Previous Update: December 6 - 9

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December 10 - 13, 2010

Guarding Herod-like Surnames
The Bee Line of Mayberry

December 11 -- 12 -- 13

December 10

The headline: Home Values May Drop by $1.7 Trillion This Year... To whom does that figure speak and concern, the homeowner, or the Gobbler Giant? Why does anyone speak to the Giant about home prices? Which fat giants would care about the overall drop in housing, and who keeps track of these numbers on their behalf? It's the trend today in the news, to speak to the giants in such huge figures, for giants feed on them. What really matters, and what the news should be dwelling on, is that your sweat and blood can be seen coming down from the corners of their mouths.

It appears that Medvedev likes the fall of the United States, yet Obama continues to cater to Russia for what his people could get out of the "partnership." Forget Russia. Leave it alone to its own vice. America has vice far worse to contend with:

"...'Public and non-governmental organisations should think of how to help [WikiLeak's Assange]', the source from inside president Dmitry Medvedev's office told Russian news agencies. Speaking in Brussels, where Medvedev was attending a Russia-EU summit yesterday, the source went on: 'Maybe, nominate him as a Nobel Prize laureate.' Russia's reflexively suspicious leadership appears to have come round to WikiLeaks, having decided that the ongoing torrent of disclosures are ultimately far more damaging and disastrous to America's long-term geopolitical interests than they are to Russia's.

...Subsequent [WikiLeaks] disclosures, however, that Nato had secretly prepared a plan in case Russia invaded its Baltic neighbours have left the Kremlin smarting. Today Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said Nato had to explain why it privately considered Russia an enemy while publicly describing it warmly as a 'strategic partner' and ally."

Translation: Lavrov is in his glory. But he seems willing to accept an apology from NATO, and then to continue relations.

The best thing that can be done for Russians, now that their country allows foreign material to flow freely, is for the West to expose the bankruptcy of its atheist leadership. Overthrow Russian atheism without weapons of war. Spend money on different kinds of weapons: send the message to all Russians that atheism has betrayed them...because there is a vengeful God that should be honored, and can be appeased by proper conduct.

Soft-spoken Joe Lieberman and other "Jews," including Carl LEVIN, want homosexuals in the military to have the right to expose themselves, in case we were wondering where Lieberman's religion stands.

Lavrov. Lieberman. Oliver. Laevi. Labyrinth.

In case you've lost sight of the Russian significance in the surnames dealt with in recent days, let me repeat that both the Putten and Medley surnames were first found in Sussex, and that their Teucer-related kin were all along the southern shores of England. Dutch Puttens even use the tooth marks seen in the Teague and Toker Coats.

The significance of a trace of these clans to Teucer Trojans is Teucer's daughter, Batia, whom may have become the Batavians of Holland, part of whom are now (theoretically) the Puttens. There was also the question of whether Baathist roots in Britain trace to Batia, and how these clans might have come to rule Russia today (as per MEDvedev and Putin) via some old globalist engineering plans of the House of Rothschild.

I've shown how many of these particular clans use black and white, including the Puters first found in Cornwall. They are said to have been "Lords of the Manor of Basustowe," a term that could be broken down as Basu-Stowe i.e. a Bas-entity branch of the Stout/Stow proto-Stewart Rus of the Macey/Mackay clan. Entering "Basu" brought up another black and white Coat, and it's the Basil/Bazil surname from, apparently, Basil, Switzerland.

For we read in the Basu/Basil write-up that they were seated at Besselsleigh (Berkshire), while the write-up for the Swiss Bessel Coat traces to Basil. The Bessel Coat is in Macey/Mackay colors, and uses a white fleur-de-lys, a Massey symbol. I say this because entering "Bas" brings up the Bessin-like Bassen surname, which also uses black-on-white symbols (greyhounds). The Bessins of Cheshire, who also use black-on-white, should surely trace to the Bessin (where Meschins were first found).

I don't recall linking Basil to the Bessin, which would then tend to trace Basil to the Boii founders of the Bessin. But I now see that the German Bessen Coat smacks of the French Basil Coat, a surname showing Bazon and Bezon variations.

The Besselsleigh term could hold a key to Esau-based Edomites out of Hesse. For what it might be worth to Edomite hunters, I decided to show the Sleigh Coat's owls. but then I noticed that the Sleighs were from the manor of Ashe. That reminded me of my owl trace to mythical Asclepios, whom I trace between Edom and ASHkelon, and then forward to the Ashe surname ("omniBUS" motto term)...which uses two black-on-white fat chevrons, perhaps linked to the fat chevrons of the Olivers and Levis.

Then, the Bass/Bassin surname (Keith colors) above was first found in Haddington, no doubt named after the Keith Catti that were also first found there. But they should trace to the Catti of Hesse, and those Catti were a fellow tribe, it is said by Wikipedia, of the Batavians. The Bas/Bassin chevron in colors reversed to the Sleigh chevron, and as the latter uses owls while "Hesse" is under investigation for links to "Esau," we can't ignore that Esau ruled out of BOZrah. If you're seeing a Bozrah trace to Boiotia (before reaching the Boii), I'm with you.

The Asches were also Esses because they ruled D'Esse Court in Devon, where other Teucer bloodlines were concentrated. The Puttens use "besants," let's not forget, likely linked to the besants of Devon's Treby surname. Again, the Trebys lived in Treeby, but the Tree/Trew surname uses greyhounds in the colors of the Bassen greyhounds (the latter are the ones from Haddington).

Entering "Bosen" brings up two Shields in the same colors, one the German Bessen/Bessent surname (already shown), and the other the English Bozon/Bosum surname with Boii-like Boyzon and Boysum variations. The Coat uses arrows, which suggest the Bowers/Bauers (same colors) and Bogans or Bohens. The latter term (German Bohens were first in Bavaria, where we expect the Boii) starts to veer toward "Bohem(ia)," and the Bohem surname had ancestry, the write-up says, in Bavaria. The English Bohens/Bones/Boones (same colors) were first in Sussex (where I trace the Russian leaders).

I don't think these things are coincidences. I think the leaders of Russia trace to the same bloodlines as the Illuminati, and this for me suggests that Russian leaders will have a part in the anti-Christ empire. While the Western Illuminati has not seen eye-to-eye with KGBers like Putin, yet there seems to be an O-push at the present time to merge with the Russian leaders. One of the principal men of the West that strives to create a partnership with Putin is Anders Rasmussen, leader of NATO.

The Flemish Mussen surname (black on white Shield again) could apply to Rasmussens, and its Muston variation smacks to me of the same-colored Must/Mousquette surname (Normandy)...that I've suspected will be a fundamental part of the anti-Christ system. The Mussens, who lived at Muston/Musson (Normandy), are traced to the Folk/Falk/Volkinghams, who once again use black and white. The white scallops on black smack of the Meschin scallops in this case, and I do see a link between Meschins and "Moscow" since, after all, Varangian Rus co-founded Moscow. The English Mussens were first in Lincolnshire, where I trace the Rhodians>Varangians.

The Mussen write-up not only traces to Folkinghams, but "Moucon" "may have been the surname of Gilbert of Ghent (Flanders) or Gand." The English Ghent Coat is again black and white, but it's the Dutch Ghent Coat that is now of particular importance, for it uses the same Shield as the (Swiss) Bessels.

The Mussen Shield is the same as the Bas Shield, and the Bas surname was first in Haddington, where Musselburgh is located. It smacks of Bessin-based Meschins in Haddington. The Bas surname is said to be Huguenot, and that helps us to link Bas' to the Swiss Bessels (from Basil), for the Hugo surname (Melusine) was first found in Basil.

German Bas' use an eagle in colors reversed to the eagle of the English Ghent Chief, and frankly I think the same eagle design in the Puter Coat is linked because we arrived to the Basu/Basil surname in the first place today due to the Basustowe location of the Puters. English Ghents were first in Hampshire, not far from the Puters>Puttens.

I've had trouble in the past understanding the root of the Ghents/Gants/Gaunts. But today I saw links to a G-less "Ant" that evoked the Hant region of Hampshire! So the Hant/Hand Coat was loaded to find the colors of the Dutch Ghent/Gants.

Moreover, English Gants/Gaunts, though also from Ghent (Flanders) as with English Ghents, use a different Coat...much like the Stowe Coat (!), suggesting BasuSTOWE links to the Stows/Stouts, as may have been suspected.

With this new Ghent=Hant theory in hand, "Hent" was entered, which brought up a Hendey Coat using what looks like a tree and having a Shield like the Tree/Trow Shield (the latter uses greyhounds in the colors of the Bas greyhounds). The Hendleys were first in Surrey, beside Hampshire (!).

The Arms of Surrey use keys, by the way, important to my hunt for the Pharisee bloodline to the Shays and Kays/Keys. Therefore, see that the Tree and Hent/Hendley Coat is like the Kay Coat.

It turns out that the Hent/Hendley tree is a "holly bush with new leaves" (Olivers=Laevis?), but entering "Holly" brings up an Irish Holly/Cullen Coat using hand symbols...just like the Hant/Hant Coat. Moreover, the English Holly Coat is much like the Ince Coat, itself like the Kay and Hent Coats.

The latter Hollys use the Folkingham Shield, not forgetting that Folkinghams were Mussens thought to be from Ghents. If we think that the Folkinghams/Falkinghams were the Falks/Fulkes of Norfolk, there is evidence in the Bale Coat, for not only were Bales also first found in Norfolk, but they use the split Falk/Fulkes Shield in the same colors. The two colors of the split Shield are in the two colors of the Hent/Hendley bars/stripes. AND, Basil in Switzerland is also called, Bale.

The red roundels of the Hollys are called, torteau, which could be code for the ancestry of Ingelger, the father of all the Fulks.

The French Bale Shield could be a version of the Dutch Ghent Shield.

Warren surname uses "Leo de juda," or "Lion of Judah," as a motto phrase. We should be smart enough to realize that Warrens do not trace to Israelites, but rather the idea was taken on by fake Israelites. The Falk/Fulkes write-up says: "First found in Norfolk where they were granted lands by William de Warrene and were conjecturally descended from Fulco Nerra, the Count of Anjou." The Anjou Fulks made it to the throne of Templar Jerusalem.

The German Warin Coat uses the same split Shield in the same colors, and the Warrens are said to derive from "Warin." The Wahrene, Wahrenes, and Wahrenne variations smack of the Rainfrou character (I identify it as Rennes, Brittany) that Melusine>Milo-based Veres attach to their house of Anjou. I link the RANGabes to this Rainfrou entity.

Did you happen to notice that the Irish Holly Crest is Melusine, the symbol of the Anjou Veres/Fulks? She was used in red by the Ellis clan, suggests that she was a version somehow of the European goddess, Holle/Holla. I keep a theory wherein Fulks were named after the bloodline of TheoPHYLACtus Rangabe, whose family produced Melissena Rangabe. It's possible that Melissena's family was in Lusignan as the so-called Melusines that inhabit that place, and later she was turned into the goddess that we see in heraldry. At least one Lusignan made it to the throne of Templar Jerusalem.

French Warins are also "Varin," and use Vere red and gold. The Warrens (in all three Warin colors) were from earls of Varrenne. I'm thinking the Varni Scandinavians, not the Jews of old Judah. How about you? Do you think that some Vero-Fulks of Scythian roots decided to claim Israeli roots like the devil might like to claim the throne of Jerusalem?

I do have a question as to whether the Putin/Padine Coat has anything to do with the Putin surname of Russia, but until I find otherwise, I'll press on with the possibility. The Putin/Padine crescents are on fire, suggesting links to the salamander-in-flames that traces to Teucer bloodlines. But its the salamander that leads to Teucer, while the flames, I think, are code for Flemings (founders of Flanders).

In light of my starting out today on the Putten surname and ending up on the Ghents and related Hants/Hands, I have quite a few points to make. First, I link the Hants/Hands to the Hanna-based Hannibal Carthaginians that were first found in Wigtownshire. This location is in Dumfries and Galloway, while the Putin/Padine surname was first found in Dumfries (which by the way smacks of "Edom").

There is a Dummer surname first found in Hampshire. Didn't I just discuss the Ghents and Hants of Hampshire? Dummers were from Dummer, "four miles from Basingstoke in Hampshire." Moreover, as I just linked these clans to Fulks, the Dummer Coat uses rectangular blocks...that were linked to Plantagenets/Fulks yesterday.

Basingstoke smacks of the Basustowe that cropped up as a result of following leads from the Putten/Puter discussion. And, zowie, the Basing surname (Kent) uses black spread/Adler eagles on gold, the colors of the same eagles in the German Bas/Bez Coat. The Puter Coat uses half-black eagles, and that's the surname that ruled at Basustowe.

The importance of the Stowe surname as it could relate to Putin of Russia is that the Stows are found when entering "Stout," and Stouts were the names of the raven-depicted vikings that trace to the Roth-surname raven (there's more to it but I refrain from repeating it all), wherefore it is suspect that the Rothschilds were just from the raven-depicted vikings, and that as such they would have chosen the same Rus peoples top head their Communist Russia.

English Roths not only use a black diagonal band on white like the Putin/Padine Coat, but they have the same lion in Crest as the Must/Mousquette Coat. The Putten-Puter topic did not get me to the Mussens/Mustons (who were the Ghents) by way of heraldry, yet I found myself on the Mussens nonetheless (as per Anders Rasmussen).

Messing around a little to find Mousquette kin, and because they show a Muscet variation, I entered "Music" to find the gold spread eagle on black, colors reversed to the Basing and Bas eagles. The Music surname is properly Musy and Mousy, but has many similar variations shown, but also "Musset."

At this point, confident that Flemings lead back to Edom, I entered "Edam," the name of a region in Holland. I recall discussing the Edam/Eden Coat before, tracing its scallops and its wheat garbs to Shala (she and Dagon were depicted by wheat sheaves), wife of Dagon at Ashkelon, whose peoples became the Scylla monster that I say is depicted by (e)scallops. This evokes the Ashe surname discussed above.

The "Si sit" motto phrase of the Edams/Edens reminded me of the Siston surname, with the Toke/Tucker/Tolkien griffins. The Sistons/Sysons were first in Gloucestershire, which I trace to mythical Glaucus...who loved Scylla. Moreover, the Kemmis surname was also first found in Gloucestershire, wherefore I trace Sisten elements to Sais of the Nile-river Chemmites, and that's the place that could link to an Esaus term.

Unfortunately, the Sussex page shows no Coat but only a write-up. I not fully convinced that "Sussex" derives in "south Saxon," as claimed. The Suss/Suess/Soeth Coat shows griffins, and that may be indication of a Sussex/Saxon link. The lady wears a hat, suggesting possible linkage to a Hat surname, and the Hat-Coat page shows "Hatt," smacking a little of the Wyatts (first found in Sussex!!) that I had trace to the Chemmite cult of Uat/Buto.

The Hatts just happen to be Saxons, and were first found in Dorset, not far from Sussex. All four colors of the Hatt Coat are used by the Suss Coat. The all-seeing eye of the Watts definitely traces to the Uat cult. The Suess variation of the Suss clan could suggest "Swiss," and it just so happens that the German Swiss Coat uses all four colors too. The surname is properly Schweizer/Switzer. The Suessiones (Belgics, Flanders theater) of Soisons also come to mind.

On this map (from the Suessione article), the Suessiones are smack beside the Sequana, and the two of them are not far from the Atrebates that would settle Hampshire (where "Regni" is stamped). Sussex is beside Hampshire, you see, so that it might have been named by the Suessions but shared with, or conquered by, the Sequana>Saxons.

I had also traced the Uat cult to the Whites, who are not only shown to be from Saxons, but show derivation in Hat-like "Huita, Huuita, and Hwita." You may not remember even if you had read me some months ago, that English Whites use the bell pattern in the colors of the Kemmis bell pattern.

As per the Sudsex variation of the Sussex clan, "Sude" was entered to find another tiger! The Tiger is in the Medley Crest, that surname first found in...Sussex. Therefore, there appears to be a tiger bloodline in Sussex, which may explain why prime minister Putin got a tiger for his birthday. However, the Sudes are a clan first found in Fife, and they are properly, "Sidey." Their Coat shows gold spread eagles on black, again.

With the world of globalists in dire crisis now that even Obama has been sunk to new lows, where's the globalism Christians have been expecting? We all thought that the adoration paid to Obama's first days would have he and his friends creating a sudden commu-globalist state before we could say, "what-the...?" Now what?

How many more years will it take for globalism to actually arise to the point that the world loves and worships it? Is it prophetically necessary for globalism to arise like that before the anti-Christ arrives? Or will he be the one to raise it up with a whipping smart attitude never seen before since one short giant with a geaky-looking mustache, Adolf Hitler?

I used to meditate. Not like a guru. I mean, I used to contemplate step by step the things I wanted to know of the prophetic future, and to understand the prophetic puzzle. I no longer have time for it due to these updates. I don't feel as though I have a grasp on how the future will shape up. It doesn't help that I don't watch the new commentaries on television anymore, though I plan on doing it again for a few months starting on my vacation, to start soon.

I can try to guess what's going to happen, but what's the use? I'm confused, moreover, ever since I've traced the Western Illuminati to Rus blood, the same Rus blood that founded Moscow, I no longer feel sure that the anti-Christ will be a Russian of Russia. Now, the Russian anti-Christ can be a black man. Help, someone.

I can go over and over in my head the things that I feel certain about from prophecy, and yet I can't weld a solid picture of what's to happen in some detail with the current political players. It could be that the last prophetic Week will not begin with the current political players. Many such players are replaced every four years or so. If I venture a guess on the shaping-up of the anti-Christ empire, with the current players, it could easily prove false.

There's a difference between guessing and sensing something from God. If I guess with my own powers, I have maybe a 50-50 chance. But If one feels something strongly from God, it'll likely come true. I don't feel I have much new to say of the future as a revelation from God. I had better exercise patience and not make any guesses.

I've already made some statements as per commander Mattis and Putin's oil bid as part of the shape to come, but then I also suggested that Obama, as the false Prophet, would weld Europe with American globalism, and now he doesn't seem to have many good friends left in Europe.

But globalists are desperate. They are mulling a Plan B for going forward, and like one who starts to build pre-maturely for lack of patience and wise restraint, the house will never get built properly, and will collapse with the ant-Christ putting on the roof. I think we can predict that correctly. But I don't want to know what I already know. I would like to be able to predict who the anti-Christ is from what's going on now in world events. I await that message from God. I think I'm in a good position to announce it correctly to you, because I've been involved in the task for years, but it could turn out to be that we will all know who the anti-Christ is all at the same time.

I've said the above to emphasize that it's just empty talk to suggest a Rasmussen partnership with Putin as the head of the anti-Christ system. I could suggest that NATO will enter Iraq, and that Russia will seek to better the NATO influence over Iraq, but that the two will come to some agreement, and then topple Maliki who at that time rejects the intrusions. I could go on and suggest that the Kurds and/or the Sunni will allow the entry of NATO and/or Russia into northern Iraq when Kurds and/or the Sunni come to war with Maliki, a war that seems to be shaping up at this time.

But what's the use in guessing? So long as you know that the West has been deeply in Iraq for years, and continues to have fingers in Iraq, you also know that Daniel-11 prophecy has its stage set as we breathe...and hold our breath.

In the middle of one article out today, you can read: "...All of this -- the disenchantment of the left, the confusion of the party's professionals -- has led to increased talk of a primary challenger to Mr. Obama in 2012." Not long ago, I read a headline where Hillary claimed that she will seek no public job as of 2012. Earlier today I read that Obama is seeing Bill Clinton again, but I didn't go to the article because whatever it might have given as the reason might be hogwash.

That's how bad it is for Obama, that even Hillary is shy to imply that she's enjoying her job enough to want it or something else back again. It's hard to want something back again when you're getting a whipping at the time, but don't the Dem leaders deserve it in that they're fast to use whip-lashing tongues?

I read that Ron Paul is going to oversee the Federal Reserve. He's been a strong opponent of the way the Fed has been run under Obama.

Globalism as envisioned under Obama is seeing its bumps, hard and cruel. This could lead to an over-throw of Globamism by Conservatism, or to a desperate, iron-fist, but sloppy Democrat reaction, to salvage it.

December 11

Obama did the Bill-Clinton thing this past election by losing substantial power in the midterm. So he apparently went to Bill to fish out advise on how to re-bound, as Bill did for an extra four years (the fact is, Bill won again because Republicans chose a competitor with not enough personality to beat him). That should explain why Obama is suddenly in favor of Republican tax cuts, for Bill had come to the center of his party, and then some toward the Republican right, in order to get re-elected. That's what Obama appears to be doing now: giving the hard left a very cold feeling, as though they are the reason for Obama's political woes:

"There was to be no press coverage allowed of Obama's meeting with Clinton. No photos, no questions, not even a written statement about what happened.

That changed when Obama and Clinton wrapped up their private meeting in the Oval Office. Clinton wanted to publicly endorse the tax package. Obama is welcoming all the help he can get.

So the two presidents headed straight for the famous briefing room with no warning."

Bill saw a dumbing president, and took the opportunity to advertise himself to the world as a savior once again. In order to get the press interview, he must have argued with Obama that the tax cuts need to be advertised to the nation. Obama saw the embarrassment coming his way, and while in front of the cameras, took off with an excuse as though sending the message that he was not really in favor of what Clinton was doing and/or what he might say to make himself look like Obama's "father." Clinton didn't let that stop him, and went on for a half hour like Mr. Thoughtful President, unlike Mr. Sloppy-O. It was his best triumph over the Obama that abandoned him two years ago.

Mr. Sloppy-O is making everyone in his staff embarrassed to be on his team. Foreign secretary workers no longer want to leave the country to have dinner with foreign chiefs, which may explain why Obama went personally to India immediately after the election bashing.

Ten years after his White House exit, it's still not possible to rule Bill out of end-time prophecy.

The media advisor of Jack Straw (the latter was Tony Blair's foreign secretary) wrote a memo, "Iraq Media Strategy," in part saying, 'Our argument should be narrow, and put with vigour -- Iraq is uniquely dangerous.' The manipulations of the people is what politicians do. John Williams went on to write that it would be prudent 'to fix one image of [Saddam] brutality in the public mind.'" That's typical manipulation for finding public support for a war.

The article points out that the left-wing Guardian media was William's enemy, so I loaded the Guardian article at Wikipedia just now to see what Illuminati group might be running it"

"Guardian Media owned by the Scott Trust. It was founded as the Manchester Guardian Ltd in 1907 when C. P. Scott bought the Manchester Guardian from the estate of his cousin Edward Taylor."

Hmm, the Scott Coat (cartwheels likely code for Piast the Wheelwright) uses the cloud-like border seen in the Talbot Coat. As the surname was anciently, Taillebois, I had thought (last update of October) that Talbots might also be the Tail surname, which is registered under the Taylor clan! (I don't assume that the surname is rooted in "tailor".)

The Tail/Taylor Crest is a leopard guardant. The Guard/Gard surname (laurel branches, Singletary martlets) is one that I linked to Obama's Wolfley and Randolph lines; the surname was first in Kent, where the Tail/Taylor surname was first found!

I emphasized the hawk's lure of the Herod/Hurl Coat recently. The Gard Crest uses one too. The Gard wolf is the same as the Wolfley wolf, and both surnames use a sleeved arm.

Not long after the last update of October, it was found that the French Talbot Coat smacked of the German Tall Coat, and moreover the latter shows the same bee design as the Bessin/Beaston surname of Cheshire. It didn't escape me in those days that the same similarity between the French Talbot Coat and the German Tall Coat is apparent in the Scottish Scott Coat, and I even suggested that Scotts had been Talbots.

Therefore, I now know that the Illuminati that I've been tracing to Obama's bloodlines runs the Guardian media, and because I link Obama to Rhodians (Bill Clinton is a Rhodian "scholar"), who I've traced back to Bernicians (and the de Beers), I note that the Scotts are said (in their write-up) to be Bernicians.

I've often traced the "Amo" motto of the Scottish Scotts to Hamo de Masci of Cheshire. But what now has me buzzing is that I happen to know the bee symbol in the Arms of Manchester. It's the same bee as per the Maxton Crest, and Maxtons, like Scotts, were first found in Roxburghshire (where I trace Rockefellers). THE STINGING POINT IS, the Guardian was the Manchester Guardian when Mr. Scott bought it from Mr. Taylor.

The first son of the first Rothschild, when he came to England from Frankfurt, settled in Manchester...possibly to be with distant kin of the Meschin and/or Macey/Mackay bloodline. I had traced Rockefellers to the Manchester region too. The term smacks of Manche, where Masseys had been from, but the Bessin's Meschins were not far off. The Scott surname is said to descend from the brother of Scottish king John Balliol, who is shown at Wikipedia wearing the Fleming double border (i.e. he was Flemish) with a red lion on gold, likely the personal symbol of Ranulph le Meschin (who married Lucy Taillebois). The Arms of John Balliol are shown too, a white Shield on red the English Scott Coat! King John's family members were lords of Barnard Castle, smacking of the Bernicians.

The article tells that John was married to "Dervorguilla of Galloway, daughter of Alan, Lord of Galloway and granddaughter of David, Earl of Huntingdon." Clicking over to the David article (he was grandson of David I), we find him on the front cover of "Sir Walter Scott's 1832 crusader novel The TALISman" (caps mine), suggesting that Scotts were indeed Talls/Tails/Talbots. German Talls are also "Thales."

Hmm, entering "Tales" brings up a Dalyell surname with a Dalliel variation much like "Balliol." The Coat shows a naked man, evoking the Wikipedia portrait where John is in a "mini-skirt."

The dagger in the Dalyell is said to be "erect," if that helps to underscore the queers that devised this Coat. AND, it evokes the Rosicrucian homosexual cult of the Garter.

The full description of the Dalyell Crest is: "A blue dagger erect, pommel and hilt gold." The Hilt Coat uses "Fac et spera" for a motto, and I've previously suggested a trace of "Fac et" to "faggot." The same motto is used by the Scottish Mathie/Mathus surname...that was "First found in the Scottish Highlands were they could be found in LOCHalsh, LOCHcarron and KinTAIL. " (caps mine!). See below for Loch-surname link to the Dalyells. The Matthies fought under the earls of Ross (the write-up says), and I trace the Ross clan to the Hungarian king, Andrew I. The last two paragraphs were inserted here after the below on a king-Andrew trace was already done. The Hilt surname is properly Hyatt, evoking the Hatt/Wyatt discussion yesterday. In fact, both the Hyatts and Wyatts use a black lion, and black on white Shields.

The Dalyell write up: "The surname is descended from a Norman noble who entered England in 1066 and was granted lands in England but was invited north by King David of Scotland about the year 1150, who granted him the lands of DalYell." Then there's also a Yell surname (in Gell/Jell colors) and location in the Shetlands...where I trace the Mackays. I view the Dalyell dagger as the Mackay dagger. (Gills/Jills were first in Yorkshire, where Gells/Gills/Jills were first found.)

The Yell term evoked the Yealmpton term that I once again struggled with yesterday, not knowing what it could link to. Treeby of Yealmpton is where the Treby surname was from. The Treby Coat is a white lion on black (with besants in Chief), same as the Tail/Taylor/Taillefer Coat.

The Maxton write-up: "Many Norman nobles were either invited or escaped into Scotland following the example of Margaret [mother of David I), wife of Malcolm Ceanmore, who actively recruited these Normans to their court. Maccus, son of Undewyn was believed to have followed King David north and was granted the lands of Maxton."

I hold a theory that Margaret's son, AlexANDER was named in honor of king Andrew of Hungary, and that the Scottish flag itself, "Andrew's Cross," is named after the same king. And so we find that the Scott-surname clan traces itself to a brother of John Balliol named, Alexander.

The Malcolm Coat is a saltire in colors reversed from the Andrew's cross. BUT, it uses gold symbols upon the blue saltire, just like the gold symbols on half a blue saltire in the Scottish Scott Coat, the French Talbot Coat, and the German Tall Coat.

The Dalyell location suggested the Dale surname...that happens to have a Taile-like Daile variation. The dales use the same swan as the German Logens/Lokens/Lochs and should for that reason link to mythical Lohengrin and his holy-grail father, Parzival. The Dayle and Daele variations could suggest the Day surname that I've traced to the Dia-based Daedalos>Perdix cult. The Manchester Arms uses "Labore," a term that I trace to the LABYRinth of Daedalus.

IN FACT, the Dia/Dye surname (Bacon-colored stars) was first found in Yorkshire, where Dales were first found! AND, the Dee surname (linked to Francis Bacon) uses "Hic labor"!! Like the English Scott or Talbot Coat, the Dee Coat use an indented Shield-on-Shield, AND it uses a gold lion (same lion design as the Talbots), the symbol of the French Taille/Taillebois Coat (first in Champagne).

The SAME SWAN seen in the Dale Coat is then found in the German/SwissHoc/Yoke Coat, suggesting that the "Hic" motto term of the Dees refers to that clan.

The English Yokes/Joachs should apply. The Joach variation serves to find that the English Jack Coat uses an obvious variation of the Yoke/Joach Coat, and both Jacks and Dales were first found in Yorkshire.

The alternative-English Taylor Coat uses scallops too in a way that's a little like the Jack Coat, and this time the Taylor write-up says that they were "First found in Somerset, and in Kent..." The Yokes/Joachs were first found in Kent (!)...where English Scotts were first found.

I recall suggesting a Yoke link to ""Yochanan," and now it's found that the Johann/Yochanan Coat is a single scallop in the two colors of the Jack-Coat scallops (an obvious kin link). It brings to mind the Rosicrucian saltire, with four roses surrounding it, of Johannes Andreae, a Rosicrucian out of Bavaria that is said to be connected to Shakespeare, or even Shakespeare himself. Others say that Shakespeare was the Rosicrucian, Francis Bacon.

A single large red scallop is also used by the Sabine Coat, and that tends to trace the Jacks and (swan-using) Yokes to the Ligurian swan...that I say was represented by the Ligurian capital, Savona, that I suspect was founded by Sabines or Sabine stock. Another single large scallop is used by the German Gardners, first found in Nuremberg of Bavaria.

The Shield-on-Shield that we are seeing today also evokes the fact that the Polish Janina clan was somehow at the root of the Polish Shields-on-Shields. We could just have a principle line of Janinas=Johns in Johannes Andreae:

"Andreae was the son of Johannes Andreae (1554-1601), the superintendent of Herrenberg and later the abbot of Konigsbrunn [Bavaria]. His mother Maria Moser went to Tubingen [on the Neckar!] as a widow and was court apothecary 1607-1617. The young Andreae...resumed his theological studies in Tubingen. After the final examination in 1614, he became deacon in Vaihingen an der Enz [on the Neckar!], and in 1620 priest in Calw...In 1639, he became preacher at the court and councilor (Konsistorialrat) in Stuttgart [on the Neckar!]..."

What was he doing on the Neckar, the river to which I have just traced Vere-Stewarts, Obama, and Hillary? We also read: "In 1650, [Andreae] took over the direction of the monasterial school Bebenhausen [in Tubingen]," and that smacks of the Babenbergs to which I trace the Bernicians.

The Konigsbrunn location (smacks of Bruno/Brunswick/Bryneich/Bernicia) is on a Lech river, a term that I trace to Ligurians of the Meschin fold. The Logen/Loken/Loch swan might link to this Lech river. I think the Macey/Mackay bear is code for Bernicians, and likely links to the bear of Berwickshire. Note the Macey bear is strapped for harness, evoking the saddled bear of Corbinian of BAVARIA (i.e. where Konigsbrunn is located).

The Irish Mackay Coat uses a "LICENtium" motto term that could be code for Ligurians, or even the Loken surname (it's in Mackay colors). The Irish Mackays use wolves instead of bears, suggesting that "Licentium" is code for lykos=wolf, perhaps code for some Lycian roots of Ligurians.

Mackays were first found in Sutherland, and that deserves a read of the Sutherland Coat, with it's fundamental ties to Moray, for I trace Ranulph le Meschin to the Randolphs of Moray because, I figure, they went to be with their Mackay kin at Fortis=Moray (explaining the "forti" motto code of the Mackays). But the Sutherland stars, said to be a version of the Moray white-on-blue stars (Mackay colors), are gold on red, colors reversed from the lion of Ranulph le Meschin, and colors reversed to the Arms of Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray. Note the Fleming double border in the Arms of Thomas Randolph, the same border used by John Balliol of the Scott-surname and Talbot bloodline.

The Sutherland stars are said to be from the Freskins (Friesland-kin, I assume, to whom I trace Varangians and related Nibelungs), a name that I've traced to the Fertes of Ferte-Mace (root of the Masseys). Fertes use red on gold, colors reversed to the Sutherland/Freskin stars. Incidentally, the Freskins are said to be from the "Dales of Caithness."

It doesn't escape me that Sutherlands, of CAITHness, are in the colors of the Keith/Catti Chief. (The Neckar river was not far from Hesse, where I trace the Keith Catti). In Gaelic, Keiths were "Ceiteach". I just spotted the Otter surname in the Keith write-up:

"...His great grandson, Sir William Keith, founded the tower of Dunottar Castle. Through marriage with an heiress of the Cheynes of Axkergill, the Keiths acquired lands in Caithrless, and began a never-ending succession of feuds with their new neighbors, the Gunns and others."

There's a Caithness-like location if ever we saw one. But the DunOTTAR term should link to the Otter/Other surname, in gold on red, the Keith colors. The Ottars/Others are said to be root to the Windsors. Dutch Otters (use an otter symbol) have basically the same surname variations, and then there is a Dutch Mackay surname (look perhaps to the Frisians) using the Massey Shield, in gold and red.

'The Gard Shield is in colors reversed from the Bacon Shield. For that reason and the others, the Guardian media should trace to the Bacon=Atlantean Illuminati. Like the Bacons, the Gardens/Jardens use a boar, in Bacon-star colors. The garden motto term, "junguntur," smacks of Hungary.

This reminds me of the same-colored Scottish Yonge Coat (a "rake" in the proportions of the "rake" that was the flag the first king of Hungary, Stephen), for I tend to trace the surname to the Jungs. AND, the English Yonge/Young Crest uses the same wolf design as the Gard wolf! AND MORE, the English Guards use "Toujours," the same term used by the English Yonges!!

The Irish Jordan write-up traces to "Yarden," and the Jordan Coat is in Garden/Jarden colors too. This can now make a potential Guardian link to the Polish Jordan surname that uses the Traby Arms. The English Jordans use the Irish-Jordan motto, and the Roque=Rockefeller rock. The Irish clan is also "Shurdane."

Gardiners, Garters, and Ardens/Hardens all use an ermine Shield with gold thrown in. The DeJARDINs and French Jordans were first found in Brittany (the ermine is a Brittany symbol). The Jordan Coat is like the Alan-of-Brittany Coat.

It therefore appears that the Guardian and its founders trace to the Arthurian cult of disgusting queers, not meaning to say that the founders are necessarily into that sort of disgusting behavior. The Arthurian cult has been traced to Edomite elements, and the king Herods were such too.

The Herdons/Hardens were first found in Roxburghshire, and use that same sort of Coat as Scotts (first in Roxburghshire) and Talbots/Tails: gold symbols on a blue diagonal bar. Herdens are said to be from "hara" or "hare," and that possibly brings the Heres/Hares into the picture, noting that Sellicks/Seliocs, who use the same sort of "cloudy" Shield as Scotts and Talbots, were first in Herefordshire.

Both the Gerdens/Grittons and Herds (otter and swan) were first found in Suffolk. It was asked recently whether the Herds trace to "Herod."

The Hards/Hardres use Keith colors and what looks like the Keith stag (I do trace Keiths (of Lothian) to Esau and Lotan tentatively.). The Hards were from ARDres in PicARDY, and that's the Ardennes theater.

The German Art/Arz Coat is very interesting for linking its white-on-blue castle to the same of the McLeods, for the list of McLeod septs includes Harald, Harrell, Harrill, Hurl, Hurle, Hurrel, Hurrell, and Hirrell, which must therefore link McLeods to the Harold/Hurl surname showing Harrell, Hirrell, and Hurrell variations.

BUT, just as the latter surname comes up when entering "Herod," so the McLeod septs include Harrod, Harrode, Harroit, Harood, Harrood, Harroode, Harroold, Harrude, Harude, Hearod, Hearode, Hearoit, Hearood, Hearoode, Hearoold, Hearould, Hearoyd, Hearude, HEROD, Herode, Heroit, Herood, Heroode, Heroold, Herrod, Herrode, Herroit, Herrood, Herroode, Herroyd, Herrude, and Herude. That's lots of potential Herod-bloodline clans in disguise.

NOW behold. It appeared that the Hear surname should have developed from some of the terms in the paragraph above, and seeing the red-sleeved arm in the Irish Hear/Hea/Hay Coat, I went back to see who else used a red sleeved arm, and it turned out to be the Irish Gard Coat! This was phenomenal because I was thinking, while waiting for the first Hear Coat to load, that I needed to find Gart-like surnames among the Herod-like surnames.

MOREOVER ZOWIE: the Gard Crest uses a hawk's lure, the symbol of the Herod/Hurl Crest!! I said that earlier today, but now we know two reasons for their suspected kinship.

As we can see that the Gards use variations such as Uniacke, so I had traced that term to the Inces/Inches/Ines, a branch in Innices/Innes'...that use the McLeod castle entwined by a green snake, the color of the Hear-Coat snake! The Innes are identified as Flemings at Moray, and that smacks of the Mackays and/or Meschins at Moray. See the red sleeve holding a sword erect and entwined by a serpent in this Mackesy Coat. An entwined serpent around a rod was a symbol of the Galli queers of the Kabeiri cult.

THEN, when entering "O'hara," an Irish clan comes up in gold-on-green Herod/Hurl colors! Recalling the Herdon surname above that is said to derive in "hara," I just wrongly entered "Herden" (instead of "Herdon") to find a gold-on-green Herdman/Herder Coat.

Not forgetting that Gards link (I already think) to the Guardian media group, which was purchased from a Taylor surname, the German Taylor Coat should be shown now as it uses a gold cup on green Shield. This could be an error (or a key)), for the page shows no Taylor variations but only Schneidern, Schneidter, Schneyder, and Schneid.

The CEO of the Guardian media has a Miller surname, and I would suggest the English Miller surname in particular, showing wolves and a Shield (ermined) that could link to the Jordan Coat (Brittany).

The Guardians' board of directors is currently chaired by a Fawcett surname. I DON"T THINK it's coincidental that the Hilt Coat (arrived to by the "hilt" motto term of the Dalyells) uses the same lion design, and in the same colors, as the Fawcett Coat, for it's the Hilt surname that uses "Fac et." Hilts, properly Hyatts, were first found in HERTford, and the Hertford surname is also HARTford and uses a Shield in the colors and pattern of the ARThur/Harthawr Coat! German (Bavaria) Harts/Herts appear to use the same stag as the Hertfords.

Scottish Herts??? Gold on green, like the Herod/Hurl Coat. There is no write-up and no variations are shown, which is what we might suspect of a clan linking to "Herod." It's the Pollock Shield, by the way, and Pollocks were in the same Renfrew region as the Speers, who I assume are intended by the "face et spera" motto.

"Renfrew" traces to Rennes of Brittany, and the Raines Coat is easily traced to Rennes by it's first motto term (think Judicael of Rennes). The Rennes Coat is lions in colors reversed to the Fawcett lion, thus helping to clinch the Fawcett motto to Speers of Renfrew. The Wren surname (broken spear, purple lions) is from a Ralph de Raines.

The Fawcett write-up traces to a fox entity, and to Musselburgh (Haddington, where Keiths operated):

"The name Fawcett is derived from an ancient word meaning 'fox on a hillside.' Fa'side Castle, sometimes known as Fawside, Falside, Ffauside, Fauxside, or Fawsyde, is a 14th century Keep located in East Lothian, approximately 2 miles southwest of Tranent, and two miles southeast of Musselburgh.

..."First found in East Lothian, at Fawsyde where one of the first records of the name was Aedmundus de Fayeside who witnessed the grant of Tranent church to Holyrood Abbey be Thos filius Swani (c. 1150.)"

The Vey Coat also uses purple lions!!!! Same lions as the Wrens. I knew that moments ago before I realized that the Fayeside surname linked to the Veys. I had traced the Vey/Vivian surname to Morgan le Fay, chief witch of Avalon!!! We have found the Morgan-le-Fay bloodline in the Fawcetts!!!

In the last update page, I wrote:

There is proof that Veys trace themselves to Judah, if Vey roots in the Trelowarrens refers to this Warren surname using "Leo de juda," or "Lion of Judah," as a motto phrase. But in the heraldic ballgame with Freemasonic players everywhere on the field, one doesn't necessarily believe it when a clan traces itself to israel. Since when do Israelites use a wyvern dragon, a Coat filled with checks (= Illuminati symbol), as does the Warren Coat? And isn't that rather a Vere branch? Veres were on Bute as Melusine.

I now suggest that the "Leo de juda" links to Judicael of Brittany. YES, for his great-grandfather was Nominoe (also "Tad ar Vro"), who I suggested was linked somehow to mythical Numenor of Tolkien codes. Numenor was an island near Tol Eressea, the latter identified by me as code for Rothesay=Bute=Avalon, for Tolkien stamped an Avallone location on Eressea.

Finally, I should add that the two black lions of the English Gart surname look much like the two black lions of the "Jewish" Levi Coat, and that the Gart lions are in the two colors of the French Levi Coat. These two colors are also those of the Hurt Coat, which I present due to the "hurts" used in the Arthur Coat (i.e. as if "Arthur" links to a Hurt or Hurt-like clan).

As Arthur was made to die on Avalon, it supports my out-on-a-limb trace of the Arthur surname to the Mathuna/Maghan/Mann surname of Ireland...that I linked to the Mathie(son)/Maghan/Mann surname of Scotland, the latter one using "Face et Spera" as code for the Fawcetts=Fays of Avalon.

I tell you no lie that this update was ended two paragraphs above, but that during the spell-check, it was thought to be a good idea to check the Scottish Mathie Coat for links to Fawcetts. That was two minutes ago when I wrote the paragraph above. After writing it, I realized that the lions of the Irish Mathuna/Maghan Coat are exactly the "Jewish" Levi lions, but with faces turned in a different direction.

I almost missed all that. It suggests that the Arthurian cult traces to the Levi clan, and so we need to discover who they really were, true Israelites reserved for God's blessings, or imposters tracing to the Herods and/or Pharisees of a different sort of Hebrews. The Mathuna motto looks like is has a "sacred Dumer" message.

December 12

In five minutes flat this morning, I traced the Mathuna/Maghan surname of Ireland to the Bessin and the Boii. If you didn't read yesterday, at the very end, I found that this surname was the Levi-surname bloodline.

To re-cap before I go on, I trace the stock of Pharisees, which is not to say the descendents of the Pharisees necessarily, to the Laeves/Laevi Gauls of northern Italy, who lived among or beside the Ananes that I think named Ananias, the high priest that governed when Caiaphas sentenced Jesus to death. There's a lot to all this that I can't go over again here; see starting in the 7th update of November to the present.

My gut tells me that the Ananes were Heneti, and as I've linked them for years to the Galli priests of the Kabeiri cult, I think the reality spells itself out in a nutshell: Pharisee stock was in the Galli priests, and these became the Gauls, called "Gali/Galli" by the Romans.

But before doing any heraldry searches this morning, it entered my head to inform you that there were other priests that should prove important: the Bessi (Rhodope region), priests of the Satyrs. With that in mind, I turned the computer on and read the Mathuna/Maghan write-up seeking clues to their history. It says: "First found in County Clare, where the MacMahons were lords of Corca Baisgin; and possessed the greater part of the baronies of Moyarta and Clonderlaw."

So I entered "Bais" to start off with. It brought up only a French Bay surname, first found in Dauphine, which is probably going to prove to be excellent, for that was the region where the Bellovesus and Segovesus Gauls started when they invaded northern Italy to establish the Laevi and Ananes there.

Note the "Sic nos sic" motto phrase of the Mathuna clan, for it could link to SEGOvesus. Indeed, I traced Segovesus to Sisy(phus)=Sicyon of Greece, and "Sic nos" appears to be a perfect code for "Sicyon."

Note the Bayou variation of the Bais/Bay surname, for it smacks of the Bayeux=Bessin.

The next logical thing to do was to enter "Bay" in seeking other Bay clans. That brought up the English bay surname, first found in Colchester. Excellent, for that was king-Cole-ville, and I trace the Arthurian surname fundamentally to the Mathuna (said to mean "bear") clan. This surname is also "Bayer," smacking of the Baia founders of Bavaria, said by many to have been the Boii, the same that founded the Bessin.

I didn't check the Bayer Coats at that time. Instead, the next move was to load "Boy." Bees!!!

In fact, when checking, I found the Boy bee to bee the same bee design as the Bessin Coat!!! The surname is also Bye and Buy, and could link to "Bug," which I linked to Bogans and Bowers of Bavaria. Boys were first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire, as with the Arthur surname.

The Boy Coat is in Bai/Bay colors, white on blue. But I didn't realize that at first because my eye was fixed on the Bessin Crest, which is the very same arm-and-sword as in the Mathuna Crest!!! Just like that, in about five minutes, the Mathuna trace was made to the Boii and the Bessin. The same arm and sword is in the German Bessen (with an 'e') Coat, in white on blue again.

Looking at the Bessen variations, one sees "ann(e)", "ane", and "ant" endings that could link to the Ananes and Heneti, even the Hannibals and Hanna surname et-al. This is a good place to mention ANDy Griffith, for his son was "Opie," smacking of "opis," the Greek for "bee," and then the show also had "AUNT Bee." Coincidences? She just popped into my head after writing the paragraph below. AND, zowie, Aunt bee was played by Frances BAVIER.

Earlier on this update page, it was found that the German Tall/Thales Coat uses the same bee design as the Bessins.

I wrote the above on aunt Bee while waiting for the Bee Coat to load. That's what brought her to mind in the first place. The Bee Coat uses what should prove to be a version of the English Bessen/BessANT Shield.

We read: "[Frances Bavier] played Nora Martin, mother to Eve ARDen in the short-lived series The Eve Arden Show." I was on the Arden surname (and many like it) yesterday. IN FACT, yesterday's update started on the Taylor surname as per the Guardian media group, and it was "Gardener" that led to "Arden," and aunt Bee's name in the Mayberry show was Beatrice Taylor!!!

There is no Beatrice Coat, but the term smacks of the Bituriges to whom Bellovesus and Segovesus belonged. I traced the term to Bituriges (8th update November), and I did trace Bellovesus to the Boii. There is a Beater/Beeter Coat smacking of the French/Limousin Arden Coat.

See also the Bitar/Butter Coat and it's BiTURIGES-like motto term (I link the Bitars to the founders of the Syrian/Iraq Baath party).

The Betty/Beaty motto uses a Sego(vesus)-like motto term too: "sequamur." I traced this surname to Barney Rubble, himself identified (by me) as a Bernician people long before I had known about the Betty/Beaty Coat. The French Barney Coat uses keys in the colors reversed to the keys of the Betty/Beaty Coat. AND, here's the Beaty write-up: "The name Beaty comes from the Scottish/English Borderlands and the ancient Boernicians who inhabited them. It is derived from Bate or Baty, diminutive forms of Bartholomew. The name is not a metronymic derived from the name Beatrice..." Hmm, are we sure that there's no link to "Beatrice? Apparently, some thought so.

The Barney surname was first in Dauphine, where the Bai/Bay surname was first found, and both families use the same white-on-blue colors. It now seems clear that the Barneys were linked to the Bituriges, whose capital was Bourges/BERRY!!! We therefore have reason to link Bituriges to the Hanna and/or Barbera clans (from north Africa) that created the Flintstones.

I tentatively traced the Bourges location of Berry France to BERKshire, and that's where the Beaters (also "Bater") were first found.

Following the lead that Beatys were from "Baty," we find that surname listed with the Bates/Baits/BAYtes (hand symbol), who use a black Shield and naked man like the naked man on a black Shield of the Dalyells (see yesterday for DalYell treatment).

The naked man of the Bates holds a "willow wand," and then we find the Willow(by) Coat (lattice) to use "sans peur," just like the Sutherlands that were introduced only yesterday. I wondered yesterday whether this motto phrase is code for "blood pure."

Sutherlands use the Mackay dagger, and the "manu" motto term of the Bates is used also by the Mackays. The Mackays use "Manu forti," and then there are Scottish Baits using "fortuna." The latter clan also use "Beeth" and "Beith," smacking of the Beths/MacBeths (who, like the Mackays, ruled Fortis=Moray).

See also the obvious Bellamy and Bonne links to the Scottish MacBeth/Beaton/Bee Coat German Beths/Bathes//Bethins use the Bellamy Shield too (I've just traced Bellamy recently to Bellovesus). MacBeths use lozenges, a Bavaria symbol, and an otter.

Back to aunt Bee. The German Bavier/Bevier Coat (Bessen and Bee colors) uses geese (possible symbol of the Gace/Gasson variations of the Wassas...whom I trace to "Gascony," root likely of Gos>Meschin elements in Cheshire). The Bavier motto uses "Recte," a term I saw yesterday (I think), though I can't recall the surname using it.

Aunt Bee and the Andy Griffith Show was created by a Leonard surname, the French branch being first found in Gascony. French Leonards use flames. The English Leonards use a tiger-like lion similar with the May Crest. The Leonard Coat is in colors reversed to the Bellamy Shield, and I trace both "flame" and "Bellamy" to the Vlaams=Flemings. I also trace "Wilma" to the same Vlaams, and trace FLINTstone to FLANDers (founded by Flemings) elements in Flintshire, where the Ribble river flows by.

Baviers were first found in Austria, same as the Bauer surname, and I've long suspected that the Zionist stars of the German Bessens are the Bauer stars. The Bavier/Bevier wings look like the German Bessen wings, in fact, and the latter surname was likewise first found in Austria. The Bavier variations include BAEviers, smacking of "beaver" (should someone check out Leave it to Beaver?).

German Beavers use Bai/Bay colors and show Bey-using variations. First found in Bavaria! AND, entering "Bey" brings up a Beyer/Beier/Beir family ("Jewish") first found in Bavaria. The huge rose could be indication of the Bavarian Rosicrucians, keeping in mind that the Bavarian Illuminati was co-founded by a Weishaupt surname, and that the Weis Coat (this Wassa-like surname was also first in Bavaria) uses Zionists stars in the same colors as the same stars of the German Bessens (I don't forget the recent trace of German Bessens to French Talbots.

I just entered "Facie" as per the "faciendo" motto term of the Baviers, and there was a Feasy/Fassey/Vassy surname with a "hoc signo" motto phrase! It's in Mathuna colors (they use "Sic nos sic"), moreover, but also in Wassa colors (I previously suggested that this Vassy clan was a Wassa=Washington clan).

Let's not forget late yesterday when the Mathuna clan was linked to Fawcetts, as per the "Fac et" motto phrase of the Scottish Mathie/Maghan surname (a branch of Irish Mathunas, quite apparently). "Facie" also evokes the huge Zionists star, in Weis colors, of the German Vicks/Fecks; they were first found in Bavaria!

"Feasey" could be a Beasey variation. The Beasey/Beesley Coat is in Feasey colors.

I would suggest that the Macclesfield/Maxfield Coat is a Feasey/Vassy variation, remembering that I trace "Maccles" to the bee-using Maxtons. The page shows "MacClesfield" even though I entered "Macclesfield." This may show that the houseofnames sometimes takes the liberty, wrongly, to make terms starting with "Mac" appear like the Irish=Scot term. Therefore, when I enter "Macey" and it brings up "MacEy," that too could be wrong.

I don't forget that the Washingtons were traces fundamentally to the Berry, Bury, and Barrie surnames. German Berrys (Wassa colors) are also, Baery/Baeri, and they use Mathuna (links to "bear" somehow) colors. The Irish Berry Coat smacks of the Wassa/Waison Coat. I think Tim discovered the stripes of the American flag as those of this French Bury Coat.

The Andy Griffith Show was co-produced by a Ruben surname that has a Coat much like the Bury Coat above. Rubens were first found in Bavaria!!!

I stress the Berrys here due to the fictional MayBERRY location on the Griffith show. The Mayberry surname was first in Cheshire...where Macclesfield is located. And Mayberrys use the white, engrailed Macclesfield cross (though on black background). However, the surname shows properly as "Marberrie" (includes Matborough and Marborough), using a black Moor head.

Still, the May term could be important as per the Mathuna write-up: "MacMahons were lords of Corca Baisgin; and possessed the greater part of the baronies of Moyarta and Clonderlaw." German Mays use white-on-blue, the colors of the Bai/Bay Coat, and the latter are definitely linked to the Baisgin location of that quote.

The Moyar Coat uses black Moor heads! The very same head as per the Mayberry/Marberrie Coat. I've recently seen a motto term like the Moyar motto: "Mediocriter." It all reminds me of the Medley (Moyar/Mayberry colors) and Maybe/Mabee tigers (this surname was near the Hannas). I linked Medleys to Moverleys/Moberleys (Cheshire too), perhaps a branch of Moyars. While Medleys use the Wassa stripes, the Moberleys use the Washington Bars.

As per Andy Griffith, a Welsh Griffith Coat smacks of the Mathuna Coat. It uses the Margy/Mackie and Mackesy/Margeson lion.

When the Iraqi leader postpones the formation of his government, no longer by the middle of this month, you know there's a glitch. And here it could be:

"Iraqi Kurdish leader Massud Barzani called [yesterday] for the right to self-determination of the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, which could lead to a breakup of the country.

Speaking at a congress of his Kurdistan Democratic Party, Barzani said 'the issue of self-determination,' which was considered 'a right,' would be presented to those attending the conference 'to be studied and discussed.'

Barzani's comments were made to an audience that included Iraq's Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki, parliament speaker Osama al-Nujaifi and Iyad Allawi, whose Iraqiya bloc won the most seats in March elections."

The comments could be a bargaining tool:

"...Iraq expert Marina Ottaway of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace in Washington stressed that she found Barzani's call 'provocative,' and noted that it may be an indication that he was unhappy with the ministerial positions that Mr. Maliki was offering him in the next government. 'The fact that (Barzani) took that step suggests to me that he is not happy with what he is being offered and that he wants more than he is being offered (in the next government) and that he is not convinced that Maliki is going to move on the referendum on Kirkuk and probably he is not getting the ministries that he wants,' she said."

On the other hand, there may not be a solution to the Kurdish demands, and in the end there will be a resulting move to self-determination, which would be deemed a crisis of course.

Obama today: "No We Can't. Maybe Bill Can."

Hillary has been on the Israel situation pushing Bill's solution:

"Clinton's speech was by no means a paean of praise to the policies of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu or his government. Indeed, while she praised the Palestinian Authority’s President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad for their efforts, she had not one favorable word for anything Netanyahu has done.

...The same ["holy balance"] cannot be said of the letter signed last week by 26 EU elders, some of whom -- such as former EU commissioner Chris Patten, former EU commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, former foreign policy chief Javier Solana and former Italian prime minister Romano Prodi -- have up until very recently held extremely prominent positions in the EU and influenced its polices on the Middle East.

In the seven-page letter sent to Catherine Ashton, the current foreign policy chief of the EU, in advance of a meeting of EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels [tomorrow], they urge -- among other steps -- sanctions against Israel on settlements, and setting a deadline for diplomatic progress that, if not met, would mean that the entire problem would be sent to the international community for it to come up with a solution.

They also predetermine the result of negotiations, saying that the EU should declare that a future state should be on territory 'equivalent to 100 percent of the territory occupied in 1967, including its capital in east Jerusalem.'

...The current EU leadership has not signed onto this letter, and is unlikely to do so when the block's foreign ministers meet [tomorrow]."

We shall see what the Pee-Yoo will do. We know what the NetanYahoo will do:

""Israel's leader dismissed [today] a top ally's call to share the holy city of Jerusalem with the Palestinians, another reminder of the challenges the U.S. faces as it shifts gears on its troubled Mideast peacemaking strategy.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's reaffirmation of his intention to hold on to east Jerusalem was liable to escalate friction between the two sides and with the Americans. The White House Mideast envoy is scheduled to arrive this week in another attempt to push peace efforts forward.

...Addressing the same gathering, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the holy city will have to be shared as part of a future peace deal.

...Clinton and Barak spoke a few days after the U.S. abandoned efforts to coax Israel into another temporary freeze on new construction in West Bank Jewish settlements."

Yahoooooo!!!! Obama never could put the 3-month freeze in writing. Score a big one for the Israeli Right Wingers. But Hillary's Left Wingers have not thrown in the towel. They are coming to Israel with another strategy worked up in the secret bowels of their indigestion, and this time it really does stink. It's hard to say what sort of gases were being released in the hot steam room where she met her boys, but chances are she made the worst noises...because she's under pressure from Bill to get over her constipation. She decided to send George Mitchell to Israel to cut a deal, but he's been-there-done-that only to find the Right Wingers flushing him back to Washington.

Perhaps the powder-puff strategy of George Mitchell will need to be replaced with some Brute, if he's capable of such a thing. He's got a thin face that doesn't exactly scare the Right Wingers, but the Hillary team seems oblivious to that. Netanyahu has handled the O-cold shoulder well enough, and so there's just one item left for Hillary to use. Now that election season is behind her boss, he's winking as she takes out her bigger whips. She tried using one on the three-month freeze deal, but not being practiced up enough, she snapped the hot tip too soon right on her own rear. The Right Wingers saw it coming and haven't stopped laughing since, and that's why she had nothing good to say about Netanyahu.

December 13

Yesterday, the link was made between the Levi surname the Mathuna/Mann clan to the Bessin and related Bay/Boy terms, and it was suggested that these and the Levi surname linked back to Bessi Celts, priests of the Satyrs, not priests of Israel. To set up today's discussion on the first Bessi webpage I arrived to, let me quote a part of yesterday's discussion, not missing the thought that the Bates and Beths were likely Boii=Bay/Boy=Bessin elements:

Following the lead that Beatys were from "Baty," we find that surname listed with the Bates/Baits/BAYtes (hand symbol), who use a black Shield and naked man like the naked man on a black Shield of the Dalyells (see yesterday for DalYell treatment).

The naked man of the Bates holds a "willow wand," and then we find the Willow(by) Coat (lattice) to use "sans peur," just like the Sutherlands that were introduced only yesterday. I wondered yesterday whether this motto phrase is code for "blood pure."

Sutherlands [where Mackays were first found] use the Mackay dagger, and the "manu" motto term of the Bates is used also by the Mackays. The Mackays use "Manu forti" [apparent code for the Mathuna/Mann bear-depicted clan] and then there are Scottish Baits using "fortuna." The latter clan also use "Beeth" and "Beith," smacking of the Beths/MacBeths (who, like the Mackays, ruled Fortis=Moray).

I'm keeping in mind that, before arriving to the Laevi Gauls/Gali and their neighbors, the Ananes, I had already traced Caiaphas (son of Ananias) to Cai terms (one on the Halys river, where I think the Galli lived), suggesting that this Pharisaic bloodline should be found in mythical Kay/Cai and therefore in the Kay/Key surname. The Beatys use a key symbol, as do the Barneys, and the Beatys are said to be Bernicians, while Mackays use bears.

At this webpage (page 134), we find a section beginning on Thracians of the Rhodope (mythicized as the mother of Hebros) and Haemus mountains. On page 135, it tells that the Haemus region was home to Dionysus, the Bessi and the Satyrs. It also mentions the Odrysians (on the Hebros), who were Dionysus worshipers that I trace to the Arthurian cult (keeping in mind that I traced the Arthur surname back to the Mathuna clan).

At the top of page 135, it tells that the Odrysian capital was Seuthopolis, smacking of "Suther(land)." We might not be wise to trace the latter term to "sud=south," as that might be hasty. Recall the Sude/Side surname's tiger, and that Medleys use a tiger and an "In deo" motto term smacking not only of "India" (where there are tigers) but of "Dio(nysus)'...who was located by myth in India fighting a war, and who was given a leopard skin as a war symbol.

Wikipedia's article on the Haemus region tells that "haema/haimon" means "blood."

The article mentions mythical Dia: "In antiquity, the mountain range and the area around it was populated by free Thracian peoples such as the Bessi, Dii, and Satrae." Mythical Rhodope was made the mother of the Kikons, who I identified as Ixion, husband of Dia and Nephele. Thus, it would appear that the Dii peoples were both the root of "Dio(Nysus)" and of the Hephaestus=Daedalus cult from Lemnos, which makes sense because Dionysus was on Lemnos.

The Haemus article also mentions the cult of Orpheus at Haemus, and he became a peoples of Lesbos, an island named by Lapiths (Ixion was a Lapith ruler). The main point is that the Sutherlands use "san peur," a phrase -- if it is code for "blood pure" -- that could link back to the Haemus region's sacred "blood."

Again, both Hephaestus and Dionysus were given limps/lameness from birth, and we see the thigh symbol applied to Hephaestus (e.g. he was born from the thigh of Hera), while I thought I made a good trace of Vulcan (the Italian Hephaestus) to "hip." Aside from my trace of "Vulcan" to the Balkan mountains not far from Haemus, the main point now is the Side/Sude surname, for it can now link, not only to the Odrysian capital (Seuthopolis), but to the thigh/hip symbol of the Kabeiri cult of Hephaestus=Dionysus, a cult wherein the Galli were priests...that I now think link to the Bessi priests.

The Thracian section above paints the Bessi just as Scottish historians paint the Mackays:

"Within the Satrae [Thracians], there was an even more ferocious and unsavoury band, known as the Bessi, much feared for their barbaric activities on and around mount Haemus. Herodotus believed that the Bessi were, in fact, the priesthood among the Satrae!

It goes on to say that the intoxicating drinks of the Dionysus cult was called, "blood of the earth," suggesting the Haemus region. When Hephaestus>Daedalus raped Athena, his seed spilled out onto her thigh, and then fell to Gaia=earth in giving birth to Ericthonius (an Athena-worshiping ruling clan of Athens...that was likely the Daedalus of Athens because he's linked to "Erechtheus" of Athens, who is sometimes viewed as Ericthonius).

I think we can realize in all this that Meschins inter-married very closely with their own kin for being highly concerned with "pure" bloodlines, explaining also why the Meschins and Masseys are in the thick of the Arthurian "holy grail," the pagan cup of wine that is surely code for Dionysus the wine god.

It was by complete "coincidence" that I chose to load the Sude/Side Coat this morning on a browser opened to the Skinner surname at the very time that I mentioned the leopard skins above and their link to the Side/Sude surname. I noted that the Skinners use Side/Sude colors. The reason that the Skinner Coat was on an open browser is that I was seeking, yesterday, information in my files on "sang" = blood. I had recorded that the Skinner surname uses "Sanguis" for a motto term.

Seeing in the Skinner write-up the suggestion that they were named after animal skins, it dawned on me that the leopard skin of Dionysus was code in-part for the animal trappers that Thracians could have been. So I entered "Hyde" to see what sort of Coat would come up, and there in the Hyde/Hide Coat were lozenges in the colors of lozenges a Coat shown only yesterday, the MacBeth/Beaton/Bee Coat!! (The latter uses an otter perhaps as symbol for furriers).

Wow, and this can be shown not to be coincidental at all, meaning that the Skinner surname does link to the Hydes/Hides and to the Beth surname because, when entering "Skin," there came up wolf heads balanced on sword tips, just like the sword tip through a boar's head in the Bait/Beeth/Beith Coat (!) mentioned yesterday with the MacBeth Coat.

The Baits were from Beath in Fife, and the Skins/Skenes in neighboring Aberdeen. The Skins use a cloud symbol that should link to Dia=Nephele. The Sides/Sudes (tiger) were also first found in Fife!

Therefore, it appears that we're tracing the Bessi of Haemus to these clans. With all the recent mention of the Facie and Fawcett surnames, and the "face et" motto codes (used by the Mathies/Manns), I should mention the "fecit" motto term of the Hydes/Hides.

It should also be mentioned that the Skinners use the same white griffin heads on black as the Tookes/Touques...whom I traced to the tiger as per Teucer-related Trojan clans. Teucer was founder of Salamis on Cyprus, and from Salamis near Athens. Therefore, see what was written in the 6th update of November on the mythicized Sangarius river:

...Earlier it was shown that Sangarius=Sakarya was "husband of Metope, by whom he became the father of Hecuba [= Hyksos mother of Trojans]...also the father of Nana [= Liguria's founding] and therefore the grandfather of Attis [= sun god of Kabeiri cult]." But Metope was the mother of Salamis (!), said to be the symbol of Salamis at Athens..."

Again, Skinners use a "Sanguis" motto term. The Hyde Coat uses "haec," and at one time the Lydian capital (Sardis) was actually called Hyde. I thought that the term was from "Atti(s), mythical father of Lydus=Lydia.

Wikipedia links the Hyde term at Sardis with Maeonian chiefs, whom I identify with Dionysus Maenads, themselves tracing back to Samson. And that brings me back to Wikipedia's article on the Haemus mountains: "In earlier times the Balkan mountains were known as the Haemus Mons. It is believed that the name is derived from a Thracian word *saimon, 'mountain ridge', which is unattested but conjectured as the original Thracian form of Greek Haimos."

I'm going to entertain this Saimon=Haimus theory because I traced the Hamo(n)s de Mascy, in part by linkage to the Amis/Haymes/Hames surname (In Samson and Meschin scallop colors), to the Amazon city of Amisos, also called, Samsun. That Black-sea city was near the mouth of the Halys where I think the Galli lived, but then there are also the facts that Hera, who gave birth to Hephaestus (= ruler of the Kabeiri), was prominent at the island of Samos, while Trojans were founded by Samothracians (named after Samos). It doesn't escape me that "Hamon" smacks of "haimon" = blood.

Therefore, where the pagan holy grail bloodline leads back to Israel, it leads to the Samson cult of the Hyksos devils.

In this article on Hamons de Mascy, one discovers a marital relationship with Lord Stanley (born in Cheadle, Cheshire) and his Hooten clan, whom we can assume were from Hoots, a Hyde-like term for sure. In fact, entering "Hoot" brings up the Hode/Hudd surname (with mascle-fret). The Stanley Coat uses "sans changer," perhaps another code for not changing bloodlines.

The Hode/Hoot Coat also uses the Kay bird that has been given various names depending on what code a particular family wants to give it; this time, in the case of the Hodes/Hoots, it's a "Cornish chough."

The Cornish chough was seen (1st update this month) in the Offaly Coat, and traced to the Hoffs/Houghs and Haughs, they in turn traced to Hugh Lupus of Cheshire. The "Aodh" term thought to be the root of the Mackays is, perhaps not quite correctly, traced to "Hugh," though I do think that a Mackay trace to Hugh Lupus is called for, which could explain the Aode=Hugh confusion. In the Offaly Coat, the choughs are clearly ravens, which bird I do link to Mackays.

The Hoffs/Haughs (Cheshire) use a black wolf head, the same design as per the Hugh Lupus wolf. And the latter heads are in the same colors and design as in the heads suspended on the Skin/Skene daggers. The Skin write-up traces the surname to "'sgian,' or 'skene,' (Scottish dagger)...", but I suggest the skene=dagger to be a symbol by word-play and not a derivation of the surname. That is, "Skene" was created as a surname variation, but I'm maintaining for the time-being that Skins were named after "skins" because they were a branch of Hides.

I would now suggest that the Mackay dagger is code for the Skin and Hide/Hyde clans, suggesting that "Aode" might have been a Hide- and/or Hode/Hoot-clan branch. It seems that Hides were related to Houghs/Hughs, but the two may not have been the same clans to begin with.

Remember here that the Sudes/Sides use Skinner colors, and that Mackays were first from Sutherland. The same black wolf heads as per the Houghs are in an Irish Mackay Coat (also said to be first in Sutherland).

The Lupus surname above is also "Wolf," and so it should be mentioned that the German Wolf write-up traces possibly to a Nibelung clan: "Chronicles mention Nivelung Wolf of Cologne as early as 1135..." I don't think it's a coincidence that while I trace Nibelungs to mythical Nephele, who was depicted by word-play as a cloud, the Skin Crest uses a cloud.

The Scottish Mackay write-up: "First found in Sutherland, where early records show that Gilcrest M'Ay, forefather of the MacKay family of Ugadale [Hughdale?], made a payment to the constable of Tarbert in 1326." Tarberts could have been Talbots/Talberts, I suppose, but what were the Mackays previous to 1326? Could they, as per "M'Ay," have been Mays as well as the EYstein Rus to which I trace Meschins? The English May Crest uses a tiger-like lion that is similar to the Leonard Crest, which is MAYberry important because a Leonard surname (first in Gascony) created the Andy Griffith Show (see yesterday).

The Mays were first found in Sussex, also "SUDsex." We may be hasty to trace the location's name to "sud=south," even though Sussex came to be viewed as such in ancient times. Wessex, for example, was firstly "Gewisse," a term that I doubt was rooted in "west."

It just entered my head to check "Lennox" as per the Leonards. A very Levi-interesting thing turned up, for not only is "Levenax" a Lennox variation, but the Lennox red saltire on white was staring me in the face. Before waking this morning, a red-on-white saltire was on my mind, and I was asking what it was linked to. It was on my mind because the Annandale Coat uses it, and in fact I awoke deciding that I should hunt for that symbol in seeking roots of the Laevis, for I had recently traced Annandale to the Ananes (Gauls), neighbors of the Laevi)!

The next thing to do was to check the Leven Coat (as per "Levenax"), and there were the elephants that I tentatively traced to Eliphaz, son of Esau. It then struck me that "Eliph" is very much like "Lev(en)"!!! Levens use the red and white of the Lennox clan, and as the Leven write-up traces to "leof" (= "beloved"), it spells the red and white Love/Luff surname in my opinion.

We seem to be back to the Olive/Oliver/Lief clans (traced earlier to the Laevis), but Leuvens and Louvains should apply too, for the Bruces of Annandale (who use the Annandale saltire) are trace-able to Louvain/Leuven (Belgium) by the fact that English Bruces used a blue lion, thought by others to be the blue lion of the Louvain surname from Belgic Louvain. The Louvain lion belongs also to Dudleys and Massins/Masons.

This is not the first time that these same clans have been traced to what appear like Edomite roots. But now we can really dig into the fact that the Annandale surname was first found in DUMfries. In fact, Annandale is in Dumfries and Galloway, the Galloway term possibly being from the Galli/Gauls. Perhaps "Dumfries" is to be understood as Edomites of the Frisians, and indeed the Nevilles, whom I (tentatively) identify as Nibelungs (who were among Frisians), use a white-on-red saltire.

Moreover, Nevilles are in Wassa/Gace/Gasson colors and here's there write-up: "Their name, however, is a reference to Neuville, Sur Touques of Orne in the canton of Gacey, Normandy, the family's place of residence prior to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066." Drats, I saw another surname this morning from Orne, but have misplaced or deleted it. Remember, the Washingtons are Berry/Bury all over (Luffs use a Bury Coat">Bury-like Coat) and while the American flag likely uses the Berry stripes (sometimes called a "barry" in heraldry), the Italian Leuvens use a triple red chevron on white...that Freemasonic founders of America were planning on using for the Great Seal of the United States (they decided on the stripes instead).

There is such a thing as a "barry of thirteen." And why is the entire "science" called "heraldry," anyway? After the Herald/Herod surname??? It didn't escape me that the Herald Coat is in Hooten colors, and that smack of Edom's owl cult. The owl plays a large theme in Isaiah 34, where end-time Edom is used as a symbol for Armageddon and the Lake-of-Fire location of the death of Ezekiel's Gog. Hootens were first in Cheshire, a location that I now trace to Esau-like Hesse.

Repeatedly now, I trace, without trying to do so deliberately, American Freemasons to Edomites. From the day that Esau was born in the same womb, and at the same time, as Jacob=Israel, he was the False Israel, the Anti-Israel. I resisted Esau for years (while learning the background of the myths), not wanting to apply the myths and dragon cult to his Edomites (what seemed like an obvious choice) without some good evidence.

The Hooten Crest is a "Chevalier," and the English Chevalier Coat brings us back to the red and while colors of the Lennon/Levenax>Leven>Luff clan. The Chevaliers were first found in Suffolk, where the Luffs were first found. French Chevaliers use white stars on red, used also by the Levens/Lewens. It therefore appears that Chevaliers were part of the Laevi Gauls of northern Italy, though these Gauls had started in the regions of Dauphine and Provence (where Belovesus/Segovesus started out). Indeed, the French Chevaliers were first found in Dauphine.

Both French Chevalier Coats show a greyhound, symbol of north-African in my opinion, and possibly for the Moors in particular, for entering "Wooten" brings up the same Moor heads seen yesterday in the Mayberry Coat and Moyar Coat. The Moyars were made important by the Mathuna write-up: "MacMahons were lords of Corca Baisgin; and possessed the greater part of the baronies of Moyarta and Clonderlaw." The engrailed Wooten cross looks like a version of the Mayberry/Marberrie cross.

We can even ask where the M'Ay root of the Mackays was in the Mayberry bloodline, for Mayberrys were first in Cheshire. Cheshire's Macclesfield used a white unicorn, and the Macclesfield cross is also engrailed, white on red, colors reversed to the same fat cross (with white Meschin scallops, I assume) of the English Chevaliers. One of the French Chevalier Coats uses a white unicorn. Like the Louvains, the Arms of Macclesfield uses a central blue lion.

When we enter "Mody" as per "Moyar," we get a Moses/Moyes surname! It's in Mathuna colors so as to link more possibly to Moyarta, which by the way might be understood as MoyARTA. The Moys/Moses were first in Shropshire, where the elephant-depicted Levens (and Meschins/Bellamys) were first found, suggesting that while the Moys were Hebrews, they (not all of them of course) could have been primary Kabala Hebrews merged with the dragon cult of Eliphaz...who married the Lotan (of Seir) bloodline. A Lotan dragon in Syria, thought to have been LEVIathan, had seven heads, suggesting links to the Revelation dragon = anti-Christ.

I recall linking "Leviathan" to "lew=lion," and to the Luwians=Lydians, and so we find that the Leven surname is also "Lewen." I do trace Lotan of Seir a Horite as I think Herod was named after horites -- to Lydians i.e. the Greek Ladon dragon. One Welsh Lewis Coat uses a dragon dripping blood, like other blood-dripping surnames (e.g. Pattersons, Jones', Sams) that have been traced to Horites/Hagarites and to the Samson cult.

In fact, the mythical Samson account has a lion as per the Hercules lion, also called the Lydian or Sandon lion (associated with Cilicia too), and the Judges account of "Danites" that comes after the Samson account shows their taking Laish (a location that I trace to Dionysus-worshiping Lydians), and even a Levite pagan priest named Jonathan that I don't believe, for a minute, was a Levite. What this could mean is that the Luwians were these fake Levites...that had named the Leviathan.

It's very clear to me from the article above that Luwians were the Manes>Attis>Lydus bloodline i.e. Maeonians through the Hatti to the Lydians. And I do trace Maeonians to Samson's "father," Manoah. "Maeonian" sounds like MAYonian, and the Hatti were on the Halys river, at the mouth of which was the Samsun theater.

Trying to conjure up a May-using Maenad-like surname just now, the Maynards/Mainards came to mind, who use a "Manus" motto term. By this time, I had already entered "Mayon" top find the Main surname. The Mann variation of the Mathuna (or MoyARTA) clan come to mind, and it's possible that the family was first Mann-like and only later developed a Mathuna variation as play-on-words with the bear. But on that I'm not at all sure.

Maynards (in Mathuna colors) were first found in Suffolk, where Luffs and Chevaliers were first found. It didn't escape me that "Chevalier" smacks of "Kabala," or "Kybele" mother/wife of Attis. These Luwians were fundamentally of the Arzawa kingdom, which I traced that to the Arda region of the Dionysus-worshiping Odrysians. Thus, Moyarta and its Mann/Mathuna clan, who appear to have taken on the bear symbol as per the same of the Arthurian cult, look like they were from Arzawa of the Luwians. I should record for future use that Maynards use a Nerthus-like "nardus" term, recalling that I trace "Segovesus" to Sicyon>Sisyphus, son of Enarete.

Again, the Mathuna clan uses the very same lion design, but looking in a different direction, as the "Jewish" Levi-Coat lion design.

The timing of the Arzawi kingdom coincides with the Hyksos out-of-Egypt. It's capital of Apasa rings a little like short-form for "Apachnas," the alternative name of the Exodus pharaoh, Khyan. I also see merit in linking "Arzawa" to "Artemis," and therefore explaining the Themis-Amazon move to the Lydo-Mysian theater. In fact, Artemis might have been a major aspect of the Manes>Lydus line. My veins are telling me that these were some of the worst people ever in terms of war and spiritual pollution.

After making the Mathuna trace to the Arzawa empire, I saw (in the Arzawa article) a Baisgin-like term (found in the Mathuna write-up and traced earlier on this update page to the Boii) in "Beycesultan" (I would ignore the "sultan" part for this purpose). This city "is an archaeological site in western Anatolia, located about 5 km southwest of the modern-day city of Çivril in the Denizli Province of Turkey. It lies in a bend of an old tributary of Büyük Menderes River (Maeander River)..." There's the trace to the Maeonians, taking note of the Mahon variation of the family.

Then, not forgetting that I trace Laish to the Lyaios cult of Dionysus, which I then trace to the "Laus Deo" written atop the Washington Monument, see that same phrase as part of the Mander Coat's motto. And take note of the red-on-white saltire of the Mander Coat, for it could just link to the Annandale saltire and therefore to the Laevi and Ananes Gauls. It's to be expected.

The MANDers and Mayons/Mains both were first found in Devon, where Daphne founded that place, who's sister was MANTo, and whose grandfather, Everes the shepherd seer, was depiction for the Avaris capital of the Hyksos "shepherd kings." I would suggest that the Ladon dragon of Daphne was on the Maeander.

The Maeander has tributaries by the name of Orgyas (evoking the Dionysus orgies), Marsyas (likely proto-Mars, the Marsi of Italy), Cludrus (smacks of the Clonderlaw region that the Mathuna/Baisgin clan operated), Lethaeus, and Gaeson (Wassa/Gace/Gasson bloodline?).

There is a Clud surname first found in Shropshire, and it smacks of Clode-like variations of "Clovis." The latter was also "Louis," and so we can assume also "Lewis," and meanwhile the Clud surname has a CLEWde variation. I'm recording this for possible future use. The Coat is possibly related to the Kay Coat. My first reaction is a trace to the Khaldi>Celts. In fact, the Celt/Cult/Colt Crest uses a hand throwing a projectile, just like the Mayon/Main Crest.

Another fruitful morning, never a disappointment for making headway, and for re-proving and re-proving by different means the same things. But my personal holy grail cow at this time is to find Pharisee stock in Edomites. Chances are, we will find Esau's seed there. For now, I find myself tracing Hyksos-Hebrews priests to Western surnames, but the reader may not be fully convinced of a link of proto-Pharisees to the same Hyksos elements.

They are now saying that the Mona Lisa was painted with number and letter codes in her eyes:


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