Previous Update: January 1 - 5

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January 6 - 9, 2011

This is really good
Thank You, Heraldry, for Easy Tracking to Troy

To January 7 -- 8 -- 9

January 6

The following is an update inserted this morning in my 2016 chapter:

It doesn't look as though the 70th Week began in 2009, or even in 2010. I don't think the anti-Christ has yet appeared politically in Iraq. I'm leaving this chapter up, anyway, for whatever some of the points might mean to some.

In order for the Week to have begun in 2009, the 2300 days must begin in 2010, but so far as my thinking is concerned, they haven't yet started. I do not hold whatsoever to the theory of some, that the 2300 "days and evenings" amount to 1150 full days.

I'm not willing to entertain that the 2300 days are for an ancient time only, and not for the last days.

I should mention that the 50-year Jubilee could be based, not on a 360-day year as I have it, but on a solar year regardless of how long it has been in the past, and regardless that the solar year has been gradually lengthening with time, as the earth slows down in its solar orbit. In short, a Jubilee year today could fall once every 50 regular years (i.e. of 365.25 days each).

Assuming that there was a Jubilee year known only to God when Israel took Jerusalem in the second week of June, 1967, one might expect the Return of God's Son on the next Jubilee year i.e. in the second week of June, 2017. Interestingly, Rothschilds took Israel from the Turks in 1917 (not necessarily meaning that God favors Rothschilds), as though it too may have been a Jubilee year known only to God.

In that 2017 picture, the 2300 days can be moved ahead (from the May-20-2010 date that I have it in this chapter) about 262 days (= 50 x 5.25 days). One problem is, the arguments made in this chapter, which I thought were quite amazing/surprising, would no longer apply. That is, the start of the 2300-day and 1260-day periods, as well as the start of Armageddon, would no longer fall on/during Holy days/feasts.

The other problem may be: 262 days further ahead lands at about the beginning of March, 2011. It's not likely that the anti-Christ can arise in Iraq and then act against Israel in some significant way by that time.

Another scenario is as per this: "On December 11, General Edmund Allenby entered the Old City [of Jerusalem] on foot through the Jaffa Gate." That is, Jerusalem was secured in December of 1917. One might then expect that Jesus could return in December of 2017.

The article goes on to show that, along with an Allan surname, the battle for Jerusalem involved what looks like a Fulk clan: "The Commander-in-Chief of Egyptian Expeditionary Force General Edmund Allenby had won a decisive victory against the German General Erich von Falkenhayn, commander of Ottoman forces in Palestine during the Battle of Mughar Ridge fought from 10 to 14 November" Note the "hayn" ending on "Falkenhayn," smacking of the Hain surname that was a topic in the last update page.

The following link of Hays and Hayns to Fulks brings us ever closer to identifying the 20th-century players in Jerusalem, on both the British and German sides, as Hagarites, Nahorites, and other Edomites (Allans>Stewarts have been identified as such by multiple methods).

There is a German Hayn/Hain Coat, from a surname first found in Silesia. It uses a split Shield like that of German Stettons, which I say because the German Falken surname was associated with a Neu-Stetton region. English Fulkes also use a split Shield. As you may know, Fulks made it to the Templar throne of Jerusalem (12th century).

Entering "Fulken" brings up a clan first in Cheshire, conspicuous because English Stattons (properly "Statham") were first in Cheshire. The Spanish Falcon Coat uses black boxes on white, reflecting the same in the Fulken Coat.

To prove that the Falcon surname is from the Fulks, the Italian Falcon Chief uses a black eagle on gold, the same as the Italian Fulk Coat. I would link these confidently to German Falkens/Fulks because they use black wings on gold.

The Norton/Naughton eagle/falcon is used by the English Falcon Coat (I'm identifying Nortons/Naughtens as Na(c)horites for more than similarity of terms). As the Seyborne surname became Herod-important yesterday, I now see that the so-called "eagle" in the Seyborne Coat seems to be exactly that of the so-called falcon of the French Falcon Crest. I neglected to add yesterday that the Seyborne eagle (with "hawk's lure") is green on gold, colors reversed of the Harald/Herod Coat (with hawk's lure in Crest).

Probably, the French Falcon white crescent is the one in the English Hain/Hayn Coat/Crest.

The Fulken Shield-on-Shield evokes the same in the Hay/Hayer Coat, and as per "FalkenHAYN, I should add that the Hay/Hayer Crest is officially "a falcon." (The Hay/Hayer Shield-on-Shield symbol has been traced to the Holden Coat...that uses Allan-depicting (in my opinion) "allerion" eagles (compare with Aller Coat)).

Back to the German Falkens of Stretton. The German Stetton goat is identical in design as per the German Richard Coat. Richards were linked to Allans in the last update of December:

The peculiarity of the Hixon/Hickson surname (Cheshire) is that it's said to derive in "Richard"...I don't believe that, but I do see potential links to the Richard surname (Macey/Mackay Shield in colors reversed) of Yorkshire. It uses a blue on white lion, the Bruce of Yorkshire symbol....

French Richards (English-Richard colors) were first in Brittany, evoking Alan the Red (from Brittany) who was given Richmond. The Richmond surname was likewise first found in Yorkshire.

When I was providing you with another link to the Stetton Coat above, I accidentally typed "Stretton" to find a red Shield on Shield, the Holden and Hay/Hayer symbol. MOREOVER, the Stretton Crest is the very same rising "falcon" as per the Hay/Hayer Crest!!

The Richard and Stretton Goat smacks somewhat of the Fugger goat. I had linked Fuggers (of Bavaria, like the Richards) to Folgers/Fulkers/Fuchers, but I now see that they use a white anchor, symbol of the Hoods/Hudds and Heidlers.

I link these Hitler-like clans to Heid(t)s (Bavaria again), and should now repeat that the latter shows a HAGEL(shiemer) variation. I say that because the English Hagel Coat looks like it's related to the English Seymore/Seamore Coat in the colors of the Seybornes/Seabornes. Thus, if the Seybornes are indeed linked to the line of king Herods (or those clans which think they trace to Herod-branch Edomites), it's very conspicuous that a Hagar-like (= Ishmael's mother) surname appears to apply. It becomes very logical that the same clans appear linked to Hitler-like surnames because we might expect Hitler's Rosicrucians to have been anti-Israeli Ishmaelites.

It's very logical that the same German elements of World war I -- the elements that brought general Falkenhayn to Jerusalem in alliance with the Turks -- were those that brought Hitler to power, who started World War II perhaps for the purpose of paying the Rothschilds back for what they did in World War I. Hitler did kill/persecute Rothschilds.

Seymores use a "phoenix rising" in Crest. That's the symbol of the revival of the Roman empire, which was exactly Hitler's task. The Seymore write-up derives the surname in "Maur," and while I don't accept that lock-step, it seems evident enough that the Maurs were connected to the clan. I'm think the Meres also, however, because the Holden motto uses "temere," a code I've traced to the Meres and DeMeres. Proof that Holdens were linked to Seymores is below.

Holdens were Hay-related, remember, and the Meres/DeMeres use black-on-white, the colors of the French Hay/LaHay Coat. English Merits/Moretts are likewise black on white, but better yet for linking Hays to Meres and Merits, the French Hay Coat is a version of the French Merey/Merit surname with DeMers variation.

Not long ago, I traced the Howlin variation of the Holdens to the same-colored Howells, and now I find that the Seymores, who started this particular conversation, were first in Monmouthshire, where Howells were first found.

By the way, the following is new and important if I'm correct in identifying the Mereys/Merits as the basis of the Magdalene cult. The French-Hay write-up traces to "Lahaie-du-Puits in the arrondissement of Coutance." Then, checking the Puits term, the Coat shows what should be a piece of the French Merey/Merit symbol (in the same colors), for it's the French Hay symbol as well. The Puits/Pons/Pont surname was first in Burgundy, near/adjacent to the Languedoc theater where the Magdalene cult is pegged/expected by others. In fact, the same-colored Bourges clan was first in Languedoc.

The cult can be traced further to the same-colored Pons/Punch clan of England. It uses nearly the English Berry Coat, and as the latter clan should trace to Berry/Bourges (France), it evokes my trace of that place to "Burgundy" (where the Puits/Pons surname was first found). The Berry Coat, by the way, is exactly the Cameron Coat (the latter uses Rothschild arrows in Crest).

Let me show the Irish Berry/Barry Coat, for it's like the Medley Coat. The latter has a tiger in Crest, which is why this paragraph exists, for the same tiger design (albeit it's officially called a leopard, if that be correct) is in the Putt/Potts Crest. I'm wondering whether the latter terms link to the Puits/Pons'.

That's important because the red and white stripes were traced to this Bury Coat (France). The Medley and Irish Berry stripes, you see, are like those in the proto-Washington Wassa Coat, while the Putt/Potts Shield uses two bars like the Washington bars.

The twin bars used by the Wassas, Barrys, and others are called "gemel." See the Gemel-surname (swan) write-up for links to that clan.

You may have read a few weeks ago where I first traced the tiger symbol to tiger-like Teucer (mythical founder of Trojans) on the same day that I found the sea horse to be a symbol of Trojans, especially the sea horses in the Toker Coat. Well, the Potter Crest uses a sea horse too.

I think sense can be made of all this as per the Berry-clan trace to mythical Perdix, who was assigned a saw and carpenter square for symbol (it dawned on me that chevrons could be squares) , wherefore I traced the Toker (from Teignmouth) and Teague saw-like chevrons to Perdix too. But before that, I had identified the Pett/Pert surname (saw-like bar) as a Perdix clan, and that's where Putt/Potts-et-all could come in.

Both the Pitts and Petts/Parts use a "silver stork," and both use Arthur-like motto terms. But the Pitt motto uses "ardua liberi," and the latter term has routinely been traced (by me) to the Daedalus LABYRinth (Perdix was a branch of Daedalus).

Remember if you read about it: the stork was a symbol of the Oettingens, who use a white-on-red (Wassa colors) saltire like an old Gascony flag, and Wassas are also "Gassons."

The Pitts (said to be Flemish) were first found in Devon, where Tokers were first found. AND Pitts use three besants on black, the symbol of the Trebys, also first found in Devon. As you may know, I trace Trebys to Trabzon/Trebizond, which was in the Pons-like Pontus (Black sea) theater. In fact, entering "Pont" brings up the Puits/Pons Coat. That`s very interesting.

And, the Arms of Trebizond empire were three black horizontal bars (we can imagine branches with fewer or more bars), and that smacks of the horizontal bars of Berry clan. In heartily, horizontal bars are called, "barry." See the Scottish Barry Coat too, with three white or three red bars.

The saw-like bar is also called "engrailed" at times, and that smacks of Perdix-like "Parzival," the holy grail king of Arthurianism. I traced Pharisee stock to Caesaria on the Halys, the river that flows to the Pontus, and then I tentatively linked Parzival to Pharisee stock, hoping to find a Parzival trace to Trojan elements (I'm thinking mythical Capys) in the Caesaria theater. I think that trace has just been made rather well. Caesaria was in Cappadocia, a region I linked to Caiaphas-like "Capys."

Now watch this. Petts/Perts use blue-on-white scallops, colors-reversed from the Patterson scallops. The latter are the colors of the Maur scallops, and we saw that "Maur" is said to be the root of the SeyMores (blue fleur-de-lys). But I traced Seymores to Meres/DeMeres, and therefore to Mereys/DeMers who use the Murton/Merton symbol. The first point is, the latter use the symbol in blue and white.

The second point is this paragraph. Murtons/Mertons (also "Myrtons") gave the Arthurian cult the Merlin=Myrddin witchcraft cult. Seymores were first in Wales, where Merlin was from, and use a "Foy" motto term while the Irish Foy surname is also "Fey," evoking MORgan le Fay (the chief witch). "Morgan Le Fay was first introduced into Arthurian legend by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the Vita Merlini (c. 1150)..." The Seymores were first in Monmouthshire.

The Monmouth surname uses a gemel symbol. Both the Monmouth and Foy/Fay Coats use red on black, a color combination that I said was rare and "witchy." I didn't know until now that Wikipedia shows Merlin in both 1) red-black and 2) blue. "Gemel" is a term that I've linked to the very Babylonian roots of the Kabala cult. The camel symbol (Pattersons use one) comes to mind, but Morgan le Fay was linked in myth to some degree to Camelot. .

The Fog surname was entered as per a potential Foy variation, and the Fogs use the Medley mullet stars in colors reversed. This is said because the Medley tiger is traced to Teucer Trojans, but also because the day in which I developed that link was the day which discovered the Troy(es) surname unicorn, a symbol of the Fog/Foge Crest.

The article above continues: "In Monmouth's Vita Merlini, Morgan was the chief among her nine sisters: Moronoe, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Cliton, Tyronoe, and Thitis, and Morgause. " TYRONoe? MAZoe? Glit and Clit? Tyre was in Mysia, to which I link the nine Muses. I think the nine witches were code for Mysians and Trojans, therefore. The Celts trace back to Trabzon's Amazons, i.e. where the Khaldi lived. It was these Amazons that infested Mysia.

I didn't have the following article on Turkey in mind when I started today on the Ottomans of Jerusalem. Nor did I have Turkey (thought by some to be from Biblical Togarmah) when I got to the Togarmah-like Teucer topic:

ZAKHO, Iraq -- A Turkey as resurgent as at any time since its Ottoman glory is projecting influence through a turbulent Iraq, from the boomtowns of the north to the oil fields near southernmost Basra...

...Turkey's influence is greater in northern Iraq and broader, though not deeper, than Iran's in the rest of the country...

..."No one is trying to overtake Iraq or one part of Iraq," said Aydin Selcen, who heads the consulate in Erbil, which opened this year. "But we are going to integrate with this country. Roads, railroads, airports, oil and gas pipelines -- there will be a free flow of people and goods between the two sides of the border."

..."This is the very beginning," said Rushdi Said, the flamboyant Iraqi Kurdish chairman of Adel United, a company involved in everything from mining to sprawling housing projects. "All of the world has started fighting over Iraq. They're fighting for the money."

...Erbil, the Kurdish capital in the north where Mr. Said lives, has become the nexus of Turkish politics and business, made possible by the sharp edge of military power.

About 15,000 Turks work in Erbil and other parts of the north, and Turkish companies, more than 700 of them, make up two-thirds of all foreign companies in the region...

...Most of Mr. Sadr's bloc of lawmakers traveled to the Turkish capital, Ankara, for training in parliamentary protocol. In October, Turks were the only diplomats to attend a commemoration the Sadrists held at Baghdad University. "It is not a group to be excluded," one of them said.

...Turkey strongly backed the fortunes of a coalition led by Ayad Allawi...

...Yet those interests are roughly aligned now, and the degree of power Mr. Allawi's coalition eventually plays in the government will vividly illustrate Turkey's relative weight in Iraq.

...Oil is still king in Iraq, and as much as anything else, underlines Turkey's interests here. The pipeline from Kirkuk, Iraq, to Ceyhan, Turkey, already carries roughly 25 percent of Iraq's oil exports..."

With the absence of a Russian Gog in Iraq, I always look at Turkey, just in case, even though I insisted that Gog would not be an Arab.

You might like to know:

A mixture of euphoria and cautious hope greeted anti-U.S. Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr [today], a day after his return to Iraq from exile, and many Iraqis looked to him to help stabilize their war-torn country.

...Sadr's support of Maliki is thought to have been brokered in part by Iran, and his years in exile under Iranian patronage may have increased Tehran's influence on him.

How sincere are Turkey and Iran toward Maliki? Are they using Sadr to weld Iranian-Turkish plots for Iraq? Sadr could quickly reveal what Iran's agenda is by the things that he calls for. Already we know that Maliki has turned his back on American requests to remain in Iraq past the deadline, exactly what Iran and Sadr want. It implies that Maliki either trusts the duo, or that he had no choice but to go along for the purpose of forming his government at all. If Maliki gives Iran and Sadr all that they want, the duo won't need to dig in deeper to acquire things by another method. I feel uncomfortable making predictions, so much that I won't try. At least not now.

January 7

This is awesome. In the past month, I've been stressing the Laevi Gauls under Bellovesus, and always thinking that my direction is for a Reason, I shouldn't be surprised to find that surname themes crop up in the news immediately after I deal with them. It happens too often. Today, the Obama headline is his new choice to replace his chief of staff:

President Barack Obama named veteran political manager William Daley to be his new chief of staff [yesterday], selecting a centrist with Wall Street ties to help navigate a newly divided Congress and a looming re-election.

...The appointment represented the most significant move in a far-reaching and ongoing staff shakeup that included the departure of Obama's press secretary and several key deputies and economic advisers [Obama wants to make it appear as though his woes are the fault of others]. It came the day after Republicans officially assumed control of the House and increased their numbers in the Senate.

Daley, who served as commerce secretary for President Bill Clinton [need more be said? Didn't Obama just meet with Bill Clinton]...

...Daley replaces Pete Rouse [a Rus-like term if ever we saw one], the interim chief of the last three months and a behind-the-scenes Obama adviser who did not want the position permanently and recommended Daley for it. Rouse, who received warm praise from Obama and sustained applause from staffers watching in the East Room, will remain as a counselor to the president, an elevated position from his former job as senior adviser.

Daley was expected to start as chief of staff within the next couple of weeks. His brother, Richard Daley, is the mayor of Chicago [that says it all too], the post that Obama's first chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel [a "Jew"]l, left his job in October to seek. The Daley brothers are sons of Richard J. Daley, who was Chicago's mayor from 1955 to his death in 1976 [Obama publicly denies bringing his Chicago "family" to the highest posts in the land].

...Daley will assume one of the most important and influential jobs in American government as an adviser and gatekeeper to Obama. He will be thrust into the heart of national politics...

...[Daley] helped Clinton pass the North American Free Trade Agreement before joining his Cabinet. Later, he ran Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign and the historic recount effort that ended with Gore conceding the race to George W. Bush.

When Obama launched his presidential campaign, the Daley family put aside its deep connections to Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton and endorsed the young Illinois senator...

Daley, a lawyer and banker [ahh], now serves as Midwest chairman of JPMorgan Chase bigger ahh]. His appointment could raise questions about the White House's closeness with Wall Street [no kidding] just as Obama is eager to enforce reforms that benefit the little guy [Obama can never learn because his power comes from certain international bankers].

Liberal groups reacted negatively to the announcement, with calling it "troubling" because of Daley's "close ties to the big banks and big business." By contrast, the choice won praise from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which Obama has recently begun to woo after clashes with business groups. The chamber called Daley "a man of stature and extraordinary experience in government, business, trade negotiations and global affairs."

...White House press secretary Robert Gibbs announced Wednesday he was resigning by early February, senior adviser David Axelrod will be leaving soon, and both of Obama's deputy chiefs of staff, Jim Messina and Mona Sutphen ["Jewish", in Emanuel colors], are exiting soon, too. David Plouffe, a key member of Obama's inner circle as his former presidential campaign manager, will be joining the senior staff of the White House on Monday.

Daley emerged as a natural candidate for the chief of staff post, particularly after other internal candidates ended up in other positions. He is close to some of those in Obama's orbit, including Axelrod, Emanuel and senior presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett.

As both Gibbs and Axelrod are leaving, see the axes in both the Gibbs and Axelrod Coats. The English Gibbs write-up: "A Gibbe de Huckenhale was on record in the Pipe Rolls of Northamptonshire of 1179." That smacks of the Haux/Hawkes/Haukes variations of the Axelrods.

It may suggest that there are globalist circles remaining closer to one another than to other-but-still-related circles. In this case, the axe-using circle seems to have had a falling out with Obama. Or, perhaps, Obama didn't want to appoint Daley early in his presidency for fear of looking too Chicago-based.

I trace the Axelrod axe to Crete, while "Daley" should trace to Talos and/or Telchines...of Rhodes. That can explain why Rouse is said to have chosen Daley for top-dog. This works, for the Salyes Ligurians to which I'm about to trace "Daley" were at the mouth of the Rhone, where the Rhodians settled. Also leaving with Gibbs and Axelrod is Jim Messina, and I did trace (as have many others) Cretan elements to Messina (southern Italy).

The Rouse Coat uses a blue eagle, and the Rowse variation had me checking the Rowe Coat (surname said to be from "le rous"), which uses blue-on-white (Hanna colors) a stag head like a deliberate copy of the Hanna stag, for the points in the antlers all look identical, and both have a dark shadow on the neck.

I've traced the Hannibal bloodline of Meschin-Rus importance to Sardinia (not far from Liguria and the Rhone), and I've often linked Meschins to Ligurians. But the bigger point now is that I trace Hannibals to Sulcis of Sardinia (Wikipedia says that Hannibals founded Sulcis) because that term is traced (by me) to Salyes-like Sellicks/Selliocs, who use a border style like the Daley-like Talbots (they were traced to German Talls), while Talbots (first found in Shropshire/SALop) were traced to the Salop-like Sals/Sales/Sails (first found in neighboring Cheshire) of Mascy...who use what looks like the French Talbot Coat and should have been from the Salyes-branch Ligurians.

I don't forget that Ranulf le Meschin married a Tallebois=Talbot from LIN(colnshire) (earlier "Lindsey"), named after Lindos-based Rhodians...and early home of the Rhodes surname that made Bill Clinton and many of Obama's chiefs into secret-society globalists called, "Rhodian scholars."

You can bet your over-priced diamonds that these things are not coincidences. In the 8th update of November, and a few update pages thereafter, I dealt with the Salyes Ligurians, starting with this online quote:

The article goes on to say: "Those inhabitants of Provence [from the Celts under Bellovesus, including the Boii], who were called Salyes, had [i.e. took] Liguria." Not only do I routinely link Meschins of Cheshire to Ligurians, but as the Sales of Britain were "of Mascy," might the Bellamys, known root of the Mascys, have been named after this Bellovesus character?

Not long before quoting that, I had found the Bellovesus Laevis on the Po river (at Novara), opposite the Po from the Ananes (at Placentia), and so look at the Tail/Taylor/Tallifer lion, because it looks just like the "Jewish" Levi lion. I compared both bodies under a magnifying glass several times but could not find any differences (aside from positions of the heads). Even the colors are the same.

THEN, the Dail/Dale/Dayle surname, smacking of the Tails/Taylors and of the Daleys, use nothing but a swan, the symbol of Liguria!

Also, Daleys were first in Cork, and I traced Cork elements to Leicester, the latter being founded by Ligurians. I reasoned (can't recall the details) that Leicester's ancient name, Ratae CORIELtauvorum, linked to "Cork." The Cork Coat (cloud) uses the upper part of a lion's "forked" tail, a tail seen in the Daley Coat.

As per Obama's Gibbs, the Irish Gibben Coat uses a red-on-white saltire, symbol of the Anann)dale) surname that I trace to the Ananes.

The Pascal Coat also uses the "Jewish" Levi lion. I've read that the lamb at the center of the Coat, with slanted cross, is a Templar design, and I traced it through the Easters/Sturs of Hampshire through to the gold fleece of the ROSS-shire capital, Dingwall (I traced the mythical golden fleece, years ago, to the Pelops>Atreus bloodline, and had traced "Atreus" to the Atrebates of Hampshire). It's Ross-conspicuous that the same lamb as per the Pascal Coat is used by a Rous-rooted Rowe Coat.

The other Rowe Coat uses a stag head (the Hanna stag head, apparently) that could link to the stag in the Dingwall Crest. This tends to identify the Rowes as Rhodes-Rus peoples in cahoots with a Hannibal bloodline in the Ligurian theater (it's known that Hannibals were in Liguria seeking world dominion on behalf of their Dido-based Carthaginian blood, wherefore recall from the last update page that the mythical swan king, Lohengrin, was from Dido elements.

I had traced Lohengrin to the Loch/Logen-surname swan, which appears to be identical to the Dale-surname swan. There seems to be a no-brainer in linking "Lock/Lock/Logen to Ligurians, and the "swan" link that I make to "Sion" (the Sion/Swan surname uses a red heart like the Scottish Logens) could have been heavily in the Salyes Ligurians, for Salyes lived on the Durance river (Rhone tributary) with a source at MontGenevre, near Sion.

I should first mention that one Durant Coat uses a chevron in Rowe-chevron colors (i.e. suggesting a possible Rowe trace to the Rhone, as suspected). The Arms of Dingwall use a sunburst (Helios of Rhodes?) and a "Salve Corona" motto. The Salyes were also the "Salluvii," you see

Does the Sullivan Coat use the Hanna/Rowe stag? Note the coiled serpent, which I think is a symbol of the Helios-based Galli queers who used a snake (it's the Save-Coat snake) entwined, helix style, around a staff. See the "Lamh" motto term, and ask whether the red lions trace to Rhodian elements.

The Sullivan lion, in the same red color, is used by the Irish Dallens/Dalanes. The latter's write-up traces to an original "Slaine/Slaney," but I have my doubts that this was the original. The Slaine Coat uses "duce" as a motto term, and I did trace the Dallen surname to "Dougal" because the Dougal lion design is also that of the Dallens, and because German Dallens are also "Dahlen," easily transformed from/into "Daglan."

Dallens were first in Leinster, which to the locals is Laighin/Laighean, smacking of Logen/Lohen swan-line Ligurians.

Why does the (Silvan/Salvin Coat look like the Sellick/Selliock Coat? Do Silvans and similar surnames trace to SULcis? For new readers, I trace "Sulcis" without a doubt to the Seleucids whom in Daniel 8 and 11 are the runners-up to the end-time anti-Christ. I ventured to guess that king Seleucus I was named after Telchines (i.e. mythical Telchus) of Rhodes.

Hmm, the Silvan surname is not only like "Slaine," but the latter uses a green griffin (a type of dragon with lion's body and eagle's beak) while Silvans use a green dragon. The Slaine Coat compares somewhat with the Salon/Salman Coat. Sloans use a red lion (on white, like English Stewarts) with forked tail, which is the Daley and Rant lion. That could suggest that Slaines=Dallens were also Daleys, though the lion with forked tail is very widespread in heraldry.

I have already mentioned that the Cuckney, Cucknay, and Cukney variations of the Silvan/Salvin surname are from "Cycnus/Cygnus," mythical swan king of Liguria ("cygnus" means "swan" in Greek). The Silvans/Salvins use a "maurant" motto term, and then the Mauran Coat is, not only in Silvan/Salvin colors, but just like the Daily lion...with forked tail. (Maur was a topic only yesterday as per the Seymore surname.)

Remember, the Maur term smacks of the Mares/DeMares and Merits/Mereys/Demers that I traced the Mary Magdalene cult to, a cult that was firstly traced to the Dallens/Dalanes. In those two bloodlines, we have both the "Mary" and the "MagDALENe" portions of the code. That is, I think that "Mary Magdalene" became a code for the merger of mares with Allens/D'Allens. That's why I wouldn't root Dallens in "Slaine," for I rather root it in "Allen." I have noted that the red-lion Stewarts (whom the Allens became) are very trace-able to the Stubbs, who use a gold diagonal bar on black, just like the Slaine Shield. This can make "Slaine" rooted in "D'Allen."

I therefore don't think it's coincidental that the Lane surname, which I traced to the DeLane variation of the Dallens, was first in Staffordshire, where the English Lane surname was first found. Moreover, the Lane Coat uses blue-on-gold stars, the colors of the French Allen stars. "Leinster," where Dallens/Delanes were first found, may have been named after the French Allein variation. Entering Lein" finds the Lane Coat

Then, entering "Loan" (a variation of the Lanes/Leins) specifically to find evidence of links to "Sloan," there it was in the Irish Loan Coat:"First found in County Roscommon, in the mid 17th century. Most likely from the Gaelic name Ó Dubhshlaine, comprised of 'dubh' and 'slan,' meaning black and [blah-blah]." Can you see the "Slaine" in "DubSHLAINE"? Mystery solved. The Dallens/Dalanes were Allens of Dol, Brittany.

That could suggest that "Dol" was at first, "D'al." Or..."Dale."

We saw (last update page) that the forked tail traces back to Ligurian elements in Cuneo, but was likely a symbol of the Cuneo-like Cunninghams, first found in Yorkshire. That is, the Cunningham "fork" was a symbol of "York." I can now add that swan-using Dales were first found in Yorkshire!!

Note the greyhound in the Daley Crest, a symbol I trace to the mythical Graeae Gorgons of north-Africa. It's interesting that while Silvans/Salvins use "Maurant," Daleys use "courant," as though the Rant surname could apply to both. Rants/Rands use a red lion (Rhodes symbol) and were first found in Rhodian-infested Lincolnshire. The triple chevron on the lion's shoulder is in colors reversed to the Silly/Sully triple chevron.

I should add that "Daley" smacks of "Da Ley," and that the Ley surname is also, Legh ( a term that I trace to Ligurians).

Although the top half of the Daley lion is in Mauran colors, the bottom half is in Rant-lion colors, and the latter likewise uses a forked tail. As I trace "York" (anciently "Eburacum) to Ebroicum=Eburovices Celts and suggest that the heraldic boar was their symbol (i.e. for "Ebur"), I see that the Rant/Rand crest is a boar, and that Sullivans use a boar as their primary symbol.

The Rynd variation of the Rants/Rands might link to the forked-tailed lion of the Rayons/Raynes/Raines...whom I trace to Rennes of Brittany. I suspect roots in the Cretan goddess, Rhea, and note that the Daley motto includes "Regi."

Rhae was made married to Cronus, a term that I link to Carians on continental Rhodes (I sometimes trace Ligurians to Lycians, beside Carians). The Dingwall motto, "Salve Corona," could apply to Cronus>Carians, but a further point is that the Dingall variation smacks of "Single," while the Singletary Coat uses a triple chevron in Rant/Rand triple-chevron colors. Moreover, Obama's Dunham line traces not only to Singletarys, but to Rand-like Randolphs. (The suspicion here is that Sinclairs (whom I trace to Moray, beside Ross-shire's Dingall), with Singular variation, may have been the founders of "Dingwall")

Recall from the article above, "David Plouffe, a key member of Obama's inner circle." The Plouffe surname was first in Brittany. The Plouffe Coat uses "plovers" and so that symbol should be specific to the Plouffe bloodline.

Aha! If we were wondering whether Plouffes were Allens of Dol, the Plows/Ploughs were first in Shropshire (where Dol Allens moved to). AND, to no credit to the one writing the Plow write-up, the Plows use the same stag as the English Stewart Crest.

The Plow dancette evoked the same-colored dancette (= Bute colors) of the Butlers (grails), and the Butlers use what I think is a pelican, the symbol of the Scottish Stewart Crest. That tends to prove that Butlers were Stewarts, but I'm still hung on the Butler trace to, not butlers and stewards, but to "Bute," the island that Stewarts took for themselves...for a reason.

I thought to try "Pillow" in search of what the Plows/Plouffes were named after, and there was found a Plow- and Butler-colored Coat with grails. That looks like a match. Pillows (Lincolnshire) are also Pilletts, Pillers, Pilleys, etc. Entering the Pillay variation brings up the same Coat but a different write-up. Now the clan is first in Yorkshire.

Entering "Pillar brings up a forked tail. The surname is also "Pile," evoking the pile symbol used by Guiscards. As Guiscards (from Normandy) were traced to Cottians, I note that the Salyes Ligurians were on a Durant-like river with a source in the Cottian Alps. The Pillar/Pile lion is exactly (but minus the crown) of the Mauran lion, and Maurans, like Pillars/Piles, were first in Normandy.

The Mauran term is here today only because the Silvans/Salvins use a "Maurant" motto term. It all smacks of Mauritanians that I trace to the Mares/Mures river, TranshSYLVAnia. I traced north-African elements to the Mures through Sulcis, but one can also imagine a Sulcis station on the Durance river as the Salyes Ligurians.

The Pillars/Piles smack of Polards, and so I re-checked the various Pole Coats to find forked tails, and one of them, the Dutch Poles, use the Mauran lion exactly, including the same crown.

French Poles are also "Pohl," and German Pohls/Pohlands were first in Silesia (Poland), exactly where I expect the Sulcis elements (that I traced months ago to "Silesia". As the Pohl bull should be the Mieske bull, it smacks of the fact that Sulcis (on Sardinia) became a topic at all because one webpage traced Polish king Mieszko to Sardinia, though in Poland he was involved in Silesia...and Bohemia.

I've noted the Boii-like "boy" in the Bothwell Crest. I've known for a long time that Bothwells were named after the island of Bute. But the Boy Coat uses the bee design of the Bessin Coat, and the Bessin was traced to "Bez(prym), a Polish king related closely to Mieszko, though he was related to royal Bohemians too, who are thought to have become the Baiocasses Celts, founders of the Bessin.

I'm suggesting a "Bute" link to "Bessin/Beaston" (they were first in Cheshire with another branch of Poles/Pulls), and the fact that the Dol Stewarts are even now linking solidly to Pole elements in the Plows, Plouffes, Pillars, et-al should explain why Stewarts desired Bute. The Bothwell motto term, "Obdura, " could be code for "Durance" (river) or its elements.

Having said that, "Dure" (checkerboard Shield) was checked, to find one branch first found in Brittany! "The family were well established in the region of Dol..." Dures use Durant-like variations such as Durat, Durate, Duret, and Durot.

Having found that, "Drew" was entered to find the Pohl bull head and a red-on-white (Stewart colored) lion with forked tail.

Dure variations include "Hure" and "Hurel," while the Hure/Hurel Coat looks like a variation of the English Allen Coat. I suppose that Hurels could be the deeper/older and more-important root of the Allans. "Hurel" smacks of the Hurl surname that brings up the Herod/Harald Coat. I did trace Allens>Stewarts to Edomites.

The Hurette variation of the Dures should explain why the English Stewart Crest uses a stag like that of the Hurt Crest. Hurts have been traced to the "hurt" symbol of the Arthur surname, and it follows that "Hurt" is an "Art/Arthur" variation. The Hurt Shield has another horizontal gold bar (i.e. like the English Allen Coat).

I would suggest that Allens, whom I traced to Shetland vikings, should have been from a Harald-named viking. Although Harald, brother of Rurik (the first Varangian proper) comes to mind, I recall tracing "Flaad" (the name by which the Dol Allens were named) to Harald "Bluetooth." His name was Harald Blatand Gormsen, and it struck me that "Blatand," said to mean "bluetooth" (I'm not yet latching on to that definition), should link to "Flaad."

Bluetooth's son and successor was Sweyn/Sven Forkbeard, also known as "Tuck," a term from "Tjugeskaeg." That evokes theTuck/Touques/Tolkien (Telchines?) surname and the same colored Teague/Tigue/Tague surname. Remember J.J. Tolkien's Orcs/Orks that I identify as Orkney, near Shetland, and that I trace the "organ rests" of the Arthur surname to "Orkney."

Connection of "Swayn/Sven" to a swan entity is that this viking ruler "is said to have founded Swansea...He then became King of England. In the last months of his life, he was the Danish sovereign of a North Sea empire, which only his son Cnut was to rival in northern Europe."

The Knot surname is said to come from that king "Cnut/Canute," and the Knot surname uses a white unicorn, symbol of Shetland. This Stewart Crest also uses a white unicorn. I note that the English Stewart Coat uses a tooth-like bar, and that the Teague Coat uses a similar tooth-like object.

The Notting(ham) Coat is in Knot colors and likewise said to be from "Canute." (Connaught comes to mind with it's Conn terms). Just before coming to that Coat, I checked "Hero" as per Hure" and "Harald," and found that it's traced to "Robin," smacking of Nottingham's Robin Hood. That then evokes the purple fret knot of the English Lacys (Irish Lacys use a purple lion), and Hoods/Hutts use a "fret." ZOWIE!

The hawk's lure in the Hurl/Herod/Harald Coat is...PURPLE! As per my trace of Edomite king "Herod" to Horites of Edom, I see that the Hero surname is properly Horro(bin), Horra, Harro, and just plain Hor/Har(bin). We also find "Harbin/Harbine," evoking Harbiye a city in Syria (Horites were of "Seir) that was taken by Seleucus I and re-named Antioch; the latter term was the alternative name of Sulcis (Sardinia).

I won't go into all the reasons for tracing "Harbiye" to mount Gareb at Jerusalem, not the reasons for tracing proto-Nibelungs to a hill beside Gareb, nor reasons for linking Merovingian Franks solidly to Nibelung-branch Varangians, but will add that I traced Merovingian king Clovis/Clode to "cloud," which i think is code for Nephele, mythical symbol of proto-Nibelungs. And the McLeods, who are also McClouds, have a lure sept that must be the representation of the Herod "hawk's lure," for the same McLeods have Herod and Harold septs. See McLeod septs.

Look at all the Dane-like septs of the Stewarts. And don't miss the Lorne, Lorraine, and Loren septs, for such terms were traced (previous update page) to the holy grail Lorraine and Lowry terms. Don't miss the Lille and Ley-like septs for they should link to the Merovingian code, the fleur de-ley, a lilly. The Connaughts are also Naughtons (evokes the Knots/Nottings), and they are said to be from the Lally clan. Don't miss the Leavy and MacdonLEVI septs.

The Leavy/DunLevi surname uses a lion in Stewart-lion colors. The write-up is interesting: "The Irish surname Leavy originally appeared in Gaelic as Mac Duinnshleibh, derived from the words...'sliabh,/ which means 'mountain." As Allens removed from Dol to Shropshire=Salop, the slaibh term could link to that entity. I traced "Salop" to "Slab/Slav" and FE found the Polish Slaboda/Slovobek surname. I suggested that the Slomski variation could link to the Scottish Slom surname, which is the Sloane clan (traced above to Stewarts) properly.

The point is, the Laevi Gauls could trace to Salop. The suggested trace of the Leavi surname to Salop jibes with a Laevi-Gaul trace to the Salyes Ligurians that I trace to Talbots and Sals/Sales of Salop. Was Salop, therefore, a haunt for a Pharisee bloodline? That's not being asked cheaply. There are several indicators for the theory.

In the last update page, the "sibi" motto term was linked to the Seabalds/Seybornes, who use (in Crest) a hawk's lure in Harald/Herod colors. The Stewart sept of Connolly uses "Non sibi" for the entire motto. It also uses spurs, a symbol of the Dingwall Coat (with gold fleece). And it uses the Maxton bee in Crest, wherefore the red Maxton chevron should be the red Connolly chevron.

The Connolly write-up: "First found in County Offaly...from McCarthy Mor ( the Great), from Daologach, the King of Munster." That brings me back round to the Daleys, where today's bloodline topic started: "The original Gaelic form of the name Daley is O Dalaigh, from the word 'dalach,' which comes from 'dail,' which means 'assembly.'" Really? From "dail= assembly"? Perhaps not. Perhaps from the king of Munster above. After all, Daleys were first found in Cork, in Munster province.

The legacy of the liberal world bent on multiple sexual partners from an early age: 39 Percent Of NYC Pregnancies Result In Abortion" Abortion is defined as the murder of a human being before it knows what murder is. Abortion is justified by mothers choosing it because the baby doesn't know it's being murdered. Just do it and forget about it; pretend it never happened.

The problem for new births is that liberals have made the world a sorry and threatening place to live in just the past single generation. God's wrath on a nation, or merely his aloofness, ruins the nation. Liberals wish to have abortion funding from Obama's health-care package like they wish to legalize pot, like porn is already legal, like hookers unobstructed on the streets. The world has many nice things, but this pollution from enemies of the Bible is the downfall of all humanity. I don't expect Republicans to clean any of it up, if what we have to go by is their track record.

Their track record is merely to give appearances of carrying the will of Biblical values. It's as though Republicans feel ashamed of doing the Biblical thing, and because liberals want them to feel ashamed of it. Where is the man of God anymore? What's this Romney fellow doing threatening to lead Republicans? Is Mormonism the best that Republicans can muster?

For now, liberalism is on the decline, like bees huddled for the night. In the morning, out they'll come buzzing once again. I sorely regret that my lifetime saw liberalism grow and fester. It would have been a very good society otherwise.

When one speaks out for Biblical values, the first and most-likely reaction will be the feeling of humiliation from the liberal side of the aisle, where the darkest spirits abide. But God sees and will flip the situation around if the one speaking out doesn't shrink back. Why do Republicans feel as though they must confine their public sentiments/statements to the small, narrow minds of liberals? It's not shameful to break open to larger themes. It's not shameful to speak on a moral issue. It's not uncool to pave the way for the right things in life. It's not a waste of time to make some noise for God.

Not reckless noise, but steady, mature noise, like one holding up a torch in the midst of impish liberals who use only half their brains. Always, liberals miss the main points and dwell on points suiting their evil lifestyles. Always, it's a woman's choice, not the unborn's; it's the will of the mother, not the will of the unborn.

Always, porn is freedom of expression for those who profit in it, and the defiling effects on society are completely ignored, even by the judges who give liberals that "freedom."

Liberals are the ones who need to be ashamed, but even if they don't know how to blush at their sins, we shouldn't make them prosper by remaining silent. Otherwise, our children are in danger. Health care for the body, okay, but morality is for the spirit, and for the healthy life of the society. Judges should not be so narrow as to choose for the individual, for they are judges for the entire land. Society pays them to act on society's interests. Prostitutes in the streets are not what society wants. Ask the woman who's husband lost love for her because he loved sex with prostitutes instead.

The reason that God called us is to prepare a Celebration; to wait for the Day of Death, the Day when Life Blossoms. It will be the death of liberals, and the start of a very different life for those who wait. Drink living water, not pollution, as you wait. Think right, and become right. Hate the pollution. A meaningful child of God doesn't walk the world like all's well. A life lived for God can't be meaningful unless a division is made between good and evil. Blessed are you if you like to take the right position, if you don't twist the evil to make it look right. Enjoy your lofty position, and be not ashamed to speak out for the Only King as you have zealous opportunity.

We're waiting for the day when God gives us all the command to dig in and fight. We have yet to see the nature of what that fighting will look like. His Spirit will make it known. Where's the fight? I want the fight. Let's get this over with!

January 8

I thought it was once again amazing that I opened email from both FE and Julie last night, who don't know one another, and yet their leads appear related and moreover very key. The first email opened from FE was the Devaud surname, like "David" but not, apparently, linked. The Devaud surname has a Devaux variation suggesting what I was slow or not inclined to do: link the Vaux surname to the Vaud canton in Switzerland. One or two of the variations brings up the Belliveau/Bellivaux surname that entering "Vaux" also brings up.

The Devaud surname uses a pelican, which is right down my Polish alley. In fact, FE's next email would tell that there is a Fey near Morges in the Vaud canton, and the two are moreover near Bottens. I'm assuming that she was suggesting support for a Morgan le Fay trace to the island of Bute. In this same region is a Pully location (zoom out by hitting the - button), while the Pully Crest uses a pelican.

We can be more sure that these locations are of the Arthurian cult because Wayne County in Michigan has a location of Romulus founded by the Pullys/Pullens and Pulsiphers/Pulesdons. The Wayne Crest uses a pelican, you see, which links the clan to the Pullys (and perhaps also to the Pully region of Vaud). All three pelicans above are different, but the Wayne pelican is identical to the Arthur Crest.

The Arthur motto, "Impelle obstantia," was traced tentatively to the Stand/Stan surname, which I'm repeating now because the last update had a 9-11 conspiracy topic featuring the BBC's Jane Standley (= the Stanley surname) . We're about to see an important Shield like the Standley Shield.

I had also traced the "obstantia" term to the Standish surname which uses the red-on-white saltire that I trace to the Ananes Gauls. This is not the first time that the Arthurian cult has been traced to the Ananes and Laevis. Keep in mind that these Gauls were near the Savoy theater because that's the next topic. "Conjecturally [Standish is] descended from Earl Hugh of Standish, who was undertenant of the Archbishop of York." The Stands/Stans were first in Yorkshire, and the Standleys were first in nearby Cumberland.

Back on December 21, I said:

In the 2nd update this month, the Sapie surname was mentioned as per a Polish Sloboda/Slovobek surname from Slepowron of the Polesie province wherein "the renowned Radziwills and Sapiehas held their vast estates". FE then found, just days ago, that the Polish Lis list of branches includes "Sapieha."

The Standley Shield is the Leslie Shield, but the Leslie Shield is not the one I was referring to above. Julie wrote in concerning the Polish Sapieha surname, which on the 21st was linked to the Irish Taffey surname. She asked: """...wouldn't the name of that [Sapieha] clan over-lap with 'Savoy' which is derived from 'Sapaudia' meaning 'land of the fir trees'"? At first the comparison didn't look very good, but I hadn't yet recalled that I traced "Sapie(ha) to "Taffey" (both surnames use a bent arm).

The Taffey Coat uses lattice, a symbol also of the Cottians as per the Cott surname. The Cottian Alps are essentially in downtown Savoy-ville (so to speak). Moreover, if one removes the lattice from the Taffey Coat, a white-on-red cross remains, the symbol of Savoy...and of Milan, where the Viscontis ruled. I trace "Vis(conti)" to the "Wis(card)/Guis(card)," and the lattice is a symbol of the Guiscards too.

The idea that a Polish clan could be the roots of the "important" house of Savoy is intriguing, for Polish royals are central to my anti-Christ hunt. If not for opening FE's email on the David-like Devaud surname, I might not have realized that "Sapieha" and "Sapaudia/Sabaudia" were variations of the "David" clan that I traced to the Sava>Sion entity. I figured that the Welsh David clan had to trace to that entity because both the David and SAVIDge Coats use black-on-white lions. I figured that Daves and Saves were related.

The Save Coat (I trace this to the Sava/Save river where it has a source near Lesce, home of proto-Leslies), I now see, which is the Leslie Shield in colors reversed, is in the colors of one part of the Sapieha Coat. The "Velis" motto term of the Saves smacks of Wallis/Valais (the Swiss canton where we find Sion).

But back to the David point, which I at first ignored last night. That is, I didn't think there was much chance that the Welsh Davids were linked to "Savoy/Sapaud." I hadn't yet realized the similarity between "DeVaud" and "SaPAUD." Perfect, for Savoy was in the Geneva theater (i.e. where Vaud is found). Who would have guessed that Savoy was named after Vaud, or vice versa?

Before realizing the similarity between "DeVaud" and "SaPAUD," I was looking at the possibility of linking "Savidge" (I linked this clan to the Sava), and therefore the Welsh Davids, to "Sapaud." At the time, it completely slipped my mind that the Welsh David Coat comes up when entering "Daffy." I then noticed that the David/Daffy Coat is red-on-white, colors of Savoy (the same colors are used by the Irish Taffeys. Wow.

Understand that I did not, nor would I likely have, realized the similarity between "DeVaud" and "SaPAUD" had FE and Julie not emailed at roughly the same time, or had I not opened their emails back-to-back.

I re-checked the Saffer surname that I had linked to the Sforza clan that took over the house of Visconti. I saw that the English Saffer/Savary Coat is a near-match with the Taffey Coat (blue and white in the center, and a white-on-red Shield otherwise). Moreover, the French Saffers were first in Burgundy, where the similar Save surname was first found.

Then, as English Safers use their blue and white in a central horizontal band like the Scottish Stewart Coat, I compared (for the first time) the unicorn design in the Stewart Crest to the Saffer unicorns, finding a perfect match! AND, the other Stewart Crest shows a pelican, now suggesting Stewart links to the DeVauds=Savoys out of the Sava river. That should explain why English Stewarts use a red-on-white lion, the color of the lion in the Sauer Coat (that clan is said to be from the Sau=Sava river), and why English Sauers use a Stewart-like central band.

I re-loaded (last night) the Davidson surname because I was sure (weeks ago) of its a trace to the Sava river, though I couldn't recall the details of why I was sure. There in the Scottish Davidson motto: "Sapienter"!! Is that not astounding?? That motto term (which I reported weeks ago as per Sapieha) had not to do with a Davidson trace to the Sava, and yet look at how it links "Sapie(ha)" this morning to "David/Davis/Dave/Daffy." Wow.

Welsh Davidsons use the Venus stag, used also in the Pulsiphers/Pulesdon Crest. As Welsh Davids were first in Cheshire, note that Pulesdons were first in Cheshire. The English Davidsons use the same stag design the Plante/Plantagent stag, and that in turn suggested that "Plant" was a Polish term. I entered "Polant" and got another pelican (Wayne- and Arthur-pelican design). It's obvious that this Polant/Poland surname was part of the Pully/Pullen clan that co-founded Romulus in Wayne county.

There is a Genet/Genest surname first found in Languedoc. Some years ago, I traced PlantaGENETS to "Guines," but I didn't know until now (so far as I can recall) that the Genet Coat/surname existed...with Ginesty variation. The Scottish Guines clan was first in Orkney, where I expect the Arthurian cult...and proto-Stewart vikings (before they became the Dol Allens). French Guines use oak leaves, the symbol of the Allen (of Dol) Coat. Are those the Wallis/Sion stars in the Guines Crest?

The Polant Coat, moreover, uses the gold bar of the Stubbs, I figure, because both clans were first in Staffordshire. This could be meaningful where I identify proto-Stewart vikings as the Stout/Stow surname (in Polant colors). That is, "Stow" modifies easily to "Stub(b)."

Davidsons were part of clan Chattan, which uses the Save Shield. I've mentioned that before as part of the evidence for a "David" link to the Sava, but I don't recall using the "Cautes" motto term of the Cattan (no 'h') surname as evidence for a David(son) trace to the Saphieha and Savoys, for entering "Cautes" brings up the Cott Coat...with a lattice design just like the Taffey Coat!!!

That tends to prove that Welsh Daffys/Davids were Taffeys, and if the latter were part of the Sapieha clan, it traces Welsh/Cheshire Davids to Poland, and possibly also to the Radziwills, the root of the Traby clan...that i traced to the Welsh Tudors as per Tudor TREVor.

It also tends to disclose that Cattans were Cottians.

I see that the Cattan Coat uses a split Shield that I would link to the Fulkes of Norfolk, for Cattans were first in Norfolk while I've typically traced split Shields (not all of them, of course) to Fulks and their branches. The Plantagenet of importance, Geoffrey, was a Fulk, wherefore let me mention that this freshly proposed Cattan=Fulk theory, and the Cattan trace to Cottians of Savoy-ville, reeks of Faucigny (it only reeks because I don't like the Fulks):

Faucigny is a commune in the Haute-Savoie department in the Rhone-Alpes region in south-eastern France.

...Legend suggests that the area was the estates of the Roman family Falcinius. It was known by various names in the Middle Ages: Falciniacum, Fociniacum and Fossiniacum, but the first documented name was Fulciniaco. Around 930 a castle was built on a rocky promintory overlooking the Aver.

Falcinius? The Fulkes have "sera" motto terms already traced to Savage-related Saracens, wherefore note that the Cattan Crest is a A Saracen's head!! Wow.

The other variation, Fossiniacum, smacks of Fussen (Bavaria), the place founded by Ligurians that also founded the Lug cult at the Isle of Mann. Lug was part Fomorian, wherefore see the Chattan links to Fomorians, and to the Savoy fir tree, at the end of this bloodline topic.

Julie was the one to stress Fussen. I'm glad I took the time just now to go back and fetch this: "The original name of Fussen was 'Foetes', or 'Foetibus' (inflected), which derives from Latin 'Fauces', meaning 'gorge'..." Gorge-smorge. Historians-et-al have a million words for river, a million words for valley, a million words for...anything but the realities. Wouldn't "Fauces" trace much better to "Faucigny"?

Recall Fauxall, a Fulk variation that seems to link to "fox," even as the Faucett write-up traces to foxes. That evokes "Vaux."

I wasn't going to mention the theory that the David motto, "Pax et copia," was code for Faucigny (I had trace "Fac et" to Fawcetts) until I found a "Pax in bello" motto of the German Baud surname. I searched the latter only as per the SaBAUDia" variation of "Sapaudia." Note the split Shield in the Baud Coat (!), in the colors of the Cattan split Shield. The Bauds use black-on-white lions, the Savidge- and David-lion colors.

French Bauds use "Bode" and "Baux," generally smack of Bute and the Bottens location in Vaud. Entering "Bottens" brings up six black-on-white roundels, smacking of the six black-on-white lions used by Savages.

This was discovered last night before I got to FE's second email. That just floored me. Here's what she said:

... on the road map I see Chardonney[,] even Apple [she's implying a link to Avalon=Bute]. There is a SAVIgny.

Reading the [tribwatch] update, Bottens jump unto me since a cousin lives at Bottens. Fey is a village near Echallens and both are not far away.

Reading the news paper I saw Savagnieres in the Jura and I know about SAVAgnier in the val de Ruz Neuchatel.

At Lausanne [in Vaud] there is a small wood...SAUVAbelin near Bellevaux...but near the lake we have Bois de Vaux.

I wrote her back:

This is all pretty amazing. ...The Davidson surname of the Cattan clan was going to be looked at for possible links to Devauds. I'll explain tomorrow. I was thinking that the "Savidge" link I make to "David" could link Davids to the early name of Savoy...But I didn't read this email on SAVIGne until moments ago. It's like "Savage." Sauvages were first found in Champagne, near the Savignes first in Lorraine. UNBELIEVABLE, I just thought to try "Eagle" for a variation of "Echallen" and got the Savidge design in colors reversed.

The Bottens location near Morges and Fey are excellent, and I just found that a Challen Coat is the Vey Shield in colors reversed. That's probably not a coincidence. It smacks of Echallens and Fey.

That Challen surname was first in Burgundy, near Vaud.

I've shown the Eagle Coat before as the Hagel surname, and did suggest links to Savages, but I had no idea that Hegels were named after Echallens elements, which I now believe. The German Hegel page shows a Swiss Hegelli variation (double 'l' as in "Echallens." As expected with an Echallen trace to Welsh Davids, there is even a Welsh Challen Coat...using cherubim (for whatever that could mean later).

FE's mention of the Jura was mentioned because of the Dure topic yesterday, which was traced to the Durance river that has a source near lake Geneva. Dures are the ones with Hure and Hurel variations that are being traced to the Hurls/Herods. "Jura" was traced (years ago) suggestively to "Jerusalem" because it's near Switzerland's Sion; and "cherubim" smacks of Gareb, less than two miles from walled/old Jerusalem.

You may have read my treatment not long ago on the Judah-ites of Hebron being part of the dragon cult. The Judah-ites were in-part from Caleb, an Israelite, I thought, who traced to "(C)Halybe." I also suggested that he was named after "Gareb" elements, and meanwhile the Welsh Challen surname is not only like "Caleb," and not only is it that surname that uses Gareb-like cherubim, but the Challen Crest is a sea-horse with a wolf's head (called a "sea wolf"), which is the reason that Caleb came to mind at all just a moment ago, for the Hebrew "caleb" is said to mean, "dog."

Regrettably, the satanic Arthurian cult herein seems to trace to some Israelite elements, but we shouldn't paint them with the righteousness/blessedness of Caleb himself. Besides, this Caleb trace to Echallens is very tentative. It should be mentioned, however, that the Sapieha surname was acquired first of all from the Caleb-like Slab(oda) write-up. Also, I traced the Slaboda surname to Caleb-like "Salop," but earlier traced Clap(ton)s to "Salop," and the Clapton Crest is a wolf.

I wanted to move on, away from this sensitive Caleb topic, but then saw that FE ended her email with mention of Le-Calvaire (Calvary), a road in Vaud. The question is, if the Holy Spirit speaks to us through her, which I think is especially true of this particular email, then why did she mention a Caleb-like term that I noticed only as I finished the Caleb topic? Why did I find two wolves on top of that?

Clan Chattan was "Originally composed of the Mackintoshes, Davidsons, Macphersons, MacGillivrays and MacBeans, it was later strengthened by the addition of the Farquharsons...Gillechattan Mor is claimed to have been the clan's first chief." The Gillivrays play very nicely into recent topics. Note the (Mack)Intosh motto, "Touch not the cat bot a glove." From the last update page:

The Rund/Rind Crest uses "gillie" flowers. The Gillie/Gilles Coat uses a motto I've mentioned before: "Touch not the cat bot a glove." The same motto is used by the Scottish Hagee/Keggie surname.

I therefore checked to see if the Gillies were Gilvrays, and YES! Just compare their Coats.

I thought that Gilvrays might be Wrays and even Brays. I had traced the latter to Bra in Cuneo, the Savoy theater. The Wray Coat should be the Gilvray Shield and Chief combination. There's an ostrich in the Wray Crest, while Trabys (and Tudors) use ostrich feathers.

By mistake, I at first thought the Wray Crest was a peacock, for I've traced both that and the ostrich to the Traby/Radziwill Poles. I therefore re-checked the Peacock Coat (this is a Pollock sept) to find a "just" motto term, like the "juste" used by the Wrays. AND, both Wrays and Peacocks were first found in Durham.

I suggest that Gilvrays, said to be "Gillebhrath" in Gaelic, were the Bradds, first found in Edinburgh (Lothian), for the Gillies were first in Lothian. The Keith Catti were in Lothian. We get it. The German Bratt Coat (Wray colors) smacks somewhat of the Gilvray Coat, proving links.

It was many years ago when I found solid evidence of a Bratt/Bratt trace to the Bruce saltire (both clans use lions in the same colors) via the Bruce saltire used by Belgian Pratts. The point here is, the same red saltire is used by the Bruces of Annandale, and that saltire is a key for tracing clans to the Ananes and Laevis, a topic that jibes very well with the "Israelite" topic at hand.

The idea entered my head just now that Wrens should be linked to Wrays because Pollocks were first in Renfrewshire. That was before seeing the Bratt lion in the Wren Crest, or that Wrens were first found in Durham (as with Wrays and Peacocks). The Wren Coat uses purple lions, as does the Fey Coat. Wrens are from "Raines," though I traced them solidly to Rennes (BRITTany).

It's the Raynes/Raines Coat that uses "Judicium" for a motto term, not for Judah, but for Judicael, a Brittany ruler. This was an important Vere clan...which brings me to the FARquharsons, another Chattan clan. The Farquharson Coat uses the lion design that was, with the leads given by FE, traced to Vere clans. The Odins use the lion, for example, and they trace to the Oettingens that use a saltire in colors reversed to the Annan(dale)s.

I once figured that Veres were from the Fir Bolg of Belgian elements. That was before I traced Fomorians (a Fir-Bolg branch) to "Pomerania. I independently traced Veres to the Varni of the Pomerania theater. The point is, one theory was that "Fir-Bolgs" should be linked to fir trees, but I don't think I ever found a fir-tree link to Veres...until I read this FARquharson write-up: "a fir tree."

Not that I believe the "fir" root of the Sapaudia term that was the house of Savoy, but does that definition somehow link to Farquharsons? I did trace Veres to the Montferrat location in the Savoy theater, near Bra. I suggest that the surname is to be understood as Vere-Carson, perhaps Carthaginians.

The Gaelic is "MacFhearchair," and the Peacocks use "fear" in their motto. And then there is the MacPHER(son) clan of Chattan.

Finally, the third email opened last night from FE was on the Pilgrim surname (staves from the purple staves of the Hawks). She pointed out the La Touche location of the Pilgrims, for it smacks of the Cattan (no "h") motto, "Touch not the cat, bot a glove." This is the clan using "Cautes" as code for the Cott/Cottin-clan Cottians (I'm sure), wherefore I'm wondering about the "Bot," perhaps code for the Bottens location. Can we suspect links to Buttons/Bidens?

Entering "Bot" brings up the French Baud/Baux surname. That works. German Bots are also "Bute."

There's a Scottish Touch Coat with the Lyon-surname lion, which links back to Lyon=LUGdunum, a city founded by Lug. That works where Lyons and Pilgrims were both first found in Norfolk. This lion is what I usually call the Pratt lion when only the head appears, as in the Lyon Crest. Otherwise. it's the fork-tailed lion (Montforts use it in Swiss/Savoy/Taffey colors)

NOW LOOK. The Touches/Toughs were also "Tuff," smacking of the Taffeys and Sapiehas! AND, the Touches were first in Cheshire, where the Daffys/Davids were first found!!

Lyon is not far from the Cottian Alps. I suggest that the flag of Lyon uses the Montfort lion, trace-able to Monforte in the Cuneo region.

Touches were "Lords of Audley," and the Audley Coat uses the Hood fret, suggesting Hood=Aud.

There's a French Touch and English Touche surname. The latter were from central France (Blois, Orleans), and they use roundels in the colors of the Rhodes Coat. This could be important because the Audleys may have been the Aedui of Autun, off the Rhodanus/Rhone. Lyon, in the Rhone department, is not far from Autun. Actually, I'm thinking the Tolkien/Touques surname that I trace tentatively to Rhodian Telchines. That is, the Touches' were the Touques.

Thank you FE, and Julie too. So many verifications of so many things. And all around Sion.

PS -- I recall tracing Tolkien's codes to Saracens of southern Italy by way of his own definitions on his Sauron character (founder of the rings). The Cattans use a Saracen head in Crest while Chattans are implied within the "Touch" term. The Cattans/Chattans, therefore, are the Tolkien rings of power, and not surprisingly, Chattans look like Veres, who used Melusine as symbol, who was also given magic rings by myth writers, and was moreover called the Elven princess, no doubt linked to Tolkien's elves. We get it. The stupids of the present historical age, talking in riddles and hiding their history.

Mackintoshes are to be understood, I think, as Kin-Tosh. The Macintoch variation could suggest links to the Touch and/or Tuck/Touques entities. Entering "Tock" brings up the latter surname.

There's a Locke surname acting on Obama's behalf toward an internet fingerprint that all of us might soon need to use. It smells of easy tracking., Keag, Keage, Keague, Keedge, Keege, Keidge, Keige, Keish, Keitch,

January 9

Hey! Did anyone read roughly a month ago where I traced "Teague" to the Toker=Teucer tiger symbol? I found another tiger while seeking Teague links to Touques.

It's good that the Teague surname was already dealt with by the time that the rings of power were discovered yesterday in the Cattan and Chattan clans. My theory had been that some Teague variations such as Keage and Caig were branches of Keith Catti. I had gotten that idea when finding the following surnames listed in the McLeod list of septs: "...Keadge, Keag, Keage, Keague, Keedge, Keege, Keidge, Keige, Keish, Keitch..." The Teague list as like so: "MacTeige, McTeige, MacTigue, McTigue, MacCaig, MacCaige, McCaig, McCaige, MacKaig, McKaig, MacKeague, McKeague, McKeage, MacTague." This doesn't necessarily mean that "Teague" was a corruption of "Keith" or vice-versa. The Teague may have merged with Keiths/Keaths and afterward developed Keague-and-similar variations. The Keedge and Keitch variations of the McLeod septs is where I found the new tiger.

But first allow me to re-show the similarity between the Teague Coat and the Toques/Toch/Tolkien Coat (the Tock version is to stress the (MacKin)Toch variation of the Mackintosh clan belonging to the Chattan group; see late yesterday). Then, as per the motto used by some Chattan-group clans, "Touch not the cat, bot a glove," see that the Glove Coat is essentially the Tolkien Coat, but using crescents (Saracen symbol) instead of griffins.

As mythical Teucer was linked by myth writers to Salamis elements that included mythical Perdix, it seemed correct to view the saw-like symbols of the Teague and Toker Coats as code for the Perdix saw symbol. I'm repeating this because the Glove clan was first found in PERTHshire, while I think the Pert surname (stork) was after "Perdix."

Tolkien's codes were found to depict not only Saracens, but Rus clans that had merged with them. The stork with bulrushes in the Pert Crest was linked to the Rush surname (in Rus colors), but when I this was shown I may not have emphasized the rings in the Rush Coat. The Pert scallops (in the blue of the Rush rings) link back to Scylla, at Messina, where the Rus-related Saracens had been infested. The Pert mascles are a Meschin/Masculine symbol, and Meschins (scallops) were the epitome of the Messina Saracens.

I hate to repeat myself so often, but the Saracen-related Rus included the Tancred>Guiscard, line. Guiscard had been traced long before yesterday's Chattan=Cottian discovery to the Cottians as per the Gaut root/variation of the Swedish Gust surname (like the Tancred Shield), for example, that brings up the Gaut/Cott surname (treated yesterday) with lattice.

The wolf in the Rush Crest is the same design as the one in the Teague Crest. The Scylla monster was depicted as a wolf.

I hadn't seen all this (this morning) before finding another tiger, but wanted to mention it to better set up the discovery. "Cage" was entered as per the Caig variation of the Teagues. I couldn't recall which surname used a cage, but found it the 3rd update of July where the topic was the Rhodes Rus:

The French Gastons...[a cage) were first in Languedoc, where the Rodez>Ruthene lived.

Remember, the Irish Cassidy Coat with "flectis" (i.e. like "Philistia") motto term; it too uses the Russell/Cornell red lion on white.

The flectis term was being pointed out as per the Fleck Coat and its scallops colored like the Meschin and Samson scallops (the Samsons use a Fleck-like motto term). As Flecks were first in Norfolk, where the Fulkes were first found, I would suggest that Flecks were Fulks. Indeed, the Belgian Fleck Coat uses a split Shield in the colors of the Fulkes split Shield.

The Cage Coat uses a split Shield. The Cadge variation smacks of the McLeod-sept Keadges and Keidges. Immediately after seeing the Cadge variation, "Catch" came to mind, and that's the one with white tiger in the Crest. The Catchers/Ketchers were first in Norfolk (!), and use white scallops (colors of the Flecks scallops) on blue; Toker colors.

The Catcher scallops are colors reversed from the Pert scallops, and as you may know, I traced the Pett variation of the Perts to Irish Pattersons, who use white-on-blue scallops (not to mention blood drops like the same-colored Tokers). Irish Pattersons are said to be Casains/Cussanes, smacking of Irish Cassidys mentioned above. The Cassidy Shield uses a chevron design (yes, it is called a chevron) like the Touques/Tolkiens and Teagues.

Late yesterday, I showed that Runds/Rinds/Rends (scallops on blue) were linked to the Gillies (= McGilvrays) who use the "Touch not the cat bot a glove" motto. But I neglected to show the Arundel Coat (an Arundel was pegged as part of the 9-11 plot and were linked to Runds-et-al) using six objects in the configuration of the Savage and Hegel lions. Arundels are suspect as an Aaron clan but linked by their doves to the Oliver=Laevi bloodline.

The Gilvrays and similar-Shielded Gillies can be linked to the Limps as follows. The Gilvray write-up tells that McInneses were their neighbors in the Argyll theater. The Angus-like McInnes motto term is for the Innes link to Angus, but keep in mind that the Innises were traced to the Enz river at 666-Pforzheim (Germany). The Gilvray stag looks much like the Keith stag, and as Keith Catti were in Lothian, it should explain why the Gillie clan was first found in Lothian. That's another reason, not only for equating the Chattan clans with the Keith Catti, but for tracing the Chattans to the Hesse Catti.

Both Gillies and Gilvarys use versions of the MacDonald ship, and this is seen again in the McInnes Coat. But in the latter, the ship is curiously called a "lymphad." The terms smacks of "Olympiad," perhaps code for a clan linking back to "Olympus."

There is a Limpett/Lampett clan with a Coat smacking of the Pert Coat, and the variations shown even include a LamPERT. (Compare the German Lambert/Lampert Coat with the German Gass Coat, and the English Gaston Coat with the Scottish Gass Coat.)

The Limp Coat (surname properly Lambie, Lampe) uses croziers. "In Western Christianity, the crozier is shaped like a shepherd's crook." The Gillies Chief uses "shepherd's crooks." These could be symbols of the so-called "Shepherd Kings" -- i.e. the Hyksos out of Avaris (Nile) -- whom I trace to the shepherd seer, mythical Everes.

The mythical golden fleece (= a lamb) can of course be expected in Argyllshire, as per the Argos ship...which I did suggest to be depicted by the MacDonald ship! Therefore, the Gilvrays of Argyllshire are suspect as a golden-fleece line back to the Hyksos. I traced both Hyksos and the golden fleece independently to the Pelops>Atreus line, and eventually the father (= Tantalus) of Pelops was discovered to be code for the city of Antalya, near an Olympos location (Pisidia).

Hmm, Hephaestus was made to be born lame, and so we read: "The chief deity of Olympos was Hephaestus... " Limp, lame, hmm. I suggested that the lame or limp symbol (it was Dionysus that was given a limp code) is code for Galli homosexuals who "screw" their own abilities to walk properly by indecent sexual acts. Hephaestus was the leader of the Galli, and this of course evokes the Gillie clan, but also the Laevi Gauls/Gali. The article above suggests that "nysos" means "limp,' but I've never read that until now. In reality, "DioNysus" refers to Nuzi in the Zagros theater of Iran

In myth, the Dionysus limp was "Zeus' limp," and the Olympos region was that of the Solymi, whom I've identified as the Zeus-proper cult (from "Deylam(ites)", from Ishtar's Dilmun/Telmon). As you must know, Zeus was the chief of mount Olympus in Greece, but I ventured to make an "Olympus"="Solymi" equation. That is, Olympos in Pisidia was named after the Solymi, or vice versa (some trace "Solymi" to JeruSALEM, which to the Greeks is HieroSOLYMA"). I trace Pisidians to Pisa (Greece), where the first Olympic games were held. We get it. The naked olympians were the Galli queers.

"The Little Zab originates in Iran and joins the Tigris in Iraq." I suggest that Teucer elements were Togarmites/Tocharians who named the Tigris. The two Zab rivers in downtown Assyria (now Kurdistan) may have been root to the Sabaudia term that was the house of Savoy (in that picture, the Vaud canton was named after "SaBAUDia," not vice versa). I say that because one of the Zab rivers was also called, Lycos," smacking of Lycians in the Pisidian theater.

Without thought on these things, I lately traced Mitanni to the Carian theater of Pisidia. The article goes on to say: "During the 14th century BCE, the region was part of the Mitannian kingdom, with the ancient town of Nuzi, south of the Little Zab, yielding an important archive for this period." I traced Mitanni to Messina, you see, and Messina elements ended up in northern Italy (e.g. the Milan surname), the place where we can expect Savoy roots; I trend to trace Savoy to Savona (a Ligurian capital).

Again, the Durance river flows from the Cottian Alps (= upside Savoy-ville) down through the land occupied once by the Salyes Ligurians. The Salyes could have been the Solymi if it's correct to trace Ligurians to Lycians. It struck me today that the "Durant" surname may have been the makings of the Rant surname (Lincolnshire), using a red lion that I've traced to Rhodes (i.e. off the Carian/Lycian/Solymi coast).

Checking the Durant Coats again, I'll re-mention the sun (= helios) used by Italian Durants. The French Durante Coat (first in the French Alps) uses the same ship as the Scottish Guines/Gunns, and because the latter were first in ORKney, I've traced the ship to Argo-ship elements because the Argo (though mythical) was loaded with men from ORCHomenos (Boiotia).

As you may know, I identified mythical Atlas (known symbol of Atlantis) with Antalya's alternative name, Attaleia. As Plato made Poseidon the chief of Atlas' far-western Atlanta, we would expect Atlantis to be rooted among Pisidians. The point is, there was a mythical Atlantis on board the Argo ship (she was involved heavily with the golden fleece out of Colchis). Atalantis was queen of Calydon (suggesting an Antalya trace to Calydon), and can therefore be traced to Scottish Caledonians. Even Tolkien knew this, for he made his fictional Orc characters led by a Melkor, smacking of Atalanta's husband, Meleager.
In Greek mythology, Meleager was a hero venerated in his temenos at Calydon in Aetolia.

Aetolians from Attaleia? Definitely. The Wikipedia article on Aetolia makes it easy to trace it to Pisa, in Elis. This was the land of mythical Aeolus, whose nine islands were at Messina. But Aetolians were Curetes, whom we can expect in Caria too.

The Argonautica had the Argo sail up the Po, then down the Eridanus (now identified by me as the Rotten river flowing past Sion to lake Geneva (FE informed me that Germans call the Rotten the Rhodanus), and then down the Rhodanus=Rhone to the land of mythical Circe (= Helios elements from golden-fleece Colchis/Circasia). The point is yesterday's Echallens region off the north shore of lake Geneva, for I've just noted that "The Achelous River separates Aetolia from Acarnania to the west; on the north it had boundaries with Epirus and Thessaly [location of mount Olympus]..."

The suggestion is that this river was named after Achaea in the Elis/Pisa theater. For Aetolian roots in mount Olympus, see mythical roots of Aetolia. Jason is mentioned, wherefore let's not forget his wife, Medea (Colchian princess and symbol of the golden fleece), a marriage of Corinth.

Mythical Acheloos is a bull cult (Apis) from the Nile and linked to the goat horn of Cretan Amalthea, she being no doubt the Curete cult closest to the Zeus/Dionysus Taurus of Crete. This cult traces to the Ops cult of the Sabines. As per the possible equation of AMALthea with Amalekites (from Edom), "Achelous was sometimes the father of the Sirens by Terpsichore, or in a later version, they are from the blood he shed where Heracles broke off his horn." I trace Sirens (who were some of the nine Muses, and lived in Sirenuse, for one, near the nine Aeolian islands) to Seir of Edom.

It goes on: "In another mythic context, the Achelous was said to be formed by the tears of Niobe, who fled to Mount Sipylus..." Perfect, for Niobe was the daughter of Tantalus, symbol of Antalya. Tantalus was made closely related to mythical Sipylus, the entities of which included Scamander, father of Teucer. The following now evokes the house of Candia, that I linked to both the Rollo Rus and to Savoy: "Scamander. A river in Troad, that according to Homer the gods called Xanthus..."

"Candia" is traced by some to "Scandia," the term that created "Scandinavia." Evidence for this idea includes mythical Frigg, mother of Scandinavians, that should trace to Phrygia, the location of an Achelous river. At the page above: "Achelous. A river in Phrygia, that flew from the Mt. Sipylus..." Thus, peoples living on that river had a branch on the same-named river in Greece. The point is, a trace to Candia of Savoy begins to supports an Achelous trace to Switzerland's Echallen location. It also supports a link between the Swiss, Savoys, and Svi/Swedes.

Amazingly, the shift away from the Teague topic today, to the Achelous topic, did not veer away from Teucer. AND, this paragraph (as per re-loading the Eagle/Hegel Coat) is when I saw the similarity (both use a red lion's arm holding a symbol) between the Eagle/Hegel Crest and the Toker Crest!!! Wow. It tends to trace Teucer elements in the Tokers to the Achelous river at Sipylus.

ZOWIEEEE! After writing that, trying for some Achelous-potential surnames, "Akell" was entered to get a very Toker-like Coat in the Aslin/Ascelin. Even the Crest, a white upright horse, smacks of the white Toker upright sea horses. The horses is definitely a symbol of Troy. The toothed Akell/Ascelin chevron is technically a "chevron crenelee."

There is a Crenel/Cornwall Coat with "Durante" motto term! Crenels were first in Devon, where Tokers were first found!! Thank you, heraldry codes, for these easy links.

"The Akell family lived in Hunts county. The name is also derived from the ancient baptismal name Ansell..." Hmm, the Hand/Hants Shield is a blue-on-white chevron, the color of the Akell/Ancelin chevron! Moreover, Hands/Hants were first in Cheshire (where Beastons first lived), while the Hunt clan was first in neighboring Shropshire. The Hunts under discussion is at Beaston in Nottingham.

(See also the Askils/Asketins.)

I don't forget that Hants is a region in southern Hampshire, and that I trace Atrebates of Hampshire to Heneti elements ruled by the Tantalus/Atreus bloodline. Therefore, I would suggest that "Hunt" was a variation of "Ansel," but would distinguish the two as the Heneti versus the Achelous-river entity.

ScaMander can be gleaned as Maeander elements (this river flowed into Caria from the Lydian-Lycian border), but more in particular, he could have been code for Manisa: "Mount Spil or Mount Sipylus is a mountain rich in legends and history in Manisa Province, Turkey, in what used to be the heartland of the Lydians..." This could very well have been the epitome of mythical Manes. Indeed, as Manes was (grand)/father of Attis, husband of Kybele, so we read: "A full faced statue of Cybele carved in found near Mount Sipylus, several kilometers east of Manisa.""

The article goes on to tell that Sipylus was also a city called "Tantalis."

Somewhere in that Phrygian/Sipylus theater, we should expect the roots of Sapaudia/Sabaudia/Savoy. Again, the Zab river (Assyria) was also the Lycus, smacking of Lycia on the other side of the Maeander.

The Spill surname uses a Savage-like Coat and uses a "wild man" in Crest. He could be an Olympian because the Coat uses "discs." Alternatively, mythical Dascylus (father of Gugu, king if Lydia), code for a location of the same name in Mysia (near Troy), might apply.

In any case, "Siplyus" evokes the Sibbel surname, said to be from "Sibaldi." That was the term that caused the finding of the Seabald/Seyborne Coat with hawk's lure. In this picture, the "sibi" motto term can link to Sipylus elements. I'm sure that Seybornes were Says and Masseys, not forgetting that Masseys use a winged white horse, the mythical Pegasus that was (with Bellerophon) in Lycia.

WOW WOW WOW!!! After writing that, I checked the Massey horse for a comparison with the Akell/Ascelin horse, and they are IDENTICAL!!! The exclamation marks are for the proof that this offers of a Massey trace to Mysia."

ALSO, I had traced (3rd update August) the Say surname to Sais (Nile), but forward to Sestus, opposite the Mysian waters from Dardania, and the place where Teucer's daughter (Batia) married Dardanus to form the Trojans. See the map, where you'll see Abydos, what I figure was the representation of "Batia."

Now, recall the hawk's lure of the Hurl/Herod Coat, and the link earlier in this update to the Hero/Horro surname (thought by me to be from Horites of Edom). I didn't have time then to check for links to mythical Hero of Greece. But now I find: "[Sestus] was the home of Hero in the legend of Hero and Leander." Hmm, check out the (Mc)Lean and Leand Coats, clearly related to some degree. The Lean write-up: "The Clan is descended from Eachan Reaganach, (brother of Lachlan the progenitor of the Macleans of Duart). These two brothers were both descended from Gilleathain na Tuaidh, known as 'Gillian of the Battleaxe', a famed warrior of the 5th century. Eachan, or Hector was given the lands of Lochbuie..." "Eachen" smacks of Achaea elements, and of course Hector evokes the Trojan king by that name.

Both the Leans and Leands use the McDonald ship, but the Leand version of the ship looks like the Gillie version (hull is less rounded), suggesting that Gillian of the Battleaxe was the Irish-branch Gillie clan.

In the news, Democrats are out trying to make the Giffords shooting appear like Sarah Palin is behind it. So to speak.


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