Previous Update: May 22 - 28

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(if there are any to speak of)
May 29 - June 4, 2012

Tribwatch Alternative Media Reports Hof-Topic
Dechstra Dechstra, Read All About it
Front Page Covert News: Coppers are Baphled
Gloom and Doom Arch-ives: Sionist Vultures Spotted at Megiddo
What do Concentration Camps and Sling Shots have in Common?

The Wilderbeaster conference this past week near Washington DC was reportedly much about forming military intervention in Syria. But as the premier of Alberta also attended, the pipeline from the Canadian oil sands into the United States must have been on the agenda too. Leaders at the Bilderberg events, or more likely the invisibles who don't attend, but rather send their agents in, are probably the machinery behind what I call the "globe trodders." There's no doubt about it that, because no major media seeks to uncover the Bilderberg agenda, or even to discover the topics -- not even to report who is expected to attend -- there's an understanding with the group. They say that no media are allowed into the conference, yet that must be a lie, for surely media heads have access to the conference in order to understand the agenda, in order to gear their business' up for working in-step with the agendas all year long until the next conference. However, I can also see some media people disagreeing with some agendas, as is just human nature.

If true that the conference has given all pertinent organizations the green light to step-up military action inside Syria, it's just in time for Putin's return to full power. If anything is going to cause a Russian Gog to enter the Middle East fault line, this could be it:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month rejected an offer from United States (US) President Barack Obama for landmark bilateral talks at the White House, the Kremlin revealed on Tuesday."

We might have expected Obama to kiss up in order to get Putin on friendly terms again, except that Obama may have a personal commitment in toppling Assad in order to get Muslim fundamentalists in power there. If the over-throw of Syria is not a Western conspiracy, how do we explain a May 29 article: "...France, Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and Australia said they were expelling the Syrian envoys from their capitals in a move that was coordinated with the United States and underlined Assad's diplomatic isolation."

One might argue that the West seems to have been waiting for the next wave of violence before striking out at the envoys in an effort to maximize the black-balling of Assad. But Zhirinovsky is charging that the West caused the massacre as an excuse to go in. Hillary has already talked public beef on going-in tough, and just look at the timing of the massacre, just before the Bilderberg conference started.

Much of the violence in Syria has been in Homs. Just saying. While I trace the Humes to Essenes, and show links between Essene and Ananias lines, entering "Homs" gets the Hains/Han(n)ings of Edom-like DUMfries (Annandales were of Dumfries). How did that get to be?

At the heraldry page below, the Acheson and Akinson Coats each have the same two-headed eagle, though the Acheson eagle is black like the Roman eagle, and like the two-headed eagle in the Arms of Rijeka/Reka. The Rijeka rock was traced (last update) to "ROXburgh" because Maxwells of Roxburgh use a black two-headed eagle, and because there was other cause for tracing Maxwells to Rijeka, namely that the Maximilian line of Nicolas Zinzendorf traced exactly to Rijeka, thanks to a white rock in the Sinson/Zanzan Coat (proto-Rockefeller Rocks/Roques use their white rocks on blue, the colors of Este / Andechs who had their empire at the Rijeka theater).

Two updates ago, Rutherfords of Roxburghshire were a topic as per their black footless martins used also by Cobbs. It was realized at that time the Zinzendorf married a Rutherford line, partly because Milians use corn cobs that should be code for the Cobbs. It was suggested (by me) that Cobbs are related to Coburgs, and then in the same update I happened to discover that Coburg-suspect Covert should trace to "Kyburg" at Zurich. The Coverts have become so important as to easily fill this entire update.

Achesons and Atkinsons are suspect as Maxwell-of-Rijeka elements due to their two-headed eagle, isn't it corroborative that the Atkinson Coat mentioned above uses the Cobbs / Rutherford black footless martins (Coverts use a different style footless martlet/martin). It suggests what was already discovered, that Essenes were in the Andechs family at Rijeka. But as Achesons are suspect from Aachen, the Pepinid elements that made up the Carolingians at Aachen are suspect amongst the Maxwells, Rutherfords, and Coverts. From a quick scan of the Swabia area that will be this update's topic, one readily sees the potential for Pepinid stomping grounds in Swabia.

Apart from consciously knowing anything you are reading here on the Acheson and Atkinson Coats, it was determined (last update) that Andechs-Diessen had links to the Ticino river where hypothetical D'Echen / D'Ichen entities had formed that were hard versions of "Essene," whereas "Diessen" looked like a soft version D'Essene." I haven't been to that page showing the Achesons for months, since bookmarking it for future use. Look at the timing of my returning there, just after finding the Cobb and Rutherford martlets, of two extremely relevant surnames linking to Zinzendorfs / Taborites, a very recent topic that happened to link also to the Andechs, though I started on the Andechs never expecting that Zinzendorf should link to them. It's as though I'm carried along from topic to topic to more-filly explain the roots of the end-time Evil.

[There is a "Jewish" Eissen surname using crossed swords, the style of which will crop up in the Covert / Kaufbeuren investigation below. Just consider how important this find is, because the reader is no doubt having a hard time believing my claim that Essenes came with hard-c Echen-like terms that also became Dachen-like. By what coincidence did I find the Eissen swords of the Dachs/Tax/Dax Coat in the same update??? Both Coats show white-on-red crossed swords of the same design exactly (though the Dachs sword has gold handles). As the Eissen surname is Jewish, consider later below, when the same swords are found in a shorted version in a Sadducee-suspect Shute surname.

Just wait until you discover the Dachau-means by which the Dachs and Shute swords were found. It's another testament to me being carefully Led, for I didn't know details on the Dachau location (east of Kaufbeuren) when thinking above to check for an Eissen surname as per "Diessen." And it was in this insert, a couple of moments ago, that the idea came to mind to check the Sword surname. I see many swords, but hardly does it come to mind to check the Sword surname...precisely because there are so many swords in heraldry. It just so happens that the Sword surname uses the short version, white-on-red even, swords exactly like those of the Shutes.

Note that Swords were of OFFaly, for this update is much on Hof terms between Dachau and (Hohen)Zollern. Yes, the Hof terms will link precisely to Coverts/COFFerts. As I view the heraldic par terms as sacred to Covert lines, the "Paratus" motto of the Swords just sent me the message that the TUS portion should be a code all in itself, and so by what coincidence does the Tass surname come up when entering "Teck," and by what other coincidence is the Swiss Tess/Tech Coat a white-on-red saltire, the colors of the swords-in-saltire of the Eissens and Dachs? Moreover, the Tess/Tech saltire shows the same leaves that were until recently shown with the French House Coat, of an Essene-suspect surname. In fact, I have been expecting the House's to be Covert-related, not just because I view Coverts as a Caiaphas line, but due to technical factors in my heraldry experiences, and due also to suspicions creeped up during Idaho investigations.

Naturally, I just checked the Offaly surname to find the branch and leaves used by French Caseys, the surname now suspect (as of the last update) as the proto-Khazar line that furnished the birth of Ananias. Remember here that the Swabia topic is all about the Khazar lines of Hohens. As part-Khazar Rangabes will be found in the Dachau-to-Hohenzollern stretch, it should be mentioned that the flory cross style of Rangabes is used in black-on-white by Offalys. These are the colors of the Hoff/Hough and Hoff/Hofler Coats, to be mentioned later. Of importance here is the black-on-white bend (nothing else) of the Hoffs/Hoghs, for not only was the surname first found in the same place (Cheshire) as the Sales, but it uses the Sale bend...of a surname suspect, as with Andechs, to be an important, if not supreme, Seleucid line. End insert]

See on the heraldry webpage above the three black-on-white chevrons of the ArchDECONs and ArchDEKINs. How lucky, really, was I to have re-loaded that page at this time? It was re-loaded for no particular purpose in my mind. The Dechs are also "Dakin/Deaken" and Aiken-like Daiken. The ARCHibalds (white-on-blue crescents like the Archers) were first found in Roxburghshire (!), suggesting that ArchDekins ought to derive, not in archdeacons, but in the Archer bloodline. The Archer crescent colors are used by Savones, and then Archers use "Sola" as indication of their trace to Salyes Savona. As I repeatedly see a fundamental link of Salyes with the Ligurian swan line, Salyes linkage to swan-suspect Savona elements is insinuated. For me, this paragraph speaks of the Andechs (found heavily linked to Salyes / Ligurians in the last update) on the Sava river. Reminder, the Andechs location is up in Bavaria in proximity with the Lech river, and therefore close to Dachau.

The Deck/Dakin Crest is an Essene-suspect axe, and the Coat is the same cross, in the same colors, as the Pascal cross using Levi lions. That's important because the Levi Coat uses three black chevrons, as do ArchDekins. So you see, it makes much sense that Levis should link to Essenes. On the same heraldry webpage, you can see that the Ashe/Esse Coat is two black-on-white chevrons, indicating that, indeed, (Arch)Dekins had a soft-c form. One could be prompted thereby to see what the Ashen / Eshen surnames look like, and so see the grail cup (colors of the Andechs eagle) in the Germo-Swiss Eshen/Esher Coat. (The Eschel variation smacks of Eschol of Hebron.)

It's important that the Ash/Esse Crest is a version of the Drake wyvern but called a "cockatrice," for Aikens use roosters, and an Essene-suspect tree in Crest. Essene-suspect Homers use red roosters, and red-wyvern Drakes had been identified with Essenes. Gays use the Sinclair rooster, and Gays were first found in Savoy, the area that is at the source of the Durance river leading down to Draguignan. In fact, it's southern Savoy that is closest to the Durance, and it's in southern Savoy that Modane is located, suspect from "Modiin/Modi'in" in Israel, the location of the Maccabees.

The Masci-related Maccabee line, first found in Piedmont, is therefore suspect heavily at Modane, explaining why there was a Sales-of-Masci clan in Cheshire. That is, Modane elements had merged with Salyes, which in my view now is a Maccabee-Seleucid merger...which may have been a merger taking place all the way back in Modi'in. But there was also a Masci/Maccabee line to Mieszkos, and then it just so happens that Wikipedia's article on Deck-like Dagome, Mieszko's alternative name, traces Mieszko's ancestry to Sardinia, strongly suggesting that Mieszko's ancestry was at the Sulcis = Sant'ANTIOCo location to which I've just traced "ANDECH." This doesn't necessarily trace Mieszkos to a Masci line in Sardinia, for the Piscinas location beside Sulcis is suspect in "Piast." It's possible that the Mascis after which Mieszko was named were in the Polish theater.

As it's known that the Polish ancestry of Piasts and of Mieszko was at GOPLo (Poland), by what coincidence is the Aiken rooster that of the KOPPELs...first found in Nuremberg, the big Hohenzollern coop? [Keep this in mind when we get to the huge evidence of a Mieszko-Haughty link to Hohenzollerns further below.] The Koppel rooster is in the colors of the Miess/Mieske/Mesech bull, and as it's a black bull, it's possible that the black bull of Hoffs/Houghs (Mieszko's daughter was nick-named "Haughty" after the Hough bloodline) traces "Hof" to "Gop(lo)," for Hofs and Hops are related terms.

Entering "Meis" gets an Austrian family using a mouse, conspicuous where Goplo had/has a Mouse Tower. It's hardly a coincidence that the Misl variation smacks of mythical SiemoMYSL in Mieszko's Goplo ancestry. The Arms of Kyburg use the same-colored lion as the Meis Coat, although admittedly many entities use those lion colors. But if "Coffert" traces to a Hof > Hop > Goplo line, it's important to consider the links of the two lions. Ultimately, this can trace the Caiaphas line to Goplo, jibing with the trace of Maccabees and Seleucids to Mieszko's bloodlines. The Meis mouse is on a bend in the colors of the Covert fesse, while the Covert Crest is a gold leopard possibly linking to the gold lion in the Meis Crest

[Later, Coverts trace fundamentally to the Hof- / Coffer-rooted Duffs (excellent discovery), and therefore to the David/Daffy surname using the same bend as the Mies bend with mouse. This is satisfying as per my claim at least twice in past months that the Mies bend is that of the Davids/Daffys.]

Admittedly, the Goplan founders of Goplo don't sound very Caiaphas-like, but then if they were named in-part after "Polanie," as the article suggests, we are left with a Gop root to ponder. Who were the Gops? Koppels use the rooster of Essene-suspect Aikens, and Gobels use the Masci wing as well as the camel used by Pepins. As you can read in the Goplo article above, the place was home to a mythical Popiel. And it seems very evident that Coverts of the Swabia theater lived in an area ruled by Pepinids, as we shall see.

The heraldry page shows ASHbournes with a black fesse and white symbols, the theme used by Sales and related Helms. As Helms were first found in SURrey, let's consider a "Surrey" trace to "Zurich" as we go along, for Maxwell-related KilPatricks have a "make sure" motto phrase that traces partly to "Makeswell" and partly to Sures/Shures using holly, the Maxwell-Crest symbol too. Sures/Shures even use a black-on-white chevron, the colors of the Ash chevrons, and then the Ash write-up touches on an Ash location in Surrey. Kilpatricks show "Shera" and similar others as variations, while entering "Sheer" (said to include or derive in "Essira") gets a clan first found in Surrey.

[Why are Essene suspects tracing to Zurich-suspect elements? We'll see below when the bull at the root of Zurich is traced to Caiaphas-suspect Haifa, which begs the question of whether the Mieske and Hoff bulls are from Zurich. Remember, Kyburg at Zurich is a Caiaphas-suspect line of the Covert kind. It just so happens that the Taurus I see at Haifa was the proto-Zeus Taurus, from "Tyre = Tyrus," while I ventured to trace "Surrey" to "Surru," the alterative name of ancient Tyre.]

Maxwells are simply all over this Essene-of-Rijeka topic as it had linked (in the last update) to the Salyes / Laevi theater. Entering Meisse gets the Meissners/Misners with Meix, Mech and Max alternatives. As the Coat uses trefoils, I'm compelled to trace the clan to RoqueFEUILs, and it just so happens that Maxwells and Rockefellers both traced to Rijeka.

As an aside, Maxwell-related Hollys use trefoils too. As Melusine is in the Holly Crest, the clan traces to Holstein. The surname is properly shown as "CulLAN . CulLAIN," smacking of a hard-C Alan/Alain clan. But on this occasion, what came to mind was the RoXOLANi to whom I trace both "Roxburgh" and Roques / Rockefellers. The Roxolani are known to have been a Rox combination with Alan Huns. Therefore, I am now tracing Roxolani to "HOLstein," especially as the Holstein surname (savage with loincloth and club) uses the lion design of English Stewarts. The Holstein lion holds "a piece of metal."

Actually, it turns out not to be an aside, for the Mettle/Mettley surname uses the Haught/Hector/HOUGHton Shield in colors reversed! The Mettle/Mettley Coat easily links to the Medley Coat (both use the same black-on-white pierced stars in Chief), of a surname first found in the same place as Hough-suspect Coverts!

Medleys use pairs of black-on-white stripes, as do Mauds of Cheshire. Although Mauds are said to be from an unidentified "Monte Alto" in Italy, I trace them to "Modane" in Savoy because Mauds were first found in Masci-infested Cheshire. That is, I must now hold the theory that Medleys/MADleys, Mettleys, and the Holstein / Stewart lions, traces to Modane. The Mauds even use an upright red-on-white lion, the colors and position of the English Stewart lion. As I trace the Scottish Stewart Coat to the Massi/Mattis Coat, (mainly Matthew variations), doesn't this paragraph suggest that Massis/Mattis' were at Modane since the Maccabees of Modiin were descended from a Mattathias Maccabee?

The Maud Coat's three pairs on black-on-white stripes amount to the three solid bars of the Mettles, from Methley in Yorkshire. The finding of the Mettleys came after the same bars were found in the Arms of Hohenzollern, mentioned shortly below. Hohens are suspect as naming themselves after "Cohen" for reflection of their trace to the chief priests of Israel.

I don't know who Archers (arrows) are yet as a people group, but they were perhaps named after such entities as the Arrow/Arras surname from Artois. The English Archer Crest is the dragon-head design of Clarks and Leopolds. It's important that Arthurs are shown as "Archibure" because Archibalds were first found in Berkshire, location of Windsor castle, while "Uther" Pendragon has been traced to Windsor ancestry (in the Others). Coverts were traced to the "Coburg" ancestry of Windsors, but in the last update it became suspect that the Covert leopard was code for the line of Austrian Leopolds, especially Leopold III (Habsburg) who had ancestry (see family tree at bottom of webpage) in Maxwell-suspect MECHtild of Tubingen; she married a Hohenburg, and their daughter married the son of Hedwig of Kyburg, a Habsburg ruler. You see, as "Covert" is now highly suspect in "Kyburg," but also suspect by other means in association with Hohens and Clarks, it's making sense that the leopard of Habsburg-suspect Coverts should trace to the Leopolds using the Clark dragon head.

Never an hour or two go by when I don't find traces to the Masci bloodline. French Archers use the Macey Shield and were first found in Provence, which should explain the "Sola" motto term of English Archers...who use a blue Shield like Sola-using Tabors/Tabers...meaning that it's not likely a coincidence that while the German Taber woman (blue dress) carries a grape bunch, the French Archer Coat uses "a bunch of grapes." Zinzendorf-suspect Sinsons/Zanzans were first found in Berkshire too, where Archibalds were first found. But why should Tabers trace to Provence's Salyes of the kind using an arrow theme? Might it have to do with the Hussites (named after John Hus) being linked to the expert archers called, Hussians? Apparently so, which then tends to trace Hussians to Artois' capital, Arras.

By what coincidence do the Arrows/Arras' and Templar-suspect Balders/BATHERstains both use the same cross while we've just seen the ArchiBALDs? The same cross is used by Bather-like Bitars/Buttars (from Ardoch) who use a strong arm in Crest holding a bow, and meanwhile the Crest of Darks from Archer-like Arques (Kent) show a strong arm too!

So, there is an Archer location after all, and come to think of it, "Arch" smacks of "Erik," itself a Scandinavian term that could trace to mythical "Rig"...whom I traced to the Roxolani. In this picture, Archs could be Rox elements. After all, Darks and Baldwins ("pas" motto term) both use the Bitar and Balder/Bather cross in saltire, which is also the Maxwell saltire of a clan living at Maxton of Roxburghshire. Baldwins were first found in Brittany, where the Roxolani-suspect Alans lived. In the heraldry page mentioned above, an Archibald Coat is shown using the same saltire-and-Chief combination as Annandales (Windsors use a saltire in colors reversed). The Dark and Baldwin saltires are also the one used by Kilpatricks near Annandale. Finally, "Rig" and "Erik" smack of "Rika = Rijeka that was traced to Maxwells and Rutherfords of Roxburghshire.

In the last update, the "jamais" motto term of Seleucid-suspect Selkirks was traced to Seleucid-suspect Andechs at Jamnica (Karlovac theater), but I now see that the Windsor motto includes, "Je me." That's important because Andechs were the Windisch entity. There's a lot of green and white in the topic now, including the white-on-green panther in the Arms of Styria, where the Windisch-Gratz entity was found (see last update).

It's seems I've gotten way off the Covert-Hof topic, but not really, for Coverts, by their Coburg links, were Windsors, and Ricks use a Covert-colored fesse. Riggers (white heron on green mound) are said to derive in a term meaning "heron," and we saw white-on-green herons in the Irish Heron surname ("ardua" motto term), the one with a Haveran variation that I've been tracing to Eleazar AVARAN Maccabee. MacAbees themselves use white-on green, and the Heron Crest is the one using the white-and-green pelican-on-nest (used also by Pottens). Riggers smack of Ringerike (Norway) in the green-and-white area of Heidmark and Hamar, the latter suspect as a hammer term linking to the Maccabee hammer symbol. Ringerike was part of the domain ruled by RAGNvald of More.

It's possible that the Maccabee line of Eleazar Avaran developed into the Heron surname or nick-name, and perhaps it was the Riggers who first took the nick-name to themselves, in which case we might trace Eleazar's bloodline to Rig (i.e. suspect as the god created by the Rigger bloodline). In that case, Eleazar should trace also to Roxolani and Roxburghshire, explaining why Rika/Rijeka reflects "Rig" so well. This can explain why Essenes had been suspect with the Andechs rulers in the Rijeki theater.

German Richards/Reickerts (upright goat) were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Riggers. Ragn-like Regensburg was important to the Bavarian lozenges that were traced to Losinj in the Rijeki theater. Germo-Swiss Reichs are also "Riker." Rakes/Raikes use a chevron in the colors of some Rockefeller chevrons such as the one used by raven-using Rooks / Rookbys. This chevron was traced also to the chevron of raven-using Rices/Ryses, a surname that indeed smacks of Rig. In the last update, it was suggested that the Rice/Rhys surname should trace to Rhizon/Risinium at Butua / Kotor because Rijeka elements seemed to be from the Saracas of Kotor.

As could be expected of Essene lines, the German Rice/Reiser surname, which could evolve to "Ricker / Rigger / Richard," uses a tall, solid chevron much like the tall solid Chappes chevron, and then English Chappes/Chaips use "ears of wheat" while the Ryes/Ryses/Rises of Sussex are depicted by "ears of rye" by the Sadducee-suspect Saddocks/Sedgewicks (also Sussex). It's starting to get convincing that the Rhyzon location was an Essene one, and indeed Rhyzon is not far from the Dorians at the Neretva. This was the Dor and Megiddo line.

I distinctly recall a Dor-like surname using a chevron in the blue-on-white colors of the Yorkshire Richard chevron. Two Dorn clans, one first found in Bavaria (i.e. same place as Rhyzon-suspect Richards), and another first found in Yorkshire, use blue-on-white bends. AND BINGO! I've just seen that the Scottish Dures/Dewers use the same blue-and-white Shield-and-Chief combination (no symbols on either Coat) as the Saluzzo Coat, important because it was just found (last update) that Kotor-based Cutters (of DORset!) use the combination in colors reversed. Doreys use a fish, if that helps to trace Dor clans to the Saraca / Kotor theater.

Okay, what we see is some good starter reasons for tracing Rik-like terms to Rhyzon, but the discussion started on the question of whether Archers were from Erik-lire terms so as to apply to this Rijeka and Rhyzon trace. And that's why the Bingo above is so valuable, for the Archer Crest is the dragon-head design of Clarks and nearly of Cutters. And I now see that English Clarks (the ones with the Archer dragon head) use the same chevron as Yorkshire Richards! (Richards are clearly Amorites, by the way). The whole kit and ca-bute-al trace down to the same area, even as Clarks use the same symbol (sea horse) as the Arms of Budva/Butua. (Clarks were Clairs that trace to Clarus at Ephesus, the latter city founded by mythical KODRus who, because he was depicted anciently with a fish, traces to "Kotor." The fish was a symbol of Dorians of the Nereus kind).

What we have just witnessed is that the relevant black-on-white, as well as the blue-on-white, chevrons both trace to Rhyzon. That should explain why Rookbys of Yorkshire use the black-on-white one while Rooks/Rokes of Yorkshire use the blue-on-white one!

Have I proven that Eleazar Avaran Maccabee tracded to Roxolani or Rig or Ringerike. No, but close. The circumstantial evidence seems to point that way. It traces Avaran especially from white-on-green Herons/Haverans to green-and-white Hamar, suggesting that heron-defined Riggers ought to connect at Ringerike. The Heron symbols may themselves have developed from Here / Herzog elements, as there is a Herceg location just south of Ragusa.

The Windsor stag is that of the Wind(ell) stag, and the green-on-white Wind Cross is colors reversed from the same-type cross as Essene-suspect House's. Reminder: House's and Homes use the same colors, the colors of Essene-suspect Lombardy to which Uther-rooted Archibures/Arthurs ought to trace. The Wind(ell) cross shows the footless martins (in white) of the Rutherfords / Cobbs / Atkinsons.

Does "Archibure" mean that Arthurs merged with Rig elements? Pendragons do use a black-on-white chevron. Richards are ReichHARTs/ ReichARTs. Pendragons do use a helmet as code for Helms/Helions that I did trace to Alan ancestry, while Alans were traced to Roxolani and their Neuri / Budini kin. That can explain why Roxolani elements just seemed to trace to Butua, suggesting that Rhyzon was home also to the Neuri, and indeed I did trace both the Neuri and Nereus' Nereids at the Neretva to Nahorites.

I did trace HasMONeans (= Maccabees) to the Mona and Menai area of the Ordovices, in northern Wales (= king Arthur's wife) where Arddu is located. And smack next to the Menai straight is Rhos, now suspect as a Rhyzon entity. This recalls the Roosevelt investigation that led to links with Clarks and Hayden Lake. The Ross Crest uses a ring that, as an heraldic symbol, became suspect previously as code for Ringerike. The Spanish Ros Coat is a black two-headed eagle (!!!), symbol also of Rijeka. now suspect with Ringerike. I did identify king Arthur as a Rus, even a Slav-Rus, people. It appears that he was from Rijeka, just like the Rockefellers, and then while king Arthur had a Round Table, so too modern Illuminatists have their Round table, where certain Rockefellers are surely welcome.

Why was Arthur given a round-table symbol? The Round surname uses "Esse quam," code for Essenes at Qumran. The Round Coat uses a black-on-white chevron with white symbols, same as the Pendragon chevron. The symbols in the Round chevron are...rings!!! Are we enlightened? Arthur was a lousy Rigger. Like the Irish Arthurs, Tables/Tapleys use blue roundels called, hurts. Now you know that king Arthur was non-existent, but that the lousy myth writers were merely toying with surnames while rigging up personalities to represent their bloodlines. Compare the Table/Tapley Coat with the Ben/Bent Coat that is surely that of "Lancelot's father."

As Pendragons were Sales and Helms, while it's suspect that Houses and Homes/Humes were from the Pendragon root in Lombards, consider the Holmer variation of Homers. It's important because both "HUMe" and "Lom" have been traced to "QUMran," though we could expect a term reflecting "Qumr(an) / Gomer", which "Homer" seems to do well. The Homer/Holmer write-up seems like code for the Helms bloodline: "The name Homer arrived in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. It is a name for a maker of helmets. Originally the name Homer was derived from the Old French word heumier."

What does it portend when Homer, the big myth writer, looks like an Essene? Did the Homers of the world write like that to hide their secrets, or merely for love of allegory? As we know, Jews have historically hidden their identities for various reasons; might the Homers of the world have been hiding their Edomic-Hebrew nature from the Greeks? Doesn't the Book of Revelation respond with allegory to the Homers of the world, heralding an omen over their heads?

I thought that I was on an aside from the Covert topic, but not so. Homers use the Sinclair rooster design, and Clarks, who were Clairs, were first found in NorthUMBERland, a place/term that I now trace to Chemmites at Qumran. The HUMber Coat was just checked to see what it would dredge, and there was the Haught/Hector Coat in colors reversed. Yes, the three Humber bars are in the colors of the three in the Mettle/Mettley Coat, of a surname traced to Modane / Modiin, tending to verify that Humbers were Hume-branch Essenes [we are going to see the Humber Coat in the Arms of Hohenzollern].

Carlyle is across the small waters from Annandale, which should explain why Archibolds use the Annandale Shield. Before I leave the heraldry page, see that the Annesley Coat uses the same blue-and-white bars, in the same positions, as the Arms of Richard Amerike...who was traced to the Ammer / Ammersee elements of the Andechs. We are about to see Ammersee in the Covert investigation. The Annesley page at (bars in slightly different positions) even shows an "amore" motto term, and a red Moor head. The Richards who for the first ever traced to Rhyzon use "amore," but then Richards should also trace to "Rika/Rijeka, where Andechs called an empire, Merania.

Off to the Hofs

Time for the Covert/Coffert / Kaufbeuren investigation. It is suspect that a certain kaiser Koffert in the ancestry of Cathian Covert traces to Kaufbeuren, and so let's see what we find there. Cathian said to me that kaiser Koffert was from Hohenzollern associations, and the Hohenzollerns were out of Swabia, where we find Kaufbeuren. Here's the Arms of Hohenzollern, a black-on-white eagle evoking the discussion above. Recalling that Achesons used the black eagle, by what coincidence do Zollerns come from Hechingen: "Zollern, from 1218 Hohenzollern, was a county of the Holy Roman Empire. Its ruling dynasty was the House of Hohenzollern, a Swabian noble family first mentioned in 1061. They named their estates after Hohenzollern Castle at the Swabian Alb; its capital was Hechingen. Its coat of arms was that of the ruling house."

I don't think I got into the Echen discussion in this update for anything having to do with Hechingen, but there you have it. It means that Hechingen is suspect as a basic part of the Andechs bloodline, though it should be repeated that I don't equate the Echen terms with "Andechs. I rather see that "Andechs" was spelled that way to reflect the merger of Antioch elements with the D'Echen bloodline at the Ticino. I suppose what that implies is that Hechingen was Tess/Teck elements that named the Ticino, meaning also that Hechingen was an Essene location. There is ample evidence that Hechingen (central Swabia) links to the Ticino where Pepins were both at Ticinum = Pavia and in southern Swabia. Plus, Swabia traces to Sabines, who I think named Savona, the swan-line Ligures to which the Laevi Ligures on the Ticino had been linked.

It's important that Laevi and Ananes pre-dated Ananias, for while it just became a new theory that Ananias was from proto-Khazars, the Levi-suspect Hohens happen to have been Khazars. Therefore, as Ananias and/or Caiaphas must have had ancestry in the Laevi, we are looking for Laevi (and other Ligurians) to link up with Cohens and Hohens of later times. And that's where the Lech river comes in that flows past Kaufbeuren, through the land of the Bavaria-branch Pepins. I think what I'm suggesting is that non-Byzantine side of Cohens and Hohens had been Ligurians, but also Gauls, for Laevi and Ananes had been from Gauls prior to living in Ligurian Italy. I'm fairly sure that Gauls gave the world the chicken / rooster symbol, though Julie reminded me that the rooster was a symbol of mythical Lug too.

Note how the Hohenzollern Arms have what could be construed as three black-on-white bars, the Arms of Trebizond Empire, and/or the Haught/Hector Coat with bars in colors reversed...just like the bars of the French Casse/Casser/Casset Coat!!! In the last update, the latter surname was found, and suspect as a Khazar bloodline at the root of Ananias. I didn't know then what you have just seen. What does it mean?

It's the Cati pagan grail cult, isn't it? Ananias and/or Caiaphas were from the Cilician Cati, the Phrygian Hatti who descending to the Lydians as they in-turn evolved into Leda Spartans, swan mother of Castor. Leaving Greece into Illyria, they passed from the CADmus cult at Butua though the Po river of Italy to Savona, where the Spartan Sthenelus (mythical) became Sthenelus, king of Liguria. When one enters "Cast," up comes the Cass surname. I traced STHENelus many years ago to "Sithone," a branch of Edones, for there was a mythical king Lycurgus of the Edones/Edonians who smacks of "Ligure." What happens at this point in the argument is a trace back to Megiddo by the Mygdone tribe of Edones, as well as the Dorian-related MacEDONIANS, which traces the Caiaphas bloodline right to the Haifa area that became suspect, on other grounds, as the place to which the Caiaphas bloodline should trace.

Therefore, I think I have this correct, that the horse-depicted Castor bloodline should be the ancestry of both the Israeli chief priests and the Khazars.

Hohens, because they use Cohen checks in red, are from the Cohens/Kagans and therefore from Khazars. I'm convinced now that the Casser Coat is also the Arms of Hohenzollern. Take it to the bank. What they didn't want to tell us -- those who claim to educate the world with their Enlightenment -- heraldry has coughed up. The tribwatch foxes are now in the coop, smelling, not just the eggs, but the rooster's hens. And boy do they stink. These Illuminated ones "forgot" to tell us where they were from. No, actually, they are ashamed of it, yet they continue to promote the very thing that they are ashamed of, like people who promote their own sugar-coated vomit. They re-create their devil to have the comeliness of king Arthur, the chivalry of Lancelot, the grand mystery of the Grail Quest. All the while, it's just blood and vomit mixed into a golden cup of bottomless sin.

Italian Cassars/Cesares (oak tree) were first found in Messina, and Haughts/Hectors (black bull, as with Mieskes/Mesechs) are easily traced to the Masci bloodline that ought to have been from Messina, for the Messina/Massina Coat is a good reflection of the Masci Coat (both use a blue bend with three gold symbols, and two white-on-red symbols to either side of the bend). Moreover, the Casses/Cassers use scallops in Meschin-scallop colors.

We now have, in the Cassar link to the Traby-suspect Arms of Trebizond, a reason for tracing the 666 lovers to Hohenzollern / Masci Illuminatists. It's not often that I place Hohenzollerns together with Mascis, but it's now more certain that Zollerns (in the colors of the Sales) were the Sales-of-Masci.

[Insert -- I would not leave Javier Solana (the faithful "boss of Europe") out of this Sales-of-Masci picture. It's said that Javier's Madariaga bloodline helped to choose the EU logo, gold-on-blue stars. I've just found gold-on-blue stars on the Madariaga Coat! It's stinking bloodline worship over there in end-time Europa, and they want as much as they can get from what's left of our money, after we pay the bills, to pay for the empire devoted to their own bloodlines.

I can't be sure if the objects in the outer area of the Madariaga Coat are chain links; if so, I would trace to the Chaines using the Masci wing. In fact, I recall that the Solanas, because they were first found in the Navarre theater, were traced to chains in the Arms of Navarre, and to the Irish Mackays/Quays who use chains on a wolf. The Solana Shield is surrounded by wolf heads. Solanas were then traced to the Laevi because Laevi lived at Novara.

"Javier's grandfather, Rogelio de Madariaga y CASTRO and Salvador de Madariaga were cousins." The Italian Castro Coat shows the lion of Pharisee-suspect Ferraris, and it just so happens that I didn't find this Madariaga - Castro topic until after tracing Castor to the Po...which is where the Ferrari surname was first found. As Pollux was Castor's brother, note that Ferrara is a location off the Po near Modena and Pollux-like Bologna. As this area was Romagna, it is perhaps where Rompuy, the latest president of Europe in the footsteps of Solana, was ultimately from. Indeed, read on.

The Spanish Castro Coat uses besants, used in-part in the Madariaga Coat. The Madariaga besants are half torteaux, though the roundels are in quarters of red and gold, the colors of the Massey Shield. Torteaux are traced (by me) to Tortona near Novara. The Haught/Hector motto includes "tort," and mythical Ector was father to Kay, no doubt the MacKay/Quay bloodline.

The Bens/Bents use both besants and torteaux, and as that surname traces to the Lancashire cult of Lancelot, it should be added that the Ashton surname was first found in Lancashire. Cathy Ashton is the foreign minister of the EU for a reason, but I doubt it has to do much with her abilities to do the job. It's just typical bloodline sucking by the vampires who wish to lord it over the world.

The Zionists stars of the Messina/MASSINa Coat are in the colors of the stars in the Madariaga Coat, which I'm saying because I suspect that Madariaga links to the Massino area of Italy, and therefore to the Massi/Mattis surname that I trace to Modane (Salyes theater) and Modena. In this picture, Solana looks like he's from Maccabees and Seleucids together, an important finding for our understanding of end-time Europe that is predicted to join the Seleucid anti-Christ.

The Mattar/Mather/Maidir Chief uses stars in colors reversed to the MADARiaga stars. The "celeriter: motto term of this clan suggests the Sellers / Cellers/Keller/Kelners, the latter being first found in Swabia, excellent because I can sense that Solana traces to the Hohens under discussion in this update. Cellers use eagles in the colors of the Hohenstaufen eagle. It's been some years since stressing that Kellers/Kelners traced to the Caiaphas-suspect Shaws/Sheaves/Chiapponis.

As Staufers and Stauffens use grails, as we will see, so does the Seller Coat. As "Seller" like "Solana", it tends to prove that Madariagas are a branch of Mattars/Mathers. The swan in the Seller Crest suggests the Salyes.

The castle design in the Castro Coat must be owned by Castros for obvious reason. The same castle design used by others who should therefore trace to mythical Castor. It just so happens that the Castro castle design appeared twice in this update, in the Baums and the Borns/Bournes, and the great news is that Borns/Bournes use a sun, the Solana symbol, as well as a pegasus, the Massey symbol, and an apt symbol too for Castor. It just so happens that the "Haec" motto term of Borns/Bournes will be linked later to "Hechingen." We are not off-topic at all in this insert, and then we also have a sun in the Hesse Coat while that area was inhabited by the Catti now suspect at the root of Ananias / Caiaphas.

The Baum castle is found on the same Coat using white-on-blue crossed spears, the symbol of the Italian Pace/Pascel Coat. That surname was first found in Bologna, the Romagna theater, and then the surname comes up also with "Pay," evoking "RomPUY." The Pay/Pace/Pascel surname is also "Pase," and then French Baums use a "pas" motto term. Reminder: the Pass/Pascal Coat used Levi lions, and the Pascal lamb suspect in the bloodline of the False Prophet.

If you still doubt that Rompuy should trace to the Pays of Romagna, consider that his foreign minister has an Ashton surname, while Astors are suspect from "Castor," though the Ishtar in Revelation 17 is also relevant, I'm sure, which begs the question of why the EU foreign minister with Ishtar-suspect surname is now a woman.

It's interesting and even unexpected that I can recall, in all the years of my heraldry work, only one surname first found in Rome. I mean, it's a big city, and yet just one surname??? Shouldn't heraldry lines trace massively to Romans? It's the Sforza surname first found in Rome, and so the Ishtar star of the Arms of Szapary/Szafary should be emphasized, for Ashtons use a black star.

With "Ashton," the AshBOURNEs are coming to mind, first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts/Cofferts...who I'm now tracing to "Kaufbeuren." The Borns/Bournes will come up later (written before this insert was conceived) as per "KaufBEUREN." Beurens were first found in the same place (Westphalia) as German Sellers/Sellmans and Leopards.

To prove the Ashbourne link to Kaufbeuren, Ashbournes and Coverts both use a white-on-red fesse. Does this mean that Cathy Ashton is a Caiaphas bloodliner?

The Sellers get us back to Mattars/Mathers, and so see that French Mateys/Mathes/Matheis use besants on what could be the Annandale saltire. Irish Mathunas use Levi lions in red, a "sacra" motto term like "Zachary," and are called Manns (i.e. HasMONian suspects from Mattathias Maccabee), and then the Mens/Mengzies/Manners use the same motto, almost, as Ashbournes. It's the motto that I trace to the Islip > Hazel > House = Essene line to New York, tending to imply that ASHbournes are an Essene line.

Mathunas/Manns are said to mean, "bear," though that's what I expect the Beurens / Bournes to use as symbol. The Scandinavian "Bjorn" means "bear," and I'm so very glad that thought came to mind just now because, checking, the Bjorn bears are those of the Landons (bears are same color even), they being the Pepinid bloodline already traced (before this insert was written) to the Landsberg location at KaufBEUREN, and to nearby Lindau!

Mathunas/Manns are also "Mohan," and then entering that term (more besants) gets the same bent arm as the Mathunas/Mann Crest but holding a lion's paw. The Paws use the Manner/Maness peacock, and the latter Coat appears to use bars in colors reversed from the Mattar/Mathers Shield (if true, it makes a fundamental link between Manners and Madariaga lines to Mattathias-like terms). Mohans/Munns and Borns/Bournes both use "omnia," thus suggesting that Borns/Bournes were indeed Bjorns. Beurens are in the same colors as German Borns/Boerners, suggesting that "Kaufbeuren" was a Covert-Pepinid combination, though that doesn't tell where the Pepinid bear originated, unless it originated with the Mathunas. Albert the Bear comes to mind, of the German house of Ascania.

German Borns/Boernes use the three colors of the As(h)mans whom were traced to "Hasmon(ean)," which can suggest that "Ashbourne" and other Ash-surnames were not named after Essenes, but rather after "HASmon" (Mattathias Maccabee was a Hasmonean). But then "Hasmon" may have been named in part after an Essene line in Europe / Italy. Ashmoles use the Shield colors of Ashmans and Borns/Boernes, which may mean that Ashmoles are not an Ishmael line fundamentally. It appears that Ashmoles and Ashmans link to the Carrick symbols and colors, and I identify Carricks as hard-c Saracens (the Saracen surname uses black-on-gold, Carrick and Ashman colors). It's also possible to link the fleur of Ashmans and the greyhound to the same two symbols of French Lys', though Maccabee-suspect Masseys use fleur in the same colors, suggesting again that Ashmans are Hasmoneans.

Albert the Bear was big enough to have one or more surnames in his honor. English Alberts use a savage with a sledge hammer, suggesting Maccabees and Essenes together. German Alberts (Austria) use the Ishtar star in the colors of the Arms of Holstein star / sunburst (called a "nettle leaf"); the HolSTEIN surname uses the savage too, while Dutch Steins use the Ishtar star. The Holstein sunburst has 16 points, as does the Solana sun. German Alberts use all three Massey colors.

AHA! Italian Alberts use chains tied to a central ring -- like the Arms of Navarre -- on a royal blue the EU logo. Reminder: the EU logo uses the stars of the Madariagas, and Mathers smack of "Mathuna," the Irish bear line. Is that not all a whack of cascading clues, especially as the paragraph below was already written when this paragraph, and the four above it, were inserted exactly in this spot. Chain-using Alberts were first found in Maccabee-suspect Bologna (home of the BOII), from where we could expect the MaccaBee and Hasmon names to have transferred to Israel! Nearby Modena may have named Modiin, and then Chaine-related Mascis of the mace-using Maceys (more bears!) were of the Modane theater. SUDDENLY, Albert the Bear looks like the line to the end-time EU. But why?

UNBELIEVABLE. I had forgotten, when writing above on the wolf-on-chain of Mackays/Quays, what the other surname was likewise using a wolf-on-chain, but as the Ashton Coat was loaded, there was a "Quid" motto term that was recognized as the other surname using a wolf-on-chain. It's bloodline worship up there in EU fool's land.

The Quid/Quade wolf design is that of Milners and Welfs/Wolfs. As the Quid/Quade wolf is black and wearing a gold collar, it likely links to the same in the Saracen Crest, suggesting the Masci / Massin bloodline from "Messina," where Saracens lived. The Saracen surname was first found in CUMBERland, a place now suspect from "QUMRan." ZOWIE! The Cumber Coat (peacock in crest) uses the same cross (basically) as the French Sarasin Coat!!! It's very likely a reversed-color version of the Pass/Pascal cross, the one with four Levi lions, for the English Ground/Grundy Coat uses the same cross again with four Levi lions now in red-on-white, the colors of the Levi lions of the Mathunas/Manns.

The Grounds had been cited when the Solana-chain topic was investigated (4th update last September), at which time it was realized that the Solana write-up use about four terms in quotation marks as codes for related bloodlines. One of those terms is "ground." Scottish Grounds/Craneys even use the Saracen-style wolf, and the Mascal elephant. If I'm not mistaken, the "plot" term was traced to "Pilate," so appropriate.

Back to the Holsteins now suspect as using the Solana sun in the name of a "nettle LEAF." We just saw Holsteins linking well to the Ishtar star of Dutch Steins, and then English Steins use gold leopard heads, the design used by Coverts. Both Leopard Coats use a gold leopard, and the English branch were first found in the same place as Coverts. Before continuing, let it be said that leopards are very important in Bavaria / Swabia because I traced the leopard-using human-sacrifice cult of BOOFima from "PAPHos" (Cyprus), and therefore from Paphlagonians, into north Africa, specifically to the Apollo cult at Cyrene (there was a Cyrene-like location in Cyprus), where Meshwesh lived who also lived at human-sacrificing Tunis. The Boofima cult used a leopard in human sacrifices, but was reportedly sacrificing goats at times as human substitutes, explaining why Baphomet (= Templar god) is a satanic goat. It 's been reported by others that the Baphomet cult traced from Bavaria to Africa, though these reports did not mention the Boofima cult.

Thanks to Julie for giving the original tip on Boofima, which as a result found the Boofima cult encoded in the leopard and goat of the Anton/Anthony Coat and Crest, and then mythical Antenor (Trojan) was a known code for the Heneti Paphlagonians that are under investigation in this update at Pepinid Landsberg and Lindau. The Ananes, and therefore Ananias, are suspect from Heneti lines such as that of Aeneas, Trojan founder of Rome from Aenus on the Hebros. Paphos was the birthplace of Aphrodite, who later represented the Heneti > Veneti=Venus line. In other words, keep special note of goats and leopards found in this Kaufbeuren investigation, and see if you can't figure out exactly what entity carried the Boofima cult to/from the Templars. It's very remarkable that Julie was also responsible for my emphasis on Fussen, and therefore on the Lech river, part of the Kaufbeuren theater.

German Steins use a goat, and, as said above, English Stems/Steins use the Covert leopard. The Covert martins are used in the Ground Coat, which is the Coat showing Levi lions in red, and there happens to be a gold leopard in the Ground Crest, the color of the Covert leopard. The Grounds are a topic as per the "ground" term in the Solana write-up, and Solanas are suspect as HolSTEINS but also as Mathunas/Manns that likewise use red Levi lions. German Manns/Manners use Levi lions in colors reversed from the Mathuna/Mann lions, as well as the Holstein savage, while Cathian Covert married the Manner/Maness bloodline. The Levi lion designs are very welcome here where Caiaphas-suspect Coverts are involved. But are you catching the rabid point that the chief priests of Israel, or at least their bloodline, somehow got involved with the human-sacrificers? I've already traced Pharisees to the child-sacrifice cult of Trojans (e.g. Polyxena, daughter of Priam to whom Pharisees are traced here), but the Spartans under the brother of Menelaus also sacrificed their daughters, and Menelaus married the sister of Castor, the latter being the one now suspect at the root of Ananias.

English Manns use the goat design of German Steins...and German Richards who traced to the Rijeka entity of Andechs. Manns/Manners were first found in Styria, where the Windisch-Gratz entity had beginnings by the hands of Andechs. We have quite a few entities to chose from in which to trace Boofima, and while Steins seem highly involved, I'm not sure what people group they trace to. The leopard / panther was a symbol of Dionysus, and I trace his Maenads (anciently given the symbol of insanity) to the Menelaus bloodline and to the Mann surnames...that should have furnished the Hasmoneans. The Arms of Styria is said to be a "panther." The panther term could easily trace to a Pan=goat term, and I suspect Pandareus on Kos, son of Merops whom I trace to Ammersee, domain of the Andechs, and to the Amorite line in the Richards. Amorium is a city from Phrygia, the hub of the Boofima cult as per previous investigations. I had found that Boofima was the golden-fleece cult of Phrygians, represented, for one, by the Aeson > Jason line that was the same as Aedon, daughter of Pandareus.

...This Fetish [Boofima] had up to that time been kept active and working by the sacrifice of goats, but the medicine men of the Paramas [Priam suspect] who introduced it into the Imperi country [Parion suspect Gorgons] decreed at the same time that human sacrifices would be required to keep it alive...The country for years has been terrorised by this secret worship of Boofima and at one time the Imperi started the Tonga dances [Dionysus-like dances?], at which the medicine men pointed out the supposed worshippers of Boofima the so-called Human Leopards, because when seizing their victims for sacrifice they covered themselves with leopard skins, and imitating the roars of the leopard, they sprang upon their victim...

Thus, the Boofima cult of the Imperi had also led to Priam and Paris in particular. Iasion was the Aeson / Aedon line, while his brother (DARdanus, related to PanDAReus) was founder of the Paris line of Trojans. Aedon was queen in Thebes, a Kabeiri cult center, and Iasion was the founder of the Kabeiri cult. I trace Aedon and therefore all of these entities to the Atun cult, and therefore to historical (not mythical) pharaoh AKHENaten (Amarna), and so we see all the various terms in these myth terms that could have furnished surnames that I see as Essene lines to the Andechs. If correct that AkhenATEN's Atun cult led to Aedon, then he must have been depicted by mythical Merops of Ethiopia (at Meroe/Merowe, now Sudan), as he came to Kos to be the grandfather of Aedon, in which case the Ammersee / Merovingians Amorites were indeed involved in Boofima lunacy (the dances were intended to remove all inhibitions and common senses). End Insert]

As the Arms of Hohenzollerns include the bars used by Haughts/Hectors, compare the Hohenzollern capital, "Hechingen," with "Haught."

On the map at the Counts of Zollern page, one can see Hohenburg near the Hohenzollern location. Hechingen is off the banks of the Neckar river, and Tubingen, the place of Mechtild who married Hohenburg, is (not shown) on the Neckar. The northern border of Hechingen is at the Tubingen district. It's a welcome find just after having pegged the Coverts as the gonfanon bloodline, for a gonfanon is used in the Arms of Tubingen (see last update). The Mechtild-Hohenburg line even married Kyburgs who had entered the Habsburg family/dynasty. Coverts use the same fesse that is the Arms of Austria, which I don't think can be used by Austrian lines unless they link back to Austrian royalty/nobility. Leopold III was also a ruler in Styria, where Andechs founded Windisch-Gratz (see "Slovenj Gradec" in the last update).

[The insert above was written days after the paragraph above, and so Leopolds are suspect as part of the Boofima cult amongst Andechs of panther-depicted Styria.]

The Bodelshausen location in the Tubingen district uses a gold lion which, because it's the symbol of Kyburg too, may have become the gold Covert leopard. The Bodels/Bode surname happens to use Moray-colored stars and the Masci wing, two symbols that I traced to Mieszkos. The Masci wing in the Bodels Coat is even gold on blue, the colors of the Masci wing in the Goplo-suspect Gobel Coat. This requires a reminder that I have predicted the Masci bloodline as the anti-Christ system in the West that will see the False Prophet and his 666.

[I had traced the Boofima cult from the Gorgons and Amazons of north-Africa to the Butteri, and Butteri (around Satricum near Rome) were traced to Apulia's mythical Satyrion at Taranto, exactly where the Coffers are traced independently. The Boofima cult was suspect at Satyrion for obvious reason, and as Coffers/Coffeys use mugs, note that steins are German mugs...that may have given rise to the leopard-using English Stein surname and the goat-using German Stein surname. Then, as Dutch Steins use the Ishtar star, compare "Ishtar" with "Satyr(ion)."]

The Bodels/Bode write-up: "First found in Prussia, where the name BodECKER..." Caps mine. There's a Bodecker page showing many variations. [Bodeckers use four gold-on-blue stars, as do Madariagas.]

In the write-up on the gonfanon of the Tubingen district, it says that the colors of this gonfanon are those of "County Hohenburg, which belonged to Austria.". As the last update traced the gonfanon to the homosexuals of the Order of the Garter, note that while Mossingen is in Tubingen district, the Moss Coat uses a quartered Shield in ermined gold and silver squares, while the Garter Coat is filled with ermined gold and silver checks (the checks suggesting links to Cohens / Hohens).

Moreover, Coverts had been linked to the gonfanon in-part by way of linkage to Baines / Banners (the Tubingen Arms above shows the gonfanon as a "banner"), and Baines / Banners were traced at that time to Ban(t), father of Lancelot, symbol of Lancashire. The Ban/Bent motto uses "nec" twice as code for the Neckar. The blue lion in the Ben/Bent Crest is suspect as the Caiaphas lion, perhaps even considered by cultists as their alternative to the "lion of the tribe of Judah." The Samson Crest is a blue lion, and the Samson cult had contact with the tribe of Judah, according to the Samson account in Judges. It could even be that the lion carcass with bees and honey was a symbol of a dead Judah, wished dead by the Samson-cult. Blue is the color of Israel in modern Israel.

The Moss surname was first found in Lancashire, as was the Ecker/Acker surname suspect in the Masci-winged Bodeckers. As per the Sales-of-Masci branch, I see that the Eckers/Ackers use the Sale / Salian/Saleman bend. It suggests Salyes' links to the Ticino where D'Echen/Echen-like clans are now suspected. German Ekkers (bend in colors reversed to the Baum bend and to Covert-suspect Overs of Cheshire) were first found in Bavaria (where Bamberg is located) so that Ekkers might relate to the Kaufbeuren entity.

[Reminder: Baums and Beuren-suspect Borns/Bournes use the same castle, traced in an insert above to mythical Castor. It just so happens that Cassel in Germany is linked politically to Hesse, while "Hesse" looks like a soft-version "Ekker." In fact, the Ekker-like Ectors use a sun too, as does the Hesse surname, and Ectors can be suspect in Swabia as per Haughts/Hectors now linking to HohenZollerns...who smack of a solar entity. Zollerns are shown as "Solern" too. The sun-using Solana/Sole bloodline linked above to mythical Castor via the Madariagas. Good luck pulling the chariot of Helios across your universe, Mr. Solana, in order to give light to the world. Instead, prepare it for war in the dark hour allotted to the EU's demise.]

Keep in mind as we get to the Ammersee location in the Kaufbeuren investigation that Tubingen has an Ammerbuch location that should link to the Moray-colored stars of Bodels/Bodes. As Mackies/Mackeys are found on-shore of Bode-like Bute (previously, Rothesay) and use a raven with arrow (Rothschild symbol), consider that while Rottenburg is likewise in Tubingen, German Rothes (Bavaria) use a raven [RothSTEINs/Rothschilds come to mind, using the Ishtar star as do Boofima-suspect Steins].

In order to make the Hechingen / Hohenzollern link to Kyburg at Zurich, note that Stetten is to the west side of Hechingen while the Statton/Stetton Coat is a split Shield just like the Arms of Zurich, and in colors reversed!!! Excellent. (Compare with the Coburg-surname Coat.)

Cathian said that her Koffert ancestor was "kaiser Wilhem Koffert," and then between Stetten and Hechingen is a Wilhelm location. By the way, "kaiser" does smack of the Casser and Casser/Cesare surnames, while kaiser Wilhelm II of imperial Germany, after whose cottage the Clark House mansion was reportedly patterned, was a Hohenzollern. When the Nazis at Hayden Lake (Idaho) became a topic after suspecting Coverts in Idaho to be Nazi-related, the topic had been much on the Scherf family that was the real surname of president George Herbert Walker Bush. After it had been emphasized that both Scheres/Scherfs and Walkers used roses on stems, other roses on stems were found including the roses in the German Wilhelm Coat. That made Clark House very Nazi-suspicious on an elite scale that should have involved the Bush's.

[Insert -- Excuse me again, I'm so rude. Those Has elements that may have been the naming of Hasmoneans may have been silent forms of "Cass," by which I mean to insinuate the possibility that Maccabees were partly of the proto-Khazar bloodline. Like Castor, Hussians were horse people. The HASlip/Islip surname comes to mind, but a second before it came to mind, "Haslington" rung in my head like a bell out of nowhere. It turns out that Haslingtons were first found in the same place as Caiaphas-suspect Coverts. How about that. Haslingtons use "hazel leaves" in the colors that the French House/Hause surname used to use for its leaves. I'll bet the bees in the Leaf Coat that these leaves are code for the Laevi > Levi line to Maccabees. Haslingtons are also "Hazeltons," and Hazels use "hazel slip" leaves (code for Haslips/Islips) that were the House/Hause leaves. Houses now use cabbage leaves while the Cabbage surname shows Coburg-like variations. As some more proof that Houses and Homes/Humes were related, the Haslington motto is translated with the use on "homes."

Therefore, I think I am convinced already that Haslingtons should be considered in the HASmoneans, perhaps even Hasmonean ancestry. There is an Azel location (unknown) to the east of Jerusalem that was mentioned by the prophet Zechariah. Here's what I have recorded in the 1st update of May, 2010, long before I got to the Clark House topic:

...Before finding the Clark Coat, I found myself back at the Hazels. As they were first found in Cheshire, the Hazel Coat, using a colors reversed from the Bellamy Shield, and using three crescents in the same fashion as the Bellamy Coat, is likely evidence of Hazel linkage to the Bellamy>Macey family (also first found in Cheshire). For me, this is stunning, folks, because a variation of the Hazels is HARsewell/HARswell, which meant nothing to me yesterday. It was this morning that I found an amazing thing linking Bellamys to HARcourts!!!

But before getting to that, I want to say how I arrived to the Hazels in the first place. The Stain [Stein-suspect] write-up: "However, the first on record was Sir William Staine who married into the Yarboroughs of Heslington Hall about the year 1100." Going to the Heslington Coat...the colors of the Stanford Coat [the Stein goats in the colors of the English Houses].

There is more to that 2010 quote than meets your eye. Not many minutes ago, I was looking at the hare in the Has Coat (in Bellamy colors), wondering how it could apply to the HASmonean line, but I wasn't going to mention the Has' here for a lack of anything to say. But now, as Hares were found to use the Bellamy Shield (back about 2010) by one of those animal-acts of God at my place, and as the quote above linked Bellamys to Hazels and then even found Haslingtons by way of the Stein bloodline, it was not only in step with this update, but it convinces me that the Has surname was part of the Hasmoneans...especially as I trace Hasmoneans to the Bellamy-MACEY line. Even the Harcourts are suspect now, but more so the Harsewells, who smack of Castor's horse symbol and the Hungarian Hussians. Julie thinks that the Hungarians tracing themselves to Nimrod was a trace to a leopard cult. I can't disagree because the idea of a Nimrod = leopard cult is online at various places.

The Haslington Crest is officially a "Scot's head," suggesting the Scot surname using a version of the Seleucid-suspect Sellick Coat, and then Maccabees of later times are suspect as having a marital alliance with Seleucids in Israel. Another Haslington motto term is translated, "altar," while entering "Alter" gets the Colters (probably using the Richard chevron) that I'm sure once used the Catherine Wheel (not showing now); Scots use a Catherine Wheel. Rodhams, using "alter" in their motto, also show a "nec" term, and then German Colters were first found in Baden...where the Neckar flows. End Insert]

For those not reading the last update fully (please come see me in my office), the Hiedler/Hitler Shield is also the Zurich Shield, but with the Bauer stars [same as Madariaga stars] thrown in as well as the sun used by Hectors/Ectors...who can certainly be related to Haughts/Hectors. What we are seeing here is a oneness between the Arthurian Merovingians, the Hohens Khazars, Mieszkos, and Hitlers. Why? If "Zurich" traces back to the Taurus cult at Caiaphas-suspect Haifa, as I think it does, note too that Haughts are also "HOUGH" that Haifa-like HAUGH ought to apply too. That should explain all the links we've been seeing between Hohenzollern Swabia and the Mieszko Haughts, meaning that it's the Coffert lines in Hohenzollern Swabia that should trace to Haifa, excellent because Coverts are suspect as Kyburgs at Zurich.

The Hayden Lake / Covert topic also turned on the House / Islip bloodline, and I now find a Hausen location smack on the south-east side of Hohenzollern. Here's the German Hausen/Hauser surname. Beside Mossingen, and likewise in Tubingen, is GOMARingen, using what looks like a wolf head in code. As the House/Hause surname has been traced to QUMRan's Essenes, though I came to think that Qumran was named by Gomerian scythians, by what coincidence do we now find a Gomer-like term while Hausens use scythes??? Recently, a Scythopolis location was found closer to the Megiddo area of Israel.

[Insert -- In Zechariah, near the end of the book, the prophet tells that when Jesus' foot steps down on the mount of Olives (east side of Jerusalem), at the last Day just as Jerusalemites are about to be wiped out by Armageddon, the rocks will break open in a crevice leading from Olives to an Azel location. One could suspect that Azel was near Qumran because Qumran is directly east of Jerusalem. It could therefore be that proto-Essenes in/before the day of Zechariah the prophet had named Azel, and that peoples from that place carried the name forward to Hazels and Houses, even to Haslington. In this picture, the proto-Essenes of Azel look foundational to "HASmonean," in which case we may not need to seek/find HASmonean roots in Europe. Could this mean that proto-Khazars were from Azel? Are the Cassars / Cassers from Azel? German Cassers/Gassers/GASTER/Kausers are in all three Bellamy colors, and Bellamys appear related to Hazels and hare-using Has'.

As French Cassers/Casaults -- the Khazar / Cathar suspects using the Hohenzollern Arms -- were first found in GAScony, smacking of the Gassar variation(s) of the surname above, might "Azel" trace to "ASCALon/ASHKELon," and therefore to Scylla? By what coincidence does the Casser/Casault Coat use scallops (in the colors of the Samson and Meschin scallops)??? This is a powerful paragraph if Azels were from the Ascalon location, and migrated through Scylla at Messina before ending up in the Gascony land of EUSKALS, where the garb of Gascony was picked up by the Meschin clan of Castor-suspect Chester. Bluntly, FreeMasons, and the current leadership of the EU, look to be from Azel.

The vast number of heraldic changes in the last couple of months could be an effort to make my work look unreliable. At first, symbols were being changed completely, which tended to help me. Now, the same symbols are kept but changed to different designs, which makes it look like I either lie, or badly need glasses, or am unreliable. The German Cassel castle used to be identical to the French Martin castle, important because these Martins were first found in Gascony. The Cassel castle is the one used by Baums, Borns and Castros. End Insert]

Some Rangabe Byzness to Attend to

To the immediate east side of Hechingen is a Beuren location, and further south a Kloster Beuren, either of which may be linked to "Kaufbeuren." The son (AndroKLOS) of mythical Kodrus at Ephesus was given a "klos" ending to his name (details in 3rd update may). Perhaps "HeraCLES" was given the same ending. As Kodrus' fish symbol makes it possible to trace his Athenian elements to Kotor, beside Butua, by what coincidence did I identify Kilpatricks, first found in CLOSEburn, with the Butteri? Could this trace the Close/Clovse surname, in Botter colors, to Androklos, founder of Ephesus? The bee-line essenes (small 'e') witch cult was at Ephesus.

[Amazing. German Cassers/Gassers/GASTER/Kausers, first found in Bavaria, use a red lion partly on gold Shield, while the lion of the Klaus/Clauser surname, first found in Bavaria, is red-on-gold.]

Although the map has Swabia marked out in Baden, my personal Atlas has "Schwaben" marked between Kempton and Augsburg (Bavaria), right beside Kaufbeuren (in this picture, Kempton could certainly trace to Campbells/Cammells, for Pepins use a camel). As we're about to get to linden-like entities at Kaufbeuren, see the linden leaves in the Arms of Rangendingen, a location in the Zollernalbkreis (i.e. the Hechingen - Hohenzollern theater). In other words, we have just seen yet another reason for linking the Hohenzollern area of Swabia to the Koffert-suspect Kaufbeuren area of Swabia, and it has to do with linden leaves, a symbol of Lindos on Rhodes where Samson's Danaans held out for some time as they migrated to Greece as the HeraCLES cult. Were the Danaans at Ephesus before finding Thebes, the birth place of Heracles? If Hephaestus, the leader of the Kabeiri cult, was code for Ephesus, then just ask the founder of the Kabeiri cult at SAMOthrace.

Rangendingen is highly suspect as a Rangabe location. The Scottish Rangen/Rainham Crest has the same dove and leaf as the English Ecker Crest, perhaps explaining why Bodels/Bodes/BodECKERS use Rangabe colors. Rangens/Rainhams were first found beside Angus, and I trace Rangabes to Angers / Anjou. I've already traced Raines / Randals to "Rangabe." The Rangen/Rainham Shield (garbs) and Chief combination is in the blue and white colors of the Arms of Rangabe, and the Rangen Chief even uses BESANTS, sometimes used as a symbol of Byzantine coins. This is excellent because it tends to verify that Cohens / Hohens were birthed from Melissena Rangabe, the part-Khazar Byzantine. As Melissena married Inger the VaRANGian, note that Hohenzollern and Hechingen are in Baden-Wurttemberg, where Veringens lived with their Zahringer kin. In fact, an online quote tells that the red Zahringer eagle was transferred to Hohens.

I realized that my argumentation for tracing "Rangabe" to "Anjevin" may not have convinced the reader, though a better argument was the fact that Nicholas de Vere traced mythical Melusine from Avalon to Angers / Anjou. It is therefore illuminating to find that the French Angers Coat uses blue-and-white quarters, colors reversed from the quarters in the Arms of Jungingen, that location being in the Zollernalbkreis along with Rangendingen. German Jungs (Bavaria) use a stag in the colors of Rangabes.

Nicholas de Vere also had a Rainfrou character that I've traced to the Raines-branch Rangabes. English Angers use the lozenges of Irish Nagles who are said to be named after "D'Angulo. German Nails/Neils/Nagles trace to the "nihil" motto term of Veres, and Weirs/Veres use the same colored fesse as Irish Nagles. This is important because French Angers show two out-of-place variations, "Ager" and "Lange," which for me suggests the Augers with FERrari lion, and the Langhe location at MontFERRAT. You see, Fers use Cohen checks, and Vairs/Fers/Vers use Hohen checks, meaning that Veres are fundamental to the Hohenzollern link to Rangabes. You may also wish to muse over the similarity of "FREDerick," used plenty by Hohenzollerns, and "Ferte." Never before have I stressed, because I didn't know, that Hohenzollerns were Mascis / Maceys / Masseys (not fully, of course).

The bear with the linden leaves in the Arms of Rangendingen is important for a trace to linden-like Landons, who also use bears. It could mean that Rangabes had been intimately close to the Pepins that are known to have come forth from Landon (Belgium), and these Pepins were the reason for the Carolingian dynasty ruling at Aachen (Belgian-French border), which Essene-suspect term is traced (by me) to "Euganeo" (at Este of the Fer-related Fulcos), a location I found originally thanks to the "agendo" motto term of Augers...who are now suspect as the Agers in the Anger list of variations. That is, Augers are suspect as Rangabe Byzantines, making sense where Byzantines had razed parts of northern Italy in the quest to secure all of the Roman empire. Reminder: I hold a theory that Melissena Rangabe's (grand)father, TheoPHYLACtus, was somehow linked to "Fulk/Fulc."

Landsberg is on the Lech river not far from Kaufbeuren, and on the immediate north side of Landsberg is a Kaufering location that is so much like "Koffert" that I think I've finally found the best Covert roots. If true, we should expect to find Covert links to Pepins, and indeed the Covert martins/martlets should trace to the Pepinid founder of Carolingians, Charles Martel [not far above, the Martins of Gascony, where Maccabee-suspect Martels were first found, appeared to link to the Cass line of Khazars that are now being viewed at the root of Ananias / Caiaphas, so that a Covert trace to Martins and Martels both makes good sense.]

While Cathian Covert married a Surbrook (or for some other reason had a Surbrook surname), Shurbrooks and Vans/Vances use the same bend while the latter use the Pepin horse head in Crest. The Shurbrook and Vance/Vance bend had traced not many updates ago to Orange-Nassau (Salyes theater), and so compare "Orange" to "Rangabe." The Nassau Coat is the same-colored lion as Rangabe-suspect Augers.

There's another Landsberg location in Saxony-Anhalt, which reminds me of the AnHALT trace not many updates ago to the Haughts/Hector-branch Mieszkos, important because Mieszko was traced by Polish myth to "Popiel" (a term that must surely be for the Pepins, or even better, for the Pepoli bloodline that ruled Este elements at Bologna. As was shown late in the last update, the new-found (excellent timing, Tim) Pepoli Coat is a Shield filled with black and white checks, and then Hohenzollerns use black and white quarters.

Again, the other Arms of Hohenzollern use the same bars as the Haughts/Hectors. There is therefore the possibility that Bezprym, a son of Mieszko, was named after a Byzantine line from Rangabes. I did trace "Bez(prym)" elements to the French Bez/Bes surname (Moray-colored star), and to "Bessin" and its Meschins, but I can now add that the Bez/Bes lions are the Ferrari / Auger / Nassau lions.

As the Bez/Bes surname was first found in LANGuedoc, what about that Lange variation of the Rangabe-related Angers/Agers? Languedoc is not far from Orange-Nassau.

German Bez' use a black-on-gold eagle, and while Hohenstaufens use an eagle in those colors, I've read that the Arms of Charlemagne was a black eagle, perhaps borrowed/transferred from Merovingians who had alliance with Rome. The black eagle, especially the two-headed one, goes back to Romans and Byzantine-Romans. The single-headed black-on-gold Massi/Mattis eagle has a bent neck, as eagles do when they appear with two heads. Rijeka uses a black two-headed eagle, wherefore one might surmise that Rijeka included Byzantine elements (because a one-headed black eagle might represent the western Romans alone), and as the Andechs of Rijeka were Estes, it might be that they had some Rangabe blood from Euganeo. The Este eagle is, after all, in the colors of the Rangabe cross. Merovingian ancestry in the Este / Euganeo theater must be in the time of Jesus / Ananias because Franks appear in France between the 1st and 4th centuries. [I'm keeping in mind that the Cassers/CazAULTs of Gascony who use the Haught and Hohenzollern bars, but also the Caseys/Cazelles/CasAULTS of Paris, where Levi and Chappes' were first found. What about the CATHERine Wheel used by COLTers whom I've traced to Piast KOLODziej the Wheelwright?]

Rijeka is in Croatia, and the Arms of Croatia are red and white checks, the Hohen symbol too.

Landsberg on the Lech looks to be about 15 miles from Kaufbeuren. But Landsberg is also a wider district that includes Diessen am Ammersee, the Andechs-Diesen entity that included, as per evidence in the last update, Merovingian / Moray elements. In the description of the Arms of Landsberg district, we find: "...the [gold-on-red] eagle was the heraldic animal of the county of Diessen-Andechs, which possessed the lands east of the Lech river before the 12th century[;] the lion stands for Henry the Lion [a Welf-branch Este], who was the founder of the city of Landsberg." There's even an ECHING am Ammersee location, not known in the last update when tracing Andechs to D'Echen-like terms. Note the Dachau term in the Landsberg quote below.

Recalling the Covert trace to the gonfanon, which I identified as a gown / dress / loincloth in spite of the heraldry masters maintaining that it's a banner, see the man with a dress / kilt in the Arms of Diessen am Ammersee (the red cross in the Arms (looks Templar-ish) is the symbol of the Arms of Landsberg city). The man is holding a pole with a...banner! He's a gonfanon boy, isn't he? Are those garter belts I see on his bare-naked legs? Good thing they're not hairy (maybe he shaves). Note the blue fish, and ask why one leg is blue, the other white, the colors of the Saraca fish.

In the second chapter of Daniel, Rome is symbolized with two legs. Therefore, are the Diessen am Ammersee legs in the colors of the Rangabe Byzantines, whom I've seen (for years) related to the AMORian dynasty of Byzantines? Not a bad question; I'm becoming quite convinced that Andechs, especially their Merania kingdom at the Rijeki theater, was a Rangabe holding along with Este as a whole. Hmm, the Welf-surname wolf is in the red and gold colors of the Macedonian dynasty of Byzantines.

I discovered the Aryan Nations headquarters at Hayden Lake, very near to Cathian's home, months after pegging Coverts in the of Idaho / Montana area as Hitler elements. It was also months after making the initial realization, that I learned of her address beside the Huetter development of Post Falls (Idaho), a term smacking of the Hutter variation of Hitlers (it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone with a Covert surname in Post Falls is a Nazi operative). Later, it was realized that Aryan Nations elements had to link to the naval base at Hayden lake's Clark House (beside a street called, House) that was started in 1945, the year that Adolf needed refuge in the United States. I can't get into all the details here, but here's what I now find from the Landsberg article:

In the final stages of World War II, the German Armaments Ministry and the SS established the Kaufering concentration camp including 11 subcamps in the general area of Landsberg and Kaufering. It was set up as a subcamp of Dachau. At the end of April in 1945, the SS evacuated or destroyed what they could before the Allies arrived.

Concentration camps at Kaufering??? This is where I really feel vindicated for the Covert link to Hitlerites. This is now justifying all the emphasis that I feel God has placed into the Covert topics. I have a feeling that there is a horror story behind all this.

There is no Arms of Kaufering at that Wikipedia article, but in the German Wikipedia article, the Arms of Kaufering is an upright red-on-white lion, the same as the lion of Landsberg said to be from Henry the Lion. Who else has a red-on-white lion that was related to William Hitler Stuart-Houston? Ah, yes, the English Stewarts.

[After writing the paragraph above, during a proof-read of this update, I was determined to find a Koffer surname that would apply to Kaufering, but instead got the Dutch Kopper Coat that looks like a cross between the Heidler and Hiedler/Hitler Coats, with perhaps a splash of the Zurich Arms. This find, and the writing of the last sentence, came before reading the paragraph below...that has exactly the same theme.]

BEHOLD. The HofSTETTEN location in Landsberg must be related to the Stetten area that is the surroundings around Hechingen (over in the Baden part of Swabia). And Hofstetten could be Hitler- and Covert-important because Stattens/Stettens use the Shield in colors reversed from the same sort of Shield as Hitlers and Arms of Zurich. HOFstetten is Covert suspect also because if has that Koff(ert) look to it. It turned out that there's: 1) a black bull in the German Hof/HOFFER Coat, a symbol of the Haught/Hector/HOUGHton Crest, and, 2) the Covert-style leopard head in the Hof/Hoffer Crest! Excellent, for we have not only proven to have found the Coverts in the Hoffers and Haughtons, but as the latter are Hectors, compare the Hiedler/Hitler Coat to the Ector/Hector Coat. Irish Coffers are also "CAUGHey/COUGHey."

[Strattens show a goat, and the other Steins use leopards. It tends to trace the human-sacrifice cult of Boofima to the Kaufering concentration camps, if that has any meaning to you. My eyes are starting to water just thinking about it.]

Therefore, Hitlers and Coverts were indeed closely related. It could appear that "Hutter" was a c-less version of the Hoctor variation of Haughts/Hectors. I've just tried entering "HofLER" (i.e. like HitLER), which got the Hofs/Hoffers, and besides they show a "Heofler." So what we can do now is assume that Hitlers trace to "Caiaphas," if correct to trace "Coffert" to him. Didn't Jesus say that the chief priests wanted to be first? Didn't Hitler want to be first?

It should be repeated here that the German Pohl surname (Silesia) has been suspect as the line to Hitler's mother with Polzl surname. The Pohl buffalo is in the colors of the Mieske bull, but then buffalo horns were a symbol of Zahringers (Khazars?) who gave their holdings somehow to Hohens. It's interesting that the French Pohls use the same lions as Augers / Ferraris, for as it seemed above that Rangabes were a part of the Augers, the Rangabes trace to Angus via the Rangens/Rainhams (first found beside Angus) is conspicuous where Ectors/Hectors were first found in Angus. I trace Hectors to mythical Hector and his brother Paris (proto-Romans, really), the line to Pharisees / Ferraris.

[It was just realized while proof-reading that the Zahringer red eagle transferred to Hohens (I think it was Hohenzollerns rather than Hohenstaufens) is the color of the Casey eagle. If, therefore, the Casey eagle is the Zahringer and/or Hohen eagle, couldn't that make Caseys a Khazar bloodline? The evidence is building as high as the cliffs. I had linked Caseys to the Cassels with little doubt, especially as they use the same chevron.]

As the Caiaphas line is suspect in the key-using Shaves/Chiapponis, what about the keys in the Chief of the Arms of Hofstetten? It looks as though the Hofstetten Shield is a fesse in colors reversed to the Covert fesse. The symbol on the Hofstetten fesse could be as per the pine trees of Constances, for the Landsberg area is not far from lake Constance.

Another location in Landsberg is Greifenberg, which recalls the Greifswald location of German Tabers. The Arms of Greifenberg use a black-on-white bear that I think is the Landon bear. Note the LANGdown variation, for Constances were first found in LANGuedoc. There are a slew of Lange surnames; the English one uses cinquefoils in the colors of the Potters, important because German Langes/Langens use a version of the Potten/Potinger pelican-on-nest. That leads the topic back to Zinzendorf's Pottendorf and the Taborites, suggesting that Greifswald and Greifenberg are indeed related...which may explain why the other German Langes use a griffin.

The German Lange write-up: "First found in Lueneburg, in the Dukedom of Brunswick..." I think Brunswick was the bear line from the Berne holding of Zahringers, and as I traced that line to Bryneich of the Bernicians at bear-depicted Berwickshire, by what coincidence were Scottish Langes first found in Berwick? In this picture, the Pepin and Macey /. Mackay bears trace to the Berne bear and therefore to the Zahringers. Just who were these Zahringers? Why was their antler blue? To what can we trace "Zahr." Sears/Seers use eagles (black) on a red Shield, even a black bent-neck eagle in Crest. [As Caseys are looking like Zahringers, what about the stag in the Scottish Casey Crest? The Sear/Seer chevron is colors reversed to the Casey chevron.]

French Langes are the Rangabe-related Angers, and so let me remind that the Arms of Rangendingen use Landon-like linden leaves and a black-on-white bear just like Greifenberg of Landsberg. The diagonal red and white bars in the Arms of Greifenberg remind me of the same in the Hiedler/Hitler Coat.

Eckers/Ackasters (suspect with Bodels/Bodes/BodECHERs), who use the same acorns as do English and Scottish Langes, are some proof that Langes named Lancashire, for Echers were first found there. In other words, the LANdon bloodline appears to have named LANcashire and Lancaster, and Castor elements might just have been part of the naming. As I feel that the Bens/Bents were ancestral to Lancashire as per Ban(t), father of Lancelot, what about the six besants in the Spanish Castro Coat, the symbol of Bens/Bents. The Ben/Bent chief uses red roundels on gold, colors reversed to the Castro besants. Weren't we expecting Byzantine elements of the Rangabe kind, anyway, in the Landsberg theater? Reminder: the Ecker/Ackaster Crest is that also of Rangens/Rainhams.

There are some mean axes in the Eckert Coat, and one Eckert surname is also Orchard with "speak" motto term, , recalling the Surbrooks of Otis Orchard in Spokane.

. The English Greif surname uses a Shield split diagonally too, and as it shows a gold eagle partly on red, it should trace to the same in the Arms of Landsberg. Like German Langes, German Greifs/Greifenbergs (Bavaria, where expected) use a gold griffin. Enlightening, isn't it, to have just found the Pepin bloodline all over Covert territory. Bear-line Pepins trace to the antler symbol, and antlers were the symbol: 1) bear-line Zahringers -- now highly suspect, aside from the "ringer" in their name, as Rangabe Khazars ; 2) Veringens -- now highly suspect from Varangians of Inger, husband of Melissena Rangabe. English Ringers/Rangers show no Coat, but their being first found in Essex can link them to the camel symbol of Pepins, i.e. to Camulodunum in Essex.

Aha! Angers use an "escarbuncle" in Crest, and Buncles/Bunkills (buckles) were first found in Berwickshire. It can help trace Rangabe's to "Angars / Anjou." English Rays use an escarbuncle too while Scottish Rays (stags) are traced to "roe" = female deer. I would suggest ignoring that for a trace instead to Zahringers. The Raines/RAYne surname, first found in Essex, should trace Rays to Ringers/Rangers of Essex. See also the Randals, if interested.

Kaufering, on the northern edge of Landsberg, the city, was a part of the Dachau concentration camps, and so let's look at the arms of Dachau that appear to use the Sforza lion and the Visconti snake. The official Visconti snake uses a snake eating an infant, a very good image of what Hitler did to humanity in his demonic lack of conscience. There must be a breed of Illuminatists who are more animal than human, who despise humans, who consider themselves superior to mere humans, who view other humans as animals when in reality they are the senseless animals without the powers of proper reasoning.

The upper symbol in the Dachau Arms looks like a sling shot, and so I took a shot at the Sling surname (Austria), to find a vulture. How many hundreds of Coats have I seen and hardly a vulture anywhere...until I got to the Geier/Gayer Coat, as per a German company of that name that founded a Nesher location near Nazareth in/near the valley of Megiddo. I argued at that time (2nd update May) that Nazis had moved into the Megiddo theater in preparation for the vultures that God speaks of at Armageddon.

Well, having gotten so lucky on my first shot, killing two birds with one stone, I tried another shot, this time at the Shot surname. I couldn't believe my hawk's eye: a "guerre" motto term smacking of the Geiers, and the same swords, almost, that I had moments earlier in the Dachs/Daks/Tax Coat...meaning that the Dachau sling shot was indeed code for the Slings and Shots/Shutes.

Somebody had better call up Netanyahu and tell him that Nazis from Dachau are gathering around in his fields waiting for Israel to become a corpse.

Now I don't know whether Jesus used vultures, when he was asked about the destruction of those not taken in the rapture, as play on this vulture bloodline. But I do think that God used "hook" when saying that He'll hook Gog and bring him to the mountains of Israel, the mountains of Megiddo I'm assuming. It just so happens that the Dutch Walters/Wolters use hooks and only hooks, while vulture-like "Walter" might just be the reason for the Geiri and/or Sling vulture code. Weren't we just on the Melissena Rangabe topic, and now we've just come to the Walter bloodline while Walsers, said to be Walters too, use Melusine the dragon woman of Lusignan, smack beside the Angers theater.

Walsers trace to the Lys valley in Aosta, and if correct to link Aosta to "Este," it may be that Rangabe Byzantines were in I now think they had to do with the Este eagle. The Shield of the Arms of Zurich is split in two in Rangabe colors, which I say only because Melusine-using Walsers show the goat design of the Statten Coat, which is split in two just like the Arms of Zurich, and in colors reversed from the Arms of Zurich. It's telling me that ZAHRinger was the Rangabe line to ZURich. How about that. Heraldry does it again, backfiring on the secret keepers.

My map tells me that Zahringer-founded Berne is, as the vulture flies, about 60 miles from Zurich. That explains it. And so Walsers must have had some part in ruling Zurich along with Rangabes. What this means is that the blue and white Shield of Hiedlers/Hitlers, because it's split in the colors of the Arms of Zurich, traces Hitlers to Rangabes in Zurich. Didn't Hitler want to revive the Roman empire, as Byzantines wanted to rule all of it? Is that what the war was based on, the Byzantine quest to have it all?

Do you realize what you just saw? You just saw vulture-like Walters of the Walser kind trace to Zurich, which itself is being traced to ancient Haifa's heifers / bulls at the Megiddo theater, very close to vulture-related Nesher. German Walters happen to be in the colors of the Geier vulture, and the Shot vulture happens to be in the colors of English Walters! I think it's time to get king David and his four smooth stones. Watts that? There's a Goliath at Megiddo who needs looking after, only this time David should shoot for the all-seeing-eyeball.

English Walters use the same bend as Gripps/Grabbers/Grabbens (Austria) that I trace to mount Gareb. That thought occurred to me seconds after suspecting that the Mackie/Mackey lions of German Walters were those of the Voirs...of Gripel, Brittany. And so, you see, the Alan-Stewarts (who liked the Walter name) seem to be behind these vultures, the same Alan-Stewarts that must have supported Hitler (not all Stewarts, of course, and probably very few of them).

While German Walters are also in the colors of Seleucid suspect Andechs, these Walters were first found in Seleucid-suspect Silesia. It makes sense that the False Prophet, in support of the Seleucid anti-Christ on the mountains of Megiddo, will himself be a Seleucid entity. We just saw that the Sling vulture came forth from the Dach bloodline while we learned earlier that the Arms of Landsberg, beside the Kaufering concentration camp, uses the Andechs eagle. Now that we know that Walsers are in-part behind the vultures, the Slings are looking like the Salassi of Aosta, but better yet may be the salines location near Macon, close to Wallis canton where Walsers had been named.

I wanted to talk about Saluzzo just now because Busce is at Saluzzo while Cheneys use the Sales bend but in the colors of the Spanish Salines surname [could be a Solana bloodline easily], in the colors of the Salian/Saleman/Salenes bend, and in the colors of the Sling vulture, which are themselves in the colors of the Walser goat that links to Zurich. Salians/Salemans/Salenes were first found in Surrey, a place that I've been tracing suggestively to "Zurich."

As the Zurich discussion above the paragraph above led to Hitlers, by what coincidence do Bush's/Buschs and Cheneys fit so nicely into the Saluzzo of Cuneo topic, while that topic also traces to Zurich?? I know off by heart that Surreys use checks in Hohen check colors, and that Gastons, first found in Surrey, likewise use Hohen checks. I even knew that the Surreys come up with "Sark," though I've never known the term could link to "Zurich." Polish Sadowskis were found (aside from heraldic considerations) related to Gastons, and entering "Traby" gets the Sadowskis. What is this? As Salines is near Macon while entering that term gets the Massin/Mason lion in the colors and position of the Said/Saddler lion, Sadowskis can trace to Saids/Saddlers (first found in Wiltshire, where royal Edwards were first found who use the Macey Shield. And as Macons / Masons are Maccabee suspect, Saddlers and Sadowskis look like Sadducee lines.

Saids/Saddlers use a "Servire" motto term tracing to Servitium on the ancient Sava near the mouth of the Urbanus, the river upon which Salyes had lived.

As the Sling vulture must be code for Walters, I see that one Walter Coat uses a black bend, as do the Sales. And Sales were first found beside Salop, where the Dol Alans lived. Then there's a Dole location right beside Salines.

Slings are also "Slingluff," and Luffs are Loves whom I trace to Louvains, who, like Saids/Saddlers and Macons/Massins, use the upright blue-on-gold lion.

[The Salines fleur-de-lys, by the way, is in the colors of the same of the Ashmole Coat so that if Ashmoles are now tracing to Hasmoneans, Salines should too. As Salines are Spanish, may be ask where Spanish Solanas, of the Javier Solana kind, traced? The Madariagas traced to the Hasmonean, Mattathias. Moreover, Madariagas not only use stars in the colors of the stars in the Edward Coat, but you may recall that Edwards traced to Yorks, likewise first found in Wiltshire, and then Yorks use a besant, as does the Arms of York, as do Madariagas.} Salines is in BESANcon, itself about 125 miles from Zurich. Edwards had traced to the Zacharys/Sacheverals because the latter use the York saltire while Sachs use the white rose of York. I had forgotten that Salines was properly, Miserey-Salines (this is where the line of the mother of Edward I traced), until I went to its Wikipedia article moments ago. The Misers use a cherry tree, and then Cherrys were first found in Derbyshire, where Zacharys/Sacheverals were first found. Misers are Messers who smack of Messiers/Messeys, first found in Burgundy where Macon is located (directly west of Sion, home of Walsers). Messiers/Messeys use a saltire in colors reversed from Coopers/Coppers (which is the color of the York saltire), and then Koppers (now suspect as Goplo elements) are the ones using the Shield split in half diagonally in the colors of the Arms of Zurich.

What could "KYburg" at Zurich be named after? The Kays? Kays/Kyes were first found in Yorkshire, where Koppers are expected. In fact, Coppers/Coopers were first found where Coverts were first found. For me, that clinches the trace of Coverts to Kyburg, and therefore to Coburgs/Gobergs who use the Kopper split Shield in the colors of Coppers/Coopers. Coverts now trace to the same Zurich geography as Hitlers more-assuredly. And if Kyburg was named after Kays/Kyes, then what about mythical Kay, the son of Ector? Don't Ectors/Hectors use the Hitler Coat symbols?

Fiddling, hoping to find some Kyburg variations using "Kay," the Kaybournes showed a Coat with the Covert-style martlets! This recalls the trace of KAYS/Keys to the "Shay" variation of the key-using Sheaves > Shaw bloodline that I identify with Caiaphas. Isn't that something? Surprise. In this picture, I find it hard to equate Kays with Mackays or Mackeys. I'd rather see Shaws/Shays developing separately from Maccabee-liner Maceys; them when Shaws merged with Maceys, a Shay branch became "Kay" perhaps to better reflect a developing Mackay / Mackie branch from "Macy/Macey."

The obvious question is why the Arthurian cult had regarded the Ector > Kay line as a holy grail one while it's linking now to Hitlers? The cult also regarded Percival, father of the Swan Knight, as a "grail king," and I trace the swan entity to the Hohen-swan castle at the Lech / Fussen theater, meaning that Percival lines out to have been there. To find Coverts there too suggests it was correct to identify Percival/Parzival with "Pharisee." Why does the Percival Crest show a muzzled bear? Doesn't it link to the Macey / Mackay bears? Doesn't it link back to the bears of Landsberg and Landons? (The Percival Shield is also the Fisher and Hare Shields.)

I'm having a hard time viewing "Kyburg" as a Kay term and a Covert term at the same time because I trace "Kay" to the Sheaves line while I trace "Covert" to a hypothetical Caiaphas > Coffert line. Somewhere in all this, I must be wrong. Perhaps Coverts do not link to "Kyburg" or "Coburg" aside from mergers with them. I don't think it's a coincidence that Kaybournes use martins, as do Coverts while Kyburg (by its proximity to Zurich) and Coburgs (by their Shield style and colors) appear to link so well to the Hitler Coat. Therefore, in the least, I see Covert mergers with Kyburgs and Coburgs, and it's not necessarily correct to equate "Kyburg" with "Coburg," as one could be the Kays/Keys while the other could be the Cobbs...who by the way use black footless martins, the colors of the Kaybourne martins.

On the other hand, Kyburgs and Coburgs may have come first, both being branches of one another, to be followed by Kays on the one hand and Cobbs on the other, explaining the same-colored footless martins. It occurs to me here that "footless" means "not of Foetes." That is, some Martin / Martel lines were in Foetes/Fussen, while Martel / Martin lines using footless martlets were NOT inside Fussen. The Kay bird is called different things, but it may have been a martin/martlet originally. It has feet, and Kays use black bendlets on white, reflecting the bend of the Sales / Salians/Salemans/Salenes that I view as Ligurians on the Lech and in Fussen. Thus, the Kay bird with feet can indicate Martel lines that had been in Fussen.

Sullivans use the Kay bird too; they call it a robin (while I think its the Kinners who call it a canary). The Sullivan bird holds what I think are the French-Casey leaves i.e. suggesting that the Khazar line I see at the root of Ananias was in Fussen. It also suggests that the Khazar line was merged with the Sullivan-branch Salyes in Fussen, making complete sense where Fussen was a Hohen holding. That green snake coiled around a sword/dagger is used also by Mackesys, and the arms holding the Mackesy sword is clearly CUFFed. I can barely make out the Mackesy motto, but if that one term is "beg," it should be noted that Khazars had two types of kings, one being the kagan and the other a "beg." As the original Visconti snake was green-on-white, as with the Mackesy snake, I see that the Mackesy Shield is reflective of the Ottone (and Chappes) Shield. It suggests that Mackesys were the Masci line of Massino-Visconti, where the line of Ottone Visconti lived.

Why are the Kaybourne martlets are inside white-on-black lozenges. Does this trace Coverts to Losinj in Gorski? Didn't we see that Gorski links to Gores using the Windsor crosslets, while Coverts measured up as Coburg-branch Windsors? That suggests that Kyburgs, if they were Kays, were indeed Coburgs. The Kaybourne Coat is now showing one white-on-black chevron (normal), but also one black-on-black chevron, very unusual (the description, however, reports two white chevrons and no black one). Then, loading the Lossing page because I tend to trace lozenges to that surname, what turned up but half-white and half-black saltires that are constructed so as to show like chevrons too. It can suggest that the Kaybourne lozenges link to the Losse/Lossing surname.

The Lossing fleur compare with those in the Cabbage/Cobald/Cubbel Chief. Coincidence? The holly in the latter can trace to Rijeka, especially as Maxwells (holly BUSH) trace there, while Lossings use the same-colored saltire as Maxwells. In other words, Coburg-suspect Cabbages are thereby tracing to Rijeka, in the Losinj theater. The Cabbage motto, "angustis, must be code for Angus because the father of Kay was first found there. If Coverts and Cabbages were one bloodline, then Coverts were Houses because Houses use cabbage leaves. It can explain why I saw Covert links to Houses.

The motto of the Kays/Kyes above show terms reflecting "Cyner" (Kay-ner?), the alternative name of mythical Kay's father. I linked the terms to the Kinner surname because both it and this English Kay Coat show the same bird design. For reasons I don't yet understand, the Tischer/Tisle/Tish Coat uses the same birds in the brownish color of the Kinner bend. Perhaps the surname is based mostly on the idea of D'Isle," as in the Islip branch Houses. Islips use the Maxwell holly in a variant design.

[Insert -- Soon, the Kaufer/Kaufman surname is discovered that should link to the Kaufering location. I've got to spoil the surprise here to make the point that Kaufers use a large white anchor with rope, the color of the anchors with ropes in the Kinner Crest. It suggests again that Covert/Cofferts were Kays, Ectors and Hitlers. White anchors are used by Heidlers, and by the Kyles who traced solidly to the Gorski theater, where Losinj and Rijeka are located. There can be no doubt now, Coverts of the Kyburg kind trace to that Croatian area, suspect there as Serbs of the Andechs kind.

A white anchor with the Kay / Kinner bird is used by the English Hood/Hudd Crest, and as Heidlers use the same anchor, Hoods/Hudds must have been Hitler liners. German Hoods/HOOGHS/Hopfers use a red-on-gold anchor, and for the first time I now understand that the last family, that I've long traced to "Heidler/Hitler," has Hof = Coffert variations but lumped in with Hitler variations because the two lines had merged. The HOFstetten location is very suspect with Hitlers because Stattens/Stettens use the Hitler Shield in colors reversed. Therefore, Hofstetten is tracing to the Hoods/Hooghs/Hopfers. It pegs Coverts in with the highest order of Nazi lines, the Hitler bloodline itself.

The Stattens/Stettens were first found in Baden and AUGsbourg, and then the Germo-Austrian EGG/Egger/Ecger Coat is the Statten/Stetten Shield with "hurts." See the Eckers below.

The FairHOLM/Farne/FairHOME Coat uses the Hood/Hoogh/Hopfer anchor, and in the Fairhome Crest is the same dove-with-branch as used in the Crests of Scottish Rangens/Rainhams and English Eckers/AcKASTERs (looks like the Khazar themes I expect at the root of the Ananias / Caiaphas line(s)). Eckers/Ackasters use the Sales bend, and then Hoods/Hudds use a motto, "Zealous." It's the Seleucid alliance with Hitler lines, but as we clearly see Hoods/Hudds linked to Salyes, recall that Hoods/Hudds use a bird with feet so that this Hitler line may trace to Fussen. Hoods/Hudds were first found in Devon, and then the Ecker/Ackaster dove may be code for Devon elements. Compare "Ecker" to "Exeter" of Devon. End insert]

Back to the vultures. When we enter "Walt," who comes up but the WalDECKS/WalDECKERs of Baden, using the axe (Walser symbol). Is that not amazing, since the vultures of the Slings had come from the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau? Dachau (headquarters for concentration camps) his on the northern outskirts of Munich. To the near-east of Dachau, a LandSHUT location looks Shot/Shute relevant.

Somebody tell Netanyahu: the Evil Axes are coming to Megiddo to rape the ground.

As we saw that the bloodline of Melusine is in Bavaria, so Walsers, who use Melusine, were first found in Bavaria. But as Melusine had a branch in Lusatia, the Walters of Silesia may apply. What's that? Vultures of Seleucid? Isn't that the picture of Armageddon?

Again, the Walser Crest goat holding an axe (for human sacrifice?) is the goat in the Statten/Stetten Coat, of the Coat linking to Rangabe-suspect Zurich and to the Hitlers. The Stetten/Stettner Coat (with an 'e' instead of an 'a') uses the same dove design as Eckers/Ackasters and Rangens/Rainhams. Stettens/Stettners (in Hohen colors) were first found in Nuremberg, the hub of Hohenzollers.

After writing all the above, I closed my eyes and contemplated, asking where Walters trace. I recalled that the Wells traced themselves in on online article to the "Vallibus" variation of the Vaux surname. And I recalled that the Scottish Vaux/Van/Vance/Vallibus surname uses the Shurbrook bend and stars, which then reminded that SHURs should trace to "Zurich." Therefore, as Cathian Covert was also a Surbrook surname, it again traces Coverts to Zurich. Was she paired by some Providence with certain bloodlines to help us understand the dragon bloodline? It sure looks like it. Reminder: Surbrooks that Cathian married lived in Otis Orchard (beside the Hayden Lake area of Idaho), suspect from the Eckert/Orchard line, which was in Melusine-using and Rangabe-colored Moray, suggesting a further trace to Eckers of the Rangabe kind (i.e. the Andechs) who ruled Merania / Gorski.

More Seleucid-Rangabe Implications, with Windsors Included

The WinDACH location in Landsberg sounds like Windisch, and as Windisch-Gratz was founded by AnDECHS, I note that the Arms of Windach use white on blue (horse). Are these Rangabe colors again? Here's a map of Landsberg showing the proximity of Windach and Hofstetten to Kaufering. Look at how close Diessen am Ammersee was to Kaufering without my knowing about it during the Andechs discussion. Look at how close to the Lech river, so as to trace the area to the swan Ligures. It suggests a trace of the Landsberg area to the Percival bear, and Percivals were first found in Somerset, the location of the Arthurian cult that I had traced to Baden elements.

We see GREITenberg beside Windach, suggesting that Windisch-GRATZ in Austria is related to the two. If we ask why Seleucids should be linked to Wends at Windach / Windisch, consider that while Wends were a Veneti line, "Antiochus" sounds like a Heneti-of-Kos element, explaining "Ammersee" as a Merops-of-Kos entity, which then links to Merovee elements...who were Seleucid-like Salians on one side, and in my opinion the root of the Estes. Again, the Salians/Salemans use gold eagles (on the black Sale bend), a symbol of Landsberg, a place named, surely, by the Pepinid bloodline that I trace to Heneti Paphlagonians. And the lion of Landsberg is said to be that of Henry the Welf while we saw wolves in the last update, all related to WolfsTHAL that had its symbols in the Arms of Windisch-Gratz. I got so tracked on the Wolf theme at the time that I didn't finish investigating Windisch-Gratz.

As "WolfsTHAL" is suspect with the German Thall/Tall surname using bees and, apparently, the French Talbot bend, how is it a further coincidence that English Talbots (Shropshire = Salop) use the Shield style, and in the same colors, of Seleucid-suspect Sellicks? The latter's colors are also the Salian/Saleman colors. Moreover, as Andechs ruled at Rijeka that traced excellently to Maxtons of Roxburghshire, the Scotts, who use the Sellick and Talbot Shield style, and in the same colors again, were first found in Roxburghshire. The Thalls therefore become more suspect than ever for linking to the Thule Society that Hitler-ites were linked to in their mad dash for Roman revival. The phoenix burned its own tail badly in WW2, and afterward learned the lesson that rising by trickery in politics is better than by cruel war.

By what coincidence does the same-style Shield as used by Sellicks show when entering "Grete"? The Gretes/Greetens (royal-blue engrailed saltire) were even first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Sellicks, suggests strongly that the Grete/Greeten bloodline was in Greitenberg. In this picture, the idea occurs for the first time, that Valerius Gratus had merged in Israel with the Seleucid elements of Antiochus IV who remained in Israel in alliance with its chief priests and/or other leaders. In this way, Valerius (Roman governor of Judea / Jerusalem) may have had sway in choosing whatever men he desired for the chief priesthood. Later, his favored line for the chief priesthood may have ended up at Greitenberg.

Thalls were first found in the same place (Thuringia) as Coburgs, who could link easily to the Cobbs tracing to the corn cobs of the Maxwell-suspect Milians, and meanwhile ancient Milyans lived near Kos at Miletus. Nearby Rhodes elements enter this picture exactly at Lindos-like Landsberg. We suddenly have a good picture developing in Illuminati-suspect Landsberg leading to the Rhodian Illuminati. But as Landsberg is in Bavaria, did it have everything to do with the Bavarian Illuminati, the Illuminati that operated just as Bilderbergs do to this day, with political trickery in one talon, and arrows of war in the other talon, all in hopes of making the old bird fly.

Let's talk Thule-Society possibilities. Let's assume that Thalls link to the Wolfsthal location. We could then expect Thalls in Cheshire because the Wolfsthal wolf line traced to Hugh Lupus of Cheshire, who is mentioned in the Welf/Wolf write-up, and for other reasons Hugh is suspect as a Welf bloodliner. Allans of Thule-suspect Dol were in cahoots with Cheshire's Lupus-Meschin line, and the Alans, as English Stewarts first found in the same place as Meschins, use a lion in colors reversed to the white-on-red lion of Landsberg...which belonged to a Welf bloodliner. A white-on-red lion is used by Thule-like Tools, and the boar in the Tool Crest is a brownish gold like that of Stewart-related Pollocks.

A white-on-red lion is used by Heidlers, suspect as a branch of Hiedlers/Hitlers. Pause. And then the Heidler anchor belongs to Kaufers/Kaufmans tracing to Kaufering of Landsberg, and moreover the same anchor traces to Kyles = Coles out of Camulodunum, an Arthurian-important location represented in the camel of the Landon-rooted Pepins. I'm making this hard for you to follow not because I'm sadistic; I'm trying to point out all the evidences that crop up to show what's going on between Hitler lines and Arthurian holy-grailers. It's all the same mud, which jibes with my years-old identification of the Arthurian cult with Merovingians in Britain.

A white-on-red wolf was used by Hugh's son (a cousin of Ranulf le Meschin), which is therefore suspect with the white-on-red Tool and Landsberg lion. Then, Ranulf le Meschin had a son with the Gernon surname using a "CyFOETH" motto term tracing to the Foetes location on the same Lech river as Landsberg. BEHOLD: thus far, the bird with the feet is used by Kays, Kay-suspect Kinners, and Sales-related Sullivans, while Meschins of Cheshire must have been part of the Sales-of-Masci, wherefore the idea that the bird with feet refers to Fussen lines of the Martel bloodline is working well, especially as "Martel" is suspect with the Macey mace. The Behold part is "CYfoeth," what must be code for the Kay/Key bloodline in Fussen!!!

However, recall the KayBOURNES with footless martlets. Yet, the Born/Bourne castle is in the design used also by Martins, who were Martels. I suppose that Fussen-line Martels could have merged with out-of-Fussen Martels so that in-Fussen Martels could have adopted the footless martlets. In other words, the Borns/Bournes (pegasus, as with Masseys) may have produced the footless martins of the Kaybournes.

As Lindos (major city of Rhodes where Qumran's Esau-ites are expected) elements were in Lincolnshire (earlier called, Lindsey), so we will see Lincolnshire elements below. Kaybournes were first found in Lincolnshire. Even the Taillebois-branch Talbots (Thule-suspect) that Ranulf le Meschin married were in Lincolnshire. We expect the Rhodian lion to be red-on-white, but the Tool lion may have been white-on-red as a colors-reversed indication that Tools trace to Rhodes, and it just so happens that I trace mythical TALus (another name for Perdix) to TELchines to Rhodes.

English Talbots were first found in the same place as Meschins and Sales-of-Masci, and then the Goberg variation of Coburgs suggests the Goplo location where Meschin elements arose. I trace the Sales and Seleucids to Telchines of Rhodes (suggesting too that bee-line Merovingians from Merops on Kos had merged with Rhodians when Merovingians were formed in-part by Salian Franks). As DaeDALUS of Crete was the Minoan bull cult, he should trace the Thule Society back to Haifa, where Caiaphas lines such as Coverts are expected. That's the importance of Rhodes having the major city of Kamiros, which I'm tracing to Gomerians of Qumran, but then why not also to Essenes / Esau-ites in the Carmel / Haifa theater? Tools were first found in Dor-like KilDARE, and Dares (Essex) use a red-on-white lion (colors reversed from the Tool lion). [Just a note here to record that German Dares use the Shield-and-Chief combination of Cutters / Saluzzos in colors reversed.]

Wasn't Esau a red entity like Rhodes? Coverts and Rhodes' (first found in Lincolnshire as with Covert-suspect Kaybournes) both use gold leopards, as does the Tailor Crest (the Tailer Coat uses the Levi lions design). This would be a good place to remind that Borns/Bournes should trace to KAUFbeuren. GD emailed an online statement claiming that the German "Bern" term is identical to "Verona," and then Veronas were first found in the same place (Pharisee-suspect Paris) as Caiaphas-suspect Chappes'. Covert-like Overs (dove with Casey leaves) use a bend in the colors of the French-Talbot bend, and were first found in the same place as Talbots...meaning that Coverts, as expected, are tracing to the Thule Society.

But why are the lines of Israel's chief priests linking to Rhodians of the proto-Essene kind in times prior to the chief priests? Doesn't it suggest that the proto-priesthood of Israel was from proto-Seleucids in the first place? There's always a question in my mind as to whether "Talus" and "Salus" were one, or whether Talbots were Sales, and to this problem I repeat often that Salyes lived in the land of Redones, the land from Rhodes governed by lines of Helios = Sol. The other major city on Rhodes, Ialysos, smacks of "Helios," suggesting that Talus > Salus or Telchis > Seleucus elements to the Salyes were in Ialysos. We might wonder what such an important entity as Ialysos became in the way of surnames.

Y'all have a good time trying to figure that one out, but then don't Alans use that red-on-white lion of Shropshire = SALop? Could this mean that Alan Sarmatians = scythians (from the Tanais river that I say named the Danaans of Lindos) were at Ialysos...beside the Cimmerian scythians in Kamiros? Don't the Kamiros Cimmerians trace to red-dragon Welch, were founded Brittany, where Alans of Dol appeared? Y'all think I have something here?

There's a strong indication that the Thule Society was heavily Meschin / Masci, jibing with my trace of the Hitler bloodline to Maschis of Rimini...expected at Rheims, where early Merovingians ruled. Let's not neglect that while Meschins (Normans of the Rollo kind) had come from the Bessin (Normandy), the Bessin surname uses the same bee design as the Thalls/Talls. Let's not be afraid to draw the suggested lines. The bee-entity Bessins amongst Meschins can trace Meschins to Merops-related Ammersee, making sense because Mascis were merged with Sales while Ammersee was linked with Seleucid-suspect Andechs...from the Ticino river, where Laevi lived who should be represented in the Levi lion design of the Sales-colored pale-bar of the Tailor Coat. I love to spin your head around, not because I'm sadistic, but because it saves me writing more words when I encapsulate like that. I am very tired of repeating things, but this is the cross I must bear so that you can follow better.

Without any thought on these matters, I traced (years ago) Ranulf le Meschin's line to the first earls of Moray through talbot-using Carricks (Carians?)...who were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as raven-using Macies/Mackeys. The raven goes back to bee-line Kos where Merops was proto-Moray. Yet the bee-line was also the Aedon-of-Kos line to the essenes bees of Ephesus (where Aedon's "husband" was from) in times before Essenes proper, or Israeli chief priests, appeared as per bee-line Maccabees. Aedon's husband, remember, was "Zethus," a term smacking of "Sadducee," and Sadducees proper are known to be from a Boetus, a term that was used in older times for the land of Boiotia/Boeotia, where Aedon was queen with Zethus. Aedon is herself suspect as the proto-Essenes of Israel. As both Rhodes and nearby Kos were dens of the Esau-ites / Essenes, it's hard to conceive at this point that the Thule Society was anything else but Edomite, and the Aryan elements that they boasted on must have been the scythians of Rhodes...and Qumran. Cimmerians, or Gomerians, what Germanics were founded on. I suppose now that Hitlerites wanted a pure-Cimmerian Germanic empire.

Again, Coburgs and Thalls were first found in Thuringia, and while Coburgs/Gobergs are suspect as the Mieszko > Masci bloodline out of Goplo, it should trace "Thuringia" to "Turin." I'm going to trace the Cobbs to "Goplo" too, for Cobbs and Mascals both use elephants in crest while Maschis of Rimini are also "Masskaly." As this traces Rimini well to Rimmon at the Megiddo theater, it suggests that Cobbs, Coburgs, and other Goplo elements were from "Kubul," a location near Rimmon. It's a good bet that Thuringia and Turin/Torino were named after staunch carriers of the Zeus Taurus out of nearby Haifa. I had indication recently that Thuringia should trace to "Taranto," where Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares are traced (by me), who are both in the colors of the Saxe Coat. Saxe's were first found in Lincolnshire, and as they are obviously related to Coburgs, they fit well into this discussion on Windsors of Windach near Coburg-suspect Kaufering.

The Saxe Coat was discovered in the Covert-Coburg investigation of not many updates ago. Since that time, the Andechs have been traced to Sant'Antioco smack beside Perdaxius (discovery was made last update), and it just so happens that mythical Perdix was given the partridge symbol long ago, the symbol in the Saxe Coat. So, you see, the Saxe's and Coffers together are part of the Seleucid line to the Perdix-loving Freemasons. As the world is being told by many that Goldman-Sachs wants to suck all the money of the world to itself by countless schemes, see that the German Goldman surname was first found in the same place (Thuringia) as the Coburgs and Thule-suspect Thalls. There is a human animal that thinks it "good" to acquire everything for itself.

Last we all heard in the alternative news (more reliable that Bilderberg-lapping mainstream news), Obama is secretly seeking to enrich and empower Goldman-Sachs; it's been, surely, a Bilderberg agenda. Obama is from the Masci bloodline of Cheshire. He's from everything we're talking about here. The English Maskall Coat happens to use a "gold stone," and Goldstones were first found in Bedford, where Over-suspect Dovers were first found (I see the Over dove as possible code for Dovers). Goldstones use white symbols (plates) on a black bend, the colors of the Sales bend.

The Maskalls are in the colors of the Zachary/SACHeveral saltire, important also because the latter clan uses water bougets as do Banesters of Lancashire, where Maskalls were first found. It recalls the Lange topic of Landsberg.

The item on which the gold stone of Maskalls/MagHalls sits is called a "swepe," smacking of the Seubi > Swabia line. As I am seeing Halls this Kaufbeuren investigation, I note that Maskalls are properly shown as MagHULL / MagHALL. Both Halls and Hulls, not to mention Papes/Papenburgs, use talbot heads in the same fashion.

To clinch the trace of Zacharys/Sacheverals to Swabia, they use the Statten goat design in Crest. German Steins use a goat too, while both Dutch Steins and Coburgs use the Ishtar star, perhaps for the Ister river through the Swabia theater. It just so happens that "Statten" and "Ishtar" evoke "Satyr," and that mythical Taranto had been given Satyrion as a wife. Moreover, another symbol of Ishtar was a dove, a symbol used in the Stetten Crest and Coat.

It just so happens that the blue-on-white saltire of the Gretes/Greetens are in the colors of the saltire used by Zacharys/SACHeverals. The saltire is in the blue color of the chevron used by the Vallery surname, suspect from VALERius GRATus.

Perdix=Talus was part of the DaeDALUS-Taurus cult of Crete which had sons (e.g. Iapyx) transferring to Apulia, where Taranto and Perdix-suspect Bari are located. It begs the question of whether Coffer elements from Taranto were there under that name before Caiaphas was born, for it would then trace Caiaphas' ancestry to those early Coffers. Or, on the other hand, the descendants of Caiaphas removed to Taranto, perhaps even from Haifa. The Arms of Haifa (it had a hard-C version too) do not only use the solid chevron of the Chappes', in my opinion, but also the Durante ship that traces Haifa to the Salyes Seleucids. I would dearly like to know the historical realities in this picture, but at this time I'm fumbling in the dark.

English Goldmans use roses on STEMS, a Nazi-suspect symbol. The Cobbs motto, "VitTUTis stemmata," appears part code for the Touts, for while Cobbs use an elephant, the Oliphants use "tout" in their motto. The stemmata term should be for the same Stems/Steins as the stems on roses (expect the Stems/Steins to link to a rose=Rhodes bloodline), for the Stem/Stein Coat uses the same leopard heads as Coverts, which should be the gold leopard of the Rhodes'. The Cobbs are not only in Covert-fesse colors, but like Coverts use footless martlets. Where did Cobbs trace as per the corn cobs of Milians? To Miletus near Rhodes.

The Milians are shown with many Miller-like terms, evoking the Milners that had part in the Rhodian Illuminati. German Milners are said to be from Conrad von Husen of Swabia (didn't Maximilian elements of the Zinzendorf kind lead the followers of John Hus(sians)?), and they use the Catherine Wheel (symbol of torture) used also by the Scott Coat. The Scott Shield is that of the Sellicks whom I trace to Seleucids of Rhodes. All the best devils were assembling in old Rhodes, at their own Bilderberg conference, debating how they could best infiltrate God's Israel to make it their own kingdom. But they didn't foresee the coming of one Jesus who would foil their plots, and take their Israeli kingdom away first, to be followed by the burning of their EU phoenix. The Bilders build in vain.

English Milners use the wolf-head design of the Cheshire Welfs/Wolfs, and the latter use the chevron in the colors of the Goldman chevron. I trace the Welf/Wolf motto term, "Fides," to the same place (Foetes) as the Meschins that were related to Hugh Lupus, owner ultimately of the Welf/Wolf Coat. Therefore, Goldmans and Stems/Steins are tracing to the Lech river where Kaufering is found. And in all this, the Lech river is itself traced to Seleucid-suspect Salyes Ligures, wherefore it would be a miracle if the entities under discussion were NOT a part of the 666 anti-Christ system. It's the same human animals that rounded up people into concentration camps and killed them like sheep in a mass slaughter. The ones who love ethnic "cleansing" are thought by many to be building their world-population-control plots as we speak, and in such schemes, only the "wrong" ethnics will be done away with, if possible.

I'm having trouble understanding what "Stetten" refers to. I've been thinking "Ishtar" due to the doves of the Stettens/Stettners. In a Stett/Stot write-up: "The Stett surname is generally thought to derive from the Middle English word '"stott,' meaning a 'steer,' or 'bull'." Is "steer" code for Ishtar-like Styria elements? As Stattens/Stettens use a Shield like that of Zurich, the Zurich bull comes to mind too, which I would trace to proto-Zeus and Europa at Haifa. The Stetten/Stettners use a dove on what appears to be a log (I've seen the heraldic "log" before), which smacks of the swan-using Logens/Lochins and Locks that I trace to "Lohengrin," the Swan Knight Ligurians. It suggests that Stettens-et-al were on the Lech river. However, they may not have been in Fussen because Stetts/Stots use footless martin in Crest (in the blue color of the Stattens/Stetten Coat). AND, the heart in the Stett/Stot Chief must belong to the heart in the Scottish Logan/Lennan Coat, therefore, the heart pierced with "nails" as code for the Nails/Neils/Nagels who use a saltire in the colors of the Zachary and York saltires.

The Logen/Lennan motto is the one translated, "This is the valour of my ancestors," which may include code for the Valais/Valour surname that I trace to RockeFELLERs and to Valerius Gratus (it's a long story that has more than similarity of terms for evidence).

A link of Stettens to "Ishtar" elements may suggest "Stratten" (with an 'r'). While Zackarys and related Sack-of-York elements had been traced to Wiltshire, where Salyes-related Edwards (and Yorks) were first found, the Strattens were first found there too.

It should be said that since Logens/LENnans were first found in the LANark area that uses the heart in its Arms, the namers of Lanark(shire) and Lennans should trace to LANdsberg elements. The Landsberg surname was first found in the same place (Westphalia) as the Nails/Nagles. I think that Lanarks were related to Lornes, but Lornes don't show a Coat.

As some evidence that Strattens were an Ishtar line, Strattens use horizontal bars as do Sturs / Esters. The Stratten bars are in the colors of the two Statten (no 'r') Shield colors. As per "Ashtarte," the Start surname was just checked to find "Starrat / Starret" variations. The Coat looks very Windsor-ish, but using the red-and-black colors like in the Landsberg Coat (when I see the rare red and black together, I either think witchy, or Nazis). Stratten variations suggest linkage to Straights/Streets using another Catherine Wheel.

The Ishtar star was found in black (same color as the Start/Starret crosslet) in the Arms of Szapary, where the angelic woman (that I think is Ishtar) holds roses on stems. While it's perfectly expected that the stems be there (though in heraldry they are not usually with roses), yet the fact that Stems (the surname) are properly Steins while Steins and RothSteins/Rothschilds use the Ishtar star suggests that the Szapary roses can apply to the Stem/Stein bloodline.

Both Szaparys and Coburgs use their Ishtar star with a crescent, and Szaparys, also "Szafary," were traced to "Sforza," while I now find the Sforza lion and Sforza-Visconti snake in the Arms of Dachau. Dachau (in Upper Bavaria) is near and probably related to, WinDACH i.e. where Windsor-related Coburgs are expected to trace. How did the Stem/Stein bloodline become part of this discussion? As per the "stemmata" term of Coburg-suspect Cobbs.

An important point now is that the Dachau lion is gold-on-black, the colors, not just of the lion that is the Arms of Upper Bavaria, but of the lions that are the Arms of Kyburg (Zurich). Moreover, the Arms of Zurich (and the Statten Shield) are split diagonally (as with the Coburg Coat) in the colors of the Bavarian lozenges. The diagonal split in these Shields may even have to do with the lozenge = diamond symbol.

The Bavarian lozenges are now suspect from the AnDECHS rulers of Losinj in Windsor-related Gorski. The Gores use the Windsor crosslets, but the same crosslets were seen (in black) in the Start/Starett Coat.

The States/Stathams use lozenges too (in red), though at times lozenges are called "fusils" that could trace to Fussen elements. There is a Fusil surname using fusils first found in the same place (Dauphine) as same-colored Vallerys. The Vallery description has the peculiarity of using a "line" between the Chief and Shield, and because I don't see the line, I must assume it to be code for the Line surname, which is also "Lind"! The "solius dei" phrase of the Line/Lind motto assures that the clan traces itself to Lindos. It's probably not coincidental that Lines/Lynds were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Lennans.

Hof Topic: Boofima

The Pfaffenhofen location in Dachau is interesting for it's Hof suspects as well as it's Pfieffer-like look. The Arms of Pfaffenhofen use "a branch of hops," suggesting that "Hof" in this case links to Hop- and Cop-like surnames. The hops branch is in the gold-on-green colors of the Austrian Pfieffers (!), and at the same time the colors of the Hof-like Coffers. If that's not enough, Pfieffers use an anchor, symbol of the hop-like Hopes/Hoods and Hitler-suspect Hoods/Hudds...who come up as "Hutt." And zowie, there's an anchor in the Kaufer/Kaufman/Kofman Coat!!!

Kaufers/Kofmans were first found in HanOVER, a term now suspect from Covert-suspect Overs. In fact, as Coverts are Caiaphas-suspect, what about an Ananias-bloodline trace to HANover? German Hanovers/HanoVEREs won't show a Coat. When the monopoly over the English throne dissipated from Stewarts, Hanoverians took over.

I recall from years ago when tracing Pfieffers to Fife and neighboring Forfarshire; the latter is where Rangens/Rainhams were first found that had traced to Rangendingen in the land of Hohenzollern / Stetten i.e. where we find HOFstetten.

Recall the Koppers with Coburg- and Hitler-like Shield. Covert-like Coopers (gold leopard heads, as with Coverts) use the Zachary/Sacheveral and York saltire, and were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts and Diens / Deins. The "Ech Dien" entity of the Prince of Wales had been found (not too many updates ago) linked to the York elements in the Sach bloodline. Scottish Coopers ("virTUTE" motto term) were first found in the same place -- Fife!! -- as Goldmans. The Fife location helps to peg Coopers from the PfaffenHOfen / hops bloodline. As Coopers are Coppers and therefore workers in copper, as the write-up suggests, by what coincidence did Aphrodite (also called "Kypris") belong to Pfaff-like Paphos on copper-mining Cyprus?

If that traces Paphos Cyprians and Paphlagonians to Fife, that's okay by me. But shouldn't it also trace Paphos-Copper elements to Pepinid Landsberg, where Kaufering and similar terms ought to be those Copper elements??? Are leopard-using Coverts now tracing to the PAPHOs elements that I suspected as the proto-BOOFima entity? Do Koppers use a Shield like the goat-using Stattens? Does anyone see what I do, that Coverts and their Kopper / Copper line are the BAPHOmet cult's origins? Didn't I trace this line, as Coffers, to Taranto and Satyrion? And here not far above we were discussing a Statten link to Satyrion-like Starts/Staretts and Strattens.

The Saxe Coat -- in the colors of both Coffer Coats, uses a garb centrally, and as Gretes/Greetens (of Greitenberg beside Windach and near Kaufering) use a "Greep" variation, it suggests that Garebites were in Landsberg. Coverts were, after all, identified as Serbs / Sorbs. Landsberg is in southern Bavaria while the Gareb-suspect Grabfeld location of the Poppos is in northern Bavaria, yet Landsberg has been discovered to be a Landon > Pepin entity. We therefore expect Amorites of Gareb in Landsberg, which is where Ammersee comes in.

Hurlach is right beside Kaufering, and Hurlach also had a concentration camp. The location smacks of the Hurl/Herod surname using a hawk's lure, the symbol of the Cheshire surname. By what coincidence is the Hurl/Herod Coat in the colors of the Coffers' and related Pfieffer Coats??? Didn't we just see Pfieffers trace to Kaufer-like Hof elements of the Pfaffenhofen kind? Amazingly, Julie, the one who introduced us to Boofima, tells me repeatedly that Herods proper had holdings in Cyprus. She probably didn't realize that Boofima traces to Cyprus, and that it's very possible, therefore, that Boofima was carried forward by the Herods of Cyprus, even carried to Hurlach and Copper-suspect Kaufering.

As "Pfaffen" must have been a Baben / Pepin variation, I expect Pepinids where the Hurls/Herods lived, at Argyllshire. In fact, after the idea came to mind, the Pepin camel came to mind because I trace it to the Camulodunum = Colchester entity that goes to Kyles (beside Argyllshire) and Campbells/Cammells of Argyllshire. Moreover, as Pfaffenhofens traced to Fife-like Pfieffers, it recalls that I trace the Fife Coat to the Vey/Vivian Coat while I think the latter was definitely the meaning behind mythical Morgan le Fay of Bute, i.e. part of the Argyllshire theater. The Hofs or grail-using Coffers of Bute must be the Fifes / Veys/Vivians. The question may be, who came first, the Pfaffens, the Fifes, or the Fays, but no matter how you flip this, the satanic Boofima cult -- and Paphos -- is now tracing to Fife-related Morgan and Melusine of Avalon. Compare "Avalon" to a P-less "Paphlagon."

A realization: Duffs of the Fife / Angus area use the Morgan lion (and Irish Feys/Fies are also shown as "Duffie"), suggesting that "Duff" links to the idea of D'Hof / D'Affy. It means that the Arthurian witch cult of Bute was a HOFstetton / PfaffenHOFen one. To prove that this was the Baphomet line, let it be repeated that Stattens and Melusine-using Walsers both show the same goat design.

We have it from a reader near Sion that Walsers were named after Wallis/Valais canton at Sion (it was verified by me). She is also the one who alerted us to the Morgan-like location of Morges in neighboring Vaud canton, as well as to Vivian- and Fay-like locations in Vaud. She also sent in a DeVAUD/DeVAUX surname (pelican-on-nest) tending to identify Vaud canton with the Vaux/Vallibus surname, which moreover makes the link between "Wallis" and the Wells line to "Vallibus." The Well/Weller Coat even used the Devaud/Devaux pelican design.

Reminder: the Vaux/Vallibus surname uses the Shurbrook bend and stars, and so we now have Swiss-reason to trace the "Shur(brooks)" to the Swiss capital, Zurich.

As Hectors/Ectors were first found beside Fife, let's not neglect the Ector trace to Hof-suspect Haughtys/Hectors/Houghtons. It suggests that the Danes whom Sigrid the Haughty married, the raven-depicted Vikings who conquered into Rothesay (later renamed, Bute). It's that fundamental link again between the Mieszkos and the Hohenzollers, but the link is now looking more fundamental between Mieszkos and Coffer lines (= Maccabees and Caiaphas lines, right?). As Sigrid was a daughter of Mieszko, we can't ignore the raven-using Macies/Mackeys at Ayrshire, right beside the Boofima-suspect Herods/Hurls who use the symbol of the Cheshire surname. It's called a "hawk's lure" in-part for Lures and the Leir bloodline, and Lures are suspect as Lornes, who were in-turn Lanarks of the Ayrshire theater. As Herods are suspect using the heart, by what coincidence does Lanarkshire use the heart?

Lanuvium/Lanuvio, which term could connect both to Lanark and to Boofima-related Landons (that is, the Pepins of the Landons are Boofima suspects). It just so happens that while Boofima traced to the Cyprian city of Aphrodite, she (as Venus) was first found in Italy at Ardea, smack beside Lanuvium!

As Poppa of Valois (said to be Rollo's wife) smacks of a Poppa bloodliner of the Babenberg kind, it appears that the Boofima bloodline was at Wallis/Valais too, for the Valois surname is also "Valais." It's also "Valour," recalling the "valour" motto term of the Logens/LENnans (!!) at Ayrshire. It's no guff, for this Lennon Coat uses a stag, symbol of the Venus Coat.

Many years ago, I traced Daphne to Merlin's wife (Gwynedd) in northern Wales. I didn't know at the time that Cheshire was important, or even beside northern Wales. There is a Welsh David/Daffy surname that I trace to the Daphne cult that named Diva, the old name of Cheshire's capital, Chester. Might "Daffy" have been from the idea of D'Affy, as from C-less versions of Irish Caugheys = Coffers/Coffeys? The D'Affy-suspect Duffs, and Feys/Fies/Duffies, are from Ireland too, and the Feys/Fies/Duffies even show a Cuffie variation. Therefore, the witch cult of Avalon was the Caiaphas-suspect Covert/Coffert bloodline. Cathian Covert was even a practicing witch, perhaps by family tradition.

Am I equating the Boofima bloodline with the Caiaphas bloodline? If the shoe fits. Ananias is suspect from the Heneti Paphlagonians, and there are a slew of Ananias-like surnames using the stag. Why do Hannitys use leopard heads?

Cathian apparently married a Maness surname, first found in the same place (Northumberland) as English Hurls!!! It's amazing because Coverts = Coppers were suspect as the Boofima line just as it was being discovered that Scottish Herods/Hurls were likewise, and then Kaufering is even smack beside Hurlach.

The English Hurls use ducklings (on a Meschin-suspect Shield), the symbol of the Devon surname that I trace to "Daphne"!! I feel like a carpenter finally nailing the coffin shut to this case. Devons were first found in the same place as Coverts!!! Daphne was the old name of Antioch!!!! The other name of Antioch was "Harbiye" that I've traced confidently to "Gareb"!!!!!! I'm running out of nails. But I still have a big bag of big-red spikes.

All the time that I stressed Bute over the years, I had not known that Coverts were central there.

Continued from Monday

I'm assuming that Duffs were Hofs and therefore Coverts. Not only do we see the raven-using Mackie/MacKEYs at the Bute theater, but the Morgans and Irish Duffs/Duffeys use the colors of the Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares. I assume that the red-on-gold lion of Scottish Duffs, which is the Scottish Lion, is that of Ranulf le Meschin. It suggests that when many clans left the English crown to side with the Scots, that Meschins and Stewarts together became the prime factors with the Scottish crown. The English Stewart lion was red too. The Duff / Scott lion is also the one used by the Habsburg and Ley/Legh/Ligh surname.

Is that red lion also the one of Landsberg? I note that while Pepins use a camel, and while Campbells/Cammells (Argyllshire) were at the Bute theater too, Lands use the Campbell/Cammell Shield. It in-turn suggests that Landsberg elements named Lanarkshire, especially as Logens/Lennans (same place as Mackies/MacKEYs) smack of the Legh surname. The Logen/Lennan heart is in the colors of the Scott lion. Didn't we trace the Kyle anchor from KAUFERs/KOFmans? Kyles were first found in the same place as KYburg-suspect Mackies/Mackeys. I've always contested that the latter surname's derivation in "Hugh" was erroneous, even if Hugh Lupus may have been the reason for the MacHugh variation. It looks more like the Mackies had merged with Hofs / Houghs, and perhaps Hughs were named after this bloodline.

In other words, Mackies/Mackays look like they had been that equation found earlier in this update, the equation between Hohenzollern Hofs and the Haught/Hector line from Mieszko that I've previously traced to Mackays / Maceys. Just discovered as that sentence was being written: Keefes/Keefers use the same lion, in the same colors, as Duffs/Duffeys! That is monumental for proving that Kaufers were the Duffs and Feys. The upright lion in the Arms of Kaufering is red (on white). Irish Coffers/Coffeys/COUGHhays (the ones using the Arms of Taranto) were first found in the same place (Cork) as Keefes/Keefers!

This is a good place to mention that while I now see Caseys at the root of Ananias / Caiaphas, though I trace those priests to Coffers/Coffeys too, the Taranto-suspect Taran surname uses red eagles on white, around a red-on-white chevron, just like English Caseys! This similarity in Coats was just discovered, even if I've reported it in the past. It's a great place for the re-discovery because I had traced Muskerry elements in Cork to Mus province at Lake Van, and Mus was known also as Taran! I recall tracing the Taran surname to Lake Van, at which time I realized that its red eagles were phoenix, fundamental symbols of the Van > Pan line to Phoenicia. As Tarans were first found in DORset, the Nereus-Doris line comes to mind, for as I identify Nereids with Nahorites, so Lake Van had a Nairi empire.

Interestingly, the Dohey variation of Duffs/Duffeys ought to link to the Heys/Hays (eagle rising!) first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Scottish Duffs. In other words, Heys/Hays were a Hof variation / bloodline. Reminder: the Coffers have a CoughHAY variation. Heys use that "Serva" motto term used also by the bloodline of Kyles who show the Kaufer/Kofman anchor! Coles not only use "serva," but the Mieske bull. Kyles smack of Kills/Keeles who use what must be the quartered Shield of Zollerns and the Arms of Hohenzollern. Zowie.

Back to the trace of Coverts to duckling-using Hurls (not forgetting that Scottish Hurls/Herods were first found in the same place as Kyles / Mackies/Mackeys, etc.). A single duckling is used by the German Gas/Gascon Coat, and then I trace the martins/martlets of the Covert Coat to Martins / Martels first found in garb-depicted GAScony, the place to which I trace the garbs in the Arms of Cheshire !, as well as the Euskal-like escallops in the Meschin Coat! I think the Meschin scallops are used also by the Happs/Apps/Abbs and related Capes, and I also think that Happs/Apps/Abbes (lozenges) were Habsburgs...the ones using a red-on-gold lion, the colors of the lion shown at Wikipedia's article on Ranulph le Meschin. Euskals is what Basques of Gascony call themselves, and I read that the Cheshire garbs were from the Meschins and/or the rulers of Chester.

Reminder: Coverts/Cofferts use the same fesse as Happs/Apps/Abbs. Lozenges with the black martlets are used by Kyburg- and Kaufbeuren-suspect Kaybournes, and Cobbs use black footless martlets while Coffers/Coffeys are said to derive in a Cob term.

Although the French Gas page shows no such variation, but rather shows Garce-like variations, the Coat uses only a "goose." The French Gas/Garce surname was first found in Dauphine!! (the duckling is used by Devons that I trace to "Daphne," though it should also be said that Covert-suspect Duffs smack of "Daphne.")

You understand that we were all over the Antioch bloodline in the Andechs topic, and that we then found Andechs all over the Kaufbeuren / Hohenzollern investigation. To now trace the Coverts/Cofferts to the city of Antioch like this is an explanation of why I think God sent Cathian Covert into my email life. Her details have been key in leading to all that we are now learning of His future enemies. (I removed the McAffey "protective" software from my computer, as it's possibly spyware for globalist causes. It comes automatically on some computers at the purchase point.)

The Fey/Cuffie/Duffie write-up: "One branch of the Clan on the island of North Uist was known as Dubh-sidh, meaning 'black fairy,' due to their whimsical association with the faerie folk." Never mind the black theme as it's more certain the clan was from Hof / Hop elements. My point is that Nicholas de Vere calls his Melusine of Avalon a faerie princess.

By what coincidence do Scottish Gas' use a Shield half filled with Cohen / Fer checks and half filled with Hohen / Vair checks? By what other coincidence were Scottish Gas' first found in Pharisee-suspect Yorkshire...where Kays/Keys were first found?? By what other coincidence is the Levi lion design on the Gas checks? Why are there two lions, and why are they gold, like the two gold lions in the Arms of Kyburg? As Kyburg is in Zurich, by what coincidence was the Gaston surname, using a Shield filled with Hohen / Vair checks, first found in SURrey??? (an Anglo word ending in "ey" is often a version of a German term ending in "ig / ick," as "Zurich" does).

I once or twice traced "Surrey" tentatively to Tyre, or namely the "Surru" version of old Tyre. But then Zurich was anciently called by a Taurus-like term, and I trace "Taurus" to "Tyrus." Moreover, Tyrol is the Austrian area beside the Kaufbeuren part of Bavaria.

The Arms of Hurlach use lozenges in the colors of the Grimaldi lozenges (not in the colors of Bavarian lozenges), and I trace Grimaldis to a Grimoald of Bavaria, of the Garibald line in Bavaria of very early times. I had reasoned that the Bavarian lozenges went back to Garibald, and thus transferred to Grimoald in red and white (later, Cohens and Hohens would use checks in the same two colors schemes.) Or, Garibald's lozenges were red and white while some other entity later changed them to blue and white. It recalls the trace I now make of the Bavarian lozenges to Losinj in the blue-and-white Merania kingdom of the Andechs. It's possible that "Garibald" was play on "Gareb."

And so what we're finding is that the Khazars who named themselves falsely, "Cohen," who falsely claim to be Israel's Levi bloodline, are in fact the Caiaphas line of Levites whom Jesus removed from the house of Israel. It appears that Daphne elements from the Devon-to-Cheshire stretch merged with this Caiaphas-Cohen line, and even used a Cuffie term in honor of that Caiaphas line. The Maffey and Maffie variations of the same Fie/Fey/Duffie/Cuffie surname were traced to the Maffia variation of the Massis/Mattis...who use the Cohen / Fer / Fulk checks ! This Mattis clan is the one suspect from Mattathias Maccabee (a general Mattis rules the American military at this time). The Massi/Mattis Chief is an eagle in the colors of the Hohenstaufen eagle.

Reminder: MacAbees were from Arran, beside Bute, where Covert bloodlines are now suspect as the chief Arthurian bloodlines. The Campbells/Cammels, who use the Land Shield, are said to be from MacArthurs. The other Land Coat uses green and white, the colors of MacAbees. MacAbees are also "Cabe," perhaps link-able to the Abbs variation of Happs/Apps. I found that MacAbees were related to Rangabe-suspect Newmans before this update clinched the part-Khazar Rangabe line to Rangendingen at Hohenzollern.

As recent discussions have given the impression that Ananias and/or Caiaphas were from proto-Khazars of the Cass kind, and because I think they trace to the Cassane-Pattersons who use scallops in colors reversed from the Sadducee-suspect Sodhans / Sodans of Devon, it should be added that the Patterson motto phrase, "Pro rege," is used by Caiaphas-suspect Fies/Feys/Cuffies. It's also interesting that emailer Patterson was the one who started emphasis on the Hall bloodline at the same time that she pointed me to the Fie/Fey/Cuffie and Duff surnames, which was roughly at the time that she had her Cappeo-lion revelation that has since become the Caiaphas bloodline of the Cooper/Copper kind.

Time for some more spikes. A few days ago, when ready to start the Kaufbeuren investigation, it dawned on me that the Covert leopard was from the Leopold surname. It was curious that the Swiss Leopold Coat used a curved white-on-red chevron, colors reversed from the curved chevron of the Swedish Gust surname. I now find that Coverts trace to the Gas and Gaston Coats! In fact, I am rather sure already that the gold Levi lions in the Yorkshire Gas Coat are the gold-on-black Arms-of-Kyburg lions, and so see the gold lion also in the Leopold Coat, albeit it's on a blue background. No problem, for those are the colors of the lion of Pharisee-suspect Ferraris, whom I trace to the Parisii co-founders of Yorkshire, where Kyburg-suspect and Covert-related Kays were first found.

Of note here is that the Gusts (said to be from "Gaut" but that's not necessarily the original derivation) were one of the first clans that I traced to Cottians, and then I became sure that Cottians (e.g. Cutters) were central at Hayden Lake (Kootenai county). It gives the strong impression that Coverts of the Idaho area were in support of Aryan Nations. How would Cathian know whether her father / grandfather was a Nazi if he/they weren't telling?

Isn't it faerie amazing to now find Gusts related to Leopolds? An architect with a Cutter surname designed Clark House, and then the Italian Leopold Coat uses the dragon-head design of Clarks (first found in the same place as Scottish Hurls to which Coverts just traced so very well), nearly the dragon-head design of Cutters. Irish Clarks use a fesse in colors reversed to the Covert fesse, as well as the Irish Cohen sea horse.

If you look under the Leopold chevron, there's what looks like a white mountainous scene with a central high peak, similar to the white mountain system in the Arms of Szapary. The Sforza lion happens to be upright, and in the colors of the upright Ferrari / Leopold lions! Aside from this information, I traced Szaparys / Szafarys to the theater ruled by Andechs, and days later found the Sforza lion in the Arms of Dachau (concentration-camp headquarters for the Kaufering camp), suggesting that Dachau has the Leopold lion too. Viscontis, who gave their holdings to Sforzas, ruled in the Dack-suspect Ticino theater, especially in Massino where I think the Massi/Mattis surname traces.

The Irish Logen/Lennan surname (the one with nails in heart) shows a Duck variation, suggesting a trace to Andechs elements of the Landsberg area. Did I say that the Logen/Lennan heart was in the colors of the Scott / Duff lion? English Ducks/Duches use lions in those colors.

The German Leopold page has no write-up, very suspiciously. It uses a solid blue chevron on both gold and white background, which reminds me of the Arms of Haifa...because that's where I trace the Caiaphas line. In fact, I traced the Caiaphas line to "Haifa" (and it's C-version) after realizing that the mythical Taurus was from that place but before finding Coverts in Taurus-suspect Zurich/Turicum. Two of the three Shield colors in this split Leopold Coat are those of the split Shield of the Arms of Zurich.

The German Leopard surname uses a gold-on-blue leopard head (colors reversed from the leopards of Ananias-suspect Hannitys), once again suspect as the Covert leopard head. The Lepard / LePART variations, if they're from the idea of L'Pard, reminds of the Par terms that I link to Coffert kin (the Par terms that I trace to "Pharisee / Parisii"). But "Pard" can also trace to Perdix / Perth elements, and Coffers did trace exactly to those..even before finding Covert lines in the Duffs, first found in PERTHshire! Now I'm running out of big-red spikes.

It's conspicuous that while Cathian Covert Maness' ex-husband with a Dein surname had a mother from the Abbott surname using pears, the Part/Perrot Coat uses pears in the same colors. The Part/Perrot Shield-and-Chief combination is colors reversed from the Mens/Mengzies (Josef-Mengele-suspect) Shield-and-Chief combo, and then it's the Maness surname (same red Chief) that uses "Pour y PARvenir." The Maness' were first found in the same place as the Clarks who use the Leopold dragon heads.

It would seem a miracle if Cathian Covert Maness does NOT know Nazi operatives in her circle of family and friends, but I'm still hoping for a miracle.

The English Leopard Coat uses the gold leopard design of Coverts, and it was first found in the same place as Coverts and Deins. It was days ago when I first viewed the Leopard Coats, at which time I sought Leopard-like surnames such as "Loffer." I did not arrive to the Covert trace to the goose-using Gas' until today as I write, and had forgotten today that the Loffer Coat appears to use a goose (though the Coat description calls it a crane, meaning that the surname must use both the goose and the crane). The Loffer Coat (looks like the Vere / Massey / Hanan / Manner Shield) uses two white-on-red chevrons, the colors of the single curved chevron of Leopolds, the curved chevron that was just linked to Gas-related Gusts. One of the Loffer variations: Loepeler. It clinches the clan's links to Leopolds. While the Leopolds that I'm eyeing were of Austria, the Loffers/Leopelers were first found in Austria.

They evoke the Lovers/Levers / Loves/Luffs, but then closer to the truth ought to be that Loffers were L'Hof-ers. The LofHOUSE/Loftons were first found, as could be expected, in Yorkshire.

If we were wondering about the "beuren" of "Kaufbeuren," perhaps it too developed into a surname. One Beuren surname (Moor heads used by the Chappes') was first found in the same place (Westphalia) as German Leopards and German Ducks/Duckers (D'Eckers?). Dutch Beurens use a lion half red on gold, the colors of the Scott / Duff lion. That doesn't seem merely coincidental. It appears the Kauf lines have a monopoly on the Beuren surname...said to mean "cottage" or "dwelling place." The Lofhouse write-up is similar, though I think the House bloodline could be in code.

The mother of the father of Duke Leopard III (the one from Hohenburg and Tubingen ancestry) was Elizabeth of Gorizia-Tyrol. It just so happens that entering "Tyrol" gets no such surname variations, but rather gets L'Pard suspect Bartholds (probably uses the Bauer stars). Barts were first found in Bavaria, beside Tyrol. English Tyrols/Tyrells use two blue-on-white chevrons, thin like the two blue-on-white chevrons of the Hucks (Yorkshire again). Tyrols/Tyrells use an owl, as do Gastons of Surrey, important if true that Tyrol and Zurich both trace to Tyre elements. The Hucks can now be traced tentatively to "HECHingen" in the Tubingen / Hohenburg / Hohenzollern theater (Huckabees use chevrons in the colors of the Huck chevrons).

I wasn't going to mention the "Haec" motto term of the Borns/Bournes until now, discovered moments ago when when seeking Beuren kin. The Born Crest pegasus traces, in my opinion, to the Hyksos pharaoh, Apachnas. Huckincidence? If not, then I would say that Hechingen was named after Hyksos.

I'm going to keep in mind that while Hyksos terms may have morphed into Cyc terms, and then Hick terms, that Hough terms may have resulted as well that led to "Caiaphas." I've had reasons in the past to trace the Israeli chief priests to pharaoh Apachnas...who may now be suspect as the bull cult of proto-Haifa. I even trace the Apachnas line though Cilicia, as the Cadmus cult, to CAPPAdocia, where Mazaca (Cappadocian capital) was named, in my opinion, after the Mosa / Mousa / Mus household of pharaoh Apachnas. Mazaca was later KAIsariyah (but also "Caesarea"), smacking of mythical Kay/Cai, and therefore trace-able to the Kay / Mackie/Mackey bloodline. Moreover, Kaisariya smacks of "Khazar" and the Casser / Casey terms that I'm now seeing at the root of the Israeli chief priests. This is a very compelling paragraph for linking to the Covert topics above.

It then very interesting and Covert-relevant that while Apachnas was also named, Khyan, Cohens smack of that term. There is always a chance that a Cohen line goes back to Khyan's Hyksos. The reason that I'm confident the pegasus was an Apachnas symbol is that the Massey Crest uses it while I came to realize that the Biblical Moses was named by the house of Apachnas...because he was the Exodus pharaoh. Therefore, I've expected Apachnas elements all along the Massey bloodline trail. Didn't we see Mossingen in the Tubingen district smack beside Hechingen???

The Moesen/Moses surname was first found in the same place as Meschins. The Moesen/Moses Crest is nearly the same dove and leaves as the Over Crest, and Overs were first found in the same place as Masseys, and moreover use the bend of Talbots first found in the same place as Meschins. Overs may be from the Dovers; if so, the Over dove could be symbol, not of the Ishtar dove, but of "DOVEr." As Overs smack of Coverts, it could mean that Dovers are a Covert line, making sense where the Moesens/Moses' use the same dove and likely trace to Mossingen of the Coffert-suspect HOFstetten theater. Covert-related Coppers and others may even trace to "Goplo," the location of the Mouse / Mysia Tower.

Did the Covert martins trace to Martins / Martels of Gascony, where le-Meschin's garbs also trace? Definitely. Irish Martins use the Calvary symbol, as does the Moesen/Moses Coat. The castle of the Gascony Martins is no longer shown in the design of the Borns/Bournes and Cassels, yet the Irish Martins use both an estoile and a sun, two symbols of the Borns/Bournes. Therefore, if Borns/Bournes (with "Haec" motto term) trace to "KaufBEUREN," which in turn should trace to HOFstetten, we do have a neat trace of the Moesen/Moses surname to Mossingen. It shouldn't then be coincidental that Dutch Beurens use the same lion (RED-ON-GOLD) in colors reversed from German Martins. This is perhaps the best that I've yet been able to use Martin symbols to exact a decent/significant trace.

The Born/Bourne castle is used by Germo-Austrian Baums, suggesting a trace of Borns/Bournes to Bamberg.

It's important because the significance in the Meschin trace to Gascony must be in the escallop-like Euskals, but then Samsons also use the Meschin escallops while I traced them to pharaoh Apachnas' Hyksos even before realizing that the "Pejus" motto term of Samsons may have been for "pegasus" elements. It's not escaped me that all the lions in this discussion ought to trace to the lion of Samson myth. The Beuren lion is half-red on gold (compare with Well lion), the colors supposedly of the lion of Ranulf le Meschin, and half-black on gold, the colors of the Sam/Sammes lion.

The death of Samson (i.e. the crushing defeat of the Hyksos) was located in the escallop-like Ascalon theater....suggesting that mythical Hercules starts from that "death." I recall tracing Hercules to PAMphylians. It's very possible that "Philistine" was named after "pallas / rod," and a "pillar" sure does smack of "PHIListine." When I traced Hercules to PamPHYLIANs, Philistines and pillars were not on my mind. Samson died between two pillars, and Hercules was given two pillars as his symbol of Western migrations. Mythical Pallas (homosexual cult) was from the Libyan theater of the Meshwesh/Mazyes/Maxyes, the peoples who had ruled Tanis, previously the city of the Hyksos. The Mos / Mus household of pharaoh Apachnas is therefore suspect as the peoples who became the Meshwesh Amazons out of Mazaca (African Amazons were "Mazices" too).

The Sam/Sammes surname was first found in Essex, as with the Lawford/Lauford surname...which I discovered days ago when seeking potential Leopard kin. Lawfords/Laufords (tentatively suspect as L'Hofs) were not going to be mentioned for lack of anything to say on its seven white-on-blue crescents. Now, however, such crescents are the other symbol of the Irish Martin Coat, the Coat showing two of the Born/Bourne symbols, the Coat showing the Calvary symbol of the Moses Coat. It just so happens that the Leopard leopards are around a chevron in the colors of the Payen/Pagan chevron, a of a surname that I've traced to "APACHNas."

Not far from the Kaufbeuren location, and nearer to Zurich, is Lindau (still in Bavaria's Swabia), the place using another gonfanon said to be from "the arms of the counts of Montfort." The write-up admits code work (which goes on a lot more than other write-ups let on): "a lime tree symbolising the city of Lindau ('lime tree' is Linde in German)". With Lindau, we're in the lake Constance area, and so of special note is the wavy blue bar said to be a symbol for that lake. It could be that other blue bars in other Coats are for the Constance theater, or even for Lindau itself.

The Constance surname was first found in Languedoc, not very far from Montferrat, and smack in Redone country where we could expect Rhodians from Lindos, the city that was built, according to myth, by Danaans. It suggests that Rhodians were also at Lindau. I've tended to identify the Cotts/Cottins/Gauts of Languedoc as Cottians related to the Constances, and so let it first be said that I discovered the Cotts initially when entering the Gaut term in the Swedish Gust write-up. It's only now that I find Coverts linking fundamentally to Gusts/Gustovs and Gastons (it was this second where I realized the Hof nature of "Gustov/GustOF"). It suggests that all my emphasis placed on Cottians in relation to Kootenai, and later to Cutters, tends to link fundamentally to Coverts themselves, something that wasn't readily apparent previously.

Cottians lived at Savoy (Piedmont theater). In the last update, it was suggested that the gonfanon was a symbol of the Gay bloodline, and that the French Gays, first found in Savoy, were from the Galli transvestites because Gays use a galina = chicken/rooster. I've just found another rooster/chicken, in Gay-rooster colors, in the Arms of SteifenHofen of the Lindau district. As Gays are said to be from Manche, where Masseys/Maceys lived, it's a good bet that the Montfort line of Piedmont (that I imagine from Montferrat and neighboring Monforte) will be found in the Gays of Savoy and Mascis of Piedmont.

It's very conspicuous that Staufer(t)s/Stoufers use a cup, as do Coffers/Coffeys, for the two surnames together suggest the StiefenHofen location. The Staufer cup is even held by an arm wearing a CUFF. Here's one Staufen Coat I have in my files, though I also have the same one but with gold-on-blue grails, the colors of the Shaw grails.

There's a Hofen location in Tyrol, but another Hofen location in the Swiss canton of bear-depicted Berne (the bear with linden leaves in the Arms of Rangendingen [Khazar-suspect] should apply here). It just so happens that the Hofen/Ovener/Hoeffner surname was first found in bear-suspect Brunswick (all suggesting that Hofens were related to Zahringers). The Hofen Coat uses chains, which should be code for the Khyan-suspect Chaines/Chenays with Masci wing in Masci-wing colors. [This recalls the chains associated with the line of Javier Solana, whose surname smacks of "Zollern".]

This Irish Mackay Coat uses chains on wolves, and shows Gay-like Cay and Quay variations! Already, we have reason to trace the Stiefenhofen rooster/chicken to the Gays of Savoy. And it suggests that Gays were the Masci > Massey bloodline, explaining why Gays were from Gaye in Manche. And it shows Coverts linked to a Kay/Key- suspect line. It suggests that Coverts were linked fundamentally to the anti-Christ-suspect Masci > Massey Normans (the Gay rooster is the Sinclair Crest). Irish Mackays/Quays use a "Licentiam" motto term smacking of the Lycian > Ligure wolf line. One of the Land Coats uses a rooster head (while the other Land Coat is the Shield of Campbells first found in the area of the Mackies/Mackeys).

PLUS, it was shown in the last update that Cheneys (Salian/Sale bend) should be from Salyes Ligures at Bush-suspect Busce in Cuneo...where Montferrat and Monforte are located! Just look at how quickly we have traced the Montfort-ruled Lindau area to the Montfort-suspect locations of the Savoy theater, and it started with a Hofen-using location.

Does it mean that we have just traced the Covert bloodline to Cuneo? Here's what was realized in the last update moments after finding the Busca location at Saluzzo at one end of Montferrat: "I had not yet come to the Saluzzo topic when linking Coverts above to Primes with a reason aside from Primes and Coverts being first found in the same place. I now find that the Miner Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Cutters and Saluzzos, important because it's the Primes who use MINERva." It was a statement, before I knew that Coverts were linked to Gust/Gaut and Cott/Cottin-branch Cottians, linking Coverts to Cutter-branch Cottians...but the point now is: what are the chances that the Prime-Crest owl should be the design of the Gaston-Crest owl?!!!

I said all the above before consciously knowing a detail in the Gay write-up. Just before finding that detail, and after writing the paragraph above, I was going to say that Coverts are looking like the Gays. I then looked at the Gay page to seek more clues, when my eye landed on the CASTONguay variation!!!!! There's even a Gait-like Guait variation. That deserves all the nails in my big red bag, but I've probably got to reserve some. The coffin is being nailed ever tighter on the elusive Covert demon.

If I had the time to put these things (compiled in mere days) in an organized form over months of work, they could become an important book. Anyone interested who has book-publishing abilities, go right ahead.

What do you see in the revelation above? Do you not get hint of the Cass/Cast surname that was suggestively traced in the last update to the proto-Khazars at the root of Ananias? We now find Caiaphas-suspect Coverts in the CASTon bloodline, suggesting that Gastons and Gusts were a Khazars bloodline too. Let's not forget that the grail cup (now highly suspect at Stiefenhofen / Lindau) is suspect for the lines of Ananias and/or Caiaphas. And guess what the Cass/Cast Coat uses? Blue wavy bars/stripes, the symbol of lake Constance but also in the Arms of Lindau!

There are two major points to be made, even three, with important sub-points as sharp as a stake. One, the Cast weight scales were traced to the same in the Arms of Vilnius, and "Vilnius" was traced to the Font/Fond de Villes, first found in Languedoc i.e. where Cotts/Gauts and Constances were first found. The Font de Villes even use a banner (!!!) now suspect as code for the Montfort gonfanon. The "Font" part of the Ville surname suggests the Fontanas / Fountains, and then the blue wavy lines in the Cass/Cast Coat are called, "fountains." The Cass/Cast surname has therefore just been traced exactly to the Coverts of the Gay/Castonguay kind.

Another point is that the Cass/Cast Coat uses a Shield-on-Shield (largely Polish feature) in the colors of the Salyes-suspect Sellicks...whom I trace to Seleucids that named Silesia. If correct, it traces back to Andechs of Sulcis = Sant'Antioco, but then why not also to the Andechs of the Swabia theater, namely the ones at Dachau that use the VisCONTI/Sforza symbols? After all, the Villes must have been related to the Contes (because Italian Contis/Contes/CUNtos use the same lion design as Villes) of Languedoc. The Villes and the Contes (the latter could use the Leopard chevron) together must have created the Contevilles that were ancestral to Hugh Lupus and his nephew, Ranulf le Meschin, probably explaining the Mackay/Cay wolf and chain symbol. This line to Meschins can all explain why the Lindau location, which got us to this topic in the first place, is in the Lech / Fussen theater.

Silesia is where I suspect Polish Trabys that had married Est-suspect Astikas of Vilnius, where the Ville-suspect RadziWills came forth amongst the Astikas. It is suggesting that 666-suspect Trabys were fundamental with the Masci / Meschin bloodline of Poland. I've had different theories on what the Q-like Arms of Traby/Sadowski could be code for, and in the past I've traced it to the Queens/Swans/Cunns ("Constant" motto term!) and to the Sforza-related Quinces (mascles like those of Rouens), though it now looks as though the Mackays/QUAYS may apply too. After saying that, unbelievable, it was seen that Queens/Swans/Cunns use black-on-white wolf heads (Clapton and Milner design), as do the Mackays/Quays.

Chances are that Queens/Swans (Skye-and-Lewis and Argyllshire) are related to Argyllshire's Hurls/Herods (a sept of McLeods on Skye and Lewis) that are tracing to Hurlach beside Kaufering. It just so happens that Hurl-like HERLUIN de Conteville is the one in the ancestry of Hugh Lupus and Ranulf le Meschin. English Hurls, the ones using the Gascon ducklings on a Meschin-suspect Shield, are shown as "Herle." Herluin even married a Herleva. There's got to be some Caiaphas-related Herods in this picture, and then I think "Herod" came out of "Rhodes"-infested Redone country, in/beside Savoy.

As Gascony and Herod/Hurl-related Cheshire use garbs, this is the place to show the garb (in Arms-of-Cheshire garb color) of the Stephenson Crest, for Stevens/Stephens are suspect at Gay-related STIEFENhofen. The Stephenson bend is in the colors of the Suther bend (and the Covert fesse), and uses green leopard heads that I would confidently link to the Covert leopards. The Stephen link to Suthers ought to be for Mackays / Mackays/Quay being first found in Sutherland. The Sutherland Crest uses an eagle in the colors of the Este eagle, making sense where we're dealing with the Este branch of AnDECHs...who smack of "duck."

The two swords in the Mackay/Quay Crest could be the crossed swords of the Eissens that had been linked to the swords of the Shots/Shutes, in which case the Suthers and Shutes should be branches.

The Drummonds, from king Andrew, use wavy bars, as does the Arms of Lindau where Stiefenhofen is located. The Lindau bars were just traced to the Cass/Cash fountains, and therefore to the Fond de Villes, and then in the last update there was a fountain symbol found in the Arms of a Piscinas location smack beside Sant'Antioco! Whew. I neglected to mention at that time, even though I traced "Piast" of Poland to "Pisa" some years ago, that my trace of Mieszko's ancestry specifically to Sant'Antioco would be strongly supported if "Piast" can be proven to trace to "Piscinas." In the last update, Piasts were linked to "Bisset" and therefore to Bassets using the Drummond waves.

I had traced Piasts to the Viscontis, who had claims in Sardinia. It's online that the original Visconti snake was green on white, and so see, not only three horizontal bars (the number of Drummond bars) in the Fountain Coat, which are in the red color of the Basset bars, but the green snake in the Fountain Crest and what should, therefore, be the Sforza lion in the Fountain Coat's canton. For me, the Fountains speak clearly of the Sardinia Viscontis at the Sulcis - Sant'Antioco theater in particular.

To make yet another Antioco link to king Andrew of Hungary, the Banner Coat uses Andrew's Cross, and then the Fond de Villes use a banner. I haven't yet proven that Fond de Villes trace to the Piscinas fountain, but it's nearly a given just because the Andrew line is suspect in a merger with the Antioco line. The Italian Fontanas were first found in the same basic part of Italy as the Pesci surname (Bononia / Venice), which is the other part of Italy to which I trace proto-Hungarians.

The Suther term is much like "Aster" while Astors/Esters -- a branch of Sturs / Esturmys first found in the same place as Drakes who claim to come form "duck", but also in TourlaVILLE of Manche -- use a bend in colors reversed from Suthers, and then duck-suspect Andechs ruled the Histria theater. The flag of king Stephen I looks like the Franconian Rake, and this rake, along with Rake and similar surnames, were traced (in the last update) to "Rijeka/Reka," where Andechs ruled! (that's a stake, not a spike, because I'm now taking stabs at Dracula). Suthers even use black eagles in their Coat, the colors of the Rijeka eagle, and Rijeka is smack beside Histria.

It suddenly traces Drakes and Drakenberg to Andechs. But I was sure that Andechs traced to Seleucids from Sulcis, and so let me remind that Drakenberg should trace to Var in Provence, where Draguignan and the Seleucid-based Salyes lived. Suddenly, we have another reason that Coverts always seemed to link to Veres of the Illuminati kind. Often, it was the Maness line that linked to Veres of Oxford, and so I'll note that Stephensons and Maness' were first found in the same place (Northumberland).

Did Covert-suspect Stems/Steins (first found beside Suthers) use a bend with three leopard heads? So do the Stephensons with STEINson variation! In fact, the Stephenson bend is colors reversed from the Stem/Stein bend. Plus, Dutch Steins are the Ishtar star. This tends to verify that Stephensons/Steinsons were from Stiefenhofen, suggesting that Hungarians were there, and as Hungarians use an arrow, see the arrow along with the Ishtar star in the RothSTEIN/Rothschild Coat. We saw an arrow in today's the Hofen Coat!!!

Suthers are in the colors of the Shutes/Chewtes/Shots who were traced above to the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau. Slings (vulture) and Shutes even use the same sword. Shutes use a Vere-suspect "guerre" motto term, which had been traced to the Geier/Gayer suspect as the Gay / Mackay/Quay bloodline. It may mean that Mackay / Masci bloodlines have infiltrated the Megiddo / Nesher theater.

Where was my head when I first looked at the Sling page. I missed the Sintzenhofer variation smacking of the Sinsons/Zanzans and Coffers / Hofens together. This tends to verify what has been gleaned in places, but left unmentioned until the evidence would come in, that Coverts were fundamental with Zinzendorf Taborite elements. Reminder: the Sinson/Zanzan rock is white, like the Rijeka rock. It's not only as though I'm all over the anti-Christ bloodline, but to now see evidence that Coverts are at Megiddo / Nesher is a compelling reason to trace Caiaphas lines to the Haifa theater; Nesher is almost smack at Haifa!

Did God foresee that Caiaphas lines would be in the valley of Megiddo in the last days, thus giving them the rule over Israel's chief priests in order to perform the Ultimate Sacrifice deserving eternal condemnation?

Before having discovered (above) the Covert trace to Geiers/Gayers that founded Nesher, I was going to speak on the Stephen/Steven Coat (pelicans, a symbol of Pottens), though had decided to start on the Stephensons. I knew from the start what would be said of the solid white-on-blue chevron of the grail-suspect Stephens/Stevens (i.e. (Hohen)Staufen-suspect), that the Caiaphas-suspect Chappes' use such a chevron (the Visconti-suspect Ottones use one too). But I can now add that the Arms of Haifa use a blue solid chevron like the tall one used by Chappes'. Isn't that a priestly hoot to be tooted from the housetops?

The Arms of Haifa even use a white ship, as does the Arms of Gorski (where Rijeka is located). The Gorski ship was traced to the Durante ship that is used by Cunn-like Gunns; I'm thinking the Queens/Swans/Cunns that trace to Salyes swan-line Ligurians at Cuneo. Gunns lived with Mackays, who are the Quays. We wonder where "drag-queen" came from to indicate a transvestite / homosexual. From Draguignan in the Salyes / Queen / Gay theater???

As the Salyes were on the Durance river along with Orange-Nassau, and because the Nassau lion is in the colors of the lion of Pharisee-suspect Ferraris, shouldn't "Nesher" trace to "Nassau" elements? Entering "Nesh" gets the Neser surname that is also "Nest," the surname that I trace to the pelican-on-nest. One branch of the Ness'/Nests lived at Fife, where I trace Coffers and related Pfieffers.

It's not a coincidence that Gays use the Sinclair rooster while Sinclairs use a "commit" motto term as code for the Comites variation of the Contes. This recalls that Clairs/Clerks link to Clarks whom are now solidly traced to Coverts. That is, we have found a basic reason for linking Coverts to Clarks in this Covert trace to the Sinclair Gays. When we're talking transvestites and witchcraft, we're as Illuminati as one can get, not including the murders that these cults conduct to cater favors from satan, the powerful but daft demon whom God is about to chain to his coffin. As I trace Sinclairs to Varangians, who lived in Sweden, note the SWEDISH Gust surname...that traces to the Cott-branch Cottians, amongst whom Sinclairs had their house of Candie/Candida. The Candidas were first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capuas/Caputos (that I trace to mythical Capys at Cappadocia).

Moreover, Herluin de Conteville (married Herleva of the Sinclair line) had John Burgo for a father i.e. Herluin was a Burgo, and I had witnessed several times that Dutch Burgs used the three chevrons exactly as the Clares. Well, what do you know, after years of absence, the Burg chevrons are back (as of today, anyway). French Burgs were first found in the same place as Contes and Fond de Villes.

During the time that the triple Burg chevrons were not showing, a blue-on-gold M-shaped dancetty fesse was shown (colors of the Baum dancetty bend), and so I see that an M-like fesse is used in the Arms of Stiefenhofen. It's important because the Stiefenhofen rooster/chicken had been traced to the rooster of the Gays / Sinclairs while de-Conteville married the mother of the Conqueror, a Sinclair bloodliner. It suggests that the Stiefenhofen M-like symbol links to the Burgos that were the Conteville line to Meschins.

The Baums (Este horse head) use a dancetty bend in the colors of the Covert- or Hoffer-suspect Overs, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as the rule of Meschins. I neglected to mention in the last update that, while the "pas" motto term of the Baums above traces to the Pass/Pascal surname, I link it to the Italian Pace/Pascel surname used two crossed white-on-blue spears, the symbol in the German Baum Coat. It suggests that Bamberg elements (probably Bavarian = Bohemian lines) were at Bononia, where Paces/Pascels were first found. (I trace Bamberg to PAMphylians of the Cappadocia theater, and Hercules was the major homosexual cult, as with the Galli line to Gays).

Italian Fountains were first found at Bononia too, whom can be suspect in the banner-using Fond-de-Ville line. Recalling from above that the king-Andrew line was found merged with fountain-using Piscinas elements, at which time the Andrews Cross was shown in the Scottish Banner Coat, see that German Banners use the fleur in the colors of the "Jewish" Baumgartner fleur, and both fleur are on Split Shields in white on black, a great clue for tracing the whole lot to Sprowston of Norfolk.

Although there is no Scottish Banner write-up, the surname can be traced to Norfolk because it uses the ermined gold and silver of the Garters, first found in Norfolk. The Jewish Baumgartner Coat is split white and black horizontally, while the Dutch Sprows Coat is split white and black vertically, like the German Banner Shield. German Baumgartners even use the Sprows oak tree. All that to say that Fountains were first found in Norfolk too, suggesting strongly that banner-using Fond de Villes were part of the Fountain bloodline that traces well to the Piscinas fountain. It means that Seleucids are suspect in this paragraph, and I do trace Seleucids to Rhodes. German Banners were first found in Prussia and SILESIA.

You understand that these banner elements ought to trace to the gonfanon in the Arms of Lindau, and that the same Rhodes / Lindos elements in Lindau were in Languedoc, but the trace above to Sinclairs -- Danes -- is important because Lindos was a Danaan city.

One of the Hungarian elements found in the Ticino theater was Gavril RADomir, though he's the Bulgarian line that may have had to do with Bologna. He married a Margareth of Hungary, suspect as a relative of queen Margaret of Scotland who spent time in exile with Andrew I. The point is, the RADZiWILLs of VILnius trace to the Fond de VILLES, adding to the revelation that Andrew's line had merged with Seleucids of Sant'Antioco.

The gonfanon comes with three rings at the top, which may link to someone's three heraldic rings. For example, the Lindau gonfanon uses three red rings, a symbol of the Dutch Forsts/Voorsts who also use a chevron in the colors of the Fanon chevron. The color of the Lindau gonfanon is red, like the chevrons above, and as there is a lime tree next to the gonfanon, it's conspicuous that the Fanons were first found in LIMErick. Then, as we saw (last update) the gonfanon bloodline traced suggestively to the homosexual cult of the Order of the Garter, it seems relevant that the gold and white "illegal" colors of the Garter Coat are used illegally in the lozenges of the Lime/Limm surname.

As the Fanons were traced to Macey-related Gaunts and Vains/Vans/Fanes, it's not surprising that Limes/Limms were first found in Cheshire. The write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the [Lime] surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Lymm by Baron Robert de VENables [caps mine] from Edward of FitzTezzo who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086." Doesn't "Tezzo" smack of the Germo-Swiss Tess/Teck/Tease surname that definitely traces to the Tessen/Ticino river? The Tacks/Thackarys (garb) use a cherub, the symbol also of the Fanon Crest, and then the English Tease Coat is in the colors of the Fanons.

Like the Limes, Venables (Drake / Masovia wyvern dragon) were first found in Cheshire. They are said to be from an ancient Veneur variation, and then the Veneur page tells of a Normandy location by that name, and shows Fenner/Feneur variations. The Coat is the same white-on-green cross as the House Coat, and Veneurs/Fenners were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts...which may finally explain why Coverts would link to House's. Reminder: the French House Coat until recently used the same leaves as the Tess/Teck Coat is now showing. There's even a Germo-Swiss Veneuer/Venner surname (a "hook") that should link to the Tess/Teck surname. See also Venners/Fennors from a Cheshire baron(s).

Having said that, shouldn't the Fountains/Fontains (= VisCONTIs) link to the gonfanon line, not just because Fond de Villes use a banner, but because "Fontain" is like "Fanon." There's the additional point that while Fond de Villes had been a part of the Burgo-Conteville line, all three Burg Coats and one Burgh Coat use Fanon colors. Dutch Burghs even show chevrons in Fanon-chevron and Forst-chevron colors, while English Burghs/Burrows use rings as do the Forsts. Rings had become suspect as code for Ringerike in the Romer / More area where Sinclairs ruled Norway, and that place, especially at Heidmark and Hamar, used green and white, the colors of the Burgh/Burrows rings. But Ringerike is suspect as a Rangabe bloodline, as for example the Ringer surname is from "Rainger," smacking of Rangerdingen of the Hohenzollerns (there's a good argument for tracing "dingen" to Dingwall of Andrew-rooted Ross-shire, where Rangabes of the Este area had linked to proto-Hungarians. Recall Andrew's Cross in the Eugene Coat that itself traces to "Euganeo" beside Rangabe-colored Este).

Ringwoods, who use the illegal gold and white like the Venables-related Limes, were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Burghs/Burrows and Drakes. It was the fanon-suspect Venables who use the Drake wyvern, and Limes entered the discussion at the Limerick location of Fanons. I trace Raines-branch Rangabes to "Rennes," the alternative capital of Brittany, the other one being Vannes. I think you get it.

It was JJ Tolkien who emphasized rings of power as the Illuminati symbol, and while Venables had been from Tack-suspect Tezzos, Tolkiens/Tooks/TUCKS use a white griffin head that is almost like the white eagle head of the green-on-white Burghs/Burrows. The latter's eagle is in the color of the white-on-green eagles of the Venables-related Veneur/Fenner surname. Rings/Ringsteads (chevron in Tolkien-chevron colors) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Banner-related Garters and Fountains. Reminder: French Burgs, who are now suspect in the gonfanon bloodline of the ring-using Forsts/Voorsts, were first found in the same place as banner-using Fond de Villes. In this picture, the gonfanon rings of power trace to the Veneti, European basis of the Illuminati.

Going back further, the Heneti Paphlagonians were partnered with Pamphylians to produce the Illuminati. It just so happens that, while it dawned on me during the Palmyra (Amorite entity in ancient Syria) investigation that PAMphylians may have been named after "PALMyra," one Baumgartner variation, "PAUMgartner," begs a look at the Palm surnames, one of which uses Palmyra-like variations. Reminder: Baums trace to BAMberg, and German Palms/Palmures were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bamberg. ZOWIE, isn't that a ring in the English BamBURG/Banbury Crest??? Double surprise, coming after writing the above. It tends to link Bamburgs to Burghs, especially as Irish Burghs use the same fat red cross as Bamburgs! Therefore, you can trace Burghs/Burrows to Bebbanburgs and Bamburgh castle.

There is the question of "KaufeRING," for as Coverts linked to Hiedlers/Hitlers, the Ringerike area of Norway is at HEIDmark. Just a thought.

It wasn't realized until now that there is an English BamBURGH Coat (with the 'h') using black-on-white fleur-de-lys, the colors of the fleur used by Banners (!!!) and Pendragons. That means that "BANbury" should link to the Banners, though it's not yet understood whether "Banner" should trace to "BAM(burgh) itself, or to a Banner-line merger with Bamburgh elements. In any case, it's great that Bamburghs were first found in Lancelot-suspect Lancashire, for I've committed to tracing Banners to the father of Lancelot. It appears that Lancelot was from the Bamburgh-castle Bebbanburgs, and they were indeed related to the Arthur surname.

Bamburghs use two red-on-white chevrons of the thin type, meaning that they are related to the French Banes' using three thin red-on-white chevrons. Banes were first found in Languedoc, where the gonfanon lines have been tracing heavily.

As Lindau is in ALLgau, and because I've decided to trace "ALLgau" to Halls / Hulls, this is a good place to mention the white-on-black (typical Paphlagonian colors) talbot heads of the Haughty/Auty Coat. Alls use white on black too. The Halls and Hulls, as well as Papes/Papenburgs, use such talbot heads in black and white. The Haughty/Auty Coat was found accidentally just now while checking whether the Haught/Hector bull head was the design of the Bamburgh bull head (it's not, but Mieszko-related Coles do use it). The Haughtys/Autys were first found in Yorkshire (beside Lancashire), where English Banes and Hulls were first found, and of course we can see how Hulls / Halls may trace to Allgau as per the expectation of the Pape/Papenburg bloodline in Lindau.

After seeing the Haughty/Auty Coat, it was recalled that I linked Sigrid the Haughty to Anhalt and to Halts/Holts; it just so happens that Halts/Holts, with a motto signifying the Humes/Homes, were first found in Lancashire, as was the case with Home-suspect Holms/HULme who use bars in the colors of the Halt/Holt bars. In the Holm/Hulme canton, a ring in the form of a "wreath."

English Palms/Parmes use fleur in the colors of the Ringer and Massey fleur, and moreover Palms/Parms use the horse design of Masseys and PaphlaGONian (hmm) Pepins.

When one enters "Vannes," the Ness Coat comes up (see also the same Shield, basically, of English Martins, suspect as Amorites along with PalMYRA), using two bars / fesse the same size and positions as those of Palmers. The latter are in typical black-and-white of Paphlagonian lines.

Haven't we just seen Coverts heavily in Landsberg and Lindau? Could that explain why Italian Palmers (a fleur in colors-reversed from the Massey / Palm fleur) use a white-on-red fesse (i.e. the colors of the Covert fesse)? After all, Italian Palmers were first found in Naples, where Caiaphas-suspect Capuas AND Gay-suspect Candidas were first found. Did I trace Pharisees to Yorkshire? That's where both the Palms and Palmers were first found. It may have to do with the PARmes variation of Palms, smacking of Priam / Parium, father of mythical Paris = Parion at proto-Massey Mysia.

I traced the Forsts to Forst in Baden and to Zahringers, but also to Forst in Lusatia. The dragon cult of Lusatia was largely from the Spree-Neisse, smacking of the Ness/Nest bloodline. It ended up in Sprowston (where gonfanon lines just traced)...and likely in Sprowestun of Roxburghshire, English home of the Veres.

The Ness/Nest Shield is also the Washington Shield, and then proto-Washington Wassas are also Gas-like. The curved chevron of the Gusts is used in colors reversed from the Forts/Fursten Coat. The latter's chevron is in the colors of the curved one used by Swiss Leopolds, while Italian Leopolds use the Clark dragon-head design. I'm just showing how everything makes sense and links where it should, so that by the profundity / quantity of the evidence, the world can know what's been going on under the historical radar for nearly 2,000 years.

The Swiss Leopold Coat (lion in Sforza lion colors) uses that white mountain-like symbol that was traced to the same in the Arms of Szapary; it suggests that a chevron is partly code for a particular mountain system (the Alps seem appropriate), and partly code for the chevron-like Hebrons...who use a chevron in Leopold / Forst chevron colors. As Sforzas were Viscontis, while I trace Viscontis in-part to WISgarts/GUIScards it appears that we're still on the Gust / Gay bloodline when on the Visconti > Sforza line to Leopolds. Guiscards were from Tancreds using a chevron in colors reversed from the curved chevron under discussion, and Tancreds are mentioned in the Tack/Thackary write-up, that being the surname using a cherub, symbol too of Fanons. Not only were Coverts (gonfanon-suspect in the last update) just traced to the Gust / Gay bloodline of the Visconti theater, but the Covert leopard seems to trace well to the Austrian Leopolds.

As Wassas/Gassons/Gaces probably apply to the Gust line, and as they use the Nest/Ness Shield, it's important that I traced the Foret and Pfieffer entities together to "Forfar" beside Fife, for Fife is where the Scottish Ness'/Nests were first found. The Forets/Forests, whom I'm thinking to link to Forsts, were 1) first found in Savoy, as with the Gust-line Gays; 2) are in Coffer and Pfieffer colors; 3) use a Shield like that of Herods/Hurls who were Contevilles and therefore trace back to the VisCONTI line. The "Tout" motto term of Herod-suspect Forets/Forests helps to trace the surname to Edomites of the Herod and Eliphas kind.

I didn't get a chance to investigate Allgau very deeply, and may in the future.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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