Previous Update: March 4 - 10

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(if there are any to speak of)
March 11 - 17, 2014

Pollocks of Arbuthnott
Pollocks, Pollocks Everywhere
Franconian Pollocks
Peter Pollock, a Line from Julius Caesar's Mother

The Loch Nesa Monster

The last update left off showing some evidence that Fulbert "the Saxon" traced to the Edmond-Ironside Saxons on one side, though his other side is expected to go to Mieszko's. The evidence for that idea is where the Heth Coat was a version of the Edmond Coat, thus convincing me that Heths were the reason for "Aetheling," which was a line from Edmond Ironside to prince Edward Aetheling.

I'm a total rebel and reject, even ridicule, soft-headed historians who don't put two and two together. The soft-headed kind seek derivations of terms by applying sound-alike word games rather than seeking similar names of related people groups and rulers. They therefore identify a great bulk of historical terms after river beds, river shapes, dry rivers, wet rivers, dry land, wetlands, bushes, tree species, terrain shapes, terrain types, etc., and so these are the types who would miss the trace of "Aetheling" to the Heth / Heslington surname. They therefore miss the benefits of asking, "what were Heths named after"?

Then there are the hard-headed historians who, though knowing the truth, don't report it because they are in bed with scandalous Masons, deceivers, bloodline worshipers, arrogant and haughty, self-centered, world-destroying snakes hiding under the rocks by day, loving the night, and yet claiming to be the True Light for the world to follow. Their motto is akin to, "we should all hug one another," like the blocks or stones of a building, becoming one house together the world over, satanic or Christian blocks, it doesn't matter (as long as the Masons rule the house). The end times will be an infestation of such wayward teachers, and the "Christians" amongst them will be considered least in their house of cards. Expect lip service, if you'd like to be in their house, if you're so hopelessly shallow and lacking self-respect.

The Heths/Heaths are expected to trace to the Keith/Keath Catti, and way back to the Hatti. There "Espere" motto term can go to Hatti elements at Aspres-sur-Buech. Their roosters may go to the Galli priests of the Phrygians. The Durham location of Heths was determined, prior to making the Heth link to Fulbert the Saxon, a settlement of a Mieszko > Swietoslawa > Siward line. The Drake's and Vere's of Masovia, having originated at the Drac river near the Buech, go to the Wear river at Durham. Wears are in the colors of Heslingtons, and Heslingtons were closely associated/related to Siward (of Northumberland).

The Oliphants can be shown to be from the Mieszko Poles in multiple ways, but, first off, I'd like to suggest that they are a branch of "Olive," for Olives use a Coat much like that of Edmonds and Heths, and even share a rooster in Crest with the Heth Crest. The owl in the Spanish Olive Coat is very welcome, for while the ancient Kos god of Edom is said to have been an owl god, Oliphants are suspect with Eliphas, son of Esau, ruler of Edom. The implication here is that "Olive" did not derive in "Levi," but in "Eliphas > Oliphant." It smacks of "Halybes," a Phrygian peoples that I've tended to view as the Galli Phrygians, a very sick group of snakes who polluted the human spirit. The Olive owl is brown, indication of a Brunswick / Bruno / Brown line.

The "Tout" motto term of Oliphants go to red-canton Touts/Toots/Tute's that trace excellently to the Mitanni-Akhenaten alliance that carried king-Tut blood to Greece. I have lately traced them to the Mitanni king, Tushratta, but they are expected also in ShattiWAZA, his brother.

The red canton of the Touts is the first clue that Oliphants were linked to the Mieszko>Fuller line to Peter Pollock. It is a very good question to ask why Masonry traces so much to the Mieszko's, a fact that no one in the world, at large, knows, not even the experts or self-proclaimed experts on Freemasonry and the Illuminati. It has gone over their heads that "Freemason" is itself a code for the Mason surname and related bloodlines. The fact that the French Massey crescents are in the colors of the same of Oliphants and Touts speaks to yet another Mieszko link to Oliphants. Where in Savoy were these Masseys, shown properly as "Masse," and why? I'll suggest at Modane because they were from "MACCAbee."

For years, these Masseys showed boots as code for Bute, smack beside Arran, where MacAbee's were first found. On shore of Bute, at Ayrshire, the Mackie's/Mackeys were first found. Don't be a soft-headed historian. Put two and two together, and ask why Oliphants should trace to Bute. Then, ask the ArBUTHnott family found in the Oliphant write-up, or the Bothwell location found in the Oliphant write-up, for Bothwells, I once read, were named after their place on Bute. The Bothwell Coat is a version of the Feller/FellTRAGer Coat.

The Oliphant write-up traces to David de Olifard, the so-called "progenitor of the house of Oliphant" I wonder whether they built it with cards. This David is said to have been of Saxon extraction, and this is where my trace of the Wessex (or "Gewisse") Saxons to the Kwisa/Quies river in Lusatia comes in, for the Oliphant crescents are in the colors of Spree crescents, and that name goes to the Spree river of Lusatia. It's now important to note that "Gewisse," the alternative name of Wessex that doesn't at all sound like "west," is suspect as the Gace/Wassa surname, using another red canton, in the two colors of the Tour/Toot-canton symbol, for the Wassa surname traces to "WASSUkanni," the Mitanni capital, as well as to "ShattiWAZA," the Mitanni king who formed an alliance with the Hatti.

Compare the Spree Coat to the Gaige/Gage Coat, the surname of which is said to include, "Gaacey." It's now important that a Ferte-Mace location, where Masseys/Maceys lived, is near Gace in Normandy. We are seeing a pattern, and the Gace's, the proto-Washingtons, are tracing to the Mieszko Poles. Mieszko who? That's the point. The Masons knew they traced to him, but didn't tell the world; instead, they dropped seeds of information to mislead the world. The Mieszko-Who Illuminati is the spirit of satan (he doesn't deserve a capital) lying to the world, and enjoying the game and the challenges thereof, no matter that it's ruinous.

The Spree's (in Wassa/Gace colors) were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Wassa's/Gace's. The "hourglass" (my term) shape apparent in the Spree Coat was traced to the hourglass goddess of the Trypillians. I saw an image of this hourglass goddess in Wikipedia's Trypillian article before it was removed. It was removed after I made mention of it a few times in updates. She was drawn in ancient times as one triangle over another to form a woman shape, like a woman wearing a dress, like an image we might see on a ladies bathroom door in a restaurant. It was identical to the two triangles in the Spree and Gaige Coats. It's very much like the two triangles that make up a so-called "star of David," only the points of each triangle met in the middle, just like in the Spree and Gaige Coats See it also in the Coat of Italian Guido's coming up as Gace-like "Guis." Rosicrucians like to use triangles like this. The pyramid shape with all-seeing-eye in the Arms of Witkowo, and in the American-Mason pyramid, are predicted to apply.

It just so happens that, after mentioning several times that the Massey/Masse surname above showed the boot design of Trips, the Massey boot was removed and replaced with the Oliphant crescents, which are in themselves very helpful. Yes, all Coat changes, though they confuse my readers, are very helpful for making further links. The Trips, you see, are evidence of the Trypillians moving along with Masseys to the Varni theater, where German Trips were first found. A soft-headed historian, with all the knowledge of history that he has under his belt, can glean much with these heraldic keys, if only he thinks properly, out of the box, and not in the way that he was trained to think.

I define a soft-headed historian mainly as one who deplores the concept that all history derives at Noah's Flood, and thus concerns such peoples as Edomites. This historian species is an ape, and will never evolve into anything showing signs of intelligent life. He is unable to view Oliphants as Edomites after "Eliphas," and would prefer to trace "Oliphant" to a river shape or a swamp that they once lived beside. It all depends on what fancy he takes in undressing "Ol- i-phant / Ol-i-fard." To him, a "fard" is a "ford," same as a river valley, and he has many Ol terms in various languages to appeal to for missing the mark.

The Oliphant unicorn, a symbol shared by Cnuts (DERBYshire, where I would trace Trips and Trabys together), is evidence that Oliphants were connected to Cnut, son of Swietoslawa, thus making an Oliphant link back to Mieszko yet again. Traby were Poles. Trips were in Polabia, probably named by the Mieszko Pole's known to have ruled there. The Canute variation has traced with the Chanut/Chenu chevron to the Chagne river, near the Drac, and near Gap, both of which were recently found to house Mieszko ancestry. Danish Cnut's link easily by their Rod-colored trefoils to the Roquefeuil-Rodez marriage, the line suspect with Fullers.

The Speer-river Speers and related Speers are now suspect at ASPRES-sur-Buech, and lo, the Tracks/Triggs and Drigs use spears in their Chief. It's tracing Lusatians on the Spree to both the Drac and Buech rivers.

The progenitor of the Oliphants, a David fellow, is now highly suspect with the David and Davis surnames using a bend-and-lion tracing to the bend-and-mouse of the Misl's. I trust my intuition on this. The Spirit of God revealed to me that Obama is a mouse liner, a revelation that came years ago, before finding Mieszko ancestry at a Mouse Tower (Poland), where a mythical SiemoMYSL ruled along with his grandfather, SiemoWIT, symbol of Witkowo. In those years, I was claiming that Obama was a son of Frank Marshall DAVIS, but I didn't know of the David / Davis trace to the Gap theater, and thus to the Misl surname, until a week or so ago.

I can therefore add that Singletarys/Singletons use the antelope design of Wheelwrights (the latter from the Mouse Tower), important because Obama's great grandfather to about 10 generations was Jonathan Singletary, who is said to have changed his surname to Dunham, the surname of Obama's mother. The Mieszko-Who? Illuminati now rules the United States with a determined spirit of dictatorship, and Obama's accomplice in crime is one Eric HOLDer, whose surname is related to Dunhams, as heraldry can expose, and moreover "Holder" traces to KOLODziej the Wheelwright, the mythical father of Siemowit.

David de Olifard is said to have settled Northamptonshire, where mascle-using Quincy's (share a red Shield with Oliphants) were first found. To understand the Oliphant link to Quincys, and the mascle link to Massey liners, one needs only to see that the horse-head design in the Oliphant unicorn is the design of the Massey/Macey pegasus, and then a white pegasus use used likewise by Quinns smacking of "Quince/Quincy." Thus, Oliphants are tracing yet again to Mieszko-Who? liners.

The Popeye cartoon was in honor of this very bloodline under discussion. His spinach was code for Spinks, likewise first found in Northamptonshire, and likewise using mascles (hollow diamonds). Then, The Mouse Tower was ruled, before Kolodziej ruled it, by a mythical Popiel, the Popeye bloodline. OLIVE Oyl (Popeye's girlfriend) was code in part for the Oliphant surname, and in-part for the Oyle's/OWLie's...reminding us of the owl used by Spanish Olive's. Oyle's/Owlie's/Doyley's were first found in Oxfordshire, near to the south of Northamptonshire.

David de Olifard then moved up to Scotland, settling Roxburghshire as a friend of king David I. Hmm, two Davids. The royal house of David then granted Olifard a Bothwell location in Lanarkshire, and an Arbuthnott location. As Booths share the black boar with Bush's (both first found in Yorkshire), while the black boar is an ancient symbol of Edom, it makes the soft-headed historian feel sick to have me say that these are lines from a string of historical terms all going back to "BOSrah/BOZrah," Esau's capital in Edom. I don't mind, as long as I don't need to clean up the vomit. The soft-headed historian has decided that Booths and Bothwells were both named after booths or huts.

Don't under-estimate the "nos" motto term of Booths, as it gets the Nos/Ness surname sharing the Washington bars.

Men of the ArBUTHnott surname took Arbuthnott area away from the Olifards, according to the Arbuthnott write-up. The Arbuthnotts are said to be from PETERhead, and then there's a peacock in the Arbuthnott Crest, while both Peacocks and Peters use more mascles. Plus, as Peter Pollock was at Moray, what about those three Moray stars in the Arbuthnott Coat? What were Arbuthnotts originally if they were named after Arbuthnott and not vice-versa? A good guess would be that they were Pollocks. It's as though king Malcolm gave a Pollock-related Olifard line the Arbuthnott area that already had Pollocks there, and so the two clans duked it out over who shown own the estate / village.

Oliphants were first found in PERTHshire, and it just so happens that Perts/Petts, smacking of the Petty-branch Peters, use more mascles. One may get the sense that Peters were in Perthshire in order to form the Pett variation of Perts. The Pert scallops are where PATTErsons, using scallops in colors reversed, can come in. In fact, Scottish Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire, beside Moray, and thus it's revealing, I think, that Pattersons (said to be from "Patrick, not "Peter") were a Peter-Pollock line too, especially as Pattersons use pelicans on nests...part symbol for Pettys, part symbol for Pulesdons and Pula's/Pullens, and part-symbol for the Nos/Ness/Nest liners from the Mitanni of ancient Nesa. In this picture, peoples from Pylos, where Nestor ruled, named the Pula/Pola location, as well as Poland. There is logic in tracing Istria elements to Poland's Mieszko's, therefore.

The ABERnathys, first found in Perthshire, can now link to the Arbuthnotts, because the latter are said to be from "ABERbuthenoth," and because the Abernathy Crest is a red parrot! It just so happens that the red Abernathy lion is the black Peter lion, both on a gold Shield, wherefore this is corroborating a Petty = Peter equation as well as corroborating a Peter trace to Perthshire. Abernathys are said to be named after the same that named a NETHy river, and so Nesa comes to mind again. The Frank surnames, one of which uses the Pollock saltire, have "nati" motto terms that may apply to Abernathy's, and then "ArbuthNOTT" may be named after the Nitts/NAUGHTs and related Natts from the Nith river.

It may be all-too Neat. In fact, Neats could be using a version of the Coat of Aetheling-suspect Heslingtons/HASELtons. The latter share the oak theme with Manders, and the, while the latter use "a green SLIP of oak with gold acorns in its mouth," HAZELs use a "hazel slips." This is where the Mander-related Mens come in using an "I zal" motto phrase as code for Islips.

Manders are important, not just for tracing to the Maeander, but for using "Laus Deo," the full ArbuthNOTT motto. It's been established repeatedly that the Hatti / Mitanni / Hyksos in Nesa came down the Maeander river as the Biblical dragon cult in Nesa, to the formation of Lydians at Hyde. It's probably not coincidental that NOTTs/Cnut's are in Hyde colors and moreover use crescents in the colors of the same of Huts/Hoods. The latter even share a blue Shield (with Hyde's and Notts/Cnuts). This line is suspect from "Hyde," the older name of Sardis. Huts/Hoods (a fret in Arbuthnott colors), were first found in the same place (Devon) as one Peter surname, and not only use a Chief-with-symbols in the colors of the same of these Peters, but are suspect in the "hut" to which Booths and Bothwells (Oliphant constituents) are traced in their write-ups (now we know why the "hut" code is used).

Hazels (squirrel) are even using crescents in both colors of the Nott/Cnut crescents. Watsons use the same-colored crescents on their chevron. You couldn't deliberately use heraldry to make up a workable story like this unless it were true. The Hazel fesse-with-symbols is in the colors of the same of Scottish More's/Muirs who use the head with headband of Hazel-related Heslingtons. This should be the Aetheling side of Peter-Pollock, that of Fulbert "the Saxon," for it seemingly includes the Mieszko line of Siward of Heslington, whose Heslington Hill (Yorkshire) was also called, "Howe," suggesting English House's/Howes', while Hazels use the French House/Hauss leaf design.

It was established that the Maeonians of the Maeander named Menelaus, husband of Helen, sister of Pollux. Rather than having a swan "in her piety," Stewarts and kin (see the Lang pelican too) apparently used a pelican as code for "Pollux" swan liners (Pollux and Helen were born from eggs of a swan). Mascle-using Peters have a swan in Crest, after all: "A swan reGUARDant, ducally gorged, with the dexter FOOT on a black mascle." The Dexters are Traby kin along with Witkowo-suspect Weights/Waits, the latter (using the Traby-Arms hunting horn) sharing the same motto with Heslingtons. first found in the same place (Cornwall).

Weights were first found in Cornwall, and then all the neighboring Devon elements in this discussion are able to be from the Dumnonii of that area, whom I trace to "LaceDaemonia," which was Sparta. The "focis" motto term of Heslingtons and Weights suggests the Phocaean founders at LACYdon, at the formation of Ligurians...that were traced to lake LYCHnidis, suspect with lake Lychnis otherwise known as Sevan, the swan entity to Pollux.

Safe to say, Pollux was a line to "Pylos," and then to Polocks. Mieszko's bumped into this line when they got to Poland because Helen was a Mysian entity (i.e. the Hellespont)...that can trace to the Polish name of "Mouse Tower." Again, Popiel was the first-mentioned entity at the Mouse Tower, and then Halls / Hulls and Pape's/Papenburgs share the talbot dog in the same fashion. We should like to know why Poles were also called, "Lechs." If we ask why Pape's/Papenburgs were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Trips, we should ask the Polish Trabys. The latter were kin to Radziwills, suspect in the Rattery location (Devon) of the Huts/Hoods using crescents in the colors of the Weight / Traby hunting horns.

HasDRUBal and his brother, Hannibal, went smack through the Ligurian territory -- the Durance river -- in getting to the TREBia river. Trebincidence? The motto of the More's/Muirs even use a "Durance"-like code while Huts/Hoods use a "Salyes"-like code. Huts/Hoods are the ones suspect with the crescents of Hazels and Notts/Cnut's, but in the colors of the Traby hunting horns. Notts/Cnuts (suspect from Poles) were first found in DERByshire (i.e. suspect with Traby Poles). Again, Watsons use the same-colored crescents on their chevron as Notts/Cnut's, and the WATson chevron is in the colors of the WEIGHT chevron.

You couldn't use heraldry to make up a true-to-history story like this unless the heraldry connected to the true history. It looks like Peter Pollock was from the Hasdrubal line that settled in Gap. We saw Carthage elements settling in Gap my other methods in the last update.

If the white anchor in the Hut/Hood/Hudd Crest is the white anchor in the Crest of English House's/Howes', it's tending to suggest that "Hood" and "Hazel" were equivalent stock at some point. I'm tracing these Has-like terms to Hasdrubal of Barca because he's wearing a headband on his coin. The Arms of Vilnius use, not just an anchor, but the weight scale / balance, the symbol in the Dexter Crest that suggests the Weights because the Dexter Crest has a weight scale described as: "Two weights hanging from a tree." Dexters use yet another red canton (!), a Mitanni code used also by Fullers. See the Hucks and Huckaby's for Dexter-related Hyksos suspects.

It was determined that Massena Numidians were amongst the Hasdrubal Carthaginians in Gap, and so let's re-mention that French Masseys/Masse's were showing the same boot exactly as Trips. It may be that the Trebia river did not have that name at Hannibals' war of Trebia, and that whatever named HasDRUBal had re-named it, Trebia.

It was a couple of hours after writing here that the Moden/Modey Coat was re-loaded, which is when I spotted the MoDERBY/MoDERBIE variations. Asking myself why this surname should trace to "Derby(shire)," it was an even better question as to why it should trace to "HasDRUBal"!!! Do you see it? It supports the trace of HASdrubal to the naming of HASmoneans at Modi'in!!!

Plus, the Moden/Modey lattice can suggest that Hasdrubal elements had merged with the ancestry of Cottius! In this way, Caiaphas, if indeed born to the Cottius > Julian line, was able to go be a part of the Maccabee fold at Israel under the protection / plan of Augustus Caesar. It should be mentioned here that the August and Rome/Room Coats both use a red-on-white fesse while Rome's/Rooms were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as the Nith river. Augusts were first found in Emilia-Romagna / Ferrara.

Hmm, as Augusts use an "eagle's talon," it's interesting that Augusts show one of the Washington fesses while Talons/Talants were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Wassa'/Gace's.

Having thus made a decent Hasdrubal link to the Modane area and the Cottius family, let's ask if the Spocks/Spacks and/or Space's/Speccots can show signs of Syphax lines in this very picture. It just so happens that while the Cotta and Moden/Moderby lattice is called, "fretty," the fret is used by Space's/Speccots/SpayCOTTs (in Ferte colors, looks like the Lorraine Shield), first found in the same place (Devon) as fret-using Huts/Hoods!!! It's logical -- to use doctor Spock's favorite term -- what these things are revealing: some Hasdrubal/Hannibal lines decided to join the Cottians, and in return, they got a daughter (or something to that effect) of the Cottians to seal the alliance. Later, this elite family married the Caesar surname.

So, why were Hasdrubal elements at Berkshire? The Porcius-Cato line was traced to Berkshire, and also to the Cattens using a "Cautes" motto term for the lattice-using Cotta's. What was going on, there in Berkshire? Paters were first found in Berkshire too.

Seeking Talon kin, the Dells were loaded, and while they may not be Talon kin, German Dells seem to be using the bend, with black raven, of the Devon-branch Peters, for English Dells share the same black lion of the other English Peters, first found in Lincolnshire, where TELchine elements are expected. The Lincolnshire Peters then share a swan with Dales, and the latter use yet another stork in Crest. It looks like Peters had linked up with Telchines liners. Dells were even first found in the same place (Sussex) as Dans, Danners, Deins, Dane's, Diens, and then Danaans were at Lindos...on Rhodes with Telchines. I even trace "Lindos" to the namers of Lincolnshire (originally like Lin Town or Lintone / Lindon).

As Sussex is beside Kent, where Caesars were first found, not to mention the Peter-related Scotts, note that Scottish Lindens (in Dale colors) use what should be a version of the Caesar Coat. It was expected that the Caesar roses went to Rhodes liners. Telchines were an evil people. Dales are in Odin colors and first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Odins, wherefore the Storkhouse location of Odins may go to the Dale-Crest stork.

Lindens are traced to a Gamel de Lintun, having a first name like, "KAMiros," on Rhodes. The Gamel Coat may be a colors-reversed variation of the Capone Coat, for the Talon/Talant colors and format is that also of Capone's (first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians).

The trefoil in the Gamel Crest is similar to the fitchee cross in the Quint Crest, and both are gold, very important as per Quintus CAEPIONIS. The Gemels (with an 'e') are the one's with the shot-through swan, and chained hearts (tracing to the Wagers of Yorkshire). In this picture, the red chevron of Gemels, Paters (Patrician suspects), and Walsh's is that of Quints. The Gemel write-up traces to Haddington (East Lothian), as does the Linden write-up, and Haddington was likely named by the Catti of the Keiths. Camels were first found in the same place (Somerset) as English Lindens.

Why are these Camel-Linden lines tracing to Capone's, recalling also that Camps, in Campbell/Cammell colors, use the Capone colors and format too? Alas, the swan design showing in the French Joseph Coat until recently is in the Lindsey Crest. It's a black swan, the color of the FIVE Chaplet/Chapelle swans. No matter how you slice this, it's the Quintus-Caepio bloodline from the Hasdrubal liners in the Modane theater. It just so happens that while the Space/Speccot Coat looks very Lorraine-like, Chaplets were first found in Lorraine.

There was good material in the last update on the Mariel / Muriel surnames linking to Peter Pollocks direct family, where it was said: "To no surprise if Mariels (motto, "Nos murs nos Lois") were of the Pollocks, Mariels were first found in Brittany" The Nos/Ness surname entered the picture at that point, a line of Mitanni suspects from Nestor's Pylos location, but the point here is that the Lois surname (in Hut/Hood colors) uses a white ostrich, the Traby (and Carrick) symbol too. It's a way to disclose that Muriel, Peter's daughter, was possibly a Traby element, but, suddenly, Trabys are tracing to whatever named "Hasdrubal." My bet: the Trabzon Amazons, known as Berbers in north Africa.

Recall the Barber-surname link to Lorraine-suspect Larins (= Percival grail liners), asking, not only why French Larins use the Capes / Happs scallops, but why the Lindsey / Joseph swan design is used by Sellers who show grails in the Coat. As the Swan Knight (Lohengrin) is code for Logans/Lohans and swan-using Locks/Lochs, it's interesting that the latter use the same swan design in Crest. Regardless of whom the Locks link to as a people group (probably Ligurians), I think this paragraph is important because lines out of Nesa are expected to bring swan-suspect Sutekh to the Sadducees, and therefore to Caiaphas. While the ancients may not have given Sutekh a swan symbol, yet he's expected to have formed the Soducena entity at lake Sevan in times after the myth writers. As you can see on the map, Sevan was "Lychnis," possibly the line to Locks/Lochs.

The Gogarene location on the same lake can go to swan-using Hochs/Hocharts. Hogar(d)s, who I'm not familiar with, use the Zionist star of Hagar(d)s (Perthshire) in gold, as well as what could be a version of the three spears in the Track and Drig Chiefs. The Hogar Crest is another pegasus (just the head), important because that horse was made born from the head of the Medusa Gorgon (Gogi suspects). Masseys use the pegasus, and they can trace to the Moschi mountains and river that you see on the west side of Soducena. I view this couplet as proto-Maccabees and proto-Sadducees. Note Trabzon on the west side of the Moschian mountains, for that's where Hasmonean-suspect HasDRUBal is now being traced.

German Hogers/Hogen(STEEN)s (golden-fleece suspects from Kutaisi) are using the quartered Shield of Hagans (Hagar colors) who honor Hagels who are in-turn a merger with Lapins. The red-on-white Hoger/Hogan arrows can go to the same of Heids/Hagelsheimers. I suppose it's feasible that everyone in this paragraph was a Gogi line from Gogarene.

Arbuthnotts (Arbutton variation may reveal a Button/Biden branch), identified earlier as Peter-Pollock kin, use a "Laus Deo" motto, a phrase used by Maeonian-river Manders, kin of the Rhodes', the latter first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as mascle-using English Peters. Plus, I do trace Peter to the Roquefeuil marriage at Rodez, in ROUSsillon. It's undeniable that these surnames trace to Nesa elements at Caria and Rhodes.

The Arbuttons may also trace to/from the Badens/Battens (Somerset), for they use a human eye in Crest while Arbuthnotts are expected to be Watson liners.

Abernathys could be using the Stewart lion, for Abers (listed with German Alberts) use an eight-pointed star, and while it happens to be in the colors of the eight-pointed star of Dutch Vergers, Abernathys share a bend (a thin one) in Varn-bend colors. Then, note that the Aber/Albert Shield is split horizontally in the colors of the same of Schwerins. Then, the Nitts/Naughts at the Nith are using the checks of Fers/Ferrats. This line was linked to Alberts of Bologna, suspect with the Trypillian-based Guido's/Guis' who married Montferrat. They were traced to the founding of Scots before finding that Siward's family was right at that foundation too. Then, English Alberts are said to be from "AETHELbert" (suggesting Albert links to Aethelins / Heslingtons), and are using a griffin design of Mieszko-related Griffins of Polabia / the Schwerin theater.

What could it mean that Arbuthnotts were in-part from Alberts? The Italian Alberts are using the Ottone annulet on chains, and then the Notts/Cnuts trace to the Chanut variation of Chenu's, kin of Chaine's/Chenay's (in Ottone / Albert colors). As the Chenay's are Khyan-Hyksos liners, lets re-show the same annulet, with a curved chevron in the colors of the curved perchevron of Ottone's, in the Apachnas-suspect Puck Coat. This is the Hyksos-Chappes line. Irish More's, using the same lion as Morgans who are tracing hard to Tracks / Drigs at the Gap theater, were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Dexters who are in-turn using the two chevrons of Hucks (i.e. probably related directly to Pucks). It can be gleaned that Dexters/DECKsters are kin of Duke's/Dooks (Devon) who show a "chaplet" version of the Ottone / Puck annulets. The Duke/Dook Crest is the gold Albert griffin.

Leicester is Watt-important because Watsons were at its Rutland area, and then Dexters/DYSTERs are the ones using "weights." Let's not forget (easy to do, I understand) that the two Dexter chevrons are in the colors of the Watson chevron. What's interesting now is the snap vision (two or three days ago as I write) shared in the last update concerning the Dice/DYSER/Dycer surname, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Tigers and suspect as a Tiger branch. If it was a vision from God, it's probably prophetically-important. I can't think of any other reason to have Him desire this long-winded revelation other than to minimize persecution against end-timers.

It makes sense that Tigers should trace to Dexters/Dysters if the Deckster variation goes to Decks/Daggers, suspect with the namers of the Ticino. It was recently argued (not in a vacuum) that the namers of the Ticino were the Togarmite namers of the Tigris river. The dragonline Togarmites are suspect in the namers of Tushratta, a line suspect to mythical Teucer (son of mythical ScaMANDER, possible understood as Saka-Mander) that goes ultimately to Gace-related Teague's, Tooks/Touque's, and Tokers/Tookers (Devon again). Ticino-river surnames include the Tease's/Tess'/Tecks, and then the Dice/Dycer roundels are in the colors of English Tease's/Tighs, first found in Nottinghamshire, smack beside Lincolnshire.

The Dice/Dycer torteaux are also in the colors of the same of German Rodes,' important because the Tolkien variation of the Tooks/Touque's can go to Telchines, a people's known to inhabit Rhodes. When I first investigated codes used by JJ Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, etc.), it was suggested that his Tel terms were in honor of mythical Daphne. Years later, I decided that Daphne was a line of Tubal. One city on Rhodes, Lindos, was inhabited by Danaans, and that city traces to the original name of Lincolnshire, where the Rhodes' were first found who use a version of the Mander Coat, both of which use roundels in colors reversed to the Rodes' and Dice's/Dycers roundels. As the latter's roundels are "torteaux" to the Masonic-code makers, the Toreatae scythians at lake Maeotis have become suspect, and it just so happens that Danaans, from a mythical Danaus, were from Tanais at lake Maeotis.

Cimmerians, thought to be from the Biblical Gomer, father of Togarmah, lived at Maeotis and in the Crimea. (The Crimea is making Cold-War news as I write.) Then, another major city on Rhodes was Kamiros, like the ancient "Gamir" term used for Cimmerians.

So, there you have my dice story, apparently tracking back to satanic Rhodians, then to the Cecil-Rhodes Illuminati. The Dice's/Dycers were even first found in the same place (Sussex) as Dans, Danners, Deins, Diens/Dine's, and Dane's. The Medleys/Madleighs, using a tiger in Crest, were likewise first found in Sussex. Medleys are using the double stripes of Wassa's/Gace's, so as to rate as Mitanni liners, and of Mauds and Monmouths so as to rate as Modens/Modeys now tracing to Hasdrubal.

Now the Sittaceni, likewise from lake Maeotis, have been traced to the namers of Sitten, not far from the sources of the Ticino in Switzerland. It just so happens that while Trents use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed to the same of the Arms of Sion and Arms of Wallis canton, the Trent river flows between Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. The Tease's/Tighs use stars in the colors of the same of the Arms of Wallis. As Aulus Terentius Varro Murena was traced (by me) to the foundations of the Wallis canton, it's probably correct to suggest that the Dice/Dycer eagles are those of the Tarents/Tarans.

Safe to say, the Khyan-suspect namers of Kanes = Nesa were part of the DioNYSUS Maenads on the Maeander that may have named Nuzi, at the Tigris, after "Nesa." To support the identification of Segni's / Seagers as a late variation from "Togarmah," the Segan/Segni salaMANDER can help. It tends to be indicating that the Julian salamander was just this Tushratta line through Scamander > Teucer > Trojans > Romans > Joseph Caiaphas. I was tracing Segni elements to Sion/Sitten before the argument you just read of a Togarmite entity to Sion/Sitten, an idea that was not crafted specifically to jibe with a predictable Sittaceni-Togarmite alliance.

That alliance is now suspect as a line to Joseph Caiaphas. There are several elements involved, multiple of which can be traced to the Tanais area of the Maeotis and Alan tribes. Caiaphas-ancestry elements include Scythians, Cimmerians, Alans, Hyksos, Danaans, Iberi, Hatti, Mitanni, Edomites, Amorites, Garebites, and Phoenicians, all converging in central Anatolia before forming certain Trojans and Greeks. It's compelling to view them all as contributors / constituents of Ezekiel's Gog.

The question is, was Batia, Teucer's mythical daughter, and mother of the Trojans, a line to Buttons/Bidens, Botters/Budins, Potters, and others suspect with the Hampshire Josephs? Is the "Laus Deo" motto of ArBUTTONs (Arbuthnotts) evidence that they were from the Scamander > Teucer line of Maeander-river lunatics? It's not a bad question. The "nott" ending on the surname, if it was due to merger with the Nott/Cnut surname, doesn't necessarily disqualify a trace to "Buthen." It can suggest that the Button bloodline merged with Notts, i.e. Nith-river suspects and therefore tracing to Nesa.

As Buttons/Bidens use the Capelli "chapeau," it's very notable that Capelli's were first found in Emilia-Romagna, where Bologna is likewise situated, where Alberts were first found. As Emilia (in Italy) is suspect in the naming of Aemilia Lepida, and as this term is being traced to the Melitene area of the Mitanni domain, let's add that Bidens/Buttons were first found in the same place as Emily's, and that English Alberts (sledge hammer) were first found in the same place (Kent) as the Gace-related Tooks/Touque's (Dook kin?) using a motto suggestive of the Melitene > Miletus line to the founding of the Irish-Scots.

In consideration of Irish Pattersons being from a Hi Many / Maine entity while Menelaus was code for a Mani peninsula (Sparta), where there was a Las location (to be linked to the Arbuthnott motto), it's then very notable that the other English Peters are using the same black lion as Irish Pattersons, as well as scallops in one color of the Patterson scallops. Then, the Sodhans that these Pattersons are said to derive in link very well to the Sodans/Sowdens, first found in the same place (Devon) as the other English Peters, which happens to be where English Stewarts were first found. It's also where the Huts/Hoods (a fret in Arbuthnott colors) were first found. Under the circumstances, I don't think it's coincidental that Sodans/Sowdens use the same fesse-with-stars as More's/Muirs.

A Patterson trace to Peters gets the Peters back to Aurelia Cotta, Caesar's mother. It predicts that whatever named the Roman Patricians, that's where Peters were from. Why are Paters (saltires in the colors of the Patrick and KilPatrick saltire) showing as "PaterNOSter." Is it really for "our Father"? The Paternoster chevron is in the colors of the Nos/Ness/NEST fesses. It looks like the proto-Peter / proto-Petty surname was a Nestor line, from Pylos, beside the Mitanni-suspect Methoni location, made mythically a daughter of the wine man, Oeneus. Mythical wine traces to Dionysus lunatics / drunks at Nesa, right?

The so-called "thyrsus" rod of Dionysus (had a pine-cone end as code for pine-depicted Attis) was likely code for mythical Tiresias, son of the shepherd seer, Everes = the Avaris Hyksos...the ones that I say named Kanes = Nesa. Tiresias was granted the Hermes caduceus rod, code for the founders of Hattusa, who are known to be from Hatti at Nesa. Then, a version of the two-serpent caduceus rod was the one-serpent rod of Asclepios, son of Coronis (a Lapith, daughter of Phlegyas). I was able to identify "Coronis" and "Asclepios" as Chora and Skala (real places) on Patmos. There's your proto-Pater surname that I say named the Roman Patricians. The Nos/Ness double fesse is used in Patricks colors by Phlegyas-suspect Flecks/Flags.

Why did God give John the 666 Revelation in Patmos? Was the Biblical dragon there? Ask mythical Ladon, an alternative father to Daphne, her other fathers being Tiresias and Peneus. The latter, simple code for the Peneus river near the Ladon river, traces to "Panias," on or just off the Litani river. This Phoenicia-founding location at mount Herman/Sion is tracing hard to the earlier name -- Poeninus -- of the Bernard Pass near Sion/Sitten. Pan, son of the Hermes-caduceus entity, was in PatMOS, wasn't he, as a CadMUS liner?

Paternosters were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Mitanni-suspect Modens/Modeys. Ultimately, with Modens/Modeys going to Modon, the alternative name of Methoni, the Paternosters can indeed go to Nester at neighboring Pylos. Therefore, the surname was not originally to do with "our Father," but with Nestor lines of the Mitanni.

Not only might the Patterson Chief be using the white scallops in the Russell Chief, but the Crest of the Pert/Pett surname (i.e. the surname suspect with Pattersons) uses: "A silver stork beaked and legged red on a mount with bulRUSHes..." As we are in a discussion of the Gog elements of Ezekiel 38, why shouldn't the Rosh be included? Or, if the Mus entity was at Patmos, why not also the Rosh, especially where they trace to king Rusa at Lake Van, where "Pan(ias)" traces, and where there was a Mus area. Doesn't it look like the Petts/Perts likewise trace to Patmos? Ask their mascles?

Patmos is an island directly off the coast of Miletus, and then smack beside Patmos there is a Lipsoi island, also called, Leipsoi. Was that a Lapith domain, therefore, around Miletus and Patmos? I have not known about Lipsoi until writing here, until going to the atlas to see what was on-shore of Patmos. In all the time that I was tracing Aemilia Lepida to Miletus, I did not know of the Lipsoi island.

The RUSH surname (share s a "Dieu" motto term with Peters) seems applicable, wherein it can trace to "Roussillon, where a Russi peoples lived who were identical to the Redones/Ruthene's (at Rodez), suspect in such lines as Rutherfords of Roxburghshire and Rodhams at Rutland. Huts/Hoods lived in Rattery.

It's is more than interesting that the Rush horse's (Ares symbol) are used by the Phrygian-based Freys'/Phreeze's. The stork line always traces to the Odins at Storkhouse, and then Odin was mated with Frigg.

The full Rush motto, "Un Dieu," is like the "In deo" phrase of tiger-using Medleys. Rush's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Dice's/Dycers and Tigers, Togarmah suspects. That works where Rush's were Rosh liners. The crossed arrows of German Rush's/Rausks may suggest Rothschild liners. As Dells and Dale's traced to Telchines on Rhodes, where we can expect Rosh liners, note that an arrow, positioned like the Rothschild/Rothstein arrow, is in the Coat of German Dellers, first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Rothes and arrow-using Heids.

To help trace these lines to Rhodes, the Lindsey motto term, "Endure," can possibly go to Enders/Ingers, using three arrows, and living in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset, the latter where Russells were first found. Enders are traced in their write-up to a BOTTReaux castle, perhaps linkable to Arbuthnott kin, for Belgian Heids/Heeders (in Italian Botter colors) use crescents in Arbuthnott-crescent colors. Interestingly, "Heeter" gets the Heths...which may suddenly reveal that Aethelings were from Hyde = Sardis. In fact, the Swords/Suards may be from "Sardis" variations.

I recall arguing that Moverley's/Moberley's (Cheshire, same as Maccabee-liner Maceys) were a branch of Medley's (Gace kin), but it was so long ago that I may not yet have know of their trace to the Mitanni. The Moverley Coat looks like a version of the Washington Coat but with the red canton of the Wassa'/Gace's thrown in. The MODburley and MOTHERwell variations suggested that this could have been a Moden/MODERby branch (I don't recall whether Maccabees had yet entered my dragon hunt at the time). I had pointed out that the "In deo" motto phrase of Medleys could be code for German Ends/Enders in the colors of Mabee's (short for "Maccabee?"), who, like the Medleys, use a tiger (no stripes, just a white one). Mabee's even use "ENDORsed" in the description of their Crest wyvern.

I can now add that the Catten Coat is split in the colors of the Mabee Coat while the Catten Coat has a fitchee in its canton, as does the Moberley canton. Then, the motto of Cattens gets the lattice-using Cotta's, while Modens/Moderley's likewise use lattice. Moreover yet, Mabee's were first found in the same place (KirkCUDbrightshire, beside the Nith river) as Cuthberts, kin of Cuttes' (according to the Cuttes write-up).

Seeking surnames after "HasDRUBal," the Droves' are interesting for being first found in the same place as English Josephs whole using quarters in colors reversed from the Chives/Shives quarters. This recalls a Drave-like river in Polabia, near Hamburg, where Trips were first found that may now be expected to trace to "HasDRUBal." Note that Chives/Shives are from a TARVES location! I had forgotten it when opening this paragraph. That clinches a Chives/Shives trace to Droves', especially as the Hampshire Josephs use a "mago" motto term very-likely for Mago, son of Hasdrubal Barca.

With the Chives tracing to Chivasso, it is now very compelling to trace "Caiaphas" to the same that named "Syphax," but then it should be added that Syphax married the daughter (Sophonisba) of a Hasdrubal, son of Gisco. There is a Gisk/Gesch surname (Silesia) using a lion (could be the Stewart lion) in colors reversed to the Trope/Drop lion (could be the Strange lion). There is a Gish surname registered with Gedge's/Geggs, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Trope's/Drops. A blue Shield, the color of Gog, is used by Gish/Geggs.

Aha! The Guess surname (blue Shield) uses swans! It's write-up traces to "strangers," though I had not seen this again when suggesting the Strange lion above (I always link Strange's to Trypillians). In other words, Guess' look like Gish's/Geggs, and may -- repeat, may -- trace to "Gisco." To put it another way, "Gisco" was a term from a Gogarene line.

What is very interesting now is "ESCHyna," a term coming to mind as tracing to "Gisco." Let's entertain it, for Eschyna de Molle's surname was trace to the Molchi region beside Soducena and the Moschian mountains. The Molle Coat (both Gog colors) looks like a version of the Arbuthnott Coat. Its white-on-blue boar is used by Gooch's/Googe's and Gough's/Goffs. The latter surname reminds me of the Gophers/Gofers (both Gog colors again) that were suspect with "SOPHonisba." Gophers/Gofers use five blood drops (called "gutees de sang"), and then the Trope/Drop Shield is covered in drops.

The quarter colors in the Italian Cisco Coat reflect the top half of the Gisk Coat not badly.

Franconian Pollocks

We naturally want to look at the Trunk Coat, but to this it can be repeated that Zahringers (and perhaps also Veringens) used "elephant trunks." The Trunks were first found in Franconia, a region (beside Hesse) that was merged with Bavaria in forming the Arms of Bavaria. Those Arms use white-and-blue lozengy, the colors of the French Granger lozenges. The Franconian city of WURZberg uses the quartered Shield of Vere's, apparently.

Whenever we see two Zionists stars in the colors of those in the Trunk Coat, they are suspect as the Weis stars, and therefore with Adam WEIShaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. One of these Zionist stars (same colors) is suspect in the Scottish Petty Coat...because Peter Pollock is suspect with the formation of Rothschilds, who came out of Frankfurt, perhaps linkable to the Frank surname using the Pollock saltire. While the Franks use a "nati" motto term, Pettys with the Zionists star use a "needle" (on a bend in colors reversed from the Peter bend).

The Tan/Tanner surname was first found in Franconia, and I say that Peter Pollocks father was related to "the tanner." This Tan/Tanner surname even uses pine cones as part code for the Cone's / Conte's, a line that contributed to the Conteville's marrying "the tanner's" daughter.

We've just traced Watson liners with Tanners to Franconia, with Trunks coming along.

Let's talk about the white-on-red bull heads of Trunks as they can link to the same of English Schofields, for German Schofields use the longer/extended tree stump as a bend in Varn-bend colors. This branch of Schofields was first found in Saxony, where German Garins/Gorings were first found, and moreover the Italian Garins (Varn / Schofield colors) look like they're using what could be the makings of the Arms of Saxony. The Wernigerode location at Brocken mountain may apply here along with the stump-using Brocks/Brockens.

Let's then go to Bullingers, in the colors of Buckle's and Bulkelys/Buckleys (more white bulls), and using a border of eight white footless martlets in the colors of the same of Saddocks/Sedwicks. It's not coincidental that Bullingers and Saddocks, along with Pollock-suspect Bords using the same eight martlets (different colors), were first found in Sussex. I would suggest that the PULLinger variation reveals this to be a line from Pula, and therefore traces Pula elements through the Buech river and to Buchan of Aberdeen.

When we go to German Bullingers (Bavaria), we find them using a "plowSHARE," and that gets us back to the Sheer's/Shire's coming up as "Share," who trace by their black fitchees to the Drac, the term that may have formed "Trunk."

Smelly's/Smiley's use a buckle, and what therefore appears to be the Leslie bend (in colors reversed), which is in the colors of the Petty bend with the needle. Smelly's/Smily's use an "industria motto" term used by Arms of Rothschild, that may be part-code for arrow-using Enders. The wing design in the Bullinger/Bueller Crest (Bavaria, remember, where Bauers were first found) was once showing in the German Bauer Coat. That's another reason to view Pullingers/Bullingers as Pula liners to Peter Pollock and Lady Rothes.

It's probably important to point out that Grimaldi's lived in Genoa, where Segni's/Segurana's were first found, for the wing now showing in the Bauer Coat has an arm-with-fist between the wings, as do the Genoa/Genova/Geneva wings. In short, the Segni line goes back to Valentinian / Justine, where Pollocks go back to, while the Arms of Bavaria use the lozengy of Grimaldi's in blue. It may be an indicator that duke Garibaldi of Bavaria (6th century, not very long after Valentinian) was from the Valentinian line, for Garibaldi was, I think, related to a Grimould who was also a duke of Bavaria. The so-called Salian emperors of Rome (initial-Templar period) had been dukes of Franconia, and may apply to the Valentinian line. The Franconian Rake (see it in the Bavarian Arms at the link above) gives me the impression of a Grimaldi link. Why were the Salian Franks named, Henry?

Without complicating things more than necessary, the point is that Franconia seems important in the Valentinian > Pollock > Rothschild line, this being the line of great importance not to mere Freemasonry in it's religiosity, but to world-controlling Illuminatists on the political level. The Salian Franconian were from one, Henry Speyer, and then the Speyer surname is listed with Speers, first found in the same place as Pollocks.

I realize that Rothschilds love industry, as it makes them fatter with lucre than they were 200 years ago. But motto terms are to act as codes for ancestral entities too, and so note IndUSTRIA. It's Rothschilds/Rothsteins who use the eight-pointed star of ISHTAR. In my mind, it's clinched that Pullingers were Pollock liners from Istria, and so watch out for the "astra" motto term of Pughs, smacking of some Pollock variations such as "Pogue/Poag."

The way to know that Scofields/SCHOLEfields are from Hebron in Israel is to know your Chill/Child and Hebron/Hepburn heraldry, then compare with Bullocks (Roxburghshire) sharing the white-on-red bull heads of Schofields. Therefore, the same bull heads of Trunks tends to assure that some Hebron elements were on the Drac. By now, we know that this includes Keturah elements to the Caturiges. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters is that also of the Speyers/Speers. I say that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters is specifically colors reversed from the same of Saluzzo's, who were from the Salyes, the ones to which the Salian Franks (part of Childeric formation) traced. Wouldn't it make sense that the later Salian emperors were from this same line?

Don't under-estimate that both Cutters and Russells were first found in the same place, Dorset, the latter suspect with Durance elements. Russells are using what looks like a version of the Tanner Coat, and while Saluzzo (and Genoa) is near the sources of the Tanaro river, Russells are expected to trace to "Roussillon," where Rodez was the capital, where Pollock-suspect Roquefeuils had an Illuminati-important marriage. This would be a good place to repeat that "Roussillon" was/is "Rosellon" to Spaniards, like "Roslin," while the Roslin surname uses buckles.

To prove that Bullocks were Pollocks, the Bullock Crest is: "Five LochABER axes with gold handles and silver blades, bound with a scarf." The scarf can be construed as the Schere/Scherf = Shere/Share and Bullinger/Buelling bloodline to the Drac river (not forgetting that Valentins use squirrels for the Squire surname). It's already fairly clear that Bullocks and their Trunk / Hebron kin are tracing to Gratianopolis on the Drac.

Compare the Aber Coat above to the Schwerin Coat, begging whether the eight-pointed star of Abers relates to the Arms of Holstein. The latter location is beside SCHLESwig. Could that be a Salian / Saluzzo term? While I trace Pollock-related Maxwells to "MECKLenburg," that's where Schwerin is located, and then mythical Holle, probably honored in the holly symbol of Maxwells, was a mythical entity in honor of Holstein's namers. Yet, Maxwells use a "holly bush," trace-able also to Busca, beside Saluzzo.

Here's the quartered Holstein surname with a savage holding his club, all on a purple Shield. The lion design shown until recently by UImans is included, meaning that "Hol" and "Ul" may be related terms. The Holstein lion holds "a piece of metal," and there is a "lyre" in the center of the Coat. The motto "metam" term of Bowers is coming to mind. German Hole's/Halls/Hallands are using a Shield split horizontally in colors reversed to the same of Schwerins and Abers.

As Bowers were first found in the same place (Peebles) as Pettys, while Peeble's share parrots with Pettys, lets repeat that ABERnathys use a parrot in Crest, and then let's add that the upright AberNATHY lion is colors reversed from the same of Holstein's. Don't you think that the "nati" motto term can go to "Nathy."? Or even, IllumiNATI"? I don't think it's coincidental that the LochABER axes links to the Blade's using the saltire of the Franks who in-turn use a "nati" motto term. The Franks and Bullocks are therefore linking to Abernathys.

Many of the Schwerin-area entities went to Yorkshire, where the Mettle's/Methley's were first found who may be using the Arms of Trebizond empire, or more-simply the Haught Coat in colors reversed. The Bush's, Walkers, and Wagers -- all suspects to the Nazi's -- were first found in Yorkshire, and then French Savages share the heart with Wagers. While "Wager" traces to Wagrians in the Schwerin theater, I traced Walkers to Kamenets (L'viv / Moldavia / Trypillian theater), a term like the Komnenos founders of Trebizond empire. As the Komnenos' are suspect with the purple disease, porphyria, as are Pollocks, that purple Shield of Holsteins is interesting. Jewish Franks use a woman dressed in purple, which asks whether some or all Frank surnames were after the namers of Frankfurt. Jewish Franks share the purple grape bunch with German Blate's.

The Mettle's/Methleys may be from Methoni, beside Pylos, and so it should be repeated that German Ulmans are using a Coat that may be of the Mitanni-suspect Washingtons and Ness'/Nests. Does "Illuminati" suggest code for Ulman-Nati?

The LochABER axes use "blades," remember, and Blade's/Blate's (Yorkshire), very possible using a version of the Bower Shield, use a saltire in the colors of the same of Scottish Franks (we saw these colors earlier in the Valence / Valentin topic), while the related English Franks use a slightly different saltire, the Pollock saltire. This has to do with the trace others have made of Pollocks to Clovis...son of Childeric, honored in the Chill/Child Coat. The bulls in this picture are possibly of the mythical Merovingian Quinotaur.

It just so happens that while Valentinian I was born in Cibalae, later called VINKovci, the Bullocks share the motto of the VINCE's/VINCH's, with "sibi" code for "Cibalae. The Bullock Coat is likely a version of the Wayne Coat tracing with Arthurs to Veynes (between the Drac and the Buech).

The Trunks are also "Trenk / Drenker," and so they should link to Drengs/Drinks using almost the Dreux/Drew lion (bull head in Crest). This is what tends to reveal the Trunks and Drengs as Drac liners. The Drengots at the Gaeta theater (covered recently in the 5th update of January) can apply here. Drengots were pegged as proto-Templars wiggling their way to Chappes liners at Capua.

I once advanced the theory that the Dreux/Drew surname (said to be from an old "Drewes" surname) was from Drusilla, wife of Felix, governor of Judea not long after Pontius Pilate. I dropped that theory for lack of evidence. But now, it just so happens that the English Felix's, first found in the same place as Bullingers, use a quartered Shield in colors reversed from that of Trunks/Drenkers. The latter share white bull heads with Bulkely's, which not only helps to link them to Bullingers, but, while the Drywe variation of Dreux's/Drews suggests the Drive's/Drove's, they happen to use yet another quartered Shield, this time in the colors of the KEELE's/Kills. Not only are the latter in BulKELY colors, but Drive's/Drove's were first found in the same place as Drake's/Dracks.

The Drake's were first found where a Henry Joseph formed the English Joseph surname. I have the sense that this Henry Joseph was of a Henry bloodline that provided Henri IV of Rodez. The border design used by Keele's is that of Tragers, Rocco's...and Cheile's/Cheele's!!! You won't know how Caiaphas-important this is until it's explained. The first point is that Drive's/Drove's are linkable to Josephs, who were traced just traced for the first time to Bauers. Cheile's/Cheele's are the ones honored in the Cameron motto, and Camerons use the bunched Arms-of-Rothschild arrows in their Crest. Note the strongarm symbol holding the arrows that can go to the arm-and-fist between the Bauer wings.

The Cheile Crest is a human "leg in armor," smacking of the human leg in the Prime Coat, the latter suspect with a Junia-Prima line to Primo's. The last time that I was on the Cheile's, I neglected to see their GOSburn location, a term now tracing with Goz's/Gos' to "Joseph." The quartered Keele and Drive Coats are colors reversed from the quarters of Chives'/Shives', who definitely trace to Joseph Caiaphas. And that's what makes it so important to find Dreux-suspect Drive's first found in the same place as Josephs in a trace that involves the Bauers.

I kid you not. The above was already planned in my mind to say, apart from showing the Arms of Rothschild above. I haven't seen it in months. Upon re-loading it, it was realized that it uses the quarter colors of the Pettys, the ones using the elephant in Crest. Those black-and-gold horns you see on the left side of the Arms of Rothschild are often called, "elephant TRUNKS!!! After making that realization, it was seen that the Dreng Coat is a likely version of the Charo/Claro Coat, the surname honored in the Joseph motto. Let's re-mention that Trunks smacks of "Drengot," and while the latter were alternatively called, Quarrels, while the Quarrel Coat uses three green birds, the colors of the Petty parrots.

The Quarrel Crest is a green eagle, perhaps linkable to the green Henry eagle. Do you think that the Trunks (first found in Franconia) may thus link to the Henry / Salian emperors? It looks like. The Drengots at Gaeta were contemporary with the Salian emperors. While one Walsh surname uses a tree trunk / stump, the other Walsh surname uses a "TRANSfixus" motto term that can be for Tran-using variations of the Trunks. Suddenly, the tree stumps of Watsons, Rodhams, Brockens, Milans, and others are suspect with the Salian emperors. The Trains/Trayne's (Abernathy lion?) were even first found in the same place as Rodhams.

As was said earlier, the Petty Coat with the quarters shows signs of Pollocks, and traces, therefore, to Peter Pollock, father of Lady Rothes. Now we know the Rothschild secret beyond linking to Pollocks; it goes back for the killer of Jesus Christ. And that has got to be why Ms. Pollock was in my email life all these years, unaware of what she would help to reveal. I kid you not, she does not like to partake in the dragon topics that I emphasize (I've never held it against her, of course), and yet she has never stopped emailing, from time to time on Pollock topics...until the goods were transferred to us lately, to you, and to the part of the world to which God wants this story to find its way. There is no need to feel uncomfortable. If she or I were even a child of Caiaphas, we would yet be eligible for the Kingdom of God.

The Foots/Fothes/Fette's, the ones using the cornuCOPIA, use the motto, "Industria." We will see this surname below in a piece already written before this insert was added here.

The Needle's/Nadlers, likely honored in the Petty "needle," is likely using the Track / Drig sun. There is nothing else used by Neede's/Nadlers, and it's the Coat exactly of Hesse's (could be a branch of Hazels / Heslingtons / Dussels from Dusseldorf). One may read online that the first Rothschild became wealthy after stealing the fortune of a prince William of Hesse-Cassel. I'm not sure whether to bite on to that story, but it's Caesar-interesting that Hesse-Cassel was founded by a Chatti peoples. The Cassels share a dolphin with Caesars, and we even see a white dolphin below in a Crest, the Caesar-Crest symbol too.

It's hard to say whether heraldic quarters are code for the Quarter surname. The Quarrels (dancette) are in Quarter colors. Quarrels use green "pewit" birds. The Pews, also "Pugh," and therefore suspect with some Pollock surnames, are the ones using the white Caesar dolphin in Crest. Is that a small thing?

The Pews/Pughs are also the ones using the "astra" code traceable to Istria. It now tends to clinch a Pugh = Pollock equation. Pews/Pughs use three red-on-white fleur-de-lys; the last time that we saw these crop up, they linked hard to the red fleur of the Gellone's/Gillions.

When first coming across Guerin of Provence (4th update of January), he was traced to Idris of Morocco. When on Idris months earlier, he was identified with Itureans and "itur" motto codes. I now come across an "itur" motto code in the Gellone-suspect Pew/Pugh motto. How about that. It tends to prove that William of Gellone was Guerin's father. The Gellone fleur were found in the Barbers, important because the latter are expected as Berbers, who lived in and around Aures, where Idris got his wife. The "itur" term visible in the Shaws motto traces to the Shawia Berbers...i.e. living in Aures. Mieszko liners have traced to Massena Numidians, whose region was all around Aures.

The Pews/Pughs (suspect with the Peas variation of Peacocks) use their fleur in the two colors of the Murthes fleur. Murthes' were suspect with the line of Peter Pollock as it married Mr. Murthac. I therefore think that the Pews/Pughs were Pollocks, and that the green pewit birds (of Quarrels) go to the parrots of Peter-suspect Pettys. Like the Pettys, the Parrots (share a black-on-white lion with Pews/Pughs) use an "ut" motto term, wherefore lets not forget that the Trunk-to-Drengot topic started with the trunk of Uts-suspect Watsons. The Peters sharing mascles with Peacocks likewise use an upright black lion.

The write-up of the Parrot surname takes you for a fool, tracing the name to "someone who likes to chat like a parrot." How many people do you know like that? The Peter bend had been suspect with the same of Scotts, and here we find an "Amo" motto term in the Parrot Coat, which is the full motto of the Scotts. This not only clinches a Peter link to Scotts, but a Peter link to Parrots and Pettys. "Amo" is code for Amore's/Armers because the latter can be traced to Scotts.

As Rodhams are tracing with Peters to Caesar, lets go back to the Rodham "stump" to see how else Rodham kin trace to Peter Pollock. In the meantime, Melusine pops up. The Stump Coat looks like a version of the Rake Coat. The latter were looked up while on the Franconia topic, for the Arms of Franconia has been called the "Franconian Rake." All three griffin heads of Rakes and Stumps are identical, colors included, and both surnames have a black-on-white chevron. Both surnames use griffin heads in Crest. The Rake motto gives the impression of an Attila-Hun line, but includes "praeFERRE." Franconia recalls the Vere Shield in the Arms of Wurzburg (Franconia)...which reminded me of the Vere trace to Worms even before finding the Worms location below in the Wurz write-up.

Rake's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Peters, important because Rakes trace easily to Julius Caesar by way of Teague's. To explain a Peter-Pollock link to Rake's, the latter should be from Reka/Rijeka; there's even a Bled location north of Rijeka that's suspect with Bleda, Attila's brother. Plus, Maxwells, the mother trunk of Pollocks, were from Rijeka. German Wurz's were first found in Rhineland, where Natts (like the Saddock Coat) were first found who may be in the "nati" motto term of the Frank surnames. As one Frank surname using "nati" shares the Blade/Blate saltire, it can trace Blade's/Blate's effectively to Bled (near the Austrian border, and about 80 miles north of Rijeka).

Apparently, therefore, the Frank surnames may be of "Franconia." It just so happens that Jewish Franks show a woman with a "jug," while the two-headed Maxwell eagle in the Arms of Rijeka is pouring a jug of water. Again, German Blate's and Jewish Franks both share purple grape bunches, and the Rothschild arrows trace to the Khazar co-founders of Hungarians, who in-turn traced themselves to Attila's Huns. It's suggesting that the Hun line was at Frankfurt, where the First Rothschild lived. To the near-west of Frankfurt is WEISbaden, and over the Rhine from Weisbaden there is a HUNSruck region, smack beside the Rhineland.

Blate's are the ones sharing the swan design that French Josephs were showing until recently. If that's not enough, the Maxwell saltire is used by Kilpatricks ("make" motto term for Makeswells) having a castle at CLOSEburn, while the English Franks (the ones using the Pollock saltire) use "A hawk close..." in Crest. If this is suggesting Maxwell links to the Huns, it's expected where the Pollock-related Alans were from Huns. Ultimately, I think this traces back to a marital merger between the Attila Huns and the family of Valentinian's imperial descendants.

The big new point: the Frank-surname bloodline was at Closeburn. While Pollocks are traced to Clovis, the Close surname is also "Clovse." The Close/Clovse surname shares a spur with the leg in the Prime Coat, and then the mirror in the Primo/Primeau Coat is suspect with Melusine (Aemilia) line to the Nith, location of Closeburn. The "Nil" motto term of Prime's can trace to Nial, whom, according to a Geddes article presented roughly two months ago, was on the Nith river (around 400 AD). Kilpatricks were, in that Geddes investigation, traced to the Roman Patricians, and here I'm finding that the Aemilia-Lepida line from Julius Caesar is tracing to Closeburn.

AHA! The Geddes use a central white Shield-on-Shield, the color of the same of Frank-suspect Natts (Rhineland). The NATHAN variation of Natts can thus go to NATHAN Rothschild, the second Rothschild (yes, son of the first Rothschild from Frankfurt). It's convincing.

The Geddes' moved from the Nith, said the article, to Nairn (beside Moray, i.e. where Peter Pollock ended up), and were merged there with the Roses...suspect in the six roses of the Caesar Coat. Nial is close, in time, to Aemila Lepidus, and of course the "nihil" motto term of Vere's channels to the Nihills/Neils. But how on earth did the line of Junia Prima get to the Closeburn theater, if that's what the "Nil" term of Prime's is telling us?

Before stressing the Caepio lines (a few months ago), I had traced the Geddes' to Caracalla's brother, emperor Geta, whom was in Yorkshire with Caracalla during their adventure against the Picts. Maxwells and Franks were first found in Yorkshire, which is where the Caepio lion wags its tail. Caracalla (about 200 AD) was traced to Graignovol, the general area, if not the exact location, of the line of Aemilia Lepida. Valentinians gladly had the city renamed after themselves.

The Rijeka eagle is on a white-on-blue rock, the colors of the Roque/Rock rock. The latter surname not only uses "vero" in the motto, but "honori"...code, I think for Valentinian-related Honorius (treated in the 4th update of February). English Rocks, using the Rockefeller rook, and first found in the same place as Watts, are in Pula / Pollock colors. It's more evidence that Pollocks were from the same line that produced Rockefellers. A Roquefeuil gal had married Henri IV of Rodes (Rodez), and then Peters were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Rhodes'.

There is a question, therefore, as to whether the line of Henri of Rodez became Lady Rothes. It looks like an excellent idea. I tend to trace Peter's Rothes castle to raven-depicted vikings at Rothesay, but I had traced these vikings as Varangians back to the Varni, who had in-turn been linked to Roquefeuil elements, possibly at Rostock, location of the Wagrians suspect in the Yorkshire Wagers. Years ago, I identified Varangian ancestry with Redones Rus out of Rodez. This is not difficult.

One could get the impression that Rodes > Rhodes liners created Rodhams, but then the latter are clearly related to Rothers and Rutherfords, i.e. smacking of Rothes liners. It's notable here that German Rhodes' use a chevron in Quint-chevron colors, as well as torteaux, the symbol of Orells and Orrs. The Lincolnshire Rhodes' use roundels in colors reversed to the torteaux so that they too may trace to the Caepio going, perhaps, to Junia TERTia.

Were Rake's from Rijeka, and do Franconians trace to Rijeka? The CRAVen Coat traced to Croatians, a peoples otherwise known as, KRVati, and while Rijeka is in Croatia, it can't be coincidental that the Rick Coat is a version of the Craven Coat. Ricks, in the colors of the Franconian Rake, are likely using the Arms of Austria, or whoever it was that gave Austria its Arms. Purple-lion Skiptons, kin of purple-lion Lacys, lived in Craven of Yorkshire, and then here's from the 4th update of February: "Byzantines liked their purple, and then purple-lion Lacys are said to be from Lascius of Normandy, "of uncertain origins". The "honores" motto term of Lacys could suggest Hun-suspect Honorius elements of the Romans." This recalls the Lusk surname mentioned recently as a possible Lusignan term. The fact the Maxwells use a holly bush in their Crest compels me to trace Aemilia Lepida to Rijeka, but she has already traced to Lusatian elements.

Then, the Ores use piles in the colors of the similar Franconian rake. The latter can be construed as using piles. Zowie, the Orrs even share red fitchee crosses with Ricks and Cravens! This is very convincing for linking Aemilia Lepida to Rijeka, and meanwhile assures that she is indeed the Melusine-Holle line in, for example, the Maxwell-Crest holly bush. Orrs were first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as GLASgow (and Franconian-suspect Speyers), while the Watt and Vatt oak trees have a pair of glasses hanging from them. Then, the Glass Crest uses Melusine.

The Craven griffin is said to have "fore claws gold," and then there are Claws and Claus surnames traceable to the Clausula river between the Cavii and lake Scodra...not far south of what would become Croatia. The Clasen variation of the Claws is Glass- and Gleason-interesting. But what about the CLOSEburn location? Why does the Close/Clovse/Clowse Coat (in MacArthur colors) share the gold-on-blue stars of French Julians?

Is the green lion in the Close Crest that of Tracks / Drigs / Suttons? Perhaps, but I'm inclined on tracing it more-directly to the Lannoy / Lyon lion, and to Herod Archelaus, for the lion is in the MacArthur crown. As the MacArthur Crest uses laurel, I'm also inclined to the green Lorraine lion. Larino happens to be opposite the Adriatic from the Clausula river. IN FACT, MacArthurs were first found in the same place as Larins/Fetters and Herods/Hurls, and that place, ARGYLshire, smacks of "ARCHELaus." Arthurs even show an ARCHibald variation.

I didn't take the time, initially, to read the entire MacArthur description. Fortunately, after writing the entire paragraph above, I went back to read it all: "Two laurel branches in ORLE." Ha hah, what a laugh. Arthurs had been traced (by me) to Caesar by other, circumstantial methods, recently. The MacArthur motto is translated with a "work" term, possible code for Veragri lines.

It should be noted that while Irish Arthurs use the Wayne Coat, the same white-on-red ermined chevron of Wayne's is used by Ruths/Rothers, while related Rutlands use a "praemia" motto term and the orle border. I have no idea why heraldry would include lines to Junia Prima, if that's what this is. Perhaps Servilia's husband was impotent, and all her Junia daughters were from Julius Caesar.

I have been tracing the Close/Clovse Coat to that of Italian Botters for years, and can now use it to trace "Arthur" to "Ardea," where the Butteri cowboys lived. The Rutulians had their capital at Ardea, and that clearly traces Rutlands, Rothers, Rodhams, and the others, to the Rutulians. It clearly reveals that Aurelia Cotta, said by Wikipedia to be from a Rutilii family, was of the Rutulians out of Ardea. What heraldry had meant to conceal, it has exposed. It has just traced Arthurs to the mother of Julius Caesar.

As Peter Pollock was at Moray, there is a very good chance that the Moray-colors stars of the Italian Aurelia Coat are Peter's, for Peters and Aurelia's share the gold-on-blue scallop. Aurelia's are also "Orillia," and then Ore's (kin of Orells) were first found in the same place as Pollocks! This was a sudden find only because I had been keeping an eye out for who else uses the Aurelia scallop. Ore's and kin might just be from "Aures."

It just so happens that Aurels (look like they can be a branch of Hurls / Herls) were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as the Fes surname, suspect from Fes/Fez, where Idris of Morocco ruled. It may be indicating that Aurels were from "Aures," the same that's suspect in naming Shaw-honoring Ayrshire. Orrs were first found beside Ayrshire. It's suggesting the distinct possibility that Julius' mother was part Aures Numidian!!! This jibes with the recent expectation that Julius' ancestry was from Numidians / Carthaginians that had settled the Gap theater (where Glass- / Glasgow-suspect Guillestre is located). How about that. Caiaphas can REALLY trace to Massena / Hasdrubal / Sophonisba...if he was Julius' descendant.

Let's not forget the possible trace of Space's/Speccots to "Syphax," for this surname shows a Speyer-possible "SpayCOTT" variation. How about that. It's as though we should trace Syphax to Henry Speyer. This recalls the trace of red crescents to Algeria (location of Cirta and Aures), for Speyers/Speers and Speers use such crescents. A Syphax trace to the naming of the Spree river in Lusatia (location of COTTbus) is now open for game.

Reminder: Pollocks trace to "Pietas Julia," suspect a few weeks ago with the Julian line, and here we find, for the first time, that Peter Pollock traces to Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar. Moments before this discovery, we saw the Caesar dolphin in the Pew/Pugh Crest. Needle we say More?

It is the Last Orr

It's too early to say whether Quarters (could be War(d) / Were elements) trace to the Junia-Caepio sisters with the quartered-Coat symbol. I can say this: the top half of the Quarter lion is in the colors of the Peter lion. The "Deum" motto term of Quarters is used in the "Deum Time" motto of the Morays no longer shown at houseofnames, and then Peter Pollock was at Moray. That Moray Coat used "fetterlocks," and then Fetters/Votters (Bavaria) use the same sun, and nothing but, as Needle's/Nadlers. Just like that, Quarters are linked well to Peter Pollock, and as Rothschilds issued from him, by what coincidence did we see the Petty quarters in the Arms of Rothschild? It's safe to say that Fetters are from Bavaria's Foetes/Fussen location. The SCHWANgau castle in Fussen can then link to the Peter swan.

From the last update: "It's not likely coincidence that Neils are traced in their write-up to a Barra clan, as that suggests Bars at Bar-le-Duc in LORRAINE. The locks in the Grail/Neil Coat are "FETTERlocks," a good reason for tracing Neils to the Larins/FEETERs". Larins are being lumped in with Guerin of Provence so that "Quart" may apply to his line, and besides he's the one suspect with Melissena Rangabe while Rangabe's, Cohens, Bavaria, and Morays are all in white on blue. But as Cohens are using the Fer/Ferrat Coat, nearly the Ward/Varde Coat, couldn't "Quart" be a Ferrat variation? Wards even use a "fus" motto term seemingly bas code for Fussen.

Melissena (kagan-Khazar background) married Inger the Varangian, and while Fers/Ferrats are suspect with Varangian ancestry, it seems likely that "Guerin" had something to do with "Varangi." Melissena must trace to the Melusine mermaid in the Moray Crest, and so Guerin liners must trace to Moray too, as is evident in the Moray stars of the Weir/Vere Coat. Stars in Moray-star colors are even used by Jewish Cohens/Kagans. Peter Pollock at Moray can thus link to these Varangian-Khazar elements that came to Moray before his birth, explaining the Peter raven, in all likeliness. But the blue lion in the Ward Crest can then be the blue Bute (Rothesay at the time) lion, owned at one point by Rory MacDonald whose first name is essentially, Rurik, the name of the first Varangian proper. The MacDonald and Larin/Feeter ship could be a simple code for Varangian pirates out of Rory's circles (MacDonalds had otherwise been in Ireland rather than around Bute and Argyllshire).

As the blue lion is used by Crichtons (they were on Bute), their Creighton/Creton variations look like they may can be of the Chruiter variation of Quarters. As Nicholas de Vere had Melusine on Avalon = Rothesay, I would suggest that Melissena Rangabe's Varangian children were on Rothesay. As the blue lion must trace to Quintus Caepio, note that Wards, who use it, were first found in the same place (Northampton) as Quincy's, and that Quints use "vair" fur in Rangabe / Cohen / Fer colors. Vairs are predicted to be a branch of Hohens for obvious reason, and Hohens were, if I'm not mistaken, behind Schwangua castle at Fussen.

What I'm trying to say by all this is that the Caepio line through Aemilia Lepida went to Guerin of Provence, and touched upon Melissena Rangabe by him, and as a result it became the line to the Scots proper through raven-depicted Varangians. The first Varangian proper, Rurik out of Wieringen, had a brother, Harald, whose domain had been at Schleswig, beside Holstein, the latter being what mythical Holle represents whom I think was identical to Melusine. Again, the Mire/Mireux surname, which was somehow the Melusine line of Rothesay but at Anjou too, once showed holly as code for the Holle/Holstein line. JJ Tolkien used "Eressea" as code for Rothesay, which is how we can know that Rothesay was the Arthurian Avalon (see Tolkien's "Avallone").

The Caepio > Caiaphas line of importance to Freemasonry is the one through Melusine and the raven vikings. Peter Pollock got hooked to this line, and, secretly, the some members of this line must have taken pride in being from the murderer of Christ. The Quarter lion is not only the same one used by Peters, but the Quarter canton is a white symbol (coiled snake) on a red canton, the colors of the scallop on a red square in the particular Arms of Rothschild using the Petty-quarter colors.

The Quarter motto seems to be honoring the Laud surname listed with Lords, whom appear to be honored in the "Lord" motto term of Glasgows, for Glasgows and Lauds/Lords share similar Shields. The Lauds/Lords share a blue-on-white fesse with Parry's and Lasts. Parry's can be yet another line from Petty's or Peter Pollock. The reason that Parry's were looked up was as per Bobby Orr, born / raised in a Parry Sound location. I thought it was meaningful because Peter Pollock links to Orr's, and they were first found in the same place as Glasgows and Pollocks.

The Parry lozenges are in the colors of the Bavarian lozengy. The Parry's may be of the Parrot surname seemingly honored by the Petty parrots. (I'm ignoring the "ap-Harry" derivation in the Parry write-up because no Harry-like variations are showing.)

The Lasts (a fesse in Leslie-bend colors) are use what I'm guessing are the three fleur-de-lys of Gellone's. The Lasts can thus fit right in with the Guerin-of-Provence discussion above. In fact, Lasts were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Lauds/Lords, and as both surnames use the same fesse, it suggests that Lasts can link to Glasgows. It recalls that Peter Pollock's line through Lady Rothes became entrapped in the Leslie clan. This may reveal that swan-using Lesters/Leicesters (look like a branch of PATTERsons) are a Leslie clan of the Last kind.

Lasts (also "Laster") are said to be from old "Los / Luz" variations, and thus may go to the Melusine of the Glass Crest, for she is of LUSignan and LUSatia elements. Moreover, Wrens, who trace to "Renfrew," share purple lions with Spanish Luz' and English Lacy's. Recall the purple quarters of the Holstein surname. Lacy's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Gellone's/Gillions/Jellings and Jills/Gills. The latter (said to be of the Rollo vikings) are using a lozengy Shield in green and white, and the added gold lion (Leslie lion?) may indicate a line from Tracks / Drigs. As green and white is the color scheme of the Arms of Lombardy, the Jill/Gill lozengy can link to the same as Scottish Lombards, first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as Orrs / Pollocks / Glasgows. You can read about the Orkney vikings, and even the Stout surname (has a ravel symbol) in the Jill/Gill write-up; these are the ones who conquered into Rothesay, and are therefore suspect in the Peter Coat's raven.

Like the Fullers suspect from the father of Peter Pollock, Quarters use a red canton, as do Ward-related Werns/Warrene's. The Quarter surname is also "Water," suggesting Watson liners. Warters (in Petty / Wern colors) are even listed with Waters, and share a blue pale bar with Drengs, suggesting that Quarters may be a branch of Quarrels (i.e. Drengots). This tends to jibe with Watsons using a trunk as code for Trunks/Drenkers. It just so happens that while Warters are traced to a Ludlow location in Shropshire (there is a More location in Shropshire), that the Ludlow surname (Shropshire) uses the Quarter / Peter lion. Plus, the Ludlow write-up suggests that Ludlow castle was built by Lacy's.

As the Pollocks lived in Shropshire prior to moving to Renfrew / Glasgow, and as the upright Lacy lion is on a gold Shield (as is the same Ludlow lion), it appears very strongly that the Peter lion is the Lacy lion in black. It tends to clinch a Pollock link to Lacy's.

As Montgomery's are said to have built the walls at Ludlow, I would suggest that Montgomery's and Lesters/Leicesters share the same Shield. Warters/Waters (at Ludlow) were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Needle's/NADLERs, the latter honored in the bend of Pettys, a bend in the three colors of the Leslie bend. We just finished seeing (last update) that Natts/Nathans are suspect in the naming of the second Rothschild, and we have the Hesse (and Cohen/Kagan) sun used by Needle'/Nadlers.

The Needle/Nadler motto looks to be code for Dutch Meters showing the Gellone-suspect fleur-de-lys in the two colors used by Lasts. Unfortunately, no variations of the Meters are shown. The Bower motto term may apply here because Bowers were first found in Peeble's while the Peeble surname share's the Petty parrots. From the last update: "The Holstein lion holds "a piece of metal," and there is a "lyre" in the center of the Coat. The motto "metam" term of Bowers is coming to mind." It just so happens that the Quarter Crest is "An antique Scottish Harp with nine silver strings." It just so happens that Harp(er)s use a "suavis" motto term, like the "Suivez" term of Irish Leslie's. The purple-Shielded SOBIESki's/Sobeks (buckle) are suspect in the Leslie term.

It's not likely coincidental that Meters are using double fesses / bars in the colors of the double Barber and Larin/Feeter chevrons. Meters may be a branch of Mitre's/Mitterands. In any case, the Mettle's/Methley's (Arms of Trebizond?) just happen to use a Coat too much like the Medley Coat ("fides" motto term). The latter are with little doubt a branch of Mauds and Monmouths, and therefore the Meters are suspect as yet more Maccabee liners. It can be gleaned that the double bars of the Meters are to be linked to the same of the Mitanni-based Washingtons and Ness'/Nests'.

Quarters use an "esculapius rod on a red canton." That's a coiled snake, same theme as the Nettle Coat snakes. As Pettys use a "needle," we have more reason here to link Peter Pollock to the Quarters, very important for making the Peter-Pollock link to the red canton of Fullers. The Gaelic form of Quarters, and the Chruiter variation, suggests the Crute/Crete/Crest surname, to be linked below to Grangers.

It can now be established fairly well that Quarters/Chruiters are a branch of Crichtons/Creightons...who were traced to the Crete's above, and to Cree's/Crea's. The Quarter Crest's harp with nine strings is pegged as code for the nine Muses of Apollo (on Rothesay), probably explaining the "laudaMUS" motto term of Quarters. Harps share an upright black lion with Quarters. The String(er) Coat is in the colors of the Bugs using the WATER bouget, and then both surnames were first found in Nottinghamshire. The Lacy "fret knot" likely traces to Cnut elements of Nottinghamshire, and the white-on-blue pheons of the Lauds/Lords are used also by Nottings. It's the Mieszko-Pole line, isn't it, to peter Pollock? Bugs are suspect with same-colored Bogens, a Bavarian line to Bauers, in my opinion, and it's known by some that the Bavarian lozenges were first those of Bogens before they transferred them to WITTelsbachs.

Strings, in Quarter colors, use a green griffin head in Crest, while Crichtons use a green dragon head in Crest. Crichtons share an upright blue lion (yes the Caepio-line lion) with the Samson Crest. The same green griffin head is used also by Scottish Jansons.

The String Coat can be linked to the Edmond Coat (suspect with king Edmond Ironside) because Strings are traced in their write-up to a manor of Eaton while Eatons showed the same cross as Samsons for years. The crosses looked like two double-headed axes (a labrys) in cross form, which I traced to the Cretan axe. The Creightons and Cruits/Crete's can trace to Curetes on Crete, suspect in the Cruithne of Ireland / Scotland. The cross designs of both Eatons and Samsons have been changed (possibly to disguise my or someone else's linking them), and the Samson cross (in String / Edmond colors) is now a "patonce" cross used also by Ironside's (see the same cross on nearly the same Coat in the Janson Coats). It just so happens that the gold crosslet in the Ironside Crest (the Julian cross) is also in the Wear/Were Crest.

Wears/Were's (same place as Ware's) and quartered-Shield Pettys both use green bends, and the Petty (and Rothschild) quarters happen to be in the colors of the Wern/Warrene checks. Ware's (may be using the blue Nobel/Noble lions) are in the same colors. Bruce's use a same-colored lion, and then Wears/Were's use the Bruce motto. Masonic guts, the reason for the spatter of Armageddon.

"Noble" was accidentally entered instead of "Nobel" to find French Noble's (in Vere colors) using black fitchees (always remind me of human sacrifice, or the Dracula stakes that go into the victims' hearts) tracing to the Drac river. The Noble bend is in the colors of the Lorraine bend. Knobels (Bavaria) use two arrows with white tips on a RED SHIELD, the color of the Rothschild/Rothstein arrows on a RED SHIELD.

The Rodham tree stump is not called a trunk, as Watsons call it. Rodhams calls theirs: "A stump of a tree with leaves." There is a Stump surname, using the Took/Tolkien Coat, apparently, which brings Rodhams to the Julian-related Teague's...and Cage's who likewise use a version of the Haskin Coat. The Haskins are said to be from Osborns, and the latter had traced in the last update to Aspres-sur-Buech. Below, Haskins will prove to be of Eschyna de Molle.

LOOK! To help prove that Rodhams and Rutland trace to Aurelia Cotta of the Rutilii family, Rutlands (two border designs in one) us a border called an "ORLE"!!! I would have caught that long ago had I been stressing the Julian line. I haven't done so until mere weeks ago. I recall without looking that RUTHERfords ("fato" motto term may be for Larins/Feeters) use an "orle" border too! As these are suspect with Peter Pollock's Lady Rothes, it can't be coincidental that Ruths/Rothers/Randolphs, who use a Shield a little like the Rodhams, were first found in Moray! Once again, we see Peter Pollock tracing to the front door of the boy, Julius Caesar.

Rutherfords use FOOTLESS martlets in the colors of the same of Watsons, and Watsons use a "fides" motto term, which, in combination with the "fato" of Rutherfords, suggests the Fido/Foot/Fothes'/Fette/Fittes surname (Industria motto, share black stars with Ruths/Rothers), using a cornuCOPIA...held by TWO HANDS, the Watson symbol too. Therefore, Watsons are indeed Cotta-Julian liners.

This recalls the recent treatment of the Cotesii, where is was suggested that they were named from "Uts." That is, "Uts" became mythical Cotys in one area, and continued on Uts-like in other areas to produce Watts, White's, and similar others...such as Wyatts possibly, first found in the same place as Bullingers/Pullingers (Pollock suspects). It had been suggested (by me) that the Buto version of the Uts cult became the Paeti peoples on the Hebros river, an idea that well-reflects the trace of Peter Pollock to Bute's Rothesay elements. The Paeti lived beside Gareb suspects, and I say the raven traces back to a mythical crow in Greece that was code for Garebites. The Coronis crow was on PATmos, and Coronis was made the mother of Asclepios, the latter being the symbol in the Quarter canton. The Canton surname (Washington Coat in colors reversed) is suspect from Centaur lines, and then while Centaurs were made the children of Ixion, he was Coronis' sister.

As Bullocks (in Jewish-Pollock colors) were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Rutherfords, it's likely that the white-ermined-on-red chevron of Bullocks is that also of Ruths/Rothers. That's yet another reason to view "Bullock" as a Pollock variation. It traces the whole lot excellently to Veynes near the Buech river. It lumps Arthurs, using a pelican "in her piety," to Pollocks very closely. It proves that Pollocks trace to Valentinian with the Bullock motto (shared with Vince's).

Note how Wyatts (dancette) share the black lion (different positioning) in Crest with the Gernon Crest, for the latter are the Foots-related, Granger-suspect ones using "cyFOETH" in their motto. It's fairy-well established now that footless martlets are code for Martels liners that also link to the Foots/Fothes'. It expects a Charles-Martel merger closely with Fido's/Foots/Fothes', a merger to which Rutherfords trace themselves by at least two codes.

I don't think it was accidental that the Harry-Potter producers chose a Watson surname to play a Granger part. The Harry surname, in the colors of the Hedge/Hegge swans, use "hedgehogs." As swans are traced to lake Sevan, location of Gogarene, shouldn't "Hegge" apply" to "Gog"?

Then there's Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. It may or may not be coincidental that Holmes' use a "Fide" motto term, that of Watsons too. The chapeau in the Holmes Crest, called a "cap of maintenance" in this case, makes the motto suspect with the Cavii. The full Holmes motto: "Fide sed CAI VIDE." The red lion under the cap must be the Wreath lion because Holmes use a "wreath" in their canton. Reminder: Cantons/Gantons are suspect as a Lepida line because Ixion was a Lapith.

As GOCelyns use a "wreath" too, the GOSPatrick (also "COSpatrick") surname to which the Home's/Hume's are traced looks pertinent. Gospatricks are traced to Bernicians (in Northumberland), and those are the peoples to which the line of Junia Secunda > Aemilia Lepida has been tracing. The Wreaths look like they use the Washington Coat minus one fesse, and then Washingtons are from the Wassa/GACE/GASSon surname. This is suddenly interesting for expecting the Joseph surname from Bernicians. Recalling the human leg of the Prime's, it's interesting that the Gocelyn Crest is a "falcons leg," for Falcons are kin of the Conte's who made up the Conteville's leading to Richard Gos.

By some coincidence, the Prophet/ProFETT surname uses a "leg in armor" (with foot) in the colors of the Home lion.

PLUS, Home's are said to descend from Dunbars, who were the Gospatricks at Dunbar (Lothian) and CUMNock, the latter term looking much like the Comyn(s) location ruled by Conteville's, and then the garbs in the Joseph Chief are used in the same colors by the Comyn Coat! I had not known this when seeing a Joseph trace through the Gospatricks. Note the Saddock- / Chadock-like look of the Dunbar Coat, for Saddocks were first found in the same place as Prime's.

As the Illuminati is suspect with a Caiaphas line in particular, note that Potters were first found in the same place as Josephs. As the "mago" motto term of Josephs may go to the land of Magog, let's repeat that French Joseph's showed a swan until recently i.e. tracing to Sevan, location of Gog. They probably didn't name him HARRY Potter for nothing, and we just saw the swan-using and Harry-related Hedge's/Hegge's going to Gogi lines (probably).

The Home lion is easily gleaned as a colors reversed version of the Lannoys / Lyon lions, for the "True" motto code of Home's gets a helmet with plumes, the symbol also of English Lannoys. True's, first found in the same place as Pettys, look like they could be a branch of Orells!!! Didn't Peter Pollock already trace to Aurelia Cotta? Orells were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Holmes'.

Suddenly, the torteaux used both by Orrs and Orells could be code for Junia Caepio TERTia. Now would be an excellent time to report the "praemia" motto term of orle-using Rutlands!!! It may be true after all that there's a theme for each of the daughters of Servilia Caepio. It can be added that Scottish Yonge's share piles with Orrs while English Yonge's show a "jeune" motto term thus suspect with one of the "Junia" Caepio's. English Yonge's are showing the same Coat as the Arms of Grenoble, but many surnames would use this. Still, they are roses, the Caesar symbol. Yonge's share a wolf with, and were first found in the same place as, Gore's using a "servire" motto term. Gore's are the ones suspect with Engains/Gagne's traceable to the Chagne river at Guillestre. French Gore's are the ones with a Chief sharing the three stars of the Julian Chief.

Rodhams can be linked to Grangers where the "deFECIT" motto term of Rodhams may be for Fiquets. Compare the latter's Coat to the French Granger Coat, which itself looks like a version of the Feller Coat. Remember, Rodhams/Roddenburys are very traceable to Rutland, where Watsons lived.

Admittedly, none of the variations in the Fiquet page look like "fecit," and yet the surname is listed with that group. As Walsh's, who share the Rodham tree stump, use "TransFIXUS" as a motto term, to what else, if not the Fiquets and Fichets/Fitch's, will we trace these codes? One variation in the Fiquet page can perhaps go to Feeters, part of the pomegranate line. For, it just so happens that Gernons, who use a motto term in honor of Foot's / Fothes'/Fette's -- and therefore link to Footes on Guernsey -- were first found in MontFIQUET. The Fothes/Fett's use "TWO HANDS coming out of clouds holding a cornucopia." It's Watsons who have "two hands" holding the Walsh tree stump.

I know it's all complicated to follow. I must add that the Ludlow location (Shropshire) of the Warters/WATers (suspect to the Watsons married by Peter Pollock's line) was called, "Dinam," by the Brits, and there is a Dinam/DyMOTT surname (Devon, possible LaceDAEMONians = Dumnonii) sharing white-ermined lozenges with Thicks/Thecks who themselves use reeds in their Crest.

As Fothes'/Fette's were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Reeds, the "copia" motto term of Reeds ought to link to the Fothes cornucopia. As a cornucopia is used by Orrs, who by the way use fitchee crosses, it's assuring that we are on the Aurelia-of-Rutilii line from Julius Caesar, and so even "Reed/Reid" is tracing to the Rutilii. In such a picture, what do you think the copia element is? Why is the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Orrs, and the color of their white Coat symbol, that also of Annas'?

It's important here that the Walsh "mortuus" motto term goes to Mortons, suspect with Murtons/Myrtons, for the French Granger Coat also shows three gold bends on blue, the colors of the three Cruite/Crete bends, and therefore linkable to the three silver-on-blue bends of Murtons/Myrtons. As Murtons are suspect in the Murthac surname merging with the Watson knight in the line of FulBERT "the Saxon," note that the chevron colors, with three surrounding black symbols, the format of both Mortons (buckles) and Walsh's, is used by BERTs, first found in Devon, where we find yet another such format in the Exeter Coat, the latter sharing bells with Granger-related, Potter-suspect Porters. Whew. I need a holiday.

It had been pointed out that the Walsh motto code, "TRANSfixus" is also for the Trans/Trent Coat (first found beside Devon, in the same place as Reed-related Roets and Borders) using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Wallis Canton and the Arms of Sion in colors reversed.

Now, while Scottish Walsh's use "AuSPICE" in their motto, Haskins use "reSPICE" (as do Presleys/Priestlys). It could be the Speck/Spock/Spack bloodline. In any case, we want to see the Spice's (Devon again), suspect tentatively with the Capone Coat just because I expect Specks/Spacks to be a Caiaphas line. It just so happens that Spice's are traced in their write-up to the count of Mortaine. It really does appear that "Auspice" is code for Spice's, especially as Spice's are said to be from "espice."

But can the Haskin motto term be code for Spice's too, and, if so, why are Spice's this important? They've already gone to Sion with Walsh's, and the pheons of Walsh's should be suspect with Payens, Chappes kin. Scottish Walsh's use annulets, code for Annas / Annandale liners. The Scottish Walsh saltire traces with Maxwells to Guillestre, and to Kilpatricks (same place as Annandale) that might just be of the Gospatricks from whom we just saw the Joseph surname seemingly arise. To what should we trace the Rutherford "goose"?

If theHaskin symbols could trace to a surname using a "FULcrum" motto term, would that prove that Haskens named Eschyna de Molle, mother of a daughter who married Robert Pollock, son of FULbert? The Spice Crest is a fireball, a symbol of the Balls/Balders using "Fulcrum." Then, French Balls (Brittany) are also "Balard," the surname suspect with "Abelard," reported patriarch of the Moline's. The latter are known to be from "the tanner" of Falaise, whose name was Fulbert, whose descendant, I think, should prove to be Fulbert "the Saxon."

I sensed an inner voice, which I rarely hear, while writing earlier, when first getting clue of a trace of Aemila Lepida to Closeburn. The voice, which wasn't audible to the physical ear, was a strong impulse something to the effect of, "it's about time." It was enough to convince me that she did trace to Closeburn, and there you have your evidence minutes afterward. Safe to say, Aemilia is in the Glass Crest, a surname linkable to "Close(burn)." There was a Clausula-people alliance with the Cavii that produced the Julian link to Caepio's.

But if it was correct to trace "Glass" to "Gulussa," a son of king Massena, then very possibly, Carthaginians and Numidians were to some degree from the Clausula / Cavii theater to begin with. I realize that Carthaginians were from Tyrians, but that's perhaps a simplistic view (shared by Aeneas mythology). Aeneas was the Massena part of the Carthaginians, traced earlier to southern Sicily. I'm starting to think it's true that "Cavii" ultimately named "Syphax." By what coincidence is Closeburn near Annandale while the Trebia river flows to Placentia, location of the Ananes "Gauls"? It's telling me that Hasdrubal, Syphax, Hannibal, and Massena elements were all at the Trebia in-time to form the Maccabees, Sadducees, Caiaphas and Ananias/Annas.

It would be interesting to discover what people were on the Clausula. The Scotts (CHILham castle, traces to Clovis' father), from lake Scodra, were first found in the same place as Caesars, and then Chilhams were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians (makes "CHILderic" look like a Gillian variation). I suppose, whatever Caesars were named after may have lived on the Clausula river, and at neighboring Scodra. "CAIaphas" could develop from the same that named "CAEsar." I have little doubt that Orell-suspect Keys/Kays relate; English Kaisers/Keysars show no Coat. German Kaisers use billets in Caesar colors.

While "Rangabe" is suspect with "Orange" (near the mouth of the Durance), what about that rare orange color in the Rick-Crest griffin? Another consideration is that Italian Franks may be using the Rick / Craven fesse, and then that rare orange color (almost orange, anyway) is seen again in the lion of the Scottish Frank Crest (the surname using the same saltire as the Blade's/Blate's). Pollocks are the ones using a brownish boar, and Maxwells use a brownish stag. Did you note that the Rijeka eagle uses orange legs and an orange jug? The Maxwell eagle uses either orange or red legs. Why should Orange elements trace to Rijeka, or vice-versa?

As some evidence that this has to do with the Caepio gold bars at Orange (this is part of the Orange-Nassau entity), the Nassau Coat is filled with billets. Imagine if the Nassau's are using the Pharisee lion. Imagine if history had naturally destined (apart from God's hand) the chief priests of Israel, after they fled Israel in relation to 70 AD, to discover and take the Caepio gold bars, thus catapulting them to global control.

When Boiorix's Cumbrians won the war at Orange against Quintus Caepio, they may have obtained some of the bars, and may have taken them to their Cumbrian homeland that would later become Denmark, where the Rollo vikings had origins who became the raven vikings to the line of Rothschilds. The Comers, using an Istria-possible motto term, as well as Istria-possible estoiles, can apply to these particular Cumbrians, especially as Comerfords/Comforts (purple strings) can be gleaned as a Pollock branch by its horns and peacock. The Comerford/Comfort quarters can be a version of the Petty / Rothschild quarters. Comers use the Chives-Crest leopard as evidence for being a Cavii-line peoples, and moreover their dancette is in the colors of the Quint chevron. There is a globalist story behind this, isn't there?

Can the Comers thus trace to Cavii liners passing through Rijeka? One branch of the Scots was first in the same place (Kent) as Comerfords/Comforts, while the other Scotts were first found in the same Roxy place as Rijeka-based Maxwells. The latter Scotts use a griffin of the Rick-griffin design. Ricks were first found in the same place as Borders and Treasure's. Although the Borders show no Coat, we can't ignore the Rutland and Rutherford "orle" border. As it traces with Pollocks to Aurelia Cotta, it's a no-brainer now that the "double tressure border," owned by Flemings, traces to the flames in the Julian/Gillian Crest. Julius Caesar was born (100 BC) a few years after the Caepio war in Orange. He had the ability in multiple ways to find and hide the bars for his own family.

I suppose that Orrs and Orells can trace to a version of "Orange," but, in any case, it needs to be pointed out sharply that Patricks, now suspect with the Julius line to Closeburn, use "Ora" as a motto term. "Kilpatrick" may have arisen from the idea of Gill(ian)-Patrick. Patricks share white-on-black roses with Sachs/Sax's that are a likely branch of Orell-suspect Saxons/Septons ("chaplets"). Patricks were first found in the same place (Kent) as Scotts and Caesars.

If, as a Geddes article claimed, Saint Patrick was at the Nith river (for to form the Kilpatricks), then he pre-dates Melissena Rangabe, wherefore we've got to seek Aemilia elements at the Nith by different means. What about the "Capta" motto term of Geddes? Recalling the Natts, suspect with the "nati" term of Franks, what about the Nitt/Naught/Nutt surname, first found in the same place (Dumfries) as the Nith river? It's even apparent that the Nitts/Naughts are using a version of the Natt/Natan Coat. That is staggering in light of the Franks tracing to the Maxwell line in Rijeka, and apparently also to Orange.

The Nitts/Naughts look like a branch of Flemish Pitts, said to have had a Pett location in Kent, and that term may suggest the Petty > Peter line from Pietas Julia (= Istria). English Peters use "Major," while Geddes use "majora," in their mottoes. It's becoming fairly plain that Peter Pollock must trace back in time to Aemilia's Nith-river bloodline, and then the Neils/Grails are suspect at Nial of the Nith. It's interesting that German Neils/Nails/Nagle's use the flag of Scotland in colors reversed.

The prediction is that the Caepio line at the Nith goes as a Clovis line (probably mythical Mordred), forward through the Bebba Bernicians, to the Saxons of Edmond Ironside before giving birth to Peter Pollock. Another prediction is that the Clovis line at the Nith was merged with Picts. I can't be certain whether Pictons (lion in colors reversed to the Peter lion) are a line of Picts, but they are said to be of Robert de Rhuddland (Watson-suspect and probably from the Rutilii family), who is in the Meschin write-up as a person of Shropshire. The Meschins of Shropshire went to the Lacy-related Skiptons (in Rick-related Craven).

Picots/Pigotts were first found in Cheshire, near the Flintshire of Pictons. The "Tout" motto term of Picots goes well to the Voirs of Brittany. I suggest linking the Picot motto further to Presleys. French Picot's/PiCOTTS were from BeauCHESNE, in Brittany, and use a moline cross.

The Caledonian Picts are suspect in the line to Peter Pollock due to the shot-through boar of Pollocks (tracing to mythical Meleager of Calydon, whom I traced to peoples on Orkney). As Pictons are in Pitt colors, were Pitts a line of Picts on the Nith? Pitts are easily identified as a merger with Stewarts, and thus fit the raven-viking scenario out of Orkney.

Pitts had a Pitt location in the same place (Hampshire) as Emily's. That is a good thing to find while tracing Pitts to Aemilia liners on the Nith. It makes the Nith elements linkable to Josephs in the meantime. If you recall, the stork symbol is used by Istria-liner Store's, and then a stork is in the Pitt Crest too. Due to the Stewart checks in the Pitt Coat, the Pitts are tracing excellently to Pietas Julia (another name for Pula/Pola at southern Istria). I kid you not, that I had no idea that this paragraph would be written after writing the end of the paragraph above. In such a short time, elements near, and related, to Maxwells at Rijeka have traced to the Nith.

The next theory based on the above is that Picts trace to "Pietas," or the Paeti peoples on the Hebros. Or, perhaps it's a coincidence that "Pitt" and "Pietas" are so similar. If it's not coincidental, perhaps Pitts were not from the namers of Picts, and yet were a Pict people anyway.

Caiaphas had a Worms Klassification

Let's go back to Rhineland (west side of the Rhine), where Natts and Wurz's were first found, not to mention Bush's/Buschs, probably honored in the "holly bush" of Maxwells. Rhineland, they say, is where Ashkenazi Jews were initially centered. But others trace Ashkenazi Jews to Khazars, and Melissena Rangabe was a royal Khazar on one side. Therefore, look and see below how the Wurz surname links to Melusine.

It just so happens that the Wurz surname looks to be using the vertical bars of English Babels (gate in Crest), as well as the bars of Carpenters. All three surnames have: 1) six identical vertical bars; 2) three silver bars in the same positioning; 3) three colored bars in the same positioning. The "belli" term of Carpenters links them easily to Belli's with bars in Carpenter-bar colors, but Belli's share a beacon on fire with Fullers (they were identical designs until recently). Wurz's are said to be from a Werzo Carpentarius (1277) of Worms. That may explain why the Worms Coat (green dragon in Crest) uses a bend in colors reversed to the Wurz bend. Did the Wurz's name Worms?

At this point, the "Capta" motto term of Nith-river Geddes' comes into play, for it's known that the royal Capetian dynasty had Worms in its ancestry. The "captat" motto term of Drakes, suspect from Aemilia elements on the Drac river, must apply here too, as Drake's and Vere's can be considered as one (they may have merged for the first time at Var, location of Draguignan).

If "Worm" can be linked to "Gorm," it should be added that the Blue/Gorm/GILLEgorm surname was first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Larins/Fetters, important if "Vere / Var" developed from versions of "Gerunium."

Note how the Swiss Wurz's use what looks like a version of the Weis Coat. As English Alans showed the Carpenter Coat for a few days, and as Alans were from the Attila Huns, the greyHOUND seems to apply. In fact, HUNters use a white greyhound. Weisbaden is across the Rhine from HUNSruck, and, within ten miles, Rhineland is marked on my atlas on the north side of Hunsruck. This tends to assure that the Weis surname, and others in this paragraph, trace to Weisbaden. It doesn't necessarily mean that the Bavarian Illuminati was fully from Weisbaden, though it's plausible that much may have been in that its founder was Adam Weishaupt.

Lepidus-possible Loops use two Zionists stars in the colors of the same of Weis', and use a white greyhound do Cute's/Cuttes while Carpenters show an "acuta" motto term. As the Blois-suspect Blue surname appears to be involved here, its notable that Loops use the greyhound design of the Lys', bringing Joan of Arc to mind (she had a Lys surname and ruled at Blois) whose family was traced to the Arc river, where Modane is located to which the line of Jonathan Maccabee trace. When the Jonathan rooster design was changed recently, after I linked it to another surname using the same design, it was discovered (by me), eventually, that it's new design is that of the Blue's/Gorms.

You already had indication above to view the Loops from the Cotta-Julian > Aemilia > Caiaphas line. But there's more that crops up as per the Loops said to be from a loop location in Holstein. It is suggested that they were also from a Loope location on a Sieg Westphalia, where the Klass/Claas surname was first found whose "Lady Fortune" symbol will later become suspect with Aemilia. Klaus'/Claus' (Bavaria) use the lion of Seconds/SEGURs in colors reversed. (For new readers jumping in here, Aemilia Lepida was a granddaughter of Junia Caepio SECUNDa, suspect with the Second surname listed with Segurs).

German Siegs were first found in Rhineland, and show Sigen/Siegen variations suggesting the Sagans/Segans i.e. who in turn share the Julian/Gillian salamander. Plus, the Hounds/Houns were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, as were same-colored Cuttes' using the greyhound. We are getting a few "coincidences" here.

Let's go on. Jewish Siegs are using the split Shield of Spanish Capets/Cepede's! These Siegs share white lozenges with Hounds/Houns, but the Siegs use four of them in the same colors as the four used by Dinams/DyMOTTs, and they happen to be the colors of the Arms of Holstein. The latter surname uses white-on-red ermined lozenges, important where the Hound/Houn lozenges are white and ermined too.

It just so happens that the Blue/Gorm Crest uses the eagle design in the Thick/Theck Coat while the latter likewise use ermined white-on-red ermined too. But as the Thick(er)s/Theck(er)s share a gold fesse with Siegs/Sigens, it begins to reveal that Thicks/Thecks are a Th-using branch of "Seager." The importance of Dinams/Dymotts is that they are traceable to a Dinam location (Shropshire), where the WARTers/Waters were first found, use can easily be a version of "Wurz/Wurtz/Wertz." In fact, the Warter/Water pale bar (no other symbols used) is in the colors of the Wurz pale bars, as well as in the colors of the Sieg fesse bar (no other symbols used).

I kid you not, that when I strayed from the Wurz topic above, to the Cuttes' and Loops, I had no idea that I would come around to the Wurz surname in this way. This has happened because the surnames mentioned were all in contact.

As Dinams/Dymotts should trace to Dinam of Shropshire, while they were first found in the same place (Devon) as English Stewarts, and while ermines are known to be a symbol originating in Brittany, one should suspect that Dinams were merged with Alans in Shropshire. If I'm correct to recall that Neil Diamond was Jewish, it can be added that Dinams are also showing as "Diamond." They are said to descend from Dinant viscounts of Brittany.

So, what we have here is a bunch of Jewish surnames from Rhineland tracing to the Modane / Guillestre area and yet also to Brittany. It recalls my assertion that an Alan-Visconti merger named the Vis-de-Lou/Loops location (also called, Fidelow) of the Fiddle's/Fidelows. It just so happens that, while I traced the Alan-Visconti merger to the Panico's on the Reno river, the Reno/Rine surname uses lozenges in colors reversed to the lozenges of Dinams/Dymotts (see also the Panico-suspect Pinks). These are Fiddle colors. It had been asserted that the Reno surname was named after Rainier/Renier of Montferrat, and so see that the Rhine surname (Bavaria) is listed with Rainers.

As Loops are slightly suspect with Aemilia Lepida, by what coincidence are German Babels showing Melusine? How important is it to find that Warters/Waters are a branch of Wurz's/Wurtz's who in-turn are using a version of the English Babel Coat? Are not the Worms-related Wurz's the Vere-Melusine line? Shouldn't Melusine explain the green dragon in the Worms Crest? Did Worms give her the dragon tail symbol? Worms (on the Rhine) is only about 30 miles from both Frankfurt and Weisbaden. Again, the Capetian dynasty is traced by others to rulers in Worms. Doesn't that support a trace of Aemilia Lepida, as she goes to Melusine, back to Caiaphas, her son? Doesn't it tell us that the line of Caiaphas was on the Frank throne for centuries?

If you'd like, you can see how the Loops (suspect with the wolf of Wolfleys, an Obama line first found in Cheshire) link to the Carian-based Roets and Kerns (Caiaphas must trace to Carians), then see the lion of the Brittany Voirs in the Harry/Carry Coat (Maschi's use it too), then note that the spear in the Harry/Carry Crest is that of Dunhams, for "Dinam" (from where Meschins were first found) may definitely link to "Dunham Massey" in neighboring Cheshire. It has not dawned on me until now that surnames such as "Lopez" may be Lepida liners, which can make the Welfs/Wolfs (Cheshire) suspect with it, as well as Hugh Lupus (Cheshire), uncle of the first Meschin (Cheshire). Spanish Lopez' use two wolves in the colors of the two Varro wolves, which look like the Yonge wolf, important where Yonge's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Vere's, and where Yonge's share a "Toujours" motto term with Dinams.

The Lobato version of the Lopez' sure does look like "Lapith / Lepida," and the Lopez' happen to be in Labatt colors while using the Murena/Moratin tower, important as per the family of Terentius Varro Murena. It's even possible that "Lapith" was a term from "lopos." The Caiaphas Carians must always trace to Clarus / Latmus / Miletus, where the Leto wolf line had worshipers.

The Wurz Coat happens to be an apparent version of the Cours', first found in Brittany. Both use besants in the colors of the SAVARy/Savard besants, which traces Wurz's back through Basina of the Merovingians, to Julia Bassianus Domna, mother of Caracalla i.e. son of Roman emperor, Septimius SEVERus. The sun in the Track/Trigg and Drig Coats, because the surnames trace to GRAIGnovol, are quite possibly code for the El-Gabal sun god overseen by the family of Caracalla.

The Wurz write-up says that Wurzburg is in Odenwald, a term smacking of Ottone Visconti, and the stork-liner Odens (from stork-liner Oettingens) sharing the crozier with Wears/Were's.

Stork-using Pitts likewise use besants, and so the best I can do here, at this time, is to identify the early Amelia-Lepida line on the Nith with elements from Caracalla liners, especially proto-Carricks / Kerricks in conjunction with the Capetian-suspect Geddes. Julia Domna likely named DUMfries in this picture. Apparently, historians cannot go back in the line of Julia Domna (about 175 BC) to 20 BC (year of Aemilia's death). They go back to Julius Bassianus and his brother, Julius Agrippa. I suspect that the latter's surname went to name Gripel in Brittany, where Voirs/Voyers were first found.

The Gripps are in Varn / Carrick colors, and Varns were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Carricks. The Varn Crest: "A falcon killing a stork." Expect "killing" to be code for a Gellone/Gillion line from Julians/Gillians. Falcons have recently traced hard to the Lepidus family.

Carricks use a "Garde" motto term tracing just to what we need, the Gard-related Yonge's with a "jeune" motto term for Junia liners. The Yonge piles can then link to the Orr piles. Here's what the "bien" motto term of Carricks gets, perhaps the Drake axe. If you're thinking that this outcome is opportunistic because it tends to trace Carricks just where we want them, to Lepidus liners at Graignovol, you get an A+.

Upon clicking to the German Bien Coat, I was dismayed, for I've seen it several times but never know what to do with its symbols. I recalled that the lion design in the Bien Coat was seen earlier, in its red-on-white colors, but couldn't find it at first. How lucky it was that I couldn't find it. Brace yourself. Put on some ear muffs. I had no choice but to seek "red lion" in hopes that I had written the phrase where it was at. It failed to find it, though I did write the phrase where the red lion of German Leo's was mentioned. That's when I saw that the Leo quarters were in the colors of the Primo quarters, and so the Primo Coat was re-loaded to check whether the colors were identical, or colors reversed, and there was the Bien red-on-white lion !!!!!!!

Right beside the mirror !!!!!!!.

Scrolling back to the German Bien Coat, there were quarters in the colors of the Primo quarters!!!!!!!

I hope that wasn't too loud for you.

Reminder: the black Gapp/Gaip lion (same design as above) had been found in the Gellone-suspect Pew/Pugh Coat, where the Crest is the white Caesar dolphin. This reminds me to say what was neglected earlier; if the "pewit" birds of the Quarrels happen not to include the Pews/Pughs, they are more likely code for PEWTers. Quarrels (trace-able to the Drac river by their Drengot version) happen to use a dancette in the colors of the Carrick dancette. Carricks are proving to be very fundamental Julian liners, and, besides, it's expected that Julian liners led to Julian Bassianus and Julius Agrippa, and of course to Julia Domna, the matriarch of the Carricks, in my opinion.

Now would be a good time to ask why the center of this Arms of Rothschild uses a scallop in the colors of the same of the Capes / Happs / Abbey scallops. This caused me to re-load the Abbey Coat to assure that it comes up with two 'b's, and from there, the French Abbeys were loaded to find nothing but a green-on-white saltire, colors reversed from the Blade / Frank saltire, and then Blade's show a black talbot, the Carrick symbol. The importance here is that Franks may go back to "Frankfurt," a logical idea where Franks use the Pollock saltire while Peter Pollock is suspect at the root of Rothschilds. Extrapolating, it means that Caepio liners went to Rothschilds. We'll see this over and over again by many means, if it's true.

Leaps/Lapps (Melusine), said to be from "lapin," may have morphed to L'Appin. The Abbeys show as "Labbey / L'Abbey / LaBaye," and their motto uses "Sine labe," as though "Labe" was an important variation. It's too wild to discern the original version of the Abbey surname, but assume that there must have been Capes and Happs liners who merged with Lapp liners to form variations applying to both.

The name of Graignovol, prior to the 5th century AD, was Cularo. It evokes mythical collars. Collar(d)s share the Moor head with Chappes', and were first found in the same place (Essex) as Chappes-suspect Quints. Essex is the location of Colchester, where Cole's and Coel-like terms trace, terms such as the Color/Coeler/Kohler surname. Hmm, it just so happens that "Aemilia" was suggested from "Kemuel" and evolving into "Camulos," a god that named the earlier name (Camulodunum) of Colchester.

Now, as Carricks trace to Cularo, by what coincidence were Carricks first found in the same place as Kyle's who trace themselves to king Cole at Colchester? As Pattersons trace to the Julian line, shouldn't the Patterson-Crest camel go to Camulodunum? As Williams (will be traced later to Peter Pollock) share the gyronny with Cammells/Campbells, who were a sept of MacArthurs that trace to Julius Caesar too, what about the Carrick talbot design in the William Crest?

Carricks and Kyle's were beside the place (Renfrewshire) where Pollocks and Orrs were first found. The heart of the Colors/Coelers happens to be shot through with arrows, a Pollock-boar theme. It's a theme that one might trace to the shot-through CALYdonian boar. It was the Arms of Chorges (near Guillestre) that was seen using hearts in Chief, and then Gore's were first found in Essex, and are always to be viewed as Cole kin. With the Gore's and Coles, one now has the reason for tracing the namers of Cularo to the namers of the Colapis river, beside the Una/Oeneus river that Yonge's trace to, as well as the river to which mythical Juno traces which in all likeliness was the reason for the Junius family...after which the Junia Caepio's were named. It's explaining why Caepio's should be tracing to Graignovol.

LOOK! The Coolers/Goolers/Kuchlers were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Jungs/Yonge's/June's, and the two surnames use the same upright stag design!! Carricks are the ones with a "Garde" motto term for the Gard kin of Yonge's. The Jungs/June's use their stag in the colors of the Emily cups, important because Yonge's developed into the Arpad Hungarians who had a blood-oath cult using grails filled with blood. Proto-Magyars were traced to the Ticino, and I'm still wondering whether the namers of "Chagne" were the Segni that may have named the Ticino too. There is a Seyne location less than 25 miles from the Chagne river.

One can imagine that, from Cole terms, the Cullens can apply, who list a Holly variation, and are said to be from "holly," and moreover they use Melusine in the Crest. It evokes the other Holly Coat, the one with the white William talbot and the white Caesar dolphin. It's suggesting, among other things, that the namers of Cularo also named Holstein.

The Colly/Caulie lion wears a crown as a COLLAR. Collys/Caulie's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Coles', and the latter use the colors and format of Holly's/Cullens.

The Caledonian Picts are expected, thereby, to be from Cularo. Aemilia Lepida can trace to the first rulers of Calydon (Greece), whom were from rulers of Elis, important because Ellis' use Holle in their Crest, though I've seen an Ellis' Crest using a red Melusine. You see, mythical Endymion, who married the moon-goddess-cult Miletus / Clarus theater, gave up his throne at Elis to one who would provide rulers of Calydon. This Endymion has got to be the Aemilia line. I'll explain better later, but it should be noted that, while Pollocks have been tracing to Aethelings, I didn't consciously know until now that Endymion's father was, Aethlius.

Moreover, "the Aemilii Lepidi, who had a particular fondness for old and unusual names, used Paullus, presumably with reference to the family of the Aemilii Paulli..." It just so happens that the Ellis cross, if in colors reversed, would be the gold one also in the Arms of Pula, and then Ellis' (in Carrick colors) were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Pula's/Pullens. Ellis could be using the Craig / Saracen crescents so as to link to Carricks, where Aemilia liners are linking. English Pauls use that "Pro rege" phrase again, as well as the Chives/Shives leopard.

Having said that, just compare "Cularo" with "Clarus."

Gleasons and Glass' use the same-colored stars as Kyle's, and Glaze's/Glasier's (Yorkshire again) use a heart in Crest. It may or may not apply to "CALYdon" or the Glass / Kyle bloodline that Endymion's mother was, Calyce. It's possible that "Calyd" became "Clas"-like but, in any case, there is a CLYDE river with a source at heart-using Lanark and flowing into GLASgow. That is simply one excellent way to trace Calydonians from Greece to the Pollock Crest.

If you don't yet know from my writings, Atalanta, the mythical wife of king Meleager of Calydon, who shot the Calydonian boar with an arrow before Meleager himself did, was named after the same place as Atlas, that being Attaleia (otherwise known as Antalya). The point is that, Plato, in his Atlantean lore, gave Atlas a brother named "EuMELus," a term like "Aemilia" and even a little like "MELeager." Then:

According to a different legend, the Aemilii were descended from Aemylos, a [mythical] son of Ascanius, four hundred years before the time of Numa Pompilius. Still another version relates that the gens was descended from Amulius, the wicked uncle of Romulus and Remus, who deposed his brother Numitor [sounds like Numidians]... (Aemilii article above).

If you know my material, you can catch, in the Aemilii article, that they trace to the Mars-woodpecker cult at Picenum, which is exactly where I have been tracing Aemilia Lepida's Segni / Seager lines. In fact, as Justine of Picenum is honored by Sibals, it should explain this:

Whether any of these accounts is true, the Aemilii were probably of Sabine origin. The praenomen Mamercus is derived from Mamers, a god worshipped by the SABELLI of central and southern Italy, and usually identified with Mars. Although usually included in lists of praenomina regularly used at Rome, and thus considered Latin, the Aemilii and Pinarii were the only patrician families to use the name.

I do not recall reading the Sabelli in this article in all the times that Sibals have been on topic over the past few months. It fits. The mother of Atlas, Maia, is suspect in the naming of the Maiella mountains of Abruzzo (locals trace the name to their mythical Maja), near or in the land of the Marsi...whose snake goddess has been identified with the Seager / Sugaar snake. I think it's obvious that "Italy" formed from the Atlas line in Attaleia as it migrated to the Maiella area, but it can then be added that the Endymion line to Calydon's rulers was to AETOLIA, the larger region around Calydon. I think we need to check the Caledonian Picts for some Italian blood.

My guess is that "Sabelli" was from "Cabelees," probably the namers of Cybele in Phrygia. The Cabelees were a fellow tribe with Pisidians (and Melusine-suspect Lasonii), and Attaleia was in the land of Pisidians. Therefore, the Sibals (and Cibalae) are suspect from the mother harlot of Phrygia. If you look into the Cabelees, you will see that they were related also to Miletus. Apollo's alternative name, "Abello," may be from "Cabelees."

There is a Russian Sabel/Sobel Coat using what looks like the Macey Coat with the Masci fleur. In the last Aemilii quote above, we saw mythical Amulius (uncle of Remus), brother of a proto-Numidian suspect, suggesting a trace Aemilia lines to king Massena. It can now be added that an Ali surname was first found in Messina, and that while I trace "Remus" to "Rimini," where Maschi's were first found, that area is part of Emilia-Romagna, at the northern side of Picenum.

The Maschi pine cones can now be suspect with the Aemilia-related Pinarii line (both from a mythical Numa...Numidians, right?). The Piners/Pynders happen to use the same chevron colors as the Macey chevron, and Penners/Penns (from Apachnas-suspect Buckinghamshire) look like a branch of the Cuttes' and CRAIGs. Pine's look like they can trace with Wayne's to the Veynes location near GRAIGnovol, excellent because Aemilia Lepida has traced there by other methods. French Pine's were first found in Limousin, a location that definitely traces with neighboring Santones to Lemnos. The latter island is where Sintians lived, suspect with the Sindhi/Sinti scythians at lake Maeotis (see "Sindi" on the map), where the Sittaceni had lived. That's no small thing.

The gens Pinaria was one of the most ancient patrician families at Rome...

There were several traditions attached to the Pinarii. The first held that a generation before the Trojan War, Hercules came to Italy, where he was received by the families of the Potitii and the Pinarii. He taught them a form of worship, and instructed them in the rites, by which he was later honored. For centuries, these families supplied the priests for the cult of Hercules, until the Potitii were wiped out in a plague at the end of the 4th century BC

The Pinarii may have been in contact with the Colchians from Poti, at the coast of a river upon which Kutaisi was located (Poti is where "Phasis" is on the map above). On this river, one can see what looks like "Gyta," wherefore Poti and Gyta elements together nay have become the Geddes and Pitts (look like they share the Potter Shield) at the Nith river. [Nitts/Naughts (Dumfries) use a "fortunae" motto term, which I did not realize until finishing this section!]

It had become suspect recently that the Sittaceni who named Soducena had been a soft-C version of "Cadusii / Kutaisi," the whole of which named the Cotesii...suspect in Caiaphas' Cottian ancestry. The Pinarii and Potitii may just be the line to Pendragons and same-colored Puters/Pewters, both first found in Cornwall, and in the colors of Potters (share white cinquefoils with Pine's) who themselves use a fesse in colors reversed from the Penner fesse. The Penner motto phrase, "Dum clarion," can trace to Aemilia elements at Dumfries (i.e. location of the Nith), and to Clarus lines suspect at Cularo.

It just so happens that "The extinction of the Potitii was frequently attributed to the actions of Appius Claudius Caecus," a Caucasia-like term suspect from mythical Cacus at Rome, who lost a war to Hercules (when seeking to steal the cattle of Geryon from Hercules). With the Aemila-liner Calydons now suspect in the name of the Clyde river to Glasgow, let's look at Clyde's, likely using the Alan Coat because Alans of Shropshire moved to the Glasgow area. It's the Gore Shield, in colors reversed by design of Gore's becoming kin of Alans. As the Chiefs of both Gore's and Alans share the Julian-Chief stars, let's add that the German Kaiser crown, a design I cannot recall seeing anywhere else, is in the Clyde Coat. To put it another way, Calydonians should trace to Julius Caesar, which can be explained if (good chance) he's the great-grandfather of Aemilia Lepida.

If Aemilia traces to grail-using Emily's, it should be kept in mind that the grail-using Lawrie's / Lowry's traced as a Larino line to the Lurnack and Lorne entities of Lanarks/Lurnacks who use a chevron in the colors of the same of Coles' and Hollys. I trust you haven't forgotten that the Clyde river flows at Lanark, not far from the Kyle location of Kyle's, suspect as a branch of Glass' using Melusine in Crest. I trust you haven't forgotten that the Clyde flows to Glasgow. There are good reasons here for identifying Aemilia Lepida with the Glass bloodline as well as the Calydons.

Aha! The Class/Klassen Coat uses "lady fortune" with a "banner," and then there is a rare, UPRIGHT white talbot (Holly symbol, yet linkable to the Carrick talbot) as the only Fortuna-Coat symbol!

There are a slew of Fortune-like motto term that can go to this surname. Lest you've forgotten, the Labrador species of the talbot dog may be due to the origins of the Lowry surname. German Fortuna's/Forts/Fortins were first found in Rhineland, where Tans/Tanners were first found, important because Williams, suspect from William the Conqueror, use their talbot dog half in white. As I'm going to expose the William surname as using the Peter lion, it should be added that one Fort surname (black fitchee) uses a motto term like that of Pollocks. In this Fort Chief, the Maxton bee helps to solidify that Forts are Pollock kin. Also in this Fort Chief, what could be the English Robert stars, for Welsh Roberts are using essentially the Peter lion, all of which may expose that at least two Robert surnames are code, not necessarily for the Robertians = Capetians, but for Robert Pollock, Peter's brother. In this Fort Crest is the sitting, winged lion of Mieszko-suspect Holders.

Do you think lady fortune is linking to Pollocks? Don't we expect it, since Pollocks lived in GLASgow, and since the Glass Crest is Melusine? The English Robert chevron looks to be the Macey chevron, fully expected if this Robert surname is from Robert Pollock. The Robert write-up even speaks to a "Robert the Bursar," while Bursers smack of the Burse's (kin of Blade's=Burseblades) whom I'm sure are a branch of Pierce's and Percivals (share the Mackay bear), the Grail-King line (from Perche elements). It just so happens that Bursars are using the black-on-white lion heads of Works/Werks while Sinclairs use a "work" motto term. It may be, therefore, that "Work" and "Burse" are variations, thus exposing the Works as a branch of PERCivals. In that picture, Percival, the mythical character, was a Veragri liner. It works because the Veragri are suspect in becoming the Varni > Varangian line to Sinclair pirates.

Arthurian myth had a mythical Bors as the closest thing to its grail entity, and for me that indicates the Borsey variation of the Burse's, who use bars in the colors of the Porcia boar. It just so happens that the Porcia-suspect Works/Werks look like they are using the Nitt/Naught lion heads in colors reversed because both surnames share identical, white lion heads in Crest.

The Works/Werks/WORGE's are using the double Fleck bars, suspect with the Phlegyas > Coronis > Asclepios line of Lapiths. Note that the black Work/Werk lion heads are found in the particular George Coat (CHORGES suspects) sharing a blue-on-white fesse, and blue surrounding symbols, with Pinarii-suspect French Pine's, while Penners are showing the FORK-tailed white lion, the heads of which are in the Work/Werk and Nitt Crests! I have read that some surnames call this a "fork-tailed" lion, obvious code for the Veragri-suspect Work bloodline.

The Borks, who may apply, were first found in the same place (Westphalia) as the ones using lady fortune. The Bork quarters are colors reversed from the quarters of the Primo's, first found in BURGundy! Burgundians is where the Nibelungs derived, and they ought to be from "Nephele," wife of the Lapith, Ixion.

The same fork-tailed lion heads are used, likewise in white, by Piners/Pinders! I have just accidentally spelled "Piner" wrong to get the grail cups of the Pinar(d)s!!! They were first found in Maine. same as French Josephs!! Excellent corroboration. Spanish Pinars were first found in Catalonia, perhaps important because Chorges was the capital of the Caturiges.

Recalling that the Poti elements to Potters apply to the Aemilii bloodline, its remarkable that the Dutch Bors surname uses "cooking pots" (!) in the colors of Dutch Burg(er)s / Bergs. The more the Aemilii line can be linked to Arthurian-grail entities, the more the grail-using Emily's can apply to the Aemilii.

German Burgs/Bergs (Rhineland, same as German Wurz's)) look like a Swiss-Wurz branch. We must not neglect that Dutch Bergs once showed the three Clare chevrons, or that Works are honored in the Sinclair motto along with the Conte(ville) line back to John de Burgo, lord of a Comyns location.

While Boso(n)'s (ruled for Charlemagne around Provence not long before Guerin of Provence) use the Charo/Claro bull design, the Boso bull holds a "banner." The bull and banner are in the colors of lady fortuna and her banner (!, hee hee), and the Boso bull is quartered in colors reversed from the Second/Segur quarters (ho ho ho). It's a virtually-undeniable link of Aemila Lepida to the Joseph surname (with "charo" motto term), and thus to Joseph Caiaphas! It must be the Santa-CLAUS line, for Banners and Fortuna's are in the red-and-white colors of Santa Claus, the destroyer of Christ at Christmas.

Aha! After writing that, the red-and-white Nicole's/Nicolaus' (Brittany) were found with the gold wolf heads of Kaips/Kaipffs and black martlets, the symbol of French Josephs. The Nicole's look like they are using a version of the Covert/Coffert Coat (tends to make a Kaipff = Coffert equation). We should have known that Santa Claus was code for a Mason-respected surname. This must be it. Compare the Nicole/Nicolaus martlets with the same of the Clubs.

Who do you think gave both Santa Claus and Melusine the elf theme? Isn't that corroboration that lady fortune was secretly Melusine, the so-called Elvin princess? Santa's RAIN-deer, so to speak, can go to the Raines ("parium" motto code for Aemilia liners from Trojans) who once again use the white, fork-tailed lion in Crest. The Raines Coat is a version of the Coat used by the Numidian-based Newman surname. There you go, all in a days work, all for you who have been NICE (use the Work double bars in red). Do not be NAUGHTy, but you may realize that this term is likewise code for the Aemila line (to the Nitts/Naughts). The Christ-destroying Masons were simply snakes. They invented Christmas songs with bloodline codes, none of the songs being of Christ, but of pagan themes. The Twelve Days of Christmas is packed with surname codes honored by satan. Such a loser, the Lord reBUKE, thee.

The Nice surname is also the Nose surname, and then there's the red-and-white surname of Rudolph's, the one presumably given the red-nose code.

Italian Naso's/Naseau's (a little French, to be expected on the French side of the Cottians) are using what looks like a version of the Cotton Coat. The latter uses a "fortuna" motto term!!! Such a surprise coming down my chimney. The Cotton chevron is even half in the colors of the Rudolf chevron. It's all tracing the Santa-Aemilia bloodline, so to speak, to the Cotta > Caesar line, exactly where it's needed to birth Aemilia Lepida.

This picture can go to Orange-Nassau as easy as sleigh-riding down the Alps to Orange. Ask why the Cottons and Naso's are in RANGabe colors.

The Cottin-Crest description: "A falcon proper with a gold bell on a leg, the dexter CLAW on a belt with a gold buckle." There is no Claw surname, but there is a Claws/CLASON surname, in RED-and-WHITE! It's a white lion in the colors of the Fortuna dog and the Banner banner. Doesn't Santa Claus wear a big buckle? The Cotton falcon can itself go to PHLEGyas lines of Lapiths.

AHAHA! I've just checked my files to see who uses a "So ho ho" motto phrase, and it turns out to be the Comerfords/Comforts, red-and-white, yes, but with a white-on-red talbot dog, the color of the Fortuna talbot. Ahhh haha, what a laugh. Comerfords may be using the Bork Shield, but, in any case, it's a wonder as to what came first, the Comerfort motto, or the "ho-ho-ho" put into Santa's mouth. If the ho-ho-ho came later, the writers of the song were honoring the Aemilia-Lepida line to Comerfords.

The Claxtons, obviously related to the same-colored Claws/Clasens (said to be from a Clawson/Claxton location), are using the Harry hedgehogs, and a chevron partly in the colors of the Rudolph chevron.

The Santa song (webpage below) goes like this: "He's making a list, Checking it twice; gonna find out who's NAUGHTY or NICE." but also uses "you better not pout". Then Pouts are listed with Potts (more double fesses, and "Fortis / ASTutus motto terms). There you have the undeniable evidence that it's in honor of the Aemilii line from Poti Colchians, not forgetting that Colchians traced to Pula, home of Pollocks or proto-Pollocks. Amazingly, Ms. Pollock (the one responsible for the latest Pollock topic; see last few updates) has a Comfort bloodline on one side! Astonishing.

The song also uses "Rooty toot toots," which evokes the Touts/Toots that were linked to Pollock lines recently, but then see the Comerford/Comfort motto term, AsTUTUS." Crescents in Tout-crescent colors are used by MacLaughlins (perhaps a Lafin liner), who use ComerFORD and Fort Shield colors. Unbelievably, the last sentence is being inserted here after the update was published, upon finding a Chris McLaughlin in the news, the vice-president of the Inmarsat satellite company covering the pings at the Malaysian plane disaster. I now find that the McLaughlins, with a Claus-like Claughan variation, and thus suspect with Aemilia Lepida, is said to have a Gaelic version after "St. SECUNDinus"!!!

The Fortuna talbot is called a "dog" for a clever reason. The German Fortuna lion can be recognized as the Sforza lion holding a "quince" in honor of the Quintus-Caepio bloodline. I've seen identical lions (used also by Ferrari's) to the one used by Italian Fortuna's, holding an object, and so I tend to trace them to Sforza's, said to be named after "force," but I think they're obviously named after Forts / Fortuna's. In the case of Fortuna's, the Sforza lion holds a "club." The Club surname, suspect from "Clovis" because it's using the format and colors of Chills/Childs, was first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Julians/Gillians.

It's apparent that the Clubs (said to be from a Clobber term) should link to the Hykes/Hake' per a Hicks branch living in CLAPton that married Arthurs (a sample of the Arthur=Merovingian equation). Clapton is in Somerset, where Burse's, Pierce's and Percivals were first found, a place I'm now tracing to "Smyrna," near Clarus. The Arthurs who married the Hicks of Clapton shared "clarions" with those particular Hicks (I have read that). It is very possible that "Chlodewig," Clovis' name at birth, was part of the Glass bloodline where "Klaus" and "Claud", or "Close" and "Chlode", were variants of one which case I may be compelled to trace "Glass" to "Calydon." But this could be hasty. If correct, Greek Calydonians are suspect in naming the Clausula river flowing past Scott-suspect Scodra...which easily explains why proto-Scotland was called, Caledonia in the Arthurian period.

Claptons/CLOPtons look like they merged with Wingers. You may have read recently where I tentatively traced "Cavii" to the naming of the Sava river. The latter is where Cibalae is located, later called VINKovci, traceable to Wings / Wingers. Think about what you are reading. The Valentinian line at Cibalae MUST trace to Childeric (it's one of the basic traces I make for grail-cult Masonry), and Pollocks are traced by others to Clovis himself. This was the true Da-Vinci-Code grail cult. The Vince's/Vinch's use a "Nil conSCRIE sibi" motto that should go to Squire's/Squirrels sharing the squirrel of Valentins. Plus, Justine, Valentinian's wife, is honored by Sire's.

Leonardo da Vinci was a Valentinian liner, wasn't he, to the Lowry-related Neils/Nihills = the Neils/Grails? This can now explain why German Neils/Nails (enGRAILed saltire) use the flag of Scotland in colors reversed. I have traced Scodra elements to a Schio location near the land of the Veneti, where Merovingians traced themselves. Neils/Nails were first found in the same place (Westphalia) as the Sieg river and the Class/Klassen surname...yes, the one using lady fortune. Not many Scottish surnames show the flag of Scotland, but Scottish Banners do. They are using a banner in the colors of the talbot "dog" of Italian Fortuna's. It's German Fortuna's that use the Sforza lion with club.

Why are Neils linking to lady fortune's banner? We should ask Lancelot's father Ban, and the "LADY of the Lake" with whom Lancelot was associated.

The quarters of the Chives/Shives are in use by English Hykes'/Hacks, a sample of the Hyksos=Caiaphas equation. Wingers are said to be from a Kelloe location, and then the Cloe surname happens to be listed with CLOBERry's, first found in the same place (Devon, beside Somerset) as Hykes'/Hacks and Chives'/Shives.' It's an example of how Cavii liners were merged with the namers of the Clausula. The Globery variation may be honored by the "globe" in the Carpenter Crest. Cavii liners include the Shaws sharing the Winger hind.

The Cloe/Clobbery Crest shares the antelope with Obama-liner Singletary's (and Wheelwrights), and then the Cloe/Clobbery Coat shares the bats of Obama-liner Randolphs (at Moray.) These bats go, in my strong opinion, to the Baths/Atha's, first found in the same place (Somerset) as all-seeing-eye Badens/Battins. Baths/Atha's use the same cross as Fessys/Vassys, and then Burse's (Somerset) are said to be from a Vassy location (Normandy).

Vince's, by the way, were first found in the same place as all-seeing-eye Watts, the latter being a term that could become "Batt." It just so happens that the Batt surname, using the Cloe/Clobbery bats, were first found in Rutland, where WATsons lived!! Surprise. French Bats are listed as Labatts, a potential Lapith liner surname that may NOT have started as "Bat," but may have corrupted to "Bat."

In consideration that Holders are using a version of the English Randolph Coat (explaining why Obama hired Eric Holder), while Obama's mother (a Dunham from the Randolphs and Singletarys) was definitely from Mieszko elements, it's likely that the Batt saltire is that of Haldens, from "Haldensleben," origin of Oda, one of Mieszko's wives. Oda's Haldensleben elements were linked (by me) to neighboring Brunswick, the latter highly suspect in brown symbols, and then the Batt Crest happens to be a brown wolf.

In support of a talbot-dog trace to Lowrys and Melusine liners, there is a Dog/Doak/Doag surname using what looks like a version of the Lanark Coat! It, in itself, means that the holy-grail Larino line went through the Fortuna family, and so lady fortune must be none other than Melusine...who swam down the Clyde river from Lanark to Glasgow so as to find her way to the Glass Crest. The fact that there's a Doag variation while linking to the heart-using Lanarks suggests that heart-using and Julian-related Douglass/DuGLASS's somehow apply here, and indeed lady fortune is used by Class'/Klassens. In this picture, Douglas' were named in-part of Doags, and in-part after Glass'. Or, Doags were a branch out of Douglas'.

The covered crown of Douglas' may just link to the similar Kaiser / Clyde crown, and, if so, it tends to assure that Kaisers were Caesar liners.

The Dog/Doag surname can be linked to the Duke surname that I think uses a version of the Ottone Coat, for Sforza's received Visconti titles as well as the green Visconti snake...which should be the green snake in the Coles Crest. As per my claim that GUIScards/WISharts named VISconti's, or perhaps vice versa, it's notable that Lanarks and Dogs/Doags (use two cinquefoils in the same colors and positioning) can link by their cinquefoils to Guiscard-related and Sadducee-suspect Tankerville's (from TANERdevilla)...probably a line of Tanners. In this picture, CINQUEfoils can link to the five theme of Quints / Quincy's. Compare the Glass Shield to the Tankerville Shield.

The thistle on the Dog/Doag Crest should be code for Thistle's/Thissle's, first found in the same place (Channel Islands) as Gerunium-based Majors/Magors. As the latter are honored in the Geddes motto, it's not coincidental that the Geddes Coat is like the Tankerville and Glass Coat. Nor is it coincidental that Spanish Capets (honored in the Geddes motto too) and French Martels used the Douglas-crown design until about 2012. The same crown design is that of Alpins (thistle in Crest), first found in the same place as Larins/Feeters. Again, the fact that the Larins of Provence use the Capes scallops makes the Kapp variation of Alpins suspect with a Caepio / Capet line, and then Scottish Larins/Feeters use chevrons in the colors of the Quint chevrons. These things are popping up in the midst of an investigation wherein Aemilia Lepida seems pertinent.

ZOWIE, I've only just now re-loaded the Geddy/Gideon Coat. I was only going to say that their fesse is colors reversed to the same of Herods/Hurls, first found in the same place as Larins/Fetters and Alpins, when the red lion of the Primo's showed up too! In this picture, the torteaux of the Geddy/Gideon Coat could be for the line of Junia Caepio Tertia. English Forts use a quartered Shield half in the colors of the Primo quarters. The Fort quarter colors (Gascony colors), along with the castle, were traced to Martins = Martels of Gascony.

Italian Forts/Fortino's/ForteGUERRI's, as could be expected from the Sforza/Ferrari lion of Fortuna's, were first found in Ferrara. They use the Clyde Coat (!) apparently, though it's the Alan Coat. They also use the Ferrari car logo traceable to the Arms of Stuttgart (Stout-viking suspect) on the Neckar river (may be where the "nec" motto terms of Rodhams and Rutherfords trace).

To find this trace of lady fortune to Geddes liners supports the trace of Aemila Lepida to the Nith-river Geds (= proto-Geddes of Nairn)...who were on that river before 400 BC. Grenoble was still called, Cularo, before 380 BC. The Nith river has sources smack at the sources of the Clyde! The Kyle's at Ayrshire are about 10 miles from the extreme source of the Nith, and then Prestwick looks to be about three miles north of Ayr while the Prestwick Coat uses Melusine. Why is the Prestwick Crest is a PORCUpine. Or, why is it a PorcuPINE?

The Prestwick Melusine is in the colors of the Fortuna dog, and then Prestwicks were first found in the same place (Lancelot-suspect Lancashire) as Banisters, which is why I view Banesters as part of Ban elements. Thus, lady fortune does appear to be code for Lady of the Lake.

The extreme source of the Nith is at CUMNock, an entity suspect in the Joseph garbs. The Aemilia grail symbol may thus have been on the Nith, and then, with the proto-Josephs of that area, they got to the Emily's, first found in the same place as Josephs. The proto-Josephs are predicted to be a line of Aemila Lepida, you see, if she was the mother of Joseph Caiaphas.

I've been tracing the garbs of Gascony to the Arms-of-Cheshire garbs for years for good reasons, and then the Joseph garbs are in the colors of the Cheshire garbs, which, I am sure, are in the colors of the COMYN garbs for a kinship reason from the line of Richard Goz and his wife, Emma de Conteville, rulers of Cheshire. This is why "Goz/Gos/Gois" is suspect with a short-form of "Joseph." Irish Comyns even use their garbs around a chevron in the colors of the Goz chevron.

It's therefore interesting that the Thistle/Thissel Crest uses the blue lion tracing to Caepio's while the thistle in the Kapp/Alpin Crest is blue. The Melusine-using Leaps/Laps are still suspect with the Appin variation of Alpins (Excalibur sword, no doubt), but we now have the added key of tracing Picts to Calydonians expected at Cularo!!! MacAlpine (may have been a mythical term) was a Pict ruler. MacAlpin should be regarded as the Aemilia line back to Cularo, and forward to Josephs and other Caiaphas lines. As I've identified the Excalibur code partly in honor of (C)Halybes liners, it needs to be added that Halybes were a fellow branch with Khaldi (Pontus) who should have been the proto-Calydonians.

Even if "Clarus" was not from the same term that named Calydon, Endymion elements at Clarus go back to rulers of Calydon. Endymion was specifically at Latmus, perhaps the line to the Lady (annuLETs) and related Lett surname. You understand that I'm making a Lady=Aemilia trace to "LatMUS," home of the Carian moon goddess that had been traced recently to a Min moon goddess in the Melitene theater. The scallops in the Hykes/Hack Coat should go to the Mysian-based Meschin scallops, yes, and for that reason also to scallops of the Ladds/Ladons and Leaders. You understand that I'm tracing the whole lot to the Hyksos at Latmus. This is the time to speak on the Hyksos at Mysia's Parium/Parion location.

The theory had been that the Aemilii family used "Prima / Secunda / Tertia" for a special play-on-word reason. From Wikipedia's Aemilii article: "The daughters of the Aemilii are known to have used the numerical praenomina Prima, Secunda, and Tertia, although these are frequently treated as cognomina." It was the daughters of Servilia Caepionis who were called Prima, Secunda and Tertia. Does that reveal that Servilia was an Aemilii liner? It could explain Servilia's daughter, Junia Secunda, married Marcus Aemilia Lepidus (see tree at bottom of webpage).

There have been two theories (in my mind) on red roundels = "TORTeaux": 1) code for the Tertia term, and specifically for Junia Caepionis Tertia, possibly the only Tertia important to heraldry; 2) code for the Toreatae scythians from lake Maeotis. The reason that the Toreatae are compelling here is that they were a fellow tribe with Sittaceni...suspect in the Sadducee line of Caiaphas. In other words, if "Tertia" was code for the Toreatae that the Aemilii derived in, then we might suspect that "Primo" and "Secunda" were also codes. It was reckoned that "Secunda" could go to the Sequani, a proto-Saxon-suspect peaples on the east side of lake Geneva, near enough the Cottians to have become part of the Cotta > Caesar > Junia Secunda > Aemilia > Caiaphas line. Again, the Saxon surname uses CHAPlets.

The point here is that "Primo" can go to mythical Priam at Parium/Parion (a known city of Gorgons = scythians), where Priam's son, Paris goes too, who is suspect in forming "Pharisee." It's a neat little, compelling package, especially as Chappes' were first found at Paris, France, and while Ottone's, using a version of the Chappes Coat, were first found at Perusia. The "Perugia" version of "Perusia" may even go to Porcius-Cato elements that I see in the Catten Coat, a version apparently of the Geneva Coat. "Perugia" may even go to "Burgo / Burse / Percival" and many other surnames. In this picture, the Cotta line to Aemilia Lepida was a Hyksos one of the Hecuba / Hector kind.

The fur tree in the Alpin Coat may or may not be for the Furs/Fire's/Feurs...who may be using a unicorn version of the Ferrari car logo. The Joseph-honoring Char's/Claro's were first found in Ferrara too, and so what we can do here is trace these proto-Joseph liners with the Fortino's and Fortuna's through Cularo, to the Clyde river, and that's roughly where the Cumnock location is. We then ask why the Scottish Comyn/Comming Crest is the same upright gold lion as used by Ferrari's. We then ask whether the "Courage" motto of Comyns is code for Chorges liners. There is a Courage/Corage surname, first found in the same place (Essex) as Ferrari-suspect Vere's, Gore's, Quints...and Colchester!

The Comyns come up as "Common," begging the question of why "House of Commons" is used. Americans use Gog-suspect "Caucus" as a place for the gathering of English-based politicians. The Comyns write-up traces to a Commins location in Denbighshire, where the Apachnas-suspect Bachs were first found, and a Commins Gock location in Powys, both locations in Wales, home of Cimmerian scythians. "Wales" is suspect from the same that named Wallis canton, and I see the Sittaceni at the naming of Wallis' Sitten location...explaining why Bachs use stars in the colors of the same in the Arms of Wallis canton.

As the Bellamy's of Perche were recently found on the Arve river near Sitten, it's not hard to understand what happened. The Hyksos who had formed the Pharisees and Sadducees were in that Arve / Sitten area, as was the Aemila-Lepida line evident in the Walser Coat. As the household of Apachnas was a Mus one, it explains why Bellamy's were kin to Maceys, and why they were all at Shropshire and Cheshire, on the Welsh border. Cheshire is even beside Denbighshire. French Harve's (looks like a Macey- and/or Bellamy-version Shield) were even first found in the Paris too.

Where have we seen the red fleur-de-lys of Courage's? In the Barber Coat, for one, using the same double chevrons as Larins/Fetters. Also, in the Coat of Gellone's (whose Guerin line traces to Gerunium i.e. beside Larino). But the Courage fleur are in both colors of the same of Pews/Pughs, the ones using the white Caesar dolphin in Crest. It just so happens that Cularo / Grenoble was, for a time, the Dauphine capital. The Pews/Pughs are the ones using the black lion in the Gapp/Gaip Coat.

Now that Cularo elements are tracing to Ayrshire's Kyle's and Carricks, what about the dolphin in the Crest of Kennedy's, first found in Ayrshire? The black fitchees in the Kennedy Coat (see also Cassels) have traced to the Gap theater's Drac and Buech rivers. This apparent link of Kennedy's to the Pews/Pugh makes it likely that the black eagle in the Lafin Crest is that of the Pewter Coat. Lafins are the Lapith suspects using the Peter lion, making "Pewter" suspect with Peter Pollock...whose descendants used Pugh-like variations.

Irish Kennedy's (Tipperary) and Irish Comyns (Munster) were first found near one another, important because the "la fin" motto phrase of Kennedy's is for the Lafins (Tipperary), shown with a "La Font" variation connectable to Font de Ville's, the "Ville" ingredient of "Conteville" (i.e. the ones who ruled a Comyn(s) / Comines location. It explains why Italian Conte's share the Lafin lion. Tipperary is near MUSkerry, an important Irish-Arthurian hub.

I am hoping that this work is almost finished. One could go on forever. I would do better with a break from this topic. I have relatively little material left to write below, in continuation on the above, and from there, I don't know where I'll be going next. I plan to continue in the first update of April. I've got the next update reserved for the Malaysian-plane incident. Something is not right with the "facts" as they come from Americans, causing me to be suspicious of yet another cover-up.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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