Previous Update: Aug 13 - 16

Updates Index

August 17 - 20, 2010


Aug 18 -- 19 -- 20

August 17

And now for the news.

What news?

That war that I thought might be coming to Israel's north border is under restraint. But the incident earlier this months shows how quickly another war can start while the West is snoring in the little hours of the morning. Israel doesn't want another war, but must be weighing the risk of leaving the Hezbollah be, only to see the Iran-controlled organization gain ambush-muscle by the day. The willingness of Israel to start a war as a result of the unprovoked killing of an Israeli officer (I think August 3) shows us what it's been thinking on that risk.

BUT, with Hezbollah stronger than ever and poised well to fulfill prophecy wherein Israel is attacked from its north, there's no sight of Gog or anything resembling the anti-Christ entering Iraq, unless he an American agent. I've been weighing when to cancel these Iraq updates because it appears that the 2009-16 calendar for the 70th Week won't be viable much longer.

I had the 2300 days (of Daniel 8) ending almost 30 days before the Feast of Trumpets in 2016, and starting near the end of May this year, in what I thought was an excellent theory for a 70th "Week" starting in the fall of 2009. Even if I was wrong to the end the 2300 days at the end of the 1260-day period, the latest that they can end, to the best of my understanding, is after Armageddon, at the end of the 1335-day period of Daniel 12. In my view, that would push the start of the 2300 days 45 days ahead from the near-end of May to the early part of July. But I didn't see anything resembling an attack of Israel by the anti-Christ in July.

The only other possibility, one that I don't respect much, is that the 2300 days begin without war. It begs the question: why were the 2300 days shown to us at all. We are told (in Daniel 8) that Jerusalem becomes successfully attacked in those days by a neo-Seleucid "little horn," but we also know from the end of Daniel 12 that such a thing doesn't happen until the start of a 1290-day period. Assuming the 1290 days and the 2300 days end at the same time, what happens in the first 1040 days of the 2300 days. I don't think Daniel 8 informs us, and this may have been by Design, because He doesn't want His end-time people to know.

WHY NOT? I think I know the answer. He doesn't want people like me to blab. He doesn't want prophecy writers to know, because prophecy writers tend to blab on such matters. It might be important to God that no one should know who the anti-Christ is at the start of the 2300 days; otherwise, prophecy might not be fulfilled as He would like/need it. This could explain why Jesus tended to suggest (Matthew 24:15) that the anti-Christ's revelation comes only when he has armies stationed all around Jerusalem. But we could be reading that idea wrongly, as it exists, or doesn't exist, only between the lines.

If it does exist between the lines because it was Intended that way, it obliterates my claim and my hope, that God wants the Elect to know who the anti-Christ is early in the first half of the Week. I've been of the opinion that He wants the Elect to know three years (i.e. roughly 1040 days) in advance of the take-over of Jerusalem, giving the people of God that long to prepare for the mark of the beast. I've been of the opinion that we could know as soon as the 2300 days begin. I want you to know that I could be wrong about anything. I have never received a dictation from God on what I should tell readers.

I do not think that Jesus's Matthew statement has to do with the timing of the anti-Christ's revelation to the Church. It is a warning to Israelis living in Judea. As they are not likely to know who the anti-Christ is at any earlier time, they should at least know when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies. For whatever reason(s), these Iraq updates have not seen any Israeli readers, so far as I know. I do find that strange, but then the stat-system used by the updates may not be able to recognize Middle-Eastern computers/servers.

Daniel 11 deals with the same little horn neo-Seleucid as the 2300-day prophecy. Why are we (the world, in fact, anyone who wishes to read it) told that the little horn will enter the neo-Seleucid kingdom well in advance of the Jerusalem invasion in verse 31? We are even tipped off of his war against Egypt taking place prior to verse 31. Surely, while Judeans may be unaware or unsure of his identity at that time, Christian prophecy watchers won't miss him at that time.

I'll say it again for new readers, I tend to think that the neo-Seleucid's first-Told act against "the holy covenant," in verse 28, is the start of the 2300 days. But even if not, it's logical that the 2300 days begin at or after the Egyptian invasion of verse 25. There was no Egyptian invasion in 2009 or to date, by any neo-Seleucid man acting as a ruler of a neo-Seleucid kingdom. Such an event does not seem imminent in August of I thought might become the case by now. The Gaza war did not produce that situation as I thought it might. Obama has appeared more of a restrainer of such a war than a promoter of it.

Obama appears to be leaving Iraq rather than entering it. I do not know what country could better depict the neo-Seleucid kingdom than Iraq. Can anyone imagine the anti-Christ entering Syria at this time to make it his neo-Seleucid kingdom? But Iraq seems to be a sitting duck, a perfect scenario for a takeover.

But if the Iraq situation smooths out without any signals of an anti-Christ takeover, I suppose I'll have to suspend the Iraq updates, or give updates sparsely as in the beginning. But for now, we await the Iraqi outcome in the short-term. We await the next prime-minister and president of the country, and the next political alignment. Russia appears to have no interest whatsoever in the politics of the country, though that can't be true. We know that Putin wants the Americans gone, and that any forceful word/move by Russia upon the Iraqi situation would only make the draw-down hesitate. If Russia has interest in Iraq, it would play its cards right by appearing totally aloof.

As expected, the U.S. is not leaving Iraq, and is even asking Iraq to reimburse it for the American blood spilled. In today's news:

"The United States is establishing consulates or branch embassies in four sensitive cities key to Iraq's future as it ends its combat role and boosts diplomatic activity, U.S. officials said [yesterday].

U.S. consulates are being established in Basra, near the key oil port of Umm Qasr, and Arbil, Kurdistan's capital, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Corbin said.

'These consulates provide a recognized important diplomatic platform for all the types of programs that we want to do now and that we'll want to do in the future,' he told a briefing.

'One is in the Kurdish region in the north and the other is in Basra...close to the new oil fields,' Corbin said.

The United States also plans to establish temporary embassy branch offices that would remain open for three to five years. One will be in the disputed oil-rich city of Kirkuk, which is claimed by both Kurds and Arabs, and the other will be in Mosul, which faces continuing insurgency-related violence.

'We chose the Kurd-Arab faultline,' Corbin said...

Violence is still a problem for Mosul, he said. 'It is still the place with the greatest amount of insurgency, with the greatest amount of terrorist attacks.'"

I don't know whether this is prophecy-related ot not. I don't know whether this is part of the anti-Christ system digging into the Mosul region. I shared one theory that the Gorbachev axis would produce the anti-Christ in Iraq, and "Corbin" certainly evokes "Gorbachev." The Corbin/Corbett Coat has been shown many times here, with a raven/crow, and a "corvos" motto term meaning "crow" in Greek. I trace this surname to Garebites, but I could be wrong about that. If nothing more, the Corbin surname as part of the state department's leadership only shows once again that the O-dministration is a Rus-based one.

Entering "Gorby: brings up a Corby surname first found in CUMBERland. The Coat is a saltire variation of the Sinclair Coat, and thus linked quite apparently to the Rollo-Rus. Gorbachev, known to be allied to Westerner globalists of some sort, might naturally ally himself with Rus Westerners. The Crow Coat uses the same-style rooster as the Sinclair Crest (By the way, FE wrote into say that the Hahn Coat uses a rooster because "hahn" in German means, rooster.) Let me say again that Obama's mother is from the Singetary surname (that changed to Dunham), while the Sinclairs use a Singular variation. Obama has stacked his government with Rus, as even "Rodham" would indicate.

Hmm, with all the talk of Camber-branch Cimmerians in the last update page, I now see that the Rodham/Roddam surname was first found in NorthUMBERland. I am now wondering whether the tree stump in the Rodham Crest is code for the Esus cult, and whether that stump symbolism was traced by the Esus-representing peoples to Jesus, because John the Baptist can be symbolized as a axe at the foot of a tree (John used that picture when he said, "the axe is already at the foot of the tree"). That's exactly the symbol of mythical Esus (topic of last update page).

It's also notable that the Rodham Coat is reflective of the Welsh Davis and David Coats, as that surname can be rooted to the Israeli king, the bloodline of Jesus. The Davis and David write-ups trace to a David ap Gryffdd, what could be a Gariwald/Garibald variation. I say this because I trace (tentatively) the Bavarian Illuminati back to duke Garibald/Gariwald I of Bavaria, whose bloodline, namely Grimoald of Bavaria, enlisted a "saint" CORBinian for an ecumenical tool, whose bear-and-saddle symbol is used by the present pope, and should moreover link to the muzzled bear of the Mackay Rus. The muzzled bear is also the symbol of the Forbes, a surname smacking of "Sorb" (could be coincidental).

[Note: In the past I've wrongly said that Corbinian was Garibald's bishop; instead, he was Grimoald's bishop. See the third-to-sixth updates of May, 2008, for argumentation linking to Sorb-branch Garebites. I've corrected all the pertinent files I could find.]

The David Coat uses "Pac et" for a motto term, smacking of Pikuat (see last update page for significance). There's more. The Arms of Bavaria. First note at the Grimoald link above that he and the bloodline back to Garibald were of an Agilolfing dynasty, and then read that "ruled the Duchy of Bavaria on behalf of their Merovingian suzerains..." We saw in the last update page very good evidence for a Merovingian trace to Chemmites on the Nile.

I had just traced the Buto and Bast Chemmites to Budapest yesterday, and today, due only to the Corbin surname in the news article above, find myself taking about Garibald of Bavaria. That led me to the duke-of-Bavaria page above, where we see the two gold lions standing beside the Arms of Bavaria, in the same fashion as the two gold lions shown yesterday in the Arms of Hungary. I showed that BudaPEST also uses a gold lion, and traced it to the lion goddess, BAST, who represented a cult linked to mythical Buto (root of BUDA(Pest), I figure).

I've oft mentioned that the Franconian Rake, seen in the second quadrant of the Arms of Bavaria, trace to the flag of King Stephen of Hungary. I've often wondered what the link of Franconians and/or Bavarians to Hungarians might have been, and NOW it is highly suspect as a link to the Budapest bloodline from the Nile Chemmites/Danaans. Unfortunately, I cannot see where "Agilolfing" might trace to Chemmites. Also, use of a gold lion by Bavaria is not necessarily linked to the lion of Budapest, as lions feature huge in European heraldry, and might not all trace to Bast.

It is known that the Bavarian so-called lozenges" (blue and white diamonds) came from the House of Wittelbachs, and as you can see, they used the gold lion too, on black background. In the past, I've thought to trace "Wittel" to the White surname.

AMAZING!! In the last update page, I had found CONVINCING all-seeing-eye evidence that the Watt surname links to the "Uat" variation of mythical Buto. I then suggested links to Wiatts and Whites! I said that English Whites were first in Gloucestershire, where the Kemmis surname was first found.

Are you ready for this? The English White Coat uses gold lion heads ON BLACK!!! I kid you not, that when I was mentioning the black color of the Wittelsbach background, I had not yet seen the White Coat, which was loaded after writing that paragraph. In fact, it wasn't loaded until after the "AMAZING" above, which was purely for the similarity between "Wittel" and "Watt/White." Again: this is AMAZING!!! Day after day, I happen on discovery-after-discovery as though I were Programmed.

The first Communist leader, Lenin, which they say means, "lion," had a Blank surname in his mother, and that evokes the White surname. I had even traced (years ago) "Rodham" to the Blanks because the Rodham Coat uses cinquefoil in the colors of the English Blank Coat. I thought that Bill Clintons links to Russian and Rhodes-Rus entities had to do with bloodline links to the Rothschilds that had set Lenin up in the first place.

The Blank Crest is the same gold lion head as in the English White Coat!!! I just noticed. Whenever I use exclamation marks in triplets, it's usually because I get surprised like that.

ZOWIE, I just noticed that Shetland may have been named after the Seth surname, for not only did I trace the city of Sais (near Buto) to mythical Seth and therefore the Seth/Shaw/Shay surname, but the Blanks were first found in Shetland!(!!) German Blanks/Planks use a gold lion on blue. The Dutch Blank Coat uses "mallets," but they could be pickaxes too, I suppose. See last update page for pickaxe significance; in short, the Pickwick branch of the Kemmis surname uses the pickaxe symbol, wherefore the symbol is linked by me to be read as PIKUAT or PikAUT and therefore being the proto-Watt and proto-White bloodline! I can't get over this.

I have always wanted to know the origin of "Otto," the German royals of that name. Now, as the Wittelsbachs were Ottos of Bavaria, a root in mythical Uat/Uto is highly plausible. I've maintained that "lozenge" is code for the Laz peoples at the root of the Ladon dragon, and as we saw, mythical Buto was the Greek Latona. Why the lozenges are diamonds, I do not yet know.

I do know that Wittelsbachs got their lozenge symbol from the German Bogen clan. The Bogen Coat is in the colors of both Bugs Coats, and the one Bugs Crest uses a bat. Thinking that it could link to the Buto>Buda line (keeping in mind that the Scottish Randolph Rus use a bat for a Crest too), I re-loaded the Bat/Baat Coat for further clues. It's the Corby Coat cross (encircled by bats) that appears to be a Sinclair-cross variation. The French Batt Coat is in Bogen and Bugs colors (also the colors of the Dutch Blanks), black on gold, colors reversed from the Wittelsbach gold lion on black.

We should keep in mind here the blue diamonds on white that were discussed in the last update page, used by Parrows and (Irish) Hessens/Hassens. Then there are same blue diamonds (on red) used by the Guises/Guys of Gloucestershire, highly suspect as a branch of Kemmis or other Chemmites.

King Stephan';s father, Geza, sounds like the Giza region just a few miles from the start of the Nile delta. In his portrait at Wikipedia, he appears to be surrounded by elephant-trunk symbolism, the same as surrounds the portrait of king Ladislaus I (also "LASZlo") of Hungary. In the Geza portrait, on the left side, one can see what appears to be the open end of an elephant trunk, which was the symbol of the Zahringers, which symbol doubled as their Buffalo horns. The German Stearn Crest uses the symbol (English Stearns (from "steer") are in Bogen et-al colors).

Both Ladislaus and Geza hold the globular Catholic symbol held by the lion in the Arms of Pest county, Hungary. The two portraits are from the Chronicon PICTIM, where we find Ladislaus in another portrait holding the same globular symbol. Under the circumstances of this discussion, the object could trace to the globe shown on the heads of pertinent Egyptian deities such as shown on the head of Wadjet-Bast. It just so happens that Wadjet-Bast is shown there as a lion, AND "Wadjet" is a variation of "Uat/Buto" AND AND AND the term smacks of both Watt and Wyatt.

The other lion goddess, Sekhmet, is shown with the same globular object on her head, called an "uraeus.' Hathor also wore one, but the Uraeus article suggests that it was rooted in Wadjet/ that we could expect it in Budapest. BUT, WHY IS IT A VATICAN SYMBOL TOO, if indeed the globular object of the Hungarians traces to the Uraeus?

As Tim knows well, an archeologist with Wyatt surname has been busy claiming to find the chariot wheels of the Exodus pharaoh in the Sea of Reeds. I haven't stressed that topic as I don't feel it's time. Wyatt also claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant, and so much more that he comes off as a hoaxer.

SHOCKING. Having just gone to the Wyatt Coat to see if I could muster a clue to Wadjet links, my eyes landed on the Guy derivation of the surname, which is further traced to "Guyat." I got extremely nervous as I had just read a term like that in one of the Wikipedia articles. Almost frantic, I looked for it but couldn't find it until I got to the article on Sarolt, wife of Geza, parents of king Stephen. Sarolt's father was Gyula of a Hungarian clan in Transylvania.

As Gyula's baptismal name was Stephen, I imagine that Sarolt named her son after her father, perhaps suggesting that the flag of Stephen, and therefore the Franconian Rake, traces to Gyula. The article says that he was baptized by the purple Byzantine emperor, Constantine VII (whom I trace to the Amorian dynasty). We also find that Gyula was granted the title of "Patrician" (as per the Roman Patrician bloodline), which, I think, was the Biblical dragon line. It never occurred to me until now that Patricians may have been from "Buto."

We see a Bega river (i.e. like Pikuat/Pekuat) in the Gyula article, and also find that his gyula clan was on the Maros/Mures river...where I've traced the Ragnvald part of the Rollo bloodline. Keep in mind that the Wittelsbachs were of REGENsburg, and that I traced Ragnvald elements to Reghin on the Mures. Things are starting to shape up for a Bavaria-Sinclair-Stephen link in Transylvanians Avars/Khazars.

There is an article also on the gyula term as a general term of Hungarian nobility. Other terms shown there are Gyyla, Geula, Gyla, Iula. The Iula term smacks of the Julian bloodline that was part of the Patrician fold. AND, zowie, the other terms smack of AGILolfing. Wyatts were first found in Sussex, where I traced the Putin and other Russia-important surnames some months back (it stands to reason that if British Rothschilds found Communist Russia, some leaders there to this day should derive from Rosi-British cousins).

At his article, Ladislaus not only wears a globe on his head Catholic sun-god style, a style loved by the Byzantine Catholics as well, but hold an axe weapon of war. As soon as I saw the Wlad version of his name, it evoked the Will surname that I had just been looking at, because it ought to be a variation of the Gille surname that I had also been looking at, seeking links to the Gyula family. The Gilles use a gold lion, and Wills use a gold griffo-lion. So far, so good for links to the gold lion of Hungary/Budapest. But the axe and sun in Scottish Will Crest shocked a little as it was loaded immediately after mentioning the Ladislaus axe and sun-globe.

AND, the entire motto of the English Will/Wyll Coat is Sarsum, looking like code for Sarolt, daughter of Gyula. After all, I'm suggesting a Will trace to "Gyula/Gyla" in the first place. You must know that "William" was also "Guilliam."

That statement led to a check of the William Coat: a gold lion on part-black!!!

Note the talbot dog in the William Crest, for the English Will/Wyll Coat uses a Talbot-style Shield. Talbots were first found in Shropshire, a term that I trace to Sorbs, of Lusatia. The French Talbot write-up

"The first on record was Guillaume Talbot, descended from Hugh, Bishop of Lisieux, and was surnamed Taleboth. He was the youngest son of Guillaume, Comte of Exmes..."

I rushed to find in yesterday's update what write-up had mentioned Exmes; it turned out to be the , near Exmes. AND, the Say surname was first in Shropshire (!!), indicating links to the Talbots-Williams, which is Buto-important because the Seaton and say surnames have been traced (see last update page) to Sais, near Buto (on the Nile). One now has reason to link the Gyula clan of Mures-river Hungarians to BUDApest, and I await to see whether the founders of Buda, if such a thing exists online, do in fact link to Transylvanian "Hungarians." In the Gyula page:

"The first data of the title [gyula], recorded by Ibn Rusta and Gardizi, can be traced back to the so-called Jayhani tradition (around 870). According to these earliest pieces of evidence, the Hungarians were ruled conjointly by two 'kings'. The major one, called kende (or kunde), enjoyed nominal leadership, while effective power was exercised by his colleague, inferior in rank, called the gyula. This peculiar form of governance ('dual kingship') is generally supposed to have been imitative of the Khazar Khaganate, which did indeed have a similar organization."

I've never known nor seen any of this. The Gyula Khazars of the Mures river. They are an excellent addition to my trace of the Rollo line to Mures Khazars. Think William the Conqueror, of the Rollo line. Instead of the Khazar 'kagan,' the Gyula king was a "kende/kunde," perhaps from Khent-min = Chemmis. After all, I had suggested that elements of pharaoh Khyan led to "kagan" of the Khazars because I saw Khyan elements in the "Irish Cohens."

The Byzantine aspect of the Gyula line is very interesting now because I trace Cohens proper of Germany to a Khazar-Byzantine bloodline called "Rangabe." In fact, I had caught sight that the royal Khazars of the Rangabe bloodline were related to the Transylvanian Khazars (see Wikipedia's article on Menumorut for other Mures-river Khazars). The Wrangle/Wrang Coat? A gold lion! That was the first Rangabe-like surname I looked up just now.

Then I went back to the Gyula article for more clues and got down to the family tree, and seeing that the son of Gyula was Karold/Caroldu, I entered "Carol" to get gold lions on black!!! AND, the Carols are from the "Lord of Ely." For me, all these gold lions coming up at once are evidence that the Gyula Khazars were from the Egyptian lion goddess, Buto/Wadjet.

There is an Ely Coat, first found in CAMbridgeshire. It's red, the color of Cimmerians. That find prompted a look at the Cambridge Coat...with "Esse quam" motto phrase smacking of another red entity, Esau (I have wondered in the past whether Cimmerians and Rus got their red from "Edom," meaning "red"). In fact, it smacks of an Edomite alliance with Cam-depicted peoples. AND, the Cambridge surname was first found in both Gloucestershire (!) and Cambridge. I'm assuming that "Cam(bridge)" and the "quam" term relate to the Kemmis surname first found in Gloucestershire.

There is a Quam Coat; it's the Queen surname, with Swan/Swene variation. The Cambridge Coat uses swans, wherefore it's a family match. That is, the Queens/Swans appear to be Chemmites too. The Cambridge swans are exactly -- and in the same colors -- as the Sion/Swan swans.

The Quam/Queen/Swan surname is said to derive from "Shuibhne." that must be the Sabine line to Savones, who I say founded Sion/Sitten of Switzerland as the Sviones of Tacitus, who said Sviones were linked to the femmish/matriarchal Sitones. The Sitones lived beside the KWENlanders, said to be named after "queen/woman."

I just finished (last update page) tracing Sithones back to SitAmen, sister of pharaoh AkenAten. The Edone cousins of the Sithones were traced back to Uat's "Uatiu" alternative and forward to the Eotens/Jutes and Jutland's Cimbri, cousins of the Danaan/Tanis-based Danes...out of which came the non-Khazar side of the Sinclair/Rollo Rus. Clearly, those Rus trace back to Horus at the center of the Buto/Wadjet cult.

The "hwit" derivation of the English Whites (more gold lions, now in the colors of Normandy's gold lions) caused a look at the Hewitt Coat: owls! And a "quaesiveris" motto term. The owl in the Crest sits on what looks like the Rodham tree trunk. I'm assuming that Hewitts, like some Whites, trace back to "Uat."

I had recorded the unusual chevron used by the Hewitts some months ago as a "knob" for easy retrieving, when I found it in the Craigie/Craggy Coat (sixth update in May). I recorded at tye time that both Both Crackens/Craigies and Carricks were first found in Ayrshire, and that Carricks are said to trace to "Craig." The Dobbs also use the "knob" chevron.

Hewitts were in Huet, near Evreux (Normandy), the Hebrew place to which I trace the Normandy lions as per the Abreu/Abruzzo lions. I now have reason for tracing the Abreu lions, not just to the Aphrodite Kabeiri cult, but to the Buto/Wadjet cult. The Presleys/Priestly use the Abreu lions, and they are easily connected to the Kerrick branch Carricks.

ZOWIE, for a while I did not realize any significance of the Tetony surname at the very head of the Gyula family tree. When the Tattons of Cheshire came to mind and I saw the Teyton variation, Tey and Tiye of Egypt came to mind (see yesterday's update for that discussion). The English Tates/Taytes (CAMbridgeshire) should apply as they use Sais/Sey, Sais/Say and Sayton-of Say colors. I did trace Tey and Tiye to Sais yesterday.

I hate to end this update, as the "holy grail" that seems to have slipped from the devil's hands yet pours forth its dirty secrets. But it's late. I will Sey you tomorrow, sayme time, sayme Buto channel.

August 18

Obama is like Esau who gave away his Godly inheritance for a bowl of soup on a hungry day. Speaking to Muslims:

"I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month."

One doesn't need to deny the Christian faith when speaking as president of a nation to a religious group. It's okay to openly acknowledge religious differences between two belief systems. But Obama took the opportunity, and he may well have enjoyed it into the deeper parts of his soul, to praise the Muslim faith, simultaneously insulting the Master of whatever Christian faith still clings to his bones, which obviously isn't much, and may never have been anything more than a down-Wright sham.

I did say that the False Prophet, if he isn't a Western leader, could be a Muslim leader holding to Mohammad, the false prophet. Perhaps the truth will turn out to be a bit of both.

We wonder how much Obama will delight in the gift to Muslims of the Palestinian state. Surely the world rulers who control the EU at present helped get Obama elected for the purpose of securing that gift to Muslims, for the double purpose of solving Muslim animosity toward Israel, and merging the Muslim world with EU globalism.

Should we stock-up on gasoline before this coming weekend:

"Israel has only mere days to launch an attack on Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor...former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton warned [yesterday].

He said that once Russia has loaded the fuel into the reactor -- slated for Saturday -- Israel would no longer be willing to strike for fear of triggering widespread radiation in an attack.

'This is a very, very big victory for Iran,' Bolton told The Jerusalem Post. 'This is a huge threshold.'

Bolton, who also once oversaw US non-proliferation policy, said that when Russia announced the plans to load the fuel last Friday, 'the element of surprise was essentially taken away' from Israeli calculations."

How would Russia change it's policies toward Israel if Israel attacked now? How will Israel change its policies toward Russia now that the reactor is about to be filled? It's not as though Russia didn't let the world know of its intention to start the reactor this summer, but Israel was kissing up to Putin all the while hoping for a change in plans. In just a matter of days the world has woken up to discover both the Bushehr news and that Russia has S-300 systems between Europe and the Middle East.

Like yesterday morning, I didn't have anything to say today on the Buto topic until I got to the Corbin surname in the news. I just checked the Bolton Coat, not seeing any relevance in the term while the Coat was loading, only to find more gold lions (symbol of BUDApest) and this write-up: "The Domesday Book of 1086 refers to Bodeltone and it is generally understood that this if the first reference for most of these [Bolten-like] places."

If you believe as I do that the bloodline topics in many Iraq updates are Timed (by God) for names in the news, perhaps this is another case. Bodel-town. Can we trace that to the group of Nile-based peoples who founded Buda? The Bolton Crest looked like it uses the Keith stag head, but as it turned out, it wasn't.

There are four Coats to be viewed when entering "Bode." Not one reflects the Bolten Coat, nor do the two Boden Coats. Still, an investigation of the Bode and Boden surnames seems natural enough in the search for Buda elements. The German Boden and Bode/Boden Shields (i.e. not including symbols) are identical. One is a Prussian branch, the other was first found in Brunswick, which is very near Hesse.

I say that because the Dutch Bode Coat uses the same type of diamonds as the Irish Hassen/Hessen Coat. Wikipedia's article of Pest tells that the city was rooted in the Russian word, "pech," meaning "oven/furnace," and whether that is true or not is not the point. The point is, the city might be rooted in a pech term, but even if not, some families tracing their surnames to "pech" and Pekuat (on the Nile) might use a peck-like term in their motto, such as does Baut/Baud surname! It uses a "Pax" motto term.

I caught wind of the Baut term from the French Bode page, the Coat of which uses what I think is a ram (rather than a goat), a secret symbol possibly for Rameses. It's very in-tune with the Bodentone>Bolten surname in the news today that the German Baut/Baud surname shows Bauld and Bault as the first-listed variations.

It just dawned on me that I had treated Pach-like names recently in tracing Khyan Hyksos. YES, it was due to Khyan's alternative name, Apachnas. AND WOW, the Hyksos article below wherein we find his Apachnas variation tells that

"a headless statue of a king named Khyan, found at Bubastis, was attributed on various grounds to the Hyksos...Besides the statue of Khyan, blocks of granite with the name of Apopi have been found in Upper Egypt at Gebelen and in Lower Egypt at Bubastis..."

I kid you not, that last night I opened en email from Tim, who wrote in to remind me that he had considered Budapest, about three weeks before I got to my Buto and Bast trace to Budapest, as the meaning of the "pest" term in the following statement that I had quoted (July 27) from the Hyksos article above:

"In 1847 E. de Rouge proved from a fragment of a story in the papyri of the British Museum, that Apopi was one of the latest of the Hyksos kings, corresponding to Aphobis; he was king of the 'pest' [I don't know what is meant by that]...and endeavoured to make the Egyptians worship his god Setekh or Seti..."

Apopi/Apophis was the Hyksos ruler after Khyan's demise. Those are my words in square brackets, and after seeing them, Tim wrote in to suggest Budapest. I shrugged it off because "pest" wasn't even capitalized, and as wild a theory that such a term in that context should trace to Budapest, and even if the term does NOT have anything to do with Budapest, the Holy Spirit may have laid it on Tim's heart to mention Budapest to me just weeks before it entered my mind. That it, it may have entered my mind (days ago) due to it being there from Tim's suggestion a little earlier. I knew right away that Nile elements traced to Budapest, and this is turning out to be a great key in tracing Hyksos into Europe, to a peoples who clearly seem to know that they were from...Hyksos.

NOW LOOK. The so-called "Set animal," representing mythical Set(h), had a canine body and "resemble[d] a composite of an aardvark, a donkey, a jackal..." Then we find that the Scottish Seth surname means "wolf," according to the write-up. Although I don't believe that definition, it can't be a coincidence that the Seth surname is said to be rooted in Sithech, which means wolf, for the god of Aphobis, as we read above was Setekh or Seti, the same as Set/Seth/Setan (compare the latter variation with the Seaton/Satan surname).

AND, ZIKERS, on the very update page before the one where the Apachnas variant of Khyan was first found, I was treating the Pace surname and others like it (e.g. Packers). Just look at the grails in the Packin Coat, discovered moments ago, for they are the same grails as in the Seth Coat. I happened on the Packin surname only due to the "Pax in Bello" motto of the Bauts/Baults. As we can See, "Apacnas" is the perfect makings for the Packin surname.

Unfortunately, the Coat that comes up as "Packin" has no such variations shown, but rather shows "Fagan" and other such terms. On the other hand, the Fagan surname is said to derive from the Gaelic, "O Faodhagain," which smacks of "Baud." I therefore think it is a match: Fagans were Bauts and therefore the Fagans do have a Packin branch as clued by the Baut motto.

The Irish Seth/Shaw surname also traces to "Sithech," and the arrow shot through the neck of the fawn (in the Crest) could certainly connect to the arrow shot through the stage head in the Bolten Crest.

The Fagan write-up traces to the term, "pagan," and it just so happens that it's the French Payens/Pagans, the Templar-related surname tracing to Champagne's dragon cult, that uses the Dutch Bode Shield. The Payens/Pagans are quite likely Packins/Fagans, therefore, and the first grandmaster of the original nine Templars, Hugh de Payen, was therefore of the Pest stock of Budapest, and before that from the Bast cult.

As per the visible founder (1776) of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, compare the animal in the Weishaupt Coat with the image of Set(h) at Wikipedia's page above. Let's not forget that White surnames were just traced to "Uat/Buto" and therefore to Buda(Pest) stock, for "weis" in German means "white." AND, noting just now that Weishaupts were first in Baden, perhaps that term stems from Buto elements too.

The Weis surname (said to be from "white") uses Zionist stars in the colors of the French Payens/Pagans. The Weis surname was first found in...Bavaria. see yesterday's links of early Bavarian rulers as they linked to Budapest elements.

WWWOOOWWW!!! I was reading, "Chronicles first mention Nicolaus Weiser of Iglau in Bohemia in 1378," when I thought to check that Iglau locality for possible links to the Hungarian "Gyula" Khazars discussed yesterday. When I found hedgehogs in the Arms of Iglau, I checked by files for "hedgehog" and found an article I had saved (called Frame Family Origins; by Michael Stanhope), saying:

"The arms of the latter's family [i.e. of Gilbert d'Aumari] were barry nebulee of six, over all a bend. These are substantially the arms of the later Bassetts, a cadet of Tyrel, whose earliest arms were hedgehogs, 4,3,2 & 1. In 6 Edward II...., Nicholas Damory was owner of the manors of Bochenhall and Blechendon, co. Oxon" (this webpage has since changed or been alternated with another, no longer showing the above quote; but here's the one in my files).

Bassetts??? Am I not in the midst of tracing Pest to mythical Bast, who is also "Baset"??? The Basset Coat at uses the Drummond Coat exactly, and the latter surname certainly smacks of the Damory surname in the Bassett-hedgehog quote above. As we see the Oxon term above, so we find a distinct Damory surname first found in Oxfordshire. The Damory Coat uses a version of the Bassett/Drummond Shield! The variations show Amori, smacking of the D'Aumari surname in the Bassett-hedgehog quote above, which surname the article says was equivalent to "Mare/Mara."

This is all EXCELLENT, for even the Drummond write-up traces the clan to king Andrew of HUNGARY!!! "This distinguished family is said to be descended anciently from a Prince Andreas, youngest son of the King of Hungary, and came into Scotland in the train of Queen Margaret." The Mare/Mara surname smacks of the Maros/Mures river, and of the Marot/Murat Khazars there, and the first Drummond from king Andrew's seed is said to be Maurice Drummond.

French Mares were first found in Burgundy, and use the Payen/Pagan Shield. Burgundy is the Nibelung connection to Budapest that was discussed briefly in the last update page. Note in the quote above that the d'Aumari Coat uses a "nebulee" symbol. Strangely, the mare surname is said to mean, "ram." I'll record (in case needed later) the Italian Damori/D'Amuri Coat.

I'm not forgetting my suggestion that Oxford traces to th ox symbol that I imagine for the Joktanites>Occitanians, for I have traced "Drummond" to Adram, a chief god of Joktanite Sepharvites, but more specifically to Hadoram, son of Joktan.

As soon as I got to the Iglau page, before seeing the hedgehogs, and before reading the Bassett-hedgehog quote above, I was already seeing a trace of Iglau to Joktanites, as per his son, Diklah. Days ago, I had just gone over the list of Joktan's sons (Genesis 10) because I was checking for Joktanite-of-Yemen links to Chemmis (see last update page). Wikipedia's alternative name for Iglau, Jihlava, smacks a little of Jidlah, son of Ishmael.

The Iglau/Jihlava river runs between what were Moravia and Bohemia. The hedgehog is an "igel," says the article, hence the hedgehog symbol for Iglau. The Jihlava is a tributary of the Svratka, smacking of "Sephar(vites)," the region that was home to Joktanites!! The idea that Sephar was also Subartu may mean that Svart(ka) was named after Subartu elements. Adam Weishaupt called himself by the alias, "Sparticus," and could therefore trace to the Svratka valley.

THAT'S NOT ALL. The Svartka flows into the Dyje/Thaya river. Those terms smack of Tey and Tiye of Chemmis. This may not be coincidental. It could suggest that the AkenAten cult was among these Bohemo-Moravian rivers, and indeed I did trace that Atun cult to Nibelungs of France, so why not Nibelungs of Budapest...and of these Moravian rivers. Remember, the "nebulee" symbol is of the D'Amauri/Mare surname, and the Mares/Mores/Mers were first found in Burgundy.

As the Frame Family Origins page was on the Fertes of the House of Bellamy, the Packin-surname motto, "Pax in Bello," could apply. That is, the Bellamy clan could be from pharaoh Apachnas/Khyan, especially if it's correct to trace "Bellamy" and their Bell kin to the Baal of the Hyksos.

When I was on the Pace surname (purple Shield, first in Cheshire) in the fifth update of July, the update page before discovering the Apachnas alternative of Kyhan, I traced the Pace/Paice variations of the Italian Pace/Paci surname to Piast elements. It dawned on me only last night while sending Tim an email response on Budapest that mythical Bast may have led to the Piast dynasty.

Not long ago, I noted a "pascit" motto term (can't recall the surname) that prompted a look at the Pascal surname. I now find that the French Pascal Coat smacks of the French Bode/Baud/Baut Coat (using a white-on-blue ram instead of a white-on-blue pascal lamb). The Pascals are from Pasci in Eure of Normandy, while the Cheshire Paces are from Pacy of Eure in Normandy. That's suspicious.

NOW, as I am tracing the Bode and Boden terms very well to Buto=Uat, it can't be a coincidence that the English Boden Coat uses the motto term, AUDentior," where it appears evident that the Boden surname is from Auden elements. We quickly realize that Odin/Woden could be from Buto-Uat elements, and of course I am reminded of my trace of "Woden" to the blonde, blue-eyed Budini peoples amongst the Neuri. Remember, Nahor had Uts for a firstborn, and Buz for a second-born.

Tim had shown me the "Pro Rege et Populo" motto of the Bassets several days ago, but I had no idea what to do with the Bassett surname at that time. I can't recall whether he sent in other surnames using that motto. There is am Italian Populo Coat in Bassett colors.

I have several browsers open at one time to, otherwise I'd go nuts with only one. I go nuts with several too. The point is, I had used the browser open to the Dobbs Coat when I entered "Bassett." Both surnames use a unicorn in Crest. The Dobbs were mentioned recently due to their knob-y chevron. The Hewitts, who should trace to "Uat," also use the knob-y chevron, with owls.

As per Gyula child, Karold/Caroldu, and the suspected trace yesterday of the Transylvanian Gyulas of the Mures to Budapest, the Wikipedia article on New Pest says: "North of Pest, there was an empty tract of land that was owned by the Karolyi nobles." Remember too, the Carol Coat uses gold lions on black, the colors of WittelsBACH lions (Pest is said to be named after "pech").

As per the Carols being from the "Lord of Ely," who may have been the Gyulas, I should mention that in the Bassett-hedgehog quote earlier, the Mares/Aumaris/Damorys were linked to the Ellis/Alis clan...meaning that the Ellis' and Alis' may have been from the Gyulas. Remember, the Alis name was used by Meschins of purple-lion Skiptons, and these were in Yorkshire, where the Ellis surname was first found, and uses Meschin colors. The Gyulas may have evolved into/from the Holle witch cult, therefore, and the Holstein region of Germany. The Alis Coat uses the muzzled bear in the colors of the Mackay and Macey muzzled bear. The French Alex/Alesse Coat uses the red eagle used also by the Fertes, which makes sense in that Maceys were from Fertes.

IN OTHER WORDS, the Gyula Khazars should link to Polish Piasts because Meschins were from king Mieszko of that Piast dynasty. And we already have reason to link the Gyulas to the Pest region, wherefore it makes sense now that Piasts were of Pest elements. And for all we know, these peoples were down-Wright pests. The Wright Coat uses leopard heads...that I think trace to Transylvania. AND, the Scottish Wright Coat use "Meritez" for a motto term, smacking of the Marot/Marut Khazars of...Transylvania! This Wright Crest uses a unicorn too, and the Shield must surely be the Scottish Stewart Shield.

It's Wright-east to see by the write-up that Scottish Wrights were in Blackwood of Lanarkshire, where the Vere-Meschins were passing through as they developed into Obama's Randolph bloodline at MORAY.

As both British Bellamys and British Stewarts were first found in Shropshire, I would have to say that their Coats are variations of one another, but in colors reversed. The Blackwood Coat is the Bellamy Shield with a mascle.

When Shropshire Stewarts moved to Wrenfrewshire and environs, I would say that they joined with the Paisley family, which, although I traced it to Piasts, might trace even better to the Pace/Pachin stock of Pest. I have yet to realize why Khyan's alternative was APACHnas, but it sure does appear that Pest, if it was also "Pach," traces back to Bast and/or Pikuat. The latter locality was also Sais.

I happened to take another look at the English Said/Sadler surname (Massin/Mason lion) today, seeking Set(h) links to Sais by way of other Sais-like terms. I was surprised, and then not, to find the "sapere" motto. It was previously suggested (by me, when I was seeking Sadowski-Traby variations) that it refers to Sepharvite elements. Now I'm thinking the Sepannytos location near Sais (Buto was on the Sepennytos branch of the Nile), which I am sure traces to Sabines and Samnites, then to the Suebi and Semnones, and Swabians, and of course the Savona=Sviones Ligurians that Tacitus paired with Sitones...of Seth/Sais roots in my current opinion.

NOW LOOK. Tim happened to find another Coat using the Traby-Sadowski "Q," and it's the Lubold Coat. He's been a real work horse, and so just look at what a few work horses can discover here, as the fields are ripening nice and White for exposing this dark beast. The Traby-Sadowski write-up has the family in Lwow and Lublin, both of which could have possibly produced the Lubold surname. BUT I recall tracing a Lublin-like location -- Luban and/or Lubin of Poland/Silesia -- to the Louvain location in Belgium, and as you may realize what I'm about to add, yes, the Massin/Mason lion (surname first in Kent) is used also by the Louvain surname of Kent, and is in fact from Louvain of Belgium.

HOW IS IT THAT THE SAID/SADLER surname uses the Massin and Louvain lion, in the same colors, except that Saids/Sadlers are in fact Sadowskis??? That then traces the Traby-Sadowskis back to Sais, in my opinion, and to the satanic/Setan/Seth cult and Satan/Seaton/Sey/Say/Sais surname of that place.

We might expect the Massin/masons to have been among Tanit-branch Danaans, as the surname was first found on the island of Thanet. In that picture, Kent may have been named by Khyan elements (i.e. from Tanis on the Nile), perhaps even elements of the Khent-min version of "Akhmin(=Chemmis)."

The Danube river was also the Ister river, named no-doubt after Ishtar, whom is known to have evolved into Tanit. The Esztergom region of Budapest, on the Danube, was quite apparently named after Ister elements. That location is the mythical Etzel fellow that you may have read about in the last update page, the fellow that the Nibelungelied linked to a region of Budapest. When on that topic, I thought that his mate, by a Kriem code, depicted Crimean Cimmerians. Immediately after discussing that topic, the similarity between the Best and CAMERon Coats was shown, implying that Camerons were GOMERians/Cimmerians. I did not know then, not until this minute, that there is a county at Budapest called KOMARom-Esztergom!!

I'll spare the third exclamation mark as I'm running out of them this week, but that deserves at least three, not as applause for my trained all-seeing eye, but for the happiness that I feel for being right rather than wrong. It's a lot easier to keep the writings as they are than to go back and fix errors. BUT, moreover, if I'm correct right off the Bat, it's good for the readers. It appears to mean that the Chemmites of Buto were in the Komarom location of the Budapest theater, but likely with other, Europe-based Gomerians.

Sooner or later, I should be talking about Buto links to Baathists. No? Yes, if it's true.

August 19

" on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow THURSDAY AUGUST 19 at 1 PM EST / 12 NOON CST, to reveal his groundbreaking series on Barack Obama’s true origins. Madsen will share the bombshell revelations and extensive information from the following three articles...

...Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency's connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather...

From 1983-84, Barack Obama worked as Editor at Business Internation Corporation, a Business International Corporation, a known CIA front company.

President Obama's own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world's most powerful leaders [sounds like what Rhodes Scholars do] and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama's stepfather...Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno.

SOETORO? In the West, such a surname would become Soter-like. The Sotter spelling brings up a Suter/Seuter surname of Germany, with Zionist stars. I therefore would like to know whether this family links back to Sais et al, perhaps of the Said/Sadler type spelling discussed yesterday. Entering its Sutter variation brings up a leopard in the Scottish Sutar/Souter Crest, possibly tracing the family to Transylvania. The Coat is in the colors of the Wright, who also use leopards, and a Meritez motto term that I would trace to the (Men)Murat/Marot Khazars of the Mures river (Transylvania).

As the Sutar crosslets are called "fitchee," note the gold leopard heads in the F tch Coat.

The Sutar leopard is said to be "ducally gorged," which suggests the George name, which brings to mind George, son of king Andrew of Hungary, father of Maurice Drummond. Note that the Belgian George Coat uses half the Scottish flag, which is called "Andrew's Cross"...because (I say) it was named after George's bloodline from king Andrew. The reason for the Belgian George surname is, I think, due to the family's links to the black-on-gold Flanders lion. As we saw that a gold lion on black represented Uat/Buto elements in Budapest, so we expect a lion in colors reversed. The Arms of Flanders is such a lion.

Note that a variation of the George surname is "Yerkes," for I once read (article no longer online) that Maurice Drummond of Marot de Yorvik. At the time and until now, I thought that latter term was for a geography, and York came to mind. But now it looks like it stands for his father. According to the George write-up, the family is related to German George clan, which uses black and gold, not only the Flanders colors, but of the German Suters. The German George Crest is a gold lion amid black.

The German George Coat also uses "St. George," the symbol of England, and in fact the English flag is called the "Saint George cross." I would suggest that England had traced itself to the German George surname.

The English George Coat lions on gold!! So does the Sitler surname first found in Silesia.

ZOWIE, the English George's use a dog in the crest with an ear of a different color. That reminds me of the same dog in the Arms of OETtingen. The Oettingens of Bayern/Bavaria also used a white saltire on red, what could have been the makings of the English Cross. AND, look at this article entitled, Oettinger Coat of Arms, that traces the family to Wittelsbachs of Bavaria, who use a gold lion on black!!!:

"This German surname of OETJEN was derived from the name ODO which was the name of the half-brother of the Norman Conqueror, archbishop of Bayeaux, who accompanied the Norman Expedition to England...The German name ODO or OTTO was a hereditary name in the Saxon ruling house, as well as being borne by OTTO von Wittelsbach, who founded the Bavarian ruling dynasty..."

Here's the Arms of the House of Wittelbachs, with gold lion on black. It was the first inkling I had that Wittelsbachs linked to the Uat/Buto cult of gold-lion Budapest. You get it. "Oet" evokes "Uat," the same that I had traced the Wittelsbachs to days ago.

AND as I also showed, the English Whites also use a gold lions, even leopard heads, on black. AND AND AND, the two English White Coats shown use blue and white bell pattern, seen in Arms of Oettingen!!! I'm screaming now. Whites were first in Gloucestershire, where the Kemmis surname was first found. WOW WOW WOW, when I wrote that last line, I hadn't yet loaded the Kemmis Coat so as to give you the link to it: on it's entire Shield, it uses...

blue and white bell pattern !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I recognized the English George Shield right away, because I was on the Bode and Boden topic yesterday. The Shield is in colors reversed from the German Bode/Boden Coat of Brunswick and the German Boden/Boeddon Coat of Prussia. Remember, the English Bodens use "AUDENtier" for a motto code, smacking of "Oettin(g)." I included the "Boedden" variation above because it looks like a possible makings of "Soetoro."

The Bode and Boden terms were discovered earlier only due to the Bolten surname's roots in "Bodeltone." I entered "Bault" at that time due to that variation appearing on the page, finding its Baud and Baut variations, BUT I DID NOT ENTER "Boult" at the time. It's the Bouillon surname!!! Yes, entering the latter term brings up this Boult/Bouille Coat.

AND, while the Bault motto is "Pax in bello," the Boult/Bouillon motto is "A vero bello Christi." I recall tracing the bell pattern, called "vair," to the Bellamy clan. NOTE the near-UAT term in the quote at this Auvergne piece: "The territory of Auvergne extends up to the regions of Cantal and Puy-de-Dome and includes small parts of Allier, Aveyron, and of Haute-Loire. Its capital is Gergovie." HAUTE.

As the Bouillon cross is white on red, the color of both the Oettinger cross and England's St. George cross, might Gergovie have anything to do with the George surname and/or the English flag. After all, I do trace the mythical St-George code to Georgia, and it's Gorgon peoples.

The Crest of the Arms of Georgia uses the globular symbol used by Hungary and Budapest, and St. George is painted with a gold globe around his head, in the style of the globes atop the heads of Bast et al of Egypt's lion goddesses. There was some Byzantine influence in Georgia about the time of the Bagratids. It is said that the Templar flag of Jerusalem were that of Godfrey de Bouillon, but it's known that the Templar Arms if Jerusalem were exactly the flag of Georgia (to this day), but in different colors, apparently. Note the variant flag of Georgia, a white saltire on blue, perhaps linked to Scotland's white saltire on blue (i.e. Andrew's Cross).

Just for the record, let me point out this Socialist flag of Georgia with a possible 666, but make nothing of it unless I should need it again in the future.

This topic today started with German Sutars, which led to the Georges which led to the Oettingens. The latter can be found at under "Otin." They use the colors of the German Suters, and one then has reason to ask whether "Suter/Sutter" (also Sueter/Sieter) was once Oet-like but with an S fronted upon it. That idea led to checking out Oeter-like terms, that Dutch Otters use Sutar colors. Then there's the English Otter Coat with "Watch" motto, and wondering whether that motto was code for "Uat" and it's Watt-surname branch, I entered "Watch" to find the Wadge/Watch surname, using wedge as symbol, smacking of "Wadjet," the alternative name of Uat.

See the eye-glasses and all-seeing eye in the Watt Coat...that could pertain to the Watch motto/code. People at tribwatch are watching the Watches. Note the "fiducia" motto term in the Watt Coat, for it is nearly "Wadge." The Watt buried looks very much, though not quite perfectly, the English Bode bird. It could be an eagle, or a hawk; at her article above, Wadjet is shown as the Horus hawk, and meanwhile she is the all-seeing-eye of Horus.

Recalling that Pest, the city, was named after a pech term, according to Wikipedia, for which WittelsBACHS may have been named, see the German Otter/Utters surname with bach and pach endings. The Shield might be green because Wikipedia claims that Wadjet is defined as "the green one" (not that I necessarily agree with that definition).

Let's not forget UTHER Pendragon, Arthur's father. Entering the Utter variation of the Otterbachs, we get a German Otterbourne surname using otters on a Shield in colors reversed from the Pendragon/Pendred Coat. That might not be coincidental i.e. the Arthurian cult was from the Otters. Both Pendragons/Pendreds and German Suters use a black fleur-de-lys. Oh, the Wyatts/Wyats also use a black fleur-de-lys.

Irish use what look much like the Oettinger saltire and the Oettingen bell pattern. It all looks good for a Suter link to Oet terms, even Oettingens.

For the first time, after writing the above, the Panther surname occurred to me as a possible Pender branch, and sure enough it has Panter and Pander variations. The surname was first found in Angus, as was the English Suter surname (!!) with leopard in the crest.

This is all of great and obvious importance for tracing the Arthurian cult, and therefore Rosicrucianism in general, if not also the Oden cult, to Wadjet/Uat/Buto. It gives us a ground zero for the dragon cult traces to Egypt. Unfortunately, ground zero will become the Lake of Fire in Edom.

The Panther Shield is in colors reversed from the German Bode and Boden Shields, and it's now that I note the English Boden/Bodin Shield, in colors reversed from the Pendragons. led, NOW LOOK at how the Bodens can be traced to the Budini in a nutshell. The Boyden/Boydinus variation begs a look at the Boyd Coat (Stewart-like but in different colors), and the write-up seems to be a sort of codework for tracing to the blonde-haired Budini:

"As the story goes, Alan, Baron of Oswestry arrived from Dol in Brittany (this was the royal Alan>Stewarts] with his three sons, William, Walter, and Simon. Walter, Simon and Simon's son Robert Buidhe moved north to Scotland. It is thought that the as the son's hair was blond his name was so coined. In fact, the Gaelic word buidhe, means yellow."

The Scottish Boyd write-up has more details for further investigation. They use the same Coat and motto. It allows a Watt (includes the Walter surname) link to these very Alan-based Walters. The English Walter surname shows a Wattis variation. Zowie, just discovered now that the German Walters use the German Boden and Bode Shield!! The latter Walters were first found in Silesia, which i re-mention because the Meschins are traced there (by me), and the Walters use the Mackesy/Margeson/ and Margy/Mackey lions. I now discover that both Scottish Boyds and Margy/Mackeys were first in Ayrshire. The German Walters Bodens, Bodes, and the British Mackies, Maceys, and Mackays, all the same Shield colors, white on blue, and nearly the same Shield design.

This is huge. It tends to discover that all the major themes I've been concentrating on over months and years lead back to the Uat cult. For the Mackie surname, like the Mackay/Mackey surnames, are said to derive in an "Aodh/Aoidh" entity.

The Boyd motto, "Confido," begs a look at the Fido Coat, shown several times in the past as being dragonline relative. It has Boden/Bode/Baut/Bute-like variations such as Fotheis, Fudes, Fouthas, Fothes, Futhas, and Fudas.

The Fido Coat is in German Suter colors. I entered "Sitter" as per the Fittes variation shown, and got something very Sadowski-interesting, and perhaps Set(i)-of-Egypt interesting: the Sativola version of the Sitters/Sittwells. The black lion in the Crest and gold background on the Shield may be indication of links to the Sitlers of Silesia, who use a black lion on the WITTELSbachs You get it: Wittel and Fittes. The green lion in the Sitter Coat may be code for the "green one" lion goddess, Wadjet.

AND what makes it more interesting is the Fiddle/Fidelow surname that I've linked to Obama's bloodline, which I figure is, like the Fido surname, a surname alluded to in many Fide-using motto terms. As a result of this very-present investigation, I noticed that the Fiddle/Fidelow surname was first in Surrey, the place to which I had traced a Q-using, Sark-like Sadowski branch (the Sark surname is also the Surrey surname). See ZARCZINski in the third update of June for that discussion; the Sadowskis were linked to the Gastons, while Gastons of Surrey use the Sark/Surrey checks, not to mention an owl in Crest. The English Boyds, with ConFIDO motto, also use these (red and white) checks.

I'll repeat here but not delve into, that "Sark" evokes the Darks/D'Arques that I think link to the Argesons/Margesons/Mackesys.

The Sitters/Sittwells were first found in NorthUMBERland, that being yet another sign of links back to the Chemmites of the Buto cult, albeit I think I'm tracing Sitters et al more in particular to the Seti/Set(h) cult of nearby Sais. This entire discussion, starting out with the surname of Obama's father-in-law, Soetoro, and seeing that this was an Intelligence group of the Illuminati kind, begs the question of whether the Soetoros were also from Seth and/or Sais elements. Remember too that Obama's father, Frank Marshall Davis (until I find otherwise), was an FBI worker (involved in Chicago and Hawaii), explaining somewhat how Obama's mother found him in the first place. The David/Davis motto: "Pax in Copia," a code, apparently, for Apachnas...the Exodus pharaoh.

We realize that as this family becomes most-powerful in the world, we expect the worst bloodline of all to rule much of the world: that of the Exodus pharaoh. God marked that man out for a reason, and I think it has to do with the fact that He knew then that satan would develop the Khyan/Apachnus bloodline as the end-time world power, not to mention a world power in the intermediate times.

The Dewi and Davith variations of the term smack of "D'Uat." In this case, Uat-based surnames may have been Christianized or Judaized as "David/Davis." (There is thunder out as I write here, a kind of longish, threatening, angry thunder.) Seeking the root of the David surname amongst the Uat cult, the Auvern surname should be checked because Auvergne was also "Aveyron," while the David clans have some Avey-like endings. Also, I suspect that "Daven" was of the Daphne cult, and that's how the David surname may have arisen. See, therefore, he black fleur-de-lys in the French Auvern surname, first found in Dauphine. The surname is also Davern and "d'Avern, if that helps to make feasible a D'Avey root for the David surname. Moreover, the "Aver" term brings up the Vere/DaVere/Dever surname. And entering "Daven" brings up a surname, in Auvern's prohibited silver-and-gold mix, that likewise looks fronted with the D prefix. Perhaps it was prohibited to by the heraldry masters to allow just one bloodline to use the two colors in contact with one another.

Hyksos were in Avvite territory, remember, when they were booted out of Egypt. Is it coincidental, therefore, that when we remove the D from "David/Davit," we are left with "Avid/Avit," while the Avvite capital in Edom was "Avith." Just a question. If the answer is, yes, then we can't see a link to king David of Israel, can we, in the Avvites?

I'm suggesting also that Avvites were named after the Uat cult. It's never occurred to me before so I'll keep a hawk's eye on it.

AHA! While the Avis Coat didn't show any quick clues, the Abis Coat uses the same bird (an eagle) as the English Bode Coat and perhaps the Scottish Watt Coat.

I've just found the surname I was seeking when forgetting which one used a diamond in the Crest. I was hoping that it would be link-able to the white-on-red diamonds in the Abis Coat. It turns out that the English Watts use a red diamond in the Crest, between eagles wings. Could it be that Watts were from an Avvite-like term? Remember, Scottish Watts use a "fiducia" motto term, and the Avis' are said to derive from "Avice" and "Auicia."

On second thought, as I traced both scallops and the so-called wheat "garb" to Ashkelon/Ascalon, where Avvites lived when the Israelites arrived with Joshua, isn't it "funny" that the Avis' use garbs while Abis' use scallops. The wheat bunch was a symbol of both Shala (I think she was symbol for Ascalon) and her husband, Dagon.

The Abis surname is also "Abbie," while Avvites are "Avviy" in the Bible. And look at the Avis write-up: "There is a record of a person called 'Auicia' in Parish records of St. Benet of Holme, Norfolk in circa 1175-86..." Checking the Holme surname, what do we find but a "Fide" and "vide" motto terms!!

I think I get it. If the vide term can be code for Avvites, why not "fide" as well. There's even a "sed" motto term. WOW, shout it from the housetops: these peoples knew exactly where they were from, and they didn't want to forget it right up until the modern era. They have carried their serpent right into the modern age.

Note the Biden-Coat symbol (a hat, a "chapeau")in the Holme Crest. This is AUTsome! Isn't the Biden/Bitton/Button family a Bode and Boden variation??? They were first in Bath, and I recall tracing that entity to Baathists. LOOK, the Biden Coat is nearly the English Watt Coat! Obama chose a Uat-based and/or Avvite-based bloodline to back up his throne!

If this is Intelligence, I think they need brains first. We've got to spy a little more on these cats. We have them by the skinny tail here. We can uncover still more dirty nuggets in their kitty litter.

The Bidens were "First found in Hampshire and later in Gloucestershire and Somerset [i.e. Bath and Wells]." The English Bodes/BODINs -- the ones using the Abis eagle design, like the Watt eagle -- were first in Hampshire. The Watts were in Whitefield in NorthAMPTON, on the north side of Hampton.

If we're sure that these families trace to Ascalon, it can support my trace of Ashtons to the same, for as "John Wathes was Lord of the manor of Eston in that county in 1347," the Eston surname is also the Ashton surname. The Ascheton variation shown smacks of the Asketin term that the Ascalon-like Haskells (Ashton colors, bell pattern) are said to trace to. As I've shown in the past, and argued, the Hasketts (Ashton colors) use a garb of wheat tracing to the wheat cult of Ascalon. Both Hasketts and Ashtons were first in Lancashire, though their Aston kin (same black and white colors again) were first found in...garb-depicted Cheshire.

Why the gold lions in the Arms of Cheshire? Are they from the same as in the Arms of Hungary/Budapest? Why the green Shield (Wadjet, the gold lion goddess is also thought to be the "green one"). Why the Dagon-like motto term, "Digitate." Remember, Meschins of Cheshire trace back to king Mieszko, who was also Dagome:

"...Also in another volume from the times of Pope John XV, Dagome...and their sons Misico and Lambert [= Mieszko I and Mieszko II] (I do not know of which nation those people are, but I think they are Sardinians, for those are ruled by three lords were supposed to give to Saint Peter one state in whole which is called Schinesghe, with all its lands in borders which run along the long sea, along Prussia to the place called Rus..." (round brackets not mine)

As the Cheshire lions are said (link above) to be "the arms of the third and fourth Earls of Chester, i.e. Ranulf le Meschin and his son, Ranulf de Gernon, we assume that the gold lion of Wadjet/Uat traces to Cheshire from the Mieszko line to the Cheshire Masseys/Mascis. I have insisted that Obama's mother traces to the location of Dunham Masci, ruled by Mascis...from Mieszko. The German Mieske/Mesech Coat shares a black bull head with the Astons (of Cheshire).

The DAVENports (same colors again) of Cheshire were in ASTbury. The Davis/David lion is in the same black and white colors again. Chester was at first called, Deva. The Devons are in the same colors again. Devons use the Gast/Gascon duckling, which is not surprising if the latter were Gascony-based Basques, called "Euskals" that I trace to...Ascalon.

The duckling above is found in the Sheldon Coat (black and white again) because it's called a sheldrake duck. "Shel(don)" smacks of "Ascal(on)." The SKELtons with familiar Rus symbols were first found in CUMBERland.

Skeltons later branched to BranthWAITE and High House, yet another Uat-like term, and so see the Waite Coat, black and white again. It uses bugles in Traby-bugle colors (I hold a theory that the Traby bugles will end up being linked to the 666-man). The Branthwaite Coat uses the Davenport crosslets "fitchee." The whole Coat is in the colors of the Davis and David Coats.

We're not losing sight here that Daphne traces to Sabines/Safini, and further back to the Sebennytos branch of the Nile where Buto was located, which was represented by Wadjet/Uat. The Sebennytos was also the Damietta (sounds like Samnite tribe of Sabines), and the city of Sybennytos was also "Samannud." This is where the Davis' should prove to trace.

One more thing before closing. It was unveiled by an online quote yesterday that Drummonds were Amouri/Damory/Mora/Mares. I failed to see then the significance of the Scottish Mare/Marre Coat, two white lions on red. I had traced the Drummonds to the founding of the Ross clan of Ross-shire, a clan also called, "Children of Andrew," and so see the white lion on red in the Ross Coat. That's the first excellent evidence, and there has been some minimal evidence, to link Drummonds to Ross-shire.

I had traced George, son of king Andrew I, to the founding of Ross, but now it looks as though Maurice, his son, had a Mare clan there. Interestingly, I had traced Maurice, also Marot de Yorvik, to York, and so see that Scottish Mares/Marres were first found in...Yorkshire. I had also linked (many years ago) the Drummonds to the Mar clan, for they had a (Kil)Drummy castle. I thought, but couldn't prove, that Mars were named after Maurice. I removed an entire chapter from online that made that claim. As it turns out now, the Scottish Mares use a Mar variation.

As the French Mars/Mares/mores use white scallops, the color of the Samson and Meschin scallops, I think that Drummonds must have had links to the Buda-like peoples who named Budapest. I had traced the Gos/Gois part of Ranulf le Meschin to the Basques from Ascalon, but now let me say that the scallops of the French Mars are in the colors of the same in the Irish Patterson/CUSSanes Coat, and meanwhile the Scottish Pattersons were first found in...Ross-shire!!!

It's easy to spot that Pattersons, said to be from the Sodhans, had a family branch in Devon called, "Sodan." The Sodan write-up suggests a Down entity, and the Down/Douner Coat happens to use the same colors. It gets the Pattersons very close to the Dunham surname while at the same time suggesting Daphne-of-Devon roots. This picture too seems Obama-important, for his Randolph (same Coat as the Dunhams) was important to king David I of Scotland, whose name must have come from his mother, queen Margaret of Hungary; she was friend, if not relative, of the Drummonds.

Emailer Patterson has shared with me that one of her major concerns is to trace the Nephilim cult. The French Mares, and therefore the Pattersons are suspect too, were first in Burgundy, where Nibelungs lived. AND, as we saw recently, Nibelungs were also in Budapest. There is every reason to believe at this picture that Pattersons were linked heavily to Hungarian Drummonds. We saw that Nibelungs of Budapest were among Cimmerians, no doubt of SiCAMBRIA (alternative name of Budapest), and Drummonds together with Chemmites should conform to Joktanites of the ADRAMmelech cult.

But then I don't yet know that Hungarian Drummonds were linked to Cimmerians. Perhaps a study of Andrew's bloodlines could reveal a little something, though his and/or George's Varangian-Rus side is what likely named Ross-shire.

August 20

Glenn Beck, a Mormon, sees nothing wrong with homo marriages, and Ann Coulter, a Catholic, has taken the same position; see the WND home page and scroll down a little. Beware the Republican talk-show hosts who put on a Christian face; they intend to use their fame to take Christians for a ride.

In case you're interested, "James Jeffrey, the new US ambassador to Iraq, arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday..." I take it that he has been primed by the O-dministration for a new agenda, or at least a different tack on previous agenda: getting in place an Iraqi government which Globamists favor.

I find it very risky to call the new Iraqi situation, "Operation New Dawn." That's the official name now...just as I'm expecting the darkest night for Iraq:

"...U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley described the end of combat operations as a 'historic moment,' but vowed that America's long-term commitment was unwavering.

...'We're not ending our involvement in Iraq. We will have important work to do. This is a transition. This is not the end of something. It's a transition to something different. We have a long-term commitment to Iraq.'

Crowley said that after spending $1 trillion in Iraq and with 4,400 lives lost, the conflict had come 'at high expense.'

'We've invested heavily in Iraq and have to do everything we can to preserve that investment to integrate Iraq, along with the neighborhood, into a much more peaceful situation that serves their interests as well as ours. But this is a historic moment.'"

I get it. For seven years under Bush, the Democrats cried foul and wouldn't let the Republicans breath easy for a moment. Now Democrats are saying "WE" have a right to cash in on the blood spilled and the money spent. I get it; they were against the war, but it's just honky to give Iraq the bill now, so long as the Democrat administration gets the money. The article starts off by saying: " troops leave, the [Obama] administration reportedly is planning to double the number of private security guards in the country." That's not withdrawal; that's intrusion.

Again, a news item has led to bloodline topics, for I have found a Soetoro-like term in Ireland. It started with a check of the Jeffrey Coat as per James Jeffrey above. It's the Welsh Jeffrey/Geoffrey surname, said to be from "Godfrey." Note the ermine Shield because we're going to see it again promptly, suggesting that Mr. Jeffrey is family to Obama's father-in-law (i.e. with Soetoro surname).

I loaded the Godfrey Coats to discover the Irish Godfrey Coat in the black and white of the Jeffrey Coat. And I saw a familiar term: "[The Godfrey surname] was borne by Godfrid, the grandson of Ivar, who ruled Dublin in 921-7. Godfrid, the son of SITRic..." (caps mine). Hmm, I thought, I was just on the Sitter surname yesterday as a result of hypothesizing a Soetoro link to Suters. I reloaded the Sitter Coat to see the black lion in the Crest, the symbol of the Jeffrey Coat. By the way, . And just then the term "Setter" came to me for the first time, and entering it, I found this write up (caps mine):

"The name Setter was originally derived from a family having lived in the ancient chapelry of Satterthwaite found near Hawkeshead in Lancashire. This surname was originally derived from the Old English elements SOETR meaning shield and pveit meaning pasture."

Amazing. It was the very night (last night) after a longish bloodline topic that started with the Soetoro surname in the first place. And Hawkeshead in Lancashire evokes the Hawkeswell/AXELROD surname , that page telling of a Hackinsall location in Lancashire. I had traced Hawkeswells to "Hyksos," but now it can be traced to Sais too, if indeed the Setter/Satter surname, as with the Seatons et al (see recent updates), traces to Set(h) of Sais. I just mentioned earlier in this update that Wadjet/Uat was depicted as the Horus hawk.

The Setter/Satter Coat is a Shield filled with ermines. The Hawks Coat has an erminized chevron, gold on silver, and purple "pilgrims staves" (could be code). The hawk rising in the crest has a bell, what I think could be code for Baal.

I never forget that it was Tim who discovered the Hawkeswell Coat, by entering "Axelrod," I assume, another surname of an Obama man, David Axelrod, out of Obama's Chicago-based den of wolves. Axelrod, a Jew, was/is a chief advisor for Obama's "kingdom." Near the top of Wikipedia's article on Axelrod is a Claypool surname (that Axelrod was associated with), and the Claypool Coat is a Shield filled with...ermnines. The Clays were, like the Claypools, first in Lincolnshire (i.e. they are the same family, and they use a semi-gold chevron on silver, breaking the heraldry rules just like the similar Hawkes Shield. And what do you know, the Hawkes were also first found in Lincolnshire!

"Clay" evoked "Clack," which found a gold eagle with silver wings (a no-no) in the Crest, and a silver, erminized eagle on what would be a gold Shield if not for the addition of an extra red Shield under the Eagle. The gold Shield is erminized completely. The Clacks have a Clague variation that could modify to "Clay."

Clacks were first in Herefordshire, where the ermanized Jeffreys were first found. Let's not forget the Sellicks of Herefordshire, for they use a Shield-on-Shield too, and "Sellick/Seliock" can certainly "Clack." In other words. Clacks and Clays, and Clay pools may have been prime and proud examples of Seleucids. This is no small point, if Obama is supporting end-time Seleucids. In fact, I trace his Dunham-Meschin line back to Mieszko, who I have traced to Sulcis of Sardinia (see yesterday's Dagome/Mieszko quote), a city that was also Sant-Antioco, named after Antioch of Syria, obviously, itself named after Antiochus the son of Seleucus I, the runner up to the end-time anti-Christ according to Daniel 8 and 11.

It has been suggested by many that Obama is in bed with the Goldman-Sachs moneymen, and it hasn't escaped me that the white roses on black used by the Setters/Satters/Soetrs are used by the Sachs Coat too, both the German and "Jewish" Coats. Possibly, "Sach" is related to "Clack" or other Sellicks/Seleucids. After writing that, I dug in and found excellent evidence as per a Silesia link (the place that I link Sulcis to, via the Mieszko bloodline going from Sardinia to Silesia/Bohemia). The Sachs surname was first found in Breslau (Poland), which is also "WrocCLAW (Clay-interesting indeed). AND: "In 1335, Breslau was incorporated with almost all of Silesia into the Kingdom of Bohemia." Hmm, Breslau is on the Oder river, yet another term to investigate for Uat roots.

ZOWIE, the Arms of Breslau (link above) uses a "Miasto" motto term. Who is that bearded man in the center of the Shield? I just realized, the Shield is also the Massey Shield!!! It's in colors reversed from the Sais/Say Coat with black bull head; the Mieske/Mesech Coat also uses a black bull head!!! Wow-ow-ie! There's the solid evidence of a Masci-Meschin link back to Mieszko. I had no idea that it was in Breslau. That's a huge clue for future use.

Again, the Sais/Say surname (that I think will prove to link to the Setters/Satters/Soetrs was first in Shropshire, where the Meschins were first found, and we can now see a link of "Shrop" to the Sorbs of Silesia, Lusatia, Prussia, Brandenburg, and other parts of Poland.

The old name of Wroclaw, "Wratislavie," evokes the Bratt surname, to be discussed below.

Forget the Satterthwaite write-up's "shield" definition for "soetr," and think instead the title of Antiochus I Soter, meaning "Antiochus the Savior." Just look (link above) at the unashamed queerbox on his own coin, sitting (as Apollo) naked on an omphalos (i.e. with a phallus up his anus). The Savior??? SCOFF!!

Therefore, it appears that the bloodline of this Antiochus Soter led to a Soetr-like surname of Silesia, where it merged with the Sachs of Breslau so that the two ended up using the very same white rose design, on black. And the related Clays appear named after WrocCLAW.

The bearded man in the Arms of Breslau is said to be John the Baptist )see here). Perhaps this is taking pride in being from the bloodline that sliced his head off. Or, because the Apostle John is said to be featured in the fourth quarter of the Shield, the emphasis on "John" looks like code for the Janina Poles (after whom the Shield-on-Shield design was created). I traced the "Janina" term to various "John" entities, especially pharaoh "Khyan," said to mean "John."

Look at what else we find in the Breslau Arms: "In the second (upper right) quarter there is the Silesian eagle which comes from the Silesian Piast eagle." No surprise. It looks like the Hohen eagle. See also the Hohen Eagle in the flag of Hohenzollern-Hechingen and Sigmaringen, and ask whether "Hechin" traces to the Heka=Hyksos, or the boot and gold lion in the Hagen/Hegan Coat (the boots of the French Masseys were recently traced to Buto/Uat). Dutch Hagens use those diamonds we've seen recently, as for example on the Irish Hessen/Hassen Coat!! Hagens/Hegans, apparently, were Hassen/Hessens.

The latter Hohen Arms has three horizontal black bars on white, the symbol of the Arms of the Trebizond empire. See also the Arms of Luban in Silesia, with the black version again of the white Piast eagle, and horizontal black bars.

In both Hohen eagles we see that globular Catholic symbol that was addressed earlier in this update as per Budapest et al. Like I said, I would trace "Piast" to (Buda)Pest and then earlier still to Bast. Yes, I had traced Piast to Poseidon-based Pisidians, but I think it's becoming obvious that Bast/Baset was the Poseidon cult. I'll explain this at some other point when linking it all to Nahorites again. Clue: I had identified "Poseidon" as Buz-Eidon.

As Lesna is in Luban county, I would link the mythical Piast king, Lestko, to Lesna elements. Lestko ruled after Siemowit, a term that I would trace to "Samannud," the alternative name of Sebennytos, where the Buto/Uat cult was located. Note the "wit" ending in "Siemowit," for it smacks of the Waite ending in "Satterthwaite," and other similar terms (e.g. White/Watt/Wyatt) that I've traced to "Uat." And as both Uat and Wadjet, gold-lion goddesses, were traced to gold lions of heraldry, note the gold lion in the Satterthwaite Crest (there are two distinct Setter/Satter/Soetr write-ups, one by entering "Setter," and another by entering "Satter").

I'm keeping in mind that since I trace Sebennytos/Samannud to the Sabines and Samnites, and then to Swabians (a known Suebi tribe), Hohens, because they were of Swabia, should trace to Sebennytos elements on their non-Khazar side. However, Khazars may trace to the same Nile-delta elements.

This is a good time to remind you that Hyksos, at the Wikipedia article, are called "Heqa KhaseWET." I traced this term to Kizzuwatna of Cilicia. I just learned that while I alluded to this link in my chapter title, "Watna Hell Were the Hyksos," I did not mention the Heqa Khasewet term in that chapter (though I mentioned Kizzuwatna many times), but made the point in a later chapter. The point here is, I was just at that Hyksos chapter seeking the spelling of "Heqa Khasewet," and found that I had already suggested a trace of Samannud to Samnites. But I had included other info that could be beneficial to record at this time:

The Minya website above tells that Minya [in Egypt] was also "Tmoone," a term that might just have been mythical Damno, of Egypt, what I have previously linked to Danaus in Africa and then to such peoples as the Lacedaemonians, Samnians, Semnones, and Dumnoni. But "Tmoone" also evokes, Tmolus, a location at Lydia that I think was mythical Semele herself. Indeed, see that "Samalut is an Egyptian city located in the Al Minya Governorate. It is located on the west bank of the Nile just north of Minya = Tmoone. In fact, "Samalut" has the variant, "Samannud," which looks like the makings of "Tmoone." Surely this was proto-Dionysus in Egypt, the demons.

Later in the chapter, I added: "The Samuha webpage below tells that the religious cult of Samuha (city of the Hittites) had attempted to adopt the religious cult of Kizzuwatna..." It all tends to trace Siemowit to the Sam elements of KizzuWATna and the KhaseWET Hyksos, all linked to the Uat cult of Samannud.

The first legendary king of the Piasts, who ruled immediately before Piast Kolodziej the wheel-line himself, was Choscisko, perhaps of Kos elements. It is purely coincidental (or is it? that I had trace the Coulter surname (uses cartwheels) to Piast Kolodziej, while mentioning Ann Coulter at the top of this update. And when I thought about that, I also realized that the Beck surname was mentioned with her, while "Beck" has every potential to trace to Apachnus=Khyan and/or the "pech" term said to be at the root of Pest's founding. The German Becks use the no-no of silver (stag, symbol of Hungary's founding) on gold, and is said to derive in "bach."

The Welsh Bachs/Baghs (first found in DENbighshire) use the Kemmis symbol!!! Remember, the Welsh are Cymbri/Cymri=Cimmerians.

IT WASN'T COINCIDENTAL. My writing yet go along in tune with surnames in the news that I "happen" to read for Iraq updates. It is STAGgering, folks. There are dirty pellets all over the place.

When we enter "Pach," we get the German Bach Coat. WATCH it; Glenn Beck would have Christians love the George-Washington cult.

I wrote about Glenn Beck in the second update of July:

Then there is a distinct German Bach/Back Coat using a "spes" motto term, the same as the (red and white) English Coat. This Back Coat is in the colors of the Bag/Bagg Chief (= upper third of the Shield). This all stinks to highest Heaven [I was linking to Tolkien codes].

I had traced "Tolkien" to a T-version of "Seleucus," which is to say I had traced both terms to Telchines of Rhodes, and as I trace the Lindos city of Rhodes to Lincolnshire (earlier named "Lindsey"), note that the English Beck surname (in the colors of the Glenn Beck logo) was first in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire!

Yesterday I had come across a surname ending in "waite" while discussing the Skeltons/Sheltons of Yorkshire:

Skeltons later branched to BranthWAITE and High House, yet another Uat-like term, and so see the Waite Coat, black and white again. It uses bugles in Traby-bugle colors (I hold a theory that the Traby bugles will end up being linked to the 666-man). The Branthwaite Coat uses the Davenport crosslets "fitchee." The whole Coat is in the colors of the Davis and David Coats."

I spy with my little eye, something that is black on white and red all over: the Davis, Branthwaite, and Beck Coats. When I entered "Braith/Brath" yesterday, I found the English Bradd Coat but didn't bother to mention it for lack of anything to say. Now I can add that I had traced the Bradds to PodeBRADY of Bohemia. The German Bratts/Braats, first in Prussia, should apply, as they use the Bradd colors. It would be a silver anchor on gold if not for the blue Shield on top of the gold Shield.

Hmm, do you think that the idea of Janina Shield-on-Shield was devised as a way to disguise silver-on-gold clans, or perhaps to satisfy the heraldry lords who at some point prohibited the use of silver on gold??? Were the Janina, in other words, filled with silver-on-gold clans?

The Brodys use the Bradd/Bratt colors in reverse, and as they were first found in Moray, it's obvious that Brodys own the Moray stars in colors reversed. As I trace Moray to Moravians, it supports a Bratt/Bratt trace to PodeBrady, not far from, if not part of, old Moravia. The Lambert Coat (think Mieszko Lambert) uses stars in Moray-star colors. The bunched stars in the Brody Crest could link to the three Kabar tribes that co-founded On-Ogur = Hungary. Podebrady was also "PodeBRODY."

Next, I hunted for origins/relations of the Sachs surname, finding the SAYge variation of the Sack/Sage surname. What's black on white and red all over. The Sack/Sage Coat. And, the Brody Shield happens to be in colors-reversed to the Sack/Sage Coat, which is itself exactly the Branthwaite Shield. Entering "Sayce" brings up the Sais/Say Coat that was just traced to Breslau!! German Sages use gold on silver; you can investigate Seagers/Sakers and Sawyers (in Moray colors) of Norfolk for obvious German-Sack/Sage reasons.

Immediately after writing the paragraph above, I was seeking surnames that could link to the Hohenzollern-Hechingens, when I found the Hagens. I inserted the bit on Hagens a little above. But I then continued the hunt and came to Hacons/Hakens of NORFOLK. I thought that was "coincidental." The write-up traced to "Har(kin)" and "Harry."

Then "Hachin" was entered to find a Coat in the Harkin/Hakon colors. The Hachins are also "Hatchets," which is of cutting-edge importance to the axe symbol that I see as Hyksos-related. The Hacher variation warrants a look-see into the Acre/Aker surnames (one from CUMBERland), and possible links to mount Acra (Jerusalem) and Ekron of the Philistines. The Acres/Akers of Cumberland were also "D'Acres, and so the Daggers/Dakers (scallops, in Harken/Hakon colors) of Cumberland should apply.

Hokie Samokies, have I got samthing for you now. It came to mind just now to look at the Harry Coats again, and that's when I remembered that the Parrow surname, said to be from "Harry," uses the same diamonds found in the Dutch Hagen and Irish Hessen/Hassen Coats!!! WOOOOWWWOOWWW, and the Parrow Crest uses....hatchets!!!! Keep in mind that the Parrow/Parry Coat uses the Welsh Davis motto.

That is confirmation that Harry-based Harkins/Hakens were of the Hagens (of HAARlem) and Hessens/Hassen. Irish Hagens (the ones who use the boot) use a dagger in the Crest, the symbol of mythical Esus...who was likely from Iasius of Samothrace. Entering "Hessin" brings up a Hessam surname from "the son of Heysham," a potential Sam(son) entity. It's in the colors of the Harkin/Hakens.

I should now mention, as per my trace of Hesse's Catti peoples to Cheshire, that the Cheatles of Cheshire use a red dancetty bar, just like the Harkins/Hakens. These things together suggest strongly that Harry-based Hakens were linked to the Catti of Hesse, themselves to Hyksos. And that's where the Bast link to Poseidon comes in, for Poseidon was the Egyptian line to the CADmus-branch Phoenicians...that I trace to the Catti of Hesse.

One can sense that Hakens were Esau-based Hyksos, and so see the "red" definition of the Irish Hakens. I do not believe that the surname traces to "earc" meaning red, however, only that the family has a red peculiarity, explaining the red bar.

The Harkens are related to the same colored Urquarts/Orchards, for as we read that Irish Harkens/Hakens were from INIShowen (there is a blue on white Howen/Hone Coat, seems Cohen), the blue (Zionist stars; in this case, these are the Moray stars) on white Inis surname was "in the barony of Innes in Urquhart."

The point is, I have a string belief that Urquarts were Tolkien's Orc/Ork that represented Orkney, and as such they trace to Orchomenos of Greece, the Minyae of Greece, who buried horses with their dead relatives...just like the Hyksos of Avvite realms who were in turn associated with Avith (Avvite capital) in Edom!! Recall the Minyae peoples of the Nile mentioned earlier in this update, for they were of Samannud elements.

And that's how I think the Hyksos named the Harkens, but merger with the Orcs. I traced the so-called "organ rests" of the Arthur/HARthur Coat to the Organ/Aragan/Harrigan surname (uses a garb), but also to "Orkney." And as you know by now, I view the Brito-Arthurian cult as a major Hyksos branch of globalist importance.

Tolkien made Melkor, who was mythical Meleager of Calydon, the leader of his Orcs (obviously the Pictish Caledonians), and I would identify "Meleager" as code for Amalekites.

Entering "Harth" in search of Arthur/Harthur-surname roots, we get a rooster-depicted (i.e. Rus) Heath/Hethe surname, which seems related to the Hessen variation of the Harkens/Hakens. Note the ARCHibure variation of the Arthurs, perhaps related to the Saxon Arch/Ark surname (some say that king Arthur started out as the white-dragon Saxons before becoming the red-dragon Brits/Cymri). For further investigation, if you unlike me have the time, the Biden-like and Watt-like Arden surnames could apply.

English Watts were first in NorthAMPTON, while English Ardens were in HAMPshire.

Scottish Watts, the one with the all-seeing eye and a pair of glasses atop a tree (remember Esus symbols atop a tree), were first in Worcestershire. The Arms of Worcestershire is a tree. The article mentions something about "The Archers, the world's longest running radio soap opera..."

Hmm, as per the Ardens being first found in Warwickshire, look at the setting of the soap opera:

"The Archers is set in the fictional village of Ambridge in the fictional county of Borsetshire, in the real English Midlands. Borsetshire is situated between the (in reality contiguous) counties of Worcestershire and Warwickshire..."

BorSETshire. Is that code for northerly/boarish Set cult? In any case, the trace above of Urquarts/Orchards to Avith supports a trace of the all-seeing Watts to Avvites as per their "Fide" motto term (see yesterday for that). I had traced the same Watt clan to Uat/Wadjet due to its "fiducia" term. NOW, look at the "Ut" motto term of the Scottish Archies/Archibalds/ARKanbald!!!

The Archies use stars in the colors of the Inis stars!!! Excellent, for they were of Urquhart and of the HARKens/Hakens. If you follow the leads in the Fix surname, which is the only surname I can imagine quickly as per the Archie motto term, "reficiar," you will find Ficks, Vicks, Victors, perhaps Vickers, apparently related. You might even see to try "Ficher," which brings up an Arthur-beloved term of "Fisher" (see Fisher King), and uses...the Hagen fish. This is the Coat using the Massey boot, which jibes with the Mackesy/Margeson and Margy/Mackie lion in the Ficher/Fisher/Fischer Coat.

I GET IT. The Archies were Margesons, from Argenson (Sussex, beside Kent) and, I think, from the Arques/D'Arques/Darks. The Fisher lion is gold on black, the colors of the WittelsBACHS, suggesting a possible Fick/Vick link to Becks/Bachs et al going back to Hyksos of the Uat cult. And I've just traced "Wittel" and the Aode/Aoidh term said to be at the root of the Mackesys and Mackays/Mackeys to that cult.

The Borset(shire) code of the Archers show could link to mythical Bors, the holy-grail character mentioned in the Fisher King link above. As we saw recently, the Seth Coat uses grails, and suggests that the grail line is the one from Sais (Nile delta), where I imagine (still looking for evidence) Set(h) being rooted to that term/place.

The Fisher King, because he's lame, should be code for the Hephaestus and/or Dionysus cults. One easily links the holy grail of the fisher-king myth to the Catti of Hesse, for the same fish (same colors too0 used in the Fisher Coat is used by the Irish Hagens, who were just linked above to the Harkens/Hakens using the red dancetty bar of the Cheatles of Cheshire.

Something just dawned on me that discredits my trace of the Matthie surname to Masseys of Angus (Innes blood), as they merged there with the Mathuna/Maghan surname of Ireland, but I'll mention it anyway. As I was reading the Fisher grail story, I caught wind that the holy grail has been linked to Joseph of AriMATHEA, and suspecting that this myth has been believed in by certain families, they took on a Mathie or Mathie-like surname. When I entered "Mathia" just now, the Scottish Mathie/Mann surname came up that I usually link to the Irish Mathuna/Maghan/Mann surname. What convinced me of a Mathie link to the Fishers was the Fac (like "Ficher/Fick") motto term. Moreover, the write-up mentions the invasion of king Haakon.

Even if there is a link of the Mathies to an Arimathea cult, it doesn't, of course, mean that the bloodline is that of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Safe to say, the holy grail of paganism is of the Corbin raven Rus, for the Fisher king is given a birthplace of Corbenic/Corbin. Tim found that the Corbin motto (Coat uses ravens) is shared by Welsh (of CarMARTHEN=Merlin) Pruitts / Rotherys (named after Rus-Brits, I'm sure, not Israelites anyway), and by the Welsh John surname using ravens AND axes/hatchets. Unfortunately, one could trace the John surname to John the Baptist's axe-at-the-foot-of-a-tree statement, but then that may have been a statement of the Holy Spirit speaking of the destruction to the Esus cult of the end days.

As per the Fichers/Fishers and I assume the Dutch Victors/FICHTERS too, note the Magdalene cult of Leonardo da Vinci (surname means "victor"). I suppose that the Victors/Fichters could have been Fiquets too, and Montfiquets.


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