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July 21 - 27, 2015

Avalonian Witch Hunt Finds the Sidicini
Melusine's Ground Zero at Avelina de Crepon
Ulysses was Odysseus Because of Tichos
What Really Issa Sadducee? A Really Icky Thing.

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

I was amazed at how much I felt that proto-Pharisees will prove to be from the island of Pharia (center-left of old map), also called, Havr, but Italians call it Lesina. Here's what was said on that:

Why Lesina? The Lazi of Lazona? Was the dragon linking to proto-Pharisees? Lessons (Northampton) are in colors of the Fairs/Phares' and Farrs (suspect with Melusine). Why are Farrs traced to "lusty." The Lesson sun is partly obscured, as with that sun of Drigs / Triggs who share the Morgan lion. There is a cloud over the Lesson-Crest sun. However, the sun here may be for the idea of, Le Sun, perhaps a branch of Soans/Soams (Lesina colors) and Sions/Some's (falconer's gloves) rather than a Lesina line. On the other hand, Laus elements are about to trace well to LAUSanne, near Sion. As you will see, Lausanne connects feasibly to Morgan le Fay. Lausanne is at Geneva while the Lusts/Lustichs, suspect with the Farr write-up, use the white wings of the Geneva/Genova surname. It makes Lusts suspect with Lausanne.

The Lusts share blue-and-white bendy (colors of the Leslie bend) with Murtons/MYRtons, making them suspect with Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs/Mirets (Melusine's mirror line), which only adds reason for identifying Lusts with Melusine. Merits use bendy too. Merrets use the black Carrick talbot, even (important because Lesina and Lausanne were suspect with proto-Carrick Saraca's at Laus).

Both German Mire's use "green ground," and one Ground surname used the elephant for a trace to the Elaphiti islands i.e. beside Melita. The "woman in blue" (Lusignan colors) in one of the Mire Coats is EMERGINg from green ground, a term like the Mergen variation of Morgans. That's the first time I've been happy about deciphering the "emerging" term. One can understand how lines in honor of LUSIGnan or Luzica may have become Lusiks, then Lustichs.

Lusks/Less' are using a boar head in colors reversed from the same of Bards, suspect with BARTHolomew, founder of Scottish Leslie's. As Lusks are said to be from a Loches location while Loches' are listed with Loges'/Locks/Loke's (= the mythical Swan King line of (i.e. code for) swan-using Locks and Lokens/Lochs), it behooves me to mention that the giant Lusk boar head is in the colors of the giant heart of Logans/Lohans. This is the heart pierced by three black nails, the colors of the three Proctor nails. This is the Illuminati at it's worst, celebrating the murder of Christ by its ancestry.

The boar head and heart are colors reversed from the giant Fair/Phares anchor, as well as the Anchor lozenges. The Anchors have been traced with the Craig ancestry of Carricks to Agrigento. Now that Proctors appear involved, it's very notable that the colors of Fairs/Phares' are those of the giant Gamble fleur-de-lys, and in the colors of the fleur-de-lys of Farrs/Phars. Proctor and Gamble are/were said to be involved with an Illuminati organization. Compare Farrs/Phars with Spanish Petro's/PERES' (topic of last update), and suddenly the latter are suspect from Pharia (though in the last update they were traced to Clamberae).

The Logan heart is said to be "pierced," code, we can be sure, for Pierce's, first found in the same place as Pierce-like Percivals, whom the myth writers made the father of Lohengrin, the Swan King. But as Proctors are being traced to Proculus, whose other name was Asinius Laevillus, it's important that Pierce's and Percivals were first found in the same place as Leavells, and the Leavell write-up even speaks of a Mr. Percival. Compare "PROC" to "PERC." The three Proctor nails are in the colors of the three Levi chevrons.

The sleeve or maunch in the Farr Crest traces to The Sleeve, or the English Channel off of Manche in particular, where there is/was a Ver(e) location to which Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg traced his family. Nicholas is the one who wrote on Melusine, whom he called, Milouziana. Nicholas was chief of an ancient witchcraft organization, and Morgan le Fay of Avalon was the chief witch there. Nicholas said that Milouziana was in Avalon before her son was a count of Anjou, where the Mire's/Mireurs were first found. But no one can find Milo de Vere, Milouziana's son, the supposed first count of Anjou. Historians recognize Fulk I as the first count of Anjou, or perhaps his father, Ingelger. Fulk II, as we saw in the last update, had a mother, Roscilla de Loches. And this Fulk's granddaughter was Avelina (de Crepon).

By what coincidence do Irish Mills/MILE's (same place as Drake's) use a "virTUTis" motto term, like the "tout" of Oliphants? The Mills/Mile's with this Coat and motto do not come up when entering "Mile"; instead, the Mills/Mile's come up with "Industria" motto term and a MOLINE cross. Entering "Miles" gets a related branch. The ones with "virtutis" throw in a "PRETTium" motto term that can now be revealed as code for the island of Brattia, also called Broc/Brac, right beside Pharia, for the same Mills/Mile's (giant mill rind) share the red Brock-Crest lion. Brocks are the ones with "vulNERE" motto term suspect with the Naro theater on-shore of Brattia, Pharia and Melita.

I've been tracing Stewarts to Nahorites for almost ten years, and while Stewarts use the Brock motto and lion, the Naro area is suspect with the Neuri Nahorites around Doly (Ukraine-Polish border). I traced Stewarts (or the Dol Alans) to VIS-de-Lou, also called Vis-de-Loop (suspect with lupus = wolf), and then the Fiddle's of Vis-de-Loop use wolf heads while Herodotus said that Neuri become wolves once annually, which is, I gather, to be understood as their festival wherein they honored the wolf in some peculiar way. The point is, there is an island of Vis smack beside Pharia.

The Brock-Crest: "Half a red lion with a dart in its paw." Darts were first found in the same place as the Stewarts using the Brock-Crest lion, and Wikipedia's article on Clan Pollock says that the arrow piercing the Pollock boar was at times called a dart, which tends to clinch the Dart link to Stewarts because Pollocks and Alans of Dol were very close. In fact, Eschyna de Molle, suspect with the Moline's (the Chives moline?), married a Pollock as well as Walter of the Dol-line Alans just as they were about to become Stewarts royals. Check any Coat/Crest description here:

Irish Miles' not only share "virtus" with Brocks, but have an 'inVICtus" motto term that can now be in honor of the Vice's listed with Vise's. English Vicks/VESks use a pale bar in the colors of the Dart fesse bar and the bend bar of Jewish Pollocks. The Vick/Vesk bar is called "a silver pale inVECted," much like "invictus." No coincidences. German Vicks are also FEDDima/FEDDERCk, suggesting the Fetters/Vethers sharing the giant sun of Hesse's, in the colors of the giant Zionist star of Vicks/Feddercks. As there is an ESSE Court in Devon (where Stewarts and Darts were first found), the Ash's of Esse Court, along with Hesse liners, become suspect from "Issa" (on the old map), the earlier name of the island of Vis.

By the way, as HERE's and Hertzogs (share BLUE wings with each other and with Bauers) are from Bavaria, where Fetters/VETHERs were first found, they are now revealed as a branch of Weathers/Withers with a BLUE HARE in Crest. The Weathers/WITHERs (same place as Mills/Mile's) were traced to VITERbo to the near-north of Rome, and to Newports on the Isle of WIGHT. The Wide's/Waids are suspect with Weis/WISE's while the latter use two Zionist stars in the colors of Vick/Feddercke star!!! It means that Adam WEIShaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, is tracing to Vis!

English Here's (Derbyshire) likewise use blue wings ("Two blue dexter wings"), as well as the sort of tree stump that German Brocks/Brockens once showed!!! We are making an important-Illuminati discovery here, and it's tracing smack beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia. This amounts to the holy-grail of my work, to unveil the Illuminati for what it really was, not from the children of Jesus, but from His killers. The Dexters (suspect with the coming 666 upon the dexter hand) use "weights" for the Weight/Wait surname (Bernice suspect) that can be a Wither / Wight branch.

It is amazing now that White liners of all kinds are tracing convincingly to Vis. I sense that the entire Illuminati house of cards is falling at this revelation. White's share the vair fur with Quints, first found in the same place as Brocks, Vere's and Yonge's, while the latter are using piles (nail-like pointed objects) in the color of the Proctor nails. Proctors and Yonge's both share a "Toujours" motto term, but Proctors throw in a "fidele" term for Fiddle's / Vis-de-Lou! That makes PROCtors very traceable to Brattia/Broc.

Did you note the "man in blue" in the Vick/Fedderck Crest? It must be the same entity as the "woman in blue" of Mire's, and so let's add that the first Rothschild, MAYER Bauer, had a first name listed with some Mire surnames.

As Here's s were first found in the same place as Eyers/Ayers, suspect with the "ears of rye" used by Sadducee-suspect Saddocks, I'd like to add that Bill Ayers was a co-founder / leader of WEATHER Underground. It looks like the name of that terrorist organization was code for surnames. The Grounds use an elephant! In fact, Elaphiti is bring the so-called "ELVIN Princess," what Vere's call Melusine, to mind, for ELAPH has an elf-look to it. Vere's ruled Oxford for several hundred years, and so let's add that the Arms of Oxford share the grey elephant with Grounds. We are not ninnies any longer of the worldwide scheme to scam the human race. Their symbols are catching up to them. The Eyer/Ayer motto: "Sola VIRTUS INVICTA"!

As Carricks were first found in AYRshire, where Eyer-related Ayers were first found, the Weather/Wither chevron must be the Arms of Carrick. That traces Carricks to Vis. The oak theme of many surnames is now expected to trace to Ragusa's "oak grove," and it just so happens that the oak-using Ragusa">Wide's/Woods/Wode's have a man in crest holding a club, as holds the "man in blue" in the Vick/Fedderck Crest. The fish-using Clubs can trace to the Saraca fish because they use the Arms of Carrick in colors reversed. The Clubs are from "Clovis" because they use the Chill/Child colors and format, meaning that Weathers/Withers were a branch of Merovingians (trust me).

The Chills/Childs are from Childeric, father of Clovis. The Chilhams, in the write-up of Scotts, use curved fish in the colors of the Saraca fish, and curved fish in these colors are used by the Arms of Bar-le-Duc, in Lorraine, meaning that the Chill/Child eagles are those in the Arms of Lorraine and in the Lorraine-surname Coat. It traces Merovingian founders to Lorraine (= grail cult), but Merovingians are suspect also at Tours, beside the Anjou Fulks. The reason that Scotts (CHILham castle) should apply to Childeric is that Clovis is now tracing hard to the Clausula river with the Close/Clovse surname (shares the spur with Eyers/Ayers). The CLAUSULa empties into Scott-suspect Scodra, and Bar-le-Duc traces to Bar at the west side of lake Scodra. Clovis was born Chlodovech, and the Claude/CLAUSEL surname (oak leaves) must apply to that name. Again, for new readers, Bassania, near Scodra, named Basina. Childeric's wife.

I kid you not, that my theory on the origins of the fleur-de-lys was before finding the curved fish of Bar-le-Duc. The initial theory, all recorded in updates, was that the fleur-de-lys started as the Saraca fish (ion bar-le-Duc-fish colors) in an upright position, which is the central part of the current fleur-de-lys. I then stated that the two outer sides of the fleur-de-lys look like curved fish or even dolphins. That theory came about when learning that Ragusa was also called, Laus(a), and because some versions of the fleur-de-lys actually makes the central part look like a fish with fish tail. I therefore traced the Lys/Lisse surname to Laus of Ragusa. I did not know of Lissus at the time, smack beside Bassania. It just so happens that the most credit (by historians) for the origins of the fleur-de-lys is with Clovis himself! It's the symbol of Anjou. I get it, I am not a world-class ninny any more. I am up to speed, and catching up to the two-faced imps who lord God's world over us.

But it was a long time after the fish-fleur theory that I came to Chilham castle and the curved fish of Chilhams. Note that the Clubs use a chevron in colors reversed to the perchevron of Chapmans, first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Clubs and Capone's. There is every indication that Childeric and/or Basina trace exactly to the Cavii that put Caepio's and Caiaphas into the world.

The Clubs are traced in their write-up to Clobbere (Glaphyra suspect) at FARndon (purple Shield), the latter perhaps a Pharia liner. One Merovingian symbol is a spear through the eye, and then the Pace's (Cheshire) share a purple Shield (color of the Cheshire surname) with Farndons (Cheshire) while Italian Pace's/Pasi's use spears. The purple hawk's LURE of Cheshire's is suspect with ILLYRians. It just so happens that I traced Chee's/Cheatle's (Cheshire), CHEShire's and Chesters to the Chatti of HESSE, meaning that Cheshire's may now trace with Hesse's to Vis. Hesse's to Vis is a tentative trace, under suspicion.

It can be gleaned that Clavers use the tower of the Craigs and Hills, the latter thus suspect as Chill liners. "Clobbere" appears to be fashioned like "Hopper/Happer," the latter surname sharing the Hill / Craig tower, all three surnames in the colors of Chillys/Jellys (Ayrshire). The Chillys/Jellys use "A wheat-sheaf entwined by two [green] snakes," which effectively identifies Chillys with Kyle's (Ayrshire). It's revealing that Kyle's, who share the Glass stars (i.e. trace with Childeric to the Clausula), were Childeric liners. The "sheaf" is a symbol of Shaws/Sheaves' (kin of Ayers), and so lets add that Clavers share the key with Sheaves/Chiava's/Chiapponi's suspect with the Chives line to Caiaphas.

As Hoppers/Happers (gyronny) trace to OPgalli, it's interesting that Chillys/JELLYs are now suspect with the heraldic "jellOPed" symbol, used, for example, by Aide's (in the Levi motto), first found in the same place as tiger-using Hobs/Habs/Habbie's (!), in Hopper / Chilly colors. That works to the point of factual. These are the black-on-white colors of Sale's/Salette's to whom Childeric traces. The Chilly/Jelly write-up traces to the Stout vikings while "viking" was suspect with the Vexin (Normandy) and with tracing to Vis. The Illyrian pirates at Vis, right? Yes, and the Hops happen to use the giant anchor of Fairs/Phares"! The only think missing is an heraldic eye patch.

The Brock lion holding a dart appears to have it's arm cut off short, and it looks like the arm of captain Hook i.e. a pirate. Don't be a ninny, the PARROT symbol of PIRATEs is due to look-alike terms. You can find look-alike symbolism all over Illuminati cults, like grown men still in the bodies of children. The Habbie variation of Hobs/Habs can be suspect with MacAbee's (white fish) and Abbotts (Oxfordshire), the latter sharing pears with Parrots/Perrots (same place as viking-based Strongbow Clare) who in-turn share "Amo" with Scotts (suspect with the "Amore" of Terres' because Amore's were first found in Oxfordshire). French Perrots/Peroux's use the white eagle of Balance's, and the latter might just be of the Balliol's to which the Scotts are traced. The Scotts are said to be from Alexander, brother of a Baliol, and this Alexander traces excellently to Alexanders, first found beside the MacAbee's. The latter are from Picardy, where Catherine Roet was born whom is honored in the Catherine wheels of Scotts...making the oak tree of Roets suspect with Ragusa liners (Scott-related Childeric traces to Laus = Ragusa).

The Pears/Pearls honored by Abbots are using a version of the Tiens/Thames Coat (same place as Abbots), and Thames' come up as "Tean," suspect with the Teano location of the Sidicini (Italy), who smack of the "Sithech" term to which Shaws are traced in their write-up. The reason that "Sithech" is wrongly traced to "wolf" can be gleaned where Teano is in Campania along with the Hirpini (wolf peoples) of Avellino. It means that Shaws, who list the Seth surname, trace to the Sidicini. We are right back to the line of Avelina de Crepon, from Lorraine, where the Chill/Child eagle (colors of the Jewish-Glass eagle wing) traces that is a white eagle, same as the Perrot / Balance eagle. If correct to trace "Campbell" to ABELLlinum (old name of Avellino) of CAMPania, then we are right back to the Cammell bloodline suspect with Sidicini-like Sadduc, the Pharisee associate (or relative, who knows) of a resident of Gamala.

The Chilly/Jelly doesn't likely mention the Stout Vikings of SHETland without reason. Shetland is where the Yell/Yule surname ("Numine et Virtute") was first found that shares the Chilly/Jelly fesse. Yells/Yule's use "An ear of wheat," symbol of Scottish Chappes' but suspect with Eyers too. Aren't Ayers using a version of the Shaw chevrons, in Yell / Chilly colors?? Doesn't that suggest a Chilly / Yell / Childeric trace to the Shet-like Sidicini? The Sidicini-possible Saddocks use an "ear of rye" as code for Rye's/Rise's (same place as Saddocks), who can trace to Rhizon smack at Kotor and Butua...not far from Scodra where Shet-like surnames (i.e. like Scotts) can trace. Although I can't say with certainty that the Merovingian fish-fleur traces to Saraca's out of Kotor, the evidence certainly allows this. The Stout vikings took Rothesay = Bute, which allows the Yell crescents to be those of Alexanders (same colors), another reason to link Scotts to Yells / Chillys, of obvious importance where Scotts were at Alexander's CHILham castle.

"SCODRa" can produce surnames like the Sutters that share a white ESCUTcheon with Saddocks and Chaddocks, while Keons (suspect in "escutCHEON") share the white-on-blue fish with Chilhams. It makes sense. German Sutters: in Baliol colors. One can then go to the white fish of Catters, suspect with "Chaddock" in the way that "Sutter" can link to "Saddock," and ultimately this can reveal that "Sadducee" developed from the namers of Scodra...where the Clausula river flows that has the Cupionich location that is/was also KOPLik, like the COBBLers to which German Sutters are traced. This looks like code (to held heraldic masters make family links) because the same Sutters are traced to shoemakers while the Shoe/Shoemaker surname is also "Schoo," like the Skeoch variation of Skits. But the Catters came up as "Gater" when seeking surnames from Jader = ZADAR (major topic of last update, a Sutter-like surname.

As the Alans (suspect with Alencon beside Exmes and Perche) were merged with Belleme elements of the Perche theater, and moreover because Alans were fundamental with parrot-using Pettys (both trace to Pietas-Julia at Pola of Istria), it's interesting that the French Perrots, first found in Brittany, use a Pierce-like variation while being in Pierce/Peer colors. Both surnames are said to be from "Peter," but the write-up doesn't trace to any particular Peter, or give evidence the Peters are at the earliest root, though linkage to the naming of Peter Pollock can be expected. The fact that Pierce's were first found in the same place as PERCIVALs convinces me that they had a root in the PROCULus line. The bear of Percivals can go either to Berenice, mother of Berenicianus, or to another Berenicianus, brother of Julius Alexander (Maccabee), whose daughter (Iotapa) married Quadratus, grandfather of Proculus, son of Laevillus i.e. suspect with Leavells of the same place as Pierces and Percivals. This is now why the Perrots/PEROUX's can trace to Proculus. It can be added that Proculus-suspect Ports and Potters are in Pierce / Perrot/Peroux colors.

The Parrot Chief is the same half-lion in black of the Suty Chief, and Sutys share a Seaton motto term while being a known branch of Sidicini-like Side's/Suddys (. The Suty lion is suspect with the one of Sitlers/Schitners, tending to reveal that SCHITNers are a Seaton/SITTEN branch. The Suty / Sitler lion is in the colors of the Peter lion, and Peters share mascles with PETTs/PERTS while Sutys were first found in PERTHshire. The lion-using Peters share the Majors as kin with the Geddes (white escutcheon), who are suspect with the Yate portcullis gate (in Pierce / Perrot colors again), and the beloved Pike kin of Geddes share the trefoil in the colors of the same of Sitlers while Seatons have a "yet" motto term suspect with Yate's. The "InVIDia" motto term of the same Peters now suggests the island of Vis (Vise-related Celts/Colts were likewise first found in Perthshire).

The Sitler / Pike trefoil is used by Ice's/Icke's (eagle in Vise/Vice colors), Issa suspects. Note how "Vice" can become "Pike." Trefoils are suspect with Trip-line Trypillians. Trips use a scaling ladder that can trace to elements of Ladesta, beside Issa. Ice's/Ickys were first found in Rostock, not far from where German Trips were first found.

Sutys use the "hull of a ship" while Hulls are now known to be a branch of Hauteville's = Hulse's, and that's the family that put forth the WISharts/Guiscards! The Drengot Normans, who got involved in the conquering of Italy along with the Guiscards, probably met up with the Sidicini because they (the Drengots) were in Campania. I did not trace Drengots to Quarters for any reason having to do with Sutys, but the Quarter lion can be construed as the lion of Sutys. The "LAUDimus" term of Drengots (Ayrshire) can trace with the Lord/Laud kin of Glasgows to Clausula elements, and therefore to Scodra. The Quarters were suspect as per the Quarrel name below:

The [Drengot] family came from in Carreaux, near Avesnes-en-Bray, east of Rouen (Vexin theater]. From Quarrelis or Quadrellis, the Latin for Carreaux, the family gets its alternate name of "de Quarrel." Some sources, however, place the family's origins in Alencon.

"QUADRellis" is certainly conspicuous in this discussion, especially if Sutys / Seatons were of the namers of Sadducees. It doesn't appear that "Quadrellis" is a version of "Carreaux" at all. It looks more like the chief historians were not being straight. The "deum" motto term of Quarters had me wondering whether Teano had some Team-like variations, and that's when I discovered that Dean-like Deams are listed with ship-using Mere's (MacDonald ship), likely honored in the Alexander / MacDonald motto term, "mare." It means that we are still on the Scott / Baliol bloodline here with Deams/Mere's. I would normally just view "Deam" as a variation of "DeMere," but in this case, the Sutys themselves use a ship, and Sutys are expected from Teano (home of Sidicini). Therefore, I suspect a Mere / Demere / Mare link to the Sidicini, but then the Alexanders trace to Alexander-Balas and the Maccabees who merged with the Quadratilla>Proculus line.

By the way, the page showing the Mere's/Deams is not the same page that shows the same ship when entering "Mere." These Mere's may be the same as Mire's of Anjou, where Proculus-suspect Brocks were from. ShuttleWORDs/ShettleWORTHs (bear and weaver's shuttle's), while Quarters show a WHIRTer variation. The Puys-de-Bray article: "Etymologically, the name of Bray comes from the Gaulish word braco, which became the Old French Bray, meaning marsh, swamp, or mud." That could be a false idea whereas the truth is that Bray once had a Brac-like name, which then traces to Brac/Broc/Brattia, i.e. beside Vis.

And for that matter, "Perrot" can be from variations of "Brattia." Brittany itself may be from Brattia elements. Note the "paratus" motto term of Kerricks, a branch of Carricks, first found in the same place as Quarters. Then compare the Carreaux location of Drengots to "Carrick." The truth becomes obvious, doesn't it? The Craigs: in the colors of Perrots/Peroux's, colors reversed from the Kerrick pile. This recalls the PRESley link to Kerricks, and the Presley link to Petros'/PERES', like "PERCival."

The Galli Levites of Ithaca on the Clausula

The Shettleworth write-up has arranged to trace to a "gated enclosure," but Gate liners became suspect with "QUADratus." The Shuttleworth motto even uses "UTILE.", and the Ceva-suspect Brays (Tile colors) use talons suspect with the Taulantii, who are in-turn suspect with Tile's / Tillers. The Talons/Talants use a version of the Camp Coat while Sidicini were in CAMPania. The Tile's/Tillys share the Drake wyvern (different colors), and while Drake's are from the Drago river i.e. Agrigento, origin of Carricks, they are in Dreux colors and therefore suspect from Dreux, at the Bray theater. Elements of Agrigento were traced to Fire's/Feuerers in Cuneo, location of Bra. The "dulce" motto term of Shettleworths reminded me of the following from the last update: "The poet Homer frequently mentions Thesprotia which had friendly relations with Ithaca and DOULichi. On their northeast frontier they had the Chaonians and to the north the kingdom of the Molossians."

That is, "dulce" looks like "Doulichi." The sight of "Ithaca" brought the Thicks/Thakers to mind using a "SETTLing" term!!! That vast "coincidence" convinces me already that Shuttleworths traced themselves secretly to something of the Thesprotians / Epirotes. As Ithaca (from "Thessaly"?) was home to ULYSSES, compare with "Doulichi" or a hypothetical D'Ullus variation of Dulles'. As Chaonians can trace to Caen Calvados, note that Molosse-like Molsons (in Doris colors) were first found in Calvados, and share fretty with Caens. The Doris'/Orres' are said to be from "Thessalie," but Orrs traced excellently to Oricum smack at Chaonia!

As Herod's father is being traced to Antipatria = Antipater on the Apsus, not far north of Oricum, let's note two things: Antipater's son, Herod "the great," married Doris, making her suspect with the Seleucids for the following reasons. Secondly, Orrs use torteaux (red, color of Edom), suspect with Toreatae scythians (from lake Azov...or even Colchis, where the Thick lozenges trace), fellow tribe with Sittaceni! The Molson lion head is in the two colors of the Quarter lion, making Molsons linkable to Sidicini. Frankly I am ready to say that the Maccabees who married the Quadratilla line, because they descended from the Seleucid king (Alexander Balas), trace to Thesprotians, for Wikipedia's section on Seleucid ancestry has it in association with Thesprotians. This again plays to the Silesia location of Sitlers, which I trace to "Sulcis" (Sardinia) named without doubt by Seleucids. I had traced mythical Circe, probably the same entity as Ulysses' witch-lover (Calypso), to Corsica, the island on the north of Sardinia. Circe (the myth writer had her somewhere off western Italy) is also suspect with the island of Kerkira/Corfu (not far north of Ithaca), which is just outside of the old map, south of the Chaonians.

Doris'/Oris and Molsons are in Rick colors, a surname (beside the Molsons) suspect with "Oricum." Ricks are traced to "near the rushes" while Thicks (the Reed eagle) use a "bittern settling in the reeds." Molsons are said to be from ORbec. Rich's, first found in the same place as Drake's, use a wyvern. Suddenly, Molle's / Moline's and similar surnames can be suspect with Molossians. I traced Rich's to Rijeka/Reka while Molson's use a "REGI fidelis" motto, partly suspect with Vis elements of the Vis-de-Lou kind. Molosse-like Molise is the area of Italy south of Abruzzo (this is why I feel confident in tracing Aprutium, the Abruzzo capital, to "Epirus"), and Abruzzo is where the Shaw-related Sheaves' were first found; we must trace the Sithech entity to Sheaves in Abruzzo, right? Then, the Rieti location (in Lazi-suspect Lazio) is down the Salto river from Avezzano (Abruzzo) while Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia. Roman myth writers trace Latinus to Circe. Wikipedia's article on Calypso: "Homer does not mention any children by Calypso. By some accounts, which come after the Odyssey, Calypso bore Odysseus a son, Latinus, though Circe is usually given as Latinus's mother."

Molsons are said to be from the Lisieux area, and while that happens to be on the Touques river, the Ticks ("Militia / multiplex" motto terms) were just looked up as per "Thick" to find that Ticks are listed with Touque's! Bingo, it traces Touque's and Teague's/Teegers (suspect with the Side tiger) to Sithech-like Ithaca. The Molson stars are colors reversed from the same of Tease's/TIGHs, and the other Tease's/Tecks trace to Laevi on the Ticino, meaning that the Ticino is now suspect with the namers of Ithaca. Were proto-Sadducees in Ithaca?

Ithaca is an island straight out from the mouth of the Akheloos, where mythical Sirens lived that trace well to the Siron variation of mirror-using Sire's/Sirets (they use the Hyde lozenges traceable to ancient Hyde = Sardis, suspect with the namers of Sardinia. And that means that Akheloos elements can trace with the Siren-mermaid, Melusine, to Melita, suspect in the "Militia" motto of Ithaca-suspect Ticks/Touque's. Does that work great? But there is more, for the Tick/Touque's perchevron is colors reversed to the single pile (i.e. looks like an upside-down perchevron) of Kerricks, and then the single pile is used also by Hagels who were traced to "Akheloos"! And, by the way, Sardis was home to proto-Latin Lydians prior to naming Lazio. I expect the Lazi Colchians in "Lisieux," and Laus of Ragusa. Miltons use the split Shield of Gate's while Sardis was on a river that is now the Gediz.

Can Sittaceni trace to Lydians. We could perhaps ask the Sintians of Lemnos, who trace to the Caucasian Sinti, fellow Maeotis tribe with the Sittaceni.

Ithaca is beside the island of Levkas, like the L'Eveque (purple Shield) location smack on the Touques! If Ithaca elements named the Ticino, the Laevi are suspect as the namer of Levkas. The Sinclair pirates are said to be from L'Eveque, and Ulysses was a pirate symbol associated with the Argo ship. There is an Argostolion location, on my atlas, upon the Kefallinia island beside Ithaca. There is another l'Eveque location nearby in Oise, and that latter term can now trace tentatively to the Aous river on the north of Chaonians.

Sinclairs are suspect from witch-haunt Clarus (beside LATmus) in the Lydia theater. Latmus was home to the mood goddess, styled Selene, but as she was the sister of Helios, it's important that Circe was made the daughter of Helios. It just so happens that the Arms of L'Eveque use bulls, the symbol of the Claro's/Charo's (honored in the Joseph motto).

Off the mouth of the Touques there is a La HAVRE location like Hvar = Pharos, smack beside Melita! Hvar was also "Lessina" while the Lessons (topic of last update) were first found in the same place (Northampton) as the Cabbage's honored in the cabbage LEAVES of Aous-suspect House's. The Cabbage lion was already suspect with the same of Tillers/Tilieres', and then Tillers are suspect in the motto of Shuttleworths. Brays are the ones sharing eagle talons with the Augusts while Cabbage's (chevron in Levi-chevron colors) are the ones with the "angustis" motto term for Angusta/Augusta off the Siret river. Variations of Cabbage's can trace to Koplik = Cupionich. This gets Annas-important where the Tease's/Tecks use the Annandale saltire in colors reversed with LEAVES upon it.

La Havre and the Touques are near Rouen (where Sinclairs ruled) while Rouens share the mascles of Quince's, likewise first found in Northamptonshire. The Quince's are honored in the quince held by the Sforza lion while that lion must be the Ferrari lion, important where Claro's/Charo's were first found in Ferrara. Brays are in Tanner colors while Bra is on / off the Tanaro while Sinclairs (share the Conan cross) married "the tanner" while Tanners share the Moor head with Chappes' while German Tanners use the pine cone as code for Conte-related Cone's honored in the Sinclair motto term, "Commit."

And I'm already starting to ask whether "Caepio / Cavii / Caiaphas" is from the namers of KEFALLinia (English, CEPHALonia), a term that can provide "KOPLik," and the Cabbage-suspect Cobble's/CopolDYKE's...and the Kopple's sharing the rooster (Cabbage colors) with Sinclairs. There is a Liguria-like location (Lixouri) on Kefallinia today that can trace to lake Lychnis (Sevan), home of a Soducena entity. But the DYKE's share a red squirrel with Ticino-suspect Decks/Daggers while Ligurians were on the Ticino. Can we trace Daggers to Ithaca? Yes. I'll show you how, first by tracing the Squire variation of Squirrels to the Sirons across the waters from Ithaca! The Sirons (pirates) are expected in Ithaca, in fact.

The Annans of Annandale have been traced to the Ananes Gauls at Placentia, a term like the Paliki location in Lixouri. The list of locations at Paliki (like the Baez/Pelaiz and Place surnames) include two Cavii-like terms, one being ChavRIATA. This recalls that Caiaphas is supposed to trace to Avezzano, near RIETI.

The Phocaeans at the mouth of the Gediz were co-founders of Ligurians, which can suggest a Phocaea merger with Lixouri, and this merger may be in secret play in Homer's Odyssey (where Ulysses = Odysseus is the main character). If we were thinking that a Ticino trace to the Dexaroi and to Ithaca is inconsistent, relay, for "ODYSSeus" looks like DESSaratae (alternative name of Dexaroi), and "TESSon" (alternative name of the Ticino). So, apparently, Odysseus was a myth code for the carriers of the Laevi to the Ticino. But as these particular mariners were also on Sardinia, let's not forget that Phocaeans (from modern Foca) were traced to lake Fucino of the Marsi, near Avezzano (Sardinia elements), for the Laevi were partners on the Ticino with the Marici.

If Lixouri named Ligurians, then let's recall the swan-line Ligurians that I trace to lake Sevan! Excellent. Never did I trace swan Ligurians to Sevan due to similarity between "Ligure" and "Lychnis." Swan-like Savona can be in the Savona/Sabine surname sharing a red bull with Claro's/Charo's, wherefore Savona can trace to Likouri i.e. on Cabbage-suspect Kefallinia, beside Levkas. There is even a sizable Sami location of Kefallinia, suggesting the Samnian cousins of Sabines. The Fiskardo location of Kefallinia can then go to the Fieschi Ligurians (topic of two updates earlier this month)!

The Taphian pirates are known to have been on the Akheloos, wherefore mythical Sirons of that river are suspect with Taphians. Trace Taphians to the Dives river beside the Touques. Toste's/Tafts/Tufts (same place as Diva = Chester) share the red crosslets of Cobble's/Copoldyke's (!!!) whom already traced to Ithaca. Zikers. I know what this is, to be explained below, but let's add that the crosslets above are used in black by Teague's. Zikers again, because the Taffs (fretty) use the Fessy cross as well as sharing a Fessy motto term, important because Fessys were trace to Fieschi's. Moreover, Taffs share "mea" with Ticks/Touque's! Zinger. That tends to clinch a Taff trace to Ithaca. The Mea's/Meighs (same place as Annas' and Tease's/TIGHS!) share the Taff / Fessy cross!!

The Toste's/Tufts and Tosts/Tosti's were traced to the Dane, Skugal Tosti, and there is a Skugal surname (same place as Sinclairs) that comes up as "Scoot," thus tracing his name to lake Scodra, important because the related Cobble's (share red chevron with Quints) should trace to the Koplik location (upstream on the Clausula from Scodra), explaining why Tosts use the colors and format of Chills/Childs. Skugals can explain the Skeoch variation of Skits. The Skudra "writing pen" and the greyhounds trace easily to Penes'/Pennys i.e. the Penestae peoples not far from the Clausula. The ScowGALE variation can thereby be suspect with Tintagel (because Tints and Gale's share the blue unicorn), birthplace of Pendragon's son.

Previously, during the Fieschi investigation, Fessys were suspect with Phocaeans, though I wasn't altogether comfortable with that trace. But here we find that Phocaeans may have merged with Lixouri elements, near the Fiskardo location on the same island. I will now trace Fesseys to Fiskardo, but will not cancel a Fessy trace to the EraVisci/Eravasci on the Danube south of Aquincum. There may have been a Fessy merger with Levkas, not surprising because Fiskardo is at Kefallinia's closest point to Levkas. This should explain the Leveque versus LeVESQUE surnames (Fessy colors), for Vesks are in Fessy colors. Vesks use a pale bar, as do Fisks (same place as Clare's while Sinclairs were from L'Eveque). The pascal lamb in the Levesque/Levek Coat suggest the Pascals using the Fessy cross in colors reversed.

As the Pascals are suspect with Italian Pace's/Pascels, we can trace the purple Shield of English Pace's to the purple Shield in the Arms of L'Eveque. I've been tracing Fessys to Pace's. The Farndons (same place as Diva and the Pace's) use a Coat like that of Pace's, and it was the Cobbere's that were from Farndon. The Paisley/Pasley surname (in Pace/Pasi colors) share's the thistle with the Gateleys, the latter traceable to Foca at the Gediz. The Paisleys have been suspect with Baez'/Pelaiz's that are now going to be traced to Paliki. I expect the proto-Annas line, in or out of Angusta, in the Paliki theater.

There is a Levick/Leffick surname listed with LestWICHs/Leftwichs. Which set of surnames came first? Or were they a merger between Levkas elements and Lust's/LUSTICHs? By what coincidence does the Coat use footless martlets around the edges of the Shield, as do Saddocks/SedgeWICKs (same place as Wicks), ChadWICKs and Chaddocks? Levicks use the "orle" border that acts as the Saddock / Chaddock eSCUTcheon, and then Scotts were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Rutherfords. Aside from Levicks, Rutlands and Rutherfords (black martlet, same as Levicks), I can't recall anyone that calls their border an orle. The Rutlands share a horse head with Roxburghs/Rokesburghs (share pale bar with Vesks/Levicks/VICKs), which reminds that the Arms of Rochdale (Lancashire, same place as Chaddocks / Chadwicks) use white martlets around the Shield's edges. Which came first, "Levick" of "Vick"? It looks like Levkas elements got hooked up with Rhodes elements, especially as Vesks/Levicks were first found in the same place as Rhodes'.

Wigtons were just looked up to find them using a "border," and traced to an Akeman fellow, smacking of Akmonia, important where the Galatians of Akmonia can trace to Galloway, where Wigton is located. It's where Annas-suspect Hanna's were first found. It just so happens that while the Junia Caepionis' are expected at Akmonia, Wigtons are using a version of the Capone Coat! It's been so long since loading the Capone's (same place as Wiggins using a version of the Annas Coat!!!), it was forgotten that the Crest uses the same lion as Brocks and Yonge's (both first found in the same place as Quints), important because Yonge's are a branch of June's (same place as Capone's). This is a potent paragraph that tells all. The Wigtons and Wiggins (spur) call their stars "MULLets" (suggesting Melita elements possibly), and then the Italian Capone's/Capote's use a MULE. Mullets use the Payen Coat. Check out the variations of French Capote's (Forez, where I suspect the Quintus-Caepio treasure), such as "Chapus," and the Chief that looks linkable to the Caesar Chief (i.e. it's the birth of Caiaphas from a Junia Caepionis, daughter of Julius Caesar).

Is the "praemia" motto term of Rutlands code for Junio Caepio Prima? The Caepionis' are suspect at Derbe too, while there is a Rutland location in Derbyshire. The "Post" motto term of Rutlands gets the Dutch Posts with the black Bernice / Burn horn on the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks and Procks/Brocuffs (both from Anjou). English Posts are in the same colors and use the lion of the Gaulons of Anjou, red claws and all. One could expect Sadducee liners to maintain a Gaulon-like surname.

When claws are of a different color than the lion, it's called "armed." The Post lion is in Armor colors. They may have arranged the symbol because the Armors and Claws'/Clasons had married. It can be gleaned in this paragraph that the Gaulon / Post lion is that of Brock-related Bratts/Bradds...from Brattia/Broc. It's an apt place to find the line of Sadduc the Pharisee (albeit Josephus didn't say whether he was a Gaulonite). Like the Gaulons, the German Post lion wears a crown, but the claws are unarmed. This is what I call the Caepio-line lion in colors reversed, and I do trace Caepio's to the Clausula river. Junia Caepionis Tertia married Gaius Cassius Longinus while Armors use a "Cassis" motto term. The Cassius/Cassano surname, using the same fesse as Bernice's, was first found in Modena.

I have the sense that the Hanna's use BLUE stags because they trace to the Ananes of Placentia (BLUE wolf). I have the same sense for the blue-on-white of Armors because they use "A hand holding a squire's helmet." The Hands (Hanna colors) share the stag with Hanna's, and the Squire's/Square's can link to the Placentia square, white like the squire's helmet of Armors. Plus, Ermine's/Armine's use the Annandale saltire and Chief. Armers/Amore's are suspect with the Leavell Coat.

The way I'm looking at this is a migration of Ithaca and Kefallinia elements of the Annas kind to the Ananes of Placentia. I don't know how long that migration took, and don't think the route was direct. For this perspective, it's interesting that hands are in the Keefe Coat. Keefe's (Kefallinia elements) were first found near Tipperary, where a branch of Kennedys (same Coat and motto as Cassius-like Cassels) were first found who once showed the squire's helmet of Armors.

Here's something interesting. The Cloute's, who trace to "clavus = nail," look like they should trace to Clovis/Chlodovech, and therefore to the Clausula. CLOUTE's use two lions (unarmed) in the colors of the Gaulon lions, and are in McLeod/CLOUD/Lutt colors. This creates a problem because I decided to trace MacLeods/Lutts to the Aluta river, not to Claud-like variations of Clausula liners. Perhaps the sharing of colors between Cloute's and McLeods is coincidental. The point is, Cloute's are also "Clouter" while Lockets, said to be from Clouterbrook, use the same fesse as Quints. Then, the Cloute's are said to be from De Clety in Pas de CALAIS (Artois), a Clausula-like term. This could be enlightening us on the trace of the Clausula liners of heraldic importance to Calais, which is where Eustace II lived who provided the first kings of Templar Jerusalem. Eustace's even share the stag with Lockets. It just so happens that the Quincys (said to be from "Quintus") are traced to a Cuinchy location in Pas de Calais!

I read at an article that it's de Quincy's mother who descended from Cuinchy, and, at that time, I traced her to Lucks (i.e. like "Locket"). His mother was said to be from Fife, where Side's were first found, and beside the Sutys. The Locket stag heads are in the colors of the Cloute Chief lion, which happen to be in the colors of the Proctor nails. This recalls the trace of Proctors to the portcullis line, which included the Seaton-suspect Yate's. It can then be added that the Cloute-Chief lion is that also of the Side/Suddy lion (same colors and design), and that the English branch of Clouters share the gold-and-blue fesse bar with Sutys. That tends to clinch a Clouter trace to the Clouterbrook of Lockets.

The Lucks/Licks share the greyhound with Penes'/Pennys and Lys'/Lisse's, and for that reason I trace them to lake LYCHnidus pouring into the Drilon river, location of the Penestae and Lissus. The Drilon flows near to the Clausula, and was home to the Cavii that I trace to Cave's and Cavetts (both on the same colors), the latter sharing blue-and-white fesse bars with English Clouters. The Scottish Licks are listed with the Lochs/Locklairs using the swan design of French Josephs (no longer showing) and a saltire in colors reversed from the Schutz's/Shutz' who likewise use a black greyhound head. This is one good reason as to why Schutz' and similar surnames should trace to lake Scodra (i.e. where the Clausula empties).

To further clinch the trace to the Drilon river, as well as to the Julian line suspect with the birth of Caiaphas from the Cavii of the Drilon, note what was added to the last update while I was writing here:

The Tints became a topic with Tintagel (Somerset), birthplace of king Arthur from the wife of mythical GORlois, part-code for Gore's (no doubt about it). It was found that "TintaGEL" should trace to Gale's (Julians?) sharing a blue UniCORN (!) with Tints. As Somerset is beside CORNwall (where Gale's were first found), it appears that Cornwall was founded by the Ceraunii.

[During the writing of the next update, another blue unicorn was found in the Lair/Layer Crest while the Coat uses the black Julian cross. French Lairs/Liers use the same chevron as Pendragons!]

Both Lair surnames (suspect with Illyrians and with septs of McLeods) are in the same colors, and they were looked up just now as per the Lochlair and Locklair variations of swan-using Licks/Locks. By that time, I had already seen the heart of LocHARTs, which can therefore trace to the heart of swan-liner Logans/Lohans, the ones with nails PIERCING the heart. This now traces Lohengrin, the Arthurian Swan Knight, and his father, Percival, to the Penestae theater. It's obvious. Plus, we have just discovered that Tintagel has to do with Julians and Gullys, both sharing the same cross with Lairs. Between the Lair crosses, there is a white horse (unicorn) of the design seen in the Wessel Chief, and Wessels happen to use blue swans while sharing the Joseph garbs! I traced Wessels to Vestalis (roughly the time of Caiaphas), son of Cottius, and therefore suspect with the mother of Julius Caesar!

Where does the UNIcorn trace? Same Una-river theater as the Junius surname of Romans whom Servilia Caepionis married. Pendragons (CORNwall) use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of June's (same place as Capone's). Therefore, not only is the unicorn code for Pendragon elements (I identified them as Merovingians in Britain long before I knew to trace Merovingians to the Clausula) at Tintagel (beside Cornwall), but we can see that Cavii liners at Lissus had to do with a line to the Junia Caepionis'.

The Lochart motto includes "Corda," and the Cords/McCourts happen to use hearts, as well as the same pheons as Tipps' suspect in the Pendragon motto. As Locharts (fetter lock) were first found in Lanarkshire (near GLASgow), the Lanark heart is from Locharts. However, Locharts may not have been the original owners of this region's heart, for Locharts may have been a merger between the Hardys (Lanarkshire) of Douglas ancestry and Lock liners. The Douglas motto is suspect with James', and the latter use the same lion as Gaulons / Clouters. Hardys are in Glasgow colors, and Glass' were first found in the same place (Bute) as Jaimie's/Jamesons (Glasgow and Lord/Laud colors). While Glass' use "LUCtor" as the full motto, James' (same place as Wicks) use "VICtor" as the full motto. James' use the Bute = Rory lion, right? Rory was a MacDonald, and the Vickers use MacDonald / Mere symbols. As the James' share black-on-gold scallops with Ladds/Ladons, shouldn't the James' and Jaimie's be of the Melusine-of-Avalon line since Ladesta (see map) is between Issa and Melita.

The "Tandem" motto of Vickers is suspect with Teano / Tean/Thames liners, another reason to trace Sidicini to Issa. Pickers/Peckers/Packers (Moor head, Ice/Icke colors) were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Bicks/Bickers, perhaps Vicker elements traceable to Issa liners of the Vice kind. This creates a problem where Pike's and Peckers, along with Peks, were traced to the Pek river. How can that be resolved with the namers of Issa? Can Cuppae trace to Issa? What was Issa's original name?

The fetter lock came up in the last update in the Coat of Mabens (Cornwall), when discussing LOCKMaben off the Nith, and beside Locherbie. Therefore, fetter-lock Locharts trace to Lochmaben and/or Locherbie. Where did Kilpatricks at their castle of Closeburn (Nith) trace? To the Clausula.

The Lochart family estate, says the write-up, was centered in Lee castle while Locharts were from Leigh (i.e. like the Legh variation of Lee's). The Lochart motto is translated, "I lay OPEN locked hearts," and then Pendragons share the OPEN helmet with Mynetts, the latter first found in the same place (Kent) as Legers. We may still be on Laish liners in all of these Lock / Legh-like surnames, if the namers of lake Lychnis (near / in the land of the Caucasian Lazi) and Lychnidus were Laish liners. Locharts use a "pando" motto term that can go to Panias elements...and perhaps even to the opening-of-Pandora's-box theme. The motto term can be for Penders/Pinders (and even Pendragons), using the crowned lion of Gaulons / Clouters! That tends to identify Locharts with Lockets, especially as Penders (Macey chevron?) were first found in Cheshire.

The white boar head of Locharts can be that of Judds/Juggs, from Jugon of Cotes-du-Nord, which is also called Armour. The Morte's/Motts, honored in "Le Morte d'Arthur," were first found in Cotes-du-Nord. Panders (Armor colors) share white helmets with Armors, the later suspect with the armed claws of the Gaulon lion.

That definitely explains the Lochart motto term, and it's tracing to the Amyntes Galatians. As they are suspect with Maccabee ancestry, while Maccabees ruled at Gamala, the Gaulonites of Gamala can trace to these Galatians. The "serata" motto term of Locharts is suspect with the "sera" of Fulks, for Gaulons were first found in Anjou.

Note that one of the Locket fesse bars is in the colors of the fesse bar of Cassius' (Modena), and that Modens share a fretty Shield with Caves', who in-turn use it in the colors of the Leger fretty. I suppose that "Leger" can become "Lair." If you don't know, the mother of Julius Caesar was a Cotta surname while Cotta's share white fretty with Caves'. The NewBERRYs, said to derive in "new town' haha, share BARRY in the colors of the same of Cavetts, and were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens, and where the "Uther" code of Pendragon traces (i.e. to Windsor castle). The Newberry bars (see Manners) are in the colors of the Clouter bars while Lockets of Clouterbrook are said to have been merged with the earls of Cheshire, where Newberrys should trace because I found them in a Massey article in relation to Torf of Torville, whom I trace to Fulk ancestry. The Fulks married the barry-using Crispins from the area of Bar-le-Duc, part of the Clausula-Scodra line to Merovingians. Torf married Briquebec, suspect with the BRIQUEssarts that birthed the Meschin earls of Cheshire, and then French Lairs/Liers share the Meschin scallops, all important because I trace Meschin liners as Maccabees to Modane, beside BRIGantium. As the article says: "TORF, SEIGNEUR DE TORVILLE, a great Norman feudal baron, born about A. D. 920, is the earliest historical progenitor of the Newburgh or Newberry family..." More on the Torf line to Fulks later.

The same Massey article has Herbastus, son of Fulk II, but gives for his father "Gorm del Gammel,"" so very suspicious all of a sudden, especially as Gorms/Blue's use the same rooster as Jonathans/Jonas' while being first found in the same place as MacAbee's. Clearly, Gorm, whom I view as mythical, was a Gamala liner, and the heraldic masters knew it. Gorm's wife, Thyra, should be in the "terras" motto term of Alexanders (KinTYRE) and MacInTYRE's. As Alexanders and Vickers together were MacDonald kin, let's recall how Vickers may trace to Issa, but how Issa was suspect with Hesse / Has liners that may have named Hasmoneans. Issa is beside proto-Pharisee suspect Pharia. Just imagine Maccabees originating from Issa while Pharia elements were on Issa that came along to Israel. They didn't necessarily go direct from Issa to Israel, but why does Issa look like "Isra(el)." Can "Isra" become "Viser / Vicker"? Are Weis'/Weisers involved in that picture? Visers (Whistle / Wessel suspects) are also Vassers/Vesslers, perhaps Fessys (Picker/Packer / Bick colors). And it just so happens that Visers/Vassers/Fisers use the white-on-green salmon of MacAbee's!

Weis/Weisers are traced to a member in an IGlau location of Bohemia. The Weis Crest uses wings that are now suspect as fundamental Issa liners. You'll see the reason shortly. A trace of Weis's to Issa traced Guiscards/WISharts and Guido's/Guis' there too.

We glean that the Penestae Illyrians merged with the Arthur surname at Tintagel, and if that place traces as a Julian liner to the Atintanes, note that they were near Antipatria/Antipater, where I'm now seeing Herod ancestry. Antipater married a woman from the household of Aretas III (Edom), and birthed Herod "the great" killer in the time of Julius Caesar the great killer. Caesar's Patrician line traces to Kilpatricks, from Antipatria, suggesting that Caesar was from Antipatria elements. What Roman entity put Herod in as king of Israel? "Herod fled to Rome to plead with the Romans to restore him to power...There he was appointed King of the Jews by the Roman Senate [21]." If you go to the article and click on "21," you will read from Josephus that Mark Antony and Julius Caesar urged the senate to make Herod the king:

Josephus. The Wars of the Jews 1.14.4: Mark Antony "then resolved to get [Herod] made king of the Jews...told them that it was for their advantage in the Parthian war that Herod should be king; so they all gave their votes for it. And when the senate was separated, Antony and Caesar went out, with Herod between them; while the consul and the rest of the magistrates went before them, in order to offer sacrifices {to the Roman gods}, and to lay the decree in the Capitol. Antony also made a feast for Herod on the first day of his reign".

If you click on the link of Antipater (apparently born, Antipas), who is called "the Idumean" and a Nabataean, he has a father with no known wife i.e. who may not have been Idumean / Nabataean. Why did he change his name to AntiPATER? "When Julius Caesar defeated Pompey, Antipater rescued Caesar in Alexandria, and was made chief minister of Judea, with the right to collect taxes. Antipater eventually made his sons Phasaelus and Herod the Governors of Jerusalem and Galilee respectively." What do we think "PHASAELus" should trace to? Phasis of Colchis? Wouldn't that be the Lazi dragon line? Was Antipas, and/or his wife, a Colchian? Heraldry can be used to find it out, if Phasaelus lines became surnames. Was Antipas' wife a Ulysses liner?

Let's recall ChavRIATA in the Paliki part of Cephalonia, and imagine Cavii liners to Rieti (location of Cupaello), and to surnames like the Rita's. Some ancient book equated Ithaca with Chavriata. Why? Why did Homer chose this Ithaca entity for his fiction? What was so important about it? Reminder: Ithaca-based Thicks share the red eagle with Reeds (highly suspect with the Quint chevron and fitchee), and show reeds in the Crest. Thicks share the trefoil with Rowe's (and Pratts and Prude's) while Roets/Rowats (suspect with the Gord boar) may have developed into Rowan liners...that use the Rome variation. The Rita's (Rome) once again use a white-on-blue lion, and then while James' use it too, the other James Coat shows a giant dolphin, symbol in the Caesar Crest.

One Reed surname uses a saltire in colors reversed from the same of Belgian Pratts/Praetes' while the Arms of Rieti uses a "pratis" motto term. As the Prude's/Pride's (Lanarkshire, same as Locharts) share fish in the same colors as the fish in the Arms of Rieti, we have solid reason to trace Prude's to Rieti. It can be gleaned that the Pratt saltire (Annandale saltire too) is a version of the Eustace cross. Why should the Templar kings trace to Rieti in this way? The answer is becoming clear. As the Eustace Crest shows a cross between the antlers as in the Vise Coat, it's not likely coincidental that the island of Issa/Vis is beside Brattia. Bratts/Bradds even use the same lion under discussion (i.e. that of Rita's, for example). We can now glean a line from Brattia through Rieti to the Templar kings of Jerusalem. Can we think of a good reason that Herod liners should apply to Templars? Isn't Brattia beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia?

The Hardys (share boars with LocHART) are suspect with Herod / Aretas liners, but let's add that the Hardy boars are black, which, according to the book of Enoch or Jasher (I can't recall which), was an ancient symbol for Edom. The Tints traced rather hard to the Atintanes thanks to the certain trace of Orrs to Oricum, where the Tint-related Ricks/Rex's trace. The Orrs then became suspect with Doris'/D'Orres', perhaps from Doris, wife of Herod 'the great." By the way, the Lochart boars may be the Roet boars (both are in Chief), and in fact, the "corda" motto term of Locharts can be for a branch of Gords! Bottom line here: Roets may have been Herod liners out of Rieti/Raete.

How can we discover whether Rita's were Patrician liners from Antipatria? The Rita lion holds "pieces of wood," which was traced to Pinocchio codes, and therefore to Panico's, to whom the Roet Coat traces. The owner/maker of Pinocchio was suspect as code for the Jupiter > Japodes line of Romans. The Peace's/Paise's (suspect with MacAbee's) use doves, and Panico's (from Pincum at the mouth of the Pek) had traced to Cuppae, "city of doves," along with Peace-like Peks. The white-on-blue lion under discussion is colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion that I feel must trace to Cuppae elements. The purple Shield of English Pace's may be the Roman purple. Pace's/Pasi's were first found in the same place (Bologna) as Panico's (Setta valley), and then Reeds use a "Pax copia" motto suspect with Pek-river alliances with Cuppae. That's why I see Reeds from Rita liners. The Peace's/Paise's and their apparent branches can now trace tentatively to Paliki on Cephalonia.

The question then remains on whether the sharing of the same lion between Gaulons, Rita's and Lockets traces this family circle to Sadduc and/or the Gaulonians of Gamala. For this, we assume that Gamala elements were from the namers of Camulodunum, later Colchester, which use nails in its Arms, the theme in the Locket write-up. The cross in the Arms of Colchester can be construed as that of Macclesfields (same place as unidentified Locket kin), used also by Mea's/Meighs/Mee's (share the cross type of PINCs, and use a "BENIGno" motto term) along with boar heads in the white color of Locket boar heads. The Arms of Macclesfield shares "copia" with Reeds, and then, recalling that the Reed saltire and the Rieti motto traces to Eustace's, let's add that the latter use a "ME" motto term. The Rieti-beloved Prude's/Pratte's use "mea". The Nail/Nagle surname has traced to ARDUINici who married Doris-like Doria's from Genova, where the Fieschi lived that trace to Fessys using the cross of Macclesfield (Pek colors).

Having said all that, it needs to be reminded that the Arduinici married the Doria family at Nagle-like Oneglia, near Antipas-suspect Antibes, where I am tentatively tracing Antipas,. It just so happens that the Macclesfield cross is colors reversed from the same-type cross of Pasi-suspect Pascals sharing the Levi lions with Kilpatricks. The amazing coincidence about this is that while these lions trace with Kilpatricks to Antipatria, the lamb of Pascals is (in white-on-blue) in the Arms of Grasse, a dog walk from Antibes. Rieti is important here for the trace of VesPASIan to the Pace/Pasi/Pascel surname. One Grasse surname (colors of the Arms of Grasse) uses the white-on-blue lion under discussion!

The Pease variation of Peace's suggests the "peascods" of Cullis/COLEsons (Caesar roses?) who look traceable to the Colapis = Kupa river, the name of which must, in my opinion, trace to Cuppae, exactly where the Pease doves trace. This doesn't necessarily contradict the trace to "peascods" to the Peas/Peacock surname (Mascles), for it looks linkable to Macclesfield. Peacocks, I have read, were a sept of Pollocks, from the Paisley theater of RENfrew, the latter suspect with the Reno river, which has the Setta tributary. The Settle-related Stars are in Pease/Peace colors and were being traced recently to "Zadar," which is Jader on the old map, not very far from the Colapis.

The Colapis is definitely suspect with COLchians settlements in that area of Jader. And we can now do a little something to see how Antipas' wife may have been a Colchian from the Colapis, for there had been reasons to trace Herods to the same line as Caiaphas. In other words, Antipas' family should trace to Caesar and his daughter, a Junia Caepionis. I had noted that while Junia Tertia married Cassius, the Cassius surname uses blue Zionist stars, a symbol I would trace to Caiaphas.

Fessys had been suspect from Phasis, which was also Poti and therefore we can entertain a Phasis-Colchian trace to Potters, and to the Pawters/Porters using a PortCULLIS gate suspect with the Cullis/Coleson surname. In the meantime, we can look for links to AntiPAS liners. We can begin by asking whether Antipater's son, Phasaelus, was the line to or from Pasi's, Pace's, Pease's, etc. Note "CaiaPHAS." "PASCAL / Pascel" is like "Phasaelus," and we already saw that Pascels can trace to Grasse, near Antibes. The Argonautica had the Argo ship sail up the Danube beyond the mouth of the Pek, with Colchians in pursuit. Let's therefore entertain Antipater's wife as a Colchian from the Pek river, same Cuppae line to Caiaphas.

Let's recall that Herod Antipas was banished by a Roman ruler of Comminges, beside Foix. We then find that one of the two French Foix surname's share's pellets (Pilate-line symbol) with Phasaelus-like Basels. This Foix surname shares the Bally / Bailey stars, apparently, and perhaps "Bailey" was a corruption from "Basel." Baileys use a "Quid" motto term suspect with the marriage of the Herod-Maccabee to Quadratus. English Ballys/Baileys (same place as Baliols and Reeds) use "patria" in the motto, and share other terms used by Newmans in honor of MacAbee's. In fact, the Ballys/Baileys are traced in their write-up to a location a few miles from ABEEville. The Alexanders, beside MacAbee's, trace excellently to Alexander (brother of Baliol) in the Scott write-up, and then the Bally/Bailey write-up says that historians by and large traced the surname to Baliols. I agree, and we even see Alexander in the Bally/Bailey write-up, a murderer who fled and landed in Inverness, where he or his descendants apparently got involved with Moray elements.

The lamPREYs of the Rieti-beloved Prude's/Pride's suggest the French Preys (Baut colors), first found in the same place (Auvergne) as the Foix's above, and sharing with them a white-on-blue bend. The Eustace's, who likewise trace to Rieti, had some close contact with Bouillons, likewise first found in Auvergne.

Baliols owned the fief of Herod-suspect Harcourt (near Vire river), and then Harcourts are at the root of Torf of Torville/Torcy mentioned above. The Baliols are in the two colors of Torcys, and in one color of the Herods/Heraults. The Vires'/Verona's were first found in the same place as Chappes' and the other French Foix's, said to be of Foix-Candale, and thus this line can trace with the Kyle candle's to Colchians suspects at the Colapis. These other Foix's use a Shield split vertically in the colors of same of Lairs, the ones with the blue unicorns, the Julian crosses, and the Wessel-suspect horse.

That same horse in white is used by Freys/Phreeze's. As that is the Free bloodline, this recalls that "FreeMASON" is code for the Freie and Mason/Massin surnames sharing the same lion, and then the Phreeze horse is in the MESSENger Coat (as a pegasus) along with helmets in colors reversed from the same of Mynetts, first found in the same place as Masons! One could get the impression that Freemasons were specially a Pharisee-Maccabee deal.

The Torcys were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Primo's. The Primo mirror traces to Anjou, and I trace Fulk-of-Anjou ancestry to Torcy of the Harcourts. While the Fulks are known to be from Ingelger, the latter's father, Tertullus, is supposed to be mythical. Tertullus' father was made TORQUatus, code for Torcy. Tertullus may be part-code for Junia Tertia just because Primo's are suspect with Junia Prima. [Remember Tertullus when we get to the Sittaceni-suspect Turtons/Treetons.] One of the multiple Torcy locations in France is in Pas de Calais, where Quince's trace and where the Clausula-suspect Clauters had a Clety location. This Torcy is very near a Merovingian city, QUENTovic. That's where Saer de Quincy should trace, very suspect with Quintus-Caepio liners because Merovingians have the same basic ancestry, according to my heraldic findings, as Caepio's.

Pas de Calais is where the family of Godfrey de Bouillon lived, but Bouillons were first found in the same place as one Foix surname, the one sharing many stars, in the same colors, with Ballys / Baileys. The Arms of Torcy use a white lion covered in blue roundels = hurts (Arthur symbol), and Hurts (CINQUEfoils) are suspect with "Herod." As you can see, the Hurts share a gold fesse with Herods/Heraults, but in the two colors of the Baliol chevron! The Hurt fesse is in both colors of the Prude/Pratte fesse, suggesting a Hurt trace to Rieti elements, and the Hurt Crest uses the Eustace stag! It's hard to argue with that, but expect some of these designs and symbols to change if houseofnames decides to assist in hiding these secrets as best that can be. The LAMprey may be double code, one for Lamas' (suspect from Le Mas near Grasse) using the lambs in the Arms of Grasse.

As we are seeking lines from Phasaelus, let's remention that Bouillons are suspect from the same place as where Pasi's/Pascels were first found. Moreover, this Torcy location is in the area where Catherine Roet (Herod suspect) was born who married John of Gaunt and Candale. It's also near Abbeville and Airaines, where MacAbee-related Hirams were first found that are suspect with Herod Agrippa liners. The Gripps/Grape's happen to use a bend in colors reversed from the Torcy bend, and Torcys were first found in Burgundy, where Vienne-Isere was the capital, where the brother of Herod Antipas was banished.

French Basils (Burgundy), judging from the Gurdon surname to which they are traced, are using a version of the Gord Coat, and as such can link to the Roet boar heads. Mont Pilat is in Burgundy while the other Basils use pellets (Pellets use the Pilotte / Shaw grails).

We are now complete ninnies to deny what we are seeing. The Templar kings of Jerusalem were Herod liners, from the builder of the Jerusalem temple. It's not a wonder that the Crusader leaders, and Freemasons, are playing their secrets in code-work, lest the public discovers this thing...but, far worse, lest the public discovers how to prove it. You have, in my work, the keys to make light if it. It's one thing to be a Herod liner, and quite another to hide it while being proud of it. The Illuminati will pay dearly for loving Herod.

Torcy is near Montreuil, where Payne Roet was (I can't recall the details). The Arms of Montreuil use barry in blue-and-gold, the colors of the center bar of the Clouter barry. Therefore, the other Clouters, the ones with the white lion, should trace to the white lion of Torcy. Clouters (in Close/Clovse colors) are the ones traced to "clavus = nail" in what must be code for the Clovis Merovingians.

The ETAPLES location beside Montreuil can become suspect with the Round TABLE. The Table surname (hurts) is also "Tapley." At some point, Etaples was called, Staple(s), and then Staple's were first found in the same place (Devon, beside Roets) as Table's. The Round surname has a ROWnd variation linkable to Rowats/Roets. The Staple bend with jelloped leopard faces is in the colors of the Roet Chief with boar heads. The Round Table looks like code for these Artois elements.

The Hurt stag: "A stag wounded by an arrow." But the Arrows/Arras' are from Arras, the Artois capital i.e. near Torcy. Why not a pierced stag? I wonder why it's wounded? There's Wonder bread, but no Wonder surname coming up. It was already established that the Eustace cross is that if Irish Burghs, known Conteville / Comyns liners, the latter's Commings variation suspect at Comminges. Burghs (Windsor colors) are suspect with Berkshire because Irish Burghs are also Berks. Wanders/Winders (shares Pulley / Patent motto, includes "culpa") can trace to Berkshire, location of Windsor castle. The Eustace's and Windsors share the stag in Crest, and both use "me" motto terms. I guess I can stop wondering. Why should Windsors connect with Mea's/Mee's/Meighs? Ask the colors of the Windsor saltire. Why, of all the surnames they connected with, are Windsors (Gore crosslets, links to Roet, Gord and Lochart boars) honoring the Mea's?

If I recall correctly, the Arms of Camilla Parker Bowles, whom the prince of England married, uses a blue boar, what could be a colors-reversed version of the white-on-blue boar heads of Mea's. Bowles' (Arrow colors, black boars) use wings in Crest, suspect with the WINCer variation of Windsors. Wings/Winks and Vince's/Vinch's trace to Vinkovci, where Valentinian I was born, who married Justine (daughter of Justin), and then Justine's/Justins were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Wings/Winks. The Fessy motto term, "vinces," traces to Vinkovci, and Fessys share the Mea cross. Long before I know of the Fieschi's of Genova, the Valentinian line was traced to Seagers and SEGNI's/Segurana's (Genova), and that was before knowing of the "segni vinces" motto phrase of Fessys.

The bend of Valentins is that also of German Wunders/Wanders/Winders. In short, Windsors are from imperial Vinkovci elements. The wings in the latter's Crest are suspect with the Glass wings.

The Bowles' use scallops in the colors of the Stick garbs. The latter were identified with Astikas' of Vilnius, where the symbols of Justine's kin traced without question. As Hagars were likewise first found in Perthshire (along with Wings), I'm going to trace the red pile of the Wings to the Hagels from the Akheloos river, near Astakos, where Astika's likely derive. The Taphians from that area were suspect with Tafts/Toste's/Tuff's, and they happen to share the crosslet style of Windsors. The Valentin-Justine line was traced to Sire's/Sirons (share weight scale with Arms of Vilnius) before finding any bona fide trace of any surname to mythical Sirens or the Akheloos. The Sire's (Edomites, like Herods, right?) use a "Justitia" motto term, the same term, if I recall correctly, in the Arms of Vilnius...which is the same as saying that Justine of Picenum traces to something in Vilnius...probably a scale / scallop-like entity involved with the Sticks.

The Stacey variation of Eustace's looks Astakos-like. Recalling that Eustace's trace to Vise's and therefore to Vis/Issa, it's interesting that English Winters (share chequey Shield with Wanders/Winders) use a bear "ISSuing," which is pronounced, ishuWING. I've never before been able to understand the heraldic "issuing." The Winter Crest is a "deer," and we learned in the last update that the deer was the symbol of the Elaphiti islands at oak-theme Ragusa. Elaphiti is suspect with Eliphas of Edom, husband of Timna, from Seir...and tracing to Sirons, right? The Winter Crest description uses "seated."

The motto of German Winters is a good reason to trace the Majordomo's to Winters / Winders. When I first went online seeking the ancestry of Windsors, no one seemed to know, and no one was telling. I got to an article tracing Windsors to Wettins, but heraldry has not agreed. Winklers (Hazelton colors) suggest the House's, Vincents, Mens', Islips/Haslips and therefore the Hazels, and via the Hazel squirrel back to Valentins. This doesn't make the household of Valentinian important just because you may value the Windsors as something important. If you're looking for importance, don't think so by blood connection to mere men, but in what God can do with you.

The line out of Rieti and into the conquering of Jerusalem was not very long before Valentinian. One wonders what children Josephus had. He joined that Rieti line. Shouldn't Josephus have some heraldic products? What about the books of Reeds and Roets? That makes sense. As Titus's household was a Flavius surname, I loaded the Bluffs to check it out. No Bluff surname showed. As the Bloughs were loading, I was wondering where Baphomet was code for the Josephus line, for the Roets trace to Boofima by their Book/Bogg kin. I was wondering whether Josephus would trace both to Books/Boggs and Boofima, and was asking why Josephus would have a goat symbol (used for Baphpmet). And just after that, three goat heads, in Joseph colors, popped up in the Blough/Bloor Coat. Hmm.

This is serious stuff, for Bloughs were first found in Staffordshire, where I traced Stirlings that share the Moor head with Chappes' and Titus'. The theory is, and I'm not the first to consider it, is that Josephus was either Joseph Caiaphas himself, or his close kin. Both Boofima and the Moor head are from Africa. I trace Stirlings to Stubbs (Blough colors) and Stubbings, and I can glean that Mortons and Says, of Mortone-Say in Shropshire, are involved here, especially as Mortons use the goat head too.

While the Bluffs were loading, I was coining the "fiscal bluff" that the fiscal cliff was, but if you check two updates ago, the Moreton-Say entity came up as per the Cliff surname: "Cliffs are said to be from old Clive's of MORETON-Say (Shropshire)..." The Fisk Coat is like the Cliff Coat. But here I'm finding that Bloughs/Bloors link to Moreton-Say, and then the Stirlings share "forward" with Seatons of Say, the very Say entity of Moreton-Say.

Stubbs (Pilate pheons?) were granted a BLOXwich location. And it just so happens that while the Stubbing write-up traces to tree stumps, the Blox/BLOGG Coat uses a tree stump. Blox's/Bloggs were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons. Blox's/Bloggs look like Paisleys i.e. they trace to Pasi's suspect with VesPasia Polla, grandmother of Titus! The idea was that descendants of her husband, a FLAVian, evolved into Blaf-like surnames.

I've just recalled that Balfours (same place as Side's) use the motto, "Forward," and so compare "Balf" to "Bluff." The Balfours use the otter, code for the Otter > Windsor line (= Uther-Pendragon line). Balfours look like Pendragons in colors reversed. The Rounds happen to use a chevron with white symbols, as do Balfours, and then Arthur Balfour, prime minister of Britain, and alleged satanist of the Illuminati, is usually lumped into the Round Table of the Rhodian / Rothschild Illuminati. The Arthurian round table had traced to Roet liners at / around Etaples, and so let's add that the crowned lion head of Staple's is used (same design) by English Rothes' (Shropshire), in Balfour / Round colors. Rothes were first found in the same place as Ploughs/Plows (Eustace stag), and I faintly recall them cropping up the first and last time that I applied myself to "Flavius."

The Staple's are traced to Staple Hill (Devon), held by a Bowman surname (arrows) that can trace to proto-Rothschild Bauers and Bowers (arrows). Bowmans use "A quiver of arrows suspended from the trunk of a tree," and Watsons (share the oak tree with Rut-like Roets), first found in RUTland, home also of RUTHERfords, use the same sort of tree stump. I have it from a Pollock-family expert that Lady Rothes (Muriel), daughter of Peter Pollock, married a Watson surname. "Trunk of a tree" can trace to Trunks, first found in Bavaria-related Franconia, the likely namer of Frankfurt, home of the first Rothschild.

The write-up of Rodhams (another tree stump) traces to a Roddam location and river in Shropshire (home of Pollock founder), and so the namers of the Rothes must be from that river. The Rodham motto has a term like the Plough/Plow motto, apparently code for the Alter surname listed with Colters (Catherine wheels = Roet liners). The Alter/Colter chevron and its wheels are in the colors of the Blox/Blough chevron and its roses. It makes the Plough dancette suspect with the same-colored Holder dancette.

The Blox's/Bloggs/BLOCKS are very linkable to POLLOCKS of the Paisley area, and that makes Pollocks suspect with Flavians, and, of course, they would thereby trace to Vespasia POLLA!!! Bingo. The Jewish Pollock bend (colors of the Rodham bend) was the first item ever traced to Valentinian. Pollocks put Valentinian on my map. The Blox's, I've only just noticed, are traced to shoemakers or "BOOKbinder." The clever idiots have done it again, opened their mouths too much, albeit we were probably never to see these Coats and their write-ups (but the urge to make money from them has made them available to the public). The Binders/BIENders share a white knight (in Valentin colors) with Shoemakers, and the Schoo variation of Shoemakers is suspect with Schio, near Vicenza, where Valentins were first found. The "banners" in the Binder Crest are in Valentin colors, and in the colors of the Banner banner. The Binder lion is "climbing steps," the latter term like the Stubbs. Or, the STEPHens (share falcons with Blox's) use the Valentin bend likewise with green symbols.

Flavians are now suspect with a wide range of surnames from Fulks to Pollocks/Polks. Perhaps the Polabians were Flavians. German Blocks were first found in Pomerania, which overlaps Polabia. Albeit that the Bloughs are listed with Bloors, which do not fit the "Pollock / Flav" shoe, Bloughs/Bloors are in Plock/Plugenetts colors, and the latter even use the Joseph martlet (in the same colors). English Watsons (same chevron as Blox's) use more black martlets, suspect from Rochdale, and use another "mea" motto term for a trace to beloved Windsor kin ... from Valentinian.

I apologize for taking a detour from the Herod-Baliol theme, but in any case, Herods are being traced to Rieti, and so they should trace to the Titus lines under discussion. Heraldry is a mish-mash of Christ killers. DO NOT listen to the heraldry websites pretending to know the meanings of symbols in whimsical / sentimental ideas. Usually, symbols are code for surnames, and sometimes for themes of locations, people, or pagan cults. I don't have time to continue inserting a large section on Phasaelus-suspect lines, but will keep eyes open for possible lines in the future.

Sidicini of Northern Italy

Perhaps it's coincidental, perhaps not, but the Balliol Coat looks like a version of the Ask Coat, the latter using donkeys. The Balance's (probably the Masci eagle) can be a branch of same-colored Balans/Balaams (same place as Clare's and Blois'), and then the Biblical Balaam was rebuked by a talking donkey. However, the Baliol swords, in place of the donkeys, look like they go to Siward of Northumberland while the donkeys are likely code for the Duncans / Donkeys. I sometimes wonder whether some surnames were invented (not true surnames) for the specific purpose of listing them with certain surnames in order to help the heraldic masters make the family links. For example, they would invent a Donkey surname, place it into the list for Duncans, and would then look up the Donkeys whenever an heraldic donkey showed up to find that it's referring to the Duncans.

Donkey-using Asks can be suspect with Oscans to which the Sidicini belonged, and Oscans were traced to the Uscana capital of the Penestae, and so note the Pendragon colors in this part of the discussion, or how the Morte's/Motts are a merger with Darts and Darths. The mythical book, "Le Morte d'Arthur," about Arthur's death in Avalon, is code for the Darth's/D'Arths/DEATHS (Pendragon colors) sharing the Morte/Mott crescent. We can glean that this Pendragon-Arthur entity traces to something in Avellino, and that something is now highly suspect with the Shaw-suspect Sidicini. One Shaw/Sheaves Coat uses a chevron in colors reversed from the Pendragon chevron, and the Shaws use a motto like that of Pendragons. As Avellino traces to Aulon/Avlona, let's add that Antipatria is between it and the Penestae. It just so happens that the Arms of Avellino has the Templar lamb resting on a book. That can trace to Grasse.

The article says that Avellino was also called, Livia, for some time, which brings to mind the Levi lion of lamb-using Pascals, right down the Phasaelus-suspect alley. Its Abellinum name was in existence in BC times before the Herods.

Deaths are in MYNETT colors and first found in the same place, while Pendragons share the helmet with Mynetts, which helps much to trace Arthurs to ATREMidoros, son of AMYNTES. Artems/AITons were even first found in the same place as Arthurs and AIDe's. Aide's share the black leopard faces of Newports, the latter suspect in a merger with Here-related Weathers/Withers now tracing to Vis and Pharia. The colors and format of Newports and Weathers is shared by Mortons and MINDS/Munds, all suspect with Hasmoneans out of Akmonia. The Cowes location beside Newport (on Wight) uses Penestae-suspect pennants, and the Pennant surname uses the Coat of Trevors, from HEREfordshire, where Clausula-suspect Clacks (Fortuna suspects) were first found that use another white-on-red eagle (= Chill/Child eagle), for yet another Merovingian / Pendragon trace to the Clausula. Clacks are suspect with the Claxton variation of Claws'/Clasons (Fortuna suspects), a branch, likely, of Clasens/Class'. A pennant is a banner, and Lady Fortune in the Clasen Coat holds a banner. The difference between the two is that they honor different surnames.

The Balan/Balaam surname can be linked easily to the Balliol-Scott bloodline because the Balan/Balaam estoile is used by Morte's/Motts (Modi'in liners, Maccabees) who in-turn share the crescents of Alexanders (Maccabee liners), and for that matter the line of Jonathan Maccabee, who made a pact with Alexander Balas to which this very Balliol topic seems to trace, share the rooster with Balans/Balaams. As I trace the first-known Hasmonean to the Mathis river between the Cavii and the Penestae, I assume that Balans trace to something of that area. Compare the Valence term to "Balance," asking whether Balance / Balan liners were from Valentinian. The Valence's happen to use footless martlets all around the Shield, like the Sadducee suspects, but on top of eleven bars in blue and white, the colors of the Cavett bars (there is a Cevetta river at Ceva of Italy). It's the BESANcons/Bassets that use eleven billets in the colors of the Valance bars, which can trace Valance's to Bassania on the Mathis river, perfect because Merovingians trace both to Bassania and Valentinian.

The Chever variation of Cavetts can go to the Cheever surname using a "foy" motto term, which is the surname listed with both Foix surnames, one of which uses eight stars in the colors of the NINE stars of Ballys / Baileys (we're back to Baliol liners), but these stars are the colors of Cavetts and Valence's, and the Cavetts happen to use NINE bars. Cheevers, in the colors and format of Chills/Childs, are suspect with Weavers, for Hebrons/Hepburns (same place as Ballys / Baliols), said to be from CHILLingham, would appear to be sharing the Chill/Child chevron, and then the Keeps found in the Hebron motto use a weavers shuttle. This makes Weavers and Merovingians suspect through Ceva and the Cavii.

Indeed, Weaver's use the same chevron as Hazels, and both were first found in the same place, which traces Weavers to Has beside both the Penestae and the Cavii. Krume is right beside Has while Silvers share the giant Krume crescent (white on blue again), and then the Silvers (Hesse, traces to Has) are suspect with the Chilvers variation of Cheevers. This works excellently, and even goes to the Trips, first found in the same place as Krume's, and suspect in the TREPidum motto term of Trysts, the latter in the "Keep tryst" motto of Hebrons. English Silvers (blue vair) share a red Shield with Cheevers and Trips. Trips and Trabys are suspect from the namers of the Trave river in Polabia. German Weavers/Webers use a "segna" motto term suspect with the "segni"-using Fessys at the Fieschi of Genova (where Segni's/Segurana's were first found), near Ceva. Wikipedia suggests that a Ceba location near Ceva may have been the same place; I can see how "Ceba" can be from HEBron / Keep liners, but why should Shuttlewords//Shettleworths trace through Ceva elements?

In the Cuneo article: "In the pre-Roman period the territory around Ceva was inhabited by the branch of the mountain Ligures known as Epanterii." This evokes the Panders that came up as per the "pando" motto term of Locharts, and the "Corda" motto term of Locharts (suspect from the Lychnidus elements of the Penestae) can perhaps go to Cortemilia to the near-north of Ceva. The Penders/Pinders were suspect with Pine's/Pyne's, and the latter are suspect with the pine cones of German Tanners, who should trace to the Tanaro river, i.e. location of Ceva and the Epanterii. Penders/Pinders were the ones with the crowned lion of Gaulons / Clouters.

As we are now tracing Pendragons to the Ceva area of Ligurians, let's remind that Merovingians and Pendragons together trace with Sale's/Salette's to the Salto river near Fucino. The latter was suspect with Fossano, near Ceva, and the Salto traces definitely to Salyes Ligures at nearby Saluzzo. The Herod-suspect Roets use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, and Pendragons birthed king Arthur i.e. suspect as Herod liners. The Cords/Courts (HEARTS) are the ones sharing the gold-on-black pheons of Tipps suspect in the Pendragon motto, and Tipps/Tippens can be suspect with the Table's/Tapleys tracing to Roet liners at Etaples. That's on the Artois-Picardy border area, and then Cavetts/Chevers were first found in Picardy. If this is tracing Tipps to the Ceva area, note that they share the antelope with Weavers (Cheshire, same as Penders/Pinders and Lockets), as well as using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Tanners. In fact, the Tipps look like they use a version of the Ghent Coat, and Ghents traced hard to the Fieschi of Genova.

But Genova is where Doria's were first found who married Arduinici of Oneglia, and as Oneglia (same place as Imperia, likely from the Imperi owners of Boofima) named the Nagle's/Nails, it recalls the nail theme in the write-up of Clouters (from Clouterbrook of the Lockets), but recalls also the nails piercing the red-on-gold heart of Logans, the colors of the Cord/Court heart! As Logans/Lohans are identified solidly with the Swan King, look at how close Ceva is to swan-like Savona! It's even closer than Genova. Therefore, we have just learned of some Pendragon bedrock in Liguria. Lockets are said to be from a corruption of "Lockhart."

The Tanaro is where I claimed an Alan-VISconti merger that founded / migrated to Brunswick-Luneburg, and so let's point out that Locharts share a black stag head with VISE's. And English Weavers are using what could be the Brunswick lions. Moreover, there are other Court surnames. The Coeurs/Le Courts were first found in Brittany, and use a sinister-rising bend, symbol of Massey / Massin / Rasmussen liners, and so let's add that the Messenger pegasus is "COURant" while the Coeurs are also LeCours (fashioned like "Ligure"). Masseys (pegasus) were in Cheshire, and the Lockets are said to be of the Cheshire earls, suggesting the Meschins. Therefore, it looks like the Coeurs/Courts trace to Masci's, first found in Piedmont, where that Cortemilia sits.

In the Cortemilia article, I've just seen that ancient Savona was, Luni Vada Sabatia, suggesting some lunar theme, and then the Savone surname uses crescents in the colors of the Silver crescent! Silvers were just discovered as Cheever liners to Ceva. Plus, the Savone crescents come with three stars just like in the Coat of German Weavers/Webers! That clinches the trace of Weavers to Ceva. The Weaver/Weber Coat is like the Coat of Cours', first found in the same place (Languedoc) as French Courts sharing the three gold stars of Weaver/Webers but on a red Shield.

Irish CURTis' use the black-and-white checks of the Arms of Mesnieres-en-Bray, as well as sharing blue-and-gold fesse bars with English Courts. The Curtis Crest is a blue dolphin, linkable to the dolphins of Tippers, first found in the same place as "Teipsum"-using Pendragons. No coincidence, and it assures that Tippers were Tipps liners. Italian Curtis' are likely using the Capet and Fulke's colors specifically because English Courts/Coverts (Curtis colors) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke's while English Curtis' (farmer with PLOWshare) share the Capet crown. Curtis' happen to use the Plow/Plough dancette in the same colors. Therefore, when you read that the heraldic plough is code for people that love farming, don't be a ninny. It's code for the Ploughs/Plows. The Norfolk Courts are using the eagle of Italian Fulks and Massi's/Mattis'.

Finally, if you're unsure whether Cour liners are Courts, the Coers (same place as Courts) are listed with Cockets suspect with the Pendragon / Sale fleur while Cockers share the lozengy Shield of the Grimaldi Ligures. Norfolk is also where Seagers were first found who were a branch of Segni's/Segurana's at Genoa. Coers are said to be from Cochet in Calvados, where Meschins derived who are suspect with Cocket-like Lockets. I'm not suggesting that the two were identical stock, but a merger may have caused them to create reflective variations. Lest you've forgotten, the Locharts are suspect with the hearts of Cords/Courts. This was LohenGRIN (Grimaldi suspect), son of the "grail king, "Percival." What a sham. The writers were making up stories merely as code for their ancestry in Liguria. If only the world rulers descended from the children of the Apostles, with hearts like theirs. Instead, they descended from the killers of Jesus, and have wicked hearts like theirs.

As we can now suspect that "the tanner" of Falaise traces to this Pendragon cult around Cortemilia, and especially to the Tipps of that area, and suspect with the Helms honored by Pendragons and Messengers alike, let's remind that Fallis' (Lothian, same place as Sinclairs), said possibly to be from Falaise elements, are using that white-on-blue lion again, shared, for example, by Merovingian- and Locket-suspect Clouters. Fallis'/Falle's are Feller kin while the latter share a version of the Verona Coat while Verona is near Venice (origin of king Arthur's "wife"), where Italian Fallis' were first found along with same-colored Pesce's sharing the Verona fish. Arthur's wife (or the fundamental allies of the Arthur surname) trace to the Fano, origin of the gauntlet-using Veynes'/Fane's and Wayne's, suspect with the Veneti at Vannes (Brittany), where the Voirs lived that share the lion of Maschi's from the Fano theater.

Mesnieres-en-Bray is on a Bray river flowing to Dieppe, where the Dawsons are traced who share a "lodged" stag with Hazel-liners Haslips/Islips (from Has liners of the Cavii theater). The Lodge's are part of swan-king liners. The Weavers are using the Hazel Shield, apparently, wherefore one can lump Brays in with Ceva liners, and meanwhile trace Ceva liners to the Bray river, or the Bra location not far north of Cortemelia and on the same river as Ceva. The Arms of Mesnieres-en-Bray are described thus: "Chequy argent and sable of 5 traits." Why are the columns called traits, and why are there five, the special number of the Arthur line? There is a Trait/Turton/Treeton surname (banner) using cinquefoils in the colors of the same of Rods, a surname from the Roquefeuil merger with Henri IV of Rodez.

The Trait Coat has a red canton but calls it a "square": "Gold with ten trefoils, with a red square at the top left." Why mention "top left"? The Topps happen to share a red canton, and it has a gauntlet hand within it. No coincidences. I suppose that Topps are Tipps / Tipper / Tapley liners. The Tipps pheons and the Tipper dolphins both trace to Dauphine, especially Mont Pilat. The Locket motto, by the way, is "TENuimus," which may link to the TEN cinquefoils of Traits. The motto term looks like it can be for the Tiens/Thames surname that lists the Teans suspect with Teano of the Sidicini. The Seatons of Say/Sees (see map) were smack beside Falaise. It begs the question of whether Teano elements named the Tanaro.

As Lady Fortune holds a banner, see the Trait-Crest description: "An arm holding a banner EMERGING from a gold mural coronet." Repeat from earlier in this update: "The "woman in blue" (Lusignan colors) in one of the Mire Coats is EMERGINg from green ground, a term like the Mergen variation of Morgans." That was speaking on Morgan le Fey or Melusine of Avalon, and the Sidicini were from the area of, or even in, Avellino. Morgan le Fey traces to the Veys/Vivians, same place as Tippers.

We are right back to the Avellino that started this section, which uses the Templar lamb holding a banner (with the Templar cross), and lying (lodged?) on a book. It reminds of the following on the Plough kin, not forgetting that the plowshare is used by Cortemilia suspects: "The Blox's, I've only just noticed, are traced to shoemakers or "BOOKbinder." The clever idiots have done it again, opened their mouths too much...The Binders/BIENders share a white knight (in Valentin colors) with Shoemakers, and the Schoo variation of Shoemakers is suspect with Schio, near Vicenza, where Valentins were first found. The "banners" in the Binder Crest are in Valentin colors, and in the colors of the Banner banner..." Schio and Vicenza are beside Verona, all near Garda and lake Garda, and then the Carricks use "Garde BIEN" as a motto, which can now trace well to the BIENders and Biens/Bieners. If you recall, Gards are using a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat (kin of Savona's/Sabine's!), and this links well to the Pollocks suspect behind the Blox's.

The thing to be gleaned there is the migration of Sidicini from the Avellino theater to Savona. I'm making this trace for more reason than the hard link between Pullens and Savona's/Sabine's (same place as Courts that share pale bars with Knights). Savona is suspect with the Nordic Sviones, kin or neighbors of SEMNones, and as such they both trace well to Sabines and their SAMNite tribe. But one can trace Sithones of Thrace through to Sitones of Scandinavia, whom were said to be neighbors of Sviones (makes the Swedes trace to Savona (not to prehistoric monkey men in the nether-north of the evolutionist's imagination). But I trace "Sithone" to mythical STHENelus, father of the Ligurian swan king, Cycnus/Cygnus! And I reasoned that these myth codes were for peoples at swan-like Savona. Later, when finding Soducena at lake Sevan/Lychnis, I could glean that the Sthenelus line to SITTEN/Sion had to do with Sadducee suspects. And so, you see, the Sidicini must have been of the namers of Soducena, and as such the Sidicini are suspect with the Sthenelus swan line now under discussion as the Arthurian swan king.

Can Seatons trace to Liguria? For one, Says use quarters in colors reversed from the Massey quarters. The Seaton crescents are shared by Bellamys of Ferte-Mace, in the colors of the Ferte eagle.

If the Sidicini were proto-Sadducees -- not neglecting that Italian Capone's, sharing a crowned lion in Levi-lion colors, were first found in Naples, near Avellino -- then we expect Sidicini liners to hook up with the Laevi and Chappes liners. Avellino was once called, Livia, and the Livings/Levins happen to use the Saddock martlets on the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners / Tipps'. I expect Sidicini on the Tanaro, where the Marici lived (see Wikipedia's article on Ligurian tribes) whom had hooked up with the Laevi on the Ticino river. Hmm, an S-less "Sittaceni / Sidicini" can become "Ticini."

I expect Sidicini on the Tanaro aside from similarity between "Teano and "Tanaro." The Teans/Thames' (martlets) use stars in colors reversed from the same of English Capone's! The Caepionis' (first found beside the Teans/Thames') had married Livius, now suspect with the namers of Livia! This explains why Capone's use a version of the Coat of Camps suspect with Campania. The Teans/Thames were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as English Gardners, and German Gardners (probably sharing the Kaplan Shield) are using a giant scallop partly in the colors of the same of Capes', first found in London, where the Thames river flows after passing through Oxfordshire. English Gardners use griffin heads in the colors of the Capone stars, and colors reversed from the Gard griffins...which are a version of the martlets of Pulleys, in both colors of the Joseph martlet. English Kaplans/Chaplins, using the same gold griffin heads of Gardners, were first found in the same place as English Josephs, and moreover these Kaplans use a Saluzzo-suspect Coat like that of Roets, first found in the same place as Savone's. Only a ninny can deny the realities inherent in these peculiarities.

The Chaplins are a branch of Capelli's, first found in the same place (Ferrara) as Charo's/Claro's honored in the "charo" motto term of English Josephs. These things need to be emphasized for anyone hoping to trace Josephs to Josephus rather than to Joseph Caiaphas. Capelli's own the "chapeau" cap shared by Bidens, first found in the same place as English Josephs, and that traces the Biden bull horns to the Charo/Claro bull. French Chaplains/Capelains, sharing two gold chevrons with Josephs, were from Calvados, but it doesn't say where specifically.

The "ne" motto term of perchevron-using Josephs is for the Nee's/Knee's sharing a blue bend with Charo's/Claro's, and the black stag head with Vise's, from Vis, beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia, and tracing to Visconti's of PERUSia, who are suspect with Ottone's using a version of the Chappes perchevron. Perusia is also PERUGia while English Burghs (share double chevrons with Chaplains and Josephs), in the same place as Josephs, are sharing annulets with Ottone's and are likely are the reason for the green perchevron of Josephs. The Vise stag, if you recall, is in the Crest of Eustace's that use the Irish Burgh cross. I repeat important things over and over again because readers pop into these updates long after they are placed online. Regular readers, God bless your souls, please forgive.

The Neigh variation of Nee's suggest the Knights now tracing with the Schoo's/Shoemakers to Schio of the Garda theater. Amazingly, I've just reloaded the Schoo description to show that the Knight's KNEE is a part of it, and here's what I got which was not consciously known above: "a knight ISSUING from the knees." That term is now suspect with Issa = Vis! In fact, this clinches the "issuing" term as part-code for Issa liners. Amazing. The Knees and Knights, and therefore the Vise's, were from Issa. The Vice variation can then drag Vicks / Wicks and even vikings to that island.

The slithering heraldic masters arranged to trace Knee's to "champion," but that must be code for the Champs from Campania. Champs were first found in the same place as Cavetts/Chevers, the latter having variations very linkable to the Chives'. One might want to trace Capone's to "Campania" with the Champs because the latter's "ears of corn" look like code for Corns/Cawneys (same place as same-colored Camps) sharing the Capone chevron, but I think there was a Caepio-line merger with Campania elements. All these years of making that trace, I didn't know about the Sidicini until mere weeks ago. As "ears" trace to Eyers/Ayers, kin of Shaws, let's remention that the Shaws are traced in their write-up to "Sithech = wolf," and that suggests that Sidicini mixed up with the Hirpini of Avellino.

One Gard Coat uses the wolf (probably the Yonge wolf), while the other uses a "Toujours fidele" motto partly for Fiddle's of VIS-de-Loop!

It's becoming clear as to what happened. The first Romans were a mix of Mars with the Romulus wolf from the Hirpini, and the Sidicini were a part of it so as to become significant in Roman make-up. The Romulus cult, probably from Rimini, evolved into Romneys sharing the Pullen Coat, and were therefore kin of Garda and Sabine liners. Garda liners, now suspect from the Vardaei on-shore from Pharia, have been traced to Junia liners as per the Uniack variation of Gards, and that's why the Pullen martlets matching the Joseph martlets is a tell-tale sign that a Junia Caepio was ancestral to Joseph Caiaphas.

When we get to Seth, father of Annas (whose daughter Caiaphas married), he's suspect as a Sidicini liner. Compare "SIDIC" with SEDGEwick," asking why they and Chadwicks use "wick" on the end. Does it trace Sidicini to Vis/Issa? Perfectly expected now. The Chives "cats" are likely Chad liners. And Clan Chattan's links to Italian Botters traces to Botters/Budins of Hampshire (i.e. where Josephs were first found), kin of Joseph-related Bidens. Obama's vice-president is a Caiaphas liner.

Now look at the Schoo description, recalling that Topps were found related to Traits/TREEtons: "a silver tower topped with a tree, and with walls on either SIDE." Here's the Trait Coat: "Gold with ten trefoils, with a red square at the top left." The use of "square" is, especially in this case where Schio is near the Valentins, code for Square's/Squirrels, but we should wonder whether the Turton variation is from Junia Caepionis Tertia. "Treeton" smacks of the Toreatae scythians, fellow tribe of the Sittaceni!!!! I almost missed it.

Therefore, "walls on either side" can suggest VALentinian liners in cahoots with Sidicini liners. There are interesting things amongst the five Wall surnames, including a "Caesar aut nihil" motto phrase that links Caesar with Neil / Nail liners, honored also by Pharia-suspect Vere's. If nail-using Proctors are Proculus liners, it's notable that Valence's/Valens share the red martlet with the Proctor Chief. Proculus descended from Tigranes Maccabee, suspect with the Side tiger. Julian-liner Velis'/Vale's share the TEEGER crosslets. It just so happens that the latter use the same bend as Torcys, first found in the same place as Messier's suspect with the Mesnieres location that uses "trait" chequey. In other words, Torcys and Torville locations are suspect from Toreatae liners...who may have named Tortona, near VALENza.

The FEATHERS (Valentin colors) have a motto honoring the household of Valentinian, and then while the FETTER lock is used by Lockharts -- swan liners from Sevan i.e. suspect with Sidicini / Sittaceni -- the Velis Crest uses a swan head with drops (same as the Leicester Crest). Thanks to the drops as code for Drops/Trope's, the feathers of the Feathers can be suspect as the Traby feathers. Traits come up as "Treat," and were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Scarfs who share the white wolf head with one Wall Crest. The Trabys/SADowski's (Valentin colors) use a scarf, the only scarf I know of (off-hand, anyway). Fetter locks are used also by Mabens while the related Maybe's share a white tiger with Side's.

What a stroke of luck. The Tortona article was just loaded to check its Arms, to find the location on a SCRIVia river, like "Scarf." The Trabys are from the neighboring Trebbia, right?!?! The distance between the source of the Sci via and the source of the Trebbia is about 100 scarves, and a TORRIGlia location sits in-between. Was that proto-Torcy? The TREEbys (Stubb colors) are coming to mind whose besants I trace to the same of Stubbings, and then the Stubb bend is in the colors of the Torcy bend. I even predicted that Annas should descend from Hannibal elements as per his successful war on the Trebbia shortly before Maccabee formation. The theory was that HANNibal was related to the ANAnes on the Trebbia, this being the reason that he undertook, with great pains, to conquer the river. The Stubbs (Paeoni suspects) are the ones tracing to the Chappes-related Stirlings.

There is reason here to tentatively trace Harcourts to the Scrivia and/or the Trebbia. HarCOURTs were first found in the same place as Teans/Thames' (in Harcourt colors), begging the question of whether they were CORTemilia lines from the Sidicini of the Tanaro. The "viendra" motto term of Harcourts looks like the Binders/Bienders, and then the Biens/Bieners (bees) share the chevron colors of SHEDs.

The Moor head that connects the Chappes' to the Stirlings was suspect with the Massena line. King Massena abandoned the Hannibal army when joining the enemy, general SCIPio, and this alliance, suspect with Maccabee formation, led to the Meschin marriage to SKIPtons, in Yorkshire, where Scarfs were first found. Moreover, the Stubb Coat, I now realize, uses the color scheme of the Meschin Coat! Zowie, that tells a story.

The Scrivia (means "writing" in Italian) may have been named after scribes, which may explain the Traby scarf fashioned as a letter. Why a 'Q'? It's in the colors of the Arms of Tortona. One thing I know: Scarfs trace to Scherfs/Schere's, Shere's, Sheera's and Carricks, all from / of Caracalla, whose mother's family owned besants. I only wish I knew why the sister of his mother had a Maesa surname. Did she marry a Mr. Maesa? Who was he? What position did he hold?

I've always had a sense that Polish Sobeks should be related to Trabys/Sadowski's (Poland), and here I can make some sense of it because the Sobeks use a buckle, the Stubb / Stirling symbol, in the purple color, used by Skiptons too. It predicts that some elements on the Trebbia became the Poles / Lechs. It's notable that the buckle is not round like most buckles, but oval i.e. in a horseshoe shape, important because horseshoes are rife in Polish ancestry. This is another reason that I think the buckle was originally a horseshoe and nail. The Sobeks are said to be from Clan Janina, and I read that Janina was the origin of Shield-on-Shield, what the West calls an escutcheon, suspect by me with Sadducee ancestry. This is a reason to suspect SADOWski's as Sadducee liners. The escutcheon-using Saddocks, right?

What I imagine is "SIDIC" becoming SCUTZ-like when contacting Germans. That's the escutcheon line, and while it should connect to Janina liners, which came first? Sheds (same place as Carricks) are in Scarf colors, and share the blue-on-white scallop with Sodans/Sowdons. Scottish Sheds feasibly linked to Biens/Bieners (Silesia) shortly above, and the Binders/Bienders appear in code (in the Blox/Blough write-up) along with tree-using Shoemakers/SCHUGS/SCHUCKmans while the Skits/SKEOCHs share the potent cross of English Sheds/Scheds, first found in the same place as Scarfs. The fact that Scheds are split vertically in the colors of the Arms of Sion alerts to their being part of the namers of Sitten. Check the Trents too, and trace to Trento, at the north end of lake Garda. It's the motto of Scarf-suspect Carricks who love Gards and Biens together.

Whose white feathers are in the Shoemaker Crest? Feathers, as writing pens, can play to the Traby/Sadowski Q, and to the scribe theme suspect at the Scrivia river.

French Biens share the axe with Shoemakers, and the Bien axe's are in the colors of the same of Axelrods/HAUKeswells while Gards use the hawk's lure for honoring the purple Hawks/Hauks. The Axelrod axes strike me as related to the Feather/Fedder feathers (Traby/Sadowski colors), and Feathers were first found in the same place as Saddocks, not to mention the DEANs suspect with the TEANo Sidicini. The Diens/Dives', first found in the same place, share the gold-on-black patee cross with Gardners, the latter first found in the same place a Teans/Thames.

Feathers share the red antelope of Derbys who in-turn use a "PLACuerit" motto term, perhaps partly for Placentia at the mouth of the Trebbia, and looking partly suspect for Coeur / Cours / Court liners. Repeat: "The Weaver/Weber Coat is like the Coat of Cours', first found in the same place (Languedoc) as French Courts sharing the three gold stars of Weaver/Webers but on a red Shield." Weavers use the antelope too.

Keep in mind that Caiaphas' parents / grandparents are suspect in Derbe or in some other part of Lycaonia. As the Derby antelope design is used in the Crest of Chimneys, first found in the same place as Scarfs, it just came to mind that Chimneys, suspect some months ago with JIMINY Cricket, was of the Janina line of Poland. The Crickets were loaded to see whether this could be verified, and they use a cross in the colors of the Pollock cross. Moreover, the Cricket Chief uses crescents in red, the colors of the Seaton crescents. Moreover, Crickets (Carrick liners?) were first found in the same place as Teans/Thames'. Was "Janina" a version of "Ananes"? It looks like the Cricket cross can link to the CROMby cross, and I traced Crombys to Cremona, smack beside Placenta. This is a good place to remind that Annas of Israel was also "Hanan / Ananus" while the Han(n)an/Hannon quarters are colors reversed from the Say quarters. It's asking us to trace Annas to the Sidicini.

So, with Harcourts suspect as proto-Torcy liners at the Scrivia / Trebbia river, we might like to know why Harcourts are using the Manner/Maness peacock. I think it has to do with the Mens-related Glennys. The Gard martlets are in the colors of the Valentin squirrels, that being more evidence that Gards trace to Garda i.e. near Schio and Vicenza. Thanks to the Gard martlets, the wolf-using Gards can be gleaned as using the Glenny (and Mens) Shield. Glennys were first found beside the Side's suspect in the Trait description, and with GLENNys thus tracing to some chief Caiaphas suspects, might they have been GAULONites (or proto-Gaulonites)? If we can trace Glenns and Glennys to the Toreatae at the Scrivia river and Tortona, where roughly or exactly the Sidicini are expected, couldn't the Pharisee, Sadduc, have been named by the Sidicini there?

I say that king Massena arranged to import military units and leaders from the Placentia area, into the Syria / Lebanon / Israeli theater, where Scipio withdrew his troops upon losing the war of Trebbia. If the Sidicini had been from Sidonians (Lebanon) in the first place, they would have been a natural pick to implant at Massyas, a region of Lebanon that went by that name at least as early as 100 BC. Modern Sidon is SAYda, and then Saids are listed with Sadlers using the MASSIN/Mason lion!!! Zowie, I didn't expect that. It truly looks as though Massena liners were at Sidon. Sadlers were even first found in the same place as Mortons...of Moreton-Say in the same place as where Scipio-related Meschins were first found!

Mortons even use more buckles, in the colors of the same of Meschin-suspect Stubbs! I had another Zowie moment earlier in the day when finding that Stubbs trace to the Meschin-Scipio relationship. These are amazing discoveries from events so long ago. Where have we discussed blue wings that are also in the Morton Crest, and ZOWIE, the Gifford rooster head, in the same color, is between the Morton wings!!! Here here! That was the previous rooster design of Jonathans/Jonas', wherefore it most-definitely clinches Mortons with the Morte variation of Motts i.e. from Modi'in, home of Jonathan Maccabee and his four brothers. This should explain why the Gifford lozenges reflect the Mott crescent. But this makes the Hound/Houn lozenges suspect with an Annas / Hanan line.

Why would Paeonians from Stobi be at the Trebbia river, or in any case related to the Chappes' that got mixed up with Stirlings? We need to ask Hugh de Payens and the Paion variation of his surname. Or, we can ask his descendant, Jacques de Molay concerning the mole hills of Shocks/Shacks. The latter use a chevron in colors reversed from the Star/Ster chevron, and then the Stars use the green lozenges of Settle's, who have variations like the Sadlers/Saddle's. If you want to be a ninny, trace Sadlers to saddle makers, and trace Settle's to pioneers. The Shocks/Shacks are of course suspect with Skits/Skeochs / Schoo's/Schucks. Can they all trace to Schio, I don't know. The Shocks/Shacks (no, not shack builders) use the motto, "antiquum obtinens," which is like the "optem" of Teague's, suggesting that they both honor Opgalli, the one I trace to Lycaonia, and make suspect as Caiaphas' sister. While the Teague's may be honoring Timms/Time's and/or Thames' in "opTEM," the ObTINens" term can be for Hobs/Habs (tiger = Opgalli's husband, Tigranes) and the Tiens/Tean variations of Thames'.

"ANTiquum" may be in honor of the same that "ANTelope" traces to (I trace the anteLOPE to Heneti liners of wolf-depicted Lycaonia). I had read that a mythical woman with Annete-like name was the wife of mythical Aeneus of Aenos of the Hebros river. The Aeneus / Aeneas line is suspect with the naming of Annas.

Prepare for another shock. German Shocks/Schockens/Schoechs (Switzerland) use "The man ISSUING from the TORSE." Is that a Torcy code? The Stubbs use the Torcy bend, and it's colors reversed from the bend of SHAKEspeare's (same place as Annas' and same-colored Bugs). Why did the writer use "The man" instead of "A man"? THEMAN. I know of a Them/Tynes/Then surname (same place as Meschins) suggesting the Tiens'/Teans/Thames'. The Massins were first found on THANet, from the Zanata area of the Shawia Numidians. Isn't that striking, that while Shaws are the ones said to derive in Sithech, the Sidicini of Teano trace logically to Teans/Thames? It's like saying that Numidians settled on the Thames river. Without any thought of this, I traced a whack of Numidians to Kent, which happens to be on the south side of the mouth of the Thames. I just saw the Isle of Sheppey between Kent and that mouth, and then the Skiptons are suspect with the SHEEPs/Skiptons (said to be from "scyp"= sheep" but let's not be ninnies), first found in the same place as the Thames river! It's time to give the goats their de-worming medicine.

We have another Issa liner here in the Shocks, and the last time was with the Shoemakers/Schucks. It's not coincidental, is it? The creators of this heraldry were inserting those terms deliberately. Why? Because they tell us the truth concerning where they trace their surnames? Spit! So much history wasted in the darkened and demented minds of illuminatist zeros. They were ashamed of what they were proud of, a sort of mental twist that makes one demented. They were proud to be from the killers of Jesus, but ashamed to tell the world because they held their ancestry in honor. As I count a Maccabee liner as nothing, I have no fear in telling you that I'm a Maccabee liner. So what? But those who hide these things and produce an entire heraldic system to honor those lines, they are the refuse of our world. It's time to shut the lid on them, and throw out the trash. The Garbage Man comes soon.

The Irony of Sadducee-Liner Pierleoni

There is a Than surname first found in the same place as Vere's. The Thans were from STAPLEford while Staple's (Peter motto) use "Sans" while Shakespeare's (Varn suspects) use "sanz." The Thans look linkable to Italian Fulks and the Norfolk Courts, important because the Norfolk Fulke's use the double-pointed (both ends) Shakespeare spear. The Staple's are definitely a merger with Peter Pollock out of Shropshire because his daughter, Lady Rothes, is in the Staple Crest. She or her daughter married a Watson, and while Watsons were first found in Rutland (Leicester), Staplefords (in Watson colors) were from Stapleford of Leicestershire. I suppose that "Staple" may have been a Stubb liner, especially as Jewish Pollocks trace to the Rodham / STEVEnson bend. Staplefords are said to descend from the horseshoe-using Ferrers (Fire/Feuerer unicorn, likely), first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Stubbs! I didn't know that two sentences ago. This recalls the theory that the Stubb buckles were originally horseshoe-and-nail! The line of Lady Rothes was gobbled up by buckle-using Leslie's, who use the bend-with-symbols in the colors of the same of Staple's. Vere's honor the Neils/Nihills in their motto.

Robert Pollock, I read once, has 26,000 descendants, so I am not the only one! His brother Peter Pollock was more famous than he, and built Rothes castle at the behest of William the Lion. His daughter Muriel [Lady Rothes] inherited the castle and passed it on to her daughter Eva, who passed it on to her daughter whose name I have not found. The third "Lady of Rothes" was perhaps unnamed in history because she married a more famous person, Sir Norman de Leslyn, and was swallowed up in the Leslie heritage which ensued. I checked this out with Barrie Leslie, the "head" of the Australian branch of the Leslies, and he avers that this story is true.

There was a third brother Pollock, Eli or Heli or Elias, who [w]as a priest of Glasgow.

I'm wondering here whether the eel in the Shipton Crest is for Eli Pollock. It's interesting that Pollocks have a Jewish branch while one of the first members was a Catholic priest. It reminds me of the Jewish papal line from a Peter...the Pierleoni of Travestere (Rome). The Pierleoni (appeared shortly before the first Pollock) proved by heraldry to be of the Bennets and Benedicts. English Benedicts were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Watson-suspect Watts and Peirs/Pere's (reflective of both Pollock Coats combined). I had read that one of the Lady Rothes above married Watsons. The Staple's became suspect with Roets, who share the giant oak with Watts (and Vatts). German Benedicts share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Roets.

Repeat: "One of the multiple Torcy locations in France is in Pas de Calais, where Quince's trace and where the Clausula-suspect Clauters had a Clety location." This may relate to pope AnaCLETus, a Pierleoni pope. The Clauters do use lions, a PierLEONi symbol. Compare the Stapleford barry to that of Clouters. Scottish Bennets use the same-colored stars of Annas', and then we want to know what "ANAcletus" refers to. English Bennets (share the Benedict motto) use white lions, symbol also of Clauters. Pierleoni are said to be named after a pope Leo, and then Leo's share a white-on-blue lion with Clauters and Gaulons. I've only just started this investigation, and already its convincing. I traced Pollock ancestry (known to be in FULbert "the Saxon") to FULLers, who use more barry.

What is that object in the paws of the Dutch Bennet lion? The description just ignores it. It looks like a book, the Roet and Reed symbol, but also in the Arms of Avellino. The Books/Boggs look like some Pollock variations such as the Pooks/Pogue's. This is the line from Vespasian.

Bennets and Benedicts use a "bon" motto term while "bonne" is used by the Thems/Tyne's (ten bars), first found where the three Pollock brothers were born. It's also where Rothes' were first found who share the lion design in the Staple Crest. The upright Them/Tyne lion is colors reversed from the upright Dutch Bennet lion. The latter's is that also of Gallons/Galletti's.

If correct that Etaples was the Table/Tapley part of the Arthurian round-table code, it's notable that while I traced the sleeping moon of German Roets (and Carian-like Karens) to the moon goddess and her ever-sleeping partner (Endymion) of Caria (see the Caria-like motto term of Roets), the Rounds use a sleeping lion...indicating that Rounds/ROWNds ("rings," not annulets) are Roet kin. Rowans then share gyronny with Titus' in order to trace Roets to Rieti. The Sleep/Slape surname is Gaulon-interesting here because it uses only double fesse bars that are sometimes called, gemel. Staplefords (beside the Staple-like Stubbs of Staffordshire) use two fesse bars too, which could indicate that the Stobi line of Paeonians through Stubbs was one that involved the Gaulonites / proto-Gaulonites.

Catherine Roet was born in Picardy, where Irons/Hirams had origins. The latter are suspect with the Eustace cross, making for a link between Airaines (SOMME) and Pas-de-Calais. We should have every inclination of including Hirams in with Roets when tracing to the lines that Freemasons hold dear. Calais is suspect as a Glass line to Bute, beside Arran, where the Airaines location of Hirams trace. The Iron surname was suspect with Ironside, a Saxon king, and this is one way that "Fulbert "the Saxon" might apply. Bute was earlier Rothesay, suspect with the namers of Peter Pollock's Rothes castle on the east side of Moray and perhaps of the BADENoch area, a term that trace's well to the Badens/Battins, first found in the same place as Roets. The Baden-related Baths, of the same place (SOMERset, suspect with the SOMERled line to Bute), trace to the cross and bat of Randolphs, the earls of Moray. It can strike us that Roets and Rothes liners were one, but see that Ruths and Rothers are listed with Randolphs of Moray. If you check the Arms of Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, his lozenges are like the mascles in the Tean/Thames Chief.

Pas de Calais is the area of Etaples, where roughly or exactly the line of Catherine Roet begins. Roets traced to Rieti, which is meaningful in my work only as per Flavius Petro of Rieti, whom was found traceable to Peter Pollock because Petro's son married Vespasia Polla! Zowie, it looks like we just found parts of a Vespasian > Titus > Pierleoni line to Pollock. It looks like Peter Pollock's father married a Pierleoni, explaining the naming of his first son. But if he was a Saxon, he must have had a Saxon parent. However, I have read that "the Saxon" is the wrong interpretation of his name, that it should be "Wallace" instead. It just so happens that the Wallace lion is in the two colors of the English-Bennet lion. The Wallace lion is identical with the lion of Roet-related Beauforts, and then the other Leo's use this upright lion in colors reversed. It is in fact the Grey lion due to known Roet ancestry in Croys / Groys (I can't recall which). The Leo lion is that also of Sauers (Sava river) who trace to a Galleri surname while Gallerys (Caepio-line lion) are listed with Galloways. This recalls the connection of Wigtons (Galloway) and Wiggins to the Capone's.

This would be a good place to add that while Wig-like terms can trace to the Vise/Vice line from Issa/Vis, the Avis'/Avisons (traced to an early Avice surname) share the Joseph garbs. Avis' ("wheat SHEAVES") share the black anchor with Jaimie's/Jamesons, first found in Buteshire (where Caepio-suspect Glass' were first found) while the Galloway lion is also the Rory-of-Bute lion. This can now place the namers of Avezzano (near Rieti) into the Vis category, if correct to trace Avisons to Vis. The Kennedys using the "Avice" motto term share the dolphin with James'. The Avis write-up traced suggestively to an old Avis liner in the records of a St. BENET of Holme, such a coincidence. Holme's then use a "vide" motto term. Their entire motto, "Fide SED CUI vide," can trace to VIS-de-Lou, and looks linkable to the "qui" of Sithech-Shaws = Sheaves liners that can connect to the Avis wheat sheaves.

Seeking my files for another "issuing: "...and then Wiggers/Wigleys, who may or may not apply, show a white tiger; 'A silver tiger's head issuing out of flames and gorged with a red collar embattled.'" Wiggers were even first found in Derbyshire while tiger-liner Opgalli (Galatian Jew) is suspect in the Derbe area. Wiggers are said ti have had a seat at Brampton, while Bramtons (Brunswick lion in colors reversed) were pegged as Abraham-Keturah liners.

Holme's even use the chapeau cap that traces smack to the Josephs sharing the Avis garbs. The Holme canton uses the Vito annulet, though Holme's call it a wreath. The Wreath / Cree bloodline is suspect with Crichtons using the Bute lion. Holme's even use the chapeau on a red lion, the color of the Leo lion, and then one Leo Coat looks like it uses the Paine/Payne fesse while Catherine Roet's father was Payne Roet. Plus, Holme's use more barry, in the colors of the barry in the Arms of Montreuil. Here's the Holme Crest: "A red lion's head erased LANGued blue, ensigned [Segni code?] with a cap of maintenance." That evokes Luneburg-Brunswick from the Langs, whom I trace to Langhe, beside Bra and in the Tanaro theater. Holme's may be a branch of white-lion Home's/Hume's, or perhaps a branch of blue-lion Hallams. If the maintenance term was borrowed from someone using "mainTAIN," note that Tains are listed with Teans/Thames (same stars as Wigtons).

English Beauforts/Bufoys/Ballafays are easily gleaned as a branch of Balfours. These Beauforts are said to descend from Mr. Belfou at Swanton Moreley. Swantons/Swansons are in Jewish-Pollock colors and share a pierced boar with Scottish Pollocks. The Swanton boar is pierced by a sword, the theme of the Skins, suspect with the "shin bones" of Newtons, suspect in turn with the Pollock motto and the bend of Pollock-suspect Peirs/Pere's (why are they traced to "COURier"?). The "prince" in the Newton Crest can be for Prince's/Prinse's (share gold saltire with Pollocks), possible Pierleoni of the Perens kind (both pine-cone Perens and pineapple Prince's were first found in Yorkshire). Perens are Tanner suspects for more than one reason, and I traced Fulbert "the Saxon" to a family member of Fulbert "the tanner." English Shins (same place as Roets and Piers/Pierce's) share three red fesse bars with Fullers.

Swantons were first found in the same place as the Wear river while Wears use a bend in colors reversed from the Peir/Pere bend. The latter are said to have had a Templar amongst their ranks. One Leo Coat looks like it uses a Paine/Payne fesse, yet the first Pierleoni predated the Templars by a couple of generations, suggesting the likelihood that the Pierleoni supported and/or created the Templar drive to Jerusalem. Were the Pierleoni Herod liners? Was Phasaelus, brother of the first Herod, a VesPASia-Polla liner?

The "tritus" motto term of Ferrers strikes me as the Traits/Turtons/Treetons. The Traits were found in code at the Bray river, suspect from Bra, beside Montferrat, where Ferrers ought to trace. Feuerers were traced to the Stura valley of Cuneo, not far from Cortemilia, an entity that traced to Mesnieres-en-Bray, where the "trait" term originated in this update. Ferrers are suspect as kin of Hugh Lupus, and Italian Ferrers are listed with Ferrara's.

The Morton star, by the way, is colors reversed from the Shoemaker star. Mortons/Moortons are suspect as the Massena "Moors" (Numidians) that were part of the Scipio line. I traced goat-depicted Boofima to the Shawia Numidians, and they are suspect in the Morton goats. The Shawia came to merge with Sidicini of the Sithech kind, right? That's the new direction.

I cannot recall the former rooster design showing for the Jonathans, but do know that the new design is used by Blue's/Gorms, first found in the same place (Arran) as MacAbee's. The Blue's are suspect with the blue colors of the Here circle. German Here's share blue wings with Ayer-related Here's, but they are called "A PAIR of wings." It just so happens that Pairs are listed with Bauer-like Pauers while Bauers use blue wings too. Of some interest, Payers are listed with Payens.

The Pairs/Pauers/Paws (share peacock with Paws) use the same chevron as Arms-of-Carrick and Clubs. This is one of the many cases where an heraldic symbol is clever enough (or deliberately arranged such as) to trace both to a surname and to a related mythical symbol. The POWys surname uses a bear PAW, and Powys' trace to Poias/Poeas, who helped Hercules (club symbol) to sacrifice himself on a fire. The Powys bear paw is used in colors reversed from the same of Bellino's/BELLANi's (Verona), but the Paw variation of Pairs may have come later, when in the Powys theater. As Gamala became controlled by the Alexander-related Maccabees, the fact that the Powys bear paw is called a "gamb" has the potential to trace to Gamala via the Gamble-like Cammells. The Gamble's are the ones sharing the fleur-de-lys (Ragusa-based symbol) in the colors of the same of Petro's/PERES' now suspect with "Pharia." The Petro surname can be the root of Perrots and similar others, and we just saw Pierleoni liners using the lions of both Gaulons and Gallons.

The Thick Head of Ulysses

The following was just found in the 1st update of February, 2013: Loading the Gifford Coat, there in the Crest was the Jonathan rooster design in what could be colors reversed to it." That's the old Jonathan rooster design (so long as the Gifford design hasn't / doesn't change too). Giffords (Devon) share ermined-white lozenges with Thicks/Thecks, and it so happens that Giffords/Giverds are expected to be of the Givern variation of Biggars who not only use the Dulles Coat exactly, but are likely honored in the "Byggar" motto in the Arms of SHETland. Dulles' (Moray) were mentioned earlier: "'The poet Homer frequently mentions Thesprotia which had friendly relations with Ithaca and Doulichi.' "

I wonder whether Doulichi was a Doul-Issa liner. I'm also wondering whether Issa was an ITHACa liner. The Ice's/Icke's/Ecco's (Eggs / Eggeners?) are in Thick-lozenge colors. Compare the Coats of Ice's/Icke's and Eggs, a near-match.

The question now is whether Doulichi elements named Dol and/or Attila's house of Dulo. Compare "Dulles" to "Attila." It's the SHETTLEworths, suspect with the "settling" term in the Thick-Crest description, who use Attila- and Dulles-'suspect "Utile dulce" as a motto. As Attila's brother was Bleda, why are Blade's in the colors of Stars and colors reversed from the Star-related Settle's? The weaver's shuttle of Shettleworths gets the Weavers/Webers with Gifford-like variations. It can't be a coincidence that the ermined lozenges of Giffords are those also of Hounds/HOUNS. Attila's Huns had traced to Khazars of Alania, and then some Kabar-branch Khazars had a capital at Biggar-suspect Biharia (Transylvania). These Kabars are the ones who made up the Kabar side of the Hungarian nation, and I had traced proto-Hungarians to the Ticino. King Andrew I had a brother, Levente," suspect with the Laevi now tracing tentatively to Levkas.

I read that, when Attila invaded and conquered the Alans of Caucasia, the Alans joined him. Alania is in Caucasia, beside the Khazars, and the early Khazars were at the Terek river while that river was in code in Illuminatist-suspect "Star Trek." The Tricks/Tracks/Triggs (same place as Hounds/Houns and Teague-related Julians) and Drigs share green with Stars (all-seeing-eye) and Blade's.

One of the first things Ulysses did when returning from his part in the mythical Trojan war was to invade a Cyclops, symbol of the all-seeing-eye. The all-seeing eye of Uat/Buto traces to Budapest (the Eravesci theater suspect from Fiskardo), where Attila had his capital. Hungarians trace themselves to Attila's Huns, and proto-Hungarians lived beside Khazars. And if this Hun picture traces to Doulich, then Ithaca elements are expected, and that's where Giffords come in who can be linked by their white-ermined lozenges to both the Houns and Thicks.

Repeat from the last update: "Lessons (Northampton) are in colors of the Fairs/Phares' and Farrs (suspect with Melusine). Why are Farrs traced to "lusty." The Lesson sun is partly obscured, as with that sun of Drigs / Triggs..." It just so happens that Wears, who are definitely a branch of Veres / Weirs, are said to have been merged with Giffords. And Weavers may have been a Wear branch after the Beaver kin of Vere's. Oxford uses a GREEN beaver, and the Crest of Brooks (Broc of Anjou, same as Brocks) uses a blue beaver, possibly part of the blue-wolf of Huns. Online, one may find that the blue wolf is a symbol of Mongolians, but I found that to be of Attila's Huns. The Arms of Placentia, now suspect from Paliki (same island as Fiskardo), use a blue wolf. The Baez/Pelaiz surname is in Trick colors, and is suspect with half the Pollock saltire, a good reason to trace Paliki elements to Pola/Pula.

The Wears are in Track / Star colors, and use the Bruce motto. Bruce's trace via Abruzzo/APRUTium the namers of Epirus , and the ThesPROTians (allies of Doulich and Ithaca) are named after Epirus too. It begs the question of whether Aprutium traces to Brattia/Broc, beside Pharia, where Wears are expected to trace. Bradds/Bratts (Brock / Yonge lion in Crest!) use the same lion as Gaulons, first found in Anjou, where Brooks (nearly the Bernice motto) and Brocks were from, and that traces Bradds solidly to "Brattia! The Bradd lion is colors reversed from the Bruce lion. Belgian Pratts use the Bruce saltire, known to be a version of the Annandale saltire, and Annandale traces to Placentia, near Bruce-rooted Brescia/Brixia. German Bratts (Bratt/Bradd colors) share the giant anchor with Fairs/Phares'! This is such a simple or obvious trace that we may assume the heraldic masters to have been deliberately secretive about it. English Pratts were first found in the same place (Essex) as Brocks, Brooks, Vere's...and Gore's that share the crosslet style of Wears.

The Wears use the red-on-white crosslets of Toste's/Tafts now tracing to the Taphians of Akheloos (beside Ithaca), and this is where Vere-of-Anjou liners trace as per the mirror of Sire's/Sirons/Siret. The Arms of Placentia uses a white square, but I don't know whether it's called a square. If so, I suppose they are of the Square/SQUIRE line, kin of Sire's. The Wear crosslets are used also by Cobble's, suspect with Cabbage variations, and Cabbage's are the ones suspect with the Annas line between ANGUSta (Siret river) and the Ananes of Placentia. The Place surname shares a red lion with the Annas-related ANGUS', and the Annas star is used by Tease's/TIGHS (same place as Annas') now tracing with Thicks and Ticks to Ithaca. The Tease/Teck surname uses the Annandale saltire in colors reversed, and the Decks and Dyke's (Brock lion?) share the squirrel with Square's/Squire's/Squirrels. The tracks of these ancient pirates are becoming obvious. The Bricks, said to be from Broc of Anjou, share the fleur colors of the Deck / Dyke fleur. Repeat: "Toste's/Tafts/Tufts share the red crosslets of Cobble's/CopolDYKE's (!!!) whom already traced to Ithaca."

The Akheloos is the area of Astakos (modern location) suspect with the Astika's of Vilnius. If the Sticks apply to that line, it's interesting that the Stick Coat looks like the Brook Coat while "Stick" is like "Sithech." This would be a good place to remention that the father of Annas (high priest of Israel who had Jesus killed) was SETH, a term listed with the Shaw surname. The Dyke lion is colors reversed from the same of ASTAKos-like Stake's. Why should Akheloos elements trace to Deck-related Dyke's? Ask the Ithaca trace to the namers of the Ticino.

Scottish Dyke's were first found in the same place as Bernice's who share nearly the Brook motto, suspect with Julius Severus at Akmonia. As Severus' ancestry was on the SAKARya, compare with "Square." The Sakarya passes close to an Astacus location seen at the lower-right of the old map, and then nearby one can see a Prusa location while a Prusa surname is listed with Brocuffs (the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks). Between Prusa and Astacus is Ancore, where the Fair/Phares anchor should go, to the Vere-beloved Annunaki / Anaki. . Pratt anchor make trace, and the Anchors (share lozenges with bricks) are also "Annacker," suspect with "Annas." The Greys who use the anchor theme and motto term use the same lion as Stake's. English Stake's/Stocks use the same ermined lion as Stake's, and share a "qui" motto term with the Shaws! That tends to clinch the Sithech trace to Astakos / Astacus elements!

Symbols in the Arms of Vilnius were even traced to the Sire/Siron surname, but they trace also to Assi's of SHETland (where Sithech elements are suspect), who come up as "Ise." Supposing that AStakos was named after an Asi bloodline (so as to explain why Vilnius links to Assi's), we can then read "Astikas" as Asi-Tick or Asi-Ithaca. That works, especially as the Asi named Asia, location of the Sakarya. This river was home to Cybele, wife of mythical Atti(s), and the Asia entity was the same as Atti(s), whom I read named Ithaca-like Attica. Suddenly, this brings us to the Acte region of Attica, home of OGYGES, suspect with the mythical Gigantes giants and therefore with the giant Og...of Jerusalem, which in those days was called, ZEDEK. This now allows us to trace Zedek (Amorite term) to ASTAKos, not forgetting that the Sirons of the Astakos theater are suspect with Seir of Edom.

"Calypso ...lived on the island of OGYGIA, where she detained Odysseus for several years. She is generally said to be the daughter of the Titan, Atlas." Calypso looks like "Callipolis/Gallipolis, shown on the old map (lower-right) beside Lysimachia. Why do you think that should be? Compare "Calypso" and "Ogyg" with "Cyclops." I trace Gallipolis to the Galli priests of Cybele, and trace the Galli and Lysimachia both to the Levites from a Biblical Jonathan. It's making Ulysses suspect with Lysimachia. In fact, I have no doubt. The Giffords use a rooster, symbol of Galli lines such as Galli's/Galits and Galli's/Galletti's . You can bet all your eggs on these Galli coming round to the Brogitarus Galatians. "Calypso" might be code for the (C)Halybes, a peoples who surely came into contact with the Hatti represented by Atti(s).

Ulysses' wife was PeneLOPE, like "CycLOPES." I identify CYClopes with the CYCnus Ligurians, swan liners from lake Sevan, where proto-Jerusalemites lived, and I trace the SODUCena entity at Seven to "Zedek." That city was Salem in the time of MelchiZEDEK, until, in my opinion, the JERevan elements at Soducena re-named it JERusalem. I trace Jerevan to mount Gareb in the area of Og's Rephaites. Og's name is therefore suspect from Gogarene/Gugar, on the other side of lake Sevan from Jerevan, and as Gorgons are suspect from what was later Georgia, beside Jerevan, note that Ulysses' grandmother was ChalcoMEDUSA, suspect from the Keturah-Medan line that I always link to the migrations of Og's bloodline. Therefore, it seems that the Keturah-Og nation in Attica went to Ithaca.

Ulysses's ancestry in his father, Laertus, traces to Kefallinia like so: "Laertes was an Argonaut and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar. Laertes's title was King of the Cephallenians, which he presumably inherited from his father Arcesius and grandfather Cephalus." Just like that, I'm learning what I haven't realized before, that the Argo ship was named after Argostolion, on Kefallinia, because the Cephallenians above are from Kefallinia. As the father of Jason was AESon, an Asi suspect, he should trace to Astakos / Astacus. On the other map, there is an Astica region around Thyni, not far south from Odysseus-like Odessus. Can Thyni liners go to the Tiens/Teans of Og-suspect OXfordshire? On that map, one can see a Tichos term at Thyni ("Thynias"), making it suspect as an Ithaca liner to the Ticks / Tiggs / Teague's. Odessus is further north at the Panusus river, suspect with Panias at Laish!

Near the mouth of the Panusus, a MARCIANopolis location suggesting Marici on the Ticino. Between the Panusus and the Ticino-like Aulaei Tichos entity, there is a Selletae area suspect with some variations of the Sale's that trace to the Salto, and the Marsi were at the upper parts of that river! That's a very good trace. The Ottone's were first found not far from the mouth of the Salto. The Selletae are beside mount Haemus, which can trace to variations of Exmes / Heimes (home of Seatons), beside the Touque's river. The Heimes surname was first found in Switzerland, location of Ticino! It looks like the Tichos entity named the Ticino. This is the first time that I've felt good about finding that river's roots, and it can indeed suggest that Odessus / Odysseus was an Dessaratae = Dexaroi line.

CEPHalians are suspect with the Greek "ceph = head," and so heraldic heads are suspect as Gorgon liners, or the line of Cepheus > Perseus's wife > Gorgophone. The Head surname (virtually the same Crest that Este's once showed) even uses unicorn heads, and they are in the colors of the Gifford lozenges. Andromeda was the Keturah > Medan line to Colchians of the Orchomenos-Boiotian kind (that filled the Argo ship) that later landed in Orkney, and then neighboring Shetland uses the white unicorn, symbol of the Head Coat. JJ Tolkien actually made the Greek Calydonians traceable to Orkney by the use of his Orcs/Orks and related Meleager-like Melkor character. The Rothes vikings of the Orkney-Shetland islands (from Patmos) conquered Rothesay = Bute. The Head unicorn is the Bute horse head (same black color), and Bute's trace to Butua, suspect with the Cadmus Boiotians and beside Keturah-liner Kotor. If we should be expecting Sidicini at Shetland's name, let's add that I traced Heads to Haddington, where KEAThs and SEATons lived. A little interesting is where the Bute's translate their motto with an "able" term while Heads are traced to an early Hevel.

Haddington (Lothian) is suspect with the Catti line of Keiths. Unfortunately, the Catti that the Keith write-up mention are not given any details. Who were they? Were they of the Catters/Cathers, Keturah suspects from Kotor? Were they of Zadar/Jader in the Colchian settlements? Doesn't the talbot of the Lothian surname trace to the Telavius river, beside Jader? Lothians trace to Lazi Colchians, don't they? Therefore, was TELemachus, Ulysses' son, a Telavius liner? After all, Ulysses is traceable to Laish elements suspect in the Lazi.

Why should Sidicini (i.e. the Seatons/Sittens) have been Catti / Chatti / Lothian liners? Isn't that evocative of Chad liners? While I don't equate the Sidicini with the Cotesii, I see them from the same stock of the Colchis theater. Why was Calypso portrayed as both a witch and a slave owner? She was given a boar / swine symbol. Isn't Calypso code for the Chalybes, who lived on the Halys with the HATTI? And the Halys is beside the Parthenius, where head-liner Perseus and boar-suspect Aphrodite trace. Telemachus is suspect with Telemon, likely code for Dilmun/Telmon, where Ishtar was born that evolved into Cybele, wife and mother of Attis. Do you think we can trace the namers of the Ister river and/or Istria to Issa? The Parthenius was the known home of the Heneti, who trace well to "Kennedy," who use a version of the Cassel Coat, while the Chatti of Hesse are expected at Hesse-Cassel. Suddenly, Chatti can trace to a Sadducee-suspect peoples on Issa.

The Keith Catti were very traceable to the Chatti founders of Hesse. Repeat from above: " As there is an ESSE Court in Devon (where Stewarts and Darts were first found), the Ash's of Esse Court, along with Hesse liners, become suspect from "Issa"..." We might keep "Aeson" in mind as an Issa liner. Recalling that Vice's can become Bike's / Pike's, not that Bicks/Bickers (Haddington colors) use a stag head (Keith symbol) in Keith-Chief colors.

Aeson is likely the same as Aedon of Boiotia, and there is a Cephissus river between Boiotia and Attica. This mythical Cephalus is suspect with Cepheus, father-in-law of the Medusa slayer, Perseus at Joppa, that city suspect with Jabesh (the Amorite region east of the Jordan river), the possible namers of Jebusites of Jerusalem. If Sihon, Amorite king to the east of the Jordan, named Zion at Jerusalem, note that Sion in Switzerland was renamed after the Sitten surname i.e. suspect with Zedek > Sithech elements. Jabesh was traced to "Abas" of both Argos and Euboea, the latter (beside Boiotia) being the location of Chalchis, suspect in mythical Chalcomedusa (wife of Laertus). "Arcesius," son of Cephalus and king of Ithaca, strikes me as an Argos term.

Aeson was from Iolchis in THESSaly, where Thesprotians were from. Ixion was from Thessaly too. Aeson's son was Iason.

Recalling the Phocaea link made above to Ithaca elements, note that Cephalus (an Athenian) is linked to a king of Phocis. Cephalus is even made a son of Hermes (had a Sion cult at mount Herman), who named the Hermus river (now the Gediz) at Phocaea. Arcesius is said to be a bear entity, same as Arcadia, birthplace of Hermes, husband/mate of Penelope (mother of Pan from Panias), same name as Ulysses' wife. In his Wikipedia article, Ulysses was "Ulixes" to Latins, perhaps from lake Lychnis, the alternative name of Sevan.

Ulysses' mother was a granddaughter of Hermes. His mother was Anticlea, sister of PolyMEDE and "AESimus (the father of Sinon).". Sinon can thus be suspect from Sion. Sinon is the one who convinced the Trojans to pull the Trojan horse into their city. "The Trojans brought the Trojan Horse into their city against the advice of Cassandra...and Laocoon " Cassandra is easily deciphered as Cassiopeia, mother of AndroMEDA, and we are therefore on the Jabesh line to Joppa, wherefore Sinon can trace back to the Sihon Amorites. Laocoon must be the same as Lycaon, for Lycaonia is beside Pamphylia while Pamphylians are mythically from Amphi terms, such as Amphithea, mother Anticlea. Anticlea was "possible mother of Jason". Myth on Laocoon applies the two snakes of the Hermes caduceus to him, thus tracing him to the Cadusii Armenians. Laocoon is likely of the LaoMEDOn Trojans.

"Another" Amphithea was mother to Lycurgas, now discovered as code for Lixouri.

The Shawia Numidians were linked to king Massena, and he derived from Mysians, or the so-called Muses of Apollo, and so note that Astacus and Prusa are at Mysia, near Apollonian. Note that Ancore has the alternative name of Nicea, suspect with Nice of Liguria i.e. possibly linked to Lixouri of Kefallinia/CEPHalonia. As Verona's/Vairs were first found in the same place as Chappes' and Levi's, now tracing together to Levkas (beside Fiskardo) and adjacent Cephalonia, let's first add that Giffords share the motto of Paine's/Payne's while the first grand master of Templars, de Payens, married Elizabeth Chappes. Secondly, the Gifford write-up says that someone(s) wrongly traced the surname to "GIFFEL = jaw," and so compare that term to "KEFALLinia." It's as though the heraldic masters knew of the Gifford trace to Cephalonia, but perhaps they chose "jaw" to define the term because Giffords trace to the donkey jaw bone of Samson, which I identified with Avvites, who may have been from "Jabesh." If we are looking for a wolf entity at Jerusalem as per the wolf theme that Sithechs are described with, the Avvite dog symbol might apply.

In the Samson account, the jaw bone was symbol for a Lehy location, and then Lahys/Leahys/Leghe's ("Tout") use the Lee/Ligh/Legh lion in colors reversed, and therefore Lehy elements can trace to Ligurians. Leicesters, from the Legro river, use the swan with drops, the theme also of the Jones' and Sams/Sammes'. In other words, the lake-Sevan Armenians through Jerusalem can trace to Lixouri. The Samson Danites are suspect with the 600 Danites into Laish, right beside Panias, which was the Penelope line to ULYSSES, and so compare that name to "Laish / LISSUS / Lissae." I traced Laish to LysiMACHIA (a real place in Thrace), depicted by mythical Lysimache, like TeleMACHus! Remember, the Gifford rooster is the Jonathan/Jonas rooster, and that topic went hand-in-hand with a trace to the Seleucid king who joined JONATHAN MACCabee, and that topic included Seleucid ancestry in Thesprotians, allies of Ithaca.

It just so happens that I would trace Jonathan (book of Judges), the pagan Levite priest of Laish, to Levkas! I get it. Ulysses was the line of the 600 Danites (who took Jonathan as their priest) to Ithaca, Levkas and Cephalonia, and the latter is where Caiaphas will trace, for this picture suggests that the namers of the Cavii, at Lissus, were from Cephalonia. For new readers, I am of the opinion that the Danites in Judges were not necessarily of the tribe of Dan, but more likely the proto-Danaans of Argos, from Tanis on the Nile. The Danaan line went through Perseus and Andromeda, and Abas.

Wikipedia's Telemachus article: "Telemachus' name in Greek means 'far from battle', " That's how deceptive, or out-to-lunch, reporters on mythology are. I have a chapter (in the Ladon book) of JJ Tolkien's Tel terms, written about a decade ago, but it's only now that I find his own surname, listed with Ticks/Touque's, tracing to Ithaca.

Anticlea's father (wolf liner) was the son of Hermes and CHIONe, meaning that SION elements went to Chione. The Caeni beside Lysimachia might apply to Chione elements. The Chaonians are coming to mind, who were the chiefs of Epirus next to the Thesprotians. "Daedalion's daughter Chione was said to be so beautiful that she was the object of a thousand men's desire," the same theme applied by Homer to Penelope i.e. from Panias, smack beside Laish. It was the book of Enoch, if I recall correctly, that calls mount Sion by the name of Ardos, and says that demons would mate with women there, and then Lucifer is said to be the father of Daedalion.

Lissus elements trace to the Lys/Lisse and Massey fleur, and while Masseys (from Lysimachia, right?) were first found in Manche, which is itself honored in the maunch or sleeve, that's the giant symbol (in Massey colors) of the Tickle Coat. The Coat calls it a maunch while the Crest uses a "sleeve" on the arm of a man. However, heraldic sleeves often come with cuffs that can now be suspect as code for Cephalonia elements, for Tickle's were looked up as per AnTICLEa. The reasoning here is that, because Anticlea was mother to Ulysses, she was part code for Tick / Ithaca liners. The Massey fleur, I'll remind you, are used by Dyke's and Decks. The entire dragon cult is tracing through Ithaca. The Tickle sleeve shows no sleeve, conspicuous, as though the family did not want to trace / was prohibited from tracing to Cephalonia. It was Anticlea's husband who was from Cephalonia.

To be sure that Tickle's trace to Lys'/Lisse's: "An arm erect from the elbow with a red sleeve, charged with three silver fleur-de-lis, and holding in the hand a gold fleur-de-lis." The white ones are in the two colors of the Lys/Lisse fleur. Masci's use a gold one. Tickle's (Bully kin) had a castle in Nottinghamshire, where Tease's/TIGHs and Annas' were first found, and then Annas' and Tickle's share giant symbols in the same colors. It is clear to me that the dragon cult out of Laish, and tracing with little doubt to pre-Israeli Zion, went direct to the killers of Jesus, probably be design. That is, God sent Jesus into the world when the old Zion dragon returned with the Romans at the time of the Maccabees, when Pharisees and Sadducees co-ruled at Zion. In the meantime, the Herod cloud was over the Israeli domain, urinating on everything that God desired for this nation.

Tickle's/Tickels were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Degels/Dickle's using nothing but a pile in the colors of the Kerrick pile, but this brings the single pile of Degel-like Hagels to mind for a trace to Ithaca elements on the Akheloos. One Hagel surname shares the lion (different position) in the colors of the same of Fishers/Fischers. Dagle's/L'Aigle's (share black eagle with Hagels) look like variations of Hagels. As the Dagle Chief is that also of Panico's/Panetta's, the latter can trace well to Panias elements. It just so happens that Catherine wheels in the colors of the Dagle / Panico Chief fleur are in the Chief of Lax's (Yorkshire again), a surname looked up as per the Laxfield location (Suffolk, where Deacons were first found) of Fisks! Could not the Lax's be Laish elements since Panico's should be from neighboring Panias. I once saw a map with Panias upon it, very near, if not at the same location, as Laish. The Lax bars are in the colors of the same of Leavells.

As I trace Atlas to Attaleia/ANTalya, ANTiclea was likely from that PISidian city, suggesting that FISkardo may have been a PISidian / Pisa entity. Whether or not Tickle's actually trace to "Anticlea," it doesn't matter if they are Tick / Ithaca liners. Fisks use a pale bar in the colors of the Tickle pile, and the Fisk bar is on checks in the colors of the Vair/Fers checks while Verona's/Vairs use the Pesce / Fischer fish.

There is the Fisk PYRAMid to contend with. I propose that it's code for Priam, whom I trace to Parium opposite the small waters from, and related to, Lysimachia. This Priam line is suspect in the "Perimus" motto term of Caens, and then the Caeni are shown (old map) to the near-north of Lysimachia. Note the Bisanthe location between the Caeni and Lysimachia, for Caen is in the Bessin. Trace this entity to the Bessi Thracians (upper Hebros river) beside Lissae, for while the Bessi were priests of the Satrae, the latter are suspect with "Keturah," wife of Abraham that traces to Priam. The Satrae are of course suspect with mythical Satyrs i.e. from the Pan cult at Panias.

The Shaw lozenges are called, fusils, suspect with Fessy liners now tracing to Fiskardo. That location can be suspect with Fishers/Fischers, and perhaps even the Fisher King. English Fishers/Fischers use a "ResPICE" motto term suspect with the Pesce's because the latter use the fish of German Fishers/Fischers. Motto terms of the German branch suggest Vere liners. Incidentally, the two heraldic furs, ermine and vair, just came to mind as code for the golden-fleece liners. Ermine-like Hermes owned the ram that was the golden fleece. Hermes helped to set Pelops up in Pisa, while Pelops' father, TANTALus, is suspect from ANTALya.

Pelop's father-in-law, the king of Pisa, had a chariot-wheel symbol, symbol also of SION-suspect IXION. As Laish was at the feet of mount Hermon i.e. near mount Sion, what about those wheels in the Chief of Fisk-suspect Lax's??? There is more than meets the eye here, because Ixion was a Lapith. Never mind that "Laish" is like "Lapith," for it's more important that "Lapith" can develop from the Levites in Laish. That's the new idea being formed right here thanks to the Lax's, that Ixion was a Sion entity merged with Jonathan the Levite. "Laish" had been suspect with "Lachish" in Hebron, but there's little to corroborate that.

Recall that powerful paragraph where Wigtons and Wiggins were found fundamental to the line of Quintus Caepio. The Wigtons, Capone's and Fisks all use stars in the same two colors, and Fisks are suspect from the part of Cephalonia facing out to Levkas.

The Lapiths passed through both LESbos and Patmos, and while some heraldic crowns became highly suspect recently with Coronis, Ixion's sister, here we find crowns in the Chief of Lacks/Leech's/Leche's (snake, symbol of Coronis' son), first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Levicks/Lestwichs/LESSwicks. It may be suggesting that Lesbos was named after Laish elements. Levicks/Lesswicks are traced in their write-up to Vernons (Cheshire) using the same fesse as Bernice's, Hazels (Cheshire), and Cassius/Cassano's.

BroCUFFs (Kefallinia lover?) share the potent cross of Sithech-suspect Skits, Skeets' and Scheds, but also of the Croce's who are now tracing to ACROCerautae (Epirus), beside Aulon, where the Alan Huns under discussion trace who link to rooster-using Giffords. This potent cross is in the colors of the similar Cobble/COPolodyke crosslet, and then Brocuffs are also "BroKOPP." It would be completely interesting and expected for "Cobble/Copol" to trace to "Kefall," for I've been expecting Caiaphas out of in KOPLik/Cupionich. Kopple's use the rooster too. Kibble's/Keeble's use a chevron in Quint chevron colors. As goes my tendency to trace Kefallinia to the Cavii, by what coincidence do Keele's use a version of the Chives Shield? Can't "Keele" be a corruption of "Kefall."

Keele's had been traced (tentatively, struggling) through Cilnius Maecenas (suspect with proto-Modena elements when forming Maccabees at Modi'in), to Cilla of Mysia, which was made part of the family of Priam. Investigating further, I traced "Cilnius" to mount Cyllene, birthplace of Hermes, husband of Penelope, same entity that Ulysses = Laish married. It's the same as the Lax-Panico relationship. As this is the crux of the Illuminati, one can imagine countess Lax-like surnames from Laish liners. Remember the 100 heads of Ladon. The trick is to corroborate their trace to Laish. The Lacks just helped with that task, and here the Lachs are found with the same saltire as Ithaca-suspect Tease's/Tecks. LAKERs/Lachie's/Lechs (look like Tancreds / Hawthorns = Hauteville's) use a "praemium" motto term, like the "Praemia" of Rutlands sharing the orle with Levicks/Lesswicks. The Rutland location at Leicester is at the LEGRo river, and Prime's use a giant leg. Legers (Kent, where Ixion's Centaurs trace) use a "Haut" motto term and the same fretty as Caens ("PERIMus" motto term), almost the fretty of Modena-like Modens/Modeys. French Legers (flames) use a Chief again in the colors of the Lax Chief, and were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Primo's. The Primo roses had linked to the same-colored cinquefoils of Loges'/Lauge's (Burgundy) while Lodge's (share tressure border with Seatons) are traced to Loges (same place as Caen) while Legers are also Ledge's. Lodge's were first found in the same place as Laxfield of the PYRAMid-using Fisks. There seems to be a few codes for Primo's in this paragraph.

Loges is in Vire, where there is a Lassy location too, and Lacys are from Lassy.

Now that Ixion seems clinched with Laish, the fact that the Bible makes that city of the SIDONians makes SITTEN/Sion suspect with Sidonians. I've had a problem with this idea because Seatons/Sittens then look like Sidonians, yet I'm expecting them to be of Zedek elements that named Sadducees. However, Ixion can trace from Sion to Zion and therefore to Zedek. In other words, a Jerusalem merger with Sidonians at Laish.

It made sense in the last update that Avelina should trace to Aulon = Avlona, but in any case, one has to trace Avelina to Melusine of Avalon, meanwhile realizing that Nicholas was not dishing out ordinary history, but was playing word games in code, beating around the bush. INGelger was suspect with Inger, husband of the historical Melissena, and so I gather that Vere's were of a line of Ingelger, perhaps not to the Fulks initially, but to Avelina de Crepon.

Forgive me, but I missed it in the last update. There is what looks like "ACROCerautae" location smack next to Aulon, and then Alauna in Manche was also called, CROCiatonum! Zowie. Someone, according to the Crociatonum article, has Crociatonum at what is now Turqueville, like "Torquatus," a quasi-mythical character said to have been Ingelger's grandfather. I found reason to trace Ingelger's ancestry to a Torcy/Torville location held by Harcourts of the Beaumont kind. The Scottish Tork/Turk surname is interesting for tracing to Bouillons on two counts: 1) they share "bello" in the motto; 2) the Tork/Turk Crest is a ram, the symbol of Bauts, first found in the same place as Bouillons. Moreover, the Tork/Turk chevron is that also of Burns while both those surnames share hunting horns. The "Pace" motto term of Torks/Turks must be for Pace's/Pasi's, first found in Bologna, where the Boulogne of Godfrey de Bouillon must trace. Torks/Turks were first found in Dumfrieshire, and should therefore link to CloseBURN, for the Tork/Turk chevron is colors reversed from the Close/Clovse chevron. The rock in flames in the Tork/Turk Coat should be code for Flemings.

German Turks were first found in Silesia, which overlaps Lusatia. This is important because Melusine needs to be an Ingelger line as well as tracing to Lusatians, and here we might have Ingelger ancestry in Turks of Lusatia. The cross style used by German Turks is used also by Eustace's, suspect with Eustace II of Boulogne (father of Godfrey de Bouillon). Here's something that looks relevant:

"TORF, SEIGNEUR DE TORVILLE, a great Norman feudal baron, born about A. D. 920, is the earliest historical progenitor of the Newburgh or Newberry family from whom a certain and unbroken male line has been traced. Probably he was a grandson of one of the viking chiefs of Scandinavia who accompanied Rollo about 900 A.D. in the Norse invasion of northern France...Torf possessed numerous lordships in Normandy, being Seigneur de Torville, Torcy, Torny, Torly, du Ponteautord, etc. (P) He married about 950...ii. TURCHETIL, SEIGNEUR DE TURQUEVILLE, ancestor of the celebrated Harcourt family of Normandy and England.

Caps not mine. It's saying that Torf of Torcy married Turchetil of the Turqueville location that some say was Crociatonum. The same page has something on Herbastus de Crepon, father of Avelina above and also of Gunnor de Crepon. But Herbastus' father is given as mythical "Gorm Del Gammel" of the Danes (= cover-up). Several sources make Herbastus a son of Fulk II.

"The Angevins, Fulk II included, had become particularly adept at establishing marriage alliances that furthered their goals. His father, Fulk the Red had arranged his marriage to a Carolingian, Gerberga, the daughter of Ratburnus I Viscount of Vienne...

After her death c. 952 Fulk made another astute political marriage to Adelaide [of Blois], the widow of Alan II, Duke of Brittany.",_Count_of_Anjou

Just as Turqueville in Alauna is being clinched with Aulon/Avlona for the first time, in a theory that started briefly only in the last update, I now find that Fulk II, grandfather of Avelina, married a wife of the Alans. This is suggesting that Torf was somehow connected to Herbastus. The latter may have married an Avlona line at Turqueville, explaining his daughter, Avelina. This recalls the trace to the royal Cottians to Manche's Cotentin (Cotta's are also "Cottin" and moreover "COTARd"), for Aurelia's traced (last update) to Oricum, right beside Acrocerautae and Aulon. Here's from a February update of last year, about a year before learning of Crociatonum: "Irish Deans call their lizard a 'CROCodile,' and then Crocs [said to be Normans, first found in the same place as the Dol Alans] use the same-colored crescent again, and as the related Croce's use a 'spero' motto term, these crescents are likely from the Speers and Spree's, i.e. from the Spree river in Lusatia, where the red Veringen antler can be found (in the Arms of Spree-Neisse). It's supporting the Donnus-Cottius trace to 'Cottbus' [in Lusatia]." The Conte's, suspect with the CONTEntin variation of Cotentin, use antlers. Note how "Oricum" could have been corrupted from "Croc."

If I recall correctly, Eschyna de Molle (married the Dol Alans) married secondly a Croc(e) surname. That family was related to Pollocks, and then the wavy bar of Jewish Pollocks was traced to the Arms of Vienne (in Potter-like Poitiers) while the first wife of Fulk II was of Vienne. This can be important because the Polk variation of Pollocks is like "Fulk." Proto-Pollocks were close to the Dol Alans when they were both in Shropshire, where Crocs (Jewish-Pollock and Fuller colors) were first found. If the Shropshire father (Fulbert) of the Pollocks was a Fulk, then I would need to trace Fulks to Pula/Pola, which uses for an Arms a cross in the colors of the Pollock saltire. Pula is beside APSorus, and then the HAPPS use the same fesse as CROCs while Aulon and ACROCerautae are smack beside the mouth of the APSus river!!! Zikers, I am convinced that this is all an accurate trace.

Moreover, Apsorus was a real place depicted by mythical AbSYRTUS (son of Aeetes of Colchis and Corinth) while another mirror is used by the Sire/SIRET/SIRON surname. There is green snake looking itself in the mirror in that Coat, and so that snake is Melusine...because I have seen the heraldic mermaid called a Siren! Bingo. Sire's were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as mirror-using Primo's.

Recall the blond "woman in BLUE" of the Melusine-suspect Mire's, perhaps code for the Blois wife of Fulk II, for the woman is first of all suspect with the blond Melusine fish woman, and, secondly, the Gorm surname is listed with the Blue surname, first found on Arran = the line of Hirams. We just saw the father of Avelina assigned mythical Gorm for his father, but as his real father was Fulk II, it becomes apparent that Fulk's Blois wife was a Gorm/Blue liner. It just so happens that, tentatively, "Blois" was recently traced to "Bullis," smack beside Aulon! Astonishing. Heraldry has a mouth bigger than the secrets that it's creators kept. The French Blois Coat strikes me as that of the Aurelia's. English Blois' use dragons.

The recent Hiram investigation showed why he traced to Herod Agrippa and Bute (i.e. Avalon , beside Arran) together, but the AGRIPpa line has become suspect in "CREPon." Melusine didn't start as a mermaid, nor was she likely a mermaid at all even when someone changed her dragon tail to a fish tail. Rather, the fish tail is suspect from the Kotor-fish line. Melusine is mainly in green (not always), the color of the fish-using MacAbee's on Arran.

Ultimately, Melusine should trace to Melita, and the neighboring ELAPHITi islands are suspect with "LAPITH," which can explain why the Lapp surname uses Melusine. Lapiths were also on LESbos, no coincidence. This is not to say that Elaphiti cannot trace to Eliphas, son of Esau, for the Sire's are suspect with Eliphas' wife from Seir. Lapiths included Coronis, suspect not only as a line to Patmos, but to Corinth, where Aeetes started out. That's a good reason for tracing Corinthians to the Colchian settlements around Apsorus, but we just saw good reason for tracing Apsorus elements to the Apsus river, and the Corc elements of that area may have been Corinthians. To this it needs to be added that SICYON, a couple of miles from Corinth, traces to the SICANians of central Sicily, while Skala traces to the namers of Sicily. Let's not forget that Saraca's are likely from Saracens of Sicily. It just so happens that while I view Saraca's with Carricks, I tried for a Corrick surname just now seeking Corc liners, and up popped the Carricks!

It means that Carricks / Saraca's are fundamental with Acrocerautae and Crociatonum. And that recalls that Craigs trace to ACRAGUS (Agrigento), on the Hypsas river that was tentatively traced to the Apsus i.e. beside Acrocerautae! That works, especially as the Hipps surname uses martlets in the colors of the same of Crocs! I like playing Bingo when I win. While the Kerrick Coat uses a "galtrop," the Kerrick Crest calls it a "calTROP," which can now trace excellently to Tropoje at the mouth area of the Apsus. The Hipps Coat can trace with the Deck/Decker Coat to the Dexaroi upon the Apsus, but then let's add that the Decks share the red squirrel of Sire-related Squirrels/Squire's.

Melita is near the Naro river, and Naro's are expected with Fulk III Nera (I've read that he was a complete scum), and moreover the Vardaei on the Naro were practically clinched as proto-Gards honored in the "Garde" motto term of Carricks/Corricks. Near Melita is the island of CORCyra Nigra. Corcyra is beside Pharos while Kerricks show a priest theme, and moreover Kerricks (Priestly kin, in my opinion) are suspect with Prestwick, in Ayrshire, where Carricks were first found. Prestwicks ("SPERavi" motto term) use Melusine! The mother of Fulk III was from VERMandois, known to be from Worms liners, i.e. potential Gorm liners. The Worms and Formans use the same green dragon (DESIGN MATTERS) that can be the Melusine line.

The green snake of Sire's is coiled around the handle of the mirror, essentially the symbol of AscLEPIOS, son of Coronis. It's already been established that Patmos elements of the Coronis kind were on-shore of Melita in and around the Urbanus river. The Asclepios cult is hereby traceable to Melita and the Elaphiti islands. One should also note the ravens of Rice's, for the Rhizon area (on the old map) is at Kotor and Butua.

The Sire's trace to the Assi', first found in raven-depicted Shetland, the Arms of which has a "skal" motto term for the city of Skala on Patmos, which was represented by "ASCLepios." The Assi's became suspect (last update) with Asamum, beside Ragusa, and a very-important topic if I was correct on its details. The Haskens/Askens may have named Eschyna de Molle, and her last name may even trace to Melita, near Asamum. The Haskels happen to share a Shield filled with black vair fur with English Champagne's, important because I trace "Avalon" to Avellino in Campania, which was the alternative name of France's Champagne. I am therefore compelled to consider a trace of Aulon to Avellino. I've viewed the Hirpini of Avellino with the Apollo cult depicted in the Roman wolf (symbol of Roman origins / ancestry), and then there is an Apollonian location right beside Aulon.

Years ago, I identified Apollo tentatively with ancient Avvites of proto-Philistia, and I traced Avvites tentatively to Abas, founder of Abantians whom became the Amantians that named Amantia smack beside Aulon! Therefore, the Avvites (root "Avv") and/or Abas liners are suspect in the naming of the Apsus, Apsorus, and AVlona. Later, I realized that Abas may have been the proto-Roman Jabesh-ites (Jordan river, Israel), and here I find myself at the Apollonian > Apollo line to the founding of Romans. Avvites lived at ASCALon, suspect with ASCLepios. They also lived at Ekron suspect with mythical ACRisius, father or son of Abas (I can't recall which). Might whatever Acrisius stood for have named Acrocerautae?

Much is being laid bare because it works, and because I know enough not to trace place terms to the myriad of ancient terms for "pool, lake, river, marine, cove, hill, valley, cliff" (shame on some historians and the Wikipedia cards who echo them). Place names are usually after other place names or people groups, and many surnames reflect those names. People were proud of their names, and carried them from place to place. But I can understand why the secret keepers would not want for us to catch on to that reality, for they trace to Illyrian pirates and other scum. "Scum" is not part of the Wikipedia vocabulary. Wikipedia's history articles honor countless scum, the new way of the new world. We are not to use "scum" when referring to people, which is why I use it. There is such a thing as a human lower than another, with levels dropping down well below the scum category. We must not view the scum equal to the honorable, but when the world is ruled by scum, they would have us trained not to call them scum, which is why I call them worse, if it fits them. And I lump the mind-numb, unspiritual and amoral historian in with the scums whose history they write.

It is a shame when the man who calls for the deaths of thousands, in a war that he personally stands to gain from, should be colored in glory by the pen of the historian. How often did invading armies rape women before killing them? The historian should be killed just in that way if he glories in such wars. The old man is in his house with his wife, and the invaders knock the door down, and pierce them dead with blood-soaked swords, such a glorious event. The invaders take the money of the house, and go to the streets, where they see children running, and they too are cut down by the demons in human form, such a wonderful, glorious victory for the invaders whose king is a magnificent war schemer.

Torcys were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Loches'/Loges', the Fairs/Vairs/Feuers' (Pollock bend?), and mirror-using Primo's/Primeau's. But as Lusks were from Loches, my inclination is to trace the mother of Fulk II to Lusatia's Melusine, which, if correct, should involve Inger and Melissena. Inger was contemporary with (brother of?) Ingelger, grandfather of Fulk II "the good." "...Fulk II included, had become particularly adept at establishing marriage alliances that furthered their goals" Such good men.

In trying to find Fulk's mother in my files, I came across this from the 2nd update of this past June: "The Hulse's/Hulles' (same place as Hazels) are said to descend from Bigot de Loges..." That is now huge because the Hauteville's were discovered (two updates ago) as Hazel liners of the Hulse kind ("Haute" and "Hulse" were found to be related terms)! And the Lodge's from Loges were at the same general area as the Hauteville location (Manche, same as Masseys) of proto-Guiscards. German Hulse's (same place as Dusseldorf and Ducks/Duckers) use the Hazel and House leaf upside-down, and it's colors reversed from the Glass wings. The white Masci eagle wing is upside-down in the Dives/Dien Coat, and Massi's/Mattis' share the checkered Shield of Italian Fulk's, and so let's not forget that Mattis' are suspect from the Mathis river...with a source near Has.

Crocodile-using Deans share the crescent of English Deans/Deins, first found in the same place as Diens/Dives' and Coverts, the latter using a version of the Croc Coat, apparently. Do Deans trace to Acrocerautae by their kin only, or do Deans trace to that area all on their own? With the Pharia area suspect as proto-Pharisees, I need to point out that Deans ("DIFFicule" motto term) and Diens/DIVes' were first found in the same place as Saddocks, and that the Covert / Croc Coats are reflective of the Chaddocks / Chadwicks. Deans had become suspect with the Teano entity of the Sadducee-like Sidicini (Italy), a new topic of this past June. The Sidicini were of the Ausones / Oscans traceable to the Aous river with a mouth smack at Aulon/Avlona. With the latter tracing to Avellino, it's again important that Teano is in Campania i.e. location of Avellino. The Cotesii were suspect as a version of Soducena / Sittaceni.

The Feuer variation of French Fairs suggests the same-colored Fire's/Feuerers using a unicorn, symbol of the Oliphant Crest. The uniCORN was traceable with the Orr CORNucopia to Oricum, not far from where the ATINTanes (Ouse river) are stamped upon the old map, and then Tints use the unicorn too. To this it needs to be added that the Oricum-suspect Ricks/Rex's use a reflection of the Croc Coat, important if it turns out that Oricum was a Croc term. It just so happens that one Croke Coat ("dum spero") shares the double-ended potent cross of Chads. One Croc Coat shares the sleeve with the Farr/Phar Crest. The Crest of Scottish Deans reflects the Crest of Farrs/Phars.

Irish Fairs use a moline, and a "VirTUTE tutus" motto, which tends to clinch a relationship between Pharia and Elaphiti. Scottish Deans use a moline cross too, very linkable to the Molle's.

The Mosleys, said to be from West Dean, use scythes / sickles but called "mill picks," and Millers are somewhat suspect with Millets and Mallets tracing hard to Melita. Earlier, while on the Mill/Mile's bloodline (share the Brock lion), the topic turned to the Here's, who happen to use "scythes." These are suspect with the Skits / Skeetz's (share potent cross with Brocuffs) and "vireSCIT" motto term of Brocks. The Neuri liners in the area of these Illyrian islands are suspect from the very-ancient Nairi of MUS (Lake Van), where Mosleys are expected.

Mosleys are said to be of three MOSELE locations while the Moselle river is in Lorraine i.e. home of Crepons i.e. who included Avelina de Crepon. Repeat: "By what coincidence do Mills/MILE's use a "virTUTis" motto term, like the "tout" of Oliphants?" That too trace's Melusine to Melita, beside the Oliphant-suspect Elaphiti islands. And Touts with Oliphants share crescents in colors reversed from the Dean crescents. Oliphants share "pour" with Manners/Maness' who in turn share the peacock with Arbuthnotts, and then you can read in the Oliphant write-up that the family was granted ArBUTHnott and BOTHwell. The "pour" term is now suspect with a Pharia line.

The Dean moline is in the colors of the same of Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genova, and then it's the Genova surname that shares the upside-down white wing with Diens/Dives'. For the first time that I can recall, the Genova wings, in the same colors, were found (right-side up], in the last update, in the Lust/Lustich Crest...and so let's repeat that Lusts were looked up only due to the "lusty" term in the Farr write-up. The Italian Deans (same crescents again) suggest that they may have been Decan / Deacon / Degen elements.

If this moline i.e. the Moline surname traces to Melita, then the neighboring Asamum location becomes more suspect with Akmonia, home of the descendant of Brogitarus upon the SAKARya river i.e. traces to Seagars and Segurana's sharing their molines. The Sugar variation of Seagars was suspect with the Basque god, Sugaar, and Basque's called themselves, "Euskals," like the Haskel surname that can trace with Haskens/Askens to Asamum. In the last update, it was found that a language expert(s) viewed "Asamum" from "ak-mo" i.e. like AKMOnia. Akmonia is where I expect Levites that made up the killers of Christ, and so lets bring up the Ash's / Aschs suspect with the Levi chevrons.

After viewing the Acre's, the Heyne's were looked up as per Mr. Hayne (I don't know if that's the right spelling) on the old Green Acres show, which, I confess, I watched as a youth. The star of the show, Oliver, is a surname that I view as a Levite one, often encoded with a dove carrying an olive branch. The Ackers use a dove rising, but with an acorn. The Leaves/Leifs/Leve's use a dove because Olivers are said to be from "Oleifr." The reality must be that Olivers (chevrons in the colors of the Asch chevrons) were from "Levi" or something similar, and then became "Leif." There is a "sprig" of oak in the Oliver Crest, an allusion to the Plantagenet Fulks to which the Melusine Vere's trace themselves especially. If I recall correctly, Nicholas de Vere was arguing that his Melusine line was the higher, more-important branch of Plantagenets than the Fulks themselves, but I don't think he clarified. Nicholas was one of those nuts who thinks Jesus had children with Mary Magdalene, though I don't think he believed it all, for that idea is an Illuminati piece of garbage having the agenda to maim / destroy Christianity.

As an example of a "A dove with an olive branch", one's in the Crest of Ferme's/FAIRholme's sharing anchors with Firmins and Formans/Fermans = Worms liners to the Fulks. These are from Firminy, beside St. Etienne, right? Or, recalling how elements at Fondi, beside Formia, traced to Lothian, there's yet another surname, in the Ferme's, first found in Lothian. Aren't we back to the Lotan line through Elaphiti?

Levi's were tracing to the Fondi location by way of the Aide bend, for one. But that was before I knew that Aide's were oak liners. The Ferme-related Fairs are using the falcon design of Stephens, and then "Etienne" is said to be the French version of "Stephen." However, French Fairs/Vers/Feuers (in Fire/Feuer colors) use nothing but a bend in the colors of nothing-but-a-bend Fondi's! How's that for proving a Formia link to Firminy?

With another Oliver Coat using a giant oak, and with Roets using another giant oak while first found in the same place as Leavells and Percivals, I'm beginning to wonder whether the bulk of heraldic oak trees trace to the Asamum > Akmonia line. It was learned in the last update that "Ragusa," at Asamum, is claimed by daft historians with a derivation in the "oak grove." That must be lying code-work, for Grave's share the Luton eagle. And the double Oliver chevrons are also those of Percival-suspect Perche's. Grove's (same place as Vere's and Ny's) happen to use the same scallops as Happs/Abbs, Capes', and Scale's, and while Carricks trace to Ragusa's Saraca's, Grove's use a chevron (Oliver-chevron colors) in the colors of the same that were the Arms of Carrick. The black Carrick talbot is even in the Grove Crest! The Capes' make Caiaphas suspect with the Apsus river and/or Apsorus, and so let's add that Caepio-suspect Quints (share red chevron with Grove's) were first found in the same place as Grove's. Just trace the oak tree to Akmonia, where the Caepio family us suspect as a parent of Severus Bassus. Recall the oak theme of Oliver-like Liebers (Oliver colors).

German Ducks/Duckers (Dexaroi?) were traced to the Dussels, but then Irish Ducks are listed with Loges-suspect Logens with the Proctor nails, making Duckers suspect from the Dexaroi that got involved with the Tilurius line to Proculus' mother. English Duckers/Dockers (seven spears) were first found in the same place as Bernice's and Burns. English Ducks (FALCon) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke's/Folks. The "dessux" and "dessoux" motto terms of Grove's can be suspect with the Dessaratae version of "Dexaroi." As these peoples were on the Apsus, it comes back to Grove's using the scallops of Happs' / Capes', and the latter were first found in the same place (London) as English Plantagenets/Plante's. French Plantagenets use the oak theme.

The "label" in the Coat of English Plantagenets is suspect with LaBels, and may be code for Fulk de Belesme (Belleme and Alencon), for Bellamys were at Perche, right beside Akmonia-suspect Exmes. In fact, "EXMes" can trace to that "ak-mo" of Asamum. Fulk de Belesme is in the Massey page below; he married crow-suspect Corbonais, and they had a child, Criel, and it just so happens that the Crow surname is listed with Criels, who share double-red chevrons with Perche's, but in the two colors of the Clare chevrons. Corbans (same place as Alans and Bellamys) use crows / well as an elephant! It reminds me of the grey elephant in the Arms of Oxford.

"Perche" would be suspect with "Pharisee," along with many similar surnames. I had traced Formans quite solidly to Forum Allieni, the name of proto-Ferrara as early as 70 AD, and I speculated that the proto-Alans of that place were in cahoots with Pharisees fresh out of the Roman invasion of Jerusalem. I took the position that Pharisees named Ferrara, and that Vere's were from that place as Pharisee liners. That's the great importance of all the several good traces of Vere's to Pharia, which I assume predated Ferrara. The proto-Alans (earlier than Forum Allieni, I assume) are herein tracing to more than Aulon, for their Brock kin trace to Broc/Brac/Brattia, right beside Pharia. "Brac" is even like "Perche / PERCival" so that both islands may have been named by the same peoples. Vere's honor Neils/Nihills in their motto, and so as German Neils/Nails are likely honored in the PROCtor nails, we may assume that Proctors are Pharisee liners, and loving it, too.

Hulse's (Hazel liners without doubt) are being traced to Hasmoneans in / out of Akmonia. I haven't clinched a trace of House's / Hose's to the Aous river, but let that idea stand until proven otherwise. The unicorn-using Assmans/Rasmussens traced to Akmonia for obvious reason, and then the unicorn-using Tints gets us to Atintanes on the Aous. Should HASmoneans trace to "Aous"? English Hulse's (Cheshire, share piles with Guiscards) may be using a sun in Crest (the description doesn't say what it is). The yellow sun-like object is between the antlers of a red stag head (Plantagenets use a red stag), the same stag head as one used by Celts/Colts (Perthshire) and Vise's now suspect from the island of Vis (Issa on the old map), part of the Pharia-Broc island group.

As the Arms of Colchester use nails, it's Vis-interesting that Colchester's earlier name can be of the Cammell variation of Campbells, and then the Campbell motto is "Ne obliVIScaris," partly suspect with the two "ny" terms of Quint- and Capes-suspect Grove's. The "Ne" term can be for Nee's/Nays sharing the black-on-white stag head with Vise's! Besides, I traced a Visconti-Alan merger, conjured up in my heraldic gleanings, to Vis-de-Lou, a Normandy location honored in the Proctor motto. Proctors (share red martlet with French Alans) were first found in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans (share's PERCHEevron with Ottone's and Chappes'), and it is quite obvious here in this Pharisee picture that Caiaphas arose from the same viper's nest, and went on to become the Visconti snake with Moor child in mouth.

With Vis beside Pharos and Cammels tracing to Vis, it recalls that Judas the Gaulonite, of GAMALA (Israel), was supported by the Pharisee, Sadduc, according to Josephus, himself a traitor of the Jews at 70 AD, joining the family of the invader, emperor Titus. It just so happens that the Titus surname shares gyronny with Campbells. I don't know when Issa became "Vis," but Wikipedia claims that it was "Issa" a few centuries BC. The ideas here is that Sadduc's ancestry was at Pharia, and Issa liners (named after an Isaac?) were involved, perhaps all the way to Israel.

The Docker spears may relate to the false derivation of Asmans (Akmonia / Hasmonean suspect) in "spear." The seven spears of Duckers/Dockers (same place as Bernice's using "perSEVERantia") may be code for SEPTimius Severus i.e. suspect from Severus of Akmonia. The Docker spears are said to be "blue tipped," while Tipps' use pheons (could be arrow or spear heads). Note how the pheon looks like the letter, V, or an alternative to a Pilate-suspect pile. The Celt/Colt stag head is "erased," a code I've traced to the Eras surname listed with Asman-related Assmans/Rasmussens.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

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