian-Almos elements from Ulm, Germany. English Ulmans were first found in Worcestershire, where Watts were first found that trace to Plocks and Siemowit.

Thirdly, The David/Daffy Coat smacks of the Rodham Coat, which tends to trace the latter to Ruthenians and/or Radziwills of Polesie. The "Post" motto term of Rutlands/Ratlands suggests the Post surname, and then a black bugle is used by the Dutch Post Chief, important because black-bugle Trabys were descended directly from Radziwills. German Posts, first found in Prussia (German-Polish border area, where Mieskes were first found), are also "Poest," which is why I suspect them to be a prime Piast bloodline. German Posts/Poasts ("Piast" was only a myth code and may have been to disguise) use a white-on-blue lion, perhaps the Cappeo / Brescia lion in colors reversed. After all, Davids/Daffys use "Pax et copia."

By and large, Herman Cain and his close associates are tracing to Polish Piast > Mieszko elements, but when the Block bloodline that controls much of Cain's team starts to trace to the 666-bugle of the Trabys, the 9-9-9 Cain plan becomes conspicuously frightful. If the Pack fleur-de-lys traces to Polesie, and ditto for Paces and Davids (likewise white on red) of Cheshire, then surely the latter two were Mieszko > Massey bloodliners. It can't then be a coincidence that the Massey Coat uses, as with the Polesie Packs, the white-on-red fleur-de-lys. For me, the Pack trace to the Paces/Pays, and therefore to Pagans/Payens, is a trace back to Apachnas, the Exodus Hyksos who typified the wrath of God millennia ago.

REMEMBER the "back to 'back" description of the Siemen Crest's star and crescent, for one Back Coat uses a gold calf, what I suspect is code for the Exodus calf that was fashioned in the wilderness as part of a plan to bring Israelites back to the Exodus pharaoh's wrathful hands.

Paces of Cheshire use besants (on purple Shield), a symbol that I typically trace to the Meschins of the Bessin, in particular to Ranulf de BRIQUESsart (Rus ruler of the Bessin), father of the Cheshire Meschins. The Brick surname, and therefore the red-on-gold bricks of the Blocks may apply, especially as the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin is shown red on gold at Wikipedia's article on him. It's the color of the Duff lion too, suggests a strong link between Davids/Daffys and Meschins. Remember, Duffs were traced to Diva, the earlier name of Chester, where Ranulf le Meschin ruled.

Thus, Davids were named after Daphne elements at Diva, but merged with Cheshire Paces, themselves from Polish Packs using the same fleur-de-lys as Meschin-related Masseys. This then tends to trace Masseys to the Lys river in Aosta, and a relationship with the Walsers there, explaining why both Walsers and Massins/Masons use Melusine (daughter of Pressina) in crest (symbol of Lusatians of Prussia). The Moray crest uses Melusine because Moray stars were from the Mieszko bloodline to the Bessin (trust me on that trace; it's explained elsewhere), and because Melusine is used in the Arms of Warsaw, the capital of Poland's Masovia region. There is a Plock location in Massovia, and chances are, the brick-using Blocks were from there too, and, chances are, they as Brocks > Bricks named Briquessart. The Brick Coat doesn't only use lozenges, but in the Chief: fleur-de-lys in white on red!

I don't want to spend room here on the theory occurring at this point, that Bars and Bears were from the Block > Brock evolution of terms (Brocks/Brokes use fleur in the color of the Masci fleur). It was so amazing to check for evidence that the Brick surname evolved from "Blick" in the same way that Brocks may have been from come Blocks. There in the Blick/Blieck Coat was a curved white-on-blue fish. It's reversed to Brick colors!

I mention it because the next topic was slated to go back to the Bosch and Bush/Busch "fish" that evolved into the fleur-de-lys. I had used (2nd update in July) the curved Barr / Baar (see Bar-le-Duc) fish as evidence for that theory, and later (very recently) it proved to be absolutely true that the fleur-de-lys was at first a white-on-blue fish.

In the fish-to-fleur investigation, it was reasoned that "Piast" may have been a fish term akin to the Italian "Pesce." It just so happened that the Italian Pesce Coat use a white-on-blue fish too. Both Boschs and Buschs use white-on-blue fleur, and the Bosch design even looks like a fish with tail (Traby Alert: the Bosch Crest shows three ostrich feathers). It just so happens that the TREBek Coat uses three white-on-blue fish in a style somewhat like the Traby bugles. Note the "beck' and "back" endings in some Trebek variations. If the fish were anymore curved, they could form three sixes.

Then, not many days ago, when I opened Tim's email with links to many Coat designs, I happened on this Biscoe Coat (at this page) using three greyhounds in full flight...the symbol also in the Lys Coat !!!!!!!!! - !!!!!!!!! - !!!!!!!!! Count em. Nine-Nine-Nine.

It was an astonishing find because, in a jiff and a jaff, it traced the Lys surname and its fleur-de-lys to a Bosch- and Busch-like surname.

ZOWIE!! Entering "Biscoe" at gets the Bishop surname, very suspicious where the papal mitre is thought to be a fish. The Coat uses the same stripes along the bend that in this update have traced to Poles. On the bend, three (red-on-gold) besants. Biscoes/Bishops were first found in Worcestershire, where Watts (and Ulmans) were first found, and the Watt Chief uses a red-on-gold besants between two blocks called, "billets."

AMAZING REVELATION THANKS BE TO HERALDRY. The "Pro Deo" motto term of the Biscoes must be code for the Prudes/Prydes with curved fish !!!!!!!!! They are curved like the Bar fish.

Entering "Bisch" gets a Bescheffer family, first in Prussia. Both "Bisch" and "Bosch" bring up a Dutch Bosch/Bosse Coat using a lion in the colors of the Ranulf-le-Meschin lion (both are standing upright), BUT, under the Bos/Bosse lion, three blocks!!! In this case, the blocks are called, billets. One Billet Coat uses Zionists stars in the colors of the Bilsland/Bullsland/Bessland mascles. Along with the mascles, there are black bull heads, wherefore this looks like a Mieszko bloodline to Meschins/Masculines and similar surnames.

"Billet" evokes "Bilderberg." The Billet Zionists stars (on a Shield like that of Maceys / Mackays) are important for my Mieszko > Boleslaw > Bezprym trace to the Moray stars, for the Billet stars are colors reversed to the Innes-of-Moray pentagram stars. Another Innes Coat shows Zionists stars in the same colors, suggesting that Innes' were linked to the Mieszko line to Moray. I claim that Mieszkos at Moray were Mackays. In light of the colors of these Zionist stars, we could be dealing here with the Illuminati players in the formation of modern Israel. It recalls my theory that the Illuminati wants modern Israel to bow down and accept a Palestinian state, an idea pushed in America by George (Bisch-like) Bush.

Did I say that I didn't have a comment on the Bisch/Bescheffer Coat? After writing the paragraph above, "Bilder" was entered to find a red-on-white chevron, the colors of the Bisch/Bescheffer chevron. Moreover, the Bilder Coat (a version of the Bert Coat) uses black bugles on white in place of the same-colored Bisch eagles. A black eagle is also in the Bils Crest.

I had traced the Moray stars (as a guess) to the Moravia blood in the son (Boleslaw) of Mieszko. At the time, I pegged Moravians as Merovingian refugees chased out of France by Carolingians. It was only recently that, on a wholly independent adventure, the Mieszko bloodline itself was found to be rooted in Pepinid Merovingians. It could even be that Salian Franks were not from Silesia, but vice versa, and, for all I know off the top of my tired head, Lusatia may have been founded by the Clovis-line fleur-de-lys cult, not vice versa.

Another red bull (same as the Pack bull) is in the English Boss/Boiville Coat, and it should therefore trace to the red Lusatian bull just because Boschs/Bosses/Bos' trace well to Polish elements.

This history is not necessarily irrelevant to the world where a Republican president may appear in 2012 that is supported by Polish-Merovingian elements. When we hear of Bilderbergs, Rockefellers are a natural part of the lot. The trefoils belonging in-part to Trips/Treffs and to Rockefellers were traced to king Clovis, and it appeared at that time (last update I think) that Herod blood (of the Rodes/Rods) was involved. If the trefoils of the Scarfs link to Scherfs, then could it be said that America was ruled by two presidents of a Herod line? If you've forgotten, it was Bullocks who use a scarf around their Lochaber axes.

Look at the Bullock-Coat description: "...silver bulls' heads caBOSSed, armed gold." That can't be a bossincidence. The Bullock bull heads are colors reversed to the Boss/Boiville bull. On the Lochaber topic, first see that the scarf ties them together at the base, same idea as the ring around the base of the fleur-de-lys. This tie idea is also in a German and "Jewish" Brand Coat using sticks (fagots) tied together. To no surprise, the other German Brand Coat shows stars in Moray colors, assuring that this too is a Mieszko line. I'm confident because BRANDenburg is that part of Prussia facing Poland. English Brands use Mieske-bull colors.

Sticks and other things tied together represent partnerships for building empires and enterprises. That was the point. The Rockefeller global partnership is a fagot ready to be unleashed on all those not tied to it. David Rockefeller has already let loose on Internet activity working to spoil his beloved globalism. But David, don't we have the right not to join your globalism? If you force it upon the masses, it'll be your end on the horizon. You won't get through the day.

They will force the world to wear their mark in their hands.

German Bilder(back)s use the same red on white as English Bilders, and were first found in Hamburg, where the Trips were first found who use the French-Massey boot and trace, in my opinion, to "Traby." Now that I've found black bugles in the English Bilders, who have a branch in Hamburg, the Trip-Traby link is reinforced, and is moreover connect-able to the Berts...whom I've suspected were a branch of Pollocks (using bugles too and descended from a FulBERT).

Pollocks were involved with Paisley abbey, and I suppose that "Paisley," which I've traced in the past to "Piast," could trace also/instead to the Paces and/or Packs. There is a Paisley surname using thistles and all that means for a trace to the killers of Christ. It just so happens that English Packs use gold on blue anchors while English Blocks/Bloggs use white-on-blue roses, both in the Paisley Coat. That tends to trace Paisleys to Poland, especially to Packs, but then Packs traced to the area of Poland where the Traby bloodline grew out of.

English Pikes, more trefoils. Scottish Pikes/Pickens use a skinny engrailed cross like that of French (Brittany) Bouchets that come up when entering "Bosche" (must have the 'e'). Combining "Bosche" and "Bouchet" brings Baskets (in Pace/Pay colors) to mind, and they are said to be "derived from the Latin personal name Paschalis, often abbreviated to Pask or Pascal, which means Passover. An alternative derivation suggests that the name is derived from an abbreviation of the Old French word Basque, which referred to a native of Biscay." The Paces/Pays show a Pascel variation.

Checking possible business associates of Herman Cain, there was a Theisen surname, owner of Godfather pizza, who sold it to Pillsbury, who made Herman Cain CEO. The Polish-sounding Pillsbury Coat uses black-on-gold (Mieske-bull colors) scallops. The Theisen Coat uses an arm and sword, as does the Mieske Coat. It's one thing to trace to Poles, but to Mieszko himself?

Entering "Pill" gets the Piles with piles.

Both Plocks and Pillsburys were first found in red-bull Oxfordshire. Both Plocks and Pillsburys use black on gold. The colors of the Pillsbury scallops are used by Ladds/Ladons, otherwise I can't think of who else uses them. I can add that I view the Ladon Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Meschin Coat.

Cain's mother is a Davis surname, and the Irish Davis Coat also uses trefoils. Trefoils are used also by Prats/Prudes, and the latter use a Shield much like the Ladd/Ladon Shield. See also the Leader/Leeder Shield (plates), in colors reversed to the Ladd/Ladon Shield.

I find it a little amazing how many thing's Cain has done, as though he had connections. He was even a chauffeur for the president of Coca-Cola. Herman Cain sat as CEO of the Kansas branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. What does that say about the potential to advance a skincode that I think will be ushered by banks and government working together? Then, as the False Prophet will make fire-miracles from the sky, note that Cain "also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy." Just saying. What do pizza and missiles have in common? Mushrooms.

My hope is that Cain is NOT the False Prophet, that he is a true Christian, that he'll beat the can out of Obama in the election. But, the timing of 2012-16 is such that missiles may be needed against Iran and its allies. An attack on Iran, even by Israel, promises to turn the world upside down.

Yikes! One current CEO of the Kansas federal reserve system is a Ratcliffe surname, evoking the RATlands that I've just traced to Poland's Polesie...where Traby-related RADziwills lived. The Ratcliffe/Radcliffe Crest even uses a black bull!! YIKES.

If that doesn't convince that Ratcliffes trace to Mieszko, then their "propter" motto term might. It looks like code for the Proper(t)s, for they use the Mackesy / Mackie lion. The Propers use an "iniMICA" motto term smacking of "Miecislaw," what Poles call Mieszko. The whole Proper motto is "Mannus haec inimica tyrannus," evoking the "Manu" motto term of Mackays and the Tyrrhenian sea, where Mieszko ancestry was from (i.e. from Sardinia). YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE that this paragraph came after the one above had already traced Ratcliffes to Trabys, and so we find it NOT surprising, YET shocking, that the Proper Crest is an ostrich (Traby-Crest symbol!!!) with a key in beak.

GAWK LIKE AN OSTRICH, therefore, at the two black-on-white bendlets of the Key/Kay Coat...meaning that Kays (griffin with key in mouth) are related to the Ratcliffe bendlets !!!!!!!!! - !!!!!!!!! - !!!!!!!!! Nine, Nine and Nine! We have just discovered that the mythical-Kay grail cult traces to Radziwills Poles.

The Ratcliffes use "black bendlets engrailed." They are the width of the skinny bends / saltires. Rattels/Rataulds use a skinny engrailed bend too, and Raddells/Reddals (who really smack of Radziwills) use a black engrailed fesse and estoiles, IMPORTANT because Radziwills (also "Radvila") were from an ASTikai family.

In this Arms of Traby-Radziwill, the Traby bugles are shown, and in the Crest, what looks like the top of a red heart and covered in the lower portion with pheons. Was this the Herod and Pilate line??? Note the clovers or clubs at the tips of the arrow heads (pheons?), for the combination is an "ermine." Then read below on Ratcliffe links to clover-like surnames, written before this paragraph was inserted here. Radziwills were from Lithuania, where there was a Lada goddess married to Perkunas, what I view as a wolf god from Verkana/Hyrcania, and then we read that "Radvila" was from the idea of Rad-vilko = Rad-wolf. We will see wolves in the clover-like surnames! Note the clover / trefoil in the crown of this Arms of Traby.

Here's the Arms of Vilnius, the place where Astikas had authority. VILNius smacks of "Avalon." Sticks tied together, and an anchor, are it's symbols. Astikas are also "Ostyk," smacking of "stick." Unfortunately, I can't find the description of the German Brand coat using tied sticks (I don't know whether they are officially called sticks), but I can tell you that English Brands use Traby-bugle colors, as do the Sticks. AND Zowie, after writing that, it was satisfying to prove correct with the Brand-Traby link...because both Brandens and Stokes use two=tailed lions. The Brandon lion is covered in "plates" and is likewise in Traby-bugle colors. I had never before imagined that Stokes (and probably Stocks) were Trabys.

Yes, for the Stokes motto uses "qui insons"!!! Not just the Kays/Keys, but the Inces / Inches use black-on-white bendlets (i.e. the colors of the Ratcliffe bendlets)! ASTounding discovery. We are definitely sticking them in the all-see-eyes. DON'T FORGET, both Inches and the Chaves-line Shaws/Sheaves were first found in Perthshire, and Kays might be in the Shay variation of Shaws.

As per the RADcliffe variation, Rad was checked to find white Zionists stars on blue, the colors of the French Billet Zionist stars. But as they are colors reversed to the Innes Zionist stars, it seems that the Innes were Radziwills and Trabys all along, right under our noses. Moray was a Mieszko bastion.

The Kay motto uses a "kepe" term recalling (from earlier in this update) the Keppe variation of the Cheppes. It was assumed that Cheppes were Chappes and therefore of the key-using Chaves/Sheaves bloodline!!! Scottish Chappes/Cheaps use almost the same wheat sheaths / sheaves as the Riddles/Riddells, now revealing further that Radziwills became Riddells too. Belgian Riddles/Riddells use "mallets." We read: "Bearers of Riddle were certainly a most influential family."

The black boars of the Reddins/Raddings should be shown, for Radcliffes are said to be named after red, though I would suggest Redones >Ruthenes. Reddins/Raddings were first found, as with red-bend Keepes, in Sussex. Remember too that red-Shielded Hebrons/Hepburns use a "Keep" motto term.

STUNNING. RatCLIFFes are in the colors of the CLIFFs/Cleaves (!!)... which might be coincidental except that both Cliffords and Ratcliffes were first found in Nottingham, assuring kinship. As Cliffs trace to Clovis, the Riddell mallets are likely code for Martels. See also Clifftons (peacock).

ZIKERS SOME MORE. The Blaine Coat, using "pax" and therefore tracing to Packs of Polesie, is very much like that of Cliffs/Cleaves. Both Blaines and English Packs use anchors, as do Kay-related Kinners. Packers and Pecks are in Pack-fleur colors, and Pecks use the same type cross as Claptons, who, like the Cliffs, use the wolf head.

At this point, it's hard to deny that Radziwills were a major part of the Caiaphas line, and this we could expect to be the anti-Christ cult in the end times. Is Hillary Rodham a she=Pharisee? he married a man who was not a Clinton by birth, but rather a Blythe (red crescents), and then we find a Bilyt variation smacking of Billets and Annan-suspect Bild(er)s.

Another CEO of the Kansas system is a John Stout? That was the surname of the viking pirates of northern Scotland, the ones who I imagine want to rule the world, the ones I trace to Stewarts. I had traced Stewarts to Blatand of the house of Danish king Canute, and "Canute" not only founded Knot(ting)s and Nottinghams, but there is a Chanut variation in one Cheynue surname that could trace to the Mouse Tower (i.e. as I think Cains do).

Check out the Cheyney/Cheney write-up: "The family name Cheyney is believed to be descended originally from the Norman people. The Normans were commonly believed to be of French origin but were, more accurately, of Viking origin. The Vikings landed in the Orkneys and Northern Scotland about the year 870 AD, under their King, Stirgud the Stout. Later, under their Jarl, Thorfinn Rollo, they invaded France about 911 AD. " Cheyneys were first found in BUCKinghamshire, and Bucking(ham)s use the same besants on blue as Nottings/Nutts (the latter's bend shows bendlets).

For anyone jumping in on this page, it is said that Mieszko's daughter was the mother of king Canute.

GD wrote and shared:

The Stuarts made inroads in the west coast and eventually Somerled assembled a sizeable army to repel them. He landed an invasion fleet on the shore of the Clyde near INCHINnan [caps mine] and advanced towards Renfrew and the centre of the Stewarts' territory, where the Battle of Renfrew was fought in 1164. Much confusion surrounds the manner of the battle, and indeed whether a battle occurred at all, but what is certain is that Somerled was killed, either assassinated in his tent as he camped or from a spear wound suffered in an early phase of the battle. The leaderless fleet then retreated from the area.

See also mythical Rhetia of the Apollo wolf and Muse line that would be expected in Bute=Avalon. Somerled's family was on Bute. Again, VILNius smacks of "Avalon," and "Rhetia" smacks of Arda and Ardea and other Arthur-like terms. GD had earlier emailed:

I ran into it because the grandmother of Robert Bruce's knight James Douglas was Jean of Bute, wife of Alexander, 4th High Steward. Jean was the daughter of James of Bute, son of Prince Angus of Bute, son of Somerled. From what I've read - and no I don't know how much is true, how much is made up - the Stewarts wanted Bute and aimed to take it with support of Scottish King; they killed Somerled and his son Prince Angus and Angus's son James of Bute and took Bute. Supposedly Jean's sister or an aunt committed suicide rather than being taken by the Stewarts. I don't know if Jean was handed over as a peace offering or what. Somerled's other sons survived to become Donalds/MacDonalds, Rorys...

REMEMBER, Douglas trace to the salamander-on-fire of Polish Slabodas...who were from Polesie just like Radziwills. Mythical Rhetia was the beginning of the Kabeiri cult in SAMOthrace, and Siemens use a "slab." Samothrace was regarded as the beginning of Trojans from nine Cretans, those of Rhetia, and Teucer was a father of Trojans but also birthed Salamis, which is why I traced the Douglas et-al "salamander" to him. Teucer's father was ScaMANDER, you see.

It just so happens that the Insubres of northern Italy lived about Raetia / Rhetia (central/eastern Switzerland). On this map at the Insubres article, the place is stamped, "Rhetique." In the article below: "Rhetia...Grison canton largest and most eastern canton in Switzerland, comprising the highlands of the Rhine and Inn Valleys." Inn valley??? Quite apparently, Rhetia elements were linked to Insubres and should be found in conjunction with Ince and Innes clans. That was already discovered above, for a good start anyway, but then it's only being assumed that Rhetia was of Radziwill elements.

There is a Rhett/Reate surname using anchors.

ZOWIE. Entering "Rett" brings up the Stewart Coat of Wrights/Rights. Is that an ostrich feather at the bottom of the Coat? The description doesn't say. The Rett/Wright write-up: "Some of the earliest records include Ralph Wright, burgess of Stirling, and Thomas Wright of Blakenhall in Lanarkshire..." That tends to support the Blackhall trace earlier to Blackwoods of Lanarkshire. But let me show again this Blackhall Coat because it uses three blue-on-white stars in Chief, the colors of the Innes stars! As this was, in my opinion, the Vere-dragon line from Blackwood to the Randolph earls of Moray, by what coincidences are they that Obama's mother traces to these very Randolphs while Obama and his wife attended the cultic church of a Wright surname for some two decades?

The point was that, as Wrights came into contact with Innes-related Blackhalls, should the registered Rett variation of the Wrights be one of the most-original forms of the surname, linking to Rhetia and therefore to Radziwill elements there??? I tinker so. The houseofnames Blackhall Coat shows Traby-bugle colors again.

Did Rhetts use anchors? Yes, and so did the Arms of Vilnius (where Radziwills came from), and so do Kyles who lived in the same place (Ayrshire) as Blackwoods. Now see another anchor in the Crest of the Rats!!! Did we see engrailed black bendlets in the Ratcliffe/Radcliffe Coat? Then see the engrailed black cross of the Rats! And it's the Sinclair cross, except that it's black on gold...Traby-bugle colors again. Rats show "Rait" and "Rate."

Did we trace lattice to the Mouse=Tower Poles? Yes, and so see some black lattice in the Rudy/Rudyard Coat. That could be the Tout crescent in the canton. At the Traby page, there is a list of surnames using the Traby Arms, one of which is "Jordan." Then, the Irish Jordan Coat (in black again) says: "Ultimately, Jordan is derived from the name of the river Jordan, 'Yarden' in Hebrew." Might not RudYARDs apply to Radziwills, therefore?

ZOWIE, it's true, for the Yard Crest is "An ostrich...holding a horseshoe."

The "Facta" motto term of the Yards smacks of the fagot. The motto of Scottish Manns/Mathesons: ""Fac et spero" The Rat/Rait motto also uses "Spero." INTERESTING: "Mathie" brings up the Manns/Mathesons, but now it recalls the Maetae/Miathi Picts who "killed" king Arthur. But, interestingly, I had insisted, long before coming to the knowledge of Maetae/Miathi as the killers of Arthur, that Irish Manns/Mathunas/Maghans were the ancestry of king Arthur. The myth writers may have secretly meant that the death of Arthur by the Miathi was in reality the continuation of Arthur's Irish Mathuna bloodline in the Scottish Mathies. Perhaps Greek myth works the same way at times, or at all times.

The Mann/Mathuna/Maghan Coat uses the version of the Levi lion shown at the top of the houseofnames page. And when there are no Crest symbols to be shown, houseofnames uses five ostrich feathers as a filler. There were also five Lochaber axes in the Bullock Crest and five Plock lozenges I developed a theory that five (and 30) was a special number for the Samson cult.

So what do we have? We have the Arthurian cult tracing from Irish Mathunas (said to mean "bear") to Scottish Mathies, but it's also suspect that Arthurians trace from "Rhetia" and therefore the Radziwills and Astikas from Lithuania / Poland. I don't think there is a contradiction here, for I have found, over the years, other evidence for an Arthurian trace to Lusatia. In fact, I traced mythical Gorlois of Cornwall to Gorlitz of Lusatia, and now we find that the Stick surname was first found in Somerset, an Arthurian bastion beside Cornwall. It appears that the Bute front was that of the Mathuna line from Ireland, even as the Mathie Coat uses the Campbell-Shield symbol (Campbells were MacArthurs).

But it now seems that Avalon's Apollo elements were also from the Vilnius wolf line, and for me that connects "Viln" to "Avellino" (anciently ABELLinus) in CAMPania, near the wolf-line Hirpini...which I think connected to the Rome wolf lines on the Liris river, the makings of the Leir cult out of Apollo's lyre / harp symbol. That in turn suggests that the Radziwills and/or Astikas were the same Carpae / Arpii root as Arpad Hungarians, which can now explain why there was a relationship in Freemasonry between Polish and Hungarian-Arpad elements.

In fact, the Ulmans, discovered recently to be the Almos > Arpad elements out of Ulm, use the same lion as the Stocks/Stokes. The Leir surname (using a grail in Crest) was from Ulm, according to the Leir write-up. That can't be coincidental, which again links the Apollo cult of Italy to Latin-like Lithuanians.

Both Ulmans and Watts were first found in Worcestershire, and Watts trace to the all-see-eye Uat cult at SiemoWIT's Polish entity, Witkowo. It just so happens that the Samson surname, which is traced to Siemowit, was first found in the same Gloucestershire as the Stacks. It all makes the Stocks/Stocks and Stacks look related to the Sticks = Astikas bloodline, and to that I can add that the Bute/Butt Coat uses estoiles that I now feel to be code for the Astikas bloodline. This is like finding the pot of gold on a hole in the ground with the treasure chest inside the hole. It's pouring Freemsonic secrets.

I can now trace Astikas to Aosta (north side of Piedmont) and Asti in Piedmont, and to a relationship there with Butteri, explaining why Ests/Easts and Butes/Butts both use the same horse design. Let's not forget the trace of Butteri to Botters and Bidens/Buttons of Hampshire, for the Sturs / Esturmies were first found in Hampshire, which was the Atreus = Atrebates side of the Arthurian cult. I don't mean to make your head explode. The point now is to make sense of where Astikas elements fit in to all that I had uncovered in the past on Arthurian details.

In short, the Mathuna > Mathie Irish merged with Astikas elements at Bute = Avalon and with Kyle-infested Ayrshire (I'm always referring merely to Illuminati elements of a clan when I use "infested"). Another thing is that we can trace Vilnius and Astikas to Avallon at CHAMPagne (or can be read as ChamPAGAN).

If we assume that Campbells were of the Vilnius > Avalon line rather than the Mathuna > Mathie line, then we see in the Mathie Coat multiple evidences of a merger. The Mathie motto, "Fac et spero" suggests the fagot symbol of Vilnius as well as the Lusatian elements in the Bute-theater Speers. In the Mathie write-up, we find the possible reason for the Bullock Lochaber axes, though I suspect that the Lohengrin swan (i.e. Lock / Loch surnames) is in that code: "First found in the Scottish Highlands were they could be found in Lochalsh, Lochcarron and Kintail. They are said to descend from Gilleoin of the ancient and royal house of Lorne. They gave their allegiance to the Clan MacDonald..."

The house of Lorne was discovered (solidly) to be of the Laurie and Lorraine grail entities, and if I'm not mistaken, was directly part of the Lanark entity. In this list of Stewarts septs, the Lornes, Lorrens, and Lorraines are included. You can also see "Larnack" in the list, a variation shown in the Lanark-surname page. (Crooks and Cruickshanks are also listed, possibly of the Bute Creightons/Crichtons). In Wikipedia's Lohengrin article: "Lohengrin first appears as 'LOHERANgrin,' the son of Parzival and Condwiramurs in WOLFram von Eschenbach's Parzival."

I think it's a no-brainer to identify Lohengrin as the Laurie/Lowrie and Lorraine grail cult. See the lions of the Lorren/Lorraine Coat, for they are colors reversed to the Morgan lions that trace to Morgan le Fay, chief Muse witch on Avalon. REMEMBER, mythical Rhetia was a mother to the nine Curetes and nine Muse, and I trace Curetes to Creightons of Bute = Avalon.

It just so happens that the French Lorraine region includes the Meuse theater, and then the Arms of Meuse use the Bar fish while it's known that Bars/Baars were from the house of Este!!! Just like that, the house of Astika is shown to be related to the Estes too, of Brunswick (Germany), but known to trace to Este in Padova. I had traced the house of Este to Merovingians. It always goes back to them by no special design of my own.

You understand, that when you have the Bar-Este entity linked to Meuse near Avallon, you have the Muse elements from Bute on your fish hook that must have been of the Astikas of Vilnius. Lorraine is said to have been named after Lithuania-like Lothar (grandson of Charlemagne), but that may not be the whole story. The Arms of Lorraine appear to be the Arms of Baden (Baden = Butteri elements merged with Spree-river Lusatians that became Zahringers, possible root of Brunswick elements) with white-on-red eagles, the colors of the Piast Eagle. Here's the Arms of Meurthe-et-Moselle, using as version of the Arms of Lorraine. Note the bendlets in the Arms, used also by Champagne.

French Avallon is technically part of Burgundy, but is in the Yonne department...which may be of the Yonges. The 'Y' in the Arms of Yonne reminds of the 'Y' in the Cunningham Coat. It just so happens that Cunninghams were first found in Ayrshire, and that the Arms of Burgundy, seen in the Arms of Yonne, use a similar pattern to the Campbells (who lived in the Ayrshire theater).

Again, "Cunn" smacks of pharaoh "Khyan," and his first-born son was Yanassi, smacking of "Yonne." It's perfectly expected that Khyan Hyksos should work into this discussion on a Uat/Buto branch.

The Crooks/Cruicks use the same "arm in armor" (holding a fleur-de-lys) as the Mieske Coat, a Kyle symbol also. Cruickshanks use an "armas" motto term. Like the Plocks, Crooks/Cruicks use squares called "lozenges" on their bend, and the Crook lozenges are in the colors of the black boar heads of the Cruickshanks. Then, the Shank surname (in Crook/Cruick colors) uses a hawk and hawk's lure (used also by Herods/Hurls, McLeod septs), the "lure" bring code for the Ayrshire Lures (and Lears), septs of McLeods...that trace to Herod-related Clodweg = Clovis.

Although there's an excellent point there in finding a Herod line with black boars, the original point was the Shank motto: "Spero." It was found above that Radziwills and Vilnius elements used that term. These elements were traced to Bute, and here we now find that Crooks/Cruicks, apparently of Bute's Crichtons, also trace to Radziwills. Indeed, as Spree-river Lusatians out of Forst formed the Zahringer bear entity of Berne, which I say became both Brunswick and the Bryneich Bernicians, so we read that Shanks were Bernicians.

Lozenges. What are they code for? Shanks were first found in MidLOTHIAN. The black-on-white cross was special to Lothian's Templars, not just the Sinclairs of Midlothian, but the Balders of West Lothian, and then there were Balds and LOHENgrin-related Locks first found to the south side of Lothian in Peebleshire. I have yet to understand whether "lozen" can link to "Lohen." In this exercise, we find that Lozenges are code for the Lothar-line Lorraines, and that can in fact link Lohengrin to lozenges.

I'm still at a loss to prove whether Clode variations of Clovis trace to or from "Lothian." The Loss'/Lossings use a black-on-white saltire (with fleur), but then there are also the Lawsons (in Loss/Lossing colors) that need some treatment here, for they use the motto, "Leve et reluis."

"Law" can not only link to Lauries/Lowries in that they are also "Lawrie," but the Lawson motto suggests the Laevi and/or Levi surname. I had traced Law terms to the Kilpatrick-branch Butteri (another black-on-white saltire there), and one Kilpatrick Crest uses the Levi lion in Levi-lion black. But note the "luis" in the "reluis" term, for that tends to trace the Lawsons to Lothar's Lorraine in that king Louis (the Pious) was Lothar's father. Suddenly, Caiaphas, already suspect for other reasons to have been the grail cult, traces by way of the Laevi / Levi to the Lorraine grail cult, and one would expect that Lorraine got the grail from the Caiaphas line, not vice versa.

In the Lothar article, it tells that he was baptized by pope Paschal I at Aix-la-Chapelle = Aachen. It just so happens that the Paschal surname also uses the Levi Levi-lion colors. Then, a so-called "chapeau" (symbol also of Capellis and Bidens/Buttons) is used in the Lawson Crest. In this picture, the Lawson martins could trace to Charles Martel.

The French Louis Coat uses lozenges, and was first found in Lorraine. Welsh Louis'/Lewis'' and Lewis'/Lews' were first found in Morgannwg/Glamorgan. The Welsh-Louis Crest uses the same griffin design as Holders and Dees, and the Holder-Coat griffin is that of the Darths/Deaths. The latter use three white-on-black crescents, same as the Aachens! Do the math. It says that this mystery is solved. In my current opinion, clover-using Darths/Deaths were the Arthurian cult from "Fac et" Mathies, the Picts who gave birth to Pontius Pilate.

Kilpatricks were traced to Lawers, who use a fish tail in Crest, and a "Be Ready" motto that now smacks of Radziwill and/or Rhetia elements. Note the red rooster of the Scottish Laws/Lawers (Bernicians again), for the red rooster was traced to Mouse-Tower Poles. The Akis/Acheson rooster, for example, not failing to see that "Acheson" smacks of Aachen.

Kilpatricks were traced (by their "laidir" motto) term initially to Laidlers/LaidLAWs, but now we can suspect Lada the Lithuanian goddess. That idea sparked the idea of checking the Park Coat for links to Perkunas, husband of Lada, and BEHOLD, the Park Coat (Keith stag) smacks of the Rett/Wright Coat!!!

The Park write-up traces to Lotan, the Biblical man whose daughter married Eliphas: "One of the first records of the name was when Rober de Parco witnessed a charter by Earl David (c.1202-07) and later witnessed another charter by Walter Olifard (c. 1210.)." Olifards were Oliphants.

We now have cause for tracing the Ready/Reddy surname (swans) to Radziwills. The Ready/Reddy Crest: "An arm in armor embowed holding a scimitar." Didn't I trace Rod(h)ams convincingly to the same Radziwills? The Laure/Lawrie Crest is the Rodham-Crest tree stump, and Lauries/Lawries were first found in Dumfries, as with Kilpatricks.

Irish Jordans/Yardens/Shurtans use a "PerCUSSA Resurgo" motto, smacking of the Kilpatrick "cushions" that traced well to Patricks/Cussanes. But the "Resurgo," meaning to arise, is the same theme as the "Repullulat" (Pole-Lat?) of the Lauries/Lawries, and even Piast-suspect Lorraines/Lorrens use "Lauro resurgo." As per the idea that Tuttels/Toothills may link to Teuton-branch Templars, this part of the Jordan write-up may apply: "...Jordan De Courcy (Jordan Teutonicus) who died in 1197." Oliphants use "Tout" and were just traced well to Toothills. Interestingly, Edom was on a sea filled by the Jordan river.

Recall the Rudys/RudYARDS with Mouse-Tower lattice and yard-term link to Traby-related Jordans/Yardens, for Irish Jordans are also "Shurtan" while Irish Kilpatricks (using "Laidir") are also "Shera"...and besides, Scottish Kilpatricks use, "I make SURE," part code for Polish-liner Maxwells/Makeswells. The Sheer/Shire Coat (Surrey) also uses the Traby-bugle color combination.

Irish Jordans use the lion design in the Bruce Crest, and it is very close to the Levi-lion design. As Bruces uses it, I feel, just because they link to Ananes, that it and the Jordan lion are indeed the Levi lion. Recalling now the black-on-gold run above that was linked to the Traby bugle, I see that the French Levi Coat also uses black-on-gold.

French Jordans are also "Jourdin," and as the Yonge motto is "TouJOURs jeune," it's conspicuous that French Jordans use three red roses, the Yonge symbol too. If that traces Yonges to the Traby fold (it's been done before as per John-Yonge links to Tudors), then we should also consider the wolf in the Yonge Crest, and the idea presented above that "Yonge" may link to "Yonne," the French location at Avallon where Vilnius wolf-liners are suspect. It just so happens that the particular Yonge Coat showing both the red roses and wolf is the one with "Toujours" motto term. I'm convinced already that Yonges were of Yonne elements, meaning that Juno (and Jupiter) are suspect at the Yonne / Avallon theater. Yonne Yonge?

Remember, Tudors use ostrich feathers, and Yards use an ostrich and "Facta" motto term for the fagot of sticks that is code for the Arms of Vilnius. But that fagot, topped with an axe, is actually a Roman symbol, and that jibes with a Yonge trace to Juno and Jupiter.

French Jordans were first found in Brittany, and the Den- and Dan-using variations smack of the long list of similar terms in the list of Stewart septs. Why wouldn't it surprise to find Stewarts ushering the 666?

For a long time I have been wondering what the "spes" motto term could link to, seen in many Coats, and my best shot was the Hopes (the use "spes," meaning "hope"). Hopes were first found in DERBYshire, what I see as Traby elements. I now find that the Arms-of-Vilnius motto showing a "spes" below the anchor!!! German Hopes/Hoods use an anchor (!!!), and English Hoods do likewise, held in the mouth of the Kay bird. We just saw Kays tracing solidly to Radziwill elements, and then the Blaines and English Packs use anchors, as do Kay-related Kinners (Kinners were regarded as "father" to Kays). As I identify the Hoods/Hudds as the Hiedler/Hitler line (Heidlers also use an anchor), note that Hiedlers/Hitlers use the Ector symbols (Ector too was made a father of Kay). What this effectively does is to trace Trabys, whom I suspect to soon be behind the False-Prophet dictatorship, to the Hitlerite dictators.

It may not have been contradictory to trace "spes" to the Space/Specott Coat because it uses a red-on-gold bend, with three white symbols, same as the Lorraine Coat. As Lures use "SPECTomur," they (and mythical king Lear/Leir) can be entertained, not only as a Lorraine-grail entity, but as a clan from Vilnius.

In the past, I traced the "Fac et" motto phrase to Fawcetts/Faucitts (East Lothian). Here's from the write-up: "The name Fawcett is derived from an ancient word meaning 'fox on a hillside.' Fa'side a 14th century Keep (in-time for Astikas elements) located in East Lothian, approximately 2 miles southwest of Tranent, and two miles southeast of Musselburgh." By what coincidence was it that MUSSOLino joined Hitler?

As Caiaphas blood is tracing strongly to the Radziwills, and as Pharisees traced to the iron-making Ferraris, by what coincidence did we see FARRAH Fawcett? It's known that horseshoes are a prime symbol of Poles, and the Farrah/Farrar Coat uses them too. The Yard ostrich even holds a horseshoe, and Yards are now tracing to Yonges...that I've recently traced to the line of Pontius Pilate, the line where Pharisees and Sadducees are suspect too.

With Fawcetts now tracing to Poles, the "fox" claim in the write-up should be code for Samson elements. In fact, the Fawcett lion is black on gold, not only Traby-bugle colors again, but the colors of the Sam/Sammes lion. Moreover, the latter surname, as with English Yonges (piles), was first found in Essex. Didn't I just say that Mathies led to the birth of Pontius Pilate? Yes, but that was many days after tracing Yonges to that birth. If you've forgotten or skimmed over it, the "Fac et" phrase is used by Mathies. Picts were in Lothian.

The Parks were found above to be Perkunas elements, so that Lada elements are expected where Parks were found. As Parks use the Keith stag, we would trace Lada elements to East Lothian. Yes, both Fawcetts and Keiths were first found in East Lothian. The idea here is that the same Lada that named Lithuanians (and probably Latvians too) was the same Ladon entity that named Lothian.

The Welsh-Louis write-up traces to "leader," but that should be code for Lothar > Lothian elements. The same write-up then traces to "Hludwig, which means 'loud battle.'..." That's just crock. King Clovis was also "Clodweg."

The Leader/Leeder surname could certainly be the representation of the "Laidir" motto term of Kilpatricks and others, and it just so happens that the Leader/Leeder Shield (plates) is colors reversed to the Ladd/Ladon Shield. Both Coats use scallops, and both are in the colors of the Traby bugles. I'm not only expecting Ladon elements to bring the False Prophet, but the anti-Christ too.

I say the Ladon Coat is a version of the Meschin Coat, and I also say the False Prophet and/or anti-Christ will be a Meschin and/or Massey bloodliner, which is repeated here due to the Leader-like ladder or scala (code for scallop elements) used in the English Trip Coat. It's the German Trips/Treffs that use the Massey boot. It just so happens that the English Trib Coat is a version of the Hamburg Coat, and as German Trips were first found in Hamburg, I'd say that they were Maccabee-hammer elements, as were mace-using Maceys. Do you see how this is all panning out for a Traby-related False Prophet so that indeed, the Traby bugle was fashioned deliberately as an advertisement of it's love for the 666.

Drummonds were first found in Hamburg too, and they were from royal Hungarian Arpads, which should explain why English Trips were first found in Worcestershire, where Ulmans were first found. Leslies were Hungarians too, and maybe also Polish, and then the Leslie bend, I'm guessing, is the German-Hamburg Coat.

In the last update, and perhaps in others as well, I made the mistake of linking the "Grip fast" motto to the Drummond Coat. In fact, the Leslies use it, and the story behind it is that some Hungarian on the ship piloted by Maurice Drummond led to the use of "Grip fast."

The Grey Coat uses, "Anchor fast anchor," and the anchor in Crest is gold, the color of the Vilnius anchor. As Greys (in Hebron and Chill/Child colors) are said to have settled Chillingham, I would link them to the Chills/Childs and related Hebrons (also from Chillingham), tracing them back to Boscath and/or other Hebron (ancient Israel) elements of the Edomite kind. It just so happens that Anaki giants lived in Hebron, and then the Anchor surname shows Annacker and Ankier variations. Shouldn't this trace Vilnius elements to the Hebron Anaki? Why is the bull head in the Anchor Crest red, like the Lusatian bull?

How did Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg know that Veres trace to Anaki? The Anchor Chief uses Vere colors. It uses three gold-on-red diamonds, the symbol of Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray...whom I traced back to Ralph and son (Thomas) de Vere (of Blackwood) that Nicholas wrote about in his silly dragon-loving online book (see details 1st update, February 2000). Veres ruled Oxford, and the Arms of Oxford use a red bull too, not to re-mention an elephant as code for Oliphant elements. In other words, Veres must link to the Anchors, and de-Vere knows that they had been from Hebron's Anaki.

As a reminder, entering "Fast" brings up the Withipoles with Crusader crosses in the colors of the Piast eagle. In other words, they were SiemoWIT elements of the satanic kind. I had only one good friend from Michigan, with a Witherspoon surname. I now theorize that MICHigan is named (secretly of course) after Miecislaw = Mieszko because Pullens and Pulsiphers were founders of regions in Wayne county Michigan. My point is that Witherspoons look like SiemoWIT / WITkowo elements too (the Arms of Witkowo use the ell-seeing-eye of the Uat cult).

It just so happens that the Spoon surname was first found in Warwickshire, which was traced recently very solidly to Warsaw, capital of Masovia in Poland. The Vere-beloved Melusine, symbol of Lusatians and or the Moray Crest, is also in the Arms of Warsaw. The Spoons use a white-on-blue boar reflecting the blue Vere boar.

Spoons were found initially when investigating Malaspinas from Massa-Carrara (Tuscany). Later it was determined that Masovia traced to the Massa portion of Massa-Carrara. I was confident that Spoons applied to Malaspinas because Spines were likewise first found in Warwickshire. I can now report, if I haven't already, that Spines, said to be from "Epineville," were Penders/Pynders/Pinders, for both use a blue-on-white chevron, no doubt the Macey chevron because Penders were first found in Cheshire. In this picture, Massa(-Carrara), which was linked solidly to the Italian Massi/Mattis surname, links to Cheshire Maceys / Masseys, and indeed Masseys were Veres.

It's the above that can make a solid trace of the Oxford bull to the Lusatian bull, especially as the Macey bears trace to Zahringers (use anters) that themselves trace to the Forst antler symbol of Lusatia's Spree river area. Remember, Massins/Masons use Melusine in Crest and a "Dum spiro spero" motto term.

Zahringers also use prairie-buffalo horns that doubled as elephant trunks. We'll see these trunks momentarily. First up, the Dutch Forst/Voorst Coat, in Vere colors, showing a VorSTERN variation. The English Stern/Stearn Coat (Buckinghamshire) is in Traby-bugle colors, and uses the Kay / Kinner bird. This bird is called many different things; in this case it's a "A cock-starling." There is a Starling Coat using buckles in the same way and colors as the Leslie Coat. Isn't this discussion due to the "Grip fast" Leslie motto as it was identified with the Fasts/Withipole surname?

German Sterns/Stirne (Stirne = 665) use a big Zionist star in the colors of the same of the Bavarian Illuminati, and elephant trunks in Crest (I trace the Oxford beaver to "Bavaria" elements). At this point, the Sturs/Stowers come to mind, in Vere colors and first found in Hampshire, where Drakes were first found. The related Astors/Sturs were from Manche, where Veres proper lived.

With the help of the Sproweston location (Roxburghshire) in the Weir/Vere write-up, to which an important Oxford Vere is traced, Veres of Anjou had been identified (by me) with Speers of Lusignan, from Lusatia's Spree river, wherefore Melusine, code for both Lusatia and Lusignan, depicted those Speer-Veres. It just so happens that Scottish Coldwells, who use a cock in Crest, were first found in Renfrewshire, where Speers were first found. This is very good because Coldwells have an "In deo spes" motto. It makes Coldwells suspect as Vilnius elements, and indeed Coles and Celts and other similar terms, Holders (Dancette) included, have long been traced to Piast-KOLODziej Poles.

Coldwells use a dancette, with pikes on the dancette. The Shield has three red lozenges in the diamond-shape rather than perfect squares. This recalls the red lozenges of the Plocks, but the pikes bring the Polish Packs to mind who were from Polesie, where Radziwills had major holdings. Aside from the anchors of English Packs, which trace well to the anchor in the Arms of Vilnius, French Packs use...a red bull! The red Coldwell diamonds evoke the same of Thomas Randolph, and of the Anchor Chief. That can't be coincidental.

If Coldwells/Caldwells therefore trace to Poles, what about the black-on-white piles in this other Scottish Coldwell Coat? Yonges use the same. Yes, Yonges trace to Hungarians, but also Traby Poles, suggesting that Coldwells linked to Traby Poles. Below is some proof.

I KID THEE NOT MY TRUSTING FRIENDS. I LIE NOT. I did not see either Coldwell motto when I traced the "spes" and "Fac et" terms to Vilnius. While the one Coldwell Coat uses "spes," the other's motto is: "Fac et spera"!!! This is so much fun. It's important too because I've just ventured to suggest (in this update) that Mathies are at the root of Pontius Pilate's birth, and here I now find more piles, the Yonge piles even, in a clan using the same motto as Mathies. In the Mathie write-up, they are traced to the Hebrides (extreme north-west Scotland facing Ireland), where the Arthur surname is traced by its write-up, and this jibes with my other conclusions of recent updates: that the birth of Pontius Pilate was of the Arthurian cult's ancestry. Remember, the Mathie Coat uses the Campbell design, and Campbells are said in their write-up to be MacARTHURS. Moreover, the pile-using Yonges were first found in Essex, home of king Cole's Camelot (Camulodunum), where Campbells/Cammels trace.

To help prove that Coldwells were of the Cole > Kyle bloodline (which was also traced to the birth of Pilate), entering "Cold" gets the bull of the Coles Coat!!! It's the same bull design as in the French Pack/Pac Coat. Remember, the latter is likely of the Pace/Pay surname linking to the first grand master of the first nine Templars. As nine is such a sacred number to the dragon cult, what about Herman Cain's tax plan? Why wasn't it 8-8-8 or 10-10-10?

The Coldwell motto also has "Spero," and to help prove that this is code for Speers (Renfrewshire), not only were Scottish Coldwells first found in Renfrewshire, but red antlers are used on the stag of the Calder Coat. The red Veringen antler is traced to the red antler of Spree-Niesse, and Speers (use red) are traced to the Spree river. Is it coincidental that Calders were first found in InverNESS, named in-part after the Ness river, smacking of the Niesse river in Lusatia???

The "cadit" motto term of Calders is code for the Caddel variation of the clan. There is a specific Caddel Coat (same stag) shown at this page. Here's the RED-STAG houseofnames version (shows "cadet" instead of "cadit"). This looks like the Cati-grail cult, for even the Calder Crest is a swan. "Caulder" brings up the same Calders, smacking Coulters that I link to Celts/Cults/Coults using the Pilate pheon with a RED STAG!!! Once again, as with Caldwells, we are back to the birth of Pilate suspect in Caledonian Picts.

If you agreed that the black lattice of the Rudys/Rudyards was extra cause for a trace to Radziwills, then see the black lattice of the Cattells. Houseofnames shows Cattells with a fret, but then lattice is called, fretty.

With little evidence, years ago, I traced Mathies from the Irish Manns/Maghens/Mathunas to Angus. I can't recall the details or what tipped me off, but I was adamant about that trace, and then I ceased to mention it again. I now find that Mathies are tracing to the birth of Pilate, a birth said to be in Perthshire, beside Angus, a birth said to be from a Pictish mother. I think I made the mistake, years ago, of Identifying the Mathies as Massi/Mattis' > Masseys of Angus. I think the better theory now is that Mathies go back long before Masseys arrived to England, to the Miathi Picts.

It's possible that some form of proto-Masseys were in the Mathies / Miathis, and I do note that I identified Mordred, in my "Who Pict Green for Scotland" chapter, as a green dragon (the green dragon of the Crichtons of Bute come speedily to mind, as I trace them to the (nine) Curetes). Mordred is, as of this update, suspect as the Miathi, and then MacCabes of Arran use green. Mathie-related Coldwells use green waves with their piles, and Coldwells/CALDwells are suspect as the Celts and/or CALEDonians, the peoples that I've suspected to furnish the mother of Pilate.

Did Mathies trace to Trabys? Yes, and Trabys were traced (years ago) to "Trabzon," where the Khaldi lived. You get it.

This may be hasty, but Caldwalls are HIGHLY suspect as the mother-clan of Pontius Pilate, and it could be that Caldwells traced to Mieszko, not vice versa, and then back again to Scotland via Mackays, Masseys, Meschins, etc. Or, Khaldi may have traced to the Polish / Lithuanian theater along with Trabys, and from there the Caldwells came to Scotland long after Pilate's birth, to live with fellow Khaldi elements of the Caledonians. The fog is yet too thick. Perhaps heraldry will give the needed clues. I can tell you this, that Callanders (billets) are said to be from Picts, and were first found in Perthshire! Unfortunately, the Callanders (Call-Anders?) don't give the dates of when they arrived to Perthshire. The Coat uses the Traby-bugle colors again, what I'm guessing are Campbell-borrowed colors. The Crest is described as "A hand holding a square."

The mythical work, "Le Morte D'Arthur," suggests to me a meaning of MORDred of Arthur. The original titled, "Le Morte Darthur" suggests Mordred of the Darths/Deaths." If the proto-Arthur surname in the Mathunas evolved from Ireland into new life (so to speak) in Mordred-based Mathies of Arran and Bute, while Bute was inhabited by nine witches that easily translate to Muses, then Mysian elements thereof may have been proto-Masseys, or just Massey kin. After all, MacCabes, if they were Maccabees, are suspect as mace-using Maceys. Give this time for the fog to clear, and I may yet deliver the solved mystery to you.

Time for another look at the Struthers Coat; its lattice was traced to the lattice on the stockings of a painting of Siemowit at his Wikipedia article. Thanks to Tim's list of webpages showing many Coats, one of them was the AnSTRUTHER Coat...using the same black-on-white piles as the Coldwells.

"Struthers" is likely to be identified with the Greek "struthios," the ostrich. It gives cause for tracing these three surnames (with the same piles) to the ostrich entity honored by Trabys. By now we might understand that the ostrich is code, at least in part, for the Ostyk variation of the Astikas. Were Yonges traced to Trabys? Yes, but they were also traced to the Jupiter cult, while a Struthers motto term is "Accipiter."

GD suggested that "Carruther" could be understood as Carr-Uther. As I do trace Uther Pendragon to Poland and to the Other surname, it's notable that there is a CarrOTHERs variation, and that the Coat is in Other (and Windsor) colors. It then starts to get remarkable because Others were first found in Huntingdon, and the Traby bugles, or hunting horns, were just traced to Huntingdon elements.

Before coming to the idea that Huntingdon linked to Traby Poles, Huntingdon was traced to the Hungarians that David I (Scotland) was in cahoots with. It just so happens that, like the John-Yonge Crest, the German Hungar Coat is a greyhound. It begs the question of whether Huntingdon should be traced to Yonge / Jung Hungarians, for in that way the Huntingdon link to Trabys can be made, Again, the John Yonge Coat (a Welshman) is identical to the Welsh Tudor-Trevor Coat, and that's how I first made the Yonge link to Trabys. Both Coats show Shields filled with ermines, as does the Hanger/Anger Coat ("Artes" motto term). The English Angers/Aungers (Escarbunckle in Crest, used by Rays) show the same colors, and another Shield filled with ermines. French Angers use "Fides" for the full motto (see Foots discussion below as it links to Trabys).

Note the TREFor variation of the Trevors, as it may link to Trips/Treffs. It's not likely coincidental that Trevors were of Wittington while the Wittington surname was first found in DERBYshire. You can bet one eye that Wittingtons trace to SiemoWIT. The motto of the Others traced to Uat.

Uat about the "Promptus et fidelus" motto of the Carruthers/Carrothers? Could the one motto term be code for the Propers/Robins who use an ostrich with key in mouth??? You know it. I included the "fidelis" term for a reason, as per a trace to Foetus/Fussen, where the Arms show three human legs all extending from the center, just like the three Traby bugles. And LOOK! The Foetes legs are in the colors of the Traby bugles!!! The Foot Coat is in the same colors again! And the Foots use a TREFoil!! That's important for making the Foot link to Trips with the Massey boot, for Foots were first found in Cheshire.

The reason that we are veering toward the Arms of Fussen in the first place, which had nothing to do with making the connection to Traby bugles, was due to the last time that Propers were mentioned (way above), as per the "propter" motto term of Ratcliffes. (I've just noticed that the black Ratcliffe bull head is identical to that of the red Anchor bull head, assuring that both clans trace to Astikas > Radziwills out of Vilnius). It happened this way, that when seeing the "Promptus" motto term of the Carruthers, I searched above for the similar motto term, and found it to be, PROPTer, at which moment the Prophet surname came to mind that emailer Patterson had been excitedly prompting me to look into. I simply didn't know what to do with it at the time (she started a few months ago) and left her disappointed.

I am happy to report that it has secured a Traby-bugle link to the Arms of Foetus and to the Carruthers motto, for the Prophet Coat uses a human leg, bent like those of Foetus. It was only due to seeing the Prophet leg that I bothered to connect the "fidelis" term of Carruthers to Foetes (I see so many fide and fidelis terms that they are usually ignored, unless there is good cause for bringing Foetes to topic).

I was so blind when emailer Patterson sent the Prophet Coat. I knew that Foetes used legs of the same kind, yet I failed to study the Prophet surname enough to see the ProFETT variation. Perhaps it wasn't the right time to dawn on me.

As I know that there is a Footes location on Guernsey, the Guernsey Coat was reloaded, and while waiting for the design to load, I was studying the variations, when they brought to mind the "jour" term and therefore the Jordans/Jourdans which were just connected to the Yonges ("TouJOURs" motto term). No sooner had that thought of link to Yonges occurred that the Guernsey Coat rings, a symbol used on top of the Yonge piles!

That's the English Yonge Coat where the motto includes "Roberi." As the Robin page tells that the surname is from "Robert," how can it be a coincidence that the French Rober(t) Coat used the Mackie lion in gold on red. the colors of the Mackie lion in the Proper/Robin Coat? It means that even the Yonge motto traces Yonges to Trabys / Radziwills. We now know that the key in the beak of the Proper/Robin ostrich is code for MacKAYS / Mackies/MacKEYS. It tends to assure that the "Manu" term of the Mackays is code for whatever the "Manus" term of the Proper/Robin motto stands for.

The Propert variation smacks of Prophets/Profetts! Did you notice that the Prophet leg is white on green, what I call Maccabee colors. MacCabes/MacAbees of Arran use those colors, and Arran is offshore of Ayrshire, where Mackies/Mackeys under discussion were first found. THEN, the Prophet Crest is a single arrow (in hand, or in mana), and the Mackie Coat shows a single arrow too. The questions are: 1) how long were Mackies in the Bute theater, from before or after the birth of Pontius Pilate, and, 2) were they the Mathies?

If "Carruther" is a combination term, than one term is "Carr." It just so happens that one Carr Coat uses estoiles, as does the Bute/Butt Coat. And the estoiles are now on a Macey / Mackay Shield. Moreover, the Carr motto is, "Fida Clavo," smacks of the Clavers/Cleavers, jibing with the clover in the Darth/Death crest. It appears, therefore, that Darths/Deaths and Carr(uther)s were Clovis-related Merovingians.

There is therefore a good chance that "Mordred" was in-part a Moray-related Merovingian code for some red entity, and then the other Carr Coat uses, not only a red Shield, but the red-on-white stars (Kyle-star colors). The Carr Shield matches the Irish Arthur Shield. Note the Arthur symbol, how it looks like a '5'.

GD pointed out how, not just Carruthers, but other Car-using surnames on this page, including Carlyle, use gold on a red Shield...the colors of the Scottish Arthur Shield. Carruthers even use two gold chevron on a red Shield with three gold symbols all around, very much like the Scottish Arthur Shield. This paragraph, therefore, tends to support a trace of Pendragons and Arthurs to Carlisle. Thank you GD. The Carnes (on that page) are shown with gold footless martins on red, and that should be code for the Charles Martel, founder of the Carolingians, which supports my trace of "CARLyle" to (proto-)"Carolingian." The "footless" should be code for the same Foetes elements as the "Fida" in one Carr Coat.

Therefore, it seems that Mathunas of Ireland evolved into Carolingians when they arose as the Mordred cult in Bute. But again, that Mordred cult looks like the Macey-Shielded Carrs, and also the Maccabees of Arran, and therefore like the Mackies/MacKEYs (ravens, Apollo symbol) who were first found in Ayrshire.

The problem is, the Clovis Merovingians came centuries after the birth of Pilate. The only thing I can come away with in the above is that Merovingians from Clovis were linked to the Macey-Shielded Carrs, proto-Carolingians. And indeed, even the Close/Clovse Coat ("fidelis" motto term) uses the Macey Shield. It stands to reason that Clovis was descended from Maccabee elements who came to use the Macey / Mackay Shield. Note the "farm-yard" in the Close/Clovse write-up, for the Yards were Jordans and Jordans were found above to be of the Kilpatricks...who lived in CLOSEburn, near Carlyle. Was Clovis depicted with green? I read that his symbol was frogs (see Frogat Coat), but then the Close/Clovse Crest is a green lion.

I feel very sure here that MacCabes/MacAbees were the bee symbol of the Clovis Merovingians, and that the green of the MacCabes was that of the Mordred Picts. Am I saying that Clovis came forth from the Picts? Apparently, that's the word from these findings, and that's even without the idea that "Clode" may have derived from "Caled(on)."

"Picton" was then entered to find a Pichtone/Picton surname from Clwyd, Wales. Clodincidence? If Pharisees were from the Halybes / Khaldi metal-making cult, and if Caledonian Picts were likewise, note that Pictones lived in southern France beside the Santones and Lemovices, and that there was a Pyxites river near the Trabzon region where Khaldi lived.

The Froggat surname was first found in Derbyshire, a Trabzon settlement in my opinion. The Froggat Crest is a parrot with cherries, and then the Cherry surname was likewise first found in Derbyshire. Cherrys could be a Carr(uther) branch. It just so happens that Char(d)s use partridges instead of parrots, and bugles (i.e. Traby symbol) on a Shield in colors reversed to the Close/Clovse Shield that likewise uses bugles. The greyhound at the bottom of the Char(d) Coat suggests linkage to the Yonge-Traby-Trevor (Welsh) bloodline. The Pichtone/Picton Coat (surname from Wales area) even uses a gold lion on an ermined Shield, reflecting the John-Yonge and Trevor Coats.

The Pichtone/Pictone Crest is the same red lion as in the Aachen Crest, and the Aachen Coat uses the Darth/Death Shield.

There is a way to trace these elements to Trabzon if the Clovis Merovingians were indeed the Clodes/McLeods (there are five ways in the Clode/McLeod Coat/Crest alone for a trace to Mieszko Poles). The red flags in the latter's crest suggests the Flags/Flecks, who were likely the Aflacks/Aflecks. The latter use exactly the rising-eagle design of the Char(d)s. and are shown as "Auchlek" and "Auchinfleck." Then, on this page, we find that the Auchinleck Coat uses three black horizontal bars on white, the same that's the Arms of the Trebizond empire (at Trabzon).

Remember too that Drummonds, who use three horizontal bars/waves, trace (in my book) to "Thermodon," which is in my opinion a variation of "Trabzon." It's Clode-important because the "Grip fast" was applied (by Leslies) to the Drummonds, while Clodes/McLeods use "Hold Fast" (there are two ways in that motto alone for a trace to Mieszko Poles, themselves from Pepinid Merovingians).

Of the variant variations in the Aflack list, I'd say that "Athinkel" was one of the earliest or originals, for I trace Aflacks to Baathists and therefore to the Welsh Bath/ATHA surname (said to derive in "Atha" but that may not have been the original). The Darths/Deaths are said to be from "Ath," moreover, but "Ath" may, once again, not have been the original. I trace these clans to Butteri, chief end-time enemies of God.

It seems clear that "Athinkel" was from the AITkins/AIKens > Aachen line, even as Aachen (the Carolingian location) was called AIX-la-Chappelle while Bidens/Buttons, whom I identify with Bath/Atha-branch Butteri from Poiters (Pictone theater), use a "chapeau." The Aitkins/Aikens ("Robore" motto term links to Mackies/MacKEYs, Chaves-liner suspect) use black-on-white roosters (should link to Akis/Acheson rooster), symbol also of the Koppels that trace to "Goplo" (= Popiel Mouse-Tower line > Mieszko Poles). On this page, the Aitcheson and Acheson Coats are largely identical, both using the black-on-white double-headed eagle, and green Chiefs. It proves that the Aitken/Aiken rooster is the Akis/Acheson rooster, important where I identified Choscisko, mythical father of Piast Kolodziej, as the Akis/Acheson line to the Patterson Cussanes.

As further proof of the trace to the Piasts (mythical ancestry of historical Mieszko), the Calders/Caddells use "Vigilans," and related Caddels use "Vigilantia," the same term used by Aitkins/Aikens. That in a nutshell tends to prove the trace of Aachen's Pepinid Carolingians to mythical Popiel, the ruler at Goplo's Mouse Tower immediately before Choskisco. It just so happens that Piast gave birth to Siemowit, symbol of Witkowo with the all-seeing-eye, while "vigilant" means "to watch." It was the motto of the Others (Huntingdon) that is simply, "Watch."

As per the Hungars and Hangers topic, where they seemed to link to "Huntingdon," I went on and reloaded the Inger Coat, showing the arrows that I've identified with the three Khazar tribes of the first Hungarians. I was at a loss initially to explain why "Inger" would bring up the Henter/Ender surname, and explained it with a trace to king Andrew I of Hungary. It just so happens that the mother of David I was with Andrew, and that Huntingdon became special to David's royal descendants. I now find that "Henter" smacks of Huntingdon.

Did I link John Yonge to Huntingdon? The idea was that Yonge-based Hungarian elements were of Huntingdon, which then ties the Traby hunting horns to Huntingdon, and to the hunting horns of Hunter surnames. What are the chances that one Hunter Crest is a greyhound by sheer coincidence??? Hunters too, who use green hunting horns, were first found in Ayrshire

I thought that Chapmans were traced solidly to the Chaves > Caiaphas line. Here's another Chapman Coat using white-on-green boars.

A moment should be taken here to show the white-on-green Jerusalem=Templar cross that is the Grenon Coat, for the Gernon motto uses "cyFOETH," meaning that Gernons were of Footes (and likely Foetes) and therefore named after Guernsey (or vice versa). The Gernon write-up: "The name was originally derived from Old English words gernon or grenon, which meant moustache." Never mind moustache, but think mouse-like surnames, for Gernon of Cheshire was son of Ranulf le Meschin, and Foots were first found in Cheshire.

I had noted that the moustache is used in some Polish Arms, and when coming across the hawk's lure above, it reminded my of those moustaches. That hawk's lure was in the Shank Coat, and the Shank write-up traces to "leg"!

This brings me to another message from emailer Patterson wherein she quoted first on president Washington's step-grandson, with emphasis on the Custis surname, though I also want to emphasize the Parks:

"George Washington Parke Custis' mother, Eleanor Calvert Custis Stuart, descended from Charles Calvert, 3rd Baron Baltimore and of Henry Lee of Ditchley. His father, John Parke Custis, was the son of Martha Dandridge Custis Washington [wife of president George Washington]) through her marriage to Daniel Parke Custis. Martha and George Washington raised John Parke Custis at Mount Vernon after Martha was widowed and married Washington."

Things that make you go hmmmm....

One more interesting note: "Jack's [he was one of Martha's children] grand-daughter married Robert E. Lee. Lee, of course, was the general who led the Confederate forces in the Civil War. During the war, the US Government seized Lee's home on the Potomac River and turned it into Arlington Cemetery. The main building at the cemetery is the 'Lee-Custis mansion.'"

I arrived to the Park Coat earlier in this update for no reason having to do with this email. I would have been to the Park Coat whether this email was seen or not. It again shows what looks like Heaven-sent timing. The Parks were solidly linked to Lithuania's Radziwills, and to Retts/Wrights that use the Stewart Coat, as do Parks.

It blew my mind while writing the paragraph above, when I took another look at the Arms of Vilnius (Lithuanian capital), and saw "United States" buried in the Arms' motto, "Unitas Justitia spes." Coincidence? Didn't I recently trace the Washington surname solidly to the Goplo Poles, who are likely the ones that put forth the Radziwill-related Trabys?

There in the center of the Arms is "Moses" (though I think it is rather a pagan god such as Poseidon) walking through waves of waters. His symbol is a double-cross, the symbol also of Lithuania. I just saw double-crosses in the Affleck Coat from this page. As I've just traced Aflecks to Aitkins/Aikens, note (at the above webpage) the hand holding a staff in the Aikman Coat directly under the Affleck Coat.

There are waves smacking of the Drummond waves in the Custes/Cuss Coat. The Coat is practically identical to the Cass/Cast/Cash Coat that I've linked to the Patterson/Cussane surname...that I say ultimately traces back to "Choscisko." ZIKERS YES! After writing that sentence, the Cass/Cast/Cash Coat finally loaded, and there in the Crest were scales, seen also in the Arms of Vilnius!

See the Bryce-Crest scales and a "Fiat justitia" motto!!! Suddenly, Bryces (Morayshire), who use the Bruce-Annandale saltire in colors reversed, are traced to Vilnius. Compare the Bryce Chief to the Oxford Chief. ZOWIE, after reading somewhere (I think it was in a Vilnius-related article) of the Justins, that term was entered just now to find another pair of scales and a "causa" motto term!!! Justins were first found in Perthshire. There is a Caus/Caustin surname using wolf heads, an apt symbol for the Radziwill line.

As president Washington's wife was born a Dandridge, we first of all can note the predominance of Dan-like septs in the list of Stewart septs. Then, knowing that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenburg links to the Drake Coat while he supports Stewarts, see that entering "Dridge" gets the Drake Coat...where the dragon's tail is fashioned a little like 666. The red Drake wyvern dragon was found (1st update in October) in the Arms of the Duchy of Mazovia (Poland).

The term used by president Washington's step-children was "Custis," not "Custes." Emailer Patterson sent the Custis Coat, and although is shows properly as "Curtis," it shows a DANcette exactly like that of Holders (should be a Mieszko clan). Moreover, Custis/Curtis'' were first found in Warwickshire, traced to Warsaw.

If that's not enough, emailer Patterson suggested that the Custis/Curtis crowns are linked to those of the Grants, and the Grant motto, "Stand Fast," should trace to the Fasts/WithiPOLES. The Grant motto is much like the "HOLD fast" of McLeods, and as proof that the Custes/Cuss' waves are those of Drummonds, the latter have the "Grip fast" applied to them. The Custis/Curtis Crest: "A farmer HOLDing over his shoulder a plowshare."

If you just got the impression that we are on the Coldwell/Caldwell and Calder bloodline, you thought right. The Parker Coat not only uses a Curtis-like "certa" term, but a large stag head like the Calders, and the Parker Crest is a red antler, the color of the Calder antlers. How's that for confirmation that Parks trace to Radziwill Poles? AND LOOK. The other Parker Coat says that the clan was first found in DERBYshire (Derbyshire also uses stags).

The latter Parker's "fluctu" motto term could be for the Aflecks, and/or the Flags that seem to be encoded by the McLeod-Crest flags, which flags are between what should be the Mieske bull head. The latter Parker's Crest is the MacCARTher/Arthy stag, used in a slightly different version by the Kissane branch (from Cork) of Patterson-Cussanes. Have you notices a few more "fideli" terms flying around? In this picture, the Custis/Curtis surname appears to be of the Kissane-Cart(h)y fold, what I consider the proto-Arthurian cult out of Ireland, and therefore a line leading to Mathies.

We saw from the Washington quote above that the Custis-related wife of president Washington gave birth to a line that merged with Calvert-Baltimores. The Calvert/Baltimore motto uses "Fatti masghi."

EXCELLENT! Recalling the Vilnius trace to the Custis-suspect Caus/Caustin surname, its wolf heads are used, in the same colors, by the Fiddle/Fidelow Coat! I've tended to link them to Fiddes/Fittes with a Fette variation that not only smacks of "Fatti masghi," but of "Fiat justitia," the motto of scale-using Bryces that helps to trace them to Vilnius elements.

"Fatti Masghi" brings to mind the Meschin > Gernon line of Foetes and Footes, and indeed the Coat is in the colors of the Foots (and Meschins) of Cheshire, and in the colors of the Arms of Foetes. Meschins were from CALVados. The Calvert/Baltimore Crest use staves and flags, bringing us right back, possibly, to the Aflecks.

Entering "Staves" shows some evidence that the John-Yonge greyhound traces to king Stephen of Hungary. Both Hawks and Pilgrims use staves, the hawks using them in purple. Cheshire Meschins were linked to purple Skiptons that liked to use "Alis," a term I trace to proto-Hungarians (i.e. Yonges) in Alessandria. That's said because both Skiptons and Calverts-Baltimores were first found in Yorkshire. Moreover, in the Meschin write-up, we see Rhudands, which recalls the Rutland (Massey horse) trace to Radziwills. There is a Rud surname likewise first found in Yorkshire, and then the Welsh Rud/Rut/Ruttle Coat (John Yonge and Trabys were in Wales) is Bellamy and Macey all over.

The scroll in the Rud/Rut Coat reminds of the scroll likewise held by a hand in a Moray Crest that houseofnames no longer shows. This is important because Ruths/Rothers (smacks somewhat of the Rodham Coat) are registered as Randolphs of Moray, and I've insisted, likely to the skepticism of some readers, that Moray's Randolphs trace to RANULPH le Meschin. As Obama's mother traces to Moray Randolphs, it's one piece of evidence that she, a Dunham, was from the Dunham Masci location controlled by Mascis. Therefore, it appears that the "masghi" term in the BaltiMORE Coat is code for these Mascis.

Irish Ruths/Rouths show the MacCarthy = MUSkerry stag...with red antlers. The write-up links Ruths/Rouths to Youngs. In the Crest, what could be the Maxwell-Crest stag, of the Maxwell branch first found in Yorkshire. It always goes back to Poles.

The fact that this update has found some new Cald facts on the birth of Pontius Pilate suggests that God wants us to know something in that regard. I could be wrong about that, but am eagerly waiting to find out if true. My expectation is that undeniable evidence will turn up to prove that Freemasons and heraldry masters know it. Why was it called HERALDry anyway? Haralds/Herods were first found in Argyllshire, where Campbells=MacARTHURs were first found, and they too use green. They use something like a scroll that might be a fagot secretly. It's as if God wants us to know what Freemasons are proud of, that the killers of His Son had children all over Scotland, some of whom delight to this day in what they know.

How else could the 666 come out on the hands of the masses unless there were stupids willing to carry it out in the name of their pride for fighting against God? Like flies willing to play with a human...who finally has enough and swats it dead in one motion, these stupids are very willing to be killed by God for the sake of enjoying their animosity toward God. It's like they are too stupid to fear God. A spider fears a human and runs away because it's smart enough to see the threat. But a fly shows no fear and lands even on our noses. It even continues to land on us when we swat at it and show the threat. It has more enjoyment when we start becoming angry at it. It tests us...until the moment when we squash it. Illuminatists are just like that before God, which is why the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, which is why Illuminatists have no true wisdom. Their wisdom is merely craft and conniving. Yes, they can build tall buildings, but they are too stupid to know that tall buildings should not be built...because the Lord is about to shake the earth.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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