Previous Update: July 31 - August 5

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(if there are any to speak of)
August 6 - 13, 2012

We're Getting Hot
Iamblichus: Where the Rubber Meets the Herod
Iamblichus who?
Oh no; the Muslim Black Stone on the Road to Emmaus was Khosh-er
Screeching to the Finish Line at the Nabataean Wife of Antipater
If you Never Read Another Update, read this one

Is Obama a liar? It's got to be worse than that. He's got to be worse than having a fake name:

...If anyone should have questions about Obama's record at Columbia University, it's me [Wayne Allyn Root]. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of '83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I'd heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia have ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.

But don't take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

After publishing the last update, the following was added at one point:

If the Gibbs were from the Gabal cult, then let's go back to the Hume/Home surname that traced well to Herod Archelaus, making it possible for a trace of the surname to "Homs," location of Gabal. In such a case, one would think that Templars in Homs were responsible for the Hume/Home surname. But the HUME variation of the Homes was traced (by me) to QUMran, and meanwhile Essenes were found to use the heraldic axe symbol, which the Gibbs use. The idea here is that Emesa/Homs was home to Essenes from Qumran. When we go to the Esus cult, which uses a tree stump and axe symbol, we find that it was in the MOSelle theater, suggesting the possibility that the Moselle (and the related Meuse/Maas river) was named after the same peoples who named Emesa.

HEARKEN THEE. The paragraph above was written before realizing this paragraph. I had traced the Humes/Homes to the two House surnames (colors of the Humes/Homes), and concluded that "House" was ultimately a variation of "Essene," same for example as "Hesse," where one Boofima-suspect surname was first found. What shocked me after writing the paragraph above, and at the same time was gratifying because I often wonder how readers might be rolling their eyes at stretchy ideas I present, is that the French House surname (uses to show leaves in green-on-white until recently) is said to use cabbage leaves, while the Cabbage surname has a COBELL variation almost identical to "Gobel" and "GABAL(us)." Is that not corroboration for the paragraph above?

This update is a cascade of discoveries on surnames traced by heraldry codes to the El-Gabal cult, and it turns out to be the roots of Nazis too, which included the House bloodline. In one recent update mentioning the Cabbages/Cobells, the following was discovered (for the purpose of this quote, know that I equate the Islip / Hazel / House surnames so that all three should trace to Homs and Gabal):

Concurrent with the writing of this section, an email from Julie was opened speaking on the Essen location in Germany, not to be confused with Hesse(n). She was of course suggesting a link to Essenes. According to the article, the location has been traced to Ash trees and to an "Esse" term so that it appears to be related to the Ash/Esse surname of a D'Esse location at Devon. This is the surname using two black chevrons that could link to the three black chevrons of the French Levi Coat. As Laevi were on the river also called, Tessen, what about the idea that the river was named after T'Essen??? I think that's absolutely correct. The Arms of Essen use a short sword normally called a dagger, which reminds of the Dech / Decker terms, and especially the Teck variation of the Swiss Tess surname, that I've been tracing to the Tessen/Ticino river.

BEHOLD further clues. Essen is in Dusseldorf, a term that, once stripped of its 'D,' looks like it's from Islip / Hazel / House elements. English Houses use an anchor, as does the Arms of Dusseldorf. AND ZOWIE (after writing that) the Dussel Shield was found to be the Hazel Shield! Surprise!!!

The squirrel in the Hazel Crest is used by Decks/Deckers/Daggers and Dykes [the idea of D'Ussel may link to the Hose / Oz / Asis surnames that are discovered late in the update to be part of the Iamblichus bloodline of Emesa's keepers of the black stone, and it just so happens that Emesa today is Homs. The Iamblichus line is like the mustard seed of Masonry that grew to be a large kingdom. The black stone is also investigated more deeply and found to trace to Nabataeans of the Aretas kind living around Jerusalem just before the appearance of Jesus, and making an alliance with the Iamblichus line. As often happens, some of the most important revelations are near the end of the update. Do not miss any of it if you want to understand Herod lines to Arthurians and much more.]

LOOK. From the fourth update of July: "Note "DexaMENUS," suggesting even more-strongly that he [mythical Dexamenus] and his Ambracian elements were in the Mens bloodline on the Ticino." It just so happens that the Men motto includes "I zal," what appears to be code for Islips. Plus, this Men surname has a Mengzies variation smacking of Josef Mengele (Adolf Hitler's stooge) that was suspect, along with Nazis of the Islip / Hazel / House bloodline, in Hitler's hide-out(s) of Montana...a state with a Baker location I had dealt with because Bakers use a Coat like that of Cabbages/Cobells [Cabbages and Islips both use holly].

I had understood the Cobell variation to be part with Coburgs, Kybergs, Coppers, and Coverts, while I had reason to link Coverts to Maness'/Manners [near the end of this update, Coppers turn out to be Cypros, from the mother of Herod the Great, no guff, who was a Nabataean of the Aretas kind, no guff]. On top of this, the Mens bloodline traces easily to Pepins (and their Landon ancestry), who are suspect as Paphlagonians, whom were in-turn suspect (last update) as the root of both Boofima and the El-Gabal cult. If that's not enough, I had found (years ago) Paphlagonian surnames to use white on black Shields, the colors of the Bakers and Gabal-suspect Cabbages/Cobells, and then in the last update black Shields were found in regards to the black stone that was the Gabal cult. [Later, black Shields are found in the black-stone investigation.]

Immediately before the Dexamenus quote above, I was speaking on the Covert link to Kyburg (Switzerland), as well as Covert links to Landon-suspect areas of Swabia. Look at what I said without realizing fully what sort of dirt I was treading upon. Since writing it, I developed a theory that the Hoppers/Happers, who use the Moratin / Hill tower design traced (4th update this past July) to the El-Gabal cult, belong to the Happs/Apps/Abbs. The square brackets are my comments at this time; the round brackets belong to the July update:

Habsburgs trace surely to the Happs/Apps/Abbs using a fesse that must be the Arms of Austria. Coverts use the same fesse, and then they trace to Hofs / Hops that may be suspect from COPonius, the Roman governor of Judea immediately before Marcus Ambivulus [these were shortly before Pontius Pilate, and, hmm, "Ambivulus" is not a bad reflection of "Iamblichus"]. There is a Copon variation listed with the Cobham/Cobban surname using lions in colors reversed to those in the Arms of Kyburg, important because Coverts were linked to Cabbages/Cobalds/Cobells (i.e. I suspect that Copons/Cobhams are branches of one Caiaphas bloodline). [If correct, it tells me that "Caiaphas" came out of the Gabal cult, and/or was named after it; with terms such as these, and including "Copon," let's not forget "COVENarum", French home of Herod Antipas]. The London lion is the Lys/Legh [same lion as the Habsburg surname] and Marcus lion again (important because the Laevi were Ligurians), and Londons were first found in Fife (now being identified with the Sforza quince), while Cabbages/Cobells use [apparently] a motto term for neighboring Angus as well as a "fortis" term that could be code for the Sforza / Ley/Legh / Marcus bloodline [the Sforzas are now tracing to "Severus," a surname of the El-Gabal cult at Homs, and/or to "Severa," surname of the wife of emperor Heliogabalus]. The Cabbage lion is the Kent-surname lion, first found in Angus, while Copons/Cobhams/Cabbans were first found in Kent.

Londons are suspect from the Rhodes', and Landon>Pepin elements are suspect at Ticinum = Pavia on the Ticino, where the Marici lived. Coverts were traced to the Banners, and Irish Lindens use red banners....English Lindons use the same gold leopard head as the Covert Crest, but Lindons use it on a black background, matching the colors of the lions in the Arms of Kyburg. Kyburg is the Covert-suspect location in Fife-like Pfaffikon District at Zurich, and as I've traced Zurich to "Surrey," see the Copon/Cobham write-up: "The Anglo-Saxon name Copon comes from the family having resided in various regions of the name Cobham in Kent, Surrey and Sussex." Sussex just happens to be where Coverts [and Coppers] were first found. Therefore, I think that I have now been able to prove what was insinuated in the 5th update of September, that Coverts/Cofferts were from the Coponius bloodline [makes sense if that bloodline was from Covenarum while Coverts were part with the Copper bloodline of Herod the Great].

On this map of Pfaffikon, one can see the Swiss area of Lindau beside Kyburg. The Lindau I've been referring to is over the German border in Bavaria. The white-on-blue Zionists star that we saw in the German Rolf Coat may be a colors-reversed version of the Zionist star in the Germo-Swiss Pfaff/Faff Coat. Both surnames use a quartered Shield, and the Rolfs had traced to Annius Rufus, successor to Marcus Ambivulus. Do you think we have something like an evasive dirty fox here? [since this update's latter parts, I've come to realize all the more that heraldry is much about the bloodlines of the enemies of Christ in Israel, especially the Herods in France].

There is a good chance that the Coponius line was related to his successor, Marcus Ambivulus, and as his surname smacks of "Campbell," I noted that a version of the Campbell Shield is used by the Londons who show the same lion on their Shield as the Marcus lion ["Iamblichus" is even more like "Campbell," especially when a YAMblichus term converts to "Gambel", and then as of this update, the quest is to find how Herods of Israel were part of the Iamblichus line, which is suspect where that line formed an alliance with Aretas III; if you read recently where Herod Antipas of Covenarum was traced to the MacARTHUR = Campbell bloodline, you would understand this Iamblichus-Aretas revelation better].

Entering "Capone" gets the Capua/Caputo/Capoccia surname that I trace to the same Cappadocia as I trace Caiaphas. Both Copons/Cobhams and Capua's/Capones use black lions.

English Londons use the Moratin tower design that has already traced to the El-Gabal / Comana bloodline at the mouth of the Rhone, where the Rhodians of Lindos are highly expected, and where their "Rhodes / Rodez" term may have been ancestral to "Herod." As the Rodez surname is definitely that of the Rods (said to be from "Hrod"), note that Rods and Dussels both use green trefoils, keeping in mind also that the Arthurian = Herod cult had the Pendragon line in London. I can't tell what the "man" in the London Crest has on his head (a plume of feathers?), but as "man" is used for the symbol, I note that the Man/Mangus Coat uses a fesse in the colors of the London fesse, as well as an "ardua" motto term. The Man/Mangus surname was first found in Aberdeenshire, beside Londons of Fife. To prove that the Men > Pepin line traces to Paphlagonia, the "staBILIS" term in the Man/Mangus motto smacks of the Bilis river of the Paphlagonians:

Beyond this river Bilis, is the countrey Paphlagonia, which some have named Pylaemeniam, and it is enclosed with Galatia behind it...In this quarter the Heneti inhabite, as Cornelius Nepos saith. Moreover, from thence the Venetians in Italie, who beare their name, are descended, as he would have us beleeve.

There is your Illuminati root of the Heneti, which I trace to the Anton surname because Antenor was the mythical code for the Heneti...but then both Antons and Mans/Mangus' use goats. The Maeander river had a source in the area that the Heneti Paphlagonians lived. [Late in this update, Antons look squarely from Mark Antony, and then ANTIpater, father of Herod the great egg-on-his-face, was allied with Mark Antony. The picture we are not supposed to know is unraveling.]

The Pfaffikon area around Kyburg smacks of Paphlagonians, as does Fife, home of Landen-like Londons (the French House surname uses a leaf that may have been at first a linden leaf but then called a cabbage leaf when merged with the Cabbages). Of interest is that the linden leaves in the Arms of Lindau look like the "cabbage" leaves of the French House Coat. The Arms of Zurich were traced to the Hiedler/Hitler Shield.

As I traced "Fife" to "Pavia," and then traced the Pepins to the "Papia" variation of "Pavia," it could suggest that the GABal cult was at Pavia (ancient Ticinum), and indeed GAVi is near Pavia [late in this update, Gavi is linked to Gubbio by multiple methods, meaning that Gavi and Gubbio look like El-Gabal centers]. The above can also be used for tracing the bloodline of Gabal lovers to Mason-infested Kent, which is not of any surprise when we realize that all of Masonry traces in particular to Roman elements of the El-Gabal cult. But what's being unveiled here, apparently, is that the Gabal cult was a Judeao-Roman entity i.e. that provided the Roman stooges who controlled Jerusalem and its priesthood on behalf of Caesar [indeed, the Iamblichus bloodline was the first willing Roman agency in the Syria-to-Israel stretch].

YS sent in a question this week, asking if the white-on-blue Moratin tower used by Arsenaults was the same as the same-colored tower used by Gaines (the latter use the Kelly Enfield-griffin, a symbol also of Hiedlers/Hitlers). Checking the French Gaines/Gagnes', there was yet another gyronny symbol, in the colors of the Mathie/Matthew triple chevron. Therefore, the three colors of the Gaines/Ganes' could be used in-part by the gyronny of Scottish Mathies/Manns, who may have been a branch of the Mans/Mangus' now tracing to the Paphlagonians.

The English Mathie triple chevron is colors reversed to the triple chevron of Dutch Burgs, while the latter, when their page wasn't showing the triple chevron for some years, showed a dancetty fesse...exactly, and in the same colors -- so far as I can recall -- as the one in the English Gaine Coat. Therefore, add Hitler-related Gaines and Kellys to the Herod-Antipas bloodline. [Later, the Burgs / Borgia's trace without doubt to the bull of the Iamblichus line, and the Borgia's will be found linked to the Comyns/Cummings, highlighting apparently why Julie has insisted several times that I investigate Borgia's even though I had seen no relevance. Julie is the one who traces all things Masonic to Herods, and for years I could not give that idea the time of day. Here in this update I now find that Borgia's were mainline Covenarum > Comminges elements.]

The theory now is that the Essenes of Qumran trace to Homs in Syria, which place has been in the news lately, perhaps desired by the Western globe trodders that are squarely behind the coup-attempt on the Syrian president. What is amazing about this is that while I was tracing Comyns in the last update to Gomerians, I had no idea at the time that I'd be tracing "Homs" to Qumran. It's only been a few months since realizing that Chemmites out of the Nile delta had named Qumran, and then long before that Chemmites were identified with Cimmerians / Gomerians. Yes, "QUMRan" was identified as a Gomer location not many weeks ago, but none of this was on my mind in the last update because it had not yet dawned that Homs was a Qumran entity. I'm not completely sure of it, yet, but further investigation should make this more evident. If correct, Essenes of Qumran are tracing to the Comyns/Cummings who named Comminges, the city to which Herod Antipas was banished. [It's suggesting that the Iamblichus line on Homs was at least partly Essene, though while investigating the Iamblichus line late in this update, I did not find a good/solid link to Essenes, but then I am not at all familiar with the Dead Sea scrolls and the clues that they might harbor toward Essene allies/ancestry.]

Covert lines out of the Lindau / Swabia area were traced to Duffs of Fife / Perthshire, and later purple-lion Fife elements (i.e. Veys/Vivians) were traced to L'viv in the Ukraine. These elements should have been from Varangians of Kiev, who had formed alliances with Byzantium from about two centuries prior to the Komnenos of Byzantium. The Komnenos are traced to Vlach elements of Thrace, not very far from the L'viv theater. If we're looking for the Komnenos-branch Qumran-ians in Fife, consider the Kinners (the surname), whom were made the father of mythical Kay/Cai. The latter was traced (by me) to the Qewe/Qeve/Kue location of Adana long before I realized/emphasized Comana here, a location likewise of Adana. It appears that Kinners were from a Cimmer-like term. After all, the Kemmis surname morphed into Ken-like terms (see septs of the Stuarts, but note also the Curd/Kurd-like septs, suspect as Herods of the Hurt kind; the Stuart pelican is not like the Arthur pelican without reason). Here's from the 3rd update of September, 2010:

The Scottish London Shield has a design similar to the Land and Campbell "windmill" design. I had traced it on that idea to Holland, and Landen/Belgium is beside Holland [the latter country is where the Heliogabalus cult had been]. Note that the London Coat uses the Fleming double-border (Flemings use a "shaw" motto term), a symbol of Flemings from Flanders, Belgium. That would suggest strongly that Londons were from Landen...

The Scottish Londons were first found in Fife, where the Kinners were first found. I had traced "Fife" to "Pfiefer," a surname looking a lot like "Pfaffenhofen," the region wherein I traced Shaws/Shays/Seths yesterday [Shaws, said to be from "Sithech," are suspect with the mythical Kay line back to Caiaphas' Sadducees]. Note that Pfiefers use an anchor, as do the Kinners...of Fife.

The "hofen" part of "Pfaffenhofen" was identified with Coverts/Cofferts and with Duffs (think D'Hof) of Fife. Pfiefers are in the colors of Coffers and Herods/Hurls, and the latter trace easily now to the Campbell / London "windmill" = gyronny.

If it's hard to understand how both the Essenes and the Caiaphas priesthood can trace to Homs, since Essenes had rejected the Caiaphas priesthood, ask why Essenes had rejected it. There are many possible reasons, one being the sort of jealousy arising in sibling rivalry. Were Essenes of Homs the siblings, so to speak, of Caiaphas? Actually, the Essenes proper of Israel may have had ancestry in Homs, or, at least, Homs may have been home to the ones who ruled the Essenes, especially if "Homs" was a term going back to the first century BC (the period to which Essenes are traced by moderns).

Were there Cimmerians at Homs? For one thing, the El-Gabal cult was just traced to the Kybele-Attis cult on the Halys, and Cimmerians had settled heavily in Sinope, beside the mouth of the Halys, from times before Ezekiel. I now see that "Halys" may have been named after "El"...not to be confused with the "El" that the God of Israel was called, for "El" became a generic term for 'god'. It may reveal that the pagan El was a corrupted form of the God of Israel.

One of the first, if not the very first, places that I mentioned the Qewe/Qeve location was in a chapter called "Roving Stones." I'm wondering if that wasn't done for what I didn't yet know: the black stone of Heliogabalus. That chapter was given the file name, "sethin.htm," a term like the Sithech of the Shaws that I trace to "Zedek," the name of Amorite Jerusalem. I am now in the midst of tracing El-Gabal to Amorites. The Roving Stones chapter touched upon Kwenlanders of Norway, what are suspect by others as a female-oriented nation. The Galli priesthood that I see on the Halys was female-oriented too, and fanatically so, as was of the mother-goddess bloodline, Kybele. Reminder: "Gabal" smacks of "Kybele"...and the latter smacks of the Cobell variation of Cabbages. El-Gabal may thus be the proto-Kabala cult that "Jews" to this day pass off while mixing their ideas with Israeli Scripture (i.e. the Old Testament).

That in itself is a testimony for tracing El-Gabal to a false-God-of-Israel cult, something that the devil would be inclined to invent in order to cause confusion in our wee-little brains. No sooner do we see links of Israel or Jesus to these false-Christian cults that our wee-little brains want to view Israel / Jesus as just another false idea invented by man. But, please, do yourself a favor, realize first that there is a Creator, and that if He has not spoken through the Israeli prophets and through Jesus, He has not spoken to mankind at all because no other writings come close to being credible. And the Apostles "swore" on the deathbeds (so to speak) that Jesus is who they claimed Him to be.

At the end of the Roving Stones chapter, I got the inkling that the Sithones / Sitones, after which the file name was chosen, were part of the Stein surnames and/or Stone bloodline. If correct, the black stone of Gabal may have been code for the Sithone tribe of Edones....whom I traced through mythical Sthenelus of Liguria to "Sitten" of Switzerland's Sion, and finally to the Odin cult's matri-linear Sitones of Gotland/Sweden. In this picture, the black stone can trace back to Sidonians, i.e. they may have formed an alliance with Byblos/Gebal to form the El-Gabal cult. By the way, the Roves are also Rolphs.

The Mygdone tribe of Edones is traced (by me) to "Megiddo," where a second congregation of Essenes lived. I see the axe symbol from this branch of Essenes as they traced themselves back to Elijah and Elisha (it doesn't make the latter two false prophets just because Essenes liked them), whose proto-Essene followers I see in the formation of mythical Eileithyia/Eleutha of Crete. In the past few weeks, the Shot/Shute/Shutt surname (use "guerre" in their motto, smacking of "Geier" = vulture) has been traced to the vulture bloodline (of the Slings and Geiers) that I think is now living in the Megiddo valley. There may be an ancient reason as to why they are there now, in the same way that Templars probably chose certain parts of the "holy land" as per the places to which they traced their respective bloodlines (who among of the Templars chose to settle / control Homs, we may ask?). The point is, the Shots/Shutes may have been from the Sithones / Sitones, and if so, the black stone is tentatively tracing to Shots/Shutts/Chutes who use what I've understood to be the Excalibur sword, the sword that Arthurians had stuck in stone! Entering "Jew" (may or may not apply to Jews / Israelites) gets the Chews, much like the Chewte variation of Shots/Shutes. Then, as this surname has variations reflecting "Chuds," here's from the Roving Stones article:

There were a Chuds peoples in northern Russia (see map) that "in Old East Slavic chronicles" were "ascribed as one of the founders of Rus' state." The article continues to say that "The Russian Primary Chronicle describes Chudes as cofounders of the Kievan Rus state along with Slavs and Vikings. In other ancient East Slavic chronicles, the term "Chudes" refers to several Finnic tribes..."

I'm seeing the Amorites of Zedek here, but the question is whether "Sadducee" was named after Zedek too? I have thought so for a long time, and I trace these Zedekites to Shaws of Perthshire, beside the Fifes whom trace to L'viv, not terribly far from Kiev, and even closer to the Trypillians...who were revealed very recently to be a female-oriented cult. The Trypillians lived in Moldavia (at Piatra-Neamt, off the Siret river), and L'viv is next to the Doly theater; both it and Trypillians were traced (by me) to the Alans > Stewarts from Dol, who liked the Flaad / WALTER name that I see encoded in the heraldic VULTURE. The Walters were likely one with Walsers, and the latter are known to be from Sitten/Sion, where we could expect Amorites from Zedek, which city was also called, Zion. Again, I had traced the Sithone > Sitone line to "Sitten" so that Shots/Shutts are expected on that basis alone to be from Amorite lines out of Jerusalem.

Therefore, if the Shots/Shutes/Chutes trace to the Chuds of Kiev, where I expect the Comyn > Komnenos line, let it first be said that the Shot surname was originally looked up (several weeks ago) as per the sling SHOT in the Arms of DACHAU (Bavaria), for on the Komnenos we read: "The Komnenoi were related to the Doukas family, whereby the clan often was referred as 'KomnenoDOUKAI'..." If that's not enough, the last update touched on the PLUVigner surname of Brittany that used the same Coat as Plume-like surnames of Morbihan (Brittany). I now find: "It is said that the [Komnenos] family name was derived from the city of Komne, near Philippopolis in Thrace..." Clicking the Philippopolis link, we come to it's alternative name, PLOVdiv. It's on the Hebros river on the north side of the Rhodope mountains.

Mythical Rhodope was given both Hebros and Kikon as sons, and I trace "Kikon" to mythical Cycnus, son of STHENelus of Liguria. Moreover, I traced the Edone king, Lycurgus , to "Ligure," and for that matter the Edones lived on the south side of the Rhodope mountains, which is where the Shots/Shutes are tracing (if they trace to Sithones).

There are so many things to say that I'm tripping over myself. There was a mythical Cotys (female/witchcraft) cult (female) of Thracians, and then there was a mythical Cotys, father of Attis, in which picture Cotys was ultimately the father of Heliogabalus. It therefore makes sense to trace the Cotys cult to the naming of Chuds who are now tracing to a relationship with the Komnenos. I even trace Cotys to Cottians, who lived across from Sitten/Sion. If we can trace the namers of Sitten to Sitones of Got(a)land, chances are that Cottians named Gotland, and as this place was an alternative name for Sweden, note that the Varangians of Kiev, who merged there with the Chuds, were from Sweden. If the flag of Israel today is a version of the Zionist star in the Goth surname, chances are that the Israeli flag today is a Sadducee one, and besides, it makes sense that God would send His Son into the deadly midst of Sadducees if they were destined to rule end-time Israel. Unfortunately for the Shots, God calls the final shots when he comes with his own Sword on his own flying white horse (i.e. Revelation 19's white horse could be an allusion to the Pegasus) to kill end-time Gorgons infested in Israel; Jesus is not, of course, returning with a literal flying horse or literal sword).

It appears that the Doukai-related Komnenos were in Dachau, and this recalls the AnDECH branch of Este (starts 3rd update of last May) in the Rijeka / Gorski theater that was traced to Rangabe Byzantines. Dachua (a headquarters for Nazi concentration camps) can also be linked to the vulture of the Sling surname, and if correct that the Walter line traces to ancient Megiddo, then it should trace also to the Mygdone kin of Sithones. As I see "Walter" in "Balder," a mythical god of the Swedes, consider the Blade / Blate bloodline now tracing to the coin of Herod Archelaus, the man who had a wife from Comana, where Komnenos should trace. Yes, Komnenos look like a major cult-clan in cahoots with Herods...whom are easily imagined with grins at the gates of concentration camps. It just so happens that the Doukai (Dacians?) are said to be from Paphlagonia.

Are pheons secretly on the robes in the painting of Alexios I Komnenos (Komnenos article above)? The Blades and Pilates use pheons too. An item from the last update jibes with it:

...I already knew that [Fletchers] were from a Flech location and so should link to the Flecks/Flacks, suggesting the possibility that Fletchers link to Komnenos from a Vlack entity. The problem was, how could I prove this using heraldry? After a short struggle of 5 minutes while focused on the Fletcher Coat and its write up, I got to thinking that the Fles-using variations of Fletchers were a version of "Blaze" because the white Fletcher pheons (inside "pellets") are used by Blades whom could have morphed into "Blaze." How delightful to then find a garb in Comyn-garb colors in the Blaze Chief! Both Blaze's and Fletcher's were first found in Yorkshire. It means that Komnenos linked to Flecks/Flacks / Fletchers / Blaze's / Blates/Blades and therefore to some degree to Balders / Baldwins / Biturs / Badens/Battins. This was the makings of the Syrian Baathists in my strong opinion, suggesting that we perhaps check Comana and Homs to see whether Baathists congregated there.

Less than 150 miles north of Piatra-Neamt, there is a Kamenec-PoDOLskij location in Moldavia that brings one much closer to Kiev than Komne of Thrace [look for the trace of Emesa/Homs to Piatra-like Patras=Messatida later in this update]. I don't yet know what "Kamenec" (or its alternative, Kamenets) derives in, however, whether a geographical feature, or a bloodline. Interesting is that "Kamenets" is like "caminata," the Italian for "a walk," while Walkers use a "quam" motto term as well as Comyn and MontGomery colors. Walkers also use "HONESta," which might just be codes for "Homs."

AHA!!! After writing that, "Walk" was entered to find, not just a Coat in Comym/Cumming colors, but a garb in the colors of the Comyn/Cumming garbs!!! Aren't you glad I know my Italian?

[Wowie. Later in this update, while on the Muslim black stone, the Dietz surname comes up with a McHone surname, surnames of two men in the same black-stone article who had looked into black-stone roots. I now find that there is an English Hone(s) surname in colors-reversed to Walks/Wachs while Walks/Wachs use a "ditat" motto term. While Walks were first found in the same place (Dumfries) and Annan(dale)s, the German Hones (in Annandale colors) are listed as Hainn/Hainau/Haynau/Hainy, smacking of Annans. Irish Hones are also "Wing," and then both Wings/Winks and English Hones, as well as Dutch Bush's, use billets. The Wings/Winks may therefore be a branch of Walkers. The white-on-blue fish in the Hone/Wing Coat will later be traced quite solidly to the Iamblichus line of ancient times, at which time it will be traced to the Bush's.]

Kamenec-Podolskij is on the Dniester that flowed through the land of the Dacians and Dacian-related Carpi/ARPII, a good reason for tracing Doukai to Dacians. This recalls that I saw and identified various proto-ARPAD Hungarian elements on the Ticino river...where I trace Decks and similar terms [later in this update, these Arpads on the Ticino trace to Iamblichus lines at Assisi and Arettium]. It's now telling me that the Dacians, perhaps of the Doukai kind, named that river...though "Tessen" may have been named by another entity; thus far, I say it was the Essenes from Essen location of Germany. Didn't I just start tracing KOMnenos and similar surnames to "QUMran"??? Based on the investigation thus far, shouldn't "KOM" and "COMana" trace to "HOMS"? Would you like to be a "private" investigator like I am; just get out your scalpel and start dissecting into all of this meat. You don't even need a license to be this kind of PI. Just don't forget to write about it and pass the message on; the world needs to hear about Herod's ghosts active to this day.

Does Kamenec-Podolskij get lots of sun, or is that a sun god in the Arms of Kamenec-Podolskij? Wikipedia: "The first part of the city's dual name originates from kamin', or kamen, meaning 'stone' in the Old East Slavic language." The sun god, Heliogabalus, was given a black stone symbol. Big hmmm. It looks here as though the stone was a symbol from the kamen term as code for elements of Comana rather than of "Sitones," but there should be a Komnenos link to Sithones because both were from Thrace. The Cohens/Kagans, whom I trace to Rangabes, use a sun in the same colors, and then the historic Arms of Kamenec (shown) are in Rangabe colors. There are rock themes here too: "Several historians consider that a city on this [Kamenec] spot was founded by the ancient Dacians...Historians claim that the founders named the settlement Petridava or Klepidava [smacks of Claptons/Cloptons that were traced to "GLAPHyra of Comana!], which originate from the Greek word petra or the Latin lapis meaning 'stone' [never mind, this looks like code from those who know the black stone traces to Kamenec]...Modern Kamianets-Podilskyi was first mentioned in 1062 [the Komnenos were on the Byzantine throne as of 1057] as a town of the Kievan Rus' state."

Trypillians were not only in PIATRA (of Neamt), but on the Dniester too. From the third update in July, where Trypillians are introduced:

Why an archeologist with a Cucos surname digging up the Cuceteni[-Trypillian] area??? And did you catch the name of the site where the swastika designs were found: at GHELAISti...which is surely the GLASS bloodline.

Ghelaisti is at Piatra-Neamt (the list of Stuart septs above showed the Glass'). It's beginning to look like the Komnenos of these elements trace both to swastika lovers, and to Dachau concentration camps. It must all relate to the Herod blood in the Komnenos' / Comyns/Cummings. We all know how much the king Herods loved the Jews.

This find reminds me of being on the Komnenos-Doukai topic years ago, when the Douglas' were considered with the Doukai. I didn't know then that "Duglass" was hint of the Glass bloodline, or that Glass' traced well to Ghelaisti. Not more than a year or so ago, I traced Douglas' to a Geddys line of Lithuanians, not realizing that Geddys may trace to emperor Geta of the Heliogabalus cult. At the time, I traced the Geddys to the Getai Thracians, mother tribe of Dacians. I suppose Geta may have been named after Getai elements, therefore. It's all pouring out perfectly here, like a hour-glass clock. The Writing is on the wall; and the Appointed-Time clock ticks away; the sands of time have all but poured out on the Gomers.

In the last update, after uploading it, I made some changes to the first paragraph below, and added the second:

It just so happens that the Hampshire Gobelins use garbs in the colors of the Cheshire / Comyn/Cumming garbs. It can be interpreted in at least four ways: 1) as more evidence that Gobels were Masci bloodliners and therefore from Julia Maesa and company; 2) that the Gabal cult of Julia Maesa and company did link to Glaphyra's Comana; 3) that the Comyn/Cumming garbs are those of Cheshire (as it related to Cheshire Masseys/Maceys); 4) that lines of GLAPHYRa from Comana were in Cheshire, evoking the CLAPtons, first found in Cheshire, whom I've tended to see as a branch of CLAVERs/Cleavers and therefore of Cliffs/Cleaves now being identified with "Glaphyra."

How about that? Claptons look to be from Herod Archelaus' wife, explaining why an Arthur=Herod family lived in Clapton, Somerset. It's telling me that Arthurian Herods came to live in Somerset due expressly to Glaphyra elements there, or vice versa.

It's explaining why the Claver/Cleaver Coat is in Meschin format. But Meschins, aside from their Masci bloodline that I claim for them, are known to be from Malahule of More = Clares/Sinclairs. And then the Arthurs had used "clarions" (in their heraldry) as code for Clares. It's telling us that the Herod / Glaphyra blood in Somerset (and elsewhere) was also in Sinclairs, explaining why Sinclairs were chief Templars. Keeping my trace of Obama's mother to Dunham Masci (Cheshire) in mind, here's from the 6th update in May, 2010, suggesting that Obama had his eye on a Glaphyra bloodliner:
"President Barack Obama's decision to fire his national intelligence director...

...The White House on Friday [May 23] said it soon planned to name a successor to Dennis Blair, whose forced resignation was disclosed Thursday. The leading candidate is James CLAPPER, the top defense intelligence official, though it isn't clear whether he would fill the job permanently, officials familiar with the matter said."

...The Arthur surname was found to use the same design as the Hicks of Clapton (Somerset, England). The Dutch Clopper/Clapper Coat is much like the Arthur Coat, but using mallets, and then we find a similar Shield in the French Mallet/Malo Coat. The Briquessart>Meschin line descends from Eystein (grandfather of Rollo Claro), through his son, MALahule. "MalaHULE" may trace to the Hill tower used my Moratins if that tower traces to Mali's Mauritanians, suggesting also that Malahule's and Hills were Hulls / Halls.

The Clapton/Clopton surname of Cheshire (should apply to the English Clapps/Clappers using a sun, perhaps for Somerset) should link to "Salop" (beside Cheshire), where the Meschins were first found....

The sun of the Clapps/Clappers may be code, not for Helios in particular, but for Heliogabalus. I've about three ideas on the derivation of "Salop": 1) from "CLOP/Clap"; 2) from "Slab/Slav"; 3) from Salyes / Sol. If 1) is the correct one, then I would imagine Glaphyra bloodliners in Salop. It may even be that "Slav" or its derivative was a soft form of "Glaph(yra) / Clav(er)." I trace Salyes to both the Sava river in the Slav theater and to the Save river at Comminges; the latter trace does suggest strongly that Salyes were part with Herod Antipas, but also with Glaphyra's Comana. We can easily imagine "Glaphyr" morphing to "Slaver," and from that, there are other possibilities such as Silva(n), Slave, and Silver.

AHA! I identified Sullivans very solidly with Salyes, one method being via the "Lamh" motto term of Sullivans, which links them to the same motto term used by Brians who trace to Briancon on the Durance (where Salyes lived). In this picture, the Lamas surname (using lambs) comes to mind that I view as the Le Mas entity from Julia Maesa. But then there was a Lamatis location at the Urbanus tributary of the Sava. On that tributary there was a Salonae location (smacks of Salyes) as well as the Maezaei peoples! There is a Siemen surname using a "slab" for a symbol that could apply to the Glaphyra line, and this surname should trace to mythical Siemowit, ancestry of the Mieszkos at Gala-like Gopla (one Mieszko was Mieszko II LAMBert), who trace to the Sava river and in particular to the Maezaei! Then there is the Polish SLABoda surname.

[As Iamblichus' SAMPSIceramus term will later trace solidly to bull-using Mieskes/Mesechs, the Siemowit entity ought to apply to the Iamblichus line. The Mieske Coat uses the same sword and arm as the Crest of Hones/Wings/Kouns, and as the Hyksos had a Mus household (as is the theory of me lonesome) that traces to Mieszkos, the cone-shaped black stone may be code for the Kouns / Cone / Hone bloodline, evoking pharaoh Khyan because Hones/Wings/Kouns use the Keon fish. Besides, the Iamblichus line that is later found to be the root of the Keon / Hone/Koun fish is also discovered, probably, to be a Hayasa Azzi bloodline that I identify with Hyksos.]

Keeping in mind the likelihood that Comminges was named by Gomerians, here's from the 3rd update in November, 2011:

IN FACT, there are some reasons to trace Combers (Chee [of Cheshire] dancette) to Astikas/Radziwills and Trabys. The Slaboda write-up: "It was in this [Polesie] province that the renowned Radziwills and Sapiehas held their vast estates." The Comber motto term, "Sapiens," could apply to Sapiehas...As Combers were first found in Sussex, where Warrenes were first found, it suggests that the "Comme" motto term of the Wards is indeed code for Combers and kin.

...It follows that the peacock-using Cumbers/CAMELfords/COMERford (more white-on-red) should apply to Combers...

...The Commens/Cummins (blue Shield, as per "blue-blood" suspect) could apply, with a Coat somewhat like that of the Comfort bugles....

ZOWIE! I must have missed the Comme motto term of Wards in the last update when tracing the Words/Wards to "Woerden," the Netherlands home of the Heliogabalus cult! The Commens/Cummins above are what I'm now calling the Comyns/Cummings, and so it appears that the Heliogabalus cult is once again tracing to a merger with Glaphyra's Comana elements. MOREOVER, as you can see that Cumbers are also "Camel," the Herod line of Campbells/ Cammells must apply. Therefore, the Cumbers / Comerfords/Comforts look like the Qumran Gomerians that were also at Comana.

I often misspell things by typing one key before it's time. For example, I might type "Heord" instead of "Herod," which is what was done in the paragraph above before it was fixed. I noted how "Heord" is like "Weord." It may mean that such surnames as ShuttleWords/ShuttleWorths were Herod lines merged with a Shutt entity. The Shots/Shutes/Shutts were just traced above to the Comana > Komnenos line, and here I've just found that the Word/Ward bloodline uses "Comme." The heraldry masters ought to be ashamed of themselves for exposing their private parts like this.

Aha! What I call Melusine (the heraldic mermaid / Siren) is at times shown with COMB and mirror. COMBers were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Caiaphas-suspect Coverts, for Caiaphas ruled the Sadducees that may have morphed into the Shutt / Shuttle bloodline [I didn't realize at the time that Coppers/Coopers, also of Sussex, would be tracing to the mother of Herod the great shame].

From the last update, in case you didn't read it:

AHA, BIG AHA. If you were convinced that the Words/Wards (same Shield as Warrenes) traced to Woerden = Laurium, see that the same Coat, almost, is used by wyvern-using Cliffords! "CLIFFORD" is very near "GLAPHYRa."

Cliffords use a "Semper" motto term used also by the Arms of L'viv, and Glaphyra elements were trace-able in this update to Kamenec, less that 200 miles from L'viv. I've just revisited the 1st update in July to check the motto of L'viv, and found the following corroboration that Glaphyra elements of the Clapton kind were in L'viv; note the spelling mistakes I know I'm prone to making when I go too fast and then don't proof read:

The Arms of L'viv use "Semper fidelis," a motto seen commonly in my heraldry hunts. The fidelis term should link to the Fidelow/Fiddler surname (wolves), which may indicate that this surname is a Fie branch. The Fidelow wolf design is that also of the Cheshire Claptons, which I wouldn't have mentioned accept [should be except] that the Warwickshire Claptons use a patee cross in the colors of the same of the Crain Coat...meaning that "CRAIN" is suspect with "UKRAINE." I even trace Warwick to Warsaw in Poland, not far from L'viv on the Polish border.

As the English Crane crane stands of as [should be "on a"] "staff," the Fife-colored Staff Coat is of interest, especially as it uses a chevron in colors reversed to the chevron used by Arthurs, who show 5-like rests as code for Fife-related Fives. Arthurs are in the colors of the Hicks probably because a Hick family in the Clapton location of Somerset married an Arthur family.

I often find myself typing wrong words that can not be explained by bad key stroking. Typing "of" instead of "on" or "from" instead of "for" are due to too being in a rush to get a flood of realizations down. [Spell checks don't catch those kinds of mistakes, and I don't have time to proof read entire updates, as will be the case again, for it's already 10:45 am on Monday morning as I proof read here]. When you see words that just don't fit the sentence, it's probably due to typing while there is too much on the brain all at once.

The July update above is where Fife / Viv elements were found to trace to "L'VIV," at which time I was not at all thinking to trace Glaphyra elements to L'viv, and yet in that quote above there is a Clapton and Arthur trace to L'viv, as well as the mention of Arthurs of Clapton. From the 5th update of September, 2011: ""The Durance flows more slowly than [its tributaries] the Claree or Guisane, even though they are further downstream." The Arthur-Coat symbols, when they were merging with the Hicks of Somerset, were called "clarions" in honor of the Clares."

From the same September update:

When it dawned on me this morning that Uther Pendragon was the Butteri bloodline that created the Baden/Batton surname, Arthur links to Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, were evoked. It then struck me that "Arthur" should somehow link to "WURT." The WerARTHY surname came to mind as the reason for "Wert," and checking that surname, it was first found in Bute!!! Werarthys came up in the last update because they are properly Kurd(y)s, and for that variation they were linked to the Kurd-colored Hurt entity of the Arthurs (Irish Arthurs use "hurts," or blue roundels).

That statement on an Arthur = WURT possibility jibes well in this update where bad typing gave birth to the theory that Woerden was a Herod term. It's now suggesting that Words/Wards -- Herods -- were from WURTtemberg, and that they should be found at Bute, where the MacArthurs and Herods/Hurls were first found. I think Bude in Cornwall, where Pendragons (the surname) and Gorlois lived, applies to the Arthurian Bute elements. Arthur's mother was made (by myth writers) the wife of Gorlois, mythical duke of Cornwall.

Therefore, for the time being, the Woerden = Laurium location at the mouth area of the Rhine is suspect with Herod bloodliners who named Wurttemberg, and it just so happens that while I identified the Arthurian cult as Merovingians in Britain, Merovingians of the Batavi and Salian kind lived at the mouth of the Rhine. The VERINgens of Baden-Wurttemberg are coming to mind as a branch of Word/Ward-related WARRENes. The effect of what you are now reading is to suggest that Varangians (whom I have always viewed as the crux of the Templars/Rosicrucians) were named after a variant of "Herod" that evolved something like this: Herod > Heord > Weord > Wurt > Wurtten > Wurren > Verin > Varangi.

Interesting here is that I linked the Varni in Polabia to Wagrians and identified Walkers (now discovered as Comyns/Cummings) with Wagrians. (Hmm, I just typed Wagrians wrong as "Eagrians," recalling the Wagrian trace to Ugrians.) The Varni/Warni were already named in the first century AD, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't have traced to the same stock that formed the Herods, which stock I am now tracing to Antibes and Imperia, very near Var and Draguignan. One tribe with the Varni, the Reudigni, smack of "Hrod/Herod" and the Redones. As Komnenos were from Thrace, so Draguignan may be named by Thracians. Drakes were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Hones (use the Comyn/Cumming garb) who were just identified above with Walks/WACHS/WAUGES...who should trace to WAGrians! Wagrian-like Wagers were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) was Walkers (and Bush's)...and the Wager Coat is once again in the format and colors of the !!! But instead of gold-on-blue garbs, Wagers use gold-on-blue HEARTS!!!!!

Who were the Comyns of Polabia, we may ask? Denmark / Juteland was at one time called Cumbria / Cymbria or something like that.

It was the Templar vikings who had the skull-and-crossbone flag, what became associated with the children of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, but now you know a better theory, that Herod bloodliners are really behind the Templar vikings...and the international bankers (many of them in the Netherlands, home of Rosicrucians too) that came forth from them.

As I've seen "Avranches" as a Varangi term, it has the potential to trace Herod bloodliners to the Avranches (rulers of Chester, Cheshire), jibing with a Herod/Glaphyra trace above to Cheshire's Claptons and Masseys/Maceys (the Comyns garbs should trace to Cheshire too). Hugh D'Avranches of Chester use a white-on-blue wolf (i.e. should now link to the Clapton and Fidelow wolf), and the fourth ruler of Chester after him was Ranulph de GERNon, traced earlier to the gyronny symbol out of Gironde and likely also Garonne. The Gernon surname uses a "CyFOETH" motto term that I've traced to the same Foetes elements as Fidelows. Foetes/Fidelow is in southern Bavaria beside Wurttemberg. The white wolf is a symbol of LockHARTS/FLOCKharts who use Herod- and Art-like endings, and who should trace to the Locks / Lokens / Logens using the swan that's easily linked to mythical Lohengrin. Scottish Logens use a heart too.

Lockheeds (looks like the York/MalCOLM/Colm saltire) were first found in heart-using Lanarkshire. Interesting here is that "Mal Colm" is said to mean "big head" (I don't believe it but some did) while Lockheeds are also LockHEAD.

From the Kurd surname, first found in Ayrshire (same theater as gyronny-using Campbells/Cammels and MacArthers), we can trace Herods to the Caird variation of Kurds, and even make suspects out of Cards and Carts. In this picture, I may have been wrong to trace Carts and similar others to "Carthage" elements...unless Carthage elements named Herods in the first place. Consider mythical Aeneas, who was in Carthage before founding Rome. His wife was Creusa, a term that I've traced to "Hros = Rus" of the "Rhodes" kind. It was to "Rhodes" that I traced "Herod," and I even recall making arguments twice for a "Herod" trace to mythical Creusa. In fact, it was suspect that mythical Creusa was the root of "ROSY CROSS" of the rosy Rhodes kind. Since then, Creusa-like terms have traced to 666-suspect crow lines, and the vikings using the raven were in my opinion the same Varangian / Templar pirates now under discussion as potential Herod bloodliners. If Herod does trace to Creusa, then Herods trace to the "mother" of the Romans, who can be identified with the Roman she-wolf. [Later in this update, the Roman she-wolf will be seen honored in a city (Siena) near Arettium, Tuscany.]

If all this is correct, the vikings who attempted world control between 800-1050 AD, and then invaded Jerusalem in about 1100, were Herod goons, the bloodline that, in the Israel of Jesus' days, counted the throne with such importance that it killed even infants in order to do away with threats to its throne. And Herod was the type to kill even family members for merely a throne, an abused throne. But the ones on the 12 thrones of God's kingdom will be servants of the peoples, and there will no more be tax money allotted to building empires using vast military machinery. Unemployment will be 0, and "fat cat" will be a phrase of the ancient past.

I've got to tell a story. When I first started on the dragon bloodline, there was no Hebrew element, no Israeli element, no Herod or Edomite elements, and I certainly didn't think Esau had anything to do with it. I wanted to stay away from British Israelism. It was all about the Varangians at that time, about ten years ago. About that time, emailer Pollock started reading some post-trib material and contacted me, telling about her porphyria disease, and that she was tracking with some others online seeking to track the "royal disease" to certain royals and bloodlines. She later introduced me to Robin, another porphyria victim who wrote to me for only a few months (summer of 2006). Judging by what the two had shared in their hunts -- that the disease was large amongst Swedes, Hungarians, Komnenoi Byzantines, Merovingians, and Rollo's viking line -- I started to see that the disease had Varangians of Kiev in common. I started to think that the presence of these two women in my email was Directed by God. My early hunches on the ideas that followed were years before clinching Pollock-surname importance in the dragon bloodline (which always goes through Varangians).

One of the theories in those early years was that the purple of heraldry was secretly code for porphyria genes...that some royals may have valued, ironically. Herods and Esau-ites were not yet a topic at the time. Eventually, I started to see that Mascis were a common element in another genetic disease that seemed connect-able, especially though the Masci link I had made to Pollocks, to the main-line porphyria gene. I didn't emphasize this Masci factor in Parkinson's disease, but thought it to be important enough to mention in passing a few times. It just so happens that MontGOMERys, first found in the same place (Renfrew) as Pollocks, use fleur in Masci-fleur and Comyn-garb colors.

Even up to a couple of weeks ago, when it was becoming apparent that the purple of heraldry was from one or both Herods of France, I didn't know that both of these sons of Herod the great skunk trace to the Komnenoi bloodline out of Comana. In this update, I even discovered evidence that Herods were the root of Varangians. I'm not lying: that idea was arrived to in just the way you saw it written above: it had nothing to do with a prior plot of mine to make the Herods and Varangians both fit the porphyria bloodline.

I think that sufficient evidence has been provided to trace the Mascis to the Comana line via Julia Maesa so that, as it now turns out, it wasn't just my imagination when I caught glimpse (years ago) of Masci links to the porphyria bloodline. One of the strongest reasons for that hunch was the known Meschin merger with purple-lion Skiptons (and the quasi-incestuous relationships of those bloodline-worshiping clans). I had known for years that Cliffords were in the Skipton write-up as the family to continue with Skipton estates, but it wasn't until the past two weeks when Cliffords were identify-able as a line of Glaphyra, who lived in Comana and married a Herod. It's like the solution to the mystery just bounced into my lap in the last two weeks. The fact that one of my mother's bloodlines is a Masci one tells me again that God has used me, not due to any other thing besides having that bloodline, to track the dragon bloodline unlike anyone has ever done before. And Julie was right, that the dragon traces in particular to Herods. She wrote:

...yes, it does 'all' eventually come down to the Herod family...the Masons and Templars and other secret societies were indeed all organized to 'guard' a very special bloodline... the Herod bloodline.

Somehow, she understood this long before I would find it, and it appears that God had prepared her too to bring us the keys needed to fill the voids that myself can't find all by his lonesome.

But it was Tim who got me to keep eyes out for Edomites in heraldry, and to my surprise, this led into a major facet of the entire revelation. Even to this day, it appears the Essenes, whom are suspect as Esau-ites, are part of the Comana line through Heliogabalus. Tim has been responsible for many new insights that I felt were so-well timed that God was sending us messages through him. It was Tim who sent us the Dumas surname, albeit it was quite a while (over a year. anyway) before it became Julia-Maesa-important in the past two updates. But had he not sent it in, I would not likely have checked such a surname when on the Heliogabalus topic. I had it burned in my brain ever since that the Dumas and Savard Coats both use three besants on a blue Shield, but had no idea that both surnames would trace to the Severus-Bassianus family that I knew nothing about until the past two updates. It gives me goose bumps.

One of the things still on the agenda to write about was this following message from Tim when I was emphasizing the central besant of the York surname and of an Arms of York: "Hi John, I had a look at the York Rite page and noticed that one of the symbols is known as a triple tau." "Tau" is the Greek for the letter T. Here's what I wrote Tim:

...Ask, why "TRIPLE" T? Is the Tau for a Triple-like surname [I wasn't yet on the Trypillians]? The Liptons use a "tau" in their chief (in the colors of the Trips) that I traced tentatively to the Tipps [must have the 's' in order to come up] surname because I trace Tipps' to the motto of Pendragons while Liptons use white lilies on a chevron like the Pendragons who use "teipsum." I can't recall that surname you sent in that related to "teipsum."...

Hey wow, wait. I just remembered. I emailed a about an hour or less ago, and shared with him/her that the surname is part of the Tancred / Tankerville bloodline, and I mentioned the scallops in the Tankersley Coat...which are the colors of the scallops in the Lipton Chief right beside the Lipton "tau"!!!

I looked into that a few days ago, and noticed that both Tancreds and Tankersleys were first found in YORKshire! So, I guess I'd have to say that this is another case of such perfect timing from you that it's important to the ongoing revelation, praise God.

I'd say that the triple tau is for Tankersleys.

Was that not something? I don't think I had ever had email from the Tankersley person until that time. If God hasn't been answering your prayers these past few years, it's probably because He's been spending all his time on this revelation. Or, if I were an intelligent man, he'd have time to answer your prayers. Don't give up on him, because he needs to be quiet in these years to test everyone's faith. He wants to know how you will behave if you think that God is not there. He doesn't want people behaving themselves only because he stands nearby with the punishing rod in his hands. He wants people in his kingdom who behave themselves genuinely for the love of what's good and right.

The following tells of Tancreds in Galilee. Why were they the ones given that place to rule the Templar kingdom? And why Antioch too?

Tancred (1075 - December 5 or December 12, 1112) was a Norman leader of the First Crusade who later became Prince of Galilee and regent of the Principality of Antioch. Tancred had a great-grandfather with the same name, Tancred of Hauteville, however since both Tancreds were from the house of Hauteville, they may be confused.

Tancred was a son of Emma of Hauteville and Odo the Good Marquis. His maternal grandparents were Robert Guiscard and Guiscard's first wife Alberada of Buonalbergo. Emma was also a sister of Bohemund of Taranto.

...When the Kingdom of Jerusalem was established, Tancred became Prince of Galilee.,_Prince_of_Galilee

I had gotten the impression (years before coming across the quote above) that the Templar invasion into Jerusalem was much the result of Guiscards (a Rollo line) having conquered a large area of southern Italy. Since then, I'd come to understand that Guiscards were a Mieszko line, but it wasn't until quite recently that the HAUTEville connection was made with Mieszko's daughter, Sigrid the HAUGHTy, who married a Danish king as well as a Swedish one. Some say that York was named by Danish Norsemen, though I think it was named after a GORGon term. The point is, there is besant-reason to believe here that the Tancred > Guiscard aspect of the York Rite goes to the Mieszko line in the Bessin (Normandy), and therefore to the Meschins of the Bessin...who were from Rollo's uncle (Malahule).

This easily traces the York besant to the Bassianus line...that went to Basina, the mother of Clovis, whose dynasty ruled at Paris, home of the Parisii Gorgons that co-founded York along with the Abreu bloodline that Rollo chose as his favorite (he ruled at Rouen, beside Evreux, and I say the two leopards of Normandy were the two lions of the Abreu Coat). Thus, Normans and Italians merged in Normandy (the Italians were there first), and shortly afterward we find the Tancred > Guiscard line conquering Sicily and threatening up into central Italy where the Abruzzo area sat. History is nothing but a big rat feasting on the rotten corpse of humanity, and the sons of the devil delight in a weak tribe easily conquered and exploited, forcing the entire world to lock their doors at night.

The Sheaves / Chaves were first found in Abruzzo, and they use the key symbol as does the Crest of Clavers/Cleavers/Clovers (Meschin-Shield format). Compare "Claver" with "Chave" and ask whether there wasn't some relationship, and if so, shouldn't the Sheaves / Chaves trace to "Glaphyra"? For more than a year, I've been tracing the heraldic KEY to "KAIsariya," the Cappadocian capital. Glaphyra's Comana location was not only part of Cappadocia, but was in Adana, where the Danaans, and therefore the Rollo Danes, had roots.

The York-Rite motto that comes with their tilted cross (used by Pascals too) is "In hoc signo vinces," the words supposedly spoken by Christ to Constantine I. To Constantine, these words and the accompanying vision meant that he should proceed to conquer Rome in the sign of Christ's cross (that appeared to him in the sky). But I don't believe that Christ would be with Constantine for that purpose...though perhaps he thought he saw a cross vision that he interpreted as a sign from the Christ he did not know. The point is, there are reasons to seek a link of the Heliogabalus line to Constantine, the founder of the Byzantine capital, Constantinople. The impression now is that the tilted Templar cross is a symbol in particular of Constantine's reported vision. AND, one now has reason to trace the porphyria of the Byzantines to the Comana line as it went through Constantine. More on Constantine later.

Another point is that the York-besant line was engaged by royal Edwards of England (they were still of the Rollo line), and they carried the "Ich Dien" code (belongs to the Prince of Wales) while the Masci wing is used by the Dien surname. The Dien Coat uses the colors of the Clavers. COMana is suspect as a Gomerian line to Welsh scythians (especially Montgomerys), wherefore the central aspect in the title, Prince of Wales, is suspect as that line from Comana. Yes, it appears that British royals know of their trace to Herod blood. I tend to trace much Welsh blood of the scyhthian kind to Gorgons / Amazons in northern Africa, and Glaphyra was married to the king of Mauritania...which has got to be the reason for the special devotion of Sinclair Rus on the Moors.

Here's from the 5th update of October, 2010:

The city of Chester ruled by Meschins, though first by Avranches, was called Deva, by what I've insisted was the Daphne cult...

The suspicion, therefore, is that the purple dolphin of Taras and Tiresias bloodlines traces to the PygMALIon Tyrians, and where I trace those Tyrians to Mali-based Moors/Mauritanians/Tuaregs that are then traced to Malahule, son of Eystein, it's very conspicuous that Eystein had another son, RAGNvald, smacking of the Reagan dolphin. The porphyria victim [Robin] who wrote to me, who has a Tuttle bloodline that I have just traced to Pygmalion>Dido, insisted that the disease came from the Rollo bloodline somehow (she had not read any of my writings when she was led to that conclusion, and frankly I knew practically nothing by which to help her, accept that I conjectured a Varangian-Rus base for the disease, likely from the Kiev Varangians merged with purple-loving Byzantines.

As I showed that Tuaregs were also in Mali among the Mande-branch peoples, there is a good chance that Tuareg Amazons were an Everes>Tiresias-Manto bloodline to Mantua, next to MILan and not far from Turin. Turin gets us smack beside Dauphine.

There is no contradiction in tracing porphyria both to Adana and to Tyrians, for CadMUS Tyrians were at Adana. As you can see that I traced the Carthaginian Tyrians to Mali, the suspected root of "Malahule" and of the Moor elements that Sinclairs honor, it jibes with the Glaphyra marriage to Juba, king of Mauritanians. It once again traces porphyria to Comana, and it just so happens that it was Robin who had traced the disease to the Komnenos Byzantines.

Robin wasn't sure whether her disease was from Rollo in particular, or his wife, Poppa of Valois. I found that the Valois Coat is like the Tuttle/Toutehill Coat, and that the Rollo Coat not only uses the same-colored chevron as Tuttals (something Robin didn't know), but a "tout" motto term (used also by Esau-suspect Oliphants). At present the Tuttle chevron is colors reversed to the Robin chevron, and both surnames use white-on-blue crescents, the colors of the Toothills/Touthills and Romney bends. The Romneys can be important here because the Robins were traced to Palmyra of Syria while Sinclair-rooted Mormons (they baptized Rollo post-humously) have a foundation in Palmyra, New York. The Toothills are a good reason to recall that the Hill-surname tower (same tower as Moratins) traced to Auriol at the mouth of the Rhone.

There's a good chance that the Essenes I see at Comana were Esau-ites. Oliphants can be traced to Adana and Mazaca in two heraldic ways, by the Oliphant crescents used apparently in the Chief of French Masseys, and in the Dein Coat (I'm expecting Deins to be related to Rollo Danes)...not to mention in the Tout Coat. As was explained a few times, it just so happens that the Robin surname can be linked to these very clans, including the Tuttel-colored Thistles/Thissels. There are various reasons to believe that Rollo Sinclairs had hooked up with Arthur-branch Herod liners, and so is it a coincidence that blue thistles, the symbol of Robins, are used also by Covens/Gowans while Comminges was earlier called, Lugdunum COVENarum? The Herod clan had some contact with lines out of Commagene, beside Syria.

[It's past noon and I haven't time for more proof-reading to check for bad grammar etc., but thus far all looks pretty sound. Now for the long, dreaded spell check. Where's my coffee pot?]

Thissels were first found in the Channel Islands, which group includes Guernsey, where lines of Herod Antipas are suspect. In fact, Footes in Guernsey was linked to Foetes/Fussen as well as to Ranulph de Gernon, and then while Foetes/Fussen uses the same basic Arms of Isle of Man, Lug was the sun god in the Isle of Man. Lug is known to be at the root of "Lugdunum," and should therefore have been a founding entity at Lugdunum Covenarum. Recall that the Lannoys, Herod-Archelaus suspects, use the same lions as the Lyons who likely trace to Lyon = Lugdunum (it's as though Herod Archelaus elements ventured to Covenarum, where his brother was banished). The colors of those lions are the colors of the Coven/Gavin cinquefoils, and as Lannoys were discovered to be Alans of Dol, what's with the red-on-white upright lion, symbol of the English Stewarts, doing in the Coven/Gavin Coat??? Reminder: the Coven/Gavin Chief are in the colors of the Herod/Hurl Coat.

I had traced the MANX people of Isle of Man to MANCHE, and then the Channel Islands are also called, Iles d'la Manche. Moreover, the Mathie/MANN surname uses the gyronny symbol already traced to Herod's Gernon links. Reminder: the same gyronny as in the Arms of Gironde, and even in the same colors, is used by Picards while Lannoys were first found in Picardy.

I doubt that the Channel islands were named after any surname of the kind, but the Channel variation of the Connell/Cannell surname may have been named after the English Channel. One reason is that it uses the MacCarthy/Arthy stag i.e. of a Herod-suspect line. Moreover, the Channel/Connel surname merged with Desmonds and settled Muskerry, where I expect the Massey line that I see in the Footes / Foetes entities. We read: "the O'Connells, of Kerry; O'Sheas, chiefs of Muskerry, in Cork; and several other chiefs, claim descent from the Clan na Deaga, Chiefs of Munster, originally a branch of the Heremonians of Ulster." Just who were those HERE-MONians? And were the O'Sheas of the Shaws/Sheas? The Channel/Connell uses trefoils in the colors of the HROD/Rod trefoils (this surname was definitely that of the Rodez rulers), and although this was a common Irish symbol, it's roots can trace to Redones of the Herod kind in France. [If the cone-shaped black stone has to do with the Cone / Hone/Koun bloodline, and especially if an ancient term for cone/conical is like our "cone," then the Connels may apply to the black-stone line too. After all, we just saw that Connels are of MUSkerry while the Hones/Wings/Kouns use the Keon fish tracing to Khyan, whose household I say was from Mus of Lake Van. Phrygians used a conical hat.]

Irish Shea's use fleur in the colors of MontGOMERys. The write-up for these Sheas suggests that the surname morphed into the Gaelic for "hawk," and then the Hawk surname (Redone-inhabited Lincolnshire) uses purple (staves). The Herods/Hurls use a "hawk's lure."

One can even ask whether Lug (he was first in Ireland before retreating to the Isle of Man) was the makings of the Heliogabalus sun god since the latter was traced to Imperia (and perhaps Antibes) at Liguria's coast. The Heliogabalus cult in Woerden of the Netherlands is near Leyden, said to be named after Lug. (Luxembourg is also thought to be named after Lug.)

Remember here that the Lacy's, whom I trace to the foundations of Ligurians at Lacydon exactly at the Rhone area where Comana and Heliogabalus traced, use a purple lion, as do Veys/Vivians who appear in code in the "Vivit" motto term of Robins. The Vey/Vivian Coat uses a chevron in the colors of the same of Rollo's and Tuttels, on the Fife Shield-and-Chief combination.

Another reminder: the English Lannoys, the ones using the plume on a helmet, use the same fleur-de-lys (in the colors of the Comyns/Cummings) as MontGOMerys who are suspect at "Comana" with such surnames as COMERfords/Comforts / Camelfords/COMERfords (both surnames use peacocks). The Comforts use the same colored bugle as Peacock-related Pollocks. This is all important because, if I recall correctly, emailer Pollock has a Comfort bloodline, and because two porphyria-carrying bloodlines, mating, greatly increases the chances for the disease in the offspring. The disease is now tracing very well to the Comana > Comminges line, just as Robin had insinuated unawares in her research. Robin thought that her two were the Tuttals and the Welles. It just so happens that Tuttles were first found in Essex, location of CAMULOdunum, the place to which Camelfords/Campbellfords/Comerfords should trace.

Interesting here is that I traced Gomer-suspect Chemmites to "QUMran" so that even CAMpbells/CAMmells can trace to Chemmites as well as to "Comana." It can explain why Herods of Covenarum/Comminges merged with Campbells.

If Covens/Gavins do trace to Covenarum, there are all sorts of surname possibilities that may likewise. German Covers/Coburgs/Goburgs (axe) were first found in Thuringia, location of Basina (Heliogabalus suspect). English Covers, in the colors of Coverts/Cofferts, use a white bend with bendlets, as do Toothills. The Cobbs (in Cover / Covert colors) were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Covers, and use "STEMmata" in their motto, likely code for the Stems/Steins that were traced to the black stone of Heliogabalus. The Cobbs at present are showing the same elephant design in Crest as the Corbett/Corbin Crest, and while the latter were first found in Shropshire, location of Brittany's Alans that seemed to be in the Coven lion, the Covers are said to be from "Count Alan of Brettagny."

Herod Trace to Boofima-rooted Marsi at Fucino, and other Swear Words

As Herods of Comana are tracing to the mouth of the Rhone, where I say the Marsi of Abruzzo named Marseille, a look at some ugly pagan themes passing through Abruzzo's lake Fucino is in order. I don't know whether the "Lake Fuscinus" spelling in the quote below is an error (it's repeated online several time), but if not, it can be a valuable tool for tracing that lake's name to the Heliogabalus priesthood. Moreover, "FUSCIN(us)" helps to make the case that the namers of this lake named Foetes/FUSSEN (Bavaria) that is already tracing to Herods of the Antipas kind. It just so happens that the snake goddess (Angitia) at Fucino had her holy day on May 1, the day that the official Bavarian Illuminati was founded.

Whenever we see a pas term in heraldry, as for example the "Pascit" term of Corbetts/Corbins, it's suspect as code for "AntiPAS," and so be reminded that Antibes is not far from Marseille. You may have seen modern Pharisees -- that is, the Jewish Orthodox priests -- coiling leather straps around their arms as part of their religious observances. It just so happens that the snake-goddess cult at Fucino was related to a cult that made images of snakes coiled around arms (see quote below). The point here is that Pharisees/Sadducees proper in Jesus' days had a Corban law that Jesus was sure to point out. Therefore, as you read on, keep in mind that the priests of Israel in Jesus' day may have had roots -- thanks to Roman powers which gave them rule in Israel-- in the very Roman snake cult under discussion.

We are about to see that "Fuscinus" can also be "Piscinus," smacking not only of the "Pascit" term of Corbetts/Corbins, but of the Piscinas location smack beside Sant'ANTIoco. We are also going to see reason for tracing the Fucino cult (no doubt of Ares and Aphrodite, the sex-abuse cult) to Arthur's "wife": the Heneti > Veneti that I see in "Anti." That wife was the makings of Venus (= wife of Mars) by way of Aphrodite, code for a Heneti peoples. Reminder: I traced Boofima to the Anton surname's goat and leopard symbol, and that surname smacks of Antenor, mythical symbol of the Heneti.

The point here is that "Antipas" and/or "Antibes" may have been named in-part after Sant'Antioco, and in-part after PIScinas, which would tend to reveal that Herod roots were partly in Seleucids out of Sant'Antioco = Sulcis...but also tracing to Fond de Villes (who use a purple banner) because I see Fonds/Fonts in the fountain symbol of Piscinas (the latter term means, fountain).

Are you understanding me? It looks as though Herod-proper roots, if indeed they trace to the Redones on the Rhodanus, were partly in the Marsi namers of Marseille, but going back to mythical Marsyas, the goat of Phrygia and the root, according to my investigations, of the Boofima cult...that passed through Imperia, just a few miles from Antibes. By now, as per the coiled snakes in this discussion, you know that the Phrygians at heart are the Galli-priesthood sex-abusers, the priests of CYBELE and Attis, the root of HelioGABALus.

It was Julie who sent in the following webpage a few weeks ago:

Angitia or Anguitina: Oscan Goddess of healing, especially from poison. A sister of Circe, Her sacred grove was at Lake Fuscinus where both sacred snakes and healing herbs were found, like the Bona Dea at Rome.

A Procession of the Serpents is still held in Her honor on 1 May in Lanciano, Abruzzia...

I don't at present know whether Fuscinus/Fucino named Piscinas (beside Sant'Antioco (Sardinia), or vice versa, though I'm guessing that Fucino was named first, in which case we can trace the Marsi of Marseille to Sardinia. The same page speaks on a Soranus cult that traces apparently to the SANGarius river of Phrygia, perhaps indicating that "ANGitia" was a corruption or play on "Sangarius." Here's the Soranus part of the webpage:

...Soranus: The mediator between the gods and men, who oversees health and purification through savage, ecstatic rites [evokes the Dionysus rites, and he was a mythical portrayal of the Galli priests]. A Sabine god [lake Fucino was in the land of Sabines], often identified with Apollo, whose oracle was at Mont Soracte, and whose priests, the hirpini, carried offerings to him on a path of hot coals. Soranus is also known as the wolf god Sancus [term like Sangarius] at Rome, as Hirpus among the Samnite Hirpini. His female counterpoint is Hirpa, sometimes called Feronia, also known in Rome as Angeronia [term like Angitia] who was regarded as the protective goddess of Rome and was silenced to prevent Her from revealing Her secret name, thought to be Sorania.

Two good points to make here include the trace of Herod-related CAMPbells to CAMPania's Abellinum [though, as of this update, that trace is being questioned as per a "Campbell" trace instead to "Iamblichus"], where the Hirpini lived. The second point is that "Apollo/Abello," who probably named Abellinum/Avellino, looks like "Kybele/Cybele" and the Cabelees, the makings, probably, of "HelioGABALus."

As Soranus oversaw health, he smacks of "Coronis," mother of Asclepios (coiled-snake symbol), the mythical physician, and it therefore traces Soranus to Chora on Patmos, what I identified as the Coronis crow line of Apollo. AND ZOWIE, WE CAN NOW GET IT: the crow/raven is used by Pascit-using CORbets/CORbins! They were from the Coronis location at CHORA, and they knew it,k and they merged, apparently, with Piscinas elements from Sardinia. As Soranus was married to Angeronia, Soranus can indeed be traced to Sardinia's Piscinas if indeed that place was named after lake Fuscinus/Piscinus/Fucino. It's all revealing that Angitia of Fucino was from the Asclepios cult out of Patmos. As Patmos is now suspect as the root of Roman Patricians, see this:

The state religion of Rome permitted a few women to act as priestesses, but under tight controls. It usually required them to be patrician matrons...

State goddesses like Mater Matuta and Fortuna Primigenia embodied patrician norms. The statue of Mater Matuta was veiled like a patrician matron...

...Women came to Egeria's sanctuary to pray for children and easy birth:

Almost countless clay models of the uterus have been found near her shrine, together with the torch, the symbol of midwives and of the Mater Matuta, who in the early hours of the morning opened the uterus and bade the baby come forth. [Hurd-Mead, circa 49]

[Not far above, I had the impression that the black stone had to do with birth, which is when the uterus at this area of the update came to mind. I decided not to mention it, until the spell-check got to "Egeria," which not only smacks of "egg," but of the "Eagrian" term I misspelled for "Wagrian." Wagrians were identified above with the Komnenos line, the black-stone line. The reason that birth came to mind was when the conical hats worn at birthday parties came to mind, which idea occurred when I wrote on the Phrygian caps above, for Phrygians had a mother goddess who traces well to "Gabal." A mother goddess and birth would go hand-in-hand. Interesting here is that UTHER Pendragon smacks of "uterus." Also, "Uther" traces to the Other surname of LOMbards, and they in turn trace to Qumran's Essenes. Essenes at Carmel apparently had a cult around Elijah / Elisha, the possible root of Eleutha/Eileithyia, the birth mother of Crete.]

The birth goddess of Crete, Eleuthia, seems to be in play here because she was the mother, ultimately, of Artemis, Apollo's twin sister. This is the third time now that I've seen Artemis with torch symbols, but on this occasion, it's tracing the Statue of Liberty to Roman priestesses. Eleuthia was traced (by me) to Essenes at mount Carmel, and Artemis was an Amazon goddess in Ephesus, where there existed an "essenes" oracle cult, same theme as the Apollo oracle (just a bunch of false prophets/prophetesses blowing hot air usually on behalf of political figures).

The essenes cult in Ephesus (that city was husband to Aphrodite, lord of the Galli) was a bee / honey cult that can be traced here to the Opis/Ops bee cult of Sabines, which cult used the cornucopia, symbol of Bona Dea. Later in the article: "The center of the ecstatic Mysteries [of Soranus] was the Aventine hill (Avvites?]. This rural and plebeian district of Rome was home to some of its oldest temples: those of Carmenta [Carmel elements?], Diana, and Mercury. Plebeian worship of the Aventine triad -- Ceres [Chora of Patmos?], Liber and Libera [from the Cretan LABRYS axe? expected by me to be in the Eleuthia cult] -- thrived there. This hill was also the headquarters of Bona Dea, whose sanctuary was reputed to be most ancient."

As per Diana's OPIferra name, I'd say it related to the Opis/Ops cult; note that Opiferra was at Marseille(s), for the Opis/Ops cult can be expected amongst the Marsi Sabines:

Every hearth in Italy celebrated the festival of Diana on August 13th, when the Latin league was first founded. Her ancient statue was modeled on Artemis of Ephesus, by way of Marseilles. Diana had another grove at Tibur, where she was called Opifera 'help-bringing.' [never mind that secondary definition, but note how it does align with the Eleuthia theme.]

Opifera was also a title of Bona Dea...Bona Dea's Roman temple was built over a cave where the priestesses kept sacred serpents...Statues of the goddess show a snake coiling around her right arm, drinking from an offering bowl in her hand. Her left arm cradles a cornucopia, the attribute of Fortuna and Terra Mater."

The Rollo motto, "La FORTUNE PASSE par tout," could apply to Bona-Dea Fortuna as well as to the Pas entity of "Antipas." Interesting here is that the Valois surname is also "Valour," smacking of Valerius Gratus, while the Valery Coat (looks related to the Payen Coat) uses a chevron in the colors of the Rollo chevron. The Rollos were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as the reported mother of Pontius Pilate, who ruled Jerusalem on behalf of Romans immediately after Valerius Gratus. Then, the Pillettes use grails that I link to the cup that Jesus spoke about when condemning priests of Israel, which is being repeated due to the offering bowl of Bona Dea, for, as was said, Orthodox Jews strap bands coiled around their arms in the same fashion as Bona Dea's snakes. Note that they were coiled around her right arm, for we are discussing the 666 bloodline out of Patmos.

The uterus symbol of DIAna, whom we may gather was the same as Bona DEA, is perhaps related to the phallus idols used by a Fascinus cult (almost the same term as "Fuscinus") of Rome. As Asclepios was traced to Scylla (namers of Sicily) and therefore to Euskals = Basques, consider the similarity between "Basque/Vascones" and "Fasc." As Fuscinus/Fucino was traced to Foetes/Fussen, which uses in its Arms three human legs in the same fashion as the Arms of Sicily. The rod around which the Asclepios snake is coiled is thought to be symbol for the male sex organ. It's definitely a theme of homosexuals and similar happy-go-lucky swine of the human race.

The article goes on: "Snakes and healing herbs were also kept at the grove of the goddess Angitia or Anguitina at lake Fuscinus. [Piscinus, online]" This is where I learned of the potential trace of lake Fucino to Sardinia's Piscinas, the place suspect above with "AntiPAS." I traced the Seleucids from that Piscinas theater to Mieszko of Poland, who came out of GOPLO, a term traced in the last update to "Gabal(us)." A Gallus Anonymous wrote that Goplo was ruled at first ruled by a Popiel character that easily traced to Pepins, and then I traced Pepins to Paphlagonian Heneti, same peoples as under discussion here.

"Servius wrote that 'it was forbidden to call [Bona Dea] by her name.'...Her secret name was Fenta Fauna or Fenta Fatua. {A long-ago reference, which I can't find now, said that Fauna was depicted as an old woman with pointed ears holding a serpent.} Fenta was the name of a Gaulish goat-goddess..." For me, "Fenta" refers to a Veneti line, and "Fauna" to the Pan > Faunus line. In Greek myth, women resisted Pan, and the same theme is seen in the Bona Dea cult, which is ultimately a female-oriented cult that did not appreciate males. We might say that Apollo was a symbol of the gaga queers who never grew up enough to appreciate women, while Artemis was for gaga females who couldn't grow up enough to appreciate men. These peoples had stunted their spirituality, unable to achieve or even admit the truth.

The Homs Trace to Ladon

Tim just sent in an article on the ruling dynasty of Emesa, and it led to an investigation that I should have done previously. "Emesa was added to the domains of Sampsiceramus I, but the first Emesani capital was Arethusa, a city north of Emesa, along the Orontes River. The kingdom of Sampsiceramus I was the first of Rome's client kingdoms on the desert's fringes. The kingdom's boundaries extended from the Beqaa Valley in the West to the border of Palmyra in the East, from Yabrud in the South to Arethusa in the North and Heliopolis." Heliogabalus may have been named in-part after Heliopolis, itself named after Alexander the Great's death i.e. it was probably a Seleucid town. Heliopolis was later named after Baal / Jupiter / Zeus.

Arethusa, the capital of the Emesa empire, will shortly trace to Elis, suggesting a possible Elis trace to "Helio." More importantly for the moment is that Sampsiceramus I "rebuilt the city of Salamiyah," a place smacking of HieroSOLYMA (Greek for Jerusalem), for the stretch from Emesa to Palmyra was the Amurru kingdom that I'm sure traces in-part to Jerusalem's Amorites. The Daphne = Harbiye = Antioch location near Arethusa is the one that I trace to mount Gareb at Jerusalem. I trace mount Aqra, the mountain of Baal called Saphon in ancient times, to mount Acra at Jerusalem; it was the Baal of that mountain that defeated the seven-headed Lotan dragon. You can see in this picture how the chief priests of Israel could have been from this Amoro-Syrian dynasty at Emesa, and since the Biblical-dragon bloodline through Ladon needs to go back to Zion's Amorites, it makes sense that the chief priests of Israel were rooted also in Zion's Amorites.

As "Saphon" smacks of "Daphne," it's an easy conclusion that the Ladon river that mythical Daphne belonged to was named after elements from Lotan and Saphon. Myth writers traced Daphne of the Ladon river forward in time to Daphne/Harbiye in Syria, not vice versa, which for the moment is tracing the Heliogabalus cult to Daphne and her father, Ladon. This is a necessary part of my traces, if Heliogabalus is a main vein of the Biblical dragon, and is not being forced into the discussion, for there was an Arethusa entity in the Ladon-river theater. This Arethusa element at the Ladon river (Peloponnesia) seems very important where the lords of Emesa ruled from a city in Syria by that name.

"Areth" moreover smacks of "Art" and "Herod" all at once, and may be the root of "Herod" that I've been tracing to Syria. In fact, Herods are as-of-now being traced tentatively to Antioch-suspected Antibes while Daphne/Harbiye was made the Seleucid capital and therefore re-named, Antioch. Mythical Arethusa "was a nymph and daughter of Nereus (making her a Nereid), and later became a fountain on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily." Interpretation: Arethusa was a Nahorite peoples from Dor, the location to which I traced Garebites that I identified largely with Nahorites. Moreover, Syracuse is a SARacen location that should trace to Nahorites in SEIR / Edom, where the Biblical Lotan lived who is suspect as the seven-headed Lotan dragon of Seir-like Syria. Herods are to be expected from this dragonic Edomite line.

Late in history (Guiscard / Templar era), Saracen rulers named Samsam and Timnah were in the Syracuse theater, and these may trace to "SampsiceraMUS," but also to the Hyksos house of Mus that I see in "Biblical" Sampson and CadMUS. I realize that there may be no MUS ending on that ruler's name, but just in case, it's worth a mention.

It's been a while since I've mentioned my fundamental like of Nibelungs to Garebites. I traced Nibelungs to mythical Nephele (wife of the Ixion-Hyksos), whom myth writers identified with Hera but depicted as a cloud. Not only do I trace "Hera" to "Hierosolyma" and to "Gareb," but Arethusa was given a cloud symbol too: "After a long chase, [Arethusa] prayed to her goddess to ask for protection. Artemis hid her in a cloud, but Alpheus was persistent. She began to perspire profusely from fear, and soon transformed into a stream. Artemis then broke the ground allowing Arethusa another attempt to flee. Her stream traveled under the earth to the island of Ortygia, but Alpheus flowed through the sea to reach her and mingle with her waters." This is an account of the migration of two peoples, Arethusa, and the other from the Alpheus river, to Syracuse.

It seems that ORTygia was morphed from ARETHia over some centuries, but in any case the idea here is to trace proto-Herods from Arethusa to Ortygia, not a very far sail to Sant'Antioco and Piscinas on Sardinia. Moreover, this migration has the markings of proto-Arthurians in Scylla and Charybdis, the latter being in Bruttium/Calabria, but ultimately from Carpi/ Arpii and Ugrians, and before that from Ugarit and Arados/Arpad [the latter near Arethusa where I say Aretas ruled].

If we want to understand this migration better, let me add that Arethusa seeking to escape Alpheus is similar to Daphne wanting to escape Apollo while he had his eyes on her when she swam in the Ladon river. "Apollo/Abello" traces to Cabelees, fellow-tribe with Solymi and Pisidians, and Arethusa-aka-Alpheus was in the land of Pisa of the Pisidians. Thus far, "HelioGABALus traces in-part to Cabelees, and in-part to Heliopolis, home of Baal whom I trace to "Abello" and "Pel(ops)," the latter married to the Amazons of Pisa (at Elis). "Arethusa occasionally appeared on coins as a young girl with a net in her hair and dolphins around her head. These coins were common around Ortygia..." The dolphins are a clear sign that Arethusa was a Ladon > Daphne line.

On the Alpheus river:

"...the longest river in the Peloponnese, in Greece. The river is 110 km long, flowing through the regional units of Arcadia and Elis. Its source is near the village DORIZas [smacks of Doris, wife of Nereus], about halfway between Tripoli and Megalopoli in the highlands of Arcadia...Near Tripotamia the rivers Ladon and Erymanthos flow into the Alfeios. The Alfeios then flows west along Olympia and empties into the Ionian Sea south of Pyrgos.

The mention of Tripoli and Tripotamia together reminds of the Trypillians in the Nahorite theater of the Neuri kind. Yes, "Tripoli" and "Tripotamia" can mean "three cities" and "three rivers" respectively, but were these the original terms of the area? Tripotamia may have been named after the same elements that named the Tropaia township surrounding it.

Then, "TripoTAMIA" smacks of Pelop's wife, HippoDAMA, who was from this very Tripotamia theater. This is the first I've caught wind of this identification for Pelop's wife, so far as I can recall. If the "Tripo" part is for Trabzon elements, it explains why Hippodamia was an Amazon entity. A trace of the 666 bloodline to Tripotamia / Tropaia is very conducive with a trace of the 666 to the Ladon river flowing about a mile from Tripotamia.

As Trypillians were a 666 bloodline, which bloodline must trace to Patmos, it's interesting that the Alpheus article goes on to say: "The ancient highway linking Patras and Kalamata ran along this [Alpheus] river for most of the length east of Olympia." I don't know whether I realized it before, but it's a no-brainer now to identify "EryMANTHOS" with Manto, Daphne's sister. This was the Everes > Tiresias > Daphne line of Hyksos out of Avaris. They were traced to Patmos by other methods, and from Scala at Patmos they traced to Scylla and Messina.

Patras is in the area infested with ancient Taphian pirates that I trace to "Daphne." Patras goes by another name, MESSAtida, smacking of "Emesa": "Messatida was named after the ancient Achaean town Mesatis, according to local legend the place where Dionysus was reared." I would argue here that we are definitely on the Mus household of the Exodus pharaoh, and probably on the proto-Maesa surname suspect from "Emesa."

INTERESTING is that Patras is said to be named after a mythical Patreus character, and then yesterday I read that Mitt Romney, a Mormon (with Roman roots, apparently), may choose general Petraeus as his vice-presidential candidate.

There is even a Glaphyra-like term at Patras: "The largest river in the area is the Glafkos, flowing to the south of Patras." This river is otherwise known as the Glaucus, and then mythical Glaucus loved Scylla. Beautiful; we have surely found a Greek root of Glaucus here, from Chora and Scala of Patmos. It's verifying that Patras was of Patmos elements.

Hmm, after some consideration, I feel that there is good reason to trace "Gortynia" to the Gordons that were just found (last update) to be named after PeriGORD. Tropaia is part of the municipality of Gortynia, for one, but I traced Perigord's Boofima cult to Sepharvites, and they trace to "Sparta," beside Gortynia. Moreover, the Mesha region (end of Genesis 10) in which Sepharvites can be traced has already been cited as the possible root of Emesa, which is now tracing well to Mesatis/Messatida. Moreover, to the immediate south of Gortynia is Messene, the founding entity of Messina, where Scylla was located that traces to Patmos, now suspect with Patras, the other name of Messatida. This latter location is next to the Corinthian gulf, which helps to trace Chora on Patmos to Corinthians.

Aha. "The seat of the [Gortynia] municipality is the town Dimitsana," and on the latter we read: "It is built on the ruins of the ancient town Teuthis." This place smacks of mythical Tethys, grand-daughter of Thetis, an "important" witch-daughter of Nereus and Doris. In the Teuthis article, we read yet again that Athena had a thigh symbol, but I've yet to find the official explanation for it. (The myth of Hephaestus and Athena features her thigh too.)

I absolutely expect the False-Prophet lamb-line from Pelops, for both his son (Atreus) and his grandson (Menelaus) were given lamb symbols by myth writers. Here I am now finding that Emesa, the entity that I think named Julia Maesa as well as the lamb-using Le-Mas theater and lamb-using Lamas surname, traces likely to Messatida in the Pelops-of-Pisa ballpark.

Pelops had ruled Lydia (beside MYSia) prior to migrating to HippoDamia, now suspect with TripoTamia. And while Lydia is the root of the Ladon river, the Lydian capital, Sardis, can be traced to Sardinia, thus jibing with the trace I see of the Tripotamia area to Sulcis/Sant'Antioco. In fact, as Hippodamia was the princess of Pisa, note that smack beside Sulcis is PIScinas. That can't be coincidental. It's telling me that if "AntiPAS" was in-part after Piscinas elements, it traces back through Sant'Antioco to Pisa of Elis. Then, as Antibes is at Imperia, the location suspect with the Imperi peoples of Boofima, what about this: "According to Pausanias, Teuthis was an old city of the city-state of Theisoa in which with the location that was part of Parrhasia."

There is a good argument here from tracing Paris of Troy (abductor of Helen of Troy) to "Parrhasia" because it was in Helen-suspect Elis. Right beside Parrhasia was Matesi. Imagine if general Mattis of Central Command traces back to Matesi while general Petraeus traces back to nearby Patras/Messatida. It recalls that entering "Massi" brings up the Mattis surname showing no Massi-like variations. In this picture wherein I expect general Mattis to side with the anti-Christ in Iraq, what if general Petraeus is the next vice-president of the United States along with a president who traces to the Amorites in the Emesa theater? The globe-trodding leaders of Amorite-suspect America would then be tracing to the Biblical Ladon as well, even to the Taphian pirates, even to the Exodus pharaoh at the root of Daphne. In any case, these old Emesa lines are already through the door to world rule, and they work with Amorite lines around the globe to clinch their satanic dominion.

But wait. Didn't I identify the Massi/Mattis surname from Mattathias Maccabee? Yes, and "Parrhasia" smacks of "Pharisee." It's known that Pharisees and Maccabees hashed the Israeli "throne" out amongst themselves.

Although the Heliogabalus cult out of Emesa was about a century beyond the Biblical Herods, Sampsiceramus brings use right into the thick of it all timewise:Iamblichus I (d. 31 BC) was one of the phylarchs, or petty princes of the Arab tribe of the Emesenes in Emesa (now Homs, Syria). He was the son of Sampsiceramus I... The Emesa article way above adds: "Before he died, Sampsiceramus II was convened by the Herodian King Agrippa I at Tiberias [sea of Galilee]." Then, on Tiberias: "Tiberias was founded sometime around 20 CE in Herodian Tetrarchy of Galilee and Peraea by the Roman Jewish client king Herod Antipas..."

The Tiberias article includes a statement: "...Josephus states that Tiberias was located near Emmaus." The point is, what about similarity between "Emmaus" and "Emesa"??? The location of Imwas may have been Emmaus. The latter article: "Conversely, Western sources in the late 12th century [Templar era] identified Biblical Emmaus with another village closer to Jerusalem: Qaryat al-'Inab or Abu Ghosh." When I see Ghosh together with "EmMAUS," I think Ranulf le Meschin, son of a Goz. Although the Abu-Ghosh family goes back to Arabs of Israel, prior to that it may have had roots in Goz-surnamed Templars. This may be in error, but if I need it again, I'll be able to find it by searching "Goz."

Back to Salamiyah of Syria, for on the same day that it was mentioned here, an email was opened from Julie regarding a god nearly by that name:"An Ugaritic myth known as The Gracious and Most Beautiful Gods, describes Shalim and his twin brother Shahar as offspring of El through two women he meets at the seashore." There is some rage online as to whether this El > Shalim line is the Biblical YHWH of Jerusalem. I'm not going to deny it off-hand, but then neither will I so much as insinuate that this was a true church of the Creator. There are false cults to this day who trace themselves to the God of Israel; it doesn't mean that God chose them to carry His name. The El of Syria may or may not have been a cult of Hebrews from Jerusalem, but I think it's absolutely true. BUT, not Israelite Hebrews. Rather, Amorites from Jerusalem. These were the stinkers of the earth. Do not touch.

Why would Amorites carry the name of the God of Israel? Because, Esau got hooked up with them, and Abraham before Esau lived with Amorites. Clicking to the Sharar article: "Shahar is the god of dawn in the pantheon of Ugarit. He is the twin brother and counterpart of Shalim, the god of dusk. The name is a cognate of the Hebrew word SHACHAR meaning dawn." What are the chances that the THACKARys use a Gareb-like "cherub's head" as well as wheat sheaves otherwise called, garbs??? The Cherub's head is on a PURPLE Chief, and the motto looks to have a code for Nibelungs.

How far into history did these Amorites carry El as a corrupt version of YHWH, if indeed that was the case? Ask your local Mormon or Freemason. Ask the Illuminatist seeking to dictate the global order. We might even be able to ask the Quakers sometimes called, Shakers. The Shakerly surname uses molehills, but "Mole" and "More" were recently found to be variations of one another. Ashmoles and Ashmores, for example, use the same colors. Mallibones are also Marlibones. As Thackarys come up with "Tack," perhaps we can trace the Shalim / Shahar cult of El to the naming of the Ticino river. Yet, I've traced the naming of that river to Essenes, who did mix with Israelites and who are now tracing to the Emesa kingdom.

The Tacks/Thackarys and Shakerlys both use green, the colors of the Homes/Humes and House's whom I trace to the Homs variant of Emesa (English House's use a cloud). The Tess/Teck surname uses (at present) a leaf design showing in green-on-white (Shackerly colors) until recently in the French House Coat. The House leaf is now called a "cabbage" leaf, and it just so happens that Cabbages/COBELLs/CUBALDs were just traced to "Gabal."

There is a Sorano/Soriano surname (more green Shield) using what looks like the lozengy of Bavaria except that it's in green and white. The surname evokes the Sabine god, Soranus, but also smacks of the Palazzo SesSORIANO, where the El-Gabal cult had built a temple. "A second, smaller temple to the god El-Gabal was built where the church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme now stands." That church had been the Palazzo Sessoriano.

In the article on that church: "According to tradition, the basilica was consecrated around 325 to house the Passion Relics brought to Rome from the Holy Land by St. Helena of Constantinople, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I." It just so happens that Holyrood House, built by king David I of Scotland, was said to be in devotion to a piece of Christ's cross that Margaret (David's mother) somehow received from amongst the relics of Constantine's mother. If I recall correctly, Margaret's mother, Agatha, supposedly acquired the piece(s) of wood...but I never believed a word of it. However, if Margaret's mother can be traced to the Heliogabalus cult by this clue, it can trace the Margy/Mackie and Margeson/Mackesy surnames to her as well as to Mascarosse/Marguerite de Comminges, wife of Henry II of RODez (see last update), for it just so happens that Holyrood was originally, "Haly ROD."

In other words, the Margaret name in the Comminges bloodline of Henry's wife is what may have given queen Margaret her name because Agatha might have been of that Comminges bloodline...and by now we know that Comminges traces to links with Heliogabalus. It can explain why the Comyns/Cummings sought to take (and almost succeeded) the Scottish throne in the days of the Bruce kings. There is even a chance that the Colm/Come/Com surname of Margaret's husband, Malcolm III, traces to Comyn / Comer(ford) lines; after all, this (Mal)Colm/Come surname was first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Campbells and Herods/Hurls. Entering "Come" even gets a heart.

Not only the Rod Coat, but the Arms of Roquefeuil, use green and white. The Tacks/Thackerys (green Shield) even use "sol" in their motto, reflecting, Deus Sol Invictus, the new name of El-Gabal that was used by emperor Heliogabalus. There are some reasons to believe, above and beyond the trace above to Rodez, that El-Gabal was in the Redone / Rhodian theater, especially in Septimania. In the Elagabalium article above: "The reverse [of the coin] reads Sanct Deo Soli Elagabal, and depicts a four-horse, gold chariot carrying the holy stone of the Emesa temple." That's Helios of Rhodes all over. And we read further from the same article: "Ancient history records lurid tales of human sacrifice taking place inside the [El-Gabal] temple, involving children which were collected all over Italy from the richest and noblest families." Demons in human form.

Thanks to Tim for this article, or I may have missed it. It's the only report of human sacrifice that has been found so far for the Gabal cult. The link of Minerva (owl goddess) to El-Gabal made by Lucius Trentius Bassus evokes the child-abduction cult of Lilith, another owl goddess and witch of the night. You get it: someone had to abduct the children for sacrifices. It's a horrendous thought, especially if you are the abducted child. Imagine. Is Hell really too harsh for the dragon cult?

The cabbage leaf used by House's at this time is used in green by Dutch Bakers while Cabbages and English Bakers both use a white lion in a black Chief. This is being repeated because I just caught wind today that Baalbek, in the BEQaa valley of Lebanon, was anciently the Heliopolis mentioned earlier in this update.

El was a pagan god, husband of Asherah, and as you must know, the Biblical God opposes ASHerah. Think again to ASHmoles / ASHmores, and then ask whether Ashera was a term after Esau / Essenes...or perhaps even a corrupt cult of the Israeli tribe of Asher. Welsh Bachs can be traced to Chemmites, and the latter seems to have been the namers of QUMran, which location I traced to the HUMEs/Homes before finding the logic recently of a trace to "Homs." I had traced "QUM(ran)" to green-and-white Lombardy (to be viewed as a L'Hom" term). The Scottish Lombard Coat uses lozengy too, as do the Soranos/Sorianos.

The noun El was found at the top of a list of gods as the "Ancient of gods" or the "Father of all gods", in the ruins of the royal archive of the Ebla civilization, in the archaeological site of Tell Mardikh in Syria dated to 2300 BC. The bull was symbolic to El and his son Ba'al Hadad, and they both wore bull horns on their headdress.

Does that even remotely sound like the Biblical God? Moreover, Ebla and Mardikh were Amorite entities. "Ebla" may be from "Abila" (near Baalbek), the place that I trace "Abello/Apollo."

To trace Bakers more assuredly to Baalbek / Beqaa, German Bakers use the same wavy bend as Doris/Orris', first found in Dauphine. It just so happens that the Baalbek - Homs - Arethusa triangle was just traced to Daphne elements in and around the Dorizas location off the Alpheus river, a location now suspect with mythical Doris...from Dor, beside Carmel the location of Essenes. Dor figured into that part of Coele-Syria that included Abila and Baalbek, and the geographical nearness of the latter two could explain why Apollo was also a sun god (i.e. as per the Heliopolis name of ancient Baalbek).

In the last update, El-Gabal was traced suggestively to the sun used by the German Sommers surname (Bavaria), because Claptons and Trents of Somerset, not to re-mention the Arthurian cult in Somerset, had traced excellently to Herods of Comana and to Lucias TRENTius Bassus, agent of emperor Heliogabalus. Three Julia's were mentioned in the last update, but there was a fourth, the mother of emperor Heliogabalus himself. She was Julia SOAEMias Bassiana. She "was the daughter of Julia Maesa, a powerful Roman woman of Syrian origin, and Syrian noble Julius Avitus. Julia [Soaemias] was born and raised in Emesa (modern Homs, Syria). She was a niece of empress Julia Domna and emperor Septimius Severus and a sister of Julia Avita Mamaea." The "Avita Mamaea" name smacks to me of Mamre, a Biblical Amorite of Hebron when Abraham had befriended Amorites when living at Hebron. Mamre was actually allied to Abraham.

[Wingers, who should trace to Wings = Comyns, and possibly to cone-suspect Hones/Winges/Kouns, use a black Shield possibly for the black stone, and a "Suum" motto term that may be code for the Soaemia line, which may be from the Samsons who I do trace to Khyan. Plus, the Maschis are the ones using the pine CONE, and they trace to the Mus household of Khyan.]

Once we're in the Hebron theater, a trace of "Avitas" to Avvites is an easy thing, especially when Samson can be identified with Avvites and then linked to Hebron's Amorites. In fact, I was able to clinch the Samson link to Avvites via his fox code, and it just so happens that the SOMmer Coat above shows a fox with its sun. Reminder: Bassins were first found in the same place (Haddington / Musselburgh) as fox-related Faucets who traced well to Foix beside Covenarum = Comminges. Thus, this trace of the Julia's of Emesa to Samson makes it more certain that "Maesa" was from the Hyksos house of Mus (by whatever name it went by), as well as making it more likely for "Sampsiceramus" to be a Samson entity. The English Sommers/Sumers are also "SUMPton," and use yet another green Shield with a white symbol.

There is a Soam/Soan surname using the three hammers used at one time recently by the Martels. Tim once suggested that these three hammers look like the "triple tau" (= triple T) symbol of the York Rite. We just saw some Tripoli and Tripotamia reasons to trace El-Gabal / Emesa rulers to a triple-t theme, and moreover the Bassianus surname was already traced to the besant used by York and Yorks (I've forgotten where the Arms of York can be found that uses a central besant).

The Soams use a Shield in the colors and format of the Arthurs, and this helps to trace the Soams to Somerset as well as to Julia Soaemias, for it's been concluded already that El-Gabal was linked to Herods out of Comana. This should explain the hawk's lure (Herod/Hurl symbol) in the Soam/Soan Crest. The Soams/Soans are said to have been from a count Alan of a Soham location in SUFFOLK; earlier in this update, while seeking Covenarum-respecting surnames: "The Cobbs (in Cover / Covert colors) were first found in the same place (SUFFOLK) as Covers, and use "STEMmata" in their motto, likely code for the Stems/Steins that were traced to the black stone of Heliogabalus. The Cobbs at present are showing the same elephant design in Crest as the Corbett/Corbin Crest, and while the latter were first found in Shropshire, location of Brittany's Alans that seemed to be in the Coven lion, the Covers are said to be from "Count Alan of Brettagny." "

It appears that Alans of Brittany and Shropshire were chiefs over the Soam entity. Until recently, French Alans used a duckling symbol, that also of the Thommes/TOMAS' who can easily be a Soam variation. For example, Julia DOMna had traced to the Tomas-like Dumas surname (besants), so that the SOAEM term of Julia's mother may be related to "Domna." The Samnites are coming to mind, whom I've traced back in time to Samannud/Sebannytos in the area of Sais on the Nile delta, and forward in time to the Dumnonii founders of Devon and Somerset. In this picture, Julia Domna is a mother to the MacDonalds/Domhnulls (probably from the Irish Domnanns) who use a red eagle, a symbol already traced to Lucias Trentius Bassus. NOW GAWK:

Each year neighbourhood princes and rulers sent generous gifts honoring and celebrating Emesa's cult and its Temple of the Sun. The priesthood of the cult of El-Gebal in Emesa was held by a family that may be assumed to be descended from Sampsiceramus I or the later Priest King SOHAEMus [!!!], either by the priest-king or another member of the dynasty

Clearly, a count Alan of Brittany traces to El-Gabal, as it was run by the Sampsiceramus bloodline. [Much more, revolutionary material on Sampsiceramus later. He is the Evil, and looks like the founder of the Israeli priesthood that had Jesus marked. But don't skip to that topic now; read from here first as background info.]

I traced Sais to the Says and the Seatons of Saytown, and it just so happens that Seatons smack of "Keath," a surname first found in Haddingtonshire. Besides, Seatons were Flemings from Lothian, the location of Haddington. The "Forward" motto term of Seatons can now be traced to Woerden, and to the Word/Ward and ShuttleWORD surnames. This is important for what I'm about to say.

Years ago I discovered the following:

According to Pherycides (3F21), Belus [mythical father of Danaans] also had a daughter named Damno who married her uncle (Belus' brother) Agenor and bore to him Phoenix and two daughters named Isaie, and Melia, these becoming wives respectively to their cousins Aegyptus and Danaus...

There you have the phoenix line, what I interpret as the red eagle from Mus, in the Damna bloodline out of the Nile delta around Pelusium / Tanis. In this picture, the Baal cult of El-Gabal was from Belus, symbol of Pelusium.

Another article: "The Damnoni settled in the lands of Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire..."
That's where Herods lived.

The Hollow Secret

It's now the day after writing much of the above, when I formed reasons for why the black stone of El-Gabal should be encoded in heraldry as the lozenge symbol, especially the black lozenge of the Shaw/Shea/Sheaves surname. Then, when waking up early this morning, I asked why a lozenge was a diamond in the first place, and the idea of black diamond occurred. Perhaps it is just a coincidence that black coal, if compressed sufficiently, is known to form diamond. The coincidence is that I read, from a Kyle Society webpage a few years ago, that the black heraldic diamond/lozenge represents coal. I realized that it was not true, but was rather a heraldic trick, the reality being that the black lozenge was code for the Cole > Kyle bloodline.

It just so happens that Kyles have a Kyle location in Ayrshire, and that the Arms of Ayrshire used the motto, "God SHAW the Richt." This has got to be a motto that links the black Shaw lozenge to the Cole > Kyle line. It means that Kyles and Shaws were closely related to the black stone of El-Gabal, which becomes an important discovery below as per tracing chief-priest, Ananias, to Kyles, especially as the Arms of Ayrshire is known to use the Annan(dale) saltire.

What made all this abundantly meaningful was that I also asked myself, early this morning, why there is a hollow diamond/lozenge (= a mascle) in heraldry, and it just so happens that I was at the Coele-Syria webpage only yesterday. The first sentence of the Coele-Syria article is: "Coele-Syria...Celesyria, traditionally given the meaning 'HOLLOW' Syria, was the region of southern Syria disputed between the Seleucid dynasty and the Ptolemaic dynasty." That can't be a coincidence.

It means that Coles were named after Coele-Syria, and that the black stone of El-Gabal in Coele-Syria traces to the black Kyle lozenge. It's important that Coele-Syria belonged to the Seleucids, the runners-up of the end-time anti-Christ.

I believe that I clicked to the Coele-Syria article from Wikipedia's article on Abila: "Abila Lysaniou or Abila Lysaniae [evokes the Lasonii tribe of Cabelees] or Abila was an ancient city, on the Abana River and capital of ancient Abilene, Coele-Syria." Compare "Lysan" to "lozenge," though I think that "lozenge" is more-in-particular a code for Losinj at the Rijeki / Gorski theater of proto-Roman Illyria, where the AnDECHs ruled who were part of the Estes that I am very sure are encoded in the estoile. It was just yesterday when the Tacks/Thackarys were traced to the brother of the god, Shalim, in Coele-Syria, and it just so happens that the purple Tack/Thackary Chief uses estoiles.

HEARKEN. The trace of the black stone to the lozenge has many uses, one of which is to trace the black stone to the rock theme of Rijeka, which then traces the stone/Gabal bloodline to Roxburghshire and its Kilpatrick-related Maxwells, important because Kilpatricks were a 666-loving bloodline in Dumfries, the location of Annandale. On top of this, the AnDECKs and Tacks/THACKARys have been traced to the Ticino, home of the Laevi who are suspect, along with the nearby Ananes, as the root of Ananias and/or Caiaphas. It just so happens that while I traced the lozenge-using Shaws/Sheas/Sheaves to Caiaphas by other means, the father of Ananias was a Seth character from Syria while the Shaw write-up traces to "SITHech"...a term that can also be valued as SiTHECK because the Thicks/THACKERs use white ermined lozenges (Shaws use black ermined lozenges). The Thicks/Theckers even use red eagles, a symbol tracing very well to El-Gabal and to the Phoenix line of Julia Domna.

One could argue this case another way, by first being convinced that Tacks/Thackarys do in fact trace to Garebites by their cherub and garbs, and to El-Gabal by their "sol" motto term, and to Herods of Comana elements by their purple Chief, and then turn to the Thicks/Thackers as a Tack/Thackery branch that includes the Shaws/Sheas/SHEAVES, especially as the Tack/Thackary garbs in this case are called, "wheat SHEAVES." This is very solid evidence of a lozenge trace to Coele-Syria, and therefore to the black stone.

But the biggest revelation in all this is that Ananias, the one who plotted the murder of Christ, and his son-in-law, Caiaphas, are tracing to the same El-Gabal cult and black-stone line.

Kyles use black candles, and then the Candle surname uses ermines in a white square called, a canton, and these ermines are not only in the colors of the Thick/Thacker ermined lozenge, but the five rings in the Candle Coat are in the colors of the Thick/Thacker Shield. square. The Canton surname (stars in colors reversed from the Kyle star) was first found in Yorkshire, location of King Cole, also known as king Coel. But king Cole was in Camulodunum before ruling York, and that place easily traces now to Herods in Comminges. Reminder: Comyns/Cummings use garbs too.

Moreover, the Candidas/CANDELoris were first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capua/Caputa surname that traces to the Capua location said to be founded by Cappadocia- and Caiaphas-suspect Capys. This is a third means by which to trace Caiaphas to Kyles (and Shaws). The second means was by the Chiapponi variation of Italian Sheaves. In this picture, the Tacks, Decks, etc. may trace to the "docia" entity of "Cappadocia." A fourth means is by entering "Seth" to get the Scottish Shaw surname using the Pillette grail cups.

A BIG HOLLOW AHA! I don't recall sharing the following since emphasizing the Comyns/Cummings recently, and it's not something that has stuck to my brain over the years, but WOW LOOKIE HERE:

First found in Perthshire, where the [Shaw] family appears to have been firmly entrenched in the Eastern coastal regions well before 1000 AD. While some claim that the Clan originally descended from a MacDuff, one of the ancient Earls of Fife, the first official mention in documents shows them to be present at the General Council held by King Malcolm at Forfar in 1061. However, this ancient leadership was challenged by many other Clans Commyns (Cummings) who had leased the Shaw lands of Rothiemurchus.

Does that mean that Shaws were a Comyns branch? That's what it sounds like! Malcolm-suspect Comes/Combs were likewise first found in Perthshire, while Malcolms/MalCOMEs were first found in the Kyle theater and use the York saltire. I have rarely read that deeply into that Shaw write-up over the years, and beside the Comyns meant nothing to me until the Comminges topic. I had even traced Duffs to the Caiaphas-suspect line of Coverts/Cofferts, whom I linked to gold-on-green Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Cofaires. Those colors are those of the Tacks/Thackarys.

It seems that there was a fundamental linkage between the mythical Shalim / Shahar brothers and the El-Gabal cult. It was shared earlier that "Shahar is the god of dawn in the pantheon of Ugarit. He is the twin brother and counterpart of Shalim, the god of dusk. The name is a cognate of the Hebrew word SHACHAR meaning dawn." "Shachar" is where the THACKARy and SHAKERly surnames entered the picture, and Shakespeares are suspect here too. Over many months, I've been tracing "sol" and similar motto terms to the Salyes Ligures, and have suggested a trace of these peoples to "Solymi," even to "HieroSOLYMA"...the Amorites of Gareb and Jerusalem. One can now trace Salyes to "Shalim."

The Cabbage-related Bakers use an engrailed black-on-white saltire, the colors of the Sale bend, and Bakers were first found in Durham, a location that I now trace strongly to Dorians that named the Durance river of the Salyes. Cabbages even use fleur in the colors of the Sale fleur. Reminder: Cabbages trace to the Humes/Home surname and therefore to Homs = Emesa, and besides that, Cabbages show variations smacking of "Gabal." There you have reason for an El-Gabalus or "Sol Invictus" trace to Salyes. Tacks/Thackarys, by the way, use, "sol virtus," almost like "sol victus." Moreover, the "NobiliTAS" motto term of Tacks/Thackarys can be code for the Tess/Teck surname that uses the same leaf design as the French House's showed until recently.

There is a Duranius river flowing through the land of the Petrocorii / Perigord that traced solidly to Chora at Patmos, but then in this update we got to Dorians in the Patras/MESSAtida area (Peloponnesia) that appeared to be ancestral to the city of Emesa. Just before that, while emphasizing Perigord in the last update, Massey bloodliners were traced to Perigord. Massey bloodliners are El-Gabal important because Gobels muse the Masci wing, and besides the hollow lozenge is code for mascle-like surnames such as Meschins/Masculines...who use scallops in the colors of the Baker scallops. Moreover, the Maschis/Maskallys use pine CONES while the black stone is said to be conical. It's more evidence that the heraldic lozenge does in fact trace to Coele-Syria's black-stone cult, but it places the black stone directly into the lap of the Massey bloodline. Why? Ask Julia Maesa.

Lozenge-suspect Lossings use the black-and-white saltire. It gets more important as we go along and discover black-stone traces to Hebron. The Lossings even use the same-colored fleur as Cabbages and Sales. It may mean that the cone-shaped top of the central part of the fleur-de-lys is secretly the black stone.

The scallops of the Bakers and Meschins traces well to Scala on Patmos, the island from which I see the proto-Patrician line to black-on-white saltires, wherefore Bakers can trace to the Exodus Hyksos in Patmos. Although I tend to trace the "saltire" to a Salette variation of the Sales, one of the six Hyksos pharaohs was, Salatis. I've mentioned a few times the similarity in themes between pater = father and petra = rock i.e. the father is the rock of the family, and I used that topic to allude to the rock theme that I think the chief priests of Israel used for themselves, perhaps explaining why Jesus said, "I am the Rock." Vatican priests call themselves "father," but when they say they build their Roman church on the bones of the Apostle Peter the rock, I'll bet that they secretly mean the black stone cult in Rome.

[Well lookie here, a day after writing the above, I was at Wikipedia's Caiaphas article to find that his name's derivation has at least three opinions, one being "a 'rock' or 'rock that hollows itself out' (Keipha) in Aramaic." This find comes AFTER the hollow topic earlier in this update that was ascribed to the black stone! By the time of this insert, most of this update was finished; it is being written while arguing a link of Caiaphas to the black-stone line of Azizuz > Sampsiceramus as the line passed through Assisi and Alessandria.

The black stone was traced above to the Essenes at Carmel, which is near Keipha-like Haifa! The solid chevron is now a suspect (aside from Haifa considerations) for the conical black stone, and the Arms of Haifa use a solid chevron.]

I've even traced the black-on-white saltire to the skull-and-bones symbol, which may just have to do with the real bones under the Vatican city, not those of Peter. Whose bones were they, we wonder? Were they not the bones of a Patrician, from Patmos? The Skull-and-Bones cult at Yale was traced to Eschol, in the Hebron valley of Amorites, and it just so happens that the Schole Coat uses black-and-white lozengy!!! This is tracing the black stone to Eschol and the Skull surname. Yes, to Scala on Patmos.

In the same way, the crossed keys used in papal heraldry may not be the "keys of Heaven" given by Jesus to Peter, as the Vatican claims, but may be the keys used by Italians Sheaves/Chiapponis.

Cabbages and Maxwells use holly, and the Maxwell black-on-white saltire is black-stone important due to the trace of the double-headed Maxwell eagle to the same in the Arms of Rijeka, where the eagle stands on a rock. Not only Maxwells, but Rutherfords (from Maxton), were first found in ROXburghshire, and then Rutherfords use what can be construed as a hollow Shield. How about that. I even trace Maxwells and Maxton to the Maezaei not far from Rijeka/Rika/Reka.

The Rutherford Crest is A goose proper on a ROCK, and their hollow Shield (my term) is called an "orle," smacking of the Oriel > Auriol line that was traced (last update in July) to Heliogabalus. The goose may be code for the Goz family in the line to Ranulf le Meschin, but the Abu-Ghosh Arabs of Israel come to mind too where some say their location was the Biblical Emmaus. It was only yesterday when I opened an email from Tim citing the sacred black stone of Muslims, which led me to sense that Mohammed traces to El-Gabalus in some way (I haven't yet investigated that black Muslim stone in seeking its roots).

The footless-martin design of Rutherfords is used by Wrays, important because Tacks/Thackarys have a ThackWRAY variation. Both the Wray and Carrick Coats use ostriches, and then "carrick" means, "rock." Moreover, the "proper" term in the Rutherford description above evokes the ostrich with key in beak used by the Proper/Robin surname. Reminder: the "qui" motto term of the lozenge-using Shaws/Sheas/Sheaves was traced to Mazaca/KAIsariya of Cappadocia, and to Qeve/Qewe/Kue of Adana, long before finding the El-Gabal link to Comana-of-Adana in greater Cappadocia.

I'm keeping in mind that I trace the Hebron-related Keeps to Kiev elements so that they should trace to Qeve as well. It just so happens that the "weaver's shuttle" used by Keeps is like a lozenge (like two black stones back-to-back, same idea as two pyramids back-to-back), and that the BLACK weaver's shuttle used by ShuttleWORDs is highly suspect as code for the black stone, especially as Shutts et-al can be traced to stone-like Suttons (first found in the same place as Shakerly-suspect Shakespeares). Suttons use a two-tailed green lion, color of the Lannoy / Lyon lions.

Just look at the Sutton write-up with your all-seeing-eye, to see whether you can spot Caiaphas and his sick Sadducee cult: "The Sutton family lived in Somerset, at Sutton Montague." Is that MontaKUE??? Isn't this the line to Caiaphas-suspect Shaws that use "qui'? The Sutton lion is colors reversed from the Morgan lion, and then it's not just the Veys/Vivians (of mythical Morgan le Fay) who use the Fife Shield-and-Chief colors, but the Manners/Maness'...who use the Sutton motto exactly. I had linked the Manners'/Maness' to Caiaphas-suspect Coverts/Cofferts. The Maness/Manner peacock ought to link to Peacocks using HOLLOW mascles now heavily suspect with the black-stone line out of Coele-Syria. The Fifes and Vivians had traced to L'viv, near Komnenos-suspect Kamenec, said to be named after the stone. Reminder: the Arms of Kamenec-Podolskij uses a sun.

The black talbots used by Carricks should trace to the Taillebois line married by Ranulf le Meschin. I doubt that Carricks were from "carrick" initially, but more likely the clan developed that variation when merging with the black-stone bloodline. For example, Carricks were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as the Kyle location. As another example, I trace "Carrick" strongly to "Saracen" (see the Saracen surname), and they lived in the Ortygia theater that Arethusa of Syria traced to. Arethusa was where the house of Emesa ruled before Julia Maesa was born, and Ortygia may have been part of historical Messina.

It's time to knock your socks off. Some say that the white papal mitre is a fish secretly. Yesterday, I entered "Ort/Ord" as per seeking Ortygia lines, and found white fish, heads upward. The white papal mitre is thought to be a fish, head upward. I had found the Orts/Ords before reporting on the trace of Julia SOAEMias and Julia Domna to Somerset, where the Orts/Ords were first found!

It can't be a coincidence that the papal mitre often looks just like the shape of the black stone. Wikipedia's article on mitres shows the present pope Benedict wearing a mitre called, "PRETiosa."

Compare the shape of the papal mitre to the top of the fleur-de-lys in the German Bush/Busch Coat. Bare-footed yet? I've claimed that this white color of the fleur was the original, and that it had derived from a white fish symbol, but not until now have I realized that it was code for the white papal mitre. See the fish-like tail in the fleur-de-lys of this Bosch Coat, and do keep in mind as we go along that there was a BOSCHath location in Hebron. The black stone of El-Gabal is said to be a conical stone sitting upon a round base, and there you see the round base given to the fleur-de-lys.

My-my, what do we have here? The skeleton of Skull and Bones is growing meat, and is opening its mouth to speak to us of things we are not to know.

If it helps to make the Gabal link to this fishy-fleur bloodline, let it be reminded that German Gobels not only use the white fleur-de-lys, but white-on-blue fish.

Moments after writing here, while on a paragraph below, it came to mind to enter "Blick" as per IamBLICHus, an early ruler of the Emesa location in the times of the Herods. And what popped up but a CURVED white-on-blue fish!!! It wasn't a lucky guess when realizing, not very many months ago, that the two side petals in the fleur-de-lys were secretly curved white-on-blue fish / dolphins. It was making too much sense at the time to be viewed as risky theory, and soon-after I found curved white-on-blue fish used in the Arms of Bar-le-Duc. I also pointed out the Blick fish after that time, but didn't know until now that it traces to Emesa...which tends to confirm that the central part of the fleur-de-lys is the black stone (in white). I suppose that black fleur-de-lys would be especially trace-able to El-Gabal, while white ones, as used by Lys' and Masseys, may trace (though not necessarily) to papal mitres. But then heraldic colors of symbols change according to family kinship rather than to other concerns.

The paragraph above has just led to another lucky strike. After searching for where I had shown the Blick Coat in the past, I found it in the 4th update of June, 2010 (and in the 1st of November, 2011). In that June update, I wrote: "Just learned that the Blick/Blieck Coat is Dutch and should therefore be related to the Belgian Balicks (the Bilis river is coming to mind) The Blicks use a fish in the white-on-blue colors of the Taras dolphin." Although I was referring to mythical Taras and his dolphin in the Arms of Taranto, I now find that a Taras surname was first found in Somerset! That's not the main point, however. Although it's not the point either, it should be mentioned here that Tippers (Cornwall) use dolphins in colors reversed to the Taras dolphin while the Tipper bloodline is honored in the Pendragon motto term, "teipsum." It's important because Pendragons (Cornwall) use white fleur-de-lys, or the "white stone" if you will, and that's the cult with an Excalibur sword in stone.

The main point was that I've just checked the Balick surname, and it was found to use the colors and bull design of the SCHOLfields/Scofields!!! I've checked and re-checked in case the design changes, but as of now, both surnames use exactly the same bull heads in the same colors, and the Balicks, shown properly as Bullocks (smacks of same-colored Pollocks), were first found in ROXburghshire. If that's not enough, because Scholes are already tracing to the black stone, the Balicks/Bullocks use the same-colored chevron as Hebrons.

Reminder: Hebrons lived in CHILLingham, and Chills/Childs use the same-colored chevron, and trace to Frank king, CHILDeric, husband of Basina who traces to the Bassianus surname that was priesthood over El-Gabal

As per the discussion below on Sor terms, which was written before this section on the curved fish was inserted, I have just entered "Sorry" to not only find the clan first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Scholfields, but to re-find that Sorrys use a bend in colors reversed to the Skull bend (itself in the colors of the Dutch Bones who use the same chevron as Hebrons and Scholfields). As you can see, the Sorrys, Skulls, and English Bones all use six lions in the same fashion, three on either side of their respective bends. And the Bone bend has bendlets in gold like the Champagne bend...but also smacking of the Romney bend.

DANGER SIGNAL; the next president, who has been supported by the president Bush's, could be an Amorite-Gabal bloodliner from the Amorites who merged with Romans in providing the killers of Christ. Both the Romney Crest and the Tipper Crest use an arm wearing a blue sleeve and white cuff, and cuffs are suspect with Caiaphas lines.

The Sorry Crest shows a fasces, the symbol of Roman dictatorship. The "SIMPLex" motto term of Sorrys should be code for Sampsiceramus I (father of Iamblichus). But the term may also be viewed as SimPLEX as part-code for the Plas / Placentia line because the Sorry bend is half the Annan(dale) saltire. Sampsiceramus II had at least one meeting with Herod Agrippa and may therefore have had meetings with the Israeli chief priests.

UNDERSTAND that Sorrys/Sawreys, especially because they have Sauer-evoking variations and use lions in the colors of the Sauer lion (see also Dutch Bush lion), should trace to Scheres/Scherfs and therefore to the real birth fathers of the president Bush's. It therefore appears that ruthless Nazi agents in America and beyond trace themselves to El-Gabal, and seek to resurrect that cult to global dimensions in what we otherwise view as the global-government dictatorship. We're not being hoodwinked; we're being ambushed. Never mind the Arab spring; the global spring has almost sprung amongst the sleepers of the world.

But God has the last say in any of their evil endeavors. Hardly anything of what they hope to accomplish will be accomplished by the time that Jesus springs into action. Who has feet so beautiful as those bringing refreshment from the heights? It is not the Nazis who authored death, but the Father of Jesus Christ. Who knows how to kill better than He? In due time, the Gabala will know just how painfully He can kill, on the Day of His Ambush. And Jesus will become the Capstone. He did not just forgive us our sins, as that was just the beginning of His work. But Jesus willingly took on the great responsibility of ruling the universe in obedience to God's righteous requirements; he did not decide to rule as kings of this world have ruled. It is not an easy job to rule the Kingdom of God, or to change the behavior of this human "race".

I entered the Scherfs above without recalling that the Balick/Bullock Crest uses "Five Lochaber axes with gold handles and silver BLADES, bound with a SCARF." The Balicks/Bullocks are at this time tracing to IamBLICHus. The Blade/Blate saltire traces to the Pollock saltire as used by the Scottish Frank surname, which tends to clinch the Balick/BULLOCK link to "Pollock." Like the Bush's and Blades/Blates, the Scarfs (Clapton wolf design) were first found in Yorkshire.

But what's new here is that Pollocks, who had recently traced to Clovis as per a suspected merger of Childeric with the Valentinian line of Romans, is now tracing to Iamblichus. It makes perfect sense where Childeric's wife (= Clovis' mother) was of the Bassianus bloodline that had a priesthood in the same city that Iamblichus ruled. Reminder: German Blates are the ones using a grape vine now tracing to the same on the coin of Herod Archelaus.

The wavy bend of "Jewish" Pollocks is colored reversed from the engrailed bend of the Sorrys, and like Bullocks and Sorrys (if indeed Sorrys were Scherfs), Pollocks trace to Nazis, even the mother of Adolf Hitler, which should explain why both Sorrys and Heids use the arrow on a bend. An arrow in the same diagonal direction is used in the Crest of the Cones/Chunes, and the Shield is black. As the cone is tracing in multiple ways to Khyan's Hyksos and their Mus household, what about the Coons/Cunninghams, who have traced to "Cuneo," home of Mascis, and the place to which I've traced Khyan-suspect Cheneys, but also the place where the Busca location sits that traces to Boscath in Hebron? (Cheneys use the Sale bend and Saluzzo is beside Busca; and Chaines/Chenays use the Masci wing, though that wing was changed at within the past few weeks to another wing design). Busca is a very short camina from the town of Cuneo.

The green-and-white Sorano/Soriano lozenges are coming to mind because the El-Gabal cult had a temple in Sessoriana, which term looks to be partly derived in "Sais" elements...that traced earlier in this update from the Damno > Domna > Dumnonii line to Somerset. I traced Sais on the Nile to "Sestus" in MYSia, beside Trojan Dardania and Buto-suspect Abydos. The Say surname (that I've long traced to Sais on some scanty but compelling evidence) uses a quartered Shield in colors reversed to the Massey Shield, and was first found in the same place (Shropshire) as the black-stone suspects, the Meschins/Masculines. The Seatons of Saytown, in Say colors, use a so-called "double tressure" border (or "double tressure fleury-counter-fleury," symbol belonging to the Flemings), what could be construed as a version of the hollow Rutherford Shield. It just so happens that the Rutherford motto includes, "Sorte."

German SORENsons use a red stag that is a "hart" in heraldry, likely code for a Herod line. The Saurson and Sauernson variations smack of the same-colored Sauers said to be from the Sava river...which has the potential to trace the El-Gabal cult to the Sava-river theater, home of the Maezaei, and therefore to the Save river flowing past Comminges, a prime Herod location named by Masci- and Messina-related Comyns/Cummings. From the last update: "Both the English and Scottish Watts were first found in Worcestershire, where Durantes were first found." This is the place to repeat that the Sales of Cheshire, tracing to the Durance river, were also known as, Sales-of-Mascy (or similar Mascy variations). The Watts trace to Uat/Buto, a dark cult respected in Sais, home of Set(h), the Satan of Egypt.

Norwegian and Swedish Sorensons show no Coat, but the Norwegian branch shows a SEVERIN(sen) variation that smacks too much of the Severus line that married Julia Domna. In fact, see this family tree (compliments of Tim, big thanks) to verify that it was Septimius Severus GETA who gave birth to Septimius Severus, husband of Julia Domna. The SOHren variation is much like the SOHan location (of count Alan), location of the Soams/Soans that may trace to Julia Soaemias, daughter of Julia Domna's sister (Julia Maesa). I kid you not that this paragraph and the one above it were inserted here after the three paragraphs below were already written.

The "yet forward" motto phrase of Seatons/Satans can trace to the Words/Wards and therefore to Woerden in the Netherlands, home of the Flemings. In this picture, SEATons were a branch of SHUTTleWORDs. The "yet" term struck me just now as code for a Get entity [I was thinking of GETA, son of Julia Domna], and it just so happens that Geddes ("Capta" motto term should trace to Cappadocia) use fish as well as a small Shield on Shield in colors reversed from the hollow Rutherford Shield on Shield. The Geddes small Shield is in the colors of the small square/Shield in the Arms of Placentia, the location of the Ananes that are tracing strongly to the black stone.

As Shuttlewords are shown as ShuttleWORTHs, note that Worths were first found in Devon, a location founded by Dumnonii now tracing on another hand to Julia Domna. The Worths use a two-headed eagle in the colors of the Maxwell / Rijeka eagle. As Maxwells are honored in the "I make sure" motto of Kilpatricks, while the "sure" term is code for the Shera variation of Kilpatricks, and because the Sheers/Shires were first found in sure-like Surrey, it's likely that the English WoolWORTHS, first found in Surrey, trace to the which I mean to make stronger the Worth-eagle link to the Maxwell eagle. It's all tracing the Worths / Words to Rijeka, you see, where the black-stone cult is suspect that was without doubt in Woerden.

I trace Garebites to the Croatia / Rijeka theater, and that should explain the garbs in the Woolworth Coat. The so-called "bend ragulee" used by English Stewarts is identical at this time to the bend used by Woolworths, and then English Stewarts were first found in the same place as Worths. To no surprise, it's linking Stewarts to Maxwells. Shortly below, you will be re-introduced to Gores/Cores who use a fesse in colors reversed from the English Alan fesse, and who moreover use the crosslets of the Pendragon- and Stewart-related Windsors.

German Woolworths look to be Words / Woerds tracing to Homs/Emesa: "Otto von WellenWARTE members of a dynasty already long standing in the region. The ancestral castle lay in the WOERnitz valley near HOMburg" (all caps mine). This clan uses just one giant red-on-white crescent, smacking of the same in the CHAPman Coat. The Chapman Crest is an axe, a symbol I trace to Essenes, and that's "good" because I'm tracing Essenes out of QUMran to "Homs."

The Chapmans (first found in CAMbridge) are suspect as a Caiaphas line of the Chappes kind. The Scottish Chappes/Chaips use a "garb" in the Crest but "green ears of wheat" in the Coat, a phrase that I trace in-part to the Ayrshire-related Eyers/Ayers. It can't be a coincidence that Eyers use "Virtus sola invicta" as their motto, and there you can spot the InVICTUS-like virtus term. You have a very good argument in this paragraph alone for tracing Caiaphas to the El-Gabal priesthood.

The "virtus" motto term is not only used by the Chappes'/Chaips who use the "ears" as code for Eyers/Ayers, but by Chapmans and the Worth-related English Stewarts. It seems that "VIRTus" is code in-part for "Invictus" and in-part for the WORD/WARD / Worth bloodline, the same line that linked to Sadducee-suspect Shuttles et-al among which SEATons/Satans are now suspect who use a "ForWARD" motto term.

As I see SEATons to be a branch of KEATHs/Keiths, I also trace Seatons to Ketons/Keatons, who use black-on-white leopard heads, the colors of the lion of Capua's who trace to mythical Capys (Trojans) and smack of the Seaton motto term.

Here's another thing, though I don't know whether it's coincidental. Heliogabalus was murdered by his own guards in 222 AD. It recalls the trace of "chevron" to 222 so that three chevrons becomes code for 666. It was a questionable idea in the beginning, based on the letters of "bron," which add up to 222 using the Greek-numeral system. But sometimes I get intuitive ideas from Above because I've been Commissioned to find and report on the Caiaphas importance in the dragon bloodline (I don't make any bones about this task, even though my skull hurts at times). On that occasion, I linked "bron" to "Hebron," the founding entity in all likeliness of "chevron" (because Hebrons use a chevron). It just so happens that both Chapmans and French Chappes' (first found in the same place as French Levis) use a solid chevron that has recently been suspected as code for the black stone conical shape...meaning, possibly, that the shape of this stone is code for a chevron, itself code for Amorites of Hebron.

Conspicuously, the number 322 is a special code used by Skull and Bones, a cult that traces easily now to Hebron, especially to Eschol, the entity tracing to the black-and-white lozengy of Scholes/Scayles. Some think that 322 is for the second year of the reign of Constantine I, but then 322 is also 100 years after the death of Heliogabalus.

The Yale Crest uses the "chapeau" (used also by Capellis traced previously to "Kybele / Kabala" but now trace-able to "Gabalus") suspect with the Caiaphas bloodline. The Yale write-up: "The family had a family estate at Plas yn Iâl for many years." It can't be a coincidence that while the Ananes lived at Plas-like Placentia, the Yales use the same-colored saltire as the Annan(dale)s. It's tracing Yale and it's Skull and Bones cult to Ananias as well as to Caiaphas. And how many Christians followed the George Bush's wholeheartedly, raise your hands. My, I see quite a few hands.

It occurred to me that Herods trace to the platter with the Baptist's head in the Arms of WROClaw, but that this location traces to WROCester, where the Sumers/Sommers were first found. The latter surname uses a dancetty fesse in white ermines, perhaps linked to the white-ermined lozenges of the Thicks/Thackers. In fact, Wroclaw is the Silesian capital, begging the question of whether the namers of Silesia trace to the Shalim / Shahar cult to which I've traced "Thacker." The Carrick- and Sheer-related Scheres/Scherfs could come to mind with "Shachar." The Sheers use crosslets in the colors of the same basic cross of Scheres/Scherfs (all in Carrick colors too), wherefore the Surrey location of Sheers, which has been traced to "Zurich," is suspect with variations of "Shahar."

The dancetty fesse is used also by English Gaines/Gagnes', one branch of which uses the Hitler-Crest griffin species, and another branch of which uses the Herod-suspect gyronny. The crosslets of English Gaines are important at the moment because Gores/Cores use them too, in the same colors, and Gores/Cores (could trace to Chora on Patmos) traced well to Gorski beside Rijeka. I have spoken much in recent weeks on the Gore motto, tracing its "servire" term (similar to a motto term of black-stone suspects, the Coles) to Servitium (see left-center of map) on the Sava river, in the Gorski theater (Gores/Cores were first found in Essex, the location of Herod-suspect COLchester, home of king Cole). On the map. Rijeka is on the coast south of the 'J' in "Japydes," and Gorski is where the Japydes (probably proto-Jupiter) are stamped, on the COLapis river.

But Gores also use "Sola salus," which was traced to the Salyes, and yet it's now imperative that the motto be traced to "Sol invictus," the god of the black stone! So, you see, the Rijeka rock is indeed working into this black-stone investigation, but then I traced the Salyes (long before the El-Gabal topic) to the Urbanus river (home of the Maezaei), the one that empties into the Sava just a few miles downstream from Servitium.

It's likely that "Servitium" morphed into "Krvati," what Croats call themselves. But prior to "Servitium," I'll bet the term was Gareb-like in a Gareb > Sorb > Serb evolution of terms. This traces Garebites / Amorites to Coles and to Gores/Cores / Gorski. Recall that AshMoles could be AshMores (i.e. wherefore Moles can trace to Amorites), for Coles and Gores/Cores look like they may have undergone the same r-to-l which case Kyles and Coles can be traced to Chora, the city of Coronis, mythical mother of the coiled snake god, Asclepios (= Scala), explaining while the Kyle Crest is a snake coiled around an anchor.

As Kyles had linked solidly to the Shaws that were part of the Thick/Thackary bloodline to Salyes-suspect Shalim and Shahar, the fact that both Gores/Cores and Thicks/Thackerys use the same-colored fesse is probably not coincidental.

The Muslim Black Stone, and the Biggest Revelations So Far

By all initial appearances, the Muslim black stone is essentially identical to the El-Gabal black stone, and is even oval shaped, roughly, which is like the shape of the weaver's shuttle as well as the shape of the lozenge. It's important in this discussion to emphasize the Gareb root that I've uncovered for this stone, for we are about to read that the Muslim black stone pre-dates the Muslim religion so that it must trace to some pagan "Arab" entity.

I've yet to check the Weaver surname (Cheshire), and it turns out to use GARBS!!! That in a nutshell can explain why the weaver's shuttle is a symbol of the black stone. Moreover, the shuttle term, which for me keeps reminding of SADDUCees, should trace to Zedek, the Amorite name for Jerusalem.

Earlier in this update, the Homes/Humes and House's played into the El-Gabal cult, which expects the black stone to trace also to Essenes. It can now be added that the Weaver coat has already been traced to the Hazel Coat (Cheshire), and the Hazel Coat has traced already to the Dussel(dorf) Coat of a surname out of Dusseldorf (Germany), location of Essen. Thanks greatly to Julie for the tip on Essen not very long ago. It made it clear that the Hazel/Hassel / House/Hause / Islip bloodline is from Essen, for one.

And so we expect the Muslim black stone to trace to Essenes and/or Amorites:

The Black Stone is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building toward which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic, which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve [phooey, or however you spell it, Muslim leaders make things up as they go along, just like the stupidstitious pawns of the Vatican].

The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. It was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the year 605 A.D., five years before his first revelation. Since then it has been broken into a number of fragments and is now cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. Its physical appearance is that of a fragmented dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims...

...The Black Stone was first described in Western literature in the 19th and early 20th centuries by European travellers in Arabia, who visited the Kaaba in the guise of pilgrims. Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt visited Mecca in 1814, and provided a detailed description in his 1829 book Travels in Arabia:

It is an irregular oval, about seven inches in diameter, with an undulated surface, composed of about a dozen smaller stones of different sizes and shapes, well joined together with a small quantity of cement, and perfectly well smoothed...

It's just a busted stone, folks, don't be thinking anything mystic or rushing to the article to learn what secret properties it may have. It seems to be the same stone today as used in centuries pre-dating the Templars, and may very well be a stone used in a temple to El-Gabal, for even "Mecca" smacks of "Emesa." And the "Gaaba" building in which the stone was kept certainly smacks of Gabal. One can read further: "In her book, Islam: A Short History, Karen Armstrong [I see Armstrongs as Rothschild kin] asserts that the Kaaba was dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and contained 360 idols which either represented the days of the year, or were effigies of the Arabian pantheon." "Hubal" looks like it can morph from "Gabal."

On Hubal:

Hubal was a god worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia, notably at the Kaaba in Mecca. His idol was a human figure, believed to control acts of divination, which were made by tossing arrows in front of the statue...Devotees of Hubal fought against Muhammad's followers at the Battle of Badr. After Muhammad entered Mecca in 630, the statue of Hubal was removed from the Kaaba.

The origins of the cult of Hubal are uncertain, but the name is found in inscriptions from Nabataea in northern Arabia (across the territory of modern Syria and Iraq). The specific powers and identity attributed to Hubal are equally unclear.

Are Hubal origins really unclear, or is it that we are not to know what some know? The arrow theme of Hubal reminds of the Rothschild strongarm symbol holding arrows. German Weavers/Webbers use stars in the colors of the Bauer stars. But we also saw some arrows above in the Heid and Cone surnames. When I got down the black-stone article to a McHONE surname, the Cones came back to mind. It read: "Robert Dietz and John McHone proposed in 1974 that the Black Stone was actually an agate..." As it turned out, the Dietz surname (Levi lions in gold) was first found in Hessen, and uses a red eagle wing while McHones use a red eagle too (of the MacDonalds), a symbol that I've traced to El-Gabal. The McHones, furthermore, have variations such as MacKane, MacKean, and MacKain, terms that I link to Keons who use the white-on-blue fish that traced to the makings of the fleur-de-lys now interpreted as code for the black stone. .

But Keons, as well as the buckle in the McHone/McKean Coat, trace to Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan/Apachnas. Therefore, there are three entities to which the black stone is tracing, the bloodline of the Exodus pharaoh in Amorite Jerusalem, and the Essenes out of Qumran who trace to the Chemmites that harbored the Uat/Buto cult of the Hyksos, a cult that included Set(h), a symbol, likely, of Zedek.

The arrow theme of Hubal smacks of some myths utilizing the arrow of Apollo, and then I trace him to Abila, a place (in Coele-Syria) that can certainly furnish "Gabal / Hubal." Back to the Hubal article: "According to Ibn Al-Kalbi, the image was first set up by KHUZAymah ibn-Mudrikah ibn-al-Ya's' ibn-Mudar, but another tradition, record by Ibn Ishaq, holds that Amr ibn Luhayy, a leader of the KHUZA tribe, put an image of Hubal into the Kaaba, where it was worshipped as one of the chief deities of the tribe. The date for Amr is disputed, with dates as late as the end of the fourth century CE suggested, but what is quite sure is that the QURAYSH later became the protectors of the ancient holy place, supplanting the Khuza'a." The Khuza tribe smacks of the Ghosh location of what some suspected to be the Biblical Emmaus.

IN FACT, Wikipedia used the following phrase for the suspected Emmaus location: "QARYAT al-'Inab or Abu Ghosh"; compare with the Quraysh peoples in the quote above who supplanted the Khuza tribe. We therefore have three nearly-identical terms: Emesa, Emmaus, Mecca.

Years ago, I had the crazy notion, that was published in a chapter or update, that the first Rothschild (Mayer) arranged to have ten children by killing some of the unborn. People shouldn't publish things like that unless they have some good basis. Mayer Rothschild had five daughters and five sons, the number of children that Plato gave to Poseidon of western Atlantis. The five Rothschild arrows bunched together, showing five heads and five tails, are symbol for his children. I now find this: "A tale recorded by Ibn Al-Kalbi has Muhammad's grandfather Abdul Mutallib vowing to sacrifice one of his ten children. He consulted the arrows of Hubal to find out which child he should chose. The arrows pointed to his son Abd-Allah, the future father of Muhammad..."

It's just a mythical story, but the point has been made that the black-stone cult was a human-sacrifice peoples that used the bow and arrow. The Hungarian Hussians are coming forcefully to mind. Entering "Huss" gets the Hesse/Esse surname using a sun, the symbol also of El-Gabal. It was reported by many that Mayer Bauer-Rothschild, whose first name smacks of the Magyars, stole his fortunes from the house of Hesse-Cassel.

The Weavers, remember, just traced to Essen in Dusseldorf and to the House/Hause bloodline. And German Weavers/Webbers use three stars in the colors of the three Bauer stars. Weavers can trace to "Qeve/Kue," the Adana region of Cilicia where a Cati peoples lived that should trace to the Catti founders of Hesse. The Cati were enshrined my myth writers as mythical CadMUS, who passed through Boiotia, and to Butua where he was turned into a fish (so I have read)...that I say became the Saraca fish (Saracas lived at Laus = Ragusa) evolving into the fleur-de-lys. The black-stone bloodline is therefore tracing to Qeve/Kue, in the Kizzuwatna area that I say was named by the Heka Khasewet (= Hyksos).

One of the theories on the House bloodline is that it can trace to "Kos," and then KIZZUwatna / KHASEwet can help to make that case, the point being the Ghosh / Khuza tribe. It's suggesting that the latter entity was a Hyksos one, and because I expect a Mus household in the Hyksos, what about EMESa / EMMAUS / MECCa? What about the Mus in MUSlim? Was it borrowed when Mohammed evolved from the black-stone Khuza tribe?

You might like to investigate the MontaGUE surname for traces back to Qeve/Kue, for it's write-up traces to "Montaigu-Les-Bois in Coutance," and then the MontaCUTE variation once again suggests that Cottians, Cuts, or something of that nature. I trace the Keys/Kays to Qeve, but also the Shaws/Shays. Let me remind what was said earlier in the update because the Cone / McHone surname may apply:

The Connell/Channell surname...uses the MacCarthy/Arthy stag i.e. of a Herod-suspect line [traces to Comana in Adana]. Moreover, the Channel/Connel surname merged with Desmonds and settled Muskerry...We read: "the O'Connells, of Kerry; O'Sheas, chiefs of Muskerry, in Cork..."

It was re-discovered at that time that "Shea" brought up the lozenge-using Shaws/Sheaves. It just so happens that Montagues use lozenges too. Moreover, while a red stag is used by both MacCarthys and SORENsons, the Soranos/Sorianos use lozengy, as well as the green-and-white colors of the Connels/Channels. Bowers and Bauers both use green Shields. There seems to be a pattern here, tracing to Khyan elements in Adana, home of Danaans that were part with Chemmites, the Gomerians/Cimmerians who came forth from the Uat/Buto cult to Qumran. That's the way I see it. There's your black-stone line, which must go back from Kamenec through Comana, to Essenes of Qumran as they operated the El-Gabal cult, before finding their way with the Cati of Adana to Hesse and Essen, but not before passing through Kos, the place that named the Ghosh / Khuza, I can only assume. Yes, for the House leaves are cabbage leaves linking to the Gabal-like Cobell variation of Cabbages.

The owl cult was in Kos, the child-abductors for human sacrifice of infants and children. And to whom were they given? To Gabalus the zero? To Gabalus the non-existing one? How much violent and unnecessary blood has been spilled in history's horror stories to a god that doesn't exist, and yet Freemasons wish to resurrect this cult to this day??? Ask the Bohemian owl, Moloch, not sitting perched in Timbuktu, but in trendy California. Uat in hell is going on with your world, world?

We saw that the Gabal cult's priesthood linked up with the first Merovingian king, but mythical Merovee (Childeric's father) traces to mythical Merops of Kos. We can assume here that Merops was an Amorite entity that set up the Amorite portion of the Gabal cult. To put it another way, Amorites in Amurru of Syria put forth the Merops entity in Kos, and later the same Amorites, perhaps remaining in Syria, got into channeling the Gabal cult with Essenes. Merops of Kos was made the father of Pandareus of Ephesus (we get the migration in that hint), the location of an "essenes" false-prophet / oracle cult. Didn't we just see that Hubal was an oracle cult using arrows to make their decisions?

So, Hubal was the Apollo Oracle in downtown Mecca, and Muslims must have been named from the Muses of Apollo, except that Muslims are not very amusing, and besides they can't make good music in Mecca because they bend over too much. The Quraysh / QARYAT that had the black stone after the Ghosh / Khosh peoples smack of Kurds who lived at Muslim-suspect Mosul, which at that time may have been the Biblical Mesha. But the MelQART human-sacrifice cult also seems to be in play, which removed from Tyre to Carthage, home of the Meshwesh. That brings us to the Boofima theater, and Boofima traces to PeriGORD, itself tracing to mythical-Gordias MYSians, the Muses. And to the Perigord theater came the garb-using Comyns/Cummings (in the colors of Gordons) that trace back to Adana, location of Qeve.

Pandareus' daughter, Aedon, married a ZETHus (king of Thebes / Boiotia), who must have been the Seth elements we are looking to trace to black-stone suspects Shaws/Sithechs, Thicks/Thackarys and the like, as well as to Shuttlewords, the ones who honor Weavers (garbs) with their suspected black-stone = weaver's shuttle. I'm sure I know that Qeve was mythical Hebe, daughter of Hera, Garebite goddess of Amorite Hierosolyma / Zedek.

Now imagine that we are tracking the all-seeing-eye cult here (of Horus - Seth) to the Illuminati, for indeed we are. Then think of the idea that the Hubble telescope was named affectionately for the all-seeing-eye from Hubal = Gabal. That telescope is the eye of the planet into deepest space, you see, and the ones who peep into the scope tell us what we are to believe about our universe, and they never tell us about the signs of God's existence because they hate God who love Gabal. They would rather serve a god that does not exist than a Creator of their own minds, for they do not like God's ways, and even though they marvel at His creation, yet they do not give Him credits.

The Hubble/Hubel/HubBOLD/HubBALD Coat uses leopard heads, a Boofima symbol. But I had traced the Boofima leopard only in the last update to Herod lines at Comminges and Perigord. And it was found at about that time that Herod lines trace to "plumes" and feathers. We now find the Hubble/Hubel description: "Red with two silver plumes surrounded by four gold leopards faces." The Hubble Crest description: "A leopard's face jessant three feathers." Caiaphas-suspect Coopers/Coppers (same place as Cooper-like Coverts) use leopards jessant. You see, the killers of God all escaped to the same place when God allowed the Romans to put an end to His beloved but nasty son, Israel. They all congregated together to devise their future plots on God's green earth; it wasn't enough to kill God, they wanted to be God.

I've just realized that German Plumes, as per their Pflaum / Pflaumer / Pflaumbaum variations, are Vlaams = Flemings. I did not see these variation in the last update when treating Plumes and similar surnames of Brittany, where I said, "If "Plume" is a variation of 'Fleming,' then 'Pluvigner' may be a variation of 'Flavian.' I was not very keen at the time about a Fleming link to "Plum." BUT ZIKERS did I forget at that time that the Fleming Coat uses "A demi-wolf and ostrich plumes"??? I even mentioned it earlier in that very update (just goes to show how clouded a mind can get in this "stuff").

The Hubble/Hubel (comes up also as "Hubbal") write-up looks like sheer code work: "The ancient Anglo-Saxon surname Hubbal came from the Old French name Hubaut or one of the Old German names Hugibald or Hubald. These names have the literal meaning of mind-bold." First of all, "Hugibald" is not necessarily the earliest variation of the name. The point is that the Bold surname is found in the English Gobel clan, which shows properly as "GodBOLD/GoodBOLD/GodBALD/GoodBOW, and then while bow-and-arrow-themed Bauers / Bowers and Rothschilds seemed to trace well to Gabal / Hubal, these Gobels/GodBolds use bows.

Let me go back to the Hubal myth and finish it off:

...He consulted the arrows of Hubal to find out which child he should chose. The arrows pointed to his son Abd-Allah, the future father of Muhammad. However, he was saved when 100 camels were sacrificed in his place.

A camel is found in the Italian Gobel/Gobbo Coat. The Gobbo variation smacks of the Gaaba building in which the black stone was kept. From the last update: "For the record, the German and Spanish Gable/Gabel Coats use what could be construed as a 'Y', a symbol akin to that of CUNNinghams." The two upper forks of the Cunningham Y are black and in the shape roughly of the black stone or weaver's shuttle. In this update, the McHones were found in the article on the Muslim Black stone, and thought to link to Cones. There's a pattern there.

I trace the heraldic camel to Kemuel, third son of Nahor. Another son of Nahor, Maaca, smacks of Mecca. Another son of Nahor, Hazo/Chazo, smacks of the Khusa, wherefore herein is another theory on the origins of the black-stone protectors of Mecca...though the island of Kos may be rooted without problems (in my mind) in "Hazo/Chazo." There are twelve children of Nahor listed in Genesis 22, four of them with his concubine. Two of them, Macca and Teba, sound like females, leaving 10 sons in all, which may be the reason that Plato chose 10 Atlantean sons of Poseidon, one of whom was Kemuel-suspect Eumelos. It may also be the reason that the story-teller gave Hubal 10 sons as well as camels thrown into the picture. Reminder, the Nereids, whom I view as Nahorites, were given a fish theme (= sea-faring peoples) and coupled with Poseidon, god of the sea (= sea-faring peoples).

It just so happens that there was a mythical Eumelos of Kos, depicted as a raven / crow. While Hazo was the fifth son, KESed was the fourth. Reminder: I had traced Garebites of Jerusalem to a fundamental relationship with Nahorites out of Edom.

Another child of Nahor with his concubine was Tachas, smacking of the Tack/Thackary surname traced to "Shahar / Shachar." But one needs to be careful when analyzing the many Biblical names of the patriarchs as they might (or might not) have started long-standing people groups.

The Hubal article suggests that Hubal may have been a Nabataean. In the Nabataean article, we find them ruling Coele-Syria less than a generation before Sampsiceramus I:

[Nabataeans] occupied Hauran [east and north of the sea of Galilee], and in about 85 BC their king Aretas III became lord of Damascus and Coele-Syria. Nabataeans became the Arabic name for Aramaeans, whether in Syria or Iraq...Starcky identifies the Nabatu of southern Arabia (Pre-Khalan migration) as their ancestors. However different groups amongst the Nabataeans wrote their names in slightly different ways, consequently archeologists are reluctant to say that they were all the same tribe, or that any one group is the original Nabataeans.

Nahorites were Aramaeans, and Nahor is said to have lived in Haran, smacking of Hauran. As the Arthurian cult included CAMELOT (just a mythical code word, though I say it's for the Kemuel line of Nahorites), might we trace the entire Arthurian cult to Aretas III, and/or the Aretas' before him? That would easily explain why the same Arthurians should trace to the Gabal cult out of Emesa. But in order for the Arthurians to trace to Aretas III, there needs to be links to Herods, for I am convinced that Arthurians were Herods.

...Nabataean rule of Damascus was interrupted in 72 BC...Armenian rule of the city ended in 69 BC...allowing Aretas to re-take the city.

In 67 BCE, Hyrcanus II [a Hasmonean] ascended to the throne of Judea. Scarcely three months later, his younger brother Aristobulus II incited a rebellion, successfully leading the uprising to overthrow Hyrcanus and take the offices of both King and High Priest. Hyrcanus...fearing for his life, he fled to Petra and allied himself with Aretas, who agreed to support Hyrcanus...

[When all was said and schemed]...Aretas would retain all Nabataean territory and possessions, becoming a vassal of the Roman Empire.

Aretas II had been at war with the Hasmoneans. The article above doesn't tell who succeeded Aretas III, and there is no article on Aretas II. Could this be by design of the Arthurian cults? Who were these Nabataeans that appear strong in a large swath around Jerusalem about the time of the Essenes of Qumran, and who appear as fore-runners of Sampsiceramus in Coele-Syria, where the black stone was traced (by me) even before finding Hubal?

We saw that Aretas III made a deal with a HasMONean. Recall the Arddu area of the Ordovices of northern Wales, beside Mona and Menai. The Ordovices, like the Hasmoneans, were called, the "hammer." Uat is going on here, Nahor? Have you ridden your camels to Wales? There was even a Hyrcanus-like region in the land of the Boii. In the Nabataea article:

The Nabataeans were allies of the first Hasmoneans in their struggles against the Seleucid monarchs. They then became rivals of the Judaean dynasty, and a chief element in the disorders which invited Pompey's intervention in Judea. Many Nabataeans were forcefully converted to Judaism by the Hasmonean king Alexander Jannaeus. It was this King who after putting down a local rebellion invaded and occupied the Nabataean towns of Moab and Gilead and imposed a tribute of an unspecified amount. Obodas I [ruled Nabataeans immediately after Aretas II] knew that Alexander would attack, so was able to ambush Alexander's forces near Gaulane destroying the Judean army (90 BC).

The question is, therefore, were Nabataeans the old Amorites -- still carrying Nahorite blood of the distant past -- seeking their Jerusalem back from Israel? Also, as the Arthurian cult has been defined as the 666 bloodline out of Patmos, did the Petra of Aretas have anything to do with the 666 bloodline out of Patmos? The last we hear of Aretas III is when he strikes a deal with the Romans as the latter were invading his city of Petra. The Romans get Petra's good-will to become a Roman subject, thus sparing Aretas' life.

The Emesa family, or Emesani, are also said to have been Aramaeans. Their first "priest-king," a term smacking of the Hasmoneans who also acted as priest-kings, was Sampsiceramus I. We read: "Emesa was added to the domains of Sampsiceramus I, but the first Emesani capital was Arethusa, a city north of Emesa, along the Orontes River." It would appear that Arethusa is what named the Aretas kings. But for some suspicious reason, the article doesn't even mention Aretas. Isn't that strange? Are we not supposed to make the connection between Aretas and Sampsiceramus? The Muslim black-stone articles never made this connection either, which is really easy to make. The Emesani article doesn't even have a link for Sampsiceramus I.

Reminder: mythical Arethusa was Nereid, a Nahorite in my mind merged with Dorians.

The article above does give the ancestry of Sampsiceramus, first by saying, "The ancestors of Sampsiceramus I were Bedouins..." Now for me those peoples smack of Bedewe, a city down in what is Sudan today that Wikipedia says was also called, Merowe/Meroe, where I trace Merops of Kos, and where I see the Amurru = Amorites. There was a mythical Merops of Ethiopia whose wife was impregnated by Helios, thus making for a Heliogabalus cult amongst Amorites of Syria. Yes, I'm suggesting that the Bedouin ancestors of Sampsiceramus were the Amorites of the Helios-Merops Ethiopians, as they came into Syria just before the Herods appear, and so these Bedouins now appear to be proto-Merovingians / proto-Batavi, which jibes with my identification of king Arthur as Merovingians in Britain.

The wife of Merops of Ethiopia was Clymene, who smacks of Clytemnestra, wife of AgaMEMNON of Sparta, who himself smacks of the Memnon area of southern Egypt. The wife of Atlantean Poseidon, as reported by Plato, was Cleito, who smacks of CLYTEmnestra. Hang in there until I get to Cleito-like location near Arethusa. There was an Autolycus character in myth given two wives, one was Mestra/Mnestra, and the other was Nairi-suspect Neaera. There is a NAIRobi down Ethiopia way to this day. It speaks to me of Nahorites down that way, which I gather were merged there with Amorites. In fact, there was/is a second Meroe location (further south than the Meroe of Sudan), the people of which are called something like, Ameru.

Now Arethusa was twinned in myth with Alpheus, and the latter was also made a son of Helios. We saw that there was a Tethys-like location (Teuthis) in the Arethusa theater, while Thetis, grand-daughter of Tethys, was a chief Nereid. In the municipality of Gortynia, there is a Kleitor location that must be where Plato got his Cleito wife for Poseidon, for Kleitor is beside Pisa, where I trace Pisidians. Teuthis is just a few miles to the south-west of Kleitor, both locations in northern Gortynia (Arcadia).

LOOK: "KARYTaina is a village and a community in Arcadia, Greece. It was the seat of the former municipality Gortyna." Recall the terms in the Muslim black-stone topics: Quraysh and QARYAT (these were the peoples who ruled the black-stone center of Mecca after it was taken from the Khusa). It appears that the Qaryat of Ghosh (possible Emmaus location) had been from Karytaina, even as the whole lot of the Emesa family traces to the Gortynia theater. There is even a Dafni location in Arcadia that links obviously to mythical Daphne, and then her sister was Manto, symbol of Mantova, where the camel-using (i.e. Nahorite) Gobels were first found.

Back to the ancestry of Sampsiceramus on the Orontes river flowing toward Daphne/Harbiye in Syria:

...[the Bedouins] who had travelled the Syrian terrain, before deciding to settle in the Orontes Valley and South of the Apamea region. Sampsiceramus I, his family and his ancestors in Syria had lived under the Greek rule of the Seleucid Empire. Sampsiceramus I was a son of Aziz (Azizus, c. 94 BC); paternal grandson of Iamblichus (c. 151 BC) and there was a possibility he may had a brother called Ptolemaeus (c. 41 BC) who may have had descendants through his son.

It's not saying much to me, but it's pointed out to show that something was provided in this ancestral regard. It doesn't appear as though the line is the same as that of Aretas, and yet we may expect a merger by marriage between the two lines. "IAMblichus" may trace in-part to "Yam," a sea-dragon in the area that is sometimes equated with the Lotan sea-dragon. If the "blichus" part traces to the Blicks and/or Balick bloodline, there are some interesting things. First, as the Balicks/Bullocks use bulls, a symbol of the very wicked Baal cult, one could entertain that Iamblichus was named after the Lotan-Baal merger than can be assumed where Baal and Lotan fought a mythical war (= family feud).

But the Balicks use the Coat, essentially, of the SCHOLfields (both in the colors of the Skulls and Dutch Bones), suggesting that the Iamblichus line was in Eschol of Hebron (or at least merged with an Eschol line), which for me points to the Amorites, and may be clue that Skull and Bones / Yale (and others) knows to trace itself to Iamblichus. I do trace "Bush/Busch" and "Bosch" to Boscath in Hebron, and it just so happens that while I traced the white fleur of those two surnames to the white-on-blue curved fish, the Blicks use such a fish. I don't think this can be coincidental. Understand what has just been discovered here if this is correct, that Bush's and Pollocks, two prime Nazi elements, trace to Iamblichus and the rulers of Emesa along with the Vatican mitre.

Eschol is in the Bible as a valley of large grapes, and grapes were a symbol of Herod Archelaus, son of Herod the great fox. Can we expect a Herod-line merger with the Iamblichus line?

When things look this bad, you know what has been eating away at God's heart for over 2,000 years: the desire to utterly destroy the Iamblichus entity, and its ambitious sons to the present age. One can begin to assume here that the Iamblichus line had something to do with the murderers of Christ. A trace to Caiaphas of the Nazi-Covert kind is to be expected.

We can even ask why God chose fishermen to be some of his prime apostles, or why Jesus used fish in some of his teachings / miracles. Was the fish a symbol, perhaps, of the Iamblichus line, since after all it may trace to "Yam," which was a term denoting the sea? Moreover, I am seeing Nahorites of the fish-depicted Nereid kind in the Nabataeans. When God chose two woman from Nahor's bloodline to birth Israel, was it because he loved the Nahor line, or was it in compliance with His methods of destroying the Nahorites in the end times? Who made the fish a symbol of Jesus? Not Jesus? I don't think it was the apostles either. Might it have been some Christians from the Nereids?

Before coming to what you're now reading, I traced Skull and Bones to "Bononia," also called "Bologna." I'm repeating this because I was just seeking in my files a satanic Christian with a name like "Bullock," one who mixes astrology with Biblical themes, and then I now view the pre-tribulationist with Scofield surname as a masked Christian. By what coincidence did I end up in a chapter of mine, THE BIJ, THE BAD BULLS, AND THE BOLGY, wherein the Bullock surname was traced to "Bologna." Didn't Skull and Bones just trace to Bullocks by another method? Does this mean that Iamblichus traces to the Boii of Bologna, or at least to the namers of Bologna? Isn't Bologna also the place to which I've traced Hasmoneans = Maccabees? Does it mean that the Bouillons out of Boulogne trace to Iamblichus? After all, Boulogne is in the Artois theater smacking of "Aretas," and it seems very likely by that alone that the Iamblichus line had merged with Aretas! I think you have a major discovery in this paragraph.

Reminder: Bullocks use "Five Lochaber axes...bound with a scarf," and the number '5' appears to be honored in the Arthur Coats, yet more reason to link Aretas with the Nazi-suspect Iamblichus line. The swans that depicted Godfrey de Bouillon are used by Locks and Logens/Lokins.

I can add that Dutch Bush's and Blocks / Plocks all use "billets" or nearly so, so that Block and Plocks -- as well as Glass-suspect Blacks, I gather -- should trace to the Iamblichus line. But the blocks (my term) used by Plocks are called "FIVE red lozenges," which does not seem to be a coincidence on the number five. It's suggesting strongly that Plocks (and Fives / Fifes / Vivians / L'viv) are part of the Bullock line back to Iamblichus.

The family of Conrad Black, owners of the Jerusalem Post for a while, had a Montague line. As Montagues were just traced to Kyle-related Shaws (out of Qeve/Kue), I note that Blacks use stars in the color of the Kyle stars. Moreover, Coles use the bull, now suspect with the Iamblichus line. But key-loving Shaws are highly suspect with the Caiaphas line out of Qeve/Kue / Kaisariya. I'm being a little redundant to stress the potential for a Caiaphas trace to the Iamblichus line...of possible Nabataeans. Bullocks and Plocks are a topic in the 1st update of November, 2011, where it's said:

Look at the Bullock-Coat description: "...silver bulls' heads caBOSSed, armed gold." That can't be a bossincidence [not to forget that the Bos and Bosch terms get the same Coat while Boschs use fleur-de-lys linking to the Blicks fish]. The Bullock bull heads are colors reversed to the Boss/Boiville bull. On the Lochaber topic, first see that the scarf ties them [the axes] together at the base, same idea as the ring around the base of the fleur-de-lys. This tie idea is also in a German and "Jewish" Brand Coat using sticks (fagots) tied together.

I did not realize until this update that the base of the fleur-de-lys is probably the round base of the black stone. As the Scarf / Scherf line is apparently part of the Bullock line, let me repeat what was said earlier in this update on a Scherf-suspect line: "The Sorry Crest shows a fasces [rods or sticks bundled together], the symbol of Roman dictatorship. The "SIMPLex" motto term of Sorrys should be code for Sampsiceramus I (father of Iamblichus). But the term may also be viewed as SimPLEX as part-code for the Plas / Placentia line [= Ananias / Caiaphas line]..." The Sorrys/Sawries [Sauer suspects) were the ones who use what appears to be the Skull Coat in colors reversed, and this is now tracing Seir-suspect Iamblichus lines of Hebron to the Sava theater, where the Mieszkos had roots, the point being that the Mieske/Mesech surname (BRANDenburg theater) uses a bull in the colors of the Cole bull.

"Seir-suspect Iamblichus lines of Hebron" speaks to me of Esau's merger with the Lotan Horites, especially if "Iamblichus" was partly in honor of Yam = Lotan. I did trace Esau's BOZrah capital to "Boscath" (reminder: black boars, used by Bush's, is a symbol of Esau / Edomites according to some ancient writings). It's suggesting that the seven-headed Lotan dragon was in the Iamblichus line. While that line is being identified with Nahorites of the Nereid kind, I think Bozrah was named after elements from Nahor's second son, and moreover I trace Edom's Horites to Haran's Hurrians. This is what strongly suggests that Hera of Jerusalem was a Nahorite line merged with Amorites...though "Hera" traces to "Jerevan" (origin of the Orontes / Yervand dynasty) at the Artvin / Ardahan theater. Here's a snip from the 4th update in last July: Carmarthenshire, in Wales, where Ceredig lived. If you recall, the Rhys > Bleddyn bloodline ruled in north Wales, where Cunedda ruled who gave birth to Ceredig. While searching earlier for Herod-like surnames that might apply to "Karadach / Cardigan," the "Ardehan" term was entered to find a Hard(y)man surname, but the point is, I struggled to remember where I had heard "Ardehan." Finally, I recalled. It's Ardahan, a location in Caucasia very near to Rize. It should explain the Rhys/Rice surname...I'm not suggesting that Ceredig / Karadach was directly from Ardahan, but that the Herod / Arthur surname may have been.

Baal was probably none other than Hera's husband, or proto-Zeus, even as I see "Uranus" (Zeus' grandfather) as code for Hurrians. As Cronus (Zeus' father) traces well to the Coronis > Chora entity on Patmos, re-consider now the Aretas throne at Petra, and don't neglect the Patras = Messatida location (off the Corinthian gulf) near the Arethusa theater of Greece, for that is where Iamblichus elements should also trace, and indeed that's where the Ladon river flows. I did trace the Folos Centaur of that theater (in Kendron/Kedron to be specific) to the Kidron valley at Jerusalem, where Baal and Moloch, says the Bible, were worshiped even by Israelites.

I keep a theory that "Fleming" and "Bellamy" are related terms along with the Bellovaci namers of Belgium, and now that Flemings and their plumes of ostrich feathers are tracing to Herods, Bellamys should trace to the Baal cult of Iamblichus as it found merger with the Herods. Boulogne is on the Belgian border, but then there is a Bois de Boulogne area in Paris, where the Lys, Levi and Chappes surnames were first found that may all trace to Iamblichus:

The Bois de Boulogne is a park located along the western edge of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, near the suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt and Neuilly-sur-Seine...

...The lands were given by Childeric II [El-Gabalus suspects] to the powerful Abbey of Saint-Denis...

...In 1777 the Comte d'Artois, Louis XVI's brother, built the Chateau de Bagatelle in the Bois.

Zowie! I added that quote before seeing the page on Boulogne-Billancourt, and its Arms happens to use a white fish (!!!) on red, and a white fleur-de-lys partly on blue! ZOWIE! That was needed very badly. It not only tends to support a fish trace all the way back to Iamblichus, but supports the Iamblichus trace to "Bologna" and "Boulogne." Moreover, a white-on-blue fish is used by Veronas/Vairs, likewise first found in Paris!!! If that's not enough, I still maintain that "Pharisee" is a product of the Parisii that named Paris. Flemings use "vair" fur, and Bellamys use a Shield in the colors of the Verona/Vair Coat.

On the Billancourt term: as the Parisii were co-founders of York, note that the Billan surname, using bows and arrows (possibly code for the Arras/Arrow surname from the Artois capital), were first found in Yorkshire. The Billan arrows are in the colors of the Lys-surname fleur-de-lys, which are in-turn the colors of the Boulogne-Billancourt fish, but them Masseys/Maceys use fleur in the same colors while Bellamys were merged with Maceys at Ferte-Mace, meaning also that the whole of this traces to the Lys valley in Aosta, exactly where the Bouillons (using a "bello" motto term) and Flemish Baldwins were traced (i.e. to the Bautica/Baltea river of Aosta; see 2nd update of July).

If you recall the trace (last update) of Herods to the Contevilles of Comyns, who put forth the Moreton/Mortain rulers, then see here: "Hence, conjecturally, the [Billan] surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Bilham, held by a steward of the Count of Mortain, half brother of Duke William of Normandy who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086." Herluin de Conteville married William's mother (Herleva) so that the count of Mortain above should be a son of that couple, thus making the count a half brother of William. This is now tracing the Iamblichus line right to the Templar Sinclairs, who along with Flemings were the chief Templar activists, thus verifying that Templars did indeed have ancestry in Jerusalem's Amorites, and very likely in Herods too.

AHA! Thanks to visiting an old update an hour ago, I found the Bosche (with an 'e') Coat (Brittany) to use an engrailed white-on-black cross, in the same style, and in colors revered from, the engrailed Sinclair cross!!! The latter cross is used by Balders of Lothian. Variations shown for the Bosches, all of which use "Bouch," could trace the family to Bouches-du-Rhone, where Comana and El-Gabal elements had been traced.

The "Commit" motto term of Sinclairs has long been traced to the Conte/Comites surname at the root of "Conteville," but "COMites" is now striking up a Comana / Commagene chord. Some Herod bloodliners were linked to rulers of Commagene: "Commagene formed part of a larger state that also included Sophene. The later kings of Commagene claimed to be descended from the Orontid dynasty, and would therefore have been related to the family that founded the Kingdom of Armenia. However, the accuracy of these claims is uncertain." It could be that Commagene named Comana, and moreover Iamblichus was from rulers on the Orontes river.

To be more certain that Billans/Bilhams trace to Boulogne-BillenCOURT, they use a motto, "AzinCOURT." But zikers, let me re-quote: "Sampsiceramus I was a son of Aziz (Azizus, c. 94 BC); paternal grandson of Iamblichus (c. 151 BC)..." There happens to be a Court surname first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Contes and Villes. Entering "Asis" gets variations such as Aassie, Assi, Hoseason, and Hosison, the latter starting to smack of the House bloodline. The Asis-Coat description uses "pair of scales", which gets us to two important points to further indicate that we are on the Iamblichus line, plus an additional point that sees the Caiaphas line merged to Iamblichus. First, the Scholes are also "Scayles," and secondly the Scale surname used five white ostrich feathers, the number of the Bullocks and the Plocks that traced to Iamblichus already. In fact, the five axes of the Bullocks are in the white color of the Asis feathers! And axes do trace to Essenes whom I see in the House bloodline so that, indeed, the House / Hazel bloodline may trace to "Aziz/Azizus."

Before getting to the Caiaphas topic, it should be added that Asis' were first found in Shetland while Shetland's Arms uses a raven as well as a "SKAL-land" motto term. The raven traces back to the Coronis>Chora entity on Patmos, where we find Scala too. It is now tracing Iamblichus to Patmos too, once again verifying that the Iamblichus line had merged with the Aretas Nabataeans who ended up in Petra. Somewhere in all this was the 666 entity even in those days, and I did trace the five white ostrich feathers of the Trabys to the 666 bloodline. Moreover, it's known that Trabys merged with Astikas of Vilnius while the Arms of Vilnius uses a pair of scales too. Therefore, the Iamblichus line was also in Vilnius, which place was traced to the purple-using Villes.

We have broken into the cache of the dragon bloodline here with Iamblichus. Heraldry and its codes will make much more sense to everyone now, and the world must hear about this.

The Aziz/Azizus character (grandson of an early Iamblichus) smacks of the Hayasa Azzi, who lived in the Ardahan theater! For me, this is indication of what I have been claiming for years by other methods, that king Arthur / Pendragon was a Hyksos peoples in Britain. The Asis/Hoseason surname is said to be from "Osborn," and then while I trace the Exodus pharaoh to Pack-like terms, the Osborn motto, "Pax in bello,' even uses a motto term of the Bouillons that are already tracing to Iamblichus. It verifies for us that the Asis/Hoseason surname in honor of Aziz/Azizus.

Moreover, pharaoh Apachnas was also called, Khyan, which I traced to the Keon surname using the white-on-blue fish now tracing to the Iamblichus line. You clearly understand that the Bush's and others in this discussion are from the plagued Exodus pharaoh, whose line was made to go a little mad by the 10 plagues. I don't think they ever forgave the Israelites. And Jesus came to die, while that Hyksos line, in the form of the Iamblichus bloodline, was in Israel. And He came to die to defeat that bloodline that claimed the universe for itself, and to begin to expose it until Armageddon should fully expose its works.

I've mentioned before that the Hose surname (Leicestershire) shows a Husaby variation that should link to Hyksos-suspect Hucks and Huckabys, one using the owl as code for the child abductors, and one using snakes coiled on a staff, symbol of Scala-related Asclepios out of Patmos. Thus, it would appear that the Hose's (three human legs indicating Ligurians) are a branch of the Hoseason variation of the Asis'.

Did we just see Sinclairs tracing to Iamblichus? It's not just Trabys and Scales who use five white ostrich feathers, but Irish Clares/Clairs too. And the latter's feathers are coming forth from the same crown (five points) as used by MacArthurs (we could expect that crown design to change suddenly).

[Below, there is a monumental revelation on Herod lines to certain surnames, and one of the discoveries is that the Herod leopard was also that of Mark Antony, i.e. the red leopard in the Anton/Anthony Coat. This is said here because a red leopard is used also in one of the two French Clair Coats. The leopard is below besants that should trace to the El-Gabal cult. These French Clairs were first found in Limousin, the Perigord theater roughly to which both Patmos elements, and the Qaryat protectors of the black stone, have traced. This was the human-sacrifice cult, a disgusting beast for which Jesus sacrificed his life, to destroy. The Clair besants and its leopard have already been traced to the Rhodes', who should prove to have been Herods too. The other French Clairs were first found in the same place (Brittany) as Bosches who use the Sinclair cross in colors reversed.

English Clairs use the Dutch Burg triple chevron that links to the Contevilles...who had just traced to the Billans using the AZINcourt code for the Aziz/Azizus bloodline. Back now to the Scale surname accessed from the Asis surname, for it uses scallops (no surprise) in the colors of the Cape scallops, a surname (from a Capes location) highly suspect with Caiaphas. It was only recently that I linked the Capes to the Happs/Apps/Abbs (Habsburg suspects), and here I now find that the latter use their Cape-colored scallops with black-on-white lozenges, used also by Scholes/SCAYLES!

Reminder, Bullocks and SCHOLfields use bull heads in the same colors, and they happen to be the white-on-red colors of the Happ / Cape / Scale scallops! It's yet more reason to trace Iamblichus to Amorites in Hebron, and to suspect that Iamblichus blood produced, or merged with, Caiaphas.

And it's no small thing to trace Habsburgs (big guns of Austria) in this way to Iamblichus. Reminder: the Covert/Coffert fesse is in the colors of the fesse that is the Arms of Austria (in the colors of the Happs/Apps/Abbs). The Habsburg Coat uses what I think is the Ley/Ligh/Legh lion, and the three legs of the Hose's should apply here i.e. the Leys/Leghs should trace to Iamblichus. Ultimately, I trace Ligures to Lycians, but then caught sight of a Lycian trace to "Lachish," in Hebron.

So, what do we think the Happs/Apps/Abbs and Habsburgs were named after? Their lozenges should trace to Losinj in the Austrian theater, which tends to trace the black-stone line to Habsburgs, if indeed lozenges are code for the black stone. I just came across the Lech/Lacky surname very recently and told of its write-up's "flagSTONE" code. Here I now come to the Legh-related Habsburgs, not to mention that three human legs are used also by the Arms of FUSsen, on the Lech river. I don't think it's coincidental that the Happs/Apps/Abbs lozenges are called, "FUSils." If the Hose's who use three human legs trace to Aziz/Azizus, why not also the founders of Fussen and the namers of the Leck river...meaning that the Iamblichus line, perhaps Aziz himself, is expected at Lachish.

Let's not forget that while Scholes/Scayles trace to Hebron, three human legs are used also by Sicily, a place named likely by the namers of Scylla.

The gold wolf head in the Lech/Lackey/LAKEy Crest is nearly the gold wolf in the Banes Coat, and the latter surname (Yorkshire again), using an "arte" motto term, should be of Ban(t), mythical father of Lancelot. The point here is that Lancelot had part with a Lady of the LAKE in handling Arthur's Excalibur sword, though ultimately, the sword was given to Bedivere to protect and pass on. As this sword stuck-in-stone is suspect with the black-stone line tracing back to the Aretas Nabataeans, what about the Bedouins that are said to be ancestral to Iamblichus, who trace (in my opinion) to Bedivere-like Bedewe??? Apparently, the Lady of the Lake was code for the Lech/Lacky/Lakey surname tracing to Lachish, and as Aziz was just suspect at Lachish, it's interesting that the Banes crescent is in the colors of the Asis scales (and in the colors of the Conte crescents). French Banes were first found in the same place (LANGUEdoc) as French Contes, and use a triple chevron in the red color of the Burg / Clare chevron.

The Arms of the present pope, Benedict, uses a scallop in the gold-on-red colors of the Dutch Benedict lion, as well as in the colors of the scallop that is the logo of the Shell Oil Company. The upright Benedict lion design is used by both Contes and Villes. The description does not tell us what the Benedict lion is holding. Already, the Benedicts are tracing to Iamblichus as per the trace to him of Contevilles, but a further point is that German Benedicts show as BEND terms, and use Shield-and-Chief colors of the Banes crescent.

The three lions of English Benedicts are in the same colors too, and they are positioned on three feet, as with the two lions in the same colors in the Dietz' Coat. Compare BeneDICT to "Dietz." [Below, the Dietz lions come up as the Gass lions, perhaps important in the trace to the Ghosh / Khusa keepers of the black stone.] Recalling the Coles and related Gores/Cores traced to the black stone while both use motto terms for Servitium, see the Benedict motto that includes what looks like a Bone code: "De bon vouloir servir le roy."

The three T-like symbols of German Benedicts are called, "black boilers," which is too odd, but then we do find a Baole variation in an Irish Boil/Boyles surname as well as a heart in Crest. Then, Scottish Boyles, first found in the same place as Kyles, use a two-headed red eagle, the color of the El-Gabal eagle = phoenix. And the "Dominus" motto term of these Boyles is akin to the "Domine" term of the Happs/Apps/Abbs who use black diamonds, what the Kyle Society webpage claimed to be code for "coal." That is, the Happs/Apps/Abbs together with Boyles and Benedicts are tracing to Iamblichus.

We even read earlier that the Boss/Boiville bull (link below) is colors reversed to the Bullock / Scholfield bulls, and here we find that the Scottish Boyles are from Boysvilles location named after a Boivil surname. It's important here that the Happs/Apps/Abbs motto uses "Domine speravi," for I trace the red antlers of the Veringens to the red antler of Spree-Neisse. Red antlers are positioned centrally in the Boyles/Boivil Coat, and moreover it just came out recently that Veringens and their antler-using Zahringer kin were Herods of the WURTtemberg kind. Veringens, Zahringers, Boyles, Cones and English Contes all use three antlers, now telling us that Cones and Contes were one. It's known that the red-on-gold Zahringer eagle was passed off to Hohens, and then German Cones show up as the Hohen-branch Cohens. It just so happens that Boyles/Boivils use their two-headed eagle in Zahringer-eagle colors.

Here's the Boiville write-up: "They were descended from Le Sire de Beville from Beuville near Caen in Normandy." There are five white ostrich feathers in the Caen Crest (and more gold leopard heads in the Caen Coat), thus supporting the trace of Boivilles to Iamblichus.

The Boss/Boiville/Boisville/BELvilles bull is in the red color of the Lower-Lusatia bull, important because Spree-Neisse is in Lusatia. I find that this bull design is new at I saw it first not many days ago as the new design for the German Bachs, who previously showed a gold calf, important for tracing to the gold calf in the Exodus account of Moses; it suggested that Bachs were in honor of "APACHNas," and here it needs to be repeated that Osborns, an integral part of the Asis write-up, use the motto, "PAX IN bello," what should link to bello-using Bouillons/Bouilles/Bouylles...and Boyles. You see, we have just traced the Boyles to Iamblichus, and that should trace the "boiler"-using Benedicts/Bendetts to the same. Yes, the father of Lancelot.

Now it just so happens that the BeneDICT-suspect Dietz surname (Hesse) uses the same wing design (in red) as the blue wings used by German Bachs and Bavarian Heres and HERTzogs. It's conspicuous here that while Veringens used red antlers, Zahringers used blue antlers. It's also important that pope Benedict is a Bavarian and uses the bear with saddle in his Arms that is known to trace to the bear of Corbinian of Bavaria. Zahringers used a bear too in a trace from Berne to the bear of Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found, wherefore Veringens / Zahringers are tracing to Aretas.

If I'm not mistaken, the previous bull design of the Boss/Boiville surname was identical to the red bull now showing in the Spanish Borgia Coat. Julie has been telling me over and over again for years to stress the pope with Borgia surname, though I had never understood the importance. Borgia's are in the colors of most other Burg surnames, meaning that the "ville" endings of BoiVilles and their variations can now be linked to the Villes of Languedoc, where the French Borgia's/Burgs were first found. It means once again that the Boyles and Benedicts can both trace back to Iamblichus elements, along with the Comana-suspect Contes/Comites. Again, Dutch Benedicts use the lion design of Italian Contes and French Villes. This is your Templar monster, and it's tracing to Baal, who we thought was dead and gone.

The Benedict/BENDett boilers look like three T's, and then the Benedict/BENDett Shield-and-Chief combination is in the colors of the York saltire, important because the York Rite uses a "triple tau" theme. On the bottom of the three boilers, the Benedict Coat shows a red rose, the color of the Lancastrian rose...and meanwhile I trace the BANT > Lancelot line to "LANCAshire / Lancaster," where Banes-suspect BANESters were first found. Moreover, while the York Coat uses a besant centrally, besants are found in the Bend Coat. It's telling us that the present pope (who wears red shoes) may be a Lancelot agent of the Rose Line.

There is a Belgian Dict surname using an upright lion in the colors of the upright Habsburg lion (Habsburgs already traced to Iamblichus). The Habsburg lion showing now is identical to the Ley/LEGH/Ligh lion, the latter being a surname traced not far above to Lancelot's lady of the Lake. Moreover, Habsburgs were first found in Baden, the location not only of Veringens / Zahringers, but one I trace to all sorts of Arthurian elements, including the Butteri around Ardea but first found in Lachish-suspect Lucca...which was probably a Ligurian city related to the Lighs/Leghs above.

I've not stressed before a Ley/Ligh trace to "Lucca," but perhaps it's about time. Lucca is near Pisa (Italy), and then Pisa of Greece is at Elis, the location to which the Arethusa / Aretas entities had traced. Then, the German Ley/Elloy Coat is in the black-on-gold colors of the Yorkshire Ellis,' while the Aretas and Iamblichus lines have already traced heavily to Yorkshire. It's suggesting that the Ley/Ligh surname, and perhaps the Habsburgs too, trace to Pisa and Elis of Greece, which is where they ought to trace if they go back also to Iamblichus / Aretas. The Ley/Elloy and Ellis colors are those of the Ladds/Ladons and Leaders, important because the Ladon river flowed not far from Elis / Pisa.

Another first found in Yorkshire, the Gamble/Gambel surname, is the closest thing I can think of to the idea of YamBlichus. Gambels use a single large fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Dict/Dick, Lys/Ligh and Habsburg lions. As the fleur is now suspect as a black-stone code, what looks like a black rose on stem -- very unusual rose color-- in the Gambel Crest, may apply. The Gamble Shield and Chief, in the colors of the two Arthur Coats, strike me as partner with the Scottish Cooper Coat (and the Wayne Coat), a major topic coming your way now. But if Gambels trace to Iamblichus, what about Herod-related Campbells, since after all CAMP and SAMP(siceramus) are virtually the same terms??? If not for the Gamble idea occurring to me, I may not have realized that Campbells may be the mainline Iamblichus line. Recall the camel in the story of Hubal, but also know that Camps, in Campbell colors, were likewise first found in Yorkshire.

The question is whether Aretas and Herods connected, wherefore recall the alliance between Aretas III of Petra and Hyrcanus II:

Herod [the great terror] was born around 74 BC...the second son of Antipater the Idumaean, a high-ranked official under Ethnarch Hyrcanus II, and Cypros, a Nabatean. Herod was a practicing Jew, as the Edomites and many Nabateans had been converted to Judaism by the Hasmoneans. A loyal supporter of Hyrcanus II [italics mine], Antipater appointed Herod governor of Galilee at 25, and his elder brother, Phasael, governor of Jerusalem. He enjoyed the backing of Rome but his brutality was condemned by the Sanhedrin.

When the evil Sanhedrin (house of the Israeli chief priests) condemns one as evil, he's got to be exceptionally evil. But lookie there, we find that Hyrcanus II had Nabateans in his kingdom that translated to the birth of Herod the great mad dog. The mother's name smacks of Cyprus, which should trace to the Covert-related Cooper/Copper surname using the same sort of leopard heads (= Herod symbol too) as the Hubal-suspect Hubbles/Hubels. Isn't that something? It just so happens that gold leopard heads are used also by Leys/Elloys (and Coverts).

Reminder: the Hubble/Hubel leopard heads come with plumes and feathers, suggesting that the Herods in the court of Hyrcanus came into sexual contact with the Aretas line (i.e. that ultimately went to the god, Hubal). The article has no link for Cypros so that we might be able to identify whose daughter she was. Certainly, Herod the Great's father, AntiPATER, smacks of Petra, especially as he was an Idumaean = Edomite.

On the coin of Herod the mad dog, we find a sun on the one side! I can't make out the symbol on the other side of the coin (but it's not a mad dog). Historians aren't stupid, just tight-lipped. They must know that Herod's mother was from the El-Gabal cult.

In the Antipater article, we find he was named Antipas originally, after his father. We also find that Antipater took sides only with the winners of wars so as to grasp as much power as possible. Typical Herod dog. "After the assassination of Caesar, Antipater was forced to side with Gaius Cassius Longinus against Mark Antony. The pro-Roman politics of Antipater led to his increasing unpopularity among the devout, non-Hellenized Jews. He died by poison." It just so happens that while Antipas sided with Antony, the Anton surname uses a red leopard. We wonder who had it first, the Antons or Herods, but in either case, the goat in the Anton Crest alerts us to the Boofima cult behind the leopard.

Not too long ago, a mother with an Anthony surname, I believe it was, killed her own daughter without remorse, and got away with it using a lawyer with Mason surname. I felt that her daughter was used in a planned human sacrifice when I discovered the Anton/Anthony symbols. The daughter was found buried with tape around her skull i.e. her mouth.

Might "ANTon" be related to "Anti(pater)"? Apparently, the ancestry of the Herods is unknown on the male side past Antipas, which allows me/you to continue the trace to "Antibes" (and Imperia, suspected home of Boofima agency). Caiaphas is starting to look like he's from Cypros the Nabataean, if indeed it's correct to trace "Caiaphas" to Coverts and Coopers. Thus far, it looks very good. But it would make Caiaphas a son of the mother of Herod the great scoundrel. It just so happens that Cyprus is an island off-shore of Cappadocia and Adana, and that both Herod and Caiaphas ancestry has been suspect by me (for several reasons all recorded) to be from Cappadocia and/or Adana. The Antipater article adds:

Antipater married Cypros, a Nabataean noblewoman, which helped endear the Nabateans to him more. Their marriage helped bring about a close friendship between him and the King of the Arabia, Aretas, of whom Cypros is a relation. The two men had such a relationship that Antipater entrusted his children to his friend when he went to war with the Hasmonean Aristobulus II. They had four sons: Phasael, Herod, Joseph, and Pheroras, and a daughter, Salome, one of several Salomes among the Herodians.

Herod the great spoiled brat was taken care of by a friend of Aretas III. I am now torn between tracing the Arthurian dragon to Herods and to the Aretas'. Which of the two is it? Remember too that Arethusa was a mythical element traced by ancients to Ortygia in Sicily. The Hort-related Hortons may trace to that place, for they were first found in Yorkshire while my understanding has been that the Coopers/Coppers use the York saltire. In fact, by what I considered to be a special revelation from God, the Coppers/Coppers were identified with the blue-on-white lion of the Yorkshire Bruces, and of the Yorkshire Hallams/Hallands...who are a branch of Callams/Malcolms/Colms using the blue-on-white York saltire in both colors (see also blue-on-white Hort/Hardy cross). It wasn't until this update that the Malcolms/Colms started to look like Comyn/Cumming elements trace-able to Comminges and Comana! Is that not all too amazing to be coincidental. On top of that, I found another blue-on-white lion a couple of hours ago when on the Kurd topic, for it recalled the Kurd/Caird surname mentioned at the top of this update.

It just so happens that Kurds/Cairds are said to be from workers in brass, while brass is partly copper!

In the special revelation given to emailer Patterson (doesn't seem to be reading any longer), she had a vision of a blue lion named something like "Cappeo" (her spelling). I knew right away, as soon as she conveyed the vision to me, that it was the blue-on-white lion in the Arms of Macclesfield using a "copia" motto term, and then soon-after I found the similar term in the York-surname motto as well as the Copper/Cooper saltire in the blue color of the York saltire. I thought that God was trying to show us clues as per the Caiaphas line, though I now find that it traces to the mother of Herod the great ego.

The Kurds/Cairds (torteaux in Chief) were first found in Ayrshire, where I expect Caiaphas lines as per the Shaw link to Kyles of Ayrshire. Kurds/Cairds use a "friar" holding a "staff," suggesting the Staff(ord) surname using a chevron in colors reversed from the Scottish Arthur chevron. Scottish Coopers, first found in Covert-suspect Fife, use a white ermined chevron on a red chevron, not only in the colors of the chevron used by Irish Arthurs, but like the ermined white-on-red chevron of the Arthur-related Waynes (both are at this time using the same pelican-on-nest design). That is very good evidence for an Arthur trace to Cypros, Herod mother and Aretas' relation.

Just look at how Salome, the daughter of Cypros, is in the Scottish Cooper write-up: "First found in Fife, where Salomone de Cupir witnessed a charter in 1245. The name soon became known in other parts of Scotland, and in Cumberland where families held a family seat at Carleton Hall and Unthan." We might expect this write-up to change when the heraldry masters get wind of my discovery here. It is a Great Discovery, praise be to God.

The 5-like symbols of Arthurs have been traced to the Fife-related Fives/Fyfes, and can now be linked to Coopers of Fife. It's an important trace because Pontius Pilate reportedly had a mother in the Fife area. I suppose it's even possible for Arthurs to have migrated to Arethusa / Israel to form the Aretas rulers in the first place. In one scenario shared with readers, Hasmoneans had their ancestry in Mona beside Arddu of the Ordovices. Consider the idea that Arthurs were from the stock proto-Herods in the first place, ultimately from the France theater, and that the Antipas family, or some other related family, invited them to partake in Arethusa, from which place they spread to the Nabataean throne. Just a wild guess to indicate the possibilities. The Hubbles/Hubels (and Salomes) are even in Arthur colors! And Arthurs are said to be from "King Aedan Mac Gabrain, King of Dalriada," while GABrain is like "Gabal."

Salome named her daughter, Berenice, and Arthurs were first found in the city of Bernicians. The mystery is burning hot. What exactly happened between the two extreme sides of Europe?

The Hubble-Crest leopard is said to be "jessant three feathers," and there is a Jessen/Gessen surname (Yorkshire again) that may perhaps link to the Ghosh / Khusa tribe that had the black stone in the Hubal era. Jessups, as well as Gass', were likewise first found in Yorkshire. The two Gas lions are the same gold ones as per the Dietz Coat (the Dietz surname was found in the article on the Muslim black stone).

The French Gass surname is registered with the Grass surname while Grass in Provence is just a few miles from Imperia and Antibes.

So, Herod the great aspirer was a Nabataean on his mother's side, and therefore suspect as a Nahorite. She herself is suspect from elements of Cyprus, where Aphrodite came from that traces to the Euphrates river where it meets the Cyprus-like Khabur, home of the Hebrews (Nahor included) that gave birth to Israel, as well as to many pagan tribes. And while it was gleaned that Aretas was a Nereid-branch Nahorite of the Arethusa kind, it just so happens that Herod's first wife was Doris, the same name that mythical Nereus married.

We might say that through Herod, the Amorites were back on the throne of Jerusalem. But where did "Herod" come from as a name? Was it from his Nabataean mother? Was it a version of "Aret"? Or did it exist already in the area? In any case, one could get the impression, if indeed the Cooper surname is directly in honor of Herod's mother, that much of heraldry is based in Herod they made contact with others.

If true what Wikipedia says, that no one is sure what "Nabataea" stems from, then we can make theories of our own. If the logic that I see is correct, that Nabataeans were Amorites of the Hyksos kind, then Nephele (= part of Hera, Horus, Horites) and Ixion come to mind. From "Nephele," terms like "Nebo" or "Nob" could arise. Consider also "Anubis" (small-dog god) as a possible root for "Nabataea," or the Avvite god, Nibhaz" (some equate the two gods). The fox term applied to purple-robed Herod may apply to Nabataeans, therefore.

On the other hand, the 'N(a)' may have been added to a Bat root, suggesting Bedewe. In fact, the Caucasian Bats lived beside or even in the area of Ardahan, itself beside Artvin and UrARTu. In this picture, I would expect the Lazi whom I interpret as the Ladon dragon, explaining why Nabataeans were up the Orontes toward the Daphne/Harbiye theater that was also that of Lotan. Mythical Laz had a husband, NERgal, that I tend to see as a Nairi element from Lake Van.

Back now to the idea that Iamblichus and Sampsiceramus (had Bedouin ancestry) trace to Gambels and Campbells. I feel it in the skull and bones that this is correct, explaining why Herod-Antipas bloodliners ended up as MacArthurs amongst the Campbells. Let's go back to the black rose in the Gambel Crest, for it's in the mouth of a crane. While cranes were tracing solidly a few updates ago to "Ukraine," especially to the L'viv theater, some cranes ought to trace to the Crane surnames. One Crane surname uses the patee cross in Clapton-patee colors, and Claptons have traced to "Glaphyra" at Comana, wife of the brother of Herod Antipas of Comminges. Moreover, L'viv is in the Ukraine, and near L'viv is Kamenec, the place said to be named after "stone." Somebody's not telling us all they know.

Before making the Crane trace more positively to Iamblichus elements, let me say that the Crane Coat above uses a fesse in the colors of the same of the Gores/Cores and Thicks/Thackarys, two surnames that have traced well to the Caiaphas-suspect Shaws. I feel it in my skull and bones that we will find Caiaphas in the Iamblichus bloodline.

English Cranes use a black crane, evocative of the black rose in the mouth of the Gamble crane. The English Crane write-up: "First found in various counties, where they held a family seat from very early times and were granted lands by Duke William of Normandy. Early records of the name include Osbert Crane in the Pipe Rolls of Cornwall in 1177..." Osbert is not a very common name, but it gets the Osborn Coat, and Osborns are said to be a root of the Asis/Hoseason surname that definitely traced to Aziz, grandson of an early Iamblichus.

The Crane crane stands on a green staff ragully in base. Don't assume that the base term is meaningless, for we find a fish theme -- the theme also of Iamblichus -- in the Base write-up: "The surname Base may also be a nickname for someone resembling a fish, or it may be a metonymic name for someone holding the occupation of fishmonger." We already say that the Iamblichus line traced to Boscath in Hebron, and to Bush's and the like, and moreover the Base Coat uses two lions like those in the Dietz and Gass Coats. The Bays variation may indicate Boii elements of the Bavarian kind.

This is a good place to remind that while Iamblichus is tracing to Campbells/Cammells, the Hamel(ton)s are in my opinion a branch of Cammells, and Hamiltons use the same cinquefoil as the Bus(e) surname, which together suggest Buz and Kemuel, back-to-back sons of Nahor.

Compare the Dietz Coat to the Heffer Coat, for they both use the Levi lion design in gold and red (the lions are at this time identical). Why should the Dietz' (said to be from "Diez") be related to the Coverts/Cofferts = the Caiaphas line of Levites? Ask the Deas surname. a known version of the Desmond surname using the Annandale saltire tracing to the father-in-law of Caiaphas.

German Base' are also Bassen (black bugles), and should trace to the Bassianus line that came to Emesa after the Iamblichus line ruled there.

There are oz sorts of possibilities for the Aziz bloodline. The very same bull head design used by Iamblichus-related Bullocks is used, in the same white color, by the Dutch Os/Oses/Oz Coat. Now you know for sure that the Osborns and Asis' trace to Aziz. Who really was the wizard of Oz?

At this point, I began asking what "Sampsiceramus" might trace to as per surnames, even though I have no idea what the term had linked to in ancient history. With the trace of that name to Campbells, I've got to consider a trace to CAMPania and ABELLlinum too, an Apollo haunt that traces to Champagne and Avallon. The first ceramus-like surname to occur was "Cram," and I was hoping to find that Crames are also "Cran / Crane", but no luck at first. However, Crams use an "amore" motto term jibing with Amorites that I see in the Bedouin line to Iamblichus.

But then "Cramer" occurred to me, and its write up traces to MacCrainor and MacCreanor. Cramers use the same motto, except for one letter, as Lothians, and Lothians use a bugle in Traby-bugle colors, which is a black bugle, the color of the Base/Bassen bugle. We just saw the black Crane crane standing on a base, and then the black stone of El-Gabal came with a base. Hmm, isn't "ceramic" defined as a clay material fired in a kiln? Was the black stone a kiln-fired object? Did the black stone pertain specifically to Sampsiceramus? Is the black Crane crane therefore an alternative symbol of the black stone on a base? Was all of the Ukraine named after an n-version "CERAM" when the black-stone line arrived to Kamenec? Was "Sampsiceramus" more like SampsiCORONIS (a left-field guess here, probably wrong), as per the black bird that Coronis was given for her symbol? Did the Sampsiceramus line name Chora on Patmos, since after all his line has traced to Eschol, the root, I claim, of Scala on Patmos?

The Crane crane stands on a "green staff ragully in base." The Staff surname was already touched upon as using a chevron in colors reversed to the Arthur chevron. Chevrons are Hebron important. Staffs are said to descend from the Toeni surname, and the Italian Tony write-up even traces to Mark Antony. Tony's use York colors, and a white rose on a stem; the Gambel crane has a black rose with stem in mouth, and sometimes the stem can be added in honoring the STEIN/Stem surname...that, like the Antons/Anthonys, uses the leopard head. The Stein/Stem Coat has features reflecting both the Scottish Cooper and the Gambel Coats (not forgetting that the other Cooper Coat uses leopard heads).

So, why are STAFFS tracing to the Herod / Anthony leopard? Why do Hawks use purple "pilgrim's STAVES"? Then, the Pilgrim/PEREgrine surname, using black staves, was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Steins/Stems. The Pilgrim/Peregrine Crest looks like it uses an Arabian sword / scimitar. Is that now to be understood as code for the Iamblichus / El-Gabal "Arabs"?

I've highlighted the Pere term above to show the gold leopard heads of the Pears/Perles, for the Boofima leopard must trace to ImPERia. The Imperia mainland is Var, and then Pears/Pearls were first found in Vere-ruled Oxfordshire, which uses a red bull / ox, that may trace to the red bulls seen earlier in the Iamblichus line. But as Imperia is in Liguria, where GRIMaldis had/have their titles, note PilGRIM/PegGREM. The, see the lozengy of the Grimaldi surname, for lozenges are still standing as code for the black stone.

The Hauk variation of Hawks can morph from such terms as "Os" and "Hose," terms that have traced already to Iamblichus. It just so happens that the Hose/Ose crest is a red lion that could be construed as the red leopard of Antons/Anthonys because Hose's were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as English Tony's! And it was just a few seconds AFTER that last exclamation mark that I saw this in the Hose write-up: "First found in Leicestershire, where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Hose. William of Hose, formerly William de Nueris, held the Church, lands and tithe of Hose from Robert de TOSNY, a descendant of Robert, Duke of Normandy. The family was originally of Noyers, Eure, in the district of Les Andelys, Normandy."

Therefore, the Mark-Antony line had merged with the line of Aziz, father of Sampsiceramus I. On top of this, the Stave/Stevenson/STEINson surname uses a "Coelum" motto term perhaps for Coele-Syria, and a "solum" motto term perhaps for Sol Invictus = El-gabal.

Did you note, "William of Hose, formerly William de Nueris"? As the Hose's are tracing excellently to Aziz/Azizuz, what about the idea that his Nabataean allies were Nahorites? The trace just now of the Sampsiceramus line to L'viv happens to be where the Nueris-like Neuri lived. The Neuri lived on the Bug river, and both Bug rivers are in the vicinity of L'viv. The Arms of L'viv even use a "SEMPer" motto term, the full meaning of which has eluded me until now. Moreover, I traced "L'viv" to the Vivians and Fifes, which is where the number 5 traces that was discovered in the Iamblichus line on three occasions: once in the five axes of the Bullocks; once in the five lozenges of the Plocks; and also in the five theme of Arthurs. It recalls my writing two or three times in the past that the numbers 5 and 30 were sacred to the Samson bloodline.

No Neuris surname comes up, but the Norris surname might apply. It uses a "serve" motto term jibing with the term used by Coles who must trace to the Coele-Syria term. The Norris Coat not only uses black birds (ravens/crows), but their "FEYthfuuly" motto term smacks of the Vey variation of Vivians, and then Feys and Fifes were, in my opinion, the same bloodline, and were even discovered to be Covert = Caiaphas line of the Hof / Duff kind.

Over the years, I traced the Samson cult to ass terms, though not knowing for certain whether it had to do with the donkey god of Avvites. Samson slew 1000 Philistines (not really) with the jawbone of an ass. Here I now find Aziz, father of Sampsiceramus? One of the ass terms considered for the Samson line was "Assisi," smacking now of the Azizus alternative for Aziz. Assisi is a city in PERugia/ PERUSia of Italy, where the Ottone surname was first found that uses a long solid white-on-blue chevron, as does the Caiaphas-suspect Chappes, first found in PARIS. One could get the impression that Pharisees came forth from the Iamblichus > Azizus line. The Iamblichus that was grandfather to Azizus is dated at Wikipedia around 151 BC, about the time one could expect the Pharisees to surface. You can see the possibilities here, and especially interesting is where the Sampsiceramus line was priest-king over a Persian = FARSI religion.

The crown in the Crest of the Arms of Assisi has five towers, and the cross in the Shield is in Ottone / Chappes colors.

Clicking to the Perugia article, there was a white-on-red griffin, colors reversed to the griffin in the Andel Coat (in Hose/Ous colors), important because the Hose/Ous write-up traces the ancestry of the family to Les Andelys (Eure, Normandy).

Looking into this deeper, some very interesting markings of the Caiaphas line came up while finding what I think are lines to king Andrew of Hungary. Reminder; I traced Andrew and some Hungary-founding individuals in his Arpad household to the Ticino river, wherefore it was thought that Alessandria, not far from the Ticino, was named in-part after him, or vice-versa. But as the Laevi lived on the Ticino, one may expect some Caiaphas links to Hungarians of the Andrew kind. And that tends to bring queen Margaret back to focus, who is apparently linked to Mackies/Mackeys/Margys and Mackesys/Margesons. That's repeated because I traced the Alis surname, using the "muzzled" Mackay / Macey bear, to "ALESsandria." Margaret named her last son, Alexander.

Aha! Having said that, it was recalled that SIMPSons use an "Alis" motto term. And the green and white colors of that Simpson Coat are a match with what I had already planned to say before writing the paragraph above.

I had traced the Alis surname to the Ali surname, first found in Messina, where I expect the Emesani name of the Sampsiceramus line. The Ali Coat is a griffin in colors reversed to the Andel griffin, and in the colors of the Perugia griffin. The Arms of Alessandria also use griffins, and in the Crest there is, as with the Arms of Assisi, a crown with five prongs shaped as towers. It may be the 5-theme of the Samson bloodline.

Just across the Perusia border into Tuscany there is an Arezzo location smacking of Aretas. It too uses that sort of crown. There are some signs that the El-Gabal cult was here too: " Etruscan necropolis on Poggio del Sole (still named 'Hill of the Sun'), and most famously, the two bronzes, the 'Chimera of Arezzo' (5th century BC) and the 'Minerva' (4th century BC)'..." It was at that time called, Arettium. It pre-dates the rulers named, Aretas, and may indicate that they came from Arettium. I had read, in the Emesa family article, that Romans planted the Iamblichus family in Syria to fight the Seleucids, and the family complied. It was by this means, i.e. by Roman implantation against Seleucids, that I conjectured previously for the formation of Hasmonean rulers in Israel. Both the Hasmoneans and Iamblichus' were permitted by Romans to form a priest-kingship.

I had traced the Chemmites both to Cumber terms and to the Chimera dragon. I now find the Chimera (it was prowling Lycia before Bellerophon defeated it) beside the Umbrian border, indication that Lycians (i.e. from Lachish) may have been in Umbria. The Chimera is a dragon with lion's body, same idea as the griffin used by Perugia, but "griffin" may have origin in "Gareb." Chemmites claimed to stem from mythical Perseus, who smacks of Perusia! The El-Gabal god is said to have some Persian characteristics.

If this idea, that the Aretas rulers came from Arettium, is correct, then El-Gabal may have been named after whatever Gubbio was then called, and that sun god himself may have had roots in Arettium's Hill of the Sun. The MacArthurs use a five-pronged crown, let's not forget. Ardea is not at all far from Arettium, and moreover there was/is a Sion-like Siena location beside Arettium that may trace to Amorites of Zion / Gareb: "A Roman town called Saena Julia was founded at the site in the time of the Emperor Augustus. The first document mentioning it dates from AD 70." However, myth traced it back to a brother of Romulus and a son of Remus (i.e. several hundred years BC). "Statues and other artwork depicting a she-wolf suckling the young twins Romulus and Remus can be seen all over the city of Siena." The Julia name tagged to the city is interesting for the Julia's of the El-Gabal cult in Syria. And in this I am not forgetting my trace of mythical Remus to "Rimini, where the pine-CONE-using Maschis were first found that may link to Julia Maesa.

The gold-on-red upright lion in the Arms of Assisi are colors reversed from the upright lion of the Leys/Lighs, and we just saw reason for tracing Lycians to Arettium, not forgetting that Assisi traces to Aziz of the Iamblichus bloodline while Arettium traces (tentatively) to Aretas, and not forgetting that Iamblichus' line is suspect from Samson who carried the Mus house of the Hyksos to the Meschins/MASCULINEs, who should be the same as the Maschis/MASKALLYs. I have, throughout the years, claimed that the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin was that of the Ley/Ligh Coat, and moreover I trace the Bellamy clan of the Maceys to Bellerophon because he had Pegasus (Apachnas-suspect) for his ally while Masseys/Maceys use the Pegasus.

I didn't think of Alessandria until after seeing the Gubbio location in Perugia, which had me wondering whether it traced to Gaaba, the place in Mackesy- or Mackey-like Mecca that kept the Muslim black stone. I can't tell what the symbol in the Arms of Gubbio is, but it has five juts and looks like a white bush. Finding no Gubbio surname, "Gubb" was entered to find a white-on-green Coat, the colors, I recalled of a Gabriel Coat that I traced to Gavi, a location at Alessandria. That Gabriel surname is also, Gable and Gabell, though I had not yet known the El-Gabal cult when treating the Gavi location some months ago.

There are two things of immediate importance here, one being the Sussex location of Gabriels/Gaballs, the location also of the Coopers and Coverts. While Coopers trace to the mother of Herod the Great, I still hold out that Coverts/Cofferts trace to Caiaphas. If correct, I'm looking for Caiaphas either from the ovum produced by Cypros herself, or from one of her Nabataean relatives.

The second concern is the five leaves in the holly used in the Gubb/Gubbins Crest (link above), thus tending to assure a trace to Gubbio. The holly is held by an arm wearing a CUFF. "COVert/COFFert", "Gubb", "and Gavi" are similar terms. The Gavi/Gavirati Coat, for example, uses a black Moor head, a symbol of the Paris Chappes'. Compare "Gaviroti" to "Covert."

The Gubbs/Gubbins don't only use besants, a symbol expected from the Bassianus priests of El-Gabal, but they use FIVE besants. Again, I found the Covert line (several weeks ago) in Fife as the Hof line to Irish Feys/Fees/Duffies/Cuffies/Maffies. The surname is traced by it's write-up to "Doffy" which I see as, D'Hof. See the CHAPman crescent in the Irish Fee/Foy/Fey Coat. The curved eel in the latter's Crest could align with the "Alis" term of Gubb-and-Gaball-colored Simpsons; in fact, both the Simpsons and the Gabriels/Gaballs use a White Shield and green Chief.

The English Simpsons use an upright lion partly black-on-gold, the colors of the upright lion of the Gibbs'/Gibbons. This is a pretty good find for supporting the trace of the Alis term of Simpsons to Gavi of Alessandria. It's telling me that the Azizus > Sampsiceramus line is expected from Perusia into the Ticino-river theater (or vice-versa). But why? What relationship did the Gabal cult have with the Laevi or Marici of that river?

As the Aziz term was identified with the Hayasa Azzi, whom I see as the Hyksos = Heka-Khasewet in some way, it's interesting that I traced the Exodus Hyksos to "Bucking(ham)," where English Simpsons (and Khyan-like Cheneys) were first found.

It's not wise to assume that these surnames derive first of all in a Gabriel name. There is another Gabriel/GABRIELLI surname but using "Gabello" and GAMBrielli, first found in Bologna, where the SAMPsiceramus line can be expected. After finding these surnames, I went back to the Gubbio article to find: "Gubbio became very powerful in the beginning of the Middle Ages. The town sent 1000 knights to fight in the First Crusade under the lead of count Girolamo GABRIELLI, and according to an undocumented local tradition, they were the first to penetrate into the Holy Sepulchre when the city was seized (1099)."

The Humes/Homes that I see in "QUM" use the colors of the Gubbs and Gaballs. The Arms of LOMbardy are also green and white, suggesting perhaps that Lombards were named after Umbrians, and had rulers of the Gubbio kind. Lombards ruled northern Italy as it backs up against Switzerland, and then the Gamber/Gomser surname was first found in Switzerland. Lombards are said to be a tribe of Suebi, but Suebi and their Semnones kin trace with certainty to Sabines and SAMnites living in the general area of Umbria.

The white-on-blue cross in the Arms of Assisi is in the colors of the so-called Andrew's Cross of Scotland that must surely have been the symbol of king Andrew I of Hungary. I find this compelling just because I traced Andrew to the Ticino river. One of Andrew's brothers was Levente, which is what helped clinch the trace to the Ticino. The mother of Andrew and Levente was from a Tatony family smacking of "TICINO/TESSEN," but there was also an early Taksony term in the early Hungarian rulers. There was a third brother, Bela:

Fleeing [Hungary] first to Bohemia, [the three brothers] continued to Poland where Bela settled down, while his brothers continued on, settling in Kiev. In Poland, Bela served king Mieszko II Lambert of Poland...and the king gave his daughter, Rixa in marriage to him...Andrew and Levente went on to serve the prince of Kievan Rus' - Yaroslav I the Wise.

There are at least eight ways to link the three Lambert surnames to Iamblichus, suggesting that the Poles didn't like "Iamb" and made it instead into "Lamb." Reminder: the Iamblichus line was traced to Baal-bull elements, and one of them included the Mieske-surname bull. If the Hungarians were themselves from the Iamblichus line, as shown above, it explains their flight to Mieszko Lambert. Moreover, the black stone of the Iamblichus cult was traced to Rijeka/Rika, which smacks of "Rixa," daughter of Mieszko Lambert. Moreover, the Bullocks and Plocks to which the Iamblichus line traced are interpreted by me a Pollocks from Mieszko. Moreover, Mieszko I was from a mythical SIEMowit and SIEMomysl entity at GOPLO, a location that has already been traced to El-Gabal via a Masci-winged Gobel surname.

Earlier in this update, a Wikipedia quote said that the Sampsiceramus bloodline morphed at Emesa into the Bassianus priests of El-Gabal, though no explanation was provided. The Emesa line of Bassianus was traced to the lamb symbol of Le Mas and of the Lamas surname, thought by me to be from Julia Bassianus Maesa. I now find lambs in the English Lambert Coat, surrounding a chevron in the colors of the Child, Bone, and Hebron chevrons (Childeric married Basina), this jibing with the trace of the Iamblichus line to Hebron. English Lamberts were first found in Surrey, an entity to which the Iamblichus line traced.

German Lamberts (why do they use BLACK ducks?) show the same colors, but with a large crescent of the Chapmans, and perhaps that of the Woerden-related WoolWorths. Some peoples did not like the 'bl' and changed it to a 'br,' and for Poles, such a switch could turn "Iamblich" into "Lambrich," like the Lambrecht/Lamprecht/Lambreckt variations of German Lamberts.

Bricks (Massey fleur; probably the Briquessarts) use lozenges (black-stone suspect) in colors reversed from of the French Lamberts, and the latter use the Moray stars typical of Mieszko lines (see Bez and Bole stars). Moray traces to Amorites whom I see in the Iamblichus cult, and Moray / Moravia is suspect by me as a Khazar root of Hungarians. Hungarians Arpads trace to Arados/Arpad, not far from the Arethusa ruled by the Iamblichus line. The French Lambert stars and two chevrons are in the colors of the Blick fish.

The two Lambert chevrons are thin, like the two in the Huck Coat, in colors reversed. Huckabys use the same thin blue chevrons as Hucks, but show five of them, the number found to be sacred to the Iamblichus line. The Iamblichus line was traced to the Hose/Husaby surname that looks to apply to Huckabys. The owls in the Huck Coat may apply to the temple to Minerva at Assisi, for the Hose/Husaby surname is like the Hoseason variation of the Asis surname, itself in the colors of the Assisi cross.

The Huckaby variations ending in "staple" may suggest the Staple surname using yet more gold leopard heads.

It's only a good assumption at the moment that leopard-using Hubbles/Hubels trace to the black-stone god, Hubal. But suddenly it seems that surnames are applying starkly and rigidly to Herod lines, as though there was great passion of all the enemies of Christ to track their records in secret gloating. The feather term in the Hubble-Crest description, rather than using "plumes" as the description does for the two feathers in the Coat, is probably for the Feather/Feder surname, using three white ostrich feathers around a chevron in the colors of the Hebron, Child and Bone chevrons. The Feathers were first found in the same place as Coverts, and then Coverts use Feather colors as well as a gold leopard of their own. It's tracing Coverts to Nabataeans, the peoples from which I half-expect Caiaphas (the rock? the father?) to come from. Might "Feather/Feder" have been play on "Father"?

Actually, I expect Caiaphas to come from the Nahorite side of Nabataeans because the Coffey/Coffer Crest is, probably, mythical Taras in the Arms of Taranto, a location I trace to Taran at Lake Van, home of the Nairi kingdom, while I see mythical Pan from "Van," while Taranto was married to a mythical Satyrion.

Ostrich feathers were already found to trace to the Iamblichus line, and then the "Valens" motto term of Feathers evoked the Whelans/Phalens/Failins, who use the same Coat, essentially, as Bricks. And by the way, the Feather write-up: "First found in Sussex where Juliana Fethere..." Juliana, hum? The Feathers/Fathers not only use "Valens," but "volen," which term gets the Falins/Valens.

In an article of Herod genealogy: "Antipater I, Gov. Idumaea / Edom; poss. had a brother Phalion." The same article shows that Antipater has at least two sons named Joseph while Antipater's daughter (Salome) marries a Joseph, which is the birth name of Caiaphas. The two Joseph sons of Antipater were at least half Nabataean. The English Joseph surname use garbs, what I would expect from Amorite-suspect Nabataeans. The Joseph garbs are even in the colors of the Comyn/Cumming grabs. The Joseph chevrons number five, in the two colors of the Herod/Hurl Coat.

Going back to the Staples, the "rien" motto term was thought to be for Ryans, who happen to use a red griffin in Crest very much like the red griffin of the Andels who should link to the Andelys location of the Hose's. The Andel griffin is what helped to trace the Asis/Hoseason surname to Perusia's white-on-red griffin. In fact, Ryans also use white-on-red griffins in their Coat. It is really a very good find because, while Assisi is in Perusia, it tends to prove that the Asis/Hoseason surname links to the Hose/Husaby surname that in turn links to Huckabys/HokeSTAPLES who in-turn link to Staples who use the Ryan-like motto term.

Ryans use the same motto, "Malo mori quam FODARI," as the Paines. The "quam" term is suspect with QUMran, and the "fodari" term is very conspicuous beside the Feather/Feder/Father surname. As the latter surname was accessed from the Hubbles/Hubels, it's once again tracing Coverts = Caiaphas to Nabataeans. For Paines (they use "foedari") were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts (and Nabataean Coopers), and both Paines and Coverts use fesse in the same colors, the colors also of the Ryan griffins. Then, it just so happens that the Ryan-like Ryes were likewise first found in Sussex, and they are honored in the "rye" term of the Saddock Crest description, while Saddocks were likewise first found in Sussex, and moreover Caiaphas was a Saddock-like SADDUCee.

I had traced the Hof line of Coverts squarely to the daughter (Sigrid the Haughty) of Mieszko I. It was found that the Haughton Coat uses three white-on-black horizontal bars that are colors reversed from the Arms of Trebizond Empire (thanks to GD for having a Haughton bloodline of her own for that discovery). The bull head in the Haughton Crest is what clinches the link to the Mieszko line. But in all this, remember that the Iamblichus line had been merged with the Aretas line tracing in all likeliness to Ardehan, which was beside Trabzon/Trebizond.

Now, the reason for this discussion is that German Lamberts use "black ducks without beaks on a silver chief," and then the Beak Coat uses three wavy horizontal bars in the same colors as the Lambert ducks, and as the three horizontal bars in the Trebizond Empire. The Beaks use yet another gold leopard, and even an ostrich in the Crest that has been a symbol of Trabzon-suspect Trabys. It tends to prove that German Lamberts were from Mieszko II Lambert.

The Hof-suspect Beaks were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Caffs/Chaffs/Chafeys (the Maness peacock in Crest), who likewise use an upright griffin. The Caff/Chaff Coat and Chief combination is very similar to that of Gambels.

Like Houghtons, the Hofs/Hoffers use a bull head. And it's black, the color of the Mieske bull head. There is even a leopard head in the Hof/Hoffer Crest. Isn't this a Caiaphas line tracing itself to the Baal bull of El-Gabal and to the Boofima leopard? Who else in the world would want to honor the chief murderer of Christ but the types who practice human sacrifice? Who else but satanists could we expect in the creation of heraldic codes?

The reason that even such a wide-spread surname as Joseph traces to the Herod-related Josephs is because the heraldry masters don't care about the Joseph family totally unrelated to Herods. French Josephs use a large swan, but this is not sufficient to tell me at this time whether this family traces to Joseph Caiaphas. It's the same swan design as Lindseys, first found in Herod-suspect Lanarkshire. If you were convinced that the Toeni's traced to Mark Antony, see the Lindsey write-up: "First found in Lanarkshire where they were descended from Randolph Lord of Toeni..."

But, then, as there is a "Yosef" name, couldn't we expect it to morph to "Jose" and "Hose," since after all the French Josephs show also as "Jose," and because there is a Robert de Tosny in the Hose write-up? Yokes, like Josephs/Jose's, use a swan too. Have I been wrong to trace Hose's, House's and Hazels to "Aziz/Azizus"? Should they trace instead to a "Joseph." Hmm, is this why God had me investigate the Islips, followed by Hazels, followed by House's, followed by Cabbages/Cobells, at the very time that Coverts became suspicious? After finding Cabbages, they linked to Bakers, who are like the Beaker variation of Beaks now tracing to Coverts.

Have I been wrong in tracing Coverts to Caiaphas when they should instead trace, along with Coopers/Coppers, to Cypros, mother of Herod at least two Josephs? There is still work to do.

Earlier, while on the Toeni family found in the Staff write-up, it was asked, "why are STAFFS tracing to the Herod / Anthony leopard?" I now find that the English Jose/Goss surname, in the colors of the Hose Coat, were first found in Staffordshire.

It's Sunday morning. I haven't read the news for a couple of days. The Ryan topic was written yesterday. I don't recall ever mentioning the Ryan surname before, and yet this morning I discovered that "Republican Mitt Romney anointed Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, an ardent conservative and devoted budget cutter, as his vice presidential running mate on Saturday" Is this timing meaningful? Does it mean that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will win the election?

I have a couple of comments. "Perusia" (the ancient name of Perugia) sounds like "Pressina," one of the variations given for the mother of mythical Melusine. I interpret her as the historical Melissena Rangabe, a Byzantine-Khazar. The Rangabes use the Bouillon cross in white-on-blue, the colors not only of the Romney bend, but of the Assisi cross. The Romney bend is used by Saves, who trace to the Sava river that the Iamblichus line had traced to. To put it another way, the Romney bend is used by Botters who trace to Bute = Avalon, where Veres located Melusine before having her son in her traditional Lusignan theater. Lusignan uses bars in Rangabe colors.

I had not yet come to the Ryans when on the Assisi topic and its off-shoot topics. The Ryan griffin then connected to the Assisi - Perusia topic, and while Perusia smacks of Pharisees, Ryans were noted to be part with Sadducee-suspect Saddocks and with Coverts. The Perugia topic led to a Lycian line to Ligurians, though assumed from a Samson cult back at Lachish, where Amorites are to be expected that trace to the Mormons that Romneys belong to. I can now add that the Lycians at Arettium should trace to the Butteri at Ardea because Lucca is where Botters were first found.

Lucca (where Massars/Massai's were first found) is beside the Massa-Carrara location (Liguria-Tuscany border) that I trace without doubt to the Massi/Mattis surname using the same Coat (almost) as Italian Fulks/Fulgeri's, and then Umbria is where Foligno, anciently FOLGiniae, is located. Put this together with a Romney-Ryan presidency with general Mattis in Central Command, and ask what it may mean toward prophecy, especially if I'm correct in identifying an American president as a false-Christian prophet (one can't get much more false-Christian than the Mormons).

I trace the lamb symbol of the False Prophet to the lamb-depicted Atreus line, then to Atrebates of Hampshire, where English Botters were first found. But the Botter-suspect Bidens were first found there too, and Joseph Biden stands a good chance to one day be the president of America.

Botter / Romney colors are used also by the Sions/Swans, but in this case the latter's Coat belongs to Maceys, who were traced to the Lycians and proto-Meschins passing through Arettium and theater. Sions/Swans were first found in Lanarkshire, which I traced to "Lanuvium," smack beside Ardea. Beside Arettium we just saw Siena, which in ancient times was named by a Saina tribe, smacking of the triple code used by Mormons, "Latter Day Saints," which is part code for Sainte, a location in France not far from Lusignan, and founded by Santones (Gauls). You may recall that Mitt Romney had a Rick Santorum biting at his heels in the race to win the Republican nomination.

I have mentioned many times that the Samson cult, herein passing through Assisi and Arettium, was integral to Lemnos, where Sintians lived that named the Santones living beside the Lemovices from Lemnos. I now find that entering "Sain" gets the same Coat as entering "Sion," the Sion/Swan Coat above using the Levi lion design, a heart for Herods I must assume, the Macey gloves and chevron, and the Ligurian swan from mythical Cygnus, son of STHENelus whom I've traced to the Sitten variation of Switzerland's Sion location. There is even a Senn surname, in Sain/Sion/Swan / Romney / Botter colors, first found in Switzerland (Aargua canton).

Siena was also "Seana," and then entering either "Saen" or "Saint" gets the Sinclairs/Seinclers. It evokes the Saine / Seine rivers in France. Entering "Saine" gets the Senior/Singard/Saynor Coat with lions in Chief in the colors of the Assisi lions. The lion heads of both look very much the same, though not identical. If you scroll down the page at the Siena article, you will see a coin with a dolphin on one side, and a patee cross on the other. There happens to be a dolphin in the Saine/Saynor Coat, and a patee cross in the Senn Coat. The shape of the white Senn cross looks to be identical with the white one used by Messinas...who in turn use a version of the Masci Coat.

It should be important here that Saines/Seniors/Saynors were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulkes/Folks, for Umbria is where Foligno/FOLGiniae is located. The ass-related Samson cult passing through Assisi / Umbria must have been related to the Sabines and Samnites, both of which I trace to the Nile location of Sebannytos/Samannud, smack beside Sais that I trace to Says and Seatons of SAYtown, wherefore the Saine/SAYnor surname looks to apply, especially as the Saine/Saynor lions are in the colors of Says (bull head) and Seatons. The bull head in the Say Crest speaks to me of the red bull tracing earlier in this update to the Iamblichus > Sampsiceramus cult.

I trace the swan of Liguria to swan-like Savona, and the namers of that place seem to me to be a branch of Sabines, especially as the Sabines were also "Safini" while there is a Savone/Safin surname...first found in Somerset, a prime location of the El-Gabal cult. BUT LOOK, the Sabine/Savona (with an 'a') Coat uses, not only a red bull in Crest (same bull as the Boivilles), but a red-on-white scallop in Coat, a symbol of the Romney Coat and Crest. Romneys were first found in the same place as Fulkes/Folks, where also the Lamb-using Lamas surname was first found.

Here's the Senn write-up: "The distinguished surname derived from the Middle High German word 'Senn,' meaning 'farmhand' or 'milker of cows.'" Cowpatties! When one entered "Milk," the Milksop/MillSAPP surname comes up, and when one enters "Sapp," the Sabine/Savona Coat pops up. The Milksops show no Coat, but as the Milk term smacks of "Molech," while that sick god was shaped as a bull, what about that red bull in the Sabine/Savona/Sapp Crest?

The red Sabine/Savona bull is identical (at this time, anyway) to the red one in the Borgia Coat, which could reveal that the Borgia's, and therefore the same colored Burgs, were named after "Perugia"...which traces Burgs to Perseus Chemmites / Gorgons. It just so happens that the Borgia Coat shows garbs surrounding the Shield, and then John de Burgo had ruled in Comyn (see last update) while garbs are used by Comyns/Cummings! This is a very good revelation, tracing the line of John de Burgo (father of Contevilles) to Aragon, which is where Robin traced porphyria when she traced it also to Komnenos!!! Excellent work, Robin, wherever you are. Aragon and Aargau (where Senns were first found) are similar terms, by the way. And Perseus was a mythical ruler of Argos.

In consideration of the Ghosh / Khusa entity of the black-stone keepers, who by the way smack of Kizzuwatna, here's the Borgia write-up: "First found in ZeraGOZA, in the region of Aragon in the place called Borja, from where they took their name." Now that we know Borgia's to be from John de Burgo, ZeraGOZa can be traced to the Goz surname that the Contevilles married.

In previous years, before knowing this potential trace of Burgs to Perugia, I traced Burgs to Pyrgos, which is in Elis, the theater to which I have just traced the Emesa family...that ruled over the black-stone also ruled by the Khusa, and possibly by the Ghosh family of Emmaus. Even while Emesa was in Amurru territory, it appears that Amorites of the Gareb kind are now linking to Ghosh / Khusa elements as they passed through Aragon and Gascony.

"The river Alfeios flows into sea about 7 km south of Pyrgos." The Alpheus was linked by ancients to Arethusa, the name of a city near Emesa ruled by the Iamblichus line. Here's the rest of the Borgia's article: "The lord of this city [Borje] was the count Don Pedro de Alares of the twelfth century, who was a lieutenant of the emperor and of king Don ALFonso I of Aragon." Might "Alfonso" be related to "Alfeios"? The Italian Alfonso write-up: "The distinguished surname Alfonso can be traced back to the ancient and beautiful region of Sicily..." The Alpheus river flowed mythically under the ocean from the Pyrgos to Ortygia in Sicily. Alfincidence?,_Elis

I traced Savona more-closely to the namers of the Sava river than to Sabines proper, and as the Sauer/Saier (read as SaIer, same as SAYer) write-up has the clan on the Sau=Sava river, look at the leopard in the Sarah/SAYer Crest, of a surname said to be from a Saire location. The Sarah/Sayer leopard is almost orange, and lying on a green mound, same as the almost-orange leopard in the Saine/SAYnor Crest! This is new for me, and to top it off, Fulkes/Folks use a "Qui SERA SERA" motto. Note ZERAgoza, and then re-consider the trace of Goz / Ghosh / Khusa to Kizzuwatna, for that's where Qeve/Kue location was to which I trace "qui" terms.

To top it off more, consider the other Save river passing by the Comminges location of the Herods, for we should now be expecting proto-Herods in the Arettium / Assisi theater. Comminges is in the GAScony theater, the place to which I've insisted that the Goz surname should trace. Gascony, remember, uses garbs.

It all telling me that the Sava-river clans trace to Siena/Saena location of the ancient Saines peoples that in-turn trace to Sintians of Lemnos, and then the Save river at Comminges is not very far from where Santones are marked on maps. I don't think the namers of the Save rivers were the same as the namers of Siena/Saena, but all were from the Sais / Sebannytos area...largely Chemmites that I think named Umbria.

As was realized, the Chemmites from Perseus named Perusia, but then the popular Perseus myth had the head of the Medusa Gorgon cut off, out of which came Pegasus...which is how you can link the Perseus Gorgons to the Chimera dragon to which I trace Chemmites. But, now, see the "Medio" motto term of the Saines/Saynors, for it not only smacks of "Medusa," but of AndroMEDA, the wife of Perseus by which they gave birth to Gorgophone and Sthenelus (the latter being easily deciphered as the ultimate father of the Ligurian swan), who I trace to both Sion/Sitten and to the swan line in Savona. It's works.

My conclusion at present is that the Sau river was inhabited by elements from Sais but not necessarily named after them. It's not at all conclusive that Saine/Saynor / Siena/Saena elements were named after Zion and/or Sion at mount Hermon, but the theory is not a bad one in consideration of other the rest. The slightly-different terms above may all be explained as mixes wherein Amorites from Zion linked up with Sais / Sebannytos elements (= Hyksos) that formed the Samson cult in Samannud-like Timna. I did trace the Samson cult to Cadmus (= Cadusii and Mus Armenians) at Sion.

In other words, God foresaw that the Hyksos whom He was plaguing would end up in Amorite Jerusalem after being booted out of Egypt by the southern Egyptians. And after they got to Jerusalem (I think it was Manetho, who smacks of mythical Manto, who traced them there), the Hyksos-Amorite cult found the Hermes Armenians in Hermon, the summit of which was named Sion, indicating that Hyksos-Amorites at Hermon became superior at some point. And just as Zeus was figured by ancients at the summit of Olympus, so I expect that proto-Zeus was from Zion and Sion (compare "OLYMpus" with "HieroSOLYMa"). In this picture, the chief god of Greece was not only a Hyksos one, but an Amorite one, the mix that God has had his angry eye upon throughout all of history, which is why God parked his own chariot at Zion, to take it away from the devil's sons at the Proper Time. God's chariot was in the shape of a crucifixion cross.

CadMUS (husband of Hermon-like Harmonia) was a representation of the Hyksos-of-Mus mix with the Hermes Cadusii at mount Hermon. In fact, the caduceus staff of Hermes was also owned by Tiresias, mythical son of Avaris-representing Everes, and father of Manto. The latter may have been the reason for Manoah, father of Samson, which in fact identifies Samson as a sheer Hyksos entity.

Yet Samson's donkey symbol was for his alliance with Avvites, and they lived at Avith, which was ruled at one time (so says the Bible records) by Hadad of Edom. We then find a god by the name of Hadad in the Phoenicia > Syria stretch, the stretch that Cadmus passed though into Cilicia. Some H-terms were at times fronted with a 'C/K' so that Hadad may have been named from "Kadesh" on the Orontes river, which location I say was named by the Cadusii Armenians.

But if the chief god of Greece was a Hyksos-Amorite one, ditto for the Jupiter-worshipping Romans. And we saw above that the Roman she-wolf, mother of the Romans, was all over Siena, which is a strongish case for a trace of Roman Amorites to the Zion entity. Julie pointed out that ROMA is AMOR backward. Didn't we just see excellent reason for tracing Perusia to Perseus and Andromeda. The two were located in myth at Jupiter-suspect Joppa. And Zeus was made the father of Perseus by an Argos entity, Danae, who must trace back to the Hyksos-Amorite mix in Adana at Tarsus, location of the Cati represented by Cadmus. The Cati lived in Khassi = Kizzuwatna, named after the Heka-Khasewet = Hyksos. Thus when we get to Assisi, the Hayasa Azzi come to mind who lived beside, or even in, Ardahan and Artvin, terms suspect with Ardea and Arettium.

Chances are, the migration went from Arettium and Assisi to Aretas and Azizuz. The Aretas line rebelled against the first Roman intrusions into the Levant, but the Azizus line got allied with the Romans and gave them their first foothold in the Levant. It was what soon-after led to the subjugation of Israel and Judea, wherefore we can expect that the Azizus line eventually had some marital interests of the royal kind with the Hasmoneans, the priest-kings over Israel just before the Sadducees and Pharisees took over. Hasmoneans came to power in Israel at about the time of Iamblichus, grandfather of Azizuz. In this picture, one can easily see Hyksos elements were in the chief-priests of Israel, something that may have been part of destiny. And God sent his second Moses to Israel just as the Hyksos and Amorite Romans together were ruling at Jerusalem. And God attacked them with his cross-shaped chariot, and won.

But the Hyksos-Amorites went forward gloating over what they saw as their victory over God and Israel, and after they destroyed Jerusalem, they continued to build, and their cities grew as high as the moon, and their eyes were on Mars and Venus too, and they named the entire universe of God after their detestable idols. And they set up shop in Washington, and called it America after their Amurru empire, and they built the government buildings in the style of old Roman architecture, and finally the elephant-depicted ones produced a Romney surname for to lead that sinful city, and even to lead the entire county of neo-Zion from which they hope to rule the planet forever. And like the Mormons, they hope to become gods of their own planets one day, the task currently of NASA.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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