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(if there are any to speak of)
March 22 - 28, 2016

Porcius Cato's Mythical Tiburtus
Cato-NATO and Syphax
Herods of Mythical Tristan in Tintagel's Marici Liners
Clinched: Plenty of Numidian Blood in Godfrey III of Lorraine
Henry the Fowler Deciphered
Billiards and Poole at Sophie's Bar

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

In the last update, I shared a teenage experience that turned out to be so helpful to my heraldic work, and meshed so well with the current topics, that I claimed the teenage events to be an act of God for the purposes of finding Caiaphas' ancestry in Syphax. Such a strange / outlandish thing would never be guessed by anyone. For me to take such a thing seriously, a special act of God seems absolutely necessary. It causes me to dig deeper into Syphax suspects in the world if surnames, which was part of the last update. Go ahead and read it, checking the Coats one by one, to verify or reject my claims.

It dawned on me (last update), while concentrating on a Cawley trace to Laevillus' sons, that CAW liners can be Shawia liners. And Shawia were Numidians, just like Syphax. There were three surnames that were the most-crucial in my teenage experience: the Syphax-suspect Kepke's, the Pierleoni-suspect Peers, and the Philips that happen to use an "amor" motto term traceable to Moors / Mauritanians. This teenage story crept up just as I was in the middle of a crucial investigation on the roots of Philippa of Hainaut, for Levi's trace to her bloodline, and, as you can see if you venture to the update before last, she was a Negro. I was in the middle of trying to find which part of her ancestry had the Negro genes, but was side-tracked.

After sharing the teenage experience, I went on the link Syphax to the Pierleoni with some compelling evidence. The Cawleys were involved in the Syphax link to Pierleoni, but I didn't realize until this update was started that Colys/Caulleys (share the Cawley red lion) share a giant, upright lion with a crown around its neck with the Philips. And while the bloodline of Philippa of Hainaut was in with the Habsburg take-over of Valois, the Cawleys use the same lion (colors included) as the Habsburg surname, except that they put the crown on top of the head. The only reason that Habsburgs crept to topic was that the ruler of Valois had a line from Slovenia, where the Austrian Habsburgs had assets. That Slovenia area was found to trace to surnames showing wild evidence of Attila-Hun liners, and Attila himself has been traced to two things: 1) Hannibal Carthaginians, related to Syphax; 2) the naming of the wife of Laevillus, who lived after Hannibal and Syphax. The Shawia Numidians were traced to Laevillus' wife a while back, and so I can glean that Syphax liners, whom I've not emphasized, or enlarged upon, much, will be in Laevillus-liner ancestry. The trick is to prove it.

It was a given that the Philips linked to Flemings because the Philips/FULops were found honored in the "FULcrum" motto of Balls (share the Philips lion), while Balls came to topic in the FIRE ball of Syphax-suspect Spice's. Fire and flames are always suspect with Flemings, though "fire" may be code also for the Fire surname. In any case, the Ball / Philips lion is black and upright, as is the Flanders / Hainaut lion. That's the second reason that Philippa of Hainaut should be in the Philips surname. A third reason may be the black color of the lion. One of the things convincing me that the teenage events were created by God to help me unravel some Syphax background was this:

As soon as I saw the "amore" motto term (it's a Leavell liner) of Penningtons, I scrolled back to find who else used "amor," and, finding it with Philips, look at this: "Vincit AMORE PATRIA" is the Pennington motto, and "Ducit AMOR PATRIAE" is the Philips motto!!! Miss Philips worked for Penningtons!

That was just one of several things that made me smile. I know how God works with me to unveil this Caiaphas story. There was a lot found, to work with in expanding upon the Caiaphas trace to Syphax, but I ran out of time. I imagine that the "Ducit" motto term is for DuCette's, but no such surname comes up at houseofnames. Penningtons use a CAT in Crest, and DuCETTE's may apply [what about "Cetis/Citis?].

An old version of the Coly/Caulley surname was "Couelege," and Cowels/Couls, with a "Cole" motto term, can apply, for they share the upright, red lion with Colys and Cawleys. This is an excellent turn of events, for the Cowel/Coul Chief has spurs (called "spur rowells), which is an item used also by Ayers/ Kyle's, who were primary Shaw kin themselves, claim to be Cole liners, were first found in Ayrshire. If you don't know why Ayrshire is related to Shaws, see these terms in the last update, but you can also compare the Ayer Coat with the Irish Shaw Coat. The Cowel/Coul lion is also the Aures lion, and Shawia Numidians lived in Aures. Therefore, it's likely that Syphax-liner Numidians were of these very surnames under discussion. Yet the Cawleys were instrumental in tracing to Pierleoni Jews, who were in Rome, upon the Tiber river, and Syphax, 1,000 years earlier, had been in confinement in Tibur, now Tivoli, roughly 20 miles northeast of Rome.

I had not gone to Wikipedia's article on Tivoli until now. It has a white-on-red spread eagle (I assume it's an eagle), Late in the last update, the two-headed eagle of Syphax-suspect Spakes/Spocks/Spicks (like "Spice") was found in colors reversed with the Atkinsons, in a paragraph concerning a Numidian trace to the Mieszko mouse tower, which topic included Caiaphas-suspect Caepio's. As you can see, the Tivoli eagle is in the colors of the Atkinson eagle.

The stars in the Atkinson Chief are in the colors of the Kyle star, and can be linked well to the same three stars in the Washington Chief. for as Washingtons are known to be using the Canton Coat in colors reversed, the Kyle's use CANTon-like CANDleSTICKs. The Sticks were found in the last update to be using the Bowen Coat, and Bowens are in the Bowie write-up.

A fantastic discovery was made in the last update while tracing Cawleys / Auleys to the names of Laevillus' sons. The Bible/Bibo surname was from Vibia, his mother. It was reasoned that the Roet and Reed "books" were once Bible's in her honor until a Book name developed from Boggs, they likely from the Bowie / Bogie liners that were themselves traceable to Vibia by other methods. It was a compelling case. But here I find another book: "A hand holding a book". It's in the Cowel/Coul Crest! Excellent. There is a re-occurring Laevillus trace to Shawia Numidians, and cat liners are suspect from Cetis (Cilicia), where the family of Laevillus' wife was ruling. Shawia were suspect at Cilicia's Qewe/Kue location, itself beside an ancient Cati area (1500 BC).

I was just over at the Tibur/Tivoli article reading it, and, to your amazement, if you read the Porcius-Cato parts in the first update of this month, the article says that Porcius Cato, in his book, Origins, claims that Tibur "was founded by CATILLUS the Arcadian, a son of Amphiaraus, who came there having escaped the slaughter at Thebes, Greece. Catillus and his three sons Tiburtus, Coras, and Catillus drove out the Siculi from the Aniene plateau and founded a city they named Tibur in honor of Tiburtus. According to a more historical account, Tibur was instead a colony of Alba Longa." The update had linked Porcius Cato on multiple grounds to CHATILLON,. and here Porcius Cato is quoting, or even creating, a mythical Catillus character.

[A few days after writing here, the Tibbs/Tibbits were re-found with blue CATS! As the Tibbs'/Tudbalds share six fitchee crosses in the positioning of the same of Tarves', while cat-using Chives' are said to have been in Tarves, the conclusion is that Chives' were Porcius-Cato liners. This needs to come to mind whenever the Chives cats are mentioned. Tudbalds were in the last update as Tivoli-like Tippels.]

As Wikipedia doesn't have an article on Catillus, nor any of his three sons, it appears that Cato created all four names in writing his own mythology. I would guess that he saw his own Cato line in Catillus. As Tibur was suspect in the last update with Round-Table Arthurian elements around GORlois, whom I know to be the Gore/Core bloodline, suddenly mythical Coras looks like the root of Gore / Courcy, and perhaps even Court, stock. That can identify mythical Coras with the Curtus name amongst Maccabees (to which Josephus traced himself). As Porcius' use the boar, it can explain the boar head of Gords.

Porcius Cato "inherited a small property in the Sabine territory," and we then read: "Tivoli is a the falls of the Aniene river where it issues from the Sabine hills." Cato must have been named after his proto-Chatillon stock. Amazingly, the Courts/Coverts use six pale bars while the Arms of Chatillon use three pale bars, though these can be construed as seven pale bars. A Courcy character is in the Court-Covert write-up. Previously, Cato's Wikipedia article claimed that he had a childhood in Abruzzo, though that was removed and replaced with the property he has in the Sabina area. The Courts/Coverts are said to have received lands from William de Briouze, and Abruzzo-like term. The Abruzzo capital today, L'Aquila, uses an eagle, the Court/Covert symbol. I have claimed for years that the boar should be a symbol of the Aphrodite > Abruzzo > Eburovices Hebrews. "PORCia" is like "ABRUZzo. French Courts, in Porci, Gore, and Abreu/Abruzzo colors, were first found near the first Porci's. English Courts/Coverts are from Normandy, home of the Evreux-branch Eburovices.

I had no idea, in the last update, that Gore's should link to Tibur. I took a stab at finding a Tivoli-based surname in the Tippels because I had reason to suspect something close to "Tipps' / Tipper". The Tippels happen to use crosslets that are almost the Gore crosslets, and in the same colors. The last update explains why Ricks should link to Tintagel (same place as Tippers) along with Gore's, and so note that Ricks share six fitchee crosslets on red with Tippels, and that they Ricks have the same fesse as Coverts, first found in Sussex, where Courts/Coverts are said to have found roost. Courcys are said to have had a branch in Somerset, where Ricks were first found, beside the Cornwall area that houses Tintagel. The Ricks use a version of the Craven Coat, and Skiptons of Craven trace to king Massena, who was probably related to Syphax. They were both contemporaries with Porcius Cato, and the latter is in the family tree of Servilia Caepionis at her Wikipedia article. Quintus Caepio is in that family tree too. .

The "Aucta" motto term of Courts/Coverts is code for Actons, I now realize, for they share the Covert fesse. Actons are beloved in the motto of Cravens.

The Tints (Somerset again) are traced in their write-up to ancestry in Round-Table related Arundel (Sussex). The Tint crosslets are on red, as are the identical crosslets (different color) of the Gore's. Richard Coeur the lion is in the Tint write-up, no guff. He is known also as Courcy. While the Sabines were called, Safini, by the locals, the Savona's/Safins were likewise first found in Somerset. This area was founded by Dumnonii, whom I trace to the LaceDAEMONian Spartans, and if you follow the ancestry of Cato's Catillus, via his given mythical father, it goes to a sister of Leda, the Spartan, whom was the swan line that I've traced with little doubt to the Ligurian city of Savona. I once had reason for linking "Cato" to the same stock of peoples that named SADDUCees, and Savona is a place I trace to lake Sevan, location of SODUCena:

Cato made Catillus' father, Amphiaraus, and there are signs all over the related characters that he was about the Pelops bloodline through Atreus.

The last update had reason to trace Gala, Massena's father, to the Gale part of "TintaGEL," and the theory was that Gala's alternative name, Gaia, was the Jay > Jacob line. The Jacob Coat of greatest importance is the one with a giant white-on-red scallop, for it's suspect with the Caiaphas-suspect Capes', and then the Sabine surname uses a giant scallop in colors reversed. RIETI/Reate is at the east side of mount Sabine, and then the Sabine Chief shares the two stars in the REITman Chief. Reitmans were introduced in the last update as per my teenage story, and were therefore expected to be a Syphax line. Rieti is on the way, up the Salto river, to Abruzzo. I had a word from the Lord, and shared it with readers, that Caiaphas should link to Avezzano, which is up the Salto river too. On the day that AVEZZANO became a topic from that Word, the Sign was first of all concerning the AVISON surname, which, I now see, shares an anchor with Reitmans. This is amazing. You may not understand, but I do. God is walking me to the history of Caiaphas as though He truly wants to reveal it. How far will He go, and why?

The Reitmans were related to my quasi-girlfriend, Christine, which Kepke = Syphax stole from me. In Africa, Sophonisba was engaged to Massena, and my mother is a Massena liner. Later, Syphax took Sophonisba as his wife, but she went back to Massena, and then Christine came back to me after Kepke abandoned her. I considered her when she came back, and went out with her three times, but ended up rejecting her, and I think Massena did the same to Sophonisba. Christine's surname was Peer, and, after telling that story, Syphax started to trace heavily to the PIERleoni. I think I was wrong about her surname being Peer. It was "Peare," now that I recall correctly. It brings up the Pearl surname, first found in Oxford, and sharing the gold leopard face of, as well as having a similar Shield with, Coverts. The latter were first found in the same place as the Arundels in Tint ancestry. I have felt very good about a Tint trace to the Atintanes of Epirus, and that latter term is one I trace to the naming of Abruzzo.

The message I'm receiving is that the Pierleoni were Peare liners, from Sophonisba. I have no idea what surnames were definitely from Sophonisba's name, but I take it that Dan Brown indicates her line to be merged with Neve / Navy / Neveu liners. Navys/Neve's use a winged horse in Crest, as do Masseys. Coincidence?

Richard Courcy "gained lands in England after the Norman conquest of England, being named as a tenant-in-chief in Domesday Book. He gave his name to Stoke Courcy, in Somerset, which over time became known as Stogursey. He also held NUNEham COURTenay in Oxfordshire, Sarsden, and Foscot." Courteney is in the same place as the first Peare's, and it's beside the first Capes'. Courtenays use roundels as evidence of their link to Arundel.

The Ritt-using variations of Reitmans prompted a check of the Ritt Coat, which got the Ritters that I recall from a "celeriter" motto term. Checking my files to see what surname it was, I was led back to an old page that reminded me of what I have spoken in years, that the MASCAL surname brings up the Keith Coat. That was the best evidence for a Massey-of-Cheshire link to the Keith Catti, and to the Musselburgh area (Haddington) of the Haddington Keiths, for Mussels/MUSCELs are sharing the Meschin Coat, only substituting roundels for the white Meschin scallop, which happens to be in the color of the Jacobson scallop. The latter's scallop is in both colors of the scallop in the central escutcheon of this Arms of Rothschild, while the Rothschilds/Rothsteins are suspect in the Reitstein variation of Reitmans. It shouldn't escape us that the Arms of Rothschild us a "ConCORDia" motto term while Cords do list a Court surname very linkable to Tipps'.

As Rothschilds traced to Peter Pollock, while Pollocks traced to Flavius Petro in Rieti, it seems clear that Rothschilds, from the Rothes castle of Peter Pollock up in the Rose-clan area of Scotland, were a Vespasian line. The Ritts/Ritters are in the colors of the Scottish Bosco's, and share the tree stump on a horizontally-split Shield with Italian Bosco's, while you can read in the write-up of Scottish Rose's (share harp in Crest with the Quarter Crest) that Bosco's were their kin. Stump-using Bosco's were first found in the same place (Piedmont) as a Busca location. Like I said, just before getting involved with Miss Peare, I had been with Miss Bauer, from the stock that named Rothschilds. The water BOUGets of Rose's are now suspect with Books/Boggs and Bogie's / Bowie's, all Roet kin, and very linkable to the Bavarian Bogens (bow symbol) that may have named Bauers and the related Bowers.

If you don't use the 's' in "Rothschild," you'll find Rothchilds with the same upright horse as per the Reuters and Dutch Masseys/Macks. The horse faces sinister, while the Massey bend with Payen stars rises in the sinister direction. German RasMUSSENs (Hesse) have a sinister bend too with what I claim are the Pepin fleur-de-lys. Both the Penny-suspect Jacobs and the Massey-related Hamonds use gold-on-black ermine, called pean in honor of Peans/Payens, and Payens share the pierced Zionist stars of Massena's in the same colors. Why do Reuters use a "PER mare" motto? It makes other "per" motto terms suspect with Pear liners.

While Payens don't call them "mullets," Reitmans do, and the Mullet surname uses the same pierced stars as Payens, as do the Guerins that are from the Shawia. The Reitmans call them, "mullets of six points, PIERCED on a red chief." It was Miss Peare that worked for Reitmans, and here we find that Pierce's/PEARs/PEERS (in Dutch-Reitman colors), first found in Somerset, same as Reit-suspect Roets of Rieti, were likely Reitman kin. But other surnames using mullets are not usually described with "six points," and so let's add that the Point surname, which can be a variation of the Paiont variation of Payens, is in Spice colors and is suspect with the pointing finger of Brattia-suspect Bradys (from the sun-god cult of the Bassianus' at the Cetina river). As Pierce's were first found in the same place as blue-unicorn Tints and blue-unicorn Gale's, the Pierce unicorn is expected to relate. Piersons/PEARsons/PEERsons share the sun with Bradys.

The quarters in the Arms of Rothschild are those of Pettys. Of the three Petty Coats, suspect with Petro > Peter > Parot liners, one uses a needle while Needle's use a giant sun. Another Petty Coat shares the green PARROTs of the Peeble surname while Bowers, using the five, bunched arrows that are in the Arms of Rothschild, were first found in Peebles-shire. The Parrots are in PEAR/PEARE/Pearl colors, while the pears of Parrots are shared in the same colors by Abbotts (unicorn), first found in the same place as Pears/Peare's. Another coincidence? Or was God manipulating my life at the time to help me get to the bottom of the things you are now reading? Miss Peare was a Rothschild liner, wasn't she, of the Petty / Parrot kind.

Compare the Pear/Peare Coat with the Tean/Thames Coat, for it uses the Pear/Peare chevron with black stars, and is another surname first found in Oxfordshire. The Teans/Thames use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Coverts, while the latter share the gold leopard faces of Pears/Peare's. It looks like Rothschilds can trace to Court / Courcy liners Gorlois liners. As I said, I slept one night (all we did was sleep), like a sardine in a can, with two women in my single bed, one named Louise, and the other Miss. Peare. The Luisa name was traced, months before telling this story in the last update, to "GorLOIS." The Lois' use the ostrich, and the Arms of Rothschild use ostrich feathers. The Caens use ostrich feathers, five of them, the number beloved of Rothschilds, and Rose's are traced to a Mr. Ros near Caen. Five is also a number beloved of Arthurs, whose chevron is in the colors of the Pear/Peare / Tean / Abbott chevron. I didn't know that Five's/Fifys and Fife's were from VIBia Varia until the last update.

Note that this event, two women sleeping the night in my bed, is an unusual event. What did it mean, with me sandwiched in the middle? If this event was created by God, it can explain why there was no sex. How could I tell this story in God's name if there had been sex? Or, if God knew I'd be telling it, then He likely arranged for no sex. I find it hard to believe that nothing got started by me in a situation like that. I liked Miss Peare a lot, and was seeing her a few times afterward, respecting her all along (no sex)...until Kepke took her in what can be deemed a surprise attack, before she knew what was happening, and, in my very own bed, took away her virginity, with me and Philips listening on, whether we liked it or not, from outside the closed, probably locked, door. I suppose that God was making sure that she and I did not start a relationship.

Pierre's use "pour", a term I trace to Purys (Oxfordshire), which, if correct, identifies Purys as a Pierre branch. I'm not so sure that Pierre's are Peter liners, aside from being merged with a Peter line. It's notable that the gold bend of Pierre's can be the gold bend of Porci's, making it possible that Pierre's / Purys were a Porcia branch. The sinister bend of Courcy-related Coeurs/McCourts is in the same colors!!! Excellent. Keep an eye out for another McCourt surname below, for it will tip the balance of this discussion.

Here are the French Grands/Grons (Burgundy) with three bends in the colors of the Coeur/Court bends, excellent because Grands are taken from the "Grandescunt" motto term of Courts/Coverts. The "varius" motto term of Grands is now suspect with Vibia VARIA. It occurs to me here that GRANds/Grons are a "Guerin" branch, for Guerra's use bends in these colors.

Purys share white-on-black stars in Chief with the Reitman / Sabina Chief, and Porcius Cato had land in Sabina while Reitmans are tracing to Rieti at Sabina. These colors are the colors of the Arms of Rieti, which uses a "PARATus" motto term. I've verified that it's code for Prude's and Pratts, the latter sharing MASCLEs (i.e. like the Mascal / Muscel surnames) with Teans/Thames' and Petts/PERTs. If that's not enough, the Prude's/Prats, sharing the fesse of Muscels, were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Fes'/Fez' suspect with the Porci bend. I didn't know it would come to this when starting this paragraph. Later in this update, Grands trace to Fes'/Fez'.

I trace Prat liners to Brattia, the island at the mouth of the Cetina, where I trace BRADys, and so it may now appear that Parrot liners trace, not to "Peter" necessarily, but to the namers of Brattia. In any case, this paragraph is a great reason for tracing the Catillus character of Porcius Cato to the Mascals/Keiths, for Keiths are said to be from a Catti peoples, and, while they are not enlarged upon in the write-up, are suspect with the Chatti of sun-using Hesse, an area that was engaged my Mr. Bauer, the first Rothschild.

There is an English Mascal surname that I haven't loaded, or talked about, in several years. I've learned a lot since then. The surname, with an escutcheon in colors reversed from the same of Saddocks, was first found in the same place as Saddocks and Diens/Dives, the latter using the old Masci WING, an item that I link to the "VINCit" motto term, used, for example, by Mascals / Keiths and Courcys. It can make Courcys suspect with the Catillus-Coras brotherhood that Cato spoke of. At one time, I was telling that the Masci wing was used in blue by Bauers, but in 2013, houseofnames was making many, inexplicable changes to designs, and eventually changed both the Masci and Bauer wing designs, perhaps to thwart my making links by using common design as part of the evidence.

English Mascals were first found in the same place as FACE-using Coverts while Face's/Fessys are vincit = Vinkovci liners. Masseys share the Vere quarters, and Vere's ruled in Oxford for centuries, making the white / silver elephant in the Arms of Oxford suspect with the one in the Mascal Crest. As Masseys are suspect with Maccabees, while Coverts/Courts (Massi/Mattis eagle?) are now suspect with the Curtus-line Maccabees, and while Sadducees, were an outcrop of Maccabees, the fact that the Mascals use the Saddock escutcheon seems explicable enough. And "Vere / Varro / Varus / Varia " may even be from the namers of Pharisees. Cato's AmPHIARaus character might have been Pharisee stock, if I'm correct in viewing "Cato" as Sadducee stock.

The last update veered from the Bible/Bibo surname (from Vibia Varia) to queen Bebba and her Babenberg line from Pamphylia-suspect BAMberg. The founders of PAMphylians included Amphiaraus. Here's from an update in 2008:

While on the topic of Bamm Bamm and his club, which item was the symbol of Hercules, I'd like to talk about the club being the symbol also of the Babenbergs of Bamberg, for in this picture we can see that the Babenbergs trace to the Hercules cult. I just sought evidence for this for the first time, and found it clear as glass. I first went to the Pamphylia article at Wikipedia, and then to mythical Amphilochus who was a code/depiction of Pamphylia:
"In Greek mythology, Amphilochus was the younger son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle and the brother of Alcmaeon."

I don't think I've ever seen this before, even though I've known for years that the mother of Hercules was made Alcmena.

So, Cato was tracing his Chatillon entity, and his Tibur/Tivoli entity, and his Core-suspect entity, to Pamphylians of the Hercules bloodline. It makes Vibia VARia suspect with this Pamphylian thing. As you can see that Pamphylians had an AM prefix, since "AmPHILochus" was code for PamPHYLians, as was EriPHYLe, so one should read "AmPHIARaus like so. I wonder what the Phiar entity was which was merged with Pamphylians? I arrived to Porcius Cato after mentioning the place of death of Caiaphas-suspect Syphax, and that place was Tibur, smack in the line of Cato's Amphiaraus. It seemed, in the last update, that Tivoli-suspect Tippels, as per their TUBALD variation, could very well trace to the Tubal / Tabal nation, kin of the Meshech, for others think that the Tibur river (at/near Tibur/Tivoli)v was named by Tubal liners of the Iberi kind. It just so happens that Tabal had a kingdom to the east side of Pamphylia. Note that, in 721 BC, AMBARIS, son of Hulli, became king (not mythical) of Tabal. This empire encompassed all of Cilicia.

We now have reason for trace Round-TABLE Arthurian stupids to this Tabal entity, especially to Cato's bloodline. It's notable that there is a cloud in the Tippel/Tubald Crest, a symbol of Rundel- / ARUNdel-suspect Aarons, for Arundels are from Arun, in the same place (Sussex) as Mascals and Saddocks. And while Tippels/Tubalds use crosslets in the colors of the Gore crosslets, Rundells use the Gore fesse in colors reversed. "Aaron" is suspect from a Levite-liner line, and the Aarons use quadrants in half the colors of the Petty / Rothschild quadrants, while "QUADRant" is suspect with "QUADRatilla, wife of Levite-suspect Laevillus.

The Mussels/Muscels (roundels) are sharing the fesse of Cords/McCourts, and the latter put the Tipps pheons upon their fesse! Amazing "coincidence". It can trace Tipps to Tivoli liners, and Cords/Courts to Cato's mythical Coras, brother of Tiburtus. Psellus-suspect Sale's use the pheon too, and Tipps-suspect Pendragons use the Sale fleur. Let's get up to speed on this Pendragon cult of nasty deceivers. Let me repeat from the last update for a real shocker; hold on to your chair:

By the way, with the Cary swan being the swan design of French Josephs and Sellers (compare with neighboring Bogie's), the question arises as to why CourCELLE's have variations with several Celles-like endings? There is a Celles surname showing only a saltire in Courcelles colors.

The Celles surname, in Porci colors too, has got to be from the Psellus name used by the family of Curtus Maccabee! Yes, for Courcelle is a location at Hainaut, and the counts/county of Hainaut used the triple Levi chevrons! If interested, see "Psellus and Curtus" in the 4th update of last month, where this was quoted on Josephus' father, Matthias:

Matthias came from a wealthy family and through his father he descended from the priestly order of the Jehoiarib, which was the first of the twenty four-orders of Priests in the Temple in Jerusalem. He was the son born to Josephus and his wife, an unnamed Jewish noblewoman [she could have been Caiaphas' daughter]. The parents of Matthias were distant relatives. Matthias' mother was a descendant of Josephus' paternal great grandfather, Simon Psellus. His paternal grandparents were Matthias Curtus and his unnamed Jewish wife.

The following from Josephus himself was then quoted for a better understanding: my mother I am of the royal blood; for the children of Asamoneus, from whom that family was derived, had both the office of the high priesthood, and the dignity of a king, for a long time together. I will accordingly set down my progenitors in order. My grandfather's father was named Simon, with the addition of Psellus: he lived at the same time with that son of Simon the high priest, who first of all the high priests was named Hyrcanus. This Simon Psellus had nine sons, one of whom was Matthias, called Ephlias: he married the daughter of Jonathan the high priest, which Jonathan was the first of the sons of Asamoneus, who was high priest, and was the brother of Simon the high priest also. This Matthias had a son called Matthias Curtus, and that in the first year of the government of Hyrcanus: his son's name was Joseph, born in the ninth year of the reign of Alexandra: his son Matthias was born in the tenth year of the reign of Archclaus; as was I born to Matthias in the first year of the reign of Caius Caesar. I have three sons: Hyrcanus, the eldest, was born in the fourth year of the reign of Vespasian, as was Justus born in the seventh, and AGRIPPA in the ninth. Thus have I set down the genealog of my family as I have found it described in the public records...

The last time that I was on the McCourts, of the Coeur kind, the Grands/Grons were shown to be a branch of Guerins of Provence. At that time, the Grans were loaded, while recalling the so-called CRANcelin of Wettins (curved bend, rare, but Rita's use one), and then the Celles' show a variation like the Celins who were introduced recently only as per "cranCELIN." The Grans even bring up the Crans that share the white elephant of Mascals! It's a good bet that the Guerins were of the Vere's of elephant-using Oxford. The English Grants/Grands share the Mathie crown while Mathie's use a "Fac et" motto phrase for the Faucets of MUSSELburgh, i.e. the Mussel/Muscel = Mascal line. Pretty darn neat, isn't it?

Yes, and while Guerin of Provence was traced to Kanza of Aures, she was traced to Kenneths, who happen to share a rock-in-flames with Grants/Grands! Excellent corroboration that Grands were Guerin liners, and, simultaneously, it tends to prove that Kenneths were Kanza liner. The "uro" motto term of Kenneths must be for the Aur variation of Aures', for the other Kenneths use an "itur" motto term in honor of IDRis, Kanza's "Moroccan" husband. He was an Arab who ruled Morocco at Fes/Fez, and Fes'/Fez', first found in the same place as Prude's/Prats sharing the Mussel/Muscel fesse, which is to suggest that the Aures elements (Numidia) of Kanza are suspect with Massena Numidians.

Whatever you may have gleaned in the last update in the Sichs/Sykes', as per the "Sic" motto term of Walerans, note that Kenneths use a "Sic" motto term too, while Courcys have a SECKenden location (Somerset) in their write-up.

In the last update, Besancons and Bassets were resolved as Busca liners, and so let's mention here, for all that it can be worth, that Celles' were first found in the same place (Forez) as Besancons/Bassets. The latter's billets get us very close to Joseph liners, but as they were close to the Blaze's too, I've just thought of something new to add to the Blaze / Place/Plais / Baez/Pelaiz topic, for the latter were traced (years ago) to the Bilis river of Pamphylia, because they use the same checks as the Bils'/Bills. It tends to reveal that Blaze's, and the very naming of Bleda the Hun, was a Bilis-river liner. I'll need to chew the cud for a while with this one, before taking it seriously. Consider this, that while the stag was a symbol of the Huns, it was suspect as code for its ANTLers, for ANTALya is at Pamphylia. Antalya was right beside the Perga home of Plancia Magna and of her husband, TERTullus, which is perhaps in-code with the tortoise of the Sich Crest. Pamphylia was beside Lycaonia, where lake Tatta sits, and then Tatton Sykes is in the Sich write-up. The "Sic"-using Kenneths use a huge stag head.

Courcys of Seckenden are now virtually clinched with the Pamphylian line of Cato's Coras. The Seconds/Segurs had been suspect with Junia Secunda Caepio, a thing I investigated several times. Plancia was descended from Tigranes and Opgalli. Let's not forget that the Walkers, with a "magna" motto term, traced with full resolution (last update) to Laevillus, and especially to Leavells (Somerset). The Celles- / Psellus-suspect Ceelys/Seelys were first found next-door, in the same place as Tintagel. The Ceely Crest is a tiger, suspect with Tigranes, who married a supposedly Jewish woman that may be a direct relative of Caiaphas, perhaps even his grandmother. Ceelys use the same seated tiger as Medleys; the latter, suspect from Modi'in, and first found in the same place as Saddocks and Arundels, share bars GEMEL with Mauds and MONmouths. Monmouth is where Fane's/Fame's were first found, suspect in a "fama" motto term seen recently, but I have forgotten who. Fano, beside Chatillon-suspect Cattolica, were suspect with Font / Fontana / Fountain liners, and the Sichs call their fountains, "sykes."

It struck me here that Italian Fontana's may be using a version of the Court/Covert Coat. The Fontana Coat is missing the pale bars that Courts/Coverts use, but the pale bars are used by the Arms of Chatillon so that the Fontana surname may have evolved as a Fano-Cattolica merger into the counts of Chatillon. They were at a Chalons location (Marne river), and then the French Chalons share the Fes/Fez bend, which is why it can be the Porci bend too. Click over to the other Chalons to see that they are with the colors and format of Spice's, for the latter are with a version of the SCARborough Coat (same place as SCARfs) while Tatton Sykes of SLEDburgh was involved with a Scarborough entity. Scarborough's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Chimneys suspect in the chimney term of Blacks, the latter using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of SLEDs, while Sichs were of Sledburgh. If that's not quite enough, the Black-like Blake's list Caddells as a variation while sharing the fret of Cattolica-like Cattle's. Blake / Black liners can thus be Chatillon kin, but there are signs all over this discussion that Caddells and Cattle's were from Cato's mythical Catillus Pamphylians.

The English Blake's, showing no Caddell-like variation, have symbols that make them look linked to Crichtons / Cracks/Cricks and Crux's, which I'm tracing hard (see last update) to "Charax," a name used for at least one of Laevillus' children. Blacks use a "crux" motto term, and share a black-on-white saltire, under a Chief, with Blaze's. Both surnames even put the crescent with their saltire. The pellets (expected with surnames such as Blade's / Pilate's) on the Blake dragon can suggest that the gold Blake martlets are those of Blaze's, and therefore that the Blaik variation of Blake's is a hard form of the Blais variation of Blaze's. This is a helpful, brand-spanking-new discovery right here, effectively revealing that Blake's were near to Joseph liners. It tends to reveal that the green Blake dragon is from Emona.

As a possibility, because there were many r-to-l switches, "Blake" may have derived from "Barca." That jibes with the "mago" motto term of Josephs, for Mago was a son of Barca. If this is correct, Barca liners just traced to Bled and Emona, and therefore to Bleda and Attila, suggesting that Huns were named after Hannibal, or perhaps vice versa. It's telling me that Craigs in Agrigento were probably merged with Hannibal liners in the makings of the Attila Huns. Why do Craig-related Craigie's use an "HONeste vivo" motto? Was Vibia Varia a Hannibal liner? That is what my story is now all about: a Carthage / Numidia trace to Laevillus. This is the filthy grail of my remaining work.

The Chimneys are sharing the ANTELope of Derbys, and Derbe was a Lycaonian location near the lake Tatta now suspect with Tatton Sykes. This gets us back to Antalya and Plancia Magna at Derbe, and while I insisted that Plancia's line traced to the family of Amyntes (he conquered Derbe), his was the Galatian line suspect with the birth of Caiaphas from one of the Junia Caepionis'. The Scarborough's (SARAcen) use the same chevrons as Quints (Caepio suspect), and red, like the Chimney chevron, and then both surnames were first found in the same place as wolf-using Scarfs, important because Lycaonia had an ancient wolf symbol. The Chalons use a sea wolf, and you can read, in the last update, why the Toker sea horse traces to Seamans/Semons, suspect with Asmans / Assmans/Rasmussens...whom I traced to "AKMONia," Hasmonean-suspect home of Amyntes' great-grandson, Severus Bassus (perhaps the son or nephew of Caiaphas). Tokers were clinched in the last update with Touque's and therefore with Teegers (motto term honors Opgalli), making Tokers suspect with "TIGRanes too. Therefore, the sea wolf of Chalons traces with the sea horse of Tokers to Akmonia.

This trace to Caiaphas-suspect Galatian circles can be the importance of Chalons' sharing the colors and format of Syphax-suspect Spice's, in-turn suspect with a Quintus-Caepio line. Spice's use the colors and format of Capone's. Quintus found his vast (I say world-changing) treasure in Toulouse, amongst the Gauls that would actually become the Trocmii / Tectosages Galatians to which Amyntes belonged. But now, with Gala suspect from Gaul liners, how amazing it is to find that a Gala > Massena line can indeed trace to Akmonia, if it was a Hasmonean entity. In fact, as I see "Maccabaeus" rooted in the ancestry of Cilnius MAECENas, he has been suspect with the Murena/Moratin tower that is likely in the Scarborough Coat along with the Quint chevron.

When I first got wind of the Chimney surname, I was having multiple Signs that it pertained to Caiaphas lines of the Avezzano / Avison kind, and yet it was a brand, new idea right then that Caiaphas would trace to Avezzano. I think Porcius Cato can now clear that mystery up.

It is a fact in my mind that the Scarf wolves are the Quade wolves, and that links Scarfs to Quadratus Bassus (grandson of Severus of Akmonia). The Traby surname, listed with the Sadducee-suspect Sadowski's, uses a Q-shaped scarf, and the Traby trace to the Trebbia gets us to Placentia (blue wolf), suspect as the Place/Plais / Baez/Pelaiz bloodline from the Bilis river. I can tell you this, that I get good at making intuitive predictions from heraldic data. Intuition is when the mental computer notifies the conscience of a truth but fails to describe how that truth is realized. It's a truth known but without tangible explanation. I just know intuitively right now that Cato's line was the one to Annas, Caiaphas' father-in-law. I'd have to do a little fishing in my mental computer for the evidence, if I wanted to write it out on paper now, but, instead, I'll just wait until the fish jump into my lap, and show them to you at that time. Come, little fishies, to pappa. I have a nice frying pan to show you. And so does the German Pole/Pohl surname. Don't you know who the Frys / Freys are?

The English Pools/Pohls were first found beside the Frys (Moor head) and Asmans, and in the same place (Dorset) as the Spice-beloved Balls, the Ball-like Palins that share the Ball (and Philips) lion, and the Quints. The Pools/Pohls are using the same lion as Rita's (i.e. traceable to Syphax / Cato liners on the Tiber), and Pole's throw in a feather, symbol of the Mieske-suspect Pole's/Pohls/Pohlmans that share the Mieske bull head. Fane's/Fame's use a bull head too, but in the color of the same of Mieszko-liner Haughts. The song, Fame, by the detestable David Bowie, is coming to mind, for Fane's/Fame's are linkable to John of Gaunt, husband of Bowie-related Catherine Roet. The Fry Moor head is with "An arm emBOWED" while the Bowed surname was likewise first found in Dorset. The Bowed/Bowood Coat shows three full-blown bulls in the colors of the three bull heads of Fetch's/Vitch's. You can't have much better evidence than this for a Bowed trace to the Laevillus > Waleran line. Put some of these excellent points down on your own "paper," and start sending it to people you know (you don't need to mention me), see what they say? This is what I consider bordering on stupendous. Boweds have a SALISbury term in their write-up, perhaps a Psellus-Maccabee line.

Saliburys (same place as Frys), with white lions in Crest that were traceable (when in the Crest) to Laevillus in the last update, were traced (months ago) to Pierleoni by way of Bennets / Benedicts, but that was when I had no idea that Curtus Maccabees could trace to the Tiber river.

"Famam" is used by Fetch's/Vitch's. This is huge, I'm so glad I couldn't recall who it was [turned out to be the Gale's] with the "fama" motto term, for it caused me to check my files, finding these surnames with "faman / famam." Fetch's, suspect with the Quint fitchee, share black bull heads with Monktons, Pole's/Pohls, and Mieske's/Mesechs, but the Fetch Coat is identical to the Waleran Coat! It can trace all of the above to Laevillus, especially as the Fetch Coat is a reflection of the Quade Coat. Quade's are using the Mackay wolf heads, and Fane's/Fane's share the gauntlet glove with Maceys.

The Monktons (see Camps) are using a Faucet-suspect "factis" motto term along with "FAMAn." By what coincidence are Monktons sharing the colors and format of Capone's and Spice's, while even sharing black-on-gold stars with Capone's? Monktons were likewise (as Scarfs, Scarboroughs, Chimneys) first found in Yorkshire, The Monkton stars are in their chevron, as are the black stars of Pears/Peare's.

Fetch's/Vitch's (Berwickshire) use, "Famam extendimus factis," and Monktons use, "Faman extendere factis." That's why the Fetch's can link to the Quint fitchee. Monktons translate their term as "fame," and Fitch's translate theirs as "reputation." Amos' use "fama", a white rose on a stem, a Quadratilla-suspect quatrefoil, and share black-on-white annulets with Foggs / Figgs/Ficks.

Galatian Investigation

Back to the Fry Crest, where the Moor head is "enFILEd," an heraldic term. The "Ne VILE" motto term of Fane's/Fame's may be partly for Knee/Nee / Ny liners, and Vile's are listed with File's, using gold calves. At one time, German Bachs used a gold calf, but then made it into a bull, which they call a "steer." The Steer surname has a motto, "Tu NE cede me" (i.e. sharing "ne" with Fane's/Fame's). It appears that the Bach and Vile/File calves are linkable, but I refuse to believe that File's/Vile's were from "veal."

I've got so many traces going at the same time, it's a bit confusing. The Sterrs/Stars, first found in the same place as same-colored Frys (not forgetting that frying-pan Pole's are kin of black-bull Pohls...actually, they call it a buffalo), have been suspect with the lozenges of Cattle-like Settle's. The Sterr/Star chevron is in the colors of the Kern/Karin chevron for a trace to the Bled / Emona theater. The Sterrs/Stars happen to use a "Vive" motto term, and all such terms bring Vibia Varia to mind like flashing red lights.

Fry's are Freys and expected to be Phrygians. Akmonia was in Phrygia. Wikipedia's Acmonia article says it was in the PACAtiana area of Phrygia, which recalls that French Pac(k)s share a bull design of Bachs. The Fane's/Fame's were Veneti, from Paphlagonians, in the Phrygia theater. This was the stomping grounds of Tantalus and Pelops, rulers of (H)Eneti, the proto-Veneti. "Tantalus" was traced to "Antalya" (Pisidia) for good reasons, and the Attaleia version of Antalya was claimed (by me) as mythical Atlas, chief son of Atlantean Poseidon...explaining why Pelops married an Oenomaus line in Pisa, from Oeneus of Attaleia-like Aetolia. home of mythical Atalanta. Of interest, the Peace's/Paise's are in Fry / Frey colors, and the Pace's use besants, a symbol traceable to Severus Bassus of Akmonia. Peace's/Paise's use doves that I think are linkable to Peks/Pecks, from the Pek river of Moesia, home of Mysian elements traceable to Tantalus. The Paisleys share the anchor with same-colored English Packs (Sussex).

Cato's trace through Pamphylians went through an Atreus entity, Adrastus, and Atreus was a son of Pelops, and ruler of Argos, same theme as Cato's Amphiaraus line. It was meshed with the Danaan of Argos, we may assume, that brought up the Amphiaraus-related Hercules Danaans, who would rule Mysia for centuries until Gugu of Lydia appeared about 700 BC, the time of the Ambaris, king of Tabal. Was Tubal a Meshech ally? Yes, and there is a Moschius river in Moesia Superior, on the dark map, that turns into the Margus, flowing down by the Pek (not shown). The Moschian mountains of Colchis are near the gold-fleece area that traces to the Tantalus > Pelops > Atreus line. As Yuya is expected at mythical Gugu of Lydia, trace the Tantalus entity down the Hermus to Foca (Phocaea), and that's where I had traced Yuya's Mitanni.

I recall that Tmolus, where Tantalus ruled out of, looked like a Tubal term, but only due to SYPILus, at the Tmolus theater. "It has been suggested that there could be another personality named Tmolus, a mythical king of Lydia, a son of Sipylus and Chthonia, and the husband of Plouto and stepfather of Tantalus."

The same article reveals a bull cult in the area: "In Greek mythology [Tmolus] figures as a mountain god, a son of Ares and Theogone and he judged the musical contest between Pan and Apollo...When Tmolus was gored to death by a bull on the mountain that bears his name..." Recall the frying PAN, and that bulls started to appear just as the Frys were introduced. The Zeus cult was clearly at Tmolus, but in this particular case, where "Tmolus" is like "Semele," mother of Dionysus with Zeus, I would specify the Bacchus bull cult, and trace it to the Back / Back bulls. In that picture, Pacatiana may have been named after Bacchus elements.

Although I haven't yet located Akmonia precisely from Wikipedia's information, it's near the upper Hermus river, now the Gediz. Note that the Geddes' are kin of Majors while Majors (share the Anchor Chief, almost) share the anchor with Packs. This anchor traces well to Ancore (Nicaea in Mysia), or even to Ankara, not far from Akmonia. Phrygia was the location of the Parthenius, where I see Parthians / Persians, and Tubal with Meshech are lumped in the Persians in Ezekiel 38.

Here's from the Akmonia article: "Acmonia appears in the Notitiae Episcopatuum from the 10th to the 12th or 13th century. The first bishop whose name is known is Optimus..." It's amazing at how close that is to the "Optimum" motto term of Sheldons or the "Optem" of Teague's/Teegers. The question had been, what was Optimus named after? I haven't a clue, but there may have been an Op entity in Galatia that named Opgalli long before Optimus.

The loathsome Galatians had taken eastern Phrygia as their own domain. The Tectosages Galatians, whom were married in an alliance by the Amyntes > Bassus line, had a capital at anchor-like Ancyra. The Trocmii, to which the Bassus line belonged, had a capital at Tavium, which cased me to look up the Tapp surname, recalling that Percy had a Tapp-like entity. In any case, the Tapps happen to use the motto of Peacocks that list "Peas," like the soft versions of "Pack" that we saw above. Again, Peacocks (besants) were a Pollock sept; Pollocks lived at PAISley; Paisleys use an anchor; the Baez/Paez/Pelaiz surname, traced to the Bilis river in Pamphylia, use half the Pollock saltire. The third Galatian tribe that Wikipedia mentions were the Toulouse-possible TolistoBOGii. Tapps were first found in Dorset, same as Quints who share the fitchee with Tapps. Tapps are in the colors of fitchee-using Tarves', almost "Tav(ium)."

This was interesting enough to pursue it. The Tapps use a Coat like the Cassius'/Casano's of Hasmonean-suspect Modena, and the Trocmii are being viewed as somehow linked to Hasmoneans at Akmonia. The "just" motto term of Tapps was traced to Justine's when dealing with the Peacock motto, and Justine's (Tapp colors) use a "Causa" motto term. By some fat chance, the Justine's were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Taws" (same gyronny as Campbells and Rowans). After writing some paragraphs below, the DAVidson member of Clan Chattan came to mind as a possible Tavium liner, and the Scottish branch was first found in Perth. The Davidson Coat is roughly a colors-reversed version of the Tapp Coat, wherefore, don't assume that "David" was the original form.

The Tave's/Teve's were found listed with Touch's/Tuff's, and they are not only in the motto of Chatillon-related Chattans, but, zowie, Chattans and Chatans share the white-on-blue bend of Tappers/Teppers AND SAVE's. Plus, the Teve's/Tave's/Touch's share the green lion with Tracks/Trigs and Drigs, potential Trocmii liners. I am fairly sure that Tappers (sinister bend) are a branch of Dobers / Dobermans, both of which can link well to Mieszko's and Pollock liners. Suddenly, the Sava river can be a Tavium line, perfect for tracing Bassus' to Bassianus'. Sava-river liners of the Sauer kind traced to GALLOway's Fergus', and to the Gallery/Galloway surname itself, indication, suddenly, that Galatians were in Galloway. Hanna's were first found there.

To my amazement, Seve's, listed with Shake's/Shacks/Shakerleys, use an "OPTINENS" motto term, as though someone wanted to reflect Optimus of Akmonia. Severs are listed with Savers, like SEVERUS Bassus of Akmonia! I get it!!! But why are Shackerley liner showing a Seve variation? The Sakarya river in Phrygia can apply to "SHAKER." Brogitarus, Amyntes' father, was on the Sakarya. And so "Seve" qualifies as a Tavium liner. But why do they use mole hills? Davidsons use "SINCERE," another Sakarya-like term. And the SAPienter" motto term of the same Davidsons can be for a Save-liner surname. The Davidson Coat looks like the Pilate-Colt relationship that touches upon Perthshire (as per Colts and Pontius Pilate's mother), where Davidsons were first found. Bleds are suspect with Blade's that use the Pilate pheons, and Bloods share the stag with all three Davidson surnames. Shaws are suspect with Sava-river founders, and Shaws use the Pilotte and Pellet Coats!

Recall that Seez's/Sea's/Seighs and Assman-suspect Seamans/Semons are related to one another, and linkable to Teeger-related Tokers, for Davidsons use a "si" motto term. This is a not-bad argument toward clinching Seamans with Akmonia. There is a Mr. Rots in the Seez/Sea write-up, while Jewish Rots' are listed with the same surname as Rothschilds, and they share a white-on-blue sinister bend with Tappers. The Rots/Rothschild bend has red symbols , as do the same-colored bends of Botters and Save's.

The Tave/Touch lion is in Seve/Shakerley colors, and colors reversed from the Hume lion. Hume's were definitely merged with True/Trews, said to be from "TROG," an awful lot like "TROCmii." Trogens are listed with Tragers/Trojens, and then Troys use another unicorn. The question is, why the "mi" ending? Was it Trocum-like?

As Cassius'/Casano's linked to Sodans/Sowdens for more reason that similarity of Coats, it's very notable that they were first found in Devon, beside the first Tints and Gale's [realized later that Gale's use a Coat similar to the Sodan Coat], for as the latter two use blue unicorns, which are the colors of the symbols used by Tapps / Sowdens and Casano's, it's suggesting that these unicorns link to the one of Assmans/Rasmussens, the sinister-bend surname suspect from Akmonia. The "fear" motto term of Tapps can link to the Fire's/Feuers using the same unicorn as Assmans (they come up as "Rasmussen" too, but there is a German Rasmussen Coat too).

Another interesting thing is that while the earls of Mar (Scotland) looked linked to Tarves elements, the Scottish Mars use the same lion as Tools, perhaps from the Tolistobogii. The Tapp motto in full, "Be just and fear NOT," and the Clan-Chattan motto includes, "Touch NOT the cat." It ends with, "BOT a glove," part-code for Botters that share a white-on-blue bend with Tappers/Teppers. Unfortunately, I can't find a Tapp name with a Tarp / Tarv variation.

"not" can be partly for Nottings, which might indicate that the Bugs, first found in Nottinghamshire, were of the TolistoBOGii. German Bugs are the ones once showing the same martlet as Josephs. The Notts, first found in Derbe-suspect Derbyshire, use another unicorn. The Tease's/Tighs/THYs (in Thigh/Thy colors), first found in Nottinghamshire with same-colored Annas', can be a branch of Opgalli-loving Teague's/Teegers, and Opgalli is known to have been a Galatian. I've traced Tease's to the Tessin/Ticino river, home of both the Laevi and the Marsi-suspect Marici that the Mars may have belonged to. Again, the other Tease's/Tecks/Tess's (like "TECtosages") are using Laevi-suspect leaves on a saltire in colors reversed from the ANNANdale saltire, and Annas of Israel was also called, ANANus/Hanan. The Laevi were Gauls operating in known history about the time the proto-Galatian Gauls entered Anatolia (not long before the first-known Hasmoneans). The Taws above list "Tass," and there is another Tass/Tack surname in Tease/Tigh/Thy colors, and sharing a greyhound with collar with Tapps.

In case you've forgotten, this discussion concerns Tavium, the capital of the Galatians I've been investigating for many months. I don't recall doing such an investigation before. Fortunately, I didn't forget the TYsons, using the Tave/Touch lion in colors reversed! The Tyson lions are in Fry / Frey colors and format, and they are Phrygian suspects.

The Peas'/Peacocks, now very traceable to Tavium, put a stemmed rose in the mouth of their Crest peacock, and while the "stem" term is not used in the write-up, it may have been an old symbol for Stems/Steins that I link to Coverts, interesting where the Peacock Coat can be a version of the Covert Shield. A Covert/Court trace to Tavium could go a long way to tracing Curtus-branch Maccabees there, and we already saw Coverts/Courts suspect with Chatillon liners. Simply put, I'm amazed that Chatillon liners were part of this Tavium investigation. Porcius Cato may have been tracing his Catillus - Coras - Tiburtus brothers to Galatians in the Pamphylian circles. The proto-Galatian Gauls had entered Anatolia in his lifetime, and Gauls had a special fondness for boars.

I've never seriously viewed the Gully/Golly surname as a version of "Opgalli" because, in using the black-on-white Julian crosses, it's expected to be a Julian branch. But there are signs that Gullys link to the right / Caiaphas elements for linkage also to Opgalli. Perhaps Gullys were a Gaul union with Julians. Virgil stuck Julians in with his Aeneas line, and I think he was secretly playing on the Hannibal line with "Aeneas." It would be good to know what he intended with Aeneas' girlfriend, the queen of Carthage, "Dido." Was it some part of the Ditt bloodline (strip-less tiger) that was linked to the "diem" motto term of Teague's/Teegers? After all, Teague's use the crosses of Gullys/Gollys.

Somehow, the Arthurian myth writer(s) knew that Dido, by her alternative name, something like "Elaine," was linked to the Arthurian Swan Knight, and for me that goes to the swan liners, Locks/Licks and Logens/Lochs. But the Swan Knight was made a son of Percival, and he was given the name, for a reason, "Grail King." We now know that Percival was a Laevillus > Waleran line touching upon Yvery, suspect with Arduinici of Ivrea, but Arduinici were in Liguria too, home of the ancient swan liners...between Savona and Sion/Sitten. And that's where the "Sine" motto term of Gollys/Gullys can come in, for Sine's are listed with Swans while German Julians use crescents in colors reversed from the same of Seatons/Sitten. And we saw a Seaton location at the end of the Axe river through the land of the first-known English Leavells. The Were's of the Axe use a bend in colors reversed from the same of Iverys (Cawley lion?), and the latter were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Gullys/Goule's and Leavell-related Amore's.

The Vere's of Oxford likely apply, and Weirs/Vere's are using a version of the Nagle Coat while the Weir / Vere motto term, "nihil," is therefore code for Nihills/Neils. The "Nil" motto term of Gullys can be for Neils, and one branch of Neils were Nagle's, like "Oneglia," home of the Ligurian Arduinici i.e. that had a branch at Ivery-suspect Ivrea. Now that the Neil Coat is found to be like the Coat of Shawia-like Cawleys, it reminds of the trace of Vere-suspect Guerin of Provence to the Shawia. Cawleys/Auleys were traced confidently to the naming of Laevillus' sons with a Aulus term, which was the name also of Aulus TERENTius VARRO Murena. We just made a decent Varro-Murena link to Vere's, the latter using the same Quadratilla-suspect QUADRants as Masseys. TRENTs were first found in the same place as Were's, and while Tarents share the Courcy eagles, the island of Corse/CORSica is off-shore from Oneglia. Was Corsica part of the Coras entity of Porcius Cato? Gala / Massena Numidians were at Oneglia (Imperia), weren't they?

It appears that Waleran's father, William Gouel de Perceval, was of the Goule variation of Gullys, but, if so, does it actually trace Gouel's name back to the Galli-suspect thing that named, OpGALLI?

Let's go back to the theory that Gala/Gaia, father of king Massena, was a Gaul liner, and let's imagine a family taking on his name, and arriving to Galatia as one of its founders. The Gays share the gold rooster with Galli's, first found in Dauphine, essentially beside Savoy, where the first Gays and Julian-suspect Guilletsre were located. The Massena stars are those also of Payens, first found in Dauphine. The Jay > Jacob line was linkable to James', and they share the dolphin with Dauphine and with Caesars (same place as Massins/Masons), while Jays use the three red-on-white roses in the Caesar Chief. The Galli's are in Massena colors, and moreover, to my incredible amazement, because it was unexpected as this paragraph started, the jay-using Poitvins use a Coat that is essentially colors reversed from the Galli Coat! Let me record here what they use. Galli's: a red Shield with a blue Chief having three gold stars; Poitvins: a blue Shield with a red Chief having three gold stars. I am completely amazed, this is a big deal, especially as Poitvins are said to be Wenceslaus / Kunigunda liners. Jays are said to be from De Gai (Normandy).

Recall that Swedish Jacobsons used a Jeppson variation like the Jephsons of Jeffersons, for \hJays are using the blue Jefferson griffin because they were both first found in Herefordshire, but as these as Crest items, it recalls the blue unicorns shared in the Crests of Gale's and Tints! Zowie, this is incredibly-important because Tintagel was, surely, an Arduinici line to king Arthur. The Jay bend can even be the bend of Ade's, first found in the same place as Arthurs. Jeffersons/Jephsons share a "cruce" motto term with Gullys/Gollys.

It's starting to appear as though a Massena merger with Romans ended up giving birth to Julius Caesar, and from roughly that situation, a Gaia/Gala line naturally become involved, leading to Jacobs and Jeffersons. The latter are thought (by me) to be using the Messey/Messier saltire, linkable to the Croziers. If you became familiar with the Creuse - Crozier - Wood discussion in the last update, as it traced to Rita's / Pierleoni, let me say that I neglected to include the Cruce surname (almost the Jefferson Coat) that shares the Crozier cross (even more like the Jefferson Coat) having the same fleur-de-lys as Massena-related Masci's. The latter two both share a sinister bend with the Akmonia-suspect RasMUSSENs, and both are in Galli colors. The Jeffersons with the blue griffin are using a version of the Wood Coat, itself a version of the Crozier Coat, and the Woods is what helped to link Crozier liners to "piece-of-wood" Rita's that share the Croce / Creuse lion. If not mistaken, the Syphax discussion concerning Tibur came after the Creuse link to Rita's. The crozier-using Were's were of the Axe river.

The Cruce's were first found in Languedoc, where I think Numidians settled. Cruce liners are expected from mythical Creusa, which Virgil made the wife of Aeneas. It doesn't appear coincidental at all, and we have seen cause for linking Julians of the Gully kind smack to Creusa. But as Creusa and Aeneas were at Agrigento, where likely the Aeneas-Dido link was important, let me say that the Anchors/Annackers, now suspect with Ancyra (may have been the modern Ankara), the capital of the Tectosages Galatians, were traced to the Arms of Agrigento. That can mean that Julian liners in Agrigento evolved to the Galatians that named Opgalli. Wikipedia says that Agrigento was founded by the Gela Sicilians, making Gela suspect with the naming of king Gala, for Gela is beside Messina. The Scarborough's, sharing perhaps the Murena/Moratin tower (and the Quint chevron), use a Saracen, and Saracens were in the Gela-to-Messina stretch. The red Gully chevron can be suspect with the Quint chevron, especially if Julius Caesar was the father of a Caepio with Servilia Caepionis.

It's interesting that while Croziers are said to be from Liddesdale, Little's use a "Magnum" motto term, and were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Walker-related Leavells. While English Walkers use "magno," Scottish Walkers, with pale bars in Leavell-bar colors, share a white saltire with Little's. The walker-related and annulet-using Walsh's were first found in Roxburghshire, and so Little's appear as part of the Laevillus > Walker line in connection with some Plancia-Magna line. Little's are said to be from the Esk river's EWARSdale, an Yvery-like term. I'm seeing something quite amazing here, for as Esk-like Eschyna de Molle had a surname first found in Roxburghshire, along with the Googe's that Molle's share the boar head with, king Gugu of Lydia came to mind at a perfect place, for Porcius Cato was born in Tusculus, where I trace "Dascylus," mythical father of Gugu!!! The implications would be huge if provable. Tusculus is on the Tuscany-Latin border, and while Etruscans are traced in myth to a son of mythical Lydia/Liddus, Latins are clearly from that people group. Gugu liners should therefore be expected in Tusculus, and here it appears that Gugu liners are touching upon Porcius Cato.

The de-Molle's may be of the mole hills of Seve's/Shakerleys, now tracing to Severus-Bassus / Shawia / Sava-river liners in the Sakarya river i.e. in/beside Lydia. The Googe's may have been of the Gaucher names that ruled Chatillon, and that entity was a Porcius-Cato specialty. "Gaucher" is like "Gough," and the latter use the Googe boars too. The Gaucher/Gocher surname (Dauphine, same as Galli's), use a version of the Galli Chief, but instead of gold stars, Gauchers use Bassus-suspect besants, a great way to trace Gala Numidians to Severus Bassus at Akmonia! Akmonia can't be far from the Sakarya. As Gauchers have Cock-like variations, the Goggle's/Cockhills can apply because they share the rooster with Galli's. As the rooster was likely a Galli symbol first of all, I would suggest that Gugu liners merging with Galli liners developed Cock-like variations as word-play on the rooster symbol.

Let's now go back to the Dido code used by Virgil, suspect with Ditts and Diems/Dittmayers, and linkable in particular to the Gully surname's black-on-white crosses. The Gauchers use black-on-white crosses almost the same as the Julian / Teeger / Gully crosses. But the Cockhills use a "custoDIT" motto term...that begins to reveal Dido as part of the Gala-Numidian line. Gala's Numidians lived beside Carthage, and were allied to Carthage until Gala went over to the Romans. The Cockhill chevron is also the Gully chevron! The Cockhill write-up speaks on their links to castle Cary, found also in the Leavell write-up.

The Nons/Nevins are in the Nagle motto, and as the "Nil" motto term of Gullys is expected to be of the Nails/Neils/Nagle's, the "Non" motto term of Cockhills should apply to Liguria's Oneglia. Note that Irish Neils can be using the red hand and red lion of Cawleys, for the latter traced to Syphax suspects in the Pierleoni family.

There are so many things happening here that I'm getting over-loaded for drawing out the implicated historical picture. Julians, which Virgil lumped into his Aeneas story, are linking to Gugu suspects, and the latter may have been none other than the Biblical Gog, whom I fully expect with the Lato-Roman dragon of Revelation. As per my trace of Gugu to the Yuya Mitanni, but what coincidence do Ditts share the tiger with Medleys? Why do the Cockhills use a "dorMIT" motto term? It's an incredible thing that Cockhills and their Cock / Coch kin are thus tracing to a Yuya-founded Gogi entity.

The Medley-related Methleys (trace with Foggs / Ficks/Figgs to Foca of Lydia and Methymna in LESbos) share three fesse bars in the colors of the Julian pale bars. I calculate that Lydians were birthed mythically from a Galli priesthood presiding over Cybele...her home was at Pessinos upon the Sakarya river. Therefore, Gullys/Goule's can be from those Galli stupids, but as they were the Laish Levites, in my opinion, from Jonathan of Laish, it can not only explain the roosters of Jonathans, but can trace with the Laevillus line to Gouel de Percival. Josephus traced his Curtus and Psellus lines to Jonathan Maccabee.

I trace Medleys along with Foggs to Foca near the mouth of the Gediz (Lydia), which is the river having a source at/near Akmonia. At one point, Ezekiel paints the Tyrian ruler as satan himself, and Tyrians founded Carthage. In fact, Virgil makes Dido a Tyrian princess, and then Etruscans, from the Troy theater, were called, TYRRhenians. It could appear as though Dido was the Tyro-Lydian = Gugu line to Etruscans. Hercules, part of the ancestry of Cato's mythical brothers, was a known, Tyrian human-sacrifice cult.

With "Gaucher," the Gowers came to mind, not forgetting that Cato uses a Coras character along with his Chatillon specialty. We saw how Gore's link squarely to Julians, but look at the Gowers/Gohers/Gore's ("non" motto term) are using nearly the Julian cross in black, and sharing a wolf in Crest with Julian-related Teegers. I'm not saying that Gowers were a branch of Gauchers, as that's not established at this point, but the possibility is there. What we can bank on is that Julians link to Cato's Cowards are definitely related to Gower(d) because the Coward double-fesse bars with white symbols are those of Flecks/Flacks while Gowers use a "flectis" motto term. See also the Palmers/Parmers, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Gowers, making the Gower bars suspect with the same-colored Tarr bars for a Gower-kin trace to the Taro river at Parma. In fact, this tends to clinch Tarrs with the Taro river. Nons/Nevins, in the Gower motto, use a PALM branch.

[Later in this update, the Willard surname (Flack colors), Crusader-important and to become suspect with the Bilis river of Pamphylia, bring us to some flasks that I decipher with the Flash/FLACKman surname. Mystery. ]

I can't come to terms with whether Gower-like Gophers were Sophonisba liners, but, in any case, Gophers are in Gough-boar and Non/Nevin colors, and use a saltire in colors reversed from the Nail/Nagle saltire. It's a not-bad reason to see Gauchers as a Gower / Gopher branch. The Nail/Nagle saltire is also the Brian saltire, and Brians trace to Briancon, near Guillestre, and once called, Brigantium, making it a Phrygian suspect. The Non-like Nuns/None's use a "modo" motto term that can be for Modane, near Briancon. Briancon and Guillestre are on the Durance river of the Salyes, and then the Sale fleur-de-lys can be on the black-and-white (i.e. Julian-cross colors) cross of Nevers'/NEVE's. If the latter, who share a "Sola" motto term with the "Sola salus" phrase of Gore's/Cores, can be linked to Gowers, I would be more prepared to resolve that Gophers were Sophonisba liners, for Dan Brown's da-Vince Code has a "Sophia-NEVEu" code that I see as partly for Sophonisba. There is a Neveu surname listed with English Neve's. If Nevers/Neve's were Non/Nevin liners, than Nevers/Neve's can link to the Gower motto. It just so happens that Yuya's grandfather, king AkhenATEN (named as per their Atun sun god), and Akhenaten's wife, NEFERtiti, trace definitely to NEVERS and adjacent AUTUN. This is some profound evidence that Yuya did have a tribe tracing to the naming of Gugu.

For further background to Neveu/Neve liners, it's fish is probably of the same-colored fish of Italian Barbera's (Sicily). As Cato's three brothers were traced by him to Hercules-related PAMphylians, Bamm-Bamm, a character of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon people, is coming to mind. If Barbera's were Berbers, where should we trace Hanna's? Why are the Barbera fish on red, like the fish of Geddes' suspect with Getuli Numidians? Aren't Geddes' kin of Majors whose kin in-turn were Anchors, whose kin-in-turn were in Sicily's Agrigento? Were Barbera's at Agrigento, therefore? Can we trace them to the Tectosages capital? The Scarborough towers are apparently in the Coat of Spanish Barbera's, suggesting a Barbera / Mauritanian link to Sicily's Saracens.

Yuya's daughter, Akhenaten's mother, was TIYE, traceable to the Tye's/Tighs/Tease's, Tysons, and Thighs/Tye's that were tracing well to Tavium, the capital of the Bassus-line Galatians.

Note that French Goughs are also "Gouws'. I feel that this is huge for proving Gugu traces to Goughs/Goffs / Gophers/Gofers / Gowers and Gore's. I have a hard time reconciling "Gore" with "Gugu," and might be more disposed to viewing a Coras-liner merger with Gugu liners in forming the Gower-Gore relationship. The Nevers cross is that also in the Gaucher Coat. Although the Nevers cross can link to the Sinclair cross because Nevers share a gold Crest with Sinclairs, yet the Nevers cross can be that of Flack-like Aflacks.

It may seem unlikely that the Kemmis surname traces all the way back to Yuya at his home in Egyptian Kemmis, but one never known what proto-Templars knew of their ancestry that has never been recovered in print. The Kemmis Coat looks linkable to the pale bars owned by the Counts of Chatillon. It could appear that Yuya liners went through the specialty of Porcius Cato, and his own family to boot. The Cams, first found in the same place as Kemmis' and Flack-related Samsons, use pale bars, and they happen to be half in the colors of the Court/Covert pale bars. Letts, first found in the same place as Cams and Kemmis', use organ pipes linkable to the lizards of Organs and Corrigans, and Lizarts are using pale bars in the colors of the Cam pale bars. Why are Lizarts also "Sardo," like "Sardis," the Lydian capital? Why did Porcius Cato have some business in SARDinia? That's where Avezzano's were first found, and Cato had property at Sabina, which property may have been at/near Avezzano.

As the Cam bars are identical to those of Babels, should we be tracing Yuya > Gugu liners to the Bible/Bibo surname? It uses the Cockhill rooster, doesn't it? Ah, yes. It looks like Vibia VARia was a Gugu liner. And the Drakenberg VERE's trace themselves to Mitanni! The Fiers/Fears (in the Tapp motto) were first found in the same place (Middlesex) as Babels and the Sich-related Kissers, the latter two using the chevrons with fountains of Cass'/Casts, Kiss'/CUSH's and CUSTs. The latter might just be in the motto of Mitanni-suspect Cockhills: "Non dormit qui custodit." And the Bible's/Bibo's use CUSHions! Cockhills were first found in the same place as Gower-related Palmers/Parmers.

Let's go back to what was asked above, "Gala / Massena Numidians were at Oneglia (Imperia), weren't they?" Boofima in Africa was operated by an IMPERI peoples that trace excellently to Imperia. Boofima was a human sacrifice cult expected to link to the same of Carthage. I traced the Imperi to PERIgord long before realizing that the Boofima-based Roets (same place as Were's and the Ivery-suspect Percivals from Yvery) were using the Gord boar heads. In the meantime, I had been toying with a Gord trace to "PeriGORD," and so that now seems clinchable. The Boeufs/Beefs, first found in Perigord, were my evidence for a Boofima trace to that place, and I made light of the fact that the Beouf/Beef fesse is colors reversed from the Non/Nevin fesse, itself colors reversed from the Nagle fesse, assuring that Nagle's link to Beoff/Beef liners, which assures that Imperia's namers were at Perigord, and that Nagle's were out "Oneglia." Note the "non vox" motto phrase of Nagle's, linkable to the Vaux line that was married by Gouel de Percival. Walerans use "vos." And the Vaux-like Faux surname is listed with Saunier-suspect Chaulnes', first found in Perigord along with Saunier's/Saulnier's.

Long before investigating a Gale trace to king Gala for the first time in this update, and after tracing Boofima to the Shawia / Massena Numidians, I noted the NainGALE version of Nagle's, and its Nan-using variations. The Noons/None's share the gold lion paw with Quints, but then the Boofima cult, about which almost nothing is said online, are said to have used leopard gloves in their sacrifices. That is, the priests would wear the paws / claws of leopards for some sort of sadistic, mystical significance. Boofima was introduced to me years ago by someone who came to read some of these updates, and is still reading some today, and still helping out. We are getting hot at the bottom of the Masonic abyss.

The Gale fesse with gold lion heads is a perfect reflection of the Nagle fesse with gold lozenges. It's not coincidental that Nagle's evolved a Naingale variation. The blue, Tint unicorn is seated, as is the blue, Jay griffin, which tends to convince me further that Gala/Gaia liners went to the Jays / Gays and Tint-related Gale's. It effectively traces Gala Numidians to Imperia, but also to Perigord, not far from the Toulouse tressure. That lost "fama" motto term was just re-found with Gale's. The Fane/Fame / Faman / Famam discussion had led to the Waleran bull heads.

The Hanna's, first found in Galloway, use blue stags that I'm now eyeing specifically with the color of the Tint / Gale unicorns. Hanna's can be Hannibal liners following Gala Numidians to the naming of Galloway. Numidians had been in Kent, where there was the AXton location of Actons, the kin of Skipton-related Cravens, and then Actons are not only in the Craven / Court/Covert mottoes, but in the Covert fesse. Axtons may have named the Axe river, therefore, which i see stacked with Gale / Tint liners. Actons were suspect from Acte, ancient home of mythical Ogyges, like the Gyges version of Gugu.

As Courcys / Courts/Coverts became momentarily suspect with the namers of Corsica because it's off the Imperia coast, the Gords may trace to the same. We saw why Porcius Cato may have traced to something in Sardinia, and then GALLura, in northern Sardinia, facing the Corsica coast about ten miles off, is the place where the Visconti's got their rooster symbol.

After the Cassius Coat was said to be similar with the Tavium-suspect Tapp Coat, this was said: "As Cassius'/Casano's linked to Sodans/Sowdens for more reason that similarity of Coats, it's very notable that they were first found in Devon, beside the first Tints and Gale's ["semina" motto term linkable to Assmans], for as the latter two use blue unicorns, which are the colors of the symbols used by Tapps / Sowdens and Casano's, it's suggesting that these unicorns link to the one of Assmans/Rasmussens, the sinister-bend surname suspect from Akmonia." It wasn't realized at the time that Gale's (and Nagle's) use a Coat similar with the Sodan / Cassius Coats. Similarity is insufficient for making hard links, but it's a starter, and very useful when additional linkage is found by other methods. I expect Gale-like terms in GALatia's Tavium, but the proto-Galatians were Gauls all around the Perigord area.

It occurs to me that the Gugu entity forming "Gaucher" may have been the line that formed, "Jack / Jacques / Jacob / Jay." Gauchers were first found in the same place as Galli's, and the latter were likely Jay liners if they were from king Gaia. Therein lies the importance of a Jay equation with Jacobs, if in fact that equation is correct. One Jacob Coat uses a COURant greyhound for a distinct Coras-Chatillon possibility. German Jacobs use a moline cross linkable to the Googe-related Molle's, and to Jacques de Molay. Gauchers came back to topic only because they were seen using a version of the rooster-using Galli Coat. Both Galli surnames use the rooster for a fairly-obvious trace to Gallura. That in itself makes a Chatillon link to the Corsica vicinity (for Goucher was a ruler of Chatillon). The Gallery variation of Galloways sure does look like "Gallura."

The Galway area of Ireland is likely related to Scotland's Galloway, and then Galways were first found in the same place, Corsica-like Cork, as Courcy's. As Cork is the location of MUSkerry, note that Galways use the MOSca leopard in Crest, though they call it "a cat," making Galways linkable to the same cat in the Chives Crest. Yet, the Galway motto is that of the Keiths, wherefore we have just found a way to clinch Chives' with Keiths (the latter were already clinched with Meschin liners). Mosca's were in the Agrigento area, part of the Creusa line of Julians / Gullys, from Gela, beside Messina. If you recall, Galli's are in Messina/Massena colors. This recalls that the first-known Bassianus', in the besants of Galli-related Gauchers, liked the name, Julius / Julia. In other words, Julia Maesa Bassianus is tracing to Muskerry. Strongbow Clare is in the Galway write-up while French Galli's share the besants-in-Chief of French Clairs, tending to assure that the gold Galli rooster is also the gold Sinclair rooster.

The Kerrys share an hourglass-like design with Jewish Goulds, and the Gould lion is also the Goulet/Goulin lion, as well as that of Fergusons/Ferris', kin of Fergus' of Galloway. Their upright gold lions can be the same of Italian Gallus'. German Gallus', the ones with the Goplo-line rooster, were first found in the same place as German Jacobs, the ones with the de-Molay moline. But at one time, his Wikipedia article had him with a black-on-white moline, the symbol of Chives! You understand what this was, as pertains to Templar ancestry. It was the children of the killers of Christ, wearing a Christian mask, and taking up the sword, in the name of Christ, the One who forbade his followers to use the sword.

The Gould hourglass design is colors reversed from that of Spanish Barbera's, and the latter throw in some CAULDrons. Gould liners? There are two Cauld surnames, one listed with Cole's (black bull) first found in the same place as Tintagel. The other Caulds are the Colts/Cults that share roughly the motto of Laevillus-liner Walsh's. Caulders (share the Walsh swan), an obvious branch of Colts/Cults, with another "non" motto term, show a Caddel variation that may betray their Catillus line. Caulders are traced in their write-up to an early Mr. Caddell. They are kin to this Caddel surname ("CADet") using the Chaddock / Chadwick escutcheon. Suddenly, Cato's Catillus liners may have been a stock of proto-Sadducees. Caulders / Caddels share the stag with Keiths.

The Fergus write-up suggests that this gold lion is that of Sforza's, first found in the same place (Rome) as the Rita's using the same lion, almost. It's known that Sforza's received the titles of some Visconti's...suggesting that Fergus liners were linked to Gallura-Visconti liners. And that can explain why Italian Galli's/Gallus'/GALLARini's, using a rooster, were first found in Rome.

It is no small thing to find this Sardinia-Corsica picture tracing to Rome, for that's where Porcius Cato's third mythical brother, Tiburtus, was from. And we just saw the Gallura liners crossing the Keith CATTI, making the Keiths suspect from the stock of peoples after which Porcius Cato was named. The three Keith pale bars are gold on red, and the three pale bars of the counts of Chatillon were likewise on red. The Keith Chief is a reflection of the Galli Chief. I am now convinced that Catillus liners were at Gallura, which can explain why Cato had Roman-government business in Sardinia.

If "WALERan" was a Galli / Gallura liner, it would not be surprising. The Aulus names given to Laevillus children may have been names from Gauls, and as such, either Laevillus or Quadratilla were from Gauls / Galatians. The Laevi Gauls seem applicable. I've just found Gelans (apparently Jewish) by entering "Geller" during the writing of this paragraph to this point. They were first found in the same place (Silesia) as some early Gallus' and Jacobs. Gellers/Gelans (Vaux colors) share the annulets of Waleran-suspect Viponts/VISponti's, from VIEUXpont. It starts to appear that Caiaphas should be predicted as a Numidian-Gaul mix.

The Geller/Gelan annulets are also those of Ladys/Laudymans, important because Lords/Lauds (beside the Ladys/Laudimans) are in the Glasgow motto while Glasgow's share a blue-on-white chevron with Gauchers. Below their chevron, in the BASE of the Coat, BESANT-using Gauchers apply a single red star, in the colors of the Glass stars. Gleasons are using their Glass stars on a white bend, a symbol connectable to the star-on-bend of Botters that I know as kin of Cato's/Chattans. The blue-on-white chevron under discussion is therefore linkable to a painting in Wikipedia's Challant article where the chevrons are in the floor tiles. The rulers of Aosta's Challant were traced (end of February) to Chatillon liners, which was the time that Gaucher of Chatillon was found. He was related to the Higgs, very linkable to the Hicks and therefore to the Hykes/Hacks (same place as Chives') that use the same black cross as Gauchers, and the same quadrants of Chives. I trace Glass liners to the Clausula river, location, I have read, of Koplik/Cupionich, and this location is where the Kopple's trace who share the Gallus rooster. Compare "Glass" with "Gallus." It tends to reveal that Gellers/Gelans were Glass liners, and that Gellers/Gelans are indeed using the Laud annulets.

As Glasgows use a "LET" motto term, the Letts look applicable to Ladys and to the "Lady Fortune" in the Klassen Coat. SUDDENLY, the Gala Numidians are suspect at the Clausula, and at Glasgow! It makes sense where Koplik, and the Pollocks of Glasgow, trace to the Goplo-rooted Mieszko's. While Letts use "organ PIPE's," the Pipe's were first found in the same place as Gale's, the latter now suspect as a branch of Glass' of the Gallus-Anonymous kind. Lady Fortune holds a Banner while German Banners (version of the Cocker Coat?) were first found roughly in the same place as Mieske's and German Gallus'. Italian Galli's, though showing "Gallus," do not come up when entering "Gallus." The knight in the Crest of Scottish Banners, whom is linkable to the Arms of Chatillon via the Knights, has an arm-and-sword like that of Mieske's. English Banners use a fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Italian-Galli rooster. As indication that Numidians are behind Banners, the motto of English Banners is, "NIL SINE NUMINE." "NIL Sine" is shared by Gullys/Gollys/Goule's (!), excellent for equating Glass' with Gallus'. And while I identified "Glass" with "Valais," the latter is the name of the area around Sine-related Sion! Yes, and the Glass Crest shares the MeluSINE mermaid with the Valais-rooted Walsers.

Knights were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Lords/Lauds (and Chatillon-related Blois'), but as Mieszko's daughter was mother to king Cnut, I now think that Knights and Nitons/Knightons apply to "Cnut." I had not noticed how the Banner knight could be the Mieske arm until now. So, we are finding a Chatillon link to Glass liners just as there seemed to be a Chatillon link to Galli liners previously. And while Kyle's and Cole's were Mieszko liners, while Kyle's were kin of Shawia-Numidian liners, so we find Kyle's sharing the Glass / Gaucher star. In my work, Quintus Caepio must trace both Koplik/Cupionich at the Clausula, and to the COLapis = Kupa river. Cope's/Colps and Copps happen to share the same chevron as Glasgows. Cole liners trace to the Colapis, making mythical KOLODziej of the Goplo mouse tower suspect with a Clausula > Colapis line. Chances are, the Cavii around the Clausula named the Sava at the Colapis theater, and to this it can be added that the Save bend looks linkable to the bend of Cato-related Botters.

It just struck me that "KolodZIEJ" is part-code for Sieg liners. Note how Jewish Siegs are sharing the German-Coch lozenges, for Cockhills use the rooster. While German Cochs share the same fesse as Gale's, English Cochs were first found in the same place as Cole's (Mieske bull) and Gale's (and Tintagel). Amazing "coincidence." It's the Gale's who have a "raCOGLia" motto term that got the Coogle's/Cockhills to topic in the first place. Where Mieszko's trace to king Massena, Gale's can now trace better to Gala. And Gale's with Cochs put gold symbols upon their fesses...making the Gale symbol, lion heads, suspect with the same-colored lions of Jewish Goulds / Goulets, which were suspect with the lions of Gallus', Fergusons and Sforza's. The Sforza lion holds a "quince," while Quint-related Quince's were first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Ladys/Laudymans. Things are clicking right-on track with this new idea that Siegs were Kolodziej liners. Reminder' the Gale motto term, "semina," was traceable via Rasmussens/Assmans to Akmonia, in the Sakarya area.

English Cochs are listed with Corks/Core's, and said to derive in "Gouch," but this looks like a Gooch/Googe / Gaucher merger with Courcy / Gore/Core liners. If correct, it makes Gowers more suspect as a Gaucher branch.

SIEGers/Seegers/Sagars are sharing the Arms-of-Rothschild quadrants, which share a central escutcheon with the Sieger/Seeger Coat. [I didn't yet know while writing here that the Wheelwright Crest has an escutcheon in the colors of the same of Siegers, important because Kolodziej was called, the wheelwright]. Proto-ROTHschilds were Pollocks, and then the RODhams honor the Alters/COLTers (KOLODziej liner) in their motto while Alters/Colters (same chevron as Cope's/Colps) share the Catherine wheel of Catherine ROET with Wheelwrights. As Roets were Rieti liners, which by the way traces Rodhams and Rothschilds to Rieti, note that Titus' use another white escutcheon, highly suspect with the Chappes Moor head. Titus' link to Catherine Roet where her husband, John of Gaunt, was at the Gironde theater, for the Arms of Gironde use the blue-and-white gyronny of Scottish Picards (makes the early Roets of Picardy suspect with Picards), half in the colors of the Titus gyronny. The Speck/Spake- / Syphax-suspect Cavetts were first found in Picardy, and are in Picard colors.

It's notable that Scottish Picards throw in the same fleur-de-lys as Petro's, for Roets likely trace to Flavius Petro. It's a good reason for linking the Reed saltire to the Petro Coat.

Cale's were first found in TIPPERay, possibly from Tibur/Tivoli, where Syphax died. Italian Cale's/Cala's (Sicily) look like they should be a merger with Fortuna's, Greys, and the Hannibal-possible Hun surnames. I've been tracing GREYhounds to the mythical Graeae Amazons for years, which checks out again and again in heraldic traces. The Meshwesh were African Amazons, and Fortuna's use the greyhound, but as Lady Fortune is suspect with Fortuna's, while she is in the Coat of Gala-suspect Klassens, it speaks for itself. Rodhams were first found in the same place as GREYS, and Greys are using the lion of Japodes-suspect Joplins. By what coincidence were Japodes in Gorski?

I didn't know while writing above that Joplins are using the a near-replica of the Galli Coat!!! Excellent. They both use the same Chief, with red Shields below. We are verifying that Gala's descendants led to Galli's and Glass' too. This arms me with a powerful tool for linking Massena liners to many others not previously known.

The Galt-like variations of Galli's just prompted a loading of the Galts (upright bear), to find a "vincit" motto term shared by Shaws, and first found in the same place as Rollo's that use a "fortuna" motto term, absolutely no guff at all. It tends to link Massena Numidians to the Shawia Numidians, fully expected, and Rollo clan badge (midway down the Rollo page) is using the COLT/CULT/CELT stag head (Hannibal- / Hun-suspect symbol) because the two surnames were first found in the same place. It looks like Colts/Cults and related Calders/Caddels can be Gala liners of the GALT kind, and to this it is very necessary to repeat that Cadells are using the escutcheon of Sadducee-suspect Chaddocks / Chadwicks, which is in the colors of the Wheelwright / Sieg escutcheon, thus making a COLT/Cult link to KOLODziej. Colters (in the area of Glasgow) can therefore apply to this Numidian line.

As Chads use the POTENT cross, as do some eSCUTcheon suspects, note that Galts use a motto, "PATENTia Vincit," for as no Potent surname comes up, the Patents are suspect with Potentia liners. The Keens/Keans, a branch of Keons that are in "escutCHEON," use another white escutcheon. Galts use a "pennant flying."

The Galt bear has a "muzzle," a Musselburg code used by the Alis' (Keith motto in reverse) that likewise use the "vincit" motto term. We have just linked Gala liners to the Keith Catti, almost-certainly the Porcius-Cato bloodline. Again, the Keith pale bars are likely the ones used by the counts of Chatillon, and the Chatillon-related Knights (spur) are now being viewed as a Mieszko > Cnut line. A spur is on the SHOE of the leg in the Crest of Shaw-related Ayers, and then there's a knight in the Shoe/Schuch Coat. The Schuchs are likely kin of Skeochs who list "Skit," and the latter share the Skeets/Sheet Coat, both of them sharing the potent cross with Scheds. It's clear that Galts were potent-cross liners to the Potentia area in the boot of Italy. If you don't know, the Templar flag of Jerusalem used a potent cross, symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon.

German Gelts/GeltSAYER (Urban / Massena bend?) may have been linked to Sarah's/Sayers that use a motto suspect for the Alis-related, bear-using Forbes'. Galts/Galtsayers were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as German Trips that now show a shoe but once showed the Massey/Massa boots exactly. Neither surname shows the boot any longer. English Trips, sharing the Gore crosslets, were first found in the same place (Kent) as Massins/Masons. Do you see how things pan out well when there is correct interpretation of people groups behind the surnames? Heraldry is good for identifying surnames with people groups.

The Guel-like variations of the Galli's suggest the Whellers listed with "Wheel." The Wheels (molines) were first found in the same place as Meschins, and seem to be using a version of the Meschin / Mussel Coat. There are multiple reasons for viewing the Wheel moline as a colors reversed one of Chives' in particular. But then Mathis (same moline as Chives') were first found in the same place as Messeys/Messier's, and while Mathis' definitely trace to the Mathis river (modern Mat), that is the area of Tirana, which uses a white-on-blue wolf, symbol not only of Meschin-related Hugh Lupus, but of the Flynns that were just looked up as per the "FLAGs and pennant FLYINg" of Galts (Flags/Flacks share the Meschin and Samson scallops). It's no small thing to be able to trace Massena liners to the Maccabee-suspect Mathis river. It's now interesting that king COLLA of Ireland, who may have been a myth code, is said to be in Flynn ancestry. Was the Gala line in Ireland way back? There are besants in the Flynn Chief linkable to the same in the Galli Chief.

The County of Tirana has Arms in good reflection of the Galli and Joplin Coats! The Tirana Chief uses fleur-de-lys, but what does the symbol of France have to do with Albania? The Mathis flows to Lissus, almost, and that was the fleur-de-lys city.

BEHOLD. There is a Gose location in Tirana county that should be the line of Richard Goz, father of Hugh Lupus! Zowie. To the best of my ability to judge from the geographically-erroneous dark map, Gose was at the Arnissa river, suggesting that the Gose's/Goz's can be sharing the white Annas/Arniss star, for English Gose's/Jose's use stars in colors reversed from the Annas/Arniss star. But the Jose variation of English Gose's was suspect as short for "Joseph," and the Galli's / Joplins, and Tirana, are using a Chief in the colors of the Joseph Chief. Are we finding Joseph Caiaphas and Annas in Tirana / Mathis elements? By what coincidence were Trains/Trane's (probably the lion of Ranulf le Meschin, Hugh Lupus' nephew) first found in the same place as Joplins?

BEHOLD SOME MORE. The Arms of Gose use wheat, which should explain the sheaves of wheat in the Arms of Cheshire (where Hugh Lupus ruled,) but the same sheaves / garbs, in the same colors as the Cheshire Arms, are in the Joseph Chief!!! ZOWIE, and while I claimed that the Joseph garbs are those of Comyns, the Contevilles ruled Comyn while Richard Goz married Emma of Conteville! Yes, and the Comyns were traced recently to Kuman. Here's from the first update of this month: As Conteville's are suspect at the naming of the Contentin, in Manche, while Ferrers were linked to Hugh Lupus, son of Emma de Conteville, while Comyns was ruled by Emma's father, it stands to reason that the Comyns garbs (same colors as the Wessel garbs) trace to Kuman (in Roskovec), in Fier county." Fier is to the immediate south of Tirana county!

The Arms of Gose show what can be construed as a gold-on-blue saltire, symbol of the Messeys/Messier's i.e. same place (Burgundy) as Mathis'. We now have exceptional cause to link Josephs to Caiaphas- / Cavii-suspect Chives'. Kumen appears to be on the Apsus river smack where the Dexaroi (Dassaretae) are stamped on the light map. The Maccabee-rooted Mackays use DAGGERs. Dagger-using Kilpatricks honor the Maxwells. Comyns use another dagger. This is astounding, not just because it helps to verify what most readers were prone to rejecting, but because it is like a joke that someone should trace Maccabees to an ancient place, now Albania. It's clear from these heraldic signs that the families knew of their trace to Fier and Tirana, but they didn't inform the family historians. Or those historians are keeping us in the dark as per some understood sacred rule that they keep to. There is a Kavaje location in Tirana that has a Seal in Chives colors. Might Savage's apply to Kavaje liners?

It's interesting that French Sauvage's use a giant heart that can be in the Glaze Crest. The other Savage's were first found in the same place that Hugh Lupus ruled, and, to my surprise, the six Savage lions are in the pattern of the six Tarves fitchees, indicating a Savage link to Chives' of Tarves. In this way, Savage's seem to be an actual branch of, not a mere merger with, Chives', both related to the namers of Kavaje.

The Savage-suspect Cecils are kin of Corrans/Corrans. The Cecil motto suggests kin or ancestry at the Una river, yet the Correns/Courrans are suspect with the courant greyhound shared by Penes'/Pennys and Lys'/Lise's, both in the Cavii that this makes a link between the Kupa and Mathis theaters, or between the Cavii and the Sava, take your pick. Cecils and Correns share black escutcheons, but Cecils put their six escutcheons (in Tarves / Savage pattern) on ten bars suspect with the same-colored nine of Cavetts, and there is a gold garb in the Cecil Crest for a viable trace to the Kavaje theater. The Syphax-suspect Spake's/Specks use eight of the same bars, and are traced in their write-up to Bramton Devon, where Chives' were first found. It gives some reason to trace Syphax-liner Numidians to a merger with Tirana liners expected in the Devon / Tintagel area. The Tibur-like Tippers, first found in the same place as Tintagel, and using dolphins that can trace to Galli's of Dauphine, look like they can apply. The Tipper chevron with the white Tint crosslets is a good reflection of the Colter chevron with the Roet wheels, for Tippers were first found near the first English Roets (same place as Tints). And the Wheels/Whellers are the ones with a moline in colors reversed from the same of Chives', first found beside the Tippers. Like the Tints and Gale's, Wheels/Whellers use a blue (boar head) Crest.

As Syphax liners got suspect with PORCius Cato, where was my head until now? I've neglected to mention the PORCupine in the Spake/Speck Crest. It looks like they knew to be from Porcius Cato. I'm quite convinced that either Porcius himself, or one of his descendants, mated with the line of Syphax.

Glaze's are sharing the Lord/Laud pheons as proof that the "Lord" motto term of Glasgow's is code for Lords/Lauds. We saw Lords/Lauds tracing with Glass liners to the Clausula, but I need to make a Clausula link to Tirana county if Joseph-Caiaphas elements were in both places. One thing to be repeated is that Anonymous GALLUS was likely code for the namers of "Clausula," for there are at least two locations on the Clausula that trace to Mieszko's. It's tracing Gala Numidians to the Clausula, which flows at lake Scodra, and then, between that lake and the sea, it's the location of Bar highly suspect with heraldic barry. We just saw barry in the Spake/Speke, etc., Coats.

Recall that Josephs traced to the Blaze Chief, itself using the Joseph garb, for Blaze's are suspect with Bleds/Blez' at Bled, beside the Carni area (Sava river) that linked hard to the Carnys who use the same pheons as Lords/Lauds and Glaze's. You can bet that the Glaze heart is that of Lanarks, but then the Catherine-wheel Colters were first found in Lanarkshire (near Glasgow).

Back to the KolodZIEJ-suspect Siegs. First of all, they say that "kolodziej" means "wheelwright" to the Poles. How can we explain this? As "kolod" is assumed to be the wheel part, "ziej" must be the wright / smith part. Did the myth writer choose such a mythical term to depict some aspect of the Mieszko bloodline for its links to Wheels, or, on the other hand, to Siegs? Was it just coincidental that both surnames applied to Mieszko liners? I don't see a problem with that, and while the wheel-related surname was not likely "Kolod" exactly, "kolodziej" seemed like a perfect fit to describe both Siegs and the wheel line. Did the Wheelwright surname already exist at the time, or was it developed afterward from this mythical / legendary story? I say afterward. How does the Catherine wheel link to Wheelwrights? Did Gallus Anonymous, or similar writers, coin "wheelwright," after the Roets had linked to a Mieszko line? That's my choice. The Flavian bloodline of Vespasia POLLA through Titus to the Roets was part of Mieszko origins. Note that Portuguese Lupus' are using the same gyronny as Titus'. The kolod-like Clauds show a Clausula-like variation, by the way.

The Cheshire Lupus' are listed with Wolfs/Welfs, and use an "ADversis" motto term that should be for the Ade's, for the latter were first found in the same place as Arthurs while the Lupus/Welf Coat reflects the Arthur Coat. The Ade's were first found in the same area as Gords, the latter's boar heads being in the Roet Chief, in the colors of the Joseph, etc., Chief. In colors reversed, the Roet boar head is the Wheel/Wheller boar head, not likely coincidental. It appears that Roets were linked to Chives', though in the past I claimed that the Roet Chief shares the Chief of Joseph-related Caplans.

Siegers/Sagars may have been SAKARya-river Galatians. The anchors of Kyle's and Cale's (whale in Dol-whale colors) now bring to mind the Ancyra capital of the TectoSAGES Galatians. German SAGE's/Sagers/Saeger's (rainBOW, linkable to Roet-related Bows), sharing three connected feathers with the Arms of Rothschild, were first found in the same area as the Cale-suspect Dols. As Julius-Caesar liners were amongst the Galatians, let's add that Julians and Sagans/Segans both use the salamander in flames. Sagans/Segans are suspect with Segni's/SEGURana's who share the moline of Seagars, the latter first found in the same place as Cockers/Cockets. The way to explain the Seagars sharing the MacArthur moline is to trace Seager liners to Tintagel, birthplace of MacArthurs, so to speak. "The Sage ostrich feathers are linkable to the ostrich of Gorlois-liner Lois'. To top things off, English Sage's were first found beside the Gale's / Cole's, making GORlois traceable to Croatia's Gorski, where Cole's and Tintagel elements trace, as you will see shortly. In the meantime, we'd like to know whether the Cale whale is indicative of a Waleran line from Laevillus, and whether Cale's were from king Gala. That's what I'm looking for, a Gala > Massena line to Laevillus by way of the Bassus-liner Galatians.

Why are the Sage's/Saegers using "old men's heads wearing black CLOSE CAPS"? Isn't that the MacArthur crown in the Crest of Seagar-colored and Clausula-suspect Close's? Note how the Clausels (Porci bend?) list Close-like variations. While I identified king Arthur with Merovingians in Britain, how is this reconcilable with a Tintagel trace to the Gala Numidians? I would ask the Mauritanians that could have named MERovingians. The Close variation of "Clovse" may have been formed to honor Clovis, not only the second Merovingian king,\ but a son of Bassianus-liner Basina. His father is in the Child surname that shares the Tarent eagles using by Courcys that were in Somerset along with the first Trents and the first Roets. German Roets were first found in Thuringia, home of Basina. Roets originated in Picardy, beside Artois.

It appeared above that Sieg liners were firmly of the Rothschilds, which can explain why Close's share the Bauer stars. It appears that Bowers / Bauers are in the Sage rainBOW. Rain liners can include the Reno's that happen to share the red-on-white Sieg lozenges. Rothschilds are suspect with Natts/Nathans that share the Nitt/Naught Shield, in my opinion, and these Coats link to the Pattys/Pati's -- i.e. Kilpatricks of CLOSEburn on the Nith river -- who in-turn share the Rain lions. Kilpatricks are from AntiPATRIA, right beside the ATINTanes. The "parium" motto term of Rains is translated, "peers," and Peers'/Pierce's (Somerset, the TINTagel theater) happen to share a chevron in the colors of the Rain chevron. And Peer liners are suspect with the Syphax Numidians.

For the first time, I'm able to see that the Colapis river was a Gala liner. It's not clinched, but it's coming along. The Maezaei were not far off, along the Una river. The Massena's share the gold-on-blue Zionist stars upon the fesse of Gale-related Cochs, no kidding. These Cochs were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as the BLUE-wing Bauers using stars in the same colors. The Urbans use the same-colored Zionist stars, important because the Maezaei were between the Una and URBANus rivers. Urbans were first found in the same place (Austria) as Bauers. And the Massena patees are in Sieg- / Coch-lozenge colors while lozenges trace to Losinj in the Gorski area of Croatia, location of the Colapis river. Kyle's and Gore's together were traced to the Gorski / Colapis area, and while Gorski is between Rick-suspect Rijeka and Carlovac, and the Kyle's / Cale's share anchors with the Arms of Karlovac. Cale's sure do look like Gale's. Lest you've forgotten, the Ricks/Rix's/Rex" are suspect with the Wrexham location of Tints, for the Rick Coat (shares the Coat of Croatia-related Cravens) is like the Tint Coat, and comparable to the Gore Shield.

Porcius Cato was commissioned to Spain...where the Castille location may apply, for there is a Castille surname listing CHATeau (Artois, home of Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon). The German Gellers/Gelans have the look of the Spanish Petro Coat, both in Porci colors, and Petro's were first found in Castille. The Castile/Chateau Coat is the same cross as that of Gellers/Gelans, in colors reversed, and it happens to be the Eustace cross too. That makes the Petro flory cross suspect with the Bouillon flory. The Petro flory is colors reversed from the same of CARLysle's (looks very linkable to Eustace's), a term like KARLovac. It's important because Merovingians evolved into the dynasty named after Karl-related Charles'. Italian Karlo's were first found in Milan, making their lion suspect as the Sforza lion, and the latter's has a quince linkable to Quintus-Caepio liners i.e. that I trace smack to the Karlovac / Colapis area. In colors reversed, the Carlo lion is the blue Massin lion, and the Carlo lion looks linkable to the blue Pisa lion.

The Spanish Lupus', first found in Castile, share the Varro wolves in the same colors.

In the evening when much of the above was written, it was email time, when someone mentioned that Ted Cruz's wife is a Nelson whose name means, "nail." Not that I agree with that definition, as it probably means that Nelsons are a branch of Nails / Nagle's. It floored me to find that Nelsons share a black flory cross with Gowers, for Gowers had been stressed on that same day. I have not been familiar with Nelsons. Can this trace Gowers / Gore's to Oneglia, or some other Boofima location, such as Gore-like Perigord?

I have spent a lot of time, this morning, inserting material above, which included the material leading to Galts, who use the "flags and pennants flying." You saw why it was code for Flags/Flacks, but then, earlier in the update, it was evident that the Flags/Flacks/FLECKs are using a version of the Coward Coat, which must be a Gower(d) branch because the latter use a "FLECtis" motto term. The paragraph with the The thin Nelson bend is peculiar, but shared (different colors) by Charo's/Claro's. What's the Charo-Nelson connection? First of all, the Josephs with "charo" motto term were suspect in using the green Burgh chevron because the two surnames were both first found in Hampshire. Plus, Burghs use TWO green chevrons while Joseph-related Kaplans are kin of Chaplins, the latter sharing the TWO gold chevrons of the same Josephs. The Josephs put their two gold chevrons over a SOLID green chevron, and the Chappes' use a solid chevron too, along with Moor heads that connect to the Moor child in the mouth of the snake of Visconti's i.e. who had a Gallura-related branch connectable to Cato / Chat liners. Then, the Nelson / Gower flory is nearly the moline of cat-using Chives'. The same emailer (Mrs. Besant) that mentioned Cruz's wife also said that Donald Trump's wife was a Milan surname, and at the same time she sent in the message that the Arms of Milan uses the snake with Moor (she didn't know I was familiar with this). For those that don't know, the first Visconti ruler of Milan, which was at a date later than the Gallura Visconti's, was a ruler of Milan, and it's the Ottone's that share a rare, long, solid chevron with Chappes', while Visconti-suspect WISharts/Guiscards were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'. There seems to be a lot of Joseph-Caiaphas material in this one paragraph.

On top of this, it was last night, just before doing email, that I was reading an article on John Kerry's current ambitions to seduce Putin into agreeing to abandon Assad (they are to meet today as I write). That article stated that a NEBEhay surname was involved with producing it. It was the same day that I discussed the NEVE surnames. And the Nebehay surname looks a lot like NIBHAZ, the old Avvite god. I'm now tracing Avvites to the Cavii and therefore to the Chives', and Ceva happens to be due south of Ceva less than 50 miles. It gives reason to start seeking evidence for Neve root in Avvites. Was NibHAZ partially a Has entity? The modern Has location in the land of the old Cavii is on the same Drin river as Lys-based Lissus, and the Neve's (lily in Crest) who share "Sola" with Gower-related Gore's use fleur-de-lys on a cross in the two colors of the Chives cross.

I have just found a second Neveu/Neveur surname not known before (because I never entered "Neveu" before). This has to do with the "Sophia Neveu" code of Dan Brown, whose Da-Vinci-Code fictional was about a Mr. Sauniere of Rennes-le-CHATEAU, and here I find, in the Neveu write-up, that the family had a seat at the " seighneurie of Chateaux"! That's what he was talking about. The world needs to learn that there have been countless stupids writing stories that are based in surnames in code. It's a sinister movement. The sword design of Neveu's is used by Dunbar-related Mochs and Duns.

As Brown's Sophia code was suspect with Sophonisba, and her line suspect with Gophers, it's interesting that while Gophers can be a branch of Goughs/Goffs that Galli-related Gauchers share three besants in Chief with the Neveu Coat above.

Cato's NATO Descendants

Porcius Cato married Licinia. Their grandchild (Cato the Younger) was the half-brother of Servilia Caepio. It is interesting that Cato the Younger married Atilia, perhaps part of the Quadratilla > Attila line. Just to give an example of the gist, Servilia Caepionis, with a second Junius-liner husband, birthed a son who married Porcia Catonis, with a suffix like that in "Caepionis," daughter of Cato the Younger above. One might suspect a fundamental Cato link to Caepio's, for Catonis was not named by a Caepio, but by a Cato. I'm seeing Sadducee liners merged with Caiaphas liners.

The Licinia gens happened to include the Stole's, and were marrying the MUCIANus line I trace to RasMUSSENs, which is conspicuous where a STOLtenberg surname replaced Anders Rasmussen at NATO's top-dog spot. "The family-names of the Licinii are Calvus (with the agnomina Esquilinus and STOLO), Crassus (with the agnomen DIVES), GETA, Lucullus, MACER, MURENA, Nerva, Sacerdos, and VARUS." There is a lot of evidence of north-African blood in those names. There is a coin at the article showing an image of Publius Licinius Crassus that has what I feel is a north-African look. Crassus' may have named Grass near the sea coast facing Africa. I traced Julia Maesa to Grasse, and the Macer surname, appearing in the list with Mauritanian-suspect Murena's can indicate the Maesa-like line of Cilnius Maecenas, perhaps a Macer liner. All of this can explain why Porcius Cato was linking to Numidians. The Stolo surname was one of the most celebrated by the early family. It adds: "The other cognomina of the gens are personal surnames, rather than family-names; these include...Proculus..." There is reason to view proto-Maccabees partly from this Licinius gens.

When I first investigated Cato, I had traced him to the Geta surname of north-Africa, a surname that was used by the family of Caracalla, which family I traced to Grasse. But here I find that Geta's were fundamental kin of the line to which Cato's wife belonged. Geta's were suspect with Getuli Numidians.

In Wikipedia's Lucinia article, I find this name linked to the Mucius bloodline (fundamental with Scaevola's) that had the left-hand = sinister symbol that I see in the sinister bends of Masci's, Massena's and Rasmussens (the latter once showed a sinister bend): "Licinia Crassa (flourished 2nd century BC & 1st century BC), noted for her beauty; the wife firstly of Quintus MUCIUS SCAEVOLA, a future consul and Pontifex Maximus..." In the same article: "Licinia (flourished 188 BC-180 BC) was the daughter of Gaius Licinius Varus...She married Publius Mucius Scaevola (consul 175 BC) and bore him at least two sons Publius MUCIUS SCAEVOLA and Publius Licinius CRASSUS DIVES MUCIANUS." This seems like a good reason that Julia Maesa traced to GRASSE. The article goes on to say, "Two daughters of Publius Licinius Crassus Dives Mucianus (consul and Pontifex Maximus) by his wife Claudia, sister of Appius Claudius Pulcher: " The latter (listed as Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus in the family tree at Servilia's Wikipedia article) was adopted to become a brother-by-adoption of Livia Drusa, mother of Servilia Caepionis, and Livia Drusus is the one who married Marcus Porcius Cato.

As Cato was linking to Rita's, note that CRASS'/Grass', with the same lion as Rita's, Croce's, and Creuse's, show a Crace variation. It looks like Crassus' may have been of mythical Creusa and Aeneas. Crass'/Grass', first found in the same place as English Messier's, are in the colors of the Arms of Grasse. The lion of the Irish Grass' was recently traced to the same of Benedicts / Bennets because Grasse liners had previously linked to Pierleoni. Therefore, it seems that Pierleoni were from Creusa and Aeneas liners.

German Stolls (antler) use a sinister-rising split in their Shield! It's indication that Stolls were Stolo liners. The description is: "A shield divided perbend sinister..." The people at Swyrich didn't dream that wording up.

Here's the Stoltenberg Coat, though the description speaks on another Coat having "a red heart pierced by an arrow" (see page below) indicating the Percival-Leavells line. The same eagle showing i the Stoltenberg quarters is in the first quarter of the Arms of Rothschild, which itself uses arrows. I can see a Stoltenberg link to the Rothschilians of the EU. There are LEAVES in the Stoltenberg Coat. I wonder what kind. The Varus surname of the Licinius gens may have produced Vibia Varia, Laevillus' wife.

Assuming that "Stolten" is rooted in "Stol," it's interesting that English Stolls were first found in Somerset, linkable to Gale liners, and that the white-on-red Stoll lozenges are linkable to the Cocker lozenges for a potential trace to Cockhills/Coggle's i.e. a provable Vibia-Varia line. Coggle's were brought to topic from the Gale motto. The Bible's/Bibo's, lest you've forgotten, share the red rooster with Cockhills and Cocks. Weren't these swan-liner Ligurian Gogi? The Stole quarters are in the colors of the Say quarters, and Seatons/SITTENs, said to be from Say, are suspect in STHENelus, mythical father of Cygnus, the Ligurian swan king. This traces to swan-like Savona. Expect the Sittaceni and Soducena entities of Caucasia, but also the Levites of Laish as they formed Sadducees from parts of the Caucasians above. Genoa, smack beside Savona, becomes a hotter and hotter topic as Stoltenberg suspects are brought to bear.

Reminder: Laevi on the Ticino founded Papia/Pavia, which I trace to "Peebles," and then the Pettys, using the Rothschild quadrants, share the parrots of the Peeble's surname. Says had merged with Mauritania-suspect Mortons to name Moreton-Say. Does this indicate that Stoltenbergs were from Numidians?

This update, by investigation some Rasmussen variations, later finds the Peris/PEROTTi surname ("flaming stars") that may be a Parez / Perusia line, for Peris' were first found in Piedmont, while Visconti-suspect Ottone's were first found in Perusia. This picture links by way of the Grazio's of Perusia to the Crispins of Parez. The Peris', which list many Peter-suspect variations, use a single pale bar in the colors of the bends of two Peter surnames. The flaming Peris stars are Zionists stars in the colors of the same of Massena's.

The reason that "Massin" is used when pointing out the Masons is to keep Massino-Visconti in view, a Piedmont location that signals a Visconti merger with Masons. I didn't know until this update that king Massena liners traced to the Gallura rooster borrowed by Visconti's. Now we know the score; God wins, they lose. God has been watching all along. Poor dragons.

The eight-pointed Peris/Perotti star is in the colors of the giant Stell/STELLINi star...shared by German Teegers/Teegens. Stolo-like Stellini's use the same gold star as per the Rothschild/Rothstein Coat. This is an excellent tool to have along with the Rothschild links to Peters and Parot's. German Steels share the arrow with Rothschilds/Rothsteins and Stoltenbergs. It's not until I get to the symbol of Scottish Steels (Stell/Stellini colors) that the Peris surname comes to topic for the first time, later. This section on Peris'/Perotti's was inserted here afterward. We now have excellent evidence of a Rothschild link to Stells and Steels.

We may like to know whether Steins, who likewise use an eight-pointed star, are short for "Stellini." English Steins are suspect with Cove's and Coverts, and, as you will see, Steels are Court/Covert kin. The "AD astra" motto phrase of Fisks is coming to mind because Steins share the Ade bend-with-faces, in my opinion. Just keep that FACE in mind for when Fessys/Face's come to Stoltenberg topic. Why are English Steins said to be from AFRICUS Stein? Who do German Steins use a goat, symbol of Africa's Boofima cult? Didn't Boofima priests wear leopard gloves? Do you think this Stoltenberg investigation should lead to Onegia = Imperia? Let's not be naive. Leopard faces were conceived by the stupids because Fessys were Boofima liners, either on their own, or by merger. Just keep that Fes-of-Morocco marriage to Kanza in mind.

The Cochs/Koechle's are the ones sharing the Zionist stars of Massena's, and using a version of the Nagle Coat (becomes important below as per Stoltenberg lines to Round-Table liners in Liguria). The Cochs are the ones sharing a version of the Gale Coat, and Gale's are the ones with a motto term suspect with Rasmussen liners. You need to focus on the small saltires in the Gale Coat as they can link to the same (different color) of Candys. You'll see why momentarily.

Laevillus named one son, Proculus, which you saw in the Licinius list, but while multiple sons of Laevillus were named, Aulus, the article later says, "Aulus was used by the Licinii Nervae". Cilnius Maecenas married the sister of Aulus Murena.

The dove in the Stoll Crest can go to Cuppae, which I link with Pek-river liners, and then the Stoll lozenges (in the shape of a cross) are used by Packers/Peckers, and the latter throw in a Moor head. The Peks/Pecks are the ones sharing white-on-red patee crosses with Massena's, and the Pek river is in Moesia. Cuppae has been claimed (by me) to be the line to Caepio's. The cross formed by the Stoll lozenges can therefore be suspect with the same-colored cross of Macclesfield ("copia"). The "desunt" motto term of the Macclesfield Arms is like the "Diis sunt" of Moke's ("CURA") who happen to share the rooster (same gold one as Sinclairs). At this time, I think I am ready to resolve that the heraldic rooster is derived exclusively, in many cases, from Gala/Gaia. This has been my blind spot to date because I didn't get familiar with Gala. I didn't look over my shoulder to see the passing cars. The Moke's share the pean ermines with Masci-related Hamon(d)s. Hamon de Masci was in Cheshire's Dunham-Masci, while Duns and Dunbars are kin of Mochs and Mochrys, very linkable between Mocissus (Halys river near Tatta) and the lake-Tatta root of Tattons-of-Massey. Macclesfield is in Cheshire. Plus, while the Cheshire capital, ruled by Meschins, was also called, Diva, the DIVES', which is a term like the Dives surname of the Licinius fold, use the white Masci wing design that Masci's were once showing.

I can think of no reason whatsoever for the change in Masci wing design at houseofnames aside from my making links with it to others using it. The Chaine's/Chenays showed it, and Mackays / Quade's use chains. The Chaine's and Cheneys are Ceno-river important, and the Caens who trace there use a "LICitus" motto term that I see as part code for "CITIS," the alternative name of Cetis, where the QUADratus family married by Laevillus operated. The Mackays that share the QUADE wolf heads use a motto term, "LICENtiam," and there is a Lice/Lee surname (suspect with the Lee/Legh/Ligh Ligurians) that share a version of the Mackay / Quade Coat. It's making Licinius liners suspect with Ligurians. Note the useful garbage in the Mackay write-up, tracing to "fire," for Fire's share the Rasmussen unicorn.

Bellows share the Coat of Billets, while Stolts use FOUR billets as possible code for QUADratus liners. Steels (Cheshire) use billets too. The Steels use a lion's head ERASed, suspect with the Eras variation of Rasmussens. The Steels come up again below. It looks Like NATO is a family affair, not an independent, objective, world-loving agency. It looks like NATO is a bloodline luster trying to win the world for old Roman family. In fact, I see a never-ending stream of Roman families to my topics. The Roman empire may have disappeared, but the wealthy Roman political families did not. They yet rule the U.S. as fat cats despised even by Americans on the street. Yet half the Americans vote for one or the other, like poverty in a trap laid out by smooth talkers.

The Cheneys share a Coat that I've long linked to Salemans, suspect with Salyes Ligures, but there was cause to trace Cheneys to "Genoa" too, which is near the source of the Genoa-like Ceno. French Goblins (can be gleaned with the Macey Coat) once showed the Masci wing design, and "GOBLin" is a Goplo line, quite apparently, as are rooster-using Kopliks that linked to the Galli rooster. The big story is that two back-to-back NATO bosses are tracing to this Licinius / Masci fold.

The Stolls are using a cross suspect also with the Mea/Meigh and Fessy crosses, and while the Fesse motto reveals their kin as Genoa's Segni's/SEGURana's, they bring the SACERdos branch of Licinius liners to mind. Liguria was stacked with Gauls that are expected with the Laevi Gauls at Akmonia and the neighboring SAKARya river. Fessys (likely had a branch in the Fieschi of Genoa) are still suspect from the Moroccan city, Fes/Fez, and to the Fes'/Fez surname that may be sharing the Porci bend. These are good reasons for linking Fessys to the Licinius family married by Cato, but the same appear to be in Stoltenberg ancestry. The pierced heart of Logens traces to the Arthurian Swan Knight, perhaps so named to indicate the Knights, kin of Chatillon. The Swan Knight traced well to a Carthage merger with Ligurians, and thus the Swan liners must be the old Ligurian Cygnus liners. The point is, while Logens use a heart pierced with nails, code for Oneglia liners, the Doria-Arduinici marriage lived in Oneglia. That fact is online for anyone to verify. The Stolls then use a heart pierced with an arrow, which is the same theme exactly, for Arrows/Arras' are from Arras, the capital of Arduinici-line Artois. The Lois', first found in Artois, are from Luisa of Ceva, that city being in interior Liguria.

Genoa is where Doria's were first found that married the Arduinici of Oneglia (near Grasse), and then the Doria's share the black-on-gold spread eagle showing in the Stoltenberg Coat. Doria's are said to be from "AURaie," making them suspect with the Aures Numidians. They are said to have had fiefs in Sardinia. The Doria / Stoltenberg eagle is also the one of Candida's/Candels/ Candi's, and that traces to the candlesticks of Kyle's, first found in Shaw-beloved Ayrshire. The Candida's/Candi's is where Candys/Ganty's (same place as Clare's) come in who share the small saltire with Gale's, which can start to suggest that Doria's had linkage to Gala liners in Sardinia. Gallura faces CORsica, and we saw the "Cura" motto term of rooster-using Moke's.

I had read and reported that Sinclairs had been kin to the House of Candy in Savoy, and then Sinclairs share the gold rooster of Gays, first found in Savoy. This is the best-ever evidence that the Moor elements of the Normans was in the Gala Numidians. There was a fundamental merger between the Numidians and the Normans, but whether this began in the Guiscard invasion of Sicily, or earlier, I don't yet know for sure. The first Crusaders were partly Numidians, a new-found fact in my mind, and it's the Numidians that are chiefly suspect with the very formation of the Christ-killer groups. This is the holy grail of my work. This is why God chose a Massena liner to reveal this beast. He obviously wants this known prior to Armageddon.

The Candys/Gantys were first found in the same place as Blois', and the two share colors and format. Their Gandy variation suggests that Belgian Gands, sharing a white moline with Seagars, were their Segurana-related branch. French Gands use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Ghents in colors reversed, and Ghents (Candida eagle in colors reversed) traced to Genoa without a doubt, meaning that Ghent/Gaunt in Belgium was from the namers or inhabitants of Genoa.

The English Candels not only use the same cross as Burghs, the root of Conteville's, but have two wheat stems in Crest that can go to the same in the Arms of Gose. It means that CONTe liners were likely Candida's. The Burgh cross is in the colors of the Arms of Ayrshire, and of the Asser/Asc(h)er Coat. Go ahead and compare the latter with the English-Candel Coat. The Assers/ASCERs were looked up moments ago seeking the meaning of the "ESCARbuncle" used by Rays/Rae's when seeing the Raes variation of Rasmussens. This was a new idea, due to another blind spot, for not focusing on the Raes variation. There is a Buncle surname linkable to Cheshire's Buckle / Bulkelly liners.

As you can see, Assers look linkable to the ASSman variation of Rasmussens. It is important that Rasmussens use a sinister-rising bend, for, of all the variations of the surname, it tends to verify that "Mussen" was the earliest, as per "Mucianus." I assume that Mussens merged with Ass / Has / Hasmonean liners to get their Assman variation. The CUNDel variation of English Candels evokes the "GrandesCUNT" motto of Courts/Coverts, and the latter use the same spread eagle as Candels/Candida's. Then, while French Grands have bends in the colors of the pale bars of Coverts/Courts, English Grands are said to be from a bishop of CANTerbury. French Grands are in the colors of Kenneths using the rock-in-flames (called a "mountain in flames" by Kenneths) of English Grands as well as an "AS" motto term. This makes a Kenneth-of-Numidia link to Rasmussens of Numidia, plain and simple. Canters/Ganters share the red-and-gold barry of Leavells, and suspect with the barry of Amore's (same place as Canters/Ganters).

It's a great reason to trace the root of "KENNETH," to "Kent / Canterbury." That root was "Kanza" of Numidia, and Massins/Masons were from, or at least had merged with, Zanata liners of Numidia as they named Thanet in Kent (where Massins were first found). As Lucius' were Licinius liners, note the "Luceo" motto term of Kenneths. Kenneths translate their motto, "I shine not BURN," while Grands call their crest a "BURNing rock." It looks like these surnames were merged with Burns, first found in the same place as Raes-like Rae's/Rays! Excellent, but is the Raes variation of Rasmussens part of the As line suspect in a merger with Rasmussens, or a third merger with Mussens that created "Ras" prefix along with the Eras variation? As Kenneths use "Sic itur AS astra," while others (e.g. Fisks) use the same motto as "Sic itur AD astra," it appears that there was an As entity merged with Rasmussens, meaning that "Assman" was not likely to do with a short-for of "RAS." Rays/Rae's share the stag with Kenneths, and stags are suspect with a Hannibal > Attila > Hungarian line, which recalls that the Hungarian Leslie's trace to Lesce, at Bleda-suspect Bled.

Assers/Ascers share a blue fesse with Gale's, but in both colors of the Bernice fesse. Prior to loading Assers, Askers (same place as Rae's, Burns, Bernice's, and Keith-suspect Caddys) were loaded to find the motto of Mathis-river suspects, the Mathie's, a perfect thing for to trace Hasmoneans. Askers are the ones sharing a version of the Mussel/Muscel / Meschin/Masculine Coat, and Mussels are the ones that linked to the Cato-based Keiths. We are thus finding a Porcius-Cato link to Mackay liners, recalling that Mackays use a motto term like "LICENia, Cato's wife. We'd like to know why Mackays use "LicenTIAM." Perhaps it's intended as "LiCENTIum" i.e. double code, one for Cantii / Candi liners

Prior to loading Askers, Eskers were loaded, as they are most like "ESCARbuncle," and there in the Esker/Cosker/Oscer Crest (same place as Googe-suspect Maroons) was a unicorn, the Gale / Rasmussen symbol, but looking most like the unicorn of Knight-suspect Cnuts. While the motto of French Rays have a "usete" motto term buried that looks linkable to Eustace's, Raeburns (AYRshire), with the Eustace / Hurt stag in Crest, are the ones sharing the stag design of Logen-related Lennans/LENINs. By some Communist coincidence or not, Stalins (Belgium) may have been Stoll liners, for both use lozenges. Stolls were first found in the same place as Pierce's while Stoltenbergs (and Logens) use a pierced heart, and then Percys use lozenges too, though they are known to have used the lion of Louvains (same as the Massin lion), from Belgium's Louvain. The Louvain-suspect Love's/Luffs share the red lion heads of Steels, and Stolts, with more billets, are suggesting Bled liners, for Steels may even be using a billet version of the Blaze Chief. Recalling the Blake's panned out as a Blaze branch, it's notable that the Steel Shield may be a distant version of one Black Coat.

I can glean that Grands/Grants are using the colors of French Rays for a reason, and that they both trace to Leslie's (share a "fast" motto term with Grands/Grants). The French Rays are the ones with the escarBUNCLE, and Buncle's share buckles with Leslie's. The Fasts are suspect with Fists (fist) while Claviere's, who married French Mountains, use a fist-like hand, and Mountains (in the Kenneth motto), and suspect with the Messey saltire, were first found in the same place as French Rays. This is to say that the Kenneth Numidians had merged with Massena-liner Mountains, and while Claviere-suspect Glaphyra Archelaus married Juba II of Mauritania, he was a known descendent of king Massena. Irish Leslie's are said to have been in ASSARoe.

The Grand/Grant crowns are in Gernon colors, and Gernons (= Meschin rulers of Cheshire) were likely Guerin-of-Provence liners. The Guerra's are now resolved with French Grands.

To help link the Fessys to the Stoll cross, the Fessy motto is used by CALVins, whom were looked up as per: "The family-names of the Licinii are CALVus (with the agnomina Esquilinus and STOLO)..." That looks like a mighty argument. There is the possibility that Calvados was a Calvus liner. Note how "ESquilinus" can be an Es / Ascher / Esker liner, for if this is correct, HASmoneans may have derived from what could have been an Es merger with some Quilin entity. Killins are suspect with the Plunkett Coat, and share a tower with Murena's so as to become suspect with "CILNius"! It just so happens that I had traced the first Maccabees/Hasmoneans to Cilnius Maecenas, and here we may have found the Cilnius' in the EsQUILINus surname. I like this. I've been waiting a long time for something to open up the Cilnius-Maecenas bloodline to something so interesting.

The Quillans can be using a version of the Galli, Poitvin and Joplin Coats. The Caillion variation of Quillans evokes the Colly/Caulleys and related Cawleys/AULeys suspect earlier with "Aulus," but we just saw Aulus' listed as a favorite of the Licinius gens. While Joplins seemed linkable to the Jephson variation of Jeffersons, the Jeffersons share a blue griffin in Crest with Quillans and Poitvin-related Jays (same place as Jeffersons), and a blue Crest is used also by Jay-related Gale's. The latter share a white bend with Killens. Welsh Jeffersons use a griffin in the colors of the Quillan wolf. Jays were first found at Heath, and Heaths/Heths use more roosters! In colors reversed, the blue griffins above may be the white-on-blue of German Steels/Stahlins/Stalbergs.

The Scottish Steels (said to be from Bigot de Loges) use what look like crowns but called, "furisons." I see "furison" as play on fer = iron > ferrari = ironmaker, for the Grand furisons look like they are made of formed metal bar. The Fergusons are coming to mind who share the Ferrari lion. French Grands use the motto, "In variis nunQUAM varius," and the Cam pale bars have become suspect with the same of Grand-related Courts/Coverts (said to be with Courcy elements). "NUNQUAM" recalls Richard Courcy (earlier in this update) at NUNEHAM Courtenay (Oxfordshire). The same man was said to be of Foscot, and Foscots are FOXcots while Jewish Fox's use an upright wolf in colors reversed from the same of Quillans.

And look: the furison-using Steels are said to be from a Steel location held by Roger de COURSuelles, like the Courcelle location at Hainaut! This Courcelle entity was traced in the last update smack to the Bleda / Emona theater. After finding that the Poitvins were traced in their write-up to the father of Hun-suspect Kunigunda (Bohemian queen) from the Bled area, this was found: "There is a Courcelle surname...using what could be a gold version of the Covert / Austria / Habsburg fesse. In the Courcelle Chief, I kid you not, the three gold-on-red stars of the Poitvin Chief!" In this update, Poitvins (apparently Bohemian kin of the Kunigunda kind) have been found to use a version of the Galli Coat. Gala>Massena and Kenneth Numidians are therefore tracing to Bleda.

Scottish Fergusons (GALLOway) use one buckle in the colors of the Steel furisons, and probably the Gord boar head. Like the Molle boar head, the Ferguson heads have red tusks, which were actually traceable to the Tusk surname now presiding over the EU, because "Tusk" was suspect with the same that named ESCHyna de Molle. The "DULcius ex ASperis" motto of these Fergusons can be partly for the Dulo house of Attila, while the "ex" may be part of the "as / es" or Asker / ESKer line, feasibly in the "ASperis" term too. The Peris'/Perotti's may be in "AsPERIS."

It just so happens that every paragraph between the one below and the one with the mention of Caddys above inserted. I was finished with these inserted paragraphs, until, later, I came across a "cado" motto term in the Farquhar/Forker surname, said to descended from a Fergus fellow.

The Caddys use a Chief, not only like the Keith Chief, but like that of Anchors and the anchor-using Majors. The latter are in the motto of Geta-suspect and Chaddock-related Geddes, and the Geddes fish are in Caddy-Chief colors. There is a question here on whether Caddys were Chaddock / Caddels liners versus Geta liners, but all seem to apply, and as Keiths were Cato liners, we'll toss Cato's into the ring too.

Tristan, and the World-Wide Webbers

I've been sidetracked from the title used for the last section. I wanted to look at other Cato descendants, but ended up, thus far, only on his wife's bloodline. It was enlightening. It seems that her line was Numidian to a great degree, and that together they led to big-cheeses of the end times. I'm sure it has to do with their line(s) going through the killers of Jesus. I've gone back to what I think God wants me to concentrate on, that the Peare's / Pierleoni represent Sophonisba in some way. It's possible that Cato's children became involved with a child or two from Syphax and Sophonisba. I imagine that, regardless of what happened to her, Syphax's child(ren) with her went to be with him in Tibur. I need to keep the Lois and Philips bloodlines as part of this story, and it seems already that the Gala>Massena line went to mythical Gorlois.

Here's what I did. The Nave Neve Coat was re-loaded with a task on my mind as to how Sophonisba can apply to it. I'll repeat that Navy's/Neve's share a winged horse with Masseys. But in the Navy/Neve Coat there is a knight on a horse with feather-plumed helmet. I am about to break a secret code of Arthurians like the guessers can't, because they don't know the secrets I do. When reading that Navys lived at Navay (Angus), now called, Essie, it brought the As line of Assmans / Asmans (Rasmussens) to mind. Chances are, the Rasmussen unicorn was previously the Massey horse, then converted to a uniCORN when Rasmussen liners ended up with some Cornwall entity. Gorlois was a ruler of Cornwall, and Gale-related Tintagel was there. That's logical.

No Essie surname came up to help with the Navy investigation, but on a second try, an Essey surname was found. It's said to be from the mate (Isold) of an Arthurian knight of the Round Table, Tristram, which, according to Wikipedia, was originally "Tristan." "Tristan and Iseult is a tale made popular during the 12th century through French medieval poetry...The tragic story is of the adulterous love between the Cornish knight Tristan (Tristram) and the Irish princess Iseult (Isolde, Yseult, etc.)." But instead of that article (on the tale), I'd like to focus on Wikipedia's article on the Tristan alone: "He was a Cornish knight of the Round Table. He is the son of Blancheflor and Rivalen (in later versions Isabelle and Meliodas), and the nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, sent to fetch Iseult back from Ireland to wed the king."

There's a lot of guess work at Wikipedia as to what Tristan derives in, etc., but the guessers don't know that Arthurian characters are code for surnames. Nor do they know what surnames to concentrate upon: lines from the killers of Jesus. What we have here has got to be the Gala / Massena line to Cornwall, and Tristan is going to teach us more about this line. This Mark, king of Cornwall, must be code for a mark surname, from the Marici. yet, I trace Marici to the Marsi, and they always seem linkable to Salto-river liners, and so you may have caught the salt-like look of Tristan's mate, YSEULT / ISOLD. There is a Sold surname listed with Salts/Sauts, and it can be using the Macey Shield with the gold Mackay chevron, or even the Bright Coat that I would trace to Brigantium, in the Salyes theater. The TristRAM version came later, which can suggest the "ram" derivation, wrong but useful garbage, in the write-up of French Mars/Maurs (colors and format of Maceys), first found in the same place as Messeys/Messier's. That place was Burgundy, which, I think, included Dauphine, but Burgundy definitely included Autun and Nevers, where I trace Neve liners.

Yet, the feathered helmet of Navys is taken from the coin of Herod Archelaus, and he was banished to Vienne Isere at Dauphine. Gala-liner Galli's were first found in Dauphine. What were they doing there? Dauphine was also the location of Mont Pilat, which itself traces to Perthshire elements, beside the Angus location of the Essie Navys. And the Mars use scallops in the colors of the Pilate pheons, while Sale's/SALLETTs use the white pheon too. I have claimed many times that Salyes Ligures were merged with Laevi Ligures, and this is what the king-Mark desire for Isold may all be about, a Salyes connection to the Marici of Pavia, but with the Cornwall-Numidian line involved so as to form a triangular relationship. In this picture,m the Peare / Pierleoni line is in the Pierces / Percivals of Somerset, and in the Bellamys of Perche, known to marry Ferte-Mace. Remember here that Herod Archelaus was married to Glaphyra, who was married additionally to the Massena line.

None of the paragraph above was on my mind as I started to read the Tristan article. I came to read this: "There are obscure aspects to Tristan; his ancient Cornish, Welsh or Breton name appears to mean 'clanking swords', while the more recent Romance languages version, including French, is interpreted as 'sadness' in keeping with the Tristan and Iseult romantic tale." I didn't yet know that the Trist surname translated its "Nec triste" motto phrase as, "Neither sad." It doesn't necessarily mean that Trists derived in "sad," but rather suggest that the sad definition stuck to the point that the family took it on. Clearly, Tristan was non-existent, code merely for Trists, first found in Cornwall (same as Pendragons who mated (not really) with Gorlois' wife). And Trists (reflect the Tint Coat) happen to use white-on-red stars, the colors of the Angus stars. Then, the Hebrons (horse) who use a "trist" motto term, show red-on-white lions, the colors of the Angus lion, though the Fife and Five/Fify lions can apply. There is a lion theme in the Tint write-up, where Richard Courcy de Lion might just have been from the Lyon family. It looks like Trists were Tintagel elements without doubt.

The next thing catching my eye was: "Another strange aspect is [Tristan's] kingdom, Lyonesse, for whose existence there is no evidence. However, there were two places called Leonais: one in Brittany, the other the Old French transcription of Lothian." I don't know whether those two locations apply, but what came to mind, rather than the PierLEONI, was Lyon at Vienne Isere. It crossed my mind even though I had not yet realized that the Essey leopard faces are in the green-on-white colors of the Lyon and Lannoy lions. The Lannoys happen to use a feathered helmet! When seeing the DRUstanus version of his name, the True's came to mind that likewise use a feathered helmet, and moreover trace definitely to Lyons / Lannoys. Finally, the dolphin in the Essey Crest made sense as per Dauphine elements around Lyon.

The Trists use "nec" twice in their motto, and it's a term used by Ade-suspect Rodhams, the first found in the same place (Northumberland) as same-colored, Trist-loving Hebrons. It's highly interesting that Ade's are also "Eddie," like the Essie location of Nevers-suspect Navys/Neve's, for the Aids were first found in the same place as Aitons/Artems, who smack of Autun smack beside Nevers! And Ade's share leopard faces with Esseys!!! It means that Levi kin were from Autun, suspect there from Sophonisba-liner kin in Nevers. Hebrons share the red rose with Aitons/Artems.

The green-on-white leopard faces of Esseys are in the bend of Stevensons, likewise first found in Northumberland, and Stevensons had traced to Provence's, first found in Burgundy. I now know why Messey liners were in Burgundy; it was their line to Nevers. I'm guessing that Aitons use the Fessy/Face cross in colors reversed.

The True-loving Hume's, with the Lion / Lannoy lions in colors reversed, were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Aitons / Aids. This place is beside East Lothian. Scottish Hebrons/Hepburns are said to have been given lands in East Lothian. The Crichtons of Lothian (trace to Acragas=Agrigento, home of Creusa) had been revealed as Grasse liners, the latter now resolved with Creusa liners in relation with Cato-Pierleoni liners. The Grasse-suspect Bennets (= Pierleoni) may therefore be using the Trist stars, for as they are the Annas star too, Creusa was made the partner of Aeneas. The Benedict version of the Bennet Coat has a large gold-on-red, single star, almost the giant, single, white-on-red Annas star.

Nothing in Hebron heraldry (at houseofnames, anyway) suggests linkage to Keiths or Seatons of East Lothian, but as Claro liners were at Midlothian's Roslin, it's notable that the Keeps, in the Hebron motto, were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Clare's (in Keep colors). The Deacons, likewise first found in Suffolk, share the red Hebron lions. The Decans were first found in Rutland, where I trace Rodhams. Decans and Deacons (axes, trace to Somerset's Axe river) share the same Coat, in colors reversed from, the Baths/Atha's (Somerset), and a version of the Aiton/Artem Coat. The Decon / Decani lions are in the two colors of the Dayton/D'Autun lion. It looks like we have a reliable story, though I could add much more. While I trace Baden of Germany to the axe-using Battins/Badens (Somerset), the Keeps are using the bend that is the Arms of Baden.

Keeps were traced to the namers of Kiev, which is in the Ukraine, where Kepke's father was from. I think there is a reason for this, to indicate Numidian liners in Ukraine. L'viv is suspect with that picture, and its trace to Fife is to the theater of the first Navys/Neve's. The Nevers/Neve's, first found in Angus (same as Navys/Neve's), are using the same cross as Sinclairs, and they put the same fleur upon it as Sale's/Sallets put on their same-colored bend. The Nevers/Neve cross is essentially the Arrow/Arras cross. The "proba quae" motto phrase of Nevers/Neve's is for Propers that put a quae-like key in the mouth of their Lois-suspect ostrich, but then Arthurian myth had a quae-like Cai / Kay character, son of Ector, and it just so happens that Ectors were first found in Angus. Keys/Kays share bendlets with Tristan-suspect True's/Tree's. Propers were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as the Weavers (Arms-of-Cheshire garbs), the latter in code with the weaver's shuttle of Keeps. I didn't realize at first how important this link is.

Recall that Tirana elements (Albania, beside Fier) of the Gose kind led to the garbs of Cheshire, and that the Arms of Tirana use the Hugh-Lupus wolf. For one, this indicates that the "tyrannis" motto term of Cheshire's Propers was a known code for Tirana. That's clinched, and I was lucky to have re-loaded the Propers at this time, or that important point would have escaped us. Weavers can thus be expected to be merged with Fier liners, who include the Fiers/FEARS, which should explain why the Trist motto is translated, "Neither sad nor FEARful." The Fire's/Feuers/Furs are the ones with the Rasmussen unicorn.

We saw how the Arnissa river is at Tirana/Tirane, and that indicates a high possibility that the Trist stars are the Annas/Arniss star. It just so happens that the Arnissa is at Drew-like DYRRachium (though this is not a clinched link, but a suggestion). Pendragons were traced to the Penestae peoples that probably touched upon the Arniss river. Pendragons are part of the Dragon/DRAINer/Dreyner surname that is like the TRAIN/Trane surname (same place as Hebrons), and like "Tirana/Tirane," wherefore, finally, something heraldically linkable to the Pierce's has cropped up, for Pendragons use the same chevron as Pierce's (unicorn). The wavy feature of heraldry was practically clinched with Weavers because Webers use wavy bars, and Pierce's use a rare, wavy chevron. And Pierce / Percival liners are fully expected with Tristan in the Round-Table-knight garbage of Arthurian lore. When writers wrote their garbage, they were having a good time together at the expense of their readers.

You are about to see that Weavers trace to Vibia Varia, which is exactly where Leavell-related Pierce's trace. Pierce's are a major part of my teenage story, which included Kepke's finance, not just his finance, Miss Peare, but Miss Walsh. Kepke had sex on the same day with both while promising both marriage, then walked out on both. That marked the end of any respect I may have had left for him. He was so proud of this "achievement" that he told me in the hearing of other friends. Never mind whether he's crushing the hearts of two young women, so long as he's getting his O's. The point seems to be that Walsh and Peare liners were fundamentally merged due to both deriving from Sophonisba. There is a question on whether the Tintagel line was of Sophonisba's child with Massena versus Syphax. As I didn't have a relationship with Miss Walsh, I might assume that Massena's child with Sophonisba led to Pierce / Percival liners. The Albani were smack beside the Penestae, and then the Albany Coat is the Massin/Mason Coat too. Albanys were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Meschins and Moreton-Say.

Walsh's (one branch in the same place as Leavells) are the ones with a pierced swan, and Stolo liners had traced to the Ligurian swan. The Stoltenberg quadrants are expected to be code for Vibia's daughter-in-law, Quadratilla, and, what's more, the Stoltenberg quadrants are in the colors of the Say quadrants while Says had merged with Mortons, the latter being in the Walsh motto and in the colors and format of Walsh's. Do the heraldic math, and it adds up to a Stoltenberg equation with Round-Table stupids, who hope to deceive the human race forever while having a good time of it.

Weavers use an antelope in Crest, perhaps connectable to the antler of sinister German Stolls. I read that the heraldic antelope is part unicorn. It may mean that the Weavers are using their fesse-and-symbols in the colors of the same of unicorn-liner Gale's ("Qui", a Shaw term too) for a related reason. After all, Weavers were first found in the same place as Masseys / Meschins. Hmm, German Weavers may be using the Sold/Salt Shield as evidence that Weavers were fundamental with Isold. Can Weavers be linked to Tristan liners such as Trists?

Weaver- and Pierce-related Webers (Somerset, same as unicorn Pierce's) share the bend-with-fleur in colors reversed from the same of unicorn Rasmussens. It was the Massey-Peare relationship, wasn't it? Weavers use the same fesse as Beavers, and may therefore have been a line of Bible's/Bibo's. As the latter were resolved with queen Bebba of Bamburgh castle, note that Bamburgs/Bamburys are using a Coat reflective of the Deacon / Aiton Coats while Beavers share red and upright lions with Deacons. To put this another way, the king-Tut line through Autun is tracing to queen Bebba, and then English Babels share six blue-and-white pale bars with Cams (identical Coats) while Cams were first found in the same place as Kemmis', the latter suspect from Kemmis of Egypt, home of Yuya, the ancestor (great-grandfather, if I have my facts straight) of king Tut. Cams were first found in the same place as Letts, and you'll see below why Letts were close to Webers. German Babels were first found in Wurttemberg, where the Zahringen / Veringer antlers were.

There is good reason to link Bamburgh castle to Aitons, first found in the Bamburgh-castle theater. Bamburys were first found in Oxfordshire while the Arms of Oxford uses a beaver. Babel liners can link to the beber term that is the German beaver i.e. Bibo liners are predicted to have formed some Beaver families. It appears that elite Vere's of Oxford may have come directly from Vibia Varia. As the Oxford beaver is green, why does the Bibo rooster stand on a green cushion? Bibo's were first found in the Varni theater. I see the Varni > Varangian line as the founders of Kiev, while Kiev-suspect Keep's are the ones who love Weavers. It looks like Vibia was the line to Beavers, Weavers, and hitched to the Varni line to Vere's. But it also appears as though Vibia liners went to Somerset as Webers, who share six fesse bars with the Somerset Leavells. Both Weavers and Leavells use the gold bars on top. The Weber bars are in both colors of the three Levi chevrons.

Repeat: "Weavers use an antelope in Crest, but I read that the heraldic antelope is part unicorn. The Ferrers, who received the Tutbury estate from Hugh Lupus of Cheshire (makes Ferrers suspect with Fier-of-Albany), where Weavers were first found, use a unicorn in Crest in the white color of the Weaver antelope. As Weavers link to Fier liners, while Propers (Cheshire) traced themselves to neighboring TIRANA, it's notable that the Propers use the same red-on-white fesse as the Roxburgh Leavells, first found in the same place as the "TRANSfixus"-using Walsh's. We are making undeniable sense of this heraldic web.

Weavers share the fesse of HAZels (Cheshire), a potential As liner of the Rasmussen kind. That makes a lot of sense. It can be gleaned that Hazel-related Islips were kin of Mecklenburg-related Maxwells, and Bibo's were first found in Mecklenburg. Islips and Maxwells use holly, suspect for years with Holstein, beside Mecklenburg. Ferrers are traceable, from their write-up, to ancient Derbe and lake Tatta, the Mocissus theater. Moke's are linkable by their motto to the Arms of Macclesfield. Islips and Maxwells were both first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as HESLington Hall, and the Wagrian-suspect Wagers.

Wagrians and Varni were on the same river around rooster-like Rostock, and Bibo's use a rooster. However, convinced now that roosters were created for Gala-Numidian liners, I have doubts on whether the rooster can be code for Rostock, unless some Gala-related, Rooster-like surname named it. The Roosts, for example, suspect with the Sinclair cross in saltire form, important because Sinclairs use the rooster. In the Roost Crest, a red wyVERN as evidence of their link to Varni. Roosts were first found in the same place as Massins/Masons, and Roosts share the black fitchee with an Arms of Macclesfield that Wikipedia once showed (they were deemed to be the Davenport fitchee).

Again, lake Tatta traces in by books to a Yuya-Mitanni and king-Tut line that ends up in Nevers and Autun. The DRUstanis version of Tristan might indicate the Drews that share the Dayton/D'Autun lion, but as Drews are also "Dreux," it's notable that Drake's use a red wyvern in both colors of the Drew and Dayton lions. As I see Stans/Stands/Stants (same place as Islips, etc.) in the Arthur motto term, "obSTANTia," DruSTANis may apply to that surname. From that mythical character, possibly, arose the Trist surname, which, I now find, lists "Trest." Recently, the "impLEAT" motto term of Cetis-based Kidds led to the "TRUSTie to the end" motto of Leats, so much like the "True to the end" motto of Hume's that one is compelled to make a True/Trew link to Trist liners. And that's where the Drews can come in to form the Trew variation. Shouldn't "IMPleat" link to the "IMPelle obstantia" of Arthurs? It was easily resolved that "imPELLE" was part code for Pullen / Pelle liners.

The Trews are the ones with the feathered helmet linking squarely to mythical Tristan's Herod-Archelaus liners. There is a good chance that this Herod line named the Arduinici that led to the Arthurian elements at Tintagel. The stupids wouldn't have wanted their readers to know this in their code-studded fables. The Arduinici of Ivrea look linkable to Leavells of Yvery, and the Arduinici of Oneglia/Imperia were near Antibes, like the Antipas surname of Herod Archelaus' brother. Herod Antipas was banished to a Lugdunum location in Roussillon, and the Lyon location around which Herod Archelaus lived was once called, Lugdunum. The Lugdunum of Roussillon was not far from Imperia-suspect Perigord. Tristan was this ugly thing that became so big in the world that the stupids felt compelled to write about it, yet, unable to tell the truth of it all, they wrote in code. The loved the thing they wrote about, otherwise, they would have told the world to watch that filthy thing. It now rules the western planet.

Let's repeat: "The family-names of the Licinii are Calvus (with the agnomina Esquilinus and STOLO)..." If the The EsQUILINus surname was of the Cilnius', note that Cilnius' were in Arettium from several centuries in BC times. With the Licinii suspect in the LICENtiam" motto of Irish Mackays, by what coincidence do Prays (Weber colors) use the Mackay wolf heads in colors reversed while Webers use a "PRAElucent" motto term? Or, as the Lucius' were Licinii liners, did you catch " praeLUCENT"? And the Pray wolf heads are white, the color of the Quillan wolf. There is a Quillan location in Roussillon, and the Arms of ROUSSILLon used red-and-gold bars, symbol of Irish Prays. As English Prays were first found in the same place as Tailbois' (and Rhodes'), I can glean that the Tailbois Chief is used by Irish Prays, for the Tailbois Chief is a red version of the RUSSELL Chief. "Rhodes," part of the Roussillon theater, and not far from Herod-Antipas' home base, is a Herod-like term.

English Prays are listed with Praters, and are in Prude/Prat colors for a trace to Brattia and the Cetina-river Bassianus'. This was the Maesa bloodline suspect earlier at the family of Cilnius MAECenas. Mackays are Isle-of-Man liners of the Maccus kind, and mythical Lug, the namer of Lugdunum, was on the Isle of Man fresh out of Ireland. The Irish myth stupids wrote about that, but didn't tell the world that it pertained to the Maccus / Massey vikings. And they named Lug's partner, ManANNAN, while Tailbois' are using the ANNAN saltire. The same saltire is used by Tristan- / Arthur-suspect STANDish's. Lug of Ireland was a Fomerian, suspect with "Pomerania," the Varni / MECKlenburg theater. Masseys of MANCHE were likely in the midst of the MANX of Man.

The Stoltenberg quadrants are colors reversed from the Massey quadrants, and Stolls were first found in the same place as Rieti-liner Roets, a Rhodes-like term. As though a play on the winged Massey horse, Prays use a winged greyhound. Pratis liners can be suspect from the "Pratis" motto term in the Arms of Rieti (rider on a horse), and both Prays share a lion in Chief with Titus'. The Pray wolf heads are in the colors of the Prude and Arms-of-Rieti fish. This is Tristan-important because he was paired with Isold, suspect with the Salt line from the Salto river through Rieti. The Prude/Pride fish are called, lamPREYS. The original Prude's/Pride's are said to be from Cornwall i.e. location of king Arthur's birth. I guess a good guess that the Prude's and Prays are using the colors of the Dragon/Drainer helmets, colors reversed from the Mynett helmets.

The "Trustie" Leats can be the organ-PIPE Letts, and you can now bank of the Lett-related Lizards/Lazards being a line from Tristan liners of the Herod-Archelaus kind. I'll explain in a moment. Let's first add that while Webers are using the Pipe / Pepin bend-with-fleur in colors reversed, Pipe's were first found in the same place (Somerset again) as Webers. The organ is code for lizard-using Organs, Corrigans and Garrys/Hare's, the latter using a "fear" term for a trace to Fier i.e. beside the Tirana location to which Weber kin, and Dragons/Drainers, have traced. Lizarts/Lazards must be of the Izzard/Issard/Ezzarts/ISOED (almost "Isold") variations of Esseys (same place as Letts!), the ones whose leopard faces trace to Herod-Archelaus related True's, Lannoys, Lyons and Hume's. It tends to clinch the Leat motto with the Hume motto while clinching Leats with Letts.

Hume's were first found in the area of Lauder while Lauders/Letters (TRESSure border) use the Leto crane. But while Esseys got suspect with the Eddie variation of Ade's, they were first found in the same place as Hume's. I have a hard time seeing "Ade" as a version of "Lizart," and so I'll assume an Ade / Autun merger with Lizards / Izzards that then produced the Essey variation. The Autun merger with Trews is already established via the Drew = Dayton lion.

Round-Table suspects, the Rounds (probably the Tint lion), use an "ESSE quam ViDERI" motto phrase, and Dere's/Res' use LANCE's while "The narrative [of Tristan and Isuelt] predates and most likely influenced the Arthurian romance of LANCElot and Guinevere..." The GUINEvere code, suspect with Vere's on the one hand, can link between Guine's and Belgian Gonne's/Guenets, for the latter use a bar with bendlets like fesse with fesse-lets of Table's. The Lotts suspect in "Lancelot," are a branch of Lothians with Lauder-like variations. As "VIDeri" can be code also for Vito's/Vido's/BITTINI's (share the annulet with Rounds), the red-on-white fesse of Table's can be that of Bidens, the latter said to have been in Somerset (Bath and Wells). There is a Spanish Vido Coat (CATALONia) with what could be the Weaver / Hazel fesse. Scottish Guine's are listed with Gunns, said to have shared northern Scotland with Sinclairs, Mackays and Gordons, the viking hordes too stupid to recognize that the wrath of God hung over their heads.

Vikings are to be despised. They were an unacceptable people group. You don't make a partnership with vikings unless you're a dope. The Vatican was just such a dope. The Catholicization of the Vikings was not their remedy, but their opportunity to kingdom-build with greater esteem. Eventually, the marriage between the two faltered, and the Norman royals formed their own, Anglican church. Jesus was now the head of the Anglican church, by decree of the stupids too daft to realize that Jesus despised them. Out of this dream came the twisted Rosicrucians, lovers of their Rose / Russell / Roslin past. Enter the first Rothschild, descended from Bowers that lived in Peebles on the south of Sinclair-infested Roslin. The first Rothschild, lover of money, from the over-rich Sinclairs, right? Organized pirates, right? With their own nations from which they took taxes for to seize more wealth from neighbors, and the neighbors' neighbors. They still hope to achieve mastery over the entire planet. Mr. Stoltenberg has accepted the task of overseeing the globalist NATO organization that, as I understand prophecy, will be burnt to a crisp by the Russians. The Torch of God is coming to do a little plumbing on the twisted Pipe's.

It seems plain enough that the Weber-Shield border is code for the Fleming-related Borders, for Webers are said to be Flemish. Borders thus link to the double-tressure border, and to the TRASHer/Tresure surname (same place as Borders / Webers) now suspect with Tristan liners. If Tresure's were Trist liners, it traces them to the Emona dragon, the line to Flemish Mona / Hainaut, the latter suspect with Annas liners that could be in the Trist stars.

Tristan was made the king of a Lyon line, right? He was therefore a Lug liner. Yes, and while the Essey/Izzard leopard faces are in the same colors for the same of Stevensons, who list a Stave surname, the Hawks use "pilgrim's staves," while the Hobs (same place as Ade's, Aitons/Artems, Hume's and Arthurs), honored in the "OBstantia" motto term of Arthurs, use HAWKs. And Herods/Haralds, suspect now from Harald, father of Maccus, use a "hawk's lure." Was viking Harald a Herod liner of the Arthur kind? Looks like. The Prude's/Prats use the same gold-on-black fesse as Arthur-related Horts/Hurts and Herls/Hurls, while "Hurl" is listed with Herods/Haralds that share the same gold fesse (on green background). Table's (Devon, Tintagel theater) share hurts with Irish Arthurs.

Ah, Bibo's use a rooster STANDING on a cushion, a fair reason to link Bibo's to "obstantia." There is a Trusesti location not far from Vibia-suspect L'viv that can apply to Trists/Trests, for the latter use a "TREPidum" motto term that can be for Trypillians, whom had a Trypillia location south of Kiev. You haven't forgotten that Keeps are in the "Keep Trist" motto of Hebrons (same place as Stave's). This recalls that while cushions can be for Kiss/Kish/Cush liners, the modern capital (Kisin'ov) of Moldova, ancient home of Trypillians, is a Kiss/Kish-like term. I almost didn't load the Kiss'. They were loaded only to check for their Kish variation, and only then did I recall that they use a red rooster in Crest, the color of the Bibo rooster! It's now clear that Weavers and Beavers were indeed Bibo liners in and out of Ukraine / Moldova, yet Weavers linked up with Dragon- / Pendragon-related Albanians in the formation of Round-Table lunatics. Afterward, they were the Varangian lunatics who didn't want to work a regular life for a living. Can you imagine the after-life torment that goes to such dogs as the vikings? Yet the French king gave them a nice backyard on the Mediterranean coast of Normandy, and from there, they continued to kill, steal and destroy. Today, they are the British / Nordic Illuminatists toward which the WRATH of God is aimed.


Assuming that "Stolten" is rooted in "Stol," it's interesting that English Stolls were first found in Somerset, linkable to Gale liners, and that the white-on-red Stoll lozenges are linkable to the Cocker lozenges for a potential trace to Cockhills/Coggle's i.e. a provable Vibia-Varia line. Coggle's were brought to topic from the Gale motto. The Bible's/Bibo's, lest you've forgotten, share the red rooster with Cockhills and Cocks.

I kid you not, that I wrote the entire piece above, with focus on Keeps, without realizing the similarity with "Kepke." Now I know why his father was Ukrainian.

Back to the Bennets / Benedicts suspect with the Trist / Annas star, for this can make a Tristan-Leona link to Pierleoni, said to be named partly after pope Leo Benedictus, but there may have been more to it. The Pierleoni may have been from Benedict liners that existed aside from the pope's choosing of that name. The "vouloir" motto term of Bennets and Benedicts is like the so-called "boilers" of German Benedicts. Dutch Benedicts/Bennets use what I see as the Grasse lion holding a book, but it might be a Bible. The Swyrich description page has no description for the Dutch branch. We're left to guess at what the lion holds. For all we know, it could be a cheese grater.

In any case, as Boulier's are a surname that can be, per chance, the meaning of "boiler," the Voulers came to mind with "vouloir." The Voulers are listed with Fowlers, perhaps from Henry Fowler, duke of Saxony, and founder of the Ottonian emperors (of holy, I mean, dope Rome). You should not respect the pope until he comes down from his lofty perch and lives like the rest of us, as Jesus did. The lavish / theatrical pope is a fake / twisted servant of Christ, plain and simple. He lives a delusion if he takes his position seriously. The pope who allows people to kiss his hand is a self-serving devil. The Pierleoni desired the papal position, and one can only wonder at how many popes had Pierleoni blood previous to the Pierleoni.

The Voulers are said to be from "fugeler," the same theme as Henry "der Vogler," a term translated as "fowler," but this may be a smoke-screen for hiding the reality. By what coincidence do Ottone's share the annulet with Foggs/Foghs? As Ottone's are suspect with VISconti's, keep watch for the "Vis" motto term that crops up by following the Vouler leads.

Voulers/Fowlers (share the patee with Bennets) use the gold lions in the positioning of the same of English Benedicts. The Vouler/Fowler lions are in the colors of the Boulier rooks, and Boulier's were first found in the same place (Brittany) as Voirs/Voyers that share the passant lion (same colors) of Voulers/Fowlers. The Voirs call their winged Crest lion after St. Mark, perhaps code for mythical king Mark of Cornwall. Why do English Marks, first found in Cornwall, use the same lion as Dutch Bennets/Benedicts?

While book-using Roets trace to Flavius Petro, the Marks are sharing fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Petro fleur. This is serious, for the "Vis" motto term of Voirs can trace between Vespasia Polla (married Flavius Petro's son) and the Vis-de-Loop location to which I trace Alans of Dol, partners with proto-Pollocks. The Arms of Rieti had traced to Prude's, and then the Voirs use "Vis PRUDentia VINCit."

NOW, BEHOLD, I am so happy to find, immediately after writing the first sentence in the above paragraph, that the Voir Crest is: "St. Mark's lion, supporting a silver BOOK inscribed with the words 'PAX TIBI, MARCE EVANGELISTA". The only reason I checked the description is because I figured the thing in the lion's grasp was the same as the unidentified object in the Bennet lion's grasp, but I didn't expect it to be a book, even though I've checked it in the past (I forget things). The "Pax" term of Voirs is shared by book-using Reeds. We have just clinched the Voir trace to Rieti's Vespasian family, which has the effect of verifying that Reeds and Roets do trace there. Cowels were found with a book too, and I need to keep eyes on whether these books were Bible/Bibo liners.

The "Tibi" of Voirs is like the "sibi" of MARKans/Marshams and the Godfrey-related Vince's. That should explain the WINGs on the Voir lion. It looks like LEONardo da Vinci was an Alan-of-Dol liner, for Voirs look as though they were. Scottish Markans/Merchants/Mercaters are using a gold version of the Winger bend with bendlets. The Markans/Marshams, according to their write-up, look like Mercians in Norfolk, but as they share the red lion head of Levi-suspect Love's/Luffs, Markans look like the Marsi > Marici line to mythical Mark, especially as Tristan was traceable to the Marsi. Markans/Marshams share a red lion in both Coat and Crest, which can reveal them as Aures liners.

The Flavian-suspect Plows use "tibi". It might be related to Tibur/Tivoli. In fact, the Curtis', who can be from the Coras character of Porcius Cato, brother of Tiburtus, use a PLOWshare. Curtis' seem obviously to be using the Grand/Grant crowns, for Courts/Coverts honor the Grands in their motto. That equates Curtis' with Court liners. Irish Curtis' share checks on a fesse with Marks! Excellent. But as the Curtis' use a farmer with plow over his SHOULDER, while that term has been suspect with Schultz's (Chives quadrants?), by what coincidence do Schultz's share the white-on-black star with Dutch REITmans??? This makes the Syphax-suspect Reitmans linkable to Pierleoni-liner Rita's! Excellent. It was while starting this paragraph that Tibbs were found, as per the insert earlier in this update. The Tibbs shocked me with cats that spoke of Porcius Cato's Tiburtus mythical character, suspect with Tiber/Tivoli, where Syphax was living. Schultz's were resolved as a branch of Knight-related Shoe's/Schuchs, and Knights are kin of Chatillon's counts. This can trace Schultz liners to Porcius Cato.

There is good reason here to trace the Curtus Maccabees to Rome, but, in any case, Josephus, a Curtus liner according to his own words, merged with Titus, himself from Reit-like Rieti! Once again, it looks like there was a Rieti connection to the Pierleoni / Rita's.

The Selles'/Silles'/Sells (same place as Sforza-related Quinces) were just loaded as per the Psellus kin of the Curtus Maccabees, and they use the same red lion (same design) as per the Markans/Marshams. This is good, for the latter are suspect with the Laevi that I say made up the Maccabees proper. And it just so happens that Selles' share a fret with Syphax- / Speck-like Space's/Speccots. Sforza's (same place as Rita's) are still suspect with a gold version of the Rita lion.

As Henry Vogler was styled, "Finkler," isn't that a WINK/Wing liner? Compare French Vincents with German Winklers, first found in Saxony, where Henry Finkler was duke. Isn't the Winkler lion the Avon/Evan lion? The other Vincents use a "dabITUR" motto term, like the "qui patITUR" of vincit-liner Shaws. It looks like Leonardo da Vinci was a Henry-Fowler liner, and mixed up with Shawia Numidians. The Wings/Winks share the Moor head with Ottone-related Chappes, which brings Caiaphas liners to bear with Otto I, son of Henry Fowler.

The Winkler lion is in the colors of the Vouler/Fowler lions. Does this spell a Fowler link to Pierleoni? Vincents are using the same Coat as cat-using Croms, and Cato is linkable to Pierleoni. Caddys share the red-on-white pile with Wings/Winks while both use the same "crusader cross" (different colors). I assess this as Henry-Fowler ancestry in Valentinian-Justine liners.

At Wikipedia's Henry-Fowler article, there is a painting of someone passing the crown to him; that someone has black crusader crosses painted on him, the color of the same of Wings/Wings (same place as Justine's). The crown being passed is on a cushion (red), and while the Bible/Bibo rooster is on a green cushion, that's the color of the crusader cross in the Caddy Crest. Gernon-like Grenons use a green crusader cross, and Eustace II is said to be a Gernon liner. The Gernon lions happen to be in the colors and passant position of the Benedict lions. This is the partnership of Eustace's family with Caddy-related Pierleoni, right? The Cowie's use a black crusader cross in Crest as well as sharing three piles in the colors of the Caddy piles. While Winks use Bled-suspect billets, Caddys share the gold garb in Chief with the Blaze chief, and then Blaze's were a branch of Blake's/Caddells.

I'm going to guess that Cowes' were Cowie's/Covie's (Aberdeenshire) near the Tarves area that may have used black fitchees as per the black Cowes cross. The black Cowes cross is now likely discovered as a take from the black potent crosses of the CATANzaro theater. That is, there was a Catanzaro link to Cowes' when Caddys merged with them. Just compare the CHATAN, Plunkett and Cardine Coats, for Cowie's were first found in Kincardineshire.

Godfrey III Meets Syphax, Venture to Scotland

I had traced the Benedicts to the Avon river, though I don't recall how. It may have been from the same steps taken here, yet these steps involve the Voulers/Fowlers, whom I don't recall knowing before. The Voir-Crest lion with EVANgelist code suggest the Avons listed with EVANs (same place as Jays), who use an upright lion in the colors of the passant (not upright) Voir lions. The Evans/Avon Crest shows the stag of Eustace's, some indication that Boulier's were Bouillon liners, excellent because Godfrey III, grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon, had formed an alliance with the Pierleoni. That was the sorry guts of the first Crusaders, dreamers, wasteful killers.

As Voirs were first found in the VANNES part of Brittany, the EVANS can apply. I trace Vannes, founded by the Veneti, to the Fane's/Vans at Fano, near the first Maschi's at Rimini, and then the Maschi Chief shares the Voir lion. Fane's/Vans were first found near the first Evans. The head and all four legs of the brown Evans stag is identical as per the Stewart stag. And the Staggs/Stagger are expected to be a branch of the Stacey variation of Eustace's. Stag-using Stewarts were first found in Devon, beside king Mark of Cornwall.

The Maschi / Voir lion is shared by NarBONNE's while Bennets / Benedicts use a "Le bon" motto phrase. They are expected most-closely with the Le Bons (Provence, beside the Galli's), the latter using a mirror-image of the Galli Coat. We saw this mirror image when comparing the Galli Coat to the Poitvin Coat. The latter happen to be the ones with a blue jay, tending to verify that the Jays were linked to Avons/Evans. The dolphin in the Le Bon Coat must be for Dauphine, where Galli's were first found.

While Voirs were "vincit" lovers such as Keiths and Shaws, so we find that Voulers/Fowlers share "qui" with the vincit-using Shaws. As the Voulers/Fowlers can be with the Masci lion, I would suggest that they sharing the Macey Coat but with those lions in place of the Macey stars of the same colors. This then assumes that Otto I was a line to Ottone Visconti, and merged with Massino-Visconti. Otto predated the Pierleoni partnership with the Godfreys.

Henry Fowler was duke of Saxony, recalling that the Arms of Saxony share a curved bend with Rita's. The Wettins use the Saxony bend and call it a CRANcelin, while Crans are Massey liners. It's amazing how the Masseys got around. But they were not always Masseys as their symbols worked their way to other families. The Foggs/Foghs were first found in Kent, same as Massino-Visconti liners, Massins/Masons. This can trace Otto's ancestry to Ander Fogh Rasmussen. They say they don't know the parents of Henry Fowler's wife. Otto married an English gal, Edith, who sounds like an Aetheling, which can explain why the Arms of Saxony share gold-and-black bars with Athols, first found in the same place as Winks/Wings. Yep, that's right. And Wettins must have gotten their buckles from Leslie's in the neighboring Aberdeen area.

This trace of Winks/Wings to Otto's son is new to me, and opens up a huge area of important discovery. Otto's second wife, Adelaide of Burgundy, is given gold-on-blue lattice on her dress, which can be taken also as gold-on-blue saltires, the symbol of Messeys/Messier's, first found in Burgundy, and lending their symbol to the flag of Mercia. This recalls that the Modens/Modeys (same place as Windsor castle) use the lattice colors on her dress, as do Enrico's = Henrys! It's probably not coincidental that while the Enrico lattice is inside of a giant, blue-on-white lion, ADELs use the giant, blue-on-white lion, but NOTE: Adels are JEWISH.

Adelaide is said to be from a Burgundy area in what is now Switzerland, which gets her close to Modane of Savoy. She was born in Orbe, and then Otto's other wife had an orb in her hand. The Arms of Orbe used two curved fish, the Bar-Este bloodline of Lorraine. The orb is in the Coat of Metz's, from Metz of the Moselle / Lorraine theater. Orbe is in Vaud and near Moudon. The Schultz' (Chives quadrants?), now suspect with the stars of Dutch Reitmans, were first found in Switzerland. I can't recall the spelling of the Schultz-like term that brought up the Dutch Schilds, in Schultz-star colors, but Schilds may have been the namers of RothSCHILDS, interesting where the Reitstein variation of Reitmans is like the Rothstein variation of Rothschilds. I'm seeing the Dutch Rosicrucians and international bankers that can be suspect with the above-the-law Swiss banks, perfect for world-class corporate criminals. [Oops, I had forgotten that RATcliffs are using two bends in colors reversed from the two Schild bends.]

The capital of Cetis was Orba, though also called, Olba. The Maccabees proper, from Moudon-like Modi'in of Israel, put out a line that was in the rulers of Cetis, a good reason to trace those Maccabees to Orba and Moudon, and other parts on the northern shores of lake Geneva. This area is where Morges was located, along with Vevey, to which Morgan le Fay of Bute (Avalon) has being traced, and you will see Bute liners crop up in this very discussion, as relates directly to the Moselle theater i.e. location of orb-using Metz. The Metz's even use nine besants, the number of the witches of Avalon under Morgan le Fay's authority. Morgans use a lion in colors reversed from the TRACK/Trib lion, and Orba / Cetis was on/off the TRACHeitis river (see late January updates for that).

By the way, I was just at the atlas, spotting Cully to the near-west of Vevey, which recalls the trace of Cawleys/Auleys to Laevillus!!! The Cullys even share the Aule/Hall talbot heads. This is excellent because Vevey was traced to Veys/Vivians, like "VIBia," Laevillus' mother!!! EXCELLENT. Laevillus wife was of the rulers of Cetis. This was an unexpected surprise. And it's tracing the Laevillus line to mythical Avalon, a great key to have for blowing open that part of the Arthurian secrets. There is a Pully location to the near-west of Cully, and then Caiaphas-suspect Pulleys (same martlets as Josephs) share the pelican with Arthurs. The red Pulley scallops have traced hard to the same of Savona's (same place as Cullys), and ZOWIE, the Savona Chief uses the same two stars as the Reitman Chief, excellent for tracing Reitmans to "Rieti" (at mount Sabina) because Savona's list "Sabine." This makes any Reitman link to Sophonisba liners suspect as their line to Rieti. It may even be that the "copia" motto term of Reeds is for Sophia liners.

Aha! The pelican is shared by DaVAUX's, while Vaux liners were married by Laevillus-suspect Leavells, and, thanks to a reader that lives in Switzerland, who pointed Vevey and Morges out to us, I know that the Devaux's are also DeVAUD"! It was that same reader who sent the Devauds to me in the first place, what a super thing, I just can't believe it. But, yes, I do believe it. Levites / Maccabees were in the Geneva area. And the above is good reason to equate Laevillus with Leavells/Lovells, in case we had any doubts.

It was Waleran's father, a Percival liner, who married Vaux-related Meulan. The Vaux/Vose surname (honored in the "vos" motto term of Walerans) was first found in the same place as Bernice's, and Titus had married, virtually, Berenice Agrippa. If you click to Scottish Vaux's/Vans, you will see the Poitvin stars. But why do they have a Van and Vance variation?

As the Gala Numidians traced to Galli-related Poitvins in Poitou, that's where French Savona's/Savards (besants) were first found. And Italian Savona's use only ravens in the illegal colors of the rooster of Italian Galli's. Surprise. The Mose's (billets) use these now-illegal colors. Numidians of the Massena kind were at Rieti. Again, there is a Titius river near the ancient Maezaei, but also near the source of the Cetina river that links back to Quadratilla-Bassus liners in Cetis. The Cetina was also the Tilurius, to which talbot liners (i.e. kin of Aule's) had traced.

We now have much cause to suspect Laevillus liners at Orbe, and within the family of Adelaide. Another reader had a morning dream/vision which i accepted as Authentic, of a blue lion named "something like Cappeo." That was her entire vision. I knew right away that it meant the blue Macclesfield lion, for Macclesfields use a "copia" motto term. I also had reason for suspecting the Halland lion, noting now that Hallands can be Aule/Hall liners. That same reader was a Hall liner herself, and was the one who got me on to the Cawley/Auley surnames. Neither she nor I had any idea of the critical meanings behind her coming to light. The same blue-on-white and upright lion has been found with Adels, whom have seemingly been clinched with Adelaide herself. And while her Cappeo lion was suspect from the start as the Caiaphas lion, I did not yet know, at the time, of Quintus Caepio. So, let's ask again: why are Adels Jewish?

The woman with the vision was named by me, emailer Patterson, and she probably didn't know that Hallands (same place as blue-lion Bruce's) share drops upon their lion with Pattersons/Cassane's. I knew soon after her vision that Yorks applied, for while Hallands and Bruce's were first found in Yorkshire, Yorks use a copia-like motto term. And while "copia" only just came to mind for the first time as a Sophia" term, the York saltire happens to be colors reversed from the GOPHer saltire. The latter's saltire has drops upon it, I kid you not. Not long after the vision, I learned that the Colapis was also the Kupa, and I traced that thing to Cope's/Colps and Copps, in York colors, eventually realizing that Caepio's were from the Kupa. I've never retracted the Caepio-Kupa link, but instead have corroborated it.

I kid you not, that after writing the paragraph above, I was moving on to a new topic many paragraphs, where Sophie / Bouillon liners were linking hard between Bute and Lanarkshire, at which point I came to ask whether Eschers are sharing the Laury grail. The first thing done after writing the paragraph above was to eye the Escher/Ascher Coat, noting that it had one star in the colors of the Poitvin star. I had been seeing this Coat before writing the Orbe-related inserts above, and, because the Escher surname was first found in Switzerland, I had wondered whether it might link to Adelaide at Orba. While looking at the Escher Coat, a bird was heard outside, though at first I paid no attention, as it was mainly background noise not yet reaching my conscience. But it kept on cawing up until I realized that this was the first blue jay of the year, returned from the south...and Poitvins use a blue jay! Amazing. The Laurys use a motto term, "RePULLulat," which can now be deemed code for Pully in Vaud.

Although I was wrong in thinking that the gold-on-blue Escher star was the Poitvin star in both colors, the event above still stands as an act of God, for the Escher star is that of Galli's with a mirror image in the Poitvin Coat. God knows I need Special Help to finish this project, and that I'm very exhausted and tired, at much of the time, carrying on with this.

Although the Laevillus parts above, as they relate to Orbe, were inserted after I came to a Sophie below, the Adalaide parts were written before it. Adelaide was the mother of Italian queen, Emma, the name of Hugh Lupus' mother, and while the Welf surname was first found where Hugh Lupus ruled, Adelaide was of the house of Welf. "[Emma's] father [Carolingian] was poisoned in 950 by his political rival, Berengar of Ivrea." We suddenly find ourselves at Ivrea's Arduinici, the line to Arthur's Avalon, right? Expect an Ivrea link to the Laevillus liners just found in the Vaud part of Geneva. I checked for an Emma surname just for fun, which was the split second that the Adel lion was recalled for the link to Enrico's, and after jotting that down above, the Emma Coat was loaded to find a giant, purple-on-white lion! That gives cause to view this thing as the Meschin-Scipio bloodline. Emma's father (Lothair III), had taken Flanders and Arras, and then Rozala of Ivrea (Berengar's daughter) had married Baldwin IV of Flanders. This situation looks like part of the Arduinici link to Artois and Arras.

The Adel / Enrico lion happens to be in colors reversed from the Rita lion, and Adelaide lived in time to link to the alliance between Godfrey III (duke of Lower Lorraine, but of Artois elements) and the Pierleoni. Godfrey's father, Gothelo, might just be a Getuli term. I should expect Getuli Numidians in Pierleoni / Rita circles. Remember here that while Wikipedia gives a Gernon connection to Eustace II, a son-in-law of Godfrey III, Gernon was the surname of Ranulf le Meschin, so that Eustace II might have been a Massena-line Numidian (probably lost a lot of Numidian genes by then, but maybe not if Numidian liner married Numidian liner).

The Gothelo article says that while his wife was not known, there was a "spurious" genealogy given for her and her ancestors. She is given as "Barbe de Lebarten," which might be myth code, for Barbe's can be construed as Berbers. Bartens use boars, perhaps a Porcius-Cato line. German Bartons use the scimitar, perhaps a north-African symbol. German Barbe's can be using the lion of Ranulf le Meschin. French Barbe's (Provence), sharing gold stars in a blue Chief with Galli's, are traced in their write-up to the Berber barbarians, which recalls that English Barbers are suspect with the fleur-de-lys of Gellone's while William de Gellone is said by some to have been the father of Guerin of Provence. That claim always checks out in my understanding of heraldry. Scottish Barbers are sharing the red scallop with Numidian-suspect Savona's.

Between the two stars, the Barbe Chief has a crescent in the colors of the Conte crescent, important because Hugh Lupus and le Meschin descended from Conte liners. The last time we saw a Provence surname linking to Galli's was in the Le Bons, and they happen to share two gold stars in Chief with a white crescent between them. But Le Bons are in the Benedict motto, and the Gernon lions are also the Benedict lions. We seem to have succeeded in making the Meschin link to Pierleoni.

This situation in which the Godfrey III married Beatrice of Bar can explain why Barbera's use fish, and why Bars should trace to Berbers, or at least to the Barbe's ("HonESTate") above. The Barbe motto appears to honor Tate's and Tute's, probably the Taddei bloodline, for Taddei's share the Bouillon flory while Taddei's were first found in Tuscany while Beatrice was "the widow of Boniface III of Tuscany...Godfrey took over the government of the Tuscany in right of Beatrice and Matilda." It seems clear that the Barbe horse is black because it's the Este-Crest horse. But as Bute's/Butts show the black horse head once showing in the Este Crest, compare the Barbe-Chief colors with Bute's/Butts, then click over to German Bute's/Butts/Boets to see the fish. Then, compare Bute colors to the Bude's of Cornwall, where I expect Gala liners to the birth of King Arthur i.e. Arduinici of Ivrea.

The Beeters (Enrico colors) were looked up as per "Beatrice," and they were first found in the same place as Enrico-suspect Modens/Modeys. It's also where cat-using Croms were first found, in Berkshire, and then the Berks, descended from William V of Montferrat, in my strong opinion, use a cat too.

Godfrey III was of the rulers of Verdun, and Verduns share the giant FRET with Blake's/Caddels and Cattle's. The Verdun fret can link to the same of Psellus-suspect Selles that linked above to Pierleoni / Rita's during the trace of Curtis' to the same. Beatrice was a daughter of fret-like FREDerick II of Lorraine, this perhaps being indication that frets are code for his bloodline. Amazingly, the Syphax-suspect Space's/Speccots use white frets on a red bend, the colors of the fleur on the red bend of Lorraine's. The Space/Speccot bend is even in the colors of the Verdun fret. That's a match. And while Syphax was married to Sophonisba, Frederick had a daughter, Sophie of Bar, I kid thee not. The While one of the Godfrey Coats is suspect with the Vince griffin for a trace to Henry Fowler/Finkler, and therefore to the Pierleoni-Godfrey alliance (they may have married at some point), the other Godfreys (Shawia-laden Kent), sharing a dark-skinned man with Bouillons, use the colors and format of Syphax-suspect Spice's. If correct that Jerusalem was conquered by this Syphax line, did the movement have to do with descendants of Caiaphas?

Sophie's son, MontBELIard, might be part of the Bello's / Belli's in the "bello" motto term of Bouillons. By what coincidence do the German Bello's (Pomerania) share the double-headed Speck/Spick eagle, albeit it's in the black of the Maxwell eagle? Under the circumstances, Spanish Bello's may be using the Winkler Shield i.e. a Henry-Finkler link to Godfrey III. While Numidians traced to the Savona's/Sabine's (same place as Pilgrims), here we find the latter's red scallop possibly in the border area of Spanish Bello's, while Savone's/Safins were first found in the same place as Borders. The "pilgrim's staffs" in the Spanish Bello Coat suggest kinship with Hawks having an illegal chevron (gold and silver in contact) in colors reversed from the same of Numidian-suspect Name's/Neme's, first found Lincolnshire, same as Hawks and Le Meschin's wife. Italian Savona's use illegal colors. One can now glean that the family of Le Meschin's wife (i.e. Tailbois') shared the English-Barber saltire. The Strike's, suspect in the "Strike" motto of Hawks, use the same lion as Barbe's and Ranulph le Meschin. The "hawks lure" is shared by Cheshire's, but it's in purple, the color of the pilgrim staves of Hawks. It just so happens that Pilgrims (same place as Savona's who share the Barber scallop) share the scimitar with scimitar-happy Barten's! This paragraph seems reliable, for "The Gothelo article says that while his wife was not known, there was a 'spurious' genealogy given for her and her ancestors. She is given as 'BARBE de LeBARTEN...'" Perhaps it was spurious, perhaps it was false, but the writer seemed to know something true.

The Name's/Neme's list "Need" curiously, but then the Knee's (half the York saltire) are said to be from MacNeidhe's while the latter share stag heads with Name's/Nammee's/Nannys. I would suggest that these are Anne/Hanne / Hanna liners, Hannibal suspects. I wholly reject the derivation of Name's/Nammee's in the write-up. The English Name's (same place as Name's/Neme's/Needs), traced in their write-up to "uncle" (seems brilliantly wrong too), use the same lion as Masins/Masons.

As Barbe's were first found in the same place as Josephs, the latter's "wlad" motto term, suspect with the Vlads, can link to "GOTHELo," for Vlads and Goths/GOETHELs share the same white-on-blue Zionist star! Zinger, that Gothelo link to Goths is brand, spanking new, and very useful. Note that the Charo's/Claro's, in the same motto of Josephs, share the red bull with Numidian Savona's, and that the "mago" of the same motto can go to Carthaginians. Reminder: "Gothelo" is like "Getuli," making the Goths suspect as Numidians. But did Numidians own the giant Zionist stars of Goths? It's colors reversed from the same on the Israeli flag. I never dreamed, a few years ago, that Numidians could be spinal to Templarism. Involved, yes, but not the tap-root.

The same Zionist stars are in the Spanish Lucent Coat, perhaps linkable to the "praeLUCENT" motto term of Webers.

As Lorraine's were first found in Northumberland (same as Lorren-related Barbers), as with Keep-related Hebrons/Hepburns (share a white horse with Este's), recall the Tristan discussion that started with Sophonisba-suspect Navys/Neve's; it cascaded from there to some green leopard faces in the two colors of the green lions of the Lannoys and Lyons. Lorriane's use green lions too. And Keeps are now being viewed as Kepke liners while Kepke's are being viewed as Syphax liners. After the Tristan discussion came to an end, the Vincents and da Vinci liners came to topic from the Ottonian Germanics, and here I can repeat that Dan Brown, who supposedly focused on the da-Vinci elements, is the one with the Sophia-Neveu code. Like the Barbera's and Bars of Lorraine, Neveu's use the fish. Vincents use a border like the Winkler border, and like the Bart border. The Da Vinci Code originates in a Bouillon / Christ-killer liner, doesn't it?

Back to Frederick of Montbeliard, for one of two Billiard surnames is listed with French Billets, first found in the same place as French Josephs, and, zowie, I kid you not, the Gothelo Zionists stars are in that Coat! This is sufficient to prove that Goths (Este / Bar colors) are indeed from the Gothelo as his line linked to the Sophie>Montbeliard line. Sophie was the aunt of Godfrey III, son of Gothelo; that explains what the heraldry is now crying out, like a brand, new spanked baby. Come on, cry out some more, and show me the somebody that had Caiaphas' umbilical cord.

English Billiards use a version of their French counterparts, and throw in a rooster in Crest with red beak and "FEET." Why did they use "feet" for a rooster instead of legs or claws? Doesn't this go to the FOOTless martlet of French Josephs? Feeters are listed, curiously, with Clarens/Larins, and while the Morays once showed FETTER locks, English Billiards are using the same stars as Morays (Mauritanians?). Clarens will help enormously below to make a Sophie-line link to Scotland.

There are no shown B-variations of English Billiards; all are like "Hilliard." Note how Hillarys (and Clintons) share the six fitchees of Tarves'. Bill Clinton was born from Mr. BLYTHE, a Billet-like surname.

In my teenage story, Miss Peare = Sophonisba worked for Reitmans clothing, and here the double, black-on-white stars of Dutch Reitmans can be the same of Bars. Jewish Reitmans happen to share white and pierced Zionist stars with Billiards/Billets. Is this not incredible? This has to do with a difficult reality that I had to live as a young man. The pictures are ingrained forever in my memory. I was being corrupted by non-Christian elements. The big city was cold for a young bird far from the nest. Miss Peare always spoke glad to see me whenever we met, whether she was with Kepke or not. It was hard to watch her go to him, or for me to remain his friend in the meantime, and often I was the third wheel when we went out together. As I said, I sold my MUSTANg when moving into the same apartment with Peare, all the time of which she was with Kepke. I didn't attempt anything with her while she slept nights in the adjacent room; I've always been faithful to anyone that's already "taken," except for one time (her boyfriend slashed all four tires on my car for that; lucky it wasn't me). Things were not promising with the three nor four circle of friends I kept as I rounded 20. Nearing 22, I was wanting to know the universal truth, at which time Christ took me. It was ten years after his lightning bolt upon my chimney.

In confess. I loved Christine. I was so happy that she came to me, early in my second Christian year. She was lovely. But something made me turn her down. It was her non-Christian side. I didn't think there was any hope. It looked so bleak on that side of things. I did what was best for the both of us, and never saw her again. I never imagined her weeping over this.

Sophie of Bar was also the countess of a Mousson location. Moussons (same place as Billiards/Hilliards) are listed with Mussens/Mustans (like "Mustang"), perhaps using the Pek chevron for a trace to Pek-river Moesians. Aren't Packers/Peckers a merger with Stoltenbergs? Don't Stolls use billets? I'm convinced that billets trace to Montbeliard. Mose's use billets, and a patee cross.

The "PECtore" motto term of Bellows (share a Billet Coat) is suspect with the Pek surname that has patee crosses in the colors of the Bellows cinquefoils. Peks were first found in the same place (Essex) as CINQUEfoil-suspect Quints, and both share the red chevron with Chapmans. Doesn't this look like the line of Quintus Caepio, which line was merged with, and probably related in earlier times to, Porcius Cato? Yes, for while the Mackays are the ones that have a Licinii-suspect motto, they share the black wolf with the Cheshire Bellows, and the Moselle-suspect and Meschin-related Mussels.

If the Massey Numidians were linked to Godfrey kin, it raises the possibility that the Godfrey Coat is borrowing the Spice Coat...which is also to say that Spice's become more suspect with the Syphax Numidians. Spice's use towers that can be of the "PecTORE" motto term. The Tors/Thors share red towers with the Scarboroughs, themselves using a version of the Spice Coat. The MASTers (same place as Godfreys) have a Tuareg-suspect motto term.

Bouillons use a "bello CHRISTi" motto phrase, and Christine's (the Shaw / Pilotte grail cups) may play to this. Christine's are in Masters colors, which reminds me that my first kiss from a girl was from Christine Masters. Hmm. Here are the Chris'/Christmans with what could be the Winkler / Bart Shield. The Christ Coat is a reflection of the Bart Coat (suspect with the Barbe-Barton relationship claimed by someone(s) to be in the ancestry of Gothelo's wife). Chris's were first found in the same place as English Josephs and Barbe's, and share the swan with French Josephs. The Sellers, now suspect with Selles'/Sells that seem to be Psellus liners with some certainty, share the swan design once showing for French Josephs, but also have the cups that Christine's show, though in different colors.

Barts use a "BEARDed man" as code, probably, for Beards/Bard, first found in Lanarkshire. [Later, the Sophie > Bar line traces to Lanarks, the surname.]

Some months before Christine came to me in my second year, I had been going out with Miss MUSKATov. Her father was Ukrainian, how about that. He disliked me, and tore her daughter from me. I was upset with God over this. Later, Miss Muskatov came to me, signalling that she wanted a relationship. She was lovely. But I let her go the same day. Was I nuts? She wasn't a believer. I wanted God to make one of these ladies a Christian, but that doesn't always happen. Here are the Musketts/Mousquette's, kin of Love's/Luffs.

When I finally married, I went to her church, and met Mr. Love. We became friends. He died in a car accident this past winter; I was at his funeral. Shortly before I got news of this death, I had a split-second vision of an angel taking a man (I thought it was me) with an arm and hand coiled around his head, and taking him upward in fast flight, to spare him the pain of a tragic head injury. It was comforting on the one hand, and concerning on the other. Mr. Love was a close friend of Mr. Smith, who became my friend too, and it was this Mr. Smith whom I thought I saw in a dream a few months ago that, after I awoke, was shared with readers because it had to do with Kiev. That dream had Mr. Kepke in it. The story started like so:

This morning, as I awoke, I remembered a vivid dream of this past night. I don't usually remember my dreams. I'm convinced that it was a Message to us. There was little to the dream. An old friend, with Kepke surname, came walking into view at my driveway, with a young pet stag walking along with him. Then, behind him followed a second man who looked a little like another friend, with a Smith surname, and he was walking on crutches. When considering this dream, as to whether or not it was some direction from God, the first thing asked was whether the Kepke surname could link to a stag, and the second question was whether the crutch = potent line of Templar Jerusalem could link to the Kepke-stag entity. What are the chances of that being the case if this was a random dream not from God? Or, as Rozala [of Ivrea] was traced to Templar-Jerusalem's first ruler / king (Godfrey de Bouillon), by what coincidence does this dream seemingly connect to the first thing I had planned, from yesterday, to kick-off this update? The family of Godfrey de Bouillon owned the potent cross that was the flag of Jerusalem.

That was in the 4th update of November, 2015, if you want to read the rest. It was about that time that I had the vision of the angel in fast-upward flight. It was roughly at that time that Mr. Love died. There needs to be something very important to what I'm writing, and maybe I still haven't seen anything yet. My life has been a tool for God. What's he up to? I didn't ask for this. It was His idea.

Kepke's first name is Laurence, like the Laurys and Lowrys that share grails with Christine's. Lawrence's use the motto, "Be READY," very linkable to Reeds and Reitmans. Readys use swans in the colors of the Chris(tman) swan. So, you see, my life was a tool for this story. The events in my youth were manipulated for this story. Was it for my personal entertainment today?

Lawrence is a name sometimes shortened as, Larry. Larrys are listed with Laurie's, using a single grail in the white of the Escher/Ascher cup. I wanted to say that the Escher cup was in Rita colors for a reason, but I had no evidence for the link. Sometimes the cellars on my mind know what links to what, while my conscience doesn't see the sun shining on the reasons. The Larrys/Laurie's are the ones with a "RePULLulat" motto that was traceable above to Pully at lake Geneva. Pullys are the ones with the Joseph martlets.

Pullys are the kin of Gards, and therefore likely associated with Gardners, and then the Da-Vinci-Code / holy-grail crew included one very-stupid, LAWRENCE Gardner. The Gardner symbols and split-colors can be linked to Kepke-like KAPlans and Capes', and while English Caplans are provable kin of Josephs, Pullys and their Savona's kin share the Cape scallops in colors reversed. The Savona's use the giant Gardner scallop in colors reversed, and the Gardner Shield is split in the black and red of the split Larry/Laurie Shield. Hence, the holy-blood / holy-grail garbage of Lawrence Gardener was just surname garbage dressed with satanic storylines...probably in hopes of making money from the world's bountiful suckers. I've only just seen that German Kaplans were first found in Switzerland, same place as Pully, and the grail-using Eschers! I was going

It was just recalled that Jewish Felds were found this past year to be with the German Kaplan Coat, but I've visited this page so often that I knew before seeing it that they are using the Reitman stars! On one half of the Feld Shield, it's the Dutch Reitman star, and the Jewish Reitman star is on the other half of the Feld Shield. In the Feld Chief, the same moline as Chives'.

The center of this Arms of Rothschild may be using the Gardner scallop. The black side of the Gardner Coat (Bavaria) has a scallop in the colors of the Biss / Russell / Meschin / Fleck / Samson scallop, take your pick. I think the Biss' and their Nettle kin were very close to the Rothschilds and Nathans/Nations.

Smiths (with perhaps the Barber fleur) share "Benigno NUMINE" with Mea's/Meighs. Both surnames use the same type of fitchee (as do Love's/Luffs). The "Semper" motto term of Scottish Smiths is what was Kiev- / Ukraine pertinent in the Kepke-Smith dream, for the arms of L'viv uses "Semper." I didn't know at the time that Vibia Varia could've had line from the namers of L'viv, but, as we saw Laevillus liners tracing smack to the Pully area of Geneva, that's where Vevey is located.

The above suggests that Kiev was named by Kaplan liners. But the Smiths can help me now to trace Cowie' to Kiev liners, and it just so happens I had a teenage friend with Cowie surname. His first name, Colin, is like "Cully," a location smack between Pully and Vevey. The Cowie Crest shares a tree stump with the Larry/Laurie Crest, and we just saw how the latter's motto can trace to Pully. But none of this fine material is how the Cowie surname came to topic just now. It had to do with the "tenBRAS" motto term of Smiths, for the Bras(s)/Brace Coat (may be the origin of the heraldic arm symbol) reminded me of Cardine's, and Cowie's then came to mind because they were first found in Cardineshire. I didn't know until getting down to this part of the paragraph that Colins are the ones with the same footless martlets as Pullys and Josephs! Zowie. I kid you not, that, immediately above the paragraph above, I had written the following: "My work is now like dropping a dollar into a slot machine and knowing beforehand that the jackpot will come falling down." I decided that it was a corny statement, and deleted it, when I sensed something inside saying, "No, it's for the Jack surname." After this, Jackie came to mind, followed by the realization that Jacks/Jacques' use a perfect reflection of the Colin Coat. By that time, the first two sentences below were already written. I'm not just amazed, but startled. Someone is in my head directing this.

At 15, I met Jackie during the times when going with classmates to Cowie's place. He threw a lot of parties on his big estate, and one day I went there with Jackie. After two months with Jackie, I crushed her heart, because I decided that I could not yet have a serious relationship, just too young. She was only 14, and very wrapped around me. This was my first relationship. After she invited me to her place to introduce me to her father, it was headed for something like marriage, which scared the daylights out of me. It had to be nipped right away. I can't tell you how badly I feel for her when I remember this. It hit her so hard that she transferred to another school. But did God orchestrate that too for this moment? I saw her some years later with her future husband, and so approached to say hello, when she called me a "stoner" with all the poison she had.

It was true. I was hanging around with stoners. No one knows more than I do that I went down the wrong side of the tracks at that time. God was going to shake my world for this. He did. And I'm glad he did. I've just loaded the French Jacques to find a blue version of the Mousson/MUSSEN/Mustan Coat (Rasmussen kin?), which recalls that Moussons came to topic with a location of that name where Sophie of Bar was countess. And the Billiards/Hilliards that were found named after the line of her son, de Montbeliard, are in the colors and format of French Jacques'. Amazing. How can I deny that Jackie was Orchestrated in my life's theater for this moment? I almost feel like a puppet, but I'm joking. I'm honored to be "used" this way. It's amazing. It's great to think that God is watching overhead. And the same applies to many whether they realize it or not.

The tree stump of Jacks is shared by Rodhams, which tends to suggest that the Sophie > Billard > Hilliard line evolved into Hillary Clinton's first name. It then suggests that the Sophie line went into merger with the ones responsible for the Tarves fitchees. As Chives' were in Tarves, while "SOPHIE" is now suspect with "COPIA," isn't that the Caiaphas line??? The Turbots, in the Lawrence-crest turbot fish tail, were first found in Yorkshire, same as the same colored Billiards/Hilliards...and Jacks (probably a branch of Joke's/Yoke's, both with scallops). It may indicate that Tarves' and Turbots were branches.

Aren't Jacks a branch of Jacobs, and aren't Jacobs of the Gala-rooted Jays? Look at that big, fat scallop of Swedish Jacobsons, for it's the Gardener scallop. German Jacobsons share the moline with Chives', but Chives' use it in both colors of the same of Gardner-related Kaplans.

It just so happens that while Cavetts are suspect with Chives', Cavetts were first found in the same place as same-colored French Jacques'. Look at how important Jackie and Colin Cowie have been for clinching Caiaphas liners, and understanding their tracks. The problem is, I can't digest so much at once, but perhaps it's not for me to digest. This message is for others, isn't it? French Colins were first found in the same place (Ile-de-France) as Chappes' and Levi's, jibing with the Cawley / Auley trace from Laevillus. French Colins may be using the Love/Luff bars, for three chevrons in the colors of the three Luff bars trace to Morency's (probably the Eustace cross) at Ile-de-France. As Luffs (three bars in the colors of the three Knight bars) were first found in the same place as Chatillon-related Blois' and Chatillon-related Knights, the English Colins (Shropshire) are apt to be using the Porci bend. If correct, the Colins were a Caiaphas-Cato merger. And we are not blind that the bars in this picture should be due to love of the Bars. Luffs share the red lion head of Bars.

The Knights are traced to an early KNITH surname, suggesting Nith-river liners, the Geds of which are viewed (by me) as Numidians. The spur of Knights can connect to the spur of Close's, suspect from Closeburn upon the Nith. The Waters were insinuated above with the triple chevron to the Morencys, and then "water bougets," which trace to Bouchard II, founder of Montmorency, are used by Bugs, first found in NOTTINGhamshire, named by Knight-suspect Cnut/Canute. German Bugs once showed the same footless martlets as Josephs, and therefore as English Colins. While Cowie's are suspect with Kiev liners along with Kepke's, Larrys/Laurie's were first found in the same place as the Nith river.

English Gardners, by the way, can be gleaned as a colors-reversed version of the Name/Neme/Need Coat, which can be viewed as a Numidian line to which Dan Brown traced his Sophia code. It's pretty clear to me now that Dan Brown intended Sophia of Bar, and not necessarily Sophonisba. But, inadvertently, he may yet have been touching upon the latter's line. Brown's use a "majESTAs" motto term, suggesting the Bars of BRUNswick. The Bar-Crest lion is BROWN, yes, okay, but doesn't that only go to prove that the gold Brunswick lion is the brown (dark gold) Brown lion? So, Dan Brown was a Bar-of-Este liner, and the twit was wasting his life on writing bloodline garbage, twisting into shape whatever demented story the demons desired of him. The "Floreat" motto term of Browns betrays their trace to Italian Bruno's (FLORence). Didn't a prime minister Brown of Britain rule while Rasmussen ruled NATO?

Why were Bars -- the ones with the Arms-of-Este eagle -- first found in Shawia-laden Ayrshire? Shouldn't we expect Bars, instead, in France? Why were the Lorraine-like Larins (same place, around Este-related Bute, as Lanarks) first found near the Kyle castle? Kyle's share the white anchor with Dutch Reitmans, and the latter use the two stars of Bars, which I think effectively links Bars to Jewish Felds. Then, the Fields/Felds use garbs in half the colors of the Stick garbs while Kyle's use candleSTICKS. Sticks are the Sithechs = Shaws, right? Yes, and Numidians had traced to Bars aside from this Shawia picture of Ayrshire. As the Billiards/Billets are likely a part of this line, let's repeat that candlesticks are used in the Arms of Le Mans, which was once a part of Maine, where Billiards/Billets were first found. This material is all new. It's linking Lanarks to Bars of Lorraine simultaneous with a Kyle link to the same elements. Kyle's are said to be from Cummock, not far from Lanark.

And why are Lanarks also "LURNach," and said to be from a king Loarn? It sure looks like Lorraine elements moved it over to Scotland. It was the land, likely, of Jewish Pollocks, and the Lorraine eagles were the Piast eagles, weren't they? Lanarks are using two cinquefoils in Chief in the colors of the two "mullets of six points" in the Chief of Jewish Reitmans, and the Mullets (same place as Bouillons) are kin of Payens and Guerins, while Lanarks are also in the colors of the Larins/LORRENs, first found in Provence. It's such a big guerincidence.

These French Larins use the same scallops as Capes', first found beside the Chapmans that share a solid chevron, in colors reversed, with Lanarks. Chapmans were first found in the same place as Capone's, and the latter use the colors and format of Godfreys and Spice's for a solid link of Caiaphas suspects to Syphax suspects. Chapmans and Capone's were first found in the same place as Julians who share the black crusader cross that we saw with Henry-Fowler's painting. Godfreys were first found in the same place as the Foggs/Foghs now suspect with Henry's Fowler = Fugler "nickname." Might Fugler have been a Fuller bloodline? Hmm.

Repeat: "Scottish Barbers are sharing the red scallop with Numidian-suspect Savona's." These scallops are colors reversed from the Capes scallops. Things are clicking here while unveiling some details on the chief Crusader family. Note that English Barbers are using the same double chevrons of Larins/Lorrens, and that while the latter list "Claren," the chevrons are in the colors of the three Clare chevrons. I'm not convinced that Larin liners were purely from a "Clare" variation, however. Instead, I think I'm seeing Lorraine liners that formed a Laren variation as per their marital link to Clare's.

The "libertas" motto term of Godfreys is a term in the Chief of Dino's (Tuscany, same as Taddei's), who are said to have included Taddeo Dini, are therefore linkable to the Taddei line of Godfrey III and his Bar wife from Tuscany's rulers. This makes the Dino Coat suspect with the Bellow Coat, for Bellows ("Vita") are expected as a branch of Belli's in the Bouillon motto. It just so happens that while Bar elements have traced otherwise to Lanarks, the Bello(w) Chief shares white-on-red cinquefoils with Lanarks! Plus, the Tattons (and Toots/Tute's), first found in the same place as Bellows (fox in Crest, not a wolf), share the crescent of Chapmans. Dino's use "a tree" without a species indicated, as do Masseys/Massa's that share the Tatton / Chapman crescent. The Herod / Tristan-related Tree's/True's/Trews are suggested.

Whose heart is in the Lanark base? We should ask the Hurts/Horts sharing the Mussel fesse. Hence, the Cato line in the Pierleoni made it to the Keiths of Musselburgh when the Godfrey-Bar line ended up, for an as-yet unknown reason, in Scotland. Have I got that right? The hunting horns of German Bars can trace to Huntingdon, smack in the Capone / Chapman / Julian / Quint theater.

The Lannoy / Lyon lion, by the way, is used in both colors by the Touch's, while the Clan Chattan motto includes "Touch." We saw Cato liners link to Keiths of MUSSELburgh, but Bar is on the Mussel-like Moselle river. The reverse side of the Herod-Archelaus coin had a grape vine, symbol of German Plate's. The Mussels use so-called plates. English Plate's share white scallops with Capes', and use the colors and format of both Billiard Coats.

There is a Fugler surname, with Fulger/FULKer/Fuge/Fudge/FUTchers/FOUTch variations, making it difficult to know the earliest form(s). It uses plate's on a red bend, and an orange-y lion in Crest holding a white anchor. It may be a bland of Fullers and the Futters/FOTys that I see in the Fuller motto. The plates are in the colors of the Bacon cinquefoils, while Fullers loved the Beacons/Bacons. While Futters use a poppinJAY, Jays (same place as Fullers) use roses-on-a-bend in colors reversed from the plates-on-a-bend of Fuglers/Fulgers. It looks like we've got the Fulgers figured out as a Fuller branch, or a merger in the least. I say that Jays are using the Jewish-Pollock bend.

The Futter Chief can be using the Jewish-Reitman Chief in colors reversed because Dutch Reitmans use a white anchor. Fuglers/Fulgers were first found beside the Aberdeenshire Reeds. Foggs/Foghs and Ficks/Figgs share pierced stars with Jewish Reitmans. It may be important later that Fullers look like they can be a merger with Knights, and therefore having some elements on the Nith river.

I can't see one heraldic reason to link Fuglers/Fulgers to Voulers/Fowlers. But wait, the Figg-like Vigils, suspect in the Fowler motto, happen to use a bend in Pollock-bend colors (see English Vicks, same place as Fuglers/Fulgers), and a Shield split in the colors of the Fulke's. And Spanish Vigils use towers in the colors of the same of HOWELLs, while there is an OWL in the Fowler Crest. Howells were first found in the same place (Monmouthshire) as the Fane's/Vans suspect as kin of Voirs, and the latter were being linked to Fowlers. It therefore appears that the Fowler owl pertains to Howells.

It indicates that Howells are a line from Henry Fowler, and as that line traced hard to Clarens/Larens, it's notable that Olivers share two red chevrons with Clarens/Larens, for Olive's use the owl. It's now possible that the Bacon cinquefoils are those of Lanarks, even as the bacon boar is suspect with the Pollock boar. It's dragging Bacons into Fowler / Godfrey / Bar circles.

As Fullers use the same fesse bars as Love's/Luffs, it's interesting that Owls/Howls were first found in the same place as Love's/Luffs. The latter are using the Knight bars, right? It looks like the Fuller link to Knights was correct. The red Fuller canton gave it away.

So, as Fulke's share "qui" with the Fowler/FOULER motto, it appears that Henry Fowler/Fugler was a Fulk liner in disguise. But why in disguise? Or was it the historians who disguised it by making him look like a bird catcher instead. This exercise tends to show that Fullers were Fulks of Anjou, and linked to nearby Blois. That just caused me to take another look at the Chatillon-related Chalons, and what did I find? The Colin bend! It's not the Colin page, but it's the Colin (and Porci) bend, meaning that Chatillon, the location, also named, Chalons, must have been a Laevillus > Aulus liner. And if God is telling us that Colins are to be linked to Cowie's, with this trace of Colins to Laevillus, while the latter was supposed (by me) to descend from Caiaphas, then that's what this must mean, for Colins are using the Joseph martlets! These Colins are also Caullins. And that should explain why French Colins (same three bars as Fullers / Love's!) were first found in the same place as Chappes' and Levi's. Didn't Fulks make it to the throne of Templar Jerusalem?

I would guess that the blue bend of French Colins is that of Charo's/Claro's, the beloved of English Josephs.

The Fullers were previously surmised as from Fulbert "the tanner" of Falaise, and then Ile-de-France (home of the first French Colins) was the location of La Falaise. Fulbert "the Saxon," father of all Pollocks/Polks, was suspect from this Fulbert so as to view Pollocks as a fundamental part of the Fullers. It's seemingly checking out.

Something occurred to me here, that the "MAJestas" motto term of Browns should link to the "MAGO" of Josephs. If correct, it can indicate that Mago of Carthage traces to Este, a reasonable trace where the Huns trace to nearby Bled / Emona. I then recalled that "mago" was traced suggestively to Magor (Hungarian?) at MONmouth, that being like "EMONa." At the time that Magor was found, the Chepstow location of Monmouth was found, at which point the Jefferson-suspect Cheps/Jepps/Yeks (Lower Saxony) were found with a Zionist the colors of the same of Goths/Goethels and Billiards/Billets. The Cheps/Jepps may, therefore, be smack-on track with the Fowler / Bouillon line.

Jeffersons were Jay kin (not a branch, but a merger), and we just saw Jays link to Fowler liners. And Cheps/Jepps use the double-headed eagle design of Maxwells / Specks / Bello's. The Chep/Jepp eagle is black, as is the one of Pollock-related Maxwells, but it's in both colors of the Bello eagle while Bello's are in the Bouillon motto. Plus, Bello's were first found in the same place as Attila-suspect Dols while Fulbert of Pollock was in Dol. Plus, Fullers share the beacon with German Belli's.

Cheps/JEPPs is one of those surnames with such variations making it difficult to figure which was the earliest, or most able to identify what they were a branch of. In such cases, a comparison with other heraldry can dredge up the truth. Welsh Jeffreys (Godfrey-griffin colors), first found in the same place as Jeffersons/JEPHsons, are said to be of "Godfrey." It looks like Cheps/Jepps were Gothelo > Godfrey lines right through de Bouillon. It helps to nail Goths with Gothelo. It looks like they ended up in Herefordshire and neighboring Monmouth together. Recall that Godfrey liners traced in multiple ways to Numidians, for Jays are still being traced to the Gaia/Gala Numidians.

A reason for identifying Chews with Cowes'/Koo's (like the "Chue" of Chews') is where the latter use pennants while Pennants (sinister split) were of Tudor Trevor, of Herefordshire i.e. where Jeffersons / Jeffreys / Fullers were first found. But, in this case, do we view Chews as a Chep branch, or not? Let's be reminded that while Bouillons were merged with Taddei's. I felt that Tudors were Taddei's. This can explain why the Fowler / Godfrey line is being found at the Herefordshire / Wales theater. Imagine that: the Godfrey line evolved into the Tudors, and no one but the elite knew it.

The Cowes location on the Isle of Wight is directly off-shore of a Poole location (Hampshire or Dorset), and Poole's share the same lion, in Este / Bar / Billiard colors, as Rita's. The latter use a lion holding a cross said to be "wood," and as Rita's use the same lion as Creuse's that are kin to Woods and Croizier's, the latter first found in the same place as Bouillons, note the wood code used below in a Bar>Billiard-suspect line. And while there was no Godfrey link made hard to the line of Henry Fowler, some circumstantial evidence for it has appeared, including what looked like a Reitman link to both Fugler and Bar lines. One can add that while Ottone's may have been named after the same that named Fowler's father, Ottone's share annulets with Figgs / Foggs.

And by the way, the Vouler/Fowler chevron can now be suspect with the one of Billiards. At two points, I argued that Fullers were a branch of Pulleys/Pullens, wherefore it's notable that they and Billiards were first found in the same place. Pullens are the ones using the Joseph martlets while Billiard/Billets were first found in the same place as those Josephs. Does this expect the Bar > Billiard line at Geneva's Pully location? Pully is right beside LAUSanne while Arbuthnotts, sharing the three stars of Billiards, use a "Laus" motto term. Arbuthnotts (peacock) were first found in Kincardine i.e. same as Cowie's now being linked to Colins, i.e. like the Cully location beside Pully. ArBUTHnotts have been resolved as Bute = Avalon elements of the Bothwell kind, while Morges, near Cully, traces to a witch cult on Bute. It's still debatable as to what the "piece of wood" refers to, but the Peas variation of Peacocks might be it, in which case I would again make a Poole link to Pollocks. It just so happens that the CULLIS'/Colesons/Cawllysons (same place as Cowie's) are the ones with PEAScods! And while Cullis' are suspect with the portCULLIS gate, NewPORT is on the Isle of Wight with Cowes.

MOREOVER, the Seatons have traced to the Geneva area already, but they had a Seaton location at the end of the Axe river that links to this very discussion. It's the Yate's, suspect in the "yet" motto term of Seatons, that use a portcullis gate! It means that Cullis' / Yate's / Seatons are tracing to Cully at Geneva, with all of its ramifications for linking back to Laevillus.

Scottish Jeffreys (Julian bars?) use a "nuBILLIa" motto term that can be for a MontBeliard / Billiard liner. And one Bill surname ("wood bills" = battle-axes) happens to share pelicans in Chief (stork in Crest) with Godfreys. While a Bar > Billiard line to Godfreys is perfectly expected, Pulleys, who can link to the very same Billiards, use the pelican too. It looks like a match all around, and so the wood bill should find its way to Rita / Reitman elements around Poole, not far from Somerset's Axe river. Bills are naturally, but probably wrongly, traced to "William." Under the circumstances, tracing Bills to Billiards make more sense. Willards/Viliards (flasks) are traced to a Wollard location on a CHEW river (Somerset), perhaps a Chep variation. Chews (Catherine wheel) are listed with Jews, and first found in the same place (Somerset) as Bills and Roets. I'm guessing that Jews/Chews are using the Caplan griffin heads, but in any case it's the same gold one as per the Willard/Viliard Crest.

I kid you not, that when the following was written earlier in this update, I was days away from the Chew topic at hand, and the Chews were not on my mind at all:

The latter's billets get us very close to Joseph liners, but as they were close to the Blaze's too, I've just thought of something new to add to the Blaze / Place/Plais / Baez/Pelaiz topic, for the latter were traced (years ago) to the Bilis river of Pamphylia, because they use the same checks as the Bils'/BILLS [caps added now]. It tends to reveal that Blaze's, and the very naming of Bleda the Hun, was a Bilis-river liner. I'll need to CHEW the cud for a while with this one, before taking it seriously.

Haha, I think someone's in my head, and having a good time of it. It appears that Billiards/Billets may have been some of the Pamphylian liners to Porcius Cato's myth characters in the Rita theater. It's another reason to link the Cato-Pierleoni relationship to Godfrey III as he passed through Rome. I'm seeing a Pamphylian-of-Rome merger with Numidians, and so let's not forget that Tabal/Tubal had an empire beside the Pamphylians. That empire touched upon Chew-like Qewe/Que/Kue, very traceable to the Cowes' and the motto of their Pennant kin. That motto, "Aequo aNIMO," can indicate the Numidians too. And I see Numidians, not just merging with Cato liners in Rome between 200 - 100 BC, but at the Cilician Shawia between 100 BC and 100 AD, who may have originated in "Qewe" in the first place. Laevillus was about 100 AD. It's now a matter of discovering how the Cato Romo-Numidians ended up in Cilicia, not a great mystery, but very welcome if it can be proven from the history books. Expect these Romo-Numidians in the formation of Hasmoneans around 200-175 BC, with proto-Sadducees related to whatever named Cato. Again, the ancient Cati area (1500 BC) of Cilicia is a candidate, but I don't know what it was called in Cato's lifetime. It may have been the Khassi area.

As Chews were obviously Roet kin, note that Roets share the oak tree with Woods, suggesting that some Rita elements may have named Roets, or vice versa. Scottish Woods share the gold fitchee cross with Reeds. [By the way, the Codds become a topic later, a term like "cud". This entry above is the reason that Cudds will be included in the Codd topic].

It's interesting that while Willards/Viliards are shaping up to be a Billiard variation, while they also had a Hilliard variation suspect with Hillarys, the Bills use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Clintons while Clintons share the six fitchees of Hillarys. As Woods are traced to Bosco's, the Bill / Clinton Shields can be that of Saluzzo's, which recalls that the mother (Luisa of Ceva) of Alice of Saluzzo is expected with the Gorlois cult of Cornwall, and with the neighboring Chives' that lived near / on the Axe river to which the wood bills (battle axes) of Bills should trace.

I may have gotten lucky with deciphering the Willard flasks. The Jewish Fleishmans were the first to come to mind, but that put "Flash" to mind, and it just so happens that Flash's/Flackmans (potential Fulks) share two gold-on-blue bends with Chaplains! Excellent, for this not only tends to verify that Kaplans are in the Willard / Chew griffins, but that Caplan- and Chapla(i)n-related Josephs apply, important because Chews may be Cheps that were suspect with the Joseph motto -- both the "wlad" and "mago" terms. That is, Valds/Flattens share the Zionist star of Cheps/Jepps.

From Josephs in the MAGOR theater, one may hop over with the footless martlet of French Josephs to the Footes location...on Guernsey, where the Majors/MAGORs were first found, and moreover this place is linkable to the Fotys variation of Futters that had just linked to Fowler liners. Reminder: Fowler was duke of Saxony while the Arms of Saxony share a rare, curved bend with Rita's (make Wettins suspect as a Wood branch). It's interesting that Spanish Majors share a Shield of checks half in the colors of the same of German Bills. French Majors may therefore be using the Willard chevron and the Godfrey / Luff lion head.

Fleishmans use a man on a mount holding an axe. There needs to be a reason that Bills use battle axes called wood bills, for there are other ways to represent "Bill." The axes suggest the Axe river i.e. in Somerset where Chews and Willards lived.

I can't recall for sure, but roughly where the first Bill Coat was loading, I heard a voice in my head. I do not hear voices in my head all day, be assured. It was an Italian word that I don't know how to spell, but sounds like "echo," meaning "here," or, in a long version, "here it is, the key." I was asking God whether he's talking to me in Italian now. I didn't know He knew Italian. Just for fun, the Ecco/Ice Coat (Rostock) was loaded. Drats, another black, spread eagle, there are millions of them, ho-hum. On the bottom half of the Ecco/Ice Coat, nothing Bill- / Willard-relevant, just trefoils. Ecco's may have been a hard version of "Ezzo/Azzo," the founder of Este.

The next thing done was to load Wollers, for Wollards are a Willard variation. And that got black, spread eagles on a bend in the colors of the Ecco trefoils. The Woller bend is in the colors of the same of Pollocks / jays, but most-importantly, its black symbols make it reflect the Rodham / Ade bend, meaning that we are once again on a Joseph motto term. I recognized the Woller Coat (Prussia) as the Suthern Coat (Suffolk) exactly. I need to assume that God wants someone to know that Billiard liners were also the Wollers, and perhaps the Sutherns (same place as Love's/Luffs / Blois' / Knights, etc.). The Wools list Woolers (Sussex), in Woller colors, and looking like they use wool packs, the symbol of Wolleys/Wolfleys, an Obama bloodline, I think. The Wooler Crest shares a lion COUCHant with same-colored Tints. this code is suspect with Gaucher of Chatillon, kin of Fuller-related Knights, suggesting that Henry Fowler was linked to Chatillon. Couch's/Couchers share pale bars in red with Knights, and both share a canton with Tute's/Toots.

And by the way, the English Josephs descend from a Henry Joseph or Joseph Henry (I always forget which, no matter how hard I re-try not to).

With Reitmans tracing to the Lanark / Ayrshire theater, I can begin to out a few things together. Peter Pollock at Rothes castles was the root of Rothschilds to which I see Reitmans linking. Rothes was between Moray and Aberdeenshire, the latter where Reeds were first found. One Reed Coat shares a gold saltire with Pollocks, and the latter use a PIERCED boar, now traceable to Porcius-Rita elements, the latter linking in multiple ways to Flavius Petro, the character to which I've traced both Peter Pollock and Reeds. The peasCODs of Cullis' are not only suspect with the Rita PIECE, but with PEAS/Peacocks (share mascles with Rieti-suspect Pratts and Peters) whom are perfectly traceable to Peter Pollock, but then the CODD surname (Devon) shares the raven with German Rothes and Peters. The Codds share the colors and format of Exeters (share bells with portCULLIS-using Porters), which are the colors and format of Walsh's and related Mortons. Walsh's use a PIERCED swan, and trace well by their motto to Fugler suspects.

That is, While Walsh's, who share a swan with the Lincolnshire Peters, use a "TransFIXus" motto term, Fix's/Ficks were first found in Saxony, tending to nail Fick liners down to "Fugler." The Ficks/Figgs are using a version of the Frock/Frogg Coat, while the latter were first found in Shropshire, where the father of Peter Pollock lived, The Frocks were first found in the same place as English Rothes' that share the white lion with Rita's (and Poole's), though probably on the Sale bend. One of the two English Peters (share a gold bend with Porci's), the one with the Rothes raven, was first found in Devon (location of Exeter), where raven-using Codds were first found, they suspect as a merger with Peas', the latter known to be a Pollock sept. German Peters, sharing the bend of English Peters, but also sharing the Porci bend in both colors, are also "Peer."

The Cudds/Cubbys are in Pollock colors, and, at Wikipedia's Clan Pollock article, it says that their boar is sometimes pierced by a dart, the symbol in the Cudd Crest. Cudds should be considered with my inadvertent "chew the cud" phrase, and then Rothes-suspect Roets are in the Chew Coat's Catherine wheel. Cuthberts/CUDburts use a version of the Cudd/Cubby dart, and so do Maine's (share pheon with Walsh's and Cudds/Cubbys), first found in the same place as Codds and using Codd colors and format. The Maine's can trace to the Bilis'-river-suspect Billiards/Billets, first found in Maine. Repeat: "It appears that Billiards/Billets may have been some of the Pamphylian liners to Porcius Cato's myth characters in the Rita theater."

Darts (flames), in Rodham colors, were first found in Devon too. What were Pollocks doing in Northumberland, where Cudds were first found? We should ask the Rodham tree stump, for Peter Pollocks family married Watsons who share the Rodham stump, and Rodhams share the bend of Jewish Pollocks. Rutherford-related Rodhams were likely Rothes liners. This Pollock-Rodham relationship is what traces the bend of Jewish Pollocks through the Stevensons to the Levi-beloved Ade's. Rothes was so close to Tarves that the Chives' of Devon were liikely to have met up with Peter Pollock, for Chives were from Luisa of Ceva, where the Shield of Clintons trace who in-turn share the Tarves fitchees. And so we see an old Clinton-and-Hillary link to Rodhams in this picture, part of the Rothschilians that hope to use and abuse us in their ongoing globalism program.

There's more that can be added, but I'm out of time for this week. The details around these findings are hardly exhausted. Where to next?


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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