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August 19 - 25, 2014

Greater Exposure of the Benjamin-Jabeshite Peoples
The Hrosy-Creusa

When the Moke's / Mochs indicated by the Nimo's/Nemmoke's/Nemmochs were in Stirlingshire, where the latter surname was first found, did they have contact with the Chappes'/Cheaps, first found in the same place? Ask the Nimo saltire, in the colors of the Quint chevron.

When the Guiscards/Wisharts, first found in the same place, joined the Ore's, were they not joining the line of Aurelia Cotta? Isn't that why the Chappes'/Cheaps share "wheat" and "garb" with Wessels? One could argue that the Wessel line of Vestalis merged with the Quintus-Caepio line long after Vestalis' life (his life may have over-lapped some parts of Joseph Caiaphas' life). Didn't we see the Cott line of Vestalis' father go to the Colts / Coutts/Coots, first found in Perthshire, smack beside Stirlingshire?

What are the chances that March's, taken from Newmarch variation of Nimo's, were first found in the same place as Julians and Chapmans? The March's not only share the Nimo crescents (in the colors of the Seaton / Bellamy crescents, and colors reversed from the German-Julian crescents), but show the Newman / Raines / Patty / Cabbage lions on what could be construed as the Shield of Sadducee-suspect Shutz's. Pattys use their identical lions on the eSCUTcheon-using Saddock Shield.

If "Cabbage" was a Caiaphas variation, we might expect the Cabbage-like Savage's (first found in the same place as Newtons), with lions in colors reversed from the Cabbage lion, to share a black lion paw with the Quint Crest.

Whenever I say that such-and-such is using the such-and-such symbol of the such-and-such Coat, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a direct marital merger between the two surnames. For example, we would expect the Julians to marry Seatons for common links to Israel's lines of chief priests, explaining why they share crescents, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Julians married Seatons directly. Rather, Julians could have married a surname that had already adopted the Seaton crescents, and so Julians got the Seaton crescents that way. At times, marital mergers are cause for symbols in colors reversed. Nimo lines are expected to use Seaton crescents where both surnames are from or to Numidians, but, as we can see, Nimo kin by marriage were involved in the Israeli lines. They had the common "prize" of being historically IMPORTANT (spit) for killing Jesus. At times, some of these liners had a bond for an activist agenda to destroy the Catholic church, then Protestants when they arose, and now any Christian group that becomes influential. They worm their way into churches. Jehovah's Witnesses have armies going door to door to de-value Jesus, if possible, turning Him into a created being, the arch-angel Michael, not considering the obvious question; how could Michael be sinless?

Jehovah's Witnesses were founded by a Russell surname in some cahoots with Lord Rothschild, who was working with a satanist leader of Britain, Arthur Balfour. Balfours use an otter's head, which goes to Cottius-suspect Oters/Others, and the latter use crescents in the colors of the Julian / March crescents, colors reversed from the Seaton crescents, important because Seatons and Balfours share a "FORward" motto term. That tends to reveal that Seatons are related to a FOUR/Fower-like surname used by Balfours. The Balfour-Crest "baton" gets the Baston surname in the colors of Balfours, Bessins/Beestons and Bistons, suggesting the Bistones...who are suspect in the Boost/Boast surname honored by the Nimo motto.

For more upright white lions and two green Shields, see the Bostons and Fore's/Forez's. The "travers" motto term of the latter gets a chevron in colors reversed to the Balfour chevron, and another white lion in Crest, as well as scallops in the colors of the same of Russells and white-lion Bakers. The Forez' share two lions facing one another with Ferrey's/Fairie's, and the latter use a "plough" in Crest while the last update reported on the "plowshare" of the Cotis/Curtis surname. The Plow/Ploughdon surname (more white fleur) uses a dancette for proving that the Cotis' are from the Donnus > Cottius line. The Plows are one of the few surname's whose stag design matches that of the Stewarts in all respects, and that's logical where Plows were first found in Shropshire.

I've just realized that the OsWESTry location (in Shropshire) of Stewarts should be from a WEST-surname branch from "Vestalis" (son of Cottius). The West's (first found in the same place as English Stewarts and Were's) even share the same dancette (not same colors) as Plows. What a nice piece of understanding. The Cottius>Vestalis line was in Shropshire with Alans, how-about that!

Another surname using a chevron in colors reversed from the Balfour chevron is that of the Forward/Forwood surname, and its patee crosses and colors suggest the Patty's and Nitts in cahoots with Kilpatricks on the Nith. It's where Cabbage's have traced. Scottish Woods happen to use the heraldic savage in Crest while Savage's (first found in the same place as Forwards/Forwoods) were expected to be from a variation of "Cabbage." That works, and reveals that "Ward" can be a branch of Forwards even as Wood's have just proven to be. The Wood savage holds a club while the Clubs were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. Clubs (share a white chevron with Woods) are said to be from Cheshire, where Woods were first found.

Alternatively, the BalFOWER variation may link to Fire's/Fewers (come up as "Furr" and "FeWERE"), honored by the motto of the Were's (another white lion in Crest), named as per the Were river through Durham, where Bakers were first found (it looks Fire-important that Bachs use "vair FUR"). You can see a Were-Raines relationship here, and Were's are indeed a Vere branch. The Fuhrer-like variations of Fire's can link them to the Forrens/Fuhrers/FURET's, first found in Switzerland (uphill from FORET), but the large fleur of the Forrens/Fuhrers suggests the large fleur of Nazi-liner Bush's/Buschs (and Bosch) because Busca is very near the Stura river, where Fire's have traced (see last update). The plowSHARE in my opinion links to the Schere's/Scherfs, thus tracing the senior president George Bush (born a Scherff) to the Cott-Julian circle.

The FARNdon location of Clubs smacks of a Forhan variation, and Farndon's use vair fur. The purple Shield of Farndons can link them to the same of Pace's, which can then get Farndons to Bologna with Italian Pace's/Pascel's.

Irish Forrens/Forhans are also "Foreham" and share footless martlets with Formans/Forhams. As the latter were first found where Seatons were first found (close, anyway), the "forward" motto term likely represents the Forum Allieni lines to Sion/Sitten.

ZOWIE, the Dan-Brown code, "Sophia NEVEu," NOT COINCIDENTALLY, gets the Neve's with white-on-black fleur-de-lys, the colors of the Cabbage fleur, and while Cabbages are the ones with an "angustis" motto term, Neve's were first found in Angus. Don't Neve's smack of "New"...a good reason to identify the code with Sophonisba, meaning that, although she was from Carthage, she (or her father, Hasdrubal) may have been Numidian. Were Cabbage's Numidians or merely merged with them?

While both Cabbages and Elis are tracing to the Benjamite-Jabesh merger, the Neves use the black Ellis cross and format (five white symbols on both their crosses). On top of that, one Brown Coat gets more WHITE-ON-BLACK fleur-de-lys, exposing again that Dan Brown is a fraud (playing secret games) and bloodline luster. The Brown Coat strikes me as a version of the Vaughn and Pendragon Coats, and then the Fore's/Forres' are using black fleur, what could develop from a colors reversed version of any of the white-on-black ones. The June's, suspect with Ben-Jabeshites at mythical Juno, use three black fleur in the positions of the Fore fleur.

The Westle's/Westly's (green wyvern dragon helps to link them to Guerra's) were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Juno's and Julians/Gillians. The white scallops of the Westle's must be those of the Capes' (another white lion), first found near Cambridge, and likely of the Chapmans (likewise first found in Cambridge). Does a Capes Shield matching a Westle Shield have potential to link Joseph Caiaphas directly to the Cotta>Caesar line??? Yes.

The "love" motto term of Westle's must be for the Love's/Luffs using the red lion heads of Fermins. For the Chrysippus discussion to follow, let's add that Fermins use a "Christo" motto term. The Forrens/Forhans use "Christi."

Therefore, Cabbages trace to Brunswick elements with Browns, and as such the Cabbage's are expected with Fermin-like FORMans using the Brunswick lion (reminder: Bruno's and WORMs share bends in colors reversed). That can get Cabbage's to count VRM of Angusta, said by one writer I quoted recently to be the father-in-law of king BELa (like BALfour) of Hungary. As Forman-like Fermins use anchors, it could even be that proto-Anchors/Annackers (i.e. ANAKi) changed "Augusta" to ANGusta. The Anchors/Annackers are even in August colors. The Strange's that I think the Brunswick lions link to can now tell a story as to why Anaki at Angusta should be found at Sarzana, which generally explains why elements of Moldova ended up there.

The Story told by Creusa

This story (written the day after the last update was finished) supposes that Gophers are Gogi liner of the Googe kind from SOPHonisba, and that she was named after Sophene because the religious cult of Archelaus (Syria) had connections to neighboring Sophene. Seth, father of Annas, and known to be from Syria, can be suspect from this Archelaus family. Herod Archelaus was named after it when he married Glaphyra Archelaus, and if it was his choice to live in Vienne-Isere when the Romans expelled him from Israel, it is suspect that he went there to be with the Ferte-honoring Cottius family, because the Vienne Coat is the Ferte eagle in colors reversed. The Wessel garbs are used by Comyns, a surname like the Comana location of the Archelaus cult.

Gophers use blood drops, same as Trypillian-suspect Drops/Trope's (another white lion), first found in the same place as Benjamins, and using what I think is the Shield of the Arms of Agrigento. If correct, Drops should be sharing the Anchor/Annacker Shield.

Let's entertain the idea that Sheds/Scheds were from Seth lines, and that they traced to the Putna river, and were therefore from Angusta, explaining why the Annas and Angus surnames share the same star. It was caesar Augustus that expelled the Herods from Israel in 6 AD, at which time he made Annas the high priest (i.e. the Roman puppet) of Israel. It can be expected that, after Augustus' life, the Anaki changed the name to of the location to Angusta, but just compare "Anak" with "Annas," and don't forget that Anaki lived in Hebron while Hebrons/HEPburns trace to Kiev with KEEPs who use a weaver's SHUTtle. In other words, the Anaki suspect at Angusta also came to be at nearby Kiev, or at least merged with elements at Kiev, and it just so happens that peoples of Kiev claim to be from a Rus peoples other than the Varangian Rus of Kiev. The "tryst" motto term of Hebrons is now tracing to Trusesti, the northern part of Moldova i.e. closest to Kiev.

I say that the rose symbol of Rosicrucians = Rosy-CROSS was from Rhodes, and so note that Hebrons use the rose, tending to link them with Varangians of Kiev. However, I learned of a Hros peoples in the Ukraine, and traced mythical "CREUSa" to "Hros/Hrus" as a stab in the dark. Let's assume that this was correct to see what it can do for this story. Let's assume that the Varni-rooted Varangians went to Kiev in the first place to assist their distant Hros kin. This idea reveals "Rosy-Cross" as code for the Varangian-Hros merger at Kiev, which can be viewed as a Rosy-Creusa merger. Right? And let my trace of Creusa's Hros elements to the naming of Rhodes be assumed true too, while other Hros peoples stayed in the Ukraine (location of Kiev).

Some years after suggesting a Creusa trace to Rhodes, I learned that there was an arrondissment named after Creusa smack beside Rodez of France. Good one, John, give yourself a smack on the back.

It just so happens that Creusa was the wife of Annas-like mythical Aeneas, who pre-dated Annas of Israel by centuries, yet was invented by Virgil...who happened to be writing the myth codes under the supervision of Augustus. In other words, Virgil may have been tracing the founder of Romans (Aeneas) to the same line that produced Annas of Israel, from proto-Angusta and other areas of that Moldova theater. In other words, Augustus himself was from this Aeneas-Creusa entity suspect as Anaki at Moldova. Then, shocking as it is, Aeneas and Creusa were stationed at Agrigento (not my idea but I agree) when having relations with mythical Dido of Tyre, the founder of Carthage according to Virgil. If one compare's "AKRAGas with a hardened form of "Creusa," it can be gleaned that Creusa elements to Crux- / Cross-like surnames apply to Agrigento elements.

Was not Aphrodite traced to Moldova aside from any Annas considerations? She happens to have been the mother of Aeneas. We now know what Virgil was talking about in founding the Romans in the Transylvania theater, and so let's not lose sight that while Moldova was named after a wolf entity, ditto for Romans as told by the Virgil myth.

Now, as God revealed to me through a dream that Romans were founded by the Benjamite-Jabesh merger at Rimmon, I will trace these Benjamites to the Anaki of Angusta, and to the line of Augustus, and to the line of Annas. From this, it is expected that Hebron elements in Israel moved with Benjamites to Moldova, which was the land of Royal SCYTHians (I view them as Biblical Gog) that easily makes for the name, Seth, Shet or Shed. We can even ask whether Augustus was named after Auser elements, or whether Auser elements were Ugors / Ugrians that I trace to "Gugar" = Gogarene at lake Sevan. If the Auser was named by Ugrians, then the namers of the Auser would trace to Ugarit in Syria, and this can explain why I found proto-Hungarians (known to be Ugrians) on the Ticino, not far from the Auser.

[Hungarians were co-founded by the Menumorat Khazars/Kabars at Bihar, and it just struck me while writing this update that Weavers are a variation of Giverns. This is amazing. I was asking whether "Weaver" could have some Quiver variation when Giverns came to mind, who are also the Biggars (that I've traced to "Bihar"), and it just so happens that the Arms of Shetland uses a "Med Byggar" (or "Byggja") motto phrase. Therefore, it appears that the Weavers, honored by "weaver's shuttle's," are in the circle of families that named Shetland from Shuttle / Shuttleworth lines. In fact, the "dulce" motto term of Shuttleworths (weavers shuttles in Coat) was traced suggestively to the Dallas surname, which uses the same Coat as Biggars/McGiverns! Shuttle liners named Shetland! Of further interest, Shuts use a motto term in honor of Guido Guerra lines while Guido's share an hourglass Shield with the Sheets/Sheds.]

Add to this picture my finding that the stag-using Jungs/June's and Yonge's/Youngs trace to mythical Juno on the Aeneas-like Oeneus river, and we have reason for tracing the Anaki of Angusta to the Oeneus river. As this was a line from mythical Oeneus at Methoni, let me repeat that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg traced Vere's (i.e. the Varni / Varangians) both to the Mitanni and to the Anaki. He didn't give details, but I seem to be reporting the secrets to you. The Anaki are thus suspect at Methoni with mythical NEStor of neighboring Pylos, a term that can now be gleaned as "Anes(tor)"...very linkable to "Oeneus / Aenus."

And then we have the Hungarian Naggy's (stag) that were suspect with the Naughts of the Nith-based Nitt surname, and so compare "Nagg" to "Anak" and keep in mind that the Nith is in the same place as ANNANdale. Moreover, Wigton, where stag-using Hanna's/HanNETHs were first found, is to the near-west of the Nith. Safe to say, the Anaki trace to the Nith as an Annas/Annis-like peoples suspect from Nestor elements. The Nests/Ness' use the Washington bars and therefore trace to Wessels, and the latter's garbs are suspect with the Comana area of the Archelaus cult.

As the Wessel-suspect Comyns were of the Contevilles, note that the Sinclair motto does not only honor the Conte's/Comites', but the Works/Werks, a surname like "VIRGil." Then, let it be repeated that Sinclairs were originally "Claro" (known fact) while the Claro/Charo surname is honored by the motto of English Josephs that likewise use the three Comyn garbs. These Josephs link solidly to the Drake's from the Drago river at Creusa-based Agrigento, where the Annas-suspect Aeneus entity was too. The Josephs were from Caiaphas, weren't they, who married a daughter of Annas.

But the original storyline here was a Creusa trace to Sarzana just because the Craig>Carrick line traced both to Agrigento and Sarzana. It means that Creusa elements traces to Carricks, but before getting to the story told at Sarzana, let me talk about the dream that revealed the Benjamite-Jabesh merger going to mythical CHRYSippus at Elis / Pisa. Isn't Chrysippus the same as Creusa? As Aeneas is suspect with Oeneus, by what coincidence was Chrysippus' the step-mother (Pelops' Amazon wife in Piza) given OENomaus as a father? Therefore, the Benjamites trace from this Oenomaus peoples to Oeneus at Methoni / Messene.

In the dream, I first saw execution papers with a Masci surname written upon it. Then I saw a rope going down a well with an angry man at the top of the well letting the rope down to kill Mr. Masci by hanging him in the well. I got up as this dream occurred, and started on the bloodline topic of that day's updates, when I happened to be on mythical Laius, a topic that got me to his disgusting faggot partner, Chrysippus. In his Wikipedia article, we find that he was killed in a well while his step-mother hung herself. The Masci bloodline was therefore identified with this Chrysippus / Oenomaus merger that was gleaned in various ways (too many and too logical to be coincidental) as the founding of the Romans.

As Sarzana smacks of "Sardinia," I've got to tell you that, in the evening after writing the last part of the last update, I was visiting some people who had been to the wedding (this past summer) of a bride with Moldavian parents. I asked what their surname was, to find that it was KISTol, like "Gastell," for one, but it had been that very day when I mentioned the Christ/Kirst surname that I saw listed also as "KIST." Amazing coincidence. I immediately recalled the Kish/Kiss surname (can trace to CHISenau/Kisin-ov, Moldova's capital) using the same Coat as Cass/Cash's that come up as Gast-like "Cast." This could definitely go to the Gastel variation of Wessels while Cass' are suspect with "Caesar." It can appear that Kiss'/Kish's were not from "Caesar," but from Kist/Christ liners, or, if that's not correct, that Kiss' were altered from "Caesar / Cass(ey)" to reflect the Kist variation of Christs. Or, Kists were a Caesar merger with Christs = the Chrysippus liners.

In the last update, it was found that Christs/Kists came up as "Chriss," and that this surname uses the Caesar-surname roses. That tends to tell that the Caesar roses are from Creusa-of-Rhodes elements, who I say named the Herods that were perhaps installed as kings of Israel by pro-Julius-Caesar agents (soon after his death in 44 BC).

The so-called "fountains" of the Cass and Kiss surname had traced to Piscinas, which means "fountain" in Italian. Piscinas is smack beside Sulcis in Sardinia, and is thus suspect with the Creusa / Chrysippus line. This situation can help prove that Creusa was a line from Rhodes, for Sulcis was also called, Sant-Antioco, tracing to "Antioch," the Syrian capital of Sulcis-like Seleucids. Although I couldn't prove it, it was suspect that "Seleucus" traced to "Telchis," founder of the Telchines who came to live on Rhodes. Telchines are known to have been kin of Curetes, who lived in Crete with mythical BritoMartis, suspect with the Aprutium term of Aphrodite i.e. Creusa's mother-in-law. Aphrodite was even the mother of Hros-like Eros and Rhode's like Erotes, with Ares as the father. Britomartis is thus discover-able as the Marsi who lived in Abruzzo where the capitol city was Aprutium. But this entity traces to the Pyratus/Prut river of Moldova. The Marsi were of Mars, the line that married the Aeneus>Romulus line according to Virgil. We get it, an Abruzzo merger (remember the Atlas > Pisidian line in Abruzzo) with the Benjamites of Rimmon as the founders of Romans.

Virgil must have known that the Curetes were co-founders of Trojans, as the myth writers of older times revealed. And Virgil had Aeneas as a Trojan prince, from Dardanus. The Sabines of Abruzzo even had a Quirites deity on at least one hill of Rome. It all fits like a match to dragon breath for to make a massive explosion at Armageddon.

I doubt that Piscinas was the original name of the Sardinian city. As Wikipedia's article on Dagome (alternative name of Mieszko I) has a possible trace of Mieszko ancestry to Sardinia, I traced him to Sulcis at a time when Sulcis had never-before been a topic. I assumed that Sulcis elements in Poland named Silesia, but when I discovered Piscinas beside Sulcis, it jibed with my previous trace of Mieszko's Piast entity to Pisa. Therefore, Piscinas is suspect with the Pisidians / Bistones through Pisa, but as Sardinia is now, for the first time, suspect with the Benjamin > Creusa line to Sarzana, and if Creusa and Chrysippus were identical stock, the Lasonii tribe of Pisidians is suspect from mythical Laius and "Laish," the city of the 600 Danites (in the Book of Judges with the 600 Benjamites), for the Lasonii are expected to have named Lydians, where SARDis is the capital. As Sardinia is offshore of Lazio, home of Latins, we get it. The Circasian Lazi of the Colchis area are the ancestral toot of Latins, which is why the Argonautica had a mythical Circe (sister of Helios at Rhodes) on the western coast of Italy somewhere.

As Helios was married to a mythical Rhoda, it can be expected that the Creusa entity was involved with this Helios entity, which I identified as the Gileki and thus suspect to Gela and the Julians/Gillians. The fountain-using Cass / Kiss surnames were traced to the Arms of Vilnius, suspect as a Julian variation from "Gil." If correct, it tends to prove that Cass' were Caesar liners. The wolf-using QUILLANs are suspect because VILNius is in wolf-depicted Lithuania, from Lydians. The Lada goddess of Lithuanians traces to wolf-depicted Latona = Leto.

If we ask what relationship the Benjamites had with the Latins, ask the 600 Danites, for the 600 Benjamites trace to Rhodes, and it just so happens that myth writers had Danaans as founders of the Lindos area of Rhodes. After settling in Lindos, the Danaans (as per Perseus from Jabesh-suspect Joppa) founded Mycenae at Argos (according to myth writers), which is where Atreus came to rule thanks to a golden lamb found one day in his pasture. We get it, that Atreus of Argos was the golden-fleece line in the Argo ship. But Atreus was Chrysippus' half brother, both sons of Pisidian Pelops. The proto-Latin Lasonii -- the Lazi from Lazoni in CIRCasia -- can be expected on Rhodes as per mythical KERKaphos, founder (not historically factual, but that's the way myth writers digested it) with Helios and Rhoda of Lindos.

The Christ/Christmans were first found in the same place as Josephs, where the Atreus-rooted Atrebates lived, a situation speaking to the Chrysippus link to Atreus. If we want to follow Benjamites immediately after Atreus, we go to MeneLAUS, his son, at the Las location of Sparta, and to Menelaus' wife, Helen, suspect with Elis, where Chrysippus lived. But "Helen" can also morph to Velen-like terms such as "Vilaine, where Alans of Dol lived that are suspect with Helen / Geloni-like terms. Herodotus spoke of a Gelonus location of a Geloni peoples living with the Budini, the proto-Boyd Alans now tracing to the Lucca Botters. Therefore, Vilnius of Lithuania is suspect with Helen-Menelaus elements, and that tends to trace Julians/Gillians / Yule's / Yale's to Helen herself. The Mens surname that I trace to Maeonians > Menelaus lines has the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Anchors/Annackers. Therefore, as the latter trace with ChrysIPPUS lines to Agrigento, and as Benjamites are suspect with the Anaki to Oenomaus, mythical father of HIPPOdama, it's not likely coincidental that the Drago river to Agrigento was also the Hypsas.

From Menelaus and swan-liner Helen, the Benjamites jump through Methoni to the swan lines of Italy, but probably not before settling as the proto-Motels in Pollux-suspect Apulia/Puglia, the brother of Helen. Helen was abducted and raped (Laius-Chrysippus theme as well of the Benjamites) by Paris of Troy, who represented the Gorgon city of Parion, important because these Gorgons trace with Perseus to Mycenae and to Sparta with the Stheno > Sthenelus line from Gorgophone. It expects that Gorgons were at some point injected to the Jabesh-Benjamin entity, suspect at the latest with the Hippodamia Amazons at Elis. I can't argue that Jabesh Gilead was inhabited by Gorgons because I have no evidence, but there is circumstantial evidence that proto-Amazons were part of the Benjamin-in-Israel entity, identified as a Meshwesh > Amazon line out of Danaan-suspect Tanis, and to the Tanais river, home of Alans eventually. I suggest that the Meshwesh out of Tanis were later at Mazaca (near Adana in Gileki-suspect Cilicia) in the Thermodon theater of the Amazons, and that this is where the Amazons picked up the Gargarian > Gorgon peoples. One can put it another way, that the Perseus-related Jabeshites at Joppa went on to merge with Gorgons on their way to Greece, revealing that the Meshwesh (whatever they were called back then) were in Perseus himself. Mycenae founded by Perseus, smacks of "Micah," a wealthy entity that was disturbed by the 600 Danite vagabonds who invaded Laish and changed the name to "Dan."

As Laish was a SIDONian city, compare with "STHENo" and the Sithones. It argues for Sidonians in a relationship with the Medusa Gorgons. Gorgons had lived in Parthia, which was in the Mede area of the Iran theater. By what coincidence were Seatons/Sittens first found in/beside EDINburgh while Sithones were a tribe of Edones? The Edens, in Seaton colors, use a "sit prudentia" motto phrase that easily traces them to the Sitna tributary of the Prut. One can glean that the Benjamite-Jabesh merger in Joppa was merged with the 600-Danite entity, especially as Perseus was born from mythical Danae. The birth of Gorgophone from Perseus in Joppa should be viewed as a simplified migration to Sparta. I would trace them first to Cilicia, where there was a mythical Parthenius entity that must have named the Parthenius river of the Heneti. It is very likely that ANDroMEDA was part code for the ANTenor Heneti. There is good reason to view the Heneti as the Anaki where an Antu (suspect with Anat) character was made a wife of Anu.

From the Parthenius river of the Phrygian theater, where the golden-fleece line (mythical Phryxus, brother of Helle = Helen of Sparta = proto-Alans likely at Elis) was likely born (Perseus' father was a GOLDEN shower), I trace the Heneti to Aenus, a real location in downtown Thrace that was given a mythical Aeneus as code, much like "Aeneas," founder of Romans. Aenus was probably inhabited by the Edones, although they are shown on maps further long the coast to the west. If Aenus became the entity that named Annas of Israel, it's important to see how proto-Seatons are involved in these early times with Aenus. As Aenus was at the mouth of the Hebros river, the Arda area along the Hebros should go to whatever entity the "HazARD" motto term of Seatons honored. I now know that it goes to Artutela on the Aluta river. But it should go to Ardos too, a location found in the book of Enoch where angels descended from heaven to mate with women. I don't take this literally, as I don't think angels had reproductive organs. The point here is that Ardos was otherwise mount Sion east of Tyre, where Laish was located, and this connects Seatons well with the fact that Sitten of Switzerland was also called, Sion. Therefore, the Laish Sidonians at mount Ardos were the proto-Seatons, a fundamental part of the 600 Danites and Benjamites evolving into mythical king Sthenelus of Liguria, but not before passing through Aenus.

It is important that there was a Sale location beside Aenus while the Hebros was also "Maritsa," for that picture should trace to the Salto river of the Marsi, and later to the Salyes Ligures at proto-Marseilles, and finally to the Sale's/Sallete's. Sale is located beside Stryme, the city that named the Strymon river upon which the Edones and Stry-like Satrae lived at one point.

The Edones are suspect from PosEIDON of Tyre, moving to Greece with the Sidon > Sithone peoples, and so the Edones can be viewed as part of Pisidians to Pelopian Pisa, while the Heneti at Aenus can be identified with Oenomaus of Pisa. "Maus" is likely a root term for some second relevant entity, right? The Amazons of Pisa. Thus, with Pisidians in this picture, draw a line from Laish to the Lasonii. At some point, I'm not sure when, the Heneti moved from the Hebros to proto-Moldova, where also the Ixion entity ended up that I identified with Kikons on the Hebros. This Kikon entity must have been CYCNus, swan son of Ligurian Sthenelus. As Ixion was given Nephele as a mate, Ixion should trace to the mythical Nephilim (of the book of Enoch) at mount Ardos/Sion, and that tends to reveal that Ixion (wheel symbol) was close to the Sidonian-of-Laish line...which I trace to mythical Laius, a descendent of Cadmus of Tyre, himself easily identified as the Cadusii Armenians that named mount Hermon (the lower parts of mount Zion). I call the Meshwesh out of Tanis (whatever they were called) a Mus entity as well, due to "CadMUS." Likely, this traces Cadmus Tyrians and Laish Sidonians to OenoMAUS (wheel symbol). We have the choice here of linking Ixion's Lapiths either to the Sidonians or the Tyrians at Laish / Sion, which is a good reason to view "IXION as play on "Sion," thus proving the a fanciful myth writer gave "Nephele" as his mate for indication the Nephilim at mount Sion. But as that mountain summit was also "Ardos," the Ixion entity should trace to Arda on the Hebros, where HazARD-using Seaton should trace too, and this close relationship logically explains the city of Sion/Sitten.

One can glean above the Stheno-branch Gorgons were at Liguria with Kikons (made the sons of mythical Rhodope), and that the namers of Rhodope elements named the Rhodanus at Marseilles. In order to trace Creusa as a Hros entity at Rhodes to Moldova north of the Hebros, one can entertain a Creusa trace to the Rhodope area. The Rhodope mountains are marked on the map above along the Arda river, except that this river is marked, HARPassus, suggesting a migration of the namers of that river to the Arpii / Carpi of proto-Moldova. And that's how the proto-Seatons, expected in an alliance with the namers of the Arda, can go to Sitna of upper Moldova. The Harp entity was mythical Charops, whose son (Orpheus) floated down the Hebros with a harp to the Lapith island of Lesbos, and thus the Ixion Lapiths are suspect on the Harpassus river. That's a good reason for identifying "Ixion" with "Kikon," mythical son of Rhodope. It means that the namers of Sion (and the Sion/Swan surname) were also in mythical Cycnus.

Note the Nice location near the mouth of the Harpassus with the Hebros, for Liguria has a Nice location too. The location on the Harpassus that begins with "Burd" traces likely to the Burdensii of Moldova, and I now trace this through the Burd surname to the Carlisle surname, and therefore to Carlysle (near Annandale), where I claimed king-Arthur had his start. That traces Arthur to the Harpassus = Arda river. Moreover, the city of Hadrianopolis had another name, Orestae (or something like that) represented by a myth character of the same basic name that was related directly to Atreus, which is why I identify Atreus (and the Atrebates at ARTois) with "ODRYSians" (shown on this map) smack at Hadrianopolis. As Atreus was a half brother of Chrysippus, we can expect the Ben-Jabeshites at the Odrysian theater.

One can glean that the Creusa Rhodians had merged with the city of Aenus when forming Rhodope. Later, Virgil's fanciful writings paired her with "Aeneas" of Troy, which for me reveals that the Ben-Jabeshites were within this Aeneus-Creusa entity somewhere upon the Hebros river as proto-Romans. It's obvious, therefore, since the Japodes were along an Oeneus river of Illyria, that the Ben-Jabeshites were at Aenus. And that proves my dream to have been of God (a message mainly to you, not me) because it showed that the Ben-Jabeshites were of Creusa-like Chrysippus...partner of Laish = Laius. One can thus trace the DORIScus location smack beside Aenus to the naming of the Odrysians, and further back to Dor of Israel (not far north of Joppa), beside Megiddo, the entity that I trace to the other tribe of Edones, the Mygdones.

On the Hebros just north of Aenus, there is a Stentaris area that should be of the Stheno-Gorgon line to Seatons, and then to the north of that (still on the Hebros) is CYPSela location, a Jabesh-like term that can also apply to "CAIAPHAS." This city can also go to the Capua/Capone surname because Capua (the Italian city) is known to be named after the mythical Trojan, Capys.

With the Benjamites suspect at Angusta with the Anaki of Hebron, the Jabesh-suspect Jeffersons happen to use a "cruce" motto term. And the Cruce surname (cross in Jefferson-saltire colors) has variations that one can expect from "Creusa." The Crux/Cruck surname happens to use patees in the colors of the Forward patees, which tends to link Jeffersons to the "forward" motto term of both Seatons and Balfours. I don't think there was yet a proto-Seaton link to Numidians proper as far as their migration to the Sitna, but the Neamt area was nearby. Proto-Seatons of the Sitna are expected to have formed a relationship with a Getae > Getuli > Gate line starting in Moldova at the latest. The Getae were Thracians and could easily have been on the Hebros of downtown Thrace.

As the Daci of Moldova were a Getae tribe, one can trace Getae to the Massagetae on the east side of the Caspian because the Dehae were on that side too. I read that "dehae" meant dog," and this peoples traces to the Dagestani that I think named the Dacians. In this picture, the Mass-like peoples of king Massena are from the Massagetae when Moldova elements formed Numidians proper. The Massena surname even shares white patees with the Crux's (first found in the same place as Massins/Masons) and Forwards. This, as well as the gates of Yate's, is indication that Seaton liners were in Numidia. The Crux link to Massena's is what's to be expected of the proto-Massey peoples moving out of Canaan to Greece while joining Chrysippus elements somewhere. But if these Masseys came from the Meshwesh of Tanis, how can such a picture trace Massena to the Massagetae? I suppose that MASSAGetae can be identified in the Dagestan theater as a Meshech peoples.

It's important here to mention the patees, in the colors of the same of Crux' (in Craig/Crag colors), upon the Massey Shield of the Hanan Coat. Plus, the Hanan Coat is used by Eure's (they come up as "Giver" too) with a "NUMquam" motto term. The English Creuse/Croux surname was first found in the same place as Masseys, and could be using the Pisa lion, especially if mythical Creusa traces to Sarzana. Between the lines of this paragraph, there is a way to trace Seaton liners to the namers of Shetland, starting with the Carricks suspect at Sarzana, whom in Scotland lived in Aures-suspect Ayrshire, a place using the saltire of Hanan-suspect Annans, and a "shaw" motto term for the Shawia Numidians of Aures.

The Shaws happen to come up with "Seth," you see, and the Givers can be the Weaver-related Giverns that were traced with Shuttleworths to the naming of Shetland. But the Shuttleworths are also "ShuttleWORD," and Wards (i.e. suspect with "forward" of Seatons) happen to use a blue lion in Crest that could be the Creuse/Croux lion in colors reversed. I can show you the Creuse lion in colors reversed as used by CRICHtons (share a fire-breathing green dragon in Crest with the Seaton Crest), a surname suspect with both Carricks and the Cryx variation of the Crux's. The Crichtons were first found in Midlothian (i.e. beside East Lothian, where Seatons were first found), and can trace to Shetland with Henry Sinclair of Orkney, whose family was in Roslin, Midlothian. As these Creusa-suspect surnames are fundamental to the formation of Rosicrucianism, ditto for Roslin, which easily explains why the Sinclairs were chief CRUSaders at Jerusalem.

See also the Scottish Greggs in the colors of Carricks and Saracens. German Greggs could be using the split Shield of Forhans in colors reversed, for the latter use a "Christi" motto term. The Christs likewise use a Shield split horizontally. As we saw that the Christs are using the Caesar roses in both color schemes, by what coincidence do the Cruise's use a chevron in Quint-chevron colors? Can this indicate that the Aeneas line went to Julius Caesar? If so, then where did his line merge with that of Quintus Caepio? For one, it could have happened when Julius was relating with Servilia Caepionis. If she had her child, I say it was the grandmother/father of Joseph Caiaphas.

The Kist variation of Christ's is now suspect with the Kish-related namers of the present Moldova capital (Kisin'ov/Chisenau), and with the Cass kin of Kiss's/Kish's. It's possible that Cass' trace to a Causeni location of Moldova, less than 50 miles south-east of the capital. Although my atlas stamps "Moldavia" between the Siret and the Prut, Wikipedia's Moldova map has much of it, including the capital, to the east of the Prut. The Coza and related locations around the Putna were to the country's far-west at the Wallachia border. A Coza link to Causeni might be feasible where the Cause surname was first found in Sussex, where Donnus-suspect surnames were first found. The Arms of Causeni happens to use a lion in colors reversed from the Scottish Mont/Mound lion (itself red like the Mold lion), important where Munds / Munts trace to Muntenia, the alternative name of Wallachia.

Reminder, the English Munds/Mounds uses colors and format shared by Walsh's/Walchs while another Walsh surname uses a version of a Benjamin Coat. Could this trace Creusa elements of the Christ's to the Moldova capital? The many white-on-black lions heads that have been linking to the Cabbage lion are in colors reversed in the English Mund/Mound Coat, and the latter surname was first found in the same place (Shropshire) as tracing to the son of Cottius who is himself suspect with the Coza location near Cotesti in the Vrancea area of Wallachia.

The Munts/Munds, however, first found in the same place (Kent) as Massins/Masons and Crux' (Cabbage colors), and using the white Moor head of More's/Moors and Heslingtons, trace to Numidians. To help trace the Mund/Mound lion to the Arms of Causeni, the English Mounds/Mounds share a RED-on-white chevron with Cousens/COZens, first found in the same place as (Norfolk) Benjamins. As we are now more sure that the Benjamite entity of Chrysippus / Creusa was involved at and around the Moldova capital, by what coincidence did my dream trace the Ben-Jabeshites to the Una river of Juno while Juno-based Yonge's appear to be in code in the "Ex ungue" motto phrase in the Arms of Causeni? The EXcalibur was traced (by me) in-part to EXeter, and it just so happens that the Mund colors and format (includes a RED chevron) is used by Exeters (not to mention Caseys) too! The Cassels (Mund format) not only seem to be using the Casey chevron, but they show the dolphin in Crest, a symbol of the Caesar Crest.

Does the "Ex" term in the Arms of Causeni refer to the Excalibur sword between the paws of the Causeni lion? Is it between the paws to indicate the lion paw in the Crest of the Creuse surname? The Quint Crest use's a lion paw too while the red chevron of the Cruise's is in the two colors of the Quint chevron.

The Walsh ("sed" motto term) link to Cabbages tends to verify that the Strange lion is used by Wallace's, thus tracing Walsh's and Wallace's, with Sitna elements, to the Sitten name of Sion. Or, put it this way, that as the heraldic mermaid is suspect from Lapiths and therefore from Lepsa on the Putna, note that the Coat of Walsers (known to be from Wallis canton) uses a two-tailed mermaid. Wikipedia's Vrancea article says that the northern Wallachia border is in south Vrancea...where Focsani is located. Wikipedia also says that the Putna is the Moldova-Wallachia border. The "TransFIXES" motto term of Walsh's could be for Transylvanian elements of FOCSani. Perhaps we need to ask the Faucets, first found in the same place as Seatons.

It's interesting that "merMAID" may have become code for the Maid surname listed with the Moldova-suspect Molds. In other words, this is how the European snake goddess, Melusine, may have received her fish-tail symbol. Just as this thought was crossing my mind, not more than a second later, I was looking at the Vaughn Coat, with an "inALTus" motto term, conspicuous with the ALTO mountain that Molds/Maids are said to be from. Doesn't that trace to the Aluta river? Here's another coincidence, that while the "yet forward" motto term of Seatons traces to the Yetus location on the Aluta, the Vaughns use the colors and format of the Forwards. Why do Pendragon-suspect Vaughns trace to the Aluta? Ask Artutela.

Then, the "Non" motto term of Vaughns is suspect with the Non/NEVin surname, part of the Neve bloodline, we may assume, for Vaughns use the Brown Coat exactly. The NEWAN variation is suggesting the Newmans (in Vaughn colors), and the Non surname (like "noma" = "name"), which comes up as "Nome," suggests a variation of the Neame/Name surname. Thank you all, fraudsters, for your secret codes.

Check this out (caps mine):

NOMinoe (or Nomenoe) (French: Nominow, Breton: NEVENoe) (died 7 March 851) was the first Duke of Brittany from 846 to his death. He is the Breton pater patriae and to Breton nationalists he is known as Tad ar Vro...

It looks like Dan Brown's codes are for this man's bloodline, and his NOMinoe version likely goes to the Nons listed with Nevins. But it's all suspect from the Neamt proto-Numidians. We saw earlier multiple reasons for tracing Brittany elements to Moldova. As Siret-river clans are expected in Brittany, recall that Sire's/Sirets had linked to Vilnius, for I suggested that the Vilaine area of Brittany traces there (because I viewed the Trabys / Astika's of Vilnius as Alan liners / Alan kin).

I've just got to show the Lute/Luttley Coat, looked up earlier while in the Aluta-surname quest. The Lute's are using a version of the Neame/Name Coat, and it just so happens that the source of the Aluta is smack at Neamt!!! Therefore, not only are Neame's proven to be from Neamt, but Lute's are proven to be named after the namers of Aluta. The Neame / Lute lions are in the colors of the lions of the Gate's suspect with the Yate's from the Yetus location on the Aluta.

Irish Name's, in Annandale colors and using the Hanna stag design, are listed with "NANamy / Nanny," while Annandale's are listed with "Inyaney / Innieney," terms I could never understand until now! It truly appears that the Ananes were from Neamt (or vice-versa I suppose), a whole new concept for me. I had linked Brescia's blue-lion to Ananes elements for obvious Caiaphas-Annas reasons, and so the blue lions of the Name's and Lute's should apply. I've just got even luckier by re-loading the Hanna Coat to re-find what I had forgotten: it's "alta" motto term!!!

Hanna's are therefore clinched as Annan liners, but for those who don't know, it must be repeated that Bruce's use the Brescia lion in both colors, as well as the Annandale Coat (on a gold Shield), wherefore it's a given that "Annan(dale)" traces to Ananes Gauls. To trace proto-Bruce's to Neamt is not a problem at all, for Aphrodite (proto-Abrussi) has traced to Moldova. The Cassels are even using the Coat of Heneti-like Kennedy's.

Aha! The Scottish Lutts/McLeods use a motto, "Hold fast," code for the Holder line to "Olt."I now believe that McLeods trace to the Aluta river somewhere. "ARTutela" can morph to "Herod," I suppose, and Herods are listed as a McLeod sept. Aha! The Fast's are not only using the gold quarters of the Neame's and Lute's/Lutleys, but are shown properly as "Withipool," very traceable to the Polish line from Witkowo to the Watts, first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Lute's/Lutleys. PLUS, Watt-related Vatts/Watters were first found in the same place as the Herod/Harald surname (!), itself using the Shield of Forez' suspect with the "forward" motto term of Seatons.

Note that while Cousins are also Cosins, the German Cossels/Cassels appear to be using the McLeod castle. Chalk up another key discovery of this trace of McLeods to the namers of the Aluta.

As you can see on this list of McLeod septs, the Newman-related Abee's/Cabe's are included, and Newmans trace to Neamt. Therefore, McLeods and some of their septs are suspect as proto-Numidians, or Numidians proper, though some of their septs may be circumstantial to Skye and Lewis.

The Crimmon sept of McLeods use a gold-on-blue lion (on their chevron), the colors of the Neame / Lute lions, and show also as "Rimmon" variation suggesting the Benjamites from Israel's Rimmon...settling in the Rimna river beside Focsani. Crimmons/Rimmons ("caetera divis" motto phrase) look like they could link to Hanna's and Hands, and thus may be a line to the naming of Cremona, between Placentia and Brescia.

The Sola motto term of Neve's goes to the Sole/SOLNEY surname suspect with the Saulnier variation of Saunier's, for Dan Browns Da Vinci Code has a fictional Sauniere character. What a sham. The lily in the Neve Crest is perhaps the Susan/Susam lily (Croms were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Susans). The Vincents were traced to Rennes-le-Chateau (location of the Saunier entity) for a few reasons: 1) they smack of the Vinci surname; 2) French Vincents (Faucet lion, probably), first found in the same place as Rennes-le-Chateau, use the Shield of Rennes-le-Chateau in colors reversed; 3) English Vincents share the three QUATrefoils of the CAT-using Croms, suspect as code for CHATeau. By the way, the Chives-Crest leopard is actually called "A cat," and the Chives not only use a "non" motto term as code for Neve liners (!), but WHITE-ON-BLACK "cat-a-mountains" (the same cat design used by Tabers calls them leopards). This tends to indicate that "Cabbage" is a branch of the Newman-related MacAbee's/MacCABE's (share fish with Neve's but in the colors of the House and Cromby crosses).

See the fish, the only symbol, of the English Neve Coat, in the colors of the Luce fish. Luce's, suspect with Lucca, were first found in the same place as Benjamins. The Lucca surname uses a cat and can therefore link to the Chives cat. The bulls of French Mountains (links to the Chiaro bull) suggest the Mosca marriage with MonteCHIARO because Chives' use the Mosca leopard. That indicates that the Mountain saltire is likely the French Messey/Messier / Jefferson saltire (i.e. making Mountains very linkable to Ben-Jabeshites in Muntenia). English Mountains are in the same colors and use the Apple / Appleby martlets on what looks like a version of the Bohun/Bone Coat. The English Mountains are therefore very traceable to Israel's priestly lines as per the Maccabee era.

The muzzled bear in a Vincent Coat can trace the surname to "VAUGHN," the latter term like "VICENza," a location near Este (and Schio) that could have had relations with Fano. This relationship seems verified where the Faun/Phones/Vaunce coat is using the Italian-Este eagle, and so the "J'VANCE" motto term of English Este's is revealed as code for the Vaunce variation of Fauns. Vance's were first found in the same place as Faucets who trace to Foix, beside Rennes-le-Chateau. The bear-using Vincents are in Este colors, and the muzzled bear is a Mackay/Macey symbol while Fane's/Vains/Phones are a Mackay sept.

During the spell check, the Creuse surname was not accepted as a dictionary word, offering "Crusoe" to fix it, which turned out to be a surname first found in the same place as Benjamins, and in Benjamin colors.

House of Este now Going to "VESTalis"

[Insert -- Before going to the Vestalis topic, the following insert should be placed here that readers of yesterday would have missed if placed above the sub-title.

I neglected to check the Holds/Holts ("squirrel HOLDing a HAZEL branch") when on the "Hold fast" motto term of Lutts/McLeods. Holts/Holds (in Holder colors) use an "ExALTus" motto term, and were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Haltons who should be using the Gate-et-al lion because Gate's should trace to the Aluta with Seaton kin. The "HAZard" motto term of Seatons can now go to the HAZels (share the squirrel) honored in the Holt Crest. The Holts show a certain-style fitchee used by Pinks/Pincs whom I trace to Pincum ("Viminacium" on one map), not far upstream on the Danube from the mouth of the Aluta. That suggests the Wood oak tree to be that of the Panico's, for the Holt write-up claims that "holt" means "wood," but that is a lie, a deliberate code for the Woods that are part of the Forward/Forwood surname (the latter are expected on the Aluta with others honored in the Seaton motto).

It just so happens that the savage-using Woods share a gold fitchee with Pinks and Holts. The Wood write-up traces to a "forester," but that has got to be code for the Forests listed with the Forez' that were earlier suspect with the "FORward" term. English Forests (patees in Wood-fitchee colors) share the gold patee with Crusoe's, and the latter's (huge) patee is in the two colors of the gold fitchees (same style as the Pink / Holt fitchee) of Leeders (in Crusoe / Point colors) whom I trace to LEDERata across the mouth of the Pincum, in what is "Moldova-Noua" on my 20th-century atlas. Points were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle, and then the BalFOURs, using the motto, "Forward," use an otter as code for the proto-Windsor Others/Otters.

In this picture, the Forest patees would not only link to the Crusoe patee, but to those of Crux's and Forwards, the latter two in the white color of the Pek patees.

The Kilpatrick motto term, "laidir," can now go better to the Leeders where Woods are said to have moved to Dumfries (where Kilpatricks were first found). Why were the Woods at/near Lederata? The Woods are said to be from Vosco's and Bosco's, and Bosco's were related to the Rose's (note the roses of the Leeder Crest) who were in turn related to the Geddes, from the Geds on the same river as Kilpatrick castle. Again, the Pike kin of the Geddes are expected at the naming of the Pek at Pincum. Peks share PATEEs, a symbol (I now believe) reserved for the PATCHIE surname listed with Kilpatricks. As I see Kilpatricks related to Annandale, it's important -- for an Annan trace to the Neame's/Name's -- that Kilpatricks are linking to Gate liners as far back to the Yetus location.

The paragraph above provides a better reason for tracing the Geddes to the Gate's expected on the Aluta, and so let's re-mention the lion in the Halton Coat, in the colors of the Gate lions. In fact, both the Haltons and Gate's share a Shield split vertically in red and gold, and both were first found in the same place (Lancashire). Better evidence for a match there cannot be, proving yet again that Halton-like surnames are from the Aluta, and that Gate's trace to Pons Yetus with the Yate's. This is very good reason for tracing the namers of Yetus to the Geti surname (i.e. ancestry of Caracalla) in Numidia suspect later (about 400 AD) with the formation of Geds on the Nith. All of this is evidence that the Gate / Halton lion is in the Neame/Name Coat.

The gold-ON-RED lions of Haltons and Gate's is suspect with the one in colors reversed of the Lys'/Lighs/Leghs whom I trace to the Legros river...of Leicester, where Woods and Bosco's -- and Kiss/Kish's/Cuss' -- were first found. The early Boist variation of Bosco's suggests the Boasts/Boosts/Busts honored in the motto of Numidia-based Nimo's. It just so happens that the Bus surname (same place as Crusoe's / Benjamins) uses the ermined-red cinquefoil in the Arms of Leicester, while German Bus' share a vertically-split Shield in red and gold (!), the colors of the same of Haltons and Gate's. These Buzite liners can trace back to BOZCath/Boscath in Hebron of Israel. Hmm, Hebron over-looked the Philistine's at GATH (did this help name BozCATH?), where the peoples were called, Gittites.

German Busts were first found in STENdal of ALTmark, and so see the map above (Yetus link) for STENarum (on the Aluta) a few miles north of Pons Yetus! Although the Bust description doesn't call the woman's bust a bust, it does describe it as a "demi woman," and I have been on the look out for any woman symbol ever since I typed "VIMINaciam" above. This location is on the map above.

What follows is excellent for tracing Benjamites at Pincum to the Japodes. For this, a quote from the last update is in order: "Aha! Finally, a white lion on black, the two colors of the Cabbage lion, has been found in the Beng surname (looked up seeking Benjamin branches), said to be from "Binningas." Aha! The Bink variation can suggest Pinks and Pincum, as well as Panico's. The latter can trace to Vrancea's Panciu location." For the first time ever, the Benjamites had been suspect with Panico's and Pincum = Viminacium. By what coincidence were Cabbages linked to Elis' and Benjamins while Elis' use a "woman" in Crest!!! It's no coincidence. The Benjamites were at Pincum.

It should be added that the woman-using Busts are said to use "A shield divided per pale indented" while the German Elis' use "Per Pale silver with a green bush centered..., making it quite clear that the Bush's and Bus' / Busts are one. Reminder: Bus' were first found in the same place as Benjamins. As I say that the woman in the Elis Crest is Holle, we can now go to the "holly bush" of Kilpatrick-related Maxwells. I traced the latter to Rijeka/Reka in the Japodes theater, at Istria suspect with "Ister," the river flowing by Pincum. And that's how the Ben-Jabeshites can get to the Japodes, especially as the latter were on the Kupa river smacking of Cuppae on the Pek!!! I now understand.

The "indented" term must be for the Dents, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Maxwells, Bush's Elis', and Caepio-line Bruce's. The indented symbol of the Busts looks like the Franconian RAKE, a term like "Reka."

All the times when discussing Pincum, and the Pinks, Punch's and Points, I did not know that the Benjamites were at topic. The Pinks even use lozenges, which I traced to Lazi liners of Lazona, suspect with "Laish." The Lazona term can even go to the Ladds/Ladons using a version of the Shield of Leeders from Lederata...smack across the Ister from Pincum! The Leeders are even in Benjamin colors.

We can now clinch the annuLETs (suspect with the Letts) on the Benjamin saltire as part code for Lederata elements. While Elis' are using a version of the Benjamin saltire, the latter is in the black color of the Maxwell / Kilpatrick saltire. I'm therefore convinced that Maxwells are a branch of Benjamins, but as this traces Benjamins to Kilpatricks, the "annulet" is suspect as an Annandale merger with Lederata, that being a merger of the Ananes Gauls with Lederata. And so we do have a trace of Ananes as far east as Pincum, excellent because Caiaphas MUST trace to Cuppae! With this picture, it explains why Caiaphas married a daughter of Annas, and if you're wondering how Caepio's trace to the Pincum area, note that Quints share the gold fitchee of the Woods.

As Jupiter was also "Jove," it's notable that the Jove/Geeves surname uses a saltire in Maxwell-saltire colors. The Jove Coat is an excellent reflection of the Donut Coat (Leicestershire, same as Woods)), of a surname said to be from "D'Anet" (not necessarily the earliest form or derivation) and very suspect with Dents. Let's repeat: "The inDENTed symbol of the Busts looks like the Franconian RAKE, a term like 'Reka.'" It looks like Jove's are tracing to the Reka location of Japodes...meaning that Jabeshites are expected in the creators of the Franconian Rake, as well as in the Dents sharing the Hound lozenges (this is proof that Dents were Donuts because the latter use the greyHOUND).

The Ananes were at PLACentia, a term that I thought could go to Philistine's, very interesting where Gate's might trace to "Gath." Leaders and Ladds both use scallops (called "escallops" too), what I've traced to ASCALon, beside Gath. But I also trace scallops to Skala on Patmos (which can be identified with mythical Asclepios, son of the Patmos city of Chora), and have supposed that Patricians = Kilpatricks trace to "Patmos." That all works very well. The Chora location, represented by the Lapith, Coronis, traces well to Gore's with a motto term that goes to Servitium in the Gorski / Rijeka theater. The Cole's use a similar motto term because they trace likely to the COLapis = Kupa river. Gorski was where Colchians settled (see Wikipedia';s article on Pula/Pola), and so note that the Lazi were from Colchis. If the black scallops of Edens link to the same of Ladds, one can assume that the Edones and Sithones were a part of this picture. Ladds and Leaders can be linked to the Coat of Mussels expected at Musselburgh near EDINburgh.

I recall reasons for tracing the Benoit's/Benois to Bologna before knowing that Benoit's could be Benjamin liners. The Panico's were Bologna. Here's from the 2nd update of December, 2013:

The Stephenson-Crest "garland" can now be traced to "Guerra." Three updates ago, the Walker [Wallachians, right?] bars were found in the Arms of Lambertini's of Bologne, who are shown at that link with the Benoit's, using the same Arms. However, French Benoit's (three gold bends on blue) use the bendy design of Guerra's. The three Lambertini bars are shown by the GARland/GERland surname (Perthshire), this being my first clue that Stephens are honoring the Guerra line, and it comes while discovering their trace to [Saint] Etienne. It verifies that Pontius Pilate was at that place, and that Garlands at Perthshire have something to do about Pilate lines there, at the place of his birth.

The heraldic bend is suspect with Bends/Bents, but couldn't "Benoit" be a Bent variation seeing that Benoit's use bends? The heraldic masters must have known at some early stage that the bend symbol was code for Benjamites. This is revealing that Banisters are from the Benjamites, and so note that the water bouget of Banisters traces to the same of Bugs suspect from the Bug river. The Bug river is less than 100 miles from a Bendery location, itself very near the Moldova capital. In fact, Bendery is 10-15 miles from Causeni, which brings to mind that the Causeni Arms uses a Jung-like motto term tracing to the Oeneus river of the Japodes! This now allows me to say what I was going to pass on, that the French Benoit Crest has an upright white antelope linkable to the upright white stag of German Jungs! Now we know that even Moldavian heraldry uses code. Why?

Cause's were first found in the same place as Deins and Diens, and then Causeni and Bendery are off the Dniester river. I would trace the Cause griffin to Mieszko-related Griffins in Pomerania, wherefore the bendy-using Coss/Kos/Kosic/KOSINski surname, first found in Mecklenburg, likely applies to Causeni. This is not unlike the Trypillian trace to the Varni theater. The Griffin article: "The first verifiable use of the griffin as the dynasty's heraldic emblem occurred in a seal of CASimir II [caps mine], Duke of Pomerania...The first known members of the Griffins were the brothers Wartislaw I and Ratibor I. " The Austrian Warts, who might just be of the Wards, happen to use an hourglass Shield. The Rats may be using the Elis / Benjamin cross, and were first found in the same place (Nairnshire) as Geddes.

The Wart hourglass should link to the same of Kerrys, for the latter uses the beehive, as do the Benders (Wart colors) now suspect with Bendery." The Bendery bend is in the rare left-to-right direction. As Benders were first found in Baden, perhaps neighboring WURTtemberg was named by Wartislaw elements. From here, one can go to Kennedy-related Panders and Pendragon-suspect Penders (in Bender and Vender/Fender colors), and therefore trace Benjamite lines to Penestae. Irish Penders (Pembrokeshire) share the antelope with Benoit's.

AHA! As the Prut/Pyratus river (very near Causeni and Bender) had traced solidly to the Bradanus in Lucania (see Lucania map), see the Bantia location on the Bradanus, as well as the CASUENtus (!!!) river beside the Bradanus. The nearby Siris river, suspect from "Siret," has a PANDosia location expected with Bent / Band lines.

As the duo, Westcott and Hort, were part of a Ghostly Guild or Ghost Society, I was intrigued by the Rat write-up using "ghost" in it's write-up. The Horts (same place as Benjamite Jove's) were checked to find them listed on the Hurt page, that being a surname like "Wart." These Horts/Hurts (looks like the Herod/Hurl and Forez fesse) are colors reversed to the Rats (can be from a HeROD" term), and then Scottish Horts/Hardys show an engrailed cross (in the blue color of heraldic hurts) like that of Warts. The Hardy's are found in the DuGLASS write-up as Douglas ancestors, and so "Douglas" may be play on the hourglass theme of Trypillians. I have the sense that Rats trace to the Radziwills at the root of Traby-related Astikas of Vilnius. It just so happens that I traced the Cass and KISS surnames to the Arms of Vilnius, and here we are finding a Casimir fellow tracing with his Griffin family to Causeni...less than 50 miles from KISin'ov!

The Vilnius location, I've just seen, is on a Nemunas river, smacking of the Newmans. This recalls that the Raines' (using the Newman lions) trace to Rennes in Vilnius-suspect Vilaine. Vilains were first found in the same place as Benjamins.

Ending this insert on WESTCOTTs is relevant to what's below, but, first, check out the "Jamais" motto term of Douglas' and compare with variations in the French Benjamin surname, noting that Douglas' and English Benjamins share flames in Crest. It begs the question of whether the king James' of Scotland were named such after this Benjamin line. As Douglas' use the Julian/Gillian Crest, it's not likely coincidental that James' share a dolphin with Caesars (the French Curtis Crest has a blue dolphin). The other James Coat (showing lions in Dougal-lion colors) has a blue lion in Crest that happens to be the Ward-Crest lion, tending to identify Wards with Wartislaw of Pomerania. The supposed trace of Wartislaw to Trypillians can explain why the Traby symbol, an ostrich, is in one James Crest. That ostrich is "beaked," code for Trebizond-suspect Beaks, kin of the Mieszko Haughts.

As James' are said to be from "Jacobus," the Jacobs need mention. German Jacobs were first found in Silesia, which evokes the trace of the Cass / Kiss "fountains" to Piscinas, beside Sulcis, where I trace Mieszko elements in Silesia. As Cass' (first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians) are also "Cast," the ASTika's appear named after them, and for this reason the Astika's can trace to the Moldova capital as well as Causeni. The Ukrainian Kosts are in Coss/Kos/Kosinski colors. Italian Curtis' look like German Dole's and can therefore trace to Doly on the Ukraine-Poland border area. End insert]

House of Este now Going to "VESTalis"

As Este formed the house of Welf/Guelph, suspect from Vrancea because the Welf/Wolf surname was first found in Cheshire, and suspect there with Hugh Lupus D'Avrances (his wolf is in Este-eagle colors), see the Arms of Welf used at Brunswick. The symbol at the top-center is the white horse, symbol too of English Este's. But this horse is in the position of the horse in the Wessel Chief, and Wessels are from VESTalis. Hmm. (The horse is not in the position of the Saxon / Kent / Iasi horse.)

To the left of the Welf horse are the two Brunswick lions, which I will trace to Bryneich, home of bear-depicted Bernicians, where the Pepins came from (in my opinion) who share the Este horses. (I have yet to find where the bear of French Benjamins traces, and have forgotten the other surname that uses that bear design.) To the right of the Welf horse is the Arms of Luneburg suspect with the lion of the Caepio line, important here because the line of Caepio likely married a line from the ancestry of the Cottius-Vestalis family. The Welf Arms even uses two antlers, one in colors reversed to the one of German Wessels!!! Such weasels. Two symbols beneath the Welf horse, one can see black lion's paws, a symbol in the Quint Crest!

The new theory now is that Este's were named after, or related to, VESTalis. That could trace Este's to the Ister river while having relations with peoples on the Vistula river. The red antler in the Welf Arms was used by Veringers at Baden-Wurttemberg, and so note that the Welf Arms also used checks in the colors of the Vair/Fer checks, for Quints use vair fur in their Chief. The white horse is a symbol also of Quinns, and they use it in the two colors of the McCaffery horse, important because McCafferys entered this discussion at the Gube's/Gobys from Gopheye...of Dorset, where Quints (and Donut-suspect Jacobs) were first found. The Quints were also first found in Essex, where Vere's were first found.

The Quinns can be traced to the Cotts in two ways. In one Quinn write-up, they are traced to a Teffia location, suggesting the lattice-using Taffys. In the second Quinn surname, they are traced to "Conn" as a derivation (I disagree but can entertain a Conn-Quinn relationship where Conns were from variations of "Quintus"), and then Conns/Cone's (suspect with the Maschi pine cones and the antler-using Cone's / Conte's) are showing a Caun variation linkable to Canns/Caens that likewise uses lattice, and were first found in "north Dorset". That tends to identify Caens as Quintus-Caepio liners. The Conns/Cone's and Conys both use the Meschin format and colors (le Meschin was a CONTEville liner, and from Goz suspect was a Wessel branch), and the Quinn crescents link to the same of French Masseys/Masse's because the white Quinn pegasus is used by English Masseys. Thus, Quinns trace to the Luna > Luneburg line (because Luna's use the Massey / Quinn crescents). We could therefore expect the Quinn horse/pegasus in the Welf Arms, which is to say that the Welf-Arms horse was both that of Wessels and Quinns / Masseys.

This can explain why the Welf-Arms horse is in the position of same of the Mason-related Free's/Freys, first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. This is the Free-Mason bloodline because the German Freie's/Freys use the Mason lion that is also the Caepio-line lion...suspect in the Arms of Luneburg.

Back to the Arms of Welf-Brunswick, where we see some gyronny beneath the Quint-suspect lion paws. Is that not corroboration of a Quintus-Caepio link to the Campbell gyronny and the Capone-suspect Camps? To the left of the Welf gyronny, see the black stag in the design used by (Plant)agenet)s, first found in London, for Londons use gyronny too. The mermaid in the Mason Crest traces exactly to the Fulk house of Plantagenet. Due to the label in the Plante Coat, I would trace the Plante rose to the same of Bellamy-related Masons/Masina's (ignore the trace of this surname to "Thomas," as that looks like a smokescreen), suspect with the Chappes-related Ottone's. A trace of Plante's to the Massa crown can trace "Fulk" to "Velch" (modern Volci), south of Pisa.

To the near-north of Pisa, there is a MassaROSA location. As it's also beside Lucca, the MASSARs, first found in Lucca, can apply. I would guess that the Mazza and Mason/Masina roses trace to Massarosa. This can explain the special rose symbol of Rosicrucians, or why Rosicrucians are Masonic elements. The Arms of Seravezza (beside Massa) uses a red rose centrally.

The Volks are listed with Folks/Fulke's using a large fleur partly in the colors of the Massey fleur, and partly in Quinn / Free colors. The latter scheme is colors reversed from the Shake Coat, relevant because the Shakespeare spear is in the Volk/Folk Crest. Recall that Quinns are said to be from "Conn," for the Conn/Cone and Cony Coats use the coney rabbit seen also in the Shake Crest. This can explain why the Shakespeare bend in colors reversed to the fesse of Conns and Conys.

The Cony rabbit holds a "pansy," and then Pansy's/Pansers are in Quinn colors too. The Pansy dove is indication of connection to the Page dove, tracing to the Pek river's "City of Doves" (= Cuppae). As Quinns are from Quintus Caepio, we may now trace Caepio's to "Cuppae" [once again]. One can glean here a Plante-label link to the Panico/Panetta label where the latter are Pansy liners.

Pansy's/Pansers were first found in Westphalia, where Joseph-honored Vlads, and Caiaphas-suspect Hoffers, were first found.

I didn't look up the Wests until now. They became suspect with "Este" when it seemed that Este's should trace to Wessels. As Vestalis was the grandson of Donnus, and as I trace the heraldic dancette to Donnus, by what coincidence do Wests use nothing in their Coat but a dancette. AND A-HA-HA (gloating a little), the "Jour de" motto phrase of Wests recalls the suggested trace of Jutts/Judds to the Cottius family. The Jutts are the ones said to be from "Jurd / Jordan," and an investigation in that regard found that Jordan liners were Donnus liners. The Jutts/Judds (in Quinn colors) are the ones with the white boar heads, symbol also of one Quinn Crest! The Cotes branch of Otes' likewise use a white boar head in Crest, as does this alternative Chapman Coat (upon what looks like the Blade Shield).

Who would have thought that Freemasonry had roots in Cottius? No one. Who would have thought that Freemasonry had roots in Julius Caesar? Logical. And that's why no one is linking Julius' mother to the Cottius family. It's a world secret. The heraldry masters knew it, and they knew it had to do with the Caepio gold. The meek shall inherit the gold of the earth and use it as tar under their feet. There will be no place to spit but on gold.

The "cockaTRICE" of Jutts/Judds can be part-code for the Trick/Trigg surname (suspect as a "Drake" variation), first found in the same place as Julians and Capone's (and Luna-related Chapmans). The Dutch Cocks (share a green Shield with Tricks) happen to be in Quinn colors again. English Cocks use a red rooster in Crest, the color of the Jutt-Crest cockatrice. Oh what fun the heraldry masters had when they weren't killing for political and financial gain. The Cock lozengy traces to Grimaldi's, at Geno(v)a, near the source of the Trebia.

The Genova Coat uses upside-down white wings, as does the Donnus-suspect Dien/Dives surname [this was written before finding the evidence in the above insert of a Dien trace to the Dniestra, now suggesting that "Donnus" is a variation of that river's name. By what coincidence is the Jove surname, using the Donut Coat, said to be from "GENEVieve" (not necessarily the earliest form of the surname)?] The Diens/Dives are still showing the Masci wing (same white color) shown for years until this year. The Dives surname is for Diva, the earlier name of Chester. The Chettle's of Cheshire trace to Donnus, you see, for they use the West dancette. In other words, Cottius liners, as expected in a merger with Massena Numidians, trace to the source area of the Trebia river.

The Dive's/Diva's, using another dancette (and likely the white Meschin scallops), were first found in the same place as Julians and Capone's, important because the Dive scallops are in the two colors of the Cape scallops. In other words, the Cottius family developed a Dive variation when Donnus variations found themselves at proto-Chester. By some coincidence or not, the Meschins came to rule Chester.

The Donnus-Cottius family traced to the Putna in Vrancea, and Chester was ruled first by Avrances (consider a Focsani trace to "Fossano," on the Tanaro river inland from Genova). As Moldavians were thus in Cheshire, it explains the Molds/Mauds of Cheshire, but they use the double bars of Gace's, who were themselves a line from the Wessel/Gastell surname. Clearly, Cottian liners were in Chester [and, if they didn't name it, I suggest Causeni liners as a second guess, especially the griffin-using Cause's]. The Chester surname uses the Shaw/Sheaves motto and thus traces to Ceva on the Tanaro, and that's why the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Chesters is that also of Tanners (same as Vilains too).

It just so happens that the griffin in the Chester Chief is in the design of the Mazzo/Mazone / Pembroke griffin (all on black), Benjamite suspects last they were discussed. Bransons were looked up to check for "VRANCea" connections, and it just so happens that the winged lion in the Branson Crest (gyronny in Holder colors) is used by dancette-using Holders who moreover use the Pembroke / Cheshire griffin. I'm not familiar with Bransons, but they use the Massin/Mason motto. Bransons could be using the Brunswick lion due to their BRAUN(ston) variation. This recalls that the DUNhams (suspect with Diens/Dives) use a version of the Holder Coat while tracing to Dunham-Massey (Cheshire).

Of further interest is that Hasters, who were previously looked up as per "HASDR(ubal), are using the same bend colors as Mazzo's, and have a Chester-like Hester variation. This has potential for tracing Hasdrubal (Mago's brother, likely) to Cottius. Hasdrubal joined Hannibal in Italy.

The Haster-Crest parrot must be for the Parrots, first found in Pembrokeshire. Parrots share an "Amo" motto term with the Scotts, suggesting Hamo de Masci of Dunham-Massey. As Amo was also "Hamon," the Hamon/Hammond surname (first found in Kent, where there were Numidian lines) can apply, and what do you know? It shares ermined black with the particular Shaws/Sheaves using the Chester motto! So, the Shawia of the Zanata theater removed to the Thanet area of Kent (home of Masons), and they included the line to Hamo de Massena, so to speak. Whose white antlers are in the Hamon Crest? Ask the Maschi pine Cone's. [Or the antelope-using Penders, first found in Pembrokeshire, now suspect as chief Benjamin liners.]

By the way, the white antler of German Wessels, if it links to the red antler of Veringers, needs to be placed beside the so-called "elephant trunks" used by the Veringer-related Zahringens (blue antler). I learned that these elephant trunks, which do not look like such, are called "buffalo horns" from a prairie buffalo. That should explain why the other German-Wessel symbol is a "buffalo horn." You can see the buffalo horns (specific to Germany) in the top-left of this Arms of Rothschild. The "Industria" motto term in that Arms is used by Dents (Donnus suspects last they were discussed), who were traced to the ermined Shaws/Sheaves, but see that they use what looks like a version of the Hastor/Hester Coat. As the Hastors/Hesters use swans, the SHAWia are suspect from lake SEVan. Compare the Hastor bend with that of Aluta-suspect Eltons.

As the Hastor and Dent bends, white symbols included, are used by Sale's = Salyes Ligurians, suddenly it seems that "Ligure" should trace to "Lychnis," the alternative name of lake Sevan. See Lychnis on map. I've crossed this idea before, and showed that the Lick/Lock Coat uses swans. The Lick-Crest swan design was showing in the French Joseph Coat, important for proving that these Josephs were Sadducee liners. But as Licks/Locks are colors reversed from Capone-suspect Camps, note the CAMBYsene location at lake Sevan, and smack beside the Soducena location (the 'f' on this map is an 's').

THEN, as it was proposed a couple of updates ago [could be three by now] that "Soducena" is represented by the Shutz surname, by what coincidence does the English Lick/Luck Coat share black greyhounds with the Shutz'??? IF THAT IS NOT ENOUGH, MR. SHEETZ LOOK: the Scottish Licks use a saltire in colors reversed to the Shutz saltire! And "saltire" is suspect as code for the Salette variation of Sale's. Even the greyHOUND in the Shutz Crest can trace to the Sale's by way of the Hound Coat.

As it would be too dangerous for the heraldry masters to add "Lick" visibly in the Luck and Lock list of surnames, it explains why it doesn't appear. It would be a dead give-away that heraldic swans are for Sevan/Lychnis elements. One first needs to figure that Licks should apply to lake Sevan before realizing what the Lock swans represent. The Lucks may indicate Lucca's naming simply because the Cavii of the Lychnidus theater trace to the general area of Lucca.

Recall that Meschin liners married the dynasty of the Duncans ("Disce" motto term), for the Hamon/Hammond motto uses "DISCrimina," what should be part code for Maschi's at Rimini. The DunKELD dynasty traced to the Khaldi, near or even at lake Sevan. Compare "CHAMBerland" with CAMBYsene!!! This can explain how Cimmerians got their Cimbry / Cumber / Camber terms. (Chamberlains use the Duncan / Donkey Shield.) Cambysene elements should trace to Chambre (downtown SAVoy) on the same river (the Arc) as MODane. The "ALTissiMUS" motto term of French Chambre's (could be using the MontGOMERy fleur) can go to Molds/MAUDs. I would trace the red rose on a stem of English Chambre's to the same of Wallis-suspect Walkers.

See the Comer variation of Cambers (another dancette) to recognize that Cambrian elements were from Biblical Gomer. Again, Modane is only about 25 miles from the capital of the Donnus Cottians. Not only is the Camber/Comer Crest ALMOST the Mosca = Chives leopard, but the Camber/Comer ESToiles can now trace to the Este house of Vestalis. In fact, compare "ESTOIL" to "VESTALis."

The Aosta location between Savoy and Wallis canton can apply. Susa is only about 10 miles from the Savoy border. Cambers/Comers were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Diens/Dives, dancette-using Diva's, and Soducena-suspect Saddocks. The Camber/Comer dancette is in the red color of the Chee/Chettle dancette. This should explain why Wessels were first found in the Cumber/Cambria theater of England.

As the leopard, the dancette, and "Donnus" should trace to Dionysus on the Maeander river, it needs to be repeated that this was the Pelops line to Menelaus, while it's known that Menelaus lived his later life in Messene, location of Mitanni-suspect Methoni. That's another way to trace Cottius to the Mitanni, but as Methoni was "Modon," it tends to solidify a Susa alliance with Modane while assuring that Modane traces to Methoni. The Greeks created "Oeneus" as a symbol of wine, the symbol of Dionysus. So, there you have it, a trace of the Cottius family to Dionysus elements at Methoni [zowie, this tends to trace Dionysus elements to the Dniestra, which is "DNESTR" on my atlas, like mythical NESTOR at Pylos, beside Methoni!]. The Maeander (home of the LUNAtic Maenads that can trace to Luna) was home to Maeonians that were encoded in mythical Manes, father of Cotys. We get it: the Maccabees / Hasmoneans were from this line. The Maeander was not far from the Latmus moon goddess suspect with Lydus, grandson of Cotys.

If you place four dots on a map, one at Mannae for Manes, a third at Hattusa for Attis, and a fourth at Lydia for Lydus, the second dot figures to be around Ordu = KYToros, suspect with the Keturah line to the Cutters at Saluzzo. Aosta was founded by a Salassi peoples. It's a good argument for identifying Cotys (a Thracian goddess rather than a male deity) and the naming of the Cottian Alps with Keturah. Ask the LETUshites that are said to be from Keturah in Genesis 25. Her other tribe of Leummites are suspect at Lemnos, where Sintians lived who named Saintes, and then the Savoy surname uses a "Saint" motto term.

Latmus was beside Clarus, where the Claro > Sinclair lines can trace. One could expect this Clarus line at the Luna / Masse theater if the Luna's trace to Selene at Latmus. Sinclairs also come up as "Saint," and German SANDers use the red Claro/Charo bull. Fancy that. This is being repeated because the Sands look like a version of the Cambers/Comers, suggesting that Cambysene elements from Sevan were at Lemnos. The idea here is that the Sittaceni cousins of the Sinti (both from lake Maeotis) both moved to Lemnos, but not before the Sittaceni named Soducena. Somewhere along the way to western Europe, the Sintians developed a Sant-like look. The Sand fitchees can verify that the Cambers/Comers are in Quint colors not coincidentally. I suppose it's feasible that "Quint" was a hardened version of a Sint-like term.

I once read that someone deciphered some writing on an ancient royal tomb of Lemnos as "Saka." The Sucapena location (Moschian mountains) to the west of Soducena can apply. Below Sucapena is CARANitus, interesting because the Kerns use the sleeping moon, symbol of Selene at Latmus. As Carians lived at Latmus, the "Quaerere" motto term of Scottish Roets (German branch uses a sleeping moon) suggests Carians, as does "Kern." Then, Luna is at Massa-CARRara. Carrincidence? As sleeping-moon Kerns were first found in the same place (Silesia) as Sitlers/Schitners, the black lion of Irish Kerns can be the Sitler/Schitler and Schits lion.

On the Siret, and north of Neamt, there is a Suceava area that can apply to Sucapena.

Wikipedia: "The province of "Massa e Carrara" was born in 1859 from the separation of the Lunigiana and the Garfagnana from the Ducato of Modena." We now know why this area was paired with Lunigiana (= Luni), but why also with Modena? I don't know which came first, Modane or Modena. If Modane came first, them the Cottians of Massena liners at Masse may have stretched east out to name Modena.

It is of interest that while the Arms of Ayrshire use "shaw," they use the Annandale saltire in red-on-gold, colors reversed from the saltire of the mace-using Arms of Massa. Could this indicate that the Ananes Gauls were in alliance with Shawia Numidians around Massa? The Ananes were at Placentia when one historian wrote about them, but they may have been elsewhere at other times. A Cottian-line merger with the Numidians is now tantamount to an Ister-river merger with Numidians once the Ister-river peoples got to the end of the Po = Bodencus river.

Here is a new theory that just pressed to mind. The Ananes Gauls were from a Nan(e) entity suspect with the Non/Newan line from the Neame/Name Numidians. Put it this way, that due to the close relationship between Methoni/Modon and the Messene namers of the Massena family, perhaps the Ananes had something to do with founding Modena. That would be especially helpful in tracing "Annas" to Israel with a Maccabee line out of Modena, and so let's keep in mind that Annas' family, either pre- or post-Christian times, may have been from Angusta, near Neamt. In other words, I'm entertaining an Ananes trace to Neamt, and here's the evidence.

First, I checked for a Nane surname and got a Shield filled with blue-and-gold checks [see "Nane" in the next update for more], the colors of the Shield-filling Moden/Modley Coat (these are the two colors used as the flag of Modena). In the least, this can indicate a Modena merger with Ananes. I saw, but could not re-find, blue-and-gold checks in an Arms of Bologna. The Wards use such a Shield, as do the Guerra-suspect Warrens. That allows us to trace the Nene checks to the Setta-valley circle where lines of the Israeli priests have been suspect. It's a good start.

Furthermore, the Nene checks are in the colors of the quarters of the Neame/Name/NEME Coat, and quarters can be regarded as checks. Already we have a very good match. Then, the motto of Seatons, who are expected as the very namers of the Setta, uses a "forWARD" term. The "Comme" motto term of Wards can trace to the namers of COMIsena beside lake Sevan.

If that's not enough, the Modens/Modleys were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Cremona-suspect Croms. The Croms share quatrefoils with Ayers of Ayrshire, and the latter in turn use the chevron of Irish Shaws/Sheaves (obviously). Thus, a Shawia-Numidian trace to Cremona speaks of the historical fact that general Scipio retreated to Cremona and Placentia (forming those towns as army barracks) when losing the war of Trebia, and later he or Scipio Africanus (I can't recall which) formed a partnership with king Massena a few years before 200 BC, right on target for Maccabee formation from, for example, the Mazza's at Modena. It just so happens that, at the time of that partnership, the Boii were already in Bologna. Can we imagine a Mazza merger with a Boii line to form "Maccabaeus"? Remember that mazza/matzo-like terms mean stick or hammer to Italians.

No Baeus surname comes up, but a Bays/Baise/Base Coat looks to be using the Strange lions in the colors of those in the Arms of Brunswick (not necessarily relevant but worth jotting down). The Bass surname (shares the Shutz greyhounds), first found in Haddington -- the area of the Seatons/Sittins -- traced excellently to the Baseu river to the near-north of the Sitna. But I am having a hard time linking these surnames to the Boii. What if I'm wrong in tracing "Maccabaeus" to the Boii? What if the term was a Mazza merger with the Bass bloodline instead? Meschins lived in the Bessin, but Bessins use bees (suspect from "Maccabee"), what I figured to be code for the Boii, because Boys use bees too, as do MAXtons.

German Bass'/Bassens happen to use two black hunting horns, symbol of Kilpatrick-related Patch's, VERY GOOD for a Bass trace to Kilpatrick-related MAXwells/MACCUSwells of Maxton! Can we imagine "MACCUS" from the Mazza merger with the proto-Bass / proto-Baise surname upon forming "Maccabeaus"? The Roman eagle of Maxwells can even trace well to Scipio, especially as English Maxwells were first found in the same place as Skiptons. Later (about 100 BC), after Massena and the first Maccabees, there was a Roman official with a Maecenas surname in the Umbria theater, where the Donnus-suspect Donato's were first found.

The Bohemians suspect Bohun/Bone surname (Nane colors), traceable to Boii at Bologna = BONonia, may be using the Gate / Neame/Name lions, and as such may link to the Ananes-suspect Nane surname. The Nane surname, if it's from Ananes, can trace to Kilpatricks easily. The latter lived at CLOSEburn, and the Close/Clovse Coat (shares black hunting horns with Patch's) was traced to Italian Botters, who in-turn use a bend in the colors of the Bohun/Bone bend. The Close/Clovse Coat looks like a version of the Macey Shield, and we saw Massey elements link hard to the Botters previously. The Bohuns/Bone's are said to have had a Bohun location in Manche, where Masseys lived.

French Bone's (the Luna / Massey crescent?) were first found in Provence, and so one can glean a Warren trace from Bologna's Guerra's to Guerin of Provence. Dutch Bones (in Skull colors) use the Massey/Masse crescent and the Massey/Macey fleur, apparently. As was said earlier, the English Mountains (Calvados, same as Meschins) look like they are using the Bohun/Bone Shield. They are said to be from a Dracon Mountigni of 1086, but the surname changed soon to "Muntini," smacking of Muntenia in Wallachia. As these Calvados Mountains were first found in Essex when crossing to England, I would link them to Vere's of Essex because Normandy's Vere's were from Manche too. Therein we have a Vere / Warren trace to Bononia = Bologna, and "Dracon" is suspect with the Guerra and Warren dragon symbol. One wonders whether the proto-Boii were in Muntenia. The Bessin/Bayeux was in Calvados, founded by a BAIOcasses peoples suspect by others with the Boii. Yet Bessin elements seemed to trace not-bad recently to the Baseu river. Perhaps they were at the Buzau river (home of the Cotesii), for that river was in Wallachia.

I've just looked up the description to the Bohum surname (with an 'm') immediately after writing the above to re-discover what I had forgotten, that the Bohun/Bone/Bohum bend is called, "cotised gold." Suddenly, it does appear that the Cottius line had to do with Boii in Bologna. It appears that the Boii trace to the Buzau river, where they had alliances or war with the Cotesii. Check out the description of the German Bohem (with an 'e') surname: "A blue shield with a peasant, wearing a silver hat, red VEST [hee-haw] and black culottes [the Cults = Coots?], standing on green ground and holding a silver staff." It's the Cottius > Vestalis line! Heraldry can't keep it's mouth shut. Here is that fine speciman of a man in the Bohem Coat. He doesn't look dressed for any type of event I've heard of. Too many codes can ruin a man's look. Nice socks? Nyet.

How does a peasant afford a silver staff? Ask the Besants (Middlesex) or Pheasants (Middlesex). The latter can be suspect from Phasis = Poti, suspect at Botosani = the Baseu theater. Or, as an alternative theory, compare "Pheasant/Vessent" to "Vestalis." The pheasants are in the colors of the Wessel garbs. The Pheasants/Vessents are in Vest(er) colors, and Dutch Vests (same Coat) morph to "Vesp" = wasp = bee theme, perhaps.

The Boii can be viewed as a line of Paeoni because Boii lived in Pannonia. It can explain why Boii and Panetta's/Panico's (in Bohen / Pheasant colors) were both at Bologna. Paeoni are traced to Staffordshire's Stubbs (Stubbings use besants), and WESTons were first found in Staffordshire too. Recall the silver STAFF in the hand of the man with a VEST. The Cotes were first found in Staffordshire. Therefore, as Vestalis elements are suspect in Westons / Wests, let's read some of the Stubb write-up, for Cottius elements had traced to Massey / Dives liners at Diva: "There are elaborate accounts of this family's descent from Belmeis or Beaumeis from Beaumeis-sur-Dive from Calvados..." Reading on, it becomes apparent that this line was of the Bellamys, first found in Shropshire. The Meschins from Calvados were first found in Shropshire too, but somehow they got to Diva, very possibly because the Bellamys had been from a Dive entity in Normandy.

The Westons (just a spread black eagle, one head) are listed with only one other variation, "Atgate." What is that? A Gate line? They are said to be from Weston-under-Lizard". What's that? They are traced to a Baileul surname at Gopher-suspect Baileul-en-Gouphern in ORNE. I wasn't going to say anything because there wasn't much to say. Instead, my mind turned to fetching you the Gace article at Wikipedia because that's where the Wessel/Gartell surname traces. That's when I saw that Gace is ORNE. It's not as big as Washington DC, but it's on a map. Perche and Belleme are in Orne, and the source of the Dives river is smack at Gace. The latter is on a Touques river suggesting the Tooks/Touque's (Weston colors, erect sword expected of Bistones lines) of Kent. But there is a Norman Touques surname (with an 's') using just two, large BESANTS. I'm beginning to wonder whether Vestalis was named after the Besant bloodline. The Arms of Cremona is a seemingly-important besant.

The Touques Coat appears to be using silver roundels instead of besants in this Ottone/Otes Coat. It had earlier been clinched that Otes' are Cotes' and Coots.

The Touques just reminded me of Togarmite lines to the MacIntosh/MacInTOCH" sector of Clan Chattan. Chattans/Cato's and Chatans link easily to the Clovis-suspect Close/Clove surname tracing to the Lucca / Massa theater. But when I re-loaded the MacIntosh-sept page just now, there was the Mosca leopard design as the clan badge. I didn't know this logical thing until now, speaking to a Meshech-Togarmite merger. The Meshech were otherwise called, Mushki, and one can see their Moschi mountains (west side of Soducena) on this old map of Caucasia. Cumber and Gomer-like surnames can be seen (Togarmah was a son of Gomer) in the sept list.

I like to point out that Esso- and Exxon-like surnames are listed as MacIntosh septs, and that Esso's old symbol, "Tony the Tiger," was a Togarmite code. If we ask why "Tony," it's probably the red Anton(y) leopard face...that should trace to Mark Antony. The Antony's also use a goat to verify that they, and the Mosco's, were of the Boofima cult, suspect with the Medusa Gorgons as per "BaphoMET." Scottish Bowers use a "met"-like motto term, corroboration for me that Baphomet traced from Africa to the namers of Bavaria, where Bauers were first found. Bowers were first found in Peeble's, a term I see as part of the Pepins, whom I traced to trace to Baph-like Paphlagonians prior to taking on the Baphomet cult. Later yet, I learned that the Heneti kin of Paphlagonians lived on the Parthenius river, home of the Perseus Gorgons. I therefore think I have this picture correctly understood. Antons even smack of mythical Antenor, the Heneti founder of the Veneti. Therefore, Boofima was a Paphlagonian-Heneti entity in Africa.

Using information from earlier in this update, we can trace Boofima (horrible human-sacrifice cult) to Carthaginians (they conducted many child sacrifices for to justify Hell). It was said: "The Haster-Crest parrot must be for the Parrots, first found in Pembrokeshire. Parrots share an "Amo" motto term with the Scotts, suggesting Hamo de Masci of Dunham-Massey. As Amo was also "Hamon," the Hamon/Hammond surname (first found in Kent, where there were Numidian lines) can apply, and what do you know? It shares ermined black with the particular Shaws/Sheaves using the Chester motto!" The Hasters were suspect with "HASDRubal," and one can see here that the Mosco line to Meschins is yet involved. Compare the parrot-using Peeble Coat to the Hammon Coat.

I neglected to mention that I had gleaned a trace of "Chester" to mythical Castor, who happened to be born as a result of the Zeus swan mating with Leda. That can explain the swans of the Haster Coat! As Petty's use parrots too while Hasters use the Sale bend, I would trace this Castor lot to Sale (west side of Aenus, mouth of the Hebros) and to the Paeti on the Hebros around Cypsela (though the map here shows the Paeti east of Aenus).

Early in the dragon hunt, I noticed that Paphlagonian lines liked to use black-and-white combinations (the colors of the Peeble Coat too), and while I was already pegging the Illuminati as a Paphlagonian-Heneti line to the Veneti, I wouldn't know for years yet that the Illuminati symbol, black-and-white checks, is used by Peeble-like Pepoli's. Late in history, the Illuminati became associated with Rothschilds, who had previously been Bauers (share a green Shield with Bowers).

Parrots were made a symbol of pirates, though I don't know the reason. It just so happens that the Argo ship, likely symbol of pirates, sailed up the Ister, where we find the pirate-like Pyratus river. I have already traced Heneti to the Pyratus, and have identified that river's name with "Aphrodite" (the Heneti line to Venus). I trace Castor's brother (Pollux) to Apulia and Pula, and Apulia is where some sons of mythical Daedalus of Crete ended up. The IaPYGes, for example, who must have connected with the "PUGilist" symbol of Pollux, and the PUGlia version of "Apulia." There was a mythical Perdix craftsman (easily links to Aphrodite's husband) that some equate with DaeDALUS, which seems to prove true where Wikipedia says that Perdix was also "TALUS." It now appears easy to equate Perdix with Britomartis, knowing that Pyratus elements founded the Britons. The parrots of the Castor-suspect Hasters seemingly apply to this line, and "parrot" is a pirate-like term, isn't it, so that we can glean a Masonic-code origin for the parrot-and-pirate couplet. It's asking us whether the Parrots trace to the Pyratus.

Let's re-mention the ImPERI peoples who ran the Boofima cult. I traced them to the Parion = mythical-Paris Gorgons, very suspect with "Perseus." Then, on the south of Pyratus-like Paris, there is an Essone region (smacks of the Aeson > Iason line that represented the Argo ship) not much more than about 50 miles from Perche (home of Bellamys), the grail-king Percival line that Arthurian myth writers made father to a Swan Knight. One can suppose that the namers of Perche were the Parisii Gorgons that named Paris. Here's a Parisii coin and a Parion coin both showing a Gorgon head with snakes/worms for hair.

Can TOGARmites trace to Parion? YES, for Parion/Parium was the city of the Priam Trojans who were co-founded by mythical TEUCER. If we want to know why the Parrot Coat uses pears, we need to ask the pear-using Abbots with a Shield version of the leopard-using Pears/Pearls. Don't the latter strike us as ImPERI liners? As the Imperi wore leopard GLOVES when conducting their sacrifices, what can we do about the "bot a glove" motto phrase of MacIntosh's and other Clan-Chattan liners??? Shouldn't "ABBOT" apply to this BOT code?

I trace the bot code to Botters because they use the Chattan and Chatan bend. Therefore, the Abbots are suspect as Butteri liners in connection with cat-using Lucca elements, and because Lucca is near the Ligurian coast, that city should be the ancestry of the Luck, Lick and Lock lines to the Swan Knight. Boofima, that is, was at Lucca.

Some Teague-related variations, such as MacCagy, are used by MacIntosh's. Teague's/Caige's look like they are using a version of the Took/Touque Coat. This effectively traces the Boofima-based Togarmites and Macintosh's to the Touques river, location of Gace that traces to the swan-using Wessel surname. As the Donnus>Cottius>Wessel line had traced to the Mitanni, let's re-mention mythical Oeneus of Methoni, symbol of the Dionysus wine cult, for Dionysus had a leopard symbol. Let's not forget that the Caens use both a FRETty Shield and leopard faces while using a Parium-honoring motto code. There was a Caeni (see map at Parium link) peoples smack where you see the Paeti stamped on the map above, and this region was across the waters from Parium.

With a Togarmite link to the Cottius family, the black-on-white Teague crosslets, used by Julians, can trace to Julius Caesar as further evidence that his mother was from Cottius' ancestry. MacIntosh's look like the golden-fleece bloodline to me, and it went through Pisa and the Benjamites. This jibes with those who say that Romans were partly formed by Tubal.

As I repeatedly see Gace in connection with Ferte-Mace, where Bellamys engaged themselves, let's mention the Stubb write-up, where the Bellamys of Shropshire are said to have been followers of a MontGOMERy fellow. It appears that the sons of Japheth were in the Paris domain. This recalls that QUMRan," not far from the mouth of the Jordan river on the Dead-sea shore, looks like "Gomer." It may indicate that Jabesh, on the Jordan, was a term still honoring Japheth (son of Noah)).

I was able to glean that the Swan King (Lohengrin) was a Ligurian-swan entity (see the Lock / Logen swans) in alliance with Carthaginians. It traces the Pollux-and-Castor swan lines to lake Lychnidus, but if "Hasdrubal" traces to the modern Has location on the Drilon, then Castor may have been there...meaning that "Has" may have been more like "Haster" in the past. Of interest here is that the Cass/CASTs (in Haster colors) were first found in the same place as Julians and Capone's while Castors/Costers are using the format and colors of Capone's. Let's not forget that the Capone format is used by Camps who are now tracing to CAMBYsene at lake Lychnis = Sevan.

If this can trace these Castor lines, with Cass'/Casts and Kiss', to Kisin'ov, note that while CAUSeni is near Kisin'ov, Costs/Coteau's (first found in the same place as Cotts/Cottins) are shown as "CAUSt." If this can trace the Cottius family to Causeni, it's not surprising where "Donnus" is now going to the Dniestra river at Causeni. As Causeni is between the Dniestra and the Pyratus, by what coincidence does the Cotten (with an 'e') surname use a "paratus" motto term? In fact, the Cottens use "fortuna paratus" while Fortuna's share a talbot dog with Castors/Casters. The Cottens are in the colors of the Klassens using "Lady Fortune" holding a Benjamin-suspect banner. Banners happen to use a large fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Cabbage fleur.

NOW, as the Pyratus was suspect with Perdix = TALus, the Talbots are suspect with that Talus term. We should therefore find Talbots merged with lines to the Britons, though it's the Scott surnames that use the Talbot Shields.

The Cottens are also in Botter colors, possibly suggesting a relationship with BOTOsani (northern Moldova off the Pyratus). The "numine" motto term of English Banners suggests the Neamt area to the south side of Botosani. As Suceava is between Botosani and Neamt, its notable that while a fleur-de-lys is a lily, the Susans use a lily (Susans are tentatively suspect with Susa, the Donnus-Cottius capital). It just so happens that Banns/Banents were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as "fortune"-using Cottens and Cotta's/Cottins!!!

I must re-mention that the Shutz surname traces with the Bass/Bassens to the Baseu river in Botosani likely because Shutz' trace to the Sitna river of Botosani. This is mentionable here because the Shutz cross is suspect with the Benjamin saltire. The Bug river is near Botosani, and this is where the BANisters can come in, for while they use "water bougets" that I trace via the Bug surname to the Big river, the Banns/Banents are using the triple chevrons of the Water surname. Reminder: Lancelot's father, Ban/Bant, traces to Bantia on the Pyratus-like Bradanus river (LUCania).

I've just looked up "Lucan" checking for links to Lucania. The Lucans are listed with the Luckins/Lewkins (Shropshire), and they look to be using the Eden Shield, important because Edens use a "sit prudentia" motto phrase tracing to the Sitna area of the Pyratus. But Edens are also suspect with the Edones, whom in myth were encoded as king LYCurgus, whom I view as the swan line to LIGURians. I don't recall if I ever traced "LYCurgus" to Lychnis = Sevan, but it fits.

The Edones lived on the Strymon that I trace to the Stura river of interior Liguria (in Cuneo), and then Sale, suspect with Salyes Ligures at Cuneo's Saluzzo, is shown between a DORIScus and a Stryme location. The Doriscus term is likely that of mythical Dryas, who was made a father or son of king Lycurgus. Northwest of Stryme, to the south of the Rhodope mountains, one sees what looks like "NICOpolis," suggesting the Nice location in Liguria. This helps to trace the Rhodanus river, where Ligurians were founded, to "Rhodope" (making it clear that KIKONs, mythically the sons of Rhodope, go to the Ligurian swan king, CYCNus, son of Sithone-based king Sthenelus of Liguria). But beside Nicopolis I see a COSYNtus location that can be the Cotten / Causeni liners.

The "hanks" of cotton used by Cottens should represent the Hanks/Anke's, suspect with Anaki elements from Aenus (to the near-east of Doriscus). Hanks/Anke's were first found in Lincolnshire, where Rhodope > Rhodanus lines go, not to mention LUCy Taillebois. Lucans/Luckins are using their chevron in the colors of the Lucy/Luce Coat, and the latter were first found in the same place as Benjamins. This is where the annuLETs of Benjamins come in, for the Lucans/Luckins share the black scallops of the Edens while the latter's are in the colors of the Lett-Chief symbols, and, besides, black scallops are used by the Ladds/Ladens who are related to scallop-using Leeders. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Letts is that of the Annas Coat, this being proof that those two surnames are in code with the "annulet." But the point now is that annulets are tracing to the Leda swan line suspect with the proto-Ligurian a merger with Aenus elements. The Letts are likely using the Annandale saltire (as used by Bruce's) in colors reversed

I can't recall why Letts were recently traced to mythical Leda, but let's add that Letts were first found in the same place as Castors/Costers!!! That place is Gloucestershire, where the scallop-using Samsons were first found who were showing the EATON cross!!! That tends to clinch a Lett link to the Edens, and, besides, with Castors/Costers tracing to the naming of Cheshire, it's of course notable that Eatons were first found in Cheshire. The Samson / Eaton cross, before both were changed at, looked like two double-headed axes (forming a cross), what I traced to the Cretan axe symbol of Britomartis. That axe is called a labrys, and then DaeDALUS was the ruler of a Cretan LABYRinth. The Talbots now expected from Perdix-Talus elements in Britomartis can trace to the labrys / labyrinth entity because the heraldic talbot dog is a LABRador.

On can see that the Latt and Layt variations of Letts links to Latons/Laytons (in Lett colors), and then, while Edens are expected with Seatons as per the Sithone tribe of Edones, it just so happens that while Seatons are from a Say town, the Says and Latons (wyvern dragon) use the same quartered Shield. Latons were first found in the same place (Huntingdon) as Cottens...suggesting the mythical line of Cotys > Attis > Lydus.

Recall the McLeod sept of Crimmons/Rimmons, how they traced well through the Rimna to the Aluta. The Crimmons/Rimmons use a "caetera divis" motto phrase suggesting Keturah liners at Diva = Chester and/or on the Dives river of Normandy (beside the Touques). The McLeod septs even show the Touque-related Teague's. It's a no-brainer now that Maschi's of Rimini trace to Ferte-Mace elements on the Dives, and for-certain the Masci-related Ben-Jabeshites trace to the Ferte-Mace theater. This area was laden with scythians quite apparently.

By now you may have realized that Keturah liners (suspect with Anaki in Hebron and therefore with the Hank-Cotten relationship) are expected with the Benjamin liners from the get-go out of Israel. We can only wonder whether Keturah liners went into Egypt for the period of Israel's slavery, or whether they remained outside. The Midianites from Keturah's son (Midian) are the people amongst whom Moses spent some time after being named by the Mus/Meshwesh household of the Exodus pharaoh. It is this household I suspect with the 600 Benjamites / 600 Danites. In order to find the Exodus pharaoh by a logical route, we need to find a king whose devastation in the 10 Plagues led to the fall of his dynasty or of his nation as a whole. Plus, we need to find a pharaoh's whose first-born son did not sit on his throne after him. Khyan, who can trace to the Caeni, fits that description, whose kingdom came to an end with Apophis, the king who followed Khyan but was not his son. I see the Hyksos as Hayasa-Azzi, and then an Assi peoples of Iran (an origin of Scythians / Cimmerians) are said by Wikipedia to have been kin to TOCHARians...possibly the root of "MacInTOCH." The Hyksos led to mythical Teucer, didn't they, son of Saka-suspect Scamander (i.e. Scythians on the Maeander).

There is another McLeod sept of Ainsco (donkeys), with Ask variations suggesting the Ash terms traced to the Mathis-river theater in the last update (could be two updates ago by now). The Mathis is suspect with the Keturah-suspect Mitanni at Methoni, perhaps a line of Midianites, though Keturah also had a son, Medan, traceable to Medon, mythical son of Kodros (Athens). Is it possible to trace Dionysus to Kodros? Ask Hephaestus, the image of Dionysus on Lemnos, who mated with Athena.

It was reckoned that the donkey-using CHAMBERlains were using "Prodesse" as code for the Dess/Daish surname...said to include a "D'Assch" surname! That works, especially as Duncans married Meschins while the Ainsco/Askey Coat uses the Meschin format and colors.

As the Grime's/Grimms were first found in the same place as Diva, one can venture to identify they and Grimaldi's together with Crimmons/Rimmons. From the Genoa location of Grimaldi's, it's downstream on the Trebia to Placentia, and a hop to CREMona. Grime's/Grimms were first found in East Cheshire, location of Ashbury-related Astbury. This paragraph is strong evidence that Crimmons were from Rimmon in Israel, but in order to be strong, my dream needs to be figured in where Benjamites of Rimmon were revealed as proto-Masci liners to begin with. It's logical because, a few dynasties in Egypt after the Exodus, the Meshwesh actually ruled Egypt (starting in the 21st dynasty). One can assume that Meshech elements had been in Tanis all along the course of Hyksos-of-Egypt history. Ask the Meshech that lived in the area of the Hayasa-Azzi (southern Caucasia and at/near lake Sevan). In this picture, the Saka suspect with "Scamander" could be from the namers of SUCApena, on the south side of the Moschi mountains. It's exactly where the Hayasa-Azzi are expected.

But if the Manes line down through the Maeander to the Lydus Lydians (Trojan allies) was from Hyksos, ditto for the Cottius family. The trace of Donnus to the Dniestra could be a trace to the namers of the Don river (further east), which was the Tanais in earlier times, i.e. suspect with Tanis. One can expect a Dniestra relationship with Moldova's Cotesii, all the better if the Buzau river of the Cotesii traced to the namers of the Bug. And with Vestalis suspect in the ancestry of the Este's, it's a good bet that Este is related to the namers of DniESTRa. While golden-fleece Colchians (from Cotesii-like Kutaisi) entered the Buzau area when they chased Jason as he sailed up the Ister, these very Colchians trace to settlements in and around Istria (see Wikipedia on Pola/Pula).

Can we link the Jabeshites of the 600 Benjamites to the golden-fleece Colchians so that the Japodes of the Istria theater were thus named after Jabesh's 400 women??? Yes, the Ben-Jabeshites already traced to the golden-fleece line of Pelops, and as he married Amazons, it is to be asked whether the all-female symbol of Amazons was play on the all-female Jabeshites in Israel. There was a mythical ABAS, founder of ABANTians on Euboea. I could not understand how "ABAS" got "BANT," but with Benjamins now tracing to Bend/Bent and Bant liners, it seems that "Abas" was a Jabesh variation:

Abas, the son of Poseidon and Arethusa. A Thracian by birth, Abas founded a tribe known as the Abantians or Abantes. Abas and his Abantian followers migrated to the island of Euboea, where he subsequently reigned as king. He was father of Canethus [Khyan / Caeni liner?] and Chalcodon, and through the latter grandfather of Elephenor [Eliphas-Lotan line?], who is known to have accidentally killed him. Also given as Abas' children are Alcon [suspect with Chalc terms, even ALCmene, mother of Hercules], Arethusa and Dias, of whom the latter was said to have founded a city Athenae on Euboea.

Sithonia is shown at a map above at CHALCidice, which may or may not apply to mythical Chalcodon, who warred with Hercules against Elis in Pisa, it's not likely coincidental that Abas was a son of Poseidon = Pisidians. The Ben-Jabeshites traced exactly to that Pisa / Elis entity by other means. We can therefore trust that other Abas characters of myth apply to Jabeshite tracks. Note that another Chalcodon was related to Kos, for Merops of Kos was made a father to Pandareus in Ephesus = Apasa. The Kodros-of-Athens character had another son who was made the founder of Ephesus, and that can only mean that Kodros was an Amazon entity. That is, Keturah became an Amazon entity, but Amazons are suspect with the Jabeshites. I would identity Athenae in Euboea with Keturah liners.

Merops of Kos traces to Merovingians, and mythical Aedon, daughter of Pandareus, is suspect as the Edones...which can trace Chalcodon to the Sithonia location i.e. to "Chalcidice."

Another Abas was made father of Lysimache, symbol of Lysimachia beside the Caeni and beside Parium. Another Abas was turned into a swan by Aphrodite (meaning she was a swan liner). Another Abas is said to have been a friend of Perseus...from Joppa, the line to the Spartan Gorgons of mythical Sthenelus, father of the swan king. Another Abas was made the son of Metaneira, smacking of Medan, son of Keturah. Other Aba's are shown related/associated with the Hippodama line in Pisa. Another Abas was made a friend of Aeneas, founder of Romans. Another Abas (from Populonia) was associated with Tuscany, location of Pisa.

The Chalks, suspect from Gogarene / Caucasia, but now also with Chalcodon, use a swan. The tortoise of related Chaucers can therefore trace to the Toreatae kin of the Soducena-suspect Sittaceni.

U.S. Moving into Northern Iraq

"On [August 22], Biden was cited by The Washington Post as saying that the US is prepared to help Iraq pursue a federal system that would decentralise power away from the Baghdad central government." That's not unlike dictating what Iraq should do, and it contradicts the unity message that Obama wants us to think he holds to.

When ISIS was attacking Baghdad, it was fine with Obama. But the minute that ISIS turned guns on the Kurds, a coalition of Western nations, beginning with Obama, moved in on ISIS. What does it tell us? "According to the New York Times, administration officials said U.S. President Barack Obama was broadening his campaign against the Sunni militants of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and nearing a decision to authorize airstrikes and airdrops of food and water around the northern Iraqi town of Amerli, home to members of Iraq Turkmen minority." So what's wrong with attacking ISIS camps in the Baghdad theater too? It's not part of US concern, is it? What is the concern?

"Gazprom Neft has begun drilling an exploration well at the Shakal block in Kurdistan (Iraq) and is soon to commence drilling on a second exploration well." That's recent news, but what's Russia to do in Kurdistan now that the U.S. has moved in with a large presence? How long will this latest plot take? How many years? Or will some unforeseen event change this game unexpectedly? I've got more time to twiddle my fingers now.

On the recent issue of the oil sales to or through Houston, Obama's state department said: "There is no US ban on the transfer or sale of oil originated from any part of Iraq," which is tantamount to saying that oil purchased from Kurdistan is okie-dokie with Obama. That news was before Obama sent military to the Kurds.

The culmination of animosities between Netanyahu and Obama are highlighted in the following telephone conversation. I'll quote the entire article so you don't need to go there:

Damning evidence has emerged of US President Barack Obama's dismissal of Israel's position in favor of supporting the position of Hamas and its allies during ceasefire talks.

A "senior US official" leaked an audio recording of a telephone conversation between Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Channel One. In it the 35-minute conversation, which took place on Sunday, the US President appears downright hostile at points, and even cuts off Netanyahu in the middle of his protestations over a one-sided truce proposal which would have seen Hamas receive all its key demands, but that Israel ultimately rejected.

The following is an excerpt of the conversation, published in Hebrew by Channel One:

Obama: I demand that Israel agrees to an immediate, unilateral ceasefire and halt all offensive activities - particularly airstrikes.

Netanyahu: What will Israel receive in return for a ceasefire?

Obama: I believe that Hamas will stop firing rockets - silence will be met with silence [more than naive, it's downright ignorant of Obama to say that].

Netanyahu: Hamas violated all five previous ceasefires, it is a terrorist organization which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel.

Obama: I repeat and expect Israel to unilaterally stop all its military activity. The pictures of destruction from Gaza distance the world from Israel's position.

Netanyahu: Kerry's proposal was completely unrealistic and gives Hamas the military and diplomatic advantage.

Obama: Within a week of the end of Israel's military activities, Qatar and Turkey will begin negotiations with Hamas on the basis of the 2012 understanding, including Israel's commitment to removing the siege and restrictions on Gaza,

Netanyahu: Qatar and Turkey are the biggest supporters of Hamas [excellent point because it turns the focus on Obama's own respect of those nations]. It is impossible to rely on them to be fair mediators.

Obama: I trust Qatar and Turkey, and Israel is in no position to choose its mediators.

Netanyahu: I object, because Hamas is able to continue and to fire rockets and to use tunnels for terror attacks...

Obama - interrupts Netanyahu mid-sentence: The ball is in Israel's court - it is obligated to end all military activities [Obama the ignorant, telling another country what to do, after he publicly says Israel has the right to defend itself?].

The Channel One journalist who received the tape emphasized that at other points during the conversation there were more "positive" word exchanged between the two, such as Obama repeating America's commitment to Israel's security.

But those words will ring hollow to Israelis, considering that the proposal put together by John Kerry, Qatar and Turkey did not address a single one of Israel's demands and - as alluded to by Obama himself - relied on little more than the goodwill of Hamas to stop firing rockets. This, despite the group (which the US itself lists as a terrorist organization) being unabashedly committed to the destruction of the State of Israel and the genocide of all Israeli Jews.

For his part, earlier on Tuesday John Kerry claimed that Prime Minister Netanyahu had in fact approached him to ask him to help hammer out a ceasefire deal, after previous truce proposals were rejected by Hamas.

But if that is the case, what happened next was unlikely to have been what Netanyahu had envisioned: a joint initiative with two states hostile to Israel, and a draft proposal which accepted all of Hamas's key demands and addressed Israel's "security concerns" in the vaguest possible terms.

Obama tried to make it appear that he's concerned with Israel's global reputation, but, in real fact, he's carrying the will of his friends, Turkey and other anti-Israeli states.

All eyes on Obama in northern Iraq, but I sense that this operation will, by design of worming into Kurd politics, and shutting the Russians out, take a long time. It makes sense that the purpose is to destroy the South Stream pipeline while establishing a Western outlet(s) for Kurd oil. The American courts, to no susprise, have opened the way for American companies to purchase Kurd oil even though it's illegal for Kurds to sell it as they are now. With Obama, operating on illegality is the norm.

Maliki stepped down as the Iraqi leader the day after he said he would never do so unless the courts decided he should. Iraq is now weaker than ever with a new, green-thumb leader.

I'll come back to the Cottius topic in the next update, and may begin publishing by the weekend. I'm interested in finding the parents of Joseph Caiaphas.


The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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