Previous Update: June 12 - 18

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(if there are any to speak of)
June 19 - 25, 2012

Caesar Sallete -- The Emperor has no Dressing
It's No Wonder Julius was Fed Grapes
Patricians Got Agrippa on Themselves, and Ate Crow at Hamburg
Scherffs, Bush's, Walkers by the Wagon Loads
There's a Bit of Schwerin on this 666 Page
The Resurrection of Nero through the Varni Harlot, and the Kissiners of Death

(don't miss the new 666 revelations late in this update)

It would have been a majority government for the Muslim Brotherhood had not the nation's court struck down the parliament on the eve of the Brotherhood victory in the presidential election. As far as we're concerned here:

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said in a statement that he "respects the outcome" of the election, and "expects to continue cooperation with the Egyptian administration". Morsi [the new president] made an oblique reference to Israel in his victory speech, when he promised to "keep all international treaties," a vow which would include the 1979 Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt.

It's possible he's telling the truth. I don't know whether this is the Biblical pharaoh who loses a battle to the anti-Christ. If not, we're quite a ways from the end yet, apparently. I don't know whether prophecy can reveal Morsi to be the pharaoh defeated by the cruel master. Isaiah 19 may be understood in such a way that the cruel ruler comes in after Egyptian rises against Egyptian. Certainly, that situation is now imminent and already under way to a degree. The battle for the power structures of the nation may yet be reaching it's fiercest moments, if we judge by what has happened in the past dozen days.

What was the importance of the Sparrow line in the last update? Why should it be of concern to God / prophecy? Why is it important in my direction at this time? The Sparrow line has just linked to the Julian / Caesar line.

It was the Sforza entity at Rome, suspect in older days as the Safini "Italians" (I view them as Aetolian Atlanteans) who "vanished" from Italy after merging with the earliest Romans. I had found an article that traced the Safini to Spartans, who at one time occupied land south of the Ladon river, the river where a Safini-like Daphne cult existed...that I identify with the ancient Taphian sea-faring pirates once in a land of Siren-related "Greeks" (I view them from Daphne-related Syrians) near Aetolia. If I've been correct to trace Daphne to Tubal, it's likely that Taphian elements had entered and settled the Tiber river at Rome. North of Syrio-Cilicia, there was a Tabal empire around Meshech-suspect Mazaca, which is exactly where "Caesar" has just been traced.

There was a Daphne location that later served as the Seleucid capital of Syria. Daphne elements should trace to such Syrio-theater locations as Saphon and Sophene. It just so happens that Saphon was also mount Cassius (sacred mountain of Baal, chief enemy of the Biblical God), smacking of the Khassi / Kizzuwatna / Kaisariya entity to which I'm now tracing "Caesar." Therefore, the Sforza > Sparrow line can be traced to "Saphon," even though that term has no 'r'. As Mazaca was later Kaisariya, one can predict further that the SephaRvite-related Joktanites had been there because Genesis 10:30 locates Joktanites between Mazaca-suspect Mesha and Sephar. In this picture, SephaRvites had named Saphon, and had been the Daphne cult to the Sabines/Safini, then becoming the Sforza > Sparrow line of Romans. It predicts that Caesars and Sparrows had been merged in times before the Romans had formed. Long before such considerations (i.e. it's not a convenient idea produced for this moment), I had traced the Khassi area of Cilicio-Syria to mythical Cassiopeia at Joppa, the city that I saw "Jupiter" forming from.

It just so happens that while I see the Joktanite founders of Occitania represented in heraldry with the oak symbol, the Sparrow-related Sprows surname uses an oak tree. The curiosity is the Romans had linked their Jupiter to Zeus, and the latter had an ancient oak symbol, which, aside from tracing Sepharvites to Joppa, suggests that the oak tree went by a Jok-like term even in those old days. I maintain that "Jok" was also represented by an ox code that became the Zeus Taurus...that named the Taurus range of mountains in the Mazaca theater. I realized that the Taurus came out of Haifa (on the Israeli coast north of Joppa), and that city smacks of "Jaffa," the current name of Joppa. Then, near Haifa is Sepphoris (a city smack beside the home of Jesus at Nazareth). Therein is your Caesar-Sparrow line by all appearances, the human-sacrifice cult of Sepharvites merged with Kassites who had a Habira tribe. And a C-fronted Haifa term easily formed into "CAPPAdocia," where Mazaca was the capital.

It just so happens that a very ancient Amorite, Idrimi, had some Hebrew allies at the Syrian location of Aleppo/Halab, and "Idrimi" smacks of "Adram(molech)," the Sepharvite god, and of "Hadoram," son of Joktan. I'm pegging those Idrimi-Hebrew elements as the namers of Thermodon / Trabzon, even the proto-Drummonds that helped to create the pre-tribulation rapture theory, the disappearance of Christians, with John Darby. Sepharvites had been experts in making people disappear because they required sacrifice victims. They heartlessly knew how to abduct victims, and how to hide them. They developed into a heartless people, the perfect ingredient for empire building by war and other schemes. They spread their mentality to others, and polluted the Creation. The ancient "Apiru" of Babylon are portrayed by online accounts as vagabonds selling themselves to rulers as mercenaries, and thus worming their way into the power structures of the damned. They became stewards (parasites) of reckless, ambitious rulers with eyes for the throne itself, which is why Caesars had to watch the conditions behind their backs.

The Kassites above that I trace to Kizzuwatna had apparently formed the Heka Khasewet, an old name for the Hyksos dynasty in Egypt...that I say ruled during the Israeli Exodus. For me, it suggests that Mazaca was named after, or at least was related to, the proto-Masseys that I see in the household of pharaoh Apachnas/Khyan. As I identify that proto-Massey element in mythical CadMUS, I trace it to the Mus area of Lake Van (Armenia), which idea works excellently where we identify Hyksos with the Armenian god, Hayk/Haik. Sophene had been part of Greater Armenia, wherefore Sophene-related Mazaca was apparently named by those who had named Mus. As you can read in the Wikipedia article above on Idrimi, he was associated with a MUShki empire in Syria in about the 15th century (historians haven't quite got their dating correct for that period), which was the century of the Exodus, or about the time that God booted Hyksos out of Egypt. That is, Idrimi looks to be a Hyksos wave of power into the Syria theater, and he even formed an alliance with Kizzuwatna, the area that may have previously furnished the Heka Khasewet.

What I'm seeing here is the powers of the hard-hearted (and quite stupid) Exodus pharaoh evolving into the Roman Caesars through Rimmon near Haifa, then into Cappadocia / Mazaca, and later into the Maschi/Maskally surname at Rimini, roughly in the land of ancient Sabines (the sparrow is at my window for the first seconds this morning as I write here). Idrimi even defeated the Hatti when forming an alliance with them, and the Hatti were represented by Atti(s), who had a pine cone symbol used in the Maschi/Maskally Coat. We can therefore trace the Exodus-pharaoh bloodline further to Mascis of Piedmont and to the Apachnas-like Payens/Pagans of neighboring Dauphine. But then a dolphin, the symbol of Dauphine, was a symbol of Taranto, a place smacking of Taran, the alternative name of Mus at Lake Van. And Taranto is in PUGlia, a Pagan or Apachnas-like term.

Mythical Pollux, twin brother to Caesar-suspect Castor (suggests that Castor was the Cassiopeia line from Joppa), was given a boxer symbol, an a boxer is a Puglia-like pugilist. That's why I trace Pollux to Puglia, otherwise called, Apulia. Now it just so happens that while I trace this line to the Maschis of Rimini, the Boxer Coat uses the lion design of the Rome/Roam/Room Coat, which happens also to be the lion design in the Maschi/Maskally Chief. This is a little bit like a stun gun to the central nervous system.

[Later below, a way to trace the "pungit" motto term of the Romes/Roams to the Payens/Pagans will be found. The "placit" motto term of Romes/Roams become huge in this update for finding Caesar lines of the Ananias kind at Placentia, otherwise called PIACENza, smacking of "Pagan." If that corroborates my theory that the chief priests of Israel were from Hyksos, I'm happy.]

The Box(er)s (for the record, they use the griffin-head design of Bridges) show a bomb in flames (called a "fireballl proper") in the Crest, where the flames could link to the salamander in flames of the Julian/Gillian Crest.

[The Bridges came up below in a different discussion, from the CamBRIDGE surname, and then the Cams/Kames were first found in the same place as the Kemmis (and Samson) surname using use "vair fur" as do Welsh Bachs (DENbighshire). In other words, the Box(er)s look like the Apachnas elements that I trace to the Bachs. In fact, German Bachs use a gold calf, symbol of the Exodus rebels, meaning that heraldry masters knew that Bachs and traced to pharaoh Apachnas. Kemmis/Chemmite lines were from Perseus Danaans at Joppa. The Kemmis surname even has a Kenys variation smacking of Apachnas' alternative name, Khyan.

The Kemmis' and Cams/Kames were first found in Gloucestershire, where I trace mythical Glaucus who I identify with the Gileki namers of Cilicia. In other word, they were first found in an area founded by the same Gileki line that the Julians/Gillians were just traced to, and to support this idea, Bachs of Denbigh use stars in colors reversed to the Glass stars.]

The Kemmis Coat shows three red bars, a potential variation of the Arms of Trebizond, and/or a Drummond Coat. Fullers use "three red bars," as well as a "beacon on fire" smacking of the Apachnas line to Bacons/BACHuns and similar others. As I have traced Fullers to Fulbert the Saxon, the recognized founder of the Pollock surname, compare "Pollux" to "Pollock" so as to consider a trace of Fullers -- and therefore Rockefellers -- to an F-version of "Apulia."

The fact that Fullers use a "Fermiora" motto term along with a beacon on fire suggests the Firmans/FIREmans using a black-on-white chevron, the symbol of the Rockbys/Rookbys, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Firmans/Firemans. That is corroboration that Rockefellers were Fullers. Bacons/Bachuns use "firma" in their motto, and so it seems that Rockefellers, who traced to Rijeka, were part of the Apachnas line to the end-time Slaughter of the willful damned.

Hmm, rooks in the game of chess are also Castor-like castles. In any case, I trace Castor to mount Cassius, the mountain of Baal, and I identify Baal with "Apollo/Abello," the proto-Pollux, meaning further that the Italian Bellis, who use the Fuller beacon, are an Apachnas line of Hyksos. Hyksos served a bull cult, and Baal was a bull cult. It means that all sorts of Bel-like entities, especially the Bouillons who use a "bello" motto term, are suspect from Baal-cult Hyksos.

I have just found a Futter/Fuddie/Fudes surname (blue jay) as per the "futura" motto term of Fullers, and both surnames use red-on-white, the colors even of the Hyksos-rooted Ectors of Angus (use a sun, as do Firmans/Firemans), where the Futters/Fuddies were first found. This is excellent, because by this time, I had already traced the August surname to "Angus" (see far below), and it just so happens that while the August and Rome/Roam Coats both use the same fesse (meaning that its the Augustus-Caesar line), so does the Futter/Fuddie Coat! What's more, the latter use stars in Glass-star colors (i.e. which is more corroboration to Caesar links). As the white Botter bend uses a star in the same colors, it appears that Futters were an F-version Butteri bloodline (which is more corroboration of Caesar links). Jays use a white bend with three red roses (now suggesting direct Botter kin), the symbol of Sparrows and Caesars/Sesares.

Butteri trace to the Budini, but in the last update, the Neuri partners of the Budini were traced to Caesar Nero, of the Julian bloodline...itself perhaps tracing to the Geloni partners of the Budini. Interestingly, the trace of "August" to "Angus" will suggest a trace of Caesar Augustus to "Anger / Anjou" too, and that's where the Fulk Nerra character ruled who linked very well to Caesar Nero (because Fulkes/Folks of Norfolk use "Chi sera" in the motto).

I traced Sparrows and other similar terms of Norfolk to Speers, from Lusatia's Spree river, at which time I identified the Spree > Speer line as fundamental to Melusine of a Lusatia > Lusignan line through the Anjou theater. Does that old picture jibe with what was realized in the last update? Yes, and not only because Fulks were just identified with the Caesar / Nero line, but because Speers were first found in the same place (Renfrew) as Glasgow, the latter becoming overwhelmingly suspect as the Julian line aside from any considerations on the Sparrow line. And the Glass surname even uses Melusine in Crest.

The new question is whether the Alans of Dol, who came to live in the Glasgow theater, were Julians, since "Alan" and "Iuli" are similar terms. The problem is, I traced the Boyd-branch Alans to Budini so that "Alan" ought to be instead from the "Gelonus" location beside the Budini. The good news is that the Budini in this picture can be identified as the Botters/Bodins and Botters/Bottins out of Lucca, beside the Massa-Carrara area that I had traced many months ago to the Alans of Dol. The bad news is, Massa must have been a Maschi-related Hyksos house. The point is, Alans trace to the very Butteri that Caesars were merged with, even the Butteri that are suspect with the PATRician term.

It was first realized a couple of years ago that the Stewart Coat was a version of the Massi/Mattis Coat and Italian Fulco Coat, and that the proto-Stewart Alans had therefore been from Massino-Visconti, home of the green snake of Viscontis (later it became blue as it's now shown) known to have been transferred by kinship to the Sforzas. And it was also known at the time that Melusine-related Veres, who as Fers use the Fulco and Massi/Mattis checks, were Stewarts and Masseys. It all works well to identify the Stewart-Boyds as Botters of Lucca and therefore as Butteri...who lived, not only south of Rome in the coastal swamp areas of what was Volschi, but north of Rome in Volschi-related Velch, a term that is too much like "Fulco" to be ignored, especially as Fulcos were first found in the Tuscany region where Velch is located.

To help prove that Mus / Taran at Lake Van is still the subject of this discussion, Velch had a Turan cult of witchcraft. The Etruscans themselves, otherwise called Tyrrhenians and traced by myth to a Tarchon character, smack of Taran elements. It's not a happy picture because Etruscans were founders of Rome, the resurrection of the nasty Exodus pharaoh. And this tends to support the trace of "Roma" to "Rimini," home of Mus-rooted and Hyksos-related Maschis. It's all making more sense where we trace "Rimini" to Rimmon near Taurus-suspect Haifa, for Etruscans were apparently from Taurus elements.

Tracing Alans of Dol to Romans does not make for an orthodox picture to begin with, but now that Alans are tracing as Nahorites to Nero, we are bordering the bizarre side of fascinating. Consider that the Julian Crest uses flames, and that we saw related fire terms that could be code for the fires of Rome that Nero allegedly set off. Why do German Flemings/FLAMENs use a wolf? is it the Roman wolf, and were Flemings named sadistically after the fire symbol of Nero? One of my first hunches in identifying the Flaad term used by Dol's Alans was with "Flanders," a place said to be founded by Flemings. We saw the fire terms in Fuller-Belli lines, and it just so happens that "bello"-using Bouillons were Flemings. The Fuller discussion involved the Firmans/FIREmans and the vair "fur"...used also by Irish Flemings. Some of the Roman priests were called, Flamens...meaning that Flemings may not have been named after the fires of Nero, but after Flamens. BUT THEN ZOWIE, by what coincidence does the Nero Coat use vair fur??? (I did not consciously know of the Nero vair fur when suggesting earlier in this paragraph that Flemings could trace to the Nero fires. It came as a surprise after I had resolved that Flemings were named instead after Flamen priests.)

Later, when I investigate lines that can link to the red-on-white August and Rome/Roam fesse, certain red-on-white chevrons apply, a symbol also of the Scottish Flemings. As the Scottish Fleming Crest is nearly the goat of the Yorkshire Bush's, I'd say that the Welch chevron ought to apply to the Fleming chevron, as per a Welch trace to Walloon. For me, this is the Walser / Walter / Watt / Uat / Buto line that is suspect as Armageddon's vulture bloodline. it now means that the George-Bush marriage to Laura Welch was a Budini marriage to Caesar / Augustus line. The first Coat found with vulture was that of the Geiers/Gayers, suspect as a branch of Jays from a Gai location (Normandy), but I now find a blue jay in the Butteri-suspect Futter Coat using the August / Rome fesse...while Jays have just been resolved as a branch of Botters.

In my opinion, Butteri are also the line to the Baathist supporters of the anti-Christ, and I've already shown that Balders (first found in the same place as Scottish Flemings) and Bitars/Buttars (Angus theater) use the same cross while Baldwins were major Templars of the Fleming kind. I just didn't know that this was the strategized resurrection of emperor Nero, so to speak. The Nero surname was first found in the same place (wolf-suspect Lucca) as Bottars/Bottini. The Balders use another "ferme" term seen above in the Firman/Fireman bloodline. The hearts in the Bitar/Butter Coat ought to be a Caesar-related Herod line.

I can understand why some readers wouldn't want to be reading these things, but Jesus came into the thick of the dragon bloodline, and called Paul into the slime pool of the dragon bloodline, to steal some of Nero's servants. If I'm not mistaken, Paul was dead, or not writing letters any longer, before the war against Jerusalem between 66 and 70 AD. Nero ruled until,68, and is therefore suspect as the caesar who had Paul murdered.

The question has to be: were Futters/Fudes (with August fesse) named after the fiddling that Nero reportedly did as Rome burned? For example, there is a Fiddle/Fidelow surname that I tend to link to Foetes/Fussen, a Bavarian location that I trace to Ligurians. The Lucca location of the Neros may have been named by Ligures, and Foetes is near lake Constance while Balder Flemings use a "Constance" motto term. If that's not enough, the above was written while waiting for the Fiddle Coat to load, and there, after finishing the last sentence, were wolves (a Fleming symbol) and a "garland" (wreath), a Roman-suspect symbol, in the Crest. [The Fiddles lead quickly below to MontFiquets, and finds the latter related to the Caesar line of Languedoc's Villes, and so let it be recorded here that Constances, first found in Languedoc, use the same pine tree as Fictens.]

Checking further, the Fidos/Fiddes/Fuddes use the same chevron as Foots, and the latter show the griffin design used by Boxers, that latter griffin holding the "fireball." Again, Boxers use the lion design of Romes/Roams and Maschis/Maskallys of Rimini, and Meschins/Masculines (in Fidos/Fiddes and Foot colors) are overwhelmingly the ones that I've traced to Foetes/Fussen.

The Foot-Crest griffin is the same, but in a slightly different position, as the Jay of De Gai griffin.

I've mention before that the son of Ranulf le Meschin, Ranulf de Gernon, was linked to Foetes and the Foots of Cheshire as per the "CyFOETH" motto term of the Gernon surname, and after making that trace a Footes location on Gernon-like Guernsey was found. But now I find that the Guernsey Coat is, like the Rome and August Coats, a red-on-white fesse!

If you've been reading updates of late, you may know why I trace the vulture-using (i.e. Walter-suspect) Geiers/Gayers to Megiddo. I had predicted as long ago as two years that Meschins / Mascis would furnish the False Prophet and/or anti-Christ, and now come to the question of whether Gurn(sey)s and Geiers were the same family so as to expect the Guernsey-related Meschins at Megiddo. Re-loading the Geier Coat, it was recalled that their Padeborn location linked well to the Pade Coat, suspect with the Patrician line of Pattersons because the Pade scallops (a Meschin/Masculine symbol too) are colors reversed to the Patterson scallops, and in the colors of the scallops of Patterson-related Sodans.

I now re-find that the Pade Coat uses mascles, very good for the question / expectation above, and moreover the Pade mascles are on a bend in the red-on-white colors of the August fesse. Clicking to the Arden Coat as per the "Ardens" motto term of Pades, what do we see but a red-on-white fesse! Therefore, the Caesars are coming to the Armageddon feast with their phoenix, to get set on fire, exactly what Nero deserves for blaming his fire on Christ's servants.

On this topic, I should add that I've never seen blue jay feathers strewn on a small spot on the ground after the bird has been eaten by a predator, except the time within days on hearing a jay on the morning that Jays of Gai became important for the first time. I'm saying this because I feel intuitively that De Gai in Normandy is related to the Geiers / Guernseys. The Gernons are said to have been from Montfichet (Normandy), and the Fichet surname is also "Fitts," fitting very well with the Foots / Fidds et-al that Gernons were related to. I just went searching for whether De Gai is near Montfichet (in the same Calvados area as Meschins), but could not find De Gai (i might have if I had the time). Instead, I found an article wherein a Dugdale writer claimed the Montfichets to be Romans, what one would expect where the Fitt bloodlines trace to Nero's fiddle:

What is our astonishment, then, on consulting Dugdale, to learn, on the authority of an ancient history of the family, [Mon. Ang, vol. ii. p. 236] that the said Gilbert de Montfichet (Montfiquet) was a Roman by birth, descended from an old illustrious Roman family (De Montefixio?); that he was in the habit of dispensing palatial hospitality to all royal visitors to the Papal Court, and specially entertaining William, Duke of Normandy, whenever he set foot [why was "set FOOT" used?] in the sacred city; and that he was a kinsman of the Duke, and privy to all his councils, especially to that design of King Edward the Confessor to make him his successor to the realm of England.

...a William Montfichet, apparently a grandson or great nephew of Gilbert the Roman, and the husband of Margaret de Clare, daughter of Gilbert Fitz Richard of Tunbridge...

The Gernons, you see, use two gold lions on red, the symbol of the Arms of Normandy, that not just any Norman family can use. Fichets use their gold leopards on a green Shield, and then while the Gernon write-up shows a "Grenon," the Grenon Shield is green. To no surprise, the Montfiquet page shows variations such as "Muschat," and a red triple chevron belonging also to Clares.

The Montfiquet triple chevron is on white, matching the triple chevron of the Waters, a surname of the last update in regards to the water-bucket / water-bouget discussion. It's conspicuous where "Fiquet" and the Bouquet variation of French Buckets (Calvados!) are similar terms. In fact, it turns out that Waters and Montfiquets were both first found in the same place (Essex)! It suggests that surnames using water bougets, such as the Rolphs, trace to Romans in Montfiquet that had merged with the Sinclairs / Clares of elite positions. The pile of English Buckets may merely suggest the Guiscard Sinclairs, though it can also indicate that Pilate-line Romans furnished the Montfiquets...and Foots / Fitts / Foetes, etc.

As one Rolph surname comes up with "Roof," we could ask who named, Fiddler on the Roof?

I was just going to say, but decided not to bother, that the Pilate line to the Montfiquets was also the Nero line that had named itself sadistically after Nero's fiddle. I started searching for more Nero lines instead, and found the Nairs, first found in Perth!!! That's supposedly the spot where Pilate's mother resided. AND ZIKERS, that was written while waiting for the Nair Coat to load, which shows pheons! The pheons are even in the blue color of the Celt/Colt/Cult pheon, the one beside the same stag as used by Rollos/Rollocks (see half way down the page) of Perthshire, where also Colts/Cults were first found.

Ah hah-hah ha-hah (you know the happy sound). The Colt/Cult motto has a "TansFIGum" term for the Fiquets. The Fig/Figgins surname uses black, as might be expected for Nero lines.

As further proof that Nairs/Nuirs are from Caesar Nero, they use Melusine in Crest, and she traces to Anjou's counts, and therefore to Fulk Nerra. Thinking that "Viola" (isn't that the violin to some? might apply to Fiddle lines, a chevron popped up in August colors. Violas/Vilets were first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars/Sesares. AND ZIKERS, the Villet variation smacks of the Fond de Villes that were part of the Conteville line to the Conqueror's mother! This could therefore have been the Montfiquet relations of the Conqueror, and indeed that very Conteville line that married the Conqueror's mother also went to the birth of Ranulf le Meschin!!! It explains why the surname of le-Meschin's son was first found in Montfiquet.

Herluin de Conteville was born in Conteville, Calvados, and died in Manche. He had a relative, Muriel de Conteville Mascy Massey: "Muriel de Conteville Mascy Massey (1042 - ?) was a member of the Burgo family and married into the Massey (Mascy) family." If therefore the question is why the Nero line would go through Contevilles, the Maccabees to which I trace Masseys could be a part of the answer. I have never known the Arms of Conteville, but checking, three red roses (Caesar/Sesare symbol) were just found in the Chief of a Conteville-les-Bolougne location, and then this was near Bolougne (Artois theater), home of Godfrey de Bouillon. Isn't it conspicuous that Conteville-les-Boulogne smacks of Bologna/Bononia, exactly where I trace the Ubii Franks (from Bonn, Germany) that I see as part of the proto-MaccaBEES?

It just so happens that the Boulogne area is the closest one can get to England from Europe, and that Kent, where Caesars/Sesares were first found, is the closest one can get to Europe from Britain. Therefore, it does appear reasonable that Caesars, first found in Kent, were related to Conteville-les-Boulogne.

The red Fond-de-Ville lion holds a banner, as does the red Foot griffin!

Now, at the risk of saying too much, watch this, for just previous to the small paragraph above, the Thane Coat was looked up as for Massins/Masons, first found in Kent, being specifically from Thanet of Kent. It was noted that the Thane Coat uses helmets that can trace in multiple ways to the Conteville-Massey/Meschin family. Of note was that the Thanes were first found in BANffshire, and then the next paragraph got the Conteville-suspect Villes to the the banner symbol, for which reason the Banner surnames were checked again to see what they might add to the discussion. It had already been determined recently that English Banners link to the gonfanon banner bloodline of garters, for both English Banners and Garters use the "illegal" silver-and-gold coloring in an ermine background. The Garters were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Caesar-suspect Sparrows and Nero-suspect Fulkes/Folks. That's just for starters.

The English Banner Crest is a banner (hanging like a gonfanon is made to hang, and in the colors of the Montfort lion / gonfanon, I believe) held by the armored arm of a knight, and a knight is the symbol of the Scottish Banner Crest, which evokes not only the knight helmets of the Thane Coat, but the metal-armor gloves (called "GUANTlets" as obvious code) used by Vains/Fanes (sept of Mackays), who were discovered to be in the gonFANon code. Let's not forget that Gaunt/Ghent, the other part of the GONfanon code, is near Conteville-les-Boulogne, and that John of Gaunt is the base of red-rose Lancaster, where mythical Lancelot traces, as well as his father, Ban(t). For example, Banesters (water bouquets) were first found in Lancashire. In this picture, the red rose of Lancaster looks to trace to the roses of the Caesars/Sesares and Conteville-les/Boulogne. The question is: who had the rose first, the Conteville entity, or the Caesar bloodline? That is, did Lancaster use the red rose in honor specifically for the Roman line back to Nero?

It just so happens that Buckets/Bouquets were first found in Calvados, the location of Conteville.

Aha! French Banes use the red triple chevron on white, which we saw earlier in the Bucket-related Water Coat. The same triple chevron was seen in the MontFiquet Coat, the very surname that was highly suspect to through the Villes back to Nero! French Banes were first found in the same place (Lanca-like Languedoc) as Contes and Villes (!), and red roses are highly expected in Redone-infested Languedoc. The red triple chevron (suspect as a symbol of the Savoy / Piedmont alps) is used also by Dutch Burgs (= line to Contevilles) and the Clares to which Contevilles had been married.

The Scottish Banner knight holds a sword, a symbol of the Mackays and Masci-winged Chaines/Chenays/Chesneys, while Irish Mackays use chains, this being likely the Khyan bloodline. Cheneys of Apachnas-suspect BUCKINgham (smacks of the Buckets) use the same BEND (I trace Bends/Bents, with Bellamy Shield and Bucking(ham) besants, to the Banner bloodline) as Helms, and then the Thane helmets are in the colors of the banner used by Scottish Banners. Bends/Bents use a blue lion, the color of the Massin/Mason lion.

The Banes use a wolf head (symbol of Hugh Lupus who was a Conteville on his mother's side) and a short dagger, symbol of Mackays. The "vel" terms in the motto of Banes' ("Vel arte vel marte") and others had until now eluded as to what they might stand for; it's looking like code for the Ville line to Nero. I had been wondering whether the gold-on-blue fleur in the canton of Violas (Kent) was the Masci fleur in particular, but wasn't going to address it until seeing that the canton of English Banners use the same style lion as Maschis/Maskallys of Rimini (and Romes/Roams). These Banners use a motto phrase, "sine numine," part code for the Sines/Sions/Swans/Swaynes showing the Vain / Macey gauntlets, and part code for the Newmans with Abii-like motto terms honoring the MaccAbees/MacCabes. Reminder: pine-using Fichtens and therefore Fiquets are suspect with the Roman line of Rimini Maschis who use the pine cone, and Fulcos of Italy use the Massi/Mattis Coat.

Cantons are important here for the trace to the Cantii founders of Kent, which were a peoples going much further back in history than Contevilles and Montfiquets, to the time of Caesar's invasion into Britain. I'm not very familiar with the details of that invasion, but for the moment can assume it took the shortest path from France, into Kent. The Italian Candis/Candidas (Naples) use what is probably the Hohen eagle (it's black on gold, like the Massi/Mattis and Fulco eagles), yet going back to the Roman eagle. The sense here is that the Caesar line had something of a basic blood connection in the land of the Cantii, explaining the Caesar/Sesare surname of that area.

Who in Kent were the little kids of Julius, anyway? Did they learn to use the dagger by the age of eight to stab enemies in the back? No, really, short daggers are a symbol of Caesar stabbings by emperor wanna-bees, and Mackays use a short dagger.

The Canton Coat uses stars in the colors of the stars in the Angus Chief, important because the Angus Coat uses the lion design used until recently by the Kent surname. It's important too because Angus is the general location of Pilate's mother. The Canton stars look to be used by Ashbournes, who use "Will" in their motto, and a fesse in the colors of the same of Actons who had the Axton location in Kent, and this axe-suspect line can explain why Esus-suspect ASHbournes show a tree. The Mens/Mengzies (Hazel-suspect motto phrase) use the Ashbourne motto (and the Chief color of the Canton Chief), but use "Vil" instead of "Will." The triple chevron of German Ash's (in the colors of Ashbournes) may even be, in particular, a reversed-color form of the Montfiquet triple chevron.

The Ash motto uses "duce," and the Duce/Douse/Ducey Coat happens to use the lion design of the Angus' and Kents. It's strongly suggesting that Duces were part of the Caesar bloodline, and then the "DuCEY variation may indicate the Kay/Key > Cai bloodline already traced to Caesar. The Kay/Key/Cay motto uses "Kynd Kynn," now suspect with the Kents / Cantii. Kays/Keys were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Kent-suspect Cantons.

As it's known that mythical Kay/Cai was a son of "Cyner," and because Kinners use the same bird as English Kays/Keys, note that Kinners were first found in Fife, the Angus / Perthshire theater. Kinners use the illegal gold-on-gold. The anchors in saltire of the Kinner Crest easily link to the Hitler-related Hoods/Hudds, who use an anchor held in the mouth of the Kinner bird, and a white saltire-fret, the colors of the Kinner anchor-saltire. Who were the Kinners?

On clue is that mythical Cyner was also mythical Ector, and so one can go to the Ectors/Hectors (Hitler symbols) of Angus, where the Innis' are related to the Angus surname. "KINNer" may therefore be a variation of "INNis." The Inn bloodline, so to speak, and then the Kays/Keys use the same colored bendlets as the Inces / Inches! That works. Don't fix what's not broken.

The idea here was to check for an Ennis surname...who use six-pointed estoiles in the blue-on-white colors of the six-pointed stars of the Innis Coat. Ennis' use a split Shield vertically in the illegal colors of the same of English Banners, which not surprisingly links the Lancelot cult to the Kay / Ector entity. The Ennis motto is very revealing here (I've never seen the Ennis Coat before, until this minute, after all the above was written), so hold on to your bladder. The Ennis motto uses "valore," smacking of the Valour variation of the Valois/Valais surname using a chevron in colors reversed to the Valerys whom I've traced to Valerius Gratus (the Roman governor of Jerusalem immediately before Pontius Pilate). The Valour/Valois Coat (the John-Yonge greyhound in Crest?) is a version of the French Conte Coat (!) and uses the English Falcon chevron and the French Falcon (Languedoc!) crescent, wildly verifying that the Contevilles / Montfiquets trace to both Caesar Nero and to Falco Nerra, and all linked to the Roman governor who had Christ murdered (about seven years before the birth of Nero).

Nero's mother was an Agrippina (the Younger), going back to a friend of Caesar Augustus, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, born about 63 BC, in time for Herod Agrippa, born 10 BC as "Marcus Julius Agrippa, so named in honour of Roman statesman Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa."

Spanish Falcons are showing the same eagle design as Candidas (though the latter eagle wears a crown). The other Falcons show the Botter eagle. and Italian Botter colors, which requires the mention again that Botters and Neros were both first found in Lucca, not far from Fulk-suspect Velch, a stomping grounds of the Butteri, and location of the phoenix-suspect Turan cult from Tarun at Lake Van. It was long before realizing (in this update) the idea that Nero is the resurrection of the anti-Christ head that I traced the red Taran(t) eagle to the phoenix and the phoenix to mythical pan out of Lake Van. This phoenix is very likely the line to the scarlet dragon of Revelation, the one having one of its Roman heads revived.

It's not likely a coincidence that while Falcons smack of Fulks, Falcons use a "fier" motto term getting the Vere-branch Fiers/Fears/Feres (red Shield, as with Fires), who in turn smack of the Fires / Firemans now suspect with the fire set by Nero. In other words, the dragon Veres, who claim to come from Anjou, had created for themselves Fire surnames in honor of their Nero ancestry.

Wikipedia shows an upright red-on-gold lion as the Arms of Ranulph le Meschin, a lion used also by Nairs and Bucking(ham)s. The Fond de Ville lion is also red and upright (it's in the colors of the Viola/Villet chevron), suggesting that Ranulph's lion was the Nero-line lion through the Ville branch Violas (Julian/Gillian suspects), proposed relatives of the Fiddle line that apparently included Fichets/Fitts and Montfiquets/Montfichets. These ideas are all working together too well not to be true. What I think we are discovering is that Masonry goes back in particular to Nero, the same line that gave birth to Pontius Pilate, but then the Nero line included emperor Claudius as well, and back a few more generations to Julius.

I think I've NAILed it. I was just waiting for the Claud Coat to load while contemplating what more I was already prepared to say, that the NAYer variation of Nairs/Nuirs could have become the NAGle/Nail surname. That idea occurred before seeing the gold-on-blue lozenges in the Fiquet/Fiot Coat, which is what the Irish Nagles use. And then the Claud Coat loaded showing the same chevron as surrounds the Fiquet lozenges. It's highly suggestive that Nagles were the Nero bloodline too. Clauds were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Fond de Villes and related Contes. The Caesars are now suspect at 911.

Aha! There is a Nayler surname using the black lion of the Gernon Crest! This recalls the suspected link between Massey Energy coal mining and the coal mining by PBS Coal that had linked to Rollock Inc., where Chris Nagle works. The Caesars are now suspect at 911.

What's interesting here if the trace of "August" to "Angus" and "Angers/Anjou" is correct, is that the Angles may have been named after an Augustus line. In any case, take a phoenix-eye view at the Nagle write-up of the Nagles using the Fiquet lozenges: "The Nagle surname arrived Cork, where Gilbert D'Angulo accompanied Strongbow into Ireland in 1172." My first point is that Gilbert D'ANGULo could be an Augustus line, and the other points are, not only GILbert, a name suspect with Julians/Gillians, but that Gilbert Montfiquet was the Rome inhabitant who was kin to the Conqueror Sinclair, while Strongbow was a Clare. Here's the quote again: "...a William Montfichet, apparently a grandson or great nephew of Gilbert the Roman, and the husband of Margaret de Clare, daughter of Gilbert Fitz Richard of Tunbridge..." Tunbridge is in Kent, where the Caesar/Sesare surname was first found.

THEREFORE, it appears that Caesar Nero had a line through the Montfiquets to the Nagles, or vice versa.

Here is a curiosity, perhaps a major revelation. Entering "Ager" gets the Pharisee-suspect Augers on the one hand, and the Normandy Angers on the other (that were recently traced to Rangabe Byzantines). The Angers even use the Foot- and Fichet/Fitts-suspect motto term, "Fides" (actually, that's the entire Anger motto). The reason that "Ager" was entered is for seeking "AGRippa" possibilities ("ippa" may have been the horse suffix). As Veres trace to both Pharisee-suspect Ferraris and to flamen-suspect Fire lines, one could get the sense that Pharisees had been from a Levite mix with Roman priests of the augur and flamen kind. And Augustus may have been named after the same entity that named the augur priests. Angers (France) is where the Nero-line Fulks ruled.

I think it can be shown how the Angus location was named after the Angles, or vice versa (the direction is important). It's known that the Innes surname is related to the Angus surname, and as the Innes' were first found in Moray and use the Moray stars in colors reversed, they ought to be a branch of the Innis-like English/Inglis clan, using the Moray stars (Ingals may apply). It appears that "Innis" is a corruption" of "Inglis," and while that's a good possibility, it may not necessarily be correct. It could be the other way around, where Innis elements founded Angus that then morphed into the which case we could venture to trace Angus to the Ince/Inch and Kinner/Kay entity discussed above where the DuCEY surname was encountered using the Angus-surname lion design. Reminder: the Moray stars are in the colors of the Pilate pheons, and Picts lived at Angus, beside Perthshire.

Ingals use two chevrons just like the Ash's of D'Esse, and Ashbournes use stars in the colors of the Angus stars.

If you recall, the Kinners linked easily to Hoods/Hudds, first found in the same place (Devon) as Supers/Soapers (saltire in the colors of the Julian/Gillian saltire), the surname that was traced to Suburu, the Roman location where Julius Caesar was born. It should therefore be correct that INSubres of Italy became the Innis clan that founded Angus, and yet I'm torn between an InSUBREs trace to the Innis' and to "SUBURU." Perhaps both apply.

It wasn't far above that the Ennis-branch Innis' traced to Falcons, Montfiquets, and others of the Nero bloodline.

The InGLIS variation is flashing red lights because it smacks of the Glass bloodline that I trace to Douglas', and then the English/Inglis Coat uses the Dougal lion. Reminder: both Glass' and Morays use Melusine. In other words, the Innis clan appears trace-able to the Gileki bloodline, and as I see the Gileki coming West through the mythical-Glaucus snake, which must have become green and/or blue in heraldry, so we find a green snake in the Innis Crest. By what coincidence does the Angus/English Chief uses stars in colors reversed to the Glass stars? The Angus Coat uses the lion design that Kents showed until recently, and Kent is where the Caesars/Sesares were first found.

Naylers, using a Pilate-suspect "pale" (vertical band) in colors reversed to Samsons and related Meschins from Scylla, were first found in Gloucestershire, where Samsons were first found. It's telling us again that the Nero bloodline of the Nagle kind was merged with Meschins/MASCULines (and Samsons), very likely from the Maschis/MASKALLys of "Rome"-related Rimini. In fact, while the ancestor to Ranulf le Meschin was MALAhule, the Maschi/Maskally write-up mentions a "MALATesta" entity that I trace to "Este" (near Rimini) and to the mallet symbol of Maccabees (no, I don't think the term means mala testa = sick head).

Entering "Mall" gets the MalliBONES (Cheshire, where expected) that should trace to the Bonn / Bononia entity of Maccabees, for the Hanan Coat is a solid reflection of the Mallibone Coat while Hanans were traced to Ananias, whom I say was a relative of Eleazar AVARan Maccabee because, for one reason, the EVERs use the Hanan Coat (it's the Massey Shield), as well as a "NumQUAM" motto term that I would trace to the Maccabee-related Newmans and to Qumran elements.

In all my years of dragon hunting, this Nero line has got to be what it's all been about. This must be the climax of my work, and the revelation is that the Roman dragon was one with the Israel priests and leaders of God's chosen people, one with the persecutors and hounders of Christ's brothers.

The French/Savoy Masseys used to use a boot as code for Bute (where roughly Newman-related MacAbees and Mackies/Mackeys were first found), but now use a tree without leaves. The Tree surname uses bendlets like the Kays/Keys and Inces, and "a knight in armour" holding a sword, which image we saw back in the Scottish Banner Crest (which surname, by the way, uses "Pro patria" as a Patrician-honoring motto).

I've just felt a sense of awe to find myself back to the Banner surname, for while writing on the tree symbol of Masseys, before I realized that the Tree Crest linked to Banners, it came to mind that I had forgotten to mention the German Banner Coat (uses the BaumGARTNER fleur) when I was on the Banner / Garter topic way above. I was going to the split-Shielded German Banner Coat to the split-Shielded Sprows Coat...the one with a tree! It was amazing, therefore, to find myself back to the Banner surname so that I could add the tree part here, for if you recall, the Banners had been discovered as Mackays and Masseys/Maceys.

The black greyhound between the Tree bendlets should be the black greyhound of the Valour/Valois/Valais Crest, meaning that Trees/Trues should trace to Valerius Gratus, Pontius Pilate, and Nero. Valais is the name of a Swiss canton where Sion is located, very near Savoy where the tree-using Masseys were first found. While on the banner topic way above, it was said: "These [English] Banners use a motto phrase, "sine numine," part code for the Sines/Sions/Swans/Swaynes showing the Vain / Macey gauntlets, and part code for the Newmans with Abii-like motto terms honoring the MaccAbees/MacCabes."

Take a deep breath before reading this: the Banner topic feathered with the Conte / Ville trace to the Nero-suspect Roman, Gilbert Montfiquet, of the Fiquet/Fitt-related Fichtens using the Maschi-suspect pine TREE of Constances who were first found in the same place as Contes and Villes who merged to form the Contevilles to the Masci-related Meschins who were of the Foot / Foetes bloodline of Ligures suspect as the Salyes at Savoy where Masseys were first found who use the tree as code for Trees who show the greyhound of Valours/Valais' that represent Sion who use THREE RED ROSES like the Sparrows who are a branch of tree-using Sprows who use the split-Shield of Banners who use a version of the True knight "in ARMOR" who use the fat/enhanced Ince BENDlets who trace to Insubres near Sion.

All that was to tell a short story with the three red roses of the Caesars and Sparrows highlighted, but with the Banner bloodline at the core, the purpose being a comparison of the Banner Shield (split in half into the illegal gold-and-silver combination) with the Schere/Scherf Shield using three red roses. Finally, the WILkin Shield should be compared, which surname should link to the banner-using Villes because Banner bloodlines love armor while the Wilkin write-up says: "...William, which is derived from the words will, meaning resolution and helm, meaning armed." Never mind that derivation, but view it as code for armor-loving surnames.

The paragraph above is indication that Bush-associated Scherfs, and Scherf-related Walkers, and Walker-suspect Wilkins, were from that Nero-Caesar line to GILbert Montfiquet...that is the rising-phoenix line to the 911 plotters, those who will be the fuel for Armageddon and the food for the Great Supper of God on the mountains of Israel.

The WALker-suspect WALTERs are behind the VULTURE symbol in the Geier surname already having its branches at modern Nesher in the Megiddo valley. We saw that Nero's mother was an Agrippa by surname, and then the Walter Coat uses the same-colored bend (Ince-colored bendlets) as Agrippa-like Gripps.

Ezekiel says that God will put a hook into Gog and bring him to Israel to seize a spoil. I can imagine Nazi elements doing this, but as Nazis are generally out of power as far as neo-Nazi groups go, the finding that George Bush is a secret Nazi operation at the helm of the American political system (I realize how nutty this sounds) makes it feasible that his Nazis are coming to Megiddo as the anti-Christ. Perhaps I was wrong in predicting a Democrat False Prophet. Perhaps it's the Bush-supported and Rome-suspect Mitt Romney, the one who can beat Obama in a few months time. But how can we imagine Romney going into Israel with clouds covering the land unless there is a deep betrayal of Israel by Republicans never imagined by anyone?

The reason that I am writing the paragraph above is due to the conclusion that the Walter bloodline -- from the Hitler-related Stewarts -- will be in Megiddo. This is what I have been led to believe recently. While the German Walters use the lion design of Mackesys (green snake as with Innis') and Mackies/Mackeys (Kay and Ince-related), Dutch Walters use three hooks. I'm wondering whether God used the hook term for the anti-Christ in regards to Walters and related others. The three Walter hooks, if they were turned the other way, would appears as a 666. I even traced the 666-loving bloodline to Stewarts by many other methods.

I feel like a twig Taken from the dragon bloodline to be God's herald for Armageddon. I hope that I'm not tossed away in the end, into the fires, as might be a false prophet or false teacher or false herald. I'm doing my best.

True, I predicted that the anti-Christ must first arise in Iraq's Mosul region, but that's where the American military had a Baathist-allied base when Bush was in charge of Iraq. In fact, it was general Petraeus, smacking of the Roman Patricians, who formed the alliance with Butteri-suspect Baathists in the Mosul theater (I trace Butteri to Patricians). In this way, the anti-Christ can yet be a Stewart-Walter bloodliner if linked to the globalists who brought the Bush war to Iraq. For all I know, the Stewart-Walter anti-Christ could be many years after Mitt Romney has come and gone, or Romney can be used to get the American military back into Iraq, or whatever; I have no idea on such future matters.

The Romney Coat is the Botter bend! While Botters were first found in the same place as Neros, Romneys were first found in the same place as Caesars/Sesares. It also amazing that Joseph Biden was placed in charge of Iraqi affairs by Obama, though it may have been by the order of an invisible behind the Obama power structures. The English Botters/Bodens were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Bidens/Buttons/Buddins, and I now see that Bidens use the same fesse as Augusts! What is going on here?

Why doesn't tribwatch have zillions of Christian readers reading and sharing this update? Isn't this perfectly relevant to what's about to take place in the final seven years? How much time do we have? The Romans are coming!

The Pater chevron is in the colors of the August fesse, and the Pater Shield smacks of the Welch and Exeter Coats. Paters were first found in the same place as Windsor castle, and while Pendragons came out of Devon's Exeter, UTHER Pendragon was code for the Windsor bloodline of the Other kind. If Stewarts are to be at Megiddo, why not also Windsors?

The Geier vulture was discovered in the first update of May, where the following was said:

In modern Israel, some ten miles to the west of NAZAReth, smack in the valley near Carmel, there is a NESHER location...that Wikipedia says was named after "vulture." It's all too-curious that "Nesher" and "Nazareth" look alike, however. The Nesher article: "The town was called Nesher, Hebrew for vulture, from the Nesher Cement factory, which may have been so named after the German company Geier (vulture in German)." "May have" is not exactly a hard link to the Geier company, but Geier = vulture can be confirmed by the vulture in the Geier Coat...

It's interesting that Armageddon is also portrayed in the Bible (Revelation 20, Ezekiel 39) with birds feasting on the armies of Gog. Nesher may even trace to "Nazi" if true that a German company founded Nesher. Nesher was founded in the early 1930s as a workers town for the Nesher Cement factory, established in 1922 by Michael Pollack, a Jewish industrialist from Russia." Didn't I trace Pollocks to the mother of Adolph Hitler? And by what coincidence could it be that these Pollacks at Nesher were Russians while many identify Gog as a Russian?

I didn't yet know at the time that "vulture" was likely code for Walters. German Walters are not only in the colors of the Geier vulture, but were first found in Seleucid-suspect Silesia, while I predict a neo-Seleucid in Mosul to act as the Baathist-supported anti-Christ. Should we expect the return of Petraeus to Mosul? What's he doing these days? Obama made him the new head of the Nazi-suspect CIA a little more than a year ago, wherefore you can guess that he's watching Mosul's progress. At Nesher's website:

Nesher's financial strength stems from its ownership by Clal Industries (75%), one of Israel's leading investment companies, which is part of the IDB Group, the country's largest holding company and CRH (25%) - a leading international building-products group based in Ireland.

I'm not taking this lightly: the sparrow returned for the first time today just now, and it's nearly 2 in the afternoon. Why now as I'm investigation Nesher's partners? If anyone ventures to investigate these companies and finds something that we should know, I'm here.

The IDB Group purchased the Manhatten-headquarters building of Europe's largest bank, HSBC, "a British multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. As of 2011 it was the world's second-largest banking and financial services group and second-largest public company according to a composite measure by Forbes magazine...HSBC (abbreviation origin: the "Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation") was founded in the former British colony of Hong Kong (on 3 March 1865) and Shanghai (one month later) by Scotsman Sir Thomas Sutherland..." Interesting here is that the Sutherland surname was first found in CaithNESS, named in-part after the Ness river that smacks of "Nesher." The Ness/Nassi surnames are suspect.

What are the chances that SUTHERlands can link to the Nesher / Geier vulture? They already have, in the first update of this month, in the sling shot symbol of the Arms of Dachau, headquarters on the north end of Munich for Hitler's concentration camps. The sling shot was found to be code for the vulture-using Slings and the Shots/SHUTEs using a Geier-like "guerre" motto term.

The Geier vulture is in the colors of the Maceys / Mackays, important because Mackays were first found in Sutherland, and because the Silesian Walters use the Mackie/Mackey lion design on a Macey-colored Shield (Mackays showed their chevron in Macey-chevron colors until recently).

Suters, use a Shield-on-Shield (as do Saddocks) in the colors of the Geier vulture. The Angus location of Suters suggests that Shield-on-Shield Hayers/Hays/Heys (rising eagle = phoenix) of Perthshire, who smack of the Gayer variation of Geiers! Perthshire's Hagar(d)s use the white-on-blue Zionist star, the colors of the Gayer vulture. German Heyers likewise use a red-on-white Shield-on-Shield.

I'm reading that the headquarters of the HSBC bank in Hong Kong was designed by a Foster surname, which uses bugles in the colors of the Traby bugles. That could be a revealing item in light of the 666 commercial system serving bankers most of all, for which reason bankers are likely to get the system enforced. The Foster bugle design is used by Pollocks, and then the Nesher company was founded by a Pollack.

The Walter / Mackie/Mackey lion design is used by the INGals, and then there is a huge ING bank that can be explained only by such characters as International bankers:

The Group's corporate headquarters, ING House, is located in the business district of Zuidas in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was designed by Roberto Meyer and Jeroen van Schooten..."

SCHOOTen??? Shouldn't that be a branch of the vulture-related Shuts/Shutes/Shutts? Belgian Schoots use a lion in the colors of the Ingals. Savages use the Schoot lion, for example, who were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Savage-colored Meres/Meyers.

Doesn't "Meyer" smack of the "Jewish" International bankers? The article says: "According to Fortune magazine, in 2010 ING was the largest banking/financial services & insurance conglomerate in the world by revenue with gross receipts exceeding €54 billion (US$77 billion) per annum. The Group is also the world's 12th largest corporation by revenue according to the Global Fortune 500.... ING Group traces its roots to two major Insurance companies in the Netherlands and the banking services of the Dutch government." How could a bank funded by the government and insurance agencies of such a small country become so huge globally unless the conglomerate of international bankers that infested the country from centuries ago have been sucking the world's wealth to themselves?

The current CEO on ING is a Hommen surname, suspect with Qumran's Essenes. The Ingals just happen to use the two black-on-white chevrons of the Ash's of D'Esse. Regardless of what ING claims to be named after, there are often double meanings in the names of organizations of Masonic circles. The Hong Kong bank earlier had a designer of its office building with the Foster surname using Traby-colored hunting horns, and here we now find that Ingals were first found in Huntingdon.

In colors reversed from the Foret/LaForest Coat, Hunters use the same style hunting horns as Fosters, and then Forets show a Traby-suspect "travers" motto term along with an Esau-suspect "Tout" term. Like Homes/Humes and Houses, Forets use a green Shield.

(Anyone who was interested, a few updates ago, of the Attila-Hun trace to the Rijeka theater should know that the Huntingdon fesse is in the same colors and size as the Rick/Rix fess.)
Julians of the Neuri Kind

The red lion of the Nairs/Nayers/Nuirs is upright, like the English Stewart lion known to be that of the Brocks -- "vulNERE motto term! Brocks were first found in the same place, Essex, as the Nays/Nies (Trebizond-like bars). Essex is where the Montfiquets were first found who are already suspect as the Nero line.

The Brocks are also Brokes that I see in clans using "broken" spears, though the Fulk Nerras of Norfolk, living with the Speer bloodline, use the spear unbroken. There's even a Nere surname found (thanks to the Brock motto term), first found in Brittany, and as it uses the Arms of Burgundy, apparently, we could again entertain that the Caesar-Nero bloodline was to Pilates, first found in Burgundy.

This recalls that Herluin de Conteville (who is now being pegged as the Nero-Pilate line) was a son of John de BURGo, a surname likely linking to Burgundians. The French Burg surname was first found in the same place as Contes and Villes. Dutch Burgs use the triple red chevron of the Clares, and a red triple chevron is used also by the Waters of Essex, found earlier to be likely related to Montfiquets.

As the Neres are also "Neret," it suggests the Neretva-branch Nahorites of the Illyrian theater, way down by Butua, the place that should be related to the Budini (a fundamental part of the Brittany Alan-Stewarts). The Neretva-river Nahorites should trace to Nerthus, the goddess of the Varni and Angles in the Polabia theater, where Traby lines were found.

The Italian Nero surname shows also as "Neriti / Neretti." This family was first found in Lucca, where the Butua-suspect Butteri were first found. I think, therefore, we have found the Neretva-river Nahorites and Budini in the Butteri "cowboys," and this tends to trace the Boyds indeed to the Butua location too. It strongly suggests that the Budini had been at Butua/Budva, perhaps even naming it, which in-turn tells me that the Budini had been the Cadmus Boiotians. Reminder: CadMUS traces to the same Taran / Mus area of Lake Van that was root to the rising-phoenix theme now being traced by other methods to the Neros/Nerettis at Lucca.

Cadmus encountered a dragon of Ares in Boiotia, and that dragon must have been Ares' daughter, Harmonia, a clear code for Armenians. CADmus was himself code for Cadusii Armenians, depicted with snakes. This is your Biblical dragon line to Nero, you see, for at Lake Van their ruled the Nairi Nahorites, the same Nahorites, likely, that God chose to create Israel, His end-time hammer to quash international Nahorites from Megiddo to Edom. Yes, prophecy reveals that, at Armageddon, the Chosen Remnant of Israelites smash all the foreign invaders in their land. Partly as reimbursement for 911, the international Nahorites will fry...when also the buildings of the cities of international Nahorites fall in the quaking of terminal Armageddon.

We just saw the Naylers, suspect with Nairs/Nayers/Nuirs, in Gloucester, beside the Dorian lines in Dorset, and it just so happens that mythical Nereids, who smack of Neret and of Nerthus, were part mythical Doris. It can be shown that Neretva Nahorites linked to Neuri and Budini.

Along with the fact that Alans of Dol removed from Shropshire (with proto-Boyds and Pollocks) to the Glasgow-of-Renfrew theater, it's the Alan link to the Butteri and Sforzas of the Rome theater that makes "Alan" suspect with "Julian/Iulian." The problem seems to be that I traced Julians to Ialysos / Helios at Rhodes, while the Dol Alans had been traced to Neuri-branch Nahorites in particular, which was corroborated recently when realizing that Boyds traced to the Neuri-related Budini. It strongly suggests that "Alan" should be related, not to "Julian/Iulian," but to "Geloni(i)." The problem is, the Neuri, Budini and Geloni lived in the Ukraine, and recently (not many months ago) I even found the Dol term with little doubt in the Ukraine-Polish border region.

I'll tackle that problem by first make a good point to show that we are definitely on a reliable track. The Pollocks are key here because they were founded amongst the Alans of Shropshire. It's a known fact that Pollocks and Alans were virtually one, though I traced the first-known Pollock, "FULbert the Saxon," to the Fullers and therefore to the Carpenter and Belli-related Hitlers. I kid you not that no more than weeks after making the Hitler-carpenter trace to Carpenters and related Bellis, the English Alan Coat at houseofnames changed for a few days, either to the Belli or Carpenter Coat (I can't recall which). I have this recorded in an update, tending to verify that Pollocks (and Alans) were Hitler kin.

Here's the main point in this paragraph. Fullers were identified with the Roquefeuils > RockeFELLERs, though this was a few months before finding Rockefellers at rock-using Rijeka (beside the Veneti theater where the proto-Roman Japodes lived). The double headed Rijeka eagle, in the same colors as the double-headed Maxwell eagle, was the great clue to paving a path from ROXburgh, where Maxwells lived and where I had tentatively traced Rockefellers, to Rijeka, also called "Reka/Rika." But it also just so happens that I traced Roxburghshire to the RoxOLANi Huns, known to be Alans, whom I discovered to be kin of the Neuri. It was therefore clinched that Alans of Dol were from the Roxolani and/or related Alans of another kind.

In this picture, there's a good chance that the Gelonii were from mythical Hellen, "father" of Dorus, and that Nahorites of the Nereid-Doris kind were right in Greece amongst the Gelonii. The Gelonii thereby become the incentive amongst the Neuri and Budini for migration to their distant kin at Butua and Neretva (where Daorsi lived). In that picture, Gelonus (the Gelonii city) can be identified with the Greek Galli / Helios line (something to be investigated and verified).

You can see what I'm getting at, that the Julian line out of Helios at Rhodes had been from the Gelonii. From previous discussions, there's a good chance that the Julian line was a Danaan one, and as a mythical Gelanor (descended from mythical Argus) was removed from the Argos throne by the Danaans, chances are that Gelanor was related to the Danaans who had been in Rhodes, according to myth writers, before they achieved the Argos throne. In other words, Gelanor may have been the Ialysos / Galli entity on Rhodes, then migrated from Argos to become the Gelonii. I'm not going to factualize something so vague as this, but let's continue thrashing through the thickets to see what else can come up.

As it just so happens that Pollocks are said to be a sept of Maxwells, it bears true that the Roxolani were at Rijeka, and likely the namers of that location. If the Roxolani had been the Gelonii, their migration to Rijeka could have been well before Julius Caesar, in which case we might trace his ancestry to Rijeka, that idea jibing very well with my previous Julian trace to Maxwells.

One now has reason to trace Budini to Rijeka along with the Roxolani, and so I'll remind that my first treatment on Rijeka (a few updates ago) linked it to the Saracas from the Butua/Budva location (I'm not saying that Butua was named after the Budini, but would rather trace Butua to Boiotians and view the Budini as distant kin). This has the potential to reveal Saracas / Saracens from "Sarmatian," for Alans were Sarmatians. Consider SARAjevo at BOSNia on the Sava river, roughly where I found the proto-Mieszko (i.e. Maezaei) bloodline from which Pollocks proper derived. The Maezaei were close to Rijeka, and as Meshwesh had also been called, "Maxyes," the Maezaei very possibly were the proto-Maxwells to Rijeka.

The Gelonus article above states that Persians invaded the Budini (5th century BC) and sent them fleeing. The Rockefeller-rooted Pollocks are key here as we slash along, because the Budini / Gelonii lived east of the Polish frontier, so that in their westward migration to Rijeka we might expect them to pass through Poland. That is, we could expect a Roxolani merger with some elements in Poland to arrive together to Rijeka to act as the proto-Rockefellers who put forth proto-Pollocks. I traced the first Pollocks proper to Roquefeuils in Languedoc. Irish Fullers even use a "RECte" motto term (!!!) as likely code for Rijeka/Reka.

Can we ask why Roquefeuils were in the land of French Rhodians, and even merged by marriage with the Rhodes of Rodez? It happened. It's online. Did the marriage with French Rhodians occur because the Gelonii ancestry of the Roxolani was itself Rhodian from way back? Didn't Maxwells (black-on-white saltire) of Roxburgh link fundamentally to the black-on-white (swastika-suspect) saltire of Julians/Gillians? Isn't this tracing Julians/Gillians to the Gelonii?

Who were the Gelonii in the Redone theater of France? Why do Russells, likely from Roussillon of the Redone theater, use "Che sara sara" as a motto, now suspect as code for the Julian Caesar bloodline? The Cathars became suspect (two updates ago) as the Caesar bloodline, and Cathars lived in Languedoc!

How staggering to find Caesar at the base of the modern Illuminati, for it reveals the Illuminati agenda, to bring the world back to Julian dictatorial rule.

Interesting here, as per Pollock links to Hitlers, the Gelonii were said by Herodotus to be worshipers of DioNYSUS, a Nazi-suspect entity that I trace to Nuzi in Aryan Iran. We could be asking what sorts of Dionysus elements came to Rijeka from the Roxolani theater? Were the Maenads in that migration? That is, were the Manders who use "Laus Deo" a part of it, since after all the phrase should trace both to Lusatia (Polish theater) and to Laus that was another name for Ragusa? Shouldn't the Manders have to do with the salaMANDERs used by Julians/Gillians and Glass-related Douglas?

Manders are in the colors of the Fullers, and glaringly use the besants of the Rhodes'. It links Manders to the Gelonii / Roxolani. The Manders use "OmniBUS," and then the Budini were, surely, from "Buz," son of Nahor.

The Nahorite line to the Neuri is important to God because He chose two woman (Sarah and Rachel) from Nahor's blood to be the founding women of Israel. This is not to say that the Neuri are a Blessed nation or Blessed end-time entity. Compare "Sarah" to "Saracen" and to the Russell and Fulkes mottos, and then compare "Rachel" to "Reka." It's a testament, perhaps, to how Nahor's Hebrew bloodline was already linked to Alans and Roxolani even in the days of Abraham. That is, Nahor appears linked to proto-Saracens destined to be Sarmatians, from "Seir," and "Rachel" appears named after the whatever named the Rox entity of Alans. The heraldry masters may have known what the entity was. Perhaps the Rechabites.

The discovery shortly above, while on the 666-suspect big bankers, that the Rick/Rix fesse is the Huntingdon fesse, suggests a Rijeka trace to Roxolani Huns. Neither the Jewish Rachel nor Jewish Reich pages show Coats, suggesting that they are the same family. The Germo-Swiss Reichs/Reichels show roses on a split Shield in the colors of the Ness Coats, important because Rachs/Reach's were first found in InverNESS....which is where roughly Nesher-suspect elements had traced (i.e. the Sutherland surname of CaithNESS founded the Hong Kong bank). It's not just the Reichs/Reichels who use roses, but also the Jays whose location of De Gai is suspect with the Geiers. Jays were first found in the same place as Sellicks, and the latter should trace to Silesia, where German Walters were first found.

My position is that God chose Nahorite blood to found Israel, and to later use Israel to confound Nahorites of satanic globalism.

The English Fuller motto uses "FERMiora," recalling the Firman/Fireman/Vermand and Fire/Fuer surnames in the last update that linked to the Hitler and Caesar bloodline(s). As the English Fuller Crest uses the beacon of German Bellis, Fullers appear to use the Italian (Verona) Belli bars. "Excavations at Bilske Horodyshche near the village of Belsk near Poltava in Ukraine have led to suggestions by archaeologist Boris Shramko and others identifying it as the Scythian capital Gelonus." "Bilske" smacks of the Bilis river (Pamphylia) that was shown linked (last update) to the Bils and Pelaiz checks. The latter show half the Pollock saltire so as to make a tentative link of Pollocks / Pelaiz' to "Poltava," a term not far off from "Polab(ia)."

It recalls a Bille location in Polabia, where Trabys lived (see "Trave" on this map). In fact, Bille is beside Hamburg, where Traby-suspect Trips/Treffs were first found who I traced to ROCKefellers. Here's from the Polabian article on chief Polabian tribes (caps mine):

The Veleti, also known as the Liutizians or Wilzians, included the Kessinians (Kessiner, Chyzzini) along the lower Warnow and ROStock; the Circipani (Zirzipanen) between the RECKnitz, TREBel, and Peene Rivers...

The Rani of RUGen, not to be confused with the older Germanic RUGians, are sometimes considered to be part of the Veleti.

I traced Veres to the Varni/Warni on the Warnow, relatives of the Angles. As Angles are now suspect with a line from Augustus, what about that Ville-like Veleti term? Might the Veleti have become the Ville surname? There's that trace to Trips/Treffs to RoqueFEUILS to speak of here, for "Feuil" is somewhat like "Ville" while Roques and Roquefeuils were of Languedoc, where Villes were first found. The Varni and Angles were mentioned in writings (first century, I believe) very shortly after Augustus. What about the Veleti-like Wallets/Whaleys of ROCHdale?

By what coincidences do the Wills use the wyvern dragon, the Vere-dragon species? The Veleti even had a Dragowit name for one of their kings. It's notable that Scottish Wills were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Wilsons while the latter use the Fleming-style wolf design, for Flemings were "Vlaam" to their own countrymen, a term like "William." Recalling that the Villes were linked to the Violas, I now find that all shown Viola variations are Veleti-like. The Violas/Vilets are the ones using a chevron in August-fesse colors, important because other Augusts suspects use that chevron.

Zowie, after writing that, "Welt" was entered to find the Welch Coat that not only uses that very chevron, but a "TransFIXus" motto term smacking of the Fiquets who were traced to Villes / Violas/Vilets. The Montfiquet article quoted from suggested that Gilbert Montfiquet of Rome may have been from the De MonteFIXio clan. This may mean that Welch's, and therefore the wife of George Bush, were not from the Welsh peoples, but from the Fiquets and/or Veleti. On the other hand the Veleti may have been related to Wales and/or Walloon because the Wallets/Whaleys use whales. The Welt/Welch motto term smacks of the "transfigum" term used by Colts/Cults.

Do you know what occurred to me moments ago as I looked at the Welt/Welch pheons. I've always been curious as to why the pheon uses what looks like a pipe or some other hollowed out container. I was wondering whether the pheon was a symbol of tattooing, which I assume was done by placing ink into a container leading to a sharp needle point. It then hit me that Pilates not only use the pheon downward, which is more indicative of a tattoo needle holding ink, but Pilate's mother was reportedly a Pict, the peoples that were said to be named after painting / tattooing their skin. It just so happens that, moments after that thought, I went searching for the surname that used a Transfixus-like motto term, and found it in the Colts/Cults of Perthshire, where Pilate's mother was reportedly from. Colts/Cults use a downward pheon too! Welts/Welch's use upward pheons, however.

This short excursion to Polabia is not off topic in the hunt for Julian-related Nahorites because the Varni and Angles worshiped NERthus. It means that Neretva-related Nahorites were in that northern location early, not long after the Julian bloodline was toppled from the imperial throne with Nero. Reminder: the Nero surname at Lucca is also Neret-like.

Something strange happened while I was writing that Polabia section. It was about 20 minutes ago as I write now. I heard eagle-like activity all around my house, very unusual here. I went out and looked up to see three crows in a perfectly straight line, each crow at the tip-top of a poplar tree higher then the other so that a line through all three tips makes a perfectly straight line. It was an awesome sight like that. It startled me because I was told 13 years ago that anyone who sees three crows together will die. I've since had that in mind, and have since not seen three crows together, until now. Assuming that this is another Sign, let's hope it has to do, not with my death, but with the vulture bloodline that I'm writing on.

One good thing, the Crow surname was checked after writing the above, to find a chevron in colors reversed to the Welt/Welch chevron. Around the chevron are roosters, a potential Galli symbol. The below on the Galli was already written at this time. Crows were first found in Norfolk, where Sparrows were first found, and it just so happens that Sparrows are also already mentioned below. I will not alter the several paragraphs below in the least so that these crows (i.e. the Crow surname) may be considered yet another Sign for the purposes of this topic. I trace the raven/crow to Varangians and to Rothesay, and then Varangians happen to be another topic already written below.

The Bilis river in Pamphylia causes me to recall (from the last update) the Tectamus-branch Pamphylians, linked by ancients to Hyllas, a son of Hercules, while mythical Gelonus was made a son of Hercules with a snake woman, a woman depicted as a snake below her waist and therefore suspect as proto-Melusine of Lusatia...where the Spree root of the Sparrow bloodline is traced (by me). Reminder: the Caesars must trace to Sparrows.

This is highly revealing for tracing the historical Gelonus/Gelonii to "Hyllas," a term that I have for years identified with the Galli. In other words, the Gelonii are indeed tracing to the Galli that I see at the root of the Julian/Gillian bloodline. You can bet your velvet trunks that the Biblical Galatians had played into this homosexual bloodline. But where some peoples didn't like G's, they turned them into W's or V's, and so what of a Veleti identification with Galatians? Often, V's and B's were interchangeable so that Belts and similar others may have been of the Veleti peoples. But then what about POLTava?

The flag of Poltava is split green and white, the color of one saltire of the Frank surname that I trace to Pollocks. Both the Poltava flag and its Arms use an arrow, suggesting the green-Shielded Bowers of Scotland, and therefore the green-shielded Bauers of Germany. By what coincidence is it that while Sparrs trace to Lusatia's Spree river, the English Sparr/Spark Coat uses only an eagle in the colors of the Poltava flag?

If this brings the Bauer-rooted Rothschilds into the Rockefeller bloodline, it's expected. This is globalism in your face, the people who want to build their world empire on your backs and hard labor without thought for your well-being. They lie to you, and scrape and fuss, in order to suck up as much money as possible from you. And afterward, you are their slave worse than before. It's the Lunatic Factor that laughs behind your back as it makes progress by falsehoods and political corruption disguised as respectable democracy...that few respect anymore.

Why is the Poltava Arms purple, and why six-pointed stars? Poltava is in the Ukrainian theater of the Slavic Rus (co-founders of Moscow), where we'd expect Roth and Rock entities. Slavic Rus trace themselves to Slavic "Ruthene," a term used also in the Languedoc area, known there otherwise as Redones, the kin of Rockefellers. You get it, right? The Rockefellers were the Roxolani Rus merged with the Rhodian Rus of Languedoc (there has been an historical debate over whether the Rus originate in the Scandinavian Varangians come to Kiev, or in another Caucasia Rus/Hros that became fundamental to the Ukraine. It appears to me that they were distant branches of one another, both co-founders of Moscow.) I trace the Rhodian Rus to Varangians, and Varangians to the Varni of Polabia.

The Villes of Languedoc were on my mind before I got to Poltava. The Villes were on my mind as soon as asking who the Gelonii of Languedoc may have been. I now find Poltava -- the location that the experts peg as Gelonus -- using a purple Shield, the color of the banner held by the Rhodian-suspect lion of the Fond de VILLE surname. Just as "Guilliam" is "William," the Villes may have been Gilles. I not only linked the Languedoc Contes to Villes to form "Conteville," but linked the Contes to VisCONTIs...who should be a part of the Caesar bloodline in as much as Caesar elements were linking well to Sparrows / Sforzas.

The beautiful thing about the way God is working this out for us now brings the Szapary/Szafary surname into the picture, sent in by YS on a "stroke of luck" just when it was needed along with the sparrow Sign. Before I got to the Szapary / Sparrow link to Caesar in the last update, the Szaparys were traced to the Rijeka theater! The Szaparys were introduced in the 4th update of May, where it was said: "The Selkirk motto (with "jamais" term) is also the Douglas motto, meaning that Douglas' too may trace to Jamnica..." The Szaparys had been traced to Karlovac in particular, where Jamnica is located! It was only after this that the Julians/Gillians were identified with the Douglas / Glass bloodline. In other words, the Rijeka area is very much a part of the Sparrow / Caesar entity, but the reason I'm on Rijeka at the moment is for the trace there of the Roxolani / Gelonii peoples suspect in the first place as Julians.

Moreover, on a wholly independent trace, Douglas' were traced to Lithuanians, by which I mean to say that Douglas' are highly suspect now amongst the namers of Ville-related Vilnius. By what coincidence is it that the Veleti were also called, Liutizians, or Lutici, smacking of Lithuanians. It strongly suggests that the Veleti named 666-suspect Vilnius...where the Astikas lived who sound like they'll stick it to us with their needles.

When initially finding the Dol Alans in a peoples around Lviv, it dawned on me, with evidence found thereafter, that the Cheshire Wolfleys/Wooleys were from the elements that were Vilnius. I can't recall the details and haven't the time to find them right now. Vilnius and Lithuanians were traced by others to wolf entities, and so the Wilson / Fleming wolf could apply. Then, on the map from the Lutica article, we find a Wolin location with Wollener peoples. This area of northern Germany uses many heraldic dragons, and then I noted that one rare variation of Lutica was "Lucica," very much like "Luzica," the German version for Lusatia, where the Melusine dragon woman traces. As Melusine is shown heraldicly in green, and as the Veres love Melusine while using a green wyvern dragon, by what coincidence does the Wollen Crest use a green wyvern? It was the WILkens who likewise use a green wyvern.

The Lusatians on the map are indicated as "Lusizer" while the Luticans are identified with "Lutizen-bund."

By what coincidence does the Wollen/Wolfin Coat use the motto term, "RYNwedd," like the Rani Polabians (Rangabes?) of Rugen? AND ZOWIE LOOK: the Rug(g) surname uses the Crow chevron and was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Crows...and the Nero/Neriti-related Fulkes!!! And so just take a crow's-eye view at the Nero/Neriti Coat to see that, aside from the vair fur in the chevron, it's the Crow / Rug chevron!!! I now know that the three crows of death were a sign for the Nero bloodline right here!

I typically lump Lusatians in with Latins because I trace both to the Caucasian / Circasian Laz, the epitome of the Biblical dragon. On the Lutica map, see the CIRCEpanen peoples, and know that mythical Circe was traced by ancients to the west coast of Italy, and related there to mythical Latinus.

The Wollen term gets the Wal(d)win surname (said to be from a sister of king Arthur) that comes up also as "Wolfin," very close to the Wolflin surname in Obama's ancestry that is known to have been changed to "Wolfley." It can't be coincidental that the Rod(h)am Coat is very similar to the Wollen/Waldwin/Wolfin Coat. It means that the 666-loving bloodline is now ruling the United States and interfering with world events as the 666 lovers see fit (they aren't going to tell you how and why they are interfering). I trace Rodhams to the Rutili at Ardea, explaining why Wollens/Walwins/Wolfins are said to be king-Arthur related. Interesting here is that I identified king Arthur as a Slav Rus peoples, and the Lutica / Veleti peoples were Slavic. I had also traced the Arthurian cult to Lusatia without any of the points being made now, or with a Lutica = Luzica frame of mind.

Rodhams must trace by their "nec" term to the Neckar river in Baden-Wurttemberg, though by their Coat design they should trace to Bath/Atha surname (the latter uses the cross of Randolphs, who show a bat in honour of the Bath/Atha surname), first found in the same place (Somerset) as the Badens/Battins, where also the Bidens/Buttons/Buddins ruled as clergy of Bath and WELLs.

The ermined Wollen/Wal(d)win/Wolfin bend is very similar to the ermined (= the other heraldic "fur") chevron of this Ruth/Rother/RANDOLPH surname (!!!), first found in Moray (another location of Melusine!), where the Scottish Randolphs were first found (= another Obama bloodline!) who link to Baathist lines of the Biden/Button/Buddin kind!!! It just so happens that the Lutica were allied to Obodrites, who seem rooted in "Bod(er)," perhaps an indication of the Budini. Bidens/Buttins were first found in the same place as Drakes who by their wyvern should trace to the same place/entity as wyvern-using Wollens/Wolfins. It's telling me that the Obama administration is a Drakenberg-related skeleton with no clothes.

I hope you didn't miss the point between the lines, that the Ruths/Rothers, shown only as Randolphs, are the Raven vikings into Rothesay, and related to German Rothes and the Norfolk Crows who use the same chevron essentially as the Ruths/Rothers/Randolphs.

Hmm, I've just checked the Boder surname to find lozenges in the colors of the Nagle lozenges, which recalls that Nagles were just discovered to be the Nero bloodline, meaning that once again the Obodrites look like the Neuri-related Budini. Lozenges were traced to Losinj in the Rijeka theater, and I expect Budini at Rijeka. Reminder: Bidens/Buddins use the same fesse as Augusts, and Lossings use a saltire that should link to the English Latin saltire in the colors of the Julian/Gillian saltire. The Latins use what should be the Sparrow-related Sprows Shield.

German Boders/Bodens are in the colors of Botters of Lucca, where the Neros were first found, suggesting that Boders were indeed Budini. If the blue checks of the Boyds were removed, their Coat would be the German Boder/Boden fesse.

Obodrites are shown on the map at dragon-infested Mechlenburg, and at Polabia, location of the Nerthus Nahorites, indicating possibly (i.e. if Obodrites were Budini) that the Neuri of the Budini had merged in Polabia with the Neretva Nahorites. I didn't yet get to this map when tracing Budini to Rijeka, and so by what coincidence do I now find a Budini-suspect people at Mechlenburg, a location that I've traced in the distant past to MaxWELL/Makeswell lines (the "well" part could be for the Vil / Gillian lines under discussion), the very bloodline at the two-headed black eagle in the Arms of Rijeka? In fact, "MECKLenburg" smacks of MACCLesfield/MAKESlesfield. The Macclesfield/Maxfield Coat uses the Scottish Randolph cross with ermines. As the Bath/Atha and Randolph Coats use the Macclefield/Maxfield cross, it seems that the "field" was also "well" in honour of Bath and Wells in Somerset, where the Bath/Atha surname was first found.

It should be repeated here the a green wyvern is used by BALDWINs, who smack of WALDWINs, suggesting that Wollens/Wal(d)wins/Wolfins were Flemings (i.e. as were the Templar Baldwins). How important is this current dragon topic when the first kings of Templar Jerusalem were Baldwins? Very interesting now, the Baldwins use the same-colored saltire as Julians/Gillians, tending to verify that Flemings and Julians/Gillians were one. As Baldwins look like Waldwins while the latter use an ermined design like the Macclesfields, the Baldwin saltire should be that of Maxwells and Kilpatricks in particular, noting that the Levi lion on the green Kilpatrick dragon is a symbol of the revelation harlot on the Biblical dragon (for the right paw of the lion is said to be on the dragon's head as per 666 code).

Let's not forget that Douglas' were Flemings too so that what I'm seeing is a Roman-Fleming deal here. The Biggars of Scotland are Flemings too, and then the Arms of Shetland, showing the raven/crow of the Stout-surnamed vikings into Rothesay, use "Byggar" in the motto. And so it's starting to appear that Flemings, a peoples with an illusive ancestry, were the Vils / Gills under discussion (I should therefore have been wrong to trace "Fleming" to "Bellamy," though "Bellamy" might yet have been a Bell-line term (from Belgians) that was altered to honor some form of "Fleming").

JUST FOUND. The Rug-Crest talbot is the design of the WILLiam Crest, suggesting that Williams were Flemings. To put it another way, especially as Irish Crows likewise use a white talbot in Crest, if Williams were Flemings, so too were Crows and their viking bloodline, explaining why the Rollo vikings together with Flemings were passionate, hard-hearted Templar crusaders. It stands to reason, therefore, that this William surname is from William the Conqueror, not only a descendant of Rollo, but one whose mother married the ConteVILLE. Wasn't the Gernon / Grenon line traced earlier to the Montfiquet / Ville bloodline of Romans? The WILLiam "windmill" design (as I personally call it) is called, "gyronny." It's all suggesting that Flemings were part of the Villes of Languedoc...not forgetting that Contevilles were the Clare-related Burgs of Holland, where windmills are rife, and where Flemings proper lived.

Aha! Look at what just happened when realizing that "Crow" should trace to "Gorsky," the location of Losinj. That realization was made because Crows and Lossings were both first found in Suffolk. The first thing done was to check the Gore/Core Coat (because this surname was traced without doubt to "Gorski"), and there in the Gore/Core Crest was a white wolf that should link to the three white talbots above. The wolf was a symbol of the Neuri (and likely the Budini too) now expected in the Gorski / Rijeka theater (heavily Slavic). The next thing done was to check the Corey surname (yet another black-on-white saltire link-able likely to Maxwells) as a potential Crow variation, and ZIKERS the Coreys were likewise first found in Suffolk! This is excellent for proving that Lossings trace to Losinj, and of course for tracing Crows to Gores/Cores. The Corey Chief even uses the colors of the Boder/Bodes (!) and Nagle lozenges!

The Corey Chief and saltire also compare well with the two Kilpatrick Coats. Coreys were first found in Cork, and were traced years ago to the Corrie term used for an ancient name of Leicester.

The Coreys can be traced to Hamburg, and to the Trips/Treffs of Hamburg, because they both English Hamburgs (blood drops) and English Trips use the English Gore/Core crosslets (in the same colors).

Before the bulk of this Veleti / Obodrite information was conceived here, I had suggested that the Veleti-suspect Welts/Welch's have to do with the coming 666. It had also been suggested that Nagles and/or their Vere kin are part of the 666 crowd that took part in 911. From the Lutica article: "...the Luticians initiated a revolt aiming at the abolishment of feudal rule and Christianity, drawing on considerable support by the Obodrite populace..." Shouldn't Rosicrucians, who typically warred against the Vatican, apply to the Veleti lines of Slav Rus? Isn't it likely that these Slav Rus (they may have named Rostock) had been from the Ukraine, since after all we see the Ukranen peoples (see map) to the south-west of the Wollen?

The dating of the Lutica is in the century following the Varangian Rus merger with Ukrainians of Kiev, and then I trace the "Keep" motto term of Hebrons/Hepburns to the namers of Kiev, important because the white-on-red chevrons seen in the discussion above is used by Hebrons/Hepburns and related Chills/Childs. The latter were traced to Childeric, father of Clovis, suggesting that "Veleti" is a variation of "Child" where "Chill" is a Gill variation. In the tattoo-suspect discussion on the Pilate and Celt/Colt pheon, it was added that Veleti-suspect Welts/Welch's use the pheon too, but now "Celt" smacks of "Child." It is not a bad theory at all that Childeric was the Julian / Caesar line, and the Kelts, who were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Celts/Colts.

If this traces CHILDeric to the KHALDi bloodline, note that Khaldi were one with (C)Halybes whom I trace to the Excalibur sword of king Arthur, for I identified king Arthur with the Merovingians of Britain. And I resolved that the Celts/Colts, and therefore the mother of Pontius Pilate, had been CALEDonian Picts, now suspect as the 666 / tattoo bloodline that we should be expecting. If my writings on these topics are for you merely a diversion from life's difficulties, try to move up to the level where these writings become critical to what's about to happen in the world. Everything I'm writing on, aside from the errors likely made at some points, is too corroborative by many means not to be true.

As the Polabians lived in the Bille area, let's get back to heraldic billets (thought to be bars of gold, bullion), used in the Julian-suspect Super/Soaper saltire, for example. The Saltire/Salter surname used billets too, and were first found in Shropshire, beside the Sale/Salette surname of Cheshire who use half a black-on-white saltire. The saltire, especially in black on white as used by Supers/Soaper and Julians/Gillians, has long been suspect here as the Templar-pirate / viking flag with crossed bones and skull. And the Skull, Schole and Bone surnames have been traced very well to Eschol in Israel's Hebron. In the 2nd update of this month, the billets of the Wings (INGals?) were traced to the lozengy of the Scholes.

It had been noted many months ago that the Biblical Caleb (tribe of Judah), who was from the Hebron bloodline (not my idea only), looks like "Chalybe," though of course the Chalybes may have been named by some other Caleb (means "dog" in Hebrew). The point is, one can trace Hebron elements of the Caleb kind to Chalybes and therefore to Khaldi, while Hebrons lived in CHILLingham and use the same chevron as Khaldi-suspect Chills/Childs. To help prove that the Celts/Colts of Perthshire apply, the Wings/Winks (use Pilate-suspect pile) were first found in Perthshire...though said to descended from elements in Rutland. It was mentioned that Wink-like HINKleys were first found first found in Leicestershire, while Rutland is a part of Leicester. And it was mentioned that Wingers use, very likely, the ermined fesse of Rutland-suspect Rodhams...who are now tracing to the Veleti, the latter now suspect from "Childeric" and the Khaldi.

There are 666s all over this, and moreover it was suspect that pre-tribulationist Christian leaders (the ones who passionately gave us the pre-tribulation rapture) were in fact 666-bloodliners in disguise seeking to keep Christians from being prepared to endure the 666. Not only was Scofield mentioned in that discussion (2nd update June), but Henry Drummond. The Drummonds were first found in the same place, Hamburg of the Polabia theater, as Traby-suspect Trips/Treffs. The Bille area was right there!

One of my theories on finding 666 clues in heraldry was to seek terms reflecting chi-xi-stigma terms, or even just chi-xi terms. The Wingers use "cuique," and the ermines in the Winger fesse look like pheons, as all ermines do. But that only makes ermines suspect as tattoo markings. Recall the 666-suspect ING bank. ZOWIE! After writing that, I checked for an Ing surname...first found in Leicestershire (!!!), where HINKleys were first found, and where the ancestry of Wings/Winks was located. Like the Drakes, who use three 6-like curves in their dragon's tail, Ings use battle axes. The Bille(s) Coat is said to use wood bills (battle-axes), The Bille area is not far from the Varni theater (i.e. the Varni may have lived in Bille at some point) that likely named the wyVERN dragon used by Drakes, Wilkins, and Wollens/Waldwins/Wolfins.

The Drakes have been traced to Draguignan in the Durance theater of the Salassi = Salyes (whom I trace to the Sales/Salettes and Saltires/Salters), and then the "salum" motto term of the Billes' must link to Saluzzo, (a little ways south of the Durance) because the Bille(s) Shield-and-Chief combination is that also of the Saluzzo Coat.

AMAZING! The Bille(s) motto phrase, "salum patria," should trace in-part to Pattersons because the Bille(s) Chief shows pelicans, symbol of Scottish Pattersons (ROSS-shire), in the colors of the scallops in the Irish Patterson/Cassane Chief. Emailer Patterson thought that the blood drops on the Paterson lion was code for "sacred bloodline," but that was before the blood drops appeared on the entire Shield recently. I recognize that design as per the Drop/Trope Coat, a surname smacking of 666-suspect Trips/Treffs (Hamburg). Drops/Tropes were first found in Norfolk, where the "sacred" Nero / Caesar bloodline has been traced.

This is excellent because I insisted that Scottish Pattersons were at Ross-shire because Drummonds founded Ross-shire. That is, I equated Pattersons with Drummonds of Ross-shire even before the evidence you are now reading. Before that equation was made, 666-suspect Drummonds at Hamburg were traced to the raven-depicted vikings at Shetland, the same vikings that went on to conquer Rothesay. It's the 666-suspect Crow family, in other words. The Patterson camel is the one in the Crow Crest (!!!), and Crows were first found in...Norfolk! Wow.

If the Wells apply to the Veleti, it could be noted that the Scottish pelican-on-nest design is that of the German Wells.

Crows are suspect as the tattoo line of Rus vikings, the ones that became named "Stout." As Stewarts/STIGweards were found to be the line to the Vilnius ASTIKas, note that Stouts are also "Stow."

It had been pointed out that the three Greek letters, chi-xi-stigma (or chi-xi-sigma) looks like "kes" from the English alphabet, so that Kess terms should have cropped up in the family of the Stigma-suspect Astikas. By what cosmic coincidence is Vilnius/Lithuania (where Astikas ruled/lived) now linking to the Veleti/Lutica peoples (even though I'm not at all making the link for anything to do with seeking 666 bloodlines), while smack beside the Lutica are the Kessiners of Kessin??? They definitely smack of Kissingers, but I wrote "AMAZING" above because the Kessiners smack of the Cussanes that are part of Irish Pattersons.

Before realizing that the Cass/Cast weight scale traced to the same in the Arms of Vilnius, I had traced the Cass/Cast surname to the Patterson Cussanes. Later, it was found that the Cass/Cast "fountain" traced to the Fond de Villes at the root of Vilnius, and while this suggests that the Cass/Cast surname is a 666 bloodline too, it traces to Seleucids at Sulcis and neighboring Piscinas. But the Cass/Cast surname (and some similar others) itself ought to trace to the Kessiners, especially as the Kiss/Cuss Coat (Leicestershire) is that of the Cass'/Casts.

The Fonz on Happy Days, played by Henry WINKler, came to mind even before the mention of the Fond de Villes just now. He came to mind while on the Wing/Wink trace to Veleti elements. I can add now that the Dutch Winkler Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Drops/Tropes and the "Vil"-using Mens/Mengzies who are related to the "Mens"-using Pepins who, like Pattersons and Crows, use a camel head in Crest. The Pepins use "quisque" in their motto while Winkler-like Wingers use "cuique."

I've read that "Carl / Charles" means "man," and so as Pepins were the bloodline groundwork in the CAROLingians, I suppose they developed a Men surname/bloodline. As the Drops/Tropes are figuring into this Mens/Mengzies picture, one could assume that the blood drops refer to Pepins, who go back to an alliance with Childeric, who goes back to Chalybes that lived beside Paphlagonians (= Pepin ancestry in my opinion), who were related to Pamphylians who lived on a Bilis river. But the blood drops could yet be of some other, related entity.

For example, the Pepin bend is colors reversed from the Gripp bend, suggesting the Agrippa line of Nero and/or Herod Agrippa, and it was only recently that the Agrippa line was traced to Augers...using an upright lion in the colors of the upright lion of German Winklers. We just saw that Dutch Winklers were Pepin-related. Wingers and English Winklers/Windlers (looks like they use the House cross in colors reversed) both use the same type footless martlets that trace in-part to Charles Martel, a Pepin bloodliner and founder of the Carolingian dynasty.

Hinkleys use a 16-pointed sun, and if I'm not mistake, the Arms of Holstein use a 16-pointed star / sunburst in the red and white colors of the split Hinkley Shield. If correct, it traces Hinkleys to Holstein, which is the Polabia theater and home of the Holle/Holla witch cult that should trace to the holly of Maxwells and Islips/Haslips, who are related to Houses suspect at the English Winkler/Windlar Coat (Cheshire, as with Hazels). It was just the last update where Hazels (Islip branch) were found at Dusseldorf, and then Willich is at Dusseldorf. Entering "Willich" gets the WIlcox/Wallock surname (Dussel / Hazel colors), first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Hinkleys, and using what could be the German Winkler lion.

The Wings/Winks et-al can be suspect as the INGals, or the Inglis line to Angus, August, Auger, Angar / Anjou lines. The Ingals use two black-on-white chevrons, the colors of the two chevrons of the Ashes (red wyvern) of D'Esse, who in the last update were traced confidently to the Essen location in Dusseldorf! It was realized then that Hazels and related Houses were from Essen.

Taking a Walker on the Wild Side of Wagria

The Scheres/Scherfs have apparently just been found in the Billungermark area of Polabia, at Schwerin (see map). It's in the land of Obodrites, which is VERY VERY INTERESTINK as per the Bush - Scherff relationship, for I trace "Bush" to Buzites and see Budini as Buzites. Keep in mind here that green-wyvern WILkens and green-wyvern Wollens/Waldwins have already been traced to the Veleti while the Wilken Shield is also the Schere/Scherf Shield.

It was surprising to find a Schwerin surname, first found in Mecklenburg, near SchWERIN. It smacks of the Warni/Varni, does it not, thus corroborating the trace of "wyVERN" to the Varni. While the Schwerin Coat uses a split Shield with one color of the Schere/Scherf Shield, it's not split vertically like the Schere/Scherf Shield. BUT, LUCKY STRIKE, the Schwer/Swager Shield is not only split vertically in half, but uses gold on the left side, as does the Schere/Scherf Shield! It's a family match, indicating quite strongly that Scherffs (and Jimmy Swagart?) were from Schwerin.

The Wagriers on the map might explain the Swager variation. The "Jewish" Wagner Coat (no variations listed) is very Hiedler/Hitler interesting. English Wagners were first found in the same place as Bush's and Walkers (the latter's German branch uses a version of the Schere/Scherf Coat)...AND WAGERS!!! The Wager/Wayger Crest even has a gold ring, the color of the rings in the Coat of Yorkshire Walkers. In fact, the arm holding the Wager ring appears in the Walker Crest (holding a "green lizard"). This is strong evidence that "Walker" is just a version of "Wager/ Wagrian."

We are specifically told that the Walker arm is the "dexter arm," that being the right arm. In the Kilpatricks Crest, it's the dexter paw of the Levi lion that is on the head of the green dragon. This makes the Walker surname suspect as a 666-loving and harlot-loving bloodline. Even the Wager Crest is "dexter arm." The Scottish Walker saltire-and-Chief combination was linked a while back to the similar of Irish Kilpatricks/Sheeras, before I realized all this; here's the Kilpatrick/Sheera description: "A green dragon reguardant, surmounted of a black lion guardant with his dexter paw resting on the dragon's head." It's very much a picture of the 666 topic in Revelation 13 in conjunction with Revelation 17. (The Wager arm holds an "annulet" ring, perhaps code for a line to Annandale, where roughly the Scottish Kilpatricks were first found.)

Kilpatricks/Sheeras are also shown as "Patchie," and then the Patch(es) Coat uses a bugle in Traby bugle black, and moreover the Patch(es) Crest uses the Sheer crosslet (see it below) as evidence that Patch(es) are Kilpatricks as well as Scheres/Scherfs. The Patch(es) oak leaves are likely those of the Alans. Did I suggest that the black bugle of Burns (fleur in the colors of the Bush fleur) traces to CloseBURN, where Kilpatricks lived? You now have a Patches-reason to support that trace. The right hand holds the Burn hunting horn.

The right side of the Schwer/Swager Coat uses the lion design, in colors reversed, from lion in the Italian Conte Coat (Sheer / Schere/Scherf colors), and the same lion design is used by Fond de Villes! Excellent, if only because the 666-suspect Villes are in the midst of being traced to the Veleti.

If the find of the Scherff bloodline indicates Nazi elements from the Veleti theater, then consider the Stetten location near the Wolleners. We saw another Stetten / Statten entity not many updates ago in Baden-Wurttemberg, where Orsingen is located, the location of Obama's Wolflin / Wolfley line. It was shown (first update June) that the Statten Coat is split diagonally in colors reversed to the Arms of Zurich and the Hiedler/Hitler Shield. Prior to that, and going back to last year, the "sure" motto term of Kilpatricks/Sheeras was traced to "Scheres/Scherfs," but was at first traced to the Sheers/Shires of Surrey. It was only after that latter trace that evidence was found for a Surrey/Surrich trace to "Zurich." The Sheers/Shires (branch of Carricks) use a black on gold crosslet, the colors of the Schere/Scherf cross.

One could get the impression that the Thule entity was in this area. In fact, I'm saying that due to the Tollenser peoples stamped on the map in the thick of the Lutica, and to the west of the Ukranen. There is a good chance that the Dol entity I had seen in the Ukraine connects with the Tollenser, therefore. The Irish Tollens are also "Tool," the ones using the Rome/Roan lion in colors reversed. The Tools smack of "Thule," and English Stewarts use a lion in colors reversed to the Tool lion. Moreover, the Tool Crest boar is brown-gold, the color of the boar of Hitler-related Pollocks, a branch of Dol Alans who trace (according to others) to the Childeric > Clovis line. Therein is your Thule Society (= guts of Hitler's Nazis) mystery solved, at least what the Society traced to.

I trace the Clovis line (as per the Close/Clovse surname) to Closeburn in Dumfries, and later in this update, the "placit" motto terms of the Romes/Roams will be traced to Placentia, home of the Ananes that I say removed to Annandale of Dumfries. It's a huge point, to be sure, and I've been tempted to move that section up to here, but will resist. In that section, the Pollocks (Traby-suspect bugles) will trace to Placentia, and to the black Burn bugle (color of the Traby bugle), suggesting that CloseBURN was named in part after the Burns. That discussion gets to the Blades who use the saltire of Pollock-related Franks (Clovis-Frank suspect), which I'm mentioning here, not only because Blades (smack of "Pilate") use white pheons, the color of the Pilate pheons, but because the Blade/Blate Crest is the Crest of the Schere/Scherf-branch Sheers.

We have found the Polabian bed of Nazis, have we not? And there we find Pontius Pilate fornicating with Thules.

The Pollocks will be linked to Placentia especially due to the trace I make of the Pollock saltire to the Spanish Pelaiz Coat. Placentia/Piacenza is in Plaisance province, you see. Note the blue wolf in the Arms of Placentia, for the Veleti-suspect Wooleys/Wolfleys use the blue wolf. The Pelaiz Coat is the one showing the Bils checks, black and gold, and then black-and-white checks are used by German Tollens, first found in Pomerania (where Wolleners lived) and Mecklenburg (where Budin- and Boyd-suspect Obodrites lived). I know for a fact that the black-and-white checks on police caps of British police officers were granted by Stewarts, and it's simply a fact in my mind right now that Tollensers were the peoples who named Dol, including the Alans, ancestors of Pollocks, Boyds and Stewarts. That's your Nazi Fool's Society right there.

The German Tollen Coat compares well to the German Dol(e) Coat, and the latter has grape vines, a symbol of German Blates/Plates. The Dol(e) Shield is green, like the Shields of Pollocks, Pollock-related Blades/Blates, and Wolleys/Wolfleys. The Wolfley "wool packs" are used as Cushions by Kilpatricks, code for the Patterson-Cussanes that are now tracing to the Kessiners in the northern area of Lutica.

If we ask why the Israel line of chief priests in Placentia were up in Polabia and/or with Veleti, we could ask the red Levi lion of the Place/Plaise Coat, the color of the lion of the Romes/Roams (show the August fesse) who use a "placit" motto term. I'm convinced that the Veleti were the Julian line of Caesars.

I've been keeping an eye out for any surname using a Shield split in red and gold ever since I saw the Scherf-related Schweren Coat (no symbols, just the split Shield). I now find such a Shield in those colors (suspect as Vere colors) in the Place/Plaise Shield.

A mention now of Northampton county in Pennsylvania, where I felt the lines of certain 911 plotters should be found. The Veleti community in northern Germany included the Peene river (between the Tollensers and Wolleners), and while no such surname shows up, the Penes/Pennys/Pennes (lynx in Crest) of Northamptonshire do show. (Compare the Links to the Hinkleys suggesting that Penes were merged with Inks of sorts.) There is a question of whether the state of Pennsylvania was founded by the Peenes, therefore, for the state was named after a Penn surname, using "plates" (i.e. suspect with the Tollen-related Blates/Plates) land first found in Buckinghamshire. Bucks county beside Northampton county in Pennsylvania was named after Buckinghamshire, where Cheneys were first found. It is necessary for wiser peoples to question Dick Cheney on his part in the 911 disaster, but he's not going to talk until he's brought to a court; later, if not sooner, he will be in God's Court. It may be no big deal, but the capital of Bucks counter is Dol- and Tollen-suspect DOYLEStown. Entering "Doyle" gets the Irish clan that comes up also as "Dole."

Later, when I get back to the Blades as they link to Placentia, the Cuts will crop up, using plates in Penn plate colors; Cuts will be linked to Cutters (Nazi suspect at Hayden Lake) because Cutters too will trace to Placentia on their own merit. Cutters use the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination, which has now been found to be that of the Billes too, suspect at the Bille river next to the Trips/Treffs of Hamburg.

Ahh, that reminds me, the Cotts/Cottins that I see at Kootenai county of Hayden Lake use lattice, and that term smacks of the Lutica. I was going to say anyway that the Lattice/Letice surname uses the same chevron as Crows, the Crow-related Rugs (suspect at the Veleti home of Rugen), the Veleti-suspect Childs, and the Neros/Neritis who are suspect with the Nerthus goddess of the Veleti theater (the Rug talbot wears a chain, by the way, possible code for the Chaines/Chenays). Crows use the Patterson camel, and then (I've just realized) the Patterson Shield-and-Chief combination is, once again, that of the Saluzzos, Cutters, Billes, etc., explaining why both Billes and Pattersons use pelicans. German Hamburgs even use a bend (no other symbols) in colors reversed from the bend of Botters first found in the same place as Nerthus-suspect Neros/Neritis.

Thus, the Patterson line to the Bille river and neighboring Hamburg (home of both Trips and Drummonds) is the Roman-Patrician entity there, which I identify with Butteri Latins and therefore makes Pattersons suspect with the Obodrite-branch Budini. Our very own emailer Patterson, who may no longer be reading (haven't heard from her in a while on bloodline topics) was the one who alerted me to the Scherff surname of the elder President Bush, and it just so happens that now, in this very update where Pattersons are tracing to Obodrites, the Scheres/Scherfs have been found at Schwerin, smack in the land of Obodrites.

The Lattice chevron has TREFoils, suspect as possible code for the Trips because the latter's English branch uses a ladder, smacking of the Latter/Lathis surname (piles) that easily links to Lattice's/Letices. (Pattersons traced by their blood drops to Trip-suspect Drops/Tropes, and moreover the English Hamburgs use drops as well as the Trip crosslets.)

If we ever had the sense that squirrel-depicted Squires/Squares/Squirrels were one with Shires/Sheers, it may be evident in the trace of Scheres/Scherfs, and therefore the Sheers/Shires, to "Schwerin,. a term that sounds like "square." This may indicate that all surnames using the Squire/Square squirrel, and possibly also the squire knight, are from the Schwerin line. If we see indication that Scherfs, Walkers, Bush's, Pollocks, and Kilpatricks are involved, it would stand as corroboration (that squirrel-using surnames are Schwerins).

Note that the German Deck Coat uses, not only the Squire/Square squirrel, but a Shield split horizontally in half in white and red, for the Schwerins use a Shield split horizontally in half in gold and red. Belgian Dykes use the fleur in the colors of the German Bush fleur, and this is the only symbol used by both Coats. Dutch Dykes use the Deck squirrel surrounded by gold rings, the colors of the English Walker and Wager rings. German Dykes use a Shield split in the gold and silver colors of the Scheres/Scherfs, and a red lion in the color(s) of the Dutch Bush lion. Clearly, the Dykes and Decks are related (they even use the same-colored fleur), and linked to the Scherfs, Bush's and Walkers who made up a Nazi circle of smooth-operator, high-level spies in the United States. The Schwerins, said to be from the counts of Schwerin, use no symbols, just gold and red, the colors of the Dutch Bush/Bosch/Bos Coat. The latter has three billets now tracing possibly to the Bille river. "Billet" here is suspect with "Veleti." German Billes/Bils (the ones using the checks of the Pollock-suspect Pelaiz') use a black eagle in Crest, a symbol of the Billies/Bellis (first found in the same place, Austria, as Bils), who likewise use a Shield split in half horizontally, in gold and blue, half the color scheme in the split Schwerin Shield! I didn't know until now that "Billie" gets the beacon-using Bellis that have already been linked to Hitler via the Alan-related Carpenters and beacon-using Fullers at the root of Pollocks. This is added evidence that Pollocks link to the Pelaiz' (another Shield split horizontally), and that "Pelaiz" is a version of the Bilis river to which I trace the Billes/Bils.

The Place/Plais/Plaiz Coat is split in half vertically in the colors of the split Schwerin Coat, which for me verifies the trace of Schwerin at Mechlenburg to Placentia and to the Laevi / Levis there. As the Place/Plais Coat uses the Levi lion design (the Schere/Scherf and Sheer/Shire crosses are in the colors of French Levis), we can trace these groups to the Ticino river (home of the Laevi Gauls), where I had traced Decks! This is all tracing Bush's and other Polabian dragons -- of the Nazi kind -- to the Laevi, the Levi, and Ananias lines.

But the Decks may also trace to concentration headquarters at Dachau, on the north side of Munich, the latter being where the Hiedler/Hitler surname was first found. The Dechs/Dakins use yet another "dexter arm", now holding an axe (clearly, the DEXter arm is a symbol of Dachau elements). The Dech/Dakin lions are in the design and red color of the Dutch Bush's, and in the two colors of the lion used be Heidlers, tending to verify that Heidlers are Hiedlers/Hitlers.

It should be recorded here that Dexters use a weight balance, as does the Arms of Vilnius, for the Dexter arm symbol suggests the 666 as does the Astikas surname of Vilnius. How frightening is that seeing now that the dexter arm traces to concentration-camp headquarters? I saw a weight balance also in the Arms of Doylestown, the capital of Buck's county, Pennsylvania. Buck's county (Plumstead to be exact) is the area that George Bush decided to give a victory party to Mitt Romney, a decision made before Romney was elected. the senior George Bush, a Scherf(f), had given his endorsement to Romney. What's going on there??? From the 1st update of last April:

The following appeared in the news on April 5:
"Former President George W. Bush will deliver a speech in Pennsylvania on the day of the state's GOP presidential primary...

Bush will give the keynote address at the PLUMstead {caps mine} Christian School's annual 'Founders Forum' on the Calvary Church's campus in Souderton, according to the school's official website.

His father, former President George H. W. Bush is the most recent member of the Bush family to endorse former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for president.

It was about a year earlier, in April 2011, that I first caught wind of George Bush being a Scherff (details in the 4th update of that April).

Did you catch the Souderton location of the victory speech? It evokes the Shot/Shute and Suter / Sutherland link made earlier in this update to 666-suspect bankers.

While Dechs/Dakins were first found in Rutland (at Leicester), the Dexters/Decksters were first found in Leicestershire. This should explain why Dutch Bush's use an upright lion in the colors of the upright lion of Leys/Leghs (Ligurians) that I see at Leicester's Legro river, named by a Ligore peoples. But if Bush's trace to Leicester in this way, then the fact that the Leicester cinquefoil is used by the Bus' and Hameltons is of obvious importance, for it traces Bush's to Nahorites. That is, I trace the Bus surname to Buz, son of Nahor, and the Hamel / Cammell surnames to Kemuel, son of Nahor, tending to verify that Bush's were from the Nerthus-worshiping Nahorites in the Polabia / Veleti theater(s).

It should be pointed out here that the Wings, using billets as do Dutch Bush's, are said to have ancestry in Rutland. Then, in Wikipedia's article on the Soar = Legro river, we find that it has a source near Hinchley, explaining why Hinkleys (who smack of "Wing/Wink") were first found in Leicestershire. Yorkshire Wagners use a swan, as does the Leicester/Lester Crest, suggesting again that the Polabian dragon was in the Italian area of the lines to Israel's chief priests. The Hink Coat is the one using the Annandale saltire-and-Chief combination (as used in the Arms of Ayrshire and by Bruce's of Annandale). Note the blue lion, color of the Bruce lion, in the Soar Coat.

Note that the Arms of Leicestershire (link above) use an upright red-on-white lion, the color of the Heidler lion.

As the Windsor Coat uses a saltire in colors reversed to the Annandale saltire (as used by Annandales), it's interesting that Hinks were first found in Berkshire, location of Windsor castle. The Windsor crosslets were traced to the same of Gorse/Cores, but now that the Coreys of Cork have been discovered to be the Gore-related Crows, the stag in the Windsor Crest ought to be the MacArthur stag. This was discovered by other means as per the Windsor saltire known to be that of the MacCarthy-related Desmonds/Geralds. MacCarthys/Arthys trace to MacArthurs (beside/amongst Ayrshire), the ancestry of Campbells/Cammels that trace to "Kemuel," son of Nahor.

VERY INTERESTING NOW AND EVEN FANTASTICO is that the white-on-red saltire (color of Windsor / Desmond saltire) is used by Oettingens. The first-born of Nahor was "Uts" (Biblical spelling)!!! I trace the MacCarthys / Desmonds of MUSkerry (at Cork) to Mus at Lake Van where the Nairi Nahorites ruled!!! It suggests that the Odin cult was from Uts, and this brings the Uat/Buto cult back to mind as one leading to "Bush."

What I'm seeing in the "Pelaiz" and "Billes/Bils" trace to "Bilis" is that the Bilis-river Pamphylians trace to the proto-Ananias line at Placentia, which begs the question of whether the Ananias line goes from Pamphylians in particular, to Bamberg and similar entities (I traced Ananes to Paphlagonian Heneti, but on all almost occasions of the mention of the Bilis river over the years, I tell that Paphlagonians were related to Pamphylians). The Bamburg/Bamburg Coat uses the cross (in Annandale saltire colors) of the Dechs/Dakins that just traced to Dachau, in Bavaria where also the Bamberg location is situated.

Where might the Veleti of Bavaria be? The Wilds/Wilts with the loincloth savage??? English Wilds use Schere/Scherf and Sheer/Shire/SHARE colors. As they use stags and were first found in Berkshire, they should link to Windsors. German Shares/Schores were first found in Hamburg.

I trace Heneti to Veneti and Wends/Vandals, and therefore to Windsors, and then the English Winklers/Windlars (suspect with the Hinks / Wings of Leicester) use white on green, the colors of the Arms of Lombardy (I trace "Lom" to "L'Hom and therefore to white-on-green Homes and Houses; the latter use the Winkler/Windler cross in colors reversed). The Windsors are said to derive from the Other/Odirs clan of Lombards, means that Windsors trace to Uts (I'm fairly sure).

The Others were portrayed with UTHER PENdragon. A fundamental part of the Pendragon > Arthur line was the Wagon-like Wayne surname, using a version of the Arthur Coat. It suggests a Wayne and Arthurian trace to Wagrians of the Wagner kind.

Placentia is also called, PIACenza, explaining, apparently, why the Pelaiz surname shows Paez / Baez variations ("Paez" is pronounced, pie-ez). As "Piacen(za)" smacks of pharaoh Apachnas, a Hyksos, by what coincidence is there an AXE in the Pelaiz Crest? Dexters use two blue-on-white chevrons, as do Hyksos-suspect Hucks (!!!), first found in...Yorkshire! (Huckabees use five blue-on-white chevrons.) It may indicate that Dechs / Decks were named as per the idea of D'Hyksos. It may indicate that a Hyksos line became Hickin- or Higgin-like so as to name the Ticino after the idea of D'Hickin. Did I trace Hyksos to Haik/Hayk at Armenia? The Germo-Swiss Tess/Teck surname, almost-certainly named after the Ticino (in Switzerland), uses the Windsor / Desmond / Oettingen saltire!!! Nahorites of the Hyksos kind appear to have founded Ticinum, later Pavia, which can explain (because Nahorites were close to Israel's founding) why the Laevi Galli on that river were ancient Levites.

Of interest here is that Hannas, using stags in the colors of the Hucks and Dexters, were first found in WIGton of Galli-suspect Galloway, and then Wiggin-suspect Wigtons/Wiggentons were first found in Yorkshire, where Wagrian-suspect Wagers, Wagners/Wiggoners and Walkers were first found. Think about it, the Hyksos, chariots builders (mythical Ixion was given a wheel symbol in Hell), tracing to WAGONers. It works. It's suggesting that Wagrians were Hyksos, and that the Mus household of Apachnas was at MECHlenburg, and that OBODrites (smack of "Botter") were the Buto-cult Buzites to Bushes and Bus'.

Higgins (Patterson / Kilpatrick suspect) use three towers (the Hill symbol) on a white fesse in the colors of the Apachnas-suspect Penn fesse. That is, "Penn" seems a short-form of "Apachnas" (think variation of "Payen" / Penners) because Penns were first found in Apachnas-suspect BUCKINGhamshire. (The Arms of Bucks country uses the Penn "plates"). The Penn Coat is nearly the Craig Coat, important because Craigs are said to be the ancestry of Carricks while Carricks are obviously a branch of Schwerin-suspect Sheers/Shires.

Until recently, the Angle/Angel Coat (shows the Nagle/Angulos lozenges) used a diagonal thin red bar like Wagners. Angles were one of the Nerthus worshipers, meaning that Wagrians should link to Nerthus elements of the Angle kind. The Armenians had a god, Angl-Thork. Qumran-suspect Lombards lived in the area of Nerthus worshipers. The "super" motto term of Angles/Angels may be for the Julian line of Supers/Soapers.

Reminder: The Angus-surname lion is the lion previously shown by the Kent surname, and horse-using Kent (the location) is where I trace the Centaur bloodline, founded by mythical Ixion. The Angle/Angel Crest is a flying horse, the Apachnas-suspect PEGasus. The new Kent lion is the Levi lion design, and Italian Angels use the Levi lion design. The Craigs (Saracen suspects) not only use a horse in Crest, but crescents in the colors of the same of Darths/Deaths, first found in Kent. Craigs are Saracen-suspect for their link to Carricks and related Sheers/Shires, suggesting strongly that Schwerin was named after Saracen elements. Darths/Deaths are said to be named after "D'Ath," suggesting Uts again.

I've said many times that the English Saracen surname uses crescents in the colors of Carricks and Sheers/Shires, but now it's tracing the whole lot to Schwerin, smack at the Buz-suspect OBODRites, who smack of "BOZRah," the Esau capital at Edom, where Esau's son married a Seir line that I've suspected to be the proto-Saracens. Bush's even use black boars, a symbol, according to the Book of Jasher, of Esau.

We even saw the beacon symbol that is very much what we would expect from the root, "Pachn." Likely, the beacon is a symbol for the Bacons/Beacons, in the colors of the Italian Bellis, first found in Verona, while the Verona surname was first found in the same place (Paris) as the French Levi surname, a place that traced to the founding of Pharisees and York, where Bush's and Walkers were first found. German Bacons even use white-on-red cinquefoils, the colors of the Bus and Hamelton cinquefoils. We can't get away from Nahorites and Buzites. They's everywhere, Europa-wide.

The German Baez Coat (Austria again, as with beacon-using Billies/Bellis and Billes/Bils) uses only the same black-on-gold eagle as the Billie/Belli eagle! It's in the colors of the Schere/Scherf cross. English Bush's are now (as of recently) showing the same eagle design (high-tipped wings) in colors reversed, and I suppose it's possible that Bush's are of the Baez family of names. The three vertical red bars of Scottish Walkers could therefore be the three red vertical bars of Bellis and Carpenters...and Walkers.

As Walkers were just discovered to be a branch of Wagrian-related Wagers (Yorkshire, using the "dexter arm" of Walkers), it's very notable that Wagers use, not only the same chevron as Apachnas-suspect Payens/PAGANs, but three gold hearts around their chevron to somewhat match the three Zionists stars around the Payen chevron. Scottish Walkers use gold Zionists stars in Chief. I neglected to mention that the red-on-white chevron of English Walkers is in the colors of the chevron used by Walker-like Welch's who have come up by entering Veleti-suspect "Welt." It's further cause for tracing Walkers to Wagrian Polabians.

How many times have we seen the Adolf name in the Templar period? I can't recall one, but now: "In 1142, Henry the Lion and Adolf II of Holstein divided the newly conquered Slav lands between them. Wagria with its castle of Sigberg went to Adolf, while Polabia with Ratzeburg went to Henry...the Wagri attacked recently founded colonies of Flemings and Frisians, but this is the last that is heard of their resistance to Germanisation."

Reminder: "Jewish" Wagners use a split Shield in the colors of the Heidler/Hitler split Shield, as well as red and white diagonal bars seen also in the Hiedler/Hitler Coat. Like Wagers and Walkers, English Wagners/Wiggoners were first found in Yorkshire, and they use the same fesse/Shield as Bells / Bellamys. (See also the Wiggons).

The Caesar line to Childeric

Here's what I wrote to GD a few days ago on the Julian/Gillian discussion:

The Gilberts use a black eagle, likely the Roman eagle. Gillilands [Shield filled with checks] look like they're Hohens of some sort, who use a black eagle too. Notice the "Teg" motto term of English Gilberts because they use the Deck squirrel.

Dougals [i.e. DuGLASS suspect] were first found in GALLoway, and as they use a Boyd-like motto term, the Gelonii amongst the Budini are suggested. Try terms like "Gal(l)on" or even "Whalan / Whelan."

French Galls/Galens use the same lion (looks like the Sforza lion) as Gales, and in the same design as Gallons and Dougals [it's the Fergus lion too, first found in Galloway]. As Douglas' are suspect as from Caesar, note that the Cassars [same oak as Sparrow-suspect Sprows'] use a lion in the colors of the Gall/Gelon lion. By what coincidence did you send in the Polkinghorne Coat that's used by Cassers?

The topic now shifts to a search for Caesar lines in Gills, and yet the Veleti topic above may have been exactly related. The evidence in that email seems overwhelming for a trace of Julias Caesar to the Pollock/Polk-related Gelonii. What all my knowledge on these matters is telling me is that the Pollock line to the Veleti theater is to the Lombards, the allies of Clovis. And it's in Clovis' father (Childeric) that the Julian line is suspect (Clovis was also called Claud-like, suggesting emperor Claudius, a Julian bloodliner). "[Childeric] succeeded his father Merovech [mythical character, some say] as king, traditionally in 457 or 458 (?). With his Frankish warband he was established with his capital at Tournai, on lands which he had received as a foederatus of the Romans, and for some time he kept the peace with his allies."

The birth of Merovech/Merovee was as per the wife of a Pharamond character mating with a mythical Quinotaur, which seems to be part-code for a Taurus line to Tournai and/or the Thuringia location of Childeric's wife, and part code for a Quin element, perhaps the Roman Quintus bloodline. As Pharamond smacks of the Pharisee line that I trace from Ferraris to Fergus', by what coincidence do the two surnames use the same upright lion in the same colors, the same lion also as the Sforza lion that holds a "quince"? The Quince surname is that of Saer de Quincy, and it just so happens that entering "Saer" gets the upright red-on-white lion of the Sava-river Sairs/Sauers, the color of the upright lion of the Galloway Fergus'.

Childeric's wife was Bassina, and then the greyhound used by Yonge-branch Romans may be in the English Bassin Coat. The Bassin chevron is colors reversed to the Crow chevron, important because the Bassin chevron has the Gore/Core crosslets. It can also be said that while Welch's and Crows were together traced to the tattoo bloodline, the Bassin chevron, and three black symbols surrounding it, smack of the Veleti-suspect Welt/Welch Coat.

If you're thinking that Bassina was responsible for the bee-using Bessin surname, you should be absolutely correct, for even at Childeric's article above, the bees found in his grave are featured. The Quinces/Quincys even use mascles, a symbol that I trace heavily to Maschis/Maskallys of Rimini (proto-Rome?). But I've traced mascles also to Meschins/Masculines, first found in the Bessin, and to MUSSELburg at Haddington, the latter location (Lothian) being where the Bassins were first found. We're onto the ancient secrets here, one of which is that Childeric was from the Pharisee and MaccaBEE line of Romans.

As I trace proto-Pharisee Parisii of Paris to Yorkshire, not forgetting that Clovis moved his capital to Paris, what about the horseshoes (symbol of Ferraris) of the Yorkshire Farrahs/Varrows? The Farrah shoes are on a bend in the color of the Bassin chevron (these are the colors of the August and Rome/Roam fesse), suggesting rather strongly that Farrahs were the Pharamond line to Childeric. But was this a Varni line, since after all Bass-like Bush's were found merged with Wagrians from the Varni theater? Veres do claim to trace to Merovingians.

The Italian Bassin/Basso Coat is just to Gripp bend (neither use other symbols), and was first found in Verona while the Verona/Vair/Ver surname was first found in Paris, where I expect Farraris. The Veronas are the ones using the Saraca fish that I see as the proto-fleur-de-lys acquired/used by Clovis, and the Saraca line must trace somehow to the Saracen-rooted Schwerin location that seems to have a Warni built in. As "Frank" looks like "Varangi" that I trace to the Varni, the Varni may have been the proto-Franks, and then the Pollocks use the Frank-surname saltire.

The Varn/Warnock write-up: "First found in Ayrshire...They were originally a sept of the Grahams and known as the Mac-Gille-Warnocks...The Clan was more properly known as the MacIlvernocks." Gilles and Varni together spells the Veleti. It just so happens that the Varn/Warnock Coat is the Bassin and Gripp bend. The Varn/Warnock Crest is a "falcon KILLING a stork," and I do think that the Kill / GILLIAN surname is part of that codework, along with the Fulks of Anjou, who have already traced well to Julians/Gillians.

Where we just saw that Hitler, Thule, and other Nazi lines traced to Polabia, it's important to remind you that the swastika looks like it could have been fashioned from the Julian/Gillian saltire. If the question arises as to what named the SwaSTIKa, the 666-suspect Stigma entity comes to mind as well as the Nazi SS. The Stick surname was first found in the same place (Somerset) as the Bridges, and the latter use CRABs while the Sticks use GARBs. The other Bridge Coat uses the same chevron as 666-suspect Crows, important because I have traced Garebites to the Greek, "corvus," meaning Crow. The Bridges became a topic moments ago as per the Brigian=Phrygian roots of Franks. To nail the Bridges to the CHILDeric Franks, the Bridge chevron is also that of Hebrons of CHILLingham, and of the Chills/CHILDS!

It can't be a coincidence that the Varn/Warnock bend is that of the Gripp/GRABner surname. One could assume here that the Agrippa-line Romans were Garebites. The last time that I identified Garebites, they were a Nahorite mix with Amorites, and I do trace Merovingians, the first Franks, to Amorites. I now find that Caesar Nero was a Nahorite, and that his mother was an Agrippina!!! It's telling us that the Varni (and therefore the Merovingians) trace through their Nerthus mother-earth goddess to Nero and Agrippina, and it just so happens that Nero is now, in my books, the fore-runner to the Revelation beast-and-harlot. It's suggesting that the Ishtar harlot of Revelation 17, called there a mother, is ultimately Nerthus, the mother-earth goddess, and therefore the Nahorites who refused to serve him, who went forward in paganism, and thwarted Israel with paganism.

The Ishtar cult was also Cybele, great-mother goddess of the Phrygians = Brigians. We just saw the Bridges with Crow-suspect chevron. The Salian-Frank side of Merovingians were traced to the Salyes, who lived on the river with a Brigantium/Briancon location. The Phrygians, right? Kabala, right?

Hmm, the Stickel surname is in the colors of the Stick garbs, and shows Style /Stiles variation smacking of "stylus," a name for a needle-like object...that we expect in tattooing. The Stickel/Stiles Crest is a black wolf and gold collar, the colors of the Saracen-Crest wolf and collar. What's chi-xi-interesting here is the three small saltires of the Stickels. I've kicked myself in the past for forgetting what chi-xi Stick-suspect surname uses two small saltires with a dash between them. If I recall correctly, they were black on gold, just like the Stickel saltires. I recall that the mystery surname was in the Stock / Stoke / Stack discussion of Astikas kin (Stocks use "qui"), and that it led to a Storkhouse-of-Yorkshire line. It was the Oettingens of Bavaria that had a mythical stork theme that traced to the Odins of Storkhouse.

JUST FOUND AS PER STYLE/STILES: the (Sach-suspect) Stills use a stork! Stills use the white rose of York because they were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as the York surname...using a besant centrally that could trace to Bassina.

I recall that a Storkhouse-like variation was involved with a Stockhouse surname, but right now the Stockhouse surname shows no Stork variations. Stockhouses/Stokhausens use pinkish / salmon Masci wings and a pinkish / salmon tree stump, a very rare heraldic color, and are very suspect as Essenes of the House kind going through the Esus tree-stump cult. They were even first found in Hessen. They also show the illegal silver-on-gold Shield-on-Shield combination, the colors of a gay-suspect Garters. Stick-related Bridges use a "Je garderay" motto, and everyone knows that too many Frankish men like velvet underwear. The Cheshire Stocktons use tree stumps too.

The Stackhouses/Stakehouses (DURham, where Essenes are suspect) use three small saltires too (as do Stockfords), and just a small saltire in Crest to highlight their placing importance on the small saltire. There is a gold garb in the Coat, the color of the Stick garb. "The Stackhouse family lived at Stackhouse in North Yorkshire." Odins of Storkhouse were also of Gisburn (Yorkshire), and the latter also use a gold garb.

The Briggs were first found in Yorkshire' they use the vair fur used by Kemmis' who lived in the same place as Cams who are in Briggs colors and should link to "Esse-quam" CamBridges, first found in the same place as Briggs.

CONTINUED from yesterday

We interupt the flow of this update to bring you the following news.

My theory has been that the 666 bloodlines are Pictish / Celtic / Caledonians from the Pyxites river area in the Trabzon theater, explaining why the Traby bugle seems to be code for 666. Revelation 13 says that the mind with wisdom can figure out what the 666 means, but clearly the Author intended it to be hidden from us, or He would have shared it. But why would He call readers in the first century to use wisdom in figuring it out knowing that it would not be decipherable until many centuries later? It makes me think that the mystery was solve-able in the first century, that the 666 entity was existing at that time. Can we trace the Khaldi / Picts to Caesar?

I don't know that Romans wore tattoos. But Romans were in contact with Picts and Celts before Revelation was written, and Pontius Pilate was supposedly a Pict himself on his mother's side...and possibly a Patrician on his father's side. It would be interesting to find who the Patricians were by other names. A patrician is a father or an owner or a ruler, and chances are, Patricians traced to the Greek beast ( a leopard with wings) of Daniel 7. A griffin was in ancient times a leopard with wings, but with the head and legs of an eagle, later the Roman symbol. Why was it called a griffin? Was it for the Gripps / Agrippas / Garebites?

Why was Revelation written at PATmos??? Was this home to Patricians? Were the Picts and Khaldi there? After all, Patmos in the KALYMnos area. "Patmos' main communities are Chora (the capital city), and Skala, the only commercial port." The Patmos topic here was conceived in these very moments, two days after the Corrie-related Crows became suspect with the 666 bloodline, and with the 666-suspect pheons of the Welts/Welch's. The Traby-suspect Trips use a ladder, which to Latins is a scala!

Kalymnos was named after an island beside Patmos: "Kalymnos, is a Greek island and municipality in the southeastern Aegean Sea. It belongs to the Dodecanese and is located to the west of the peninsula of Bodrum (the ancient Halicarnassos), between the islands of Kos (south, at a distance of 12 km) and Leros..." This topic comes to you the day after the Obodrites were introduced, and a few days after Herodotus became suspect with the proto-Herod line to Caesars. Compare "OBODR(ite) to "BODRum." Is that not amazing? Where did we see hearts in yesterday's discussion? In the Wager Coat, suspect with the Wagrians, who were identified with the deathly Hyksos. The 666 in my mind has to do with a death-loving bloodline from Sepharvites, the child abductors, the demons amongst us, the only kind of "people" who could love serpentine tattoos. And the tattoo had been traced (by me) to mythical Glaucus, who loved scala-like Scylla, the Galli line that likely named Halicarnassos.

Child abductors were given the night symbol, the owl, seen in the Hyksos-suspect Huck surname. The Huckabees have serpents entwined around a staff, a symbol of the Galli and of Helios that I trace to Julians/Gillians, and of Armenians and Galli-suspect Gileki. I trace the Helios cult to Ialysos, a Rhodian city related to Kamiros, home of the Cimmerians that trace to red-dragon Wales. Why the red dragon? Why the Welch variation of the Veleti-suspect Welts? Why did the pheon trace to the same Armenian place as the rising phoenix, symbol of Roman revival and of Europa at Tyre? What is the common thread in all of these entities if not for the Nairi, Nahorites that gave the world Bozrah and then Bodrum and then the red-haired Budini? Wasn't Esau, who ruled at Bozrah, a red haired man???

The Asclepios cult was an owl cult as well as an entwined-snake cult at Scylla, suggesting that it was at Chora and of Patmos. In fact, Coronis the crow was the mother of Asclepios, and the Scylla monster at Messina was a wolf, while the Apollo wolf line was made the father of Asclepios. This is all new to me, never-before realized until Patmos came to mind this morning, two days after the Crow surname became a topic as per a deathly Sign outside my home.

As (e)scallops must trace to "Asclepios," the Masseys out of Messina must apply, especially as Meschins use scallops. And the Masseys were the Mus-suspect household of the Exodus pharaoh whose bloodline is now suspect at Patmos. Somewhat interesting here is the similarity between "(A)Pachnas" and "Patmos," especially as we see a Mos ending on the term of interest here. Can we fathom a trace of (A)Pachnas" to the Pyxites river? Are the 666-suspect Picts from the Exodus pharaoh???

Coronis was a Lapith of the Phlegyas kind; I trace "Lapith" to Aleppo/Halab and therefore to Halybes, the fellow metal-makers with Khaldi. It's verifying that the 666 bloodline was from the proto-Gaul / Celt peoples to the Excalibur-sword symbol at Exeter. The Exeter surname uses the same chevron and three black symbols as the Welts/Welch's. The Caesar-suspect Caseys use the same chevron surrounded by three red eagles (phoenix-suspect), and were first found in Cork, the place to which I traced the Corrie term in an alternative name of Leicester. The Cork surname is also shown as "Corr."

I traced Cork's Muskerry entity back to a Des/Deas-like peoples in the Mus area of lake Van, and then the Desmond saltire is in the colors of the Corrie/Curry saltire (Desmonds were at Muskerry's MacCarthy bunch). The Caseys even use a gold garb while Scottish Corries/CAWries (don't crows go "caw"?) gold griffins (both symbols suspect with Garebites) were first found at Dumfries, the location of Annandale's Ananes (Gauls) to which I trace the Desmond saltire. The Casey garb is from a hand in a cloud, and the cloud was a symbol of mythical Nephele, alternate term for Ixion's wife, Dia, who I traced to the Deas-like peoples around Lake Van (I can't recall the spelling of their name, but they were suspect as Deylamites, a people living next to, or amongst, the Gileki/Gels). Ixion was a Lapith along with Coronis, you see, and all of these elements are now tracing to Patmos, where John wrote on the 666.

Irish Corries not only use a saltire in the colors of the "Jewish" Pollock bend (= half saltire), but use "audaux," suspect with the "audacter" term of Traby-related Pollocks. There are Polish-Traby overtones to Caesars because Cassers (scallops!) and Polkinghornes use a version of what must be the Arms of Trebizond Empire; then, the Mieszko-rooted Haught/Houghtons likewise use that same black / or white bars. Cassers are suspect with the French-Casey variations, the Caseys who use three branches each with six leaves.

The Cassers show variations making them suspect with the Chaines/Chenays/CHESneys with Masci wing, and yet entering "Chesney gets the Cheneys of BUCKINgham. No such Ches variations are shown in the Cheney page, but entering "Ches" gets yet another surname first found in Buckinghamshire. This Ches/Chessum surname uses a red stag head, symbol also of the Celts/Colts of Perthshire, the ones who use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed next to their red stag head. It's indicating the Masci bloodline from Apachnas again, especially as "Cheney" smacks of "Khyan," the other more-common name of Apachnas.

It's may also be indicating that someone in the Dick-Cheney circle is the 666 man, the False Prophet. The Romney surname certainly befits the Khyan-Caesar merger that heraldry and mythology is revealing to me.

If we're convinced that the Kos cult of Edom traces to Kos (the island near Patmos), then it's easier to see Bozrah's Edomites at Bodrum; it can explain why Herods, who I'm seeing in the Herodotus bloodline out of Bodrum, were Edomites. In this picture, one might wish to trace Patmos tentatively to the Edomite location of Petra (which is roughly where the Red-sea incident may have taken place for the Exodus pharaoh).

"Patmians prefer to identify themselves as Dorians descending from the families of Argos, Sparta and Epidaurus, further mingling with people of Ionian ancestry." It's right down dragon lane. You may have read many months ago where the Butteri, highly suspect as Roman Patricians, were traced to the Bituriges (at Avaricon/Avaricum, smacking of Avaris, the Hyksos capital) and therefore to Poitou/Poitiers, the home of Pictones. It's telling me now that the Apachnas-suspect proto-Picts were merged with Roman Patricians, exactly what's to be expected in the Hyksos trace to Patmos and Kos. Avaricum is now Berry, the place suspect as naming the heraldic barry bars, used by Trebizond, Cassers...and the American flag. It's important that the Mieszko-related Haughts/Houghtons use the Trebizond bars because Trabzon was home to Amazons, the Meshech who were proto-Mieszkos. The Amazons, in other words, were the Mus household of Apachnas, whose line is suspect at Avaricum.

In Ezekiel's days, not too long before Herodotus, the Meshech lived smack at the area between the Trabzon and Batumi of Georgia. Herodotus told that the Amazons of the Trabzon theater were married to Georgia-suspect Gargarians, and that they migrated to the Tanais area as the founding of Sarmatians. It would appear that the proto-Mus family of the Exodus pharaoh were a part of that migration because Hyksos were largely Danaans. This was the migration of the Artemis-branch Amazons to the north shores of the Black sea, where the related Hyperboreans (means "far northerners") lived that are suspect as Ezekiel 38's "far north" Gog of Magog. In the Patmos article:

According to a legend within the Greek mythology, the [Patmos] island's original name was "Letois," after the goddess Artemis, daughter of Leto....Mythology tells of how Patmos existed as an island at the bottom of the sea.

Deer-huntress Artemis frequently paid visits to Caria, the mainland across the shore from Patmos, where she had a shrine on Mount Latmos. There, she used to meet up with the moon goddess Selene, who cast her light on the ocean, revealing the sunken island of Patmos.

LatMOS? It's where I trace surnames using sleeping moons, as for example the 666-suspect KISSinger surname. Reminder: chi-xi-stigma looks like "kes" to the English. This surname smacks of the Kessiners on the Warnow river, and the nearby Lutica peoples are very likely from the Leto cult at Latmos, an origin, likely of Amazonian-related Latins (i.e. a Mus-Latin merger as suggested by "LatMOS"). It was the sleeping moon Karen/Kerns (Silesia) that first alerted of a sleeping-moon trace to the eternal-sleep character at Latmus, mythical Endymion (lover of Selene, possible proto-Silesian Seleucids), for this surname smacks of Carians. The Kissinger six-pointed stars are of the same form as the Karen/Kern stars, and in the same colors. Should we ask whether Henry Kissinger (a Republican Illuminatist, by many reports) is a part of the Romney team?

The Patmos article goes on to say that Patmos was named by peoples of Latmos so that indeed the Apachnas line should trace to Patmos. It's making the Apachnas line suspect as the proto-Patrician dragon that will, according to Revelation 13, arise to life. "Selene was always trying to get Artemis to bring the sunken island to the surface and, hence, to life. Selene finally convinced Artemis...Zeus agreed, and the island emerged from the water. The Sun dried up the land and brought life to it. Gradually, inhabitants from the surrounding areas, including Mount Latmos, settled on the island and named it "Letois" in honor of Artemis." It's a resurrection theme.

The question now is whether "Patmos" traced to "Poitou," in the area of Caria-like Cher. There is an entire story to be told on the bell-depicted Porter surname as it links to Avaricum, to Bellovesus Bituriges, and to the bell symbols of the Exeter Coat (English Pikes were first found in Devon, and Scottish Pikes are also "Pickon," possibly of the Pictones). It's seems clear that Porters were named after "Poitiers." The Bellis who use an Apachnas-suspect beacon are suspect at the doorstep of Bellovesus. The Bellamy > Macey line is of course a prime suspect of that Apachnas line.

Patmos is off-shore of Ephesus, and Hephaestus there was the metal god from the Halybes / Khaldi Amazons. Sintians lived on Lemnos, the sacred island of Hephaestus, and I traced Sintians to the Santones Gauls beside the Lemnos-rooted Lemovices, both beside the Pictones of Poitou. I traced Santones (founders of Saintes in France) to the codework, "Latter Day Saints," the Mormons, because Mormons offer clues in the Book of Mormon for a trace to Lemnites. Reminder: the Romney Coat uses the Botter bend, and Mitt Romney is a Mormon fat-cat who likely links to Bucks county, Pennsylvania, not far from Pennsylvanian elements (at Harmony) that married the Mormon founder, Joseph Smith...whose surname I trace to "Samos," and to Hephaestus' Kabeiri metal cult at Samothrace.

The Day / Dee bloodline was traced to the Deylamites, or Dia, wife of Ixion, and a Dee river flows through Chesney-suspect CHESter and Cheshire into Wales, where Tudor Trevor held the Trabzon bloodline. The Deas-like entity of Armenia (that I cannot recall the spelling of) was also in the Ardahan area, very near Trabzon, and in the theater of the Hayasa Azzi. This is what made mythical Dia suspect with the Hyksos of Hayasa Azzi that were codified as "Ixion."

The Dee river flows near Flint of Flintshire, where the PICTON surname was first found. Pictincidence? The Picton Coat is said to be "guttee," meaning that it uses drops. The Drops/Tropes use drops, and they smack of Trips who were first found in the same place as Drummonds who smack of Thermodon at Trabzon. The gold lion of Pictons is used by the Trevor (Tudor) surname, but instead of drops, the Trevor Shield shows ermines, now also suspect as a tattoo symbol along with similar pheons.

Note the similarity between "Payen/Paion/PAIONT" and "paint." That's also the Pagan surname that I trace to "Apachnas." Aha! The Payen stars are PIERCED!!!

The ancient Paeoni smack of "pheon." The Zionists stars of Payens/Pagans are also called, HEXagrams, a Hyksos-suspect term of witchcraft. I'm reading online that "early doctors were called paeoni. This is the origin of the name Paeonia." That in conjunction with tattooing brings AcuPUNcture to mind because "puncture" is a Paeoni- and Pict-like term. Note the "pain" term treated by doctors, or what one gets when punctured by needles.

Could the Coronis cult have named Korea: "Korea is believed to be the first country acupuncture spread to outside of China. Within Korea there is a legend that acupuncture was developed by the legendary emperor Dangun..." Compare "China" to "Khyan." Many native "Indians" of America are suspect from China, and my findings have been that most American natives are a Gog and Meshech peoples. There are even some Paeoni-like American natives.

"Puncture" is likely rooted in "punch," wherefore the Punch surname was checked to find it first found in Gloucestershire, where I trace the tattoo-suspect (and Asclepios/Coronis-related) Glaucus line (Glaucus meant "blue-green," the color of tattoos). It just so happens that the Punch's have Poyntz variation smacking of a needle point. They are also shown as "Pons" so that the Bonds / Bundys / Ponts and similar others are coming to mind, especially as the Pyxites river was near the Pontus, where the Khaldi and Halybes lived! It's telling me now that the Pontus was named after needle points of tattoo designers. It's suggesting that the Paeoni were from the Pontus. In myth, the Biblical Ladon was traced to mythical Pontus.

The Punch/Poyntz surname even used the barry bars (!), suggesting a trace to Poitiers' Pictones. The Punch/Poyntz Crest is just a right "cubit arm" and "fist." I was at the doctors last week for a blood test and was told to make a fist in order to draw the blood! They drew the blood, as they always do, from my right arm.

Why is the punch drink called by that name? If punch was traditionally pink, note the similarity between "pink" and "punch." Compare the Punch arm to the Pinch/PINKe arm (Payen / Pinder/Pinner / Chappes' colors, first found where the Chappes' are expected), and think pins and needles. Pinch's/Pinkes use mascles, and then the Maschi/Maskally Coat uses pine cones, likely symbol for the Pines/Pinns (who look like Wayne-branch Wagrians / Arthurs). Scythians (especially the Arpad Hungarians) were known for making blood-brother pacts and drinking their own blood from a grail (or "punch bowl"?) for the purpose. Note "pact," for I once traced Picts to a Pactolus location (Lydia). It may have been that the blood was accessed from needles in the right arm, for even the right hand of God is the primary position. In fact, the apostle John, who was reportedly the one in Patmos, is the one who wanted to sit at the right hand of Jesus' throne. If blood is mixed with water in a bowl, does it look pink???

I trace the grail cult to chalice-like Cilix, mythical symbol of Cilicians and therefore, in my opinion, the Gileki namers of Cilicia. In that picture, the grail cult is the Gileki > Glaucus tattoo bloodline! It suggests that the blood-filled grail of Revelation 17 is code for Scythian blood pacts / oaths.

The Pactolus river was a tributary of the Hermus, the latter suspect as the proto-ermine entity. One could expect that the Lydia domain around the Pactolus was related to the Latmos namers who reportedly founded Patmos. It just so happens that I identify the Hermes caduceus rod with the Gileki. Hermes is highly suspect as the Hyksos peoples from the Hayk/Haik Armenians. The following suggests that the Pactolus was home to the Electryon / ALCmene ancestry of mythical Hercules, and therefore the home of the Samson bloodline to Hephaestus' metal-making Kabeiri: "The Pactolus once contained electrum [gold-silver alloy] that was the basis of the economy of the ancient state of Lydia. According to legend, King Midas divested himself of the golden touch by washing himself in the river."

Hercules rode in a cup-shaped ship of Helios (= Gileki bloodline) to the Atlantean far west. It was the 666 bloodline coming our way, the same 666 bloodline on the Pactolus and in Patmos. There may even have been a 666 concept on Patmos in John's day. God may have brought John to Patmos for special reasons toward writing that Revelation.

The pheon was suspect as a 666 code because it reminded me of a sharp tool with ink container. See a great shot of the pheon in the Danish Manson Coat, and then compare the similar symbol (arrow/spear tip) of the Norwegian Mansons to the single ermine in the Ermine Crest. And ask why the Ermine Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Annandales. Are the small dots at the trip of the ermine point a symbol of ink spots? There is a round dot at the back end of the Norwegian-Manson arrow/spear tip. Isn't Charles Manson possessed of the devil, as will be the anti-Christ?

BUT NOW, the ostrich feather, a symbol of both Tudors and Trabys, is a pen to be filled with ink. I suppose that temporary tattoos were produced with feather-and-ink. When the ostrich feathers are folded over at their tops, they form a convenient 6 shape. Isn't this a good theory as to why the strings of the Traby bugle show like 666?

Okay, so the idea now is that pharaoh Apachnas had descendants and followers who became a mighty proto-Patrician nation in spite of being removed by God from Egypt. And this mighty bloodline passed in-part through Patmos as the proto-Latins of Lydia and Latmus, and the Hector Trojans, later finding the veins of Julius Caesar via the Patricians proper. Later, it found Adolf Hitler. Interesting here is the Pack surname, first found in the same place as Coverts, and using the Shield-and-Chief combination of Saluzzos and Cutters, and Patrician-rooted Pattersons! The Pack Chief even uses Hitler-suspect anchors.

Packs were first found in DORset, and Patmos was said to be founded by Dorians. Saluzzos should be the Seleucid bloodline to Selene at Latmos, especially as we just saw a Latmus / Patmos trace to the PACtolus river running through Sardis (Lydian capital), the city that I trace to "Sardinia," where the Seleucid city of Sulcis is situated. Cutters were traced to mythical Kodros, whose son founded Ephesus on-shore of Patmos! Ephesus was founded by Amazons, supporting the trace of PayMOS to Amazons of the Mus / Mysian kind. We are now on the solid side of the evidence for a Sale-of-Mascy (the clan) trace to Seleucids, whom the prophet Daniel reveals as runners-up to the anti-Christ.

It just so happens that Sardis was earlier called, Hyde. It's the Heidlers and Hoods/Hudds who use the Pack anchor design! It tends to wildly verify that Packs, said to be from "pacca," trace to the Pactolus river. Polish Packs use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Massey (and Lys) fleur, suggesting a Pack trace to the Mieszko Poles. This verifies that Adolf Hitlers Polzl bloodline traced, as I said, to the Maschis of Rimini. The Mieszkos were also the Trabzon-Traby line of Meshech = Amazons.

The Hood/Hudd "fret" is used also by Audleys (I'm sure that the "audacter" term of Pollocks was traced recently to Audleys in a very solid way), and the Audley fret, which is part saltire, is in the colors of the Scottish Pike/Pickons saltire. Pikes/Pickons were first found in Ayrshire, near the Pollocks of Renfrew, and where the Kyle location is located. Scottish Porters, who traced to Pictones of Poitiers, were first found in Kyle, and I now trace "Kyle" to Galli of the Julian/Gillian kind. Kyles show an anchor in crest entwined with a snake, the Galli symbol. Hyde-incidence? One could expect Pactolus and Sardis/Hyde elements at Kyle, in other words, and we've just seen the Pictone-suspect Porters there. The Hyde Coat (lozenges in the colors of the lozenges of Nero-suspect Nagles) even uses a Shield like the Apachnas-suspect Payens.

Hydes (red rising eagle in Crest!!!) use a "haec" motto term, suggestive of mythical Hector Trojans tracing to the Hitler- and Caesar-related Ectors/Hectors/Heckies.

Knowing now that Hitlers trace to the Patrician-suspect Pactolus, we have further reason to link Hitlers to Julius Caesar (reminder: the Julian/Gillian cross looks like the makings of the swastika), and Nazis to the 666-tattoo bloodline. We also saw above that the Cutter surname uses the Pack Shield in colors reversed, while the Cutter-surnamed architect of Clark House was suspect as an associate with the early Nazi / Thule organizations. Of further interest here is that the Hiedler/Hitler stars are used in the Close/Cloves Coat (Botter colors) while the son of Kodros was AndroKLOS. The Close surname can trace to Closeburn, where the Kilpatrick-branch patricians were first found, who are now tracing to the Pactolus, you see. This may suggest that Androklos was the Lydian > Latin line to the Claudians that furnished a Julian-related caesar immediately before Nero.

JUST FOUND AFTER writing the above: Clauds (look like a Payen branch) were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as French Packs! It suggests that the Claud Coat is a version of the Hyde Coat! Making great progress here this morning uncovering the Sardis roots of multiple entities suspect at the end-time beast. Mr. Hitler, the Lydian. Mr. Caesar, the Lydian. Mr. Grand Master of the Templars, the Lydian. Mr. Anti-Christ, the Lydian. It was the Lydians who had a Gugu/Gyges king.

Hmm, if Clauds are from an old cloud term as per "klos" ("klyt comes to mind, a mythical term in some names), note that Ephesus is the home of the husband of Aphrodite who I identified with NEFERtiti and therefore with mythical Nephele.

The Jeckle Coat uses a hypodermic needle Kidding. But I'm waiting to find one at any moment. The Jeckles use a horse, a Hyksos symbol, and of course "Jeck" smacks of "Heck." The Jeckle Coat uses the Shield of Leaders and Ladds/Ladons, Lydian suspects. The Kilpatrick Patricians use a "laidir" motto term and link easily to the Latin surnames.

One last thing before closing for the day. Porters are also "PAWter," and the Paws are suspect where the dexter Kilpatrick paw is on the head of the dragon as a 666 code. Both Paw surnames use peacocks, the Dutch branch using the Maness peacock, and the Maness surname smacks of Mansons who use 666-suspect pheons. As Payen-related lines are now tracing to the Pactolus, it begs the question of whether the Peacock surname, also using peacocks, is a Pac bloodline of the Pict kind. The Peak surname shows PATTEE crosses on a Shield in the black color of the Pattee Shield, and the latter uses an "esCUTcheon" now suspect as part code for Cutter-related Cuts (black Shield) and Khyan-related Keons/Wings.

For all the Wing/Wink and Winger discussion earlier, I had forgotten that Keons show a Wing variation. It may mean that Wings and Wingers are the Apachnas / Khyan bloodline. I now find that Wingers use gold on a black Shield, the colors of the Peaks, and that Wingers were first found in the same place (Durham) as Peak-suspect Peacocks. Moreover, as i trace the namers of Durham to the Durance river where the Selene-of-Latmos Salyes lived, by what coincidence does the Winger Coat use a white-on-black bend, the color of the Sale bend.

[It's Wednesday. I can't get any more up today. I think I'll keep the rest for next Monday. You have all week to look into some interesting ideas already in this update here.]


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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