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The path of the Vanir dragon line to Scotland was likely by way of the Rhine river, extending from the Alps to the Netherlands. The city of Leyden/Leiden (in the Netherlands) is said to have been named after the Celt god, Lug (evoking "wolf" but also the Ligurians), though it would appear that it could have been named after Ladon (the dragon) as well. Lug has been equated by others with the Scandinavian Loki, and for various other reasons should be viewed as a Vanir/Danir peoples.

In reflecting Ladon, we find, just off the Rhine river, Ludenscheid, then north of that toward Denmark is Ludinghausen...very near Venne (to be distinguished from Vannes in Brittany). Legden is north of that, with Ladbergen to the east. The Rhine itself turns into the Lek river, and the latter flows into Rotterdam, a term that looks like "rotor" and the "rudr" term that one website said were the ancestors of the Ruotsi Rus of Sweden. Leiden is near (north of) Rotterdam, itself very near the Hague i.e. The International Court of Justice. Perhaps it's a shot in the dark, but "Hague" looks like it may have derived from "Gog."

Britannica (in an article on Apollo) tells that "some have located the Hyperboreans, and the Apollo-worshipers dwelling on the blessed isle of Heloxias as well, on the Frisian North sea coast and on Helgoland, whence amber was brought to Greece." I don't think that the Frisian coast was Hyperborea, but rather a settlement of the Hyperboreans (from north Russia), after they had crashed the chariot of Helios in Eridanus. Helgoland was an island off the coast (at the mouth of the Elbe), and on a 20th-century map, the term is "Heligoland." Like "Heloxias," the term seems rooted in Helios. Apollo and Helios were often merged as one, and both were patriarches of wolf peoples. Thus the proto-Danes look as though they settled big-time in what became Frisian territory before jumping on ships to Britain to become the wolf-people Celts and Danann.

When I discovered that "kikker" in Dutch means "frog," I was more than a little interested. I had been seeking the meaning of the three spirits like frogs that come out of the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the anti-Christ (Gog), and the mouth of the False Prophet, as recorded in Revelation 16:13. Obviously, the frogs are not literal but must be representations of some power houses, belonging to the end-time Romans who will charge out against the Oriental "Kings of the East."

Verse 14 identifies the frogs as those doing miraculous signs (possibly the same fire from the sky as performed earlier by the False Prophet) for the purpose of gathering the kings of the world on the side of the anti-Christ, against the Kings of the East...when the latter come to Israel (probably to spoil the Western hold now forming on the Middle East). The Revelation text calls this war, "Armageddon."

As you must know, the non-flattering term, "frog," refers commonly to the French, but add to this that the Dutch language is a dialect of the Franks. It's interesting that Dutch came into being about the time of the Merovingian loss of power. Ignoring what is commonly held to be the meaning of "Dutch," it may even be that it was a version of "Dacia," the latter peoples known to have been the Getae on their westward migration. Long ago the language of the Dutch was called "Theodisca," and per chance we may have a "Dacia" in that phrase.

In Greek, a frog is a "batrachos," where "trachos" looks like the root. Strong's concordance didn't know the origin of "batrachos," but I do see that it is similar to "Thraco" (i.e. Thrace)...not to mention the Greek "tragos" a goat. With that in mind, let me say that the Kikon were likely the Getae of Thrace, whom were likened to a goat, that became the Goths.

Because "kikkon" is a frog in Dutch, a consideration of Kikon (eponym of the Kikones) seems called for, who (in myth) was the son of Rhodopa, the latter being a Thracian peoples in Kikonia/Ciconia, on the Strymon river...where also the Edonians (i.e. Druids and proto-Jutes) lived. Rhodopa's other son was Hebros, and he may depict the Iberians who lived to the south of the Redones, on the Ebro river in northern Spain. Many suggest that the Iberians of the Ebro were Hebrews, but I would counter strongly that they were a Gogi dragon-line peoples wherefore to identify them as God's program is not flattering to Him.

Historians tell very commonly that the Dutch come from the Batavians (that term created by the Romans), but that the Batavians were a branch of the Chattians/Catti who lived in Hesse, Germany. Compare the Catti, then, with the afore-mentioned Cotti(ans) who lived as a branch of Ligurians around the French-Italian border. Hence, if I'm right in connecting the sun god, Lug, to the Ligurians, the Catti would appear to be a part of Lug. And being the Celt sun god, wouldn't he be the same as the Helios line in Eridanus, even the Helios-Rhodes line? The Catti are very important to this discussion because they were to the Salian Franks while these Franks became the Merovingians: "The Salian Franks formed, with the Nether-Saxons and the Frisians, the foundation for early Dutch culture and society"

As we saw that the Ligurians were depicted as a swan, so "swan" is itself reflective of "Sviones," the early name of Sweden. I found an interesting comment: "Furthermore, to resurrect the extinct Southern vernacular expression, to 'swan,' means to swear, to promise." It just so happens that "swear," derived from the Old English "swerian," looks a lot like the other early name for Sweden, "Svere."

To swear a blood oath comes to mind. But "swan" also evokes Savona, a chief city in Liguria, thus supporting the Liguria-to-Sweden connection. Lake Seven comes to mind, as it was (and still is) in Armenia. The lake was in ancient times called "Gokcha" (according to Britannica)! It's very amazing that there was a Gokchu river in Aryan lands (extreme north-west Afghanistan) where the "Comarians" lived and whom I view as the first Gogi. I in fact tie the Gorgons of that river to the Verkana ("wolf land") and the Caucasian Gorgons...who became the Hyperboreans.

Later in Sweden (800ish AD), the Varangian Rus started to form themselves into a powerhouse, and note that Britannica gives the following early version of their name: "Varyagi." Couldn't that be "Vargagi" i.e. the War Gogi? Indeed, "Varangian" looks like War-Angles, and the Angles were named after "angle/hook," while several variations of "Gog" mean "hook"...which is probably why the LORD used "hook" in Exekiel 38 to depict his bringing of Gog to end-time Israel.

Those of you who do not equate Moscow with Gog, keep in mind that the Varangians went on to co-found Moscow. And if the Varangians were thus a Mushki/Meshech peoples, it supports what I suggest, that the Meshech were a faction of a Gogi corporation of merchants...that I think formed as a Japheth-blood conglomerate that took on the name "Gorgon."

Lake Sevan discharges to create the Razdan river, also called the Zanga. The latter term looks like the Latin and French "sangue" = blood, the term often used to denote the Rose Line of France. But the Old French for "vein" was "vena," wherefore the "van" in "Sevan" (and perhaps also Lake Van) may have meant the same, explaining why the lake's river was named "Zanga." Now see what Britannica had to say:

"...the valley of Sangarius, which is mentioned by Homer as the scene of the earliest Phrygian advances, certainly contains one of their oldest and most important capitals (Gordium)...The Phrygians first appear clearly in history in the Assyrian royal annals under the name of Mushki...the Mushki are mentioned by the Assyrians together with Tabal...north of the Taurus range; they correspond to Meschech and Tubal..."

The Taurus range above is not the Azov/Crimea region, but the Taurus mountains between Cilicia and the Halys river, the capital region of the Hatti. In another Britannica article, the Calycadnus river in Cilicia is given the local name, "Goksu," yet another reason to equate the Taurus peoples with the Gogi. Strabo wrote (Book VII, Chap. 3) that the "Taurisci" peoples are called also "Ligurisci," and if the latter were the Ligurians, then I will mention again here that the mythical ruler of the Ligurians was Cycnus. The Veneti originated on the Sangarius, and note how both "Venice" and "Venus" evoke "vena" = "vein."

But what I'm getting at is the meaning of "Biaini" (read as Bia-ini) from which the city, Van, was named. The root "Bia" modifies easily to "via," and the latter could indeed come to refer to blood, for it derived from the French "vie" meaning "life." And that brings me to the Greek "bios" (# 979 in Strong's Greek dictionary), meaning "life." That word in turn brought about the Greek word, "bia" (#970), defined in Strong's as "vital activity." "Vital" then connects to "vita" = "life."

To pagans, a good life was to go "to and fro," and wisdom was learned not from God but on the trail, visiting cities, hashing things out with philosophers. By now you know that "Rhoda/Rhodes" is a term I view as meaning "wheel" and therefore the root of "road." I'll bet my best hub caps that "wheel" was itself drawn out from "via."

Note that Dick van Dyke means Dick son/blood/vein of Dyke. Our "vanilla" derives from "vaina," meaning "pod/seed/womb." A vein is like a road and like a snake, and this is how the snake came to depict the sacred bloodline, by denoting different paths taken by the tribes. Indeed, our "track" (Old French "trac") evokes Draco. And "trek" is from the Old German "trechan" that looks much like "dragon." In Greek, "wheel" is "trochos" (from which we get out "truck"), and it derives from the Greek, "trecho" from which we get out "trek." Our word "path" is the Greek "tribos" (our "tributary"), which must also have meant "tribe" (as in a branch) and therefore "bloodline." Thus, a bloodline was likened by the Greeks unto a road, or winding snake.

Having said all that, I would add that "baino" (very close to "Biaini") in Greek means "to walk" (see #939 ). A similar Greek word, "baion" (#902) means "branch," and therefore "tribe." Technically, the Greek "tribos" means "rub" and refers to the rut put into the path by the wheel. "Rut" is itself from "route," but the Old Norse and English "rot" = our "root" seems applicable here as it's in the sense of ancestor. Indeed, the Russian god "Rod" was specifically the God of Ancestors. Thus, the goddess "Rhoda/Rhodes" that means "wheel" and "road" came to mean ancestral root, or radical.

"Valley," from the French "vallis," evokes "wheel," and though a valley is the place where a river, like a vein, snakes along, a highway (or via) was in old days created naturally following a valley. My dictionary says that "way" is from the Old English "weg," evoking a wagon. Strabo used the phrase, "wagon-dwelling Scythians and Sarmations." The name "Wayne" means "wagon," and from that name we can derive "vein" as in a via for blood. I mean to suggest again that Bia/Van meant road/wheel/truck but also bloodline. Might "Beowulf" mean "the Bia wolf"?

I found that a dragon type called "Amphisbaena" "has two heads, one in the front of the body, and one at the tip of its tail...It is usually portrayed as having a scaly body, feathered wings, and feet of a rooster."

That very much evokes the Mushussu Dragon with it's single body yet having two heads, shown beside two leapard-like dragons having bird-like feet and feathered wings. But as the term "Amphisbaena" is to be read as Amphis-Baena (pronounced "bee-nah"), is it somehow an allusion to the Bia city of Biaini (Lake Van)? If so, the Bia peoples were descended from the Mushussu cult. But now see that "Amphi-" (as in an amphitheater) means "around" (according to my dictionary). As the "around" feature in the Mushussu dragon would appear to be it's coiling, might "Amphisbaena" mean "coiled around the Biaini"?

Note that "Gorgon" evokes "cargo" and thereby "car." Indeed, for a "gargar" was a cart/chariot, where "gar" meant "wheel" so that "gargar" meant "double wheeled vehicle." So, when I see "caravan" (probably corrupted from "cargovan"), it evokes both Gorgon and the Bia/Van peoples. That is, perhaps our "van" derives (very indirectly) from the Bia peoples, if indeed "Bia" meant "via." Consider the Kartli peoples, who were the Kokheti (i.e. Colchians) of Georgia (Gorgia?), who are called "Kartvelians" (cartwheelers).

The pressing theme in this exercise is that of traveling merchants, as in the Gypsies. A vender (evoking "Wend/Van") is not only a merchant, but the term is from the same root (French "venum") as our "venal" which refers to "a corrupted salesman." And "merchant" itself derives from Old French "mercari," which evokes Mercury, the Roman version of Hermes, the bloodline from which the Roma/Cigani Gypsies were from! And Hermes is probably an eponym for Armenia!! And if you think I'm too-stretched to suggest that our "roam" derives from the Roma Gypsies, my dictionary has that word derived from Old English, "romen."

The Greek word for "merchant" is "emporos" (Strong's #1713), the root (poros) of which means "a way; means," which is itself derived from "poreuomai" meaning "to traverse; travel." Mercury is perhaps depicted with wings on his ankles for that reason. And I do think that "traverse" well describes the Gorgons who crossed the world. There is a term, "Ouroboros," which is a snake in the shape of a circle encircling the earth. As I've said elsewhere, the symbol of the Roma Gypsies is to this day a 16-spoked wheel. The Gypsy Line rules! But not forever.

The Biblical Mark of the Beast, what I call a "skincode commerical system," comes to mind, for what belongs to the dragon bloodline is a peoples bent on overcoming all power structures in the world through their out-spread commerce. This is the theme also when God describes the wealthy (but destroyed) Babylon the Great in Revelation 18. And what about the associated "image of the beast." Won't it be round?

Funny that someone emailed me once and said he saw the image of the beast somewhere, as a 6-pin wheel. He had not read this chapter, or anything like it, as it wasn't yet written. I have seen the same basic design at store check-out stands, where a UPC scanner is beneath dark glass in the shape of six spokes from a central point. It makes no sense that the scanner should be under glass in that shape, yet perhaps it's a conditioner for what design is yet to come in the Image of the Beast.

"Roscher documented that the cults of Apollo and Mars were fundamentally analogous. Roscher pointed to a host of features shared in common between the two gods, including the following: (1) each was associated with the first month of the year...(3) each was regarded as a patron of migrations and founder of cities; (4) each was associated with colonizing ventures as exemplified by the Latin ver sacrum rite."


The first month was in ancient times March. Rod (the ancester god) was also worshiped in March. And couldn't we include Hermes into that pattern of travel, since Hermes is in fact called, not only the god of trade, but god of land travel?

Our "trade" derives from Old German "track," and an alternative meaning for our "truck" is "to barter." But behold. The Greek "tribos" (Strong's #5147), meaning "path," is from the base of "tragos" (#5131) meaning goat i.e. the symbol of the Getae from Thrace. Hence if the Trojans were of the Draco tribe/line, so also the Romans (because they were from Trojans)...whom the Bible depicts as Babylon the Great ruled over by the Dragon.

Our word "path" may derive from the Greek "pathos," itself meaning "suffering," for "travel" is said (by my dictionary) to derive from "travail," itself from "three" combined with "palus" (stake). Though "Pallas" is not visibly related to travel, he was god and symbol of the phallic cult, so that the stake implied is the penis, denoting a bloodline. A hermes was a penis temple built with a square cross-section and a pyramid top; the Washingtom Monument is an excellent example. It is also called an "obelisc," a term that my dictionary says is derived from the Greek and Latin "obelos," which is obviously from "palus." I would venture to suggest that "travel" and "tribos" (the latter means "path") are the same since a "v" and a "b" often interchange.

Now as it seems fairly obvious that "tribos" i.e. path also came to mean "tribe" (from the Latin "tribus") which is often substituted for "branch," so we see that our "tree" comes from the Old English "treow," which may have derived from a hypothetical "treob" that nonetheless smacks of "tribos".

Why "travel" is named after three stakes, I do not know, but I always wondered why "tree" sounded like "three." Perhaps now I know, because "tribos" means three of "bos." I also know that "bo" means "land. I also know that Gorgons/Cimmerians were depicted in threes. "Troy" is said to derive from "three." Poseidon's trident was a three-pronged fish hook or spear; it's now the symbol of the European Union, as can be seen in the Euro logo, shaped like a trident.

As I was wondering where "Angle" may have derived, specifically in an effort to find a connection to Gog, I suddenly remembered that variations of "Gog" meant "hook." For example, "gega/geka", "kuka" in Chechen, "gaga" in Turk, and "chakkah" in Hebrew (Strong's #2443), all mean "hook." My dictionary defines "jig" as a fish hook, while "gig" is likewise defined as "an arrangement of fishooks."

However, I didn't want to connect the Angles to Gog on that bases alone, yet I found on a website that the Angles derive their name from "ongul ‘fishing hook’, hence ‘bend’"!!

If you're a prophecy buff, you know that the LORD will "hook" Gog when turning him around toward Israel. This is not to say that the Angles will produce the anti-Christ, but that the Angles were part of the far-north Gogi. But one thing does strike me, that the Vere clan said to be in charge of the official Dragon Line today, is from the Angles.

Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his Merlin myth, had both a red and a white dragon. He disclosed that the red one symbolized the Britons, which he rooted in Trojan-blood Romans, while the white dragon represented the Anglo-Saxons. The Angles crushed the Welsh eventually. Britannica says that "Anglesey" (formerly Mona) means "the island of the Angles." Not far from Anglesey, in the county of Denbigh, there are now the Hiraethog Moorlands as surviving pieces of Erethlyn. But the Welsh to this day continue to call themselves "Cymri," and yet depict themselves after a red dragon.

See flag of Wales, a red dragon yet with what appear to be the legs and claws of an eagle and a lion's body, very similar indeed to the Mushussu dragon of the Babylonian sun god, Utu/Tammuz, from which the dragon bloodline originates.

The website above says that the Romans who invaded Wales had sported the dragon, and that they in turn had borrowed the symbol from the Parthians, which comes as no surprise...ever since I learned that the Romans were descended from the Trojans, who were themselves a Parthian bloodline. The website also says that "the red dragon became the symbol of the Welsh nation through its adoption by the Tudor ancestors of king Henry VII," and it just so happens that Owen Tudor, the progenitor of the royal Tudors, was, according to Britannica, from the island of Mona (then re-named "Anglesey").

The Tudors were those royals who merged the red and white roses, Lancaster and York, after their War of the Roses. The two Houses were related by blood, but the red and white peculiarities, I suspect, have to do with whom the kings married, or their vision of the past i.e. whom they chose to honor most within their bloodline. If the red and white dragons depict the same elements as depicted by the red and white roses, then, first off, the rose of the Rosicrucian cross depicts a dragon. The red dragon being clearly the Veneti branch in Vannes/Gwenea (Brittany), they also become the Gauls of southern France. The white dragon may therefore be the non-Veneti, non-Danaan wave, from the Getae, who became the Goths, Jutes, Saxons, Angles, Swedes...including, if you'll forgive me, the Frogs.

The Odin line is indeed a Europe-wide entity. Might the people at NATO have been thinking along this line, fully aware, when they devised this NATO-OTAN logo?

Condolessa Rice, as Secretary of State under Bush, was in Paris recently (Feb 2005) reminding the French of their common origin in Democracy. The political purpose which Rice had was obvious, to show American (i.e. Bush's) acceptance of the trans-Atlantic unity now being sought by Europe as a vehicle toward implementing Globalism. While the Bush administration is not exactly expending itself on behalf of the trans-Atlantic unity (at least not visibly), I believe that the False Prophet will soon be in charge, from Washington, of this same effort, even now called "Atlanticism."

Now in the next chapter I am going to show how Atlantis is fundamentally an Alan entity, and just as "Etruscan" may mean "of the Rus(ki)," so "Atalanta," a version attributed to the goddess by that spelling, may mean "of the Alan land." If true, then the root, "Land of Alan," is "Alanta," a term that smacks, perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, of "Holland." I'll give my theory that "Hellen," said to be the Greek patriach, depicted the ancestry of the Alans.

I have a little room here to tell concisely (without lengthy explanations to support my case) the path of Zeus into Europe. I start by saying that Zeus depicted the Curetes, which I will explain more later, and that he is the chief God of Greece only because the Curetes write the bulk of the myths. Makes sense, does it not? Thus the Curetes were the secret society. They became the Trojans and Thracians and allies of Trojans depicted by Hermes and Harmonia.

In one myth version, Zeus is from Uranus, no doubt depicting Iran. Yet Uranus can be shown to become the Elis Amazons and the founders of Argos, and the Telchines otherwise known as the Curetes i.e. Trojans.

In another myth version, Zeus entered Greece via the Cecrops line (rulers of Athens) by myth writers wanting to stress his Gogi roots (in Armenia and Iran), and his station at Athens, capital of Greece. He was depicted as a snake-man in this version. In another version, he is Harmonia, daughter of Ares the dragon, who marries Cadmus, where Cadmus, as the brother of Europa, is the same peoples as Europa (but migrated to Greece), wherefore Cadmus and Harmonia are the same as Zeus and Europa mating and entering Europe. That is why it is said that Cadmus and Harmonia entered Illyrium (to start the westward Gaul migration) as snakes (Harmonia and Cadmus were said to give birth to "Illyrius," the eponym of Illyrium). To support the Harmonia-Zeus equation, her father Ares was given birth by Zeus.

In another version of Illyrius' birth, he was the son of the Cyclopes, Polyphemus, and I do think that the Cyclopes and Cecrops depict the same (Gogi) peoples. This version goes on to claim that the Celts and Gauls were one and the same, the Illyrians, because Polyphemus (with his mate Galatea) "had the sons Celtus, Illyrius and Galas"

But because Polyphemus is an alternative father of Illyrius, the other father, Cadmus, comes out looking like a member of the Cyclopes. Even as Cadmus is from Poseidon, so Polyphemus is given Poseidon as his direct father. The Illyrians were a peoples who painted/tattooed their bodies,

Myth also tells that the Cecrops line produced Tros, co-founder of Troy. But there is also a marriage between the Cecrops line and Tereus, son of Ares, that term no doubt referring to the same Tros (looks like "three") peoples. Thus the Trojans were brothers of the Greeks.

Harmonia was the ancestry of the Spartans because the Spartans come from the Ares dragons that Cadmus first killed but then allied himself to, meaning that the dragon was Harmonia. The fact that the same dragon arose also in Colchis helps to show that Harmonia does depict nearby Armenia, and the Gogi both there and in Colchis. It's hard for me to say at this time whether the Spartans were Harmonia only, or she with Cadmus allied. But she depicts the same as Hermes in Arcadia: Trojans, Thracians, Phrygians, and multiple other allies.

In another myth version, Zeus is of Hellen, general symbol of Greece, but made that way, I believe, by the Alans who wanted to stress their own ancestry. It has occurred to me that since the Alans were called "Gelonus" in myth, that they were the outcroppings of the Galli-cult bloodline, meaning that "Hellen" was codeword for that cult. The Cecrops line of Zeus no doubt provided the goddess, Io (symbol of Argos), even as the Cecrops line prroduced Ion through "mariage" with Aeolus, son of Hellen. Ion was the symbol of the Ionians, and Io must have been the same. I say that the Zeus line went through Io because he turned her into a white cow, which was the symbol also of Zeus, that symbol no doubt referring to the Aryan Cimmerians of Taurus/Azov from whence the Thracians i.e. Ares came.

Now the white bull that was Zeus mated with Europa, she being a Phoenician/Tyrian peoples on Crete, and likewise in the Hellen version of myth, we see that Cretheus, from Aeolus and Hellen, depicted Crete wherefore it's no surprise that he was married to Tyro. That is, Cetheus and Tyro are the same peoples as Europa, and the Hellen/Aeolus line that produced Cretheus must depict the Curetes, same as Zeus. The Aeolus-Tyro mix, same as Zeus and Europa, was called "Mino/Minoans." Note that Tyro gave birth to the family of Jason (of the Argonauts), and that in this myth version, the people of Jason were called Minyae, no doubt same as the Minoans.

The Minoans are said to have formed Europe, and since the same (Minoan) mix of peoples are again Harmonia married to Cadmus, we thus have the migratory route of the Minoans off of Crete and toward Europe, with the Thebes (in Greece) cult of Cadmus being intermediate, even as the Curetes (of Crete) had formed a cult identical to the Theban cult (Kabieri/Galli). This cult was Satanism and paganism to its core, the origin of the myth craft, and no doubt the underlying world-vision of the Gaul migration. There was yet another path from Crete, to Rhodes, and we see that the sister of Cretheus, Macar, was said to be the daughter of Rhoda and Helios.

Now many peoples settled their island of Rhodes, but as in this case it was Cretheus (from Aeolus) who did so, the myth was written by the Alans who wished to stress their line. Yet the settling of Rhodes in other myth/legend versions has it landed by Curetes. Thus, once again, we see that Cretheus and the Curetes were one and the same, meaning that the Curetes/Zeus and the Hellen-Aeolus line were the same peoples. This explains why Salmoneus is known in mythology as the one who comically imitated Zeus, for he was from Aeolus, and was even the brother of Cretheus so that he too was a Curete. Salmoneus can be likewise shown to be the same as Zeus where he (Salmoneus) was made father of Tyro, she depicting the Minoans in Greece. But note that he was father of Tyro by Aleus (king of Arcadia), yet another allusion to the Alans so that the Minoans were in part Alans.

Thus where Harmonia depicted the Hellen-Aeolus line, and where she became the Spartans, the Aeolus line produces the Thracian portion of the Danaan bloodline, wherefore we expect the Danaans to have been proto-Alans, and therefore we expect the historical Alans proper to come forth from the Danaans, this being the case through Hercules when he was said to produce the Gelonus. This is an important point since the Stewarts were Alans.

Hercules is most definitely an expression of the westward migration. Just as Harmonia and Cadmus, same as Hermes and Pan, formed the Veneti, who became the Danes, so we see that Hercules was a Danaan who must have been at the root of the Danes. And since these Greeks migrants are likened to proto-Alans on the one hand and Cimmerians on the other, it is necessary for the Alans proper to stem from Cimmerians, which is what we see when Hercules mates with a woman half snake in Azov/Crimea to produce the Gelonus Scythians.

To show that I have been on the right track when connecting the Danes to the Trojans, we read:

"Widukind of the tenth century, who entertained a warm affection from his Saxon people, was, however, of the opinion that [the Saxons] had come across the sea [from Scandinavia to Europe] and mentions various accounts as to this origin; they were thought to be descended from the Danes and Norwegians, or were regarded as the remnants of the army of Alexander the Great which had scattered in all directions. Whether it would be possible to trace a connection between this Macedonian origin and Trojan descent need not here be discussed...[later he writes] but it is clear that distinguished Gauls, more especially, and their successors the Franks traced their origin from Troy"

The report that the Franks came from Troy specifically may be misguided, but I do think that the Franks can be traced to the Trojan elements, espeically the Getae.

Keep in mind as you consider the value/reliability of mythology, for providing true history, that the myth writers were writing in restrictive code (in case the material got out to the public) and were therefore not attempting to popularize elaborately their own peculiar views of history. It was an in-house work and therefore overseen with much scrutiny by peers and elders of the craft. It would have been a self-destructive work if they were allowing themselves to be deceived by their own historical conclusions.

In yet another myth version where the Gogi writers depicted themselves under the cover of "Hyperborean," a Thrace-to-Sparta migration, similar or equal to (I don't know which) the one engaging both Zeus and Harmonia, is illustrated by the twins, Apollo and Artemis. In the same way, the Armenia-to-Greece Hermes migration along the southern shore of the Black is similar or equal to the Pelops invasion into Greece. Where Pelops is portrayed in Phrygia as cut up into little pieces (by his father Tantalus) prior to entering Greece, so we see that the Phrygians were a multitude of allies...Lydians, Moesi, Mysians, Thyni, Bithyni, Phrygian proper, Getae, Edonians, and others. See that "Tantalus" itself is rooted in "many," for "tanta/tantus" is Italian/Latin for "many/much," as in our English "tantamount").

That should reveal to you in a vivid way that Tantalus was not an historical person, but merely a code to tell a secret story line: he was among many allies yet never able to unite them, and was thus like a thirsty ruler who had water just before his tongue but could never quite reach it.

Now when I speak of the Curetes I am referring to the more-common name, Trojan. The counterpart of the Curetes were the Corybantes, they being the settlers of Mount Ida at Troy (the Curetes settled Mount Ida in Crete).

"The CORYBANTES are represented as a kind of inspired people, subject to Bacchic [i.e. Dionysus] frenzy, and inspiring terror at the celebration of the sacred rites by means of war-dances, noise, cymbals, drums, and arms. They have been called attendants of Rhea [Zeus' mother]...and guardians of Dionysus...It is also told that the CORYBANTES came from Colchis..."

Thus Europe was founded primarily by occult Trojan (in turn Cimmerian/Iranian) and Phoenician blood (that later put forth the Alans). This wave produced the Herminone and Ingaevone sectors of Germanics, the Herminones (root "Hermin/Irmin") worshiping "Zia," an obvious allusion to Zeus (who produced Hermes), while the Ingaevones (root Inga/Anga") worshiped the Vanir gods, a less-obvious allusion to the Thracian-Egyptian (or Thracian-Gypsy) mix that were the Danaans. By Thracian-Egyptian mix I am referring to Harmonia/Zeus mixing with the Danaus peoples from Egypt, and this we see when Zeus came upon Danae (to mate with her) as a golden produce Perseus and the Danaans.

The other wave of European migration, distinguished from the first because it did not pass through the Veneti nor was it from Egyptian elements, was likewise from the Thracians, this time from the Getae and related tribes, this forming the third sector of Germanics, the Istvaeones (root "Ist"), who worshipped Odin. The Saxons, Jutes, Angles and therefore the Dutch, having been classified as Ingaevones, took part, not in this wave, but in Veneti wave (i.e. the Gauls), and this is attested to by Widukind in the quote above where he traces the Saxons to the Danes of Scandinavia.


Merlin, Priest of Western Atlantis
Atlantis of the West can be linked to Merlin,
but also to the Gwenea peoples
to whom he belonged.

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