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Written late, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006.
Reading previous chapters will make this one better understood.

Let me entertain that Merovee was from the mythical Merope, said to mean "bee this" or "bee that." And let the reader decide if the theory is worth further investigation/considration.

We find that Orion, who got involved with the Kabeiri cult on Lemnos, was mixing with Merope on the island of Chios. He and she had a war, and he escaped to Lemnos, where he found the third eye of Helios, the occult "wisdom" and demonic intelligence. That is what the sun god represents, did you know? The sun god is not appreciated by the Kabala for the crops that it could grow. Kabala is hard-core wickedness, mixing Biblical truth with serpentine slosh.

The father of Orion was Hyrai, and so these terms must depict a dragon-line peoples reflecting those terms; Ares/Aria/Aryan comes to mind. But where then is the Hebrew element of the Orion bloodline? In Hephaistos, of course. As Merovingians are said to derive from a bee symbol, the following should be of interest:

"Hyrai is a plural form: its name once had evoked the place of 'the sisters of the beehive.' According to Hesychios, the Cretan word hyron meant 'swarm of bees' or 'beehive' (Kerenyi 1976 pp42-3). Through his "beehive" birthplace Orion is linked to Potnia...who was herself sometimes called "the pure Mother Bee"...bees functioned as emblems of other embodiments of the Great Mother: Cybele, Rhea the Earth Mother, and the archaic Artemis as honored at Ephesus. Pindar remembered that the Pythian pre-Olympic priestess of Delphi remained "the Delphic bee" long after Apollo had usurped the ancient oracle and shrine. The Homeric Hymn to Apollo acknowledges that Apollo's gift of prophecy first came to him from three bee-maidens."

In other words, the bee/honey line was from the dragon cult of Sumeria, but taken to the far-north by Apollo Gogi and Artemis Amazons, who then connected/mixed in Thrace with the Ares dragon, who in turn put forth Harmonia-based Amazons into Greece, who mixed with Hephaistos (explaining why Amazons are known to have covered his Lemnos island), and Hephaistos then became the Ephesus Amazons, for which reason I would view the first Ephesians as heavy in Hebrew blood. Yes, indeed, does not "Hephaistos" reflect "Ephesus" almost perfectly?

The Ares bee peoples also came to Boiotia, where Thebes (Sheba?) was it's capital, suggesting that Boiotia was named after the bee, a good theory since the goddess, Melia ("honey"), ruled Boiotia in the nation's infancy. Moreover, Hyrai, the "bee sumthin'r-other," and his bee-thingie son Orion, are said to have been born in Boiotia. Thebes was infested with Dionysus Kabeiri, and Orion (son of Atlas) had married, Merope (daughter of Atlas), wife of "WineMan" (Chios was/is a wine making island). The WineMan, Oenopion, was made son of Dionysus (the Drunk). It can be ascertained that Oenopion was a peoples connected to the Calydonians, for they were ruled by Oeneus (also meaning "wine-guy").

The wife of Dionysus (i.e. the mother of WineMan) was made "Ariadne," where one can readily spot Aria/Ares (if not also "Dion"), explaining why WineMan's daughter was Merope ("bee-sumthing"). In short, Orion and Merope were two bee-line peoples merging on Chios, one from Ares of Thrace and/or from the Calydonians, and the other from Boiotia.

How do these bee peoples connect with the Merovingians of France? For one, by the mythical fact (not an oxymoron) that Orion, in separating from Meropes and her father, moved to Apollo's island, Delos, and there mixed it up with Eos, called "Rhododactyloi." Some would have you believe that this term means "rose-fingered," but a wiser deduction is that Eos depicted the Daktyloi/Curetes of Rhodes, since after all Eos was made the sister of Helios, while Rhodes was the island dedicated by myth writers to Helios. As the sister of Helios, Eos was from Caucasia/Colchis, which region I would peg as the bee-hive from which the Apollo bees came forth, meaning that Eos was also a bee peoples.

It was the peoples of Rhodes who formed the Redones of France. Myth would thereby suggest that those Rhodians went through Delos en route to France, which explains why Liguria and Rhodanus/Eridanus were regions crashed by Apollo.

In case the Titans were Dedanites, I should mention that Orion and Eos were both Titans. Moreover, Eos had a love affair with "Tithonus." He was depicted as being very old, and could for that reason depict Dedan himself. Tithonus was turned into a cicada/cricket, a play-on-words since the Greek cricket is a "tettix/tzitzi."

Kidnapping Tithonus, Eos had also kidnapped Cephalus and Clitus. The latter no doubt refers to Celts and the Greek/Thebean migration to western Europe, and Cephalus was not only the son of Hermes but married to the daughter of Butes. Cephalus was therefore the same peoples generally as depicted by Pan, and because "cephalus" in Greek means "head," the myth writers saw him as chief among the western waves. In the same way, Bute means "house," and signifies the masters.

Behold that Eos and Cephalus were given the child, Phaethon, the son of Helios who drove his sky-chariot (i.e. the sun-god bloodline) into Eridanus (the Rhodanus/Rhone river valley, France). That would make Eos and Cephalus the (historical) Redones. Interestingly, but not surprising, Merope is also made the mother of Phaethon. The father of Phaethon (or "Phaeton") is made "Clymenus" when the mother is Merope, and as he was a king of Boiotia, wouldn't it again imply that Boiotia was named after the bee peoples? Is this not the Holy Grail bloodline, and were they not Celts/Gauls?

I would suggest that "Clymenus" was a depiction of the Galli/Gauls, since after all Phaethon was raised by the Galli/Kabeiri cult of Aphrodite (Apiru-dite?), wife of Hephaistos. As well as Merope, the mother of Phaethon was also "Clymene," a term that was used for the wife of Merops (king in Ethiopia), the mother of Atalanta, and the mother of Atlas.

Clitus (i.e. proto-Celts) and Dryas fought a war in Thrace, which is interesting in that Dryas was, in my opinion, the depiction of the Druids. It is widely known that Druids and Celts were closely associated. The war was said to be for the prize of Sithone's daughter, and since Sithone was a king of Thrace, he obviously depicted the Edones, since Edones had a Sithone branch. Dryas was the father of Lycurgus (proto-Ligurians?), king of the Edones. Clitus won the war, meaning that Sithones mixed with Celts, and for this reason I must view the Sitones of western Europe as a Celt-Edone mix. In fact, "Sitone" appears as a soft-capital variation of "Getae/Getone."

As the Eatons were connected to the Stewarts, so just now I suspected a Seaton-family connection. It turns out that tells that the same David I (king of Scotland) who made the Stewarts "High" rulers also gave the Seatons lands in East Lothian (not far from Roslin, Scotland). The Seaton-family Coat uses three (red) crescents (on gold background), which are similar to the three cornucopias on both the Pollock and Bert Coats. The Pollock boar is the same as the Vere boar, and so behold that the Seaton-family Crest uses a winged green dragon (a griffin, actually), even as the Veres use a winged green dragon.

Now prepare yourself because I've got to use a "dirty" word. I had been scanning many designs trying to learn the people-connections of the symbols, and the crescent tentatively depicted Celts simply because I had seen the crescent on a Celt website. I shared this by email to a member of the Rose clan in these words: "The French Rose clan uses crescents for symbols, and I'm still trying to learn what they represent. My best guess is the Celts."

He responded thus: "I apologize for being indelicate. But I'll tell it to you straight. I'm in medical school here, so I've lost any sense of propriety. The crescent represents a female intact hymen. An unruptured posterior vaginal membrane which covers the intoritus, it is broken and bleeds upon the first sexual penetration. Virginity."

I didn't know what to make of that and responded that the crescent is typically a symbol of the moon (god). But now that I have connected the Celts to Plato's "Cleito" and to Greek myth's "Clitus," I can see how vaginal parts may have become symbols of the Celts, and also many stories told and made up concerning those parts. The point is, he and I may both be correct, that the crescent on Coats of Arms depict the Celts, who were then typified as the clitoris, and from that the hymen. The Greek is "kleitorus," a near-match with "Cleito."

It's interesting that a sept of Seaton is "Sayton." Can we suppose that the Sithones/Sitones were named after Satan rather than after "Getones"? Clitus and the proto-Druids were warring over Pallene, which term was made one of Saturn's moons by the moderns who typically name the cosmic bodies after the Greek gods et al. One could learn much in regards to ancient family ties just by studying what names the planets are given for their moons. Titan is a moon of Saturn as well, the largest moon. Other moons assigned to Saturn are Pan, Atlas, Hyperion (father of Helios), Rhea (i.e. Kybele), Tethys, Mimas (father of the Aeolus who founded western Atlantis, in my opinion), Phoebe (mother of Lydia and grandmother of Apollo and Artemis), and Dione (mother of Aphrodite). The problem is, what Greek entity did Saturn refer to? The Sithones?

Recall that Zagreus (Dionysus while depicting the Abiru tribe of Kassites in the Zagros mountains, Iran), was cut into pieces with a knife by Titans, and that I had surmised this to mean that the Abiru were scattered into many branches. And as I surmised that the Titans were Dedanites, so now see that "Tethys," the Titan, was assigned thousands of children with her husband. Ocean. Note how the following few are central to my story here: Asia (the Aesir), Circe (Latins and Etruscans), Doris (Dorians and possibly founders of Gotland), Melia (Boiotia, Bithynia), Merope (Merovingians), Rhode (Redones), Clitunno (Celts), Callirhoe (mother of snake-woman, the Geloni, and western Atlanteans), and Electra (mother of Dardanus, Iasion, Trojans, and Kabeiri cult).

One could start to believe that Orion (and his Merope blood) was a part of the Redones, but I can easily tie him to western Atlantis to boot (or should I say, "to Bute"?). As evidence, Orion (son of Atlas) was also given Poseidon as a father, with Euryale as the mother. She means "far-roaming," or so they say, and no wonder since she is one of the three Gorgon-Medusa sisters. Recall that I had independently tied the Welsh to the Gorgon Medusa, and that I identified the Welsh as the first western Atlanteans. My task is to tie the Redones to the Welsh and/or other British Atlanteans.

Artemis, the symbol of France if indeed the Statue of Liberty is of she, was in love with Orion. That speaks volumes in connecting him with the Franks, who, we shall see, were viewed as roamers. "In art, she was typically portrayed with a crescent moon above her head '"

What do you think this means: "Artemis killed any of her companions who lost their virginity"? Doesn't it reveal that the myth writers understood certain peoples (whom she was made to depict) to be snobs, not mixing with others? Perhaps they sought to keep their bloodlines pure from other bloodlines, which would then imply that they viewed their own as sacred. Isn't that the essence of the holy grail concept, that the grail is filled with certain holy blood?

Atalanta, the symbol of western Atlantis, in my opinion, was raised by Artemis; mythographers had Artemis give her a bear to suckle (showing that Artemis, depicted as a boar, was likewise depicted as a bear). Two centaurs, which creatures I think depict proto-Jutes (i.e. Getae Thracians) that became the founders of Kent (England), upon conflicting with the bear peoples depicted by Atalanta, were killed by her mate, Meleager, major symbol of the Calydonians. Atalanta and Meleager both killed the Calydonian Boar.

One of the centaurs was "Hylaeus," a term referring also to "a genus of bees," according to a Wikipedia article. I'm not sure why that term was related to bees. The other centaur was Rheacus. It seems to me that since Meleager kills a half-dozen people in relation to the killing of the boar, that this was the myth writers' way of concealing who the boar depicted. I had already come to the conclusion independently (i.e. from other reasoning) that the Jutes were a major boar line; this tends to confirm it. It may also confirm what I suspected, that the boar line closely parallels the bee line.

Two others killed by Meleager after the boar was killed were Eurypylos and Iphicles. Eurypylos (ignore the "wide-ranging" Eury prefix and read as "Pylos") was one of "the two brothers [who] ruled over the Fortunate Islands"

The other was Lycus = "wolf," and he was brother to Chimaerus (see website above), an obvious reference to the Khimaera dragon, the Cimmerians that founded Wales. Indeed, the Fortunate Islands were said to be the western-most portion of Europe and for that reason thought to be the Canary islands. But wouldn't Britain also qualify?

Where are the Phoenicians in this migration, or codeword "Europa" and Cadmus"? Well, Eurypylos, in the capacity as king of Kos, was son of Poseidon and Astypalaea, the daughter of Phoenix (and therefore sister of Cadmus and Europa). Kos was just 3 miles off the coast of Budrum (not sure if that's going to prove significant but thought I'd jot it down anyway).

Eurypylos (and his brothers) had for their mother, Celaeno, perhaps code for the "Geloni." If the Geloni were Alans as many affirm, then these brothers lead to the Alans and king-Arthur peoples, possibly also the fitz-Alan Stewarts, explaining why both the Stewarts and Arthurian peoples were depicted as dragons. Moreover, as they both claim Holy-Grail status, it again suggests that the Geloni/Catti (alternatively, the Geloni-Catti mix) were the Holy Grail line.

The brothers had yet another one, Nycteus (king of Thebes), and he was assigned two fathers, Poseidon and Hyrieus. As the latter term reflects "Hyrai" ("bee-sumthing'r other), and as "Nycteus" evokes "nectar," couldn't "Poseidon" be, as I have been saying all along, a depiction of the Buz peoples? I realize it may sound childish to depict a Buz peoples as a bee line, but one never knows; perhaps our "buzz" in describing the sound of a bee was somehow created in very ancient times to reflect Buz (son of Nahor). That is, Buz may be at the bottom of the bee line. In any case, with Nycteus and the terms that surround him, we see once again that Thebes was a bee-line entity, without doubt due to Dionysus presence there, who, you remember, was from the Zagros mountains in Iran; the Buzi Medes could not have been far off. Wikipedia says that the Buzi term is Aryan (i.e. like our English): "The Busae group [of Medes] is thought to derive from the Persian term buza..."

Here's an interesting quote Wikipedia quote: "Lycus, also called Zabatus or Zaba, a river of Assyria, a tributary of the Tigris, now called the Great Zab." Could that river have been named by the Shebeans? Lycas was also styled son of Dascylus, code for the Etruscans of Tuscany (north-west Italy), no doubt being himself code for Ligurians.

Hyrieus and Lycus took under their wings a certain infamous Laius, styled the king of Thebes, but described in pedophilic terms (I am sometimes leery of evil characterizations such as this, and it may be that non-Hebrew writers were falsely maligning the Hebrew blood in their midst). Laius didn't get along with a branch of his own peoples, i.e. his "son" Oedipus, and so we find that he went to find alliance with Merope, queen of Corinth.

As Merope's alternative identity, Periboea, also insinuates bees, take note, and suspect that this Thebes-Corinthian alliance furnished Merovingians and the western Europeans from whom they stemmed. Note too the "Peri" prefix on Meropes' alternative identity, that it evokes Perieres, what I suspect is the Persian root of the boar line. As I have previously identified the boar line of Greece to be in Corinth, so we see that Periboea is queen of Corinth.

The name assigned to Meropes' husband (king of Corinth) was Polybus; ignore the "poly" prefix and read as Bus, possibly suggesting that the Buzi Hebrews had then taken the rulership of Corinth, and since Merope was assigned his queen's name, "Buz" again comes out looking like it refers to bees. The same name, Polybus, was made also king of Egyptian Thebes.

Oedipus "killed" Laius (i.e. defeated him in war and took his throne), and "married" his own mother, Jocasta/Epikaste; ignore the prefixes and read as Cast, possibly Castor brother of Pollux. She and her Thebean family lost a large war (so-called "Seven Against Thebes") and were forced to move away. I live near Castroville, Texas, and it is known (verification is online) that the people there are Alsatians of the French-German border region (see location of Alsace).

It may instantly reveal that Caster depicted Alsations, and I do note that the Boii peoples (founders of Bohemia, for one) lived where Alsace is now located (on the Rhine), who were possibly the bee peoples from Boiotia en route to Wales. May I suggest an Alan-Saka mix since the Sequani (proto-Saxons?) Gauls lived in the Alsace region (see Gaul map). "The 1st form was a Latin one: Alesacius, hence the French name "Alsace"...the original name of Alsace is much older than the appellations "France" or "Deutschland."

Plato made Elas(ippos) and Mestor twin brothers of western Atlantis, and while "Elas" reflects Alesacius quite well, "Mestor" doesn't sorely corrupt "Castor." As you can see on the map, the Lingones lived in proximity to Alsace, who are suspect as Ligurians, but in any case keep in mind that Castor depicted Cycnus-based Ligurians in that he was the child of Leda the swan.

I may as well say up-front here that I'm considering whether to view (Eury)Pylos as the Pollock family, since that family uses a boar with an arrow shot through it on their Crest/Coat. Let's face it, that symbol has a high chance of being linked to the Calydonian boar. But I am more suspect of yet another one killed by Meleager, Plexippus, for he evokes "Pollok" much more (ignore the "ippus" horse suffix and read as "Plek"). He was made brother of Althaea, and she was the mother of Melanippe, she in turn the mother of Aeolus and Boiotus, the twins who I say (see previous chapters) founded Wales (i.e. western Atlantis). But Althaea was also the mother of Meleager, so that she is quite the mother of western Atlantis. Stick a capital "C" on her name and we would have the makings of "Cleito."

You don't need to remember these terms as though you were preparing for an exam; just catch the drift. This Althaea, mother of Wales, was the sister of Leda, (Eury)pylos, and Plex(ippus) so that the latter three are likewise progenitors of far-west clans. Eurypylos evokes the Poles, called "Polack." Leda is revealed in myth to be a depiction of the swan peoples, which are most-definitely the Ligurians, and possibly the Svions i.e. the Swedes that were almost identical (said Herodotus) to the Sitones. But as Leda gave birth to Pollux, gosh, would he not be the same as her brother, Plex(ippus) and possibly Pylos? The significance here is my old but as-yet unproven hunch that the Polloks stemmed from Pollux. Now I find that Plex and Pylos were two of the six boar peoples shot through by Atalanta and Meleager.

Therefore, I'm convinced: the Polloks are from Leda and Althaea, and they (Polloks) were in western Atlantis i.e. Wales, which would explain why they settled on the Welsh border when crossing with the Conqueror, and then moved up to Renfrew (north border of Ayrshire) to the Bute vicinity.

"Peter de Polloc. According to 'Early Pollock Charters': Witnessed a charter granted by King William the Lion, confirming the churches of Bute to the Abbey of Paisley...

Robert de Polloc. He is said to have been a companion of Walter FitzAlan, the Steward of Scotland, founder of what was to become the Royal House of Stewart. According to 'Early Pollock Charters': Witnessed a charter granted by Walter Fitz Alan founding the Monastery of Paisley and dated 1160. Witnessed a charter granted by King William the Lion confirming the Kirks of Bute to the Abbey of Paisley and dated after 1165..."

One website entitled "Castors and Pollocks" (website below) has a feature on twentieth-century artist, Jackson Pollock, and then jumps immediately into a short outline on Leda, Caster and Pollux, as though he knows something that Pollocks don't seem to know, that the Pollock family stem from those mythical terms. Otherwise, he's been reading my material on the same. I don't know of anyone else who makes that connection. Leda was also the mother of Helen of Troy, who, because she was mixing with Paris (ruler of Trojans), should be investigated as to whether the Leda-branch peoples that Helen depicted co-founded Paris, France, and regions nearby. Helen's twin sister, Clytemnestra, must be Plato's Mneseus, son of Cleito and Poseidon over in western Atlantis, who I think depicted Manes (ancestor of Atti(s) and Lydia), a theory supported by Plato's naming of Mneseus' the twin brother, "Autochthon," which I think should be understood as Atti-Cutha i.e. the Kybele cult of Lydia.

One could equate Helen with the Helenus of Thebe who I think depicted the Kybele Sabazios (Shebeans) cult, but that in the European theater translated to the Geloni (Alans, say some) and (what I suspect was) their branch, the Catti. The Suebi Germanics also come to mind. Since Helenus' city of Thebe was near Troy, it would explain why Paris and Helen had an "affair" (if Helen and Helenus depicted the same peoples).

The Greeks who thought they owned Helen fought the Trojan war over her being "stolen" by Paris, but this is mere fancy to encode the true reason for the war. Helen must have been a peoples that lived not only in the Troy region but removed to Sparta, explaining how she could have had a relationship with Paris. Many peoples from Greek Helen were removed and brought (or went willingly) to the Troy Helen. As her mother (Leda) descended from Perieres (husband of Gorgophone) and Bateia, which in my mind makes her the same as depict the boar and the bear, Medes, Iphicles, also shot through my Meleager, was Plex's half brother, having a different mother, Leucippe. It just so happens that there is a Leucippe that was made mother to Cleito! Surely Plato was referring to this very Cleito when he cited her as the mother of Atlantis, wherefore a mother of western Atlantis is also Leuc(ippe) (Lug and Loki come to mind). Another Leucippe (I think depicting the same peoples but in other situations/times) was a daughter of Megara; recall king Arthur's tomb in Cornwall (next to Wales), that it turned out to be the tomb of a Megarian. Megara was a princess of Thebes and therefore possibly depicted Sheba. If so, then Cleito and Leucippe might also have depicted Shebeans. The horse endings may just connect with the Kabala, since Kybele had been over-taken by Shebeans. Leucippe was also brother to Aphareus, who I think depicted the Apiru of Epirus, meaning that Leucippe depicts the same Hebrews.

The parents of Leucippe and Aphareus was Perieres and Gorgophone (i.e. Persians and Gorgons in Greece), and Gorgophone was born, according to one version, in Joppa (Israel), between Dor and Gath. And that could explain how their son, Aphareus, could depict Hebrews...of the Kassi/Gazi/Cati/Cutha Kabala. Indeed, the mother of Gorgophone was tagged, "Anrdromeda," and anyone who knows that "andros" is Greek for "men" should have no problem identifying her as Men of Media. As Perseus is said to have mated with Andromeda in Joppa to produce Gorgophone, wouldn't Perseau and/or Andromeda refer to the Kassite Medes in Israel???

Surely these Hebrew Cats are depicted by the caduceus staff of Hermes, in turn depicting the historical Cadusii peoples next to the Gorgons of Verkana. They are the "holy grail," in other words, a Gorgon-Hebrew mix. Aeolus is imbedded in this line because he was father of Perieres. Also, Aeolus was the holy-grail line in Greece, the Gorgon-Hebrew mix.

Leda (and therefore the Ligurians) was the holy-grail line because her father (Tyndareus) was the son of Gorgophone. Perieres and Bateia were also made the parents of Tyndareus (see website below), showing that Gorgophone is the same peoples as Bateia, she being the daughter of Teucer (co-founder of Trojans). Bateia/Batea is then revealed, with a little investigation, as the mythical Butes peoples of the Cecrops (i.e. Gorgon) line. Batea was the wife of Dardanus, other co-founder of Troy, making Batea/Butes the mother of the Trojans.

And so Helen, Castor and Pollux were also of the (wicked) holy grail (as were the Ligurians, therefore). But as the three were from Batea, Helen too was a Trojan, explaining why Paris and she were allied.


Satan's Via Della Rose
The path of the Dragon, paved with fool's gold by Hermes,
and littered with the snake eggs of Gog,
leads also to the pagan Frogs.

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