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(if there are any to speak of)
May 3 - 9, 2016

The Rusa Email and the Armenian Gomers
Two Girlfriends Speak on Sinope
Sorry Clouds Across the Transylvanian Alutus
The Bush-Dein-Visconti Connection Startles

What's the difference between the current Turkish leader (Erdogan) and the accusation of the West against Assad? "In 2016, Erdogan will submit to the parliament a draft constitution that calls for an authoritarian presidency." The article is dated last month. Erdogan is asking the people whether he can be a dictator. Apparently, some people like dictators. But if the U.S. can support the Syrian rebels because they oppose Assad's dictatorship, isn't the U.S. compelled to start a similar thing against Turkey? It's pretty embarrassing because the West is now allowing Turkey to move closer to the West. Erdogan can't end PKK war / Kadri Gursel

Here is a decent article speaking on NATO's recent affront to Russia on the excuse that Russia is capable of doing to other nations what it recently did to the Crimea. This NATO move reveals that the West is unafraid of raising its claws toward Putin. There have been quite a few U.S. accusations of Russian planes where they shouldn't be, but why should I believe the U.S. military? Isn't it obvious that its seeking to portray Putin in the worst-possible light for to have recourse in more intrusionary tactics? There is nothing wrong with Russia wanting pro-Russian leaders in countries on the Russian border, so long as Russia allows those nations their political freedom. But America wants to make the leaders of all Russian neighbors pro-American. Isn't that rude and pig-headed? Russia isn't trying to do the same with Canada or Mexico. And if America accuses Russia of infiltrating its neighbors for to cheat in getting a pro-Russian man elected, should we believe it? The bottom line is, the West is becoming aggressive against Russia.

In his latest piece for in The National Conservative, the commentator quoted US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work, who announced late last week that 4,000 NATO troops, including two US battalions, would be moved into Poland and the Baltic countries.

"The Russians have been doing a lot of snap exercises right up against the border with a lot of troops," Work said, adding that this was "extraordinarily provocative behavior."

"But how are Russian troops deploying inside Russia 'provocative', while US troops on Russia's front porch are not?" Buchanan asks. "And before we ride this escalator up to a clash, we had best check our hole card," he adds.

The political reality, the veteran geopolitical analyst notes, is that the majority of citizens of Western European NATO countries, including Germany, Italy and France, are opposed to escalating hostilities with Russia over Eastern Europe. "If it comes to war in the Baltic, our European allies prefer that we Americans fight it."

...In Ukraine, Buchanan continues, "after persuading Kiev to join a Moscow-led economic union, Putin saw Ukraine's pro-Russian government overthrown in a US-backed coup. He has seen US-funded 'color-coded' revolutions try to dump over friendly regimes all across his 'near-abroad'."

..."But why should Putin see NATO's inexorable eastward march as an extended 'hand of partnership'?" Buchanan counters. If the situation were reversed, and it was Russian spy planes "patrol[ling] off Pensacola, Norfolk and San Diego, how would US F-16 pilots have reacted? If we awoke to find Mexico, Canada, Cuba, and most of South America in a military alliance against us, welcoming Russian bases and troops, would we regard that as [a] 'hand of partnership'?"

Ultimately, the commentator notes, the US is "reaping the understandable rage and resentment of the Russian people over how we exploited Moscow's retreat from empire. Did we not ourselves slap aside the hand of Russian friendship, when proffered, when we chose to embrace our 'unipolar moment', to play the 'great game' of empire and seek 'benevolent global hegemony'? If there is a second Cold War, did Russia really start it?"

My sentiments exactly. When the Soviet empire fell, and I'm very glad it did, the West lost no time in seeking eternal animosity between the liberated Russian satellites and a very bruised Russia. The satellites had the choice on whether to leave, or stay with, Russia. That's enough. Until Russia shows aggression against those satellites, the West has no business being the 800-pound gorilla on Russia's doorstep. But the West seeks friendship with Russia's friends for to turn their governments against Russia. It's not that I have a soft spot for poor, underdog Russia. My beef is the expansionism of the U.S. in what's clearly a desperate thrust of its globalist idiots. These idiots clearly aim to risk a new cold war with a healing Russia. In its dreams, the EU wants to expand toward Russia as far as possible, the ultimate aim being to make Russia perpetually pro-west. But the behavior of the West at this time is turning the Russian people, on the streets, back to their old anti-West self. And that's why I think the West is acting in rushed desperation at this time, what's bound to turn out sloppy.

The last update showed the similarity between the Hurt/Hort and Potter Coats, but didn't mention that the Potter Coat looks like a version of the Marsan/Marsden Coat. I was looking to understand how Potters can be found linkable to Marsans in other ways, and found some interesting things tending to identify Marsans as a branch of Marians and MontMorencys. Morencys use the same cross, essentially, as English Marions, first found in the same place as Potters and Josephs. Morencys use the same cross also of Eustace's, and the latter use the Hurt/Hort stag exactly. Josephs were kin of French Henrys (Brittany) while Irish Henrys happen to be in the colors of French Marions/Mariots/Marie's, first found in Brittany. While I think that Walters/Watters can link to the Walter names of the Brittany Alans, these Walters share the bend in the colors of the same of Marleys, said to be from Brittany's Morlaix.

The Brittany Marions are said to be from, "Miryam, which means wished for child," which is typical heraldic garbage, often suspect as code for other surnames. In this case, the Wish surname happens to use the colors and near-format of Marsans/Marsdens. It makes the phrase suspect also with the Child surname. The Wish surname was first found in the same place as Eustace-related Welsh Jeffreys while Scottish Jeffreys/JAFFerys share the white fesse with Wish's. Gaffers (same chevron as Childs) use an antelope, which looks a lot like the ibis goat of Weishaupts, mentioned because the ibis has been suspect with Wish-like Biss'. "Weis" is itself like "Wish." The Biss' are in Wish colors.

Well, for the past few months, I've been stressing that the Weishaupt symbol is an ibis, but I now see that it's called an ibex. I must have been confusing the two terms, for in a 2010 update I have it down as an ibex. This page says that an ibis is a goat; my dictionary says it's a bird. Google's ibis page shows five pictures of ibis goats. The ibex design in the Weishaupt Coat has been changed since last I saw it. It was once like the one in the Crest. The one in the Coat is now looking like a regular goat. The horns on the one in the Crest bend forward, but the horns at Wikipedia's ibex article do not bend forward.

It means that I can't use the ibex in linking hard to the Biss', yet, we have here what looks like a Biss link to Weis-like Wish's. The Bavarian Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt, was traced to the Boofima cult of Africa, which conducted both goat and human sacrifices, and consequently the Bavarian Illuminati became suspect with Baphomet, which uses a satanic-like goat as its symbol.

The iBEX can be code for Becks who share the pelican with Godfreys, as well as the black-on-white stars with Jeffreys/Jaffreys. That works. The Bish's have a stag in Crest with all four legs positioned as with the Eustace stag, and both surnames use the same colors on the their Shields. Isn't "Eus" like "Wish"? The Vice's/Vise's, in Weishaupt colors, share the same-type cross between the antlers as the Eustace stag.

The Devizes location in the Vice write-up is in Wiltshire, where goat-using Mortons were first found. The other Mortons share blue wings with Bauers (Bavaria), and while the last update taught me in a unique way that Bauers were kin of Rae's/Rays (stags), French Rays use an escarBUNCLE as part-code for buckle-using Buncle's, apparently relevant where the blue-wing Mortons use buckles. The Buckle's may even be a branch of Becks / Beckle's / Bickle's. Beckle's happen to share the red lion head with Godfreys. Raeburns use the stag too, but call it a roeBUCK; we get it. In the Raeburn Crest, there is a roebuck in the design fully of the Eustace / Hort/Hurt stag! It can seem that the root of "Baphomet" named Bavarians. German Beckle's use the same stars as Bauers. In this picture, the Mortons can be expected from the Boofima Moors i.e. of Africa.

The last update showed why the ESCARbuncle can be part-code for the line that named Scarbouroughs, and so let's mention that English Beckle's use the colors and format Scarboroughs. It definitely appears that Buckle's were Beckle kin. Beckle's were linked to Spice's, and then Bickle's (look linkable to Tokers and Touque's together) use the colors and format of Spice's in colors reversed, the latter's being the colors and format of pelican-using Godfreys (a Moor but called a Saracen). Bickle's use yet another stag, a symbol that I had been tracing to Hannibal long before I came to emphasize Spice-suspect Syphax. Spice's are said to have been from under-tenants of the count of Mortaine.

Here is the Raeburn description: "Silver on a green base with a roebuck drinking out of a brook, and on an ermine square at the top a knight's helmet" Why a base rather than the more-common mound or ground? Why a square rather than the more-common canton? Aren't the Drinks using the Dreux lion? This is important where I expected Drakenberg witchcraft to be part of the Baphomet lunatics.

I had a short dream as I awoke one morning (not many months ago) that proved to be a message from God. It was a result of that dream that I identified an old friend, Mr. Kepke, as a tool used of God in my teen life to indicate the Syphax line. Some of that material is in the last update, the rest in various updates of starting in the 3rd of March. The dream included Kepke walking up my driveway with a sickly-looking stag. I haven't seen him nor heard from him in decades. Where did that dream come from? And here I have just written things that perfectly explain the dream. None of this was on my mind as we just saw Eustace's linking to Bauers / Rae's. The stag has, in the last year, been recognized as code for Staggs/Staggers, who not only use a stag, but smack of the Stacy variation of "Eustace." Therefore, I must take it, God has sent us the message that Eustace was from Syphax Numidians. As Numidians were in Kent with the Massin/Mason surname, let's add that Touque's were first found in Kent, and that the Bickle's of Kent can be Biss liners.

If you didn't read the last update, let me repeat. God gave me back-to-back, short-term girlfriends in Miss Rae and Miss Bauer. There were perhaps as little as days between losing Rae and becoming interested in Bauer. Rae's use stags in the colors and format of the Burleys, both sharing green Shields with Bauers and Bowers. It's clear; God was arranging parts of my teen experiences for this message today. As I said in the last update, Bauer decided to leave me for Mr. Denardo, and the last I saw of her was in the parking lot where we all worked. I left Kepke at the car, walked up to her in a car with Denardo, to learn that she was staying with him. I then walked back to Kepke and we sat on the hood of the car, watching on together. Is this not amazing in light of what was just found above? Nothing of Kepke and the girlfriends was on my mind as the above was written.

As I said, Kepke and I went on to become shoe salesmen in SCARburgh in the following months. The Scarborough/Scarburgh surname was a topic in a recent update just before I got to the Kepke story. Scarburgh had nothing to do with my presentation of the Kepke story. But I was being Led to tell the story at that time for whatever God wants to accomplish with this. The Shoe/Schuch surname happens to share the knight theme with Raeburns. Here is from the 2nd update of last month: "Buckle's are in use by Buncle's, and then the Crest of Cnut-beloved Hangers shares the escarBUNCLE with Rays. A Ray - Hanger link can be made in another way, starting with the Cnut description: "...pot-hangers tied with a ribbon". The Ribons are listed with RAYburns."

As was explained months ago, the dream with Kepke and the stag had a bearded man in crutches following behind the stag. The crutch is said to be the reason behind the so-called potent cross, and it's known that the potent cross belonged to the family of Eustace II, father of the first king of Templar Jerusalem. The potent cross became the flag of Templar Jerusalem. Here you can see the potent-cross flag of Jerusalem on the breast of Godfrey de Bouillon (taken from his Wikipedia article):

Note "Bearded": "Godfrey of Bouillon was born around 1060 as the second son of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne, and Ida, daughter of the Lotharingian duke Godfrey the Bearded by his first wife, Doda" There is another Godfrey the Bearded, of Louvain, that might be confusing with this one here.

Next, something that has not yet been discussed: why were we on the HOOD of my car? The Spice-like Speccot surname was found (years ago) due to the "spes" motto term used by various surnames. I was seeking what it might be code for, and came to the Space variation of Speccots. German Hoods are also Hope's/Hopps, and because "spes" means "hope," the English Hope's use "spes." Can't this suggest that Hoods were Syphax liners? It brings Hoppers to mind because they share the tower with Spice's and Scarboroughs.

I don't recall venturing to explain why the stag was sickly. Here's from the 1st update of April: "These Redones became the Varangian Rus of Sweden, then of Kiev, which recalls the dream where Kepke was walking on my driveway with a sickly stag coming up behind..." I had brought Scarboroughs to topic two updates earlier, and while they should have been responsible for a key realization on the meaning of the sickly stag, I still had not gotten it by the 1st of April, for here's what I had said at that time: "I don't recall whether I was able to decipher why the stag was sickly, but it was regarded / assumed as an Hungarian / Magyar symbol as it related to king Andrew in Kiev, in exile under the protection of the Varangians thereof." Now just look at what was said two updates earlier (3rd of March): " Scarboroughs use the Quint / Maxton chevron too, and they are in the write-up of Sichs/Syke's, suspect from the "Sic vos" motto phrase of Walerans." That is, the Waleran motto caused me to look up the Sichs, and they were then found in the write-up of Scarboroughs. I then went on to tell the Kepke story in that same update, but it had nothing to do (yet) with the dream of he with a stag. It wasn't until the 1st of April that this dream was re-told. This is amazing.

Even though the Sichs were re-mentioned in the 4th of March, I failed to realize that the sickly stag was intended by God to indicate the Sichs, which has the effect of verifying that Scarboroughs are part of His message. Just think about God's manipulation of my life, that He would send me into Scarburgh, and set up a host of events there that would convince me, more than 40 years later, that He was creating events in my life for to tell this Templar-Jerusalem story.

This is a good place to show how God works in our lives in ways that we may not realize. I spent two months with Jackie, and we got very close, but, not wanting to get serious, I left her. Not intentionally, but I really dumped her hard. I then found myself with Miss Hanson, and I dumped her too after a couple of months. I'm using "dumped" to highlight the key factor in this story. The next two girlfriends (Rae and Bauer) then dumped me. It could seem that God cares for young ladies. It could seem that God doesn't give men free rope to use and abuse ladies in this way. To be sure, it was never my intension to dump either young lady, but then the lesson might be that we should not get tied up with ladies unless we are serious about going on with them. The "problem" seems to be with ladies, for while I wanted a casual relationship, they tend to want to get serious at an early age. It's not really their problem, of course, but it makes a problem for some guys at that age. There was only one solution to spare the two ladies deeper grief, and that was to leave them earlier rather than later. I knew that it would hurt both ladies to say I wouldn't be seeing them anymore, but felt it had to be done. God can teach us what it feels like to let someone go after you've loved them for some time. We get what we deserve in life, make no mistake about it.

I'm re-living the past to say what I think God would appreciate being said. These were my first-two relationships; I didn't know what I was "playing" with, but I still feel responsible for what my part did to cause them pain, and to make them less prone to having a healthy / trusting start-up in a relationship with someone else. Worldly-minded men contribute to the negative views that woman have about us. We really need to get things right, but, perhaps you noticed, the schools taught us history, geography and math, but didn't teach us not to have casual relationships. The schools never taught us to respect the do-unto-others philosophy of Jesus. The schools allowed teens to have free sex as they pleased, with heartbreaks everywhere in that scenario. What kind of adulthood would there have been to replace the previous generation if schools taught students to love, and care for, one another? Apparently, there was a spiritual problem affecting the teachers, and, probably, that spiritual disease came from the top, the anti-Christians who ran the school system.

I don't think it's coincidental that the portrait of Godfrey de Bouillon (above) has him donning gauntlet gloves. This was the symbol showing previously for the Sion/Swan surname, and, I have read, the swan was his symbol. De-Bouillon's grandfather, Godfrey III, had married Beatrice of Bar, a line that we can assume took on heraldic bars. For example, heraldic bars are used by Spicks/Specks/Spocks.

Note that Biss' use a two snakes said to be "ReSPECTing each other." Why is the VISconti snake called a BIScione? It could appear that Visconti's were Speccot liners from the Syphax Numidians, explaining why the original Biscione had a Moor infant in its mouth. "RESpecting" can also be code for the Res' (same stars as Bauers and German Lance's) that use lances, while English Lance's (probably Alans) show nothing but a gold-on-red fesse, almost the white-on-red fesse that was the Arms of Bouillon. While I traced the namers of Sion tentatively, but with some good reason, to an ancient Sensii peoples on the eastern Danube, note this from the Bouillon article: "The Bouillon estate was a collection of fiefs, allodial land, and other rights. The collection included e.g. the allod villages of Bellevaux, Mogimont, SENSEruth, and ASSENois, the advocacy of the monastery of Saint-Hubert and Ardennes, and the land to the south of Bouillon, formerly the land of the abbey of Mouzon, now held as a fief of the Archbishop of Reims."

It had been my impression that Bouillon was named after bullion bars (heraldic billets), for the Bouillon cross can be two such bars, but here we find that Bouillon's ruled Bellevaux, while the Bellevaux surname (Bellamy colors) shows billets. These billets are in Taddei colors while Taddei's share the Bouillon cross. While Gouel de Perceval married the county of Meulan, the latter being kin of Vaux's (and Walls) whom are listed with BelleVAUX's, let's add that Bellevaux is in WALLonia, for Gouel's son was Waleran. The Walls/Wallers share the pelican with Godfreys.

In Arthurian myth, written around Crusader times, the Percival grail king had a son, the Swan Knight. It could have been a swan king or a swan count, but they made it a knight, possible code for the Knights (bars) of Knightons (the eight bars of Specks-bar colors). In fact, all of king Arthurs knights may have been created in honor of the Knight bloodline. The army of Godfrey III was welcome into the Roman district of the Pierleoni Jews, and while the latter were traced to the line of PORCius Cato, there is a PORCupine in the Speck Crest. The Cato line was in the rulers of Chatillon (Chalons-sur-Marne) while the Arms of Chatillon is a version of the Coat of Knights (same place as Blois' who share the dragon with Knightons).

Eustace II lived in Boulogne, and the Arms of Boulogne show a an escutcheon surrounded by red roundels. It's the perfect reason to link Godfrey de Bouillon to Sions/Swans, as well as to some TORTEAUx-like entity, for red roundels were given that name for a reason. The ESCUTcheon was given that name partly as per Keon-related Keens that have the escutcheon, but also for some Scut-like entity. And Skeets' share the potent cross of Skits, the latter's Skeoch variation about as close as one can get to the Schuch variation of Shoe's. Skit liners are expected to include Shit-like surnames, and this plays to Scythians in the Azov theater, home of the Sittaceni and their fellow tribe of TOREATAE. On the old map below (not true to geography), take careful note of Soducena at what is now Jerevan, the Armenian capital, for I received an email last night that applies to this very area in ways I did not know about previously.

Soducena was either a location or people, but in any case the term is marked at swan-like lake Sevan that's herein called, LYCHnis, probably explaining the swans in the Scottish LICK/Lock Coat. Note that English Licks/Loucks (pelican, Godfrey-line symbol too) share the black greyhound with Schuts'/Shutz's. Licks/Lucks were even first found in the same place as the Godfrey-related Jeffreys (and Bowers) who played centrally to God's Sign at Galveston, another event in my life (shared in recent weeks) orchestrated by Him to help complete this message today. The first motto term of the Licks/Locks can indicate Azov liners such as the Assi's/Hoseasons, first found in SHETland.

The email was sent yesterday by A. Akopian (not a regular emailer), at a time when I had nothing on my agenda to write about, and when I was caught up on almost all email. Otherwise, I wouldn't have opened it last night. His message was to say that he agreed with my assessment on king Rusa of Urartu being of proto-Russians. I don't know what part of my works he had been reading, so I started to respond with the reasons for my taking that position, when I bumped into a Gomer-like term to the near northwest of lake Sevan, and this term could be gleaned as tracing to proto-Rus Rhodes. It becomes very evident here that Ezekiel's Gog is smack at this Armenian theater, and so note Gogarene at the map above, to the southeast side of lake Sevan.

Cheers A.:

I sort of have the sense that Rusa was the name of a Rus / Hros peoples for at least two reasons. The best reason is that Ezekiel 38 mentions Rosh, although some people believe that the word "rosh" there is not a people group, but a term meaning "chief." I think it's a people group. By what coincidence did the Varangian Rus, who came down to Kiev, go on to found Moscow, a place like "Meshech"? In ancient times, the Meshech were Mushki, and other such terms. Plus, the Rusa kings I crossed were not much earlier than Ezekiel's prophecy, and they were generally in what could be considered the far north. It makes a lot of sense that Rosh was of these Rusa kings. Whether Rosh was named after them, or vice versa, I don't know. Rus and Russians may not have been directly from the Rusa kings, but somehow from the same stock of peoples.

The best way to understand why Ezekiel lumps Persians in with Gog, Rosh and Meshech is where these latter peoples operated out of the Lake Van area. It was right beside the Persians. Here is the son of Rusa II:

"Sarduri III was a king of Urartu between 639 BC and 635 BC. Urartian King Argishti II left a record of fourteen years of his reign on the walls of chambers hewn in the Rock of Van, while Sarduri III's victories are inscribed on a monument erected on a spot called "the Treasury Gate" in the fortress of Van. The Urartians, then in close contact with the Hittites in the west, had in the east as neighbours the Minni or Manni, in the southerly portion of the Urmiah basin. Records of victories are also found inscribed farther north, on the shores of Lake Sevan, at Gyumri and Erzurum."

Note the Gomer-like term, Gyumri. Thanks to your email, I just found both the above and the below:

"The area was mentioned as Kumayri in the historic Urartian inscriptions dating back to the 8th century BC. In 720 BC, the Cimmerians conquered the region and probably founded the Kumayri settlement, which bears phonetic resemblance to the word used by ancient Armenian in reference to Cimmerians."

There is a place on Rhodes called, Kamiros. It all looks completely related. Then, trace "Rhodes" to the Redones of France, otherwise called the Ruthene as well as the Russi.

It seems that ancient Kumayri was Gomer. It was on the north-east side of the Moschian mountains.

Look at the simplicity of all that, and yet none of it was ever found in the Christian books I read speaking of the Biblical Gog. The "Royal Scythians" came down from the far north, near Kiev, to Media, at the very time when the Cimmerians had been down, from their area around Azov, at Lake Van. And these Cimmerians made Rusa I their vassal. At the time, Lake Van was called after Rusa.

Note that the flag of Gyumri is a cross in the colors of the potent crosses of Skeets' / Skits. In the center of the Arms, what could be secretly a torteaux as well as someone's white annulet. The creature in the red center is facing sinister, a symbol of the Mucius(us) bloodline of Rome that was likely a Meshech one (some say that Meshech-related Tubal named the Tiber river through Rome). The split in the Arms Boulogne-Billancourt is in the sinister direction. On the old map I shared, Gyumri is between the Moschian mountains and Cambysene. If you look a little north of this area, you can make out, "Phrixus," the name of the mythical rider on the golden fleece to Colchis. That fleece was located by myth writers roughly where you see Tyndaris. This was obviously the reason for mythical Tyndareus, husband of Leda, who was mated with Zeus in the form of a swan. Figure it out, it's all there for the equating: Zeus = Gog / Gog-related Scythians.

Billancourt can be of the Courts/Coverts where Coverts share the fesse in the Arms of Bouillon. Court-loving Grands (red Shield) use a Rus-liner rock. Courts/Coverts share three pale bars with Chatillon's counts and with Knights. I've had reason to see some linkage between Coverts and Maeonian liners such as the Manners/Maness', but the latter are strikingly like the Manisa province where Sardis once sat. Later, I'll show why Sarduri should have been a line to Sardis, the Lydian capital. Arzawa, a topic below, was in what later became Lydia. It is appropriate to add that Coverts and Cove's are in Geddes colors. They all share the red Shield with the Billancourt and with the Billans that have the motto, "AzinCOURT." We now know that Billans knew themselves to be from Boulogne-Billancourt (Paris). But's what's with "AZINcourt"? Isn't it for the ASSENois entity of the Bouillon estates? While Geddes' were a Chaddock / Chadwick / Chad branch, Coverts were first found in the same place as Saddocks.

Billancourt is in Ile de France, where Chappes' were first found. The Capone-suspect Camps/Comps (colors and format of Spice's) are suggested in the COMPasses of German Bollens. "As for the name Billancourt, it was recorded for the first time in 1150 as Bullencort, sometimes also spelled BOLLENcort." Can we entertain another Azzi / Azov entity in "compASSES"? Camps/Comps were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Billans. Asses are listed with the Shetland Assi's. The latter are said to be from Oswalds, and Oswalds use a savage holding a bow.

Now watch how we get from Osborns ("bello" motto term) to the Bouillon-beloved Bello's and BELLINo's, thus revealing that they are from BILLANcourt. The Osborns, that is, said to be from a bear theme, and then Bouillon-like Bellino's, with a bear paw, were first found in the same place (Verona) as Bello's, the latter in the motto of Bouillons. (Osborns share the quadrant colors of Aarons/Arens.) This Boulogne location in Paris is new to me.

Near the Maeander river was Arzawa: "According to Hittite sources, the capital of the Kingdom of Arzawa was Apasa (or Abasa), corresponding with later Greek Ephesus." As I see Apasa/Abasa from "Jabesh," where Judges says that the 600 Benjamites of Rimmon (proto-Romans) got their 400 wives, note here: "The remains of a royal settlement found just to the south of [modern] Gyumri near the village of BENIAMIN dating back to the 5th to 2nd centuries BC..." It's worth investigating, for Jabesh was up the Jordan river from the QUMRan area, home of Essenes that should explain the essenes bee cult of Ephesus. Can AZINcourt be code for an Essenes liners? Can Aeson, father of golden-fleece Jason, have been an Essenes liner? The Asin variation of Astons might apply, but the AISENers/Asners (share blue wings with Bauers) look better. Eisenhowers? Why do the latter use a Sion-related version of the Chad Coat? Are ASINs a branch of Sine's/Sions? Are Ashtons using the star of Jeffreys ("nuBILLIa")?

Just realized: the Arrow surname is listed with Arras', and as that smacks of ARZawa, by what coincidence does the Arrow Coat (red tower) resemble that of Benjamins (and Licks/Locks)? Can this indicate that Bauers and company trace by their arrows to Arzawa? Benjamins use annuLETs, which I've been viewing for years as part-code for Letts. I've been tracing Letts, Leto's, Letters and Aliotta's to mythical Leto smack at Ephesus. This Arzawa link to Arras, which looks very reliable, may be new material for me, but I do forget things. Clarus was beside Ephesus while Sinclairs share the Arrow cross. Aliotta's are also "Ali" while Elis' have a cross similar to the ones under discussion. Arzawa liners should thus trace to ancient Arettium (it's the Arezzo above), beside Cimmerian- / Gomer-suspect Umbria.

The Oswald description: "...a savage wrapped and crowned in green bay leaves, a sheaf of ARROWs on his sinister shoulder and holding a bow with the sinister hand, with the dexter hand pointing to a gold comet in dexter chief." The Savage's share the black lion paw with Quints. "Sheaf" is likely code for Shaw-related Sheaves'. Can't this identify SAVage's with SHAWia Numidians?

It's notable that Arezzo is the neighbor of ASSISi while Camps/Comps, suspect in CompASSES, are in Arrow colors. With Camps suspect in using the Capone Coat, and with Capone's traced to Caepionis' known to be from Quintus Caepio, let's add that Saint Quentin is near (about 50 miles) Arras. Note the Benni on the Arda river of Thrace, for Arda traces well to Artois' Arduinici:

It is necessary to repeat here that while Walsh's/Walchs sharing a version of the Benjamin Coat, Walsh's/Walchs trace to Wallachia, where the Buzau river was located that was to the near-south of a Rimni area, smack like the Rimmon area of the 600 Benjamites. It appears that we have found the 600 Benjamites at Beniamin and Apasa, and that they were merged in the bee cult that traces with mythical Merops through Pandareus of Ephesus and to Aedon of Boiotia. "Aedon" is suspect with "Aeson" because the Argonauts were by-and-large from OrchoMENOS of Boiotia. I even trace Orchomenos to ORKNey, beside Shetland, and, to boot, Letts use ORGAN pipes. Can we glean that Letts were the Leda swan line from Sittaceni liners between lake Sevan and Shetland? That link between the Sittaceni and the Toreatae crops up again where Diss' use torteaux while Elis' use a DISheveled woman. Diss is a location at the Norfolk-Suffolk border, and while Clare's were first found in Suffolk, their chevron should link to the Diss chevron. The Clare chevrons are in the colors of the Quint chevrons.

It appears that the heraldic arrow will often be code for Arzawa-descended lines. Letter's and Aliotta's share the white griffin of Tooths, and it was recent when Tooths were linked to Gumms/Gomers. Hume's/Home's, sharing the green Shield with Bowers / Bauers / Burleys, and using a "TO THE" motto phrase, are still suspect from Gomer-like Qumran. Tooths are expected as king-Tut liners of the Tute kind, and as I trace the Tut line to Lydia, note that German Heids (Umber colors) use the arrow too, for Sardis was previously called, Hyde. Tute's were first found in the same place as Diss.

It appears that the bee cult was from the Jabesh-Benjamin merger, for Apasa-like "apis" means "bee" to the Romans. The Roman allies, Sabines, had an Ops bee cult. Can this identify the Hope's / Hoods as Apasa liners? Bow-and-arrow, and green-colored, Robin Hood was a fictional character, likely code for the Hood bloodline. In stressing the Rome-Sabine partner ship, a myth writer created "Rape of the Sabines," a story where the Roman men took Sabine women as their wives...just as though the story of the Benjamites with the women of Jabesh-Gilead was carried to Rome. If you don't know, I trace "Jabesh" to "Japodes, and therefore to Jupiter, the chief Roman God. The Japodes lived on the Kupa river to which I trace Hope-like Cope's and Caepio's. June's, first found in the same place as Capone's (and Chapmans), trace to the Una/Oeneus river, beside the Kupa, meaning that the Una named Juno, Jupiter's wife. The Elis region of Greece was close to the rulers of Calydon, where mythical Oeneus operated.

There is another red Shield (Rhodes colors in this case?), in both colors of Billancourt-suspect Coverts, with the Gumms/Gomers. The latter were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bauers while the bow-and-arrow theme of Bauers / Bowers is in the Billan Coat and Crest. Isn't this capable of tracing the Arzawa Lydians to Ile de France? Ile de France (Chappes') has an Essonne department. And I trace the line of Abraham and Keturah to mythical-Priam Trojans (at Mysia's Parium), while Priam was the father of Paris, how about that. English Gumms share the Shield-and-Chief color combination (red an white) of Manner-related Mens'. Let's not forget OrchoMENOS.

This is the place to mention that Abraham-suspect Bramtons (Norfolk, same as Tute's) use two lions in pale linkable to the same in colors reversed of Base's. This is important because I've resolved the Biblical Letushites, said to be from Abraham and his other wife, Keturah, as the line to mythical Leto. In other words, it appears that Base's were a Jabesh line from Abasa/Apasa.

Mysians were likely named after Amazons, or vice versa. The Meshech, right? They are expected with Gomerians of Gyumri / Kumayri. It's known that Cimmerians conquered Lydia / Arzawa shortly after they had been at Lake Van. Artemis was an Amazon goddess, and Amazons are known to have founded Apasa. Plus, Jason's crew mated with Amazons of Lemnos, suspect with the Leummite tribe from Keturah and Abraham. This makes Jason's crew suspect with Herodotus' Gargarians. These Gargarians are expected as proto-Georgians at Rize, for Herodotus had the Amazons at neighboring Thermodon. It's notable that Jewish Pollocks share the white-on-red bend with Rye's/Rise's, kin of Saddocks. The latter can be using the ESCUTcheon of one English Bassen family in colors reversed.

Emailer Pollock once remarked that the string of the Pollock hunting horn looked like a bee. I didn't see it, but didn't realize at the time that she meant a bee in flight as seen from its rear side. I can now understand that the strings on the hunting horn can be a clever item, because they are called a BOWs! Pollocks share the green Shield with bow-using Bowers. This becomes interesting where German Base's/Bassens use hunting horns with bows (don't look much like bees, however, but that resemblance can fade where the families lost the secret). Note that Pollocks are said to be from Muriel Pollock, for English Bass'/Bassens use a mural crown. Emailer Pollock called Muriel (daughter of Peter Pollock of Rothes), "Lady Rothes." Pollocks were, in my strong opinion, the ancestry of Bauers > Rothschilds. Pollocks share the boar with Burleys. The Bass/Bassen Crest shares a red mural crown with Lurchs/Archers and Larchers, both using arrows.

Bows/Boughs (Roet kin) are shown with the bow design of Billans.

English Bass'/Bassins share a black greyhound head, with collar, with Schutz's/Shutz's, and the latter have a saltire in colors reversed from the Benjamin saltire, and it's a gold saltire, the color of the Pollock saltire. English Bassans have a Coat like a version of the Beng Coat, no coincidence. These Bassans must be sharing the quadrants of German Manners (savage with a club). Shetland's Assi's are said to be Oswalds while Oswalds use a savage holding a bow, yet this savage often holds a club, a symbol of German Bessens/Bassans/Besants.

It's clear to me now that Severus Bassus, the Galatian ancestry of quadrant-suspect Quadratilla, was an Apasa liner. This should be viewed as a Phasis > Ephesus line, for the Argo ship was up the Glaucus river from Phasis. The Coat of Italian Bassans look like that of Leavells while Quadratilla was married to Laevillus.

English Bassens (Haddington) were first found in the same area as Seatons. In light of the Seatons said to be from Say, and with the "yet" motto term of Seatons identifiable with logic as the gate-using Yate's, it's feasible that Geddes' were Gate kin, which is to say that Gate's and Yate's can trace to the Gediz river. Just look at how that river is thought to have been a Say-like river in Hatti inscriptions: "'Seha river' is now believed to be the present-day Gediz River, although some scholars said it was the Bakirçay river." The Hatti are expected in the Keith Catti of Hatti-like Haddington.

These Hatti inscriptions were called the Arzawa letters, part of the Amarna letters written by Yuya's son-in-law. "AMARNA" traces to Myrina on Lemnos, right? France's Marne river flows through Ile-de-France i.e. at the Essonne theater. Paris itself traces to mythical Paris, brother of Hector, and the latter was code for Hecate, satanic goddess of golden-fleece Media.

With the Geddes' suspect from SITTaceni (of the Chaddock kind), by what coincidence do Seatons have a SITTEN variation? And this term traces with the de-Bouillon family to Swiss Sion. Take a good guess at why the de-Bouillon family attacked Jerusalem? Wasn't it because they were from its ancient Amorites / Jebusites, the ones who named the city, Zedek?

The Yate's share the PORTcullis gate with Porters, and Porters/Pawters (Potter colors), I have argued, were Potters, i.e. potential Poti liners of the potent-cross kind. Scottish Porters were first found in Kyle, and Kyle's use candleSTICKS as part-code for the SITHECH root of the Shaws. Kyle's were first found in AYRshire, that being the line of Ayers / Eyers/Eyes', linkable to the "ears of rye" of Sithech-like Saddocks. Eyers were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Heyers, and the latter share blue wings with Bauers, Mortons, and Aiseners. Mortons had merged with Says to form Moreton-Say in Shropshire. Heyers may be a branch of Hays/Heys (escutcheons in colors reversed from Chaddock / Chadwick escutcheons). Were Hays from the Hayasa-Azzi?

Sarduri III can be expected with the naming of the Lydian capital, Sardis. There are multiple reasons for this. An ancient god of Armenia, who was made higher than the Armenian god, Ara, had the look of "Hermes." I can't recall the spelling of the god's name, but this is to point out that Sardis was on the Hermus = Gediz river. And Ara was likely proto-Ares, from the Aras river crossing to the south of Soducena and Gogarene. Ares had a son, Eros, and this was obviously the Hros = Rosh peoples that named Rusa. Ares had another son, Erotes, what should have been code for a proto-Rus peoples on Rhodes. Both sons were given Aphrodite as mother, and she (Lemnos liner) was named after "Euphrates" (no one else seems to have gotten this). She represented the non-Israeli Hebrews at the junction of the Habur river with the Euphrates. She is suspect with the naming of the Iberi that you see on the old map, in northern Armenia. It predicts that the Gomerians of the Gyumri (Iberi theater) named Kamiros on Rhodes.

There are sound ways (the ballpark of it all won't be repeated here) to trace Zeus, Ares, Hera, Soducena and neighboring JereVAN (view also as "JEREVan) to the naming of Zedek (an old name of Jerusalem), Jerusalem and GAREB in pre-Israeli days. I had traced Gareb's inhabitants to "SARPedon" of Crete, birthplace of Zeus as viewed by the Greeks, but then note SARAPana between Tyndaris and Phrixus. Sarpedon was made a son of Zeus with Tyrians. To the near-west of Tyndaris, see what looks like "Geta," for the Hermus river is now the Gediz, suspect with the Geddes' who share the escutcheon of Soducena-suspect Chaddocks and Chadwicks (or, see the potent cross of Chads, once again in the red-on-white colors of the Gyumri cross).

I had found reason to trace "SarpEDON" to the Edons / Eatons. Likely, Sarpedon was named in-part after the same that named the PosEIDON Tyrians. The point here is that Edons ("Si sit" motto phrase) share the black scallops of the Hacks who in-turn list "Hike / Hykes," important as per Hayk/Haik, the chief Armenian god. Moreover, the Eatons, with a version of the Hack/Hike Coat, were traced to the double-axe-head symbol of Crete, for Eatons once showed a cross at like two such axe heads crossed. I had not idea at that time the Eatons were part of "Sarpedon." The Edon Coat looks like a version of torteaux-using Diss', and moreover it can be using the Shield of Dade's/Deeds, a possible Tut liner. The Hack/Hike Coat, an obvious version of the Chives Coat, is a version of the Beng Coat. Where the Beng Coat is a version of the Bassan and Manner Coats, it speaks to Benjamites at Beniamin (Ephesus) in merger with Maeonians. Compare Manders to the Rhodes'.

It is very obvious to me that the line of the 600 Benjamites abandoned Israel with the Tanis Meshwesh, part of the proto-Danaan of Laish. They became the Pisans (Poseidon line), Elesians and Calydonians. The Hermes cult of Pisa (from Hermus-Lydians, right) was part of OenoMAUS, same as Oeneus of Calydon. This line can be gleaned as a Mitanni one where Oeneus was made father of Methoni. It should be added that Medleys share the tiger with Oswalds, for Mitanni alliances with Azzi liners could be expected. But where the tiger is code for Tigranes liners, such as "OPtem"-using Teegers, Tigranes' wife, OPgalli (known Galatian woman), looks like an Apasa liner (Tigranes was a name of rulers in Armenia). This works where Galatians lived on the Halys river, old home of the Hatti (of Hattusa) that named Kutaisi, the city of the golden fleece up the river from Apasa-suspect Phasis. Opgalli's descendants married the line of Severus Bassus, he known to be from the Galatians. Kutaisi is strongly suspect from the Cadusii Armenians. But "Cadusii" is a hard version of "Soducena," isn't it? Doesn't this make the caduceus rod of Hermes suspect with the proto-Sadducees? The Cadusii named mythical CadMUS, an obvious Mus-Armenian merger with Cadusii. It explains why Cadmus and his wife, Armenia-depicting Harmonia (daughter of Ares) were turned into two snakes, the symbol of the Caduceus.

I had traced Gog, as ancients had, to mythical Gugu/Gyges, a king of Lydia in about 700, smack in the generation wherein the Cimmerians took Rusa I as his vassal. I had ventured to trace "Gugu" to "Yuya," said by some to be a Mitanni liner in Egypt. The Mitanni had lived at the Habur river, and can be suspect with the naming of the Iberi. Yuya was a royal horse trainer, and the Norse word, "hross," like Hros, means "horse." Yuya was the grandfather of king Tut, and the latter's line ought to trace to Tate's that are, apparently, in the "AssiduiTATE" motto term of Licks/Locks (swans, lake Sevan = Lychnis liner). While Assi's were first found in Shetland, Tate's share the raven with the Arms of Shetland (Rice's use the raven). It could appear that there had been an ancient link between the Yuya-Tut line and the Sittaceni / Soducena Scythians, all converging in Lydia. Ares was a popular god in Lydia, and one can glean that Leda (swan line) was a Lydian entity, likely from the Lazi/Luzi Colchians that you can find on the old map not far from Tyndaris. The Lazi were probably at Poti / Phasis, the line to Potters (yes, the Cnut-related ones at the top of this discussion). Was the potent cross, likely from Italy's Potentia area, a Poti liner?

As for the Arthurian cult, it traces well to the naming of UrARTU and similar place names of that area, especially Ardahan near or amongst the Hayasa-AZZI. They are expected to be named partly after Armenian god, Haik/Hayk.

Others have said that Phrygians descended from Armenians, but Phrygians were made the mother-stock of Lydians as per Attis-Cybele mythology. Manes, the father of Attis (symbol of the Hatti that named Aeetes, owner of the golden fleece), was likely code for the Mannai area of Armenia as it evolved into the Maeonians, another part of proto-Lydians. It's interesting that the Rusa line used the name, ARGIShti, like "Argo," the name of the golden-fleece ship. The Danaans of Argos were first at Rhodes, and these evolved into the Cnut Danes, right? Argishti II, who ruled in on both sides of 700 BC, was the son of Rusa I. Argishti conquered MUSashir. " Urartian Ardini was an ancient city of Urartu, attested in Assyrian sources of the 9th and 8th centuries BC." I'm ignoring the derivation at Wikipedia for "Musashir," and, much smarter than that writer, I'm tracing it to Mus at Lake Van. I'm not very smart, but one doesn't need to be to make the obvious connection. What ails the Wikipedia writer?

Masci's were first found in the same place as Arduinici. The place, IVRea, can be of the Iver/Eure Coat, using the Massey quadrants. Maschi's were first found beside Fano, and the Macey-related Fane's, with a "fano" motto term, are also Vans. This makes for an easy and helpful method of tracing Lake-Van elements to other things, and tends to assure that the Arthurian stupids (myth writers concealing their past in secret terms) were from Urartian Ardini.

The Soducena-like Saddocks, who share the Chaddock / Chadwick escuthcheon in someone else's color, use "ears of rye" as part-code for Rye's/Rise's, first found in the same place as Saddocks. But this is a neat little package indicating origins at Rize, near Ardahan, and therefore near the Soducena term. For what it might be worth, Erzurum was once called, Karin (it can be part of Carian make-up on the Lydian border).

The father of Rusa I, Sarduri II, may indicate that the Rusa line was from Lydia. However, Wikipedia says that the first-known mention of Sardis was in 472 BC. It may be proof that the Rusa > Ares line named Sardis, having the effect of joining the proto-Rus to the Ladon-dragon line. It just so happens that while myth had a Sparti dragon in relation to the golden fleece, the Persians called their Sardis, "Sparda." I've read that the Sparti dragon was mythical Ogyges, which well explains the naming of king Gyges/Gugu of Lydia. The Zeus swan mated with the Leda Spartans, thus revealing that Leda was code for the Sardis Lydians. It was the same as the Leto Lydians around Ephesus.

I think Sardis was responsible for the naming of the Sea Peoples, Sherdana, thought to be the Sardinians eventually. The Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia, use a bend with the potent (crutch) feature. Avezzano's are suspect as a branch of Biss / Bessin / Biston liners (latter two use bees, no guff), thought by me to be from the Cyrenian Bistones. But as Cyrene was made the mate of Apollo, he was Leto's son. It tends to trace Bistones to the Phasis-suspect namers of Apasa. Wasn't this the same as POSeidon? Pisidians were beside Apasa. Poseidon was an Opis / Apis / bee liner, wasn't he? Shouldn't Poseidon's Tyrian elements have been partly of Jabesh, therefore?

A new myth figure was anciently placed between Manes and his son, Attis, that being Cotys (made the father of Attis). This term is expected with the Cotesii, on the Buzau river and likely extending into Rimni. It makes the Cotesii suspect with the namers of Kutaisi, for Aeetes was king of Kutaisi. The Sensii, near the Cotesii, named the Seine river through the Marne / Paris area, right? Why were the Senns/Sens' (Aargau) first found in Switzerland? They were Sittaceni-related liners to Sion, right? And what of the Oise part of Paris? The Osburn / Oswald / Assi line?

Why does the Sens/Sens Coat look like a version of the Aurelia Coat? Wasn't that the line of Aurelia Cotta...mother of Julius Caesar known to have made an alliance with Cottians? The Cottians were from Cotesii, weren't they? Julius Caesar was a Kutaisi liner, right? Yes, and the Cadusii lived beside the Gels/Gileki, where I traced Julians by other methods. The gold crescent in the BASE of the Senn/Sens Coat is in the color of the same of German Julians. It's not coincidental that Aurelia-like Orleans', Orells and Ore's all use torteaux. The Cotesii were Sittaceni kin, right? Were they branches? It makes Cotys very suspect with the namers of Soducena.

While the Aurelia scallop (in base) is in the colors of the Senn crescent, the latter use a white patee cross in Chief (matches the colors of the stars in the Aurelia Chief). Patee crosses trace to Patti in the Scylla part of Messina, and scallops are code for Scylla = Sicel liners. This then links to Pattys/Pati's sharing the escutcheon of Saddocks. These links are undeniable. Over and over again, the same players link up. The Patty lions are in the colors of the same of Bengs, all in Potter colors so that Pattys may have been Poti liners. Yes, and the Patty-related Patch's (same place as Beng-related Chives' and Hike's/Hacks) use black-on-white hunting horns with Base's/Bassans. This time, the Patch bow looks like a bee.

The Chads not only share a white patee cross with Senns/Sens', but share the vertically split Shield, in colors reversed, as the Arms of Sion. The same Shield is used by Trents, while Tarents list "Taran," a version of "Tarun," an ancient area at Lake Van. The Eyes' variation of Eyers is being traced to Eye, on the Norfolk-Suffolk border. Chads were first found in Norfolk. The Diss location beside Eye has a surname that shares torteaux with the Aurelia liners. Sion is in Valais canton, and while Aurelia's share white stars with the Arms of Valais, the alternative name of this canton, Wallis, should trace with Walsh's/Walchs to Wallachia, home of the Cotesii. Walsh's are the ones with a Coat like that of Benjamins while the latter trace to the Rimna river (at / near Rhamidava), on the north of where the Cotesii (top-right) are on this map:

"Bows/Boughs (Roet kin) are shown with the bow design of Billans." Roets founded the BEAUforts (same Coat as Wallis/Wallace's), whom can be gleaned as a branch of Balfours, and the latter can be linked to the Seaton/Sitten motto. There is a difference between the Billen and Bow bows. Not only do the Billen bows face sinister, but the arrow in their Crest points sinister. Rothchilds (no 's') use sinister features.

There has just cropped up another way to trace Seatons to Sion. It starts with the other Beauforts, the ones with Balfour-like variations, and sharing the Balfour chevron. They are said to be from Normandy's Mortagne, a reason to link to Says. These Beauforts are said to descend from Robert de Belfou, lord of SWANton-Moreley, and then, when we look at Swantons (Wallis / Beaufort colors), they are said to be from Midlothian, beside the first Seatons...and Faucets. The Faucets are extremely important here for making another link to Aurelia Cotta. Faucets can play to this picture where Swainton manor is said to have been built by bishops of Winchester. Faucets are said to have had their castle build by Saer de Quincy of Winchester. Plus, the Beauforts/Balfou's are traced to Ralph de Bella Faago, which recalls that French Faux's/Fage's/Cholnes' are a branch of Saunier's/Saulnier's, the latter using a version of the Aurelia Coat! I can glean in this that Beauforts were Beaumonts. There is a Beaumont-sur-Oise location in Paris. English Faux's/Vaux's share the falcon theme with Swans/Sions.

The Swanton Coat has a sword protruding through a boar head. It's probably the Excalibur sword, which the Welsh called, Caliburnus, explaining the Calbourne location (Isle of Wight) one mile from Swainton manor. Swantons are expected to be a branch of Swynfords (boar heads), for Catherine Roet married Mr. Swynford before marrying John of Gaunt. The latter is in the gauntlet gloves that were once showing and described for Swans/Sions. Note that Swynfords share the chevron of Beauforts and Balfours. Swynfords were first found in Leicestershire, where the Beaumonts ruled whom had founded the Leavells from Gouel de Perceval...the Grail-king line, father of the Swan King. The Leicester surname uses the swan. Mystery solved. Without going into it all again, the Isle of Wight, including the Newports ("Ne") suspect from Wight's Newport location, was traced to Quade's (and Lice's) and therefore to Quadratilla, wife of Leavell-liner Laevillus.

So, with Sion / Swan / Swynford liners tracing to the Sensii, it stands to reason that the Sensii were from Mount Sion at Hermes' mount Hermon, making the Cotesii none other than the Cadusii depicted anciently with the caduceus rod. Look on the map again and see the Getae between the Sensii and the Cotesii. Isn't that traceable to "Gediz"? That was the river of the Hermes cult. Didn't we see Chads, in Geddes colors, using the Arms-of-Sion in colors reversed? Didn't we see the Chads sharing the white patee with Senns/Sens'??? Yes, and so the Geddes' / Chads trace well to the Getae scythians. The Sensii were along the DANube at the Naparus river (hmm, a lot like "Newport"), a good reason for tracing to the proto-Danaan at Laish.

Wikipedia's article on Sion shows the two Sion stars in Chief, with six points (not a "star of David"), as part of the Arms of Hildebrand Riedmatten, bishop of Sion before 1600. This caused a check for the Hildebrand surname, using a "log in flames," and then the Loggie's/Logue's were loaded to find two black-on-white chevrons in the colors of the three of English Cotys'/Archdeacons. The Cotys/Archdeacons use the arms-and-sword exactly in the Hildebrand Crest. Quite the coincidences, unless they aren't. In this case, the Deacons are not necessarily from clergy, but from Dacians, part of the Getae. German Brands share two stars in Chief, same as Aurelia's. The other German Brands use trunks with flames, a version of the Hildebrand Coat.

The Cotys'/Archdeacons are in the colors of the Cadys' (compare with Cowes') and Quade's. I've presented Cotys' and Cadys' together before, but the last time was well before finding the red rooster of Bible's/Bibo's and tracing them to Vibia Varia, mother of Laevillus. Quadratilla had the Bassus surname, and then Bessins / Bistone's can be seen using the arm-and-sword too.

The rooster is used by Aikens with the colors and format of Newports (Cowes is a location on Wight along with Newport). Aikens had been traced with Akmans to Akmonia, home of Severus Bassus. Amazingly, it wasn't until after starting this paragraph that I recalled who else uses a so-called log (rare symbol). It's the Leibs. After writing the first sentence in this paragraph, it was recalled that I traced Liebs (not "Leib") with Akmans and Aikens to Akmonia. It appears from this that the trace was correct, and that the Aiken rooster is also that of Cadys'. Bassus was a Galatian, expected with some Hatti elements to Caddy-like surnames. The Aiken / Newport chevron can be the Quint chevron. The leopard faces of Newports are shared in the same colors by Levi-beloved Ade's (same place as Deacon-related Aitons/Artems), and Cotys'/Archdeacons share three black chevrons with Levi's, making the Logue chevrons suspect with Levi's. Wight is in southern Hampshire, where English Josephs were first found who use a "ni" motto term, like the "Ne" of Newports (makes Newports suspect as Knees or Nie's/Neighs). Logue liners can include swan-using Locks, and the latter's swan design was once showing in the Coat of French Josephs.

It is my task to find how Joseph Caiaphas was born from Quintus Caepio as his line engaged the son of Aurelia Cotta and then somehow became related to Severus Bassus (contemporary with Joseph Caiaphas). The Joseph motto has a "CAS ni" phrase, and the Bible's/Bibo's use a cushion suspect with Cush's and related Cass'. The latter two use a Coat like that of Kidders, and while Kidds are definitely from Cetis, that's where the Maccabee line to Quadratilla ruled. The Cowes' share the same cross as Julians and Tigranes-suspect Teegers. Tigranes was the Maccabee-line ruling at Cetis (Tigranes' son married Cetis rulers). It just can't be coincidental that Aurelia-related Ore's share three piles in colors reversed to the three Cowes piles.

The Nie's/Neys may be using the Cotys/Archdeacon chevrons as bars because they are probably the six Leavells bars. Note that Scottish Leavells share three black-on-white piles with Cadys. The Leavell fesse bar should be that of Cotta-related Caens that use a motto term in honor both of Cetis/Citis and the Quade-related Lice's.

Hildebrands can be a line of Hilts honored in the description of Swords. But Hilts are listed with Hyatts, a term like Hyde, the old name of Sardis. The Gediz river through Sardis had a mouth near modern Foca, the ancient Phocaea, and then the Hilts/Hyatts uses a "FAC et" motto phrase. Can this trace Faucets / Faux's to Phocaeans? The latter founded Ligurians at proto-Marseilles. The latter was named by the Marsi, and then Mattens are listed with Marsi-possible Martins. Mattens are being brought to topic as per Hildebrand RiedMATTEN. The Marsi, who lived at FUCino, are often at topic with nearby Rieti, where Rieds/Reeds trace. It just so happens that the Hild/Hyatt motto is used by Matten-like Mathie's. This traces with Chives' and Mathis' to the old Mathis river, location of the Cavii at BASSANia and Lissus, whom I traced to the Bessi and their location of Lissae (see Thrace on light map). The latter were smack beside the Serdi, where I traced Swords. How about that.

This area of Thrace was at Rhodope, and Rieds can be expected from Rhodes elements. Bassania liners are expected with Bessins and Bistone's that share the arm-and-sword with Hildebrands. The latter are said to have been seated at RATISbonne, like the Sub RADICE location marked on the near-east of the Serdi. There is a Radice/Radisa surname that can be traced with Cable's to Cabyle. On the old-Caucasia map, there is a Rhodopolis location between the Moschian mountains and Bessi-suspect Phasis.

The Hilts/Hyatts use the same lion as Middle/Mittels (black, as with the Faucet lion), and the latter were suspect from Mytilene on Lesbos, off the coast of Phocaea. Lesbos has traced well to Leslie's, first found in the same place as Rieds and the Tarves location of Chives'. The Leslie's had also been traced to Lesce, at the Sava river smack at Bled, important because Bleds share the triple chevrons of the other Mathie's. The Hillenbrand variation of Hildebrands suggest the Hillarys that share the six black fitchees of Tarves'. The Rats'/Raits (in the colors of English Brands) use a motto term like one in the Hilt / Mathie motto. Rats' use a "Spero meliORA" motto while Ore's (same place as Speers) use a motto that can be in honor of RatisBONNE. That's amazing because, while Aurelia Cotta traces to Ore's and Sion together, Hildebrand Riedmatten was bishop of Sion. Ore's use a cornuCOPIA while Reeds use a "copia" motto term.

There are Jewish Brands using a version of the Hildebrand Coat. Whom were these Jews? As Base's use the two Bramton lions in colors reversed, might Brands have been Abraham-Keturah liners? As German Brands call their log a "trunk," note that the Drenker variation of Trunks (share bull head with Dreux's and Clouds) is like the Drink surname (same lion as Dreux's, in the color of the Bramton lion) expected in the drinking crane of Keturah-liner Leto's. Compare the blue quadrants of Trunks to those of Danish Rye's. These Rye's have no description, but the appear to use the crane.

The trunks of German Brands look like bundles of rods, which is the item that makes up a fasces. The fasces is used by Assi's, traceable to Hayasa-Azzi smack at Rye-suspect Rize. The fasces is in the Arms of Vilnius, a city of Lithuania, a country that had a goddess, Lada. The Assi's are said to be Oswalds, and Oswalds use both a oak trunk and a pair of proBOSCES (branch of what "fasces" may represent?). That doesn't look coincidental (i.e. it looks like Rye's/Rise's trace to Azzi at Rize). It can't be a further coincidence that Scottish Bosco's (fasces-like) use a symbol like that of Brands / Hildebrands. Italian Bosco's even use a tree stump. Isn't there a Devasco surname? Why are Vasco's listed with Visconti's??? Why do Milans use the tree stump too? Because, Visconti's, who ruled Milan, are Bosco liners, which appears to identify Busca, and the Bush's, with the Visconti snake. Apparently, Visconti's had merged tightly with Busca's rulers, which were probably part Visconti's. Where Hansons share the blue snake with Visconti's while putting roses with it, it strikes me as the known Bosco-Rose merger.

The Oswald Crest should be recorded because the Danish Rye's can be with a version of the Aaron/Aren (and/or Aren Coat) that shares hands from clouds with Oswalds: "A right hand emerging from a cloud pointing to a star of eight rays." Ahh, the Bauer-related Rays. I still want to know whether Rays were Rye's. Reminder: the Oswald Coat has arrows and the bow. They are in Star colors. German Arens share the scale with the Arms of Vilnius, and the same eagle of Sans'.

The McLeods/Clouds use a motto, "Hold fast," and then Holdens use the red-on-white escuthcheon of Hays/Heys, suspect earlier with the Hayasa-Azzi. The Fasts (Norfolk) use the same quadrants as Arens / Rye's, no coincidence. Holdens are traced to Astons/Asins, and the latter share a black bull head with McLeods/Clouds. McLeods also use a white bull head, the color of the Trunk bull head. The white bull is used also by Buckle-related Buckleys/Bulkellys that share the motto of Holdens, and then Rays use the escarbuncle while Buncle's use buckles. It looks like Bauers trace with Rays to Rize (named after king Rusa?). The Holden eagles, without beaks (suggests that Beaks were Buckle liners), are called, allerions, code for Allers (red escutcheon).

McLeods list Lutts, which I thought to trace to the Alutus river, what was later the Olt, a term like "Hold." The upper Alutus (on the old maps) comes near to the Cotesii and Sensii. There is a chance that the Alutus was yet another Letushite line. It can't be a coincidence that the other Lutts (Dudley lion?) use the Fast quadrants. Lutts were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Dudley, and that area was found recently as the home of the Chatti / Catti (i.e. of the Keiths). The Lutt Coat is a version of the Name/Neme/Neam Coat, the latter traced tentatively to the Neamt part of Scythia, directly across the Carpathian peaks from the upper Alutus. Was the Skye location of McLeods/Lutts named after Scythians?

On the light map, The source of the Alutus is near the Marisus, later the Maros/Mures, and then the McLeod castle is that of MARtins too, a branch of Martels. Burridava on the Alutus, or the Burridensis peoples, shown on the upper Alutus upon the dark map, can be of the Birds/Burds that use Martel-depicting martlets. This area was named, Romania, by the Romans. Why, of all places they conquered, did they name this area after themselves? Did they have origins here? I say, yes, at the Rimna river, just across the Carpathian peaks from the Burridensii. Let me remind that the Burds/Birds use the Bouillon cross in colors reversed while the Bouillon liner, the Jeffreys, use the cloud.

Between the Mures and Alutus, Apollo suspect Apulensis, suspect here with the naming of Poles. As the Leto > Apollo line was in the Lada of Lithuania, let's mention that Vilnius shares the fasces, an old Roman symbol, with the Sorry surname, potentially from the Serrorum mountains at the source of the Alutus. However, the Sawrie variation, and their sharing the red-on-white lion with Sauers (said to be from the Sava), makes Sorrys suspect from the Sau = Sava river.

The Lithuanian god was Perkunas, and then Perkens/Parkinsons ("FACTISque") happen to share white-on-red the Leto branch of Letters/Lauders (and Tooths and Feathers). The Perkins (with an 'i') share "simplex" in their motto with Sorrys/Sawrie's. Perkens happen to share black-on-white stars with the cloud-using Jeffreys. I can't recall the details, but Plancia Magna, who married the TERTullus line, was a close relative of a Mr. Simplex. This Tertullus line can be a Toreatae line to Aurelia Cotta. That is, the Toreatae are expected neat the Cotesii. I had traced Perkins (Levi lion?) to "Perga," home of Plancia Magna and her husband, making Perkunas suspect from that place, especially as the neighboring Lycians had their own goddess, Lada. Perkunas was also the god of Latvians, making this entity suspect with Latmus (Lydia theater), likely the root of Lada and perhaps even the Latins.

I had reported the good chance that the line of Plancia Magna (descended from the Tigranes-Opgalli line) was at the lake-Tatta area, and there the Perken motto is translated with "deeds," perhaps code for Dade's/Deeds, the latter are honored in the motto of Flemings whom are suspect in the Hildebrand / Brand flames. Again, the German Brands use what look like a bundle of rods tied by bands, similar to the fasces. The "Factisque" motto term may betray its being a proto-Faucet entity.

The wife (Roscilla de Loches) of Fulk II was a Loges / Lock liner while Hildebrands use a log. There is a mythical Tertullus in Fulk ancestry, and the Plancia-like Planque's can even be traced to the Plantagenet Fulks. It just so happens that the "vigilum" motto term of Perkins gets the Vigil's sharing the vertically-split Shield of Fulke's (same place as Tute's). This makes the "Qui sera sera" motto of Fulke's suspect with which case Fulks should link to McLeods and/or their Martin kin expected from the Mures. The Vigil / Fulke Shield is shared by Capets, whom are expected to share the crown of Martels (as per the Martel dynasty evolving into the Capet dynasty).

The Litch's/Leche's, perhaps from the Poles that were called, Lechs, may be using this crown. The Toreatae-related Chads (Litch/Leche colors) were from LITCHfield. German Litch's can be using half the Lutt / Fast quadrants, especially as German Litch's/Liske's are listed with Leslie suspects while the Leslie motto is, Grip FAST. The Lesce location on the Sava is coming to mind with "Liske", suggesting some connection between the Sorrys and the Sava. The Lesce area, home to queen Kunigunda of Bohemia, traced to the Hainaut bloodline, and then the Hainaut lion can be the crowned one in the Litch/Liske Coat. Let's not forget mythical Lestko of Poland.

With Litch's linking to potent-cross Chads, let's ask again whether Skye was a Scythian entity, for Skits and Skeets use the potent cross. The interesting thing here, for linking to Bramtons (two red lions in pale), is where Martel-suspect McLeods were at Skye, for the Sichs/Sykes are expected in the motto of Manns/Maghens that use three red lions in pale. The Belgian Flecks/Flegers are suspect with the Fulke Shield too (in colors reversed), and then McLeods use a flag while English Flecks/Flags were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke's. The FLIGLperger variation of Belgian Flecks just reminded of both the Perkins and the GHLIGLiotti/Ghliglioni variations of Vigils! It's tracing Fulks to Tertullus of Perga!

I see the Manns/Maghens, because they are said to be from "Mathunas," as a branch of the "Fac et" Mathie's/Manns. Where have seen that arm-and-sword, in the Mann/Maghen Crest, before? The Alutus-suspect Eltons use that sword too. The Sorry Crest as a similar symbol: "A fasce in front on an arm holding an arrow." The arrow points sinister (I never view a sinister feature as coincidence or random choice), as does the Billan arrow. The Billans are highly suspect with the Bouillon bloodline at Boulogne-BillanCOURT, and while the Billans use an "AzinCOURT" motto, the Courts honor the Grands in their motto while Grands/Grants (flames), with a "Stand fast" motto, use crowns in the colors of the Litch/Leche crowns.

It's notable that while the Sichs/Sykes are in the SCARborough write-up, "Sic"-using Manns/Maghens use a "sacra" motto term. This makes Scarborough's suspect with the Sakarya river, near Ankara (and Akmonia), mentioned because Anchors/Annackers use a Coat like that of Litch's/Leche's. The anchor-using Majors, with a version of the Anchor Chief, are in the "CAPTa majora" motto of Geddes', and the Getae were probably at the Alutus.

Sakarya-like Seagars and Sauer-like Sawyers were first found in the same place as the "sera"-using Fulke's. Seagars are expected with the MacArthur moline, and then the MacArthur crown is shared by Grands and Mathie's. MacArthurs were up in the Skye theater. Or, MacArthurs were first found in the same place as Hurt-related Herods/Hurls, the latter a sept of McLeods. If we can spot a McLeod link to Sorrys/Sawrie's in this, it's compelling to trace Sorrys / Sauers to the Serrorum area at the upper Alutus, and so while these surnames had traced with Seagars to the Save/Sava river, note how the Save-surname snake is in the design of the same in the Litch/Leche Crest. Seagars have a Sugar variation suspect with the Basque snake god, Sugaar, husband of the Basque goddess, Mari. Martels and Martins were both first found in Basque-founded Gascony, and then the Visconti snake, originally green like the Litch snake, was called a Biscione, like the Biscay area of the Basques, also called, Vascones. Is this tracing Basques to Lechs at / around the Marisus = Mures and Alutus rivers? Eustace's are a branch of Vice's/Vise's, right? This recalls the vice-GRIPs involved in locking the hatch at the Jeffrey-related event of Galveston (story in 3rd update of last month). The Serrorum-like and Sere-related Zerrs/Zehrers use a hatchet.

Busca must have been a Vascone entity.

Irish Loque's/Logys share the Litch/Leche Coat and Crest, and throw in a trefoil in the colors of the Loaches/Lock cinquefoil. This picture looks linkable to Hildebrands. Hatchets use the same trefoil as Loque's/Logys. Shortly, I'll tell why Logue's link to the Galveston event.

I have yet to say that while Wikipedia has "gernon" as a nickname of Eustace II, the Gernon lions are also the Hatch lions! Zowie. It is completely amazing to me. Just think of it. God needs to figure out a way to get the message across to us that the Eustace II and his Vice bloodline was linked to Hatch's, and so he causes me to sleep on a quiet street, in the back of my truck, where I lock the hatch from the inside using a pair of vice-grips. A Negro, symbol of the Bouillons, came along and tried to rob me while sleeping, with virtually every event thereafter meaningful to the Eustace theme. The Haace variation of Hatch's can suggest the Hacks/Hike's/Hykes and Hake's/Hachs/Hike's, kin of Edons. What floors me is the threat to my life that God allowed in this event. It wasn't exactly my most-pleasant experience. Is my Massey-line ancestry from Ranulph de Gernon?

The Hatch lion head is in the design of the same of English Rothes, first found in the same place as Meschins. The ELTons, using a version of the Roths bend, were first found in the same place as where Meschins ruled, and in the same place as Otone's/OLTens (half the German-Litch quadrants) whom are suspect with a red version of the Jeffrey pale bars. For, the Elton stars are colors reversed from the Jeffrey stars. I am simply amazed with God on this thing, for hours before the Negro came along, I had an omen with a small cloud, not much wider than about two solar diameters, covering the sun completely, just as you see in the Jeffrey Crest.

It can be gleaned that Eltons are using the Sale/Sallett / Bessin / Bistone bend. The Otone variation reminds of the Edons that share black scallops with Ladd/Ladons (see Leaders too), the latter using a version of the Meschin Coat, relevant because Eltons, Otone's/Oltens and Sale's were first found where Meschins ruled. This can indicate that the Alutus river was home to proto-Sorb SarpEDON, and it just so happens that the map shows a Sarpedon point smack near a Sale location, with the mouth of the Hebros river between them. The Hebros was alternatively the Maritsa. Just trace to the Marsi in Hebros-related Abruzzo, at Fucino, near the source of the Salto river. It can suggest that the namers of the Maritsa named the Marisus. The Sorbs were largely in Lusatia, between Poland and BRANDenburg.

Transylvanians were in Cheshire, weren't they? Yes, and while Gernons are traceable both to Eustace II and to the son of Ranulph le Meschin, the Gernons use two lions in pale in colors reversed from the Bramton lions. Nicholas de Vere wrote a book, From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells." But then the brother of Ranulph le Meschin was the line to a marriage with Clare's of Tunbridge. Vere's were a branch of Fers and Vairs that use the Coats of Cohens and Hohens, Khazars from the Mures river. These Khazars were at Bihor, the proto-Biggars that were first found in the same place as Swans/Sions. It can indicate that the Sensii had moved into the Mures river.

The above can ask whether Jeffreys (and Jeffersons) trace to something at the Alutus = Olt river. The GODfreys trace by Gothelo, father of Godfrey III, to the Goths/Goethels that share the Zionist star of Hagars, traceable to the AGARus river (on the light map) of Scythia. The Agarus (now the SIRet) was the location of Neamt. The Rimni was an Agarus tributary. The Goth surname might have been a Getae branch as concerns the formation of the Goth Germanics. If the Shaws had something to do with the naming of the Sava, note that Shaws were first found in the same place as Hagars. The Arrens/Arens, tracing with McLeod liners to the Alutus, share the quadrants of flag-using Hagans (Hagar / Hague colors), who share grail cups (first quadrant) with Shaws. The rock in the Hague Crest, shared by Grants/Grands, is for the Roxolani, who lived in the same area as the Cotesii (lower Agarus). The Hague/Hate saltire is used by Gophers, Gog suspects of the Goff/Gough / Googe/Gooch kind, suggesting that Hag liners were a Gog branch. Should we ask whether the Hate variation was from Hyde, the Lydian capital where one can expect Gugu?

Biblical Hagar was the quasi-wife of Abraham, a good reason to expect Keturah liners in the Agarus theater. Keturah's name led to mythical Kodros (king of Athens), whom was given a fish symbol. We see a fish in the Hagan Coat, and moreover while Hagarites were anciently called, Saracens, the Saraca's use a fish in the colors of the three used by Hatchets/Hackets. The Chief of the latter shows trefoils in the colors of the same of Hague-beloved Rocks (Worcestershire, same as Lutts).

After I released the vice-grips, stepping out of the hatch, I got the keys out of my SHOES, and unlocked the passenger door, with the Negro breathing down my back. As I opened the door to get in, he pushed me and raised his hand high and brought it down toward me, indicating he had a knife. I raised my KNEE, and blocked the thrust, causing the weapon to pop out of his hand. He proceeded to clasping my throat with both hands, which event was planned by God for leading us to the two hands "clasping" one another from clouds, in the Aaron Coat. The Shoe surname happens to use a KNIGHT said to be down to his KNEE's. It doesn't mention knees for nothing. But here i find that Hatch-likely Hatchets/Hackets (Hagar, etc. colors) are said to be from Niton on the Isle of Wight while Nitons are listed with Knightons.

When I related this story recently, I wasn't sure whether he had his hands on my throat before raising his hand, or vice-vera. Chances are, he had the weapon in his hand while standing behind me, then lost it, and only after that was able to get both hands on me. I was able to slip out of the hatch when headLIGHTs came toward us, a very unexpected event, I was so thankful for that, I can't tell you enough. He couldn't attack me while this car was passing by, you see. It was a quiet street after 1 am, but there was this car just then. At the time, I thought he had a gun. I awoke as he bounced the truck up and down by lifting the fender, and when he made me think he had a gun, I was feeling an eerie sense of death coming upon me, fresh out of a sleepy state. Those headlights were like my salvation. It's interesting that Lights/Lite's (feathers), honored in the motto of Ayers, have a swan-using version of the Feather / Tooth / Perkin Coat so as to be linkable to the Leto / Lada line to Perkunas. In this case, because Ayers were kin of Shaws, the Lite swan is likely a Shaw liner. The castle of Kyle's, in Ayrshire, was near or amongst the first-known Swans/Sions (share a white chevron with Lite's).

Again, the Knee's and Knights trace to Ayrshire's Eyers/Eyes'. The Barrs, whom used white-on-blue fish in Bar-le-Duc, were likely from the wife of Godfrey III, and were first found in Ayrshire.

My truck was parked, and Perkens are also Parkinsons. Parks and Parkers share the stag head with Knee's. One Parker Crest has nearly the Eustace stag. The sleeved arm in the Parker Crest holds a red antler, symbol of Veringers, cousins of the Zahringers (blue antler) suspect with the hatchet-using Zerrs/Zehrers. The "certa" motto term of Parkers speaks of the Numidian capital, a term like the Siret river. The Sire's/Sirets use a green snake looking at itself in a mirror. It just so happens that the Negro, when he pushed me in the truck, knocked by head into the rear-view mirror, knocking it clear off. This stag head is probably that of Kenneths (share rock with Hague's), whom trace definitely to Kanza, a woman of Ayer-rooted Aures, home of the Shawia Numidians. The other English Parkers were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Eyers/Eyes', Heyers, and Knight-related Cnuts.

I was pushed into the mirror as soon as the door was unLOCKed. If you check out the Loaches'/Desloges'/LOCKs or the Irish Loque's/Logys, compare with an aspect of Primo's, then see the latter's mirror. And if you then go to the Prime's, you will see my leg in the position that it took to block the weapon. Again, in case you missed it in previous updates, the mirror of Melusine is code for Mire's/Mireux', first found in Anjou, and then Fulk II of Anjou married Loaches. Melusine is in the Crest of Mures-suspect Morays.

Eyers (knight's leg with bent knee) were traced to Eye in the 3rd update of last month, when it was said, "As Armys/Ermine's were first found near Diss and Eye, note that while Eyes' are listed with Eyers, kin of AYERs, Ermine's show an AYRmine variation...the "SIC itur" motto phrase of Cowans is shared by Knight-like Kenneths while Ayrshire-beloved Shaws use "patITUR" and throw in a "qui" motto term that's also in the motto of SICHs." Alutus-liner Eltons use an "armis" motto term, and Shawia are now suspect with the Serrorum area of the Alutus. It can appear that Cnut was named after Kanza liners so as to explain the so-called, dark Danes. She was wife of itur-like IDRis of Morocco. Parkers ("FLUCtu") use a "movETUR" motto term. Their "flatu" motto term can be for the Vlads/Flattens that share the star of Godfrey-liner Goths. While Diss' (torteaux) are also "Dice," the "DICtis "facTISque" motto (read also as "factisQUE") of Sorrys can apply to Shawia liners in Serrorum. Dacians are coming to mind, for they had a country smack at Serrorum.

Stars (share estoile with Fisks), in Rae/Ray colors, use the eye, and then the Kenneth motto, "Sic itur AS astra," is translated with "stars." Why do Kenneths use "as" while Fisks (Suffolk, same place as Eye) use, "Sic itur AD astra"? Are we seeing the Assi / Oswald line in the Kenneth motto? Apparently, yes, for Oswalds use "A right hand emerging from a cloud pointing to a STAR of eight RAYs." English Shaws share arrows bunched at the center with Rae-related Bowers, first found in the same place as cloud-using Jeffreys. Scottish Shaws are said to be of a ROTHIEmurchus region.

This recalls the party I threw at my parents' place with fellow co-workers. My parents had left for about ten days. I had just lost Miss Bauer and Miss Rae. Miss Bauer went to my co-worker, Mr. Dinardo, in a PARKing lot, while Kepke and I sat on a hood. I had no idea she liked Denardo until that day when she got into a car with him. Denardo brought his set of drums to the party. The point is, this was the time period when Mr. Kepke slept in the basement with Miss Nigro, a girl who wanted to be my girl, but whom I wasn't interested in. She became suspect with the Negro at Galveston because Kepke was a symbol for Syphax Numidians. During those days, another girl, Winnie/Whinnie (not sure how to spell it, short for Winnifred), slept with me in my parents bed. Keep this symbolism in mind (I remained a virgin through that period). I was using my parents bed, and this Winnie, whom I was not interested in, was a pushy girl who simply wouldn't get lost no matter the hints I dropped. So, she slept beside me, and I never touched her. When my parents got back, and I had left the house, she was still there somehow, and wearing my mother's house robe at the time. It was so embarrassing. The point is, Kenneths, who trace with my mother's Massey bloodline to Numidians, show a Whinnie variation. I kid you not, I had not yet checked the Robe surname until that was written, and here the Scottish Robe's are found with the stag design as Parkers!

Try to underdstand what God is trying to indicate by these things. The blue sleeve (Manche symbol, linkable the Masseys of Manche) with CUFF in the Crest of Kenneth-related Parkers is in the Crest of Syphax-suspect Spice's while a "spes" motto term was seen with Hatchets, the latter sharing the double-headed eagle with Spicks/Specks/Spocks (of BRAMpton Speke) while "spes" is suspect with Space's/Speccots. Cuffs use a blue sleeve too, but without the cuff. It's not a coincidence that Spicks/Specks share the eight bars (Hatchet-fish colors) of Nitons/Knightons while Hatchets are said to be of Niton on Wight. Just like that, Hatchets link to Knee liners of the Knight kind. Cough-related Hoffs use a black leopard face, symbol of Newports. (Hatchets are easily linkable to Aubins/Albins, Albino's and Mea's/Meighs.)

Repeat from above: "[The Isle of] Wight is in southern Hampshire, where English Josephs were first found who use a "ni" motto term, like the "Ne" of Newports (makes Newports suspect as Knees or Nie's/Neighs)." The Nie's are suspect with the Jeffrey pale bars. The Parker stag head is colors reversed from the same of Vice's/Vise's...because Guiscards/WISharts use "mercy" while Parkers use "merces." While the "certa" motto term of Parkers can trace between the Numidian capital and the SIRE's/Sirets (they were from Calydon along with the related Astikas'), the Guiscard motto is, "Mercy is my DeSIRE."

Sire's/Sirets/SIRONs use a "spes" motto term, and share the anchor and scale with the Arms of Vilnius, home of the Astikas'...from Astakos in what was once Calydon, home of the mythical Sirens). Calydon was home to Taphians that were mythicized as Daphne in the Ladon river, a river from Lydians. If Sire's are using the Hyde lozenges, they can trace to Hyde > Sardis Lydians...expected in Sardinia, where the first VISconti's ruled. The Visconti's of Sardinia used a rooster, symbol of Gala/Gaia, a Numidian king, likely the line to my mother. With Visconti's/Vasco's suspect with the fasces, let's repeat that Sire symbols are in the fasces-using Arms of Vilnius, and that Sire's trace to Vilnius for other, demonstrable reasons.

As I said, Kepke and I sat on the HOOD of my car (Chevy Impala) watching Bauer and Denardo momentarily while the loss was sinking in. Isn't that Robin HOOD in the Crest of Elton-like Altens (Nottinghamshire)? Aren't Bauers a branch of arrow-using Bowers, both in the green color of Robin Hood? I've never yet mentioned this Hood link to Bauers as per my sitting on the hood. Amazingly, it was the parking lot of a grocery store (where we all worked), and here I learn that Altens are traced in their write-up to a manor they purchased from a grocer of London. Hoods (Cornish CHOUGH, part of the Cuff bloodline) can be shown to be a branch of "spes"-using Hope's and can therefore trace to Hyde's. The anchors of Hoods can indicate that Hoods were a branch of Hiedlers/Hitlers / Heidlers. Hiedlers/Hitlers share the sun with German Robe's, and one can glean that the Robe eagle is double-headed, or taken from a double-headed eagle; it's in the black of the same of spes-liner Hatchets.

Scottish Robe's may be using a version of the Hope Coat ("A broken globe surmounted by a rainbow"), for Cope's and Copps share a blue chevron with Robe's. The way that Winnie had my mother's robe on, after sleeping in her bed, suggests that Robe's were Kenneth and Massey liners from Kanza, and so let's remind that Scottish Robe's use the same stag as Parkers.

I've never mentioned the surname of my father, for my own protection from any goon that might want to stop this revelation. He has had Parkinson's disease for almost 20 years, but I find it hard to believe that this was an act of God in facilitation of this revelation. On the other hand, my father became very hard of heart, and needed special treatment. He railed against my new-found faith, even though he was very unhappy with my teen years. He became a Mary worshiper in the lest few years, and blasted me several times for my trying to get my mother off of that foolish thing. These were in the years of pope John-Paul, who likewise contracted Parkinson's Disease. I don't want to get into the bad relationship between us, it had been a disaster that didn't improve until he was debilitated. Only then could I talk more calmly with him, and he even started to read the Bible. One of the last things he said to me was, "I want to be saved." It was an evangelical term he used that he would never have used previously. That sentence was a few months after he said to me, almost with tears, "I'll never see you again." He thought he was going to die soon after I left his place for the winter last fall.

The Perkins/Parkensons share the chevron of Hebrons, mentioned because the latter use a "Keep" motto term to indicate that Keeps were a branch of the HEPburn variation of Hebrons. But Keeps were traced to Kiev (Ukraine) long before Mr. KEPke became a topic. His father was of Ukrainian descent. Let's now repeat from above: "The Lithuanian god was Perkunas, and then Perkens/Parkinsons ("FACTISque") happen to share white-on-red the Leto branch of Letters/Lauders (and Tooths and Feathers). The Perkins (with an 'i') share "simplex" in their motto with Sorrys/Sawrie's." This is repeated because Keeps (weaver's shuttle) share a red bend with Sorrys/Sawreys (share "Simplex" with Perkins). The Sorrys even share the red-on-white, upright lion with Hebrons. The way to understand the Ukraine trace to Syphax Numidians is via the trace between the Siret and Cirta, the Numidian capital. It's the Parkers that use "certa."

As the paragraph above is a compelling case, note that the two Hebron lions face one another, as do the Abreu/Abruzzo lions, for Hebrews of Hebron are expected in Abruzzo. It's where the Hebron-related Childs/Chills trace, where Childeric's Merovingians are suspect from the Marsi of Abruzzo for various reasons. My mother was born in Abruzzo. The "tryst" motto term of Hebrons must be for the line of mythical Tristan, said to have been of a Mark element in Cornwall, where the Caiaphas-suspect chough of Hoods traces. The "spes" motto term of Hoods is now very linkable to the suspicion that "Caiaphas" was a version of "Syphax." The Salto river traces to Sale's (version of Cough/Cuff Coat) and Salemans/Salians (think Salian Franks to which Childeric belonged). It makes the Marks suspect with a Marsi line to Marici.

The other Tristans even share the stag heads of Vice's/Vice's and Parkers. "Cough-related Hoffs use a black leopard face, symbol of Newports." Knee-suspect Newports are kin of Quade's that share the black wolf head in the Tristan Crest.

What I need is a comprehensive work on king Massena's affairs with the Scipio Romans. It would be helpful if I could also have the time to read on all the details of the Hannibal links in the Trebbia theater. I think I could figure out how the Numidian-Roman alliance got to Israel. But, let's not forget, what God starts, he finishes. My life has been a book for this Revelation. What next? I can't wait.

The DRUMs that Denardo brought to the party. Isn't it amazing that the Norths (Niton dragon?) and Denardo's/DeNORDI's share the same lion, with Denardo's sharing the tower of Scone's ("Vigilate"), first found in Stirlingshire, beside the DRUMmonds of Perthshire. The Hagars of Perthshire share the white-on-blue Zionist star of Scone's (Chappes colors). However, Drummonds named Drymen, in Stirlingshire. It can be gleaned that Stirlings are using the Moor head of Chappes', for Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire. The tower is suspect with Tuareg Berbers, known to have lived about the Atlas mountains, same area as Shawia...that were in the Shaws, first found in the same place as Drummonds.

Shortly after that party with the drums, my father moved us away from Gormville. He had built his own home further into the country. It put a huge dent into my circle of friends, and God probably saw that I needed some cooling off. I had moved out to the big city to be a shoe salesman at that time, but the city depressed me. I ended up back home for a short while. I met the friend directly across the street, about my age. He smoked dope, but I hated it, actually. I felt that it was a silly waste of time. Kepke and Miss Peare would come up to camp at the back end of our large tract. I purchased the set of drums of the friend across the street. Hmm. So I've just looked up Salisburys, because that was his surname. Salisburys/SALEsburys are clearly an Abruzzo > Evreux line, and therefore linkable to Salto-river liners. It's notable that the Salisbury / Abreu/Abruzzo lion is that of German MARtins, suggesting Marsi of Salto-river relations. The Salisburys have a variation that can be explained by the Sears of Evreux. Sears (share red scallop with Sabine's) are linkable to Keep liners.

Isn't Kepke a line of Hebron-beloved Keeps, and aren't Hebrons a line to Abruzzo's? Percys and Bruce's were both first found in Yorkshire, and while Bruce's (early Brusi's) can be traced very well to "Abrussi" and to the Eburovices/Ebroicum of Evreux (founders of York). Percys can be a branch of Peare's, for Pierce's/Pearce's are also Piers. It was by good guess that the two leopards that were the Arms of Normandy were the two lions of Abruzzo's, suggesting that the Normans were early merged with Evreux. But then the Peare's -- can you believe it -- use leopard faces in the colors of the Abruzzo lions / Arms of Normandy (Leavell colors). Should we be looking for a Syphax-line link to Abruzzo's? Syphax died in Tibur, a city treated by Porcius Cato (contemporary of king Massena), whose Wikipedia article had him growing up in Abruzzo. The article then removed that part, and said that Cato owned land in Sabina, beside the Salto. Peter liners have been traced to Rieti, on the Salto.

German Peers (compare with Jewish Rothchild and Hiedler/Hitler Coats and note Bauer stars in the latter) are also Petters/Peters, suggesting Perts/Petts, first found in the same place as Drummonds / Shaws. The Perts/Petts (share gold mascles with English Peters) then share a red and engrailed bend with Keep-suspect Sorrys.

Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire, same as Damorys and Amore's that can be gleaned with the Drummond / Leavell bars, all WAVY, code for Weavers and Webers (wavy bars), part of the weaver's shuttle of Keeps. Isn't that amazing? The Weber link to Pepins allows one to identify the Hebron horse head as that of Pepins / Pipe's, but see also the horse, roses and colors of Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') for their link to Hebrons. While the organ pipes are in the Crest of Letts, they are also Late's, suspect in the "VigiLATE" motto term of Scone's, which gets us back to the Denardo drums as code for Drummonds of Stirling, same place as the first-known Scone's. The latter's Zionist star is half in the colors of the same of Jewish Rothschilds, and the latter's is in the colors of the Bauer stars. Kepke and I sat on a hood watching Miss Bauer going to Mr. Denardo. The Hood-possible Hiedlers/Hitlers share a black griffin in the same position as the one of Godfreys.

I was probably supposed to die at birth. I was blue when coming into the world because my mother waited too long to get to the hospital. I can't recall if she told the reason. It could be that God was looking for a dead baby to save, to take for this cause, because my life has been a Manipulation, for this story. I can't argue against it, because I have life at all. I've had many gifts from God that other people haven't. But he has not made my life a joy-ride by any means. I was like a dog on a leash, always pulling God, rather than the other way around. I wanted to get away and run about, have a great time. I was very outward. Some day, when this job is done, maybe he'll let me lose.

Just gawk with your all-seeing-eye at the Enfield Coat, a version of the Chadock / Chadwick Coat, and with the Joseph martlet in Crest upon an escutcheon. The Hitler griffin is called an Enfield. Adolf Hitler's mother. Miss Polzl, was probably a Peter-Pollock liner (I view all three Peter Coats from Peter Pollock, ancestor of Rothschilds). What a story. Enfields are clearly related to Major-loving Geddes', and Peters honor the Majors in their motto. The Geddes' also love the Cabots and Chaputs (version of Major / Anchor Chief) in their motto. Kellys are known to use an Enfield griffin too, and, like Abruzzo's, Kellys use lions facing one another. I can glean that the Major-loving Peters are Swan/Sion / Side liners, but then Side's are a branch of Sutys, and they were lovers of Northens/Nothings that share the dragon, probably, of Norths. Some Chaput variations, such as "Shapus," are like "Syphax."

If the Chaput Coat is a version of the Hatchet Coat, we need to take it back to the hatchet-using Zerrs/Zehrers, a branch of Sears (half the Hatchet eagle) and Sere's/SERTS (of the Numidian capital?), and therefore linkable to Sorrys. In this way, Keeps (or Kepke"s) can link to Syphax suspects. The Sorry motto suggests the Tiss' (Hebron chevron in colors reversed?), first found in the same place as English Josephs, and showing all the variations for linkage to Tease's/Tighs, kin of Annas', both first found in Nottinghamshire, where Altens were first found that trace to the Alutus river, situation of the SERRorum mountains. Just trace the Cnut namers of Nottinghamshire to the Nitts/Naughts of the Nith river, home of the proto-Geddes Geds (several centuries before Cnut). There is even a Ged surname using the same fish as Hatchets.

Let's go back to the mirror of Sire's/Sirets, and assume they were a branch of Sere's/Serts (colors and format of Hebrons), for the wife of Fulk II, to which the mirror traces too, was Roscilla of VILLENtrois (place in central France). Sire's/Sirets are very traceable to VILNius, itself traced to Vilains (long ago). It just so happens that Villens are listed with Vilains, yet I've never tackled the Villentrois term until now. This is great, because the Plunketts, suspect with the line of Plancia Magna to the Fulks, was first found in the Vilaine part of Brittany. Sere's/Serts, I've just learned, share the white-on-red rose of Sorrys, in colors reversed from the Hebron rose.

Repeat: "The Salisburys have a variation that can be explained by the Sears of Evreux. Sears (share red scallop with Sabine's) are linkable to Keep liners." The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Sabine's (same place as Fulke's) is that also of Villens.

Before coming to this point, I was recalling a night in which I was driving to my parents home with Miss Peare. Kepke was not with us. I had loaned a winter coat to Mr. Gardner when he was down on his luck, and went to pick it up en-route that night. It's just that Gardners (kin of Joseph-related Caplans) are suspect with the Sabine/Savona scallop (and also with those of Capes'). But the Coats were just looked up, and as they use six pale bars in the colors of the six fesse bars of Percival-related Leavells, it can be re-mentioned that Peare's are suspect with Abruzzo lines to Percivals / Pierce's, both first found in the same place as Leavells and Sabine-suspect Savone's/Saffins. Gards are kin of Joseph-suspect Pullens that share the Sabine / Sear scallop too.

It's very notable that Sorrys share arrows with Inders/Enders/Ingers, for Villentrois (never been investigated before) is in INDRE. Inger was the husband of Melusine-suspect Melissena Rangabe, and I looked without success as to where Inger would trace in the Anjou picture. Here I think it's been found with certainty. Inders/Ingers share three arrows on blue with Lurch's/Larchers and Archers, suspect from Lurco, father-in-law of Appius PULCHer, suspect with the PELICan of Pullens. Lurco was the grandfather of a Roman empress, wife of Julius Caesar's adopted son.

Mr. Gardner had been the high-school boyfriend of Miss Thomson. I went with her too in high school (I had a lot of short-term girlfriends), and got back with her for a couple of days a short time after I became a Christian, nothing worth mentioning. However, it's enough to check the Thomson Coat ("best" motto term), which looks like a version of the Sabine Coat, but substituting the red scallop with a red stag head, and substituting the two stars in Chief with the Best/Bez stars, probably. The red stag head is a symbol of Colts/Cults, first found in Perthshire beside the Robe's/Robs (Stirlingshire). Unbelievably, the Colts/Cults had a Couts/Coots branch, like the Coat surname!!! Amazing. I had no idea that it would lead to this when starting out with the coat story.

Mr. Gardner had a brother, ROB, which recalls Winnie in my mother's ROBE, for the Thomson stag head can be that of Kenneths/Whinnie's. The Colts/Cults and Coots are using the Pilate pheon in colors reversed, and the Pilate pheons are white, the colors of the same of French Robins. Robe's/Robys (stags) are probably using the Robin bend. The Coots are using the Guiscard/WIShart Crest, I figure, for the Coot / Colt stag head is a version of the Vice/Vise Coat while Guiscards were first found in the same place as Robe's/Robys. Every morning almost, for a long time, the two Gardners and I would sit, with others, at the same tables at a breakfast place near school. I kid you not that Robs brother was Rod, while the Robe/Roby write-up traces the name to "Hrod."

It's not told where French Robins were first found in Brittany, but there is a clue in the Winnie's (no 'h'), for they use the eagle of Henrys in colors reversed, and Henrys were from the Meu river, part of which is in Vilaine. This tends to clinch Winnie's with Robe liners. This is all so amazing that the reader may think I'm making it all up. I can't be that sort of lunatic.

I had given a jacket earlier, to another friend, Mr. Quinn, when he asked to borrow it. Later, I asked for it back, and he went nuts. He took it off, and stomped on it. I didn't know I was supposed to have him keep it. Soon after, he was fresh with his future wife, Kim. This was the first name also of Miss Thomson. I first went out with Miss Thomson upon dropping a "promising" relationship with Jackie. I never had reason for linking that jacket to Jackie before. In any case, the Kims (colors reversed from Jackets/JAYcocks), are in the colors and format of Coot-related Pilate's, and sharing the stag-head design in Crest with the Robe crest. The Jacks were resolved with Blythe's without doubt, but here I find Blythe's using a red version of the Jacket Coat!

[I didn't realize until after writing several paragraphs below, when coming back to the Kims, that their "Je" motto term is code for Jays evident in Jaycocks. This traces Kims to Numidians.

The gold garbs of Blythe's suddenly link to the same of Avisons, for the Savone's/Saffins use three crescents in colors reversed from the same of Jackets. And Avison-suspect Avezzano is at mount Sabina. While Joke's/Yoke's (share the scallop with Sabine's/Savona's) use a version of the Jack Coat, Yoke's/Hocs share the swan with French Josephs while the Avison garbs are in both colors of the same of English Josephs. Kims were expected (a few months ago) with Kemmis' in a trace to Gomerians, whom are now known to have been near swan-like Sevan, expected with Savone / Savona liners. Cams/Game's (Kim colors), first found in the same place as Kemmis', share six pale bars with Coats/Cotes'. Amazing. My romantic life was a manual for better understanding this heraldic project.

I didn't realize until this point that the Gumms/Gomers share the black rooster with Coats/Cotes'. The latter were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as St. Chad of Litchfield, which recalls that Chadock liners are expected with Cotes-like Cotesii. Therefore, the coat loaned to the boyfriend of Kim Thomson was all about the Cotesii, suggesting that GARDners were Cotesii kin. The KARTveli / Kartli Georgians are coming to mind. Welsh Thomas' use the Coat of Rice's for a trace to Rize, on the Georgia border. Rize was the home of the KHALDI! Zikers, for Thomsons share the stag head of CELT/Colts!!! Zowie. The Khaldi had been pegged as proto-Celts. This predicts that Cotesii were merged with Khaldi to produce both Celt- and Cote-like surnames. The other Welsh Thomas' (Saluzzo Shield) share the cinquefoils of Kims!!! Unbelievable.

The Thomas griffins are, I think, Enfields, though the description doesn't say so. Enfields have the heads of dogs / foxes. Again, Enfields are using a version of the Saddock / Chaddock Coat, making them linkable to Cotesii liners, and there you have it. English Fields even use what could be a white version of the Stick Coat. Irish Fields/Feelys are said to derive in a chess player, but that's code for the Rook sector of Rockefeller lines, which includes the Rods (as per the marriage of a Roquefeuil woman to Henry IV of Rodez). Rods share the trefoil of Rocks. The Chaddock Coat is a version of the Arms of Rochdale (Lancashire, same as Chaddocks / Chadwicks). This makes "Field/Feld / Enfield" a likely term from/to "Feuil/Feller." The Pullens were suspect from such a term, though it was besides the fact that Pullens share the Enfield martlet in both colors. The Kim cinqueFOILs are expected to be Roquefeuil elements merged with Quints / Quincys. Where Kims are Gomers, Roquefeuils look like the Rosh who developed the Roxolani. It's got Lake Van written all over it.

Note that Prests, in the Kim motto, share a black footLESS martlet in Crest with Enfields...and RUTHERfords of ROXburghshire. The "nec" motto term of Rutherfords and Rodhams now recalls that Swords use a man couped at the neck. Then, while Shute's/Shots use the same swords as Swords, the Scute's share the gold escutcheon with Enfields. Plus, I traced Shots to the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau (Dacians?), a Bavarian city that was headquarters for Hitlers concentration camps. Where Cimmerians invaded Lydia, and its capital of Hyde was their city, it can trace Gomer to the Hiedler/Hitler surname (Enfield griffin), kin of ROTHschilds, ironically.

As I recall it, I had entertained Miss Simson as a girlfriend after Kim Thomson. Neither of them interested me enough, yet we were seeing each other...on trial for compatibility, I suppose. This is interesting where Kims show a SHIMMie variation, and where the Cimmerians of Lake Van were at Sinope, beside Samsun. Kims and Kemmis', who both show n-variations linkable to "SIN(ope)," were traced to Kemmis/Chemmis, the Egyptian city of Yuya, the one whose line I trace through Lydia and LESbos. The fact that the Kim Coat struck me as a version of the Pilate Coat requires a repeat of my trace of PONTius Pilate to the Pontus, which was smack at Sinope. A Sinope-like version of "Simson" crept up recently where I resolved Zinzans/Sinsens as a Simson branch. The Sinsen Coat: "...a falcon standing on a ROCK and a estoile." If Rays are from Rize, it could be meaningful that the Rays/Rae's are in the colors of the Simson Chief.

Sinsens are one of the few Coats still showing royal (dark) blue. As German Biens use it too while Lake van's peoples were Biaini, it could be that royal blue was the color of Cimmerians common both the Sinope and Lake Van. Jewish Cohens/Kagans once showed royal blue. Carricks use a motto, "Garde Bien." Bien's use their BASE as others use a Chief, and in the base there is an arm-with-sword, symbol of Bessens/Besants / Bessin / Bistone's, the latter two using bees that can trace to "Biaini." Childeric had gold bees in his tomb, and Childs are kin of Tarents/TARANS while Taran/Tarun was at Lake Van. CadMUS is suspect with Mus of Lake Van while Cadmus founded a major city in BOIotia that had a honey goddess. The Bee/Bie Coat (whose green dragon head?) is using the same bend as Bessins / Bistones, with the Sale / Cough fleur-de-lys upon it, all on the Shield of Mus-suspect Masseys. The Boys/Bie's (Bien colors) are in the colors and format of Kims and Pilate's.

With mythical Cotys expected in conjunction with his son, Attis = the Hatti at the Pontus, let's now move to English Kins/Kyne's (expected in the Kay/Key motto) that show two black-on-white chevrons, the colors of the three in the Cotys/Archdeacon Coat. Pretty amazing, but hold on to your seat, for while the Sensii were beside the Cotesii and the Rusa-suspect Roxolani, here's a repeat from earlier in this update: "Wikipedia's article on Sion shows the two Sion stars in Chief, with six points (not a "star of David"), as part of the Arms of Hildebrand Reidmatten, bishop of Sion before 1600. This caused a check for the Hildebrand surname, using a "log in flames," and then the Loggie's/Logue's were loaded to find two black-on-white chevrons in the colors of the three of English Cotys'/Archdeacons." From this, one can trace Sions/Sine's to the namers of Sinope, especially as the Cotesii were just suspect with a Khaldi merger. The Khaldi were at the Pontus too, and are highly suspect with the Celt / Thomson merger with Pilate's. Again, I was seeing Kim Thomson immediately before seeing Miss Simson (both blue-eyed blondes traceable to scythians).

The Kay/Key motto honors Kin/Kyne liners, but as mythical Kay (Arthurian myth) was made a son of Ector, note that the Hiedler/Hitler Coat links on two counts to the Ectors.

The Loggie's are expected as Lock liners from lake Lychnis = Sevan, home of Gog, Meshech and Gomer. The Sinope merger with lake Sevan implied by the sharing of the Kin symbols by Loggie's is to be combined with king-Rusa liners as per the red roses that surround the Loggie chevrons. This recalls my resolution that heraldic roses were code for Rozala of Ivrea, the location of the Arduinici that named Artois, and then there is an "arte" motto term with Loggie's. The "quam" motto term of Loggie's is used by swan-using and Cimmerian-suspect Cambridge's (Kim / Cam colors) as code for its Cam river.

Russians have a female name, Sinovia.

The Iver/Eure surname, like "Ivrea," is a version of the Bee/Bie and Hanan Coats, and then the next girlfriend, after Simson, was Miss Hansen, a Dane traceable to the proto-Danaan of Laish = Dan, where the Samson "Danites" are expected that may have named Samsun. The Levites of Laish were started up by a Jonathan that I trace to "Oeneus," and while the latter likely named the Oenotrians / Enotri, they are in the Simson motto along with Laish-possible Alis'. Mythical Oeneus of Calydon was of a location that had close relations to Alis-like Elis, and for that matter one Thomas Coat is the Elis Coat, both sharing white crescents with the Simsons. I trace CALYDon to "Khaldi." It just so happens that French Levi's use three black chevrons so as to be linkable to the Loggie / Kin / Cotys chevrons.

Again, Laish was a couple of miles from Panias/Banias, and the latter was traceable to the Biaini of Lake Van as the line of mythical Pan, who was likely in Pandareus, the son of bee-liner Merops, the line to mythical Merovee = the Childeric Merovingians, part Salian Franks and therefore traceable to the Salemans/Salians, kin of Bee's/Bie's. AVEZZANo upon the Salto river, where Merovingians must trace, is a Bessin-like term. Bessens/Besants/Bassans are in Boy/Bie colors.

As the mythical Pontus birthed the Ceto/Cetus whale expected in "Cetis," while Caens honor Cetis in their motto, the Kins/Cynes and Kims/Kins can trace to the Ceno river. The two chevrons of Kins/Cyne's are in the colors of the two bars of Palmers/Parmers, relevant because the Ceno's water flow down the Taro to Parma. Taro is Tyrus interesting, for the outskirts of Tyrus (Tyre) was near Laish. A few years after being with Miss Simson, we met at a party, and she was willing to sleep with me the night. I knew she had a boyfriend. He discovered the one-night stand, and came by my place with a knife, slashing all four TIRES of my car. Is this applicable for this heraldic project? Do Simsons trace to Tyrians? Cadmus was a Tyrian. Cadmus' city in Boiotia is where Pandareus' daughter was queen. Was Samson the line of Yuya / Akhenaten? I can tell you this that AkhenATEN's god, Atun, traces to Aedon, Pandareus' daughter in Boiotia. The timing of Samson as a faked judge of Israel corresponds to the time of Akhenaten. (I believe that some pagan / daft / unholy priest / scribe inserted the Samson account at the back of Judges, and that he used typical myth codes for SAMSons' identification and kin. His unspecified wife in Timnah was beside Beth SHAMESH, the name of the Armenian sun god (SAMES), and then Atun was a monotheistic sun god too.)

Speaking of the Scute's and Shoots/Shots, Scythian suspects, let's address the ostrich feathers of SCHOTers, listed with Schroders ("ears of wheat"). The three feathers are in the two colors of the same in this Arms of Rothschild. Shroders use SCARAB beetles, what could be part-code for Scarborough's, or, better yet, the Scarfs, for ostrich-feather Trabys are listed with Sadowski's that use a so-called scarf. The arrows in the Rothschild Arms are in Scarf colors. Might the scarab term be for SARAPana liners from ancient Colchis? Sarapana was on the south side of the Glaucus river, and near Kutaisi, with TRABzon not far off in the Rize area.

Note how SCHRoder can be a Schar term, for their ears of wheat are shared by Austrian Schere's while German Schere's come up as "Scherf." This recalls that Bosco's are linkable to Schore's while the senior George Bush was accused, by me and others, of being born the Nazi aid, George Herbert Scherff Jr. The Schere's also use a Traby-linkable stick: "a snake entwined around a stick." This can easily go to the coiled green snake of SIRE's/Sirets, for the German Schere's share roughly the cross design, in the same colors, of the Shere's/SHIRE's. Cathian Covert married a SURbrooke. Read on.

More. Schroders use a "freiHEIT" motto term while Heits are listed with Heids that share a single arrow with Rothschilds/Rothsteins. The Heit arrow is red, the color of the Inder/Inger arrow while the motto of the Rothschild Arms includes "INTEgratis INDustria." Indre was mentioned earlier in Vilnius-suspect Villentrois, and it's known that the ASTIKas' of Vilnius (suspect with STICKs) married Traby. Moreover, while Alans lived in Vilaine, the Schroder motto is: "ALLEIN beim Christus den ewigen freiheit". Plus, while Plunketts were first found in Vilaine, they share a white-on-black bend with Heits! The Stick-suspect Stocks (Stewart Shield?) share the beetle with Schroders. These Stocks were of Bavaria, and of ROTHENburg in particular. The Rothenburg surname not only shares the red and upright lion with the Arms of Rothschild, but red-and-white bendy bars with Hiedler/Hitlers. Like the red Habsburg lion, the Rothenburg lion is crowned.

If that's not enough, Plancia Magna was from Perga, traceable to Perkins and Perkens/Parkinsons, the latter using a version of the Tooth Coat, which recalls the same Shield version from the Lights/Lite's having three ostrich feathers in Crest with the look of the Rothschild / Schroder feathers. The Lights are beloved of Ayers / and ear-suspect Eyers, the Heyers sharing blue wings with Bauers and the Herzogs (Here kin) of Bavaria. There's a question on whether some Herzog endings are indicative of Togarmite-suspect MacInTOCHs. Ayrshire was home to the first, Shire-related Carricks. As Ayr liners, Herzogs (and Here's) are expected from Numidians.

The "InDUSTRia" motto term of the Rothschild Arms was resolved as code for Dusters (Hitler sun?), for they use a version of the Rothchild Coat, but it's a reflection also of the HEIDler Coat. Where exactly was the Rothschild connection to Hitlers? It's now known that Hitler was of a Thule-related ROSIcrucian cult, and chances are that the Rosy-Cross organization was of the Crutch bloodline to the potent cross, that being Potentia liners suspect with Patents who happen to share lozengy with Beetle's and Schole's, the latter's lozenges suspect with those of Apps/Happs/ABBS (= Habsburg/Hapsburg liners) who share the Arms of Austria. Dusters may be a branch of OSters/Ostens that may be ancient Azzi liners in cahoots with king-Rusa elements. Were Osters at least part of the reason for the OSTRich? Were Osters named after Austrians? Austria is "Osterreich" to Germans.

The "ewigen" term of Schroders gets an Annas-like Coat with Wigens, first found in Cambridgeshire along with Cam liners. It predicts that Annas liners were in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans. The latter share the red-on-white crescent with Deins/Dene's while the Schroder motto uses "den ewigen." The Capes' that were first found beside Cambridge share the white-on-red scallop in the Arms of Rothschild. Recall the Bosco discussion in the midst of the fasces symbol, how it turned out that Bush's were of the Visconti / Hansen snake, for it just so happens that Deins share the full motto of Basco's/Bascums (Wiltshire). Plus, it just so happens that Basco's share the BUS cinquefoil! Basco's are said to descend from a ruler of Eu. Let's not forget the fasces in the Arms of Vilnius.

The Basco's (Bramton talbot head?) are now suspect, with Bus' and HAMILtons, with Buz and KEMUEL, sons of Nahor, Abraham's brother, not just because the Basco's share the talbot of Abram-like Bramtons, but because Nahor is expected to have named the Nairi of Lake Van. It doesn't appear coincidental that while WAYNE's share the gauntlet glove with Fane's/Vans/VEYNES', the Basco's use the ermined chevron of Wayne's. This is adding up. RODhams are suspect with the Bus / Hamilton / Basco cinquefoil, and Ruths/Rothers (Rodham colors) look like they can be using the Basco chevron. As Ruths/Rothers are listed with Randolphs, compare the English Randolphs with Hare's. There is a Rothen surname (Oster/Osten bend?) first found in Aberdeenshire. It's a good bet that Rands are using the Basco chevron on the Rothschild / Habsburg lion. However, Rands use three such chevrons, in the colors of the three Singletary chevrons, while it's known that Obama's ancestor, Jonathan Singletary, changed his surname to Dunham, the surname of Obama's mother. English Randolphs and Dunhams use the same Coat! Obama was thus a Rothschild liner...just like Hillary Rodham Clinton, right? Does anyone really believe that America is a democracy? Isn't it rather a Rothschild / Rosicrucian dictatorship? They all know how to wear their masks well, don't they?

The lion in the Arms of Rothschild and Rands is colors reversed from that of Deins. The Capes' are kin of Apps/Happs that share the Arms-of-Austria fesse with Coverts, which recalls that Cathian Covert married Jeffrey Dein, and that the two lived beside the Aryan Nations complex in Idaho. Jeffrey Dein had an address in Warsaw, Indiana, location of the white supremacists of WARS. Jeffrey Dein's mother had a daughter who married a Scheriff surname from Long Island's West-Islip area, right beside the home of Adolf Hitler's nephew (William Stuart-Houston). Jeffrey Dein had a Long-Island address too, in relation to his other wife, Candace Stewart. Things are looking pretty bad here for the Bush's. They appear to be of the Dein bloodline without doubt, but may now even link to Cathian's husband. I don't know, but it could appear that way.

Here is a quote I had from online: "Candace Dein (age 59) Candace Jeffrey Dein Candace I Dein Candace S Dein Candace I Stewart Candace Stewartdein West Islip, NY" Here is another: "Beloved wife of 66 years of the late George H. Dein Jr. She is survived by her daughter April Carabia, son Jeffrey A. Dein and wife Candace, sisters Peggy Dunlop and Lois Ell, grand- children Jennifer Scheriff and husband Daniel, Julia White, Michael Dein, Jeffrey M. Dein and six great-grandchildren." April CARABia, a lot like "SCARAB," is the one who married a Scheriff. Jennifer Scheriff is her daughter. I'm not making any accusations on these people, just pointing out some "interesting" things.

MacinTOCHS, a member of Clan Chattan that uses a "TOUCH" motto term, is linkable by the Touch lion to Hume's, but then the latter share the Coat of Bostons/BAWstons/BAUstone's/BOWstains, whose colors and variations look like they should be Bauers of the Burley kind.

The world has a big problem, and it involves those who control the Internet and its spy tools. These people are not merely spying, but they have agendas, goals, and aspirations. They created this spy tool for assisting in their aspirations. They are a "family" of goons with satanic spirits donning angelic masks. They are not under the government, but rather the government is under them. The government needs to respect its agenda, or else, and, probably, the government tools, all the way up to the president, don't know the agenda at any given time.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

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