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April 24 - 30, 2018

Spuds MacKenzie the Bud Mascot, and Ferdinand of Naples
Santiago Speaks -- Yes, You, Santiago

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In my early 20s, decades ago, I had a dream that I carried with me for decades, to this day, because I believed it was a dream from God concerning my marriage to the woman in the dream. She was mentioned in the last update. It has been painful at times to think that I was mistaken about it being God's dream. The marriage has not been fulfilled, yet I still talk about the dream as being from God because it started with items that link excellently together, pointing to Waleran de Perceval. See "beautiful" in the last update for that.

Here is a quote from a couple of paragraphs above the "beautiful":

On my first date with Katrina [Hanson], Dennis Quinn let me borrow his parent's VALiant, and Vaux's are Vallibus' too. There is a Valiant surname with the only heraldic shark I know of. Sharks share the trefoil, and trace well to "Saraca" partially because Saraca's lived near the Ceraunii to which I trace the Shark crane. Sharks were first found in Yorkshire with English Hansons!

The woman in the dream was pegged as Miss Hicks, and it just so happens that Hicks can link to Crauns/Crane's, the Ceraunii line. The dream started with a shark in a kidney-shaped pool. I have no idea why God would give such a dream so long ago, instead of more recently, but I have reflected on it so many times, and have told many people about it, so that I haven't forgotten the details. It's still fairly vivid on my mind.

I thought that I should look into Valiants, Quinns and Dennis' today, to see where this leads. First of all, Waleran, son of Gouel de Percival, was a ruler of Cary castle, of Leavell, and he married a daughter of the Beaumont of Meulan. The Arms of Meulan share the Shield of Vaux's/VALLibus," making Vallibus' suspect with Valiants. To put it another way, Saraca's were merged with Vallibus'.

After the dream's shark segment, it changed scenes, where I walked out of a body of water, a lake or ocean, and saw a woman at the front hood of a CAR. I was then given a close-up of her face, and said, "She's Beautiful." As Beauty's share three black-on-white bulls with Walerans, the car must be code for castle Cary, especially as Hoods were first found in Devon with Walerans. The Leavell write-up speaks about this castle.

The black bull is used in giant form by Cole's, first found beside Walerans, and Beatys/Betty's, first found in Roxburghshire with the Scottish Leavells, use a "COELeste" motto term. The Beatys/Betty's must be sharing the mascle of Vaux-branch Faux's, first found in Essex, location of COLchester. Faux's use a "Rege" motto term, and Cole's use "regum."

? As you can see, the dream was from God. While I estimate that proto-Leavell Laevillus was a descendant of Joseph Caiaphas, killer of Jesus, along with Hanson-suspect Annas/Ananas (both chief priests of Israel), I also think that Caiaphas was named after a line from Quintus Caepio, and it just so happens that Quinn-like Quints were first found in Essex too. So, this must be why God put me together with Mr. Quinn's valiant when taking Miss Hanson out on a date.

I don't know why I allowed myself to be a friend of this wild Quinn character. We were both 13 at the time, going on 14, and in his 13th year, he had participated in the stealing of a new Ford Mustang from it's Ford car lot. This car, and the one in the shark dream, is expected to be code for Carians, but I would like to add that, at 17 years of age, I myself purchased a used Mustang that happened by pure chance, so far as I was concerned, to be made in the same year as the one stolen by Quinn's friend, whose surname I still remember, as Bishop. All three of us met in the same school at UNIONville, and this place came up in the last update with Miss Hansen, for which reason I checked the Union surname.

Miss Hanson was at a hockey game I played in Unionville, when I scored a GOAL suspect with Gouel de Percival. Hockeys were first found in Essex with Quints, and I will show you now how Quintus Caepio links exactly to the Union surname, suspect with mythical Juno at the Una/Oeneus river, beside the COLapis river that I trace to bull-using Cole's. ColAPIS looks like it's named after Apis, a mythical bull cult, and while Dennis' are said to be from "Dionysus," Dionysus had a Bacchus bull cult that should be kept in mind as we go along, because the Dennis surname will lead to Buxentum, near Saracena of the Saraca's.

The Colapis was also the Kupa, suspect with the line that put out Caepio's. The granddaughter of Quintus Caepio, SERVilia Caepionis, must be in the "SERVa" motto term of Cole's, especially as SERVitium is near the mouth of the Una river. Servilia had married Decimus JUNius Silanus, and June's were first found in Cambridgeshire (near Colchester) with Caepionis-like Capone's. Servitium is at the center-left of this light map, with the Ceraunii shown nearby:

It just so happens that the Union Crest is a lion paw holding a gold spear, like the lion paw holding a gold fitchee in the Quint Crest. It appears that God set me up in Unionville to write what I just have. The school was Mark II, and it just so happens that Marici co-founded at least one city with the Laevillus-suspect Laevi. My first kiss from a girl, against my will, was from Christine Masters (she chased me at Mark II), and God has shown me that certain kisses from girls are code for the Kiss/Cush surname that is traceable to Vibia, mother of Laevillus. Christine's use cups as code for Cups/Cope's/COLPs, from the Kupa/Colapis river. You see, God made her kiss me, and, by the way, the parents of Christine Peare were in Unionville too, tending to clinch Unions with Oeneus liners. But, at Mark II, I was interested in Miss Froggit, perhaps because Froggits (DERBYshire) are from "Brogitarus," whose son conquered Derbe.

Between the Una and the Ceraunii (Carians?) lived the proto-Massey Maezaei, and Masseys, from Caria, share the winged horse with Quinns. As I was on Miss Peare's horse, it begs whether Oeneus liners were a horse-depicted peoples. Miss Peare loved to dance, same as the Maenads, who were lumped in myth with the centaur-related satyrs. The Pegasus became symbol of mythical Bellerophon (from Corinth), who killed the Chimera dragon with it, which was code for Kamiros on Rhodes, off the Carian shore. Now Carians at Miletus were founded by mythical Sarpedon, a Minoan from Crete, and while Dionysus took his wife (Ariadne) from Crete, he took her to Lemnos to live. Dionysus was followed by wild Maenads who were code for the Maeander river passing near Miletus. The Minoans had a bull cult, from Tyre, and this is where the Bacchus bull must derive. I should add that, before befriending Dennis Quinn, God stuck KAREN in my life, important because Karens are from Carians.

So, that year in which I met Karen, Dionysus-suspect Dennis Quinn was stealing a MUSTang, and it was the same year that Miss MASTers kissed me. If I recall correctly, it was in a tent. Masters were first found in Kent with Masons/Massins while SarpEDON can be the Edon / Eaton line that I trace to mount ETNa in Massin-like Messina. That's by mother's bloodline, from the Maezaei. Long before I knew of SERVitium, I was tracing SARPedon to Sorbs, who named the SERBs, near SERVitium. Sorbs live(d) in LUSatia, suspect with Laus near Saracena, and Saracens, suspect with the Shark-line Saraca's, were beside (and probably in) Messina. There is an Italian Ragusa location of the Saracens while Saraca's lived in Dalmatia's Ragusa, that was also called. Laus(a).

Now recently, DalMATia became suspect with the Mate's who share the Coat of Manders (Laus Deo"), the latter very traceable, thanks to the Rhodes', to the Maeander river. It's got Sarpedon-Carian elements all over it. But we can now go to Dionysus on Lemnos, or to the city of Myrina on Lemnos, for "Saracena (Greek: Sarakine) is a town and comune in the province of Cosenza [from Kos?] in the Calabria region of southern Italy. The town is bordered by Altomonte, Castrovillari, Firmo, Lungro, Morano Calabro, Mormanno..." Myrina-like Morano is the Muranum on the Lucania map below, and it's situated on the Sybaris river while Wikipedia says that Sybaris elements founded Laus. So far as I can tell, Saracena is between the Sybaris and Laus rivers.

Cosenza-like Cosens (Angus) use a bend in the colors of the Kos/Kosinski bendy, and throw in red dragon heads. I'll bet the Chimera dragon, being out of Rhodes (beside Kos), was a red dragon. It just so happens that Kamiros-like Camerons were first found in Angus too! This is new for me right here thanks to "Cosenza" (otherwise I knew only the Cousins). The Cheile's in the Cameron motto were first found in Lincolnshire with Keele's and Rhodes', and as Lincolnshire was once, Lindsey, I trace it to Lindos, a major city on Rhodes along with Kamiros. The Cheile's share the bend of Cosens! Zikers.

Cousins were from Ellisfield, which recalls that Endymion of Caria was from Ellis. But then the third major city on Rhodes, birthed by the line of Elis-like Helios, was Ialysos. Ellisfields (Oxford, same as Amore's/ Damorys) share six, wavy bends with Damorys, and if we think the latter were Amorites from Jerusalem, we can ask whether OXford was named from Rephaites of king OG, for Rephaites were in Jerusalem too.

Now Sybaris is suspect with the Super surname (compare with Elis cross), and as Side's come up as "Scythes," I've traced them to Scidrus, on the map at the bay of Laus. Also at that bay is Bacchus-suspect Buxentum, where I trace Buchans and Buchanans. Supers (beside Burleys) were first found in Devon with Hoods, and the latter are said to have been at Rattery (compare Rat cross with Elis / Elias cross, but also with Benjamins and Benjamin-suspect Banks). When we bring up the Rattery surname, it's got a motto phrase, "Super SIDERa," and Siders are listed with Side's. The latter were first found in Fife, beside the Perthshire Ratterys. Perthshire is where Peerless'/Napier's (major topic from God introduced in the last update) were first found, and Napps/Knape's happen to use a version of the Side Coat.

The Side tiger traces to Tigranes Maccabee, husband of OpGalli, suspect with Gallia, mother of Tullia, wife in turn of DECIMUS Rusticus of Lyon. It's worth keeping in mind that his name may be from Decimus Junius Silanus, husband of Servilia Caepionis. That is, Decimus RUSTicus may be from one of the three sisters, Junia Caepionis'. For example, Chives', suspect with Caepio > Caiaphas liners, were first found in Tarves, near Ratterys and the Rats/Raids, and the Tarves surname shares black-on-white fitchees with Rusts/Roosts. The latter's saltire is in the colors of the Chives / Mathis moline, and Italian Mattis' share the checks in the Arms of Massa-Carrara, from Carians.

Can we imagine that the children of Caiaphas and Annas decided to have an eternal war with Christians on behalf of their father? It plays right into God's vengeance at the Unknown Time.

For years prior to about a year ago, Chives' were said to be first found in Devon, i.e. same as the Hoods of Rattery. The Chives' share the quadrants of the Devon Hykes/Hacks, while I say that the shark dream has Miss Hicks standing at the hood of the car. The car was code for Carians, who were largely from SarpEDON, who traces on the Sarp side to Servilia Caepionis via the Serbs out of Servitium, and on the other hand to Edons / Eatons, the latter looking very linkable to Hykes'/Hacks. There is a question on whether DECiMUS was a Ticino line of the Mus / Masci kind.

It just so happens that Ratterys share the gold fitchee with Quints.

Why was Mr. Quinn a Dennis? One Dennis surname uses axes, a major symbol of Crete. That corresponds to a Dennis trace to Dionysus' wife, Ariadne, who may just have been the line to Rieti, and therefore the Roets (Somerset) and Reeds. There are two Axe rivers in Somerset, one flowing to Devon, where Axe-like Hykes'/Hacks were first found along with Hoods. Seatons/Sittens were first found beside EDINburgh, and Edons are also Edins. I see Seatons/Sittens in the Edon motto term, "sit." But Seatons can be gleaned via Sutys as a branch of Side's/Siders in the Rattery motto, and it just so happens that, after the beautiful woman (code for Walerans of Devon) was at the hood, she was hovering over the SEATs in the car, when I arrived to the car. In the dream, I represent the Masa/Maso Carians.

Seats were first found in Lancashire with Cars and Sands, and the car was alone on the white sands of the beach. Dionysus was in Lemnos, home of Sintians that trace to Sand-suspect Santones Gauls (France), beside the Lemovices from Lemnos. The Santones were not far from the French Faux's (PERIgord). The Cedes variation of Seats is in the motto of Steers, and then Backs/Bachs, suspect with the Bacchus bull, use a bull but call it a steer. Hicks use a BUCK. The Books/Boggs use an HOURglass while Hicks use an "heure" motto term.

The sand was that of a beach. The dream's scene did not change from the shark-in-pool scene to the car-on-sand scene, but to my coming out a body of water onto the sand, otherwise I would not have known that the car was on a beach. The Beach's/Becks must be Bacchus liners, therefore. Beach's/Becks, said to have been at HAILEY, share vair fur with Welsh Bachs/Baghs. There is a Hales river near Buxentum, and so it's important that Haileys have boar heads half in the colors of the same of Book/Bogg-loving Roets.

The Back/Buck steer, once shown as a calf, is in the colors of the Valiant shark, important because the shark, in the beautiful-lady dream, got a BULLdog into its mouth that is God's code for the Bulls, from Bullis, at the CERAUNii mountains (beside the proto-Alans of Aulon/Avlona). The Bulls (Somerset, beside Devon), with the CRAUN annulets in colors reversed, and with the Cole bull head in Crest (different color), link to the Waleran / Beauty bulls. The gold calf of Backs/Bachs was removed as soon as I claimed that is was from the Exodus calf idol, and that Bachs were from pharaoh APACHnas, a HYKSos king suspect as the Exodus pharaoh, explaining the Hicks buck. Note the Bole surname in the Bull write-up, for Bole's use cups in Bull colors while Cups/Colps are from the Colapis.

If tribes from Apachnas named the Paioni and therefore the Paions/Pagans/Payens, note that the latter's "spur rowells" can be of the Spurrs, first found in Devon with Supers. In other words, Apachnas elements may have been at Sybaris and therefore at Buxentum. The Paion/Pagan Coat is almost that of Billets/Billiards, and Super love the Billets. Rowells (same place as Rhodes', share besants with them), who named Rodewelle, have variations suggesting Rhodes liners. Sobers (Suber branch) use ROSE leaves while Rowells are Rosewells too.

The boar heads in the Bole cups are those also of Marone's, the latter in the same colors and those also of Saraca's. Marone's are thus suspect from Morano/Murunum on the Sybaris i.e. beside Saracena. The peoples of Sybaris are known to be from Boura of Greece, the line to Burley (same place as Bulls), who share white boar heads with Bole's and Marone's. I had traced (not solidly but confidently) the Saraca fesse to that of Cassandra's/Casano's, first found in Modena with Marano's, Morinis', and Morano's. The latter share the Moor head with the Arms of Morano Calabro, no guff (new to me). We would expect many heraldic Moor heads to trace to this Morano line. "Calabria" was suspect with KALAVRita, near Boura.

The last update touched on a Pipe / Pepin trace to a PIEPhigi (Danube/Ister river) peoples in relation to Hagars, yet I have, for years, insisted that Pepins, from the Hyksos pharaoh, Apepi/Apophis, was a line to PAPHlagonians. It may not be contradictory since "PIEPHIG" is much like "PAPHLAGonia."

It dawns on me here that the Imperia peoples who ran the Boofima cult, which trace to PERIgord's Beefs/Boeufs (merged with TurnBULLs), were to the Pero's. Where was my head these past several weeks while stressing Pero's/Peri's. Gords, suspect in "PeriGORD," share the Roet boar head, and Roets were definitely Boofima liners. Like the Carthaginians, who are known to descend from Tyrians, as with the Minoan bull cult, Boofima conducted human sacrifices, and they did so while wearing leopard-claw gloves, relevant because the leopard was the symbol of Dionysus.

The Santons/Sintons use the Chief-Shield colors combination of Sharks in colors reversed. As Dionysus is suspect with Sintians, let me repeat that he was code for a line out of Nuzi, at the TIGRis river, where Horites lived that I trace to Horites of Edom. The latter Horites were in Seir, and while Esau's son married Timna of Seir, a Horite, they birth Amalek, suspect with AMALthea of Crete, a goat-horn goddess. Boofima had a goat symbol that translated into the goat-head god, Baphomet.

I wish I knew the derivation of "Saracen." One theory was SarMATia, suspect as a Sar entity with lake MAEOTis, where they lived, and Saraca's lived in DalMATia. Sarmatians had an Alan-Hun tribe while French Dennis' share the Alan fesse. English Dennis' were first found in Lancashire, which I trace to the Alans that named Langhe. German Danners share axes while being possibly from the Tanais river of the early Sarmatians / Alans. I trace proto-Sadducees to the Maeotian tribe of Sittaceni, and in the meantime I trace the "Danites" of Laish to Tanais, near the Lazi.

I claim that the 600 Danite conquerors of Laish were from Tanis (Nile delta), and that they masqueraded as Israeli Danites because they were Hyksos booted out of Egypt, with no place in Israel of their own, and so they conquered a city for themselves. Danites proper did not live in the Laish area, which is near Tyre. I also claim that the book of Judges is not necessarily Inspired, at least not the back section, where Danites appear.

Why do we suppose that two Saracen leaders, who joined Guiscard against other Saracens, were named Timnah and Samsam? Not only did mythical Samson, said to be a Danite in Judges, have a wife (unnamed) in a Timnah location, but it's got to be related to Timna the Horite of Seir. And Saraca's of Ragusa were right beside the Elaphiti islands, obviously named after Eliphas, Timna's husband. Therefore, Saracens appear to be from "Seir." I wonder why Guiscards were first found in the same Scottish Chappes' while French Chappes' use a Moor head now traceable to southern Italy, where Guiscards invaded. The Messina part of Sicily faces Calabria, location of Morano.

Scottish Chappes' use ears of wheat, a clear signal of descent from Shawia Numidians, probably a large part of the Moor-head entity.

It's impossible to catch 300 foxes, as Samson supposedly did, and God wouldn't have a man do such a thing just to burn down some wheat fields. It's a myth. Some abstract priest of Israel added the Samson tale to the back of Judges along with other material. I'm not suggesting that the front half of the book is false history or mythology. In Scripture, Samuel was the last judge, but this Samson acts as the last judge after Samuel, suggesting an addition to Israel's history. I say that "SAMSon" was code for Beth Shamesh, a city near Timnah.

In the beautiful-lady dream, the shark got a bulldog into its mouth, not a bull. Why a dog if the Purpose was to depict the Bulls and Bole's? First of all, the Bole's have signs for a trace to Boleslaw of Poland, a son of Mieszko I, and Mieske's happen to share the black bull head with Cole's, Walerans and Beautys. In Polish myth, Mieszko descended from a mouse tower operated by Popiel, a Pepin suspect and therefore from the Hyksos, which can explain why the beautiful lady should have been Miss Hicks. I entertained her as the woman in the dream since 1996. I had seen her only once previously, in 1994.

I didn't see her again until about 2002, weeks before I went to another church not knowing that she was attending there. We had a short relationship, but not that kind. Things happened, but not of a man-woman relationship. Things turned sour, then got a little better, and then we both moved away from that area in the same year. Half sure that she was destined to be my wife after her husband (more than 30 years older than she) passed away, I checked for his obituary in 2016, on a day when I was writing about the dream. Not only did I find his obituary, but his photo was found (same time) in the Baytown Sun. There was also a photo on that page of Miss Hicks (Charlotte), the trophy girl for a cooking contest, and the mascot for the event was Spuds MacKenzie, a bull terrier. If you don't believe me, you can google for it, with her husband, H.W. Kilpatrick, shown on that page in a photo with the bull terrier. A bulldog, right?

The Lucania map above has a Hales river not far north of Laus, and beside PALINurus, where Palins/Pawleys trace with virtually no doubt. The black Quint lion paw has been resolved with the lion of Palins/Pawleys (Dorset, same as Quints), The point is, Haleys share the Marone boar heads so that we now know where Nikki Haley traces. Italian Marone's/MaronCOLA's were first found in Calabria, by the way.

The reason that Palins trace to Palinurus is where Buchans and Buchanans share a black lion with them while Palinurus is beside BUXENtum. We saw the Quint lion paw holding a gold fitchee, which is the symbol of Ratterys. The Rattery write speaks on a Rattery Point at Buchan. And Chives' of Tarves were/are near Buchan so that the Quint lion paw is that of the Buchan lion too. Is this the Bacchus bull?

It struck me earlier in this update that Rats/Raids (Kyle / Cale anchor?) and Ratterys could have been from "ARIADne." The Rads happen to share the Zionist star of Hagars, first found in Perthshire (beside the Reeds/RIEDs) with Ratterys! There is someone's red heart in the Rattery Crest, suspect with the Douglas and/or Alpin heart, but Sauvage's use it too while being first found in Champagne with French Dennis'. That works. English Savage's have the Buchan lion too, we may gather, for the six Savage lions are in the pattern of the six, same-colored fitchees of Tarves', thus making an excellent Chives link to Quintus-Caepio suspects. Reeds can be gleaned with the Quint chevron and the gold Quint / Rattery fitchee. Roets and Reeds share the BOOK, now suspect as a Bacchus line. Reminder: Ratterys use a "Super sidera" motto phrase that traces on two counts to the Buxentum theater, and Supers were first found in Devon with early Chives'. It really does appear that Ratterys were of Dionysus' Cretan wife, and that his Bacchus cult, likely the Minoan bull, was at Buxentum.

Dionysus had a thigh symbol. He was born from Zeus' thigh, and was therefore born lame. I have been saying for a long time that God gave Mamie (old girlfriend) a thigh symbol, and I mentioned that she has the look of Nikki Haley. I wonder if God set that up to assure that Dionysus's Bacchus cult was at Buxentum. Note the Calor river having a source at the source of the Haley river, for there is a giant bull in the Calor Coat ("sheaf of arrows"). As Cole's use a giant bull while a Kyle-Society page claimed that Kyle's were from king Cole, and because Cale's (whale for Walerans?) share the white anchor with Kyle's and Rats/Raids, Cale's may have been from the Cale's and Cole's may have been from the Calor river, not necessarily a contradiction where Cole's trace to the Colapis river.

The Kyle anchor is entwined, and Calors use "A sheaf of arrows entwined with a serpent." The Arrows/Arras' could be with the Rat/Raid cross because Arras of Artois was likely from ARETTium (now Arrezo). I trace king Arthur's Excalibur sword (CALIBURNUS to the Welsh) to Mount ALBURNus along the Calor river, explaining why Calors love the Artois capital, and probably why Calors are in Arthur colors. Note how close the mouth of the Calor is to the Picentini mountains that named Picenze.

Italian Cale's were first found in Sicily, part of which is near the Calor. In myth, mythical Scylla was at the Messene part of Sicily, the part nearest to the Calor et-al, and facing Calabria. Scylla has a fellow monster, Charybdis, in Calabria, both of them killing sea-farers and thus recognizable as a depiction of sea pirates. The Saracens are suspect as these monsters. This picture traces well to the all-female Sirens, Seir suspects, who likewise killed sea-farers, who lived in the same area as mythical Oeneus, father of mythical Methoni (a real city) in Messene. Wikipedia says that Greeks from Messene named Messina. Sounds right. Thus, the Saracens may have been depicted as Sirens.

Sirens were probably at the Calor river: "The Sirenusas (Italian: Le Sirenuse), also known as the Gallos (Li Galli, 'the Cocks'), are an archipelago of little islands...6 km (4 mi) southwest of Province of Salerno's Positano, to which it is administratively attached...The name, Sirenuse, is a reference to the mythological sirens said to have lived there." Positano is not the Posidonia on the Lucania map above, but is a little further north where Salernum is marked. The Salernum-like Sailors, with a "SERVed" motto term linkable to the Cole motto, happen to use the wolf, and Scylla was a wolf beast. The Sailors use a "MOST has served" phrase while sharing the Mast(er)/Moster griffin heads. Masters/Mosters share a Carrara-like motto term with Roets and Bows/Boughs.

Does the Mustang stolen by Dennis have to do with Masters/Mosters suspect as Massy liners from Messina? I, a Massey liner, purchased a Mustang while still living in the area of Dennis, and while still gathering with him at his many parties (parents were often gone to the cottage). The word design and colors of Mustang-like Mustans/Mussans (were barons of FOLKingham, apparently) are those of Nola's too, and the patron saint of Pyxus-like Picenze was at Nola, in Campania, as with Sirenuse / Salernum and the Picentini mountains at Salernum. Buxentum is also marked as PYXus, a perfect place to trace Pike's and Pike's/Pickens (Ayrshire, same as Cale-suspect Kyle's).

The Mostyns, a Mustan/Mussan branch, use a sinister-rising split to indicate Masci / Messina liners. I owned a FORD Mustang, and Musts share the double fesses of Ness'/Nessans, from queen Nysa, wife of Pharnaces, and then his Furnace and Parr (in the double Nissan fesses) lines share the black border with Fords (Devon again). Fords use the owl that has recently established itself as code for Fowlers, a branch likely of Fullertons/Fowlertons, and then Fullers love the Buxentum-like Beacons/Bacons. I recall that Fullers were said to be first found in Herefordshire, same as Beach's/Becks. Fullertons/Fowlertons use otters while Otters were first found in Huntingdonshire (near COLchester) with Musters. Henry the Fowler birthed emperor Otto I, suspect to the Otters/Others.

Fullertons/Fowlertons (Ayrshire) use a "Lux" motto term while Lux's/Luchs bring us back to the Cole / Mieske bull. There is a camel in the Fullerton/Fowlerton Crest suspect with Camulodunum = Colchester. Lux's/Luchs are good candidates for "Lucania." The Calor river is in Lucania, and Calors (Kent, same as Masters/Mosters) use the bull.

Spot the Silaris river into which the Calor flows, for there is a Swiss Siller surname sharing almost the Coat of the Devon Pike's (beside the Cole's), the latter sharing the chevron of Cups/Cope's/Colps and Copps. Scottish Sillers/Sellers (cups) were first found in Aberdeenshire with Cups/Colps, from the Cole-suspect Colapis. As Sitlers share the Siller / Pike trefoil, they appear to be named as play on "Siller," yet they have a SCHITner variation suspect with Skits/Skeets/Skeochs to Scidrus. Skits/Skeets/Skeochs were first found in the same place as Pike's/Pickens, perfect.

Masters/Mosters share the fesse of Saraca's, and Musters share plates with Mussels/Muscels, a Meschin branch. As Michael's were stressed by God in the last few weeks, who share the Meschin Shield too, note VOLCei on the Silaris, or perhaps its tributary, for God put Michael at a VOLKswagen in a dream (shared in the 2nd update of this month). I was putting a BUCKet into the BACK SEAT of the Volkswagen. Meschins use scallops as code for the Scylla monster, i.e. the real Sicels, namers of Sicily.

The patron saint of Picenze was Felice, and Felix's use the potent cross, a symbol in the Arms of Catanzaro (Calabria capital), which has a version in the Arms of Calabria. Both Arms share the hourglass shape with Skits/Skeets/Skeochs. Note the Potentia location to the east of Volcei. Michael's ancestry is in Picenze, in Abruzzo, which had an ancient capital, Aprutium, like "Bruttium," the alternative name of Calabria. Therefore, note EBURum, a term looking related to the root of "ABRUzzo," along the Silaris river. "Felix" is suspect with Fulk kin such as Flecks, and so Volks/Fulke's (Norfolk, same as Flecks and potent-cross Chads) now appear to be from the namers of Volcei. Norfolk is where potent-cross Sheets/Skate's/Skeets were first found that share the Coat of Skits/Skeets/Skeochs.

I see a second Calor river up at Abellinum, now Avellino that should link to mount Velino, near Picenze. I trace these terms to Avlona, or the Aulon location (on the light and dark maps) near Bullis and the Ceraunii mountains of EPIRus, where I trace "Abruzzo," for Molise is an area to the immediate south of Abruzzo, probably from the Molossians of Epirus. Eburum may be a settlement from Epirus, in other words.

It seems self-evident that Skis and Skeets were from Scidrus, yet when the beautiful lady was hovering in the car, after I arrived to it, a voice said, "What are you waiting for, go wake her up." At those words, I decided to wake her up Sleeping-BEAUTY style, by KISSing her awake. If she was asleep, then the Sleep line from the Selepitanoi at Scidrus-like Scodra can play into this Buxentum picture. Hicks use the fleur-de-lys as code for Lys'/Lise's, from Lissus at the southern end of the Selepitanoi.

Again, Kiss/CUSH's must be using the red rooster of Bibo's, for the latter's is on a CUSHion, and Bibo's are suspect with Vibia, mother of Laevillus i.e. the line to Beautys and Walerans. The latter two must be in the BULLdog at the dream's first scene. Amazingly, Miss Hicks' husband is Mr. Kilpatrick, and Kilpatricks use cushions, tending to verify that I was going to kiss her awake as code for the Bibo line to Kilpatricks.

Bibo's are said to descend from Jewish and rooster-using Hahns. Annas liners? German Hahns (Bauer wings?) were first found in Mecklenburg with same-colored and WHALE-using Dols. Hahns are said to be from Basedow, and there is a Basedow surname with SCYTHES for a trace to Scidrus. Scythe's are listed with Skits/Skeets/Skeochs. (it's the Scythes' who are listed with Side's/Siders). Aha. The blue Hahn wings have a rooster between them, same as the blue wings of Mortons! The Morton buckles suggest Morano near Buxentum. These Mortons lived in Lache-DENNIS (or Lach-Park), in Cheshire with Masseys. Lachens/LAUGHlins (MacDonald symbols), perhaps the namers of Lafins/La Fonts, look relevant because they use the lion of Leghs (same place as Mortons). Lachlens/Laughlins are said to be progenitors of such surnames as SORleys (Legro river is also the Soar), Lyons, Lamonts (Dougal lion, probably) and MacMillens, the latter using the Buxentum-line lion.

Lafins are in the motto of Kennedys, from the Kennati priests at Olba, which was also ORBa. The Metz's use an "orb," but the identical symbol is a "globe" in the Lamont Coat. Olba is in the Tracheitis valley while Tracks/Tricks share the Lyon lion. Lyons named Glenlyon, where a branch of Pepin-loving Mens' were, and Pepin of Landen married Metz. The Lyon / Track lion is colors reversed from the Moor / Morgan lion so that a trace to Morano (Moor head) looks sustainable to this point. As the French Lamonts (Dol colors) were first found in Brittany while sharing the lion of Scottish Lamonts, they appear connected to Dol because the Parks expected in the "parcas" motto term of Lamonts share the Stewart fesse.

As Monts/Mons' share the Lachen/Laughlin / Legh lion, I'd say Lamonts were Monts/Mons'. And when Alans of Dol are involved, it makes the Lamont lion suspect as the Pool lion. Poole is in Dorset (beside Wiltshire Mortons) with Palinurus-line Palins (share the Buxentum-line lion). The "Ne parcas" motto term of Lamonts can be logically for the Nee's/Knee's, who use the Leak bend while Leaks use the leg. This entity was in the Sleeping-Beauty dream.

I never did kiss her. This part of the dream is what made me believe that this was my future wife. I had only been a Christian by re-birth for a week when this dream took place, and I felt that God was giving me a major revelation for my life. I was saddened by the bull-dog in the dream because it tended to reveal that my future wife would be related to a bulldog in my life (I jumped into the POOL trying to save it from the shark), but I had no desire to own a bulldog. The Sharks are expected at Saracena, smack beside Morano.

As I went to kiss her awake, my HAND (code for Hahn liners?) grazed her KNEE, and she popped up immediately into my arms. While embraced, we rose into the sky as though heavenward.

Repeat: "The blue Hahn wings have a rooster between them, same as the blue wings of Mortons!" This makes the Hahns suspect with Hansons because I took Katrina Hansen on the first date in the Valiant (car) of DENNIS Quinn while Morano-suspect Mortons were at LACHE-Dennis, which looks like a Legh / Leak branch according to what was just written on Lachens. Valiants are the ones with the shark. Dennis was a wild man suitable for a Dionysus code, and while Dionysus' Maenads had a wild-dancing symbol, Miss Hicks (according to her own testimony) was a stripper and doper in her teens. Wasn't Dionysus' Bacchus cult suspect at Buxentum? That's in Lachen-like LUCANia.

I got married to a woman that was not the one in the dream. In the mid 1990's, I went to Hamilton to check out a massive, fiberglass bulldog, and purchased it for $5,000. It was part of our business. The dream did not come to mind because I was married. A few months after the purchase, I took my family to Texas to purchase a winter-only retreat. After doing so, we attended church for the first time on Leakey road, which I would later learn (a year or two ago) was related to Miss Hicks' knees. I saw Miss Hicks in that church for the first time that day, and a few more times before we headed back home in April, afterwhich my wife went berserk, leading to a divorce. Miss Hicks was always alone in church, seemingly single, and so I pegged her (1996) as the woman in the dream, for she was beautiful. However, I did not see her again until about 2002, when I switched churches, where she and her husband were attending. As he was an old man while she was just 45, I entertained that I was to marry Miss Hicks as a widow. In 2016, I found a photo (late 1980s) with her husband, HAMILTON, standing with a bull-terrier MASCot. I had purchased my bulldog in Hamilton. The one I purchased was the same breed as the one in the dream, and almost identical in spotting and colors.

Now watch this new thing. The mascot was Spuds MacKenzie (advertising tool for Bud beer), and I trace Kenzie's/Kenneths to queen Kenza of Numidia without doubt. Kenzie's/Kenneths use a "uro" motto term while Hicks use "heure," and Ure's are listed with Aurs/Aures' (crown), from Aures/Awraba, home of Kenza! Smack-dab. Either the Hicks' and/or Kilpatricks were from Kenza, we may assume, but Hicks' for sure. God must have arranged Miss Hicks as the trophy girl for that Spuds-MacKenzie event to make this point right here. Kenza lived in the area of the Shawia Numidians, and this peoples is expected in the Moor head at Morano (Sybaris river, Lucania border). Hicks share the stag with Kenzie's/Kenneths.

Aha. I almost missed it. Ure's/Aures' (AYRshire, same as Kenneth-like Kennedys) share "Sans tache" with Peerless'/Napiers, the latter first found in Perthshire with Shaws (Shaws are in the "shaw" motto term in the Arms of Ayrshire). The heure-like Eure's are also MacURE's, and Eure is where Abreu/Abruzzo-line Evreux is found. That can indicate Kenza's line at Eburum (still in Lucania).

It's interesting that Mr. Kilpatrick is in the photo with Spuds rather than Miss Hicks, for Kilpatricks use the dagger as code for the Dexaroi at proto-Patrick Antipatria. The Dexaroi (Dassaretae) are on the light map starting at Fier county, where trophy-like Tropoje is located.

The Aures-line Ayers use a "lighter" motto term, suspect with Lights/Lite's, and Spuds MacKenzie is the Mascot of Bud Light in particular. There are heraldic spots for which I cannot find the surname, nor can I find a Spud-like surname. But I have just found Spottons and Spaughtons listed with Spoltons/Spauldings (sinister buckles = Numidian Massey liners).

Bud beer? The Buds are listed with Bude's (Cornwall), who share a bundle of arrows with green-snake Calors. The latter's "sheaf of arrows" is code for the Sheaves/Shaws, the latter using a bundle of arrows too, all three surnames having the arrows meeting at their middles. The Buds/Bude's even have a hurt in Crest, the Irish-Arthur symbol while king Arthur, born in Cornwall, was given a death on Avalon = Bute. Arrows/Arras' are from the Artois capital. Italian Sheaves'/Chiava's, suspect with the Chives'/SHEWas' from Lissus' Cavii Illyrians, were first found in L'Aquila, to modern Abruzzo capital. The Shawia went by a qui-like term (Chaoui), and "qui" is a term in both the Volk/Fulke and Sheaves/Shaw mottos. It's represented by the keys of Sheaves/Chiava's, and likely means that Keys/Kays were Chaoui liners.

The Chaoui people or Shawia are a Berber population inhabiting the Aures, Batna and KHENchla Oum bwaghi Biskra regions located in and surrounded by the Aures Mountains.

...Modern historians rank this Berber region within the group of Numidians and Gaetuli or the much more ancient such as Meshwesh, Maesulians and Mazaxes [or Mazyes], from whom formed the Zenata, the main inhabitants of the Aures in the Middle Ages.

"Zenata" was suspect with "Thanet" (Kent), where Masons/Massins were first found. Thane's share three helmets with the Kent Mynetts/Minute's. Danets and Dance's may apply to Zenata liners, as may SAINTs/Sinclairs (share the Galli / Gaia rooster) and Santones liners.

Everytime I see the statue of queen Kahina in the Shawia article, it reminds me of my Massy-line mother (when she was young). There seems to be a God-plotted reason for most-everything in my life. I feel like his history book. Kenza was wife to king IDRis that I see in the "itur" motto term of Kenzie's/Kenneths, and in the "patITUR" of Sheaves'/Shaws. The latter were first found in Berkshire with Windsor castle, and so the Windsor "deer" head may be close to the Kenzie/Kenneth stag head.

Ferdinand of Aragon of Mosca

Back to the mascot, for I've just found a Maschito location near Morano. "Maschito was founded in 1467 by King Ferdinand I of Naples, when the Albanian hero Skanderbeg was sent with numerous troops to fight the Angevin pretenders to the throne of Naples and the Barons...Maschito is a town and comune of the province of POTENZa..." It included Potentia. Angevins were from Anjou, home of Fulks, suggesting a Volcei relationship with Potentia elements...which were honored in the potent cross of the flag of Templar Jerusalem. Maschito is at a Mustafa hill.

Ferdinand was from the rulers of Aragon, and I do see a potent cross in his Arms. Ferdinand's wife was of Chiaramonte, and Maschito-like Mosca's (in the DRAKE motto) had themselves married Chiaramonte, which is related to Montechiaro (southern Sicily) near the DRAGo river. "Formerly known as Palma, in 1863, Montechiaro was added to the name, in honour of the Chiaramonte family whose stronghold is close to the town." Chiaramonte is beside Sicily's Ragusa.

Ferte-Mace may have been a Ferdinand-Mosca / Ferdinand-Maschito line, for Ferte's share a red. spread eagle with the Arms of Maschito. In my mother's house is a book on little Picenze, which tells that the inhabitants were from "nobles" of Naples. Ferdinand now comes to mind.

The Mousquette location (Normandy) of Musts/MusCATs looks good for this location. Mosca's come up as Moscats too.

Spanish Ferdinands share the Masci fleur-de-lys, and German Ferdinands use a leopard in Crest, the giant Mosca-Shield symbol. So far as I can tell, it's the same leopard design, which appears in demi form in both the Ferdinand and Chives Crests, except that the Chives leopard hasn't got the tail showing, yet the "CATs" in the Chives Shield are linkable to the same-colored lions of Tails/Tailors (leopard in Crest). MusCHATs/MontFICHETTs were first found in Essex with Quints while sharing their red chevron, and Chives' were first found in Tarves while Tarves' use Fitchet-like fitchees. Perfect, it's Quintus Caepio at topic. Caepionis-suspect Capone's/Capua's were first found in Naples, from Capua (Campania), now suspect in merger with Ferdinand's line. Muschats/Montfichets are said to descend from Mr. Gernon of Essex, yet that was the surname also for the son of Ranulph le Meschin.

[On the last day of this update, I happened to load the L'Aquila article to see the motto in the Arms, "ImMOTA manet." Portuguese Mota's use the Spanish Ferdinand Coat on green. Note the formation of the fleur, like the five wings of Portuguese Abreu's. Italian Mota's/Motina's were first found in Calabria, said to be a branch of the Motels of Taranto. Modins/Modeys use FRETTy, making this heraldic symbol look like a FERDinand symbol.]

Wikipedia: "Like other towns in the Vulture area, Maschito was repopulated by Albanian refugees after the occupation of Albania by the Ottoman Empire." Might Cavii have been some of those Albanians? Is Vulture the reason for the Sling vulture? Do Walters come from that place?

Portuguese Ferdinands (Comet tower?) use cannons, and Cannons share the gold border with German and Russian Hansons, suggesting that they both were Annans, who were from Ananes Gauls at Piacenza, which is right beside the ice-cream line of Cremona. See the ice cream that Miss Hanson sold me, in the last update.

Comets were first found in Limousin (of the Lemovices) with French Clare's, and then Chiaramonte-suspect Chiaro's/Charo's are also Claro's (very suspect with Carians at ancient Clarus). English Clare's (Suffolk, same as Musts/Muscats) share three, red chevrons with Muschats/Mousquette's (Essex, same as Works/Werks in the Sinclair motto). The three of Clare's are in the colors of the three once shown for Dutch Burgens/Burgers, and the Conteville's were birthed by John de Burgo.

It appears that the Sinclairs were of the Ferdinand-Mosca merger, and Sinclairs even use Comet-like "Commit" in their motto as code for the line of Herluin of Conteville (le Meschin's great-grandfather). The Roslin location of Sinclairs is near MUSSELburgh. The treaty that Rollo made with France had to be called, St. Clair sur Epte, for a reason. The Sinclair cross thus becomes suspect with the black Chives moline.

Fitch's use more leopards, the symbol in the Arms of Normandy. Suddenly, the Ferdinand-Mosca marriage appears to be in the Arms of Normandy (founded by Rollo). The Mosca leopard is in the colors of the Abreu/Abruzzo lions, and I had read that the Arms of England are a lion version of the Arms of Normandy.

I can now glean that the heraldic FRET, which uses a mascle centrally, is owned by FERDinand-like Ferdons/Verdins, for they use a giant fret. John de Burgo's line was confirmed (by me) as being that of Irish BERKs/Burghs, and while BERKshire is beside Buckinghamshire, and while the latter is where Ferdons/Verdins were first found, Berkshire's use the fret too.

Berks/Burghs (Conte lion) share a cat in Crest with Chives', and while the latter is a leopard, really, it's in the tinge of the Berk/Burgh cat. The Berkshire Croms/Crummys, a Cremona suspect, have the cat in Crest too. The Crom cat is very traceable to the cat of Massai's/Massars (beside Mosca's of Pisa), and therefore to Lucca's and Clan Chattan. The latter often includes MacDonald kin who share the Ferte eagle. As the Berk/Burgh motto seems to love the Jungs/Youngs/June's, it's notable that the latter share the white, giant, upright stag with Jewish Berks.

The Berkshire Coat is that of Duttons, and the latter are said to be from a nephew of Hugh Lupus, son of Emma de Conteville. As Lupus' sister was le-Meschin's mother, the Duttons were possibly Meschins, very likely because Meschins are expected from Ferte-Mace elements. There is a line in the Dutton write-up that seems to say they were earls of Chester, same as Meschins. The write-up has Duttons at a Ness township in Chester that I've not known about, at least not since realizing that Ness' are from queen Nysa and Pharnaces, which explains why Duttons were first found in Lancashire with Furnace's/FurNESS' and Parrs, and why the Furnace's use a "dog seated" that was likely a talbot, the line of Lucy Taillebois (le-Meschin's wife). Massey-related Tattons, who share the Dutton quadrants, use a seated greyhound.

Duttons were Tattons, right? Yes, from lake Tatta, beside Cappadocia where a second queen Nysa (daughter of Nysa above) ruled. Tatta is near Derbe, and Chesters were first found in Derbyshire (beside Cheshire). Chesters (Mazzo/Mazzone griffin) share the motto of the Berkshire Shaws! Bingo. And it's the Shawia Numidians in Chester, the peoples to which the Spuds-MacKenzie MASCOT depicts. God set-up Miss Hicks with that mascot, clearly.

The "vincit" motto term suggests that Chesters are using the Vince griffin in colors reversed, which is black, the color of the Mazzo/MAZZONE griffin. As the family of Meschin's brother married Clare's (of Kent, same as MASONs/Massins), while Strongbow Clare ruled at Pembrokeshire, it's not coincidental that Pembroke's use a dragon version of the Mazzo griffin-on-bend.

The first crow of the year just flew close to my front door. This was moments after loading Sillers/Sellers as per the barons Sellia in the Mazzo write-up. And so it was interesting that Sillers/Sellers share the colors and format of Crows (why a camel?). But that's not enough to make the link. Thinking that Crows might be Carians. I recalled the Carews/Carrots, and they happen to share the lions of Pembroke's. Can we believe it, Carew castle in Pembrokeshire, but I would never have clinched this Carew-Crow link if not for seeing the Pembroke Coat minutes earlier, and if not for this crow that swooped down just as I was finished writing on the Pembroke-Mazzo relationship.

Carews are even said to descend from Gerald, son of Walter of Windsor. Recall that Windsors were suspect with the Kenzie/Kenneth stag head, and then let's go to Kenneth MacALPIN, for Alpins share the tree and crown with Irish Crows/MacEnROE's while Roe's and Rows were first found in Norfolk with English Crows. It's a link of the Crow Carians to the Pictish king. And can we believe it, Rows share the three trefoils of Swiss Sillers! That crow was sent by God. He's still watching over my writings, still leading. Scottish Sillers/Sellers, now suspect with the dark-skinned Silurians at the Pembroke area, use cups while Rows look to be with a version of the Cup/Cope/Colp Coat, and as the latter are from the Colapis > Camulodunum line, it explains the Crow camel.

Now the swan in the Siller/Seller Crest is that of Hansons too, and since God provided the ice-cream event for a Hanson trace to the Cremona area, let's go to Crema, a little north of Cremona, and on a Serio river that appears to be in the Car motto. Cars share the Crow chevron, and Miss Hicks, who had the look of Miss Hanson, was with a car. In the dream, she was HOVERing over the seats. The Hovers not only use a leopard (Dionysus symbol) wearing what looks like bull horns, but a crown (Craun symbol) that is at times the symbol of Ceraunii. Carians? Probably, making the Maezaei suspect with the Maso/Masa Carians, part of the Sea Peoples, pirates. It gives us an idea of what the Alpin / MacEnroe crown stands for.

Hansons got suspect with Hahns, the ancestry of Bibo's, and the Bibo rooster is apparently in the Cremer/Cramer Crest, for the latter's motto includes the Custs, a branch of the Kiss'/Cush's that share the Bibo rooster. And here we find Crows with the rooster too, white like the Hahn rooster. It's very likely the Gay / Galli rooster, from Gaia/Gala, father of proto-Mason Massena. But as Masons look like Mazzo's/Mazzone's for more reason than similarity of terms, the Gaia > Massena line of Numidians went to them too, and was therefore at Sellia. There is a Sellia in Calabria, and therefore not far from the Silarus (or is it "Silaris"?) river.

Sellia is not far from Maschito while Sillys/Sullys share the three chevrons of Musts/Muscats. It looks like both surnames were from Calabria. Sole's/Solneys/Sullys (Derbyshire, beside the Sale's/Salletts) use a chevron in the same colors, which asks whether Spanish Sole's/Solana's were Sellia liners. Aha, another fret with Sells/Sills! I wonder, did Sellia liners become the Salyes Ligures?

Sellia is in CATANzaro, the Arms of which look like a version of the Arms of Aragon so as to make Catanzaro suspect with some aspect of Ferdinand of Aragon-Naples. The Chattans use a castle in the colors of the Ferdinand towers, and Chatans (one 't') use the tower in half the colors of the Ferdinand tower. Did the Ferdinand-suspect Ferdons/Verdins link to Berkshire's? Yes, and we saw the Berk/Burgh cat as well as the cat of the Berkshire Croms, but here we can add the cat of Cetins/Cattans.

We are now back to the area of Scidrus and Buxentum/Pyxus, and so let's repeat that Swiss Sillers share the Pike trefoils, for Pike's share the Row chevron while Rows are apparently a branch of Crows/MacEnroe's. The Skeagh motto term of the latter must be for a Scidrus line to the Skits/Skeets/Skeochs, and then Roe's with Rows were first found in Norfolk with Skeets/Skate's. Crows/MacEnroe's even share the white greyhound in Crest with Tattons, a branch of Duttons that share the Berkshire fret, in colors reversed from the Ferdon/Verdin fret.

When I went to kiss the beautiful lady awake, my hand brushed her knee. And Knees are beloved in the description ("knight issuing from the knees) of Shoe's/SCHUCHs/Schugs, apparently a Skeoch branch. The trees in the Shoe/Schug and Crow/MacEnroe Coats must be a match with the Alpin / Gregor (Crows?) tree.

To this we can add that Virgins (Kent, same as Gaunts, Masons/ Masters/Mosters and Meschin-Clare's of Tonbridge) may have been Verdins, for Virgins share a red lion in both Crest and Shield with Ure's/Aurs/Aures'. The latter were resolved with Spuds MacKenzie's Shawia Numidians because Hicks' use an "heure" motto term while Eure's are MacUre's too. The point here is that there is a virgin in the Arms of Gaunt/Ghent, and the gauntlet glove is shared between Maceys of Ferte-Mace and Fane's/Vans, the latter first found beside Pembrokeshire, home of the Clare's that married Mosca-line Meschins i.e. who trace to the Ferdinand-Montechiaro-Mosca relationship. Thus, Virgins may have been Verdins from "Ferdinand." The Tonbridge's (Kent) happen to use the crescents of Saracens for a trace to Saracena, near Sellia.

I haven't forgotten that it was Miss Florida who introduced and stressed the Silurians to me, who badly wanted to know why these Welsh peoples had dark skin. Sellia makes sense, beside the Moor-line Morano's. I now recall kissing with Miss Muschatov (with her only two months) in the home of Jeff Moore, important because Maschito is right there in the Sellia / Morano area. Jeffreys and Jeffersons (more griffins) were first found near the area of the first-known Fane's/Vans. There is a giant, gold griffin, in the colors of the Master/Moster griffins, in the Coat of ALBERTs (Kent, same as Masters/Mosters), and then the Ferdinand leopard is said to hold an HALBERT axe. There is an Halbert surname with such axes, using the colors and format of Crows.

Walsers, named after Wallis canton of Switzerland, use the halbert/halpert axe, and Sillers were first found in Switzerland.

The Kent Alberts use "A savage with a sledge hammer over his shoulder". Mazzo's/Mazzone's use "a gold griffin holding a hammer..." That's a good reason to view Mazzo's as Masons/Massins. Hammers and Hams are in the same colors, were both first found in Sussex with Bononia-likely Bone's (same lion as German Hammers/Hemmers), and Hams share the salmon of MacAbee's while Israel's Maccabees are said to be named after a hammer or mace (used by Maceys). Maccabees are highly suspect in Modena, where at least three Morano-branches were first found (named earlier in this update). Maccabee formation was suspect from king-Massena liners in cahoots with the Boii of Bologna and Modena, and Italian Alberts, yup, Bologna. Hammers/Hemmers ("Per") use a sinister rise in their split to indicate Masci / Massena liners, and therefore should be using the Mason/Massin lion in the other half of their Shield.

Sadducees came forth from amongst the Maccabees, and Sadducee-like Saddocks/Sedgewicks were first found in Sussex with Hammers / Hams. The Hammers are said to have a Hamer location in Lancashire's Rochdale (same place as a Buckley location related to Cheshire), and the Arms of Rochdale has an eight-martlet border that relates to the same of Saddocks/Sedgewicks and Saddock-like Chaddocks / Chadwicks, both of the latter having elements in Lancashire.

Maschito is so near Potentia that I'm now starting to think that Masci's were on the throne of Templar Jerusalem in Baldwin I and II. Potent-cross Chads were first found in Norfolk with Volks/Fulke's while they share the fleur-de-lys of Masseys, and the Lys river is a tributary of the Bautica/Baltea (Piedmont, same as Masci's), where I trace "Baldwin." A reader from Switzerland had found an article telling that Walsers were on the Lys river above. Sells are said to be from "Silvester or Silvanus," and while I've learned to take such factually-stated claims lightly, I'd say that Sells were Sellia liners merged with those from Silvum, on the Lucania map near Maschito.

Maschito is not on the map; it's near FORENtum and Venusia, which are. Forens/Forehams ("LuCRUM") share "Christi" with Baldwin-related Bouillons. Forens/Forhams share martlets with Formans/Forhams (and French Alans), and the latter share a passant lion in Chief with Sells (the ones above with the fret) and Maschi's. I've traced Formans/Forhans to Forum Allieni, the proto-Ferrara, where Chiaro's/Charo's/Claro's were first found, and then Formans/Forhams were first found at Edinburghshire, right near the Roslin home of Claro-liner Sinclairs. Formans/Forhams are linkable by two of their symbols to Seatons (beside Edinburghshire) and their Suty branch, and here Sutys/Sideys were first found in Perthshire with Crows and Dogs, which I wanted to talk about.

But first, I wanted to mention that Ferrara had a close association with rulers of Este, in the land of Venetians, which smacks of "Venusia." It can therefore appear as though Forentum and Venusia trace to Ferrara and Venice. I put Alans in brackets above because Forum Allieni is suspect by me as the proto-Alans. English Alans share the oak leaf with Bants/Bands(Champagne); they can be from Bantia, on the Lucania map right-near Forentum and Venusia, the latter shown also as "BANDusia?".

Bantia is in a BRADanus river, and Brads/Breads ere first found in Edinburghshire, no kidding at all. Bradds/Breads are expected to be of Cake's/CakeBreads (Volk/Fulke fleur?), suspect from Sitric Caech to whom I trace Seatons and Sutys.

Proto-Alans were at Aulon, at the Ceraunii mountains named by elements represented by mythical Coronis, the mythical crow, and the crow that flew over the house yesterday was code for Carians suspect to Charo's > Claro's = Sinclairs, if they were the raven-depicted vikings. Aulon was also Avlona, and I trace that to both Avellino and mount Velino. Avellino is on the map not far west of Forentum, and Velino got suspect with duck-using Velins. Not only were the red martlets of Alans once shown as ducks, but Belgian Have's/Haafs, in the Suty/Sidey motto, use ducks too. And Halfs are Helps, from the Helpe river (near Baldwin I), location of AVESNes, a line from Avezzano, right-near mount Velino! Perfect, but to make it better, it's known that nobles of Avesnes married Champagne, where Bants/Bands were first found who share the oak leaf with the other Alans. It's all full-proof for making links between surnames and places that connect with lines to the first rulers of Templar Jerusalem. On the breast of Godfrey de Bouillon, at his Wikipedia article, he's shown with the potent cross of Jerusalem.

Raven vikings were surnamed, Stout, namers of Stuttgart on the Neckar river to which I trace "nec" motto terms, which is used twice by Bant-like Bents/Bends (probably named the heraldic bend), first found in Cheshire with Hugh Lupus D'Avranches. Bents/Bents appear to use a version of the Bellamy Coat, but with red roundels, the symbol in the Arms of Boulogne, home of Eustace II and his son, I assume, Baldwin I of Jerusalem. Rundels/Roundells share a version of an Alan Coat as per FitzAlans of Arundel (same place as Saddocks). The Bent/Bant motto in full is shared by the Cheshire Buckleys, who had the Buckley location in Rochdale, the Arms of which is partially of Chaddocks / Chadwicks. It's making Sadducees suspect at the Bantia / Maschito / Forentum / Potentia area, and my claim, yet to be proven, is that priests of Israel escaped the Romans in roughly 70 to Forum Allieni, for one.

Red roundels are used by Bullis', first found in the same place as early Crows, making the latter suspect with Ceraunii, as expected. In the Bullis roundels, the same star as used by Annas'. Annas was a Sadducee, and while the Arniss variation of Annas' is suspect with Arnissa (Illyria), on the Genusus river, there is a Genusia shown beside the Bradanus river. If this river named the Bradds/Breads, then let's add that Sitric's grandson was Maccabee-like Maccus. But let's not fail to see that Genusia should be a branch of Venusia. If Gaunts / Ghents are from this thing, note that the Venus surname was first found in Kent with Gaunts and the related Virgins. The CANDavii mountains at the upper Genusus smack of Gaunt/Gant elements. Wikipedia says that Kent was founded by a CANTii peoples.

Candys, in Crow colors, were first found in Suffolk (beside Kent) with some of the first Crows. And Coronis' brother was father to the centaurs, which shared the horse symbol with the Arms of Kent. Coronis' father, PHLEGyas, is suspect with Pelagonia, on the opposite side of lake Lychnidus from the Candavii. Centaurs were suspect with the Heneti, the proto Venetians, and I was able to identify Aphrodite as a Heneti peoples partly due to her becoming the Roman Venus i.e. suspect with Venusia. The Kent-like Heneti were on the Parthenius river, suspect with the Parthini on the north side of the Genusus river. In other words, Heneti may have named the Candavii.

The Sidicini of Campania may have been of the proto-Sadducees. So, assuming that Sidicini elements were at Forentum, it can explain why Israeli priests escaped to Forum Allieni, if indeed Forentum elements named Forum Allieni. On the Lucania map, there is a Forum Popilii near Volcei. Perhaps Forentum formed from "Forum." Mieszko ancestry had a mythical Popiel of Goplo, and I trace Goplo elements to French Gobels, first found in Champagne, which was also "Campania," and very traceable to Italy's Campania. I almost forget: Champagne's and Avezzano's use the potent feature in their BENDs!

English Gobels/GODbolds/GOODbows share the Mieske arm, and the arrow in its hand rises sinister. French Gobels use the Masci wing on the Macey / Brude/Bright Shield. Just so you know that Mus / Mousquette liners are expected in the mythical MOUSE tower, at Goplo. The Mus-line Hyksos to the Apepi-line Pepins, right? Were Pepins at the Popilii and the neighboring Popitian Way? Popoli's were first found in Naples.

I trace Coronis the crow to Chora on Patmos, which is an island off the coast of Caria. The interesting thing here is that the bull dog in the dream was never well resolved with Dogs/Doags. The most I could say was that the Dog/Doag chevron is that also of Cars, as per the car that appeared in the dream immediately after I jumped into the pool to save the bulldog. A matching chevron is not enough to make a solid Dog-Car link, but the crow sent by God can now be gleaned as a Carian line with Cars, and Crows were first found in Perthshire with Dogs/Doags while the two share colors and format. This is super, for Miss Hicks is suspect with Hyksos that I see in mythical Ixion, brother of Coronis.

Patmos gets one near Naxos, sacred island of Dionysus, and the latter's Maenads were Carians, probably the Masa/Maso Carians because they were all-female, as were Apollo's Muse's. Coronis mated with Apollo, the line to Cyrene, north-African home of the Meshwesh/Mazyes that developed in Shawia, the line to the Perthshire Shaws. It's a dog of a trace, apparently, yet I just don't know the entity to which "Dog/Doag" traces. All I know is that the bulldog was from Bullis, near the Ceraunii mountains, and then the Meshwesh-suspect Maezaei were beside the Ceraunii. Yet god didn't make it a bull, but a bull dog. Why? Mieske's use the bull of Cole's (Cornwall, same as Carews and Talants), and the latter are in Carew colors.

The Genusus is where Taulantii lived. If they were the proto-Talls / Tails / Talbots, then we note that heraldry as a talbot dog. The Talants use the colors and format of Comps/Camps while Compsa is near Venusia. Hixons/Hicksons share the eagle talon with Talants.

We saw overwhelmingly that Miss Hicks, in the dream, represented Dionysus elements. Her husband's Kilpatrick surname could be from Patmos, and Antipatria is beside the Genusus river. The Hicks have always been suspect with Crauns so as to be kin of the Coronis-crow line, and so I trace Hicks to Patmos via the Hyksos suspect, Ixion. The latter's wife was Cloud, which recalls that, as I touched her knee, we rose skyward. The Hykes'/Hake's (Norfolk, same as Crows and CHADs) share the Crow and Car chevrons. Hixons/Hicksons were first found in Staffordshire, location of St. Chad's Lichfield (from Lychnidus?).

God made it a bulldog in connection to Spuds MacKenzie, the Shawia line from queen Kenza, yet this mascot is owned by Bud beer while Bude's (from Bude in CORNwall) share the bow with English Gobels/Godbolds. Italian Gobels even share the camel with Crows for a trace to Colchester, where Cole's and Mieske's trace. Bulls share the Cole Crest, and the Cornovii founders of Cornwall look like Ceraunii, especially with Bulls (Craun annulets?) first found beside Cornwalls (ravens, crown). Meshwesh are highly suspect in the ancestry of king Massena, whose father is suspect in the Crow rooster. But what were the Dogs?

Ducks (share Cornwall stars) were first found in Norfolk with Crows, and so it seems that the Ceraunii's Bullis elements trace to mount Velino with Aulon/Avlona elements. Crows were first found partly in Suffolk, same as Bullis'/Bulliards and Crauns (explaining why the latter two share annulets). Duck-using Velins were first found in Westphalia with German Ducks. The Greek crow is a corvos. In seeing how God shapes things (in my work) according to bloodlines to the anti-Christ, couldn't we expect the initiators of the 666 to be from Patmos? Why do Kilpatricks use a right paw on the head of a dragon? Isn't that the black paw of Quints, and isn't it the Levi lion?

The Arms of North Rhine-WestPHALia share's the Coat of Italian Franca's/Franks, and in the two colors of Spanish Franca's, the Arms has a wavy bend rising sinister = Massey-line indicator. The Whelans/Phalens/Failins with Massey fleur must therefore have been Velino liners to the naming of WestPhalia/Falen. It explains why God put me together with Miss Whelan. As the Arms of Westphalia/Westfalen is the horse half of the Arms, the wavy bend must be the Rhine half. It intrigues me to revisit this mystery at a later time. The Hamm location in North Rhine-Westphalia is the Stewart Coat in red checks, and their Alan ancestry is the likely namer of mount Velino. Hams and Hammers are both in the colors of that wavy bend of North Rhine, and German Hammers/Hemmers use a sinister split. The Arms of Denmark's Hamar are in these colors, if I recall correctly.

Aha. The Arms of Bochum (North- Rhine-Westphalia) use mascles in the colors of the Whalley mascle. The Dol whale can thus obviously apply to Velino liners.

If Flanders was named after the namers of Westfalen (where Velens/VALANCE's and Velins were first found), then Flanders becomes a Velino / Avalon branch, which can explain why Flanders is beside Artois. It's clear that the 11 fessewise bars of Scottish Valence's are the five fesses (11 bars in all) of the Westphalia Ducks/Duchers (feasibly a variation of the Italian Dance's for obvious bar reasons). Ducs were first found in Brittany.

Camels and Campbells/Cammells are suspect from Kemuel, son of Nahor after his second son, Bude-like Buz (pronounced "bootz" in Hebrew). "CAMPbell" has been suspect with Abellinum (Avellino) in CAMpania, location of Compsa (between Avellino and Maschito), and then Comps/Camps were first found in Yorkshire with Campbells/Cammells. Comps/Camps have griffin heads in the colors of the giant griffin in the German Camel Coat. There is a gold griffin in the Doke/Duke/Dook Crest, and Dogs have similar variations. Doke's/Duke's even share the chaplet with Hicks. This looks right.

As Avellino is expected to trace to Velino, the Velin DUCKs come to mind. Yorkshire is where Mustans/Musins were first found who use the Dog sword in colors reversed, and Nahorite-suspect Nairi were at Mus of Lake VAN, which place I trace to the Veneti, and so perhaps Van liners named Venusia. Mustans are suspect with the Must/Muscat chevrons for what looks good as a Mustan trace to Maschito's namers.

The beautiful lady in the dream was blond, and Doge's (Lancashire, same as Cars!) share the Blond bars, which had come to mind moments ago with the three Carew lions (in the same colors). Blonds share the sun in Crest with Cars. The first time I ever spoke to Miss Hicks, I asked her (with her husband there) why she was weeping during the church service, which she had done before (never did it again after I asked her). Doge's not only use a "seadog," but "an eye weeping." There is an Eyes surname listed with Eyers/Ayers, the Aures line. There is an Eye location in Suffolk, where Car-suspect Crows had early representation. I can't at the moment find a weeping-like surname.

Champagne is where Sauvage's were first found that share the red heart with Doag-like Douglas', and Dougals share the Pool lion. I jumped into the pool to rescue the bulldog. There has got to be more to a bulldog in a pool than a Pool-Dog link I can't elaborate on. Pools could be Bullis > Bull liners, but even this doesn't satisfy me. There needs to be a short story behind it. German Pohls/Polans use a bull head as a buffalo. The bulldog walked across beside my legs and FELL into the pool. Blue-lozenge Fells can be linked to the blue Whelan lozenges, and Whelan variations are like those both fells and Polans/Paulins (pelican); the latter's lozenges would be blue in colors reversed. I still expect a better short story.

There is a Carris surname (same place as Cars) sharing the car chevron-with-stars. These Carris' have a royal-blue Shield. Scottish Carris' are with Carsons/Corsons (Fell / Whelan lozenges colors reversed), who share the lozenge of German Camels. KAREN Whelan (girlfriend) lived on a Corsen street. German Camels were first found in Bohemia, and Boii were from Bononia with camel-using Gobels, while the Bone Coat is a reflection of the Polan/Paulin Coat while Polans/Pohls share the Mieske bull head. It recalls that the Mieszko Poles could be from Massa-Carrara / Pisa. Mieszko was a PIAST, suspect from BISTue on the Urbanus river of the Ceraunii. Just trace Spuds MacKenzie from a Shawia line to Mieszko's. Carrara's share the wheel with Wheelwrights, and mythical Piast was a wheelwright.

There are different types of bulldogs. The one in the dream was the small, fat kind, a British bulldog, which is what I purchased for our business. The British/BRADDock surname happens to use wreaths, which are called chaplets in the Hicks Crest. The chaplet is around the neck of a gold stag (compare with crown and gold stag in the Craun Crest), and the two British/Braddock wreaths have a gold stag head between them. Chaplets were first found in Lorraine with the wife of Mieszko II, and Wheelwrights were first found in Yorkshire with Hicks.

The bulldog was in a pool while Pools use a lion in the colors of the Bradd/Bread lion. We just saw why Bradds/Breads can link to Gaunts if the latter named Genusia at the Bradanus river, and so look at this: "In addition to his royal arms, [John of] Gaunt bore an alternative coat of Sable, three ostrich feathers ermine." Three feathers called "plumes" are in the Crest of Pohls/Polans (share the LUX bull), and the Pole's/Pohls use a single "ostrich" feather. John of Gaunt was in Candale (stared the Kendall family) while Fox-Candale married the Pols. The last update touched upon Margaret de la Pole/Pol, wife of an earl of Kendall.

Genusia is across the Lucanian border into APULia, suspect with PULE/Pola. Poll is near the first-known English Joels while German Joels use a version of the German-Plume Coat.

Next, let's go back to the Lamonts said to have ancestry in Lucania-suspect Lachens. Let's recall the "globe" in the Lamont Coat, which is the Metz orb (Metz's could be Matthis-river liners). A globe is shared by CARPenters (Suffolk, same as Plume's, LUFFS/Love's and Edens/Edins), and southern Italy could be expected to have the Cretan elements of SARPedon, who's suspect with ancient Eden liners (may have included Edones) to mount Etna, which faces Calabria / Lucania. The Edens use a version of the LUCAN/LUFkin/LOVEkyn/Lukin Coat. Both use black scallops, code for Sicels in the Scylla area of Sicily, same general area as Etna. The Eaton quadrants are suspect with the Hykes/Hacks (black scallops) and Chives quadrants, and Chives' were from Cavii on the Metz-suspect Mathis river.

Carpenters suddenly look like Sarpedon elements, and as Sarpedon was made the founder of some CARians, note "CARpenter." In this picture, CarPENTERs can be Penders, who happen to share the Bradd/Bread lion head, can we believe it? All that said, Bradds/Breads were first found in EDINburghshire, can we believe it? The Pender lions wear crowns for a Ceraunii code, likely.

Now, I had trace Carpenters to the Carpi/Arpi of Scythia, suspect in naming the Carpathians. On a wholly separate claim, I traced "Charybdis," the fellow monster of Scylla, to the Carpathians by way of mythical Charops, who can be gleaned in the Carpathians, for his descendant, Orpheus, was given a head (often a Gorgon symbol) that floated down the Hebros river. It floated past Mysia and Lemnos to Lesbos, the latter known to be a home of Lapiths that included Coronis and Ixion. His head floated with his lyre, a symbol of the Muses that were Gorgons in Parium/PARION (Mysia), which apparently was a branch of PARNassus, home generally of Muses, Ixion and of Jason of the Argonauts whose father, Aeson, is suspect as a version of "Ixion / Iasion." This was the Kabeiri cult to which Dionysus (took wife from Crete) and Lemnos belonged.

Charops was directly related to mythical OAEGRus, suspect with the Ugrians that put together the Hungarians, for example. In Romania near the Hungarian border, which is in the Carpathians, there is Arad and an Oradea, which I trace to ARPAD/ARADos (Syria), near Ugrian-suspect Ugarit. The quasi-mythical founder of Hungarians was Arpad.

At the Arad / Oradea area there lived the Szekely's (Mures/Maros river suspect with the Maritsa = Hebros), who claim to be Hungarian founders. This was the evidence for a Charops trace to Charybdis, for "Szekely" looks like "Scylla." And the Sicanian Sicilians were traced to Sicyon, beside Coronis-suspect Corinth. Sicyon is near KalaVRITa, the proto-BRIT element suspect in naming Calabria and BRUTTium together.

Kalavrita was found while I investigated the Boura area in it's known trace to Sybaris, and Boura-line Burleys were first found in Somerset with Brits/Bretts, Ladons/Ladds and LaceDAEMONian Spartans (Dumnonii). Sparti were birthed in Boiotia with the Ares dragon, the same as Harmonia, Cadmus' wife, and these Sparti were protecting the golden fleece in the family of Medea (she was later queen of Corinth after Harmonia-branch Hermes ruled it).

Brits/Bretts were of Samford/Sanford, the line of Sintian-possible Sandfords. Brits/Bretts were also in a Blackmore location (Dorset), recalling heraldic blackamoors (Moors) that can trace with blackamoor-using Morano's to Morano/Murunum (Sybaris river, yup). Sandfords (Shropshire, same as Britch's/Brecks and Lucans/Lufkins) share the Buckley motto, very helpful in clinching Buckle liners with Buxentum. The Blackmore's ("Pro"), first found in Essex with Britains/Brittanys, use Moor heads in the colors used for them by Morano's and Collars/Collars, the latter now suspect with the Calor river (near Buxentum). Britains/Brittanys share the Armor motto for a connection to Brittany's Armor area, where Motts/Mottins/MORTE's were first found who share the Blackmore crescent (make's Morte's and Deaths suspect as Morton kin). Grume's share the white helmet with Armors so that, possibly, they were from Grumentum. Somehow, the crescents of Saracens (collar on wolf) probably relate closely as per a Saracena-Morano merger. What's that blue fleur doing in the paw of the Saracen wolf? Ask the same fleur of Morinis'/Morets/Mori's.

Were ArMOR's Morano liners or kin, since Morano's use a wreath around the head of their blackamoor while British's use wreaths? There is a MURal crown on the talbot head of Armers/Amore's.

This is a good place to add that Amorites were first in the land of the Euphrates, which river named proto-Abruzzo Aphrodite. The Amorite capital on the Euphrates was Mari, the proto-Marsi, very apparently. And the Hebrews of that area were anciently the Apiru/Abiru, who named the (C)Habur tributary of the Euphrates. Thus was Aphrodite, the line to Abruzzo's Aprutium, now Teramo, suspect with "Drummond," which can explain why Damorys share three wavy fesses with Drummonds. So, Morano's and the rest ought to be Amorite Hebrews. The latter are expected in the naming of Israel's Hebron, land of Amorites (anciently Amurru).

It just so happens that English Shucks share the blackamoor with Morano's while Shoe's/Schucks love the Knights while Grume's use the knight's helmet. This makes the part-blue wings of German Shucks suspect with the Morton / Hahn wings, but, really, they have got to be the wings of Burley-suspect Bauers (Bavaria, same as Shucks and Shoe's/Schuchs). The Carpenter pale bars are probably a version of the Knight pale bars. Knights are suspect at the Nith river with Closeburn, and Close's/Clovse's use the spur suspect with Spurrs and Supers from Sybaris. There is a gold collar on the black greyhound (color of the Saracen wolf) of Shuck-suspect Schutz's/Shutz's.

Fortunately, I've just checked my files for other blackamoors, and there are two in the pile of Wings! Excellent, for the Shucks use both wings and the blackamoor while being suspect with the MORton wings.

Mythical Butes of Athens is important for the Keturah line through Kodros of Athens to Kotor and neighboring BUTua (Budva). The shark was out of Kotor (Saraca's were first in Kotor). I had read that Butes was placed in western Sicily (Trapani), and that, while on the Argo ship, he swan out to the Sirens, suggesting the Sirens of Sirenuse at Salernum, near Hebros-like Eburum. Trapani (Trabzon liners?) is interesting where Sire's/Sirons link to the Arms of Vilnius, while Astikas' of Vilnius married Traby.

Keturah's descendants were suspect with migrating to Athens along with the Biblical king OG, of the Rephaites, and on a wholly-different topic, I had identified "ORPHeus" with REPHaites. Og was suspect in mythical OGyges of Attica / Boiotia, and Cadmus' Boiotians are suspect in naming Butua. Some say that the dragon killed by Cadmus in Boiotia, which was the origin of the Sparti, was Ogyges. Og's Rephaites named the Rephaite valley in Jerusalem, which couldn't have been far from Jerusalem's mount MORiah, suspect with its AMORites.

The Deering write-up has Norman de Morinis, descended from Vitalis FitzOsbert, and then OGdens have an OSTENdo" motto term for OStens / Austins, we assume, a possible branch of OSberts. Mr. Morinis married the Derings, who are said to have lived at DODINtone, like the Duddon home of the Dons (roeBUCK, like the buck of Deerings) who share the double fesses of Morinis'.

So, the British bulldog is now identifying itself with Britain-suspect Bradanus elements. On the light map, the Carpi are a little ways north of the Hungarian capital (AQUINcum on the map). A little upstream on the Ister from that capital, there is first GRUMerum, like Grumentum in Lucania, and then BRIGETio, smacking of mythical Brigit / Britain elements. The Britain surname shares the Bright/Brude / Macey stars. Some would say that the Brits are from Bruttium, which may be correct. Others say that Brits were from the Pretani, a term like "Bradanus." I had read that mythical Butes of Athens was related to Siris, the dog star, and there is a Siris river with a source near Grumentum, itself on the neighboring ACIRIS river. Seir's Edomites? The Siris is very close to shark-line Saracena. The Hungarian capital was BUDA.

Kodros of Athens had two symbols, the fish that went to Saraca's (makes the shark a clever code), and a boar, an ancient symbol of Edom. Keturah was the wife of Abraham, probably his first wife while he was still called, Abram, and Edom was ruled by Esau, Abraham's great-uncle. "Abram" liners are suspect in "Priam," mythical father of Paris, and therefore of Parium/Parion. Keturah's son, Medan, evolved both into Medon, son of Kodros, and to mythical Medea, Colchian wife of Jason of the Argo ship, who was queen of Coronis-suspect Corinth. She flew her chariot from Corinth to Athens to prove that she was of Medon. Medea's goddess, HECATE, can therefore be gleaned in HECTor, Priam's son with HECuba (the mother). Medea's father, Aeetes, was play on "Attis" (god of the Kabeiri cult), said to have named Attica.

The Abram-like Bramtons use the Prett lion in colors reversed, and the Bramton lion is therefore suspect in the Brit/Brett Crest, all suspect with the Abreu/Abruzzo lions so that the HEBRew line of Abram looks like it went to Abruzzo's and then to the Arms of Britain. It reminds me that the old Abruzzo capital should have been a Bruttium element.

As Carpenters share the Belli motto, the Carp/Carpen fish (looks linked to Dols) can be gleaned in the Coat of Verona's, for Italian Belli's were first found in Verona. But this should be the Saraca fish too, for the Verona's use a version of the FELLer Coat while the bulldog FELL to the shark. The Carp/Carpen fish can be that of German Gobels because the Carpenter GLOBE can be code for a surname from the GOLPaeni namers of Goplo. I claimed that the Saraca fish developed into the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, and there is a white fleur in the Gobel Crest. Gobels share the three fish of Trouts, possibly from the Trotus tributary (eastern Carpathians) of the SIRet, which is the Bacau area where I trace Beacons/Bacons in the Belli beacon.

The Siret was the Agarus, and German Shucks may have the Hagar star. As Schutz's were probably a Skeet branch, Shucks can be a branch of the namers of Scidrus at the bay of Laus along with Buxentum. I claim that fleur-de-LYS' was originally code for Laus liners, and, if correct, Laus elements ought to have named the two Lys rivers that I know of. The German-Shuck lion can be in the Crest of Warwicks (Warwickshire, same as English Shucks), who may be using the fleur of Morinis' (same place as Morano's). Tree's/True's were first found in Warwickshire while Shoe's/Schuchs use the tree. It's interesting that Treetons/Turtons come up as Dartons while Darts come up as Tarts.

Again, Carpenters (Suffolk, same as Knights) probably share the three pale bars of Knights, and the latter's write-up has a term suspect with the Nith river, home of the proto-Geddes Geds. There is a Ged surname with three fish in the colors of the Carp/Carpen fish.

After Sleeping-Beauty awoke, we were emBRACEed in love (amore) while rising. I'm wondering whether this was code for Brace's and Armors, for Amore's/Amoors are also Armers, and Armors share armored arms with Brace's. Moreover, the Armers/Amore's use a Knee-suspect "ne cede" motto phrase while Cedes' are with Seats while I grazed her knee as she hovered over the seats. Suddenly, this explains that she's not necessarily to become my wife, but that the event was code for surnames. But why was I given this dream 30 years before I began my heraldry investigations, and almost 40 before realizing that the dream was code for surnames? The double pale bars of Seats/Cedes are in the Arms of Vilaine, which is the part of Brittany beside Cotes d'Armor, can we believe it? French Sarasins were first found in Brittany.

We were rising while embraced, and Risings are suspect with the Arms of Pola/Pula in colors reversed, the line feasibly to Pools, for the Rising Coat looks like a version of the Pollock Coat. She was asleep prior to rising with me, and Sleeps are from the Selepitanoi Illyrians at RISINium, can we believe it? Risinium is smack beside Kotor and Butua, and the shark was originally at Kotor. Believe this story or not, it's from a Real Being that lives quietly / secretly, watching us, deciding our eternal fate, and moving us to do things, or not moving us but giving us up to demonic influences instead. It's your choice, ultimately. Your choice determines His choice.

Google stinks now deliberately. Even though a Wikipedia-Talk page on IIllyrian tribes has the term, "Selepitanoi", it doesn't show on the Google result page when I ask for "Selepitanoi." Here's a map with the Selepitanoi a little south of Risinium (Rhizon), with the Daorsi and Ardiaei at Rhizon. Rize at the Trabzon theater is in Ardahan, or at least beside it.

As you can see, Selepitanoi were at the coast from lake Scodra, and can be expected with some peoples at Scidrus. Armers/Amore's and their Damory branch use "barry," and modern Bar is at the coast from lake Scodra. As Keturah traces to Kotor, by what coincidence do Armers/Amore's and Damorys share the talbot head in Crest with Abram-suspect Bramtons? Abraham liners at Morano and Saracena, right? French Brians were first found in Brittany while Irish Brians can be suspect with the Brampton lions, or, better yet, the lions of Britain. Abraham was to become the father of many nations. Yet Medea rode a chariot pulled by dragons to Athens, uh-oh. It doesn't appear like anything blessed of God, but more like a pseudo-Israel.

Yes, and she was pulled on her sleigh with 12 dragons while I trace Santa Claus to the Clausula river, the waters of which end up in lake Scodra. It appears that the creators of Santa were injecting the putrid witch cult of Hecate into Christmas, it figures. There will be Pay Day for these Masonic goons.

Repeat; "It's interesting that Treetons/Turtons come up as Dartons while Darts come up as Tarts." Darts share the ermined Sleep fesse because Dardanians were around lake Scodra. Treetons/Dartons (MURal crown) are said to have been under the shadow of the count of Mortaine, making the gold Morton rooster suspect as a colors reversed version of the Kopple rooster (I trace Kopple's to Koplik on the Clausula). Treetons/Dartons use a banner for Banners, the namers of the Panaro river, location of Marano. Treetons/Dartons use their canton (Dart symbol) as a "square", and then there the squire's helmet of Armors. It was resolved that the Marano/Mauritano lion is that of Montforts, and there is a Montfort location near the Armor-Vilaine border.

Recalling that the German Shucks share the Zionist star of Hagars expected from the TROTus tributary of the Siret/Agarus river, it's interesting that Lucania-possible Lucens, share the same stars while being suspect in the "Lucent" motto term of Morants (Zionist star). Morinis' and Marano's were first found in Modena with Albini's sharing the green trefoil with TREETons/Dartons, giving us the choice of viewing the latter either as a Trotus or Dardanian liner.

Trebys were first found in Devon with Darts, but I can't be sure whether they were a Treeton branch. As elements from Rize (near TRABzon) are expected at Rhizon, Treebys could be Trabzon liners. The Treeby lion is in the colors of the same in the Arms of Ghent, and both have items gorged around their necks. Ghent probably had special elements along the Lys river of Artois (flows to Ghent), which should itself have been Ardahan elements through the Ardiaei. Here's an Arms of Ghent with the virgin and a "Trouw" motto term, like the Trow variation of Tree's/True's. And the lion holds a banner for Panaro liners, we may therefore assume. Montforts owned the gonFANON banner, part code for Fanano, near the Panaro, but the GONfanon can thus be clinched as part-code for Ghent-branch Gone's/Guenets (share the bend of Gaunts, first found in Kent with Virgins, Louvains and Brabants). The link above shows the glove as an old symbol of Ghent, assuring that gauntlet gloves are that glove.

Is it possible that heraldry experts have failed all of these centuries to know that the virgin should be code merely for the surname??? Either they are fools, or they are engaged in a massive cover-up (still fools). Wing-using Glove's (Perthshire, same as Morton-beloved Wings) share the crescents of both Blackmore's and Motts/MOTTINs/Morte's, the latter suspect as a Morano- / Morton-line merger with a branch of the namers of Modena. Recall the talbot head of Morano-line Amore's, for the Glove-suspect Glue's show a talbot head (but call it a greyhound).

The Arms-of-Ghent lion has a collar as code for the Morano-related Collars/Collards. Ghent is near the home of Pepin of Landen, and the collar-like Calor river is beside the Popitian way. The banner held by the lion is black, the colors of the lion in the Collar/Collard Crest. The one in the banner is the Flanders lion, in the colors of the Cole bull, and then Kyle's use CANDLEsticks while John of Gaunt (or his direct family) is the founder of Kendals. It was German Shucks that have wings partly in blue so as to link to the Morton / Hahn wings, but the other half are gold wings, the colors of the Glove wings (English Shucks are the ones sharing the Morano blackamoor).

Solways/Salways not only share the saltire of collar-using Schutz's/Shutz's, but throw in a Moor with a wreathed head, same as Morano's (thank you, Mr. Skeetz, if you're reading). Solways/Salways recall that Sole's/Sullys can trace with Sillys/Sullys to the Silarus river into which the Calor flows. Perfect. Sillers/Sellers (beside Glove's and Wings) use cups traceable with Cole's to the Colapis/Kupa river. The Solway bay is at the mouth of the Nith, home of the proto-Geddes Geds, and then Geddes love the Pike's (Cup/Cope/Colp chevron) who share the Coat of Swiss Sillers.

The Solway/Salway Crest: "A demi Moor, wreathed about the temples, a belt from the left shoulder to the right hip." I can decipher much of this. The Belts share the chevron of Lucans/Lufkins, making the Belt fitchee suspect as the same-colored one of Luffs/Love's (beside Belts). The Luffs/Love's use lions in the colors of the Wreath/Rae lion, making the latter suspect with a variation of the Rothes'/Wroths, first found in Shropshire with Clune's and Lucans/Lufkins. Alans of Shropshire, at Clun to be exact, married Alice of Saluzzo, and Cluns (share Saluzzo Coat), first found in Perthshire (near Rothes castle), had a Clunes location that's in the Wreath/Rae write-up (as a home of a Wreath/Rae branch). Saluzzo's are suspect with Salto-river liners, and Salters/Saltire's, first found in Shropshire, use Belt-suspect billets.

It can be gleaned that Luffs use a version of the Must/MUSCAT and Wreath/Rae Coat, which recalls Maschito not far from the Saracena / Marano theater. Bellets/Bellows (branch of Billets) share the fox with wreath-using British's, and were at a manor of Moreton (Cheshire, same as Mortons).

Nassau and Picenze

That's a good interpretation of the Solway Belt line. It's important to keep in mind that Luffs/Love's were first found in Suffolk with Bullis', from Bullis/Byllis, suspect with the line to Billets. Mr. Skeetz was seeking the roots of Schutz's, and found connection to the founder (Dudo-Henry) of Nassau. The Arms of Nassau (same as the Nassau surname) use billets.

The "volunTAS" motto term of Solways can be for Tass'/Tache's (same place as Belt-kin Luffs/Love's), for they share a collared greyhound with the Solway kin of Schutz's. It recalls the "Tache" motto term of Perthshire's Peerless'/Napiers. Scottish Tass'/Taws' (Saracen crescents?) were first found in Perthshire. The latter Tass' are in the colors of Vails/Valleys/Velis' and Velins, and while the Vails/Velis' share the red fitchee with Belts and Luffs/Love's, Velins are suspect from mount Velino off the Salto. This can speak to whatever else "VOLUNtas" is code for.

Let's take a guess. Volans was brother to emperor Valentinian. Winklers share martlets with German and Scottish Valence's, in the colors of Dutch Valence's/Valentinus', and also because the Winkler cross is in the colors of the Valentin squirrels, Winklers must be from Vinkovci with Valentinian. It just so happens that Winklers are said to be from Falen-like Flanders. Valentinian's wife was of PICENum, linkable to "Picenze," making Flanders suspect as a Velino liner.

It makes sense that Picenum would have formed a relationship with things in Fano, and so let's add that English Fenners/Veneurs use the Winkler cross in colors reversed. SWISS Fenners/Venners are interesting for using the Dutch-Reed symbol and calling it a "hook", for Hooks (Masci fleur) use a version of the Harvey Coats, and mention HERVicus and Richard Hoc. I trace Harveys/Herveys to SWITZERLAND's Arve river (mainly in Savoy), and moreover Swiss Hocks (share antlers with Hamons, suspect with Hamon de Masci of Dunham-Masci) share the swan with Sions/Swans that once showed the gauntlet glove, symbol of Fane's/Vans (i.e. from Fano) and Maceys, the latter's Coat apparently used by the Ile-de-France Harveys. Herveus le Gos, therefore, in the write-up of English Harveys (Norfolk, same as Dunhams), appears to be of Richard Goz (grandfather of le Meschin). The same write-up mentions Harvey Dunnyng, suspect with Dunham-Masci (Cheshire, same as Winklers). Cheshire is where Wolfleys were first found who use "flaunches" in Winkler / Flint colors, and that symbol is suspect with the Flann variation of Flander-suspect Flints (Flintshire, beside Cheshire), who have the Sine variation of Sions/Swans in their motto. Dunnings (sinister bendy) share the antelope with Dunham-liner Singletarys.

Velino is near Picenze, the latter being where Joel dropped in (last year) on his way to cover the European volleyball championships, and Volleys are with the Vails/Velis'. French Valleys were first found in Brittany with the Velino-line Alans, and use three of the Alan fesses (French Alans once showed the Velin ducks but now show the martlets of Velens/Falens/Valance's (WestPHALia), which were once ducks themselves). I am ready to claim that the royal Stewarts may have lived in Picenze, and they know it. While Drake's trace to snaky things in L'Aquila and Abruzzo, Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg put his Vere-family witch cult on Velino-line Avalon, and he was a staunch supporter of renewing the British throne with pure Stewart blood. As soon as Stewarts sat on the royal throne of Scotland (with Abruzzo-line Bruce II), they seized Bute = Avalon. There is an Italian Alano surname (oak tree?) with no details shared.

I had wanted to help Mr. Skeetz with Dudo-Henry, but couldn't crack anything to prove that he was a Schutz / Skeet liner. I assumed a trace to something around lake Scodra. Repeat: "Mr. Morinis married the Derings, who are said to have lived at DODINtone, like the Duddon home of the Dons (ROEbuck, like the buck of Deerings) who share the double fesses of Morinis'." The Roe-branch Rows share the Coat of Pike's and Sillers for a trace to the Silarus / Calor river, where Schutz-related Solways/Salways just traced with the Pike-related Ged liners at the Nith (Solway firth). Also, the Dudo-possible Duttons share the Berkshire Coat, and their fret is now known to be of Ferdinand of Aragon-Naples, who probably put his shade over the Silarus river.

We saw Morano liners tracing to Cotes d'Armor, where Motts/Morte's were first found, and Henrys are said to be found at a Mott location of that area, making Dudo-Henry suspect with the Brittany Henrys (share Alan martlets). Henrys are suspect from Henry of Rodez, near Aubin, and then the Aubin kin of Albins, Barnstaple's and Albino's (same place as Morano's / Morinis') share the green trefoils of Rows (Norfolk, same as Volks/Fulke's suspect at Volcei on the Silarus river or its tributary). The Rhodes cross is colors reversed from that of Mea's/Mee's (share the blue fitchee of Aubins/Albins), and the latter were from the Meu river at the lands of the Brittany Henrys. Rhodes' use a "meum" motto term that may touch upon Meu-river liners in conjunction with someone else.

Norfolk is also where Seagars/Sugars were first found that were kin of Fessys sharing the Mee/Mea cross. And Dudo-Henry was from a Seagar-suspect area: "Count Dudo was the son of Robert (German: Ruprecht), the Archbishop of Mainz’s Vogt in Siegerland." As Siegers use roses, their cross may be the Rhodes cross. Seagars are suspect with something of the Marsi snake cult, and they with Segni's/Segurana's share a moline with Mile's (martlet), first found in Hampshire with the Josephs known to be descended from Henry Joseph or Joseph Henry (forget which) around 1200 AD. Siegarland is in Mainz, and France's Maine is where French Josephs were first found that share the martlet with Henrys. But Maine is also where Billets/Billiards were first found that should be in the Arms of Nassau.

English Billiards/Hilliards (almost the Coat of Billiards/Billets) were first found in Yorkshire with Rhodes' (and wheel-using Wheelwrights), which can explain why Bill Clinton is a happily-brainwashed (fool) Rhodes Scholar. Roets invented the Catherine wheel for themselves, shared by Schutz-suspect Scotts, but then the Arms of Mainz is a wheel too.

Now the Mile's are suspect with de-Vere's fictitious count Milo de Vere of Anjou, son of the Melusine snake-woman of Avalon, this making Vere's traceable to the Angitia snake cult of the Marsi, who lived around mount Velino. It just so happens that while Nassau's are Naso's, Italian Naso's (Florence) use mill stones while Mile's are also Mills. The Stone's are suspect as Sittens at Sitton/Sion, and "MeluSINE" is suspect with the Sine variation of Sions (gloves, Fane/Van kin, linkable to Fanano). The Miles' (Lincolnshire, same as Mills/Mile's) use the mill stone, and it looks like a fret so that this symbol should connect with a line from Ferdinand of Naples. Miles' were previously said to be first found in Hampshire, same as Mills/Mile's. Irish Miles' use a "sola" motto term that gets the Sole's/Sullys.

Ferdinands share the bend of Bruno's, first found in Florence with Mosca's, and the latter's leopard is in the Ferdinand Crest, and may be in the Rhodes Crest too. I lived beside Bruno when on a Reesors street, and Reesors share the vaired cross of Florence-liner Ferrands (Yorkshire, same as Rhodes'). The latter's two crosses are those of Taddei's (Florence, same as Naso's), and my grandmother (Picenze) is a Taddei on one side and a Ferrari on the other. The Nassau lion is also the Ferrari lion, and so Taddei's / Tattons / Duttons can be in Dudo-Henry's ancestry.

That grandmother's daughter is a Masci, in whose home I stayed when spending two months in Picenze. I was 10 years of age along with Fernando, the son of this Masci woman, whose first name was Josepina, but we all called her, Cepina," like the Chiapponi's (Sheaves surname), first found in L'Aquila, seven miles from Picenze. I kid you not, Bruno and my father both worked for Shea real-state, and English Shea's/Shaws are the Sheaves! They were first found in Berkshire (where Ferdinand liners trace, home of Windsor castle), and then Irish Shea's, I kid you not, use the Masci fleur that are five in the Coat of Spanish Ferdinands, in colors reversed from the five keys of Sheaves'/Chiapponi's.

Months ago, things made me wonder whether God sent me as a child to Picenze to be able to now understand that "Cepina" was His code for the line of Joseph Caiaphas. I now have a sneaky suspicion that royal Stewarts were from this circle of families.

I didn't know the surname of Cepina's husband until Joel told me, and though the surname is not listed with houseofnames, it's much like the Minelli's that share the Bruno / Ferdinand bend. Minelli-like Manells can be with a version of the Morinis' Coat but with the double fesses of Manners/Maness'. The latter love the Parrs who share the two fesses of Morinis'. Parrs / FurNESS' were kin of Nassau-like Ness'/Nessans.

Shea realty is now apparently Shea-Warrington, and Warringtons (feasible Vere's) share the Ferrari / Nassau lion. Warringtons had a branch in Derby, where EYERs/Ayers ("sola") and Here's/Heyers (blue wings) were first found who share a version of another Shaw Coat. "EARs of wheat" (sheaves) are shared by Caiaphas-suspect Chappes' (their French branch has the Moor head) and by the Bocci I've just loaded, for I have never forgotten the rotten day when Cepina's husband (iron worker / welder = ferrari) took me far off (out of town) to play bocci balls (like lawn bowling) with his pals. I had to stand around all day watching, bored out of my tree. I asked him about ten times, "are we going now / can we go now," and each time he'd say, "in a minute, in a minute." Each time I hoped it would be only three or four minutes. Perhaps God made that event unpleasant so that I would remember it. It tends to assure that this very family was of the Sheaves' and therefore of the Bruno's (Brunswicks may even be with the double Abreu/Abruzzo lions).

Bocci's are with BROCato's/BROCardo's/Boccardi's, and Brocks (share the Capone / Stewart lion) share the Stewart motto. Brocks were likely from the Broc location (Anjou) of Brooks (Essex, same as Brocks and Quints). Bocci's were first found in Genoa with Segni's/Segurana's, and the latter's Chief-Shield colors are reversed from those of Brocks and Brocuffs. The latter share the potent cross in the colors used for it by Skeets (AYRshire) and Chads (same place as Hips/Hipkins). Recall that Mr. Skeetz found some evidence that Dudo was related to Schutz's, for their kin of Solways have: "A demi Moor, wreathed about the temples, a belt from the left shoulder to the right HIP."

Was he playing bocci balls? English Balls (same lion as Palins, with a "fireball") were first found in Cheshire, and French Balls/Ballets/Ballards (Billet liners?) in Brittany. English Balls (ERMINES alone) use the phrase, "FulCRUM digniTATus," perhaps code for Croms/Crummys (Berkshire) that share quatrefoils with Eyers/Ayers. It doesn't appear coincidental that Tatts/Tate's share the Coat of both Ermine's (probably the Tailbois Coat) and Annandale's, the latter being from Ananes Gauls at Placentia, beside Cremona.

One can even link the Genova location of Bocci's to the Mail kin of English Balls, for the latter use "a hand and ARM in mail," while Mails/Meels are also Meills (share black-on-white lion with Balls), while Mile's/Mills share the blue moline with Genova's Segni's/Segurana's. The Sagans/Segans use a salaMANDER, and Minelli's / Manelli's have variations looking like they can be of the Manders (Plover bird facing looking sinister), who share the red-on-white saltire with Tatts/Tate's and the others above.

I could even mention that there was a bocci-ball arena (outdoor) behind the house where I was staying, because the next-door neighbor ran the local social club (I suppose it was a "pub" selling wine). Was God hoping to have me emphasize this Bocci-ball picture, to get to the bottom of it?

As the home belonged to a Masci line, we might wonder whether Balls were from the Maccabee relationship to the Seleucid king, Alexander Balas. It is likely that this relationship named Alexander Maccabee, for example, husband of Glaphyra Archelaus, the line to key-using Claviere's and Clavers (Meschin colors and format). Although Claviere's show the hand and possibly the Murena eagles, they are said to use a saltire (colors reversed from the Mander saltire) and keys. The plover bird ("bird" is in the description) of Manders can be for Birds, related to Bouillons that were first found in Auvergne with Claviere's, and we just saw the Tatts/Tate's worked into Ball kin so that the Taddei's, because they share the Bouillon / Bird cross, can apply. The Claviere hand may therefore be for the Manno variation of Manelli's.

Amazingly, it wasn't long ago that I was linking Claviere's to August, the son of Mr. bocci-ball, because August was a mountain climber while Claviere's married French Mountains. In fact, as Clermonts share the key with, and are related to Claviere's (same place as Clermont-Ferrand), by what coincidence do CLIMERs/Clements come up as "Clermonts"??? They share the Clair besants, and those are the Clairs suspect with the Mosca leopard. English Ferrands are the ones sharing a version of the Taddei Chief, I kid you not. The Clement Coat looks linkable to Italian Marino's/Marins, while Spanish Marina's/Marino's/Marins (Castile, same border as Ferdinands) can be sharing the Damory Coat in someone else's colors.

August's wife was Franca, which seems like another Set-up because we saw the Franca Coat in North Rhine-Westphalia with aspects of Velino-suspect Whelans/Phalens. As I've said several times before, Miss Whelan lived at the corner of a Reesor street, and Reesors are the ones with the vaired cross of Ferrands. It's now clear as day that this Picenze family, and likely other families of that village, were from elements of Clermont-Ferrand, and of the Clermont location at Herault as it touched upon the Spanish royals involved, tending to verify that Narbonne's/Denordi's and Norths use the Maschi lion. I could add that while Gellone is in Herault, Italian Gallons/Gallus'/Gallego's (suspect with Anonymous Gallus, writer of Polish mythological history), share the Abreu/Abruzzo lion. That lion can also be found in the Coat of Seconds/SEGURS, first found in LiMOUSIN with Clairs ("second" is in the Levi motto).

The Lyon elements at Clermont-Ferrand vastly predate Ferdinand of Naples and Isabel of Clermont (touch on her later).

As per Siegerland of Dudo-Henry, it can be added that the spread eagle of Siegers/Seagars is possibly the one of Segni's/Segurana's in other colors, for example that of Spinks, for Brocuffs use the sphinx, as do the Hips'/Hipkins (Henry martlets?), first found in Norfolk with a branch of the Anjou Volks/Fulke's. The black wings of German Fulks can therefore be in the Sieger/Seagar Crest. The quadrants of Siegers/Seagars are those in the Arms of Rothschild, the Pettys and the Fasts. The motto in the Arms of Rothschild is very linkable to Openheimers (another sphinx). Spinks were first found in Northampton with Sforza-beloved Quince's, and the Sforza lion is that of Nassau's too. It's in the colors of the Brocuff sphinx (part lion).

Brocuffs use a "lux" motto term, and Nassau's: "are descended through females the present-day royals of the Netherlands and LUXembourg..."

As I said, I would shoot a lacrosse ball (with a lacrosse racket) on Bruno's brick wall (thud, thud, thud, but they never complained). There is a Lacrosse/Cruce/Croise surname that can easily be a branch of Croce's (potent cross) and the Crutch's/Crooch's after with the potent (crutch shape) was fashioned in the first place. Lacrosse's (same place as ROQUEfeuil) share the cross of Croziers (ROXburghshire, same as Scotts), and the latter use four of the five Ferdinand fleur. French Crozier's were first found in Auvergne with Taddei-kin Bouillons, while Auvergne's use an entire Shield of the Ferdinand fleur along with almost the Ferdinand/FERRANT/Fernando tower, important because Clermont-Ferrand is in Auvergne. Ferdinand of Naples married Isabella of Clermont. This Auvergne connection to Ferdinand lines is new to me right here.

Isabella's father was ruler of Clermont-Lodeve, and as Lodeve is in Herault while I've found the phrase, Clermont l'Herault, it appears that this Clermont is in Herault. And by the way, there was at least one other Ferdinand of Naples. Narbonne is at Herault while Narbonne's/Denardo's share the Auvergne tower.

The Bauts of Auvergne have a Baux variation that connects excellently to German Bocks (almost the Baut/Baux Coat), looked up as per "Bocci." Bocks were first found in Alsace and Franconia, which recalls Mr. Skeetz hunting around the Franconia area for his Schutz liners. English Books/Bocks were first found in Berwickshire with Berwicks/BUICKs! I haven't been familiar with Buicks, who came to mind just now from "Bock", making Book / Bocci liners look like Bernicia liners. I still trace "Brunswick" to "Bryneich," the old name of Bernicia. It indicates that Taddei's / Bouillons / Bauts / Bautica-river liners may have played an early role in Bernician history. The Arduinici of the Bautica were the Arthurs, first found in Berwickshire, weren't they?

Ahahaha, big laugh. Take a guess at what's in the Berwick/Buick Crest? "Two EARS of wheat crossed"!!! God set up the bocci-ball day, but not even He could make it a nice day for me. I guess God can't do everything after all. What's so special about Wheats ("A gold stag's head erased with three ears of wheat in its mouth"? Perhaps we should ask Wettins. Or perhaps the Watts and Vatts who share the oak tree, I think, with Alano's. Watts and Vatts use SPECTacles, and Speccots use that Ferdinand-suspect fret again. In the meantime, Wettins were suggested by a writer as proto-Windsors somehow, in Berkshire, and Berkshire's use the fret too. The Berkshire Croms/Crummys share quatrefoils with Eyers/Ayers, expected as Wheat kin as per ears of Wheat.

Roets use the book. Repeat: "Roets invented the Catherine wheel for themselves, shared by Schutz-suspect Scotts, but then the Arms of Mainz is a wheel too." Dudo-Henry was of Count of Laurenburg three years before Bouillon's family set out to conquer Jerusalem. Laurens/Larins/CLARENs happen to use two of the three Clare chevrons, which may even be two of the three Taddei chevrons. The two Lauren/Claren chevrons are used also by Maine's. The Clair leopard may even be the Ferdinand leopard because Clare's married Mosca-suspect Meschins.

A central besant is shared between Lane's/Lano's and French Crozier's while Nassau castle was on a Lahn river. Lane's/Lano's have been resolved to Launay of Brittany, in connection with nearby Brest, from the Brescia/Brixia location of the first-known Lane's/Lano's. This is the line to Brix's/Brests and Bricks, and therefore to Mr. Briquessart, father of the first-known Meschin. But it's also a branch of Bruce's that put the first Stewart on the throne.

Lauren-suspect Lawrence's/Laurence's were at LONSdale (near / beside Furness), and they were in Yeland-RedMAYNE (Lancaster). The Redmaine's are suspect with the Tewkesbury castle, in the colors of the tower of Pellicans, first found in Maine with Nassau-suspect Billets/Billiards.

Warton is in Yeland-Redmayne, and Wartons use the motto term, "NAScitur," which, like the Brock motto term, "vireSCIT," can be honoring the Skits/Skeets. Until seeing "naSCITUR," I don't think I've known that Skeeters are listed with the Skeets/Skate's (same place as Chads). "VIREscit" was suspect with the Vire river at Manche (there Vere's and Alans of Alauna lived here), and Wartons happen to use the maunch. Wardens/Wordens share the Ward / Warren Shield.

I have just learned, I feel pretty sure, that God was playing on Camilla Parker-Bowles with the bocci balls. Bocci is otherwise called, lawn bowling, and while Bowlings/Bollings share the Saddock Coat, for whatever we can take away from that as per Sadducees, Bowles'/Bolles' share the scallops of Brooks while Bocci's are also BROCato's/Brocardo's. Wow, it's as though God set that up just because Camilla married the current prince of Windsor.

In the Bocci paragraph, the Solway Moor head made it to topic, which is wreathed about the temple. But here's the Pakers/Packers/Peckers (Berkshire), just loaded by accident while trying to load "Parker": "A black Moor's head couped, wreathed about the temples in gold and red." Parkers are in Wheat colors, and first found in Derbyshire with Eyes/Ayers, perfect. And the Derbyshire Here's/Heyers share the "tree trunk" with German Brocks/Brockens/Brokke's (Rhineland, same as Schutz's). The Here/Heyer trunk is "SPROUTing aFRESH" while Sprots, in Wheat / Parkers colors, use four quatrefoils in the format of the same of Croms/Crummys. Fresh's were first found in Saxony with German Wettins (share Arms of Saxony).

Windsors were, at their German inception, Saxe-Gotha (and Coburg). Saxe's (Lincolnshire, same as Bowles' who share the Brook scallops) share the Wheat garb and call it a "wheat sheaf," nice, that explains it. Wheats were Wettins, by the looks of it. Saxe's even share the lion-with-dart with Brocks. The curved bend of Wettins is called a "green crancelin," suspect with CRONCiaconnum, location of Alauna in Manche. It was also called, CROCiatonum, the line to/from Croce's. These places were at the Vire-river area in the Brock and Stewart mottoes. Cranks (at Furness) have a sinister-rising split that makes them suspect with Masseys of Manche, and therefore with the Maschi lion. The lion is a rare one in its looking backward.

The Wettin cranCELIN can be part-code for Italian Celins (CREMona), whose "bird" can go to the Bird > Bouillon cross, and then back to Gothelo, the GOTH/Gothel/GOETH line. It reminds me of the "Goeth's oak," now a stump in what remains of the BUCKENwald concentration camp. German Buckens use a giant tree, but fall short of calling it an oak. It's a "green tree," same as the Panico's/Pane's, the latter putting a "bird" within it, similar to the spectacles in the oak tree of Watts. We just saw a bird in the Coat of Celins suspect with the curved bend (CRANCelin) of Wettins. It doesn't appear coincidental that while Cranks were at Furness, Furness'/Furnace's and Parrs share the black border with German Buckens.

As Buchenwald is in Thuringia, where German Roets were first found, it's Buchenwald-interesting that the other Roets use an oak tree and a book that's now linking to Bocci/BROCato liners, thus making an apparent Brocken-tree-stump link to Goeth's oak. Roets share the motto of Bowes'/BOGHs, probably a branch of Books/Boggs (and Bogans), but why not also the Bocci? In fact, Bowles-like Boyles' are also BOGhills. This is the human-sacrifice line of Boofima, and Brocken mountain (not far from Brunswick) was known for witchcraft. Italian Milans use the tree stump, and Milans/Millens use the BUCHANan / Bucken/Buchan lion.

Book-using Reeds were first found in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Buckens/Buchans, and with Schims/Schiens and Skeene's. Buckens/Buchans use a sun "SHINing" on a sunflower, while Shine's are with Swiss Scheins. The other Shine's are with SIONnachs, and share the fleur of Jewish Baumgartners while German Baumgartners use a giant "green tree."

Now the Shine liners are from Shechemites, expected to the Sadducees proper of Israel, and this must be why God put the gears to me on the dreadful bocci-ball day. I enjoyed every single day in Picenze (an adventure each day) aside from that one day. The Bowlings, you see, use the Saddock Coat, and Bowles' use the black boar, the dread Edomites that will spoil your every day for sure. If you just looked wrong at Esau, off with your head. I can see that Bowles' use a version of the Bush Coat. Booths share the black boar while Bothwells use a BOY pulling down a tree while Bowles-like Boyles' use a "green oak tree."

Next, I think that God set up the bocci-ball day to point to Lawn/Lane liners too. First, let me say that Bowlings and the similar others are suspect from the Bug river of the Nahorite Neuri. Nahor's tribe from Kemuel (his son) to Cammells and similar others can be to Camilla Parker-Bowles. And there are two Camilla surnames in Lane/Lano colors. Spanish Camilla's were in Llanes, you see, and a Llanes surname shares a red heart in Crest with Irish Boyles', and also shares the Lawn/Lane lion. So, just as I was getting the hunch (a few hours ago) that Windsors trace to the house I stayed at in Picenze, the Bocci-ball event looks to be corroborating it along with a trace to the Dol Alans = royal Stewarts.

Before marrying camilla Parker-Bowles, prince Charles was married to lady Diana Spencer. Spencers happen to use the Berkshire / Dutton Coat, frets and all. It looks like Ferdinand blood married the prince. Spencers use another "defend" motto term suspect with Fenders/Vendors (Windsor branch or kin?), the ones with the otters as per the proto-Windsor Otters/Others (Milan area).

Nahor's first son, Uts, is probably in the "ut" motto term of Spence's, and they even use another black boar. These Spence's were first found in Fife with Ness', and they share the double fesses of Ness'. English Spence's use mill stones.

You may have read recently where Buckets are of the water bougets of Bugs, from Bug-river liners. Buckets are also Bocardi's (Lincolnshire, same as Bowles' / Saxe's). Where did we see that last surname? Oh, yes, with Bocci's (ears of wheat). In my last dream from God for this work, I was placing a bucket into the white Volkswagen Beetle of Michael, who is descended from the Masci's of the household of the bocci-ball man (I can't even recall his first name aside from Antonio, but unsure of that). One Michael Coat shares the scallops of Bowles' and the Brooks suspect with Bocci variations. Michaels use a version of the Meschin Coat, and the Meschin scallops are on the Spencer bend. Yup. Brooks are from Anjou, as are the Volks/Fulke's.

Less than two weeks after Michael's brother purchased a white Volkswagen rabbit, he visited Picenze unannounced, and happened to arrive on the day of the funeral of the wife of the son of Bocci-ball man. This man was a nice man. He would entertain me often in his metal shop. And he meant well when he took me to his Bocci match. Perhaps he didn't know how long he would end up staying, but he miscalculated when he thought I would enjoy the event for too long. Alas, it was God's fault, for he obviously wanted me to write what I just have. Bocci and lawn bowling alone all fits so perfectly into surname links.

The Bouchards even use leopards on red, the Mosca symbol. And there is a leopard in both colors of the Mosca leopard in the Launay/Lawny Chief. It's easily the Abreu/Abruzzo lion because the five lozenges in the Launay/Lawny Shield are colors reversed (but same format) from the five keys of Abruzzo's Sheaves'/Chiapponi's. The Launay/Lawny Chief is probably a form of the Llanes Chief. As Launays/Lawneys are also Lune's, their leopard / lion is probably the Brunswick lion, for Brunswick was paired with Luneburg.

This recalls that Bruno's entered the discussion by sharing the bend of Minelli's. Joel "thinks" (his word) that the surname of Mr. Bocci ball is Manilla, which might be a Spanish line. I've just recalled that I had shown the Manelli's with the double chevrons of Joseph-related CHAPlains, which was another reason that I suspected him and/or his wife from Joseph Caiaphas. I'd hate to defame anyone in this way, and so I'd like to say that blood counts for nothing. No one is evil due to descent from Caiaphas alone. His own son may have become a Christian. Manelli's share the gold-on-blue, eight-pointed star with Minelli's.

It's interesting that Launays were first found in London with Tooths (and Capes'). It seemed to me that God wanted badly to connect Tooths to Gumms (Cambridgeshire, same as Chapmans / Capone's), and here I find that Liza Minnelli's mother (Judy Garland) was born Miss Gumm (died in London). Hmm.

The Templar Road to Santiago

Good morning. I awoke with "Bowling Green" while still in a sleep state, and then realized, oh\ yeah, I was talking about lawn bowling yesterday. It just so happens that I had correspondence with a reader from Bowling Green in Ohio many years ago, whose name I have forgotten. He invited me to drop in on my way to Texas. I faintly recall trying to find his place once, but gave up. This morning, I loaded Wikipedia's article on Bowling Green to find a green potent cross in its Arms, and that it is in a Toledo area, which immediately brings the Spanish surnames to mind that were involved yesterday. I recall seeing Castile, which is beside Toledo.

The Toledo surname, with almost the same Coat as Pellicans, was first found in Castile. The motto of Tooths has "Palman" while Palmans use pelicans.

It gets interesting where Burgos of Spain is in Castile and beside Navarre, a term that I've been entertaining with the Novara location of the Laevi Gauls. Burgos can be part of the Berk/Burgh surname expected at Berkshire, and Toledo is part of La Manche, where I think the Alan Huns (5th century) had a special home to explain why Alauna is in Manche of France. There is a good chance that La Manche is the line of Maccus of Man. The Meschins married purple-lion Skiptons sharing the purple lion of Lacys (Yorkshire, same as Skipton) and Spanish Luz's, the latter first found in Aragon, making them suspect with Ferdinand-Mosca.

Repeat: Isabella's father was ruler of Clermont-Lodeve, and as Lodeve is in Herault while I've found the phrase, Clermont l'Herault, it appears that this Clermont is in Herault. And by the way, there was at least one other Ferdinand of Naples. Narbonne is at Herault while Narbonne's/Denardo's share the Auvergne tower. It's the Toledo/Toli tower on blue, and Tullia of Lyon was in Clermont-Auvergne while the monastery of William Gellone of Toulouse was in Herault. The Toli variation of Toledo's thus suggests Toulouse, Tullia of Lyon, and Dol-suspect Tulls/Tolle's and Tulls/Tullia's.

The interesting thing here is that, as I went to bed last night, I recalled the day in Picenze with nothing to do, when I spent a considerable time just catching flies outside of a garage-type room where I watched my father butchered a lamb. It was directly across the street from where I was staying. My father slid a knife into its neck while it was on a table and let the blood drain out into a bucket, my young spirit felt so bad for this lamb.

This is "crazy." The Fly surname, expected in the butterflies of Tulls/Tullia's, happens to have been first found in Hampshire with English Josephs and Burghs/Burrows, and the Fly martlets are those of French Josephs (Maine, same as Pellicans) while Joseph Caiaphas offered the Lamb of God to death. Should this not all be frightening to me?

My father did not arrive to Picenze until the last two months were almost up, maybe a week or two before. He was working for Shea REAL-estate at the time. Reals were first found in Castile, using the castle, the Castile symbol. The red-covered crown in the Real Coat is used on the black, two-headed eagle in the Arms of Toledo. I almost missed it: the red border of Reals has gold saltires, as with the red border of the Castile Ferdinands! Amazing.

Castile is beside Lyon-like Leon, and the Arms of Leon use a purple lion.

I was asked by a reader in Spain to give him my phone number, and he did call me while in Texas. So far as I can tell from my tracker, he has been reading the updates year-in and year-out for about a decade. The last time I checked the tracker (several weeks ago), there was still the Spanish reader, who's virtually always there whenever I check it, sometimes two computers from Spain. I assume that he's reading this. I am amazed by this, Santiago, if you are still reading. It has been such a marathon.

His name is a surname (Galicia) that happens to use five scallops in the blue color and pattern used for the five keys of Sheaves'/Chiava's/Chiapponi's, suggesting now that God set up Santiago for this reason of making the Picenze / L'Aquila connection again. But let's not restrict it to that. I recall that when he called, he asked me about George Bush, by which time I was frowning on him.

The five Santiago scallops are on a gold background in the Coat of Wide's/Wade's, who happen to throw in four of the five fleur-de-lys of Spanish Ferdinands.

Santiago's call their scallops, shells, and Shells (possible Salto liners) use snakes suspect with the Marsi snake cult. Shells, first found in Westphalia with Velino-suspect Velens/Falens, Velins and Ducks, share the Massey fleur. Masseys were in Manche so that proto-Masseys may have been in La Manche, which can underscore why God set me up with a reader in Bowling Green, Toledo. Apart from Santiago's at this time, I wouldn't be telling you that Shell-like English Shields/Shiels share the motto of Shea's/Sheaves'/Shaws. Very impressive.

This Shield/Shiel Coat looks like a form of the Leaf/Leve Coat, and while Laevi are suspect with Shechemites, Irish Shields use most of the Shine/Shinnock (Sionnach) Coat, the latter suspect as Shechemites of the Schim/Schien/Shand / Shine/Schein/Shein kind. It's making Shea's and Shells look like possible Shechemites, or at least merged with them.

Santiago's use "pilgrim's staffs," as do the Pilgrims/Pelgrams/Pelerins/Peregrine's (hard surname to figure) who throw in a SCIMitar, I kid you not. And Pilgrims were first found in Norfolk with Leafs/Leve's. With all of those "green trees" in the bowling part of the investigation, "Bowling Green" has just caused me to load the Greens, especially as per "PereGRINE." Greens love Sempers while Sempers share the double lions of Bramtons, the latter first found in Norfolk with Pilgrims (and Barks/Berks).

The earliest form of the Pilgrim surname to be mentioned is PELERin (Normandy), and as Pellers (Lincolnshire, same as pilgrim-stave Hawks) use the pelican, it may be a line to the Pelham variation of Palmans, whose motto phrase, "Vincit amore," shares "Vincit" with Shea's/Sheaves' and Shields/Shiels (Palman colors). The Hawk staves are purple, the color of the Toledo Shield. It's only interesting at the moment that while Leats use "Trustie TO THE end," "ToLEDO" may apply to Leto / Leat liners. Trysts were first found in Cornwall with mythical Tristan and the Tristan surname, possibly from Tristan of Chiaramonte, father of Isabel of Clermont (a good reason to trace Clermont to Claro's/Chiaro's). Why do Clermonts use keys?

I see Tooths in the "True TO THE end" motto of Hume's/Home's (Berwickshire, same as Shields/Shiels), which gets us to the Tree/True line. The Crest of Tree's/True's is a plumed/feathered helmet, same as Lannoys while the other Lannoys share the Lyon lion, a giant one in colors reversed to the same of Hume's/Home's. A feathered helmet is on a coin of Herod Archelaus, who was banished to the Lyon area, and his brother, Antipas, was banished to Comminges, across the Green-like Garonne river from Toulouse. I see "Comminges" with the Commings, and with their Comines location (share the key with L'Aquila's Sheaves') that was ruled by John de Burgo. He was also ruler of Conteville while English Conte's were first found in Durham with Wide's/Wade's.

The Hume/Home lion is that of Bostons (Roxburghshire, same general area as Hume's/Home's) while Tooth-loving Palmans/Pelhams were at a Boston location in Lincolnshire. It's getting Pilate-important that French Reals use three crowns in the colors of the three pheons of Pilote's and the three pelicans of Pelhams/Palmans, while Peller-like Pillars are also Pilots and while Pillers are the Lincolnshire Pilotte's that share the Coat of Scottish Shaws. That Boston location in Lincolnshire is now looking very linkable to Herods of Lyon, especially as Bush's were Edomites along with Herods.

Mont Pilat is near the Forez mountains, where French Reals were first found. Didn't it seem that God set my father up with the Shea REALty in order to point to Ferdinand-Mosco liners in Picenze? And didn't my father butcher a lamb there? Reminder: my father worked at Shea with our neighbor, Bruno (both brand-new houses), and Bruno's share the bend of the Austria Ferdinands (Mosca leopard).

Amazingly, the Mosca/MUSCAS surname is in the "muscas" motto of Drake's (same place as Flys), while I was catching flies outside the room where the lamb was butchered. We were seven miles from "L'Aquila," and Drake's use an "Aquila" motto term while translating "muscas" as "fly," I kid you not. Their motto is translated, "The eagle in no fly-CATCHER," and the Mosca leopard design is in the Catch/Catcher Crest as a cat, I kid you not. The Catch scallops are colors reversed from the Santiago scallops. How did houseofnames know to use the leopard design if it's intended to be a cat? Design matters, you see, in making links.

Catch's were suspect with Chicks / Checks/Chicks / Shicks/Shake's with Shechemites, and the Catch chevron is that Leafs/Leve's (same place as Catch's) and Shields/Shiels. They are all in the colors of Pontius-Pilate-suspect Palmans/Pelhams, who had a Pelham family as earls of CHICKester in Sussex, same place as Sadducee-suspect Saddocks who share the Bowling Coat. As Bowles' share the Edomite boars while Herods are known Edomites, might Bowling Green be viewed as Bowling Garonne? GRENons use a green Shield.

It may be that Palmans/Pelhams were in cahoots with Furnace/Furness liners, as per their Furneux Pelham location (Hertfordshire), and their contacts with Furnellis'. The Fornell/Fornex surname was first found in Anjou, and it shares the red stag with Plants/Plantagenets (= Fulks of Anjou), first found in London with Pelham-related Tooths. Good one, for Londons share the Garonne-suspect gyronny pattern with Titus', first found in Hertfordshire too, and traceable to the imperial Flavians on the Salto river. The home of the Flys was at Flagi/Flavian, and Flags/Flecks were first found in Norfolk with the line of the Volks/Fulke's.

It appears, therefore, that Palmans/Pelhams were from Vespasia Polla, as are (without question) the pelican-using Pullys/Pullens who share the Fly / Joseph martlet. In fact, the Palman/Pelham Crest is a "peacock in its PRIDE,"" and Pride's come up as Prude's, and using fish in the colors of the fish in the Arms of Rieti that throws in a PRATus" motto term.

The following may seem to contradict a trace of Palins to Palinurus if the latter cannot be a Velino liner. I've just checked Pelins, as per Velins, to find them with Palmans/Pelhams. It struck me that if Velino liners were a branch of Bellino's, why not also Pelins? Bellino's are the ones with a bear PAW while both Paw surnames (can be linked well to Palins on two counts) share the peacock with Pelins. It means that Vespasia Polla may have been a Velino liner, but on this I feel sketchy. Just a thought. Manelli's are the best I can do at this time for the surname of Mr. Bocci-ball. They show a MANNESchi variation very linkable to Maness'/Manners (peacock) because the latter's double fesses, in the colors of the double Manelli chevrons, are in gemel form in the Minelli Coat. Peacocks use a "just" motto term possibly for Justine of Picenze-like Picenum. I had read that Peacocks are a Pollock sept, and Pollocks were definitely from Vespasia Polla.

The Arms of Rieti in the Wikipedia article has been changed to white-on-blue fish while they once showed as white-on-blackish. And the motto has been removed just as though some might not want my writings to have merit. Why would anyone decide to remove merely a motto after it was there for years? The Rieti fish come with "fretty," as heraldry in general would call it. I don't know what Rieti calls it. As you can see at the Rieti link, half the Rieti flag is purple, as with the Arms of Toledo. The double-headed eagle of Toledo would have been usable by Rieti's imperial family. Italians call fretty as "reticolo" (and other dialectic versions) that looks applicable to "Rieti."

The Titus-Chief lion thus becomes suspect with the lion of Garonne-like Gernons. HERTford is a Herod-like term, and the red stag is called a hart by some, and Harts/Herds use a "red deer" (with collar). In colors reversed, the Hertford stag is red. English Herds/Heards use the heart and otter. Brunswick is near the Hartz mountains, and Gernons can therefore make a Brunswick link to the Garonne's Herods. Gyronny is in the Arms of Gironde, on the lower Garonne near Candale. This is the first time that I've made able to link the Titus lion to someone else's with confidence. Titus' share the moor head with French Chappes (and Stirlings), and call it "blackamoor's head couped wreathed". The blackamoor is on an ESCUTcheon. The Wrath of God cometh. The Tooth griffin is suspect with the line from Herod Agrippa.

As Herod Antipas was across the Garonne from Toulouse, while William of Gellone was count of Toulouse, by what coincidence is he said to have been the father of Garonne-like GARIN/GUERIN of Provence? Garons/Garrens use a Herod-suspect HEART, and were first found in Languedoc, the Comminges theater. Gernons, the surname of the heir of the first Meschin, use the double Brunswick lions, almost the Tool / Tull/Tolle lion, making Meschins feasibly linkable to Herod Antipas and William of Gellone. Cheshire's share the hawk's lure with Herods/Hurls/Haralds, suspect partly with HERLuin de Conteville, son of John de Burgo, and great-grandfather of the first Meschin (ruler of Cheshire). Herls/Hurls share ducks with Velins and Velens/Falens.

The Gellone monastery is in Herault, beside Aude, and Markhams not only use an "audax" motto term, but have almost the full Guerin Coat (minus the Payen "spur rowells").

Now the Harald variation of Herods/Heraults (Argyllshire, land of the Isles), which may have been a secretized version of "Herod," is suspect from Harald, father of Maccus, the family in Man with the Mancha-like Manx peoples, and Toledo, in a part of La Mancha, share the black, double-headed eagle with Maxwells/MACCUSwells (same place as Herod-suspect Hume's/Home's and Yonge-related Leavells). Looks good for a Toledo link to Macey / Massey liners. The Hampshire Burghs/Burrows (double-green chevrons, color of the perchevron of the Hampshire Josephs) share the wreath with Maccus-line Mackays. On top of the green perchevron of Josephs, there are two gold chevrons, the colors of the double Manelli/Manno chevrons.

Reminder: Clermont elements are suspect through the Picenze area, and Clermont is in Herault to that Clermont blood can be to Herods/Heraults.

I've just read that Rieti is traced by locals to a mythical Rea, or was it "Rae"? The Spanish Reals are Reys too, and first found in Castile with the Petro's that I trace to Flavius Petro of Rieti. Reals/Rea's use a castle in the colors of the Narbonne/Denardo tower, and Narbonne is a little across the Herault border into Aude. Rieti is not far from Picenze. French Narbonne's (Languedoc) share the Abreu/Abruzzo / Salisbury lion. Abreu's named Evreux, and: "John [II of Aragon] was first married to Blanche I of Navarre of the house of Evreux. By right of Blanche he became king of Navarre, and on her death in 1441 he was left in possession of the kingdom for his lifetime."

The Shield in the Arms of Evreux can be the Ferdinand fleur. The House of Evreux descends from the Norman royal counts of Evreux through Montforts to Caiaphas-suspect Capetians, which tends to explain the "captat" motto term of Drake's, though it can also be short for such things as Tattons / Taddei's or Tatts/Tate's (Berwickshire). The latter use the Annandale Coat, which is used on gold by Bruce's of Annandale. Let's not forget the Bocci-suspect Buicks/Berwicks. I can now see why the Montfort lion is almost the Abreu/Abruzzo lion. As the first Norman count of Evreux was king Robert while Capetians were Robertians from king Robert of France, it's not surprising that Roberts and Propers/Roberts use their lion in the colors of the Abreu/Abruzzo lion. The unique bend of Evreux is almost the bend of the MUSSElburgh Faucets.

There's no reason that John de Burgo could not have been from Burgos in Spain. Ruling between Ferdinand I and Ferdinand II of Aragon, there was John of Aragon, whose daughter (Joanna) married Ferdinand I of Naples, which is how the latter got to be of Aragon himself. This recalls the night I slept in a tent with two sisters (just outside the bedroom of their mother while the father was away), one being Joanne, and the other Josephine. Their father was John, my new boss, at the Gormley BP station. Earlier that night while the world slept, the two girls had snuck out with me (about age 16) to BRUCE's MILL, a river-swimming resort. The Tintons use "royal tents," and were first found in Cornwall with Trysts and Tristans, and, the point is, this event may have been a Set-up to indicate that Tristan of Chiaramonte traces through Abruzzo to the royal Bruce's. After all, the Mosca-Chiaramonte marriage is expected through Picenze.

Put it this way, Ferdinand of Naples, now suspect with the nobles of Picenze, married the daughter of Tristan of Chiaramonte (looks very related to "Clermont"), and Ferdinand himself married Joanna, daughter of John, while little Joanne and Josephine were daughters of John while I stayed in the home of Josepina when staying at Picenze. And Clermonts share keys with the L'Aquila Sheaves'/Chiapponi's. Recall that my father worked for Shea REALty that brought up the Reals now found to be of Castile's Ferdinands. Well, what could the "royal tents" of Tintons be for if not Real liners? Royals are also Rialls.

Bruce's MILL? The Mills/Mile's and Miles' were from the same place as Drake's. Scottish Millers look to be using the Mile/Mill moline in the colors of cross of Annandale's (Dumfries, same as Millers). Bruce's lived in Annandale to that, apparently, God named Bruce's Mill for the purpose here. The "optima" motto term of Scottish Millers is like the "optem" of Teague's/Teegers, the latter first found in Galway with the Mannents/Manions/Mennons looked up as per the "Manent" motto term of the same Millers. The Miller moline is red, like the moline of French Burghs/Borgia's (Languedoc, same as Conteville-liner Conte's), and the latter use it in the colors of the Irish-Burgh cross. Spanish Borgia's (Aragon) are suspect with the Sabine bull.

The James' were reckoned with English Jeans/J'Anes' (probably the Sabine / Pullen scallop), who look like the Annas' that I think were from proto-Annandale's (Ananes Gauls), making little Joanne suspect with this thing. English Jeans/J'Anes' were first found in Worcestershire with Joanne's/Joans (share Lyon / Lannoy lion). French Jeans share gold, combatant lions with Abreu's/Abruzzo's, and were first found in Languedoc. You can decide whether God set that event up with the sisters in pointing to Annas liners from Abruzzo. They were Italian, though I cannot recall their surname. Josephine's are listed with French Josephs. Were the sisters God code for Caiaphas and Annas together? Looks like.

Spanish Burgos' use a giant ANNUlet, suspect as code for Annas liners. Due to their annulets and there variations, the Vele's/Vitals (CAP with feathers) can be a Vito branch merged with a Valley liner of some sort. Vitalis FitzOsbert in the Deering write-up comes to mind.

Later, Joanne had a fling (I don't know the details) with Caiaphas-suspect Kepke. His first name is Lawrence, and while Lawrence's were at RedMAINE, they can be with a cross version of the Annandale saltire because Redmaine's share cushions with the Dumfries KilPatricks. [See the continuation of Joanne and Josephine in the next update.]

Eleanor of Toledo (Italian: Eleonora di Toledo (1522 – 17 December 1562), born Dona Leonor Alvarez de Toledo y Osorio, was a Spanish noblewoman who was Duchess of Florence from 1539, after Margaret of Austria. Although, Eleanor is often referred to as the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, she predeceased the creation of the Grand Duke of Tuscany...

She died in Pisa, where Mosca's were first found. Might Margaret of Austria be the reason that German Ferdinands were first found in Austria? Eleanor was mother to Ferdinand I of Medici, duke of Tuscany. Eleanor was daughter to Pedro Alvarez, viceroy of Naples. My mother's home has an Italian book on Picenze saying that it was from nobles of Naples, which is why this Spanish element now intrigues me. Near Chiaramonte is Medici-like Modica, and Modens/Modeys (Berkshire!) use FRETTy.

Ferdinand of Tuscany had married Christine of Lorraine, which recalls Beatrice of Lorraine-Tuscany, wife of Godfrey III, son of Gothelo. Christine Peare was God's symbol for the Gothelo line! Amazing. Christine came to visit me one last time just a few months before my next ladyfriend, Lorraine. Christine now becomes a symbol of Cristina of Lorraine, an investigation for another day. The last night I saw her, we attended a small BAR in Markham (she lived in Unionville, by the way, as with Darlene RAY), and Bar-le-Duc is in Lorraine. I'll bet that Bar-le-Duc is related to the Velin ducks, for Bars of Bar-le-Duc were from Brunswick, and Duce's use the double Brunswick lions in colors reversed.

Cristina was named after her grandmother, Cristina of Denmark (throwing blood all over Europe, what else do nobles live for?), and the latter's mother was: "Isabella of Austria, also known as Elizabeth, Archduchess of Austria and Infanta of Castile and Aragon, was Queen of Denmark, Sweden and Norway as the wife of King Christian II. She was the daughter of King Philip I and Queen Joanna of Castile and the sister of Emperor Charles V." My head is spinning, I need a medic.

Philip above, and the Philips below, recalls Louise Phillips, the friend on Christine Peare, both of whom appeared at the end of a dream from God not long ago. The Louis surname was first found in Lorraine. Then:

The House [of Evreux] was founded by Louis, Count of Evreux. He was the third son of Philip III of France, by his second wife Marie of Brabant. His son and heir, Philip, was the husband of Joan II of Navarre and the first King of Navarre from the Evreux dynasty (House of Evreux, Wikipedia)

Lois' were first found in Artois, which may have overlapped Brabant.

No Medici surname comes up, but Maddocks/Maddix's share the double Brunswick / Gernon lions with possibly the Maschi lion on the Shield's other half. The Meads, first found in Sussex with Medleys, share the pelicans of Godfreys, and Meads happen to have been married by pelican-line Arthurs of Clapton, which circle of families traces to Pellicans now suspect with the Coat of Toledo's/Toli's, suspect from Toulouse (Garonne river).

Medleys (and Methleys) share pierced stars in Chief with Vowel(l)s, incidentally. I had looked Vowels up as per Bowles', to find that Vowell variations look like Fowlers / Fullertons/Fowlertons and even Powells. It recalls that Powells are said to be Howells, and the latter use three of the Pellican / Toledo tower. I can't say that Vowells were Bowles liners, however. Vowells share "ostendo" with Ogdens while Osburns share the tiger with Medleys. Nor can I say whether Meads and Medleys were Medici. Osten-like Austins/Ostians (Bedfordshire, Quint chevron) share the black lion paw of Bedfords, and therefore of the Quints highly suspect with the lion of Powells and Powell-suspect Palins/Pawleys.

Back to Santiago's/San Diego's, in Diego/Diaz colors. Diego's/Diaz's are interesting for using four of what could be the three Guerra bends. Guerra's use a sinister-rising split, with one branch first found in Tuscany and the other in Castile. The Santiago's curiously show a Jaime variation, which can be in the motto of James'/Jaime's. The latter's dolphin should be from Dauphine, an area likely ruled by Guerra-suspect Guerin of Provence. We just saw Ferdinand elements in the dukes of Tuscany. The Guerins happen to use the Coat of Payens/Pagans, first found in Dauphine with Clermonts, and English Clermonts use the dolphin too, as do Dol-suspect Dolphins. Dauphine is also where LePage's were first found who have four fesses in the colors of the four Diego bends. On top of the LePage fesses is the same lion as used by James', making James' highly suspect with a Jacques entity as per this:

Situated in the narrow valley of the Gellone river where it meets the steep sided gorge of the Herault River, Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert [location of Gellone monastery] is essentially a medieval village located on the Chemin de St-Jacques (St. James's Way) PILGRIM route to Santiago de Compostella(Wikipedia).

St. James Way for pilgrims to a Santiago location while Santiago's use pilgrim's staffs? It looks perfect. Is this the line of Jacques de Molay? The Arms of Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert is a single crozier in the colors of the Santiago pilgrim's staffs. Santiago's were first found in Spain's Galicia, and "Santiago de Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, in northwestern Spain." The Arms of Santiago de Compostela share red fleur with Gellone's.

About five seconds after I started to wonder whether CompoSTELLA was related to Battistelli's (billets) and Stelli's, "Free to be me", a song by Francesca Battistelli came on. Battistelli's share the pyramid with Toulouse-possible Tulls/Tolle's. Amazing, is it not? The Batti's and Stelli's both share eight-pointed stars with Manelli's and Minelli's...and Ducs too. I've got to laugh sometimes. This gets hilarious at times when I think of the acts that God has produced to perform this revelation.

Hmm, as Treetons share trefoils with English Clermonts, Treetons may have been a Tristan branch, as per Tristan of Chiaramonte, father of Isabel of Clermont. The Tree's/True's may then have been from Tristan.

The TUScany-like Tous'/Tosini's (Florence, Tuscany) happen to share the eight-pointed star (same colors) of Minelli's and Manelli's! That explains why the Tous'/Tosini's use a "MAN." This is a way to trace Mr. Bocci-ball to Florence with Taddei's. His wife was a Taddei in her grandparent.

I now recall Robin, who was seeking porphyria's origins in royals of Toledo, though I forget who she mentioned. Porpyhria, her own disease, is called the purple disease, and Toledo's use a purple Shield. But Robin's investigativeness would have gone beyond that clue alone. I was telling her about Taddei's because her own surnames included Tuttle's/Toothills. By all appearances in the write-up, they were early a line of Tote's, who share the blue chevron with Tuttle's/Toothills. The latter are said to have had a Tothill location in Middlesex, part of London, and London is where Tooths were first found. Another Tothill is in Lincolnshire, where Tooth-beloved Palmans/Pelhams had a branch.

The amazing thing is that Robin suspected the disease though Poppa of Valois without knowing that the Tuttle/Toothill Coat looks very linkable to that of Valois'/Valais'. I've learned a lot since then. The Valois'/Valais' were at MURCay (Marici?), and use a crescent version of the French Mar Coat so that Valois'/Valais' may yet be another Velino > Avalon line. The Valois/Valais Crest is black like the Bute/Butt and Tuttle/Toothill Crest, and both Valois' and Bute's share the same chevron, in colors reversed from the Tuttle/Toothill chevron. The chief witch of Avalon was code partly for Veys/Vivians, who share the Tuttle/Toothill lion while throwing in purple lions upon it. Dutch Veys use the BOOT.

Davids were resolved with the Levi lion, and Toothills/Tothills (Cambridgeshire) share a version of the David Coat.

The Tote chevron is share by the Scottish Turks/Torks (Valois-suspect "vel"), and German Turks share the chevron of Valois'/Valais'. The Turks/Torks are therefore likely in the torches of Spanish Vela's/Velez's (Navarre). That's new, and I'm lucky it came up...because I went searching for surnames first found in Navarre. There is another Velez surname with Blas', with possibly the Toledo tower on green.

Amazingly, the Vele's/Vitals share the white-on-red feather with Toot-like Tooths. It tends to clinch Valois and/or Valais with Vela's/Velez's. This appears to include the Wells of Tooting-Bec, which recalls that German Wells use the pelican, the symbol also of Tooth-beloved Palmans/Pelhams. And the other Wells share the double-tailed lion with Montforts, the latter having descended from the Bec-related Beaumonts of Meulan. It just so happens that Beaumonts descend from Humphrey de VIEILLES of Tork-like Torcy (Torville)!

I neglected to recall that, recently, there was emphasis on a birch tree. In the 3rd update of March, a sub-title was, "Franca on My Mother's Lawn Beside the Marsi in the Birch Tree". I included Berks/Burghs in that investigation, but it wasn't framed much in my mind that Berkshire's were Ferdinand liners. The Lancashire Birch's/Burchs (green snake) happen to share the Ferdinand / Masci fleur. Birches' were in Cheshire.

Finally, as Basques lived in the Burgos / Castile / Navarre area, let's remention the Basque gods, Sugaar and Mari, suspect with the Marsi snake goddess, and with the green snakes in the Seagar/Sugar Crest.

News updates

I think someone is trying to make a jerk out of me at youtube's TribWatch, which isn't me. The video speaker makes no sense, sounds like an idiot, and doesn't seem to have any videos to offer to speak of. He's celebrating 1,000 subscribers, and supposedly has 7,900 subscribers at this time, making me think that youtube is contributing to this thing with an artificially-inflated number.

He calls himself Trib Press Media and claims to do prophecy news, yet see this video here to see that this is some kind of a joke:

Here's the ultimate evidence that some satanic goons are trying to defame me (shut the video off at the profanity), or at least making a mockery of Christ. The video ends with someone singing "in the twinkling of an eye":

Bizarre. Is someone trying to make me look like a murderer?

Here's a senseless video out this month that's sure not to get a subscriber, where the speaker sounds jerky once again:

You can see the way that liberals are going now, in the Mark-Dice video below, where they will now need to gang together to say that incest is an acceptable form of human behavior, otherwise they won't be able to point the finger at Christians for feeling more than uncomfortable with faggotry. The liberals don't want to judge people involved in incest, but this is not what Paul meant when he said that we should not judge one another. Can you determine how to judge versus when not to judge? Paul said that if you sin in the same way that others do, you cannot judge them, for you would be judging yourself, but anyone involved in sin who will not acknowledge it, or cease, is to be put out of the church, and God may feel exactly like that when it comes to His Church. I can smell the smoke of Armageddon on those who prevent the message of God to be taken seriously so that an entire generation grows up to be morally sick.

I've got to hand it the Mark, he's got guts. Muslims are not nearly as depraved as American liberals. The Muslims have it right, that America is satan. The spearhead of this satanism is the liberal media, magazines and book publishers included. It allows satan's brotherhood to speak, to have equal authority over societal engineering, all protected by half the courts. This is the most-important thing for America to fix, yet the legislators consider this a minor thing, and none of their business. When a nation's leaders allow this, expect demons to have rule over their minds. Including Trump.

Fox: "...the DNC filed a civil suit Friday [April 21] against President Trump’s campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks, alleging a vast (right wing!) conspiracy to tip the election to Trump." Instead of sending the liberals running for their lives, Trump has permitted them to go on the attack. Shameful Trump pretends it's not his fault. If he were trying to correct his wrongs at this time, I would not use "shameful." It's not great to make mistakes, it's shameful not to fix them.

Trump is now tweeting that it's time to arrest all those involved in the Russia-collusion fabrication. But no one has power like he does, so this publicized statement is empty, until he does what needs to be done to get the criminals arrested. Until then, blow Trump off as one merely wanting his voters to think he's feeling as they do.

The federal police force will arrest people who are innocent, for political purposes, and Trump will be responsible for anyone who is so arrested because he has the power to install the right people in Justice, but so far has refused. Trump has watched his own team members get arrested, for political purposes, yet he refuses to replace Sessions and Wray in order to halt this disease. Therefore, the disease will ail Trump. Sessions is making this disease appear justified and worthy of protection.

The Democrats will cry that Trump's being political is he gets the right people in there, but who cares what the Democrats think, since they are the very definition of "political animal"? They would have Trump's enemies gang up on him, but Trump is not permitted to attack them back???

All the emphasis on Comey and McCabe is taking away from the greatest, government-abusing criminals, the Clintons. Comey and McCabe are distractions. Okay, so Comey leaked. Okay, Comey partook in attacking Trump. But it was all done for the DNC, and so why isn't the DNC a target rather than the FBI alone? If the FBI supported the DNC, then the DNC was complicit with the FBI. That is, the DNC used a high-level government agency to forward its agenda, and it was Obama who permitted the mutation of the FBI. This is where the emphasis should be. There was much more happening than the things that touch Trump, but Trump has no concern for those. Having a great opportunity to pounce on this beast, Trump has done nothing. In fact, he's gone backward, giving Justice up to the friends of the liberals. All the corruption that will come from this beast in the future will be on Trump's head. He is the one allowing this animal to continue with confidence.

There's not a Republican peep anywhere against Wray, who is protecting the others who are in the news. Am I dealing with children? Is Trump a child? How can he speak against Comey but not against Wray? If Trump were a real man, he wouldn't have been with the porn witch. Trump is a loaf of bread.

Here's a little on the latest from Nunes:

Here is Nunes himself on the story in the video above:

Nunes says that, from documents obtained, finally, there is indication that no Intelligence was available to the anti-Trump trolls that created a fantasy against Trump. Nunes says that the next thing to do is to check for "irregularities" (crimes) in Obama's state department. Nunes thinks that Hillary's friends were feeding the FBI the fantasy, but we already know that the FBI accepted the fantasy because it, too, wanted to out Trump. By leaving Sessions where he is, Trump has slowed this process so much that the Republican power over congress is now in jeopardy. Can you imagine the foul dictatorship under a Democrat-led congress with a Democrat president? This is where Trump could be taking the country.

Napolitano criticized Nunes for cherry-picking what he liked in order to make a political score. But this is unfair. There is no way to take politics out of this issue. It is incumbent that the Republicans fight back against the Democrat corruption, to penalize it so that it doesn't happen again. This is not the time to be fair, but to bring out the worst of what was done and planned. If it looks like pro-Republican maneuvering, so what? Is Nunes to keep the dirty Democrat laundry under his hat in order to appear impartial? Nunes seems to be doing the best work of all Republicans, by far.

It is not all pro-Republican in Nunes' motives; it's obvious to any normal person that the soaring corruption has got to be clipped lest it gets more height in the future. That's what Nunes cares about, if he's normal. He wouldn't be so passionate in what he's doing if he were not normal. It's the Democrats who are deranged. No one should play half for them, half for the Republicans, on the news, just to be fair and impartial. This situation is causing God's enemies to side, blinded to the facts, with the wings of corruption. And Trump is allowing it to get a pass. So, his enemies wish to have him hamstrung for fear that he will obliterate their fellow trolls. That's what's going on, a perfect revelation of a shadow government at work in league with anti-Christs.


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