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January 20 - 26, 2015

Heraldic Importance of the Various Ligurian Tribes
The Maccabee Lines of Maria of Este of Massa
Maecenas Liners at Arco of Trento

A couple of readers have again expressed the difficulty in following these bloodline topics. For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. My goal at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

In the last update, I was at Wikipedia's Ligurian article for the first time in years. I've developed many theories since then. One recent theory was a Grimaldi understanding of Grey-Mallet, the two surnames combined. Then, in the list of Ligurian tribes, there's a Statielli/Statiellenses (part Alan?) peoples, and so I took a look at the State/Statham surname to find a GREYhound in the Crest as well as FOUR lozenges in the colors of the Grimaldi lozenges.

Moreover, as we saw late in the last update that Ligurians traced to Cheshire, that's where State's were first found. The Statielli are said to have lived on the Tanaro, which is where Wikipedia places a branch of the Marici. The Tanaro is the location of Langhe, where I trace early Alans, and then another Ligurian tribe was named, Langates/Langensis, said to be "north of the Genuates", which is exactly toward Langhe. Moreover, the Statielli are north of Genoa too (between Genoa and the Tanaro). The Tanaro watershed is also the location of Fossano, what I trace to lake Fucino of the proto-Marici Marsi (near the sources of the Turano).

All of the Tanaro is on the south side of Turin, but allow me to repeat an important point, that the Commini Ligurians were found in the last update to be almost-certainly of the Common/Comyn surname because this surname shares the Coat of Aves'/Avisons that trace to Avezzano, smack at the source of the Turano! That was such an amazing find, to clinch the Aves/Avison trace to Avezzano, just like my grub told me. I would not have been able to make this trace had not the grub (garb-like creature) piped up to make me go back to the Avis/Avison Coat to take a deeper look. The Common/Comyn Coat is reflective of the Mallet Coat.

Another apparent revelation now unfolding is that the STEMmed rose in the Avezzano Coat links to the Statielli's. We begin with the goat in the Statten Coat, a symbol (different design) of the German Stein Coat, and then English Steins come up as "STEM." It appears that "Stein" is thus revealed as a short-form "Statten." Then, Stein/Stem bend is a version of the Stephenson/Steinson bend, itself a version of the Aide bend. The Stave's/Stephensons, honored by the staves of GRIMaldi-suspect PilGRIMS, were traced to the Provence Coat, and then many of the Ligurian tribes lived in Provence. The "pilgrim staves" used by Pilgrims is in purple in the Hawk Coat, and so wait for more purple below, as it too links to the Commoni Ligures.

One of my theories was that both the Caiaphas and Annas bloodlines originated in Hannibal's army as it crossed the Alps west to east through Ligurian territory. This one or two lines is expected to go, in fairly short order to, or be of, the ancestry of the Galatian line of Brogitarus > Bassus. As this was the line that married the Maccabee family of Alexander Berenicianus, it's notable that German Steins are traced to a Berne location.

Moreover, Brogitarus was a priest of the Great Mother, and Ishtar's symbol was an eight-pointed star used by Dutch Steins. Therefore, the theory now is that Caiaphas and/or Annas were from the Statielli Ligures, and as they lived on the Tanaro with a branch of Marici, let's re-mention that Marici and Laevi co-founded Ticinum>Pavia. It's bringing a new State theme into the Caiaphas picture. Wikipedia's article on Ligurians: "Marici (near the confluence of the rivers Orba, Bormida and Tanaro)" and "Statielli (or Statiellates) (in the valleys of the Orba {left bank}, Bormida and Tanaro)" It would seem that a Marici relationship with the Statielli is undeniable. While the Marici were joined with Laevi, what might be the importance of the Statielli as concerns priestly lines to Israel???

Brogitarus' cult was on the Sakarya river, which trace's to Seagars, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as English Steins. And then, while the Brogitarus cult traces to El-Gabal (officiated by the Bassianus'), the Steins appear fashioned as "stone" because the El-Gabal cult had a black-stone icon. That is, a branch of the Statielli named themselves after the black stone of El-Gabal.

Liguria has an Imperia area to which I trace the goat of the Boofima > Baphomet cult. With what looks like a solid Stein link to Brogitarus' cult, it could now appear that Baphomet was an offshoot of his cult at Pessinus, or vice-versa. For the last update or two, I've felt a little embarrassed for tracing the Prokopps/Brocuffs/Prusa's and related Brock surnames to "BROGitarus," as readers might think I'm nuts. I always run that risk when making surnames links far-too wild for an historian to risk his credentials upon. But I'm not a historian with a job to keep in that regard. The point is, and I do this without a drum roll, here's what looks like a version of the Prokopp/Brocuff Chief in the Chief of the Arms of Acquio Terme (anciently Aquae Statiellae), a chief location of the Statiellae. "Aquae" might even trace to "Qewe."

The upright red griffin in the Prokopp/Brocuff Crest can now trace to the griffin in the Arms of Alessandria (location to the near-north of Acquio Terme, on the same river), but as Ali's/Aliotta's use an upright white-on-red griffin, note that they were first found in a Terme location of Messina.

The Brocks use a "VireSCIT" motto term as code for the Skits and Skeets' that use the "potent" Brocuff cross, and so one may now entertain a Skit / Skeets trace to the home of the Statiellae. In fact, while new on the Skits, I traced them with Reno's and Scheds/Sheds together to the Pinks and Panico's (Setta tributary of the Reno), and here we find the red-on-white lozenges of Pinks and Reno's in use in the State Coat. One could get the impression that "Setta" was named by State liners, but if it was correct to identify the Setta with Sadducees, I suppose that SADDucees were from the STATielli. What a new concept to explore, and this comes fresh after tracing Grimaldi's to proto-Maccabees. The Sheds/Sheddens even use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocuffs and Brocks.

I entertained the Shutz variation of Schutz's as a Sadducee line, which was able to make it clear how the Skit-like terms could likewise be Sadducee lines. The Schutz's share the greyHOUND with State's, and, like the black wolves of the Qewe-suspect Quade's, the black Schutz greyhound is on a chain. Hounds use lozenges too. Late in the last update, we saw why the Aiodh term in the write-up of Quade-related Mackays should trace to Suthers, and my feelings are that Schutz's, also "Shutz," are a part of the Shute's / Shuters/Sutters (traced to cobblers, treat as code), very linkable to Suthers. Shute's share the sword with the Chaine's/Chenays, and Shuters/Sutters are using a version of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coats while Chads use the potent cross yet again. I'll laev it to you to decide whether these are Sadducee lines, seeing that Chaddocks are using a version of the Saddock Coat.

Hmm, recalling "Guaire AIDHne the Hospitable, son of Colman," it appears that the Colin character, son of Angus Souter (in the Sutter write-up), can apply to that Colman line just because Suthers are linkable to AIODH liners. Remember, the Aidhne line linked hard to Guerin of Provence, the Ligurian theater, and Stein-related Aide's are honored in the Levi motto.

Aha! The "cobbler" code of Shuters ad brought the Copons/Cobbhams to mind, and then Colins are using footless martlets in the colors of the black Copon/Cobbham lions! The latter lions were shown to link excellently with the black lion paw in the Quint Crest, and then the paragraph where that was written (last update) -- which paragraph should be studied and investigated by every thinking person on earth -- showed black footless martlets that tempted a trace to the Joseph martlet, but here we find Colins using it in both colors of the Joseph martlet! The Aide's even use black leopards (!), the colors of the Quade/QUAIDE / Mackay wolf heads. Perfect, undeniable evidence that the illusive Aide's were Quade's = the Aiodh entity of Mackays! The gold collars with chains on the Quade wolves are clearly of the Schutz greyhound.

Elite-European history is nearly fully about this bloodline to which Joseph Caiaphas belonged.

French Colins were even first found in the same place (Ile-de-France) as the Levi and Chappes surnames, and is likely using the bend of Charo's/Claro's honored in the "charo" motto term of English Josephs. The three bars of the Colins are in use in the Luff/Love surname that can be a branch of Leavells/Lovels.

As the lozengy Shield of the Renfrew Lombard/Limbaugh surname should trace to Grimaldi Ligures, I'll jot down that the Lombard eagle is in the colors of the one in the Arms of Acquio Terme. The "lux" motto term of Brocuffs can link to the "Luxor" of the Glass', suspect from Glasgow, in the same place as Lombards/LimBAUGH (Boofima-term?). Red griffins are a good place to trace the Gruffudd /Griffiths/Griffins of red-dragon Wales. The Baughs/Bachs were first found in Denbighshire, where there is no shortage of red-dragon symbols. The Baugh/Bach stars could be the Annas star, and the Baugh/Bach fesse could be the Quint Chief. Rush Limbaugh, when I listened to him many years ago, was calling himself "God" jokingly, but I wonder if there is more to it.

I've just noted that the Bagh/Baugh variation of Baughs/Bachs (Grimaldi colors) should trace to the Bagienni / Vagienni Ligurians. It even looks like they contributed in naming DenBIGH. On my first trace ever of the Biblical Jonathan, the Levite, at the risk of looking nuts, I traced him to the Jones surname (drops, now tracing to the Sakarya/Sangarius river), first found in Denbighshire, and so see the last update on the Laevillus trace generally to that area of Wales. That wild Jonathan-Jones trace could be better than curved space because I, at least, have the chance of being correct, while EinSTEIN was definitely wrong. But whatever you do, don't put me in the same Klass as Einstein.

I've just realized that the banner held by "Lady Fortune" (she stands on a besant!) in the Klass Coat connects to the purple banner of the Fonts/Fonds-de-Ville's (traced in the last update to Pessinus on the Sakarya). The Comyns location was ruled by Conteville's that were traced (by me) to Font/Fond de Ville's from Piscinas. The Lady surname was therefore looked up to find a LAUDyman variation, and to this it must be added that while the Lady-like LETTS are using a colors-reversed version of the Annas Shield, the star of which is now linking tentatively to the Baughs/Bachs. Ladys/Laudymans use annuLETS, you see, part code for an ANNU entity that must be for Annas of Israel. The point was that "Laud" is a surname listed with Lords while the GLASgow surname used a "lord" motto term. Bingo! And shame on the Glasgows for using "Lord" as code merely for their kin.

To top it off, the Ladys/Laudymans were first found in the same place (Northampton) as Spinks whom are honored in the sphinx of the Prokopp/Brocuff Coat. It therefore looks like the Lauds/Lords (Pilate pheons?) are using the Ampton cinquefoils. The Lady annulets (same colors) are uses on what should be the Annan saltire, in the Berone Coat, and then the Berone motto uses "fortuna." You know Lady Fortune when she bounces up and hits you on the nose, don't you?

In the last update, I expressed a Sign that God apparently gave us (not just me, God forbid) that lad to the Glass surname as pertained to my falling on the floor. I missed something at that time, and so allow a repeat of that particular section:

The symbol of a phoenix is its rising from the ashes, and so see the Trans/Trent description: " A gold demi eagle rising with a laurel branch in its mouth." Why laurel? Laranda elements? It's Coulters (Knee colors) that were first found in Laranda-suspect Lanarkshire, smack beside GLASgow, and my knee was cut with GLASS!!! I had fallen on the FLOOR, and so look, almost unbelievable, of all things to say in deriving the Vane's/Fane's, they are derived in "van = threshing FLOOR"!!! Incredible.

You'd need to read the entire revelation to understand why I thought it was incredible, but as I didn't load the Glasgow Coat (in Lord colors) when writing the above, I missed it's "FLOURish" motto term! The entire motto is, "Lord, LET Glasgow flourish". Another surname using "flourish," albeit in their motto translation, are the Rooks, and they happen to share the blue-on-white chevron of Glasgows, and then both Glasgows and Irish Roche's use fish while French Roche's use the moline of Chives'. Rooks can be equated with Roche's due to the top of the Roche moline being of the design at the top of the Rook rook.

It's starting to feel a little like curved space at warp speed. Scottie, where exactly are we? Settle's/SETTELs, suspect with the Stars, use more lozenges, making them suspect with the STATIELLi Ligures. Why are Settle's and STARs in the green colors of the Track/Tricks lion? It's the Lyon / Lannoy lion, isn't it, in the two colors of the Settle lozenges. The producer of STAR Trek, Gene RODDENbury, is of the Roddens (same place as Siward) sharing the STEINson/Stephenson (and Aide) bend. Yet another Ligurian tribe, the Tricastini, look like they should link to Tracks/Tricks/Triggs and related Drigs. In fact, the Tricastini are said to be from the Narbonne area while the Narbonne/Denardo Coat share's the large white-on-blue tower of German Kirks! The Trigg / Drig lions were traced to the same of Rippers/Ripleys, thought (by me) to be from the Riparia river flowing to Turin, and then the namers of that river were traced to the Ribble river (Lancashire), where the Settels are traced to in their write-up.

The Kirk / Narbonne tower is used in the same colors by the Scone's! The Stone of Scone, right? It must have been code for the Statielli and Tricastini Ligures together. Scottish Kirks (Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas'), who can link by their thistle to Alpins -- the first royal Scots that went on to use the Stone of Scone as a royal symbol -- use the same sword as Shute's and Swords (the latter, from "Siward" of Northumberland, suspect in the Sewer variation of Sutters/Shuters, own the swords).

I'm not joking. I know my HERALDry science. I know how the electrons bounce. The Tricks/Triggs and Drigs are in Herod/HARALD/Herault colors, and Narbonne is at Herault. The Lannoys are linkable to Herod Archelaus' coin with a feathered helmet. The Scone's, first found in the same place (Stirling) as Chappes'/Chaips, use a GREEN wyvern in Crest that traces to Guido Guerra III whom was involved with Panico's at the Setta, and so the green Guerra wyvern links to the green Settel lozenges. The Scone wyvern even wears a gold collar with chain! "A wyvern proper collared and chained red charged with a silver star." Collars are no doubt using the Chappes / Stirling Moor head.

If you're old enough for the original Star Trek show, you know what I'm talking about. And Spock is suspect with the Spock/Speck surname like the Speccot variation of Space's. Carvers (Levi chevron? Aid fleur?), whom were the closest thing I could find to the "curved" term in heraldry, use a Moor hear too. Kaip(f) use a curved chevron along with Chappes-related Ottone's.

The Tricastini lived on the Orba river in Italy, but that strongly suggests a link to the Orbieu river at Narbonne. The Orba is the location of Rocca Grimalda and CREMolino (both in Alessandria), which recalls the Grimaldi trace to Has, beside KRUME. IN FACT, zowie, the Krume's had been found to use the Silver crescent, and then the Orba is also the location of Silvano d'Orba. The Orba is smack beside Acquio Terme, home of the Grimaldi-suspect Statiellae. Einstein, eat your heart out. It looks like the namers of Krume were at Cremolino.

Acquio Terme, by the way, is to the near-east of Ceva, and we would like to know what Ligurian tribe was at Ceva. The Chives, from Ceva, use a motto term in honor, in my opinion, of the Viu tributary of the Riparia. The Statiellae of the Settel kind just traced to the Riparia, didn't they?

The Ribble river of Settels was put in code in Barney RUBBLE by the Hanna-Barbera producers of the Flintstones. The Ribble flows near Flint, and then the Flint surname uses "flint stones" in colors reversed to the Settel lozenges, and moreover using the Star chevrons that itself had the Settel lozenges. Stars and Flints even share estoiles, and as Este (from "Asti on the Tanaro?) is near Vicenza, where VALENTins (same bend as Steinsons/Stephensons) were first found who use squirrels in Settel colors, compare with "FLINT." Suddenly, emperor Valentinian is tracing to Sadducee suspects.

The Star Crest shares a cat-a-mountain with Chives, and they both look like the same cat aside from the direction of its stare. I already know how to trace the "VirTUTE" motto term, used by many, including the Chives', to lake Tatta. My fawn revelation in the last update was all about tracing Caiaphas to Derbe, a few miles south-west of lake Tatta. Just see the Tattons in the last update, then see the Tute's/Toots/Touts. The Tatta topic unleashed the meaning of purple heraldry in the purple robes of El-Gabal priests, and then the Vivians/Veys, who are seemingly in the Star motto, use purple lions.

I rarely load the Toots as "Tute," but did so this time to find an Irish branch using the Tatton quarters in colors reversed. Irish Tute's took me by surprise, being traced to a THWAIT manor (Norfolk, same place as Thwaite's) and to Thuit location in Eure, and then Thwaite's are found in the Satterthwaite surname. Tute's are also traced to BERENger de TODINi, a Tatton liner, apparently. Of GREAT INTEREST here is that Thuit is in Les ANDELys (the Toot write-up misspelled it), and if you read the fawn revelation, you would know that the ANTELope was a large part of that Derbe picture!!! The Derby Crest is an antelope!!! Zowie. Now you know for sure that the Toot and Tatton electrons bounce to lake Tatta and Derbe. The photonic electricity is completely excited at this time.

Thwaite's share red fleur-de-lys with Gellone's (and Barbera's) for a potential Gellone trace to Galatians at Tatta. SATTERthwaite's were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Settels. If you look at the SATHERthwaite variation as it compares with Suthers, see if you can see why the Satherthwaite's should be Aide / Suther liners. Suthers were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Settel-related Flints, and while Flints just became suspect as a Valentin branch, so we find that Valentins and Suthers using the same-colors bend! It therefore appears that Satters/Sathers and Sutters/Sothers were just an er-version of "Settel," and therefore a branch of the Statielli. In my new opinion, therefore, Satters should not be viewed as a branch of Cutters and Cottars.

I'm trying to wrap my head around this new trace of Valentin elements to Flintshire. It suggests a trace to "Flander." Wilma Flintsone (in Fleming colors) was a symbol of Flemings of Flanders, and then the Flander surname is also FLINDers. Dino, a Flintstone pet, may be able to identify the Flander/Flinders fesse with the Liebers fesse, for the Dino Coat not only uses "LIBERtas" in a Chief of Flander-fesse colors, but there's an oak tree in the Dino Coat jibing with the oak branches on either side of the Lieber fesse! That is some good science. I know when electrons are bouncing off my nose as I study them. Liebers were first found in the same place (Silesia) as Sitlers/SCHITners. The Dino tree has removed the seven acorns from the Apollo/Poloni tree, but has left the one acorn along the trunk.

Safe to say, LIBERS were Levites in Flanders, explaining why Flemings were prime Templar products, and why the counts of Mons used the three Levi chevrons in both colors, the colors of Flanders. The other prime Templar products, the Sinclairs, share the same gold rooster in Crest with LEVERS, what a liebincidence. An oak theme coupled with roosters was just traced to Akmonia, home of the Brogitarus family. [ZOWIE, after getting further below to the Bernards, French Bernards (Provence) were loaded to find what could be a version of the rooster-using Aiken Coat, but with a helmet in the two colors of the Mynett helmets! The latter surname was traced to "Amyntes," son of Brogitarus!

The Lever rooster stands on a so-called "trumpet," but clarions are heraldic trumpets and code for Clare liners. If they decide to call it a trumpet, they either want to hide Clare links, or want to show linkage to Trumps, for example. Levers were first found in the same general place as Settels and Satters, and are traced to LIVERpool. I traced Clare's to a Clarus relationship with the Brogitarus cult on the Sakarya, and then the ancestry of Laevillus is suspect from Brogitarus' family or his connections.

Laevillus married the family of Alexander Berenicianus (line to Barney Rubble, right?), and then that oak tree we just saw with Dino's is used by Irish Berne's/Birne's upon a Shield that looks linkable to that of Cutters, suspect from QUADRatilla, Laevillus' wife and Berenicianus' uncle. But the Berne tree is called an apple tree. One can see the one acorn along the trunk, and so I assume that "apple" is code for the Apollo/Poloni surname (same place as Bruno's).

The Scottish Berne's use a fesse in colors reversed from the Leiber fesse, and as Liebers link squarely to Dino's, note that the latter use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens', for Scottish Berne's use "mens legs". Moreover, the "INCipe" motto term of Scottish Berne's must be code for the Ince's / Inch's that share black-on-white bendlets with Levers. We're clearly able to make a Berne / Bruno link to Levi suspects, and the Apollo's/Polloni's had been suspect with PELICan-using Pullens to one of the two PULCHers, or both, one of them a political supporter of Brogitarus. The Lever rooster is "all proper," and then Propers use a pipe in the mouth of an ostrich while Pipe's (same place as Leavells) use the Pepin Coat while the latter use a "Mens" motto term. The Propers are shown to be Robins while Sullivans use a robin in their Crest.

But what comes to mind with a Pepin link to Levers?

As some further evidence that Berne's are using a version of the Cutter / Saluzzo Shield, the Irish Berne/Birne Coat has a lizard (called a salamander in this case), the only symbol of Cottars. The lizard is used by Kissane's that can apply here, for Kissane = Cassane's were first found in the same place (Connacht) as Berne's. Bernards even share scallops in the colors of the same of Pattersons/Cassane's. Scottish Pattersons use more pelicans, as do Langs of Luneburg, where Bruno's trace as proto-Brunswick. The Cottar Coat is suspect with that of FROGGits, who are in turn suspect with Phrygians of some sort, and possibly from BROGitarus. If we can make a connection of the Berne's to the Statielli, then, as State's use the Grimaldi lozenges, we can recall the "frock" in the Grimaldi write-up, code for Frocks/Froggs.

The salamander is code for Salyes Ligures together with Manders, but Manners are found in the Mens write-up. Manner / Manders trace to Maeonians that lived in Lycaonia.

I had traced the Supers/Sopers to InSUBRes, but I also thought that Ince's and Innis' should trace to "INSubres," and here I find a "Sapere aude incipe" motto of the Berne's. The Insubres were at the Ticino theater, and I still think that Pepins can trace to Papia/Pavia on the Ticino. If that's correct, it can explain why Pepins and Pipe's should be linking to Levers. The BROWN lion of Scottish Berne's can betray that these Burne's were a Bruno branch.

The Apollo's/Polloni's were first found in the same place (Florence) as Bruno's and Berone's. English Berone's are said to have had a Bury location in Suffolk, but then the Burys look like Bernards ("FLORAbit" motto term for Bruno's at Florence), and are said to be from both Suffolk and Lancashire, the latter where Settels lived. This is good for a new discovery, that the Bruno's, said to have a branch in Asti at/beside LANGhe, trace to Burys-and-Bernard liners at LANCAshire. The Settels are tracing to the Statielli whose Acquio location is within 20 miles of Asti!

Italian Bernards show an oak tree without the seven acorns but with the one along the trunk (if it is an acorn) still showing. If this is code for the Trunks (bulls, code for Turin), they trace with Thors/THORN (elephant trunks) to TURIN. But Swedish Thors share hearts with English Barone's, and the latter's Coat looks like it could be a version of the Derby Coat. Lycaonia was at the Taurus-mountain theater.

The Euburiates Ligures are suspect with Eburovices. There is some chance that Burys and therefore Berne's and Bernards trace to this group of Hebrew suspects, but then they existed, I assume, before the time of Berenicianus. There is a Bruse/Brouset surname using the Bruce lion, as well as fleur in the colors of the Brown fleur, first found in Languedoc. I am not familiar with this surname, and have no idea how closely their fleur link to Browns'. However, one Berne surname use's the same saltire as Annandale's, as do Scottish Bruce's on a gold Shield. On the other hand, Bruse's are suspect with the Prusa surname listed with BROCuffs, themselves suspect with "BROGitarus."

Again, the Sheds/Sheddens use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocuffs and Brocks. The "hermit" in the Shed Crest can be code for Hermits using three "closed" helmets. I don't recall any other helmets said to be open or closed, but this one and the open helmets of Mynetts. The Hermit helmets are in the colors of the Helm helmet, and in the colors of the Close surname (same place as Settels / Satters) that I trace to CloseBURN, home of Kilpatricks of the Nith river. The Nith is in the same place as where Nitt/Naughts/NEIGHTs/Nutts (Saddock Shield?) were first found who are definitely linkable to Kilpatricks. I can see the Shed starting to hit the Fano here, for Vane's/Fane's use a "Bring nothing" phrase partly for Nottings, and partly for Brings/Brians that link well to the Sale-related Helms. German Helms use a "KNIGHT's helmet," clever. Maceys need to be part of this because of the fret knot, and so you can see the Macey Coat in the Close Coat.

The Hellers were linked to Brians in the last update when Vane's/Fane's were linked to Brians. The Close Coat looks like a version of the Heller Coat, but with the Kilpatrick / Patterson blood drops thrown in. The Heller Coat looks like a version of the Temple Coat too, important as per the "template" of Vane's/Fano's. The latter were a part of the amazing trace to the Knee/Nee and Glass bloodlines, and here I'm finding that Close's are in Klass colors. The Lady Fortune of Klass' can even be gleaned in the "Fortis" motto term of Close's and even better in the "fortunae" of Nitts/Naughts. The Pitts from Pett (Kent) are using a version of the Nitt/Naught Coat, and Pitts were first found in the same place (Devon) as Hellers. Pitts use a "liberi" motto term.

The bouncing electrons are starting to look like leaping frogs. The Leaps/Lapps may be of the Lapicini tribe of Ligurians. This is a hard call because Leaps could be a Lieb(er) / Leib(er) branch, not from Lapicini. Lapiths? Here's Wikipedia's full article with caps mine: "The Lapicini were an ancient Ligurian tribe mentioned by Livy as being subjugated by Rome under consuls Marcus Aemilius LEPIDUS and Quintus Mucius Scaevola in 175 BC. (Liv. xli. 19.) They inhabited the extreme northern regions of Liguria, as it was defined in Roman times, on a tributary of the Magra (Latin: Macra) river." Why Lepidus? Note how the Mucius middle name is like Mokissos at lake Tatta. The Magra is in Massa-Carrara and La Spezia.

A new theory here is from my many claims that Tattons and similar others were from king Tut, as descendants of his family -- pharaoh Akhenaten and Nefertiti -- migrated to Autun and neighboring Nevers, France. This area of Burgundy would be a natural extension of Ligures, and I even discovered that Burgundians were partly of NIBELungs, suspect with "Nephele," wife of Ixion the Lapith king. I know that Lapiths were on Lesbos, and so I trace Yuya, the Mitanni horse trainer of Akhenaten, to Mytilene and Methimna, both on Lesbos, itself off-shore from Phocaea, where some proto-Ligurians are known to have originated. I therefore gathered that LACYdon, where Ligurians are said to be founded, was from the namers of LESbos. I am therefore compelled to see a trace of the Tut family through Tatta of Lycaonia and the Lydian domain of Lesbos to the Ligures so that, indeed, Ligurians may have been named by Lycaonians, perhaps the same peoples as Lycians. Both Lacy surnames even use purple, one of them using a purple "FRET knot," in-part code for Ferte-Mace that traces well to Macissus, the Roman name for Mokissos.

In other words, the Lapicini may have been Lapiths. The Leaps/Lapps were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as the Mortons who use quarters in colors reversed from the same of Massey-related Tattons and Duttons, the latter using frets. We already have a story. The Settel-related Stars were likewise first found in Wiltshire, as were Dorsets (sun) that share the gold-on-blue crescent with Knots (in Notting colors). By what cosmic coincidence were Knots first found in DERBYshire?

The Cat is Out of the Baggins

In conclusion, I've got to entertain that the chief priests of Israel were of the Laevi and Statielli combined. Below is a map of the Bormida river (flows to the Tanaro) upon which the Statielli lived, showing nearby Asti and Savona. The Savona location was suspect with mythical Cycnus the swan king of Liguria. Look at how close to Savona the Statielli lived. On my atlas, Ceva is exactly midway between Cuneo (show below) and Savona so that Statielli are expected at Ceva.

The Savona surname not only shares the red scallop with Pulleys/Pullens, but uses stars in the colors of the Polesdons that come up as PULSipher, a version of a real PULCipher surname suspect with Pulchers. Publius Pulcher has been thought by some historians to be a son of Servilia Caepio the elder, and the other Pulcher, Appius, was adopted by the uncle of another Servilia Caepio (see family tree). That uncle was Marcus LIVIUS Drusus, what a levincidence. Livi's are listed with Levi's.

By what coincidence is the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Savona's that also of LIVings/Levins and Tanners??? As you can see, both use white in their black Chiefs, and Tanners use Moor heads, the symbol of Chappes' first found beside the Claro Normans, who were probably as far east from St. Clair-sur-Epte as La Falaise (Paris outskirts). The Statielli lived on the Tanaro too!

I think the evidence needed to present my case for a Caiaphas trace to Chives' out of Ceva is hereby clear. It was a year or two ago when discovering the Charo/Claro trace to Ceva by way of the Mosca leopard in the Chives Crest (identical design at this time which may change to hide the fact), for Mosca's of Sicily married MonteCHIARO while Chiaro's are listed with Charos'/Claro's. The "tanner" of Falaise had a daughter who married the king of the Normans (William) with a Claro bloodline. The Charo's/Claro's share a red bull with the Savona Crest as further evidence that Savona's had merged with Tanners from the Tanaro. The Normans would have wanted to hide this marriage to Italians, and so, from our historians, we falsely got "the tanner" in the profession of tanning rather than one from the Tanaro.

The Charo's/Claro's were first found in the same place (Ferrara) as Capelli's whose "chapeau" is used by Bidens/Buttons (same place as the "charo"-using Josephs) having bull horns in Crest. It is a very compelling case for proving that Josephs were in honor of Joseph Caiaphas and no other Joseph, which can only mean that heraldry revolves around the line from the killers of Christ. It can only mean that Templarism (creators of heraldry) revolved around that line.

The gold talbot dog in the Tanner Crest is used in a different position in the William Crest, and so it seems obvious that Williams (Tanner colors) were from William the Conqueror (the one who's mother was the daughter of "the tanner"). The talbot traced to the Taulantii on the south side of the Mathis river, which is the river upon which the Cavii lived. Mathis' use the black-on-white Chives moline, which is how I know that Cavii trace to the naming of Ceva. It's known that the Moline/Moulin surname (black moline in the colors of Levi's) was of the household of "the tanner." You can read that in the Moline write-up: "William of Moulins, Sire de Falaise...uncle of William the Conqueror..." Mr. Moulins must have been the son of "the tanner," brother of the Conqueror's mother.

If you haven't already, see the Mathis and the Cavii at the lower-left of both maps here, and note the Parthini at the Mathis, for they might be of the Perta Lycaonians, which can explain the dog symbol used for Talbot liners:

The William talbot is split in gold and silver, now a clue for me that indicates Caepio-treasure sharers:

...the metals, colours, and furs used in armoury are called tincture.

As a general rule, a charge of metal should never be placed upon a metal field, nor a coloured charge upon a coloured field, but to this there are some exceptions. First, what the French call armes pour enquerir, or armes a enquerre, as the insignia of the kingdom of JERUSALEM (See cross, §31), where gold appears on silver; and in other cases where colour appears on colour, e.g...

Until finding this quote in the last update, and even before finding Quintus Caepio, I had suggested that metal contacting metal was a symbol of Hebrews, and later figured that it was likely of the Israelite priesthood.

Moline's/Moulins were first found in the same place (Devon) as Tanners, and this was beside the Leavells. The Bidens/Buttons are said to have officiated some Catholic purposes in Bath and Wells of Somerset, where Leavells were first found.

At his Wikipedia article, an image of Jacques de Molay had a black-on-white moline upon his breast, but after mentioning it a few times, the image was changed to one with a red moline. Can we understand why "Illuminatists" might be reading my work, hoping to assure that I don't succeed in proving what they and heraldry are all about? Can we imagine some people of the Caiaphas bloodline, throughout history, after being illuminated by insiders on whom they descend from, being asked to participate in the task that they know Caiaphas would love them to undertake: killing Jesus continually, making sure He stays dead in the minds of the masses? That would be a good definition of "Illuminati." The Charo/Claro write-up traces to "illumined."

We find a Molton location in the Moline/Moulin write-up, and then Moltons/Molsons were likewise first found in Devon. The Molton/Molson Coat could be using the stars of the Sutherlands (Statielli suspects), the ones to which the Aide's trace. Moltons/Molsons (Meulan colors) are said to be from Meules in LISieux, which traces to the Lissus location at the mouth of the Mathis. More in particular, Moltons/Molsons are said to be from ORBec, perhaps related to the Orba river smack near Ceva! This Moline trace to the Statielli theater means that the goats in the Moline/Moulin Chief could be for the Statten goat. To assure that the Statten goat is the Moline goat design, compare them with the goats of the Mortons...using the quartered Shield that traces to Tatta.

The Sutherland / Molton stars are used also by ABERdeens, and then the Chives' are said to have lived in Tarves of Aberdeen. The Aberdeen Coat, minus the "fretty" in the Moltons/Molson chevron, is a copy of the Molton/Molson Coat, and the besant in the Aberdeen Crest can therefore be hint of the Bassania location smack beside Lissus. Both surnames have motto terms traceable to Fiddle's at Vis-de-Loop. The Molton/Molson Crest: "A lion's head PERPALE embattled gold and black." All right, so we have a part-black lion, the color of the Levi lion, and a part-gold lion.

There were other gold lions tracing to Levi kin in the last update. Upright gold lions are shared (both on red backgrounds) by SECONDS/Segurs and Dee's. When I was tracing Seconds/Segurs to Junia Caepionis Secunda (daughter of Servilia Caepionis), I did not know, for months if not years, that Levi's use a "second" motto term. The Levi motto also uses "Aide DIEu," and Dee's are also "Die," one branch which was first found in Aberdeenshire. It looks like Dee's had merged with Statielli-related Aide's so that both can trace to the Ceva theater. Seconds use quarters in the colors of the Tatton quarters!

Both Dee Crests show "seated" lions (with wings) holding objects, but the descriptions don't mention what the objects are. Cover-up? The Seats/Cedes' (besants) are honored by the motto of Steers, and both surnames can be suspect with "Statielli." Seats/Cedes' were first found in the same place as Settels and Satters, and then Settels use the lozenges (a State symbol) of Steer-like Stars.

As Steers were first found in Surrey, while Surreys are also "Surrich," Steers can trace to the Zurich theater. This is an excellent time to mention this, because virtually in the same minute, I noted the Sonne-like endings on some Levi variations, while Sonne's (share the huge Hesse sun) were first found in Thurgau, the Zurich theater. I suppose this could make Sonne's a branch of Sine's/Sions/Swans, and then Sion is also "Sitten," as are the Seatons! Zikers, is that ever a good revelation, especially as Thur-like Thors/Thorns, who come up as "Thur," use a perchevron in colors reversed from the Chappes perchevron. There is even a Kappal location at the Zurich theater said to be from "Cappella" while Swiss Kaplans/Cappelans use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Steers! Clearly, Caiaphas liners were at the Zurich theater, and in the Steers of Surrey.

I suppose the logical reasoning would trace Turin elements to Thurgau, and to Austria's Tyrol, where Thors/Thorns were first found. Steers can then trace to Austria's Styria, the Arms of which appears to use a fire-breathing wolf, and the wolf is in Star-chevron colors, what a steerincidence. As Styria is also "Styr," the fox of Steyers (Austria) should apply; it's upright, like the Styria wolf. Something is telling me here for the second time that the Faucets of FAUXside apply, for Seatons were first found in the same place as Faucets, and then Bingo! The Faucet lion is not only in the colors of the Steyer fox, but the rare Faucet bend is checkered red and white, as is the bend with Hohen checks in the Arms of Kappal(on the Albis river).

Steyers are also "Steiber/Steuber," while Stubers use purple lions on a Shield with 12 blue-and-white horizontal bars, the colors of the eight horizontal bars, in the same colors, of Cavetts/Schavo's. The latter surname is how we can know that Chives'/Shavo's trace to Ceva, for there is a Cavetta river there to which Cavetts can trace. Lucky, or we might not have any evidence for a Chives' trace to Ceva. But here we are finding evidence that Statielli liners were in Styria, and so let's add that while Welsh Bachs/Baghs/Baughs have given hint of Caiaphas elements while now traceable to the Bagienni / Vagienni Ligures, a bull (Turin symbol) called a "steer" is used by German Bachs. The Charo/Claro bull traces to the Turin bull as per a Chieri location on the south of Turin.

The Chever variation of Cavett's/Cavets/Schavo's can be a branch of Cheevers/Cheves' using the upright goat theme (by Stattens too) as well as sharing a "dieu" motto term with Levi's. Cheevers are said to have had a town southern Belgium, and that's near Picardy, where Cavetts/Schavo's were first found. The "foy" motto term of Cheevers connects with Foys/Foix's, first found in the same place as Levi's. The story is becoming rather undeniable, isn't it? The Cheever goats are the Morton goats while Mortons use the quarters of Seconds/Segurs. It just so happens that while Mortons were first found in the same place as Leaps/Lapps, The Leib(er)s are also "LEIPnitz" while apparently using a quartered version of the Second/Segur Coat.

This is actually excellent, for I traced the Luni area of La Spezia to the naming of Luneburg, a trace that was very solid and included the crescents of Masseys/Massa's ("tree without LEAVES") and Luna's, in the colors of the Tatton / Toot/Tute crescent. The point is that the Lapicini were on the Magra river that has a source in Massa-Carrara, and flows to La Spezia. Therefore, Leibers/Leipnitz's ('ei' combo) are tracing to the Lapicini, begging the question of whether Lieb(er)s ('ie' combo) trace to the same. In any case, it's just as I said some weeks ago, that Days and Seconds/Segurs trace to Brunswick-Luneburg, as do pelican-using Langs suspect from Caepio liners.

If the gold quarters of Leibers/Leipnitz's were white, it would be the Tatton / Dutton Shield. The Duttons share frets with Specie's/SPECcots (Devon again) so that one could trace the latter to "La SPEZia." The Space/Speccot frets are in the colors of the Second/Segur lions, and you may know that Segurana's were first found in Liguria.

The Spanish Luna crescent looks like it should be the same of Chapmans, first found in the same place as Capone's. The same crescent is used by Italian Luna's. The Italian Luna's use the eagle in the Massi/Mattis Chief, and there had been undeniable evidence that the latter surname traces to Massa-Carrara, yet the Mattis-like variations ought to be from the Mathis river. The tree stump of Leibers/Leipnitz's suggests linkage to the same of the Milan surname, for Luna's were first found in Milan. Chappes' got involved with Milan's Visconti's.

I'm fairly convinced of a Leap and Leiber trace to those Ligurians. Were they from non-practicing Levites? Luni traces well with Carrara to Clarus of Caria, the area where the Maso Sea Peoples are expected. What a charo-incidence. Likely, the bull of the Turin will go back to the Zeus Taurus in Caria, and Thor was much a type of Zeus. Thor was related to Frigg, and so, as per the recent Clarus trace to the Galatians of Phrygia, which preceded the very-recent trace of Mopsus of Clarus to Mokissos of Galatia, look at this Frigg-like location: " located in the Frigido River Valley, near the Alpi Apuane, some 5 km (3 mi) from the TYRrhenian Sea [caps mine]." The Apuane area is where the Apuani tribe of Ligurians lived. But, what were they called otherwise if they got named after Apuane rather than vice-versa? The Luni-related Lunigiana location is where the Apuani Ligures are said to have lived. I traced Luni to the moon goddess (Selene) at Latmus (beside Clarus).

Lune's are listed with Lyons and show a BROWN lion in Crest. Lyon had previously been, LUGdunum, named after Lug, a sun god that I trace to Ligurians.

The Arms of Thurgau show a Shield in Steyer / Star / Settel / Lune/Lyon colors, and, like the Arms of Zurich, it's split diagonally in half. This confirms what was suspect, that the Zurich area uses plenty of diagonally-split Shields, the point being that Stattens do too! So do Kyburg-like Coburgs (and Hiedlers/Hitlers), and then the Arms of Kyburg share the double gold lions in the Arms of Thurgau. The importance in this apparent trace of Statielli Ligures to Turin-suspect Thurgau is connection to Cohen-related Hohens of Swabia, that land known to be named after the Suebi. But what you won't read, aside from here at tribwatch (not bragging), is that the Suebi-associated Semnones were from the Samnite tribe of Sabines/Safini so that it can all boil down to the Savona location, and its Ligurians...from the Turano and Salto rivers on the east side of mount Sabina, right? "Zurich" may have been from "Taurus" or something similar.

The Sabates tribe of Ligures are said to be from Savona, and, if not named after Sabines, did they have a Sabbath celebration? Did the Hasmoneans proper of Israel send over some priests (far-fetched?) due to being from that Ligurian theater in the first place? The State's use the Grimaldi lozenges, right? And Grimaldi's traced to Has, yes. Grimaldi's lived at Genoa, just 25 miles, as the swan flies, from Savona, and the Grimaldi Coat show links to the CYCnus line, right? If I'm right about the rooster-using Jonathan surname tracing to Jonathan Maccabee, what about the Cock roosters? Dutch Cocks use us to white and green again, using a giant rooster.

The Savone's/Safins (Somerset, same Leavells) are using the stars of Temple's / Brights / Hellers / Maceys, take your pick, all four were closely related (Myso-Phrygians, I think) out of Briancon, where Ligures would have reached. The Temple surname is a tough one for tracing to a local people group, but the Chief of Templetons (full Coat in Kaplan / Steer colors) may betray their trace to the Chives', for both use a gold-on-black star...perhaps the gold star in the English Coch Crest. German Cochs, like the Cocks, use red-on-white lozenges linkable to the same of State's. Cochs could be using the Nagle Shield and can therefore trace to Imperia=Oneglia or Genoa (see Nagle's in the 4th update of December for that topic).

Templetons were first found in Ayrshire, where Shawia liners (included the Chives/Shavo's) trace. The Arms of Ayrshire has the motto, "God shaw the light," and then the Ayers use "LIGHTer than air." The Lights (Somerset, same as Savone's) are using swans in Templeton colors, and swans trace to Savone, right?

The swan design in the Templeton Crest was in use in the French Joseph Coat. The Templeton swan comes with feathers as code for the related Feathers, and then Nagle-related Neils/Grails use fetterLOCKS, part-code for Feathers/Fedders, we can now assume, and part-code for Locks and Lochs/Lokens using swans.

I'm gleaning that Lights are in Cock colors because Cocks, kin of Grimaldi Ligures, are from CYCnus, the mythical swan king of Liguria. His father, STHENelus, may or may not apply to Statielli, though I do think that he applies to Seatons and the naming of Sitten in Switzerland. The Walsers, who are named after Wallis canton, location of Sitten, use an upright goat (same as Stattens) as well as the Melusine mermaid that you will find also in the Leap/Lapp Coat. Therefore, Lapicini and Statielli may have reached Wallis to re-name Sion. But who named it Sion? Shouldn't we ask the swans of the Sion/Swan surname?

Zikers, I've known that Feathers/Fedders (branch of Fothes/Fuddes'/Fitte's?) use a version of the Light Coat, but had forgotten their red antelope in Crest, the Derby antelope exactly! That could reveal that the Derby chevron is the Ayer / Shaw chevron. Where was my head, for Eyers/Ayers were first found in Derbyshire. Both the Feathers/Fedders and Lights use a white-on-red chevron, which I think I see in the arms of Vado Sabatia, where the Sabates lived.

While Derbys have a "QUE" term buried in their motto, Eyers use QUATRefoils. The Eyer / Ayer chevron is black, like the Foot and Fothes/Fuddes chevron, but the latter two are in both colors of the Levi chevrons. I trace Foots and Fothes to Foetes = Fussen and therefore to Fucino and Fossano. The latter (near the Tanaro) was right at the Statielli theater.

Perhaps the Statielli were proto-Sadducees, when, later, Sadducees proper, upon leaving Israel in relation to 70 AD, went to live in Wallis for the naming of Sion after Zion, where they officiated in Israel. Feathers/Fedders (in Saddock colors) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Saddocks. The "Valens et volens" motto of Fethers/Fedders reveals that there is a link to German Valence's that come up as "Volens." They use red FOOT-LESS martels in the colors of the LESS boar head. That can trace them to LESbos, off-shore from the proto-Ligurian Phocaeans that I see at the naming of Fucino. Smooth, real smooth. These particular Valence's are also Falens/Felins, suspect with Fields/Feeleys and therefore with Peels that use "three sheaves of three arrows proper banded red, and a gold bee VOLANT on a blue chief."

Peels (Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's) are reminding me that no Ligurian tribe in the Wikipedia list has yet been found to be in the Cuneo / Saluzzo area. Feeleys and Peels were discovered to be Pullens/Pulleys / Polesdons, and here I think I've found that Temple's were TemPOLE's. It starts with the TemPILTON variation of Templetons, and then the Piltons, which I've never known so far as I can recall, use the Polesdon Coat exactly. The latter were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Temple's. IN FACT, while the Nagle's were just linked to the Templeton feathers, I now find that the Temple Coat is the eagle of Doria's, first found in Genoa, but living at Oneglia! This recalls that GRImaldi's were suspect with PilGRIMS so that PILgrims look like PILtons / Pills merged with Grimaldi's.

It's notable that PILGRims could trace to "PULCHER" in that they were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Seagars that trace to the Sakarya, where Pulcher-supported Brogitarus had his priestly cult. The scimitar in the Pilgrim Crest is suspect with Saka scythians because it's viewed as a Scythian sword too. The Saka may have named the Sakarya.

Pills are the Pile's using piles, important enough to have heraldic piles in their honor. They were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Stave's/Stephensons honored in the "pilgrims staves" (used by Pilgrims). We now go back to the Steyer/Steuber surname (fox in Pilgrim-stave colors), likely from Styrians, noting that Stubers use purple lions while Hawks use purple pilgrim's stave's. It's suggesting a Pilgrim link to Stubers, meaning that Stubers look like Stave liners. Stavers are listed with grail-related Staufers/Stovers, first found in the same place (Switzerland) as the Sonne's that were looked up as per the LeviSONNE-and-similar variations of Levi's. It just so happens that Sonne's were at Thurgau, where Styrians were traced by other means, and at the frontier of Swabia, home of HohenSTAUFENs. Do you see any reason for tracing Levi liners to Cohen liners? And why do Sonne's use a giant sun? Was it for El-Gabal's purple-robed priesthood? What's with the "solum" motto term of Stave's/Stephensons? Isn't it true that Levi-honored Aide's use a version of the other Stephenson Coat, which is in Settle colors again? As Hawks are honored by the "hawk's lure" of Herods and Cheshire's, it appears that Stave's/Stephensons are using the Lure chevron, which itself has a gold star, perhaps the Tempilton gold star.

We can now ask whether Cheshire's/CHESShire's/Chessers were Chess / Chase liners that linked not-bad to the "Chretien" motto term of Levi's. I had traced "Cheshire" to "Hesse," and here we find Levi-suspect Sonne's using the Hesse sun. Cheshire's share the lion paw with Quints, and were first found in the same place as Quints and Chase's, and then there's that case of a purple hawk's lure in the Cheshire Crest. The Cheshire lion is in the gold color of the same of Chess'/Chesers, first found in the same place as Pilgrims. What in Cheshire do we know that could link to Pilgrims? Oh, yes, the Piltons and Polesdons, and even the Temple's that have a French branch using the gold Macey stars, apparently, in the two colors of the Lure stars.

These stars are in the colors of the Payen stars, who are from the Paeoni, who had a Stobi location that can trace to Stave's, Staufers, Staffs, Stubbs, Stubbers, and the like. However, I don't know that one can trace Styrian surnames to the same. The Paeoni location of ASTIbus may have named Asti on the Tanaro so that one could expect Paeoni on that river and in surrounding areas.

The Ligurians at Cuneo were, I have just learned, the Bagienni / Vagienni. If German Bachs were of this group, let's repeat that they use a steer, linkable to Turin liners. It just so happens that, after writing that, I checked for a second Bagh surname, and it was first found in Tyrol, same as Thorns. They are in WAYNE colors, and it could just be that Vagienni were proto-Wayne's and Veynes'. One may also consider "Vexin" and "viking" as a term derived of the Vagienni. What about the Wagrians on the river of the proto-Varangian Varni? It strikes me here that because the Wager hearts (Swedish-Thor symbol) are in the colors and format of the Payen stars, "Bagienni" may have been proto-"Payen/Pagan." Wagers were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Pungs/Pagenells. Hmm, that would trace Paeoni to Cuneo, the upper Tanaro watershed.

"Payer" was loaded as per "Wager," and it got the Payens! I already know that Page's are Payen liners, but English Pagers are listed with Packers showing lozenges in colors reversed from the State lozenges, and a Moor head that I would definitely link to Chappes'.

I can scarcely believe it. The Baggs/Baggins/Baggys (Norfolk, same as Pilgrims) use a Shield filled with the Grimaldi lozenges! The Ligurians must be what Tolkien was largely referring to. The Baggins definitely trace to the Bagienni. The "spes" motto term, shared by Baggins, can now be gleaned as code for Ligurians of La Spezia. Bacons share cinquefoils with Baggins, and the Bacon cinquefoils trace to Leicester's. There are also the Baigs/Begins with scallops in Meschin-scallop colors.

The Backens definitely apply because they use an "angel" in Crest while English Angels/Anegals use the Nagle lozenges. Although Nagle's are suggested (in their write-up) to derive in "Angulos," it may not have been the original term. I trace to Oneglia = Imperia near Monaco. This paragraph tends to prove that Backens and Nagle's trace to Ligurians.

German Angels are in Monaco / Thor / Backen / Tyrol colors, and were first found in Tyrol again. This is excellent for the trace made between Tyrol and Krume of Albania, not only due to the "CRINEd" pegasus of the Angels, but for the Backens using double fesse bars in the colors of the same of Erins (Stave colors, Cock rooster?) whom were traced to the Erenik river north of Krume, while Grimaldi's were traced to Krume. The Crine's/Crone's/Crooms (Wayne Shield?) are, with no coincidence of course, said to derive in several Croom(e) locations of Britain, and they use Monk colors and format!

It was fairly-well argued that the RIBnik variation of the Erenik linked to Rebels/Robels that happen to use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Backens. Rebels/Robels (Ribble river?) use the white Masci wing that was once showing. Then, the use of the Wayne Shield found in a Bagienni / Vagienni discussion could reveal "Vagienni" from the Veneti of the Veyne/Vain/Fane kind, and so let's mention that while Fano is near Rimini (where Maschi's were first found that share pine cones with German Tanners), Crime's/Crooms likely use the Massey fleur, for Masseys share a pegasus with the crined pegasus above. The crined pegasus is "emerging from a ducal coronet," and then the "mural crown" in the Crime/Croom Crest traces as a coronet (as it's sometimes called) to mythical Coronis (Lapiths!) on PatMOS. The Lapicini Ligures were at MASSA-Carrara! This works.

The Lapicini were on the Macra (now the Magra) river while Macers are listed with Maceys that share the gauntlet gloves with Veyne's. There was even a Macrini tribe of Ligures (no Wikipedia article). The Macra versus Magra terms enables us to understand the Margy variation of Mackie's/Mackeys (raven, the Coronis symbol), or why Mackesys (another "ducal coronet") come up in the Margeson Coat. Previously, I traced "Marg" to the Margus river of MOESia, where Massey liners are expected to have had mainline branches. The "bind" term in the Mackesy/Margeson motto translation may be for Binds, first found in Zurich-suspect Surrey.

The Margesons/Mackesys share the rare-ish lion design of Margys/Mackeys. They even use a "LoyaLITE" motto term in honor of the Lite's/Lights mentioned above, whom are honores by Ayers, important because Margys/Mackeys were first found in Ayrshire. The "Loyalite me" phrase could include Mea's/Meighs, for the Lite-related Feathers/Fedders (same place as Margesons/'Mackesys) link to Fothes/Fuddes/Fette's while the Meighs use the same cross as Face's/Fessys. It can be gleaned that the black lion in the Margeson/Mackesy Crest is that of Gernons ("CyFOETH" motto term), a Meschin liner. The Argeson entity of Margesons can be of the Arque's/Darks (same place as Mynetts) using yet another purple symbol. The "LOYalite" term can be part-code for Loys/Louis'/Leweys (Levi suspects connectable to Settels) using lozenges in the colors of the same of Bricks (Massey fleur). The Loy lozenges are colors reversed from the same of Angels, the latter first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Settels.

To support a Tyrol trace to the Krume area, English Tyrols/Tyrells use two chevrons in the colors of the Erin / Backen fesses, and German Tyrols are the ones using a so-called "crampon" that gets the Crampons/Cromptons smacking of a Krummpen variation of Krume's. Furthermore, the Angles developed out of the Hamburg theater, where Krume's were first found. German Drummonds, first found in Hamburg, use fesse bars in colors reversed. Of interest here is that the Bagienni are said to have been on the Trebbia river too, while Trips were likewise first found in Hamburg. As Krume's use the Silver crescent, they might trace to Silvano. The Savone's not only use crescents in the colors of the Silver crescent, but the same stars as crampon-using Tyrols. Allow a repeat from earlier in this update:

The Tricastini lived on the Orba river in Italy, but that strongly suggests a link to the Orbieu river at Narbonne. The Orba is the location of Rocca Grimalda and CREMolino (both in Alessandria), which recalls the Grimaldi trace to Has, beside KRUME. IN FACT, zowie, the Krume's had been found to use the Silver crescent, and then the Orba is also the location of Silvano d'Orba. The Orba is smack beside Acquio Terme, home of the Grimaldi-suspect Statiellae...It looks like the namers of Krume were at Cremolino.

This would be a good place to mention the translation of the motto of the "crine"-using Angels/Anegels: "I stand in the track of my ancestors." The green Tracks are listed with Tricastini-suspect Tricks/Triggs. The "Stare" motto term of these Angels (same place as green Settels) could bring us back to Styria liners of the Steyer kind suspect earlier in a merger with Thors of Tyrol. Both the Angels and Settels use lozenges, and the Settel lozenges are used by Stare-like Stars.

La Spezia

The Silvano/Silvetti surname can figure into the Ligurian article: "Salluvii (or Saluvii) (if different from the Salyes) (in modern Provence)". This gets us to the theater of Guerin of Provence, suspect in the ancestry of Vere's of Oxford, and it just so happens that the Oxybii tribe of Ligure's were in the Var area of Provence: "The Oxybii were a Ligurian tribe living on the Mediterranean coast of France near Massalia. The border with the Ligurian Deciates being to the west of Antipolis and east of Forum Julii (Smith, entry on Oxybii)." It goes on to say that Oxybii partnered with Deciates in a war against Rome.

In consideration that the Arms of Oxford uses a red bull / ox, consider that Oxybii may have been Turin liners, and indeed the Drake's trace well to the red-bull Charo's/Claro's expected at Chieri (south side of Turin). The two English-Tyrol chevrons are used by Dexters/DECKsters now tracing with Decks/Daggers to the Deciates. I now understand why German Tyrols are listed with BARTholds, for they use the BRIGHT stars...suggesting a Turin-area merger with Brigantium elements. It reveals that some Bart-like liners have Brigantium ancestry.

The Oxybii predate the Varni, and then there was that Oxionae entity in the Varni theater. From Tacitus: "All our further accounts are intermixed with fable; as, that the Hellusii and Oxionae 276 have human faces, with the bodies and limbs of wild beasts. These unauthenticated reports I shall leave untouched." . For years, I've been spelling it wrong from copying it wrong online, as "Oxonae."

If one clicks on "276" at the webpage above, the owner of the webpage makes this comment: "People of Lapland. The origin of this fable was probably the manner of clothing in these cold regions, where the inhabitants bury themselves in the thickest furs, scarcely leaving anything of the form of a human creature." However, it may be an assumption that the Oxionae were in Lapland, a mere guess to explain the beastly bodies by the furs worn in that area. I would rather suggest that the Oxionae were described as beasts by more-ancient myth writers using terms typically in reference to real people groups. A few centuries before Tacitus, Herodotus had to grapple with such semi-animal depictions of far-north people groups. I am going to lump the Oxionae in with the Varni/Varini, which the page above mentions:

...These opinions receive additional authority from the power of the Semnones, who inhabit a hundred cantons, and, from the great body they compose, consider themselves as the head of the Suevi [Sabines out of Savona, right?]

The Langobardi [Suevi/Suebi tribe], on the other hand, are ennobled by, the smallness of their numbers; since though surrounded by many powerful nations, they derive security, not from obsequiousness, but from their martial enterprise. The neighboring Reudigni, and the Avions, Angli, Varini, Eudoses, Suardones, and Nuithones, are defended by rivers or forests. Nothing remarkable occurs in any of these; except that they unite in the worship of Hertha, or Mother Earth...

That's the first time that I've seen her quoted as "Hertha," for I've been using "Nerthus," used by others. The Aviones can now be suspect from Apuani Ligures (Luna). The Reudigni can perhaps trace to Redones. "Nerthus" is important because I traced her to "ENARETE," wife of Aeolus, brother of Hellen. The Oxionae are said to have been allies / neighbors of the Hellusi, and that suggests the Hellen / Aeolus entity which I see as the Germanic Alans.

The Hellusi are evoking the Hellers who use the Bright / Temple stars, tracing thereby to Brians on the one hand, wherefore it appears that the Oxybii Ligures (well within reach of Briancon up the Durance river of Provence) became the Oxonae, which then tends to trace "Varni" to the Var area of Provence. It recalls that the Cottians directly over the peaks from Briancon were traced to the formation of Jutes / Geats. Cottians trace to mythical Cotys, suspect with Xuthus, brother of Aeolus. I traced the third brother, Dorus, to the Daorsi at the Nerthus-suspect Neretva river (Illyrium), and identified this duo are the mythical Nereids. This entity can trace to Norths and NORDI's/Narbonne's using the same gold lion, which may be the gold-brown one in the Italian Angel Chief. That makes a lot of sense because Angles should trace to the Neretva too if that's where their Nerthus was from.

It also recalls that I ventured to trace priestly lines from Israel (about 70 AD) to the Varni and/or Varni theater, and so let's mention that the Damorys of Oxford -- kin of Amore's of Oxford that use a version of the Leavell Coat -- were Drummonds while the latter were first found in the Varni / Angle / Jute / Saxon theater. Both Drummond surnames share horizontal bars with the Arms of Saxony, and Scottish Drummonds look like they are using the Leavell bars.

MOREOVER, we just saw Temple's using the Bright / Heller stars, while the THAMes river flows through Oxford! When Templetons were apparently discovered to be Tem-Piltons, it left the "TEM" term alone to be discovered, and while I was thinking THEMIScyra (where Drummonds trace, generally), I do trace that place to the Thames. It just so happens that while the Thames surname comes up as "Tiens," the Decks/Daggers (Temple colors) are using the red squirrel of Squirrels/Square's who in-turn have a "TIENS ferme" motto! It proves an Oxford trace to the Oxybii, neighbors of Deciates!!! It simultaneously proves that Decks/Daggers (and squirrel-using Dyke's) trace to Ligurians, and from this one can trace Deciates better to the namers of the Ticino/Tessen, where Laevi lived. Scottish Ferme's are Vere liners.

A little interesting but likely a coincidence, "Tien" looks like "ten" while "dec" means "ten." Greeks has a mythical Daktyloi (Crete) that was code for TEN fingers.

Still more: the other Daggers use the red Savona bull (exactly) in Crest!!! And look at what they call it: "A red Bull STATANT"!! That proves a Savona and Dagger trace to the Statielli and Deciates together. These Daggers/Dacre's use a "loyalte" motto term, like the "Loyalite" of Mackesys/Margesons. The latter use the same lion as Levi's in colors reversed, and then Statielli's were in the same three regions with the Laevi-partnered Marici.

The Ferme's are apparently honored in the Fuller and Bacon motto's, and so let's re-mention that Fullers use three horizontal bars (as do Drummonds) in the colors of the same of Luffs/Love's who connect well to the Lovell variation of Leavells! As Fullers use a "beacon," they honor the Beacons/Bacons now suspect with the angel-using Backens. Bacons and Fullers had traced to Trypillians of proto-Moldova.

The Decks/Daggers use a bear PAW, and then there should be a reason that Sullivans use the Power stag design (Irish Powers use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners for a possible Power trace to the Tanaro). The bear paw is used also by Powys' and related Bellino's, and the latter are, with certainty, a branch of Belli's honored by the Carpenter (look like Knight kin) motto while Carpenters share red-and-white bars with Fullers and Italian Belli's. Fullers can apply to CARPENTers because German Belli's likewise use a beacon. After mentioning this a few times, the beacon design of German Belli's, identical to the one shown for Fullers, was changed. It's still a beacon, but why did they change the design??? The Orba river, where Silvano is located, has a CARPENETO location. Within a dog walk from both Avignon and Orange, near the mouth of the Durance, there is a Carpentras location on my atlas. The Orba was home to the Marici and Statielli. The Sullivans may trace to Silvano and to the Salluvii Ligures of Provence. That works.

I've always viewed Nagle's as part of the Vere's, and I think Nagels can trace well to the Angles (the people group). If "Oneglia" pre-dates the Angles, I would trace Angles to that place, Imperia. The Angel/Anegal motto in full is, "Stare super vias antiquas," and then Supers/Sopers trace well to InSUBREs of the Ticino theater. There happens to be an INNSbruck location smack at Tyrol. The INSubres' founded MEDIOlanum (Milan), and so the "MEDIOcriter" motto term of Bacons can apply there, for Bacons are suspect with angel-using Backens.

I'd like to return to the Nordi/Narbonne topic, as its list of variations shows a Norton-like one while Nortons/Naughtons share the tower design of Nordi's/Narbonne's. Nortons were first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Herods/HERAULTS while Narbonne is in Herault, thus proving that Narbonne's are rightly listed in the Denardo/Nordi surname (Maschi lion).

Nortons share blue fitchee crosses with Maccabee-suspect Mea's/Meighs, while the latter are suspect in the "Loyalite me lie" motto of Maccabee-suspect Margesons/Mackesys, an obvious branch of Margys/Mackeys in Ayrshire, beside Argyllshire, and beside the MacAbee's suspect as Maccabee-play on "Mackey". French Narbonne's are thought to be from l'Arque, which can apply to the ARGESon entity of Margesons. In other words, the Mackesys / Mackeys were related to the Arque's, and that recalls the Arc river upon which Maccabee-suspect Modane sits.

Italian Angels are in Travis colors possibly because these Angels were first found in TREVISo (Venetia). As Angels may be using the Maschi lion, Angels may be sharing the white boar head with Mea's/Meighs and Mecks, and may be using two of the Baig/Begin scallops shared by Meschins. In other words, there is potential here to trace the Bagienni / Vagienni Ligures, suspect with Veneti of the Veyne/Vane/Fane kind out of Fano (beside Maschi's), to the Angels. I then fast-forward to Francis Bacon, a RosiCRUCian in the English royal elite along with John Dee, I note that Days/Deie's are using what looks like a version of this Mackesy Coat, while Dee's/Die's are using the same Coat (essentially) as French Narbonne's. No matter how you cut this, we've just made another Angle link to Nerthus suspects.

Whatever the Dee-Crest lion is holding is not told, but I traced it to the gold lion in the Mea/Meigh Crest holding an anchor and a "cross" (Creusa-line symbol). The Anchors/Annackers traced to Aeneas and Creusa, and are now suspect from the namers of Ankara and nearby Ancore (= Nicaea), suspect with proto-Ligurians at Nice because Anchors/Annackers use lozenges, a symbol of some Ligurians. Between Ankara and Ancore is the Sakarya river of Cybele, as well as the Heneti that founded the Veneti. Ankara is the location near Meigh- and Mackesy-like Macissus, you see. And DioNYSUS and Nice elements are suspect with: 1) the Nice/Ness surname sharing the Washington bars with the Mopps/Motburley surname; 2) mythical Dia that may have named the Dee's / Days/Deie's. Dionysus was the chief priest of Cybele, and his name originates at Nuzi, near Mosul. The Horites at Nuzi are suspect in "Horus" and "Creusa."

Dee's were first found in the same place as a Dee river, Creuse's, and Meigh-related Macclesfield. The "Sequor" motto term of Creuse's (Seagar and Cable colors) should be for Sakarya elements, and the Creuse lion was a cherished symbol of Cybele. The Creuse-write-up traces to "cattle-fold," but Folds are listed with Falts that I trace to Falticeni, near the BistRITA river, and near Suceava, and then the Arms of Suceava (Trypillian-land) as well as the Rita surname use lions in the colors of the Creuse lion (and of the BISSETs). The Rita lion holds a cross too, and is a branch of the Macclesfield-related Reeds and Roets, the latter first found in the same place as Basset-related Leavells. This is another way to trace Laevi to the harlot, Cybele, and her Galli priests that had a castration symbol that I see as code for the circumcision practiced by Levites.

If we take Treviso elements near the mouth of the Po to the sources of the Po, one will be near Ceva, the inhabitants of which became the Chives' that went to live in Travis-like Tarves. We then note the Travis motto, used by Buckle's and related Buckleys, both of whom share the Travis chevron. These Buckle liners trace to Buchans (lions in Mackesy-lion colors), from Buchan at Aberdeen, near Tarves. We have a story here. The Mackesy lion is the Levi lions in colors reversed, and that makes it the Tail/Taylor/Taillefer lion, perfect because that picture already traced to Taulantii of the Cavii theater. The Buckleys can thus be identified with Baigs/Begins.

Dermotts, who were suspect with Turbots and Tarves', show boar heads too. Leslie liners of Aberdeen use boars, as does the ABER-like Eber Coat, and the Turins/Torns/Thurins, first found in Aberdeenshire. Now that Drummonds are suspect as Levi liners of the Leavell kind, Dermots should be enlarged upon. One of their motto terms ends with "QUE," and then their crosslets are used by Trips so that DERMotts can be viewed as Drummond / Traby elements, as with Treviso, tracing to the Thermodon / Trabzon theater, as do Tiens/Thames', and that river's source was not far from Qewe.

The following is worth jotting down, as it may reveal that Burgundians were from the Bagienni. This comes from the Bourgogne-like look of some Baig/Begin variations. Variations like Begougne are only missing the 'r'. I didn't take this idea seriously until loading the German Burgens, just three crescents in the colors of the five Baig/Begin scallops. The English Burgens were next, and they use scallops, hmm. In the Crest, English Burgens use a key crossed in saltire with a sword, and then crossed keys were seen in the Angel Coat while an angel is used in the Crest of Begin-like Backins who in-turn use arrows in saltire! That got me interested, especially as the Mitanni at Tatta are suspect in Burgundy. Moreover, I trace Nephele (i.e. Nibelungs) to Burgundy, which predicts Lapiths there, and then Mackesys / Mackeys were solidly identified with Coronis, Lapith sister of Ixion, husband of Nephele.

I have been tracing Massey liners to Bach-like terms ever since claiming that pharaoh APACHnas had a Mus / Meshwesh household. But the full term, "APACHNas smacks of BAGIENNi. I traced Apachnas to Pegasus, and then both Masseys and Angels use a pegasus. Angels use a "baston" across their Nagle lozenges, and French Bastons happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters whom I trace to Saluzzo's, from Saluzzo in Cuneo, and thus far, the only Ligurian tribe that I've found in Cuneo are the Bagienni! I always link Keturah to both Cutters and Apachnas Hyksos. I read that Apachnas was the same as king Khyan, a term like "Cuneo."

Hyksos (Heka KHASEWET) were traced to KIZZUWATna, same area as Qewe, where Cutters are now tracing as Quadratus liners. KizzuWATna was suspect with UAT/Buto, part of the BAST cult of Egypt (Nile delta, as with Hyksos) so that the bats of English BASTons, or the Baton-and-similar variations, may apply. To this it can be added that Dermotts (boars, Hebrew symbol) are said to descend from Tiege, father of MurTOCH, what looks like Tocharians that I see in mythical Teucer, father of BATia. Hyksos were Hebrews that I've been tracing to Aphrodite for years, and she traces to "Aprutium," the Abruzzo capital in ancient times...that is today, Teramo, a DERMott- / DRUMmond- / Thermodon-like term. Abruzzo Hebrews (Eburovices) named Brescia, where the bleu lion is used, which is found in the Dermott Crest. Dermotts use a motto term, "proBATaQUE," which could indicate Buto > Batia elements in Qewe.

Whose red chevron do you think Dermots are using if they use the Caepio-line lion in Crest? The blue lion has a scepter and a banner.

Once we get to Abruzzo, were are in the land of Vere's that share the blue boar with Dermotts. For the first time that I recall, "Vare" was entered about an hour ago to find the Barrs using the Este eagle. Do Vere's trace to "Bar" at lake Scodra? Was Bar named after Avaris, the Hyksos capital? It's near Kotor, where I trace Keturah before her Hyksos line gets to Saluzzo's. The Hyksos even had a king like the Sallete variation of Sale's. Salatis, I think, was his name, and perhaps that line named Saluzzo. In any case, shortly after finding that Vare's are listed with Barrs (Cutter colors), the link at the Ligurian article was clicked for the BRUGnato location of the Briniates tribe suspect at Briancon (lets not forget that Brians were showing the same lion as the Oxfords). Right away, we have cause to link to Brows/Brughe's, Brocks / Brocuffs/Prusa's / Bruce's, and all the way back to Brogitarus.

The first thing of note is that Brugnato is at La Spezia, where Lapicini = Lapiths traced; so far so good because I identified Ixion as a Hyksos line, and reasoned that PatMOS was so named after the Mus household of Apachnas / Khyan. Brugnato "borders the following municipalities: Borghetto di Vara, Rocchetta di Vara, Sesta Godano, Zignago." "Di Vara" refers to a Vara river, like the Var area of Provence. Borghetto sounds like it can be of Brigantium, but that's a long shot. But in the Borghetto article we find that it borders beaver-like BEVERino, perhaps linkable to the green beaver in the Arms of Oxford. It even sounds like Drago de BEWERE in the write-up of green-Shielded Blade's/Blaits. The Bewere surname looks like it's from green-Shielded Bauers.

Then, in the Beverino article: "Beverino was a possession of the Este family, who entrusted it as fief to the lord of the nearby Vezzano Ligure." That sounds like Avezzano in Abruzzo.

From the 4th update in December: "In the Burton write-up, [Drago de Bewere is] Drago de Beuvriere, suspect with the beaver symbol in the Arms of Oxford. Beavers (share red lions in Chief with the Oxford-surname Chief) use a fesse in colors reversed from the Burton fesse. That could make the Oxford bars in the colors of the Burtons in particular." Burtons share a "lux" motto term with Brocuffs. The gold talbot of Burtons (same place as Odins / Oddie's) can trace to the talbot in the Crest of Oettingen-Oettingen in beaver-like Bavaria. In downtown Var of Provence, a Draguignan location.

Then, along the Verdon river that splits Provence in two, there's a Comps location so that repeating this from the last update is in order: "The Lopez's [linked solidly to Varro's) call their border a "border compony gold and blue", but as no Compon or Compony surname's come up, perhaps the Comps/Camps (same place as Jells and Gellone's) apply who are suspect with a version of the Capone Coat." The latter has another red lion in Crest. I don't recall mention this Comp location before. Have I been missing it until now, that Caepio's related fundamentally to Provence's territory, not just to Guerin of Provence? Comps come up as "Comps," and were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Drago-based Burtons.

Verdons (Vere colors) use nothing but a giant fret in the colors of the bend of Space's/Speccots that are tracing better-than-ever to La Spezia, and they too use the fret. In other words, it looks good for a Vere trace to the Vara river and to Beverino. Moreover, the Space/Speccot bend-with-frets are in the colors of the Lorraine bend-with-eagles, and Lorraine is the location of Bar-le-Duc! The Lorraine eagle's are white, as is the eagle in the Arms of Este. Plus, Guerin traced to Lorraine elements of the Lerins kind, and the Lerins islands at the corned of Provence were traced to Lerins/Clarins, but here we find that the latter were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Vare's/Barrs! That's where the Margys/Mackie's were first found now tracing to the Magra/Macra river of La Spezia.

The Verdon write-up traces to a location of that name in Avranches, and then Hugh D'Avrances Lupus was likely of the Welf/Wolf surname, first found in Cheshire. That would be the Welf branch of Este, right? Varese Ligure, off the Vara, is about a dozen miles from a CHIAVari location suspect with the key-using Chiava's/Sheaves/Chiapponi's suspect as a line to the Shaws honored in the motto of the Arms of Ayrshire. This reflects back to my trace of Shawia Numidians at the La Spezia theater, and possibly to "Syphax" of Numidia, first husband of Sophonisba, daughter of Hasdrubal. It had to do with the Carthaginian invasion of northern Italy as Numidians came along with Hannibal. Somewhere in this mess is the ancestry of Caiaphas.

If the Briniates of La Spezia trace to Briancon, then that latter location is just 25 miles or so from Modane. It won't hurt to write this paragraph in case it's true. The Arms of Varese Ligure are blue-and-white horizontal bars with a red bend overtop in the rare direction. The Cavetts from a Cavetta location at Chiavari-suspect Ceva use horizontal bars in those colors. The Modens/Modeys, first found in Brugnato-like Berkshire, share fretty with Caens that put a red fesse over their fret-like fretty in the colors of the bars of Varese Ligure. The Ceva-suspect Caves' use fretty in the same colors. The Cannes, likely from Cannes, beside Lerins island, use the Ferte eagle, and were first found beside the Vare's/Barrs and Lerins/Clerins. French Lerins, first found in Provence, use the same scallops as Capes'. I didn't know / remember, until finishing this paragraph and loading the Berkshire surname (Wiltshire), that it uses frets!!! They are colors reversed from the Vernon fret! The Berkshire quarters are in the colors of the same of Tattons / Duttons, and in fact the Berkshire Coat is the Dutton Coat, frets included. That's not a bad way to trace "Brugnato," which sounds like "Brug-born," to Brogitarus.

The Leib(er)s/LEIPnitz's were found to trace well to the Lapicini of La Spezia, and the "nitz" ending is like the "nato" ending on "Brugnato." Berkshire's were first found in the same place as Leaps/Lapps!!!! Zowie. That traces Berkshire double hard to la Spezia, though it can trace to BORGHetto, bordering Beverino. It just so happens that Oxford is smack beside Berkshire!

A dog walk from Chiavari to its west, there is a Rapallo location that could have named the Ribble river, where Duttons are said to derive from. Tattons are said to be of Massey, so that Tattons can trace to something in the area of Massa, not far south of La Spezia. That is, the Tatta elements suspect with Mitanni to the naming of Modane should have been in the Massa / Spezia theater. This would work especially well if Briniates can be traced to Briancon. I kid you not, that, AFTER writing that last sentence, Brins (also "Bryne") were looked up to find them first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Duttons! If the DUCAL coronet of Mackesys is code for Dougals, I'd say that the Brins are using the Dougal lion. It's just a white-on-blue lion wearing the MacArthur crown. The Pisa surname uses a lion in these colors.

Brins are linked to a THURNham entity, but none of the Brian surnames use the Brin lion. Thurnham recalls the Turins/Torns/Thurins, first found in Aberdeenshire, but looks at how that Coat compares with the Lorraine and Space/Speccot Coats!

One can now trace Thurns / Thurnham to the MalaSPINA surname of Massa, by way of the "spinis" motto term of Thurns/Thorns. They are said to be from Thorne locations in Somerset, and may be assumed to be Turin elements. The Espaines'/Spineto's were likewise first found in Somerset, and for me this traces "MALAspina" back to MALAhule (Rollo's uncle), ancestor of Balso D'Espaines in the line to Ranulf le Meschin at the Bessin. Interesting here is that "Avezzano" was thought (recently) to be a version of "Bessin," and here we find a Vezzano location at the La Spezia theater. Shortly after finding Avezzano, a similar location in Hungary was found, called Veszprem, smack in the land of the proto-Bohemian Boii, and smack where the Maccabee-suspect Hercuniates are on this map. The Espaines Coat may even be gleaned as a colors-reversed version of the Scottish Andrew Coat.

I've got to say that Andrew (ANDERS) of Hungary may have been named, along with Balso, after a line honoring AlexANDER Balus. The question thus arises as to whether Malahule was a Hungarian in some way, and I did trace the naming of his brother, RAGNvald, to Reghin on the Mures river, the river where the Kabar ancestry of Hungarians lived. I traced the Sinclairs of the Mures to Moray, which is beside Ross-shire, and the Ross' of that place are known to be named after an Andrew that me-lonely traces to king Andrew. The Drummonds were born from George, son of King Andrew. Margaret of Scotland (Aetheling) was in Hungary with king Andrew, and at one time I thought that Margesons/Mackesys, now tracing to Massa, were from her name. Hmm. George married Podebrady in Bohemia, and here I find the Hungarian and Bohemian Arms in the webpage below.

Maria of Este and he Maccabee Secrets

Maria Beatrice D'Este was a Malaspina on her mother's side, the mother a duchess of Massa. If you go to her page, you can see an Arms showing the two-tailed Bohemia lion along with the symbols of Hungary to its side (the box at the bottom of the page verifies this). She was born in Modena, and although it was many centuries after Caiaphas, the Boii-Modena link may be Maccabee-important. Interesting here is that there is a Levanto location between La Spezia and Chiavari while the brother of king Andrew I of Hungary was Levante. As I had traced proto-Hungarians to the Ticino, I had assumed that Levante was named after a Laevi line. The early Hungarian ruler, Taksony, smacks of "Ticino/Tessen." One of Maria's sons was a grand master of Teutonic Knights, a position that may require the "right" blood.,_Duchess_of_Massa

Hungarians, they say, descended from FINNO-Ugrics, and then Finland is where Lapps were living that might just trace to the Lapicini of La Spezia. In that way, Hungarians would have ancestry at La Spezia, then move up to the Ticino with the Marici. Here is an Arms of the Dukes of Massa-Carrara in what should be a version of the Massi/Mattis Coat. Both use checks, as do Mark surnames that should trace to the Marici...who trace to the Marsi at Vezzano-like Avezzano. Are we making sense? Here's one Mark Coat that happens to use checks (Stewart-style) in the colors of the Massa-Carrara dukes (and Stewarts), as well as sharing a green Shield with D'Espaines/Spineto's. Jewish Marks use the same check format but in the colors of the same of Stewart-related Boyds, who were Bute elements that may have named Buda(pest), the Hungarian capital, where Attila was ruling whose Huns included some that led to the Alans-Stewarts. German Marks use an eagle in the colors of the eagle in the Arms of the Massa-Carrara dukes! Zowie. French Marks were first found in the same place as Narbonne, while French Narbonne's use the same lion as English Marks.

Next, the CriSPINs. I've been studying this for several minutes before deciding on whether to write it out. The Crispons are also "Crepon," and so we would like to know how they got their "Spin." I was interested immediately because Crispins use eight red-and-white horizontal bars in colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Hungary. They are in the colors of Grimaldi's, and this recalls the following:

"According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco."

We have all the elements in this picture, even Malahule's nephew, for a forward trace in time of CriSPINs to the formation of MalaSPINa's. The Crispin write-up leads to a Crispin name as far back as the third century, long before Hungarians and the subsequent Rollo Normans. It had never clicked before that "CRIspin" was a GRImaldi term. Whatever named the GRI part of Grimaldi's also named the CRI/CRE part of Cripons/Crepons. It may have been the same-colored proto-Greys, or the Crea's / Creights.

Mallets were looked up due to my recent understanding of Gri-Mallet as the meaning of "Grimaldi," but only after that thought arrived was it realized that "Mallet" is like MALahule / MALaspina! This is made all the more compelling where French Mallets use buckles, a symbol of Hungarian Leslie's. French Crispins can be using the Bisset bend because Bissets were first found in Ross-shire. But Botters (I traced them to Budini), from Lucca, in the Massa-Carrara theater, can also apply, especially as per BUDA(pest). Damorys use the Drummond bars half in the colors of Bassets, and while Damorys were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire, now tracing its Vere's to La Spezia) as Crispins, Damorys/Amori's use horizontal bars in the colors of the Crispin bars. I already see it, don't you? I see the dragon light.

The Amore's ("MALis" motto term), likewise first found in Oxfordshire, use bars in the colors of the Crispin / Damory bars, but the Leavells, first found in the same place as Espaines'/Spineto's and "spinis"-using Thurns/Thorns, use the nebuly bars of Amore's, except that the Leavells use them in the colors of the Bassets. Therefore, this looks like the BAST cult, part of Uat/Buto, as it named BudaPEST (Buda and Pest are side-by-side, twin cities), and as we just saw Marks = Marici involved in Malaspina liners, the Leavells trace to the Laevi (!), where proto-Hungarians traced. That's the dragon light: Mr. Caiaphas the blind bat, and his Illuminatist descendants, the willfully-blind pimps serving the purple Harlot.

As I traced Yonge's/Youngs to proto-Hungarians, note that Scottish Leavells (Roxburghshire) share the Yonge/Young piles. The Yonge/Young annulets are shared (in colors reversed) by Hogens, a branch of HOGERs from Finno-UGRians, right?

Let's re-quote: "According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." Bec? Fancy that? The Baggs/Baggins use a Shield filled with the Grimaldi lozenges. I recall some Toothill link to Bec. French Becs/Bez's (Languedoc) look like they are using two symbols of Monaco's, and this recalls the white-on-blue lion of Monaco's, the colors of the Brin/Bryne lion. German Bec(k)s use the white stag (same design) of German Jungs/June's/ (Yonge liners). The Bec(k)s use it in the now-illegal colors (silver on gold) of Jerusalem liners.

There is a new emailer that has led me to see some new things that I'll get to two updates from here. One of them is Carian dynasty of Hecatomnus in the 4th century BC. I see potential in that dynasty, where siblings married one another, for a trace to Brogitarus. This writer also shared on an Abaeus cult of Apollo that needs to be considered as the makings of "MaccABAEUS." Abae was in Phocis, and that allows a trace to Phocaeans and therefore to Ligurians. It can be gleaned that the Abaeus cult, though little is said about it in initial searches, was akin to the Clarus cult of Mopsus, an Apollo-Oracle-type vanity. But before getting to that, there are some things written last week that have yet to be dealt with, which I'll get behind me in this section. It's much on finding evidence for surnames leading to Brogitarus' bloodline. That needs to be established. We then ask why surnames trace to him, and how important they were to Crusader leaders.

Brogitarus is the one that was supported by a Publius Pulcher while Appius Pulcher was a son-in-law of LURCO. It was suspect that Pulchers -- related to Caepio's -- may have married the Brogitarus bloodline. I would therefore like to mention that LARKS are used by the Stetten (not "Stetton") surname. The Brog-like Barks/Berks use larks too. This has the effect of possibly tracing Lurco's line to Statielli Ligures. But it should also be mentioned that PERGamum (modern Bergama) was near Phocaea. It's making a potential link between the Abaeus cult, the Clarus cult neat Phocaea, Brogitarus' Great-Mother cult, and proto-Sadducee suspects. It just so happens that the Hecatomnus dynasty was part-Parthian so that even "Pharisee" may have come out of it. If that's not enough, this dynasty was out of Halicarnassus, home of HERODotus not many generations earlier.

In other words, it may not have been coincidental that I arrived to the Brogitarus bloodline just as this new emailer and reader was sending me a lead on the Abaeus cult, as well as some emphasis on Carians, including Mylasa, where the Hecatomnus dynasty had its home before moving the royal court to Halicarnassus.

I had been asking whether the Quarter variation of Whirters/Wherters can apply to "QUADratus." But at the time, the MacWater variation of Whirters meant nothing, but "Water" was then gleaned as a Quade/Wade variation. The "LAUDamus" motto term Quarters/Wherters suggests a look at the Lauds, listed with Lords. They happen to use the cinquefoils (why not QUATRefoils?) of AMPtons (i.e. Pamphylian suspects), as well as a fesse in the colors of the Weir/Vere / Nagle fesse. If we assume that "Wherter/Whirter" is a Were / Vere variation, we still would like to know whether "Quarter" developed for a Vere trace to Quadratilla, and whether some quartered Coats are in honor of that line.

In their fesse, Lauds/Lords use the Pilate pheons in both colors, and Pontius Pilate is suspect in this circle of relationships that I see between the Pontus and Pamphylia, with">Lycaonia in the middle. In the Laud/Lord Crest, a sleeve, symbol of the Toeni's at Leicester, is still right-on because Mark Antony empowered the Brogitarus > Quadratus line. The Lords are honored in the motto of Glasgows, beside Lanarkshire and Ayrshire (suspect with Laranda of Lycaonia), the latter location where Ayers are from that use QUATRefoils. Actually, I should be expecting Shawia Numidians in the ancestry of Brogitarus. Irish Shaws (why trefoils, not quatrefoils?) look like Ayers while Scottish Shaws look like Pillette's/Pilotte's. Why did these Shaws live at MUThill?

One thing that caught my eye in the Hecatomnus dynasty was one of the sons with a name like Idris. There was an Idris of Morocco (originating from the Syria theater) who married a woman that lived where the Shawia lived. It's got me asking whether Idris was a descendant of the Hecatomnus dynasty. More on that two updates from here, but the point here is, why did Idris, when fleeing war, end up in Numidia in marriage to the Aures tribe that I say named Ayrshire? It speaks to me of a Shawia trace to the family of Idris (8th century) several centuries later. The idea here is that while Shawia of the Massena kind formed the Maccabees (about 200-175 BC) that had been in Massyas (beside Itureans to whom I trace "IDRis" and the Shaw motto term, "patITUR"), the bloodline later birthed Idris whose descendants mixed it up with, or became, Guerin of Provence and mainline Templarism. I don't expect the reader to grasp all this on the first, casual reading, but there's no less-complicated way to say it.

But the Shaws expect at the Quadratus line were first at La Spezia with other Numidians, and that can explain why grail-using Shaws show a "dagger" (Deciates Ligures?) in Crest as evidence of Mackay / Quade kinship. The Commynes'/Cummings are said (in the Scottish-Shaw write-up) to have leased some lands of the Shaws, explaining why the Shaw grails are in the colors and format of the Comyns garbs, but then Comyns are now tracing to the Commoni tribe of Ligures. Could they have been related to Comana in Cappadocia? if so, that is a good way to trace Shaws to the Qewe theater, where Quade's trace. The Cowes surname looks Qewe-like, but this term is much like "Shaw." It could be that Shawia were from Qewe in the first place. Cowes' use pennants while Shaws use a version of the Pendragon motto, and that motto is suspect with "Tipaza," a Numidian capital.

If AMPtons are from Pamphylians of the Amphilicos kind (whatever they evolved into as a name), it can explain their wolf in Crest, but then Amptons also use BESANts (traceable to Quadratus Bassus), while English Pilotte's are said to be from Chantran, near BESANcon. Amazingly, while Chantrans is in Doubs, the Dobbs use a "PROXima" motto. NorthAMPTON is where the Spinks were first found that trace to the sphinx of PROKopps/Brocoffs! It could look like PROCulus, son of Quadratilla and Laevillus, is the root of this picture. The Besancon/Basset surname (Pilate and Billet colors) is listed with Bassus-suspects, first found in Forez at the mount Pilat theater. I hope that an exclamation mark isn't needed there to tweak anyone's interest. The Forez Crest shares an upright white lion with the Ampton Crest, and looks like it has a motto code for Travers with white tiger in Crest. The Ampton chevron is the Quint chevron, right?

The engrailed Dobb chevron is shared by the Peeble's/Peoples'/Peebe's, said to be from Angus, and then the Bryse's/Brice's (expected from Montbrison at the mount-Pilat theater) look like they should be using the red Angus lion because I see Angus' as Annas' while the Bryse/Brice Shield looks like it's using a version of the Annas Shield. This is tracing the descendants of Annas to mount Pilat, as could be expected. The Angus Chief (with what I see as the Annas star) is comparable to the Brick Chief, such a brysincidence. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bryse's/Bricks could be a colors-reversed version of the same of Annandale's as used by Bruce's and the Arms of Ayrshire. The "shaw" motto term in the Arms of Ayrshire traces Ayers to Shaws, and the Shaws that use the Pillette/Pilotte grails were first found in PERTHshire, woof-woof, so many lycaoncidences. The "justitia" motto term of Bryse's/Brice's, and their scale, traces to Justine's/Justus', first found in Perthshire. "JusTITIA" might be the best code they could muster for Tatta elements (at Perta) while the simultaneous purpose was to honor Justine of Picenum.

The "summa" motto term of Amptons can link to the "summum" term of Teague's/Caigs, and while the latter share a wolf head (Lycaon-expected) with QUADE's and related Irish Mackays, Amptons share a "dagger" with Scottish Mackays and Shaws. As the Quade / Mackay variations appear as though Maceys got linked up with Qewe/Kue elements (very QUADratilla-important because Qewe was in Cilicia), note that the Qewe-suspect Cowes is a location in southern HAMPshire. Apparently, Amptons, whom I've not treated much over the years, are very Caiaphas-important.

The pennants of the Cowes surname trace to Pennants using the Trevor Coat, and Trevors might, along with Travers / Travis', be from Lycaonia's Derbe. In a couple of updates, you can see why the Hecatomnus family may have been from the PYXITes river beside TRABzon, where Picenum might trace, but, in any case, the PICTons use a version of the Trevor / Pennant Coat. The Taide term that Teague's are traced to may be from">Lycaonia's lake Tatta, but as Yuya's family is under consideration for a trace to Tatta, note that he was directly related to TIYE, a term that makes for "Teague." Repeat from above: "Dermotts [suspect from Derbe, neat Tatta) are said to descend from Tiege, father of MurTOCH, what looks like Tocharians that I see in mythical Teucer, father of BATia". I had traced "Yuya" to "Gugu," quasi-mythical king of Lydia who will be found as part of the HECATomnus investigation. That family seems clearly to be from Hecate, who traces to Hector, the Trojan family founded by Batia. They were also founded by Batia's husband, DarDANUS, from Adana at Qewe.

The mythical HECATONchire (monsters) were play on the Hecate cult, but using the number 100 (Greek, hecaton) as code, and so the Hecatonchire were given 100 hands each (very childish, but such were the myth writers), which explains why mythical Danaus, the proto-Adana line, was give 50 children.

This is a good place to say that Qewe was conquered by a Babylonian king whose name, if I recall correctly, was Shamesh, name of the Semite-suspect sun god that should trace to the namers of Somerset (Somers use a sun), where Leavells were first found. This king dates back to Mitanni times (Yuya was a Mitanni liner), and in fact Shamesh lived on the Khabur river (Euphrates tributary), home of the Mitanni. He is the one that conquered Assyria so as to transfer Ishtar of Babylon to Assyria, a cult that then went to the Cilicia theater (as Semiramis) with a dove symbol. This dove is in the Leaves/Leaf/Leve Crest (traced hard to Laevillus), and then Laevillus' family ruled Cilicia, what a dovincidence. It can be gleaned that Ishtar was transported to the Qewe theater when conquered by Mr. Shamesh, and that his sun god, Sames of Samosata, became Attis, husband of Cybele, and was later the cult ruled by Brogitarus. It then went through his line to El-Gabal at the Massyas / Emesa theater.

The Quarter/Wherter Coat shares what could be the Sam/SAMMES lion (blood drops). It is a version of the Jones lion (drops) itself in the colors of the Rita/Rheda / Creuse lion (Creuse's trace to Cybele). Jones' were first found in DENbigh, the Hercules-Danaan center, where Cowes-related Pennants trace. It looks very good for a Quarter trace to Quadratilla and Laevillus.

Scottish Reeds share a book with Roets (same place as Leavells) while Roets (SOMERset) were from Montreuil / Etaples near the mouth of the SOMME. That's where I will trace the "Summa" motto term of Dobbs, who can be of the Dobers, in-turn traceable to Dober, a couple of miles from KOPlik, also called, Cupionich, which should explain the "Pax copia" motto of English Reeds. But I also trace that motto to Cuppae, city of doves, and as Adana's proto-Danaans must trace back to Tanis, where Meshwesh (view as Mesues, namers of Moses) came to rule Egypt, it should explain why Cuppae is in Moesia. We can't talk about the Qewe theater without also involving ancient Massey liners not yet in Numidia. Moses does not trace forward to the naming of Meshwesh, but Meshwesh elements named Moses. From his loins came Jonathan the pagan priest of the Samson-suspect "Danites" at Laish.

Reeds are expected to be using the saltire of Pike's/PICKENs (Ayrshire, Shawia territory), and so the latter are now virtually clinched with "PICENum," for the Reed saltire is in the colors of the Bryse/Brice saltire. As the Reed garbs are in the colors of the same of Deeds/Dade's, it looks like they merged with Tatta elements. Reeds were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Stephensons sharing the white-on-red bend of Dobermans and Valentins i.e. Picenum kin from the Shawia-suspect Sava river. Valentinian I was born at CIBALae, like "Cybele / Cabelees."

It just can't be a coincidence that while Cibalae was also named VINKovci, the WINGers share a hind (no antlers) with Shaws. The Winger motto: "SUUM CuiQUE"!!! The "CUI(que)" part can be found as "qui" in the motto of English Shaws, code for the Sheaves/Chiava' keys, thus revealing that heraldic keys can be code for Qewe/Kue/Que liners. The Sibal(d)s were in Fife, beside Shaws of Perthshire. Wings/WINKS were first found in the same place as Shaws, which I've known, but it's the Winger motto's trace to Qewe that is the important part here. We need to ask why Qewe's namers are tracing to the Shawia Numidians, and I think the Neamt area of proto-Moldova has something to do with it, an area at the sources of the Bistrita river (mouth at Bacau). The Bistrita has a mouth at the Siret while the Sire's/Sirets are kin to Justine of Picenum, but let's not forget that the Siret was once the Agarus tracing the Hagar(d)s, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Justine's.

I suppose the hinds without antlers can be reckoned with the Doe's, found in the Derby write-up. It's just another way to trace Shaws to the Brogitarus line. Doe's use a chevron in the colors of the Shaw / Peeble's and Derby chevron. While the Peeble parrots trace to Perta, the Doe's happen to use "coulters" as code for the Colters that must surely be a branch of Colts/Celts of PERTHshire. Recall by fawn story that included Doe's as it all traced to Derbe of Lycaonia.

The Shaw cups are said to be "covered," which can be code for Covers and/or Coverts. Covers are in Covert colors, and Coverts (share Stein leopard faces) share gold martlets with Wingers. German Covers/Coburgs (Thuringia, traces to Ligures) are interesting for showing the eight-pointed Ishtar star on a diagonally-split Shield. Such Shields trace to Kyburg. Ligurian-suspect Stettons (with an 'o') use a diagonally-split Shield with a goat traced to the Stein goat while Dutch Steins use another eight-pointed star, shared by Rothschilds/RothSTEINs along with an arrow. The Arms of Rothschild share arrows connected at their middles with one Shaw Crest, and then Stettens (two e's) use LARKs. This is important, for Rothschilds recently traced to Lurco by way of the Lurch/LARCHer / Archer arrows. I'm now seeing a trace of the "Sithech" term in the Shaw derivation to the Statielli Ligures.

Two Shaw surnames use arrows. The Bark/BERK surname uses larks while English Shaws were first found in BERKshire. The motto of English Shaws is translated with an "endures" term that must be code for arrow-using Enders/Ingers. German Enders look like they are using a version of the Trunk Coat.

The Covers were first found in the same place as Deacons, and they share the axe. This compels me to trace the Cover bend to that of Dobermans for a trace to Dober / Cupionich. But as the same bend is used by Valentins, the white griffins in the Doberman Coat and Crest should link to the same of German Wingers. These griffins are highly suspect with the red one in the Arms of Alessandria, the area where Statielli lived.

The paragraph above was written before seeing that lark-using Stettens (dove in Crest, traces to Cuppae > Cupionich liners) were first found in the same place (Nuremberg) as Kopple's...suspect from Koplik = Cupionich! It therefore appears that Covers and Coverts were named after a version of Cupionich / Caepionis, and that Quintus Caepio's descendants trace to Kyburg and Coburgs, and of course to Sadducee-suspect Statielli's. However, for the time being, Statielli's are being treated as proto-Sadducees, and therefore as Soducena / Cotesii elements. Covers use a COTISed bend.

Who named the Buzau river of the Cotesii? Why was a descendant of Brogitarus to five generations surnamed Bassus? Had people from the Buzau moved down into Anatolia? There were king Cotys' in Thrace at the time of Brogitarus. The Brogitarus Galatians can trace to Galati at the mouth of the Buzau river, the river of the Cotesii. One branch of Cotesii were at the Cottian Alps, with a capital near a Viu river suspect with the Vio variation of Vito's. These Cotesii had the power of Julius Caesar behind them. Was the Avitus line, destined to marry Bassianus, involved with Cottians? If so, might Brogitarus have himself been from a Cotesii line? Did Julius Avitus come from the Cottians? See top-right of this map for the Cotesii:

There is a Brough/Burgh/Brugh/Bruche surname, using a saltire in the colors of the similar Brugg/Bruges cross. Irish Brisons are using the same cross as Bruggs. Does Mr. Brogitarus, priest of Cybele, trace to Briancon/Brigantium, therefore? As Cybele's symbol was the lion, what about all those lions in the Irish Brian Coats? The Brins use a lion too, and Brains use leopard faces while the leopard became the symbol of Dionysus. Brains have/had a Brain location near Hainaut, and Levi's came to be the Counts of Hainaut. The capital of Hainaut, Mons, might just have derived from AkMONia, home of the Brogitarus line. Recall the Leibers, Aikens, and Ackmans, for Aachen is not far from Hainaut.

The Brain motto, "Enghien," suggests a look at Engaine's, who married Vere's of Oxford. This recalls that the Brian lions were in the design of the Oxford-Chief lion until both were changed. There is a Vitalis character in the Engaine write-up that is presumed to be an Engaine. There is one Vitalis/Vital surname, and a Spanish Vital surname. Both seem relative and connectable to Ayers and Shaws again. Vitalis/Vitals (in Vito/Vio colors) share the annuLET with Vito's/Vio's, and moreover share a moline cross with Chives' (Shaw liners), both surnames first found in the same place (Devon).

In the middle of the Vitalis moline: a feather in the colors of the same of Ayer-related Lights/Lite's. The Vitalis annulets are used in the same colors by Light-suspect Lady's/Laudymans. And so it appears that Julius Avitus traces to the Light-related Feathers/Fedders. It works because the Ladys (Quince colors) strike us with a version of the Anchor/AnnerCAW Coat, and then, first off, Kyle's of Ayrshire use the anchor. I fully expect Avitus liners to trace to Shaws at Ayrshire, where the Arms uses the Annan / Bruce saltire, found in colors reversed in the LETT/Laite Coat. The latter use "organ pipes" while pipes are Mens kin while the Anchors use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Mens.

The Anchors are probably using a version of the SEVEN Quince mascles. The three Anchor-Chief lozenges are in the Chief of the Arms of Thomas Randolph (1st earl of Moray), said, or thought by some, to be a Carrick relative. Carricks, first found in Ayrshire, trace by their Craig kin / ancestors to "AKRAGAS, the city of Agrigento, where the Arms uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Anchors.

The Vitalis write-up traces to "Vitalis of BERNY," potential line of Julius Alexander Berenicianus. Alexander's sister married Julius Quadratus Bassus, and as there was a Julius Severus as father of the first Bassus in this line, the father of Julius Quadratus Bassus, the line should go to Julius Bassianus, whose daughter married Julius Avitus. Spanish Vitals use a talbot in the colors of the same of Caracalla-related Carricks (part of the royal-Bruce family), and Julius Avitus married the sister of Caracalla's mother. I couldn't make this work any better had I concocted it from fantasy. Spanish Vitals use a single wing as apparent code for the Wings = Shaw kin. The Wings even use the same saltire colors as the Brough/Burgh/Brugh/Bruche saltire, and then Bruce-related Abreu's likewise use the single wing, as do Masci's that might just have been from Julia Maesa, Avitus' wife.

In fact, the Portuguese Abreu's' use the same five wings, in the same colors, as the Portuguese ALFreds, and then Lurco's daughter was ALFidia. I wonder, did her name continue to Alfred "the great" of the Aetheling Saxons? Brogitarus was on the Sakarya, suspect with "Saka" that may have founded Saxons...who developed under that name anywhere between 100 - 400 AD. The Saxon surname is also SEPTon, suspect with Septimius Severus (about 150 AD), father of Caracalla.

Why does the Vitalis/Vital Crest use a "cap"? Saxons/Septons use "chaplets." The explanation for the Wings working into this picture is that Caracalla had Julius Bassianus working in Dalmatia, an area of Illyricum that was within reach of Vinkovci, where Valentinian I was born not long after Caracalla. Then, it was established that Levi-honored Aide's, a branch of Aethelings, apparently, use the Valentin bend. Or, as Aide's/Ade's (Berwickshire) were traced to "Aiodh" and therefore to "Quaide/Quade," they can trace to Quadratilla and her husband, Laevillus. It's feasible that "Aide" was an Aetheling line but formed to reflect kinship with "Quade." It appears that one needs to follow Quadratus elements through Sakarya elements to the formation of Saxons in getting to Aide's, and so let me say that Valentinian elements have been linked to Sakarya-suspect Seagars and Segurana's for years, long before finding Aide's or Brogitarus.

As Cybele was the Phrygian goddess in particular, "Broge" could have been a version of "Briges = Phrygia," which reminds of my trace of "frog," what Franks were called, to PHRYGians. Froggits were first found in Derbyshire, and share a blue Shield with Lurch's, likewise first found in Derbyshire. Froggits share the parrot with Pettys while Pettys share bees with Minds/Munds (neighboring Shropshire), and then Mandys/Mondays were likewise first found in Derbyshire (for new readers, AMYNTes was a son of Brogitarus). The Froggit parrot has cherries while the Cherry/Charry surname (Carians?) was likewise first found in Derbyshire. The Cherry Coat uses annulets in the colors of the Vita annulet, and that should trace to Julius Avitus, husband of a Mrs. Bassianus. Frocks/Froggs use annulets too and were first in the same place as Minds/Munds. When Ladys and Letts are involved with annulets along with Charrys, it looks like Lydians and neighboring Carians.

Lurch's were looked up as per Lurco, from Fondi. Fontana's, Prusa's/Brocuffs/Prokopps and Macey-suspect Brights use blue Shields too ("mythical Brigit" is apparently of a "Bright" entity), and Prusa (Mysia) is between the Macestus and Ancore = Nicaea. The Nice location in Liguria is right beside Monaco while the State's (Ligurians, right?) use more lozenges (in the colors of the same of Monaco's Grimaldi's) as well as a greyhound in Crest. Then, Greys use the anchor theme. It looks like Nicaea = Ancore is tracing to the Greys that I see in "GRImaldi." This is an excellent place to repeat that Prusa's/Brocuffs use a sphinx as code for Spinks (share mascles with Quince's), first found in the same place as Anchor-suspect Quince's! Bingo, we have found compelling evidence for a Brocuff / Brock trace to Prusa (modern Bursa).

Lurco's daughter married Appius Pulcher, the cousin, according to some historians, of Servilia Caepio(nis). Pulcher's mother (another Servilia) was a Caepio, some say, and so one might assume that she married a Mr. Pulcher. I wonder who it was. If Servilia is not the ancestor of Caiaphas, perhaps Appius Pulcher. I wonder what "Appius" derives in? The same as the Apuani Ligures (La Spezia)? The same as the Abaeus cult of Apollo? I can tell you this, I was more than half convinced of an Appius trace to Avezzano a few weeks before finding Vezzano at the La Spezia theater. There is a Sarzana location beside La Spezia that traced logically to Carrick liners by way of the Sarasin surname using crescents in Carrick colors. The Apuani were from neighboring Luna, traceable to the Sarasin crescents, and Luna traces to the Endymion Carians on the Lydia border. Creusa traced to Ancore, but then Acragas was on the Hypsas river while the Hips share a sphinx with Prusa's.

The black star in the Bright Crest is very welcome, for this comes after developing the theory that Hamon(d)s, part of Hamon de Massey of Cheshire (where Brights were first found), are named after "AMYNTes" or variations thereof. The black Hamon(d) stars are suspect with the same of Caepio's because the Caepio side of Publius Pulcher is suspect in the family of Brogitarus.

Cheshire is between Derbyshire and the Hercules part of Wales. The Bright griffin itself is suspect in the Agrippa entity that was part of the Seleucid-Maccabee line to the Bassus'. The Capone's were first found in CamBRIDGE, and Briges/Brigians (not the surname) were once another name for Phrygians. One Bridge Coat shares the black-on-white chevron of Hamon(d)s, and uses crabs around it while Crabs (may be using the Macey chevron) were first found in Cambridge. Bridge's were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Prusa-suspect Percivals that share the Mackay bear, and then Mackays and Crabs share the dagger. The Dagger surname is listed with the Decks, suspect with Tectosages, the group of Galatians married by the Brogitarus line (of Trocmii).

A Mackay sept, the Vains/Veynes (share gauntlet gloves with Wayne's and Maceys), trace well to Fano, suspect somewhat with Fontana's and therefore with Lurco out of Fondi. The Veyne-related Wayne's use the pelican traceable to Lurco's son-in-law. The other Bridge's, said to be from Bruges, Belgium, use griffins in the colors of the Grub griffin, and a chevron in the colors of the Wayne chevron.

The Bridge write-up traces to early Brugge and Bruges surnames of Gloucestershire, in particular to an Archer-Stoke location. Don't you find that a mite-bit too "coincidental," that while Lurch's are listed with Archer-relater Larchers, a Brogitarus-like surname was at Archer-Stoke? With "Stoke," I can begin to see the Traby-Astikas line suspect from the namers of Astacus, beside Nicaea and therefore near Prusa. The Grubs are said to be from Stoke CLIMSland, that being like variations of Clements/Lemas' [now known to be from Clarus liners of the Clermonts kind].

Ultimately, what I will need to do is get to the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas at Arettium in finding the Maccabees proper. Arettium will be traced to Arthur lines in Wales because Arettium is near the border of UMBRIA, suspect with Welsh CUMBRIA. It just so happens that Aide's were first found in the same place as Arthurs (and Make's/Macks) while Aide's are now known to be a branch of Mackays whose bear traces well to Berwickshire's bear. One can start to glean that Mackays were related to "Maecenas." Where did the Cimmerians come from suspect in "Umbria."

The Archer-Stoke location can link to the Arc river, location of Modane, for Modens/Modeys were first found in Berkshire, suspect with the LARK-using Barks/Berks. Larks (l'Arcs?) look like Capone's / Levi's with Pilate-suspect pellets thrown in along with the Sawyer martlets. Larks were first found in the same place as Saxon-based Sawyers whom I've always viewed as Seagar kin so that Sawyers can now trace to proto-Saxon suspects in "Sakarya." You can make up your own mind as to what it all means, or what went where, as I haven't got a monopoly on the truth. I'm trying to set out one clue after another until all things sit acceptably for me. Then, when I'm satisfied, I'll announce the truth as I see it.

The Lurch / Archer Coats, I see, share blue Shields with the Blois' that were traced to the Arc river with Joan of Arc. I'd like to mention in passing that her family was "Du Lys" before they took on the Arc surname, and then there is a Dulys surname with two blue bends on gold, a rare design in my hunts, but used in a Coat by a son (Josef Franz) of Maria Beatrice d'Este of Massa. You can see the Arms at her Wikipedia article. Vere's of Oxford had traced (earlier in this update) to the Massa theater, which jibes with Vere's using the Massey/Macey Shield, the point being that Dulys were first found in Oxfordshire while Masseys are Maccabee suspects expected with Modane elements. The probability is that Masseys proper were from Julia Maesa as she herself was named after a Maecenas variation. It just so happens that, after writing the paragraph to this point, Franz's were looked up to find annulets in the colors of the same of Vita's/Vio's!

Suddenly, it's not an aside. Franz's share a Shield split vertically in such colors as to be linkable to the same in the Arms of Wallis / Sion, as well as to Trents, and Maecenas married Terentia, born a Varro! The Wallis-based Walsers not only share an upright goat with the Franz Crest, but use the Vere-beloved Melusine. The Wallis/Wallace surname (suspect with the naming of Wales) uses an upright white-on-red lion, as do Montforts, but the latter use two tails while Walsers put two tails on Melusine. The point is, the two-tailed Montfort / Bohemia lion is in the Arms of Josef Franz!

Franz can be traced to emperor Franz (Francis I) in Maria's ancestry, who was of a house in Lorraine, explaining why the Arms of Lorraine are beside the white fesse of Austria in Maria's Arma. However, "Franz" in this case is perhaps from "Firenza," and linkable to the Fire/Feuer surname using half an upright goat in Franz colors. Firenza is the alternative name of Florence, where Bruno's / Berone's were first found, which can explain why Dulys may be using the Bruno bend, or why Vairs are listed with Verona's. The other Vairs/Fers' share a checkered Coat with Fers/Ferrats, but the latter use checks in the colors of the Massa-related Massi's/Mattis'. If one clicks "Show" in the box at the bottom of Maria's page, her family tree shows up with a Charlotte Felicity of Brunswick-Luneburg on her Medina side.

Maria's Arco Side Destined to be Suty

Maria's family liked "Joseph." Another of Maria's sons was a duke of Modena while one of her daughters married a count of Arco! There is no link to an Arco article. Another of her sons, born in Modena, was Maximilian Joseph of Austria-Este, but as "Maximilian erected several fortifications in the Austrian possessions in Italy, such as the Torri Massimiliane [like "Maximilan"] of Verona and the Torre Massimiliana of Venice," it appears that "Maximilian" was a Massa term. As he was a master of the Teutonic Knights, let's recall Ferrat-related Guerin of Provence, whose family were grand masters of St. Jean/John (of Jerusalem), what became the Maltese Hospitallers that linked to the Aide-suspect Aidhne's. It could be that Maximilian was of the Guerin line.

Was "Massimiliane" indicative of a Massa-Milan merger? Visconti's had started out in Sardinia and Milan, and then another of Maria's children was queen of Sardinia. Let's add that while Ottone's are using the Chappes chevron, Chappes' were first found in the same place, PARIS, as Verona's. Ottone's were first found in PERUSIA, in Umbria. Therefore, it's a good bet that the line of Joseph Caiaphas was in Maria's veins. With rulers of Arco related to Modena, it seemingly clinches a Modena-Modane relationship. As Modens/Modeys were first found in the same place as Archie's, this is of interest:

Maria Leopoldina Princess of Modena was, indeed, married a second time to Ludwig Count of Arco. They were my GGG Grandparents. They had two surviving sons, the oldest, my GG Grandfather, was Aloys Nikolaus Ambros Count of Arco-Stepperg, born Dec 8, 1808, died Sept 10, 1891 in Anif, Austria.;wap2

It looks like Leopolds of Austria are tracing to Leopoldina, and it just so happens that Italian Leopolds were first found in Florence! Then, while Maria's Arms shows the Bohemian lion, the writer at the blog above says, "Max went by Arco-Zinneburg." Zinne's/Czinne's//Cinners were first found in Bohemia. I'm not sure which Max is being referred to, perhaps this Maximilian, father of Ludwig of Arco, or another Maximilian, son of the first-named Ludwig of Arco above. I respect how you must dislike reading complications like this.

Zinne's might just relate to Zinzendorf, for I recall that some aspect of Zinzendorf and/or his Moravians traced to Austria. Zinne's are traced to a Berthold Cinner of EGER, that letter term much like the Edge's/Eggs and such to which I trace Aide's. Egers (in Edge colors) were even first found in the same place as Aide's! Then, while Aide's trace to Quade's and MackayS, it's probably not by coincidence that mythical Cyner (like the Cinner surname) was an alternative father of Qewe-suspect Kay. As Eger-like Ector was the other father of Kay, it appears that Egers were from Hector elements.

The Sinne's/Cinners show "leaves," and I recall that the House leaves were at one time identical, colors included. That would put Zinne's in with Hazels and therefore with Aetheling suspects. Unfortunately, I don't know whether the Zinneburg entity (of Bavaria) applied to Maximilian has to do with Zinne's/Cinners. The Czinn variation suggests Cousins (same place as Seagars) while the Kos/KOSINski Coat shares the three bends of Ectors, and so that works to assure that the Kay > Ector entity was merged with Cinners and Kinners. As Ectors were first found in Angus, suspect with Angusta, it's notable that, while the only family of Angusta I know of was Vrm's, who was traced to Worms and related Formans, the Kinners are said to be from "Wormit," and then the green dragons of Worms and Formans can jibe with the green dragon heads of Leopolds. Worms (ancestry of Capets) are using a single bend in the colors of the two found in the Arms of Maria's family, and of the Dulys. The Worm bend is in the colors of the Charo/Claro bend.

German Leopolds share the elephant trunks of Thors as well as a Shield quartered in colors reversed from the same of Drengot-suspect Trunks/Trenks. The Lippi/Lippo variations of Leopolds evoke the Leaps/Lapps, but it may just be that "Leopold" is a branch of Leavell/Lovell. The latter use a version of the Coats of Amore's and Damory, first found in the same place as Dulys. I can begin to see that Maria's house at Massa can trace to Nazi's, and as I traced Hitler's mother's surname (Polzl) to Pollocks, Maximilians can be part of the Maxwells. Sinsens use an eagle that I link to the Maxwell and Rijeka eagle, and I see the Reka/Rika variation of "Rijeka" related to "Richeza" of Lorraine. I don't want to get into the reasons here for tracing this Austrian picture to Hitler and his supporters, but I'm seeing multiple indicators. A couple of years ago, I thought I had gleaned a trace Hitler's mother to Maschi's, and Massa can apply well to that. ARCHibalds were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Scottish Maxwells, and may be using the Duly / Worm bend.

The Edge's/Eggs (Cheshire) share the white-on-black eagle of Kilners/Kelners, the latter suspect with CILNius Maecenas. I'm sure it's the white Masci wing, which helps to trace Masci's to "Maesa." But suddenly, the Eger location of Zinne's/Czinns brings this line to Kays and therefore to Qewe, as expected of Masci / Macey liners. But as Maceys are highly suspect at Modane, it argues for a Zinne/Czinn link to Zinneburg-Arco. I assume that Arco is near / beside Zinneburg.

I kid you not, that I was about to delete that sentence above because it's not necessarily true. I went searching for a second try to find the Arco location, and came to an article on Jean Baptiste d'Arco. He is located in Bavaria, but, at the bottom of the page, just as I was grumbling about the writer not revealing where Arco was, there is a small entry: "Arco, Trentino, was an Imperial fief."!!!

Here is the article: "Arco (German: Arch) is a comune in Trentino in northeast Italy.",_Trentino

The Arms of Arco uses a bow on a gold Shield, linkable to Bogens of Bavaria for a reason; Arco is in the passage through the Alps from Italy to Austria. And then Bauers were first found in Austria and Bavaria so that the proto-Rothschilds might just be from Maria's ancestry. That would make some Caepio treasure suspect there. I view the purple strong arm in the Dark/Arques Crest as a Rothschild symbol. Scroll down the Trentino page to see the white fesse on a purple Shield as the Trentino flag. The Arms of Trentino (South Tyrol) use an eagle with a strong-arm look. Darks/Arques were first found in the same place (Kent) as same-colored Mynetts and Hamonds.

There is an Arco surname using bows, and as it was first found in Tyrol, it's very linkable to the Arco location. Spanish Arco's, of the Burgos area, use the white tower suspect with Hoppers/Hoppens, for the latter were first found in the same place as Conte's while Conteville's were in fact of the Burgo surname. This drags the Sardinia-suspect Conteville's into the Maria picture, from purple-banner Font de Ville's. Hoppers/Hoppens are suspect with the OPEN helmets of Mynetts, but if correct to trace Mynetts to Amyntes, then his line becomes suspect with COPONius, a Judean governor implanted by Rome.

The fesse in the flag of Trento is in the colors of the Duly bends. I recall tracing the gonfanon symbol of Montforts to the Brenner Pass theater, though I don't recall where it was found. The point is, the two-tailed Bohemian lion is likely of the Montforts. I don't know what "EGGENspitze" means in German, but that's the name of a mountain near Trentino. The German Eggen surname (Chaddock cross?) looks like it can be from "Euganeo," beside Este. Eugene's/Ewins show a small white-on-blue saltire (Este colors) that I see as the Scottish flag but in honor of Andrew I of Hungary. I say that Hungarian Kabars used arrows for symbols, and the Lurco bloodline may have formed Archer-like variations for passing through the Arco family under discussion.

The Ewen variation might link to Openheims. Owens are said to be from "Eugenios," and then Overs use a bend (with fret) in the colors of the Duly bends (seen in the Arms of Maria's family). Having the potential to trace to Laevillus lines in Wales, Owens trace to "Uwen Wenta CYNING" (10th century), a term linkable to the Kay/Key motto phrase ("Kynn kynd") and therefore to the Cinner variation of Zinne's. In fact, Eugene's/Ewens share a sun with Ectors, as well as using a motto, "Audaciter," like the "Audacter" of Pollocks, and this is excellent, for not only do I trace Rothschilds to Peter Pollock at Rothes castle (smack beside the Ross-shire of king Andrew's line), but I trace the Pollock motto term in-part to "Ector." Furthermore, the Kay/Key motto is translated, "Keep your kin-kind," what Rothschilds have been accused of.

Kynds (Derbyshire) happen to be "Kynder/CHINDER/Kender," like Kinners / Cinners, and then Kendrys/Hendricks (same place as Kinners/Kenners) use bendy in the colors of the Ector bends! It once again proves that Arthurian myth characters are nothing but code for surnames, and that the stories concocted around the characters are code for something known best by the myth writers. The Kynds use a "column," probably code for Malcolm III, for Malcolms/Callams use a saltire in colors reversed to the Scottish flag that I see in the Eugene/Ewen Coat.

This is a good place to mention that mythical Hector of Troy was of the Hecate cult now being linked to the Hecatomnus dynasty of Caria. It is therefore suspect that Ectors will trace to that family where brothers married their sisters in keeping their own kin, so pathetic, such an embarrassment to the human family. To explain why Maria's family is tracing to Ectors on multiple counts, just trace her Massa-Carrara side to Caria.

Kendrys/Hendricks use a "cupid" with torch in Crest, and the Cupids/COWbitts (battling scimitars) are using the Caepio-line lion. The Cows (KilKENNY) are listed with Coughs while Kynds use the Cornish Chough (raven). The Copons/Cobbhams look linkable to the Cobbett variation of Cupids/Cowbitts, but it should be repeated that Cowes' have variations traceable with Keys/Kays to "Qewe." One Kenny motto in conjunction with its fleur colors looks traceable to Bruno > Brown liners from Florence and perhaps Lucca, while the other Kennys use "Vincit veritas" for a motto, linkable to the Vince's/Finch's along with the goldfinches of Kays/Keys that use a "Kynn" motto term.

The "kepe" motto term of Kays/Keys is translated, "keep," and for me that gets to the "Keep tryst" motto of Child-related Hebrons, suspect as the Keturah line that I'm now tracing to Hecate. This works very well for connecting Maria to Hecatomnus Carians, for the red eagle in the Trento theater is in the Tarent Coat, itself a colors-reversed version of the Child Coat. Childs come up as "Chill," matching the Chillingham location of Hebrons, but therefore suspect with Cilnius liners. The red eagle in the Trento area happens to be in the Arms of MURANO (!) so that it can indeed trace to Terentia, wife of Cilnius Maecenas, and part of the MURENA family.

Zinne's, by the way, use a "three-LEAF clover," rather than calling it a trefoil, and Clovers are listed with key-using Clavers/Cleavers (recalls the Clermont link to Claviere's). Clovers/Clavers use the tower (same colors) of Hoppers/Hoppens ("est" motto term) linkable to the Murena tower, and Tour / Tower liners (same tower) are suspect with the Childeric Merovingians. Clover liners are suspect with Glaphyra Archelaus, but "Clovis," son of CHILDeric, can apply there, for the Archelaus cult at Cappadocia was near the El-Gabal cult that would be run by Bassianus' while Childeric married Basina (of Thuringia).

Claviere's are showing two eagle's in the same (rare) positions of the Murena eagles. The Claviere description says that the surname also uses a white-on-red saltire, as does the Maris surname (same place as Darks of Arques), which I assume is intended by mythical Ector de Maris (Arthurian myth). Merits (share a white griffin head with Kays/keys), in Hopper colors, were first found in the same place (Durham) as Hoppers/Hoppens, though it should be added that they are also "Happer" so as to be linkable to the Happs/ABBS using a fesse in the colors of the Arms of Austria and therefore of the Arms of Abbs-like Habsburgs. This is perhaps the best evidence so far for a Hopper link to Maria's Austria-related family. Merits / Maris' are suspect from the MenuMORUT Khazars on and off the Mures/Maros. While Clavers linked to Clare's, Ragnvald of the Claro's, ruler of More, was traced to Reghin upon the Mures.

French Samsons, because they share footless martlets in the colors of the same of Mountains, can be traced to the Mountain/Montagne merger with Claviere's, especially as Samsons lived in the same part of Normandy as Sinclairs. In fact, the Samson write-up traces to an "occupant" of Saint-Clair castle.

In the whole of the above, we have a trace of Maria's family to a marriage with the line of Terentia Varro and Cilnius Maecenas. And that marriage was with Arco, suspect, along with Maecenas' surname and with Massa itself, with Maccabees. Repeat: "Franz's share a Shield split vertically in such colors as to be linkable to the same in the Arms of Wallis / Sion, as well as to Trents..." Franz's are in Frend colors while Frends use the Shield of pelican-using Wayne's. I see Irish Arthurs using the Wayne Shield, and then Arthurs are using an Arc-suspect variation in "Archibure."

To help prove that these Franz's are from Franz, son of Maria, the Cherry's use annulets in the colors of the Franz annulets, and then the MASSERvys (off of Manche) are the ones using the cherry theme, suggesting a Masservy trace to Massaro, not far south of Massa. See also the Massars. Cherrys, who come up as "Charry," are thus traceable to "Carrara," and for that matter, the Botters, first found in the same place (Lucca, beside Massaro) as Massars, traced excellently to "BODRum," anciently Halicarnassus in Caria. This could play well when seeking ancestral connections between Brogitarus and the Hecatomnus dynasty at Halicarnassus.

There is an AVISo river to the Trento area, a term that can link either with the Avis/Avison surname, the Avezzano / Vezzano locations, or the Avitus surname. That's an amazing coincidence while Vita's/Vio's use the same annulets as Cherrys. The Aviso is even a tributary of the Edge-like Adige river. Is this where "Aid / Aidhne / Aiodh" traces? The Adige passes through Trento and Verona, as well as through Merano! The family of Terentius Varro Murena, right? The Arms of Merano is a red-on-white eagle, colors reversed from the Tarent eagles.

Aha! There an Auer location along the Adige, and the Arms, while not shown, are described with gold keys in the Chief! The keys are traced to the Apostle Peter, but, of course, that's garbage, for in fact this tends to prove that key-using Sheaves/Chiava's are from Aures of north Africa!

The shield is party per fess of argent and gules [sounds like the Arms of Austria] with an azure [blue] chief with a rampant lion. It is the emblem of the family Khuen who took possession of the site, from 1397 until 1690, when they were then elevated to the Imperial Counts. On the azure chief two crossed or [gold] keys are represented as a remembrance of the insignia of St. Peter, to whom the parish church is dedicated. The emblem was adopted in 1969.,_South_Tyrol

Let's go back to the Edge/Egg/Age and Kilner/Kelner eagle, for it's the Balance eagle as well as the Dunn eagle (think Dunham Massey). The eagle is colors reversed from the Trent / Trentino eagle, though the Edge/Egg eagle is partly in the colors of the Piast eagle used in the Arms of Lorraine...because Richeza of Lorraine married a Mieszko Piast. Moreover, German Kelners use a key in colors reversed from the FIVE Sheaves/Chiava/Chiapponi keys, and the Kelner key is in the colors of the Arms-of-Aures keys!

The Brenner Pass is at the northern end of a long pass through the Alps that goes through Trento to the open area of northern Italy, where Verona and Brescia are located. There had been some excellent evidence (that I cannot recall) in a Bruce-related family for a Bruce trace to Brenners, and that jibed with a Bruce-lion trace to the same-colored one on Brescia. English Brenners/Brimmers (AYRshire!), who happen to use the rooster design now showing for Maccabee-suspect Jonathans, and MacAbee-suspect Blue's/Gorms, are using what looks like a version of the Hand Coat. As Bruce's and Ayrshire both use the Annan(dale) saltire, it seems a given that Brescia elements merged with the Ananes at nearby Placentia (though the Ananes were not restricted to Placentia). The Hands are related to the Hanna's (GALLoway), wherefore the namers of the Brenner Pass seemingly link to the Ananes Gauls. The MacAbee's and Blue's/Gorms were off the cost of Ayrshire in Arran.

German Brenners (Basel) happed to use the Brescia lion in colors reversed, which makes it into the colors of the Brin/Bryne lion. English Bryners/Brine's/Brians use piles in the blue color of Brenners while Irish Bryners/Brians were first found in the same place (KilKENNY) as the Sale- and Salyes-suspect Cows/Coughs, of obvious importance because Briancon is on the Durance river of the Salyes. As the latter Bryners are using the same lions as Brunswicks and the Arms of Brunswick, it's suddenly suggesting that Bruno's and Browns were Briancon liners. That's a new twist for me. But if correct to trace Berenicianus to Brunswick, then it appears that his line goes to Briancon too. In this picture, "Briancon" is NOT a version of "Brigantium" but, rather, one was in honor of Berenicianus liners while the other in honor of the related Brogitarus liners. English Bryners/Brians were first found in the same place (Denbigh) as the Jonathan-suspect Jones' that use the Brin lion too. The Bryner/Brian piles are said to be "joined in base" probably for a Bassus / Bassianus reason. Aha! I had forgotten: One Base surname (said to be from "bassus = thick" haha) uses the double Brunswick lions!!!

The Brenner-suspect Hands are also "Hant," and that suggests the Hants area of southern Hampshire, where the Cowes surname was first found that uses the same piles (different colors) of Bryners/Brians but calls them "pennants" for the Pennants using the Coat of Trevors in the Denbigh theater. Jonathans are also "Jonas," suggesting the Jones' of Denbigh as the kin of Brins. If this traces to Jonathan APPHUS Maccabee, lets repeat that Appius Pulcher was the son-in-law of Lurco whose line is now suspect with founding Arc / Arco elements. JOAN of Arc might even have been a Jones liner. It's some small evidence that the Appius' surname of Rome named Jonathan Maccabee for a blood reason. Smack at the Brenner-Pass theater, there is an Appiano location.

The BREMmer/Bremner variation of Brenners may indicate mythical Priam, code for the real Mysian city of Parium, and father of Hector. We could expect Brenners in Maria's family in that it has traced to Ectors/Hectors. Parium appears to be in code in the Caen motto, and then Caens use the same lattice-filled shield as As Modens/Modeys who were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Archie's/Arks, what an arcoincidence.

The Brins (THURNham) had been looked up as per the Briniates tribe of Ligures living at a BRUGnato location of La Spezia. Brugs are listed with besant- and pelican-using Briggs. Of interest is that the Brin lion can also be the Dougal lion while Dougals are suspect with the Doyle variation of Dulys'. Lest you've forgotten, Dulys, whose DOUBLE bends (suspect with "DeBLOIS") are on the family Arms of Maria, traced with Joan of Arc of Blois to the Arc river, but are now even more suspect with the Arco's, first found, along with Thurnham-suspect Thor/Thorns, in Tyrol. Moreover, the Blois' were suspect with the Blue's/Gorms.

Brugnato is beside Zignano, possibly related to Zinne's, or even Segni's/Segurana's. It was my impression that Seconds/Segurs use the Brunswick lions in an upright position. ZIGNano may thus reveal an origin of "SECONd," for Genoa, where Segni's/Segurana's were first found, is said to be just 43 miles from Zignano. It just so happens that Bruggens (Saxony) use leaves in the colors of the Zinne leaves, and both Coats share the red rose! The Bruggen leaves are Holly leaves, linkable to the holly in the Maxwell Crest, important because Maximilian was of Zinneburg-Arco. Cabbage's use holly leaves too, but, like I said, the "cabbage leaves" of the French House's were showing the leaf design of Zinne's. I recall the House leaf design exactly due to the dent or rounded section beside the stem. Some things just get priority in the memory bank, and that's one of them. English House's were first found in the same place as Archie's/Arks. The "hazel SLIPS" of Hazels are code for holly-using Islips/Haslips, using the Maxwell holly-with-stag.

Why are Has liners going to Maria's family? Ask the Massi/Mattis surname from the Mathis river. Or, ask the Grimaldi's at Genoa who are from Krume, beside Has. Hazels are said to have lived in "CLOSE PROXimity" to a hazel tree (haha) or "grove," but the Close/Clovse surname links to Closeburn, home of Maxwell-honoring Kilpatricks, and I've traced Close's (for years) to Botters, first found in Lucca.

Brugnato is beside Rochetta di Varo, and then Rockets/Roquet's (same place as Roquefeuil and Roque's) share the rook symbol with Rooks / Rookbys / Rocks/Rockers. This recalls my trace of Roquefeuil to the Varni. Unfortunately, the article doesn't say how old the Rochetta name is at that location in order to discover whether it was the root of Roquefeuil. Roquefeuil is in Aude, where the Audaciter and Audacter mottoes of Eugene's and Pollocks trace. It just so happens that while Pollocks were a Maxwell sept, while Maxwells are suspect with Maximilians in Maria's family, Rookbys (Maxwell colors) were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as English Maxwells and Brugs/Briggs.

As Roquefeuils married Henry VI of Rodes, let's entertain the Kendry/Hendrick write-up's trace to "Henry," for Kendrys (linked earlier to the Cinner variation of Zinne's) are now tracing to Zignano, a location of the Zinneburg line, apparently. This recalls the trace to the Dawson martlets to the Henry martlets, important because the lodged stag of Dawsons was linkable to the same of Islips/Haslips and Maxwells. It revealed that Dawsons were Has liners, and here we can also suppose that the Dawson bend is a colors-reversed version of the Duly bends. With all the talk on Maccabee lines to Maria's family, here we have the Has entity, suspect along with Mathis' with HASmoneans, tracing to her family too. Maria's time period brings us to the Enlightenment, close to our modern age as governed by Rothschilian dragons (i.e. the Rothschild empire that knows no mounds).

Let's go to Sesta GODANO, likewise beside Brugnato, and ask whether it named Gaudens at Comminges. On our left side of the Arms of Sesta Godano, there is a white tower on green, the colors of the same in the Spanish Arco Coat. On the right side of the Arms, the Shield-and-Chief color combination, including the red cross in the Chief, is a very good reflection of the PRUSA/Brocuff/Prokopp Coat, a surname we could expect at the Brugnato theater. Here is the giant grail of the Gauden/Godin/Goddein Coat (Forez), and then recall the Arthurian character, PERCival, the Grail King, and compare with "PRUSA" or the Purse variation of Pierce's, first found in the same place as Percivals and Burse's. The latter use six horizontal bars -- three black, three gold -- in the colors of the three Levi chevrons, and then Burse's were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Leavells (said to be from a Mr. Percival) that likewise use six horizontal bars. Scottish Leavells, using three black piles, were first found in Roquefeuil-suspect Roxburghshire, where Maxwells were first found. The LODGEd stag of Dawsons leads to Lodge's from Loges, and therefore to Logans/Lohens, of mythical Lohengrin, son of Percival.

The Brocuffs share the sphinx with Hips', and the latter, like the Dawsons, use red martlets. Hips' share nebuly with Leavells. Then, the Hipken variation of Hips suggests HOPkins ("primos" motto term), with more red roses, and this plays to Hoppers/Happers. Hopkins were first found in Cambridgeshire, wherefore they are suspect in using the Capone Shield. The pistols on the Hopkin Coat must be for Pistols using a chevron in the colors of the Quint chevron.

Rooks (sun), first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Dulys, use a chevron in Brenner-chevron colors, and a motto term suspect with Florence. With Dawsons now linking to the Maria circle of things, perhaps they use the Bruno bend (not likely directly).

The Oyley/Oyle variations of Dulys (said to be from makers of olive oil haha) was traced to the cartoon character, Olive Oyl, and then Olive's, suspect as Levi liners, can link by their Oyle-like owl to Howells that in-turn use the Hopper / Murena tower yet again. Without going into it further, I think I know what the Hopper gyronny is about: the line of Josephus, the Jewish historian known to have been adopted by the house of emperor Titus. That gyronny traces to the Titus surname and to the Lundys of Fife (location of Kinners and Kendrys), as well as to Londons, while the Capes', first found in London, share the scallops of the Hopper/Happer-suspect Happs/Abbs.

As German Clements are apparently using a white version of the Arms of Saxony because they were first found in Saxony, can't Clements trace to the Sakarya river? Why do Saxons/Septons use scarlet / burgundy CHAPlets? Scarlet / burgundy is used for the DOUBLE tressure border of Flemings as well as by Tresure's/Treasure's (same place as Leavells). What's with that, do you think? Didn't the El-Gabal priests wear purple robes? I wonder what shade of purple they were. Why does the wolf head in the Crest of purple Mandys ("Amyntes" suspect) have "fire" in its mouth? Code for Flemings? Perhaps not in this case, for Fire's/Feuers share the unicorn with ERAS'/Rasmussens/Assmans while the Mandy wolf is ERASed. But just look at that Bassus code: "A black wolf's head erased bezante with fire coming from his mouth." I can't think of another description using "erased bezante." Usually, it's the necks of living things that are erased. Mythical Lycaon was turned into a wolf by Zeus, and then: "Derbe was a city in the Roman province of Lycaonia in Asia Minor."

When an object is placed into a mouth, isn't that for a tracking reason? The Motts? Or, there is a Moth surname (Lorraine) and suspect with the Hopper tower. Red Skelton's (Freemason) Clem KaddidleHOPPER character taught me that Hoppers were Clement kin, for heraldry was able to prove it. Hoppers use the Murena tower while Clements use the black wavy / nebuly bars of Marina's. But the Murena's are also "Moratin," and Motts are also "Morte." Mortons use the colors and format of Minds/Munds, making the Brogitarus>Amyntes family all-the-more suspect from Maccabees.

The question that heraldry may not be able to answer: are Hoppers and Oppenheimers from the namers of "Opgalli," or even Opgalli herself? How important was she to heraldry? She was the Jewish grandmother of Berenicianus, and of Julia Iotapa, wife of Quadratus. Nothing is apparently known about Opgalli's background, but when Quadratus birthed Quadratilla, the latter ups and marries Lupus Laevillus. Hoppers are using, I think, the eagles found earlier at Trento.

The "OBstantia" motto term of Arthurs/Archibure's might just be code for the Opgalli line because the Arthur chevron is in the colors of the Copon/COBBham chevron. This has potential to trace to king Arthur lines to Opgalli, especially as Arthurs use pelicans as well as being suspect with Aretas III, the family that birthed Herod "the great."

I think it's significant that there is a Juliana del Bryg in the Brigg/Brug write-up, for there were plenty of Julius' and Julia's in the Brogitarus line to Bassus'. The Briggs/Brugs (three small shields) even use a pelican and besants. Due to the proximity of Brigantium to the Arc river, the Cimmerian-suspect namers of Chambre on the Arc can trace reasonably to the namers of Cambridge. Cimmerians are thought to have been Gomerians, a "bad word" to natural historians because it hurts their heads to think along Biblical lines. They like to think and teach in terms of stone-age fantasies, and so all the migraines to them until they learn reality. MontGOMERys are sharing fleur in the colors of the same of Browns and French Chambre's. I include Browns because Bruno's of Florence were near Cimmerian-suspect Umbria. At the southern end of Umbria, one can expect Avezzano elements, and so it's notable that Chambres' share a red rose on a stem with Avezzano's (colors and format of Montgomerys). The red rose is from Rhodes, right? Yes, and Rieta is right there at the downflow from Avezzano, near the Umbria border.

The Cimmerians/Gamir of Rhodes could be expected at Rhodas = Laodicea. This location was home to Zenon (father of PoleMON of the Pontus / Cilicia), a name tentatively suspect with "AsMON," and therefore linkable to "AkMONia." I would like to know whether "AvezZANO" was named in-part after ZENOn elements. If Pontius Pilate was named after the same that named Polemon, he could trace to Avezzano, and then Pilotte's/Pillette's, using three grails in the colors and format of the three Aves/Avison garbs, were first found (with the Rhodes') in Lincolnshire, earlier named, Lindsey, after Lindos on Rhodes. Rieti, also "Raetia," is in Lazio/Latium, but so is the Pontino, and the latter was in, or beside, the Rutili(ans) at Raetia-like Ardea.

Repeat from earlier: "The Bridge write-up traces to early Brugge and Bruges surnames of Gloucestershire, in particular to an Archer-Stoke location. Don't you find that a mite-bit too 'coincidental,' that while Lurch's are listed with Archer-relater Larchers, a Brogitarus-like surname was at Archer-Stoke?" I'm not sure where Archer-Stoke is, but there is a Stoke-on-Trent, with the Trent river flowing through Derby and later through Lincoln (of Lincolnshire). Who named the Trent? Can he/she be traced back to the Terentius family? I expect the Brogitarus line, in Derbe at one point, to trace back to ancestors of MAECenas, and then the Mea's/MEIGHs, kin of MECKs, were first found in Nottinghamshire, where the Trent flows before getting to Lincoln. Who named mythical Robin Hood of the Nottingham theater? Was that play on the Lurco line? Again, the Nottings use besants, and they're on a bend in the colors of the Dulys bends (important because the Terentia / Maecenas lines linked to Maria's family using the same double bends as Dulys', and because Dulys were first found in Oxford, where Vere's ruled who trace to the family of Terentius Varro Murena). The Trent also flows through Burton, recalling Drago de Bewere (the Oxford beaver, right?) of the Burtons ("vitae" motto term).

As Hercules rode the cup-shaped ship of Helios to the far west, his migration into Wales was partially from the Danaans of Lindos, beside Kamiros of Rhodes. Cimmerians have been in Wales for a long time, but the Danaans of Rhodes trace back to Laish, the lines of which may just have named Lazio, for I know as fact that the 600 Benjamites of Judges founded the Romans, partly from Latins of Lazio. Fondi, where Lurco was from, is also in Lazio, and it traces tentatively to Fano, beside Rimini that was named after Rimmon, where the 600 Benjamites lived. Chambre's even use a "FUNDavit" motto term, which I almost missed! Look at it this way: fundAVITUS!

English Chambre's, sharing a blue Shield with Lurch's/Larchers, were first found in Denbighshire (beside Gwynedd, Cheshire and Powys), the Hercules part of Wales. And Denbigh is where the Jones' were first found, likewise using a blue Shield, linkable to Hercules-suspect Sams/Sammes', and suspect with Jonathan the Levite in Laish.

The Aves/Avison garbs trace to Garebites at Jerusalem, where Jebusites lived that are suspect with the 400 Jabeshite wives of the 600 Benjamites. I want to know whether Avezzano was named in part after "Abaeus," an Apollo cult in Phocis. The Marsi of the Avezzano area were at Phocis-suspect Fucino, though not limited there. Phocaea (modern FOCI) was in Lydia, home of the proto-Latins of Lazio.

It could be that Umbrians came to live in Wales by finding their old Hercules kin there, and the Umbrian wave may have been a part of the Saxon wave, for Saxons were at such locations as Gloucestershire. Arthurianism was a battle between the red Welsh dragon and the white Saxon dragon, perhaps both from the Umbria / Arettium field. There is a TraSACCO location beside Avezzano and Fucino. Mercians were from the Marsi, and the ANGitia snake cult of the Marsi is suspect with "ANGlo-Saxon." At Wikipedia's Wessex article, "Hwicce" (Gewisse) is at Gloucester.

Both Chambre Coats are in the colors of English Fountains. The problem is, the Lurch write-up traces to a character with a "L'Archairus name, which makes it appear as though Archers were the original form. The Lurch Crest is a white dragon perhaps as code for the Saxon dragon. The Seagar moline is white. The Sawyer martlets are white. To some extent, Saxon lines are expected to use white. Lurco's son-in-law got involved with Brogitarus on the proto-Saxon-suspect SAKARya/SANGarius, and like I showed, Sangs use the bear. In Greece, the bear was ARCas, symbol of Arcadia. Was Lurco named after such elements, therefore, and was his line responsible for naming Berenicianus? Fondi's/Fonts, by the way, were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Font de Ville's.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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