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Feruary 1 - 4, 2010

Time to Crack the Obama Nut

See February 2 -- 3 -- 4

February 1

Is the horned hand signal still a signal when used by those ignorant of its meaning in the occult, or because it's thought to be cool/in-style? In the page below, Sarah Palin is shown using it, as well as leading charismatic propho-preachers. In my mind, I know it's the satanic signal, so I don't use it. Surely, Sarah and others know it's a satanic signal. What do you think? Are we Christians invaded by politico-spiritual Illuminatists dressed as lambs? Caution: it's possible for someone to doctor photos and even video in order to "paint" the hand signal into the frames.

At the webpage below, we find Obama invited to his first masonic appreciation night..."sponsored by William R. Singleton-Hope-Lebanon." Entering "Singleton" brings up the Singletary Coat. See last update for Singletary significance if you missed it (it's part of Obama's ancestry, the surname that changed to his mother's maiden name, Dunham). Some may have read my updates when on the German Hope/Hood surname. What's with the Lebanon surname???

You've seen the Obama logo with a sun rising on American stripes. The sun is the white center of a blue 'O', very reflective of the Lucis Trust logo. Only one Lucis Coat comes up, an Italian one with a shield like that of the Veres. The Hillary Clinton logo uses three white stars on white, in a horizontal direction, the symbol of the Scottish Veres=Weirs. There is a Lucus surname in Galicia!! This recalls the Normandy Gueron surname/location that can double as "Vere/Were-on" (see previous update for the huge Gueron importance to pago-satanic Templarism). ZOWIE, as per Ranulf de Gernon, fourth earl of Chester/Cheshire, there is a Vernon surname first found in Cheshire! The Vernon Coat is similar to the Weir Coat, and uses garbs, the Macclesfield (of Cheshire) symbol. The Vernon Crest might just be Shala, Dagon's wife: "A demi goddess holding three ears of wheat and a sickle."

If there's a 'V' version of "Gernon," perhaps also be a 'V' version of "Grenon." Perhaps "Wren" as in Wrenfrewshire applies. The Wren Coat uses the Grenon three-fingered cross (in Vere colors)! The write-up: "First found in Durham [where Meschins ruled before coming to Cheshire] where they held a family seat from early times, and were originally descended from Ralph de Raines who was granted lands by William, Duke of Albany in that shire. They were originally from RENNES in Normandy...." (caps mine). In other words, it looks as though Wrenfrew and Rennes were named after the Gernon family of Gren(on) spelling. The Green(e) surname may therefore be responsible for "Rennes," or vice versa.

Since Shala has been traced to the Euskals and similar terms, see the Gaskal/Askal Coat that I've just found. The Coat is green and white like that Grenon Coat. I don't think I've ever seen this one before; it seems like a combination of "Gascony" and "Euskal."

ZOWZERS! As per "Wren," there is a Scottish Grens Coat...using an elephant, and a crane. The crane is important because I had just seen it a moment ago when trying other Gren-like terms; I can't recall which term brought the English Crane Coat up, but we see that the surname is from Crannes (France), what looks very much like the makings of "Rennes." Entering "Crens" brings the same elephant coat; another variation is "Cranne."

The Obama logo was designed by Sol Sender. The Sender/Sanders Coat uses elephant heads (see verification)!!! I didn't know what those objects were until now; I thought the trunk was a tail of a rodent. The Sender motto, "Nil Conscire Sibi," has been seen the Vince/Vinch Coat. The motto means "Conscious of no Wrong," what well portrays Obama's attitude.

Later, the Leban term was checked as per seeking the Lebanon surname: the same three elephant heads (!), albeit the surname shows Lewin-like. Still, Lewins can be shown to trace to both Dunham and Randolph in at least two ways. First, as "Levin" is likely a Lewin variation, see that the English Levin Coat uses the Ribble Shield. I found the Levin Coat this morning, but it was last night that the Ribble Coat was discovered, which I considered excellent proof that Dunhams and Randolphs trace to Cheshire's Dunham Masci, for the Ribble river is just over the eastern border of Cheshire. As you can see, the Ribbles use the Levin dancette exactly, but in the colors of the Dunham and Randolph dancettes. One explanation is that "Ribble" was a variation of "Raphael=Ralph," while "Ralph" was a Ranulf/Randolph variation.

Second, the alternative English Lewin Coat uses the stag design (in Crest) that's in the Scottish Scott Coat with "Amo" as the motto, a term that I think honors elements of Hamo de Masci of Dunham Masci.

Hmm. The Gren/Cren Coat uses "Amor" in the motto. The English Amor Coat has the Crest: Out of a mural crown or a talbot's head azure erased of the first. The talbot symbol was traced in the last update to the mother of Ranulf de Gernon!!! Her name, Lucia Taillebois, evokes the Lucis surname. PLUS, the Amor motto uses "malis," and the last update traced the Coruna branch of the Gernon family to Ralph MalaCorona AND the Mal(l)et Coat to the same scallops of the Arms of Coruna (Galicia).

Checking the Lucy surname, one family is said to be from Luce, Normandy, but when I checked for a distinct Luce surname, zowie, a red triple chevron on the Singletons/Singletarys! The only difference is that the Luce chevrons are the triple Levis chevrons!

Naturally we'd like to take a look at the Luke Coat. There are two reasons to trace it to the Meschins: the mascles, and the Crest: "A black pelican between two green branches." The Spanish Luca Coat is interesting in that it uses white Zionist stars on blue, the colors of 'O' in both the Lucis Trust and Obama logos. The red and white English Lucas Coat, with dragon in Crest, might also apply.

The German Sender/Sander Coat (said to be possibly from Sand locations) uses what could have been the proto-Levis triple chevron. This investigation has finally found the saw-like symbol in the English Stewart Coat. It's in the Sand Coat, which is an excellent find because the Sand Shield is essentially the Alan/Allen Shield (Stewarts descended from the Alan family), thus tracing Sands, and likely Sanders/Senders, to the royal Stewarts i.e. Magdalene cult.

On the Sands: "They held a family seat at Farne and Fells". The Ferne/Farne Coat uses the lion-head design (in Sand colors) of the Petersons and Peters, and Fernes were first in Ross-shire, as were the Pattersons. The Peters Crest uses two of these lion heads, as does the Ferne/Farne Coat, and moreover this same Peter Coat is the one that was recently traced to the Patterson/Coruna scallops. The Ales surname of Italy was found to apply yesterday, but that surname was more-appropriately "Alicei/Alesi/Alesani," terms that look derived from "Alexander," as are some Sander surnames. The Ales were found to trace to Ayrshire.

"Ferne" looks as though derived from "Vernon" (a Gernon variation). The Ferne lions are in the Vere colors, after all, and Veres were also "Fers." I've noted that the Peter Coat (with the same lion heads) uses "rien" as a motto term, perhaps code for Rennes and/or Wren elements. The Ferron/Farand surname was first found in Gascony (as expected for Meschin ancestry) and might therefore use a variation of the Irish Mitchell Coat (because it's like the Meschin Coat). Remember, English Meschins use gold scallops like the Peters and Coruna.

For further investigation of the Gernons, one can place a 'G' in front of Ferron variations, as for example Ferrant=Garant, a surname using the nine-fruited Apollo tree and first found in Shropshire (where Meschins were first found). The Garant Coat uses a green snake, and I had recorded that a green snake is used by the Austrian Schere surname... that could derive from a soft-c variation of "Guer," especially as the Schere Coat uses the three-fingered cross used also by the green Grenon Coat. Plus, the Austrian Scheres uses corn, close to "Gern/Cern." I found the Schere Coat in first update of June, where I shared this piece from the news:

"President-elect Barack Obama announced this week that he plans to name Susan Sher to the post of associate counsel to the president..." The Austrian Sher/Schere Coat uses a single green serpent coiled around a staff, and meanwhile the write-up mentions some of the first Scheres to the United States as Jacob Scherer and Jan Jacob Scherr, what appear to be Hebrews.

A green serpent coiled like the Schere serpent is used by the Harr(ison) surname (close to "Guer" again); the coat is in Vere colors, and meanwhile the green serpent of Vere clans can be assumed linked to mythical Melusine/Holle/Mari. The Harrisons use "patitur" as a motto term, evoking the Pattersons, but when I tried for a Patti/Pettie Coat just now, an elephant head in the Crest!! I've never seen so many elephants. The skilled person can put all these elephants together and tell a larger story; I'm not ready to tackle it, yet.

The Pettie/Patti Coat uses blue and gold quarters, the colors of the Peters scallops. Recalling that the Peters were traced to the Ales surname first found in Messina (south Italy), we now find that the Italian Patti/Pattia surname was first found in Messina too!! The latter, having no symbols, uses Vere colors (red and gold) together, but also a blue Chief so as to possibly provide the blue and gold quarters of the Petties. The Petties were first in WARwickshire; the Arms of Warwickshire show the three-fingered cross in the Chief, in Vere colors. Entering "War" brings up the Scottish Vere=Weir Coat, gold and blue! The Weirs were first found in Roxburghshire, where the footless martins trace; the Petties use footless martins.

It's hard to say at this point whether the Pattis and/or Petties were of the Patterson fold, but there is a Patty/Paddy surname (also "Patie") using another Coat, with white lions on black, colors reversed from the Patterson lion. The Patty/Paddy family was first in WORchester, beside WARwickshire (and Shropshire).

As per "War" and "Gernon" together, one should also investigate the Warren surname; it uses Cohen-type checks in blue and gold, while the French Fer surname uses them in blue and white. I accidentally typed "Fers" in trying to bring up that Coat, and (for the first time ever) got the same Shield exactly in the Fers/Vers Coat, only using red and white Hohen checks! The "Jewish" Cohens use three white stars on white just like the Weir Coat, plus the Jewish Cohens use the sun on blue like the Hesse Coat (Hohens were first found in Hesse). This is all Bavarian-Illuminati ground-zero.

You may have read where I traced Cohens and Hohens to historical Melissena of Khazar and Byzantine royalty, and where I suggested that her part-Varangian children (by Inger the Varangian) produced the Vere family (thus, mythical Melusine/Milouziana of the Veres) that was also the Cohen bloodline (named after "Kagan" (entering "Kagan" brings up the "Jewish" Cohen Coat, but perhaps not for long, as it may be changed or eliminated when too many people discover that the Cohen surname traces to Khazars rather than the claimed Israeli/Biblical priesthood). The point here is that historical Melissena had a Rangabe surname, and the Veres trace mythical Melusine in Anjou to a Rainfroi-de-Vere, who can now be identified with Wren/Rennes elements.

The piece at the Rainfroi link above traces the Veres to Transylvania, where I've traced the Meschins via the Polish royals who merged with the particular Moravians that I traced to Khazars on the Mures river (Transylvania), especially at Reghin on the Mures. Amazingly, I (via Something working in me) traced Ragnvald of More, father of Rollo, to Reghin-Mures elements BEFORE I knew that Veres trace themselves to Transylvania. At the time, I wasn't familiar with how Veres connected to the Rollo vikings aside from Varangian commonality.

In the third update of September, I wrote on the Rainfroi topic, and suggested a link to the Raines surname that is said to derive in "Ragin." Hmm, the Scottish Patterson Coat uses "rege" as a motto term. I would suggest that Ragnvald was of the Vere/Varangian bloodline from Gernon elements, explaining (at least partly) why the Meschins and Clares become one. I would also suggest that this Meschin-Clare mix was the guts of the satanic Templarism that conquered Jerusalem (1099). The cross in the Arms of Rangabe is the same as the Bouillon cross, and it was the first (proto)Templars under the leadership of Godfrey de Bouillon that conquered Jerusalem in that year.

The Raines Coat uses white lions on black, same as the Patty/Patie Coat. In the last update, the Pattersons were traced to the Coruna-branch Gernons. It was said that I had record in my files of only two surnames using gold scallops on blue, the Malet and Colby Coats. I then proceeded to trace the camel in the Patterson Coat (uses white scallops on blue) to the king Cole bloodline out of Camulodunum (now Colchester), but neglected to bring up the Colby Coat as evidence. The Colbys must be linked to the Cole bloodline that re-named the city, Colchester, and they must also have merged with Pattersons who themselves traced to the older Camulos-worshiping city-zens.

The Mallet fawn is seen in the Scottish Crane/Cran Crest! Both fawns have a crown around their neck, representing historical/real royalty. Since the Irish Shaws also use the fawn, and since Shaws trace to the Shaw term in the Ayrshire motto (my opinion), note that Kyles, self-proclaimed to be from king Cole, developed a Kyle region in Ayrshire. I know that the Kyle-Society webpage shows a grail for a Kyle symbol, and the Scottish Shaw Coat, using grails as symbols, has a hand holding a sword as Crest, the symbol in the Colby Crest.

The hand holding a sword is used also in the Crens Crest; this is the coat using an elephant. As evidence that the surname ties to Ranulf de Gernon, the Mascall Crest also uses an elephant (for new readers, the father of Ranulf de Gernon was Ranulf le Meschin); the two Coats use the same colors. I'm assuming that the Mescalls were a Meschin branch, especially as the Meschins use a Masceline variation. The Scottish Cranes/Crans were first found in Suffolk, where the elephant-using Cobbs were first found, suggesting that Crans were a Crens branch...and likewise tied to the Gernons-Meschins.

One task now is to find surnames stemming from "Eystein," the father of Ragnvald. Perhaps tomorrow.

Aside from Obama's stocking-up of defensive weapons in the Persian gulf, aimed at Iran's offensive weapons, there's not much news today. I'll report when the story becomes important.

February 2

It's hard to know where to start when searching for terms that honor "Eystein." We can assume that "stein" (= stone) is a suffix so that "Ey" is the root. Such a term can shorten from "Key" or "Gey," yet I tried about 30 Coats before trying Keystone. No luck, but it's a big bingo for certain because the Keyston (no 'e') Coat is the Sinclair cross (!!) in saltire and colors reversed. In this picture, Rollo's grandfather was a Key, and therefore likely a Kay...mythical Kay, that is. Recalling that the Arthur bloodline merged with Clares, while mythical Arthur was merged with mythical Ector, father of mythical Kay, this seems perfect...except for the fact that the Keyston page shows Kelson and Kelton variations, but none like KEYSton. However, the Keyston term is indeed in that databank, and the Kay Coat is in Sinclair colors. .

Another way to seek surnames stemming from "Ey(stein)" is to change the 'y' to a 'g,' which is interesting, not only because there was an Egg surname first in Cheshire, but because the Sinclair Crest is a rooster. AND, as per my trace of mythical Ector to the Actons/Axtons of Cheshire, note that "Ac/Ax(ton) can itself be a variation of Egg-like terms derived from "Eystein." It floored me when I tried the Gay surname, a gold rooster...same color as the one in the Sinclair Crest. This makes me more certain that earl Eystein was a Kay of the Ector line.

But just before seeing the (gold on blue) Gay Coat, the "Gey" term was tried, bringing up blue scallops on gold, colors reversed from the Coruna-fold scallops discussed earlier. It hardly seemed like a coincidence so that I may have been right to suspect an Eystein link to the Gernon-Meschins. The Geys were Gays from Gaye, Manche, Normandy.

After trying "Gayston(e)" with no luck, there were gold scallops (!) on a checkered shield in the English Gaston(e) Coat.

I was so wrapped up in this task that it took until after trying "Estone" to realize that it and the Aston clan (Sinclair colors) were likely the closest things to "Eysteins." [Tim later found that the Estone surname has a registered "Eyston" variation]. An Aston variation is "Astyne." That's when I recalled that the Templar blue lion on gold was a symbol of Denmark's Arms (scroll down here half way down the page to verify) during the Templar era, a symbol that the Royal Danes had shared with Estonian royals. That now well explains how Astons and Estons can trace to Estonia; see Arms of Estonia. I'm wondering whether the fat white cross on red is the symbol of Macclesfield.

Just for the record, there's an Eyton(e) surname, first in Shropshire. The "Jewish" Einstein surname may not apply, but perhaps it's white rock on blue, a Roque/Rockefeller symbol, may be interesting for you.

If you continue to read, I'll show you how the Singletarys were Sinclairs by a clue that I've failed to see until now. But first, there's other evidence that Randolphs were both Veres and Clares. I do not accept anything written by pro-Vere webpages unless my own work verifies it. I have never studied the page below, but now see that it verifies the work I've been on in recent days. The page seeks to explain the deepest Vere roots, and its ascension to power structures. Shortly after Melusine and Milo of Angers, we find Veres meshed with a Guis surname that could have been the Goz family. If the Guis' were Goz', it should represent the Meschin link to the Veres that I surmise in heraldry links. A certain Amelius de Vere was "Earl of Genny (GHISNES or GUISNES)..."

I checked the Genny surname, and found this in the write-up: "The Norman name Genny descended from Guisnes near Calais in Normandy...First found in Suffolk...Conjecturally, they are descended from PETER [caps mine] who held his lands from Hervey de Bourges, tenant in chief..." Ahh. I did trace Hugh Goz D'Avranches, and Ranulf Goz le Meschin, to the Burgh surname that married the mother of the Conqueror Claro. This could help clinch the Goz = Guis equation that I can only suspect at this time.

Plus, as the Vere page continues, we find that a Guy Blanc Barbe de Vere, earl of Genny/Guisnes, married a daughter of Lord Cleremont. This suggests that part of the Conqueror's Claros descendants had settled Cleremont, and that Veres merged with the Claros at or before that point, which was roughly in Rollo's lifetime. In view of the Gay/Kay link (made above) to Rollo's grandfather, note the Guy name. Then compare the English Guy Coat with the Rouen Coat (Rollo ruled from Rouen), and after that compare with the Romer Coat too, for the Genny Shield smacks of the Romney Shield.

The Genny surname reminds us of "Guinevere," which is great by me because I theorized that it depicted a Guine entity merged with Veres. I suspected that entity to be both Gwenea in Brittany and Guines in PicARDY (i.e. I see it as a king-Arthur entity), and I'm ruling neither one out now that I see the possibility that "Guinevere" depicts the Vere merger with the Guisnes family.

As per my trace of Rollo's father(s) to Hebrew-Khazars of eastern Europe, note that the French Guy Coat uses the buckles used also by the Leslies and Sobieskis/Sobeks (Polish domain). These Guys were first in Picardy (northern France), in which Guines was found. AND, remember, the Genny/Jenny surname "descended from Guisnes near Calais in Normandy." Guines is in Pas-de-Calais (where Calais is located), wherefore it looks solid that mythical Guinevere depicted a Guisnes family in Guines, or even a family that named/founded Guines.

The same Transylvanian Khazars (named Murat=Maurice) to which I trace the Rollo family were ancestors of the Arpad Hungarians, but in particular were responsible for the first Drummond, Maurice, son of King Andrew I. I had traced Maurice's father (George) to the Ross clan of Scotland, wherefore see this next piece from the Vere document: "Manasses de Vere: Earl of Genny married Petronilla daughter of the Earl of Boleine."

Verry Interestink. At the Ross-Coat write-up, we not only find that Ross ancestry is in an Andrew (what Andrew in particular is reportedly uncertain), but in an Andrew of an Irish Beolan family. Secondly, as the Pattersons have been linked (by me) to the Peters surname, and as Scottish Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire, note "Petronilla, daughter of the earl of Boleine." The implications are compelling, especially as Pattersons proper originated in Ireland. In fact, the Patterson write-up says they originated from a Cussane family, a term smacking of "Guisne." It appears that a Vere clan merged with proto-Pattersons who were one side (non-Hungarian side) of the proto-Rosses, and that the merging Vere clan was the proto-Meschin Goz/Guis bloodline. The flag of Picardy uses three upright red lions on white, the symbol in colors reversed of the Ross clan.

My Patterson email friend could be a little startled by her first name, Jennifer, for the Genny surname is from "Jenny." PLUS, the Guinevere-surname Coat, red and white like the Genny/Jenny Coat, shows a Jennifer variation.

The Scottish Guine surname is said to be from vikings of extreme northern Scotland (I traced proto-Drummonds to the Orkney/Shetland regions). This is the first clue that the Gay/Guy term among the Rollo vikings link to "Guines." The second clue is in the French Guine surname, with many Guyne-like variations. If the Guisnes' were Goz', and if the latter were Gascones, then the GUYnes/Guines (= the Genny variation of "Guisnes") appear linked to the region of GUYenne...what became an alternative name for Gascony.

In this picture, the Meschins were from the Guinevere cult, if the Guisnes' were Goz'. Recall that I traced the Meschins to Arthurian elements, especially to mythical Lancelot whom writers portrayed as having an affair with Guinevere. "Guisnes" was also "Ghesnes."

It's interesting that the French Guine surname uses oak leaves, the symbol of the proto-Stewart Alans of Brittany. For, I had found reasons to trace the Alans back from Brittany to vikings of Shetland (north off the Scottish coast), and now I find that the Guine surname is from vikings of that part of Scotland. This link of Guine to Brittany has the potential to fulfill my other theory, that mythical Guinevere also depicted Gwenea/Vannes in Brittany. In fact, there are more reasons for tracing the Alans of Brittany to the Meschins of Shropshire than the Alan move from Brittany to Shropshire.

In my chapter, Arthur in the Brute of Italy, I wrote: "An upright red lion on white was used by the Stewarts of Shropshire, the Talbots of Shropshire..." I had no idea then that Talbots trace to Ranulf de Gernon le Meschin.

Wikipedia: "Flaad and his son Alan [from Brittany] had come to the favourable notice of King Henry [Claro] I of England who...gave him forfeited lands in Norfolk and Shropshire, including some which had previously belonged to Ernulf de Hesdin and Robert de Belleme." Hesdin was in Picardy too, in North Pas-de-Calais, and was under the realm of Artois. Montreuil is the umbrella region around Hesdin, wherefore let me repeat from the last update that Geroie Montreuil had a son, Ralph Mala Corona Giroie. The point is, some think that the Geroie family descended from the Goz family.

Recalling my trace of the Mala term in Ralph's name to the Mal(l)et surname, which trace in no way had anything to do with this Vere document, I now find (on the document): "Robert Malet (Robert de Vere or Veer..."! That is, Robert Malet was a Vere.

Question: Was Hugh D'Avranches, called "Flaidd," descended from the Alan-Flaad bloodline, especially as king Henry I gave the latter lands in Shropshire to keep the Welsh in check, while Hugh had earlier led wars against the Welsh? How could Hugh be linked to the Alan-Flaad family since he was from a Goz bloodline out of Avranches, while on his mother's side he was a Contville/Burgh? Hugh was married to Ermentrude of Claremont. Hmm. Didn't we see that place before?

I can't find where Claremont was/is. We may suspect that the Alans of Brittany were from the Guine vikings that were also Guisnes and therefore possibly of Goz stock, AND since we saw above that Guy de Vere, earl of Genny/Guisne, married a daughter of Lord Cleremont, it appears that Claremont (if it's the same as Cleremont) had some noble Goz blood...if the Goz' were Guisnes'. It appears that Hugh married into the Veres of Claremont, who were at that time the proto-Stewart Alans of Brittany>Shropshire...explaining, for one, why the modern dragonline Veres esteem the Stewart bloodline. It also appears that Hugh was a Goz through his father yet married a Goz of the Guisnes branch.

The Vere page goes on to say that the first Scottish Vere was a Radolphus/Ralph of high standing, whose clan developed in Lanarkshire. I suspect that this Ralph was a Meschin en route to becoming the Randolphs of Moray; we read: "Ralph de Ver was captured along with William the Lion at Alnwick in Northumberland in 1174. He witnessed a charter of his king of lands in the bishopric of Moray sometime between 1174 and 1184. He also donated land to the Abbey of Kelso..." Kelso, in Roxburghshire, was near Maxton...where the Maxwell branch of Maxtons/Meschins developed. We read that Ralph's clan in Lanarkshire was called "Blackwood," which should explain why the Scottish Black Coat uses a black-on-white saltire, the Maxwell symbol.

There is also a Scottish Blackwood Coat using a central mascle (I'm assuming mascles could be used only if persons/families were joined to Meschins/Mascalls). As Blacks were first in Lincolnshire, the Meschin hold in Lincolnshire (via Ranulf le Meschin's marriage) comes to mind. But Blackwood was in Lanarkshire: "Ralph de Ver, from whom the Weirs of Blackwood, Lanarkshire, claim descent."

Then we have this: "Between 1398 and 1400 Rothald de Were, Baille of Lesmahagow, had a Charter from Patrick, Abbot of Kelso, of the lands of Blackwood, Mossiygning and Durgundreston." Hmm, didn't I trace Meschins to the Mossi peoples of the Halybes-Khaldi fold on the south coast of the BLACK sea? Kelso = Khaldi??? Is that Patrick, abbot of Kelso, the one responsible for the black-on-white saltire of the Patrick Coat? Sounds likely?

We then learn that the Weir Coat, three white/silver stars on a blue band, were the Arms of Blackwood. The Blackwood Crest: "Upon a chapeau [red] furred Ermine a boar standant [blue] armed [gold]." The ermine is the central symbol of the Arms of Vannes, and while there are many ermine-fur spots in heraldry, it's conspicuous that a motto term in the houseofnames Blackwood Coat is "vias," nearly matching the motto term, "vie," in the Arms of Vannes. Again, if "Guinevere" depicted Gwenea/Vannes linked with a Vere bloodline, the above would seem to clinch the idea.

The distinguishing feature of the first Ralph de Vere to Scotland is that he, unlike his father and other Veres, supported the Flemings against the Norman kings of England, and that's why he, and the Stewarts of Shropshire, had to flee to Scotland. While some among these refugees may have called themselves by the Vere>Veir>Weir name, others may have used their Meschin name, as in Maxwells. The Blackwood surname was first found in Ayrshire, which was populated and ruled by Stewarts...using the Fer blue and white checks. The question is, were Stewarts more Veres or Meschins? Or, have I not yet proved that Ralph de Vere was a Meschin too?

There is not one instance of "Mesc/k" or "Masc/k" in the Vere piece just quoted from. Are we not to know that Veres were Meschins too? The first earl of Moray was Thomas Randolph (died 1332). At the Wikipedia article, we see an arms using a stag as Crest in the Arms of Thomas Randolph. The Shield shows the Fleming double border, and three red diamonds on gold. Had the diamonds been mascles, it would have been better for what I'm trying to prove. You may have read in the previous update where Musselburgh in Lothian (on the river Esk) was proved to be a Meschin-named location. Thomas Randolph died in Musselburgh. Coincidence?,_1st_Earl_of_Moray

In the Vere page, we find that Ralph de Vere, first Vere into Scotland, has a son, Thomas? Another coincidence? Thomas was "Living in 1266. Witness to a charter of a donation to Kelso Monastery by Hemicus St Clan." Thomas' grandson was also Thomas: "Died in the reign of David the Bruce; David II of Scotland 1329 - 1371." Thomas Randolph is said to be either the son of a Bruce (of Annandale) whose mother was a Clare, or a grandson of the mother of king Bruce I. In the latter theory, Thomas Randolph was the grandson of Marjorie Carrick, and behold, the Carrick Coat uses "A gold shield with a black fesse dancetty between three black talbots."!!!

For new readers, talbots are Labrador dogs that are so-called, in my opinion, due to the wife of Ranulf le Meschin, Lucy Taillebois. Likely, the dancette in the Carrick Coat evolved into/from the Randolph dancette! Like the Blackwoods, the Carricks were first found in that Carricks may have been what I perceive as a Vere-Stewart and Meschin mix (from Hugh D'Avranches.) Note, too, that the Carrick Shield is essentially the same, but in colors reversed, from the Meschin Shield. The Carrick Crest is an ostrich with broken spear in beak.

Now look. The Vere article seems to be written for insiders. Why would it describe, in French, the Weir/Blackwood white stars on blue but not make the connection to the very same design in the Murray/Moray Coat??? Insiders would know to make this connection.

It suggests that the writer of the document knew of the Moray link of the Blackwood Weirs, and possibly that Ralph de Vere and his son (Thomas) had everything to do with Thomas Randolph of Moray. As the document is entitled,"From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells - The House of Vere: References," the Veres may also know that Moray traces to the Mures river. I repeat, I am not a Vere-clan groupie; I did not trace the Rollo Clares to the Moray river based on the Vere link to Transylvania; I did not know of the Vere trace to Transylvania until AFTER I made the Moray trace to the Mures.

Marjorie Carrick was the daughter of Margaret Stewart, wherefore Marjorie is trace-able to the Meschins of Shropshire. Interestingly, Margaret was also a Carrick of sorts, for she "married her cousin Niall, Earl of Carrick." Margaret's father was Walter Stewart, third High Steward of Scotland, the first man to use the Stewart surname. Later, the first Stewart king, Robert Bruce II, is portrayed at Wikipedia with the Fleming border, and an upright red lion on gold, the colors assigned by Wikipedia (and others) to the upright lion of Ranulf le Meschin. This Stewart lion became the symbol of Scotland.,_3rd_High_Steward_of_Scotland

Walter Stewart's father, "Alan FitzWalter became a patron of the Knights Templar and is responsible for expanding Templar influence in Scotland." Alan's father, Walter fitz Alan (died 1177), the first High Steward of Scotland, was from a house in Oswestry, Shropshire; his mother was a daughter of Ernoulf de Hesdin (webpage below).

"Ernoulf" looks like a "Ranolph" variation. It could even be that "Hesdin" was an Aston/Eston variation (surname first in Cheshire). The Hesdin Coat uses white three-fingered crosses, used, in the same color, by the Grenon Coat! The other symbol of the Hesdin Coat is blue boars, the symbol of the Weirs and of the Blackwoods, founded by Ralph/Randolph de Vere. Variations shown of the Hesdin surname include Heston, very close to Eston indeed. Entering "Eston" or "Esdon" brings up the Ashton Coat...with black boar in Crest. Since I would now link Hestons to Eystein Clare, I note that Sinclairs and Astons/Ashtons both use black and white. And, of course, I would trace Eystein to Estonia (!), and then count the Astons/Actons/Astburys of Cheshire as a Clare merger with the Meschins.

I traced the Astons/Estons to an Estonian peoples in Pulli (of Parna) who uses a boar as their sacred animal. If the blue boar belonged first to the Hesdins, then the Hesdins must have passed it on to the Blackwood Veres. In that picture, Ralph de Vere (died about 1250) should have been a descendant of the Hesdin marriage to the Shropshire proto-Stewart, Walter fitz Alan (died 1177). The timing would make Ralph a son of someone in the house of this Walter, or of the house of his father, Alan fitz Flaad (died after 1114) of Shropshire. The problem is, I don't know that Hesdins passed the boar to Weirs; it could have been the other way around.

Hugh D'Avranches Flaidd died in 1101, but his precise connection to the Alan/Flaads eludes me at this time. Was he somehow a half brother to Alan fitz Flaad? Did he marry a Alan's sister/daughter? In any case, it's now clearer that Hugh gave his lands in Tutbury to Henry de Ferrer because he, Hugh, had married a Vere (of Claremont). It cannot now be a coincidence that the Ferrer Coat uses white horseshoes on black (Meschin colors), colors reversed from the horseshoes in the Scottish Randulph Coat. AND, the unicorn in the Ferrer Crest is used in the Arms of Macclesfield Borough. It's quite clear that Cheshire Meschins became the Scottish Randolphs via the Vere migration of Ralph de Vere.

The Vere document, on speculation, gives Aubrey III de Vere (earl of Oxford) as the father of Ralph (officially "Radulfus"). The argument seems solid, but not conclusive. Convinced that the Randolph cross also stems from the same in the Macclesfield Arms above, Ralph de Vere must somehow connect to Cheshire and its symbols. It's not likely that he was named after his great-grandfather, Ernoulf (de Hesdin), since that doesn't seem to make him a Meschin. The finger points better to a (grand)daughter of either Ranulf le Meschin or Ranulf de Gernon. Le Meschin died in 1129; de Gernon lived from 1099-1153. Ralph de Vere lived about 1200-1250, wherefore we're looking for a woman born about 1150. Le Gernon's daughter or niece fits, but other possibilities exist.

Admittedly, I don't know the history of the Meschin clan. As I was reading the story of Ranulf de Gernon, I was hoping to find him making an alliance with Scottish royalty in order to explain why Ralph de Vere betrayed king Stephen of England and ended up instead in Scotland. As the story turned out, in the year 1149, "a marriage was arranged between one of [Ranulf's] sons and one of David's granddaughters." Wikipedia dates the first High Steward of Scotland as beginning his role the year after in 1150! I'm thinking that Ranulf's marital merger with the Scot royals had everything to do with creating the High Stewards in the first place. The Vere page places Ralph in the good graces of Scotland a decade later around 1160.,_4th_Earl_of_Chester

The article does not share who Ranulf's children were aside from his son, Hugh, earl of Chester. But on Hugh's page, we find that he "also had an illegitimate daughter, Amice of Chester, who married Ralph de Mainwaring." Zowie, could that be Ralph de Vere??? Indeed, the Weir spelling might have come from "Waring." In this picture, Ralph de Vere was not necessarily a Meschin, but rather his children were, wherefore his clan in Blackwood/Lanarkshire was Meschin...through Amice. Conceivable, "Amice" was in honor of a Massey/Macie-like surname.,_3rd_Earl_of_Chester

There is a Mainwaring Coat, the surname first found in Cheshire! The Crest is a fawn, like the one in the Malet Coat. The Shield is exactly like the Washington Shield, but recalling that Blackwood was traced to Vannes, I should show that the Shield is also the Dutch Vannes-surname Shield. In this picture, the American flag's white stars on blue belong to the Weirs of Blackburn, and the red and white stripes, said to be taken from the Washington Coat, are from the Mainwaring-branch Weirs! Keep in mind that the proto-Washington surname, Gace/Gaze (evoking "Goz") is also "Gaish," a little like "Guis(nes)."

There's a Waring Coat with Vere colors; the surname is said to derive from "Miles Sire de Guerin, who came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066. He was originally a vassal of the Odo, the Bishop of Bayeaux." This is "good," for the Veres trace their ancestry to a quasi-mythical Milo de Vere of Anjou (700-750 AD). Plus, Odo of Bayeaux descended from the Contevilles/Burghs. PLUS PLUS, "Guerin" is almost exactly "Gueron," the term (from Normandy) that named Ranulf de Gernon.

As per the Wearing variation, see also the Wear Coat. The write-up says the Wears are not related to the Weirs or Veres, BUT the Wear Coat uses the Grenon cross type, and green with white, colors of the Grenon Shield. As per the Warin location (Normandy) from which the Mainwarings originate before moving to Cheshire, I checked the Warin Coat, finding a central scallop in Vere colors. The Coat is evocative of the Vernon Coat, but NOW, see that the garbs in that Coat are gold on blue like the garbs in the Arms of Hugh de Kevelioc (son of Ranulf de Gernon)...the proposed father-in-law of Ralph de Vere. THEN see that the garbs of Hugh are exactly the design of garbs in flag of Gascony. THEN SEE SOME MORE the gold garbs on blue in the Arms of Macclesfield!!

Hugh de Kevelioc's son, Ranulf de Blondeville, and sixth earl of Chester, "was one of the 'old school' of Anglo-Norman barons whose loyalty to the Angevin dynasty was consistent..." The supporters of Ranulf de Gernon are likewise called Angevins, this being important in that mythical Milouziana of the Veres was a Scottish entity at/near Avalon that had founded the counts of Anjou more than two centuries before the Cheshire Ranulfs. Blackwood, in Ayrshire, is therefore near Avalon = Rothesey. Ayrshire can be considered continental Avalon. On his mother's side, Ranulf de Blondeville was a Montfort of Evreux.

At the webpage below, we find that a "Margaret Stewart was born between 1347 and 1350. She was the daughter of Robert[-Bruce] II Stewart, King of Scotland and Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan." RowAllan??? Mure??? Entering "Mure" brings up the Moor Coat, the surname first found in Ayrshire. Hmm. That's where the Blackwood-Weirs were. PLUS, the Mure/Moor Coat looks like a variation of the Weir Coat, and I'm sure it is.

The Vernons were first in Cheshire, and the green-clad goddess in the Vernon Crest must now be Melusine. She holds a sickle. Recalling that I traced the scallop symbols to Skeltons and they in turn to Sicily, let me re-show the logic. "Drepane" is Greek for "sickle," a term smacking of the "Sicel" founders of Sicily. The Trepani region of western Sicily, therefore, is linked by others to the sickle. BUT, I found that the Sicels were linked to the Szekely Transylvanians...who claim to be ancestral to the Hungarian Arpads, wherefore I link the Szekely to the Khazar Hebrews of the Mures river, for they too were ancestral to the Arpads. There's much more one can say on the Trepani topic, but suffice it here to show the Trepanier Coat of Brittany that may apply, for it uses a gold stag, as does Macclesfield.

The Vernon goddess appears to be Shala, therefore, which would then link Milouziana/Melusine to her cult. I think "scallop" links back to Shala's cult in Ashkelon/Ascalon (Gaza) and then comes forward in time to the Euskal Basques. The fact that she's green in the Vernon Crest, where the surname is obviously a Gernon variation, links to the green Grenon Shield. I've had reason in the past to link the Meschins to "European Ishmaelites." I had also traced Ismaelites to Ayrshire, and assigned them the green color of the Arabs/Muslims. I am struck by the Musselburgh location of the Meschins, for it smacks of "Muslim." The Basque County map shows an "Araba" location, and I traced the Arpads to European Arabs, the Arpii/Carpae, that named the Carpathians of Transylvania.

Midway between Basque Country and Coruna, there is a Burgo location. This is interesting because the Conteville-Burghs are from John de "Burgo." That is, not a German "Burgh/Berg," but a Latin/Spanish "Burgo." The Arms of the city of Burgos uses a green and white Shield. The Burgo castle design reminds me of the English Hopper Coat, this being found in the first place via Red Skelton's (a Freemason) "Kadiddlehopper" character. The Hopper motto uses "fidelis."

The Burgo location is beside a Trevino region. The Trevino surname reminds us of the Traby Poles who I traced back to the Trepani/sickle fold, especially on the Black sea i.e. Trabzond...where the Mossi peoples lived. The Spanish Trevino Coat uses Vernon colors, but with blue stars on gold, colors reversed from the Mure/Moor stars. The Moorhead in the Mure Crest is code for peoples of north Africa around Morocco, and therefore the Muslims who invaded Europe in ancient/Templar times. I've told before that the base of the Moreno Castle is exactly the base of the Hopper castle, but I don't recall mentioning that "Moreno" and its variations link to the Moor/Mure surname; a Moreno variation shown is "Murena." The Moratin variation smacks of Morut/Marot, the name of the Khazar rulers on the Mures/Maros river. We read: "According to the author of the Gesta, [MenuMorut's] land was inhabited by a nation called Cozar, but the Gesta also implies the presence of Szekelys."

February 3

Did you know this:

"The [hand] sign without the thumb extended has traditionally been the 'horns of Satan' sign.

The sign with the thumb extended is the American Sign Language sign for 'I love you.' It is a combination of the letters 'I (pinkie up), 'L' (pointer finger and thumb extended), and 'Y' (pinkie and thumb extended). I would expect Sarah Palin to use this sign as she has a son with a disability and disability awareness is important to her."

Thanks to SR for that. The hand signal opened this first update in February, and it was followed immediately by the 'O' of the Obama and Lucis Trust logos (some think Lucis Trust is a mainline Illuminati cult). Thanks to an email from CC, which I opened last night, it looks as though it wasn't a coincidence to bring the 'O' topic up, for I think it links back to the very Vere/Guer terms under scrutiny. I will assume that the 'O' is the Illuminati-circle symbol of power, as per the mythical rings of Melusine and Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings," etc.

Just before I was discovering Burgos in Spain yesterday, CC had sent me an email saying that there was a Burgos in northern Spain (she has been urging me for months to emphasize the Basques of Spain; now I'm finally there). I had tried entering "Burgo" in hopes of finding where the line of John>Herluin de Burgo was from, but there was no Coat. CC, however, asked me to look at the Spanish BurgoS Coat...a huge big 'O'!!!

Today we will begin to investigate whether Obama and the rest of the O-family stem from the Burghs of Spanish Burgos. I think they do. The great thing is, we can trace them to the English Burghs with confidence, not only because the Burgh Coat uses green and white, the colors of the Arms of the city of Burgos, but because it uses [green] rings!!

Yesterday I added that the gold Burgos castle looks like the Hopper Castle, and that the Hoppers use "fidelis" as a motto term. I decided not to tell you that the Burgos Arms uses "Fide"...until it proved to link to Hoppers or other fidel-like motto terms. It's only the next day, and we find that the English Burgh Coat uses "fide" as a motto term!!! This is excellent because we can be confident of the Burgh link to Burgos, and better yet, the Burgh write-up traces the surname for us to Hubert de Burgh. Still better, Wikipedia has an article on Hubert de Burgh, earl of that we can explore whether Hubert links back to John de Burgo. In fact, Hubert named his son, John.

In that article, we read: "In the early years of [king] John's reign[,] de Burgh was greatly enriched by royal favour, receiving the honour of Corfe in 1199 and three important castles in the Welsh Marches in 1201 (Grosmont Castle..." This is good, very good, because Ranulf le Meschin was a Goz on his mother's side, and we have seen that the Geroie/Geroy family, from Le Gros ancestry, was said by at least one ancient document, to be from "Goz" (i.e. as though Goz and Gros were identical). For new readers, I have, in recent days, traced Ranulf to John>Herluin de Burgo/Contville, and have been seeking more evidence ever since.,_1st_Earl_of_Kent

Grosville came into the possession, it is thought, of the purple-lion Lacy family. If true, we would need to explore possible Lacy connections to Lucy Goz (mother of Meschins), especially as the purple lion was a symbol of families in Leon and Castille, including the Spanish Lus family. I trace the Lacy term to the founding of Ligurians in Lacydon (Rhone river); I have traced part of the Meschins to Ligurians via different means.

The founding of Ligurians at Lacydon involved Egyptians under myth-code, "Gyptis," and to this we add that the Iberi>Heber line from Spain to the Irish Heberites was through Scythians of Miletus via Egypt and northern Africa, according to Irish mytho-legend. The heraldic Moors symbol comes to mind, a symbol of Mauritanians (north Africa). Thus, the Spanish Moreno/MORATIN (not to mention the English Murtons) surname, which was linked yesterday to the Moor/Mure surname, applies. The following quote is very important for multiple reasons. For one, the (Spanish) Moreno/Moratin castle is the Hopper castle and therefore appears linked to the Burgos castle:

"[Hubert de Burgh] traced his descent from Robert of Mortain, half brother of William the Conqueror and first earl of Cornwall; he married about 1200 the daughter of William de Vernon, earl of Devon; and thus, from the beginning of his career, he stood within the circle of the great ruling families."

Who was Robert of Mortain again:

"Robert [de Mortain] was the son of Herluin de Conteville and Herleva of Falaise (who was also William's mother) and was full brother to Odo of Bayeux.",_Count_of_Mortain

Robert of Mortain was therefore a Burgo!

"John de Burgo CONTEVILLE, Earl of Comyn, Baron of Tonsburgh (Tourborough) in Normandy, general of the Norman duke's forces and governor of his chief towns, hence the family name de Burgo, or Burgh...Children: 1. Herlwin de Burgh de CONTEVILLE b. abt 1000/01, d. c 1066" (webpage no longer available).

The Vere document that I quoted from yesterday is entitled From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells - The House of Vere: References" (see the very top of the browser, above the browser's menu). It would appear that this title is tracing the proto-Veres from the Transylvanian Khazars to the Burgos/Contvilles of Tonsbridge.

The Wikipedia article says: "[Hubert] de Burgh was appointed Constable of Dover Castle, and also given charge of Falaise, in Normandy." Hubert was also Lord Warden of the Cinqueports. He is linked by the Wikipedia article to the de Burgh earls of Ulster, the Irish location using a Zionist star in the Ulster flag. The Heberite Irish are behind that star, I think, known to be from the Spanish Iberi of the Ebro river. Yes, Hebrews. But I'm thinking that the BRIGantinos of Coruna (Spain), to the immediate west of Burgos, who are known to have moved to Ireland, represent the Irish Burgh branch. In other words, the Burghs appear named after elements of the pagan Brigit cult...who I trace to the Phrygians, also called "Brigians." Think also Frigg, wife of Odin.

One suspects that Hubert de Burgh was related to king John, and so we find that this king's mother was of Aquitaine. Eleanor of Aquitaine, that is. At her article, we see what looks like the Haskel bell pattern, though in the colors of the bell pattern of the Irish Fleming Coat. The Haskel bell pattern was traced (previous update) to the Spanish Esques/Esquibel(le) surname. As Flemings use a peculiar double border around the perimeter of their shields, note a double border in the Arms of Burgos.

It's time to go back to the quote above where we find that Robert de Mortain -- a Burgh -- married a daughter of William de Vernon, earl of Devon. I can now make the Burgh link to the Vernons by heraldry. First, I had traced "Vernon" to "Gernon," and meanwhile the Vernons were first in Cheshire, from which Ranulf de Gernon almost took all of England by war. This link of Mortain-line Burghs to de Gernon supports the trace of the Cheshire Ranulfs to the John>Herluin line of Burgos. The purpose here is to trace them to Obama via Ralph de Vere, progenitor of the Scottish Randolphs.

Yesterday's work was monumental in my eyes for making that trace. I was on the computer all day and night, to the point that my head hurts today and my eyes are burning with a buzz. I had found that Ralph de Vere was Ralph of MainWaring, and that Mainwarings were first in Cheshire. Seeing in the write-up that the surname was from "Warin," I checked to find a scallop in the Warin (also "Varin") Coat, which I could only assume was linked to the Meschins. But after I ended the update, when failing to find a Burgo Coat, I tried "Bergon"...and, Zowie, scallops in the Warin (and Vere) colors!

The Bergons were first in Devon!! Robert Mortain-Burgh married the daughter (with Vernon surname) of the earl of Devon. Plus, I had found, yesterday, that the Waring surname was first found in Devon. So we have Warings and Warins in Devon and Mainwarings and Vernons in Cheshire. But the Warins/Varins were first found in Burgundy, where the Gros surname was first found.

AMAZING. Just now, after re-reading at the English Burgh Coat where we find that Hubert de Burgh was from Tichfield, I entered "Tich" with no Coat found, but then recalled that I had stressed the Tack surname: the Tach Coat uses scallops in the same two color schemes as the Bergon Coat! The Tack Coat uses garbs on a green Shield, and a purple Chief. The Tacks are also "Tash," and the write up traces to "at asche" (i.e. sounds like an Ash/Euskal clan).

CC is sure that the Burch surname links with the Burgos. I couldn't see why when I took a look at the Burch/Berch Crest (from "Birce"). Too many families use gold fleur de lys on blue. But then I saw what looks like a green snake in the Burch Crest. A green snake is the symbol of the Gerant/Garant Coat, a surname using the nine Apollo acorns and first found in Shropshire (where Meschins were first found). I'm assuming that "Gerant" is a Verin/Gernon variation. This morning, I found a distinct Garant surname...first found in Anjou! Here is verification that the Burch/Berch Crest is a green serpent. (The Austrian Schere surname, possibly from "Asch," also uses a green snake.)

I think it was a mistake to view the nine fruit on the Apollo Coat as apples. I recall that someone, I think LG, who found them to be acorns. I think that is correct, meaning it's an oak tree. (The Haskell tree is definitely nine apples). As the Apollo surname (with oak tree) is Italian, see the Italian Cerin Coat with the same tree!! The write-up uses "Cerro/Cerri," tracing the terms to a Turkish oak species. Stupidly, the write-up says: "The Cerin family lived near a Turkey Oak tree." Now you know to be cautious with "expert" surname derivations.

After seeing that Coat, it dawned on me that "acorn" could be code for the GERNon branches of Vere surnames, explaining why Gerants use the same tree. In the case of the Cerins/Cerris, the nine acorns are on the ground. In my view, this traces the acorn-like Veres to the nine witches of Avalon, and back to the nine Muses of Greece. The Italian Maio Coat also has the nine acorns on the ground.

This Cerri surname brings me to the Irish Gerry/Gara Crest, a green ring (think the Burgos giant ring). The Gerrys/Garas use "fideliter" for a motto term, recalling the "fide" in the Arms of Burgos and in the English Burgh Coat...with the green rings!! The English Gerry/Gery surname is also "Warre/Werre" and is said to derive from the man, Guericus Guery (of Norfolk). This Coat is the one using "trouve" in the motto, which can now be linked, hypothetically anyway, to the Trevino region (Spain) in Burgos.

"Trevino" makes me take another look at Traby-like surnames. The English Treby/Trebet Coat uses gold roundels, a symbol of coins/money, the fuel behind Illuminati circles of power. The Trebys were first in Devon (!), where the Mortain-Burghs ruled as earls. The English Trebeck Coat uses a big-O using three fish!! The variation, Troutback, would suggest derivation in "trout," but it's not necessarily the case that variations with dictionary terms were the original surnames. The Polish Traby Coat uses a Big-O too!!! For new readers, Obama's foreign-affairs advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, has a surname the family of which use the Arms of Traby. One could get the impression that Burghs link to the Polish Trabys therefore. What I have perceived as three 6s in the Traby Arms might now be three Os. Though perhaps not intended to be three 6s, the end-time 666 might just be a take from the Traby (or related) Arms.

We saw the evidence was strong for the mother of Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, to be Marjorie Carrick (the Carrick Crest uses an ostrich; the Trabys use ostrich feathers). Does not "Carrick" evoke the Cerris/Cerins of Italy who look like kin to the English Gerrys/Warres? Remember, I linked Thomas Randolph closely to Ralph>Thomas de Vere of Lanarkshire, beside the Carricks of Ayrshire.

The green and white Irish Gary Coat has a green snake (in a red fox's mouth) in the Crest!! The surname is said to derive from "Fhearad" (the motto uses "Fear") evoking the green and white Wear surname of Devon!

I had forgotten to say, the Sinclair variation, "Singular," looks like the origin of the Singletary surname in Obama's ancestry. As Obama's great grandfather to the eighth generation, Jonathan Singetary, changed his name to Dunham, it makes sense that the Dun portion refers to proto-Rollo Danes. In fact, Dunham could be the Danish-Rus portion in the Arthurian bloodline, for Tim sent an email showing that "Dumain is a Dunham variation. That evokes the Dumnonii Celts (= British Danaan) who founded Devon and Somerset entities, the Hercules Danann that overtook mythical Geryon and his dog, Orthos. I'm thinking that the proto-Dunhams were the proto-Claro vikings that later ruled both More and Moray.

Believing strongly as of today that big-O Obama traces to the big-O of the Burgos clan, note the motto term in the Burch/Berch Coat: "Simplicitate," near to "Singletary." The Simple Coat (using bugles, perhaps of Traby) then uses "Tryst" as a motto term, while the Tryst Coat uses "triste" and "trepidum," the latter term meaning "fear(ful)" and evoking the nearby Treby family (the Trysts were first in Cornwall). The center of the Tryst Coat is a large rose that may be another example of a big-O code.

[End update]

PS -- The Sinclair write-up tells that the surname was in St-Clair-L'Eveque in Calvados (Normandy). The Norman Leveque Coat uses a shining white star/sun on blue, the color of the sun on blue that is the Obama logo (see also Lucis Trust logo).

I should also mention that the Singular variation of the Sinclair surname should well explain why both Clares and Singletarys use a triple chevron. Someone suggested (by email) months ago that "Single" was a variation of "Sinclair," which I thought to be unlikely at the time because "Sinclair" breaks down to "saint Clare." I did not register in my mind the Singular variation of the Sinclairs until a day or two ago. I would suggest that "Sinclair" came first, followed by "Singular>Singletary." The Singer Coat has white and green, and uses "fidelitas," two features of the Burgos clan. End PS.

February 4

Today's update is extremely revealing as per the leading Americans of this generation.

Eric Holder, the O-administration's chief man of Law, was behind the reading of the underwear bomber's rights as soon as was possible, the rights that give an accused the right to remain silent. Surprise, surprise, he remained silent after that, we are told. It's exactly situation we expect the O-people to manufacture if they were the true plotters. For new readers, there is good evidence, explained in January's updates, that the underwear bomber was a plot of Western agents, not to blow up the plane, but to make as though it was almost blown up.

We heard this past week from CIA chief Leon Panetta that it is "certain" for another terrorist attempt to take place in the next three to six months. I think this next scare is scheduled as part of the on-going plot of the O-people unto their globetrotter schemes. The underwear bomber was shut up only after it was reported to the media that he promised more bombings on the way. That's the sort of thing the O-people would want to leak to us, you see. And due to heavy criticism lately as per the reading of bomber's rights, the O-people are now contradicting themselves, saying that the underwear bomber has in fact been talking. I would suggest that anything the bomber is reported to have confessed, since the reading of his rights, will be suitable for the on-going O-scare scheme.

The Italian Panetta Coat uses the tree of the Italian Ales/Alesani Coat, a tree that is going to be discussed in a future update because it keeps on cropping up.

As seems likely to me that 9-11 was an inside job, it is not surprising that the accused Arab men -- held in American custody for many years -- have not yet gone to trial. For if they go to trial, the secret can slip out. One hope of the true plotters would be that they die in prison.

We are hearing further excuses now for the putting off of their trials. The clamor is to the effect that the accused should not be tried in a civilian manner i.e. regular court. Instead, there is a move, supported by Republicans, to get the accused in a military trial...where the rights of the accused are degraded, and where the expected outcome of the trial (i.e. quick/harsh sentencing) can take place with far less risk to the true 9-11 plotters...whom I suspect were Bush-related Republicans, mainly anyway, explaining why Republican-supporting FOX news mocks so-called "truthers.")

It is imperative that the trials not take place in America, they say, which is what we'd expect the true plotters to want...because a trial off of the U.S continent won't be publicized as much in the media, providing far less risk should any damning facts slip out. In yesterday's news (FOX, I think) was the hope of Dana Perino, the press secretary for George Bush. She wants the trials to take place at Gitmo rather than on U.S. soil. We should expect others to force that very situation.

The Perino Coat uses Zionist stars. Yes, another Hebrew government leader. The eagle-using Perin Coat, in the Perino blue and gold colors, is in the colors of the eagle-using Italian Ferin Coat AND in colors reversed from the French Veron Coat, and the same colors as the Vernon, Varin/Warin and Warren/Warin Coats.

These are the colors of the Danes and Estonians, and in fact ancient royal Danes used the blue and gold checks uses by the Warrens/Warins and Wearin(g)s. Did George Bush, therefore, chose leaders tracing to Danes and/or Estonians. The Bush Coat uses black boars, symbol of the Aestii (proto-Estonians). Could Ronald Reagan have descended from the Ragnvald family of Rollo Danes? Naturally. The Cheney surname (Genny?) is from the Normans too...who I think were VARANGians originating in the location of blue and gold WIERINGen! See Rurik, ruler of Wieringen (Netherlands), thought to be the same as Rurik, first ruler of the Varangians of the Ukraine/Kiev.

The Cheney Coat is comparable to the Biden Coat, but also somewhat to the Genny Coat. The common feature in all three Coats is the ermine Shield, the last two having a diagonal bar. Seeing the Cheyne variation, I tried "Kyne," to get another ermine Shield with a diagonal bar! It's the Irish Koen Coat with "Cohen" and "Coen" registered as well. The English Kyne Coat is familiar, exactly the Ash Coat! Seeing now a Cheney trace back to Estonians, isn't it curious that a variation of the Irish Kyne surname is "Barnacle." I traced the black boar head of the Ashton Crest to the Parna region of Estonia, which I had then linked to the Barney (rubble) cartoon code.

I know this is going to sound far-fetched, but the Abreu friend that I have, who was in the first place responsible for my veering the dragon hunt to European Hebrews, laughs just like Barnery Rubble. Perhaps, if you're familiar with the cartoon, he had an a-hee-hee-hee laugh. My Abreu friend's mother is a Ribello, which term I trace to the Ribble river of the Cheshire theater. That is the river that I think gave Barney his Rubble surname (the Pulli region of Parna should have provided the Pulls/Pules/Poles and Astons of Cheshire, though I trace them through Polabia). The Ribble Coat is blue and gold, and uses a dancette strikingly like the Dunham (and Randolph) dancette. If not for the creator of the Flintstones, who thought he was being smart with his codes (i.e. didn't think anyone would decipher them), some of these links/discoveries may never have been made.

My senses therefore tell me that the sea horse in the Irish Kyne/Cohen Crest is the sea dragon in the Eyston Coat. That Coat comes up when entering "Estone," but "Eston" brings up the Ashton Coat. The Eyston Crest is said to be a yew tree (symbol of Artemis), but so far I don't know what that's code for. What we do know is that Eystein's son was Ragnvald, an apt Reagan-like term. The blue-grey dolphin in the Reagan Coat (uses the heraldry-illegal silver on gold Shield) is exactly the one in the Kennedy Crest, which now brings up the question as to Cheney/Kyne links to "Kennedy." Note the "fin" term in the Kennedy Coat, for Estonians were Finns.

The black crosslets on white of the Kennedy Coat should link to the Davenports (Astbury of Cheshire), and as such to the Dunhams/Dumains, but therefore to the Dumnonii of Devon...all of the Daphne cult. I knew I had seen a Devo-like term in Cheshire several years ago, and looking for it today I found that Chester (Cheshire capital) was "Deva" in Roman times. That should explain "Davenport."

After writing the paragraph above, I kid you not, it entered my mind to check the surname(s) of the founder(s) of the Flintstones. It was created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. The Hanna Crest uses the black Davenport/Kennedy/Clinton crosslet!! And stag heads on the Coat. There is an Ann surname (first in Yorkshire) using a "Hanne" variation; the Ann/Hanne Coat also uses stag heads. The Hanna motto includes "ardua," a code, I'll bet, for the Arthurian cult.

Trying "Haynes," we find crescents, the symbol under the Hanna crosslet. Many surnames use crescents, but the Haynes crescent is found UNDER a symbol in the precise fashion with the Hanna Crest. AND, "Haynes" smacks of "Cheyne"! We see the same crescent UNDER a symbol in the Irish Keyne Coat.

The Hains variation of "Haynes" suggests possible Cain links. The Irish Cain Coat is remarkably similar to the Pullen (and Romney) Shield...but reflective also of the Italian Barbara Coat. CC might suggest to me that this surname is from the Berber (some say "Barbar-ians") Aryans of north Africa, and she could be right. [After writing that and seeing the creator of the Flintstones is "Barbera (not "Barbara"), the SPANISH Barbera Coat was found...using the Moreno/Moratin Coat exactly!!! For new readers, the Moratin term was traced yesterday to north Africa's Mauritania, the home of the (older) Berbers! The Arms of Mauritania is a crescent UNDER a symbol (!!), a typical Arab/Muslim symbol.]

The Irish Kyne Coat above has been previously shown as the Kane Coat, and traced (by me) to the Janina-branch Poles. Janina??? As in "Hanna/Ann," perhaps? Hmm, the English Jan/Jeynes Coat uses red scallops amid blue, very reflective of the Pullen/Romney Coat. As the Sobieski/Sobek Poles were a Janina branch, is it a coincidence that while Kyne/Jeyne/Cheyne/Hayne all evoke "Guyenne," the Guy Coat uses the Sobeiski/Sobek buckle???

Earlier in this update, I had traced the Guy surname to "Eystein" and the Gay rooster that must surely be the Sinclair rooster, and I was simultaneously on the Guisnes topic, but I had failed to read, at that time, that the French Guy(s) surname has a Guise variation! But as we are now on the Barb surname as well, let me quote what I had written:

Plus, as the Vere page continues, we find that a Guy Blanc BARBE [caps mine] de Vere, earl of Genny/Guisnes, married a daughter of Lord Cleremont...In view of the Gay/Kay link (made above) to Rollo's grandfather, note the Guy name. Then compare the English Guy Coat with the Rouen Coat (Rollo ruled from Rouen), and after that compare with the Romer Coat too, for the Genny Shield smacks of the Romney Shield.

I traced the Genny/Guisnes surname to the Guines location (France), and showed the Guine-surname Coat, but let me show the "Guyne" variation of the latter. The suspicion that the Cheneys/Chynes are of the Genny/Guisnes clan had me entering "Kenny" for more possible clues. This was done at the start of today's update, at which time I could not see any Cheney links in the Kenny Coat. BUT NOW, we see crescents as in the Haynes Coat. The Kenny Crest is a hand holding a scroll, the symbol of the Moray Crest.

The Kenny motto is a familiar one to me. "Vincit veritas" is used also by Pender surname (with Pendergast variation smacking of the Pendragon myth code). The motto, "Veritas vincit," is used by the surname (of Musselburgh importance).

While writing the Keith surname above, "Keaton" popped into my mind, and I sensed that it should be Eston/Eystein/Keyston important. Bingo! "A [black] boar's head couped within two laurel branches" (see verification). The Ashtons/Estons use a black boar head, and the laurel is an ancient symbol of Daphne. The similarity between "Keaton" and "Keith" warranted a look at "Keeth" for an intermediate term, which turns out to use a Keete/Keet well as using the Keaton colors and symbol (black lions/leopards on white).

It was after writing the paragraph above that I noticed the proper Barbera spelling of the Flintstone co-creator. The write-up traces the surname to "the region of Barbarius, in the province of Tarragona." There is an Italian Barbera Coat using the three fish exactly of the Irish-alternative Kayne/Kane/Cain Coat!!

Interestingly, Obama's mother is Ann Dunham (i.e. like "Hanna"). The Doun/Down surname, which appears related to "Dunham" because the latter uses Downham and Dounham variations, uses a stag in colors reversed from the Hanna stag!!! This is no small finding, but traces Obama's mother to the creator of the Flintstones...which explains why I think I was Directed (capital C) to discover the Flintstone links to the Illuminati years ago. I should mention what could be a giant Vere star in the Annis/Annes Coat, and that entering "Hannes" gets the Hanna Coat. Entering "Kannes" brings up the John-based surnames of the MacIan/MacKane Coat...using the Sobieski/Sobek buckle. One variation shown is MacAne!!

Am I going to regret swearing in anger on the telephone?

"The European Court of Justice has told Sweden that it must implement a 2006 measure requiring telecom operators to store information about their customers' phone calls and emails."

People, this is ludicrous. In the name of fighting crime, globalists want to be able to dig anything up about us. It is sinful that the masses be made to live where so much about their conversations and movements are recorded, forever. People can no longer become upset with sinful things lest they pay for it later when the globalists bring out the "evidence" against them. We are being conditioned to become flat, low-lying. Our own neighbors will spy on us, just for fun, if possible...which is why I keep a piece of tape over the camera on my laptop (not for neighbors, but because the O-lluminati might like to know what I look like. It would be easy for them to use my camera to view me, which would prove all that I have been saying about them, that they are "pigs" not deserving to rule over us.

People, I am glad that I decided to report on this article (dated today, what timing), for after writing the above, I continued to read until I found that the Swedish Justice Minister is Beatrice Ask. This so reflected the Esk river (one in Musselburgh) that I say links to the Euskal ancestry of the Meschins that I looked up the Ask/Askey Shield (English). It's the Meschin Shield!!! See also the Hasket Coat.

The Ask Coat uses three donkeys (see verification) instead of the Meschin scallops. BUT, a similar Coat, using scallops, is from the Samson surname. My theory is that the donkey symbol, used by American Democrats, leads back to "Biblical" Samson. I have also suggested that ass-like places/surnames should link to the Samson cult, but now there's evidence that the Euskals are part of such terms. As Beatrice Ask is Swedish, I would suggest connection to the Haskel surname (see write-up)...which I have recently linked to the Spanish Esques. By the way, Beatrice Ask does not like the EU's intrusion that the article deals with.

The pro-Saddam Baathists have won a major court battle in Iraq:

"Preparations for elections in Iraq next month have been thrown into disarray by a row over a court ruling allowing hundreds of candidates to stand.

The candidates were banned because they are affiliated with Saddam Hussein's Baath party...

The Iraqi government has condemned the court's decision and is due to hold an emergency debate on [February 7]."

This sitiation has the bad odor of a Sunni uprising should the government overturn the court ruling. It would be like a Democrat uprising should a Palin government overturn Roe v Wade. Perhaps, just in time, food prices appear on the brink of sinking dramatically:

"Concerns that food makers would overdo price cuts to lure cautious consumers weighed on Kellogg Co and Sara Lee, even though both forecast better-than expected 2010 earnings. unemployment remains high and consumers turn to lower-priced store brands to save money, analysts are concerned that manufacturers are risking profits to chase sales volume.

...Morningstar's Swanson noted that Hellmann's mayonnaise and Knorr soup maker Unilever slashed prices, though it saw a large increase in the volume of products sold."

Bring on the "sales volume" = lower prices method. The trib-pantry awaits. Thieves! Kellog made 176 million...on glorified, crispy horse food. They can afford to go down yet.

Another article out today, which I've only gotten to now, after showing the Panetta Coat at the top of today's update, concerns the same Panetta tree:

"Senior US Treasury Dept. Official William Pizer, the current Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy is simultaneously a sitting council member on the Global Environment Facility (, one of the largest funders of projects to 'improve the global environment' (i.e. push through fraud-based carbon cap-and-trade programs).

This 'Facility', while not claiming to be a bank, at the same time calls it itself 'An independent financial organization'..."

The Pizer Coat uses what I'll call the Ales tree. Like I said, this tree design keeps cropping up this week, at least five times so far.

I'm not sure I understand the following properly, but it sounds as though the turning of the Iraqi-election tide has been the work of the O-West:

"...The ruling by a panel of seven judges appeared at first to be an exercise of judicial independence in a still young [Iraqi] democracy. It followed weeks of behind-the-scenes negotiations and diplomacy, especially from the Obama administration, which sent Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Iraq in the midst of the turmoil.

As the crisis turned to impasse, Iraqi, American and United Nations officials all looked to Iraq's judiciary to resolve a crisis that its politicians could not."

If the O-biden team are causing the court to overturn against Maliki, isn't it intruding? Should this potential conflict become Iraq verses Obama? Is this Obama's next mistake? The way things are shaping up, this election could be deemed unfair by the Sunni if Maliki gets his way. That debacle could pave the way for my vision of the anti-Christ's Iraq entry. But, to be honest, I cannot imagine a Russian making that entry based on events to date.


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