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Januray 1 - 5, 2015

Cracking the Guis Egg of Sardinia
What do Drengots Got to do With Sardinia?
Galatian Connection to Maccabee Formation

This December-31 statement makes no sense:
Oil prices have collapsed this year as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries opted to maintain the same level of output despite a global glut caused by expanding U.S. shale output and diminished demand growth from China.

How could there be a glut if OPEC continues to sell oil at the usual rate? A glut means there's too much oil, and that hardly anyone's buying. But it OPEC is selling at the usual rate, then purchases are also at the usual rate. I think there is a conspiracy to lie to us on the reason for the oil drop. It is especially ridiculous to suggest a drastic oil drop due to a glut as winter sets in. The article cries the blues for all who normally make fast money on high oil. Boo-hoo, how sad.

There's a headline: "Russian ruble drops by 41 percent vs. US dollar in 2014." That's such a drastic drop that there might be a conspiracy to go for Putin's jugular by drastically lowering Russian oil profit simultaneously. That makes more sense. "The main reason for the collapse of the Russian ruble was the speedily decline of oil prices."

China opened an embassy in Kurdistan. With all the talk on China developing rapidly at this time in a high-tech way, the red-dragon monster will need lots of oil. Can lack of Iraqi oil predict the reason for Revelation's "kings of the east" in Iraq? Maybe not. Revelation says 200 million soldiers from the kings of the east. Is that do-able? What kind of a crisis in Iraq would cause that many to come out? No one has ever heard of an army that large. How could John have predicted such a vast number, especially 1900 years ago?

Didn't the Christians reading that part of Revelation realize that the Return wasn't going to happen in their lifetimes? Did Christians simply reject Revelation altogether as not Inspired? Did someone add an extra zero? Should it be 20 million? Or maybe two million? I have a very hard time imagining 200 million.

If there were a 600-mile strip one mile wide, there would be about 75 square feet per man in a 200-million man army. There are about 600 miles from Baghdad, up the Euphrates, and then down through Jordan to Israel. When they are stationed only on the north bank of the Euphrates, as Revelation claims they will be, there will be less then 300 miles of length, so that, even if they spread out in a corridor one mile from the river, they would have some 30 square feet each, about the size of a double bed. What will they eat? There shouldn't be enough food in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Israel combined to feed them for long. That doesn't include the enemy army needing food too. It's not going to be a long war, that's for sure. But why would 200 million be needed? Who else would be able to put up even 25 million? Is this event still way in the future, or did someone put in the wrong number?

One explanation is a nuclear catastrophe where China is bombed, and, with fall out making it dangerous to live there, even the people on the streets decide to leave the country. If their winds are westerly, they will likely go west. Their best choice for food in a westerly direction is Iraq's two river. In the meantime, they seek to destroy the anti-Christ that they feel was responsible for the nuclear attack. I "like" this idea more than China coming with an army for mere oil needs. It makes more sense. But why would anyone bomb China? Will it become a major threat to the West? Besides, Revelation says that the kings of the east will be saddled on some pretty mythical-sounding horses with heads of lions shooting sulfur and fire. Their are even tails that shoot fire. What kind of horses are these?

No false prophet in his right mind would predict such a vast army with such unreal creatures, if he wants to be taken seriously, or if he wants his name to live in recognition for predicting the right thing. That's why it sounds like a true prophecy Spoken in code. For the sake of past generations that didn't know modern weapons, the army has horses shooting fire from their mouths and tails, but for the end-timers, we know what's Meant. In other words, it doesn't sound like the 200 million are fleeing their country, but rather advancing as a prepared army with weapons. Perhaps it will be both, a flight from a nuclear catastrophe as well as coming out full with all their weapons. Revelation's 6th Trumpet and 6th Seal together make it fairly plain that they are on the offensive so that the anti-Christ system needs to prepare an army to defend itself from that offensive. Imagine how large an army the kings of the earth will need to assemble, which they choose to do in the Jezreel plain of northern Israel, to fend this monster off.

And why did they assemble at Jezreel while the 200 million are at the opposite side of the Euphrates? For starters, it's a wide-open area, and low lying as far as sea level goes, and is accessible from the Mediterranean. Besides, in Daniel 11, the anti-Christ is in Israel when he hears the report about the coming of this army...from the east and north, it says. If the 200 million were on their way to Europe, the anti-Christ's forces would not assemble in northern Israel, but in Turkey or Syria, if possible. It looks like the 200 million are on their way to Israel, suggesting that the anti-Christ has angered the orientals.

In the 6th Bowl (Revelation 16), it depicts the defensive as frogs coming out of the mouths of the chiefs of the anti-Christ system. These frogs go out to convince all kings to gather at Jezreel = Megiddo for to stop the Orientals. But in Daniel 11, we learn that it's a suicide mission, and that the frogs have global suicide on their minds. When the anti-Christ realizes that it's game over due to the orientals, he wants everyone else dead along with himself. And the others have the choice of whether to join him or not. It sounds as though the West is involved in joining him. One of the frogs comes from the mouth of satan, indicating that he knows this is the prophetic end. He wants the earth to fall with him.

It sounds as though the West will gamble with the orientals, doing something terrible to it, or something that it opposes, hoping that it will not retaliate. It gives the impression of what the U.S. and Britain are doing even now, pushing Russia's buttons, and risking a global confrontation. The West sees that China and Russia, and a host of others, are in joint opposition to the West, yet the latter continues to intrude eastward seeking a globalist thing on its own terms. At this point, it's high-tech weaponry of the United States versus the high population of the orient, and the West probably thinks that it would win a war like that. But it's not expecting 200 million, is it?

There is a thing that argues against a Western anti-Christ. Revelation 17 says that the anti-Christ will burn the Harlot with fire, and Daniel 7 has Rome burnt in fire. How could the frogs that go out gathering the kings of the earth be a Western entity that then attacks Europe? It seems to me that history has not yet arrived to this scenario, as I can make no sense of it, unless the anti-Christ is Russian. But that creates problems of its own unless one can view the current situation as the Harlot riding on the back of Russia. I can't see it. It's more like the Harlot trying to chase a Russian weasel away with a broom at this time.

Perhaps Putin will be toppled with a pro-West ruler, making the whole world, but the Orient, exceedingly glad. Once Russia joins Westernism with a pro-West leader, the entire globe on the West side, and many even in the Orient, will be willing to celebrate Western globalism. Perhaps it will become a thing to be treated sacred, a thing of worship, so to speak, in order that the world will not fall back to a dim-outlook, cold-war scenario. One could say that the West will portray itself as the good, democratic angel so that it deceives much of the world into supporting it. When Russia seems secured, the West will then seek to topple China, right?

What would happen if a Russian invades the Middle East in fulfilling prophecy? Suppose this pro-West Russian leader is given the job that Donald Tusk holds today, thus fulfilling the 11th head that follows the ten as a leader of the Roman empire. Will he then direct his general to invade, or support his secret partner for invading, the Middle East even while acting as the EU president? If so, history is definitely not arrived yet.

There is what looks like a nuclear explosion in the 5th Trumpet that can explain why the orientals invade westward. Contrary to most views, I see the 6th Bowl taking place as virtually the very next plague after the 5th Trumpet. Others think (logically but wrongly) that the 6th and 7th Trumpets, as well as the first five Bowls, must take place between the 5th Trumpet and 6th Bowl. There were good reasons for rejecting that sequence, wherefore my view of the sequence became like this: 1st Seal, 1st Trumpet, 1st Bowl...5th Seal, 5th Trumpet, 5th Bowl, 6th Seal, 6th Trumpet...

The 6th Seal is a darkening of the earth, with a sun turned black. I've got to assume that it's very temporary. Once the light returns, it's time for Armageddon. While the sun is darkened, or immediately afterward, the gathering of many nations to fight the 200 million takes place. I assume that the West will officially decide to bring in their beloved air power. The mountains of Israel were already covered like a cloud a few years previous, and the remnants of that army will be directed to assemble at Megiddo, with more fighters pouring in from the sea. There won't be much time. The Arabs will be lured into joining the fight because they will worship the anti-Christ, having been at the front lines in the invasion of Israel. On whose side do we think North Korea will be on?

The sun is turned off in spite of making the world realize that prophecy is fulfilled, because there will be nothing anyone can do to change the scenario. The orientals are going to invade, plain and simple. This is the sudden destruction that comes while the world is celebrating peace and safety in the great military might of the beast. Who can make war against it, they will boast, until the 200 million appear to bring the beast's 1260-day rule to an end.

At that time, the world that worshiped the might of the beast will no longer be giddy. The masses, on their way through rush hour, as usual, will become hopelessly limp at the obvious disaster about to take place. They didn't count on the formation of the 200 million. The Western leaders will decide on behalf of all the peoples that all must suffer disaster because the leaders don't want to give up their leadership, nor their cherished globalism, without a fight. They envision a glimmer of hope, but it's false. As always, they never did have concern for the peoples, but were thinking only of themselves, just like the Pharisees that pretended to be holy and good.

I am sorry for this. It's a terrible end. It's important to say that, while the end is God's will, the end will come not by His forcing man to make his decisions, nor to steer his actions and reactions. According to 2 Thessalonians 2, God will stand to keep the end from coming...until He just gets out of satan's way, allowing him to guide mankind. And together, man and satan will make the decisions. At the 6th Bowl, we read that, even after the sun is turned off, and the vast army flows across the Euphrates, men will still not repent for to put down their weapons, and serve God. It indicates that Gods wants them to put away their cherished and "miraculous" weapons, and that there is a chance to avoid Armageddon, if only they choose not to fight. But as they don't read their Bibles, they will be darkened to the realities before them.

The 5th Trumpet (Revelation 9), which can only be a nuclear explosion, and which is one good reason for taking Revelation as a true prophecy, is a difficulty to understand. It seems to indicate the Mysians under Apollo. The long hair like women's hair, for example, seems like play on the ancient portrayal of Amazons. I wouldn't have said that if the nuclear explosion didn't involve Apollo. It does, and it mentions his very name as the chief of that explosion. If only we knew what "Abaddon" refers to, we might have a better idea as to what nation will be responsible for this explosion. If we think it comes from the West, then why does it afflict those with the mark of the beast? Will the mark be an Arab thing only, not Western? Perhaps. We in the West hope so.

The explosion brings the 1260 days of the anti-Christ to a close (I see the close at the 5th Bowl, as it's made obvious in the text). It definitely seems to be from his enemy, therefore. One might imagine Pakistan, India or North Korea. Iran? Perhaps it leads to the West returning a nuclear backlash, thus causing the 200 million to set out. I don't often quote scriptures here because you need to read them for yourself. If you're interested, you will. If you're not interested, God may not be interested in you. When our faith is weak, He's waiting to see whether we will be concerned for losing it completely, or happily go the flow of the world.

What good does it do to tell us that the 5th Trumpet will involve Apollo, fighters with women's hair, and locusts coming out from the smoke of a fiery furnace (in a deep hole in the ground)? Are we supposed to grapple with these riddles in order to solve them before the event takes place? Or is the terminology to simply educate us, on whom Apollo has evolved into, when the event takes place? Why locusts instead of bees or ants or moths? Is it for an eating-away-the-crops scenario? The details in the description of the locusts does not altogether bring any particular weapons to mind that we know of today. We can be led to believe that helicopters / jets are in play due to the loud noises of their wings, and some view the long hair as helicopter rotors. I do not think that John saw the actual weapons, and then tried his best to explain them. I think he saw a vision of something unreal, just as he describes it, and that the terms used to describe it were Meant as codes for us to grapple with.

It's even possible that Apollo represents the West, and that the mark of the beast will be an Arab thing from the radical dictators now arising. Why would radical Arabs want to force people to make purchases via a mark on their bodies? It is like a forced-religion method of making everyone loyal to the dictator? How can Revelation say that everyone worship the beast if the West sets off a nuclear explosion to torment those that receive the mark? Is the West completely uninvolved at Armageddon? Why would the anti-Christ be an Arab if Daniel connects him to Roman emperors? Why is it so difficult to come to terms with all the prophecies combined? Is the time not here yet, or are some of the prophecies false?

If Revelation is a false prophecy, how did John know to make the fiery furnace of the 5th Trumpet occur from a falling star? Isn't that clearly a missile with a nuclear warhead? A large smoke goes up after that star hits the ground. Hello? Why isn't the world listening to this?

Clearly, the locusts that come from the smoke were not buried in the ground and released from the explosion. Although the prophecy is worded in that way, we have no choice but to reject that view. The only thing that can come from such an explosion is dirt, rock, radioactive material, and a powerful push of air sent in all directions. My view is that the locusts are a human source from royalty, as their crowns and human faces indicate. The hair like women? A band of female royals? I don't think so. Apollo's Muses seem like a better pick, and they originated at Mosul, right?

It seemed feasible that "Apollo/Abello" named Abila, a few miles from DaMASCUS. But the Apollo Muses spread far and wide. Still, Massyas was a region in the New-Testament time period that reached north to Abila. Might the Itureans that had a chief headquarters at Abila be part of this explosion? Does it involve the line of Idris of Morocco as it formed the Vere-Massey-Stewart Masons? Is it the El-Gabal cult of the end times that likewise involved Massey liners? El-Gabal came to rule Rome in more than one emperor. What if El-Gabal should be viewed as the Harlot rather than all of Rome? Would that change prophetic expectations? Even though the Harlot sat upon the Roman throne, as the last verse of Revelation 17 claims, yet she may have been El-Gabal in particular rather than all of Rime as I have viewed her. That could change everything concerning her riding the beast.

Is it possible to connect the seven heads of the beast, especially Domitian, to the El-Gabal priesthood? Yes, and in fact that seems a given already, even before the question occurred to me. If El-Gabal family was in Arettium and Assisi, then, yes, that can connect to the home area of the Vespasian family.

But what is El-Gabal today? Is the Harlot just a general code for the general Homs area of Syria, where El-Gabal had its capital? The anti-Christ conquers Damascus, and so, possibly, the end-time Gabal entity will come to support him in a superficial relationship. Idris was a descendant of Mohammad after only a few generations. Did his line through Guerin of Provence, and later to the Scot royals, form the Baathist bloodline? Was the bat in my chimney flange code for the Idris-line Harlot?

Is heraldic purple code for the purple robes worn by the El-Gabal priests? The purple lions of the Veys/Vivians can trace to the Fife's and Five's, and the Fife area is where the Bitar/Buttar and Aflack surnames were first found. Just like that, the purple robes could trace to the founders of the Baathists. While one founder of the Baathists was a Mr. Aflaq, the Aflack Crest even uses "An eagle rising", the symbol on the black stone of El-Gabal! And the Aflack eagle is rising, as does the Phoenix, code for Phoenicians. Massyas was in Phoenicia.

Previously, the Aflack cross had no border features, but is now showing a border feature called "embattled": "black embattled crusader's cross." That makes the Aflacks linkable to Bat lines of the battle kind, and Battles/Battaile's use nothing but a griffin, possible code for Agrippa liners, for Bitars/Buttars use the same cross as well as Herod-suspect hearts. The main El-Gabal figure of concern, Julius Bassianus, whose daughter apparently married a Mr. Maesa, might have been an Agrippa because I've been reporting that this was the name of his brother. Either I read wrong, or reported wrong, for Wikipedia makes Julius Agrippa the uncle of Julius Bassianus:

Julius Agrippa was a Syrian nobleman from the Royal family of Emesa who lived in the 2nd century.

Agrippa was an Emesene nobleman who was a direct descendant of the Emesene Roman Priest-Client King Sohaemus of Emesa [married Massena line as well as a daughter of Herod Agrippa], also known as Gaius Julius Sohaemus. He was the brother of a Julius and the paternal uncle of Julius Bassianus, the Emesene High Priest of El-Gebal. El-Gebal is the Aramaic name for the Syrian Sun God.

Agrippa served as a Primipilaris, a former leading Centurion.[5] Agrippa was a man of some wealth as his owned an estate.[6] When Agrippa died perhaps sometime before the late 180s, his name appears to be registered at the time of the Roman Jurist Quintus Cervidius Scaevola. [Sheaves bloodline?]

Agrippa's estate was left to the Roman Empress Julia Domna, as he was the paternal great-uncle to Domna and her elder sister Julia Maesa...

Alright, so let's go with this picture, where Herod and Julius Agrippa were brothers, and Julius gives birth to Julius Agrippa Bassianus, assuming that the latter married Bassianus. If he didn't marry Bassianus, then "Bassianus" appears to have been a name in the Agrippa family of his father.

I don't recall discussing that the Battaile variation of Battle's can indicate a Bat merger with Tails. The latter are listed with Tails/Taylors, one branch of which was first found in the same place (Somerset) as Baths/Atha's and Battins/Badens. The Bats/Baats (in Tail colors) use an engrailed saltire in the colors of the engrailed Sinclair cross, which cross is used by Aflacks and Bitars/Buttars. Bat Colchians were found linkable to Vespasian because his line was found to be from Phasis of Colchis. Therefore, for the revival of the 8th Revelation head from the seven that included Domitian, I'm now expecting a Baathist liner, even though that tends to go contrary to my long-standing belief that he will be a Russian. However, it may be important that Putin's real mother was found (by someone else) in Georgia, at T'bilisi. Putin may be a Bat liner himself, as might be the next Russian president.

It is important that the Tail Crest, and Tail colors, and Bitar / Aflaq crosses, can link to the black-on-white cross of Chives branch of Sheaves liners, for they trace to the Cavii beside the Taulantii, where I trace Tail liners. One Tail/Tailer branch was first found in the same place (Kent) as English Guards/Gards while the Tail lions are said to be "reguardant." Guards/Gards (compare with Pulleys/Pullens) use griffins in the colors reversed to the Griffin griffin, of the Joseph martlet, as does the Pulley/Pullen Chief that looks like a version of the Guard Chief. Irish Gards (share a "hawk's lure" with Herods/Hurls) even use the brown wolf of the Bat/Baat Crest, tending to prove that Tails are indeed in the BatTAILE variation of battle's. That in-turn tends to prove that embattled Aflacks were a line to Mr. Aflaq, whose circle named the BAAThists...after the Templar-related Bat bloodline, right? Or are you going to believe what others say on the derivation of "Baathist," as if they're going to tell you the truth?

The Guard tower is used be FalCONTE's, and the Guard motto ("Toujours fidele") traces to VIS-de-Loop (of the Fiddle's), two things that can link Gards to Gard-like SARDinia. There will be a new investigation later in this update on the VisCONTI's of Sardinia. They are found to be descended directly from a Hohenzollern, at which time I come across the single antler, in the colors of the CONTE antlers, in the Arms of Goppingen, home of Hohenstaufens. This is being said here because the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Goppingen is used by Guards.

The Scrambled Pieces of the Caiaphas Puzzle

If you didn't read on Avezzano (Abruzzo) and Veszprem (Hungary, Pannonia) in the last update, you're missing a crucial piece of the Maccabee story. Jonathan Maccabee, called APPHUS, is tracing to both locations with his family. Thus far, in my view, both locations have to do with the ancestry of Maccabees, and yet one may suppose that Maccabees of a period after 70 AD retreated to either area. Right here, I'm going to walk you through the Maccabee family to show why it was important to trace Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia, to Sulcis (south side of Sardinia, facing Carthage and Numidia.

I know nothing on the Maccabees but what I've read from Wikipedia, not always a great source. Wikipedia has this idea that a superficial treatment on subjects is the right thing for an encyclopedia, but online is not the same as on paper. There is no lack of room online.

I didn't even know until last night that Josephus claimed to descent from Jonathan Maccabee. This is interesting, for Josephus joined the family, in a virtual adoption, of emperor Titus, the one that sacked Jerusalem. Josephus was not exactly a holy man, was he? Anyway, for those that don't know, the Titus surname shares the Moor head of the Chappes', suggesting that the family of Joseph Caiaphas may have abandoned Israel for the Titus Romans. Jonathan Maccabee was the same sort of person, as was king Massena, always betraying the ones suspect of losing wars, and joining the winners.

Can you imagine taking the position of the high priest of the God of Israel as offered by Alexander Balus, a king of the Seleucid Greeks? That's what Jonathan did, and he joined Balus against his enemy seeking the Seleucid throne. Jonathan didn't become the high priest as something between he and God. He was a harlot, and, says Wikipedia, he joined even the Spartans and the Romans. The Spartans are interesting here because the last update taught me that Sardis, the Lydian capital, went by Sparta-like terms (Sfarda/Sparda) to some locals. It's interesting because he joined the Spartans after he got linked up to Balus, and then Sardis is what likely named Sardinia. One could find cause here to trace the family of Balus to Sulcis. I didn't know in the last update that, off the coast from Sulcis, there is a cape Spartivento. The mythical Sparti had arisen to protect the golden fleece in Colchis, and as Losinj (Adriatic) was a Colchian settlement, it should explain the Hyde lozenges.

The last update found that GriMALDi's, suspect from hammer-themed MALLETs, and having a cloak-and-dagger theme that they're proud of, traced to Maccabees on a fundamental level. Sardis was called, Hyde, and Hyde's (Mallet colors) use lozenges, the Grimaldi symbol. The Mallets even use a Coat like the Aves/Avison Coat suspect with "Avezzano" and "Apphus." This is a giant discovery. I wish I could do the topic justice, but, alas, I'm confused, and only starting to pick up the pieces of a long and broken history on these devilish "priests" of Israel. How did Israeli history come to such imposters? The pigs, the unclean, the Gentiles found their way through, and set up the selfish, the power-hungry, the literal sons of satan. Let's call it what it is, and not entertain that Maccabees may have been blessed and called of God. The Seleucids had desecrated the Temple with Jonathan as an eye witness, and he then befriends them, and takes the High-Priest position by the permission of the Seleucids. How do you think God felt about that?

When Diodotus Tryphon was about to enter Judea at Hadid, he was confronted by the new Jewish leader, Simon Maccabaeus, ready for battle. Trypho, avoiding an engagement, demanded one hundred talents and Jonathan's two sons as hostages, in return for which he promised to liberate Jonathan. Although Simon did not trust Diodotus Tryphon, he complied with the request in order that he might not be accused of the death of his brother. But Diodotus Tryphon did not liberate his prisoner; angry that Simon blocked his way everywhere and that he could accomplish nothing, he executed Jonathan at Baskama, in the country east of the Jordan. Jonathan was buried by Simon at Modi'in. Nothing is known of his two captive sons. One of his daughters was the ancestress of Josephus.

Nothing is known of Jonathan's sons? Really? Yet Josephus traced himself to one of their sisters? I wonder how he managed that. Did the Maccabees leave a genealogy with the sons left out? What other sort of information could Josephus have used to track himself to a daughter? Why doesn't Wikipedia give that daughter's name? Is there nothing known about Jonathan's descendants, or has it been covered up because it led to the birth of Caiaphas? Did Josephus and/or his family cover it up?

Jonathan's brother, Simon, had a son, John Hyrcanus:

Judah Aristobulus I, meaning "best advising"; c. 104 - 103 BC), was the first ruler of the Hasmonean Dynasty to declare himself "king," and was the eldest of the five sons of John Hyrcanus, the previous leader.

Never mind looking at the images of the men at the Wikipedia articles; the Maccabees did not look like that.

I ask you, what sort of ignorance could possibly believe that AristoBULUS was named after "best advising"? It's not ignorance. It's a cover up, for Aristobulus' brother was named, Alexander. It's made clear that Simon was involved with Alexander BALUS, and likely married a daughter or other relative of the Seleucid. The same may be true for Jonathan. That picture is what Daniel 8 and 11 may have been prophesying when the prophet foretold the anti-Christ having some connective aspect to the Seleucids after Antiochus III.

Alexander Jannaeus (also known as Alexander Jannai/Yannai; was king of Judea from 103 BC to 76 BC. The son of John Hyrcanus, he inherited the throne from his brother Aristobulus I, and appears to have married his brother's widow, Shlomtzion or "Shelomit..."

You are free to believe "best advising" or "best advertising," but, for me, I see the Alexander-Maccabee line through to the children of Alexander Jannaeus. His one son, Aristobulus II, shows that this line was still honoring Balus to the third generation after Simon. Aristobulus II was pro-Sadducee. It seems that two Levitic groups were fighting for the priesthood. What kind of priests could they have made? That's why I know so little on the Maccabees, because I can't stomach reading up on things like this. I'll do it for my hunt, however. But in the meantime, I'll mock them, and portray them in a true light. At Wikipedia's article on Mariamne, we are left with the impression that she had "great beauty," never mind that she married Herod the great satan. Why, Herod was himself a normal man, according to the new thought.

At the map in the article for Aristobulus II, see that the Maccabee domain reached up well north of the sea of Galilee, into eastern Lebanon, then part of Iturea. The Maccabee domain would then have touched upon, but not including, Massyas / Marsyas. Isn't it a little "coincidental" that Marsi lived at Avezzano, itself beside Massa d'Albe? Or, as Itureans were in the Massyas, shouldn't Idris of Morocco have founded the TUAReg Berbers after ITUReans that trace to Masonry?

In the last update, I took a stab at Caiaphas' mother in theory one: he was from a Iotapa, possibly a sister to a wife of Sampsiceramus II. It was foggy, but the topic touched upon Polemon of Pontus who traced very well to Poole's. Late in the last update, Poole's, Pels and Pulleys traced well to lake Pelso at modern Veszprem. The family circle of Polemon II had blood links to kings of Thrace called "Cotys," and Polemon I was a son of "Zenon." While studying the Maccabee line in this update, I've been keeping an eye out for how Maccabees may have had a member of the Polemon or Sampsiceramus family. I've just found this in the Iturea article accessed from the Massyas link above: "About 23 BC, Iturea with the adjacent provinces fell into the hands of a chief named ZENOdorus (Josephus, l.c. xv. 10, § 1; idem, B. J. i. 20, § 4). Three years later, at the death of Zenodorus, Augustus gave Iturea to Herod the great, who in turn bequeathed it to his son Philip (Josephus, Ant. xv. 10, § 3)."

Caps mine to show that Zenodorus may have had blood links to the Zenon > Polemon line. In the last update, the involvement of the Cotys Thracians explained things concerning the Drake trace between Thrace and Abruzzo, as well as an Arda - Arettium - Arethusa triangle. The point here is, Zenodorus took Iturea about the time of Caiaphas' birth. The article goes on to say: "In 38 Caligula gave Iturea to a certain Soemus, who is called by Dio Cassius (lix. 12) and by Tacitus (Annals, xii. 23) 'king of the Itureans.'" The Thracian kings ruled at Odrysia, and to the north of central Odrysia (if it was at Arda), there is a Suemus river to which "Soemus" can trace. About the same time as Suemus, a Sohaemus, who sounds like he's named in-part after Haemus (area to the north of the Suemus river) and in-part after Suemus, ruled the El-Gabal cult at Emesa on the north of the Itureans. On the map below, the Suemus is above the "CI" of "THRACI".

Zenodorus was the ruler of a small principality in the vicinity of Damascus described by Josephus as the "house of Lysanias", 23-20 BCE. Though Josephus doesn't seem to know it [or did he?], Zenodorus was actually the son of Lysanias...but it is not clear exactly what his territory was for Josephus only gives us information concerning areas south of Damascus...while the center of Lysanias's realm was north-west of Damascus [that would be exactly Massyas if far enough north-west]...Coins minted during his reign describe Zenodorus as "tetrarch and high priest", a phrase also used on coins by his forebearers.

Priests of what?

The plain of Massyas valley, I'm reading, is the southern part of the Beqaa valley. The valley takes one direct to Emesa at the northern end, which had kings, while Lysanias and his father, Ptolemy, were Roman governors from Abila (north-west from Damascus) and northern Syria, with perhaps much in-between. Ptolemy ruled "from about 85 BC to 40 BC" and was checked by Aristobulus II Maccabee. The article says that Maccabee was protecting Damascus from Ptolemy. However, "When Aristobulus II was murdered by Pompey's party in Judea (49 BC), his sons and daughters found protection with Ptolemy (Ant. xiv. 7, § 4; B. J. i. 9, § 2). It may be that the national Jewish party at that time depended for support on the Itureans in Chalchis, and perhaps the following statement has reference to that fact: "On the 17th of Adar danger threatened the rest of the Soferim in the city of Chalchis, and it was salvation for Israel" (Meg. Ta'an. xii.)."

Were the Itureans distant kin of the Maccabees?

Antigonus, son of Aristobulus, was also supported by Ptolemy in his effort to establish himself as king in Judaea (Ant. xiv. 12, § 1). Josephus says that the Hasmonean king Antigonus [a nice Greek name] was a "kinsman" of Ptolemy. He was married to Antigonus's sister Alexandra [still showing Balus love], who had previously married Ptolemy's son Philippion. However, Ptolemy slew his son and took his bride for himself. Ptolemy died just as the Parthians were invading Judaea

Aristobulus the harlot was forced to join Julius Caesar, or go it alone with God. He chose Mr. Killer Caesar. He had a lot of people killed in order to ruler further away. In the end, they both died. Did they think they would live forever?

The first Polemons, who had king Massena in their ancestry (see last update), lived during the births of PONTIUS Pilate and Joseph Caiaphas. Their ancestry could easily have had some of this Maccabee blood when taking refuge in the Itureans of northern Syria. Zenon, that is, may have been part Maccabee.

Next, after Aristobulus II: "His son Antigonus led a rebellion against Rome, with help from the Parthians, and became king and high priest in 40 BC, but was defeated and killed by the Romans in 37 BC." The Parthians are interesting because they were around the southern shores of the Black sea, location of Hyrcania/Verkana (Wolf Land), what is thought to have named Hyrcanus, son of Simon Maccabee. The Parthians had threatened, and finally defeated, the Seleucids at the time that Seleucids were infesting in Judea. We need to be ashamed of peoples continually seeking to expand their borders by war, especially Alexander "the great" (who named him that?) who had no business taking Iran. "Mithridates I of Parthia (r. c. 171-138 BC) greatly expanded the empire by seizing Media and Mesopotamia from the Seleucids." The term "Pharisee" may have come out of that Parthian connection to the Maccabees. Parthians had run a priesthood in northern Syria to which the Archelaus' belonged. Is that the cult run by the Itureans prior to the Archelaus'? Was that the origin of Pharisees? Was Caiaphas originally a Pharisee?

It's not necessarily contradictory to trace Pharisees both to Parisii of France and to Parthians if the Parisii were descended from Pharisees. Parthians and proto-Parthians lived in the land of Gorgons, and the Parisii showed Gorgon-like coins. The colors of early France, their fleur-de-lys, was in the colors of the Ferrari lion. It's not necessary to view Pharisees alone as the establishment of the Parisii, but rather Pharisees were just one branch of the Parisii line. Parthenians are predicted to have spread westward in and through the Pontus several centuries BC as mythical Perseus and Paris on the Parthenius river and in Mysia's Marmara. Mythical Marsyas was of Phrygia at and around the Parthenius. It's all relevant to the Marsi at Avezzano. I had traced proto-Zeus to a merger with Rhagae at the Hyrcania theater, and then his Taurus cult was of Tyre, what would later be part of the ITURean domain.

With Maccabee leaders joining the Parthians before 40 BC, when they had a close relationship with what looks like a late part of the Zeus cult, the Maccabees would have been likely opposed to Zenon's pro-Roman household in the neighboring Pontus. But Rome at that time put an end to successful opposition to the Pontus, and out of that situation Pontius Pilate may have arisen in Judea.

Of some interest here: "Using the Latin alphabet of the period, which lacked the letters J and U, Caesar's name would be rendered GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR; the form CAIVS is also attested, using the older Roman representation of G by C. The standard abbreviation was C. IVLIVS CÆSAR, reflecting the older spelling." That's from Wikipedia's Caesar article. It suggests that "Gauis" may have been from "Cavii." It could explain why Julius was having an affair with a Caepio. The Caves surname is said to be from "Chaff." What surnames did "Gauis" produce? I trace "Julian" to "Gilan," land of the Gileki in Hyrcania:

Wikipedia allows the Parni, the proto-Parthians proper, to be from Caucasia, and attaches them possibly to Saka Scythians so that the Parthians may have been from mythical Medea, the line from Keturah to the Hecate-Paris Trojans. It was one large conglomerate that had much to do with establishing Europeans, called "Caucasians."

Anyway, I didn't mean to get into a history lesson. I am struggling for clues for a good, second theory on the parents of Joseph Caiaphas from Maccabees. It's not necessary that Caiaphas arose from Maccabee blood, but if there happens to be any clue suggesting it, I would let you know if I saw it. As one may gather that God "chose" the particular high priest to slay the Lamb, what may have been the reason behind that particular? Was the priest to be from Keturah? Was Keturah God's war from the start? Was the chosen high priest to be from the Scolati > Saka-Scythian line? The Scolati (proto-Scythians) lived in Hebron, according to my findings, and are predicted upon the Hebros, for one. The Anaki of Hebron are predicted for the Annas line that Caiaphas married. The Anaki trace to the Aves/Avison anchor, right? And, ultimately, even as we saw good / compelling reasons for identifying Phasis-based "VESpasian" in the Avezzano term, the latter too may have been from "Phasis," a major location in the realm of the golden-fleece Colchians. What is the best prediction for Caiaphas' parents under this scenario? The Parthians of Maccabee relationships?

In Daniel prophecy, the ram was a symbol of the Medo-Persians, the Parthians, we may gather. The golden fleece was likely code for mythical Medea, and the fleece was the pelt of a ram, owned by Hermes and Phrygian-suspect Phryxus, an old Armenian entity that had joined the Gileki of what would become Gilan. The Phrygians were also "Briges / Brigians," and may thus trace to that Groombridge entity (Hasmonean element) that became suspect with Brigetio (beside Grumerum, Hercuniates theater) and Brigantium, the latter being smack where I trace the Gileki and Julians, at Guillestre. In other words, the Parthian-based Phrygians look like they trace to proto-Maccabees, even as Maccabees proper made some alliances with Parthians.

Alexander died 48 or 47 BC), or Alexander Maccabeus, was the eldest son of Aristobulus II, king of Judaea. He married his cousin Alexandra Maccabeus (pro-Herod], daughter of his uncle, Hyrcanus II.

Plenty of love for Alexander Balus, and the Maccabee line here was reinforcing Balus blood for the next generation, Mariamne, wife of the first Herod. Hyrcanus II (pro-Pharisee) was descended from the first Hyrcanus, son of Simon Maccabee. It seems contradictory that the Maccabees should have joined Parthians at Hyrcania when the Parthians had been fighting the Seleucids that Simon and his brother had befriended. Perhaps Hyrcania was in the hands of the Seleucids when Hyrcanus was born. But as Hyrcanus II was pro-Pharisee in the Pharisee-Sadducee struggle, perhaps there had been some Hyrcanian blood of the Parthian kind in the father of Simon Maccabee. The Sadducees would trace well, in my view of them from Soducena, to the golden-fleece Medes / Parthians. Or, from king Cotys of Thrace if "Cotys" and "Soduc" (softy-c) had been the same people.

In this mess, I'm going to gamble on a Caiaphas trace to the Arettium / Arda / Arethusa / Aretas entity that birthed the first Herod. The latter's mother, Cypros (from Aretas III), may trace to Cyprus, up in the Syria theater yet again. My speculation is now grounded on a Caiaphas trace to the Drake line in Avezzano, and from that I connect to Arda i.e. the Cotys kings of Thrace suspect with the Cotta line of Julius Caesar's mother. That, I think, is the best option at this time.

Mariamne continued love for the Balus line in the name of her sons, Alexandros and Aristobulus. It seems that this wretched family was seeking greater recognition by appealing to their royal-Balus ancestry. One of Mariamne's daughters, Salampsio, looks like a cross between the Herodian "Salome" and "Sampsi(ceramus)," though the mother of Hyrcanus II was Alexandra Salome (pro-Pharisee), born in 141 BC, long before the first Herod. Iotapa, wife of Sampsiceramus II, with a Joseph-like name, was a Parthian. Things could start to make some sense. Sampsiceramus I "rebuilt the city of SALAMiyah" (probably after 64 BC) so that, possibly, Alexandra Salome was named as per a Maccabee relationship with Sampsiceramus I.

How could Mariamne be from Sampsiceramus? For one, her father's brother had joined the Parthians when he was made a high priest in 40 BC, and that could allude to a Maccabee partnership with the parents of Iotapa, born around the same time as Caiaphas. But her mother, Iotapa, a queen in Samosata, may apply. As Sampsiceramus' wife is said to have been born around 20 BC, her mother would have been born around 40-50 BC, when Antigonus Maccabee (anti-Herod) was befriending the Parthians, who made him king in Jerusalem. Does that make Antigonus suspect as Caiaphas' father with a sister of Iotapa?

How could that picture make Caiaphas a Julian-Caepio liner? I don't see it as possible from what I'm reading. Any daughter of any Junia Caepio was born around 55-40 BC, when Caesar was peaking in power, but he was not friends with Parthians, but rather had designs set up to conquer them. Perhaps the theory of Caiaphas born from the family of Iotapa was a non-starter.

Iotapa and Sampsiceramus had children, including Gaius Julius Azizus and Gaius Julius Sohaemus. It sounds so Julian from Thrace. There was an Assus location up the Hebros that I traced to Has in the land of the Gauis-suspect Cavii, a trace that now seems important. Assisi in Umbria is near Arettium suspect with Arda on the Hebros. Further up the river from Assus were the Bessi priests (of the Satrae Thracians) that can trace to such things like "Bessin"...i.e. that I now trace to "Avezzano."

Wikipedia says that the son and/or grandson of Sampsiceramus II (both named, Iamblichus) were granted the right to use "Julian" as per their loyalty, i.e. as though it had not to do with Caesar's blood, but perhaps the low-key truth is that Sampsiceramus II was a Julian, by blood, on his mother's side...from Caesar's affair with Servilia Caepionis.

Let's entertain a daughter of a Junia Caepionis as a wife / mate of one of the two IAMBLichus' above. The GAMBEL-like Cammells/Campbells are in Camp colors while the Camp Coat is a version of the Coat of Capone's, first found in the same place as Julians. That place was Cambridge while Cambridge's share the swan with French Josephs, as well as a blue Shield with English Josephs.

Sampsiceramus I had been raised to power by Pompey (died 48 BC, same as Sampsiceramus I), and this Roman general became the enemy of Julius Caesar in the civil-war quest to rule Rome. The next thing, Sampsiceramus' sons were Julian allies, and Julius may have injected a powerful thing, such as a daughter, into the family to get it to switch sides: "Shortly after Iamblichus I became priest-king (48 BC), he had become prudent and supported the Roman politician Julius Caesar in his Alexandrian war against Pompey. Iamblichus I sent troops to aid Caesar. Pompey was the patron for the family of Iamblichus I, who was later defeated and killed." This was the time that purple-robed El-Gabal had it's start. Was the purple Harlot of Revelation this Roman-Syrian thing to which the harlot Maccabees came to marry? "An Emesani priest wore a long-sleeved and gold-embroidered purple tunic reaching to his feet, gold and purple trousers and a jewelled diadem on his head."

How would the Maccabees have come to marry the family of Iamblichus? For one, Annas had been suspect from Eleazar Avaran Maccabee, one of the first five Maccabee brothers.

The theory now is that Sampsiceramus' mother was a Caepio from the Thracians, and that Maccabees had descended from Assus-line Bessi in the first place. That could make Aziz/Azizus (father of Sampsiceramus I) suspect as a true HASmonean liner. The theory now (nothing serious) is that Caiaphas was a brother of Sampsiceramus II, and that Caiaphas' his first name reflects "Iotapa" only coincidentally. But if Aziz was from a Has line, why couldn't his father(s) have been likewise, who then offered the proto-Maccabees a Has wife in order to form Hasmoneans proper? Aren't Maccabees suspect from "Massyas," beside Emesa? Why did the earliest Iamblichus (150 BC), father of Aziz, move the capital from Arethusa (Orontes river) to Emesa? The latter looks like it may have been named after Massyas elements.

If "SampSIGERamus was a Camp-and-Capone liner, note how the term can also lead to the Segurs with which Seconds are listed. Or to the Grimaldi-suspect Segni's/Segurana's, suspect also with the Aurelia-suspect Doria's/Auria's that married Arduin. IN FACT, zowie, the Sigers/Seagars had linked to Justine of Picenum while Justine's (Perthshire) share the weight scale with Assi's! This is the first time that I've seen SampSIGERamus rather than SampsiCERAMUS, the latter being the way that I've viewed the term.

Justine's use the single, upright Mock and Mogan/Moggach sword so that SampsiceraMUS may apply with that line. Also, the "Cas" motto term of Josephs traces well to Cass' (another weight scale) because the Cass fountains go to Sardinia, where Avezzano's were first found that share the three Joseph garbs. The Justine's use "sine causa" likely for the same Cass' (Cambridgeshire, same as Capone's!), but where "AvezZANO" was a little suspect with Sane's/Swans (swans in Cambridge colors), it's notable that Sane's come up as "Sine" too while the Sane/Sine gloves, whether they show a gauntlets or falconers gloves, trace well to the Avezzano garbs. Reminder: the Odrysians trace to Atrebates of Hampshire and Artois.

This is amazing. As the Cotys kings of Thrace (not to be mistaken for earlier Cotys kings) under discussion were Sapeans, they traced to mount Sabine, smack beside Avezzano, home of the Safini/Sabines. The Savone/Safin surname even shares white-on-blue crescents with Falcons/FaCONTE's and Conte's, the line that I traced, independent of the Cass trace, to Piscinas of Sardinia, where the Cass fountains traced later on. The Savona's/Sabine's were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Seagars!!! The Savone's and Savona's are suspect with the Swan surname, right? It's all tracing to Sampsiceramus as though it can trace also to the Cotys kings, but these traces were not realized until AFTER arriving to the theory shortly above that a Junia Caepio was married to the Cotys line on behalf of Caesar's purposes there. The Savone/Safin Coat even used three stars in the colors of the same of French Julians, and Cass' are suspect with "Caesar."

After some confusion in my mind as per the identity of Scottish Atters/Atee's/Tyre's ("Per ardua" motto), I think they can be realized as ATREbates. Atters are using MacDonald symbols, and MacDonalds were early like "Dumnonii," the Sparta-suspect peoples that founded the areas of Somerset, to the near west of where Atrebates are usually marked on maps. Atters were first found at Iona (western-Scottish island), and then the last update found this from a Mr. Drummond: "I shall soon have occasion to show, that the prophetess in the temple of Clarus in Lydia was called Iona. The god adored there was called Iao." Clarus is exactly the Lydian place of Mopsus/Muksus to which the Mochs / Mogans/Moggachs should trace, and that is exactly in line with the purpose for starting this paragraph. For the Atter Crest is an erect sword, the Moch and Mogan symbol too. This erect sword was a symbol for Ares as used by Bistones (according to Wikipedia on Bistones), but as Bistones are now tracing to "Avezzano," and to the Bessi on the upper Hebros (Thrace), lets add that Ares was a Thracian god.

In short, the Atters (using the Mere and Demere ship) have everything to do with the discussion at hand, and they are clearly the namers of KinTYRE, where Alexanders were first found that I say were the Balus-Maccabees. MacDonalds and Alexanders use the motto, "Per mare, per terras," and then, in a list of Thracian rulers, one happens to be Mopsus, and another "Teres I, 460 BC, son of SPARATocos" Note that Alexanders use a nearly-erect sword, a version of the Crests of Bessins and Bistone's. The Bessin write-up speaks on a Beeston location near Lydia-suspect Leeds. It is easy to link Bessins and Bistone's to Sale's/Sallete's and Saltire's, and therefore easy to trace them to the Salto, location of Avezzano. The Maccabees (aside from their alliance with Balus) clearly trace to a Bistones merger with Meshwesh, and then while mythical Cyrene was the black bird, same as Coronis (Lapith), you will find that Mopsus had a bird symbol while being an ally of Lapiths, and that he was a symbol of Mopsuestia, a real location on-shore from Cyprus, in the Cilicia / Pamphylia theater. That's important for the discussion because Cyrene was an entity on Cyprus, and because Aphrodite/Kypris of the Hebros was made born at Cyprus.

It can be gleaned that Bessins and Bistones are using six bees in the configuration of the lions of Bone's/Bohums, the latter suspect with the Boii of Bononia. That Bessin relationship with Boii is expected in MaccaBAEUS. You just trace this picture to the Bessi at HASmonean-suspect Assus.

As Ares was the father of the Sparti dragon, we can trace it to Sfarda/Sparda = Sardis (Mopsus territory), and therefore take that Ladon dragon to southern Sardinia, where the Avezzano surname is expected as a Bistones line. What we should do here is take the Bistones proper of Cyrene several centuries BC, and view them in alliance with the Meshwesh (also lived in Cyrene) who are likely in "MUKSus," from the MACEStus river of Mysia, the proto-Macca(bee) entity, right? One can also note that the Atters use the illegal silver-and-gold contact, as do the Mose's, and that Atters use the Ferte eagle for a trace to Ferte-MACE. The Atters also use the black fitchee of the MACCLESfield area, owned there by Devon-suspect Davenports (Dumnonii also founded the Devon area). I trace "Devon" to "Daphne," daughter of both Ladon (a river on the north of Sparta) and Tiresias (= Hermes line to the Hermus river in downtown Lydia), and Mopsus was made a son of Tiresias' daughter, Manto (Maeonians, Maenads, probably), who can go to the Munts / Munds, suspect with the Mons/Monds.

Then, take that Bistones-Meshwesh alliance to Numidians, as well as off the Numidian coast to cape Spartivento, where the entire jut of land on-shore of (south-east of Carbonia) is marked "Sulcus" on my atlas. It could appear that the Maccabee-Balus merger was at Sulcis.

But there's more, for Atreus, the root of Atrebates and Odrysians in my opinion, was from a Lydian father (Pelops). Atreus represented the Lydian transition into the Menelaus Spartans, from Maeonians, right? So, when you do the math, the Atters and MacDonalds trace from southern England back to the Lydian > Sparta line that migrated to southern Sardinia, which can explain the Alexanders using the MacDonald motto.

Tiresias was made the son of the shepherd seer, Everes, code for the "Shepherd Kings" at AVARis = the Hyksos Hebrews, and then one of the five Maccabee brothers was AVARan. The "Shepherd Kings" was an idea passed off my Manto-like Manetho, who wrote some Hyksos history. I gleaned that Avaris was an Avar term, for Avars had a Manda entity, and so I trace Hyksos to an alliance with Caucasian Avars, suspect with the Iberi. The Mus household of the Hyksos can be gleaned as part of the Mopsus line. Hyksos, after leaving Egypt, settled Cilicia's Kizzuwatna area, and Mopsus is predicted to have been there too.

Ares was worshipped strongly in Lydia, but he was in Thrace too. In a list of Thracian rulers, in the part showing mythical names, one of them is Mopsus. This particular Mopsus is traced, in his Wikipedia article to a friendship with Sipylus the Scythian, and Sipylus (Lydia) is where Pelops father is often located by writers.

Mopsuestia; Mopsou(h)estia), later Mamistra, is the ancient city of Cilicia Campestris on the PyraMUS (now Ceyhan River) located approximately 20 km (12 mi) east of ancient Antiochia in Cilicia (present-day Adana, southern Turkey).

The founding of this city is attributed in legend to the soothsayer, Mopsus, who lived before the Trojan war, although it is scarcely mentioned before the Christian era. Pliny the Elder calls it the free city of Mopsos (Hist. nat., V, 22)...

The city was also "MAMistra." That reminds of Mamaea, the sister of Iotapa, and wife of PoleMON II. This recalls that Polemon traced to Poole (Atrebate theater), beside Cowes, the latter represented by a surname tracing to Qewe at Adana, and suspect with the naming of CEYhan. Why was Mamistra in Cilicia CAMPestis? Shouldn't that be the explanation of "SAMPsigeraMUS," wife of Iotapa? Could it be that Iotapa was from Mosul/Mepsila, origin of Mopsus? I wonder where her Parthian family was ruling at the time. "Estris" on the end of "Campestres" looks like the suffix because we see "estia and "istra" on the ends of "Mopsuestia/Mamestra." Was that Ishtar? From a short article: "Campestris is located in the area of modern Mopsuestia in Anatolia, 20 km east of Antiochia ad Cragum...In the Seleucid Period it took the name 'Seleucia on the Pyramus'..." Was the latter of the Priam / Parium Mysians?

We now have some reason to believe that the El-Gabal priesthood was from Mopsus elements, and even from Ishtar of Nineveh, across the river from Mosul. The Ishtar of Babylon was transported to Nineveh with the Babylonian conquering of Assyria. That can explain how the purple-robed priests of El-Gabal may have been the Revelation harlot. I suppose it's possible that the namers of Campestris were the namers of Istria, location of Pola.

The sentence above continues: "and then in the Roman conquest [Campestris] was named under Hadrian as 'Hadriana' and later under Decius as 'Decia'" Hadrian also named Hadrianopolis, otherwise called, Oresteia, at the junction of the Arda with the Hebros. Mythical Atreus predated Hadrian and yet there seems to be a HADRian trace back to ATReus. Mythical Orestes was made a kin of Atreus.

The Campestris area was of the Cappadocia area that may have been depicted by the Capys Trojans (near-ancestors of Priam) that historians traced to Capua in CAMPania. That works. It can explain how Caiaphas was both from Capua's and Cappadocia. There is a Capua/Capone branch in a Caputo/Capua surname said to be of Hohen elements in Sicily, involved an Antiochia. We now need to ask whether it's coincidental that Camps are using what looks like a version of a Capone Coat. These are the colors of the Capes'.

Lets ask whether Gable's were from El-Gabal. Clark Gable, in "Gone with the Wind," said, "Frankly SCARLET, I don't give a damn." Was that code for the scarlet robes of El-Gabal? Scarlet was the woman that Mr. Gable wasn't, or was, in love with. German Gable's, first found in Sulcis-suspect Silesia, use nothing but a pitchfork in the colors of the Camp and Capote eagle / mule. Cable's/Gabels (erect sword) share the white Cotta / Caves fretty throughout their Shield, though in colors reversed to English Gable's/Gaballs. The latter use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Gonne's/Gowens, which makes "Gone with the Wind" suspect as code. In Campania, BeneVENTO is said to be named in-part after "wind," though in reality it could be a Veneti line. What about SpartiVENTO at Sulcis?

The Gonne motto phrase, "DECori," looks like part code for the Deck squirrel liners, for Justine of Picenum was a squirrel liner, or at least married to one. The squirrel-using Valentins, using squirrels in the colors of the Gable's/Gaballs and Gonne's, were first found in the land of the Veneti.

This recalls that, when the Argo ship, in the Argonautica myth, had passed mythical Circe, a witch that I located at Corsica, it passed the Sirens which I found on the Italian coast south of Naples, i.e. near Campania. The Sirens are suspect in the Siron variation of Sire's/Sirets (same place as Mochs, lozenges trace to Hyde = Sardis) that link to Justine of Picenum.

For a long time, I saw the Majors/Magors as a line from Hungarian Magyars. Then, in the last update: "It looks like it was wrong to trace Majors/Maugers to "Magyar." The Majors appear to be a take from "Maucher/Mucher." That potentially made Majors into Moch = Mopsus elements, which may indicate a close Mopsus link to Charops on the Hebros, or even that Magyars were Muksus elements. It could be said that I traced the Arpad ancestry of Magyars to a Charops > Orpheus line that can be found in the list of mythical Thracian rulers along with Mopsus. I now find that Majors/Magors (married Guille) share the red Caesar roses on a gold Chief with Capote's/Chaputs/Chappus'. I don't know whether this makes the Caiaphas-ancestry riddle easier or harder, however. Italian Capote's are using just a large mule head in the colors of just a large eagle head (colors reversed from the Casey eagle heads) of Dutch Camps, tending to clinch a trace of Camps to Campania.

The Major/Magor anchor can trace to the same of Aves'/Avisons and therefore to Veszprem in Hungary, beside the MOGENtianae. Arpads trace to Arvad/Arpad/Arados on the ancient Syrian coast, near Ugarit, suspect with mythical Oeagrus of the Charops line, and with the Ugrian peoples known to be the ancestry of Hungarians. The Magyars, before founding Hungarians, had formed as relationship with Pechenegs that I trace to Picenum (we saw why Aziz of El-Gabal should trace to squirrel-liner, Justine of Picenum), and while the latter are suspect with squirrel liners such as Decks/Daggers, which jibes with my trace of proto-Magyars to the Ticino river, note that Campestris was also called, Decia, after emperor Gaius Messius Quintus Decius (Christian persecutor, just look at those Caiaphas-suspect names), born in Martinci (jibes with the Marici on the Ticino), beside Sremska Mitrovica (Pannonia) on the Sava.

...ten Roman Emperors were born in or near [Sremska Mitrovica], Emperors...Decius Traian (249-251)...Aurelian (270-275)...Constantius II (337-361) and Gratian (367-383).

Gratian was the son of squirrel liner, Valentinian I, husband of Justine of Picinum!

I try my best, but I make mistakes. I had reported that Valentinian I looked like a descendant of Constantine I, and that there was about a century separating them. I must have had Valentinian III mixed up with Valentinian I. The latter was just a generation past Constantine.

Near the birth place of Valentinian and Decius there is a Pecinci location with an Arms displaying a red potent cross, suspect with Caiaphas lines of the Sched/Shed kind to Templars. I had traced Sheds to the naming of Shetland, where the Assi's were first found. The Pecinci potent is in both colors of the saltire in the Italian Azzi Coat, and so I think we may agree that this picture links to the Assi / Justine / Siron / Cass weight scale (or scales of justice).

The Pecinci Arms has a blue lion and a stag supporting the Shield, while the Arms of Macclesfield has a blue lion centrally and stags supporting the Shield. As I trace the "copia" motto term of the Macclesfield arms to Cuppae, off the Pek river, it looks like Pecinci should apply to that line.

The Sirons look like some of the Naples / Campania elements that were re-settled in Abruzzo. The Siron snake is suspect with the Marsi snake cult; the Siron tower can therefore be suspect with the same-colored Abreu tower, and the Siron lozenges can connect to the same-colored ones of Nagle's for a Siron link to Oneglia = Imperia, home of the Doria's, though the Doria's surname was first found in the same place (Genoa) as Segni's/Segurana's, who are in-turn found honored in the Fessy motto that in-turn honors the Constantine > Valentinian line. The Fessy's use the Macclesfield cross.

Problem: Cotys I of the Sapeans was not a Julian ally:

Cotys I; died 48 BC) was a Sapaean client king of the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace from c. 57 BC to c. 48 BC...

Cotys was an ally of the Roman general Pompey, to whom he sent a body of auxiliaries under his son Rhescuporis I in 48 BC for use in the Roman civil war against Julius Caesar.

It may be suggesting that Cotys was NOT a line from Aurelia Cotta even though both entities can trace back to the same mythical-Cotys entity. The next Thracian king was RhesCUPORIS, smacking of "Cypros." It sounds like it's honoring Kypris=Aphrodite, whom I traced as a non-Israeli line of Hebrews to "Abruzzo." "Rhes" is like "Arezzo," an alternative term for "Arettium," and also like "Arras," the Artois capital founded by Atrebates.

The Cotys dynasty was not officially a Roman client until about three decades after Caesar's assassination. Yet, it was flirting with Rome from the time of Pompey. There isn't enough information at Wikipedia to understand what it was. The city of Pecs in Hungary, not far south of lake Pelso, was also known by a Sapien-like term, Sopianae (Valeria province). Pecs is on the MEKSek mountains, perhaps a location of the Macestus > Muksus line. Wikipedia doesn't tell what may have named the Valeria province, but I can tell you that the Valer(io) lion is also the Poole lion while Poole traces well to Pelso with the Sabine-related Pulleys/Pullens.

The Arms of Pecs uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Majors/Magors, suspect earlier with a Mochs line to Mogantianae at Pelso. That was before finding the Meksek mountains just now. The Mecks are the one's sharing the white boar head with Meighs (Macclesfield / Fessy / Bath cross); Mecks use a "Jungor" motto term that was suspect with Yonge's/Jungs/June's (stag, Hun and Hungarian-roots symbol). The short Valeria article says that Huns ruled the area, something that Stewarts may want covered up. A

Some have traced the Hun stag to Nimrod, and in fact I think the Hungarians themselves did so. Nimrod (Assyrian leader) was feasibly at Nineveh, according to some, and that's where Mosul was to which Mopsus traces! So, perhaps it was not wrong to trace Majors/Magors to Magyars after all.

Caiaphas was lifted up by Valerius Gratus, perhaps leading to the Gratian emperors on the nearby Sava, and as Caiaphas liners are suspect with the Veszprem elements at Pelso, I can see cause for covering-up much information on this topic. Veszprem was once Osones, and that was a Hazel / Dussel/Dussen liner, wherefore note that the latter two are in the colors of the Arms of Pecs, as are Majors/Magors that share the anchor with Avis'/Avisons. The motto of the Arms of Pecs uses "Quinque." The Peks, in Meck colors, were first found in the same place as Quints and Collars (share the Moor head with Chappes') while the greyhound (suspect with Hounds/Houns = Huns?) in the Major/Magor Crest wears a collar.

The black lion in the Collar Crest can link to the same of GERNons whose Caiaphas-like motto is code for Levi-suspect Foots and Fothes' while tracing to Footes in GUERNsey, the island where Majors/Magors lived. Collars are suspect from the Colapis = KUPA river, that jibing with a trace to Cuppae off the Pek river. Fothes/Fette's (stag) use a cornuCOPIA, and stars in the colors of the Capone stars. Aha! Fothes/Fette's were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as leg-using Prophets/ProFETTS! As Profetts share a human leg (in GRENon colors) with Prime's, it makes the Fothes/Fetts (chevron in Levi-chevron colors) suspect with Junia Caepionis Prima. This would be the place to add that Primo's/Primeau's (share a mirror with Pecinci-related Sirons) were first found in the same place as Mochs.

Primo variations can trace them to Modi'in-suspect Mauds/Molds using a version of the MONmouth Coat, both using the thin bars of Wassa's/Gace's whom are -in-turn proto-Washingtons who in-turn use the double-red bars of Mopps'/MODburleys. Burleys share the white boar head with Mecks / Mea's/Meigh's and Mott-suspect Judds/Juggs.

There seems to be no doubt that Mosul liners were at the Meksek mountain. If the Valer(io) surname was responsible for the Valeria area at that mountain, let's add that the Valer(io) lion is used by Welsh Jones', first found in the same place (Denbighshire) as Bachs, and where the Peks are said to have lived.

The Hungarian Pecs location may therefore have been a Pek-river and Pecinci line. As I am quite sure that proto-Magyars were on the Ticino, let's also mention the Insubres there, suspect with the Supers/Sopers that might just relate to "Sopianae."

It's also notable that while I now see Greys as Grimaldi liners, Packers (another Moor head) share lozenges in Grimaldi-lozengy colors. As Grimaldi's are now discovered with Maccabee liners at Has and Krume, note that Packers were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Croms and Modens. Grumerum is virtually at Budapest that was anciently, AQUINCum, a term that may be honored in the Arms of Pecs.

Having said all that, I can't yet say whether the Cotys Sapeans trace to "Sopianae." However, the Cotes' happen to share gold-and-red vertical bars with the Machs/Make's. The German Machs (Silesia, can be Kern kin) are also "Machule," recalling the "Sine macula" motto of Flints, probably from Flintshire at the Denbighshire theater.

The fact that the Cotys VIII married Polemon's niece may indicate a Cotys-Polemon line to the Poole's because Atrebates of the Poole area trace smack to the Odrysians at the center of Cotys' Thracian kingdom. This allows "RHEScuporis" to trace to the Welsh Rice's/Ryse's if the Poole lion goes to the Jones' lion. Denbighshire is at northern Wale's, where Arddu and Ordovices were that trace to Arda, once again at the Odrysian theater. A

Almost unbelievably (because I wasn't taking a Rice trace seriously to Rhescuporis, son of Cotys I), the Rye's/Rhys' were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coppers/Coppers (leopard faces) now suspect in RhesCUPORis. Zowie. Scottish Coppers/Coopers are traced to SALOMONE de Cupir, which has always indicated the Herods and therefore caused me to trace Coopers to Cypros, mother of the first Herod...from Aretas III, suspect from Arda!!! That works so that Coppers can trace to both she and Rhescuporis! Zowie. The thing is, I was interested in the Cotys' in case they named Sadducees somehow, and then Saddocks were first found in the same place as Coopers and Rye's/Rhys'. In fact, Saddocks use "ears of rye" as code for the Rye's!!! That is compelling. The Rice motto even used Herod-suspect "hardy."

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Coopers is colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Pecs, and Pecs is where we find a Valeria location, at a Mochs-suspect location, wherefore the Coopers may be using the saltire of Messeys/Messier's, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mochs and Pilate's. Pontus Pilate ruled Judea immediately after Valerius Gratus!

I have been tracing Rice's/Rhys'/Rise's to a Rize location...on the Pontus...where Pilate is suspect, and then the Blade's use pheons in the white color of the Pilate pheons. Dutch Coopers are using a white-on-green saltire in the colors of the same of Blade's and Franks, and then the other Frank surname the same Coat, but with a gold saltire instead of white, making it the saltire of Pollocks that should trace both to Pula/Pola and to Polemon (he must have ruled in Rize). Pollocks are related to Pettys because both trace to Pietas-Julia = Pola, and then Danish Rye', unbelievably, use quarters in the colors of the Petty quarters while I traced Pettys to the Paeti Thracians on the Hebros almost smack at Odrysia! See the Paeti on the lower-right of map:

I had traced "Pilate" to Pylos in Messene, and that should explain why French Pilate's and Messeys/Messier's were first found in the same place while English Messier's and Pilotte's/Pillette's were first found in the same place. Again, the Mopps'/Modburleys use the double bars of the Ness'/Nests while mythical NESTor (probably a DioNYSus line) ruled Pylos. Valerys were first found in the Dauphine area of the Burgundy theater. Coppers use laurel branch's for Dauphine elements.

Seigers use the same quarter colors as Petty's and Rye's while the same-colored Arms of Pek, in its "segill" motto term, is expected to honor Seagar liners. Seigels are using quarters in half the same colors, as well as sharing a central blue square with Danish Rye's, and the gold-on-blue fleur-de-lys in the Rye square is even in the Seigel quarters!!! It means that, even in Hungarian Arms, you will find code work. Seigels call their square a "small shield." The crossed swords in the small Seigel shield are in the design and colors of the Moch sword! In case you can't keep track, let it be reminded that the Meksek mountain is at Pecs.

What could all this mean as related to end-time Mosul? As I trace Baathist elements to Mopsus, and as the Baathist-suspect Bitars and Aflacks use the black-on-white Sinclair cross (because the latter are from Mopsus at Clarus), the same cross of ECCLEstone's (MAGpie in Crest) will be shown here because the motto in the Arms of Pecs also uses, "ecclesien". The Pecs motto phrase, "Quinque Ecclesiae," means "five churches," but this doesn't mean that double meaning can't apply on behalf of bloodlines. It is compelling to trace that motto phrase also to Quintus Caepio. Did a Caepio marry or birth Rhescuporis?

The Seigel quarters are in the colors of the Pecinci cross, and the latter's Arms (uses the blue Caepio-line l;ion) traced well to Macclesfield while the Macclesfield cross is used by Baths. We are clearly on the squirrel liners here while also including bat liners, and so I acknowledge that these findings come soon after the squirrel-and-bat Signs.

Rice's were first found in Carmarthenshire, in south Wales, and MONmouth is likewise in southern Wales. CarMARTHEN is suspect by many with the Welsh term, Myrddin, otherwise known as Merlin the magician, and this is now suspect at MARTINci, for that's where Decius (suspect with squirrel-using Decks and Dyke's) was born that named a place (at Campestris) that was at first named after Hadrian, while the latter was responsible for Hadrianopolis, once again at Odrysia. If it was correct to trace Jeffersons to Monmouth, note that Jeffersons are not only sharing a central feature with Rye's and Seigels, but sharing the Cooper/Copper saltire. Moreover, the central Jefferson feature is a leopard FACE, found in the Cooper Chief too.

The Rye's and Coopers are telling us that Rhescuporis was important to Freemasonry. Can we ask and discover why? Shouldn't it have to do with Sadducees? The Saddock-related Chadocks and Chadwicks (latter two same place as Ecclestone's) are kin of Chads sharing the red potent cross with the Arms of Pecinci. The red potent cross is used also by Skits (Saddock Shield?) and Scheds/Sheds that traced to Shetland and therefore to the Azizus-suspect Assi's.

I think that the Reed saltire is a version of the Pike/Picken saltire, and then Reeds use a "Pax copia" motto phrase that can apply to Pike liners as well as to the topic at hand. English Packs, using Chief anchors in place of the same-colored faces in the Cooper Chief, were first found in the same place as Rye's, Saddocks and Coopers. That makes a good case for including Reeds and related Roets in this discussion. The Skits and Sheds (not the Scheds/Sheds) were first found in the same place, AYRshire, suspect with the "EARs of rye," as Pike's/Pickens.

Irish Pettys use bees and an "APES" motto term that looks like code for Jonathan APPHUS Maccabee. There's little doubt that the Zionist star of the Irish Petty bend is that of Danish Rye's. The same star (same colors) is in the Arms of Pecs.

In the list if kings named Rhescuporis, note that, once under Roman submission, they use "Julius" as a middle name:

I had never thought to try "Cotys" for a surname. It gets the Cotta's with fretty. But there's also an English Cotys that comes up as "Cody" too, but listed with ArchDEACONs and similar terms that can trace to the Deacon discussion. Interesting here is that while Decani is in the Erenik theater, the Sheds above share the blue scallop in Chief with Erens. The Cotys/Archdeacon Crest happens to use the erect sword expected in a trace to Thrace, and it's of an identical design to that in the Crest of fretty-using Cable's/Gabels. That can allow a Cotys-of-Thrace link to the Cota > Julian line.

The "IMPavide" motto term of Cable's can be for Imps/AMPS, because same-colored DEMPsters (same place as erect-sword Justine's) use the erect sword too, as well as a "ribbon" as probable code for the RIBNik river, same as the Erenik river. The Dempster quarters are half in the colors of the Second/SEGUR quarters, and both surnames use upright lions in colors reversed to one another. The Dempsters are the ones using the "strenue" motto term of Pollocks who trace to Polemon.

Note that while Dempsters and Dempseys/Dempers use the same sword in the same colors, they have are given different derivations in their write-ups, fine-sounding but wrong, right?

I'm guessing that Dempsters / Dempseys (see also Dempers/Dampers) were from AMPton / HAMPshire, the Atrebate theater, and thus trace-able to Thrace. The "Audacter strenue" motto term of Pollocks was identified as part-code for Aude's (happen to use the Dempster sword on blue), part-code for Istria liners such as Sturs, and tentatively part-code for Newtons. There is a Stour river that named the Sturs of Hampshire flowing to the vicinity of Poole. Near Poole, at Cawes, a Cawes surname existed sharing the piles of the Orrs, first found in the same place as Pollocks. A Dempster trace to Peter Pollock would explain the DamPIERE location of Dempers/Dampers. The latter are using the Peter lion, and the Peter motto, "InVIDia major," can link to the "ImpaVIDE" of Cable's. As Peacocks are a Pollock sept, note that Sards/Sherards use "invidia" too as well as a peacock.

The Vespasian-related Sempers/SAMPERE's (said to be from "Pierre / Pere") are coming to mind with "DAMPIERE." The Sampers (highly suspect with the Caepio line) use lions linkable to the Dempster / Dempsey lions. The Samper lions were identified with the Titus lion, and Peter Pollock had traced well to Flavius Petro, Titus' great-grandfather (we are smack on the Avezzano topic here to which Drake's of Thrace should trace). The Dempers of Dampiere happen to use a "petra" motto term. The PIERE's are in Newton...and Frank, Blade, Cooper colors. Piere's were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Pettys. Don't Pettys trace as Paeti to Istria and to Thrace?

As I trace Warwickshire to Warsaw, while the latter uses the Melusine mermaid in its Arms, I think one should identify the mermaid-using Lapps/Leaps with variations in the Piere list. The Warwick Arms links to Vere's and Drake's (Warwick is the Masovia capital), and it was gleaned in the last update that "Drake" should trace to the Cotys Thracians. Although Drake's must trace to the Drago river at Agrigento, the location was home to Aeneas and Creusa while there was an Aenus location at the mouth of the Hebros. It's possible that the Drake's were a Cotys / Rhescuporis line to Agrigento, then into Italy.

I traced Drakes from Agrigento to the Stura Demonte river of Cuneo, which can explain why English Drake's and Sturs were first found in the same place, and why French Sturs were first found in the same place (Manche) as Vere's. I recall tracing the Were bend (croziers, Creusa symbol) to an Arms at or near the Stura Demonte, and then the Pettys happen to share a green bend with Were's. I identified the Stura valley with Satyrs and therefore with Satrae of Thrace. German Rice's use croziers on a Shield evocative of the Kaip(f) Shield.

Let's go back to the Archdeacons with a Cotys variation listed. No matter how we may choose to cut the Archdeacons, the Cody/Cotys variations should be treated with distinction. The Coat shares three black chevrons with Levi's. Could that indicate that Cotys Thracians led to the Sadducee priesthood? "Catys" was then checked to find three piles in the black-on-white colors of the Cotys chevrons. Plus, the Catys/Cade Crest is the red rooster of the Cass-related Kiss'/Cush's (black on white again). One might argue that the Catys are just a branch of Cass', therefore, or, one can argue that Catys are a Cotys-branch line merged with a Caesar line of the Cass kind.

Note that while Kiss'/Cush's and Cass'/Cash' (same place as Julians) use the same Coat, one is traced to a leather / shoe worker, and the other to a case maker. Neither trace can be trusted, though "leather" looks like code.

Like the Cowes', the Catys'/Cade's (in Pennant / Trevor colors) call their piles, pennants (Flintshire). While Cotys III married Pontus, the Polemons of the Pontus were smack beside Cappadocia and Qewe, where Cowes' trace. Part of the Pontus theater had been of the Hatti that trace to Chatti, including the Keiths that are a branch of Seaton- and Keaton-related Imps/Amps (Seaton crescents). In myth, Cotys was made a father of Hatti-depicting Atti(s), suggesting that the two were different names for the same peoples. These had become the Aeetes Colchians at Kutaisi, and I tend to see them in alliance with Sittaceni > Soducena, possibly part of the Seaton/Sitten line.

The Imps/Amps were linked to Dempsters and Dempseys that use the same swords, in the same colors, as the Borders, and then Leathers (in Border colors) use a double tressure border (Tresure's (one 's') were first found in the same place as Borders), a Seaton symbol too. Leathers/Loudons could be Lothian liners, therefore.

The "goose on a rock" in the Leather Crest links to the Rutherford goose on a rock, and that means the Rutherford "orle" border is part code for Borders and part for Orells and Orrs, the Orrs being visible in the pennants of Cowes'. It's important to make this Pontus trace to Cowes for supporting the POLEmon trace to Poole and neighboring Cowes together. But what were the Cowes elements that the Polemons engaged in eastern Anatolia? Why do Leathers (same place as Herod-suspect Arthurs) use a griffin? The Herod Agrippa line?

Marcus JULIUS Agrippa was Herod Agrippa, son of Aristobulus VI, son in-turn of Mariamne Maccabee. This line should trace to Sardinia's Sulcis. How did Herod Agrippa come to use "Julian"? Was he from the RhesCUPORis line that likewise came to use "Julian"? He was from the Aretas > Cypros line, after all (Cypros was Herod's grandmother). This could explain why Rhescuporis is tracing to heraldry, especially the Rice liners. It recalls my trace of "Herod" to "Creusa" because I see them both from "Hros," and here I'm finding the German Rice's use the crozier, a symbol for the Creusa line. Therefore, "Rhes" may have been a Hros entity, same as Ares, right? As Ares was mated with Kypris=Aphrodite, "Rhescuporis" was honoring just that sick entity. It's not a wonder the Herods were sick. God was permitting Ares (traces smack to the Soducena theater) to come slay the Lamb.

The Leathers/Laudors use "umbra" and "tUArus" (not "taurus"), suggesting the TUAregs that are being traced to the Turano river flowing to Terni in Umbria. That works. The "Aequo" motto term of Pennants was traced (last update) to the Aequi peoples of the Turano theater. The Rutherford orle is a red border that may be in use by Sellicks whom I trace from the Salto river (meets the Turano at Terni) to Sulcis. Sellicks were first found in the same place as Trevors that use the Pennant Coat. It seemed right in the last update to link the Cotys Thracians to the Avezzano area, and here we seem to have more evidence of it. Before reading the Leather description in full, I had the impression that Pennants should link to Arettium/Arezzo, and was therefore going to point out that Sellicks are in all three Arras colors, but decided against the link for lack of solid evidence. Then, the Leather description was read: "...a silver griffin within a double tressure flowered and counter-flowered, all silver." The Flowers link to Fletchers and Arras'.

The orle-using Rutland/Roushlands come up as RUSHland, and then they share the horse (Thracian symbol) with Rush's ("hross" was the horse to Nordics). The Perts/Petts, suspect with the Paeti, use "bulRUSHes" as well as mascles, a Peter symbol. The Rutland horse HEAD is split in the two colors of the Massey pegasus HEAD, and Pegasus was born from the HEAD of the Gorgon Medusa. The Colchians, right? Yes, but they were the Colchians in Mysia, at Parium. That require's mention of the "praemia" motto term of Rutlands/Rushlands, but see also a similar motto term of Caens, suspect with the Caeni Thracians beside the Paeti and sharing a fretty Shield with Cotta's/Cotys'.

Creusa with Aeneas traced additionally, lately, to lake Ascanius, at Gus in Mysia, and this is where the Rutherford / Leather goose may go. The following makes Gus suspect at Osones.

As Rush's and Leathers (honor Rutherfords that may be a Rush branch) are both tracing lightly to Julius Herod Agrippa Maccabee, it's notable that: 1) the Rush horse seems to be in the Coat of Cotta/Cotys-related Wessels while Leathers/LAUDons are in German-Wessel and Wissel colors; 2) Rush's use annuLETs in colors reversed from the same of Osone's/LAUDors. I always tend to link the Leto's/Alitto's to Ali's/Aliotta's because they are in the same colors and format, but the Ali's/Aliotta's are using the Leather/Laudon griffin in the same colors, suggesting that Leathers were Leto's. It just so happens that Osone's/Lauders use the annulets of Ottone's, first found in Umbria, suspect in the "umbra" motto term of Leathers/Laudors. It's suggesting that the Osone's/L'Auzons were ancestral to Leathers/Laudors so that the latter should trace to Osones, now Veszprem, suspect with "Avezzano" and with Ottone VISconti of Milan. The Milan surname was even first found in the same place (Messina) as the Ali's/Aliotta's, and German Leathers (see Laurie's and Lowrys) share the tree stump with Milans!

Note that Osone's lived in LOISon (Guyenne / Gascony), for the Lois' are in Osone colors while Lois' had been discovered in mythical GorLOIS.

So, Leathers look like Osones liners, and then there were reasons to trace Gus to Has at Krume while Leto's/Alitto's ("a crane drinking"), in Crone/Croom colors, share a crane in the same colors with German Crone's/Crohns. The latter's crane is even "holding a ROCK in its foot,", the Leather-crest symbol. These are additional arguments for making a link between Avezzano and Veszprem, for Leathers are linking to both.

But the "foot" term in the Crone/Croom description suggests that it was correct to identify Gernons with "geranos," the Greek crane, for the Gernon motto, "CyFOETH," is evidence of their honoring Foots / Fothes and Footes in Guernsey. Therefore, Crane / Crone liners can thereby trace to the namers of Guernsey, where anchor-using Majors lived. As Gernon was a surname used for the son of Le Meschin, note that Crome's/Crooms are using the Massey fleur. They are in Bouillon colors, important because Godfrey de Bouillon's father was a Gernon liner.

Creusa at Agrigento was related to the Anchor/Annacker surname (the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento) using lozenges in the colors of the lozengy that fills the Shield of Scottish Crone's.

Just found: Scottish Crane's (Gore/Core colors) use blue annulets on a fesse, the colors of the Rush annulets on a fesse. The Crane-Crest "hind" can trace to Hind lozenges, in colors reversed from the Brick lozenges (suspect with de-Gernon's grandfather), and then the Brick Chief uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Crone/Croom fleur-de-lys.

I now need to re-consider whether Leathers and Leto's trace to Lydians because it could be wrong. They may both be from the L'Auzon variation of Osone's. The Latters/Latto's/Lautie's are using the Catys/Cady piles in colors reversed, suggesting Attis, father of Lydus. As the Latter crescents are colors reversed from the same of Catti-suspect Seatons, it can argue for a Seaton trace to Cotys>Attis liners. As GUIScards/WISharts use three piles too, while Ottone Visconti traces both to Osones and Veszprem, it seems that Guiscards trace to both as well, which can suggest an OSones trace to "Gus" elements. I don't know for sure whether modern Veszprem was exactly at ancient Osones, but they are closely beside one another at worst.

The Gallura Cocks and the Drinking Crane

To help trace the Font de Ville's to Piscinas of Sardinia, the VisCONTE's, suspect with the Conte merger with the Font de Ville's, are known to have been on Sardinia. You can read at Wikipedia that Visconti's had a rooster symbol, the symbol of fountain-using Kiss'/Cuss'...who look like Gus liners, making "Caesar" and "Gaius" suspect from "Gus." The Kiss'/Cuss' are the ones with the leather-maker code, and we just saw Leathers/Laudors trace to Osones. What could the relationship between Veszprem and Sardinia have been? We need to ask Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia. It's no small thing to be able to link both Visconti's and Guiscards to Osones, for while Ottone's use the French Chappes perchevron, Guiscards were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'/Chaips. But why does it look like Caesar liners are involved with Caiaphas lines?

Visconti is the family name of two important Italian noble dynasties of the Middle Ages. There are two distinct Visconti families: The first one (chronologically) in the Republic of Pisa in the mid twelfth century who achieved prominence first in Pisa, then in Sardinia where they became rulers of Gallura. The second rose to power in Milan, where they ruled from 1277 to 1447 and where several collateral branches still exist...

The Visconti of Gallura used a cock as their symbol (Gallura meaning 'land of cocks')...

I had become sure that Visconti's were not merely a merger with Caiaphas lines, but were a prime Caiaphas line. I now find that Caiaphas is expected fundamentally in Avezzano, as per the Avis/Avison garbs shared by the Conteville line and by Josephs. The "case" term in the Cass/Cash write-up looks to be for Italian Case's/Casa's/Casetti's, said to be in Lombardy and of Milan in 1126. You can probably trace this picture to Scottish Lombards (beside the Font- / Cassel-related and "Avise"-using Kennedys) sharing lozengy with the Cocks that use the Kiss/Cuss rooster in the same red color. As we are touching upon lozengy-using Crone liners expected from Chora of Patmos, let's add that Currys/Corrys use the same red rooster. This rooster is now tracing hard as a rooster peck against my skull to Gallura. It's taken me this long to realize or clinch it. It expects that other roosters should trace to Caiaphas liners in Gallura. My first expectation is that Gallura will be from the Gell founders of Agrigento.

Sinclairs use a rooster. Take them from Clarus of Lydia, and sail them over to the founding of Ligurians with the Phocaeans at the mouth of the Hermus, the river where the proto-Sardinians lived i.e. at Sardis. Gallura is at the northern end of Sardinia. The rooster in the Arms of Gallura just happens to be black, the color of the Kopple rooster, and that can trace to Koplik = CUPIONICH. NOW, before reading the below, see this from the write-up of Capone-related Caputo's/Capua's: "Corrado Caputo, nephew of Emperor Frederick II [a Hohenzollern, but a Guiscard on his mother's side], was Prince of Antiochia..."

Ubaldo died in 1238 and his widow married Enzio, illegitimate son of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor. Enzio took up the royal title over all Sardinia, but Ubaldo's son John succeeded him in Gallura, passing his time back and forth between the island and Pisa. This was also the habit of his son and successor, Nino. Following the Battle of Meloria, a disaster for Pisa, in 1284, Nino tried to take power in the city, but was ousted and deposed from Gallura in 1287. This marked the end of the Visconti rule in Gallura which had begun in 1207.

Pisa annexed Gallura and held in until the Catalan conquest in 1323 -1324. Nino's only daughter, Joanna, continued to claim her rights until her death in 1339, at which point the title to Gallura passed to the Visconti of Milan, who ceded it to the Crown of Aragon.

What a huge koplikidence. It looks like my guiding light was correct. Cupionich elements were in Gallura as the Visconti's!

In the image below of the Guiscard brothers, rulers of Sicily before Visconti's took Sardinia, note the lattice on one of the brothers, and the pulley at the feet of the other brother. It could be a clue that Guiscards were of the Cotys-Polemon merger. But it's got to be code for Pulleys/Pullens using the Joseph martlets, and moreover it traces Guiscards to Poland, where I expect the Kopple's to be by 900 AD, before the life of these two Guiscards. That is, the Kopple's were from Goplo, the origin of Piasts whom I traced to "Pisa." So, it looks like Piasts from the Mouse Tower were in the Guiscard > Visconti line to Pisa.

But, the biggest point is: the Mouse Tower was the home of Capone liners from Koplik. As the Mouse Tower had one mythical-code fellow, Popiel, prior to the Piasts, note that Pepins use a bend with symbols in the colors of the same of Stirlings (Chappes Moor head), from Stirling, where Guiscard and Chappes' were first found. Therefore, Chappes' and Capone's were identical stock from Cupionich (Clausula river near lake Scodra). The Popiel code is probably for Popillys/Popleys using a bend in both colors of the Stirling bend. I now find that the Popley Coat is in the colors of the piles used by Catys'/Cady's (red rooster), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Popleys. That recalls my trace of Pepins to Paphlagonians, smack at the Hatti theater.

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Goppingen is in use in the Coat of Mens- and Pepin-related Poppins/Pophams. The "pristina" motto term of Poppins is possibly for Pressina, mother of mythical Melusine, for I identify her as the Melissena Khazars (always the mother of some primary Varangians), ancestress of the Cohens that use the Fer/Ferrat checks, and who led to the Hohen checks. The Poppin Shield (Hohen colors) can indicate the line of Poppo Babenberg (Bamberg, Germany) in alliance with the Hohenstaufens, and explain why Pepin of Landon traced to queen Bebba of the Scottish Bamburgh castle, Scotland. Note how German Bambergs/Bamburgs (Franconia colors, Coat like the Franconian Rake) use a single pile in Guiscard-pile colors. The "Mercy" motto term of Guiscards is therefore predicted to be of some Mercians that had merger with Bebba liners.

Earlier in the update, in a piece written after this section, the Sard-like Gards (in Sard colors) were found to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination matching that in the Arms of Goppingen (link below). It looks like "GuisCARD" could be a Gard and/or Sard liner, therefore. Guiscards, because of where they were first found, and due to their PILEs, are suspect with Pilate's mother's line. There was a story written that had Pontius Pilate in Sicily after the Crucifixion, a story that's now looking like it could apply to the line of Frederick II's Guiscard/Hauteville mother.

As we just saw the Pepins and Poppins trace to Sardinian liners, apparently, note that both use a "Mens" motto term for the Mens that likewise use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Goppingen. The Maness'/Manners share their red Chief, as well as the peacock design of Sards. The latter are using the same red chevron (Mens colors) as Tancreds/TanCARDs and Hawthorns (same place as antler-using Conte's) , and the latter were discovered to be a branch of Hauteville's due to sharing the Tancred chevron and the Tankerville cinquefoils (it's known that Guiscard ancestry is in both Tancreds/Tankerville's and Hauteville's).

As Tancreds share the red scallop with Pulleys/Pullens, that's why there is a pulley in the picture with the Guiscards. The Trunks (Turano suspects), honored by two Thor surname's, were first found in the same place (Franconia) as Guiscard-suspect Bambergs.

This reminds me of a webpage I once crossed and reported on telling that Guiscards/Wisharts used lightning bolts that were then said to be, or turned into, piles. On another matter, I was reporting that the so-called "crampon" of German Tyrols/Bartholds had been a lightning bolt. I was reporting it because I had come across that symbol, or one like it, in another surname that called it a lightning bolt. The importance here is that it makes a Guiscard link to Thor-suspect Tyrols, for Thors/Thorns were first found in Tyrol. The link works well because Tyrols, although they are shown properly as Bartholds, show some quarters in colors reversed to the Trunk quarters. The latter's are in the colors of the Seigel quarters, in case that interests you.

Amazingly, and to my great surprise, the Guiscards, prior to the Guiscard rule in Sicily, are revealed (in their write-up) as the founders of Guiscard-Templar elements at Antioch! That can make a blood link between Guiscard elements in northern Sardinia with Sulcis = Sant'Antioco in the southern end.

Earlier in this update, in a piece written after this section, the Gards were found to use what looks like a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat. In the meantime, the Gard tower was found to be in the design used by FalCONTE's. It begs the question of whether the tower is from the Tuaregs expected at the Turano river, especially as the Hauteville's are using a HawTHORNE surname. English Thorns(Hawthorn colors) look like they're using an "uvas" motto term as code for Avezzano liners. Later, before writing here, it was found that German Thorns/Thors use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Goppingen too. Later below, it begins to look like Gards are not only Sardinia liners, but from Valerius Gratus. As a starter, I've noted that Haws/Haughs (Oxfordshire) share the red cinquefoil with HAWthorns as well as using the same chevron as Valours/Valois'. As the Haw/Haugh Crest uses the stag head that is the Rollo-Clan badge, it seems that the Haws are indeed from Poppa of Valois (Rollo's wife).

The Guiscards, I've read, were from Rollo Sinclair, explaining the Sinclair rooster, I assume, from the Guiscard line at Gallura. The Sinclairs, wholly independent of Visconti's, had been traced to prime-Caiaphas liners in times before Rollo. I didn't realize, or generally view, the Visconti's as Sinclair liners until now. It could look like the daughter of Mieszko I, known to be married to a royal Dane, had something to do with Rollo "the Dane." The latter pre-dated Mieszko (about 925 AD) by a couple of generations. Rollo invaded the area of France to the west side of where Chappes' and Levi's were first found.

What this picture effectively does is to trace Cupionich elements to Osones and Veszprem, the latter suspect with "Bezprym," brother of Mieszko's daughter. She married Forkbeard of Denmark, perhaps in the pitchFORK code of Goplo-like Gable's. The pitchfork is in the colors of the Piast eagle, borrowed likely from the red Hohenstaufen / Hohenzollern eagle, which was earlier still of the Zahringers now tracing to Saraca's in Kotor, near Cupionich. Zahringers ruled Baden-Wurttemberg, where Hohenstaufens were grounded, at GOPPINgen. The Arms of Goppingen use a single antler (black-on-white), as do Zahringers.

Petch's/Peach's (Pecs liners?) are in the same colors, and use the crosslets of Toste's (Sweit colors) in colors reversed, recalling that Sigrid/Swietoslawa (the daughter under discussion) was related to Tosti of the Danes. The Toste Crest is even a red eagle, what should be a colors-reversed version of the Piast Eagle. Toste's were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Haughts, the latter from Sigrid "the HAUGHTy."

What a twisted web. Frederick II Hohenzollern was the son of Constance, daughter of Roger II Guiscard, king of Sicily. This is the line that produced a son for the Visconti's of Gallura to marry, which is a Visconti marriage to Guiscards. If "Visconti" did not exist as a name in Sardinia until that marriage, then it would seem indeed that Visconti's of Sardinia were simply Guiscards...with Hohenzollern / Goppingen blood. That Visconti line could have carried Hohenzollern symbols, therefore: the black on gold eagle and the black-on-gold lion(s). But it just so happens that the Zollern Coat uses quarters in colors reversed to the Chives quarters.

There was a Henry of Capua, grandson of Roger II. and this recalls that, not long before the arrival of the Guiscard Normans to Sicily, another batch of Normans (Drengots) were settled between Rome and Capua, at Gaeta, for example, getting involved with leaders of Capua. It seemed that the Normans had Capua on the brain because of their ancestry in Caiaphas liners out of that place. They arrived to the Capua area mere decades before the first Templars formed the first crusade. "By far the most significant event in the familial history of the Drengot clan was the conquest of the principality of Capua in 1058."

Note that while I trace the Chives' and related Mathis' to the Mathis river, home of the proto-talbot Taulantii, the Zollern Crest is a talbot. It's a quartered talbot, in fact, and this has just recalled that the Drengot Normans (also called Quarrels) were linked (by me) to the Quarter surname! That surname (harp, Asclepios rod) not only uses a black-on-gold lion, but a "LAUDamus" motto term that can link to Leathers/LAUDors and therefore to Osone's/LAUZons! That works, especially as the Leto's use a crane DRINKing, like DRENGot. The Drengots of the Capua / Salerno theater were near Messina so as to link to Aliotta's, first found in the same place as Milans (in the colors of the Arms of Lombardy).

These Normans were involved with Lombards that had invaded southern Italy at the time. It all suggests that the Normans were part of the Osones line to Ottone Visconti of Milan, a contemporary with Frederick II...meaning that "Visconti" existed already before the Sardinian Visconti's married Frederick's son. Wikipedia says that the Sardinian Visconti's were distinct to the Milan Visconti's, and so, perhaps what happened was, the Gallura family that married the Frederick-Guiscard family had also been merged with Visconti's.

In fact, I'm just learning now that Ottone's father was Ubaldo, the name of the man whose widow married the illegitimate son of Frederick ii (quote above). There is no Wikipedia article on Ubaldo Visconti, and so, perhaps, his surname is merely assumed to have been Visconti.

There had been one Baldo, ruler of Gallura, that seems applicable to "Ubaldo," but this evokes the Flemish Baldwins (chief crusaders), for Flanders used a black-on-gold lion that can explain the Hohenzollern lion. Baldo predated Frederick by about a century. One can even trace the rulers of Galluro to Avezzano:

Baldo was the Judge of Gallura [1040-60] during the time of Comita I of Torres. He succeeded Manfred and both were probably Pisan clients.

Comita made war on Baldo, defeated him, and captured him. His successor is not known with certainty. It was probably Constantine I, but was perhaps Saltaro.

That's the entire article. We have a Comita character like the Comitissa variation of antler-using (!) Conte's. The antlers are black on white, the colors of the Goppingen antler!! (See the antlers of Cone's suspect with Sinclair-related Conans, as well as the "commit" motto term of Sinclairs, and the Sinclair cross in the Balder Coat). I claimed that French Conte's merged with south-Sardinian liners to Font-de-Ville's, but here we find this Comita character of northern Sardinia looking like the origin of the Conteville's, and it involves VisCONTI's. Italian Conte's likewise use a black-on-gold lion, same as Flanders, same as Hohens. The same lion is used by Lafins/La Fonts, and the latter's crest even shows a black eagle!

Therefore, let's repeat that Kennedys and Cassells use, "AVISE La fin," as their motto while the Conteville's ruled Comyns (dagger) that shares the AVIS/Avison garbs. It is now undeniable that Conteville's came from that Comita I or Torres. Then, note the other ruler of Gallura, SALTaro, and he with the Thori family of Torres smacks of both the Salto and TURano rivers at AVEZzano! The Thori family may have been from Thorri, what was previously Sybaris at the arch of Italy.

The Thors/Thorns use the Ottone / Chappes' perchevron in colors reversed, remember! The Thors also share elephant trunks with the Zahringer circle. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Thors/Thorns is that of the Goppingen Arms! The Tipperary location of Lafins and Irish Kennedys was traced to Tipaza, a Numidian capital, and that can work excellently in Sardinia. English Thors share the towers (different colors) of the Spanish Torres', Towers, and Tours.

This is so excellent to find this just one update after the grub revelation. A grub was sounding off while writing the paragraph below, in fact. One or more are sounding off about once every 15 - 20 hours. I have yet to find one to see what it looks like. As soon as a piece of wood is touched, it will stop chirping / scratching or whatever it does to make the cricket-like noise (not as loud). If not for a grub, this revelation would not be happening.

This Gallura junction of the Caiaphas bloodline looks like bedrock for the first crusade (1096). I had found that Eustace II (father of Godfrey de Bouillon and Jerusalem-king Baldwin I) traced to the Baldea/BAUTica river of Aosta and therefore to the Bauts (Ottone colors), first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons, but here I look up the Baldo surname (Cremona) to find a BAUTo variation. The Baldo/Bauto Coat shares a red bend with three gold stars with Scottish Vaux'/Vallibus', and the latter has a gold lion in Crest, the colors of the Baldo/Bauto (and Comyns-Crest) lion. It just so happens that "Baux" is listed with the Bauts! Now you know that the Davaux/Auvergne surname traces to Baldo's, very possibly of Ubaldo Visconti.

Another thing; compare the Gunn Coat to the Bald Coat, for "The Gunale and Thori families were ancient enemies only kept at peace during the marriage of Torchitorio and Padulesa. He probably also left a daughter who married Constantine Spanu." The Gunn and Bald Coats use ships in the same colors (Baut colors), and stars in colors reversed in their Chiefs, wherefore it appears that the Gunale family was linked to Baldo's family. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Gunns is that of Thors and Goppingen. The Arms of Haifa (could be from the Templar era), which I think applies to the Thor perchevron, uses a ship. The Gunns lived in extreme-north Scotland, where Sinclair vikings were expected.

Another thing: the Peter-Pollock related Sards/SHERARDS, suspect from Sardinia, smack of "GERARD," while in the Gallura article we read: "...Constantine I of Gallura, probably a member of the GHERARDeschi clan." Then, the Simple's were first found in the same place as Pollocks, while, in Olbia (Gallura district), there is a church built to the honor of "Saint Simplicius, a sixth-century bishop and martyr of [Olbia]."

Peters and Sards/Sherards (Vito colors), looking like the Brittany Jordans, both use am "inVIDia" motto term now suspect with Ottone-suspect Vito's/Vitone's.

The Drengot Normans are likely of the Drengs/Drinks using the Dreux/Drew lion. It looks like they were a branch of Drews', suspect with a Drusilla that married Sohaemus. I am far from proving a Drusilla trace to Drews, however. Drengots are said to be from Alancon or near Dieppe. The Dawsons were from Dieppe, and so, because we see Gospatricks in the Dreng/Drink write-up, who use a saltire in colors reversed from the Desmond saltire, let's go back to some material in the 2nd update of last month, when there was evidence that Dawsons were Deacons:

"Deason" was loaded to find a Dawson surname with a gold-on-blue stag reflecting the Has/Haas/Heslin hare. I had discussed Dawsons at length two updates ago, and said, "I think the Dawsons (in Has/Haas colors) can now be revealed undeniably as Has liners." It turns out that "Dason" [suspect with the Deacon-related Decan surname] gets the Deasons!..

With "Deason," one can now trace better to the Deas surname (has a Deason variation!), said to be from "David," even as the Decans are said to be from "Daw kin = David." But as Dawsons were from Dieppe, compare with "Daphne."

In other words, forget "David" and trace to "Dieppe," out of which some David surname may have arisen. It just so happens that Deacons and Decans both use a cross in the colors of the Desmond saltire...meaning that Dawsons and Deacons appear related to the Gospatrick factor in the Dreux / Dreng bloodline. Drengs share a pale bar with Deas', and the Dreng pale is in the colors of the same of Roxburghs. The black Gospatrick martlet is the Rutherford one, and the Rutherford GOOSE is code for GOSpatricks. The Deas bees link to the Maxton bee, for Rutherfords lived in Maxton of Roxburghshire.

There's a point in all that: CORsica. A good swimmer can swim from Gallura to Corsica. I'm seeing a CURRY/CORRY trace to the namers of Corsica because I was recently convinced that Currys are using the white Gospatrick saltire. The Gospatricks are suspect with the Goz' that married Conteville's...from Gallura, right? Yes, that works, and these saltires all link to Annans, first found in the same place as Kilpatricks..from Patmos, location of Chora. Irish Kilpatricks even use a white saltire too, and the Kilpatrick "cushions" are for the Sardinia-based Cush's/Kiss' using the Gallura rooster in red, right? Ask the red rooster of the Curry Crest, or of the Curry-colored Cocks who trace to Liguria (i.e. Grimaldi's) just 100 miles north of Corsica. Grimaldi's of Monaco link to the Desmond MONKey, right?

Boy, we are really learning something today. The Currys are said to have been in Corrie of Dumfries, and so Corsica and Sardinian elements went to Dumfries. As the Cors/Cours/Courts use besants, as do Dumas' from Le Mas, Julia Domna, with her line suspect at neighboring Grasse, may have named DUMfries. Domna's son, Caracalla, traced to Carricks who use a dancette in the colors of the Quarrel dancette, what a drengidence. The latter two surnames are in Quarter colors, and QUARters were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as CARRicks...which seems to be telling us that QUARrels=Drengots were CARacalla liners.

The Quarter Coat: "a lion COUNTERchanged, and esculapius rod on a red canton." The Qaurter lion is in the colors of the Conte lion while Counters are listed with English Conte's, tending to assure that Quarters had been linked to Gallura elements. The esculapius rod traces to Skala on Patmos, a line that went to Scylla at Messina (beside Patmos-suspect Patti), and so the "laudaMUS" motto term of Quarters looks like the Mos liners of PatMOS.

I'm not tracing Quarters, Carricks and Saraca's to "Chora," however, but to "CHARYBdis, the fellow mythical monster of Scylla, from the Charops > Orpheus line on the Hebros (trust me on that), which in myth floated with a harp to Lesbos, where I traced the Mitanni line of Yuya en route to Washingtons that use the Canton Coat in colors reversed. The Quarters not only use their Asclepios rod in a canton, but show "An antique Scottish Harp with nine silver strings." The proto-Washington Wassa's/Gace's/Gassons (CORNwall) show a canton-with-star in the colors of the Quarter canton-with-rod. Can the Gace star link to the same-colored Curry star? Are Currys in Canton colors because Cantons were from whatever peoples the Ixion Centaurs depicted? Yes, for Ixion's sister (mother of Asclepios) was the myth code for Chora.

Why nine strings? The Muses to which Orpheus belonged, the namers of Patmos. As I felt to trace the namers of Lesbos to the Leslie-related Less', let's add that the green Leslie griffin is in use in the String Crest.

The Strings are using the Stoner / Stone eagle (suspect from some El-Gabal line, possibly that of Caracalla) in Quarters colors, but the Stoner eagles (same as Candida-suspect Doria eagle) are used also by Gaunt-related Ghents while some variations of Cantons look like Gaunt liners. The black-stone-of-El-Gabal cult was in Holland's WOERDen location, and then Quarters are also "WHIRTer/WHORTer."

The Mitanni were traced to Mytilene on Lesbos, afterwhich it was found that Middle's/Mittels were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Mittens (gold eagle). The Mitten/Mutton Shield is split vertically in colors reversed from the same of Stone's (same place as Wassa's/Gace's). See also the same colors in the split Shield of Gace-suspect Cage's. As the Gate's (same place as Washingtons) use a Shield split vertically in the same colors, might Washington liners have named Gaeta, where the invasive Drengots had part of their Italian kingdom? The Stone motto suggests mythical GORlois (father of the Fey / Vey liners in Avalon), a Chora suspect along with the Cornovii namers of Cornwall.

There is a good chance that the American eagle is that of Mittens because the same eagle design is used by Cheps/Jappa's/Jabachs (Candida eagle?) along with what should be the Wassa/Gace star in a blue box, making it the colors of the stars on the American flag. The stripes on the flag are quite-obviously from the Gace Coat.

As Caracalla elements are working into the Drengot picture, it seems that the Geta family (north Africa) that named his brother (co-emperor Geta) was the namer of Gaeta. The Nordic Geats were suspect from the Cottians, and so, later, watch how Stoners and Stone's crop up in a discussion on the Levi-suspect Cotys/ArchDEACON surname.

Richard Drengot (died 1078) was the count of Aversa (1049-1078), prince of Capua (1058-1078, as Richard I) and duke of Gaeta (1064-1078).

Richard, who came from near Dieppe in the Pays de Caux in eastern Normandy, was the son of Asclettin...

The Haskels can be highly suspect from ASCLettin because the Haskel/Askells Coat is the English CHAMPagne Coat while Capua is in CAMPania. The Chep eagle can now be linked to the same of Candida's (Naples, same place as Capua's) because the Camps using a version of the English Capone Coat trace obviously to a Campania relationship with Italian Capua's/Capone's, and because English Capone's were first found in the same place as Chapmans/CHEPmans. Someone might argue that the surnames in this paragraph trace, not to "Caiaphas," but to "Capua." That's a good argument if all there is to go by were in this paragraph.

Someone might also argue that I'm confusing a Sinclair trace to Caiaphas when in fact they trace only to Capua liners. But Sinclairs of Norway parked themselves by warfare beside the Chappes' and Levi's of Paris just before the same Sinclairs sponsored the invasion of Jerusalem, less than 20 years after Richard Drengot's death. I might not make this argument if Sinclairs had lived beside or even near Jerusalem, but just look at the expense of marching armies to Jerusalem from the far west. What treasure could have been in such a God-forsaken place as to warrant all that energy and passion for what was then a poor land of Arabs / Saracens?

Why is there a rooster as the symbol in the Arms of Aversa?

Drengot's cousin was Rainulf TRINCanocte. Clearly, that was a Drengot variation, and the split Shields above are in use as quarters in the TRUNK/Trenk Coat (Swedish-Thor colors). The Trunks were first found in the same place as Guiscard-suspect Bambergs, and then Richard Drengot had spent some time with the Hauteville ruler(s) of Apulia. The Trunks are the ones related to Tyrols (Curry rose?) that use a "crampon" suspect as a lightning bolt, and the single, diagonal symbol of Bambergs (called a "triangular bend") looks like it could have been a lightning bolt. Gaeta is on the latitudinal line of Gallura with nothing but sea between them.

So, what happened was that this Rainulf got himself entrenched at a region called Mezzogiorno, and then he attacked Capua. Why? What transpired in the previous century since Rollo's family got entrenched beside the Chappes? Or, should we assume that the Chappes' were not there yet, not until Capua elements came to the Norman theater with Drengot elements? Hmm, I don't know the answer. I don't know how early the Chappes' were at Paris. I assumed that got there from St. Etienne before the Merovingians ruled Paris, but I don't have documented evidence for it. Merovingians were from the Salto / Turano rivers and Avezzano, right? Trunks/Trens are Turano elements, right, even as their Scholefield bull tells us, right?

The Bamberg "TRIANGular" bend looks like it's in the Franconian Rake, and then the Rake's use the griffin design of Camps, but on what looks like the Capone-starred Shield of Hamons. That just made the Bambergs linkable to Drengots / Trincanocte's, tending to assure that the latter on or the other had merged with Guiscards. The latter share what should be the Cone, Conte and Goppingen antlers. The Rake's also link to the Touque's (same place as Hamons) and therefore trace to the Touques river, Norman location of Gace.

Who named Mezzogiorno? It means "noon" to the Italians, but, regardless of who named it, the Mazzo's must have been part of that entity, for Mazzo's share the Pembroke bend-with-griffin (Sale/Salette bend?) while Clare's ruled Pembroke. Clare's use the Dutch Burg chevrons, and Contevilles of Comyns (married the Conqueror's mother) had been Burgo's, and so we are at Avezzano elements even there. Then, the Mazzo's share the red rose with Avezzano's while the Avezzano bend has a Greek-like wallpaper pattern that looks to be in use by the French Champagne's, which can now link Mazzo's, not just to Massa d'Albe at Avezzano, but to the Haskels = Asclettin, father of Richard Drengot. Do you see how much heraldry can tell us? The grub (symbol of Avezzano) just "chirped" three or four times after I wrote the last line, I kid thee not. I haven't heard it for about 15 hours. The Mazzo write-up speaks on a Macca-like Mazza family of Modi'in-like Modena.

BAMberg was traced with Poppo's of Bamberg to a Paphlagonian relationship with PAMphylians. It's interesting that the real place, Mopsuestia, was in Pamphylia. For me, that was the Mopsus line to the MACEStus river of Mysia. It should explain why the Massey/Macey pegasus seems to be in use in the Pepin Coat. The one of two Moch surnames, first found in the same place as Washingtons, is the one using a one-bar version of the Washington Coat so that the double-Washington / Wassa-bars link well to the same of Mousquette's/Muskets.

It was at this time, while perusing a new line of heraldic thought, that a Valer(ius) = Gallura idea crossed my mind, and suddenly, evidence for it started popping up. As the Gallura rooster is expected in the Cocks rooster, let's first of all say that the Monaco lion could be the Valer(io) lion, for Valerius Gratus is suspect from Grasse, near Monaco.

. When seeing the white-on-blue Gerard lion, the same Valer(io) lion came to mind because the Devaux' use the Weller pelican (Pulley/Pullen symbol too) while Wellers are, I am sure, part of the Vaux bloodline that has just traced to Gallura. That's when the similarity between that place and "Valerius" came to mind. The third Coat loaded was the Gallery/Galloway surname, and there was a lion in colors reversed to the Valer(io) lion, what I call the Caepio-line lion, and this is important because a blood relationship between Valerius Gratus and Caiaphas is possible, even likely. Did the two lines go to Sardinia?

The first Coat loaded was the Galler surname, in Valour/Valois colors. It was noted that it's variations (e.g. Gaylor) start with "Gay" while French Gays use a giant rooster. That works. German Gallers/Galens use the two fesse bars of Erens and were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Krume's. Hmm, I thought, I wasn't too interested in going back to Albania and Kosovo, but on second thought, those areas are near Koplik.

Next, I recalled that some heraldic ship are called galleys, and wondered whether either the Gunn of Bald ships were given that name. Yes, the Balds: "Blue with a galley under sail flags and pennants flying, on a silver chief two red stars." That likely means that the Galley surname should apply to "Gallura." The first Galley Coat uses greyhounds and black-and-white checks. It recalled the greyhound-using Majors/Magors and the black-and-white checks filling the Coat of Spanish Majors. It also recalled the "Invidia major" motto of Peters. But none of this was exceptional.

French Galleys/Gallets/Galtons, however, got my hopes up with a chevron in the colors of the Valour/Valois chevron, and that was before noting that Galleys/Gallets were first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens (same chevron) and Vallerys! The latter use a chevron in colors reversed. The Galleys/Gallets even share red roses with Valours/Valois', and a greyhound with the other Galleys. Looking good. The Valours/Valois' are the ones with a Falconte / Conte look to them.. Looking real good. Mr. Rollo Sinclair even married Valois. Poppa was her name, and that might trace to the Popiel / Popley line expected in Sardinia. Remember, Mieszko I's ancestry was said to possibly be in Sardinia.

Next, the Gays' (with the 's') were loaded to find scallops in the blue color of the Eren scallops as well as a chevron in the colors of the Valery chevron. The lion in the Gays Crest was the one showing in the Oxford-surname Chief until changed recently, and Gays' were first found in Oxfordshire.

The next day, after coming back to this spot after making some additions above, including the introduction of the Gards from the Tail motto, it was realized that the double Galler/Gallen bars are in the colors of the double chevrons of English Tyrols/Turrells, and that three chevrons in colors reversed are used by the French Grace's, first found in the same place (Provence) as French Grass', no doubt both from Grasse, near the Provence border. Keep in mind that Gards use griffins suspect with Herod Agrippa, who was likely of the line to Julius Agrippa, uncle / father of Julius Bassianus, and that Bassianus' daughters are expected at Le Mas, near Grasse, and then a Lamas surname uses the same lambs (in Grace colors) as the Arms of Grasse. It strike's me hard here, with Gallers suspect in "Valerius," that Grass' / Grace's and especially GARDS are a line from Valerius GRATus. If so, then I would not trace "Gard" to "SARDinia," and might trace "GuisCARD" to Valerius Gratus! That is excellent coming just after the Guiscard piles were discussed as possibly standing for Pontius-Pilate lines in Sicily.

It could be that some Norman lines, like the Guiscards, had been from the Pilate lines of Sicily to begin with, explaining why the Guiscards ventured so far away to find a kingdom. After writing that, the Garrets ("Semper fidelis") were loaded seeking proof of Gratus links, to find one branch using a single fesse bar in the right blue-on-white colors. The other Garrets use a monk holding a lash, and the Lash's/Leetch's once again, as with the Gards (from Desmond), use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Goppingen (!) well as a green snake (original color of the Visconti snake).

As the latter Garrets use the Annan / Desmond saltire, the Gerald variation of Desmonds can now become suspect with Gratus liners, for Desmonds/Geralds, instead of the Garret monk, use a MONKey! These are Monaco liners, right? Yes, and Monaco is near Grasse. The Irish Gard write-up tells that the surname was "FitzGERALD," but suggests that "Gard" came afterward as a variant. That looks wrong if the original was "GRATus."

The "Semper fidelis" motto of the Irish Garrets links to VIS-de-Loop, and it's where the Gards link by their wolf and their "Toujours fidele" motto. Suddenly, Gart-like surnames, and Gardners, are suspect from Gratus. German Gardners, from their one Coat alone, can be gleaned as Capes' and Kaplan kin, making the English Gardner Coat suspect with the Capone / Camp Coats. I want you to know that, by now, Caiaphas is looking like he's closely related to SAMPsiceramus, suspect from a Camp line. As English Gardners share the camp griffin heads while camps are in Campbell-gyronny colors, I'm thinking that the Mathie gyronny is in-particular using German-Gardner Shield colors.

Didn't I expect Caiaphas to be related to Valerius Gratus? Garts (double lions, as with Sempers) use what could be the double Levi lions in French-Levi colors, and then the Grass' of Provence use a lion in the same colors, which is the Hohen / Flanders / Conte lion too, all three Sardinia-relevant. Monaco and Grasse, by the way, are near the north end of the Sardinia-Corsica island-mass.

I so rarely load the Levi Coats that I had forgotten about the "SECOND" motto term of French Levi's! I'm taking a strong re-look at the Levi motto terms right now.

It strikes me here that the Sire's/SIRETS/Sirons (green snake) should be SARDinian elements. The "deSIRE" motto term of Guiscards can apply. If this is correct, then Squire's/Squirrels can be Sardinia liners too. The Squirrel and Sire-related Valentins use a bend in the colors of the Aide/Eddie bend, and "Aide" is a Levi motto term. The Aide bend, instead of squirrels, used black leopard faces, the symbol of Imps/Amps and Keatons. But the Stephensons (gold garb) use green leopard faces on the Aide / Valentin bend so that we can be more sure that Stephensons (Rodham bend) were Caiaphas kin because Stephens share the white-on-blue perchevron (solid chevron) of Chappes'.

I've been on this topic before. I recall saying that the STEINson variation of Stephensons links to Steins/Stems using gold leopard faces on a bend in colors reversed from the Stephenson bend. Recall all those roses on STEMs that popped up unusually while on the Avezzano investigation.

The only ones I can think of sharing triple back chevrons (aside from the counts of Mons) with Levi's are the English Cotys' (Dicken colors) listed with Archdeacons/Dickens...suspect with squirrel-using Decks/Daggers and Dyke's. The Dickens/Digons have a cross with a central leopard face in the gold color of the leopard face of Aide's! I think that's a match, tending to support a trace Decks/Daggers and similar surnames to the Ticino, home of the Laevi. The "Chretien" motto term of Levi's gets blue lion, no surprise.

As "Cotys" is listed secondly with the Cotta's, and as the related Wessels were first found in Westmorland, the gold jessant leopard faces of the Morelands and Morleys can apply to the gold ones above. The Westmorlands use a gold lion in colors reversed from, and the position of, the Gart lion (Levi-Gratus relationship, right?). Now that the gold leopard face is linking fairly hard to Levi's and the Caepio>Caiaphas line from the Cotta's, let's talk about the gold leopard face of Coopers, suspect with the Cotys > RhesCUPORis line to Herods. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Coopers is used by Valerys, what a gratincidence. The Cooper saltire can link to the Jefferson saltire with a blue leopard face centrally, the colors of the Caepio-line lion. The other Jeffersons use griffins, suspect with Julius Herod Agrippa.

The Pulcher-Maccabee Line To the Pelican

I think I've found the Agrippa line to Julius Bassianus. However, for knowing which Agrippa line it stems from, there's a complication in that Nero was involved, whose mother was Agrippina, from the Agrippa family. I can't say, therefore, and the Wikipedia writers aren't helping, on which Agrippa entity named Gauis Julius Alexander Agrippa, ruler of a Cetis area in Cilicia. This line leads to a Julius Bassus. Is this the line to the anti-Christ? If so, shouldn't it include Caiaphas on logical grounds?

Look at the particulars. Recall that the Balus-Maccabees descended from Simon Maccabee through to Mariamne, wife of the first Herod. Her son with Herod, Alexander, had a son, Alexander (husband of Glaphyra Archelaus), who had another son, Alexander, still loving that Seleucid bloodline. This Herod line is perhaps one of the most successful in the Israeli theater (out-dated Herod Agrippa II, last Herodian king); it can show reason as to why his mother should be named from Cyprus. Therefore, ask whether "Cetis" is from the Cotys > RhesCUPORis line.

I don't like speculating on this completely-confusing power struggle in the Syria theater. I am not familiar with the history. But I'm looking for clues. The third Alexander above was father to Gaius Julius Tigranes VI (styled king of Armenia). His son and daughter: Gaius Julius Alexander and Julia. This family, propped up by Nero, ruled Cetis. Where did their Caesarian name come from? The timing is well after Julius Caesar's death. This genealogy has a question mark for Tigranes' mother. Was she of the brothers, Gaius Julius Azizus and Gaius Julius Sohaemus? Or was it of one of the Julius Rhescuporis' of Thrace? "Tigranes married a noblewoman from central Anatolia called Opgalli. Opgalli was a Phrygian woman, who may have been a Hellenic Jew."

Hmm, a Jew from the Pontus theater. Hmm. She's got to be made one of the suspects in the Caiaphas line. Tigranes (died after 68 AD) was one or two generations after Caiaphas, which could make Opgalli Caiaphas' niece or even his daughter / granddaughter. I can already start to glean, from the information below, that OPgalli traces well to the Hopper surname using gyronny, a symbol of Chappes-suspect Titus', the latter now expected to be a Caiaphas merger with the family of emperor Titus.

Phrygia was home to the golden-fleece line, and the flying ram that became the fleece was owned by Hermes = Armenian line. And here we have Tigranes of Armenia marrying Phrygia, and involving Mede elements from the Colchian fleece line of Medea. The latter mythical entity was traced to KETURah, wherefore see the Cetis surname with SETTIER variation. I realize what a mouthful this is, so let's take it slow.

The Cetis/Settier surname seems very linkable to the Cotys > Attis line to the Hatti of Phrygia, the line to Aeetes, father of Medea. The Galli priests of the Kabeiri cult (= Hebrew cult of Aphrodite) can thus be in "Opgalli." I often had it on the backburner that the Galli priests should trace to the Laevi Gauls and therefore to Caiaphas. The Cetis/Settier surname shows only a lily in the colors of the lambs in the Arms of Grasse and of the Templar lambs in the Lamas surname. The Lamas surname can apply because Cetis'/Settiers were first found in the same place (Provence) as the Grass' and same-colored Grace's whom I link to Le Mas and Grasse (Le Mas is in the write-up of besant-using Dumas'). And that's exactly where I traced Julia Domna and Julia Maesa (many months ago, not recently for convenience of making this link under discussion)...the sister who are, even as I write, being traced to ancestry in Tigranes VI. That is quite remarkable. Grace's use three chevrons, as do Levi's. The Lamas' are traced in their write-up to a Lamarsh area of Essex, which is where Quints were first found.

The Susans likewise use only a white lily, and they can now be linked to the SEStier and similar variations of Cetis'/Settiers. I accidentally typed "Lemas" (with an 'e') a little earlier seeking to load Lamas', and found the Clements...with besants! I was never able to realize what "Clem" traced to, but here it could be a variation / branch of Lamas'.

When the last mention of the grub took place, the thought occurred to check for a Grub surname. I then found that Susans were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Catters (fish, highly suspect with the Kodros > Keturah line) and Grubs, the latter using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Lemas' (and Anchors/Annackers), totally stunning, for Caiaphas' parents are expected to be found thanks to the new direction from that grub. The Grubs, Anchors/Annackers and Lemas' use three gold symbols on a red Chief, the colors of the Anchor/Annacker Chief, and that refers to the Anaki-of-Keturah line to Caiaphas' father in law. Aves'/Avisons use an anchor, right?

If the grub (or whatever it is) turns out to be a beetle, note that the Beetle surname uses lozengy in the colors of the Anchor/Annacker (and Crone) lozenges. This discussion traces to Agrigento, exactly where Cotys of Thrace was tracing en route to becoming the Drake's, in Dreux colors.

The Grub Crest is a red griffin, suspect with Agrippa's. This too can link to the discussion, for we are on an Agrippa bloodline somehow: "Little is known on the marriage and reign of Alexander [son of Opgalli] and Iotapa. Iotapa bore Alexander three children: two sons Gaius Julius Agrippa, Gaius Julius Alexander Berenicianus and a daughter Julia Iotapa." If this was Caiaphas' bloodline, then it's not just going forward as the Maccabee-Seleucids, but is bound to have merged with the line of Jonathan Maccabee multiple times. Caiaphas is suspect in the family of Josephus.

In fact, it was just yesterday when I opened a YS email sending an article on Caiaphas that I had loaded a day or two earlier. But I didn't read it through to the end, where it says:

After Pontius' recall Caiaphas was removed by the new governor, Vitellius (Josephus, "Ant." xviii. 4, § 3), and was succeeded by Jonathan, who was the son of Anan [this must be Annas/Ananus, Caiaphas' father-in-law] and perhaps a brother-in-law of Caiaphas. It was probably at this time that the meeting with the apostles took place, at which Caiaphas is mentioned as belonging to the high-priestly family (Acts iv. 6). It was said later in the Syrian Church that he had been converted to Christianity, and was identical with the historian Josephus Flavius (Assemani, "Bibl. Orient." ii. 156, iii. 522; Solomon of Bassora, "The Book of the Bee," ed. Budge, tr. p. 94). His house outside Jerusalem is still (1902) shown.

What possible business could Syrians have had in making Caiaphas a Christian convert? Did they know that Caiaphas was from Syria / Syrians? Did they have love for him because he was a Syrian liner? Unfortunately, the article doesn't tell why these Syrians pegged Caiaphas as Josephus, but, if wrong, they could have been very close.

Thank you, YS, for that. It caused me to go to Acts 4:6 to find that one of the names in the high-priestly family was Alexander, what a seleucincidence. On top of that, a Jonathan supposedly followed Caiaphas as the high priest. Josephus himself traced his lineage to Jonathan Maccabee. The suspicion is that Alexander Balus had daughters given to more than one Maccabee brother, but, with little doubt, to Simon Maccabee, whose line goes to Opgalli's son above, Gaius Julius Alexander Agrippa, of Cetis. The article does not say where the latter character's Berenicianus name derives, but just found: he traces back a few generations to Julia the Younger = JuLILLA AGRIPPina, sister of Nero's grandmother. That should explain his Agrippa name.

Julilla was born 19 BC, around the same time as Caiaphas. She was descended from Livia Drusilla (wife of Augustus), but why Livius? Livia Drusilla's father (Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, see family tree) was born, APPIUS Claudius Pulcher -- like Jonathan APPHUS Maccabee -- and Appius Pulcher was adopted by the uncle (Marcus Livius Drusus) of Servilia Caepionis! In other words, Servilia Caepionis, suspect as Caiaphas' grandmother, is now tracing to the Maccabee line of Opgalli's son, Alexander Agrippa, and the latter's last name could tend to prove that Opgalli's ancestry was in Julilla Agrippina.

It could be OPgalli-relevant that Augustus' wife is shown (in her Wikipedia article) as a statue with the caption: "A cult statue of Livia represented as Ops, with sheaf of wheat and cornucopia, 1st century". The APPHUS-suspect Aves'/Avisons use "wheat sheaves," and that surname would not have been a topic right now had it not been for the grub!!!

The theory had been that Maccabees were founded at the direction of one of the Scipio's in sending a line of king Massena to the Israeli theater, perhaps forming the Massyas area at Lebanon. And here I find that Appius Claudius Pulcher is said to descend from the Roman general, Appius Claudius Pulcher:

He was the son of Publius Claudius Pulcher (consul 249 BC). In 217 BC [just after Scipio lost the battle of Trebia], he was an aedile. In the following year, he was a military tribune and fought at Cannae [Apulia]. Together with Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, he was raised to the supreme command by the troops...

...In 212 BC, he was elected as a consul, and in conjunction with his colleague Quintus Fulvius Flaccus undertook the siege of Capua.

...His daughter, Claudia, married Pacuvius Calavius, the chief magistrate of Capua in 217 BC

It's bringing the Drengots to mind suspect with the Drengs using the Drew/Dreux lion, itself suspect with the Drusus line. "PULCher" is bringing to mind the Guiscard-related Pulleys/Pullens using a PELICan and the same martlets as the French Josephs. The Pulleys and related Romneys use a bend suspect with the Champagne bend, and the latter's has that Greco pattern (I would never get wallpaper like that) of the Avezzano bend! That, in a nutshell, can trace "Appius" and "Apphus" to "AVEZzano."

Just before putting in the Wikipedia quote above, a squirrel was caught in the attic trap. It's now in a bucket in excellent condition. That's the 14th squirrel removed from the attic in the past few weeks.

A theory now is that the Pulcher family went to the line of Jonathan Apphus Maccabee. Pulcher's son, another Appius Claudius Pulcher, was "serving first under Marcus Baebius Tamphilus in the war with Antiochus III the Great," the father of Antiochus IV. The latter, upon invading Jerusalem, would find himself in a war against Jonathan Maccabee and the other brothers. There was opportunity for Pulchers to establish the Maccabees.

The younger Pulcher had a brother in Istria, where I trace Polks/Pollocks: "Gaius Claudius Pulcher, a.k.a. Caius Claudius (died 167 BC), consul in 177 BC...he set out to fight against the Istrians, but failed...Setting out again, he defeated the Istrians and moved on to fight the Ligurians recovering the town of Mutina." That's Modena, the city suspect with Modi'in. Just look at the dates, about the time that Hasmoneans are first known in Modi'in. Plus, as this trace to Appius Pulcher is via Alexander's wife, Cassia Lepidus, see the Cassius surname (Zionist stars, why?), first found in Modena! Cassels use "AVICE" as a motto term.

"Sempronius" can trace to Sempers (same place as Quints, same basic red lion as Dreux's and Drengots), who I thought should be from Peter Pollock. It's feasible that Pulchers left some family in Istria whom named Pula and went on to form Pollocks.

Let's go back to the Cetis/Settier surname with a white lily. The Lille's share the same-type blue cross of Balas' and Winchesters. Lillie's (swan) use more white lilies, and are said to have had a Lilly location in Berkshire, where lily-using and Cetis-suspect Susans were first found. As Cetis/Settiers were suspect with Keturah liners, it's interesting that Satters/Setters share three roses in Chief with Grubs. The SatterTHWAITE variation can suggest Thwaite's (lattice on possibly the Sinclair cross), first found in the same place (Norfolk) as same-colored Benjamins and Lamas'. German Setters use quarters in colors reversed from the Primo quarters, and one of the latter shows the Dreux / Dreng lion.

Again, the Grub-suspect Lemas surname (with an 'e') is listed with besant-using Clements. The Grub griffin head is "erased divided perpale silver and red, charged with a rose counterchanged." The Counters are Comyns liners, which my grub led me to as per the Comyn GARBs in the Aves/Avison Coat; the erased code is suspect with Hasmonean liners, Eras'/Rasmussens/Assmans; and "perpale" may be code for the purple entity. The Clements (see the Marina / Murena surnames) can be important, helping to trace OPgalli to Hoppers as well as to Lemnos' Myrina (Colchian-related Amazon) elements, this being possibly relevant to Kabeiri-suspect Opgalli because the Kabeiri cult was in Lemnos.

"Alexander [son of Opgalli] had a sister called Julia, who married the Anatolian Roman Senator Marcus Plancius Varus." Julia became a priestess of Artemis, a goddess that was popular in the Amazonian city of Ephesus, location of an essenes bee cult to which the Italian Ops / Opis cult may have derived. Opgalli is suspect there because I trace "Hephaestus" to "Ephesus." Keturah's line to Athens, which was the same a Medea's moving from Corinth to Athens, was traced via KODRos to the mythical founding of Ephesus.

I think that some good progress was made in the above for finding clues to Caiaphas' parents. They became suspect with Opgalli's ancestry, and so let's add that Josephs use a "charo" motto term for Charo's/Claro's (from Ephesus theater) that share a red bull with Sabine's. The reason that Augustus' wife was sculpted with a cornucopia (Ops-cult symbol) is that Ops and Augustus were Sabine entities. Ditto for mythical Titus Tatius after whom we may assume emperor Titus was named. ZOWIE, I was only going to add that the Sabine surname uses a red scallop (Pulley/Pullen symbol) along with its red bull, when it was realized that the Sabine stars are the stars of Pulsiphers/Polesdons. I know for a fact that Pulsiphers/Polesdons are a branch of PULCiphers, even though that version is not listed with the surname. I have read that Pullens and Pulciphers (that very spelling) co-founded Romulus in Wayne County, Michigan. Wayne's even share a pelican with Pullens.

While Thwaite's were first found in the same place as Sabine's, SatterTHWAITE's share a Chief in Sabine-Chief colors.

I feel that the pelican, a Stewart / Lang / Patterson symbol, is clinched as code for the Pulcher Romans. The Patterson and Palles'/Pauls share motto terms while Palles' can be in the Pullen motto term, "pallescere."

The Latin for "bee" is "apis" while Greeks use "opis." Therefore, why were Pulchers using an Appius name? Then, we find one amongst the first MaccaBEEs using "Apphus." It's suggesting that Avezzano was a bee term. Again. AVEZZANo-like BESSINs use bees as well as the bend of Sale's/Sallete's who trace to the Salto river at Avezzano. Wikipedia's article on Appius gives an ancient story on how it derived from "Attius/Attus," but then goes on to say that an Appius Claudius fellow named the Appian Way, which is thought to have been named after the bee. One can see here a trace of Appians, not necessarily to "Attus." but to the Attis cult of Hatti to which Opgalli seems to trace well.

We read: "However, the name was by no means unique to the Claudian gens. During a political crisis in the middle of the 5th century BC, the Capitol was seized by a force of political refugees and slaves in a brief revolt led by Appius Herdonius. Herdonius was a Sabine, like the ancestors of the Claudii, but his name shows that Appius had an existence independent of that gens" HERDonius sure does sound like a Herod.

Herdons (in the color of the Has hare) look like they can be using a version of a Dawson Coat because Herdons are said to be from "hare valley," which of course I won't agree with. As Herdons were first found in Roxburghshire, I'd suggest their bend-with-martlets are in Scott-bend colors. That traces Herdons to Scodra elements, and the CLAUSula river to the east of Scodra might just have been the origin of Claudians. Heart-using Herds/Hurds (lots of codes) were first found in the same place as Dawson-suspect Deacons.

This is a good place to tell of the following quote that I think came from a YS email: "Through the travels of Theodosius ArchiDIACONUS, 530, it is known that there were 100 paces between the house of Caiaphas and the hall of judgment ("Nuovo Bull. di Arch. Crist." vi. 184, Rome, 1900). Peter and other disciples, however, being ignorant of the state of affairs, went to Caiaphas' house in the night." I had come across the Archdeacons just a day or two earlier from when this email was opened, and found "Cotys" listed with Archdeacons. I know of only two surnames sharing three black chevrons: Archdeacons and Levi's.

So, why was a Mr. Archidiaconus measuring paces from Caiaphas' house? Did he know to be a Caiaphas liner? Don't Dawsons and Herdons share martlets with Josephs and Pulleys/Pullens? Yes, and Herds share the swan with Josephs. The reason that Josephs became suspect with Joseph Caiaphas is from my realization that heraldry is not concerned with Josephs of any kind but those that trace to the Israeli priesthood. That's what HERALDRY is all about; ask the Herald/Herod/Hurl surname.

Herod and Hurls are listed with similar variations as septs of McLeods/Clode's. While at the page above, click the MacGregors to see their Argyl, Arra, and Arrow septs, for Herods were first found in Argyllshire while Arows/Arras' were from Herod-suspect Artois. I'm not suggesting that Herods named Artois, but that Herods are from the same Arda / Ardahan stock as Arthur liners. Note the MacGregor clan badge, a lion wearing the MacArthur crown. Gregors are expected from Scodra elements that founded the first Scots. But see that they have the PERT and Peter septs, or see that their Patullo/Petullow septs were in PERTH. As Peter Pollock was identified with proto-Rothschilds, see the septs that are no doubt branches of Bowers and Bauers, the latter suspect with the Here / Hertzog wings. The familiar white-on-red sword in the Patullo Coat is used in the same diagonal position in the Glad/Cladwin Coat, checked as or the variations of Clauds/Glauds.

Note too that while MacGregors have Garrey-similar septs reflecting "(Grio)GAIRE," they also have septs fronted with "Gray"...and even a Grigge sept that, to Latins, means "gray." Their septs fronted with "Harrow" can be deemed Arrow/Arras liners, and as Harrows are also HAREwere, it could appear that Herods developed into Hare's honored by the Has surname. That should trace the Has', Hazels, Dussens, and Dawsons to the line of Mariamne as it married Herods.

A possibility is that "Appius" was from "Cavii." "Appius" rhymes with "Caiaphas." Did Appius liners create, or were they a branch of, Caepio? Clauds use acorns, and then Apps' and acorn-using Capes' share white scallops while the Capes Chief shows that white-on-red sword again...used also be German Barneys suspect with Alexander "Berenicianus (Opgalli's son who gave us the trace to Appius Claudius Pulcher.) The Barney sword is again on a diagonal, and it's Coat has a Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed from the same of Capes'. English Barneys/Berneys were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Harrows using the colors and format of Clauds (traced to one character in BESANcon), whose acorns are in the colors and positioning of the Aves/Avison "wheat sheaves," seen also in the Harrow Crest as a "garb."

See how both Harveys (one from the same place as Chappes') and Garbs reflect, not only the Aves Coat, but those of Harrows and Clauds. Can this trace Harrows and Arrows to Harveys? Harveys, first found in Norfolk (the same place as Harrows), use footless martlets in the colors of the Herdon martlets. The grub rules.

Garbs were first found in the same place (Austria) as German Barneys, and then Grubs use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the same Barneys (both use ermined-white Shields. As Setters/Satters use the white-ermined Shield too, it's very notable that their SatterTHWAITE variation links to the Norfolk Thwaite's with fretty lattice, for the Cottians had traced to Sion/Sitten, and Harveys with Garveys traced Bellamys to the Arve river at the south end of lake Geneva. That can identify the Cetis'/Settiers (suspect with Alexander Berenicianus at Cetis) with the Seaton/Sitten namers of Sitten, for the Garveys (white-ermined Shield) use the Perche chevrons while Harveys use the fesse of Bellamy's (lived in Perche) while Bellamys share the Seaton/Sitten crescents. The Garvey lion is in the design of the Titus lion.

Not only do German Barneys (Austria) share the Capes' sword, but Barneys link well to Apps'/Happs with Abbs variation, for the latter use the fesse that is the Arms of Austria while HABSburgs of Austria should apply. Therefore, the Habsburg/Hapsburg surname can be using the Barney lion in colors reversed. Can we see a trace of these surnames from the Appius line that married the Agrippa, Alexander Berenicianus?

Hoppers (same place as same-colored Conte's) are also "HAPPer" and "HAWper, suggesting possibly the Haws and related HawTHORNs suspect at the Turano river flowing past Avezzano. These rivers flow along mount Sabina.

Re-capping: Opgalli's Maccabee-based son, Alexander, with a Julian name and an Agrippa name to boot, traced back to Julia the Younger Agrippina, and further back to Augustus's wife and Appius Claudius Pulcher, himself adopted by the uncle of Servilia Caepio. Cassia Lepida, for the record, was the daughter of Cassius Lepidus, son of Junia Lepida, daughter of Aemilia Lepida (born 5 BC), daughter of Julia the Younger Agrippina.

The theory had been that a branch of Cilnius Maecenas was in Modena, and that's where Cassius' were first found. As Bellamys married Ferte-Mace while Maceys can trace to "Maecenas," it's notable that Cassius' use a fesse in colors reversed to the Bellamy fesse. Moreover, as "MAECENas" (soft-c, I gather) was suspect with "Massena," it's notable that Massena's use Zionist stars in colors reversed from same of Cassius'. Moreover, the Cassius' are in Massin/Mason colors. The Massena patee crosses are colors reversed from the same of Bellamy-related Garveys. The Macey Coat even reflects well as a version of the Harveys.

Cassius' come up as "Cassan" while German Cassans share their blue fesse. This is excellent because the German branch was first found in Thuringia, home of Basina (mother of Merovingians that trace to the Salto river), from the Avezzano line that should trace to Julius Bassus, a near-descendant of Alexander Berenicianus. There had been a good case for tracing Basina's husband (CHILDeric) to Terentia, wife of CILnius Maecenas, for CHILLs/CHILDs share the Taran/Tarent Coat. This is very compelling, especially as Childeric had golden bees in his casket now suspect with Avezzano or even Opgalli.

Terentia was kin to the Murena family, and so it's notable that the Murena tower traced to Thuringia / Turano liners on its own merit, but that tower is used in white by both Hoppers/Happers and English Cassans (from BEARNE, France). Remember, Titus' father (VESpasian) has a name suspect with the namers of Avezzano, and then Hoppers/Happers share gyronny with Titus'. The triple chevrons of English Cassans are used by Waters, and then the Herd otter is said to be in "water." The Herds (colors of German Cassans) share hearts with Swedish Thors, suspect in Thuringian lines, and the Herd hearts are in the colors of the lozenges of the Thuringian-branch Cassans. Why seven lozenges? Is it code for SEPTimius Severus, who married Bassianus? Looks like. Why a brown otter? BRUNswick liners, right? English Thors/Tours use the Murena tower in the same red color.

German Cassans are also "Cassane," a shown variation of Irish Pattersons, while Scottish Pattersons use pelicans now suspect as code for Pulchers. That can't be coincidental, as it suggests that Appius Pulcher in Modena had some sexual relations there with Cassius liners. Later, Cassia, daughter of Cassius, would marry Alexander Berenicianus. The Patterson Cassane's are also said to be "Kissane," and the latter (highly suspect with Cass'/Cash's and Guiscards out of Sardinia) share the red stag with German Herds/Harts. I think I now understand that these Hart- and Herd-like variations of Germany are from the Mariamne-Herod line to Berenicianus.

English Cassens are said to have includes a Catessone surname much like the Attus surname thought anciently to be related to "Appius."

Here is the trace to Julius Bassus, suspect as even the father/grandfather of Julius Bassianus:

Julia Iotapa or Julia Iotape, sometimes known as Julia of Cilicia (born around 80) was a Cilician Princess who lived in the 1st century and 2nd century. Daughter of King Gaius Julius Alexander [father of Berenicianus] of Cetis, she married Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus, Galatian Roman Senator from Anatolia.

Julius Bassus above was the son of another Julius Bassus. The one called, Quadratus had connected to a Levite-suspect line: "Julia bore Bassus a daughter called Julia Quadratilla (b. ca. 100). She married to Gaius Julius Lupus Titus Vibius Varus Laevillus (ca. 95 - aft. 132), Quaestor in Asia in 132." There are no articles on the children shown for Laevillus, but none have names like "Bassianus." The older Julius Bassus was a son of Gaius Julius Severus, and then Septimius Severus married the daughter of Julius Bassianus. There is good evidence here for tracking the line of Simon Maccabee through Mariamne and to Julius Bassianus.

Aha! As Opgalli was from the Galatia area, while she is said to have been Jewish, see the below, where we find that the Bassus' were even in Judea!

[Julius Bassus] was the younger son of Gaius Julius Severus (b. ca 25), a Nobleman from Akmonia at Galatia, and paternal grandson of Artemidoros [smacks of the Doria-ARDuinici line] of the Trocmi, a Nobleman at Galatia, Asia Minor (son of Amyntas, Tetrarch of the Trocmi, King of Galatia), and his wife a Princess of the Tectosagii (daughter of Amyntas, Tetrarch of the Tectosagii). His older brother was Gaius Julius Severus, a Tribune in Legio VI Ferrata.

He was the father of Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus, Legate at Judaea [!!!] between 102 and 105, Consul of Rome in 105 and Proconsul of Asia in 105, married to Asinia Marcella, Domina figl., married to Julia of Cilicia.

So, we have a Laevillus married to the legate of Judea, all from the GALatian area of the Jewish OpGALLI. One could get the impression that Laevi Gauls were in Galatia. Note that the source for the article above is a SETTIpani surname, suspect with the Cetis/Settier surname (Cutter colors, white-ermined Shield, as with Satters/Setters and the Catter chevron), the one that looked good for a trace to Le Mas and Dumas'. The Catters smack of "QUADRatus," not at all denying a Catter-fish trace to Kodros, who had an ancient fish symbol. In fact, this is tracing Quadratus Bassus to Kotor, home of the Saraca's that I say trace to "Caracalla," son of Septimius Severus and Domna Bassianus!!! Zowie, what an electrical moment. The volts are running. Catters share the griffin with Cutters.

I had noted that Quadratilla and Laevillus had a son, "Aulus Julius Claudius CHARAX [caps mine to show a CARACalla-like term] (ca. 115 - aft. 147), married and father of: Julia, married to Gaius Asinius Rufus (ca. 110 - aft. 136), and had issue: Aulus Julius Amyntas, Nobleman of Ephesus. Kodros' son was said to have founded Ephesus. As I traced Caracalla to Carricks, said to be from Craigs, note that the Craig Coat (same motto as Stone's) is reflective of the Satter and Catter Coats. The rider on a horse in the Craig Crest wears a helmet with plumes of feathers, a symbol on the coin of Herod Archelaus (step-son of Mariamne).

Bassianus ran the black-stone cult, right? Stone's are in Carrick colors and they share the talbot while Tails/Taylors look like they are sharing the Craig fesse as a pale bar, with Levi lions in colors reversed upon it. The Carrick motto honors Gards that use griffins in the colors of the Pullen/Pulley martlets. In fact, the Pullen/Pulley Coat, in its entirety reflects, the English Gard Coat. Why are Gards tracing to a link with Pulchers? Actually, although "Gard" became suspect with SARDinans, the Gards that share the hawks lure with Herods are suspect as a G-form "Herod," for the Gard martlets are in the green-on-white of the Lannoy and Lyon lions, while one Lannoy surname has the helmet-and-plume symbol. Therefore, the Capes- and Kaplan-related Gardners might just have been Herods.

It's a toss-up. The Gardens use a black boar head, an appropriate Edomite and Hebrew symbol befitting Herods, but recalling that Jordans/Shurtans looked like Sherdan/Shardana Sea Peoples, note the Jarden variation of Gardens.

Regardless of whether Pulchers were involved in the birth of Caiaphas, it looked like Pulchers had something to do with a parent or wife of Mattathias the Hasmonean. It looked like Pulchers named Jonathan Apphus, and for reasons, I half-expect Caiaphas to be from a line of this Jonathan.

Did you notice that the last name (Lepida) of Alexander Berenicianus' wife is a possible Levite liner? Her marriage to a known Maccabee line is perhaps one of the best arguments for identifying "Lepidus" (and Lapiths on Patmos) with Levites. Might BERENICIANus have been the proto-Bernicians? Bernice's are listed with the Burns, and using a version of the Burns Coat, both using black Zionist stars, and both found in Cumberland. Bernice's/Burness' (Levi colors) use the fesse colors of Hasmonean-suspect Hazels. The "PerSEVERantia" motto term can trace to Severus, husband of Julia Bassianus. As Bassania was on the Mathis river not far south of Bar, perhaps Berenicianus liners were from Bar. But not everything Bar-like can trace there.

The Burns, using an "Ever" motto term that can be code for AVARan Maccabee, are said to have had a location in Renfrewshire, where Pollocks/Polks (hunting horn) lived that trace well to Pulchers. Burnetts (Berwickshire) share the black hunting horn of Burns and Bernice's, as well as using the Brock / Stewart motto. But black hunting horns are used also by German Bass'/Bassens/Basses', now speaking to Julius Bassus that married Berenicianus' sister. As English Basses'/Bass' use a rose "between two leaves," the "leaves" code becomes suspect with Laevillus. I've never entered "leaves" before, but it gets the leaves- and bee-using Leafs/Leve's! Their white-on-blue chevron is used by Maceys and Pulley-suspect Gards, but it's the bees that link to "Bassus," don't they, and to "Avezzano," right? Ask the know-it-all grub.

As soon as that Leaves Coat was loaded, the grub chirped (after nearly a 24-hour silence) just as I was writing the family tree down of Julius Bassus Quadratus, and his daughter who married Laevillus. Never shun the chirping of a grub. It sounded off about three or four "chirps," as it did yesterday. That's all. What does it mean? I don't speak grublish.

Recall the Aves-suspect Eve's (in Brown colors) with Evers / Ivers variations. As I trace Bryneich of Bernicians to Brunswick, note that Browns were first found in the same place as Berns and Bernice's. I'm seeing a CUMBERland trace to Umbra, where Ottone's were first found that are suspect with Visconti's, whom I saw as founders of Brunswick-Luneburg along with pelican-liner Alans/Alengs in Langhe. German Langs (Luneburg) use the pelican too, and Bruno's are said to have had a branch in Asti, smack at Langhe. Therefore, it looks like Brunswick traces to the Pulchers and to Berenicianus at the same time. This must have been one important line to the dragon-cult Masons. It would be not a wonder that they wouldn't want anyone to know, for it was a Herod line, and probably worse.

Repeat: "Appius Claudius Pulcher, was "serving first under Marcus Baebius Tamphilus in the war with Antiochus III the Great" The Bebba Bernicians are coming to mind, especially as one Babe/Babel Coat shares the Melusine mermaid with Lepidus-suspect Lapps/Leaps, first found in the same place as Morte/Mott-suspect Mortans. It's Maccabee all over, no matter what. English Babels were first found in the same place as Bessans/Besants, and then Scottish Ivers/Eure's are even using the same Shield as Besans/Besants. And it's the Massey/Macey Shield, important because Masseys share a pegasus with the Bernice Crest.

Bebba was a Bebbanburg, while Poppo I founded Babenbergs. The Poppins (motto term looks like code for Melusine's mother) and Mens' are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the German Barneys. Scottish Barneys and Bettys/Beatys share keys, explaining Bamm-Bamm Rubble as a Bamberg code. Pebbles Flintstone can be code for Peebles, which I trace to Papia/Pavia, suspect with Pepinids and founded by Laevi. The Poppin Coat and chief symbols are all in the colors of the same of Grubs, Anchors and Lemas/Clements.

The Norfolk Barneys are using a lion-version of the English Stein/Steyne/Stem Coat (Norfolk, ermined-white Shield again), and German Steins were first found in the same place (Austria) as German Barneys. Who were the Steins? They look like a branch of Stanfords / Stamfords, and then Stayne's can be linked to Stevensons/Steensons, as can the Stein bend. The Stamfords are using the lion-head design of Rothes, and Dutch Steins share the eight-pointed star with Rothschilds/RothSTEINs. A couple of the write-ups trace to "stone." Contrary to what the write-ups may imply, they all look related. Compare Stamfords to Nero's, for a Nero line is are expected at the Cetis rulers.

Berwicks use the muzzled bears of Macey-related Mackays, for what amounts to an excellent trace of Bernicians to Berenicianus. There is a German Bernick surname (ram) with a Berenger-like variation. Poppa of Valois can be suspect with Babenbergs, and her father was Berenger. It would make sense that she married Rollo, a Caiaphas-suspect line, if she were the Berenicianus line.

Iotapa of Cetis, mother of Berenicianus, was the daughter of king Antiochus IV of Commagene, and the latter's line was a Seleucid one. If I recall correctly, this Seleucid family goes back to Antiochus VIII GRYPUS, said to be a nickname for his hooked nose, but it sure looks like "Agrippa." Anyway, the very Seleucid line suspect to the anti-Christ married Berenicianus, who was himself a Seleucid-Maccabee line without doubt. The double-Seleucid line right-away married a Bassus family in charge of Judea for some purposes I don't yet know, and the Bassus family apparently gave birth to Julius Agrippa, brother of Julius, father of Julius Bassianus, who was stationed in Dalmatia under Caracalla's rule. The Saraca's would arise in Dalmatia, across the Adriatic waters from Istria's Pula = Pietas-Julia location, where it's now safe to trace Pulchers.

Bassus Ancestry; Can We Know It?

I'm going to move the next section to the start of next week's update because it's looking very good for finding proto-Maccabees in Galatia. I want to finish it rather than give half of it here.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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