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November 1 - 9, 2015

All About Washingtons Hidden in the Great Seal of the United States
The Stewarts of Saluzzo on the Eagle's Breast
This has the best and most-reliable revelation on Stewart roots ever

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

With Putin becoming active in Syria, the U.S. is suddenly bouncy:
"The US is looking for a pretext to enter Iraq through Kurdistan and through there to Northern Syria to allegedly support the moderate opposition forces," Member of the Iraqi parliament's Security and Defense Committee Iskandar Watout said, adding that everyone is aware of the US plots for Iraq's Kurdistan region.

"The Americans have left Anbar province and other Iraqi regions for Kurdistan in a move observable to everyone," Watout added.

Another Iraqi lawmaker, Hamed al-Matlak, said that the US decision to send troop to Iraqi Kurdistan Region shows Washington intends to start changes in Iraq and Syria in line with its plots for the region, Fars News reported.

The US has declared dispatch of military forces to the Kurdish region in Syria to help Kurdish forces to fight the IS militants. won’t allow US troops to enter Iraq through Kurdistan Region: MPs

It sounds like Iraq doesn't want to become more friendly with the U.S. in Iraq's own struggle against ISIS. It sounds as though Iraq has been disappointed with the U.S. efforts against ISIS, and that it's aware that the U.S. has schemes for using Iraq, not helping. It doesn't look like anything is going to stop Russia after it entered the fight:

Russian jets bombed 24 targets in Syria [November 3) using coordinates supplied by 'opposition representatives' - the first time Moscow has claimed to work with opposition groups since the start of its air offensive.

"The coordinates of all of these targets were given to us by opposition representatives," senior military official Andrei Kartapolov said, without specifying which groups Moscow had cooperated with.

That refers to the political opposition to Assad, not the military opposition. The political opposition (some of it, anyway) is loyal to the Syrian government. Iraq's stance on this war tends to be in support of the Syria-Russia-Iran axis. The West is continuing to discuss the unfolding of events, and planning against it. But what can be done if Iraq doesn't allow it to do anything but destroy ISIS, which Obama definitely does not want to do? Right now, there is a super-power struggle to win the hearts of Iraqi lawmakers, and especially those who make the decisions on the military campaigns. The U.S. wouldn't want to be indifferent to the Iraqi will right now, but, in the end, there may be no choice as Russia steps things up into a higher gear, should it be permitted by Iraq to enter Iraqi air space. So-much-nothing for the no-fly-zone that the West wanted in Syria.

The last update happened, without planning, to reveal the secrets (not all, yet anyway), in the Great Seal of the United States. Anyone can deny the evidence presented by claiming coincidences, but the great number of "coincidences" is proof enough for me that the evidence is sound and true. Not many know better than me what it takes to get a real heraldic coincidence, so that, when a string of easy coincidences crop up in less than a few hours, and most pertain to the same-and-related bloodlines and geography, it's solid evidence for some true thing behind the finds.

Why would the Seal use an "unfinished" pyramid? There could be two reasons. One, the Cecil surname worked into the Seal's symbols, and it uses an "una" motto term, which was my topic of the last update whether or not I had gotten to the Seal. "UNfinished" can be part-code for the same as the UNIcorn, the Una/Oeneus river to which I trace Freemasonry as a whole. The Cecil motto also uses "Cor UNUM," like the "ANIMum" term of the FINIS/Fein surname that was pegged with "unFINIShed." Coincidence? The heraldic baton worked into the eye in the triangle, and there is a third baton now found, in the Crest of Sale-suspect Cuffs, who use an "ANIMus" motto term. Might Seals be a line of Sale's? The Cuffs describe it: "An armed man embowed holding a red baton." As I see the Hoffs using the Coff bend, while the Hoff Crest is a black wolf head, symbol of Seal's, it seems that Seals are sale liners.

By the time that I got cracking away at the Seal's codes, the topic had already gotten to the Gore's/CORE's, whom have been traced to the Una river for years, and here there is a "COR unum" phrase in the very motto that even uses "una." If you're asking how Cecils can be proven to be part of the Seals' symbols, the last update told it: "See the "Unum" term in the Great Seal of the United States, for it's the Cecil motto term too, and Cecils show SICELt/SEYCIL variations like the "SECLorum" motto term in the seal." Another coincidence? At this point, the only one claiming coincidences would be those who love the Great Seal as something more than code for certain bloodlines and families.

There were a few things I didn't mention in the last update concerning this topic that I'll get to now. I had forgotten at the time concerning a drawing of an alternative design for the shield (escutcheon) upon bald-eagle's breast. This was a suggested design for the Great Seal from a Mr. Thomson, I forget his last name, but the story should still be online. Here is the Thomson painting and here is the Thomson sketch. The sketch, I assume, is an original, and the painting was a revamping, I assume. It shows what look like multiple chevrons in red and white. However, because there is white on both sides of the three red chevrons, the Arms use three red chevrons on a white Shield rather than red-and-white alternating chevrons. There's a difference. For example, if there are red-and-white stripes with white at the top and red at the bottom, it's called "barry" (both red and white bars in honor of Barrys / Berrys), but if the same colors appear on both top and bottom, it's called bars of one color only. The 13 vertical bars on the eagle's breast in the final Seal design have white (silver) on both sides, wherefore they are not 13 stripes at all, but rather six red "pal(l)ets." A pale bar, in honor of the Pale/Paly surname, is a single one, and "palets" is often used to describe multiple pale bars, suspect with the Pellets that use the same cups as English Pilotte's, and that makes this picture suspect with the gold and silver bars that I've traced to mount Pilat.

Pellets use the Pilotte/Piller/Pillow / Shaw grails exactly, colors and chevron included. Mont Pilot has a peak called, Perdrix, which was traced to Perthshire, where Shaws were first found, and where, according to Wikipedia, some believe that the mother of Pontius Pilate lived. As Bosco's use pillars while Pilotte's are the only one's who list "Piller," the "posce" motto term of Finis'/Feins, because no Posce-like surname can be readily found, is suspect with Bosco / Busch/Bush liners. As there is a Busca location beside Saluzzo, I am reminded that Saluzzo's use no symbol but a blue Chief! The bald eagle's escutcheon is therefore suspect with one or more of the owners of the Saluzzo Chief. And then Bush's (eagles) share black boars with Pallets/Pallys!!! The palets on the Seal's escutcheon are below a blue Chief with nothing in it!!!

The grass in front of the Seal's pyramid was not going to be mentioned, in the last update, as code for Grasse, until it fit. And so here's the Bosco Coat: "A blue shield with silver pillars, out of each, a gold tuft of grass" Triple chevrons are used by one Grace/Grass surname.

In the last update, the motto on the scroll of the eagles beak, "E. PLURibus Unum," was deciphered tentatively for the Epler/Epps surname, and then, thanks to some email exchanges of years ago, it had been sunk in my head that EPPsteins use three red-on-white chevrons!!! Bingo. Knowing the chances of having a coincidence like that, I've got to claim that this motto is partly for the Epler / Eppstein line, and partly for Una-river liners, and that river was related to the neighboring Kupa river, where I have been tracing the cups of Pilotte's and Pallets aside from anything to do with the Great Seal. And the Kupa has been traced for years (by me) to Quintus Caepio, an original owner of the gold and silver bars...that I traced to mount Pilat. But as the hunch has been that the Rothschilds got hold of a large chunk of this treasure, that's why there are Rothschild symbols in the Seal.

From EPP liners, I can go further to the Apps/Abbs and Caepio-suspect Capes', both sharing white-on-red scallops. The Capes' were first found in London (beside the Capone's), where Nathan Rothschild came to operate, he being the second Rothschild, son of Mayer Rothschild. The latter, if we believe the online stories, got his vast fortune at Hesse-Cassel, but the Cecils are said (in their write-up) to be from "Cassel," another enormous coincidence.

Here's more. Cassels had become suspect with the Cassius family that merged with the Caepionis line of Quintus Caepio. The Cassius surname (blue Zionist stars, same as on the flag of Israel) was first found in Medina, where there is an important Fanano location to which the Fane's/Feins had traced, and here I find that Finis'/Feins use a Coat much like that of Fane's/Feins. Fanano was discovered not many weeks ago just as a Fannius Caepio character had been discovered. Fannius and his schemers attempted to usurp the imperial throne of Augustus. Fannius' accomplices included at least one Mr. Murena, a good reason to trace these families to Fanano and neighboring Marano. The Cassius family was previously involved with murdering Julius Caesar, while the latter had a long affair with the granddaughter (Servilia) of Quintus Caepio, while her daughter (Junia, traces to Juno at the Una river) married "Gaius Cassius, another prominent assassin of Julius Caesar." It looks like Julius (born five years after the Caepio war with Boiorix) got hold of some of the treasure, explaining how he catapulted to successful-dictator level.

Whenever there appears to be Caepio suspects linked closely to Fano suspects, it could be from that lot who nearly made it to the imperial throne.

There is yet another vast coincidence. The Eppsteins are said to be from Hesse-Nassau, and that can trace to Orange-Nassau, and therefore to Orange (not very far from Mont Pilat), where Quintus Caepio fought a war, and lost, against king Boiorix, one year after he (Caepio) got his 50,000 gold bars from Toulouse. It seems logical to assume that the treasure had belonged to Boiorix, or to whomever he was cutting a deal for in return for fighting Caepio. The theory is that Boiorix got some of the treasure, and that Julius Caesar went looking for it amongst the Boiorix-related Germanics / Gauls. What more, amongst the human beasts, can explain motive for war than gold bars?

Just a word in passing, Servilia Caepionis had married, secondly, Decimus Junius Silanus, and he "was consul in 62 with Lucius Licinius Murena." As CILNius Maecenas married a Murena family, "SILANus" becomes suspect as a Cilnius variation. I'll keep that in mind, seeking surnames from "Silanus." What about the Sills/Sells, first found in the same place as Quint-related Quince's? This just caused the discovery that Killens (share the tower with Murena's) are using the Shield of Plunkets, suspect from Plancia Magna, a Herod-Maccabee liner. I should re-visit this. Sellers use cups and the same swan design as previously shown for French Josephs, and Sellers can be of the Sailors and related Seals!!! The last update found that Seals are definitely candidates for naming the "Great Seal."

In fact, the Seals and Sailers, in using the Quade wolves, can trace to Quadratus, who married the very Herod-Maccabee line that produced Plancia Magna! This was the line of tiger-like Tigranes, husband of Epp-like OPgalli (said to be possibly a Jew of Galatia), the latter traced to the tiger-using Hobs/Habs, same place as Levi-beloved and Quade-suspect Ade's, first found in Berwickshire, land of BERNICIANs, while Quadratus married the family of one BERENICIANus. No guff. It puts a whole new light of British history. Plunkets were first found in the same place as the Dol Alans who came to rule Britain. The Bernice's (may be from Berenice of Herods, mother of another Berenicianus) use the same fesse as Cassius! Plus, it was realized that Sailers are using a version of the Bernice / Burns Coats and so see the Agrippa-suspect griffins in the fesse of Sailors (same colors as the Cassius fesse), for Berenice was the daughter of Herod Agrippa! Sailers are the one's with the "GREATest" motto term that makes it compelling to view "Great Seal" as code for Sailers / Seals and Greats together. See also the Moster/Master griffins as per the "most" motto term of the same Sailers. Suddenly, the Great Seal can trace to Mr. Junius Silanus, suspect with some Caepio treasure. It is a fact that, just days before finding this Moster connection to the Great Seal, a Mosterton location was found (and reported on) in Dorset, where Quints were first found.

It looks like the Great Seal is a monument to the Caepio treasure that won the world for the Romans. It can explain why the political houses of Washington are done in Roman style. "WHITE House" can even be code for the White's from the island of Wight, where Quade's were traced convincingly a few weeks ago, and White's even share the blue vair fur of Quints! Prior to making the Quade trace to Wight, the Cowes location on Wight (like some Quade / Mackay variations) had been traced to Qewe of Cilicia, suspect with the family of Quadratus there, for his family ruled in Cilicia. Plus, the Newport location on Wight had been long known (before the Quade trace to Wight) to share the black Ade leopard faces. These faces were found in the Lice/Lee Coat when seeking what the "LICEntium" motto of Irish Mackays might stand for, and that was the moment, if I recall correctly, wherein it dawned that Quade's/Wade's, and the Quoide variation of Mackays (share the Quade wolf heads), traced to "Wight." But even if that is incorrect, a Wight link to Quade's was undeniable.

It recalls that, for several years, I had traced White's to the UAT-Buto cult of Egypt, at which time I repeated that it was part of the all-seeing-eye of Horus, which was depicted as the eye of a falcon. Compare "Uat" to "Quade," but, also, I had traced "Uat" to KizzuWATna, smack at the Qewe area of Cilicia. Horus is suspect with Hros, whom I see as proto-Rus, and Mackays were definitely Rus.

It was shortly after making the Quade trace to Wight when it started to sink in that the all-seeing-eye was code for Quade/Wade liners, because Watts and Vatts use the eye. Plus, as Vatts are also "Watters," it dawns on me here that Waters (Essex, same place as Quints), because they use the triple chevrons in the colors of the same that were slated for the Great Seal, are part of that Seal's beloved bloodlines! It tends to prove further that the Seal's all-seeing-eye is in honor of Quade liners, but this discovery comes after months (full-time work) of seeking evidence for, and finding much illumination upon, a Quade trace to "Quadratus."

There is a Waters surname using nothing but one pale bar. The Water write-up suggests that they had been Saxons in Shropshire before the Dol Alans arrived to that town. But it was in neighboring Cheshire that the Sitric > Maccus formed a partnership with Anglo-Saxons, and in fact, while Sitric has been said to have married Edith of POLESworth, daughter of Aethelstan (Anglo-Saxon), it just so happens that Fulbert "the Saxon" was in Shropshire with the Dol Alans! This rings very good for finding the proto-Pollock Saxons. As per "PolesWORTH," it was shown in the last update that Worths use the same double-headed eagle as Maxwells (Maccus liners), the latter owning Pollocks as a sept. Pollocks had traced in various ways to Poland's Mieszko's, and are suspect in the white lion (from Poole, I think, on-shore from Cowes on Wight) in an Arms of Ayrshire (mentioned last update). There is a Polworth surname using the same-type piles (same colors too) as the Cowes/Cawe/Koo surname, you see. The latter may be using the Julian cross, but suspect more closely with the Teague/Teeger crosslets.

See the Bamburgs too, perhaps using the Wassa/Gace star (Teague's trace to the Touques river, location of Gace), a surname suspect with queen-Bebba Bernicians (at Bamburgh castle) that married the royal Anglo-Saxons of Aethelstan circles. Bamberg, Germany, was home to Babenbergs, and they happen to use the triple Water chevrons! It convinces me already that German Bamburgs/Bambergs are using part of the Cowes / Polworth piles. The latter use their piles in colors reversed from the Paler/Baylor piles, who in-turn use them in pale fashion, suggesting a new find: Pale liners had modified into Balers/Baylers, which expects similar-termed Pale liners...through Camulodunum, where the double bars GEMEL of Wassa's/Gace's trace.

The Polworth description: " piles engrailed conjoined in point." The Points use more piles, assuring that Polworths are a branch of, or at least a merger with, pile-using Pile's/Pyle's. French Pile's are also "Pillot/Pilier," and use the giant lion of Balls (already suspect with Palers/Balers) with a Balder variation that can be in the BALD eagle. The Ball/Balder motto phrase, "FULcrum dignitatis", is perhaps linkable to the Word motto is, "Nil indigne." Tate's share a six-sectioned Shield with Wheelwrights (Mieszko-Pole suspects), and Mieszko I was also called, Dagome (may have had a Dagon-like variation). The "FulCRUM" motto term is excellent for tracing to Crema, the Arms of which use the armored arm of Mieske's. Crema is at the Adda river that was recently traced solidly (in my mind) to the Baths/ATHA's! The latter will be shown below as Baton liners. Words (same place as Scottish Chappes') can be suspect with Wordens/Wardens and therefore with El-Gabal of Woerden, the cult that traces to the mouse tower.

French Balls were first found in Brittany, and can thus link to the proto-Pollocks there. As per Paler/Balers, Balls become suspect with "Pall," a surname that lists "Pol/Pohl/Saint Paul," and shows the same sword as Aude's/Ode's (Ottone / Oddie colors) suspect with the "Audacter" motto term of Pollocks. The three Aude/Ode swords are with three points down meeting at a conjoined point, the Polworth symbol too, though not using the swords. The Aude's/Ode's: "...swords, points downWARD, MEETing in base." The Meets/Meads, first found in the same place as Baths/Atha's, use a pelican on nest! The Nest is for Nestor of Pylos!!! I told you so. And it makes the Meets trace excellently to neighboring Methoni, and calls for a Meet trace to Modena.

The Meets/Meads can now link to the Medleys and Methlys/Muth's, for the latter two are using the star colors of the Polesdons/PILsons (Cheshire, Maxwell locale too) in colors reversed. I accidentally entered "Poleson" to find the Molle boar heads (Eschyna de Molle's daughter married Robert Pollock).

And to help prove that "TouJOURs" is code for Alan-related Gore's/Jore's, the Meet/Mead motto uses it. "Toujours" is used by Gards, and to help prove that the Gard Coat is a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat, the Meets/Meads share black-on-gold footless martlets with Pulleys/Pullens (no guff). Even as Ottone's are using the chevron of Chappes, here we find the Joseph martlet in the Meet/Mead Coat, which itself looks like a version of the Capone Coat, which, for the first time, causes me to assume that the double-gold chevrons of Chaplins and English Josephs is the Capone chevron, in colors reversed from the triple chevrons of Levi's, first found in the same place as Chappes' and Lissus- or -Cavii-suspect Lys'/Lisse's. The latter's greyhound traces with Huns and mouse-tower Mieszko's to the Clausula river, to be linked with nearby Gabuleum = the El-Gabal cult that made its way to Polworth-suspect Woerden. Note how the Arms of Woerden looks like a copy of the Stewart Coat, for the Stewart crest is a pelican on nest!

You can find the Stewart Coat in an Arms of Ayrshire at the Kyle-Society webpage. You can read there that the black lozenge is said to be code for the COAL industry, which is especially and conveniently discovered to be "garbage" in a Kyle page that traces to king COLE, who ruled Camulodunum, where the camel of Irish Pattersons can trace, but then Scottish Pattersons use pelicans on nests throughout. Plus, believe it or not, you can find Irish Pattersons listing a Cassane variation, like the Cassani's/Casano's/Cassius', first found in Modena! It was emailer Patterson who steered me to Pylos in the first place, how about that. As the Kyle page shows one Arms of Kyle with a Pipe, while Pipe's and Pepins use the camel head, the Patterson camel head should trace to Camulodunum too. The Goplo- and Koplik- suspect Gobels (Italian branch) use a full camel. The Meet/Mead Coat is a version also of the Camp/Comp Coat, in the colors of Campbells/Cammells. But where Campbells trace through Camulodunum, the MacArthurs are expected there too, and king Arthur was even given a CAMELot code.

I didn't intend to write all that in the paragraph above, but wanted only to point out the black lozenges in the Arms of Woerden, which become suspect with the "black stone" of El-Gabal, a camel-like term, by the way. Modena is where I trace the proto-priests of Israel in Jesus' time, but they also trace to the Sitric>Maccus line a thousand years later, and this is where the PolesWORTH location comes up suspect with Woerden.

And, by the way, the Thomson surname was first found in Ayrshire, and mentions an Adam Thomson, Lord of KYLneKYLLE. (Kyle liner?). I'll elaborate on the Thomson surname later, but its "POLICy" motto term is best mentioned here as possible code for Pollocks, who lived near Ayrshire, and moreover the first Pollock had a castle at Moray (at Rothes) while the Thomson Chief uses the Moray stars. Whose red stag do Thomsons use?

The Cassani/Cassius write-up traced to Cusano MUTri in Campania, where I trace "CAMPbell." As Avellino in Campania traces to Avallon near the south end of French Champagne/Campania, the "MUTRi" term is likely of the Motiers/Mautiers (Auvergne), for they share a Shield filled with vair fur with English Champagne's. Moverlys (canton) show a MOTHERwell variation and share the Washington bars. Mothers/Mathers/Madors share blue stars with Cassani's/Cassius, and may be using the blue scallop of Sodens, suspect with the scallops and Sodhans of Pattersons/Cassane's! That works. Sodans even share a blue-on-white fesse with Cassani/Cassius'!!! Zowie. Therefore, Mutri is where Mathers must trace, and Mathers were suspect with the Madariaga family of Javier Solana. Madariaga's even share the Sodan stars.

[Much later in this update, you can see a new and Great-Seal-related revelation on the Fitzalans of Arundel, to which the Solana's may link. Know ahead of time that the Madariaga Coat with border is suspect with the same of Justine's who use a "causa" motto term, and then the Justine Coat will link to the same of Sauls/Sawleys. As Arundels (major topic to come with a wow-revelation) become suspect with roundels, that's the Madariaga symbol.]

The Motier/Mautier Coat puts the Shield of Fes', first found in Auvergne, upon its vair. Fessys/Face's had traced to the Fieschi family of Genoa (can be found online in association with lozengy-using Grimaldi's), not only where the Arduinici-related Doria's were first found, but where the Fessy-beloved Segni's/Segurana's were first found that use the MacArthur MOLINE (Molle liners) in colors reversed. You just saw Fes' tracing to Fessys/Face's (Bath/Atha cross). The Fisks, "like "Fieschi," are the ones with a pyramid in Crest, yet the pyramid in the Great Seal may also be code for Peirs / Piers and some Mid-like (Middle's?) Mitanni line (see last update for that). Fisks share the estoile with Feschs/Fechts/Factors. The latter's estoile has eight points, and is white, same as the MOTT estoile. Middle's/MEADleys/Mittels (Shropshire), with a variation like "Mytilene" (Lesbos), share the RAGully feature with Stewarts. See "Wrey / Wragg/Ragg" in the last update for their trace to Oswestry, the Shropshire location where English Alans lived.

This is a good place to add that Bambergs are suspect with Baumgartners (Jewish) sharing the Banner fleur (both surnames East Prussia), for Banners trace hard (without doubt) to the Panero river, at/near Fanano. As with Gardners, BaumGARTNERs can be suspect with Capes' and Kaplans, and you just saw a Gard link to Capone's and Chaplans. Moreover, the counterchanged Banner fleur is in the colors of the June fleur. The Cake's/Cakebreads use the same giant fleur, and were first found in the same place as June's and Capone's. The Ad(d)ingtons not only use ermined black lozenges (symbol of Shaws/Sheaves), but gold-on-black counterchanged fleur, nearly the same as in this paragraph.

Baumgartners throw in what looks like a green parrot, symbol of the Peebles surname, and Peebles is where the Balds were first found, suspect from the Arduinici at the Baltea river, also called "Bautica," and it just so happens that Bauts were first found in Auvergne too, as were the Bouillons, the latter of the family that used "Baldwin" for the first king of Templar Jerusalem. It appears that the bald eagle holding the Bower arrows was code for Baltea-river liners. As Peeble's show a Peoples variation, they are suspect with the Pepins/People's, and to help prove that this traces to Papia/Pavia, the Baumgartner Coat looks like a black version of the red Deck/Dagger Coat (Prussia, same as Baumgartners). What do we suppose the "Ad METam" motto of the Bowers/Beauers (share the green Shield of Pollocks) is code for? The Ade's and Meets/Meads are coming to mind. And it was the Ade-like and Pollock-suspect Aude's/Ode's that use the "meeting" term! That tends to have the potential of identifying Ade's as Ottone / Oddie liners. The Oddie saltire can be seen in the Eugene/Ewin Coat that itself uses nearly the "Audacter" of Pollocks.

The "LiberTAS" motto term of Adingtons may be for the Tass/Tache surname sharing the scallop of Daggers. As Adingtons share the English-Shaw lozenge, it's even more notable that Scottish Tass', listed with Taws', were first found in the same place as Scottish Shaws. As Levi's use an "aide" motto term, a "Libertas" motto term with ADingtons thus becomes a term suspect with Laevi on the Ticino/Tessen river, especially as Bowers, first found in Peebles, use an "AD METam" motto! The Ade's and Meets/Meads are coming to mind.

While Roens/Rome's share the Tass/Taws gyronny in the same colors, the Roens/Rome's/Rooms (same place as Annan(dale) share the red-on-white fesse with Liebers. It's important that Liebers use oak branches beside their red fesse, for it links to the red fesse of Alans with oak LEAVES, and Alans became the Stewarts who seem obvious in the Arms of Woerden, the Arms sharing black lozenges with Adingtons. Therefore. Laevi liners through Liebers and Levi's are suspect with something important in Woerden. The check-like symbol in the Arms of Woerden are likely lozengy, and they are half in the colors of the Word(en)/Warden checks, the latter sharing leopard face's on a fesse with Ade's. No guff.

Here are the Arms of East Ayrshire, showing the white lion suspect with the Poole lion, noting the Ayrshire motto term, "ForWARD," for there was a significant treatment on Ward liners, an eye-opener, upon finding the "Worth" motto term in the Arms of North Ayrshire. Pollocks are now suspect from Edith, or another child of Aethelstan, and related directly to the Waters' or proto-Waters'. The white-blue lion of East Ayrshire is said to be from the Arms of Comyn-suspect Cumnock, and for this reason is expected to trace to Comminges with the Comyns/Commings, and it just so happens that Comminges is directly across the Garonne river from Toulouse. I'll explain below why the Comyns should be using a version of the Finis/Fein Coat. Cake's/Cakebreads got suspect with Sitric CAECH, and Breads (same place as Edith-suspect EDmontons/EdMESTONs) use a white-on-blue lion.

I had traced to Watts / Vatts to the all-seeing-eye in the Arms of WITkowo, and it has an eye inside of a triangle, just like the Great Seal!!! Although I thought that the Witkowo eye is upon a shell of some kind, I now realize that it's on a so-called "glory," the term used around the eye in the Great Seal! The glory is a shining light, but must be code for Glorys/Lowrys, who use a large cup. If Wikipedia shortly removes the Witkowo Arms, here it is in my files:

As you can see, the Witkowo eye and triangle are blue on gold, the colors of the eagle in the version of the Great Seal in my files. Witkowo is in the Gniezno area of Poland, and so you may be interested in the Arms of Gniezno, using the Piast eagle with an escutcheon upon its breast (not highly common for eagle usage), and three white fesse bars suspect with Bars of Bar-le-Duc, in Lorraine, where the Glory/Lowry and Laurie laurel trace. Lorraine was where Mieszko II, a Piast liner, got his wife (Richeza), and she was a Pepin liner, from Pepin of Landen, who got his wife (Ida) from Lorraine (Metz). My guess is that the Gniezno escutcheon shows a torch and a lantern in saltire.

I failed to mention in the last update, that the triangle, suspect with Angle's and Angels, found the Baton/Baston surnames, as per the co-called baton in the Angle Coat. It was then argued that the blue Chief (no symbols) on the Seal's escutcheon was from the Shield (no symbols) of French Batons/Bastons. But here it needs to be said that Battins/Badens/BATTONs (very linkable to Bidens) use the human eye too. Shame on me for not realizing this sooner, and it puts the nail in the coffins of those who deny these discoveries. The coffins are being prepared as we speak by the All-Seeing Glory of Israel, the One who comes to stomp on Rothschilian Israel. You watch.

The Battin-related Baths/Atha's are very linkable to the Randolph line in the ancestry of Obama, the one that chose Biden as his running mate. English Batons/Bastons (beside the Baths/Atha's using the Scottish-Randolph Cross) share the bat with Scottish Randolphs. It can explain why Obama is now the president, a tool of the Great-Seal cult. Batons/Battins were first found in Cornwall with Wassa's/Gace's.

I didn't realize until now that the Ways/Weighs (Devon), a very-recent topic, can be of the Wayson/Ways variations of Wassa's/Gace's, for the two surnames were first found in the Cornwall peninsula. If the Ways/Weighs were White's, it make's Wassa's suspect as such. I kid you not, that I was on the baton surnames apart from anything to do with Ways/Weighs, for they didn't come to mind until after starting on the BATONS, AND HERE I FIND THE FOLLOWING IN THE WAYS/WEIGH CREST: "An arm in mail armor holding a BATON"!!! Hahaha, such a laugh. The Cuff baton is likewise said to be held by an arm in armor.

Not only do the Ways/Weighs share double fesse bars with Wassa's, the bars are said to have red and wavy pale bares within them, and then these pale bars are red-on-white, the colors of the pale bars on the bald eagle's breast, where the bars were at one point going to be the water chevrons. Although the Ways are showing just two pale bars, the description says: "...two silver wavy bars, each charged with THREE red wavy palets." The three lucy fish in the Ways Coat are in the colors and format of the three pheons used by Pellet-related Pilate's. The lucy fish are on a blue Shield suspect with the Baton / Saluzzo Shield, and this recalls that I traced the fish of a Keturah > Kodros > Kotor line to fish-using Catters and therefore to Cutters whom I often identify as using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's in colors reversed. In fact, I would venture to claim, before the full evidence is in, that the Great-Seal cult will trace to Abraham and Keturah as a priority.

The Kotor fish is used by the Arms of Saraca (see Wikipedia's Saraka article) upon a blue fesse on a gold Shield, the colors of the Bernice fesse. this fesse got suspect with the Cassius fesse surrounded by Zionist stars in colors reversed from the same of the Perthshire Hagar(d)s, suspect with Hagar, Abraham's concubine. The alternative symbol of mythical Kodros (Athens, suspect with the Mitanni / Yuya / Tut line there) was the boar, the Pallet / Bush symbol.

The German Battin/Bettin Crest has a black eagle, also found in this Arms of Rothschild, along with the bunched arrows that one sees in the "talons" of the Seal's bald eagle. The Talon/TALANT surname (uses talons) had become suspect with the Capone surname because, while Caepio's were traced to the Cavii Illyrians, the Cavii lived beside the TAULANTii. See lower-left of map with "Taulantii" spelled vertically across Illyria:

It's not very often when I find an heraldic eagle described as "A black eagle displayed." That's the description for the German-Battin Crest, but then here's the Wikipedia description, the official description, of the Great Seal: "A bald eagle proper displayed..." It just so happens that while Keys/Kays are Quade / Mackay suspects, the Propers use an ostrich with a key in its beak. So, we now know that the triangle is code for Angle's that honor both Battin surnames. At one time, I thought that the key in the ostrich's beak was a pipe, code for Pepin-related Pipe's, for the "Manus" term of Propers is like the "Mens" of Pepins. The Propers are using a fesse-on-ermined Shield, just like the Bidens, yet another coincidence that crops up naturally.

Testing the Waters

German Battins use a single arrow in white, likely a Rothschild symbol. The upright German-Battin arrow can be the upright Adam/Caw arrow, the Caw variation suspect with Quade variations and/or with Cowes'/Cawe's. Adams trace to Adam Kilconquhar, husband of Marjory Carrick (Ayrshire), while the all-seeing-eye has been traced to various Ayrshire elements, now especially to the EYEs and Ayers, namers of Ayrshire, and it just so happens that Ayers use QUATRefoils, like "QUADRatus." The latter is now undeniably the all-seeing-eye line. He must have been named after KizzuWATna liners, but very suspect also with "WATER / WATTER," suggesting that Mr. Thomson's sketch was for the triple Water chevrons. It may reveal that the red-and-white pallets that were decided upon instead are to be found in the Water bloodline.

The Thomson surname happens to show a "M'Comie" variation, which seems easily linkable to Mrs. Comyn, mother of Adam Kilconquhar, for we read that John Thomson was a leader of the men of Carrick in a war. There is even an ADAM Thomson mentioned as lord of KylneKYLLE in Ayrshire. Whose red stag head do Thomsons use? Is it of the Colts/Celts, a Pontius-Pilate liner? Possibly, but another red stag, with red antlers to boot, are in the WATERman Coat. Now you know the truth. But why would Waters be so important as to warrant a front seat on the Great Seal? Well, Watermans were first found in the same place (Devon) as Wassa's.

There is a Comines location just outside Pas-de-Calais = Artois, the latter where Finis'/Feins were from. The latter surname's Coat is a virtual replica of the Comyn and Fane/Fein Coat, and the latter surname has been deemed the "wife of king Arthur" while Pas-de-Calais is the location of Artois. The "aris" motto term of Weights is suspect with "Arras," the Artois capital, and while the Weights are suspect in the so-called "weights" in the Dexter motto, Dexters/Decksters became suspect with "Exeter, in Devon, where Finis'/Feins were first found. The other Weights, first found beside the Fane's/Feins, are also Wights and White's, but for the time being, I'm refraining from identifying the Weights and White's as Ways/Weigh liners. I rather trace the latter to the Weis/Wise surname of Bavaria, the line that ruled the Bavarian Illuminati, formed in 1776 on a high-holy day of satanism (May 1), the same year that the United States formed independence from Britain.

The Weights, however, use hunting HORNS, and the Ways/Weigh lucy fish are used by Lucys, said to be from Orne, and then the three Lucy fish are in the colors of the three Orne/Horn herons. The Orne area drains in or next to the Bessin, and Bessins (same Coat as Bistone's) are also Beastons, from Beaston of Cheshire, and therefore definitely linked to Ranulph le Meschin, whose father (married Conteville's who had a location by that name near Gace) was from the Bessin. The Ways/Weigh fish are described, "lucies haurient," perhaps partly for Horn liners.

The Arms of Comines uses a key "paleWISE" (not a common term for a pale feature, suggests the Wise surname), and the key is surrounded by FIVE (Arthur symbol) CINQUEfoils (likely a Quint symbol), partly in the colors of the Bus cinquefoils, the latter suspect in "E. PluriBUS." I traced the tripe Water chevrons (i.e. now linking to the same of Eplers/Epps to "E. Pluribus") to the Arms of Eure-et-Loir because I identified the "water bouget" with Bouchard II, founder of Montmorency, and so see that Morencys use the same cross as Irish Burghs/Berks, the latter proven (by me, anyway) to be from John de Burgo, father of Herluin de Conteville. The bouget was later found to be likely code for Buckets/Buchards (Morency colors), using, once again, three red piles joined at their bases. As Morencys were first found in the same place as French Chappes', note that Buckets/Buchards use the same pile design as the red ones of Guiscards/WISEharts, first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes, a good way to establish that both Chappes' are branch's. The Moor head of Stirlings corroborates it. French Buckets use more cinquefoils, four this time, perhaps code for Quadratus. There is what can be a QUATREfoil deliberately in the handle of the Comines key. English Wise's use an "aude" motto term while we saw Aude's using swords fashioned like the Guiscard piles.

Was the Bavarian Illuminati, formed by Adam WEIShaupt, a Guiscard entity? Guiscards were from Hauteville's, whom I found to be Hawthorns (thanks to Tim for that one), like the Awthorn variation of Orne's/Horns. Hauteville is to the west side of Orne. Hauteville's were also discovered to be Hulse / Hazel / Haslip liners, and the latter shares holly with this Bucket/Buchard Crest: "A lily and holly branch in saltire." As Burghs list "Berk," it's notable that Susans, using a giant lily, were first found in Berkshire along with Modena-suspect Modens/Modeys.

The Lille location of Artois, in the Nord part, where Comines is located (such a "coincidence"), shares the fleur-de-lys of the Lys/Lisse surname while the Lys river flows near Lille, and while the Lys/Lisse surname, from the Cavii theater, was first found in the same place as Chappes' and Morencys. The Fonda > Conteville line was therefore in Artois with Levi suspects, and Fonda's can trace to Lurch of Fondi, whose daughter birthed empress, Livia Drusilla. While she was the daughter also of Appius Pulcher, Augustus' first wife was Miss Pulchra. Augustus seems to have favored Pulcher liners.

The Fonda/Font-de-Ville lion holds a banner, as does the lion in the Arms of Fanano. This can trace Conteville's to Fanano. Italian Conteville's use a lion in the colors of the Flanders lion, used also by the Nord area around Comines. Near Fanano is PievePELAGO, where other Pelago terms are found, like "pelican." I don't know whether this "Pelago" term can apply to pelicans, but the Lurco > Pulcher line can trace to Fanano by way of the Fondi-like Fonda surname alone. Morencys may be from Marano, on the Panero river i.e. not far from Fanano. It was the tower design in the Arms of Savignano, also on the Panero, that made it all-the-more convincing that Murena's/Moritans traced to Marano, but then Spanish Maranos' even use the lion of Montforts, owners of the gonFANON banner (pure heraldic creation to honor Fanano and Panero elements together). After SAVIGnano got suspect with Savage's, the Cecils were found with what could be the six Savage lions in colors reversed, and so the Cassel variation of Cecils became suspect with Modena's Cassius/Casano line. The Sestola location on the Panero also got suspect with some Cecil variations.

Savignano has a Bazzano location, but unfortunately the Wikipedia article shows no Arms and tells no history. Here is a Bazzano surname, with a "melograno flower" (pomegranate flower). Feasibly, the giant cinquefoil of Flowers, whom I can link via Fletchers and Arrows to Arras of Artois, applies to the cinquefoils of Comines. The Bazzano flower looks a lot like the Susan lily, and the two flowers may be a take on one another so that Buckets/Buchards may trace to Bazzano. Susans are in Albino colors, and Albino's were first found is Sestola. [Later in this update, upon finding that Watermans are also "Basserman," Waterville's were loaded to find white lilies. It makes Bazzano's suspect with the line of Quadratus Bassus. Waterville's are in Fanano colors and share fountains with Cass' / Kiss', making the latter two suspect with Cassius' of Modena.]

The Bucket/Buchard piles are said to be "meeting in the base," and the Base surname uses hunting HORNs. The Base's are highly suspect with the Bessin downriver from Orne, and Bessins have become suspect with the Baston variations of Batons, a good reason for tracing Bouchard II to the triple chevrons once a candidate for the bald eagle's escutcheon. Gace (uses a red-on-white crowned lion) is in Orne. But as the Waters were QUADRatus liners (I'm sure), that's why he's suspect in the handle of the Comines key, for Keys/Kays are suspect with Quade's in a trace to Qewe, where I think Quadratus had links. The motto of Keys/Kays may trace to the Kynemund location of the Adams/Caws', the kin of Gace-related Thomsons.

Now, as the Batons came up, in the first place, because Angle's use a baton, whom are suspect with the all-seeing-eye in the Seal's triangle, what about the discovery this week: the eye in the triangle in the Arms of WitKOWO? Isn't that like "Qewe? Didn't WitKOWO trace to Wight, location of COWES/Cawe's? Now you know the truth. And the Cowes share the red piles meeting at the base along with Buckets/Buchards (though Cowes'/Cawe's call them "pennants").

Also, I can't recall ever coming across the triple chevrons in the colors used by French Levi's, except for the Arms of the counts / county of Hainaut, a region of Flanders near Comines. The Hainaut surname uses the Flanders / Nord / Conte...and BUCHANan lion, the latter a lot like "Bazzano." I wonder whether "Bucket" relates to Buchanans / Buchans. Buchanans were traced solidly to Buxentum (southern Italy), beside Laus, and then the evolution of the Kotor / Saraca fish into the fleur-de-lys (my personal idea) was when Saraca's moved from Kotor to Ragusa, the latter also called, Laus/Lausa, a term suspect with the Lys/Lise surname.

Bachans/Baccus'/Bakehouse's were just looked up to check for Bazzano links, to find a saltire in the colors of the Fanano fesse, and a "ConFIDO" motto term that can link to the "Fides" upon the Fanano banner. The green snake in the Bachan Crest can indicate Ottone Visconti (original Visconti snake was green), and Ottone's are likewise in the colors of the Bachan saltire. Bachans were first found in CUMBERland,. suspect with UMBRIA, where Ottone's were first found. Bernice's, first found in Cumberland, use the same blue-on-fold fesse as the Arms of Saraca. Ottone Visconti ruled Milan, and Scottish Milans/Millens are said to be from Buchanans, such a "coincidence." German Bachans (ANGEL in Crest = Baton/BASTon kin) use double fesses in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse. It looks like this reveals a Buchan / Buchanan trace to Bazzano as well as to Buxentum. When the Saraca / Bar fish evolved to the fleur-de-lys (a lily), the reasoning was as per the line ending up on a Lys river around Lille.

The German-Bachan arrows can trace with Arrows to Arras, the Artois capital. The Arrows/Arras' are said to be from Arras, and they use gold fleur-de-lys, you see. They share a black saltire with Fletchers/Fleggers, whom are made apparent in the write-up of Flowers, and then Scottish Bachans/Buchans (share black lion with Buchanans) use a sunFLOWER in Crest. Saraca's had traced (two or more months ago) very hard to Modena in various ways, but here we have an additional line(s) to Artois, and especially to Comines. The Nons/Nevins, in the Bachan/Buchan motto, use a fesse in the colors of the Fanano fesse.

When Saraca's traced to Fanano, mythical Melusine (from Melita, beside Ragusa) was found there yet stronger, and she traced Fanano / Setta elements to Sion/Sitten at that time. But here in the Buchan motto, I am seeing Melusine. It's in the "inFERIora" motto term, suspect with how Vere's describe Melusine, the "Fairy Princess." But as I identified her (many years ago, long before I knew Fanano) with a LUSatia/Luzica line to LUSignan, and as I identified her further with Spree liners to Lusignan, and to Speers, by what coincidences: 1) are Speers first found in the same place as Ore's/Orrs, 2) do Ore's use the Bucket/Buchard piles nearly in colors reversed; 3) Buchans use "inferiORA"; 4) Ore's use "Bonis" and "bona" for Bononia, likely, location of the Setta valley, itself near the Panero; 5) Spree's link to Guido's of Bononia, both sharing the hourglass-like design of English Bachans/Baccus'? The latter were first found in both Cumberland and Durham, the latter location being where English Conte's were first found.

The Bachan angel reminded me to mention that the Angle baton looks like a cane, while Kane's / Keons / Keens use fish suspect with the Saraca' fish. Keons were traced to Hyksos pharaoh Khyan, and as I read that he was also called, APACHNas, I traced Khyan for years to Bachs and similar surnames, but none fits his name better than "BUCHANan." Irish Cane's/Keans/Kane's use a bend with bendlets like the Bone's, but also in the colors of the bend of French Crispins/Crepons, who put pomegranates on their bend. Just like that, we have a good trace of Crispins to Bazzano.

The white-on-blue Saraca fish was traced from a Bar location beside Kotor, to Bars of Bar-le-Duc because, before finding the white-on-blue fish in the Arms of Bar-le-Duc, I predicted that the fleur-de-lys should have evolved from curved fish (in this way, the lys is really three fish), which is why the discovery of the curved fish of Bar-le-Duc, and of the gold fish of the Brunswick Bars/Baars, was an astounding moment for me. Bar-le-Duc is roughly where French Crispins were from, and a Crispin member, if I recall correctly, got married to Fulk II of Anjou, where Melusine arrived to, because Vere's make her a founder of the counts of Angers / Anjou, suspect with Angle liners, right?

It just so happens that Spanish Crispins use white-on-red fesse bars, nearly the English Crispin Coat. The latter is called "barry" for the Bars.

I don't think that this many discoveries, for one person alone, should be allowed. And that's why I had help, lots of it. First and foremost, I was guided by a spirit whom I have never seen, yet he makes himself manifest in my spirit, it seems, and causes me to fall upon things like one reserved to do so, and my writings are often like a program that I was destined for, but no greater achievement has been accomplished, to date, I think, than the stripping apart of the Great Seal. And I don't think any spirit of satan would want to reveal secrets like that, nor do I think a spirit of satan would assist me in seeking to disclose Caiaphas liners. I never have anything good so say about satan. I refuse to capitalize his name.

The Kane fish are in the colors of Albins/Aubins and Albino's. One Kane Coat (neither one comes up with "Cane") uses the fish in the colors and pale positioning of the Lucy fish, but the Lucy fish are white-on-blue in the Coat of Wassa-suspect Ways'/Weigh's. As Bars were known Este liners, it's notable that Kane's use estoiles. As it's understood that the Great Seal's schemers needed to slip some Washington codes in secretly, perhaps it's the reason for the pale bars, on the bald eagle's breast, in the colors of the Wassa / Washington fesse bars, topped with a blue Chief that's of the Ways/Weigh Shield, the one with the Lucy fish in pale. As Una liners have been found central to bald eagle, by what coincidence do German Weyers/Wiers share three fleur-de-lys in black, the color of the same of June's? It just so happens that the June fleur are used exactly by Auge's while Gace is in Pays d'Auge (which I didn't know when writing the paragraph up top this sentence). The Moor head in the Auge Crest therefore becomes suspect with the Chappes Moor head.

We just saw a good reason for equating Weyers with Wassa's, or at least for tracing Weighs to Auge. Dutch Weyers ("DigniORI") betray their being a Weber branch due to their WAVY bars, for "wavy" was established as code for Weavers (Este liners, just like their Pepin kin), a branch of Webers ("Lillae" motto term). German Weavers/Webers/WAYbers even us "uns" in their motto. The Weber bend-with-fleur are colors reversed from the same of Pepins, and the latter's are in both colors of the Weyer/Wier fleur.

So, are Ways/Weighs a branch of Wassa's, or of Waybers? I don't yet know. It's interesting that Wyers show a Wier variation while Scottish Wiers/Weirs/Vere's use the same fesse as Weavers (Hazel kin). "Wiers / Wier" suggests Wieringen, a Netherlands location that I see as the makings of "Varangian," a term like "Avrances," the latter ending up as rulers in Cheshire, where Weavers were first found. In fact, Hugh D'Avrances, the first earl of Chester / Cheshire, gave some of his titles to the Ferrers. Irish Weirs (blue-cuffed sleeve likely code for Manche, home of Norman Vere's) are also Weyer-like Wyers/Weyre's, and they use lozengy in the colors of the Vair checks (fill the Shield), to be linked to the Fer/Ferrat checks, and then while Woerden is likewise in the Netherlands, Word(en)s use a Shield filled with checks too while we saw the lozengy in the Arms of Woerden. To top it off, ShuttleWORTHs do not come up as "Shuttle," and they use a WEAVER's shuttle. It therefore seems as though Weyers/Wiers and Weavers were two Vere branches, from Varangians, explaining why the Weber bend is colors reversed from the Varn bend.

English Auge's were first found in Oxfordshire, tending to make a Weyer link to Vere's again. And the June's whom are suspect with the Auge Coat were first found beside Oxfordshire. The Wassa's were identified with the Mitanni capital while Nicholas de Vere traced his family to the Mitanni. How about that. But I'm not yet suggesting that "Wassa" is a term from some Vere-like variation. If it is, it's possible that "Wassa" was formed in recognition for the old Mitanni capital, Wassukanni. As June's are a branch of Yonge's = Hungarian liners (or at least to proto-Hungarians), Auge's are suspect with "Ugrian."

I can tell you: Una-river liners are expected in the Gace area, explaining why "Unum" is a motto term in the Great Seal. French Auge's/Augets/Augers (Provence), with perhaps the Weir/Vere fesse in colors reversed, use nothing but a fesse in the colors of nothing-but-a-bend Scrolls," and "Unum" is on the scroll. The current mayor of Deaville (in Lisieux) is Philippe Augier.

As Guiscards/WISEharts (Stirlingshire) may be Weis / Wise liners, it's notable that the Weber bend-with-fleur are in the colors of the Stirling bend-with buckles. Guiscards are said to have had a Norman origin in Manche. Stirlings (not far from Ayrshire) happen to use another "forWARD" motto term, and are in the colors of the WHERTers showing a MacWater variation. The latter surname was first found in Ayrshire, where we saw "forward" and "worth" motto terms. I don't think that "MacWater" is sufficient to identify this surname as a Watt / Vatt liners to begin with, but the Vatts/WATTERS were first found in Neighboring Argyllshire. The Watts have a branch using wings in Crest with a red lozenge between them, the color of the Weyer/Wyer/Weyre lozengy.

It's creating a question on whether Wise / Weis liners were from Quadratus directly, as I think Watt liners were. I don't recall seeing four ostrich feathers with any surname before, but four black ones (Quade color) are in the Dutch-Weyer Crest, and this surname uses a motto term, "DigniORI, while it's Orrs (near Stirlings and Wherters/Waters) that share the Guiscard piles. The Orr Chief may thus be a colors-reversed version of the Watt Chief (why billets in place of the Orr fitchees?). Scrolls, with five ostrich feathers, are in the colors of Dutch Weyers, another good reason to link the Scroll bend to the Weis/Wise bend, which can then reveal that the founding family of the Bavarian Illuminati is part of the bald eagle's scroll. In colors reversed, the Orr fitchee is in the gold of the Quint fitchee, and Orrs use a CornuCOPIA.

While Stirlings are using the Chappes Moor head, and while Chappes use "ears." suspect as code for all-seeing-eye Eyers, here with Weis/Wise liners we find ourselves back to Quadratus, apparently, and it's his Severus-Bassus line to which I have tentatively traced the birth of Caiaphas. The theory is that Quadratus' great-grandfather is said to be unknown because he was Caiaphas, or something very similar. A cover up. Watts use a besant, a Bassus-suspect symbol (see Severus-suspect Savards/Savarys), and it may be that Batons, whom are not to be equated with Bessins/Beastons and Bistone's, are showing a Baston variation because Battin / Watt liners were merged with related Bassus > Bassianus liners. I see that line at Bassania, beside Lissus of the Cavii theater, and Lissus elements may even trace to Lisieux, on the Touques river with Gace. Quadratus married the line of Tigranes, suspect with Teague's/Teegers and Touque's from the Touques. The Touques' (with an 's') use besants.

By what coincidence are Watermans (Silesia) also shown as Bassermans? More on this later as it finds what Wassa's were really made of.

Lisieux is also at an ORbiquet river. The Arms of Lisieux uses crosses keys, in black, the color of the pale key in the Arms of Comines. Conteville is a location along the Touques watershed so that, indeed, a Comines link to Lisieux can be made, especially as Comines is near the Lys river, which can explain the "Lilae" motto term of Weyer-suspect Webers. The Lisieux Chief is blue, and has fleur-de-lys upon it, and around the crossed keys, FOUR black stars. The Comines key had what looks like a QUATRefoil in the key's handle.

The blue Chief on the breast of the bald eagle can now become suspect with the blue Chief of Lisieux while the bars beneath it can be suspect with someone's version of the Wassa/Gace bars. Let's not forget that the Seal surname uses the Quade wolf heads.

Next, we go back to the Crest of Weavers/Webers/Waybers, to find the two white wings of German Weis'/Wise's, and both surnames put a gold star between the wings. Weis' have only been suspect with Wassa's. We might want to know whether the Weis (also Water-like "Weiser") bend is the Scroll/Scope bend, connectable to the scroll with "E. Pluribus Unum." As that motto traced to Waters via Eppsteins, it should be mentioned that Weisers had become suspect with "Water." English Wise's share a triple chevron with Waters / Eppsteins.

The "DIGNiori" term (Weyers) may be for Digons/Dickens, first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as the Stubbs using the Stirling bend-with-buckles in colors reversed. This reminds that the Baths/Atha's are using a version of the Artem/Aiton / Deacon / Decan Coats, which naturally leads me to Degens/DEGERS (Bavaria, same gold lion in Crest as Degens/Dickens)), who, if they are a branch of Teegers, can trace to the Touques. There is a second Teeger/Tigner/DIGNer surname with a giant eight-pointed star.

The Tokers use wavy fesse bars suspect with Weaver / Weber liners. If the "toujours" motto term (Yonge's / Gards / Meets/meads) isn't partly for Teegers, it can be for Tokers. The Word(en)(/Warden motto is, "Nil indigne." I kid you not, that while "touJOURs" has been established as code for Gord-suspect Gore's/Jore's (same stars as Weavers/Waybers), I just wrongly entered "ord" in an attempt to load Words, and ended up inserting the following in the last update, where it's told that Gords are from the Tweed river:

The Gord-like Ords are said to be from the Tweed, and then the Word(en)s/Wardens can be using the bend-with-leopard-faces of Ade's, first found at the Tweed theater.

Just like that, the three, white pale fish of Ords can trace to Woerden's El-Gabal cult, but then three white pale fish are used by Ways'/Weighs. The "SEA-horses naiant" of Tokers must be for the Seamans (same place as Deacons) sharing wavy bars in the colors of the same of Tokers. Seamans: "Emerging from an erminois crescent, a demi sea-horse barry wavy of 6 silver and blue." The Sea bloodline can be from Sees or nearby Say in Orne, and the Setta-suspect Seaton/Sitten ("forWARD" motto term) line was at Say. After writing that, the Sees surname was looked up to find a single fish in pale orientation, how about that. The Sees' are also "Sea," and the Seigh variation may indicate Teague liners, and it just so happens that Sees' were first found in the same place (Kent) as Tooks/Touque's with a Tuck variation like the Tucker of Tokers. Behind the Sees fish are the three wavy bars of Seamans, which are also the German-Drummond bars while Drummonds were from Perthshire (same as "fortuna-liner Rollo's) and in Drymen near Stirling.

The Ways' came to topic a couple of updates ago as per the "three swords BAR WAYS" of Shute's/Shots/Shitts, whose "Fortune" motto term traces them to banner liners from the Gabuleum theater. As gauntlet-glove Fane's/Feins link to the gauntlet glove in the Shute/Shot/Shitt Crest, the latter can trace to banner-line Fanano, near the Setta valley, where Shute liners can be expected. German Tuckers were first found in the same place (Nuremberg, rare) as Goplo-liner Kopple's. There is also an Irish Tucker/Togher/Tougher/Tooker surname (Tipperary) using sea horses. The Tokers share the axe with Deacons / Decons, and the latter are suspect from Decani, near the Koplik location. It's a good bet that the Toker axe is for the Axe river in Somerset.

The Shutz variation of Schutz's is suspect with the Shute's, and that brings potent-cross Skeets' and Skits to the fore, who will crop up below in a Weishaupt investigation.

Now, with the Ways/Weigh pale fish being colors reversed from the pale fish of Sees'/Sea's, it doesn't appear to be coincidental that Ways' were first found in the same place (Devon) as Tokers, especially as Ways' throw in wavy fesse bars and wavy pale bars. It's the Ways Crest that uses a baton, and while Angels/Angels use a baton that looks like a cane suspect with fish-using Kane's, let's add that Italian Angels use white-on-black bends, symbol of the Nuremberg Tuckers (Collar Moor head?).

The fish-using and Keon-related Keens/McCAINs (Rothschild horse) show a "Felis" motto term and a fesse in colors reversed from the cross of Felis'/Felix's (Rome), begging whether this line was from Felix of Judea, where the Quadratus family ruled too. Felix was married to Drusilla of the Herods. The Felis/Felix cross could use five stars but uses FOUR. English Felix's (same place as potent-suspect Saddocks) use a potent cross, special symbol of the Templars. The latter Felix's use a quartered Shield, which they do not need, as it just repeats the symbols twice, and a quartered Shield may have become code either for Quadratus liners and/or Quarters/Wherters with a QUADRatus-suspect WATERs variation. If I recall correctly, Felix's wife (Drusilla) was married also to Sohaemus, priest of El-Gabal. Don't you think "WHERTer" can trace to WOERDen liners?

As we saw, the Weis/Wise Crest is a version of the Weaver Crest, while Guiscards/WISEharts can link well to Wherters/Waters and Vatts/Watters, yet the Sicilian Guiscards were suspect firstly with the Sardinian Visconti's, and from that a Guiscard relationship with the Milan Visconti's can be perceived, which can explain why the Wherter/Watter lion is also that of Scottish Milans/Millens and related Buchanans. The Quarter variation of Wherters was traced to an alternative name of the Norman Drengots, conquerors of western Italy i.e. facing Sardinia in the era of the Sicilian Guiscards. When we get to the Weishaupt Crest, it's a nasty-looking IBIS (goat), which can be code for the Bessin-suspect Biss surname sharing white-on-black scallops with the Bessin's Meschins. In the Biss Crest, two green snakes "respecting each OTHER." The Other surname has variations like "Ottone," the name of the first Visconti of Milan. And the Other surname is said to be from Lombardy (quatrefoil-like symbol), the Milan theater. The Other's trace well to UTHER Pendragon, and Pendragons (expected from some snake cult or snake-using line) are in Biss colors.

The Biss motto, "Ayez PRUDEnce," and then Scottish Prude's/Pride use more white fish in pale (colors of the Ord fish in pale), which can explain why the Biss scallops are on a pale bar. French Prude's (Meschin fesse in colors reversed) surname is listed with Prats suspect with the Arms of Rieti, which likewise use three fish in pale (and a "pratis" motto term, and the Avezzano location, on the same Salto river as Rieti, traces with Avezzano's to something on Sardinia. One can now expect that "Wise" / Vis" is from the same that named AVEZZano, and in this way, the Weishaupt surname can trace to VESpasian, from Rieti, and through Visconti liners. That traces the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati to the seven heads of the Revelation dragon.

I suppose that "Ayez" can be code for an Eye liner such as Eystein of More (Norway), from whom Ranulph le Meschin descended, but it also looks like "Avez." There is an Eyes surname (quatrefoils) listed with Eyers. The "sola" motto term of Eyes' gets the white-fish-in-pale Sola's/Solneys, first found in Derbyshire, same as Eyes'/Eyers...and Heyers/Here's who share blue wings with German Here's and Herzogs (Bavaria). German Here's are still showing the blue wings that Bauers (Bavaria) once showed; one wonders why the Bauer wings were changed in design only, whether it was for linking more closely to another family that uses the latest wing design.

For those who don't know, you need to compare the Eyes/Eyer chevron to the same (almost) of Irish Shaws, for Meschins trace to Shawia Numidians, of Ayer-suspect Aures/Awraba. The wing design of German here's is also that of Masci's, though Masci's use the wings separated, a code / feature I don't understand. The Here scythes should be code for the Scythe/Skeoch/Skit surname (Ayrshire), which not only shares a potent cross with Felix's, but somewhat of a quartered Shield. The Scythe's/Skits are traced to a Skeoch location near Mauchline, the latter like the Masculine variation of Meschins. This recalls the Sole's and similar surnames in the last update, when the Sauts/SCHEAUX's/SCAUTs were found that are very linkable to the Schutz's/Shutz's, they being the ones highly suspect with Keens/Keans in a fundamental relationship that I think invented the heraldic eSCUTcheon.

We saw why the Shutz variation of Schutz's can link to Shute's, and here we find Schutz-colored Sauts/Sutters (same fesse as Meschins), said to be from shoemakers, but that's misleading code, for it just so happens that Shoe's/Shoemaker's (Bavaria) are also "SCHUCH," and use a knight said to be cut off at the KNEEs. Now you know the truth. The armored leg in the Eyes/Eyer Crest can be from this Shoe knight.

The Skeets', showing the same Coat as Scythe's/Skits/Skeochs, are said to derive in "swift," likely code, for they were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Swifts (FIVE bunched arrows, Rothschild symbol). The latter share the motto of Plunkets, and Plancia Magna was suspect in a trace to Derbe, a place that I trace to Derbyshire, beside the Meschins of Cheshire, and where Eyes'/Eyers were first found. This signals the settlement of Shawia / Massena liners in Derbe, and/or at Perga, where Plancia was from. I'm starting to eye the BLANGY-Pont-l'Eveque location in Pays d'Auge, and this place crops up later in a good trace to Plunkets.

English Sauts can be using the Weaver Coat and can therefore link to Weis'/Wise's. The Saut/Sutter fleur may therefore be the Weber fleur in colors reversed.

Recall the sea horses "NAIant" of fish-liner Tokers, for the Nie/Nye's/Nays surname is said to be from "eye." While I won't agree with that, the Nie's can be a branch of Knee's/Nia's/Nee's while the latter may be in the emphasized knee of the Eyes/Eyer Crest.

Here is a paragraph added this week to the last update (on Gore/Core / Gore/Jore liners throughout) at the mention of the "vita" motto term of Saffers:

Whellers/Whalers/Whellers use an "Avito JURE" motto as well as a white griffin from a mural crown (gold), like the white dragon from a mural crown of Lurch's/Larchers and Archers. The Wheeler griffin is said to be "emerging," what was deemed code for Morgan liners, and here we find the Wheeler lions in colors reversed from the Morgan/Mergen / Moore lion. Lurch's/Larchers ("Sola" motto term shared with Gore's) call theirs a "mural CORONet," expected with Gore's/JORE's that trace to Coronis-of-Patmos elements. It looks very correct to trace Gore's to Chora, but are Chora liners here linking to Lurco? The Lurch arrows are with "points downWARD," and we saw Ward / Worden liners suspect with El-Gabal, a sun god i.e. to which "sola" may trace. In fact, Julius AVITus was exactly the grandfather of Heliogabalus, the emperor for whom a Roman soldier made a temple in WOERDEN! This is suggesting that Lurco traces to some element of El-Gabal, and while Wheelers use a fesse in Pollock/POLK colors, he was the father-in-law of Appius PULCHer. It makes the Pulcher line very traceable to PolesWORTH, and the next update becomes much convinced that Pollocks were from the line of Polesworth / Polsworth. This argues once again that the Stewart PELICan is code for the Pulcher bloodline to their Pollock kin / associates.

In this picture, it should be added that the Wheeler fesse is that also of Herods/Heraults, suspect now from Harald/Arailt, father of Maccus, the line to Worthy-related Maxwells, and of the Scottish-Isles family highly suspect with mythical Morgan le Fay on Bute. Lurco was from Fondi (western Italy, faces Sardinia), suspect with the Fonda surname listed with Font de Ville's. This surname -- which is in the motto of Cecil-suspect Cassels along with Avisons -- was traced both to Avezzano and therefore to Avisons who share the Comyn garbs! It's perfect, for Font de Ville's were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as French Conte's, and ConteVILLE's were rulers of at least one Comines location (said to be in Flanders, and is therefore likely the one above). These Conteville's produced the rulers of Cheshire, including Le Meschin, and that has got to trace back to Maccus' involvement with Saxons of Cheshire. There is a Fondi surname, likewise first found in Languedoc, using the same bend as Jewish Pollocks!

Having said that, and while I traced the Junia bloodline of the Caepio's to the Una river, here's the Cecil/Cassel motto: "COR unum via una." No coincidences. Note the gold garb in the Cecil Crest, the colors of the Comyn / Avison garbs. On one side of this garb there is a white lion, and, on the other, a Caepio-liner blue one, reflecting the half-white, half-blue lion in the Arms of East Ayrshire, the Arms with a "ForWARD" motto term, which is the full motto of Balfours (otter). Arthur Balfour, the foreign minister and prime minister of England, said by several online writers to have been a satanist, is often lumped in with CECIL Rhodes and the Rothschild Illuminati. Here is the Balfour Crest: "An arm in armor holding a red BATON, tip silver." No guff.

The Ways/Weighs use the baton in an arm in "mail armor." What's that? Probably a Mail/Meille link to Armours (Berwickshire), the latter using a "Cassis" motto term, and having a chevron in the colors of the Cassius fesse, as well as armored arms in the colors of the Cassius stars. The Cassius fesse is colors reversed from the fesse in the Arms of Fanano.

By the way, the "via" term of Cecils may trace to the Vie river in Orne, and we saw Una liners tracing to Orne while Cecils use both "una" and "Cor unum." I learned of the Vie by loading the Vimoutiers article (said to be named after the Vie). It can now prove me wrong for tracing the motto term to the Viu river near Susa (Cottian capital). And as the Cecil Coat is suspect with the Cavett Coat, wherefore Chives' are suspect with Cecils, the "Vi" term of Chives is now tracing to the Vie. However, I do trace Cottians, if indeed they are in the Wessels, to the Wassa surname. It's a tentative trace, but I now need to keep eyes open for a Vie link to the Viu valley. Perhaps Susa named the lily-using Susans. The Riparia river at Susa is now suspect (as of the last update) with Revere's, who ruled at the Isle of Wight, and this river flows down to Turin, near Chives-suspect Chivasso. One important thing about a Cottian trace to the Touques is that Cottians are suspect with the mother (Cotta surname) of Julius Caesar while Teague's and Julians share the same cross style in the same colors.

There was a good argument for tracing the namers of Rivoli (Riparia river) to the Ribble river and the Ribble surname. The Ribble flows from Yorkshire through Lancashire (where Washingtons were first found), and the Caves', sharing a Shield filled with fretty (lattice design) with Cotta's/Cottins, were first found in Lancashire and Yorkshire. The Caves fretty is shared (same colors)by Caens, from Caen of Calvados, and the same fretty, almost, is used by Modens/Modeys (beside the Capes' and Capone's) who might just be from ViMOTIERs. I kid you not, the Caves' use a "VIdet" motto term. Perhaps this goes to the Vito surname with a Viu variation. Or, perhaps the Wide's with Wade variation. The latter (Durham, same place as Hiltons) are said to be from Hilton Castle, and, believe it or not, the Hiltons (Hazelton head) share two fesse bars with Washingtons (different colors).

The Ribble goes through Preston, and Prestons ("VEult" motto term) are using a version of the double Washington bars in the same colors, as well as a canton (the Canton surname uses the Washington Coat in colors reversed). The Washington-Crest raven is said to be "with wings enDORSED proper" while Scottish Prestons use an "angel proper" while Propers use the key. The Vimoutiers keys are said to be "adDORSED." There are three reasons why I would trace the keys in the Arms of Vimoutiers to the Saraca's, and a fourth has to do with the "ruined tower" in the Crest of English Prestons, which can reveal that Presleys apply. I trace the latter to Kerricks, a branch of Carricks.

Vimoutiers is said to be named after a motiers = monastery on the Vie river, but I'm skeptical because the Moutiers surname is listed with a surname mentioned above like so: "The Cassani/Cassius write-up traces to Cusano MUTri in Campania, where I trace "CAMPbell." As Avellino in Campania traces to Avallon near the south end of French Champagne/Campania, the "MOTRi" term is likely of the Motiers/Mautiers (Auvergne), for they share a Shield filled with vair fur with English Champagne's." It's just that Cassius' were first found in Mitanni-suspect Modena.

If it can be proven that Teague's are Tigranes liners to the Touques, then the theory that Caiaphas was born from his line is made harder with a Chives trace to Orne. Some months ago, I claimed that Calvados was named after Cavii liners, and Cavii are suspect at least in a line from the Lissus to Lisieux. The Cevetta river is a Ceva, an apt term for using "key" as a symbol, as Lisieux does (along with the lys). I have seen some white roundels in some Arms within Pays d'Auge, and that's the symbol also of Teegers.

Presleys were traced to Abruzzo liners, and that's where the Chiava's/Chaves' were first found who use keys. There are more keys in Pays d'Auge, this time in colors reversed to the Chiava keys, in the Arms of Saint-Pierre-sur Dives. The handle of the keys look like blue lozenges, and lozenges trace to the Una-river theater. Blue lozenges are used by the baton-using Angle's/Angels. The opposite end of the keys above look like they are using FOUR cups, no guff, and the Cups/Cope's are also "Colp/Culp" so as to assure their trace to the Kupa/Colapis river, smack beside the Una! Zowie. Cups/Cope's were first found in the same place as Tarves, where the Chives' are said to have lived. The Cup-related Copps were first found in Lancashire, and use the gold-on-blue fleur-de-lys seen everywhere in Pays-d'Auge. You haven't forgotten that Auge's use the June fleur.

Let's remind that Chivasso-like Avezzano is beside Abruzzo, and that Avezzano's had very-recently traced to Lancashire, and that Avezzano's share the red rose with Cups and Copps, and that Avezzano is near the Turano river that traces to "Turin," i.e. near Chivasso. Again, the COPElands are using the Washington bars.

In the Arms of LIVARot, the same lion as used by Gace's, and a Levi-like term. Interesting here is that LEVERs (Lancashire) share the black bendlets of Kays/Keys. There is red-and-white lozengy in the Livarot Chief, and a central crozier in the Coat. Note that the Sinclair rooster, in the Lever Crest, is on a trumpet, suggesting the clarion / rest liners. There is a Saint-Michel-de-Livet location beside Livarot, and Livets are listed with Levi's. However, there is a second Livet surname using black-on-white wolves, the Quade symbol!!! That is excellent, for Quadratus' daughter married Lupus Laevillus. The Livet Crest is likewise a black wolf, and so this surname can link especially to Seals and Sailers ("greatest" motto term). It dawned on me that the Greats could be a branch of Chretiens (Louvain lion?) found in the Levi/Levit motto. The Great Seal thus becomes a symbol for the line of the Israeli Levites suspect with Joseph Caiaphas. I've been at this for nearly a decade, and can tell you that the colors of, and with, the triple Levi chevrons are very reserved. By now, I'd know two or three other surnames that use them, if I had come across them. "Special" families get reserved items, and law doesn't allow just anyone to use certain symbols, unless they are modified satisfactorily.

Wassa's Bassus'

By what coincidence are Watermans (Silesia) also shown as Bassermans? "On a green shield, a man standing in silver water with a torse of black and gold around his WAIST, holding a gold FISH in each hand." While no Waist surname comes up, a Waist-like surname can be expected with Wassa / Weis liners, and in fact, Wassa's come up as "Wais." This possibility that Wassa's are a branch of Waters / Bass' (the fish in the Basserman Coat may have started as bass) signals that Wassukanni elements evolved into Bassus', an ancient branch of proto-Wassa's. It also signals that Wassa's are a branch of Bassets because the latter use red (wavy) fesse bars (suspect with the red Wassa / Washington bars in conjunction with Weaver liners). As the June / Auge fleur is used by Banners, note that they too were first found in Silesia.

Another surname using three red fesse bars is the Fountain, accessed from the fountains of WATERville's, who use a canton (but call it a square), making Waterville's linkable to Washingtons. Watermans (otter) use fesse bars in Washington-fesse colors, and the Waterman motto strikes me like that of the Key/Kay motto. The Waterton write-up says that the clan had a ballad that includes, "Waterton the banner bore..." Let's not be naive. Fountains and English Banners even share a blue canton, both with lions within them. Was this a Banner-Fanano liner to Auge? Looks like. I scarcely find cantons to be called squares, and while seeking whether English Banners are said to use a square, it was found that there is no description available for English Banners, yet Scottish Banners are said to use: "...a banner disPLAYed with a small SQUARE [blue canton] with a St. Andrews Cross." That's not a coincidence. The Banners and Fountains are thus related, and they both met up with Square's/Squire's/Squirrels.

As the Arms of PLACentia use a square (don't know the official name), by what coincidence are Plays, suspect in "disPLAYed," also Plessys?

The Sire's happen to share a green snake with Fountains, and the Sire Coat was traced to the Arms of Ville-suspect Vilnius, which happen to use a man standing in water, the WaterVILLE symbol too!!! The Sire's are from Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian I, suspect with squirrel-using Valentins. That's how to know that Sire's are a branch of Square's, and therefore linkable to Cantons/Gamtons and Wassa's. The Fountain-Crest talbot is in the colors and position of the one in the Lothian Coat, and the latter uses a black hunting horn with gold stripes, symbol of Trabys that are said (see their Wikipedia article) to be a merger with Astikas' of Vilnius. The Lothian horn is also in the Coat of Weights (Ways/Weigh suspects) whom are honored in the weight scale (called simply "weights") of Dexters/Decksters, which is why this picture traces to squirrel-using Decks/Daggers.

The Waterville fountains are identical to the type used by Cass' (same place as June's), and the latter's fountains were traced to the Arms of Vilnius years ago, for Cass' share the weight scale (or scales of JUSTICE in this case) with the Arms of Vilnius, with Sire's ("justitia" motto term), and with Justine's/Justus' ("causa" motto term). The latter (Perthshire, same place as Lothians) even share a "sine" motto term with Banners, one of the reasons for the trace of Fanano liners to Sion/Sitten. As Valentins were first found near Euganeo (beside Este), note that Eugene's use the Banner saltire too, and the Eugene saltire is likewise within a canton, making the red-on-white stars in the Eugene Chief into the Washington-Chief stars! Washingtons are tracing hard to Valentinian. The red Eugene lion holding a star now becomes linkable to the Arms-of-Gace lion.

Font de Ville's, who come up as "Ville," use a banner (but called a flag, the Eugene symbol too) that is WAVEd by an upright, red-on-white lion, the colors and position of the lion in the Arms of Gace. Therefore, WaterVILLE's (fountains) may have been Font-de-Ville liners along with being a Wassa branch. The Ville lion is "waving a purple flag," and there is a purple Shield in the Arms of L'Eveque, this being the location (in Pays d'Auge) where Sinclairs, of Lothian, are said to derive from. The Sinclair motto honors the Conte's/Comitissa's, code for Herluin de ConteVILLE, a Lafin/La-Font and Font-de-Ville liner. French Conte's and Font-de-Ville's were first found in LANGUEdoc while the description of the Arms of Gace says that the lion is LANGUED. Languedoc had become suspect with the namers of LANCashire, where Washingtons were first found. Therefore, as Avezzano's (first found on Sardinia) had traced to Lancashire, Washingtons are tracing to Piscinas and Sulcis (southern Sardinia).

As Sardinia was home to rooster-using Visconti's (to whom I trace the Sinclair rooster), note further that Fountains use a Vis-like "Vix" motto term and a Visconti-suspect green snake, recalling the expectation that Wassa's are a Weis/Wise branch. While, after several years, I'm still tracing "Silesia" to "Sulcis," there is a neighboring Piscinas location that I've linked to some Fountain and Font surnames (likewise for years, not now for convenience in making the link), and here I now find that fountain-using Waterman's were first found in Silesia. One can then make the additional trace of Sardinians to Vilnius. But what kind of Sardinians were they? Seleucid-Maccabees? Why do Jonathans use the rooster too? It was Jonathan Maccabee who made the war pact with Alexander Balas, a Seleucid king.

As the Waterman torse can be code for Turano-river liners of the VESpasian / Avezzano kind. Isn't it true that Avezzano-suspect Avisons trace to the motto of Cassels who also honor the La Fonts/Lafins? By the way, while Washingtons are said to use two red bars on white, Cantons are said to use four red-and-white bars. Why FOUR bars? Wassa's actually use four bars, two pairs of double bars gemel.

As Pont-l'Évêque is beside a BLANGy location, it's notable that while Ville / Vilnius liners were traced to the Vilaine part of Brittany, that's where PLUNKetts were first found. This update found that Killens are using the Plunkett Coat, and Killens were traced previously to CILNius Maecenas, suspect with the family that named Maccabees in the first place, who birthed Plancia Magna. Kellers/Kelners use the key (i.e. possible trace to the key of the Gace theater) while English Kelners/Kilners were first found in the same place as Washingtons. The Kelner key has a K-like end, suggesting that Kellers own it. The key is not only colors reversed from the keys of Chiava's/Chaves', but both use the same handle design, what looks like annulets, which can be found in Kelner-key colors in the , yet another location in Pays d'Auge. This can trace "Orbec" to the Orbieu river in Aude, the part of France where Quillan is located! This is a first for me, and makes the Quillan-surname wolf suspect with Apollo, owner of mythical Cilla (Troy theater). I am very-much convinced that ancient Cilnius' (Arretium) went through the Touques area, and to Quillan.

Aude is also where the Pollock / Eugene motto is expected to trace, and it's where Roquefeuil is located, which married Henry VI of Rodez, whose line traces to Henrys, said to be in the Meu river, smack at the Vilnius part of Brittany!

Therefore, Blangy is highly suspect with Plunketts, whom are a branch of Plocks as well as Plantagenets / Plants, important because Plantagenets are given a quasi-mythical Tertullus as their ancestry while Plancia Magna was married (if I recall correctly) to a Tertullus character. Blangy it's no longer just about Plunketts in the Dol part of Brittany, but about an ancient Maccabee-Herod line through Tigranes that has just traces to: 1) Gace theater; 2) Rockefeller theater; 3) Anjou.

Did we see a Gace link to Cass' and Cassius? It was Junia Caepionis Tertullus (or Tertia) that married a Cassius, and the other German Kellers/Kelners (same place as the former) are suspect with the Casey-Coat eagles, the Casey eagles suspect with the Tarent eagles because Cilnius Maecenas married Terentia. The Tarent Coat has been traced to the CHILL/Child Coat, suspect with a Cilnius line to CHILDeric, Lys-liner and husband of Basina, suspect from a Bassus>Bassianus line to a Maecenas-like Maesa surname. Didn't we suspect that Wassa's were either a branch of, or a stem from, Bassus? The colors and format of the Tarent and Chill/Child Coats are also those of Sellers, which tends to assure that Keller liners apply for Tarent liners, and assuring further that Cilnius Maecenas is behind them.

You may have noted the large clouds around the bald eagle in the original version by Thomson. The Casey Crest ("casus" motto term) not only uses a cloud, but the Casey chevron is in the colors of the three used in the Thomson design. This cloud may be code for McLeods/Clouds (another flag) to which "Chlodovech" may trace, a name that Wikipedia says was chosen by Basina for her son. It was a gratifying moment when, after years of claiming, without evidence, that Cilnius Maecenas should trace to Modena, Casey-suspect Cassius' were come across. Caseys look like they use a version of the Tarent Coat, you see, but right here it suddenly becomes important that Tarents are traced in their write-up to Tarrant Monkton, owned by monks of TEWKESbury Abbey, a term probably from Touques-river liners. And, zowie, I would guess that the giant, white Tewksebury castle is that of McLeods! Any castle can be code for Cassel liners, and Cassels share the red-on-white chevron of Caseys. And Cecils/Cassels are primary Great-Seal liners, right?

Then, the Arms of Blangy-le-Chateau use a castle only, and it's in the colors of the McLeod castle.

The reason that Maecenas was expected with ancestry in Modena is that Maccabees proper of Israel lived in more-ancient Modi'in, and that place can be suspect from the Yuya-line Mitanni. Just trace to Methoni, made mythically the daughter of mythical Oeneus, the alternative name of the Una that is tracing to Auge and Wassa circles.

John Hanson (Annuit liner?) was the first U.S. president, and while Russian Hansons (Prussia) use the swan design of Sellers, which was once showing in the French Joseph Coat. Irish Hansons use a canton with a fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of the Arras/Arrow Coat; you'll see below why Arras' can trace to Cilnius'. German Hansons (Prussia) are using a giant castle in the colors of the Tewksebury castle, as well as the lion in the Fountain canton, and moreover, while Hansons and "Annuit" suggest Annas liners, the Canton Chief has the same star as Annas', making the Washington stars identifiable with the Annas star. The black lozengy in the German Hanson Coat (blue snake too) is in both colors of the lozenges in the Arms of Woerden, and it was not so much Caiaphas, but his father-in-law, Annas, and/or the latter's father in Syria, that was suspect with the El-Gabal cult of Syria. That cult, before it got to Maesa-suspect Emesa, was in Arethusa, suspect from Arettium, for Arettium is beside ASSISi while one of the first members / priests of the El-Gabal cult was AZIZ(us). While "Maecenas" is suspect as a version of Massena, an El-Gabal priest, Sohaemus, married two Drusilla's, one known to be from the line of king Massena.

Now, recall the enDORSED raven of Washingtons, like "Dorset, for some Tarents are said to be from ABBAtissa de Terento of Dorset, and Abbs/Apps are suspect with Epps/EPLERS and EPPsteins that were traced both the "E. PLURibus" and to the triple chevrons of the Thomson sketch!!! Bingo, and the Wassa-suspect Waters likewise use those triple chevrons, as do Clares (on gold) and Dutch Burgs/Bergs (on gold, no longer showing at houseofnames), the latter suspect from "Perga," origin of Tertullus and Plancia Magna. The Walkers with a "magna" motto term use annulets around a chevron in the colors of the Tarent / Thompson-sketch chevrons, while Scottish Walkers use three pale bars in the colors reversed from the three Burg/Berg chevrons.

NOW, as per "PluriBUS," I had forgotten that the giant and ermined Bus cinquefoil is used by Plancia-suspect Blanks (Northampton, same as Waterville's and Fessys/Face's suspect in the Blank-Crest leopard face). The Blank write-up suggests Blanche of Lancaster, whose brother, Henry of Monmouth, was Henry V of England, and they can trace to the Henrys, from the same place as Plunketts! Henrys were on the Meu river that was identified with the Mea/Meigh surname sharing the Face/Fessy cross. And by the way, as Macclesfields share the same cross, note the leopard faces in the Arms of the Macclesfield earls.

The Meu flows by a Montfort location (shown on my atlas), while Montforts are prime Banner / Fanano liners, it's made possible for Gace elements to be at this Montfort location, and then the Arms of Gace is a lion in colors reversed from the Montfort lion (Blank-cinquefoil colors), and as Montforts ruled Leicestershire, note that the Blank cinquefoil is in the Arms of Leicestershire, The Montfort lion got highly suspect with the Italian Marano/Mauritano lion (from Marano, near Fanano), and this can go to the Murena/Moratins suspect with the Murena background of Terentia (yes, Maecenas' wife). Note the fleur colors of Spanish Marano's (same as Masci's), who share the tower with Spanish Murena's/Moratins. The Marano tower is in the colors of the castle in the Arms of Blangy-le-Chateau.

By what coincidence does the Monmouth (and Maud) Coat share double-bar gemel with Wassa's? I now realize that Mauds and Monmouths are using the Arms-of-Gace lion. It makes the naming of Monmouth suspect with Monforte in the Langhe part of Italy. The Monmouth lion is missing a leg; here's the description: "A silver shield two black bars gemel, overall, a red lion salient, armed and LANGued blue." The Leghs/Lee's use a red lion too, and have always been traced to Leicestershire. The Fanano-suspect Fane's/Feins, suspect with the unFINIShed pyramid, were first found in Monmouthshire. It definitely looks like Blanche of Lancaster traces to the Pluribus code.

As the Legro river flows at Leicestershire, note that the Legro surname shows as "Gros/GRAUT," perhaps part of the GREAT-Seal line. However, I don't know whether this Legro surname can trace to the river's namers. I can tell you that the lion design of this surname is shared by Font-de-Ville's, and the latter's lion got suspect with the Arms of Gace too. Moreover, as Greats were suddenly suspect with the "Chretien" motto term of Levis', not that Chretiens share a blue-on-gold lion with Legro's/Grauts. The Chrestienville location of Chretiens suggest the Crests/CRETs/Craits, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Legro's/Grauts. How about that.

Aha! Greats (gold rooster) were first found in Herefordshire, as with Monmouths. And the namers of Hereford may trace to all-seeing-eye suspects, the Here's/Heyers and Eyes/Eyers/Heyers. That makes a lot of sense. Herefords can be using the Chill/Child Coat for yet another trace to Cilnius Maecenas, and Herefords use their Coat and Crest symbols in the colors of the Jefferson Coat and Crest, while the other Jeffersons (both first found in Herefordshire) have a saltire almost in colors reversed from the Great saltire. That makes sense too where the plotters of the Great Seal needed to slip in some Thomas-Jefferson liners without tipping the country off that the Great Seal was just a stupid monument to surnames. If it wasn't stupid, they wouldn't have kept it a secret.

The Great saltire is colors reversed from the ones seen earlier in the cantons of Eugene's and Banners. Jeffersons were gleaned as Grey liners while Legro's/Grauts use a greyhound. As the Jefferson griffins are suspect with "Agrippa," note the unexpected Greep variation of Greats. This might indicate a Great-line merger with Agrippa's. It dawns on me here that the Ewen variation of Eugene's is like "OENeus." Owens can therefore be Una-river liners. The Jephson variation of Jeffersons got them suspect from "Japodes," and Banners can then be from terms developing over history from "Benjamin." It's notable that Euganeo is near the land of Japodes while neighboring Este can trace to Istria, in a land beside the area where Japodes are usually marked. JOPlins are definitely using the Grey Coat. Keons, using the lion of Owens, and shown as "Kewin / Owen," use eight-pointed stars that can trace to an Ishtar cult and therefore to Istria, and as Rothschilds were traced by multiple methods to Istria, by what coincidence do Keens/Keans, using the Keon fish, show the sinister Rothchild horse? There seems to be something to this paragraph because Welsh Jeffreys (canton), first found in the same place as Jeffersons, use the Owen lion too! Jeffreys are said to be a version of "Godfrey," and the Jeffrey lion is in the colors of the VINCE and Godfrey griffins ("libertas") while Keons/Owens are also "WING." Jeffreys share the sun with Eugene's and endorsed-suspect Dorsets, the latter mentioned because the Godfrey griffin has "WINGS enDORSED" (same code as the Washington raven). As I trace Vince's to Vinkovci/Cibalae (lower Sava), where Valentinian I was born, by what coincidence was his father, GRATian??? Having said that, the black wolf heads, and the white wolf head, of Seals (same place as Joplins and Greys) can be the black wolf of Una-river Yonge's and the white wolf of Sava-river Gore's! That traces "Great Seal" to the Gratian-Valentinian household on the Sava river!

Gore's/Core's were traced to Patmos long before realizing, not many weeks ago, that the Ceraunii, shown (map below) on the Urbanus tributary of the Sava, were from "Chora" of Patmos, meaning that Gore's must have been from the Ceraunii. For years, this Gore link to the Ceraunii evaded me, even though I had been tracing the Gore and Cole mottoes to Servitium, almost smack-dab at the mouth of the Urbanus. The reason (involved the Craun surname) for the trace of the Ceraunii to Chora was strong and had nothing to do with Gore's, but as the Coronis crow was on Patmos, she must trace to the Washington raven as much as to the Rothes raven. The Wherters/Waters, who are now linkable to "Wassa," use the Asclepios rod, and Asclepios was the son of Coronis.

Again, Valentins were first found in Vicenza, to the near-north of Euganeo, and near Verona (Adige river), while Verona's/Vairs (suspect with Fellers) share the Keon / Keen fish. Verone's/Varenne's use nothing but ravens in Varn colors, and the Varenne's suggest Ada of Varenne, whom recently traced hard to the Ade's, but this was months after the Ade bend was traced, with Stevensons (same place as Seals / Joplins), to the Valentin bend! The Ade's are in the Levi motto along with CHRETiens, suggesting that the latter were Gratian liners! The Adige was traced to the Adge/Edge Coat using what should be the Kelner and Chill/Child eagle together for a trace to Cilnius Maecenas.

I can predict that Jeffreys were from Halybes, the metal-making peoples to which Hephaestus belonged, whose sacred island of Lemnos was that of the Amazons. The Joplin-related Greys were traced, years ago, to the Graeae Amazons of north Africa, and it just so happens that myth traced the Coronis crow to Cyrene, home of the Meshwesh Amazons (and Bistones)...whom, I traced, independent of (and long before) a Coronis trace to the Urbanus, to the Maezaei shown between the Urbanus and the Una! It works, don't fix it. The African Amazons are known, as per Myrina myth, to be from Myrina on Lemnos, location of the Kabeiri cult (Hebrews, right?) that was also at Samothrace, smack off the cost of Aenos and the Cicones. Samothrace (home of DarDANUS and Ixion-suspect Iasion) traces to the Samson proto-Danaans at Laish, home of Jonathan the Levite fink, and to the Perseus Danaans at proto-Japodes-suspect Joppa. Hephaestus, leader of the Kabeiri, had become suspect with Jebusites, but he had a cult on CRETE, where "GRATian / Great" may trace. Crete was home to the Tyrian cult of Sarpedon, whom I traced to Sorbs before I knew that they were derived from "Servitium."

In myth, Sidon was kin to Cretheus and Tyro (obvious code for Tyrian Cretans), and the latter were made ancestors to Ixion- / Iasion-suspect Aeson and Iason (Jason of the Argo ship), whom were placed on Lemnos by myth writers. Cretheus, made the father of Myrina, indicated a Cretan origin for the Amazons of Lemnos. Cretheus was the son of Enarete (hmm, "arette" is like "Ariadne" of Crete and Lemnos), whom I traced (years ago) to the earth goddess, Nerthus, worshipped by the Varni and Angles. This Nerthus was also traced to "Neretva," shown as the Naro river and Narona, and so the Varni were traced recently to Pharos, off the cost from the Urbanus theater. However, I didn't realize at the time that Cretheus was given an additional son along with Aeson, that being Pheres. By the time that I emphasized Pharia as an origin of Pharisees, I had traced Cretans to Dalmatia, and knew that the Aeson-related Colchians were in this proto-Croatian area. But as Wassa's have appeared in this update as Weir/Vere liners, do I trace "Wassa" to "Pharia" too? No, that can't be. However, I traced the Israeli priesthood (this past July and August) to Wassa-like Issa, an island near Pharia, and, zowie, Issa was also called, "Vis"!!! That has got to be the Vere-Wassa relationship along with the explanation as to Wassa's look like Wise's and Weis'. This trace is not small potatoes, and it recalls that Ottone's were first found in Pharia-suspect Perusia.

The Medea Colchians trace to Pharia probably as much as Medea's goddess, Hecate, traced to "HECTor," brother of prince Paris of Troy, a known Dardanus liner. Medea was traced to a son (probably Medan) of Keturah suspect with the Mitanni. But when making those traces, I didn't know that Wassa's, identified as Mitanni too, could trace to Issa. The Keturah>Medan line must always go through Kodros, father of Medon, and the owner of the fish...seen in the Verona/Vair surname, that being suspect from "Pharia." This island was possibly named by iron (fer) makers to the Ferrari's, at Este. The Halybes, suspect with "Lapith," were iron workers. Kodros was king of Athens, where Medea flew her chariot after leaving Coronis-suspect Corinth. Hephaestus mated with Athena.

Although it appears that Keons / Keens (cat-a-mountain) are from versions of "Oeneus" rather than "Khyan," the latter has been said to be from "John" (I don't agree), and king Khyan named his son, Yanassi, like "Jonathan, the term that I trace to "Oeneus." Jonathan of Laish is suspect to the Levi surname (same place as Verona's/Vairs) that is now discovered in a strong merger with Valentinian liners. If I have my facts straight, Jonathan was a descendant of Moses, and the latter was brought up in the household of Khyan (the real Exodus PHARaoh), wherefore Jonathan may have been a son of a Khyan element as per the rebellion of some Levites and Israelites against Moses (himself a Levite).

Mitanni trace from Yuya the royal horse trainer to Lesbos, and the Keens/McCains use a horse as well as lizards suspect with Lesbos liners. "Khyan" got suspect with "Ixion" (long before I knew that he was the brother of Coronis) whom I traced to Kikons/Cicones near the mouth of the Hebros, where Aenus was located, itself downstream from the Benjamin-like Benny. And, between the Benny and Aenus were the Paeti that I traced to Pettys in Istria's Pietas-Julia, and while Pettys share parrots with the Peeble's surname, Scottish Jeffreys were first found in Peebles, along with proto-Rothschild Bowers. As Peebles are listed as "Peoples," the phrase, "We the people," in Thomas Jefferson's famous document, gets suspicious as the code of plastic stupids rather than heart-felt sincerity.

Mitanni liners are suspect in the Medleys and Methleys (Methimna on Lesbos?), the latter being the ones that list Muth and DeMuths (same place as Walkers), the known ancestry of Barbara Bush (see 3rd update of last month for that), who married president George WALKER Bush (from a Walker surname). It just so happens that the Jeffreys have stars in the colors of the Medley / Methley stars, and moreover Medleys share bars gemel with Wassa's and Plancia- / Blank-suspect Monmouths.

As Plancia Magna was kin to a Simplex character, the "Simplex" motto term of Perkins got them suspect with Perga, home of Plancia. But Perusia is also "Perugia." The Perkin Coat (Owen lion?) can be a version of one Godfrey Coat. As Plancia traced to Wassa's, note that English Bergins use a key in saltire and were first found in the same place (Devon) as Wassa's and Watermans. Berkins were first found in the same place as Walkers and Cambridge's, and Walkers use a "magna" motto term as well as sharing annulets with Ottone's, a good reason for suspecting Bergins from "Perugia" elements. Walkers use a "quam magna" motto phrase, and the "quam" of CAMbridge's trace's the Walker motto to the Cam river (of Cambridge), and then Cams may be using the Jeffrey pale bars, yet the three Cam bars are in the colors of the three pale bars of Keen-suspect Lazards.

Were Cams a Mitanni line to Lesbos? That's the right question. While Cams come up as "GAME," Wassu-related Cantons/Candons are showing a GAMton variation, and Camdons/Campdons (Campbell colors) were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire, beside Monmouth) as Cams/Game's and Kemmis'/Kenys'. The latter made Cams suspect with Kemmis, the Egyptian home of Yuya. It's therefore notable that one Godfrey Coat is in Camp/Comp colors and format. Camdens share a pennant with Cowes', but it looks like the gold pyramid of Fisks, or like a triangle, which is to say that, while Washingtons liners are expected in the Great-Seal's codes, Washington-related Cantons and Camdons may be in the "unFINIShed pyramid," a perfect supposition because Finis' are a branch of Fane's/Feins, first found in Monmouthshire. There you have what looks like a mystery solved on Wassa kin of the Canton kind. If we might like to know why Cantons got lumped in with the heraldic square, ask the Valentin squirrels.

The Finis lion may be in the canton of Fountains (honored by Waterville's using a "square" for a canton), for the Kemmis Coat can be a version of either the Fountain or Waterton Coats, and Watertons use a "kyen" motto term, like the Kenys variation of Kemmis'. And while the Waterton motto has another motto term that reflects the motto of Kays/Keys, the Kemmis' show a KEYmich variation (suggesting a merger with Kays/Keys). As Waters are suspect with Quadratus Bassus, whose daughter married Laevillus, compare these bars also with those of Leavells.

The OTTER is the Waterton/WATEton Crest is no small indicator of UTHER Pendragon, for while Watertons are suspect with a version of the Leavell bars, while Leavells were first found in Somerset, where Pendragon birthed king Arthur. Pendragons>Arthurs have already traced to Artemidoros, grandfather of Severus Bassus. Watertons even use a "Better" motto term while I always trace Arthurs to Battins/Badens.

Plancia's family at Perga was within easy reach of the Bassus family in Derbe and AkMONia, if the two wanted a political alliance. Nothing extensive can be found online concerning the Bassus', and so I don't know all the other places that they may have controlled in Galatia and Lycaonia. What is known as that the ancestry of Julius Bassus (born about a generation after Caiaphas) controlled a neo-Cybele cult at Pessinus, while Cybele had previously been the goddess of the Kabeiri. On page 371 of a book on pottery, it says that, at Sarthe, broken pottery was found that belonged to a Tertiolus character, feasibly from the Tertullus line of Plancia because the pottery "was stamped with the names, Severus, Bassus, Crassus..." This is new to me now. There is a Crassus surname (same place as Watertons) listed with Grass', and the Bassianus' were traced to Grasse before I knew of a Crassus link to Bassus'. The Grass surname (Provence) with three chevrons in the colors of the Waterville chevrons doesn't come up with "Grass," but with "Grace." This is important because Water liners are Quadratus liners. The Grasse surname is now tracing to the grass in front of the unfinished pyramid, while the lamb in the Arms of Grasse (beside Provence) is in the colors of the lamb in the Coat of Angels suspect with the triANGLE on top of the pyramid. As the eye in the triangle must trace to Ayrshire, and to Watt / Watter liners, can this be done starting at the Arms of Le Mans? If so, the line of Severus Bassus should be in the Arms of Le Mans.

Sarthe is beside Maine (and once a part of Maine), the latter where Caiaphas-suspect Josephs were first found. Le Mans, in Sarthe, uses a central key, and four candlesticks. Where have we seen candlesticks before? "Pessinus" became suspect with "Piscinas", a term meaning "fountain" to Latins. It just so happens that Piscinas is in Sarthe-like SARDinia. It now appears that the line of Severus Bassus was at Piscinas after all. And I think we can now trace Avezzano liners (of the Avison kind, anyway) out of Sardinia and into Maine, or vice-versa.

The page below says that the earliest symbol of Le Mans was the candles alone, and the Arms shows "chandeliers" (candle holders). Might these relate to the Kyle candlesticks? Yes, for the Arms of Ayrshire is a saltire in colors reversed from the same-style cross in the Arms of Le Mans. And it's the Annandale cross. It's as though "Annuit Coeptis" should trace through Le Mans. Below the Arms of Le Mans, in an addendum to the Arms, there is a small white star, alone, on FOUR green pale bars, but if the pale bars are ignored, it's a lone white-on-red star, the colors of the lone Annas star.

There is a Lemans surname, in Cassel colors, and sharing the dolphin with Cassels, relevant because Cassels use a motto honoring both Avisons and La Fonts/Lafins, and the latter use the same lion as French Grass' (Provence). And just like Le Mans, Cassels use a key! Bango, an accidental head-on crash. As Lemans were first found in the same place as Quints, the Cassel chevron becomes suspect with the Quint chevron, especially as Quints and Cassels share fitchee crosses. Cassels were first found in Lincolnshire, same as Watertons, and the latter use fesse bars in the colors of the Lemans fesse bars.

We then go to German WaterMANs/Wassermans/BASSERmans. Bassincidence? This is the Coat with a man standing in knee-deep waters, same as the Arms of Vilnius, and this is where the Stick suspect Astikas' of Vilnius can link to "candleSTICK." The Stick surname shares gold grabs with Josephs and Avisons. Watermans/Bassermans were first found in Sulcis-suspect Silesia.

By the way, I traced Jabesh to mythical Abas (one important one was son of Arethusa), and this might be the root of AVEZZano. In other words, Jabesh liners, after evolving into an Abas-like entity, became Bassus-like, then Bassan-like in order to form AVEZZANo. That would expect Kupa > Caepio liners to Avezzano.

The Eustace cross is in colors reversed from the same-style cross in the Arms of Le Mans. Here's the Eustace motto term again: "perSEQUERIS". It could be Sakarya-river liners, for Pessinus was on the Sakarya. The motto term can be double code, partly for Perse liners, and Perche, beside Maine, can apply, for Perche's share two red-on-white chevrons (Cassel-chevron colors) with Maine's, first found in Devon, as with English Watermans. Eustace's are also in the Stacey surname, like the Astikas-suspect Stacks / Stocks that may be using a version of the Grass lion. Staggs and Watermans share the stag with Eustace's / Stacys. I'm pretty sure now that Astikas' were from Eustace II, and included Quadratus liners out of Devon.

As the Maine chevron is colors reversed from the chevron of Serts/Sere's, might the latter have been from "Sarth." Previously, Serts/Sere's were traced with Zerrs/Zehrers to Zahringers of Baden, but their antler-sharing kin, the Veringers, use a red antler, the color of the antlers on the Waterman stag, and these Watermans were first found beside Badens/Battins (share the axe with the Zerr/Zehrer Crest). The Badens/Battins traced with Baths/Atha's to the Adda river (Insubria, Visconti theater), which joins a Sere-suspect Serio river. The stars in the Sert/Sere chief are in the colors of the Annas and Canton-Chief stars. The Seers , sharing the Sert/Sere chevron, and now using stars in Chief in the colors of the Washington-Chief stars, were first found in the same place as Lemans. The Seers are said to have been involved at Colchester, not only where I expect Jabesh / Kupa liners, but where the bars gemel trace that are shared by Wassa's. Seers share an "honor" motto term with Weyers, which will trace below to the Sava river, where the Kupa drains.

Could not the Candels be a Canton branch? Candels are the ones using the Burgh/Berk cross, and while the Borgia's are suspect with the Charo-Claro bull, Candels share a blue-on-gold bend with Charo's/Claro's. As English Josephs use a "charo" motto term, it suggests that Le Mans, once the capital of Maine, linked to French Josephs. The Candel Crest shares "ears of wheat" with Scottish Chappes', and Kyle's are to be expected with ear-suspect Eyers / Ayers. It looks like we have a story for breaking through the layers of Maine's Joseph liners. Who, exactly, were they named after?

As French Burgs/Borgia's were first found in Languedoc, same as Conte's and Ville's, they are likely from John de Burgo (father of Herluin de Conteville). As John was ruler of a Comyns location, I suspect that Comines in Artois was part of his domain, the capital of which, Arras, is like the Arezzo variation of Arettium, home for centuries of the Cilnius family. This Artois line is suspect from Arda, where the Benni are stamped, and while Benjamins share annulets with Walkers (and Ottone's of Perugia), the Benjamin saltire is suspect with that of Walker-suspect Walch's.

As Arras was also named ATRECHT, note that Dutch Burgs (Washington stars?) were first found in nearby UTRECHT (Netherlands). This Burg Coat once showed the Clare chevrons exactly, and Herluin de Conteville married the Conqueror's mother, explaining why he should share symbolism with Claro's / Sinclairs, which also explains why Italian Claro's/Charos' share the red bull with Spanish Borgia's...first found at ZaraGOZA! It looks like Gace's were there, and yet the daughter of Herluin de Conteville married Richard GOZ. But Conteville is not far from Gace. Goz's share stars in the colors of the same of German Burgs (latter may be using the Scroll bend).

George Washington's wife was Martha Custis, her surname is more-traceable than ever now to the Cust(es) surname sharing fountains with Cass'/Casts and Kiss'/Cush's. That explains the Gace-area / Wassa trace to the Fountain bloodline, but there may have been more to it historically than the Washington's wife. The Waterville fountains can now be proven to be the Cust fountains where the brown Waterville talbot is in the Coat of Lothians who use a "CUSTodit" motto term. The "qui custodet" motto term of Cramers (another canton) suggests liners from Cremona, beside square-using Placentia, where Annas liners are expected. Not only is the key-line expected in that motto phrase, but the Cramer Chief uses the fleur that are all over the Gace / Auge theater. German Cramers (Constantine colors) use a ram's head with prominent horn in the colors of the Traby horn while the Trebbia river flows at Placentia. It makes the Lothian horn ever-more suspect with Trabys, but Lothians even share the pine tree with the French Constance's, first found in Languedoc, as with Costs/Causts/Cotels.

From Custers, we find Constantine's. Custers/Constance's share the red eagle with Caseys, and use "APPEtitus" as a motto term, partly suspect with the son of Vespasian, and partly with Apps / Eppstein liners. Like the Ways/Weighs, Dutch Custers use both fesse bars and pale bars, a rarity, and the fesse bars are two, like the Washington bars. French Constantine's/Constance's were first found in the same place as Berk-related Burgs, English Constantine's (BERKshire) use black fleur-de-lys (Auge-fleur color) in both colors of the same of German Weyers/Wiers, suggesting again that Wassa's/Weysons/Ways' were Weyer liners. I'm still trying to wrap my head around a "Wassa" equation with "Vere", however.

The Massena alliance with general Scipio at Cremona and Placentia (apparently founded by Scipio as his army bases) traces to the Meschin marriage with purple-lion Skiptons, and purple-lion Lacys, the latter using a motto term, "AUGENtur."

I had traced Constantine I well to Valentinian I (a few generations apart), and the latter was related / associated with emperor Honorius while Dutch Weyers use an "Honor" motto term.

There is another way to trace this picture to Avezzano, or at least to Cassel-beloved Avisons. Trabys/Sadowski's use a scarf for the Scarfs (same place as magna-using Walkers, whose Scottish branch share the double gold-on-red bars of Dutch Custers), very suspect in the Seal Crest, for the Seal Coat is a Quade version of the Bernice horns, black like the Traby horns, and this really nails the Q-shaped scarf as code for Quade's. The Scarfs are suspect with Schere's/Scherfs who share the Walker rose-on-stem, though Avezzano's use the red rose on a stem too. The Schere/Scherf Shield is split in the two colors of the Wilken Shield, while Dutch Welks/Wilkins', suspect as Walkers, use nothing but a black anchor, which is also in the Avison Crest.

As we just saw the Kyle candlesticks tracing to the two Joseph surnames, it reminds that the Kyle anchor has now linked to the Avison anchor, a good trace because Avisons share the Joseph garbs in the same colors. As Joseph Caiaphas is suspect from the Comyns and Avisons together, there is a great argument for tracing his birth from the Lurco > Pulcher line, for this very Pulcher was adopted by the brother (Marcus Livius Drusus) of the wife of Quintus Caepio the younger. Family tree available below, where Appius Pulcher is shown as "Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, adopted son":

If the Pulchers trace to the pelican, it's notable that Godfreys use pelicans in the colors and format of Capone's. One would imagine that heraldic Godfreys link to Godfrey de Bouillon, son of Eustace II, and then Eustace's are using the Burgh/Berk cross, explaining why the French Burgs/Borgia's share a flory cross with Bouillons.

Bassanius' in Bosnia

As Servilia Caepionis is expected to have had children with Julius Caesar, while she was the daughter Quintus Caepio the younger, it explains the "Avito JORE" motto of Wheelers, for Gore's/Jore's share the stars of French Julians. As the French Alans use them too, it should be added that Dol's use a whale possibly for the Wheelers/WHALErs.

"Avito jore" must trace with Gore's to Julius Avitus, husband of Julius Bassianus' daughter. I read that Julius Bassianus was stationed in Dalmatia by emperor Caracalla, a good reason to trace "Caracalla" (his nick name) to "Saraca," for Saraca's lived in Dalmatia. Caracalla was the son of Julia Bassianus Domna. I've been suspecting that Avitus' wife, Julia Maesa, was so-named after some Maezaei element, but I don't know whether "Maesa" was the surname of Avitus, or some other husband of Julia. I've never taken the time to look at my atlas for the modern terms where Maezaei are stamped on the ancient map. They are smack at a modern BESANski Petrovac location between the sources of the Una and a Sana river, in what is called the Una-Sana canton today.

I was amazed to find that the Arms of Una-Sana use gold, eight-pointed stars on blue, the colors of the six-pointed stars of Massena's. It's no coincidence, and it's a quick way to verify that the Massena Numidians were part of the Maezaei. It's no coincidence because, while Maezaei lived between the Una and Urbanus rivers, the Urbans share the same Zionist stars as Massena's, and both of them put them on blue bends.

Plus, as Musso's use lozenges, they trace to Losinj, in the Gorski area. There is a Gora location on my atlas, very near the Kupa river, and while i haven't checked to see whether it's in Gorski, it probably is. The Kupa was traced to Cuppae, near the Pek, and the Massena Coat shared the white-on-red patees of the Pek surname. Moreover, while the Kupa traces definitely to Cope's/Colps, Ranulph le Meschin of Bosnia- / Bassianus-like Bessin was a ruler of Copeland.

Next, we go to the Sane Coat, as per the hunch that Sana-river liners trace to that surname, and Sane's are listed with Sions/Swans, the ones that once showed gauntlet gloves, the Macey symbol, such a "coincidence." The Sane/Sion Coat still shows a chevron in the colors of the Macey chevron, and Maceys use stars in the colors of the stars of Massena's / Una-Sana Arms.

"Bosanski Petrovac is a town in western Bosnia and Herzegovina." It gives the impression of a Bassianus link to "BOSNia." There is a Besanska Krupa location along the Una to which the Bassianus family may likewise trace. The Sane/Sion/SWAN Coat is in SAVONE and Save colors, and this entity may trace to the namers of the Sava/Save river. The red bull in the Savone Crest can go to the red bull of Charo's/Claro's because the latter's bull design (rare) is used by Bosins/Bosni's. As Charo's are beloved of English Josephs, the swan of French Josephs is expected to be that of the Sane's/Sions. It appears that we have just found a Bosnian trace of the Massena-line kind to Sion of Switzerland, and as Bellamys, who merged with Ferte-Mace = the Maceys, were at the Arve river at lake Geneva, the Geneva/Genova wings, upside-down like the Masci wing in the Dien/Dives Coat, is expected to be the Masci wings, especially as Genova is beside Savona. The Savona surname was first found in the same place as Segars who use the moline cross of Segni's/Segurana's in colors reversed, and the latter were first found in Genoa. Segni's trace round-about from Fieschi's of Genova to Valentinian I, at the Sava river's Cibalae theater. Ask the Sibal moline for verification.

There is a question here as to whether SARAjevo (Bosnia) traces to the Serts/Sere's and Seers/Sears now tracing both to the Serio (not far from Fanano), and tentatively to Sarthe. As we saw Kyle / Ayrshire elements at the Arms of Le Mans, let's repeat that Shawia Numidians were honored in the "Shaw" motto term of the Arms of Ayrshire. And while Ayers are also Here's, who share blue wings with HERZOGs, compare with HERZEGovina. Does this line trace also to Herefordshire, home of Japodes-suspect Jeffersons and Jeffreys? Can the blue wings trace to something along the Sava? Yes. The ancient Numidian capital was Certa/Serta (I always forget the correct spelling), and the Sire's to which the Valentinian family links are also "Siret." The green snake looking itself in the mirror in the Sire/Siret Coat can be construed as the Coronis-Asclepios line from Patmos' Lapiths. For verification, we can perhaps ask the Lapps, who use MeluSINE and her mirror (Sane's/Sions are also "Sine").

Melusine has been traced to Miletus, said to be founded by mythical Sarpedon, whom I see as proto-Sorbs / Serbs out of Servitium. Further up-river on the Sava from Servitium, there is a Lesce location that was suspect with Leslie's before I was confident enough to trace Leslie's to Lesbos (I don't make hard traces on similarity-of-terms alone), and while Lesbos was named after its leanings for lesbianism, the Melusine mermaid may be from such a Lesbos batch of Lapiths. But why was it named, LesBOS. Was this part of the proto-Bosnians? Melusine started as a dragon/snake woman, and the Save's, whom were suspect with the Leslie bend, use snake's. I don't recall hard evidence for a Save trace to the Sava/Save, but as Leslie's share buckle with Sobeks/Sobieski's, note the Saib/Seib-like variation of Save's. Also, it's new just now that the Loches entity in the write-up of Less'/Lesks/LUSKs (looked up as per "Lesce") has a surname, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Save's. The Loches married the Fulks of Anjou, where Melusine's mirror traces. Compare "Lesce" and "Lusk" with "Luzica" (Lusatia, home of Sorbs) and "Lusignan."

As the Bosin/Busi bull holds a banner, it tends to verify that the Sane's/Sions are using parts of the Arms of Fanano. There are gauntlet reasons for tracing Macey-related Fane's/Feins to Fanano. The lion at the base of the Sane/Sion Coat can be the Maschi lion in white. I had never expected Massey liners to trace to Sion so strongly. But why are the Sane's/Sions first found in Lanarkshire, so far from the Sana river? It should have to do with a Clausula-river trace to Glasgow / Renfrew, and the Kyle trace from the Sava to Le Mans / Sarthe. But Clausula liners (includes Lady Fortune and her banner) are expected also at Closeburn, where see that the Close Coat uses the Sane/Sion chevron and even the Macey stars. Sane's/Sions use the motto, "Fidelitas," while Close's use "Fidelis," while "Fanano uses "Fides." The Close's use a central spur while Spurrs (Supers/Sobers?) may be using the Save/Seibe bend.

Massey liners must also trace to the Mathis river (Illyria), where I see proto-Maccabees. The Mathis was the territory of the Cavii, and this brings up the French Messeys, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mathis' and Save's, and once showing the Trip boots while German Trips were first found in the same place as Crupe's, whom may be from Bosanska Krupa, for Crupe's use bull horns, which they call "the black attires of a bull." The same terminology is used by Hamons: "A falcon rising proper with a gold mullet [Macey / Spurr symbol) on each wing [Masci symbol], between the attires of a stag." The Wings/Winks are suspect with Vinkovci = Cibalae, and there is a good argument to be made here that the imperial house of Caracalla, mixed with some Maesa / Massena liners under discussion, led to the rise of the imperial household of Valentinian. This was the old and ugly guts of the Great Seal, the transformation of iron Rome into clay-and-iron Rome in the time of the Valentinians. It was also the roots of FreeMASONry, now that I understand the Great Seal's roots.

The Hamons are suspect with Hamon de Masci/de Massey (Wikipedia has an article on him) because the Hamon motto term, "discrimini," looks like code for Rimini, where Maschi's were first found. I'm not sure whether Rimini covers nearby Fano, but Fane's/Feins use a "fano" motto term. Fano is at the brink of Picenum, where Valentinian got his wife.

There was interplay between the Sava and Poland, as even the migration of Poland's Sorbs to Serbia testifies. I traced "Piast" (whether rightly or wrongly) to the ancient Bistue region between the Urbanus and the Basante (Bosnia) river. The fact that the old map shows it as "Basante" speaks of a trace to Bessins/Beastons and Bistone's (same place as Witkowo-suspect Watts). The Mr. BissoPESTON in the Bistone write-up suggests that Piasts included Pestons, perhaps of the namers of Budapest. As Basina has been expected in the line to the Bessin, it just so happens that Pastons (same place as Savona's) are using the Chill/Child Coat, tending to verify that Childs are from her husband (his tomb was found with many golden bees, symbol of Bessins and Bistone's). This can tend to argue for a trace of "Clovis" to the Clovse variation of Close's. Bissets are again showing the same bend as Save's. Recall Bazzano at Modena, a good reason to trace Besante-river namers of Besanski to Modena. But then there is Bassania at the mouth of the Mathis, and the neighboring Lissus to which the Lys surname traces. The English Besans surname happens to use the Massey quarters, and German Besans'/Besants/Bassens may therefore be using the white Masci wings in Crest.

I haven't tended to view Masseys as Bosnians, or founders of Bosnians, but there you have it. However, Masseys were only a part of it, for the Bassus' and Bassianus' are suspect there in the main. Within the past year, it started to appear that Ferte-Mace has a special relationship to Gace, and this idea that Wassa's were Bassus' may apply. However, to how many things can we trace "Wassa"? Can it trace to Issa/Vis as well as to the namers of Bassus' Note that the Bessins, Bistone's and Besans/Besants all use erect swords as indication of a trace to ancient Bistones of Cyrene (used an erect sword as their sanctuary), several centuries BC. It signals a Bistones-Meshwesh kinship all the way to at least Meschins in the 12th century AD. This is a great argument for tracing king Massena's descendants to Severus Bassus, as expected. For Massena became suspect with the formation of Maccabees not much more than two years ago, after starting with Cilnius Maecenas' family.

I didn't know of Massena, or at least didn't emphasize him until that time in which he became suspect as the root of Maccabees. Everything panned out even to the "Hasmonean" look of Akmonia, home of Severus Bassus. In the meantime, proto- Maccabees were becoming suspect with Cavii elements on the Mathis, even before I spotted Bassania at that river. I concluded that the Mathis named the first-known Maccabee, Mattathias (Matthew) Hasmonean, and noted that Gabuleum should link Maccabees to El-Gabal of Emesa. Even that came with a trace to Masci liners to the mouse tower. It floored me to find the Mathis surname using the black-on-white moline of Cavii-suspect Chives', for it verified that trace, and suggested that Quintus Caepio / Caiaphas was an outcropping of Maccabees, even as the Sadducees are known to be. A trace of the Israeli priesthood, in the inter-testimental period, to Massena was a fully wild theory that assured Christian readers to look at me "funny," yet it has proven to have a great set of evidences behind it. Masseys and Masci's even use fleur-de-lys that trace to Lissus, and Maceys use the mace, symbol of Maccabees. This is the root of FreeMasonry, incorporating even the killers of Christ.

The Welsh Matthews use the same lion as Buchanans / Conte's / Lafins / Flanders / Sammes', take your pick. The "fyn" motto term of these Mathews gets the Fyns/Finns (like the Macey-related Fane's/Feins) using mascles, such a further "coincidence." The Fyn falcons suggest that the Matthew lion is that of Conte's, for the latter use the falcon crescents, and then English Conte's share the antler with Hamons. Therefore, the Matthew lion is the Conte and Lafin lion, but then Comines is in Nord, and the Arms of Nord uses the Flanders lion. Yet, there is a Commins location in Denbighshire (where Caepio-suspect Bachs were first found), and a nearby Commins Coch location in the Comins write-up, and both are in Wales (i.e. near Cheshire, where the Conteville line to the first Meschin leads). I can readily understand why God chose me, whose mother is a Massey liner, to conduct this revelation, for who but a Massey liner would be most-attentive to Massey kin...when learning as much as I have with heraldry? Where did I get the time to conduct this revelation? Where did I get the stamina for such a long-haul task? Where did I get the desire, or the knack? I yearn for the day when this will be over, for I am sick of it, yet I go on because the most-useful revelations are coming out now. Freemasonry will be destroyed because the cannon of God is set up and aimed at the house of Caiaphas. It's at the White House. This is not the drama that I created, for it's all over prophecy. The wrath of God is the drama, and the vengeance that will be unleashed on Caiaphas' end-time head is for the love of His Son.

French Finns were first found in Burgundy, where Mathis' were first found, important because we just saw Fyns/Finns registered with a Matthew motto. Like the Arms of Le Mans, the French Finns use a red border. A Fano connection to Le Mans? The "fydd" motto term of Welsh Mathews suggests the Meschin-related Fiddes'/Fittes' (same place as fitchee-using Tarves, and the Chives' of Tarves), using the same chevron as Levi's, and the counts of Hainaut, and it's in the colors of the Matthew lion to boot. And then the Fiddes/Fittes chevron is in the colors of the same of German Matthews, who throw in a blue Chief without symbols, just like the blue chief on the bald eagle's escutcheon.

It just so happens that the red triple chevron that was chosen by the Thomson circle to be upon that escutcheon was traced (by me) to a king of Wales (forget his name) in Morgannwg, now Glamorgan, where Welsh Matthews were first found (beside where the Fane's/Feins were first found). The Arms of Cardiff (Welsh capital in Glamorgan) use triple-white-on-red chevrons.

Those red triple chevrons of the Welsh king got suspect with the triple-red chevrons of Clare' s, for Clare Strongbow was a ruler of Pembrokeshire, in southern Wales along with Glamorgan. The Pembroke Coat was even traced to Mazzo's/Mazzone's; their write-up traces to Messina and to Modena. And Italian Massi's are listed with Mattis'. Do we need more evidence that Massey / Massena liners were plugged into Mattathias-suspect Matthews?

The fitchee is used also by Scottish Mathews, who throw in a gyronny symbol shared by Mathie's. The gyronny is suspect with Ranulph de Gernon, earl in Cheshire and son of Ranulph le Meschin. It's the Gernon motto, "CyFOETH," that links the Foots and Fothes/Fiddes'/Fittes' to Meschins of the Bessin. The Meschins/Masculine's had a boy symbol (look like young teens), and I thought I spotted a boy in the center of the cross that hangs from the Arms of Le Mans. It can make Le-Mans and Maine elements suspect with whatever named HasMONeans, and while the Fiddes/Fittes chevron traces to the counts of Hainaut, there was a Mons capital at Hainaut ("Annuit"-like motto term), and moreover, the Isle of Man, where Maccus likely ruled, was also called, Mona, a name found in northern Wales too, beside Denbighshire.

The Matthew fitchee is blue, the color of the Mea/Meigh fitchee, and this latter surname can trace to the Maghen variation of Mathie's/Manns. There are two Mathie surnames, the other listed with English Matthews who happen to use the triple Clare / Burg chevrons in colors reversed. These Mathie's/Matthews share blue wings in Crest with Here's/Heyers and Herzogs so that they should trace to the eye in the triANGLE, and then Welsh Mona is now ANGLEsey. It's where the family of Maccus invaded when having conquered the Isle of Man, and when coming to Cheshire. Angle's share the winged horse with Masseys, which suggests the Maccus-line alliance with Anglo-Saxons of the Cheshire theater. The "Stare" motto term of Angle's can be for Stairs/Stayers, having the same Coat as Capone's.

With the Thomson sketch now tracing to the root of the triple chevrons of Cardiff, let's look at the Cardiff motto, which includes "goch" and "Cychwin," both suspect with Commins Coch. The Cochs/Coechs and Cocks both use red-and-white lozenges, and the Welsh Matthews use a "moorCOCK on a mountain." As you can see, Goch's/Gooch's/Googe's were first found in Powys, where Commins Coch is located. When we click over to Welsh Gochs/Gechs, we find double fesse bars (in blue) linkable to the same of Washingtons, suggesting that Gace liners were in the Cochs and Cocks! I never would have guessed. The Cocks share the Grimaldi Coat, and as such, this can trace Mona to Monaco, where Grimaldi's had powers. Bavarian Cochs/Coechs (share the Zionist stars of Massena's / Urbans / Weis') have become suspect with Sitric Caech. There's a a Rhys Goch in the William write-up [late in the next update, Williams will trace to Willa of Tuscany, after king-Arthur codes trace to Willa's daughter in Ivrea. This is a central ingredient to the Templar pie, if you care to know it.]

As we saw that the Thomson stag was that of Watertons, we learned that the Thomson sketch had the triple Water chevrons. And the M'Comie variation of Thomsons was traced well to Mrs. Comyn, wherefore she may trace to Commins Coch or the Commins of Denbighshire. That's a way to get the Water chevrons to the Welsh royals that likewise used them. There is a Welsh Tomasso surname, first found in Cheshire (smack beside Denbighshire), and suspect with Italian Maso's/Masons (same place as Masci's), said to be from "Tomasso," while Welsh Tomasso's (doves) are also "ToMASSON." Maso's share roses with the Pembroke-related Mazzo's, and should be using the Macey chevron. The Masson/Mason patees trace to the Peks and therefore to Cuppae, city of doves, wherefore it's notable that Tomasso's are in Cope / Copp colors, not forgetting the Cope's trace to the Kupa river, the Maezaei theater generally.

What probably happened was that Meschins of Cheshire, stationed there to keep the antagonistic Welsh in check, merged with the Welsh royals who owned the red triple chevron. And this family should therefore be suspect with the Great Seal's escutcheon, but not aside from the Gace line that seems to have been in Commins Coch. In any case, the Wassa's were first found in the same place as Watertons who share the Thomson stag.

Repeat: "The motto of Keys/Kays may trace to the Kynemund location of the Adams/Caws', the kin of Gace-related Thomsons." The German Adams, though there is no special evidence, at face value, that they are related to Adam Kilconquhar, yet seem suspect with the Coat of German Matthews and using the eagle in the Chief of Massi's/Mattis, the latter having the Shield-and-Chief color combination of German Matthews in colors reversed. It was the symbol-less blue Chief of German Matthews that became a suspect for the symbol-less blue chief in the Great Seal's escutcheon, and the German Adams use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of German Matthews. The "grata quies" motto phrase of German Adams can therefore be of the Great surname (now tracing the GRATian) as well as of the Wace-suspect Weis surname, or the Wies'/Wiesers (Silesia) who look like they use a Fanano-version of a Macey / Sane/Sion Coat with the white Masci wings in Crest.

As Fanano elements trace to the Fane's/Feins of MONmouth, near the Jeffersons of Herefordshire, note that the Jefferson motto, "In CRUCE salus," is used by Irish Adams, while German Adams use "CRUX." Plus, it just so happens that Irish Adams/Caws (merged with Mackays, right?) share a gold heart with Wies'/Wiesers suspect in the same motto using "Crux." This now gets us to Creusa liners, from Agrigento, which reminds that the Matthew-beloved Fyns/Finns are suspect with the Anchor Chief. The Adam heart is expected to trace with the Sane/Sion heart to the Lanark heart, suspect with Douglas'. The Douglas' share the Moray stars with the Thomson Chief, and the Moray-Douglas stars were suspect on the American flag.

Italian Adams were first found in Fermo (Picenum), not very far from Fano. As these Adams use an "ear of wheat" (not an Italian codework), they may have been from Guiscard Normans of Italy, for Guiscards/WISEhearts were first found in the same place as ear-of-wheat Chappes'. Claro/Charo-suspect Candels, who trace to Kyle's of Ayrshire, home of ear-suspect Eyers, use ears of wheat. It's a little interesting that the Adam HEART can now trace to WiseHEARTs. The latter use the motto, "Mercy is my DeSIRe," which can be a trace to Sire's, kin of Justine of Picenum. That makes sense, and Justine's were first found in Perthshire, smack beside Stirling, where Guiscards were first found. Now we're on it. As Fane's are "Fein," note that the Italian Adams use the same spread eagle as VIENNE's (same colors, that is), in colors reversed from the eagle of Ferte-Mace-suspect Ferte's. The Vienne's were even first found in the same place as Messeys, and share a "bien" motto term with Carricks!!! That is a round-about way to trace Italian Adams to Adam Kilconquhar! It make's Biens suspect with Beans/Bains/Vans, a known sept of Mackays along with Fane's/Feins/Vans. German Biens (Silesia) use more hearts, and a chevron in the colors of the same of Sane's/Sions.

It looks like the city of Vienne, a Burgundy location, was named by a Fano bloodline. As per the "Mercy" term of Guiscards, the saltire of Messeys (Burgundy) is the flag of Mercia, suspect with the Jefferson saltire too, and the Cruce's in the Jefferson and Adam mottoes use a cross in colors reversed to the Mercian saltire. Vienne is suspect with heart-suspect Herod liners, for Herod Archelaus was banished from Israel, to Vienne. As Herods were Edomites, as were Oliphants, let's repeat that Oliphants share "tout" with Rollo's, first found in the same place as Justine's, and that French Masseys are using the Oliphant crescents, expected where Masseys were from the Herod-Maccabee line. I don't recall ever tracing Herod Antipas so well to Fano elements. In past years, I was shaky in making links, whereas today, I feel more confident with added learning and familiarity of the heraldic turf concentrated upon. As I go in circles, over and over the same turf, the holes are plugged until a smoother operation results. I should be crazy-in-circles by now, and I do get the temptations to speed things up by making hasty links, which, in the end, only spoils the project, wherefore I try to be patient, adding strain to this work.

Repeat: "German Biens (Silesia) use more hearts..." The Vienne motto is "A bien vienne tout." Isn't it clear, therefore, that the Bien hearts are code for Herod Archelaus' descendants? Touts use nothing but a crescent in a CANTON, which expects them in Wassa camps, and Toothills share a raven with Washingtons (but call it a Cornish chough), as well as sharing a "langued" lion with the Arms of Gace. Although there are many lions with tongues, not many mention "langued" in their description. That's when one needs to pick up on it. The Toothill lion on a white bend is that also of the Welsh Davids (Cheshire), who have a motto traceable to the Pek and Cuppae. The lion design used by Toothills and Davids is that also of the Ayrshire Mackie's (raven) that list "Margy," who use the lion design of Margesons that list "Mackesy." At first, I thought that queen Margaret was behind it, but then Marjory Carrick of Ayrshire seemed a better bet, but then it was discovered that Davids / Davis' did indeed trace to queen Margaret (mother of David I), at the time that king David's Haly Rod House, built for his mother, traced to the Rods/Hrods whom I've known to be from the marriage of Henry IV of RODez and Miss Roquefeuil. And that was the line of Herod Antipas (brother of Herod Archelaus), banished to Comminges, near Herod-like Rodez. Henry of Rodez was traced to the Henrys on the Meu, where the Mea/Meigh surname traces, and it just so happens that Margesons/Mackesys use a "me" (not English) motto term. They are in Carrick colors and use "LoyaLITE" (in motto) while Ayers use "Lighter than air" as code for Lights/Lite's (ostrich feathers, suggest Tudors). The Lite's use swans in the colors and format of the Tudor helmets, asking whether they are Archelaus-line helmets. Perhaps Marjory was named after queen Margaret for a blood reason.

While Scottish Kennedys were first found with Carricks in Ayrshire, Irish Kennedys show the helmet, and then, if correct to trace Kennedys to the Heneti > Veneti line, one can add that Fane's/Feins/Veynes'/Vans were likely Veneti, and we just saw why Fane's should trace to Herod Archelaus. The Kennedy dolphin can trace to Dauphine, where the capital was once Vienne, placing Kennedys in the right place for a merger with Herod-Archelaus liners. I'm convinced in these more-confident days that Kennedys are using the Archelaus helmet. The Kennedy chevron is likely the Arms of Carrick, and used in colors reversed by Tudors (Herefordshire, same as Jeffersons whom I traced to the Fano theater). Carricks are Bien lovers, and therefore trace to Vienne, have I got that right? The three chevrons of Cardiff are in the colors of the Tudor chevron (makes sense).

I trace Tudors to the red triple chevrons of Taddei's, and the latter may be suspect with a branch in Lorraine because they share the flory cross of Bouillons. More likely, the Bouillons had a branch in FLORence, where Taddei's were first found, because the two use FLORY crosses. But why are the flory crosses using fleur-de-lys as opposed to any other kind of flower? Were Lissus elements in Florence? The Tudor write-up speaks on a Marches tribe founded by Trevor Tudor, and then French March's were first found in Lorraine. Italian Adams, who traced to Marjory Carrick, were first found in Fermo, in the Marche province of Italy.

If I recall correctly, it was the first king Henry of England who married a niece of king David, and Henry V of England was from Monmouth, where Fano's were first found that trace to Vienne. Is that not a revelation worth contemplating over? By the time of Henry VII of England, the throne was going over to the Welsh Tudors, whose ostrich feathers one can see in the Crest of the Arms of Cardiff. It can now be established hard that the green spread eagle of Henrys is the Vienne eagle in the colors of the Lannoy and Lyon lions. It is a shame, and probably a deliberate one, that Wikipedia removed the coin of Herod Archelaus, after I mentioned it a few times, that told of a helmet with feathers upon its one side, and grape vines on the other side. It assures that the helmet with feathers in one Lannoy Crest is a symbol of Archelaus, for the other Lannoys share the green-on-white lion of Lyons, while Lyon is beside Vienne. These lions are in the colors of the spread eagle of Henrys, you see.

Note that the Lannoys (Masci fleur?) with helmet are traced to a BLETso entity, for German Blate's/Plate's use a grape vine. That can't be coincidental. Lannoys were Lyon liners that had merged with the descendants of Herod Archelaus. And the swan design in the Blate/Plate Crest was once showing on the French Joseph Coat. There is a Blets/Bled/Ble/Duble surname ("Ble" motto term), first found in Burgundy i.e. location of Vienne! It uses nothing but the triple chevrons of Mathie's/Matthews. These surnames trace well to Pontius PILATE because the other Blate's share the white pheons with Pilate's, first found in Burgundy. Let's repeat that Pilate-suspect Billets (Payen stars, Sane/Sion colors) were first found in Maine (same as French Josephs), while the Etienne's, from St. Etienne at Mont Pilat (Burgundy), use billets.

The "tous" motto term of Blets' goes to an interesting Tous/Tosi/Tosatti surname, first found in Pisa, an area (Massa-Carrara) where I trace Massi's/Mattis', wherefore these Tous' can indeed apply to the Blets motto term, as much as Blets use the Mathie/Matthew Coat. The first thing standing out in the Tous Coat is what looks like one of the Masculine boys. The Tous Chief uses eight-pointed stars in the colors of the same in the Arms of Una-Sana. The Tous description traces to the Masculine boys: "Blue with a gold chevron. There are three gold eight point stars above the chevron, and below a man's head and BUST natural with a green wreath of laurel around his head wearing a red SHIRT with gold BUTTONs". Here's the Bust/BOYes/BOIS Coat. Boyincidence? I suppose that this surname can trace to BESANski and Besanska in Una-Sana. The Tous Chief can trace to the Chief of Italian Boys, who share the bull with Bosens.

Recall Dick Cheney's Haliburton, for the Bust/Boyes write-up traces to barons of Halburton (Devon, home of boy-using Peverels/Littleboys of the Revere kind), while the Bust/Bois bend-with-symbols is in the colors of the same of Cheneys, and moreover, the bull's scalp of Cheneys is traceable to the bull horns of BUTTONs. The Shirts/Sherards were first found in Cheshire, where the Masculine line ruled.

Let's go back to the Marches tribe of Trevor Tudor, for English March's look like they use parts of the Nimo/NewMarch Coat (Arms-of-Ayrshire saltire?) while the latter's "boast" motto term gets the Busts/Boyes'. The "show" motto term of Nimo's/Newmarches gets a Show surname with a Shaw look to one of its variations, and then the Arms of Ayrshire uses a "shaw" motto term. It again tends to make a Tudor link to Kennedys, and thus makes Herod Archelaus trace to the Tudor helmets. It must have big a big secret for obvious reason. What occurred was, that Herods of the Antipas kind started on the Norman throne of England with Henry I (son of the Conqueror if I recall correctly), and were continued by Herods of the Archelaus kind when, or before, Henry VII Tudor got to the throne.

Between the two Henrys, there was the War of the Roses (civil war) between two royal English houses vying for the throne, and roses trace to Rodez liners. By no coincidence, as I understand it suddenly, the red-rose side was founded by John of Gaunt, whom is represented in the gauntlet gloves of Herod-liner Fane's. But as these Fane's just traced to Herod Archelaus, perhaps the Archelaus line was on the throne prior to Henry VII (he ended the war of the roses because he was from both rose lines). I have suspected that the opposing roses, because their male lines traced to the same Norman stock, had to do with their female sides tracing to different elements, and here now the theory is that they traced to two different Herods. That wouldn't look very good in history class, though. But here at tribwatch, it's a free world.

As Bouillons ruled lower Lorraine, where Verdun is located, recall how the five boys in the Masculine Coat were around a mascle with flory ends. The design looks a lot like the so-called fret, used, for example, by Verduns (same place as Bust/Bois-related Cheneys). Couldn't BOUIll(on)s be Bois liners? And if Tudors trace to Archelaus, why not also Tudor-suspect Taddei's sharing the Bouillon cross? They are white-on-red, indicative of the white-rose side. The Bouillon motto is part-code for the Christs, and their Coat use nothing but both red and white roses. In the Christ Crest, a single white wing, the Masci symbol.

The white-rose side, with a head office in York, was launched by king Edward IV. Note at Wikipedia's war-of-the-Roses article that the red Lancastrian rose has a white roundel at the center, assumed to be the heraldic plate, code for Plate's that use the Archelaus grape vine. The York rose has a central besant, suggesting a Bassianus line of Masseys, for the Edward Coat looks like a version of the Macey Coat. Edwards were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Yorks, and Yorks show the central besant.

Edward IV...was the first Yorkist King of England. The first half of his rule was marred by the violence associated with the Wars of the Roses, but he overcame the Lancastrian challenge to the throne at Tewkesbury in 1471 to reign in peace until his sudden death. Before becoming king, he was 4th Duke of York,[4] 7th Earl of March, 5th Earl of Cambridge and 9th Earl of Ulster.

TEWKESbury, hum? When we get to the Neville Coat (Tewkesbury colors), as per Cecily Neville, mother of Edward IV, we find white-rose colors, and a trace to Neuville on the TOUQUES river. The Touques surname uses...besants. Shouldn't these be traced back to the Bassianus family suspect at Besanski of Una-Sana? Can you glean that the York motto and York colors traces to Cope's/Colps, from the Kupa? Cecily's father, Ralph de Neville, was ruler of Westmorland, near COPEland, and Copelands are suspect with the bars of Washingtons who trace to the Touques. There is a family tree at Ralph's article showing that he descends from a marriage between FitzAlan of Arundel and Alice of Saluzzo, which may have to do with the Great Seal's blue Chief. Alice's mother happens to have been Luisa of Ceva. I'll come back to this to show how it can link to Thomsons.,_1st_Earl_of_Westmorland

Ralph's mother (Miss Percy) was a Clifford on her mother's side, and, it just so happens, I traced CLIFFords (years ago) to "GLAPHyra" Archelaus, wife of Herod Archelaus (where he got his surname). The trace to "Glaphyra" started with Clavers/Cleavers, then went to Cliffs/Cleave's. The latter's "In cruce glorior" traces to CUP-using Glorys, the Great-Seal symbol surrounded by the clouds. These Cliffords, in Ralph's tree, married Clare's.

It is very interesting that Neville's and Tewkesburys are in Taddei-Chief and Chaddock colors, for Tewkesburys/Tucksburys are said to have been "TEDECHsberrie" anciently. I'm asking where the namers of the Touques had previously been Taddei liners, for the triple chevrons of Taddei's can trace to the ones on the Thomson sketch. Recall that Thomson had prominent clouds in his design, for the Tewkesbury castle is also that of McLeods/Clouds. The Taddei cross is in the colors of the Neville saltire. Washingtons were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Chaddocks and Chadwicks, both of whom trace to St. Chad of Lancashire.

Glaphyra (married Alexander Maccabee) was near the root of the Herod-Maccabee line that led to a union with Quadratus Bassus, and the Cliffs/Cleave's even use the black wolf heads of Quade's and Seals!! The wolf design in the Cliff Crest is in the Crest of Sale-suspect Hoffs. It's interesting that Hoff- and Sale-related Coffs come up as Qewe-suspect "Cows." Note that while Cliffs/Cleave's are traced in their page to Moreton-Say (Shropshire), the Sailers/SAYlers are using a "GREATest" motto term, and a virtual copy of the Seal Coat, yet the Sailers throw in a black wolf head in Crest, as do Cliffs/Cleave's. Mortons were first found in the same place as Yorks and Edwards.

The Cliff fesse has the same trefoil as Shaws use, but the latter use three of them on a chevron in the colors of the quatrefoils upon a chevron of Ayers, and then, while Kyle's of Ayrshire use candleSTICKS, Cliffs are said to have married the Styche's (same place as Cliffs), who are in the colors of the Cliff fesse / Shaw chevrons...suggesting that Shaws were Stick liners to the Ayrshire candlesticks, explaining why the Arms of Ayrshire uses a "shaw" term. The Flemings use a "shaw" motto term along with "deed," and Deeds/Dade's share the three gold garbs of Sticks. Its notable that while Shaws and related Sheaves are key liners, Clavers/Cleavers use the key, as does the candlestick-using Arms of Le Mans. I think I neglected to say earlier that the cross of Candels is identical, and colors reversed from, the cross in the Arms of Le Mans. The Candel cross is in the colors of the saltire in the Arms of Ayrshire.

Shaws are said to derive from a Stiche-like SITHECH entity, which finally blows the identity of that mystery term wide open. Sticks were not the original derivation of Shaws, however, and "Sithech" was suspect with Sadducee liners such as Saddocks / Chaddocks. "Sithech" is like "TEDECHsberrie." The Taddei's have a Tadini variation that can trace to Tattons of Massey, in Cheshire, where Cliffs and Sticks were first found. Taddei's have been traced to ostrich-feather Tudors, from Trevors suspect with Trabys (ostrich feathers), who married Stick-suspect Astikas'. Suddenly, Taddei's can be identified with Tewkesbury, as unlikely as it appears at first. The Candel cross makes the Sticks look like Stacys / Eustace's, which expects that Shaws merged with the line of Godfrey de Bouillon, and Bouillons are the ones using the Taddei crosses! These are colors reversed from the Chadock cross.

Let's repeat that the line of Idris of Fes (Morocco), the husband of Kanza, of Aures (Shawia-Numidian territory), traces to the Fes surname, first found in the same place as Bouillons. Fessys then use a cross in the colors of the Bouillon cross, which is in the colors of the Neville saltire, and the Fessy cross traces definitely to the same-type cross of Macclesfield, in Cheshire, where Sticks were first found, and where also the Massena-line Numidians settled. The leopard face's belonging to Fessy liners are used by Lichfields, and Lichfield is where St. Chad operated, whose family supposedly owned the potent cross, later owned by Godfrey de Bouillon, and made the symbol of Templar Jerusalem. Note that the potent cross of Chads is in the colors of the Bouillon cross.

If Chads are using the Massena patees, they can trace to Mysians in Patti, Messina, the area where ancients traced Hephaestus as he evolved into Vulcan. Hephaestus was on an Amazonian island off the coast of Mysia, and he had been given a lame symbol, while the potent cross is said to derive in crossed crutches. That's suspicious.

As it seems that Taddei's came first, and then evolved into "Touques," let's repeat that lake Tatta (wolf-depicted and ancient Lycaonia) was suspect with king Tut, of the Yuya-Mitanni line to which I have been tracing Gace upon the Touques. Amazing coincidences. The Touque's were first found in the same place as Massins/Masons.

Tedds are even listed with Taddei-colored Tudors. My problem with a derivation of "Touques" in a Tedechs-like term is that I can no longer trace "Tigranes" elements to the naming of that river. The theory had been that Tigranes set forth the Teeger surname, which seems to use the Touque chevron. However, a solid chevron like that of Teegers and Touque's ("mea" motto term) was just seen in the Lichfield Coat, which has the effect of bending my mind to contortion levels by insisting that Chaddock liners do in fact trace to the namers of the Touques. Lichfield is where Chaddock liners are said to derive, and this helps to nail down a Chadock trace to "Tedechs." But how can I then trace "Tut" to "Sadducee." On the other hand, this is not so crazy at all when it's understood that Sadducees came forth from Maccabee's, who lived at Mitanni-suspect Modi'in.

I'm willing to let go of a Sadducee trace to "Chaddock / Saddock" if it can be shown to be wrong. But I traced Sadducees to Soducena, a location or people group at swan-suspect lake Sevan, also called LYCHnis, like LICHfield. One can even link the Chad Coat to the Arms of Sion, that being of the Sion/SWAN surname. And as Fane elements traced to Sions/Swans, let's repeat that lake Sevan was named after Lake Van, where the Van variation of Fane's should trace. Lake Van gets close to the heart of the Mitanni homeland on the Habur river. "Yuya" was suspect with Gogi terms, and lake Sevan was called by a Gogi term (can't recall the spelling, but Gogarene on the map at the Soducena link above was also called, Gugar, almost "Yuya." In this way, Tut, if not his name, can trace to Soducena. While a Mocissus location was at the north side of lake Tatta, a Moschian mountain range was at the Soducena side of lake Sevan. As Derbe was near lake Tatta, by what coincidence is Derbyshire beside the Tattons of Cheshire, where Masci liners settled who probably trace to the namers of Meshech (also called, Mushki) namers of Moschian mountains?

It's another way of saying that Taddei's were from "Sadducee." And as we saw how Dade's/Deeds (gold garbs) can trace to Sithech-liner Shaws, it serves to trace gold garbs, already suspect with Caiaphas (a Sadducee) liners, to those who carried the Sadducee term to surnames. Dade's were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Chads. Flemings, who included Godfrey de Bouillon and a host of primary Crusaders, are the ones using a motto, "Let the deed shaw." The tressure border of Flemings even uses the flory design. Why is the Fleming border not normal red? What does this color represent. Why do the CHAPLets of the Saxons/Septons use the same color? Hmm, if "Tedechsberrie" can lose it's 'd' to become "Tewkesbury," might "Soducena" be able to lose its 'd' to become like "Soxen"? In fact, the Tolkien surname listed with Touque's looks like the Telchines of Rhodes, but myth has the origin of Telchines in a Telchis character of Soxon-like Sicyon. The Tolkien/Touque motto can be traced to Miletus, on-shore from Rhodes.

Let's go back to Cliffords that married Clare's to produce Ralph in the run-up to the white-rose Yorkists. The Clare's share the red triple chevrons with Taddei's, and both sets are traceable to Tudors in Wales. Cliffords share a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the same of Word(en)/Wardens, Wards and Warrens, suspect from a line of El-Gabal stooges in Woerden. As I hold out that proto-Sadducees had contact with Syria's El-Gabal, it's notable that the Clifftons have a Saddock look to them.

As the Touques river flows through Pays d'Auge, by what coincidence is their an "Augeo" motto in the Coat of Trents that share the split Shield of Chads??? The Trents even use roses in both color schemes of the War of the Roses.

Gorlois was from Cuneo

Next, we go back to Alice of Saluzzo, whose father was Thomas of Saluzzo. Wikipedia has him portrayed as a very-successful man. The Thomas surnames were therefore loaded, especially while knowing that they have a Welsh branch that can possibly link to the escutcheon of the Great Seal, which has already linked to Thomas-like Thomsons. One of the Welsh Thomas Coats happens to use a blue Chief, the colors of the symbol-less Great Seal Chief, but the Thomas Chief has white cinquefoils, like the white stars on a blue Chief of Thomsons! I kid you not, it looks like the Welsh Thomas' are from Thomas of Saluzzo, and that his line to Thomsons made it to the Great Seal.

This Thomas Coat is split vertically in colors reversed from the same of Trents / Chads. On my atlas, the Trent river, after flowing through Stoke-on-Trent, looks like it goes through Cheshire, which recalls that Meschins, when they married Skiptons, used "Alice," perfectly expected if Alice of Saluzzo was a Masci.

Also, Saluzzo, and Saluzzo's, were of Piedmont, where Saluzzo-colored Maso's were first found, said to be from "Tomasso." As it appears that the Maso chevron is the Macey chevron because Masci's were likewise first found in Piedmont, Thomas of Saluzzo comes out looking like a Masci. And the Masci fleur-de-lys had been suspect all over the Touques-river theater. If we ask why the Maso Coat has a red fesse (color of the Alan fesse), Robert FitzAlan of Arundel, whom Alice of Saluzzo married, has got to be the reason, which also explains why a woman from Dol married a Robert D'Avrances (I think that was his first name) of Ferte Mace. Alice was buried in Shropshire, not only where the Dol Alans lived, but where Meschins were first found. The Rundels even use the Alan fesse in both colors, and throw in leaves, the Alan-Coat symbol too. We have indeed found the heraldry of Thomas of Saluzzo, and it can indeed trace to the prominent Freemasonic lines in the Great Seal.

The previous earls of Arundel were surnamed, Fitzalan, too. And they ruled Oswestry, assuring that they were the Dol Alans. They also ruled a Clun location at southern Shropshire, suspect from Colapis liners as follows: "Clun takes its name from the river upon which it stands. Deriving from an earlier Colun, it shares its very early British root with the two rivers Colne, in Lancashire and Essex [location of Colchester], each of which has a town of the same name on its banks" This can explain why French Alans previously showed ducks instead of the Henry martlets, for the Ducks are listed with Logans with NAILs, the symbol in the Arms of Colchester. Ducks are used also by Devons, suspect from the Stewarts of Devon who use a lion in the colors of the same in the Arms of Gace, and Gace's were first found in Devon. It looks like Touques-river elements were with the Dol>Stewart line. There are three Duck surnames, one in Alan colors and using red lion heads, the color of the Alan ducks / martlets, as well as showing three gold stars in Chief, the Westry / Gore/Jore / Alan symbol. Compare the latter with the Thomson / Thomas Coats.

Aha! German Ducks use five fesse bars in the colors of the four Cavett fesse bars! The Cevetta flows at Ceva! And as Ceva elements are tracing to GORlois, we must also re-mention that both Gore Coats are linkable to both Alan Coats. Plus, Gore's/Jore's share greyhounds in the same colors with Welsh Thomas'! Now we know what Alans were into: Italians. It is predicted to explain much with Italian heraldry, and why Masci's are a great part of it. The Luisa-of-Ceva line was even involved with Clare's, whom had meanwhile married Meschins in Kent.

Cluns/Cluneys use nothing but a blue Chief!!! It's exactly the Saluzzo Coat!!! And they show a black wolf in Crest linkable to the Seals!!! Nothing can make more sense than including Stewarts in the Great Seal, but here they are found linking to Wassa's in Devon. The Cluney wolf holds a green trefoil; I know what that is, the Albins/Aubins and Albino's of Modena, who traced with the Mea crosslet to the Meu river, where Henrys lived. While Hollys were suspect with the Plunkett bend, the other Hollys (green trefoils) show Colun-like variations suggesting Clun; that works because Plunkets were first found in Vilaine, where Dol is situated. As "Great Seal" traces to Valentinian, note that the Clun Shield is likely the Justine Shield, for both surnames were first found in Perthshire. That adds yet other Italians into the mix, from several centuries prior to the Normans of Normandy, though one wonders whether Justine's line went exactly to Alice of Saluzzo.

"Earl of Arundel is the oldest extant earldom and the oldest extant peerage in the Peerage of England. It is currently held by the Duke of Norfolk, and is used (along with the Earldom of Surrey) by his heir apparent as a courtesy title. It was created in 1138, for the Norman baron Sir William d'Aubigny." Aubigny = Aubins? Yes: "William d'Aubigny, 1st Earl of Lincoln and 1st Earl of Arundel, also known as William d'Albini..." His father had a nickname, Pincerna, and there is a Pincerna/Poinson/Pynson/Montpesson surname, first found in the same place as Stewarts, and using the Dol fesse. Some Aubins are from an Aubin location near Rodez, the latter where Alan-related Henrys trace. Aubins/Albins were from Barnstaple of Devon, and Barnstaple's are therefore using an obvious version of the Valentin Coat, but instead of green squirrels, the green Albino trefoils. "Pincerna" is said to mean, "butler," but I have suspicions. I traced Pinks/Pincs to the Panico's of the Setta valley, near where Albino's were first found. Pinkertons, first found in the same place as Setta-suspect Seatons, use a Neville-suspect "nubila sol" motto phrase.,_1st_Earl_of_Arundel

Lest you're missing it, it appears that some Colapis elements trace through Alice of Saluzzo to Clun. What were those Colapis elements aside from Gore's? Don't Yonge's use a black wolf in Crest like Cluns? And Sale's use fleur-de-lys in colors reversed from the June fleur! I get it. Juno-river liners were at Saluzzo. And that's the area of Maezaei-suspect Masci's. It fits like a gauntlet glove. They could have convicted OJ Simpson on this fit alone. Simpsons, who look like Buchanans that named Buckingham, have a branch with a Coat using an "Alis nutrior" motto.

It's important that Rundels use a "Propositi" motto term, for Propers share the ostrich with LOIS', and the latter use their ostrich in Saluzzo colors, and are suspect even with mythical GorLOIS at the birth of king Arthur, signalling that the Arduinici are to be expected at LUISa of Ceva. I never would have guessed, but it looks like Lois'/Loize's are from a first name. Lois' were even first found in Artois so that the Saluzzo line from Thomas or Alice might be expected in Artois too. The Ceva roots of Luise are, of course, intriguing as per everything I've covered on the Chives'. It's not just a trace of royal Stewarts to the Great Seal, but that of Caiaphas-suspect Caepio's from the Colapis river, then through Modena, apparently, and to the Stewarts by way of Saluzzo. That's the latest raw picture, and it's dependable enough to serve.

Note that Alice variations can trace to the Lise/Lisse variations of Lys', for Alice's use fleur-de-lys. This can trace Alice of Saluzzo to Lissus in the Cavii theater. Perfect! The Alice Coat is a copy of the Alpin Coat, and the latter comes up as "Cappin." Why is that? Were Alpins Albanians to the Albins/Aubins? Looks like, especially as Stewarts had hold of Albany (Shropshire, same lion as Freie's / Massins / Louvains / Revere's / Saddle's / Dudleys, and blue, the Caepio-line lion).

I had no idea, when coming to the Arundel surname in the last update, that it would be back in this update. Arundels are rare in my work. Here's what was said: "Arundels (Garunds = Grants/Grands?) use the black swallows of the Swallow surname (Lincolnshire), said to be originally, "Saulun," like the Saulnier variation of Saunier's, or the Solney variation of Sole's (same chevron as Gorens/Gorings). Spanish Sole's are SOLANa's (share the sun with Poussins), the surname that I think was placed in charge of the fledgling E.U. by Round-Table elements. Sole's come up as "Sola," a Gore motto term. Why is that? Wasn't Al Gore a globalist pet? " By what coincidence did Arundels lead be to Saluzzo-suspect liners, for as that discussion continued, I traced it to the Salto river, suspect with variations of Sale's? And as the Gore's figured in, by what coincidence have I traced Gore's to "Gorlois" without a doubt?

The Justine Coat shares a blue Shield with the same gold border as Sauls/Sawleys, highly suspect with the Saulun variation of Swallows, wherefore Sauls must be Saluzzo liners. Sauls use falcon heads while the Oswestry-related Ducks use a falcon in Crest. The same blue Shield with gold border happens to be in the Fitzalan Coat, tending to clinch a Saul trace to Alice of Saluzzo.

My computer's seeking device doesn't always work perfectly, but at this time, in all my files, "Arundel" is not showing aside from an Arundel character of modern times involved in the 9-11 plot. I have missed this important part of the Stewart bloodline until now, but the timing is perfectly after the question on who owns the blue Chief in the Great Seal. As I sense that this picture traces from the Una/Oeneus term to Jonathan the Levite, or even if "Oeneus" doesn't arrive to history from his line, it's notable that his line would have included Aaron names, like "ARUNdel". There is an Aaron surname using quarters in Saluzzo colors.

The Salto flows through Chivasso-suspect Avezzano, and Chivasso must have been an origin of the Chives', suspect as kin, at least of the namers of Ceva. And that's why Luisa of Ceva is probably the line to Gorlois. Amazing. The Arduinici were at Ivrea, on the Bautica river that flows near Chivasso. The question then becomes: how early did the Arduinici found the king-Arthur cult? Geoffrey of Monmouth is highly suspect with that Arduinci family, and he's expected from the Jeffreys / Jeffersons of Wales / Herefordshire. Jeffersons are the ones sharing "salus" with Gore's! We now have good reason to track Alice of Saluzzo to Thomas Jefferson.

Next, I want to take you to a VIpont surname, for Chives' use a "vi" motto term. I kid you not that the Vipont entity was found in the family tree of Ralph Neville. It says that Isabella of Vipont married Robert de Clifford, and produced Maud Percy two generations later, who was from Alice of Saluzzo (the great-grandmother) on her father's side. Therefore, Alice of Saluzzo traces to the Percy's, of Yorkshire, where Skiptons lived, and this picture traces all the way back to king Massena's alliance with general Scipio. I told you so! That should explain why Chads, suspect with the Thomas Coat above, share the patee crosses of Massena's. All these years, this bitty on the line to Ralph Neville has eluded me. It comes only as Great-Seal codework has exploded in my work.

The Percy write-up traces to the Tesson family for Percy ancestry, suspect from the Ticino river, therefore. Percys share a string of gold lozenges with Nigels, who were looked up as per Nigel, brother of the father of the first earl of Arundel. Doesn't a trace of Arundels to the Ticino explain why they may have been from an Aaron? The father of the 1st earl even had a daughter, Olivia, and a son, Oliver, names suspect with "Laevi," and the leaves in the Rundel Coat are called, "olive branches." It makes many olive branches suspect with Arundels. As it was the father who had the PINCerna nickname, note that Panico's and Nigels share the oak tree. The first earl married Laevi-suspect Adeliza of Louvain, herself a queen, wife of the first Henry of England, suspect from Rodez, near Aubin. The wider picture is forming. "Adeliza's brother, Joscelin of Louvain, married the heiress to the Percy fortune."

Cliffords (Drake wyvern), now suspect with the Maso / Alan fesse, were first found in Herefordshire. See also the Wye/Wigh surname (familiar griffins) suggested by the Wye river in the Clifford write-up, for this may be, not only a Ways/Weigh liner, but a Vie-river liner to Viponts. The Wye Crest has a pair of wings that will become suspect as a special symbol of Viponts, and the Wye wings are familiar blue. The Vipont wings are in the Barnstaple Crest with the green Leslie / Patent griffin head between them), making a solid link of Viponts to Albino's and Aubignys, fully expected now. Why are there five ostrich feathers in the Wye/Wigh Crest?

The Vipont surname uses six annulets in the format of the Lacy roundels (Arundel code, likely), and in the escutcheons of "via"-using Cecils, and in the swallows of Arundel. The Lacys can definitely apply to Alice's line because they share the rare Skipton lion. But this can serve to reveal that "Luise" was a Lacy / Luz/Lucio / Lucy liner. Annulets are used also by Rounds, making the Arthurian Round table suspect with Arundels! Why has this evaded me all these years? Because it was only recently that king Arthur was traced to Arduinici, and only recently when Gorlois codework was resolved.

It should be added that Viponts share annulets with Vito's, making Viponts suspect with Avitus, husband of Julia Bassianus Maesa. And, aha, Scottish Viponts/Vipounds (Masci wings?) are traced to Lisieux...on the Touques! They share the six annulets of English Viponts, and through in a swan's head between their white Crest wings. They were from Vieuxpont (Lisieux) but first found in Berwickshire, where I trace the Alice bear. Viponts are easily traceable to the Vie river of the Touques theater, but the historians have apparently glossed over, or covered, it.

Gorlois' wife was at Tintagel when Pendragon came upon her. This place was resolved with Tints and Gale's, and Tints are said to be from Wrexhall while Rex's/Ricks are suspect with the sleeping lion of Rounds. There is a Wrexham location in northern Wales just outside the Cheshire border, and near Mold, where the Mold/Maud surname (Cheshire) can trace that uses a version of the Monmouth Coat, all suspect with the Wassa/Gace bars and the Arms-of-Gace lion. Molds/Mauds are traced to Italy's Monte Alto, but it doesn't say where, for there are multiple Montalto locations. Tints were traced to Atintanes, beside the proto-Alans of Aulon/Avlona, suspect with the Stewart elements in Bute = Avalon. While Gore's were just traced to the Cerauni on the Urbanus river, there is a Cerauni mountain system smack beside Aulon and the Atintanes (extreme lower left of map). That's where Gorlois can partly trace:

One of the Montalto's is in Piedmont: "Montalto Dora is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Turin in the Italian region Piedmont, located about 50 kilometres (31 mi) northeast of Turin." This puts it a mere 20 (or so) miles from Chivasso! For the record, the Arms of Montalto is a blue-on-red bend, and a tower.

There is a second Montalto at Imperia, home of an Arduinici branch! Although I've known for years that Bouillons, or the family of Eustace II of Boulogne (Artois), were from the Bautica, I didn't know the Arduinici of either location for years afterward. And even after bumping into the Arduinici of Imperia, it took some time to realize that king Arthur (myth code, didn't exist), that being the Arthur surname, was definitely from them.

This trace to Chivasso reminds that the Viu valley is a tributary of the Riparia that flows to Turin. Therefore, the Viu elements that were suspect at the Touques theater have apparently been found at Vieuxpont. Recall VImoutiers at the Vie river of the Touques theater, suspect with Moutiers that had looked like Mothers and Madariaga's. It looks like Viponts and Vimoutier's were related families.

Wikipedia has a Vieuxpont article: "Vipont (alias Vieuxpont) is the name of a prominent family in the history of Westmorland. According to Thomas the name originated in France before 1066 as Vieuxpont ('Old Bridge'), Latinized to de Vetere Ponte ("from the Old Bridge"), with alternative spellings Vezpont, Veepon, Vexpont, Vypont, Vispont, Vypunt, Vespont, Vipond, Vypond, Voypond, Veepond, Vippond, Vipon, Vipan, Vipen, etc." Yes, but the old-bridge version may not have been the original. The article takes the Vipont entity further back than Alice of Saluzzo, to "William de Vieuxpont (d.1203), Lord of Westmorland married Maud de Morville (d.1210), daughter of Richard de Morville, Constable of Scotland." It then says: "In the 14th Century, Lady Idonea de Veteripont, owner of Pendragon Castle and wife of Roger de Lilburne (married in 1264), founded St Mary's Outhgill in Mallerstang." Can VITERbo of Italy apply, which is near Montalto de Castro (mouth of the Fiori)? The Jewish popes (Pierleoni) were from the Viterbo theater.

Still later in the article:

In the early 13th century, [Robert I de Vipont] was also High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire [reminds of friar Tuck listed with the Touque surname], Derbyshire and the Royal Forests, and had custody of the Sees of York and Durham [remember, this line was arrived to in the first place by seeking the special ancestry of white-rose Yorkists]. Later he moved on to other duties. In 1216, he took responsibility for Cumberland and Carlisle Castle [I had traced the Pendragon cult to Carlisle]. He died in early 1228, leaving his body and Wycombe estates to the Knights Templar. He married Idonea de Busli, a descendant of Roger de Busli, in 1213. His children were son John (died 1241) and daughter Christian, who married Thomas of Greystoke [Grey liners at Stoke-on-Trent?]. When John's son Robert died in 1264, his possessions passed to his daughters and eventually to Robert de Clifford, 1st Baron de Clifford [suspect with Glaphyra liners].

Busli? Was that from Busca, smack beside Saluzzo? Is this why Walkers ("HONesta" motto term) share annulets in the colors of the Vipont annulets??? Walkers were first found in the same place as Skiptons, Bush's, and Busli-like Bushels (said to be from Bossall), who share "WATER bouget" with Bugs of Nottinghamshire, and with Bosco-related Rose's, a good place to trace the War of the Rose's. It does appear that white-rose York traces especially to Busca and Saluzzo, and the "ARDuinici" can even be suspect with "Herod." Bushels, who share white wings in Crest with Viponts(!!!), are traced to a BOSCIale term, the alternative name of Bossall. Now you know the truth. Bushels look like they can trace to Bouchard II (Montmorency), where I trace the water bouget.

The Bush's may soon be back to the office of "leader of the free world." Bushels share the motto of Massins/Masons, the "Dum" term of which has been suspect, along with Bush's themselves, with Edomites. Bush's were traced to BOZRah, the Edomite capital. They were also suspect at Bozcath in Hebron. Bosly's/Bozleys (Cheshire) share a black-on-white fesse with the Yorkshire Bush's, and both put fleur-de-lys on the fesse. The Bosly cinquefoil is a symbol of French Buckets with Busher- / Bouchard-like variations, but Bus' use a giant cinquefoil. The blue roundels in the Bushel chevron, are called Herod-like hurts, and are used not only by Irish Arthurs (same chevron as Bushels), but by Round-suspect Table's (Devon). Now you know the Round-Table truth. The Bushel chevron is even in the colors of the Thomas chevron. Bosers are listed with the Bosens = Bosnia suspects at the Una-Sana theater.

The Ponts (Hampshire), suspect with "Vipont," share black boars with Bush's, a red fesse with the previously-shown English-Bush Coat, and a red patee cross with Touques-suspect Chads. The previous Bush fesse showed the same symbols now showing, which are gold, and this makes the gold stars on a red fesse of Pounds (Hampshire) suspect with the Bush's. The dragons in the Pound Chief (in the colors of the Bush boars) must be for the Drayton location in the write-up, and that becomes suspect with Drake's. The Drake wyvern is in the Cliffton Crest so that Drake's become a part of the Ceva-Saluzzo bloodline. This had been expected with Agrigento liners had traced to Cuneo.

Draytons ("eagle's leg") were first found in the same place as Chads. It may therefore be a historian's fantasy to trace "Vipont" to "old bridge." Were the Ponts and Pounds really named after the Latin word for "bridge"? The Drayton write-up tells of a location by that name in Devon, where Chives (Mosca leopard in Crest) were first found whom have traced to Drago-river (Agrigento) elements of the Mosca kind (see Drake motto). Draytons then share a vertically-split Shield, not only with Chads, but with Chives-suspect Tarves'. Chad liners concentrated in Lancashire, where they merged with Rochdale, and then Tarves-like Travis' (tiger, Chives colors) were first found in Lancashire. Travis' are even in Dragon/Dreynor colors, the latter using the Mynett helmets (Archelaus symbol?) so as to trace to Amyntes. Note that German Dragons (Silesia) use a red wyvern. The Dragons/Draynors were resolved as Pendragon liners from the Drilon/Drin river, home of the Penestae peoples near the sources of the Mathis.

The eagle's leg, when called a talon, traces to the Talons/Talants (eagle leg"), suspect from the Taulantii peoples at the Mathis river, while Chives' share the Mathis moline. The moline has a fish-tail end like the heraldic rooks used by Rooks and Rookbys, suspect from Rochdale (its Arms uses eight martlets around the border, symbol of Chadocks, Chadwicks, and Saddocks/Sedgewicks).

Although Cheneys had become suspect with "Cuneo," they traced as well to Genoa, which can reveal that Geno(v)a and Geneva were Una-river liners, explaining why Massey liners trace to the Geneva theater, and to the stretch between Geneva and Genoa.

I wasn't going to mention DOLcedo at the Imperia theater for lack of evidence in a trace to Dol, but the "diolch" motto term of Welsh Thomas' changed my mind. Before leaving the Welsh Thomas surname, here's the Crest's description that can trace to the Toker sea horse and therefore to Seamans: "A red demi sea-horse in a mural crown charged on the shoulder with a silver cinquefoil, supporting an anchor." Mural crowns trace to Coronis, where Gore's trace, or more exactly to the crown of Crauns, that being a Ceraunii line. The Thomas anchor, in this case, traces hard to the anchor theme of Greys, for the Thomas Coat uses greyhounds. The Greyhounds are in the colors of greys and the talbots of Huns, and the greyhound of Huns/Hundts. It's a little interesting that while the Hun peoples were "Kun," Saluzzo is in CUNeo. Note how the variations of Hunds (Derbyshire, same as Shawia liners of the Eyers kind) look like the Annacker variation of Anchors, suggesting that the other Hun surnames may be Anchor liners, now tracing hard to Ancore = Nicaea, suspect with Nice of Liguria, not far from Imperia. The Nice surname is listed with Ness' sharing the double fesse bars of Washingtons. Cuneo is in the interior from Imperia.

In this picture, Anchor liners from Agrigento were in Cuneo as Hun liners, and, I kid you not, that the very day when Agrigento was first found, I traced it to the Stura-Demonte valley of Cuneo with the Fire/Feuerer surname...that shares the UNIcorn with Tints and Gale's (CORNwall). There are good reasons to trace the namers of Cuneo to "Una", the river where Gore's trace, and that's where Masci's of the Cuneo region ought to trace too. It makes Agrigento elements suspect with a Massena trace to the Maezaei. In fact, I identified the heraldic rook (symbol of Anchor-suspect Hunds/Hunacre's) with the fish tail of the Saraca fish, and Saraca's can be traced to Saracens at Ragusa of Sicily so as to be kin of Agrigento elements. In essence, Cuneo looks like the Juno cult, to be traced to June's and Yonge's, which expects Benjamites and Japodes in Cuneo somewhere.

Gale's became suspect with the fesse of Nagle's, from "Oneglia" (my realization), the alternative name of Imperia (Arduinici were technically from Oneglia). This was the Boofima cult that evolved into Baphomet, a goat-depicted cult, and the Fire/Feuerer unicorn is a goat on its bottom half. Nagle's were first found in Pembrokeshire, where Mazzo's trace that are suspect with Maso's, the latter having already traced (above) to Thomas of Saluzzo. The Stura-Demonte flows through the city of Cuneo, which is itself some 35 miles west of Ceva. See the Demonte unicorn to be sure that Fire's trace to the Stura. Fire's may be from Firenza, the alternative name of Florence.

The Nons/Nevins (fesse colors reversed from Nagle fesse) honored in the Nagle motto are suspect in the "non vi" motto phrase of Chives'. It raises the question on whether Nevins were Neville's. I am completely beside myself to discover the meaning of the "vi" motto term of Chives', as it even tends to verify that they were Ceva kin.

One of the first fish, if not the very first, traced to the Saraca fish, was that of Keons/OWENs, now suspect with Oeneus = Una river. It just so happens that the Welsh Thomas' are said to descent from an Owen Glendower, prince of South Wales. This is definitely where the triple chevrons of the Thomas sketch should trace. The Thomas Chief has a wave feature, suspect with Webers / Weavers, and while mythical Merlin was from southern Wales, the Marlins/Merlane's use three wavy fesse bars with NINE (the number of Avalon) martlets upon them. See also the Seaman bars. These are expected to trace to the wavy bars of Clements, first found in the same place (Breconshire) as Thomas'. Clements were traced to the wavy bars of Italian Marina's, a possible branch of Marlins, for Spanish Marina's use the Marlin-type bars. The Damorys/Amori's and Amore's definitely apply, and while both share the talbot dog with an English Thomas Coat, the Amore's put their dog into a mural crown, the symbol of the Thomas' under discussion to this point. As you can see, the wavy bars of Damorys are colors reversed from those of Marlins/Merlane's.

Merlin liners are suspect with Cheshire's Marleys, said to be from Morlaix in Brittany, near Vannes (proto-Gwynedd in my opinion), king Arthur's "wife." The Morleys/Morlands (share white wings in Crest with Viponts!) use the same symbol, in nearly the same colors, as Morleys/Moorleys (Lancashire), and we saw that Westmorland is where the Vieuxpont/Vipont rulers were merging with Morlands. The symbol is a fleur-de-lys studded with a leopard face, seen also in the Crest of Ade's, first found in Berwickshire, wherefore let me repeat: "[Viponts] were from Vieuxpont (Lisieux) but first found in Berwickshire, where I trace the Alice bear." The Ade's are suspect with Artems/Aitons of Berwickshire, and therefore with Arthur liners. It thus becomes more clear that Arduinici are behind the circles into which Isabella de Vipont married.

As Ade's are Levi kin, it's to be mentioned that Livings/Levins were first found in Westmorland.

It is no small matter to know that double-white wings in Crest is a Vipont symbol tracing both to Ceva liners and to the Touques river. There are countless white wings matching those of the Viponts. Ade's are said to be from a Keith-suspect entity, while the Keith motto is a reversed version of the Alice motto ("VINCit veritas"), and while Keiths got merged with Marshalls, suspect with the Musso lozenges, both used as a string of do the Percys!. It looks like Keiths are a part of the line from Maud Percy (has Alice of Saluzzo on her father's side, and Isabella of Vipont on her mother's side). The "vincit term is for the Wings/Winks, isn't it, as must be the Vipont wings. The MUZZLED bear of Alice's traces to Musselburgh (in Haddington), where roughly Keiths lived.

Having said all that, let's recall that the Levi motto honors both Valentinian-suspect Ade's, and Great-suspect Chretiens suspect with "Gratian," father of Valentinian, who lived at Cibalae, also called VINKovci. The Wings/Winks were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Justine's for obvious reason, and the Wings/Winks are therefore highly suspect with the wings of Vipont circles. Perthshire is near Fife, where Sibals were from, who seem to be honored in the VINCE/VINCH motto. Hello? Am I blind? Let's not be. Wings are said to be from Wing, near LUFFENham, and Luffens/Lovekins/Luckins/Lewkins (see Luffs/Love's) were first found in Shropshire.

The reason that Viponts can trace to this picture is, likely, due to their being Chives / Ceva liners i.e. from Caiaphas circles. The wonder is that the Vipont line is on the mother's side while the Ceva>Saluzzo line is on the father's side; how did that come about? What prior relationship was there between Vipont liners from Lisieux and Ceva-Saluzzo liners from Cuneo? The common factor clearly goes back to Chivasso and the Viu valley, and Chivasso was near the Marici-Laevi alliance on the Ticino. The Riparia, into which the Viu drains, became suspect with Revere's = Rivers, who landed in Wight, location of Chives-like Cowes. The Cowes "pennants" are code for Pennants, who use the Trevor Coat and thus trace to Tudor liners in Herefordshire. We are right back to the area of Welsh Thomas', from Thomas of Saluzzo.

It's all as plain as the 800-pound Cowie in the room, for Cowie's were first found in the Tarves theater. The Cowie bend with boar heads is in the colors of the Pound fesse with stars, and as we saw that this is a Bush-liner Coat, so the boars are used by Bush's. Therefore, if we are convinced that Cowie's trace to Ceva, as Bush's trace to nearby Busca, we might seek the Pound / Pont liners in that area, within reach of the Viu valley. The Pound stars are in the colors of the Sutherland (and Duck) stars, but these traced to the stars of Adams/CAWS, what an 800-pound cowincidence.

As the Cuffs come up as "Cows," while they use the same bend-with-fleur of Sale's, it's a great reason to trace Sale's to "Saluzzo." But while this trace has been going on for years, it was general, not specific to Thomas and Alice of Saluzzo. This is the bitty piece to the puzzle that must have fallen to the floor. It must have been under my feet all that long haul.

Ponts / Pounds were entertained in the past with the Bonds, same-colored Points, and a Paiont variation of the Payens. Bonds, first found beside the Chives' and Viponts, share "non" with the Chives'. French Ponds use bendy in the colors of the Vipont annulets. Payens/Paions were traced to Paeonians, who had an Astibus location that ended up being traceable to Asti of Cuneo. Now we're talking, for Hugh de Payens married Elizabeth Chappes, a picture fully suspect with a Caiaphas ghost within the manors of Chives liners. It directs us to find a mainline Caiaphas line in Cuneo's Saluzzo manor. It recalls that Italian Alba's, from Alba of Cuneo, share the swan with French Josephs.

As Walkers use the Vipont annulets, what about the swan of Irish Walch's/Walsh's who use another "non" motto term? These Walch's use Paeoni-suspect pheons. Scottish Walch' use more gold annulets, while Irish Walch's share a red-on-white chevron with the particular Walkers ("magna") that put their gold annulets upon their chevron. It looks like a match, and George Bush Jr. married Laura Walsh as though his Bush-Walker accomplices in crime had eyes for ancient kin.

Why does the Arundel-suspect Aaron Coat use "hands clasping from clouds"? Are not cloud-like Clauds also clas-like "Clausels"? It makes "clasPING" suspect with Class / Klassen / Claus liners in conjunction with Pings and Pinks/Pincs. The latter had traced from Pincum, at the mouth of the Pek river, to Panico's/Pane's (share an oak tree with Swallows, Arundel kin) between Bologna and Modena, and then while Panico's got suspect with Payens/Pagans, Pungs/Pagenells (Yorkshire) share the heraldic label with Panico's. It just so happens that Pagenells (probably share the Guerra bendy) come up as "Ping." And while Hugh de Payens married Miss Chappes, Caepio's / Caepionis' traced independent of that marriage to Cupionich on the CLAUSula river. And as that line is suspect Caiaphas, we could expect Aaron characters within it, even in Christian centuries.

As Panico's became suspect with "Panero" in Modena, the origin of Banners (share the fleur of Saluzzo-based Sales, the Arundel kin), it's notable that Swale's (Aaron colors), suspect with the swallows of Arundels, use a fesse in the colors of the Arms-of-Fanano, Dol and Non/Nevin fesses, not forgetting that the Arms of Fanano and the Klassens share banners. The Swale's (same place as Pings) appear to be honoring Jesus in their motto, but I have doubts. Their motto is "Jesu, esto mihi Jesus," but the Swale's are in Este colors. The Jesse/Jesson surname (Wassa / Issa liners?), sharing a black-on-white fesse with Swallows, was first found in the same place as Swale's, and German Jesse's/Jeske's (Kaplan colors) use wings in Crest with an item between them, the Vipont symbol. Lest you missed it, Arundels use swallows in the colors of the Swallow swallows. Swallows are in Sale colors so that, likely, Swallows and Swale's are Saluzzo liners.

After this update was due, I got to the article on Willian de Percy of Topcliffe, and found Topcliffe's on the Swale river of Yorkshire.

The Jesse / Swallow fesse is likely used by Oswestry-like Wests (Devon, same place as "vi"-Chives'), whose motto links to Gore's/Jores: "Jour de ma VIE." It looks like Viponts are in there too, not forgetting the "via" motto term of Una-liner Cecils that use the six-format of Arundels and Swallows. The verdict is out: royal Stewarts were infected with Una-river lines suspect with the killers of Jesus. It dawns on me here that OsWESTRy may have been a disguised Weiser / Wieser line, for the Alan stars are in their star colors, and Wiesers use the Dol fesse. There are three Wester surnames, one using a white fesse again, and German Westers looking a little like Gore's, but no definite sign of links to Alans. German Wissers are listed with a Wieser surname too, and English Wissers/Wisers use the same lion as Revere's wherefore these Wissers can be Riparia-Viu liners, not forgetting that royal Cottians there named a son, VESTalis. German Wissels/Wislers (two giant wings (!), with a fist suspect between them, used by Bowers) are from Westphalia, where Wissers/Wiesers were first found. Cleave's/Cliffs are the ones traced to Moreton-Say in Shropshire i.e. location of Oswestry! Zowie, and let's not forget that the Weishaupt IBIS brought up the Biss surname to begin with. The Cleave stars now become suspect with the Westry stars.

The Paeoni location of Stobi was traced to Stubbs and Stubbings ("QUIEScam" motto), and to their STAFFord home. The "Cedant" motto term of Stubbs was difficult, but it led to a Sedan surname (in the colors of the Stubb buckles), which happens to share "sed" with the Walch motto, and then Stubbs use more pheons so as to assure that a Walsh trace to Paeonians is feasible. How many "sed" motto terms trace to the Sedan bloodline? Stubbings are traced to tree stumps, a symbol of the Walch's, making it appear that the Walch-related Paeoni are simply the Stobi liners under discussion. The Stubb-Crest eagle is identical (not including color) to the one in the Crest of French Ponds/Puintz's/Pounz's/Pountz's. "Old bridge" my foot; the Viponts/Vipounds were actually partly of Paeonians of northern Italy. And while Hugh de Payens married Chappes', the Staff chevron, itself red, is in both colors of the Quint chevron, suggesting Caepio liners in cahoots with Paeonians.

Aha! As the "quies" motto term came up elsewhere (German Adams) in this update, and caused a look at the Wies surname, it was reloaded now as per the Stubbing motto, and what came up? Two tall white wings in Crest, the Vipont symbol!!! I've seen a lot of stars in Coats, and have read a countless number of descriptions, but rarely do I find a five-pointed star described like the Wies star: "a gold 5 POINT star." In special cases like this, it's to be deemed a code. The Pound-suspect Points seem to be in view. Wies' were first found in Silesia, home of Sedan-like Schitners/Sitlers. Silesia is also where Payen-like Biens were first found.

One of the English Thomas' uses a vertically-split Shield in Saluzzo colors, and adds no symbols but a nebuly border down the middle. The other English Thomas' (Carrick colors, can therefore link to Biens) with black talbot are using the Coat of Elis', whom I had suspected with the naming of Alice de Meschin of Skiptons, for these Thomas' were first found partly in Lincolnshire, where le-Meschin got Lucy Taillebois, his wife. That made sense, and it made Lacys' suspect with Lucys. I am now finding that this picture traces also to Alice of Saluzzo, which again expects that she was a Masci liner. Lucys are honored by the lucy fish of Wassa-suspect Ways/Weighs. The Chives cats (leopards, really) had been traced to the leopards of Talbot-suspect Tailers, but the Keiths (i.e. suspect as kin of Levi-beloved Ade's) are said to be of a Catti peoples.

The Walch motto suggests the Fix's/Ficks using fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Bush's, but they are also in the colors of the Morland fleur, that being the family that merged with the Viponts of Westmorland. When we go to the Wich's/Weeks, we find the Walker / Walch chevron again, used also by Welsh Thomas'. There is a question as to whether Wich's are from Wyes'/Wighs suspect with the Cliffords that married Vipont. The Ice's/Icke's can be using the Sitler trefoils. The Vicks, suspect with "Vieux(pont)," use a giant Zionist star in the colors of the Wies star, which appears also between the Wies-Crest wings. The Weis'/Wise's use two stars in the colors of the Vick stars, and the Weis/Wise Crest has the two Vipont wings, assuring that their are a Wies branch.

The question now is: was "Walk / Walch" a version of Wick-like terms? I'm not convinced, but there we have the question. The Wiggens stars are called "mullets," which traced with Mallets to Melita, an island not far from Issa. The Payen stars, identical to the so-called mullets of Mullets, are called "spur rowels," while there is a spur between the Wiggens wings. Thus far, I have yet to see the Vipont wings without a symbol between the wings. The Spurs themselves use a mullet, pierced like the Payen / Mullet stars, and in the colors of the Wies star.

The Vipont under discussion was ISAbella, and while Gace's at the Touques traced to the island of ISSA, the Viponts were from the Touques, making Isabel a name suspect in honor of Issa liners. In fact, "Vi" may be from the Vis version of "Issa." Issa had become highly suspect, for multiple reasons, as an island where the proto-priesthood of Israel congregated. But it was not engrained in my mind enough to recall the details at this time. Note that the WIES surname has just been found with the Vipont wings. And while the Wies Coat was deemed a version of the Macey Coat, so white wings are a symbol of Masci's. Maccabee liners. If not mistaken, there is an Issa surname in the U.S. congress at this time.

As per the Wicks, Vicks, and similar others, let's add that the island of Issa was suspect in the past with "viking." I can't imagine that all Vipont liners use white wings; what about the brown wings of Wiggens? The Wiggens Coat looks like a version of the Annas Coat. Another Crest with white wings is that of Thomas-suspect Tome's/Tombs/Toms'!

Italian Tome's/Tomasso's/TOMINi's (Venice) share a black talbot with English Thomas', and put it on a Shield of red-and-white checks. But this talbot has just betrayed that Thomas' include Julia DOMNa, for her husband has been deemed the proto-Carricks! Yes, the Tome/Tomini talbot is the Carrick talbot exactly! Zinger. This gets me back to Dalmatia (home of Saraca's), and the line of Julius Bassianus of that region. It just so happens that Issa is off-shore from Dalmatia, and from the source areas of the Una and Urbanus rivers. How about that.

The Wies Coat is in Ottone colors, and the latter uses annulets!!! I've known about the annulets, but suddenly they are discovered with the Vipont annulets, which argues that Ottone's were from Ottone VISconti. And the tall so-called perchevron of Ottone's is in the colors of the same of Chappes'. The Moor head of Chappes', and the Moor infant of Visconti's, can now trace to Moors of Westmorland / Morlands. Compare the Visponti / Vesponti variations of Viponts to "Visconti." Italian Ponti's use a bridge in Ottone colors. And now that the topic has traced to Avitus, husband of Mrs. Bassianus, what about the Ottone-like Vitone variation of annulet-using Vito's/Vio's? It looks like Julia Bassianus married an Issa liner.

We've seen the red-on-white fesse in this Vipont-studded section, and then some variations of Vito's can go to Bidens/Buttons, who share such a fesse with Pounds, first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons. However, I have a hard time wrapping my head around a "Button" trace to the namers of Issa/Vis. On the other hand, the explanation would simply need to be, if indeed Vito's trace there, that "Vis" evolved to "Vit," and from there to Buttons, Botters, Potters and even Porters (see the newly-found Poitevins/Portwins/Portways to see that Potters were Porters). But that picture throws me. I might rather believe that But / Bot terms came first, then morphed to "Bus / Boz / Bis / Vis." "POSeidon" may have been one of these terms. But I freeze up at conjecture like this. It's like a big red light that never changes to green. There are many more surnames with the Vipont wings, which, in time, may be able to get us a green light after all. I'll add here the BISS surname suspect in a trace to Uther Pendragon at the sources of the Mathis river, to the green VISconti snake, and to the Meschins of the Bessen.

The black anchor in the Welsh Thomas Crest can now go well to the black AVIS anchor. And so it finds a way to trace Avezzano to Issa, and from this one can ask whether "Bessin / Bazzano" and similar terms can trace to Issa. Can we trace Issa elements to Bassania, at the Cavii theater? Ceva says, yes. To the near-south of Bassania, there is what looks like an Isarius river. Lissus, beside Bassania, may have been fashioned to reflect "Issa." Or, "Issa" may have been a corruption of "Lissus." Was "Isarius" a corruption from "Ishtar." Never mind, I'm going to run a red light, leave this behind.

But wait. As there is a Euganeo-like term along the Isarius river, might Issa liners have named Este, beside Euganeo? The Biss Crest is two green snakes "respecting EACH OTHER," part code for Ottone-related Others/Otto's, but then the Each surname (Ferrari lion?) is listed with Augers, the "AGENdo" motto term of which was traced, years ago, to Euganeo. The Agar and Auger variations of this surname might even trace to Pays d'Auge, the area where Viponts are from, and Auge's (June fleur, June's traces to "OENeus") are suspect with the Chappes Moor head. The Ice's/Iche's have some Each-like variations. The OENeum location on the Arbatus tributary of the Mathis (not marked on this map) can go to the Ewen variation of Eugene's, and to fish-using Owens/Keons, for the moline cross of Mathis' is a fish-tail code.

That would trace the Keons and Keens/Keans, who own the eSCUTcheon along with Scott liners suspect from lake Scodra, to the Mathis river, and then the neighboring Isarius is where we find the Albani that named Alba, proto-Scotland. The Picts, who lived around Perth, can than trace to the Parthini, smack beside the Albani. I know it's not what Nordics want to hear, that they were once Greeks rather than ice-age wunderbars of the pristine northlands, but, unlike the stupid evolutionists, I stick to the facts. I would rather have one intelligent reader than a million who think the Ice Age actually took place. For how long did it snow and freeze up? The facts tell me that a summer always follows a winter. But the stupids imagine continual winter until large ice masses formed, merely for the underhanded purpose of explaining the shape of mountain peaks, because they refuse to believe that the Global Flood shaped them, because that brings God into the picture, and makes Genesis look good. These are the weeds in your midst who spoil humanity in countless ways. These are the Masonic elements that have striven to control education lest you get the facts. They do share facts, but only as it is safe to do so. They cover over facts like a man burying his own father alive. Yes, they would like to see the Father dead, in the same way that a Roman would kill his own father in order to become "god." The world needs to put its head on straight: it did not snow and freeze up over centuries in a row.

I have no choice but to trace the Parthini to Perdrix, a mountain peak of Mont Pilat, which begs the question on what PONTius Pilate was named after. Was he somehow a Paeonian? Were Paeonians named after the Pontus?

German Thomas', one would think, could not possibly be from Thomas of Saluzzo. Yet we saw Mathews of Britain tracing well to German Matthews. German Thomas' are suspicious because, technically speaking, the 13 pale bars in the Great Seal are really only six red bars on a white Shield. The plotters of the Great Seal were being dishonest. It had nothing to do with the 13 Colonies. The six pale bars must belong to one of their esteemed families, and it just so happens that German Thomas'/Demels use six red fesse bars: "A gold shield with six red bars and a silver duck." The only surname I can think of that could have as many as six pale bars are the Tarrs, but it turns out they show barry, five red, five gold, but in the colors of the Thomas bars.

Having written all that, I finally came to a webpage claiming that Thomsons were "Tavish" after the word-slaughtering Irish got hold of this family. Upon loading the Tavish's (another "Non" motto term), the write-up traces to "Tammas" and "Thomas," yet shows the Thomson Chief and Thomson stag. That's a good reason for tracing the Great Seal, or at least its escutcheon, to Thomas of Saluzzo. The Tavish Crest is apparently the Campbell boar head, used also by Gords. The mottoes of Tavish's and Campbells are fashioned similarly. The reality may be that "Tavis" was not a form of "Thomas," but of "Tarves." It would then indicate a Thomas merger with Chives' of Tarves. Or, possibly, Tarves was formed from "Tavis" after the latter became a corruption from "Thomas."

Perth must trace to mount Perdrix. Perthshire is where the Colts/Cults were first found, who use the Pilate pheon (Paeoni-suspect symbol) in colors reversed, and it's between the antlers of a red stag head, the Thomson / Tavish symbol. It suddenly argues for a ViPONT trace to Pontius Pilate. Recall the Agar variation of Each's/Augers, suspect in the Crest-description of Issa-suspect Biss', for Hagars were first found in Perthshire. As this suggests that Issa's namers had merged with Hagar liners, what about ISHmael, son of the Biblical Hagar??? There has been nothing like Ishmael liners that have evaded my ability to find them out with certainty. Are Vis / Weis / Ves liners from Ishmael?

Colts/Cults are the ones with a motto like a motto term of pheon-using and Paeoni-related Walch's, the ones who are kin to the Walkers that use the Vipont annulets. The motto term of Walch's that I'm referring to, "TransFIXus," is the one that looks like code for Issa-suspect Fichs. Then, Hagars share a giant Zionist star with Vicks, both stars on a blue Shield. Yet another version of "Vipont" was VEXpont.

I kid you not, I have not tried (in this update) to get a surname as per TRANSfixus until now. The Trans surname is listed with Trents using a motto, "Augeo." I kid you not. As Trents use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the Arms of Sion, while Walsers are known to be named after the Wallis canton that surrounds Sion (thanks to FE in Switzerland for that important one), that's why Walch's/Walsh's were traced to the namers of Wallis canton. The two-tailed MeluSINE in the Walser Coat is used that way in honor of the two-tailed lion of Montforts, used with one tail by Wallis'/Wallace's. That was just one good reason for tracing Melusine elements from Marano (Modena) to Sion. They had been traced from Melita, near Issa. Dutch Walsers/Weltzers/FELSERs (betrays Rockefeller lines using the fish-tail rooks) show nothing but a moline cross (fish-tail symbol) in colors reversed from the Mathis / Chives moline.

Didn't it look as though "Wassa" should trace to "Issa," suggesting that "Issa" was a term from the Mitanni capital? Yes, but the Mitanni became suspect with Keturah, Abraham's other wife, and Ishmael was Abraham's son by Hagar. It can suggest that Mitanni liners were in the environment of Abraham, which is not a difficulty at all. It may suggest that Hagar was of a peoples that were a constituent of the Mitanni, and that, after Sarah died, Abraham took to another woman, Keturah, who either named her son(s) after Mitanni, or became the Mitanni proper. In that picture, Mitanni liners, which I see as proto-Washingtons, moved about with Ishmael's descendants, one branch going down to Yuya, centuries after Abraham. It asks the question of whether Wassukanni (also went by Wash terms) was named after a tribe forming from Ishmael. The Ashmole's are my best-surname attempt for finding Ishmael liners, and Ashmole's share the fleur-de-lys used by Edomite Bush's, and Fix's/Fichs. The Ficks are listed with the Vicks i.e. who share the giant Zionist star of Hagars, how about that. Just like Viponts, English Ficks/Figgs/Figgins use annuLETs, perhaps part-code for the LETUSHites, a tribe from Keturah (Genesis 25). By what coincidence do Ficks/Figgs (same Coat as Foggs/Foge's) use the MEDley / Methley stars, reflecting the names of two sons of Keturah?

There is another way to trace Washingtons to Issa, which was just discovered because, when covering the Jansons years ago, it was burned in my head that they use the tall wings now seen with Viponts and their kin. The Scottish Jansons were even first found in Westmorland, where Viponts had their initial headquarters. The Jansons came back to mind upon loading the MELTons when speaking on Melita above, for the Melton cross is in the design used by Jansons. The reason that Mallets were traceable to Melita is that nearby Ragusa is said to mean "deer" (not likely true, but the idea stuck), a symbol of the Mallets. The heraldic deer is sometimes called a hind, the term used by English Jansons, a good reason to trace Meltons to Melita. Between Melita and Ragusa, there are just three islands, called the Elaphiti, suspect with Eliphas, son of Esau, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Note how "ISaac" is like "ISHmael" and "ISRAel."

The griffin head between the Janson wings is the green Leslie griffin, and Leslie's trace to Lesbos, location of Methley-suspect Methimna, across the sea from Fogg-like Foca, suggesting that the Ficks/Figgs trace to Foca = Phocaea. It's hard to get a Fick trace, in this picture, to "Issa," but the alternative name of the island, "Vis," works much better. In any case, the point is that the Janson cross is called, patonce, while Patents/Pattens, who share the green Janson griffin head, share the Coat of Schole's, suspect from Eschol, the area of Hebron that was home to Abraham and kin. The Patent and Schole Coats are filled with lozenges, which trace to Losinj, near the Colapis river, where the "CULPa" motto term of Patents traces. Patents were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Copps, and the latter use the same Coat, virtually, as CULPs/Cope's, first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Leslie's and Tarves. There you have a systematized way of finding Abraham liners.

Then, the Copelands share the same two red fesse bars of German Jansons, and these are used also by Washingtons, first found in Lancashire. And that's the other way to trace Washingtons to the Issa theater.

Putents/Puttens, first found in the same place as Saddocks, share black-on-white stars with Ficks / Medleys / Methleys. Chads -- potent-cross liners suspect with Patents/Pattens -- left elements in Lancashire, yet were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as BRAMtons, whom, I was convinced, were Abraham liners of some sort. Bramtons share a red talbot head with Maves', suspect in the Mavesyn location of Chadwicks, first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Maves'. The latter are said to originate as "Malvoisin" in the 900s in Ile de France. It's a mystery to me. But there is a second Maves surname, not traced to the same thing, and it's listed with Moffats, first found in the same place (DUMfries) as Patten-like Padyns. Not only are the latter suspect with the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks, but the Maves'/Moffats are probably using the white-on-black saltire of Kilpatricks, and then, while Janson-like Ganse's/Gantz's use the same saltire, it just so happens that MOVerlys/MODburleys/MOTHERwells (canton = Washington liners) are using the double fesse bars of Jansons too (same colors).

With the impression that Maves' are somehow a branch of Moverlys, we try for a Maver surname, and we get one with MAVESon/MAFeson variations and using a virtual copy of the Putent/Putten Coat. The Maver Coat looks like the Hamon Coat, possible because Moverlys were first found in the same place as Hamon-related Masseys, and then, Italian Mattis' list "Maffia," which can suggest that Maves' / Moffats were Matthew liners somehow. The Mattis'/Maffia's are very traceable to Houstons, and the latter are said to be from Hugh de Paduinan, founder of a town of Houston. And Houstons share the footless martlets (same colors) with Pulleys, who use the Patent/Patten motto exactly. Finally, the Pulleys share red-on-white scallops with Janis', apparently getting it back to JANSons.

Who really are the Jansons? Perhaps the Ganse's know: "A black shield with a silver saltire inVECTed, and a silver duck in chief." Where did we see the duck? From German Thomas', kin of Tavish's who share the gyronny with Mathews and Mathie's/Manns, while Mathie's/Matthews use another red scallop. Why an invected saltire? The VICToria's/Vechters/FICHters use mullets which get us back the Melita, where Janson kin led us. Irish Nabo's list a Victoria variation, though the write-up says it's a mistake, yet the Coat uses Saracens heads while the Janson hind can trace to Ragusa, home of Saraca's.

As this investigation got to Kilpatricks, from Antipatria, by what coincidence is there a KODRium location on the same river (Apsus) as Antipatria, that smacking of mythical Kodros that should definitely trace also to Kotor, origin of the Ragusa Saraca's? And this Kodros line was that of Abraham and Keturah, was it not? Proto-Saracens are even suspect from the same that named Sarah. Not far north of Antipatria, one of the maps shows a GENUSus river, flowing through the land of the Taulantii, on the south side of the Parthini. That river could be the root of Jansons / Janis' / Ganse's/Gantz's. It's notable that Gaunts / Ghents had traced to Genova.

On the south side of the Genusus, an Arnissa location. It's like the Arness variation of Annas'. But than Jansons show an I'Ansen variation, and German Hansons/Ansens share a lozengy Shield in half the colors of the same of Patents and Schole's while English Hansens use hollow lozenges in both colors of the Patent / Schole lozenges. German Hansons/Ansens even share a gold cross with Jansons. Irish Hansons happen to use a gold-on-black fleur-de-lys (in a canton), the colors of the Ashmole fleur.

It looks like Annas of Israel can trace to the Taulantii theater, which jibes with a former trace I made of him to emperor Augustus, for the August surname share the eagle talon with Talants. And the latter are suspect with the Coat of Capone's who trace with Quintus Caepio to the Cavii. Therefore, lets repeat that Russian Hansons use the swan design once showing for the French Josephs.

What we have here is the mother of Pontius Pilate living in Perthshire (according to Wikipedia), a place named after the Parthini, with the namers of Arnissa suspect with Angus, beside Perthshire, because Annas'/Arness' share the Angus star. To put it another way, there was a migration of this Albanian area to Scotland, while the same area provided at least some of the Roman emperors / people groups, while from that nest arose the Israeli priesthood that had Jesus slain. The Roman Patricians were suspect with Antipatria, which was also called, Antipater, the name of the father of Herod "the great," a Roman-made king of Judea under Augustus. Antipatria / Kodros elements can be expected at Agrigento if the namers of the Apsus named the Hypsas.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

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