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Changes to Heraldry Designs at houseofnames.com

Published early 2013 (additions late 2015)

For surnames changing their first-found locations, see last section on this page.

Since the early parts of 2012, there was suddenly a rash of Coat changes at houseofnames.com. I had been using the houseofnames directory of surnames extensively for several years previous to these changes, and rarely noted a change until 2012. Upon contacting the company, I was told that changes take place when they find earlier versions of the Coats, as they strive to use the earliest known symbols, colors, etc., and yet I did not accept this explanation as the true one.

There are many changes taking place now merely on minor-design alterations having nothing to do with using the earliest symbols possible. For example, a black-on-gold rooster head was changed to a slightly different black-on-gold rooster head, a change I first noted in April of 2013 (i.e. took place earlier) in the Jonathan/Jonas Coat. I can understand a change of a symbol's position, or colors, or even a change to another symbol altogether. But this is not the case in the Coat above. There seems to be no reason whatsoever for the design change of this rooster head, and yet it came mere weeks after the first of February, when I first emphasized the Jonathan rooster, and found its design used in the Gifford Crest. It was an important topic, as the updates in February reveal, with Jonathans tracing to Jonathan Maccabee, and Giffords tracing by their Coat symbol to the Sadducee line of Shaws/Sithechs / Thicks/Thecks.

It could be that these many changes have the motive of thwarting my arguments for making people-group links. But it thwarts the readers too, who might want to know the possible links for whatever reasons beyond my purposes. It is not making me very happy to have readers find that, when I claim identical design between surnames, they no longer show identical design.

The designs used by houseofnames previous to 2012 can be considered the most-reliable for making family links, and we have got to assume that the heraldry people, in efforts to counter my work (and that of others who may join / continue my work) are now willing to show designs no longer reflecting official family links. However, I have noted that design changes tend to maintain true to known / expected family links of one surname or another. That is, if a previous design of surname A was shown also by surname B, a new design shown for surname A will be found used by surname C, but then both B and C were related (or merged by marriage) to A at some point in history...so that all three surnames using the same design is appropriate.

This page does not speak to all the changes I've seen (nor to changes I've not yet seen), but only those I was able to recall, and others I recorded. See the next section for a list of major changes. Here are Coats (alphabetical order) with symbols changed minimally, as if to defy explanation from the viewpoint of the masses not knowing that heraldry has been tight, rigorous and specific codework:

The Banes wolf head is still in the same colors as it had been for years, but the design is different. Why this minor change?

The Borgia bull design changed, but not the colors. The Borgia bull is now the Bach bull design, and meanwhile Borgia's are a branch of Burgo's=Conteville's who were in-turn related to the Meschins, a branch of Masci liners out of Cheshire's Dunham-Massey / Dunham-Masci location.

The upright Italian Conte lion once showed in the same colors as, and in the design of, the Ville lion, which fact was usable in proving that Conteville's (they had previously been Burgo's by surname) were a merger of Conte's and Ville's (both were first found in Languedoc, where Borgia's were first found). The Conte lion now shows as the Lafin/LaFONT lion exactly, which is acceptable in that the Ville's show variations such as "FONT de Ville."

The Bosch fleur-de-lys design was important in my works for linking the fleur-de-lys to a fish, but since then, the central part of the Bosch fleur-de-lys has lost its fish-like look, which even showed a bottom end like a fish tail. It's now in the design of the Bush/Busch fleur-de-lys. The Bosch fleur was showing like the one in the English Dole Coat. Bush's and Cheneys (were probably named after the same Khyan-based entity that named "Cuneo") both trace to Cuneo's Busca region, in the area of northern Italy where Masci's were first found.

The Este Crest was once the same as the Bute-Crest horsehead, but the Este Crest was changed to a full-blown horse.

The German Belli/Ballie beacon, which I paired several times to the identical Fuller beacon, has changed design. Why? It's obvious from the three red-on-white bars of Italian Belli's that they and Fullers were related, and that because Fullers are expected from Fulbert de Falaise "the tanner", the three Moor heads of the Scottish Belli's are those of the Tanners (both surnames have their Moor heads in chief).

The Bove/Boi bull has changed design. The Boiville bull has also changed to the same design. It became my opinion -- speculation at first but later confirmed -- that the Masci bloodline merged with Boii peoples (= proto-Bohemians) in Bologna to form the Maccabees proper of Israel, the first chief priests of Israel en route to supplying the Pharisees and Sadducees.

The Irish Brian lions were once showing in the design used by Oxfords, but then the latter changed their design too to match the Irish-Alternative lion.

Brock(en) tree stump no longer shows a stump design as still used by Roddens/Rodhams. Many tree stump designs were changed after I linked them to the human-sacrifice cult of Esus. Proto-Masci's were from Carthaginians (human sacrificers) as per king Massena of Numidia (his bloodline merged with Romans of northern Italy -- namely Romans in the camp of general Scipio -- to form the Maccabees proper of Israel).

English Bush/Busche fesse changed from red-on-gold or gold-on-red to black-on-white. The design of the black Bush boars has also changed. This is one of a very few Coats that changed quite some time before 2012, and I deemed it a good change as it helped to link Bush's to Cliffs and Fisks, and therefore to the "fiscal cliff" scam. Much to this day is named in secret after cherished Masonic bloodlines. An ancient book (the book of Enoch, if I recall correctly) claimed that the black boar was a symbol of Edom, and then the capital of Edom was BOZrah, for which reason Bush's/Boschs should trace to a peoples that retained "Boz" in their historical names.

Charley/Chorley Coat changed in 2021 from blue bottles to the Grey Coat.

The Cole bull has simply changed design but not colors or position. The Cole bull is a version of the Mieske/Mesech bull, and the latter use the Chaine/Chenay / Bessin / Biston sword symbol. "Cole" traces to "Colapis," a river of the Japodes (= proto-Jupiter, the Roman god) living beside the Maezaei.

The Ector sun changed in size from filling the entire Shield to very small. This is a surname I mention often, linking it to the Hiedler/Hitler surname.

Enders/Ingers now show red arrows instead of white.

The Fulk spear, which for showed obviously to be the Shakespeare spear, important because both Fulks and Shakespeare's are fundamental Vere-Drakenberg liners, has been changed in 2015.

French Gobels (use the Macey Shield) once showed the Masci wing design, very important for tracing Gobels to "Goplo," the origins of Mieszko I of Poland. The Gobel wing has changed to the same design now used by Chaine's/Chenays...after the latter surname showed the white Masci wing. The Chaine/Chenay wing and sword design is in the same colors as previously, with both the wing and sword design changed only slightly. The sword was previously perfectly erect, and longer. Eventually (in 2013), the erect sword was discovered to be an ancient symbol of Ares that was used by the Bistones of north Africa (8th-7th century BC), in the area of eastern Libya (= Cyrene) where the Meshwesh/Mazyes (or Amazighen) once ruled. Note that while Meschins lived in the Boii-suspect Bessin (Normandy), the sword design of the Bessins/Beastons (first found in Cheshire) is like the erect sword of the Biston surname. No coincidences, proving that Meschins and Masci's were from the Amazighen as they merged with Bistones. One of the first nine Templars was Geoffrey Bison, and then the Bison surname is registered with the Bistons above.

The three Hanna stags are in the same colors and positions as previously; only the design was changed. Why?

The French House Coat changed from a green-on-white leaf, of a design used previously by Hazels, and still used by Tecks/Tess', to a different leaf design used as of early 2013 in a changed Hazel Coat. The design changes in both surnames at the same general time tend to prove that "House" and its variations are versions of "Hazel" and its variations. The House leaves are now described as a "cabbage leaves" while Hazels call it theirs "hazel slips."

The Kennedy helmet design was changed where it was once showing as the one used by Dobys. The Kennedy helmet now links excellently to the oPEN helmets of PENdragons and MYNETTs. It's a long story that developed after 2013, tracing to the AMYNTES Galatians in the time of Jesus, who married a Herod-Maccabee line from Opgalli and Tigranes. This topic fills many updates in 2015, during which effort I seek the parent(s) of Joseph Caiaphas.

The gold-on-gold Kinner bird is no longer the gold bird design used in the English Kay Crest, important because mythical Kay (of king-Arthur cult), son of mythical Cyner (smacks of pharaoh Khyan), was code for the Kay surname (key symbol) that honors the Kinners (and probably Kinns too) in its motto. The Kays (at first suspect by me as a Shaw/SHAY line) eventually (2013) traced to the Shawia Berbers of Numidia, who became the Shaw/Sheaves surname ("qui" motto term), themselves from the Italian Sheaves/Chiava's who use keys in honor of the Key variation of the Kays. The Chiapponi variation of the Sheaves/Chiava's was found to be a line from "Caiaphas," the name of the chief priest of Israel under whom Jesus was murdered. This is what Freemasonry is secretly about, the line of Satan from the most ancient times as it passed through the family of Caiaphas and his father-in-law, Annas, otherwise called, Hanan. Scottish Shaws use an erect dagger that looks like the MacKAY dagger. It appears that someone at houseofnames.com doesn't want readers to believe me when I make these links. For one thing, it helps to reveal that Arthurian myth characters are code for surnames, and of course it reveals the games Masons play with our heads, lying to us all along as they try to glorify satanic Arthurian entities. In the 4th update of February, 2013, I wrote that the Chafer birds were identical to the new Kinner birds (no longer the Kay bird), and yet the Chafer birds are not at this time [April 15, 2013) identical with the Kinner birds. Years ago, the Kinner bird was called a canary (as per sound-alike codework) even though it was the same bird as displayed by Kays (the same bird displayed by Sullivans is called a robin). Chafers call their birds, "chaffinches," as part-code for the Da-Vinci liner Vinch's/Finch's, right??? But then Shaws use "Vincit qui" in their motto as code for that Vinch / Vincent line, and moreover Chafers smack of "CAIAPHas." Shaws even trace themselves to "Sithech," a Sadducee-like term (Caiaphas and Annas were Sadducees).

The Levi chevrons are no longer fat. What could have been the purpose in making them thinner? I had traced the three fat Levi chevrons to the same-colored three in the Arms of the County of Hainaut, and meanwhile "Hain" was traced to "Annas/Ananias/Hanan," the Levite chief priest at whose house Jesus was condemned to death. If it disappears from Wikipedia, see the Arms of Hainaut here (copied from Wikipedia).

Love's/Luffs no longer even mention Suffolk, where they were said to be first found, for over ten years until 2018/19, with their Muscat kin.

The three Maschi pine cones (shared by Tanners who definitely trace to "the tanner" of Falaise) were changed in design only, but are still in the color and positioning as before; no logical explanation for the change.

The Masci wing design was changed as if the people at houseofnames have nothing better to do with their time. Perhaps with good reason, one of the two white wings has become gold (see Seagers). The Pouls/Poulieaux's (share gold saltire with Pollocks), first found in the same place as Messeys (with essentially the same saltire), once showed the old Masci wing design (in gold), but now show the new Masci wing design (in gold). The Gobels, suspect with the Goplo MOUSE tower, once showed the Masci wing design in gold, but now show the new Masci wing design. Gobels are completely suspect with the origins of Caiaphas' family at Koplik, in the land of the Cavii Illyrians.

The horizontal Massar/Massai ground/border shape between the green and the white of the Shield was changed after I linked it to a surname (can't recall which) using the same. What purpose could the heraldry company have had for merely changing the shape of that ground?

French Masseys once showed boots, as code, along with the Vey boot, for mythical Morgan le Fay of Avalon = Bute. The nine witches of Avalon, with Morgan le Fay as the chief witch, were the writer's play on the nine Muses of the Greeks, the line to Masseys, etc., and it's no coincidence that the Muses (code for Mysians around the Macestus river and neighboring Apollonia) were ruled by Avalon-like Apollo.

The Italian Milan tree stump was at one time like the Rodden/Rodham stump, but was changed to the new design used by Brock(en)s. The latter are a branch of Brocks, who are identified by their motto as Stewart kin, and the latter use the checks of the Massi/Mattis surname, first found in the same place as Masci's, not far from where Massars/Massai's were first found. Milan was ruled by Visconti's who named Massino-Visconti, and that latter place traces to the Massin/Mason surname, first found in Thanet (Kent county, England). I eventually discovered (2013) that "Thanet" traces to "Zenetes/Zenata," a peoples / region in Numidia at the area of the Shawia Berbers (Amazons).

Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Margy surnames are obviously of one family, explaining why they showed the same lion design, until after I mentioned it several times, afterwhich the Mackesy/Margeson lion was changed (retaining the same position, however). The Mackie/Margy lion has not changed (as of mid-2014).

The Monmouth lion (rare design) was identical in design to the ones used by the Ulmans and Stewarts (latter two related), but all three have been changed, all like the one used by Monmouth-related Mauds. It's obvious from the thin, double-fesses of Mauds, as they match those of Wassa's, that German Ulmans are using the Washington-surname fesses in colors reversed...meaning that Ulmans and Mauds were related. All lion-design changes have retained their same positions, and so why merely change the design?

Rothes. Houseofnames has done a disservice by changing the Rothes write-up to read that the surname was first found in Kent, without mention of Shropshire. For ten years until now (2019), Rothes' were first found in Shropshire, which clinched them with Peter Pollock's father in Shropshire. Peter built Rothes castle.

Sabina's (English) no longer come up as such, but still show as Saffins. They are from the Revelation-dragon family, Flavius Sabinus.

The white Sprows birds were hard to identify, looking like sparrows, but are now larger and easily identified as footless martlets.

Here are major or justifiable (perhaps) Coat changes

The Aflacks cross had smooth edges at one time, but then changed to "embattled" edges.

French Alans/Alliens (= proto-Stewarts) once showed ducklings, but now use red-on-white footless martlets/martins. This was deemed a suitable change by me because Alans now show the FROME footless martins, useful for tracing "Alan" to "FORUM Allieni," the name of proto-Ferrara in 70 AD...about the time that Pharisees and Sadducees fled Jerusalem / Israel for fear of the invading Romans. I reckoned years ago that "Ferrara" was named after "Pharisee," but didn't know until 2013 that Pharisees had merged with the proto-Alans in Forum Allieni. The leaves of the English Alans/AllanSHAWS are deemed by me as code for "Levi/Levites." Eventually (2012), it was discovered that the Joseph surname (Hampshire) was in honor of Joseph Caiaphas (= the Biblical Caiaphas), and later still (in about March of 2013) it was learned online that the Joseph surname was born from one Henry Joseph (of Hampshire), which should explain why the Alan and Frome footless martlets are used, in the same red-on-white colors, by the French Henry surname, first found in the same place (Brittany) as where the Alans/Allanshaws operated in the 11th century. The Alans>Stewarts carried the blood and secret of Caiaphas, didn't they?

The German Bach calf has changed to a bull called a "steer" in this case, but the colors are still the same. It would have been important that the calf be changed to this bull because I had been claiming repeatedly that the Bach calf, in gold, was code for the golden-calf idol of the Israeli Exodus (i.e. FreeMASONs, whom I trace to the Massey / Mason bloodline, knew at some point in their history that they traced to the Egyptian royals at the Biblical Exodus, whom I identify as Hyksos). The claim was made because the Bach surname was traced (by me) to "Apachnas," the Hyksos pharaoh that I concluded to be the evil Exodus pharaoh for whom the golden calf must have been a symbol. His other name was Khyan, whom I had traced to "Chaine/Chenay," and in the meantime I recognized by various methods -- including the naming of Moses/Musa by the pharaoh's daughter -- that Khyan was of a Mus household otherwise identified by me as proto-Mysians evolving into the Masseys/Maceys and Masci's...which is why it would be important for the heraldry people to change the white Masci wing design of the Chaine's/Cheneys to something else, which is exactly what they did do (to disguise that Cheneys and the like were closely related to the Masseys that named Freemasonry).

Danish Bauers had their leopard changed to a lion.

The Boso bull is now quartered red and white instead of fully white, and it's in a new design, now identical to the red Charo/Chiaro/Claro bull. The Joseph motto uses "charo" as code for the Charo's/Claro's. The Joseph garbs are used by Comyns/Cummings (not to mention the Arms of Cheshire), and then the Conteville's ruled at a Comyns location, indicating that Conteville's crossed paths with Caiaphas liners, thus revealing the basis of Templar formation by the Claro/Sinclair vikings and their ilk. Meschins descended from Malahule, brother of Rollo's father (Rollo was the one who agreed to the treaty of St. Clair sur Epte, indicating that he was a Claro>Sinclair liner). Online we read: "The Sinclair family descends from the hermit St. Clare (also seen as St. Clere) who lived in a town now known as St. Clair sur l'Epte [near a La Falaise location], in the northwest of Paris." Epte and its river by the same name is in the Ile-de-France theater, where the Chappes and Levi surnames were first found. I say that the Chappes' were a Caiaphas line, and then it's known that Hugh de Payens, of a Pagan surname that I trace to "APACHNas," had married a woman with Chappes surname (i.e. Elizabeth de Chappes), though others say he married Catherine Sinclair. Hugh was the first grand master of the first nine Templars at Zion = Jerusalem. They had nothing to do with Jesus, but were descended from the priests who killed Jesus; this has been my personal discovery thanks be to what I think was a major undertaking by God through some of my readers and myself (spoken humbly). There are Sinclair-loving tools out there who insist that the first Templars descend from a son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene; don't be fooled by them (I say "MagDALENE" is secret code for "D'Allen"). Hugh de Payens was succeeded by Robert de Craon, and then the Craon/Crain Crest uses a so-called "hind," as does the Irish Shaw/Shay/Sheaves Crest. Enter "Craon" in the box here to see "hind" and, instead of a collar around the hind's neck, a crown that should relate to the collar around the Hanna stag's neck. Craons look like they use a version of the Gore/Core Coat (Gores are Cole relatives, from a Gorski area at the Colapis theater of modern Croatia), which is itself a colors-reversed version of the Alan Coat. (Ignore the white-washed depictions of Templars as though they were deeply-committed Christians.) French Gores use the stars (i.e. same colors) as of Columns/Malcolms (suggests that Malcolm III was a Cole liner from the Kyle area of Ayrshire), used previously in the French Alan Coat.

The Botter eagle was changed in both design and color, but not changed in position. It was once brown on gold, but is now red on gold.

The two German Dallen pine trees, showing once as the one used by Constances, changed to two oak trees, important because I suspect that the surname is from "D'Allen," while English Allens use oak leaves.

Gale's (share blue unicorn with TINTs) now said to be first found in Yorkshire whereas they were previously said to be first in Cornwall with TintaGEL, location of king Arthur's birth. The Gale unicorn was once fully blue. Gale's (share Nail/Nagle saltire) were kin of Nagle's (nightinGALE), from Arthur-like ARDuinici of Oneglia.

Gas'/Gasts once showed a duck, but now show a goose, a term much like the surname. Perhaps the duck was an honest mistake. The Gas/Gast goose is in the colors of the star of proto-Washington Wassa's/Gace's, and the Gasts have variations like the Gace's.

The French Joseph swan was changed to a footless martlet in the same colors The Joseph swan was of the design used by Sellers and Lindseys.

The three Peacock mascles (hollow diamonds) changed colors but retained their gold roundels. The mascles were definitely inside red on gold roundels for years.

French Pepins showed what looked like a dove or gull, but after 2013, started showing the raven.

Swedish Petersons. In the 6th update of January, 2010: "Linkage with the Peters surname is evident where the Padros lion design (looks like a colors reversed version of the Ville lion) was shown by the Swedish Peterson Coat." Does it makes sense that Padros and Petersons should use the same lion design? Does someone at houseofnames.com not want us to know of this link? The Peterson lion is now the Ferrari lion, and then Scottish Petersons (a swan) are now showing the Raines' / Newman lions, important because the Raines' were recently traced to "Rainier" of Montferrat, exactly the man to which Ferrari's were traced. Newmans had traced to Maccabee liners in western Scotland (Arras). I traced all three Peters surnames to Peter Pollock, and it just so happens that the Peacock surname is listed as a sept of Pollocks. There has been a secret plot of huge undertaking in the Pollock bloodline, known by others to be descended from the Dol Alans...though I know, furthermore, that they were Mieszko Poles. The Padros Coat uses a so-called "column" as code for the Column/Malcolm bloodline.

The Presley grappling hook was changed to an grappling iron, with a different design even. The Irons list Hirams (trace excellently to island of Arran) are perhaps honored in the Arundel motto. ARUNdels (Alans) were just traced today, as I write here (2nd update of December, 2015) to the ARNo river out of Florence. The Presley motto and their chevron goes to the Wayne's and Feins/Veynes', who were just traced to ARNolfs, the latter likewise traced to the Arno on this day.

The black Salford wolf design (erect = rampant) no longer shows the passant wolf (on three legs).

The Sion/Swan chevron (in Falcon colors) once showed the Macey gauntlet gloves. It now uses "falconer's gloves," which indicates that the Glove's/Glovers are definitely Sion/Swan kin. French Josephs use the swan. French Falcons (use the eagle once used by Botters) can be discovered as a branch of Conte's. Italian Fulks (i.e. Falcon liners) were from the Tuscany area where Italian Botters were first found. Glovers are possibly a branch of key-using Clovers/Clavers/Cleavers, themselves a branch of Cliffs/Cleaves whom I trace to "Glaphyra," wife of Herod Archelaus of ancient Israel. Herod liners of Israel were banished by Caesar to what was later called, Comminges (Languedoc theater), named after the Comyns / Conteville family, and Comminges is near Rennes-le-Chateau where Falcons, Majordomo's, Columns, Pollocks, Gore's and their Alanish ilk trace. German Trips once showed the boots exactly (colors included) of French Masseys/Massai's, but neither now show them, and the Trips have turned them into shoes. There is a Shoe surname with variations like the Skeoch variation of potent-cross liner, and Sadducee-suspect, Skits / Skeets'. The Trip shoe has been linked solidly to the Blonde shoe (see 3rd update Jan., 2016)

The Valen/Falen/Valence ducks were changed to three red martlets, even as the ducks of French Alans were changed to red martlets.

Location Changes Only

Most of these changes were noted in 2019 or later, in which case the original locations held for a decade or more.

French Alans from Languedoc with Julians to Normandy about 2023.

Altens/Daltons from Nottinghamshire to Northumberland.

Annas' from Nottinghamshire to Lincolnshire.

Apps'/Epps from Middlesex to Huntingdonshire.

Babe's from Dorset to Suffolk in 2021, with their Blond kin.

Babels/Babwells from Middlesex to Sussex 2022.

Beatle's from Bedfordshire to Berkshire.

Beatle-branch Bedwells from Bedfordshire to Essex.

Billiards/Hillars from Yorkshire to Surrey.

Bradds/Bratts changed in 2021 from Edinburghshire to Cheshire.

Boots from Berkshire to Warwickshire in 2024.

Builders from Norfolk to Northumberland.

Bullis' no longer first found in Suffolk; now in Wiltshire, closer to Bulls/Bule's (Somerset).

Caesars no longer said to be first found in Kent; now in Surrey with James' who share the dolphin with Caesars.

Camps/Champs from Yorkshire (with same-colored Campbells) to Warwickshire.

Campbells from Yorkshire to Argyllshire.

Cheneys from Buckinghamshire to Oxfordshire.

Chives' from Devon with Hykes'/Hacks to Tarves in about 2013.

Christine's/Christians, from Isle of Man to northern England without proof.

Croms/Crums from Berkshire, now (2020) to Herefordshire.

Cruise's from Cheshire to Bedfordshire.

Deacons from Rutland, now in Norfolk.

Demere's, a Mere/Mare branch, from Cheshire with Mere's/Mare's to Suffolk.

Diens/Dine's/Dives from Sussex with Deins/Deans/Diane's to Surrey (in 2021).

Dolphins from Surrey with their James kin to Cumberland.

Eggs/Edge's from Cheshire to Worcestershire.

Formans/Fermans once in Midlothan with Pharme's/Ferme's, now in Yorkshire.

Gale's, previously in Cornwall, changed to Yorkshire.

Giddys/Geddys/Gideons from Cornwall to Hampshire.

Hazels from Cheshire to Devon, same as Gilberts sharing a squirrel "cracking a nut."

Hope's from Derbyshire to Shropshire.

Hoppers from Durham to Wiltshire in 2021.

Hucks from Yorkshire with Hicks to Lincolnshire.

Hunts/Hunters from Shropshire to Sussex in 2023.

Isters/Asters/Esters from Tourlaville (Manche) to Essex with Este's in 2023.

Jeans/Jane's from Worcestershire to Cornwall.

Jeffreys/Jeffs' no longer said to be first found in Herefordshire.

Scottish Jeffreys changed late 2019 from Peebles to Aberdeenshire.

Jeffersons from Herefordshire with their Jay kin, to Staffordshire.

Jewels/Joels changed 2020 from Wiltshire to Devon.

June's/Jungs to Staffordshire from Cambridgeshire with Jeune's, noted in early 2121.

Kemmis' from Gloucestershire to Huntingdonshire.

Ladys/Laudymans from Northamptonshire to Lincolnshire in 2024.

Letters from Berwickshire to Westmorland in late 2022.

Lise's/Leash's from Perthshire to Dumfries in 2021.

Luffs/Love's from Sussex with related Muscats to Oxfordshire with related Cheeks.

French Mars/Mer/Mores' now in Normandy (from 2020) from Burgundy.

Ladys/Laudimans from Northamptonshire to Lincolnshire in late 2022.

Letters from Berwickshire to Westmorland in 2022.

Masters from Kent to Yorkshire.

Meads changed from Sussex (with Medleys) to Somerset, then changed again to Warwickshire in 2021.

MEDleys from Sussex to Somerset.

Moons from Devon to Moions of Dorset.

Mortons (Scottish) from Cheshire to Dumfries in 2023/4.

Muscats from Suffolk to Cambridgeshire.

Newtons from Somerset to Cheshire in 2023

Pace's from Cheshire to Leicestershire.

Pape's/Pope's from Caithness to Elgin in about 2022.

Pattons from Shropshire to Cumberland in 2023, but only as a forename.

Pavia's/Paviers' from Somerset to Warwickshire.

Penders from Cheshire to Nottinghamshire.

Pewters/Powters (probably named Powder of Spree's) changed from Devon to Cornwall.

Pile's from Northumberland to Somerset, 2024.

Potters, once in Hampshire with same-colored Porters/Pawters, and Botters, but now houseofnames gives no first-found location, and has obliterated mention of Hampshire.

Rooks from Oxfordshire to Worcestershire with rook-using Rocks, in 2023.

Quints from Essex and Dorset to Cumberland.

Ricks from Somerset to Cheshire in about 2022.

Rhodes' no longer in Lincolnshire, now in Yorkshire.

Rothes' no longer said to be first found in Shropshire; now in Kent with their likely line of Perts/Petts and Pettys. Rothes is in Moray, and Morays use a "pret" motto term.

Rothschilds/Roddensteins no longer in Brunswick, now in Speyer.

Rye's/Rise's from Sussex to Norfolk.

SAWyers from Norfolk to Berkshire with SHAWs/Sheaves'.

Seagars, from Norfolk prior to about 2018, now said to be first found in Devon.

Sedans/Siddens once in Yorkshire, now in Durham.

Sands from Lancashire to Surrey.

Sawyers from Norfolk to Berkshire.

Sleeps from Shropshire to Kent in 2023.

Stains/Stands from Yorkshire to Middlesex.

Touch's/Tows from Cheshire to Aberdeenshire in 2022/23.

Tree's/True's from Warwickshire to Wiltshire.

Trots/Trude's from Berkshire to Surrey.

Tresures/Trashers, of the double-tressure border, from Somerset with Tarrs' to Suffolk.

Tricks/Tracks from Cambridgeshire to Yorkshire.

Tufts/Tuffs' ("phoenix" in Crest) from Cheshire with Touch's/Tuffs to Northumberland with Phoenix's/Fenwicks.

Ways/Weigh's from Devon to Dorset in 2023.

Washingtons from Lancashire to Durham.

Wings/Winks from Perthshire to Winkston of Peebles, and Worcestershire in England.

Scottish Watts from Worcestershire to Carnegy.

Ways from Devon with Wyfords to Dorset.

Wings/Winks from Perthshire to Worcestershire, in 2023.

Yonge's/Youngs from Roxburghshire with related Leavells to "borderlands" more generally.

The Best Heraldry Educator Has Been Cut Off

I have shared Coat descriptions from
http://search.swyrich.com/searcherror.asp?Message=Invalid%20Licensee%20[22345]%20in%20searchresults.asp for years, but as of March 2013, the company ceased to make the page available. The page seems deceptive, as though owned by a licensee guilty of data mining. In reality, the page is owned by Swyrich, the one who gives out licenses. After repeated inquiries as to why the page was removed, it seemed to me that the company knew who I was, and refused to give me the answer. I had found their alternative webpage at
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/, but, just the same, I asked two different people over several emails for such a webpage, but, half-expected, both emailers refused to give me the webpage above. It tended to prove that they were out to thwart my work. Swyrich apparently owns houseofnames.com too (out of Kingston, Ontario). This paragraph will remain here until I learn that Swyrich puts the webpage back up so that my readers can see for themselves how the Coat descriptions read.