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Edited late, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006.

It is important to know that the Britons (to be distinguished from the Angles/English) and Welsh are regarded by historians as relatives and as P-Celts, while the Irish and Scots (also relatives) are classified as Q-Celt Gaels. The latter are highly suspect as originating in Africa (they used a "q/k/c" in place of a "p"), while the P-Celts are thought to be from the Celts/Gauls of Europe. The Q-Celt settlements in Britain began about 500 BC.

The Celts are viewed as a post-1200 BC migration from the Greek theater, and as that timing coincides with the Trojan war, it is expected that Trojan groups made up a good portion of the migrants. The Celts were a Trojo-Phoenician continental migration and are thereby to be distinguished from the Trojo-Phoenician Sea Peoples spreading out along the shores of the Mediterranean during the same centuries. The trick is to discover whether the Welsh/Britons were founded in the Hercules wave of settlers, or a pre-Hercules wave, for the pre-Hercules wave(s) were the original western Atlanteans.

One can deduce from the start that the original western Atlanteans were of a sea-faring peoples, and this tends to eliminate the Gauls if indeed they were of a continental-Celt movement. The problem is, the Redones are classified as Gauls, and yet Redones are rooted in Rhodes, the capital island of eastern Atlantis and therefore inhabited by sea-faring peoples. Perhaps the Gauls are to be distinguished from the Celts in that the Gauls came to the west by sea, and only afterward did they move inland along rivers. When Hercules is revealed sailing to Erethlyn (now North Wales) in alliance with "gold cup" Helios peoples, it must have been an alliance with the Danaans of Rhodes, since Hercules was himself a Greek Danaan while Rhodes was an island assigned (by myth writers) to Helios. It’s possible that the Gauls were named after Helios, or that the two were named after the same people group. I have been considering Hul, son of Aram.

As the Danaans of Rhodes translate to the Redones, the coming of Hercules peoples to the west would have injected a Redone element into the Welsh territory, but this doesn't tell whether the Welsh peoples were founded at that very point (so as to be a Danaan/Redone peoples), or whether they had been there earlier as a non-Herculean peoples. Chances are that because the modern Welsh trace themselves to Cimmerians, while I have identified the Helios-based Rhodes peoples as Cimmerians, that the Welsh were no other than the gold-cup Hercules conquerors of Atlantis.

My tracing the rose line of modern importance back to Rhodes is supported where the holy grail is defined as the gold cup (i.e. Helios blood) in which Hercules sailed to Wales, for the rose line represents the red blood that fills the holy grail. This has not to do with Jesus’ blood, but is red-dragon blood, no doubt the blood of the Biblical dragon, especially of the two-horned beast that appears to the world as a Lamb but speaks as a dragon.

Recalling that Plato told of a war between the western Atlanteans and the Greeks in which the Greeks won, I would suggest that the original Atlanteans were the sea-faring "Fomorians" who lost to the British Danann (yes, to the Hercules Danaans in Britain). It is said by others that the Fomorians were an earlier branch of Danann, or in some way related. When seeking the origin of Fomorians, consider reading the term as Fo-Mori. Moray of Scotland comes to mind as Fomorian descendants.

Denmark was earlier Jutland, named after the Jutes/Goths, even as southern Sweden was "Gotland" after the same non-Danish bloodline. The Danes lived in Jutland for a while (from 300 BC, give or take a century or two) before turning it into Denmark. What I haven't been able to learn online is whether the Cimbri, after whom the same Danish peninsula was named "Camber," were more Danes than Jutes, or vice versa, or even a third peoples altogether different. A Britannica article reveals that "Traces of the wanderings [of the Cimbri of proto-Denmark] are found in the dedications to Mercury of the Cimbri at Miltenburg and Heidelberg," meaning that the Cimmerians of Europe descend from Mercury. It is said that this god was the Roman version of Hermes, but as there seems to be a very close Atlantean connection between Hermes and Hercules, I would question whether "Mercury" wasn't a variation of "Hercules," for the same reason that the Greek Ares was alternatively Mars to the Romans.

The Welsh root themselves in the "Cimbri," which I and others confidently assume were the same as the Cimbri Scandinavians. Since I find it irresistible to equate proto-Danes with the British Danann, and because I have identified (via myth code) the Danann as Cimmerians, I can view the Welsh Cimbri as the proto-Danes themselves, for which reason I would include the Danes in with the rose-line and holy-grail concept(s). But in no way am I rooting the Danes in the Israelite tribe of Dan. I see no compelling evidence for that connection. That the rose-line concept was strong among the Franks suggests to me that Franks were from Danaans, and I wouldn't hesitate to connect them to the Redone branch of Danaans. This explains why Merovingians were in the thick of things amongst the Welsh/Bretons of Arthurian-myth themes. Arthurian myth is Atlantean history in code, and having to do with a late-Atlantean period.

As the rose line goes back to the Ros/Rosh/Hros Caucasians, it is necessary to view the Welsh and Bretons as a Rus peoples. As the rose line goes back to the Ros/Rosh/Hros Caucasians, it is necessary to view the Welsh and Bretons as a Rus peoples. Loki, the chief god of the Vanir, because he traces back to the Lugii peoples, must be an extension of the Celt god, Lug, who was half Fomorian and half Danann. Therefore it’s necessary to view the Ligurians as a Rus peoples as well, as well as the Veneti peoples from whom they stemmed. See Wales Map to locate the region of Rhos in North Wales.

I need to take time here to explain that writers the world over, especially secret-society members, will often define people terms from similar-sounding words in the local language. Therefore, "Roslin" is not viewed as rooted in the Ros peoples, but as "ros" meaning "headland" in the local Celt language. While at times people groups and localities are named after their local environment, there are many cases where the names are from other/distant lands, and/or from previous bloodlines far removed, especially in the case of pagans who worshiped their ancestry. One of the most ridiculous claims is where the Bush family tells us that they are named after a bush.

While Russians proper are not in my mind to be lumped in with the Rosicrucian concept of Atlantis, and especially not the New-Atlantis concept (i.e. the United States), it seems a fact that Russians are a major sector of the Atlantean bloodline. Rosicrucians recognize this, and it may explain why the Rothschilds placed such great interest in Russia as to topple her in the Bolshevik Revolution (1917). Communist Russia showed the true colors of Rosicrucians, an atheistic iron hand. But that hand must be softened and Christianized in the West in order to remain influential, and that’s what’s going to bring about a lamb-like (or Lamb-like) False Prophet that to some degree acts in conjunction with the Biblical Gog (see Revelation 13). It is for this reason of supporting the anti-Christ dragon that I predict an anti-Zionist False Prophet, and this speaks of the neo-Nazi Rosicrucians, the same that once propped up Hitler. It should be interesting to see how this develops if I'm correct in pegging the False Prophet as an American President or UN representative of America. My second choice for False Prophet would be France in that it seems to be the leading European nation acting quite openly against Zionism.

If modern Atlanteans wished to disguise their roots, they would not use Poseidon's trident as their symbol on the Euro. The Atlanteans are now coming out of the closet, having gained control of Europe to the point that they have the confidence to so expose themselves, and in the end times the world will be made to worship an Image that I think will connect back to ancient Atlantis.

[Update June 2006 -- Plato is of help when identifying the eastern roots of the western Atlanteans. He knew the Eridanus myth, the myth concerning the crashing of Helios peoples in Eridanus, and as I have identified Eridanus as Rhodanus (the Rhone), the south-France valley named and settled by Redones, it's telling that Plato included an Eridanus river as a boundary of the Atlantis Acropolis. In his other work, Timaeus, Plato again cites Eridanus when reminding the readers of Phaethon's wild ride in Helios' chariot. These things imply that the peoples once in Rhodanus (i.e. Rhodians/Redones) became the Atlanteans. But as these refer to the Hercules peoples who conquered Atlantis, it still doesn't reveal the original Atlanteans.

Greek myth tells that Ligurians moved to Eridanus, and this would reveal that the Vanir sect of Scandinavians (from the Ligurians) had first (i.e. prior to becoming the Vanir sect) mixed with Rhodes-based Atlanteans in the Rhodanus (i.e. Rhone) valley. The Danes are once again revealed as a branch of Atlanteans, an idea that is more apparent in the Danaan ancestry of Hercules. This Atlantean theme must have been the reason that the Danes, via the Sinclair bloodline, had been leaders in the Templar movement to secure Jerusalem. If the False Prophet turns out to be a Dane, or from a sept of the Sinclair surname, you'll know why, and you'll have more confidence that the time has truly come. It is my very-predictable belief that the False Prophet will attempt to convince Christians the world over that his commercial skin code will not be the Biblical “mark of the beast” (of Revelation 13).

As the Crusader quest to secure Jerusalem may be viewed as a Zionism movement, it tends to reveal that the Danes were Hebrews, in part, by which I mean to say that Atlanteans were Hebrews, in part. The finger on the one hand points to Nahor, brother of Abraham, but on the other hand to Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan.

Plato goes on to say that the Acropolis "included the Pnyx on one side, and the Lycabettus as a boundary on the opposite side" (Criteas). Per chance the first term may be modified to "Vanik," and the second term's root to "Lug" and/or “Loki” = the Lugii peoples. Might "Lycabettus" be code for a Lug-Bute peoples? Behold that the German branch of the Bute family uses six red roses on it's family Coat, a testament to at least six major branches of the family (that may be Rosicrucian).

Plato's Atlantis, because he wrote as late as the fourth century BC, must have been Britain itself; Arthurian myth would so indicate. Because Plato didn't want to reveal which piece of land he was referring to, the only decent clue he gave was that it was outside of a strait (most think Gibraltar) that leads to the wide-open ocean. He also said that Atlantis was larger than Asia (Minor) and Libya together, but there's a question as to what constituted Asia in his mind, and Libya may have been rather small in those days. Perhaps he was referring to the empire as a whole, for Atlantean settlements must have spread north from Gibraltar into Scandinavia.

In any case, as it’s rather queer to use Asia and Libya together to reveal the size of a kingdom, I think Plato was speaking in code, indicating that Atlantis was a kingdom founded by dragon blood from both Asia and Libya (the eastern portion of the Atlas mountains are in Libya). Keep in mind that “Asia” was named by As/Aes peoples who are thought to have been Cimmerians, and that the Helios peoples (Gorgons) on Rhodes were Cimmerians. Calling that strait, "Pillars of Hercules," Plato implied that Hercules peoples lived there, and indeed Hercules was a Gorgon peoples since his ancestor, Perseus, was. Gorgons were indeed in Libya from early times. Myth writers made Hercules split the mountain of Atlas in two to form the strait, clinching the idea that, upon defeating Atlas, there formed a piece of Herculean Atlantis on both the Spanish and African sides. But, my point is, with time the kingdom spread from Gibraltar (and nearby islands) to Britain, where Britain, being the largest island, became the seat of the empire.

You will note on the Arms of Cardiff (modern capital of Wales) that there is a rose placed centrally, not to mention that it's filled with animal code useful for tracing the Welsh to ancient pagan peoples. The red dragon is placed centrally as well; it is fitted with the feet of a bird, likely an eagle, has a lion's body, and has fore-arms as well as wings, this having a special meaning. It's an exact replica of the Mushussu Dragon! Therefore, if the False Prophet turns out to be of Welsh ancestry, you'll know why. Or, if you're involved in a Rosicrucian or Hebrew-Roots organization that stresses Welsh elements, you now know why.

The Anglo-Saxons of England, those who warred with the Welsh and Bretons for to win over the island of Atlantis, were labeled the "white dragon" by red-dragon members. One can therefore suspect that the Anglo-Saxons were from the same Cimmerian root, suggesting that the Anglo-Saxons stemmed from the Scandinavian Cimbri. In other words, all things Cambrian were Atlantean. The Cardiff Arms includes a white horse, likely depicting the white-dragon line, yet the hoof points to the Ares/Hros/Rosh Thracians that furnished the Goths.

Indeed, the brutish ram (or is it a goat?) symbol on the Cardiff Arms would depict Hermes the Ram (Pan, the half-goat creature, was the son of Hermes, in any case) and therefore reflect the founding of Great Ormos in North Wales. Moreover, the astrological symbol, Aries, is a ram. As Hermes was made the foundation of Germanics, and as the Goths were primary Germanics, and moreover as the Goths were the Getae of Thrace, the white hoof does indeed point to the Ares Thracians. Closer to home, in Wales, the white horse should prove to depict the Eadon-worshiping Druids/Edones, thus revealing the Welsh/Breton/Atlantean origin of Edinburgh and nearby Roslin.

The white horse of Cardiff has a fish tail rather than hind quarters of a horse. This is intended to show the roots of the horse, in a peoples depicted as fish, even the Sumerians of Eridu from whom the mermen/mermaid concept originated. Note how "Eridu" evokes Ereth(lyn). I should mention that Britannica denies the Getae-Goth relationship but doesn't give a reason. While there may be a lack of credible historical documentation, in the eyes of some historians who don't honor Jordanes claims, to prove a Goth-Getae link, it should also be considered that historical documents do not deny that link, and moreover that Rosicrucians over the centuries probably wished to keep the world from knowing it. End Update]

[Update August 2006 -- I found this quote to support a Goth/Getae identification of the fish-tailed horse: "The Supporters are a marine version of the White Horse of Kent, England, of which the City of Canterbury is the capital, said to have been borne on the standards of the Jutes who settled in Kent in the 5th century." See here those Supporters of the Canterbury Arms (capital of Kent). End Update

Anglesey, named after the Angles, is a large island in extreme north-west Wales, right beside Erethlyn. The island was previously "Mona," evoking Manes the moon god, the father of Attis the Phrygian sun god; recall that Hercules was the god of those Manes-rooted Phrygians. I'm suggesting that the Hercules Rhodians were united with the proto-Phrygian peoples of Manes, in forming the Danann-era Atlantis. Later, and as a result of the Gaul migration, Hermes elements took over, noting that Hermes and Manes both refer to Armenia. Later still, the Veneti intrusion that formed the Gwynedd kingdom (from Vannes) took the Atlantean throne, that movement too having been rooted in Armenia (Lake Van).

[Update August 2006 -- I have recently discovered the root of Hercules in the Aras river of Armenia/Georgia, the same river that formed the term, Ares. For that river was alternatively called, “Araxes,” while Hercules has the alternative, “Heracles.” I am beginning to realize that Lake Van was Nahorite country (e.g. the “Nairi” of the Van region), and that Nahorites formed an alliance with the Hros/Rosh of the Aras river, and together this Semite-Aryan alliance contributed greatly to the basis of the Atlantis concept (of world rule).

Let me say here in light of the statement below that I am now considering a Hul identity for Helios, where Hul (son of Aram) was founder of Armenia according to Josephus. End Update]

The common factor between the Rhodians and the Armenians was simply Helios, the god of both Caucasia and Rhodes, the god of Gorgons and Cimmerians everywhere. As "Helios" seems rooted in "helix" (i.e. spiral/coil), the god represents two dragons, or the two serpents that are commonly found coiled around one another. Those dragon-line groups that use a single serpent coiled around a rod/staff/penis indicate that they had broken off relations with the second dragon people and/or are going it alone.

As it was the British Danann who named the Isle of Mon/Man, near Mona, one feels compelled to view Mona as a Danaan settlement prior to the arrival of the Angles (who re-named it). In other words, Mona was an Atlantean entity, and an important one at that.

"Tuatha de Danann" appears to mean: the Thoth peoples of (the line of) Dana. It sounds as though the Thoth peoples were a Danaan branch, showing that the Danaans had not to do with the Israelite tribe of Dan, for Thoth pre-dates Dan. Indeed, this can be shown where the historical king Thoth was son/grandson of Egyptian king, Menes (no doubt named after Min/Manes), and he in turn is said to be the first king of the first Egyptian dynasty. In that case, since the Thoth peoples already existed in the first Egyptian dynasty, the Danaans from which the Thoth peoples stemmed existed even before the first Egyptian dynasty, this under-cutting those who attempt to root the Danaans in the tribe of Dan during the Israelite stay in Egypt/Goshen. Granted, while historians wrongly date Menes to about 3200 BC (well before the Flood in 2350 BC), I date him in the range of 2,000 BC, which is still prior to the formation of the tribe of Dan.

The Tuatha de Danann were named after their goddess, Danu, whom I trace to the mother of Perseus, "Danae.” Most view this mother as a mythical symbol of the Rhodio-Egyptian Danaans removed to Greece. I do believe I have found the origin of the Danaans in the Dinaites (to be read Dina-ites), found in Ezra 4:9 as “Diynay” (Strong’s #1784), but translated wrongly in some/most Bible versions (my Hebrew interlinear uses “the judges” instead). The Dinaites were living in Israel eventually but were a product of Mesopotamia; in Ezra 4:9 they are lumped in with other Kabala-cult/dragon-line peoples, including the Archevites, the peoples of Erech. More on this later, but let me make the point here that the Dinaites, if indeed they were the Danaans, were Gorgons.

After Perseus had killed the Gorgon Medusa, he took her head to the land of Atlas in the far west, and since she was a three-sister entity, her head no doubt came to be the three-bodied Geryon monster who ruled at Erytheia, the capital of Atlantis. This suggests that the white horse in the Cardiff Arms depicts the white mythical horse, Pegasus, for it can't be a coincidence that Pegasus was, according to myth, born from the Medusa at her death. It seems clear now that the Gorgon Medusa peoples were the same as the Pegasus Gorgons, and that these were the Atlanteans (of Britain, at least) prior to the arrival of the Hercules Gorgons/Danaans (to take over Erytheia).

Again, there was an historical Erethlyn next to Mona that must have been the mythical Erytheia. Also adjacent to Mona there is to this day a locality called "Great Ormos" (evoking Hermes), very nearby to Rhos. The thin strait of water that separates Mona from Erethlyn and Rhos is today called "Menai." North Wales was a settlement of Armenians, therefore, as strange as that may sound.

[Update June 2006 -- Plato wrote that one of Poseidon's sons (in western Atlantis) was "Mneseus," perhaps indicating Manes. I would contend that the Rhos region of Wales refers to the Biblical Rosh at Armenia. For the Rusa kings were connected to the "Nairi," thought by some to be the Nahorites, while some also believe that the Nairi became the "Neuri" in the face of Thrace. As the Neuri lived in the midst of the Budini, who I think stemmed from Nahor's son, Buz, it is considerable if the Budini furnished the German Bute family that depicts itself with a Coat having six red roses and a central gold fish.

At the following link, we can read that the Bud clan is rooted at least as far back as "ancient Brythionic Celts of Wales...some say before the Norman conquest in 1066 AD." The name was first found at Cornwall, the website adds, and for my reasons to follow, Cornwall may have been the tip of the "island" of Atlantis. Note that the Bud family Coat uses a gold wave, three arrows, and a bow. The Coat reminds me of North-American Indians, and therefore of the Picts (of Scotland).

Assuming that the Bud surname is rooted in British Atlantis, connection to the ancient Bod family in France is possible in that the Bod family Coat uses a ram. The German Bod family, because it uses three gold roses, would seem connected to the German Bute family. Years ago I had concluded that "Bute" meant "pod/bud" = "body" = a shell or outer covering, as for example "botka" means "booth," or the Dutch "busse" means "box." And so I find that the Bod surname under discussion derives from just such a meaning as "body."

The Dutch branch of the "Bod/Bode" family uses three gold diamonds instead of the gold roses, indicating perhaps that diamonds secretly depict roses. I looked up the Boit surname, because "boite" is French for "box," and behold I found the same Coat, but with two gold diamonds and one gold rose; the Coat is otherwise identical to the German branch of the Bod(e) family.

As all Coats above are on blue background, including the Bute name of ancient Wales, kinship seems strongly implied all the more. As the Stewarts were related to the Bute name, might these rose families across Europe have been of Stewart roots, and were they all, pray tell, from Buz, son of Nahor? Could the Bush name somehow apply here?

I had noticed that Nahor's first son, Uwts (as the Bible spells it), qualifies as the origin of “Utu,” the dragon sun god of Sumeria. But on further consideration, this Uwts was too late to do so, wherefore I tend to advance Uwts, first son of Aram, as the founder of the Utu cult. It dawned on me, however, that Nahor named his first-born after that same Uwts simply because Nahor was himself meshed in with the Utu cult. I also saw that "Atlantis" may itself have derived from "Uwts Land," especially as there was an Aryan element in the dragon cult. It’s interesting that I had independently viewed the Guti as the root of that Aryan element, for “Guti” is very similar to “Utu/Uts.” End Update]

Now the Guti, originally from Caucasia before inhabiting the Zagros mountains in Iran, ruled in Erech and/or nearby Eridu for a century or so in very ancient times not long after the Flood. Because they are often said to have been an Aryan peoples, they are suspect as ancestors of the Goths. I believe that upon their (well recorded) defeat and decline in Sumeria, to the dragon sun-god family, they came forth in Armenia as the mythical Cotys, son of Manes, and that they had carried the dragon cult of Erech with them to Thrace and Greece.

I learned that there were a few historical kings named Cotys in later times who ruled Thrace, but the son of Cotys IV (yet another Cotys) became ruler of Armenia. There were orgiastic rites in Thrace akin to those of Dionysus and the Kabeiri cult, and these were introduced to Thrace by the mythical Cotys. There was even a female goddess of Thrace named "Cotys/Kotys."

Goliath was a Gittite, and he was a symbol, many believe, of the end-time anti-Christ. Might the Gittites, therefore, have stemmed from the Guti?

Behold that Cotys of the Greek theater and Geryon of Wales are said to have had the same mother (Callirrhoe), and this, among other insights, tends to prove what myth makes fairly obvious elsewhere, that Geryon was at least related to the Danaan/Perseus bloodline, for it's well established that the Greek Danaans were from the Manes-Cotys line.

Callirrhoe is interesting here because she was given birth by "Tethys" the Titan, and he sounds like an allusion to "Thoth/Hermes." In other words, Callirrhoe is depicted as stemming from Hermes, and because she is also the mother of Geryon, it explains why Great Ormos was a location in Geryon's region of Erethlyn. It may be applicable here that, according to the book, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail," a certain Society of Ormus, founded in Egypt, was the founding of the Rosicrucians...and by the way it was a group attempting to merge Christianity with paganism. (

[Update June 2006 -- I can't squeeze the details into this chapter, but suffice it to say that I think I have found the Greek root of Atlantis in the Kassites of the Zagros mountains (same peoples as the Guti, I believe), and therefore in Kothar-wa-Khasis, a craftsman god of the proto-Philistine sea shores that I interpret as the Kothar tribe of Kassites. This god smacks of the craftsman, Hephaistos, a depiction of metal inventors/workers that went on to furnish several major dragon-line peoples, including Etruscans, Latins, Trojans, Athenians, and Khazars. I believe the Khazars are evident in the “Kothar” term of the phrase above.

In that Hephaistos was "Vulcan" to the Romans, I suspect that “he” went on to become the Balkan Bulgarians, who are indeed thought to be the root of the Khazars. Hephaistos, as the founder/representative of the Kabeiri cult, was for that reason part Hebrew. The implication is that the Kassites were themselves part Hebrew. The Aryan side of the Bulgarians falls on the Togarmites in that one Khazar ruler (Joseph) claimed in writing that Khazars descend from Togarmah. This makes good sense where the Teucer co-founders of Trojans were Togarmites, for Bulgaria today sits smack where Thrace used to be. As the Bulgars were proto-Turks, it would seem evident that Turks are indeed from Togarmah, as most insist, and yet I would not interpret all Togarmite peoples as Turks proper. Rather, Turks are merely one branch of Togarmites. Consider also the Tarchon tribe of Etruscans, or other Trojan branches such as the Franks. The oriental Tocharians that may have furnished the Huns, the latter being yet another proto-Turk and/or Bulgar and/or Khazar peoples. It’s interesting that many historians see reasons to tie Huns to Hebrew-based “Hephthalites,” for that term evokes Hephaistos. Togarmites are one of the peoples that will invade Israel in her great tribulation, when Gog and Iran attack her, imminently.

Hephaistos' official wife, Aphrodite, had as one of her lovers, Adonis, whom Internet websites identify as Tammuz, for which reason she was allied/mixed with the Erech dragon cult. Aphrodite put forth Eros, who must be a depiction of the Caucasian Hros removed to Greece. I've already mentioned my suspicion that Aphrodite depicted the Apiru Hebrews (of Mesopotamia), but her putting forth Eros crystallizes my belief that the Apiru mixed with the Armenian Hros in producing the Thracian dragon line.

It’s no secret that Hephaistos and Aphrodite removed from Greece to Italy (to form the Italian dragon line that Biblical prophecy is highly concerned with). It’s hard for me to get over the apparent fact that this dragon line was in-part Hebrew. I will now show how I myself am from this line, for while I have some Germanic blood, I have more Italian blood.

As Aphrodite was Venus to the Romans, she was the root of the Veneti, and as the Veneti are known to stem from Illyrians, I should mention here a Picenti tribe of Illyrians, a portion of which came to live in the Italian region of Abruzzo. I had always wondered, even before starting on the Hebrew theme of this book, whether this region was named after Hebrews, and whether I had Hebrew blood thereby. One website on the region's history reads: : " the wishes of Augustus [Caesar], Abruzzo and Molise became the Iv region of Rome and given the name 'Sabina et Samnium.'"

What's that? Abruzzo was named Sabina? Could that be ancient Sheba, Abraham’s grandson? The Sabina pre-dated the Romans and Latins, making them candidates for filling the shoes of the Atlanteans. Josephus lumped them in with the Iberi, this yet another term smacking of “Hebrew.” I'll assume that Abruzzo was named after the Iberi.

The Sabina were working on an empire, until the Trojans of Rome subdued them, whereafter the two mixed to become the dragon-line Romans. The ancient Picene/Picentines have recently been connected to the Sabina peoples by their common language, but also because the Picene called themselves, "Safini." That latter term not only modifies to "Sabini," but to "Svi/Sviones (i.e. the Swedes) and "Savona" (in Liguria). It’s important to so distinguish the Swedes from the Goths in this manner, where the Goths stem from Thoth/Teutons/Titans and therefore from Dedan, Sheba’s brother. This can be deduced in yet another way, where Odin is a Goth god, leader of the Aesir gods, and where the Asshurites were a Dedan tribe (Genesis 25:3). The Letushites are also listed as a Dedan tribe, and if these formed Lydus (i.e. the Lydians), then Latins are to be so distinguished from the Sheba-based Sabina.

As Hercules was a Roman god (as well as Greek), we can suspect that the Romans had Danaan blood in some way. Roman myth traces Romans to the Trojan, Aeneas, and moreover places him in an alliance with the mythical Dido, suggesting that Romans were allied with Dedanites, though not necessarily Dedanites themselves. I expect that Dedanites were in Italy, in any case.

Because Plato indicates that Atlantis under Hercules was of Asia, it’s a small clue that indicates an Aesir/Asshurite ancestry for the Danaans. It’s even possible that the Danaans were named after Dedan, therefore. In that Plato based the Hercules Atlanteans in the mythical Phaethon/Paethon, it may be that the Hercules peoples of Italy were the Picene, if Phaethon depicted the Picene.

After considering this possible connection, I realized it’s viability, for both Phaethon and the Picene/Picene can be independently rooted in the city of Opis, of Gozan. On the one hand, Phaethon is known to be an Apollo wolf line, and I have personally found the root of Apollo in Opis, a city named by Avvites...who not only worshiped the wolf, but who are the root of the mythical bee line, for “opis/apis” means “bee” in Greek and Latin. One may see that “Picene” and/or “Phaethon” may themselves be linguistically rooted in “Opis.” I realize that the Piceni are said to be named after the woodpecker, and that this creature is said to be a symbol of Mars, but frankly that seems to me to be a late revision of the term made by those who didn't know the opis/bee origin.

There was a god, Picus, who was father of the Roman Faunus (Pan), who in turn gave birth to Latinus, wherefore Picus looks akin to Hermes (father of Pan in Greek myth). On this expandable/navigational map of ancient Illyrium (if not available, see the same map here), the Picensii tribe can be seen on the south side of the Danube, at the southern tip of Pannonia (I think Pan depicted Pannonia). Therefore, the Italian Picenti tribe would seem to trace back to Picus and Pan, but forward from there to the Latins. This means that my mother could be a descendant of the Satyrs, for she and her blood were born in Picenze (in Abruzzo). After all, the father of Picus was Saturn!

My mother is a Masci on one side, wherefore note the Mascianae tribe on the map, north of the Picensii, or the Moschius river to their south-east. In that the Moesi are on the Moschius river, the Moesi (ancestors of the Lydians) may have been Meshech (also "Mushki"). The Masci family Coat consists of three fleur de lis (Merovingian/Frank symbol) and two white wings, and after finding that the family had connected with an Abreu family to create the surname, Masci-Abrue, I learned that the Abreu family Coat of the Portuguese branch consists purely of five wings (the Italian branch of the Abreu family Coat includes two upright gold lions, and a castle).

The above link to the Abreu coat shares that versions of that surname include "Abruzzi/Abruzzo," but also "Bruzzi," evoking "Brusi," the old name of the Bruce kings of Scotland, Grand Masters of the Rosicrucians. An ancient document claims that the Brusi were of the Rollo (Sinclair) line. The Abreu name originated in Padua, a city in Venetia founded by the mythical Trojan, Antenor. The Merovingians claimed to have had the very same ancestry, in Antenor. As evidence that "Abreu" derives from the Iberi (removed to the Spanish theater eventually), the surname is mainly in Portugal ("Port of the Gali") today, and/or on the Atlantic island of Madeira, 360 miles due west (i.e. directly in front) of the Pillars of Hercules. Previously, the island was named "Purple," for which reason Phoenicians are thought to have founded it. Today, Madeira's flag is mainly purple...and sports a red and white Templar cross. Because Plato located the island of Atlantis "in front" of the Gibraltar Strait, one could suppose that he had Madeira and nearby islands in mind.

The second-most common name (today) of the Abruzzi town of Picenze is Galeota ("of the Gali"?), and the third-most common name is Masci (Mushki/Meshech?). The fifth-most common name is Cucci (Gogi?), and the sixth-most common, Iovenitti. The latter surname could stem from the nearby ancient city of Juvanum, and refer back to the sons of Javan, son of Japheth. Indeed, for Juvanum was in the Abruzzi province of Chieti, a term that evokes the Kittim, sons of Javan (Genesis 10:4). Recall how the (fake) Book of Jasher claimed (italics mine in both quotes):

"...the children of Chittim are the Romim who dwell in the valley of Canopia by the river Tibreu."

Then see this:

"SABINI, an ancient tribe of Italy, which was more closely in touch with the Romans from the earliest recorded period than any other Italic people. They dwelt in the mountainous country east of the Tiber."

Therefore, if the Sabini were not Kittim, they were close enough for the Chieti region to have been a Kittim branch.

When I saw that the Chieti region of "Maiella" evoked either Maia, elder daughter of Atlas, or Melia, goddess of honey, progenitor of the Bias/Byzas peoples, I went Internet searching, and found that the Maiella region was named after a goddess, Maja, who came searching for her children in the Abruzzo mountains. When I found the Italian claim that the month of May was named after Maja, I knew that she was the Greek Maia, for May is indeed named after her. Note that Maja evokes the Magi Medes.

That clinches it: this region was inhabited by the Atlas peoples, and then they disappeared so that Maja could not find them! I wonder what the mythographers were intending when making up that story?? Perhaps they really didn't know, or maybe they wanted to hide the whereabouts of the Atlanteans. Note who was among one of her children, for when Zeus mated with her, she bore Hermes!! Maja didn't have a computer and Internet to find her children, but I think I've found them, in Wales.

While the town of Picenze is small (1,000 inhabitants), keep in mind that it's a feat in itself for such ancient Greek terms to remain to this day in surnames, speaking on the past importance that these peoples must have had. The town's fourth most-common name, Ferrari ("of iron" i.e. metal smiths), is a well-known name today. The Ferrari family Coat is a single upright gold lion. I should add that Jerusalem itself, under the Rothschild era, uses an upright lion as its symbol. The Russell clan uses an upright one as well, but the Ross clan uses/used three upright lions. I found that the Bos family Coat is an upright red lion. "Bosco" showed a single gold lion with an eagle overhead. The Bias family Coat includes two upright lions, gold just like the Ferrari lion, plus two gold fleur de lis. I couldn't find anything under "Buz," but the Boz/Bose family of surnames uses one single black rose.

The question is, are these lions, as Rosicrucians might suggest to the public, the lion of the tribe of Judah (i.e. Jesus), or are the lions, as Rosicrucians might confess to their initiated ones, the Lydian lion, a symbol of the occult’s sun god?

The "Bias" surname originated in the Naples region, an area that appears to be a Greek bee-line settlement of Melia’s Bias/Byzas people, the same bee line that I am tracing across Europe to the Merovingian bees and beyond. Melia ("honey") was a depiction of Boiotia/Boeotia. As the Picene Italians were settled in the Naples region, it supports my conclusion that they are a bee-line peoples.

Italy was first settled by Euboeans/Euboians, the root of which could be "Boi." Because the Euboeans had stemmed from the Abantes peoples, the Euboeans were possibly the founders of the Aventine hill of Rome. The "Bias" surname originated in the Naples region, an area that I am pegging as a Greek bee-line settlement of Melia’s Bias/Byzas people, the same bee line that I am tracing across Europe to the Merovingian bees and beyond. Melia ("honey") was a depiction of Boiotia/Boeotia. As the Picene Italians were also settled in the Naples region, where the Picenti mountains are found, it supports my conclusion that they are a bee-line peoples.

[Update September 2006 -- In fact, "Picenti" may be a variation of "Byzanti(um)." The latter were allied to the Pecheneg Turks of the Khazaria outskirts, and yet Pechenegs also lived in East Rome, according to a Wikipedia article on Pechenegs: "In the 11th Century book Divânü Lugâti't-Türk written by Mahmud Kashgari there are two titles under the name Beçenek. The first is 'A Turkish nation living around the country of the Rum'. Where Rum was used by the Turks to denote Eastern Rome."

Surely the Pechenegs of Rome were earlier the Picene. Their being Turks (i.e. Togarmites) is supportive of the mythical claim that Roman origin was in-part in "Ascanius," since Ashkenaz was the brother of Togarmah. The Togarmites (of the Tigris river) would be the dog peoples that Romulus and Remus suckled. The Ashkenazi lived at the Tigris river.

The Wikipedia article tells that the Hungarian version of "Becenek" was "Besenek," which more closely resembles the "Bessi" Thracians so as to connect quite likely to the Buzi Medes. This suggest a soft "c" in "Picene" and thereby makes it more likely that it's root is "opis" (bee) and/or Opis on the Tigris. The Italian city of Pisa comes to mind, not to mention Pisa of Elis (Greece), where the Ladon river was situated (i.e. the probable origin of the Latins)! End Updates]

The definition of "Picene/Picenti" is disputed. Some suggest "pick/peck." But as "bee" in Dutch languages is "bij" and such, perhaps the peoples were named after the same, as for example picket/picas/pick refer to sharp points, shared by creatures other than the woodpecker, the bee and wolf (fang) included. Our "pique," in fact, means just that, "to sting, prick" (that's the dictionary definition).

[Update on the June Update, June 26 -- In a book written purely on Picenze (of Abruzzo), I read that many of its inhabitants came from Naples (on Italy's opposite/west coast), and this makes sense in that the town was no doubt named after the Picenti of Naples. However, below there is some evidence that the lost Atlas peoples (of Maja) migrated first in the other direction, from Abruzzo to the Naples region:

"As it often happened in the past, myths supplied for the lack of data: one of these myths tells us that Positano was founded by Poseidon - the Latin Neptune, the god of the sea - for the sake of the nymph Pasitea, whom he loved. It is certain that Phoenicians and Greeks, traveling westwards, landed in Positano, which at that time, was inhabited by Oschi and Picene..."

In Positano there is today the Poseidon Hotel, reflecting the Poseidon-Positano roots. I trace the Poseidon name and the Bias peoples to both the Byzas Greeks (who named Byzantium) and the Buzi/Busae Medes. But Positano is also said to be named after "posa" = home/house, the very meaning of the Semitic, "Bute/Beth."

Oscan was the language of the Sabina; I found just today (June 26) that Oscan evokes Ascanius, son of the mythical Aeneas (Trojan patriarch of the Romans), revealing now very heavily that the Romans were none other than Oscan speakers and/or the Sabina. Ascanius evokes the Ashkenazi Aryans of Caucasia and Iran. The implication is that the Ashkenazi became the Aeneas-line Trojans; after all, Ashkenaz was brother to Togarmah, and Togarmah evokes the mythical co-founder of Trojans: Teucer. My question has for a long time been: were the Ashkenazi the root of the Nazis? Will the False Prophet be from Ashkenazi blood, since he will support an anti-Israeli anti-Christ?

The most common name in Picenze today is Taddei (variation "Tadini"), evoking Dedan. The name was "First found in Florence, the capital of Tuscany [i.e. capital of the Etruscans], then the capital of the kingdom of Italy." At the link below, I found the main feature on the Taddei coat of arms to reflect the flag held by the red dragon on the Cardiff Arms.

I have no solid idea as yet what the three-peak design (called "chevrons" by heraldry buffs) of the Taddei and Cardiff coats refer to; perhaps the same as the Aquila Coat, wherein a crowned eagle stands upon three mountain peaks. The Powys Council Coat (Powys is a region of Wales). It has a similar three-peak design, and an eagle overhead.

Notice the three words in the banner, one being "Cymry," another Powys, and the third, "Paradois." Welsh legend speaks of the Paradise of Powys, something definitely to look into. As the Taddei name was first found in the capital of Tuscany, recall that Etruscans called themselves Rasna/Rasenna, and were feasibly, therefore, Cimmerian Rus. Or put it this way, that if I'm correct in tracing the Welsh to the Redones, then they trace further back to the Etruscans, for Rasna/Rasenna no doubt furnished the terms, Rusyn/Ruthene/Rhaetians/Redones. End Update]


Atlantis Founded by Hebrew-Khazars
I never would have guessed that it would turn out this way.
The myth codes lead in this direction strongly,
That Kabalists founded Atlantis.

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