Previous Update: October 1 - 8

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(if there are any to speak of)
Oct 9 - 15, 2012

Scuting Along with Douglas', Sholto to Shoulder with Dreyers
The Marathon Mysteries of Rennes-le-Quillan
The Covert Club at the Spanish Marriage of Viana to Cleves
Too many new revelations to point out here, many near the end
Once again, no proof reading done, expect errors

I have yet to mention what I think regarding the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. I'm glad that the Stephantsminda / Stevenage topic, regarding two locations named after "Stephen/Steven," started about August 25 and carried through with much emphasis in the first weeks of September, by which time, on September 11, Christopher Stevens was killed supposedly by terrorists. I may have a different view, that Obama's circle had him killed, which I plan to explain at the top of the next update.

In the second half of the second update of September, dated September 11 - 17, I initially discovered and introduced, without any regard to the murder of Stevens, the online idea that Obama's true grandfather was Lewis Stevenson, of a Chicago family. At the top of the 2nd update of September, there was presented some damning evidence (new to me) to prove that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's true father, and the bulk of the material speaking on Lewis Stevenson being the true father of Frank Marshall Davis is at the top of the 4th update of September. By that time, the murder of Christopher Stevens was starting to become a scandal for Obama, but here in the middle of October, it has grown onto his Achilles' foot in his mouth.

My point is whether or not I arrived to the Stephantsminda / Stevenage topics, which very much included the Steven and Stevenson surnames, by Design of God to coincide with the murder of the ambassador, and with the true Stevenson bloodline of Obama. The Step(h)antsminda location was on the Terek river, and the topic became called, Star-Terek, for more reasons than Chechnya, near the Terek, smacking of Chekov, a character on Star-Trek. In the same 4th update of September that Obama's Stevenson line was unveiled (more damning evidence at the top of the 1st update of October), the actor who played Chekov was investigated, and to my great surprise, he was a Chicago operative like Obama and the Stevensons. As Frank Marshall Davis, also in Chicago, was a communist, I shared this:

[Walter] Koenig [= Chekov on Star Trek] was born in Chicago, Illinois, the son of businessman Isadore Koenig and his wife Sarah (nee Strauss). Koenig's parents were Russian Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union; his family lived in Lithuania when they emigrated, and shortened their surname from "Konigsberg" to "Koenig". Koenig's father was a communist who was investigated by the FBI during the McCarthy era. ]

I could barely believe what I was reading, coming to my knowledge just while the Terek topic was red hot with evidence in a trace to Stewarts, the trunk of the Stevens surname. It was being reported (my me) in September that the Alan-Stewart bloodline had charge of the U.S. military, but I had not known at the time that Obama (or his circle) appointed Stevens as the Libyan ambassador. As the knowledge of Chekov being from a Chicago communist family came in the same update as the emphasis on the Stevenson father of Frank Davis', I must conclude that the Stephantsminda / Star-Terek topic in my writings was a design by God, intended to point directly at the murder of ambassador Stevens, not because Arabs / Libyans had him killed.

All of the facts coming to light concerning this scandal suggests that Obama had the ambassador killed. Even the mother of one of the others (Smith surname) who was murdered with Stevens said on a Fox show that he was killed because "he knew too much."

I'm writing here after this update was mostly written. This update discovers the Claptons at Plsen of CZECHoslovakia, and traces Plsen, also "Pilsen," to Placentia, and to the Polson surname. It's important that while Stewarts use the Cohen checks, Chekov was a KOENig surname in real life, you see, and Cohens come from Khazars, who lived at Kizlyar on the Terek river. With this in mind, see in the quote below what was written in this update after showing a new key find: that Wyatts were linked fundamentally to Coverts for multiple reasons having to do directly with the mysteries at Rennes-le-Chateau:

...the Wyatt description is, "A half lion holding an arrow." Usually, a half lion is a "demi" lion, but in this case, a "half" term is used smacking of the Hof bloodline (Swabia) that I'm sure Coverts belong to. In fact, not only does theHalf surname, shown properly as "Help," show an hourglass Shield, but it can be construed as using a solid blue chevron, the color of the solid chevron in the Arms of Haifa. Can that be coincidental? No, and it's the first time that I've gotten solid evidence for a claim some months ago: that "Caiaphas" traced to "Haifa."

See this Steven Coat with solid chevron [colors reversed to the Half "chevrons"] that can link to the Chappes chevron. Were Coverts (first found in the same place as Hephers/Evers) just traced from Montlhery to Foix? The Chappes were first found in the Montlhery theater.

The pelicans in the Steven Coat are used also by Stewarts, and as I've traced "pelican" to the PULCipher surname, see that entering "Pulsipher" gets the same Polesdons as when one enters "Pilson." The Pulsipher/Pilson/Polesdon Crest is almost the stag in the Crest of English Stewarts.

The point there was that the Glaphyra line to Claptons arrives to the Steven branch of Stewarts because Stevens were a Caiaphas line suspect also in the priest-boasting Cohens. The point here is that both the Half's and the Stevens above were first found in the same place, Gloucestershire...where the Chemmites of the Uat/Buto cult (includes the Wyatts) trace who I say named Samandar (on the Terek downstream from Stephantsminda) after Samannud/Sebannytos in the Nile delta. Samandar is said to have been at the Kizlyar location, and besides, the SAMson surname was first found in Gloucestershire too. As Samannud/Sebannytos trace to the Sabini and their Samnite tribe, who then trace to the Seubi and the Semnones, note that Swabia, where the Hof liners lived that were in cahoots with Hohen-branch Cohens, was named after the Suebi.

The last thing done in the last update was to seek Breffny branches, coming up with the Briefs/BrefTRAGERs, important because Fellers are also "FellTRAGER." I'd like to know why Breff / Brave elements linked to Roquefeuil elements. A quick look at all the clues shows that this exercise is a complicated one which may not give up any major clues to make it worth our while. I'll add comments as I go along even if it gets drab.

My last attempt to find the meaning of Tragers included the Track/Trick/Trigg surname in Roquefeuil colors, but I also thought that the Drink/Dreng surname should apply for using the Oxford-surname lion. I assumed these surnames to be the Drake bloodline from Thrace / Trojan elements...which would be the Hyksos, I'm sure, as they developed into the Mieszko's and other Mus elements. Drakes had been the dukes of Masovia, for example, where Mieszko's ruled.

But a Drager/Dreiger/Dreyer surname has just been found with plenty of symbols and descriptive terms. A phrase of interest is its "bouquet of flowers," wherefore I'll be on the look-out for links to the water bouget that has recently traced to Bouchard II, founder of Montmorency, and brother of Thibaud, founder of the house of Montlhery. If Dragers / Tragers trace to these men, then we should expect a few things, for example the merger of Hyksos-Trojans to the Levi / Caiaphas / Ananias line in Paris, for not only is Montlhery in Paris, but Trojans of the HECtor / HECube kind had a mythical Paris that named Paris, France, near Troyes.

Plus, the Jacob surname became large in the last update, and I had wondered (years ago) whether "Hecube" traced to a "Jacob," though in the end I rejected the idea in favor of a trace to a Hyksos element. Hecube was the mother of Hector, important king of Trojans, and then the daughter of Mieszko is the founder of the Haught/Hocter/Hector surname, just another reason to trace Mieszko's to Hyksos-Trojans.

As Trojans were a horse-loving peoples, note the "horseman" term to which Irish Haughts/Haughys trace themselves. The Horseman surname was first found in Buckinghamshire, where I trace the Hyksos king, Apachnas, and it happens to use hands (in the colors of the Mieske/Mesech bull), Drager/Dreyer important because their write-up traces to "...'Dreher,' meaning 'lathe-hand or turner'". It's a calculated lie, because both Lathe's/Leith's and Hands/Lavins/Glavins use red-on-gold lozenges, though Lathe's/Leiths call theirs, "fusils," in honor of the Fusils/Fusiers who use lozenges. These lozenges in red-on-gold were the symbols of Thomas Randolph and other earls of Moray.

Note the type of covered crown in the earl-of-Moray page, for it's the type used by the Douglas Coat, and the Douglas stars should trace to Moray one way or another. Therefore, it appears that Dregers/Dreyers were a branch of the Douglas sept of Drysdales (use a version of the KilPatrick Coat). But as the English Dry/Drey surname shows a Dreigh variation while French Dreys use ducks, it appears that we are definitely on the Masovia-Drake bloodline to Masseys and Veres, who use the Hanan Shield probably because Masseys and Veres were fundamental to Maccabees and Pharisees.

Pharisees should themselves trace to mythical-Paris Trojans, whom I found at Mysia's Parion/Parium, a location smacking of Priam, mythical father of Paris and Hector. Parion/Parium is in relation to the Hellespont, explaining why Paris abducted the Spartan, Helen "of Troy." She traced in the last update to "Elisha," the prophet of God whom the proto-Essenes had honored. But then "ELISabeth" was found to trace to these Elisha elements out of Elis (Greece), and the bloodline of queen Elizabeth I was supported by so-called Jacobites, whom are now suspect with "Hecabe," wife of Priam.

It's interesting here that the Stone of Scone cropped up as one of the last topics in the last update, after emphasizing the Jacob surnames. The Stone of Scone is traced by its Masonic adherents to the "pillow" of Biblical Jacob, founder of Israel, and so there is reason to trace it instead to Jacobites, not from Jacob of Israel but from the Hecuba Trojans. What's pillow-interesting here is that Kilpatricks, who are themselves listed as a Douglas sept, use "cushions." As the Douglas motto term honors "James" and therefore the Jacobites, the Stone of Scone should be a Douglas entity.

Looking into this possibility, not only is the Scone-surname tower and Zionist star in the colors of the Douglas / Moray / Foix stars, but Scones were first found in Stirling, the location of DRYmen, said to be named after Drummonds who lived there (Drummonds trace to Ross-shire, beside Moray.) In other words, the Drysdale sept of Douglas looks to be from Drymen, which in turn tends to trace the Drys/Dreys, Dreigher/Dreyers, FellTragers and BrefTragers to Drymen. In fact, I had traced Douglas' to Trabys at this Trave area, where Varni lived, and so note the green WyVERN in the Scone Crest.

In the last update, Douglas' were traced to Roy elements, and here now we find such an element in the Drymen article: "[Drymen] is often used as an overnight stop for hikers on the West Highland Way, and forms the western end of the Rob Roy Way. There are a couple of pubs and a walkers' shop. The Clachan pub claims to be the oldest pub in Scotland and to have a connection with the family of Rob Roy."

The article also has the following, important because the Spanish Camps Coat uses the same tower, in the same colors, as the Scones: "Drymen is a village in Stirling district in central Scotland. Drymen lies to the west of the Campsie Fells and enjoys views to Dumgoyne on the east and to Loch Lomond on the west. The Queen Elizabeth Forest reaches down to the village edge, and the whole area is part of the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (the first National Park in Scotland)." TROSsachs? Troy was also, Tros.

Back to the earl-of-Moray page: "When the Earl of Mar died in 1435, a power vacuum allowed the Lords of the Isles to dominate Moray from the 1430s to the 1450s. The crown's earldom was restricted to the coastal areas of Moray and was held by lords whose resources lay elsewhere. The last of these once-loyal lords were the Clan Douglas, Earls of Douglas..." Clicking to the Earl of Douglas article, we find the reason, likely, for the Douglas heart in the Hardy surname: "Through the marriage of William the Hardy, grandfather of the 1st Earl [of Douglas], to Eleanor de Lovaine, The Earls of Douglas could trace their ancestry to the Landgraves of Brabant, the Counts of Hainaut..." I was half expecting "BRABANt' as the explanation for "BREFFNy" before arriving to this article.

The English Brabant fesse is shortened, as the Herod/Hurl chevron was once shown (until recently) shortened. It's the Copper/Copper chevron that is shortened and called "couped" for that reason, and Coopers trace to Kypros, mother of Herod the great slime. You understand here that a couped theme in heraldry can be code for the Herod line, wherefore Brabant is suspect as a Herod-infested area. It just so happens that neighboring HAINaut, suspect with Ananias, uses the three chevrons of the French Levi Coat. Until recently, and for years up until the time that I first reported on it, the Levi chevrons were thicker, the same thickness as those in the Arms of Hainaut.

Spanish Braves (now suspect with Brabant) are the ones using a tower in the colors of the Scone / Camps tower, and by now you know that the Campbells trace to Herods for more reasons than Campbells being first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Herods/Hurls.

Louvain was also "Leuven," and then the Italian Leuven/Leively surname uses the triple chevron in the colors of the Water and Eure-et-Loir triple chevron. As we may assume here a trace to MontlHERY of Eure-et-Loir (i.e. where the Douglas motto term is now tracing), surely the Leuvens/Leivelys were of the Levi surname at Ile-de-France (Paris), where Montlhery is located. Thank you, big mouth of heraldry.

The counts of Leuven used the same fesse as Caiaphas-suspect Coverts, while the dukes of Brabant (at link above) use gold lions on black, the color of the lions in the Arms of Kyburg (at Zurich), where I traced "Covert" (because I gleaned that they were Coburgs). Recall the Dreger/Dreyer write-up to "...'Dreher,' meaning 'lathe-hand or turner'," for a gold-on-black lion is used by Turners too. The same Turners use a Catherine wheel now tracing to Cazeres at Comminges, and the Turner towers are of the design and colors of one set of Spanish Camps towers. If you don't recall, Campsie FELLs is beside Drymen, where I'm tracing the Dregers/Dreyers. That's a very interesting trace for the FellTRAGERs too, suddenly.

The Turner write-up: "Turner is a name for a lathe worker." No. Rather, Turners link to Lathe's, as do Dreger/Dreyers.

This is a good place to show the Levi lion design in the Har(r)y/Carry Coat, for if the Douglas motto term (arrieres) is for the Orry/Hery/Hary/Ure surname, then the Hary Coat can apply, especially as the Douglas salamander looks identical to the lizard of the Hares/Garrys. Note that the English Hare's/Hairs/Hehers (AYRshire) use a Coat like Randolphs / Dunhams, for the Har(r)y/Carry Crest uses the Dunham spear. Besides, we just saw Douglas' at the earls of Moray, where Randolphs ruled.

The Dry/Drey/Draigh surname is in the colors of the Dunhams, and was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Dunhams.

It just so happens that while Douglas' were traced to Foix (beside Roquefeuil), the Hare/Garry Crest is a fox while the Hare/Garry Coat uses trefoils in the colors of the Rod-Roquefeuil bloodline.

It just so happens that while Hares/Hairs/Hehers were first found in Ayrshire, where I expect the Caiaphas line of the ear kind, the Airs/Ayers/Eyers/Hayers (quatreFOILs) were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Harrie's/Harris'. The latter show what I'm assuming is the Edward chevron surrounded by hedgehogs, while the Hedge/Hegge surname uses swans in the colors of the Haries/Harris chevron. The Hedge's/Hegge's were first found in the same place (Kent) as Louvains and Brabants, and Kent was the home of Cantii that are being traced to the Candale / Kendel element of Foix-Candale.

The reason that I'm pegging the Edwards is that Brabants use white roses while Edwards were Yorkists. Moreover, the royal Edwards are from the Essenes of the Elizabeth kind, you see, as per Elizabeth of Bohemia, wife of John of Bohemia. John's mother, you see, was Margaret of Brabant, whose father (John "the Victorious" of Brabant) was born in Leuven. The Savoy side of the royal Edwards had traced to Macon, and then the Macons/Masons were first found in Kent too, and even use the same lion as Louvains of Kent. Interesting here is that Jean (i.e. yet a John name) de Foix-Candale married MARGARET de-Pole.

The Masonic lines who trace themselves to John the Baptist are expected to use plenty of John and Elizabeth names. It's interesting that while John the Victorious may trace to Victors/Victoria's, the James' with Dougal / Fort lions are the ones using the "Victor" motto. Moreover, queen Elizabeth II is from a queen Victoria. Several Victor-like terms were traced heavily in the last update to the Magdalene cult, and therefore to the Magdalene church at Rennes le Chateau, smack beside Roquefeuil.

At his article, John of Bohemia holds an orb, which traces not only to Orbieu in the Roquefeuil theater, but to the Orrbys/ORRbeys that are suspect with Orrs and therefore with Orrys/Herys now tracing to the Douglas motto. In her article, Elizabeth of Bohemia holds a sphere that I'm assuming is the orb. Why is the orb now tracing to Boii = Bohemians while Orbys are also OrrBEY?

Let's go back to the Earl-of-Douglas page to see how they trace to Ananias elements at Placentia as well as to Brabant:

Through the marriage of William the Hardy, grandfather of the 1st Earl, to Eleanor de Lovaine, The Earls of Douglas could trace their ancestry to the Landgraves of Brabant, the Counts of Hainaut, and through them to Charles the Bald, grandson of the emperor Charlemagne. In the [mythical] story of Sholto Douglas [8th century], his son William Douglas is a commander of forces sent by the mythical Scottish king Achaius (Eochaid?), to the court of Charlemagne to aid him in his wars against Desiderius, King of the Lombards. William Douglas is said to have settled in Piacenza [= Placentia] where his descendants became powerful local magnates under the name Scotti/Scoto, and eventual leaders of the Guelf faction of that city.

I have several points to make as per that quote. First, it's no surprise that Douglas' trace to Placentia where Annan(dale)s do, for the Douglas septs of Kilpatricks and DrysDALE were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as AnnanDALE. One can figure here that the Dry/Drey/Dreigh surname (herons) traces with "DumFRIES" to Frisians, and so lets recall the recent trace (3rd update September) of Drakes solidly to Drachten of Frisia, for the Dregers/Dragers/Dryers ought to trace there.

Second, mythical Achaius, king of Scotland, was not known to me when the Achaea area at Elis (Greece) was included in the trace to Elisha-worshiping proto-Essenes of Carmel...beside Akko/Akka that was traced to "Achaea." How interesting that, just now, moments after writing the trace of both John of Bohemia and the royal Elizabeth-James bloodline to these very proto-Essenes, I find the quote above concerning king Achaius for the first time. The find comes a few hours after wondering what the "scythe" in the Dreger/Dreyer Coat might refer to, one theory being the Scott surname.

The stars in the Dregher/Dreyer Coat are called, "mullets," and then the Irish-Scots trace themselves to a mythical Scythian from MILETus who named Scotland. Miletus is near Ephesus, where a bee-related essenes cult existed to which we may trace the proto-Essenes carrying the Akka and Elis terms to Greece. As you just read that the Douglas clan traced itself back from rulers of Brabant and Hainaut to Charlemagne, by what coincidence were his Carolingians ruling out of AACHEN (Belgian border)?

The last update emphasized Limoux, the area around Rennes-le-Chateau. Lemon surnames appeared to apply well, but then Lemnos was infested with Hephaestus elements that I trace to Amazon-founded "Ephesus." It just so happens that the Amazon capital in Lemnos, Myrina, should trace to the true Mary-Magdalene bloodline, the same Mary elements from the Amorite capital, at ancient Mari, to which I trace Merovingians. And it just so happens that i traced Merovingians to mythical Merops, a bee entity in Kos that was grandfather to Aedon, mythical wife of a king of Ephesus.

So, never mind children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and know instead the truth, that Masons were distorted souls who used Christian symbols to respect their own bloodlines, the bloodlines that they were too ashamed to confess publicly, a real wonder.

Third, the question arises as to what "Sholto" refers to:

Sholto Douglas was the mythical Progenitor of Clan Douglas, a powerful and warlike family in Medieval Scotland. A Mythical battle took place: "in 767, between King Solvathius rightful king of Scotland and a pretender Donald Bane. The victory was so nearly Donald's when a certain noble man, disdaining to see so bad a cause have good successe, struck in for the king and turned the fortunes of the day. When the king inquired about the knight who had done such valuable service, somebody exclaimed "Sholto du glasse!"..."Behold the black gray man!".." (Ane Historie of the House and Race of Douglas and Angus, David Hume of Godscroft, Edinburgh 1646).

There are not many clues to go on there, but do note the Hume/Home surname (colors of Lombardy) who quoted the myth, for I trace it to the Essenes at QUMran, but also to "Lombard," for I see the latter term as a L'Hom term. The end of the article above: "In the story of Sholto Douglas, his youngest son, William (or Guillelmo) Douglas is a commander of forces sent by the mythical Scottish king Achaius, to the court of Charlemagne to aid him in his wars against Desiderius, King of the Lombards. William Douglas is said to have settled in Piacenza where his descendants became powerful local magnates, and eventual leaders of the Guelf faction of that city." I traced Guelphs / Estes to Merovingians of the Byzantine kind, from when Byzantines had conquered parts of northern Italy.

The Lombards were in the Piacenza theater long after Ananias, but that doesn't mean that Ananias elements, from the Ananes of Placentia, couldn't have wormed their way into Lombard affairs. From the picture in this mythical account of Douglas', one can trace Ananes to the naming of Hainaut. The question is, were those Ananes the Ananias-proper bloodline? Yes, possibly, for Hainaut was an entity of Christian centuries, and uses the Levi the colors of the Brabant / Flanders lion, which is a black lion, like the "Jewish" Levi lion.

Did we see a Donald Bane in the mythical account of the Douglas'? By what coincidence do we now find, just after tracing the Douglas motto term to Montlhery and Eure-et-Loir, that the French Bane Coat is three red-on-white chevrons, the colors of the chevrons used by Eure-et-Loir? Moreover, the Banes were first found in Languedoc, jibing with the trace of Douglas' to Foix. There is a Foix/Foy surname first found in the same place (Ile-de-France) as Levi's / Montlhery, using a Shield split in two in black and white, the colors of the split Shield of Dregers/Dreyers. It's the Foix/Foy write-up that traces to Foix-Candale.

The Foix/Foy Shield is used by Dutch Sprows, who I trace without doubt to the Sprowston location in Norfolk, beside Sparham, terms suspect with Speers who were first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as MontlHERY-suspect Orrs (= kin of Buckets/Buchards). That is, we now have reason to trace Orry/Hery-related Douglas' to Sprowston of Norfolk (not forgetting that Hare-suspect Dunhams of Norfolk use a spear, as do Fulkes of Norfolk). This is being pointed out because the Sholto-like Shoultz's/Shuldhams (in Dunham colors) were first found in Norfolk, and use an ORate motto term. They lived at SHOULDham of Norfolk.

A thought here is that the Colts may apply to "Sholto" elements because Colts, first found in Perthshire, use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed. Perthshire is beside the Drymen location to which Douglas septs of the Annan-related Drysdales have already traced.

The Humes use the motto, "True to the end," and then the Lathe's, accessed from the Dreger/Dreyer write-up, use, "Trustie to the end." It's probably Lathe-important that Kilpatricks (Levi lion), a branch of Drysdales and suspect with them as Ananias elements, had traced solidly to the two Latin surnames. There is a Trusty/Tristram surname using downward white pheons, the color of the downward Pilate pheons.

Both the Germo-Swiss Scholtz and the Dutch Schultz/Schilds Coats are in Dreger/Dreyer colors. The latter (in Dutch Sprows colors) probably use a colors-reversed version specifically of the Kay Coat, for a version of the latter Coat appears to be used by the Ince's/Ins', who in turn use red roundels, a symbol of the Trustys. It just so happens that "Trustie" is a motto term of the Lathe's accessed from the Dreger/Dreyer write-up. The Ince/Ins Coat appears to be used by ORRels/Oriels who come right back to the Douglas motto term. The Arrels/Errols (raven) of Perthshire may apply to that motto term (arrrier) even better. The Ince/Ins surname (uses the Kay bendlets) may be a branch of the Moray Innes' using stars in colors reversed to the Douglas stars. By what coincidence do Innes' use a "Traist" motto term?

All in all, it would not be surprising if the Douglas branch in Angus links to the mythical father of Kay, represented by the Ector/Hector surname, first found in Angus. It's the Hector > Kay bloodline that's highly suspect as the one from Mieszko, suggesting the possibility that this line was the one injecting into the Douglas clan. The mythical king, Achaius, in Douglas lore may even have been a Kay element.

The thistle in the Alpin Crest is used by Paisleys (Glasgow-related) and Drysdales, two surnames that Douglas' can link to. The Drysdale thistle is in a "CHAPlet."

Recall the TROSsach term, what appears to include a Sach term with a term that may be from the Trusty bloodline. Trossach is at Drymen in Stirling. Both the Sachs and the Triste's/Trisse's use a white rose. Paisleys use their white roses with a chevron in the colors of the Edwards chevron. Where Douglas' had a strong affiliation with the Orr bloodline, as might be expected if indeed the Douglas motto term traces to the Orrs, it could be noted here that the Ore piles are shared (in colors reversed) by the Guiscards/WisHARTs, first found in Stirlingshire. The Guiscard piles are indication enough that they had linked with the mother of Pontius Pilate. Entering "Pile" gets a Pile surname using piles, but also a French Pile/Pilot surname with the upright Levi lion.

Let's go back to the Humes found in the quote on Douglas lore. Lathe's -- who connect directly to the Drymen bloodline of the Dregers/Dreyer kind -- use "Trustie to the end" as possible code for the Trossach entity at Drymen, but Humes who link to the Lombards in Douglas lore, use "True to the end." The True surname is very useful now, as it uses, not only plumes of feathers from a helmet -- a symbol tracing to the same in the coin of Herod Archelaus -- but the black greyhounds of one Jacob Coat. Douglas' do link directly to the Jacobite elements suspect in the James surname. Drummond Jacobites were heavily in Perthshire, but for the matter at hand, the proto-Duffs must enter the picture of Pilate's mother in Perthshire (the Hungarian side of Drummonds does not go back to Pilate).

But before getting to the Duff lion as it now offers more clues, look at the German True Coat (Bavaria), in the colors of the Dreger/Dreyer Coat (Bavaria), important because True variations such as Trow/Trew smack of "Dry / Drey." It's tracing True's/Trews (and Humes) to "Drymen," home of Jacobite Drummonds. The problem is, although it may be a key, there are no True-like variations in the German True page. They show properly as Zechariah-like terms, which may trace (falsely) to the father of John the Baptist. I maintain that Masons tracing themselves to Zechariah do so because they also trace to Caiaphas and/or Ananias.

Are we to conclude a True-surname link to Sachs of some kind? The idea above is that the True's of Bavaria connect directly to Dregers/Dreyers of Bavaria but therefore to distant Drymen, and therefore to TrosSACH, as if to suggest that Trossach was named by the German True/ZACHreiss surname. The proof for this is below. By the way, as some evidence that Trossach linked to Tros=Troy, the Tragers/Trogers/Trogans were first found in Bavaria too, and German Troys (white unicorn) were first found in Mechlenburg, the Varni theater that should connect with Trager- and Dreger-related Drakes. The Trager/Trogen bend design is used essentially by Rocco's, whom I see as Roquefeuil linked up with Varni...because the Rocco bend is in the colors of the Varn bend. Tokers (white sea horses), who should trace to "Teucer," founder of Trojans, were first found in the same place (Devon) as Trace's and Trustys, and Tokers use a Drake-like Crest.

If one enters "Reiss" as per "ZachREISS," the German Rice/Reis/Rise surname comes up, and then the Welsh Rice motto uses "Secret," smacking of the Secrest/Sacreisst/Sacresst variations of German True's. Then, to prove that True's/Trows link to DREGER/Dreyers, Welsh Rice's and English Tragers/TREGEREs use roughly the same Coat with ravens.

The full Rice motto, 'Secret et hardy," suggests something like the Guiscards/WisHARTS at Stirling, though it should trace to "ARDAhan" and/or neighboring "ARTvin." The Arths (Sinclair rooster in red), in the colors of the Dregers/Dreyers and True's/Sachreiss', were also first found in Stirling, and they use the Tanner Shield-and-Chief combination, important where Tanners link to Tancreds, ancestors of Guiscards.

The Stirling/STURling surname uses a Moor head, symbol of Tanners, and is in the colors of the Tanner Shield and Chief. The Stirling motto term ("Gang") honors Drummond Hungarians while the Stirling buckles honor Leslie Hungarians. Sturlings may have been named by Sturs, first found in England in the same place (Hampshire) as Drakes, and coming from the same place (Manche) as Veres. This paragraph reveals that the Stur Coat is a version of the Coat used by the Perthshire Drummonds, both Coats being versions of the Arms of Trebizond. The Drummond write-up: "This distinguished family is said to be descended anciently from a Prince Andreas, youngest son of the King of Hungary, and came into Scotland in the train of Queen Margaret. The Drummonds were granted the lands of Drymen."

The Stirling write-up: "Thomas de Stervlen...was Archdeacon of Glasgow in 1228...Sir John Stirling of Moray swore fealty in 1291." The purpose in quoting this is to suggest Stirling linkage to the Glass / GuilleSTRE line that I see Douglas' from. As I've traced Julius Caesar to Guillestre, while Douglas' and Julians/Gillians both use a salamander in flames, not that French Sturs use two things: 1) vertical bars, as with German Julians, and Guilles' first found in Kent; 2) three red roses, symbol of the Caesar surname, first found in Kent. May we ask whether the dolphin in the Caesar Crest is that of the James' since Douglas' and James' both use a "Jamais" motto term???

Where do we suppose French Julians were first found, since they are said to have been first found in Languedoc? The use the saltire that I trace from Oettingens of Bavaria to Odins of Yorkshire, and should therefore be from Aude. They are traced to the Herods of the Hare/Garry and Hair/Hare kind, for this is their write-up: "...the Greek word 'ioulos' which means 'soft-haired, downy, and youthful.'" That must be code for the Hair/Hare/Heher surname because the Julian salamander is the Hare/Garry lizard. Then, the "downy" code in the Julian write-up can be traced easily to the Down/Doun/ surname, and therefore to the Dunhams/Downhams/Dounhams, for the latter use a Coat like the two Hair/Hare surnames. Now you know that the writers of the Julian write-up were lying to your face, and laughing about it.

Tanners, who had merged with the Rollo-viking line as Fulbert "the tanner" of Falaise (i.e. suspect as Roquefeuils) were first found in the same place (Devon) as Trace's and Trustys. Note that the Scottish Fall surname (Inverness) is in the colors of the Varns. Plus, while Trace's use a "falcon seizing a mallard duck" (identifies them as Drakes), Varns use a "A falcon killing a stork." The Oettingens had a mythical stork symbol, and their Odin relatives in Yorkshire were at Storkhouse.

The Stork surname was first found in the same place (Kent) as Guilles' and Caesars, and it just so happens that the Guilles and Caesar surnames were just cited as per the symbols of Stork-like Sturs. It means that Julius Caesar had a line to the Stirlings/Sturlings, important because the father of Pontius Pilate, a Roman ambassador, reportedly mated with a Pictish woman in Perthshire, beside Stirling. Note that Stirlings chose to use their buckles on a bend that I trace to Sales and Salemans, for the Salyes Ligures lived on the same river as GuilleSTRE sits. The Salemans use all the Stirling/Sturling colors, as well as an eagle in colors reversed to the two-headed eagle in the Arms of Guillestre. Note too the small blue-on-white cross in the Arms of Guillestre, for a white-on-blue saltire is used by the Oddie/Hoddy surname, first found in the same place as Odins (i.e. the latter said to be in STORKhouse). [There is a big revelation on the Julians of Guillestre later in this update, linking to Foix-Candale, expected where Douglas' are a Glass line to Julians.]

It is clear that Oddie's/Hoddys use the fret saltire of the Hoods/Hudds/Hutts who trace definitely to Aude due to the fret of Audleys (Savoy, near Guillestre). The Hutt variation gives away their trace to Yorkshire's Hutton location, and then Huttons use stags in the colors of the Stirlings and Salemans, important because the Hood/Hutt motto, "Zealous," must trace to "Salyes." The Hutton stag head is shared by many York elements, including the Herod suspect Hortons/Hurtons, suggesting that Huttons may have been Herods of the Horton kind. As Hoods/Hutts trace by their white anchor to Heidlers, and therefore to Hiedlers/Hitlers/Huttlers, this paragraph have the potential to trace Adolf Hitler once again to Herods?

Is that the Dunham and/or Track/Trigg spear through a dolphin in the Horton Crest? Can we assume that Oettingens of Bavaria linked with Dregers/Dreyers of Bavaria, all around the Bavarian capital, Munich, where Heidlers/Hitlers were first found? Note that Tracks/Triggs and Hiedlers/Hitlers both use suns, and that the Hiedler/Hitler stars are a match with the stars of Languedoc's Julians, and what the French Alans showed until recently. The Alans of Dol easily trace to the Roxolani so that they also trace to the namers of Roquefeuil, in Aude, where the Hoods and Hitlers must trace. But as the Dreger/Dreyer Crest uses a "hat," what about the bend of the Hatt surname, for it's in the three colors of the Saleman and Stirling bend. Hatts were first found in DORset, a place that I trace to "DURance," where the Hood-honored Salyes lived.

But I also trace Durhams to the Dor elements that I see at the Durance, and the Durham Crest use the purplish dolphin just seen in the Horton Crest. As the Horton dolphin was suspect with the James dolphin, what about the three stars in the Durham Coat, the colors of the Douglas stars? Durhams were even first found in Dumfries, where the Douglas septs of Drysdales were first found. Doesn't this paragraph have the ability to trace Dregers/Dreyers of Bavaria to Oettingens of Bavaria where Hortons were Huttons and Hoods/Hutts?

Recall that Sholto-like Shoultz's/Shuldhams (in Dunham colors) were first found in Norfolk, and use an "orate" motto term smacking of Hortons. If you were convinced that the Stone of Scone traced to Herods, note that the "Vigilate" motto term is shared by Scones (Stirlingshire) and Shoultz'.

The Scones can now be traced easily to Essenes at Qumran, and to Sholto elements of the Lombard kind. It begins with the Sconecroft variation tracing to Crofts using "Esse quam." Notice that the Croft Shield is quartered in the colors of the Hatt quarters, for this links the Scones to the Dreger/Dreyer hat, expected because both Scones and Dregers/Dreyers trace to Douglas'. Secondly, the Scones use "SconeHAUCH," and then the Hauchs/Heuschs (Mechlenburg) are not only in the colors of the Essene-suspect House's and Humes/Homes, but they use ducks, symbol of the Dreys! So, yes, the Dregers/Dreyers are indeed tracing to Douglas ancestry in Sholto elements. The House's above even use the white anchor of Hoods/Hutts and Heidlers. The Hauch / House / Hume colors are also those of Lombardy.

Seeing the ducks of the Scone line, this is a good place to mention the "bull horns" of the Druckers, for they smack of Dregers/Dreyers who link to Drakes that trace themselves falsely "to someone who had a duck-like gait." That is, someone who WALKs like a duck. The Drucker bull horns are in Drake-wyvern colors, and then Scones use a wyvern of their own. But note the Drucker write-up: "First found in Polesie, the largest province of Poland. It is inhabited by Ruthenians, called Polesians, of Ukrainian descent. The main towns are those of Brest Litovsk, Pinsk, Kobryn, Kamenets...It was in this province that the renowned Radziwills [= Trabys] and Sapiehas held their vast estates..." I traced "Kamenets" to "caminata," the Italian for "a walk," which explained Walker-surname origins without doubt in Kamenets. I'll re-explain below.

The Walkers had earlier traced to Wagrians on the Warnow river of the Varni, and Varni were at Schwerin (beside Mechlenburg, where Hauchs were first found), what I traced to Scheres/Scherfs using Varn colors, and to the roses-on-stems of Walkers. The Walk-like WILKins were later found to use the Schere/Scherf Shield, but with a green wyvern, which is now found in the Scone Crest. The one point is that the Drake write-up must be suggesting derivation in the walk of a duck as code for their Drucker branch in Kamenet, but also to the Sconehauch line using ducks. The other point is that Kamenets (also "Kamenec") is said to originate in a stone theme, wherefore it was some reason to supect the black stone of El-Gabal in Kamenets. Later, felt that the El-Gabal cult of Woerden (Holland) was in LeeuWARDEN of the Drachten theater (Frisia). This is therefore some reason to conjecture that the Stone of Scone was the black stone of El-Gabal, the latter from the Iamblichus line that merged with Aretas III, ancestor of (or very close relative of the ancestors of) the Herods.

The question was whether "Comminges" traces to "Kamenet[-Podolskij]," and indeed it did excellently when discovering that Komnenos Byzantines founded the Cathars at Comminges. Here's from the 2nd update of last August:

I don't yet know what "Kamenec" (or its alternative, Kamenets) derives in, however, whether a geographical feature, or a bloodline. Interesting is that "Kamenets" is like "caminata," the Italian for "a walk," while Walkers use a "quam" motto term as well as Comyn and MontGomery colors. Walkers also use "HONESta," which might just be codes for "Homs." AHA!!! After writing that, "Walk" [Dumfries] was entered to find, not just a Coat in Comym/Cumming colors, but a garb in the colors of the Comyn/Cumming garbs!!!

Note that Wagers, suspect with Wagrians, are in Comyn colors/format, but with hearts instead of garbs. Wagers and quam-using Walkers were first found in the same place (Yorkshire). The Walks are traced in their write-up to WAUCHOpedale (Dumfries), a possible Hauch-related location. The Hauchs and Sconehauchs might just trace to the "hawk's lure" of Herods/Hurls. Scottish Walkers look to use the Stur bars.

The fact that Wagers use a "dexter arm" holding their "annulet" suggests linkage to the dexter paw of the Kilpatricks of Dumfries, not just because Walks and Annandales were of Dumfries, but because Kilpatricks were at CLOSEburn while Walks use a Coat similar to the Close/Clovse Coat (MacArthur crown). The latter uses what should be the Traby bugle, and so let me add that there is a Maly-Kamenec location in a Trabisov area of SLOVAKIA. There is another Kamenec in ROKYcany (all four Traby / Sadowski colors in the Arms) of CzechoSLOVAKIA, in what was Bohemia. Rokycany is in a wider Plsen/Pilsen region using a camel in the colors of Roquefeuil. That camel may be indication of Kemuel Nahorites.

As I traced the check symbols of Cohens to both Czechoslovakia and to Chechnya, the latter being beside the Terek river that should connect to the Dreger/Dreyer topic, as well as to Stars / Sturs / Sturlings as per the Star-Terek concept, it should be added that there is a Cekov location in Rokycani. It smacks of Chekov, the driver of the Starship Enterprise. The Terek river was where the Cathar-like Khazars lived, and Cathars traced from Komnenos suspect at Kamenet to Cazeres at Comminges. The Arms of Kamenet, like the Khazar-rooted Cohens/Kagans, use a sun. Therefore, see the Catherine wheel of German Turners, for "turner" is in quotation marks in the write-up of Dregers/Dreyers, but then also note that the tower in the Turner Coat is that of the Scones, first found in Star-Terek-suspect Stirling.

This is the place to show that while English Turners use a so-called "millrind" symbol, German Millers, said to be from a HUSEN surname, show a Catherine wheel in colors reversed to Turners. See the sun in the Huss/Hesse/Esse Coat, and ask whether this was an Essene line from Qumran, like the surnames using "esse quam." After all, I traced "Gomer" to "QUMRan," and Comyns/Commings, whose Coat looks like a version of the Coat of MontGOMERys, trace from Komnenos elements to the naming of Comminges.

Now entering "Roky" gets the Roaches using fish on a red Shield, as do Scottish Gettys/Geddys. The point here is simply to prove that Rokycani traces to Roquefeuil. The Geddes use "Capta," and Drakes use "captat," and then while Trace's use a falcon seizing a mallard duck, and while Varns use a falcon killing a stork, Rokys use an "eagle rising" on "a rock proper," with a fish in its claws. English Geddys use reversed Roquefeuil colors.

Back now to Turner-related Millers, for as Turners are in the Dreger/Dryer write-up, Millers can be gleaned in the mullets of the Dreger/Dreyer Coat. That is, Millers should trace to Miletus, origin of the Scots. And this is where the Scott surname (branch of Talbots) comes in, using the Catherine wheel along with Millers and Turners. But the other Scott surname (Roxburghshire) uses a blue bend, the color of the Rind bend, important because English Mill/Mylles use a "millRIND"...while Scottish Mills/Myles use the Roquefeuil-related moline cross. Both Mill/Mylles surnames were first found in the same place as Drakes and Sturs, and Mill/Mylles easily link for that reason to Milo de Vere, quasi-mythical son of Melusine.

To prove links to Dregers/Dreyers even better, the Rind motto includes: "DiuTURNitate." Plus, while Dregers/Dreyers use a "bouquet of flowers, the Rind Crest is A flower pot containing gillie flowers. The French Pots happen to be in Rind colors, and use the same fesse as Weirs/Veres, and then both Potters and Flowers use a white-on-black cinquefoil.

Code code code, once you know this, you can undress heraldry until it becomes sorely embarrassed.

Having thus traced the Scott surnames to Rockefeller lines, let's go to the small gold Shields in the Scute Chief; the center of that Chief is the same tower design as Scones. But the point is the Scute's "shields" match the small gold Shield in the Bane Crest. It just so happens that Dregers/Dreyers use a Scute-like scythe as symbol for the Miletus line to the origin of Scots. It seems that no matter what I investigate in this update, it links to Dregers/Dreyers, a branch of Douglas' I'm sure.

It was found without doubt that cranes, used for example in the Scute Crest, can trace to "Ukraine," and it just so happens that Kamenec is in the Ukraine...or what is called Moldavia, where Trypillians lived. Trypillians had an hourglass-portrayed goddess that was identified by me as proto-Nerthus, and so Trypillians should trace to the Glass > Douglas bloodline out of Guillestre. As French Guilles use the eight-pointed Ishtar star, one can figure that the Trypillian goddess was an evolution of Ishtar, especially as the GuillESTRE term seems to trace to Sturs and Sturlings...not forgetting that while Kamenec was named after a stone theme, while Scones were first found in Stirling. The Scute crane is very important because the Skits use the hourglass Shield! I'll come back to this Scute - Skit topic later.

"The first part of the city's dual name originates from kamin' or kamen, meaning 'stone' in the Old East Slavic language. The second part of the name relates to the historic region of Podolia \f which Kamianets-Podilskyi is considered to be the historic capital...Historians claim that the founders named the settlement Petridava or Klepidava, which originate from the Greek word petra or the Latin lapis meaning 'stone'..." I doubt that "Klep" is to link to "lapis," and would instead bring to mind the Claptons using a patee cross as feasible symbol for "Petridava" elements. It's very interesting now that both these other Claptons and Pilsons/Polesdons/Pulsiphers are in the same colors, and were both first found in Cheshire, for Pilsons may just trace to Plsen/Pilsen around the other Kamenet location in Rokycani.

I kid you not that, ever since coming to the Plsen location, I've had in mind to mention the Place surname (Levi lion in gold) for a possible trace to "Plsen, and therefore to Placentia, but decided not to mention it for lack of good evidence, until now, upon finding that both the Place and Clapton Shields are split in half vertically in the same colors!!! It kills two birds with one black stone because it proves that Claptons trace to Kamenet / Plsen / Rokycani, no small find if indeed Claptons trace to Glaphyra ARCHelaus (see LanARK below).

It just so happens that this find comes not long after the mention of the small Scute / Bane Shields, for the Arms of Placentia uses a small square in the white-on-red colors of parts of the Arms of Plsen. And it just so happens that the chapel (my personal term) in those Arms consists of two white-on-red squares. Therefore, Ananias' descendants/ancestors are suspect at Plsen.

The Clapton wolf design is used in black by both the Trustys and Queens/Sweens/Swans/Sweynes; the latter seem to be a branch of Swaynes/Swans/Sions (LanARKshire) using a heart centrally and the Levi lion in white. That's important because Banes, a sept of MacKays along with Vains, show Vain/Van variations. The Queens/Swans use a white lion in Crest, the color of the Bohemian lion in the Arms of Plsen, and were first found in Skye and Lewis, where the Herods and Hurls ultimately come from (because the latter two are McLeod septs). Swaynes/Swans/Sions use the talbot design of Tanners, and then near Sitten/Sion there is a Taninges location (in Savoy) beside Bonneville; see Bonne significance shortly below.

The link of Dreger-suspect Trustys to this Clapton fold is very welcome. Entering "Truss" gets a gold patee cross, the Clapton symbol. "Hence, conjecturally, the [Truss] surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Wartre, in Holderness and was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086. Le Sire de Troussebot or Pagan(Payne)...His son, Geoffrey FitzPayne, held the estates in Yorkshire." Payens are suspect by me as a Caiaphas line, but herein we find that they may have had origin in Truss lines, excellent because I trace "Pagan" to "Apachnas," the Hyksos ruler who morphed into Trojans at Tros.

But Caiaphas was a Sadducee, and they had a Boetus bloodline, and here we are on the Clapton trace to Bohemia. Entering "Boi/Boy" gets an Italian surname first found in the Bononia area, where the proto-Bohemian Boii conquered into. It was established in my mind that Maccabees proper of Israel, the first chief priests of Israel as the birth of Jesus approached, were partly named after Boii at Bononia, and that these Boii named Boetus Sadducees. The Boi/Boy surname shows Boetto, Boetti, Boet, and Boeddu variations.

Bachs, by the way, use the Boi/Boy/Boetto bull/steer, and until recently their gold steer looked like a calf as code for the golden calf in the Exodus wilderness. For new readers, I see pharaoh Apachnas/Khyan as the Exodus pharaoh, and ignore for various good reasons whom that pharaoh is identified by others.

The Boi/Boy/Boetto Coat shows stars in the colors of the End(er) stars that could apply because End(er)s are suspect with Trustys. Besides, the Truss surname is properly, TrussBUTT, and they together with Boi/Boetto's, Budes, and Butes/Butts (these look like Payens for two reasons) use gold-on-blue, suggesting now that Butes/Butts are part of the line to Boetus Sadducees...who married a son of Herod "the great."

Does anyone glean the Budini Nahorites here? English Budes use the colors of the camel in the Arms of Plsen. As these are Roquefeuil colors, note the Bude write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of ROCKFORD, held by Alfred of Swain of Essex who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086." Swains at Rockford??? Didn't we just find that Queens/Sweynes and Trusty's use the same wolf head in the same color, and that Claptons from Plsen share that wolf-head design? Entering "Swain" gets a Sween Coat in colors reversed to Roquefeuils, as well as the lizard used by Douglas, and Hary/Garrys that use the trefoils of the Rod-Roquefeuil line. The Hary/Garry lion is also the Lannoy lion.

It's the Lathe's/Lethe's who use a "Trustie" motto term in honor of Dreger-related Trace-and-Trusty liners. The motto, "Trustie to the end," should link to the Hume motto, "True to the end," and for that matter we find that the End(er) surname uses the Troy (and Feuerer) unicorn. But as Drysdales use a version of the Kilpatrick Coat, while Kilpatricks are also "Sheera," it should be noted that the Sheer/Share crosslet is in the Lathe/Lethe Coat, thus clinching the Trusty link to Dregers/Dreyers.

Another patee cross comes up by entering "Garby" as per the "garbh" motto term of Hares/Garrys. It's very good that Garbys/Garvys use two of the three Water chevrons, for the Water chevrons traced to the same three in the Arms of Eure-et-Loir, where MontlHERY sits that has been suspect with Hery-like terms. Therefore, the Hares/Garrys/Heihers and Hares/Hairs/Hehers, at least, do trace to Montlhery, where Caiaphas lines lived.

Interesting here is that the Wartre location of the Trussbuts/Payens suggests the Warters/Waters surname using a pale in the colors of the Weir/Vere fesse. The Garby/Garvy Crest, by the way, uses the Oxford lion, and for their "Mirior inVICTus" motto, Garbeys/Garveys should trace to the Magdalene cult. The "Mirior term suggests the Mire/Mireux surname, first found in Anjou and therefore tracing to the green MIRROR held by Melusine, mother mythically of Milo de Vere of Anjou.

Harveys, who use the Payen-Shield format, were first found in the same place (Ile-de-France) as Cappes', whom Hugh de Payen married. Harveys have a Coat like the Garb(er) Coat.

Lest you've forgotten, the Lathe's are encoded in the write-up of Dregers/Dreyers, and can now link, as per the topic immediately below, to the Caucasian Lazi...who were mythicized as the wife of NERgal, whom I trace to "Nerthus," goddess of the Varni. The Sheer/Share and Lathe/Lethe crosslet is used by Scheres/Scherfs so that Lathe's should trace to the Varni theater at Mechlenburg where the Troys were first found who use the white End(er) unicorn.

One can glean here that the Biblical dragon is, or at least includes, the Vere dragon cult of families, and for that reason we should expect Lathe links to the Ladon-dragon line. The Ladds/Ladon and Leader surnames happen to be similar, and in the colors of the Lathe / Sheer crosslet, while Kilpatricks even use a "laidir" motto term. Bwa-ha-ha, heraldry has gone beyond embarrassing to urinating upon us. The Ladd/Ladon scallops, definitely from the Meschins, are colors reversed to the Varn scallops, not forgetting that the Varn bend is used by Rocco's who in turn use a bend like the Tragers. Somewhere in this update, I've forgotten/lost the surname, scallops in the black-on-gold of Ladds/Ladons were shown.

In continuation of the True/Trew and True/ZachREISS topic, as it linked solidly to Rice's, the "hardi" motto of the latter should trace to ARTvin and ARDAhan beside Rize, but admittedly these Caucasian places cannot link to Herods without some evidence. One could chose here to disregard my trace of the Douglas heart to "Herod," tracing instead to "Artvin" and "Ardahan," but the fact that even Rice's can link to Roquefeuil elements (such as the Rookbys) implies Herod involvement. I had suggested that Aretas III, from whom Herods definitely came, traced to Artvin elements so that Herod ancestry may itself have been in Artvin. Then, Herod Antipas may have chosen to be exiled beside Foix and Roquefeuil because he had some distant Artvin/Ardahan relatives there. In this picture, "Herod" was named, not after "Rhodes," but after "Art" or "Arda." Yet the Redones of Roussillon (where Roquefeuil is located) should apply to Ardahan elements because an Arda location is on the river (Hebros) where the RHODope mountains sit...where Kikons came out of who are suspect with Caucones in the Troy theater, probably named after Caucasia.

It's important that Rize is beside Trabzon and the Pyxites river, where proto-Celt Khaldi lived that evolved into Calydonians of Greece and later into Caledonian Picts of Scotland. The Colt/Celt/Cult surname (Perthshire) uses the Pilate pheon in colors reversed, and then "Colt" may easily morph into a Sholto-like term. If this is correct, the Douglas' are suspect at the mother of Pontius Pilate. The Colts/Celts also use the Rollo stag, important where the Rollo/Rolf-viking line gave birth to the Tancreds, and where the Rollo/Rolf-viking line was the raven line. Rolfs even use ravens (and the Mar lion design in Mar-lion colors).

Rolfs, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Dunhams who just traced to the "hairy - downy" codes of Languedoc's Julians, use the same white lion in Crest as the English Hare/Hair Crest.

The Risings/Reisings/Risins/Rysen, whom I looked up as per "Risini," the term used by the Laz Caucasians for Rize, were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Rolfs and Danaan-suspect Dunhams. The Rising/Risin Coat is just a small cross in the colors of the Arms of Roquefeuil. As those Arms use billets, the small cross of the Risings/Risins may be two crossed billets. This can explain why Rice's appeared to me, years ago, to be Rockefellers. It's suggesting that Roxolani Alans were Rize, and besides this the Tanners should trace to Alans at Danaan-suspect Tanais (now the Don river), that being one reason for identifying FULbert "the tanner" as a Roquefeuil bloodliner.

Reminder" the Catherine wheel of Colters traces to Cathars at Cazeres, beside Covenarum (for new readers, that's where Herod Antipas, son of Herod "the great", was exiled by the Roman caesar). And so the Douglas heart may indeed trace to "Herod," not just because Douglas' traced to Foix, but because Colters may have been a branch of mythical Sholto. The Colt/Celt stag is shown midway down the Rollo page, wherefore we shouldn't neglect Rollo lines discovered in several ways in the Covenarum theater.

Not only could the Douglas heart trace to Herods at Covenarum for various reasons, but surnames related to the Douglas sept of Drysdales trace to the feather symbol of Herod ARCHelaus by way of the True/Trew helmet and feather symbol. By what coincidence are plumes of feathers on a helmet used also by Lannoys...who trace, likely, to LanARK, where Douglas' lived? The Lannoys above are suspect with Comyns/Cummings (those who re-named Covenarum) and related MontGOMERys, and Comyn was a location ruled by the father (John de Burgo) of Herluin de Conteville; the latter married the daughter (HERleva) of Fulbert "the tanner." These names may explain the Hurl / Herl variations of the Harolds who come up when entering "Herod," and then Lanarks and Harolds/Herods/Hurls were both first found in Argyllshire. There is an Herault region on the north side of the Aude river that named Aude.

It just so happens that Dregers/Dreyers use two black feathers between a pointed hat (I cannot make out the black circular objects on that hat). This is the place to speak on the Driggs variation of Dregers/Dreyers, for Tricks/Tracks are also "Trigg," and the latter use Herod/Hurl colors as well as a green lion, the color of the Lannoy lion. But the Trick/Trigg lion is in colors reversed from the Morgan lion, important because Morgan le Fay was a Fay bloodliner, which surname has been discovered to be the Duff bloodline, as per the Fie/Fey/Duffie/Cuffie surname (Aude sword)...that should apply to the Caffie sept of Douglas', for proto-Douglas' are now tracing very strongly to the mother of Pontius Pilate.

Reminder: Douglas' have recently traced to the Foix/Foy and Foy/Fee/Fey surnames, the latter (first found in Cavan) using the CHAPman crescent. It may all give the impression that Douglas' were from the Herods as they came to merge with Pontius Pilate's bloodline(s). As often, I find myself in a bottleneck of lines tracing simultaneously to Pilate, Herod, Pharisees, Essenes, Caiaphas and Lato-Romans. I suppose that the proto-Templars had arranged for that situation, but who, as a group, were proto-Templars?

I'm sure that I know: the Varni and their allies. You can feel here that the Douglas bloodline traces to Morgan le Fay of Avalon, what Veres called their Melusine of Avalon. And the Vere who made this known online traced his Vere line to the Picts as they merged with Scots at the Alpin bloodline of Picts. Doesn't this suggest that Pontius Pilate's line was in the Picts evolving into the house of Alpin? While Melusine was encoded with "Elvin," "Alpin" is said to be from, "Aelfwine."

Just found! The Alpin Coat uses the same crown, to the best of my ability to make out past the copyright symbols, as what sits on the Douglas heart. PLUS, in the article below: "John of Fordun (IV, ii) calls Kenneth's father 'Alpin son of Achay'..." The latter term sure does smack of the mythical Achaius in Douglas lore, and so ask why Pictish king Alpin is also "Alpin mac EchDACH". Is "Douglas" play on that term, or vice-versa? See also "Muiredach."

The Kenneth above is the Irish-Scot who took over the Alpin line of Picts. Moreover, the Irish-Scots were from Miletus, and Dregers/Dreyers are the ones using stars called, mullets. It is to be expected that the Arthur surname, said to be from a Gabrain family out of Ireland but into north-western Scotland, linked with the line of Kenneth macAlpin, for it too took the same route, from north-western Scotland. But the line of Pontius Pilate goes to Picts centuries before Kenneth arrived, and is not likely to follow the Arthur bloodline from Ireland. Instead, the Arthur line back to one of the Herods is expected to come be with the Pictish line of Pontius Pilate.

It's very conspicuous that the Aude sword design is used in the Alpin Coat, as if to trace Alpins somehow to Aude, not anything that a historian would entertain. The Douglas' now tracing hard to Alpins can easily trace Alpins to Aude and neighboring Foix. Besides, Alpins were first found in Argyllshire, where Herods/Hurls and other Herod lines are highly suspect amongst MacArthurs.

The fact that Shots/Shutes use the Aude sword design may serve to reveal that "Sholto" included the Shot/Shute surname. I did trace Shots/Shutes to the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau, in Bavaria, and then the Dregers/Dreyers (Bavaria) were just linked to Sach terms...that may have morphed to "Dach." The Sling surname may use a vulture in honor of Walters, but that vulture may have been the Shoultz eagle to begin with. Shulers/Schoelers appear to use a version of the Deck Coat, which supports the Sholto trace to Dachua, especially as the Dach/Dax Coat uses swords in Shot/Shute-sword colors.

[Insert -- I won't explain it all here, but the Daktyloi of Crete just came to mind (during the spell check), for they were equated in ancient times with a KORYbantes peoples, founders to Trojans. The AnDECH branch of Este's / Guelphs ruled at the GORski area that suddenly seems like a KORybantes entity. The Sholto entity will be traced to Mieszko's more solidly as the update goes along, and the Mieszko line was from the Maezaei at the Gorski theater, which was also the proto-Roman theater of Jupiter, important for where Romans were traced to Trojans by Virgil. In this picture, Douglas' could be tracing to Daktyloi, and the VENETi beside Gorski may have been from the KoryBANT term, especially as the Veneti evolved into VANDals of Poland.

This is not at all to say that Douglas' should no longer trace to the Glass bloodline...which I see in Julius Caesar, a Patrician from Patmos, where Chora is located that may have named the Korybantians. Patmos is also the location of Scala that should trace to Eschol, where the Shulers/Schoelers above may trace. End Insert]

Irish Swords use the same sword design, in the same colors again, but why? Here's the Irish Sword description: "A red shield with a man's head in profile couped at the neck proper between three swords erect silver hilt and pommel gold." Isn't "couped" a code for the Herod line? I even recall finding that "head" was code for the Herod line, and though I don't recall why, note that entering "Hilt" gets the Hyat/Hytte surname, first found in HERTfordshire. To this it needs to be added that the Dreger/Dreyer Crest is a "hat."

For the Pilate topic at hand, here is the Scottish Sword write-up: "First found in the ancient Pictish lands...Sword was the name of the victor over MacBeth at the battle of Dunsinnan in 1054...Other early records show a John Swerde, who was given conduct from Scotland into England in 1398; he was the Master of a ship "Archibald," and was made Earl of Douglas in 1405...." Anything with "Arch" in the Douglas bloodline is suspect with Herod Archelaus. The Arthurs show an Archibure variation, and so we do see Arthurs and Douglas' from the same lines repeatedly, as expected, but it's Douglas ancestry that's under investigation for a direct trace to Pilate's mother.

Archibalds use stars in Innes-star colors, and white crescents in the colors of the Archer crescents. There is a possibility that the "arrier" motto term of Douglas' is code for a softened Archer-like term. The Dreger/Dreyer hat may be code for the Hate/Haight/Hague surname uses: 1) the Roque rock as it showed until recently; 2) stars in Douglas star colors; 3) Andrew's Cross; 4) crescents in Archibald-crescent colors; 5) "invicta" motto term tracing to Da Vinci / Magdalene cult at Roquefeuil / Aude theater. The Swords, who must trace to Herods in Aude, use a hilt term that brought up the Hyats, and the Hates/Haights/Hagues show a Hait variation. The Dreger/Dreyers had just traced round-about to Dachau, where the Shots/Shutes had traced that use their swords in Sword colors and design.

Hmm, it came to mind that Swords/Suerds are a branch of Safers, and it turned out that the Safer eagle design, in the colors of the Sword and Shot/Shute swords, looks to be the design of the Shoultz eagle, extremely important for clinching the theory made shortly above, that the mythical Douglas character, Sholto, includes the Shots/Shutes ("guerre" motto term should be code for Geier bloodline).

Plus, while Safers use five falcons, Chaplets/Chapleys use "five black swans" the colors of the Sling vulture. Chaplets may be in view in the chaplet symbol used in the Drysdale Crest. It tends to verify that Dregers/Dreyers trace to Drymen elements at Dachau.

Enter the other vulture, belonging to the Geiers/Gayrs, for that surname smacks of the surnames (e.g. Hares/Garrys / Harys/Carrie's) just traced in this update to the Douglas motto term. Aha! As Douglas have been tracing to Pollocks heavily as of the last update, here's the article on the cement company at Nesher (Megiddo theater of Israel), where there is a German company called, Geier, founded by a Russian man with Pollack surname. Since the time that I wrote on it (2nd update last July), the Nesher article has changed it's tune from "vulture" to "eagle," but then see this page insisting that "geier" means "vulture."

The Geier company at the Megiddo theater may reveal why Revelation 19 has birds eating the dead soldiers of the anti-Christ in Armageddon, or why Jesus spoke seemingly off-topic on vultures when the disciples asked him on the end-time gatherings of the good and the bad. That is, someone asked Jesus where the Christians would be taken when the bad are left behind in Armageddon, but Jesus answered with eagles/vultures and corpses. Does this mean that the Douglas bloodline is now at Meggido? Nesher is near Haifa, where Zeus cult came out of who will be the principal cult warring with the return of Christ.

Zikers, yes, it almost escaped me. Months ago, I traced the long solid chevron in the Arms of Haifa to the long solid chevron in the Chappes Coat. Months ago, I traced the Sling vulture to the Geier vulture at Megiddo because Dachau (which uses a sling shot) was concentration-camp headquarters for Hitler's Munich theater, and the Dachau jurisdiction included a concentration camp as KAUFERing, a term I traced to "Hof" and similar terms...such as "Haifa." In fact, I traced the Hofs to the idea of "D'uff because Fie's/Feys/Duffie's are also Cuffie's, and Douglas' (Caffie sept) are now panning out as just those Duffies/Cuffies. Moreover, I now find that the Douglas sept of Drysdales, who appear to trace to Dachau along with Dregers/Dreyers, use CHAPlets while the Chaplet/Chapley Coat uses five swans in the colors of the Sling vulture. This is quite strong reasoning to expect Douglas' at Armageddon's cause and effect.

Chaplets/Chapleys were first found in holy-grail Lorraine, and the Lorraine surname uses lions in colors reversed to the Duffy lion, and in the colors of the Tracks/Tricks/Triggs...that look to be a branch of Dregers/Dreyers/Driggs.

The five Safer falcons evoke the five wings of the Portuguese Alfreds and Portuguese Abreu's, important because these surnames are included in mythical Melusine of the Veres. The wings are in the design of the Glass wings, but some surname above which I do not now recall used the same wings in Crest (two of them) in the same gold colors.

The Colts, suspect to some degree with the Sholto term, use a dart in Crest. The Darts/Darths use a flame to indicate Flemings, which include Douglas'. Darts and Trace's/Tracys were both first found in Devon, an origin of the Excalibur bloodline, and it seems that the swords emphasized above, shared by Alpins, are that mythical sword. I'll assume that Trace's/Tracys link to Tracks/Triggs and Dregers/Dreyers/Driggs', and therefore to the topic at hand, especially as Trace's/Tracys use a falcon on a mallard duck. Dreys use five ducks, important because it was the Sword-suspect Safers who use five falcons.

The number five is code for the Arthur line to Vivians/Veys / Fifes / Fives, who are easily linked now to the Duff ancestry in the Douglas'; see below for details. If the Carney topic at the end of the last update was important to you, see the Carne location (Normandy) of the Trace/Tracy family.

If we're wondering why a mallard duck, the Mallard/Milward surname (Derbyshire) may apply, using the same moline cross (i.e. in black) as Gowers/Gores. The moline is assumed to be a cross linking to the Rockefeller rook symbols. Scottish Millers (Dumfries) use a moline cross too, so as to link well to Mallards/Milwards, and their Dumfries location may explain why their moline is in the colors of the Annandale saltire. Dutch Millers use the wolf-heads design of Claptons and Trustys/Tristhams, first found in the same place (Devon) as Tracy's, suggesting that Trace's, with Tras(s)ey variation, are a Trusty/Tristham branch.

The Darths/Deaths, who may be a branch of Arths of Stirling, use what looks like the same griffin design as the Vince griffin, in colors reversed. The Vince's were traced rather solidly in the last update to Rennes le Chateau, beside Roquefeuil, and it just so happens that the Darth/Death Crest uses the trefoil in the green color of the Rod-Roquefeuil line. It's my opinion that Darth's/Deaths were in play in "Le Morte D'Arthur" at Avalon, for Morte's/Motts use just one large white-on-black crescent, the colors of the Darth/Death crescents. But Archibalds use white crescents too.

It's the Banes, whom the proto-Douglas' supposedly conquered with mythical Sholto, who use the red lion of Scottish Duffs (Perthshire), though the Irish Duffs use the Morgan and Moore lion. The Irish Duffs are also Dowey so as to give the impression that they became the Dowel variation of Dougals. It may be suggesting that proto-Douglas' were Duffs, and that a Dowey merger with a D'Glass bloodline produced "Dougal."

In the Douglas myth, Sholto joined king Solvathius to defeat Donald Bane, and in the victory shout, "Sholto du glasse," rather than accepting the interpretation, "Behold the black gray man," I see the Glass bloodline at the heart of the phrase. And I think the writer of the myth knew that the Glass bloodline was the true subject. I don't see Mieszko Poles at all at this point of Douglas history, however. I do trace the Kolodziej > Mieszko Poles to the Perthshire and Pilate-related Colts/Celts...who may have developed from whatever "Sholto" refers to, though Mieszko was not yet born in the time period of Sholto. In this picture, Sholto looks like an evolution from "Celt."

I didn't realize until now that Banes also use the Shot/Shute / Aude sword, which once again suggests that Shots may trace to "Sholto," in which case I'm open to identifying Sholto with Sadducee lines, especially the Shaws of Perthshire who traced in the last update to the builder of the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau.

two small gold Shields are used by Scutes, matching the small gold Shield in the Bane Crest. it appears that Banes and SCUTEs/Scutts trace to the SCYTHE (and mullet) symbol of Dregers/Dreyers, which is to say to the Miletus-line Scythians that Scots trace themselves to. BUT ZOWIE, don't Scutes/Scutts evoke Shots/Shutes/Shutts??? This is excellent, for the Shots have just traced to early Douglas roots in a Sholto entity that defeated Lombards.

Skits/Skeochs (Ayrshire) use what I regard as an hourglass Shield, as do English Alfreds, who even use the same type cross as Skits! It means that the hourglass-like Shields are transferred one individual/surname to another. What I call the hourglass Shield is a "per saltire" to the Skits/Skeochs, who call their cross "," and then Potingers happen to use an "ardua" motto term as well as the MacArthur five-pointed crown. Where Skits, who by the way use hearts, trace to the Dreger/Dreyer scythe, the "bouquet of flowers" held by the man in the Dreger/Dreyer Coat now needs to be addressed because the Flower surname, first found in the same place (Devon) as Dreger-suspect Trace's and Trustie's, use cinqueFOILs in the colors of the Potter cinquefoils, and Potters were first found in the same place as Dreger/Dreyer-suspect Drakes.

The Skit/Skeoch hourglass is in colors reversed to the same of Guido's, who came up in the last update as per the "guide" motto term of Forbes', who use the muzzled bear of English Vincents. French Vincents use the upright Levi lion on a gold-on-blue Shield-on-Shield, colors reversed from the Shield-on-Shield that is the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau. Therefore, the ALFreds, suspect with AELFwine = Alpin, should trace with the Shot/Shute / Aude sword of the Alpin Coat to Aude, location of Rennes-le-Chateau.

As French Vincents are in the colors of the Pile/Pills piles, the lion of English Vincents, in the colors, design and position of the French Pile/Pilot lion, should trace to the Pontius Pilate line. The Shaw trace to Rennes-le-Chateau is important here because Shaws ("VINCIT" motto term) were first found where the mother of Pontius Pilate was supposed to have lived.

Wyatts and Coverts

The Vincent / Pilot lion is identical to the Hilt/Hyat lion, of a surname accessed from the hilt used by Shot-related (and Sholto-related) Swords. Wyatts (traced to "Guy(at)" in their write-up) use the same lion in Crest, and were first found in the place (Sussex) as Sadducee-suspect lines, such as Saddocks and Coverts/Cofferts, and as Herod-suspect lines such as Coopers. By what coincidence do Wyatts look like Cuffie's?

The Hilts/Hyats can be traced to Herods by their motto, "Fac et spera," suggesting the Faucets of Foix elements. The motto above belongs also to Mathies who show a gyronny Shield and the MacArthur crown. As Douglas' traced both to Foix and to Duffs at the Fife theater, its very important now that Hilts link to Shots/Shutes/Shutts, because Scutes/Scutts use the Fife and Vey/Vivian Shield-and-Chief combination. That is extremely important because the crane that traced (some weeks ago) to the Ukraine were those of Vey/Vivian / Fife "L'VIV of the Ukraine, not far from Kamenets, and Scutes/Scutts use a crane!

It doesn't necessarily mean (though it's now on the table) that the Sholto entity of Douglas' traces to L'viv, but does suggest that Sholto was merged with Fey / Fife elements, exactly the elements to which the Douglas' were traced shortly above by other means. And Glass', who trace to the hourglass goddess evident in the Skit/Skeoch Coat, were first found in Buteshire, where both Glass-related Douglas' and Morgan-Fays trace (because JJ Tolkien revealed that Bute was Avalon). It makes sense that Glass' tracing to Trypillians of the Ukraine / Kamenet theater should also trace to L'viv, you see, and that what you are now seeing.

Dutch Veys even use a boot in Crest, a symbol likely for Bute, and then the Trips also use a boot who trace to Trypillians. It's all suggesting that Budini of the Ukraine had merged with L'viv elements...i.e. that Morgan-le-Fay of Avalon=Bute traces to a Budini merger with L'viv elements. Thus tends to support my trace of the Trypillian goddess to Nahorite-suspect Nerthus, especially as German Trips were first found in the Nerthus theater (Polabia). Neuri lived on the two Bug rivers with sources near L'viv, and while Dregers/Dreyers use a "BOUQUET of flowers," the Bug surname uses water BOUGETs, meaning that Dregers/Dreyer were merged with elements from the Bug river. This is important for where they trace to Drysdales of Dumfries (where Closeburn is located), for it can be shown that the spur in the Close/Clovse Coat links to the spur on the Budini-suspect boot of Dutch Veys.

MOREOVER, as Nahor and his son, Buz, are suspect in the single, large cinquefoil (= five theme) of the Bus and camel-suspect HAMELton Coats, the Flowers too use a large single cinquefoil. And as the Potters use the Flower cinquefoil, its a no brainer to trace them to Botters, where the Close/Cloves Coat traces, and even where the Glass star traces. For the first time, I think I am able to say that the cinquefoil was an invention of the Fife / Five bloodline from L'viv, though I'm going to keep the theory that the symbol traces to the Cinqueport cities, one of which was Dover...while a large cinquefoil in colors reversed to the Potter / Flower cinquefoil is used by the Dover surname. It's important that Dovers were first found in BEDfordshire, as 666-suspect Bedfords become a Scute-related topic below. (The petals in the Dover Coat just reminded me of the shape of the black stone.)

And this all should explain the camel (suspect with Kemuel Nahorites) in the Crest of Pale(y)'s (said to be from Poland, beside L'viv"), for Pale's use Five/Fify colors as well as the red-on-gold lions of the Fife's and Fives/Fifys. It's the Duff lion, no doubt, and Duffs are from both the Fie's/Feys and Morgans.

But Duffs are also suspect now with Sholto-branch Douglas', and as Douglas' are traced to "dubh," note that Duffs are traced to that idea, said to mean 'black [skin]," but I'm not biting. Douglas' are traced to "Dudhglas means 'black stream,'" and again I'm not biting. The dudh = black theme must be code instead for the Pollock-suspect Black bloodline because one Black Coat uses a red Chief (color of the Fife / Vey/Vivian Chief) as well as a star in the colors of the Glass star. The red lion in the Black Crest is in the design of the Pale Crest lion, and while Pales are said to be Poles, the de-Poles of Foix are coming to mind because the Foix surname is "Foy" while Irish Foys are "Fee/Fey." The Fee/Fay/Foy Coat even uses the crescent suspect with Morte's who trace to Fay-liners in Bute. It should be said here that the Fee/Fay/Foy crescent is suspect with that of CHAPmans, for the Chap bloodline will crop up again below. But as the Foix/Foy surname was first found in the same place as Montlhery, note that while water bougets traced to Montlhery elements, where Guys ruled, the Wyatt's (suspect as Hilts/Hyats) are said to be from "Guy(at)."

Here's the Dub/Dubber Coat (Provence), three small white-on-red Shields, probably a branch of Hays/Heys, Holdens, Dobbs and DOBsons (the latter three were all first found in Lancashire). If Douglas' trace to Placentia, the small Dub/Dubber white-on-red shields might just be the small white-on-red Placentia square. In this picture, Douglas' would trace to "dubh = black," but to a Dob element. See Dobys of Renfrewshire and Tobers/Dobers.

The Dutch Vey Coat uses the Scone tower, which is the Moratin tower found also in the Scute/Scutt Chief. The Moratin tower is important here, not just because the Mauritanians of concern are suspect from Glaphyra, but because myth writers revealed that king Arthur in Avalon was identifiable as, or at least merged with, Morte's. The Moratin tower is used also by Clavers/Cleavers whom I trace to "Glaphyra." The related Cliffs/Cleaves (trefoil centrally) use the black wolf head of Queens/Sweynes and Trustys. Let me repeat from way above: "Didn't we just find that Queens/Sweynes and Trusty's use the same wolf head in the same color, and that Claptons from Plsen share that wolf-head design? Entering "Swain" gets a Sween Coat in colors reversed to Roquefeuils, the lizard used by Douglas', and Hary/Garrys with the trefoils of the Rod-Roquefeuil line. The Hary/Garry lion is also the Lannoy lion." Glaphyra Archelaus (her surname is from a Syria priesthood) must trace to Lannoys because they use the symbol on the coin of her husband, Herod Archelaus. This paragraph tends to prove that CLAPtons are to be lumped in with GLAPHyra lines, and so these lines trace to Plsen elements at Placentia, and to Pilsons/Polesdons of Cheshire who use stars in the colors of the Scute-suspect Shultz's. This is tracing the Sholto ancestry of Douglas' to Placentia, expected because the Drysdale and Kilpatrick septs of Douglas' trace to Ananes of Placentia.

[BIG INSERT, COUGH-COUGH -- Soon below, you will see the very Douglas elements in this paragraph tracing as Caiaphas liners to Foix along with, specifically, the Covert-Hyatts. It should be inserted here that Schullers, in Covert colors, are a part of these very Douglas elements too. The Schuller Coat is an obvious version of the Deck Coat, but just lookie at the Covert fesse found in the Coat of Shovels along with fleur in Deck-fleur and Schuller (I kid you not, that I didn't see the SHOULER variation of Shovels until some 15 minutes after writing this paragraph). This is fantastic, for the Shovel chevron is the Hebron chevron with the red rose of the Schullers, important because I traced Hebrons to Eschol of Hebron (Israel), while Schullers are obviously named from "Eschol." Therefore, ultimately, the Sholto ancestry of Douglas' traces to Eschol...and therefore to Scala of Patmos, Scylla of Messina, and the Euskals = Basques of Gascony.

If you're wondering why Shovels (HERTfordshire) are mentioned, they came to mind when discovering, just as this insert was starting, that the "chevalier" wearing the feathered helmet in the Lannoy Coat is code for the Chevals, first found in the same place (Picardy) as French Lannoys. Its very suspicious that a chevalier is somewhat a squire while the squirrel in the Deck Coat can be for the Squire/Squirrel/Square surname. The Chevals use bars like the Arms of Luxembourg and the Arms of Lusignan.

It's obvious right off that Chevals belong to the chevron term that is code for "Hebron"...meaning that Chevrons trace to Hebron too, especially as they show a Cheve variation while the Hebron motto is, "KEEP tryst." I have traced the Keep term of Hebrons/HEPburns to such terms as Kiev (Ukraine), Cheevers, etc., but have not known until now that the Hebron motto traces to the Cheval kin of Herod-loving Lannoys. Cheevers/Chevers, in Hebron colors, use a "foy" motto term!!!

If you're wondering whether the Cheever/Chever goat traces to Boofima, recall that Boeufs, Chartres', and other Boofima elements were found (two updates ago) to use a white-on-blue fesse, as does the German Hepp/Hepper Coat. English Hepps/Hepples (they look to use the Scott Shield-on-Shield) use Cheever colors, and then Cheevers and Chartres' were both first found in the same place (Devon). Can we make out that "Covert" could apply to "Cheever", cough-cough hint-hint?

YES INDEED, for Coverts/COFFERs can now trace to Overs that just came up as "Offer," and to my amazement this find happened just after writing the paragraph above, seconds after inserting the English Scotts in brackets. I now find that the Over/Offer bend is blue-on-gold, the colors of the Scottish Scott bend! Amazingly, the Coverts will trace later below from Montlhery to Foix as per Catherine of Foix, and even after that the idea will strike me that Coverts became a topic in the first place as per Cathian covert. English Scotts use the Catherine wheel, you see.

Didn't I just say that the Sholto ancestry of Douglas' ultimately traces to Eschol, where Coverts/Cofferts / Offers are now tracing? That should explain why Coffie's and similar others are listed as Douglas septs.

While Hepps/Heppers use a blue Shield, the Hepps/Hepples smack of blue-shielded Apples and Applebys, evoking the "blue apples" in a riddle having to do with a mysterious stash of treasure in relation to the Magdalene church at Rennes le Chateau. Apples / Applebys use footless martins, as do Coverts, and Coverts must always link to Veres, the protectors of Baphomet.

The Hoffers (probably use the Mieske and Haught/HAUGHton bull) use a leopard head in Crest, same leopard design as Coverts. It appears here that Douglas elements of the Sholto kind trace to Boofima. The Hoffers are exactly the elements that I traced to the makings of "Duff" from a D'Hoff idea, and Duffs are looking like they named Douglas'. "Jewish" Hoffers may be using the Glass stars on a Stewart Shield.

As you can gather, the "tryst" term of Hebrons should trace to the Trojans, Trustys, Trussbutts, etc., and therefore to the Thracians, Dregers/Dreyers, Drakes...the Biblical dragon from Ares, the mythical white Thracian Horseman. Later in this update, a white horseman on a white horse wearing the Lannoy helmet-and-feathers is discovered in an important trace. I'll leave you in suspense until then; suffice it to say here that he will link as hard as stone exactly to Donald Bane, the one defeated by Sholto Douglas. Did you see the white horse in the Hebron Crest?

As further evidence that mythical Sholto was the line from Eschol in Hebron to such surnames as Schulers, Shovels/Shulers, Chevals/Cheves, Scutes/Scutts and Shots/Shutes/Shutts, Cheevers and Weavers , the Keep surname uses a "weaver's SHUTTle" in Crest. Keeps were first found in the same place as Coverts. End Big Couch-Cough Insert]

A big revelation now is that while Hilts/Wyats are honored in the hilt of the Sword surname, the latter were identified tentatively above as Safers (Sepharvite suspects), who use FIVE items. The Alfreds also use five items as well as the hourglass Shield, and so the idea that the five theme traces to L'viv jibes with the hourglass trace to Trypillians of that area. You understand that Trypillians trace to Polish Trabys, who use five ostrich feathers. It was said above: "The Hilts/Hyats can be traced to Herods by their motto, "Fac et spera," suggesting the Faucets of Foix elements. The motto above belongs also to Mathies who show a gyronny Shield and the [five-pointed] MacArthur crown."

The five white ostrich feathers of the Scroll Crest were found minutes before writing the paragraph above. Scrolls were looked up as per the SCHRILtz/Schrilds/SCHRULtz variations of the Schultz/Schilds surname suspect with "Sholto." I haven't yet mentioned that while Scute's use two "shields," the surname above uses a Schild variation.

Safers are suspect with the Savards, and with the Severius bloodline of the El-Gabal cult. But before getting to that, let's show that Guy in Montlhery and the Gastons of Foix-Candale were of the Glass bloodline, for the stork bloodline of Oettingens traced to Gascony = GUYenne, and the French Julians (a Glass bloodline) use the same saltire as an old flag of Gascony, and the same-colored saltire of Oettingens. Then, the Stork surname was first found in the same place (Kent) as Guilles' and Caesars, while "Guy" is suspect with "Guilles." The Stork surname became suspect with Sturs and therefore with Stirlings/Sturlings, and the latter uses buckles in the colors of the French Guy buckles.

Note that the Guy / Stirling buckles are in the colors of the fleur used by Wyatts who are traced to "Guy(at)," and that Wyatts trace to the Sale bend = Salyes at Guillestra. It means that the "Duriora" motto term of Wyatt's is code for the Durance river, where Guillestre is located. It even explains why Wyatts use a gold-on-black eagle, colors reversed from the eagle in the Arms of Guillestre. The Salian/Saleman Coat uses gold-on-black eagles on the Sale bend, thus clinching the trace of Wyatts to the Durance river and to the Salyes.

[BIG INSERT, SNORT -- As per the discussion that follows, which finds Guillestre linked to Candys, note that Wyatts were first found in Sussex, beside Kent, founded by Cantii. You will also see that Wyatts must be from the Guys of Montlhery. It's extremely important because the Caiaphas line, suspect in Sussex, will trace with specificity from Montlhery to Foix. That trace will be made via Catherine of Foix, whose mother was Blanche of Navarre, important for the trace of "Navarre" to the Novara, location of the Laevi Gauls/Ligurians. This picture traces the Laevi (who pre-dated Caiaphas by centuries) to the Levi at Montlhery, and then a large white cinquefoil on red, the colors of the Bus / Hamelton cinquefoil, is used by the Blanche/Blank surname, extremely important because it tends to reveal things as to why Wyatts, a branch of Whites, should trace to the Blanche/Blank surname.

But it's even more important that the Blanche's use a gold leopard in Crest, the Covert Crest symbol, and a cinquefoil in Covert-fesse colors. Snort. It's important because Guy-related Wyatts, who use a white fesse of their own, were first found in the same place as Coverts. It's telling us for the first time ever (unless you choose instead to identify Coverts with the Kypros>Herod line) that Covert-branch Caiaphas lines come from Montlhery / Ile-de-France, as expected, and from the Candy/Candida family at Savoy / Guillestre, important because Candida's were first found in the same place (Naples) as Capua's/Caputo's. Snort. The Wyatts even use a black lion in Crest, the symbol of both Capua's/Caputo's and "Jewish" Levi's. (When a horse snorts, it's alerting that something of concern has been suddenly detected).

The background color of the Wyatt lion is not revealed, and yet Hilts/Wyats use the Wyatt lion exactly (what I call the upright Levi lion) with a white background so that the Wyatt lion is revealed in the colors of the Capua and Levi lions! It is obvious, suddenly, that the Hilt/Hyat Chief is that of Palins, who use the Hilt/Hyat lion too. Palins just traced very well to Roquefeuil, beside Foix, and the Hilt/Hyat motto phrase "face et," traces to Foix too.

The Palin-Chief stars happen to be in the colors of the Schultz stars, a discovery coming as I write this insert moments after mentioning that the Schultz/Schilds surname is suspect with "Sholto"...i.e. that should trace with Douglas' to Foix. As the latter led to the discovery that the Scute "shields" are code for the Schultz/Schilds surname, it's more meritorious at this point to trace the Scute shields to the small square of Placentia, especially as Ananias was a Sadducee while Scute-suspect Shots/Shutes are suspect as a Sadducee line. End Big-Snort Insert]

Moreover, the English Guy write-up: "Aspley Guise is a village and civil parish located in central Bedfordshire." It's tracing Guys to Guido-like "Guise," and Guido's are the ones using the hourglass Shield. Keep in mind here that GUIScards were first found in Stirling, for that traces Guiscards to buckle-using Guys and Stirlings/Sturlings, but as Guiscards were WISharts, I traced them to Visconti's, who merged with Safer-suspect Sforza's that will come up shortly below in the Safer-Savard discussion. Compare the Lanark Shield to the Guido hourglass.

The new idea that Guys of Montlhery were related to Gastons of Foix is expected where Montlherys trace to Herods in the Foix theater. It just so happens that Audes, using the Sword swords in the colors of the Oettingen saltire, were from Savoy, what the house of Candy/Candida called home, important, apparently, for tracing "Candale" to Candys/Candida's. ZOWIE, it wasn't until after making that realization that the Candy/Canty Coat's white-on-red saltires were brought to mind!!! They must be the Oettingen saltire, therefore, and as French Julians use it too, it tends to support the Julian trace to Guillestre, near Savoy. In other words, the Julians had merged with Candys/Candida's, explaining why Italian Candida's use the eagle in the colors of the eagle in the Arms of Guillestre!!! Again, as was said earlier in this update apart from having this information, the white-on-blue cross in the Arms of Guillestre are the colors of the Oddie saltire, and Oddie's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Oettingen-related Odins. It's telling us that mythical Odin traces to the Julians, the Chief line to the Biblical / Ladon dragon.

The Foix/Foy Coat even uses vertical black-and-white bars, as do German Julians, which once again makes the link between Julians and Candale's. But then the other French Foix/Foy Coat uses a Shield simply split vertically in black and white, and was first found in Ile-de-France, location of Montlhery, tending to verify that Guys of Montlhery link to Gastons of Foix-Candale. Note that I trace the proto-Washington Wassa's/Gassons to Gascony elements of the Oettinger kind, for Washingtons are said to be from mythical Odin.

Aha! As per the Cathars at Foix that I identify with the Catherine wheel, note Catherine of Foix, daughter of Gaston IV of Foix. See in the family tree that Gaston IV is from the Sully surname on his mother's side, for Sullys use the same triple chevron as Waters who trace to the Arms of Eure-et-Loir, where Montlhery is located! The overwhelming importance if this new link between Foix and Montlhery is the Caiaphas = Chappes and Levi lines in Ile-de-France versus Herod liners in Foix. It indicates how we might better identify any Caiaphas / Ananias lines in the Rennes-le-Chateau theater.

I realize how confusing this must be for the reader, as there are so many surnames, symbols, and codes to remember along with multi-faceted significance that must seem questionable at times as I write it out due to your inability to keep track. I can barely keep track, and need to go back and forth in my writings, and in Coat viewing, constantly. What we have now is a Sword trace to Caiaphas-related Hilts/Wyats and Wyatts from the Catherine-of-Foix line from Blanche I of Navarre. The Navy/Neve/Nevoy Coat (Angus) happens to use a knight (in Wyatt colors) on a horse, snort, with a plume of feathers in his helmet. The motto even uses, "arte." The Navy knight with feathers is identical in design with that of Lannoys, and then French Lannoys were first found in the same place (Picardy) as French Guys.

This is a fantastic find, please take the time to follow, for its the line of Sholto and Donald Bane. It just so happens that the French Banes' (with the 's') use the wolf head, in the same colors, as the wolf in the Navarre/Navaro Coat, which tends to prove that the Sword hilt is code for a Wyatt merger with Shute-related Scutes/Scutts of the Sholto kind. This is reflected in the Bane Coat using the small gold Shield of the Scutes/Scutts. To prove that the Navy/Neve/NeVOY (Foys?) surname links to Catherine of Foix-Navarre above, the Banes motto is "Vel arte vel marte" while the Navy/Neve motto is "Marte et arte." As the Cooper-related Coverts are all over this topic as per direct Covert linkage to Wyatts, the Covert martins/martlets should link to this "marte" entity.

Therefore, Catherine of Foix with ancestry in Navarre is to be investigated further as an important Caiaphas-Herod line (it just so happens that Coverts became important in the first place as per CATHian Covert). Reminder: French Banes, first found in Languedoc, use the Water triple chevrons and therefore trace to Montlhery, especially to Montmorencys from Bouchard II, directly related to Guy of Montlhery. The water bouget, traced to Bouchard II, is used by BANESters!!! As Banesters were first found in LANCashire (named after from LANGUEdoc?), and because the Bane's use a motto honoring king Arthur and Merlin elements, I traced the Banes to "Ban(t),' mythical father of LANCelot.

ZOWIE. I had not yet loaded the Banester Coat (five theme, maybe) when writing the above. It uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Wyatt fleur (!), and in the colors of the Guy buckles.

AHA! As Wyatts are said to be from "Guy/Guyat," the Haights/Hates/Haits just came to mind (that I see in the Dreger/Dreyer hat) as a possible Guyat branch, and entering "Height," what popped up but yet another fleur in Wyatt-fleur colors. This branch of Heights (Derbyshire) is also "Hyte."

Were Coverts Hitlers, and Here's How

I might consider an evolution of terms like so: Caiaphas > Capes > Capper > Coffer > Cover(t) and Offer > Hoffer > Hough > Haugh > Haight > Height > Hyat > Heid > Heidler > Hitler, Hutt, Hood and Aude. Having equated both Hitlers and Coverts in this way with the Caiaphas line, there would then be a question as to whether Covert-related Wyatts evolved from "Hyat" or rather from Uat > White > Wyatt. I think I would choose the latter and see "Hyat" as a development from a Wyatt merger with Heights/Hytes. In the same way, Audes (Audleys use the Hood fret) may have developed as a Uat liner but merged with Caiaphas-liner Heids > Hoods.

The Heids use a single arrow, and the Wyatt description is, "A half lion holding an arrow." Usually, a half lion is a "demi" lion, but in this case, a "half" term is used smacking of the Hof bloodline (Swabia) that I'm sure Coverts belong to. In fact, not only does theHalf surname, shown properly as "Help," show an hourglass Shield, but it can be construed as using a solid blue chevron, the color of the solid chevron in the Arms of Haifa. Can that be coincidental? No, and it's the first time that I've gotten solid evidence for a claim some months ago: that "Caiaphas" traced to "Haifa."

See this Steven Coat with solid chevron [colors reversed to the Half "chevrons"] that can link to the Chappes chevron. Were Coverts (first found in the same place as Hephers/Evers) just traced from Montlhery to Foix? The Chappes were first found in the Montlhery theater.

The pelicans in the Steven Coat are used also by Stewarts, and as I've traced "pelican" to the PULCipher surname, see that entering "Pulsipher" gets the same Polesdons as when one enters "Pilson." The Pulsipher/Pilson/Polesdon Crest is almost the stag in the Crest of English Stewarts.

The Chapmans (CAMbridgeshire) also use a solid chevron, as well as the large crescent of German Witts, and the latter are in Wyatt colors. That's a potential Wyatt merger with another Caiaphas-like surname.

The hourglass Shield of Halfs/Helps is expected because the Wyatt eagles have just been discovered to be the GUILLEStre eagle. The trace of Wyatts to the Uat cult is supported by the Wyatt link to Halfs/Helps because the Uat cult was convened by Chemmites of Kemmis (Egypt) and traced to the blue-and-white Kemmis surname, which was first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as the blue-and-white Halfs/Helps. The Kenys and KEYmich variations of the Kemmis' suggests the Kay surname and its motto terms honoring the Kinners, important because the Hiedler/Hitler surname uses two symbols of the Ectors/Hectors, the father of mythical Kay/Cai. Why "Cai"? Let's not forget that Caiaphas-suspect Coverts were Hofs and therefore have the potential to link to Haughs/Hocters/Hectors.

Witts use the Shield-and-Chief combination of Scottish Whites and Tanners, and Chemmites claimed to be from Perseus, a Danaan liner whom we could expect as the root of Tanners. As "the tanner" of Falaise is suspect with the Feuil / Feller aspect of "Roquefeuil," note the trefoil in the Dutch Witt Coat.

The Scottish White surname uses the eagle design of Wyatts, though other White surnames use the Kemmis fur. The Irish White Crest shows the black lion (upright Levi lion) of the Wyatt Crest, and holding a white Shield with the same type cross as the Heights/Hytes...and the latter use the Wyatt fleur. English Whites were likewise first found in Gloucestershire, and they use the same leopard "faces" as Coverts. Why "faces"? The Face/Fesse Coat shows a "hoc" motto term and is in the colors of the Hectors/HOCtors, and the latter use the lion design of Whites and Wyatts in blue, which is suspect as the Caiaphas lion in that color.

If Face's/Fesse's are behind the naming of the heraldic fesse, note that Coverts use a fesse in the colors of the Face/Fessy Coat (consisting of only a cross), which explains why the Covert leopard is likewise called a "face." It just so happens that the Face/Fessey cross is used by Macclesfields, as well as by the Arms of Macclesfield using a blue lion and a "copia" motto term that I trace confidently to Caiaphas lines.

Having linked Coverts quite solidly to Face's/Fesseys, let's go to the latter's "vinces" motto term, for Vincents, traced solidly to Rennes le Chateau, use white quatrefoils, the colors of the Scottish White quatrefoils. Reminder: the Covert-Wyatt line had traced to Catherine-of-Foix, whose Navarre ancestry was in Blanche I. It seemed that this person, or others in her family with the same name, was root to the Blanch/Blank Coat. There are five points to make at this moment: 1) I traced the white unicorn of Macclesfield to the same in the Arms of Shetland, and Blanche's/Blanks were first found in Shetland; 2) the Blanch/Blank Coat is only a large cinquefoil in WHITE, the colors of the quatrefoils above; 3) I traced what looked like a red crescent in the Arms of Shetland to Durhams, and Wyatts use a Durham-like motto term that traces to the Durance river; 4) Gillestre, located on the Durance, uses a two headed black eagle, the symbol of Maxwells whose Makeswell / Maccus variation should trace to "Makeslesfield," an old version of "Macclesfield"; 5) Kilpatricks (first found in the same place as Durhams) use a "make" motto term as well as the Maxwell saltire, and then the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks must like to the Patch's using a black bugle, seen also in the Arms of Macclesfields.

Durhams use stars in Douglas-star colors, important because Durhams were first found in Dumfries, where at least two Douglas septs (Kilpatricks and Drysdales) were first found. In fact, DRY / DREY and DUR(ham) may have the same root. Scottish Durants use a black bugle and a chevron in colors reversed to the Dury chevron, but it's the English Durants who use fleur in the colors of the Sale fleur, allowing us to trace Durants to the Durance river. But the English Durants even use the Wyatt dancette exactly (in the same colors even), while Wyatts themselves use the fleur in colors reversed to the Durante and Sale fleur.

Compare the above with what was said earlier in this update:

Is that the Dunham and/or Track/Trigg spear through a dolphin in the Horton Crest? Can we assume that Oettingens of Bavaria linked with Dregers/Dreyers of Bavaria, all around the Bavarian capital, Munich, where Heidlers/Hitlers were first found? Note that Tracks/Triggs and Hiedlers/Hitlers both use suns...but as the Dreger/Dreyer Crest uses a "hat," what about the bend of the Hatt surname, for it's in the three colors of the Saleman and Stirling bend. Hatts were first found in DORset, a place that I trace to "DURance," where the Hood-honored Salyes lived.

You have there the DREY link to Dur elements, you see, and it involved the Uat-suspect Hatts and Hitlers as well as Drakes. Do Drys / Dreys trace to "Drake" elements, or to "Dur" elements. I don't think Drake and Dur elements are the same, yet Draguignan (Provence) is near the Durance river, suggesting that Dregers/Dreyers were from both entities. I trace the Durance river to Dor, on the Israeli coast not far from Haifa on the same coast. As Wyatts just traced by their "half" term to Haifa, we could expect Wyatts in lines from Dor, you see. Note only are Wyatts tracing to the Durance river by their symbols, but they use a "Duriora" motto term.

And once we get to the Durance, we are not far from the Laevi on the Ticino river, at Novara. I can't recall all the details, but I had linked Novara's Laevi to Navarre by way of the wolves shared by Solana's, Quoids/Wade's (said to be from "Uaide > Wat") and Navarre's. The Mackays use Quoid and Quey variations, and then the Kemmis surname from the Uat cult uses a Keymich variation that could apply to Mackays, if they were named in a Macey merger with Kays/Keys. Maceys, who use a version of the Mackay Coat, were first found in Piedmont, the location of Novara.

The Quoid wolf design is as the Claptons, in the colors of the same of Queens/Swaynes/Swans (and Trustys), and then the Macey Shield and symbols are used by Sweynes/Swans/Sions. The Durys/Dorie's might just use the Macey Shield too, though I'm not forgetting that the same Shield is used by Edwards who traced both to Essenes at Haifa / Carmel and to Macon and neighboring Salines.

Irish Mackays use the Quoid wolf-and-chain with a different wolf design, that of the Navarre's. The Quoid and Mackay wolves are black, like the Cliff/Cleave wolf, wherefore Quoids trace to Glaphyra lines expected at Vienne-Isere, smack beside the Macon / Salines theater. But the Claptons have now traced from the Plsen area of Bohemia to Placentia, the Ananes of which are to be linked to the Laevi at Novara for CAIaphas / Ananias reasons.

Now, having found that Vincents and Whites share the white quatrefoil, and that Quoids are traced in their write-up to "Wat / Uaide," it's meaningful that while Vincents use the muzzled Macey / Mackay bear, Quoids had themselves merged with Mackays. Why should the Vincents, of the Magdalene cult at Rennes le Chateau, link to the Uat bloodline? Did "Uat" of long ago evolve into "Hat(ti) and "Cat(ti)" terms so as to lead to "Chateau"? Never mind what "chateau" means in the dictionary because names of cults have a way of changing into dictionary terms where they didn't begin as such.

Entering "Chateau" or "Castile" gets the Castel surname using what should be the engrailed Rhodes cross, for Rhodes' traces to Roussillon, location of Rennes le Chateau. The Chateau/Castile cross is in the two colors of the Solana sun, and Solana's were first found in CATalonia. Wikipedia's Catalonia article: "...This theory therefore suggests that the names Castile and Catalonia have the same etymology." The Arms of Catalonia are red and gold horizontal bars, as with the Arms of Roussillon, wherefore it looks as though Rennes le Chateau was named partly after Catalonia elements. We even saw in the last update that the Sauniere surname that built the Magdalene church at Rennes-le-Chateau uses a SAULNier/SAULNye/SOLNiere variations, smacking of "Solana." What a key revelation here, for Javier Solana is a high-level operative in the formation and continuation of the EU beast.

It just so happens that red and gold bars, albeit vertically, are used by Keiths, who are said to be from "Catti." The Keiths live(d) in Lothian, where Roslin is located that traces to "Rosellon," the Spanish version of Roussillon. Plus, Keiths lived at Haddington, where we find MUSSELburgh, the location of Faucets who trace to Foix, at Roussillon. We can now assume that the Vincent bear, said by the Alis description to be "MUZZLEd," traces to Musselburgh elements. This is most excellent because, before coming to this paragraph, I had already seen the Haver Coat, a version of the Meschin/Masculine Coat, I thought, but it also happens to be a version of the Mussel/Muscell Coat!!! Those exclamation marks are for the Vincent write-up: "They were originally from ST. Vincent-de-Cramenil in Le HAVRE in Normandy." (Did you note that another black wolf is in the Mussel Crest, and that it should connect with the Quoid / Mackay wolf?)

Therefore, Le Havre is honored in the Haver surname, and traces with Mussels to Vincents at Rennes-le-Chateau, all the more certain because the Haver Coat uses rooks. And, Havers and Vince's share griffins, albeit not in the same design. The Shaws (vincit" motto term, trefoil) traced in the last update to the Saulnier variation of Sauniere's as per the Saw terms used by Sauls. Sauls use a Shield-on-Shield in the colors of the same in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau. (Vincents use the Shield-on-Shield in colors reversed, but recently traced to Rennes-le-Chateau for other reasons as well). I now see that Shaws use the eagle in the colors of the White eagles, and besides, SAWyers and related Seagers/Sugars (both in Vincent colors) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Havers!

This is not only tracing Caiaphas-suspect Shaws to Rennes-le-Chateau, but the Sawyers and Seagers too who linked in the very last update to the Kurd line of Zakarians (= proto-Romanovs). It dawns on me only now that Shakers (mole hills) should apply, important because SHAKEspeare's use Haver colors, and because Fulkes/Folks, who use the Shakespeare spear in Crest, were first found in Norfolk too!

ZOWIE, Shakespeare's even use "Sans" in their motto, which is now revealed as code for Sauniers! There is only one Sans surname, first found in Castile!!! The Sinclairs/Suns, right? Indeed, for the Rhodes', who are tracing to the engrailed cross of the Chateau/Castile surname, use a version of the engrailed Sinclair cross, and Sinclairs lived at Roslin!!!

In the family tree of Catherine of Foix, Blanche of Navarre is a daughter of Eleanor of Castile.

Keiths of the Roslin area trace to CHATeau and/or CATalonia elements. This is great, for Keith Catti trace very well also to the Catti that are said to have founded Hesse, though I think the Catti founded the neighboring Cassel area instead which became part of Hesse-Cassel. It's suggesting that the Solana sun should link to the Hesse/Esse/Huss sun!

It just so happens that the last update touched on Jacques de Molay, and the Mole surname, and here I find the mole hills of the Shakers who trace to the very builder of Rennes-le-Chateau. Here's from the last update: "There is no Molay Coat coming up, you see, so that Moles [boars in Vincent colors] are suspect from Jacques de Molay, a symbol of Templarism in the southern-France theater. Here is the Arms of Jacques de Molay, which includes a gold bend on blue Shield, used with gold boars (Pollock-Crest symbol) by the Caffie's/Haffie's. Coufincidence?

The Sans eagle is in the colors of the Molay bend, and then the Offers/Overs, who smack of "Haver," use a bend in colors reversed. Offers/Overs were first found in Cheshire, a place that I've traced to "Hesse" as well as to mythical Castor. Reminder: the Offer/Over bend linked solidly in this update to the same of the Scottish Scotts, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Moles, and then English Scotts use the Catherine wheel that traces to Cathars. The Vatican persecution on Jacques de Molay's Templars was part-and-parcel with Vatican persecution against Cathars!

The Scutes must apply here to Scotts because Scutes traced to Shots/Shutes, who use the Aude swords, and Rennes-le-Chateau is in Aude. The Scute Coat is suspect with the Enfield Coat, and Hiedlers/Hitlers (another sun), who use the Enfield griffin, must therefore trace with Coverts and Scotts to Rennes-le-Chateau. The Enfield griffin is part fox, suggesting Foix.

I now want to show how the Enfield topic was arrived to last night, before starting today on the Half/Help surname suspect in the "half" term of the Wyatt description. You have every reason here to link Halfs/Helps to Havers at Rennes-le-Chateau. Note that the Enfield Crest uses the black footless martins of Rutherfords, first found in the same place as Moles and Scotts.

First, I assumed that "Guyenne" should link to "Gain," and so loaded the Gaine surnames. I was seeking links to Guy of Montlhery, who traced already to Coverts at Foix / Roussillon. One Gain Coat uses the Kelly Coat, as well as the Enfield griffin. I noted that the variations of this Irish Gaine surname included Keaveney/Keveney, smacking of Hebron-Keep-Kheve lines. The lions in this Gaine Coat face one another, for which reason I trace it to Pollux, brother of Castor. The last time I mentioned lions facing one another was in the O'Reilly Coat, a surname from CAVAN, smacking of the Keveney variation of Gains. Thus, Gains are expected to trace to Montreuil elements, where Reillys traced, and Montreuils were introduced recently in conjunction with a nearby Gouy location...i.e. that helps to equate "Guyenne" with "Gain."

I was delighted to see the white-on-blue tower of Irish Gaines because I was simultaneously seeking to know whether the SconeHAUCHs traced to such terms as Haugh and therefore to Haights / Hyats. The Enfield griffin of the same Gains, coupled with their tower in the colors of the Scone(hauch) tower, started to suggest that, indeed, Hauchs were Haight bloodliners and therefore Hiedlers/Hitlers.

Hitlers use stars in the colors of the French Gaine/Gagny stars. The other French Gain/Gagny Coat shows gyronny. This is where we can make another link to the Moles and to Jacques de Molay, for Moles and Googhs/Gooch's ("Audaces" motto term traces to Aude with Pollocks) were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire), and for yet another reason, Gagnys look like Googhs/Gooch's, for the latter use white-on-blue boars, the symbol of Moles. Moles are the ones using a "Post" motto term that traces to same-colored Posts = Piasts at Montlhery.

The French Gains even use a "Cogo" motto term in suggestion of Googhs...who by the way are in Gog=blue colors.

It just so happens that while Moles and Googhs are in the colors of the Scone / Gaine tower, the Gouche and Gowk variations of Googhs smacks of "SconeHAUCH." AND ZOWIE, just realized, the Shake/Shakerley Coat with "molehills" is in colors reversed to the Hauch Coat!

ZOWIE, Spanish Vigils use too, as with Scone(hauch)s, and while the latter use a "Vigilate" motto, the Italian Vigils (Piedmont) use the split Shield (green on left side, red on right side) of Fulkes/Folks with the SHAKEspeare spear! Therefore, Scones definitely trace with Shakespeare's to the builder of Rennes-le-Chateau, and to Jacques de Molay.

We've seen several suns pop up with the "Sans" motto term of Shakespeare's, and as that term traces well to the Sauniere builder of Rennes-le-Chateau, by what further coincidence does the Posse surname use three suns? The Shake/Shakerley motto, "antiquum obtinens," is translated, "Possessing our ancient honour." Plus, as Sans are suspect with the Sun variation of Sinclairs, so the "posse" motto term is used by Rollo's.

The Gaine surname links more-assuredly to "Guyenne" (region was on the side of Rennes-le-Chateau) in the Geygne/Gaygne and Gayne variations, but then Gays of Savoy use the Sinclair rooster, linking there no doubt to the Candys who just traced to the Candale element of Foix.

After discovering some evidence that Gains links to Hauchs / and Wyatt-related Heights/Hyats, I realized that the dancette of English Gaine's/Gayne's was identical (not including colors) to the Wyatt dancette.

English Gains look like they use the Gore/Core Coat, important because Gowers/Gores traced (recently) to the Gouy bloodline. That is, "Gower" and "Gouy" are said online to be the same terms.

The Haight/Hate/Hait/Hague Coat uses the rock shown until recently by French Roque's/Rocks, as well as Googh-and-Vincent-et-al colors, and a motto, "SOLA Virtus inVICTus," suggesting Rennes-le-Chateau elements of the Sol/Solana and Vincent kind.

The Hauchs are also "Heusch/Heuscher," and then the Heuse Coat shows a red cross'. I hadn't yet come to the same red Chateau/Castile / Rhodes cross when I started to investigate whether Hauchs traced to Haights and similar others. I certainly didn't expect to find Hauchs in the Googhs, though I did expect to find them in the purple-stave Hawks honored by the Cheshire and Herod/Hurls "hawk's lures." Cheshire use a purple hawk's lure. You can see in more than one way how "Chester," the Cheshire capital, may trace to Castile elements.

The Chester motto uses "Vincit qui," and uses the ermined colors of English Shaws that likewise use "qui," wherefore the Chesters trace to the builder(s) of the Magdalene church. Chesters (the Tanner Shield?) were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as same-colored Heights/Hyte's. Derbyshire is where the Chester-colored Heyers were first found who use quatrefoils in the white color of the Vincent quatrefoils, and Heyers use "sola InVICTus." German Hayers/Hewers use a shortened or "couped" red Shield (in the colors of the small Hey/Hay shields), suggesting linkage to Herod liners from Coopers.

I now see that Hawks were first found in the same place as the Rhodes!!! It's telling me that Heuse-related Hauchs/Heuschs were indeed Hawks, and that they are Essenes elements, possibly, along with Hesse/Esse/HUSS elements. Julie might say that "Huss" (and therefore "Heuse") should trace to Hussites / Moravian-Church-ers. The Moravian Church was traced to Moray elements, and was founded by a man (Zinzendorf) born in DRESDan (Lusatia / Saxony), a term smacking of the DRYSDale sept of Moray-related Douglas'. Dresdan is at the Poland border, and I expect Douglas lines from Poland.

The Hawks use "pilgrim's staves," and the Pilgrim/Pegram/Peregrine surname (mysterious terms) not only uses staves too, but was first found in Norfolk, where Vincent-related Havers were first found, and where Shake-related Shakespeare's trace, explaining, probably, why Pilgrims/Pegrams are in Shakespeare and Haver colors. It's tracing Hawks too to Rennes-le-Chateau, expected where Herods/Hurls trace to Herods of that theater.

Reminder: Hauchs are in the colors of House's and Humes/Homes, Essene elements in my opinion. The Heuse write-up intrigued me: "The Heuse surname comes from the Middle High German word 'hiusse,' meaning 'lively,' or 'fresh;' as such, it was most likely originally a nickname, which went on to become a surname." Never mind. Consider the Levi-suspect Lively surnames instead, and then see the Fresh Coat. Italian Livelys use the Water and Eure-et-Loir triple chevron, and thus trace to Montlhery, where Levi's were first found. French Livelys (five lozenges) were first found in Picardy, where a Gouy location and Gouys are found, and where Guy of Montlhery should trace. The latter Livelys, however, are shown properly as Hively, Heilly, Heillet, Helie, Helly.

It just so happens that the Fresh Coat uses a grape vine, as do Levine's, and then "Levine" also gets the "Jewish" Levi's. The design of the Fresh grape vine is that also of German Dols/Dohls, who smack of Dahlens/Dallens and may therefore be of the Da-Vinci-code Magdalene-ers, especially as Irish Doles use a "Vincit" motto term. The write-up of the latter Doles is the one tracing to what look like Dougals and Douglas', and Douglas' traced by other means to the Magdalene cult: "The original Gaelic form of the name Dole is O Dubhghaill, derived from the words dubh, which means black, and ghall, which means foreigner..." Never mind "original Gaelic form" because it probably wasn't.

The "Dubhghaille" term suggests for me the Galli line to "Glass," recalling a Doly area in the Poland-Ukraine border area near L'viv, itself a theater of Trypillians with an hourglass-depicted goddess tracing to Trip-related Hamburgs using a "utili" motto term apparently for Atilla, of the house of Dulo.

The Fresh page shows the surname properly as "Frisch/Fritsche," and traces to "Friedrich." It just so happens that the Dole stag design is used by the Freser/Frazer Crest, proving that the "fresh" and "lively" terms in the Heuse write-up trace to the Fresh/Frisch/FRITsche bloodline. The Heuse's are already tracing to Rennes-le-Chateau by way of SconeHauchs and Hauch-related Googhs, but here we have Fresers/Frasers using cinquefoils in the colors of the Vincent quatrefoils. The Freser/Fraser motto, "Je suis PREST," suggests the Levi line of the Caiaphas priesthood at Rennes-le-Chateau, and yet the motto is fashioned as if to signify "Jesus." One can see here that the Magdalene cult must include Fresers/Frazers.

The Dole / Freser/Frazer stag design is used by Keiths, who already traced from Musselburgh to the muzzled bear of Vincents. As you can see in the write-up, Keiths were first found in Haddington, and then the Haddington Coat -- WOWIE!! -- uses the Heuse cross!!! You couldn't possibly have forgotten, unless you were skimming, that the Heuse write-up uses "fresh" as code for the Freser/Fraser bloodline.

As Haddingtons are also HEADingtons, note the white unicorns in the Head/Heed Coat, for the Haddington cross is colors reversed to the Macclesfield cross, and the Arms of Macclesfield (Cheshire) uses a white unicorn in Crest. Moreover, ermines are used by both Macclesfields and Haddingtons...this all being another reason to trace Keiths to Meschins / Maceys / Mussels of Cheshire (that trace is what helped to convince that Cheshire should trace to the Hesse Catti). The Head/Heed Coat is in the colors of the Hanan-like Hat Coat, and that suggests the Ananias priesthood. Reminder: Douglas-suspect Dregers/Dreyers use a "hat" in crest, and Douglas' of the Sholto kind are highly suspect at the Pictish mother of Pontius Pilate.

As Keiths (said to be from Picts) are tracing again to Rennes-le-CHATeau, it should explain why: "Traditionally the Keiths were descended from Robert, an early Chieftain of the Catti tribe, and possibly one of the earliest settlers in Scotland." Which came first, the Catti of Scotland, or Rennes-le-Chateau? The Bannockburn link to Keiths gets the Bannocks, first found in Stirlingshire, and smacking of the water bouget of Banesters, and thus tracing with waters to Eure-et-Loir, location roughly, or accurately, of the Levi's and Chappes'. Reminder, the Hanan Coat is used by Eures.

When I saw the string of five lozenges in the French Lively/Hively Coat, I didn't yet know (consciously, anyway) that the very same lozenges were used by Marshalls. It was discovered only when getting down here to the Keiths, who are said to be a branch of Marshalls (suspect with the Mary > Amorite portion of the Magdalene cult). It's tending to prove that Keiths were in cahoots with Levi elements of the Harvey kind. One Harvey surname was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Harvey-like Havers and Heads/Heeds, and the other Harvey surname was first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes'. Amorite Garebites, right?

Reminder: Garbys use two of the Italian Lively / Water chevrons (i.e. tracing to the water-bouget line at Eure), as well as an "inVICTus" motto term, the term used by the Haight/Hate/Hait/Hague Coat. Hmm, a H-version "Keith" might become "Height," or vice-versa. Keiths use "vincit."

Recalling that Harveys use Comyn/Cumming colors, see here: "Harvey Keith commanded the Scots Cavalry at Bannockburn...He was again granted lands for his deeds, this time at the expense of the Clan Cumming (Comyn), whose estates at Buchan were acquired by the Keith Clan. His great grandson, Sir William Keith, founded the tower of Dunottar Castle. Through marriage with an heiress of the Cheynes of Axkergill, the Keiths acquired lands in Caithrless..." Might the Axkergills have been the Hawks / Hauchs of Rennes-le-Chateau?

After loading the Freser/Frazer Coat last night, it recalled the Fresnels, said to be Frames by on online article on the Frames. Fresnels use Roquefeuil colors, with a bend divided into portions like the Faucet bend, which opens the possibility of a Fresnel trace to Foix, important because Keiths tracing to that area linked to the Freser/Frazer surname. In the last update, the Faucet bend was discovered in the Arms of Roquefort-de-Sault, smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau. This Sault location was suspect in the SAULniere variation of the Sauniere builder of the Magdalene church.

The magnitude of surnames now tracing directly to Rennes-le-Chateau is very suspicious. What's going on? Amorite-Garebites had already traced to the east side of Aude, at Corbieres, and here we have Rennes-le-Chateau on the west side of Aude.

Note that the Faucet lion is used by Guyat-suspect Hilts/Hyatts, and that Hyatts (HERTfordshire) use "Fac et." I don't think I've known until now that the Faucet lion holding an arrow is the Wyatt lion holding an arrow.

It struck me at this point that "Faucet" may have developed as an -r-less "Fres" of the Fresh//FRISChe/FRITsche kind, and so "Fritz" was entered to get a Shield-on-Shield half in the colors of the same of the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau. It evokes the so-called "frets" used by Audleys and hoods who trace to Aude. The Fritz Coat uses scallop in the colors of the same of Caiaphas-suspect Capes', and then I trace "Pharisee" to proto-Frisians that these Fres terms should trace to.

As we crossed the Friedrich term in the Frisch/Fritsche write-up, you may be interested in the Dougal lion, possibly, in the German Friedrich Coat (Baden). The background in that Coat may be the Mathie gyronny, important because Mathies/Mann's use "Fac et." This effectively traces the Faucet-liner Fres terms to Baden, home of Veringers that I trace to Varangians.

The Faucet-suspect Fresnels are also: Lafrenierre, Frenier, Frener, Frenet, etc., with endings like "Sauniere." It's these Fren terms that may suggest Frames. French Franes/Franets/FRASnays were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Fresnels/Freniere's. About the only thing I can say at the moment about Frames/FRAYms is that they use the Shield-and-Chief combination of the Pepin-related Mens/Mengzies, first found, as with Faucets, in Lothian. On second thought, because Frey = Frisian elements are suspect with Pharisees, what about the German Mann(er) Coat using the Hanan Shield??? (see Pharisee-like terms in the Free/Freys Coat).

When Jesus spoke about the filthy cup of the Israeli chief priests, wasn't he referring to the cup in the hands of the Revelation harlot? I'll admit, I resisted for years against the idea that the Revelation harlot was an Israeli entity, and even argued with those who wrote in to make that claim. Then I realized that the Revelation harlot, which I argued rightly to be Rome (the entity ruling over all the kings of the earth) was a Caiaphas line. Surely, the Caiaphas-line presence at Solana-infested Rennes-le-Chateau is that the Revelation lamb that speaks like a dragon.

The grail cup with laurel is used by Laurie's and Lowrys, and then the Lorraine's were found to apply, which is being repeated here because I discovered that Lorne's (Aberdeenshire), who show no Coat, were Lanarks/LURNacks/LARNachs. That is to say that Lorens/Laurens (Provence) use the scallops of the Capes', in the colors of the Lanark cinquefoils, and the Lorraine eagles. We just saw the Capes scallops, probably, in the Coat of Fritz's who must trace to the Aude-line fret, and then while Fritz's just became suspect as Frisian-branch Pharisee liners, I traced the fret otherwise to MontFerrat, what I say was a Ferrari-branch Pharisee line. I also identified Ferrari lines with Varangians of the Vere kind, and Varangians were partly Frisians.

The Herod liners who didn't want to sweep floors for a living became viking pillagers of exactly the Varni > Varangian kind, and some of them were probably demoted to deck swabbers, or worse, plank walkers, because Herods are predicted not to behave well unless they have their backsides on their cherished thrones.

I identified the Frisian elements of Varangians with Nibelungs, and therefore with the Nobel surname, wherefore ask whether the "Nobel Peace" prize has to do with the "peace" term to which the Capes-suspect Fritz surname is traced. The Peace/Paise surname uses the Shield of Hauchs/Heuschs, and the latter traced to the Hawk builders of the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau theater, even to Jacques de Molay. Masons name almost all their organizations after beloved surnames.

Glaphyra and Herod at CNN Headquarters

To help prove that the Scandinavian Odin cult was in Aude, the German TURNers, accessed from the "turned" term in the Dreger/Dreyer write-up, is easily linked to the Swedish Thor surname, for both use the elephant trunks (that in some cases double as prairie-buffalo horns). The Thors even use three hearts...for Herods of the Aude area, we may presume. It again traces Herods to vikings, especially as vikings wore helmets with such horns as the German Thors/THORENs use (they call them ram's horns, but they look like prairie-buffalo horns).

It would be interesting if Thors traced to "Terek," where Dreger should trace, and so what's that ram doing in the Turk/Tork Crest? The last time that the Turk/Tork surname was treated, their hunting horns, in the colors of the HUNter horns, were evidence of a trace to the capital (Samandar) of HUN-Khazars...on the Turk-like Terek. This should therefore mean that Turners and DREGers trace to "Terek."

It is extremely conspicuous here is that some Tuareg Amazons live to this day in Mauritanian theater, so that we might expect Tuaregs with the line of Glaphyra and Herod. I had traced TUARegs to the Moratin TOWER, which is used not only by Thors, but by Turners. It seems a difficulty, however, to trace Turners and Thors both to the Terek in Caucasia, and to Tuaregs in north-Africa, but at this point the possibility must be entertained. It could be that the Amazons, whom HERODotus traced (several centuries BC) to Alania, included the namers of Alania's Terek river, and the Amazons that evolved later into Tuaregs. Herodotus even had the Amazons migrate from Thermodon through the Taurus region of Crimea.

I traced the heraldic greyhound to mythical Graeae Amazons of north Africa, who were depicted anciently as old hags sharing one eye, and therefore revealed as Gorgons, important because Herodotus' Amazons from Thermodon had mated with "GARGARians." The point here is that the Hunter Crest is a greyHOUND, a symbol that I did not at first know was for Huns. But why are Huns being tracing to the Amazons of north-Africa?

It just so happens that historians view Huns evolving into Turks from the proto-Turks called, Kok-Turks or Gok-Turks, and the latter smack of CYClopes, whom I see as code for ancient Gog in Gorgon-founded Georgia. You get it, that the peoples depicted as Cyclopes trace to the Graeae Amazons using one eye between them...symbol of the all-seeing eye of the Uat/Buto cult that named Buda(pest), a headquarters for Atilla and a root of the Sicambrian Franks that made up the Merovingians (some say online that Budapest was called, Sicambria, in Attila's day).

So, the same Turks that named the Terek also named the Tuaregs, apparently, and as Hungarians use a stag, as do several Hanan-like surnames including Hannibals, it seems that Huns of north-Africa trace to the naming of Hannibal Carthaginians. The reason that Hanans are being mentioned is, not only due to the trace of Ananias to Annandale of Dumfries (i.e. where Turks/Torks were first found with the Clovis line), but because this discussion will lead straight to Placentia, via the Claptons of Kamenet at Plsen.

Douglas', who have septs in Dumfries -- even the Kilpatricks of Closeburn -- use the heart, as do Turner-related Thors. And Turners were accessed from Dregers who are also DREYer" while the other Douglas sept in Dumfries are DRYsdales. Sorry for the redundancy, but its for the question of why Douglas' should be figuring into this Amazon topic. The answer would seem to be their Glass ancestry in Trabzon-rooted Trypillians, for Trabzon was beside Thermodon and may even have named Thermodon. The black element in Douglas' may even be from their trace to Tuareg Amazons, especially as the Moray stars of Douglas' should trace to Moors / Mauritanians as they passed through Merovingians at Moravia, smack beside Bohemia where Kamenet and Plsen are found.

"Plsen" had traced well to Placentia, you see, and the French Tournai surname (no write-up), quite obviously from the Tournai location from which the Clovis Merovingians ruled, uses only the Annandale saltire (no other symbols) as used, for example, by Bruces and the Arms of Ayrshire. That is a huge find coming just now as I write! The Hunters, using the same hunting horns as Turks/Torks of Dumfries, were first found in Ayrshire, and this is recalling the Traby link to "Derby(shire)," where Ayers/Heyers were first found who named Ayrshire. It seems here in this paragraph that the Turner=Thor bloodliners from Thuringia, who named Tournai, were from the Hun-Tuareg line as it passed through Placentia in the Hannibal invasions to Bononia, where the proto-Bohemian Boii were living at the time.

In fact, after writing that, I recalled the "Pace" motto term of the Turks/Torks, for I knew by heart that the Italian Pace surname was first found in Bononia! And as that place is also "Bologna," I traced it to Boulogne of the French-Belgium theater (where Bellovaci lived), where the Bouillons (who look like Boii elements from Bologna) of the Templar-ruling kind (i.e. Godfrey de Bouillon's immediate family) were rising to power. It just so happens that the Bouillon surname, using a Moor head, shows a "bello" motto term while the Turks/Torks use "Pace vel bello." The Torks/Turks even use a flame as code for Flemings...who lived in Flanders, a region that covered the Boulogne theater.

Thus, the Turks/Torks look like Tuareg Mauritanians (or at least Tuaregs merged with Mauritanians of the Glaphyra kind) leading to Godfrey de Bouillon, first ruler of Templar Jerusalem. How ugly was that in God's eyes? So ugly, perhaps, that Godfrey was killed no sooner that his men had cruelly slaughtered Jerusalemites (in 1099). One could view that slaughter as Gog from north-Africa seeking Jerusalem, but let's not forget the Googh surname in the Rennes-le-Chateau theater, for it was determined above that Googhs were related to Hauchs, and Hauchs (related to the Moratin tower of Scone's and NarBONNE's) use the duck design of Terek-suspect Dreys. It could be argued that Dregers/Dreyer trace, not to the Terek river, but to "Tuareg," and one might then trace Tuaregs to Draguignan. But I'm not tossing away the trace of Drakes to the Terek.

As Thors were first found in Devon, all of my traces of the Star-Terek crew to Devon needs to be looked over for traces to Tuaregs.

The HERLs use ducks too, and their duck design happens to be the one shown until recently by French Alans...who trace to Alania and its Terek river. But Alans of Dol also trace to Attila's house of Dulo, and to Bleda (Attila's brother), wherefore one could expect the Tuareg-Huns in the Alan picture. I have no idea, really, what "Tuareg-Hun" means except that Attila's Huns are suspect in them via the merger of Attila Huns with Hannibal Carthaginians. And the Hannibals are the line that in my guess-timate led to the naming of Ananias, chief killer of Christ; it sounds too wild at first to be taken seriously, but don't give up; follow the heraldic clues, for HERALdry, or HeralDRY, however you wish to read it, tells the Ananias-bloodline story, we can be sure of that by now.

The idea is that Ananes from Placentia named Hannibal as well as Ananias. And because Claptons of Plsen traced to Placentia, one can figure that Hannibal Carthaginians were laced with the Glaphyra line of Mauritanians (Glaphyra was married to a king of Mauritania before she married Herod Archelaus). This traces Hannibals through to Merovingians via the Salyes that I see in the Salian Franks...explaining, for one, why the Sale bend is also the Bessen bend. But it also explains why TURIN is beside the Salyes theater.

The "heraldry" suspect Herls are a sept of McLeods, who use towers in the colors of the Moratin towers used by Scone(hauch)s and Narbonnes. McLeods are also "Cloud" and may trace therefore to Chlodio, the first-known Salian Frank involved with another Basina of Thuringia. But even Clovis (has a Basina as his mother) was known by Chlode-like names.

The besants of Austrian Turners that trace to Basina of Thuringia can now be traced to the English Pace surname (first found in the same place as Claptons) using besants on a purple Shield, for the Pace surname is from the "Pace" motto term of Turks/Torks first found in the same place as Annandale. Clovis was crowned in Tournai, and the Tournai surname uses a gold-Shielded version of the Annan(dale) saltire, wherefore Tuaregs are traced by that method to the Ananes of Placentia, fully expected where Tuaregs were carrying a Mauritanian bloodline of Glaphyra to Claptons of Placentia and Plsen.

The patee cross of Claptons should trace to the same in the Truss(but) Coat for reasons that become apparent. The so-called "label" of the Truss(but) Chief is traced by me to the LaBel surname (greyhound), and so while Bouillons (trace to the Paces of Bononia) were of the Bell / Bellovaci / Belgian bloodline, the Truss(but)s are revealed in their write-up as Payens. It means that Truss(but)s were central to Templar formation.

I'm identifying Truss(buts) with the Trusty surname that can be accessed from the Lathe motto term, "Trustie," and then both "lathe" and "turner" are quoted terms in the Dreger/Dreyer write-up to which that surname is (falsely, but cleverly) traced. The lozenges of the Lathe's are used by the Irish Hand surname with a Hand branch that, like other Hanan- or Hannibal-like surnames, uses stags. But the Hand stag is the McCARTHy stag design, suggesting CARTHaginians.

Note that the Hand Coat with the stag shows the same-colored chevron as Turks/Torks and Thors. The Hands above were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Claptons and Pilsons/Polesdons, and the latter are expected to trace to Claptons of Placentia. The Pilsons use a stag of their own in the color of the Hand stag.

This is a good place to re-mention that the crosslet of the Lathe's is that also of Kilpatrick-related Sheers/Shares, and therefore a version of the same-colored cross of Scheres/Scherfs. It's a good place because Walkers, kin of Schere's/Scherfs, were an intended topic in this discussion. I think one can now show that the Hun-Khazar capital (Samandar) on the Terek traces to "Kamenet," and if true, we should expect a Hun-Khazar trace also to Plsen. I traced "Kamenet" to Walkers and therefore to Wagrians, wherefore note that Wagers use three hearts of their own, as do Swedish Thors that can be expected in the Wagrian theater.

This gets us back to the trace of south-France Herod-Roquefeuils to vikings of the Varni >Varangian kind on the Warnow river at Rostock. Since making and even clinching that theory not many updates ago, the rook-using Havers have been discovered in Varn colors, and they just traced above to Vincents at Rennes-le-Chateau as well as to a host of other Templar / Caiaphas entities around Roquefeuil and Aude. Havers are even in the colors of Scheres/Scherfs and the Sheer/Share / Lathe crosslet. It stands to reason that Herls, who should trace to Herault at Narbonne (Aude border), use a colors-reversed version of the Haver Coat. It also stands to reason that the Herl Coat is a version of the Mussel Coat, and Mussels may trace to the MusKERRY branch of MacCarthys, while "Kerry" is highly suspect with Sheer's and/or their Carrick kin.

The Kerry Coat is the hourglass design in colors reversed to the same of the Haver-suspect Half's/Helps (the Halfs were accessed from the Caiaphas-suspect and Covert-related Wyatts). The Kerry Crest bee HIVE may even be code for a Haver branch. Looking closely at the Half/Help Coat, one can make out the gold crosslets in the design of the Sheer crosslets.

It's amazing what just happened immediately after writing the paragraph above. I first re-loaded the Thor surname to check out it's solid blue chevron, to see if per-chance it links to the solid chevrons formed in the hourglass Shield of Halfs/Helps. I was then reminded that Thors were first found in Tyrol, wherefore I wrote the following right here and now: "By the way, as German Thors were first found in Tyrol of Austria, one could expect Austrian Turners in Tyrol. This becomes important later as Turners are traced to a stag line in nearby Baden to which the Thors themselves link. That is, to the Veringers / Zahringens of Baden-Wurttemberg who, like Thors and Turners, used the elephant trunks."

It was at this point that the Wurt entity seemed important as per the Wartre location of Truss(but)s/Payens. In fact, I had an electrical signal going down my spine at the very thought, so much so that "Wart" was entered to find the hourglass Shield of Kerrys!!! Unreal timing. (Warts show no write-up, but the page does tell that they are an Austrian surname.) It's telling us that the solid blue chevron of Thors traces (with Halfs and Kerrys) to the same in the Arms of Haifa. The Essenes of the Haifa / Carmel area traced to Eileithyia/Eleuthia, the known founder from Crete of Artemis, goddess of the female-loving Amazons at Thermodon / Trabzon, where the Trypillians, who had a goddess depicted in an hourglass shape, trace.

As one can glean that German Thors use the Zahringen / Veringer elephant trunks / prairie-buffalo horns, see the bend that is the Arms of Baden in tthe Turin/Thurin Coat, noting the "AUDENtes" motto term smacking of the Odin cult...that included Thor.

The split colors of the Wart and Kerry Shields are in those of the split Shield of Austrian Turners, and then its German Turners that use the elephant trunks. Moreover, see a gold boar head, the Turin/Thurin symbol, in the Crest of IVERS/Eure's, for the Kerry "beehive" may be for a Haver branch like "Iver." The Iver/Eure Coat is even quartered in red and gold, the colors of the Turin/Thurin bend, and then German Turners use a quartered Shield in red and black. AND, HEPHers/Evers use a quartered Shield in red and green.

Immediately after writing above, "The Kerry Coat is the hourglass design in colors reversed to the same of the Haver-suspect Half's/Helps," the Irish Carrol surname (from "Carmel") came to mind because I remembered them in Haver colors. It turned out that Carrols use two gold-on-black lions facing one another, and then German Turners use a gold-on-black lion too. Chances are, the Carrol lions trace to the Cavan elements of O'Reillys, but Cavans are suspect with Havers and Coverts.

Coverts had even been traced to the two gold-on-black lions in the Arms of Kyburg, at Zurich, and Zurich, which I trace to the Surrich variation of Surreys, ought to link to the Sheers/Shares, first found in Surrey. The Arms of Zurich are themselves split into blue and white, like the Wart and Kerry hourglass, and Zurich is on the south side of Baden-Wurttemberg.

The besants of Austrian Turners, partly in the colors of the Dumas besants that traced from Le Mas (near DRAGuignan) to the Bassianus priesthood of El-Gabal, can surely trace to Basina, a THURINgian woman and wife of Tour-related Merovingians. This reveals "Turner" from Basina of THURINgia, and it just so happens that "Glaphyra" traces to "Clovis," whom I see in the Close/Clovse surname (in Austrian Turner colors), and therefore in the Closeburn location of Dumfries. In fact, the Close/Clovse Coat uses a chevron in colors reversed to that of the Dumfries Turks/Torks, and like the Turks/Torks, the Close/Clovse surname used striped hunting horns!

The green lion issuing from the tower in the Close/Clovse Crest should be from a Tuareg tower. and green is the color of Libya and other Muslim elements in north-Africa.

The French Tour surname (Languedoc) uses the Moratin tower in the colors of the Scone(hauch)s and Narbonnes, but "Tour" also gets the Thors using the Moratin tower in the Moratin-tower red. As the Caiaphas line in Aude traced to Catherine of Foix with ancestry in Chateau-related Castile, it should be very important to Rennes-le-Chateau that Moratins/Moreno's and Marina's were first found in Castile. As Myrina was the name of an Amazon goddess of a north-African Amazon empire, note that Myrina is said to be from Myrina in Lemnos, wherefore Lemnites of Lemnos may have named Limoux (on the Aude river)...a region in Aude where Rennes-le-Chateau also sits. In this picture, one can trace Limoux to Lemovices of Limousin. Reminder, Spanish Lemons, from Chateau-suspect CATalonia, use lemons in Roquefeuil colors.

AND ZOWIE, after writing that, as confirmation, there is an Aik-les-Thermes location less than 50 miles south of Limoux, important for the trace of mythical Syrian to the Thermodon Amazons. The latter pre-date the Amazons in the Lemnos / Mysia / Troy theater so that one must view the latter as the stock of Thermodon Amazons.

When I traced Douglas' to Foix, I did not know the river's name that Foix sits upon. I learned of that river's name only now because Aik-les-Thermes is at its source. The river, Ariege," smacks of the "arriere" motto term of Douglas'. If that's not quite convincing enough, the Ariege has a Grand HERS tributary that may be implied in "arriere." That certainly jibes with the trace made of "arriere" to the Hery/Hary/Ure surname. Thermes, and the source of the Grand Hers, are very near Rennes-le-Chateau.

The Tour/Thor towers are said, in the Tower description, to be triple-towered," perhaps code for Trypillian elements = Amazons. The Tower Crest looks like an Enfield griffin, which traces with the Hiedler/Hitler bloodline to Aude, and with the Gaine Enfield to neighboring Guyenne. French Lemons use lions (and the orb that traces to Aude's Orbieu area) in the colors of the Gaine's with Enfield. Between the Gaine lions, which are facing one another too, there is a tower in the colors of the Tour / Narbonne / Scone Moratin towers. The "fortis" motto term of the Gaine lion is that also of the Rockforts, and for this matter the "Candor" motto term of Rockforts should trace to the Candale = Candy/Canty = Candida entity at Foix.

The Gaine's use the Kelly Coat but Kellys use a green griffin. Both the Enfield-using Gaines and Kellys use a "Turris" motto term, and then the Turris/Tarsas surname (the Offer/Over bend?), first found in MORay, shows the motto, "Amore." It just so happens that Spanish Amors (hearts) were first found in the same place (Castile) as Moratins/Moreno's and Marina's, while English Amore's use a symbol much like that of Italian Marina's. As these elements trace to Rennes-le-Chateau (because Chateau's are also "Castile"), by what coincidence does the Turris Coat use the bend in colors reversed from the same of Jacques de Molay? Don't Shake's with molehills use green???

The Amore's (Oxfordshire) use exactly, even in the same red color, the symbol of Tragers/Trogens, which had been found in another color in the Italian Rocco Coat, thus tracing Tragers and Rocco's to Rockefeller lines of the Feller/FellTRAGER kind. English Tragers use "choughs."

In the past, I traced the "Tu ne cede" motto phrase of Spanish Amor's to "Tunis," location (beside Libya) of the human-sacrificing city of Carthage. As the Amor's are suspect with Tuaregs, as per the Amor link to Turris', one can glean Tuaregs amongst Carthaginians.

The Rocco surname uses its "embattled" symbol as the bend in the Varn Coat, likely explaining the Oxford location of English Amore's, where Veres ruled and proliferated. The green beaver in the Arms of Oxford should trace to a green entity in Bavaria, where Rocco-related Tragers/Trogans were first found. As Veres in Bavaria trace to Boofima in north-Africa, note that mythical Antenor was a Trojan while the Anton surname uses two Boofima symbols. Plus, the co-founder of Carthage, mythical Aeneas (with an 'a'), traces, in my strong opinion, to Heneti which Antenor depicted. See mythical Aeneus (with a 'u') and his Annette-like wife.

It occurred to me just now that TUNbridge, where the Drakenberg Vere's trace themselves from leopard elements in Transylvania, should be named after "Tunis," and then the Tunbridge Coat is in Varn colors, and using a fesse in the colors of the Haver fesse. The Tunbridge's look like Saracens (the surname), a branch of Carricks, and as Saracens were in Sicily in Messina, so the Italian Amore's were first found in Sicily and use what looks like the Messina / Masci fleur. Perfect, because Veres use the Massey Shield, and Masseys trace to Meshwesh "Libyans" spread across to Tunis.

The Carmel surname is registered under CARTmills/CARTmells (partly-green Shield), suggesting the possibility of a mount-Carmel trace to the naming of Carthage. The surname evokes MELkart, the Tyrian > Carthage human-sacrifice god. That human sacrifice cult was in the Zeus bull, or Moloch, and proto-Zeus traces to Haifa beside mount Carmel.

The Spanish Amors that must trace from Castile to Rennes-le-Chateau show the red lion used also by Haifa-rooted (or at least Haifa-related, as per Templars at Haifa) Half's, and then Havers trace directly to the builders of the Magdalene church at Rennes-le-Chateau. Havers traced to Jacques de Molay, and he used a bend in colors reversed from the bend of Scotts with "Amo" motto. I don't know whether I've realized it before, but the Turris Coat with "Amore" motto is identical with the Scott Coat using "Amo." The Scott stag is the MacCARTHy stag. Moreover, the other Scott surname uses a Catherine wheel, and then entering "Cathy" gets MacCARTHys.

As Scotts are now tracing to Tuaregs, it should be true that Talbots, who are in both Scott Coats, likewise trace to Tuaregs, and indeed the English Amore's use a talbot dog in Crest. In this picture, the red-on-white lion of English Talbots is the Spanish-Amor lion.

The Amore motto, "Tu ne cede malis," may be in-part for the Malis/Mellish/Mellersh surname using so-called ermined "flaunches." First of all, the Malis/Mellish Coat and Crest show swans, a symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon, and his surname shows the Moor head tracing possibly to Tunis. I cannot find a Flaunch-like surname, wherefore the flaunch may be code for the Blanche/Blank surname (Feller format with Rockfort lions) now tracing to Blanche I of Navarre, daughter of Eleanor of Castile. The French Blank Coat even shows the "SANS tache" motto, and then Shakespeare's (in Haver colors), who can link to MOLEhill-using Shake's/Shakerleys, use "Sans" in their motto. One might therefore say that the Malis/Mellish surname should trace to the line of Jacques de Molay, especially as the French Blank chevron and eagle of the Sans surname (Castile) are in the colors of the bend of Jacques de Molay.

[Not many minutes after writing the few paragraphs below, I got to seeking flaunches elements in other terms, and found the Flan surname ("Sine" motto term) registered with Flints using a chevron in colors reversed to the Shakerley chevron!]

The Sans are also "Sanches / Sanx" (note ending of "flaunCHES") wherefore see the Sale / Salian bend used by the Sank surname with "Clavis" motto term that should be for the Glaphyra Mauritanians as they developed into the Salyes toward Salian Franks. It's evoking mythical Sangarius at Phrygia's Sangarius...or "Sakarya" river smacking of the Zakarians and Shakerleys!

ZOWIE, Sangarius was made the father of Hecuba/Hecabe (mother of Trojans), which I had forgotten when I said the following at the start of this update:

...But then "ELISabeth" was found to trace to these Elisha elements out of Elis (Greece), and the bloodline of queen Elizabeth I was supported by so-called Jacobites, whom are now suspect with "Hecabe," wife of Priam.

It's interesting here that the Stone of Scone cropped up as one of the last topics in the last update, after emphasizing the Jacob surnames. The Stone of Scone is traced by its Masonic adherents to the "pillow" of Biblical Jacob, founder of Israel, and so there is reason to trace it instead to Jacobites, not from Jacob of Israel but from the Hecuba Trojans.

In the last update, the Jacob surname and Jacobites were discovered to be of the Zakharian / Zakarian line to Romanovs! It means that Zakarians trace to the Sangarius/Sakarya river. But then Seagers/Sakars and Sawyers should trace to the same river's proto-Trojans.

Earlier in this update,"...It even explains why Wyatts use a gold-on-black eagle, colors reversed from the eagle in the Arms of Guillestre. The Salian/Saleman Coat uses gold-on-black eagles on the Sale bend, thus clinching the trace of Wyatts to the Durance river and to the Salyes." The mother of Gaston IV of Foix was a Sully on her mother's side (see family tree), and the Sully/Silly surname smacks well-enough of Salyes. Lest you've forgotten, Gaston IV was father to Catherine of Foix.

Hmm, Sawyers became suspect with the Sawlly variation of Sauls who use the Shield-on-Shield of Rennes-le-Chateau, but the Sauls/Sawllys also show "Saully," smacking of the Sullys too much for coincidence. In other words, the Sauniere surname (with Saulniere variation) that built the Magdalene church traces to the Sully surname in the bloodline to Catherine of Foix, whose mother's side traces to other elements of Rennes-le-Chateau. There you have the nuts needed to crack much of the mystery at the Magdalene church. The Sauls/Sawllys use eagle heads in the colors of the Sans/Sanches/Sanx eagle.

Does this mean that my trace of Seagers and Sawyers to the Sava river is to be made void? Nopa, for Rennes le Chateau is near the Save river. Saved by the Save river.

All of the above was written before I had read deep into Wikipedia's article on Rennes-le-Chateau, which I happened to do just now. What I am about to quote from the article is NOT what I knew when making the links of Rennes-le-Chateau to the Sully > Navarre > Foix bloodline. This is a testimony of how heraldry can reveal truths:

The entire area around Rennes-le-Chateau became the focus of sensational claims during the 1950s and 1960s involving Blanche of Castile, the Merovingians, the Knights Templar, the Cathars, the treasures of the Temple of Solomon that was the booty of the Visigoths that included the Ark of the Covenant and the Menorah (the seven-branched candlestick from the Temple of Jerusalem). From the 1970s onwards claims have extended to the Priory of Sion, the Rex Deus, the Holy Grail, ley lines, sacred geometry alignments, the remains of Jesus Christ, alleged references to Mary Magdalene settling in the south of France, and even Flying saucers. Well-known French authors like Jules Verne (a Varni?] and Maurice Leblanc [a Blanch?] are suspected of leaving clues in their novels about their knowledge of the 'mystery' of Rennes-le-Chateau.

I do not know very much at all about the mystery at Chateau, and have no idea as to why its traced by others to Blanche of Navarre-Castile. But I do have a very good idea that the blood, and perhaps the treasures, of the Herods and of the Israeli chief priests may be involved? Here is her article. Is she wearing a pointed cap under the veil on her head? Is it the pointed hat in the Dreger/Dreyer Crest? There is a so-called Phrygian cap that is pointed, and we just saw the Sully line trace to Phrygia's Sakarya river.

Blanche's son was Charles, a prince/king in Viana (from the counts of Evreux). Here in Viana, the Herod line from Vienne-Isere may be indicated. It just so happens that Charles of Viana married Agnes of CLEVES!!!!! That can't be coincidental; I trace the wife of Herod Archelaus (who was banished to Vienne-Isere by Caesar) to the Cliff/Cleve surname (Clapton wolf design). The Glaphyra Mauritanians, though we should not rule out the Glaphyra Syrians, are thus tracing to Viana, and to Blanche of Navarre, wherefore let's not forget that the gold-on-blue wolves in the Navarre Coat had traced to the same in the Bane Coat, for "Viana" and "Bane" are similar terms found in the Bane and Vain/Vane septs of Mackays = Quoids.

In other words, where Viana is a Herod-Archelaus line, add the Bane's, Banesters, and the Languedoc Banes' to that list. See the Banesters along with Skiptons in the Meschin write-up, then see Skipton comments below.

Reminder: the "Clavis" motto term is used by the Sanks who trace exactly to the Sully bloodline that built the Magdalene church. Dutch Cleve's even use three white fish, symbol of the Sanks!

We must surely take a look at the Viana surname, using just a fesse in the colors of the Covert fesse, which was traced to the Craven fesse of a bloodline from Croatia, where the Sava/Save flows, and that's where Seagers/Sakars and Sawyers had traced many months ago. In the southern Croatia theater there is Herzegovina, where the Heres/Hares and Hereford was traced, important because Cliffs/Cleves were first found in Herefordshire. And, besides, Skiptons were of Craven, and Skiptons left their lot to Cliffords, according to the Skipton write-up. Are we seeing Herods here of the Hers kind from the Grand Hers river beside Rennes-le-Chateau???

After all, Rennes-le-Chateau is between the Aude and Grand Hers river, and this is suggesting that MontlHERY traces to the Grand Hers river, excellent because the triple Water chevron from the Arms of Eure-et-Loir is used by the Languedoc Banes!!! The trace made of the Guy line at Montlhery to the Foix-Candale house is thus made sensible because the Grand Hers river is smack beside Foix (on the Ariege river). And, I've just spotted SAYERdun (i.e. like the Sauers/Saiers of the Sava) downstream from Foix at the mouth of the Grand Hers river.

But as it became evident earlier in this update that the line from Montlhery to Foix was the Covert line, by what coincidence do we find the Covert fesse in the Viana Coat? And what could it mean but, once again, that Coverts are linking to the Kypros > Cooper bloodline from the mother of Herod the great sly fox? Coverts had linked to Masseys in many ways, and here's why, for Viana was the Vain/Vane sept of Mackays, and Vains/Vanes use the Macey (and Wayne) gauntlet gloves. Scottish Bane's/Vains use the Clan Chattan motto that sometimes ends with "bot a glove."

Entering "Sayer," gets cinquefoils on a bend in Varn and SHAKEspeare bend colors. Sayers and Shake's both trace to the Sangarius/Sakarya river. The Sayer motto, "Bear and FORBear," is for the muzzled bears of Vane-related Mackays, which are used by Vincents but also by Forbes', meaning that "forbear" is code for the Forbes bears.

Between the Grand Hers and the Ariege, and directly east across from Foix, there is a LaVELANet location to which "Feuil" may ultimately trace. To the near-east of Lavelanet is "Quillan" on the Aude river, and these terms smack of the Whelans/Failins. Entering "Velan" (ducks) gets the Falen variation. Here's the Quillan Coat with white wolf and Gore colors.

The MacAILand variation prompted a look at the Ales and therefore the Aylmers/Elmers, and lo, the Aylmer/Elmer Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Quillans! It recalls my investigations on Bugs Bunny / Looney Tunes characters, when Elmer Fudd was linked to Daffy Duck, and of course the David/Daffy surname was assumed to be for a Duck bloodline. Here it is in the ducks of the Velan / Quillan bloodline! The axe in the Aylmer/Elmer Crest belongs to the duck-coded Drakes because Aylmers/Elmers were first found in Hampshire. God says that Drakenberg is a dead duck walking.

"Daffy" was traced (some years ago) to Daphne elements out of Devon, and into Diva of Cheshire, where Davids/Daffys were first found, and the Elmer dolphin was assumed to be the Daphne bloodline out of Dauphine. The Elmer / Quillan Shields are in the colors of the James dolphin, suggesting again that the James-related Douglas' trace to the Foix theater, but now tracing specifically to Quillan and Lavelanet, the items suspect at the root of "Feuil." The Douglas heart was linked to the Logan/Lennan heart, and Logans are also shown as "Duck." As this is the bloodline from Montlhery, expect Caiaphas elements of the Chappes / Half / Steven kind.

It just so happens that Obama's father is a Davis, and that the Welsh David/Daffy surname uses the same Coat, essentially, as welsh Davis'. Then, Frank Marshall Davis was from a Stevenson father, and one Stevenson surname (same stars as Douglas') uses a blue on white chevron, the colors of the Half hourglass/chevrons (my unofficial terms).

UNBELIEVABLY, Frank's middle name, said to be from his mother with Marshall surname (but one never knows the full realities in this family), traces to the Haifa > Half bloodline and to Quillan first by the fact that Marshalls use the Lively/Hively lozenges, for the latter surname was traced to the "beeHIVE" of Kerry's, who use the Half hourglass!!! The Italian Livelys even use the triple chevron in colors reversed to the Singletary Coat, and then the Dunham bloodline of Obama's mother is known to be from Jonathan Singletary (who changed his surname to "Dunham").

The string of lozenges used by Marshalls and Livelys are used in different colors by Whelans/Failins, you see, so that Marshalls must trace to Quillan, not surprising after the Keith kin of Marshalls traced to Rennes-le-Chateau (smack beside Quillan) by other methods. And where Failins were at the root of "Feuil," it explains why Obama's mother worked for Rockefellers. As Keiths traced to Mussel elements in Cheshire, note that I still maintain a Dunham trace to Dunham-Masci in Cheshire.

Recalling the white "flaunches" that were suspect with Blanche of Navarre, by what coincidences does Obama have a Wolflin > Wolfley bloodline in recent ancestry while Wolfleys were first found in Cheshire and use the white flaunches too??? Plus, the Navarre's use wolves, the Wolfley symbol. The flaunches were found in the description of the Malis/Mellish/Mellersh surname that uses the same swans in both the Hedge Coat and Crest. Wanna see some magic? Go to the write-up of Scottish Quills, "First found in on the Isle of Harris," in the Hebrides where Miletus elements, suspect in the Malis/Mellish surname, trace. Then, enter "Harris" (Carians of Miletus?) to get the HEDGEhogs of English Harris', proving that the Hedge / Malis/Mellish surnames link very closely to Quills, especially as the Harris Crest uses a porcupine! Thus, the flaunches in the Wolfley line of Obama traces to Quillan too, exactly where we expect the line of Blanche of Navarre-Castile.

Didn't we just see Kerrys in the trace to Quillan? It strikes me here that Quillan is an exceptionally-important location of the Rennes-le-Chateau cult. The Irish Quill/Cuill surname, using a Glaphyra-suspect "club," was "First found in Counties Cork and KERRY..." It just so happens that the Harris chevron is in the colors of the Kerry hourglass.

The Club Coat looks like a definite version of the Covert Coat! That's important because Coverts must trace to Charles of Viana, husband of Cleves, and son of Blanch of Navarre. The Quill/Cuill description may be for the Sholto bloodline because it's "A demi-woodman with a club over his SHOULDer. The fish in the Club Coat now serve to prove my old claim that Clubs trace to Clovis and to Clavers/Cleavers, for these white fish are used by Sanks (the Sale / Salian bend with "Clavis" motto term), and by Dutch Cleves!! Good one, John, keep stripping away the bark, because the world tree is ready for the axe of one angry Christ.

The Covert trace to Clubs is one piece of evidence to show a Caiaphas bloodline belonging to Coverts as much as Coverts trace by many methods to Kypros> Herod lines. Clubs were first found in the same place (Cambridge) as same-colored Chapmans. The latter use a solid chevron in colors reversed from the Guido hourglass, and then it's the Forbes' (Vincent bear) who use the "guide" motto term, important because the Forbes' are honored in the motto of the Sayer surname now tracing to SAYERdun on the Grand Hers river not far from Quillan.

The "shoulder" clue in the Quill/Cuill description can make the trace to Obama's mother yet again, for Dunhams and Shoultz's were both first found in the same place (Norfolk), where the Seager/Saaker and Sawyer kin of Sayers were first found who trace to Rennes-le-Chateau by other methods. The first point is, the Martin (mammal) in the Crest of Dunhams looks to trace to the woolpack of Italian Martins, for Wolfleys use a "woolpack." The Chief of Italian Martins looks like the Masci fleur, important for the Dunham trace to Dunham-Masci. We just saw the Masci / Messina fleur in the Chief of Italian Amore's, and AHA-BY-THE-WAY it just so happens that it's the English Amore's who use the "Malis" motto term that got us the Malis/Mellish surname using the Wolfley flaunch!!! But that wasn't even the point for starting this paragraph.

One point was the castle/tower design in the French Martins, used by Herod- and Clovis-suspect McLeods/Clouds, yes, but also by Spanish Vigils, who can be accessed from the "VIGILate" motto term of the Dunham-suspect Shoultz's above. The "orate" motto term of the same Shoultz's should trace to the Orr / Orry/Hery bloodline that traces to Obieu and Grand Hers, both directly beside Quillan, which is itself upstream on the Aude from Lemnos-suspect Limoux. That is, the Amore's now linking to Wolfleys were the Myrina Amorites migrating with/as the Garebites who named the Orbieu and Corbieres locations. Thus, the Shoultz's and Dunhams are tracing, probably as the Sholto line, to Quillan with the shoulder code of the Quills.

The second intended point is that Italian Vigils use the split Shield of the Fulke's/Folks, first found in the same place as Dunhams and Shoultz's, and besides, the "sera" motto terms of Fulke's/Folk's was traced to the Sarah/Sayer surname now tracing to SayerDUN and other elements of the cult at Rennes-le-Chateau. Both Fulke's/Folks and Dunhams (not to mention Singletarys) use a spear in Crest.

Singletarys/Singletons look like a branch of the Singular variation of Sinclairs, and the latter do not only come up as as "Sun," like the San term that gets the Sanches/Sanx line from Sayer-related Sakarya/Sangarius, but Sinclairs also come up as "Saint" that should trace to the Saintes location beside Limousin, and founded by Santones tracing easily to Sintians of Lemnos. Didn't we just find the Dunham line tracing to Lemnites at the Quillan area?

Why is the gold Sinclair rooster (almost) used by the French Galli/Guellis surname (Dauphine, where Davis-related Davids/Daffys trace), and why do Italian Galli's show a rooster too as well as Quillan-like Gallion variation? might the Galleti variation link to "LaVALET"? Quillan should be from the Galli bloodline to the Glass surname, explaining the hourglass Shields of Halfs and others who trace to this area. And the Douglas' (from Galloway, for one) were of both Sholto and Glass elements, very conspicuous where the "shoulder" code is used by Quill's.

The Galli (especially the GALATians) lived on the Halys river with Halybes, and while the latter smack of the Help variation of Halfs, it just so happens that the Halybes were also in the Sakarya/Sangarius theater.

In this picture, where Vigils and Fulkes trace to Quillan, their red and green colors ought to belong to Hephers/Evers (garbs), who link by their quartered Shield to the Ivers/Eures and Havers. And then the Orry/Hery/Ure motto is "Sans tache."

Now the Quill Crest with the shoulder code uses a "woodsman" with club over his shoulder, and this allows yet another trace of Obama's mother to Quillan. It's known that Obama traces to a Mayor in Germany (ORsingen, I think, what could be an ORR-SINGLeton combo) with Wolflin surname that changed it to "Wolfley," but when one enters "Wolfin" (without the 'l'), the Wallyn/Wallin surname comes up...that comes up also as "Waldwin."

Recall the "flaunches" used by the Malis and Wolfley Coats, for the Malis swans are used by Waldwyn-suspect Waltons (the Walton Crest shows the Shakespeare spear, and English Walters use the Shakespeare = Varn bend). The Malis and Hedge swans had traced to Quillan, wherefore by what coincidences does the Wallin variation of Wolfins/Waldwyns smack of the Whelan/Failin surname that has already traced not-bad to Quillan, while German Woodman's are more-properly shown as "WALDENman"???

Clearly, the Quill woodsman is code for the Woodman / Waldenman / Wolfin bloodline to Wolfleys, and so let's not forget that the Quillan surname itself uses a wolf...of the Fleming wolf design. I had traced "Wolfin" to "Vilnius" on a lucky strike (wolves were in Lithuanian lore), and for that matter "Quillan" itself could be a variation of "Vilnius." I had traced Wolfleys to Vilnius with evidence aside from the Villin surname being first found in the same place as Dunhams. This predicts that the pike fish used by Geddes represent a family in the Quillan theater, and indeed the Pike surname uses trefoils. The trefoil must also be a symbol of the Trips/Trefs (near the Trave area at Lubeck), a Traby branch, and then Gores/Cores use the Trip crosslets while the Quillan wolf has been discovered, surely, as a version of the white Gore/Core and Gower/Gore wolf. Reminder: Scottish Quills were first found in Harris, and while the Harris surnames were first found in DERBYshire, one Harris Crest uses a porcupine (i.e. with quills).

I almost missed it when not initially realizing the importance of the Drave Coat, quartered in white and black. I was thinking hard on how the (Hohen)Zollern surname might link to the Drave surname, and so failed at first to recall that Kills/Keele's (in Villin colors) use the same quarters as Drave's!!! It's telling us that the Trave area does indeed trace to the Quillan location, and to the Killan/Killion/Killin variations of Quillans. That easily explains why Gores should be at Quillan, for Gores use the Hamburg and Trip crosslets. The "Honestum" motto term of Hamburgs gets use right back to Quills in that the Hones/Hains/Haynes use a Shield split diagonally in colors reversed to Scottish Quills from Harris. Hones/Hains/Haynes are in Hay (and Hohen) colors while Hayers were first found in DERBYshire.

As the paragraph above resulted from the Geddes aspect of Douglas' and ended on a Gillian-like surname, let it be reminded that Julians/Gillians use the Douglas salamander in flames. The Ville's were first found in Languedoc, and may just be named after Quillan elements. After writing that, "Villon" was entered to find the Ville Coat. "Villan" gets the Villin Coat. It just so happens that Villins use the Tanner Shield-and-Chief combination while FULbert "the tanner" was a Falaise, if that helps to trace "Quillan" to "Feuil." And a ConteVILLE married the daughter of Fulbert of Falaise.

[Insert -- Note that Irish Quills are shown with a Wood variation, oddly enough. Irish Quills are the ones with a club over the shoulder of a woodsman. While Wolfleys use a woolpack that looks like the so-called "cushions" of Kilpatricks, by what coincidence does the Woodman/Walderman Crest use a "cushion"??? It can't be coincidental, therefore, that I traced the weight balance in the Cass/Cash Crest to the same in the Arms of Vilnius, while the Cass/Cash Coat is a version of the CUSH Coat. Moreover, I traced the so-called "fountains" of the latter two Coats to the Ville's because they are shows as FONT de Villes.

The tree in the Irish Quill/Wood Coat is in the Crest of the Waller surname, where it's called a "walnut tree." It can't be coincidental that Wolfins/Waldwyns are also "Waller." Now you know that Wolfins/Wallers are a branch of Woodsmans/Waldermans, all tracing to Quillan, In fact, Wallers can be traced smack to Aude, the location of Quillan, by the two "aut" motto terms Irish Walls/Wolle's, who tend to explain why the Wolfleys are also "Wooley." The Dutch Walls even use the rock design used until recently by the Languedoc Roques/Rocks in colors reversed to the Arms of Roquefeuil. Swedish Walls use a chain (an Arms of Navarre symbol too) and yet more in the colors of the chains in the Arms of Navarre. Those chains are in Hamburg / Trip colors.

Why are Walls tracing to Quillan with Hamburg elements? It has got to involve the Trabys of Polabia, which is the theater of the Varni that already traced to Aude's Roquefeuils. Irish Walls ("nihil" motto term used by Veres) even use the gold crosslet of Hamburgs / Trips, and yet they are the Gore and Windsor crosslets too. It seems that Walls were named after Quillan elements, making better sense when Quillan is linked to "Vilnius," where I traced Stewarts who liked the Walter name, and one Walter Coat even uses the same bend as Varns and Garebite-suspect Gripps/Grabbens. I trace the latter to Gripel (Brittany), where Voirs/Voyers were first found who use the same lion design and colors as German Walters showed until recently. Thus, with a trace of Stewart kin to Quillan, it increases the reasons for a Quillan-Vilnius equation.

It's unusual to see five black ostrich feathers in a Crest. Houseofnames, when a surname does not show a Crest, substitutes for artistic impression only with five ostrich feathers in TWO colors, not one color. Yet the German Wall Crest shows five black ostrich feathers...and Trabys use five white ostrich feathers. Although the description of German Dols/Dohls (grape vine on a "chequey" pattern) does not present anything for the Crest, they look like three ostrich feathers in the same colors.

Moreover, I traced the Sock surname to "Astika," the surname in Vilnius to which the Trabys were merged, and here I now find that the Dol/Dohl grape vine is officially a "vine-stock." This helps to prove that the Dol Stewarts traced to the Astika's, explaining the STIGweard version of Stewarts. Dol is the 666-loving bloodline more assuredly now because 666 is obtained by the Greek alphabet with the letters, chi-xi-STIGma, and there you even have a "cheQUEY" term in the Dol/Dohl description smacking of "chi-xi." The English Stock Crest uses "qui," and as I see this term (used by Caiaphas-suspect Shaws) as code for Caiaphas lines to mythical Kay/Cai, note first that the "insons" motto term of Stocks leads to the Kay Coat via the Ince / Inch Coats, and secondly see that the German stocks use what should be a version of the Scottish Stewart Coat.

The "Fortis" motto term of Stocks tends to reveal that their two-tailed white lion is the two-tailed white lion of MontFORTS (see a single-tailed Montfort lion, probably, in the Stake Coat), but the Montfort lion is also the lion in the Arms of Bohemia, wherefore one can begin to guess that Stocks trace to the Clapton line through Plsen of Bohemia, and therefore to Placentia. This may explain why Pilsons/Polesdons/PULsiphers use stars in the colors of the Stock lion, and why the Pilson/Polesdon Crest is almost the stag in the Crest of English Stewarts, on the page where we learn of their ancient Stigweard variation.

As Douglas' had traced to Lithuanians, chances are that the Dowell variation of Dougals (lion in white, as with Montforts and RockForts) traces to the Dohl variation of the Dols above. It should also be added here that the Dol/Dohl grape vine is that of the Fresh/FRITSch surname (Pharisee suspects along with Montferrats) while Montforts are trace-able to Monforte and neighboring Montferrat, and therefore to elements of Fertes/Firtz's using the Vienna eagle in colors reversed.

Although what you're reading is an insert, it leads right back to the Woodman-Houston topic immediately after the insert. It starts with a look at the Weard surname (the asclepios snake) assuming that Stewarts, a branch of Houstons of Glasgow, link by their Stigweard variation to Weards. The variations on the Weard page can tell a long story in themselves, but for now let's stick to the "LAUDaMUS" motto term, for the Musse/Musy surname (eagle in Stick and Weard colors!) was first found in Brittany, while entering "Laud" gets the Lords (in Glasgow colors) that are honored in the "Lord" motto term of the Glasgow surname (the Quill/Wood oak?). Note the "maunch" or "sleeve" in the Laud/Lord Crest, a symbol that can trace to Masseys/Maceys, first found in Manche.

The Musse/Musy eagle is in colors reversed from the Massi/Mattis eagle (in the colors of STEGman eagle), which is the surname that has the proto-Stewart Coat, in my opinion. And the fact that Weards smack of "Woerden" (location of imperial Bassianus bloodline) allows us to understand that the Musse/Musy surname is from whatever named Julia Maesa Bassinius. Her family provided a Roman emperor of the El-Gabal kind that was honored in Woerden, and her first name suggests lineage in Julius Caesar, whom I trace to Guillestre using a two-headed black-on-gold eagle, what I think I see in the Stegman Coat. As these Steg - Stick - Stig terms are suspect in the 666 bloodline, it's now meaningful that they are tracing to Julius Caesar, the Patrician bloodline that I see as the Revelation dragon. Note how the 666-loving Kilpatricks, from the Roman Patricians, are found immediately after this insert.

It was yesterday as I write that the heraldic "demi" term was taken to task, after finding that "half" is used (by Wyatts) instead of "demi" in cases for honoring the Haifa-rooted Half bloodline. The Demy surname looks like it can apply to the Maisy surname, and looks like a Massi/Mattis branch. The demi investigation of yesterday, which I decided not to mention in this update, is an astounding find where it was brought back to mind right here at the Stegman surname, which uses a "demi eagle displayed." It's astounding because the Halfs use the Kerry hourglass, suspect with the Chappes from Haifa, while we can trace the Musse/Musy surname (using the Stegman eagle, I'm assuming, but also the Saleman eagle) to MusKerry. Moreover, this discussion just included Glass elements of the Glasgow kind, and the same are immediately after the insert, yet it's the Houstons that are after the insert who trace to Essenes at Haifa / Carmel.

It's hard to say at this point whether the "Auxilia Aukillius" motto of the Halfs is for Kill(ey) elements of the Quillan and/or Julian/Gillian kind, but it does appear to be code for oak-using lines (e.g. Ackers) tracing to Akka/Acre at Haifa. note the maunch / sleeve in the English Ackerman Coat using the Massey Shield. Ackers use the same Crest as Stocks! Plus, Ackers use the Sale bend which tends to trace Ackers to the Durance (location of Guillestre), a river that I trace along with DORset to Dor...not far south of Haifa / Acre (Ackermans were first found in Dorset). Dutch Ackermans use the Koppel rooster as evidence of an Acre trace to Massey-related Mieszko's out of Goplo, a location suspect with a Polish peoples named after El-GABAL.

The Mieszko myth terms included "SiemoMYSL," important because a Mouse Tower existed in Goplo lore as told by Gallus AnonyMOUS. The Misl surname uses, not only the only heraldic mouse that I know of, but gold-on-black lions...which had been found in this update in the German Turner Coat. But Austrian Turners use the besant colors (suspect with Julia Maesa Bassianus) found also in the Dumas Coat, the write-up of which traces to "Le Mas." The Misl mouse is in the colors of the Turner Moratin towers, which is suddenly evocative of "Mouse Tower."

I am very confident that Turners trace to Turin, where I imagine Masci's who use the wing design of Gobels. The Turner Broadcasting company uses a white-on-blue logo, the color of Maceys and Italian Turins/Venturini's. The latter use the same fesse as Bellamys who were merged with Ferte-Mace, origin of Maceys. The president of Turner Broadcasting (founder of CNN) is a Zeiler surname using Rockefeller-suspect rooks: "Gerhard Zeiler (born 20 July 1955) is the current president of Turner Broadcasting International (encompassing TBS Europe, TBS Asia Pacific, and TBS Latin America), part of Time Warner" By what coincidence does the Warner Coat (Roquefeuil-related Varni?) use a split Shield vertically in colors reversed from the vertically-split Shield of Austrian Turners??? Plus, English Warners use a bend in the colors of the Turin bend, and if that's not enough, the bend is also the Arms of Baden while Zeilers were first found in Baden.

The Varni were on the Warnow river, and then the Varny Coat uses, not just the Weir/Vere stars, but the Warner / Turner colors, not forgetting that Veres of Manche became a branch of Masseys/Maceys. Warns are colors revered to Varns, and use a horseshoe, symbol of the Ferrari / Ferris line.

The Weard surname uses a Wherter variation evoking the Warter location of Trussbuts/Payens. Warters use a pale in Weir/Vere-fesse colors. The Austrian Warts use the Half / Kerry hourglass Shield, and should trace to the Turners in Tyrol, smacking of Tyre, just north of Haifa and Acre.

Turners are found in the "turner" term in the write-up of Dreger/Dreyers, suspect with Sholto-branch Douglas' who have traced in this update to Goplo elements. recall the online quote that traced Douglas ancestry to Akko/Acre elements in Scotland: "In the [mythical] story of Sholto Douglas [8th century], his son William Douglas is a commander of forces sent by the mythical Scottish king Achaius (Eochaid?), to the court of Charlemagne..." End Insert]

The Woodman/Waldenman Coat looks like a version of the Coat used by Stewart-related Houstons (hourglass in Crest) of Glasgow, if that helps to trace this discussion to Douglas'.

In fact, the "Drwy" motto term of the Wolfins/Waldwins/Wallins can now trace to the Drey bloodline, which ought to include the Drysdales who, along with Kilpatricks whose cushion-Shield they share, are Douglas septs. Keep your all-seeing-eye on the Sholto aspect of Douglas' because we are about to trace it to the Piast-Mieszko Poles, who were merged with Lithuanians. The apparent link above of Woodmans to Houstons is excellent for what I claimed (many months ago) yet could not prove with much heraldic evidence, that Houstons were Kilpatricks.

It should be noted that while Obama's father was a Stevenson tracing to the Terek river, that's where the Dreys and Dregers/Dreyers must trace too, which is the Drake bloodline as evidenced by the green wyvern of Wolfins/Waldwyns/Wallins (hmm, Wolfin-like Wilkins use the green wyvern). [Remember the sentence above as Obama lines are traced to Piast-Mieszko Poles further below, for Drakes are from dukes of Masovia. In this coming discussion, the Piasts of a newly-found Poset region in the Heusca province of Spain will be discovered, and while the Hauch/Heusch surname is implied by that region, there is yet another green wyvern in the Scone(hauch) Crest. The Houstons will be suspect from Heusca for good reasons.] Recall the checks expected of Chekov, played by Cohen suspect Koenig, for the Woodman/Waldenman and Houston checks are also the Cohen checks. It just so happens that the bend of the Welsh Davis Coat is in the colors of the Wolfin/Walden/Wallin bend, and that Roddens/Rodhams, who trace to Gene Roddenbury, founder of Star Trek, use the same bend colors! Hillary Rodham Clinton is in hot water for her part in the murder of ambassador Stevens.

On the Davis write-up page: "Amos Williams Davis: Family History, Including His Ancestors and Descendants by Eunice Freese Payne." Obama's mother is a Payne bloodliner.

BEHOLD FRESH EVIDENCE. The Houston motto, "In Time," links to a Moray-surname motto (not shown at any longer), "Deum Time" (important here where the Dunhams were English Randolphs while Scottish Randolphs were earls of Moray, who connected to the Ruths/Rothers/Randolphs of Moray because they use an ermined chevron that links easily to the ermined Rodden/Rodham bend, and therefore to the Davis bend). You can ignore the brackets and jump right to the Scottish Dunn/Doun Coat (Scottish Randolph colors), for it uses roughly the same locks as the Deum-Time Moray surname once showed. Here's the English Dunn/Doun description: "A blue shield with a silver buck charged on the SHOULDER with black star"! I didn't know this consciously when tracing the other shoulder code to Quillan.

The question now is whether "WOOD(man)" is a term from "Aude," that being the river on which Quillan sits. Interesting here is that I consistently traced both Obama and Hillary Rodham to Nazi elements, and that was before discovering that Aude-related Hitlers were from the Maschi / Masci line of Poles. It just so happens that there is another club, held by a savage (albeit not over the shoulder), in the Scottish Wood Crest. Both Wood surnames use the oak tree, wherefore expect Joktanites...who were in Aude.

As we can now see that the shoulder entity applies to Dunhams, by what coincidences: 1) do Holders smack of "shoulder" while using a dancette in the colors of the Dunham / Randolph dancette, and in the colors of the eagle of Sholtz's of Norfolk: 2) do Holders smack of COLTers whose Catherine wheel can trace to Piast KOLODziej, the ancestry of Mieszko Poles?

Colters use a chevron in colors reversed to the Piast-like Paisleys, and Paisley is in the same place as where Pollocks were first found, and where Glasgow is located that I'm seeing as Douglas stock. The Colter chevron is even in the colors of the Glasgow-surname chevron.

Can Holders trace to Foix? And how. They use the same griffin design, which I rarely see, as the Vince's/Vinch's...expected to trace to Rennes-le-Chateau along with Vincents. The griffin in the Holder Crest, though in a sitting position, is thereby revealed as the Vince griffin too, and it's used, in the sitting position, by English Forts with "AUDax" motto term. That helps to trace Holders to the Mieszko Poles because Pollocks use "Audacter," especially as Pollocks have Maxwells of Maxton as their mother stock while the Forts above use the Maxwell bee design.

The Forts above use the same castle/tower, essentially, as McLeods/Clouds using the motto, "HOLD fast." That's extra evidence that Forts linked to Holders. It should explain why a bull, the Mieske and Haught symbol, is in the McLeod/Cloud Crest. I don't know why entering "Fast" gets the WithyPOLE's with several Pole-like endings, but there you have what should be the Uat cult from Poland.

We saw the Piasts of the POST surname (in Colter colors) traced solidly to Montlhery, which itself traces to Chappes' > Caiaphas elements in Foix, and then the Catherine wheel of Colters helps to trace Piasts to Cazeres, on the west side of Foix. Hmm, just found: Cazeres is on the Garonne river with a source at the POSET mountain just across the French border into Spain's Aragon. These things are now begging the question of whether the Douglas entity of SHOLTo was the KOLODziej bloodline.

As we just saw Piasts at the Renfrew / Glasgow theater, by what coincidence are the Houstons from that theater while Poset peak is in Spain's Heusca province? It's evoking the Hauch/HEUSCH surname!!!

Zowie, the oak tree in the Glasgow Coat is seen in the Arms of Heusca province, and that term smacks of "Euskal," what Basques call themselves. It's painting the Houstons and related Hauchs/Heuschs as Basques. The Hauch/Heusch ducks are in the design of the Valen/Falen ducks, of a surname that could trace to LaVALENet (Grand Hers - Ariege river junction). Both the Scone(hauch)s and the Wolfins/Waldwyns/Wallens use the green wyvern, and Scone(hauch)s show the motto, "Vigilate." The last time that motto term was crossed, it belonged to the Shoultz' suspect from the Piast-Kolodziej bloodline at Poset / Heusca!!!

Again, the Quillan surname uses the Fleming wolf design, and near the source of the Garonne river there is a Bagneres-de-Bigorre location (at the source of the Save river) that may link to the Biggar Flemings. Biggars use a bend in Colter-chevron colors, as well as the Glass stars. Not only do I think Biggar Flemings were in cahoots with Douglas Flemings, but as the Scottish Blanch/Blank surname was first found in Shetland, by what coincidence does the Arms of Shetland use a Byggar motto term??? As Douglas' were traced to Lithuanians (of the Geddes kind), and as such are expected in the Vilnius entity that married Trabys, by what coincidence is Bagneres-de-Bigorre at Tarbes???

Hmm, Scottish Pattersons, who use a pelican as do Biggars, use a "rege" motto term that might just be code for the Ariege river. [There are many "rege" uses in heraldry, and I tend to trace them to mythical Rhea Rijeka, for one, not forgetting here that, earlier in this update, I saw Douglas ancestry in the Daktyloi of the Gorski - Rijeka theater ruled by Andechs. As Rijeka was also "Rike/Reka," compare with "Ariege." As Rijeka was in the Sava-river environs, let's not forget the Save river in Languedoc with a mouth near the mouth of the Ariege. Both rivers have a mouth at Toulouse, which convinces me now that the namers of Toulouse named the Dallas/Dulles/Doleys surname using the Biggar Coat. I did suggest a trace of "Texas" to Dach elements.]

Some Quillan variations smack of Kellys who use the Enfield griffin of the Guy-suspect Gaine's/Gayne's, and then the Enfield is found in one Will Coat, suggesting that Wills trace to "Quillan" elements too. It also supports the trace of the Hiedler/Hitler Enfield griffin to Aude, which is to say that Hitlers were Aude elements after all. The Enfield surname uses a gold Shield in Crest, as does the Crest of the Banes who just traced to Viana!

English Gaine's (in Enfield / James colors) use the Gore Shield, probably because Gowers/Gores were Guys, and the ENgain-like variations of these Gaines must be for the ENfield surname. Thus, Gaines definitely trace to Viana elements. Enfields were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as same-colored Gores/Cores and Windsors. Gores/Cores and Gowers/Gores (both use white wolves) are therefore tracing smack to the white wolf of Quillans, and therefore to Quillan on the Aude river. This white wolf may be colored that way for the Blanche bloodline out of wolf-depicted Navarre. The Arms of Navarre use chains, as do Quoids on their wolves. In this picture, the crown style in the Arms of Navarre may have made it to the Douglas Coat.

Like the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau, the Navarre Coat is a Shield-on-Shield using a blue one on top.

The Italian Lavalle/Vallet surname is surely in honor of Lavalet elements, and it uses the moline cross of the Jacobs! As the other Jacobs use a greyhound, note what looks to be a white greyhound at the feet of Charles of Viana, for the Arms of Cazeres use two white greyhounds.

Finally, the Borgia family that married a pope, a topic that Julie has been nudging me to emphasize for a couple of years, is coming to bear. The article on Viana: "Viana is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain. Cesare Borgia is buried there.",_Spain

Clicking to the Cesare Borgia article, and meanwhile catching that his first name evokes Cazeres, we find:

Cesare Borgia...was the son of Pope Alexander VI and his long-term mistress Vannozza dei Cattanei. He was the brother of Lucrezia Borgia; Giovanni Borgia (Juan), Duke of Gandia [see the Gand surnames, one using the moline, a Borgia symbol]...

...On 17 August 1498, Cesare became the first person in history to resign the cardinalate.{citation needed} On the same day, the French King Louis XII named Cesare Duke of Valentinois, and this title, along with his former position as Cardinal of Valencia, explains the nickname "Valentino".

The article shows the red bull that comes up in the Spanish Borgia Coat, but specifies that the bull was a symbol of the Valentinois dukes. The Borgia's were the Burgos at the root of the Contevilles that just traced to Quillan. That is, the Languedoc Villes just traced to Quillan, and while those Villes are shown as "Font de Villes" (they come up as "Fonda" too), the Spanish Font surname (Castile) uses the same moline cross, in the same colors, as the French Borgia's/Burgs, first found in Languedoc. The same red moline is used by Jacobs, though they also use a greyhound, wherefore Jacobites trace to the links between Cazeres and Viana/Navarre. There is even a Spanish Jacob Coat using the Irish-Burgh cross.

I would suggest that the Jacob moline, in red-on-white, is from the same-colored cross in the Arms of Jacques de Molay. After all, English Jacques use red-on-white too, while the write-up of Scottish Jacques (Renfrew) traces to "Jacobus." This is tracing Jacques de Molay to Cazeres, where the Jacob greyhound traces, and that city has got to be where religio-twisted Cathars operated. Spit!

As I identify Nibelungs as Burgundians, and as I traced Nibelungs to Nevers in Burgundy, I'd suggest that Navarre linked to "Nevers," and therefore to queen NEFERtiti, wife of AkhenATEN (at Myrina-like Amarna) who started the Atun religion in Egypt that traces to "Autun," smack beside Nevers. This cult from Egypt passed through mythical Aedon, daughter of a ruler in Ephesus, an Amazon-founded city depicted as mythical "HEPHAEStus," lord of everything wicked in Lemnos. Hephaestus had his Kabeiri cult especially in Thebes, where mythical Aedon was queen. Reminder, the Neve/Nevay/Navy Coat ("arte" motto term) uses a knight with feathers in his helmet, indication that the Herod-Archelaus line was at Nevers/Nievres. One could also expect Laevi from Novara at Nevers. It's hard at this point to say whether the Spanish Nova/Nuevo surname applies, but it does use five scallops (probably a symbol of Euskals) in Roquefeuil colors, and it was first found in Castile.

Aedon was made a granddaughter of Merops, symbol for proto-Merovingians...said to be part of the mystery along with Blanche of Navarre at Rennes-le-Chateau. The Kabeiri cult, ruled by Galli, was a secretive cult of "mysteries." Merops must have been the Amorite line to Myrina in Lemnos. This paragraph serves to reveal that the Levi at Novara were from the Galli cult, and as everything seems to be tracing to Quillan, smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau, I'd say that the Galli of that place are to blame for the mysteries and twisted ideas. I'd also say that homosexuality is rife and in our faces in the Western world because the same Galli are rulers over modern globalism.

As the Amore-surname bloodline was traced from the Myrina Amazons to Limoux, on the Aude river along with Quillan, the fact that Italian Amore's were first found in Sicily suggests the Simons, first found in Sicily and using the upright red-on-white lion of Spanish Amors (Castile). The same lions (in the same colors even) are used by the Spanish Castile surname along with the Moratin tower. It just so happens that the color of the Cliff/Cleve trefoil is in the colors of the same of English Simons, and besides, "Jewish" Simons use a fox likely for the Samson line of Simons to Foix. This line is suspect from the Saracens of Sicily ruled by Samsam, although the Samson line traces also to Samothrace, where Hephaestus had yet another branch of Kabeiri.

Henry VIII of England, the son of the Tudors, was married to Anne of Cleves, born in Essenes-suspect Dusseldorf, location of an Essen location, and root of the Dussel (view as D'Ussel) and Hazel surnames. Anne was the daughter of a John (of Cleves), a name that I trace to the John-Baptist-not bloodline that I see instead as Essenes. I also trace "Elizabeth to Masons thinking that they should trace to Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptists, and then in Anne's family tree, webpage below, we see Elizabeth of Nevers, mother of John Cleves, and grandmother of John of Cleves above. Elizabeth's father was John of Nevers. Anne's grandmother on her father's side was of Hesse, an Essenes- and Essen-like term.

If that's not enough, a daughter of Henry VIII was queen Elizabeth I. This must be why certain Masons wish to see John the Baptist as a product of the Essenes proper of Israel. There is even a likelihood that the Dead Sea Scrolls, which tell of Essenes in a way that makes Jesus appear to be from them, were fabricated by Masons attempting to destroy faith in Christ. It's well known that the people over-seeing the Scrolls are unwilling to let the world of critics and skeptics investigate their authenticity.

The mother of Elizabeth I was a Yorkist queen (wife of Henry Tudor VII), and the royal Edwards that were Yorkists had themselves traced to Johns and Elizabeths. The mother of Elizabeth I was a daughter of Edward IV. There is a French Baptist surname using the castle/tower design of Herod- and Clovis-suspect McLeods/Clouds. Isn't that the Cleve line???

The Arms of Wroclaw/Breslau (Poland) use the dead head of John the Baptist on a silver plate. It's hint that the Herods who were proud of beheading John were in Breslau/Wroclaw. Those Herods are suspect in the heart of the Portuguese Baptist surname, wherefore lets not forget that there is an Abreu Portuguese surname tracing to Bruces, and that Abreu elements in Evreux are suspect in the Evreux ancestry of Charles of Viana, the man who married into Cleves.

It just so happens that the Bres surname (a Bruce branch from Brescia) was first found in the same place (Normandy) as the Baptists, and use the colors of the rocks of French Rocks/Roques. English Rocks, using rooks, the trefoil, and Roquefeuil colors, were first found in WORCester, suggesting that Rocks and Roques trace to Herods of "WROClaw." The Wrocester surname (crane) even uses scallops (the Jacques scallops?) in Roquefeuil colors (Spanish Nova's/Nuevo's use scallops in these colors).

It's probably God's choice to allow Rockefellers to prosper in the end-time world because, the bigger they are, the harder they fall on the Vengeance-Is-Mine Day.

Henry VII married many times, first of all to Aragon, a woman with a Castile bloodline on her mother's side. It's plausible / predictable that Henry's first wife traces to John of Viana and Cleves, explaining why Henry also married into Cleves. John the Baptist was murdered by a son of Herod the great swine. It was Herodias who was a compelling factor in the murder, and this she-dog was married to two sons of Herod "the great." One husband was Herod Antipas, and the other was Herod II, son of "Mariamne II, the daughter of Simon Boethus the High Priest (Mark 6:17)." This Herod II was therefore a Sadducee bloodliner.

When Shaws were traced to Rennes-le-Chateau in the last update, I didn't mention the Thicks/Thecks (ermined lozenges in colors reversed to ermined Shaw lozenges) that link to the "SiTHECH" in the Shaw write-up, a term much like "SADDUCee." Both the Shaws and Thicks/Thecks use the trefoil. The Thick/Theck Coat uses the fesse in the colors of the Gore fesse, which is said because Rush's and Gores (and Gowers/Gores) use a white wolf head in Crest, while the Thick/Theck Crest is a bird amongst "bull rushes." The white wolf is used by the Quillan surname, and the Quillan location is smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau.

Cathian Covert told me that her father was from an obscure Hohenzollern associate, kaiser Wilhelm Koffert. I don't know whether she was speaking to me in code, because I cannot find a kaiser Wilhelm Koffert. Kaisers were not obscure men, were they? The point here is that the Quillans had traced to Kills/Keele's who use the Zollern and Hohenzollern quartered Shield, and meanwhile the Covert Coat traced to the Viana Coat. It's been little over one year since I felt compelled to include Coverts in the dragon hunts, and here I find them at the lot of the Cleves...the line of Glaphyra and Herod Archelaus, yet another son of Herod the great zero.

The Gores/Cores use the crosslets of Windsors, suspect as Wends = Vandals, and then the Viana surname shows also as "Vianden/Vanden/Vandelin." That sentence led to entering "Wendel," to get a Vandal surname (Swabia, location of Hohenzollerns), and what was found but another club over a shoulder, important because Coverts and Viana's/Vandelins use the colors of Cleve-related Clubs/Clobs...a branch, likely, of Claptons/Cloptons who passed through Plsen and Placentia, where Ananias traces. To help prove that Claptons of Plsen passed through Placentia, the Wendels use a split Shield vertically in the same colors as the vertically-split Shield of the Place/Plaiz surname, and the Place Coat even uses the Levi lion design. English Wendels even use the martin design of Coverts.

It appears therefore that Coverts of Hohenzollern elements of the Kill/Keele kind were in Quillan, where Gores were too who trace to the Wends of Windsors, to which Coverts have traced by several methods, including their trace to Coburgs and Saxe's, the latter in Coffer colors. The Saxe Coat uses partridges, and then the Partridge Shield is filled with Cohen/Hohen checks, but in black and white, the colors of the Kill/Keele and Hohenzollern quarters...but moreover, the floor at the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau is of black and white checks.

Who built the Jerusalem temple destroyed by Romans in 70 AD? Herod, father of Herod Archelaus and Herod Antipas, had done much to restore it, to the point that he practically owned the temple. I suppose it's possible that the Herods banished to France knew of some treasure buried under the temple that their father had provided for safe-keeping, but not until the late 11th century did the Herod line attempt to retrieve the treasure using the Crusades. There is a story online about the first Templars digging 80 feet below the Jerusalem-Temple site. What worms.

At the page below, one can see the possible origin in the Arms of Comminges in the cross of Jacques de Molay. Beside "Bernard, Count of Commynges and Couserans (1181-1225)," there is an Arms with what at first look like four red-on-white triangular objects coming center-ward from the four corners of the Shield; they look like the four white-on-red objects in the Arms of Haute-Garonne. The Arms of Comminges uses only the four white objects in those latter Arms.

But on a second look, the red-on-white objects are the spaces between what is really a white-on-red cross much like the red-on-white cross of Jacques de Molay. This can leave the impression that the Arms of Haute Garonne and of Comminges (in Haute-Garonne) are a secret version of the Molay cross. After all, de-Molay has traced, aside from this argument, to Cazeres, in Comminges.

The Arms of Haute-Garrone are described in Wikipedia as " gueules a la croix clechee, videe et pommetee de douze pieces d" That's it; it looks like the description was cut off, left unfinished. Drats. The cross style is called, "clechee," due to the knobs, and perhaps it's code for the Cleck/Clegg surname (in Caper and Capua/Caputo colors) using Caiaphas-suspect terms in the motto, "Qui potest capere capiat." Even "qui" is a CAIaphas-suspect code. The surname is traced to "Clegg in Rochdale in the county of Lancashire." The Cleck/Clegg star looks like the Ashton star, and Ashtons use "Quid" in their motto that gets the same-colored wolves (with chains) of the MacKAY-related Quoids/Wades. It's the Glaphyra-line wolf design.

As the chains on the Quid/Quoid/Wade wolves link quite well to the chain in the Arms of Navarre, because the Navarre surname uses wolves (link to the Banes' = Lancelot / Banester elements in Lancashire), and because Navarre's are expected from the Laevi of Novara where I expect the CAIaphas line, it appears that the cross type used by Haute-Garonne trace to the Clecks/Cleggs and Ashtons. Related Astons even use lozenges in the colors of the Shaw lozenges, of the particular Shaws using "qui" in their motto.

I'm out of time for this week, but next week is already here.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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