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(if there are any to speak of)
February 9 - 15, 2016

Cetina liners were Cotta's
Offalys and other Whale's
The Washington-Pinckney Connection to the First Templars
Basina's Trace to Cilnius Maecenas, Thanks to the Arms of Saxony

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

It's happening. With Russia getting cozy with Syrian Kurds, the Americans sat down to discuss their reaction, which is obviously to cozy up to the Kurds too. And Turkey has tromboned its disappointment with a sour note. The Americans responded with more harsh words for the Turkish government; this is now a new direction. The U.S. is trying to make itself appear distant from Turkey, but this comes only because Russians are able to make light of the silent partnership. Just as the Russians are facilitating one of the biggest leaps on behalf of Assad, the West has rushed to force a cease fire. Details:

I've read that Kurds have made some in-roads too, in the Aleppo area. It stands to reason that they could be coordinating military adventures with Russians now that things are looking up for Assad. He has survived this long, not what the West would have predicted. Frankly, ever since the Russians entered the Syrian stage with air power, ISIS has weakened. This is probably the reason that the West sought a no-fly zone just before the Russians entered the Syrian skies. "NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Moscow must halt strikes on insurgents other than Islamic State for any peace deal to work." In other words, the cessation and the quest for "peace" is in true fact a method to get Russia from winning this war imminently for Assad. It's got nothing to do with a desire for peace; the Western leaders, the losing side at this time, are merely seeking to make the Russians look like the charging bull. "Britain and France said a peace deal could be reached only if Russia stops bombing insurgents other than Islamic State." Guilt-trip. If, on the other hand, the Western side was winning at this time, you wouldn't hear a call for a cessation.

So, what's the prediction now? Will the West enter the war and start shooting at Russian planes? It's already happening. The West has enabled its Syrian fighters for to better shoot down the Russian planes, and the Russians know it. So long as the West is unwilling to let go of Syria, I don't see any other prediction but an escalation of West-sponsored weaponry for the rebels. When the West upset the Russian gas pipes to Europe, that was the day the war started.

While Turkey wars against the PKK Kurds, it maintains a precious business partnership with the Iraqi Kurds. A thing that could happen, as Russia is emboldened by some fortunate turning of events, is a Russia-PKK alliance against the Iraqi Kurd partnership with Turkey. The Russians might be envisioning a pipeline from Kurdistan through Syria to undercut the oil now moving in a longer pipe through Turkey. And, or course, a pro-Russia Turkish government. I'm keeping watch, but not getting engrossed.

About a year ago, when seeking what QuadraTILLa might have been named after, and becoming fairly convinced that the Tills / Tillers had something to do with it, especially as Vito's share the annulet in colors reversed from the same of German Tillers, the TILURius river in Illyricum was offered as a potential proto-Tiller line. It just so happens that the Tilurius became the Cetina, where Julius Bassianus was traced without doubt in the last update. This assures that the Vito's were from Julius Avitus, who married Bassianus' daughter. Plus, and this is the best part, the namers of the Cetina were resolved with the namers of Cetis, the latter being where Quadratilla's Bassus family was ruling. The question is, what came first, "Tilurius," or "QuadraTILLA." The Tilurius is on the light map's left side, with source water near/at the Maezaei:

at Now that Bassianus' and some of their kin were found with elements of the Cetina, which is now Croatia and into the Herzegovina theater (ancient Dalmatia), one can expect some signs that the Bassianus' led to Gratian the elder, father of Valentinian. As many heraldic WINGs, for example those of Vito-suspect Viponts (annulets), trace to Gratian's home at VINKovci, let's go first of all to the blue wings of Here's, for this surname was traced some years ago on a good hunch to "HERZEGovina," for the Herzogs use blue wings too. At one time, I was telling that German Here's (scythes) and Herzogs were using the Masci wing design. It just so happens that English Tillers were first found in Monmouthshire and HEREfordshire, while the Fane's/Vans/Veynes', kin of Veans/Beans that linked to Cetina liners, were first found in Monmouthshire. The Cetina's mouth is in from the island of Brattia/BRAC while Tillers share the same chevron as Bracks. It's hard to argue with that. The Veans popped to topic with the "foVEAN" motto term of Cetina-liner Cetins/Cattens (cats).

The Leats popped to topic from the "impLEAT" motto term of Cetis-liner Kidds, and here one can point out that the red-on-gold crescents of Leats are in the Tiller fesse. Black roundels, that trace to Aaron-suspect Rundels/Roundells, got into the Cetina discussion, and here we find pellets all over the Tiller lions, which are in the colors of the Tailer lions, the Chives cats, and colors reversed from the identical Levi lions. It's no small point to thus find that Tailers trace to the Tilurius=Cetina along with Meschin-related Tailbois'. The Aarons use hands, and Irish Hands are listed with Glavins that share a version of the Leat Coat. The last update showed why Leats and Leich's/Lash's/Leitch's/Litch's should trace together to "Laish" and the Levites there. These surnames seem connectable to Litchfield, origin of Chads. I haven't mentioned this yet, that Docks (blue-on-white lion), like the Dogs/Doags/Doaks that were resolved recently as Chaddocks, were first found in Staffordshire, location of Litchfield. It has been resolved that the heraldic talbot is a dog on behalf of Dogs/Doags, and that Talbots are a branch of Tailbois' so that both can trace to Tilurius liners. Yes, indeed.

Some months ago, I claimed that the proto-Sadducees and Pharisees were on Issa and Pharia, both beside Brattia. I am very pleased with all of these findings. It is a great leap to clinch the Bassus-Bassianus line at the Tilurius theater. It is already bearing more discoveries. The Vito's were first found in TREVISo, and Travis' happen to share the Meschin scallops with Issa-suspect Biss' (suspect as a branch of Vi(s)ponts), but then the Trevors were first found in Herefordshire, and they use the Coat of Pennants honored by the Cowes', whom, I insisted, were Quadratilla liners. The last update showed why the Chives' trace to the Cetina's Bassianus', and the Chives cats have long been liked to the Tail(er) lions. The Tail(er) lions are in the Cork/Core Coat because they use nothing by lion TAILS, and they are in the colors of the Tailer lions, and so this is a good place to mention that Cork is a location of Ireland related closely to Muskerry, which I trace to "Massa-Carrara," beside Pisa, and then the Pisa's share the lion of Docks now linking to the Tailers by way of Docks being a branch of Dogs/Doaks/Docks. It can be gleaned that Dogs/Doaks were merged with Chad-descended Duncans.

The Brack / Tiller fesse is shared by Hurts/Horts (Eustace stag in Crest), whom, along with Here's, become suspect with Herods of some sort. The Burnum location (Titus river, feasible Ops elements to Opgalli), near the source of the Tilurius, became suspect (about a year ago) with the Burns and Bernice's, and so let's repeat that both surnames share the black hunting horn with German Bassens/Base's.

The last update found the Archelaus-suspect Clavers with two fesses in the colors of the Brack fesse. Multiple Herod-Archelaus lines were clinched with Cetina liners (last update). The Bernice's were linked to the Saraca fesse, and Saraca's lived in Dalmatia. The Herzogs are also HERTzogs, as well as GERTZogs, which recalls that Gettels (another annulet) are listed with Gartzons/Gartzers/Gertzens (blue ravens, color of the Herzog wings). Can this indicate the GETTels were CETina liners in cahoots with Herod liners?

The Plegers/PlegGARDs, suspect in a merger with Capone's, worked into the Cetina discussion, and they not only put pellets all over their BUCKs, as Tillers put over their lions, but they share the Tiller / Brack fesse. Both mottoes of both Buck surnames honor Tute's/Touts / Tute's/Todini's, and German Bucks use identical wings (in black) to those of German Here's. The Bucking(ham)s, like a hard version of "Bassan," use besants.

There is evidence that Herzogs were not Herod liners, where blue-wing Here's were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Shawia-suspect Eyers/Ayers. As the latter are definitely from a Quadratilla liner, it tends to clinch both blue-wing Here's with a Quadratilla line, and, besides, her ancestor, Amyntes, is said by Wikipedia to have conquered Derbe (Lycaonia, where Levi- and Laish-suspect Oenotrians originated), a good reason to trace Derbe liners to the naming of Derbyshire, beside the Massey / Meschin liners of Cheshire. And Staffordshire is beside both Derbyshire and Cheshire, all three in a cluster. This is good reason to trace "FROGGIT" (Derbyshire), to BROGITaris, Amyntes' father. There is a good chance that Lupus Laevillus, Quadratilla's husband, was named after the Lycaonian wolf symbol. The Cetins/Cattens, who use one cat in the colors of the wolf head of Hugh D'Avrances Lupus (Cheshire), use a "lupus" motto term.

So, the Here's, in looking like a branch of Eyers/Ayers and Ayers, look more like Shawia Numidians, from Aures, than Herods. The Gettels/Gartzsons were suspect with the Getuli Numidians for as long ago as two years, and here I find only now that Gettels may be listed with a branch of Hertzogs. This feels correct. Plus, while Geta, the brother of Caracalla Bassianus was traced (couple of years ago) to a Geta family of north Africa, and therefore to Getuli, the last update concluded that the Cetina river was named by a Geta liner in Caracalla's ancestry. It makes much sense. From as long ago as fours year, the Maezaei were traced to king Massena, a Numidian. Here's are said to descend from William Peverel, while Peverels/Littleboys (probably the Meschin scallops) were discovered in a line with Revere's (Massin/Mason lion), one or both of which were on the Isle of Wight, where Cowes and Quade liners (both Quadratilla liners) trace. Cowes' were suspect as Shawia. It seems certain now that Shawia named Herzegovina as well as Hereford. But it makes the Gards / Gardners suspect as Shawia too.

As Childeric and Basina traced to Cetina elements (the Cetina was not known until the last update), it's interesting that Herefords share the three Child eagles. Herefords should be compared to Litch-possible Lights/Lite's (in the Ayer motto), and with Cetina-liner Tooths, and with Cetina-suspect Feathers. The Lights/Lite's link well to Sellers, suspect with Tudors (Herefordshire) and with the Silures of Wales. As the sun god of Julius Bassanius was found likely in the sun of Fetters, while a Moray/Murray Coat no longer showing used FETTERlocks, the stars in the Kidd Chief became suspect with the Moray stars, but I failed to look up the Morays at that time, and here they are found with a "TOUT PRET" motto, this coming after Touts/Toots (probably a Tooth branch) were traced without doubt to the Cetina. The "pret" term can be for Brattia liners of the Pratt kind. Prets/Prettys (Staffordshire) are in Brack/Breck colors, and suspect with the Sutherland stars, for the Sutherland write-up claims that its gold-on-red stars are a version of the Moray stars, and earls of Sutherland are in the Moray write-up. The Sutherland lion can be that of the Base's (same place as Lucy Taillebois).

The Moray stars are in Gog colors i.e. traceable to the Cogaeonus river, a topic of the last update where the neighboring Trotus river was linking to the Toots on the Cetis. There are a couple of reasons why I'm entertaining Morays with the Cogaeonus. It's now the BISTrita, and then Bissets, in Moray colors, were first found in Ross-shire, beside Moray. The Cogaeonus was the location of ANGUSTA, if the light map is correct to locate it there, and then the Moray write-up says that one MacANGUS de Moravia was father of the Moray clan, and the first earl of Murray.

The Moray write-up says that some believed Morays to have descended from Flemings. The Bist bend is colors reversed from the same of the Flemish Biggars, whom I to "Biharia" near Transylvania's Mures river. That river, as well as Biharia, were home to the particular Khazars that were ancestral to the Hungarians. I trace king Andrew I of Hungary to the progenitor of the Ross clan, and then a certain count Vrm of Angusta was related in some way to king Bela, Andrew's brother.

I'm looking to verify the Helena relationship to Bela, but the find feature at Microsoft's START button (on my browser) will not bring up either "vrm" or "Angusta" earlier than the first update of August, 2014, meaning that Microsoft and Google have deliberately wiped those previous updates from my find feature, and from online searches of those terms. Why? Here is the original page that found for me this count Vrm, whose daughter, Helena, married Bela:

As you can read, one of Bela's sons with Helena was Almus, a term that's on my modern atlas as an Almas river to the near-east of Biharia, a tributary of a Somes river, mentioned in case it links to the Sone/Some surname discovered in the last update with the stone of Scone in Scotland, and the black stone of El-Gabal. The Somes has a source in an area marked, Bistrita. It seems like an excellent reason to trace Morays/Murrays to the Cogaeonus, for while royal Scots crowned themselves at Scone, they had descended from kings of Moray.

The Belli's and Bellino's, first found in the same place (Treviso) as Vito's, might just be from king Bela, for one Belli motto is that of Carpenters too while the latter are suspect with the naming of the Carpathian mountains, which are at Transylvania, and moreover were named by the Carpae / Arpii that named Arpad, progenitor of the Hungarians, and son of mythical Olmos (i.e. like "Almas"). The Somes flows into Hungary, suggesting that Hungarians originated at the Almus-Somes intersection. Why is Scotland's cross called, Andrew, and why is it in Gog colors? Are the Magyars behind the Hungarians from "Magog"?

The Cogaeonus=Bistrita river is opposite the Carpathian peaks from the sources of the Mures. On my atlas, as far as I can gather, the Mures passes within 25 miles from a Bistrita location at the sources of the Bistrita. I had traced Reghin upon the Mures to Ragnvald of More (Norway), and partly for that reason I traced the Mures both to More and Moray, though this was before realizing that Melissena Rangabe, whom should be in the Moray-Crest mermaid, was related to the Mures-river Khazars. Recently, I traced the mermaid's mirror to MORmanno (at Bruttium). That Ragnvald trace to Reghin was years before I knew of the Bistrita, and here I find Reghin, a term like "Rang(abe)," to be about 50 miles from Bistrita. It looks like Bissets (same bend as French Toothills) were from the namers of Bistrita. The Rangabe cross, likewise in Gog colors, might just relate to Andrew's cross. The Jewish Cohens/Kagans use the Moray stars along with a sun that can be for El-Gabal, or part of the Moray trace to Cetina elements. The Cohen//Kagan sun is very-likely related closely to the Fetter sun, i.e. two Moray kin. This recalls that the Fuller motto was identified recently with Futters.

About a couple of years ago, I was tracing Beacons/Bacons to Bacau, on the Siret river of Moldova. Part of the reasoning, if not most of it, was the sharing of a beacon between German Belli's and Fullers, while Italian Belli's, Carpenters and Fullers all share three red-on-white bars. But here I can add that Bacau is a location at the mouth of the Bistrita, and moreover there is a larger Bacau area on my atlas between the Bistrita and the Trotus. Bacau / Bacon liners become suspect with Bucks and Buckinghams, which recalls the theory that "Bacon" might have been a harder form of "Bassan."

French Bacons share the cinquefoils of the Moray-ruling Duncans. It seems undeniable that the best-kept secret in Scotland is Scottish ancestry in Gog liners of the Carpathians.

The last update showed links between the Trotus and the Cetina, as though Trypillian of the Trotus had been on the Cetina, especially at its Troglav mountain as the Trough/Troten surname. I had been of the Trusesti and Humorului locations of Moldova too, but failed to mention a Sitna river flowing between them. I was talking about the "cygnet" swans of Troughs/Trotens, but failed to realize then that the SITNa should link to mythical king STHENelus, Ligurian father of mythical Cygnus the swan.

The Siret is suspect with the Siret variation of mirror-using Sire's/Sirons, kin of the Valentinian-Justine line. Are there more ways to link Bassianus-Cetina elements to Valentinian? Well, there is the issue of whether Grazio's were from Gratian the elder, and for that matter, what named him? Grazio's were very revealing a couple of updates ago, when they exposed Crispins/CREPons as a branch of Greats/GREEPs (Herefordshire, wing liners to Vinkovci), thus making the link undeniable between Crispins (pomegranate) and Grazio's (pomegranate). If you look at the Grazio pomegranate, it looks like a besant. My hunch is that Greeps were from Julius Agrippa, uncle of Julius Bassianus, while Greats are in honor of related Gratian liners.

In most cases I've seen, Bassianus-suspect besants are just in those gold-on-blue colors. Grazio's were first found in the same place (Perusia) as Ottone's, and can therefore trace to the Pucks, suspect from the Peuce / PEUCINI entity at the mouth of the Siret. Coincidence?. It starts to make a Grazio link to Gratian's daughter-in-law, Justine of PICENum. The Grazio rooster, by the way is the black one of Kopple's, and in colors reversed, the Kopple rooster is gold, the color of the rooster in the Crest of Greats/Greeps (their saltire is in the blue of the Here wings). There are some hints, therefore, that Grazio's trace to Bassianus liners on the Cetina, and if you check the light map, there is a road through both Bistue locations to the Cetina. These locations seem linkable to Bistrita elements, but let me add my certainty that Bistue was named by the same that named the Polish Piasts, descended also from the Bassianus-related Maezaei. The Bissets share the bend of English Grasse'sThe Kopple's trace to "Goplo," known origin of Piasts, you see. The Grasse's above were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as besant-using Rhodes' and Base's, the latter sharing the gold lion of Grass' (Buckinghamshire), I assume. The latter share white-on-blue, upright lions with the BistRITA-suspect Rita's (Rome). The Rita bend is in the colors of the Grazio bend, no guff, but it's also in the colors of the Leo fesse (same as Paine fesse), evoking the pro-Vatican Pierleoni Jews of Rome.

It looks like the Pierleoni are in the Rita / Grasse lion, for the Leo Chief uses a lion in the same colors. It explains why Dutch and English Benedicts, the prime Pierleoni line, share the gold Base / Grass lion, but as the Benedict one comes with a gold-on-red star, that's the star of the Prets / Sutherlands, kin of Morays. It looks like Benedicts link exactly with the Trypillian link to the Cetina, and to help prop that position, the Benedict-branch Bennets (share the same motto) use a central besant instead of the Sutherland star, and share the scaling ladder with Trips.

As Pierleoni provided one antipope, note how the Crest of Prets looks like a Catholic priest holding up the communion wafer i.e. secretly the sun god. It makes the Catholic sun god, which was definitely that of Constantine I, suspect with the El-Gabal cult of Bassianus. And that's got to be why the papal mitre has the shape of the black stone of El-Gabal (can be seen online). Benedicts were first found in the same place (Warwickshire, suspect with the Warsaw of the Piast dukes) as Watts whom I trace to the Piast entity, Siemowit. The Watts use a reflection of the Kidd Coat suspect with the Morays stars, but that Kidd Coat looks like a potential version of the German Benedict Coat (uses "boilers" shaped like 'T's).

By what coincidence are Grimms using both the sun and lions in the colors of the Benedict lions? I have read and shared a quote where a Mr. Grimaldus of Monaco was married to Crispina, daughter of Rollo. That should explain why Monaco's share the Rita / Grasse lion (Grasse is a location not far from Monaco). But it's not a far cry from the lion in the Arms of Eu, and Crispins were at the root of Eu. Monaco's (two lions in two color schemes) share the same lion as Eu too, as well as sharing the white fesse with German Benedicts. I have been tracing the Bassianus' to Grasse for a long time, but I didn't expect to bump into the Pierleoni amongst the same basic elements.

There are at least three reasons for a Benedict trace to Bononia = Bologna. The Rita's, in Pasi colors, have their lion holding a "PIECE of wood," and from all that, we go to mythical Popiel at the Goplo mouse tower, the character who was taken over by Piast the Wheelwright (mythical father of the Piasts). We then find that while Italian Bazans were first found in Modena, Spanish Bazans are sharing black-and-white checks with the Popiel-suspect Pepoli's (and Pasi's) of neighboring Bologna. The Mieszko's had a close relationship with rulers of Bohemia, from the Boii of Bologna. Bohemia was beside Moravia, i.e. suspect with Moray liners. Bohemia and Moravia together constitute the near-whole of check-suspect Czechoslovakia. I had reasoned that Moravia was named by Merovingians fleeing their upset by Carolingians (descended from Pepoli-like Pepins), and it just so happens that the Childs, who trace to Childeric (related to Pepins), are using the Piast eagle while Childeric's wife was Bazan-like Basina. Moreover, the Carolingians were ruling at Aachen, suspect with Aikens that share the black Kopple / Grazio rooster (same design).

The idea is that Grazio's were from Grasse (southern France), and that because the Grazio rooster traces with Kopple's to the mouse tower, there is expected a Mieszko link to Grasse, if indeed Grazio's were of Grasse. And that's where the lambs of Lamberts come in, for the Arms of Grasse use lambs, while the Lamberts trace very well by multiple methods to Mieszko II Lambert. And the Pasi's are listing a Pascel variation that can be play on the lamb theme. If not mistaken, the Mieszko's were suspect in the last update with the Oenotrians before I came across Oneum upon the Cetina.

Another mentionable is that the Grazio bend is in the colors of the French Paine's, while English Paine's share the motto of Giffards, the latter married to the counts of Eu that were essentially Crispins to begin with. Giffards are suspect with the Givern variation of Biggars so that Giffards might trace to the Transylvania theater too. "Eu" became suspect with YEOmans/HUMans (Giffard colors), perhaps part of the Humorului line to Cetina's Hume's. The mouth of the Cetina had a Hum location (ancient Oneum on the map) that links to Homs = Emesa, home of El-Gabal, god of high priest Julius Bassianus. Malahule-of-More lines, the Toots, were tracing to the Cetina, and here the Giffards and Paine's use the motto phrase, "Malo mori." It's again suggesting that Khazars on the Mures were at least connected to Cetina liners.

The Greats/Greeps use a saltire in colors reversed from Andrews' Cross and of the Gopher saltire. Gophers, who might be linkable to Giffards, can be suspect with Goghs/Goffs (Gopher colors) and the related Googe's so as to reveal Giffards as Cogaeonus liners. The drops on the Gopher saltire can trace to Trypillians of the Cogaeonus. The idea here is that Giffards can trace with their Malahule kin, and the namer's of Norway's More location, to the Cetina along with Trotus- and Bistrita-river liners. All of my stress on the Moldova liners would seemingly be in vain if it didn't trace to the chief Crusaders, the Sinclair Normans. As Hugh de Payens represented the first Templars proper, here we see Paine's/Payne's in cahoots with Giffards. As the Crusaders into Jerusalem used the potent cross as their flag, which has been resolved with Skits, Skeets' and other Scythian suspects, so Moldova was once Scythia, and so the Scythians are roundly thought, by many prophecy writers, to have put forth Gog. If that's not enough, the same terms that can stem from "Scythia" can also produce "Sadducee." Just remove the 'c', for "Scythian" is expected to be a Germanicized form of "Sithia."

This may create a problem where one views the Sitna river with Scythians, for if that river traces to Sithonia, how do I contend between that idea and the one where Sithones were from Laish's Sidonians. I'm not prepared to equate Sidonians with Scythians, but who knows, Sidonians may have become such. Ezekiel views the ancient king of Tyre like the devil, as he views Gog. Might not Gog be wholly from Phoenicians, including Sidonians? Recall the Tyrogetae, for they are stamped not far from the Sitna. On the light map, the Sitna is between the Pyretus (modern Prut) and Hierasus (Siret). The mouth of the Sitna is on the Pyretus to the south of the word, Pyretus. Recall the "pret" motto term of Gog-suspect Morays. Did you catch that both the Moray Crest and the Siret/Sire Coat use mirrors? What part of Melissena Rangabe was at the Siret or Prut river if not the Inger Varangians, who predated the Sinclair Normans by, not much. Wouldn't the same Varangians have been at the neighboring Mures river too, or at least in touch with the peoples there? I'm not at all read-up on Varangian-of-Kiev details, or I'd be able to say a lot more in this connection. The Scottish royals appear at Moray shortly after Inger, or even in his life time (he was a man by 850).

The big story is that Quadratus Bassus traces to the Bassianus' at the Cetina river, and the Meshech-liner Masseys and Mieszko's are involved there so that Gog is expected even with Sadducees, as they formed around the Maccabees proper. The mystery is why this thing is not couched vividly in prophecy. No one would expect this; how would it dawn on any prophecy reader? But a Bible-related mystery is a mystery for a reason. The namers of Cetis are suspect with "Sadducee." Something in or out of Cetis about the time of Brogitarus' (I'm guessing he was a man in 100 BC) had produced (I now think) the Sadducees. Brogitarus was himself a high priest. With "Cetis" tracing to the Getuli Numidians, the "SITHECH" term said to be at the root of the Shawia-liner Shaws doesn't look coincidental. And Annas' father, whom we must assume was a Sadducee in Syria, was, Seth. What was Seth doing in Syria? No one seems to know. And what was so special, politically, about Caiaphas that he got to marry Annas' daughter? Annas was a worldly animal, not religious / spiritual. He is expected, like all the other rulers, to have used his daughter for political / financial gain.

As the Catti called Keiths share "vincit" with Shaws, it is the beginning of the evidence that Keiths were from the Levites of the Cetina. The Kettle's, in Kidd colors, are an obvious branch of Keiths, using "vince" and sharing stag heads. The Kettle's use a fesse in the colors of the same of German Benedicts, and share a motto term like the "Bon" of English Benedicts and Bennets. French Narbonne's (Languedoc) even use the Dutch Benedict/Bennet Coat exactly. Kettle's use "Bonne," and moreover they are in the colors of Italian NarBONNE's/DeNordi's while sharing their lion in both colors. This tends to clinch the Italian Narbonne's with the Narbonne location in Languedoc, yet they are listed with North liners. We are now seeing a solid connection of the Jewish Pierleoni to Cetis / Cetina liners. Why? Shouldn't the Pierleoni have been the Oenotrian Levites?

For one thing, Italian Narbonne's (in the colors of the Bone bend) are using a Catherine wheel, an item used by Colters while Colts/Cults/Celts (same place as Justine's and Kettle's) share the stag head with Kettle's. The idea here is to trace Narbonne's / Norths with Celt liners to the Khaldi line at Calydon, where myth writers place Oeneus prior to the appearance of the Bassus'. We might then want to know what named a CATHERine wheel, and while that was Catherine Roet, its known owner, her father was Payne Roet, and we saw Leo's using the Payne fesse. The Payne motto then has "Malo" while Kettle's use "malum." Unless Malahule traces to Cetis, I would stress a Kettle trace to the Cetina's Oneum location instead, this being indication that the mysterious Pierleoni were at least part of Cetina make-up. They are mysterious because they apparently took on the names of a pope, Leo Benedictus, leaving us to guess as to what they were previously, although their ancestors are said to be from a Peter/Petro.

Of some interest, Tabers share a woman in blue with Hebers while the latter may be using the Benedict/Bennet lion. Tabers are brought up because they are like "Tiber," while the Pierleoni lived at a place named after the Tiber (though I have no way to show how Tabers can link to the Tiber). The Taber woman carried a bunch of grapes for possible linkage to the Oeneus line. The Hebers split their Shield in the two colors of Leo's, and while Leo's don't use a split Shield, the Cetins/Cattens do, in colors reversed from the same of Hebers. .

It's interesting that while Payne's/Paine's can trace to Panias (beside the Laish location suspect with proto-Oenotrians), near TYRE, the English Tabers (LEOpards) use a "reDIRE" motto term while there is a Tyre / Tiro river in Oenotrium (Bruttium). Also, I view "Europa" as an EBR(opa) term that can lead to terms such as the Hebers. Europa is of course suspect as another name for the Rhea cult in Crete. As there was and still is a Daphne location beside Panias, the latter leads to the Peneus river of Pisa, which was mythically made the father of Daphne in her neighboring Ladon river, and Daphne (given a dolphin symbol anciently) leads to Dauphine (dolphin), where Payens were first found. In myth, Ladon was made a brother of Cetus (whale), suggesting that both were originally sea creatures (includes dolphins) from the Pontus, and while mount Pilat is at Dauphine, so I expect PONTius Pilate to trace to Pontus elements. I trace the PERDrix peak of Mont Pilat to Celts/Colts in PERTHshire, and while I think Celts trace to the namers of Calydon, the Oeneus cult there was made the father of Methoni, smack beside Pilate-suspect Pylos. Nestor of Pylos traces to the Nestos river, and that was the home of Thasos elements which the ancients traced to the Hercules cult (proto-Danaans out of Laish, right?) at Tyre.

The Ladon is suspect with the LASONII, feasibly the Lazi from Lazona, the possible namers of Laish. The Lasonii are expected with Cybele (mother of Lydians) because they were a fellow tribe with Cabelees...and Pisa-based Pisidians. The idea here is that Zeus takes Europa to Crete on a rape symbol belonging to some entity in the Tyre region, and this being the Rhea cult, it moves into the area of the Lasonii, Cabelees and Pisidians with the Sarpedon-Minoan wave into western Anatolia, and thus the Rhea cult evolves into Cybele by linkage with Cabelees. Later, Apollo, son of LATONa, wants to mate with Daphne in the Ladon river, and he may have been named after the Cabelees so that his mother can be identified as the Lasonii. Dolphins are used by Tiber-like Tippers, very linkable to Kennedys at TIPPERary, and Kennedys trace well to the Kennati of the Cetis area.

Sarpedon can be found in the Sarpedon gulf (dark map) at the mouth of the Europa-suspect Hebros. There has been a question on whether the Aenus location there was an Oenotrian liner. There is less a question as to whether the Laish Levites went through the Hebros theater in other ways. I can now trace these Levites to the Squirrels/Squire's/Squire's, for Miss Besant just informed me that the potent symbol was related to heraldic vair fur, and that the latter was the fur of squirrels. I didn't know that, and Wikipedia has an article on vair fur, telling that vair is "made from the greyish-blue backs of squirrels sewn together with the animals' white underbellies...The word vair, with its variant forms veir and vairé, was brought into Middle English from Old French, from Latin varius 'variegated' and has been alternatively termed variorum opus (Latin, meaning 'variegated work'). The squirrel in question is a variety of the Eurasian red squirrel..." Then, see for yourself that the vair article has a similar potent design that was supposedly a form of vair.

The one thing to be gleaned from this is that the lozengy Shield of Patents was a form of VAIR fur, and then Irish VERE's use a Shield of lozengy too. In short, it seems that the "variegated" explanation is not the truth, but a smokescreen, while the truth is that Vairs/Vere's are at the heart of this symbol. That is, Vere's were merged with Squirrels. The latter were first found in Worcestershire, as were Watts, a possible branch of Wights / Whites that use vair fur. Likewise first found in Worcestershire were the Patent-like Pattys/Pati's, very traceable to Patmos. Patti is in Messina while Vere's share the Massey Coat. The Pattys/Pati's share lions in the colors of the same of Angusta-loving Cabbage's; the latter are kin of Bakers/Backers suspect from Bacau. Dutch Bakers (look like Hazels) share the leaf design that House's call a cabbage leaf, and this leaf design is also with the Falts/Fauls suspect from Falticeni, not far north of the Bistrita. Cabbage's were first found in the same place as Quince's, suspect with vair-fur Quints.

Potent liners were recently clinched with Lucania liners merged with the elements behind the potent crosses of Cosenza and Catanzaro. The Firmo location beside Saracena was clinched, in my opinion, with Formans and Firmins, and here we find a "ferme" motto term of Squirrels (red squirrel). Bacons (and Fullers) use a similar motto term, and were traced well to Bacau, at the mouth of the Bistrita, which mouth is at the Siret. Squirrels have long been claimed as a branch of Sirons/Sirets/Sire's. Bachs use red vair fur, what a vairincidence. The Angusta location up the Bistrita had a count VRM, and then FORMans share the green dragon of WORMs. It looks like Squirrels were Siret liners to the Saracena theater.

It's debatable on whether Sirons/Sirets can be traced both to the Siret and to mythical Sirens at Calydon (home of Daphne-suspect Taphians). I have arguments for both traces. The heraldic mermaid was once spotted in a description calling her a Siren, and the Sirons/Sirets use her mirror. In the last update, Sirens became suspect with "Chiron," son of Cronus, the husband of Rhea. Cronus is a hard character to nail down in the Tyre theater, but perhaps he was not there under a Cron-like term. He is suspect with the horn symbol of the Zeus / Moloch bull, and was traced tentatively to the Horites of Edom. This trace of "Cronus" was aside from anything to do with the now-apparent link to "Siren," important because the Horites of Edom were merged with SEIR. I'm not necessarily saying that "Siren" was purely a soft form of "Chiron," for it looks like the other way around, with "Chiron" being part code for Seir-liner Sirens, and part code for his father.

Cronus has been traced to Coronis elements on Patmos (the Chora location), and Pattys/Pati's have been traced to Scylla liners to Skala on Patmos. Skala has been identified (by me lonely) with ASCLepios, son of Coronis, while the Siron/Siret mirror has the Asclepios snake coiled around it, another good reason to link Sirons/Sirets to the Corinthian elements of Chiron. This picture had traced to Scalea, at Laus, near Melusine-related Saracena, and then mirror-suspect Mormanno is on the Laus river. There is nothing in this picture that can't be lined to Vere's.

After writing the paragraph above, the first crow of the year was heard right outside the house (it's been so warm lately that others birds were heard coming back north earlier than usual).

Hebers were the ones suspect with Pierleoni, kin of Rita's suspect at the naming of the Bistrita. Is the Heber woman wearing sunGLASSes, or an eyePATCH? The "D'ACcomplier" motto term of Hebers can be for red-squirrel Decks/Daggers and thus some indication of Siret liners. The Hayburgh variation of Hebers (the only one shown) might signal that Hays are Heber kin, for they've got the potent-liner escutcheon. As Hays were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Hagars, it's notable that the ancient Siret was the AGARus. The Hay escutcheon is shared by HOLDens, like the COLTs of Perthshire.

I conclude that Patmos liners, in the time roughly of the Tyrian founding of Carthage, moved into southern Italy as Meshwesh liners from a Coronis > Cyrene line of descent, and, in southern Italy, they met Siret / Pyretus liners in Bruttium. The Oenotrians of Bruttium were of an Elis / Achaea line to such things as Sybaris and Catanzaro, likewise in Bruttium. The Achaeans were at Pisa, where Meshwesh had been as the Hippodamia Amazons, suggesting that the Meshwesh of Cyrene (Africa) were old kin of the Achaeans at Sybaris. The latter was the location of Morano/Murenu, suspect from north-Africans. Sybaris was also the location of the Pollino mountains, while Apollo was the mate of Coronis. Between Catanzaro and Sybaris was Crotone, a crutch suspect in the makings of the potent-cross symbol, now known as kin to Squirrel / Siret / Siren liners. And the mythical Sirens are fully expected on the Ladon river of Achaea. The idea that Ladon was made a sibling of the Cetus whale plays to the Lotan dragon, a seven-headed sea dragon (of Syria) suspect from the Biblical Lotan, a Seir-ian of Edom. And Lotan's sister married Eliphas, who traces to the Elaphiti islands not far from the Cetina river. Between the two was a Naro-river theater once named, Neretva, like "Enarete, wife of Aeolus. This line traces with Aeolus' other wife, Melanippe -- suspect with Melusine's elements at Melita, between Neretva and the Elaphiti islands -- to the Aeolian Islands off the coast from Messina.

There is now the question on whether "MELUSINE" was named deliberately after the MELAS SINUS phrase we see (dark map) off the Sarpedon point beside the mouth of the Hebros river. This link is viable where Melita traces to Miletus, the latter said to be founded by Sarpedon. The Melas sea is not so far from Byzantium that Melissena Rangabe could not have belonged to its namers.

I was claiming a Sign from God with the red squirrels caught in my attic last winter. At first, it was looking like they all related, in the various curiosities of the step-by-step events, to the 11 kings of Daniel 7, and the seven-plus-one heads of the Revelation dragon, but then, alas, after the 11th was caught, a 12th, and some more, for a total of 16. So I searched my files just now for "16 points," for I recalled that the Arms of Holstein use a sunburst with that many points. My first find was, "...the Arms of Holstein star / sunburst (called a 'nettle leaf')...The Holstein sunburst has 16 points, as does the Solana sun..." This could all relate to the Bassianus sun-god and leading to Javier Solana, who, although he's no longer working officially as a NATO or EU chief, may yet be working for their globalist causes invisible to the world.

Clearly, the "nettle leaf" does not look like a leaf, and one also needs to ask why a leaf is used at all, for Levites are suspect with Bassianus'. The Nettle's are using the two snakes "respecting each other" of Biss', and the latter trace to the ibis of WEIShaupts, and therefore to Vis/Issa, off the coast from the Cetina river. Nettle's were first found in Yorkshire, where Caracalla Bassianus became the emperor, and Biss' use the Meschin scallops. The Hebers were likewise first found in Yorkshire, and their "d'accompLIER" motto term can be partly for Liers that likewise use the same scallops as Meschins. The "resPECTing" term can link to the same as the "Vito et PECTore puro" motto of Bellows, and, as you can see, that motto also traces to Julius Avitus, who married the very Bassianus' expected at the Cetina. The Bellows are in the Coat of Skipton-suspect Skiptons while Meschins of Cheshire married Skiptons. The Holstein surname uses savages, and Savage's were first found in Cheshire. The point was that mythical Holle, said to be a witch cult out of Holstein, is expected to be the same as Melusine but in a different geography.

The "resPECTing" term was traced suggestively to Picots/Piggots (Cheshire), whom, I now see, share "prest" with the Heber motto. The Picot Crest uses the white wolf head of Scarfs, first found in the same place as Hebers. The "Tout" motto term of Picots can trace them or their kin to the Toot liners on the Cetina. Picots are traced to Cheshire's PRESTbury, where Kerricks are traced. The Picots are like "pocket," perhaps important because the major sign amongst all 16 squirrels was the dead one found a few months later in the pocket of my shorts. This was the one that I had nicknamed, satan, because it got away from me twice. That was the 8th squirrel that I was equating with the 8th head of Revelation. What does it mean that it died in my shorts? The story is in the 1st update of last May, if you're interested.

This winter so far, only one squirrel has been in the attic, and its the only squirrel around, so far as I can tell. He comes out on warm days and is always alone. I scared him off from the attic while it was preparing a nest up there, and it decided not to come back, for I was scaring it off all summer and fall when near the house. It worked. By next winter, all the entryways to the attic will be closed, no more squirrels up there.

French Picots, sharing the moline of Vere-liner Fere's/Fears in both colors, are probably sharing the moline of Sarasins, for both surnames were first found in Brittany. English Saracens were first found in the same place as Daggers i.e. potential Squirrel / Deck/Dagger kin. By what coincidence were Liers first found in Brittany too while Hebers use the motto term, D'ACcompLIER? Hays are traced in their write-up to Coutances (Manche), same as the Fere's/Fears, and while Hays share the red-on-white escutcheon with Holdens (allerion eagles), the latter share it with Allers. The "jugum" motto term of Hays is suspect with Jugon, a location to the near-west of Dol. In colors reversed, this is the Geddes / Chaddock escutcheon, making Hays and Hebers/Hayburghs suspect with Cetis liners.

As Liers are said to have been first in Dol, this is a good place to mention the whale of the Dols. It's possible that Cetis liners took on a Whale-like surname. By what coincidence are Whelans using the same Coat as Bricks (Massey liners) that can trace to Brac (straight out to sea from Cetina)? By what further coincidence do Whalers use "AVITO jure" as a motto? The Tracks/Triggs were suspect with the Tracheitis valley at the Cetis theater, and they share the green-on-gold lion with Whalers/Wheelers (Worcestershire, same as Squirrels). So far, everything Whale-like is traceable exactly to Bassianus'.

The Kettle topic was turned quickly to the new squirrel-potent topic, and so let me add that some German families, including the Papenheims, call vair fur, "kettle hats." The hats may be code for the Hatti namers of Cetis. It's still suspect that the Hattusa location of the Hatti can be the makings of "Sadducee."

The Wheels/Weale's, first found in Shropshire (English home of the Dol Alans), use molines in colors reversed from that of Chives', the latter first found in the same place as English Stewarts. The Wheel/Wheal molines are in the colors of the Meschin scallops, and both surnames were first found in the same place. Wheels/Weale's may be sharing the white fesse of Dols. The Catherine wheel can relate here, as can the Wheelwrights suspect with Mieszko ancestry.

In colors reversed, the blue boar in the Wheel/Weale Crest (shared by Vere's) can be that of Molle's, and while Eschyna de Molle married a Dol Alan, her line was suspect to Donald Tusk for more reasons that the emphacising of the Molle boar's TUSK. Donald Tusk is the latest EU leader, and he's said to be from the Mechlenburg theater, where Dols were first found. Donald Trump, I think I found, is distantly related to Donald Tusk, and Trumps (Molle colors) were first found in the same theater. The Molle's share the Kidd stars, but so do many others.

The Whaler/Wheeler motto is excellent for that trace of Vitos/Vio's to the Viu river along with the "vi" motto term of Chives'. The Viu is a Riparia tributary, and Rippers/Ripleys share the green-on-gold lion with Whalers/Wheelers. If we just stick to the implications, the Bassianus' -- from Bassania of the Cavii theater, at the Mathis river that named the Mathis' sharing the Chives moline -- are tracing to the royal Cottians at Susa, on the Riparia river. Follow this logic back to the family of Quadratus Bassus at Cetis, which married the line of Opgalli, and expect Caiaphas born in this picture from a line of Aurelia Cotta and Julius Caesar (the latter was allied to the royal Cottians). The Whalers/Whellers even share a gold mural crown with Caens ("LiCITIS" motto code for Cetis/Citis) that share a fretty Shield with Cotta's. The only thing missing in the heraldry so far is the Junia-Caepionis line, but then Tracks/Triggs were first found in the same place as Capone's, June's and Julians. You have in this paragraph alone a digest of why I think Caiaphas was born to the Bassus line, probably the father or uncle of Severus Bassus.

An Offaly Big Rock

Yesterday, it dawned on me that "OPgalli" might be in the Offaly location of Ireland, and Offaly's, it just so happens, use a flory cross in both colors of the similar Chives moline. That's a very big deal if Offalys were Opgalli liners. It's worth an investigation.

The birds in the Offaly Coat are called Cornish choughs, and so the Offalys relate to the Elnors and Elmers (crosses in the colors of the Offaly cross), suspect recently with Alnwicks, the latter using the moline in both colors of the Offaly flory. Note that Offalys put a gold symbol at the center of their cross, for Chives' and Mathis' do too. I hope that I'm very close to ending this story with the final revelation fully clinched. German Mathis' may be using one of the three Levi chevrons. Percys, who ruled Alnwick along with their Fessy kin, were suspect with a line of Pharisees.

I don't think that a surname outright called itself "Whale" just because it loved Cetus, or because it was a Cetis liner. More likely, a Whale like surname took the opportunity to found the Whale surname, and, as we have seen, there is evidence that it was a Cetis liner. It is possible, however, that ancient proto-Germanic speakers took a whale-like term to themselves that was altered to "Cetus" by the Greek myth writers. A better theory is that mythical Cotys, father of Attis at the Pontus, named Cetus as play on words for the sea-faring piracy on the waters off Pontus. The crosses above, shared by Sinclairs, are all in the colors of the pirate saltire. There were Illyrian pirates off the coast of the Mathis river. The Colchians are expected as pirates.

With Whalers/Wheelers tracing to Cetis, it's probably correct that GEDDys/Gideons (Cornwall, where the Cornish choughs trace) are using the same fesse / Shield as Whalers/Wheelers.

A strong argument against an Offaly-Opgalli link is the Offaly write-up tracing to an Offenlege location of pre-Norman Saxons. It gives the appearance of being from a Offen entity, not at all like "Opgalli." This location is in HERTfordshire, a potential Herod liner. My past reasoning was that Herod liners, along with the royal Cottians, went early to the Varni theater, origin of the Saxons and Jutes in about 350 AD. The Cotta's come up as "Gaut" while Gaut liners are in the Swedish Gust write-up along with Goths and Geta-like Geats. Goths, I supposed, could have developed from Cottian liners, and Geats from the Thracian Gaeta. I have always denied that Seatons were Geta liners exactly, but viewed them as from one stock, but I didn't know until this week that Sithones were identical to, or once another name for, Thracians. It gives the impression that Sithones were the chief Thracians for a time. They probably trace to the Sitones of Sweden, and as such to Varangians of Sweden, probably from the Varni. This is all to say that Opgalli liners, who were indeed Herods, are applicable to Saxons.

I've been predicting that the Goth / Hagar star is a colors-reversed version of the modern Israeli flag, and that it represents Joseph Caiaphas. In this update, Voters were checked to find them listed with Gauthier's/Gothie's sharing black footless martlets with French Josephs. Voters/Gothie's were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as GAUTs/Cotta's/Cottards. It looks like a match, and the latter are suspect with the mother of Julius Caesar, and with their relatives. Note how "VOTer" is like "FOOTless." Futters share a red fesse with Voters. Gutters/Cutters (Dorset) have a Crest linkable to that of Lurch's/Larchers and Archers, and all three share the mural crown with Caens that themselves share the white fretty lattice with Gauts/Cotta's.

While the Eustace's use the Hurt/Hort stag exactly, Eustace's (suspect with the father of Godfrey de Bouillon) were first found in Kildare, at the border of Irish Offaly, and Irish Godfreys were first found in Offaly while Bouillons share the flory cross with Offalys. This is the family that got allied to Pierleoni (see Godfrey III).

Might we glean a Herod-Opgalli line there? The Hurts/Horts (and Herls) share the gold fesse of Whalers/Wheelers, and the latter use the same fesse in both colors of Herods/Hurls. The lion in the Arms of Offaly can be construed as the Whaler/Wheeler lion in colors reversed. "Offaly" is said to be a version of an older "Uí Failghe ", but the Irish slaughter Anglican words to a mesmerizing degree so that one can not usually be sure of the root term back in Europe.

Irish myth writers trace Offaly to the character, Failge Berraide, giving the impression that historians were stuck on rooting Offaly in a Failge term. The article then says that the proto-Offaly character was linked closely to this: "The Laigin, modern spelling Laighin were a population group of early Ireland who gave their name to the province of Leinster (Irish Cúige Laighean...the English word 'Leinster' derives from Irish Laigin...)." But why is the Leinster surname listed with swan-using Lesters/Leicesters? As the Legro river named Leicester, isn't that the swan-line Ligurians, and aren't they from Sithones-suspect Sthenelus? Wasn't this mythical Lug of Ireland, and his Pomerania-suspect Fomorians background (Varni were in Pomerania). Lug was traced by the myth-historians to the Isle of Man, and that suggests the Maccus vikings who made a pact with Saxons in Cheshire (they met there, anyway, and had previously made a pact), where Leinsters/Leicesters were first found, and where one might expect Opgalli liners. That's how Irish Offaly might have named Saxon Offaly. The latter is beside the place where Capone's, June's, Julians, Chapmans and Tracks/Drigs were first found.

Of interest here, even if it doesn't trace well to "Opgalli," is that OFFaly" can be a Goff/Gough / Googe liner from Gogarene at swan-lake Sevan. The Setantii, suspect with the Sthenelus character, lived in eastern Leinster/Laigin. Namely, the Setantii were in Louth, said by others to be named after Lug.

Although I'm not confident that the Legro/Gros/Graut surname connects to the Legro river, it was first found in the same place as Mathis', and we saw the potential of the Offaly cross' linkage to the Mathis cross. Then, "In the famous Ulster Cycle, the king of the Connacht, Ailill mac MATA, is said to belong to the Laigin...His brother is Cairbre Nia FER, King of Tara." One of the Mathie surnames shares the red scallop with Savona's/Sabine's, and that can trace to Swan-suspect Savona in Liguria. It can therefore appear that the myth writers were picking up on Mathis-river liners to this Offaly-related Laigin thing. Near mount Sabina lived the Marsi that I trace to Mercians (same general area as Saxon Offaly), and while the flag of Mercia was identical to the saltire of Messeys, the latter were first found in the same place as Mathis' and Legro's. Marsi are suspect at the naming of Marseilles, where Ligurians were founded. French Savone's are listed with the Bassus-suspect Savarys/Savards. The Sabines happen to have been the overseers of the Ops bee cult suspect with OPgalli. I did NOT force a trace to Sabines just to be able to make that comment.

The Tara location was suspect previously as per the Turano river down the east side of mount Sabina. The Cornish choughs of Offalys can be for the Coughs/Cuffs that share the bend of Sale's/Salletts (Salyes Ligures, right?) from the Salto river down the east side of mount Sabina, with a source near or in the land of the Marsi. Doesn't it seem that Cuffs were either responsible for the OFFalys, or a branch thereof??? KilKenny (where Coughs were first found) is beside Offaly, and Kenny-like terms can trace to the Ceno tributary of the Taro. Here is the Kilkenny Coat, looking like a version of the Coffer Coats, and using the lion of Tracks/Trigs in colors reversed while the Kilkenny Crest shares the spear with the Track/Trig Chief. Offaly is the location of Kennati-like Kinnity so that, indeed, Tracheitis liners may have been in Offaly. In the past, Coffers were suspect with Caiaphas liners generally, but right now, they can be quite directly from his family. Let's not forget that Whalers/Wheelers use the lions of Tracks/Trigs while also tracing to Cetis.

Recalling that True's and related Hume's traced to the Cetina, the Cafferys/Caffertys, in the colors of Coffers, are sharing plumes of feathers from a helmet with both True's and Hume-related Lannoys. The latter share the upright green lion with Tracks/Trigs. The Touch's that use that lion too are in the Clan-Chattan motto, but may be of the Teague's that link rather hand to Opgalli and her husband (Tigranes).

Coughs can trace to Briancon easily along with Salyes, and that place, also Brigantium, is expected with Briganti, a tribe of which was the Setantii. The Durance river of Salyes is near Orange while the Arms of Offaly use an orange tinge of gold. Was there an Ops element to the Salyes out of Sabina? Why were Sale's first found in the same place as Masseys (and Leinsters/Leicesters)? Why do Coughs/Cuffs use besants?

Back to Ailill mac Mata of Offaly elements. was of a peoples naming their men from the mother's side, and the Sitones of Sweden were matriarchal. Ailill mac Mata had seven sons, "all called Maine," including CET Maine Morgor, which can be code for the Morgans / Moore's having a lion in colors reversed from the same of Whalers/Wheelers. Another mythical son was Cairbre Maine Mathramail, like the Carberys (Lothian) suspect with the Seaton/Sitten dragon. As Ailill mac Mata was of Connacht, where Irish Pattersons/Cassane's (share drops with Leinsters/Leicesters) were first found, while Scottish Pattersons have a motto much like that of Leinsters/Leicesters ("Pro rege et PATRia"), these seven sons must be of the Ui Maine (Hy Many) county in the Patterson/Cassane write-up. Carbery elements included Driscolls, who are in the write-up of Irish Coffers. "DRIScolls" became suspect with Triggs / Drigs...which can trace Coffers to Cetis, if correct.

The Kilkenny Coat is virtually the O'Reilly/Reel Coat, and the latter were first found in Cavii-like Cavan. The O'Reilly/Reels are actually good for a link with HumORULUI, for their upright lions are gold on green, while Hume's use one upright and white on green. There had been a question on whether Tracks/Trigs can also trace to Troglav on the Cetina. See also the Keefe/Keffer lion, same as the Reillys, and in Coffer colors so that Keefe's/Keffers too rate as an Offaly branch. Plus, the last update showed why Dent and Tooth liners should be code for Hume kin, and here the Irish Coffers are found with a "proviDENTia" motto term. The Dent Coat happens to have the look of the Cough/Cuff Coat, both sharing the bend in the colors of the Bessin / Bistone bend, and then the latter two use bees that can, in this case, link to the Ops bee cult of Sabine's. I've been tracing Merovingians to the Salto river, and they might even have been named by the Marsi, wherefore the bees of Childeric can suggest that his wife, Basina, a Bessin liner, was from BESSIN-suspect AVEZZANo, on the Salto and Turano rivers both. Yes, this works, for Basina lived in Turano-like Thuringia.

This actually zeroes in on Opgalli ancestry, possibly, even if her name didn't name the Offalys. Another theory, rather than tracing "Caiaphas" to Coffers, is that Coffer liners were versions of "Ops." But if my theory is correct, where Opgalli was Caiaphas' close relative, maybe a sister or aunt, this exercise won't be in vain. I have always acknowledged that Coffers are not a perfect reflection of "Caiaphas," but that Cafferys are better and seem related to Coffers for multiple reasons. English Coffers were first found in the same place as Savone's/Saffins, a surname like the Safini version of the Sabines peoples.

The Crest of Irish Coffers is the naked man on a dolphin in the Arms of Taranto, and in the latter's Arms, he's Taras, son of Poseidon. Poseidon has always been viewed by me as a bee liner. For example, "Pisa" is like "opis," the Greek "bee." Italians call it, "apis." In this picture, Taras lovers may have named Ireland's Tara, but, in any case, the namers of Taranto trace very well to the namers of the Turano if the Coffers were Ops liners.

The Driscoll kin of Coffers use a corMORANT, while Morants show variations traceable to Morano/Murenu. That location was on the LUCANia-Bruttium border while Morants/Morans use a "LUCENt" motto term. Again, Lucents are suspect with Luciano's (Rome, same place as Rita's) that share the Lucy fish, known to be of the Geddes fish, and Geddes' are now highly suspect with the namers of Cetis. The Rita lion, by the way, white on blue and nearly the Hume lion, was found (long ago) to be in the colors of the lion in the Arms of Suceava, a place near Humorului, and not far from BistRITA. These locations are on / off the Siret, anciently the AGARus, while Spanish Lucents/Lucens/Luca's use the same Zionist stars as HAGARs.

Thanks to my files, a bee was found in the Crest of Connollys, first found in Offaly.

The Ops cult was related to Tatius Titus, a mythical-Sabine element that may have been named to express the Titus river. This river happens to be near the source of the Tilurius, on the light map, and that's the Cetina. The Burnum location on the Titus is suspect with Bernice's/Burnes' ("vincit," traces to Cetis liners), who share the black Zionist star / hexagram with Italian Marone's, from Morano/Murenu. Bernice Agrippa was slated to be married to emperor Titus. Let's also mention that this Titus was at home in Rieti, on the Salto and Turano rivers, and that Rita's might just trace to the namers of that city. In fact, the "PIECE of wood" used by Rita's can trace to VesPASia Polla, especially as Poole's share the same lion as Rita's. Roets were first found in the same place as Savone's/Saffins. Reeds share the book with Roets and use a cornucopia, the ancient symbol of the Ops cult.

As Rita's are certainly Pierleoni liners, let's add that the Dutch Victoria's, taken from the motto of Irish Coffers, share the gold-on-red stars of Benedicts. Dutch Victoria's/Fichters look like branch's of Fisks and Fieschs. There are two Physca locations on the dark map, one in Mygdonia, and the other to the west side of Emathia, and right beside CITium. This evokes Bassania on the Mathis, a line to Citis. There is a good chance that the Saraca / Pesci fish line was the namer of Physca, and kin of the namers of nearby Kodrium.

The Offaly of Saxons had one bee-like Beatrice of Offaly, wife to the castellan of Windsor that you can find in the Other / Windsor write-up. Wasn't queen Victoria a Windsor? Was she a Coffer liner too? Should we ask Saxe-Gotha and COBURg?

The page has some additional data: "She may have been a Staffordshire Offley, rather than from Offaly in Ireland. The Offley family was in residence at High Offley within a century of this time. ("Offley" is a Saxon, not an Irish, name, deriving from "Offa" (Saxon name, in fact the name of one of the most powerful Kings of Mercia)...There is also some question as to whether Great Offley in Herts, or High Offley in Staffordshire, is the older. The Hertfordshire and Staffordshire Offleys are both listed in Domesday [1086], and each as two associated properties - Great and Little Offley in Hertfordshire (Offelie and Altera Offelie), and High Offley (Offelie) and Bishops Offley (Offeleia) in Staffordshire." I don't know how much of an assumption it is that Offaly was named after king Offa, but if Mercians trace to the Marsi, there you have a good reason to view Offa as an Ops liner along with Beatrice.

There is no Beatrice surname coming up, but Beeters were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor Castle. Moreover. Hertfordshire is smack at BEDfordshire, where BEATle's/Bedwells were first found. Berkshire is where Modens/Modeys/Moderbys were first found, traceable to Motels, said to be from Taranto. Motels share a winged horse with Bernice's, and the latter are in Beater colors. Cetis-liner Caens share a FRETTY Shield on a blue Shield with Modens/Modeys, and Berkshire's use a FRET. Berks/Burghs use a cat, a Cetis suspect, and may be using the cross of Eustace's, first found in Kildare i.e. at the Offaly border.

I'd like to go back to the Maine's of Irish lore as they were linked by the myth stupids (such a waste of time to write false history) to Offaly elements. The Maine surname, first found in the same place as Offaly-suspect Chives', happens to share two red-on-white chevrons with Scottish Olivers (same place as Leavells) while the Offaly Crest is "A gold demi-lion rampant with a red collar holding an olive branch." The demi code here is suspect with Demys/Mays/LeMAISE's that show only a chevron, as is the case with Beeters; both chevrons are in the same colors so that both Coats are identical. "Maise" is like "Maesa," and Motels along with Bernice's share the winged horse with Masseys, which recalls that the father of Julia Maesa Bassianus was the nephew of Julius Agrippa, making him suspect as a descendant of Berenice Agrippa. How else did he get his Agrippa surname? His wife must have been the sister of the mother or father of Julius Bassianus, from the Bassus' that married the Herod line of Opgalli. Herod Agrippa was not a true Agrippa, they say, for he adopted the name from one of his heroes, which, if true, means that there were not a whole whack of Agrippa's for Julius Agrippa to descend from: he had to be from Herod or Bernice Agrippa.

Again, the Marone's from Morano share the black Zionist star with Bernice's, an Illuminati symbol if ever we saw one. Morano is not far across the foot of Italy from Taranto. French Luce's (Picardy) use three chevrons in the colors of the two Oliver / Maine chevrons, and the fish-using Luce's/Lucys share theirs with Luciano's now tracing from a clue (i.e. Morants/Morans use a "LUCENt" motto term) to Lucania, which borders at Morano. The Spanish Lucents/Luca's share the Zionist stars of Hagars and with Geta-like Goths while Cetis liners are suspect from Getuli Numidians, and while the Shaws, first found in the same place as Hagars, were themselves Numidians...likely dark-skinned whities at some point, fit for a term like Morano/Murenu, which often means, "dark."

French Luce's happens to share three chevrons in the colors of the same of Waters, while Bernice's use a "water bouget." The bouget is shared by Bugs of NOTTinghamshire, where Annas' were first found that are suspect with the Seth variation of Shaws, and then we might like to know why Lacys use a "fret-KNOT" while Nottings are using the besants of the Bassianus line. In fact, the Dumas'/DuMAYs/DuMAIS' (traced in their write-up to the Grasse theater) uses those besants, and they smack of variations in the Demy/May/DeMAISE list. The latter's chevron is colors reversed from the same of Knots/Cnuts. The latter are from Mieszko's daughter while the Motel horse has an armored arm in its mouth, symbol of Mieske's/Mesechs. There is another one in an Oliver Crest.

At one time, the Nottings (Beater / Demy colors) no longer showed their besants on a bend, all very linkable to the same of Buckinghams. And Buckingham happens to be right beside the Beater-suspect Beatle's, right beside Windsor castle, right beside the fretty Modeys traceable to Taranto, and near the Coffer-suspect Offaly of Hertfordshire. To this it should be repeated that fretty is a lattice while Italians call lattice, "cuffia." It can mean that the Moden/Modey fretty started as play on Coffer liners, and then changed name to "fretty" when merging fundamentally with Ferte-Mace liners. Fretty is used also by Moltons/Molsons (Devon) while Maine's (Devon) are said to have been in Molton. The myth stupids revealed (unintentionally) that Maine's were Offaly liners, right? And Offalys are Coffers, right?

The line of king Massena merged with the line of Mark Antony on more than one occasion. This is said because German Hoffs share the giant leopard face of English Antonys. But the Hoffs put bull horns on their leopard, and it's black, like the Mieske/Mesech bull, and then Mieszko's daughter (king Cnut's mother), said to be nicknamed, "the HAUGHty," looks like she's in the Haught/HOUGHton surname (pronounced Hofton) because there's a bull head in the Crest. The latter's Coat is suspect as a version of the Beak Coat while the Offalys use "a gold lion passant guardant on a black cross flory between four Cornish choughs, BEAKed and legged red." The emphasis on the legs is expected to be for the Leicester's Legro river, for Leicesters were first found in the same place as English Hoffs/Houghs (share the bend of Coughs/Cuffs), whose write-up traces to a Hose location in Leicestershire, while the Hose surname uses legs, no guff. The "Perimus LICitis" motto of cuffia-using Caens is suspect on the one hand with leg-using Prime's, but also with Lice's/Lee's (probably a branch of Leghs/Lee's) that share black leopard face's with German Hoffs. Lice's/Lee's are kin to Quade's that share the black wolf with the Hoff/Haugh Crest.

It looks like Offaly liners have a large set of branches that trace on multiple counts (I stopped counting) to Cetis liners of the Quadratus-Bassus kind. But this Offaly picture can yet link to Caiaphas if French Josephs, first found in Maine, were from Joseph Caiaphas. Olivers (suspect in the Offaly olive branch) even share black footless martlets with French Josephs.

Irish Burys are said to have had a Berry branch in Offaly. As Burys are in Coffer colors, they may have passed through Bari of Apulia, same area as Taranto. German Bari's (Vipont wings?) share fish heads with Geddes, and the Bari fish are in the colors of the Luce / Luciano fish. It looks like Cuff / Hoff / Coffer liners were heavily in the foot of Italy. The other Burys are also Burgs while Bergens/Mergins (Grasse lion?) were first found in Offaly. I tend to think that English Josephs are using a green chevron from the Burghs/Burrows, first found in the same place. The Mergin variation can play to Morgan le Fay of Offal-like AVALon, for Morgans are in Coffer colors.

Scottish Olivers are using two red chevrons in the colors of the one of Connollys, first found in Offaly. As the Maxtons, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Olivers, use both the same bee in Crest as Connollys and another red chevron, it seems all three surnames were merged. The saltire of Maxton-related Maxwells is in the colors of the Offaly cross. The Connelly chevron is in the colors of the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, and the Maxtons even throw in three fitchees, likewise in some Arms of Carrick, but then AFLacks, first found in the same place as Carricks, use a cross in the colors of the Offaly cross, suggesting that Aflacks may have been an Offaly branch. The Aflack cross is embattled, and two lions facing one another, as were seen with Keefe's/Keffers, is called by a similar term (comBATTant) as per boxing with fists, which was the PUGIList theme of mythical Pollux, which is why I traced him to the naming of PUGLia, location of Bari and Taranto. Pollux is suspect with such surnames as Pollocks and Flacks, the latter like "Aflack." It occurs to me here English Fulke's are in Coffer colors.

I think I've confused myself and you. Were Offalys just a vowel-fronted version of "Pollux / Apollo"? Can Fallys/Fellows / Fallers/Falltragers and therefore RoqueFEUILs apply? How does this have any value in understanding the OP(galli) entity? Why does her Wikipedia article say that she was possibly a Jewish woman? Was this Offaly section an entire waste? Was Apollo at the root of Ops? After all, his twin sister was the representative of an essenes bee cult in Ephesus, which was earlier called, Apasa, like "opis." Perhaps Ephesus got the bee symbol based in word-play alone. Does this mean that Opgalli was an Ephesian?

The Fallys/Fellows (Roque / Feller colors) have lions with unusual crown designs upon their heads. I recognize them as the crown design used for German Bessins/Besants, and then Bessins use bees. As with Bernice's. Fallys/Fellers use "PerSEVERanti" as possible code for Severus Bassus and/or Septimius Severus (Caracalla's father). When we go to the Scottish Falls/Phale's/Phails/Vails, they have variations like those in the list of whale-suspect Whelans. The Fells, first found in the same place (Dundee) as Kids (!), share the blue-on-white lozenges of Whelans/Phelans/Failins. I didn't know this when suggesting that some Cetis-line family altered their name to Whale-like.

The Faul variation of Falls/Phale's can suggest the Falts/Fauls, to be half expected with Humorului liners that themselves traced to the Cetina. In colors reversed, the Fall fesse is the Brack fesse, and while Brecks use the antelope for a trace to Antalya, beside Perga, home of Plancia MAGNA, the Fallys/Fellows use a "MAGNAnimiTATE" motto term. Tate's share the raven with ROOKs/Roke's (sun theme, expected of Brac / Cetina liners). Again, the Offalys use ravens but call them Cornish choughs. SO NOW I KNOW why Rooks use a motto term, "EFFLorescent," their best attempt as code for Offalys! And the "cornices" term of the Rooks must be for the Cornish surname (Brack colors). Cornwalls are the ones with "La vie" as code for the "vi" of Chives', first found in the same place as Cornwalls.

According to their Coat, Falls look like a branch of Velis'/Vale's sharing what could be the Julian / Schole cross. The Schole's are the ones with the Patent Coat while Fallys/Fellows use a "Patientia" motto term. The Velis motto is perhaps excellent for deciding on what "perSEVERanti" stands for (either Severus Bassus or Septimius Severus), for it's, "In te DOMine SPERaVI," a thing that seems to lump Septimius Severus, Domna his wife, and Avitus his relative by marriage. The "In te" is reflective of the ending on "PerserverANTia" and "PatieENTia." As this motto term indicates potent liners, let's add that Chads were from Staffordshire, where there is one of three Offaly locations.

Reminder, Offaly is "Ui FAILghe" to the Irish, tending to reveal that Roquefeuils were a Roque merger with Offaly liners, perhaps from king Offa, perhaps not. Another reason for tracing Offaly liners to the Cetina, this time with Malahule > Tosni liners, are the Mulloys/Mileys (treFOILs), first found in Offaly and using the "Malo mori" phrase. As I feel that Fullers are Roquefeuil liners, it's notable that Fullers connect with what I feel are Bacau liners, from the Bistrita. Again, the Belli's and Belloni kin of Fullers were first found in TREViso, which may be a TreVISO term more especially, while Travis' share the scallops of Meschins known to descent to the Bessin from a Malahule > AnKETIL > D'EsPAINES line, while Paine's use the full motto of Mulloys/Mileys: "Malo mori quam FEODARi." The latter includes a term like the "futura" of Fullers (Herefordshire), possible Fetter/VOETTERL liners (Vipont wings?). The latter recalls the Voter variation of Gauthier's, first found in the same place as Gauts/Cotta's.

The interesting thing about Futters is their BLUE jay, for Blue's/Gorms may be of VRM, count of Angusta up the Bistrita. The "piece of wood" of Rita's can be for either Wood surname, and their Vode variation may apply to the above. Woods (oak tree) look like they can be variations of Watts / Vatts (oak tree).

Trevors of Herefordshire have a write-up speaking on a Maelor entity of Powys, and Powys' (the surname) share the bear paw of Bellino's in colors reversed. It's indicating a Trevor-Tudor link to Fullers. The Squirrels use a bear paw too as well as sharing a ferm-like term with Fullers (beacon) and Beacons. The Maelor entity looks like a Malahule line. By what coincidence do Trevors and English Tills share the black wyvern dragon? As the other Tills are the kin of Vito's, while the Cetina was the TILurius, note that English Tills are said to be from "Tilley, near Caen," for Caens are Cetis liners.

The wyvern dragon should be code, in-part, for Dragons/Drayners that share the embattled feature with Tragers and Rocco's (whom likely link to Fellers/Felltragers, tending to prove that they are Rockefellers liners). Again, Tragers are also Trogens and can trace to the Troglav area up the Cetina. That's what it looks like, an Offaly trace to the Tilurius, the likely namer of Quadratilla, or vice versa, depending on which came first.

It has been resolved that Tosni's descended from Malahule (this is known but hard to find or come across), and that Tosni's were Tute liners. Here's the Fell description: " lozenges co-joined between three blue pierced MULLets of eight points." The Point surname (Berkshire), in Brady / Back colors, uses a hand with fingers pointing, as do the Brattia-suspect Bradys that have their fingers pointing to a sun. Points are traced to BENEDICT le Puinter of Berkshire. The Mullets happen to share the Payen Coat so as to link to Pierleoni-suspect Paine's that honor Malahule, making Mullets suspect as a Malahule line.

The Mallets traced without doubt to Melita, not far from the mouth of the Cetina. And the Sohaemus-suspect Some's/Soans use mallets while the daughter of Avitus was named after Sohaemus. It tends to mean that Avitus was descended from Sohaemus with one of his wives, both called DruSILLA. One wife was a Herod, daughter of Herod Agrippa, and the other a Massena liner. That can explain why the uncle of Julius Bassianus was an Agrippa, the prediction being that one of Bassianus' parents, the one that was sibling to Julius Agrippa, descended from a child of Sohaemus with Drusilla Agrippa. Or, if that couple didn't have children, perhaps Julius Agrippa was from Drusilla's marriage to Antonius Felix: "The Book of Acts gives no further information on her subsequent life, though Josephus states that they had a son named Marcus Antonius Agrippa and a daughter Antonia Clementiana." The Clements? Why were they first found near Cheshire, and why do they use besants? Are are they suns secretly?

There is only one logical / efficient way that I can figure on how Massena liners got to the Syria theater, by way of a Scipio-Massena merger. This evokes the bellow symbol of the Skipton-suspect Skiptons, and expects the Bellows / Belows/Bellews ("Tout") as a line to the Belli's / Bellino's. The Bellow-related Billets have a branch, first found in Maine, sharing a version of the Mullet / Payen Coat, I believe, and the Arms of Roquefeuil uses billets (in Coffer colors). It is logical to trace the Sohaemus > Avitus line to Malahule because he birthed the Meschins. As Belows use a chalice, they might be from Herod of Chalchis (uncle of Berenice Agrippa).

The Belows were first found in Yorkshire, same as Skiptons, Lacys, Palmers/Parmers, and Meaths, but said to be from Ireland's Meath. Meaths/Meethams, with quarters in colors reversed from Jewish Aarons, might just have been Mathis-river liners to such things as Methleys (mullets) and the related, tiger-using Medleys. The Medham location of Meaths was controlled by Ilbert de Lacy (purple lion of Skiptons). I don't think these things can be coincidences, suggesting strongly that Skiptons were a Skipton branch. Ilbert de Lacy is found in the Methley write-up too, as the ruler of Methley in Yorkshire.

Are the Meaths using the AARON Shield? Meaths were first found in the same place as Swale's, while ARUNdels, from Arun in Sussex, use swallows. Arun is in the same place as the first Saddocks (and Medleys, no guff) that one might expect with Aaron liners. As Swale's are said to have married Gaunts, they must be sharing the Dutch-Ghent fesse. The Swallows use swallows too, and look linkable to Gaunts of Lincolnshire. Why should Arundels be kin of the namers of Swale in Yorkshire? Ask Alice de Meschin of Skipton, for Swale's married Alice of Gaunt while Maceys use gauntlet gloves, and then the FitzAlans of Arundel married Alice of Saluzzo while Swallows are said to be from Alan elements. Alice of Saluzzo was a daughter of Luisa of Ceva, a place suspect with Cavii, who lived at the Mathis river, the mouth of which was Bassania, what's predicted to be a proto-Massey/Macey entity.

We have just crossed paths with the Opgalli-Tigranes line with the Medley tiger. Perhaps it's a coincidence, perhaps not, but there is a Gally surname, first found in the same place as Swale, and sharing the white greyhound with Swale's. French Gally's look to be using a version of the Pane/Panico Coat, and were first found in the same place as Payens. But the French Gally Coat is even a better reflection of the French Julian Coat. Pane's/Panico's were at a Setta valley at Bologna, and the latter is where Pepoli's were first found who share black-and-white checks with the Yorkshire Gallys. It's thereby predictable that the Gally horse head is the Este / Pepin horse, explaining the "esto" motto term of Swale's. The Gally horse head has black-on-white bends upon it, wavy, if not mistaken, a symbol of Clements ...who might be from Mrs. Clementiana, a daughter of Drusilla Agrippa. The Clement Crest uses a hawk, symbol of Hobs/Habs, and while the latter's tiger makes them Opgalli-Tigranes liners, this recalls CLEM KadiddleHOPPER, a fictitious character on the Red Skelton Show (he was a Freemason). If the Clement link to Hobs/Habs and to the Gally horse head are valid, Gallys can be from whatever entity may have named Opgalli. The Gullys/Gollys (reflects the Kennedy Coat / Arms of Carrick) happen to share the TEEGER and Julian cross, suggesting that Gallys may have been the Julian line. Shouldn't we expect the Julius-Caesar line merged with the Bassus family? German Clements share white-and-black bars with German Julians.

Going back to the "three blue pierced mullets of eight points," the TOSINI's/Tonso's use stars of eight points. The Tosini's speak on their man wearing a shirt, while Shirts (Cheshire, where Avitus-Bassianus liners are expected) show an "inVIDIA" motto term. It's unmistakable now that Avitus traces to Malahule, uncle of king Rollo. And the Rollo's use a "par tout" motto phrase that should include the Parrs, kin of Manners/Maness' ("par" motto term) who share the peacock in the Shirt Crest. Shirts look like Ore / Orell kin, and Orells are expected with a version of the Saxon/SEPTon Coat. Both surnames were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Parrs. Note the Parr Crest. Where have we seen something like that before? Manners/Maness' use a "pour" motto term while the Belows are POURing water from a chalice. Bellows share the Shield of Mens' said to be of the Manners.

The Shorts are in Shirt colors, and share blue wings with Here's / Herzogs suspect with Herzegovina, at the sources of the Cetina / TILurius river, and Shorts were first found in the same place (Dorset) the wyvern-using Tills. As Offaly of Hertford was a Mercian line, apparently, note the MERSEwood seat of Tills. Merseys are also Maiseys/Maisie's, a sure sign, now, that Julia Maesa was from a Tilurius-river family, and thus expected to descend from Quadratilla and Laevillus.

Compare "Cetin" to the Cottin variation of Gauts/Cotta's, a Julian-suspect line now suspect with the new kid on the black, the Voters/Gauthier's/Gothie's. The latter had prompted a look at Gutters, found listed with Cutters, first found in the same place as Tills above. It's begging whether Aurelia Cotta was a Cetina-river liner, if the Cetina went by that name in her time (born around 150 BC). The alternative is that Cotta liners were also the Geta's that named the Cetina after her lifetime. Cetis, apparently, existed under that name in the time of Quadratilla, around 100 AD. IT MUST NOT BE A COINCIDENCE THAT CETINS USE A "CAUTES" MOTTO TERM LISTED WITH GAUTS/COTTA'S. The motto term is comparable to the Gautiez/Gautiais variations of Voters.

Gutters/Cutters, in sharing the color scheme of Aurelia's, may have been Cottians. Aurelia was a name of Caracalla, and he is definitely tracing to Cetina elements. Caracalla's mother was the daughter of a Julius. The Aurelia Chief shares white-on-blue stars with the Chief of Cetis-liner Kidds (Shield-and-Chief color combination of Gutters/Cutters in colors reversed). The Cetis-liner Caens are the ones sharing white lattice with Gauts/Cotta's, and we just saw Tills at the Caen theater. This is making a lot of sense.

It tends to give extra clues. As Joseph Caiaphas was suspect mainly with ancestry in Aurelia Cotta, by what coincidence do Voters/Gauthier's use the same martlets as French Josephs? To help prove that Voters/Gauthier's are using the Alan fesse, they call their martlets plain "birds," while Birds share the red footless martlets of Alans. The BROXton location of Birds is likely of the Stewart-related Brocks. I'm guessing that the red fesse of English Birds is that also of Futters/Fotys, for they too use red symbols with the fesse. It makes FOOTless martlets suspect with Futters/Fotys, first found in ANGUS, beside the Fothes'. Reminder: Futter-suspect Fullers trace to Bacau on the Bistrita river, location of ANGUSta. A blue jay is shared between Futters and Poitvins, the latter's jay "perched on a silver rock in BASE" in the two colors of the Roque/Rock rock. This reminds that Fullers were suspect with the "feuil" of Roquefeuils. POITvins can be Peter liners from the Pierleoni, for they share the same stars (which they call mullets) as Benedicts.

I've been wondering whether Futters were Odin/Woden liners, which idea found the Voddens/Fodens (crossbows), first found in Cheshire, home of Ranulf de Gernon whom I see as a fundamental Foot liner. The Vodden/Foden write-up even traces to the god, Odin. De Gernon was a line from Malahule, and he can qualify as an Odin liner. The Vodden/Foden Crest is a "pike's head." Later, Washingtons, whom are traced by others to Odin, will connect squarely with Pek liners. Here are the Goddens (same place as Touque's linkable to Touques river, location of Gace) using a gold version of the Washington bars, but then Goddens start to evoke pike-using Geddes, suggesting now that Odin may have been a Chad / Cetis liner. Later, while on Gace / Wace / Washington liners, you'll read this: "Wake's are using a gold-Shield version of the Washington Coat, and the "ora" motto term of Wake's, with their torteaux replacing the Washington-Chief stars, reveals that the torteaux of Ore's, Orleans', and Orells (same place as Washingtons) are specifically those of Washington liners." Bigots use a tortoise, and Dutch Goddens a turtle (Turtle's/Toothills are Toot = Malahule liners), which can indicate that "pectore" is indeed a Picot-Ore code, for it's later found that Piggots/Picots use "pikeheads." However, an equally good theory on a Pek-Thor reading of "pectore" comes up later, and then mythical Thor was kin to Odin. That could make for a record, four kin surnames in one motto term. This paragraph was inserted during the spell check 90 minutes before the update is due. Shortly, you'll see why Voters/Gauthier's can link to the Chaucer tortoise, thus making Gauthier's suspect with the Goth peoples at the root of Odin. But it also helps to support my theory the Herods had a line(s) to proto-Vikings. Chaucers were first found in the same place as Goddens, tending to reveal that the turtle and tortoise are linkable.

The Jays/Gai's (share blue Crest with Here's / Herzogs) were first found in the same place, HEREfordshire, as Fullers. French Gays/Guai's share the gold rooster of French Gallys (looks like a version of Julian Coat). As Gays were first found in Savoy, near royal Cottians, it's interesting that the blue-on-gold scallops of French Gays are colors reversed from the Aurelia scallop. As Aurelia's are suspect also with Caracalla, note the Aurelia description: "a gold escallop in BASE." It appears that Bassianus' own the base of a Shield (or at least it's naming), while Caiaphas liners are suspect with the Chiefs. Of all things to call the top of a Shield, why "chief"? Cheffs/Chafe's were first found in the same place as Tills, and look like a merger with Mens / Manner liners, perhaps from Maine.

French Alans use the same stars as French Julians, first found in the same place as Gauts/Cotta's and Voters/Gauthiers! English Birds even show black-on-white bends in the Crest, symbol in the Gally Crest too. Repeat: "But the French Gally Coat is even a better reflection of the French Julian Coat." It's important where English Gallys are sharing a fesse-with-checks with Stewarts. The idea here with the sudden inclusion of Voters/Gauthiers is that the Alan>Stewart line was not only a Julius-Caesar line, but of Caiaphas too.

I've read that the black-and-white checks (colors of Gally checks) on the helmets of English / Londons British police officers were a take from Stewart checks. Checks in these colors have been regarded by others as those desired in witchcraft. I've also read that the floor of the Magdalene church of Rennes-le-Chateau (Languedoc) was tiled on black-and-white checks. Aside from consideration of that, I trace DALLENs to a "MagDALENE" code, and. moreover, one Dallen Coat was once showing (until after I began writing about it) the pine tree of Constance's, first found in Languedoc along with Julians, Cauts/Cotta's and Voters/Gauthier's. Much later, about a year or so ago, I realized that the Saunier Coat (same star as Julians and the EU flag) was a version of the Gaut/Cotta Coat. It was a Mr. Sauniere (Catholic priest) that planned / built the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau. And it's beside Julian-like Quillan, and not far from Roquefeuil, now suspect with Offalys. Quillans share the white wolf with Gore's.

This was the church with the "miraculous" window that supposedly came to name "blue apples," a phrase put into a riddle that included a "Pousinn" code: "Shephardess no temptation that Pousinn Teniers hold the key. Peace 681 by the cross and this Horse of God. I complete this daemon guardian at midday. Blue Apples." The "PIECE of wood" (Rita's) is coming to mind, which may be clue to Sauniere's being a Pierleoni liner. The quote is a translation; "midday" could also be "noon," for Nons, suspect with Nuns/Noons, have a fesse in colors reversed from that of Boeufs/Beefs/CORAboeufs, first found in the same place (Perigord) as Saunier's, while Beoffs (share white-on-blue rose in Chief with Sauniers) were first found in Hesse, while Hesse's share the sun (did this create the Noon / None surname?) with French Poussins/Posse's/Fors, first found in the same place as Josephs! Surprise. And English Pousins/Powsys (Powys liners?) happen to share the cat design (almost), in the same white color, of Cetins/Cattens.

Poussins/Powsys were first found in the same place as Froggit-suspect Cottars, that being like the Cotard variation of Cauts/Cotta's, and Cutters/Gutters use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cluns in colors reversed, that being of the Clun location (Shropshire) special home of the Alan-Stewart line.

I'm going to guess that the Fors variation of Poussins is for "Forez," where BESANcons/Bassets were first found, for "Besan" is like the "Poussin" while English Bassets share three fesse bars on red with English Poussins. As the Poussins/Fors' use suns, it looks like they were Bassianus liners! Bingo. And SEPTimius Severus had been suspect in the naming of SEPTimania, location of Rennes-le-Chateau. Moreover, English Bassets use a "Pro rege et POPULO," linkable to the black-and-white-check Pepoli's, making the latter (and maybe Popoli's too) suspect at the Magdalene church's operations. Pepoli's were first found in the same place as Pane's/Panico's (version of the Julian Coat?) while Payens were first found in the Forez theater.

Another reason for tracing Poussins/Fors' to Forez is that the billets of Besancons/Bassets are code for Billets, first found in the same place (Maine) as Poussins/Fors. The Currys/Corrys are traceable to Brisons suspect from MontBrison at the east side of the Forez mountains. Mont Brison is near Mont Pilat and St. Etienne while Ettiene's use the Besancon/Basset billets. This must have to do with the billets of Roquefeuil.

Poussins/Fors' are said to have been specially in Le Mans, let's remind that the Arms of Le Mans shares candlesticks with Kyle's (Ayrshire) while Shaws were part of the Ayrshire motto. The candleSTICK became very linkable to the SITHECH root of Shaws, and Candle's/Cantwalls (canton) share annulets in the colors of the same of Vito-suspect Viponts, no guff. The Candle's use five annulets in the positioning of the five Saffer birds and the five Chaplet swans, the latter in the colors of the swan once showing for French Josephs, a good reason to view the "SA VUE" motto phrase of Voters/Gauthiers as part-code for SEPTimius SEVERus, and part-code for the Vio (or similar) variation of Vito's. Plus, chaplets are used (in a rare maroon color) by SEPTons. Five, in this case, has been suspect with Quintus Caepio, whose granddaughter had an affair with Julius Caesar. Her surname, Caepionis, is suspect with Italian Capone's, first found in the same place (Naples) as Popoli's (Basset colors) and CANDELora's/CANDELs/Candida's (share a spread black eagle with Voters/Gauthier's).

The Kentwell hall in the Candle write-up is said to have been granted by a king to a Mr. Vallence, while Scottish Valence's (Vipont wings?), first found in KENT, use red-on-white footless martlets, once again linkable to the same of Alans. Valences happen to be traced in their page to Poitou, where Poitvins were first found who use the jay while Jays share the red rose with Valence's. German Valence's/FELANS use red footless martlets too. The Jays share a white-on-red bend with Chaucers (KENT), kin of Chalk(er)s (KENT). The full Voter/Gauthier motto is, "A chacun sa vue." I have no idea what the first two terms might be code for unless they include Chalks, who happen to use three fesse bars in the colors of the same of Poussins. And the Chalk bars are wavy, as are the three Basset bars. As Poitou is likely from Poti of COLCHis, in CAUCasia, the Chalks and Chaucers can relate to those places. Still, Chalks are suspect with Herod of Chalchis.

If one looks at the Valence variations, Valentinian and his bother, Valens, come to mind along with the Fell liners that became suspect with Offalys, and RoqueFEUIL. The Valentins share a white-on-red bend with Chaucers while the Valence/Felan martlets are almost the Voter/Gauthier martlets, and while the latter's are in the colors of the same of French Josephs, who once showed a swan in those colors, note that Chalks have a swan in Crest. The Cheffs/Chafe's, by the way, share blue-on-white lozenges with Fells and Whelans/PHELANs/Failins. One can glean here that Offaly elements at Cetina, from the Caracalla-Bassianus, descended to the family of Valentinian. It's interesting that while GRATian was Valentinian's father, Bradys (sun), suspect from Brattia, are also GRADys.

To my surprise, there is actually a Chacun/Chason surname (Spanish), and it not only shares the Meath quadrants, but both surnames put a gold fleur-de-lys on the blue quadrants. As quadrants are suspect as code for Quadratus Bassus, it's notable that the Chacun Coat adds black wolves in the two colors of the Quade wolf heads. A black wolf is used by Louths too while Meath is near Louth. The Chacun quadrants are in the colors of the Checker and Stewart checks. And Chickens (same place as Checks) share a green-on-white chevron with mole-hill Shacks/Shake's i.e. like "Chacun." It looks like all of these similar surnames can be Chacun branches. As the Futter-suspect Voters whom apparently loved Chacuns use footLESS martlets, the fact the Chase's/Chace's share the green griffin head of LESlie's seemingly adds Chase's to the list of branches. If I recall correctly, Shacks/Shake's had traced particularly well to the proto-Hungarian Szekelys on the Mures river with the Khazars, suspect with Cohens that share the Checker Coat exactly. Leslie's were Hungarians. There's nothing in this paragraph to prove that Chacuns were Chaucers / Chalkers.

Chaucers are using the Coat of Chasers, a Khazar-like term, and then Caesars were first found in the same place as Chaucers / Chalkers. Kaisers/Keysers, with silver billets in Chaucer / Chalker colors, use a "gott" motto term linkable to Voters/Gauthier's/Gothie's.

On the question of whose saltire French Julians are using, I say it's the Annandale saltire in colors reversed, for the Julian Coat is a reflection of one Kilpatrick Coat while Kilpatricks were in the Annandale area. As I trace KilPatricks / Patricks to the so-called Patrician cult that included Julius Caesar, but also to Patmos, location of Chora, note that the Currys/Corrys use the same saltire as Julians. Plus both Gore's are obvious kin of both Alans, and English Gore's are Core's too. We have the distinct likelihood that whatever it was on Patmos that was a 666 entity, it led to this very topic. Kilpatricks were first found in the same place as Patiens/Padyns suspect in the Patientia motto term of Gally-possible Fallys (mat indicate that Offalys were Julians). The Kilpatrick Chief uses cushions as possible code for Cussens/Cousins, perhaps Cosenza liners. KOS, by the way, is an island about 40 miles from Patmos.

Saxons/Septons, very-possibly from the Septimius-Bassianus line through to Offaly, use CHAPLets, and Tosini's/TONSO's trace without doubt with Vito/Bittini-suspect Bidens/Buttons, kin of CAPELLI's, to CABYLE upon the TONZUS river. Brogitarus was the priest of CYBELE, and she was from Ishtar, the goddess with an ancient eight-pointed star. If you have your dark map opened, see the SUEMES tributary of the Tonzus. It appears that the priesthood of Sohaemus and that of Brogitarus may have been honoring the same Thracian filth. The El-Gabal priests of Massena-suspect Emesa used purple robes, the color of the clothing that Revelation puts on the harlot. Skiptons use purple. Skippers use besants in the common color scheme of Bassianus liners (including the Dumas'), and the Skipper chevron may therefore be that of the Demys/DeMaise's. Sohaemus' family took on the name(s) of the Caesar family.

As Parrs share double fesse bars with Palmers/Parmers (trefoils, Rockefeller-line symbol), they are likely from Parma. The Palmers/Parmers are the ones with a version of the Flack Coat, and Flacks became somewhat linkable to Offaly liners (of the proposed Aflack kind). The Levite-suspect Oenotrians have taken a back seat in this part of the discussion, but they have been traced to Hum, otherwise, Oneum, at the mouth of the Cetina, and "Hum" has traced well to Emesa = Homs for obvious reasons. It looks like Oneum was the second Homs, or maybe even the first. I had some good reasons fro tracing the ancestry of the El-Gabal priests to Assisi and neighboring Arettium, for while their family descended from an Azizus character, they were operating at Arethusa (Syria) before clamping down at Emesa. Arettium became Arezzo, like the Arras capital of Artois, from where Ambrose Pointier is said (in the Point write-up) to descend. Arettium was the long-standing home of Cilnius' which included Cilnius MAECENAs (same time as Brogitarus).

Here's a repeat from the last update:

The fact that the potent cross of the Cosenza area is black-on-white and suspect with the Sinclair cross is reason to mention that Beatle's/Bedwells were first found in the same place as Elnors who share the same cross as Sinclairs with Elmers (Elis' use it on gold background), and then the Alnwicks (rooster, Sinclair symbol) use a moline cross in the same colors. It may be indicating that Elemia / Elymian elements were fundamental with the potent liners of Bruttium. No great surprise, and it would make the woman of Elms suspect with the woman of Saracena. The Elm description, "A woman's head and shoulders," is part-suspect with Shuler = Schole = potent liners.

The Parrs use "A woman's head and shoulders, dressed in blue, wearing a wreath of red and silver roses." The crosses in the quote have become linkable to the Offaly cross for obvious reason having to do with their sharing Cornish choughs. Elms (same place as Saxons/Septons) share the double fesse bars in the colors of the same of Palmers/Parmers, a good reason in itself to link Elms to Parrs (tends to clinch Parrs from Parma). The Elm woman is identical to the one in the Heber/Hayburgh Crest, aside from the colors of their dresses. The Heber woman is likewise in blue, as is the Parr and Taber woman. The Taber woman carries the grape bunch for a decent trace to Oenotrians (lived at Saracena). As Palmers/Parmers were first found in the Yorkshire area beside the first Elms, the link looks hard to deny.

Another surname using a head is that of Swords, their Irish branch first found in Offaly. Aren't Swords from Serdica, to the near-west of Cabyle? The Arsus/Assus location (Hebros) can be the root of Assisi because Arda is on the Hebros not far downstream. And Arda is at the mouth of the Tonzus so that its Suemes tributary makes sense with the naming of Azizus at Arethusa. One Azizus was brother to SoHAEMUS, and Cabyle is at the Haemus mountain. Wikipedia's article on Sohaemus fails to mention his marriage to Drusilla Agrippa, but does mention her marriage to Azizuz. As Cybele was the goddess of an old Galli priesthood, the question is whether OFFALys and Fallys , etc., were softened Galli liners from the namers of OpGALLI. Sohaemus' mother was Joseph-like Iotapa (she was Parthian), perhaps an Io-Tap combo, for Io was linked to Perseus, suspect with Parthians.

As Keturah is suspect highly with a line to mythical Medea, made the foundress of the Medes (that's just simpleton talk of the myth writers), while Perseus married AndroMEDA, I would trace Parthians to mythical Paris, another line of Keturah that can be connected to Medea (worshiped Hecate) via Hecate's apparent code in Hector, Paris' brother. In that picture, the Hector Trojans were none other than the Colchian worshipers of Medea's goddess. What are the chances that the Paris Trojans were a stock of the Iotapa Parthians that came around to marry the Sadducee-suspect lines now in the hunt? Were Pharisees named by the Iotapa Parthians? Was this the Perseus Gorgons? Gorgons are suspect at Gorgan, what was anciently Verkana/Hyrcania, like the names of some Maccabees. Gorgons thus lived in Parthia. Verkana was at the tip of the Caspian sea, as were the Gels/Gileki, suspect as proto-Colchians and/or proto-Cilicians. Mythical Cilix was brother to Cadmus, a good reason to see a merger between the Gileki and the neighboring Cadusii Armenians (Semites). My feelings have been that Gileki were the proto-Julians.

If Cadusii named the Sadducees, then Pharisees could well be from Gorgons that lived at Parthia. However, it's logical that eastern Parthians, when seeking to conquer Anatolia in Roman times, would find partnership with old Parthians of Anatolia, and thereby find the old Paris liners in or near Mysia. The Mysian city of Parion/Parium is known to have been a Gorgon city. Every time I mention this, I feel not much closer to solving the reality in this regard, if it is the reality.

Chader Investigation

The Chatters/Chaders are new to me, and may hold keys on Chad kin or ancestry in Quintus Caepio. The first thing I noticed in the Chader Coat was it's lower cinquefoil, in the colors of the Heber cinquefoil. The top Chader cinquefoil leads naturally and fairly-straightforward to Caepionis suspects, wherefore let's repeat here that while Lady Fortune was traced to Cupionich, Chaders use a "Fortune" motto term. Their "veut" motto term is a mystery. The Heber motto term, "d'acCOMPlier" can be partly for Comps/Camps using the colors and format of English Capone's. The CINQUEfoil itself is suspect with Quints and Quince's, but the FOIL itself is now expected to be of Offaly elements. Therefore, Hebers stand to be of the Caepio-Hebrew line, which had merged with the Livius family shortly before the birth of Caiaphas.

As Swiss Hebers/Habets/Hebens, sharing the eagle head with Dutch Camps, can be Habs/Hobs, both Heber surnames can be Opgalli liners. The HaBERN variation can link to Berne in Switzerland, for Swiss Hebers and Berns share a black symbol on a gold bend. It may indicate that Berne's were a Heber branch.

The Chaders/Chaters are said to be from a CARTERet Manche, where Sturs lived who trace to the Stur river of HAMPshire, which can support the trace of the Chader cinquefoil to HAMPtons. The Carters were first found in Caepio-suspect Winchester, which was ruled by Saer de Quincy, while Quince's/Quincys were first found in NorthAMPTON. Carters happen to use the Catherine wheel, while the line of Catherine Roet was first found in the same pace (Somerset) as Chaters, making the latter suspect as a branch of Colters that likewise use the Catherine wheel, and moreover are in Chater colors. BUT, it could be the other way around, that Colters had at first been Chaders...and therefore Sadducee suspects of the Chad / Chaddock kind. Colters can be Calders, in fact, for the latter share the stag head with Colts/Cults/Celts. The Calder stag has red antlers emphasized, the color of the antlers of Veringers, kin of blue-antler Zahringers that founded Swiss Berne.

Winchesters are the ones sharing the gold fitchee in Crest with Quints, a sure sign that Quints were in Saer de Quincy's veins. The Winchester fitchee is behind a blue lion. The mother of Saer de Quincy is said to have ancestry in Picardy, same as Roet ancestry.

With the Chader link to Celts/Colts, we might be on the verge of identifying Chads from something of the ancient Khaldi, suspect with the ancient Galli, the Gaul-Celt relationship that historians accept. The Carters with the Catherine wheel share a white, seated greyhound with Gallys. As Galli liners often use a chicken, by what coincidence do the same Carters share a green-on-white chevron with Chickens (and Shacks/Shake's)? Carters can be from ancient Kartvelians, otherwise known as the Colchians.

I don't know all the places that Khaldi lived, but they were around the Trabzon river at one point, not far from lake Sevan, which may explain the swan in the Calder Crest. Lake Sevan probably fell under Kartvelian rule at some points. The Cadder and similar variations of Calders are so-much like "Chader/Chater" that it seems a fact already that Chaders were at least merged with Colters, and that Colters were a branch of Calders. The Celts/Colts had a Coutes branch, which reminds that Voters/Gauthiers are a branch of Cautes'/Cotta's that list "Coutes," while it's the Voters/Gauthiers that have the "Chacun" motto term that brought up a slew of apparent branches including in the Shacks (mole hills can be for Eschyna de Molle, married the Alans, kin of Voters). The royal Cottians, who birthed Vestalis, had been suspect with Wessels/Wastels/Gastelswhile Germans Wessels use, no guff, an antler. The question then becomes: were Colts / Calders pure branches of royal Cottians, or a merger with them? In any case, you just saw good reason for linking the Cotesii scythians (Siret river) to the namers of Soducena.

In the past, I've said that Wessels/Wastells use swans, and while they look like swans, they are now said to be doves. I don't think I would have called them swans based on their appearance alone, and so I probably looked them up. In other words, the Wessels may be able to use swans and doves interchangeably. Although the one in the Wessel Chief is said to be blue, it's definitely back in the Crest, the color of the Joseph swan, and then Wessels are suspect with the Joseph-Chief garbs. The Guests/Gists, likewise using a black swan in Crest, must be of the Gastell variation of Wessels, for the Guest Shield is split vertically in the two colors of the Wessel-Chief quadrants. The Swedish Gusts may be using a red version of the long, curved Puck chevron because the latter trace to the Peucini down-river on the Siret from the Cotesii. The Peucini and Cotesii lived on either side of Galati, suspect with the Galatian-branch Galli. It may explain why the Gally Crest shares a white horse with the Wessel Chief. In keeping with the idea that Gauthier's are Cottians, what about the gold garbs of Goods/Guts/Guters? I almost missed it: English Good share white-on-red lions with Whistle's/Wissels. The latter must be using the lions of Paine's because both were first found in Somerset, where the line of Payne Roet was first found in England. The "vie" motto term of Wests is obviously for the Viu valley.

We haven't yet proven that Chaders were Chad / Chaddock liners, but as Saddocks share the Shields of Chadocks and Chadwicks, it's a good bet that Saddocks are from "Soducena" at lake Sevan / LYCHnis (Armenia). And if you click over to German Wessels, it's the vertically-split Shield of Chads. Caucasia-suspect Chacers/Chasers / Chaucers use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed, and the tortoise of Chaucers has been suspect as code for Toreatae scythians, a fellow branch of Soducena-suspect Sittaceni. Vertically-split Shields in these colors are shared by the Arms of Sion, a Swiss city that was also SITTEN. Let's not be naive; lets acknowledge what happened: scythians-descended Hebrews that included Chad liners, and whom marched against Jerusalem in 1096, were at Sion...but then one may trace the Cadusii Armenians to old mount Sion in Phoenicia, because it was at mount Hermon while Hermes was given a caduceus symbol as code for Cadusii. Phoenicians were given the rising phoenix as symbol, and the Coutes' use a "rising eagle," though that may have become part-code for Rize, between the Kartvelians and Trabzon and therefore possibly a home of the Khaldi.

The Amptons, whom were brought to topic by the Chader/Chater cinquefoil, were first found in Staffordshire, where St. Chad operated (as a bishop). Swan liners are of Lick / Lock liners as probably carry-overs from Lychnis liners, which is repeated due to the Lichford area consisting of one Hampton location. The Lichfords (Staffordshire) are listed with Litchfields, and Litchfield is where St. Chad was bishop. The Staff surname shares the Quint chevron in both colors, and Imps, who list Amps, use it in colors reversed. The Litch's were suspect with the Coat of Ladys/Laudymans, and then Lauds, listed with Lords, use cinquefoils in the colors of the Chader/Chater cinquefoils.

Of some possible related importance, the lion paw of Quints was traced to the same of Bedfords because Quints had become suspect with certain Bedford elements (can't recall the details), and so while Lutons (Bedfordshire city) share the green-on-gold spread eagle with Wins/Gwynns, it may signal that Winchesters were Winny liners. It's interesting that while Savage's share the black lion paw with Quints and Bedfords, Michael Savage (radio talk-show host) was born a Weiner, listed with Winners who use a diagonally-split Shield in the colors of the Chads, Wessels, etc. I'm wondering whether Win-like entities named themselves as per the wine theme of Oenotrians. Wins/Gwynns share a green Shield with Quinns, and the latter put a white horse on it. Quints were first found partially in the same place (Dorset) as Tills. Or, were Oenotrians just a branch of Veneti, namers of Gwenea/Vannes, for example? Gwynedd is said to be named after a Venedotia peoples, and it's beside the northern Wales area where Wins/Gwynns were first found...who come up as "Winny," suspect with Winnie the Pooh because Veneti lived around the mouth of the Po.

Why was it made a bear and given Tigger as a friend? Since when do tigers and bears share the same forest logically? I identified king Arthur's wife (Guinevere) as the Veneti of Gwenea/Vannes as they moved into Gwynedd, where Arddu was located roughly, yet Arthurs were first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire, where tiger-using Hobs/Habs were first found, all of which traces to the Artemidoros line and its marriage with that of the TIGRanes line. The cartoon creators were by-and-large bloodline-lusting fiends. One needs to ask whether cartoons were not an Illuminati effort to sidetrack children into godlessness. There is never a God in even the softest of cartoons such as Winnie the Pooh. Afterward, when parents had accepted cartoons as innocent, cartoons became downright wicked with a long list of rotten human qualities. It was in-step with the ever-increasing stench of Hollywood movies and television productions. It wasn't coincidental; it was all an Illuminati effort to change the way the world operates mentally, to define good qualities as boring / meaningless, and for equating bad qualities with stardom / greatness. And here we are in a much-colder world not yet smart enough to boot the Illuminatists in the teeth. My definition of an Illuminatist is one whose got activism, or a desire for activism, or loosely partnered with such activism, seeking to eradicate Biblical thought amongst mankind.

Winnie the Pooh had another friend in Piglet. Why the "let" ending, so common in heraldry? Piggs (Northumberland, beside the Winners) use a purple lion in Crest, and English Winners/Winerys use a purple Shield. These Winners were first found in the same place as Burns and Bernice's, bear liners to Bernicians of Berwick, and, surely, the black hexagrams of Bernice's is an Illuminati symbol of the witchcraft / satanist kind. Ask yourself what sort of an imbecile would get into witchcraft or worship satanic deceptions / illusions? That's the stupid in charge of your political and educational world, usually. Obama's administration has thousands of them by choice and design. The Piggs likely are a branch of purple-Shielded Pace's, Bassianus suspects of the Piggot/Picot kind. The two latter surnames were both first found in Cheshire, and Picots share "prest" with Hebers (share the Chader/Chater cinquefoil) who have a motto suspect with Cheshire-liner Liers. Piggots are said to have married Peshall, but Peshalls are listed with Pearsalls/Parcells (Staffordshire), whom I expect as Percys of Yorkshire because the purple lion needs to trace to Lacys and Skiptons of Yorkshire. Percys are suspect as Percivals, who use the bear, and were first found in the same place as Chaders/Chaters whom had themselves linked to Amptons, first found in the same place as Peshals/Pearsalls (Chader / Ampton colors). Piggots use the same wolf head as the Yorkshire Scarfs.

I think I can trace Peshalls from Aude. The Peshals/Pearsalls are said to descend from Gilbert de CORbeil, and Corbeils were first found in Savoy, where Aude's are said to derive that use three downward-pointing swords in colors reversed from the similar piles of Peshals/Pearsalls. That suggests a trace of both surnames to Aude because it's the location of an Orbieu river, beside Corbieres. The Quillans, suspect from Quillan in Aude, share the white wolf with the Piggot Crest. It's interesting that the Languedoc Voters/Gauthier's (Alan fesse, Alan martlets) use a Savoy-like "sa vue" motto phrase. The Bigots (the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cluns / Saluzzo's, FitzAlan kin) happen to use the snake design of Save's, indicating that the Voters/Gauthier's were married to Save liners. Save's use a "quod" motto term possibly indicating Quade's/Quoids. And it just so happens that while Save's use a "Velis" motto term, Velis'/Vails (same place as Piggs) share the black spread eagle of Voters/Gauthier's. I've yet to identify whose gold-on-blue scallop the Aurelia's use, but the Bigot scallops seem to qualify.

This recalls a very old trace of Alans / Stewarts to Brocken mountain (location of a witchcraft cult), and to a related Goeth's oak stump in that region. The Goeth's are listed with Goths while Gauthier's are also "Gothie." German Brockens use an oak stump, and Brocks share the Stewart motto. The other Velis/Will surname uses suns and a "GOD" motto term.

Save's were first found in the same place as Saf(f)ers.

Pincum Link to Washingtons

The day ended after the above. On Saturday morning, nothing more to say, so it was email time. The first email brought me to the Picquigney surname, almost "Pigg." The email is from Miss Besant, telling that the Washingtons descended from a De Hertburn character of the 12th century : "He was French and from a powerful family, a lineage of a knight. He received the estate of Durham (as in the Durham castle). This explains his close link to the Pinckney's (Governors of S. Carolina) who also trace to Durham Castle...His family relatives furnished Russian Emperors and other high positions; mixed with the Dutch powers as well. Interesting article published in 1911. Btw, the Pinckney name was previously Piquigney..." It's "Picquigney" in the Pinckney write-up (houseofnames), and said to be a location from PICardy.

It's hard to say whether the Hertburn character, who took on the name of the Washington town, was himself a Hertburn or merely took on the name of that town: "In 1183, almost 800 years ago in the village of Wessyngton, England, the Washington family took its name...The Wessyngton, which had various spellings until it evolved into Washington, comes from the Anglo Saxon - 'Hwaes' a Saxon Chief, 'Inga' meaning family of, and 'Tun' an estate - the estate of Hwae's (Wassa's) family. The first ancestor of George Washington to live at Washington was William de Hertburn, who moved to the village in 1183...Thus, William de Hertburn became William de Wessyngton." There was a Gewisse area of the Saxons that can apply to "Wessing."

The Masons of Washington have traced overwhelmingly to Caiaphas liners. The Pinckneys/Pinkie's were first found in Northampton, same as Quincys. "Five generations of George Washington's direct descendants lived in Washington Old Hall, Tyne & Wear. Later, descendants of William de Wessyngton's great great grandson, who settled in Lancashire for eight generations, moved to Northamptonshire in the mid-1500s." It goes on to say that George Washington of America was from a Washington line through Northamptonshire. Soon, you'll see Hardwicks using cinquefoils in colors reversed from the same of Amptons.

The Pinckney lozenges are colors reversed from the similar mascles of Quincys. Repeat: "The mother of Saer de Quincy is said to have ancestry in Picardy, same as Roet ancestry." Quincy's were from Picardy's Cuinchy. The PicQUIGny-like Quicks/Queggs suggest that Weggs/Wedge's (annulets) may apply, and they were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets, are in Watch/Wadge/Wage colors, while the latter were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Wassa's/Gace's. It looks like a match, and the Weggs/Wedge's even use the same motto as Vince's/Vinch's, suggesting that Pink-like Wing/Wink liners can play into this.

The Pinckney lozenges are red, as are the lozenges of Pincks/Pinks, suggesting the Pincum location at the mouth of the Pek river, an area I always link to Cuppae, "city of doves," which appears to explain "District of Columbia," the small area all around Washington DC. "Columb" means "dove."

It's possible here that Wegg liners were Pek liners while Wings/Winks and similar others were Pincum liners.

The Great Seal has the motto, "Annuit COEPtis," suggesting the Caepio's and possibly the Annas' who share the white-on-red star with Cantons, the latter using a colors-reversed version of the Washington Coat. The Great Seal was resolved as code for the Seal and Great surname, as the Sailer motto bears out. The Seals share the white wolf head of Piggots no kidding. Repeat: "Piggots use the same wolf head as the Yorkshire Scarfs." So, Seals, Sailers, and Scarfs were all first found in the same place as Pings/Paganells and Pinks, and Seals with Sailers both use the black wolf heads of Quade's.

Plus, Piggots/Picots use three upward-pointing arrow heads much like the three ermines, in the same colors, and likewise pointing up, of the Brittany Balls/Ballets/Ballons while the mother of George Washington was Mary Ball. Who were the Balls from? King Alexander Balas? The latter merged politically / militarily with Jonathan Maccabee while Piggots were first found in Cheshire, where Maccabee liners are expected. Picquigney is near Airaines and ABBEville, places that traced without doubt to Arran, where MacABEE's and Gorms/Blue's were first found. Arran is beside Bute, and while George Washington's father, AUGUSTine Washington, had earlier married a Miss BUTLer, the Piggots are said to be from BUTLey (PRESTbury, Cheshire). Prestbury is where Kerricks are said to come from, whom appear to be using the Touque/Took chevron upside-down. Washingtons were on the Touques river.

By the way, Obama is a Paine in his grandparent, I think, and while his Dunham line shares the Randolph Coat, Butlers share a version of the Randolph Coat.

Vrm, count of Angusta, is coming to mind, for he's not only suspect with the Gorm variation of Blue's (share the Jonathan rooster design), but Angusta is on the dark map as AUGUSTa. If that's not enough, Vrm's daughter, Helena, had the same first name as the mother of Constantine "the great," while Custs/Custes' are said to be from Constance's, a branch of Constantine's. George Washington married a Mrs. Custis. It appears that these Washingtons at the front of America were bloodline lusters. Why do Butlers use cups? Ask the Cups/Cope's, first found beside Angusta-suspect Angus, and suspect from Cuppae liners. The Piggot arrowheads (or perhaps pointers) are called PIKEheads, and then PIKE's actually share a white-on-blue chevron with Cups/Cope's! It's the PEK-river relationship with the namer of Cuppae! Clinched: Washington DC traces to the Pek. Chads even share white-on-red patee crosses with Peks while Peks were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints (and Bigots) while the two share red chevrons.

I'm not convinced that PicQUIGNY was a Pinckney branch. I'd rather propose a Pinckney merger with Quiggen/Gugan/Wiggan liners in Picardy. Quiggens use "presto" while Piggots use "prest." Prestons are using a version of the Washington and Wassa Coats. The Quicks/Quiggs look like they can be using a version of the Touque/Took Coat, which may indicate that Quigleys were Chick / Check or even Chaucers / Chalk liners from the Herods of Chalchis. The Quick / Touque griffins should trace back to that picture, and Touques' (with an 's'), by the way, use besants. The swan design of the Chalk Crest is in the HERD Crest. Herodincidence? The "saPIENTer" motto term of Herds may be for some Payen/Paiont/Pean variation.

It's probably not a coincidence that PANICo's share a red "label" of four points in Chief with the PING/Pung/Paganell Chief, a good way to clinch Pink liners with Payens/Pagans. In fact, Miss Besant writes: "This article explains his heraldry symbols; not stars, but SPURS (cogs); not stripes, but red bars, and there is an associated Raven and also a Griffin (The Pinckney symbol)." The Payen stars are called "SPUR rowells." To see spur rowells that look like cogs, see the Pander Chief, suggesting that Panders same fesse as Sailers) were Payen / Panico liners. Panders were traced tentatively but firmly with Penders to Fanano elements, and therefore to the Panaro river, in Modena, not far from the Setta valley of Panico's (south of Bologna). To help assure that Pinks trace to Panico's, the Setta is a tributary of the Reno, while the Reno surname shares the Pink lozenges in the same colors. And Pinks were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Pings/Paganells.

Panders use helmets on a fesse in colors reversed from the Arms-of-Fanano fesse. The three spur rowel of Panders (Angus) are a good reflection of the three stars in the Washington Chief, wherefore the Washington link to Pinckneys bears out. An early Pinckney is said to have received lands in Wessing-like Wedon...and, sure enough, Wedons/Weedons (first found in the same place as Pinckneys) share the double fesse bars (same colors) with Washingtons. In the Wedon Chief, black footless martlets.

It could be that George descended from the marriage of Hugh de Payen to Elizabeth Chappes', especially as Ottone Visconti traces to Chappes' while Gace, a town named by the proto-Washingtons, is at the Touques theater along with the Vipont location. As Viponts are being linked to Julius Avitus, while Ottone's have been linked to Vito's, note "ViPONT," for heraldic labels are said to have POINTS, and Points share the type of fitchee cross used by Pinks. Payens list a Paiont variation. A Mr. Pinchengi of 1086 was listed with lands in Berkshire, where Points were first found, and Points are traced in their page to a Mr. Pointier in Arras, not far from Picquigney on the Somme river. Down the Point page, their motto is shown as "PENSE a pointer."

As Giffards (share lozenges fesse-wise with Pinckneys) share the Paine motto, note that Westons are said to be from a Gouffern Orne's Trun area, a dog-walk from Gace. Instead of a whole buffalo, German Wessels (Chad Shield, right?) may be using a buffalo HORN just because Horns are listed with Orne's. Wests were first found in the same place (Devon) as Giffards (and Pike's), not to mention Cottian-suspect Viponts. This reminds that Giffards are in the write-up of Were's as a merger with Were's, but then the Were river is through Durham, and so let's repeat from Miss Besant: "[William de Hertburn] received the estate of Durham (as in the Durham castle). This explains his close link to the Pinckney's (Governors of S. Carolina) who also trace to Durham Castle..." From the article sent in from Miss Besant: "A knight of Norman decent, William had previously occupied land at Hartburn, County Durham, but exchanged this with the Bishop of Durham who wanted Hartburn. Following the custom of the time, William changed his name to "William de Wessynton", taking his name from the land on which he now lived." Giffards married the rulers of Eu, who were Crispins, and Eu is about 35 miles west of Picquigney.

The Punch's/POYNTz's can now be gleaned as using a gold version of the eight, red-and-white Crispin bars, but as eight bars such as these linked fairly obviously to the Sitric > Maccus line, let's add that while I think SITRic named the Sitters/Sitwells (eight bars, Northumberland), an Edith Sitwell is in the Wedon write-up as buried in Weedon. Sitric married an Edith Polesworth, and made a pact with Saxons in Northumberland...where Piggs/Picg's were first found who share the same chevron as Custes'/Custs.

The eight-bar theme was a topic / discovery in the last update. Irish Foys/Feys share eight bars too, while French Foys were first found in the same place as Chappes and French Bigots, while "foys" is a Piggot motto term. Irish Foys share the eel with the Skipton-suspect Skiptons, first found in the same place as eight-bar Crispins. Piggs share the purple lion with Skiptons (Yorkshire again). Note how the Bigots are using a version of the Payen Coat.

Punch's were first found at Gloucestershire, which, if not mistaken, included at least part of Gewisse. It just so happens that Wettins (buckles), like the Weton variation of Wedons, were likewise first found there! German Wettins are interesting for sharing the curved bend in the Arms of Saxony, for curved bends are rare, though shared by Rita's. A new revelation to my mind is that Roets use "verum" in their motto that can trace with Rita's to the Bistrita i.e. location of Angusta and therefore of verum-like Vrm of Angusta. It appears that both Roets and Rita's come out as branches from the namers of the Bistrita, which might find proto-Herods from the same river as the family of Annas.

As English Grasse's share the Rita lion (and the Spurr bend), it recalls that Grasse liners linked to the Pierleoni Jews, whom become highly suspect with Rita's (first found in Rome). The Pierleoni were linked by way of Leo's to French Paine's, and to the bend colors of Grazio's. Those Roman Jews are tracing to Washingtons, the odds are.

The French Crispins/CREPons share the pomegranate with Great-like Grazio's, and Greats are also GREEPs. There is no mistaking this: the Great-Seal phrase itself was code for Washington liners in cahoots with Punch liners. The Greeps and Creps are suspect as Agrippa's, and the Seals happen to use a version of the Bernice/Burness Coat, probably explaining "HertBURN." That is, Hartburn (Durham), the town that named Mr. HERTburn-Washington, looks like a HEROD-Agrippa liner, yet this Agrippa line was tracing to the family of Julius Avitus / Julius Agrippa. This recalls the statement by Miss Besant, that the Washingtons or Hertburns, she didn't say which, used griffins (suspect with "AGRIPPa"). The Sailer use griffins on their fesse. I have the sense that the Great-Seal Masons were stinking Herod lovers, Caiaphas lovers, everything as Illuminatish as can be, but all disguised as Christianity for to alleviate persecution and avoid certain political failure. They succeed in deceiving Christians to this day.

The Spurrs, expected in the spur rowells of Panders, and the cog-like spur of the Washington liners, are said to be from Ricardo GREDA de Spurwaye. Wedons use a motto, "Credo." Ricardo just evoked the Rix's/Ricks that have a Coat like the Ashburns, while Ash's of Devon (same place as Spurrs) are from D'Esse Court, a man, while Courts are like the Curtis surname that list Custis' (i.e. the surname of George Washington's wife).

The Cumberland area is at COPEland, Cuppae suspects, and Copelands (Northumberland) share the double fesse bars of Washingtons and Wedons, not to mention sharing the red Wassa canton; they call it a "square" perhaps to keep it secret that they are kin of Cantons/Gantons (Yorkshire, again). The "BENIGno" motto term of Copelands looks like a Pincum-liner code, perhaps for the Bings/Bengs sharing the Chives quarters.

The Pander fesse is blue, the color of the fesse of Cassius/Casano's (same fesse as Seals), first found in Modena. This can explain why George Washington married Martha Dandridge CUSTis, for Casts are listed with Cass', and share the Cust/Cuss/CUSTES' chevron ("fountains"). Whether correct or not, I'm not sure, but Custs/Cuss' are said to be variation of Constance's, whom were first found in the same place as Cautes'/Cotta's and Voters/Gauthiers.

As the Wedon write-up traces to a Weedon village to the south of Hardwick (Buckinghamshire), it's notable that Hardwicks (Yorkshire again and again) share white-on-blue cinquefoils, and the stag, with Chaders/Chaters, for Chads and Chadocks were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Washingtons. The Litchfield location of St. Chad can trace to Gace because Litchfields share a solid chevron in the same colors a Touque's/Tooks

Chaders/Chaters are coming out looking like Gaut/Cotta liners. For example, the Hardwick (share the stag with Cootes') motto is translated, "Safe by being CAUTIOUS", while Cautes' are listed with Gauts/Cotta's. The Hardwick motto term, "CAVENdo" (might simultaneously be an "end" term too), evokes the Caves' ("videt"), in Hardwick colors, and first found in Lancaster and Yorkshire (side-by-side along the Ribble river). Caves share a fretty Shield with Cautes/Cotta's. Hardfords/Hertfords share the stag with Hardwicks, and Hurts use a "stag wounded by an arrow," likely part-code for Arrows/Arras' i.e. from the capital of HART-like ARTois. I'd therefore say that Hardwicks are Artois liners merged with neighboring Picquigney liners.

If Chaders were both Chad and Cotta liners, it allows Cottians (suspect from Cotesii) to be at the root of the Sadducee term...expected also from the namers of Cetis. Remember, Chaddocks share the escutcheon of Geddes...and it's white, the color of the Pink escutcheon. The latter use it in both colors of the same of Suters (Angus), a surname like the Schutz's/Shutz's honored in the "eSCUTcheon." KEON-related Keens (share leopard in Crest with Suters) use an escutCHEON in the colors of the Suter / Pink escutcheon, as well as some lizards that may play to Weston-under-Lizard, in the write-up of Westons, first found in Staffordshire i.e. same place as Litchfield. Can one link the so-called perchevron of Litchfields and Touque's to the same-colored Saddock escutcheon? Yes.

Early in my hunt for post-Jesus lines of Sadducees, I don't recall how I knew that Panico's were in league with Skits and Scheds aside from the expectation that they named the Setta valley. But here I can add that while Suters are expected as part of the Sched liners, the Pix's/Pex's share gold-on-blue fitchees with them. The Pix's/Pex's use the fitchees in the colors and format of the Payen/Pagan Coat. Although I've called the Panico tree an oak (may have been hasty of me), the Panico description doesn't say so. Instead, it's a "green tree on which there is a bird..." I've never seen the bird because the Copyright symbol obscures it. The Pix/Pex Crest is simply, "A tree." It now expects that True's/Tree's were part of the Setta-line picture, but also the Bouillon- / Taddei-related Birds/Burds. Perfect, for Godfrey de Bouillon owned the potent cross i.e. used by Skits and Scheds. Thanks to Mr. Skeetz, I learned that Skeets/Sheets use the Skit Coat, and he was the one that notified me on the Schutz's. This paragraph makes the Panico tree suspect all-the-more with the Roet oak because BORDers were first found in the same place as Roets.

I suppose I never took the time much to read the Panico description to let it sink in. The bird is now very important for more reason than the above. Here's a repeat from earlier in this update: "Pane's/Panico's were at a Setta valley at Bologna, and the latter is where Pepoli's were first found who share black-and-white checks with the Yorkshire Gallys...The Gally horse head has black-on-white bends upon it, wavy, if not mistaken, a symbol of Clements ...who might be from Mrs. Clementiana, a daughter of Drusilla Agrippa." The other English Bird Crest has a shield with the same, three bends (but not wavy). "DRUsilla" may have named the True's/Tree's. In fact, as Seals (Bernice fesse) share the Scarf wolf head, it's notable that True's/Tree's were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Sheriffs (fesse in colors reversed from the Seal fesse).

As Geddes' use pike fish, they link to the pikeheads of Piggots/Picots, revealing not only that Pike's were Picots/Piggots/PICKETs, but that Geddes' can be Chad liners where Pike's use the vertically-split Shield of Chads in colors reversed. Reminder: potent-cross Chads share white-on-red patee crosses with Peks.

The Keen motto term, "demulcta," looks like part-code for de-Molle's (Keen colors), whose boar is shared by Googe's and Goffs/Goughs. The Weston write-up doesn't explain why Reginald Bailleul is mentioned, but he's the one from a Bailleul-En-GOUFFern location, smacking of king Balliol in the write-up of Schutz-suspect Scotts, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Molle's and Googe's. This recalls the trace of royal Cottians to the Touques river. The Wessels/Wastells became suspect with Wassa's, i.e. the namers of Gace on the Touques. If correct to trace Wessels / Wissels to Vestalis, son of king Cottius, the latter's wife becomes suspect as a proto-Washington, but this is not the same, necessarily, as the ancestry of George Washington. Instead, it would amount to a Cottius descent to the namers of Wessyngton. It's possible, however, that Wessyngton blood merged with the line of William de Hertburn. It's suspect here that the Cottius line to George Washington went through Caiaphas. Feasibly, a Junia Caepionis, daughter of Julius Caesar, married a Cottius liner because Caesar himself was from Cottius' family (my personal, logical theory).

Let's now repeat from above: "The Litch's were suspect with the Coat of Ladys/Laudymans, and then Lauds, listed with Lords, use cinquefoils in the colors of the Chader/Chater cinquefoils." The Ladys were first found in the same place as Pinckneys, whose Wedon kin were near Hardwick, and then Hardwicks use a Chader cinquefoil too. Panders share the fesse in both colors of the Laud/Lord fesse. The Hebers share the Hardwick cinquefoil, and the Hebers are the ones with a woman in Crest, possibly Lady Fortune, but in any case, I trace some heraldic WOMAN to VIMINACium, beside both Pincum and Lady-like LEDerata.

The Somme river (location of Picquigney) was linkable to "SOMERset," partially because Payne Roet was from Picardy. As the Picquigney-related Pinckneys are looking very much like Payne liners, let's repeat from above, because Pinckneys use a string of lozenges in colors reversed from the same of Whistle's: "I almost missed it: English Good share white-on-red lions with Whistle's/Wissels. The latter must be using the lions of Paine's because both were first found in Somerset, where the line of Payne Roet was first found in England. The "vie" motto term of Wests is obviously for the Viu valley." It looks like Pinckneys were a branch of Payne's, and definitely linked to Roets and Cottians of the Vestalis kind. Roets are still suspect as Herod liners, or even from the ancestry of Herods (birthed by Cypros). The "vie" motto term of Vestalis liners is shared by Cecils who were found in the Great-Seal codes. Wests are said to have married Cantilupe, while Candels share the VIpont annulets. It could appear that Viponts, which had VISponti-like variations, were from the namers of VEStalis.

A string of lozenges in the colors of the same of Whistle's/Wissels is used by Peckers/Packers, whom are in Pec(k) colors, and first found in Berkshire, where an early Pinckney held lands. In lozengy form, the Pecker lozenges are similar to the Cotta fretty. I feel compelled to say that Cotesii were merged with Moesians at the Pek river. Beckers? Yorkshire. Beckers (vair fur) use a "bis" motto term, which reminds that the snakes "resPECTing each other" of Biss' were pegged with PICOTs. It's not surprising that Biss' should crop up with Washington kin, for Biss' are expected with Wassa-like Weishaupts, who use an IBIS. Jewish Hardwicks may be using the Zionist star of Weis' (Vipont wings). The Wies' (likewise with the long Vipont wings exactly, said in case they change), may be using the Arms-of-Fanano fesse.

The webpage below discusses the Washington Arms saying that, while the original used a silver Shield, the modern Coat uses a white Shield. For consistency and convenience (makes it easier to find things in old files), I've used "white" for silver throughout the years. I've noted that ermined Shields are usually on a white Shields rather than silver, and, as we saw the Brittany Balls using large ermines, it may explain the white-proper Shield of Washingtons. As it appeared that Pink liners were traceable to the Panaro river, where the Banner surname traced without doubt, here we find this: "The Coat of Arms adopted by William de Wassington reflects his position and status of a knight. It comprises three red five-pointed stars and two red BANNERs [caps mine], in the horizontal position, on a white background. Originally however the background was silver."

Perhaps "banners" was his personal term, perhaps he saw it written in an official description. When speaking on the Washington stars, the article says, a "star is called 'a mollet' or 'mullet' because it resembles the rowel of a spur." The webpage below puts "bars and mullets" in quotations for the description of the Washington Coat, and uses "spur rowels of the knight's boots" in brackets to define "mullets." It perfectly expected that Washingtons were kin of Payens, and Payens kin of Mullets, and the Touque's even use a mullet-like motto term. It seemed fairly certain when I was on the topic, the Jacques de Molay descended from Hugh de Payens, but then the Arms of Jacques de Molay (see his Wikipedia article) shares the red-on-white patee cross with Chads, and these are colors reversed from the Pek patee. The importance of clinching Chad liners with Sadducees is thereby underscored.

Hardwicks, Herod suspects, especially as they appear to share the Cooper Coat, are said to be from a Hardwick location near Ashton-cum-AUGHTON, and then Cavens/Cavans, suspect from the "Cavendo" term of Hardwicks, happen to share the Dayton/d'AUTUN lion. Ashtons (same place as Washingtons) share the black boar head with Piggs, and while Ashtons are said to descend from purple-lion Lacys, Piggs are the ones with a purple lion. The "Quid" motto term of Ashtons (Quade colors) must be for the Quade's/Quids. The Ashburns could be using the Canton Chief.

Irish Foys (suspect in the Piggot motto) were first found in Cavan. If Cavans are using the Leat crescents -- possibly because Leats share lozenges in Pinckney-lozenge colors -- and if Leats are from Lederata, that latter location is opposite the Danube from Pincum. If all correct, Cavans / Caves' become suspect with Cuppae liners, whom, I imagine, were the Cavii. As Hardwicks are in Burn colors, it's possible that they named Hardburn. The last time Lederata was mentioned, it was with Litch's/Leitch's.

The Cavii trace, in mu opinion, to the line of Alice of Saluzzo, daughter of Luisa of Ceva, and the latter location is at the Cevetta river while Cavetts are in Caves colors while showing Chives-like variations. The Hardwicks share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, and Cavetts were first found in the same place (Picardy) as PicQuigney, the term / place said to be related to Pinckneys. The Burn chevron is also the Cope / Copp (Lancashire) chevron, you see, and they are all in Caves / Cavetts colors so that terms like the latter can be Cuppae elements. The Bigots, if they are a branch of Picots, must be Cuppae = Copp liners, and Bigots likewise use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Hardwicks.

Hardwicks are completely reflecting Herod-Agrippa liners going through Julius Agrippa and his Bassianus-Maesa kin. The Hardwick description says that they use silver (white) roses in Chief, the York symbol, though the Hardwick Coat shows cinquefoils instead. One expects that the Pinckney lozenges fesse-wise are the Percy lozenges fesse-wise because Percys were first found in Yorkshire. The Arms of Percy share the Massin/Mason lion. Percys are expected from Perche, the north end of which is at Gace. Hardwicks are now discoverable as using the saltire of York's (CUPias" motto term), for there is a Jewish Hartwick surname using a single besant that's placed on the center of the York saltire. Yorks have a brown lion head in Crest, the colors of the COPEland-Crest lion...tending to assure that Washington liners were close to Yorks. As could be expected, the Hebers can now trace to the Eburovices/Ebroicum, the ones like "Eboracum," an alternative name of York.

As the Leats became a topic from the "impLEAT" motto term of Kidds, note how the Kidd Coat reflects both the Hardwick and Panico Coats, the latter's highly reflective of the Roet Coat. Kidds are Cetis / Cetina liners, and while Toots traced without doubt to Cetina liners, so we find "tutus" in the Hardwick motto. Cavans are said to descend from a Murrough while the Kidd Chief may be using the Moray stars.

The Wace's were close to the Conqueror:

As William [the Conqueror] grew older he proved himself brave and wise. By the advice of his lords he appointed as his guardian Ralph de Wacy, who had slain Gilbert [Crispin] of Eu, and gave him command of his forces.

Command of his forces? Why don't we hear of this fellow in articles on Washington roots? William Hertburn-Washington may have been a knight in the Conqueror's service, but Ralph/Raoul was commander of his forces. ??? A nobody? Are historians ashamed of Ralph for his murder, and other things? "It is believed two of his killers were Ralph de Wacy and Robert de Vitot, the latter also implicated in the plot to kill William." Vitot? Is that a Vito/Vio (annulet) liner to Viponts (annulets) near or at Gace? Looks like. Look at the fat besants of the Touques', the line of Avitus and Bassianus at the Touques river, right? How long did it take the family, from the Cetina river, to get to the Touques? Was the family there before the Norman pirates arrived, or was the family arrived to Normandy with the pirates? Malahule, remember, traced to things at the Cetina, including Hume liners that may have been a branch of Yeomans/Humans, while Yeo's may have been Eu liners.

The Arms of Eu used the Nassau Coat, which includes a Shield filled with billets, a symbol also of the Wings suspect in the Washington-Crest description: "A raven with wings endorsed proper." Not all the descriptions from this website are expected to be official, but it's obvious to me, after several years of seeing descriptions, that the writers have inside knowledge when describing Coats. There is a reason that wings are said to be endorsed, and even "proper" is expected to be part of the code work. There is a reason that the raven's wings are mentioned at all. Washingtons were part of the raven vikings in SHETand, and that place can trace to the Panico's in the SETTa valley. I always connect Panico's to Guido Guerra, and to the Guido's that list "Guis," Wassa suspects. The Guerra's share bendy in the colors of the same of Pings/Pungs/Paganells, and Gage's, who show "Warin de Gaacy/Wacy," share a feature like the one in the Guido Coat. The Arms of Gace use the same lion, all in red, as per the Guido lion. Plus, Warin above is said to have been in Bedfordshire while the same feature (hourglass shape) is used by Beatle's/BEDwells, first found in Bedfordshire, suggesting strongly that the lozengy of the Beatles connects to the lozengy of the Irish Weirs and Cocks / Grimaldi's.

As we saw Wage's seemingly connectable to Pincum / Pek liners, lets add here that while Guerins and Warins are expected from the Varni, those ancient Germanics lived on the same river as WAGRians, while WAGERs/Wage's (Yorkshire) use hearts around a chevron in the colors and format of Payens, Guerins, and French Gage's. There seems to be a clear link between the Varni (100 AD), and Guerin (800 AD). Varns share the same bend as Shakespeare's while the latter's motto has a term like the "sans" of Gage's. It appears that Wagrians were proto-Washingtons. It appears that the Yuya-line Mitanni were in the Varni and Wagrians together, but as Gog was suspect with a line from Yuya, note the Gaugi / Gauchi variation of Gage's that can bring Gooch's/Googe's and Gophs/Goughs into the same picture. The boars of the latter two, in colors reversed, become blue, the color of the Vere-Crest boar.

WAKEfields? Yorkshire again. They use an "VINCo" motto term, and even share the green wyVERN dragon with Guerra's. The Wakefield garbs are suspect most-of-all with the same of Comyns, for the latter share a "Courage" motto term with Gage's.

Wake's are using a gold-Shield version of the Washington Coat, and the "ora" motto term of Wake's, with their torteaux replacing the Washington-Chief stars, reveals that the torteaux of Ore's, Orleans', and Orells (same place as Washingtons) are specifically those of Washington liners. You won't convince me that historians are clue-less concerning Wake's being a branch of Washingtons, but the historians who know their heraldry have played the hand of the Masons, keeping the world in the dark. The Wake motto is translated, "WATCH and Pray." The heraldic scoundrels consistently use Biblical themes as codes for their kin. And they made their knights holy, equating their swords with the cross of Christ. It gave their consciences no fret to kill, steal, destroy, and kingdom-build in His name. Prays/Praters (Quade wolf heads in colors reversed) were first found in the same place as Wake's, and share the white wolf head of the Yorkshire Scarfs...suspect from Schwerin of the Varni theater. That is, the Schere's/Scherfs are suspect from there so that Scarfs are too.

Here seems to be the secret of Roman history from the Benjamites of Rimmon, as they came first into Greece with Meshwesh. En route to the Colapis=Kupa river of the Japodes=Jupiter, and to the neighboring Una=Juno, home of the Maezaei, they were at Moesia's Cuppae and PINCum. I see Pincum named after BENJamites, wherefore similar terms under discussion are expected to be Benjamite liners. The Benjamin surname uses annulets. The Walsh/Walch annulets seem to be those of Benjamins, and Walsh-related Walkers/Wakers (Yorkshire, same as Wagers), use annulets too, in the colors of the Vipont annulets, while the Scottish Walkers look like they can be using a version of the lower Shield of Irish Prays.

I've not had Viponts in mind before with the Walker/Waker annulets. Wakers/Walkers are the ones with a "magna" motto term. The Walker/Waker chevron must be that of Scottish Mortons (Vipont wing design in blue), because it's shared by Walsh's who honor the Mortons. Are Walkers and Walsh's/Welsh's really Washington branches? I don't know. I've not held that position. But I almost missed it: The Wager Crest is "A dexter arm holding up a gold annulet." That's the color of the Walker/Waker annulet.

Mortons named Moreton-Say along with Says from the Say is a location in the same place (Orne) as Gace. The bars of Scottish Walkers are identical with those of French Sturs while similar English Sturs were at the Stur river beside the Wiltshire area where English Mortons were first found. The Stur also flows down the Somerset area of the first Weggs/Wedge's who use annulets in the colors of the same of Foggs (and Frocks), first found in the same place (Kent) as same-colored Touque's. Wake's use two fesse bars in the colors of the three of Sturs, a good reason for viewing Walkers as at least merged with Washingtons. Foggs use the Wegg/Wedge Coat exactly, but throw in stars in the colors of the same of Watch's/Wage's/Wichs (same place as Wassa's/Gace's). The Wegg/Wedge motto is that of same-colored Vince's while "Vinco" is a motto term of Wakefields.

Elite Vere's were ruling Oxfordshire, where Purys were first found that share white-on-black stars with Watch's/Wedge's while Gage's use a "peur" motto term. That looks correct, especially as the Pury fesse with stars is used by Foggs, albeit the Fogg stars are pierced. Reminder: "Vito et pectore puro" is the Bellows motto. There is another way to view "Pectore," as a Pek-Torre combo that includes the Torre's/Thors, for the latter share a curved chevron, in colors reversed, with Pucks, and Pucks share the annulet with, and can be connected otherwise to, Vito's. Therefore. "pectore" may not be code of Picots, even though Picots may be Pek liners.

It can be gleaned that Massey elements were involved in the heraldry of Sturs and Mortons. The Wage knot comes round to the Danish Cnuts using pot hangers in honor of the Potters and Hangars, both first found in the same place as Sturs and Josephs, the latter sharing the Wakefield garbs, both sets in Chiefs. The other Cnuts/Knots share the unicorn with the Crest of Foggs, suspect with Anders Fogh RasMUSSEN (previous NATO chief, Danish, like Cnut). French Sturs were first found in the same place as Masseys (quadrants in colors reversed from the same of Says), suggesting that Masseys/Maceys may have been directly from the Mieszko's that provided Cnut's mother. The Maceys/Macys share the gauntlet with the Wegg/Wedge Crest: "A HAND gauntletted." Cnut's mother was found related with Siward of Northumberland, who's in the Sword surname with Glaven variation, like the Glavins/Glavans that list HANDs, and the latter share lozenges in the colors of the same of Moesian-suspect Pinckneys. Cnut's mother (Swietoslawa) is very identifiable with Sweets that share two white-on-red chevrons with Sewards, and Sweets were first found in Somerset, same as Weggs/Wedge's and Trans/Trents, the latter using swords and suspect in a Walsh/Walch motto. The Sweet Coat is even comparable with that of the Washington kin, Cantons/Gantons (could by gauntlet liners).

As Masseys use the Vere quadrants, the whole of this looks like a mish-mash of Danes, Angles, Varni and Wagrians. The latter didn't appear under that name until the 10th century, according to Wikipedia. I reject the following: "The word 'Wagria' is derived from Germanic settlement of Waringer and just a bit later the West Slavic Lechites tribe of Wagri or Wagier, which meant 'those who live by the bays'...It seems that the Wagrier are identical with the East Germanic tribe of Waringer (Latin Varini)." This "by the bays" is common garbage from guessing writers / historians, typical from Wikipedia articles on history topics. Rather than seeing "Wagri" from "Wariner," I see a merger between the two. It's rather obvious, for Wagrians were on the WARNow river, named by Varni. The Scottish Walker Chief even shares the pierced Zionist stars (mullets") of Warin-like Guerins, making the Walker Chief suspect as a version of the Panico Chief.

We see that Wagrians are classified as LECHites, bringing to mind the Lechfords/Litchfields that share the solid, white-on-black chevron of Touque's. It's a great reason for tracing Wagrians to Wace liners. And Leats/Leith's (who can apply to Litch/Leech/Leitch / Litchfield liners) are the one's sharing the Hand/Glavin / Pinckney lozenges. Leats are the ones taken from the motto of Kidds that share a "green tree" and a blue Chief with Panico's. Leats are the ones sharing a black fitchee in the Crest with the Crest of Hand-suspect Hanna's, said to be from WIGton, and then Watch's/Wage's show a Wich variation...smacking of "viking," making the Vexin of Normandy suspect now with Gace liners. The German Litch's/Lischers, sharing the Say quadrants, are said to have named Liske in Holstein, and then: "Wagria (German: Wagrien, Waierland or Wagerland) is the northeastern part of Holstein...This country is a historical landscape of Viking myths." This expects Holstein elements in Orne, and then Says are in the colors of German Hole's/Halls that moreover share a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed with the same of SchWERINs (Mechlenburg). The black fitchee above is with Shere's and Schere's/Scherfs, a good reason to trace them to Schwerin. The Wilkins who share the vertically-split Shield of Schere's/Scherfs (compares much with the same of Walkers) share the green wyVERN with the Wakefield Crest.

The Walsh/Walch swan (pierced) stands to be of a Lick / Luck / Lock liners that may have named the Lech peoples. In other words, the Lechians, and Polish Lechs, may have been from lake Lychnis = Sevan. One would expect Gogi elements with them as well as Sadducee liners. The Trans/Trents suspect in the Walsh motto are using a split-Shield vertically in the colors of the same of Chads. I had traced Walsh's/Walchs to Wallachia, which included the modern Buzau river upon which the Soducena-like Cotesii are stamped (dark map).

Wigtons were first found in the same place (Yorkshire again) as Wagers, Walkers, a host of Pinckney kin, as well as Hulls, kin of Scottish Hole's/Halls. I'm getting the impression that vikings were Pek / Pincum liners, and if that expects Holstein liners from the Pek / Cuppae, it can explain why German Hollers/Hullyers use a Coat like that of Cope's and Copps. Reminder: Elis, with a woman from Viminacium near the Pek, use a disheveled woman, a symbol of mythical Holle. Hall liners can be from the HellesPONT (related to Viponts?) at Mysia, and you can read online that Moesians were Mysians. The Paris who abducted Helen of Troy was symbol for a Mysia merger between Parium and Hellespont elements. Hully's/Howletts/Hullets were first found in Yorkshire again, and, I've read, the Parisii co-founded York. The towers of Hullys/HOWLetts (owl) suggests that tower-using Howells are a branch. Aule's use a tower too, and it's the Scone tower. As Hullys/Howlets are in Kingston / King colors, they can be a branch of Hulls, from Kingston. The colors of Hullys/Howlets, and their red rose on a stem, make them suspect with Schere's/Scherfs, important if correct because Scarfs were first found in Yorkshire.

Scarfs are fundamental to the Great Seal, an item which includes Cecils using six lions in the configuration of the six Savage lions (colors reversed). The Holstein surname has many codes, including the savage, and also a lion "HOLDing a piece of metal." The Peace's/Paise's use doves for a likely trace to Cuppae, but the Holders can play to this because I just found them minutes ago as Hollers (WINGed lion). Recall that the Picquigney location is on the Somme river not far upstream from ABBEville, which traces very well to MacAbbe's ("VINCere") using a version of the Peace/Paise Coat. Hams use the MacAbee salmon in the same colors, and they with Hammers too traced very well to HAMburg, in the Wagrian / Varni theater. One would expect someone to form a Hammer surname if MacAbee's (said to mean "hammer" in Hebrew) were themselves named in honor of their Maccabee past, suggesting that Maccabee liners of some sort were on the Somme. The Some's/Sone's (now suspect as a branch / merger of/with Scone's) use mallets, no kidding. Probably, Maccabee's were Mysians through Moesia, and Peace's are expected with "Pek," yet the Paise variation may apply to Pasi's/Pace's at Maccabee-suspect Bologna. Dove's are used also by Payen-suspect Page's.

How do we explain that Vitos' and German Hams (rock) share a giant, white-on-red annulet? Why is it appearing as though Bassianus liners went to become vikings? Did their share of the Caepio gold get robbed by vikings, or were they to use the gold to become vikings wanting more, un-earned gold? We should ask the Pek-like Pucks why they use annulets too. Was the Pek named by the Peucini? They were near, or even in with, the Cotesii. Can't the latter have furnished the Pike-loving Geddes? Who were the namers of Vinkovci when they renamed the birthplace of Valentinian I, who married PICENum? The Picensii are on the dark map at the south side of the Pek (unmarked).

The Holders might be of Oldenburg, the Wagrian capital in Holstein. It's interesting that the Oldenburg surname (Yeoman colors) is listed with Aults, for Ault is a location beside Eu.

Part of the Holstein area is Plon. Wikipedia's page has an article telling about the Arms of Plon with it's "an oak leaf, symbolising the forests; a grain ear, symbolising agriculture; a wavy line and a fish, symbolising the lakelands and the Baltic Sea." It's simplistic and likely erroneous. Checking for a Plon surname, it's listed with Pollino's/Apollo's (Florence, same as Panico-suspect Taddei's) said to use "a green tree," same as Panico's and Kidds. But the Plon tree has acorns visible, making it an oak, and explaining the oak LEAF of the Plon location. The Arms of Plon also shows the nettle LEAF of Holstein. I suppose that this is all good for a Plon trace to Pollock liners at the Pollino mountain of Sybaris, the peoples of whom founded neighboring Laus, according to Wikipedia. "Laus" was the alternative name also for Ragusa, home of Saraca's, the Arms of which shares a white-on-blue fish with the Arms of Plon. Ragusa is in Dalmatia, same as the Cetina river with a mouth at Brattia, and then Plon has a Preetz location, likewise using the white-on-blue fish. Prude's use white fish too, though I've traced theirs to the Arms of Rieti, where I traced proto-Pollocks i.e. to Vespasia Polla. There is a Preets surname (in the colors of the Arms of Rieti) listed with Pratts (HOLLOW lozenges), and then the Arms of Rieti uses a "pratis" motto term.

Childeric's Roots

At first, upon discovering the heraldic importance of Saraca's, I couldn't understand why. Later, it seemed that they were from Ragusa of Sicily, and tied to Guiscards there. But now, it's very apparent that, indeed, Saraca's were the line to "Caracalla," yet the Guiscards were realized as kin of Pulleys/Pullens, now tracing well to the Pollino area. Therefore, this entity, including the Bassianus', seems to have gotten a branch at Holstein, for the Bessens/Besants even share the club with the Holstein surname.

At first, upon discovering the heraldic importance of Saraca's, I couldn't understand why. Later, it seemed that they were from Ragusa of Sicily, and tied to Guiscards there. But now, it's very apparent that, indeed, Saraca's were the line to "Caracalla," yet the Guiscards were found to love Pulleys/Pullens, now tracing well to the Pollino area. Therefore, this entity, including the Bassianus', seems to have gotten a branch at Holstein, for the Bessens/Besants even share the club with the Holstein surname. And Clubs/Clobbe's use white fish and share black martlets with Pulleys/Pullens. I've tended to identify Clubs with "Clovis." son of Basina, for Clubs use the colors and format of Childs. White-on-red fish are those of Luciano's while surnames such as that are being traced to "Lucania," which has a border at Severus-like Sybaris, and was populated by Illyrians i.e. around Dalmatia.

Just as I was deciding not to mention that Saffers are in Club colors (I'm now seeing Severus liners named after Sybaris), Lucans/Luckans were loaded to find them sharing a white-on-red chevron with Clubs, as well as "eagles rising" on their red Shield looking much like the falcons of Saffers. Childs use eagles on a red Shield. The Lucan eagles are in the gold of the SALIAN/Saleman eagles, and they put them upon the same bend as Bessins, a good reason to trace Childeric to the Sale's/Salletts too, then to the Salto and Turano rivers, making Merovingians suspect with Bessan-suspect Avezzano and the neighboring Marsi.

What this looks like is a bond between Caracalla's family and that of the first Merovingian...who lived in the time frame of Valentinian I. Valentins, first found in VICENza, happen to share the white-on-red bend with Lucen(t)s/Luca's. Merovingian lore concerning their descent from the children of Jesus is usually traced by others to SEPTimania, probably named after Septimius Severus. It's the Saxons/Septons that use chaplets while Chaplets use five swans (expected of Lucken liners) in the positioning of the five Saffer falcons. The Thuringia home of Basina tells me that Bassianus' got up to Saxony, which can explain Septons listed with Saxons. There is a question on whether "Bassus" and "Wassa" were from the same thing. While I trace Washingtons to LESbos, one can link the Thurin/Turin boars to Bards (LESlie"s) and Less'. One side of Merovingians were the Sicambrian Franks, from Hungary, home of Leslie's.

As Wich liners can now be realized from Wace variations, remember, Quiggins are also "Wiggin," and one might want to know what named PICardy, location of PicQUIGny. Were Pek / Pecker liners there too? Why should Merovingians link to this PicARDY / Artois picture? Later, you'll see Merovingians tracing to Arettium/Arezzo, but for the Club topic at hand, note that while Artois-related Arthurs married Hicks' in Somerset's CLAPton (same area as Baths / Battins), Claptons share a patee cross on red with Peks. And Scottish Hykes'/Hake's use a colors-reversed version of the Club Coat. English Hykes'/Hacks (same place as Chives') are clearly a merger with Chives', and may also be gleaned as using a version of the Peterson / Bath cross, for Petersons were first found in the same place as Tarves, where Chives are said to have had a branch. Tarves was near the Rothes castle of Peter Pollock. The other English Claptons are using a version of the Winget/Winger Coat. The latter will be linked to TURNbulls below, making Turnbulls suspect with Basina's Thuringian elements. I'm wondering why English Hykes' share black scallops with Lucens and Edens.

Here are the German Vicks/Fecks, perhaps intended by the Walsh motto term, "transFIXus," showing a giant Zionist star in both colors of the same of Walkers and Guerins (and Payens / Mullets). It's very comparable with the giant star of Jewish HartWICKs/Harts, and as the latter use a besant in the star, isn't that the symbol of Bassianus' expected in mergers with the lines of Kidds? The Kidd Chief is a reflection of the HardWICK Chief (Yorkshire).

The Arms of Holstein uses a "nettle LEAF," and Leifs/Leafs/Leve's use the dove. Pekincidence? Nettle's are the ones sharing the double snakes of Meschin-scalloped Biss' that I think were a Visponti line. Needle's/Nadlers (same place as Meschins and Ferte-Mace-related Bellamys) happen to use a giant sun...making it more-and-more evident that heraldic suns are, by and large, code for the sun god of Bassianus' (Bassianus must have been an idiot). This is due mainly to the new-ish understanding / identification of Julius-Avitus liners. Bellamys were from Pierce-suspect Perche, between Ferte-Mace and Gace. Note that while a mascle (= Meschin/Masculine liners) is a hollow lozenge, the Hartwick star is hollow, as is the star of French Clements. English Clements/Clermonts', kin of viking-liner Clairs, use besants. A hollowed out symbol may be in play with pierced objects, for Pierce's are linkable to Ferte-Mace. That is, when Pierce liners merged with Ferte-Mace, the pierced symbol was created that may afterward have developed full hollows for Macey-Pierce liners. "Hollow" may have developed as per Holstein liners. There is a Hollow surname with torteaux.

With so many Washington kin, including Pinks and Paganells, first found in Yorkshire, the Tongue's might be a branch of Touque's. The Tongue Coat evokes that of the Mountains, said to be from Normandy's Calvados, thus linkable to Touques-river liners. Tongue's also look like they are using a version of the Bone Coat, and Bone's can be from Bononia = Bologna, home of Panico's and Guido's. The Tongue Crest is a "bird" rising from a rock, and the Arms of Roquefeuil likewise uses billets. If Tongue's were Touques liners, then so might be Tankerville's (version of the Chadock / Chadwick Coats) and their Tancred cousins, the ancestry of GUIScards.

I always link Guido Guerra to Guerin of Provence, about 200 years before the Guiscards. Guerins use the Payen Coat. It looks like Guerin was linked to Panico liners too. If one were determined, it might be possible to find how Bassianus' in Dalmatia linked to Guerin, keeping in mind that Vere's lived in the same part of Normandy as Masseys, and that the two share the same quadrants. Vere's were, by their own admission, Mitanni liners, which expects them in Modena, and therefore in relation to Panaro liners. I say that Washingtons were chief Mitanni liners. I had traced Mitanni to Lesbos long before this discussion, and moreover I am not familiar with Holstein elements, but here, after tracing Mitanni to MYTILene and Methymna on Lesbos, I find Holsteins with a "piece of METAL."

The Middle's/Mittels, whose Meadly location suggests a branch of Medleys / Methleys, use an emBATTed fesse, and this can be Batavi-important, while Childeric is traceable to the Batavians. Middle's/Mettels were first found in the same place (Shropshire, location of Meadley) as Modleys/MedleyCOTTs, and they use the same lion as Rita's which hold a "piece of wood." Modleys are in Mabee/Maybe colors, and the latter share the tiger (no stripes, odd) with Medleys. The Moberleys are also "MODburley," and use the same double bends as Washingtons, as well as sharing a red canton with a white object within it with Wassa's. The Modley lion is also white-on-red, the colors of the lions in the Coat of Baths/Atha's, first found in the same place as embattled-suspect Battins/Badens. The Modleys and Mabee's are in Leo colors, what I would not have mentioned had not the Rita's entered this picture. The Rita's are the one's sharing a curved bend with the Arms of Saxony, and with Washington-suspect Wettins, and, later below, I'll mention why the Arms of Saxony should trace to Childeric's wife.

Packets/Pagets have a motto implying the Perrels/Perraults/Perots and Pears/Pearls as kin, and these surnames can apply to Perots/Parrots, Parlors/Perlers, and the pears of Abbots. I consider the Perots candidates as Pierleoni Jews, especially as the Packet Coat looks like a version of the PETERson Coat. The Peterson Coat can be a version of the Bath/Atha Coat; contrary to the write-up's implications, the Baths/Atha's can be named after a Bat-like entity. Petersons were first found in the same place as THURINs/Turins, the latter, in Wettin colors, expected with Basina. Can't Wettins be Battins? Or, both from Uat/Buto? Bettins (same bend as two Peter surnames) are said to be from Betton-STRANGE near Shropshire (where Peter Pollock's father lived), and one can read on the Strange's in the write-up of the embattled Middle's/Mittels (Shropshire); John le Strange built Myddel castle. Peter Pollock, I have read, was from Clovis. The "piece" code can trace to VesPASia Polla, mother of Vespasian, and the latter's grandfather was Petro, very traceable to the naming of Peter Pollock. There appears to be a Pollock-Merovingian root to Pierleoni. German Bettins/Battens share the black spread eagle with Petersons.

"Pearl" sounds like a Jewish surname. Packets/Pagets are in Conte/COUNTER colors, and use a "CONTRario" motto term. Moreover, the Packets/Pagets use the Sinclair cross in colors reversed while the "commit" motto term of Sinclairs is code for the Comitissa variation of Counters/Conte's, a certainty because Herluin de CONTEville married the mother of the Conqueror. The Counter/Conte antlers are used by Hamon(d)s, apparently, for they use a chevron "pean," while Peans are listed with Payens/Pagans, like the Paget variation of Packets. Finally, Counters/Conte's were first found in Durham, where William Hertburn lived.

I've just looked up Wheatons, checking to see if they might be Wedon / Washington liners. Wheatens/Whattons evoke the "wheat garbs" of Wessels because the Wheaten motto uses "COTicula." Wheatons share the six crosslets (same colors and positioning) of Were-Giffards (Devon), completely expected. Again, Mr. Hertburn was at the Were river (Durham). The Wheaton-Crest eagle might be the giant one of Westons (of a Gouffern location), which is colors reversed from the giant Perrel/Perot eagle, the latter accessed from the motto of Packets/Pagets that themselves use the same eagle. The same eagle again, in the same colors, is in the pale bar of Crux's (same place as same-colored Touque's/Tooks), in the colors of the Wheaten bend bar, and Wheatons use a "crux" motto term. The Perrel-like Parlors/Perlers happen to use three gold stars on a black bend, the colors of the three besants on a black bend of Wheatons. Crux's are even linkable to the Yorkshire Cricks and Crags, they being Craig / Carrick liners from Caracalla Bassianus (raised to the Roman throne while in Yorkshire). There's a good chance, therefore, that Wheatons/Whattons (Nottinghamshire) were a line between Cottians, Bassianus' and Touques-liner Washingtons.

Did you notice that Cricks (Wheaton colors) are using the same-style fitchees as Pinks / Pointers, and in the same gold color?

The lions in this Irish-Brian Coat were once showing in the design of the same-colored ones, both Coats using three lions in pale, of Parlers/Perlers. It was very recent when I discovered, to my surprise, that Brians of Thomond had ancestry in a daughter (Alice, I think she was) of William V of Montferrat. Another of his daughters married Guido Guerra III. I don't know Italian history much at all. My direction for historians is to find clues to a Bassanius trace to the Bologna - Modena theater between 200 and 800 AD. It should be there. The Panico's share what looks like an oak tree with Watts and Vatts/Watters, surnames now linkable to Washington liners of the Wheaton/WHATTan kind.

The Wessel buffalo horn likely is that of Zahringers, for they owned it too. However, it dawns on me here that "buffalo" can be code for two surnames, one, for example, the Boeufs/Beefs, and the other the Fallows/Fellows that happen to use a fesse in colors reversed from the Boeuf/Beef fesse. The Pohls use a buffalo, but it's called a bull by Mieske's, and then Boeufs list what looks like a branch of TURNbulls, perhaps from "TRUN," the Orne location that's a dog-walk from Gace. The thing making this picture compelling is that Boeufs were first found in the same place as Saunier's, while the church of priest Sauniere was beside Roquefeuil, where Fallows/Fellows trace. The latter had multiple features linking to Bassanius', and Saunier's are suspect with a version of the Aurelia Coat. Plus, the dancette, used by Fellows, for example, was suspect with Donnus, the father of king Cottius, because Donnas'/Dance's were first found in Piedmont, where the Cottians ruled. And TURIN of Piedmont is like "Trun."

Basina was from THURingia, and Merovingians traced themselves to a Qinotaur bull entity. English Dance's, in Turin/Thuring colors, happen to share the embattled border with Rocco's and Feller-related Tragers. Tragers/TROGens are suspect at mount Troglav, the same mountain area as the Dinara mountains (Cetina river), and the Trager/Trogen bend happens to be in the colors of the Turin/Thuring bend! The Dine's/Diens suspect from the Dinara happen to use a Dives variation while Gace is very near to the source of the Dives river, and Trun may be even closer. Gace is suspect from the namers of buffalo-horn Wessels, right? Roquefeuil is in Aude while Turins/Thurings use an "AUDentes" motto term. French Pohls (Picardy) may be using the Aude sword and the Fellow lion. The Pohl lion is in the colors of the lion in the Arms of Eu, and Eu is in downtown Picardy.

English Turnbulls (same fesse as Tragers), with "winged bulls" in the colors of the Pohl buffalo head, were first found in ROXburghshire, suspect with Roquefeuil liners. Click over to the Scottish Turnbulls to see a version of the Touque's Coat, a thing I did not know when starting on this Boeuf-Fallow adventure. I wasn't taking it seriously at first. It already looks correct. I even link the Track/Trig lions to the Ripper/Ripley lions and trace Rippers to the Riparia river, home of royal Cottians. Reminder: the Vito's/Vio's, suspect with Avitus, looks like it named the Viu tributary of the Riparia. Take a look at the DRUCKer horns. Very convincing. The surname is even Polish.

Reminder: the Arms of Eu share billets with Wings, and then the Turnbull bull is "WINGED," while there is a WINGIT/Winger surname (colors reversed from Turners) using, believe it or not, a "Suum" motto term, that must be for the Somme river, location (almost) of Eu. But as PicQUIGny is right on the Somme, it's very notable that Wingets/Wingers, with a "CUIQUE" motto term, were first found in Durham (at Wingate). Wingets/Wingers may be using a version of the Mountain / Tongue Coat. So, you see, even something so small as the 'ed' suffix on "winged" can be instrumental in deciphering codes.

The Winget/Winger write-up has the surname at Kelloe, and Kelloe's (lilies, apt Merovingian symbol) happen to share the Vipont annulet, apparently, and what I'll guess is the fesse of Voters/Gauthier's ("sa VUE"), for the latter share footless martlets with Wingets/Wingers and trace to royal Cottians. FootLESS martlets are part-code for Less liners from LESbos, where I traced Mitanni, and Lesbos is off-shore from modern Foca while Foggs share the Coat of Gace-liner Watch's/Wage's. Fogg-related Pury share black footless martlets with Voters/Gauthier's. The Kelloe description: "a gold annulet in BASE", fully expected.

The Kelloe lilies are in the colors of the Lily lilies. A variation of Kelloe's suggests that Kellogs may be a branch, and they use the Vipont wings, with, as always, a symbol between the wings. This probably traces to Lille along the Lys river flowing from Artois to Gaunt.

The Kelloe's are very interesting for being of Merovingian roots in Arettium. I'll show why this can be so. First, I suggested a trace to CHILLs/Childs to CILnius Maecenas at Arettium. Whether right or wrong, a trace to Cilnius' to a mythical Cilla of Mysia was suggested. Cilla was an entity in the Troad, location also of Padasus, which I trace to Padova/Padua, in the land of Veneti, where Merovingians traced themselves. Long before discovering Cilnius Maecenas, Padova was realized as the naming of the Batavi peoples at the same area of the Rhine as the Salian Franks that formed Merovingians. In this discussion, Maecenas is suspect with Julia Maesa Bassianus, the ancestry of Basina, which indicates why Julius Avitus should be so large in heraldry, he being the proto-Basina too. With this wife of the first Merovingian being from Saxony, what else would Saxony celebrate in its Arms but her bloodline with Childeric? The Arms of Saxony are used by German Wettins, and as you can see, there are clovers on the curved bend, a term like "Clovis." The Wettins describe their Shield as: "Barry of ten black and gold with a green crancelin." What's a cranCELIN?

There is a Celin/Celi/CELN surname I've not known before, not until finding this crancelin term just now. It looks like the Cilnius bloodline. It uses the crown design of French Martels, expected because Charles Martel was a Merovingian on his Pepin side. The Martel / Celin crown is in both colors of the Bessen/Besant crown, the latter having an arm with CLUB in the crown. And the white-on-blue dove in the Celin/Celn Coat seems a match with the white bird in the Coat of French Pepins (Gascony, same place as Martels, and suspect with Gace's / Gascons). The Pepin bird is now showing as a raven, but I saw it a few years ago as a gull, or dove perhaps, and reported it as a gull. Pepin of Landen married Metz, and Metz's use besants.

As Arettium/Arezzo is expected to trace to Artois and its Arras capital, it's notable that Arrows/Artois' share fleur-de-lys in colors reversed from the Pepin fleur. The Celin dove is just called a "silver bird," and is in Silver-crescent colors, which crescent is also in the French- Martel Coat. The giant Silver crescent is also that of Krume's, and then Crooms are identifiable with Craun-related Crone's. English Silvers happen to have the look of the English Saffer Coat, and the latter, in Vito colors, show a "vita" motto term. As you can see, the French Saffers use falcons in the colors of the Child eagles, and Falcons use the Silver crescent too.

What's a CRANcelin? A crane is used by CRONKite's. Crans/Crauns/Crane's (annulets), from the Ceraunii, and using the crown as code for Ceraunii liners, happen to use patee crosses in the colors of the CLAPton patee. Therefore, the Celin / Martel / Bessen crowns are suspect with Coronis-crow liners, which can explain the raven of Pepins. The Crans/Crauns share the fesse of Voters/Gauthier's, and the latter share black martlets with CLUBs. Martlets, of course, are code for Charles Martel. VOTers are still suspect as Foot / Fothes / Futter liners, and, perhaps, this reveals Foot liners as a branch of royal Cottian liners.

Collins can be using a version of the Voter Coat. Irish Collins share the two-lion theme of Kellys. English Collins use a collar, which may begin to indicate that Collars (Moor heads) are Maecenas liners. I feel good about tracing Cilnius liners to Sellers. See Saunier variations in French Faux's. French Collins (same place as Lys') share a blue bend with Kelners.

It looks like we have bumped into the line of Cilnius Maecenas by the Wettin code, and it goes to Basina, and can therefore trace all the way back of Severus Bassus at Hasmonean-suspect Akmonia. It was at least years before discovering Mr. Bassus and his location that "Maecenas" was suspect in the formation of "Macca(baeus)." The Maccabees had a name such that Jews gave them the hammer symbol, and Charles Martel was known as "the hammer." The Hammers are obvious Ham kin, and Hams use the SALMON of MacAbee's, and then salmon are code for the salmon-using Salmons, in SALIAN/Saleman colors...all suspect now from Salem liners of old Jerusalem, especially as MERovingians can trace to Amorites in the capital, Mari, suspect with Amorites in Salem. Apparently, Amorites were in the Marsi. As the Massyas area of Emesa was suspect with Maecenas / Massena liners, it's notable that the area was also called, Marsyas, same as the mythical goat suspect in a line to the Marsi.

Bettins (Avison colors) use the same fesse as the counts of Mar (Scotland), and "Bettin" may therefore be discovered as a AVEZZANo liner. Avezzano's even share a gold bend with the counts of Mar. There's a question on whether Bettins were a branch of Buttons/Bidens who traced without doubt to Cabyle, smack at the Selletae peoples (dark map) that can be of the Sellett variation of Sale's.

The Kells/Kelds are suspect with Celin/Celn liners because they use "A gold shield displaying three sheaves of GRAIN..." Grains/GRANsons can be Cran liners. The Grans/Crains may apply, having a Chief split in the two colors of the Grain/Granson Shield.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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