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January 19 - 25, 2016

Brian-Burghs of Ireland from Alice of Montferrat
The Roman Dragon in the Vivian Write-Up
Cetis-Liner Surnames, I Kidd Thee Not

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

If you've been following my hunt for the Caiaphas plot amongst the Quadratus family in Cilicia, don't miss the last section in this update, as it finds things from Cetis that had eluded me in the past. This is new territory for a greater understanding, but what comes first in this update, especially as it relates to Carrick ancestry, happens to be Cetis-important.

Miss Florida sent in another comment on dark-skinned Silures of Wales, ever wanting to know which African Moors they might trace to. Repeating that Sellers are highly suspect with the Tudor Coat, and why Sellers should have been Sale's of Salop's naming, I traced to the line Chives-suspect Luisa of Ceva, mother of Alice of Sale-suspect Saluzzo. In Miss Florida's mind, I think, she's having trouble with a Silures link to Sale's / Salyes Ligures, because Liguria is not Africa. But Sale liners are expected in a merger with African Berbers.

Chives' are said to have had a branch in Aberdeenshire, where Sellers were first found. Knowing now that Chives' of Aberdeenshire are linkable to the Fothes' of the same place, it's notable that Fothes' use the cornuCOPIA while Sellers use Cups, all suspect with Cope's/Cups, first found in Aberdeenshire.

In my first email to Miss Florida, it was pointed out that Tudor-like Tuters are listed with Tute's, and that Tute's are very-seemingly a branch of Tattons. The last update found the Fothes' linking to the Waters and water-bouget liners at Ile-de-France, and the Sillys use the three, red Water chevrons (in both colors), which in the last update were traced expectantly to the three red ones of Tudor-suspect Taddei's. Sillys were not on my mind in the last update, not until the Florida emails got me onto the Silures again. I was explaining why Sale's were mixed up with the Aures Numidians, and mentioned the Aures line to Kennedy-like Kenneths, and that Kennedys share the helmet with Tudors as well as a chevron in colors reversed from the Tudor / Seller chevron, and moreover Kennedys share black fitchees with Tarves', a symbol to be suspect with Fittes-like variations of Fothes'. On the second email, I sent Miss Florida the following, leading to a new realization:

...Another area for your exploration starts with Sillys (same place as Chives'), then to Sealys as per the Silly write-up [traces to "Ceely"], and compare "Sealy" and the Sealy Coat [whale and the Kyle / Cale anchor design] to that of Kyle's and Cale's [whale], asking why Silures may have been Kyle liners...from Aures-suspect Ayrshire, where the Tudor-kin suspects, Kennedys, were first found...that had a branch at Tipperary, where Sale-like Cale's were first found. Sellers were first found in the same place as Chives' of Tarves.

The Seals and Sailers (kin of Masters) are interesting for using the Quade wolves while Quade's trace to Cowes while Cowes' use so-called pennants that are for Trevor-related Pennants. That works. And Pendragons use the helmet too as well as the Sale/Sail fleur, not to mention that Pendragons use a version of the motto of Aures-suspect Shaws/SITHECHs, the latter being kin of the Kyle candleSTICKS...

It looks like Silures were Silly / Sealy / Seal / Sailer liners...Mosts, in the Sailer motto, were first found in Flintshire, of Wales, and are using a version of the Trevor / Pennant Coat!

That Most link to Trevor Tudor was a real bingo surprise on top of the expectation that Seals are using the Master griffins. The Sailer motto is the one with "greatest" so that the GREAT SEAL of the United States has become suspect as code for Seal / Sailer liners merged with Greats. It just so happens that, after Greats were mentioned in the last update, the Grattans (leg, suspect with Ligurians) were found for what I recall as my first time ever, and they were spotted as using a version of the Trevor / Pennant / Most Coat! Amazing. It assures that "Great Seal" is indeed code for a Seal - Grattan kinship, but has simultaneously led to their identification with Silures and Tudors. Miss Florida claims that Tudors had ancestry in Silures, which I say is corroborated by heraldry. Grattans were first found in Tipperary, origin of Brians and Kennedys.

Greats were even first found in the same place as Tudors and Trevors!

Brian Boru was ancestral to Kennedys, according to the Kennedy write-up, and moreover Briancon is in the Salyes theater. The line of Brian Boru was merged with Carricks in forming the first Bruce king of Scotland, and the Arms of Carrick are used by the Scottish Kennedy Coat.

Another thing in the email exchange was the discovery of the Tuter surname, listed with the Tute's of Todeni. It makes Tudors suspect with Tute / Toothill / Tuttle liners too.

The "AuXILium" motto term of Mosts can suggest Seller-suspect Keller / Killer liners. Kills/Keele's can be using the Chives quadrants in colors reversed. The "VirTUTE" motto term of Chives' now links to the Tudors if the Tuters/Toots were a Tudor line. There has been an enormous amount of information (in my updates) recently on Tute-suspect lines, and the Tous/Tosini branch has traced to Cabyle, smack beside the Sale-suspect Selletae.

Marjorie Carrick's Ceva Line

Much of this update to follow was written last week but crowded out by inserts, and there is another large insert in this section.

Marjorie Carricks royal son had married the Irish Burghs said to be partly from the line of Brian Boru. I had found that Julia Domna was traceable to the naming of Domhnail of Mar, whose daughter married Marjorie's son. I always trace Carrick ancestry to Grasse, where I had traced Julia Domna, and I've been kicking around the Grass surnames as branches of Greats and similar others for years.

The idea seems to be that Domhnail's daughter married Carricks because they both trace to Caracalla and his mother, Julia Domna. "...the Irish annals name 'Domnall son of Eimen son of Cainnech', Mormaer of Mar in Alba', as among those killed in 1014 alongside Brian Boru." Marjory's royal son, Robert Bruce I, married both, Domhnail's daughter, and Elizabeth de Burgh of the Brian-Boru line.

Something that almost slipped past me is that the Gartnait name, which Domhnail gave to a son, was in earl-of-Mar ancestry, while the Gettels, my best shot thus far at finding a Getuli-like surname, are listed with GARTzens/Gartzers (the Geta name of Caracalla's brother was in their ancestry of known, north-African elements, and suspect there by me with Getuli peoples). While writing that, the Garts (Surrey, same as Shere's) were loading to find them in Carrick colors, and sharing the black-on-gold fitchees of Carrick-related Shere's! There are two black lions in pale in the Gart Coat, which are seen on the dress of Elizabeth of Burgh. I don't know whether we can include Garters, Gards and Gardners into this fold, however.

The Valentinian-suspect Grattans use "a goat climbing a rock," and Kenneths use a rock too. "Climbing" may be for a variation of Clements, kin of Marina's that can be expected from the mythical-Myrina Amazons of the Atlas mountains, beside the Aures area. The Irish Coinnich variation of the Kenneths, like the Cainnech-of-Mar character in the quote above, look like they may have formed the Connicks, who not only share a dancette of the style used by Carricks, but look like they may be using a version of the Tarent Coat (beside the Mortons), which has been suspect with Terentia, related to the VARRO-Murena family, and then Murena's list a Mauritania-like Moratin term, which connects excellently with Marano's/Mauritano's using the same lion as Ross' / Guido's (Guido's were first found beside Marano of Modena).

Were Guido's a line from Geta? Why do Guido's share a lion on an hourglass design with Grattans? There were reasons for linking Caracalla to Valentinian's father (Gratian), and so if correct that the Guido's are using a version of the Grattan Coat, it indeed can appear that Geta liners went to Guido Guerra III, whom I always link to Guerin of Provence, whom was traced independent of these considerations to Kanza of Aures. The Grattans have seemingly revealed that Guido's were Geta liners, and simultaneously revealed that Caracalla was ancestral to Gratian...and descending further to a relationship with Silures out of Saluzzo, and Tudor liners in Wales. As Valentins were first found near Garda, Gratian may have been named after that entity, or vice-versa, which, if correct, traces him to the Carrick motto.

As Kenneths were first found in Ross-shire, one might propose Kanza liners in that area. Tarents were first found in the same place as Russells (goat), who likewise use the Guido lion, and moreover the Russell lion (same as the Aures lion) was traced to the same of Sava-river Sauers, suspect with Shawia at Aures. One could expect the Aures Berbers in Roussillon.

The above makes the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, shared by the Kenneth-like Kennedys, suspect with the Tarent chevron. The Terentia link to Varro Murena may go to Spanish Varro's, suspect with the Guerin > Alpin line, and Alpin was the supposed father of Kenneth MacAlpin. There's a lot of sense in tracing Varro-Murena's to Mauritanians (Morocco theater), and then across the sea to Spanish Varro's. Roussillon is within easy reach of northern Spain.

Marjorie's grandfather is regarded as Dunchad of Carrick (or, by others, Dunchad was her great-grandfather). Dunchad is the name of the royal Duncan Scots at Moray, beside Ross-shire, and the Donkey branch of Duncans show a chevron in colors reversed to the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, and in the colors of the Tarent chevron. Dunchad's father, Donnchadh mac Ghille-Brighd, is called Gilbert by the English. Dunchad's seal, which appears to use a winged lion with the head of a gull, has the inscription, "SIGILLUM DUNCANI FILII GILLEBER," with the easy makings of "Gilbert." We are apparently on Chad > Chaddock liners here, as the Gilbert motto tends to verify, but the last update found that one Gilbert motto term is code for Yeomans/Humans suspect with the "human heart" of Grattans. It makes complete sense where Carricks were Gratian>Valentinian liners, and the Gilbert squirrel can be used to trace to the same of Valentins. I don't think this revelation is small potatoes, but more of a hot potato that no Scot wants to hold to. Caracalla was not a very nice man. He murdered his co-emperor brother, apparently with their mother's wink, in order to secure the imperial throne all to himself.,_Earl_of_Carrick

Gilbert was not only of Galloway, where Fergus' were first found who traced to Sauers (Sava river), but Gilbert's father was Fergus. Dunchad's mother, it is thought, was related directly to Dunchad II, ruler of Fife. I had forgotten that Dunchad married AVELINA, daughter of Alan fitz Walter, a Stewart. In all the time that I was tracing Alans to Aulon, also called Avlona, I had forgotten this. Apparently, the first Bruce king was already an Alan liner from this Alan. And Avelina's grandmother was Eschyna de Molle, a good reason to identify Marone's with Mar. Plus, the Bruce lion, which I claim was from Caiaphas, was from the Percys of Yorkshire, I have realized, though in the past I had traced it to Levi-suspect Louvains. I didn't know then that the Percy lion is known to be from Louvains. Louvain of Belgium is also, Leuven, while German Leuvens ("bear paws FACING outwards in center") are said to be Jewish.

We have a big question mark on whom the Fife line of DunCHADs were, but it's suspect from Sadducees of the Chad kind, and from the Duncan royals. The Fife's use an upright red lion, as do Sauers and Fergus', suggesting that the Fife-Dunchad marriage to Gilbert of Galloway provided that heraldic situation. And while Chives' were at least beside Fife, they share "Virtute" with Fife's, no kidding. And so, once again, let's repeat that FitzAlans had married the line of Chives-suspect Ceva, and even the English Stewarts (connectable to FitzAlans) use an upright red lion, in both colors of the same of Sauers and Fergus'. Plus, as Luisa of Ceva was traced to the white ostrich of Lois', that's the Carrick-Crest symbol, wherefore I think I have this correctly assessed, that Dunchad of Fife was both a Chad liner and from Luisa of Ceva. Sauers, in being said to be named after the Sava river, are suspect directly with Shaws / Justine's of Perthshire (beside Fife / Tarves / Mar). Some Shaw / Justine liner there is suspect at the family of Fergus in Galloway.

Luisa was mother of Alice, wife of a FitzAlan of Arundel, in Sussex, where Chaddock-related Saddocks were first found. The footless martlets now being applied to the Levi suspects, the Fothes' in Aberdeenshire, were explicable in the last update with Caiaphas suspects out of Maine and into Ile-de-France, and both Chaddocks and Saddocks use those martlets surrounding their Shield. As Chads use the potent cross, the potent-liner Brocks can apply, who not only share the Stewart motto. not only us the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's / Cluns in colors reversed, but may be using the red Fife / Stewart / Fergus lion in Crest, and the red Angus lion in Chief. Brocks were first found in the same place as Quints, and the latter use a red chevron too.

Judging by the dating of Thomas of Saluzzo, Luisa's husband, Luisa was born around 1220. But Dunchad of Fife was born about two generations earlier. If Luisa's line to Dunchad was not through Alan fitz Walter above, then Luisa's ancestry is suspect in the Fife area before Dunchad's birth, and responsible for it. As for Alan fitz Walter (no link to his Wikipedia article), he was "lord of Strathgryfe and [northern] Kyle." The Kyle candleSTICKs come to mind as they link to Shaws, but also the Cale / Sealy whale comes to mind, for Dols use the whale too. Dols were first found in Pomerania, home of Griffins, perhaps in "StrathGRYFE. I had entertained "Strathclyde" as the reason for the Scottish ostrich because it's a STRUTHios in Greek. Therefore, Alan fitz Walter looks like he's of the FitzAlan who married Luisa's daughter.

The Welsh Thomas' are not only using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, but a chevron in the colors of the same of Gilberts / Carricks. The griffin on the Thomas chevron becomes suspect with the griffin on the seal of Dunchad Carrick.

This Alan fitz Walter, born in 1140, was son of Walter fitz Alan, and as he married de-Molle, it's notable that Chives' use a MOLine cross. "[Walter] was the third son of a Breton knight, Alan fitz Flaad, feudal lord of Oswestry, by his spouse Aveline, daughter of Ernulf de Hesdin." Oswestry is in the same place as Clun, home if FitzAlans.

The Hesdins (version of the Gilbert chevron) were from London, same as Capes', and using crosslets in Capes colors. Hesdins are suspect with the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, for Hesdins use boar heads in colors reversed from the Molle boar heads, fully expected. Rollo's ("tout") of Perthshire likewise use blue boar heads. Keep in mind that the Gilberts are suspect with Ticino liners, or that Gilberts share a squirrel with Justine-related Valentins, suspect with the Caracalla line to Carricks. Hesdins are using a version of the Dermot Coat, and while Gilberts use "Teg" as code for Decks/Daggers, Dermots use "probaTAQUE" while being said to descend from king TEIGE...of Galway, linkable to Galloway of the Fergus'. The crosslet styles of Dermots and Hesdins are used by Teague's/Teggers, from Tigranes Maccabee. So, it appears that Gilbert of Galloway, one ancestor of the Carricks, was from king Teige and the Tigranes implications thereof. The blue lion in the Dermot Crest connects well with the Bruce lion.

The "PROBataque" motto term can also be code for Propers using the ostrich.

London is beside the Clintons of Glinton, Oxfordshire, and Clintons use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cluns / Saluzzo's as well as sharing six black fitchees of the Tarves'. Compare "Clun" to "Clinton." "Walter fitz Alan was married to Eschyna de LONDONiis, heiress of Uchtred de Molla (Molle) & Huntlaw...and widow of Robert CROC. Upon Walter's death his widow married Henry de Molle, whose new surname is probably taken from his wife's lands. She and Walter had issue: Alan fitz Walter, married firstly Eva, allegedly a daughter of Sweyn Thorsson, secondly Alesta, daughter of Morggan, Earl of Mar." That was Avelina's father, and she was married by DonCHAD Carrick, and, to this, add that Chads share the red potent cross with CROCE's. Note ALESta of Mar, for it sounds like "Alice" (she was also "Alesia") while earls of Mar are suspect with Tarves symbols. That is, the Luisa > Alesia line looks feasibly from Alesta of Mar (mother of Walter Stewart, third Steward of Scotland).

The big question is whether Walter fitz Alan links to the FitzAlans of Clun, thus explaining why the family of Luisa of Ceva is expected in the family of Dunchad if Fife. Note that Walter was involved with a Cluney entity (Roman Catholicism, a political bastion with a religious guise for money-collecting) from Shropshire elements:

Subsequently [Walter] was appointed Steward of Scotland by King David I...In return for the service of five knights, David also granted him what eventually comprised Renfrewshire: the lands of Paisley, Pollok, Cathcart, and Ayrshire...In 1163 Walter founded, first at Renfrew but shortly afterwards at Paisley, a house of monks of the Cluniac order drawn from the priory of Much Wenlock, in his native county of Shropshire.

Although Cluney is in France, one can glean linkage to Clun of Shropshire, yet the article glosses over this, leaving the reader robbed. Wikipedia writers on touchy royal history have become infamous, in my view, for leaving such gaping holes deliberately / knowingly.

It looks like the mystery is solved, though it remains foggy in my mind. It looks like the Chives' of Tarves were, indeed, from the ancestry of Luisa of Ceva. If correct, it can explain why a later Alan married Luisa's daughter. Nothing is known about the ancestry of Luisa. Alice married Richard FitzAlan of Clun / Arundel, whose ancestry must link back to the royal Stewards above, for FitzAlans were likewise mainline Dol Alans: "The FitzAlans were descendants of Alan fitzFlaad, a Breton."

There is a family tree at the page for Richard fitz Alan. His line goes back to Mabel of Chester, and while her ancestry is allegedly unknown, she's likely from the swamp of Ranulph le Meschin. Masci's were first found in Piedmont, where Luisa lived. I happened to load the Maple surname (Essex) in hopes of finding Mabel liners, and there were more blue boar heads, in both colors of the Rollo heads, and sharing "Virtute" with Rollo's. Plus, staggering enough, Maple's/Mapels/MARpels use "Non vi sed virtute" while Chives'/Sheva's/Shives' (Shaw colors) use "Virtute non vi," It's a match, and Rollo's are thus linked to Chives elements around Perthshire, suggesting strongly that Chives'/Shevas' were a branch of Shaws, first found in Perthshire. Excellent. And the Maple/Mapel Shield is even split vertically in the colors of the same of Tarves'!!! This is huge if Maple's from of Mabel's naming. It makes the MARpel variation suspect with a Maple merger with earls of Mar. Excellent.

It's the "Virtute" motto term of Fife's that makes the Maple link to Fife's, and it was Dunchad of Fife that started me on the hunt to find his link to Luisa. This hunt is an insert into this update so that the Irish side of the Bruce family has been pushed lower, but I'll get there. The Fife and Five/Fify lion is the same one shown at Wikipedia's article for Ranulph le Meschin, making Dunchad linkable to Duncans, which recalls that Meschins did marry the Duncans. The Meschins of Skipton used "Alice" for their daughter(s), and while I trace Fife's and Five's to Veys/Vivians, the latter share the purple lion with Skiptons. I get it, and this is very good for knowing Meschin lines in Scotland. Meschins have always been expected in Stewart circles of Scotland.

Alice de Meschin (also de Rumily) was daughter to William Meschin, brother of Ranulph (yes, earl of Chester); she married a son of king Duncan II, ruler of Moray. "Through [William's] wife, [William] acquired Skipton..." There you have evidence for what was suspect previously, that Masci's were involved with Louisa of Ceva. Rumilys (whom William Meschin married) even use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's. Rumilys look like they use both the Goz star in Chief and the Conte crescent (i.e. Conteville liners from the Ergines river of Thrace). They are said to be from Les Andelys, the Tosni theater, that being a surname likely of Tous'/Tosini's/Tonso's suspect with elements from the Tonzus river of Thrace. (Meschins descended from Richard Goz.)

When discovering (last November) Waleran, progenitor of the Leavells, he was traced to the Les Andelys theater / elements. Of further interest is where Waleran's line merged with the ruler of Meulan; the gold-and-red checks of the latter were also those of Vaux's/Valibus'. I now find that Gilslands use a Shield filed with the same checks, and first found in Lothian, same as a branch of Vaux's. William Meschin was granted Gilsland (Northumberland). After losing Gilsland to the Scots, William was given Cumberland, where Bernice's / Burns were first found that share a Severus-suspect motto term with Rumilys, important where Mackays of the Moray area had traced to Quadratilla. The Arms of Allerdale look like they are using the hunting horns of Bernice's / Burns, for the Arms uses a winged unicorn, like the winged horse of Bernice's.

Severus Bassus was ancestor to Quadratilla, wife of Leavell-suspect Laevillus, and the Blund Coat is suspect as a version of one Leavell Coat. The other Leavells were first found in Roxburghshire, where I trace Roque/Rock liners, and then there is a rock in the Rumily Crest along with what I perceive as the Conte crescent. Conte's were first found in the same place as Roque's/Rocks. Blondeville's were grandsons of Meschin de Gernon, suspect with the gyronny pattern, used by Allers ("virtutis"), a surname that can explain "Allerdale." Allers are in code with heraldic alerions, eagles without beaks (used by Aller-related Holdens, for example). The Allerdale horns are fashioned as cornucopia so as to be linkable to the same of Fothes, that surname suspect in the Gernon motto. That works for identifying Allerdale with Allers.

And by the way, to explain why the Meschins were called, Blondeville's, William's article has this: "Besides these lands, Meschin also was awarded two escheated properties in Leicestershire, some of which had earlier been lands of Roger de Busli. Other properties in Leicestershire were previously held by Durand Malet and William BLUND in the Domesday Book. Meschin also held lands in Lincolnshire and Cheshire from his brother." It makes the Mallet scallops suspect with the Meschin scallops. Don't forget the Mosca's (married Montechiaro at the Agrigento theater) in the Chives Crest. It's interesting that while I trace the Leghs/Lee's to Leicestershire, William's article has comments about him from a Katrina Legg. Also of interest is the Easter-egg line (Estrys) to Eggs / Eggers, for William was given EGREmont.

The "Lux" motto term of Blunds/Blonde's (Levi / Leavell suspects) can therefore be for the line of purple-lion Spanish Lus' (and Lacys). French Mallets share the buckle on a red shield with purple Sobeks while one may entertain a Sobek link to purple-shielded Pace's of Cheshire (same place as Buckle-related Buckleys). Buckle's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blunds/Blonde's, but Buckle's were first found secondly at Sussex, where Saddocks were first found who are not only in Buckle colors, but evoke Sadowski's. It looks like Sobeks can link to the purple also of Skiptons, and while I suspected the Sobek buckle to be a version of the Traby/Sadowski scarf, Scarfs were first found in the same place as Skiptons, and the Scarf wolf heads are in the colors of the wolf head of Hugh D'Avrances, (Le-Meschin's uncle), once showing at Wikipedia's article on Hugh, but, due to a lack of room on the Internet, Wikipedia removed the Arms. Same goes for many Arms once showing at Wikipedia. The Thomas sea horse is "supPORTing an anchor," while the cinquefoils in the Thomas Chief are white, as are those of Porter-suspect Potters (both in Super/SOPER colors), but why do Thomas' use "SUPPORting" if all they wanted to do was honor the Port(er)s. Duncans happen to use white cinquefoils too. The Duncans write-up traces to Fat Donnchadh (chief of the clan at/after 1300) in the area of Dunchad of Fife.

French Port(er) use the same bend as Gaudets, and the latter put hunting horns on their bend while that bend is in Bernice colors. Wikipedia's Egremont article says that this place had a horn symbol, and then Egremont is in Cumbria, roughly the same as the old Cumberland. It makes Meschins suspect with Agrippa, recalling that Julius Agrippa was a brother / uncle (I always forget which) of Julius Bassianus, father of Miss Maesa, and a line expected to the Carricks...who married Fife (Fife's use the same lion as Leghs).

Gaudets enter the discussion at the "Gaudet" motto term of Leggs (Dumfries), the latter showing the giant stag head as Trumps (same colors), first found in Pomerania, where Griffins were first found i.e. suspect with Berenice Agrippa. Mecklenburg (Pomerania theater) is expected to trace to Maxwells, a line from Maccus, and therefore related to Mackays. It makes POMERania suspect with the Irish FOMERian pirates from Legh-like Lugh (mythical sun god of Ireland). In other words, it makes Maccus (Irish family) suspect from the Lug Fomerians, which are said to have escaped Ireland to the Isle of Man, where Maccus' and/or his family did rule. It's telling me that Maccabee liners hooked up with the Lug Danaans (or Danann), making Adana interesting at Qewe of Cilicia, for I traced Mackays to Qewe while Adana is thought to have been a Greek-Danaan entity.

The Mackay bear has been traced to Berenice-suspect Bernicians, and while Percivals (Leavell kin) use the same bear, Maxwells were first found in the same place as Leavells, another way to make the Mackay connection to Qewe (I expect Quadratilla at Qewe). Alice's use the same bear, as do Forbes' of Aberdeenshire, and as Alice's share the fir-tree and format of Alpins, it's notable that Leggs share the giant stag head with Kenneths. Lug's partner, mythical Manannan (a Danann entity), evokes ClackMANNAN, an area (Stirling theater) which, if I recall correctly, was taken by the Dunchads.

I've just misspelled "Forbes" to accidentally load Fornes'/Fawns (Berwickshire), sharing the black hunting horn with Bernice's / Burns, and then French Fornes' (Ile-de-France) are listed with Burn-like Vernets/Vernays/Fernets. Berns use the bear, and Bernetts/Burnards (Stewart motto), with yet another black hunting horn, were likewise first found in Berwickshire (Arms uses the bear), home of Bernicians. There is a grape vine in the Bernett Crest, symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus. Bernetts (holly leaves) are said to have developed a Burnard variation, while Bernards (Westmorland, Cumberland theater) use a Coat reflecting that of Gaudets (both use a blue bend with three white symbols). Bernards use scallops in the colors of the same of French Mars so as to possibly be kin of the earls of Mar, for the earls use a bend in colors reversed to that of Fornes', very revealing suddenly for identifying the earls of Mar with Agrippa's, a good explanation for the griffin on the seal of Dunchad Carrick. Reminder: "I had found that Julia Domna [related to Julius Agrippa] was traceable to the naming of Domhnail of Mar, whose daughter married Marjorie's son."

Then, Bernetts use "A dexter hand with a pruning knife pruning a vine tree." Why a tree rather than a vine? The Knife surname (listed with Nons/Nevins) was first found in the same place as Carricks, and shares a similar "viv" term and white crescents with Carrick-related Craigs (Aberdeenshire). The Craig Crest has a feathered helmet, symbol on the reverse side of the coin of Herod Archelaus (Wikipedia removed this coin from its Archelaus article, and replaced it with another coin). Tree's use the feathered helmet, as do Lannoys that link to Tree-loving Hume's (Berwickshire), perhaps a branch of Humans/Yeomans that ought to be in the Gilbert motto. Dols were first found in Mecklenburg, and share the Knife/Nevin fesse. The Bernett holly is shared by Mecklenburg-suspect Maxwells. Therefore, the Maxwell holly should be in the Bernett Chief, and the Bernett leaves happen to be in the colors of the Alan leaves.

The Fornes/Vernet Coat can be suspect with the Haddington cross because Haddington is near Berwickshire, and because MUSSELburgh of Haddingtonshire is likely in the so-called MUZZLEd bear of Alice's. I'm not necessarily suggesting that Fornes' are a branch of "Forbes," but then by what coincidence do Forbes' share the Alice bear??? Moreover, what this seems to reveal is that "Fawn/Faunes" (and "Vaughn") was a distant variation of "Burn." Bawns/Bauns/Baughns use he same-type cross in Bernice colors, and as the Bernice fesse was traced to the one in the Arms of Saraca, it's notable that while Caracalla was in Yorkshire, that's where Bawns/Bauns were first found. It gives reason to trace Caracalla to Agrippa's, and his own mother was the daughter of the brother/nephew of Julius Agrippa. Bauns use the cross in the colors of the saltire of Coopers, suspect with Kypros, mother of the first Herod. The demi Cooper-Crest leopard can be that in the Chives Crest. The York motto can apply to Cooper liners, but while Cope's/Cup were first found in Aberdeenshire, the related Copps, possibly sharing the Burn chevron for a kinship reason, creates a conflict in whether to trace to Kypris or Caepio or both.

We expect Dol Alans wherever Thomas' trace. The Thomas sea horse can be that of Tokers/Tuckers, first found in the same place (Devon) as Stewarts and Chives', and almost sharing the ragully of the Devon Stewarts, as well as having wavy bars suspect with the same of Dols. Tuckers can be Tucks/Toke's, suspect with a version of the Teague Shield so that it gets us back to the Gilbert line proving to be from king Teige. The Tokers use eight bars in blue and white, almost the number of same-colored bars of Cavetts, suspect from the Cevetta river at Ceva. That's additional evidence that Chives' were linked to Luisa of Ceva. The sea horses are at least part-code for the Sea's/Sees'/SEIGE (same place as Tucks/Toke's/Touque's) using the same-colored, wavy bars...making the Sees' suspect with "TEIGE." An explanation for a Toker-et-al trace to the Touques river is where VIpont is location there, while the "vi" motto term of Chives' is suspect with that place. Tokers: "3 black guttee-de-poix, between three silver sea-horses naiant" is code for the Powers of Pois/Poix, first found in the same place as Tokers.

For the record, the heraldic shoulder, found in the Thomas description, can be code for Shoultz's (no 'c') listed with SHOULDhams: "...charged on the shoulder with a silver cinquefoil, supporting an anchor."

Mabels (Norfolk, same as Shouldhams) are listed with Annabels/Hannibals, the latter with the double fesse bars of Mopps/Moberleys (same place as Mabel of Chester), suggesting that Mabels / Mapels were of the Mopps'. As German Thomas' use the duck (as do French Alans), let's repeat from the last update to show how it can trace to Chester (Cheshire), and the Davids/Daffys of Chester:

We now have a firm link of Chives-suspect Alnwick to Elmore's/Elmers too. As many cartoon productions have proven to use codes for surnames, what about Elmer Fudd, the latter looking like Futters with a Fudes variation! Elmer Fudd was a hunter that chased Daffy Duck and "wabbits," and Daffys/Davids (Cheshire elements) use yet another white-on-red bend, in the three colors of the Ade bend. Daffys/Davids (share "copia") with the Arms of Macclesfield) are suspect with Diva, the alternative name of Chester, ruled by de Gernon, whose lion may be in the Daffy/David Crest. Mecks use a mallard DUCK (!) and share the white-on-red boar head with Mea's/Meighs, seemingly clinching the Macclesfield link to Mea's/Meighs (use the same cross). Daffys/Davids were resolved, to my surprise, with David I of Scotland, and his family had Henry elements in HUNTINGdon, where Ada of Warenne traces with her husband. Elmer Fudd may have been a hunter as code for Huntingdon elements.

Elmore's (Essex, same as Maple's) and Elnors share the fat black cross of English Thomas, the latter looking like the Elis Coat, making all four surnames suspect with ALESia/Alice (Thomas' daughter), though I can see other explanations. Elmore's share the ravens of Welsh Thomas' and Varenne's, Elnors and Elmore's were in the last update because they were found to be of the Alnwicks, the latter sharing the black-on-white moline with Chives'. As Elnors and Elmore's share the black cross with Elis', the latter suspect with the Thomas Coat, it now appears that Alnwick was named after the same that named Alice of Saluzzo, Elis / Alis liners. Alis'/Alice's are the ones with MUZZLed bears, suspect with Masci liners to Meschins/Masculine's / Mussels/Muscels. The Elis / Thomas crescents become suspect with the same of Craigs.

On Morggan of Mar, now suspect with the Luisa>Alice line: "He married Agnes, a patroness of churches. Agnes was probably related to the de Warenne family - the family who married Ada de Warenne to Henry of Scotland..." This picture can link to the Varenne's in-turn suspect with the Thomas ravens. It looks like four of the five Thomas surnames all relate to Thomas of Saluzzo, though Marjorie Carrick gave birth to Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray. Thomas' Arms (at his Wikipedia article) use lozenges in colors reversed from the Anchor lozenges, while Anchors have been traced to the same place (Agrigento) as Carricks / Craigs. The anchor of the Thomas' is with the ones using the Saluzzo Shield.

Western Gog in Pictland

Back to Tarents, the phoenix line, in my opinion, that were suspect above with the Connick Coat while Connicks are suspect with Scottish versions of "Kenneth." It's interesting that while I trace Tarents to Lake Van, it's in Armenia, beside the Caucasian Albanians that were likely kin of the Caucasian Alans who ended up in the Albania theater of the Illyrians. This line is expected at king Alpin, alleged father of king Kenneth. This jibes well with my trace of the Dol Alans to the Roxolani Alans, suspect as Rus-Alans. One could expect the proto-Rus in Illyrium around the Aulon elements there, and we saw Aulon elements into Paeonia, feasible the phoenix line. Aulon/Avlona is now being traced to Aveline, wife of Dunchad Carrick. The Tarent-MONKton entity is said to have been of the TEWKESbury Abbey, perhaps part of the Monks, first found in the same place as Tokers. Monktons look linkable to Cheneys because they share the same footless martlets and similar motto terms.

Tarents are linked to a Rushton location of a Ruscaeus family, while Rushtons/Ruxtons (Northamptonshire) are apparently using a version of the Side/Suty (and Knap) Coat, for the "Have" motto term of Rushtons is shared by Sutys. King Rusa at Lake Van (several centuries BC) comes to mind. The Rusa kings were taken over by Cimmerians (some say Gomerians) not long before the Biblical Gog appeared in that area, wherefore I identify the Rusa kings as the proto-Rus and ancient Rosh.

Side's were traced to Genoa, while the Fieschi there are highly suspect with Fessys, first found in the same place as Rushtons. Rushtons had a Rushton Spencer in Staffordshire, where I trace Paeoni. Spencers (version of Berkshire Coat) share the same scallops as Russells, but as Meschins use them too, we seem to be on the Meshech-Ross entity. Russells were first found in Dorset, beside Mortons, suggesting that Spencers are using the Morton quadrants. Mortons merged with Seaton-liners Says to produce Moratin-Say in Shropshire.

Side's and Seatons/Sittens are still suspect from the Sittaceni Caucasians, and the Soducena entity near Gogarene. I have "Soducena" in dozens of updates and chapters combined, but in this Google search for "Soducena," Google has buried my updates and chapters, refusing to bring them up on the first page, but bring up pages with "sudu cena." Of course, the Google computer knows that "sudu cena" is not "soducena," and that my pages should have priority, therefore, but then Google has programmed the computer not to bring up my pages first, and not to bring up most of my pages at all on its subsequent search-results pages. Why? Why is Google hiding my work of Soducena? Just because I link it possibly to Sadducees and Gog? Am I not allowed to have that opinion?

Imagine if Google incompetently split everyone's search word into two syllables and brought those up first. Does Google bring up "sea ton" when searching "Seaton"? If not, who programmed Google to bring up "sodu cena" when searching "soducena"? The only time that Google should split a searched word is when that word exists nowhere online. Google definitely has a command-method in its program for to bring certain, choice pages up first when people search a certain term / phrase. It can be used beneficially for the searcher, or to hide pages by crowding them out with unrelated material. This is cheating and should be illegal.

Recall the "Lux" term of Blunds/Blonde's. Without going into the reasons again, Luck / Lock / Lick liners are traced to lake Lychnis, otherwise called, Sevan, in Armenia, itself named after Lake Van elements, and smack at that dirty word, Soducena. Lychnis elements are suspect at Lychnidus, on the light and dark maps at the west side of Paeonia. Soducena elements became suspect with Scodra / Scidrus / Skudra liners, and Side's were traced in particular to Scidrus i.e. beside Blond-like Blanda! (See Blanda and Scidrus on the Lucania map below). The German Lux's happen to share a large black-on-gold bull head with Mieske's/MESECHs, to be traced to the Moschian mountains right beside Soducena (map at link above).

As Sutys share the Seaton motto term ("hazard") and moreover link hard to the maroon-colored Tresure's, let me repeat something from two updates ago:

As candidates for potent-cross liners include the PATENTs, note the stated definition (horse manure, but sometimes good as codework) for the maroon / sanguine color: "PATIENT in battle, and YET victorious."

The Seatons use the motto phrase, "Hazard YET," wherefore the definition above looks like definite / deliberate code, and I aim to get to that page to show other codework in the near future. It can't be a further coincidence that Rushtons use "Have PATIENCE." The Patient surname is listed with Putins/Padyns showing flames on their black crescents. Note that the Putins/Padyns are using a version of the Bessin / Bistones Coat (I trace Piasts to Bistue), and that the Bessin (home of proto-Meschins) is suspect from Domna / Julia Bassianus, and from Basina, wife of Childeric suspect in the Chill/Child Coat, a perfect replica, in colors reversed, of the Tarent Coat. Bistones were of the Ares proto-Rus.

The Bessins are also Beastons, after Beaston in Cheshire, and it was Ranulf de Blondeville who built Beaston castle. It seems undeniable that Meschins are the Biblical Meshech, part of it, anyway, chief tribe of Gog. Blondeville's (Norfolk, same as Mabels) share a red-on-white chevron with Tarents, Carricks, and Gilberts, the latter two now suspect in a marriage with Meschin liners to Dunchad of Fife.

Therefore, as Carricks trace to the Bassianus family, the Tarent-suspect Connicks can indeed be using the Carrick dancette, but as the Shawia were also called by a Chee-like term, note that the Connick dancette is in both colors of the same of Chee's/Cheatle's (Cheshire). Chee liners may even have named CHEshire.

The "yet" term was traced to the gate-using Yate's/Yeats (same place as Letts). If correct, the Geta line in Caracalla's ancestry (the Getuli Numidians were suspect) can be in play. There is the coincidence of "Geta" having a Seaton-like look. Seatons were first found beside Roussillon-suspect Roslin. The Cheatle/Chettle-and-similar variations may suggest "Getuli," which may cause one to expect that Sithones liners put out the Chee's too, which is where the SITHech ancestry of Shaws can come in. I'm not thinking that "Chee/Chettle" can trace both to a Shawia variation and to "Getuli." One or the other, but not both. The dancette can be expected from Dionysus of Nestos, which may explain why the Chee dancette is a fesse in the colors of the Ness/Nest fesses (shared by Mopps'). Puttens use a border feature like that of Yate's, and we have one president Putin in Meshech-suspect Moscow.

Fife is in Pictland while I trace Picts to a Pyxites river to the west side of the Moschian mountains. It works where the KHALDi of the Pyxites river named CALEDonian Picts. In other words, the Fife area can be regarded as an old stomping grounds for Gog liners, even before the Carricks merged with Fife's Donchads. The Chads are Chaddocks and therefore suspect from the namers of Soducena. Saddocks were first found in the same place as a slew of Dan-like terms, while the modern Don was the Tanais, smack at the land of the Sittaceni.

Carricks didn't necessarily issue from Caracalla, but rather may have been in his near-ancestry out of Sicily. Heraldry can be informative, but it has limitations where not indicating the timing of the links. There may actually be some codes used to indicate general time frames, but I wouldn't know. And no one's talking about heraldry codes, but myself, so far as I have read in a decade of work. I'm a modern pioneer into breaking heraldry codes. If there was someone before me, I don't know the person. I'm actually shocked at this vacuum. Google has only three page results for "heraldry codes," some files repeated, and some using "heraldry codes" in the sense of "heraldry rules." I have "heraldry codes" as a phrase in over 30 files, all online, but Google brings up only one, and doesn't provide a link to all the results left out of the search. Why is Google robbing me of my voice?

As per Brian Boru's line to the Carricks, let's repeat this: The Brain leopard faces are in the white-on-red colors of the Monk lion heads while Desmonds use a MONKey. Monks were first found in the same place as white-cat Chives', and the "Crom" motto term of Desmonds is for black-cat Croms (quatrefoils suspect with Quadratus Bassus), in Monk colors and format. Therefore, there was a fundamental Chives link to the mother's side (Carrick) of the first Bruce king that protected the de-Molay Templar cult. But as Herod liners were found in the Carrick line, let's repeat that Chives' can be using the demi leopard of Coopers, for the latter use leopard faces too.

And Herods/Haralds were first found near the Ayrshire Carricks, in the same place as Campbells, the latter said to derive in Gillespie/Gilleasbaig, but see here: "The genealogies, and indeed later 13th century patronymic appellations, tell us that Gilleasbaig was the father of Cailean Mor, probably by marriage to the Carrick noblewoman, Afraig, a daughter of Cailean of Carrick." The Campbell motto, Ne obliviSCARIS," can thus be reckoned as part code for the Shere / Schere/SCHERF line of Carricks, which leaves "ObLIVI" yet to be deciphered. Is the Campbell motto indicating the Square/Squirrel line? Scarrs/Skerritts are in Campbell / Camp colors.

The Brian-Boru line that came to marry the Carrick-line Bruce royal was in the ancestry of Elizabeth de Burgh, Bruce's wife. Why do French Brians share a blue saltire with Coopers while looking like a version of the Cope Coat, and while English Brians (piles in Bernice colors) use another black hunting horn? Why is the Brian horn striped gold like that in the Arms of Traby? Alans were kin of Trabys, and French Brians are supposed, in their write-up, to be from a Brient, brother of Alans in the ancestry of royal Stewarts. And Bruce's daughter married such a Stewart. Might this Mr. Stewart have been from the Brian-Alan line? Did Bruce marry his daughter to a Brian-Alan line because his own wife had been a Brian liner? Later, another Elizabeth would be a Stewart and a queen of England. And why is "Burgh" so much like "Bruce."

Note that while Brians can trace to "Briancon/Brigantium," Donnchadh mac Ghille-BRIGhd (= Gilbert, Marjorie Carricks great-grandfather) looks connectable to BRIGantium. The English Bridge's (first found beside Gilberts) use a chevron in colors reversed from the same of Gilberts, and are said to be possibly named after Belgium's Bruggs/Bruge. If correct, this paragraph tends to reveal Brugg from Brigantium's namers. Bridge's are said to have settled later in Hereford, and are thus linkable to the Coats of Tudors / Sellers (same colors and format). The write-up mentions Giles Bruges, almost "Gille-Brighd," with a manner of ARCHer-Stoke, suggesting Ark-river mergers with nearby Briancon. The other Bridge's, first found in the same place, can be using a version of the SHERwood Coat, and thus linkable to the Shere>Carrick line. Gilberts use white roses and Sherwoods: "...silver branch of [white] roses with green leaves." The Branch Coat looks like a version of the Sherwood Coat, and while Sherwoods were first found in the same place as Conte's, Branch's are expected as D'Avrances from Conteville's. Their SCIREwood location suggests the Squire variation of Square's/Squirrels, and thus it appears that Gilberts were kin of Sherwoods too, as could be expected if Gilberts are from Gille Brigdh. It looks undeniable. The Bridge motto, "Je GARDeray," is obviously connectable to the "garde" motto term of Carricks, and as this picture connects to Valentinian, Gratian is again being viewed with that motto term.

The Brugg line is expected with Leuven and Louvains while one Leuven Coat uses bear paws, a symbol in the Squire/Squirrel surname (a good reason to trace the "Teg" motto term of Gilberts, and the squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, to Laevi on the Ticino). The "Tiens FERME" motto of Squire's/Squirrels looks like part-code for Firenze liners, and part-code for Tiens'/Thames' that use mascles in Chief in the colors of the lozenges of Thomas Randolph, son of Marjorie Carrick. Irish Hands/Glavins/Lavans (like "Leuven") use lozenges in those colors, and the English Hands, first found in Cheshire (i.e. where D'Avrances' ruled), can thus be using a version of the Sherwood Coat. At his Wikipedia article, Hugh D'Avrances is (or at least was) said to have had a nickname like "flaith," the term from which the Hand/Glavin write-up derives the surname (it doesn't look correct at all, but does indicate linkage to D'Avrances'). Lozenges in colors reversed from the Tiens-Chief mascles are in the Anchor Chief, a line from Agrigento, origin of Carricks. I have the sense that proto-Carricks at Agrigento were centuries before the birth of Gratian. Chances are, proto-Carricks had a branch with proto-Saraca's that then linked to Gratian by way of Caracalla's imperial throne.

Brian Boru's full name was Boruma. There are heraldic signs that he was a Bruno / Brunswick liner, suspect with Bernice's and Burns. If it was a Bruno line, Brians ought to trace to Bruno things in and out of Florence/Firenze, especially as the one side of the Brian lions are also the Brunswick lions. I will assume that Brian Boru traces to Briancon, with links to anything of that area, especially the Sullivan-branch Salyes / Saluvii and the namers of the Durance. As half the three lions in pale of Irish Brians are colors reversed from the same of Irish Maghans/Manns/MAHONs (County Clare, same as Brians), we note that Brian's brother was MAHON. And to that we can add: "At that time the Carbery region was still ruled by the powerful Eoganacht Raithlind in the form of the O'Mahonys..."

The last update touched on the Driscolls of Carbery and came to a semi-conclusion that they were Dressers, for the latter share the second quadrant of the Mahony Coat, a lion in the colors of the Maghan/Mann/Mahon and Brian lions. Another two quadrants of Mahonys show the same blue-on-gold lion as Louvains / Percys, and though it's used by many others, it's most-expected from Louvains and Percys (same place as Bruce's) because Bruce's are expected to be using it. Louvains and Percys are like Percivals and Leavells/Lovells, suspect from Levi and Pharisees.

The Gog Egg in the Yoke of Donovans

It's feasible that Manns/Mahons / Mahonys were Isle-of-Man elements, which, if correct, are expected with / from Maccabee descendants such as Masseys / Mackays / Maxwells / Macclesfields / Mackie's, and then Massins/Masons, first found in the same place as Louvains, likewise use the blue-on-gold Mahony lion. Here is a Mahon Coat showing the blue-on-gold lion. The green snakes in the Mahony Coat can therefore link to the same of this Mackesy Coat. It doesn't look coincidental that the green snake coiled around the Mackesy sword is used by Donovans too, whom you can see in the Carbery quote below. Brian Boru is in the Donovan write-up. The last update showed English Richards, first found in Yorkshire, and using the Bruce-of-Yorkshire lion. And, "As Duke of Gloucester, Richard [III of England] used the Royal Arms of England quartered...His motto was Loyaulte me lie...", the motto also of Margesons who list "Mackesy." As Margys/Mackie's were first found in the same place as Carricks, they with Margesons/Mackesys were suspect with the naming of MARJorie Carrick. It makes a good case for Brian and Mahon being of the Man pirates, and tracing to Massey liners expected at / near Briancon.

From Wikipedia's Carbery article once again: "Seeds of the later Carbery kingdom began to develop in the 13th century. At 1200, the Ui Chairbre were primarily composed of and ruled by the Ui Donnobhains (now O'Donovans), occupying areas in their historical territory near Adare, CROOM and Bruree." Can we trace Adare to Abdera, near KeraMOTI??? Why do Adare's use a "Loyal et MORT" motto, showing linkage on the one hand to Mackesys / Donovans, and to the Morte's/MOTTs possibly on the other? Should we assume that Bruree was the reason for CarBERY? DonoVANS? There were reasons for the trace of the Cork area to Mus of Lake Van. I say that Lake-Van themes include a phoenix / eagle rising, and the Donovan Crest, "A gold falcon alighting," is the design of eagle's rising.

The Croom surname is listed with Crone's, first found in Herefordshire with Trevors and Tudors, and using the Tudor / Seller colors and format...not to mention the Lights/Lite's suspect in the Donovan Crest. Due to the Gernon-suspect Crest of Crooms, the mural crown (Patmos suspects) out of which that lion emerges, and the Massey-colored fleur in the Coat, Croom of Ireland looks to be from Masseys in relation to Salyes of the Seller kind. The Silures were in southern Wales, home also of Strongbow Clare of Pembroke, and then the Pembroke bend is in use by Mazzo's/Mazzino's. The left-hand symbol was that of mythical Mucius (Gaius Mucius Scaevola), but as he lost his right hand, the writers who continued his lore may have developed for him a right-hand symbol too, and as Mus of Lake Van can trace to the naming of PatMOS, that's where John wrote on the 666 in the right hand.

Pardon me for saying, in the last update, that Mucius lost his left hand (it's been since fixed). Here's the fact: "Mucius thrust his right hand into a fire which was lit for sacrifice and held it there without giving any indication of pain, thereby earning for himself and his descendants the cognomen Scaevola, meaning 'left-handed'." A real, Mucianus surname developed.

Lake-Van liners are suspect with Fane's/Vans (southern Wales) using a gauntlet glove (right hand), sharing it with Maceys (left-hand, by the looks of it). Mackays use both a left and right hand holding a dagger, a symbol suspect with Dexters/Deckster liners. Mucianus-like RasMUSSENs and Massins/Masons use the sinister feature, as do Masci's that share the fleur in the colors of the same of Cope's/Colps that trace to the Kupa/Colapis river, beside the Maezaei, who were in-turn beside the Coronis- and Craun-suspect Ceraunii.

The reason that I trace the mural crown to Patmos is that it's at times called a CORONal crown, and, besides, crown-like surname (especially the Crauns/Crone's using a crown) have become suspect with Coronis on Patmos. No one else that I know of traces her to Patmos. I reasoned that while she was code for Chora on Patmos, her son, ASCLepios, was part-code for Skala on Patmos (and part code for Lapiths), and here we see that the symbol of Asclepios, a snake entwined around a rod, is in play with Mackeys / Donovans.

The Trabys, suspect with a 666 code in this Arms of Traby, link to Trevors, and moreover Trabys share white feathers with Donovan-suspect Lights. For the record, here's the Donovan Coat with what looks like a left-hand symbol: "A silver shield with a cubit arm in red issuing from the sinister side of the shield, holding a scian blade entwined with a serpent." The right-hand symbol becomes suspect with Dexters, as though they may have developed that variation due to being a Mucius liner, but for the Brian topic at hand, let's repeat that while the Dexter Crest uses "weights," the Weights share gold-striped, black hunting horns with Trabys and the Crest of English Brians. The horns are highly suspect, now, with Herod- and Bernice-Agrippa lines in Normandy's Orne.

With Bernice's and Burns first found in Cumberland, which is the COPEland theater ruled by Le Meschin (and location of Allerdale ruled by his brother), the red dragon in the Cope/Colp Crest can be the red dragon in the Arms of Cumbria. There's a Barrow-in-FURNESS location in Cumbria that recalls the Fornes surname discovered as a branch of Burns / Bernice's, but suspect with the Mackay-related Forbes, first found in the same place as Cope's. The "ADeste" motto term of Cope's jibes with the Cumbria motto, "Ad Montes Oculos LEVavi," and Ade's of Berwickshire are loved by the Levi motto. "AdESTE" can be part-code for Este, which was merged with Barrow-like Bars (more hunting horns). Este is beside Euganeo while Donovans are traced to Eugene "the great" (king of Munster), and then Fane's/Vans ("fano" motto term) are suspect from Fano, not far from Euganeo. Barrows share the white sword with Donovans, and gold fleur with Cope's. The Adige river running close to Euganeo may now become suspect with the EDGar variation of Adare's. The "Garde" term of Carricks is expected from the namers of lake Garda at the Adige. It may mean that Dare-like surnames were ultimately after Adige-like terms. The Adare's/Edgars are traced in their write-up to a Desmond/Gerald family at Ireland's Adair.

? As Clacks use an eagle in the colors of the same of Adge's/Edge's (kin of Gardners), it's feasible that Clacks were l-version Carricks / Cracks. Reminder: the Gilbert squirrel is CRACKing a nut while Cracks/Cricks were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Caracalla, and the Crags that use the Carrick talbot. The Clack eagle is called "demi" and, in the Crest, has a band around its neck, which is tentatively suspect with the Lake-Van phoenix (the Adige flows through VENetio). Clocks/CLOKE's share the gold-on-red garb of Treviso's, and is a version of the Dagger/Dacker Coat (Cumberland) too while Daggers/Dackers use "loyalte," a motto term linking to Carrick liners (Adare's/Edgars use "Loyal"). It just so happens that Caracalla is said, probably wrongly, to be named after his CLOKE. Treviso is near the Adige, and is where bear-paw Bellino's were first found that trace to the bear paw of Powys', near Cheshire, the place sharing the gold garb with Treviso's. It suggests that the bear-paw Decks/Daggers were merged with Treviso liners. Traviss' even share scallops in the colors of the same of Meschins. The Fuller-related Belli's were likewise first found in Treviso, and Fullers,along with their Bacon kin, use ferme-like motto terms (i.e. like the "ferme" of Decks/Daggers). The Clack / Adge/Edge eagle thus becomes suspect with the same of Childs, the Childeric Merovingians descended from Veneti, and that has got to be the underpinnings of the Garda side of Carricks. The "bien" motto term of Carricks is thus suspect with a line from the ancient Biaini of Lake Van.

It's feasible that Biaini became Bianca's and therefore Belli's in the sense of "fair = white." The Blanks (Fessy kin) happen to share the large cinquefoil of Bus', suspect with the Buz-line Nahorites while the Biaini were of the Nairi (Lake Van). French Blanks: "Sans TACHE." French Blanks (spread eagle in Crest) were first found in the same place (Normandy) as Demys/Mays (perhaps of Gilcrest M'ay in the Mackay write-up), suspect with "demi-eagle," and share the Demy/May chevron. Blanks are linkable to neighboring Potters, kin of BELL-using Porters, whom I view with Neuri-related Budini...said to be light-haired anciently.

Are Mackesys and Donovans using the sword as code for Swords? The Adare/Edgar Crest shares a MAN's head COUPED, symbol also of Swords (we saw why Brians can be Cooper / Cope kin). A shown Sword variation (Glaven) is apparently a variation (Glavin/Glavan) shown with the Irish Hand surname while Adare's/Edgars use "red DEXTER hands appaumee COUPED." Cant' Dexters/DECKsters be a branch of Daggers/Dackers? The Adare's speak of a branch at KinHILT while Swords use three swords erect silver HILT and pommel gold." "Pommel" looks a lot like "Appaumee."

The Donovans are said to be from a Crom character who built Crom castle, and this has got to be the reason for the "Crom" motto term of Desmonds. The ancestry of Desmond(s) (found in the write-up of Adare's/Edgars) is in one Mr. Geraldino, a Norman in the train of the Conqueror, but, er, he sure sounds more Italian than Norse. He was made the earl of Desmond in the invasion of south Ireland by Strongbow Clare. It doesn't say whether Desmond or the Deisi already existed at the time of Geraldino's arrival. He is said to have settled Wigtown in Scotland's Galloway, where the Hand-suspect Hanna's were first found that share the black fitchee with Tarves elements. Also, the Sauer-of-Sava liner, Mr. Galleri, is expected as a Fergus-liner of Galloway, and Sava elements are expected with variations of Chives' who lived at Tarves. It could be that Sauers and Fergus' are sharing the familiar red lion of Mahonys, meaning that Mahonys can link to Fife's and everything discussed above on rulers of Fife.

I suppose a question is whether "Hand" developed from Hanna liners because they were Mucius liners. The Hands and Hanna's share the stag with Anna's/Hanna's and ANNAbells/Hannibals, and the latter list the Mabels suspect with Meschins of Cheshire. The Mabel-suspect Mopps/Moberlys share the double fesses of Copelands. Maple's are the ones sharing the vertically-split Shield of Tarves' and motto terms of Chives', and the latter share cats with Croms (and Irish Burghs). Were Tarves' a line of Trabys? Why do Tarves use SIX fitchees? Was Tarves a line of Hannibal elements on the Trebbia? Or was it from Treviso not far from Euganeo?

Traviss' (same scallops as Meschins) said to be from Trevor Tudor, have a motto and colors linkable to Buckleys of Cheshire, but note the giant gold garb of Treviso's (Cornwall), for the Arms of Cheshire uses the garb as the primary symbol. Treviso and Euganeo are in the land of the Veneti, suspect with the naming of Meschin-related Fane's/Vans/Veynes', and then Traviss' are in the colors and format of Vaughns. French Brians are said to be from Briant, ruler of Vannes, Brittany city of the Celtic Veneti. Hmm, there is a Brenta river cutting through the land of Italian Veneti (flows to Padova). Recall that Brians are suspect with Bruno's, for Vaughns (share "non" (= Knife/Non surname) with Brians) use fleur in the colors of the same of Browns. This recalls that Burn-related Fornes' are listed with Vaughn-like Fawns/Faughnes' (black hunting horn, Berwickshire). If Brians were a Bruno line, it may explain why "BRIGANtium" developed more like "Brun." Or, if we want to know whether "Brain" was a branch of Bramtons, ask the lions in pale that both use.

Having said that, we need to go back to the Furness location in Cumbria, for it can be of the Furs/Fire's/FIRS suspect with Firenze, where Bruno's were first found. There are two Furness surnames, one first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Traviss', but said to be from the Furness location in Cumberland (Berenice-Agrippa liners, right?). Belgian Furness' use nothing but a red bend in both colors of the same of Easters/Sturs (could be Este liners), first found in Manche along with Sturs, from the Stura river, where the Furs/Fire's were traced. English Barneys use such a bend too. By what coincidence are Treviso's said to be from CROCHADON, like CROCIATONum in Manche? Wasn't Crociatonum from AcroCERAUNIUM?

Furs are suspect with the Alis fir tree, but Alis' use the Forbes bear (the Ferrens' may be using the griffin in the Arms of ALESsandria). All in all, it looks like Furness' were named partly after Firenze, and partly after Bruno > Burn liners, as in a merger of the two, and as Brians are expected from this, I'm seeing cause in tracing Brians to Alda's (Firenze). Recall that Brians were seemingly discovered above from the Carrick line of Bridge's and Squirrels, for one Bridge Coat shares the white-on-red griffin of Alda's.

The English Furness' use a large black talbot that may link to the Carrick talbot. Scottish Alda's (suspect with the Coats of Ferrens' and Taddei's), first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Carricks, and said to be from the "servitor" of the Carrick earls in times before the royal Bruce. Another surname using two symbols in a red Chief, as do Alda's and Taddei's, are the Grome's/Grooms, perhaps of that Irish Croom entity belonging to the Donovans of Carbery. German Barneys use another version of the Alda Coat, this time with a sword in Chief.

I once theorized that "Grimaldi" was a Gri(s)-Mallet combo, but just changed my mind to a Grome-Alda combo, for Grome's and Alda's are using essentially the same Coat. Plus, Italian Alda's, said to be from Taddeo ALDERotti, were first found in the same place as Taddei's. That tends to clinch Grimaldi's with Crone's and Crane's. The Dino's, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Alda's, are said to be from Taddeo Dini. Alders/Elders (Edinburghshire) share "VirTUTE" with Alda's (and Maple's). But also interesting is that the red escutcheon is shared by Allers and German Barneys.

Were Allers a branch of Alders / Alda's? Was Allerdale of Cumbria named by Alda's? Allers use a "VirTUTis UMBER" motto phrase partly suspect from an Umbria>Cumbria line, and the Umbria border is not far from Firenze. The Aller gyronny symbol is, I think, of de Gernon, uncle of William Meschin of Allerdale. The Allers could be the reason that COLTers come up as "Alter," for alerions are used by Aller-related HOLDens (escutcheons). I have a file saying: "ALLAIRE, Morbihan. Canton, arr. Vannes. Azure a dove rising argent cantonned by four alerions or." The dove itself shows without a beak, apparent code for the ostrich-using Beaks. "Cantonned" refers to at the corners, I assume, but not many Coats with a symbol at each corner use that term so that Cantons are expected in code. As a canton square is sometimes called a square, cantons must have merged with Square's/Squirrels, the Gilbert line to Carricks using the ostrich.

As the Ayrshire-and-Perthshire Alda's use a cherub in Crest, it makes cherub-using Tacks/Thackerys suspect as kin of Taddei's, and then the MOLEhills of Shake's/Shakerleys (like "Thackery") suggest the Molds/Mauds because they are said to be from some Italian Alto location. The Tacks are not only sharing white estoiles with Maud-like Motts, but a white-on-green arrow, in the same position even, of Scottish Adams...who were resolved from Adam Kilconquhar, husband of Marjorie Carrick. As Adams show a Caw variation, highly suspect with MacKay variations, the Adam arrow became suspect with the arrow (and ravens) of Mackie's/MARGys (Ayrshire). See the Crows that follow.

It's feasible for "Tack" to be a "THASos" variation, for Tacks use a "NobiliTAS" motto term. There is an English Tass surname listed with TAQUE's/Tache's, and then Scottish Tass'/Taws' (Perthshire) use the black-on-gold crescents as Saracens. SHAKEspeare's (Saracen colors), first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Daggers/DACKers, use "sanz" while "Sans TACHE" was seen as the French-Blank motto. It was the Hesdin-related Dermots who use "probaTAQUE," and that was possible code for Probins that share the ostrich with Carricks. Hesdin was the entity producing Aveline, wife of one of the Alans whose daughter (Avelina) married Dunchad Carrick. It looks like Tass'/Taws' are a good bet for being of the king-Teige line to/from such surnames as Tess'/Tecks/Tease's.

As the English Tass' (same place as Clare's) are using a chevron in the colors of the Clare chevrons, the Tonbridge location of Clare's can apply too, for Tonbridge's likewise use black-on-gold crescents. Tass'/Taws, as per the gyronny and the black lion in Crest, are potential Gernon kin, for Clare's of Tonbridge were married to Meschins (of whom one was Ranulph de Gernon). Did you notice that Gernon-related Montfitchets share three red chevrons with Clare's? Montfitchets had a castle in Essex, where Massey-related Vere's were first found, and Drakenberg Vere's trace themselves to Tunbridge Wells, near Tonbridge. Tonbridge is highly suspect with Tone's/Toneys who use a Manche-depicting sleeve, which is a variant form of the Weir-Crest sleeve. Crocs use a sleeve and are expected from the Croc marriage to Molle's whose boar head, in colors reversed, becomes the blue one of Vere's, and the latter lived at the CROCiaTONum location (Manche, across the Channel from Tonbridge). It makes Crociatonum suspect with the namers of Tonbridge.

It just dawned on me (written almost two weeks ago) that the ALDA's are a branch of Ali's/ALIOTTA's (Sicily) because both surnames share the same griffin. It's in the colors of the Leto/Alitto crane so that Alda's are suspect now as a branch of Leto's / Letters (same white-on-red griffin). Note that Alda-related Dino's use LETTERS on their Chief.

Dino-like Donovans are the ones who built Crom castle, and while Crom-loving Desmonds use the MONKey, I have the sense that Croms (colors and format of Croms) were a branch of Grimaldi's from Monaco. Perhaps these Grimaldi's were the Grome's/Grooms, using "pennants," which recalls that Pennants share the Trevor Coat that looks much like the Irish Grattan Coat. Monaco is near Grasse, and the Grome pennants are in Great colors, and the latter were first found in the same place as Trevors / Tudors. Trevors are traced in their write-up to Tudors that share the helmets of the Grome/Groom Chief. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Crema are in the colors of the same of Grome's/Grooms, Dino's and Alda's. The Grome Crest shares an armored arm with the Crest in the Arms of Crema, and the Grome arm holds a gauntlet glove. Pennants are alternatively called piles, used by Latters, the Laithis variation of which can be in the Brian motto, and, moreover, Irish Grasse's use a lion split in silver and gold, as do Irish Brians. Monaco's share the white-on-blue upright lion with English Grasse's, and the Monk lions are in the colors of the Alda griffins. There seems to have been some Grimaldi-of-Monaco elements at the Cork / Desmond theater.

There are only two helmets in the Grome Chief, the number of crosses in the same colors in the Chief of Taddei's that had been suspect as a branch of Tudors. A Welshman, John Yonge, used the Trevor Coat too, and then Grome's share three piles on white with Yonge's. Grome's call their Chief symbol "knight's helmets," and Knights were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Grome's.

As Brians are always traceable to Salyes Ligurians, it's Dino-interesting that Sale's are said to derive in "dining hall." I've just checked Diners to find that they are traced to "Dinan," which is a variation of Diamonds that are, once again, in Alda / Taddei colors. Dinans/Dinams/Diamonds (same place as Monks) are said to be from a DINham location and descended from Dinants of Brittany. There is another Diamond surname (Irish) sharing the lozenges / diamonds of Dinans/Dinams, in the colors of the Grimaldi lozengy. It doesn't look coincidental. Dinans/Diamonds share "TouJOURs" with Yonge's, which has been resolved as part-code for Gore's/Core's and Gore's/Jore's, and then Corks show a Core variation.

Let's now go back to the "yw" motto term of Gilberts to show that it is indeed code for Yeomans, for the latter are said to use "speer CRONels," while the English Crone's/CROOMs, first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Trevors and Tudors, use a chevron in colors reversed from the Gilbert chevron, white, like the Yeoman chevron, and moreover the Crone/Croom chevron with symbols are in the colors of the same of Tudors. Yeomans are also Humans, while it was the Grattans that use the "human heart." Irish Crone's happen to share a Shield filled with lozengy in half the colors of the same of Grimaldi's.

While "Trevor" is suspect with "Traby" because the Arms of Traby share ostrich feathers with some Arms of Tudors, the Trebbia flows near Cremona, itself near Crema. The Trebbia flows near the Taro, and the Deisi articles mention a royal Tara location (Ireland). The Shere- and Traby-related Kilpatricks use a "sure" motto term, and the Sure's/Shore's are using the motto of Traby-related Caens who trace without a doubt to the Ceno tributary of the Taro. Crone's/Grooms share a gold mural crown with Caens.

It's notable that Gernons and Gernon-like Crone's share black lions in Crest. The Gernons share the two Brunswick lions in pale, in the colors of the three Brian lions in pale, and colors reversed from the Bramton lions in pale. The Guernon variation suggests Guerin of Provence, near or even at Briancon. Yes, fitchees became suspect with the Foot / Fothes/Fidde's liners, and so fitchees can ultimately be code for Montfitchet, where Foot-suspect Gernons were first found. With so many theories possible, I don't know the hard origin of "Guerin," yet if correct to link gyronny to Gernons, they can trace very well to the namers of Gironde (gyronny) and its Garonne river, which flows also by Toulouse, where William Gellone ruled that is thought to have been father to Guerin of Provence. But how did de Gernon link to the Gironde theater?

Gironde is beside Candale, where John of Gaunt had some titles and/or rule. The Grome's/Grooms can be using the gauntlet as code for John of Gaunt. And Groom liners are also the Massey-suspect Crone's. That works. It suggests that Gernons were Crone liners, and it just so-happens that I trace Gore's/Core's to Patmos along with Crone liners. And Corks/Core's were thought to have Mus elements from lake Van, which again brings up the question on whether Lake Van elements were on PatMOS. We can also ask whether Crows and Crowleys trace to the Coronis crow. "Leading among the remaining Gaelic families of great note in Carbery were the O'Crowleys, a military family of Connacht origin, an offshoot of the princely MacDermots of Moylurg." Carbery was a leading part of the Desmond domain, and there were a Des-like people group at Lake Van, though this was found so long ago I cannot recall the spelling nor details.

English Crows are using the colors and format of Crone's/Crooms, and Irish Crows ("Skeagh" motto term can link to Skits/Skeochs) were first found in Thomand, and share the Desmond-MacCarthy / MacArthur crown. Crows share a camel head with Pattersons (Connacht, same as Crowleys), whom should be from PATmos too. The Patterson camel is suspect with "Kemuel," son of Nahor, himself suspect from the Nairi of Lake Van. The Patterson PELICan is suspect with Peleg (part of Nahor's ancestry), and with Phlegyas, mythical father of Coronis. The Patterson SCALops should trace to Skala on Patmos. The Kastelli location on Patmos is suspect with Castor, Spartan brother of Pollux, for Wikipedia's Patmos article says that Spartans resided on Patmos. It says that the island was the home of Leto, mother of Apollo (same as Leda, mother of Pollux, making Apollo suspect with the Peleg-line Hebrews). Avellino became suspect with the Avlona version of "Aulon," smack at the Ceraunii mountain system!

As JOKtan, Peleg's brother, can be expected in Yok terms, by what coincidence do German Yoks/Yoke's/Hochs (antlers) use a giant swan, symbol of Leda? Joktanites were from Sparta-like Sephar. English Yoke's/Joke's (looks like a COCKatrice in Crest) use scallops. It makes Joktan suspect with the Ligurian swan king, CYGnus, and with the Grimaldi-related Cocks / Cochs. Why do Huck-related Huckabys use Asclepios rods? Hucks share two blue-on-white chevrons with 666-suspect Dexters, and the Dexter-related Weights use the same hunting HORN as Brians while horns are CORNs to Latins. Latins were from Leto, right? If correct, proto-Latin may have been of a Hebrews people in Hebron. I trace "Epirus," location of the Ceraunii mountains, to Hebrew-suspect "Abruzzo," and then Abreu-related Presleys do use a cockatrice, red, like the one in the Yoke Crest. Abreu's/Abruzzo's were first found in Padova, where I trace proto-Merovingians (Lake-Van liners, right?), and so let's repeat that the colors and format of Hebrons (CHILLINGham) are shared by Merovingian-suspect Childs/CHILLS, which are the colors and format of Crows, and the colors of the Horn herons, in the colors of the Leto crane, and the Aliotta / Letter/Lauder griffin.

The Yoke/Joke Coat is a reflection of the Putten/Puttoch/Putent Coat.

There is a Campos location of Patmos while Campbells are also "Cammell." This does not necessarily contradict a Campbell trace to Campania and its Abellinum/Avellino, for this place looks like it was named after Apollo elements. In this picture, Campania and Champagne together can trace to Patmos. The Lucania map shows a Compsa beside Avellino, while Camps/Comps are in Campbell colors. Spot Potentia on this map, where Putents above can trace. As "Jok" is suspect with oaks, see Bantia near Potentia, for Bants use oak leaves.

Crows are expected with Crowleys, who, with Dermots, share the blue boar with English Vere's. The red-on-white crosslets of Crowleys that are also those of Were's. There had been a chance that "Vere" traced to a Coron-like tern with "Guerin." The Crowley / Dermot boar is colors reversed from the boar heads of Irish Marone's, first found in the same place as Cork-like Corrigans, and while that place was Fermanagh, Fermans/Formans share the lion of Guerin-suspect Gernons. Fermans/Formans (share the green dragon of Worms) can connect to the green Guerra dragon, all very linkable to the Carbery dragon.

Of note here is that Dickensons share the blue lion in Crest with Dermots, and use the white-on-blue passant lion of Carberys. Dickensons and Dickens are strongly expected as kin of Samsons, in-turn the kin of Letts, in-turn the kin of Corrigans. There was a question on whether Dicken liners can trace to what looks like "Dicaea" on the dark map, near Porsulae / Maronia / Topira. With DERmots using the Marone symbol in colors reversed, the AbDERA location between Dicaea and Topira comes to mind. The German Harts, highly suspect with MacCarthys of Cork / Desmond, use a DEER.

However, there is an alternative view, for as Dermots list "Darby," the namers of Derbyshire come to mind. On the other hand again, Abdera is very near KeraMOTI, which together may explain "DerMOT." On the dark map, to the west of Keramoti (not shown but it's directly on-shore from Thasos), there is a Datus location that may be from lake Tatta, near Derbe. The Datts/Dade's/Deeds (same place as Tute's), beloved in the Fleming motto, share garbs with Derbys/Darbys. Flemings of the Letter and Seaton kind definitely traced to the Thasos theater...more specifically to Sithonia = Longos, and then Longfords were likewise first found in Derbyshire. Derbe had become suspect with some important aspect of Caiaphas' direct family, and Keramoti is suspect with Modi'in elements as proto-Maccabees to Modena. Kerrys (potential Keramoti liners to the Muskerry / Kerry area) are using a version of the hourglass (my personal term) design of Grattans, first found in Derbyshire. The Derby ANTELope had traced to ANTALya (Pamphylia), and the ANTLer is on the Crest in the Arms of Crema, a place now linking between the Taddei liners of Italy and Desmonds of Cork. The Taddei-liner Alda's, with their English branch first found in the same place as Tudors, makes Tudors suspect from lake-Tatta liners, and as the Travis' were Trevors, it's notable that the Dade garb is in use with Travis-like Treviso's.

To nail down the paragraph above with Cork elements, and to make the lake-Tatta link to Derbe more solid, Irish Dade's/Davids, a branch of Dohertys, are very linkable to the David(s) in the Deas write-up, and Deas' (CROMby colors), in colors reversed from the Dade/David Chief, were a branch of Crom-loving Desmonds. Therefore, the Dade/David / Doherty stag is probably the red one of MacCarthys. The question is, however, whether Dade's/Davids were originally of the Dade's/Deeds so that some Davids developing from "Dade" were actually Tatta / Taddei liners. One can keep in mind that David I of Scotland may have been one of the Dade / Deas Davids.

While I don't think the Darby write-up is correct for tracing the surname to a derivation in "doe," I do see that Doe's/Dows were related to Darbys ("Deo"), but that only makes Doe's suspect with "DOHERty." The Doe/Dow Crest shares the gold garb with Dade's/Deeds. The Darby antelope is in the red of the Dade/David / Doherty stag, and the Arms of Derby(shire) use the stag too. Although Dohertys seem to be properly the Doughertys/Dochertys, their Doherty variation may have been the formation of Doe's / Dohs.

The Doh surname is listed with Dows/Dove's (not the Doe's/Dows). The Doe/Dow Crest is described: "A garb with a coulter in the band in bend sinister." Why sinister, and why include it in the description? Colts happen to use another red stag, making the Doh coulters linkable to Doe's, kin of Darbys. The "Patiens" motto of Dohs/Dows/Dove's is a surname listed with Padyns/Putins/Patients, potent-cross liners that link to Scythe's/Skits/Skeochs, important because the Doe coulters are a form of scythes. Coulters use the Catherine wheels of Catherine Roet while Puttens had a branch in the same place as Roets, beside the Buttons, Potters, et-al. DOVErs use a giant cinquefoil in colors reversed from the Potter cinquefoils, and Yoke's/Joke's were first found in the same place (Kent) as Dover while using what could be a version of the Putten Coat.

Link Dovers to Flowers (giant cinquefoil), and Flowers to the flowers of Tonys, and Tonys to Toeni's of Leicestershire, where the giant Bus cinquefoil was. Then, link Toeni's (known Tosni's) to Tous'/Tosini's with the BUTTONs on the mans's shirt (for Buttons were first found in the same place as Potters). Leicesters share the swan with Germo-Swiss Yoke's/Yoks/Hochs. Let's therefore not forget the white-cinquefoil Dogs/Doags in a DOUGHerty discussion, in seeking to understand who Dohertys really were at their roots. Dogs/Doags were resolved (two updates ago) as potent-liner Chaddocks / Chadwicks.

Dohertys/Doughertys are said to be kin of Donnelys (Neil liners) of Donegal, and Donnelys are said to be from Eoghans/Owens (= Keons and Keens), suspect with Euganeo...of Padova, where I trace Merovingians. It's interesting that Donnelys are said to be from king Niall (myth code?) who invaded the Frankish region on the Seine river in 365, shortly before the appearance of Merovingians from Salian Franks, themselves beside the Padova-suspect Batavi (Patent / Button liners?). As Donellys share the red hand of Ulster, the Irish area using a Zionist star, its notable that the Seine river goes by Ile-de-France, where lines from the Israeli priesthood had lived. Donellys share two lions facing one another "comBATANT," which I view as possible code for Pollux' boxing symbol, but PATENT liners come to mind too. Two lions facing one another happen to be in the Coat of Abreu's, first found in Padova. Battants (a hand in Crest) are listed with Battins/Badens, in the same place as where Patiens/Patients/Putents are said to have moved. Battants were also beside the Pawter-suspect Pewters/Puters. As Donnelys are tracing well to Patmos liners, that's where Donovans trace by their apparent Asclepios symbol, and Donovans are said to descend from "Eogan Mor (Eugene the Great)", no kidding. Eogan Mor (king of Munster) is said to be the ancestor of king Crom, wherefore this is a good way to link Crom liners to Dohertys / Dade's/Davids. There is a Eogain in the Dade/David write-up.

If the doves of Dohs/Dove's are indication of Cuppae, "city of doves," it was near the Pek river that had a mouth at Pincum, suspect with the Binks/Bengs (Chives quadrants?), who themselves have an antelope in Crest. Plus, Davids/Daffys use a "copia" motto term that I trace to Cuppae. The Roet-related Reeds use a "Pax copia" motto suspect with Peks and Cuppae together. The Roets and Reeds share the book while Books (hourglass) and Reeds share the red stag head of Colts. Therefore, the black-on-white symbols surrounding the Book chevron combine to make a good reflection of the Doe/Dow Coat. It's then DOE-interesting that the same red stag head is used by Dole's/Doyle's that list DOEL, who even use a red stag head in Crest to match the red Derby antelope head.

Roet-related Coulters were first found in Lanarkshire, near Glasgow, where I expect the Book hourGLASS to trace. The quartered white/black lion in the Davis Crest can link to the white-on-black lion in the Bink/Beng Coat. On top of that, the Davis' share a version of the Coat of Cuppae-suspect Davids/Daffys...while Irish Davis'/Divis' (Dine's/Diens/Dives' / Dino's?) share trefoils in the colors of the same of Albino's, whom you will see below as per the Cromby Coat. Davis/Divis' are in Doh/Dove colors. Pincs/Pinks can be suspect now with the Groom / Grimaldi / Cock / Coch lozenges, all linkable to the Joktan-suspect Yoke's/Jokes, and therefore to Puttens / Buttons possibly (Joktanite / Pelegite Hebrews had been suspect through Patmos' Leto cult).

The Donovan snake is said to be enTWINED while Twine's/Twengs (poppinjays) are said to be from Thwing and Octan (Yorkshire). It might be deemed coincidental that "Octan" is like "Joktan" except that the Twine Crest is a PELICan on nest. Thwing (and I assume Octon too) is said to be from a Burton area while Drago de Bewere is in both the Burton and Blade (Doherty colors) write-ups while Donovans use a sinister hand holding "a scian BLADE entwined with a serpent." Scians are listed with Scone's (green wyvern), and Scions/Syons/Chionsshare the giant swan with Joktan-suspect Yoke's, while Sions/Swans also use the swan. The Scion/Syon swan is used in giant form in both colors by the Dale's, likewise first found in Yorkshire, making Yoke's suspect in the naming of York. Imagine, the namers of York from Joktanite Hebrews, able to explain why early York was EBORACUM, like the EBROICUM version of Hebrew Eburovices (at Evreux).

Scions/Syons were first found in Provence, probably a part of Joktan-suspect OCCITANia. The Caracalla liners in Yorkshire must trace to Grasse, probably a part of Occitania, by which I mean to add some Carrick-significance between Octan of Yorkshire and Occitanians. Deatons/Daytons (said to be from Autun) were not only first found in Yorkshire, but use the Gilbert patees in colors reversed. Deats may be using the lion of Deacons and Dare's (same place as Peks), with Deacons first found in the same place as Tate's. The latter use a six-sectioned Shield, as do Deers/Dere's, and so note the "I dare" motto of Dale-like Dalyells/Tale's. Irish Dallens (eight-pointed stars) are therefore suspect with a version of the Dare Coat. German Dallens use TWIN trees, by the looks of it. The Talbots, in the Carrick Coat, share the Dallen / Dare lion, and moreover the Tailboys' (must have the 's' to come up) share one Tate Coat. Therefore, the Dale / Dalyell liners appear to be from Ivo Taillebois. It should be added that Res'/Dere's and Ros'/Dero's were traced to Roussillon, also a part of Occitania, and also a part of the Gog-Meshech entity.

As VIMINacium (see light map) is beside the Pek river (not shown), by what coincidence do Elis' use a "naked WOMAN" while Dalyells/Dalzels/Tale's use a "naked man." The Dalyell Crest is familiar: "A blue dagger erect, pommel and hilt gold." Hilts may be using the Dell lion, and the Dell Crest shares the gold garb with the Doe/Dow Crest.

As per the Carrick motto tracing to Garda on the Adige river, the Gilberts use a chevron-with-symbols looking like the same of Peks, the latter first found in the same place (Essex) as Este's. The Pek-Este relationship can be where the dove was a symbol of ISHTar, for Cuppae is off the Ister river. The York-surname motto has a Cuppae-like motto term, and Yorks use a central besant, suspect with the line of Bassianus' which includes Caracalla's mother. Peckers share white-on-red roses with the Gilbert chevron (and moreover show lozenges in the colors of the same of Cocks / Diamonds). As Joktanite liners were suspect with the oak theme, note the oak leaves of Bands, for the Dove-suspect Doe's/Dows use "A garb with a coulter in the BAND in bend sinister." Sinister / Mucianus liners can trace to Moesians, who lived at the Pek river. Bands are also Bauns and may therefore have been a branch of Fawns.

Back to the Thwing / Octan location of Donovan kin. "Thincke" is a motto term of English Tate's, implying the expected Donovan-Dade kinship (Dade's are also "Date's). Things/BOTfields may apply to Thwing liners, and Twins/Twyne's/Twains (estoiles, suspect from Este, i.e. beside Euganeo) were first found in the same place as Botters, Potters, etc. Twins share the embattled feature with Dutch Puttens. Patiens/Padyns (in the Doh/Dove motto) are suspect with Buttons and their Hampshire kin by similar terms, probably relevant where CROMbys are said to use BOTTONy ends on their cross.

However, Crombys/CROOMie's are showing a white flory cross, symbol also of Taddei's, and we saw above why Grome / Groom liners can link to Taddei/Tadini, and therefore to Tous/Tosini / Tute/Todeni liners. The idea here is to understand the Italian side of Ireland's Crom liners, and I'm seeing a Taddei-liner link to Crema. To help assure that Dade's/Davids are Taddei liners, Dade's/Davids are in the white-on-green colors of Combys. The Cromby Coat looks linkable to that of Modena's Albino's (Modena is not far from the Cremona area), and the Dade/David / Doherty Chiefs are in the colors of the Albins/Aubins to boot. The Albino's use the trefoils of Irish Davis', and while Albins/Aubins (from Abreu-liner Evreux) traced to Brittany elements, French Davis' were first found in Brittany.

Crombys were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Scythes'/Side's and the all-important Chives' of Tarves, while Chives' were first found in the same place as Albins/Aubins. Then, in case the Doherty write-up has it wrong that "David/Davitt" became "Caveat" by some sort of throat sound peculiar to Semites / Franks, "Caveat" might actually be from the Cevetta-river suspects, the Cavetts.

Monaco's, who use flames (with their Grasse-suspect lion), show six Zionist stars in the colors of the same of Hagar(d)s and Scions/Scone's, both from Perthshire. The Scions were brought to topic by the scion blade of Thwine-related Donovans (Joktanite suspects), and Biblical Hagar could be expected with Joktanites. Scone's use the motto, "VigiLATE" while Late's are listed with Letts/Lete's now tracing hard to ancient Lete at the north end of Chalcidice. Hagar(d) had linked to Seatons and LETTERs back at the Thasos / Chalcidice theater. There is a LEDERata location beside Viminacium. Letters are from Lauder, near the Lothian Seatons. If not mistake, Lauder is on the Tine river of Scotland, a good place to suspect Twine / Twin liners, for Tine's list Twyne's. Donovans thus become suspect with the Duns location between Lauder and Berwick, and with Dunbars of Lothian.

Dunbars are said to descend from CRINan of the royal-Duncan ancestry, while Crine's are listed with the Massey-suspect Crone's/Crooms, possibly explained when Meschins married the Duncans. In other words, Crinan may have been a Crine/Croom liner that, upon marrying the line of William Meschin, developed Massey / Gernon symbols. Note how the Crine's/Crooms are in the colors and format of Tudors, and first found in the same place, for this can trace Crooms, as expected, to Taddei's and GRIMaldi's.

The MONaco flames can apply to Flemish Seatons and Letters, therefore, and Grimaldi's of Monaco were also in Genoa, where Seaton-related Side's/Sudys had traced. It's important to find, if correct, a Mon-liner trace to Thassos, for KeraMOTI was directly on the mainland from Thassos, and Keramoti is suspect with proto-HasMONeans. The Assa location on the Sithonia peninsula of Chalcidice is suspect with "HASmonean," and Seatons along with Sutys use "HAZard." If this suggests Monaco liners at the Lauder / Duns theater, ask whether Dunbars are using the Monk / Grey lion, for GRIMaldi's may yet be Grey liners. Crinan was the earl of Northumberland, where Greys were first found. Griims/Gris' were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Krume's, and Krume of the Cavii theater is beside HAS. While Caepio / Caiaphas ancestry is suspect on the nearby Clausula river that I trace through Sion's Valais canton to Glass', the latter use stars in the colors of the giant one of Griims'/Gris'. There is something to all this, and I'd like to be very familiar with it, especially as Griim's/Gris' use the giant Annas star in colors reversed.

Crinan was part of the Chad line to Sadducee-suspect Chaddocks, right? As Northumberland was home to Siward, of the Sword surname, look at Dogs/Doaks Coat, with a sword on a version of the Crine/Croom Coat. Dogs (version of the DUNcan / Donkey Coat) are said to be from Chadock-like Cadog! I get it. It's linking Sadducee suspects with Hasmonean suspects in Monaco, and Dogs were first found in the same place as Monaco-suspect Hagars.

Hackers are in the colors of the German Ivo's sharing the white-on-blue fesse bar with Monaco's. In the Hacker Crest, three white-on-blue fesse bars! Fesses are code for Fessys, right? Of Genoa, right? It's probably important that the Hacker fesses are on an ARM, for it speaks of the Armors (arms) and their white helmet, symbol of Ivo's above, and of Grome's/Grooms too. It's been a while since I've repeated that Ivers share the HANAN Coat. The Tailboys share the ANNANdale Coat. Ivo Taillebois therefore becomes suspect from Annas/Ananus (Caiaphas' father-in-law).

A Doige variation of Dogs just put the Dodge's to mind, to find Doige's/Doge's, first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Chadocks. The Dodge's/Doge's have "an eye weeping" upon a pale bar, and, in Crest, a "demi SEADOG with collar and fins," suspect, I suppose, with Saddocks/Sedgewicks. The Dodge/Doge bars can be those of Athols, first found in the same place as Dogs/Doags. As Athols are somewhat suspect with Hazels, kin of Weavers, the "weeping" code may be for Webers, with bars in the colors of the Dodge / Athol bars. As Weebers were first found in Saxony, it's notable that the Arms of Saxony use the same-colored bars. The "Gott segni" motto phrase of Weebers can be for Genoa's Segni's and the Goths/Gotthe's sharing the Hagar / Scone star (both first found in the same place as Athols)!

The Dade- and Seaton-colored Dice's (same place as Deacons) are possibly insinuated in the Lucy write-up, where it says that the first-known mention of Lucys is from Henry I (England) as per some involvement with a Dice location. Dice's are still being traced tentatively to Dicaea, near Keramoti. As Lucys are Geddes kin, it's very notable that the Dice eagles are in the colors of the Geddes fish heads. It just so happens that fish heads are used, in the colors of the Lucy fish, by German that CarBERY's may apply. Geddes are suspect as a branch of Chaddocks / Chadwicks, and in a merger with Chamberlains, by the looks of it when comparing both their Coats. The Dice link to Carbery in this paragraph, if correct, makes a strong case for equating the Carbery lion with the Dickenson lion, and for equating Dice's with Dickensons (same place as Chaddocks).

The Lucy's of CHARlecote (Warwickshire) may therefore be from Berry/Bourges/Avaricum, at the CHER department of France. If Avaricum was named by Hyksos out of Avaris, then trace the Hyksos first to the Kikons, at the Keramoti theater. Again, Carberys are sharing the white estoile with Motts and the Feschs suspect with Genoa's Fieschi. Again, Motts were first found near Jugon (Cotes-de-Nord), and Juggs/Judds share the white-on-red boar heads of Mea's (kin of Modena's Albins), from the Meu river in Cotes-du-Nord, and Mea's use the Fessy cross. It looks like Keramoti liners do trace to Hasmonean kin in the Grimaldi's of Genoa and Monaco.

The Motts use their crescent in the colors of the Craig crescent, which is why one can entertain a trace of Carricks to KERAmoti. This would require Keramoti elements through Agrigento. Aeneas and Creusa parked at Agrigento, and Aeneas traced to Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. The Kikons were spread from Aenus to Keramoti. Moreover, Motts were first found where the Saracens were first found who share the moline with Genoa's Segni's. As "Massa" looks potentially from "Macca(bee)," Carrara at Massa (Italy) may have been from the namers of Keramoti. The Dionysus elements on the Maeander were in the thick of Carians, and there was a second Keramoti on his island of Naxos. A straight line from the mouth of the Maeander, through Patmos, gets one to Naxos. "Massa-Carrara" is still being traced to "Muskerry."

The Deas'/Deese's use a BEE on a daisy, and are colors reversed from the MacAbee's for which a bee could become a symbol. The latter were first found beside the Alexanders that share the Mott / Craig crescent. While the MacAbee salmon is now suspect with Salem, note that the Desmond-loving Croms use quatrefoils as feasible code for Quadratilla, whose family ruled at Jerusalem (about 100 AD). It suggests that the "Crom ABOO" motto of Desmonds/Geralds is part-code for MacABEE's. Of interest here is that while I expected the Deas' from Armenia, Tigranes Maccabee was made the Roman ruler-puppet of Armenia. Tigranes was an ancestor of Quadratilla.

Pin the Tail on the Red Dragon

The only Shield item of Desmonds/Geralds is a saltire, which may be simple purely to indicate the Saltire surname, probably using the Talbot / Chaddock Shield in colors reversed. Aside for the way the Saltire rooster is cut off at the bottom, it's the rooster design in the Great Crest, which can indicate a Salyes merger with Grasse elements. The Desmond saltire has always been suspect with the Annandale saltire, and knowing now that the Tailboys use it, I can gather that Saltire's are to be linked all-the-more to Talbots (both first found in Shropshire).

Deas' in Angus get us back to the Ceva liners to a marriage with Carricks. Dundee's (same Pictish area as Deas') share a Dee-suspect motto term with German Berys, and one can see well enough how the Dee river of Aberdeen may have been named by Deas liners. Irish Berrys (bars gemel, same as Mauds / MONmouths) were first found in Cork/Desmond. Bars gemel are a known twin theme that may have once been code for Twin / Twine liners until a gemel-like family merged with Twins to allow the twin bars a new name. Gemels were first found in the same place as Carricks, and use the Arms-of-Carrick chevron. This recalls that Campbells/Cammells were from a Gilbert suspect. The Gemel write-up speaks on the twin theme, and Gemels are not only in Twine colors, but share a white bird (swan) in Crest with the Twine pelican.

The poppinjays of Twine's suggest the Poppin-branch Pepins. The Futters/Fudes' use a jay as well as the Twine fesse, apparently. Futters (Angus) are quite-apparently using the Angus Chief in colors reversed, yet I see the Angus star as the Annas star. The Angus Coat is a reflection of the Alda Coat, and while Alda's are now suspect with GrimALDI's, by what coincidence do Futters use the Griim/Gris star (giant like the Annas star)? It was recently, before coming to the twin-gemel theme here, that I commented on two items in certain Chiefs in relation to Taddei's and Ferrens', one of which was that of Alda's. I now find Alda's first found in the same place as Gemels! We are learning to decipher the heraldic screen.

Maccabees proper had been in Israel's Gamala.

The Alders/Elders share "Virtute" with Alda's, and show two stars in Chief along with a "duce" motto term that can mean, two. The Duce's use two lions (same as the Bramton lions). The Dogs/Doags use two cinquefoils in Chief in Alda-Chief / Angus-Chief colors. Alders/Elders were first found in Midlothian, and were therefore near Lauder, while Alda's share the Letter/Lauder griffin. The Carberys were likewise first found in Midlothian, but as Carberys are easily found to be kin of Midlothian's Crichtons, they are now suspect as Carricks, while Alda's were at least associated with Carricks (according to the Alda write-up). If Motts can be traced to Lothian and therefore to the Carbery estoile, then Carberys are suspect as Keramoti liners. Motts had traced to Monaco's, the latter in Carbery colors. Plus, Motts share the Craig crescent. It really looks like Carricks were from the namers of Keramoti, and so one can seek proto-Lothians in the Keramoti elements of old. The Lothian surname share the Brian hunting horn, and the brown talbot with Lots/Loths (Kent).

Lothians even share a white Shield with green border with Alders/Elders. As the latter trace to Monaco kin, so Monaco kin are now expected in Perthshire (especially the Hagars), where Lothians were first found.

The interesting thing here is that an ancient Lotan dragon had seven heads, like the scarlet dragon of Revelation. Scarlet is a deepish hue of red (as I see it), and the Midlothian Carberys use the red dragon. Carricks trace to the Drago river while Drake's use a red dragon, the tail of which looks like an intentional 666 design. Add that to the fact that the Lothian surname uses a gold-striped black hunting horn, the same as the Traby horns using strings fashioned like 666. And it's the Lothians that use a "dormit" motto term suspect with DerMOTs. The latter use boar heads in colors reversed from Molle's, the latter having merged with ESCHina de Molle, and then Carberys are said to be from InverESK (Lothian).

Irish Berrys and Dee's use "labore" and "labor" respectively, a good reason to trace Dee's to the Deisi. But there is a Dee river in Cheshire, home of Mabel whose parents no one seems to know. Yet she married Richard fitzAlan, and one would think that the royal Stewarts had room in their libraries for such pertinent-to-Alan information. As the Deas' share a single pale bar with Tail(or)s (and Eskins/Erskins), I would suggest that the Dee's are using a version of a Talbot Coat, making the Dee lion suspect with that of Ranulph le Meschin in colors reversed. Or, to put it another way, the Dee lion is the Fife / Five lion in colors reversed.

This is the place to mention that Keramoti is in the western lands of the Kikons, suspect with Ixion, husband of Dia. I had proposed that Dia was the root of the Deisi, but she was suspect with a form of DIOnysus, evoking a second Keramoti on Naxos (island of Dionysus). Besides, the Nestos area around the Keramoti was itself a DioNYSus entity, I clearly know that now. The Kavala area to the side of Nestos is to be equated with Kybele, and probably the Cabyle area at the Selletae theater, the line, I think strongly, to the Saltire's, kin of Talbots. The Selletae are near ODESSus. Beside Odessus on the dark map is a Cruni-of-Dionysus location. The Croms can easily be Cruni liners. Beside Cruni there is an Acra term, though I don't know what it might mean, as well as a Bizone location.

The Cabelees peoples were a fellow tribe with the Salem-like Solymi, suspect with "HieroSOLYMa," the Greek for "Jerusalem." Again, I see "Hiero" as Hera, wife of Zeus, the latter known as Dion, or as Dia-like terms, in Greece. The Deisi thus become suspect as a line of Zeus at Odessus. SalmyDESSUS is the Salem-suspect location down the coast from Odessus. I suppose that "Zeus" and "dess" are similar enough. Dionysus was made a son of Zeus so as to be an extension of his disgusting cult.

Talbots were thought to be using a version of the SELLick Coat (Herefordshire), and for that reason I proposed that TALbots were a branch of neighboring SALe's, but that was before knowing of the Selletae, and before emphasizing the Sellett variation of Sale's for that peoples. As the Talls/Thals once showed the same bee design as Bessins, it can speak to a merger of Selletae with nearby Bessi Thracians, for the Bessins and bee-using Bistone's are sharing the Sale/Sallett bend. Or, the Bizone location just mentioned can apply. The Bessins trace with little doubt to the bees of Childeric's tomb, and thus are expected to be from Basina, Childeric's wife; she is known to be from Thuringia, where Talls/Thals were first found. The Tails/Tailors use a white symbol on a black bar, as do Sale's/Salette's. The pale-bar Deas' use a bee, and Eskins use a pale bar in both colors of the Tailer pale. The Tailor lions on a pale are in the colors of the Craig crescents on a fesse bar. For another single pale bar, see the Cricks (paty-fitchees), sharing a black-on-white pale bar with Tailors, as if to confirm that Tailors were Carrick kin.

If Talbots were a branch of Sale's, it would be futile to seek for Tal-like people groups that may have been Talbot ancestry, unless the proto-Sale's also went by Tal terms. For the moment, Talbots, Tails and Talls are suspect with Salmydessus liners to the Deisi of Desmond. The more that Talbots can be linked to Maccabee's, the more inclined I'd be to view the Taulantii Illyrians as (Jeru)Salem liners of the Talbot kind. In fact, on the dark map, the Taulantii are between the Carrick-suspect Corragum entity and the Mathis river of the Cavii. Was Corragum from mount Acra of Jerusalem? The Arnissa location in the midst of Taulantii is expected with the Arniss variation of Annas'. There is a second Arnissa location upon the Aestraeus river (Macedonia) through Emathia.

The last update found some Arthurian codes intended to link Strange's to mythical Kay, son of the Angus Ectors, and Strange's became suspect with the Aestreaus river. "Plus, as Mathie's are also Manns and Maghans, I trace them to Irish Manns/Maghans said to be from "Mathuna," and the latter share red lions in pale with, in colors reversed from, Aestraeus-suspect Strange's." It seemed that the Mathuna / Mahony liners were from Emathia, and then a Bryanium location was spotted near the source of the Aestreaus, relevant because Brians use lions in pale too, half in the colors of the Strange lions. There is also a nearby Brygias location with Pelagonia between it and Bryanium. It looks like that area named Brigantium/Briancon on the river of the Salyes. The original point of this paragraph was that the Annas/Arnissa star is suspect in the Angus Chief so that the Hectors of Angus can facilitate a trace Annas' and Angus' to kinship with the namers of Arnissa, which can include the Arnissa of the Taulantii. The Sadducees suspect in the Talbot Coat were traced to lake Lychnidus (location of Brygias) aside from the Sation location at the south end of that lake.

If we trace Dionysus to the Horites of Edom, we can guess that Horites merged with Zion / Salem elements that ended up as proto-Carricks at Keramoti. For that matter, I would throw a people group from Modi'in as the reason for "moti." It points to the Timna Horites as they named Timnah, near Modi'in. That was Timnah, sister of Lotan, a real man. Proto-Carricks are expected to be from proto-Saracens, expected to some degree with the Seir Horites, for Timna was a Horite line in Seir. Timna married Eliphas, traceable to the Elaphiti islands smack beside the Ragusa home of Saraca's. It seems unthinkable that Esau, Eliphas' father, didn't have a people group named after him, and so Assa at Sithonia may apply, and to that we might add that Assa-like Wassa's are sharing the double fesse bars of Nice's/Ness'... a twin theme, found above at Lothian's Alda liners. Should we be looking for mythical twins to fill this theme? Aren't Alda's Letters/Laudons, and don't Lothians have Lauden-like variations? Should they be traced to Lotan, or to the Letushites, or both? Apollo, twin brother of Artemis, children of Leto, also called Latona. Is that the Red Blasphemy?

As we can fathom why Nice's/Nests / Nestos was a Horite entity, let's fast-forward to the Horts, listed with Hardys, the ones using black boars, which, in an ancient text (either Enoch or Jasher, I always forget which) is said to be the symbol of Edom. The Bush's use black boars, making them suspect from BOZrah, the Edomite capital of king Esau, and then Busca is beside the Sale- / Saluvii- suspect location of Saluzzo. Brian Boru and his Sullivan kin are suspect from this thing, and one Brian Coat is much like the Hort/Hardy cross. Sullivans share the black boar with Boths/Booths, and an early Mr. Talbot in the French-Talbot write-up is TalaBOTH. Therefore, I think it has just be resolved that Talbots were a Tall / Tail merger with Booths ("Deus"), perhaps a branch of Bothwells said to be the kin of ArBUTHnotts (Oliphant associates / relatives). Booths use a "nos" motto term that, as a surname, is listed with Ness'/Nests.

Aha! Bothwells (version of the Vair/Verona Coat) use an "OBDURA adversus URGENtia" motto, suggesting that the cults knew of their trace to something in ABDERA (between Keramoti and Dicaea). I can now guess that they were Edomites. Bothwells share trefoils with ORGANs and Corrigans, meaning that the Bothwell motto likely honors them. I had read that Bothwells (Bute colors) were from Bute, but as German Bute's are also "Boet," they became suspect with the Boetus house of Sadducees. The Bothwells even use a "boy pulling down a green pine tree" as probable code for a Boii line...such as the TailleBOIS/TailleBOTHs. Lothians use a pine tree. Both Bute/Butt surnames show signs of linkage to Keturah while Organs are beloved in the Lett Crest. "ADversus" suggests Ada of Varenne, the line to the Ade's beloved in the motto of Levi's, the latter first found in the same place as Verona's/Vairs.

A chief god of Edom was Kos, and Merovingians are from Merops of the island of Kos, directly offshore from BODrum, birthplace of HERODotus. The first four letters of "BODRum" are also essentially in "Bozrah."

The Horts/Hardys are Douglas ancestry, and Douglas' share the Moray stars with Arbuthnotts. Let me repeat: "The Arbuthnotts ("Deo" motto term recalls the neighboring DunDEE's with a similar motto term) share the Moray stars with Scottish Weirs/Vere's, and Arbuthnotts were first found in Kincardine, which went by the name, A'MHAOIRne (like "Moray"), to the Irish. It looks like Vere's merged with the namers of Kincardine." The Cardine's must be using the Sale/Sallett bend in colors reversed because both surnames share pheons, and both were first found in Cheshire. The "amore" term of Cardine's is the full motto of Scottish Terras'/Tarras' (Moray) using a version of the Scott and Talbot Coats, while German Terras'/Derrs/Terra's are using what looks like a version of the Sale/Sallett Coat. The Sale pheon in giant form is used by Nichols, first found in the same place as Sale's.

From a recent update: "The Porsel Crest uses the cuffed sleeve of Tippers / Avisons while Porsulae is very near Topira [and Maronia]. This is a good place to bring in the Tipps'/Tippens, for they are suspect with the Ghents at Genoa." Irish Weirs use that sleeve and cuffed arm too, and these Weirs are said to be a branch of Maronia-like Mhaoirs. Italian Marone's share the black anchor with Avisons. If anyone wants to dwell on these things, there's got to be a lot more to be gleaned than I can see while preoccupied with writing some of it out.

There is a Tallet/Tally surname, first found in Fermanagh, where Amorite-suspect Marone's were first found, and Amore's/More's (talbot dog) can apply, for they share nebuly bars with Marina's (Perusia) and Mari's (Genoa). The Amore-related Damorys (both from Oxfordshire) are said to be from a (dal)Mari surname of 1068. The Oxfordshire connection to Genoa evokes the Vere link to Grimaldi's. The chief of the Vere's clan today is a Mhaior character, and we just saw why Amore-loving Cardine's (same place as Mere's / Demere's) should be reckoned as the Mhaoir bloodline. The Imar line or Ireland through Maccus of the Isle's is suspect here. The CAWarden variation of Cardine's suggests merger with the Maccus-based MacKays, for Mackays share the black wolf with the Cardine Crest, and moreover the Mackay wolf heads are in the design and format of the Fiddle/Fidelow wolf heads suspect in the "Fide" motto term of Cardine's.

The Driscolls of Carbery use the same ship as Mere's and DeMere's (traced to Imar), important because the Terras' above are expected in the MacDonald and Alexander motto: "Per mare per terras." And we just saw why Terras' can link to Mari liners. Then, while the Driscoll ship is said to have "sails furled," Sails are listed with Sale's/Salletts, first found in the same place as Mere's and DeMere's. "FURL" can be for Furrels or Ferrels/Farrells, and the latter use a motto phrase, "CU REABtha," a lot like "Carbery." Farrells are in the Longford write-up, said to have possessed or lived at Longford at one time.

Ferrels use the red-covered crown and give it the name, "regal crown." Regals are listed with Reagans, first found in the same place (Leinster) as Ferrels. I would suggest that the Ferrel lion, in both colors of the Morgan / Moor lion, is also the Ferrari lion, and that Ferrels are the Melusine Vere's to Melusine witchcraft of Avalon. The giant Morgan / Moor lion is colors reversed from the same of Sheridons, first found in Longford. Long liners were clinched, I think, with Longos, the alternative name of Sithonia.

The Germo-Swiss Furrels/Fuhrers/Furens (look like a branch of Florence-suspect Furs/Feuerers) are more suspect with the Driscoll description because they (Furrels) use a giant fleur-de-lys in the colors of the five of them in the Coat of Spanish Mari(a)'s. It suggests strongly that Mari's were a branch of Mere's / DeMere's. As Triggs/Tracks and Drigs use the Furrel lion in colors reversed, "DRIS(coll)" can be revealed as a DRIG / Trigg branch. The Drake-related CockaTRICE, and the Trice's/TRYSts, are coming to mind.

Wikipedia's article on Carbery links its early time with DRIScolls, whom I'll assume were ODRYSians, especially if MacCarthys / MacArthurs were Arthurs from Arda (Thrace). That makes sense. And the Tracks/Triggs can be from "Thrace." But the Irish tell us that Driscolls derive in an Eadirsceoil term. To rectify, Driscolls may have been with an Edin branch that named Edinburgh (Midlothian), for Driscolls are said to descend from a Mr. LAIDhe while Laids are listed with Ladds/Ladons sharing black scallops with Edins. And Carberys were first found in Midlothian. Feasibly, a Dris-line merger with Edins could have given Driscolls an Eed prefix. They could have gone on to form the Edgar / Edward / Edmond Saxons, and/or the Aeder/Edder/EDEN surname with the motto, "LiberTAS," a motto term of the Bests that share the ostrich in Crest with Carricks. The Bests share fitchees with the earls of Carrick. That gets us back to Alda-Carrick elements at Lothian.

"Libertas" is found in letters in the chief of Alda-suspect Dino's, and Aeders/Edders/Edens use a gold version of the Alda / Aliotta / Letter griffin. Gold griffins are used also by MASTs/Misters (mural crown), first found in the same place as Bests, and then the Edmonds (Lancashire, same as Setantii), who could be using a version of the Furrel fleur, share a ship with the "furled" Driscolls, and describe it as: "An ANCIENT ship of three MASTs." The Maccus vikings held talks in Cheshire with the Saxons, and Sitric had earlier married a royal Saxon daughter. The Driscolls use "a black ANCIENT galley, sails furled." Clearly, these two surnames were related, but why? "Ancient" could be a branch of Anchors with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Taddei's / Dino's / Alda's. Recall Alan Alda of M.A.S.H.

Blonde's share the sun in Crest with Driscoll-suspect Triggs and Drigs. The Blond "tua" term was resolved as code for the TASS/Taws surname (for good reasons), which may be in "LiberTAS." That would leave the rest of the term as code for Liebers (fesse in Dino- / Taddei-Chief color) using BRANCHES, suspect with "AVRANCHES," part of the Blondeville entity. Jewish Liebers call their design, "two oak branches proper," and Propers (Cheshire) share another ostrich, and even use the Lieber fesse.

Odrysians were near the Ergines river, and as CORIGans trace there, so might the namers of CORK, especially as Corks are using tails for the Tail(or) lions. Corrigans share the lizard with Kissane's, the latter first found in Kerry and Cork, where Driscolls were first found. The Driscoll Crest is a CORmorant, and then Morants/Morans/Murrins are interesting for their Zionist stars in colors reversed from the same of Bernice's, and for their Maronia-like look, for a recent update showed Maronia traces to the Ergines theater on quite a few instances. Morants/Morans use a "Lucent" motto term while Spanish Lucents/Lucens/Luca's use Zionist stars in the colors of the same of Hagars. The Marano line at Modena is coming to mind, and then Italian Marano's/Mauritano's share a giant, upright lion in the same colors with Dris-like Dressers/Dreschs/Dreshers, and the latter can be a branch of Tresure's/Thrashers, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Tarrs/Tara's/Tarres'...and Roets. German Roets were first found in the same place (Thuringia) as Dressers/Dreschs and Talbot-related Talls/Thals.

Sooner or later, a lion like that of Dressers is to be expected in this discussion, because it's half in the same colors of the giant Talbot lion. The Shere's and Carricks are not using a talbot dog for nothing, and a talbot was not made a dog for nothing, but is expected to be a Dog/Doag kinship with Talbots. The Dog/Doag Coat can be gleaned with the Coats of Gilberts, and while Gilberts use "Teg" as code for Decks/Daggers, Talbots use "D'ACComplir." With Talbots expected essentially as Salem liners, it recalls that Dogs/Doags were theorized as a shortened form of some Zedek branch such as ChadDOCKs, and it's an even better theory that they were shortened from "Haddock," a surname like the "heddwch" motto term of Gilberts.

Even though I had read the Dog/Doag write-up years ago, knowing that it traced to "Cadog," I had not read that part again, nor remembered it, until now, until after making the theory that Dogs were Chaddock liners. In fact, the theory didn't start with Dogs/Doags (Chaddock colors), but rather with DOUGlas'. It is completely out of character for me to create such a wild theory, as I tend to be more careful with derivations, but, zikers, it looks correct. One can even see that the Talbot Coat is a version of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coat. One can now trace Chaddock liners to Thistle's (as per the Dog-Crest thistle), who happen to use a version of the French Talbot Coat, the one with a bend linkable to the Tall/Thal bend. The Crags can also be using a version of the Thistle Coat.

Recalling that Talbots have been resolved with Boths/Booths, let's add that a branch of Booths are said to have been on the Lancashire-Cheshire border, and Lancashire is where Chaddocks were first found. Talbots were first found in Shropshire, the other side of Cheshire. Until now, I've yet to clamp down on the surname that best expresses Boetus Sadducees, but from now on, it will be the Boths / Talbots, suspect from the Saluvii, probable namers of Salop (where Talbots were first found). Driscolls are said to have been of Carbery along with Mahonys, the latter sharing the split-colored Dresser lion (both colors), one color scheme of which is that of the Talbot lion. Mahonys are traced in their write-up to the Mathuna-bear theme of Maghans/Manns/Mahons, who share three lions in pale with Brians, and the latter's motto links to the same of black-boar Sullivans, a Saluvii line, right? Saluvii are thought by some to be the same as Salyes, or at least a branch thereof.

The Giffard and Paine motto, "Malo more quam foedari," can now be unraveled as part code for the Malahide location ruled by Geoffrey Talbot, for his brother is said to have been under Walter Giffard (baron of Boldec) in Bedford. The question is, was Malahide from Malahule of More? Malahule was ancestor of the Toeni's / Tosni's, and therefore trace's to the Tous/Tosini surname using BUTTons (on a shirt), as well as eight-pointed stars in the colors of the Bute/Butt estoiles (see also Bude's). I always trace the Odrysians to Atrebates of Hampshire, where Buttons-et-el were first found.

Ferreting Out the Irish Burghs

The Desmonds and Deisi were at the Muskerry theater, a place I still trace to "Massa-Carrara." Massai's/Massars were first found in Lucca, beside Massa-Carrara, and Lucca's use a cat. Meow, that's the Irish-Burgh symbol. And the first Irish Burgh, William, was a royal-appointed ruler in Munster, and therefore possibly over Muskerry too. William and his brothers, Hubert (earl of Kent) and Thomas, are said / assumed to have been children of an Alice. "[Hubert] was appointed Constable of Dover Castle and was also given charge of Falaise, in Normandy." Earlier, Herluin de Conteville de Burgh had married the daughter of "the tanner" of Falaise, and as I trace him something on the Tanaro river, near Saluzzo, Alice and Thomas of Saluzzo are suspect with Alice above, assumed mother of Thomas.

In fact, one can read in the Moline write-up that Moline's were related to Falaise, and the Moline's share a black moline cross with Chives' suspect from Luisa of Ceva, Alice's mother.

Hubert Burgh married Beatrice de Varenne, as well as a princess of Scotland, granddaughter of Henry of Huntingdon and Ada of Varenne, which can explain why one Thomas Coat shares ravens with Varenne's. As I trace Henry Huntingdon and his ancestry to the Henrys of Rodez, note that Rodez is where Conte's and Ville's were first found too. One of Hubert's sons was John, evoking John de Burgo. The princess above (born in Haddington, Lothian, home of Flemings of Flanders) was a daughter of Ermengarde de Beaumont, and Beaumonts ruled Leicester, suggesting that the cinquefoil of Leicester (ermined white on red) was both connectable to the Dover cinquefoil, and to that of Hamiltons who, as Hamelins, were rulers of Haddington. One can read that Hamiltons traced themselves to counts of Mellent = Meulan, and Beaumonts were in fact counts of Meulan. Hamelins share the bull with Spanish Borgia's, and Spanish Burgos' share the annulet with English Burghs. Another moline is used by French Burgs (same place as Conte's), and Moline's smack of "Meulan."

The Scottish Mellent surname is listed with Millens that share the Conte / Well lion, and the Well write-up (traces to Gilbert of Ghent) suggests it's the Flanders lion. Wells were a branch of Vaux's/Valibus' (share the checks in the Arms of Meulan, deemed the checks of Ferrats and Vairs), the Scottish branch being first found in Lothian. There is a pattern here. The Mellent/Millen write-up speaks on a Conte-like Kanteai tribe. What was that?

Mellents/Millens traced with the same Buchanan lion to Buxentum, beside FLANDers-suspect BLANDa, if that helps to identify Meulan with Flanders. Blanda was in southern Italy so that, possibly, the Kanteai tribe was involved in the naming of Kanza over in Aures. The Kants/Cants (Fife) are said to be Flemish, and in using an "Aliis" motto term, they bring us to Alis-related Alpins, who were identified directly with Guerin of Provence (his name can be of Warenne's = Varenne's) who was himself traced to Kanza. As German Cants use only a rectangle (almost a square), one may sense that it was a clever device linking to the CANTon SQUARE that had been code for the Cants / Kanteai. The Canton surname uses two fesse bars half in the colors of the fesse bars of Leavells.

Before the Beaumonts of Meulan, as early as Galeran I of Meulan in the first quarter of the 900s, we read of his birthplace, "Meulan, Ile De France, Aquitaine, France." I've never known Ile-de-France (so far north in France) to be of southerly Aquitaine, and so this may relate to the Aquitaine line that was of king John, though king John was well after the 900s. Did you spot how "Galeran" is the same as "Waleran." The Waleran surname (tiger) is traced to Waleran of Meulan, and is said to have been in the possession of king John. We are not off-topic after all.

"Waleran" should also have been a version of Wellers/Wells who share the DeVAUX pelican, and, moreover, Wellands, who may have developed from "Blanda / Flanders," use the same cross as Haddingtons (both colors), which may be the Irish-Burgh cross, for there is an upright black lion in the Welland Crest, symbol also of the Irish-Burgh lion in the top-left corner, where canton square's are usually placed. This black Welland lion is the color of the Well / Flanders lion, as well as that of Buchans and Buchanans, and Palins that trace to Palinurus, beside Buxentum. To prove that Wellers were Waleran liners, Waleran was a Percival in the line to Leavells, while the "Steady" motto of Wellers gets the Steads sharing the Percival bear heads. This is one of countless examples of heraldic merit for finding surname branches.

On this map of Lucania, see how close Buxentum is to Potentia, for the Cants struck me as using a version of the Scottish Patents Coat. The latter put flames on their crescent shared by Cants in both colors. The Fawns/Fauns use the same-colored crescents and can be a branch of Bauns and therefore of Bauns/BANTS that can trace to Bantia, right beside Potentia! This is new material as it involves Cants, who use a star in the colors of the Putent/Puttoch stars, which are the colors of the Palin stars. It can indicate Kanza liners somewhere in Lucania. As I link the Palin stars to those of Medleys, who share a tiger in Crest with Walerans. Walerans really were of the Laevillus-Quadratilla line, weren't they?

Recall that the Joke's/Yoke's were said to use a fesse-with-symbols like that of Putents (beside Kent, a Masonic bastion, founded by Cantii), for if Joke's were Joktanites, they should be around Sephar-like Sybaris, on the lower end of the map at the Calabria border. Sybaris is where we see Muranum, which traces excellently to the Italian Marone's, first found in Calabria. These Marone's share two black Zionists stars in Chief with Bernice's/Burness', and the latter, along with Burns, share black-on-white horns that have the shape of the same-colored crescents of Cants and flaming Patents. Although a Marone link to Carberys wasn't clinched, toying with the idea now brings to light that Carberys (Lothian, Fleming region) share the white-on-blue passant lion with Kents. There is evidence here that Cantii / Kanteai can trace to something in Lucania.

English Patents share the Schole/Scayle Coat for a trace to Scylla, opposite the small strait from Calabria. There is a Patti location at the Scylla area, while Pattys/Pati's (another white, passant lion) share the escutcheon with Saddocks, the latter first found in the same place as Putents. This Sadducee picture of the Templar-potent kind is expected with SCIDrus, on the map smack beside Templar- / Flemish-suspect Blanda, a great reason to trace SKITs, Skeets', Scheds, and tiger-using Siders (Fife, same as Cants/Kants) to Scidrus. Let's not forget that Kanza was of the Aures area that was home also to the SITHECH-based Shaws. There is cause here to trace "LUCANia" to lake LYCHNis = Sevan, location of Soducena.

Hubert was Lord of the CINQUEports, five cities that included Hastings, and the Hastings are themselves in the sleeve of the Arms of Leicester, owned also by Toeni's, wherefore the giant Flower cinquefoil does indeed link to the giant Dover cinquefoil because Tonys use the flower. But this suggests that Toeni's / Tosni's were linked to the Burghs too. I had shown that Beaumonts married the Percival-Leavell line (of Waleran) that was linkable to the Tosni's of Les Andelys (Normandy). English Burghs are said to be from one Hubert de Burgh, perhaps the man above.

Hubert's brother, Geoffrey, is said to have had Alice as his mother, and a nephew, Thomas Blunville. The latter can be of the Meschin-liner Blondeville's, but Meschins descended from Herluin de Conteville. As Blondeville's were grandsons of Ranulph de Gernon, himself suspect with the Gironde river of Aquitaine, it's interesting that this Burgh family was supporting king John of England, whose mother was from Aquitaine. I read that "Aquitaine" was a version of "Occitania."

One of two Dutch Bergs (Arms-of-Meulan colors) once showed the Clare chevrons, and the Irish-Burgh write-up tends to suggest that de Burghs merged with the Clare's who invaded Thomand.

William de Burgh married the family of Domnall Mor Ua Briain, king of Thomond. That is, the Burghs of Munster merged with Brian Boru's line at Thomand (also called Clare after Mr. Clare conquered it). One Brian Crest is likely the arm-and-sword that is the Arms of Thomand. But what was THOMand named after? I don't know. Perhaps after a Thomas de Burgh. The Irish-Burgh write-up says that one Burgh branch was called, Uachtar, which is a motto term of Brians.

Elizabeth de Burgh was a great-great-granddaughter of William de Burgh, and on her mother's side, she was a great-granddaughter of Hubert, William's brother. It seems a little disgusting to me, as though nothing mattered but marrying family to keep power. The stupids all died seeking more power. You can see this at her family tree:

It means that the royal Bruce line to Stewarts was not truly Irish, but Italian, but no Stewart wants to tell. I can now understand why the Bruce's daughter married Stewarts that were themselves married to Alice of Saluzzo (died 1292), if Elizabeth de Burgh was herself from Alice's family. The Alice that was mother to Hubert de Burgh was born around 1130. It's even possible that the Irish Burghs got around to birthing Thomas of Saluzzo so that he would name his daughter, Alice. She descended from Alasia, daughter of William V of Montferrat (born around 1115), and his first name is like William de Burgh (born around 1160) of Ireland. Hmm. Alasia would have been married around 1165, just in time to birth William de Burgh. Alasia recalls Alesia of Mar.

We find that William V had a son, William, brother of Conrad, a king of Jerusalem. "In 1167, [William V] had tried to arrange marriages for [William, his son] and Conrad to daughters of Henry II of England or sisters of William I of Scotland - but these failed...the Scottish match [failed] because the princesses were already married." This sentence makes it very possible that Alice, William de Burgh's mother, was Alasia of Saluzzo, daughter of William V of Montferrat. She was married off to Walter de Burgh, in other words, and she got to name William de Burgh after her father. That's what it looks like. Walter then looks like an Alan, explaining why French Brians were from the Brittany Alans. Another daughter of William V married Guido Guerra III, which can explain why English Brians are in Guerra colors. The French Roys, by the way, in the motto of Irish Burgs, share the red-on-gold stars of Dutch Burgs, and were first found in Brittany. The "loy" motto term of Irish Burghs suggests the Loy/Eloy surname as per Geoffrey de Burgh (above), bishop of Ely.

Alasia's mother was Judith of BabenBERG, which can explain why Dutch Burghs once showed three red chevrons, the Babenberg-surname symbol. As Babenbergs ruled Bamberg, it's notable that English Bamburgs share the fat red cross of Irish Burghs, though on a different background. German Bambergs share the pile with English Brians. One of Alasia's daughters married William of Ceva.

The write-up of Irish Burghs traces to "William fitzADELM de Burgh." What's Adelm for? Alasia was also, ADELasia. However, "William FitzAldelm, FitzAdelm, FitzAldhelm, or FitzAudelin was a Norman noble from Suffolk or North Yorkshire. He was the son of Adelm de Burgate...He is sometimes confused, genealogically, with William de Burgh, but this has long been known to be an error." It sounds like it wasn't considered an error at first. The Irish Burgh write-up tends equate William de Burgh with William fitzadelm, yet historians insist they were different men: "In 1165 William FitzAdeline's father Adelm d'Aldfied and his brother Ralph FitzAdeline gave lands at Fountains to the Abbey..." Is that from the Font-de-Ville line that I see in "ConteVille"? The Italian-Conte lion seems to be in the corner of the Irish Burgh Coat.

Fountains were first found in Norfolk, where the Burgh castle is located. Fountains use three red fesses, the colors of the triple chevrons of Burgs / Babenbergs, but the Fountain fesses are in both colors of the three chevrons of Taddei's. The latter had links to the line of Godfrey de Bouillon. Conrad of Montferrat married the Jerusalem royal line from Godfrey de Bouillon's father and brother (from Flanders elements). That can explain the lion in the Irish Burgh Coat the Flanders lion, if Conrad's sister was the mother of William de Burgh. It may be that William V of Montferrat was from John de Burgo in some way.

The "foy" motto term of Irish Burghs is one of two French surnames first found in Ile-de-France (same as Chappes'), while Irish Foys look like they can be using a version of the Chapman Coat. Both French Foy surname (sinister bend) list "Foix" and the second one was first found in the same place as Bouillons and fox-using Fes'. The ones first found in Ile-de-France are said to be of Foix-de-Candale, with Candale over beside Gironde, bringing king John back to mind who had support from these Irish Burghs. Candale was ruled by John of Gaunt/Ghent and his son(s), and the Gaunt surname had been traced to the Fieschi of Genova, where the Fes' are expected as Fessy liners too. The Feschs and Foys are both in the colors of the Ghents, and Gaunts (bars in the colors of the Guerra bendy) were first found in Kent, where Hubert de Burgh was ruler. Dutch Ghents share the wavy Dol fesse while Anna of Alencon would marry a William IX of Montferrat. Alans had been expected as Montferrat / Fer/Ferrat kin from before the Templar times.

Another surname using "foy" is the Chivers/Cheevers/Chevys, first found in the same place as Chives', and suspect with a Ceva / Cevetta line that developed a Capra = goat theme. This reminds me that Bauts, first found in the same place as Foys, were once reported to readers as having an upright white goat (same as the Chivers goat), until I noticed recently that it was / became a ram instead.

Like Crema, the Arms of Montferrat has no symbols, just a plain white Shield with a plain red Chief, a design used also by Saluzzo's but with a blue Chief. The Ghents use a similar Shield that can be a version of the Tanner Coat (share a Chappes symbol). Let's go back to the first marquess of Montferrat, established by king Berenger II. It was William I, suspect from the same who named "Willa," mother of Berenger's wife, and somehow linked to the naming of William the Conqueror, in my current opinion. The latter married "the tanner's daughter, and the Montferrats had control of the Tanaro river. The son of William I of Montferrat was ALERamo, perhaps the makings of the Aller surname using gyronny (Gironde-suspect symbol) in Guerra-bendy colors, and gyronny is used also by the William surname. Allerdale was ruled by William Meschin (Conteville liner), uncle of gyronny-suspect Ranulph de Gernon. "In 958 [Aleramo] was appointed as marquess by Berengar II of Italy, whose daughter Gerberga he had married. Three years later, however, Aleram sided for emperor Otto I, who gave him further lands in the Langhe and from the TANARO, the Orba and the Ligurian Sea [could have included Genoa]." This was before the Conqueror married the Tanner's family.

The Aller gyronny is in Brian colors while the Williams are supposed to descend from Brychan Brecheiniog of Wales "at the time of Arthur's Round Table" i.e. he may be myth code. The William talbot is split in half, in the silver-gold colors of the split Irish-Brian lions. The Williams had been suspect from Tuscany elements of one or another Willa of Tuscany, and as such were potentially hooked up with Taddei liners to Tudors. This is being said because the William Coat looks like a version of the Trevor / Pennant Coat. Repeat from above: "...Pennants share the Trevor Coat that looks much like the Irish Grattan Coat. Monaco is near Grasse, and the Grome pennants are in Great colors, and the latter were first found in the same place as Trevors / Tudors." Grome's have an arm holding a GAUNTlet in Crest.

Irish Grasse's likewise split their lions in silver and gold, and French Grasse's (Provence) use the same black-on-gold lion as in the Irish-Burgh Coat. Grome's (with the Tudor helmets, right?) share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Montferrat, with a Tudor-related Chief reflective of the Taddei Chief, and in the lower Shield, Grome's use piles (called pennants) in the blue color of the Brian piles, while Greats share a blue-on-white saltire with the Brittany Brians. The pile-using Brians were first found in Denbigh, beside the Pennants (Flintshire) and the Williams, and the latter were first found beside the Alans of Shropshire, the Talbots of Shropshire, and Herefordshire (i.e. home of the first Tudors / Trevors / Greats). The Brian piles are in both colors of the Aller gyronny. There seems to be abundant cause for identifying Montferrats with the line to the Irish Burgh-Brian marriage that later produced the Templar-loving Bruce's.

There was cause for a new idea in the above: a William link to Grasse liners. English Grasse's were first found in Lincolnshire, home of Ivo Taillebois suspect in the William talbot. The "veRITE" motto term of Williams can be for the Rite's/Wrights that share the checks of Stewarts and Fers/FERRATs (said to be from Dol), and throw in feathers likely of the Tudors. That makes the English Rite's (leopard faces) suspect with the Saluzzo / Clun Coat, recalling the Montferrat marriage to Saluzzo, which was the Saluzzo line to Alice, wife of FitzAlan of Arundel, of a family from Clun of Shropshire. It seriously appears as though the only William surname coming up at houseofnames was from the Williams of Montferrat. The "meRITEz" motto term of Rite's/Write's is perhaps code also for Merits that share bendy with Guerra's. The reason that Italian Fulks share the Shield of Ferrats may be due to Conrad of Montferrat marrying the descendant of king Fulk V. The Fulke's were first found in Norfolk, home of Burgh castle.

The first name of Domnall Mor Ua Briain was also the name of Domnall of Mar, and Elizabeth de Burgh was at the Mar (Kildrummy) castle, though her Wikipedia article doesn't tell how she got to it from Ireland. Until shown otherwise, I'm assuming that Domnall is a name from Julia Domna > Caracalla from Grasse elements. The Grasse lion can be the Brian lion, right? "Domhnull" is in the MacDonald write-up as the origin of MacDonalds, but this doesn't dissuade me from entertaining a trace to "Domna." MacDonalds (Galloway) were traced to the Domnann of Ireland, and the Dumnonii of Devon, and they had been suspect from the LaceDaemonians of Sparta, which is not exactly like a trace to "Domna." But then, what was she named after?

The "mare" motto term of MacDonalds gets the Scottish Mars, suggesting Domnall of Mar. But these Mars were first found in Yorkshire, where Domna's husband and son were stationed when warring against the Picts. Interesting here is that Geta, the name of Caracalla's ancestry, is suspect with Geddes that use Pict-like pike fish...making it suspect with the Saraca fish. Scottish Pike's were first found in the same place as Carricks, and the daughter of Domhnail of Mar married a son of Marjorie Carrick. It seems to be making sense that MacDonalds can trace to Domna. Moreover, DonCHAD Carrick can link to Geddes because they share the Chadock / Chadwick escutcheon in both colors. In colors reversed, this escutcheon becomes red, the color of the Aller escutcheon. While the gyronny behind the Aller escutcheon doesn't allow us to know what background color it was originally on, the allerion-using Holdens (same place as Chadocks) use the Aller escutcheon in red-on-white, colors reversed from the same of Chadocks, and in the colors of Monteferrat. Plus, the "temere" motto term of Holdens should be code for DeMERE's / Mere's (both in Cheshire) sharing the MacDonald ship and therefore suspect from earls of Mar. That then traced Domna-Mar liners to Cheshire, home of Masseys suspect from Julia Maesa, Domna's sister.

MacDonalds even share the Ferte eagle while Ferte's are suspect from MontFERRAT elements to Ferte-Mace, the latter being the Normandy origin of Masseys/Maceys and Maceys. The MacDonald eagle is even red, the color of the Holden alerion eagles. The fitchee of MacDonalds is being traced to Fothes' / MontFitchet liners and therefore to Cheshire's de Gernon, a Meschin. Is this working for you?

This is the place to mention that Huberts/Hubbards (cuffed sleeve probably for Cuffs/Coughs) , first found in Cheshire, use a bend suspect with the bend of Sale's (Cheshire,) but with the Craig crescents, apparently. The Marples are in the write-up that traces them to a Paganus Hubert of about 1190. But Marples are listed with Maple's that were resolved with the Tarves Shield because the Maple motto is virtually that of Chives'. With the question on whether Huberts/Hubbards were named after Hubert de Burgh, it's notable here that Mabels were first found in the same place as Burgh castle. The Maple's/Marple's / Chives' use "Non" while Nons share the double fesse bars of Mabels. The Hubert motto is likely for the neighboring Colins sharing footless martlets in the colors of the same of French Josephs.

Again, the allerion eagle has no beak, and Beaks/Beke's share a white ostrich in Crest with Carricks. The Beaks are using a version of the Umber/Humber Coat (Herefordshire) while Allers -- first found in Westphalia, where German Beche's/Becks were first found -- use an "umbra" motto term. Umbers share a white Crest bird with Beaks and English Becks. To unravel the Beaks, they are said to be from a Mr. Beche (Kent), while English Beche's use a small Shield in Crest with a pennant (!) upon an escutcheon, as does the Grome Crest. Grome's were suspect with Alda / Grimaldi / Cock liners, and so it's very connectable to the Beche's, said to be from ALDENham and COKenach (Hertfordshire). Beche's use a Shield filled with VAIR fur in the colors of the Vair/Ferschecks, very linkable to the Fers/Ferrats, and in the colors of the lozengy filling the Cock Coat. It looks like the Beaks / Beche's / Allers can trace to ALERamo de Montferrat.

As WALERans (tiger, very important) were first found in the same place as ALLERs, they may have been branches. Walerans came to topic with Cants, a branch of which may have named Kent, where English Wellers were first found. Waleran of Meulan is in the Waleran write-up, and Meulan used a Shield filled with checks too, making them very linkable to Ferrats and Fers. Waleran entered the topic above in relation to Kanza, whom I trace to Guerin of Provence, whom I always link to Guido Guerra (share the green wyvern with WILkins). Meulan was likely a line of Moline's/Moulins that were themselves of the tanner's family circle. Waleran of the Leavells was traced (2nd / 3rd update of last November) to Louviers, a location of the Tosni's (descended from Maud of Flanders), for the Normandy Louvier's (black wolf, Laevillus-important) use the Meulan checks too. English Louvier's are listed with the Louvains, first found in Kent too. Lowers share white-on-black roses with the Kent Wellers. German Wellers are the ones with a Peleg-suspect pelican, symbol of German Langs.

Mr. Beche of Kent is said to have owned the village of LIVINGSbourne, a place-name changed to, Beakesbourne. Who had named Livingsbourne? The Livings/LEVIns (CUMBERland) share white footless martlets with Chadocks, in both colors of the same of Saddocks, upon what could be the Ghent Coat, for Gaunts were first found in Kent too. As Langhe is at Montferrat, it's notable that Mr. Beche also owned Langley. The Langleys were first found in the same place as Conte's, and share six vertical bars in green and white with Germo-Swiss Lands/Landens (sinister bend) while English Lands were first found in Kent. The Coat of English Lands looks much like that of Allers. The Land gyronny (Levi colors) is in the colors of the same of Campbells/CAMMELLs while Pepins, probably from Landen (same place as Louvain) use the CAMEL. The triple Levi chevrons were used by counts of Hainaut, near Landen.

By the way, as Sitters/SIDEwells use green and-gold vertical bars, it reminds that Side's/Siders (share the Ghent Chief) and Seatons trace to Sithonia = LONGos. Sitters/Sidewells were first found in NorthUMBERland, where Langleys are said to have had a Langley village. Side's and Ghents were traced to Genoa, at the Ligurian sea i.e. where Aleramo had rule.

As German Langs use the pelican, that's the white bird in the Crest of English Becks/Beche's, first found in Yorkshire and thus suspect with the Geddes-Pike / Caracalla relationship. Becks/Beche's use a moline in Taddei-flory colors, but the Moline's were kin of Fulbert the tanner, which recalls that Williams share a Coat like that of Pennants while one Beche surname uses a pennant. The Pennant surname was first found beside the Brians of DenBIGH, and Denbigh is where Bachs (black talbot) were first found too, and the Beck pennant is a pile in colors reversed from the piles of the Denbigh Brians. These are the Brians sharing the black hunting horn with German Base's/Bassans while the same Brians use "blue piles joined in BASE." German Base's/Bassans were suspect with Bassianus' (Domna's surname), and English Base's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as English Grasse's while sharing the gold lion with English Grace's and Irish Grass' (who split it into the two colors of the Brain lions).

I Didn't Read all the Vivian Write-Up

As the Domna elements suspect from Grasse (for about two years now) are being traced suddenly to the earls of Mar, it's notable that English Grace's/Grass' and Irish Grass' were first found in BUCKinghamshire, for Buckinghams use a bend (with Bassianus-suspect besants) in colors reversed from the Earl-of-Mar bend, and an upright lion in colors reversed from the Grace/Grass lion. The Buckingham lion therefore becomes suspect with the Fife / Five lion, as per earl-of-Mar relationships with neighboring Fife. As Fife's share "Virtute" with Allers, the Fife and Vivian Coats can be gold versions of the Arms of Montferrat.

I don't have Vivianus Annius in any of my files. He's in the Vey/Vivian write-up as a possible ancestor, but I must never have noted it, and don't recall seeing it. He can actually link to Annas of Israel because Vivianus is said to have been the son-in-law of Domitius Corbulo of the first century. Looking into it, here's what was found: "Corbulo married Cassia Longina [Longos liner?], a Roman woman from a senatorial family, daughter of Gaius Cassius Longinus and his wife Junia Lepida. Cassia bore Corbulo two daughters. The elder daughter Domitia married the senator Lucius ANNIUS Vinicianus and their second daughter Domitia Longina married the future Roman Emperor Domitian and later became a Roman Empress." Junia Lepida, on her father's side, goes back to Decimus Junius Silanus, husband of Servilia Caepionis (family tree available), mother of three Junia's one of which has become suspect in the ancestry of Joseph Caiaphas, son-in-law of Annas. Big HMMM.

Corbulo, with his daughter marrying Domitian, son of Titus, recalls that the Titus surname shares the Chappes Moor-head design, and moreover that Josephus (the Jewish historian) was adopted (more-or-less) by Titus while Caiaphas' first name was Joseph. The Titus surname (HERTfordshire, same place as Aller-related Beche's) even uses gyronny in the colors of the Vey/Vivian and Five chevrons, and of the Aller gyronny! Zowie. And the Shield-and-Chief color combination of one of the two Titus Coats (both on the same page) is even that of Vivians and Fife's!!! And it's colors reversed from the same of Annas'! The gold lion in the Titus chief is in the passant position, and colors reversed from, the passant Angus lion.

Aha! I've recalled that Cabbage's/Cobells, with an "ANGUStis" motto term, show Carbould/CORBOULD variations! The Cabbage chevron has been suspect with the Levi chevron because the Cabbage lion is a colors-reversed version of the Jewish-Levi lion. Cabbage's were first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Quint-suspect Quince's. There was an Angustus location on the east side of the Carpathians that was also "Augustus," and emperor Augustus was in the very thick of the Cassius / Lepidus family mentioned above. Augustus married thirdly the Livius family. His father. Mr. OCTavius, might just have been a JOKTanite.

With Titus' sharing an escutcheon with Allers, and recalling that Allers linked to Becks just before this storm of realizations arrived, I've just recalled that English Bakers were clinched with the Cabbage/Corbould Chief-with-lion because Dutch Bakers/BEKErs/BECKers share the leaves of French House's that the latter call "cabbage leaves" (part-code for Levi's, right?). Hazels use the same leaves, and are in Dutch-Baker colors, and these Bakers happen to use a chevron in the colors of the Vivian / Fife chevron! Zowie, it's pouring undiscovered truths. Even the Beck liners are tracing to Vivianus Annius and/or Corbulo. German Bakers were first found in the "East Prussia and LIVONia," perhaps named by the Livings/Levins that became suspect with the Livingsbourne village of the Kent Beche's. It just so happens that Livings/Levins share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Bakers!

The white-on-black scallops of English Bakers are almost the gold-on-black ones of Joke's/Yoke's, the Joktanite suspects. The other Yoke's share the swan with French Josephs (no longer showing). As Joktanites were from Sephar, it's very interesting that Supers/Sopers share white symbols on an engrailed black saltire with English Bakers! Zowie, more shock. Sopers use billets, and Billets were first found in the same place as French Josephs.

Recalling that Yoke's may have named York, and that Becks/Beche's were first found in Yorkshire, ditto for Beckers with a motto, "BIS VIVit qui bene." The Biss surname shares white-on-black scallops with English Bakers. The Becker Shield is filled with vair fur, as is the Shield of a Beche surname. While the Beche's use vair in the colors of the Vair/Fers checks, the Beckers use it in the colors of the Fer/Ferrat checks. Blue vair is in the Quint Chief too.

Craigs use "Vive ut Vivas," while Carricks use "bien" instead of the "bene" of Beckers. Carricks married Mar, an area highly suspect with the line of Vivianus Annius. Carricks also married Fife. So, now we know an important root of the Carricks and the Yorkshire Bruce's, and he's suspect with the family of Annas, the chief instigator against Christ. Irish Pattersons/Cassane's, who trace excellently to Cassius/Casano's, use a "grege" motto term that looks Craig-suspicious. Pattersons/Cassane's share white scallops in both colors of the same of French Mars.

In touching upon the family of Alexander Maccabee, we are bang-on the families that have been emphasized for many months in a row, until now, with this Vivian topic. How did I miss it for so long? By hardly ever loading the Vivian Coat, I suppose. The Titus-Chief lion now showing was once the design of the same-colored Brian lions. Vivians are in the colors of the Brian pennants, and pennants are used also by Cowes' that I trace to Qewe, roughly where the family of Alexander Maccabee ruled. The "qui" motto term of Beckers is a Qewe-suspect line. This Alexander was father or brother to Berenicianus, and then Corbulo's mother-in-law (Junia Lepida, suspect with Lapiths / Levites) bore Cassius Lepidus, whose daughter (Cassia) married that same Berenicianus. Titus was slated to marry Berenice Agrippa, who named her son, Berenicianus. Just look at all that the Vivians have coughed up, suddenly.

Alexander's father, Tigranes, has become suspect with the heraldic tiger used by Hobs and Medleys, and then the medleys are a branch of Methleys (Yorkshire) sharing the three black-on-white fesse bars with Carrick-related Beaks (Aller / Humber kin). Medleys use bars gemel as probably code for Gamala, ruled by Maccabees. I don't know whether Gamala was yet ruled by Maccabees in the time of Tigranes, but it's possible. The Peks/Pecks, remember, use a chevron with symbols in the colors of the same of Carrick-based Gilberts.

It was Julia Iotapa (after Jesus), daughter of Alexander Maccabee, who married Quadratus Bassus, the line suspect to Domna Bassianus. Alexander and Iotapa are said to have ruled in Cilicia's Cetis location, but last time I tried, I couldn't find where it was. Before emphasizing this family, "Caiaphas" was suspect with CAPPAdocia." "Cetis was a small region in Cilicia that was previously ruled [Iotapa's] Cappadocian royal ancestors and Antiochus IV." I've wanted to know whether Cetis was in Qewe. An online book says the Citis and Cetis were two provinces of Cilicia.

Alexander was also a Herod liner (after Herods married Maccabees), and then Herod-like Hertfords, as per Titus' being first found in Hertfordshire, use a chevron in colors reversed from the same of Quints, suspect with Quintus Caepio, father / grandfather of Servilia Caepionis, and therefore ancestor to Mr. Corbulo's mother-in-law. All-in-all, it truly appears that Corbulo traces to Veys/Vivians so that Vivianus Annius is indeed suspect at their ancestry. It gives a new avenue for to hunt down the ancestry of Annas, and he's already suspect with the Angus' at the Fife / Mar theater, and Mars have already linked by their Arms to Chives' at Tarves.

What surnames might CORBULO's line have created? The Shropshire Corbetts/Corbins (kin of Rothes') share the raven with French Corbins/Corbaulds/CORBELs and the latter use them in the colors of the Joseph martlet. The Varenne's use the Corbin/Corbel Coat exactly while I had been immediately sure that Ada of Varenne was a line to the Ade's of Berwick, home of Berenicianus-like Bernicians. It is extremely-important that while the Caepionis' got involved with the Livius surname, the Ade's are in the Levi motto while the Levi chevrons are, not only in the colors of Varenne's / Corbels, but in the colors of the chevron of Fothes' (cornuCOPIA), suspect with the FOOTless martlet of Josephs. The "paSCIT" motto term of Corbetts can be a double code, one for Sadducee-suspect Skit / Sched liners, and one for Pasi liners that I trace to VesPASIa, mother of Vespasian, father of Titus.

Henry, husband of Ada of Varenne, was traced not many updates ago to Henry IV of Rodez, a place suspect with Herods, and that discussion included the Henry-surname trace to English Josephs. Alexander Maccabee's wife, Iotapa, became suspect as a term naming "Joseph" Caiaphas, for I have found no other Josephs in all of the circles around this Herod-Maccabee line. I've just looked up the Tapps again (haven't for months) in case they were from "IoTAPA," and they use the same fesse as Bernice's, and are in Tarves colors while sharing fitchees with Tarves'. Tapps were first found in the same (Dorset) place as Quints, who likewise use the fitchee. The Tapp fitchees are in blue so that the entire Coat looks like that of Cassius'/Casano's. We just saw that Cassius was the name of the Corbulo's father-in-law, Gaius Cassius Longinus. If the Longinus' were from Sithonia = Longos, the Assa location of Sithonia may have named Cassius'.

Of interest is that the white-on-blue lion upon the Tapp chevron is that also of CARBerys, a little like "Corbulo." Cabbage's/Carboulds/Corboulds share a white, passant lion with Carberys. For a couple of years before seeing the Tapps, I was claiming that a blue-on-white lion was a Caepio-line lion, and here we have one in the Tapp Coat in colors reversed (which can apply to the blue one, of course).

I do have "Annius" in my files. Here's an example:

Valerius Gratus was the Roman Prefect of Iudaea province under Tiberius from 15 to 26 AD. He succeeded Annius Rufus and was replaced by Pontius Pilate.

The government of Gratus is chiefly remarkable for the frequent changes he made in the appointment of the high-priesthood. He deposed Ananus, and substituted Ismael, son of Fabi, then Eleazar, son of Arianus, then Simon, son of Camith, and lastly Joseph Caiaphas, the son-in-law of Ananus.

The suspicion is that Annius Rufus was a line from Vivianus Annius. There had also been a Coponius before Annius RUFUS while Copons are using a Coat suspect with the Quint and Ade Coats, making Coponius suspect with Caepio's. Copons (same place as Hubert de Burgh) are listed with Cobhams, rulers between Kent and Surrey, and connectable to the raven-using Varenne's of Surrey, and then the Rolphs/Ruffs (same place as Burgh castle) and Rufus/Rothes' use ravens while being traceable to "Rufus." Cobs are also linkable to tiger-using Hobs/Habs (Berwickshire) that I trace to Opgalli, wife of Tigranes (yes, father of Alexander Maccabee).

Copons are said to be from Cowling/Cooling (Kent), which recalls the Hubert/Hubbard motto suspect with Colens (Shropshire), and it just so happens that Colins are using the Joseph martlets on a bend in the three-color scheme of the Copon lions. Huberts, whose Coat reflects that of Rothes' of Shropshire, had linked to Chives-of-Tarves kin. The Corbetts (same Coat as Rufus'/Rothes) were likewise first found in Shropshire along with Colens. Corbins/Corbels are in the colors and format of Rose-related Ralphs, both of whom share the water bouget with Bugs, the latter first found in the same place as Annas'. This is pulling Corbulo and Annius into the Romo-priestly cast of Israel, as was expected as soon as they were discovered. Coolings/Cowlings (Ulster) share the specialized leopard faces of Levi-beloved Ade's. Coincidence after coincidence means that there are no coincidences. The Cowling variation may reveal that it's a line of Chives-like Cowes' to Qewe.

Corbetts are said to have started off in Shropshire, then moved at the support of king David to Scotland's Teviotdale, the name of a region around the Teviot / Tweed rivers to Berwick. Teviot liners are good suspects for naming "David/Davitt." The Tweed motto, by the way, looks like it honors Twine / Twin liners that resolved from either of the two Tine rivers not far from the Teviot.

The Annius surname is part of the gens, Annia:

The gens Annia was a plebeian family of considerable antiquity at Rome. The first person of this name whom Livy mentions is the Latin praetor Lucius Annius of Setia, a Roman colony in 340 BC...

...Whether Roman Annii were descended from this Lucius Annius is not known. At least one early Annius was from Campania, but by this time, the family was already established at Rome.

The main families of the Annii at Rome used the praenomina Titus, Lucius, and Gaius. The Annii Lusci preferred Titus and Gaius, while the Annii Bellieni used Lucius and Gaius. Other members of the gens used Lucius, Publius, Gaius, and Quintus.

There we have some further reasons for expecting the Annia with Quintus Caepio. The Campania branch can be suspect with the Sidicini there, proto-Sadducee candidates that may have named Setia (south of Rome). Also in Campania was Capua, and Coponius was traced to Campania by a method I can't recall. Another Roman ruler of Judea, immediately after Coponius, and immediately before Pilate, was Cambell-like Ambivulus. Long before I knew the latter, Campbells (gyronny) had been traced to Campania. I can't prove that trace, but I've stuck with it for various reasons.

Now, as Iotapa was wife to Quadratus Bassus, with his grandfather, Severus Bassus, as the first-known Bassus, of about 25 AD, what about the Biblical Ananias and Sapphira shortly thereafter. Was her name a Hebrew form of "Severus"? The English Savarys are easily identified with Severus liners if one knows that Julius AVITus married Julia Bassianus Maesa, for the Savarys use a "vita" and "mais" motto term. That's how you can know that other surname's using a vito-like term were Avitus-Bassianus liners. This doesn't necessarily reveal that Savarys were from Severus Bassus, because a Severus character married Julia's sister (yes Julia Domna), and so there is a question on which Severus the Savarys trace to. It is immediately striking that English Savarys, first found in the same place as Chives', share blue vair with Quints. French Savarys/Savards use besants, no surprise.

If one enters "Savard," a second surname comes up listed with Salfords, and using black wolves (symbol of QUADE's / Mackay identifiable with QUADratus), which, I think, explains the black greyhound in the Tapp Crest. The Savard/Salford bend with boar heads looks linkable to the Yoke's/Joke's, suspect with Joktanites, who lived at Severus- / Sapphira-like Sephar. Actually, Joktanites are said (i Genesis) to have had Sephar and Maesa-like Mesha as their borders. As the father of Severus Bassus is supposedly not known, while all the other males of the long line are known after Brogitarus, I suspect that there is a cover-up because Caiaphas was born around the time of this unknown male. I therefore expect Caiaphas from that Bassus family, and to this it should be added that the other Yoke's/Joke's share the swan with Josephs, important also because swans trace to lake Sevan, the Armenia area ruled by Tigranes, and where Sadducee-like Soducena sat (as either a location or people group, no one seems to know). Salfords were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Chadocks and the Setantii Brigantians.

The three black wolves of Salfords are in the two colors and positioning of the Carrick talbots while the Salford fesse is in the two colors of the Craig fesse. Why are the Carricks figuring into this? Because they were the line from Severus Bassianus.

Recalling that Yoke's got suspect with the naming of York while Yorks use a central besant, let me say that I didn't yet see the Jacks/Jacques'/Jeke's at the time, which not only use a red version of the Joke/Yoke Coat, but were first found in Yorkshire. The Jack scallops now become the two colors of the same of Chamberlains, the ones sharing the Chadock escutcheon. See also the escutcheon of Chamberlain-related Tankerville's.

How old is the Iotapa name? Was it formed in the time just before Caiaphas, as a means to produce a form of "Joseph" that the Persians could voice? Iotapa was of Persian / Parthian / Farsi descent. Wikipedia's Iotapa article has the earliest one at 100 BC. Did v-version Iotapa liners name the Taws, Tweeds or namers of the Teviot river? Tweeds use the same saltire as Annans. And Taws' use both gyronny (in the colors of the Campbell gyronny) and crescents in the colors of the Saracen crescents. By what coincidence does the teviot / Tweed watershed flow though the land of Bernicians while the elder Iotapa was wife to a son of Berenicianus? Again, the Tapps/Tabbs are sharing the Bernice fesse, and Berenice Agrippa named her son, Berenicianus.

Also, while the coin of Herod Archelaus (who got his surname from Glaphyra Archelaus, wife of Tigranes' father) had a grape vine, Tabb-like Tab(b)ers have a woman with a bunch of grapes. English Tabers, in colors reversed from the Tapps/Tabbs, were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, though the latter are said to have been first found secondly in the same place (Dorset) as Tapps/Tabbs.

More. The Tweeds share a blue Chief and white Shield with English Chaplains/Kaplans, first found in the same place as English Josephs, and moreover, the Chaplain Chief has three Agrippa-suspect griffins in the colors of the three garbs in the Joseph Chief. Then, French Chaplains were recently resolved as the reason for the two gold chevrons of English Josephs, something that eluded me because French Chaplains previously showed only one chevron in those colors. I now see the one chevron was in the colors of the Taber chevron. Furthermore, the three lion heads surrounding the Taber chevron are colors reversed from the same of Chretiens (Normandy, same as Chaplains), whom are found in the Levi motto. But we are not done, for the Chaplets use FIVE swans (the number of Quints) in the colors of the swan once showing for French Josephs. This all bears repeating for readers that have read it several times already, because, now, it looks linkable to Iotapa liners.

As Caiaphas is suspect with Severus Bassus, it bears repeating that French Saffers use five birds in the positioning of the five Chaplet swans. There's nothing else in either Coat.

There is then the Tapley surname that lists "Table," which, on account of sharing hurts with Arthurs, becomes suspect with the Round-Table code. Tapleys were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives' and Supers/Sobers, the latter using billets for Billets, first found in the same place as French Josephs. Were the Supers Iotapa liners of an S-version Tapper-like term, or were they Severus liners? As Chivers/Chevys were likewise first found in Devon, it's striking that Tappers/Teppers (Prussia, same as Mieske's) share a sinister white-on-blue bend with Foys, the latter found in the Chiver motto. Plus, Tippers were first found beside Chivers, and Tipps' share a black bull head with Mieske's. But as Dobers/Tobers share the sinister white-on-blue bend, it seems that Tappers/Teppers trace to Dober, on the Clausula river beside the Chives-like Cavii Illyrians. I've read that this Dober location was about two miles from Caepionis-like Kupionich, an excellent reason for identifying Dobers, and Dobrawa, wife of Mieszko I, as Iotapa liners. Mieszko's other wife, Oda of Haldan, is identifiable in the Haldan Crest (shares the Dober / Doberman griffin head), the point being that Haldans use the same saltire as Supers/Sobers (i.e. the latter look like Dober liners too).

There you have three sinister bends in the paragraph above, all in the same colors, all linking to Mieszko, assuring that he was a Massey / Maesa liner.

By finding above that Cetis was also "Citis," I was able to find it's specific location in Cilicia. The finding even involves a coin of Caracalla. The page below speaks on two coins of an Olba location in Cilicia, the more-important of which is the Caracalla coin, with "ADR. ANT. OLBEON" on the reverse side, which the writer says is proof that it's the city of Olbus of Strabo and the Olbasa of Ptolemy. The writer then says: "The latter geographer informs us that it was the capital of Cetis...; or Citis, according to Basil of Seleucia"

It turns out that Cetis was not at Qewe, but at the western side of Cilicia, in Isauria. Here is the article on Olba. This is a let-down, because I spent a lot of time thinking that the Bassus' were at Qewe. The article says: "The primitive name must have been Ourba or Orba, found in Theophanes the Chronographer, hence Ourbanopolis..." I have three comments already: 1) Ourbano smacks of the Urbanus river, location of the Maezaei that were suspect with Julia Maesa; 2) the Bistue locations (left of light map) at the sources of the Urbanus were traced to "Piast," the ancestry of Mieszko I; 3) the heraldic orb of Catholicism, at least as used in heraldry, may be code for Orba, for an orb is used by Metz's (Urban / Massena colors), in the shape of a giant besant, and surrounded by other besants, a perfect indication of the Bassus line known to be in Cetis. Metz, moreover, is at the Muse- / Massey-suspect Moselle theater. Mieszko II married Richeza of Lorraine i.e. in the Moselle area. I can recall only one other surname using the orb, but cannot recall the surname.

Recall the three sinister bends above that all linked to Mieszko's, for another one, though not in the sinister direction, is used by Bistue-like Bissets.

I have more gleanings. The Lorraine's, as well as the Arms of Lorraine, used the white-on-red Piast eagle. But along with that, the Lorraine surname shows green-on-gold lions, symbol of Triggs with a Track variation. It jibes with this: "Tracheitis is the valley of the Calycadnus, a district which was sometimes called Citis." If that's correct, then Triggs don't trace to "Thrace." The article mentions that there was a Sarpedonia at/beside the Calycadnus, along with a Severus-like ZEPHYRium river. Cetis, according to the article earlier, was on a Calycadnus tributary. The Templars would have wanted this area as their own.

Tracks/Triggs were first found in the same place as Caepionis-like Capone's, Junia-suspect June's, and Julians, the three ingredients suspect in the birth of Caiaphas. If you don't know, Julius Caesar had a long-standing affair with Servilia Caepionis so that one or more of the Junia Caepionis' may have been his daughter(s). The Chives' motto term, "vi," was suspect with the Vio variation of Vito's, suspect with Avitus (i.e. married Maesa), and then there is a Viu river that can apply to Avitus liners. It just so happens that the Viu is a tributary of the Riparia while Rippers (Yorkshire), believe it or not, share a green-on-gold lion with Tracks/Triggs. That is a powerful argument for clinching a few things simultaneously.

The Medleys use a green tiger as code for Tigranes, and there is a green tiger in the Ripper/Ripley Crest. Therefore, it looks correct to trace Tracks/Triggs to the Tracheitis = Cetis area. Clue after clue, this dirty story is flowing through. It needs a lot of Ajax.

The first article that found the Cetis location for us claims that mythical AJAX was a deity of the Cetis capital. This finding was minutes after showing the JACK Coat. Was Ajax a Joktanite line? After all, Joktanites were from Zephyrium-like Sephar. I am about to be awash with revelations on Cetis. The tide is turning. The dawn has arrived. The sunlight is shining. The comets promise more gleaning. But I can't figure out how to put playtex gloves in there.

Go ahead and load the Teague's as "Teeger" to see that their solid chevron has the same border feature as the solid chevron of Rippers. Then spot the "OPtem" motto term, code for OPgalli, wife of Teeger-like Tigranes. Then note that the Teague crosslets are in the colors of the giant one of Julians. Julius Caesar was a son of Aurelia Cotta, while Julius made a pact with the royal Cottians who ruled from their capital on the Riparia river. This argues for a Julian-surname trace to Julius Caesar, not just any other man with the same name, though of course other Julians / Julia's may have been of the same line.

Teague's are also Teige's, like king Teige of Ireland that was discovered with the Gilbert > Carrick line...from Bassianus', right? The "Summum" motto term of Teague's was traced to Sohaemus, a priest of the sun god, El-Gabal, who had married two Drusilla's, one a Herod, and the other from the line of king Massena (these are known facts, not my claims alone). Then, Massins, suspect with the blue Caepio-line lion, were first found in the same place as Caesars and Timms (another solid chevron with a border feature), the latter suspect in the "OpTEM" motto term. If you had loaded the Urban and Massena Coats earlier, you would have seen that they have the same bends with the same Zionist stars upon them, which not only tends to assure that Massena was of the Maezaei at the Urbanus, but that the Urbanus was named by a branch of peoples at Ourbanopolis, the Cetis capital.

The Riparia became suspect with the naming of Revere's, who share the Massin lion in both colors. It's known that Rivere's were a branch of Rivers, and this can go to the "REVIResco" motto of Bissets (suspect from Bistue at the Urbanus). Like the Medleys and Rippers, Bissets have a green Crest. Why should Mieszko's trace to the Riparia? Ask the Mosca / Seward leopard in the Chives Crest. The border feature of Timms is identical to, and in the colors of, the same of Rivers, first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, and Revere's were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Quints. Repeat: "Tabers were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, though the latter are said to have been first found secondly in the same place (Dorset) as Tapps/Tabbs." As Tapp liners are suspect both with Dober and with Josephs, let's recall that French Chaplains are using the two gold chevrons of Josephs, for Rivers use two fesse bars in both colors of the Chaplain chevrons. The border feature of the River fesse bars is used in the Leavell fesse bars.

It is imperative to trace proto-Piasts of Bistue, if that is a correct resolution, to the Kupionich location at Dober, which argues for a Caepionis trace to the Mieszko's. Cupionich was also called, KOPLik, the reason that Piasts derived at Poland's GOPLo location. Mieszko's from Koplik is a clinched fact, but whether or not Cupionich named Caepionis' (or vice-versa) is debatable. I've assumed it to be probably true.

If Tailers were Salem liners of the Talbot / Sail/Sale kind, then Sailers might be too, who were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Cricks and Quade-related Scarfs (their wolf head is in the Seal Crest). Sailers are Seal kin both sharing the black wolf heads of Quadratus-suspect Quade's, and the family of Quadratus did rule in Judea / Jerusalem. The Seals are not only using the Bernice fesse, but Sailers put griffins on the same fesse that are likely code for Agrippa's. The "GREATest" motto term of Sailers revealed that they and Seals are in the code, Great Seal of the United States. The Greats are also Agrippa-like Greeps. But who were the Greats? Were they purely Agrippa's, or merely merged with them?

Greats share the rooster with Grazio's (pomegranate), whom I think I can glean as a line from Ottone Visconti, for Sardinian Visconti's used the rooster, and Ottone's were first found in the same place (Perusia) as Grazio's. One Grasse/Grace surname (Provence) uses chevrons in the colors of the Ottone chevron. This picture links unavoidable and strongly to Chappes', suspect with Caepio's in the "Annuit Coeptis" motto of the Great Seal. English and Irish Grass'/Grace's look like they are using a version of the Brian lion. But is that it? Were Greats nothing more than the Grasse location in Provence?

Ottone's use a version of a Puck Coat, and Pucks may have been from the namers of modern Puke, in the middle of the Cavii land off the Mathis river. Puke is close to Cupionich, and it's a clinched fact in my mind that Ottone's are using a version of the Chappes Coat. Coincidence after coincidence means...

Houseofnames has arranged for the French Grasse/Grace surname above not to come up when entering "Grass," and has arranged for this French Grasse/Grace surname not to come up when asking for "Grace." Both surnames were first found in Provence, but in not one Grass / Grace surname does houseofnames mention Grasse at the border area of Provence. What's the secret? Houseofnames has also arranged this English Grasse surname (Lincolnshire) not to come up when searching "Grass," even though the Grass surname is shown listed. As the latter Grasse's share the bend of French Acres', take the capital off of "ACREs" to possibly form "Grass." Hagars, Hackers, etc., and even Eggs/Eggers/Egans, are in these colors. Why should Bassianus liners at Grass trace to Hagars? Ask the Valentinian liners with Justine's/Justine's (share weight scale with Sire's). The latter are suspect in the motto of Tapps/Tabbs (and Peacocks). A branch of Justine's was first found in Norfolk, where Fountains were first found, tending to clinch the "causa" motto term of Justine's with Cass' / Cush' / Kiss' (fountains and the weight scale). The Justine Shield is suspect as a colors-reversed form of the French Vincents, first found in the same place as Font de Ville's.

Tapps/Tabbs were treated in the 4th update of last November, where it was added: "The TarPLOW variation [of Table's] may link to the plough in the Crest of Ivery-suspect Very/Fairys (embattled symbol), suspect with Melusine's alternative name, "Fairy princess" [her mirror is in the Coat of Justine-loving Sire's]. Plows/Ploughs use a "Quod tibi" motto phrase...looks like part-code for Tipps liners of a Tibbs / Tibb/Tibbit kind. "Tibi" is like the "sibi" motto term of Vince's that traces to Cibalae / Vinkovci, home of Justine's husband [her father was Justine]. Tibbs/Tibbits use blue cats..." The cat is in the Crom Crest while Croms share QUATRefoils with in the same format as English Vincents. I've never understood the Vincent motto like I think I do now: "VinCENTi DABitur." Tabb liners seem evident there, but also the Cantii that were, for the first time ever in this update, very linkable to Kanza, wife of IDRis, whom I trace to several "ITUR" terms, one seen in "dabITUR," another found in the Shaw motto, "PATItur." Idris (from Syria) was suspect with the ITUReans of ancient Phoenicia. This part of the discussion recalls that Patent / Patty/Pati liners were suspect with Cant>Kanza liners expected at southern Italy. Sooo, Shawia are expected between Cetis and at Rennes-le-Chateau, even as the Galatians at Cetis (i.e. the Bassus line) are known to be Gauls from Toulouse. The Bassus' were partly TROCmii Galatians, and partly Tectosages Galatians.

In case you missed it. Tabbs/Tapps were suspect with Iotapa at cat-like Cetis, who married QUATRefoil-like QUADRatus. That's why it's seemingly important that Vincents use a DAB term along with quatrefoils and meanwhile link to Shaws that are using a trefoil version of the quatrefoil Ayers (from Aures). The cat-using Tibbs were first found in the same place as Quints, and the Tibbs'/Theobalds/Dipple's/Teupels/Dewalts (which was the original???) share six gold fitchees, the color of the Quint fitchee, in the shape of the six fitchees of Tarves'. I'm always on the look-out for Keith colors, for the Keith Catti might just trace to the namers of Cetis.

The Kite's and Kitts/Kyts/Ketts (same basic Coat between them) came to mind with "Citis," and tulips happen to be used by Kitts while Tulips are listed with TEWlops, a term suspect from a conjectural IoTAPa > Taw line. When the Tulips loaded, there was a Zionist star in the top corner in the colors of the same of Urbans, suspect with the Cetis capital. "Citis" may have been from the ancient Kition on Cyprus, an island off the coast from the Cetis theater.

I am happy to report, because the Kite / Kitt exercise was not fully convincing, that Kids/Kyds use an "ORBem" motto term!!! The Cetis capital (Olba) is thought to have been ORBA too! Whether it's true or not, it looks like the creators of Kidd heraldry thought so. Kidds/Kyds were first found in Dundee. They use a version of the Lothian Coat, both having a black, gold-striped hunting horn hanging off of a tree. Knowing now that at least one family group trace their names to Cetis, all sorts of possibilities open up. Keiths (Imp colors) were first found in Lothian, for example. Keatons share black leopard faces with the Ade and Imps (same place as Quints / Tabers) while Kidds use an "IMPleat" motto term, tending to guarantee that Keatons were Cetis liners. Imps share red-on-gold crescents with Lothian's Seatons, who rhyme with Keatons. Moreover, the Imp chevron is colors reversed from the same of Quints, and may be the Copon/Cobham chevron.

Kidders (same place as Saddocks) are using the Coffer Coat, essentially. The other Coffers use a "sed" motto term that can now become suspect with "CETis."

"ImpLEAT" is suspect also with Leats/Leiths/Lethe's, first found in Lothian, and using more red-on-gold crescents. Letts/Lete's (Leat/Lethe colors) were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Kite's/Ketts, which, as expected at least a year ago, brings Keturah-Abraham liners to the rulers of Cetis. The black fitchee in the Leat/Lethe Crest can be that of Hanna's, for Leats/Lethe's share the red-on-gold lozenges of Hands/Lavans. These crescents can also be suspect with Thomas Randolphs three lozenges in the same colors, for as he ruled Moray, so the Kids/Kyds use the Moray stars. Plus, the fitchee, probably in black, is used by Carricks, who birthed Thomas Randolph. Hanna's ("ardua ad alta") are Annas suspects, and tracing them to Cetis is a big deal. Dundee (where Kids/Kyds were first found) is in the Angus theater suspect with Annas'. The black crescent under the Hanna fitchee makes them (and Hands/Hants) suspect with Cants/Kants of Fife, beside Dundee. Carricks had married Fife elements.

As the Kennedys use the black fitchee along with the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, I now recall reading about a Kennedy-like entity at Cetis. Here it is: "At Olba was a celebrated temple of Jupiter, or remote antiquity, said to be founded my mythical Ajax, brother of Teucer, and of which the princes of Kennati were high priests" Was Kennati of the Kanteai to the naming of Kanza, and were Shawia at Cetis? It was the write-up of Mellents/Millans that introduced the Kantei, and they are said to descend from ANSELan while Ansels were first found in Kent, and descended from archbishops of CANTERbury. So, the Centaurs are suspect, and they were made sons of Ixion the Lapith, and I did find a Lapith-like location in northern Cyprus. It looks like Olba was a Lapith variation. "CalyCADNUS" may even be in honor of Cadmus, for his brother was Cilix, known code for Cilicia.

The Ajax-related Teucer is not the same one exactly as the Trojan founder. Ajax-related Teucer was founder of Salem-like Salamis on Cyprus. As Lapiths were also at Lesbos, location of Methymna, note that Anselan (Buchanan chief) was father to Methlan. In this picture, Zephyrium at the Calycadnus theater can trace to Sybaris at the Buxentum area. Joktanite-of-Sephar suspects, that is, from the Ajax cult. There is a second Salamis off the coast of Athens, where Keturah liners trace.

Online statement: " called 'Ketida,' inhabited by the 'Kennati,' who were subject to the sovereigns of Olba" The OLIVers came to mind with "OLBa," who use two chevrons in the colors of the Kennedy chevron. It doesn't necessarily mean that Olivers (same place as Leavells) could not have been Levites. While Wikipedia says that Olba was more-anciently Orba, the latter may have been an intermittent term, with a previous name more like "Olba," perhaps named as per Lapiths that I found on northern Cyprus. Olivers (Futter colors) share black footless martlets with Josephs, and use a "FOEDera" motto term is like "Futter" (Angus stars in colors reversed), and suspect with Levi-likely Fothes liners. The "Ad" motto term of the same Olivers suggest the Levi-beloved Ade's.

The Ogilveys (Angus lion) in the Futter write-up are the ones almost with the "la fin" motto phrase of Kennedys. There is a woman in blue dress in the Ogilvey Crest, which is like the woman in blue dress of Iotapa-suspect Tabers. I now see that "OGILVie" can be an OLIVe" variation. The Roman name, Lepidus, can be out of Olba.

It strikes me here that "Cetis" can be a Zedek term. In any case, where Keturah traces to Cetis, so can Hagarites and Saracens. Abraham liners became suspect in the Bramtons, and the Walerans, who are almost-certainly from Laevillus of the Cetis fold, are said to have received a grant from Fulke Paynel, lord of Brampton. The Saracens of Cetis should trace through Caracalla liners at Grasse, the latter entity now suspect with Hagars, first found in the general area of Mellents/Millens, and in the same place as Shaws, whose Sithech base is likewise like "Zedek."

As Grass-like CRISpins use pomegranate's, it looks like they can be discovered as a Grasse liner, especially as the pomegranate Crispins share a white-on-blue bend with the Lincolnshire Grasse's. These are the colors of the lamb in the Arms of Grasse. We can now know why Crispins are also CREPons, as per the Greep variation of Greats. You can read for yourself that Crispins/Crepons were from Parez/Paresse (France), like the Perusia location of Ottone's and Grazio's. The Paris apple is suspect with the Crispin POMEgranate (the French apple is a pome). Then, the Oxford Crispins are using so-called barry (code for Barrys / Berys / etc) in Barry-bar colors, which links them to Bar-le-Duc, in Lorraine, where pomegranate Crispins were first found. This was the Metz theater now tracing to Orba.

By what coincidence are Greats sharing a blue saltire with Cyprus-like Coopers? Can't Cypros, mother of the first Herod, descend from Cyprus elements? The Herods had Salamis-like names too. Can't "GREAT" be a hard-version "HEROD," explaining the Agrippa-like look of the Greep variation (of Greats)? Scottish Coopers share the olive branch with Scottish Olivers.

It's feasible for Bar liners to be Paris liners, especially as Bar-le-Duc is at the Meuse / Moselle theater while Muses lived in Paris-related Parion/Parium. Therefore, trace the Paris / Priam Trojans, from Keturah and Abraham, to Bar, near Kotor, and link the fish of the Kotor Saraca's to the same-colored fish of Bar-le-Duc, asking also whether "Duc" was a Dog / Doug entity.

Crispins were integral with the Clare's, and the latter led the invasion into the Desmond area on behalf of Normans (or were they Italians?). Spanish Clare's even share the white-on-blue lion of the Lincolnshire Grasse's. It's in the Irish-Clare write-up that Clare's are said to derive in GILBERT and Richard Crispin. You can see that Irish Clare's are using the five-pointed crown in the Arms of Desmond-MacCarthy, a crown used also by MacArthurs. The Arms uses the MacCarthy/MacArthy stag. MacArthurs use a moline in colors reversed from the same of Segni's/Segurana's and Sibals.

Desmonds are said to derive from a phrase, Deas-Mhumhain, supposedly meaning "south Munster." I have a bone to pick with historians who confuse matters like this. Deus' are a branch of Desmonds. Why am I not reading this? What is the big secret? French Desmonds share white-on-red roses with Gilberts, and were first found in Orleans, near Blois. Rulers of Blois had an alliance with Chatillon, which, I learned, shared three pale bars with Knights, seemingly relevant because English Blois' were first found in the same place as Knights...and Knight-loving Grome's. The latter had come to topic at the sight of "Crom," which happens to be in the Desmond motto. English Blois' are using dragons in the colors and format of the Desmond roses, which are the colors of the Monk lion heads, tending to clinch French Desmonds with Irish Desmonds.

I had traced Blois elements to the Ark river with Joan of Arc, who ruled at Blois. The Ark river is about 25 miles from Briancon, and Brians -- yes from Brian Boru -- were traced to Briancon no matter that the Irish resist it like the plague. The Blois' are using three dragons in pale in the colors of the three leopard faces, in pale, of the Brains. The Brains were created by someone flunking English class, obviously. Would a normal person take "Blois" and spell it "Blios"? The reason that the Irish use so many vowels is that they throw in extra ones in case they spell things wrong. Like "Braian." It makes it look profound when in reality they couldn't remember which vowel came first. When the Irish got to America as the "Indians," they gave up writing altogether, and took up smoking. Instead of sharpening their pencils, they took up carving totem-poles, a form of doodling. To heck with education, they decided to walk around naked. The longest word they used was, ow-ow-ow-ow-ow, it was so easy. Eventually, they graduated to, "how." No one here is trying to say that Italians were smarter than the Irish, for if Italians were smart, they wouldn't have gone over to freezing Ireland.

Brian Boru is traced in his article to the DalCASSIAN branch of Deisi. I wonder whether the CASSAN variation of Irish Pattersons can apply, for we saw how Pattersons (Connaught, where the "high kings" ruled) can link to the Mars...married by the first royal Bruce before he remarried with the Burghs that were themselves married to this Deisi line under discussion. Pattersons share the white-on-blue scallops of Hackers, the one's linkable to Armors that use a "Cassis" motto term suspect with the Cassius/CASANO surname (Modena) almost using the Hagar stars in colors reversed. Modena-like Modane is on the Ark river, and the French Blois' are using, no kidding, the Patterson / Mar scallops.

Irish Pattersons are said to have been kin of Kissane's (Kerry and Cork, same as Desmonds) , and they share a red-on-white stag with MacCarthys. But look, in the Kissane Crest, a lizard. The Letushite-suspect Letts loved the lizard liners, all linking to Abraham's descendants. The Lazard-suspect Hazards (same place as Letts) not only use fesse bars in the colors of the same of Hackers (the ones showing the Patterson scallops), but share three scallops (different colors) in Chief with the Patterson Chief.

These fesse bars are those of German Drummonds too, first found in the same place as Trips, and then the Patterson Shield is filled with drops, as is the Shield of Drops/Trope's.

From the Desmond article: "One of three principalities within the original Kingdom of Desmond, Carbery, under the MacCarthy Reagh dynasty founded by Donal Gott MacCarthy..." The Gotts? They show a Goth variation while the other Goths use the Hagar star. The Carberys are not only in Hagar colors, but share the white estoile with Motts so that Carbery may trace to Craigs / Carricks. Carberys were first found in Midlothian, and use the green dragon head of Carrick-like CRICHton's (Midlothian) in red, and it's the dragon of Sithonia-based Seatons. That makes Carberys at least linkable to Carricks / Crichtons.

In Lothian, they were known as CREBarrins, and are in the colors of Crabs. The latter use a chevron and surrounding symbols in the colors of the same of Hackers. The Crab Crest is a dagger to prove that they are Dacre/Dagger = Acker liners. As was said that the English Acres'/Ackers use the same fleur as June's, here we find Crabs first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as June's. Perhaps Carbery was not named after Berys at all. Perhaps it was a line from mount Gareb and merged with mount-Acra elements.

And so let's add that while the Irish elements under discussion (especially the Pattersons/Kissane's) must trace to Modena's Cassius'/Casano's, they share a Coat much like that of Bernice's, and the latter's Coat was connected to the Arms of Saraca to the point of tracing Saraca liners (Keturah > Kotor suspects, right?) through Modena. The Luciano's, looked up as per the Lucents/Lucens, share white fish with Hatchets/Hackets (Keturah-related Hagars, right?), and must be a branch of fish-using Lucys, the line that may have named Lucy Taillebois (the Lucy fish are in the colors of the Tailboys/Tailbois scallops). Hatchets/Hackets not only use the same trefoils as Corrigans, but a "mea Deus" motto phrase that should be part-code for the Deas / Deisi family. The Mea's are the ones sharing the fitchee cross style of Albins/Aubins, tending to clinch Hatchets/Hackets in a relationship with Albino's and Barnstaple's. The Albins/Aubins are said to be from a Taurins location that might apply to Tara of Ireland.

French Luciano's/Lucients share the black eagle with Italian Luciano's and Hatchets/Hackets. The Luciano's/Lucients were from Marne, a Maronia suspect. The Luciano description says that they use fish in pale (vertical), but are not shown that way. The Hatchet/Hacket fish are shown in pale. The German Berys use fish heads in the white-on-red colors of the Luciano / Lucy fish, which could possibly reveal that CarBERYs were a Carrick-Bery merger.

Next, we take this to the white-on-red fish of Bery-like Italian Barbera's, suspect with African Berbers (white skin) found especially between Morocco and Aures. English Barbers are showing the fleur-de-lys of Gellone's, I think, seemingly verifying what some claim, that William of Gellone was father to Guerin of Provence. The latter must trace to Berbers of Africa in my books, and it just so happens that while Kenneths are involved in that trace, they use a "Luceo" motto term.

Next, we go to the red Kissane / MacCarthy stag, asking whether Carthys were from Carthaginans, kin of Berbers. The red stag is called a "hart" by a surname that I forget. German Harts/Hards (red "deer") can certainly be Arda liners to MacCarthys/Arthys. Harts/Hards lived at GRABENstadt, while Grabens/GRABBERs come up as Herod- / Agrippa-suspect Gripps/Grape's, a little like Crabs and a lot like CREBARRins. The similarity is stunning, and yet it doesn't work if Carberys were a merger with Berys. Irish Harts are possibly using the Hatch/Hacce / Brunswick lion, and Hatchets/Hackets are the ones with the fish in Saraca-fish (and Hagar / Hacker/Hatcher) colors as well as a Chief suspect with that of Albino's, first found in Modena.

So, the possibility is that Driscolls were tagged to a line from Berenice Agrippa, for Herods had seemingly traced to Cotys I of Thrace, at Odrysia. If Driscolls were Triggs / Drigs, they can trace to Cetis as the Triggs were capable. "Cotys" is a lot like "Cetis." The Cotys' listed with Archdeacons share three black chevrons with Levi's. The Geddes' may apply to "Cetis." I'm am wholly guessing at this early stage. But if Geddes' apply, Cetis may have named the north-African Geta family to Caracalla. That could easily explain why Shawia Numidians are being expected at Cetis, for the Getuli of Africa were Numidians too. This reminds me of the Catys/Cade surname, in Cotys colors, and sharing three black-on-white piles with the Roxburgh Leavells. I find that compelling, but as the Cotta's are also listing "Cotys," let's recall that AURELia Cotta was traced to Orells (torteaux), and consequently to Ore's (torteaux, three piles, cornuCOPIA), which asks whether Orba liners may have named them. If so, Julius Caesar descended from Orba liners.

Unfortunately, Hack-like surnames can trace to multiple things aside from Hagars, yet it's conspicuous that Hagars, Hagans, Hague's, Hackers/Hatchers, Hatch's/Haace's and Hatchets/Hackets are all using white on blue, and all starting with "Ha" as opposed to using another vowel. As Haiceid is the Irish form of Hatchets/Hackets, it seems that not even the Irish were able to hack apart this surname, to scalp it into something it wasn't supposed to be.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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