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January 10 - 16, 2017

The Dol Alans of Brest
Trump Stag Found in Chappes-Loving Waterford
Sitric Ancestry in the Abraham Line of Satyrs

As the Obama era comes to a close, the Western dream of a no-fly zone in Syria stands out as the hallmark of the Syria war. The dream was to keep the Russian air force from winning the war for Assad, but that's all it was, a dream. The effort fizzled out parallel with Obama's political misfortunes. It's like when someone drops a rock on your head, you don't perform well with anything. The result is this:

The Russian task force in Syria has created a unified air defense network using advanced S-300 and S-400 "Triumf" surface-to-air missile systems, which can reliably defend the nation against aerial attacks both on land and at sea, commander of the Russian military group in the country Col. Gen. Andrei Kartapolov said on Friday.

"A unified air defense system that provides reliable protection both on land and at sea has been created jointly with Russian troops in Syria's air defense forces using modern S-300 and S-400 systems," he said.

Unfortunately, that's not a Russian dream; it's real. And neighboring Turkey has shown no respect for Obama for months. In fact, the Turkish president has about treated Obama as a push-over, as when a rock drops on your head, and you can be pushed over with one finger. Turkey has been acting as though it will go over to Russia to punish the Americans for the sin of wearing Kurd badges on their coats, but Trump will work to smother Erdogan with kisses, I predict.

So, Trump is now boasting of keeping big-corps in America, but there is a downside to it: up goes the cost of products. There is no use plugging a hole in the bottom of the jug if it's turned upside-down. What's the use fighting American overseas businesses? Instead of stopping companies from going overseas, find a way to collect their incomes taxes while overseas. That way, people on the streets can still have their inexpensive products from overseas, and the overseas businesses don't get too rich from the bonanza of cheap labor. Cut a deal half way rather than using Here is a video telling why the CIA should NOT have the ability to spy on computers, because it is a political, globalist tool, and will not be used as much as a half of one percent for Arab terror purposes inside the country:

Sputnik is blowing the trump on the next president's spy powers, a shameful disaster in the making. World dictators can take their cues from the Americans:

If Trump were really opposed to the world bankers, etc., and if he really wanted to do something to undo them, the last thing he would do is let them know, especially with public outbursts before he even has power. That's amateurish. I take his promises to undo evil globalists as a farce until I see it.

Here is the CIA Director on Syria: ""Aleppo's fall, to me is not a sign that there is going to be an end to this conflict because I am convinced that many, many of those oppositionists, the ones who are trying to reclaim their country for their families, for their neighbors, for their children, will continue to fight." Awwwe, he's hoping the war will continue for all the lovely families' sakes. He wants Trump to go out and kill fathers,for all those families' sakes. Assad could never rise to a dictatorial level the likes of the CIA. America wants the entire world to go down its sinful path, or bust. Now, they will be in our computers and telephone lines sneakily; tomorrow, openly, just like the most-hopeful dictator would like it. The problems will not be solved by spying on us; the problems will be evaporated when peoples are trained with Godliness, but God does not advise us spy on the lives of others.

Here is one reason why we should be happy that Trump is the president:

When I first heard that Michelle Obama was a man, I disregarded it, but the video below, if you don't mind the robotic voices, gives some interesting views, especially on the length of her ring finger. If the creators of the video are not deceiving us, it's a good argument. Just before the 17th minute, there is an item under her dress, um, where his thingie is. There is not much else new after the 17th minute by the way. Although her voice is not included in the video, she sounds 100 female whenever I hear her. But, they are saying, she's had s ex change. A man came out public to say that he performed oral sex on Obama; the video is out there. This is another good reason to be thankful: Obama is a goner.

There are also the videos where Obama calls his wife, "Michael." And then there is this one below where Joan Rivers says, "We all know she's a transgender":

It actually figures that such a marriage should run the White House in the last days.

a big stick to keep companies inside U.S. borders, or taxing their products so much that it's hoped they will stay / come back. Trump would have us believe that his persuasive charm has kept a few companies from flying across the border, but who believes that? He threatened them with punishment, didn't he? Doesn't this impoverish the poor countries? Are they not people too? Are they not fathers too, who need food on the table? Has Trump got things upside-down? Isn't that what dozers do to buildings and dirt? One thing, he has learned to talk the right talk, but let's' see what he does.

What I would like to see is Donald giving priority, not to keeping corporations inside the US, if they want cheaper labor, but serving the concerns of God. Then he will mature into something truly constructive and productive. Does Trump have the courage to serve God? Courage is needed, after all, because God punishes those who start, but then betray. America has become like a jug with a gaping hole because of the cost of sin in all of its forms. Plug the sin holes, purify the contents of the jug, and wealth can radiate to all nations with Americans having more than enough to be happy. And they can be happy that other nations are grateful for their generosity. Instead, the American military, the demon, wastes American money in war machines that produce no lasting thing but dead and maimed. And the world sees this, hating America all the more. What a sorry loser the CIA has made of the American nation. Is the CIA truly opposed to Trump, or is that a rumor that the two are faking out in order to fool Russia into compliance with some future Trump scheme?

Here is a pro-Putin video, and Putin himself sticking up for traditional, conservative values while denouncing American liberalism. He doesn't sound like a candidate for the anti-Christ:

The Monforte location of Cuneo can be a Monunius suspect along with the Montforts of Leicester, who took the title there of the Laevillus-line Beaumonts. Actually, while the Beaumonts fathered the Leavells proper, there is no evidence in yet that they were from Laevillus to begin with. But as Beaumonts/Bellmonts were, as of the last update, equated with Bellamys, isn't it amazing that the Harvey kin of Bellamys were found linkable (in the last update) squarely to Monunius liners? This can explain why the Beaumonts married Montforts (i.e. they were both from Monunius) so that the latter took over Leicester. And, believe it or not, the Legro river at Leicestershire has been traced to Leghs/LEE's/Lighs who happen to share the lion of the Mons/Mounts!!! That is absolutely flooring, for Monunius was the Mons bloodline...from Hasmoneans. Plus, as Laevillus married QUADratilla, let me repeat that the Irish Mackay with the QUADE Coat have a motto term that I resolved with the Lice's/LEE's! Bingo. The Lice/Lee leopard faces are a reflection of the Quade Coat, but use the black-on-white leopard faces of Levi-beloved Aids (in the Levi motto). The Lice's/Lee's share a chevron in the colors of the Teague chevron, and are said to have developed in Galway, where Teague's were first found. Teague's/Teegers are thus connecting to Cetis liners of the Levi kind.

The Caens use a motto that can indicate Lice's too, as well as another leopard face, and while the Caen motto also has Citis/Cetis buried within it, the Caen Coat shares a red fesse with Scottish Leavells. For new readers jumping in here, Quadratilla's family ruled Cetis in Cilicia.

So, what we have here is the Levi surname connecting to Laevillus, with Hasmoneans and Maccabee-liner Mackays in the mix.

One of the best of many new realizations of the last update was from the marriage of the Clapton Arthurs to Pellican-related Tewkesburys. Although I've not read from anyone that Tewkesburys were Touques-river liners, it sure looks like it. The Arthur-of-Clapton marriage to Tewkesburys and Meads together showed excellent evidence that the line was from Joseph Caiaphas (killer of Jesus), and so lets repeat my expectations that Caiaphas was directly related to Opgalli, to which Touque-related Teague's/Teegers trace. A point arrived where it dawned on me that "TOUQues" was a version of the TOUS variation of the Tonso's/TOSINI's, and it just so happens that the Toeni's of Leicestershire, who were married to Beaumonts, if I recall correctly, are also TOSNI's. That's why the eight-pointed star of German Teeger can now be as-good-as clinched with the same-colored one of Tous'/Tonso's.

The Teague chevron is called embattled, even though it's not keyed square as embattled borders normally are. The Battle's have a variation much like "Bataille," location of Yvery, but as the keyed design of Teague's is identical with the chevron of Keys/Kays (York, same place as Bruce's and other Eburovices from Evreux), note that Bataille is in Abruzzo-related Eure while key-using Sheaves'/Chiava's were first found in Abruzzo. Keys/Kays ("Domino") share "confido" with the motto of Bute-liner Boyds, and Booths share the black boar with Eburovices-possible Ebers.

The Mackay motto term I speak of is "LICEnTIAM," and Tiems/Teems have recently been resolved as Teague kin that lead to Opgalli along with Teague's.

As there is excellent evidence that Tonso's were from the Tonzus river (Thrace), I must not view the Tous bloodline as a Tonzus-Touques merger. The excellent evidence even has to do with a Joseph link to Bidens, the latter using another red fesse in both colors of the Leavell fesse. Moreover, Bidens use horns that trace to Orne on the one hand, location of Caens from the Caeni of Thrace. The Biden horns can be viewed as bull horns, though the description doesn't say so, and it can be for the bulls of Walerans, from Waleran/William, son of Maud of Beaumont, and the count of Leavell/Lovell in Yvery. It's now interesting that Mauds and MONmouths both share a red and upright lion with Mons' and Leghs, and moreover the two surnames both share thin, double-fesse bars with Gace's, who named Gace at the Touques river. Double-fesse bars are called, gemel, code for the Maccabee city of Gamala. The Gaulonites of that city got suspect with Glenns / Glennys that share black martlets with French Josephs.

We can now ask whether the proto-Touques river was itself from Thrace, and as I trace the Tolkien variation of the Tooks/Touque's to Telchines of Rhodes, it makes us take the topic to the Rhodope mountains of Thrace. Moreover, myth made mythical Telchis, code for the Telchines, born at SICYon (beside Corinth), which was depicted by mythical SISYphus, ancestor of Bellerophon = the proto-Bellamys / Beaumonts! "Sicyon" evokes the Sichs/Syke's, and as the latter were traceable to Sicambria, note that Cambrians are usually identified as Cimmerians, who were anciently, Gamir, the namers of KAMIROS on Rhodes! That exclamation mark is because Bellerophon killed the KHIMERA dragon at the Lycia theater, on-shore from Rhodes. This is most-excellent, for the island of SKYE and Lewis, with Lewis' now clinched as Laevillus liners, is traceable to Sicyon and Sisyphus, the latter a son of Enarete, suspect with the Neretva river, home of the Ardiaei = proto-Arthurs. One Ardiaei king (GENTius) merged with one of the Monunius' of Dardania. The Sichs have recently been shown to be a line smack from Laevillus, via the Kiss/Cush / Cass / Cust bloodline, and, if I recall correctly, the Custs come up as "Custes," almost the Custis surname of George Washington's wife (Gace's are listed with proto-Washington Wassa's).

Compare "Telchine" with "Ticino." If this is the correct origin of "Ticino," then I would say that the Dexaroi had not to do with the naming of the Ticino, even if they trace there or to its Laevi Gauls. The Dexaroi went by the alternative name or DassaRETae, and while Rat liners were traced (last update) to Sub Radice, it happens to be the part of the Rhodope mountains closest to Dardania. Plus, a theory was set forth not many updates ago that mythical Odysseus, whom I see as from Thrace's Odessa (west of Sub Radice), was alternatively ULYSSES as code for the Lissus and related Lissae locations, both very connectable, and Lissae is smack beside Sub Radice. ODYSSeus was just brought to topic because of "DASSaretae."

Cabyle (TONZUS river) -- between Sub Radice and Odessus, which is the line to the Biden/Button and Capelli chapeau, and to button-using Tous'/TONSO's -- is now highly suspect with the Ardiaei capital, found in the last update as CAPLjina. The same chapeau cap is used by Holms, found early in Leicestershire along with Dassaretae-possible Dexters/Decksters.

As Stumps use a version of the Touque/Tolkien and Teague/Teeger Coats, note the Monan description: " A falcon RISING, belled charged on the BREAST with a canton flory black, on the STUMP of a tree." The rising code was found multiple times in the last update, and is code for Ardiaei / Dardanian liners at Rhisinium. I have capitalized the Breasts for a reason.

The squirrel in the attic has died by now for lack of thirst. I'm expecting this squirrel to offer a last Squirrel-related Sign. It was beyond me as to how it got into the attic in the first place, but it turned out to be from a small 1 1/4-inch opening at the roof-hatch through the solar panels. Once that gap was sealed, there was no way out, and there is no water up there. The potential clues are for the Hatch, Solar, and Panel bloodlines, as well as the Chest surname, because this squirrel was probably the one that crashed twice into my chest when I was at two of its nests, one in the attic rafters, and the other in the ceiling of the old camping trailer. But the Breast surname can apply as much as the Chests, if that's what God had in mind. I don't want to put words in God's mouth, but anything to do with the squirrels in my attic, over the past few years, is to be treated seriously for clues. There is no Chest surname, but Chesters/Cheshire's use a hawk's lure while Lure's are a sept on McLeods, and the hawk's is purple, as are the pilgrim's staves of the Hawks. The Touques (with an 's') surname uses only two besants (nothing else) on blue, while Pace's, first found in Cheshire, use only besants on purple.

Pace's are potential Base's/Bessans that trace between the Bessi and Bassania, one beside the Lissae, and the other beside the Lissus, location. Didn't we find other reason, shortly above, to trace things from the Lissae area to the Touques bloodline? Caen is a location in the Bessen along with Stock, and the Stock / Stake lions can be gleaned as the Montfort loin. There is a Montfort location in Villaine of Brittany, from Vilnius, home of the rat-trap line, and the RADZiwills. The Radziwills who developed into the Stock-suspect Astikas' are expected to be from the namers of Astica, at the Thracian seas on the dark map below. Astica is beside the Caeni on this light map. The Caeni are not far from Parium, where I trace mythical Paris and his father, Priam, and so compare "Priam" to the "Perimus" motto term of Caens.

Next, spot SalmyDESSUS on the coast from the Astica region, then spot RHAEDestus on the other side of the Caeni, for the two together can make up "Dassaretae." Ask whether the namers of RHAEDEStus had to do with the namers of Sub RADICE in that the Radice surname is a near-copy of the Cabyle-liner Cabel Coat while the latter share virtually the Caen Coat. As the rat trap (caught 16 squirrels in my attic) has been resolved with the Radice element in conjunction with Trabys that married the Radziwill-Astikas line, a trace of the rat trap to the Astica-Rhaedestus area is logical enough. It adds to my understanding of the Rat bloodline. As you can see, Rhaedestus was alternatively named, BISANthe, a term that can be of the Bessi. As the Dassaretae were on the APSus, note the APSinthii beside Rhaedestus. For new readers, the DEXARoi version of the Dassaretae is expected to be of the squirrel-using Decks/DAGGERs, and links most-definitely to the COMYNs that share three gold garbs, and nothing else, with Astica-like Sticks. It expects Astica elements at the Apsus river, location of KUMAN. As Kaplan-related Josephs use the same garbs, it's also asking whether Caiaphas-liner Cavii were at the Apsus in a merger with Fiers, for Chives' share the moline with Fiers. That works. It's also pitting Drake liners in with Chives', explaining why the Drake motto honors the Mosca's in the Chives-Crest leopard.

Whether Chives liners were at the Hypsas = Drago river, I don't know, for the Mosca / Drake link to Chives' may have occurred elsewhere. What I do know is that Coffers and Caffer(t)s (from Cafuzo?) can be traced to southern Italy, and they use green Shields while Josephs use someone's green for their perchevron. The Joseph green has been highly suspect with the double green chevrons of Burghs, and that suggests the Burgo-of-Comyn line. Note the red-bull discussion below as it links to the Joseph motto, for that traces to MonteCHIARO-Mosca liners near or at the Hypsas river.

Let's go back to mythical Sisyphus, king of the Corinth, suspect from a mother depicting the entity that named the river of the Ardiaei, themselves from Arda of Thrace. Corinth has been traced to the Ceraunii, and they must have named the Ceraunii mountains smack beside Aulon/AVLONA (bottom-left of map at Epirus), home of the proto-Alans at Alauna (Manche), and the witchcraft-related Arthur liners in AVALON. The latter mythical island was Bute, from Butua at Rhisinium, where Ardiaei lived. I was just seeking instances of the Brest surname, as per that squirrel jumping scared off my breast twice on two different occasions, and my first find was the following, from 2nd update of September, way back in 2009, when my heraldry thumb was rather green. "Launay is in Finistere department of Brittany, where the city of Brest is located. Keeping in mind that I've traced "Bruce/Brusi" from "Aprutium" to "Brit," note that Brittany to the locals is "Breizh," and that the French Brest surname has Brison, Bres, Bris, Brix, Brice, Brisse, etc. variations." At the time, I already knew that Abruzzo (capital at Aprutium) traced to the Epirotes, the peoples of Epirus, because Molise, the province on Abruzzo's south side, was named from the Molossian tribe of Epirus (my theory / claim). But I did not yet know about Aulon at Epirus, nor of it's trace to proto-Alans of Dol, in Brittany's Vilaine area. And while I have always traced Bruce's/Brusi's to "Abruzzo," here I find the Bruce branch of Brests at ALAUNa-like LAUNay in Brittany! Perfect. It is a huge score on the heels of other huge scores, thanks to that last squirrel and the others.

"The Brest Coat's white diamonds on blue explain the Launy/Launay gold diamonds on blue, thus assuring that the Launy surname, and therefore the DeLaneys, traces to Launay of Brittany." That's what I had written. Italian Lano's/Lancca's were first found in Bruce-based Brescia/Brixia, recalling the Brix variation of Brests. The Lancca variation makes the Alan/Aleng-branch Langs, suspect for years from Langhe (smack at Monforte) come to mind, though I didn't know for years that there is a Montfort location on Villaine. These Alans (FitzAlans of Arundel / Sussex) married the line of Alice of Saluzzo, it can reveal, if further evidence crops up, that Monforte / Langhe liners were mixed with nearby Saluzzo. ARUNdels, by the way, from Arun of Sussex, got suspect with the Jewish Aarons that in-turn may be using the quadrants of Deters, first found in the same place as Dols.

Miss Florida sent a message that pope Borgia (Alexander VI) was of a Lancol surname (I have found a temporary way to get into the tribwatch email account). It appears the Burgh liners morphed to some Bear(d) surnames. Note that Borgia's use the same red bull of the Brittany Beards. Recalling the MontiCHIARO location above, it's notable that Charo's/Claro's/CHIARO's (I see a quasi-reflection of this Coat in the Fier Coat), whom are in the "charo" motto term of Josephs, use a red bull themselves. The Beart variation of Brittany Beards evokes the Berts suspect in Pollock ancestry. More on Berts later. Miss Florida reminded that Jesuits were part-and-parcel with Borgia circles; it's a good bet that Jesuits were from the Jewish Pierleoni. Langholms are below that can connect with Brittany's western half.

Miss Florida followed up by saying that a daughter of pope Borgia married a man from Este. My response: "I will keep a Borgia-Este line in mind, and something will click, probably, eventually. Not right now, though, except that the Welf branch goes to Hugh Lupus, kin of the Dol Alans. Plus, I have just realized, Hugh's mother was a Conteville, from John de Burgo, a likely Borgia liner. That works. The Alan-Stewarts go to Bute, and Bute's use ESToiles. In fact, Bute's once showed the same horse head as Bute's. They are black, like the horse heads of the Brittany Hellens/Heylins! It looks like Borgia liners loved Brittany Alans." By the way, Miss Florida had sent an email weeks ago that was helpful in advancing the Mosca's of Sicily with the Spanish lines at Aragon, and I had wanted to get to that, but have been sidetracked. I intend on doing that soon so find the significance.

The Bush's, from Busca at Saluzzo, use a fesse in colors reversed from the Lang fesse. While Alan>Stewarts can be linked square to Bothwells of Bute (from Ardiaei-Butua elements), Booths share the black Bush boars. Bush's once showed a red fesse, the color of the Alan fesse. President George Herbert Walker Bush Sr. was born George Herbert Scherff Jr., and Scherfs are Square/Squirrel / Shere liners. Scherfs/Schere's use a Coat like that of Walkers, and Walkers honor Plancia Magna in their "magna" term, while Plunketts (colors reversed from Langs) were first found in Villiane. German Langs (Launay-like LUNEburg) share the pelican with Stewarts, and the Pellican surname linked tidy to the Arthurs of Clapton while Claptons share the same bend as Plunkets. Add it all up. There is a Launay-Bellefille to the near-east of Dol.

Bullis is near Aulon and the Ceraunii mountains, and Bullis' were first found in the same place as Crauns, the latter well-resolved to be of the Ceraunii for reasons aside from this connection to Bullis, and for reasons besides the Craun fesse, in colors reversed to the Alan / Gore fesse. The Craun Coat is a version of the Gore Coat, and Gore's are definitely of mythical Gorlois, who played a chief role in the birth of mythical king Arthur (code for the Arthur bloodline). The other side of "GorLOIS" is in honor of LOIS' (Artois), who share the ostrich theme with Trabys, and trace to LUISa of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo. That's why Alan-Stewarts link to the birth of king Arthur. Lois' use a giant ostrich in the colors of the giant stag head of Trumpets while Arthurs own the heraldic trumpet while Dols were first found in the same place as same-colored Trumps. The latter are somewhat suspect with same-colored DRUMmonds, first found in the same place as Trips (Traby cousins), who in-turn use the Gore / Craun crosslets in the same colors, and moreover the Morinis', stumbled upon in the last update, were resolved as a branch of Marano's/Mauritano's that I know to use the Montfort lion as a fact. Morinis/Moroni's were discovered as the intent of a fictional Mormon character, Moroni, and you can read about Bush connection to Mormons in that update. The Book of Mormon is none other than the same code-work practiced for ages, including the myth writers and Arthurian-fable creators. It was a super find to see that Moroni's use two of the Drummond fesse bars.

Bullis is on the ancient Aous river while the Oust river of Brittany became a topic in the last update when the Leavells were found from Pontivi, and that linked to the Ponts without question, who use boars in Bush-boar colors. Pontivi is near Brest, and Brest is in the part of Brittany, Finistere that is, that has Arms with the upright ram (Lois colors) of the Bautica-river liners, the Bauts. The Arduinici were on the Bautica river's Ivrea location, like the Yvery location of the Leavells. There was clearly a Bautica-river link to the Finistere location. Near the first Bauts (Bute liners?) is Aubin, which not only traces to the Meu-river kin (Mea's/Meighs) of Albins/Aubins, but to the Albino's, first found in the same place (Modena) as Marano (location) and Morinis'/Moroni's. The Arthur-beloved and Monunius-related Motts/Mottins, like "Modena," were first found at the Meu-river area, and Montfort is smack at the Meu. The first Bauts were at AUVERNE, a lot like "AUBIN."

The Brittany Henrys (share the red Alan martlets) are said to be from locations at the Meu, and the Henrys with the giant eagle use it in the colors of the Albino's while they and Albin-related Barnstaple's share the ROD and ROCK trefoils (both surname use colors in the Arms of Roquefeuil), indication that Henrys were from Henry IV of RODez, a location very near Aubin. This very Henry married a daughter of the Roquefeuils (proto-Rockefellers see Feller trefoils), from the Roque's/ROCKs (same place as Roquefeuil). We get it.

I neglected to add in the last update, when finding the Pellican link to the Clapton Arthurs (they use another pelican in Crest, as do Stewarts), that the "ImPELLE" motto term of Arthurs can be for as host of Pellican liners such as Pelle's that use the pelican too. The Pelle's (Pilate colors) are in the motto of Romney-related Pullys/Pullens, who not only use the pelican, but the martlets (both colors) of French Josephs, first found in the same place as Pellicans, one of the reasons that Pellicans are traceable to Joseph Caiaphas. The Hampshire Josephs are from Henry Joseph of the 12th century, and as French Josephs share the martlets with Henrys, it signals a Caiaphas link to Rodez...which can explain why the Chief of the Hampshire Josephs is in the colors of the boars in the Chief of the neighboring Roets, though Roets were from Estaples in Picardy, and linkable to the Staple's / Barnstaple's, therefore. Albins/Aubins were first found in Barnstaple (beside the first Roets of Somerset, location also of Clapton), and Barnstaple's share the Albino trefoils, from Rodez liners, right? As Aubin traces to the Pontivi (Pontius-Pilate liner?) area of Leavells, by what coincidence were Leavells, first found in Somerset, rulers of Yvery in Eure while Albins/Aubins are said to be from St. Tauren of Eure. That's the area of EVREUx, from the Abreu/Abruzzo surname at the root of Brests/Brix's. There is a "pelon" term in the write-up of Pile's, and Scottish Leavells use piles, no guff.

Pontius Pilate became suspect (last update) with Perta at lake Tatta, which bears a mention that Perts/Petts share gold lozenges with Launays. But where is the squirrel line, if Brests, from the Launay area of Finistere, relate to the squirrel that bounced frantically off of my breast? The mirror of Melusine is with the Squirrel-related Sire's/Sirons, along with three lozenges in colors reversed from the Launey lozenges, to be expected where Alans of Vilaine connect to Vilnius, where Sire's connect closely without question. The Brests/BRIX's are using lozenges in colors reversed from the BRICK and Whelan lozenges. Might Whelans have been Waleran liners? The girlfriend I was with immediately after the time that Kepke took Miss Peare from me was Miss Whelan.

She might just provide another story from God, whom I think used a string of girlfriends in my youth as directives toward surnames that He wants me to use as clues. If Whelans can be proved to be of the Dol whale and of the Walerans, that tends to support that claim. It just so happens that Miss Whelan's sister had been with Mr. Young at the time that I came to be with Miss Whelan, and Youngs use the Leavell piles!!! I didn't realize this when this paragraph began. Mr. Young was a friend of mine, and lived next door to Kepke, while Kepke got me a job in the furniture store of Mr. Young's father. Just before this, Kepke and I both sold shoes in the same mall (different shoe stores), where Miss Peare worked. I now recall that Vince Pierce punched Kepke in the mouth on Mr. Yonge's driveway, and Pierce's, who list Peirs / Piers (I forget which), were first found in the same place as Leavells and Percivals!!! Isn't that wild? There is a Punch surname sharing red-and-gold horizontal bars with the Somerset Leavells! Incredible. The Punch's are said to be a form of "Pontius."

I shared this story before in at least one update. I said that, years later, after I became a Christian, I went to work with my boss far away to build a boathouse (I would later cruise that same lake many times with my own boat), and my boss was contracted to work for Frank, who had brought along two workers of his own, one being Vince Pierce (total surprise), and the other had been a town-bully teenager who punched me in the mouth / face at about age 12, I kid you not. I was walking along, and out of nowhere his punch came and blew me over (it hurt lots). I didn't know this guy at all aside from seeing him around town, and had done nothing, but he yelled to me, "You did it, didn't you"? His surname was Oddie, a branch of the Yorkshire Odins (croziers). I had no idea what he was taking about, but this punch is now being viewed as both a Sign that the Punch surname applies to the Pierce punch at Kepke, and moreover as a sign of God's displeasure with me for forsaking Him after age 11 (He struck my house with a lightning bolt as I awoke from sleep saying, "No, I don't believe in you, God." Never before did I know that the Punch Coat can be using the Leavell bars. Over and over again, all the Signs are wrapped up around the Waleran-Percival-Leavell bloodline.

Aha! Percival-suspect Percys (same place as Bruce's) use lozenges in the colors of the same of Alan-likely Launays, and Percys merged with the FitzAlan-Saluzzo line. Walerans were first found in the same place as the Alan-descended Stewarts, from Dol, a good reason to see the Dol whale with Waleran liners.

Mr. Young owned a whippet-breed greyhound, and I have on file a Coat of a Welshman,>John Yonge, with a greyhound in Crest, and the same Coat as Pennants and Trevors. The Cowes', very connectable to Laevillus' wife, use piles but call them pennants. Are you impressed? God must have arranged a greyhound for the Young family.

In addition, Pierce's first name, Vince, is one I trace to Vinkovci, birthplace of Valentinian I, whose line was through squirrel-using Valentins of Vince-related Vicenza, and kin to Squirrel-related Sire's/Sirons. The Valentin bend goes to the Aid bend while Aids share the leopard faces of Newports, from the Isle of Wight, location of Cowes. Vicenza is 30-40 miles from Treviso/Tarvisium, where Trevors might trace. Tarvisium is suspect with the Tarves', from Tarves, where Cowes-like Chives' were first found.

Miss Whelan was my last girlfriend before becoming a Christian. My first as a Christian was Miss Pascal, and Pascals are suspect with the Levi lion, and use the Templar lamb with BANNER, code for the Banner bloodline from the Panaro river at Marano. That's why the Montforts call their banner after neighboring Fanano. When I get to the Deacon topic, very important for establishing further Dardanian lines, you might want to compare Pascals with Deacons. Pascals are feasibly with the Pascel variation of the Pasi's (beside Modena), and it was the PANICO's of Bologna to which I traced PUNCH-like Pinks/Pincs.

The following is from a 2015 update after finding that the gonFANON banner of Montforts is code for Fanano of Modena, which is why the Marano's/Mauritano's use the Montfort lion. I first find the Finistere-suspect Finis/Fien surname (Pas-de-Calais = Artois, yup), and show that its variations can be of the Fanano-suspect Fane's/Fiens. The latter are always linked to Maschi's, near Fano, and Maschi's use the Finis/Fien lion, apparently, as do the Voirs/Voyers of Brittany's Gripel, near Finistere. I had traced Fane's/Vans/Fiens, before finding Fanano, to "Vannes" (king Arthur's wife) on the south of Finistere, and these apparent links caused me to view "Finistere" as a Vannes branch. The Finis' are said to be from Boulogne, home of Eustace II, and from Lords of the Cinqueport cities (Sussex and Kent), which included Hastings. The latter, as a surname, shares the sleeve in the Arms of Leicester (belongs to Toeni's there).

Fane's/Fiens use gauntlet gloves while the Lys river of Artois flows to Gaunt, and so it appears that Finis' were Fane liners for certain. And Gaunt was also Ghent, like the Gentius name of an Ardiaei king who married a daughter of Monunius II. Mons is right at that Artois / Ghent theater, and Dols share the wavy white-on-blue fesse of Dutch Ghents, in the colors of the double fesse bars of the Modena Morinis' (Montfort kin, right?). And the GONfanon was, from the start, identified with the Gone's, though at the time I did not know that they were Gaunt liners. These Gone's (from Belgium, location of Ghent) use a Ghent-like variation, and share the red bend of Gaunts. The other Gone's can be using a combination of the Gord boar heads (Albin-related Roets use them in both colors), and Albino colors.

The Fienne variation of Finis' smacks of "Vienne" while the Vienne eagle is a colors-reversed version of the same of Ferte's, from Ferte-Mace, where Maceys had a location who share the gauntlet gloves of Fane's/Vans. If this links to Vienne of Isere, that's where Herod Archelaus was banished. Fane's/Vans (reflection of the Finish Coat) are known to be a sept of Mackays (along with the similar Beans/Vains/Vans).

Hoskins can be suspect with the Uscana line to Oscans, for while Hoskins use the motto, "Finem respice," one can expect Arthur's wife to link to Uscana, capital of proto-Pendragons. There will be a significant treatment of Dere liners later below, as they are resolved with Terentia Murena, but here we may note that Italian Dere's, uisng LANCE's, come up as "Res" (and "Deres"), which sparks some thought on "RESpice." Was that a Murena link to Syphax liners, which, if so, would be highly interesting for me. The Wallis-like Walsh's use a "spice" motto term buried in their motto, and they were traced to "Aulus," the first name of Terentius Varro Murena (Terentia's brother), who was politically and militarily involved at / beside what would later become Wallis canton. It looks like I'll need to follow up, sometime, on this paragraph.

Hoskins use a white-lion version of the Gate Coat, and the latter use three lions in the position of the same-colored lions of Finis'. As Geddes' were from Cetis (I feel sure), where we find the family of Laevillus, it's a good bet that my trace of Laevillus' son, Proculus, to the portcullis GATE of Porters (and Gate-like Yate's), touches upon the Gate surname...just because it was a Geddes branch, meaning that Gate's look purely like Cetis liners. Caracalla, brother of GETA, minted coins with Olba upon them, and Olba was at Cetis. Then, the Cage's use a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Gate's and Hoskins, while Cage's are like the Caige variation of Cetis-connected Teague's. The latter's "OpTEM" motto term is like the "ForTEM" of Finis', and the split Shields above are in the colors of the FORT quadrants, suggesting that "FORTem" is double code. The Tiems/TEEMS happen to use a horizontally-split Shield in the same colors. See also German Langs in case they apply to the Teem Shield.

The Cage stag is not quite in the design of the Eustace stag, but it is in the design of the stag of Eustace-branch Stacys, as could be expected where Finis' were from Eustace II. Wavy features are code for the Pepin-related Webbers (WEAVer branch), and Pepins were from the same Heneti peoples that named the Veneti, while there were the Brittany Veneti at Vannes. So, the Fane's/Vans were Veneti liners from the Heneti area of the Brogitarus line to Lupus Laevillus (100 AD). Brogitarus (85 BC?) is suspect to the Brugg surname, said to be from Brugg, Belgium, and Bruce's have long been suspect as Brugg cousins. But then there are also the Broughs/Brughs/Burghs (Brugg colors, nearly the same cross) that happen to use the same saltire as Maxwells; this was neglected in the last update when BrogiTARUS was traceable to ancient TARSatica (on the light map), now Rijeka, where I've been tracing Maxwells for years. The Procks/Brocuffs use the Saluzzo Shield in colors reversed because the related Brocks share the Stewart motto. Procks/Brocuff share the Hips sphinx, and Hips' are using a version of the Squirrel-related Deck/Dagger Coat. Maxwells were first found in the same place as pile-using Leavells.

If Brocks / Brocuffs (both in Bruce-lion colors) were Bruce liners, then this Squirrel link to Brocuffs can be indication of a Brest link to Squirrels/Square's, and if the Arms of Placentia is using a square in honor of Square's, then note how Brescia is near Placentia, for Scottish Bruce's use the saltire of Annan(dale) for a sure trace to Ananes Gauls at Placentia. You can bet your car keys that Caiaphas married both the Laevi Gauls and the Ananes in the same woman. The Arthur motto, "obSTANTia," can be, not just for the trumpet-related Stands/Stants (see rooster said to be STANDing on a trumpet, of Levi-likely Levers), but the Standish's that use the Annandale saltire. Yup. The Levers come up with STANDish's, and the latter use the Annandale saltire too. There is thus every reason to link Standish's to the Arthur motto, for Standish's were first found in Gloucestershire along with Tewkesburys. Clapton is at the Gloucestershire border.

Standish's are said to be from Wigan and Chorley of LEYland, and Leys are listed with Monunius-related Lee's/Leghs. Chorleys (Lancashire, same as Bottle's) use "blue bottles"...and a "hawk's head" that links excellently, in this picture, to the hawk-using Hobs/Habs in "OBstantia." Bottle's are said to have had a Bootle location at Liverpool, perfect for linking to Livers/Levers. And Botters/BODINs use an eagle "STANDING on a silver PERCHE"! The hawk in the Chorley Crest is in the design of the eagle in the Crest of Ardons while the latter use the red Botter eagle as well as a version of the Botter Coat. This reveals Botters, Potters and Bidens/Buttons as a branch of the namers of Bootle, and it just so happens that Bottle's are said to be from counts and earls of Poitou, where I trace Potters, explaining why Potters use cinquefoils in the colors of the Bottle crowns.

Bottle's can be using a version of the MacArthur crown (both have FIVE points, a favorite number of Arthurs), for while MacArthurs were from the BUTEshire area, Bottle's are also BUThills (in Hill colors). But as Bottle's are thus traceable to Butua, were proto-Levers there too as the proto-Laevi? Where did the Laevi Gauls originate, anyway?

The Abruzzo > Evreux line was home to Eburovices, whom, I read, were at Brescia/Brixia (share a lion in Bruce-lion colors) as well as at Evreux, and then Belgium had Eburones. The Eburovices were also, Ebroicum, like the ancient Eboracum version of "York," where Bruce's were first found. There is no mistake: Bruce's were from Brescia and passed through, or were related to, the Eburovices of Evreux, where Leavell liners ruled as Beaumonts whom were found (last update) from Pinnes, a ruler of the Ardiaei. The Maschi PINE cones linked to Pinnes solidly, but the Cone's are a branch of Conte's, kin of Conteville's descending from John de BURGO, like the Burgh variation of Broughs (first found in the Orkney islands). John de Burgo is known to be from the Irish Burghs/Berks sharing the cat with Chives', and Chiava's/Chiapponi's were first found in Abruzzo. The Angels/Angle's use the same keys as Chiava's, and a lamb (with banner) in the colors of the Trump stag while Trumps were first found in the theater of ancient Angle's. The ancient Abruzzo capital is now Teramo, like at least one variation of Trump-suspect Drummonds [later, I find the Trump stag in Ireland where the place uses the same wavy bars as Drummonds]. Abruzzo had an Angle-like Angitia goddess, and it's very interesting that the Rangabe's from Melissena can trace exactly to king Andrew of Hungary, grandfather of the first Drummond. Angle's conquered Monunius-likely Mona and called it, Anglesey, a good reason to trace the Angel/Angeli banner to MONforte liners in Marano. Mona is in northern Wales, where Vannes liners traced who named Gwynedd. These Vannes liners are the ones connecting with Arthurian elements to the Lys river (Artois) to Gwynedd-like Ghent. Vannes was also, Gwenea. They are suspect now in a merger with the namers of the Genusia river having a source at the proto-Pendragon Penestae.

As Arnissa is on the Genusia, compare a G-fronted "Annas" with "Genus(ia)," for Arniss' are listed with Annas', the latter variation being name of the high priest whose daughter Caiaphas married. The Arnissa location is near the Cavii that likely named Chives' and Chiava's. Is there a light turning on in your head? I see one. Annas was made the high priest by Augustus, and Augusts share the eagle leg/talon with Talents/Talons, likely from the Taulantii that lived between the Arnissa location and the Cavii. The Augusts use the same fesse as Capelli-liner Bidens and the Placentia-loving Rome's/Rooms that are said to have been at Annandale. What do you see? I see Arnissa liners at the Ananes Gauls, and the latter is very much like "Annas/Annes."

Chives' likely named Chivasso, on the Bautica to the near-south of Ivrea, and the Arduinici of Ivrea (Bautica river) were from the Ardiaei, the latter routinely as far south as Bautica-suspect Butua. The dark map would have us think that the northern extreme of the Cavii was roughly at Butua, but Tailers and Tillers, from the Tilurius river to the near-north of the Ardiaei on the Neretva river, use a version of the Chives cats, and the Tailer / Tiller lions are colors reversed from the Levi lions while the Laevi are said to have been at Novara some mere 30 miles east of Ivrea. The Neretva-like Norths use the Maschi lion, I gather, from the Maezaei near the Tilurius, but Norths are kin of Denardo's/Narbonne's with perhaps the Pellican tower. Note the Telavius river, beside the Tilurius, a term like "Tailbois." The Tailbois' likewise have the same saltire as Annandale's.

So, what we have here is a Caiaphas-Annas link from the Pendragon theater, to the Laevi that connected with Ananes, all with the Meschin-Tailbois involved that were of Maccabees in a proto-Arthurian area, where Hasmonean-related Ardiaei lived, and with Herods suspect from Antipatria that itself has the Dexaroi to Annandale-area Kilpatricks that lived on the same river as the Cetis-line Geddes' (the Geds were on the Nith before Geddes appeared at Nairnshire).

Note that the Gennes Coat is a fesse colors reversed to the Dart fesse, and looking like the fesse Joseph-related Bidens/Buttons, a good reason to start expected Gennes liners from the Genusia. The following was written in the last update of 2016, the one before I discovered the extraordinary importance of the Ardiaei that have since turned out to be the missing link in all my work for seeking the roots of Maccabees and the chief priests of Israel. The Ardiaei have blown the revelation wide open.

Here is an alternative Jeune Coat (Cambridgeshire), with fleur now in the colors of the same of Constantine's and Mascals [half in the colors of the June fleur]...I don't recall knowing the Jeune's before; they are traced to Mr. Gennes of Anjou, and Anjou is where the Drakenberg Vere's put Melusine's son (Milo de Vere, probably fictitious). The Gennes' are said to have been lords of a Le Motte de Geenes in 1144. Motts happen to share the estoile with Bude's/Butts. The Morte variation of Motts is honored in the Arthurian myth, "Le Morte d'Arthur," which has king Arthur dying in Avalon. Death's/Darths share the Mott/Morte crescent, expected to be the Alexander crescent, from Kintyre, near Bute. Alexanders are suspect as Maccabee liners, and Motts are also Mottins, like Modi'in of Israel, home of the first-known Maccabees.

I would not know until the last update that Maccabees descended from Monunius I (about 300 BC), and as Gentius married the daughter of Monunius II (Dardania), it expects Arthur liners in with the Maccabee mix. And there you have the Dardanian Darts (Arniss/Annas colors) probably using the Gennes fesse, which expects that Dardanians were at the Genusia river...that might have named Gentius. The main point is that while I expected Caepio's from the Cavii, i.e. beside / amongst the Genusia river, that river now starts to look like it was merged with Junius liners that Servilia Caepionis married. In fact, the Jennes variation of June-related Gennes' looks like Junius' should be from, or a branch of, the namers of the Genusia, exactly where Annas' trace. One then gets the impression that Caepio's married Junius for the same, RELATED reason that Caiaphas married Annas' daughter.

Plus, Junia Caepionis Secunda was suspect with the Second/Segur surname while Segni's/Segurana's (Tuit/Tute quadrants) were first found at Genusia-suspect Genova. The Geneva/Genova lions thus got suspect with the Second/Segur lions, and in the meantime, the Second-like Saxons use chaplets while Chaplets share black swans in both colors of the Joseph swan. Saxons have been linked to Oriels/Orells (both of Lancashire), and then Monuns/MOONans were first found in Oriel while Moons can be using the Martel crescent too, for it's now obvious that Monforte liners, from the Lancashire-suspect Langhe area, were merged with Mart-like Mauritano's and Moratins. The similar Mortons appear to be using the Tuit / Second quadrants too, therefore. Junia Caepionis Prima was suspect with Primo's that share the mirror of Melusine, code for the Mire's/MIRREUX's of Anjou (such a gennesincidence) that use a myrtle tree, code likely for the MERTels'/MARTells (Tuttle/Toothill crescent?) that are in code with the French-Joseph martlet. This is not only overwhelming, but true.

This is a good place to talk about Decani, an area over in the Kosovo area off the White Drin that has a mouth at the Black Drin = the Drilon river of the Cavii. The White Drin meets the Drilon very near modern Krume and HAS, the latter suspect for years with proto-Hasmoneans. The White Drin is on the light map (below), but unmarked, with a mouth at Gabuleum, and, zowie, as you can see, this river has a source smack at Dardania!!! I am impressed and shocked and exuberant all at once, for a Hasmonean trace merely to tiny Has (Wikipedia has an article, google "has albania") was risky, and I got a thin-ice feeling every time I made the link for readers. Now I'm soaring, and I have little leaflets to drop from the air telling the truth about the origin of Israel's king-priests. Can you believe this? I didn't doubt once, in the last update, in a trace of "MONunius" to "HasMONean," even though I had never met the man's name before, and here one can see how his Dardanian country flows smack to the Has theater. Decani was traced, years ago, to Decans and Deacans that use a version of the Bath, and probably, Artem/Aiton Coat.

German Teegers have a Coat and variations like the Coat and variations of Irish DEGENs/Dougans, first found in county Clare, while English Clare's were first found in the same place as DEACONs. It looks like we have a story on Degans/Dougans, who use estoiles in the colors of the same of Bute's/Butts, from Avalon, where Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg put Melusine before her son ruled Anjou. And Avalon is the trace to the Ardiaei at Butua to Bute. Degans/Dougans happen to share the sinister-facing Krume crescent in both colors (no guff), which is also the Falcon crescent, we can assume, because Krume / Decani liners are thus linkable to the Plancia-Magna line of the Anjou Fulks. And Monuns use the falcon, meaning that, indeed, the Krume crescent links to the Falcons / Fulke's and Flecks.

The page of the McLeod septs shows a black bull head, the colors of the Waleran bull heads. Teague's and Herods / Hurls / Heraults are listed as septs. The flags with the McLeod bull are code for Flags/Flecks found in the motto of Monans/MOONans, and Moons can be using the Falcon crescent because Moonans use a falcon...indicating that FALCons and FLECKs were related, especially as Flecks were first found in the same place as Fulke's...and the Key-beloved Faiths (and Tuits). Keys share the Teague border feature, I'll show how Faiths link to Teague's below.

First, I'd like to say that I had reported a Tropoje location on a tributary of the Drilon with a mouth at the most-northerly location of the Drilon. "Tropoje" is on my atlas at a curvy river, and so it must be the curvy one on the dark map (below), the one that goes through the first 'A' of "DARDANIA." Has and Krume are smack at the mouth of this unidentified river. I had not yet known of the Tropoje location at the Fier county (Apsus river). Later, I found the Tropoje of Dardania as "TOPoje," and I considered the Topp surname, which uses a hand held by a gauntlet glove in Crest, as well as a gauntlet glove in the Coat that reflects the Toot/Tout Coat (Gaunt liners are now expected with Gentius, who married Monunius II). The Hands are regarded (by me) as kin of Hanna's, and Hanna's have traced to the Coat of Battins/Badens, in the same place as Baths that use a colors reversed version of the Decan / Deacan Coats. Has and Krume are directly above "Crevenia" (on map below) in the Cavii domain, and the Cravens can make an Apsus-river link to the Apps' traced (last update) to the Colchian islands of Croatia. That discussion found the island of Silbe (beside Losinj) suspect with Silvers/Silbers that happen to use the same crescent as Krume's and Degans (though not facing sinister).

Cravens use the same fesse as Gennes'/Jennes' and Battin-suspect Bidens/Buttons, and Cravens love the Actons from AXton (same place as Touque's), likely related to the Axe river, where Baths and Battins were first found, for Deacons and Decans both share the axe with Battins/Badens. There we have the Crevenia link to Dardania without question, which can be surmised as a Cavii-link to Dardanians, which can explain why Chives', until a month or two ago, were said to be first found in the same place (Devon, has part of the Axe river) as Darts. Note that the Axius river of Paionia has a source near the White Drin.

The Topps were first found in the same place (Wiltshire, beside the Clapton / Somerset theater) as Mortons, the latter suspect with the Tuit/Tute quadrants, a good reason to see the Topp Coat as a version of the Tout/Tute Coat. This surname traces between queen Teuta of the Ardiaei and the Toothill liners at lake Tatta. The last update had a good reason for proposing that this queens line entered Galatia as a wife of Amyntes and mother of Artemidoros, and then the Artems/Aitons are the ones with a near-version of the Deacan / Decan Coats. Decans were first found at Rutland = Leicester, where Mauritano-related Montforts were rulers in conjunction wit the Laevillus line. It should be added that Walsh's love Mortons while Walsh's were of the Wallis canton at Sion, and then Sions/Swans once showed gauntlet gloves yet now show falconers gloves, a sure sign that Sions/Swans/SINE's were Gentius-Monunius liners. Wallis-based Walsers (halpert AXE) use MeluSINE, as well as a goat that can link to the Morton goat. As the Walser goat holds the axe, it can indicate a Morton link to the neighboring Axe river. Late in the update, there's an advancement of my Koplik topic not engaged in for months, where the Lanarkshire Aikens come to topic, and Koplik (Cupionich) is near Topoje/Tropoje and Has / Krume. Note how the ATkin variation of Aikens (Aiton colors) can be of the Aitons / Aids, and while "Cupionich" looks like "Caepionis," Aids were Levi kin.

It was while wondering whether "Ananes" had developed to/form "Genusia" that Dave Gannan came to mind. Just after he made known to someone sitting beside me that he would like to have sex with Miss Littleford, she became my girl. Later, she married Dave Gannan, what are the chances of that? When this was coming to mind, I recalled that Mrs Teague had purchased a property from a Gannan-like surname, which is the property I purchased from her, which is why I was floored when getting round to load the Gannan Coat just now, a version of the Teague-related Gully/Golly and Taft/Toste Coats. Wonders never cease.

Gannans were first found in Mayo. My browser's Microsoft search button is hiding my 2016 article where Mayo's were mentioned, and it was an important find that I'd like to have here. German Degens use a large tree that can be the Maio tree, for we just saw above why Decani liners should be merged with Genusia liners, but here it can be added that the Deacon and Decan crosses are in the colors of the Annan(dale) saltire...and in the colors of the Pascal cross. German Degens are also Tigranes-like "Degern." Mayo-like Majors, kin of Greys and ANNACKers, trace without doubt to Ananes Gauls, and to Cetis, with the Geddes' who love them. Irish Degens use nine estoiles, the number of Teague crosses, and are said to be from FERMoy (Annacker-loving Formans/Fermans?) in "Roche's Country," recalling the Roach's share fish on red with Geddes'. The Sadducee-suspect Bute's/Butts/Boets (German) use a fish too (half in the colors of the Roach fish), while the other Bute's/Butts share the same estoiles as Irish Degens, in the colors of the seven-pointed star of Bude's that is itself in the colors of the eight-pointed Teeger star. Roach's use "Mon", and an "eagle rising" to indicate a trace to Monunius liners as well as to Rhisinium, beside Butua.

BY WHAT COINCIDENCE did I just resolve (last update, I think) that the Trope Chief is using a white version of the Forman-Chief lion? Trope's can be from either/both Tropoje's, and one of them -- the Topoje/Tropoje in Dardania -- is near Decani. If it's to the Topps, it reminds of the Tipps' and Tippers suspect in the Pendragon motto, and while Tippers trace hard to Pendragon-related Kennedys of Tipperary, Fermoy is said to be where Tipperary meets Cork. Probably, I have only just realized, the Tipps bull is the Waleran bull. The Tipps Chief looks like the Ghent Chief (but with the Helm pheons), now expected with Gentius-related Pendragon liners. Corks are using the Tailer-lion tails for a trace to Tilurius liners, and as Corks are also Core's, the bottle's of CHORleys come to mind, for Bottle's and Chorleys were both first found in the same place as Tipps'. Arthur-related Standish's were at Chorley, and MacArthys from Cork.

The last time I saw Miss Littleford was the first time since she left my high school due to my betraying her. She wanted to be married, and I wasn't ready for it at 16 years of age. As soon as I dropped her, she transferred schools (she took this very hard, and I was sorry later, after I became a Christian). After I became a Christian, I saw here at an event, and went over carefully to say hello, but she still had venom, and simply said, "You stoner." I walked away, understanding, and never saw her again. I went home depressed that winter night. But look. Stoners use the same eagles as Gentius-suspect Ghents and Bush's, and Stoners were first found in Bush-like PUSHill, in Oxfordshire, where Leavell-suspect Damorys and Amore's were first found as well as Gullys/Gollys that share the Dannan Coat!!! Is that not amazing? God must have called me a stoner through her for this revelation today.

Dave Gannan was on my high-school bus route in the area of Dave Boyd. The latter would greet me heartily at school (we were never close friends) with quasi-insulting nicknames that he would make up for me, but I never bothered to make a fuss, and just counted him as a joker. But one day he asked to see my cigarette lighter, and he dropped it to the ground in front of the others waiting for the bus. "Pick it up," I said. And when he refused, I slapped him in th e face. Fortunately, he picked it up, and handed it to me, and that was the end of it. But "lighter" is a motto term of Ayers, and Ayrshire faces Bute, where Boyds lived. Therefore, did God make Boyd drop my lighter to make me remember it, so that I would seek the reason for a Lite/Light / Leto / Letter link to Boyds? Leto's use a crane drinking from a POND, evoking Pontivi, home of Leavells, can you believe it? And Ponds share black boars with Bute-suspect Booths (and Bush's). Ponds share a red fesse with Gennes', and Boyds can be construed with a red fesse too, I suppose.

After writing the paragraph above, I got up to make some lunch and coffee, and while doing that, "slap" brought "Salop" to mind, which floored me because Boyds are said to be a branch of Alans from Salop! Believe it or not. Ayers share the black-on-white chevron of Gannans, and the related Eyers were first found in Derbyshire, where Derbe elements were living while Derbe is in Lycaonia, same as lake Tatta, where the Taidhs/Teague's are being traced who share the Gannan crosses. MORE AMZING is that the Davids come to mind, as both men are named, Dave, and Davids / Davis' both use a black-on-white lion, upon a white bend, as do Tatta-liner Toothills, while Tooths (feathers) share the Coat of Letters while being very linkable to the feather-using Lite's/Lights! Are you not impressed with at all that God has done to secure this revelation?

My life has not been my own. God has steered my life, forbidding this and that, because He owned me. In return, He gave me many gifts, including very-nice looking young ladies. They didn't need to be, but they were all nice-looking. And all along, I thought it was my charm. Alas, woe is me, these ladies were all products of miracles, otherwise I wouldn't have stood a chance.

I now know that Davids (same place as Masseys, probably using the Misl bend) are using the Toothill bend. I kid you not, that much of the above was inserted with the 10 paragraphs immediately below already written where you see them. And here I am compelled to say that the Mackesys are listed with Margesons that use a lion in colors reversed to the ones above. Prior to this insertion, when writing the paragraph below, I was wondering whether Mackesys/Margesons and Mackeys/Margys (Ayrshire) were at least partly from Margus-river liners. Davids have the motto, "Pax et copia," which can be for Cuppae liners.

Now, take the Dardanians up the Margus river that can be seen clearly in the light map, to SCUPIO, which is "Scopi" on the dark map, and know that Skiptons were in the Craven area of Yorkshire. The Margus river has a mouth at VIMINacium, where I trace the two or three WOMEN encountered in the last update, two of which have their shoulders mentioned in the descriptions of the Coat symbols, and Shults' are expected with the Coat of Cavii-liner Chives'...which works out to show ho Caepio liners can trace to Cuppae, off the Pek river beside the mouth area of the Margus. Here's a clip from the last update that should link to the Decani area as it links to the Axius-river liners:

...Axe river to which the ZAHRingers of Baden trace i.e. to the axe-using Battins/Badens. French Gilberts share the black, double-headed eagle with the Hatchet/Hacket Crest, and ZEHRers use the hatchet, though the Crest has " A man in profile, carrying an axe on his SHOULDER, wearing a gold and red sash." As per the "shoulder," see that Shults' use a version of the Hykes/Hack Coat (same place as Gilberts [and Chives']), then click to the Scottish Hykes/Hacks (same chevron as Gilberts) to see fish, the Hatchet symbol too.

As Leavells were likewise first found in the Axe-river area (Somerset), and as Leavells were of Castle Cary in Somerset, note the phrase above, "CARRYing an axe."

The last update did some pioneering into lake-Tatta details as concerns the connection to it of the Antipater > Cassander line to the mysterious ancestry of Antipater, father of the first Herod, and the theory was that they had connected to Glaphyra Archelaus at Cappadocia before she married a Herod. And she married the Herod that went to Vienne while the Vienne eagle shows a possible link to Maccabee-liner Ferte-Mace. It's even possible that Maccabees were from a version of the Mokissos location at Tatta. As I trace the Herod-Maccabee liner, Plancia Magna (great-great-granddaughter of Glaphyra and her Herod-Maccabee husband) to a relationship with the Bassus line at the Tatta theater, note that while Mopps'/Moberleys traced well to Mokissos, there is a Maberley/Mabile's/Mapperly Coat using a version of the Plunkett Coat as well as the white-on-black crosslets of Teague's/Teegers, I kid you not. Maybe's/Mabee's are the ones with a silver TIGER.

Maberleys were first found in the same place as Tease's/TIGHs (!) and as the Tigh-related Annas', suggesting that Tease's/Tighs were a Teague merger with Tease's/Tess'/Tecks from the Ticino/Tessin. Tess'/Tecks were first found in the same place (Switzerland) as the Schults' who in-turn have a version of the Chives Coat, and as the Ticino canton is in southern Switzerland, not far from Chivasso, the Schults' look to have been on the Ticino river. The Schults stars are colors reversed from the same of tiger-using Medleys.

Schults' could have been a branch of Schole's that share the lozenges of Apps/Abbs as well as using the same cross as Teague's. The Apps' are expected from the Apsus river, where I trace Teck-like and squirrel-using Decks/Daggers. The squirrel-using GILberts, with a "Teg" motto term, share the chevron of the Oxfordshire (home of Fier-county liners) Gullys/Gollys that share the Teague / Schole / Julian cross. Just look at the high importance of the Teague surname in revealing the bloodline of Caiaphas and related others.

This is a good place to mention that, the first three squirrels caught in my attic, years ago, were caught with a home-made cage. At the time, I already had clue that the squirrels were a Sign that I should emphasize the Squirrel surname, which is why I was including the Cage surname (Cambridgeshire, same as Toothills, Capone's), linking it to the Gate Coat. Teague's happen to list "Caige," and the Cage Crest is the stag of the Key Crest! The stag has closed front legs, open rear legs, and it faces the viewer. We saw this stag above with Stacys. The cage was too slow in catching the squirrels, and, fortunately, I turned to the rat trap the following year when there was an invasion by multiple families. They weren't paying rent, so out they had to go. The Cage saltire is colors reversed from the Stacy saltire, and the latter's is the Annandale saltire as used by Scottish Bruce's.

Aha! The Cadge variation of Cage's prompted a look for a Catch surname, and while the Catch Crest appears to use a cat as code for a Cat line, it's called a TIGER"! It is a cat, probably of the Cetis-line cats, but it can be called a tiger in this case because Cage's were merged with Teague's, or perhaps even a Teague branch. Just like Teague's, Catch's use five symbols at the top of the chevron. It thereby looks undeniable that tigers are for Teegers in particular, but other Tigranes liners are expected. I suggest that the Catch Coat is a from of the Lief/LEVE Coat (both from Norfolk), which shares the bee with the Forts that linked to the Cage-circle of surnames earlier above.

I now recall that a reflection of the Plunket Coat is shared by Hollys that use Melusine so-as to trace to mythical Holle, a witchcraft cult that, I have read, was from Holstein...where German Teegers were first found! Heraldry makes for no doubt that Tigranes>Teeger liners had merged with Plancia-Magna liners, expected because Plancia was a granddaughter of Tigranes and Opgalli. And, golly, Hollys are like "Golly" so that Holstein is now looking like a line from Julius Caesar! Hollys even share the dolphin with Caesars, but as the Hollys also use a white-on-black talbot, the colors of the Hall and Hall talbot heads, it appears that Halls and Hulls were likewise from Julius Caesar. Hollys replace the Plunkett tower with the talbot, and the Plunket tower is in both colors of the same of Glaphyra-line Clavers that moreover use the KEY. This white tower may be on red with the Pellicans, especially as "Pellic" is much like "Plunk." Hmm.

The Brough saltire is engrailed and in both colors of the same of Faith(ful)s that are in the Key motto. If the Insubres were with Brescia liners, it's mentionable that the same saltire, minus the engrailed feature, is used by Supers/Sopers, and the latter throw in billets as code for Billets/Billiards, first found in the same place as Pellicans and French Josephs. The Brough saltire is surrounded by black swans, the color of the swan once shown by French Josephs. The martlets of heraldry are always FOOTless as code for Foots and Fothes'/Fette's/Fittes', and the Faith variations appear to apply. Note that both the Faiths and Sobers (share plates with TOUS-related Teegers) put white symbols upon their saltires. Faiths use a crane "PERCHEd of a tree STUMP," and Keys with Teague's, Touque's and Stumps use PERCHEvrons (name for solid chevrons) while Stumps (beside the Touque's) use a version of the TOUQue/Took Coat.

In my first year of high school, I felt a spiritual earthquake, hard to explain. The ground was shaking as I was looking at the school from a distance, but it was happening inside of me. No one else felt this. I took it to mean that God was going to shake up my world. But this was just before my first girlfriend, Jackie Littleford, Gannan's future wife. The next time that I felt this same thing was about nine years later, in the last days of my relationship with Miss Bennett. Miss. Bennet was at the time that I owned a FireBIRD, and she came after another girlfriend, Miss/ MUSCHATov (Ukrainian), and I owned the Firebird when with her too. There are two issue's here, the Birds and the Muschets, along with Fire's that share the unicorn of Rasmussens to which the Birds will link unquestioningly. I'll treat Muschets first, who came up while considering the Jack bloodline. But it should also be said that Miss Peare had broken up with Kepke (Ukrainian) by that time, and after she called me, I recall picking her up in the Firebird, interesting because Bennets are from the Benedictus PIERleoni. I picked up Miss Peare (only one weekend with her) either between Muschatov and Bennet, or shortly after Bennet. I didn't sleep with Miss Peare, though she wanted me to (I slept the night on her couch, and brought her to church the next morning). It was probably my best achievement in this department for wanting to obey God.

The Peare's use leopard faces, code for the Pierleoni, we can reckon, because they were from one Leo (Jewish). The Bennet / Benedict lions are in the colors of the Peare leopard faces. Coincidences? The Firebird disappeared after being at Peare's place, but I can't recall what I did with it.

The Jacks took me to Jackets/Jaycocks/Jecocs with crescents (Pine crescents?) in the colors of the one of French Majors. The lion heads of the latter are used by Muschats, first found in the same place as Jackets. As Pine's were kin to Dardanians, it's notable that a dart is used by Maine's who moreover use a "ProJEKI" motto, suspect with Jacks / Jackets, and Maine's use two chevrons in the colors of the two fesses of Muschats. The latter's fesses are highly suspect with the Mopps/Moberley fesse because Mochs have variations like those of Muschets, as well as like the "Mauger" term in the write-up of English Majors, whose Coat is very-likely a version of the Annas Coat because Majors definitely use a version of the ANNACKer Chief. Note how "PROJeci" can be for Brogitarus liners of the Procuff kind, for Birds will link exactly to that.

While Jackie Littleford was far-removed (by six years) from Miss Peare and Miss Muschatov, yet her husband's surname is being considered for the Genusia river, location of Arnissa suspect in the Arniss variation of Annas', and "Gannan" is a feasible variation of Annan(dale)s / Ananes Gauls. As I can find nothing meaningful thus far with "Littleford," it can suggest that the Jacks are to be considered instead. Kepke visited me with a surprise visit (I had abandoned him as a friend by then) shortly before I started with Miss Muschatov, and as both were from Ukrainian heritage, it's got me wondering about a Keep / Hepburn / Keppoch link to Muschats. Ukrainians are sometimes depicted by cranes, and there is one in the Craun Crest while Crauns were first found in the same place as Muschats. The Varangians of Kepke-suspect Kiev founded Muschat-like Moscow. Kiev-like Cheevers are like "Chives" while the latter's Crest has been determined to be the Mosca leopard. Amazing, is it not? The perfection of God's ability to reveal all this with barely a single word spoken to me. Instead, He has communicated his message through events in my life, and some dreams / snap visions.

To my amazement, suddenly, Keppochs share garbs with Blythe's' whom I consider to be using the Jack fesse and the Jacket crescents, and Keppochs, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Jacks, use the same fesse. In colors reversed, the Blythe garbs are red, the color of the Keppoch garbs, and the latter's are in the colors and positioning of the Blythe crescents. There was a lot of l-to-r switches going on, or vice-versa, and so Bird liners could have become Bilts / Blits, for the Blythe fesse with symbols is in the colors of the Bird fesse with symbols. Biltons, Bilders (same chevron as Boltens) and Boltens were likewise first found in Yorkshire, and the latter have a chevron-with-symbols reflecting the Bird / Blythe fesse. Billet-related Billiards/Hilliards were likewise first found in Yorkshire. Billets can be sharing the Hamilton cinquefoils because Hamiltons were first found in the same place as Jacks. Italian Berts share the white griffin with Letters/Lauders while Blythe's were from Lauder. [The Berts below can prove that Bilds are Bird liners.]

I recall saying that Bauts use the upright goat for years, until I discovered that it was a ram. It may have been a goat at first, in which case the Cheever goat can apply, for Chivasso is on the BAUTica river. I am happy if houseofnames changed the Baut goat to a ram, because it's identical to the Baut ram, meaning that Bautica liners were at Finistere. Russells use a goat but trace through BertRAMS, and so let's add that Bauts were first found in the same place as Bouillons that link by their Coat to Butt-suspect Birds. Isn't that cool? It appears that Birds were Bautica-river liners, and you will shortly see Bird tracing exactly to the Finistere area. German Bertrams have the best symbols for linkage to Russells, and they have a chevron in colors reversed from the Bilder / Bolton chevron.

Well, Irvings/Erwins were first found in the same place as Annandale, and they show nothing but "holly leaves,"like the nothing-but holly leaves of Scottish Jacks. The Hollys are the ones with a version of the Plunkett Coat, and while I trace antelopes to Plancia's circle, Muschats use the antelope. The Irving description tells of a mural crown in the Coat, and gives an additional motto, "Nemo me impune lacessit". For the record, the Irving Crest is said to be: "An arm in mail fesse ways emerging from a cloud, holding a thistle and a holly leaf, and charged on the arm with a red crescent." Irvings could be Arve-river kin because Nemo's share the Bellamy crescents. Arvins are listed with Harveys.

The Birds use a fesse-with-symbols in the colors of the English Jack scallops-on-fesse, and the Boet fesse-with fish, and both Boets and Birds use red symbols outside of their fesses, which may indicate that Bird liners had been Butua liners to begin with. In fact, the previous English Bush's had their Coat with a red fesse, making it a good reflection of the Bird Fesse, and Bush's share black boars with Bute-suspect Booths. As Birds use the Taddei cross in colors reversed, it's a good reason to trace them to Tatta liners. Mindys/Munds, whose variations are very traceable to Amyntes elements at Tatta, use a great reflection of the Bert/Birte Coat. Can you believe it: BILDers share the Bert Coat!

The Jacks/Jacques are the ones in the colors of the moline cross the breast of Jacques de Molay at his Wikipedia painting, and the moline is a version of the potent cross, as is the Bird flory cross in the very same colors. The Templar flag of Jerusalem was a potent cross, and Jacques de Molay was a grand master of Templars, whose followers were greatly supported by the first Bruce king of Scotland. Did the squirrel on my breast have to do with this moline / flory cross under discussion? I claimed with confidence that the moline cross secretly has fish tails, and Bute/Boet use a fish on their Bird-suspect fesse. The first Bruce king would be responsible for placing the Bute-loving Stewarts on the Scottish throne.

I now know why I had so many girlfriends for an average of about two, fleeting months. As Birds are said to be from BROXton while Brogitarus-suspect Brocuffs list "Brox," by what coincidence does the red potent cross in the latter's Coat have four red crosses surrounding it while the red Bird cross has four red martlets surrounding it? PROCTors share the martlet of Birds, I assume, for they look like "BROGITarus" and the Prock variation of Brocuffs. Have you heard of Proctor and Gamble? Gamble's use the same gold-on-red fleur as Birds. Okay, now we know.

Supporting the idea that the Bird flory is a potent cross, the Birds use a "Cruce" motto term while Croce's, a branch of Crutch's/Crooch's, use the potent cross in red. Therefore, the Bouillons (Bird flory in colors reversed) can be traced to Brogitarus liners while Eustace's / Stacys traced above, with Cage's and Gate's, to Teague-Cetis liners. It was the Finis' that got me to Cage's and Gate's, and Finis' are the ones said to be from Boulogne, home of Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon. Bouillons were from the Bautica river, a claim that is now several years old, but does anyone believe me?

Finis' were suspect from Finistere, and the Birds use a "mea" motto term for the Mea's at the Meu river smack beside the Finistere theater. Finistere (location of Brests) would not have been a topic in this update had not the squirrel bounced twice off my Brest. When God does things, it's excellent, including the punishment that He's preparing for the elite Masons / globalists. The Bauts were first found beside Aubin, and Aubins/Albins (same place as Chives' / Cheevers) share the blue formee-fitchee cross of Mea's. Cool, right? It makes the Borders a Bautica-river liner too, apparently, and the BERTrams that are said to be in Russell ancestry can apply to the Baut ram where Bauts were first found near Roussillon. I suggest that Berts were Bautica liners too. Borders were first found in the same place as the Axe river, and Bordens/Birdons/Burdons use axes as well as sharing the white lion in Crest with the Baut Crest! Okay, so now we know.

AHA! The Bottle's/Buthills have a Bolt-variation that can now be gleaned as from "BALTea, the alternative name of the Bautica that must have named king Balder, brother of Godfrey de Bouillon. And that explains to so-called, heraldic BIRD-BOLT!!!!!! If not mistaken, Boltons use the bird bolt. Bolts come up as "Balt."

Why does Clan Chattan" use the phrase, "BOT a glove"? It sounds like Gentius-Ardiaei liners on the Bautica. The Clan Chattan motto starts with, "TOUCH not the cat," suggesting Touques-river cat liners from Cetis. There is a Touch surname.

As a Lys river is a Bautica tributary, it's a good bet that Laish liners, from Lissus in the Cavii theater, were on the Bautica. Okay, so now we know. And Chives' (cat) use a black-on-white moline, which was on the breast of Jacques de Molay at his Wikipedia article before Wikipedia changed the painting to one showing a red-on-white moline. Molle's use a giant boar head in the colors of the Baut ram.

Again, the Cage saltire is colors reversed from the same of Staceys while the latter use the same one as Brest-related Bruce's. And BROGitarus may even be from the Bruce's Abruzzo ancestors = Hebrews. The Broughs share a saltire in the colors of the Maxwell saltire, and Brogitarus has been traced interestingly to proto-Maxwells of Rijeka. The black eagle in the Arms of Rijeka pours water from a jug, perhaps, and if English speakers created this Arms with a jug in mind, it evokes the Juggs/Judds, sharing the Mea boar heads in the same colors, and from Jugon at the Meu-river area. The Henrys, said to be from locations at the Meu, share the red martlets of Birds. Therefore, Birds trace both to the Brogitarus line through to Cetis, and to the western half of Brittany. And if Birds were Butua liners, let's repeat that Bute's/Butts/Boets share a fish-on-fesse in the colors of the Bird symbols-on-fesse while Boets are suspect with the Boetus house of Sadducees.

Back to Jackie Littleford, for Little's (same place as Maxwells) may be with the Maxwell saltire (in colors reversed) as used in white-on-black by one Kilpatrick Coat. While Little's (Plunket colors) use "Magnum" and Walkers use "Magna," there was a time when I was suggesting that the white saltire (color of the Little saltire) of Scottish Walkers was the white Kilpatrick saltire, with a version of the Kilpatrick Chief in the Walker Chief. I abandoned that claim for lack of evidence, but here it can be resurrected. Little's (Lang colors) are said to have had a branch about 20 miles north of Carlisle, and that's at LANGholm, smack beside Annandale, and the Carlisle's even share the red flory cross with Birds. The Maxwell / Kilpatrick saltire, if it was red, would be the Annandale saltire. Therefore, see this Maxwell-Ros Coat with the same saltire as Annandale's. That can reveal the black Kilpatrick saltire as a borrowing of the Annandale saltire but in someone's black color.

I can glean here the proto-Kilpatrick trace from the Cassander line on the Apsus to Plancia-Magna liners (i.e. Glaphyra Archelaus) in Cappadocia, and from there all the way to Magnum Little's. Kilpatricks are from Antipatria, to the near south of Genusia liners suspect with Littleford's husband, and Jacks can thus be using a version of the Bird fesse so as to trace to the Little's at the Carlisle theater. It's a perfect story as told by Jackie Littleford. Langholms use a "cruce" motto term for the line through Creuse, beside Auvergne, and the CROZiers of Auvergne, suggesting that Carlisle's are in fact using the Bird cross. As Pascals can have their cross (same as Savoys / Switzerland) linked to the Bird cross, note that Langholms share the Templar lamb with Pascals, and that the Pascal lion is probably in the Kilpatrick Crest. Then, take note that the Pascal / Bird cross is in the colors of the Annandale saltire.

More Terentia-Murena Surnames

The Deerings that have the Morinis bloodline brought the lance's of Dere's/Res' to mind, and while one Lance surname uses the Alan fesse in colors reversed, French Lance's/Lancels/Lancelins (Dere and Holm star) look connectable to Langholms (Holm colors). French Lance's were first found in Maine, which, on account of what's yet to be found, tends to reveal that the Pellicans of Maine are using the Murena tower in quasi colors reversed. Later, it dawns on me that the Billets, likewise first found in Maine, are in Morinis colors, and linkable by their Moray stars to a Morinis trace I will make to Moray.

Brittany is famous for its ermine symbol, but the Ermine/Armine surname uses the Annandale Coat. It looks like the Little red Birds of Alans hijacked the Carolingians to Annandale. I had identified Carlyse as a Carolingian location, and while Carolingians were named by Charles Martel, Birds and Alans use MARTlets. It needs to be repeated here that the Melusine mirror is code for Mireux's that use the myrtle tree as likely code for Mertels/Martels. The Ermine Chief throws in what should be the Forman and Brunswick lion, for I trace proto-Alans from Forum Allieni (proto-Ferrara) to MontFerrat and Langhe, and then to Brunswick-Luneburg (where German Langs were first found). It looks like the Israeli priests at Forum Allieni flew away to Langholme from Montferrat-related Montfort on the Meu river. The Meu flows from Villaine into the ARMour province, and Armours (Cohen/Kagan stars?) are the ones with a "Cassis" motto term suspect with the Cassius variation of Italian Cassandra's/Casano's.

Ermine's/ARMine's appear to be using the Tailbois Coat without question. If Tailbois' (Patterson-Chief scallops?) were from the Telavius river flowing by BURNum, it can explain why Burns and Bernice's use black hunting horns linkable to the Traby horns. In fact, the Titius river flows to Barnum, and while Titus wanted to marry Bernice Agrippa, the Titus Chief shows what could be the Forman / Ermine lion! That's new and compelling. The Fortune's have gyronny now linkable to the Titus gyronny, and Fortune's (in Alan colors) use a stag with all three features of the Stewart stag. The "deus" motto term of Fortune's is for Dusters that share the armored arms in the Armour Coat, and moreover the Fortuna's can link to Dols via the Deters (same place as Dols) that look to be using the Fortuna talbot. German Forts/Fortune's are suspect with the Sforza / Ferrara lion.

As the Dol whale got suspect with the Waleran line of Leavells, note that the Fortune gyronny is in the colors of the Somerset Leavells while Fortune's were first found partly in Roxburghshire, where Scottish Leavells were first found...who share a red fesse with Alans. The Fortune stag is gold, as is the stag head of Whalans, and Whelans share blue lozenges with mirror-using Sire's, kin of Squirrels that evokes the squirrel on my breast, for the Brest / Launay lozenges can connect to the Whelan lozenge in that Whelans (Massey fleur) use the Brick Coat while Brests are also Brix's (this was likely the line of Ranulph de Briquessart, father of the first-known Meschin). Sire's are kin of Squire's listed with Squirrels, and the Armour Crest has "A hand holding a squire's helmet." No guff. It means that Sire liners were in Cotes-du-Armour (same province as Cotes-du-Nord). While the Whelan Chief uses the Massey fleur, the Tailbois Chief, in the same colors, uses the Meschin scallops, we can safely assume...because the first Meschin married Lucy Taillebois.

Lucy's father, Ivo, was born at CRISTot, at the Caen area, same as the Bessin from which Meschins were from. It's then interesting that while Bouillons use a "Christi" motto term, there are two Bouillon crosses is in the Taddei Chief in the colors of the scallops in the Tailbois Chief. I don't mean to be a Tatta-Tailer, but this looks suspicious. The Taddei's/Tadini's were first found in the area of the Tous'/Tosini's while the latter's "man" has the look of a boy that I have seen as code for Meschin liners, and, of course, the Meschin boy symbol is for their TailBOYS kin. Here is a>Masculine Coat showing five boy heads around a mascle; Masculine's are listed with Meschins. I am seeing a Meschin-Taddei link to the first kings of Templar Jerusalem.

Blow the Trump!

Irish Degens (Bute estoiles) are partly from Fermoy...and WATERford, where Whelans were first found. The Arms of Waterford [see the
original here] uses a tall perchevron in the colors of the same of Chappes' / Ottone's / Pucks, and to one side of the Waterford Shield there is a stag head in the colors of the Trump stag head, a rare find ever since I started to emphasize Donald Trump. If the Water surname applies to Waterford, see how the Waters are found to be using the Cassandra Coat below. As "Trump" is suspect with "Drummond," note that the Arms of Waterford has water waves in the colors of the wavy bars of German Drummonds! It can appear here that Drummonds had been Waterford liners. Scottish Drummonds were first found beside the Chappes'/Cheeps (and single-pile Wings/Winks).

The Waterford motto is honoring the Desmond line to Deas' (beside the first Drummonds), but the Waterford motto term, "Deise," gets the Diss/Dice surname that I've felt is in the write-up of the Sichs!!!!!!!!!!!! The sickly stag in my dream was following Mr. Kepke, and, as I've said repeatedly, he looked like Mr. Trump so that the dream was suspect as a Message that Trump is important to his God's revelation through me, long in the works, since I was a child. The Dice variation can be of the Dyke's that share the DECK/Dagger squirrel, and the Waterford motto is translated, "May the Deise remain with DEClan forever". The Sich write-up traced to "Sikes-DYKE," and I don't think that's for a water-blocking construction item.

Arms of Waterford page above. The Arms that I am describing vanished, and was replaced with one showing only three ships. I saved the one of concern, fortunately, in my own files. This particular ARMS is extremely important, as it proves to be with the Trump stag with several secrets involved. Here is what I did. I loaded the Waterford page which showed the one having the Trump stag, then clicked the image so that the image alone loaded at Wikipedia, and here is the URL for that page:

Try loading the URL, and, hopefully, you will get the Arms with the Trump stag. If the same happens for you as happened to me, the image of concern disappears if the browser's back button is clicked, and is never recoverable. Instead, the Arms with only three ships shows up. The freaky thing is, the one of concern was loaded earlier in that same day, but re-loading the Waterford article from scratch does not bring it up with the Trump stag and Chappes chevron. It's as though someone was reading me before my page was let out to the Internet, and had the ability / power to remove the Arms from Wikipedia's article. That is hard to believe, but the only other alternative is that I captured the Arms of concern just hours before the producers of the article changed the Arms. Take your choice. If someone's reading me as I write, and has sway with Wikipedia (or at least the creator(s) of the article), it looks like high-level politics involved; in this case, a Trump agent is suspect. In this day, every presidential team can be expected to have an Internet team to spy out those who are saying the "wrong" things about their president. No one else online is showing the Arms of concern, so far as I can find. What a lucky? strike today. The Arms of importance are at:

I kept the computer offline from the time of this insert, until the next morning, and after being online again for just a few minutes, the screen would not light up. The Internet cable was immediately disconnected, and upon re-starting the computer, and re-loading the entire system, everything was working fine. It is against the law of God to intrude on someone else's computer, that's all that matters here. Do it at your own risk.]

AHA! The Waterford surname shares the Sich fountains!!! Zowie, can you believe it? The Waterford Coat is in Trump / Drummond and Deter colors, and shares a talbot with Deters, yet the Deter talbot is in Trump-stag and Waterford-stag colors. I am absolutely sure, now, that the dream pertained to this. The sickly-looking stag is the Waterford stag, linkable to Sichs/Sikes', but also linkable (perhaps not clinched) via Drummonds to neighboring Trumps. The Waterford stag has a cross between the antlers in the design of the cross between the antlers of the Vise and Eustace stag, and Vise's can be from OTTONE VISconte, whom I link to WIShgarts, first found in the same place as Chappes'/Cheeps. The bird on the one side of the Arms of Waterford looks to have sheaves of wheat in its beak, and Chappes'/Cheeps use "ears of wheat." This symbol links to the Shaws, first found in the same place as Hagars that in-turn use the hexagram of Cheps/Jeepma's, suspect from Chepstow, beside Mago (Monmouthshire), and then Caiaphas-suspect Josephs use a "mago" motto term.

While Carricks and Crags share the talbot with Waterfords, Kerricks (same place as Deise's/Dice's) use a single pile in colors reversed from the same of Degels/DICKLe's (same place as leaves-using Crags), which may be the reason for the "Declan" motto term at Waterford. The Dickel pile is in Leavell-pile colors, and we can expect Dickels to be a Dice / Dyke branch. The Levi's were first found in the same place as the Chappes' with the same perchevron as Waterford. The Crag bend with leaves is reflective of the Stanley bend with stag heads in half the colors of the Waterford stag head, and Stanleys were first found in the same place as fountain-using Cass' = the line from Laevillus. The Kerrick pile is an upside-down perchevron, and while Carricks likely spread to neighboring Lanarkshire, Lanarks use a perchevron in white, the color of the same of Chappes', but use white-on-red, colors reversed from the Chapman/Chepman perchevron. I think there is something to this.

Why do Kerricks use a galTRAP in Shield and a calTROP in Crest?? Are those terms indicative of a Trope link top GALTs and CALTs? While Belgian Dyke's use the giant fleur of Gelders, the Gelder-suspect Colts/Celts (stag head of their own) and Galts/Gaulds/Gaws were first found in the same place as Drummonds, Shaws and the Wings/Winks sharing a single pile with Kerricks / Dickels. Galts share a motto term with Shaws. The white giant fleur above is that also of Cake's, suspect from Sitric Caech, whom you will find below by following the Stanleys. The Galt bear wears a so-called muzzle, as do the Alis bears, indication of Galt links to the Pictish Alpins. The Mackays are Gaw-like Caw liners, and share the Alis bear heads. The Galt Crest: "A red ship with flags and pennant flying." Pennants are shared by Gaw-like Cowes'/Cawe's, and they are red piles, actually, the colors of the Wing pile, and both Wings and Cowes' use the same black crosslet (shared by Teague's / Gullys/Gollys). As Patents are in the Galt/Gaw mottto, it's notable that Patents share the lozenges of Schole's who use the same black cross again, and as the patents (share the Pully motto) have a motto term tracing to the Colapis, that's where I trace Cole's that come up as "Calt."

Stanleys are also Stoneleys, and the writers of the Stanley page assume naively that Stoneleys were the first-ever variation. Stone's were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Cole's/Calts, sharing the motto of proto-Carrick Craigs to boot. Stone's happen to share a passant talbot in Crest with Waterfords, and can be using the Nemo cinquefoils because Nemo's were first found in the same place (Stirlingshire) as Chappes/Cheeps, a small place beside Perthshire. While Stone's are like "Sitten," Sittens not only share the Nimo / Stone crescents, but were first found in Lothian while Lothians and Lots share the brown talbot with the Waterford Crest. Lothians are with the Traby / Weight horn, if that helps to link the Kerrick symbol to Traby liners. Sittens/Seatons are listed with Seaton-suspect Sidewells (Side's/Sutys are a Seaton branch) that come up as "Sitric"-like "Sitter." They are suspect from the Sitric vikings of Ireland, and with the Setantii that are said to have lived between Lothian-like Louth (Ireland) and Lancashire, though they had a branch between the Tyne river and Lothian. Cake's (same place as Stanleys) are listed also as CakeBREADs, but, no, they were not named after bread makers, for Breads/Bradds (giant lion head in Trump colors) were first found in Lothian. Louths are also Luds.

The Cetis-liner Kidds (Dundee, at Perthshire) share the Lothian horn hanging off of a tree, and the Kidds honor the Leats (Lothian) who share the Seaton / Nimo crescents once again. This gets us back to the Tooth line, as Leats are the ones with "Trustie TO THE end" motto, while Leat-like Letters/Lauders, up at the Lothian area, share the Tooth griffin. That allows us to repeat that Toothills use Cornish choughs for something in Cornwall. Finally, the English Kidds (same place as Waterford-loving Dice's and Kerricks) use upright goats (Trump colors) in the colors of the upright ram in the Arms of Finistere, and Finistere liners of the Dol kind are expected in merger with Trumps.

Let me repeat from earlier: "...Chiava's/Chiapponi's were first found in Abruzzo. The Angels/Angle's use the same keys as Chiava's, and a lamb (with banner) in the colors of the Trump stag while Trumps were first found in the theater of ancient Angle's. The ancient Abruzzo capital is now Teramo, like at least one variation of Trump-suspect Drummonds [later, I find the Trump stag in Ireland where the place uses the same wavy bars as Drummonds]. Abruzzo had an Angle-like Angitia goddess, and it's very interesting that the Rangabe's from Melissena can trace exactly to king Andrew of Hungary, grandfather of the first Drummond." Andrew could have been from the Melissena Khazars, and while German Drummonds are in Rangabe colors, the so-called Andrew's Cross of Scotland is in the colors of the Rangabe cross. As Angitia was a Marsi snake goddess, by what coincidence did the Angle-related Mercians use a gold-on-blue saltire for a flag, while Andrew's Cross is a white-on-blue saltire? The Seagar/Sugar / MacArthur moline can apply to Angitia because she was a Marsi snake goddess while Mari was a goddess and wife of Sugaar, a snake god. The only thing left to do to make this paragraph have great value is to prove that the Rangabe cross was the Seagar / MacArthur moline. One way to do this is to make a Seagar- / MacArthur-line connection to Cohens and Hohens, and it just so happens that Sawyers, first found in the same place as Seagars, and looking like a Seagar branch, use checks. Here's from the 4th of March, 2015:

I didn't realize until now that Seagars / Sawyers, whom have been traced to the Sava for some years, should trace to the Sava's ZAGReb location, which is in Seagar / Sawyer colors. Both surnames were first found in the same place as Benjamins, and then Zagreb is across the Sava from the Japodes. It's where the Breuci are stamped on one map, upstream from the mouth of the Kupa. This great link to Seagars may mean that Zagreb was named from the Sakarya river, which makes the Breuci potentially related to the naming of Brogitarus, even as Bruce liners were expected with him. The Sage's/Sagars (Pomerania, same as Dobermans!), who share checks with Carlovac and other Croatian locations, may even trace to SEGEstica. Why SegeSTICA?

I had forgotten that. It was tracing Brogitarus to the Breuci, right in the area of Rijeka/Tarsatica (there is a Dober location at Koplik, and so Dobermans will be a topic when we get to Koplik). Note that the Sage's/Saegers were first found in the same place as Trumps. In the meantime, I traced Aphrodite, by her Venus alternative, to the proto-Veneti Heneti on the Parthenius river, in Phrygia, so that she may have evolved into Cybele, the Phrygian goddess, if and when the Cabelees peoples were major Aphrodite lovers. Aphrodite was root to Aprutium (says me), later called, Teramo, perhaps after Thermodon's Amazons. The Marsi are expected from the Phrygian goat, Marsyas. Recall that Marsyas and Midas trace back to Tartus at Arpad/Arados.

The Sawyers use checks on a fesse like Stewarts, Boyds and Marks. Sawyers use a motto term, "Cherches," and whether they knew it or not that it could trace to Kirkuk, that city is smack beside ancient Nuzi at the ZAGROS mountains, a term like "Zagreb." Nuzi was DioNYSus' ancestry, and Brogitarus, like mythical Dionysus before him, was a high priest of Cybele. It appears that Zagros Iranians named the Sakarya, explaining why the Parthia-like Parthenius was next door to it. And while Ezekiel lumps Persians in with Meshech, Mysia and it Amazons were not far from the Sakarya. As Sawyers share the talbot with Carricks, the latter may have been KIRKuk liners to ACRAGas. Recall my aging trace of the Hypsas (at Acragas) to the Apsus while the Arp surname was found to bring up the Apps Coat, for this can trace Carricks with Apps liners back to Arpad, and therefore back to Arrapha = Kirkuk. That is an amazing coincidence if untrue. Dionysus' Maenads (at Lycia) had a dancing symbol, which was suspect with heraldic dancettes, and Carricks use one.

Repeat: "While Carricks and Crags share the talbot with Waterfords, Kerricks (same place as Deise's/Dice's) use a single pile in colors reversed from the same of Degels/DICKLe's (same place as leaves-using Crags), which may be the reason for the "Declan" motto term at Waterford." In that picture, Carrick liners are linking to the Waterford location sharing the white-on-blue stag head of Trumps. While the Arms of Waterford honors it Deise location, Corrys/Currys (Tess/Tech saltire?) and Correns were both first found at Deise, and it's near Kirkuk-like Cork while Corks list "Core." It evokes Corcyra off the mouth of the Neretva, and it just so happens that MacArthys were from Cork while Desmonds of Cork use the Corry/Curry saltire in colors reversed.

There is a Carrick on Suir location right beside the town of Waterford, and to the other side of Waterford, a Teramo-like Tramore location. This area is not far from Tipperary, suspect with the Tiber-river Pierleoni, and while Leo's use one fesse in the colors of the three Fountain fesses, the latter are reflective of the three Drummond bars. Likely, the Sich fountains apply to this.

Kirkuk was earlier called, Arrapha / Arrapachitis, suspect with the Arpad ancestry of Hungarians and the Ardiaei. The two rivers at the Nuzi area had alternative names; one was the Lycus, suspect with Lycians at the Cabelees theater, and the other was, to the best of my recollection, the Kaprus, like "Kabeiri" and "Kypris," the latter known to the an alternative name for Aphrodite, wife of the leader of the Kabeiri. Online quote: ""Ptolemy lists a place Arrapachitis on the upper Zab river..." "

In the update where the quote above was taken, I went on the say: "BEHOLD! As Caiaphas' ancestry is tracing to the Kupa theater, it's well taken that Zagreb can be from the Sakarya, home of Brogitarus' Cybele cult. As Brocks and Brocuffs are using codes for Skits and Skeets', see this: "The oldest settlement in the urban area of Zagreb was a Roman town of Andautonia, now SCITarjevo, which dates back to the 1st century AD.""

Arrapha was named after Arphaxad, who was, if I recall correctly, the grandfather of Eber, and Eber birthed Joktan, whose sons lived between Mesha and Sephar. One of Joktan's sons, Hadoram, named Adram, god of SEPHARvites, and Sephar was likely Subartu, an old area of Assyria i.e. where Arrapha was located. Hadoram is a Drum-like term that can trace all the way from the Zab rivers with proto-Aphrodite to Teramo. The Kaprus river at one of the Zabs is expected to have named the Khabur tributary of the Euphrates, which had a source near Mus of Armenia, like the Mosul location near Kirkuk, and Mesha was feasibly proto-Mosul. The ancient alternative name of Mosul was MEPSila, like "Mopsus," and I therefore traced Mosul elements to Mokissos at the Halys river, river of Attis, husband of Cybele. But Mopsus proper was in Pamphylia, where I had found a Bilis river, and the Bils' happen to use black-and-gold checks, as do Sawyers. One might even wonder whether "Saw(y)er" was from "Sephar." What about SEVERus Bassus near/at the Sakarya?

And why do Radice's, suspect between Sub Radice and QuadRATus (Severus' grandson), use a Shield filled with checks? How did Radziwills (in Vilnius) connect to Melissena Khazars / Byzantines? Seager / Sawyer liners are part of the Picenum-Vilnius circle of surnames, and Radice's can be nearly resolved with Radziwills, for as they link to the Cabel fretty, that's the symbol of Traby-related Caens. And the Sawyer checks are in the colors of the Astikas-suspect Sticks, as well as in the colors of the Irish Shaws (possible/likely SAVA liners) using a form of the Ayer QUATRfoils, suspect with QUADRatus. The Eyer branch of Ayers was first found in Derbyshire, from Derbe, conquered by Severus' great-grandfather. However, the Trebia river to which Caens trace was already named by the time of this Galatian family. It predicts a Trebia element, such as the Ananes, in league with the Rat-Trap line to Quadratus. It's interesting where QuadraTILLa is suspect with Tyle > Till liners (Tyle is beside Sub Radice on the light map) that while Tills use a version of the Vito Coat, the latter's giant ANNulet is colors reversed from, and similar to, the Traby 'Q'. As I think the AnnuLET is part code for Letts, it's interesting that Letts use organ pipes as part-code for Pepin liners (Bilis-check colors) while Poppo of BAMburg has been suspect with PAMphylians (suggests a Pamphylian-Paphlagonian merger = Hyksos line). Poppo was the founder of Pepin-like Babenbergs, both of which I trace to Paphlagonian Heneti i.e. on the Parthenius, who share the three Water chevrons. Waters are still suspect with the Quade line from Quadratus and/or the Weights using the Traby horns.

By the way, as Julians share the salamander in flames with Sagans/Segans, there seems to be a Caesar link to the Sakarya, and the salaMANDER happens to be part-code for Manders from the Maenads (code for Maeander river) i.e. linking perfectly to Dionysus from the Zagros > Sakarya line. It's interesting where "SARACA" is a consonant-reversal from "SAKARya," for Saraca's lived at Laus(a) (alternative name of Ragusa), while Manders use a "Laus" motto term, as do Arbuthnotts that were kin / allies of Oliphants that I trace to the Elaphiti islands smack beside Ragusa. And Eliphas (Esau's son) may have named the Halybes on the Halys, especially if Arphaxadites and Joktan's Hebrews were there.

One can trace Subartu / Sephar to "Sparta" because they had a chief character, Pollux, like "Peleg," Joktan's brother. This makes Peleg-liner Hebrews highly suspect with Apollo (because his mother, Leto, was like "Leda," mother of Pollux), and this recalls that Apollo was traced to Arpad/Arados. Apollo's twin sister was at Themiscrya, on the Drummond-suspect Thermodon river, near TRABzon. Therefore, I can expect Trumps in relation to the TRAVE river in Polabia (named after Apollo?), which area overlaps with Pomerania / Mecklenburg, where Trumps were first found. The Sau/Sava river is beside the DRAVE.

With Arados liners going with Carricks to Acragas, as well as to the Arad's proto-Hungarians, what was the connection between Sicily and Hungarians? I think I can answer this as per proto-Hungarians on the Ticino. First of all, I traced the proto-Hungarian Szekelys to the Scylla monster on Sicily, and the SZEKelys may even have named SICambria (Attila's capital at Hungary) so as to be the root of the Hungarian sickly stag line to Drummonds and Trumps. That is, the SZEKelys may have been the Sichs/Sike's, especially as they use a gold version of the CHILD Coat while CHILDeric is said to have been partly from Salians Franks, and partly of Sicambrian Franks. There could be little distinction here between Sicambrian Franks in Childeric and their merger with Attila or Bleda back in Hungary.

I can now fathom that the Acragas line from Arados / Kirkuk (anciently "Kurkura", like "Corcyra") went up to the Ticino, and from there the Arad Hungarians were formed. I can't recall the Gilbert that was at the ancestry of Carricks, but the red Gilbert squirrel is indication of a link to the red squirrel of Decks/Deckers. And the Ticino-like Tess'/Tecks use the Curry/Corry saltire so that the Deise - DICKel liners appear to apply smack with Decks/Deckers. It has everything to do with the Trump stag, for as it traces to Attila's Huns, Huns formed the Khazars that lived beside the proto-Magyar Hungarians that, I now feel sure, put out the Trumps as per their being Drummonds.

While Trumps have given me cause to associate with 666 liners of the Traby kind, Currys/Corrys (from Deise) were traced to Chora, a city on Patmos, where the Revelation was written that speaks on the 666 monetary system of the last days. I had found good reason to identify mythical Coronis with Chora, and later traced her also to Corinth, beside SICYon. Her son, ASCLEPios, known to have had a cult at Sicily, was traced to heraldic ESCALLOPs that I see as code for Scylla, and so, just like that, Sicyon elements can trace to the Szekelys. Asclepios was identified with the Patmos city of Skala, you see, that being the only reason that I identified Chora with his mother. And Trips, first found in the same place as Drummonds, use a SCALing ladder. After the section below, I will trace Boofima to queen Kahina's line to the Khazar Hohens, and to a surnames using lozengy, wherefore note that Schole's/SCALE's' (Schults colors) use such a Shield.

The mythical symbol of Sicyon, Sisyphus, was a son or Neret-like Enarete, and Corcyra is off the mouth of the Neretva, home of the Ardiaei line of Arados as well as the home of the Daorsi that were also "DAVERsi," and Davers were not only found in the same place as Sichs/Sike's, but use the same colors and format, the colors and format also of trumpet-liner Arthurs. This is a good place to add that while Bleds are suspect with Attila's brother (Bleda), Bleds can be with the triple chevrons of Clare's, likewise first found in the same place as Sichs. Clare's use their triple chevrons in the red of the three WATER chevrons, and Waters (named Warterford?) link fundamentally to Boofima liners of the Bogg / Bough kind as per the "water BOUGet."

Seeking Rangabe's at Finistere

I want to get back to the link of pelican-using Arthurs of Clapton to the line of Vespasia Polla at the Caiaphas-related Pellicans. It should be noted that the Bird fleur are in the colors of the same of Spanish Petro's, whom have been traced to Flavius Petro, Vespasia's father-in-law. But before getting to Pellicans again, I want to take a new stab at understanding the line of Melissena Rangabe to Avalon's mythical Melusine of the Vere's. There are a couple of ways, at least, to trace Vere liners to Avalon's Alan-Arthur merger. The Avalon line is from Aulon/Avlona to Launay, we can now assume, and there were Arduinici at Launay. Another way to prove this is via the Nagle lozenges, in the colors of the Launay lozenges, and Nagle's are from "Oneglia" (my claim), home of the Arduinici that merged with Doria's = the Daorsi kin of Ardiaei. Perfect, especially as Nagle's use a version of the Weir/Vere Coat.

Melissena has been resolved from a merger of the north-African Byzantines with the Kahina Numidians to the Cohens/Kagans that share the Weir/Vere stars as well as the Douglas stars, making the Kahina line suspect from Numidia's Dougga. The Dougal lion, in Rangabe colors, should play into this where Dougals use the lion of Bute, owned by Rorys (as per Rory MacDonald of Bute), in colors reversed. But the Bute lion was the Bruce (and Galloway) lion too so that Rangabe liners can be half-expected at Brest = Launay. I would like to know where Melissena's line was at the Finistere area. As per the Langs that will be emphasized momentarily, note that the same-colored stars are with Dutch Langs, highly suspect with the hexagrams of Rads, who can be expected to be Radziwill liners somewhere in Brittany.

German Cohens and Hohens happen to use the same checks as those on the Stewart and Boyd fesses, a great way to trace Rangabe immediately to the Alan-Stewarts and their Bute haunt. It is already clear from this that the Vere Melusine applies to this line, and expected to go through Arduinici of Oneglia to mythical king Arthur of Avalon. Yet the Arduinici at the Bautica are tracing with Birds and Bauts to the Meu river and the Arms of Finistere respectively, and the>Rangabe flory cross is white, the colors of the same of Bouillons, indicating that Rangabe liners can go through a Bautica line from the Auvergne / Aubin area to Finistere / Launay.

But it gets complicated where Fers/FERRATs and Vairs use the Cohen and Hohen Coats respectively, while the wider area of MontFERRAT (not just the municipality) is, not only at the Alan area of Langhe, but at the end of the Bautica river. One German Lang Coat uses the same gold griffin as the Avalon-liner Darths/Deaths (probably the Dardania-Arthur merger). A good thing to spot here is that while the other German Langs use the pelican, Scottish and English Langs (share oak leaves with Alans) are in Clapton colors while Claptons (from Plancia's grandmother) use the same bend as Plunkets near Dol. In fact, for all we know, Plunkets may have been on the Meu river too, because it flows through Vilaine. The Langhe leaves are expected with the Laevi, who had merged with Marici, and then the Marks use the Stewart fesse with checks, and it just so happens that The Voirs/Voyers, said to be from the Vannes area, use a lion they call that of "St. Mark the EVANgelist," code, no doubt, for the Marks and the Avons/Evans (Stewart stag) that use a lion in the colors of the Voir lion. Voyers could have been Boyers/Bowyers, who use a reflection of a Plume Coat while Plume's were heavy in Brittany. Boyers/Bowyers share the "falcon rising" with Monans, from Monunius liners in the area of Rhisinium. The "Vis" motto term of Voirs/Voyers can be for the Vis/Issa topic below.

But "evANGEList" can also go to the Angels, for Italian Angels use the three white-on-black bends in the Bird Crest (compare with flag of Brittany), explaining why Birds share the Alan martlets in both colors, and assuring the "mea" is code for Mea's on the Meu river. The other Angels use quadrants connectable to those of Arundel-suspect Aarons/Erins...which, by the way, can be the quadrants of GRAPE-using Deters (same place as Dols) because Voirs were in GRIPel while Grape's are listed with Gripps! And this reminds that the Leslie's use "Grip Fast" as a motto while sharing the bend of Arthur-connectable Stanleys. The latter were introduced in the last update as per the Sign that God gave when I saw Stanley sitting beside the married Miss Hicks four times in the span of one month, and Arthur's of Clapton married the Hicks. It was this Hicks woman that got me on the Arthurs of Clapton in the first place (last update, that is), at which time the great Pellican revelation became known to us. The Fasts can even be using the Aaron / Deter quadrants, and Deters became a topic in relation to my story of Miss Hicks, as per Mandy Deter, and Mandys even share eagle legs with Hixons/Hicksons.

The Clapton patee cross can even be that of Crauns, for as they trace definitely to the Ceraunii, Aulon/Avlona was at the Ceraunii mountains. This can suggest a trace of Aulon elements in BC times to Glaphyra at Cappadocia, and then the Capes' (same place as Launays) share the scallops of the Apsus-river Apps' while Aulon was one major river south of the mouth of the Apsus, and the latter is where proto-Vere's lived who ended up as rulers of Oxford, beside the Capes' (suspect at Epping). As The Crauns are also Crane's, it reminds of the Cronkite crane, for Cronkite's were traced to a Cronciaconnum version of CROCiatonum, at Alauna of Manche. The French CROZiers share a large and single besant with the Italian Lane's/Lancca's/Lanaro's.

It's notable that Epping-likely Eppsteins share the three chevrons of Cassandra's/Casaane's, suggesting the Cassander line, which put out Nysa of Cappadocia, in merger with Apsus liners, perfect where Cassander's father named AntiPATRia on the Apsus. And Pattersons/Cassane's (share white scallops with Capes' / Apps') verify that his father did name Antipatria. Scottish Pattersons use the pelican of German Langs, we may now glean, for as the other German Langs use a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of Teague-related Tiems/Teems, by what coincidence are Teague's also Caige's while the Cadge variation of Cage's was linked earlier in this update to Catch's (tiger) that happen to use the Patterson-Chief scallops in their own Chief! In fact, the Tiems/Teems were part of the Cage / Catch discussion because Cage's use the same split-Shield colors as Tiems/Teems. I never would have guessed that Pattersons were merged with Teague kin, a super way to trace proto-Herods from Antipatria to lake Tatta! And Scottish Pattersons (Patrick / Kilpatrick branch) were first at Ross-shire while the Kilpatrick-related Maxwell-Ros Coat is indication of the Rose's at Ross-shire. Yes, for the Maxwell-Ros Coat uses the "WATER bougets" of Rose's, and LOOKIE: the Waters (possible Dexaroi-related Weights) share the three chevrons of Cassandra's/Cassane's!!! That's the Cass / Kiss/Kush line to Laevillus and Quadratilla.

While it may be off-topic, I'd like to record here that the "focis" motto term of Weights (Fogg colors) can be for Foggs and Figgs suspect with the pierced stars of tiger-using Medleys, whom I traced to Mytilene and/or Methymna of Lesbos off the Phocaean coast, where modern Foca was ancient Phocaea. Moreover, the Methleys use the three bars that were the Arms of Trebizond empire (very reflective of the Brittany flag), and the Weights are using the>Arms-of-Traby horns. One king expected at Trabzon would have been Polemon, interesting because the Pollock patriarch, FulBERT, was in Brittany with the Dol Alans. That patriarch's descendant married Mr. WATson, a possible Weight liner because Fulbert was suspect with Berts/Birte's) (Bird colors) that share the black hunting horn with Weights and Traby, and moreover Fulbert became suspect with Fullers (Bert colors) that could be busing a red version of the three Trebizond / Methley bars. Therefore, proto-Pollocks are suspect with the Bird line out of the Bautica.

Italian Berts were first found in Ferrara along with the Forte's that use the Stuttgart horse, in the colors of the Vere-suspect VARNs (compare with the Pomerania-related Gripps/Grape's), from the Varni = proto-VARANgians, I believe, that birthed Inger, husband of Melissena Rangabe. And Varni were at Pomerania, where the Griffin family originated that share a giant griffin with Italian Berts, the latter using it in Rangabe colors. The Stuttgart liners go to Avalon with the Stout-raven vikings that conquered it, and they went through Shetland, location of Yell, suspect with the Jells that have the look of Varns. It's notable that grape-like Deters use an upright talbot dog in the colors of the upright Bert griffin. As Deters share the quadrants of Primo's that use a mirror, Deters could somehow link to Rangabe's. The Yell Coat has a Fogg look to it, and as Anders Fogh Rasmussen traces to Akmonia in PHRYGia, it can explain why FROGGs/Frocks use a version the Fogg Coat and surname. As Berts use the Traby horns, we may now assume, note that the Yell fesse (Villain colors) can have the Stick garb, the Sticks being from Astikas' that married Traby. Finally, compare the Weight Coat with the English Shaws, said to be from Stick-liner "Sithech."

Probably, the long and the short of it is that Ferrara liners were at (or named) Montferrat, for both entities have traced to Melissena Rangabe in Avalon. The clues thus far trace Melissena through the Arduinici of both Liguria and the Bautica to Brittany's western half, and the Doria's were first found in the same place as Segurana's in Genoa, who are using the Seagar and MacARTHUR moline, and the latter were at Argyllshire = the Bute theater (compare "ARGYLL" with ARCHELaus, for Herods/Heraults were first found in Argyllshire too). It's just another way to trace Rangabe's to Bute's Avalon liners because the MacArthur moline is virtually the Rangabe flory (same colors, both potent crosses). And while Fessys honor the Segurana's in their motto, the Fessys share the cross of Mea's (beloved by the Bird motto) that should prove to be a form of the Bouillon flory and therefore connectable to the Bird flory. Bouillons and Birds were from the Bautica, in the Savoy / Switzerland area, suggesting that the Savoy / Swiss cross was adopted by Fessys through, or in contact with, the Bautica. In other words, Fessys and Bouillons were merged at the Bautica, and became the Bird / Borden / Border / Bottle/Buthill / Bolt(on) liners.

I don't recall finding a flory cross in both colors of the Rangabe flory, and so the Seager / MacArthur moline is the next-best thing. From this, we take things to the Molle's (Rangabe colors) with a white and giant boar head connectable to the white boar heads of Mea's and Juggs/Judds. As Jugg-like Jaggers share the hunting horn with Rangabe-suspect Orange's, it can indicate Rangabe liners at the Meu river. Eschyna de Molle not only married an Alan that was ancestral to royal Stewarts, but also a Robert CROC(e), indicating that he was from an Alauna merger with CROCiatonum liners.

Eschyna's boar was linked to the same of Chands that come up as "Schim" and "Schien," and in the latter's motto, a "fortune" term that reminds of the upright and white Fortuna talbot, the colors of the upright Deter talbot. The Schien-related Skene's can be using the Border swords. The stars in the CHAND Chief are identical to the Washington Chief, and as CANTons use the Washington Coat in colors reversed, the Chande's/Schiens look like a branch of Cantons, perfect here because the Chande/Schien boar head is in the colors of the Moch sword while Mochs linked to Mokissos along with Washingtons. The latter have the look of the Scottish Moch Coat, and both surname share the three stars in Chief with the Chande's/Schiens. Perfect fit. King-Tut-suspect Washingtons had come through lake Tatta, didn't they?

The Schims were found in the first place as per the SCIMitar symbol, which is in the Crest of Scottish Mochs, no guff at all: " A hand grasping a scimitar proper." It tends to explain the "VirTUTE" motto term of Chands/Schims, for Wassa's are suspect with the Tute canton. This makes a very good case for a Yuya-line presence at Tatta, and as his daughter was Tiye (Tut's grandmother), it really does beg whether Teague's and Tighs/Tye's were Yuya>Tut liners. In that case, I would identify Tigranes from Yuya, and was a Maccabee-Herod from Modi'in, like the "Mitanni" ethnicity of Yuya. Maccabees from the Mitanni? Looks like. Ask the Cassandra's/Casano's, first found in MODENA, not forgetting that Pattersons/Cassane's just linked to Teague's of the Catch kind.

Finistere is like the Italian (and French I think, too) word, "finestra," for "window," and when the Window Coat (Finis/Fien and Fano/Fien colors) was loaded, it was recognized as a reflection of the Langholm Coat (because the two were looked at near in time to one another). Langholms were come across as per Langholme up by Annandale / Lockerbie, and Lockerbie's share the same chevron as Wayne's while "Finistere" is suspect with Fane's/Veynes', kin of Wayne's. I therefore suggest that Windows were a Wayne branch that developed a Window variation as per their close links to Finistere. Windows share a lion paw holding a fitchee cross with Quints, and as the latter are expected with Capone liners in Cambridgeshire, the Wayne-related Wanstead location, between London and Cambridge. Wansteads (Winder colors) have a Winner variation. Here is the Window description: "Blue with a fesse between three lion's paws in PALE" The Window Crest: "A lion's gamb in pale holding a cross". It's suspicious that Pale's/Palys use a gamb-like camel, and then the Winders use the motto of Paly-like and Caiaphas-line Pullys. The checks (Melusine-line symbol) filling the Winder Coat are half in the colors of the checks of Lang-related Linkletters, which serves to prove, a little, that Langholms were Window kin.

The Winder / Pully motto includes Pale-like "pallescere." The "culpa" motto term of the same surnames has been resolved with the Colapis river (to which I always trace Quintus Caepio's line) that traces to Cole liners such as Colchester, in the same place as the first Quints, and earlier called CAMULodunum. That now traces Quintus Caepio to Camulodunum, which existed in his lifetime by that name.

Pullys, Pale's and Palle's ("rePUBLICa" suspect with Publius Pulcher) were all first found in Yorkshire, and the Pelle's suspect in the Arthur motto share the pelican with Pullys. Percys, who share five lozenges in the colors of the five of Launays, were likewise first found in Yorkshire. FIVE, beloved of Arthurs, can be in honor of "QUINTus." The Palle's use a fesse-with-symbols in the colors of the same of Nagle's (Launay lozenges?) so as to trace to Arduinici of Oneglia, and upon their fesse, Palle's put the gold crosses of Winder-like WINDsors. If you were familiar with the discussion on Arthurs of Clapton, they had linked to Pellicans along with Gloucestershire lines, and here the Window gamb can be code for Gams/Cams, first found in Gloucestershire, but suspect at the Cam river that named Cambridge, an area near Colchester and likewise having Colapis-theater liners. The Kemmis', likewise first found in Gloucestershire, share the blue vair fur of the Quint Chief. This discussion needs to be coupled with the fact that the Arthur-of-Clapton discussion of the last update found Joseph Caiaphas all itself, and here we have Quintus Caepio added to that picture. Note how "CLAP(ton" is like "COLAPis." As Claptons use the same bend as Plunkets, they trace excellently to Glaphyra, and so we might ask where Glaphyra-loving lines named the Colapis. Clappers use a Shield filled with red vair fur, and a canton in the colors of the Pelle canton.

[I didn't know (consiously) until the 1st update of February that the Windsor motto includes "fie en," clear proof that they were related to Fiens/Finis'.]

I've just dredged up the record that "the Kaip(f) wolf head is also the Clapton wolf head." Kaiffs sure look like "Caiaphas."

The above plays well with a Brogitarus trace to Rijeka, beside the Colapis. Hmm, "Rijeka" is somewhat like "Rangabe," and if Rangabe's were namers of "Orange," that's where Quintus Caepio lost a war to Cymbrians in 105 BC, the year after he stole someone's vast treasure at Toulouse. I have the inclination to suspect that part of that treasure went to Herods and Joseph Caiaphas. Herod Archelaus was at Vienne, not far from Orange, and his brother was at Comminges, smack across the Garonne river from Toulouse. We get it. "Vienne" is suspect with the Fane ("fano" motto term) bloodline to Finistere. The Cymbian king who won the war had a name like the Voyer variation of Voirs, and while the latter were at Vannes, they probably use the Maschi lion, for Maschi's were first found beside Fano. This lion is in the colors of the Orange-related Nassau's, and the latter put gold bullion bars (billets) filling their Shield.

The Brecks, with a chevron in colors reversed from the Quint chevron, were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as English Alans-of-Dol, and the Breck hunting horn is colors reversed from the same of Orange's. Brecks (antelope) can be a branch of the Brix's, from Launay at Finistere. I think we should all sell our houses and go look for some gold bars in Finistere. Just look for where all the Brinks truck go. The Brinks are listed with Brians, from Briancon on the Durance river, and Orange is near the mouth of that river. Half of the Brink lions are in the colors of the lion of Toulouse-possible Tools. The other Brians use another hunting horn. The Brains use leopard faces (in pale) in the colors of the Tool lion. Half of us can take Finistere, and the others can take Gloucestershire, where Brains were first found that are in Pellican and Tewkesbury colors. The Brains had a Brain location at Hainaut, apparently.

This section is probably a worthwhile one as it's got to do with the dream of the sickly stag. This gets complicated due to the time spans involved that created the many connections, and it will need repetition. I could not have created what follows from my imagination because the many connections are made naturally, logically, without stretches. I was sidetracked much (what else is new?) by talk on Waterford.

Let's begin by the realization I had this morning, after writing the section above, that Boofima was from queen Kahina as she produced the Melusine Khazars = Cohens Hohens. Melusine was beloved of the Drakenberg witch cult, and Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg claimed that this was ancient and royal witchcraft, which probably had partnership with the Templar god, BAPHomet, a likely extension of the Boofima cult in Africa. Today, there is a leader of a Baphomet cult. After Miss Florida introduced Boofima to me, I could find few details online about it. All that I could find is that it was from an Imperi peoples in Africa somewhere, and that their priests wore leopard-paw gloves when conducting human sacrifices, and moreover that they also conducted goat sacrifices. Nothing was said about connection to Baphomet, but it just so happens that Baphomet has a goat head. Recall Mick Jagger's "Goat's Head Soup," for I trace Jaggers to Jugurtha, a grandson of king Massena (i.e. a Numidian just like Kahina).

Soon before Miss Florida introduced Boofima to me, I had read that the Bavarian Illuminati had roots in Africa. Don't ask me how that was known, I can't recall. But I did note that "BAV" is like "BAPH," and that the Vere's were long-time rulers of Oxford, where the Arms uses a GREEN BEAVER, a term like "Bavaria." later, I came across Drago de BEWERE in the write-up of GREEN-Shielded Blade's (Bleda liner?), and assumed that he was a Were / Vere liner from Bavaria, where green-Shielded BAUERs were from that smack of "Bewere." This picture seems to have Drakenberg all over it as well as the Bavarian Illuminati, and one can fathom a trace to the Drago river of Agrigento. As Boofima is going to be traced hard as de-Vere's skull to Inger, Melissena Rangabe's husband, note that the Ingers/Enders use arrows, the symbol of green-shielded Bowers as well as the Bavarian BOGens = Boofima suspects of the Bogg / Bough kind.

Although Wikipedia traces the Arms-of-Bavaria lozenges only as far back as WittelsBACHS, I found an online quote proving absolutely that Bogens owned the Bavarian lozenges before Wittelsbachs did. It's interesting here that I had found a Wittelsbach trace to Budapest = Sicambria. The idea was that the Uat-Buto cult had named Budapest because Uat-Buto was related to mythical Bast, like "Pest," the city that merged with Buda to name Budapest. Bast was a GREEN lion. Uat liners appear to be in a White-surname write-up, and Wittels smack of White's. Recall the Isle of Wight that has two locations connectable to Quadratus liners. I have just realized a way to connect proto-Pollocks to Cowes on Wight; I'll explain later.

Boofima-line Roets have a branch in Germany, first found in Thuringia, home of Basina, wife of Childeric who was himself partly from Sicambrians. I traced Roets to Boofima aside from realizing that BEAUForts should apply. Beauforts were immediate Roet liner, virtually identical, and Beauforts can be traced to Balfours, the surname of an British Prime Minister than many claim was a Satanist involved with Rothschild Illuminatism. Rothschilds are known to descend from Bauers, but as the Arms of Rothschild use a motto term that has long-identified them as kin of DEUSters, compare with the Deas surname (bee) that uses a GREEN pale bar. Deus', I read, were from Desmonds of Cork, though the Deas write-up has a contrary origin for the surname (heraldic write-ups at houseofnames are often thin-ice for having nothing better to say on derivations).

The Roet-beloved Books/Boggs share a black-on-white chevron with the Norfolk Beauforts and the Balfours. The BalFOUR motto, "ForWARD," may be loving the checkered-Shield Wards, kin of some For line. As Thuringia has been linked to Turin, note that Turins/Thurins (same place as Leslie's) share gold boar heads with Roets. Yet, the Turin boars are those of Leslie-related Beards. Turins share "fortuna" with Bayers (share red rose with Bewere's), the latter perhaps a branch of the Vayer variation of Vairs, for Weirs/Vere's use a gold boar too. Then the Fers/Ferrats, kin of Vairs/Vayers, were first found in the same place, Brittany, as French Beards.

Desmonds, along with Corrys and Tess'/Tecks, use versions of the Annandale saltire. While Rothschild Illuminatism is often linked to Cecil Rhodes, it's notable that Cecils and Correns (also from Deise) use the same black escutcheons, and that Cecils put white lions in them that should be of the same-colored lion tails of Corks/Core's. Trumpet-liner Standish's, with the same saltire as Annandale again, are said to be from Wigan and CHORley. There seems to be a Patmos connection to the Illuminati. Although I often say that these elite circles rule the planet, they actually do not. They are the closest things to the planetary rulers, and they aim to be, but they can hardly control everyone's thoughts, though they try by controlling education, media, and the whole gamut of financial transactions. They are about to get themselves into deep trouble because, after all, they are the most-stupid of all humans, disregarding the warnings from God, and never giving Him the right to control the planet, nor allowing Biblical Christians into the highest levels of their pyramid structure. Lower-level stupids kiss up to the higher level stupids in order to get higher themselves, but when they get up there, they stab others in order to become higher still. Just ask the democratic election season if it knows anything about stabbing others in order to achieve power. The pyramid is not based on love, but those who belong to it climb for the honor they imagine with having the greatest power. Donald Trump is now in a position to shmooze with the globalist elites. What will he do to them, or for them, or with them?

The Imperi of Boofima were traced, first of all, to PERIgord, where Beefs/Boeufs/Turnbulls were first found, and secondly, they were traced to Imperia (Liguria), which was later Oneglia, traceable to Nagle's that share a version of the Weir/Vere Coat, but compare also with Beavers. That doesn't look coincidental, and so Nagle's already become Boofima suspects. If we ask why Nagle's use lozenges, it traces them to a merger with Losinj Croatians, and the Arms of Croatia use the same checks as Hohens and Vairs. I have seen, in an Arms of Prussia, the Hohen checks next to lozenges of the same colors, and Ligurians having those lozenges include Grimaldi's, but if you load Irish Weirs, you will see these lozenges on an angle, the same angle as the lozenges in the Arms of Bavaria, That's why the Nagle lozenges can be linked to the Grimaldi lozenges. And the Bavarian lozenges are in the colors of the Cohen checks. Plus, Pressina, who went by other names, was a mythical term that I traced to Prussian Lusatians, and the Sorbs of Lusatia are said to have formed the Serbs, whom I see in ancient SERVitium, in Croatia.

German Nagle's/Nails happen to use a saltire in colors reversed from Andrew's Cross, and so note the GREEN saltire evident with Scottish Andrews. Then trace king Andrew to the Varangian Rus if Kiev whom he married. Why are Nagle's part of that Varangian picture? We need to ask Oneglia's Boofima lunatics, but I'm sure that the blue bend shared between Nagle's, Were's and Beefs/Boeufs/Turnbulls knows something about it too. The Nagle lozenges are in the Chief of Angers, first found in the same place as Vere's, and we can glean here that Melusine's Anjou elements touch upon Nagle's at Angers, for de-Vere said that Melusine's son ruled at Angers. As Nagle's use a version of the Saluzzo-based Clinton Coat (Oxfordshire), it seems a no-brainer that Nagle's and Angers went through Saluzzo, or its elite kin. The Alice-of-Saluzzo marriage to FitzAlans then merged with Percys, who share the Nagle / Angers lozenges...that explains it. And Alice of Saluzzo was related to Alice of Montferrat. Angers share the escarbuncle with Cnut-beloved Hangers, first found in the same place as Drake's.

The Drake's are said to be from the gait of a duck, which is code for some duck liner. It may be the duck-using Gascons, for the Melusine mirror is for the Mireux's with the myrtle tree as code for Mertels/Martells, first found in Gascony, a location founded by Basques. This picture is where we might imagine the entry of the Basque god, Sugaar, of the Seagar liners out of Genoa. It has Rangabe written all over it, and Inger may have been from INGelger, father of the first-known count of Anjou / Angers. Can we now see Mari, the Basque goddess, tracing to ANGitia of the Marsi? Sweet. And I can assure you that Angers were from SWIEToslawa, daughter of Mieszko, mother of Cnut. Reminder: Marsi, later to become the Angle-related Mercians, are expected at Marseilles, where Ligurians were founded. From Marseilles, their first major post toward Genoa was likely Monaco, recalled that Angles conquered Mona, calling it Anglesey. Let's not forget that Liguria was home to Neretva and Monunius liners so that Nerthus can trace to Neretva liners at Arduinici at Oneglia, for example.

The Angle's (known from the 1st century AD) may have come first, followed by Angers, and then by Nagle's as an offshoot variation of "Angulo" in the Nagle write-up. After that, Oneglia may have been named, which can reveal that it was an Angle entity, which, by the way, worshipped Nerthus as did the Varni. Tacitus mentioned a Eudes-like peoples (Eudoses) that likewise worshipped Nerthus, and the Eudes name was also, "Odo, perhaps of the Ottone's / Others. The Eudoses were thought by many to be Jutes, and then the Jutts/Judds/Juggs are the kin of Mea's that in-turn use the Fessy cross. The Others are said to be from Lombardy, and Lombards were likewise lumped (by Tacitus) into the Nerthus crowd. Moreover, Milan, where Ottone Visconti ruled, was the Lombardy capital. For more lozengy filling a Shield, see the Scottish Lombards/LimBAUGHs, which, if I recall correctly, uses the same spread eagle as the Doria's of Genoa.

Let's not forget that the other Turnbulls are likely using the Waleran (and Cole/Calt) bull, because that links the line of Laevillus to this monster. While Boofima had blood on its gloves, Laevillus' ancestry is suspect with the human sacrifice of Jesus. I find it logical for God to have brought the human-sacrifice cult of the Carthage area to Israel in order that the Crucifixion would spell both the salvation of Believers, and the damnation of the human-sacrifice cults.

So, Inger and Melissena, suspect with the arrows of Ingers, become suspect with the bow theme of the Bogans that are the first-known family with the Bavarian lozenges, and Bower-like Bows/Boughs (share Roet motto term) and Bowers use bows too. GARIBALD, ruler of Bavaria (6th century), predates Kahina by not much, and while his name can morph to GRIMALD, there was a Grimoald ruler of Bavaria shortly after Garibald. Therefore, chances are, the Kahina Hohens (early origins in Swabia) got linked at the Swabia theater to the neighboring Bavarians from Grimoald's line, and one or the other started to use a version of the other's checks / lozenges. These got to the Weirs because Boofima was integral with Vere's, not forgetting that Inger was a VARangian / Varni liner, probably. Veringers are from Baden, which overlaps Swabia, and I read that Veringer-related Zahringers gave the Hohens their red eagle, no great surprise. The VARANGians were named after WIERINGen (Netherlands), known origin of Rurik the Varangian, who lived at the same time as Inger...and Rurik, Varangian founder of Kiev. Chances are, both Ruriks were one man, and he knew Inger.

Bowers use five bunched arrows, and Bows/Boughs use "A demi-lion rampant holding in the dexter paw [Boofima symbol?] five arrows points downwards." That's got Rothschilds written all over it.

Veringers / Zahringers trace definitely to Battins/Badens, first found in the same place as Roets. Rurik founded NovGOROD (north of Kiev), smacking of Gords and "PeriGORD," and it just so happens that Roets use the same boar head as Gords. Roets and Reeds both us a book as code for Books/BOGGs, we get it. It appears that Roets linked to Bogan / Bogen blood via a Roet link to Zahringer / Veringer lines in Somerset. The Zahringers used a blue antler that was recently tracked hard to the blue stag heads of Hanna's, which, in colors reversed, is the WATERford stag head, and then the heraldic "water BOUGet," used by Bugs (same place as Tease's/Tighs), should link to Waterfords. The latter share the Sich fountains, but there is an Irish location of Laois that uses the same fountains (inside of a roundel) that was ruled by Rurik-suspect O'Rourke. And O'Rourke's symbol was the lion of the Hohenstaufens / Hohenzollerns (I forget which). O'Rourke = Irish Varangians and/or Irish Weirs/Wiers? But of course.

Doesn't the Rourke Coat look like the Jewish Levi and SIDE Coat? Irish Varangians bring the Sitric > Maccus line to mind. As Sitric's son and Maccus' father was Harald, the name also of Rurik's brother (he ruled Schleswig for a short time), lets add that Herods/Haralds were first found in the same place as Rangabe-suspect MacArthurs, and that Herods and Haralds are both listed as septs of McLeods that were at Sich/Syke-suspect Skye. Moreover, if Sitric named the Sitters/Sittons/SIDEwells (Northumberland), note that the latter use pale bars in the green of the Deus pale bar while Side's/Sudys (see also the lion of Sutys expected in the Sitter Coat) use a lion in the passant position, and in the colors of, the O'Rourke lion. The Setantii were at Louth, and trace to Lothian liners while the first Gords were at the Lauder area near Lothian. Laois is beside the Kennedys of Tipperary, and the Kennedy-beloved Lafins/La Fonts use a lion in O'Rourke-lion colors, and the Lafin lion is very traceable to Italian Conte's, suspect with Irish Burghs (from John de Burgo of CONTEville). I'm half-convinced that O'Rourke was a Sitric liner already.

Sitric's sons included Gofraid, suspect with Gophers that use the same saltire as Andrew's Cross, and a son by the name of SICHfrith. Hmm. There is a good chance that the latter was not a Sich liner, though I might change my mind if evidence crops up to show that Sitric was a Hun / Hungarian. His reign, starting in Northumbia in 921 (Varangians already in Kiev), was roughly the time that Andrew I was a youngster, and Andrew's son, George, was in Scotland in 1055, according to an old record online, when Siward of Northumberland had just defeated MacBeth. It could appear that Sitric's son, Gofraid, was related to this George, perhaps mating with his sister / daughter. That's what it looks like, and, in this way. Sichfrith may have named the Sichs. But how can Sichfrith trace to Sicambrian Franks if he was born before George got to Scotland (Sitric died in 927)? Was Sitric from Sicambrian FRANKs to begin with? Did this branch of Franks name VARANGI? Malcolm III would kill MacBeth, and the Gopher saltire is linkable to the Malcolm saltire. The theoretical substance of this paragraph is new to me, and it just might be correct.

In 917, Sitric was king of Dublin (Irish coast facing Scotland), and there is a SWORDS area smack beside Dublin on my atlas! Siward was the line to the Sword surname. It appears that, yes, Sitric was in cahoots with Siward. There is even a chance (though I am not familiar with this history) that Sitric's son(s) shared the political booty over MacBeth's death, as rewards from Malcolm. Maxwells/Maccuswells were definitely from Maccus, brother of another Gofraid, and Sitric's grandson, and Maxwells were first found not far from the Northumberland area. I don't know when Maxwells merged with the Rose's, but as Rose use the water bouget, the Waters may have been named from Waterford, fairly-near Dublin. Maxwell-related Maxtons share the red chevron with Waters, and Maxtons use it in both colors of the Morencys, where I trace the bouget (to BOUCHard II, founder of Montmorency). Montmorency was at/beside Eure-et-Loir, which shares the three chevrons of Waters in its Arms. It strikes me here that Morencys may have been a branch of the Morinis', the latter with two of the three bars of Waterford-suspect Drummonds. It just so happens that while Waterford uses the same tall perchevron as Chappes', the latter were first found in the same place as Morencys, I kid thee not. Morencys use the same cross as Irish Berks/Burghs and Irish Eustace's. The latter were first found in Kildare, near Dublin. The red Stacey saltire is that also of Kildare's.

JUST LOOK AT THE SIMILARITY between "Morency" and "Morinis." As this is the update where a Trump stag has been found, the first-ever I know of besides that of Trumps, by what coincidence did I "accidentally find Morinis' in the last update? Here's how it happened: "I had mistakenly typed "Deran" instead of "Dean." Derans/Deerings are said to be from a character of Morinis." I had put a finger on both the 'e' and the 'r' beside it, and while the Morinis' became a topic of there own because they are a branch of Modena's/Marano's, they even led to the Moroni character in the damned Book of Mormon. But here they are now looking exactly related to the Trump stag at Waterford. And, this is an update stressing the Dalmatian islands as per the deer symbol (you get to that shortly below), and here the Morinis' are found in the DEERing write-up. The Dalmatian islands are being stressed as per Caiaphas-related suspects (Chappes' included, right?), and this is soon after my work found the Ardiaei of Dalmatia and blew their heraldic lines wide open, and even got into the Arthurian trumpet symbol. It appears that my work at this time has been Engineered, and that "the best" has been left for last.

Let me now go to Cowes on the Isle of Wight, for the Pollock motto, "STReNUE" can be code for Sturs (three fesse bars almost in colors reversed from the same of Fullers) and some New line, like the Newport location on Wight. Listen carefully and keep reading until you get to the "punchline." The Cowes' use three piles in the colors of the Fuller piles, but call them pennants while Pennants use the same Coat as Trevors, first found in the same place as Fullers. These piles are then used by Ore's, first found in the same place as Pollocks, and we will find them below at the punchline too. Newports use the colors and format of Berts (Cowes / Fuller colors) suspect with "Fulbert." Berts (from something at the Bautica) share black hunting horns with Wight-like Weights, and suddenly, Traby liners are being found on Wight. Uat-suspect Wittelsbachs were at Ravenburg, and Pollock-line Peters use the raven. The Fuller connection to Budapest can be where they share the bars of Arpad-likely Carpenters, and while Belli's are loved by both the symbols of Fullers and Carpenters, Belli's are expected now with Bela of Hungary (suspect with Bautica-liner Eustace II). Next, we take the three piles of Cowes', and the same-colored three Fuller bars (in the colors of the bars in the Arms of Hungary), and bring them to the Weight-suspect Waters, but then the leopard faces of Lice's/Lee's were discovered as Quade liners while Newports (Quade colors) use exactly those. Wights were Wade's/Quade's??? White's use leopard faces. And Cowes' have variations that can be of the Quade-related Mackays/Caws. It's a great reason to link the wavy bend of Jewish Pollocks to the bend of Levi-beloved Aids (same leopard faces as Newports). Although it's not been proven, I link Waters to Montmorency, and while Morency's were first found in the same place as Levi's, Morencys use the same cross as Bela-suspect Eustace's (father of Bello-loving Bouillons). Perhaps the biggest reason for this paragraph is to show that Waters, Weights and Quade's were branches. The first Watts were found in the area of the Worcestershire Stur river, beside the first Fullers, though I think Fullers and Watts (Wight liner?) had merged, for Peter Pollock's granddaughter (Muriel), I think she was, married Mr. Watson.

Watts share the oak with Watsons and Pollock-bend-suspect Rodhams, first found in the same place as Aid-bend-suspect Stevensons, which was in the land of Seward of Northumberland, and the hilt symbol of Swords gets the Wight-like Wyatts/Hilts. Siward likely partnered with George, son of Bela's brother, and then while George was a son of Andrew, Scottish Andrews can be gleaned with the Pollock saltire, and moreover, the Scottish Drummonds probably use the Stur / Fuller / Leavell bars. While Fulbert "the Saxon" plays out with the Scottish Hungarians, it's likely that Fulbert was from Edith of Polesworth, wife of Sitric (line to the Maxwells who have Pollocks as a sept), and it just so happens that Polworths use three piles thus connectable to the Cowes piles. English Brians share three piles in the same shape as those of Polworths, as well as the striped, Weight hunting horn exactly, what a grand "coincidence." And the Irish Brians use the three, gold-on-red lions in the Arms of WATERford! That's the punchline, for while Pollocks are tracing to Drummonds, so do Trumps that have their stag head in an alternative Arms of Waterford. It's a way to say that Trumps were from Quadratilla and Laevillus, as well as from their mysterious ancestry.

The only thing I know about that ancestry, for sure, is Laevillus' mother, Vibia. Look: the Bibo rooster STANDING on a CUSHion is the red one of Kiss'/Cush's who in-turn use the Waterford-surname fountains, and then there is a gold rooster of the same design STANDing on a trumpet in the Crest of Levers, making the latter appear like a Vibia>Laevillus line. It all smacks of the Trump bloodline.

The Mokissos-like Moke's use that gold rooster too, and Moke's can be linked to the gold-rooster Sinclairs. But when you go right down to the Gay / Galli root of this rooster, it shows that Vibia's family had connected to a line from king Massena, likely, not just from his father, Gaia/Galla. And that's why it's important to prove that Rasmussens were from Akmonia, for, rather than tracing Vibia forward to a Massena line, it can trace her backward to one, making Maccabees look like they were both of MONunius and Massena descendants at AkMONia. It's the Monahans/Moncks who use what could be a version of the Macey Coat, especially as it's a version of the Bellamy-related Harvey Coat while Bellamys married Ferte-Mace. And Harveys are from the same place as Irvings/Erwins while the Irvingites (now the New Apostolic Church) were led by Henry Drummond. Perhaps MontMorency was a Mon-Morinis or even Montfort-Morinis entity, for Monks use the same lion as Morinis-related Marano's (and Montforts), suspect with Terentius Varro Murena, whose sister married Maccabee-suspect Maecenas. The latter's Cilnius surname has been traced to Childs/Chills that use a gold version of the Diss/Deise Coat i.e. that links to Waterford's Deise entity. Just load the Moke's and eye their motto to spot the Diss'.

The Darrins (Belgian Gone Coat?) were checked for Morinis links, and it turns out that Darrens are said to be from Arraynis, while Hirams/Irons, said to be from Airaines, use the same cross as Morencys, more or less, and Eustace's (see possible Ray connection to Staceys below). To now help prove that Morencys were a Morinis branch, or at least a Darrin branch, Deerings share the ROEbuck with RAYburns, suspect with "ARRAYnis." Rayburns use "...a roebuck drinking out of a brook, and on an ermine square at the top a knight's helmet." For what it could be worth, Brooks share the Stick Coat. The other English Roebucks, first found in the same place (Kent) as Deerings and the Morinis character in their write-up, look like they can be using a Bird Coat, and as of this update, Birds are being viewed as Bautica liners, same as Eustace II.

One English Roe/Rowes Coat uses three lambs in the colors of the three Deering roebucks. Expected. While Roe's / Rows look like a Ray branch here, Roys use the same lion as Warwicks, the latter first found in the same place as Rays (same stag as Staceys). Then, Sheriffs, first found in Warwickshire, share the lone Morinis fleur-de-lys. Darwins use a Coat similar to that of Darrins and can be lumped in with Deerings, therefore.

As I have claimed Morinis' to be of the Montfort-related Marano's, let's add that while the GONfanon banner is owned by Montforts, Darrins and Darwins use a version of the Gone fesse. This can expect Morinis liners on the Banner-related Panaro river, location of Marano. I think I can now spot that Deerings / Darrins were Terentius liners, perhaps from Terentia, Cilnius' Maecenas' wife. While Roebucks may have been Ray-Buck liners, and while Bucks may have named Buckingham, that's where Darrals/Dorals (same lion almost as Doors) were first found. Expect Door-like branches for Terentius liners.

Aha! Terrys (KENT!!) share the Bird martlets, and the same-colored cross, only instead of the Bouillon flory of Birds, Terry use the style of cross between the antlers of the Eustace stag. Irish Wights use that red cross in Crest, and Moses have a gold-on-red one alongside red rose's, the Wight symbol. Scottish Wights use quatrefoils and a "parta" motto term suspect with Tatt's Perta location. English White's use a version of the Saffer/Savary Coat, and nearly the Silver Coat. As quatrefoils are for Quadratus, who married royal Cetis, see where Torys had a Dumfries branch, then compare the Tory Coat with that of the Dumfries Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith river, home of Geds that use the same fish as Saraca's. Then, let me repeat that an online article on Geds / Geddes has the Geds as proto-Geddes' i.e. from Cetis. We are now tracing Terentia liners to Quadratus, explaining why Quade-suspect White's entered the picture.

Aha! Irish Terrys ("Leo" motto term) share one fesse in the colors of the two of Morinis', and both put them under gold Chiefs! French Terrys use martlets in Child/Chill colors. Irish Terrys even share a gold escutcheon with DEER-using Scute's, first found in Lance-like Lancashire (i.e. Lancashire may have been named after the Lance's beloved of Dere's/Res' (assumes a Deres surname). AND LOOK: the Scute Chief has the Murena tower in colors reversed! Bingo. We have uncovered a slew of Terentia-Murena liners. Her descendants became the Deer liners, and it begs the question on whether it is a fact that "Ragusa" means "deer," as I have read, or whether it was an idea born out of a Ragusa link to Terentia liners. Repeat, the Arms of Ragusa's Saraca's shares the fesse of the Modena Cassandra's/Casano's, and RAYs may possibly be RAGusa liners. The first I ever learned of Ragusa, I saw mythical Rhea (Crete), which I traced previously to Iran's Rhagae, now Ray/Rey, yet Reggio in Calabria was able to apply to Cretans. Pattersons/Cassane's use a "rege" motto term, and the related Kissane's (Kiss/Cush liners to Vibia?) use another stag.

Torys (Warwickshire) use a giant gold tower, the colors of the Scute tower, but with the entry of Scute's, Geddes need to figure in, and they share red-on-gold fish with Bute's/Boets. As Geddes are Cetis liners, it's a good bet that Boets were of the Boetus sect/line of Sadducees.

The Dere-like Dorians come to mind, which I see at the Daorsi smack near or in Ragusa. The Daversi-line Daorsi were at the Davers, who use a version of the Child-suspect Diss Coat. Rather than seeing a contradiction, it may be best top identify the Terentius family with Daorsi. Dore's/Daurins (Brittany) are interesting for using a fish in half the white-on-blue colors of the Saraca fish, as well as sharing a gold fish with Butts/Boets that in-turn put it on a fesse, as do Saraca's. The Dore's/Daurins can be using the three Warwick lions (because Warwicks apply to Morinis liners), and a version of the three Door(man) leopard heads. Are English Doors using bees as per Childeric and Basina? Note that Irish Doors share the lion paw with Windows/WindROWS.

It's important that the Waterford Arms makes a Trump-stag link to the Drummond ship I have claimed for Shetland all these years. Here is how I started to see that Morinis' led to Maurice Drummond:

I had mistakenly typed "Deran" instead of "Dean." Derans/Deerings are said to be from a character of Morinis (there is a Morinis/Morasso surname first found in Modena), causing me to check Morris'. It makes the Dein/Dean lion suspect with the Marano / Montfort lion, and suggests a Udine merger with Marano of Modena. As it turns out, that mistake is a good one, for Maurice's (Herefordshire again) are using the Dein/Dean lion, apparently. Irish Deans, sharing a lizard with the Hare's/Garrys that love the Fears/FIERs in their motto, bring us back to a possible version of the Mopps Coat, which is pointed out because these Deans were first found in the same place (Galway) as Teague's (and Irish Morris').

As you can see, part of that leads to Teague's at lake Tatta and Mokissos. It should be added that while Dalmatia reaches one bank of the Sava river, the Fergus' of Galloway have a lion, in colors reversed to the Marano and Montfort lion, that trace's excellently to Mr. Galleri, and the same lion, in the page for Sava-river Sauers...who look like Sawyer kin, the first-ever clue I had that Seagars trace to the Sava, later to be verified when Segurana's linked to Valentinian, born near the lower Sava. His father, Gratian, can be of the Chretians in the Levi motto, and then the Seconds/Segurs are likewise in the Levi motto, and moreover the Seconds/Segurs (Tute quadrants) use the same lion as Dean/Deins. There can be gleaned here a possible queen-Teuta link to Gratian, but lets add that the Mopps Coat is a reflection of the Coat of Chretien-suspect Crete's/Crests/Wreaths.

Sorrys/Sawreys use the same lion as Sauers (said to be from the Sava), as well as sharing "Simplex" with the Perkin motto. The Sorry Crest: "A fasce in front on an arm holding an arrow." The Assi's, who love the Picenum-Vilnius line, use a fasce, as does the Arms of Vilnius.

Here is what I'm seeing: in colors reversed, the Morinis fesse bars are blue, the color of the fesse of the Modena Cassandra's/Casano's (same fesse as Dalmatian Saraca's), and then the English Cassandra's are the ones with the three Water chevrons, which are red and have always been suspect with the three, black Levi chevrons. Recall how Water liners traced to Wight elements, for English Cassandra's were first found in the same place as the Isle of Wight. It's a way to glean that the Cassander Macedonians had their Nysa line to Mokissos (Mochs are suspect with the Ness / Nice fesse) as well as to Quadratilla. Fullers use three of the Nice bars, and if these bars are connectable to the three Water chevrons, we look to link the two Ness bars to two chevrons in the same colors, and we come to the Maine's and Perche's. The Botters, first found in the same place as Cassandra's/Cassane's, have a perched eagle in the colors of the Ferte eagle as code for Bellamy-of-Ferte-Mace liners. It makes the Bellamy fesse suspect as the fesse of Cassandra's/Casano's in colors reversed. And as Macey liners have been determined with Maccabee make-up, by what coincidence were the latter Cassandra's first in Modi'in-like Modena? The Modena Morinis' then become the line, likely, of Cilnius Maecenas that, though he was of Arettium, was always expected to have had Modena links. And there it is, especially as Morinis' share the blue fleur-de-lys with Varro's (Quade wolf?).

The Morinis fleur was thought to be of the blue-on-gold (Cassandra-star colors) one of Sheriffs, first found in Varro-like Warwickshire. The "Esse" motto term of Sheriffs can be for the Ash's/Aschs (from D'Esse Court) because the German branch has the Water chevrons in colors reversed. Note how "D'Esse" is like "Deise." The D'Esse Court character in the Ash write-up can be in the "ProDESSE" motto term of CHAMBERlains because Dess' are said to be of the Aschs, a variation of both Ash surnames. Then, MontGOMERys, suspect from Cimmerians, as are Chamberlains, use the Sheriff fleur in colors reversed. The Courts use pale bars suspect with the same of Cams that are in the "quam" motto term of Sheriffs and CAMbridge's. While Warwicks were first found in Cimmerian-suspect CUMBERland, Comes/Combs/GOMMs were first in Cambridge. Warwicks have the same axe in Crest as in the GOMery Crest, making Warwicks suspect as a branch of Were's with the lions of Poole (near Wight). The Montgomery Coat is a reflection of the Comine/Comyn Coat (were Cimmerians at Kuman?). I had written: "It's as though the Comana location in Cilicia was a Gomerian / Cimmerian bloodline that named Cumberland." But I trace Cumberland to Umbria, where Ottone's were first found that share the tall PERCHEvron of Waterford and Chappes'.

Cowes-suspect Qeve/Keveh/Kue, in Cilicia's Adana / Seyhan theater, is where Comana is found, and the Comine's/Cumins/Comyns use gold-on-blue garbs, symbol of the Cue/Kew Coat." Josephs (same place as Cassandra's) use these same garbs, and Cowes' are much like "Chives". The Tarves' share black fitchees with Sheriff-likely Shere's and Schere's/SCHERFs (share red rose with Sheriffs), Scarfs share the wolf head with tall-chevron Kaipfs/Kaiffs, suspect with the Chappes chevron in colors reversed. The question now is whether Comana was related to Kuman in Fier. Comana is the Cappadocian home of the cult of Glaphyra, and while she married the brother of Herod Antipas, he went to a French location that would later be Comminges.

I think it's important the Drake's share the axe in Crest, thus linking to Were's on the Axe river, and from that we can go to triple-red Waters, first found in the same place as Drake's, to the triple-red Clare's of Tunbridge (Tonso liner?, for Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg had/has an online book, "From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells." In this picture, the implied Wells are suspect with Walerans (in the colors of the Tunbridge crescents and Well lion), for the Were's use the bend of Iverys, from the Yvery location of Leavells. Drake's use the red-on-white wyvern dragon of the dukes of Masovia, and Warsaw, the Masovia capital, uses Melusine with sword and shield. Clearly, Nicholas' Melusine / Milouziana of Avalon was this Drake line to Avalon. Masovia / Mieszko liners in Avalon? Why, yes, just ask the Mieske bull head if it knows anything about the Waleran bull heads. Why is the tail of the Drake dragon looking like 666?

If Poole's are using the Warwick lion, note that Poole's are the ones with Polman variation traceable to Polemon of Pontus, living early enough to have been the namer of Poland. From that picture, we get Warsaw linked to Polemon, at TRABzon, explaining Traby is in Poland, and from Warsaw we go to the Warwick lion, same as the lion of Rita's suspect from Rieti, home of Vespasia Polla. Rieti is near Umbria, and while Ottone's of Umbria van link to "VESpasia" as per Ottone VISconti, the Chappes- / Ottone-suspect Kaiffs use the same lion as Sforza's, first found in the same place as Rita's, and using half their lion colors for their own lion.

The Morinis character in the Deering write-up was from Kent, where Massins were first found, and he was connected there to a line of tiger-using OSberts, a branch of Osborns that can be of the Oswalds, said to be a branch of the Shetland Assi's (branch of Kiss' / Cass' beloved of the Kilpatrick cushions). Assi's share a white-on-blue sword with Mochs, and Mochs are expected in Mochrum, a location of Os-like GOSpatricks in the Dunbar write-up (a Dunbars using the Marano lion too)? Richard GOZ was grandfather to the first-known Meschin, and Moroni's use a fleur colors reversed from the Masci fleur. To my surprise, the Masci fleur was traceable closely to Clovis, said owned of the fleur-de-lys. Clovis (lived at the French-Belgium border) was obviously connected to Lille and its Lys-river area, but that was from the Lys tributary of the Bautica, and Clovis' mother traces to, or was kin of the namers of, the Bessin, beside Ferte-Mace. Richard Goz's daughter married the Bessin's ruler, and she was a Conteville of Comines in the Lys-river area.

Suddenly, it dawns on me that Ferte's were Fier liners, for Comine's were from Kuman in Fier county, and Vere's share the Massey Shield. Ferte's can thus be of the Fers/Ferrats, who share a Shield of blue-and-white checks with Massi's, listed with Mattis'. I wonder what the Trump-Mattis team will bring the world in the Middle East. The Diss/Deise spread eagles are colors reversed from the same of Ferte's, and Diss'/Deise' were first found in the same place as Meschin-related Clare's (they married in Kent, home of Morinis') that are not only suspect in the trumpet (clarion) of Levers, but with the three Water chevrons. The subject of this paragraph has the potential to link to MontFerrat at Monforte, exactly linkable to Morinis' / Marano's. If Formans are using the double Morinis bars, the Forman = Robert lion can be of the three in the Arms of Waterford.

Let it be reminded that the Morency cross is that of the Conteville liner, Burghs/Berks, and of Eustace's, while Eustace II was in the Lys-river area of Artois, a place named after Arettium. One can therefore expect that the line of Cilnius Maecenas was in the veins of Eustace II. These crosses are in the colors of the Murena tower.

The way to make the link of Levi's at Ile-de-France to Waters is at neighboring Eure-et-Loir, where I expect connection with the Morencys. The Eure's are even using a version of the Hanan Coat, while the Trump / Waterford stag head is colors reversed from the Hanna stag heads. And Hanna's were first found in Galloway. Finally, make the Water link to ASHwaters because German Ash's use the Water chevrons, we may assume, while English Ash's use two black chevrons. We can assume that English Ash's (Devon) use the two Maine chevrons, in the colors of the three of Waters, but Ash's use them in black perhaps as per connection to the Chives' that were said, until recently, to be first found in Devon. They are now said to be first found in Tarves, and Tarves' share the black fitchee with Hanna's.

If you look at Buckets (lily and holly), you can understand why Bouchard liners apply to "bouget" (supposedly a water container / bucket). The only other water bougets I can recall are from Rolphs and Bernice's. the latter using the same fesse as Cassandra's/Casano's, first found in the same place as Morinis'. I've just found it recorded in my files that Toops have a water bouget, and were first found in the same place as English Buckets. Recall the GLOVE of Topps, for the glove, and the Glove surname, may have been Boofima worms. If Topps are using a version of the Tout Coat, note that Touts are in the motto of Melusine-uisng Morays. Until now, I have missed the near-obvious link between the "fetterlocks" used by another Moray Coat to the Tooth-related Feathers. It's telling that the Tooths were part of Moray-Tout make-up. Why? Hollys, who merged with Perga's Plancia-line of Plunketts, use Melusine too, as expected if the bouget indicates Boofima liners. The Perga-liner Perkens use a version of the Tooth / Feather Coat, and Perga liners traced to Vilnius, location of the Traby-Astikas merger. Bingo. Waterfords even share the lily with Buckets/Bouchards.

Earlier, after mention of a Carrick location at Waterford, I said: "This [Waterford] area is not far from Tipperary, suspect with the Tiber-river Pierleoni, and while Leo's use one fesse in the colors of the three Fountain fesses, the latter are reflective of the three Drummond bars. Likely, the Sich fountains apply to this." This is where the heraldic leopard comes in that could have had its beginnings with the Boofima leopard gloves. Overwhelmingly, heraldic leopards come as faces as code for the Face's/Fessys, from the Fieschi of Genoa, home of same-colored Grimaldi's. The theory here is that pope Leo, who supposedly named the Pierleoni, was a Boofima liner to Rome. The Pierleoni also got the name, Benedict.

German Benedicts use so-called 'boilers," and a Boil surname shares the oak with Roets. Dutch Benedicts use a gold-on-red lion holding what looks like a book, the Roet symbol, and then the Books show variations like the Boghill variation of Boils/Boyle's.

While Catherine Roet was a daughter of Payne Roet, Paine's/Payne's use the same fesse as Leo's while Rita's were first found in Rome, home of the Pierleoni. The Pierleoni were introduced to me/us by the same woman that had introduced Boofima, but her input has gone far beyond this alone over the years, all very much appreciated. The Paine motto is shared by Giffards that are in the write-up of Bewere-possible Were's, and the latter are said to be of the Axe river, in Somerset, not only where Roets were first found, but also the Pier-like Pierce's/Piers and Percivals. Note that Peirs use the GREEN Were bend in colors reversed, and that the bend of Iverys (Oxfordshire, same as Drummond- and Leavell-suspect Damorys / Amore's) applies for a sure connection of Were's to Perceval-Leavells of Yvery. The Were bend uses croziers for a trace to Agrigento's Creusa cult, but it should be noted that Creuse's use the same lion as Rita's. Damorys and Amore's both use talbot heads, as do the Bertons that have Drago de Bewere in their write-up, tending to assure that the Oxford beaver is code for Bewere lines. Note how the Seeds/Cedes' share a blue Crest with "cede"-using Damorys.

Tipperary was home to Lafins/La FONTs, and Tipperary was beside Waterford, making the Waterford fountains highly connectable to La Fonts and Font de Ville's. Tippers use three dolphins only, in the colors of the three axes only of Battins/Badens, and in the colors of the three bottle's of Chorleys, making Bude of Cornwall (where Tippers were first found) suspect with Bottle's/Buthills. The Bude's use more bows. If we are now convinced that bow users were Boofima liners, let's go to the rainBOW of Sage's/SAEGARS, for while Bows are also "BOUGH," Rangabe-suspect Segni's/SEGURana's (in the Fessy motto) were first found in Genoa. Neighboring Savona is where we can expect the Ligurian swan line, whom the Greeks made a son of mythical STHENelus, very traceable to Sithones and therefore to the Setantii.

When we assume that Boofima liners penetrated the Ligurian interior, we pass Saluzzo (Beef colors) and the Stura river that traces to Leavell-likely Sturs, from the Poole area, between the Leavells and the Josephs. Poole's use the same lion as Rita's, the latter suspect from Rieti's Vespasia-Polla line, and while she lived in Sabina and married to Sabinus, the Sabine and Savona surnames (one in the same place as Leavells) can be gleaned as related, from the Safini, the Italian name of Sabines. After passing the Stura, we get to Alba on the Tanaro river, at MontFERRAT, and while we would like to know why Alba's are using the swan upon the Alan fesse, Langhe, smack beside Alba, should be able to give us a clue. And we find that Fers/FERRATS (Dol) use the Cohen Shield while Vairs/Fers'/Vayers (Bayern kin?) use the Hohen Coat, a good reason to track the Kahina-Boofima cult to Montferrat. We are then upon the area of the Ivrea Arduinici, known kin of Oneglia's Arduinici, and so proto-Arthurs (married Polla-line Pellican kin) look like they carried Boofima genes, explaining why the king-Arthur writers were deceptive lunatics, and loving the impish games they played with their impoverished, misled readers.

This is the Round-Table bloodline that proposes a rulership over the planet because only the stupidist of the stupids would attempt it. This is why God laughs as he watches, and prepares a footstool for his enemies. Yes, they will bow down and kiss the feet of Jesus, if they survive Armageddon. No one will kiss the hand of the pope anymore. It will be a new age in contrast to the gloom now setting itself upon the globe after just one or two generations of globalist "control." By the time that the end arrives, arms will hang limp, symbol of hopelessness, at what they see coming next. Does Trump really believe that he can fix what now ails us? The globalists are banging on his door to implore him to do their will, and if begging won't work, threats to his presidency or life might. But we have yet to discover whether some globalist, pro-oil faction has perhaps put Trump into the White House.

German Alba's probably use the Lys/Lisse fleur in a giant way because the Lys river is a tributary of the Bautica up-river from Ivrea. Once we are on the Bautica, past Chivasso, we are neighbors of the Ticino river. And this is how Boofima elements at Agrigento can get proto-Arados = proto-Hungarians at that river. Recall that the Agrigento-liner Carricks use a dancette as possible code for Dionysus' dance theme. Myth writers had depicted that dance theme with insanity, by the way, and they gave Dionysus a leopard symbol, what a boofincidence. Was Dionysus conducting human sacrifices that the myth writers did let on? Why were his dancing Maenads always being attacked (for sex) by the Satyr goats? It's another boofincidence. And Marsyas was skinned alive by Apollo from Arados, which can play to a cannibal theme of those who roasted their human victims on a barbecue. Apollo-suspect Pelops offered the gods a plate of human flesh, which was a way for one myth writer to allude to that human-sacrifice cult amongst Lydians, though Pelops ruled at Eneti, suspect with the Heneti Phrygians. It appears that Phrygians are the lunatics we are looking for, and as they were called PAPHlagonians, compare with "BAPH(omet)." Just like that, the lunatics trace to king Apepi/Apophis, of the Egyptians driven mad by the Ten Plaques, an example of what yet will happen to the Apophis bloodline as we near Armageddon.

Judgment begins by driving the globalists insane, you just watch, as God makes them trip over their own toes, when nothing goes right for them, just as though God is countering them to their faces, but, instead of repenting, they do just like the Exodus pharaoh, stiff-necked and downright stupid. That is the future. You don't need to wait for Armageddon for the punishment of these fools, It starts imminently, if it hasn't already begun. In all their plots, there will be a small unseen Bolt of God in the machinery, in the wrong place, that grinds the globalist machine to breakdown, one mad experience after the other. Their patience will be skinned alive before the Terrible Day, when God gives them a barbecue of their own to screech about. Or, if they don't want any part of it, let them first stop controlling the world in opposition to the Creator. It sounds like a fair deal to me.

Note that while Carrick is a location at Waterford, the three Water chevrons are in the colors of the chevron used as the Arms of Carrick, shared by Kennedys ("la fin" motto phrase) that were in Tipperary as kin to the Lafins/La Fonts. The "Avise" motto term of the same Kennedys can be for the Vise/Vice surname that shares a cross between the antlers with the Arms of Waterford, and it's the same type of cross. Vise's are said to have had a home in Viza of AshWATER (Devon), and we may ask whether the financial institution, Visa, plays to this bloodline. Use Visa, get a few bucks in return, and empower the international bankers all-the-more over us. Instead, do like me, and don't use credit cards, but carry cash. It's easy, really. And when you need to buy something, go to the store. Or, if you are forced to buy something online, buy a temporary credit card that's first loaded with your cash, and don't register it with your real name and address, or you will be exploited, sooner or later, by the goons. Once they have all people registered, they will decide to clamp down harder on our lives with unethical but legalized schemes upon schemes.

The Ash's were first found in the same place as Viza, and German Ash's are therefore using the three Water chevrons, a great reason to see Ashwater as named after Waters. Note that the wavy bars in heraldic fountains are also in the Arms of Waterford, and while I saw the ship in the Arms of Shetland as code for Maurice Drummond's piloting of a ship, so we see ships on the Waterford waves...which are in the colors of the Drummond waves. I see waves as code for Weavers and Webbers, and while Kiev-suspect Keeps use the weaver's shuttle, and while Mr. Kepke led the sickly stag in the dream, Maurice Drummond was piloting the ship that brought princess Margaret to Scotland, after she had been in exile in Kiev. Drummond's own grandmother was a Varangian of Kiev. So, now we understand the dream more than ever, and while Malcolms use Andrew's cross in colors reversed, they also show stag heads, and moreover princess Margaret became queen Margaret when marrying Malcolm III. The latter loved the Hungarians, and set them up big-time in Scotland. But what possibly was the dream given to us for if not for the Drummond link to Trumps? Why? As Mr. Kepke had shiny-smooth blonde hair in the style of the same of Trump's, did God prepare Kepke as my childhood friend just to make this revelation? Looks like.

Malcolms call their stags deer, and deer trace to the naming of Ragusa, said wrongly to be named after the deer, and this is why I traced deer-using Mallets to Melita, beside Ragusa. MALcolms just became suspect from Melita liners. As Melita and the ELAPHiti islands are out to sea from the mouth of the Neretva, by what coincidence do OLIPHants/Oliphards use a "tout" motto term as well as the Tout crescent??? We have just found another queen-Teuta liner in the Oliphants; likely the kin of pine-using Bothwells, and Teuta's son-in-law was Pinnes. Are we seeing that the Saraca fish is in Moray-star colors for a queen-Teuta reason?

A few updates ago, I spoke on another waking-moment dream where I was collecting golf balls off the ground, and that morning, when I found myself back on the Kepke topic, I recalled that, in my first year of friendship with Kepke, we collected golf balls at three golf clubs, all summer long, virtually every Sunday/Saturday morning. This follow-up dream was to assure me/readers that God was serious about the Kepke-stag dream...that included the Beards/Bards using the green griffin of the Hungarian Leslie's, for Paul Smith, who followed the stag, had a beard. Again, the crutches that Paul was walking on, which complements the sickly-looking stag, traces with the potent-liner Croce's to Creusa of Agrigento, because Crutch's list "Crooch." It appears that God wants us to know that the Hungarians were from Agrigento, and moreover the Smiths provide further clues, especially where Smiths share the Crutch/Crooch crosses in colors reversed. Just compare the crutch Coat to that of Cricks that come up as "Crack," then trace the "cracking of a nut," done by the Gilbert squirrel, to the Crutch bloodline by that route.

We collected golf balls the year after God struck our chimney with a lightning BOLT, scattering BRICKs on the roof. Hmm, Bricks (Massey fleur) share the Whelan Coat and whale-using Dols were first found in the same place as Trumps. Bolts share the giant griffin with Griffins, from Pomerania, where Trumps were first found. And here I thought that God had been angry with me. He probably was, but not that mad. He apparently used that event as a sign to lead us to Trumps again. German Bolts were first found in Mecklenburg, same as Trumps. Can you believe it? Let's not forget, this happens to be the Brest/BRIX update, a surname I've never emphasized, and it's also the first time that Bolts were resolved with the Bautica river. The lightning appeared to strike the pillow, it was so bright out the window. The Windows were looking like a Finistere line, and the Arms of Finistere show the Baut ram, but it wasn't until this update that "Finistere" brought Windows to mind.

This Vise stag traces to Eustace's and Staceys (Annandale saltire again), owners of the sickly stag as per their trace, with the Bouillon motto, to king Bela, brother of Andrew I. But the "bello Christi" phrase of Bouillons is also for Creusa liners at Agrigento, yet Bouillons trace to the Bautica river, assuring that the trace above between Agrigento and the Bautica is not without premise. In the meantime, it's tracing Hungarians liners to the neighboring Ticino, right? This entire theme then traces via Carricks to Waterford's stag that must, surely, be the Trump stag, for reasons set out earlier in this update, especially the Drummond link to both Andrew I and the Arms of Waterford.

It seemed very likely that the so-called Apostle's Club, formed by Cecil-Rhodes' Round-Table zealots, was connected to Henry Drummond's 12 European apostles. To stress what lunatics they were, they actually named 12 apostles across Europe in a bid to control the Christianized masses who were, at that time, stronger than the atheists and satanists combined. Judging by the claims of Charles Taze Russell (Russells use the goat), lunatic founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses, they were calling for a feigned end of the world at World War I, when, according to Russell, Jesus arrived to earth invisibly. I read that Henry Drummond. banker in London, owned a mansion with 63 chimneys / fireplaces. It must have been very cold in there, ask the Colt stag heads about that.

Note how the last two Vise locations can link to goat-using Mortons; the latter had been linkable to Marano's (of Monforte at Montferrat) and the related Morinis' / Morris' / Maurice's that themselves appeared to link strongly to Maurice Drummond (Morinis' use two of the Drummond bars). As Mus liners may have named PatMOS while Correns (Masci wings in Crest?) are being traced to its Chora location, it's notable that Correns share the black-on-white escutcheon with Mascals, first found in the same place as Vise's. This recalls that I strongly suspected lines from Israel's priests at Vis/Issa (near Corcyra), and here the Mascals are using the escutcheon of Saddocks (same place) in colors reversed. Mascals were first found close enough to Oxford that the Mascal elephant is in the Arms of Oxford. I trace elephants to the Elaphiti islands off the southern tip of Melita, itself beside Corcyra. Corren variations are suspect with the heraldic courant code (when animals have all four legs off the ground). Courant horse's are used by Freys/Phreeze's that might be from Pharisee liners at Pharia, beside Issa and Corcyra.

It would be a pinnacle of my work if I could prove Pharisees to have been in Pharia's naming. Pharisees can now trace back to the Ardiaei that I see moving things over to Brogitarus' Galatia. Pharisees are expected kin of the blue-on-white lion, in colors reversed from the Bread/Bradd lion, that being a surname possibly from Brattia, beside Pharia. Pratts use the Bruce saltire while the Yorkshire Bruce's use a blue-on-white lion. As soon as I learned (thanks to Madam Patterson) that God wanted me to find Caiaphas liners in the same lion as Bruce's, I lumped the HALLAM lion in with that hunt, and reminded readers that CALLAMs are listed with Malcolms. And here I find, for the first time, that Malcolms are likely from Melita. Anciently, these kings were Mal Colm, generally, with the two syllables split into two words. The accepted derivation of "Mal colm" ("big head") is one I disagree with. It's typical historian, play-with-words naivety. The Coopers played into that blue-lion line, and they are likely using the Mercian flag. But why? They must have been from Mercian rulers. By what coincidence are elephant-using Mascals with the escutcheon of Sadducee-like Saddocks? Keiths, who come up as "Mascal," were traced to the CETina river, which is the Tilurius on the light map, with a mouth at Brattia.

I had traced "issuing" as code to "Issa," and so let me tell you about the Title Crest description: "The rays of the sun ISSuing from behind a cloud." I looked up Title's while writing shortly above because our favorite golf balls, the most expensive ones, were the Titleist brand. Even if this is not meant to be part of the Signs, the Title variations evoke Deter variations while Deters were first found in the same place as Trumps. I keep hearing about Donald Trump's golf course in the news. "Rays of the sun" remind that Rays share the escarbuncle with Hangers that in-turn use another giant griffin for another trace to Pomerania's Griffins.

The "ocCULTist" motto term of Title's can suggest stag-head Cults, Pontius-Pilate liners (from the Pontus-Ceto bloodline to Cetis?). The Title crescents are probably of the Seatons as Title's are said to be a branch of Seatons. While Title's and Keiths were first found in Haddingtonshire, Keiths/Mascals moreover use stag head, a symbol probably owned by STACeys that use the Pratt saltire. Brattincidence? Remember, Stacey-branch Eustace's show as Vis suspects, and it was the house of Eustace II that ruled Jerusalem after the Crusaders massacred its inhabitants. WISharts were first found in the same place as Chappes'/Cheeps. Mascals are clearly of the Mussels/Muscels that named Musselburgh at Haddington. Keiths are highly suspect as a branch of Cetins from the Cetina river i.e. with a mouth at the Dalmatian islands under discussion. There is good reason here to see a Teuta-merger with Tilurius liners, and the Cetina can be reckoned with Sadducees proper, and with Saddocks, inasmuch as Cetis was part of their bloodline, and so note that Saddock-rhyming CHADDocks / Chadwicks may have been named after Cetis liner-GEDDes', for all three use the same white-on-red escutcheon! Excellent.

It struck me above, for the first time, that the Pilate PHEON may have been a Pontus > Pont / Pond liner. Note that the Pilate pheon is in the colors of the Poole/Polman lion, for Polemon was a ruler of the Pontus and of Cilicia. Then, trace Poole's to something in Brittany that created the Pollocks out of there; we would like to know what FULbert (father of Pollocks) was linked to in Brittany...the Pontivi location, possibly, of the Leavells who can be using three of the FULLer fesses, all in the colors of the Pont fesse. And Ponts share the boar with Pollocks, while the Pollock boar is PIERCED by an arrow, no guff at all. Wikipedia called the Pollock arrow a dart, and Darts use a fesse in colors reversed from the Pont fesse. The Fulbert-suspect Berts (share hunting horn with Pollocks) use a Coat reflective of the Pont Coat, and Bert-suspect Birds use yet another red-on-white fesse while the Bird fesse is suspect with the red version of a Bush Coat (that I had seen), which itself shares black-on-white boars with Ponts! Compare Berts with the pierced-swan Walsh's who use pheons, for Walsh's were a branch of Bush-related Walkers (George Bush Jr. married Laura Walsh).

Wisharts use the piles of Ore's (same place as Pollocks) who in-turn use a cornuCOPIA, and the blue lion's name, in the dream of Madam Patterson, was "something like Cappeo" (her words). It tipped me off immediately that the blue lion in the Arms of Macclesfield (stag), along with a "copia" motto term, was part of the dream's meaning. That's why the "cupius" motto term of Yorks, who share the Malcolm (and Cooper?) saltire, were other suspects in that dream's intension. Malcolms were from Duncans, and earlier from mount Dunax at the ORbelus area of the Rhodope mountains (suspect also with mythical Belas, father of Danaus, a line to Rhodes). That river was home to the goat-depicted Satrae, traceable to the Marsyas goat, and therefore via's Midas' donkey ears to Tartus and Arados. The Duncan-related Chamberlains use donkeys. In this way, Malcolm III traces to Arados all by his own Scottish line, yet he came to be allied with Arados-line Hungarians? Was that a fluke situation, or a nurtured one? The "petit" motto term of Malcolms was suspect with Poitou liners, named after Pictones, and the first Malcolms were products of royal Pictish blood. Nicholas de Vere claimed descent from the Pict-Scott transition, and Malcolms use a version, probably, of the Nagle/Nail saltire.

Repeat: "Windsors use the stag too". Windsors are in the Other write-up, and the Others use the same crescents as Title's while Others look like they are using a version of the Turin Coat, acceptable because Others are from Lombards, who were beside Turin and its Bautica theater. Title variations include TATler, and one old TUTELer version evokes the Tuttle's/Toothills. Amazingly, Symon de Tuteler is said to be from Suffolk, where same-colored Davers were first found that were from the Daorsi...i.e. of the Neretva, home of queen TEUTA! The Others were encoded with UTHER Pendragon, father of king Arthur, the code of the stupids for the Ardiaei, but instead of telling their readers the true historical roots of Arthurs, the demented writers told fables dressed as reality. Imagine all the wasted hours doing that. But, alas, they were not wasted, for one can decipher their secrets, with a miracle here and there.

God was probably angry with me, for when I was punched in the face by Mike Oddie, it hurt lots, not expected for a Sign only for the purpose at hand. I was about 12 at the time, same year as collecting golf balls. Oddie's are using the same saltire as Andrew's Cross, and have been traced with crozier-using Odins to stork-liner Oettingens of Bavaria. Oddie's are in Ottone colors, and the Others show a lion in the colors of the Odin lion. As was shown above, Ottone's and Others were both related to GREEN Lombardy, but Ottone's had somehow merged with Chappes' that are highly suspect in the Arms of Waterford. The "exTINCTus" motto term of Title's can be for Tints that share the same-colored lion of Title's, and Tints (almost the Windsor / Gore crosslets) were part of Tintagel, birthplace of king Arthur with Uther as the father, and GORlois' wife as the mother. That's a great way to link the Title crescents to the Other crescents, and reinforcing the Title trace to queen Teuta of the Ardiaei. Like the EXcalibur sword, "EXtinctus" is likely part-code for Exeter, in Devon (near Tintagel). Exeters (Dexter liners?) use the colors and format of Kennedys, kin of Pendragons.

If I recall correctly, Arthur's mother was Elaine, and if that's right, I think I can take a stab at her code for Launay elements, at Finistere, beside Arthur's wife at Vannes. The Windows use lion paws, but as I cannot recall even one leopard paw, I gather that Boofima liners didn't risk it by using them, and perhaps used lion paws instead. Or, heraldic paws were just code for Paws, two such surnames sharing peacocks, and Peacocks may be using the Dart / Darth fesse. Peacocks are said to have been a branch of Pollocks, first found in the same place as Lombards that may be with a LimBAUGH variation in honor of Boofima liners.

The Percival line, same as Launay-related Percys, kin of Nagle's (share "non" with Title's), was made a favorite of the Arthurian Round Table, showing that Leavells were part of the goon squad. The Round Table was itself code, partly for Rounds with the look of the Pendragon Coat, and partly for Table's that share hurts with Irish Arthurs and Danish goon-squad Bauers. The Brests/Brix's happen to share the Hind lozenges while Title's use "the rays of the sun issuing from BeHIND a cloud." Rays share the escarbuncle with Hangers and Nagle-branch Angers. No, I'm not making this up.

The Title Crest has the same Crest, virtually, as the Jeffrey Crest, which is the sun behind a small cloud that became an omen for me at Galveston. This story was told a few updates ago as an act of God for many surname clues. Suffice it to say here that Galves' may be using the Title lion, for Tints had merged with Gale's to form "Tintagel," and Galves' show "GALLego." Gale's use a "Qui SEMIN" motto phrase, and use a fesse in the colors of the fesse barry of SEAMANs/Semons, first found in the same place as Eye, which was beside Diss of the Diss/Dice/DEISE surname, smack at where the Neretva-line Davers were first found (Eye is expected in the eye of the Battin/Baden Crest). The Davers use a jay, code for Gaia/GALA. Mascals were traced to Numidia's Mascula, though I have record of a Mascara location too.

Here is from two updates ago, when relating my Nissan truck, possibly the most-important item in the Galveston event:

NISSANs share the stag head with Dutch Necks/Neckers, and use more double fesse bars, now in the colors of the two wavy fesse bars of Formans, and in the colors of the three wavy fesse bars of Drummonds, first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Nissans. Scottish Drummonds (Perthshire) were first found beside the Fife Nice's/Nessens (red bars, same as Scottish Drummonds).

As Title's/TATlers can take us to queen-Teuta liners at lake Tatta, that was at Cappadocia, or near its western border, and Nissan-suspect Nysa was a queen of Cappadocia. Here's the Nissan description: "...Overall, a gold bend sinister and a silver escutcheon charged with a deer head. It looks like another Ragusa-related line. The fesse of ">Saraca's of Ragusa were traced to the Cassandra/Casano fesse, a surname first found in Modena along with Morinis', the latter sharing the two fesse bars of Nissans. Recall that Morinis' can link to Maurice Drummond, then ask why Drummonds should trace to Cappadocia. Scottish Drummonds use red fesse bars, the color of the two Nice / Ness fesse bars. I am sure that the THERModon river, at which I have expected proto-Drummonds for years (i.e. long before I started to stress the Galatians, etc.), has a source near Cappadocia.

Note that Tiems/Teems share escutcheons in the colors of the Geddes escutcheon, for the former may have been from THEMiscrya, on the Thermodon. Tiens are listed with Thames'. That's a good reason to explain why Tiems were linking with Teague's, the latter's Taidh variation suspect with Tatta. It's then interesting that Thames' come up as "Tean," like the Teano location of the Side-like Sidicini, and moreover Drummonds were first found in the same place as Shaws, said to be from Sidicini-like "Sithech." The Title's, expected to be using the Seaton crescents, have a Coat reflecting the Geddes Coat, and Geddes'. are now traced to Cetis along with the Keiths, the latter first found in the same place as Title's. On my atlas, Teano looks to be less than 10 miles from Capua. Can we thus trace Capone's from Capua with the Sadducee-like Sidicini to Cappadocian relationships with Cetis?

With the Trocmii Galatians of Amyntes suspect with Trojans, it's notable that Capua was a mythical Trojan, the founder of Capua, they say. With Amyntes marrying a daughter of the TecTOSagi, now suspect as a woman descended from queen Teuta, note that two motto terms of Title's use a "TUS" ending.

When asking why Title's can be sharing both the Seaton and Other crescents, it recalls the QUATREfoil-like items that are the Arms of Lombardy. Quatrefoils are suspect with "Quadratus," who was the one that married Julia Maccabee of the Cetis royals. As Julia was also a Herod, I can glean a good possibility that the green Shield of Lombardy traced both to the Herod Coat, and to the same-colored Arms of RoqueFEUIL evident in "quatreFOIL." Fellers, Rocks and Rods, remember, use "treFOILs." Herod Antipas was banished to Comminges, not far from Roquefeuil. Originally, Comminges had the same name, Lugdunum, as the Lyon in the area where Herod's brother was banished. Lug is suspect with Ligurians, and while Herod at Comminges was surnamed, Antipas, Antibes is at Liguria and near Imperia.

I had never thought to check for a Magna surname until this update. There is one that has a Coat reflective of the Nagle Coat, important where we saw Nagle's using the Anger Chief while Plancia Magna is the line to the Fulks, the first counts of Anger. Recalling that Plunkets were first found beside the first Mea's, the MAGENs/Meagans/MEIGHan (Mea/MEIGH colors) may apply, for they even share the red stag head of Reed-beloved Books/Boggs' and Reeds themselves. The Reed chevron is colors reversed from the Magen/Meagan chevron. The Reed fitchee is suspect with the same of Quints, and we saw that the Window Crest has a lion paw holding a gold fitchee, the Quint-Crest symbol. The Magen/Meagan lion is that also of Roet-related Beauforts, not to mention the lion of BEAUmont-related Montforts, making Beauforts suspect as a Beaumont-MontFORT combination. While Walkers use a "magna" motto term, Walker-like Wallace's/Wallis' use the same lion. Mea's/Meighs share "numine" with Walker-branch Walch's, and were first found in the same place as Bogg-like Bugs (and Annas') using a water bouget. Why do Books/Boggs have an hourglass in Crest?

Irish Maghans/Mathuna's/Manns ("Sic" motto term) share the Taff Crest, and while Taffs (Fessy Cross) love Fessy-related Segurana's, the latter use a version of the MacArthur moline while the Arthur crown is in the Crest of Maghans/Mathie's/Manns. It looks as though queen-Teuta liners got together with Plancia's family. Mea's/Meighs, also in the Taff motto, share the Fessy cross so that both Maghan surnames can be Plancia-Magna liners too. Having said that, ask whether the three lions in pale of Irish Maghans are the ones showing in this alternative Arms of Waterford. This Arms is elsewhere online. The Chappes and Trump symbols are missing. Can they be the Brians lions too?

The Launay-possible Lane's/Lawns use the same three lions (in a canton) as the Waterford Arms, and as Lane/Lancca liners can be Alans, it evokes the likely Dol link to Trumps.

The Page reads: "The coat of arms for Waterford City features a lion and a dolphin below the twin plumage of a knight’s helmet. The banner contains the motto, 'The City of Waterford Remains Untaken.' This was authored by King Henry VII after Waterford repelled an attack by Perkin Warbeck’s army in 1495. He was a pretender to the English throne." I suggest that this was a Herod-Archelaus line, for his area at Vienne was the capital of dolphin-depicted Dauphine. What were Archelaus liners doing in Ireland? Recall the Brian-Brain discussion earlier that was linked tentatively to Toulouse, area of Herod Archelaus' brother. Another page says that the Waterford ships are called, galleys, and the Galley and Galli surnames were both first found in Dauphine. That's the king-Gala line. "Three galleys, the Arms of Waterford" The other galleys share seated dogs (one a whiter greyhound like the white Tatton greyhound) with Plume's. As the Plume Crest is with a red talbot, it recalls the same of Bramtons, who use lions in pale in their Coat.

The Mathuna description: "A silver shield with three red lions passant reGUARDant with blue tongue and claws, in pale. Tongue's/Tongs happen to be first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Pale's and Pulleys (and Galleys), and Pulleys use a version of the Gard Coat. Tongue's/Tongs are in the colors of Dutch Nagels/TENGnagels. Boofima can now trace well from Paphlagonians in the house of Brogitarus as it touched upon Plancia's household.

The galley term for the Waterford ships makes sense with the dolphin, but Wikipedia's page that not only shows the Arms but describes them (rare for Wikipedia) has another term: "Official description (of the coat of arms): Azure, on waves of the sea three BARGES in pale Or. Crest: a lion sejant, supporting an Irish harp Or. Supporters: Dexter, a lion Or, sinister, a dolphin argent." As the Stewart-line Plume's use vair, the Harps can be with the gold Weir/Vere boar. Irish Barge's/Burgess' (typical Burg colors) share lozengy in half the colors of the Weir lozengy, and were first found in Wexford, beside Waterford. Montmorencys, remember, use the Irish Burgh Cross. Note that the dolphin, connecting to Galli liners, is on the sinister = Massena-line side. The gold lion is likely of the three gold lions in pale seen in an alternative Arms, suspect with Brians, to the near-east of Dauphine in Briancon. One of the Brains had the 666-suspect Traby horn.

Good morning. I had a dream last night, a long one, for a change. I was playing golf with a couple of others, and after the game, we were driving in a car, and one of them, the driver who looked like my dentist, was making fun of me for wearing red buttons on my shirt. As Title's came up only as per the Titleist golf balls collected with Kepke, it's interesting that TOUS' are the ones with a man in red shirt, which, according to the description, has buttons. It was last night when I pointed the following out: "With Amyntes marrying a daughter of the TecTOSagi, now suspect as a woman descended from queen Teuta, note that two motto terms of Title's use a "TUS" ending." My dentist's surname is fundamental with Guiscards/WIShards, and while Guiscards descended from the Tancreds, the latter use red crescents, the color of the crescents of Title-related Seatons. Title's are said to be a branch of Seatons under an alias, but that cannot be the truth, for Title's/Tatlers/Tutelers are obviously named after queen Teuta.

This recalls that, earlier in this update, some evidence came out to link Tailbois' to Taddei's, at which time I told of the birth of Ivo Taillebois in the Bessin, and near Caen. The latter is at the Orne river while Smith's use a heron (with drops) as code for Orne liners. The Herons / Orne's / Horns used Herons in the colors of the Taddei and Tailbois chiefs, and Taddei's happen to use three red chevrons perhaps linkable to the Waters. Yes, a distinct possibility, because the Smith-heron drops are code for Drops/Trope's while Trabys use the HORN, and moreover Caens share the five, white ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby. The Traby horns are used by Water-like Weights, suspect with the wade variation of Quade's. The latter share the wolf heads of the Irish Mackays with a motto term like that of Caens, and Mackays were king-Maccus liners expected at/from Mecklenburg, where there is a TRAVE river, and near the Massey-related Trips, and also where the Trumps were first found whose name may have been formed as per a Drummond merger with Trave / Trap liners. The Traps use a heron-like bird which they call a BUSTard. It just so happens that Nimo's/NemMOKE's (Tatta-liner Mochs, right?) use a "BOAST" motto term for Bust (and Boy) liners, and moreover share the Seaton crescents! If that's not enough, Nemmoke's are also NewMARSH's, connectable to the Marshall kin of Keiths, first found in the same place as Seatons. It very-much appears as though the Teuta-liner Title's are linkable back to Traps via Nemmoke's.

If Nemmoke's were Mokissos liners, what named the "Nem" at the beginning of their name? As Nemmoke's use what could be the Annandale saltire as used by Bruce's, they may have been an Annas-Moke combination. IN FACT, Nemmoke's were first found in the same place as Chappes'/CHEEPs, and their crescent is that also of Chapmans/CHEPmans, first found in the same place as Capone's. I should have realized this earlier, but was assuming that Nimo's were named after Numidians.

As we saw Trump's linking to Chappes liners in Waterford, and as Morinis' connect to the Drummond bars, let's add that while Henry Drummond owned the Irvingite church, Irish Irvings (holly LEAVES) use the motto, "Nemo me impune lacesSIT", which can be construed as a Lacy-Seaton merger. The Irvings were realized as Arve-river liners, where I trace Bellamys that use the Seaton / Nemo crescents. Yes, Nimo's/Nemmoke's come up as "Nemo" too. And, guess what? Scottish Irvings (holly leaves too) were first found in the same place as Annandale! A certain Alexander Irving in the write-up is said to have been "Laird of DRUM." Codework? Just compare the Laird Coat to the Chepman Coat ("PONDERE" motto term!), noting how it reflects the Pont/Pond Coat!!

There is a PONDER Coat, virtually identical with the Pond Coat (same place as Josephs and same-fesse Buttons), and Ponders (black patee instead of red) were first found in the same place as Chapmans. Reminder, French Ponds use bars in the colors of the Leavell bars, and Leavells were at Pontivi. Now that we seem to have a Button link to red-fesse Ponts, we note that red-fesse Buttons use "two gold HORNs" in Crest, code for Orne, location of red-fesse Caens, expected kin of red-fesse Leavells (same place as Maxwells, kin of red-fesse Bush's) from Pontivi. These red fesses are pontificating a message from the chief priests of Israel, and mamma MEA, Pontivi is smack near the source of the Fessy-related Meu. Jugon is on the opposite side of the Meu source from Pontivi, and Jutts/Juggs share boar heads (in Mea-boar-head colors) in Chief with Ponts, while the two use fesses in colors reversed from one another. McGee's (Bath colors) use these boar heads, and they were first found in the same place as Irvings. McGee's are portrayed as MacHeth liners, whom I trace to Baths/Atha's (Monk lions?), from Bath, where Buttons are said to have had some pontiff-related clergy.

Recall that Battins/Badens (same place as Baths/Atha's) use an eye for Eye, a location beside Diss. Well, Baths/Atha's use a "DISpertire" motto code. And Diss' are the Deise line to the Waterford motto, and the Deise area at Waterford. This recalls the time that I traced Knee's with knights to Diss and Eye. God gave US a Sign when I scored a goal on Jim McGee, a friend, in organized ice-rink hockey, in the finals that our team won. These events were so exciting for me that I have not yet forgotten them. God gave me a knee Sign in the previous game, when I poked a puck into the net that had been from a slapshot from Steve Tarr, my teammate. The puck came to a stop on the goal line, with goalie sprawled way out of the net. I was so excited that I dropped to my knees, sliding in to poke it across the line. It was the winning goal with a couple of minutes to go in the game, and the bench cleared to pile on top of me. How does one forget that? I can't recall anything else in that game aside from looking at the clock (from the bench) to see that there were just a couple of minutes to go. The coach must have put Steve (a real star) and I (assistant captain) on for the last minute or two. The very next goal was mine from a pass from Steve Tarr, and I backhanded it over the KNEE pad of Jim McGee as he kicked his knee out to block it. I don't remember anything else in that game, none of Steve's goals, not even the victory celebrations, but do recall that Steve got four goals. That's what made me realize the Gee's were Knee liners, and as such I would trace them both to the Nith river, home of the proto-Geddes Geds. Just compare "Heth" to "Ged."

It can be added that while Dutch Bunds use no symbols while having the Shield-and-Chief color combination of symbol-less Button-like Puttens, Puttins (with an 'i') were first found in the same place as Irvings. English Puttens reflect the Bush/Busch Coat, and Bush's are the ones with a near-version of the Pont Coat, as per the red fesse that Bush's once showed. The "show" motto term of Nemmoke's gets what I consider to be Bosco kin. Then, Bellamys were from Perche, and while Perche's use two of the water chevrons, the eagle of Puttin-possible Botters/Budins stands on a perch while Botters share the eagle of Ardons, a branch likely of Ardens sharing the gold-on-red cinquefoil with Nemo's/Nemmoke's. And Teuta-line Ardiaei can be expected at Mokissos while Potters and Porters (same place as Buttons) are the ones that link to the Portishead location of Arthur-related Clapton, and, on a theoretical basis, to Proculus, son of Laevillus and Quadratilla. The interesting thing now is that Poitiers and Poitou were named after PICTones that I trace for good reason to the PYXITes river at the PONTus, and so we could expect Potters et-al to be linking to Pont liners. I trace Poitou elements to Poti of Colchis, in the area of the Bats, and this can explain Potters / Botters versus Battins / Baths, a situation akin to "BODENcus" versus "PADus," two names of the same river that became the Po across northern Italy. I don't know whether Ardahan was in Armenia versus Colchis, but the Arduinici were at the sources of the Po, and on the BAUTica river. The Butua liners, expected with "Bautica," may have been ancient cousins of the namers of Bodencus, and its the Ardon-related Botters that have a Boden/Bodin variation.

If you recall, the Arve river was discovered with Monunius liners. It's been my impression that the Arduinici-merged Doria's (half the Bush eagle) were with the Candida eagle, and Scottish Irvings use a "Candide" motto term. The Candida eagle is colors reversed in the Bush fesse (code for Fessys, from Fieschi of Genoa, where Doria's were first found), and while Irvings use holly, Maxwells use a "holly Bush" and share a giant black eagle with Candida's. The Maxwell's use the black, double-headed eagle of CHEPs/Jeepma's, and the latter use it in both colors of the Candida eagle. I had found a Candy-like location in northern Aosta, the peaks of which over-look the Arve river. As I trace Maxwells/MACCUSwells to king Maccus, grandson of Sitric, suspect with SIDEwells/Sittons/Sitters, note that Side's use the Doria / Bush / Ghent eagle too (Ghents and Side's were traced to the Doria eagle long before finding the Ardiaei trace to Genoa with the Ardiaei king, Gentius = part of the MacArthur-Segurana line, right).

Not only were Candida's first found in the same place (Naples) as Italian Capua's/Capone's, but the Arve river is about 25 miles from ANNECY. With the NemMOKE's/NemMOCKs a known part of this now, we can venture a trace of its Caiaphas-Annas picture to Mokissos, where tiger liners, such as Side's, ought to have come from. I noticed MEATH at the Dublin area yesterday, and was wondering whether it had to do with the tiger-using MEDleys and their METHley branch, but didn't put two-and-two together (yesterday) as per my previous trace to Sitric (king of Dublin) to Side liners (or, I simply forgot that Side's use the tiger too). In other words, Medleys (and Tigranes liners) are very likely from Meath elements. The Side's are using the O'Rourk lion, right? Rourk's were first found in Caiaphas-like Cavan, and so note the familiar crescents of Cavans, in the colors of the Chapman crescent.

Checking Meaths, they were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Methleys. For what it might be worth, the Meath quadrants are shared by Deters/Teeters, possible kin of tiger-using Ditts (very suspect with the "Diem/Dittmayers in the Teeger motto). Just compare the Ditt tiger to the Side lion. Meaths are said to be from Hawdenshire, and Hawdens, likewise first found in Yorkshire (as with Odins), use a "tego" motto term, what a teegerincidence. Hawdens use the same crosslets as Teegers. And in the Hawden Crest is the dragon head of Seatons / Nothings, the latter in the motto of Seaton-related Sutys, a branch of Side's/Sutys...can you see the connection to king Sitric?

In the last update, I mentioned the German Troys [Mecklenburg) but did not look them up. They use a giant unicorn in the colors of the Trump stag-head, and both surnames were first found in the same place. As the Troy unicorn is white, like the Rasmussen unicorn, this can suggest a Donald-Trump connection to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the previous NATO leader, though making such a link based on heraldic connections alone is unwise. Recall my trace of Hyksos to Trojans, for the Troy unicorn is used exactly by German Hake's/Haacke's, first found in Tyrol, same as Trappenburg of the Traps (Traby/Sadowski colors) that can be from the Trave river of the Mecklenburg theater. This is the rat-trap line that includes Rotens, Rads, Radziwills and and Radice's.

Scottish Haker's are listed with Hykes', and the latter are using a version of the Hawthorn Coat, because, apparently, Hawthorns are said to be from Mr. HACKthoms (Huntingdonshire, where hunting horns should trace). As you can glean, Trumps, if they are using Troy colors for a related reason, can trace to the Arthurian Round-Table bunch as per the Arthur-of-Clapton marriage to trumpet-liner Hicks. Note that Irish Troys use two griffins combatant, the symbol of Pomeranian Griffins. This paragraph recalls the Tailards, first found in Huntingdonshire, and using the quadrants of Hykes/Hachs in colors reversed, though I brought them up because a Mr. Tailard sent me several Arms of Tailards, one of them, if I recall correctly, being the same three chevrons of Waters i.e. in the colors of the chevron of Hykes'/Hake's and the Huntingdonshire Hackthoms. That works well.

This discussion recalls the Hatch's/Hacchs and Hatchets/Hackets (black-double-headed eagle) of the last update, suspect with Haddocks while the latter were suspect in merger with Annecy-like Nancys. Hatchets ("mea") trace by their Crest axe to Battins/Badens, and share fish with Hicks. It just so happens that while the Hatchet/Hacket fish are in Trump colors, Hackets were first found in Kilkenny, sharing a border with Waterford. Therefore, Trumps are highly suspect in relationship with Troy and Hykes liners. Why? Were Drummonds somehow Hyksos liners? While Hatchets also use "Deus" that should be for Rothchild-related Deusters/Dusters, though Deise liners may apply too, the Hatch's/Haachs use the white lion design of English Rothes'. There is another black eagle in the>Arms of Rothschild.

I can tell you with confidence that Portishead, smack at Clapton, is named of the Pockets/POUCHERs, like the Porcher variation of Portis', for they both use giant cinquefoils in colors reversed to one another. The Hawthorns use their cinquefoils in the colors of the Pocket/Poucher one. That traces Hack liners right to the Arthurs of Clapton. As Hawthorns became suspect with Hauteville's for apparent linkage to Tancreds and Tankerville's, note that Tankerville's in Tewkesbury colors, use the same cinquefoil as Portis'/Porchers. This had me asking whether Tewkesburys/TUCKsburys were a branch of TANKerville's, and spotting TanKARVILLE, Carville's were looked up to find a canton having a white castle, the Tewkeswbury symbol. Carville's evoke the Hyksos-liner Carvers (Carville colors) that come up as "CALVer", a topic of the last update as it linked to Miss Hicks and the CALVary symbol of CRYSTals. It just so happens that Tankerville's (in the colors of the Tailbois Chief) were first found in Lincolnshire, home of Ivo Taillebois, born in CRISTot. Calvary is shared my Moke-like Moses', while German Mose's share black bends with Carville's. It's all interesting. These cinquefoils link definitely to Duncans and Donkeys because donkey-using Chamberlains are using a version of the Tankerville Coat.

It's time to go to Moke's to see if they are showing evidence for a link to "NemMOKE." Yes, for as we saw a string of red crescents with the Nemmoke topic, that's what we see in the base, and in the Crest, of Moke's. And we can glean that the gold rooster holding a white square (called a "shield') with a red crescent is the Tout crescent because Tute's trace to Tatta, location of Mokissos. But is this the rooster standing on the Lever trumpet? Well, Moke's were first found in the same place as Clapton, can you believe it? The "Cura" motto term of Moke's can be for the Curry / Correns ("shields" in Moke colors), both from Deise, and that's why Moke's must be using a "Diis" motto term. That's the Diss/Deise surname, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Tigers (show no Coat). For multiple reasons, Mose's look related to Scute's that are in the heraldic eSCUTcheon, a shield, a good reason to link the Shute swords with the one of Mochs.

Moke's/Mocks have a German branch (Saint/Sunt colors) with several variations suggesting the namers of Mecklenburg, and while I usually trace Mecklenburg of Macclesfields, the Arms of Macclesfield uses "desunt" while the English Moke's/Mocks use "Diis sunt." That looks like a match. It's partly code for the Suns/Saints/Sinclairs, apparently, in Moke colors and sharing its gold rooster in Crest.

Sitric's Origin and the Herods

Good morning. As I was thinking about the trace of Quadratus BASSus to Sub Radice and Tyle, as well as to the BESSi smack beside Sub Radice, I was asking what connection the Serdi and Dunax liners could have had that trace to Swords and royal Duncans. That's when the link of SATRae-like Sitric to Siward of Northumberland came through to reveal that Sitric must have been a Satrae liner. Let me tell you how great this realization is. But first, a few reasons to trust the Satrea trace to "Sitric." First, Sitric's son / grandson ruled the Isle of Man, where the Manx lived that I see as a branch of the namers of Manche, where French Sturs were first found that share pale bars with Sitters/Sidewells/Sittons. Plus, Maccus visited Saxons in Cheshire, what would be the home of the Manche Masseys, who had been connected to the Quadratus Bassus in the first place. And it should be repeated that Sturs trace to the Stura Dimonte river of Cuneo, where generally Masci's were first found. It just so happens that I linked the Fire unicorn to the Demonte unicorn after I had found the Were bend in the Cuneo area (can't recall where), but that was before tracing the RasMUSSEN unicorn to Akmonia (home of Quadratus' family), which is identical to the Fire unicorn, except that the latter is a goat on its bottom side, which I assumed was for Satrea Thracians that named the Stura. And just like that, it makes sense that Sitric was a Satrae liner from the Stura, tending to explain why he got hooked up with Siward just as the latter was hooking up with Duncans, for mount Dunax is shown up the Nestus river from the Satrae:

While you're on the map, note that the STRyMON river of the SATRae ends near Chalcidice, for on the dark map you can see SITHONia as the middle Chalcidice peninsula, and that's where I trace Seatons/Sittens that were apparently merged with Sitters/Sidewells/SITTONs. I'm not ready to equate Satrae with Sithones, but a merger looks feasible enough.

I'll show how this picture is from Abraham and Keturah, but, first, let's talk about the Herods/Haralds/Heraults, in Sitric colors, and positioned perfectly in Argyllshire to be of the pirates under Herald, Sitric's son. We may think that Haralds named Herods, and that they had nothing to do with the Biblical Herods, but, wait. What named Heralds. This recalls that, at age nine or ten, Jewish classmate invited me to his home to play CHESS. I recall nothing else about this boy, and yet I have remembered that occasion several times in my life. Why? We were not to develop into a friendship at all, aside from the maybe one or two times I was in his home. It's a memory I have that was perhaps Fashioned in my mind to become a clue to this current project, with Chess liners being of the Heralds, and that brings CHEShire to mind. Perfect, you see. And it was Harold's Jewishness that plays well to suggest Herod-liner Jews. While Masci-winged CHESneys are Chaine's/Chenays, the Cheneys (with an 'e') were thought to be Cuneo liners, but, in any case, they are regarded with a version of the SALEman / Sale bend, and while Sale's were Massey kin, there is a Sale location (dark map) beside Stryme, what I gather named the Strymon river.

Beside Stryme is Maronea, suspect previously with Marone's/Marooneys (Molle / Chand boar head) that became suspect with a maroon color used by about three surnames that I know of. One maroon feature is in the double-TRESSURE border of Flemings (if this is changed to red, be assured that I have seen it several times, clearly different that the red Fleming chevron beside it); another is in the Coat of TRESURE's/Trashers (Thracians?); and another in the chaplets of Saxons/Septons...indicating now that the latter can be of the Saxon peoples who cut a deal with either Sitric or Maccus.

Note that while Maccus formed the Maxwells, the latter have a Pollock sept in Herod/Harald / Sitter colors while the progenitor of Pollocks was already suspect from the Sitric- / Maccus-related Saxons. Recall Edith of POLESworth, while Polesdons were first found in Cheshire, and use the stars of Palins in colors reversed, while Palins were first found at the southerly Stur river that flows to the Poole area. Sturs are expected in the "STRenue" motto term of Pollocks, another way to make the Pollock link back to Sitric's Satrae line. And the "AUDacter" motto term of Pollocks is partly for Aude's that use nothing but white swords. We get it.

I can now see clearly that DOUBLE-tressure BORDER was code also for the Borders (white swords), first found in the same place as Tresure's, that use the sword in both colors of the same of Swords = the Serdica line to Siward. And the "double" term is for DUBLin's Sitric elements, isn't it? Cool work, John, but this would never have been discovered if my own mother wasn't a Massey liner, for I have kept tabs for years on all Massey relationships, and moving about from area to area. The Chands are the ones that come up as "Schien," and Skins/Skeene's are the ones that use the Sword / Border swords too, and also the Kaipf wolf heads, which reminds that Capes' have a sword in their Chief. It also reminds of the CHAPlets seen above...with the Oriel-related Saxons/Septons (Monans were from Oriel). Oriels and Saxons use the bendlets of Trew's/Tree's, the latter possibly a Tresure branch and definitely a Herod-Archelaus line from LUGdunum. The tall Kaipf perchevron is blue, and can be of a colors-reversed version of the Waterford perchevron, which, by the way, has a lighthouse within it that might be code for a House merger with Lite's/Lights, whose Coat links to Tooths and therefore to Letters/Lauders that use a double-tressure border, and were first found in the area of a branch of SETANtii (lived in Louth, near Dublin) that likely named the Lothian SEATONS.

Now Lugdunum was named by the Lug sun god of Ireland, and myth writers had him escaping Ireland to the Isle of Man, what a maccincidence. Lug brings the sun god of Julius Bassianus to mind, nephew of the Herod-suspect Julius Agrippa, the line suspect to heraldic griffins...used, for example, by Tooths and Letters/Lauders. The Griffin surname of POMERania traces to the Lug FOMERians, don't they? To assure that Tree's/True's are of Lugdunum (now Lyon) elements, the Hume's love the True's in their motto while using the Lannoy and Lyon lions in colors reversed, and the other Lannoys share the feathered helmet of True's while Feathers are clearly a branch of Tooths / Lights / Letters. And "Hume" may be a play on the House surname so that the Waterford lighthouse may in fact prove a link to Sitric's Dublin elements. The Hume motto is mimicked by the Letter-like Leats that use Tresure-suspect "Trustie" in place of the Hume "True." This same Lug named Lugdunum Covenarum, the home of Herod Antipas, and it was not far from Herault. In fact, the Gellone monastery was in/beside Herault, while William of that Gellone entity was count of Toulouse, smack across the river from Lugdunum Covenarum.

Herault is the location of Narbonne while Narbonne's/Denardo's use the white tower of Scone's, and the Cattans that trace to the Keith Catti, the latter using the Stur bars in their Chief. The so-called "Stone of Scone" that was holy to the early Scottish kings becomes suspect, now, not just with the so-called "black stone " of El-Gabal," but with Sitric liners as they proceeded from the El-Gabal sun god of Julius Bassianus (he was its chief stupid, a real winner). Remember, his line comes from Radice, Tyle and Bessi elements in the Bassus', and the Bessi are said to have been priests of the Satrae, a great reason to trace the Bessi, along with Sitric elements, to the Meschins of the Bessin (home of Chenay-like Caens). And the trace of queen Basina to the Bessin involves the eagles in the Diss/Deise Coat, an entity belonged of Waterford. It just so happens that the Deas' share the green pale bar with Sitters/Sidewells. Moreover, as I read that Deas' were Desmonds, note that French Desmonds have variations to reveal themselves as a branch of Dimonte's i.e. from the Stura Dimonte river.

As Salemans/Salians (Childeric liners, right?) are a Salmon branch, note that the MacAbbe's of Arran use salmon and the colors of the Deas' in reverse, tending to reveal that the Sitric vikings were in Arran. Arran was resolved from "Airaines," and we saw the Arraynis term of the Deering line that includes Maronea-like Morinis' (link well in multiple ways to Waterford). Maronea is beside Sale on the dark map, and I always trace Sale's to Salyes LIGures suspect with Lug / Luggi elements. More green is used by LinkLETTERS, whom I trace as Link liners to LYNCestes (Macedonia, suspect with the Sithones-related Mygdones) along with the Alans of Alauna in Manche. There was a Luggi/Lingones peoples that can apply to mythical Lynceus at Lyncestes, and he was brother to Danaus .e. the Danaans suspect in the British Dananns who included, for one, Lug's father (I can't recall the spelling of his father's name, something like "Cian"). King Lugius of the Cimbri (expect them with Danaans at Kamiros) is thought to be of the Lugius/Lugus cult. Here is an online quote evoking queen Teuta: ""It is possible that Lugus was a triune god, comprising Esus, Toutatis and Taranis, the three chief deities mentioned by Lucan. The 'threefold death' in Celtic human sacrifice may reflect the triplicity of this god." Taranis may be the Terentia bloodline again (it was all over Deering-Morinis liners), and so let's add that Tarans/Tarrents use the Child/Chill Coat in colors reversed, while the Ardiaei (to which queen Teuta belonged) have traced to the Davers, kin of the Diss'/Deise's that use a gold version of the Child/Chill Coat. Note "TouTATis, how it can be a Teuta-Tatta combination. Was there a human-sacrifice cult at lake Tatta?

I don't know whether I have yet mentioned this, but "Abaeus," suspect in "MaccABAEUS," looks much like "Bassus," and the latter were at Hasmonean-like Akmonia. By what coincidence were the Maccabaeus peoples (Jews?) directly from Mattathias Hasmonean? "Esus, because he had an axe / tree-cutter symbol, was suspect with axe used ceremonially by Essenes (they gave an axe to every initiate). These Essenes at been at mount Carmel = Megiddo, suspect with Mygdones. On the light map, Mygdones are at the bottom of the Axius river, what an axincidence. Megiddo is beside Dor, a line likely to the Greco-Dorians, but weren't they with the Daorsi on the same Neretva river as the Teuta liners. It appears that we now have a good indication of what the three gods above were from. An essenes bee cult was at Ephesus (thanks to Miss Florida for that tip), and it was in relation to Apollo's twin sister while Apollo's skinning of the Marsyas goat alive is viewed by myself as code for Apollo-cult human sacrifice...leading to Boofima>Baphomet.

The Abaeus, Apollo-like cult was at PHOCis, and the Marsyas line to Marsi lived at lake FUCino, a good reason to trace Marsi to "Marseilles," where Ligurians were founded by PHOCaeans (from modern FOCa). The peoples of king Massena were at Marseilles, right? Yes, and his Rasmussen-suspect elements at Akmonia are suspect with the Child line from Cilnius Maecenas, who married Terentia with a Maronea-like Murena surname. There is good reason to trace Murena's to Maronea, therefore, and I even traced Childeric's Salian Franks for other reasons to the Sale's, a good reason to trace it all to Sale at the Maronea area. Was mythical Merovee a Maronea liner exclusively? Were Marsyas goat liners fundamental there? I traced the Sallett branch of Sale's to the Salto river having a source near Lake Fucino. Therefore, expect Salyes Ligures chiefly where the Phocaeans founded Ligurians. And they were at Saluzzo near the Stura river.

The Salassi founded AOSta, and it dawns on me here that this place was named, not after Este, as I once theorized, but perhaps after the Aous river, home of the Atintanes and Aulon/Avlona. On the other hand, Avlona traces to Avalon = Bute (beside the Salmon-related MacAbee's), while Bute's/Butts share the Este-Crest horse.

The Mattathias line probably named many Matthews, and while I trace the MacMaghan variation of Mathie's/Manns (apparently love the Lothian FAUCets) it the same of Irish Manns, the latter can be construed as using the lions of Abraham-suspect BRAMtons. I had found various ways to decipher Bramtons from the Biblical Abraham, but not through his Israelite line, but rather through his other wife, Keturah. Her son, Medan, has been traced to various entities convincingly, including the Kodros line to Kotor, beside Ardiaei-related and Bute-based Butua. It's a good reason to trace Medea to the witch-cult of Avalon beloved by the Arthurian stupids. Note that the Morgan / Moore lion, in colors reversed, is the green lion of the Lugdunum-based Lyons, which expects the Lug elements at Man to have been also on Bute. As the Bramton lions are red, it expects other red lions to be Abraham-Keturah liners, and the red Ligh/Legh lion can apply.

My Microsoft button now informs me that not all files will come up when I search my files for a certain term or phrase. It is my belief that globalists are dictating to make our research capabilities less efficient and convenient in the newer versions of Microsoft and Google. It can be understood easily that the failure of some files to come up with the Microsoft Search-button feature is to give Microsoft the excuse for hiding some of our pages in the searches. Microsoft can now say that it's due to a glitch in the search feature, but this is ridiculous. We are far past the ability of computers to find a single word or two-word phrase in any one document within our personal computer files. The failure in this regard is clear evidence that Microsoft is in the business of tampering with our capabilities, and we can expect Microsoft to move in the direction that globalists want them to move, for to make it more efficient for them to control / exploit society using Internet and computer information about us all. The thing to do in fighting this thing is to repeat it in various places online until the trolls get the message that they are being watched by us, and that they are making enemies of us so that if they have dreams of making us their willing stooges, good luck. I do my share of exposing them. I now do much of my writing offline, which is why you see less links to houseofnames, sorry about that. I've been able to use another computer lately, and although it's new, it takes over a minute to save one small file (200 K) on the floppy disc, and another 30 seconds to eject the disc, a clear sign that the globalists don't want us to save anything unless it's where they can get at it (our computer hard drive, for example). Soon, if they have their way, people will be forced to save files / photos / everything on an online server where the rats can eat through and find everything about us upon those files.

It was after gleaning that "KETURah" could have named the SATRae that I clinched the link of mythical Medea, from Corinth to Athens, to the Keturah>Medan line. It didn't seem coincidental that while a son of Kodros was Medon, another son of Kodros was made the founder of Ephesus, where PANdareus was a mythical king, a Satrae line, apparently. The point here is the Maedi peoples on the opposite side of the Strymon river from the Satrae. The Maedi have the ring of MATTAthias > Matthie/Matthew liners, and that's why its important that the Irish Maghans/Manns can be using the Bramton lions (both in pale). And, of course, the Mann variation suggests a merger with Isle-of-Man liners while the Maghan variation suggests Plancia-Magna liners in league with lake-Tatta's Ardiaei / Monunius liners.

The DenthLETAE at the top of the Strymon look very linkable, now, to the Leats, Leto', Alliota's, Letters , etc, especially as Tooths mere merged with Letter liners while said to be from Mr. DENTibus, reflecting "DENTHeletae." And you can read for yourself (Genesis 25) that Keturah's sons with Abraham included a LETUshite tribe. The Dentheletae are right beside mount Dunax, and the Agrianes' at the very top of the Strymon may have been a line to the name of an Ardiaei king. Look to the west side of the Maedi to see the STOBi capital, for goat-using Scottish Manns (Penn fesse?) use an "ardua STABilus" motto phrase. The Mann-Crest dragon (in the design of the Forman / Worm dragon) has "WATER drops upon it", which recalls that the lion in the Drop Crest was traced to the one in the Forman Crest, the latter's being colors reversed from the Maghan / Bramton lions. Manns (Mynett colors) come up as "Ment" while the other Ments/Mants (same place as Pagnells) show the bends of Pagnells, very apparently.

French Demonte's (Burgundy, same place as same-colored French Messeys) use the two lions of Voirs/Voyers, which are the lions also of Norths and related Narbonne's/DeNORDi's. I usually identify the Voir lion with that of Maschi's, important here because Italian Demonte's were first found in Piedmont, location of the Stura Demonte and of the first Masci's. Variations of French Demonte's look like they belong to Mons/Mounts and Mountains, which recalls that Mathis', kin of Chives with cat-a-mountains, were likewise first found in Burgundy. As Mons liners are now well-established in my mind with Monunius, by what coincidence have I already traced him by at least one other method to the Mathis river, suspect with Mattathias HasMONean? Repeat from earlier in this update: "Voyers could have been Boyers/Bowyers [who] share the "falcon rising" with Monans, from Monunius liners in the area of Rhisinium."

Here's another online piece as per the Luggi topic: The Cimbri kings: Boiorix, Gaesorix, and Lugius. Do we spot Boyers in Boiorix? He's the one who defeated Quintus Caepio at Orange.

I think it's meaningful that WINDows/WinHOUSE's (sharing an embattled fesse with Manns) were first found in Yorkshire along with Dents and Skiptons, for you can see on the map that Dentheletae were near the Scopi location of Dardanians, and that the latter had a VINDenis location. This location calls for a check on Windens (Window colors), where we find one Wyndham of DINTon, and having lions in the colors of the Window lion paws. The Winden Crest has a FETTERlock, and when we load FEATHERS, a "VALENS and Valins" motto suspect with emperor Valens, brother of Valentinian I. YET, there is a VELANis location smack beside Vindenis, giving the distinct impression that the house of Valentinian was Dardanian. As Windows were suspect at the Veneti location of Finistere, compare "VIND" with "VENETi." A fetterlock situation goes to Moray somehow.

I had found evidence that Valence, up the Rhone not far from Orange, was a Valentinian term. And Windows share a lion paw holding a gold fitchee with Quints. One of the three Valence surnames is fashioned like "Allen," and shares the red-on-gold martlets with French Alans. The English Valence's can be using the Morinis' bars because both surnames were in Kent. The French Alans once showed ducks in the colors of their martlets, and while the duck is the symbol of Gass'/GASCONs, note king GAESorix above, for if Boiorix trace's to the Brittany Voirs/Voyers, they were at the Finistere theater. And while Voirs are suspect with the Narbonne / North lion, here's the GASCONY Aule's with the Scone / Narbonne tower.

Let's now take it to the Pellicans that were part of the Arthur-of-Clapton discussion, and whom are in the Arthur Crest pelican. Pellicans share the white tower above, albeit on red. Recalling that Arthurs of Clapton liked the Juliana name, here's Juliana Brampton married to Warin AULA / Haule:

As you can see, Juliana Brampton also married Paynel, which can explain why the Paynel/Paine lions are red in colors reversed, the color of the Bramton lions. In any case, while we saw some Yorkshire surnames above from the Paioni theater, that's where I trace Paynels (another lion paw), and Pagnells happen to have been first found in Yorkshire. As Paynels were first found in Somerset along with Roets from Payne Roet, it seems to explain itself, and then his daughter's Catherine wheel is with the Narbonne lion. It's Dentheletae-important that while Paynels/Paine's share the Giffard motto, Giffards use the Dent lozenges (in the form of the Sale bend). And Giffards are in the write-up of Axe-river Were's, and while the Axe river is in Somerset too, it traces to the Axius river flowing through downtown Paionia. Clearly, Paionians were in Somerset. While English Pagnells use the Morinis fleur in colors reversed, Scottish Pagnells use the Morinis fleur in the same colors, and there is a "mori" motto term in the Paynel motto. I trace this motto to Malahule of More, the Norwegian capital of the Rollo Danes, the line to rulers of the Bessi-suspect Bessin.

By what coincidence do the Boiorix-like Boyers share blue vair fur with Quints, as though Boiorix's line came to marry that of Quintus Caepio in a deal? Likely, Boiorix warred against Caepio for his vast treasure found and stolen in Toulouse, and the Paynell lions are the Tool lion. I claim that this vast treasure was responsible for the Roman empire when Julius Caesar got hold of it. The Tool boar is the Pollock boar, suggesting that Tools, first found in KilDARE, were connected to the Sitric-of-Dublin elements. Dare's recall the Deerings of Morinis', which should explain why the Tool / Paynell lion is in the colors of the Marano lion. DARE's (same place as Caepio's) use the Marano lion in colors reversed. The Pagnell motto in full is "Malo mori quam FoeDARi."

Boyers use a "richesse" motto term suggesting kinship with Lorraine's and Richesa of Lorraine, wife of Mieszko II Lambert of Poland. I have recorded that: "Euphemia of Hungary was a daughter of King Bela I of Hungary and his wife, Richesa (or Adelaide) of Poland (1050s - 11 April 1111). She was the wife of Duke Otto I of Olomouc. Otto married Euphemia before 1073."" That sound like Richesa of Bela was a daughter of Richesa of Mieszko. The imperial Otto's descended from Henry Fowler, and the Fowler lions had been traced to the Voir/Voyer lions. Fowlers were first found in the same place as Marano- / Morinis-related Mortons. The Fowler Coat looks like the Macey Shield with the Maschi lions. The Fowler write-up suggests that they were Fogg/Fogh liners. As the Morinis fleur is in one or two Pagnel Coat's, it's all-the-more notable that the Fowler chevron is in Morinis-bar colors, and in Moray-star colors, all suggesting a strong link of Morinis liners to Masci liners. (The Pagnell bends are those of Guerra's while Guerins share the Payen/Pagan Coat.)

The Euphemia name (it's Greek), like "Boofima," came up as per the Scottish More's/Mure's, and for this discussion, we assume that More's were Morinis liners at Moray, noting that the Moray stars are used by Lamberts, connectable to Mieszko II Lambert above. More's/Mure's use a "non" motto term as well as the fesse of Nons/Nevins (Fowler colors) in colors reversed, and Nons are in the motto of Boofima-liner Nagle's, and have a chevron in colors reversed to the Beef/Boeuf chevron. Alexander Stewart, son of Elizabeth Muir, married Euphemia of Ross-shire, where Hungarians from Bela's house had settled Scotland. Bela is now tracing to the same Eustace II that I suspect of the Morinis > Morency line, and in fact, the trace of Belas to Eustace may be through none other than this Morency line. In fact, the Eustace cross is that also of Burghs from de-Burgo de Conteville and Comyns, and Elizabeth's son ruled Badenoch after taking Buchan from the Comyns. Trace Badenoch to Battins/Badens at the Paionian Axe river, where Giffards were that share the "Malo mori" of Pagnells. That's why the white-on-blue crescents of the Nons/Nevins can link well to the same of French Conte's.

Sitric has traced very well through the Quadratus line as it married Maccabees, explaining his grandson, Maccus. And his son, Harald can be expected from the Herod bloodline that Quadratus married, or even the earlier Herods that had previously been close to or in Galatia. As we saw that the Sitric line was involved with Siward of Northumberland, whom was also supported, likely, by George, son of Andrew I, by what coincidence do Gophers/Gofairs use Andrew's Cross of Scotland? Gophers/Gofairs are from GOFRaid, brother of Maccus, or Gofraid, brother of Harald, right? And while I've been tracing George's Andrew-Drummond line to Ross-shire for a decade or more, I've also been linking Mackays to neighboring Moray for as long, not knowing for most of that time that Mackays were king-Maccus liners. Nor have I had inkling that Moray may have been a Morinis line until now, and Morinis' use two fesse bars in the colors of the three of German Drummonds. It's tracing Maccabee liners from Modena, especially the Marano location, to Moray, but I haven't got much clue, immediately, on how that links to Khazars of Moravia / Mures river. Then again, Euphemia is a Greek name, and can be from Byzantines of the Melissena Rangabe kind. Morays, Marone's, Gophers and Morinis' are in Rangabe colors, and the white Rangabe flory is that also of Bouillons, i.e. part of Eustace's family to which Morinis' are tracing.

Marone's (FERMANagh, Ireland) use the Molle boar head, and while Elizabeth Muir was wife to king Bruce II, the first royal Stewart, Eschyna de Molle had herself married an Alan of that very royal-Stewart line (about two centuries earlier). And the Marone Coat happens to be a reflection of the Mackay Coat! Bingo. The grandmother of king Bruce II was Giles de Burgh (she married Mr. Stewart, father of this king Bruce). At this point, we note that the Irish Burgh/Berk Coat has a cross in the colors of the Bruce = Annandale saltire, which is my first indication ever, that I can recall, that the Burgo line of Conteville traces to the royal Bruce's / Stewarts. That should explain why the mother of Adam Kilconquhar was Miss Comyn, for Adam married Marjory Carrick, grandmother of Marjory Bruce, mother of king Bruce II. This Adam character is in multiple Adam surnames (the red Burgh cross, and Sutherland stars?), some showing the Caw variation as indication of merger with Mackays/Caws (of Sutherland). The Sutherland stars are said, in the Sutherland write-up, to be ther Moray stars.

So here's what we have: Marjory Carrick marries Adam Comyn, and later marries a Bruce of Annandale, and together they birth king Bruce I. The latter marries Mar but also Elizabeth de Burgh, and in the meantime the daughter of Bruce I married a Walter Stewart whose mother was Giles de Burgh. There is plenty of Burgh blood here, which recalls that the Dol Alans had close ties, some blood related, with Hugh D'Avranches, son of a Conteville. It appears that Burgo's followed Alans to Scotland. Here's a Giles Coat (pelicans in Chief) with the Burgh/Berk cross in colors reversed.

This apparent trace of Marano elements to Moray is giving me poor head a migraine. I'm getting old, and hard challenges are not much to my liking for Sunday afternoons. It's intriguing. I would take the proto-Merovingians from Cilnius-Maecenas circles, link his wife's Murena line to Marano in Modena, and trace this combination, much later, to the naming of Moravia (beside Bohemia) as Merovingians are run out of France by the Carolingians. From Moravia, the Merovingians hook up with the Melissena Khazars (in the Moray Crest) that were themselves proto-Hungarians and part of Moravian elements on the Mures river, and they all come to party in Scotland's Moravia = Moray at the time that Malcolm III ruled it, though the Moravians may have been there a lot sooner than Malcolm, from the More vikings. Malahule's brother, RAGNvald of More, and other Ragnvalds before him, may have been named after a Reghin location on the Mures. In the meantime, the Mieszko's marry Moravian elements in the Bohemians that named Boleslaw, Mieszko's first son. And the first Morinis-suspect Drummond was, according to what I read, was birthed by a woman of Podebrady (George's wife), a city of Bohemia. It suggests that Marano liners were proto-Moravians, and so note that Modena was conquered by proto-Bohemian Boii from their station of neighboring Bologna. I don't have much of a Bononia to pick with this, as Bone's are in Morinis colors while Bone-related Beaumonts are using the Marano / Montfort lion. It could appear that Merovingians were not a line direct to Moravia, but that they fled there to find shelter with their old Bohemian-Moravian cousins from Marano. There are a centuries of darkness here between Marano elements in the first century BC and the Merovingians in Moravia at 800 AD. I would strongly suggest that Marano and other Modena elements went through the Bassus > Bassianus line to Dalmatia (200 AD), especially to Laus = Ragusa, where i see the proto-fleur-de-lys of Clovis, the second Merovingian king (500 AD), whose blood was from Bassianus liners in Basina, as well as Sicambrian Franks in proto-Hungary. What else was in the Sicambrians? Well, there was Attila at Sicambria, having a name like "QuadraTILLA."

Let's now get back to DUBLin that, I am sure, is in the DOUBLE-tressure border code. It's taken me this long to check the Arms of Dublin. One version has castles in flames (perfect because FLEMings use the double-tressure), symbol of the Beatle/BEDwell Crest, a surname first found in BEDfordshire, and that suggests the "Obed" term that's buried in the Arms. The motto may also indicate reason to keep Urbans (from the Urbanus river in interior Dalmatia) and Felice's / Felix's in mind. In some versions, like this Arms, there's said to be a raven atop the castle, and that recalls that Mackie's/Mackays use a raven highly suspect with the connection of Stout-raven vikings to king Maccus. The raven vikings were in Bute, and I see the Arms of Shetland (raven) with Drummond liners so that now, I can see the Morinis > More link to this raven line.

The County of Dublin doesn't use the castle, but does use the raven. There is a flame in Crest, and the "Beart" motto term is a surname listed with the Brittany Beards, kin, we can bank on, of the Borgia's = that ever-present Burgo bloodline that the Dol Alans liked. The Beatle's/Bedwells even use the lozengy in the colors of the same of Barge's/Burgess', the latter throwing in the besants of the Bassianus line. Barge's had come up earlier in this update as per the so-called barge's in the Arms of Waterford, where Drummonds and Burgo-suspect Morencys could be traced. While ther Burgh and Morency cross is shared by Eustace's, the cross between the antlers of the Eustace stag is the black one in the Wex Coat, not looked up until now, because barge's were first found in WEXford (beside Waterford). Eustace's were first found not far in KilDARE, suspect with a Terentia-Murena line. The Wex's even share red-on-white crescents with Dare's.

In many cases, the heraldic raven can be code for the Raven surname (why Leicestershire?) that itself uses a raven. Urban-like Corbans use the raven, and then the crow-line Ceraunii (from mythical Coronis the crow) were on the Urbanus river. That tends to verify that the motto in the Arms of Dublin are partly for Urban-river liners. While Corbans were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as English Rothes', German Rothes/Rothchilds use the same raven, and of course that's the raven vikings in Bute = Rothesay. I don't know whether I've made the Corban link to the Urbanus before, but I have traced Corbans to Orbieu, beside Corbieres in the Aude area of France. Roque-liner Roquefeuil is in Aude, and then the castle (called a fort) in flames of Beatle's is on a rock. Yep. It looks like a Ceraunii line to Corbieres, but terms like "Orbieu" can be suspect from Orba, better known as Olba, at Cetis. Yep, that's the Cetis line to the Cetina, next to the Urbanus. And the Kennati priests of Olba merged with Marjory Carrick's county. What do you suppose that priestly line did to the minds of the royal Bruce-Stewarts? Satanism of a sort?

I guarantee you that, even if you resist Jesus, demons will inflict your life, but how much worse if you engage in the religion of the stupids, the dreamers, whose false hopes will fail them? The Beatle lozengy traces to Losinj of Croatia, right? The Ceraunii were not only in Croatia, but at the Aulon theater of the proto-Alans that became ther Bruce-Stewarts. Here is an Arms of Dublin that could be the Scone tower.

As I trace Currys/Corrys to Coronis liners at Patmos, note that the Curry saltire is colors reversed from the same of the Kildare (and Stacey) surname. If not mistaken, the Stacy stag design (faces the viewer) is in the Double Coat/Dobells (bells). Currys use a "ViGILAN" motto term, and Scottish Gilans (kin of Miss Giles, mother of a High Steward?) use a Shield of checks in the colors of the Beatle lozenges. Gilles/Gills' use a Shield filled with lozengy. The other Gilans are the ones coming up as "Gellone." The Curry rooster holds an ear of wheat, what might be in the Arms of Waterford. This is Dol-important, not just because Currys were first found in Waterford's Deise, because Dols are suspect with the Trump stag that's in the Arms of Waterford.

Trumps and Dols were first found in the same place (Pomerania) as Pollock-related Dobermans, who are from Dobrawa, wife of Mieszko I along with Dobers. The Dober and Doberman griffins are clearly from the Pomeranian Griffins. The Currys use an "Audaux" motto term, while Pollocks use "Audacter," and while Jewish Pollocks use the white-on-red bend of Dobermans, Currys use a saltire in those colors. It could appear that Pollocks, descended from the Dublin royals, were in cahoots with the same of Currys. English Dobers even use the gold-on-red trefoil of Currys, and share a red Shield with Double's/Dobells. De-Pols were at Foix-Candale, and Foix is beside Aude.

Note the TOBLEman/Tobelman variations of Dobermans, and that they are in Double/DOBELL colors. It starts to appear that ther Dublin > Double line to flame-loving Flemings were from Dobrawa. I never would have guessed.

As Currys are now connectable to Corbans and the Ceraunii liners, let's add that Corbans share an elephant with the Mascals that share the black-on-white escutcheon with Correns, first found in Deise too.

The "VIGILin" motto term of Currys which brought us to the Gilans/Gellone's, can be also for Vigils, for "VIGILate"-using Scone's (same place as Waterford-line Chappes'/Cheeps) share a white tower with Spanish Vigils (Pellican tower?). That is amazing considering that the Gellone monastery was at the Narbonne theater while Scone's share the Narbonne tower in both colors. It's hard to deny that I'm correctly reading these two motto terms. The Scone tower (French-Chappes colors) is in the colors of the Dublin castles / towers. Let's remind that it's the Curry rooster that has an ear of wheat, symbol also of the Chappes'/Cheeps. Italian Vigils have a bend in the colors of the Doberman bend, but one thing I'm having trouble wrapping my thoughts around is a Dobrawa trace to the naming of Dublin, or vice-versa. It doesn't need to be a direct link. There is a Dober location

There is a Dober location at the area of Koplik, which had an alternative name, Cupionich, much like "Caepionis." There is a great argument for tracing this Dober location to Poland's GOPLo, and by that method to trace Dobrawa to the naming of Dober. Dobrawa married a ruler whose ancestry was from Goplo. It's very much a must to see that the Kopple rooster is large and in the colors of the giant Joseph bird, for Cupionich is suspect with Chappes = Caiaphas liners. And we just saw reason to link Scone's to Chappes'. It just so happens that Koplik is at lake SCODra, what could have named SCOTland, for the stone of Scone was a holy thing to the kings of Scotland. And as I trace that stone to the black stone of El-GABAL, compare the latter with "GOPLO", or GABULeum not far from Koplik. In colors reversed, the Kopple rooster is gold, but in it's black color, it's the Aiken rooster, and Aikens, can you believe it, use a "VIGILANtia" motto code, a sure sign that Scone's should trace to something at Scodra / Koplik. Aikens were first found in Lanarkshire, close enough to Carricks and Kennedys of Ayrshire that Aikens are sharing the Arms of Carrick (that Kennedys use at their houseofnames page).

See also the large Cobbell/Cobelle bird: "A gold shield, with a silver stork standing VIGILANT on a green mound, holding a gold ring in its beak." Clearly, the related families were all honoring the Vigil bloodline amongst themselves. If Cobbells were of the Corbel variation of Corbins (with an 'i'), we should be expecting a crane rather than a stork, as code for Ceraunii / Urbanus liners, but, wait, the Rings are also Cranns, and the Grounds/Craine's/Cranne's share the elephant with Corbins. Isn't that amazing, such a "coincidence." Look at those Corbel birds, in the colors of the Kopple / Joseph bird. The Cranne elephant is in the design and color of the Mascal elephant, and while the latter share the escutcheons of Corban-related (likely, round-about) Correns. These escutcheons are in the colors of the same of Cecils; just look at the Coronis line in the Cecil motto, but don't miss the Una river, beside the Urbanus. For a long time, I have been tracing the PIAST dynasty from Goplo to BISTue (on the light map) at the source of the Urbanus.

Cecils put lions in their escutcheons while Rolls put lions in their same-colored billets, and Billets were first found in the same place as Pellicans that share the Vigil tower in both colors. It's also where Josephs were first found that share a big bird in the colors of the big bird of Kopple's/Coppells. Does this disclose that Kopple's and Goplo were Ceraunii liners? The Rolls were mentioned because the other Rings use "A hand vested in black, with a gold cuff, holding a ROLL of paper." Rolls use a roll of parchment.

The Cabbage's not only use familiar colors (of Corbans, for example), but lions in the colors of the Cecil lions (all connectable to Chives' and Tailers), but variations much like "Cobbell / Koppel," and they even throw in Corbel-like "Carbould/Corbould." This is the first time ever, that I can recall, for realizing that Kopple's could have been a variation from "Urban(us)," and while "IRVING/ERWIN" is like "URBAN," Irvings share holly with Cabbage's. Irvings were first found in the same place as Adams, while Scottish Adams share a single, upward and giant arrow with Vests suspect with the "vested" term in the description of Rings.

Wikipedia says that Koplik is 2-3 miles away from Dober. These are small villages, but, still, they indicate some key things to unlock some big secrets. The Koppell variation may have developed a soft version without the consonant, something like, "Obel," and from that d'Obels>Dobels and d'Obers>Dobers could have emerged. Just a thought. Bells, sharing bells with Double's/Dobells, were first found in the same place as Irvings. But if Bells are Double liners, then Double's cease to be Dublin liners, unless Dublin was named after Double's, not vice versa. One Bell Coat is a Bellamy version. French Bells look like they should have been merged with Major liners.

Cecils are a hard "animal" to decipher. I see their lions with the Chives cats, and the Cecil bars then look like those of Cavetts. There is a Mr. Alterens as part of the Kessel line of Cecils, and Alters, listed with Catherine-wheel Colters, were first found in Lanarkshire, same as Goplo-line Aikens. Piasts are said to be mythically from Wheelwrights ("non"), who use Catherine wheels, and since these are owned by Roets (beside the first Cecils and Chives', the globalist, Cecil Roet, so to speak comes to mind. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, from the house and fortune of Cecil Rhodes, and the Rodhams happen to use an "alteri" motto term, you see. That would put Cecil Rhodes in the Boofima camp of stupids, it figures, for Bill and Hillary are just as demonically-inspired. Wrights share bars in the colors of the Cecil bars.

As Cecil Rhodes is lumped by many with Rothschild bankers, and as the latter had their fortunes sparked at Hesse-CASSELL, the Kessel variation of Cecils may reveal that they are Cassell liners. Indeed, the Aikens are using the Kennedy Coat, and Kennedys use the same Coat and motto, virtually, as Scottish Cassells.

I'm out of time for this week. I have ability to see some videos these days. Here is one telling why the CIA should NOT have the ability to spy on computers, because it is a political, globalist tool, and will not be used as much as a half of one percent for Arab terror purposes inside the country:

Here's what's supposedly happening:

When I first heard that Michelle Obama was a man, I disregarded it, but the video below, if you don't mind the robotic voices, gives some interesting views, especially on the length of her ring finger. If the creators of the video are not deceiving us, it's a good argument. Just before the 17th minute, there is an item under her dress, um, where his thingie is. There is not much else new after the 17th minute by the way. Although her voice is not included in the video, she sounds 100 female whenever I hear her. But, they are saying, she's had s ex change. A man came out public to say that he performed oral sex on Obama; the video is out there. This is another good reason to be thankful: Obama is a goner.

There are also the videos where Obama calls his wife, "Michael." And then there is this one below where Joan Rivers says, "We all know she's a transgender":

It actually figures that such a marriage should run the White House in the last days. Was Joan Rivers murdered?


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