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August 18 - 24, 2015

The Schutz Saltire
Sadducees, Scidrus, and the Laus Scythes
The Naked Bloodline in Scotland was from Scythes' of Miletus
The Proto-Rothschilds in the Mayers

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

My knew emphasis is on the Albins/Aubins of Barnstaple and the Albino's of Modena. After ending the last update, I got around to responding to Mr. Skeetz's email, which I'll quote from later. Around the end of the response, I got around to checking for an Aubin location, and to my surprise it traced to the Aubins of Brittany thanks to a Morlaix location of Brittany that had been part of the email response. It also traced to the Bautica river out of Aosta and through Ivrea. The Aubin location is in the Auvergne theater, and at least one ancient writer claimed that it was named after a Roman general who was briefly the self-proclaimed Roman emperor in the years of Caracalla. This is reflective of the Saraca trace through Modena in the last update. The relevancy of Ivrea is where the Arduinici were of that place, for Pendragon-suspect Penders traced to the Panaro river of Modena, and the Brittany Aubins share hurts with Irish Arthurs. The Arduinici trace well to Yvery of Somerset, beside the BarnSTAPLE location, and Staple's can link to Pendragons because the latter are from the Penestae, beside the Paeonians and looking like they were named after them.

The reason that my wanderings got to Morlaix is that I was helping Mr. Skeetz to understand the heraldic kin of the Schutz surname. One of the Schutz symbols is the collar, and so I was looking at the three Coller surnames, one of which uses jelloped leopard faces, the symbol of Morleys and Morlands. I therefore got to the Marley surname said to be from Morlaix, and noted that the Marleys share the white-on-black dolphin of Hollys, who look like the Colly variation of Collers. And that recalled my bumping (like one in a million chances) into the Choly variation of Chalice's in the last update, suspect with Herod and Berenice Agrippa of Chalchis, where I trace Chalkers and related Chaucers, the latter marrying the Herod-related Roets (same place as Ivrea-suspect Yvery) that I sense were of Staple-related Estaples/Etaples. I had once, recently, entertained a Roet trace to "ERETria," beside Grecian Chalchis, and in the last update I was thinking that "Herod" could derive from Eretria variations in Syria, location of Arethusa, which I trace to Arretium, the modern name (Arezzo) is like Arras, the Artois capital near Etaples. "Herod" is highly suspect from "Aretas," the family of Edom that birthed Herod's mother. The Arms of Arezzo is a sinister-facing black horse, and Arezzo is in Umbria, where we expect the origins of Umbrius Primus, the one who adopted sinister-suspect Senecio Albinus.

Let's consider that Herods were out of Arethusa and Arretium (beside Umbrius-suspect Umbria), where the Cilnius family was living for centuries from at least the 4th century BC. This Cilnius family has been suspect for some years with the establishment of Maccabees out of Modena, and the last update motivated me greatly by discovering a trace of Murena's/Moratins to the Marano's/Mauritano's of Marano in Modena. Although Cilnius Maecenas was from Arettium, he married the Murena circle, which allows his family to trace to Modena, just what's needed in a claim that Maccabees of Modi'in were named after "Maecenas" or one of its variations. But the hunch now is that Herods were attached to the Cilnius family, and to that I can add that Barneys, suspect with Barnstaple, share the key symbol with CILNius-like Kelners/Kellers (reflective of the Staple bend) while the alleged namer of Aubin had a Ceionus surname suspect with key-liner Shaws. Plus, "Ceionus" may even be a Cilnius variation, though I'm not placing confidence in that idea at this time.

It was just a day or two ago when realizing that "Balance" is a "Blanquette" / Plunkett" variation, but here I find the Balance Coat used by English Kelners/Kilners!!! Amazing. The Plunkett (same place as the Dol Alans) were being looked at late in the last update for linkage to Plancia Magna, a Maccabee-Herod liner of the 1st century. If Kelners/Kilners were Cilnius liners, it suggests that the Plancius surname may have linked with Cilnius Maecenas, explaining why Plancia was born to the family of Alexander Maccabee. I am definitely arrived to disclosing the secret relationships of the killers / enemies of Christ, but this gets complicated due to the great number of surnames involved, and because it spreads from the Middle east to Europe-wide.

The Barneys (almost the Bernice fesse) with the key also share the white-on-blue fish of Saraca's and Ceionus-like Keons! The Burn-related Bernice's use the same fesse as the Arms of Saraca, and the family of Plancia Magna went on to birth Berenicianus, the name also of a son of Berenice Agrippa, names suspect in the Bernicians of Berwickshire, where Aide's were first found that share the jelloped symbol of Staple's and Chalchis-suspect Collers. These key-using Barneys even use the same fesse as in the Arms of Fanano, and were first found in the same place as Paeoni-suspect Payens.

Aubin is smack beside Herod-suspect Rodez. I have been claiming for years that the Rod surname is from a marriage between Henri IV of Rodez to RoqueFEUILs, and the Rods happen to use (no coincidence) the treFOILs of Albino's, so very utterly important now for making a Modena-Albino trace to the namers of Aubin.

One can now tend to prove that Drake's are from Draguignan of Provence with a comparison of the embattled fesse of English Dragons to the same, in colors reversed, of Jess'/Jessons. The "jessant" rooster came up yesterday in the email to Mr. Skeetz. I hadn't checked the Jess surname during the email response, but did so now, to find the very rooster design that the Schutz's had traced to, for it had been discovered that the Schutz saltire is closely linked to the Saltire surname (share hurts with Aubins), which uses the Jess'/Jessons rooster design. "Jessant" is code for a rooster in two colors, and this effectively traces Saltire's to Jessons, and so let's add that Saltire's are very traceable to the Salyes Ligures of the Durance river passing along Provence. Then, there is a Tarn river, like the Darno variation of German Dragons (share red wyvern with Drake's), flowing near Rodez and Aubin, and it flows through Albi (!), and goes on through Tarn toward Toulouse. The latter was ruled by William Gellone, said to be the father of Guerin of Provence, relevant because Guerra's use the wyvern dragon too. This tends to make it more certain that Guerin was of Guido Guerra III, who married the family of William of Montferrat, the area in which there is an Italian Alba location now suspect with the Albinus line.

The Tarn surname is listed with Turins! Those are the ones that I trace to the Turano river flowing beside the Saltire-suspect Salto river, and so "Turano" obviously traces to "Durance." Therefore, the namers of the Turano were on the Tarn. The Turins/Tarns (in the colors of the Arms of Tarn) even use an "Audentes fortuna" motto phrase that can trace to "Aude," where Roquefeuil is found, and so see the black embattled fesse of Rocco's (in the color of the embattled fesse of Dragons), and compare with the embattled bend of Drake-like Tragers (in the colors of the Tarn/Turin bend), then note that Fellers have a FellTrager variation. It is no coincidence. We are hereby discovering that Rockefellers were Drake kin, the greater proof being below.

The "fortuna" term is important for establishing a Tarn/Turin link to both the Panaro river and to Placia Magna, for Lady Fortune in the Klassen Coat once held a Blanquette-like blanket, but how holds a Panaro-based banner. See last update for that. It can indicate that the Plunkett bloodline went through Fanano, and so we want to know how close the Plunkett relationship was to the Dol Alans, suspect from the Roxolani.

Klassens trace to Caepio-suspect Cupionich, in the theater of the Cavii whom I trace to the Chives' of Tarves, in the same place as where Tarns/Turins were first found. The Chives' also trace to Chivasso at Turano-like Turin, along the Bautica river to which the Aubin location of France, or the Aubins of Brittany, trace without doubt. The Aubin hurts are important for establishing linkage to Arduinici of the Bautica, but as the Bautica is from Aosta, location of the Salassi, there's where the hurts of Saltire's come in again, effectively tracing Saltire's (same place as the Dol Alans) to the Salassi. Bauts were first found in the same place as Bouillons i.e. near Aubin, and the Bouillon-related Birds/Birds, who share the Henry / Alan martlets, trace to Bordeaux, linkable to the mouth of the Tarn.

Can Henrys (Brittany) trace to Henry IV of Rodez? What's with the HenRIQUET/HenROT/HenROUTET variations of Henrys? is it hint of the Roque and Rodez elements together? Henrys are said to be from the west of Rennes, where there is another Montfort location on a Mea-like Meu river. The Birds/Burds use a "mea" motto term, and the Mea's/Meighs share the white boar head with Juggs/Judds, whom I trace to Jugon, to the near-west of the Montfort location above. Jugon is on my atlas near the source of the Meu, and the Mea's/Meighs share the type of fitchee cross found in the Albin/Aubin Coat, both being in blue-on-white! The Meu is not far from Dol, explaining why Birds/Burds share the Alan martlets in the same colors. As Montforts own the gonFANON banner, it a great reason for tracing the Montfort location of Brittany to Fanano. The St. Tauren location of Albins/Aubins must be from Tarn elements.

It's important for my trace of Roets and Reeds to Rieti (where the Salto meets the Turano) that the Tarn/Turin bend shares gold boar heads with the Roet Chief. That Chief is comparable to the Joseph Chief, and the same-colored garbs in the Joseph Chief trace to the same-colored garbs of Avis'/Avisons, from Avezzano, between the Salto and Turano river. The gold boar is the symbol of Weirs/Vere's too, first found in Roque-suspect Roxburghshire. English Tragers are using the fesse colors of Jessons i.e. colors reversed to the Dragon fesse, making Tragers suspect with Dragons at the Tarn rivers. It's interesting that while Burns trace to Berenice in Chalchis, Henrys, suspect from Herod-like Rodez, use a chevron looking like a cross between the Burn and Bernice Coats. I am fast becoming convinced that the Henrys of Rodez were Herods out of Rodez.

Recalling that the Modena area had traced hard to Sions/Swans, note that the swans of the Guest/Jest Coat look like a version of the Sion/Swan Coat, but using a chevron in the colors of the Henry chevron. If you understood, the Jess'/Jessons link to Henry of Rodez, and so we now have a serious trace of these Henrys between Aubin and the Albino's of Modena. Irish Henrys, using a giant spread eagle in the colors of the Albino cinquefoils (no small "coincidence"), are said to have ruled at a GlenconKEINY area, like CEIONus Albinus. French Barneys not only use the key that may relate to Ceionus, but English Barneys may be using a version of the Tarn/Turin bend. After flowing near Toulouse, the Tarn curves and flows through MontAUBAN!

Toulouse is directly across the Garonne from Comminges, home of Herod Antipas. Comminges, no matter what they say of its origins, is suspect with the Commings that share the garbs of Avis'/Avisons for a trace to the Salto and Turano rivers. Albinus Ceionus is said to have been related to Lugdunum (Lyons), where he died, which was the original name of Comminges. Herod Archelaus (Antipas' brother) was in the Lyons theater, at Vienne Isere, and then Vienne's share a giant spread eagle with Henrys. Mythical Lug (the namer of Lugdunum) was made a son of Cian, potentially of the Ceionus family. "The story goes that Cían was killed by the sons of Tuireann...", smacking of St. Tauren of the Albins/Aubins. One of the three sons was Brian, and then Brians share the hunting horn with Burns, and lions in the colors of the Barney lion, relevant because Albins/Aubins were also from Barnstaple. The Lyon and Lannoy lions are in the colors of the Albino trefoils, and Barnstaple's share those trefoils (same colors) that jellop-using and Roet-suspect Staple's are expected to trace to Herod-suspect Henry of Rodez. But note how the Barnstaple bend is that also of jellop-using and Levi-beloved Aide's.

The Aide's were traced to the Valentin bend, and the Barnstaple bend tends to prove it, but as Valentins were first found in Vicenza, near lake Garda, the Barnstaple motto likely traces to Garda elements. Gards use a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat while the latter share the martlet of French Josephs, and the Aid-beloved Jessons can link to Guests/Jests sharing the swan that French Josephs once showed. One Guest Coat uses the split-Shield of GARDners, and of German Kaplins (Switzerland), while English Kaplans/Chaplins (look like Roets) were first found in the same place as English Josephs. I've just realized that German Kaplins are using a version of the Albino Coat for a trace of Caiaphas suspects to Modena!!! And Barnstaple is where Chives' were first found. French French Chaplins share two gold bends with English Josephs, making Chaplins / Kaplins / Capelli's suspect with the Arms of Roquefeuil. Chaplets share black swans in the two colors of the Joseph swan. The Barnstaple Crest, by the way, makes the Staple bend suspect with the Leslie bend.

Josephs of Hampshire are in an online article claiming that they derive from a Joseph Henry or a Henry Joseph (I can't recall which) of Hampshire, and for me this traces Josephs to Henri's of Rodez because Drake's were first found in Hampshire too. I can now add that the two gold chevrons on a green perchevron of Josephs are in the colors of the gold billets (gold bars) in the Arms of Roquefeuil. The Henrys share the footless martlet with French Josephs, first found in the same place (Maine) as Billets (suspect as Pilate's using the Payen stars). This recalls my trace of the gold- and silver-bar treasure of Quintus Caepio from Toulouse to Mont Pilat, beside Forez, where Besancons were first found that use the Billet billets (silver bars). I also claimed that the cross of Bouillons is secretly two silver bullion bars crossed, and so let's add that Bouillons were first found in the Aubin / Tarn theater.

The Keys/Kays (Yorkshire, same place as same-colored Jessons) show motto terms like "Ceion," and in fact mythical Kay (Arthurian cult) was also "Cyner." The Kay/Key motto is, "Kynd Kynn Knawne Kepe." Keons are also Keens. German Jess'/Jeseks are in the colors of these alternative Keys. The Wagers, from Wagrians on the Warnow river, and first found in the same place as Keys and "magna"-using Walkers, use Herod-suspect hearts. "Cyner," and the Kinners who once showed the same bird design as Kays/Keys, smack of Enery/Henry.

The Enerys/Henrys (of Glenconkeiny) are said to be of a Cullentra entity smacking of the Hollys/Cullens that share the Albino / Rod trefoils! These that the Hollys (in Chaucer / Chalker colors) now suspect with Cholys/Chalice's. Hollys/Cullins (using a version of the Bryne Coat) are said to be the neighbors of the Toulouse-suspect Toole's and the Burn-suspect Bryne's.

Incidentally, the French Guests are listed with Gays use a gold-and-red rooster in colors reversed from the Saltire rooster, and these Gays were first found in Savoy i.e. home of the Salassi! That clinches the Saltire trace to the Salassi, and in fact, all heraldic saltires are suspect in tracing to the Salassi. Their Guai variation looks a little like the Cai variation of mythical Kay can relate.

While Chaucers use the tortoise suspect with the Tertullus line to Melusine, the ELVIN princess, who is in the Crest of Hollys/Cullens and Bryne's, the other Hollys are using the same bend as Plunkett, important because Plancia Magna married a Mr. Tertullus.

I had traced Roquefeuils to Roxolani Alans at Rostock (Warnow river), the Varni theater, which was my first clue that Vere's were Rockefeller liners. ROSTock had become suspect with the Sinclair ROOSTer, but then the Saltire's use the rooster too. Rocco's use a bend in the colors of the Varn bend, and the croziers on the Varn bend were traced to mythical Creusa, who was with Aeneas at Agrigento, location of the Drago river. To make the Henry link again to Drake's again, the Henrys use the Hips' martlets while the Drago was also the Hypsas river. If the Hipkin variation of Hips' is of the HOPkins (same place as Quints), the Hypsas river could trace to OPgalli. The Hopkins use the same chevron as Quints, and Hips' use the sphinx as code for Spinks, first found in the same place as Quince's. The Spinks are suspect with the sans' in the Staple motto, and Etaples is near Quinchy, where the Quince's derive.

As the Tarn flows through MontAUBAN, we now have a super reason for linking Stewart-loving Vere's, of the Drakenberg kind, to the Rockefeller-related Albinus line, and this recalls my strange claim that Guerin of Provence was behind king Alpin of the Picts. Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, former leader of a Drakenberg society that sponsors "dragon blood," was amongst the modern reporters claiming that Jesus' children with Magdalene were in southern France as Merovingians. I now have a great clue as to where Drakenberg liners were in southern France, near / at Illuminati-suspect Rodez, and to this I'll repeat from the last update that the DragoMIROFF variation of Dragons/Darno's looks like "Merovee." Nicholas de Vere said to me that he was a "Christian" even though he claims that Drakenberg is from an ancient witch cult. He said that Jesus had "dragon light," the epitome of an Illuminatist.

Cecil Rhodes, whose fortunes went to changing the world toward globalism, can trace to Rodez, but the Cecil surname became somewhat suspect in the last update with "Sestola," the part of Modena where Rodez-related Albin's are said to have lived.

Barnstaple and Staple's were of Devon, part of the Pendragon-Arthur domain. Staple's are suspect along with Stubbs and Stubbings (same place as Quints) with Stobi, ancient city of the Paeonians, on the AXius river to which the Halbert / Walser axes may trace. If those axes are of Axius elements, it expects Paeonians in Fanano, important because Fanano, suspect as kin of Pannonians, is in the area conquered by Boii of Pannonia. The Penestae were on the Drilon river, now the Drin, and suspect with the Drainer variation of English Dragons, in Pendragon colors and sharing the helmet with Pendragons. It seems obvious that Pendragons were a branch of Dragons, and as we just saw Dragons tracing to the Turano and Tarn rivers, it tends to prove that the Pendragon fleur are those of Sale's/Sallete's, a branch of Saltire's.

As Stubbs and Stubbings were in STAFfordshire, Staffs are also suspect from Stobi, and then Staffs use the Quint / Bowman chevron. It makes the Halbert STAVes suspect with Stobi Paeonians, and indeed the Panico's/Pane's (suspect with the Alberts of Bologna and therefore with Halberts) were suspect as Paeonians of the Payen kind. Panico's have long been suspect with the Roet oak tree, but in this update, Roets are tracing to the Panaro (beside Panico's of the Setta) with Henri of Rodez. To have the Walsers included in the Panaro theater jibes with its trace hard to Sion/Sitten, making Sitten trace well to the Setta, and then Settle's are in Albino colors. As "Settle" is like "Sestola," the namers of the Setta may have named Sestola, or at least been merged with it.

It's Quintus-Caepio-important that Payens/Paions can trace to "Paeonia/Paionia," while Hugh de Payens married Elizabeth Chappes. It can expect the Chappes', Caplins, Chaplets, etc. from the Paeonia theater, and that's what marks the Cavii in a merger with Penestae. This was the situation at the founding of the Templars. This was the Templar root. The leaders of the first Crusaders are expected to be the hairs on that root.

Repeat from the last update where Raggs and Burns share the Saraca-based fleur-de-lys: "The Ragg Crest is an "ermined mullet PIERCED" that traces in-part to "Melita," off the Ragusa coast, and then while the Bernice's use the Ragusa fesse, the Burns use mullets for Melita elements, but call them "spur rowels," what Payens call them." Panico's use fleur-de-lys in half the colors of the same of Raggs / Burns. The Paeonians pre-dated Herods and Maccabees so that Paeonians are suspect with the Cavii in forming the enemies of Jesus. But before they got to Israel, they are expected to go through Modena.

The Nimo's/Newmarsh's, in Bowman / Staff colors, were first found in Stirlingshire, not only where Scottish Chappes' were first found, but then the Stubb bend is very linkable to the Stirling bend while Stirlings share the Moor head (WestMORland elements?) with French Chappes'. To this, we need to add that Stevens use the same-colored perchevron as French Chappes' while Stave's are listed with Stevensons. Nimo's use the same crescents as Seatons, which recalls that Marcus NUMmius Umbrius Primus Senecio Albinus was the adopted brother of Umbrius Primus from the same Campania theater as the Sidicini. The Nimo motto term, "boast," gets a Boii-suspect Boast/Boii surname so that if "nimo" is for Nummius Albinus, he traces well to the Modena Albino's.

In Italy, Alba and ASTI are at the Tanaro theater (i.e. where the Sidicini are tracing), and the Paeonians had an ASTIbus location (old map). Italian Alba's share the swan with French Josephs, and German Alba's can be gleaned as Cavii-of-Lissus elements in cahoots with Fanano-based Banners. It's a good way to trace some Cavii to Fanano. As "alba" can mean a tree to Italians, it may be the reason for the Panico tree. It's a toss-up as to whether Banners are from Pannonia only, or from the Paeoni too. The Montfort / Bohemia lion says that banners are from Pannonia, and the Banner fleur say the Drilon river. Penns/Penners have a fesse in the colors of the Dragon fesse for a trace to the Penestae. I suppose that Paeonians named Pannonia, and the invasion of the Boii of Pannonia into Bologna may have been due to the Paeonian elements already there. If they were not already there, then the Sadducee house of Beotus, and the MaccaBAEUS family, are suspect directly from the Boii invasion.

The Boii did invade Modena, but just look at the aftermath:

Although the exact date of [Modena's] foundation is unknown, it is known that it was already in existence in the 3rd century BC, for in 218 BC, during Hannibal's invasion of Italy, the Boii revolted and laid siege to the city...The outcome of the siege is not known, but the city was most likely abandoned after Hannibal's arrival. Mutina was refounded as a Roman colony in 183 BC, to be used as a military base by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, causing the Ligurians to sack it in 177 BC. Nonetheless, it was rebuilt...

Clicking to Lepidus' article: "Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (c. 230 - 152 BC) was a twice Roman consul, Pontifex Maximus, Censor and Princeps Senatus...He was the great-grandfather of Marcus Aemilius Lepidus the Triumvir," husband of Junia Caepionis Secunda. The article on the latter Lepidus calls her, Junia Secunda, leaving out her Caepionis surname. Why? Did she go strongly by "Secunda" because the Caepio's had been shamed in the court battle between the Roman senate and Quintus Caepio (her great-grandfather) over his heist of the Toulouse treasure? One can thus start to sense a basis for tracing Caepio's to Modena in-time for the birth of Joseph Caiaphas, and in time even for the formation of the first-known Hasmoneans of Modi'in. The latter city, if I recall correctly, existed under a similar name in Biblical times, i.e. predating the Boii invasion. For all I know, it's hard to say whether Israeli elements of Modi'in were in Modena, or whether the carriers of the Modi'in name went to Methoni, then to Mutina, losing all their past heritage by that time. I would guess that a Modena connection to Modi'in by Boii of Modena requires that some Israeli elements were already in Modena. We are talking Levite suspects here, probably from Jonathan of Laish through to Lissus and then to Modena. Laish was at Pannonia-suspect Panias in Paeoni-suspect Phoenicia. Some interplay between the line of Jonathan (in Greece and beyond) and various Israeli groups throughout the centuries is not inconceivable.

Later: "In the 1st century BC Mutina was besieged twice. The first siege was by Pompey in 78 BC, when Mutina was defended by Marcus Junius Brutus (a populist leader, not to be confused with his son, Caesar's best known assassin)." The son was brother to Junia Secunda. It looks like the Caepio's owned Modena in the period of the Maccabee transition to the Sadducees and Pharisees. "Marcus" is to be expected from Marici allies of the Laevi Ligures. Again, Junia's sister married Mr. Cassius; a surname first found in Modena. If the sister went as Junia Tertullus rather than Junia Caepionis, then Mr. Tertullus, husband of Plancia Magna, can trace to her, which can explain any Plancia trace to Modena. It was my strange claim that the Alans of Dol were allied to the Sadducees / Pharisees in the first century, and here I find the Plunkett first found in the Vilaine part of Brittany, location also of Dol.

The swan traces to lake Lychnidus at the Albani theater, and Alans trace with the Penes lynx to neighboring Lyncestes in the Paeonian theater. The Payne motto term, "Malo," is suspect with St. Malo, a location very near Dol. The broken spear of Payne's is for Broke's/Brocks, sharing the Stewart motto. The Mallibones (Massey liners in MOTTram) look like they should trace to Bononia as Malo elements, and as they show "Marlibone," they look connectable to Marleys form Aubin-related Morlaix of Brittany. The Mallibones are using a version of the Ever/Eure Coat while Albins/Aubins are said to be from Evreux, near the Eure river. The white tower became quite a topic in the last update as it was used by Plunkett, and it's used also by Evreux-suspect Abreu's. Again, Plunkett use the same bend as Hollys who in turn use the Marley dolphin.

I'm going to guess that Plunkett related to the Hede location of Vilaine because Heads use white unicorn heads while Plunkett use a white horse. However, Hede's are not listed with Heads (Este liners, Plunkett colors), but with Belgian Hedelins/Heids (Este colors). The Hede's are using the same fesse as Fanano.

I almost passed on loading the Westons at the sight of the "Festina" motto term of Plunkett, but Westons (Staffordshire) happen to use the giant spread eagle of Planket-like Balance's in colors reversed. To this it can be added that Whistle's/Wissels share the Payne lions, a great way to link Westons to Wissels. The Vest term of Wessels (swans, Joseph garbs) can also apply. Westons are traced to Roger BAILLeul, from a Turin-like Trun area in Orne. This may indicate a merger of Baliols (Meschin colors) with Plunkett to form "Balance." Baliols are said to have owned Bailleul, and Meschins are pointed out because the Balance eagle is suspect with the Masci wing, and because Dol married a Ferte-Mace element (Robert D'Avrances). Plus, Meschins descend from MALAhule of More, suspect in the Payne motto phrase, "Malo mori." The Plunkett horse can now be suspect with the Massey pegasus.

Lake Lychnidus was pegged as the swan line because lake Sevan was also called "Lychnis," but also due to Sadducee liners being suspect for various reasons around Lychnidus. See the Soducena entity at Lychnis, for the Sidicini are highly suspect with Umbrius Primus, and with the crescents of Nimo's. The Sithech term in the Shaw write-up goes to the Shaw-like variation of Shows/Schauers, suspect in the "show" variation of Nimo's. Let's not forget that the "boast" term of Nimo's is for the Boii surname. The Nimo connection with Shaws (Shawia Numidians) can suggest a Numidian merger with the Boii, exactly what's needed in the theory that Maccabees trace to Massena, king of Numidia. There is no contradiction in tracing Maccabees to Boii as well as to Massena.

The Shows are using the crescents of Luna's / Lamberts, suspect with the Alan line to Luneburg, and while Stewarts share the pelican with German Langs (Luneburg), the Scottish Langs are in the colors of Plunkett. The Newmarsh variation of Nimo's is suspect with Marshalls (same place as Seatons) sharing a string of lozenges with Bricks, suspect from the Briquessart surname of Ranulph le Meschin. The Marshall string is half in the colors of the Wissel string, and as Wissels are practically clinched with Balance-suspect Westons, it gets us back to the Masci wing. It's all Maccabee-important to be linking Plunkett to them, for Plancia was a Maccabee liner. It's important to get out as much evidence possible for a Plunkett trace to Plancia. Lozenge-using Marshalls were first found in the same place as Marano-suspect Mortons, and Scottish Marshalls share "virescit" with Stewarts and Brocks, a term that traces hard to Setta elements, where Seatons trace.

The Scottish Marshalls, the ones first found in Lothian, use what look like linden leaves, for Lindens (red rose on a stem) were first found in the same place. It just so happens that these Lindens share a white spread eagle with Balance's, and moreover the Plunkett use a "lente" motto term. The Lents/Lentons (ermined bend traces to Brittany) share dolphins with Brittany-based Marleys, a term like "Marshall." English Lindens use nearly the jelloped leopard faces of Morlands and Morleys (suspect with the Morlaix location of Marleys. Of all the types of water bodies to trace "Mor" to, the Morleys chose a "marsh."

Marshalls call their leaves, "three green edock leaves slipped," and this is how we know that these descriptions are not off the top of the heads of houseofnames people. They got these descriptions from official records. The "slipped" code links to the hazel slips of Hazels, part code for Islips/Haslips (holly). The hazel slip is the same leaf used by Marshalls, House's and Hulse's. This leaf has many names depending on the code desired. Whose slipped trefoil is in the Marshall Crest? It's a good bet that it's from Nummius Albinus. There is no Edock surname coming up, but Docks/Doags are suspect with the term for various reasons. They first of all use a thistle looking like the swan design of Linden-suspect Lindseys, and this is the swan design, shown likewise in black, of French Josephs.

Scottish Dock/Dog Chief shows the two cinquefoils of Duncans while Marshalls share the blue saltire with Malcolms = a Duncan line. Duncan-related Chamberlains trace to Chambre (Modane area) while Chambre's share the red rose on a stem with Lindens. It's clear to me that Docks/Doags are using the Sword sword in particular, especially as Siward of Northumberland was a Heslington/HAZELton liner. English Docks were first found in Staffordshire (same as Westons suspect with the other motto term of Plunkett), and share a rare-type checkered bend with Faucets, first found in Lothian. That pretty much clinches the "edock" term with Docks.

But the Dock/Doag cinquefoils is used in giant form by Plancia-suspect Blanks, who were said, until recently, to be first found in SHETland. They are now said to be first found in Northampton, and derived in Henry of Monmouth. The Monmouths use "bars gemel" while gemel-like Hameltons use the Blank cinquefoil. Gamala was conquered by Maccabees, probably to the line of Plancia. The Monmouth Coat is shared with Modi'in-suspect Mauds.


The Mauds are traced to Hawardens, sharing a Shield filled with drops, the Drop/Trope symbol, suspect with two Tropoje locations on either side of the Penestae, which is why the Hawarden fesse can be that of Dragons/Drainers. The Maud and Monmouth lion can be that of Stewarts because the Hawarden write-up traces to prime minister Gladstone while Glads were first found in Dol. Gladstone's use "a savage's head within a red orle fleury and eight black martlets." They "forgot" to mention the drops from his face. Guests use "gladio" in their motto.

As Gladstone's were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Rochdale, the eight, white martlets are those in the Arms of Rochdale, used in white by the Lancaster Chaddocks / Chadwicks. Ward-related Warrens were first found in the same place as Saddocks who likewise use the eight martlets around the border. The so-called "orle" is shared by Rutlands and Rodham-related Rutherfords, Rodez suspects, I suppose.

The HARVEdon variation may have been the earliest, from the Arve river maybe, but Wards, I am sure, once showed a red fesse, the Glad / Alan Flander symbol. It's a little interesting that Flanders were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Plunkett-suspect Balance's, and yet while Plunkett were first found in the same area as Dol, no Plunkett-like Coat has cropped up here. I suggested years ago that "Flanders" traces to "Blanda" (Balance-like), in southern Italy beside Laus, Buxentum, and Palinurus. That sentence caused a look-see at the Blanda-like Balant surname, in Plunkett and Balance colors, and first found in the same place as Flander-like Flints! Balants, who list "Baland," share the estoile with Flints! French Balands: Brittany! The Flum-suspect Plume's: first found in the same place as Flints!!!

As the black Gladstone griffin is used by Scotts, Glads may be Clauds/Clausels (share oak theme with Alans), from the Clausula river flowing to Scodra.

The "orle fleury" is another name for the "double tressure" border of Seatons and Flemings. The latter are from Flint-like Flanders, relevant because Hawarden is in Flintshire. The Alans of Dol traced well to Fleming-related Flum (see two updates ago). The Flint surname (colors reversed from the Warden pears) uses "flint stones," reflecting "GladSTONE." William Gladstone became the prime minister in the Rothschild era, and the Wardens share "Industria" with the Arms of Rothschild. The Flint Coat, looking like the Coat of Settel-suspect Stars (share the gold estoile with Flints), makes the Flint colors suspect with Albino's, and the Gladstone savage traces to Savignano, beside Settel-suspect Sestola. The Flint motto, "Sine macula," even traces to Sion/Sitten, suspect with Settel liners.

Hold on to your chair: the Albinus-suspect Seneca's use "Macula sine macula"!!!!! That makes it completely certain that Albino's trace to Senecio Albinus. As the Dol area is involved here, "Macula" can trace to Mea-suspect Macclesfields, in Cheshire, where Hawardens, Savage's (suspect with the Cecil Coat), and Mauds were first found.

Stars (all-seeing-eye, suspect with Rothschilds and Rhodes') are from GLAStonbury of WILTshire while Wilts and Wilders (bars gemel?) use the savage (both are "issuing"). This is a large open door for tracing Mortons of Wltshire to Marano. As the earliest-known Alans of Dol had a Flaad name, they are suspect with Vlads/Flattens (suspect with the Israeli flag), who smack of "Glad" as well as "Wild." The Joseph motto had "wlad." The Wilds share the oak theme with Alans, and the green colors of the Wilds / Wilders, and their verte-like motto term, suggest stag-using Greens, who share the stag with Stewarts.

Glastons are listed with Glass', first found in the ROTHESay area. What comes to your mind with Albinus liners in the Stars of GLAStonbury and suspect from the Clausula river? We now have a good means for linking Albins/Aubins of Brittany to the Dol Alans. You don't believe it when someone traces the Star surname to "streak of white hair," unless you're a ninnie. When the Starship Enterprise put it into warp-speed overdrive, did the producers show a white streak for its path? I don't recall. The STReek/Strech surname, suspect with the Stewart lion, smacks of English Starks (same place as Star-related Flints!) that look like Clauds/Clausels! Starks and Flints were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Deacons (another red lion), whom I regularly link to the Clausula river because Decani is on the shorter Drin river to the near-east of the Clausula. And to help prove that Glads link to this, Finnish Starks use the Vlad/Flatten Zionist star, used with red by German Plume's/Flaums. German Starks share the white spear with the Bologna Pasi's. The Brittany Plume's use "spear heads," pointed up like the spear-like ermine spots of the Brittany Balands, meaning that ermine fur can trace to Spear liners fundamentally.

I don't yet see a way to prove that Balands and Balants trace to Blanda (see map), which is beside SCIDrus, possibly related to the "VireSCIT" in the Stewart motto. This part of the discussion can trace Scidrus, which I've been blind to in the past, to lake Scodra, for Laus can trace to nearby Lissus. The Laus surname, listed with Lauers (Bohemia), use what is often called a SCYTHE, and I learned only a day ago that the Scythes surname is listed with Side's...that come up as "Sider." Side's are in Laus/Lauer colors. Side's share a black lion with Palins that trace to nearby Palinurus, and with Buchans (first found beside Side's) that trace to neighboring Buxentum. The Buchanans (double tressure!) use the black lion in both colors of the Side lion! This can discover a Sidicini history at Scidrus. Side's come up as "Sider." The Laus/Lauer description is simply, "A black shield showing a man." No mention of the two items in his hands. One of them

Aha! More black lions in the Sitter/SIDEwell Coat. Zowie, this is a great key to have. If Laus is from Laish, then the Jonathan Levites are expected at Laus, and that makes Sadducees suspect with the Side/Scythes bloodline. The Sitlers/Schitners use the Side/Scythes lion too. As Dutch Sitter use a dove in the colors of French Pepins (crescents colors reversed from Seaton crescents) while the lion-using Sitter share green pale bars with Landens, Scidrus elements trace to Pepin of Landen. As Pepins and Poppins honor the Mens', the Laus "man" makes sense. The Pepin bird has been changed; it's now a raven, but was a dove in the 5th update of November, 2010: "French Pepins use a dove in Colom and Columbus colors!" Saint Columba was a mentor, if I recall correctly, of St. Chad (Lancashire, same as Chaddocks / Chadwicks), whose family used the potent cross of Chads, shared by Skits and Skeetz's!!! That works and links the latter two to both Sitter surnames.

In my email to Mr. Skeetz, it was mentioned that Landens (sinister bend) share the jessant rooster design of Saltire's, and the latter's is red and in the design of red rooster of Jess'/Jessons (Guests?). The funny think: Jessons don't use a jessant device for their rooster head, probably because there was no such thing until after they adopted the rooster from their kin. When Jess' merged with others that needed a device to specify Jess liners, I suppose that's when the jessant device was created. The red rooster is used by Balants/Balands! And the latter use a fesse in colors reversed from the Jess fesse.

I'm pretty sure I know what this is, for northern Sardinia, at Gallura, used the rooster, and then southern Sardinia has the Sulcis location suspect with the namers of Silesia, where Sitlers lived. Sardinia is off the coast from Laus, Scidrus, etc. Gallers are GAYlords while Gays use the giant rooster. Gallers/Gaylords use a red rose in Crest, symbol of Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia. the problem is that roosters can trace to different things, both Rostock and galena-like surnames. However, I don't know that roosters are code for Rostock, Roosts, etc. The Roosts use a saltire in the colors of the cross of rooster-using Sinclairs who might have been at Rostock because they were Dane northmen. The Roosts even use the wyvern (red, linkable to red Saltire rooster) that I trace to the Varni (proto-Varangian Rus, by the looks of it) living at/beside Rostock, and then the Guiscard line from Rollo was in cahoots with Visconti's, in my strong opinion, and the Gallura rooster actually belonged to Visconti's. The black fitchees of Roosts can trace to the Wigtons in Galloway, and Gallerys are listed with Galloways. The Roosts are suspect with a Rusticus character because he had a family member, Ruricius, like "Rurik," the name of the fist-known Varangian Rus.

Galts/Gelds/Gelts'/GeltSAYERs were from Hamburg and Holstein, the Varni theater again, as were German Gallers, both in the same blue-on-white colors, the colors of the GLASgow-beloved Lords/Lauds suspect in "GayLORD," and suspect also with the Ladys/LAUDymans i.e. from Lady Fortune of the Klassens. While Rollo's were first found in Perthshire, and sharing the stag design of the Perthshire Colts/Celts/Cults, the Galls/Galds/Gaulds were likewise first found in Perthshire. It's as though Gallura elements were in Perthshire, and then the Hagars (Perthshire) share the Vlad/Flatten Zionist star, as though Glad liners can trace to Perthshire too.

The GeltSAYER variation is very telling because a Mr. Galleri is in the write-up of the Sava-river Sauers/Saiers (Stewart lion?). The bear of Galls/Galds/Gaulds links excellently to the "Bear and forbear" motto of Sarah's/Sayers (same bend as Varns, Marleys and Jells/GELLs), and to the muzzled bear of the forbear-like Forbes' (Aberdeenshire, beside Perthshire). The Gall/Gald bear is muzzled, as is the bear of Alis' that are clearly a branch of Albino-suspect Alpins. We are clearly on the Melusine line of the Drakenberg Vere's here, interesting where if she was an aspect of mythical Holle, said in at least one article to be a Holstein goddess. The Melusine-using Hollys bring us back to Cholys/Chalice's/Jellis'/Gelis' and to the Galler-like Collers/Collys, and the latter's JELLoped feature, along with the dolphin of the other Hollys, gets us back to the Morlaix location of Brittany, and then there is a ship, symbol also of Scythe's/Side's and Gall/Gald Crest, in the Arms of Morlaix. The Side ship is important because the ship-using Galls/Galts are the ones sharing the "Vincit" motto term of Sidicini-suspect Shaws. The Gall/Galt motto is, "Patentia vincit," Traceable to Vinkovci at the Sava theater on the one hand, and to potent-cross liners (= Scidrus-suspect Skits and Skeets') that founded Templar Jerusalem, and who identify with Sadducees i.e. suspect from the Sidicini aside from any Scidrus considerations.

It's not likely coincidental that Shaws were first found in the same place as Galls/Galds, wherefore we are able to envision a Scidrus link to Gallura, especially as Scidrus was near Sicily, the central domain of the Guiscards. Guiscards/Wisharts were first found beside the Perthshire Shaws, and once down in Sicily, linkage to the Shawia of Tunisia is a natural expectation. The "Patentia" term looks like code for Patents sharing the Shield of Sicily-suspect Schole's/Scayle's. If we stick to our gunns and identify the sinister canton of Schole's with Numidian-suspect Senecio Albinus, one can be reminded that Visconti's are suspect with the UMBRIA Ottone's at Pharisee-like Perusia.

Both the Sayer / GaltSayers surnames and the Sithech of Shaws are suspect with Sidicini, for Sayer liners can be of the Say location of Seatons. We are treading upon too many coincidences for these things not to be true and correct. The question then becomes whether the Alan-related Glads had been Galt liners, of Gallura variations. But Glads traced to the Clauds/Clausels and therefore to the Clausel river = Glass liners (that Scottish Stewarts link easy too). Yet Galls/Galts seem to trace better to Gallura / Galloway elements. Of interest here are the acorns of English Callers/COLYers ("Nemo sine" motto phrase) looking like those of Clauds/Clausels.

The "Negro" in the Caller/Colyer Crest wears the green outfit of heraldic savage's for a trace to the Greens, and it's interesting that the Nigers/Nigels (same place as Massena liners and Marleys of Morlaix) are traced in their write-up to an Ely location suspect with the eel in the SHIP Crest. There is immediate cause here to link Callers and heraldic collars to the Sidicini and to the Marleys of ship-using Morlaix. As Nigers share the string of Marshall lozenges, it's a good bet that Marleys were Marshalls, and the latter were first found in WILTshire, suspect with the Wilt / Wilder savage that is wrapped up in green hair, that being emphasis on hair, the Elis theme. The Elis' are in all three Marley colors. These links are very clear. Let's not forget the "streak of white hair" in the Star write-up, for Stars linked to Glads and traced to Albinus. And for that matter, while Stars share the Settel lozenges, Suttons (Nottingham) use a lion in Albino colors. The Hair bars are in the colors of the Suty and Manner/Maness bars, and the latter share the Sutton motto. The related Mens/Mengzes have a motto suspect with Islips, whom we crossed in the slipped code of Marshalls.

As the eel is used by Foys too, who look like they use the CHEPman/Chapman crescent in addition, one has reason to link Ships to Chappes liners, especially as Elys/Ealys (Scipio-suspect Craven suspects) were first found in the same place as Chapmans and Capone's. But I trace Ship(ton)s to general Scipio, who made an alliance with Massena of the Numidians some 13 centuries before the Guiscards appeared...that were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'. The "ears of wheat" of these Chappes can link to Eyers/Ayers (suspect from Aures, home of the Shawia), but then the Hairs/Hare's (Ayrshire) and Heyers / Here's can apply to that family. The heraldic hare is used by Haas', suspect with a modern Has location at the south side (not on it) of the Clausula river. The Haus'/Hausens (Rhineland, same as Schutz's) use scythes! That is a great reason to trace HASmoneans to the namers of Has, or at least to the Haus'. Now we know. Mark that: Hasmoneans were of the Haus/Haussen bloodline. They sure look like House variations.

I seriously traced the Stars to Gene Roddenbury's Star Trek, suspecting other codes in that program. The "Trek" was suspect with the Terek river of Alania, where Hun liners founded Khazars. But the Tracks/Tricks and Drigs use the Sutton lion, and moreover share the sun with Hesse's. Spocks/Spacks became suspect with the Carthaginian (or were they Numidians?) family of Syphax and HASdrubal, and there was some evidence that Hasdrubal traced to Heslingtons. It was reasoned that Hasdrubal should trace to the namers of has, but thus far, no ancient Has-like entity has been come across in or around Has. It's on the northern-most part of the Drilon, where I now trace Track-like Dragons/Drainers. I suppose that Suttons should trace there too. It's making sense. Roddenburys/Rodhams were first found in the same place as Heslington-related Siward of Northumberland. The "aris" motto term of Heslingtons is suspect with "Aures."

The Seatons/Saytons use the double tressure-border that's code for Borders and Tresure's/Trashers, both first found in Somerset. The Trashers even share the green dragon with Seatons, and the point is that Trashers look like Tracks, wherefore Seatons may trace to something from the Drilon river. The stag in the Trasher Crest is "adorned with red blood drops," something that only a dragon could delight in. Let's all get some blood-drop wallpaper to constantly remind us of murder. It sounds like the Seatons can trace to Tropoje via their Trasher kin. The cockTRICE is a version of the Drake wyvern, and then the Trice/Tryst surname (TREPidum motto code) uses stars in colors reversed from the same of Dragon/Drainer-suspect Drains/Drayne's. It's making the Seaton dragon suspect with Dragons and Pendragons. Trice's/Trysts (Cock colors) share "Nec" with Roddenburys. I suppose what I'm learning here is that Hebron-beloved Trysts were Drilon-river liners, but does this mean that "Drago(n)" was merely a variation of "Drin," or of the namers of the Drin?? Were they Dorians from the Odrysians of draco-like Thrace?

What was the name of the StarSHIP Enterprise's engine man in the first Star Trek show? It was Scotty, and before long, you will little doubt that Sidicini trace to lake Scodra. The "Nec" term is code for the Neckar river, location of Stuttgart that traces to the Stout vikings of Sidicini-suspect Shetland, where English Blanks lived. French Blanks/Blanquette's, suspect with the blanket of Lady Fortune for a trace to the Clausula, share the lions of Dorins and the Fanano-liner Penders. This can make Dorins (fish), first found in Brittany along with Plunkett, Drin-river liners. And the lions under discussion are colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion while Caepio's trace to the same place (Cupionich) as Lady Fortune. The Dorey variation can suggest the Doria's that married Arduinici, and they can trace to Arda at downtown Odrysia. If Arda elements were on the Drilon, it helps to explain why Pendragon was made the father of king Arthur. His code, Uther, is identifiable with the Other/Oder surname without doubt, a bloodline to which the Gore's (Windsor and Trip kin), and therefore Gorlois, link without doubt, and then "OTHER/ODER" is like "ODRysia." That's the first time this has come to light. And I didn't even use my third eye to see it, just my grade-three spelling knowledge. Mythical Dryas had been suspect with "Taurus," and then the Other/Oder Coat looks like a version of the Turin/Tarn Coat. Pendragons were traced to the Salto, which can mean that Odrysians named the neighboring Turano. Dryas was the son / father of king Lycurgas, mythical king of Edones with a Sithones tribe. It can mean that Sithones parked themselves in the Drilon theater along with Dryas elements.

I think the maps I'm using are hiding the place name(s) of these Sithones. I expect them there in names besides "Scodra," which traces to the Skudra entity of Thrace (said to be Phrygian but not located with any precision). One can trace this Phrygian-Odrysian picture to Frigg and Thor, and probably to the naming of Scandinavia, home of Sitones (matrilineal nation). The "Watch" motto of Others/Odirs, who can a branch of Odin (Frigg's husband), is listed with Wagrian-suspect Wage's/Wedge's, and Wagrians lived opposite the Baltic sea from Gotland, suspect with mythical Cotys of Thrace. This recalls the trace (of others) of Gace's / Washingtons to Odin. Wage's/Watch's/WICHs share white stars with Wigens, and the latter's stars (the Vere star) can become the Washington stars by reversing the colors. See also the stars of Wigtons, half in the colors of the Watch/Wich stars. This paragraph was inserted here after the below was written, where we find Wigens, apparently, in the motto of Scodra-like Schoters.

What does it mean when the Cotys surname (Watch/Wich colors) is listed with ArchDEACONs while sharing three black chevrons with Levi's? In all my years of loading thousands of Coats, I can't recall one surname using the Levi chevrons in both colors, as though they are reserved only for Levi's. They were used by the counts of HAINaut. But with Caiaphas suspect from Cupionich, not far from Deacon-like Decani (White Drin river), we probably are seeing the Levi chevrons in the Cotys/Archdeacon Coat (same place as Pendragons and Gorlois). The Ash's that use two of the black-on-white chevrons are likely Has > Hesse liners for yet another trace to the Odrysian-suspect Drin theater. Has is on what's called the Black Drin, if I'm not mistaken, and this might have to do with the black colors of the Levi chevrons. Should we be looking for white-on-black chevrons for White-Drin liners? Pendragons use one.

Scythes are listed with Side's/Suddys, kin of HAZard-using Seatons. Now we know that Seatons were Sadducee liners, perhaps not cropping out from Sadducees, but from their namers. From my files, it can be added that the Kennedy surname is listed with Haus', evoking Kanza. Kennedys were first found in the same place (Tipperary) as Clausula-suspect Gleasons (share the Glass stars). English Kenndeys/Kendels (suspect with John of Gaunt, co-founders of the house of Kendel/Candale) share dolphins with Kennedys and Tippers, and they're colors reversed from the Marley dolphins. The way to make sense of a Kennedy link to Haus' is to trace the Cassels, sharing the Scottish-Kennedy Coat, to the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel. Note that Gleasons share the stars also of CANDLE-using Kyle's, making the Kyle anchor suspect with the House anchor. I'm recording anyone using the same bend as Plunkett, including the Gleasons with the Marley-suspect Hollys. Plunketts are the ones with a tower at the "top" while Topps (WILTshire) use the GAUNTlet and moreover can be Tipper kin. The Tipps'/Tippens are the ones with a Chief like that of Ghents, the latter's Chief shared by Scythes/Side's. It was Mr Skeetz who revealed the Scythes surname to me.

The Guiscard piles and the Colt/Celt pheon indicate that this picture had to do with a group of families in love with the line of Pontus Pilate out of Perthshire and into Dauphine. Trace this to the Holly / Marley dolphin, and while the woman with "hair disheveled" in the Elis Crest is suspect with Holle, it's a good bet that the red Ely fleur trace to the same of Gellone's, a good reason to add that the Ely fesse is that also of Glads. The Vlads/Flattens (Westphalia, same as Dussels and Guiscard-related Hulse's) have a Latten variation that can trace to the Ladon river in the Elis theater, which is not to say that the "Vlad/Flatten" are variations from "Ladon." "Glad" can be from a Gell liner out of Elis. The unidentified object between the antlers of pile-using English Hulse's (same place as Nigers) suddenly looks like the starburst-like object that is the Arms of Holstein, expected where "Hulse" is like "HOLStein." German Hulse's/Huls' even share the ram with the Arms of Finistere (Morlaix area), and Seaton-related Sutys use the "HULL of a ship." Hulse's are HAZel liners suspect with the HAZard motto term of Seatons.

The above was written before loading the Holst/Holstein surname to find the Niger negro with green loincloth (it's never given a name). The Holsteins call him a "savage on GREEN ground holding a club," making the stag in the Holst Crest suspect with the Green stag (both face the viewer). The blue wings in the Holst Crest, having upon them the same-colored star of Bauers, are suspect with the blue Bauer wings, especially as the Holst Coat uses a central "small gold shield" (= escutcheon), a symbol (in red) in this Arms of Rothschild. In the small shield of Rothschilds, the Capes scallop is suspect. The Arms even uses a rampant lion in colors reversed from the same of Holsts. The Holst lion is "holding a piece of metal," while Scottish Bowers (share the five bunched arrows in the Arms of Rothschild) use a motto, "Ad metam."

I now feel that Hulse's, and therefore Hazel liners out of Dusseldorf, trace to the namers of nearby Holstein. But why are Rothschilds tracing to those namers? Isn't it because they had been Varangians? Rurik was the brother of Harald who had ruled for a time in the Holstein area.

In the small shield of Holsts, there is a lire, and then the Liri river of Italy (Oscan theater) has a Sezze location nearby that was anciently, Setia. The Arms of Sezze use the mythical Nemean lion killed by Hercules (club symbol). Nemea is in Greece, however, in the area ruled my mythical Ogyges. Why do the people of Setia trace themselves to Nemea? Was "Nummius" from that place? Was that the proto-Numidians? The Neme's/Name's use lions, one blue, and the other gold. One of them is in both colors of the Massin/Mason lion, a great reason suddenly to trace the Nemean lion to Numidians. The Certs/Cards, possibly from the Numidian capital, use a blue lion, same as Hercules-suspect Samsons who share the scallops of Massena-based Meschins. The Hercules lion (Sandon) was of Cybele, mother of Attis whom some say named Attica, the area where Nemea was located. The Nemean lion in the Arms of Sezza is gold, like the Holst lion...beside the Holst savage with the club. Savage's use lions. The Saids/Saddels use the Massin/Mason lion. The relationship of Hercules to the Sezza region was as per his fight against mythical Cacus, an Ogyges-like term. The Abraham line with Keturah had traced to an assortment of lions.

The question: did the namers of Sezza name Sestola? Is this why Sidicini can trace to the Panaro? Note that while Suttons were first found in the same place as Annas', Annecy is a location near Sezza-like Seyssel. Can lion-using and Savage-suspect Cecils (Flanders) trace to Sezza? Why do Cecils/Seycils/SITsilts (blue lion in Crest) place their six lions in small so-called "shields." There are SIX shields, and the French six is "sis." The "wheat sheaf" in the Cecil Crest is suspect with the Shaw-liner Sheaves, and the Shield/Shiel surname (Cecil colors) share's the Shaw motto in full (the one using "vincit"). Just like that, Cecils can trace to Sidicini at Seyssel. But with linkage to Savage's, the Cecil bars (not to mention the Spock bars) become suspect with the white-on-blue Fanano fesse.

Sisels are listed with Sistsons/Sissons (Kent, where I trace Kanza, of Aures) that give me the impression of the Neams/Name's. But the Siston Coat is easily gleaned as a version of the Masters, first found in the same place as Massins...who should trace to the Shawia of Aures. IDRis of Morocco (from Syria) married Kanza, and he was identified with the ITUReans of Lebanon, especially as the Shaws use a buried "itur" motto term buried in "patitur." The griffin in the Sisel/Siston can trace with Dobers / Dobermans to Dober, at Cupionich. That location is where the Sidicini of Scodra are expected to have engaged in producing the birth of Caepio's...and Caiaphas, the Sadducee.

The Shield/Shiel Coat looks like a version of the Sion/Swan Coat, and in fact the latter has Shaw-like variations. The center of the Shield/Shiel chevron is a green trefoil in both colors of the Albino trefoil, and the chevron itself is in the colors of Fanano and the Pender chevron. The chevron is colors reversed from the chevron of "sine"-using Collers/Colyers (Negro with club). It was the "fide" motto term of Penders (more lions) that clinched their trace to Fanano. Shields/Shiels (Berwickshire) are said to be from the river Tyne, suspect with Teano. The Tyne is the location also of Lents/Lentons suspect in the Plunkett motto. There are two Tyne rivers near to one another. One is in the Berwick theater, and the other in East Lothian. Tyne's/THENs (look like Meschins) use TEN bars, as do Sidicini-suspect Cecils, meaning that Teano elements are expected on a Tyne, the Scottish one flowing in the part of Lothian where Seatons were first found. I have the beast of this picture understood.

Anything tracing to the Panaro and using the dove, as English Shields/Shiels do, traces to Cuppae, and for this reason it's conspicuous that the Shield chevron is colors reversed from the Coop/Cope and Copp chevrons. It's also colors reversed from the Hand chevron while Irish Shields/Shields (Ulster, location of the hand) share the red hand with Hands. Was ULSter named by Hulse's/Huls? Ulsters were first found in, Ireland? No, but way over in Austria, and they are using the colors and format of Hulls, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Hand-suspect Anne's/Hanne's. Hulls were from Humberside, on the Humber river, the area to which Lents/Lentons should trace with Lindseys i.e. to Lincolnshire, where Meschin's talbot wife (Ms. TAILLebois) was taken that's suspect in the Hull talbots, in the colors of the Tailer lions. You can bank on Tyne's/Thens tracing to Thanet, where Masons were first found, and tracing to "Zanata / Zenetes" in the Aures part of Numidia.

This recalls the trace of Eustace's (Ireland) to a mystery entity of Hand-related Ulster, and so let's mention here that Eustace's (chief Crusader family for some reason yet to be understood) share the stag with Hands. Anne's/Hanne's, Hanna's and Annabels/Hannibals. It's chopsey-turvy as to whether the latter trace to Hannibal Carthaginians, but then Hannibal's family had a Hasdrubal as well as a Mago suspect in the Joseph motto term, "mago." Can the Magna surname of Plancia trace to Mago? He was in Italy helping Hannibal win that country just before the formation of Maccabees. The Boii had engaged Hannibal's army at Modena, and Hannibal won a victory at the Trebia river to Placentia, where Ananes were first found. Who were these Ananes?

Anne's/Hanne's were at Tickhill castle, and Tickhills use the giant sleeve / maunch that is code for Manche without question, where Masseys were first found that share the quartered Shield of Ananes-like Hanans, and king Massena joined general Scipio after he lost to Hannibal. Hannibal had the Numidian infantry with him, which can explain the Massey pegasus, and of course Numidians may have merged with a Trebia-river peoples once the river was conquered, and these peoples may have called themselves, Ananes after Hannibal. . They then went on to form Maccabees and to name Annas, who was also Ananus/Hanan. That's the theory.

The Shawia link to Sidicini can explain the unexpected Skeoch variation of Skits. The Skeoch-like Schugs are also "Schew/Shoe," and, no, they don't trace to shoemakers, do they? This Shaw alliance with Sidicini can also explain the Sithech entity of Shaws, and as one Shaw surname comes up as "Seth," by what coincidence was Annas' father, Seth??? It looks like Seth (Syria) must trace to Sidicini in the Trebia part of Italy, at the home of Ananes, and from this we can conclude that Annas was a Sadducee due to his linkage to Sidicini. I feel that this mystery is solved. Finally. This has been like a marathon, and I'm probably only half way through it, because the rest will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this world's leaders are condemned and damned for their love of Christ's death.

The way to get Shaw liners from Placentia / Modena to Syria is by way of tracing proto-Shawia to Qewe, between Cilicia and Syria. It would give reason for the Shawia in Italy to station themselves at Qewe, or wherever else their old cousins had settled the area. The eyeball needs to be on the Mackay and Quade wolf for this part of the mystery, which is why my latest attempt at deciphering the "Q" scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's, with the Quade's, is important. There is a wolf-reason for linking Scarfs to Quade's, and this is highly suspect with the Sithech wolf entity.

The Shoemaker variation of Schugs/Schews more-likely traces to Maccabee liners such as Macks/Make's / Makeswells. The Annandale-suspect Kilpatricks (Levi lion on the Seaton-suspect dragon) use the motto, "I make sure," as part-code for Makeswells. Makers/Macks/Make's (sinister bend should identify it as a Massena liner) look like they use a version of the Scott bend, and Scotts (same place as Makeswells and Massena's) trace now to the same lake as the Sidicini. Makers/Macks are using a version of the Masci / Massena bend, clearly, and their sinister direction goes to Mr. Albinus even as the Seneca's use Meschin-suspect mascles, suspect also with Mussels/Muscle's at the Scottish Tyne river. It begs the question on whether "SENecio" was a Tyne/Then / Thanet liner, and by now we have clinched the Sidicini trace to the Albino's. There is a Lauder location between the two Tyne rivers that can go to Laudymans/Lords, beloved by Glasgows.

English Makeswells can link to Islips by their LODGED stag (same as Islips) and their holly: "A stag lodged proper, in front of a holly bush proper." The Propers share the ostrich with Trabys (Trebia river, right?) and Beaks, and the latter's bars are suspect with those of Humbers, in the Yorkshire area, where English Makeswells were first found. It may not be readily apparent that Makeswells use the escutcheon, which is what their description calls it. The escutcheon has the Kilpatrick / Patrick saltire, right? And so Makeswells trace to the Ananes Gauls (or were they Numidians?).

If we ask whether the Trabys should have been of Tropoje (near the Clausula), we can now appeal to the Sidicini of lake Scodra, for Schoters/Schroders (scarab beetle) use ostrich feathers, and they are the same three ostrich feathers in the Arms of Rothschild! The Schot versus Schrod can be seen again in the SCHILD/Schrild surname suspect with "RothSCHILD and the Shields/Shiels. You can bet that the armored arm in the Schoter/Schroder Coat is of the knight in the Schug/Shoemaker Coat. The hawk's lure held by the Schoter arm links to Lure's using a single star in colors reversed from the single Shoemaker star. The SCARab beetle can go to the Scarfs honored in the scarf of Trabys/SADOWski's. Schroters use a "DEN" motto term, which, in this case, is not particularly for Dane liners, but more like Tyne's/Thens. Still, there are a whack of Den-like surnames (such as Dens/Deans) first found in the same place as SADDOCKs, who use "ears of rye" in copy-catting the "ears of wheat" in the Chappes and Schoter descriptions. The "ewigen"motto term of Schoters can be forWigens (share the spur with Clausula-suspect Close's), first found in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans, and using a version of the Annas Coat.

The Suty description says: " demi-lion rampant with two tails on a gold chief." This is new to me because the Suty Coat shows a one-tailed lion so far as I can see. Had I known earlier that there are two tails, Sidicini would have been traced with Montforts and Banners to Fanano. In fact, this potential link of Sutys and Side's/Suddys/Scythes' to Banners makes them link to the banner of Lady Fortune too, thus tracing Sidicini liners to the Cupionich location on the Clausula, near lake Scodra!!! Excellent, because Scodra is now a serious Scidrus suspect. It's tracing Sidicini to the namers of Scodra. Banners are the ones with the giant fleur tracing to Lissus smack near Scodra. As Bar is on the coast directly west of lake Scodra, note that Sutys use "barry wavy" in their Coat!

The Suttons (same place as Aubin-related Mea's/Meighs) use a two-tailed lion too! That traces Scidrus elements to Sutton, at London, beside the Purys of Oxfordshire, making the "Pour y" motto term of Suttons and Manners very traceable to Purys. The Teans/Thames' were of Oxfordshire too, but I am now convinced that Sutton was named by Sidicini. The last the Purys were discussed, they traced to Power-related Palins/Pawlins and Mieszko's, and Palins happen to trace to the Scidrus theater. Manners share the peacock with Paws and Paws/Pauers, the latter suspect with Bauers. The Mieszko eagle is in the Lorraine Coat.

Now, if Seatons trace back to the Sidonians of Laish, we would expect Seaton liners of some fashion at Lissus, smack beside Scodra. Should we therefore trace Sidonians to the Sittaceni of Maeotis, or to the Zedek that was proto-Jerusalem? I can see "SCYTHian" becoming "SCUTHian."

Any Sidicini links to Scodra / Scidrus can assure that the scythes-like object in the Laus/Lauer Coat traces to the Scythes/Side surname. But doesn't this make other Lauer-like surnames suspect with Laus liners? Why do Lorraine's share the Sutton lion? The Capes' suspect in the small shield of the Rothschild Arms were first found in London, and of course Rothschilds can be expected with the Shields/Shiels.

The RAMpant term used for many heraldic lions, just gave the impression that it's part-code for the Baut / Finistere / Hulse ram. But ramPANT also looks like part-code for Penders and Panters/Panders (Angus, beside the Fife Side's/Scythes') that have been traced to Banner elements at the Panaro. It suggests a marriage between Ram and Pander liners, but as Panders share the "spur rowels" with Payens, the rampant lion can be expected always to trace to Hugh de Payens. Rams use a chevron looking like the Pender / Sion/Swan chevron, and it's in the colors of the Fanano fesse! The "vis" motto term of rams is suspect with Issa/Vis, and then the Vise's share on object between the antlers (suspect with Mont Pilate's two peaks) with Colts/Celts and Hulse's.

Suddenly, new secrets are pouring out with this Suty trace to Rams. Dutch Rams are using the upright, white ram of Bauts (trace to the Arms of Morlaix and to the Albins/Aubins without question), and it's in the colors and position of the Fortune/Fortuna talbot! But see also the Banner banner, vertical, like a gonfanon banner. Both Scott Coats, which I've been tracing to Scodra, are versions of the two Talbot Coats. English Fortune's (Stewart stag), with gyronny in Seaton colors, were first found in the same place as Seatons on the one hand, and as Scotts on the other. The spur rowels of Panters look like the Arms-of-Holstein starburst-like symbol.

Oh No

The Blox's (tree stump, theme of Stubbing write-up) may relate to the Bloxwich location granted to the Stubbs of Staffordshire. Of all the ways to describe a marsh, the Morley writer(s) decided to use "clearing in the woods," the same theme as Stubbings (besants in Morley colors). Now you know that heraldic write-ups are not to be trusted as written, and that the writers are often being dishonest to hide secrets. Shame, for in sounding as though they are enlightening you, they are deliberately taking you to error. Where else do they practice this sort of "education"?

The Belmeis (Dives river) from whom Stubbs are said to descend makes the Stubbing quarters suspect with the same of Seaton-related Says, from Say, beside the Dives river. Paeonians at Say? Clearly, Seatons/Saytons were not named after Say, but vice-versa. Say is therefore a Sidicini settlement. But why a merger with Paeonians? A lot of researchers had traced Hugh de Payens to counts of Champagne, from Campania. The Pagan variation of Payen liners sound like the PICENtini mountains at Picentia, in Campania (see map, with the mountains not far from Scidrus; note the PYXus location that traces to Buchans / Buchanans). The Chappes-suspect Capua's/Capone's were first found at Naples, to the near-north of the Picentini range. But "Picent" doesn't sound like the Penestae. The latter's capital in Illyricum was Uscana, like the Italian Oscans in the general vicinity of Campania, and Oscans were also called, OPICI / OPICAN. It looks like the Picentia location had something to do with it. The Sidicini were Oscans. Wikipedia had no English article on the Sidicini, how unexpected.

Let's entertain the Opici as the Pike's, and then ask why Geddes use the pike fish? Let's entertain Geddes from the Getuli Numidians, and then trace Nummius Albinus to Numidians, in the way we can trace the Ceionus surname of the other Mr. Albinus to Shawia Numidians. We then look at the Sithech entity that Shaws are traced to, asking why it looks so much lie "Sidicini." Does this mean that we should trace Sidicini to Numidians? Not necessarily. It could be the other way around, Numidians meeting up with Sidicini in Italy. As Senescals looks like the Sens (Switzerland) while Nummius Albino had a Senecio surname too, like the Seneca variation of Senescals, it looks like his very line, as it got caught up with Sidicini, named both Sion and Sitten. It's not trivial that Nimo's share the Seaton crescents, is it, or that Bellamys trace to lake Geneva?? It might be boring if you heard me say it enough, but it has all to do with pope-sponsored Crusades, the human quest to own the city that God reserved for His own purposes.

It's not Bellamys alone that trace to the Arve river, but the Perche's too? Who were Perche's? They share the double fesses of Levi-suspect Olivers, and double fesses are a theme of Perch-like Burghs and the related English Josephs while Olivers share black footless martlets with French Josephs. It just can't be coincidental that while Walsers are named after the area surrounding Sion/Sitten, Walsh's use "An eagle perching...", as well as a "numine" motto code to show links to those ever-present Paeonians. Olivers even share "Foedera" with the Payne's. The perched eagle is on a tree stump, the Stubbing Theme. Paeonians, will you please go away? You are boring me. The entire Walsh motto is "AusPICE" numine." There they are again.

The other Walsh's use a "SED" motto term along with one honoring the Mortons. And they use a pierced swan, the Pierce's being kin of Perche-like Percivals. These Walsh's use Paeoni-suspect pheons. I shrug my shoulders and give up. They are everywhere. It's no wonder someone called then a Payne. The Walsh's share the oak with Roets, from, oh no, Payne Roet.

We might like to know whether the Oliver heart traces to the Sauvages, first found in, oh no, Champagne. Why do the other Olivers use three symbols of, oh no, the Panico's? Don't Sauvages trace to Savignano, right beside the Panaro? Take the 'g' off and get "Savin," like the Savena river on the other side of the Setta valley. Oh no, the Sabines/Safini were part of the Oscans. Don't the Pike's share the Sitler/SCHITner trefoil? An apolgize for swearing, but this is aggravating. The Geddes even use the Chaddock escutcheon, which sounds like something that rubs you the wrong way. The Pike's even use the split Shield of Sion / Wallis. The trefoil is used by Wallis-like Fallis', as well as Fallis-like Fellers, and we know by now that the (Rocke)Fellers are using the Rod / Albino trefoil.

I trace Says to Seyssel (can't prove it yet), beside the Arve river, and so Stubbings may have been at Geneva too. It can be hereby gleaned that Stubbs colors are those of Diens/Dives, who use the white Masci wing (formerly showing) upside-down, and Hulse's use their Hazel leaf upside-down. It's code for something. White wings, suspect with Plunkett-suspect Balance;s in the case of the Dives wings, are upside down also in the Geneva/Genova Coat while the Arve river and Seyssel are at lake Geneva. The upside-down theme can be related to the sinister theme of Masci's, Massena's, and Rasmussens. The point is, the Senecio surname of Nummius Albinus (adopted by Primus) can be of the Seneca/SENEScal surname (mascles), which I pegged as the representation of "SINISter." It sounds like it hides under your bed and gives bad vibes all night, and you wish you had an escutcheon to slip under there to frighten it away.

As Seneca's use "Macula Sine Macula" for a motto, Seneca's trace to Sine's/Swans/Sions, and the latter use Macey symbols. Let's repeat that while Teano is suspect with Deans (Tean/Thames colors), Diens/Dives were first found in the same place as Deans (share the red crescent with Nimo's, Bellamys and Seatons).

The Scottish Olive's are Popeye liners, for Olive Oyle (why was she so tall, skinny and ugly?) relates to Popeye's spinach where Spinks were first found in the same place as Olive's. It seems that Olive's (looks like they are Schutz-Saltire-Coller liners) were basic with Dulys'/Oyle's, estOILE liners without doubt now. Don't Este's use a white, spread eagle, like Balance's? Balans, because they are in Balance colors, look like a branch, and moreover Balans are in Plunkett colors too. The Balan estoiles are in the colors of the Mott crescent, and the red rooster in the Balan Crest is the color of the Saltire rooster head. The Balan pellets look like, oh no, the Penn(er) plate's. I don't see the difference between plate's and pellets? You throw both of them when you're mad. Do estoiles trace to Astibus, a city guessed it. Don't say it. Balan's are in the colors of the P--dragons. They are also in the colors of the Vaughns and use the same fesse as Fanano.

Why does Popeye have a pipe? Popeye was a Pepin / Pipe code, wasn't he? Pepins are Este liners, as their motto and their horse-heads will indicate, in the colors of the Head unicorn heads. And Heads have been discovered recently as Heaths/Heths, using the Saltire rooster in colors reversed. The Heaths/Heths happen to use the same-colored PERCHEvron as Olive's that in-turn link to the Schutz-Saltire bloodline. The spinach-depicted Spinks (D'Oyle colors) use a gold-on-blue spread eagle, almost the Este eagle. And who was big, bad Brutus that used to beat-up on Popeye and tie Olive Oyle to train tracks? Was he code for Brutus, killer of Julius Caesar? Wimpy was in that cartoon too, and then Spinks and Olives were first found in NorthAMPton, while Amps (Seaton crescents) are also IMPS i.e. like "Wimpy." He was always eating hamburgers, and then German Burgers use the Murena/Moratin tower (same one, anyway), and perhaps the star of Schuh's/Schugs/Schews.

Deans use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Lamberts, as well as crescents in colors reversed from the Lambert crescent. How far back do we need to go to find a Dean link to Mieszko's? If Deans were from Teano, we would go to the Sidicini link to the Massena / Shawia Numidians. Dagon-using variations of Italian Deans (same crescents) can explain why Mieszko I was also called, Dagome. Deans share an upright lion in the same colors with Dee's for as potential trace of Deans to the Dee river of Cheshire, where Diva was located. The Dean lion is colors reversed from the personal lion (likewise upright) of Ranulph le Meschin, ruler in Diva. The lion of le Meschin has long been suspect with the Lee/LEGH lion, and Primus' use a leg. It's been a while since mentioning Umbrius Primus from Compsa, in the general area of Teano. The Primus description uses "thigh" while Thigh variations are suspect with the Die of Dee's. Does this mean that Teano elements included Thigh's and Dee's? Tough question.

I think I'll stick to my trace of Tease's/Tye's/Tee's/Tighs (the Annas star), in Thigh colors, to the Ticino river. As the Laevi were there while Livings/Levins use three white martlets in Chief, note that the same martlets are in the They/Tey/Tay Chief. Plus, the latter were first found in the same place as Quints, suspect in a line to Fannius Caepio who was involved in a conspiracy with Umbrius Primus. As Caepio's and Lepida's had control over Modena, chances are that Fannius was a Fanano liner, perhaps even its founder, and Fanano liners are suspect with blue and white colors, the colors of the Caepio-line lion, and the colors of the Laevi-liner Theys/Teys/Tays. If Fannius was from one of the Junia's, he was a Livius liner, and that would make Umbrius Primus very suspect with Umbrius Primus. As Hose's describe their leg with, "red legs couped at the thigh," it's notable that Coops/Cope's and Copps share the same chevron as Theys/Teys/Tays. It seems that Hose's were definitely related to Umbrius Primus and/or Senecio Albinus.

Tysons/Tessons (share upright lion with Dee's) look traceable to the alternative name of the Ticino, wherefore I'm going to deny a trace of Thigh's to Dee's if the latter were Deans. But then Dee's may have been Thighs while not being Deans. The point is, I don't think Thighs were Teano liners. Tysons/Tessons (have the look of Burleys) are in Albin/Aubin colors, which can make for a Primus link to Tysons, suggesting what seems right, that Tysons were Thighs. This goes to the problem of deciding whether Teague's/Teegers were both Ticino and Touques liners. German Degers/Degens are using the Dean crescents again. It makes my head spin and go foggy, for I trace Daggers to the Ticino. It creates the question on whether Deans trace to the Ticino rather than to Teano.

For a reason not explained, the Tyson write-up goes to wars against Muslims in 725, before the rise of the Anjou Fulks, and then claims that Tysons were seated in Anjou at CINGUELeiz. It reminds me of the Singular variation of Sinclairs, and the Singletons with white, triple chevrons, which I've got to entertain as White-Drin elements and therefore makes the Deacons and Decans suspect. Daggers share the red bull with Claro's/Charo's, and Clairs were first found in the same place as Dee-suspect Seconds/Segurs. "Segur" rhymes with "Deger," which, ouch, that hurts because it just put a hairy clog in my brain. It's similar to the feeling when Tyson gives you a left jab that you didn't even see.

As Primus' use a "human leg," I'm going to decide that Tyson's are using the Hume lion, and that Primus' (they call their Coat a "HUMAN leg") are Hume kin. It works because Hume's use a "True" motto term while True's share the helmet-with-feathers with Lannoys who in-turn have a branch using the Hume lions in colors reversed. When we go to Yeo's/Yeomans (peacock), a branch of Humans/Yeomans, we safely assume, we find a black-on-white chevron, suspect with the Black Drin, and then the Yeo's happen to use "black drake's" suspect with the Drin-suspect Dragons/DRAYners...who may have been TREW/True liners. This would make Yeo's suspect with the Levi chevron.

The Tysons of Anjou are making the split Shield of Albino's suspect with the same of Fulke's and Capets, and moreover suggesting that Umbrius Primus had linked to the Tertullus' through the Fulks. Recalling that the Primus discussion led to File's/Vile's, let's repeat that their Viell variation is suspect with the Vielles family of the Torcy Harcourts, the ones to whom I trace the Tertullus entity of the proto-Fulks. In other words, it looks like Fulk ancestry linked to Tysons of Anjou, making them suspect with the Primus-beloved Thighs. In that case, exactly what sort of Ticino liners were in Anjou? Well, I suppose that Thigh / Tease/Tye liners were the DESSaratae/DEXARoi from the Apsus river, explaining why the Hips' share a Shield split horizontally in red and white, the colors of the horizontally-split Shield of Decks/Daggers.

The Yeo's are said to have been of Hempton Sachville of Devon, and Sachville's are listed with SECHERals/Sacherrevalls, although I'll refrain from viewing them as Dagger liners and instead trace to the Sakarya river, and to the Seconds/Segurs suspect from the Caepio-Livius line. It just makes sense that since it's the Human/Yeoman line of Primus' at Sachville that Sachville's should trace to Junia Secunda and to Alburnus liners (adopted by Primus). Secherals are using a "foy" motto term that can be for the Foys of both Auvergne and Ile-de-France, not only where Chappes' and Levi's were first found, but where I trace the water bouget in use on the Secheral saltire. The Secheral saltire, in Coop/Cope colors, is used also by "cupius"-using Yorks, which can explain why Secherals are said to be from HOPwell, and it just so happens that I've traced Teague's ("OPtem" motto term) to Derbe and to OPgalli, making Hopwells and Coops suspect with Opgalli, the very family where I'm expecting Caiaphas. I've been predicting that Opgalli's and Caiaphas' family will be found in Derbe, and then Secherals were first found in Derbyshire.

Water bougets are used by Bugs, first found in the same place as Tease's/Tye's/TIGHs and Annas'. I reported years ago that German Bugs (in the colors of the Nottingham Bugs) use footless martlets, and those birds were in the colors of the same of French Josephs. I've read that York was co-founded by Parisii, from Ile-de-France. Hop(e)wells are using hares with bagpipes while Pipe's are honored by the organ pipes of Letts suspect with Tease's/Tighs in using Annas symbols. The Bags (share "est" with Pepins) use a "Spes" motto term translated as "HOPE," and even use cinquefoils in colors reversed from the Boquet/Bucket cinquefoils, making Bags suspect as bouget / Bug liners. Bags must be using the Grimaldi lozengy for a trace to Genoa, where Segurana's were first found. Grimaldi's can trace to Grimoald of Bavaria because German Bugs look like Bogens (origin of the Bavarian lozengy) of Bavaria.

Keep in mind that Mea's/Meighs were likewise first found in Nottinghamshire, for Mea's are now being traced to the Meu river of Brittany while Secherals can be traced to the Aubins of Brittany. The Albins/Aubins were first found in the same place (Devon) as the Sachville of Secherals. I traced water bougets to Bouchard II MontMORENcy (and to the triple chevrons in the Arms of Eure-et-Loir), a term like Marano / Murena, making Morencys (Ile-de-France) suspect with Albino's. I had been saying for years that the Bauts use an upright white goat, though a few weeks ago it was an upright white ram. I now find the Secheral Crest using an upright white goat, important because Bauts were first found in the same place as Foys. But the Baut ram, in both colors, is in the Arms of Morlaix, and Bauts were from the Aubin area of Aveyron, sometimes called Auvergne, where Bauts and Bouillons were first found.

Bouillons of Pas-de-Calais trace to Bologna/Bononia, and the "bon" motto term of Secherals suggests the Bones in all three colors of the Secheral bougets. Yorks were first found in Wiltshire, where Marano-suspect Moretons were first found, who share a white goat with Secherals. The Bouillon-related Eustace's use a "me PerSEQUERis" motto phrase, as well as the same cross of Montmorencys (half the colors of the Mea cross). It thus appears that the Eustace motto links the Priory of Sion to Secherals.

The Thigh wolf is in the colors of the Daton lion, making Thigh's / Tye's traceable to queen Tiye. As Tye's link to Letts, let's mention that Leto the wolfline was a Lydian entity while Yuya (Tiye's father) was traced to a Lydian king, Gugu, and for me this involved the Keturah merger with king Og that traces through Keturah's Letushite tribe to Leto, at Clarus, relevant because French Clairs were first found in the same place as Seconds/Segurs. English Clare's share three red chevrons with Waters (in the water bouget), and with the Dutch Burgs (no longer showing), relevant because Morencys and Eustace's use the Irish Burgh cross. Keturah was also the matriarch of the Leummite tribe (Genesis 25) while Seconds/Segurs and Clairs were first found in Limousin, founded by Lemovices.

This is a good place to mention that the Sakarya was also the SANGarius. Let's repeat that Tysons were at CINGUELeiz, for Single's/Singletarys/Singletons (Lancashire, same as Chaddocks / Chadwicks / St. Chad) use the Water chevrons in colors reversed, and throw in some white martlets, not only the Chaddock / Chadwick symbol, but that of Seagar-suspect Sawyers, both first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Chads and Tyson-suspect Fulke's. St. Chad was of LITCHfield (Lancashire). The Litch's show Lech terms traceable to lake Lychnis and Lychnidus, suspect with Soducena liners to Saddocks and Chadocks. German Litch's are listed with several Lisch-like variations, and as they use the Say quarters along with the Scythes/Side lion, they look like Sidicini, or the Sittaceni suspect at Soducena. As Sidicini traced to lake Scodra, the Lischs/Litch's look traceable to Lissus, at the mouth of the Drilon that begins at lake Lychnidus.

Singletarys are said to be from a Fylde entity, and then Fields (Vaughn Coat?) look to be using the Derby Coat while the Derby Crest shares the antelope with Singletarys. Fylde's/Files' were first found in Lancashire, and use green roundels. The Files/Vile's/Viells share the garb with Derbys and Fields. The File's/Vile's are suspect with the Fane/Vane motto so that Fylde's and Fields can be Vaughn / Fanano kin. I would very much like to understand Derbe / Tatta liners in or out of Fanano, for it could uncover the mystery to Caiaphas' parents.

As Schutz's have linked well with the saltire surname to Salassi of Aosta, it's notable that there is a Lys river in Aosta. When seeking its path, I read that the Lys is the start of the Bautica. And so when we trace the white, Baut-suspect goat in the Secheral Crest to the Bautica, we are to the near-west of the Ticino river. The German Litch's/Lischs use a so-called "pail," but it may once have been a bucket in honor of the water-bouget line, for water bougets are said to be water container yet "bouget" looks like "bucket." Buckets/Buchards use "pail"-like piles in Morency colors) can be from Buxentum, beside Scidrus. German Bugs show Buchan-like variations. There is no Pail surname coming up, but Pale's/Palleys (Yorkshire, Secheral colors) share the camel head with Pipe's and Pepins while the Hopwell bagPIPES can link to Buxentum liners. The Buchanans share the same lion as Litch's/Leschs while Buchans were in Aberdeenshire, where Lisch-like Leslie's were first found. As German Bugs once showed footless martlets in the colors of the same of Pulleys/Pullens, note that the latter were first found in the same place as Pale's/Palleys, tending to assure that they are in the pail code.

Saracen Participation with Albino's

The Fulke's use a "Chi sera sera" motto term while Russells use "Che sara sara." What's the connection? I used to assume that these motto terms were for Sava liners of the Sarah/Sayer / Sauer kind, but could Saracen / Saraca liners apply? As vertically-split Fulke's share half the colors of the vertically-split Albino's, the giant fleur-de-lys of Fulke's becomes suspect with the same of Banners, which traces Fulks to Fanano, the area where Melusine of Anjou traced. Melusine became suspect with Speer / Spree liners in Lusignan, and the Fulke Crest reflects it by using a spear. Russells are likely from Roussillon, connectable to Rodez and therefore to neighboring Aubin. The Russells happen to use a white goat, traceable to the Bauts of Aubin relationship. The Russell Chief can be suspect with the Samson scallops for a trace to Sicily's Saracens, but also with the Tanner Coat. Let's re-mention the Sparrs/Sparks that trace to Sparham and Sparrows of Norfolk, where Fulke's were first found, for Sparrs/Sparks use the giant spread eagle of Henrys (Rodez elements, right/) in colors reversed, and these are Albin/Aubin and Albino (and Rod) colors.

The Aubin-suspect Marleys look like they are in the Marlibone variation of Malls/Mallibone's who share the Ever Coat. And Albins/Aubins are the ones with the Alibone variation seemingly related, all traceable to the "bon" motto term of the Anjou Tysons/Tessons. The Evers/Eure's apply to Albins because they are said to be from Eure. The Moor-using Tanners can apply to the Moor theme that I envision for Westmorland, the latter being Marley kin in my opinion. Tanners are suspect with Russells if the Rosellen version of "Roussillon" named Roslin, home of Sinclairs. Roslin was beside the Seatons, from Say, and while Says use the Ever Shield in colors reversed, Say is at the Orne river, as is Falaise, where "the tanner" lived. Lothian was the location of a Templar chapelry called, BALANtrodacht (at Temple of Midlothian, location also of Roslin). That term may be a Ballant-Rodacht combo, and as such it would be a Ballant / Balland liner that was clarified above as a Flanders line, excellent because Flemings of Flanders were heavy in Lothian. It is also excellent where Ballants are now being traced to Blanda, not only beside Scidrus, but beside Buxentum, where the Buckle's may be from that are likely honored in the buckle's of the Roslin surname.

I have this quote recorded: "Historically the Parish of Temple was divided into three portions, the ancient parish of CLERKington, and the chapelries of MOORfoot and Balantrodach...Balantrodach on the other hand, was a Chapelry of the Knights Templar'" The Russell Chief can now be linked to the same-colored one of Livings/Levins (FOOTless martlets). I use the Living variation for a clue that Livingstons, first found in Lothian, apply to Levins. The Livingstons share the Seaton / Fleming tressure border, but in green, the Albin colors. As Foots use a chevron in the colors of the Levi chevrons, while Levins are suspect with Levi's that share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Moor-using Tanners, ask whether Foots and Fothes/Fittes', were from / of MoorFOOT. The Foots are suspect with ProFetts sharing the leg of Primus' but in the colors of the Albins. And the Balance eagle is a spread one in white, the color of the Sparr/Spark eagle. The Fothes/Fitts' share the cornucopia with the Arms of Setia (interesting but not a conclusive link), and the Fido variation of Fothes can go to the banner in the Arms of Fanano having "Fides" written upon it. The red wolf heads of Fiddle's of Fidelow (somewhere in Normandy) are in both colors of the wolf (Fleming-wolf design) of Thigh's honored in the Primus description. To help trace this Levi picture to Modena, the Livingston Crest has a savage (with club). There's a lot to be gleaned here if one just trusts the suggested links.

The "Numquam" motto term of Evers has become suspect with Marcus Nummius Umbrius Primus Senecio Albinus linked to quam = Cam-river elements of Cambridge. I don't think the Albinus line would have Templar importance if not for linkage to Quintus Caepio, and we saw Caepio / Lepidus liners in Modena, and we have good reason to trace Fannius Caepio to Fanano. Of all the bedrocks to which I trace the Templars and chief Crusaders, here's yet another at Modena, much earlier than most of the others.

This would be a good place to mention mythical Assaracus, Trojan father of Capys, the supposed (by others) namer of Capua (near Compsa of an Umbrius-Primus family), where the Drengot Normans took a seat. Assaracus looks like he's the root of "Saraca / Saracen." It may explain why Saraca's have worked into mainline Masonry wrapped up in Caepio's. The Capys line was inserted into Roman origins by Virgil, and likely connects to the Roman wolf, which I think was in the Hirpini-related families of Avellino, a term like the Capelli surname. The Sidicini, if from the Sittaceni of Maeotis, could very well have been a mainline Artemis-loving peoples. In that picture, Apollo was the god of Amazons in Mazaca (like "music," theme of Apollo's Muses), capital of CAPPAdocia. Then, as per Herodotus telling that Amazons of the Mazaca area migrated to Maeotis to became Sauromatians (proto-Saracens?), which I read as Sauro-Maeotis or Taurus-Maeotis, the theory I'm making is that it was viewed by myth writers as Apollo's twin sister, ArTEMIS. Maeotis was at Temis-like Tanais. The namers of Tanais and THEMIScyra then named Teano and the Tean/Thames surname at the THAMES river of Oxfordshire. The Assaracus > Capys line may thereby have been of the Cappadocians in relation to its Apollo-Muse cult that evolved into the nine witches of Avalon. While historians are apparently unable to verify Herodotus' claim that the first Amazons were at the Themiscyra area (beside Colchis), they are known to have lived in Mysia, which I say is the basic origin of the mythical Muse.

Saracens proper lived in southern Italy, location of Agrigento, where the Saracen- and Saraca-based Carricks trace. But before tracing Carricks to Agrigento, the Anchors/Annackers were traced there, and they use a Chief linkable to the Tean/Thames Chief (stars in colors reversed from the same of Capone's). I say the Muse's went on to become the Meshwesh of Apollo's Cyrene, and later the Maezaei on the Una/Oeneus river that brought forth Youngs (wolf), who are honored in the "young hen" code of the Capone write-up. These are the Capone's (share the red Young lion) using the Comp/Camp colors and format.

The Meshwesh were, in my opinion, the mythical Graeae hags, and then the Grey surname honors the Anchors/Annackers, who I say were an Anaki line to the naming of hen-like Annas. Annas is suspect from Aeneas / Oeneus liners of the Greeks, though Aeneas was a Trojan, as was Assaracus, explaining why Virgil had descended from Aeneas. It can explain why the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Anchors is that also of Teans/Thames'. Or, trace OXford to king Og's Rephaites on the west side of Jerusalem, facing the Anaki in Hebron. They were of mount GAREB that traces through the Coronis crow (PatMOS), same as the mythical Cyrene entity engaged by Apollo. The Rephaites became suspect in the Ripley surname, which shares gold-on-green upright lions with Henns (first found near the Thames) and the Morgans, the latter being the chiefs of the nine Avalon witch's. Ripleys share a green perchevron (solid chevron) with GARB-using Josephs, but let's add that the Ripley / Morgan lion is shared by Irish Moors and, in colors reversed, by the Dragon-suspect Tracks/Tricks/Trigs now tracing to Pendragons of the Drilon.

As per the possible Anchor trace to Ancore = Nicaea, it was in Mysia near Apollonian. Between the latter and Ancore, there is a Prusa location on the old map, and the Prusa surname is listed with Brocuffs (Silesia) using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks suspect with the red Oxford lion (both in their Chiefs). There is now every reason to suspect that the Vere rulers of Oxford trace to the Varus family that named Plancius Varus Cornutus Tertullus, who was given a Roman post at NICaea, named likely by the ANAKi of Hebron. Mythical Nice/Nike was a DioNYSUS liner, and the latter's sacred island of Naxos is suspect with Nestor liners at Pylos, beside mythical Oeneus, mythical father of Methoni. As Dionysus had a wine symbol, it may have been from Oeneus "the wine man." Dionysus thus becomes suspect with the Anaki through Mysia. Dionysus was a close associate with mythical Satyrs while the Satrae Thracians (real peoples) were along the Nestor river. But Dionysus was placed by writers on Lemnos for a reason, and he clearly links with his all-female Maenads to the Amazons of Lemnos, whom the myth writers made the special kin of the Aeson > Jason line upon the Argo ship. The latter line is suspect with the Atun cult, wherefore queen Tiye is expected to descend to Aeson, named with HephAEStus (Lemnos), and then both Dionysus and Hephaestus were given lame symbols, and if not mistaken, Dionysus was born from the THIGH of Zeus. How interesting that Primus' (and Hose's) use a thigh symbol while the Thigh surname and it variations look like "Tiye." As the Anaki were from Hebron, note the Heph-like Hepburn variation of Hebrons.

Drakenberg Vere's trace themselves to "Anunnaki," which we can assume were the Anaki, and this is how Vere's can know that they trace to the Anaki. Keturah of Hebron can trace to the Cutter surname, which uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Prusa's/Brocks. From Mysia, one can take it over to the Muse's at home in Thessaly, home of Aeson and Ixion, the latter being the husband of DIA. She seems play on DIOnysus, and so Dionysus becomes suspect with the Tiye line! Ixion's wife was given a cloud symbol, seen in the Crest of Hose-like House's. But that House Crest also uses an anchor! It's making Hazel liners trace to Aeson / Aedon if that's where the leg-using Hose's trace.

As Keturah's Athens line also traces to Parium, a real city (on the old map) in Mysia known to be of the Muse's that I identify with Abraham and with mythical Priam (same Trojan line as Aeneas and Capys), it looks like the Primus' were from Parium. In the Middle Ages, Saracens were equated with Hagarites, from Abraham's concubine, Hagar. Keturah's Athens line had her son, Medan, in common with the Hecate > Medea line to Hector, son of Priam, and then Medea married Jason, Aeson's son, afterwhich she flew he chariot to Athens, where Hephaestus raped Athena and spilled his seed on her THIGH! I kid you not, and so this ancient thigh theme that was both of Dionysus and Hephaestus must have been the line from Tiye. And at this time it is seemingly tracing to the namers of the Tesson/Ticino river, and even to Opgalli via the Teague's. It can also go to TAYgeti (may be viewed as TAYGeti), where we find the Mani peninsula of Sparta (beside Argos), where there was a Las/Laas location that was clearly the meaning of mythical MENE-Laus, Spartan husband of Helen of Troy, abducted by mythical Paris, son of Priam.

If "Helen" traces to the namers of Elis, or even if not, the Elis' are suspect with Laus liners, from Laish, beside Panias, like the Peneus river at Elis, beside the Ladon that should trace to the Lazona home of the Lazi.

Athena was named after AkhenATEN, wasn't she? Athens was named after the Atun sun god, wasn't it? And we would like to know whether Kemmis, home of Yuya, named the Cam river of Cambridge, where Oeneus-suspect June's were first found? I can't get online to check at this time, but Cams were first found in the same place as Kemmis', if I recall correctly.

The ancient wolf land of Verkana = HYRCANia is much like "HIRPINi." They say that "verk/vyrk" meant "wolf." Assuming that the Hirpini wolf land was from Hyrcania, we can trace, first of all, to the line of Simon Maccabee, which put forth Hyrcanus Maccabee, all suspect from a Mazaca > Mysia line. Then go to the Hercuniates in the Boii / Pannonia theater, and ask whether Boii of Pannonia were from the Boiotians upon the Argo ship that sailed up the Danube with mythical Media. Note that Apollonian is beside a MACEStus river.

The ancient Gels/Gileki at Verkana. Wikipedia confirms that Agrigento was founded by the namers of Gela in the Saracen part of Sicily, near Ragusa. The Rinds, suspect with the Rhyndacus river, location of Apollonian, use GILLIE flowers. Rinds share the Mallet scallops, and Mallets traced without doubt to "Melita," an island near the other Ragusa, home of Saraca's. The Rind-like Rounds are the ones with the sleeping lion that goes to Latmus, smack beside Miletus...and beside Ephesus, location of Aedon's father, and said to have been founded mythically by a line of Keturah. If correct to identify Ephesus (Amazon-founded city) with the naming of thigh-related Hephaestus, then Hebron liners are suspect in Ephesus with Tiye liners. Did Tiye liners go through Hebron? In fact, as Tiye was a Mitanni, was she from Medan? Did Akhenaten trace directly to Keturah's son. Does the horse of Hebrons/Hepburns strike us as an equestrian horse versus a battle horse? Yuya was a horse trainer for his royals.

The "fragRANTior" motto term (Phrygians?) of Rinds suggests that Rands/Rynds are a Rind branch, and Rands share the red Young / Capone lion, used also by Italian Simons (Sicily) with an "UNGuibus" motto term. Why are Caepio-related Youngs (Oeneus liners) linking to Simons? In what way do Youngs show themselves to be Anaki liners? Ask the Young piles that go Pylos, home of Nestor. Why do Youngs use the Hogen Chief? I would ask Og, suspect in the naming of Yuya, Tiye's father. Rinds can trace with heraldic mill rinds (Miles' use one) to Miletus.

The ArMATUS" motto term of the same Simons looks like it honors Mattathias Hasmonean, father of Simon, but as the Rands share a white boar head with Juggs/Judds, from Jugon in the ARMour part of Brittany, we can trace Simons (ARMatus code) and Rands to Armour, and to the Modi'in-based Motts/Mottins, first found in the same place as Vere's, Youngs and Quints, but said to derive in Cotes du Nord, an alternative name of Cotes-du-Armour. Note that the Zionist star of Italian Simons is white, the color of the Mott estoile and crescent.

The Crest of Ogdens, apparent kin of Ostens, has the same lion as that of Italian Simons. Simon Maccabee lived in Modi'in, suspect with Mitanni and therefore with the Keturah > Medan line. The red lion of Simons can now go to the red lions of Abraham- / Priam-suspect Bramtons.

Drakenberg Vere's trace themselves to the Mitanni Hurrians (Gileki were Iranians = Aryans, perhaps the same a Hurrians). Nahor, Abraham's brother, is said to be from Haran, the possible namer of Hurrians. Haran was in the Mitanni theater, and in fact the Mitanni lived on the Habur river (Akkadia / Babylon) while the Anaki lived in Hebron, where Abraham settled, and befriended the Amorites that birthed the Biblical Anak. Amorites were especially at Mari upon the Euphrates, and are highly suspect with the naming of Aphrodite. These Amorites should trace from Jerusalem (Zedek) and Hebron to Marsyas of Phrygia, and to the Marici of the Tiye-suspect Ticino. The way to trace Tiye further to Mars liners is via Helen of Troy, living at Taygeti with her husband, but depicting the Hellespont at Marmara, beside the Paris line at Parium/Parion. Helen was therefore the same entity as Helle, the sister of Phrygian-suspect Phryxus, the rider on the golden ram / fleece. Freemasons (part Frey liners suspect from Phrygian-like Frigg) therefore look like Abraham liners, not with Sarah, but the line that was the antithesis of the Sarah > Israeli line. It's debatable whether Sarah was named after the Saracen line already in existence in her time. Saraca's are using the Keturah fish symbol, let that be understood.

The Mott EstOILE should be part-code for D'Oyle's/Oileys, first found in Oxfordshire. D'Oyle's were first come across when searching "Dulys," as per the Du Lys surname of Joan of Arc. It just so happens that Modane is on the Arc river, a good reason for identifying estoiles with Dulys'/D'Oyles (bends in the colors of the Oxford fesse bars) into / out of the Arc river. The Oxford lion was traced to the Brian lions, from Briancon, some 25 miles from Modane, and near GUILLestre [links to proto-Rothschild late in this update who end up tracing to the Arc], which can be emphasized here as GuillESTRE, feasibly from Istria, around the continental corner from the Kupa river, and suspect with naming nearby Este, a Kotor > Keturah line that can link also to Saraca's in Kotor. The early Ouilli version of the Oyle's [now suspect with Dutch Schilds) looks like it can be from the namers of Guillestre, the black eagle of which can trace to the same of Rijeka (north side of Istria) which pours water from a jug, perhaps code for Jugon liners.

Just found: estoiles are used by Eynes'/Ennis' (Annas'?) while Oyle's are said to be of an Eynesham entity. And the Eynes Crest even shares the white boar head with Judds/Juggs! The white boar head may be owned by Bauer-suspect Burleys, suspect with the MODburleys, but Burleys may have been named after earlier boar liners such as the Eburovice's of Brescia, co-founders with the Parisii of York. The line of Aphrodite, mother of Aeneas, goes to the Breuci and the Bruce's of York, and so note the color of the Eynes lion, very traceable to Caepio liners at the Kupa river.

Like the Pollock and Bole boar, the Eynes boar is shot through with an arrow. Eyne's are said to be from "Angus," but Angus' share the Annas / Vere star. If correct that Eyne's are from the Angus / Annas line, they can trace with Innus' to Innis' / Ince's / Inch's and an InsuBRES link to Brescia = Brixia. I'm thus assuming that the Breuci > Brescia > Caepio lion is in the Enyes Coat. Irish Eynes' (share red Shield with Annas') even use an anchor, as well as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Anchors in colors reversed. This brings me to the original reason for bringing up the Gileki, because the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Anchors is that of Glennys, which suggests that Glenns and Glennys trace to the Gela founders of Agrigento. it makes perfect sense in light of the recent trace of Glennys to William of Gellone, reported father of Guerin of Provence, a Vere-Drakenberg liner in my opinion who traces to the Drago river of Agrigento. Draguignan is in a Var area of Provence. As per the ancient relationship between Cadmus and Cilix, it's compelling to link the Gela liners of Sicily to the Cadmus liners at Butua / Kotor, and meanwhile to view the Jells/Gells (Varn colors) and Chalice's/Jellis/Gelis' with that old dragon cult. Guerin of Province spread his French powers wide and may have touched upon the Anjou Fulks, a good reason for tracing Melusine and Martel-suspect Mire's/Mireux's to him. This recalls the mystery that Nicholas de Vere left of the Melusine line in Anjou, but it's now unraveling with the TYsons/Tessons of Anjou. Tease's/Tye's/Tighs use the same star as Vere's.

As per the trace of Plancius Varus Cornutus Tertullus to the Turtle's / TOOThills, what about that "VirTUTE" motto term of Eynes'? Compare the Valours/Valois', suspect in the "valore" motto term of Eynes'/Ennis' (CORNwall), to the Turtle/Toothill Coat, in Oyle colors, and first found in the same place as Vere's. Turtle's/Toothills even use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Oxford-suspect Brocks. The Copps are using the Valour/Valois and Caesar roses, aren't they?

The Mott crescent is the Toot/Tute crescent, isn't it? We'll find out what happens to the Motley Crew at the 7th toot of Revelation. What is "Dat" motto term of Motleys for? The Aedon-liner DATons (probably the Oxford lion), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as English Motleys, are said to be from "D'Autun." I'm convinced with this that Toot liners are from the Akhenaten > Tut line. That really works. Duttons (neighboring Lancashire, same as OGdens and Copps) are said to descend from earls of Eu, and can therefore link to Crispins, first found in Oxfordshire. Dudleys can be using the Eynes / Massin lion.

The Ribble river flows from Yorkshire through Lancashire, and Ribble's are traced in their write-up to a MIDLLESham location, and Middle's/Midlars were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Welsh MOTLeys. I had found evidence for tracing Ribble's, like the Ripple variation of Ripleys/Rippers (Yorkshire), to Rephaites. The Riparia river is where royal COTTians ruled, and then Motleys are showing "cott" endings. This is an excellent place to repeat that Henns, like "Eynes/Ennis," share the Ripley lions. "Young Henns" are suspect in the write-up of Capone's while at least one Junia Caepionis' is suspect with the Cotta line to Julius Caesar.

German Hennings/Hains/Hemmings (Heyne colors) use mascles in the colors of the Anchor lozenges and the Quince mascles, of obvious Caiaphas-Annas importance. Hennings are said to be from "heyne = mean person," but that's likely code for the Means in the "I mean well" motto of Shaws, for one Shaw surname lists "Seth," the name of Annas' father. Wells are suspect with Walsers at Shaw-suspect Sions/Swans. German Heyne's/Heyme's are the ones using a giant star half in the colors of the same of Annas'. German Hennings look linkable to Cope's and Copps, and Copelands (not to mention MODburleys) are once again using a Coat linkable to Ness liners. This is all to say that Masonry is tracing hard to Tertullus of Nicaea.

All heraldic tigers, including the Medley tiger, are now suspect with Tiye > Tut liners to lake Tatta. Tigranes Maccabee was king of Armenia, and borrowed his name from Armenians, and these Semite peoples were beside the Mitanni 3500 years ago. It makes sense that initial Maccabees of Israel were themselves in a city of the Mitanni.

As Oxfords are using the Brock / Brocuff Coat, apparently, Og liners should trace to something in the Prusa area. But this picture requires the inclusion of mythical Ogyges in the Athens theater (home of mythical king Kodros, probably the boar line to the Vere / Weir boar), which I connect, through Keturah in Hebron to the Habur river (Euphrates tributary) of the Mitanni, you see. Prusa (suspect with APHRODite > Abruzzo, from the EUPHRATes river) is in Mysia, location also of Dascylus, an entity that was mythicized as the father of Ogyges-suspect Gyges/Gugu, king of Lydia. Og liners are made suspect by the oak theme of Ogdens with Akmonia / Hasmonean liners such as Ackmans / Asmans may be. As the Ogden motto makes Ostens their kin, there's got to be a good reason as to why Osborns share the tiger.

I had found a river (can't recall the name) flowing on the southwest side of Jerusalem that was suspect (for a reason) with Rephaites of the Rephaite valley on the west side of Jerusalem. The point here is that while Baal was worshiped, according to the Bible, on the immediate southwest of Jerusalem, the Egg Coat uses a spread eagle half in the colors of the BALance eagle. As Eggs were first found in Cheshire, this white eagle is suspect with the white eagle wings of Masci's. It is half in the colors of the Piast eagle while the previous Masci wing design was once showing in a Coat of one Gobel surname (Macey Shield) that traces to "Goplo," origin of the Piast > Mieszko Pole's. Eggeners (Hagan / Hagar colors) share the hurt with the Brittany Aubins, and if Eggs/Edge's trace to the naming of the Adige river at Garda, note that Gards show multiple signs of tracing to Fanano.

The CoBEIL variation of the same Gobels reminds of Corbeils, but, in any case, Beils (Burgundy) are listed with Bale's/Baile's (lion in the same position and colors of the Corbeil griffin), and share the Brampton-suspect lion in both colors of the same of Primo's, likewise first found in Burgundy. It's the Daton lion. Dat's very good evidence of a trace to Og and Baal together. And let's not forget that Bellamys merged with Ferte-Mace while Ferte's use the spread eagle in colors reversed from the Egg eagle. Bellamys were from the Baal cult in the Jerusalem valley (Hinnom), weren't they? The Hagarites may be behind the Eggs/Edge's / Eggeners, the latter in Saraca-fish colors.

Hagarites in Athens? But of course. Yet, who were they in Greek terms? Athens is said to have been founded by Hagar-like CECRrops, part snake on his lower half. Therefore, trace Hagar's line (possibly Ishmael's line) to the Kodros line to the mythical founding of Ephesus, smack at Miletus, where Melusine traces who originally had a snake tail rather than a fish tail, and you must be stunned by this revelation. I am. Was there a fish term in Greece that was used for ISHmael? Then note again that Melita is beside fish-depicted Saraca's of Ragusa, who were previously at Kotor, and this is indeed stunning because I have never been so confident that Hagar lines are in fact under discussion. This should make you sick if you are both a Christian and a Mason. Are Cockers Cecrops liners? What about heraldic CHECKERs, like the lozengy of Cocks? Why should Hagarites trace to the Saracen-suspect Fulke's? Ask the checkers of Italian Fulks.

As Trice's are honored by Hebrons/Hepburns, what about the cockaTRICE version of the Cecrops-suspect wyvern dragon? Stunning. Melusine is tracing to the dragon of Athens, the Ogyges dragon, right? Cadmus, who slew this dragon, and then joined its remnants, was traced tentatively but seriously to BozCATH in Hebron. Bozcath was suspect with Bozrah in Edom, where Ishmaelites lived. Mythical Butes (from Buz of Bozrah?) was a priest of the Cecrops-Hephaestus line, and he is therefore very suspect with the namers of Butua. The Bute/Butt Crest once showed the black horsehead exactly of Este's, but the Este's changed it to a full horse (color of the Arezzo/Arettium / Stuttgart horse). Butes was lumped, in Argo-ship mythology, with the mythical Sirens, suspect from Seir, where Esau's family married. The ArBUTHnotts are Oliphant associates / kin while the latter are suspect with Eliphas, Esau's son that married Seir. The line of Timna (Eliphas' wife in Seir) traces to Timms/Time's sharing the Ripley lion. Cadmus at Butua traces easily to Butes in Athens by way of Ogyges ruling between Boiotia and Athens. Butes is thus suspect from Bozcath.

It's notable that the Adige flows near Keturah-related Este i.e. a good reason to trace "Egg" to Og liners. Gards share the Pulley and Romney Coats suspect with the Toothill bend-and-bendlets, a good reason for linking the roses of the Beil/Bale Chief to the same of the Valour/Valois/Valais Chief. It reminds of the Gareb trace to Harveys and Garveys of the Arve river near Valais canton, and the Bellamy / Perche trace to Harveys and Garveys. Somehow, the heraldry masters knew that Bellamys were from Gareb elements. How could inhabitants of Gareb have escaped infiltration of Baal cultists at Jerusalem? As "Gareb" is said to be like the Semitic for "scorpion," it's notable that Baal-suspect Apollo/Abello had a scorpion symbol. This appears to be in Revelation 9 with Abaddon and Apollo, and "Abaddon" became suspect with Avith in Edom, perhaps a line to garb-using Avis'/Avice's.

The other French Beils/Baile's (Provence) are even using the Valour/Valais chevron, in the colors of the Bellamy fesse. This can reveal that "Valais" was a Balais / Balois / Ballis entity. Balais' are listed with Baliol-related Baileys. The Ballis' are listed with Bayles', in D'Oyle/Dulys colors and using the estOILE. What is the significance of two-tailed Melusine in the Walser Coat? What is the significance of Baal liners in Wallis / Sion? The same as the Baal cult at Zion = Jerusalem = Zedek, then at Sion of Hermon = Cadmus evolving into the Zeus Taurus in Cilicia (= the Rhegae-Gileki line). It needs to be added that ancient Zeus, the most-ancient Zeus, according to what I've read, had a snake tail below the waist, same as Cecrops. This is stunning, as it reveals Zeus as the line Hagar, and thus reveals that God, when he chose Abraham, provided Sarah for him to undo the line of Abraham and Hagar that would become part of end-time rulers. In Crete, Rhea and Zeus were part of AMALthea, the goat goddess of Crete, suspect from the arch-enemy of God, the AMALekites that were hooked to Edomites and therefore linkable to Hagarites. The Walsers use a goat along with Melusine, the snake goddess that got hooked up with Ragusa. Mythical Scythes was born from a woman having a snake tail below the waist. The cornucopia came from Amalthea, then went to the Ops bee cult of Sabines because Amalthea was also a bee goddess, and moreover the Quirites cult of Sabines traces to "Curetes," the allies of Rhea and Zeus. Take the Rhegae = Rhea entity out of Crete and follow it to Ragusa (either one) as a Hagarite-Saraca entity. This is stunning.

One can even trace the Zeus Minoans out of Crete, to Miletus, with Sarpedon, Zeus' grandson. If the namers of Zedek named Zeus, or even if they were of the Zeus cult, then he should trace to Sidicini.

Coping with the Numidian Harlot

I was watching some Italian soccer teams while writing here, Lazio versus Bologna and Rome versus Verona. Bologna had red and blue stripes on their jerseys, and blue shorts, all the same as Verona, and these are the colors of the Arms of Bologna, and the Verona Coat with the Saraca fish. Lazio is in two shades of sky blue, the colors of Gog in Caucasia, home of the Lazi, important because Lazi were Circasians while mythical Latinus was given Circe as mother. The team of Rome shares white shorts with Lazio, but has mainly-scarlet jerseys with some black. It's all in tune with heraldic colors, though I don't know what the Arms of Rome is, but it doesn't matter because the scarlet dragon of Revelation is the Latin-Roman entity. It's all from the Gugu Lydians, isn't it? Yet Masonry is a little different as it adds the Numidian element to Romans, but not very deeply before it gets to Maccabees. Masonry and Rosicrucianism traces to Rothschilds and other bankers whom are above the EU, or on top of it, like the harlot riding the Roman dragon. In the same way, the Flanders Crusaders trace to Blanda, suspect not with origins in Rome, but in the Sidicini at Scidrus, yet neighboring Laus may have been a Lazi line, though out of the Greek dragon at Sparta's Las. I assume that Las predated Latins in Lazio because the name was given to Menelaus that was timed by the writers in times before Romans and Latins. Wikipedia says that Laus was founded by neighboring, Sparta-like Sybaris. Sparta was founded mythically by the dragon killed by Cadmus, which was resurrected as the Sparti, and then went on to protect the golden fleece in Colchis, where the Lazi arose. It tends to trace Las to the Lazi.

I think what I need to do is to adjust my thinking so that Masonry traces to the killers of Jesus rather than to the Romans that sponsored them. If we ask why the Numidian element may have been important to God, to have it as a bedrock of the ones who killed Jesus, it speaks of the human-sacrifice cult of Carthage that God had/has marked out for destruction. Carthage, like Zeus, was from Tyre. And Virgil revealed that Romans started out in an alliance with Carthage. If we follow the Massena Numidians all the way back to the Meshwesh of Tanis, it got linked with the 600 Benjamites of Judges, in Rimmon, the proto-Romans. If you ask how one man can discover so much, ask the 30,000 hours I've spent on this in the last 10 years, a number that's based on about eight hours daily on average. I have made $0.00 for this work, and it hasn't been spiritually healthy for me. Let's just say that I've carefully developed a system by which to guide my leads and conclusions.

The "animo" motto term of Cope's is now suspect with "Nummius." The Cope roses are suspect with those in the Chaulnes/CHOLnes/Faux/Fage Chief, a great reason to trace Cope's to "Kupa," river of Japodes to which Benjamites traced. Jupiter was the Roman Zeus. But why? Long before the Masons, the Japodes connected to Numidians by way of Maezaei on the Una river of Juno. The Revelation dragon can be viewed as that mix. The Massena-Scipio merger, centuries after the Roman-Carthage alliance (that failed), led instead to Masonry. The early Meschins of that line had rule over Copeland.

Mr. Sauniere, at Rennes-le-Chateau, kin of Chaulnes', was suspect with some of the Quintus-Caepio treasure. But the Caepio treasure was shared by Massey liners. This is the line suspect to the international bankers who command the world of politics as it concerns them. They don't make all political decisions, but do strive to pull the strings of politics as concerns their current affairs, plots and long-term aspirations. Maschi's of Rimmon-suspect Rimini were first found beside Fano while Fauns are suspect with the Aurelia and Saunier/Saulnier Coats. It's a good bet that Saulnier's were part of Solana liners to the recent "boss" of the EU, Javier Solana. If we ask while Kupa-river Cole's use the bull, it might have to do with Zeus at the Kupa. The Cole-related Kyle's use candle's suspect with John of Gaunt at Candale, and Candale was merged with Foix beside Rennes-le-Chateau while Foix's (share a white Shield with Kyle's) were first found in the same place as Chappes'. Then, Copelands share the Coat of Cantons.

Aurelia Cotta is expected, though no one seems to be mentioning it, to be of the royal Cottians. The Cattolica location beside Fano and Rimini traces to Cattle's sharing the black mascle of Faux's/Fauks listed with Chaulnes'. It's the Tertullus-Plancia line, but now in Rennes-le-CHATeau rather than in Anjou, and Mr. Sauniere gets us to the Rothschild era. If Rothschilds do control the EU by their money-talks, might Mr. Solana have gotten his position by being of a Rockefeller / Roquefeuil line in Rennes-le-Chateau? If I recall correctly, the Madariaga's share the Bauer stars with the EU logo that was co-founded by a Madariaga directly related to Javier Solana. Compare "Chaulnes' to the Collen/Holly surname, and to the Chalice's/Cholys. Here's from the last update: "The Below Crest is a chalice, suspect with Cilix / Cilicia liners. The CHALICE surname (Albin/Aubin colors) was first found in HERTfordshire, same as Titus' using gyronny that traces to the Garonne river, home of Herod Antipas [and location of Candale and Toulouse]. Bernice's husband was HEROD of CHALCIS (Syria, beside Cilicia). Berenice was going to marry Titus, probably for a kinship reason." There we have Masonry merged with the Roman dragon that destroyed Jerusalem, slated to re-destroy Jerusalem in the end times. Only this time, the Roman dragon will slay the Masonic harlot. Is this the correct interpretation of Revelation 19? In the past, I tended to have it in reverse when viewing the dragon as the Rus-based International bankers. But I am hardly close to making a final and confident identification of the evil alliance in chapter 17.

It can be determined that Saunier's are using the Macey chevron and Macey star. It's also the EU / Bauer / Madariaga star. It's the Julian star too, and these Julians were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Rennes-le-Chateau. Julian liners are even suspect at Quillan, beside Rennes-le-Chateau. The Quillans were suspect with the white wolf of Gore's that had traced to the Kupa with Youngs. The Quillan wolf design is that of Flemings, Romans, and Thighs (Primus-beloved). I guess that the Julian saltire links closely with the same-colored cross of Face's/Fessys, first found in the same place as Quince's / Cope's. (For additional evidence that Fessys trace to the Fieschi of Genoa, follow Fessys with their Gerald kin to the Gerald monkey, code for Monks and Monaco's, home of Grimaldi's that were likewise in Genoa, and related to the Fieschi of Genoa, a city suspect with Gaunts / Ghents.)

Albinus' Wikipedia article says that he was in good standing with Septimius Severus, and that he was posted (as "imperial legate") in Dalmatia, where Severus' son would later post Julius Bassianus, all of that having to do with the Saraca's, I feel sure. I have no details on either man's activities in Dalmatia, but this may have been in the Maezaei / Sava theater, where roughly I expected Caepio liners before finding their close associations with Massey liners.

On top of that, Albinus' family is said to have had estates in Brixia, where I trace the Caepio-line lion. We should be compelled to trace Brixia to the Breuci (upper left of map). The Caepio-line lion was traced to Bruce lion and the Kupa river aside from noting, later, that the Breuci were across the Sava river from the mouth of the Kupa (marked the Colapis). The finding above that Cope's and Copps look like Annas liners (of the Henn-suspect Henning kind) is important here. Brixia uses the Bruce lion, we can safely assume. It tends to trace Kupa liners to the Breuci, same as the Aphrodite line to Annas-suspect Aeneas. The Nimo's suspect in the Cope motto share a red-on-gold saltire with Annandale and the Bruce's of Annandale. It's reason to trace Nimo's both to the Kupa and to the Ananes at Placentia. The NewMARSH variation of Nimo's goes to the Marsi of Aphrodite-based Abrussi.

The Pohls found to share the three feathers of Schapers/Shapers have been suspect with the bull of Coles. This was the Maezaei / Mieszko / Mieske relationship to Colapis liners, and Schapers are therefore suspect as Scipio liners in a merger with king Massena. This may explain why Schapers use a sheep, a symbol that likely found use by the Skipton-suspect Sheeps/Skiptons. Schapers are a topic here due only to the "diamond shape" of mascle-using Faux's/Fauks, but heraldic diamonds, often called lozenges, trace to Losinj, between the Kupa theater and Istria. Pohls were first found in the same place (Bruce- / Abrussi-suspect Prussia) as Mieske's using the same bull head, but the German Hennings -- the ones with the Cope- / Copp-like Coat -- were first found in that place. The ancestry of Mieszko at the GOPlo mouse tower might just apply to a Cupionich > Kupa > Cope line. As Trip-related Gore's trace to Servitium, near the Kupa, and as Tropoje is beside Cupionich and Dober, note that English Dobers (found their way to Yorkshire, where the Bruce lion operated) use trefoils, a symbol for Trips/Treffs, in the colors of the Gore / Trip crosslets. I would suggest that Pohls trace with bull-using Bullocks, with the Pollock saltire, to Pula/Pola of Istria.

My problem is that I don't know how to interpret the Revelation dragon, whether a Russian-Gog at the helm of Europe. My firm belief that Ezekiel 38 is the anti-Christ demands that I view the Revelation dragon as such a Russian. I started to believe that the EU would invite a Russian to head the EU presidency in an effort to make a giant beast even larger with such a merger. But as things between Putin and the EU soured badly, I can entertain a sudden and fatal destruction of Europe by the Russians. Previously, my view had such a destruction at the very end of Israel's 1260-day tribulation, but was it wrong? I assumed that the Revelation-17 partnership was during the 1260-day period, forcing the rape and destruction of the harlot to be after those days. But what if the partnership is before the 1260 days, ending at the same time that Russia decides to enter the Middle East to fulfill prophecy suddenly?

There seems to be something seriously wrong with my prediction of prophetic fulfillment, no matter how I interpret it. There seems to be no correct way whatsoever. After 25,000, maybe 30,000, hours, and I still can't deliver a scenario that works with current conditions or logical scenario's. Some paradigm shift in the world powers seems to be needed. Or, as an alternative, the False Prophet, and his weaponry and 666, are not from the West or the United States, but from Russia. That would end a serious problem with my hang-up. If we give this question five or ten more years, the world stage may start to reveal the solution.

It makes a lot of sense to view the "harlot" as a Jewish entity through the Roman-Freemason entity that was booted out of Jerusalem by God, using Titus. Masonry is by nature an all-inclusive religion or a politically-secular animal giving freedom to all religions, and respecting falsehood more highly than Truth. But how can I take the view of a Russian dragon ridden by a Masonic harlot? It doesn't sound like British Masonry, anyway, although British Rothschilds, they say, founded Communist Russia, suggesting that Masons / Rosicrucians had carried over into Leninism and beyond, perhaps to the current day. The Rhodian secret societies were Socialistic. I just gave out a large sigh, defeated. Not just my 25,000 hours, but the countless hours combined, of thousands of others, have proven futile in advancing a sound or widely-accepted solution on how this will take place. Probably, God arranged for a drastic change at the very end so that no one can now predict the solution with any credibility.

Latest Email to Mr. Skeetz

Here are some excerpts from the email that turned into much longer as I got into:

Hi Dawson...One thing I want to thank you for, the Scythes surname [that I don't recall knowing]. It's extremely important to me, and has been dealt with for some years as the Side surname. It's in most of the recent updates. They are kin to Sutys that share a motto term with Seatons. But I didn't know that Scythes were listed with Side's. It really does make for some hard thinking. Why was that surname lumped in with Side's? Who made that decision and why? One of the new kids on the block these days are the Sidicini of Campania. I'm getting familiar with them, and am tracing them confidently to the Setta and to Sitlers...The Scottish people trace themselves to Miletus.

I was implying that mythical Scotia of the Irish-Scotts may have been the proto-Scythes/Side's through Miletus. Nicholas de Vere had implied that Melusine was through the Pict-Scott royal transition. The fish-suspect moline cross of the Miletus-suspect Mile's / Miles' can trace Saraca's = Saracens through Miletus, wherefore note SARpedon of Miletus. If he was code for Sorbs, of Lusatia, where Melusine traces, why wasn't he called, Sorpedon / Sorbedon? His mother, PASIphas, was code for the Phasis river, home of the Lazi that should trace to Lusatians and/or their cousins expected in Lusatia. The Phaestos location on Crete can apply to Phasis liners, and then be of the naming of "HePHAESTUS" at Ephesus (near Miletus), which can trace Dionysus -- who got his wife (Ariadne) from Crete before taking her to Lemnos with him as the thigh line -- to Phaestos.

If not mistaken, the Maenads of Dionysus, whom I trace to the Maeander river passing by Miletus, had a night theme, and it was identical to the bashing theme of the Cretan Curetes when they were trying to hide the infant Zeus from his cannibal-depicted father, Cronus, suspect with Corinth, where the golden-fleece line (from the Phasis river) lived as Jason and Medea. Medea went to Athens, where Hephaestus was, because they were both of Keturah, which expects the Hagarite > Saracen line involved somewhere. The night theme was in the drunken orgies of the Maenads, but was also a theme of EndyMION, the line of Elis to the Miletus theater's Lazi-suspect LATmus. Miletus was made both a Sarpedon entity, and an Elis-Endymion one. I had traced the castration of Uranus to Elis before having any learning on Sarpedon, though perhaps I should have traced to peoples from Elis rather than to Elis. One can glean that the castration was as per the Miletus-theater Elisians, especially if Cronus was code for Carians (lived at Miletus / Latmus).

Note that the Elis and Saracen Coats use sickle-shaped crescents, possible code for the night theme of Selene (moon goddess) and Endymion. Cronus is the one with the sickle, sometimes called a scythes, which was used to castrate Uranus, the latter a possible code for the namers of Haran...and/or the Horites to which I trace Dionysus i.e. to the Horites of Nuzi. Possibly, this sickle was code for the proto-Schutz line of the theater under discussion. "Selene" may have been used for the Carian moon goddess because it was a line to the Saltire / Salyes (or Silesian?) peoples, but on that I am completely unsure.

The Elis Crest has a naked woman with disheveled hair that could be code for the crazy / wild Maenads. "Naked" could be for a Naxos-like surname. Although I've always had a problem min finding a "naked-like surname, I've just found the Austrian Knecht/Knach surname, which unbelievably uses a lion holding a sickle / scythes!!! The description only mentions the lion: "A blue shield with a gold lion." The Crest, not showing, is said to be "A man dressed in black, and holding a black spade." The spade suggests that the SHOVEL/Shouler surname (crescent) is the intention of the "diSHEVELed" code. The Shovels are traced to "Aluricus Scoua" evoking the Schuh/Schug/Schew/Shoemaker Coat having a KNIGHT cut off at the KNEE's, suggesting that the latter two were branches of Knechts/Knacks as well as being merged with Schutz / Scythes liners.

For some reason, the Neme's/Names suspect earlier with the Nemean lion, list the Need surname, but using another Coat.

The SHOWler variation of Shovels/Shoulers reveals their branch in the Show/Schaw/Schauer/Schore surname because they use the same white-on-red crescent (see the Lusatian Sprees and Speers too). It's crescent-using Nimo's that use a "show" motto term, and then while the "boast" motto term of Nimo's gets a Bush suspect, the other Schore's/Shore's are using a version of a Bosco Coat for a trace to Busca, beside Saluzzo, where I'm now tracing the Schutz saltire (colors reversed from the Elis cross). This tends to reveal that Sheers/Shores/Shire's (black talbot, linkable to black greyhound of Schutz's) and Schere's/Scherfs are Saracen liners, making sense where Carricks, a branch of Sheers/Shore's, apparently, trace to Agrigento, where Saracens proper had stomping grounds. I'm very glad now that they changed the Bush Coat years ago, now showing the same eagles as the Scythes/Side Chief.

This is all very revealing, suddenly, thanks to the Knecht scythes. The Naughts/Nitts and Naughtens can now be traced to the Knecht elements expected at Miletus, for Naughtens share falcons with Knocks/Knox's while falcons use more white crescents, and are expected with the "sera"-using Fulks of which Melusine was involved. The Naughtens use swords in the colors of the mill rind of Miles' while their Mile branch uses a fish-suspect moline. Miles' and Mile's were first found in the same place as Drake's, and are expected as the code -- Milo de Vere, count of Anjou, son of Melusine -- used by Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg. Naughtens use a "falcon close" in Crest, likely code for Closeburn on the Nith river, first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Nitts/Naughts. We get it. The Knights even share the spur with the Close/Clovse surname, and while the Knocks use a "falcon volant," the Nights/Knaights/MacNaughts use a "volenti" code. The "hilt" of Naughtens gets a "spera" motto term of the Hilt surname (same place as Shovels). As Massins/Masons use "Dum spiro spero," while Nimo's are Numidian suspects, the Shovels/Shows (Massey / Crone fleur) and Schuh's/Schews are likely Shawia Numidians...who had merged with Scythes-liner Sidicini, right? Shovels (Shouler variation) share the crescent colors of Schulers.

As Decks/Daggers share the red squirrel with Shire-suspect Squire's, it's notable that Schuler share the horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of Decks/Daggers. The Kilpatricks of Closeburn show a dagger, and have variations very linkable to Shire's/Sheers. The Levi lion (with DEXter paw on the Seaton dragon) of Kilpatricks can trace to Laevi of the Ticino, where Decks/Daggers are expected to derive. The split Shields under discussion are colors reversed to the same of Hips' suspect from the Apsus river, home of DEXARoi. Back to the email as per Mr. Skeetz emphasizing two Hun surnames (look linkable to Shovels) he suspects with the Schutz greyhound:

I am not familiar with the Hun surnames, and had forgotten about the Hunns/Hunners that I mentioned earlier this year. This is an important surname for you to have. The [giant] Hun greyhound is upright like the [giant] Grey lion, and in the same colors. It seems obvious that the heraldic greyhound is always traceable to a marriage between Greys and Huns. That's where it took off. So you want to be asking why Schutz's, or perhaps just one member of the Schutz family, chose the greyhound in Crest. Who chose it, and why? Why didn't they choose someone else's symbol? Were Greys more important? When were they important, and how? Why did Greys chose to honor the Anchors [Agrigento]? Yesterday I came across a "Festina" motto term suspect with the "fast" motto term of Greys and the Fists/Fausts. "Festina" is used by Plunketts, a highly important surname to get to know. I guarantee you that someone in the Plunkett / Blank bloodline is honored by the Lady Fortune blanket, replaced with a banner, and the banner traces to Fanano without a doubt, guaranteed. Plunketts are suspect with Plancia Magna, another new kid in my work, and "magna" is used by Walsh-suspect Walkers, a major topic late in the current update. If you think [ he mentioned it] Schutz's are using a version of the Walsh saltire, see the Walker investigation... [this was written before the insert above that led to Scherfs, suspect with a version of one Walker Coat]. first choice for GONfanon...are the Ghents, and they share the Scythes/Side Chief. The Scythes Crest, by the way, is a tiger and traces almost-certainly to Tigranes Maccabee, grandfather of Plancius Magna. The Scythes are, you've noticed, colors reversed from Schutz's. They seem to be identical surnames, don't they?...The Hun talbots (not greyhounds) are said to be SEATed, a good reason to link them to the Seaton-related Scythes. In the Crest, the talbot is "sejant," perhaps code for Sagans, who probably trace to Segni's of Genoa, where Ghents traced with Seatons two or three updates ago (to the Fieschi of Genoa). As the German-Hun greyhound is also "sejant," you now have a very good reason for linking the Schutz greyhound to the Fortuna's, and perhaps some Fortune's and Forts too, and to the Klassens that use Lady Fortune. And why do they call her Lady? Why do Ladys look like Anchors? Because the greyhound and talbot of Huns are versions of the Grey (and Joplin) lion. Why does the Laudyman variation [of Ladys] link to Lauds/Lords honored in the Glasgow motto? Because this family traces to Klassens. The Banners use a giant fleur-de-lys that traces to Lissus, near the mouth of the Clausula river...

Next, there are three Coller surnames, the Irish branch using leopard faces "jessant," the symbol of Moor-suspect Morlands and Morleys, and that tends to trace to the Collars with the Moor heads, meaning, likely, that the Schutz collar will ultimately trace to Westmorland. To what did they trace there? It's not a large area. English Collers decided to call their Crest a demi Negro holding an acorn branch. As Negro's use "ears," "Negro" might be a version of "Ayr / Eyer," traceable to the Aures Numidians. Clauds/CLAUSELs use acorns. Note the Colly variation of Irish Collers, and check out the white talbot of Hollys (i.e. suspect with the white talbot of Huns). The Cholys were discovered earlier today, listed with Chalice's, suspect with Chalchis. Chalcidice, likely a branch of Grecian Chalchis, is where Sithones lived. The reason that the Holly dolphin should be that of Marleys is that they are traced to Morlaix (Brittany), a Morley-like location, and this tends to verify that this is the correct line of linkage from the Collars through Hollys to Morlaix. In other words, the Schutz collar links at some point with a Holly family, or another surname using holly. The Organs use holly as well as the same trefoil as Sitlers. The Letts (same stars as Sidicini-suspect Teans) use organ pipes, and you should be able to see why Letts are a Lady branch if you know my work on Letts (annuLETs, used by Ladys).

Marleys use the same bend as Gripps/Grape's while Gripel (Vannes area) is in the general area of Morlaix. Why is the Finistere lion facing sinister? Is that ram the one of Baut's? Is the Finistere lion that of Sutys / Side's / Sitlers? Is it the Flanders lion? The Marley bend is used also by Jells/Gells, and today I was lucky to find that Chalice's are also "Jellis / Gelis." Then, at the end of the update, this morning, I said: "The Mindens (looks like the Chalice Coat!) use the tiger, and they are suspect with "AMYNTes."

In today's update, I left it not knowing whose bend the Plunketts are using. As Plunketts are said to be from the Dol area, they can link to Marleys, and then thanks to your email, I've found that the Plunkett bend is used also by Hollys. I'll keep that in mind.

...I've fallen upon the meanings of the Schutz codes, and it will put to rest your hunt for the ancient saltire, because it's unnecessary [meaning that the Schutz saltire is code for the Saltire surname]. Lett-suspect Annas' were first found in the same place as Bearings while the Schutz Coat is "A black shield bearing a gold saltire." Bearings [Beckering variation] can be using the same Coat as Hohens [Swabia, where Huns were first found. See also the Cohen- and Dawson-suspect Beckers, and note that the Baring variation of Bearings was of a big-banker family]. The Bearing checks are in the colors of the Saltire billets, although it would be very surprising if, of all the surnames using saltires, the Saltire billets should trace in particular to the Schutz saltire. But the Saltire's look like they were using an eSCUTcheon until they changed it to "a border."

The Saltire cock head can trace to Genoa by way of the Cocks and Grimaldi's (Hohen suspects), and in fact it was Wikipedia's article on Grimaldi's that caused me to investigate the Fieschi. It turned out that the Saltire cock is a colors-reversed version of the Heath rooster head. This was discovered when looking up HEATHs as per the Schutz greyhound HEAD. Heads use white unicorn heads, but it made me think of Heaths, who could be Keaths / Keatons / Seatons. That works. Plus, there are ways to trace this picture to the Sidicini, fist by the Heath stars in the colors of the Lett and Tean/Tien stars. Sidicini lived at Teano, and then Saltire's use TEN billets. The Billets and Bellows use black wolf heads linkable to the black greyhound head under discussion, and to Lett-suspect Leto, and it's the Belows (one 'l') that use a chalice. Both roosters are JELLoped (when roosters are in two colors), which is now discovered as code for the Jellis variation of Chalice's, though "jellOPed" is also likely code for Opgalli, wife of Tigranes. The Teegers use "OPtem." The saltire rooster has four tiles, and Tile's use more annulets, and may include a line through the naming of "Attila" (i.e. the HUN).

After writing that, I realized without checking that Pipe's use half the Schutz saltire. I then loaded the Pipe's (same Coat as Pepins) to find a shock: white horse heads just like the Head unicorn heads!!! This tends to prove that Schutz's are very fundamental with Letts and Ladys [after this email, as the reader may have read above, I went on to trace Sidicini to lake Scodra, beside Fortuna liners]. Likely, Organs and Pipes were themselves merged. Organs look like a branch of Corrigans and Garrys/Hare's, all three using lizards. [There are many heraldic heads, not all of which can link directly or closely (my marriage) to the Head surname, but it was surprising to see that the Heads seemed fundamental with the SCHUTZ head, and to this it can be added that SHETland and the Arms of SCOTland uses a white unicorn].

As per Pepin of Landen, note that Lands/Landens [sinister bend] are using the jelloped rooster head again. It tends to prove that Heads are a branch of Heaths/HETHs. Keaths/Keths were first found in HADDington (TYNE theater]. Haddingtons use the Face/Fessy / Bath/ATHA cross in colors reversed. Keatons share the black leopard face's (suspect with the Fieschi's) of Aide's, and the latter use a leopard face jessant in Crest, the symbol linking to the collar. We can find our way to another Moor head when checking the Saltz's (Wing colors), which use an eagle leg attached to a wing, and then Wings/WINKs use a Moor head and billets around a saltire. The Aide bend traces Valentin elements from VINKovci. The Saltz wing has a fesse through it, as do the wings of Jewish Glass' (Hun colors), and this is the best evidence found so far for discovering that "Glass" and "Salyes / Salassi" are related terms [can trace Salyes to the namers of Clausula]. As the Saltz's got us back to the Glass line of the Schutz greyhound, and as Sale's/Sallete's were first found beside the Saltire's, and as I link Leghs (same lion as Claus') to Salyes Ligures, I would say that the Schutz saltire traces to Sale's/Sallete's and Salyes. This recalls the Selletae of Thrace, nearly at Scythia.

I don't want to explain the implications for everything I'm saying. There are a lot of things to be learned for anyone taking the time to look at all the Coats, asking questions. It dawns on me that the Keith motto term, "veritas," is for the stag-using Greens, for Keiths use the stag. Greens are suspect from the Green mountain of Cyrene, which can trace with Meshwesh of Cyrene (rhymes with "green") to the Shawia theater, and Shaws share the "VINCit" motto term of Keiths. Greens ("Vertus semper viridis" motto) were first found in the same place (Kent) as other Numidians. The Keith trace to Shawia Numidians can be with the namers of Musselburgh, in Haddington.

The Alpins / MacAlpins were traced to Kanza, of the Aures tribe of Numidia, and Alpins share the sword-with-fir tree with Alis' who in-turn use the Keith motto in colors reversed. But I now have reason to trace Alpins to Albino's. Kanza;s father, king of the Aures/Awraba tribe, was Ishaq ben Mohammed. "Ishaq" looks like a possible Shawia term. The Shacks/Shakerleys (difficult motto to decipher) happen to be in Settle / Albino colors, with a GREEN Shield. We can glean in this that Keiths were, like Seatons, from the Sidicini merger with Shawia (as per the Sithech root of Shaws). The Keith pale bars are in Seaton colors, and they match the pale bars of Scottish Walkers for a potential trace with Walsh's to Schutz liners...expected as Sidicini at Wallis canton. Wallis' share the Grey lion, and Grey-suspect Fortuna liners are suspect with MontFORTs using the same lion, which has the effect of tracing to the Fanano gonfanon. Montfort is beside the Say location of Seatons, and the Wallis-suspect Falaise location. The Ceiteach variation of Keiths is like "Sithech," which may reveal that the Catti tribe belonging to Keiths was a Sidicini entity.

The INSkeith location of Keiths might be their merger with Innis' / Ince's / Inch's, wherefore it's interesting that, during the email, the Schilds were found, and they share, apparently, the Ince / Ince bendlets, same as the bendlets of Keys/KAYs that were possible a Shaw branch (Shawia were also "Chaoui"). "Schutz" is thought to mean "protector" and therefore "shield," exactly the reason that the heraldic escutcheon (a shield) applies to Schutz / Schild liners. It's interesting that Keiths are said to have married Cheneys, making the latter suspect with Cons' / Conys sharing the Mussel colors and format, and sharing the cony rabbit in the Shack/Shakerley Crest (the latter just call it as hare, suspect with Here's / Eyers / Ayers, we get it, a perfect trace to Ishaq of Aures).

The Greens trace to someone "FOND of DRESSing in green." The Fonds are the Font-de-Ville's with a lion holding a banner for a trace to Fanano liners. However, they call it a flag: "...a red lion with a gold collar and chain, and waving a purple flag." Chains / Chaine's are Cheyney and Masci liners. The Dresser surname (Thuringia) shares the colors of the Fond lion, but it's the Wallis lion because the Dresser Shield is the Shield in the Arms of Sion. Just like that, were are right back to the Sidicini > Seaton trace to Sion, and the Sions/Swans once showed the Macey / Fane gauntlet. The Dresser lion is counterchanged while Counters are listed with Conte's, while French Conte's were first found in the same place as Fonds. Italian Conte's are not only using the Lafin/La FONT lion, but the Suty lion. Conte's are still suspect with Conza/Compsa, and therefore with the Cons' and Conys.

Dressers are suspect with the TRESSURE border of Seatons, and therefore with Trashers/Tresure's, first found in the same place as Roets, whose German branch, likewise first found in Thuringia, traces to the sleeping-moon theme of Miletus. The Trents, using the Dresser Shield in colors reversed, were likewise first found in Somerset. Dressers thereby look like a branch of Tracks/Tricks suspect with Dragons, which can explain the scarlet dragon of Tressures, in the color of the Fleming tressure border. If the Fleming border is changed to red, be assured that I saw it multiple times in scarlet, very-clearly of a different shade than the Fleming chevron beside it.

This is a great place to repeat that the Arms of Savignano (near Fanano and Marano) are using the same tower, essentially, as Murena's/Moratins, while AULUS Terentius Varro Murena defeated the Salassi and is therefore suspect with the Wallis lion. The Marano's/Mauritano's are using the Wallis / Dresser lion too. The Roets had already traced to the Panico's suspect with Marano elements.

The scythes-using Knechts were the ones with "A man DRESSED in black, and holding a black spade." Without going into it all again, the Shovels had been traced to Chills/Childs (colors reversed to Tarents/Tarans), suspect with Childeric who married Basina of Thuringia.

The eagle wing of Saltz's or anyone else can be part code for Hagels because they share the single red pile with Wings. "Eagle wing" is therefore an heraldic merger. I didn't realize this until now. Schutz's don't have a large description, and I've covered all their terms here, but this time there are quite a few surname links to them for you to ask why, or what in common they all have. Look at the Hones' as possible Hun kin. German Hones' are in Hun-greyhound colors but using the same lion as Greys and Guido's [and Dressers], but are listed as Hains/Hayne's (Silesia), making for a difficult task in interpreting who they were. Their lion (as well as that of Guido's) is counterchanged, meaning they link to Counters/Conte's, whom I think were discovered in this last update as the Cons'/Conns from Conza/Compsa in Campania, interesting because the Sidicini of that area trace to Sitlers, from Silesia. Compsa was the origin of Umbrius Primus, and Primus' use another leg. The Guido-Panico relationship at the Setta is very close to Fanano and Marano, and so let me repeat that the Marano/Mauritano lion is that of Guido's / Hains/Hones' / Greys too. But not all lions in the same colors link to one another, and some lions are for Leo's and Leons, not as clear-cut as we might like it.

I neglected to mention that "Hayne" looks like a Hagen variation while Hagens can be linked to both Hagels and Hagars. The Hagel lion colors are those of Nights/Knaights. The Hagel lion and bends together trace to the Arms of KYburg (Kay = Shawia line?), beside Swabia (Shawia line?), and then English Hones'/Howens (billets in Cohen colors) can be Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen liners out of Swabia. The German Hones Shield is split diagonally (like the Arms of Zurich, beside Kyburg) and therefore implies linkage to a bend, and then a bend in Hones colors is in use with Gonns/Kohns, first found in Belgium, the location of Flanders to which the Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen lion might trace (it's an old suspicion of mine). The Arms-of-Flanders lion is in the colors of the same of Italian Conte's. The Hohen and Cohen checkers became mildly suspect with the Hagar > CECRops line, but here I find the Checker surname first found in the same place (Hampshire) as English Honens/Howens (Checker colors), and using the same checkered Shield of German Cohens!

We now have the line of German Jews -- the Cohens -- who claim to be from the Israel's Levites, tracing to the same place as Josephs, yet I have not found anyone showing that Cohens were Jews, a well-kept secret at the Wikipedia articles on Hohenzollerns and Hohenstaufens. The English Hones can be sharing the wavy bars of Sutys; Hones' look like a branch of Hands/Hants. Some part of Hampshire is also "Hants," and Irish Hones, part of the escutcheon line, in my opinion, use a central hand. This is making the red hand of Ireland / Ulster suspect with Cohens because Ulster uses the Zionist star. "ULSter" can be suspect with the hull in the Suty Crest if it was named after Huls liners. The Hulls, from Hull Upon Kingston, can apply because Kingstons and Kings are suspect with the Kyburg lion (gold-on-black) too, and it's colors reversed from the Suty / Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen lion.

...Before finding Fanano and the Panaro last week, there had been evidence that Sidicini were on the Tanaro, where the Ghent Shield traces with Tanners, and that gets one to Monforte and neighboring Montferrat, the latter being what Guido Guerra III married. The Alba location on the Tanaro gives hint of Albanians, but then the reason that the Fanano area was discovered in the first place was the Albino surname of neighboring Sestola. It turns out the Albins and Albino's were the meaning of Scottish roots in king Alpin, and this was a topic as per Senecio Albinus, adopted by the Murena family while they show also as "Moratin," like the Mauritano variation of Marano's (first found in Modena). You can bet on the Saltire-related Duncans tracing to Modena, therefore, and in fact the DUNcans trace to Modane with Chaddock-related Chamberlains.

One of those Dane-like surnames, the Danners/Daniels/Danier's, share the white unicorn head with Heads. It's a very good reason to link Schutz's to Saddocks/Sedgewicks. Daniel's use "A silver unicorn's head COUPed," and Coops link to Duncan-related Chamberlains / Chambres'. I now see that Daniels trace by their "fusily" in pale to the Fisk pale and therefore to the Fieschi of Genoa. Duncan-related Siward of Northumberland had traced to Segni's/Segurana's of Genoa. The Siward-based Swords use a man's head COUped, and "wings exPANDed," the latter suspect with Penders and Panders at the Panaro river. The Sword head is couped "at the neck," and then Genoa-suspect Daniels use "nec" motto terms...

The Nothings (Seaton dragon), with the same fesse as Penders, and honored by the Suty motto, share a shortened or couped chevron with Coopers. The Nothing dragon is EMITTING flames, a term like "Mitanni." Mittens/Moutons (same place as Saltire's) are listed with Mauritano-suspect Myrtons. The Mitten/Myrton Crest is a ram, shown also in the Arms of Finistere, and the latter term is suspect as a variation of neighboring "Vannes," which is part of the Fane's/Vain bloodline (GAUNTlet glove) to the namers of Fanano. It is very possible that Ghents / Gaunts are from the namers of "Gwenea," an alternative name of Vannes. The Finistere ram is identical [in positioning and colors] to the one of Bauts/Baux's, and then the Arduinici were on the Bautica river as well as being merged with the Doria family, first found in Gwenea-like Genoa. The Brittany Aubins share hurts with Irish Arthurs suspect with the Wayne Coat, and the Wayne gauntlets trace with Fane's/Veynes' to Fanano. Why should Arthurs trace to Fanano? Ask the PENDRagons and Penders.

I've got to interrupt again. As Kilpatricks on the Nith are suspect with the Seaton / Nothing dragon, the Nothings look like a branch of Nitts/Naughts, the line now tracing to some Elis-related elements at the Scottish roots in Miletus. The Naughtens are also NORTons while Nothings are listed with NORTHens too. What were those naked-woman elements as code for Knechts? The Norths have long been traced to the lion of Voirs/Voyers, first found in Gripel and PENhoet, in the Vannes theater. Voirs use an "EVANgelist" term for the description of their Crest lion, but as Voirs are in the motto of Oliphants, trace this picture to Elaphiti islands smack beside Miletus-liner Melita. Those white-on-red crescents that popped up with Shovels (suspect in the Elis term, "diSHEVELed") are used by Oliphants (same place as Sutys). Oliphants (white unicorns) are associates / kin of ArbuthNOTTs. As Geds were on the Nith river in very-early times of Scottish history, the pike fish of Geddes (escutcheon) needs to be part of this picture, which I trace to the Pek river, something I always link to CUPPae. It seems that the namers of the Nith are that mystery entity in the Elis motto, but I can't think of any-such term in the Miletus theater aside from "(Dio)Nysus."

There are mottoes more clever than others, with the Elis motto being amongst the best, apparently, for it's code, within the same terms, for both surnames and mythical themes. I had traced the WOMAN with disheveled hair to VIMINacium (center of map), smack at the mouth of the Pek river (not shown), long before finding, hours ago, that Elis' trace to the Nith river of the Pek > Pike line. Viminacium is at Pincum, and then the Pinks and Panico's were lumped in with Skits and Scheds when no one was prepared to believe me, and long before Mr. Skeetz came along to help that revelation along greatly. I or he (I forget which) even found that Skeets' use a version of the Skit Coat. Compare "Skeets" with "Geddes," though I am not equating their roots as branches of one another. I would rather keep to the Geddes trace to Geta Numidians that had merged with the Skeets-related Sidicini. As Geddes share the escutcheon of Chaddocks / Chadwicks, it's important that Chads (same place as Heads), sharing the potent cross of Skits and Skeetz's, share the Pek patees. You didn't doubt me, did you, on a Geddes-pike trace to the Pek? A little light-heartedness, please. I am absolutely capable of making a mistake, but can't predict when the first one will be. Heads are said to derive in NOTTINGhamshire, and I see Nothing in that, don't you? I can't see well because there is Suty in my eyes. But, Shucks, I mean well.

Shucks (pierced mullets trace to Melita) use "A blackamoor COUPed at the waist with a gold dart in the hand." He's naked, unless he's wearing the green savage vine cloth / masonic apron / gonfanon / whatever it is). The "manus" motto term reinforces the code for the Hands/Hants, and meanwhile may trace cleverly to Maeonians on the Maeander (expected with the Maness/Manner surname), where the "I MEAN well" motto of Shaws may trace. In southern Hampshire, which is the area, if I'm not w-w-wrong, called Hants, there is a Meon area I once emphasized in a trace to Menelaus, because his father, Atreus, was being traced to Atrebates of Hampshire.

German Shucks (this is the Knight-and-Knee-related Schuh/Schug/Schewe/Shoemaker line, right?) happen to use the Knecht lion, but instead of holding the sickle / scythes, is holding what could be the Hagar star. The Shuck Crest can be tracing to Issa, near Melita: "The lion, issuing from the torse, between two gold and blue wings."

While English Shucks use an "ob" motto term, Shacks/Shakerleys use "OBtinens." English SHUCKs use a chevron in the colors of the same of TUCKS/Touque's (Miletus-suspect motto terms), while Touque-related Teague's use an "optem" motto term much like the "obtinens" of Shacks/Shakerleys. It's throwing me for a loop. We now have a choice on whether to view Teague's as T-version Shuck liners, or to ignore that and trace them to Tease's/Tighs or Tiye-Tut liners at lake Tatta. Or, in reverse, we can view Shuck liners as Teague liners to begin with. The round-tailed lion of Alwins/Elvins is shared by Gate's while Cage's, like the Caige variation of Teague's, use a Shield like that of Gate's.

The obtinens term could be code for HAWK-using Hobs (the tiger of which traces the surname to Opgalli), for Shucks use a "Haec" motto term too. Shucks are traced in their write-up to counts of Meulan (share the checkers of Vance's/Vallibus'), and apparently to an ALWIN Shuckburgh. As Fauns are also "Vaunce," the Shuck Coat can be a version of the Vaughn Coat (Shrewsbury, same as tinens-like Tine's/Tyne's/THYNNE's), for a trace to Fanano, beside or amongst the Alwin-like Albino's. Alwins/Elvins, with a fesse in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse, were first found in the same place as Albins/Aubins. Just like that, the Skeoch variation of Skits are apparently found through the Albins and Fanano. This could be the Elvin-princess line at its ground zero. The nebuly border in the Alwin/Elvin fesse is suspect with McLeods/CLOUDS of Skye and Lewis, for the Schuylar variation of Schulers can apply. Alwins are said to descend from counts of Mortain...from Mauritano-related Marano and Moratin-suspect Savignano, right? Tine's/Tyne are said to have intermarried with Nortons, likely the Nothings/Northerns of the Suty motto. .

It just so happens that Mile's (Weir colors) share nebuly!!! That clinches Elvins with Melusine. The secret is no longer. The Elvin princess was nothing but code for a surname. It's so anti-climactic. All of the fairyland fables are suspect as codework for nothing but surnames. It's what demented people did if they had enough money to have spare time.

By the way, I can no longer copy and paste from houseofnames pages because Firefox no longer gives the option of turning off javascript. This makes Firefox suspect in working with the international spies who need for us to be using javascript in order to spy (or record everything we say / write) to their maximum potential. For some reason, Internet Explorer in my computer is very slow, which is why I don't use it for heraldry pages.

If the Alwins/Elwins were the ground zero of Melusine's Elvin-princess code, then this surname needs to trace in some way to Vere's. I already know that Alpins trace to Guerin of Provence, but right now I want to address the Vere trace to the Varni, for if Vere's trace to Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, then he, or at least his family member, needs to be the founder of the Varni, who were in the proto-Saxon theater by 95 AD. We take Aulus lines at the Salassi theater, and join then northward a little to the Sequani at Geneva, and assume that to be the line to Saxons proper, who appeared about 350-400 AD (I'm not expert on their appearance) The Weirs/Vere's share a blue fesse with Alwins/Elvins. Vere's link to Beaver liners suspect with "Bavaria," and then Irish Weirs use the lozengy design in the Arms of Bavaria.

Irish Weirs/Wyre's had a Mhaoir version of "Weir," and as the Irish had a way of butchering terms to very unrecognizable states, Mhaoirs may have been the Mire's/Mireux's (= Melusine's mirror) because I recorded (in years gone by) that they used holly, until one day I saw that their Coat was a myrtle tree instead. The Weir lozengy (almost checkers, or a form of checkers) is in the colors of the same of Hagar-suspect Cockers, now entertained with CECRops of Athens, the one sharing the snake tail with Melusine. As the Manche location of the French Vere's was called "the sleeve," note the Irish Weir write-up: "An arm with a blue sleeve holding a piece of green holly." Why a piece??? Repeat: "The Holst lion is 'holding a piece of metal,' while Scottish Bowers (share the five bunched arrows in the Arms of Rothschild) use a motto, 'Ad metam.'" Mile's share "Industria" with Rothschilds, and Holts/Holsteins are of mythical Holle, suspect with an aspect of Melusine, likely her holly side (Hollys/Cullins use Melusine).

The stars of Mile's/Mills', in colors reversed from the Bauer stars, are in the colors of the Schuh/Schug/Shoemaker star. Whenever I say something like this, it's not in itself hard evidence of a family link, but opens the possibility, and asks whether there are other reasons for a link, such as the "industria" term, or the fact that the first Rothschild named his son, Nathan" (Schild / Schuler colors), like the Knight / Knee surnames expected as Schuh kin. The first Rothschild was Mayer Bauer, and the English Mayers developed into the Majors, the early ones said (in the Major write-up) to be a branch of Majors in Hampshire, where Mile's and Miles' were first found. Mayers/Majors are honored by the Geddes motto, important because Geddes started out as Geds on the Nathan-like Nith while Geddes share a white escutcheon with Nathans, the latter's being in the colors of the same of Chaddocks / Chadwicks and therefore linkable to Schutz liners. Why do Majors/Mayers share a greyhound with gold collar with escutcheon-liner Schutz's?

Why does the Major/Mayer Coat (anchor in Geddes-escutcheon colors) have the look of the Annas Coat? The Mayer/Major write-up says that Majors of Guernsey married a Guilles woman with children using that surname, and when we go to the Guilles surname (shares gold Chief with Mayers/Majors), it uses the pale bars of German Julians (Seaton stars?), apparently, and was first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars (share three red roses in Chief with the Mayer/Major Chief) and Numidians expected with the Geddes. This can explain why Bauers share the same stars as French Julians. The Guilles' "sine" motto term) have a Gull variation and are thereby expected to be a branch of Gullys that share the black cross of English Julians, and this can trace to the Gela founders of Agrigento, where the Mayer/Major anchor traces as the Annacker surname I expect in the line to Annas'. English Nathans were first found in the same place (Cnut-based NOTTINGhamshire) as Annas'. It therefore appears that Mayers/Majors are using a cross between the Caesar and Annas Shields. The arrow piercing the heart of the English-Nathan Crest is both a Rothschild theme and a Pollock theme.

Agrigento elements trace to the Hampshire Drake's and therefore to the Hampshire Mile's / Miles', and as the Mayers/Majors are said to be from Mauger, uncle of the Conqueror, it can explain the moline cross of Mile's/Mills'. Then there is the MILL rind that traces to Rinds using "A flower pot containing GILLIE flowers." The "pot hanger" of Danish Cnuts are coming to mind.

Moreover, the Schole's share the Julian cross and are in Schultz's/Scholz colors, and we are about to see why Rothschilds can link hard to Dutch Schultz's. The Schulers are the ones sharing a split-Shield like that of Hips' whom I trace both to the Apsus river and the Hypsas river at Agrigento. The Patrician line to Julius Caesar got suspect with AntiPATRIA on the Apsus, and St. Patrick may of been of that line in order to trace Kilpatricks (Nith) to the Apsus. French Guilles (Brittany) share the eight-pointed star with Rothschilds/Rothsteins and escutcheon-suspect Keons/Keens whom I trace tentatively to AQUINcum, the early name of Budapest, where Magyars lived that can trace to the Mager/Magor variation of Mayers/Majors.

Antipatria, because it was also Antipater, got suspect with Antipater, father of the first Herod, who might be in the Nathan heart. The writer didn't make the following description up: "A red heart pierced by a black arrow in bend sinister." SINISter was added for a reason, and as I trace heraldic sinister to Senecio Albinus, adopted by Umbrius Primus, it's notable that the same Nathans use COMPASSes, like "Compsa, origin of Umbrius Primus. The Primus leg even shares the spur with the Close's at the Nith. Moreover, with the Mayers/Majors originating in an uncle of the Conqueror, they may have been from a sibling of his mother, who married Herluin de Conteville, now tentatively traced to Conza, the alternative name of Compsa. It just so happens that the Cons/Conns (Camp/Compsa colors) share a fesse-with-barrulets, in colors reversed, with compass-using Nathans! German Cons' are listed with Cohens sharing the blue-and-white checks of Nitts/Naughts (escutcheon looks linkable to the Natt/Nathan escutcheon), a good reason to trace Umbrius Primus' descendants to the Nith river.

As the Mayers/Majors are wrongly said to derive in "COUNCil spear," it now looks like code for spear-using Pasi's/Pascels (and Pass'/Pascals) on account of the comPASS. There is a Couns surname listed with Cone's (same place as Guilles') sharing the antlers of English Conte's, and another arrow in Crest. The Couns/Cone's are said to have had a seat at Fairbourne while fairs share the anchor with Mayers/Majors. While the Couns arrow (not sinister) is held by a hand, the Fairbourne Crest has a sinister "lever screw" held by a hand. There is a Fairbourne location in Kent, where Couns/Cone's and antler-using Hamons were first found. When I get back to the Skeetz email, you'll see that I find the Dutch Schilds, and their SCHRild-and-similar variations is telling be that there could be a Screw-like surname as a branch of Schuh's/Schugs/Schews because Levers (probably the Sinclair rooster) share black bendlets with Dutch Schilds! That alone makes Fairbourne's link to Mayers/Majors and RothSCHILDS.

Levers, said to have named Liverpool possibly, are said to derive in "where the RUSHes grow," but this must be code, for the Rush's (annulets) share "Un dieu" with Irish Darcys/D'Arcys, who are in the Lever write-up, at a Darcy Lever location near the Levers. Darcys are said to be from an Arcy location in Manche, but there are at least two ways to trace them to the Arc river: 1) the background in the Darcy Coats reflect the background in the Chambre Coat while Chambre is a location on the Arc; 2) I trace Blois' to the Arc while Rush's are in Blois colors and first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois'. The Chambre's are the ones sharing the red rose on a stem with Avezzano's, from the Turano theater. As I trace Blois to "Bullis" (near the Apsus river), note that bullrushes are also called CATTAILs, for the counts of Blois merged with the counts of Chatillon. This makes the bullrush a clever code for Blois elements. The Knights (Suffolk) are suspect with a version of the Arms of the counts of Chatillon (three pale bars).

Unless you think that Rush's were named by the Bullrushes at Lever, you need to get smart to heraldic codes in write-ups, and in the meantime note the BULL in the Lever Crest. This bull is suspect with the Bach "steer" because Steers share a "cede" motto term with the lever-screw Fairbourne's. The Lever bull can trace to Turano > Durance liners because Darcys are also Dorseys, and because the source of the Durance is near the Arc. Cedes' (same place as Levi-suspect Levers and Sadducee-suspect Chadocks / Chadwicks / Chads) are listed with Seats, which can be suspect with Sidicini liners. "Cedes" is like "Geddes," and the latter share the Chaddock / Chadwick escutcheon. It is tending to reveal that Geddes were named after some "Sidicini" variation, wherefore let's repeat: "...a good reason to trace Umbrius Primus' descendants to the Nith river." The Cedes may be using the Caesar Chief.

Teague's/Teegers (Julian cross again), using the wolf-head design of Rush's, are suspect with the Medley tiger, and then the Medley motto is "IN DEO fides" i.e. linkable to the Rush / Dorsey motto. The Gilles' -- can be suspect either with the Guilles of Majors or the Gully Julians -- use an "In te" motto phrase, not only like "In deo," but like the INTEgritas" motto term in the Arms of Rothschild. Whether Geritts ("Semper fidelis") apply to that term or not, they are using a fesse in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse, and a trefoil in the color of the Albino trefoil: "A lion passant with red tongue, resting the SINISTER paw on a trefoil." The Geritt fesse is blue, as with the Weir fesse, and Gilles' share lozengy with Irish Weirs. The Geritt fesse and lion are in the colors of the Guerra bendy, and this can link to the two Dulys bends, suspect with the two Schild bends because Dulys' can be Du Lys' suspect from the Arc river.

The Geritt fesse and lion are in the colors of the Nagle fesse with lozenges, and they both share a gold Crest. The Grete's/Greats (gold rooster in Crest, of the design in the Saltire Crest, and suspect with the rooster of Were-related Giffords) look like they can apply to Geritts, but the Grete's are looking like the Vere kin of Nagle's/Nails that trace to Oneglia, home of the Doria's that might just have been a branch of Dorseys/Darcys. The NanGALE variation of Nagle's can go to Tintagel, for Tints, sharing a blue unicorn with Gale's, trace to the Atintanes (map) on the same river as Bullis. And because king Arthur, who traces to the Arduinic that married Doria's in Ongelia, was born in Tintagel (to a Gore-Lois merger). The Gale's are clearly using a version of the Nagle/Nangale Coat, but with gold lions, the Geritt symbol. Therefore, you just saw proto-Rothschilds tracing to this Arthurian picture. Atintanes were near Oricum, traced to Orrs and Orells, and then Doris' are listed with D'Orris'.

Medleys (same place as Saddocks) and Medleycotts/Motleys are like "Modey," a surname listed with Modens suspect from the Arc river. The Rush wolf-head is white, the colors of the wolves of Gore's/Core's and Gowers/Gore's who share the gold crosslets in the background of the Darcy Coat. Quillan in Languedoc uses a white wolf, suggesting the possibility that Mauger married a line from Quillan. The black Darcy bull thus becomes suspect with the black bull of Cole's who share a motto term like in the Gore motto, both tracing to Servitium at the Colapis/Kupa theater, which is why Gore's and Youngs (Una river, near Servitium) were first found in the same place as Caepio-suspect Quints. Youngs (Hungarian liners, in my opinion) share annulets with Rush's and Ugrian-suspect Hogens, the latter using their annulets in colors reversed from the Young annulets. These Hogens are wrongly said to derive in "young" as code for Youngs). Avezzano-suspect Avis'/Avisons are honored by Kennedys, whose Irish branch was first found in the same place (Tipperary) as Hogens/HOGERs (suspect with "Ugrian," the root of Magyars) who in-turn use white-on-blue ram heads, the colors of the Baut and Arms-of-Finistere rams. The Hoger/Hogan Coat betrays their being branches of Hagars and Hagans, traceable to the AGARus river, an alternative name of the Siret in the land of Trypillians. The Bauts trace to the Bautica river flowing from the Salassi theater, and past Turin.

German Rush's share arrows with Hogens/Hogers and may therefore have become Rothschild kin. The Siret to which Hogens/Hogers trace had the Buzau as one of its tributaries, and the Cotesii from the Buzau trace to royal Cottians near the Arc.

All those savages, naked aside from a loincloth, may be implying that Savage's, and Savignano, are Nysus / Naxos / Nice / Nicaea liners such as Knechts. It's clever because Dionysus was given a savage symbol in his loud and dancing Maenads, who remind me of modern rock-and-roll stoners. Dionysus Maenads carried thyrsus' rods, like the "torse" term in the Shuck write-up. The thyrsus has vines as code for Dionysus' wine symbol, and the pine cone at the end of the rod was symbol for the pine symbol of Attis, the disgusting sun god of Phrygia. The Nuzi location of Dionysus had some written inscription on Nahor (I can't recall the details), and Nahor's line is suspect with Nairi and Neuri to North, Norrys, and similar surnames. It might begin to appear that Nahor liners were with the Dionysus cult, especially as the Neuri wolf symbol can be one of howling lunacy or a night theme. The Knights / Nights may have been named after such a theme. The Greek for "night" was Naxos-like, wasn't it? Apparently, then, the Elis liners at Latmus were joined to Dionysus elements suspect in the moon goddess. But I'm not forgetting that the Elis cross is suspect with the Benjamin saltire, or that Benjamins were first found in the same place as Heads using UNIcorns suspect with the Una river, home of the Benjamin-Jabesh alliance.

One Cnut surname uses the unicorn too. The Danish Cnuts ("pot-hangers tied with a ribbon") are excellent for tracing naked liners to the Albino's, for these Cnuts not only share the green-on-white trefoils with Albino's, but use so-called "banners"! This recalls the article I have on the Geds of the Nith, where the writer thinks that the young St. Patrick, near the Nith, may have been abducted from the Romans by the Geds. In any case, the implication made by the writer is that Kilpatricks trace to St. Patrick, but as he had the green clover as his symbol, the Cnuts are obviously tracing themselves to Nith liners. Back to the email:

There's an Aubin location to the north-west of Rodez, and the Bauts were first found in that very area! "Lucien Mazars...{says} that Aubin, which bore the name Albin until the end of the 18th century, was founded by the Roman General Declus Clodius Albinus or in his honour".

Duncans were traced to Dunax in the Thrace theater. Although not in the same colors, Duncans share trefoils in their Chief with the Albino Chief. That is actually staggering. Keep the Duncan trace in mind when we get to the painters of shields, for Duncans and Chamberlains share the Painter chevron. The Duncan cinquefoil is that of the Blanks, which begs whether Duncans link to Plunketts, for Duncans share a ship with the Arms of Morlaix (Finistere). There is a ship also in the Suty Crest, and Sutys are the ones with a lion like that in the Arms of Finistere. The GUNN ship can trace to the GONfanon and therefore to Fanano. The Gunn ship [same design] is used by Salyes-related Durants (Durance and Turano rivers).

I've just learned that Spanish Alba's were first found in the same place as Spanish Marano's, and German Alba's (compares with Dressers] are using a counterchanged giant fleur, as with Banners, but the Alba's are using the split Shield of Sion/Sitten, as are Chads (see also the Murena-suspect Trents using the split Shield of Sheds/Scheds). Italian Alba's share the swan with Sions/Swans. It looks like Alba's were Albino liners. English Banners use "sine" [a surname] listed with Sions/Swans. Note that Scottish Banners give the look of the Fortuna talbot, for this picture makes some Fort liners are suspect with "MontFORT." English Banners share "nothing" in their motto with Sutys. This Panaro area is where the Skits, Scheds and Skeets' should prove to trace. And so the trick is to find absolute evidence of some Sidicini location there, and the Setta valley seems to be one. The Sestola-like Settels use lozenges only, and they happen to be in the colors of the Albino trefoils. Spanish Alba's share the oak tree with Panico's and Schuh's/Schugs, the latter suspect with the Skit variations. The Schuh's/Schugh's share the ostrich theme with Beaks suspect in the "beaked" term of Scheds [same as Pek-river liners tracing to Scheds], and the latter use "legged" for their falcon. Scheds also use "dexter claw" while "Claws" is listed with Clasons that use a giant lion in the colors of the Fortuna talbot. It's the Marano / Montfort / Grey lion again.

Kilpatricks of CLOSEburn use a dexter paw, and the Sched falcon obviously links to the "falcon close" of Nit h-river Naughtens/Nortons, a good reason to expect Sidicini and Neuri blood on the Nith, and amongst Kilpatrick liners. I do not think that Nortons were a variation of the namers of the Nith and their branches, but I rather see a Neuri (and other Nahor liners) merger with the Nith's namers. Panaro-river liners of the banner kind were apparently a part of the Nothings/Northens, perfectly expected where the Cnut trefoils had traced to Albino's, first found on the Panaro. Dexters were suspect with Exeter in Devon, where Albins/Aubins were first found.
One of the best arguments to use for tracing Skeets' and similar others to Sadducee liners is the use of the potent cross in the flag of Templar Jerusalem. Just think of it; God boots the Sadducees out of Zion, but they attempt to return and take it by force of arms with the help of the false-Jesus-toting Vatican. Meanwhile, they name a new Sion in the Swiss Alps. How do you spell, desperado?

One expects Brocks in this picture, especially as they use "VIREscit" while Mortain is at the Vire-river theater. The other Sheds (same place where Shaw liners are expected) happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks and Brocuffs. The Shed chevron and symbols give the impression of the Sion/Swan Coat so that Sheds and Scheds look like they are of the namers of Sitten. The Shed chevron is in the colors of the Arms-of-Fanano fesse, and then the Fanano banner has "Fides" written across it, while Sheds use "fidem." [Compare with Penders.] The Shed Crest is a "hermit couped BELOW the SHOULDers," and the Schultz's (Switzerland) can be a Schutz liner [especially as the Schultz stars are in the colors of the same of Shucks']. Of interest here is that potent-like Patents share the Schole lozengy Shield [recalls Schulers and Shovels/Shulers]. Hermits/Armits (shares "fortis" with the Pender motto), probably a branch of Armours, share the Brock-Crest lion, and use white helmets, linkable to the OPEN helmets of Mynetts. Brocuffs share the sphinx with OPENheims now suspect with AUBINs listed with Albins. Mortain is beside the Heimes part of Normandy (suspect with OpenHEIMS), where Sees is located that may be of "Sestola." Heimes is in the red circle at this map:

Dutch Schultz's are even listed with Schilds! The Armours use a white helmet too, as well as the blue-on-white armored arm of Schultz's (Schole colors), and moreover the Armors use a fesse in colors reversed from the Shed fesse. This gives the impression that the Brittany Aubins should link to the Cotes-du-Armour area of Brittany, where Motts/Morte's (Modena / Marano suspects) were first found that are in Schultz-star colors. The Armours use a "tut" term buried in their motto, while Belows share "VirTUTE" with Chives, and the latter use the Schulz quarters...The Helms use white helmets, suggesting that "Helm" is a "HERMit" variation. These lines likely link to the Brittany ermine symbol i.e. the Ermine/Armine surname, suspect with Germans. The Herminones Germanics worshiped Sion-like Zio. The other Helms look like Sale's/Sallete's, which gets us back to the Schutz liners.

Dutch Schultz's/Schilds are traced to "painter of shields," but this is an excellent example of code work in write-ups, for Painters use "An old man' s head couped at the shoulder...", proving that the shoulder is code for Schultz's. The Painter pellets trace well to Mont Pilat, as do Payens. Painters are suspect with Pointers that I trace to Pincs and Panico's. The Poitvins in the Settel write-up may apply. Painters point out the "blue cap" on the old man, and then Poitvins use a blue jay. The Coops (same chevron as Sheds) are in the current update as tracing to Schere's/Scherfs, and here I find that Schultz's/Schilds show SCHRilds / SCHRultz variations. All shown variations end in 's / z'. Schilds and Schultz's are in Hound/Houn colors, and while Hounds share the ermined Gifford lozenges, the latter use the PAYNE motto while Painters are also PAYNters. Panico's are also Pane's and Painter-like "Panetta."

Giffords share the rooster likely of Saltire's / Heaths, but as Giffords (Schild colors) once showed the Jonathan rooster design, note that the latter's has been changed to that of Blue's. The Gifford rooster is used exactly by SKELtons (share raven with Rothes'), and the Skeltons were first found in the same place as Bernice's, and use the Bernice fesse in colors reversed. It looks like Skeltons were Schild liners to the same family that named Rothschilds. Sheldons, likewise in Schild colors, use an "Optimum pati" motto term, and are in the colors of the Nith-suspect Pattys. The colors of "optem"-using Teague's can relate here. Note how the "inTEGRAS" motto term of anchor-using Openheims (same place as Schutz's), who share "Industria" and "Concordia" with the Arms-of-Rothschild motto, can be for Teeger / Tigranes liners.

There is at least one way to link RothSCHILDs to the Schutz picture. The ermined lozenges of Hounds/Houns (link to the Gifford lozenges) are used by Dents (same place as Hermits) on a bend like that of Helms (Schild kin, lest you missed that), and Dents use two motto terms in an Arms of Rothschilds. Dents are said to be from SEDburgh. This makes the "CONcordia" motto term of Dents and Rothschilds suspect with Sidicini in Conza, on the one hand, and with Cortemelia on the other. It was (last update in July) while on the Cortemelia location (near the Tanaro) that I caught wind of a Sidicini trace to that area. Cortemelia ended up linking to Brays and SHUTTLEworths, and Brays/Brae's not only use the weaver's shuttle, but eagle legs! We had met up with the eagle leg in the Crest of Saltz', and here it can be added that the Helms (share pheon with Sale's) and Dents both use a version of the Sale/Sallete bend while Saluzzo is near the Tanaro theater.

A Mr. Murena had conquered the Salassi for the Romans, near Modane, which can get some Salassi to Modena's Marano location since it looks named after Murena. It was AULUS Murena that conquered the Salassi, and Wallace's/Wallis use the Marano lion. Therefore, expect a trace of Saltire's to Marano, but ask why Saltire's call their roundels, "discs." There is a Bra location (Montferrat area) smack beside Monforte, and Bray in Normandy is close to Montfort. Montfort is to the near north-east of Lisieux, suspect somewhat with the Organ lizards and the Lizarts. Dents use a "A silver tiger's head, couped." That's too many couped terms to be coincidental. It was the Side's/Scythes' that use the tiger. Dents of SEDburgh are said to be from "Denet," now highly suspect with Teano. The Dent lozenges are colors reversed from the Daniel lozenges (called fusils). It's another good reason to trace Saddocks and Chaddocks to Sidicini.

I had ventured to see the Dusters in the "InDUSTRia" term of Dents. And here I find that Dusters share the green-on-white cinquefoils of Albino's! Zowie, that traces the "Industria"-using Rothschilds to Senecio Albinus. The Duster Coat is a virtual copy of the sinister Fein Coat (Fanano colors), and in the Fein Crest, more wings with fesses (or are they bends?) upon them (as shared by Glass' and Saltz's). One wing is blue, the colors of the Bauer wings. As Hiedlers/Hitlers share the Bauer stars, note that Dusters are using a version of the Heidler/Heidt Coat.

The Chamberlains (use the Chaddock escutcheon) are using a version of the Duncan / Donkey Coats, and it's the latter who use a "disce" motto term. The Saltire roundels should link to Duncans, therefore, but then Chamberlains trace to Chambre on the same river as Modane [where Darcys, kin of Rothschild-related Levers, trace]. Chambre's share the red rose on a stem with Schere's/Scherfs and Coops (are SCHERFs part of the "lever SCREW" line?].

Note that Conteville upon that map is at Havre, for Sutys use "have" in their motto while Conte's are now being traced to Compsa. It suggests that Sidicini were at the Havre area, which is at the Sion-like Seine-river theater.

"Schutz" still gives me the impression of a Germanicized "Shutz." And "Scythes," as far back as the Greek myths (gave him Hercules as father) may have been a Germanicized version of Sittec, which sounds like Zedek of Jerusalem. There are some good reasons to trace Germans to Armenians at mount Hermon, and from Sion there to Sion/Sitten. The latter goes through the Fanano area, as this update will show, especially through the Melusine line of the Mitanni > Veres. The Egypt connection you seem to be looking for should be in the Atun-cult Mitanni through Modena.

Let's go back to Clodius Albinus of France's Aubin location. Wikipedia says there is doubt / controversy as to whether this Albinus was the namer of that location. But let's look at it anyway. As Cassius' were first found in Modena, note below what may have been a mortal struggle between Clodius and the Albino's of Modena. As he was born in Tunisia, it gets him to the Shawia theater, and as Shaws use "qui" while Sheaves use keys, and besides that the Shawia Numidian were called by qui-like term, note the CEIonius surname:

[Clodius] Albinus was born in Hadrumetum, Africa Province (Sousse, Tunisia) to an aristocratic Roman family of Ceionia (gens) origin. His father, Ceionius, said his son received the name of Albinus because of the extraordinary whiteness of his complexion [cover-up?]. Showing a disposition for military life, he entered the army when very young and served with distinction, especially in 175 during the rebellion of Avidius Cassius against Emperor Marcus Aurelius...The Emperor likewise declared that without Albinus the legions (in Bithynia) would have gone over to Avidius Cassius, and that he intended to have him chosen consul.

Bithynia is where Mr. Tertullus, husband of Plancia Magna, was stationed in earlier times. And for the idea that Albino liners were in king Alpin, see here from the same article: "The Emperor Commodus gave Albinus a command in Gallia Belgica and afterwards in Britain." Belgica, location of the Bouillons, first found in the same place as Bauts! It looks like Bouillons can trace to Albinus, whichever one it was, that named Aubin. And so let's repeat that the Brittany Aubins share hurts with Arduinici-suspect Arthurs i.e. from the Bautica river. It flows from Aosta, founded by Salassi, toward Turin, but passing both it and Chives-suspect Chivasso. Recall the Negro of Collers:

Pescennius Niger was proclaimed Emperor by the legions in Syria; Septimius Severus by the troops in Illyricum and Pannonia [there is a Savaria location in Pannonia, and this area is suspect with "Panaro"); and Albinus by the armies in Britain and Gaul.

In the civil war that followed, Albinus was initially allied with Septimius Severus, who had captured Rome. Albinus added the name Septimius to his own, and accepted the title of Caesar from him...

Severus was himself from north Africa, and he traces well to the Geti surname of Africa, suspect with Getuli Numidians. It was the Saraca's, suspect with Caracalla (Severus' son and Geta's brother), that were traced through Modena (last update). Compare "Ceion" to the Chiapponi / Cioffani variations of Italian Sheaves, and note that English Sheaves'/Shaws share bunched arrows with Rothschilds, for the "qui" term of these Shaws suggest the Kays/Keys sharing the double bends (in colors reversed) of Dutch Schilds. If the Ceionus surname was from the Sheaves', note that they were first found in Abruzzo, while Abruzzo elements named the Eburovices/Ebroicum of Evreux, where the Albins/Aubins are said to have lived. I identify Eboracum, an alternative name of York, where Severus and Caracalla were stationed, with the Ebroicum. The Eburones were of the Belgics and may apply to Clodius Albinus in Belgica. If Ceionus' named Keons, or even if not, it can be part of the eschutCHEON along with Schutz's. Wouldn't that be something, because if it's correct, it shows a fundamental link between the two surnames. Sometimes it's called an INEScutcheon, and then Schilds use double fesslets in colors reversed to the same of Ince's and Inch's, suspect with Innis'. Note that while RothSCHILDs founded Israel, the flag of Israel is the Innis Zionist star. The other Innis Coat uses a regular star in blue, as do Schuh's/Schugs...

End of the "email" that was extended for this update, not to overload Mr. Skeetz with so much material. Thank you Mr. Skeetz for your questions and comments.


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If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

In 2014, the latest Firefox browser no longer gave the option of surfing with javascript turned off.
With javascript turned off, one can copy and cut from the write-ups at houseofnames, but when its on, one cannot.
Try another browser if you are working with houseofnames.