Previous Update: December 1 - 9

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December 10 - 16, 2013

Cappeo Lion Found at the Feet of Quintus Caepio
The Blue Apple Treasure of MontSEGUR

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In case you missed it in the last update, I thought the following was amazing. Up until the 4th update of last month, I was actually claiming that Maccabees of Israel were founded by the Cilnia family in the name of Gauis Cilnius Maecenas. One reason for this claim was that "Maecenas" was suspect as surname that named the Maccabees, and so the expectation was that his family was in Modena so as to form the Maccabee term amongst Hasmoneans of Modi-in. In that update and others before it, I was seeking a Mon entity that may have named Hasmoneans from northern Italy.

Then, in the last update, while looking at some mythical Medon characters that should link to the Keturah > Medan line to Athens, I came across a mythical Cilla, married to Priam's brother, who was in-turn a son (not really, it's just myth code for people-groups) of LaoMEDON. Cilla and Priam birthed Munippus (not really, it was code for a related people group coming later or being inferior). The term is rooted in "Mun" and suspect as proto=Hasmoneans because mythical LysiMACHE was made a daughter of Paris, Priam's son.

Corrections. I have been saying wrongly, off the top of my head, that Lysimache was a wife to Agamemnon. I was also wrong in saying that Munippus was a son of Cilla and her husband. Munippus was instead made the son of Cilla and Priam...meaning that Munippus was a half-brother to Paris and Hector. It really doesn't matter whether it's a son or brother or wife; the crux of the matter is that Cilnius Maecenas looks like he was from this Cilla > Munippus line of Trojans.

Paris has been suspect as the root of "Pharisee," you see. And so this update will expend efforts in understanding the Cilla entity. While that discovery was still warm, this was found:

Medon is the faithful herald of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. Following the advice of his son TeleMACHus, Odysseus spares Medon's life...Ovid mentions the "cruel" Medon...

Medon, a "cunning craftsman" of Cilla...

So, what we have is a Methoni-like term in Medon, and certain people of Methoni, also called Modon, are potentially the namers of Modena, which could expect the Cilla entity at and around Modena. One thing to keep our sensors on is whether Cilla named "Cilnius," therefore. These things were found immediately after introducing Maecenas (1st century BC), a high-level official in the government of Augustus caesar. If he thereby had the potential of shaking things down in the Roman empire, perhaps his family before him did too, introducing a Maecenas bloodliner into Israel to attend to Roman business there.

The importance of finding / clinching Maccabee roots in this family of Trojans is that Caiaphas is suspect from a family of Maccabee descent while mythical Capys was made married to a sister of the Laomedon above. This Capys was a grandfather of Aeneas, founder of Romans. There was another mythical Capys later, in the same line, father of Capetus Silvius. See this in the family tree at the webpage below, for there was a people-group / family by these names at Capua, out of which came the Capua/Caputa surname.

As I think I've found the Biblical Keturah to be allied to Anaki of Hebron, by what coincidence is ANCHises the son of the first Capys. Think about it: Maccabees were from Keturah elements in northern Italy but returning to Israel in time, with the terrifying beast of Daniel 7, to birth the high priest who slaughtered the Lamb for the salvation of the world. Think about the concept of Keturah, Abraham's other wife, being the satan-drenched line to the chief enemies of God interwoven into world empire's throughout history. Is it a coincidence that God chose Abraham, with Sarah, for to usher in the Savior?

What you are reading here was written after the section below (Let's Get a Grip) that traces the Massena-Bassianus lines in particular to Herod Agrippa, and so note that there is a mythical Agrippa in the Aeneas family tree. This Agrippa entity was made a grandson of Capetus Silvius. I tended to trace "Capys" to Cappadocia, and then Cilla will be discovered late in this update as a term from "Cilicia."Cappadocia is smack at northern Cilicia. Cilicia is where the Hyksos came through (at Kizzuwatna and Adana, near Tarsus) before forming the Hecuba > Hector Trojans. It is to be expected therefore, as has been in the past, that the killers of Christ were also from the descendants of the exodus Pharaoh, Khyan, whom I trace (years ago) to the Caeni near Lysimachia, and to the Kikones at Aenus. The latter location was anciently in myth code as "Aeneus."

The latter's wife was something like "Annette" (I forget the spelling), suspect as a code for the Paphlagonian HENETI, while PAPHlagonians are suspect from Hyksos' pharaoh, APOPHis, who took over Khyan's kingdom. The Pepins have been a topic of late, wherefore note that Apophis was also "Apepi." This line of Hyksos traces to Pepins at Papia/Pavia, home of Laevi Gauls suspect with pre-Christian Levites in northern Israel.

As the Let's-Get-a-Grip section finds its way to Rimini in an enlightening look at Picenum's involvement with the Bassianus bloodline, see mythical Remus in the family tree above, a son of Mars, for the below finds Marici peoples (co-founders of Pavia along with the Laevi) merged with Maschi's of Rimini. The Marici have only recently become suspect at the very feet of Annas, the other high priest who offered Jesus up. See, too, that Mars (merged with Picenti woodpeckers) was married to a daughter of Numitor, a code, apparently, for proto-Numidians. Shocking. I am at this point insisting that Maccabees were founded by Numidians. I am claiming that Cilnius Maecenas was a Numidian liner from king Massena. The myth writer (Virgil) who created this tree was working for Augustus, the same man whom Maecenas was working for.

You can see several Silvius terms in the tree, perhaps a version of the Greek "Cilla." We might like to know why Portuguese Silva's use a purple lion. Might "Silvius" have been code for the Salviae location on the Urbanus river, where we would expect Gaetuli Numidians (makers of purple dye for the Romans)?

Whatever the case may be for the Silv term, I am now seeking the derivation of "AGRippa." Some years ago I formed a theory based on Greek agri terms meaning "goat." I traced these terms to "Hagar," the Biblical mother of Ishmael, and because I saw Satyrs rooted in Seir, I identified Hagar (tentatively) from a peoples of Seir. Years later, when it dawned that Keturah lines were in Greek myth, the question was whether "Satyr" is rooted in "KETURah." It just so happens that Ishmael was a son of Abraham. Hagar and Keturah both birthed sons for Abraham, which may have seen Hagar elements migrating along with Keturah elements.

Agrius. A son of Portheus. The sons of Agrius deprived Oeneus of his kingdom, and gave it to their father; but all of them, with the exception of Thersites, were slain by Diomedes, the grandson of Oeneus.

Oeneus was made the father of Methoni so that we now have cause for tracing Hagar-related elements to "AGRIus," and those elements are suspect as the Keturah > Medan line to DioMEDES. I have been tracing the Kodros line to Pandareus of Ephesus, but here we find that Diomedes: "is supported by Athene [this obviously relates to Keturah]...He is wounded by Pandarus. Aeneas and Pandarus plan to fight him. He kills Pandarus. He wounds Aeneas and Aphrodite."

For the moment, we can view the situation above as conflict, animosity or even real war between Keturah and Hagar elements in Greece. It's part of the fiction of Homer's Trojan war, but we may assume that Homer's ideas reflected true-to-life sentiments between the various people groups. As the Cilla entity will later be found to closely include ACHILLes, which term thus becomes suspect with some Cilla branch, the following is very interesting because Cilla is in the Troad. This comes from the webpage above: "[Diomedes] kills Axylus."

Suspecting that Axylus was a code for an Achilles branch linked to Cilla, I looked into it. Clicking the Axylus link, we find: "A wealthy Trojan from Arisbe." Clicking the Arisbe link, we find: "A city in the Troad....Native city of Asius...The city is described as sacred, and was possibly a second city or sanctuary situated on Lemnos." When you get to the Achilles part, you will see that Cilla was wrapped around Lemnos, suspect from the Biblical Leummites, a tribe from a grandson of Keturah. "Asius" quickly evokes "Iasius" (founder of the Hephaestus Kabeiri cult), whom, as you will see, is directly related to Cilla elements of the Eetion kind. Therefore, I can trace Achilles and Axylus both to "Cilla."

In the last update, the Goth surname was linked to Gaetuli-suspect Geddes lines. As the Goth and Hagar(t) Coats both use the same "star of David," in the same colors, it's becoming feasible that "Gaetuli" was named after proto-goat terms amongst the Aryan lines to "Indo-Europeans" i.e. the English language. Below, you will also see (written before this section was conceived) how the Herod-Agrippa line becomes suspect with the blue heraldic color, including the blue wings of Here's and Hertzogs. As English Here's were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Heyers/Ayers, it becomes feasible for AGRippa lines to include "Hagar(t)" and "Ayer." If correct, it traces Agrippa lines to Aures/Awraba of Numidia, home of the Gaetuli. However, I think that one would have to see "Agrippa" as a term forming before "Awraba" was formed, though, actually, I don't know how far back "Awraba" goes. A softened or G-less "Gareb" smacks of "Awraba."

WHOLE LOT OF CHEESE, BATMAN! After writing that, "Goat" was entered to find the Gotham surname using the Gripp bend!!! Neither Coat shows anything but the bend in the same colors. However, the latter surname (includes "Grabber" and similar variations) was traced to "Gareb" elements. I suppose that "Agrippa" could be from Garebites, though I'd be more inclined to trace "Hagar" to mount "Acra" at Jerusalem (Gareb was at Jerusalem too) than to "Gareb."

Perhaps it was wrong to trace the Gripps to "Gareb," though it should be said that there is a mount Aqra in Seir-suspect Syria (on the Cilicia border) that was anciently named, Saphon, a term that I trace to the nearby Daphne, a city that was also HARBiye. In other words, I view Acra and Gareb elements migrating together toward Greece. There was a sacred center in Athens called, ACROpolis, otherwise called CECROPia.

The two surnames above are very convincing for tracing "AGRippa" to a horse-loving peoples in Acra that were linked to a goat theme. In short, it makes Acra suspect as the agri = goat theme. Satrae Thracians lived around the AXios river that could apply.

I say that Gareb elements named Croatians and Serbians, and then the Goats/Gothams were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's who trace themselves to Servitium in Croatia. Plus, anything in the mythical line of Aeneas (i.e. such as Agrippa) can be suspect near Carthage, and Awraba is to Carthage's near-west.

From the last update: "The GudHOSE variation claimed by the Geddes' opens up an entire avenue of Good-using variations. The Guds/Guders/Gutens/Guttenbergs (Hamburg) use just a large gold rose as evidence of Geddes roots." But now the Gode's/Godels/Godens (fox), likewise first found in Hamburg," are Geddes-interesting.

The Gotham location at Nottingham suggests the Geddes on the Nith (see last update for Nith traces to Nitts and Nottings). The Gotham write-up traces to an old word, "gat" or "goat", but this could be code for the Gatts listed with the Gate surname. There is a Geddes section late in this update as a continuation from the last update, in case you are interested.

Having said that, it becomes interesting that both Gate's and Agers/Augurs use gold-on-blue upright lions. Before all these things were written down, I was thinking that Hagar / agri lines simply changed to goat-like terms when crossing paths with Aryans, and here we are with some evidence. But it's tracing Geddes' to Hagar / Argippa / Gareb suspects. The last update traced the Luce "brothers" of Geddes to Croatia, and we will be centered on Serbia's Cibalae location in the Let's-Get-a-Grip section.

AGRIgento of southern Sicily was found when seeking whether Satyrs named the Stura valley in Cuneo, and that idea was verified when the Fire Coat was found to use a creature that is half horse and half goat. I don't recall how that Fire coat clinched the Agrigento trace to the Stura, but the point here is that the Greek "ippos," for horse, is in "Agrippa" so that the name looks like it means half Satyrs, half Centaur.

It just so happens that, in the Let's-Get-a-Grip section, Hitler will be traced to the Gaetuli and to Herod Agrippa. Again, that section was written yesterday, before this section was on my mind or conceived. The Fire surname is also "Feuerer." Hitler-incidence? In order to verify that the Fire creature is not fully a horse, compare its lower parts to the same unicorn used by German Troys.

I've just seen that English Troys use the Jefferson griffin design, important because the Herod-Agrippa line will be traced to the blue Jefferson griffin...supposing that "griff" is an "Agripp" code. Don't you think these things are a little too coincidental to be coincidental? I've been showing lately how Jeffersons were from proto-Roman lines, wherefore Jeffersons/JEPHsons (traced to Japodes = Jupiter) have got to link back to some of those entities in Virgil's family tree. As I trace "Japode" to "Joppa," keep a look-out below for Joppa links to Keturah lines. But as Jefferson's trace to Jabesh-Gilead, suspect with the Jebusites of Jerusalem, consider how Hagarites may have been linked to Jebusites if Hagar was named after Acra elements.

As the Munippus entity is a Mun-horse people-group, it's suspicious that the Mun surname was first found in Kent (uses a horse symbol), where Centaur lines trace. Numidians were stacked in Kent so that, possibly, Munippus moved as a Mysian line to Cyrene. Was "CYRene" from an Acra term? I very much need to know what the Mun entity was. If it was linked to a (H)As term, such as "Asius," there we could make up "HASMON(ean)." We just saw how Asius (a real place) could link to Cilla (a real place), the latter mythicized as the mother of Munippus.

It has been suspect for a long time that Caiaphas traces to the Galli priesthood of the Kabeiri, and here Asius looks like it ought to link to "Iasius," founder of the Kabeiri. Iasius' brother, Dardanus, married the line of Scamander > Teucer at mount Ida, the mountain at Troy. Later, in a new revelation of Payen roots, we find that a father of Diomedes was on the Granicus river flowing past mount Ida. As expected by me, Keturah elements thereby trace smack to Troy, the Cilla theater. Here is a quote from the last update: "Cilla, daughter of LaoMEDON. Her mother was either Strymo [Strymon river], daughter of Scamander, or Placia, daughter of Otreus, or Leucippe."

ScaMANDER (father of Teucer) suggests the Mun entity, as per my guess at present. In the Let's-Get-a-Grip section, the Munippus entity will be linked to Maenads of Dionysus, they being Maeoneans that describe half of "Menelaus." The MANDER surname traces to this very entity. The Laus side of "Menelaus" will be linked to Daemonians in a section tracking Spartans to southern England's Dumnoni as part of some considerations on "Domna." I was contemplating the showing of the black Murena tower in the Domino Coat for that discussion, but decided to forego it for lack of evidence that "Domino" linked to Julia DOMNa or to LaceDAEMONians. I'm showing the Domino Coat now because the black Murena tower is also in the Mun Coat. As Julia Domna was a Bassianus surname, note the Mun besants.

I've only just realized that "DaeMON" was possibly a combination term. For example, Dia was the main wife of Ixion, father of the Centaurs. In this picture, we could expect Mon elements at Devon and Somerset, the area (south of Wales) founded by the Dumnoni. This idea is perfectly in line with the Dumnoni conversation later, as it traces to Mona of northern Wales without any consideration of "Daemon" being a possible Mon entity.

As Iasius was also called, Iasion, he traces well to Aeson, father of Iason = Jason of the Argo ship. As HephAEStus was made married to Cabeiro, "AESon" links easily to Hephaestus, especially as "As / Aes" was the old term for "metal." As the Keturah > Medan = Kodros > Medon line traces exactly to HEPHaestus out of EPHesus, this is a good place to repeat: "Medon, a 'cunning craftsman' of Cilla..." You can easily see here that the craftsman symbol of Hephaestus is in play with Medon, especially as Hephaestus mated with Athena. Simply put, the Keturah dragonline went from Athens to Ephesus, then to Lemnos to be with Leummites.

If you are going to follow this, you must be very open to disregarding the definitions of people places and groups given you by Wikipedia writers, historians, and heraldic write-ups. Historians have typically guessed as to what terms might derive in, and when one of them arrives to a definition making some good sense, the theories become factualized in time due only to popularity amongst other historians / language experts. Wikipedia writers are infamous in my view for claiming such theories to be historical facts. Aside from this situation, I fully expect Masons working in historical academia to deliberately pollute the true meanings of mythical and historical terms. It is simply the nature of Masons to cover their historical tracks; we all know their secrecy.

I have seen and recorded (but lost them) three "Aix" term buried in mythical names of Hephaestus-family members. The point here is that there is an Axton location (of the Actons) in Kent, where the Mun surname was first found. Then, note how the Mun Coat uses a solid chevron, as does the Aeson/Asson/Eason Coat. Muns are thus more suspect as proto-HASMONeans than ever, but, simultaneously, we have some good cause for tracing "Has" to the Aes term of myth.

Actons/Axtons use a "Vailance" motto term likely for the Valentinian bloodline known to be born in Cibalae. The Actons (using a version of the Craven Coat) are honored in the motto of Cravens, and the latter are suspect with the Craver variation of Gripps/Grabbens.

"Vincit" is now considered strongly as a motto code for VINKovci, earlier called, Cibalae, the location to which Caracalla, son of Julia Domna, is tracing. Cibalae is suspect as a Bassianus-line base, to be re-discussed in Lets-Get-a-Grip. The Mun's use "vincit veritas," which is a Geddes motto in full. As Shaws also use "vincit," it once again suggests that Muns trace to Numidians.

In the last update, Muns were mentioned along with Moons, and the latter seemed to clinch a roll with HasMONeans. I can't recall whether it was mentioned that Moons use a split Shield in the colors of the Gate split Shield, as well as one crescent in the colors of the Gaet crescents. I think this makes a great case for tracing Hasmonean elements both to Numidia and to the Gaetuli. Moons were first found in Devon, where Dumnoni landed in England. Thus, Moons can indeed trace to DeaMON.

Perhaps you glossed over it. The paragraph above indicates that Moons should link to Herod Agrippa, because his lines go to Agers/Augers > Gate's (from the suspicion that Hagars turned into the Goats/Gothams and other Geddes lines). Herod AGRippa was the son of Aristobulus IV, who was in-turn named after the Aristobulus Hasmoneans. I'll explain this later.

While the Murena surname (honored by Muns) is also "MORATIN," note that the Bassianus priesthood which married Massena-line Numidians married "Drusilla of MAURITANia." In the last update, a Wikipedia claim was shown wherein "Cilla" is involved in the makings of "DruSILLA." It reflects mythical Cilla, mother of Munippus. However, the bigger point is that Cilnius Maecenas is suspect from the same Massena family as put forth this Drusilla. The only way I know of for Massena lines to be in northern Italy is by the alliance that king Massena made with the Scipio families that were in charge of Rome's war against Carthaginians. It is therefore very conspicuous that the purple lion of Scipio-based Skiptons (of Craven) is used by the related Lacy's smacking of LACEdaemon.

It's confusing me, but still needs to be said, for I reasoned that Lacys were formed directly by Caracalla and his wife DOMNA. It looks like we ought to be linking this couple to Lacedeamonians, therefore, and the question is how-so?

Again: "Cilla, daughter of LaoMEDON. Her mother was either Strymo, daughter of Scamander, or Placia, daughter of Otreus, or Leucippe." The Strymon river was home to the Satrae Thracians, a real people that must have been encoded with "Satyr." Therefore, as the Satrae can trace to "Keturah," by what coincidence do we find Medon elements, from Keturah's son, married to Strymon? If correct to trace "Cilla" to "CILnius," and the latter to Hasmoneans, then indeed Maccabees look like Keturah liners.

But what's with that Leucippe term? Was the Lucius surname of Romans, used as Caracalla's first name, from the Leucippe entity? The Otreus entity smacks of Odrysians that I say were encoded as mythical Dryas, father or son of LYCURgus whom I trace to the founding of LIGURians, and then Ligurians are said to have been founded at LACYdon. Thus, Leucippe looks like proto-Lacydon.

Forgive the following complicated exercise. Placia can be considered as proto-Placentia, home of the Ananes Gauls. I trace them to Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, where the KIKONe's lived that I trace to mythical CYCNus, a swan king of Liguria. Odrysians were on the Hebros too, at Orestia, suspect with ARISTobulus." Mythical Orestes was birthed by Spartans, by Agamemnon and his wife to be exact, a wife (ClyteMNestra) that was a swan daughter of Leda. We could be looking for Orestia elements in Lacydon. Everything at Lacydon can be expected to go into northern Italy with the Gaul invasions that brought the Ananes Gauls to Placentia. If the Ananes Gauls were a Galli-related peoples (queers) of the Hephaestus Kabeiri, it wouldn't be surprising because Lemnos is off the coast from Aenus. As the Cilla entity (from the queer-box cult of Apollo) was made related to Placia, we could trace Cilla liners to Placentia, especially as the Trebbia river, with a source in Liguria, flows to Placentia.

But as Orestia was near the mouth of the Arda river (at the Hebros), we could expect ORESTES elements in Arettium because the Arthur surname uses so-called "RESTS" in its Coat. The trick is to find how suspected Cilla elements in Placentia made their way to Arettium, home of the Cilnius family.

Hasmoneans were recently traced to CreMONA (beside Placentia), and "CREmona" was thought to be a Cree-Mona term or even a Rome-Mona term. I looked at the possibility of the Cree/Crae/Rae and related Rome/Room surname as they may have named Cremona along with a Mon entity. The Pung/Paganell surname is honored in the Rome/Room motto term, "Pungit," and this motto also uses "placid." It therefore appears that these two surnames trace to the Strymo > Cilla entity. The Paioni/Paeoni (a real peoples), whom I trace to Payens/Pagans/Paions, and therefore to Pungs/Paganells, were in the Strymon-river zone too. I go into the Paeoni later in this update as they trace to some surprising places, especially to Asti of interior Liguria. It easily explains why Hugh de Payen was related to, or even married, the Sinclairs.

As Edones were at the mouth area of the Strymon, note that mythical Lycurgus was king of the Edones. Thus, we could feasibly find that LYCurgus links to "Leucippe," and as such, the Cilla entity could be found in lands of the Ligurians. I traced to "Odrysian" (real people) to mythical "Atreus," similar to the "Otreus," the father of Placia. We now have a pretty good idea, thanks to Orestes (grandson of ATREus), as to why Atreus-based Spartans could be found in Placentia? Actually, they should be found in Arettium, for ATREbates were at Artois.

The Keturah > Medan line to Athens was also in LaoMedon's Trojans. Luecippe, Laomedon's wife, therefore smacks of a line from Lachish at Hebron. Cilla could therefore trace back to something at Hebron. We then find Sellers using the Shield format of Hebrons/Hepburns, but, as you may know, the Hebrons were at CHILLingham. And the Chill/Child Coat uses the same Shield format again. Therefore, Childeric was a line from the namers of Cilla! I'm sure now, but a point at hand is that Childeric lines have been traced to Liguria's Salyes. Possibly, the Salian Franks were Cilla liners.

Aha! Acorns are shared by both Clovis-suspect Claud's and Kellers! It's no secret that Merovingians and their city of Paris trace to Trojans, though "expert" historians deny any such fantasy. Perhaps Merovingians evolved from an evolutionary soup in a frog pond of Gaul. The audacity of tracing Franks to a people-group oustide the borders of Gaul is just too much for some historians.

The pursuit: do Cilla lines go also to Cilnius Maecenas? Well, the Tarents use the Seller / Chill/Child format too, and Cilnius Maecenas married Terentia, a daughter of the Terentius Murena family. But have we proven that Cilla lines were in the Sellers and Chills/Childs? No, but the door has been opened. We can take a look now.

Aha! As acorns are used by Ackers, said to be from "acca" and therefore likely from Acre/Akko in Templar Israel, perhaps "AGRippa" was, after all, from the people-group naming Acre, a place that can go back to Acra at ancient Jerusalem. The Acker motto, meaning "freedom," is a typical definition of "Frank," according to historians. But I don't agree. Still, the Ackers could be honoring the Clovis Franks both with the motto and the acorns used by Claude's.

Below, see the coin of Herod Agrippa crowning emperor CLAUDius. The latter was married to Agrippina, suggesting strongly that Herod Agrippa's ancestry went to Claudius' wife. But when Claudius was first crowned (41 BC), he was married to Valeria MESSAlina, and so this line might be behind the naming of Julia Maesa, especially if the latter's uncle, Julius Agrippa, was from Claudius' wife. If this is correct, it may annihilate a trace of "Maesa" to king Massena, unless a Massena liner was behind Valeria's surname.

In fact, Valeria's great-grandfather was Mark Antony, and the latter had a line to Drusilla of Massena, wife of Sohaemus of El-Gabal, ancestor of Julius Agrippa! The Wikipedia article does not tell that Julius Bassianus (father of Julia Maesa) traces to Sohaemus, but it can be assumed if Julius Agrippa was his full brother.

This Valeria empress goes back to Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus (64 - 8 BC), a Roman general, something we might expect from the merger of Massena to the Scipio generals. The Corvinus surname (I assume from "corvos = crow" ) reminds me of the "corvos" trace I made to Garebites of Greece. "Corvinus" also suggests the Meshwesh of Cyrene.

The father of Corvinus is said by some to descend from Marcus Valerius Corvus (4th century BC). In the latter's Wikipedia article: "As a reward for his courage, Valerius was apparently given a gift of ten oxen and a golden crown, and he was eventually given the agnomen Corvus, which is the Latin term for a raven." The bulk of historians say that Corvinus was the son of Marcus Valerius Messalla Niger, the "kinsmen" of a Sulla surname. Empress Messalina is said to have been the lover of Gaius Silius. There are two potential Cilla lines there, and then Gaius Silius had firstly married Junia Silana, "a friend of Agrippina".

Niger married Polla, which may trace this family to Pula, a location near the Maezaei, where Caracalla kin trace (i.e. another reason for linking the Messalla surname to Julius Bassianus). It just so happens that a string of lozenges (i.e. traces to the island of Losinj off the Pula coast) is used by the Mussolini/Masselino Coat, and the string is in the form of a bend in the colors of the Gripp/Grabben bend! This apparent link of the Messalina line to an Agrippa possibility can argue very strongly that: 1) Claud's do trace to Claudius; 2) the Claude ACORns are code for AGRippa lines from Claudius wife, Agrippina.

As English Marshalls use a string of lozenges too, it begs the question of whether "Marshall" was a Messalla / Messalina variation, for Scottish Marshalls lived in Haddington (Lothian), location of MUSSELburgh! The latter Marshalls use the couped saltire of Lamia's in colors reversed. The Lamia's become a topic later as per a child-eating symbol from the Delphi theater, and they link rather well to the Lamas surname (from Le Mas) that I think is from Julia Maesa! Entering "Maas" gets a Mar-like surname (said to be from a "marsh") using a sun that could likewise be a branch from Julia Maesa of the Marshall / Mussolini kind. The Maas/Mar surname shows the two Strange lions exactly, colors included.

The first Merovingian king married Basina whom I trace to the Bessin, where the Meschins/MASCULINE's came out of who use the Shield format of Mussels/Muscelle's. This is informing me that Masci's / Masseys are from Valeria Messalina, or someone else in her family, while Childeric's son was named after Claudius. If I recall correctly, it was Basina who named Chlodewig, suggesting that Basina was from the line of Messalina. I've just entered "Britan" because her son was Britannicus (child emperor), and that found a bend in colors reversed from the Marshall bendy. The Britans are properly "Braden," and in the colors of Brady's who use a sun. This sun and that of Maas'/Mars can be used as evidence for a Messalina trace to Julia Bassianus Maesa, niece of Julius Agrippa who traced to Claudius' next wife.

Like I said later in this update, before this section was written, my mother (Massey liner) in her youth looks a lot like Agrippina.

There is also a Britain/Brittany surname (Meschin / Mussel colors) using the same-colored (gold) bend as Britans/Bradens. Britains/Brittanys use "Cassis" in their motto, and Caseys, lest you've forgotten, use three eagles and a chevron in colors reversed to the same of Chills/Childs...which may reveal that Caseys -- proto-Khazar suspects -- trace to Cassius. The first Herod's father (Antipater) had made an alliance with a Cassius character, which was the name also of a mountain that was later AQRA, like "AGRippa." Although "Aqra" is the Turkish name of the mountain, it's feasible that it had a similar name in the centuries wherein it was also "Cassius." This mountain may have been technically in ancient Cilicia, and so the trace of "Cilla" to "Cilicia" well explains why Casseys and Chills/Childs should be using versions of the same Coat.

ZOOOWIE!!! I did not realize when writing the paragraph above that the Cassius character -- Lucius Cassius Longinus -- had the same name (all three of them) as another man who immediately preceded Quintus Caepio in their mutual capacity as Roman consul!

DOUBLE ZOOOWIE!!! First read the following paragraph that was at the very end of this section but now moved up here:

I admit, I don't know Herod or Roman history because I'd rather drink poison than read it. It's just come to my attention that Julius caesar had a mistress from a Caepio family that ruled the Gaul of northern Italy. This to me has the ability to trace Caiaphas from this very family as well as from Laevi / Annas Gauls. This setting is very interesting, for even the historical timing is right: "Quintus Servilius Caepio the Elder was a Roman statesman and general, consul in 106 BC, and proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul in 105 BC. He was the father of Quintus Servilius Caepio the Younger and the grandfather of Servilia Caepionis [= Julius' mistress]." This recalls the dream from a reader that I believed was a message of God to us: I should be seeking a blue lion called, "Cappeo," or something like that. The reader could not recall the spelling; I think she saw the spelling in the dream, and gave it to me as "Cappeo." I found that blue lion without doubt in the Arms of Brescia, part of Cisalpine Gaul.

The Quint surname was checked at this point, which was before the Marshall Coat was checked as per the topic above. There were found five lozenges in the Marshall Coat and five white roundels in the Mussel Coat, what we would expect of lines from "Quintus." But the big DOUBLE ZOOOWIE is for when the Winchesters were loaded. They were loaded when recalling their use of a cross in colors reversed to Britains/Brittanys, and moreover both Winchesters and Quincy's use mascles (hollow lozenges)...that I trace to the Mussels/Muscels and Meschins/Mescaline's (the QUINcy surname ruled in WINchester). Before Winchesters were loaded, it was noted that Britains/Brittanys were first found in the same place (Essex!) as Quints, and yet I still wasn't going to mention the Quints, as this was not enough evidence that Britains/Brittany link back to Quintus Caepio. But when the Winchester Crest showed the fitchee cross, a symbol of the Quint Crest, I knew it was a match. Plus, there is a blue lion in the Winchester Crest!!! IT'S THE CAEPIO LION!!! ZOOOOOWWWWIEEE! I just know that the root of Caiaphas has been found: December 15, 2013. It's been a long hunt. Help me to remove the stone from the entrance to his tomb, for a little lookie inside.

UNDERSTAND the Winchester Crest: "A lion in front of a [fitchee] cross supporting a red mascle." It's code for the Quintus Caepio line merged with that of VALERIA Messalina, and it was VALERIUS Gratus who appointed Caiaphas to the priesthood. Valeria's ancestry also used "Valerius." I traced "Gratus" to "Grass," near Le Mas. It's all making sense.

AND LOOK: the Lucius Cassius Longinus who preceded Quintus Caepio was involved with Jugurtha, grandson of king Massena: "As a praetor in 111 BC, [Longinus] was sent to Numidia to bring Jugurtha to Rome, promising him safe conduct." Massena (or "Masinissa") ruled over a Massylii people, related to a Masaesyli peoples, both of which smack of "Messalina / Messalla." To find the Caiaphas line mixed up with a Massena line was predictable as per Caiaphas coming out of Maccabee lines.

Look at the second image of Massena on his page. See how the line of his forehead is straight down the line of his nose. Not only do I know a Massey with this very feature, but his father has the same type nose, with large arch on top included, as Massena. It's amazing how long strong genes will continue to show their features through the generations.

Never forget: the Quints, Quincys and Winchesters are from Quintus SERVilius Caepio. I recognized the colors of the Quint chevron to be that of the Maxtons but had forgotten that Maxtons likewise use the fitchee cross. That's a match. It means that Quints trace with Maxwells (lived in Maxton of Roxburgh) to Rijeka, the area around Pula and Losinj, the latter being where the mascle symbols likely trace too. There was an exclamation mark above after "Essex," where the Quints and Britains/Brittanys were first found, because the Gore's were first found in Essex while using a motto term for Servitium. That has been my claim; but here we find a SERVilius surname for Quintus Caepio, and then Servitium was almost at the mouth of the Kupa river!!! It was the river of the Japodes otherwise called the Colapis, where Cole's trace. If you understand, Gore's and Cole's look like Caiaphas liners.

Essex is important for the theory that the El-Gabal cult was linked to Caiaphas lines, for the priesthood of El-Gabal was traced to Camulodunum (later Colchester). See now how the Colchester surname uses the same-colored chevron as Quints. The red lion of the Colchester Crest is called "fork-tailed" at times, and it's the red lion of the Capone Crest too. You know reality when you see it. You know I'm not making this up. You know that this is really Caiaphas in heraldic code.

A Kyle-society webpage claimed that Kyle's trace to king Cole of Camulodunum, wherefore you now know that Colchester's namers were at the Kupa river. We need only discover how Quintus Caepio traces to that river. Coops/Cope's and Copps use three red roses on white, a symbol of the Arms of Winchester.

The six pierced stars of Britains/Brittanys are in the colors of the pierced stars of Maceys, that being more corroboration that Maceys were from the Maccabees.

Winchester is in Hampshire, where the English Joseph surname was first found. The Winchester cross is in the two colors of the blue Cooper saltire, and in the blue color of the York-surname saltire, and then both of these surnames were identified some two years ago with the "Cappeo" lion. Did anyone out there doubt that God had given a reader the Cappeo vision? As the Sforza lion holds a "quince," is it coincidental that the Italian Ferrari lion is identical? Isn't it true that Sforza's had merged with a line from Joseph Caiaphas? Joseph Biden traces to Bidens/Buttons, first found in Hampshire, who use a "CHAPaeu" (cap/hat) symbol now suspect with the Caepio bloodline. See the Capelli's, first found in Ferrara, showing the same chapeau symbol exactly.

As Hampshire's Josephs were named after a Henry Joseph, the Henry surname is suspect as a Caiaphas line. As one Henry Coat uses a green spread eagle, note that the spread eagles of the Winns/Gwinns would be green in colors reversed. English Henrys use all three colors of the Winchesters, as well as the footless martin now showing (in different colors) in the French Joseph Coat. This tends to corroborate that Josephs were in fact named after the Biblical Joseph Caiaphas. EnglishWinkler and Wingers both use footless martins, but Winklers use five of them in the colors of the Henry eagle.

The floodgates are opening up on Caiaphas secrets. The above makes GUINEvere, king Arthur's wife, suspect as code for a Caiaphas line. It tends to verify that Arthurs use a five theme as code for "Quintus." Here is an Arms of Winchester City, using FIVE castles.

Ghents and Gaunts are suspect too. In fact, Ghents were likewise first found in Hampshire, and use gold spread eagles, the colors of the Winn/Gwinn spread eagles. The Ghent eagles are in the colors of the same of Bush's, Shaws, and the others listed earlier. As the city of Ghent is also "Gaunt," the Macey gauntlet gloves are now revealed (fully expect-able, hit the nail on the head) to be code for a Caiaphas line.

The Breuci lived near or at the Kupa, and as the Bruce's (old "Brusi") use the blue "Cappeo" lion, as does Brixia/Brescia, it's obvious to me that the Breuci named that city. Scottish Bruces are known to use the Annan(dale) saltire, though not in both colors of the Annandale saltire. Instead, the Bruce's use it in the colors of the Quint chevron. Now you know that Annandale's do in fact trace to Hanan / Annas / Ananus, father-in-law of Caiaphas.

The Quints are also in Massey colors, and then Masseys and Quinns share the pegasus, suggesting that Quinns are a Caiaphas line too. Quinns are in the colors of Fitch's / Herods/Hurls / Pollocks. The Bruce write-up says that Bruces traditionally trace to a Brix Manche, where Masseys were first found. Note the purple tinge in the Bruce-Crest lion. The Brix location suggests the naming of Ranulf de BRIQUESsart, a Meschin liner, explaining why Bricks use the Massey fleur and another string of colors reversed to the Brix lozenges. Thus, it appears that Ranulf de Briquessart gave his son the name, Meschin, after someone in the Mussolini/Mussulino family, for the latter likewise uses a string of lozenges (six of them).

As they say that Britannicus died at 14, he probably had no children. If the Britains/Bradens and Britains/Brittanys trace to him, it must be in name only, though that seems unlikely. The mystery is how well the Coats of both surnames fit expectations for tracing back to Messalina. It's possible he lived longer than 14, and that he had children even at 14. You'd never guess from the name of his sister, Claudia Octavia, that she was a Messalina liner. She was Nero's first wife, even though it was suspect that Nero poisoned Britannicus. We are talking inhuman beasts here, a most disgusting set of families all joining to rule the world.

I must soon come back to this topic, but here now is the continuation of what was written before these Roman lines came up. It can suggest that AndroKLOS was the proto-Claudius line:

I trace Merovingians strongly to queen Aedon in Thebes. Her father was Pandareus of Ephesus, wherefore it's expected that the Kodros line goes to a merger with the Merops > Pandareus > Aedon line. The Kodros entity that founded Ephesus was AndroKLOS, and one can see how a Klos-like term, such as Klaus / Gloss / Glass, could become "Claude"...or Chlodewig, Childeric's son. The trace of "Cilla" to "Cilicia," which will be very compelling, traces back, in my opinion, to the Gileki peoples that I say named the Glass surname. The Gileki were one of the two snakes on the Hermes caduceus, in my opinion, and then Cecropian Athens was depicted by myth writers with kings having snake tails below the waist. That was the earliest portrayal of mythical Melusine, who is in the Crest of the Glass surname as a mermaid.

As the symbol of Kodros was a fish, and because I trace the green heraldic snake to mythical Glaucus, whom I identify as the Gileki line to the Glass surname, it appears that AndroKLOS was a GLAUCus entity. This jibes with a Cilla identification with "Achilles," for his mother was of the mermaid cult of Nereus and Doris, the so-called Nereids...whom in the real world were the Daorsi at the Neretva river near Kodros-founded Kotor. As Kotor lines go, in my opinion, to Saluzzo with the Cutter surname, it does appear again that the Salyes Ligures, the expected namers of Saluzzo, were Cilla liners. It was BEFORE his Cilla trace to Childeric (and before I knew of the Cilla entity) that I located his ancestry with the Salyes Ligures.

If Masonry goes to Herod Agrippa, it is a must that Agrippa lines go through Childeric and Clovis, and here we are. Keep your eyes out for a discussion of Besancon elements in the Let's-Get-a-Grip section, for Claud's are traced to a Claud character from Besancon. Everything in Masonry goes to the Bassianus surname that officiated a sun-god cult in Syria that is thus suspect as overseeing / choosing the chief priests and kings of Israel at the time of Jesus.

Historians know that Childeric was partly Salian Frank, and then the Salian surname is registered with Salemans using what looks like a version of the Acker Coat. Instead of gold acorns on a black-on-white bend, Salians use gold eagles on a black-on-white bend, which eagles are the spread type as used in the Chill/Child Coat. Killins use a bend in colors reversed from the Salian bend, as well as a Murena tower. If you wish to follow along better, open a browser or two to be used exclusively for your own look at Coats, rather than jumping back and forth from this page.

Now that Cilla is tracing to Keturah lines, it begs the question of whether the Salyes Ligures were a branch of Sellers / Chills. The Cheynes/CHESney, using a form of the Saleman/Salian Coat may trace to the Caeni peoples near LysiMACHia. While there was a Sale-of-Mascy family in CHEShire, the Chaine/Chenays/CHESne showed the white Masci wing until recently. The Saleman/Salian eagles are used in the same colors by Bush's, and they trace to Busca, beside Saluzzo, while Keturah-suspect Cutters use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's in colors reversed. Salyes-based Sullivans not only share the black boar with Bush's, but a red-on-gold upright lion (see Dutch Bush's/Bosch's).

As Irish Shaws use the same-colored eagles as Bush's and Salians, while English Shaws come up as "SHAY," we thereby have reason for tracing "CHEYney" to the Shawia Numidians...who lived in the land of Agrippa-suspect Awraba.

The colors of the Bush / Sullivan lion are of the Griffith and Silver/Silvia lions, important because mythical Agrippa (in the Trojo-Roman line) is sandwiched between Silvius characters. If Agrippa lines are in code with the griffin symbol, it is to be expected that Agrippa lines went earliest to the Griffin / Griffith bloodline.

The other Silver surname uses just one large white-on-blue crescent, used also by Moons and Gaets. This Silver crescent looks like it should apply to the Zionist stars of Goths and Hagars.

The Cilla > Munippus entity goes to the Romans: "Laomedon owned several horses with divine parentage that Zeus had given Tros (Laomedon's grandfather) as compensation for the kidnapping of Ganymedes [a disgusting queer society]. Anchises secretly bred his own mares from these horses." The symbolism in this concise statement connects the Laomedon > Cilla > Munippus > Maccabee line fundamentally to the Capys > Anchises > Aeneus line, the latter going to both Annas and Caiaphas. I think you can see that I'm not making this up. It's what the clues are frankly suggesting.

The two Griffin surnames use the griffin design of the blue Jefferson griffin. One Griffin/Griffith surname was first found in MUNster. Later in the update, Shaws of the Shea/Shee kind will trace to Munster's Arthurian lines, for which reason we should expect the Mun elements in Numidia to be foundational to Munster. If you understand me, you realize that these Mun elements trace to Arettium's family of Cilnius Maecenas, which family is possibly responsible for the Hasmoneans that birthed Herod Agrippa. This will be explained later, but the point is made here just after you saw the Munippus entity joined early in history to the proto-Annas line.

In the last update, it was repeated (though the explanation was not given) that Jeffersons had traced to a Fano location south of Rimini. The Fane's/Vains/Phone's were traced to that location, but here we find that the latter's "Ne ville" motto term is used by the Griffins/Griffiths above. That was a large part of the reason for tracing Jeffersons to Fano, because the Griffins did so. Therefore, keep this in mind as the Let's-Get-a-Grip section focuses on the Fano area.

You will also see the topic tracing Hitler's to the Fano theater, and to Agrippa. It discusses why both Hitlers and Wills use the Enfield griffin, though in their Crest the Wills use the griffin design of Jeffersons / Griffiths. This is being said here because the Wills come up as "Velis," the third motto term in the Griffith motto.

The Let's-Get-a-Grip section traces the Bassianus family to Pesano, smack beside Fano. Just before that, the direction veers into the possibility that Julia Domna was a Dumnoni / Domnann element, wherefore note that English Velis'/Vails use "DOMINE speravi," the latter term being nearly the Annan(dale) motto in full. This should explain why Annandale's use a griffin of their own in Crest, as well as a saltire in colors reversed to the Nevils.

The Velis/Vail eagles are in the colors of the same of Bush's, Cheneys, Shaws, Salians/Salemans...and Phails/Vails/Lavals, who use a griffin of their own in Crest. Both surnames at the two links above are in the colors of the Varns using the bend of Gripps. The Gripps will later lead to a look at the Voirs (trace to Edomites and Rimini), first found in GRIPel of Brittany. It just so happens that while the Velis'/Vails are said to be from a Laval location, the Laval/Lavalois surname was first found in Brittany.

The Let's-Get-a-Grip section also discusses surnames using three gold bends on blue, the Laval symbol. This is important for proving that Guidi's were a Geddes line, for the Guerra's use the same design while Geddes are closely related to MacPhails. The Laval bends use three stars in colors reversed to the same of Julian/Gillian stars; and the black Julian/Gillian cross is in the Velis/Vail Coat. The black eagle in the Velis/Vail Coat should trace to the eagle in the Arms of Guillestre if I was correct in tracing the Julians/Gillians to that city...on the river of the Salyes Ligures. The Gills (lozengy Shield), who come us as "Skill," use "In te Domine," as do Velis'/Vails.

[The Prestwick surname uses the Glass-Crest mermaid (though in Kerrick colors), as well as the same motto as Velis'/Vails." It suggests that Velis'/Vails are a version of some Glass term, such as "Guellies" (rooster). The latter is using a version of the French Julian Coat (this is the first time that I've discovered it). Guellies were first found in Dauphine, smack beside, or perhaps part of, Guillestre. This wasn't found until days after the paragraph above this one was written.]

In the Let's-Get-a-Grip section, the Julian surname will trace in particular to Julius Bassianus (about 200 AD), brother of Julius Agrippa. This is where the Agrippa investigation begins, with the question of whose Agrippa surname Julius adopted. I later learn that the sister of Julia Domna married one who was stationed in Dalmatia...roughly the location of Losinj to which the Gill lozengy Shield traces.

I felt confident that Guillestre and the Julians were a Glass tracing to Cilla elements. It's important because Julius Bassianus was father to Julia Maesa and Julia Domna, apparently from lines birthing Julius caesar. In other words, the Cilnius bloodline that I think named the Maccabees may have included the line of Julia MAESa (more than two centuries after Cilnius Maecenas) who looks like her surname could be from "MAECenas."

The Israeli theater was conquered by Romans under Julius' reign. Some of his relatives may therefore have been installed in that theater, especially within the El-Gabal priesthood that turned from the Seleucids to become a Roman ally during Julius' reign. The line of Julius Agrippa above goes back to Sohaemus, priest of El-Gabal starting at 54 AD (the emperor died 44 BC), which makes it very possibly that Julian lines had entered that priesthood.

Of interest here is that the Maccabees had joined Alexander Balas (about a century before the arrival of Julius Caesar), whom I trace to the Alexander surname using a crescent in the colors of the Mott crescent, important because I see Motts from "Modiin," home of Israel's Hasmoneans. The colors of the Alexander crescent are used also by Keele's/Kills, begging whether the latter were from "CILnius." As Williams were also "GUilliam," the Julian-suspect Velis surname (swan in crest) can be "Guel," you see, meaning that "Velis" and "Will" could be from "GUILLEStre," a term that could provide the Keele's/Kills. The Wills who use the Enfield griffin (symbol of Kellys/Killia's) are shown properly as "Willis," and they use a conspicuous "As" motto term highly suspect as code for HASmonians.

English Willis' look like a merger with Shaws (both first found in Berkshire), but using the Glass / Kyle stars. The "qui" motto term of the Shaws (share the black-on-white chevron of Willis') traces to key-using Avignon off the Durance river, the river where Guillestre is located too. Therefore, I think, the Cilla entity does trace to the Salyes Ligures. The importance of Shaws turning up at this Cilla-suspect discussion is where Agrippa's are suspect from Awraba, home of the Shawia.

The English Willis Coat is identical to that of Sherwoods. Compare the Sherwood surname with variations of the Shops (in Schwerin colors), shown also as "Shawland." As the latter surname is said to be from an early "SCHIRlande," the roses on stems of the Sherwoods ought to link to the same of Schere's/Scherfs and Walkers.

The Maccabees started to use "Alexander" for their family names, and it was from Alexander-named Maccabees that the AristoBULUS' Maccabees were derived in. Thus, Herod Agrippa was a Seleucid-Maccabee, but the same can be suspect for the family of Julius Agrippa. About three centuries before Herod Agrippa, the first Seleucid king founded his capital at what was formerly, Harbiye, a Gareb-suspect location. Therefore, why did a Seleucid line of Maccabees name a son, Agrippa? Which of his parents decided on "Agrippa"? His mother, Berenice, was a daughter of Antipater and Kypros (Berenice was a sister of the first Herod).

Let's Do the Mathghamhan

Wikipedia equated a "Cfel" term with the Cilnius family of Arettium. The two terms are not viewed here as the same entity, but two merged ones, and my trace of "Cfel" tentatively to the Cavaillon/Cabellio location certainly has the ability to link Cilnius' to GUILLestre. Here's from the last update:

Under the Roman empire Gerenia [home of Nester] was the most northerly of the Eleuthero-Laconian towns, and was situated on the eastern side of the Messenian gulf, upon the mountainous promontory now called Cape Kephali. It possessed a celebrated sanctuary of MACHON, which bore the name of Rhodon.

Cfel could be from Kephali elements, right? We saw other Mach terms link to Cilla, and so why not Machon? "Rhodon" in Greek means, "rose," but then there's the Rhodanus river off of which the Cavaillon/Cabellio location is situated, and not far up it is a Macon location (the Macon surname is listed with Massins/Masons). It is very interesting now if Cabellio was a Gabal term, for the Cilnius family (and Maecenas) in Arettium may just be the entity that named Arethusa, where the El-Gabal cult had its beginnings. It could even be that "Gabal" was from whatever named, Kephali. I was seeking a Gabal term in or around Arettium because I'm apt to rejecting the idea that "gabal" is, as claimed by others, the Arab word, "jabal = hill". I cannot find any data on Kephali, Rhodon or Machon, unfortunately.

By what coincidence is there a Machon surname, first found in MONmouthshire, and using a so-called "crescent MOON"? Plus, Manns/MAGHANs/MAKINs use a GYRONNY background, which not only smacks of "GERENIA," but it's the symbol of Campbells/Cammells tracing well to El-Gabal. One can even see the crown of Campbell-related MacArthurs in the Manns/Maghan Crest. I'm beginning to think that this was a line from the Maecenas family in Arettium, therefore.

Manns/Maghans/Makins are said to be from an early Mathan surname, and they show a Mathie and Mathieson variation. How does that work? How could the surname's Machon-suspect terms morph into "Mathie." It looks like Mathie's are a branch of Masseys, as for example the Massi surname coming up in the Italian Mattis = Matthew surname. The write-up claims that Manns/Maghans/Makins/Mathie's derive in the Irish word for bear, probably because they know that the family links to Irish Manns/Mahon/Mathuna's; the latter even come up as "Maghan."

"Mhathghamhuin / MathGAMhan," the Irish for "bear," led to the Mathuna variation, according to the write-up, and so one gets the impression that "Mathie" derives in "bear." It's not necessarily correct. I reject it. This surname can trace to Maeonians of the Maenad kind, but as it can also be traced to El-Gabal, note the GAM term buried in that long word for "bear."

The Mann/Mahon/Mathuna surname was first found in Clare, and the arm-with-sword in its Crest is that of Mieske's too, evoking a Muskerry trace to Wheelwrights at Goplo (this will be expounded upon below). As Clare is at the Shannon body of water, it looks like Shannons could be in GAMble colors for a non-coincidental reason. These colors are used by English Mattie's/Mathews (blue wings), and their symbol happens to be the triple chevrons of Clare's in colors reversed. Therefore, by what error are Mathie's/Matthews said to be from "Matthew"? It must be wrong. Mathie's/Matthews must be from the same that named "Mathuna."

Perhaps the bear term came into this family as a result of king Arthur's bear symbol, probably the bear of Berwickshire. But to clinch that these surnames under discussion are Arthur-related, the Machons/Makins use three pelicans (Arthur-Crest symbol) in the colors of the three "rests" of Arthurs. If you're thinking the Maccabee line of Aristobulus, so am I.

French Mathys use the same five besants upon a saltire as Manders. The besants are of obvious Bassianus-importance, but the number five is suspect with Quintus Caepio. The saltire is that also of Annandale's, while Manns/Mahons/Mathuna's use their lions in the design of the Levi lions. This Mathy line from the Maenads is suspect with the Munippus entity that named Hasmoneans.

We need to turn to the Mona location in Wales to explain this mystery. But first, see that the Muns, using besants in their Chief, and the Murena tower that can trace to Murena's of the Cilnius Maecenas family, show "Munds" and "Mohun" variations, very linkable to Mahons / Manders / Mathie's. The Machons/Makins were even first found in southern Whale's MONmouthshire, where a writer came out of who gave the world Arthurian myths, though, for me, they are all usable codes for gleaning what rot was truly affecting their brains.

As Clare's are involved in this picture, it should be repeated that near the north side of the Maeander river, there was a Clarus location in Lydia. It was near Ephesus, where the Keturah cult passed through as per a son of Kodros (Androklos). As Hephaestus was code for Ephesus elements, by what coincidence was his sacred island Lemnos, while French Clere's/Clairs were first found at Limousin? If that's not enough, recall that Dionysus and Athens-related Ariadne went to live in Lemnos, and then ask why the besants on the Chief of French Clere's/Clairs (also "Clerk") are in the colors of the Mander besants? We are thus once again seeing a Mathy link to Clare's at Munster.

We are discussing this for making potential links to the Gerenia / Machon and Cilla>Munippus entities that named Maccabees. The Mohun and Mahon surnames are suspect with this Mackon entity, but by the time that was written, I realized what the Gerenia entity was, in northern Wales.

As the Clare location in Munster was from the ruler of Pembroke, we should look at the Pembroke surname (Mun/Mohun colors), with a dragon in the same position and colors as the one used by Darth's/Deaths, the latter first found in the same place (Kent) as Muns/Mohuns. Darths/Deaths are the ones using the Morte crescent, but Morte's are shown properly as "Mott," and thus suspect with Mauds/Maids/Molds using a version of the Monmouth Coat. Albeit Mona is in northern Wales while Pembroke is in southern Wales, one can imagine a connection, for Arthurs trace both to: 1) Arddu and the hammer-depicted Ordovices of northern Wales; 2) Clares at Pembroke. French Clare's even use the MacArthur crown, a symbol in the flag / Arms of MUNster.

It's been a long time since developing the theory that Erethlyn, at Mona of Wales, was the representation of mythical Erytheia, an unknown, far-west settlement of the Geryon monster and his two-headed dog, Orthos. This myth goes back into pre-Arthurian times. I claimed that it involved the settlement of the Danann into Britain because Hercules, a Greek Danaan, conquered Geryon and Orthos at Erytheia. It is easy to see the Danann of Devon / Exeter moving up into Wales. The Orthos dog was realized (years ago) as symbol of the Ordovices; it's all in my Ladon-book files (you can see that I've delved into myth codes for almost a decade now).

As was said that these Danaan were merged with Lacedaemonians > Dumnoni (the latter are said to be founders of Devon), we should expect Spartans at Erethlyn and Mona, which can then identify Mona with mythical Munippus because "Geryon" must trace to "Gerenia," at the northern parts of Sparta. The carriers of the Daphne cult, the true founders of Devon (according to me), must have been from the Ladon river not far from Gerenia, for the garden of Geryon was protected by the Ladon dragon (in myth, Daphne bathed in the Ladon river). This is no small finding as befits the Maccabee topic.

The Machon sanctuary at Gerenia can be traced to the Erethlyn area in various ways, including some things in the Mathie/Maghan/Making write-up. Moreover, to the east Erethlyn there is a Ruthin location smacking of the Rhodon term upon the Machon sanctuary. The rulers of Ruthin castle are said to be a Grey surname, perfect because I identify it with the three mythical Graeae Amazons (kin of the three Medusa-Gorgon hags) of northern Africa, which supports my old trace of "Geryon" to Gorgons of northern Africa.

Between Mona and Rhos (still in northern Wales), there is said to be a "fort of the bear," and so the Mathie's and their Irish counterparts can trace there. However, as there is a suspicious "gam" term buried in their supposed trace to a bear, it's notable that Mathie's are said to be from an ancient house of Lorne, for this should trace the Mathie / Mathuna surnames to Lanarks (same type chevron as Muns/Makins), said to be from a Lorne location originally. The Lanark heart symbol should be that of Herods = Arthurs (Lanarks were first found in the same place as Herods, Campbells, and MacArthurs), and for me, this link to Lanarks/LURNacks traces the Mathie's / Mathuna's to Ardea at Lanuvium (home of the Rutili). But Arettium is implied too because I'm half expecting their Maghan / Makin / Mahon variations to trace to the Maecenas family there.

Winchesters, first found in Hampshire, are said to have moved to Ayrshire and Lanarkshire.

"Ruthin," it is said, was named after the red sands of the area, but perhaps not. Mythical "Erytheia" was based on the word, red," and may or may not apply to the same sands. "Erethlyn" smacks of "Ruthin," as well as of "Arthur." Arthurs could thus trace to the very inhabitants that named Erethlyn / Ruthin (Rutili are suspect). In Arthurian myth, the Saxon enemies of king Arthur were the white dragon while Arthur belonged to the red-dragon Brits. The red Welsh dragon may thereby trace to ancient Erethlyn elements.

Brits are suspect from Bruttium, where we find Laus, which historians have traced to an area of northern Peloponnesia, very near the Ladon river. Laus was founded by neighboring Sybaris peoples whom historians trace to a Boura location...near Kalavryta (like "Calabria"). Thus, Arthur's ExCALIBUR sword, which traces to mount Alburnus (because the sword was also called, "Caliburnus"), near Laus, traces to elements at Kalavryta ("KalaBRUTA" in Greek).

As per my traces of Paioni-suspect peoples to Daphne elements in Dauphine, it's interesting that there is a Paion location in Kalavryta, and a Dafni location in Paion. That must be the remnants of mythical Daphne at the Ladon river. As per my trace of the Paioni-suspect peoples to Skits and Scheds, see Skotani, also in Paion (I did not know it while writing here that the country of Paeonia was also called, Emathia. This topic comes up later in this update).

The namers of Kalavryta are suspect as the (C)Halybes, metal makers. Often, metal makers have been depicted with hammers, and the Ordovices, who may have been proto-Maccabees along with the Mona location, may have used their hammer symbol for being metal makers alongside the people-group representation of the EXcalibur. As I traced that sword partly to Exeter in Devon, it speaks of a Dumnoni / Daphne migration to Wales. There was an Ord-like location on the south shore of the Black sea (near Samsun), the spelling of which escapes me. The Halybes lived on the southern shores of the Black see too.

If there was a link between the Ordovices and Arettium, then, conceivably, the hammer symbol of Maccabees may have been borrowed from the Ordovices. It's difficult to imagine an Ordovices link to Maecenas' family of about 200 BC unless Romans were involved at Wales at that time. That is a difficulty / impossibility. An alternative is in the other direction, where Maccabee-proper elements migrated out of Israel to Roman Wales to lend their hammer symbol to Ordovices, and to name Mona. On Arran, beside Bute = Avalon, there has been a MacAbee family.

Between Lacedaemonia and the Ladon river there was the land of Arcadia, said to be founded by a bear entity (Arkas) in ancient times. Machon / Rhodon / Gerenia may have been a part of Arcadia's border region. This makes a lot of sense to me. The Machon entity carried its bear symbol from Gerenia to Wales, and somehow that symbol remained intact in the Math-like family that they had merged with.

Mathie's/Makins, it is said, had merged with MacDonalds...who descend from Irish Domnann, thus suggesting that their Mathie variation may trace to the Arcadian bear while their Makin/Maghan variation traces to the nearby Machon temple. The Mann variation of the same family may be a corruption from "Maghan," or it may relate to the Menai strait between Mona and Erethlyn...or even to the Manx people on the Isle of Mann whom I trace to "Manche," home of Masseys/Maceys. The "Manu" motto term of Mackays should apply. Entering "Mann" gets a Massey Shield in the German Mann(er)/Maener Coat with the Mann/Mathuna lions in colors reversed (the lions of both Coats are at this time identical).

The Mackay-related Maceys use a mace in their Coat. For how long have they been using a hammer symbol? Suppose that the mace symbol predated Maccabees in the proto-Maccabees so that they called themselves after the Jewish word for "hammer." "Maccabee" is said to be Hebrew for "hammer," but I wonder what named what.

I identified "Geryon" with "Gorgon," and then Lanarks are said to be from GREGors. Italian Gregors are Geryon-interesting for using variations such as "Gorin / Gorghetto." Of the eight places they are said to have dwelled in, Arettium, Modena, and Campania are three of them. In myth, Hercules, after defeating Geryon and Orthos, took Geryons cattle to Greece, but stopped along the way at the Rome theater to fight a war, as if it this event was related to Geryon / Orthos. Ardea and Lanuvium are at Rome, and it should prove true that Arddu at the Ordovices theater traces to "Ardea." Could that have created an Ordovices link to Arettium?

The "hurts" used by Irish Arthurs must be code for the Hurts who come up also as "Hort." However, Hurts/Horts use no blue, as if not to jibe with the blue hurt. On the other hand, a blue engrailed cross (should be a Sinclair / Rhodes variation) is used by Hardy's, first found in Lanarkshire, who also come up as "Hort." It begs the question of whether Horts link to "ORDovices," and, if so, did Ordovices name the Herods? I cannot trace Ordovices ancestry to "Aretas" because he lived after mythical Orthos. The Ordovices (whatever they were called back then) must have predated Maccabees, Aretas III, and Herods. It creates another good mystery to solve: how did Ordovices found Maccabees and Herods? Did the two entities both have common stock in Ordovices that got to northern Italy? If none of that is true, how do we explain these coincidences?

Recall the Cilla and/or Cilnius trace to Sellers using a version of the Chill/Child and Tudor Coats. From the last update, it was suggested that Silurians (southern Wales) trace to "Salernum," very close to mount Alburnus. See mount Alburnus just inland from Salernum in this old map of Lucania. There are now more reasons to trace Cilla / Cilnius elements to Wales aside from what's in this paragraph.

Geryon has been traced by others to extreme-north-western Spain, at La Coruna, as though that term applies to "Geryon." There is a Spanish Mena/Minae surname (Burgos, northern Spain) using two wolves that could be code for Orthos, for the surname could trace to "Menai" at Erethlyn. The Spanish Varro Coat likewise uses two wolves, and was likewise from Burgos, meaning that it may have been bang-on to suggest that the Roman Varro's > Guerra's were originally after "Gerenia"! This paragraph was unexpected.

Let's now go back to the idea that Herod Agrippa lines through Julius Agrippa go to "griffin" elements. The first thing of note is that the Pembroke surname ("arduis" motto term) uses the same bend colors as the bend of Gripps/Grabens, who may have been related to "GABRain," the Arthur ancestry. "There is evidence of Celtic and later Roman settlements in the [Ruthin] area. However, little is known of the history of the town before construction of Ruthin Castle started in 1277 by Dafydd, the brother of prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd..." If Ruthin was named after Arthurs, themselves from a Herod-like term, can't we expect Gruffyd to have been an Agrippa liner?

As emperor Nero's mother was Agrippina, see the Nero Coat (vair fur) and compare with the Welsh Bachs, first found in DenBIGHshire, location of Ruthin. The Quints, by the way, use the same vair colors as Nero's, important because the Quints had linked with the line of Nero's wife.

Having said that, the Pembroke bend is colors reversed from the Britan/Braden bend, and in the colors of the bendy lozenges of the Mussolini's. It could appear that Pembroke's were a Messalina line. I wonder who or what Messalina (or Claudius) named Britannicus after.

Whose white-on-red stars are in the Bach Coat? Zowie, immediately after asking that, "Ruthin" was entered to find the surname first found in Ruthven of Angus! The Angus' use stars in those colors, but I was insinuating the stars of the Annas'. The Ruthin motto: "Deed SHAW", which should explain why Ruthins/Ruthens are traced in their write-up also to Perthshire.

Aha! Thinking that the three vertical red bars of Ruthens were those of Garlands -- so as to trace Ruthens with garland-using Stephens to St. Etienne's nest of Christ-killer vipers -- it was re-discovered that Garlands were first found in Perthshire...the birthplace of Pontius Pilate! (For new readers jumping into this page, St. Etienne is the location of mount Pilat, thought to be named after Pontius Pilate; see last update).

It now appears that Ruthin of Wales was named after the Ruthene of the Etienne theater. It should be added that a branch of Moray Randolphs come up as "Ruth / Rother," and use the colors of Roddens/Rodhams (and Ruthins/Ruthens) who are themselves using a version of a Stephenson Coat. Therefore, it appears that all of the above were of the peoples who named Ruthin at Denbighshire. Like the Stephensons and Rodhams, Britans/Bradens were first found in Northumberland.

The fact that Ruthens use "shaw" recalls the idea presented recently that Shawia elements were spread out from Avignon to Etienne. This is simply fantastic, for before this surprise came up from the Ruthen surname, I was going to suggest a trace of "Avon" to "Avennio," the latter being an alternative name of Avignon. The Pembroke's, you see, were first found in Avon.

It's not clinched, but is still an open theory, that "Agrippa" may have something to do with "Awraba." As I trace the Imperi peoples who ran Boofima to "Imperio," near ANTIBES (predates the Herods), the latter location is more apt to be the cause for Herod ANTIPAS if "Agrippa" links to "Awraba." Inland from Antibes is Avignon, off the RHODANus that, as a term, I've suspected as the namer of "Herod." The first Herod was the son of Antipas, son of Antipas (though Antipas the younger re-named to, Antipater). The Geddes are now being traced to Gaetuli out of Awraba, and then the round-tailed lion of Avons/Evens is used by Gates in the same two colors. Aside from this trace of Gaetuli to Avignon, it was already certain that Awraba elements named the Cavari at Avignon. We could ask whether the so-called pseudo-Avars (= European Avars) were from "Aures > Cavari."

The problem is, the first Herod was of the family of Aretas III, and therefore Herods were likely named after him, note after some Redone-like term. But I would then look to Rhodian elements for the naming of Aretas, and I would look to Redones in Arethusa, and back up even further in time to Arettium, you see, which smacks of "Aretas." I'm not just playing pin the word on the trace-of-my-choice. There is logic in this idea.

Redones of France were in fact called, Ruthene. In other words, I was already looking to know how Ordovices might trace to Cilnius Maecenas at Arettium when, just now, there arises a need to find how Ruthin's Ruthene-suspects trace to Arettium. Can it be? Were Maccabees and Herods both from the family of Cilnius Maecenas who was in-turn from Welsh elements of the Arthurian kind? Was there some sort of full circle from Ardea to Arddu to Arettium? The Welsh are said to be named after a Cumber-like peoples while Arettium is near the Umbria border.

Reminder: both Lucius Cassius Longinus and Quintus Caepio the Elder warred with the Cimbri, the peoples from Denmark that are thought to be behind "Cumber." The war happened to be at Orange, smack at Avignon! I claimed that Caiaphas should have come out of the key symbol at Avignon. The Cavari were suspect with his name, therefore, but a Caepio liner in Orange or Avignon would do much better. Orange in those times was "Arausio," a term tracing well to "Aures." The treasure surrounding Rennes-le-Chateau might relate to the following:

While marching to Arausio (modern-day Orange) Caepio plundered the temples of the town of Tolosa, ancient Tolouse, finding over 50,000 fifteen-pound bars of gold and 10,000 fifteen-pound bars of silver. Strabo reports a story told in his time of this semi-legendary treasure, the aurum Tolosanum, supposed to have been the "cursed gold" looted during the sack of Delphi during the Gallic invasion of the Balkans in 279 BC. The riches of Tolosa were shipped back to Rome, but only the silver made it; the gold was stolen by a band of marauders, who were believed to have been hired by Caepio himself. The Gold of Tolosa was never found, and was said to have been passed all the way down to the last heir of the Servilii Caepiones, Marcus Junius Brutus.

As there was a female Caepio liner, Junia Tertia (= Junia number 3), married to Gaius Cassius Longinus, while French Caseys and Chappes were both first found in the same place, I would first of all suspect that Caiaphas was a grandchild from this marriage. If you click the link above, see a water jug on Longinus' coin that might just be the heraldic water bougets tracing to the founder of Montmorency at the same general place as where Caseys and Chappes were first found. Wikipedia says: "They had one son, who was born in about 60 BC." Caiaphas may have been born anywhere from about 5 - 20 BC.

There is an English Capone Coat in the colors of Britans/Bradens.

Did Welsh-Cymru elements in Arettium go on to Arethusa to marry or even found the El-Gabal priesthood? Did the Camelot elements of Campbells/Cammels (in Pembroke colors) name Iamblichus? MacArthurs are the root of Campbells, after all. But as Campbells use "gyronny," the migratory line is going from Gerenia at Greece, to Geryon at north Wales and proto-Arthurs at Erethlyn / Arddu / Ordovices to Arettium to Maccabees and El-Gabal to Herods to Awraba to the Cavari of Avignon to Vienne to the Venedotia out of Vannes that named Gwynedd, where Ruthin is located.

Wikipedia's article on Ordovices says that they were named after the Welsh term, "gordd," meaning "hammer," but knowing how the rulers of this world treat heraldry write-ups, why shouldn't the same double-speak occur in historical explanations of names? The Campbell-Crest boar is gold, the color of the Gord(on) boar, and Gordons were first found in the same place as Arthurs. I thought there was a good reason for tracing Gordons to "PeriGORD," for I found Boofima roots in mythical king Midas, whose father / associate was Gordias. In other words, when Gordias elements were amongst the Imperi people, they moved into Imperia, then into Perigord. The latter is not far from the Garonne river. The Gordon / Campbell boar is in the Crest of the Aures-suspect Eure's who show a motto term similar to that of Campbells.

The Garonne has a source in the Comminges theater, where Herod Antipas was banished. The river then flows past a small Garonne location to Gironde, where the gyronny symbol used by Campbells is found (in the Arms of Gironde). The Gerenia location of mythical Nestor is therefore suspect at the Garonne river, especially as Arthurs use a pelican on NEST. The MacArthurs are therefore suspect from Herods of the Garonne theater, albeit MacArthurs lived in a place suspect from "Archelaus."

With Gerenia elements tracing so well to Arthurs in Wales, shouldn't Kephali elements be there too? Assuming that the namers of Kephali were at Cavaillon/Cabellio, that's the Durance river region of the Salyes, and then Pendragons use the Sale fleur. The question then becomes whether Kephali elements in Wales named the "Cfel" entity at Arretium that was also the Cilnius family/surname. In this picture, if the Cilnius' came from Wales to begin with, the Silures are suspect, who lived at MONmouthshire, you see, thus providing a Mon entity smack at the feet of Cilnius Maecenas' family. I'll stop short of linking "Caepio" to "Kephali / Cabellio / Cavari" until there's evidence for it.

The title, "Orange-Nassau, could be suspect from general GNAEUS Mallius Maximus, who partook in the battle of Orange (105 BC). The timing here is in-time for the birth of a parent of one Joseph Caiaphas. I wonder if Caiaphas got any gold bars??? Did he or his sons take them to Rennes-le-Chateau?

If "Vince/Vinch" is a term from "WINCHester," then Da Vinci was a Caiaphas liner. German Cupe's/Koops use the Shield-on-Shield colors of the same in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau, which colors reversed to the same of VINCEnts.

Did you know that heraldic billets are gold bars? Nassau's use gold billets. The Arms of Roquefeuil use billets, as do the Winks/Wings. German Winklers use the Shield-on-Shield of Vincents, and what could be the Sforza / Nassau lion.

The three Mann/Mahon/Mathuna lions in pale are exactly the three lions in pale (different colors) of Irish Brians, and then English Brians were first found in Denbighshire, suggesting that the namers of Briancon/Brigantium on the Durance trace to Gerenia/Geryon / Cilla / Machon / Rhodon elements at the Ruthin theater. However, I'm reluctant to identify the Salyes Ligures as Cilla elements until I find a Coat symbol of a Sil or Kil term connecting with a Coat / symbol of a surname known to be from the Salyes. BUT, the Cavaillon area is off the Durance, and that is where we can find Macon-etc. elements.

Hmm, the tributary of the Durance that flows past Cavaillon/Cabellio is the Calavon, smacking of "Kalavryta."

The Durance is where the ancestry of Seller-related king Childeric comes from, which jibes with my prior view that Arthurians were Merovingians in Britain. However, if Arthurians were in Britain first, then the Chills/Childs are using the Seller and Tudor formats as per Childeric lines merging with Silures at Wales. It's not necessary for Silures to have named "Cilnius"; it's enough if the two were distant kin. That could lure or attract Silures to Arettium. On the other hand, there may have been no Cilnius elements in Arettium until the Silures got there. But my read of Wikipedia suggests that the Cilnius family was in Arretium a few centuries BC.

Ultimately, I think the Childs are using the Tarent Coat. It speaks to me of a Childeric link back to Terentia, wife of Maecenas. It therefore implores that Chills, namers of Chillingham, were from Cilnius elements, thus tending to make a fundamental link between Arthurians suspect at Arettium, and the Childeric line. When myth had king Arthur conquering the Roman empire, it can only make sense as code for Merovingians in their becoming the military arm of the "Holy" Roman empire.

We saw that a Grey surname ruled at Ruthin castle, but now I find that the Earls Grey owned Chillingham castle. Arettium is near Umbria, and Chillingham is in NorthUMBRIA. As a sign that there is bloodline lust involved:

Chillingham is famous for its castle, which is said to be haunted, and the Chillingham Cattle, a wild herd of roughly 90 individuals that are kept in an enclosure since the Middle Ages and have been strictly inbreeding for at least 300 years. The village contains Hebborn bastle house, a fortified house near Hepburn Wood.

The Arms of Northumberland are vertical gold-and-red bars, what the Garlands use. "The region of present-day Northumberland once formed the core of the Anglian kingdom of Bernicia..." That sounds very Arthurian, doesn't it? Bamburgh castle is in Northumberland, a term that I've considered as alternative to "Pembroke." Arthurian writers sometimes speak on Saxon origins for king Arthur, and Bernicians were of the Anglo-Saxon fold. Perhaps a branch of Bamburgh named Pembroke, where Bernicians there became the red dragon, explaining the bear symbol of king Arthur (many say that "Arthur" is from the Welsh for "bear", but I don't agree, for Berwickshire uses a bear symbol).

After the time of queen Bebba (600 AD) of BAMBURGH castle, and her Bebbanburg peoples, there arose a Poppa I of BAMBERG (Germany), the first Babenberg (they say). It just so happens that the Pepin Coat uses a bend in colors reversed to the Pembroke bend. Now recall the two surnames that are said to be from the Irish word, "MathGHAMhan" = "bear," for the Pepin Crest is a CAMEL while I suspected Gamble/GAMAL elements behind that bear code. But there is more, for the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Gamble's/Gamals is colors reversed to the same of Poppins/Pophams, and then both the latter and the Pepins use "Mens" in their motto while both mathghamhan surnames -- Mathuna's and Mathie's -- show as "Mann." Entering "Mens" gets a Meyner-related family using no symbols in the Coat, just the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Poppins/Pophams.

Poppo I (died 839-41) was a Frankish count in the GRAPfeld (GRABfeld) from 819-839. Probably a descendant of the Robertian count Cancor, he became the ancestor of the Frankish House of Babenberg (Popponids).

The Robertians were from the house of Capet, smacking of Capetus Silvius in the mythical line of Aeneas, and his grandfather was mythical Agrippa, now suspect with Gripps/Grabens...i.e. who may be in play at Grapfeld/Grabfeld. After all, Pembroke's use the same bend colors as Gripps/Grabens. There you have some good evidence that Pembroke links to Bamburgh castle and Bamberg of Germany.

The Bernician kingdom went to Mercians, who smack of Marsi / Marici. We just saw the Marici go to the Basques as mythical Sugaar and Mari. It made sense that the Martins and Martels of Gascony were from this Marici line. We then find that Spanish Capets and French Martels use the same crown, both now and previous to last year when both their crown designs were changed by houseofnames. The Marici founded Pavia/PAPia, and are therefore expected to be Bebba kin (i.e. which argues for a Marici ancestry for Mercia).

I've just loaded a Cripp surname to get the Crepon-related Crispins. It's in colors reversed to the Herods/Hurls, which is very convincing for making a Cripp/Crepon link to "Agrippa." The Crepon Coat uses pomeGRANates, smacking of the apple orchard of Geryon.

Arthur's Irish Domain

I'm going to take you to Munster now starting with this claim:

Gaius Julius Sohaemus Philocaesar Philorhomaeus, also known as Sohaemus of Emesa and Sohaemus of Sophene, Sohaemus is Arabic for little dagger, Philocaesar Philoromaios, means in Greek lover of Caesar, lover of Rome) was a prince and a Roman Client Priest King from Syria who lived in the 1st century.

The writer's grammar doesn't look very good, and whether or not it's true that "Sohaemus" is "little dagger" in Arabic, the fact is that Mackays and Shaws use daggers. Mackays are expected to use them if their daggers trace to Sohaemus, because Maceys trace to the Massena line of Sohaemus' wife. And Shaws are from that same family of Numidians, but, look, what do we have when we remove the "mus" from "Sohaemus." We have a Shae-like term, and then Shays are listed with Shaws.

Even if I were a great magician, I could not convince you of a trace of "SohaeMUS" to MUSkerry if it were not true. Was Sohaemus named after a Mus entity while making his name sound like it was named after a dagger? I'm claiming that rulers do that sort of thing as typical Masonic double-speak. By what coincidence are Irish Shays/Shea's first found in County Kerry, near Muskerry? Desmonds/DeMons are from the Muskerry / MacCarthy family, and then Kerry is in a wider MUNster region. Munster includes Tipperary, what's now tracing to Tipaza of Numidia. The Munster flag, and the Arms of Kerry, both use the five-pointed MacArthur crown. Don't Arthurs trace to Arethusa / Aretas so as to be able to trace to the family of Sohaemus?

In consideration of my tracing Mackays to Mieszko's of Poland for years, watch this magic trick, made possible only by heraldic fools who fool you with their illusions. In Irish legend (can be suspect as using code), Muskerry is said to trace to a Musc surname. When we enter "Musk," the MOUSquette surname comes up, using in their Crest the same antelope design as the Wheelwright Crest ('non" motto term traces to Sophonisba). In Polish legend, Mieszko is said to be from Piast the Wheelwright, from a MOUSE Tower. That can't be coincidence. The heraldic magicians have got to do better than this if they wish to hide their bloodline secrets from the all-seeing-eye Tribwatch Center.

As Muskerry is on the frontier of County Kerry, I don't think we can trace "MusKerry" to anything but "Kerry." As the Shays/Shea's were first found in Kerry, it supports a trace of nearby Tipperary to Tipaza Numidians. The fact that the MacArthur crown is used from Kerry to Tipperary (also in Munster) recalls the Pendragon motto, "Nosce tiepsum." It was the latter term that was traced to Tippers and Tipps, and therefore to Tipperary, some years ago, before I recently found cause for tracing them to Tipaza. By no coincidence, Irish Shaws use a motto, "Te Ipsum nosce," the reverse of the Pendragon motto. Now you have more cause for tracing Tipperary to Tipaza.

Of further interest, if you don't mind me being a rat, the Mouse Tower is in Goplo, and I've been tracing "Goplo" to the Gobel(in) surname that, until recently, showed the Masci wing design. And so, you see, Muskerry is tracing to El-Gabal, whose high priest was Sohaemus under discussion...the one who brought us to the Shays with a theory: that his name was related to the Shawia peoples. The only other surname I know of using the rather unique Wheelwright antelope is that of Singletarys/Singletons, Obama's bloodline. I think Obama could pass for an illusionist, as well as a sham.

A new thought occurred as I sought surnames from "Sohaemus." The "Shame" surname came to mind, but as I doubt very much that any British person would use it, perhaps someone used "Shane" instead. A second thought was the SHAMrock, with the "rock" part being code for the black stone. It was after these thoughts that I re-noted the trefoils (which the Irish call shamrocks) in the Irish Shaw Coat.

I then saw, minutes later, a body of water called, Shannon, north of Muskerry. There are two things to add concerning the Shannon/SHAHan Coats; they are in Gamble colors, important because I trace that surname to "Iamblichus, " ancestor of Sohaemus. Secondly, the Shannons use a talbot dog in Crest, important because the Cork Coat uses three lion tails, suggesting the Tailor/Taylor lions. The Core's/Corks use "forked" tails, and Forkers were first found in the same place as Campbells/Cammells and MacArthurs.

Moreover, the Core variation of Corks may trace to the Core variation of Gore's, who are from Gorski, at the Rijeka theater, and yet are related there to Cole's of CAMULOdunum elements. The Arms of Rijeka use an eagle on a rock, important because the black stone of El-Gabal had an eagle inscribed upon it. So, you know, El-Gabal got around...sort of like a cultural harlot making alliances with the far ends of the world, even south-western Ireland.

But even aside from the paragraph above, the El-Gabal Bassianus' traced to the Rijeka theater. The black-stone-suspect lozenges (used in black by Shaws) go to Losinj, an island in Gorski. Apparently, Gorski links to "Cork."

The Shane's use the Sinclair / Conan cross, and then CUNNinghams use a "fork" motto term and were first found in the same place as Forkers. County Clare, named after Strongbow Clare of Pembroke, is in Munster too. In fact, Clare is smack off the Shannnon body of water. Sheehans were first found at Limerick, itself at the Shannan.

Sheehans are very interesting for using doves, what I suspect was code a symbol of Caiaphas and/or Annas. The Gaelic form of Sheehans is said to derive in "siodhach" = "peaceful," but it sure does look like "Sithech," what Shaws are said to derive in. The Sadducees, right? As Shannons do not trace to "siodhach," I urge you to view that term as code for kin, not the technical reality behind the surname's derivation. See the Sodans with what could be the Dutch Gaunt fesse in colors reversed, then see the Irish Patterson scallops and write-up for "Sodhan."

At Clare, there is an Ennis location. The Irish Ennis surname is said to be from "son of Angus," and it uses the Shield-and-Chief combination of Annan(dale)s in colors reversed. English Ennis' (in Tipper colors) were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, Tippers, and Corks/Core's. The Cork-related Tailers, using the Levi lions in colors reversed, were first found in the Cornwall peninsula. The importance of Cork is that it's on the east side of Muskerry, near to Tipperary and Shannon.

My first ever trace of Arthur lines to Ireland was as per the Mathuna's/Mahons, first found in Clare. But not until now have I learned that much of the area around Clare was Arthurian turf. I've yet to find how Aedon Gabrain links to this turf. He may have been a myth code.

Again, the Sophene-suspect Sophonisba, expected to trace to Shops with "Shawland/Schaland" variations, begs the question of how Sohaemus was himself from the Massena bloodline. A Wikipedia article says he was, but doesn't show how. "In the first year of his reign [54 AD], under either Roman emperor Claudius or Nero, Sohaemus received the Roman province of Sophene to rule." Two years later, he married the line of Sophonisba.

Like the Shops, Means/Menys/Minns use a dancette. Means thus trace well to Maeonians of the Maenad kind. Means/Menys are under discussion because the dagger-using Shaws use the motto, "I mean well."

The Wellys/Whaleys use black whale heads that look much like the shape of the black stone. They are said to be from Whaley of Derbyshire, and that area is where the Here's and Heyers were first found. Heyers/Ayers must be using a quatrefoil version of the Shaw trefoils.

Let's Get a Grip

Years ago, I was lamenting that heraldry could generally speak only to family lines from about the Templar era (1,000 AD). But when it was found in the past year or so that Masonry traces to Romans, suddenly, heraldry started clicking with surnames of Roman emperors and their kin. The last update was no exception. It drilled deeply into the Roman tooth of the first Merovingians, and caused some painful discomfort for those who wish to hide their roots in the worst humanity. How could caesar, preoccupied with building killing machines, provide a civilized society? How many ways are there to kill a man? That's what caesars were preoccupied with.

Julius caesar was not a fine example of a man. He criticized his pagan opponents merely to justify his killing machines over them. If he were a good man, he would minded his own business, and would have prayed to God to help him change the world by weaponless methods. Those who have authority over educational channels today have the powers to change the way the world thinks, but rather than pray to God to help them use their powers to create a healthy society, they instead allow porn to run rampant, praise homosexuality, and are moving full throttle in all the wrong directions, even to legalize public smoking of "weed." What chance does the next generation have? The youth are even being conditioned to accept government snooping upon their conversations and writings. School authorities want access to computers and phones of students.

It's not a coincidence that educational channels today allow the cultivation of every kind of social disease and misconduct. Masons have been largely responsible for this sinful situation, and if you're wondering why "sin" has been popularized while "purity of soul" has been robbed of its true value, you need to look to the descendants of Caiaphas and Herods to explain it. That has been the secret of Masonry, which wears a mask as it controls the streams of education. "Purity of soul" means "healthy, vibrant, unspoiled by pollution." Don't you want to be that way? This is what is meant by "God is Life." To understand this is defined by, "I've seen the Light." The phrase, "washed by the Blood" means that a soul wrecked by the sinful world of Masonry and false gods has experienced a newness and growth toward the Light. But Caiaphas and Herod wanted only political power under Roman umbrellas, and the sin of hoarding the community wealth.

It was found in the last update that Pontius Pilate retreated to St. Etienne at Mount Pilat of Burgundy, France. Heraldry was able to bear this out. It traced the Stephen surname to Etienne without doubt, and this started an avalanche promising to lead to a secret nest of vipers hidden somewhere around Etienne, who would later furnish the Templars.

The Stephenson-Crest "garland" can now be traced to "Guerra." Three updates ago, the Walker bars were found in the Arms of Lambertini's of Bologne, who are shown at that link with the Benoit's, using the same Arms. However, French Benoit's (three gold bends on blue) use the bendy design of Guerra's. The three Lambertini bars are shown by the GARland/GERland surname (Perthshire), this being my first clue that Stephens are honoring the Guerra line, and it comes while discovering their trace to Etienne. It verifies that Pontius Pilate was at that place, and that Garlands at Perthshire have something to do about Pilate lines there, at the place of his birth.

I understand it if you can't see the things that I can. My work in this regard has given me an ability to understand things well below the surface of the heraldic symbols. I don't explain everything to you because the story is already very long, requiring too much repetition as it is. I've become familiar with so many connections that I can predict more than what's visible on the surface. Surnames in heraldry do not represent run-of-the-mill families, but of rulers and their kin. It's a tracking system for the ruling families of the European world, but the heraldry masters want you to think that it's all about any-old family name, named after a rock or a bush or a fish.

The Stephen surname had been traced to a Stephen-like location / river in the Alania / Chechnya theater, in the formation of Khazars. I can't recall the spelling of that place. To now trace the Stephens to Burgundy is not necessarily a contradiction, for the Caseys were found to be proto-Khazars, and it just so happens that the "Non sine causa" motto of the Justine's/Justice's, likewise first found in Perthshire, is code for the Cass' who share the weight-scale with Justine's/Justice's. Both Coats show the same type shield-on-Shield.

The weight scale is also in the Crest of the Brice branch of Bruce's using the Bruce-of-Annandale Coat in colors reversed. It is a fact in my mind now that Bruces lead back to the lines of the Caepio family, at least one branch of which went forward in the Chappes and Casey families in and out of Ile-de-France. If correct that Caseys put forth Khazars, we would expect the Jewish rulers of Khazars to have been Caiaphas lines. There is an online letter written by a Khazar king named Joseph

We would expect Attila's Huns, who were foundational to Khazars, to come up with the HENry name, which was a surname that put forth the Josephs of Hampshire. It's those Josephs who use the motto terms above, by they also use "vlad," a Rus name. As Vlads/Flattens use a single Zionist "star of David" as the entire Coat (in the colors of the Hagar / Goth stars), it recalls my trace of the "star of David" to a messianic Khazar team, father and son, named Solomon and David. They attempted, but failed, to take Jerusalem in the Templar era (I can't recall the date). The Chappes fold that passed through Ile-de-France, however, succeeded, with the help of David IV of Georgia, whose family claimed to go back to the biblical king David. You can see proto-Masonic misfits here, attempting to bring God's kingdom to earth on human powers at the tip of their swords. The Catholics amongst the Templars even changed the cross symbol into a sword at times, or the "fitchee" cross.

If "Vladimir" does not predate Bleda, brother of Attila, the Vlads may have been a "Bled" variation. There is a Bled location at the sources of the Sava. It's where I see proto-Leslie's.

Below, see that family tree of Junia Tertia and her husband, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and note that the Caepio's had married the Cato surname, for that surname brings up the Chatto/Chattans using the castle of the Martel-related Martins. Cato's were first found in Aberdeen, home of Hungarian Leslie's, and named after Kabars in my opinion. Aha! Notice that Cato the Younger married ATILia, important because Khazars lived on an Itil river suspect with "Attila"!! It's not a wonder that historians trace Attila China-way, if they were in fact derived from this Atilia-Cato bloodline.

The Cato write-up curiously says that "It was a name for someone who lived in Norfolk." There's no explanation, but we can gather now that it was related to Seagers / Sawyers from Cibalae. Note the Seager-like look in the following MontSEGUR location of Khazar-suspect Cathars, and ask whether the Vatican had Cathars destroyed because it sought the gold bars stolen centuries earlier by a member of the Caepio family. If the Cato surname named Cathars, imagine if the latter term is a Keturah bloodline:

The ruins of the Montsegur are perched at a precarious 3000 foot (1,207 m.) altitude in the south of France near the Pyrenees Mountains...

In 1243-1244--the Cathars--a mysterious heretical sect were besieged at Montsegur by ten thousand Royal Catholic French troops. In March of 1244, the castle finally surrendered and the Cathar defenders were burned en masse in a bonfire at the foot of the pog.

In the days prior to the fall of the fortress, several Cathars allegedly slipped through the French lines carrying away a mysterious "treasure" with them. While the nature and fate of this treasure has never been identified there has been much speculation as to what it might have consisted of...

The weight scale could, conceivably, be a symbol of those who have gold to distribute. The Rothschilds, who trace to Hungarians as well as to Khazars, may have become fabulously wealthy overnight due to the gold bars of the Caepio household. Imagine the difficulty of keeping all that gold under lock and key while even the closest family members would have killed the owners in order to get at it. Who possessed the bulk of the Caepio treasure through the centuries? Sick souls, no doubt, sickened by the gold itself. We've all heard that Templars -- who feigned poverty -- became "international bankers." Rothschild became such in less than one generation.

Stevens are a branch of Stewarts who are in turn a branch of Cohens and Hohens who are in turn Khazar lines. "Stephen" is suspect with "HohenSTAUFEN." With a Steven link to Cass', one can imagine a Stephen branch in Khazar history from whatever named the Cass', who by the way have a Kiss/Kish/Cush branch (I had not come to the Cassius family that married the Caepio's until after this section was written. Any mention here of that topic has been added during the proof read). Irish Caseys appear to be a Terentius line of Romans due to sharing a Coat like the Tarent Coat. The Trents are the one's with a colors-reversed version of the split-Shield Arms of Sion, and then the "sine" motto term of Justine's/Justice's gets the same surname that "Sion" gets. French Casey's, using LEAVES, were first found in the same place as Levi's, expected at Sion. Scottish Brices use the white-on-red stars that I suspect are reserved for Annas lines, which stars are also in the Arms of Sion. In their motto, Brice's use "justitia," not surprising because the family merger implies an Abruzzo-Picenum alliance.

This is intriguing, coming after the Seager link to Justus of Picenum (see the Segni/SEGURano surname in the last update). The MontSEGUR quote above was not originally part of this section, nor were the Brice's or Cathars. Nor had I yet discovered the Caepio surname and its treasure, BUT I had traced Caiaphas lines in various ways to Rennes-le-Chateau for months.

The Seagers use a blue cross. The so-called "blue apples" riddle, that stood as code for the treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau, traces, in my opinion, to the blue-Shielded Apple's and Applebys, who use footless martins, the symbol of both Joseph surnames, the Henrys, the Stewarts, Sadducee-suspect Saddocks and Chadocks...AND ZOWIE the Seager-related Sawyers! This is exposing that the gold bars expected at Montsegur, and expected also in the Cassius family that married Junia Tertia Caepio, went to lines using the footless martlets and WEIGHT scales. By some curiosity that I don't view as coincidence, the black Traby bugle's with gold stripes are used by the Weight surname (see Wikipedia article on Trabys). But the bugle's are officially HUNting horns.

There is a Hunting surname using a fesse in the colors of the Craven fesse, and first found in the same place as Gore's, thus tracing Huntings to Croatia. The Hunt Coat uses a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same as the Ile-de-France Foix'/Foys. I trace the Sprows (footless martins) using the same Shield to Sprowston of Norfolk. Seager-incidence?

The martlets suggests that Charles Martel was in on the gold bars, as well as the Pepins behind him. The Merovingians! That must explain why Merovingians are wrapped up in Rennes-le-Chateau lore. As there were 50,000 bars weighing fifteen pounds each, ask: how much money does 750,000 pounds of gold buy? Families could rule the world with that load, and perhaps it was given the code, "holy grail," as one would use "mother of all treasures." This treasure did exist, for Caepio was brought to court by Rome in an effort to retrieve it from him, but without success.

It may now be added that a Pilotte branch of Pilate's uses grails in the colors of the Apple / Appleby martlets. Might that treasure have ended up at mount Pilat and St. Etienne? There is a very good chance for this.

The Seager moline is used in colors reversed by the Sibal moline, and the latter surname, with a motto, "Justitia," traces to "Cibalae," birthplace of Valentinian I. Why should lines from empress Justine, wife of emperor Valentinian I, trace to Sion? Her father, Justus, was only a ruler of Picenum. But the Cass' and Cush's both use so-called "fountains," and then the Fountain surname not only shares a green snake in Crest with Seagers, but was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Seagers and Sawyers. Thus, the Caepio-Cassius merger is tracing to Justus by way of his links to Sibal elements. As was said, Julia Domna gave birth (before 200 AD) to Caracalla in Lyon, and yet Caracalla traced to Cibalae off the Sava/Sau river, where I trace "Sawyer" with little doubt and with evidence in the Sauer write-up. Thus, if Julia Domna had some gold-bar association from the viper's nest in Etienne, we might find some golden footsteps walking to Cibalae.

Lyon is where lines from Herod Archelaus are expected, and then the Caepio treasure was reportedly seized at Toulouse, which is on the Garonne river smack in from of Comminges, where Herod Antipas had lived. The Joseph surname with the Khazar- and Hun-suspect motto terms use three garbs in the colors of the same of Comyns/Commings. Very suspicious, especially as the Henry eagle is in the colors of the Lyon and Lannoy lions.

MontSEGUR is in Foix, a land between Rennes-le-Chateau and Comminges, There is a Grand Hers river there that could explain the blue wings of the Here's / HERTzogs. Smack at Comminges there is a Cazares location. One French Foix/Foy(er) surname (Auvergne) uses a bend in the colors of the Cato bend, and shows "pellets" while being in Pilate colors. The other French Foix/Foy(er) surname (Voyers/Voirs?) was first found in the same place as Chappes and Caseys.

As I said, the family of Justine traces to the Trabys at Vilnius, and the Arms of Vilnius use a weight scale as well as a motto term like "Justitia". The addition of the blue-apple theme in this section was the result, during the proof read, of comparing "apple" with a C-less "Cibalae." The Cabellio location, and the Capelli surname, also come to mind. Reminder: Cabellio is beside Orange, and Nassau's use gold billets. Compare the center of the blue Sibal cross with the center of the blue Winchester cross. Didn't God reveal to tribwatch readers that the Caepio lion is a blue one?

It was just found, late in the last update, that Justus was from a Cilley family that seemed to link well with Sellers using the format of the Casey / Tarent Coats in colors reversed (family mergers often lead to using colors reversed from one another). This recalls that the line of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena (1st century BC) was just traced to Sion by multiple methods. The Guerra's are suspect as Varro liners of later times.

The nest of vipers in Sion are predicted to be from the nest of vipers at St. Etienne. The suspicion is that, when Aulus Murena re-settled Aosta with 3,000 Romans, the proto-Templars were amongst them. If one goes downhill from Aosta toward the north, one will be at Sion. If one goes downhill from Aosta toward France, the Isere river will be met flowing past Modane and ending at Valence, suspect with the Valentinian line. As the martlet flies, St Etienne is about 40 miles from Valence. As with Saddocks and Chadocks, the Valence surname uses eight footless martlets, a thing that was not on my mind when mentioning above that this symbol should relate to the blue-apple treasure.

Irish Gars use a green wreath, the color of the Stephenson and Ross garland, and when we enter "Wreath," the red-on-white stars of the Grate's/Creights come up. The latter surname was just traced to Gratian Funarius, father of Valentinian I (5th century). The Wallis area around Sion uses red-on-white stars, as well as white-on-red stars, and we can glean that, somehow, the Grate/Creight stars relate. The bendy design of Guerra's / Benoit's is in the Arms of Burgandy, and thus the Guerra's and Gars can trace to Etienne by that method.

The Duke's of Burgundy page has the first duke styled, Richard the Justicar, a potential code for the Valentinian-Justine line. The flag of Burgundy on this page shows a saltire in the colors of the Annandale saltire. The saltire shows a so-called "embattled" design, which I'm fairly sure to be code for the Battle surname using what could be the Agrippa griffin.

Here's a Coat from Spanish Anais'/Anayas' (five gold bends on blue) similar to the Benoit / Guerra Coats. We then find that Scottish Bennets use stars in the colors of the Annas / Angus stars, the colors of half the stars of Wallis canton at Sion. As the English Bennet Coat is related to the Scottish Bennet Coat, and as both surnames were first found in Lancaster, home of LANCElot, and especially due to the besants of English Bennets, this surname was mythical Ban(t), father of Lancelot. The Bend/Bent surname should apply, using besants, but the torteaux (red roundels) are not Tertia-interesting.

They say that besants are code for Byzantine gold coins, but wouldn't those gold bars be melted to produce gold coins?

Just for the record, Gains/Genosts, first found in Ile-de-France, use the Benoit bends. Perhaps this surname was from "Genoa," where the Segni/SEGURano surname (Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief color combination) was first found. Or, perhaps Gains/Genosts were from "Geneva," the lake near Sion. Tortona, where I previously traced "torteaux," is inland from Genoa.

Garlands use a lion in the colors of the Wallace/Wallis lion, which all smacks of AULUS VARRO. It's a white, upright lion, the color and position of the lion in the Crest of Irish Gars. German Gars use a thin bend, not very common, but used also by Charo's/Claro's who show the bull design of Boso's, important because the Boso's were the first dukes of Burgundy. They descended from: "Boso (or Boson) 'the Elder' (c. 800 - 855) was a Frankish Count of Turin and Count of Valois of the Bosonid dynasty." It just so happens that Wallis is also "Valais," and the Valais surname is also "Valois," wherefore the Bosonids may have been out of the Sion theater prior to ruling Burgundy...especially as it's the Caiaphas-suspect Josephs who use a "charo" motto term. The question is whether "Boson" had been a line of Bassianus, perhaps even from Clovis and Basina.

The Boson's and Boso's both use a blue Shield, as do the Close's/Clovse's (the Weight bugles?) and related surnames. Whose green lion is that inside the MacArthur crown of the Close/Clovse Crest? Doesn't that Crest trace Clovis to Herods at Lyon? It's just as could be expected where Caracalla traces to Cibalae while Valentinian from Cibalae merged with the Clovis line. The latter merger is a claim I made based on heraldic evidence, but it's known by others that Valentinian made some alliance with the Attila Huns. Toulouse may have been named after the Dulo household of Attila.

A blue Shield is used also by German Bassans/Bessens who come up as "Basan." Bosons come up as "Bosan." To my own amazement, I have just seen that the erect sword of the Bassan/Bessen Crest could be that also of the Justine/Justice Crest, for both Coats are in the same three colors. As the latter surname was first found in the same place as Garlands, see that the Wallace's, suspect in the Garland lion, use an armed arm swinging a sword, symbol of Bassans/Bessins. Italian Bassans use red-and-gold bars, the colors of the Garland bars.

The family of Justus of Picenum was linked solidly in the last update to the Bassianus line suspect at Cibalae (now Vinkovci), where the Da Vinci surname traced. AHA! Cibalae was off the mouth of the Basante, a term I traced to "Bassianus," but the river is also "BOSNia," explaining while Bosons and Bassans appear related!!! I used to suspect that Bosons were the Boii (proto-Bohemians), but, very apparently, they are from the Bosnia river. Possibly, the Boii named the Bosnia, for the upright white lion (i.e. of Garlands / Wallaces) is used also in the Arms of Bohemia.

Sibals of Cibalae elements were a branch of Seagers, first found in Norfolk, where the Boson surname was first found!

One can now undrape another secret: the Seager / Sibal moline cross has two fingers at end of each arm; the Rangabe cross (see Wikipedia's article on Michael I Rangabe, early 9th century) is basically the Seager cross (same colors), but with three fingers at the end of each arm. Then, the Inger surname (comes up with the Ender surname) has three arrows on a blue Shield, the symbol also of the Norfolk Boson's, and it just so happens that the husband of Melissena Rangabe was Inger...Varangian chief in Byzantium.

Let's assume that the gold bars of Toulouse got to the family of Julia Domna Bassianus, and then found their way to Cibalae. Caracalla killed his co-emperor brother after they had somewhat agreed to give the brother (Geta) the eastern half of the Roman empire, which was ruled from Byzantium. Thus, the Bassianus bloodline may have used gold roundels as symbol for the gold coins used by Geta (just a theory) when in the throes of buying his way into Byzantine power. He couldn't just walk into Byzantium and say, "I'm here, move over," unless he wanted enemies there.

To help link the Bosnia river to the Boii, Bouillons/Bouylls (suspect but not clinched as Boii out of Bologna), use the Rangabe cross, except that it's on a red Shield. If a related family borrows the Bouillon cross, it is expected to become red. Therefore, while the Sibal Coat is suspect in using a moline version of the Rangabe cross, the Sibal crest, a red moline, is suspect with the Bouillons. In short: 1) the Bassianus bloodline from Cibalae was in Bologna, and merged there with the family of Godfrey de Bouillon, first master of Templar Jerusalem; 2) Cibalae lines suspect from Valentinian I had merged with a line from or to Inger and Melissena.

Again: the gold bars were found in Foix, and one Foix surname was first found in the same place as Bouillons. It may have been these gold bars that put Templars out of nowhere upon the political world map.

One trick is to find how Caiaphas / Annas liners got to Justine of Picenum / the Bassianus' / the Bosonids. The overwhelming suspicion is that the Bassianus bloodline was the guts of the first Templar rulers of Jerusalem. This idea came out late in the last update, where it appeared that the proto-Bassianus line from Emesa's El-Gabal sun god (likely namer of Cibalae) was calling the shots for leadership roles in Judea just as Jesus came though. The Emesa cult is suspect in appointing Valerius Gratus (suspected ancestor of Gratian, father of Valentinian) to the position of Judaean governor; it was him who appointed Caiaphas as the chief priest.

It would be real smooth if we could find a Caepio link to the Gratus family.

By the way, Valentinian's first wife, Marina Severa, was the mother of his son, emperor Gratian. Valentinian divorced her to marry Justine. Apparently, Severa's ancestry in unknown, but there is a good chance that she was from emperor Severus, father of Caracalla.

In the last update, just after a paragraph with some heavy Annas "coincidences," the following paragraph was added; the only reason for quoting it here is to show how the Bassianus line was in Auvergne. Keep in mind that "AURel" is a term similar to "EURE" and "AUVER":

Eure's use the Bassan Shield, in the colors of Italian Bassans, and moreover Caracalla was renamed, with a throne name: Marcus AURELius. The Aurelius surname, sharing gold scallops with the Earls, is said to be from one Marco Aureli in 421 AD, at Aquileia (Venetio). French Aurels/Orelle's (Auvergne) show as "Haurele" too, recalling the Herls/Harrels using the shoveler birds. The shovelers are in the colors of the Aurelius stars. The Auriol location (mouth of the Rhone) of the besant-using DuMas', suspect from Julia [Bassianus] Maesa, comes to mind.

The gold bars were not yet a topic when this was written, but look at how "Aurel" could be from "golden." Marco Aureli lived in the period of Childeric, and then the latter's family claimed to be from the Veneti. Hmm. The same-style bugle's used by Close's/Clovse's are used by Scottish Hunters, said to derive in "venator." Just before Caracalla's birth, there was an emperor, Marcus Aurelius (died 180 AD), who had a general by the name of AVIDius Cassius, whose first name could link to Julius AVITas, husband of Julia Maesa, Caracalla's niece. In that way, Caracalla may go back to the gold bars of the Caepio-Cassius family. "A descendant of the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Avidius Cassius was the son of...Junia Cassia Alexandria." That looks very promising for a link back to Junia Caepio (or "Caepionis"), but I haven't the time to look into it during this proof read.

I could not find any children or wives of Caracalla, yet heraldry seems to give him children, including the Luces and their many branches (see last update for a whack of Luce / Geddes / Pike info). I reasoned that he had mistresses. Here we find a Mark Aurelius, having Caracalla's own throne name 200 years after his death, in Aquileia, on the north side of Istria, not at all far from the sources of the Sava. Caracalla's family was conducting a war in Lyon, when he was born there to the sister of Julia Maesa. Julia's grandson was a male hoar, even as emperor. He was assassinated in his youth, for he did not deserve to be in the land of the living.

Wikipedia's article on Valerius Gratus says that he appointed a few chief priests (to replace Annas) before appointing Caiaphas. If the person(s) writing the article could enlarge upon it (why start an article and say basically nothing?), it might become evident that Gratus appointed Caiaphas only after, or as soon as, he married Annas' daughter. If that's true, one might suspect that Gratus got him married to Annas daughter because Caiaphas was related to Gratus. In other words, Gratus had the high position to lift Caiaphas to the high priesthood where he might not have been capable of attaining it aside from marriage to the family of Annas.

There was not much time between Drusilla of Massena (married 56 AD), wife of Sohaemus of El-Gabal, and Domna / Julia Bassianus, born at the end of the 2nd century. Where did "Bassianus" come from as a name? Was it named after the Basante river, or was it the other way around? By the way, the Bass surname uses the same crosslets, in the same colors, as the crosslets of Gore's tracing to the Sava-river location of Servitium...a term like SERVilia Caepionis, mother of Junia Tertia. Here's the "enlightenment" on the father of the two Julia's:

Gaius Julius Bassianus or Bassus...was a Syrian High Priest. Bassianus was a high priest for the Temple of the Sun...Bassianus was a member of the Royal family of Emesa (modern Homs, Syria). The Royal Family was a part of the local Syrian Aramaean aristocracy and was a client kingdom of the Roman Empire. The beginning of his priesthood is unknown but by 187, he was a high priest at Emesa. Bassianus was a son of a Julius and his paternal uncle was Julius Agrippa, who served as a Primipilaris (a former leading Centurion).

We could assume that the unknown Julius was a Bassus too, but his uncle is the brother of the unknown Julius: "[Julian] Agrippa was an Emesene nobleman who was a direct descendant of the Emesene Roman Priest-Client King Sohaemus of Emesa...He was the brother of a Julius and the paternal uncle of Julius Bassianus..." The latter is the husband of Drusilla above. We have less than a century between the marriage of Sohaemus and the birth of the unknown Julius. I'm not a name expert, but shouldn't the unknown Julius be an Agrippa liner somehow? Can we glean an Agrippa marriage to a Bassus / Bassianus family? Perhaps the unknown Julius married a Bassianus.

One would think that a version of "Agrippa" would have made it to at least one surname. The Gripps use the Varn bend, in my opinion, but also note that Leslie's, who trace to the Sava, use the motto, "Grip fast." Leslie's are suspect as a Luce line from Caracalla. The Gripps are in Carrick / Saracen/Sarson colors, the latter two were in the last update expected to be a version somehow of "Caracalla."

The English Julian/Gillian surname can now be linked to the Cibalae location because Sibals link to Seagers and to the Italian Segni/SEGURano surname. This is excellent because it's tracing the Julian surname to Julius Bassianus rather than, or before going, to Julius caesar. The Sagans/SEGANs (Prussia), you see, who smack of SEGNi's, use the salamander in flames, the Julian symbol!

Next, I had a new look at the French Julian Coat, which I haven't touched upon for months. It looks like a version of the Irish Kilpatrick Coat, or in any case using the Annandale saltire in colors reversed. At the same time, I was entering "Sign" because "segni" in Italian can mean a sign, signature, or signet. Actually, it means, "mark; to make a mark." This is just fantastic, for even before I realized that it meant "mark," I saw that T-version "Segni" suggests "Ticino", and that's when it dawned that French Julians are using the Tess/Tech saltire! The Marici, the namers of at least some Mark surnames, were on the Ticino, meaning that this river appears to be named by the Segni > Seager line...the same that may have named MontSEGUR.

By the way, there is a Segur surname, first found in Limousin.

This would explain why mythical Sugaar, a snake god, represented by the two green snakes in the Seager/Sugar Crest, was married to a Mari goddess, for Marici were from the Marsi, and the latter had a snake goddess (Angitia). Thus, these apparent founders of the Ticino became Basques, for Sugaar and Mari are Basque deities. This explains why Sawyers, a branch of Seagers, use checks on their fesse, a symbol of some Mark surnames.

The Seager link to Bassianus tends to reveal why Basques are named after a Bass-like term. The Bassianus line went to the Basques, didn't it? As Basques named Gascony (Vascone), the Gascony flag that was once (for a short time, anyway) the Julian / Tess/Teck saltire, relates to the line of Julius Bassianus. The Martins and Martels, first found in Gascony, are looking like they are from the Marici. And then the green Visconti snake, called a biscone, must apply here too...revealing that Visconti's were Bassianus liners, though also Marici liners.

Julians/Gillians were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Capone's/Cappons, suspect with "Caeponis." The latter surname uses the same red (fork-tailed) lion as the Aur Crest.

The gold scallop of the Aurelius Coat may be linked to the white scallops of the Capes', for the latter use yet another green snake in their chief. Besants are used by Agincourts/Ayncourts, first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Capps', the latter said to be from Ayncourt. "AGIN(court)" could trace to "Euganeo" because Capps' are said to be from an old Capella surname, while Capelli's were first found near Euganeo.

Here is the flag of Gascony as granted by pope Clement III. The page comes from Wikipedia's article on Gascony, at a line: "Old flag. Given to the Gascons by Pope Clement III during the Third Crusade."

The Marici element evident at the Cibalae entity may also explain why Caracalla was renamed, Marcus. Gripps use Craven-like variations that should trace to Croatia, and here we are discussing the Croatian theater of the Sava. In the last update, Cravens were found in the Rick Coat, a surname that traced excellently to "Rijeka/Rika."

The curiosity is that Sawyers (in Seager colors) look like they are a branch of Sauers, said to be on the Sau = Sava river, and thus looking like the namers of that river. How can "Seager" trace to the naming of "Ticino" while Sawyers, first found in the same place as Seagers, trace to "Sava." Easily, if the Sava was named after the Ticino river was named, when Seagers settled on the Sava. That would tend to trace Marici and Laevi of the Ticino to the Sava, and in fact I've been linking the Salyes Ligures to the Sava for years. Compare "Sauer" with "Severus."

Sauers share an upright red lion with French Marcus', thus verifying that Marici elements were in fact in the Cibalae theater (Cibalae is off the Sava). The Habsburgs, who are link-able to Happs/Abbs (using the Capes' scallops), use an upright red lion too, and Habsburgs ruled from Austria, at the sources of the Sava.

The Marcus' were first found in Dauphine, where Caracalla was born, and where we find the viper's nest at St. Etienne. Karl Marx, we can read online, was a partner with the Rothschild Illuminati after it soared to financial heights. The Marcus lion is also the Habsburg-surname lion, as well as the Lee/Ligh/Legh lion, the latter having terms that could be expected from the Luce family and/or Ligurians on the Ticino. The white Dauphine-surname dolphin design is in the Marley Coat, suggesting that Marleys are a Marcus branch. But Marleys even use the same-colored bend as Gripps/Grabbens/Cravers, thus tending to clinch a trace of Gripps to Julius Grippa and/or his family.

Herod Agrippa had a daughter, Drusilla, married to Felix, the Roman governor of Judaea. This was Felix' second wife by that name. The first Drusilla was the one who had also married Sohaemus, the ancestor of Julius Agrippa and his brother, Bassianus. In this way, possibly, the Bassianus family adopted the Agrippa name from Herod Agrippa, the most successful king in Judea, beloved of many Jews, but the one who killed the apostle James, and who died of a sudden stomach ailment. This Herod's wife was another Cypros.

Another possibility is that Julius Agrippa was from the Agrippa line of emperor Nero, for he was the son of emperor Claudius before him: "Felix married three times. His first wife was princess Drusilla of Mauritania, a maternal second cousin of Emperor Claudius." In this picture, one parent of Julius Agrippa may have been from Julia Agrippina (mother of Nero), and the other parent from Drusilla of Massena.

Julia Maesa married an Avitus surname. "During his proconsulship of Raetia, he dedicated an altar to the Emesene God ElagaBalas. The altar and its inscription still intact, mentions him as a priest of the deified Roman emperor Titus [disgusting; Titus is the one who conquered Jerusalem, 70 AD]...Under Septimius Severus' successor Caracalla...He [i.e. Avitus] served as a Legatus in Dalmatia in c. 214." Dalmatia is the Illyrian coast at Ragusa, and it was at Ragusa where I felt (last update) that "Caracalla" was of the "Saraca" term, thus explaining the fish symbol of the Luce's. This association of Avitus with Dalmatia may suggest that Julia Maesa was named after the Maezaei of that area, which does not necessarily contradict a trace of "Maesa" to "Maecenas."

As the Maezaei were on the Urbanus river, compare the Aurel Coat (Auvergne) to the Spanish Urban Coat while keeping in mind that the German Urban Coat is a version of the Massena Coat. Spanish Urbans were from the Basque area of Spain. It was to be expected that Caracalla lines linking to Cibalae led to Basques, but here we are seeing a Maesa / Maezaei / Massena link to a Caracalla line. The expectation is that Caracalla's mother, Julia Maesa's sister, was a Maezaei liner herself, yet named after some Domna element. Domna candidates include Dumas, Edom, Domfront, Dumfries...or even the LaceDaemonians of Sparta whom I've traced to the Dumnoni of Devon and Somerset.

The El-Gabal family at Cibalae was located essentially one river over from the Urbanus.

I have been tracing the Dumnoni to Massey lines in Cheshire for years. It works by first identifying Devon as a "Daphne" term, and tracing to the Davids/Daffys of Wales/Cheshire, and to Diva, the early name of Chester in Cheshire. The Dien/Dives' Coat uses the Massey wing, suggesting links to Dunham Massey.

The Dumnoni migration to Devon was said (by me) to include ancient Danaans out of Greece (at Argos, beside Lacedaemonians) who became the British Danann, known to have been in proto-Ireland. The Dumnoni of Devon were thereby traced to the Domnanns of Ireland who became the MacDonalds...using the same eagle as Ferte's suspect from Ferte-Mace, known origin of Masseys/Maceys. You can see here a link of Massey liners to the Dumnoni / Danaan migration. Why was that? I imagine it had to do with the Mona-of-Wales entity coming through Devon with the proto-Moon surname using what I figure are the Messey crescents. Moons were first found in Devon.

This section did not initially mention the Domino/Damon surname because I could not trace it to the topic at hand. But since then, the Italian Dance/Danais surname was brought up, first found in the same place (Piedmont) as Domino's. That looks like a Dumnoni-Danann combination with the potential to trace dancette-using surnames to this people group at Devon. The first variation of the Domino's is Damon, what may have been, or what may have become, d'Mon. In this picture, Hasmoneans may have been Daemonians, though I'm stuck on the idea that a Mon / Mun entity partly "Daemon." I'll bet an entire Big Mac that it has to do with Munippus at the family of Lysimache as they became Lacedeamonians.

As it's expected that the Danaan part of the alliance named the Dien-like terms listed with Dien/Dives surname, the English Dives'/Divas' are important for using a DANcette. In this picture, the Dien/Dives patee crosses are from the Massena patee's, but the patee was recently traced to the "Patiens" motto of Dove's/Dows, who use doves and a dancette, both in the colors of the Masci wing found in the Dien/Dives Coat. This Dove line had to do with a trace to Cuppae off the Pek river. You can just sense here that the namers of Cuppae (in Moesia), if they predated the Caepio Romans under discussion, had merged with some Moesian line amongst the Romans.

Romans were given surnames after all sorts of entities throughout the Roman world. The Caepio's are suspect from Cuppae. When one enters "Moes," a Dutch Moen surname comes up with a chevron in colors reversed to the Maxton and Quint chevron. Lest you've forgotten, we are discussing the line of Quintus Caepio. English Moens are the Muns. The more we link Muns and similar surnames to Moes' and Masseys/Maceys, who in turn trace to Mach entities, and the more we realize that Maccabees are at issue, the less reason we have for trying to squirm out of a Caepio link to "Caiaphas." Some may say that, yes, John at tribwatch has found the Quintus Caepio bloodline in the Chappes', and in the first Templars, but that only proves that Chappes' were not from Caiaphas.

To the contrary, God is using a Massey liner for this revelation because it was necessary for someone to have motivation for finding and understand Massey-related surnames, and all that they mean in Templarism, before it could be proven that Caiaphas lines were involved, as per Caiaphas-suspect surnames linking squarely to Maccabee-obvious lines. That's what's happening here: providing the evidence for Maccabee involvement. But to make me more certain that this is the correct direction, God gave us a vision through a good friend that we ought to be looking to a Cappeo-like term, and here it is.

From the 3rd update of last month: "the Warne's are said to be from a MARYtavy location [in Devon], using the same cross as March's..." I was stressing the Mar terms at that point, but I now want to look at the Tavy/Davie surname. But first, let's looks at Warne's, first found in Somerset, founded by Dumnoni. They must be related to Warrens who use a Shield filled with the same blue-and-gold checks (Messey/Messier colors) as fills that Ayncourt/Agincourt Shield. Ayncourt is where the Capps were first found, and then Warne's use CHAPlets. Enter "Warne" in the page below to read this for yourself:

The fact that FIVE swans are used in the Chaplet Coat argues now for a trace to Quintus Caepio. The surname variations smack of "Capelli / "Capello," and the Capps are said to be from an early "Capella."

Ayncourt is in Lincolnshire, where MESsier's/MERsser's were first found, said to put out a branch in Scotland, though I don't know who they may have been. Entering "MERsy" gets the Maisey surname (Crest in Messey/Messier / Warren colors) said to be from Hampton Meysey and MARston Meysey, thus indicating why the Warne's use the same cross as English MARch's. There seems to be a Massey-line merger with Marici / Marsi / Martels here. French March's (share a triple bend with Merits), in the colors of English March's, were first found in the same place (Lorraine) as the Chaplets, thus clinching the Warne-cross link to the March cross, as well as clinching the Warne-chaplet link to Chaplets. We have every reason now to trace all these surnames to Quintus Caepio.

Moreover, English March's were first found in the same place (Cambridge) as Capone's/Cappons (an Capes'-suspect Dives). Anglo-Scottish MERcier's/Mersers (patees) are suspect as a branch of Messier's/Merssers, and they use three besant on a red bend, as do the Ayncourts/Agincourts upon the Warren Shield.

The Dutch Maes(t) surname uses cinquefoils in colors reversed to the Mersy/Maisy cinquefoils. The Dutch branch is suspect at Holland's MAAStricht theater, and on the Maas = Meuse river, and then the Maas surname is shown properly as "Mar(r)." French Mercier's were first found in Artois, location of the Atrebates that I trace to Atreus>Menelaus Spartans, important here because I'm tracing Spartans to all the surnames under discussion. Atrebates were also in Hampton, and then we just saw the Hampton Meysey manor of the Mersy's/Maisy's. I suggest that the Maas/Mar lions are a colors-reversed version of the Dreux's, who trace to Drake's, first found in Hampton.

As you may know that I traced the Strange surname to lines from Israel priests, it's very notable that the only Strange symbol is two lions in the design and colors of the two Maas/Mar lions. The two Coats are identical. This speaks to the Capps/Capella's and Capone's that we just found with the Mass/Mar entity. You may have read where I insisted that the Strange family partook in migrating with the lines of Israeli priests to the Varni theater on the Warnow river, where the Warne's (in colors reversed to the Varns) and Warrens must trace.

There is a Dreux location near the Chappes theater of Paris. It's then interesting that while the Dreux surname is also "Drew," Quintus Caepio (see family tree) married a Drusus/Drusa surname. It looks like I was wrong to trace Dreux's to Drusilla Massena. Or was I? Quintus Caepio married a daughter of Levi-suspect Marcus LIVius Drusus. Entering "Livi" gets the French Levi's.

At Wikipedia's Livius article, we read: "Livia Drusilla, wife of the emperor Augustus..." The article says that historians settled on "blue" as the root / definition of "Livi." Stupids. The blue color of the Cappeo lion may have to do with this.

What if Drusilla Massena was a Drusus liner? Imagine Caiaphas born as a Drusus liner in the fourth generation after the marriage of Quintus Caepio to Livia Drusa. Could that not open the door to a marriage of Drusilla to Sohaemus of El-Gabal, if Caiaphas was involved with that cult himself? Recall my theory that, when God somehow caused the Holy Spirit to descend on Jesus in the form of a dove, he was sending the religious leaders a message, using their own dove symbol, that He favored Jesus. That theory was developed before I learned that Cuppae was "the city of doves." Who uses doves? Oh, yes, the Warne-honored Chaplets. Their doves are black on gold, the Livi/Levi / Varn / Gripp colors.

Let's go back to the MARYtavy location of Devon's Warne's. The Tavy/Davie surname (very Daphne-suspect), first found in Cornwall (i.e. to the west side of dove-suspect Devon), uses a dove in Crest, as does the Leve/Leaf Crest. This permits the red Tavy/Davie lion to be the Dreux lion. The Tavy/Davie surname, as well as the Davids, are traced in their write-ups to David ap GRYFFydd. While I reject this man as the deepest root of the name, it's possible that he was part of the Daphne line on the one hand, but his surname might just indicate that "Agrippa" is in the heraldic griffin symbol.

AN AMAZING THING just happened. The "second" motto term of the Levi's was entered to find the Segur surname, perhaps suggesting that the Levi family was at Montsegur of the Cathars. This now compels me to show the Tool lion, which is identical in colors and design to the Strange lions. Until now, it crossed my mind several times to show the Tool lion as it could suggest a trace to "TOULouse," but I decided against it for lack of evidence. However, as Strange-suspect Levi's just traced to the Toulouse area, there you go. The Tools, and therefore the Dol Stewarts, are suspect at the gold bars taken at Toulouse by Quintus Caepio, husband of a LIVia DRUSA. Is that not amazing where the Tool lion is identical, but in colors reversed, to the Dreux/Drew lion? I thought you might agree.

It's clinched, isn't it, that Levi's and Dreux's trace to the Livius Drusus bloodline as it married Caepio. For me, this is greater than NASA landing on the moon, for at least I'm not faking it. It's quite an accomplishment, so nice not to have failed after the long effort. Some may question whether the Livius surname was a Levite one, but the Caepio's merged with them suggest quite to the contrary. Expect the lion designs to change if this revelation becomes controversial, for it is a high threat indeed to Masonry. The world has never known before what wicked roots Masons have. And it still doesn't know until someone spreads this message wide.

The Tool-Crest boar is brown, the same shade as the lion in the Maas/Mar Crest, and both Coats use the same lion fully. It recalls that the Pollock boar is also in brown, and as it's in the Tool-boar design, it tends to trace "Tool" to "Dol," where Pollocks came forth. It's suggesting that Toulouse elements named Dol. Perhaps the Alans of Dol purchased, with a few gold bars, their High-Steward position from king David I of Scotland. His mother, Margaret had Henry Sinclair of Roslin as cup bearer, and the next thing the near future saw was a very-expensive Rosslyn Chapel built by another Henry Sinclair, in Nowhere, Scotland. Where did the family get the money to build that piece of art in stone?

Amazing to me now: I traced Pollocks to the de-Pols at FOIX!

The Mar clan of Scotland is known to be a branch of Erskins. It just so happens that while the Maas/Mar surname is suspect at Toulouse's gold bars, the Erskins were first found in the same place (Renfrew) as Pollocks. I wonder if Hitler, a Pollock liner, I'm sure, wanted to conquer certain entities to get at the gold bars.

The Erskins share a black-on-white pale (vertical) bar with Crux'/Crucks who are honored in the "crux" motto term of Mercier's. Both Mercier's and Crux' use the patee cross, and both surnames are in the colors of the Patien/Padyn/Putten Coat. I wonder how many gold bars flooded into Scotland when the Templars were undone mercilessly in 1307, in similar fashion as Cathars had been undone at Montsegur? The Vatican wasn't really bothered with the heresies of these groups, was it? The Vatican had the two groups destroyed because it was after the gold bars, isn't that right? I wonder if there is a fake pillar at Rosslyn Chapel that swings open, exposing a hole in the ground filled with gold bars.

The lions of the Segurs/Seconds are in the colors of the Arms of Montsegurd. The latter uses just ne patee cross, in colors reversed from the Mercier patee. The Arms of Foix use three vertical bars in the colors and positions of the same of Garlands while the latter show a white-on-red lion, the colors of the Tool / Mass/Mar lion.

To what does the dancette trace? What does it stand for? The Cheatle's of Cheshire use the dancette too, and Cheatle's are tracing to Gaetuli lines suspect with Sophonisba. The Sophonisba-suspect Shops use a dancette too, as do Carricks, suggesting that Sophonisba elements linked with the Maezaei can go to Caracalla's mother. The theory had been that Sophonisba's elements at Sophene and Saphon were those of Daphne, explaining why Shawia lines (included the Shawland variation of Shops) were at Dauphine. Geddes had traced to Placentia, as had Pollocks, and then the Mose surname, probably from Placentia's Le Mose area, use billets. The Scute's use gold squares, and even the Arms of Placentia uses a mysterious square.

Could it be that any family proving to have been a recipient of a gold bar is able to use billets? Or are billets exclusively the symbol of the Billet surname...that has been discovered recently as version of Pilate's, a branch of Garland-related Stephensons, and using the stars of Chappes-married Payens? If you recall, Billets were first found in the same place (Maine) as French Josephs, who now show a footless martin, one of the blue-apple-treasure symbols.

The Dutch Moes/Moen Coat (in the colors of Scottish Pike's) uses what seems to me to be the trefoils of Pike (Devon!) on what's expected to be the Quint chevron in colors reversed. The Moes variation can certainly link to the Le Mose location that together trace to Moesians at Cuppae, and of course Pike's can trace to the Pek river near Cuppae. Lets not forget Munippus, grandson of mythical Placia, for that leads to the Muns (besants) who come up as "Moen." The point is, it just so happens that the three trefoils of the Moes/Moens are in the colors of the three quatrefoils of the Croms! The latter have long been traced to Rennes-le-Chateau along with the Desmonds and DEMON/De Mons/Desmonds; the latter branch of Desmonds even uses three roses in the positions of the three Crom quatrefoils. This expects Munippus lines at Rennes-le-Chateau.

The Crom-Crest cat looks like it's the same cat (different position) as the one in the Maas/Mar Crest.

AHA! As the Crom Coat looks like a version of the Chill/Child and Seller Coats, and while Munippus was the child of Cilla, there is a QUILLan location smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau. The Quillan surname (wolf if in Crom and Demon/De Mon colors) shows variations such as "Killin," most of them ending in 'n' so as to reflect "CILNius." While Desmonds with the "Crom" motto term use the Annan(dale) saltire, Quillans/Killins use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas' (and Shops).

I'm still wondering whether the family of Caracalla was in charge of the gold bars. Caracalla's Severus-surnamed father traces to the Safers using five eagles in the positions of the five swans of Chaplets. That in a nutshell can trace Severus to the Quintus-Caepio family. I doubt very much that 50,000 gold bars could be spent in 300 years. Each bar would have been about 6 x 2 x 1 inches (off-the-top-of-my-head math).

"DOMNa" can predict that Massey-liner LaceDaemonians were in the Maezaei fold by the time of Caracalla, especially as the Luce line traced equally well to his loins and to the Las location of Sparta. As Cibalae is between the Sava and the Danube, chances are, the dancette traces to the namers of the Danube.

Carricks use the talbot dog that should link to the Talls/Thals using the Urban bend with the Zionist stars of Massena's. The reason that I gave up a trace of "dancette" to the dancing symbol of the Maenads is due to the Danse/Dansette surname. It seemed that the dancette was made a symbol of that surname. However, it is now possible that the Danse/Dancette surname traces to the Maenads (= Maeonians) anyway, just because I think "Menelaus" was a term to signify both Las and Maeoneans at the Mani peninsula. It's known that Danaans, beside Las, named Mycenae, a suburb of Argos that may have named Messene to Sparta's west. It's known that Meshwesh ruled Egypt out of Tanis (Nile delta) in PELUSia, and I therefore identified the very foundations of Danaans in "Tanis," for mythical Danaus (founder of Danaans) was made a son of Pelus-like Belus/Belas. It stands to reason that Meshwesh out of Tanis named Mycenae.

It was shown in the last update that the Manders -- first found in Devon!! -- use a "Laus Deo" motto phrase, but the besants in the Mander Coat are now important for tracing to the earliest Bassianus lines...i.e. in the Sava theater. As MeneLAUS is involved in a trace to Caracalla, by what coincidence was Ragusa also named, Laus? If the LACEdaemonians were the reason for the naming Spartan Las, which I have seen also as "Laas," then we would expect Daemonians as half the Menelaus entity. And I would expect them at Ragusa/Laus, where the husband of Julia Domna had charge under Caracalla. Therefore, she may have been named after some Lacedaemonian entity.

Did you notice that the Danse/Dancette surname was first found in Ile-de-France? If correct to trace that surname to the Danube river, chances are, they were at or near Cuppae so that they migrated with Chappes elements there to Ile-de-France. The two Blois Coats together remind me of the Capes' and Chappes' together, important for that stupid idea that "Livius" is rooted in "blue." Actually, that blue idea may be a deliberate deception knowing that the Livius family traces to the Blois'. The French Blois' were first found in the same place (Orleans) as Demons / De Mons (the latter are in the colors of the English-Blois dragons).

The blue lion of the Cappeo vision should without doubt be that of the Louvains and Massins, both first found in Kent, and both using the same blue lion on a gold Shield. I read, and believed, and shared many times, the online claim that the blue Bruce lion was from a ruling family of Louvain (Belgium). I believed it because I saw heraldic evidence that Bruces trace to "Brugg/Bruges, a Belgian city. Hainaut and Mons are in Belgium too, and the counts/county of Hainaut used the three Livi/Levi chevrons. Thus, the Livius family of Romans can be traced to the blue of the Louvains.

A co-founder of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey organization was a LIVINGstone surname (green and white double border of the Flemings). The original Maple Leafs used green and white leaves and uniforms, the colors of the Coffee's/Coffers who use a form of the Arms of Taranto. However, the Toronto Maple Leafs soon used blue and white uniforms, and even their leaves were in those colors, and it just so happens that the Arms of Taranto are in those colors too, which are moreover the colors of the Leaf/Leve Coat. The latter surname must be why the team was not "Toronto Maple Leaves." Thus, it appears that the Livingstones were a branch of the blue Leafs/Leve's, and the Coffey's/Coffers (also "Caffey") tends to reveal that Levite lines of the Caiaphas kind were involved.

The Leafs/Leve's are in Seager / Sawyer colors, and first found in the same place as those two surnames. Livingstons even use a green snake, the Seager symbol: "A demi savage proper holding a club in the dexter arm and a serpent in the sinister,"

I've just entered "Sege" seeking a Seager variation as per the "Si je" phrase of Livingstons, and the catch was astounding: the Sege surname is listed with the Saddocks/Sedwicks using white-on-black footless martins, which I saw moments before in the Living/Livins Coat!!! Not even the devil can deny that we have just proven Saddocks to be Sadducee lines of the Caiaphas kind. In the meantime, we have proven Livingstons to be Levites lines.

But there is more, for the so-called "double tressure" border of Livingston traces to Flanders, partly in Belgium, and therefore Livingstons are a branch of Louvains, isn't that right? Seatons (Sadducee suspects) use the double tressure (which reminds me of the gold-bar treasure), and they, along with Livingstons and many others, are Flemish lines settled in Lothian. One can catch glimpse in the Livingston write-up that they linked to Sinclairs of Roslin, important because Hugh de Payen is said to have married both a Chappes and a Catherine Sinclair, though some equate the two women. Henry Sinclair of Roslin accompanied queen Margaret from Hungary to Scotland.

So.....zowie, the Seagers > Sege's look like Sadducee liners merged with Sava-river liners of the Israeli-priesthood kind. Why were they on the Sava? I'll bet they were paganized Levites amongst the Benjamite-Jabesh migration that founded the Romans at the upper Sava. Throughout their long history to the Breuci theater, these Levites probably acted as priests of some pagan cults, such as the Hebrew-suspect Kabeiri / Galli cult. However, it seems that these Hebrews-gone-Mysians (or Hebrews-gone-Trojans) were joined by Caiaphas-line Levites. I wonder how they found one another?

The Wikipedia article on the Livius surname cites a Lucius Livius in 321 BC, three centuries before Caiaphas' birth. And so, I assume, as the Caepio family merged with the Livius family, and then birthed Caiaphas, he could claim to sit in the seat of Moses for being of Levite blood. This Livius-Caepio union may have been arranged by God, but then Moesians were probably from the same Hyksos household that named Moses. By some sheer "accident" or Design from Above, the Moes surname (also "MOYnem") uses the Quint chevron too, though in colors reversed. Moes' are in the colors of the Moses/MOY surname using another dove in Crest. Coat. The dove has the leaves of French Caseys in its beak, they being the Caseys first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes'. Both surnames call them "laurel branches," suggesting the Daphne entity (her name was the same as "laurel" in Greek).

It just so happens that Sege's/Saddocks were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Diens/Dives, Deins, Dans, and many other Danube-river suspects. They were from the Cuppae area, weren't they? Reminder: Dives use a dancette and the three scallops of the Capes'.

Ahahah. The Leaving/Lewin Coat (elephant heads, Edomites) is a chevron in the colors of the Quint chevron (no small thing), and surrounded by white-on-red stars that I think are reserved for Annas lines. Leavings/Lewins (Shropshire) use Alan colors and therefore look like a merger with Alans of Shropshire, reminding me of the Archelaus-suspect Levin(e)'s, first found in Brittany.

It's no small thing to find a Quint Coat linking to a Livius-suspect line. But as the Cato bloodline linked to the Caepio-Livius marriage, see that the Cato and Chatto/Chattan bends are in the colors of the same of Scottish Caseys/Kasse's (crows, expects a Corvos entity). If you've forgotten, all three lines, Cato's, Livius, and Caepio's produced Junia Tertia Caepionis, wife of Gaius CASSIUS Longinus.

Aha! As the Close/Clovse Coat (in Spurr colors) uses a spur, we reckon that the Spurr surname (Devon, near Cornwall) is at code. Here from Wikipedia's gens-Servili article, as per looking into the ancestry of Quintus SERVILIUS Caepio: "The different branches of the Servilii each used slightly different sets of praenomina. The oldest stirpes used the praenomina Publius, Quintus, SPURius, and Gaius..." Clicking over to the Servius surname, which was the mother trunk of "Servilius": "Servius was never one of the most common praenomina...Most families did not use it, although it was a favorite of the CORNELii and the Sulpicii..." I expected ravens/crows, and that's what the Cornells/Cornwalls (Devon) use (though they call them "Cornish choughs" probably for a Caiaphas line of a Coff kind). Ravens/crows were expected because I trace the Greek "corvos" to Garebites while I think Servitium, Serbs, and the Servius surname should trace back to the same.

Thus, the Casey crows are probably in honor of the Cornelii entity of the Servius' while the Casey bend is in honor of the Spurius entity. As you must know that I trace Croatians/KRVati to "Gareb" too, so we find that the Cornell/Cornwall Coat above is a fesse in the colors of the Craven fesse.

English Cornells use the motto, "La Vie Durante," as though honoring Levi / Laevi lines on the Durance river. It's expected that this Levite entity traces to the Livius entity. English Cornells may be using a version of the Aur Coat and Crest.

Of big interest is that "Cornel" (one 'l') gets the Spanish Corona surname from north-western Spain, location of Geryon-suspect La Coruna! That would tend to reveal that "Geryon" is an entity of the mythical Coronis crow...which I trace to Chora on Patmos. Yes, for the Arms of La Coruna use scallops for the Skala location on Patmos. Therefore, the Cornelii seem to be from the Garebites at Chora. The SKULL and bones in the Arms of La Coruna may also be code for Skala > Scylla elements.

Moreover I think there's an argument for tracing Geryon to Gerenia in Kephali (northern Sparta), as if that could be related to Chora elements too. This recalls my trace of Lacedaemonians > Dumnoni of Devon into the Mona / Erethlyn area of Wales. In fact, there was a Cornovii peoples who both founded Cornwall and yet were located at northern Wales! It is to be expected that the Roman Cornelii entity applies to these peoples. The Cornel/Corona Coat even uses FIVE eagles, as evidence of a trace to Servilius-Quintus-Cornelii lines.

I expect the namers of Lysimachia to have named Las, for Menelaus was made married to Helen while Lysimachia was near the Hellespont. Lysimachia was near the Caeni peoples while the Dives' are traced to Dives location near Caen. I erred in the last update by saying mythical Lysimache was a wife of Menelaus' brother. She was made a daughter of Priam. Plato made a mythical Cleito the wife of Poseidon, king of far-west Atlantis, and then the wife of Agamemnon (Helen's sister) was Clytemnestra. Plato's people appear to be claiming that Poseidon of Ethiopia had become a part of Memnon (southern Egypt) before forming the Phoenicians, and the latter evolved into partners of Spartans before partaking in far-west voyages and sea trade. The purple flag of La Coruna could indicate Phoenician elements, but the skull and bones indicates pirates proudly.

Poseidon represented Pisidian peoples at ATTALeia, the roof of "ATLantis." The Pisidians moved as Pelops into Pisa, beside Gerenia. That works.

I had traced "ExCALIBUR" without doubt to "Calabria," the location of Laus at southern Italy, though Laus is on the border also with LUCania, suspect with Laconia of downtown Sparta. I expect that Spartans named and controlled Occitania (from JOKTAN's SEPHARvites, expected from Yemen / Ethiopia) as far south as the mouth of the Ebros in eastern Spain. The Ebros flows though a good chunk of Spain from the direction of La Coruna, and then Hercules was given a wife that represented the Pyrenees mountains on the north side of that stretch. One can see the Hercules / Danaan war against Geryon is a position of development in these myth codes. The Greeks called the area HESPERides, which may have named "Espanol," and moreover the Sephardics of Spain appear named after "Sparta" so that "Ebro" can trace to the EVROtas river of Sparta. There is even a "SPARTa" look to "ESPERIDes." This informs us that the Evrotas river was named after Eber, father of Joktan.

I had also traced the EXcalibur to EXeter for obvious reason, and then Exeter is the Devon capital founded by Dumnoni. Once you understand that Arthurian terms are simple codes for places, people-groups, and surnames, you can figure what the writers had in mind. They didn't speak cleanly with clarity because fellow thieves are apt not to reveal their partners in crime.

The Dive's use their dancette on a Shield having the same three scallops as the Capes' and related Happs/Apps/Abbs. The latter two surnames are suspect with the Chappes', first found in the same place as the Danse/Dansette surname. It's as though Danube elements at Cuppae named the Chappes' too. It's as though Caiaphas traces to Danube lines while Herod-suspect Arthurians trace to things-Danaan at southern England. BUT, the five symbol of Arthurs is now suspect with the Caepio line which seems somehow to have touched upon the Cornovii / Cornelii. Winchester is itself in southern England, where the Spartans settled. It's complicated and seemingly illogical.

If, per chance, the Hasmoneans in Arettium had derived in the Mona area, and in the Orthos > Ordovices line, it expects that elements of the Cornovii (lived around DENbigh and Ruthin) had merged with the ancestry of Quintus Caepio. That is, I'd expect Cornovii to be the ancestry of the Cornelii family, which may trace the ancestry of Caiaphas to the Cornwall peninsula i.e. to proto-Arthur elements of the Atlantean kind. Where "Coruna" and the Cornovii trace to "GERENia," the "Orthos" dog may be seen as an URSO-like term developing from "Arkas," the founding bear of Arcadia. Not only did "ursa" develop as a softened form of "arka," but Arcadia is smack beside Gerenia. Plus, in the lore concerning the bear constellation, there is a dog symbol involved.

I'm not trying to force a situation onto history. The idea is that, in pre-Christ times, elements of southern England, including the Dumnonii, went east into Italy and the Sava theater. The latter, because I view it from "Severus," would be identical to the Sepharvites that I see behind the naming of Hesperides. There is even a Safor region of Spain not far from the mouth of the Ebros river, and that term can trace to the five eagles of the Safer surname. I tend to see Sepharvites in unions with Avvites, important where the sister of Julia Domna married an Avitus surname.

It just so happens that the Savary surname was first found in Devon! The Savary Crest is a CRANE with the Casey leaves/branch in it's beak. The Savary Coat looks like a version of the Coat of Welsh Bachs, first found in DenBIGH, where the Cornovii name to live!! I didn't consciously know this when writing above this paragraph.

The crane, "geranos" to the Greeks, is thus suspect as code for Gerenia elements. The Gamble Crest uses a crane, and that suggests the Severus marriage to Julia Domna Bassianus. What might it mean that Caseys link to the parents of Caracalla? It may mean that Caracalla was from the Cassius marriage to Junia Caepio.

Bachs can be traced to "Pek," supporting the idea that Cuppae / Moesian elements were in Wales. This begs the question of whether the talbot dog in the Bach Crest is a symbol of Orthos.

Aha! The Cornell/Cornwall motto uses "beg."

There's more, for Bechs/Becks use a white-on-red moline, suspect with the Bouillon cross, but, if you recall, the latter's cross was suspect as a colors-reversed version of the red Sibal moline, thus revealing that Bechs/Becks were Pek elements involved with Cibalae / Seager elements. As these Cuppae / Pek elements in southern England are suspect in the ancestry of Quintus Caepio, note that Bechs/Becks use FIVE stars. It is likely that SAER de Quincy of Winchester has a first name tracing to "Sauer."

WHERE WAS MY HEAD??? It hasn't come to my realization until now that the Arthur chevron is the Quint chevron in colors reversed. The Bech/Back Crest is the same symbol (Pelican) as the Arthur Crest, which for me speaks to elements of "Peleg," Joktan's brother. There was/is a Pelegonia region near the Paeoni that can trace Peleg elements to the Pek.

The Quint Chief even uses the blue-and-white vair fur of the Bachs and Savarys! That clinches the trace of the five Safer eagles to "Quintus." The "vita" term of Savarys could be for "Avitus," and the "mois" term of the same motto may be for the Moes/Moen surname and/or Moesians of another family. The Moes/Moen chevron is in the colors of the Arthur chevron, suggesting a trace of Moens to the Arddu - Mona theater.

BIG AHA! The Cornell/Cornwall Crest is: "a Cornish chough hatching in the FACE of a rock proper." Knowing that the Face surname is registered with Fessys/Vesseys, using the engrailed cross of Macclesfields, it immediately recalls that this Arms of Macclesfield (no longer shown at Wikipedia) uses the blue Cappeo lion as well as a "copia" motto term?!?! There are even FIVE arrow heads in the Macclesfield cross of those Arms, and the cross is in the colors of the Bech/Back cross (that itself has five symbols).

The five symbol was traced to the Fife's, Five's, and Veys/VIVians. Is it a cornincidence that the latter were first found in Cornwall?

The Face/Fessys use "SIGNo vincit" as code for Vinkovci = Cibalae, and as code for the SEGNI/Segurana surname. As the latter uses the Sibal moline cross (though not showing in the same design at this time), it clinches "vincit" = "Vinkovci". Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is now tracing to the "mois" term Savarys i.e. to Moes'/Moens. Perhaps Mona Lisa has a few gold bars down her brazier, but doesn't want to give it away with too large a smile. The latter are quite-apparently a branch of the Moses/Moy surname using a dove with the Casey laurel branch in it's mouth, indicating Daphne elements from the "city of doves." This migration of Daphne-cult Moesians from Cuppae may have taken place in pre-Christ times as the very founding of "Devon," at the invasion into Devon by the Dumnonii.

The black fitchee crosses in this other Arms of Macclesfield belongs to Devon-suspect DAVENports, kin of Diens/Dives, but then the Crest of the Quint Coat is a fitchee too. The "Pax copio" motto of the Welsh / Cheshire Davids traces, no doubt, to the "city of doves" at the Pek. It's obvious, not forgetting the dove of the Tavy/Davie Crest. Diens/Dives use patee crosses, symbol of Peks/Pecks, but let's not forget the Capes' scallops of the Dives, and their dancette.

Dives were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. The Julian-related Velis/Vails were shown earlier to be a branch of Gills who come up as "Skill," evoking the Asketills found in the write-up of vair-using Haskels, first found in MONmouthshire. I view this as the Gileki > Glaucus line through Skala to Scylla. Again, the Chora location on Patmos was mythical Coronis now tracing to Geryon and the crows of the Cornells/Cornwalls and Caseys. The Skala location was ASCLEPios, son of Coronis. As Coronis was a daughter of a Lapith ruler, note that Junia Secunda Caepio (sister of Junia Tertia) married a Lepidus surname. One Lapith ruler, "PHLEGyas" smacks again of Peleg-branch Hebrews. The Ixion-branch Lapiths trace to Kent, also in southern England. It is no small matter to trace fundamental Hebrews (non-Israelites) to the Caepio surname.

Hmm, "Secunda" evokes the Second/Segur surname honored by Levi's/Livi's, and she was a great-granddaughter of Livia Drusa, wife of Quintus Caepio.

There is no doubt that Cuppae elements were in southern England and Wales. The question is, who founded who? Did the Caepio surname of Quintus found the related entities at southern England, or was it vice-versa? Clearly, the Avitus / Domna / Severus entities are involved.

I fully expect Caiaphas to be directly related to the Herods that put forth the line to Coppers/Coopers. The latter have been traced to "Kypros/Cypros," mother of Herod "the great" tyrant. But, now, perhaps Kypros, wife of Herod Agrippa applies to the Cooper line, which I link to Coverts/Cofferts. The latter use a fesse in the colors of the Craven fesse, and moreover were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coopers, Deins. Dans', etc. The English Danse's/Dance's, first found in Yorkshire, use the Covert / Craven bend in colors reversed, and moreover the French Danse's/Dansettes use white roses, the York symbol. The Cappeo lion traces smack to the York-surname motto.

This recalls a dream that God gave tribwatch readers through a reader, that the dragonline I was seeking to expose was a "Cappeo" entity using a blue lion. That Hint was suggesting that Caiaphas led to the Bruce's of York, and it was shortly-afterward found that the York surname applied with its "cupias" motto term as well as its saltire in the blue color of Cooper saltire. God truly wanted to expose this beast, and here we are. It was amazing that the person who had the vision had spoken to me concerning her pet named "Copper[blank]," and the blank part that I won't reveal was a Caiaphas-like term! She had no idea that the Cappeo lion would link to the Copper surname.

The COFFert variation of Coverts ought to link to the "Cornish CHOUGH" of the Cornells/Cornwalls who use "face" as code for the Caepio-liner Fessys (use the Macclesfield cross). As soon as the woman related to me the Cappeo lion, I knew it was the blue Macclesfield lion because I had memorized the "copio" motto term in the Arms of Macclesfield. But, now, the Coverts/Cofferts use a so-called "leopards FACE." The Fitch's use the leopard face too, and then both Macclesfields and Quints use a fitchee cross.

See the Coughs/Cuffs using a bend in the colors of the Hoff bend, and then see the leopard faces in the Coat of German Hoffs. That explains the Cornish choughs. The Hoff leopard wears the MacArthur crown, seen also in the Crest of the Arms of Macclesfield. The Coughs/Cuffs are using the Sale bend and fleur, making Coughs suspect as Pendragons. I recall that the Cough bend was showing in the form of a dancette, thus tracing Coughs to the Danse/Dansette surname, first found in the same place as the Levi's and Chappes. This is important for tracing Coughs to Coffers/Coffeys/Caffeys, where the Livings / Livingstons traced that also traced to "Livius," kin of Caepio's.

The reason that the Hoff leopard head wears bulls horns is for a trace to the Mieske bull, and to the bull-using HAUGHtons (in Cough / Hoff colors) coming up as "Haught." I identify this surname, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Macclesfield, with Sigrid the HAUGHTy, daughter of Mieszko of Poland. Why are Caepio liners tracing to Mieszko? Ask Massey-Mouse liners expected at Macclesfield.

We saw how Caracalla was proclaimed emperor while he was stationed in York fighting the Caledonians. It was to be expected that Lacy's of Yorkshire were from his loins. Lacys were related to Skiptons in Craven of Yorkshire, and Cravens trace to Croatia while Gripps/Cravers look like they linked to Craven elements. The Jeffersons, who use a BLUE griffins, besants, a blue leopard face, as well as what looks like the York saltire in colors reversed, were traced to the Rimini theater of Maschi's, and more particularly to the Fano location south of Rimini and east of Urbino. This Fano location was suspect with the Fane/Vain/Veyne/Phone surname using the Macey gauntlet gloves, used also by Arthur-related Waynes. It's the Irish Arthurs, using "hurts," that use a version of the Wayne Coat.

Why are the Herod-suspect hurts (blue roundels) upon "rests," and why would Herod lines use BLUE roundels? Is it because the Jefferson griffin is BLUE? Is blue the special color of Herod Agrippa? Was the BLUE Cappeo lion an exposure by God of Herod lines rather than Caiaphas lines? Or is the solution simply that Caiaphas was a Herod himself? If proto-Arthurians founded the Caepio family, then, yes, Caiaphas and Herods together may have come from Quintus Caepio.

Is the Cuppae location to be linked to Herod and his wife, Cypros? I traced Pek elements to Copparo, off the Reno at Ferrara, and not far from Rimini. Doesn't this picture argue for a "Pharisee" root to "Ferrara"?

I now have reason to believe that Masonry traces most precisely to Herod Agrippa, son of Aristobulus, brother of Herod Archelaus and Herod Antipas. The "rests" used in the Arthur coat could be code for elements from "ARISTobulus," for I think "Arthur" traces to elements of "Aretas" III at Edom's Petra. The family of Aretas III is known to have birthed Kypros, grandmother of Aristobulus. Wikipedia calls Aretas III an Arab, but Aramean=Syrian might be closer to the truth, from Arethusa.

I suggested a trace a mythical Aristaeus to "Orestia" at ARDA of the Hebros. Aristaeus was an Apollo liner in Cyrene, thus linking to Coronis lines in Patmos, but one can imagine Patmos links to Petra. As Actaeon was a son of Aristaeus, see the Acton-honoring motto of the Cravens, while recalling that the Arthur surname is said to be from one "AEDON Grab" character (perhaps mythical), important because Aristaeus came to be a bee-line entity in Thebes, location of mythical queen Aedon, daughter of Pandareus...of Ephesus, where there had been an "essenes" divination cult, represented by bees, much like the Apollo Oracle.

Aristaeus married a daughter of Cadmus of Thebes, and had another son, Macris. "According to Apollonius of Rhodes, the cave where Macris once lived was later the marriage chamber for Jason and Medea, and the marriage was consummated there on the Golden Fleece. Thereafter Macris's cave was called Medea's Cave." One can see here the AESON > IASON link to "AEDON" that found it's way to the Arthur surname, and it's rests. But where Macris was a proto-Maccabee element, note "ARISTobulus," a name that Hasmoneans used for themselves. Might we imagine Aristaeus elements in the proto-Arthurs going to Arettium, then to Arethusa, and finally to Aretas III? Ask mythical Camelot, suspect as a Hebrew line of Nahorites.

The Edomites from the Oliphants were in GRIPel, a location of Brittany where the Voirs/Voyers were first found, who must be honored in the "voir" motto term of Oliphants. The Voirs use two lions in the fashion of the Strange's, and yet they are in the colors of the Maschi lion. The "vincit" motto term of the Voirs is now tracing heavily to Vinkovci = Cibalae. The "Vis" motto term of Voirs could be code for Vis-de-lou, where I recently traced the Alan-Strange-Visconti merger out of Brunswick-Luneburg, thus suggesting that Voirs are an Alan-of-Dol branch. "Voyer" smacks of "Boyers," themselves suspect as Boii that could have named the Bosnia region.

As Marici liners came out of the Cibalae elements, it should explain why the Voir/Voyer Crest is described like so: "St. Mark's lion, supporting a silver book inscribed with the words 'PAX TIBI, MARCE EVANGELISTA'" Type "Voir" at the page below to read it for yourself:

"Pax tibi" may be a Pek-river code on the one hand, and a Sibal / Cibalae code on the other. "Sibi" is found in the Vink/Vinch motto.

It was minutes before loading the Boyer Coat when I spotted Pesano and neighboring Riccione between Rimini and Fano. I was thinking at that time that "Pesano" could be at the root of the Pace's/Pacenti's, making sense because Pesano is in what was Picenum. But it also dawned that "Pesano" could be the root of "besant," for Jeffersons use besants, as do English Pace's. In other words, the Bassianus line was at Pesano as well as at Cibalae, which explains why the Sibals link to Justine of Picenum! Wow. That is a great key, for Herod Agrippa is tracing to the Maschi's of the Pesano theater even aside from the blue Jefferson griffin. Pesano might be the deepest root of the Bassianus bloodline.

Reminder: the Stewarts tracing to Gripel use the same checks as the Massi's/Mattis', while the Jefferson saltire is that of Messeys/Messier's. The Julians, now tracing to Julius Bassianus in particular, father of Julia Maesa, should be in the French Julian surname too, which uses three stars in the colors of the same that French Alans showed until recently. German Bauers/Bowers use the same three stars, as well as a BLUE wing, and then Boyers are also "Bowyer." Thus, Voyers at Gripel were part of the proto-Rothschild Bauers.

The Rothschild arrows are thus predicted to link with the Boson arrows, and the Bauer stars to the Aurel stars, tracing the Rothschild bloodline (has always been suspect with Masci's) to the Basante/Bosnia river and to the naming of Caracalla as, Marcus Aurelius. This recalls the online claim that Karl Marx was foundational in the Bavarian Illuminati, and worked culticly for the financial Rothschild empire that brought the world the iron fist of Communism, the first leader of which was a Lenin surname suspect with Lennans = Logans = Loches' = Locks = the Luce bloodline from Caracalla. The Bauer stars are in the colors of the Weis stars as evidence of a Rothschild trace to the Bavarian Illuminati. It may have secretly been the Bauer-ian Illuminati.

The rock of this world is being turned over to expose the worms of the bottomless pit. I am bitter-sweet to be bringing God's revelation to you. Only a small part of Europe can trace to Herod Agrippa, and I have good reason to believe now that my Father traces to him most acutely. To make matters worse, my mother in her youth looked like Agrippina, Nero's wife, at her Wikipedia article. It gets worse, because I traced Hitler's mother to the Maschi's of Rimini before seeing a picture of his mother, who reminded me of my grandmother. Hitler was a Herod liner, wasn't he? Recall the trace of "Hiedler" to Geddes lines in the last update, for Geddes formation was traced to Caracalla's brother, Geta. We are talking serious lunatics here.

It's not a wonder that Adolf had screws missing. His mother, Klara Polzl, was a Hiedler (a Hitler variation) on her mother's side, and she married Alois Hitler. We read: "Therefore, Klara and Alois were most likely first cousins once removed." It was the same with the Herods, bloodline lusters, the paranoid lunatics of this planet. If you just looked wrongly at them, they thought you were planning assassination. Everyone was the enemy, and probably everyone really did want them dead for good reasons.

Does the "Enfield" griffin of Hiedlers/Hitlers trace to "Agrippa"? Why do Enfields look like a line of Sadducee-suspect Saddocks and Chadocks, using the footless martin of French Josephs even. English Josephs use a "charo" motto term for the Charo's/CLARO's, and then Hitler's mother was, Klara.

One of my arguments for tracing Hitlers to Rimini was the neighboring CATTOLica location, for Heidler-suspect Hoods/Hutts use a so-called fret, symbol of the Cattle's/Cattels (Norfolk, location of Seagers). Said to be from a Norse term, "Chetel," the original namers of Cattolica, which may not have named it quite like that (i.e. not after Catholicism), may have been a Geddes line of the Gaetuli kind. A fret is a saltire with a central MASCLe, and Maschi's are also MASKALys. It begs the question of whether Kellys, using an Enfield griffin, are to be linked to "MasKALY." (Heidlers share a white anchor with Hoods/Hutts).

The Geddes link to Heidlers / Hiedlers had to do with a link to the Goth surname using the same Zionist star as Vlads/Vladens/Flattens, and then English Josephs also use "vlad" in their motto. I traced Hitler to the Goth surname years ago by another method. The Alans of Dol were from a Flaad, and then French Alans also use footless martins/martlets. Didn't we just see Martins and Martels, first found in Gascony, tracing to Seager elements of the Segni kind as they were wrapped up in Marici / Mark lines? Yes, and that line was linked to Caracalla, who invited his own brother to a peace conference, promising to share the empire with him, only to kill him when he arrived, in the presence of their own mother. How better can we define "lunatic." Yet these types ruled the world, and our modern historians call them "brilliant" and "great," heaping honors and flatteries upon them.

Moreover, Geddes links to Hiedlers had to do with Geddes' suspects using just one large fleur-de-lys, and I have just found another one when entering "Geider" to find the Geibel/Gebel surname!!! One can't link Geddes elements to El-Gabal better than that, expected where emperor Geti was likewise a son of Julia Domna Bassianus. I mentioned a Geider term in the last update but did not look it up at houseofnames:

A single fleur-de-lys is used also by GAEDers/Goders who come up as "GAITel." The Gate's come up as "Gait," and then Drakes claim to drive in a "duck-like gait." The Gaeder/Gaitel Shield is split diagonally, like the Coburg, Heid(l)er, and Hitler Shields, and then the Geider variation could suggest Heid terms, though Hitlers come up as Hiedlers. The latter were first found in Munich, the Bavarian capital, and Gaeders/Gaeders were first found in Bavaria.

Geiders were likewise first found in Bavaria, and these terms are highly suspect at the root of the Bavarian Illuminati...because Luce's / Lucius' are suspect as a line using the "illumination" theme (Caracalla was born Lucius Septimius Bassianus).

I had traced the blue-winged Here's and Hertzogs (= Ayer/Eyers liners that link to the "ears" of Saddocks) to "Herzegovina," which was Dalmatia, where Caracalla had installed Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa. It's all making sense in these very-early Roman lines. Hertzogs were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bauers, and the blue Herzog-Crest wing is identical to the blue wing in the German Here/Herrs Crest, who use sickles (called "scythes") on a Shield-upon-Shield exactly like that of Justine's/Justus' Why do English Here's use two "dexter wings"? If I'm not mistaken, a single wing of the Herzog wings is the Masci wing design.

When I loaded the Boyer Coat first of all, I was impressed with its "passe richese" motto phrase, for I had just been looking at Pesano and Riccione in my atlas, and wondering whether Pesano linked to Pace's, who have a Pascel variation that should link to the Pascals, who in-turn come up as "Passe." Big mighty thanks to FE for revealing that Pascals come up as "Pass." It is now very important. As Seagers were right in the thick of the Picenum family, it's notable that German Seagers use a central besant on a red-on-white cross, the colors of the identical cross of Pascals...first found in the same place as Croatia-based Gore's and Peks/Pecks. Might "Pace" be another Pek-river family?

Rothschilds, Hitlers/Polzls, and Merovingians are all tracing to the Maschi theater at Rimini at the north end of Picenum. And the Caracalla line of Geddes, kin of Pike's, trace there too. What is there not to understand?

The Templar lamb in the Pascal Coat is thus suspect with the lamb of the Lamas, for the DuMas kin of Lamas' use three large besants on blue, while English Pace's/Paice's use the same besants on purple. The Paisley location in Renfrew is coming to mind, where Polzl-suspect Pollocks had their start in Scotland. Paisleys show BLUE thistle's, and white roses in the colors of the Danse/Dansette roses. Wasn't it suspect that Danse's should trace to Cuppae at the Pek? The Dumas besants are used by Savards/Saverys, quite apparently from the Septimius Severus, father of Caracalla.

It's not necessary for you to follow and retain in your memory the nitty-gritty traces; it's enough to understand the big picture. Flee from Masonry, if you are in it, and understand that the end of the world will come at the hands of lunatics wormed into governments. The Caracalla / Bassianus line is the common denominator of Masonry, tracing back squarely to the killers of Christ, all of them.

There is no Pesano surname coming up, but as "Besant" is registered with a surname using the Massey Shield, I would suggest that Besants are Pesano elements. The Besant write-up traces to "BYZANTium," and, elsewhere, besants are said to be a symbol of gold Byzantine coins, which makes sense, and yet I am convinced that besants are code for Bassianus lines (I had not yet found the gold bars of the Caepio's when writing here, and therefore had not yet considered that the Caracalla household may have been keepers of those bars). Plus, there is strong indication that Bessins/Beastons, Bistons, and German Besants/Bessins/Bassans trace to Bistones of ancient Cyrene (several centuries BC). As Byzantium did conquer into northern Italy in the 6th century AD, it is feasible that Besants trace to Byzantines at Pesano, but there is also the likelihood that Byzantines were, in more-ancient times, from Bistones. Recall the Biston-like Bissets, Bassets, Besancons/Bessette's, asking why it has an Italian-sounding Besseto variation.

As I trace the Camelot elements of the El-Gabal priesthood to "Kemuel," third son of Nahor, it should be added that I trace the namers of Byzantium to "Buz," second son of Nahor." That helps to support / explain the Byzantine trace to "Bassianus."

This recalls how the Seager / Sibal cross had linked to the cross of Rangabe Byzantines, and yet Justus of Picenum pre-dated the Byzantine invasion of northern Italy.

Caracalla had agreed with his brother (Geta) to split the Roman empire in half, giving Geta the Byzantine half. It didn't happen, at least partly because their mother rejected the plan. In the meantime, the plan may have brought Byzantine elements to the Pesano area, just guessing.

Besancons/Besseto's were first found in Forez, while the Forez surname uses the same fesse colors as Herods/Hurls. Caracalla's AURELius throne name had traced to Hurls and similar others.

The Forez surname was first found in Savoy, and if one goes downhill from Savoy, the Lyon theater will be there, though Vienne is even closer, where the uncle of Herod Agrippa was banished. Now that Caracalla elements have traced to Herod Agrippa, we would expect Caracalla elements in cahoots with Herod liners at the Vienne theater. Directly across Rhone from Vienne is St. Etienne, where the Billets were from, and it just so happens that the Besancons/Besseto's use 11 billets in the colors of the Billet Zionist stars. If you recall, one large Zionist star in these colors is used by Goths and Joseph-related Vlad/Flattens. Billets were first found in the same place (Maine) ass French Josephs, the backside of stubborn donkeys whose forefather refused to believe that the miracles of Jesus were proof of his claims to Godhood.

We just finished tracing things from the Voirs/Voyers of Brittany to Maschi's of Rimini. It was the Voirs/Voyers who first got us to the Rimini / Pesano theater, and I can see the Billets and Alans in bed together with Caiaphas, a disgusting threesome who wish to rule over us all to this day, based on the holiness that they think they have in their veins. The word "phony" must have derived from the Vayne's/Vains/Phone's out of Fano, just 10 miles south of Pesano. That's funny. The Oliphant motto, "Tout pour voir," is code for Voirs, but then the Herod-suspect Forez', Edomites just like the Oliphants, use the motto, "Tout travers." The Oliphants use crescents in the colors of the same of Masseys/Masse's, first found in Savoy, where Forez' were first found, thus clinching the Massey-crescent trace to those of Oliphants.

Both Travers'/Travis' and Forez' use white lions in Crest. My guess is that Travers'/Travis' had merged with Vaughns who themselves trace to Fano elements from Gratian Funarius at Cibalae. Gratian's son was traced to Valence, smack south of Vienne. There is no end to making links all corroborating the same story.

If correct to trace Besancons/Besseto's to Pesano, this becomes yet another way to trace Hitlers to the Rimini theater. This time, the Kelly surname needs to link to the MasKALY variation of Maschi's, and then the Forez Crest shows two white lions facing one another, the Kelly symbol too. The Kelly Enfield is green, the colors of the Forez Shield (if the Kelly. If the Kelly griffin does not look like an Enfield, be assured as per the description: "A green Enfield on a ducal coronet."

An Enfield griffin is then used by Scottish Wills, though in the Will Crest there is a regular griffin holding an axe, a very good thing because the blue Jefferson griffin is in the English Will Crest holding an axe. We can thereby trace the Enfield-using Wills to the Rimini theater along with Jeffersons, and these Wills happen to share a sun with the Hiedler/Hitler Coat, and moreover the Jefferson griffin holds a besant for the El-Gabal sun-god cult.

We can ask why the Wills should be using the griffin suspect with Herod Agrippa. Perhaps the fact that the Wills were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Arthurs explains a Will trace to Herods. The Sursum motto of the Wills suggests the Saracens/Sarsens, somehow at the ancestry of "Caracalla." But ultimately, Wills trace to the Gillian variation from Julians.

I don't accept the standard line claiming what "Caracalla" was named after. In the same way that I see deliberate tales in explaining surname derivations, I think many rulers have taken throne names and "nicknames" in honor of things they don't reveal, then give alternative explanations for their names. It becomes obvious in many examples; the present pope is one of them, and the idea that "Sohaemus" means "little dagger" is another.

A Perspective from an Achilles Ankle

The case for a Cilla trace to "Cilnius" has not yet been made. It seems a logical trace, in that things associated with Cilla possess the required ingredients for a previous theory on Maccabee origins in Cilnius Maecenas. What follows is general information thrown at you on the Cilla location, and in the meantime we can try to guess what else it might link to. One option is mount Cyllene in Arcadia, the birthplace of Hermes according to Greeks who may have been ignorant of his cult at mount Hermon. "Cyllene" can certainly form "Cilnius." If we could just find a Maec-like term at Arcadia...

Oh, yes, we did already, in the Machon sanctuary at Gerenia, smack beside Arcadia. Do we have your attention? And that's where Kephali is situated, a term like the "Cfel" entity that Wikipedia's article on Cilnius traces "Cilnius." I really think we have the goods on Cilnius in the founders of Cyllene. But before getting to that, lets look at Cilla, asking if it links to "Achilles."

Cilla. A city in Aeolis (northwestern Asia Minor) or the Troad, said to be near the plain of Thebe...

Mentioned in Chryses prayer to Apollo...

The page above is part of a large index for myth terms, but there are no Cilla-like terms there aside from "Cilicia." Hmm.

When clicking on the Chryses link, we find that he's: "The priest of Apollo in the island of Sminthos. He goes to the Greeks to demand the release of his daughter Chryseis, or Astynome, whom Achilles had taken captive when he attacked the allies of Troy." These terms are myth codes for Chryse, a real island off of the Trojan peninsula, near Lemnos. This recalls the expected trace of Cilla to Hebron amongst Keturah elements, for Keturah lines were in Ephesus, a place having Hephaestus in common with Lemnos. We're expecting Keturah > Medan lines at Cilla, for, from Wikipedia's article on Medon: "Medon, a 'cunning craftsman' of Cilla..." Medon sounds like Hephaestus elements. Ask Genesis 25 why Keturah lines should be tracing to Lemnos.

You should finger the Kabeiri cult here (Cabeiro was made a wife of Hephaestus) that was in Thebes, Lemnos and Samothrace, and then ask whether "Sminthos" is a Sam term. Or, perhaps "SMIN" was from an Asmon-like term, root of Hasmoneans. "Sminthos" was given a mouse symbol, and then there was a mythical Siemowit and SiemoMYSL at Goplo's Mouse Tower. The MOUSquette surname uses the same antelope design as the Wheelwright Crest. This Mieszko line is right on the Maccabee track, and the Misl Coat even uses a mouse. The last time the Mousquette's/Muskets came up was with the "Musc" term at Muskerry. That's where the Desmonds / DeMons came out of.

Is it possible, therefore, that proto-Hasmoneans named Sminthos? If so, it would trace them to Samson cult Danites / Danaans, and from there to Hercules Danaans, and indeed we did see Hercules conquering at Erethlyn, smack at Mona. Samson's father was Manoah term, whom I traced to Maeonians, the ones suspect as proto-Hasmoneans. I suppose that "Maeoni" may have become "Moni" to some, and "Munippus" to the myth writers on Cilla, daughter of LaoMedon and half sister to LysMACHE. The Mouse Tower to local Poles is a Mysia-like term.

If we're going to link Cilla from its plain of Thebe (in Muse-infested Mysia) to Thebes of Boiotia, then we need to consider Cadmus, founder of Thebes. He was a people-group closely related to proto-Hermes at Hermon, wherefore Cilicia and Cyllene can both apply to "Cilla" because Cadmus evolved into his brother, Cilix, symbol of Cilicia. In the quote below, we see some snake symbolism that I perceive to be code for the Hermes caduceus, which represented the CADusii Armenians, as does "CADmus." It's clear to me that the Mus entity at Armenia was carried by CadMUS to the Muse's of Apollo at Parion, the mythical representation of Paris, father of Cilla and Lysimache. I had a dream that was indisputably a key Disclosure from above. On the morning of the dream, it was revealed that a certain CHRYSippus, associated with mythical Laius, a descendent of Cadmus, was from the Mus entity back in Israel as per the "Danites" conquering Laish at mount Hermon (see Biblical book of Judges). It seems a no-brainer that Laish > Laius named Lysimachia near Parion, and that DarDANus at SAMOthrace apply to the Samson "Danites" (they sound more like Meshwesh out of Tanis, proto-Danaans, perhaps deliberately confused with Danites of Israel. I don't view the book Judges as necessarily Inspired). Here we are on Apollo's priest, going by a Chryse term, living at Sminthos.

It is very important that my dream equated Micah, in the book of Judges, with the proto-Masci line to Chrysippus, for this Micah represented the furnishing of a pagan priesthood for the Danites who supposedly burned down Laish, only to rebuild it again for themselves (does NOT make sense at face value). I suppose it's possible for "Micah" to have become "Mache" in Greece, but according to the story, Micah did not join the Danites at Laish. Micah, after his mother had made for him a silver idol, hired a Levite priest, Jonathan, to oversee his idol's cult. It is this cult that's suspect as the Kabeiri founded in Samothrace, home of Dardanus. But suddenly, Sminthos and Chryse appear to apply to the same Laish elements:

Chryse. A small island in the Aegean Sea, off Lemnos, it is mentioned by Sophocles and Pausanias. The island's main feature was said to be its temple to Apollo, and its patron deity a goddess named Chryse. The Greek archer Philoctetes stopped here on his way to Troy and was fatally bitten by a viper.

When clicking on the Philoctetes link: "Philoctetes The son of Poias, he lit Heracles' funeral pyre and received from him the bow, quiver and arrows [as gifts for lighting the fire]...Bitten by a snake on Lemnos, he was abandoned there..." I treated this encoded story in the past, and ended up tracing "Poias" to Powys in Wales, smack beside Ruthin! That is quite intriguing, actually, because Ruthin traced to the Machon sanctuary (with "Rhodon" upon it) at Gerenia, and Jonathan was a son of GERshom. Perhaps there was a Gerenia connection back to the Jonathan priesthood of Micah. I don't know whether I was correct with the Poias trace to Powys, but it jibed with Hercules conquering Erethlyn.

It was to Wales that I traced the Jonathan-Levite entity, to the Welsh Jones'. This trace was several years ago, at which time I didn't have more to say on DENbighshire, where Jones' were first found, than a possible trace back to the Samson Danites. The only thing that mattered at the time was that the Jones lion shared droplets of blood with the lion in the Sam/Sammes Coat. I was thinking that Samson was entered (added) as the last judge in the book of Judges as a mythical-code character by a dragonline entity that had infiltrated the Israeli priesthood / scribes. I was thinking that the "Samson" code was a take from "Sames," the Armenian sun god in Samosata and neighboring Sophene. I then found that there was a Beth SHAMESH location smack beside Timnah, Samson's home for a time.

Modi'in is about 20 miles west of Jerusalem, which places it near Beth Shamesh, and between Timnah and Jerusalem. It may be between Beth Shamesh and Timnah.

I had suggested that "Daemon(ian)" may have been from "Timnah." The "aboo" motto term of Desmonds, who appear as a branch of French Desmonds/De Mons, traces to the MacAbee surname. The Desmonds should be understood as "DeasMon" because they are known kin of the Deas surname (bee in Crest, MacAbee colors), which I traced to a similarly-named peoples in the ancient Ardahan area of Armenia. Those peoples were identified as mythical Dia, wife of Ixion. Can it be, therefore, that a Dia entity merged with a Mon entity to form "Timnah"? Perhaps the term was more like "Dimona" at one time. There is a Dimona in Israel today.

"Ixion" became suspect with "Iasion" at Samothrace, but this was before I knew of Keturah lines...that are now going to Iasion. I suggested that "Ixion" should be understood as a Sion code before identifying him with "IaSION." In myth, Ixion is paired somewhat with Hera (I think this was as close as Hera got to an adulterous relationship), and Wikipedia's Hera article says/said that one of her sacred places was Samos.

The idol-cult of Micah was a counterfeit-YHWH cult. It must have been the original symbol of the dragon bloodline, the first stab of satan at the approaching God of Israel fresh from booting the Hyksos out of Egypt. God was going to use Moses versus the Hyksos house of Mus. That house removed to Parion, and from Samothrace to Troy. Etc., etc., right to the feet of Obama, who is himself a mouse liner.

In the Poias myth, Hercules is envisaged as the human-sacrifice cult at Tyre, home of Cadmus, near mount Hermon. A myth writer made Hercules die like one accepting his own sacrifice willingly, but, horrors, it reveals that Tyrians burned their victims alive. Pagans were utterly stupid; ask their gods fashioned in wood, stone or metal. The intelligence level was not much higher than that of apes.

The summit at Herman was called "Ardos" for a time, and this traces to Arda on the Hebros, and therefore to Orestia...and to Aristaeus, father of Macris. Why is there a Chryse-like ending on that Mach term? Here is a familiar symbol from the Chryslers, in the colors of the Chris(man) swan that looks like it should be the Joseph swan. It makes sense for Chryse elements to trace to Caiaphas if Chryse elements were at the proto-Maccabees. It may be Caepio-important that the Chris(man) Coat is Shield-on-Shield format of Justine's/Justice's.

The dream that involved Chrysippus taught me that Benjamites in the book of Judges were the founders of the Romans, but then Roman myth traces back to Trojans, to the very family of Cilla. I identified Chrysippus at that time with Creusa, wife of Aeneas. I did not realize at the time, so far as I can recall, that the Creuse surname ("SEMPer" motto term may be for SAMPson lines) uses the upright lion of the Jones'. That is no small finding, as it tends to link the Jonathan-Micah cult of pagan Levites to the Romans, and thus expects them at the Livius family that merged with Caepio's. The lion is a black one, the color of the Capua/Capone/Caputo and Levi lions.

The paw in the Creuse Crest is very welcome, for I recall that the Paw/Pauer surname can link to black-lion Powers (Devon) suspect form "Powys." AND ZOWIE, I did not know when mentioning the Livius family just now that Irish Powers use the Shield-and-Chief color combination, with dancetty border included, as the Livings! The latter were found earlier to be a branch of Saddocks that come up as "Sege" in revealing a merger with the Justine-related Seagers.

The reason that I say "black-lion" Powers is that they use a version of the Palin/PAWley Coat with a black lion. The Palin/Pawley Chief even uses three white symbols in Chief, matching the Living Chief. When we have a Creuse Crest using a paw as symbol for Living-branch Levites, we have a trace back to Chryse / Chrysippus elements suspect with the Levite priesthood of Jonathan.

To assure that the lion's paw is code for Powys elements, the Powys surname itself uses a lion's paw. The fitchee crosses in the Powys Coat can trace to the same of Quints, and the fact that the paw is called a "gamb" may be indication of Gamble elements of El-Gabal. The Powys Crest is a bear's gamb. The bear's gamb holds a "scepter," and the last time that code came up, it seemed to indicate the SEPTimius bloodline. Caracalla was born with Septimius as his middle name, and he married El-Gabal. Caracalla is being viewed at this point as the middle of the road between the Caepio family and the Valentinian family at Cibalae, where the Justine's trace whose use a Shield-on-Shield like that of Chris'.

The island of Chryse is out to sea from Mysia. Troy was in Mysia. Apollo was proto-Troy. The priest of Apollo representing the island of Chryse has words put into his mouth by a fanciful myth writer: "'Hear me, Silver Bow [= the disgusting Apollo which the myth writer adores], protector of Chryse and holy Cilla, high lord of Tenedos... Tenedos was itself off the Mysian coast from Cilla, and while Achilles took the Chryse goddess, he also conquered Tenedos. Is this telling us that Cilla was the human-sacrifice cult of Achilles? I have yet to discover what geographical place "Achilles" refers to, unless we have just found it at Cilla. The problem is, Achilles was on the opposing side of Apollo in the Trojan war. No matter, both sides were related. Achilles elements may have been in Cilla initially, then moved elsewhere.

Mount Cyllene at Arcadia is said to be named after a son of Elatus. This topic has the potential to explain the founding of Lacydon by Phocaeans, and also the naming of Scotland through a Geddes branch to the Guidi's. Watch and see. If correct, and if Caracalla's parents birthed the Lacys and Geddes, then we should expect Elatus elements to trace to Caracalla's parent(s). Let's see whether that happens. Be reminded that both Savarys and Gamble's use a crane in Crest, which, in this case, may trace Severus and Domna to Gerenia, near mount Cyllene.

Elatus was representation for the city of Elateia, in the Delphi theater that was sacred to the Apollo Oracle and the Muses. "Delphi is both an archaeological site and a modern town in Greece on the south-western spur of Mount Parnassus in the valley of Phocis." One can easily see here a trace of "PARNassus to the Muses in Parium/PARION, and from the latter to Elateia, wherefore it's important that Cilla was mythically made a mate of Priam or alternatively a daughter of LaoMEDON, father of Priam. It is a very good argument for tracing Cilla to "Cyllene."

From the last update: "On the same day that Hecuba bore Paris, Cilla bore Munippus, to Priam..." It was this set of coincidences, along with LysiMACHE being made a daughter of Priam, that spurred a viewing of these terms as root to Hasmoneans from the family of Cilnius Maecenas. What we have in Elatus' associations with Cyllene is an excellent reason for tracing also to "Cilnius."

As Laomedon was identified with the Keturah > Medan line to Methoni > Modena, while her grandson (Dedan) was the founder of LETUSHites, compare that term with "Elatus." Then, I guessed (years ago, not now for making a fit needed at hand) that Letushites named Leto, Apollo's mother. The same grandson of Keturah (with Priam-like Abraham as the father) birthed the Leummites that I traced to Lemnos, and here we have just seem Cilla elements linked to islands in the domain of Lemnos.

What we here is a false-prophet, false-god cult from Keturah, I am sure. It may have started out as a Yhwh-based religion, but, in any case, why are Keturah's sons tracing to the same Kabeiri as had the Samson / Laish topic a few centuries later? Doesn't it suggest that Keturah's sons evolved into the Samson > Hercules line? What was going on in Hebron while the Israelites were slaves in Egypt? What were Keturah's sons developing into at that time? Proto-Apollo and proto-Hephaestus, right? The sleaze of Canaan.

As the Cephissus river is at the Athens theater, where the Kodros > Medon line ruled, see this: "Ancient Elateia was situated about the middle of the great fertile basin that extends nearly 20 miles, from the narrows of the Cephissus River below Amphicleia, to the entrance into Boeotia." The Cephissus is the river that I say got the head symbol (Greek "ceph" = "head") for the Medusa Gorgon. This river might even have named the mythical Capys Trojan, though I'm more sure that it was the naming of Hephaestus out of Ephesus. That is, I trace "Ephesus" to the Cephissus river, even as the Kodros line from Athens to Ephesus merged with the Ephesian line to queen Aedon of Boeotia.

In Thebes, Aedon was made a wife of Zethus, whose home was at Cithaeron, a Keturah-like term. Actaeon, son of Aristaeus, was killed at Cithaeron, a symbol of his attachment to that place. "[Actaeon] was transformed into a stag, and his raging hounds, struck with a 'wolf's frenzy' (Lyssa), tore him apart as they would a stag." Clicking to the Lyssa article because it may link back to Laish (the latter traces to Thebes as Laius, descendant of Cadmus in Thebes), we find an insanity / lunacy symbol, one that was applied already by my findings to Keturah lines. It was therefore conspicuous to find (below) a Leto-like term that is linkable to Letushites: "In Greek mythology, Lyssa (...called Lytta by the Athenians) was the spirit of mad rage, frenzy and rabies in animals. She was closely related to the Maniae, the goddesses of madness and insanity."

I understand this code work. It was written on a dark night by an idiotic myth writer who had nothing better to do. Maniae is code for the god, Manes, possibly from Mannae of Armenia, but, in any case, a representation of Maeonians = the lunatic Maenads. Manes was the grandfather of Lydus=Lydians, and I see Leto and Letushites forming Lydians. To now find a Lyssa code used for the Maenads suggests that Dionysus' other name, Lyaios, refers to this entity. It's tracing Laish's "Danites," probably from Manoah (the code given to mythical Samson's father), to the Lydia area of the Maeander river. But when the myth writer uses the Lyssa theme at Cithaeron, it supports all the more the idea that Laish's conquerors were Keturah liners. It's informing me that Keturah liners wrote the back of the book of Judges. Actaeon was obvious code for "Acte," the name of the Athens region before the cult of Attis, son of Manes, named it, Attica.

Reminder: the Aristobulus Maccabees are tracing to Aristaeus, father of Actaeon. The Sadducees (came from the Maccabee shadows) are known to be from a house of Boethus, smacking of Boeotians. Doesn't that make sense where Cithaeron is between Athens and Boeotia? Aristaeus was a honey / ambrosia entity that had something to do with child sacrifice. For example, Achilles' mother held her child by the ankle when dipping him into a vat of ambrosia (consequently, only his heel was left dry). Why are we seeing an Achilles link to Cithaeron? Aren't we expecting him to link to nearby Elateia?

The dream that concerned Chrysippus informed me that the 400 women from JABESH Gilead, who supposedly married 600 remnant Benjamites, as per the near-end of the book of Judges, evolved into "Jupiter" and the Japodes. I know I've said that 600 too many times for those who have followed this revelation, but there's a new point. I did not know of a controversy until now. Until now, I was under the impression that Jonathan, son of Gershom, was the grandson of Moses. But the Hebrew text, I've just learned, uses "Manasseh," not Moses, as Gershom's father. The people who translate Bibles, using "Moses" instead, argue that there is a one-letter difference in Hebrew between "Moses" and Manasseh" that can be justified. To get an idea of this controversy, see here:

It just so happens that the Israeli tribe of Manasseh, which smacks of "Manes," got allotted land on the east side of the Jordan...where Jabesh Gilead is located! But even the part of the Manasseh on the west side of the Jordan was directly across the Jordan from Jabesh Gilead. Moreover, Micah lived in Ephraim, and it just so happens that Ephraim and Manasseh were brothers (the two sons of co-king Joseph).

That's not all, the 600 Benjamites were, according to the story in Judges (which I do not trust for truth), the remnants of war between the tribe of Benjamin and Israel. This war started as a result of a Levite living in Ephraim, calling the rest of Israel to war against Benjamin. I don't throw out the entire Bible just because I view the last parts of Judges in this way. The point is, it seems that an early part of Manasseh's Israelites joined some Benjamites with Keturah lines in forming the god, Manes. The Keturah liners are thus suspect at Jabesh Gilead, and at Jebusite Jerusalem. Compare "Jabesh" with "Cephissus / Ephesus."

Sometimes, a Cotys term was made a son of Manes, and Attis the son of Cotys. The latter term may be from "Keturah" variations.

Here is a "coincidence." The son of Kodros who founded Ephesus was ANDROklos, and Perseus at Joppa married ANDROmeda. Perseus slew the MEDusa Gorgon by cutting off her head because AndroMEDA was a daughter of Cepheus (king of Ethiopia)...whom I traced to the Cephissus river. There was no Cepheus in Ethiopia; it's just code for an ATHENian cult south of Egypt. I trace it to Merowe (modern Sudan), where a mythical Merops (likewise a king of Ethiopia) ruled. There was no king Merops down there; it was mere code at the pen of a writer who wanted to indicate that peoples from mythical Merops of Kos were down south of Egypt, and probably out of Thebes of Egypt too. Merops of Kos birthed Pandareus in Ephesus, father in-turn of Athens-like Aedon, a representation of Egypt's Aten/Atun cult that was quite possibly from Abraham's god because it was a monotheistic sun-god cult.

As it was Helios who mated with the wife of Merops of Ethiopia, it indicates that he was the Aten/Atun sun-god cult into Rhodes, beside Kos. Helios with Merops' wife birthed Phaethon, whom I traced to "Python/Pythia," the dragon that Apollo killed when he became ruler of Delphi. I've read that Delphi was previous called by a Pythia-like term, and the priestess of the Delphi oracle was called a Pythia. Chances are, it traces to Meropian elements at Kos and/or Rhodes. Remember, Elateia, in the Delphi / Cephissus zone, from mythical Elatus, is suspect as a Letushite term.

The Pythia name has survived to modern Phthiotis. I was not expecting the following when mentioning Achilles above; "[Phthiotis] is best known as the home of Achilles." That little tidbit can trace Cilla to Delphi where Achilles was a Cilla element, and then neighboring Elateia is the founding entity of Cyllene. It's working pretty good to trace Achilles to Cyllene. It's then a little interesting that Achilles' mother, Thetis, is like "Zethus," husband of Aedon.

Myth writers were in the habit of creating new terms so that we would not recognize the connections they didn't want us to know. For example, a writer may have used "Thetis" to indicate Zethus because he didn't want us to know of an Achilles link to Aedon. As Achilles is now tracing back to Cilicia, perhaps "Aedon" was from Adana, in Cilicia. Adana was, in my strong opinion, a stopping point for the proto-Danaans before arriving to Rhodes and Argos.

What could it mean that Maccabees / Hasmoneans were from a false-prophet cult? The False Prophet beast of Revelation 13 is given two horns like a lamb, yet likened to a dragon. The capital of dragonic Phthiotis is Lamia. Could this apply to "lamb"? Could we expect the future False Prophet to be a Maccabee liner, from a false-Israel entity that gave Israel it's chief priests for killing the Lamb of God? Although the Greek for "lamb" must not apply to Lamia, might some families have used Lam-like terms in honor of their root in Lamia, and from this could their Germano-English branches not have come to use a lamb symbol?

That idea caused me to ask whether the El-Gabal sun god was Apollo (for he was made a sun god too), and that recalled the so-called Delphic Sibyl, the name of a divination cult of Delphi before Apollo arrived (it can be understood that the Apollo cult was the same one, but of later times). Didn't we just see a Sibal surname wrapped up in the family if Julia Domna Bassianus? And didn't we just see the Sibals linking to snake-using Seagers/Sugars??? It looks like El-Gabal was named after the Sibyl.

Can the Seager snake, identified with Glaucus, trace back to Delphi's Pythia cult? Yes, for that's where Achilles was at home, and he traces to "Cilicia," which I trace to the "Gileki," who I say put out "Glaucus." I even identified the Gileki as one of the two caduceus snakes, and here we are tracing the Gileki to a Pythia snake entity, and furthermore we are suddenly in the midst of tracing Achilles of Pythia to Cyllene, birthplace of Hermes, owner of the caduceus. In short, the Gileki named Cyllene, and are thus expected at the founding of Maccabees. "ArCADia thus looks like it was named in-part after "Cadusii," and bear symbol came later on look-alike reason with the Greek for "bear."

Below is a read on mythical Lamia, evoking the green Visconti snake with child in mouth. It's the color of the Seager snake. Is this not tracing Lamia to the Glaucus snake, thus corroborating that Gileki were at Delphi? See that Scylla was made a child of Lamia, whom Glaucus loved. Scylla was at Messina, where the Milans were first found, and then Visconti's ruled out of Milan. Milans use the tree-stump symbol of Esus, a human-sacrifice cult easily tracing to the Lamia theme, thus connecting with Achilles well. . Also keep in mind that the Moline/Moullens surname connects well to "Milan" (Scottish Milans are also "Mullen") while Seagers and Sibals use the so-called moline cross. As Seagers trace with Sawyers to the Sava, by what coincidence is there a Lamatis location (left side of map) off the Sava between the Urbanus and Oeneus rivers?

Not to be glossed over is where Lamia was from Libya (same theme as Athena), where the Meshwesh/Mazyes-branch Muses of Apollo lived, and then I think that king Massena traces to "Messina" while his son, Gulussa, was suspect as the Glass surname that I traced (years ago) to the Gileki > Glaucus line out of Scylla. In addition, recall that Kutaisi was on the Glaucus river, location also of Tyndaris, which place was made husband of Leda, the Spartan Leto, the namer of the Ladon river. In this picture, because Daphne was made part of the Apollo Oracle at Delphi, it appears that we are tracing from the Syrian city of Daphne (Harbiye), and it's Lotan dragon, to the Daphne (Taphians) peoples of the Ladon river, and that this dragon cult named Pythia at Delphi. Note how "ELATus" may have been a LADon entity, thus tending to reveal that seven-headed Lotan traces back to Letushites. In that picture, Lotan, father-in-law of Esau's son, connected to Keturah's Letushite descendants. If I have this pegged correctly, it reveals that the seven-headed Biblical dragon was an Esau-Keturah entity destined to become an aspect (Including Lamatis) of the Romans at the Japodes theater.

It has been my assessment that the "Lamh" term in the Brian and Sullivan mottos is code for Lamatis...because Salviae is nearby. It's this heraldic clue that made me confident of a Salyes trace to "Salviae." It's exposing why the Cilla entity should have linked to the Salyes, and yet I'm not prepared to equate "Cilla / Cyllene" with "Salviae." It doesn't feel right.

In ancient Greek mythology, Lamia was a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon...

In the myth, Lamia is a mistress of the god Zeus, causing Zeus' jealous wife, Hera, to kill all of Lamia's children (except for Scylla, who is herself cursed) and transform her into a monster that hunts and devours the children of others.

I know what this Lamia theme is, incorporating both the Hermes caduceus, and the Cilla-suspect Gileki. Lamia can actually be identified as the golden-fleece bloodline that was responsible for the golden lamb in the flock of Atreus (!!). This lamb gave Atreus the power to become the ruler of Argos/Mycenae. It is very possible for Cilnius "Maecenas" to trace to "Mycenae."

Atreus father, Pelops, was cut into pieces by his father and offered as food to the gods, you see. That's the Lamia theme, and, moreover, Lamia was made a daughter of Hecate, worshiped by Medea, daughter of the king who owned the golden fleece. But "Hecate" traces to "Hecuba" and "Hector," in my opinion, the very family of Cilla! It once again exposed that Achilles at Lamia was the Cilla line.

It goes to the Marsi too. I actually checked the Ankle surname on a sheer whim of connecting to Achilles' heel. I didn't expect anything. But there were the very five lozenges of the Marshalls, in the same colors and positioning! This not only clinches the Marshall trace to "Marsi," but exposes that ANGitia, the snake goddess of the Marsi, formed the Ankle/Ansell/Ancelle surname. It was not very long ago when I claimed that Angitia named the Angles, the proto-English!

Now think about it. Couldn't we expect the Greek or Latin line to the English to change the Greek/Latin for "goat" to goat-like terms? Wouldn't we expect the Greek/Latin line to the English to change the Greek/Latin word for "heel" to "ankle." Didn't we see the Latin Marsi tracing to the Mercia nation smack in Anglo-Saxon England?

The Angle's and Saxon's came out of the area of the Varni, where several related peoples worshiped Nerthus, whom I trace to the Neretva river, encoded by Greeks as the Nereids. Achilles' mother is the most-celebrated Nereid!

My senses have identified the SALAmander of the Julians/Gillians (and Seager-related Sagans) as code for the Maenad-rooted Manders (Keturah liners, right?), as well as Salyes lines. If correct, it traces Julians/Gillians to Salviae, beside Lamatis, where we expect the Achilles peoples from Lamia of Delphi. To thus find the Julians tracing to the river of the Maezaei explains why Julia Maesa and family uses "Julius / Julia. It corroborates the idea that Julians were at Guillestre on the river of the Salyes. Plus, Dauphine is beside Guillestre, and that area uses the dolphin, an old Greek symbol for Delphi. The MARleys use the dolphin design of the Dauphine surname.

Having proven correct, I think, on the Angitia trace to the naming of Angle's, it needs to be repeated that I'm lately tracing Angitia to the Angus surname using stars in the color of the Annas surname. It's suggesting that Annas of Israel was from this Angitia snake that traces back to the Geliki of Achilles, the same peoples whom I suspect at the foundation of Maccabees. The Norse surname, ANCITel, was suggested as an Angitia variation.

The Gileki were Iranians, by the way, the Aryan proto-English. As Gileki are suspect in becoming Colchians, and as the Argonautica myth had Jason sailing with Medea to the islands that include Losinj, where Colchians are known to have settled, it explains why Ankle's and Marshalls use lozenges.

Hecate-suspect Hector was the brother of Cilla, both the sons of Priam, and then the son of Letushite-suspect Elatus was credited with naming Cyllene, birthplace of Hermes, owner of the golden ram that became the Hecate-related golden fleece. What really was the dragon that protected the golden fleece in Colchis? I'll bet my molars that it was the Lamia entity, the one that named Lamatis inland of the Colchian-settled islands. There must have been a Lam-like people / geography in the Glaucus-river area of Colchis, and it came to Leda of Sparta with the Tyndaris region (see map) on the Glaucus, thus linking the Ladon dragon to the Lam entity suspect there. This Lam entity is suspect from around the lake Sevan area (see the lake at Soducena) because Leda's children were made swans. As Colchis is suspect as a Gileki settlement, the proto-English, we can indeed suspect that "Sevan" developed into "swan," the white bird.

It was after writing the paragraph above that I recalled ancient Elam. Although Elamites came to live around Susa (not far from an old Sittacene area that I identified as the roots of Zeus, i.e. the swan that Leda mated with), Elamites started on the southern shores of the Caspian sea...where Gileki lived!!! That really works, all thanks to the big mouth of heraldry.

I once read that Elamites became Deylamites, and if so, I would now trace Elamites to Desmonds / Da Mons i.e. Hasmonean lines. Ishtar of Babylon was made born in DilMUN/TelMON. I'm sure that this entity was Dia, wife of Ixion, explaining why Ixion was paired, almost, with Hera. I had identified proto-Zeus as a Deylamite / Elamite peoples that merged with the city of Rey/Ray/Rhegae (i.e. mythical Rhea, Zeus' mother) in the Gileki frontier.

I realize what an uphill battle it is to trace Sadducees to "Soducena," or to the Sittaceni peoples that were in Sarmatian Caucasia, for the claim of Sadducees, that they were from the Zadok priesthood of Israel, is very logical. However, my senses have led me to perceive Sadducees from Soducena's swan elements.

Hecate was given the same symbol as Scylla: multiple wolf heads. It is again telling us that Lamia (at Delphi) was part of the Hecate line. As Lamia is now identifying as the Lotan > Ladon dragon going back to Keturah lines, shouldn't "Medea" link to her son, Medan? Shouldn't "HECATe" be a version of ACTaeon (torn apart by wolves at Keturah-suspect Cithaeron), symbol of the Acte region around Keturah-infested Athens? God knew that Abraham's many nations from Keturah would become the chief satanic tool for to destroy mankind, didn't He? And so he chose Sarah for Abraham for to eventually crush the serpent, didn't He, with her seed?

Hermes was the one who helped Pelops of Lydia (on the Hermus river) gain Pisa, beside/near the Ladon river. Seagers use two snakes coiled around a staff/rod, the very symbol of the caduceus, and we just saw how "Sege" is registered with Saddocks. One could even argue that "Sava" (root of Seagers / Sawyers) was a swan entity from the Severus bloodline, although that would require a Sephar(vite) trace to the naming of "Sevan." Sepharvites (human-sacrifice cult) were proto-Spartans, were they not? I suppose that this exposes the Zeus-swan at Leda's feet as a Sepharvite entity. It jibes with my claim that the mythical ox (later the Zeus Taurus) was from "JOKtan," the sons of whom formed much of the Sepharvites. I had claimed that while Zeus was out of Sittacene, Hera, his only wife, was an Aras-river entity from Soducena. Ares and Hera were related in myth because both trace to the Aras, but then it needs to be noted that the Ares dragon protected the golden fleece.

I traced Hera at Soducena and neighboring JEREVan to "Gareb" at JERusalem; the latter was "Zedek" in early times, smacking of "SODUCena," and possibly responsible for the naming of the Zadok priesthood in the time of king David, the one who first conquered Jerusalem and Zion when it belonged to Jebusites. The question becomes whether Sadducees trace to "Zadok" or to Soducena-swan lines in northern Italy a couple of centuries BC.

When I traced Julians/Gillians to the Gileki, part of the reason was due to Wikipedia's article on the swastika, showing an ancient jewel, from the land of the Gileki, formed into a perfect swastika. I realized that Hitler's "Aryans" were secretly from Gileki lines, but noted how the big black cross of the Julians/Giillians looks like the makings of the swastika. The Nazi swastika is also black. While Julians/Gillians are now tracing to Julius Bassianus, whose daughter was named Maesa, it jibes with my trace of Hitler's mother to the Maschi's of Rimini.

Zeus, said one clever myth writer, gouged out the eyes of Lamia, and thus she became a better prophetess. The same theme, that a blind person is a better prophet, was given to Tiresias, the so-called "blind prophet," who adopted the caduceus of Hermes as code for his roots in the Cadusii/Gileki alliance. Tiresias was made the father of Daphne, but as her alternative father was Ladon, one could trace Tiresias elements to the Ladon river, and that of course pegs Tiresias elements (Tyrians?) at Arcadia, location of Cyllene, a mountain named after the Lamia-Achilles alliance in Delphi.

Tiresias' father, Everes, the so-called "shepherd seer," was code for Avaris, the capital of the so-called "Shepherd Kings, otherwise known as the HYKsos...who I trace to "HECuba" and "HECtor." The Lamia snake of Delphi was a Hyksos line, wasn't it, and it passed through Tyre as the Hermes cult, didn't it, to the Lydian > Ladon dragon, right?

Medea at Colchis likely had to do with AndroMEDA and MEDusa. These terms were traced by me to Medes and Parthians along with "Perseus," but suddenly it needs to be asked whether they were from "Medan" elements of Keturah. Where ANDROklos (brother of Medon) now seems to be a branch from Andromeda, the term "metal" may have derived from "Medan"...where Hephaestus off of Ephesus was a symbol of metal making. Hephaestus (son of Zeus = Elamites) can be gleaned as part of the Leummites half-expected in Ephesus. Might "Lamia" have been a Leummite branch?

Is it wrong to trace Lamia to Elamites? I don't think so. Elamites were Semites, and may have been in Hebron merging with Dedan, Keturah's grandson who birthed the Leummites. It is tending to reveal that Lemnos was named by Elamites. If correct, we would trace the Cilla line of Gileki to Lemnos, and indeed Cilla was related to islands out at sea in the Lemnos part of the pond.

There is a whole heap of ugly to be gleaned here on who-was-who in myth codes. The Lamia connection to Apollo-ite Libya connects to ATHENa (mated with Hephaestus to produce Athenian royals), and therefore to AEDON at Thebes (beside Athens, not far from Lamia of Phthiotis), not forgetting that Cilla was a real place at Thebe of Mysia. It's all a whack of Apollo-Muses from the Athens area into Libyan Cyrene, not forgetting that Hyksos named HECTor and HECATe so as to be exposed as the namers of Acte in proto-Athens Attica. This recalls evidence tracing Shuah, a son of Keturah (pre-dated Hyksos), to the makings of the Hyksos proper in Egypt.

Let's look at why Aedon's father was made, PANdareus, for Pan traces with Hermes to mount Cyllene, where Hermes was given a goat symbol (suspect with the term, "Kos"), explaining his son, Pan (half goat). If "Satyr" traces to "Keturah," you get it. Where the Pandareus > Aedon line out of Ephesus merged with the Kodros > Androklos line into Ephesus, we see Keturah-possible Satyrs in the Pandareus line to Thebes, founded by the Cadusii-Mus Armenians encoded in "Cadmus." One can't fail to see that Apollo, suspect from Letushites, was merged with Cadmus Tyrians who named the Muses...who lived at the Delphi - Elatus zone. Why should Keturah's Letushites be merged with Muses? Ask her line to the Mus household of the Khyan Hyksos, where God got into Khyan's face with Moses, raised in his own household, so ironic.

It reveals that Meshwesh of Libya were Tyrians / Phoenicians, as expected in that part of north-Africa. This was home to the Graeae and the Medusa Gorgons. The Graeae were depicted by a myth writer as ugly hags (Hephaestus symbol on Lamia-suspect Lemnos) sharing one eye between them, passing it around, like the gouged-eye symbol of Lamia. Lamia was also given an insanity symbol, tracing to Dionysus of Lemnos. DioNYSUS (son of Zeus the Elamite) traces to "Nuzi" in Iran, where we expect Elamites.

There is a Lamia surname, using a saltire in the colors of the Lamas lambs. This works excellently into my trace of Skotani to the naming of Scotland, for the Lamia saltire is used as the flag of Scotland today. The only reason that I was on the Elatus topic at all was as per a read of the Skotani article, where that place was part of the Arcadian branch of peoples to which Elatus belonged. The Lamia motto is that of the Caseys using the three eagles around a chevron suspect with the similar Tarent and Chill/Child Coats!!! Cilla-incidence? No. It means that the Cassius-Caepio household suspect in birthing Caiaphas was an Achilles-Lamia entity.

What's more, Alexander "the great" (Daniel gives him a goat symbol) claimed to be from a line of Achilles, and then the Maccabees, suspect from Cilnius lines, merged with Alexander Balas, from Seleucids whom Alexander "the great" put in charge of Babylon. After Alexander death, Seleucus I formed an empire out of Babylon, putting his capital at Daphne, and renamed it, Antioch. If Seleucus was himself a line from the Achilles-Lamia (Gileki-Elamite) alliance, it's begging the question of whether "SELEU(cus)" named Salviae near Lamatis.

When reading the Wikipedia article on Elam, it was noted that it fails to discuss Elamites of the southern-Caspian area. It focuses on the Susa-area Elamites, and centers them at Anshan, a term smacking of the Ansell variation of the Ankle's.

Panic: the Greco-Italian Scotland

I've never before thought of, or had reason for making, a Skotani trace to "Scotland." When it was learned shortly above that Skotani (in Paion) is in Kalavryta/KalaBRUTA, it all made sense, for BRUTA traces to "Bruttium," while "CALAVRita" traces to "Calabria." Thus, if Bruttium named Britain, the Skotani elements expected at Bruttium look like the namers of the Scots.

This recalls the very-unexpected trace (thanks to heraldic clues several weeks ago) of Guido Guerra (Bologna area), and the ALBerts of Bologna, to the very ALPin kings of the Picts (living in ALBa) who named Scotland. But that trace was after learning of the link between the Paeoni-suspect Panico's to Guido Guerra! How could it be a coincidence that I now find Skotani in a Paion area of Greece? As the Lamia serpent is expected at the Ladon, while Skotani is near the Ladon, it tends to explain why the Lamia surname uses the Scottish flag.

As Skotani of Paion was near the Daphne-honoring Taphians, note that Payens were in Dauphine. Again, Daphne was part of the dolphin and laurel symbols of Delphi's Apollo Oracle, and the Delphi theater is where the Lamia location is found. The Le Mas location is to the south side of Dauphine. It's as though we should be expecting the False-Prophet dragon-like lamb from this Lamia > Le Mas entity.

It's more amazing now because the Guido Coat is a version of the Skit Coat while the Sched/Shed Coat is partly a version of the Skit Coat. Lately, the Skeoch variation of Skits was traced to "Schio," a location near Vicenza). It apparently means that the Skits and Scheds/Sheds were the namers of Scotland. English Sheds, it can be added, are in the colors of the Lamia saltire.

The Lamia saltire is couped, by the way, as is the Cooper/Copper chevron, meaning that Lamia's trace to the Coopers who use a blue saltire, the color of the Malcolm saltire, important, not only because Malcolms were kings of early Scotland, but because the Malcolm saltire is colors reversed from Lamia / Scotland saltire. The Eugene's use the same-colored saltire as Lamia's / Scotland, and they trace to Euganeo, near Schio.

By what coincidence do Sheds look like a branch of Keturah-line Cutters?

In the last update, we read that a mythical Cilla was made a daughter of LaoMEDON and Strymo, the latter representing the Strymon river. "[The Paeoni/Paioni] occupied the entire valley of the Axios (Vardar) as far inland as Stobi, the valleys to the east of it as far as the Strymon and the country round Astibus and the river of the same name, with the water of which they anointed their kings. Emathia, roughly the district between the Haliacmon and Axios, was once called Paeonia..."

The sacred ASTIbus location just evoked my Stura examination on whether the Stura valley of Cuneo, near Asti of Cuneo, was named after Satyrs. It just so happens that the real Satrae peoples were on the Strymon! It means that "Stura" was named after Strymon-river peoples, and that the Paeoni were at Asti!!!

Yes, for that latter location is on the Tanaro river so that the pine CONEs of the Tanners are suspect with surnames after "CUNEo," but also as code for the Payen-suspect Pine's/PYNE's. French Pine's were even first found in Limousin, founded by Lemnos-based Lemovices suspect with the Lamia line.

It is not surprising to find that Payens were a Masci-related line because Paeoni-suspect surnames were traced to Moesia's Pek river. But as I insisted that Skits, Scheds and even the Scott surname all traced to Placentia with the Scute's, the Le Mose part of Placentia must be from "Moesia," and yet "Le Mose" smacks of "Le Mas" (near the Durance), where the lamb-using Lamas's were from who use Lamia colors! The Maschi's even use pine cones.

The Lamia-allied Cilla entity gets into this where her alternative mother to Strymo was Placia. Think of it: Achilles in Placentia, home of the Ananes Gauls suspect with the naming of Angus, and therefore suspect with the Anglos now tracing to Achilles' ankle, so to speak. It makes it seem as though Annas/Ananus of Israel was a Cilla liner, as expected where Cilnius elements are tracing to Maccabee ancestry. Of interest here is that the Blois surname was trace-able earlier in this update to the blue color of the Livius bloodline that merged with Caepio's in the family expected to birth Caiaphas, and then the Blois Crest uses "An ANGEL holding a dragon's head." Italian Angels use the Levi-lion design in brown, as well as triple bends that could link them to the Marsi-suspect Merits.

I would like to know why Paeonia was also called, Emathia. We were on the Mathy / Mathie bloodline earlier in this update. Might it apply to Emathia? I think so. Here's how. First, the French Clair's/Clere's (this line married "the tanner"), first found in the same place (Limousin) as French Pine's (trace to Paeoni on the Tanaro), use what I glean to be the Mathy/Mattei besants. Secondly, I recall an Espina-like surname/entity that was of Massa-Carrara. If I recall correctly, it was while writing on that Espina entity that I discovered the undeniable link between Massa (beside Carrara) and the Massi-Mattis surname.

Thus, this surname is suspect from Emathia, and moreover Paeonians are suspect at Massa-Carrara. You can glean that the Espina entity led to the Payen-suspect D'Espaines surname that was ancestral to the Meschins. The Clere/Clair leopard is suspect with the same of the Mosca's of MonteCHIARO, for the Chiaro surname is also "Claro." Mosca's were first found in Pisa, about 25 miles south of Massa or Carrara. If you recall, English Clare's use the triple chevrons of English Mathie's/Matthews, thus clinching a trace of Limousin's Pine's/Lespinasse's to Paeoni lines at Massa-Carrara.

Penners use a "clarum" motto term. The Maceys (Cheshire), Pinders/PYNders/Penders (Cheshire), and Spine's all use a white-on-blue chevron, the colors of the Shed/Shedden chevron...all in the colors of the Massi/Mattis checks, which are used by Fers/Ferrats from Montferrat smack beside Paeon-founded Asti. It was the Montferrats who married Guido Guerra.

All that time when tracing Montferrat's Rainier line to a marriage with Guido Guerra of Panico associations, I did not know that Paeoni had founded Asti.

Upstream on the Tanaro from Asti is Alba, thus suspect as the place that named proto-Scotland.

As English Pine's/Pyne's use what looks like a version of the Wayne Coat, it not only links them to PENdragons (because Wayne's use a version of the Irish Arthur Coat), but suggests a trace of Pendragons and other Paeoni lines to the "Phone" variation of Macey-related Veyne's/Vains/Fane's from Fano, near Rimini, where Maschi's were first found that trace by their pine cones to Paeoni lines in Cuneo, where the Masci surname is expected. Whew. And that's the painful truth about Hugh de Payen.

I've just gone searching for that Espina-like term at Massa-Carrara, and have found a family tree of Maria Beatrice d'Este (18th century). Her mother was from Malaspina, duchess of Massa. "Malaspina" could be understood as Malahule-Spina, for Balso D'Espaines was a grandson of Malahule. In the same way, the "Malatesta" term in the write-up of Maschi's may be understood as Malahule-Este. Maria's father was of Modena.

Here is a version of the Massi/Mattis Coat in the Arms of the Massa-Carrara dukes.

As Asti is suspect in "Este," one could now trace the Astibus location of the Paeoni to Este, beside Euganeo (i.e. uses the Lamia saltire), and not far from Schio. It is very important to trace the Lamia's to Euganeo, for I identified Euganeo with the Ugrians behind the first Hungarians, and, independent of that, I traced Scotland's flag, called "Andrew's Cross," to king Andrew of Hungary, the one who was living in exile (In Kiev) with princess Margaret, who would later marry Malcolm III, king of Scots.

As Guidi's of the Guido-Guerra household were supported of the Welf-branch Este's, it would probably pay to bet that the Panico's and related Pinks, Points, and Payens/Paions/Paionts were out of Este. Italian Spina's may be using the Payen stars.

Spoons use Spine colors, and both were first found in Warwickshire. Spoons (could be using the Vere boar in colors reversed) are suspect as a Vere line of the Drake kind from dukes of Masovia (used the Drake wyvern), for I trace Warwick to Warsaw, the Masovia capital.

By now, you've probably realized that Spine's were Paeoni lines from the Espaines / Espinosa kind, which should explain why Aspens use a split Shield in the colors of French Paine's/Payns. As English Paine's use "Malo mori" in a motto to indicate Malahule of More, it becomes exposed that the Claro family of Rollo (nephew of Malahule) was a Paeonian one. Remember: Drakes, using "muscus" in their motto, are from the Drago river, near Claro's of the Montechiaro kind that married Mosca's.

The Drago flowed to Agrigento. It flattens me now that Agrigento was introduced during an investigation into the Stura valley, and, thanks to an emailer, Agrigento was found at that time to link to the Stura. Here we now find that Paeoni lines were in both places.

I can now tend to clinch the trace of mythical Lamia to the Lamas surname. Keep in mind that she was a snake woman, and that the ancestral kings of Athens were given snake tails, as was Melusine, whom is in the Arms of Warsaw. The early form of Zeus was himself portrayed with a snake tail below the waist, and he mated with Lamia to birth Scylla. It reminds us that Hercules mated with a snake woman to birth Scythe, who must have been the Scythian basis for the Skits, Scheds, and Skotani. The Scots even claim to be from a Scythian entity out of Miletus, not far from LATmus, home of Cyllene-like Selene, near a Clarus area of Lydia. We are looking for Cilla links to Leto, right?

You understand, only a blockhead could give birth to a Scythe, and that's what the snake symbol represents: stupid peoples. You may say that a serpent is crafty, smart, but I say it was used by myth writers to portray inhuman, backward animals in human form. The beastly killers of humans, who may have eaten them, cannot be depicted as intelligent. Lamia took the cake for qualifying as a beastly human product. And Nicholas de Vere honors this line of witchcraft, and would like the world to confuse it with the religious views of Jesus Christ.

Spanish Lama's/Lamas' use the oak tree that can trace to Panico's. But they also use scallops, symbol of Scylla. Scylla was a wolf monster that ate sea-farers. There is a wolf at the base of the Lamas oak. The Lamas scallops are in the colors of the English Lamas lambs, and then the latter were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Seagers/Sugars, where the Lamia entity traced as per the Delphic Sibyl. Seagers/Sugars were a branch of the snake god, Sugaar, a Basque god which may therefore connect with Spanish elements. But the Spanish Lamas' were first found in ASTurias, smacking of an Astibus line of Paeonians.

Now that it's assured that Herod-based Arthurians trace to Emathia via the clans said to be from "Mathghamhan = bear," we should mention that Elatus at Cyllene was the son of Arkas, founder of Arcadia that was responsible for the ursa/bear constellations. This Herod line tracing to Elatus is important if Elatus' Cyllene entity named CILNius. Let's investigate Emathia, which is Imathia today: "According to Solinus and Justin, Emathia was named after the Samothracian king Emathion and not after the local Emathus." Perfect, for Cilla elements were expected as part of the Kabeiri cult, which was founded by Iasion/Iasius of Samothrace.

Some say that Eetion and Iasion were the same person, but I say they that they were of the Aeson > Iason line of golden-fleece myth. Same as Lamia. It just so happens that Eetion, who I traced to "ETHiopia," was a ruler in Thebe, location of Cilla!

Emathion was king of Aethiopia...and brother of Memnon. Heracles killed him [may be code for Samson > Hercules elements taking over in Samothrace].

...Emathion was king of Samothrace, was the son of Zeus and Electra (one of the Pleiades), brother to Dardanus, Iasion, Eetion, and (rarely) Harmonia. He sent soldiers to join Dionysus in his Indian campaigns.

Electra is of the family of Electryon and Alcmene, mother of Hercules.

It was just recalled with the mention of Eetion that Thebe is in a Cilicia region of Mysia!! I had forgotten that when suggesting that Cilla could be from "Cilicia."

We read of yet another Mache-named character: "In Greek mythology, Eetion was the king of the Cilician Thebe. He is the father of AndroMACHE, wife of Hector..." As per the former suspicions that Achilles was a Cilla liner, we also find: "In Book 6 of the Iliad, Andromache relates that Achilles killed Eetion and his seven sons in a raid on Thebe..."

This must be a small snapshot of the Trojo-Ethiopians represented by king Cepheus, father of Andromeda, but removed from Joppa to Thebe under Eetion, father of Andromache, wife of Hector, the latter being a brother to Cilla and to LysiMACHE. To thereby find more Mache elements with Cilla only raises the suspicions that the Mache people group went to Cilnius Maecenas.

Mysia is where the Hercules line ruled over 500 years immediately before the founding of Lydia proper. This Hercules was from the sons of Khyan Hyksos and his Mus household. There is no greater blockhead than the Exodus pharaoh. We now see better how Khyan, whose descendants are suspect with Caeni near LysiMACHIA, can trace to the chief priests of Israel. The Mache entity was that of Khyan's descendants, wasn't it?

Back on the Emathus page, we find a third and fourth mythical character with that name: 1) "Emathion was a Trojan prince, and the father of Atymnius and Diomedes, by the naiad Pegasis, daughter of the river god Granicus." 2) "Emathion was an aged member of Cepheus's court." The four Emathions do not necessarily contradict, but may be four snapshots of one people-group at different places / times. This data traces the Pegasus Gorgons to the Granicus river, with a source at Troy and a mouth at Marmara, near Parion.

Pegasus was born from the head of Medusa, thus clinching the idea that Cepheus of Ethiopia was a fanciful term for a Medusa-Gorgon line...from Parion's Gorgons, right? Yes, for while Parion (a real place) was what named Paris (brother of Hector), I came to the conclusion that "Perseus" was a form of "Paris." If this is correct, the Parion Hyksos founded Mycenae, for myth made Perseus the founder of Mycenae, and of the Danaans there. One could thus trace "Mycenae" back to the Mache terms of Troy circles. The Greek ruler in the mythical Trojan war was made AgaMEMNON, born in Mycenae. Thus, the Emathus entity (made a brother of MEMNON in southern Egypt) traces smack to Agamemnon too, brother of the Mun-suspect Menelaus.

The Wikipedia writer and/or the historians he/she echoes has the naivete or the cunningness to define "agamemnon" as "very steadfast." Agamemnon was given children such as Orestes (traces to Orest(e)ia of the Odrysians) and CHRYSothemis. The latter can be linked easily to Chrysippus, a queer-society people. We are talking about the Galli transvestites, over-shadowed by the sun god, Attis/Atty, as they worked their way into Peloponnesia.

It appears that we could trace the Agamemnon Spartans to Emathia, the land otherwise known as Paeonia. Perhaps you don't understand me. Orestia was at Arda on the Hebros, a place I trace to the Arthur surname. And Emathia is suspect as the makings of the Arthur-related lines of Mathie's and Mathuna's. These are the same Spartans that trace to Atrebates, one branch of which was at the Artois capital (Atrecht).

Wikipedia's article on Orestes says that he was connected with TeleMACHus, and so remember that Mathie's and Mathuna's also went by "Maghan/ Makin / Mahon." The idea that Aristobulus IV, father of Herod Agrippa, traces to Orestes elements along with the "rest" symbol of the Arthur surname, is a good one where these Mache terms led to Maccabees. Wikipedia says that "Telemachus" means "far from battle." I never know whether it's naivety, or deliberate falsification, at the bottom of these silly ideas. You would think that expert historians would put two and two together to arrive at the realities behind myth codes. Myth writers made it plain that myth characters were named after locations and people groups. Far from battle?? Hello?

The first Aristobulus was a Maccabee king of about 100 BC, and Aristobulus II and III were other Hasmonean kings, suggesting already that Herod Agrippa was a Maccabee liner. Aristobulus III (grandson of II) was the brother of a Miriame, a Hasmonean, and wife of Herod "the great." She named Aristobulus IV. These Aristobulus' were from Maccabees named Alexander, whom I trace back to king Alexander Balas, a Seleucid merger with Jonathan Maccabee. Thus, AristoBULUS seems to be in honor of "Balas," though a Wikipedia writer might define "Aristobulus" as "stopping the bull."

Agamemnon married a swan-line daughter of Tyndareus, who was himself a son of Gorgophone, son of Perseus and Andromeda. You can see what's happening here, a line from Ethiopia through Israel and into Sparta. I'm sure I know that this was a line of Joktanites / Sepharvites (proto-Spartans) out of Yemen and Aden, across the sea to Ethiopia, and down the Nile to the Israeli theater. However, the swan part of these Spartans was from lake Sevan, itself suspect as the original Sepharvite entity at Sephar. I expect the swan liners in Sparta to migrate though the land of Paeonia, to northern Italy, and to be amongst the Skits and Scheds in the formation of proto-Sadducees at the Setta valley of the Panico's.

Note the MN in "MiriaMNe, MeMNon, AtyMNius and ClyteMNestra (AgameMNon's wife). I've always wondered what 'mn' stands for in Clytemnestra. The myth writers must have known.

"Pharisee" may trace to "Paris" elements, especially where Paris abducted Helen, a swan liner (Helen was a sister of Agamemnon's wife). Helen and Paris were merged in an alliance, therefore. Josephus claimed that there was a Pharisee named "Sadduc," and perhaps this name was floating around to others of that period. Sadduc, says Josephus, joined an insurrection against Romans led by Judas the Gaulonite. I can't find what a Gaulonite is, but "Helen" is not a far cry from "Gaulon." For the record, Judas was from a city of Gamala, smacking of a term from Gambel / Cammel. I did suggest that Sadducees may have been from the priesthood of El-Gabal. Sadducees gave lip-service to the God of Israel, and were concerned purely for keeping political power through their priesthood. They were phony priests.

Can anyone see the possibility that, while Pharisees were of the Perseus line, Caiaphas was from Cepheus lines? What would it mean that Caiaphas traces to the Cephissus river of Athens? Keturah liner?

Another Atymnius (a queer-society people-group of a screws-loose kind) was the son of Zeus and Cassiopeia (part symbol of Ioppa/Joppa), but the latter was made the wife of king Cepheus too, and then Zeus had a head symbol of his own. I think it was Athena who was born fully armed in weaponry from the head of Zeus, suggesting that Zeus elements were on the Cephissus river. I assume here that "ATY" is from something similar to "ETHIopia," which may reveal that Atty (sun god of Phrygia), father of Lydus, was of that Trojo-Ethiopian line. Another Atymnius yet was made the father of a Mydon character (suspect from Keturah and ultimately naming Methoni/Modon and Modena).

I had identified the Ethiopians of Cepheus as Amorites out of Hebron / Jerusalem, in cahoots with Keturah liners. The first-mentioned Atymnius was linked by the myth writer to SARPedon, whom I view as Garebites in Crete. We also read of this Atymnius: "Others call him a son of Phoenix (mortal husband of Cassiopeia). He seems to have been worshipped at Gortyn in Crete together with Europa." It looks like the Ethiopian line under discussion was the one described by other means though the Poseidon > Phoenix line. The Gortyn code along with "Mydon" suggests king Midas and Gordias. This second Cassiopeia was made a daughter of Arabus (son of Hermes), another Gareb-like term.

Another Atymnius: "A companion of Sarpedon, from Lycia. He was the son of Amisodarus (who had reared Chimera) and brother of Maris." I would view this as Garebites with Lycians from Lachish, but the Chimera dragon was traced (by me) to "Chemmis," home in Upper Egypt of Yuya, of the Aten/Atun cult. Maris looks to be named after Mari, the Amorite capital in Babylon.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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