Previous Update: Dec 27 - Jan 2

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January 3 - 9, 2012

Stewarts Found Everywhere by the Geloni
What About the Galatian Circumcisers?
"Moses" is Ahmose like "Kamose" of the Yuya Bloodline
Israeli Chief Priest, Ananias, Suspect from Egyptian Priesthood of Anen, son of Yuya
The Scotts Leading to Thomas Jefferson were Mouse-Tower Gophers

The Navajo Peebles of New Masci-co: Relatives to Jefferson's Popiels.

Will the following be good for Israel's hedge, or bad?

Israel is moving forward with plans to hold the largest-ever missile defense exercise in its history this spring amid Iranian efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.

Last week, Lt.-Gen. Frank Gorenc, commander of the US’s Third Air Force based in Germany, visited Israel to finalize plans for the upcoming drill, expected to see the deployment of several thousand American soldiers in Israel.

The drill, which is unprecedented in its size, will include the establishment of US command posts in Israel and IDF command posts at EUCOM headquarters in Germany – with the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces in the event of a large-scale conflict in the Middle East.

Israel is asking to have American spies on its country by making such a deal with Obama the imposter-friend of Israel.

The Iraqi-government collapse still goes on, and the Syrian battle on the streets has not yet predicted a winner. In a January 9 article:

Two Russian warships arrived in Syria on [January 8], news agencies reported, a visit that will likely be seen as a show of force and a display of support for President Bashar Assad's government.

Five ships, including aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and destroyer Admiral Chabanenko, put in at Russia's naval maintenance and supply facility in the Syrian port of Tartus, Interfax said.

...The stop is nominally billed as a "business visit," but Syrian news agency SANA cited an unnamed Russian officer in Tartus as saying the visit was to strengthen ties between Moscow and Damascus.

Russia has maintained support for the increasingly isolated Assad during a nearly 10-month-old uprising against his rule. The United Nations estimates the government crackdown has killed more than 5,000 people...

In the 3rd and 4th updates of December, the Stoke surname was featured. It had been linked to the 666-suspect Astika family, followed up by an identification of Astikas with stig-like surnames. After the 4th update was published, Tim sent in a few new stig-using surnames, one of which was CoSTIGan. I recognized it immediately as the Irish KilPatrick Coat. This was a very good find by Tim because the "cushions" in the Scottish Kilpatrick Chief had been linked to Patterson Cussanes, which had in turn been linked to the Cass/Cash/Cast surname, the symbols of which had been linked to the Arms of Vilnius (i.e. the Lithuanian city where Astikas lived).

To now find a COSTigan surname linking to KilPatricks suggests Costigan linkage to the CAST variation of the Cass/Cash surname. The Cost/Caust surname (bell) is also suspect, it said to derive in "cote" and perhaps even in "coast," though I suspect the Cottians the Alps.

The bell in the Cost/Caust Coat belongs also to the Borderlands and English Bell surname. While the Maxwells, obvious kin of Kilpatricks were first found in the Borderlands, the English Bells were first found in Dumfries, where the Kilpatricks were first found! That now proves that Costs/Causts were a branch of Costigans (no surprise really, but a welcome addition to all the clues on Kilpatricks).

In the past, I failed to read the Kilpatrick-Crest desciption: "A green dragon reguardant, surmounted of a black lion...." I had assumed it to be a green lizard, and had linked it to the Sullivan green lizard and therefore to Salyes Ligurians (they lived beside/amongst Cottians). The Costigan Crest is: "A dragon surmounted by a black lion." BUT, BEHOLD, while the Kilpatrick lion is the Levi lion, the Costigan lion has the tail of the Stoke lion!!!

The lion tail (shaped like a '6', by the way) used by Stokes had been rare to my heraldry adventures until I had found it in the Ulman lion, at which point it was recognized as the Stewart lion tail too (suddenly, it showed up elsewhere). After that (in December), Stewarts were solidly traced to the Astikas / Trabys by other means (i.e. Astikas were revealed as a branch of Stewarts).

The importance of knowing that Kilpatricks use a green dragon is that Astikas were traced to Bute, where Crichtons/Craightons lived who use a green dragon in their Crest too. This clan had been traced to Cretans, where Trabys had been independently traced, and it was in a December update that the 666 was traced to mythical Europa of Crete.

Many years ago, I traced the Irish Cruithen/Cruithne to the Curetes of Crete, the people who accommodated the Zeus-Europa cult out of Tyre, which cult evolved into the Revelation dragon and harlot together. The Cruithen are said be some to have evolved into Picts, and Picts are said by some to be named after the painting (i.e. tattoos) of their skin, and then tattoos bring to mind the fact that Revelation 13 predicts a 666 mark IN the skin, not a mark on the skin. A tattoo is IN the skin.

Revelation predicts a mark in the right / dexter hand or foreHEAD, and then we find "dexter" in the Kilpatrick write-up. In fact, the dexter paw (or hand!) is used and placed on the "head" of the dragon. Here's the full KilPatrick description: "A green dragon reguardant, surmounted of a black lion guardant with his dexter paw resting on the dragon's head."

TAKE ANOTHER LOOK at the Kilpatrick/Patchie Crest to see that the Levi lion is riding on it's back! If you don't know, Revelation 17 has a harlot rising on the dragon's back, suggesting that the end-time harlot (= Europa > the EU) will be a Levi-surname entity.

These ideas now arising had not occurred to me before, and it's highlighting in my mind why I may have been in Texas at all, for had I not been there, I don't think the Kilpatrick surname would have been emphasized starting last summer (it's a long story). That surname just grew and grew in these updates, and here it's now being found (amongst other suspicious things) that it has heraldic codes reflecting the Revelation beast!

Did I identify the Ladon dragon as the Revelation beast??? The Kilpatrick motto uses "laidir"!!! Did I predict that the False Prophet and/or anti-Christ would be a Masci bloodliner? The Kilpatrick Chief uses the same fleur-de-LYS as the Masci Coat!!!

The Levis were first found in Ile-de-France along with the Lys surname (uses fleur-de-lys in Massey-fleur colors), you see, and Meschins were closely related to Ley/Ligh-branch Ligurians, wherefore note that Costigans were first found in Leix, also called, Laois. The Arms of Laois uses the same "fountains" as per the Cass/Cast Coat! And Laois is a familiar topic to me going back years. I know that the black lion (!!!) in the Arms of Laois belongs to O'Rourk, but it's now suspect as the black Levi lion. I had traced (tentatively) the O'Rourk lion to the Hohenstaufen lions (I view Hohens without doubt as Cohens (means "priests") who are wrongly said to be from God-blessed Levites).

Leix/Laois is in Leinster, a region named after the sun god, Lug, and so I trace Leinster to Ligurians, especially as the Leinster surname (motto smacks of motto of Pattersons = Patricks) is listed with the swan-using Leicester surname. Note the blood drops from the Leinster/Leicester swan, for Scottish KilPatricks use blood drops from their dagger (Pattersons use blood drops too). I sense that the KilPatrick dagger belongs to the Maceys / Mackeys, and as the Maceys were from Bellamys, note the Bellamy (and Bell) Shield used by the Leinsters/Leicesters. On the Bellamy Shield of the Leinsters/Leicesters, once again we find fleur-de-lys in Masci-fleur (and Kilpatrick-fleur) colors. The Swiss Lex/Lecks Coat, searched just now as per "Leix," uses the same colors.

This would be the place to mention that Tim sent in a Stiglermeier surname as a stig=666 possibility. It uses a Shield that is the Bellamy Shield in colors reversed. It also shows a black-on-gold bull head, what I would link to the same-colored Mieske/Mesech black bull. The surname is shown more simply as Stigler and Steigler, and the "meier/meyer" tacked onto it reminds me of the first Rothschild, Mayer Bauer (in a recent update, Rothschilds were linked to 666-suspect surnames, and to the Ishtar = Europa bloodline). I note that German Meiers (Ferrari / Fergus lion?) were first found in Prussia, as with Mieskes/Mesechs.

Although the Sullivans (black boar indicating Esau elements) use a lizard while KilPatricks use a dragon, there are still multiple reasons to link the two families. For example, the KilPatrick motto uses "a boo" while Sullivans use "abu." Sullivans use the MacCarthy stag, and as MacCarthys were of the MUSkerry circle of Desmonds, I'll repeat that Desmonds use "Crom aboo" as their motto. (I trace the Desmond saltire to Annan(dale)s, and therefore to the Ananes Gauls (near the Laevi) that I suspect to be linked to Annas/Ananias, the high priest of Israel that took part in Jesus' murder).

The Sullivan write-up suggests codework for the all-seeing-eye cult, and the Sullivan robin has a leaf in beak as likely code for the Laevi / Levi. We are seeing, once again, that the discussion centers on the Levi / Laevi whom are suspect as pagan elements amongst Masonic Hebrews. Therefore, I'll add that Tim, in his hunt for stig-using surnames, also found a Prestige variation of the Prestwick surname (porcupine), and that "Prest" means "priest."

The Prestwick/Prestige Coat uses Melusine, the dragon woman of Europe that was also portrayed as a mermaid, and who depicted Lus entities such as Lusignan and Lusatia, for which reason I see her as the Ladon dragon amid the Ferrari > Vere bloodline, itself suspect as a Pharisee bloodline.

If I'm not mistaken, I identified Melusine as a Speer / Spree bloodline in Lusignan before seeing the "speravi" motto term of Prestwicks. I claim that Lusignan was named after "Luzica" (German version of "Lusatia"), and then, long before the development of the Melusine=Speer theory, I had traced Speers and related Sprees to the Spree river in Lusatia. It works too well not to be true, especially where Melusine's mythical mother, Pressina, is code for Prussia (Lusatia was part of Prussia).

It's not inconceivable that the black porcupine in the Prestwick/Prestige Crest is the black boar of Esau where their may have developed a Pork-like surname from the boar-using clans. Parkers, for example, use the MacCarthy stag too, as do Sullivans, and the latter use a black boar as a chief symbol. Parkers were married into boar-using bloodlines, for example the Bowles, and it just so happens that the Bowles Coat uses black boars!

Prince Charles of Britain / Wales just married that Parker-Bowles bloodline. He was previously married to Diana with Spencer surname. It just so happens that the Spence Coat also uses a black boar. Therefore, when you hear reports that Charles and his royal household trace to Israelites of the King-David kind, remember that the Book of Enoch (which I don't regard as Inspired) tells that Esau was given a black boar as his symbol. Ultimately, the Ladon dragon needs to trace to Lotan, of the Horite family in Edom that married Eliphas, Esau's son (according to Genesis).

I had traced that Seir / Horite bloodline of Lotan to the Timm/Time surname as per Timna, Lotan's sister and wife of Eliphas. There were multiple reasons for identifying the Timms/Times as Timna's Horites, including the goat in their Crest (which I traced to Seir). As one Moray motto uses "Deum Time" for its motto (that Moray Coat is no longer shown at, while another Moray Crest uses Melusine, it's likely that Morays/Murrays linked to the Timms/Times. As the latter were first found in Kent, and as they use the Masci-colored fleur-de-lys, they must link to the Massins/Masons of Kent, who not only use Melusine in Crest, but a "Dum spiro spero" motto.

It's a real eye-opener, is it not, as to how Masons know exactly to what sort of Hebrews -- not Israelites -- they trace to. Esau, the Hebrew line that God hated, the antithesis of Israel which would produce the dragon cult of Revelation, destined to form an alliance with Gog and to be destroyed in Edom. Here's what I wrote as far back as 1st update of October, 2009:

A quick check of the Gration surname finds it listed under the English Greyson/Grason surname, but the Scottish Greyson/Greson Coat uses a Moray symbol that up until now had roots eluding me. It's a lock, apparently, and the Greysons use it in the Crest as well as in the Coat, suggesting that the Morays/Murrays were connected to them very closely. Note that the Scottish Greysons were first found in DUMfries, while the Moray motto includes "Deum time," apparently in honor of Dumfries. This suggests that the root of "Dumfries" is linked closely to the root of the Greysons.

Checking just now, the same lock used by the Moray Coat that had "Deum Time" for a motto is called a "lock" for the Greyson Crest, and yet the same lock in the Greyson Coat is called a "shackle." The swan-using Locks (= Ligurians) are suspect, and then English Greysons/Gravesons (Shackle colors) use a lion that I would identify as the Ley/Ligh lion.

The Shackle surname shows a Shield in colors reversed to the Greyson Shield (I'm pegging it as an Alan Shield). The Shackle mascles are called LOZENge buckles. The Shackle Crest is a "poplar tree," smacking of mythical Popiel at the Mouse Tower in Poland.

The Shackle write-up: "The Shackles surname was a habitational name created from the place named Shackleton in the parish of Halifax, West Yorkshire. The place name is thought to derive from the Old English word 'scacol,' which describes a 'tongue of land'..." That must be a clever use of terms, for there is a Tongue surname, and it just happens to have been first found in Yorkshire. The Tongue Coat uses what ought to be the Arms of Champagne, used also by the Champagne surname. The Romneys and Pole-suspect Pullens appear to use a version of this Shield.

In fact, Pullens (pelican) use the same footless martin design as the Tongues, and were likewise first found in Yorkshire!! The Tongue write-up: "First found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Manningham in that shire..." Checking the Manning surname (ostrich feathers, Crete suspect symbol), it was first found in Cheshire, as were Eatons, and uses the same "cross" (i see double-headed axes or "labrys") as Eatons and Meschin-related Samsons. Biblical Samson (if he lived at all, he was mythicized) lived in Timnah. It's possible that Eatons/Etons link to "EDINburgh" of LOTHIAN, you see. See also garbs and scallops (two Cheshire symbols) of Edins/Edens (suspect as Clares in colors reversed).

The Manning motto, FURTHERMORE, uses "Esse" as likely code for Esau (see the Esse/Ash surnames, and then link one Ash motto term, and one Ash-Crest lion, to the same of the Eatons). How many coincidences will the reader tolerate before jumping ship from the slippery rulers of this world, seeking God's protection instead before it's too late? The rulers of this world are about to deceive the world into following them to Hell. As they killed Christ, so they will kill some Christians, and jail others, and chase and afflict others. But their end will be speedy after that, and they will no longer be somebodys. As one throws out the trash, so will it be when God comes to deal with them.

Did you happen to notice the "domine" motto term of Prestwicks/PreSTIGes? It's a term (used by Edinburgh of LOTHIAN) that's suspect as code for "Edom."

The CoSTIGan lion, as with the Levi lion of Kilpatricks. also rides a dragon. It suggests that the Levi bloodline may also be fingered in the lion design of Costigans, a lion design used by Ulmans, Stokes, Montforts (see also Stacks), and Stewarts. All of these clans are thereby suspect as the ones leading to the end-time harlot that will ride the beast.

It so happens that, just before opening Tim's email on COSTigans and finding links to the Cass/Cast surname, I had been looking at the Chess/Cheese/Cheser surname (Ferrari lion?), said to be from the term, "cese" or "cyse." It was then found that the Dutch Kyse/Kise/Kize/Kies surname uses teeth and the Alan Shield. This was amazing because it was recently that, in my typical craziness, I invented a tooth bloodline and traced it to Alans.

Hmm, there is an American politician, president wanna-be at one time, named Alan Keyes. The Keyes motto shows a "domino"! Both Keyes and Dents (tooth-suspect) were first found in Yorkshire. Mannings (Manchester suspect) were also first found in Yorkshire, and Mackays use "Manu" in their motto.

As "Allan" is registered as a sept of Mackays (in Wikipedia's Mackay article), note that entering "Kees" gets the Mackay Coat. As per the discussion below, see how the German Kees/Kaser/Kese Coat reflects the Masci wing in the Chaine/Cheney/CHESne Coat.

The further point here is that "cese/cyse" (from the Cheese write-up) smacks of the Cass bloodline, and in fact one Kyse/Kish/Cuss surname is an obvious version of the Cass/Cash surname shown earlier. so let me remind that, two updates ago, it had been reasoned that 666-loving bloodlines would use surnames reflecting "chi-xi-stigma," but also Chez-like surnames (the Kess / Casey surnames, and the satanic rock band, Kiss, had been suspect too) because "xi" is pronounced "zi." If we sound out chi-xi-stigma, we nearly get "Costigan."

Years ago, I realized that FLAADs / Alans of Dol -- the proto-Stewarts -- traced to Danish king, BLATand "bluetooth," you see, and for that reason tooth-depicted bloodlines, such as the Dents, were suspect as Blatand > Alan entities (English Stewarts use a tooth-like bend with their Ulman / Stoke lion). But to now find an actual tooth symbol in a Kyse Coat using the Alan Shield, well, it's nice to have the evidence that vindicates my "craziness." Plus, as Ulmans had been identified with mythical Almos, founder of Magyar-based Hungarians, note the "major" motto term in the Cheney motto, for the Major surname is also "Magor."

"Yonge" was also linked to "Hungary" for more reasons that similarity of terms, and then we find that the English Yonge motto uses "pruDENTia PRAESTat." Yonges/Youngs were found to be closely related to Trabys.

By what cosmic-sized coincidence is it that, while I traced Cheese-like surnames to the Chaines/Cheneys/CHESnes, the Dent Coat (tiger) looks like a version of the Cheney Coat! The latter's motto uses "pruDENTia," you see. Heraldry workers and masters were clever but highly revealing too.

As Edens (colors reversed to Alans) also use "prudentia," perhaps "Dent" was from "Eden."

The "bull's scalp" and horns in the Cheney Crest may link to the bull's horns in the Biden Crest because the Biden Coat looks like a version of the Alan Shield. The "fato" motto term in the Cheney Coat then gets the Biden Shield in the Fate/Fadmore Coat, with the same footless martins (same gold color too) as in the Cheney Coat!!! Both the Dents and Fates/Fadmores were first found in Yorkshire.

Remember, the Bush Coat boars. Sca-a-ary, yes, for we are talking about murderers -- rulers who murder their own people, as in 911 -- and then go take down rulers of other nations who murder their own people.

From the Russian Federov write-up, the Feder surname was found, using a tree stump in the same color as the stump in the Faith/Faithful Crest; the latter's is the Rodham tree stump.

One easily spots the Mieske symbol in the German Faith Coat, and then the pelican on nest of the Feders is used by the German Well Coat (in Walser colors). It just so happens that the English Well Coat is the two-tailed lion design of the Stokes ("qui" motto term), the same lion as used by English Stewarts...while Scottish Stewarts use a pelican on nest.

It was my impression that heraldry codes for Foetes in Bavaria would include fidel-like motto terms, and as that term means, "faithful," note now that the Faith/Faithful surname is linking to Feders i.e. yet another Foetes-like surname. Federovs (no Coat shown) are said to be from "feodor." It should explain why Feders were first found in Bavaria. The "fato" term of the Cheneys is therefore Foetes suspect.

It was Julie who gave use Foetes in the first place. She has played quite a few key roles in this hunt. It appears that she is now playing a huge role, for last night one of her emails was opened to find that some of her family is from Galicia, known as Red Rus when taken over by Varangians of Kiev. She wrote that in when I had mentioned Lviv a few updates ago (3rd and 4th of December), telling that parts of Lviv are in Galicia of the Ukraine, otherwise known as Halych or Halychyna (beside Hungary).

In the December updates, I had glimpsed that the Arms of Lviv made it to the lion in the Arms/flag of Jerusalem. It was theorized that "Lviv" had been a Levi / Laevi entity, you see. If you go back to the 3rd update and find "Lviv" on that page, then back up a few paragraphs, you will see excellent evidence that Lviv elements trace to Dol, Brittany, and the Alans thereof.

I had written:

Brody is not far outside the metropolitan area of Lviv/Lwow. Note how the Arms of Lviv smack of the Arms/flag of modern Jerusalem, with blocks behind the lions. This alternative Arms of Jerusalem even uses the Lviv-lion colors. Hmm, Zionist Rothschilds stacked modern Israel with Russian "Jews" even before the Balfour declaration (1917), even before Rothschilds took Russia (1917) and Israel (1917).

The implication was that Zionist Rothschilds were warm to Lviv's Russian "Jews" for some reason. Then Julie's email came in, and that got me to the Halychyna article, where I saw -- in the Arms of Halych(yna) -- what looked like a black-on-white crow / raven, important because German Rothes/Rothschilds (no 's' in "Rothschild") use a black-on-white raven / crow!!! This was fantastic.

TO BOOT, the lion in this 13th-century Arms of Principality and Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia is in the colors of the Jerusalem lion!!!

The problem was that the beak of the Halychyna bird was not long like that of the raven in the Rothes Coat, but then I found this longer beak in an alternative Arms of Halychyna. After that, "Arms of Halychyna" was googled along with "crow," with just one result on the Google page...this one:

Wapedia - File: Alex K Halych 2.svg
2 Jun 2010 – Categories: PD-self, Halych-Volhynia, Crows and
Ravens in heraldry, Coats of arms of Ruthenia, Historical coats of
arms of Ukraine, ...

(see link above at "one result")


No, for in this Arms (of the town) of Halych, we find a longer beak, and that the bird is a officially a "jackdaw," a species of crow. It now seems highly likely that the raven-depicted vikings of northern Scotland were one and the same the Varangians of the Kiev / Halych theater. THANK YOU JULIE!!! THIS IS A GEM.

"The ancient city of Halych first appears in history in 981 when taken over by Vladimir the Great of the Kievan Rus." "VLAD" smacks of "Flaad," the name of one patriarch of the Dol Alans, but also smacking of "BLATand" bluetooth.

As per Galicia-Volhynia, the latter location is also "Velyn," a Vilnius-like location. As Volhynia is located in the Neuri theater where lived the Geloni, hmm, "Velyn" fits that people quite well. Have we found a bloodline of Nahor, brother of Abraham??? Is that what the flag of Jerusalem is also about?

I did link Neuri to Alans of the Roxolani kind, and suddenly that evokes the trace of Dol's Alans to this Ukrainian theater!!! This is astounding, for it gives every reason now to trace the Neuri to Lake Van's Nairi, for Dol is near Vannes in Brittany! My findings were that Stewart lines often use ermines, the symbol specifically of Vannes.

AHA! As Herodotus (the one who told about the Geloni / Gelonus) implied that the Neuri dressed for ceremonies as wolves, and as Stewarts in early times used a dog/wolf symbol, so the Wooley/Woley surname that comes up when entering, "Wolfley," uses a wolf. The point is, another alternative name of Volyhynia is "Wolyn". Obama has a Wolfley bloodline, from German Wolfins (or was it "Wolflin"?).

Hmm, what's the Levi lion design doing in the Irish Haly/Haley Crest? The surname is said to be from "hEalaighthe," a Halych-like term.

AHA! I trace the Rothschild arrow to the Kabar tribes amongst Hungarians, and as there were only three Kabar tribes, we expect Kabar surnames to use three arrows, as does the Hail Coat! I had just checked it as per the Haily variation of the Haly surname.

This is fantastic for another reason. Many years ago, when first starting the dragon hunt, I had published a chapter, but then removed it for fear of being wrong, in which I traced the first Drummond, Maurice, son of king Andrew I of Hungary, to Halychyna. I traced Maurice's father (George) to the founding of the Scottish Ross clan (George was in Scotland as early as 1055), that clan said by others to be founded by a family of an unidentified Andrew (some will identify another Andrew (besides the king) as root for the Ross clan, perhaps deliberately misleading the Scottish peoples). I had claimed that the Ross clan was named after the Varangian Rus because king Andrew was partly Varangian (on his mother's side), and/or he had a Varangian wife.

Compare the Hail Coat to the French Maurice/Morise Coat!!! It means that I should have left that chapter up because Maurice Drummond (his mother, possibly) is suddenly tracing to Halych. The Moray stars in the Maurice Coat are additional evidence that the surname was after Maurice Drummond, for Moray was part-and-parcel with the Ross clan. Those Moray stars are in the colors of the boars in the Haly/Haley Coat.

I had maintained that Maurice was named after "Moravia" elements (beside Bohemia), and Scotland's Moray was also called, "Moravia." I had found that Maurice's father had married a girl of PodeBRADY / PodeBRODY (in Bohemia), and so note the Brody location near Lviv that was treated in the 3rd update of December.

The Ales/Alleys could apply to Hails / Halys, as they use a lion in Moray-star colors, and that could suggest that "Alans" of Dol were named after "Halychyna." There may be no end to how many surnames link back to Halych. French Gallys use stars in French-Alan colors, and the gold Sinclair rooster of the Gallys/Galix' may link Sinclairs back to Halych too. Hmm, why really did they name it our "galaxy"?

English Gallys (checks in Hull colors) were first found, as with Hallands/Hallams and Hulls, in Yorkshire. My findings were that Hallands and Halls / Hulls (and Helions) traced to the pagan Galli priesthood at Gallipolis and Hellespont. Scottish Pattersons, first found in Ross-shire, were traced (by me) to Drummond elements (Halych is now suspect), and emailer Patterson is also a Hall bloodliner! She was the one that had me break the Hall bloodline wide open last year.

It's been established in multiple ways that the Irish-Patterson camel links to the Pepin camel, but now see that the Pepin Coat ("quisque" motto term) also uses the Massey horse design, used also by the English Gally Crest! Gallipolis and Hellespont were in Mysia, you see.

Pepins were descended from Landons, and the Alans / Stewarts of the Doly region around Lviv had been connected (3rd update December) to a Lendian peoples.

The Gale/Gaile motto uses "Qui" too, AND ZOWIE, it also shows three small saltires that, in the 4th update of December, were hypothesized as code for 666. It is highly suspect already that the 666 bloodline goes back to the Galli sex-pot priesthood (they loved male temple prostitutes, the younger the better, because they were possessed by demons that manipulated their lusts). I'm not sure why the unicorn in the Gail/Gaily Crest is described with "paly of six," though the Paly Crest is another camel's head while the clan was first found in Yorkshire. I know my stuff in heraldry by now, and one doesn't find these "coincidences" easily, but usually only when family linkage is real.

There are three small saltires (almost) in the English Spence Coat as well, and these Spences were first found in Yorkshire too. Actually, the Coat uses mill stones.

It's my guess that the Gale/Gaile unicorn is that of the Paris surname, going back to mythical Paris and Priam at Mysia and Troy, codes for the real city of Parion/Parium of the Hellespont theater. The Parisii co-founded York with Eburovices/Ebroicum (from the Abrussi bloodline), where Gally and Hall elements congregated with the Eburovices line to Bruces.

Funny how things happen. Breaking for lunch just now, Herman Cain (creator of the 9-9-9- tax plan) was on Fox news, telling that he is 66 years old right now...and that he intended to stay on in his capacity for another nine more years (may have been a joke, but).

Newt Gingrich's daughter then came on to support her father for tonight's Iowa caucus (why do they call it that?), and she turns out to have a CUSHman surname (brings up the Cousin/Cossin surname, Hungarian suspect as per the Cysikos) by marriage. Entering "Cush" gets the Cass/Cash-related Kyse/Kise surname. Drummonds use a "Gang warily" motto, and entering "Gang" gets a Gedge/Geg(g) surname with Ginge variation. BOTH Cushmans and Gangs/Ginges were first found in Norfolk, suggesting that Newt's daughter married along bloodline kin typical of Illuminatists. Here's the Gingrich/Gingras Coat.

I've just checked my files to see whether I spelled "Csikos" properly, and here's what I found (4th update last September):

...the Steed Coat (bears) is a chevron in the colors of the chevron of the French Majors [Magyar/Hungarian suspect].

Emailer Patterson may be wondering whether the Steeds (said to derive in "stud" or stallions) link to the Csikos horse experts. The Stallion Coat is a chevron in colors reversed to the Steed chevron.

Checking the Stallion Coat just now, the surname was likewise first found in Norfolk, suggesting that the Cushmans/Cousins were indeed the Csikos Hungarians (who specialized, and were known for, using arrows on horseback). It was just this morning when I showed a Coat with "Steady" motto (can't recall which surname), a term that gets the muzzled bears of the Steeds (probably the Landon bears).

It just so happens that I traced proto-Hungarians to the Ticino river and to the Alessandria theater, where Tortona sits that I say was depicted in heraldry by red roundels called torteaux. Tim sent in yet another stig-like surname, the Stigall/Stiggants surname, using torteaux in Chief. And, zowie, it likewise was first found in Norfolk.

The write-up: "It was from the old Norman name Stigandr." Isn't that a Stig-Anders combination??? The abundant evidence that the Ticino river, and other terms surrounding it, were named after Hungarian elements, suggests that king Andrew links to AlessANDRIA, though possibly the latter location may be a part-Sanders in the Sand and Candie elements discussed recently as they linked to Sinclairs and Trabys...and Ghent = Gant. Note the StigGANTS variation.

It's possible that GingRICH's link to the Rich surname (In Vere colors) with Drake wyvern in Crest because the Drummond motto, "Gang warily," appears to be part code for Veres (who I link to Drakes that use the wyvern in Crest too). Both Rich's and Drakes were first found in Hampshire.

Suspecting the Gingrich's were related to the Kyse/Cush clan as per Newt's marriage to a Cushman, by what coincidence is it that the English Gras Coat smacks of the Kess/Casey Coat. The Gingrich surname is shown properly as GinGRAS, GinGRAIS, GainGRAS, GainGRAIS, etc.

Then, as I identified Valerius Gratus (Roman governor of Judea immediately before Pontius Pilate) with Gras-like surnames as well as with the Italian Butteri cowboys (that emailer Patterson and I link to Csikos Hungarians), by what coincidence is it that both the Gras and Kess/Casey Coats use the Italian Botter bar/bend???

Is this tracing Newt Gingrich to Valerius Gratus? I identified (tentatively) the father of Pontius Pilate as a Butteri man related to Valerius Gratus. Note that English Botters/Bodins were likewise (i.e. as with Rich's) first found in with Bidens/Buttins. What bloodline do you think rules America today? The white-washers. Those with greed piled to the rims of their beautiful cups. Those with clean hands (from soap) but dirty hearts. The White House, the den of evil, the Masonic plot to rule the world, to make it satanic in the name of a lamb that is not Christ.

I had linked the Dutch Gant Coat to the Botter bend, and now I find the StigGANTS'. Meanwhile, I had linked Butteri (especially of Bute) to the stig-suspect Astikas. The Stiggants write-up: "...the surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Holme, held by Roger d'Evreux from William d'Ecuis..." Is that an equestrian term???

Entering "Gander" as per the ancient "Stigander" term that the surname is said to derive in, we get more blood drops in a surname using a Cantor variation (= horse term), and the same 666-suspect leaves in Crest as per the French Casey/Cazin Coat (surname first found in Ile-de-France, Levi suspect). A couple of the French Casey variations smack of the Cousins.

The Gander/Cantor Coat (uses a "hyems" motto term like "haemon," the Greek word for "blood") description calls its blood drops, "twelve gouttes," though I count 13 (was that a deliberate slip?). It's a barry important point, for the drops are on "A shield with barry gold and red..." That is, on gold and red bars. Some of you may have read where the American flag's "stripes" were linked to the bars of the Berry / Barry / Bury / Barrie bloodline...after which the heraldic stripes were called, "barry."

The original American flag was technically a barry of 13, making Ganders/Cantors suddenly suspect at the foot of the American nation.

Compare the Gander/Cantor Coat with the Scottish Barry Coat! Compare the stripe-like bars of the Irish Barry Coat with those of the proto-Washington Wassa/Gace Coat, keeping in mind that the stripes on the American flag are said by many to derive from the Washington Coat.

Why are there 13 goutte drops in the Gander/Cantor Coat? Perhaps the Gout family knows. Gouts use red-on-white stars, the color of the Washington stars, and of the lone Italian-Botter star! This Washington link to Gouts is all new to me, and it's evoking the 13 colonies.

BEHOLD! The Cout Crest is a rising eagle (excellent phoenix-depicting symbol for the "New Atlantis" coined by Francis Bacon to depict the new-world America), while the Washington Crest is a rising raven, or: "A raven with wings endorsed proper." But that's not the BEHOLD part. The Cout bird looks like the English Botter bird! But that's still not the BEHOLD part. The Cout Coat uses a red stag and single blue-on-white pheon, the same as the Colts/Cults of Perthshire that I had linked to the birth of Pontius Pilate in Perthshire!!! That's the BEHOLD part because it once again suggests that Pilate was a Butteri on his father's side (his mother is said to have been a Pict of the Perthshire theater). In the meantime, it traces Couts and Cults to Washingtons. Why? Could there be a Custis reason for it???

I traced pheons and phoenix independently to Lake Van (and Veneti elements, therefore), and then the Washington Shield is used by the Vannes/Ness/Nest Coat. I traced the Nest surname to mythical Nestor in ancient Pylos, and suspected that Pilate was named after Pylos elements. It appears that Lake Van elements merged with Nestor elements in the Vannes/Nest clan, and that the Pilate surname, using a pheon in colors reversed to the Cout and Cult pheons, was also part of the mix...leading to American Masons.

Again, the Couts were first found in Elginshire, which is Moray, and the Moray stars made it to the American flag. The Cout write-up: "The ancestors of the Cout family were part of an ancient Scottish tribe called the Picts. They lived in Cults in Aberdeenshire where the name can be found since very early times." Aberdeen is beside Perthshire. The only thing missing here is the wash basin used by Pontius Pilate. Did his towel have red and white stripes?

Earlier in this update, the Costigan and Coast/Caust surnames had been found to trace to a "cote" term. Costigans were just found earlier in this update to use the Kilpatrick Coat and Crest, and for some six months now Kilpatricks have been like the door to unlock the Butteri bloodline. Constances are also "CUSTance/Custer," and then both Cotes and Constances were first found in Languedoc.

It's amazing to me that the Swedish American, and long-time emailer, LG, has a Gust--- surname and a Dallin bloodline, for the German Dallen Coat uses the same pine trees as Constances, while Swedish Gusts are said to be from "Gaut," a term that brings up the Cotes! It's difficult for me to deny that God has fed us all the clues necessary to make light of the New Atlantis. But instead of rising, the New World Order it will thud before it finds a pleasurable soar. Try as they may to lift it up, the bird will become wreckage on the quaking mountains.

This is all reminiscent of emailer Patterson's email on George Washington, telling that he married a Custis bloodline. As that term brings up the Curtis Coat, I would suggest that the Cass/Cash/Cast surname is a better bet for representing the Custis' because of version of their Coat comes up when entering "Custes." The Kiss/Kyse/Cuss/Cush Coat is yet a third version, all three using the same "fountains."

My computer's find feature isn't working well at the moment so that I can't tell you off-hand where the Custis topic was first mentioned (about two months ago). The idea was that Custis' traced to the Astikas family via the scales and water waves (both used in the Arms of Vilnius) of the Cass/Cash/Cast surname. Now, in this update, just after tracing stig-like surnames to the Astikas, we have the Cast-like CoSTIGan surname linking to the Costs/Causts. Costincidence? I don't think so, and would suggest that while the surname was properly "Costwick," a stig-using version was thrown in because the Illuminati was in love with chi-xi-stigma (the three Greek letters used to indicate the number, 666).

The three letters together look like "kes" when placed side-by-side, you see, and "Kess" brings up a Casey Coat using the Botter bend, as well as the Kiss/Kyse surname above. AND ZOWIE, for yet another CROW, see the description of the Kess/Casey Coat!!!

Entering "Kyse" then gets the Alan Shield with literal teeth symbols, and that's perfect because Astikas had been revealed as Stewarts who show are said to derive "from the Old English word 'stigweard,' a compound of 'stig,' or 'household,' and 'weard,' or 'guardian.'" Never mind taking that literally, as it's got to be all code. Recall the trace of Dol Alans to the Doly region of the Ukraine, and the Geloni - Neuri topic as it applied to Ukraine's Volhynia/Wolyn...and therefore to the Wooley/Wolfley surname. It just so happens that the Gard Coat uses the same wolf design as Wolleys/Wolfins! Therefore, "guardian" looks like code for the Gards. The Geloni were likely an Alan-Hun peoples, you see.

Trace "Stewart" instead to Stouts/Stows and Sturs/Stowers/Stours', both of which use barry bars...that I suspect are versions of the Drummond waves! Yes, the German Drummond waves are three white-on-blue ones, like the "fountains" seen above.

Dutch Stouts use bells (as does the Cost/Caust Coat) in the colors of the Hind Coat, the "hind" term used to describe the Kess stag (stags are suspect as stig codes; Stewarts use "A stag statant proper."

The raven-depicted vikings of northern Scotland were surnamed, Stout, but see that their raven symbol, in the Arms of Shetland, looks like a short-beaked crow, similar to crow in the Arms of Halych(yna). The unicorn in the Arms of Shetland has got to be the one in this Stewart Crest.

The Stur/Stower write-up: "The family were well established in the region of Tourlaville, near Cherburg in the Manche in Normandy..." There just happens to be a Cher location in Barry, France, thus apparently clinching the Stur/Stower / Esturmy / Ishtar-the-harlot link to the Washington-related barry elements.

Did I just (for the first time, so far as I recall) identify the Levi lion on the back of the KilPatrick dragon as the Revelation harlot? Why does the Kilpatrick description use "A green dragon reGUARDdant..."? If that's not enough, the other KilPatrick Coat uses "cushions" that are essentially the "wool packs" of the Wooleys/Wolfleys!!!

Check it out at the link above: the Wooley/Wolfley crest uses "leaves," while Kilpatricks use the Levi lion. This is now tracing Kilpatricks to Volhynia, but as Kilpatricks (= Butteri) traced also to Vilnius, it may very well be that the Geloni were also in Vilnius. I did trace the 666 bloodline (independent of a 666 trace to Astikas of Vilnius) to the Galli priesthood on the Halys river, and then many years ago I did suggest a trace of "Halys" (said to mean "sea" and "salt") to "Halych (said to mean "salt"). Thus, once again, the Levi surname looks like a fraudulent priesthood tracing, not to blessed Israelites of the Levi kind, but to the condemned Galli pagans.

Why wool PACKS? Recall that there was a Polish Pack surname figuring large not many updates ago, first found in the same part of Poland as the Astikas-related Radziwills. These Packs use a fleur-de-lys in the same colors as the fleur-de-lys of the Lys surname, the latter first found in Ile-de-France, where the Levi surname was first found. That is excellent evidence for tracing Wolfleys to Levi. And then, were not the Pharisee-suspect Parisii in Ile-de-France? YES!

JUST REMEMBERED!!! When investigating Obama's Wolf(l)in > Wolfley bloodline in Germany, it had been linked to lake Constance, otherwise known as lake BODENsee, a term too much like the Budini partners of the Neuri!!! I don't ever recall tracing Wooleys/Wolfleys, prior to this update, to Volhynia/Wolyn of the Neuri theater. If ever I had traced the Wolleys/Wolfleys to the Neuri, I don't recall it nor the details.

What the paragraph above effectively does, as per a Wolley/Wolfley trace to Vilnius, is to explain why the Custis / Custes surname had traced to Vilnius, for the Constance surname is also "Custance." Elements at lake Constance, that is, were at Vilnius too, and it very much appears that the namers of Bodensee were likewise at Vilnius. LOOK: the Constance surname was first found in the same place (Languedoc) as the French Pack surname.

AHA! Lake Constance is partly in the Swiss canton of Swiss cantons of St. Gallen!!! That can't be coincidental. The Geloni must have named that place. But look more closely: "its shorelines lie in the German federal-states of Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg, the Austrian federal-state of Vorarlberg, and the Swiss cantons of Thurgau and St. Gallen."

BADEN??? Yes, the Budini again, and then I did not only trace "Baden" to Bath and Wells, as well as to the Baden/Battin surname, in Somerset, but more-recently (and independently) there was found cause to trace Bute-related elements of Vilnius to the same Somerset elements! Very likely, therefore, Budini were in Bude of northern Cornwall.

As the Bidens/Button write-up places the surname in Bath and Wells, the current vice-president of the United States can now be pegged as a Budini bloodliner with more certainty, but as Bidens/Buttons are highly suspect as Botters/Budins, the Butteri cowboys themselves are identifiable as Budini.

Remember, the Butteri Latins have been identified with the Revelation harlot (and Ladon > Latin dragon) at her throne in Rome, while there is a Ukrainian Roman-Coat page (showing no Coat, drats). Italian Romans use a wolf, of course, but the question now is whether it links to the Neuri wolf, and if so, why? Did Romulus and/or Remus link to Budini? I would say, definitely. But where are the Neuri of the Rome theater.

My peeper is open wide for the answer. It is suspect in the trace I made of the mythical Silva entity in Roman origins to TranSYLVANia (beside Halych), later called Romania when Romans conquered it. Why did they call it that? Why was the area so special to them that they named after their own capital city? I would suggest, and have suggested, that the Roman wolf traces to Dacians (a Getae tribe) and Carpae / Arpii (two peoples that I identify with the far-north / Hyperborean Apollo cult). Nearer to Rome, I had traced the Roman wolf to the Arpi-like Hirpini at Avellino. Before all of this, I identified the far-north Apollo cult as Gog, which then traces Gog to the founding of Romans.

That works exceptionally well, for the Hungarian Magyars, suspect as "Magog," were from the Arpads, whom I identify with the Carpae / Arpii (also "Carpi"). ZOWIE, seeking that webpage for you, it was found that there is a Carpi location "in the province of Modena, Emilia-Romagna." It could suggest that Romagna was named after Romania elements. Carpi is very close (not only geographically) to Euganeo and Este, the places in northern Italy that I first found the proto-Arpad Hungarians. It should be recorded here that Carpi is said to be named after a hornbeam tree (I don't believe this).

I had traced the "Byggar" term in the Arms of Shetland to "Bihar(ia)," Transylvania. That may now hit home with skeptical readers a little better now that Dol's Alans have traced well to the Ukraine. BUT ZOWIE, the Biggar Coat (pelican) had been linked months ago to the Botter bend and lone star!

AHA! The Dallas/Dulles Coat is identical to the Biggar Coat, and should Dallas' should therefore be derived in "Dol" elements. Remember, Dallas is in the Lone Star state, and the Dallas surname was first in Moray, implying that the Texas star is the Moray star on the American flag. Yes, the Dallas-surname stars are red on white, the colors of the Washington stars. To now find circumstantial reason for tracing the Washington surname to Emilia-Romagna, where Modena is located, evokes my trace of "Washington" to "Wassukhani," the capital of the Mitanni empire. In fact, Nahor lived in Haran, a hub of the Mitanni empire!

If we are tracing Washingtons above circumstantially (as per linkage to Biggars / Biharia) to the crow symbol of Halych, it may have to do with the raven in the Washington Crest.

I watched the Iowa election last night, and sensed nothing of an Illuminati nature in Rick Santorum. Quite to the contrary. But I still find it conspicuous that I've stressed the Santones of Sainte recently, a peoples that I link to the roots of the Mormon (Latter-Day Saints) cult. By what coincidences: 1) Mitt Romney beat Santorum by only eight votes (over 30,000 votes each); 2) Romney a Mormon; 3) "Romney" reflects "Rome"???

As per the Pack surname of Polesie (Poland), and other Apachnas suspects such as Pachs/Bachs (golden calf) who use "spes," a motto term found in the Arms of Vilnius, there was Michele BACHmann. Her maiden name, Amble (pheons), uses Campbell colors, in a configuration like the Meschin. The "imperial crown" in the Amble Crest suggests that the family made it to the throne of Rome. The white pheons could therefore be the white Pilate pheons. The Amble write-up traces to "walker," and the Walker surname and the Camp surname were both first found in Yorkshire. The Camp Shield is a good reflection of the Amble Shield. Ranulf le Meschin, shown at Wikipedia with a red-on-gold lion (the color of the Amble lion), had a son, Ranulf de Gernon, while the Campbell Shield design is called, gyronny. Therefore, even Michelle's maiden and marital names trace to Mieszko Poles. What is going on here?

One Campen Coat uses bell pattern while one Hammel/Ammel Coat uses the Bellamy Shield. The Campen surname was first found in Leicestershire, where we find an M-shaped "sleeve" (belonging to Hastings), and so see the M-shaped fesse of German Camp(en)s. I trace the Meschin-related Ligurians (that I see in the red-on-gold lion of Ambles) to Leicester. The Leicester cinquefoil is used by HAMELtons, also in white on red (i.e. as with the Camps), and they show a HAMBLEton variation.

The Arms of Leicester City Council is the one using the Hastings "sleeve," but it also appears to show an ostrich feather in what could be white on red; the feather is from "the badge of John of Gaunt, Earl of Leicester in the 15th century." Recall the Gaunt/Gant discussions as they are being linked to Santones, but also to the Macey gauntlets. On the sleeve: "The fourth quarter shoes a black maunch, or sleeve of a medieval lady's dress. It was the badge of the Hastings family, who built several castles in the county." MAUNCH??? That must be code for Manche, home of Masseys.

The Arms shows a black bull supporter, the color of the Mieske bull. The Crest is a fox while the other Arms of Leicester shows a Samson-like "Semper Eadem" motto term (Eatons use the Samson "cross"). The Arms of Leicester City Council also shows a double tailed lion in white on red, the colors of the double-tailed Montfort / Bohemian lion. The description of the Arms: "The first quarter shows a cinquefolium of ermine, taken from the arms of the Beaumont family." Montforts ruled Leicestershire after the Beaumonts.

[Insert -- Michele Bachmann's Wikipedia article tells that she attended Oral Roberts University (Robert surnames use Macey and Mackey symbols). I and many others are convinced that Oral Roberts was a classic false prophet out to suck Christianity's money dry. It also tells that she attended William and Mary Law School that was associated with the Thomas Jefferson circle (he was a supporter of Adam Weishaupt, visible founder of the Bavarian Illuminati on May 1, 1776). William and Mary was founded by strings of the Rosicrucian-infested English crown just after the John Dee era (died 1608/9), and then at the William and Mary article we find Sandra DAY O'Conner acting as its present "chancellor."

William and Mary (Virginia) was also founded in the period of the Rosicrucian "invisible college," co-founded by the following surnames: Petty (elephant, bee hive), Boyle (smacks of a bee entity of the Boii kind; the Boy Coat uses the Bessin bee design), Boate and Platte (scallops in colors of Patterson-of-Sodham scallop, and colors reversed from Pett/Pert and Sodan scallops). The Boate surname is important as per the recent treatment (4th update December) of Argo-ship elements in Scotland. Here is one thing said there: "The original amazing point was that Randolphs had been traced to Bats/Baats from the very start of this discussion, and it was the Norwegian Baat clan that use the Bonde boat symbol."

NOT ONLY was the Bonde surname suspect as the Bundys, said to be one of the 13 Illuminati families (13 was an important number to fledgling America), but John Dee was a spy for queen Elizabeth and signed his secret notes, '007,' the number attributed to James BOND!!!

Thomas Lee, governor of Virginia in the 1600s, attended William and Mary, and was of the house of Burgess that founded the United States. As you can see, a Burgess variation is "Bury," the surname that Tim and I discovered as responsible for the stripes on the American flag:

The Englander, Thomas Lee (same as above), whose portrait starts to look like the long-haired Rosicrucians of England, was for a short term governor of Virginia. As "His ancestors had immigrated from Coton, Shropshire, England to Virginia in 1642," it now possibly explains the Stewart checks in the Lee[-family] Coat. Thomas' mother was Laetitia Corbin...The [Corbin]/Corbet Crest uses an elephant (the symbol of the Republicans).

Didn't we just see an elephant in the Petty Coat? Does the "salus" motto term of Jeffersons relate to Salop = Shropshire? Shouldn't we suspect that Lees were Stewarts of Shropshire? Why does the Lee Coat use the same leopard head as one Jefferson Coat? Why is the Burgess Shield-on-Shield above colors reversed to the Jefferson Shield-on-Shield? Why is one Burgess variation BurWASH?

Aside from being colors reversed, the Welsh Jefferson Coat (griffin and pellets) is like the English Talbot Coat. Aside from being colors reversed, the English Jefferson Coat is like the French Talbot Coat. Welsh Jeffersons use the "salus" motto term (Salop is beside Wales), and it just so happens that, later in this update, Talbots and related sol-like surnames will be identified fundamentally, for the first time I think, with Tolistobogii Gauls / Galatians. Talbots use a lion in Stewart-lion colors, suggesting that Jeffersons were part of the Stewart royal line of queen Elizabeth.

As the York Coat with "cupias" motto term (and Coopers/Coppers) was found to be of the blue-on-white lion line of York Bruces that in these updates is called the "Cappeo" lion, note that there is a blue lion on the English Jefferson Coat's saltire that should be a version of the York saltire.

If you missed the original Cappeo topic, a follower of these update was given a vision (while partly asleep) of a blue lion called, to the best of her recollection, "Cappeo." I suspected that this was a message of God to us -- and therefore of prime importance -- because I had already known about the "copia" term in the Arms of Macclesfield, the Arms using a blue-on-white lion. But within days of receiving the Cappeo vision from emailer Patterson, the York Coat's "cupias" motto term was found, just after finding the York saltire used by Coopers/Coppers. It was obvious that the Cappeo lion was the Bruce-of-York lion and therefore trace-able to Aphrodite (I trace "Bruce/Brusi" to her Abruzzo entity), Hebrew-based goddess of the copper-making island, Cyprus.

I recall my treatment on Thomas Jefferson years ago, when I also treated William and Mary college. It had been suspect that Phi Beta KAPPA, and other Skull-and-Bones-like Masonic organizations, were fundamental to William and Mary. In a shot in the dark, I had traced "Phi Beta Kappa" at that time to "Cappadocia," and only later, perhaps less than a year ago, the Cappeo lion bloodline was traced to "Cappadocia."

The William and Mary college had a Blair surname as its first president. Macclesfield had been connected to Maxwells, and then the Blair Coat uses the Maxwell saltire and stag, but with mascles too (the Lees use mascles, and one Mascal surname shows yet another elephant). The Blair mascles are in the colors of the Sales-of-Masci fleur, and I trace "saltire" to a Salette variation (or other variations not shown) of the Sales, who use half the Maxwell / Blair saltire. I view this black-on-white saltire a skull-and-bones code, and then, as Isaac Newton was a president of the Royal Society that was a known product to the Invisible College, see the crossed bones in the Newton Coat. What was going on?

The Newton bones are called "shin bones," and then the Shin Coat turns out to be a variation of the Kemmis Coat. By the time of this insert, the mind-blowing additions to the Kemmis / Chemmite topic further below was already written. In a new way, it traces the line of Israeli chief priests to a certain member of the family of Yuya (of Chemmis), the same line that brought Greece its Nephele = Aphrodite line.

A Coat similar to the Shin and Kemmis Coat is used by Welsh BACHs, while German Bachs appear to me to trace to a Biblical golden calf (made by Aaron) that was symbol of APACHnas.

I suggest that Sales and Talbots were virtually one. Scottish Scotts use "Amo" as motto, a term also found in the Blair motto (evokes Hamo de Masci), and then the Scotts are clearly identifiable as both Talbots and Maxwells. The latter, as with Scotts, were first found in Roxburghshire. I did not know until this moment that the griffin in the English Scott Coat is of a design identical to the one in the English Jefferson Crest. Before realizing that, I was going to show that the English Scott Coat (cloud-like border) is much like the Welsh Jefferson Coat.

Just found: the Cupe/Koop/Kop Coat (Jefferson colors). It uses candlesticks, and then I view the Kyle candles as an Illuminati symbol. I trace Kyles to the Galli priesthood of the Kabeiri cult, which cult was fundamental to Aphrodite. The Jefferson write-up: "These names appear in Middle English as Geffrey and in Old French as Jefroi or Jeufroi. Galfridus and Gaufridus are early forms of the name; these indicate a Germanic first element derived from either 'gala,' which means 'to sing..." "To sing" my fat hoarse. Think Galli > Gauls instead.

The Jeffrey Coat uses stars in the colors of the Bacon stars. Later, we will see suns and sun themes belonging to the Galli, and then the Jeffrey Crest is "The sun beaming through a cloud. The Jeffrey motto, "Post nubillia phoebus," indicates the Nibelungs from mythical Nephele who was depicted as a cloud. German Posts (Prussia, where Cupes/Koops and Mieskes were first found) use a lion in colors reversed to the Bruce lion. Cupes/Koops/Koops are now suspect as from GOPlo's Mieszko Poles, and in the past I've suggested a Post-surname trace to "Piast," the mythical part of Miesko's dynasty out of Goplo. One Scott Coat even uses wagon wheels, likely code for "Piast Kolodziej the Wheelwright."

Yes, this Jefferson trace to Goplo is working, for it had been shown that Goplo derived from a Gol- and Gallus-like peoples, namely the Glopeani. "Glopeani might be located in Slovakia or Galicia." That's the Galicia that is also Halych, which just happened to be a topic in this very update. Galincidence??? A Galli symbol, the rooster, is used by Koppels, who should therefore link to Cupes/Koops. Hmm, by coincidence, chickens live in coops.

AFTER WRITING THAT, it was realized that a Jefferson motto term, "cruce," is code for the Goplo theater: "At the northern end of the lake [Goplo] stands the Mouse Tower of KRUSZwica"!!! It may therefore be that the JEPH(son) variation of Jeffersons betrays a "Gop(lo)" origin. The bee hives of the Dutch Jepher/Jeever/Geever Coat might apply, and Gophers use a saltire on blue Shield, as do Jeffersons. The Jefferson saltire uses besants (gold roundels), and then bees are used also by the Bessin surname.

Again, Jeffreys use a "Post" motto term, and the Dutch Post Coat uses a black bugle. This entire topic on Jeffersons (and what Jeffersons led into) was an insert written after the black-bugle topic that was already below End Insert].

Michele Bachmann came in sixth place ahead of a Huntsman surname. By what coincidence does the Huntsman Coat use bugles (or "hunting horns") in Traby-bugle colors??? (In the Huntsman description, the bugle is said to be black.) The Huntsman Coat is otherwise white on red, the colors of the Traby/Sadowski "Q", and the Huntsman motto, "ESTO vigilans," could certainly be code for the Astikas line. Two Camp Shields are white on red.

It's known that "Sadowski" was also "SANDowski," you see, possibly linked to the Santorum surname. What's going on here in the Republican camp???

The Huntsmans are therefore Polish to some degree, and then I've seen "Paul" as variations in some Pole-like surnames. Ron Paul surname came in 3rd place, while the Romney Coat is nearly identical with a Pullen Coat. What the Palin is going on here? Are all Republican candidates tracing to Poland and Traby entities just when we expect a 666 in the commercial markets, and just when I expect a False Christian Prophet in the throne of America??? CAREFUL CHRISTIAN VOTERS, don't end up being fooled.

As Sinclairs/Saints link to Santones elements, see the Sinclair rooster in the Paulin/Paulet Coat. "The name Paulin is derived from the Latin name 'Paulus,' meaning 'small.'" But then the Small surname uses a "Ratione" motto term, as nearly does the Constance/Custance Coat. The Small lion is black on white, as is the Palin/Pauley/Pawley/Pavelli lion (latter surname not from "Paul," but from Pavilly in Normandy). There is just pawlenty of fodder here for Polish bloodlines. Dutch Polls/Poles use the same lion.

English Paulins/Pawlins (no Coat shown) were, as with English Polans/Paulins (another pelican, as with Romney-related Pullens), first found in Staffordshire. German Polans/Pohls/Pohlands, first found in Silesia = Poland, use ostrich feathers (in Traby bugle colors), suggesting strong Traby links. The latter also uses a buffalo that I link to the Mieske/Mesech bull.

When I investigated surnames of Fox news people, it led in-part to Mormon elements, and strongly to Moray elements. It seems that the Fox people are identical in nature to Republican candidates, and so the idea coming to mind is that a small cell group of Illuminati-like peoples are choosing who does, and who does not, run for the Republican presidency, many of them having Christian backgrounds of some sort. Remember Bob DOLE and the Chaine-like John McCAIN. The Massey - Stewart theme is always the same. The same cell group may be deciding who runs for Democrat candidates.

You will note that these Republicans, as well as the Mormon, Glenn Beck, typically stress a return to the American Constitution and it's liberty theme. But Masonic liberty was freedom for Masonic plots and life styles, usually based on money matters and secret sexual activity, freedom to run free from Christian principles, everything we see today. Jefferson and Washington were both Freemasons, though I think Jefferson was a chief Illuminatist. Neither Fox news nor the Republican establishment will ever allow a true Christian to become a presidential candidate. The candidate of their choice would be one who had Christian skin (to bag Christian votes) but an interior akin to their own hearts and minds.

Although there is no Santor(um) Coat coming up, one Sander/Senter Coat uses bull heads too, which might just link Rick Santorum to the Mieszko Poles. It just so happens that this Sander/Senter Coat uses a black Shield and white Chief, as does the French Gant/Gand Coat. The English Gent/Ghent Coat is the reverse, white Shield and black Chief.

The question is whether Rick has used merely a Christian facade to get Republican voters on his side. I don't know anything about his background other than his Catholicism, his opposition to gay marriage and contraception. Bill O'Reilly (fellow Catholic), during an interview this week, poked him on the situation of some Americans who view him as an "extremist" for his moralistic views. An uncomfortable Rick showed a sign a being happy when Bill changed the topic to money matters.

And that's the problem. Rick knows that, if he wants to be president, he'll need to shun speaking on the things of God and concern himself with money matters. But I say that president contenders ought to keep on the moral issues proudly and zealously, win or lose, for God would make a great end to anyone who does...which great end may not be winning the candidacy.

The Washington-related Cantor/Ganter surname treated above could apply to Sanders and Gants. The Cantor/Ganter write-up: "The name could have also come from the Old English word gaunter which was the trade name of a glover, or one who makes gloves." That has just got to be code for the so-called "gauntlet" gloves used by Maceys (as well as Sions/Swans, Waynes, and Vains). Miesk-incidence?

The above is probably the best evidence yet that gauntlets are code for the Ghent location that furnished Gant/Gaunt surnames. As the Ghent Shield is ermined, it's some evidence that the surname traces to Genetes, an ancient location near Trabzon that was likely home of the Heneti, the line to the Veneti and ermine-depicted Vannes. Thanks to this paragraph, I just came by the Ordovices-like location on the Pontus that I had been looking for:

According to Strabo's description of the cities of the region, after Jason (Cape Yasun to the west of Ordu) came Genetes and its inhabitants, then to the east was Kytoros (Ordu), which was located in Pharakiaia, Iskhopolis (which was in ruins) and Kerasos (Giresun), a city of medium size. Then came Trapezus (Trabzon) near Herınonassa..."

Is that not excellent timing for re-finding Ordu??? Remember, Ordovices lived in Gwynedd, founded by Venedotia peoples that I trace to Vannes/Gwened, city of the Veneti. Ghent in Artois should be related to those terms, you see, for there was an Arddu in the Ordovices theater. As I identify Ordovices with mythical Orthos, two-headed dog of Geryon, note the Gireson location near Ordu, though ultimately I would trace "Geryon" to Gorgons = Gargarians = Georgians.

As the Macey gauntlets just linked to Ghent and therefore possibly to Genetes, by what coincidence did the Meshech live in the Genetes theater. This had been the land of Gog. In this picture, you just know that Geryon's Ladon dragon was from the Lazi Caucasians / Colchians, and the mythical Muses that I trace to Avalon along with Apollo must have gone through the Gogi that I peg as the far-north Apollo cult. In the article above, we find the evidence that Khaldi of Trabzon had earlier been the (C)Halybes, but note too the San peoples, conspicuous where we just left off on the Santones:

Strabo, the second oldest source containing references to Trabzon, describes the tribes or peoples of the region, that is, the Tibarenians, who lived in the upper parts of Trabzon and Giresun, the Haldai (Khalt), formerly known as the Khalybes, the San (Tsan/Djan), referred to as Makrons by Xenophon...

As Khaldi and Halybes were metal inventors and makers, I traced them to Hephaestus on Lemnos, where the Sintians lived that evolved into Santones (France) beside the Lemovices of Limousin. Hephaestus' wife was pegged as a Heneti peoples because she developed into Venus, code for Veneti. Mythical Jason (of the Argo) visited Lemnos, and so did you spot the Jason / Yasun location to the west of Ordu? Remember, "HephAEStus" was likely code for the Aeson > Iason/Jason line. There is a good chance here that Hephaestus was named in part after "Heptakometes (formerly referred to as Mosyn)."

The San had the alternative names of Tsan, Djan, and Makrons. Today, general Makarov is in charge of Russia's army. Just saying. If Russia's Putin traces to Puttens and Putins (the surnames) and therefore to Butteri, note that Italian Botters were first found in Lucca, where also the Massars (i.e. like "Makar") were first found who use Maccabee colors (as I call green and white at times) and even a border like that of the same-colored MacCabes/MacAbees of the Bute theater, where also the Mackies/Mackeys were first found. Now, as we have seen many instances of bee elements in Maccabee bloodlines/surnames, note this:

The latter had left pots of poisonous honey by the roadside and then attacked and killed the three companies of Roman troops that had eaten the honey and lost consciousness.

Strabo explains that this tribe had been referred to as “Mossynoiks”...

The sentence goes on to define Mossynoiks from "trees," but I have grave doubts about that derivation.

We just saw a honey-making peoples who should link to Maccabee elements. It gives the impression that Maccabees (said to be named after the hammer, though mace is more properly the term here) trace to Makrons of some sort (i.e. the Mosyn), and then a bee is used by Maxwell-related Maxtons. It just so happens that Putin chose for an interim president a Medvedev surname, derived in "mead" = honey. And "Moscow" might just have been named after Mossynoik elements.

Butteri were also traced to Poitiers, the home of Pictones, and in the Trabzon region was the Pyxites river. If I'm not mistaken, the Byzers, mentioned in the article above, lived on the Pyxites. Don't Byzers smack of "buzz," an appropriate term for a bee line. Don't laugh, peoples long ago probably figured the buzz sound applicable to bees. As we just saw Nahorites figure prominently above in the Neuri theater, and as they traced to Nairi of Lake Van, where the Heneti-Veneti should ultimately come from, what of Buz, son of Nahor? Did he name the Byzers? By what coincidence would we trace Jason elements at Ordu to Argos, the goddess (Io) of which was given BOSphorus as her creation, in the BYZantine theater? Didn't Byzantium rule the Roman empire, the Biblical dragon? Shouldn't "Ardea" at wolf-depicted Rome trace back to wolf-line "Ordu"?

Ordovices became suspect as a Maccabee element because Ordovices are said to be named after the hammer. I had forgotten the spelling of Ordu when last on that Ordovices topic (early December, possibly in November too), and here I just happened to find myself on the Ordu region by chance, finding multiple evidences for (proto)Maccabees in the Ordu theater. Buzincidence?

In the meantime, the Ordu theater is also the 666-suspect proto-Traby theater.

In this map of ancient Lucania, there is a Pyxus location also stamped, Buxentum. I had traced Pyxites elements to that place, for not far off there is a Hales river that should trace to (C)Halybes on the Halys river; the Hales region was also "Calabria," you see. The Buzites of this region are, in my view, the Poseidon-like locations. Note PALINurus at the shore of Pyxus. The adjacent Laus region has got to be a branch of the Ladon dragon.

You may have read the 2nd update in November where suspicious 666's (almost) were found in the Washington Monument (6,665 inches high, 662 inches wide), the organ in the sky that's symbol for a bloodline sacred to Washington Masons, a monument having the words, Laus Deo, written way up top.

There is evidence everywhere in these recent updates of a 666-loving cult called Freemasonry. There is consistently a trace to Traby elements, Gogi elements, Ladon > Latin elements, dragon elements, Meshech elements, and Rus elements. But God took a twig from the family of Nahor, not just Abraham, but the wives of Isaac and Jacob were from Nahor's family, and with this Nahorite twig -- Israel -- God will smash the Nahorite organ of Ladon, crushing it relentlessly so that it can no longer reproduce evil sons on Earth. Lame, Gog will continue in pain for 1,000 years, after which whatever remains will be sliced off and tossed to the dogs.

God has shown via 911 that he will permit buildings to fall on the peoples within. Armageddon is a terrible day of buildings shaking and falling. It's true, there will be a 666 commercial system, and a subsequent Armageddon for to slice off the pride of this world. The Washington Monument is about to be circumcised by a quake.

When the apostle Paul wrote to Galatians, he was writing to a branch of the Galli that had lived on the Halys river before Galatians got there. It was on that river that mythical Attis was depicted as a castrated priest of the Kabeiri. It was the Galli who were priests of the Kabeiri. I had suggested that this symbol of castration was code for circumcision, and besides, I had found online quotes that some Greeks were circumcised. The writers, of course, suggested this as evidence that those Greeks were somehow Israelites. But what about Edomite and Nahorite "Israelites"?

The point is, in the book of Galatians, Paul treats a certain circumcision group, a group of Jewish "Christians" that he despises and warns against. At one point, Paul writes that he wishes they would go all the way and castrate themselves. Isn't this all reminiscent of the Galli / Attis priesthood? Could we imagine that this it formed a Gnostic form of Christianity out from the Galatians? Kabala was, surely, in the Kabeiri cult as per Cybele, wife and mother of Attis (she was the Revelation harlot passing through Lydians). Thus, a satanic form of Christianity seems to have arisen from the Galatians. Wolves in lamb's clothing, you see, leading to the False Prophet system that governs America now, nearly election after election.

I'm not suggesting that Republican candidates with Christian backgrounds are Gnostics in disguise, for I see no evidence of it. I do know that one of the biggest Rosicrucian organizations, AMORC (name probably chosen to reflect Moray / Mormon elements), openly makes claims to Kabala (typically a "Jewish" thing). I'm suggesting that some modern Masonic groups may be from Galatian "Christians" who may have played a part in so-called Arianism (named after a surname), the Christian cult that, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses hold too.

One could imagine a Galatian merger with the older Galli, coming West with Halybes and Khaldi, to form a special Masonic species. The Arthur surname was from so-called Gaels from Miletus, and then ancient Miletus was founded by Cretans though on-shore from Rhodes. Jehovah's Witnesses were created and led by led by Russell and Rutherford surnames, two Rus entities suspect from Rhodes. AMORC shows a hexagram / Zionist star for a symbol, and Jehovah's Witnesses called themselves, "Watch Tower" Zionism.

Just as I suspect "Latter Day Saints" to be code for three surnames, so the Watch Tower could be code for two surnames. The Day bloodline includes the Dee surname, and John Dee was an elite Rosicrucian, partner to some degree with chief Rosicrucian, Francis Bacon. These plotted to take America on behalf of Rosicrucianism. The Watch/Wadge Coat uses white-on-black stars, colors revered to the English Bacon stars. Bacons were first found in Suffolk, where Clares were first found.

I traced the Watch/Wadge surname to "Wadjet," the all-see-eye cult of Rus-suspect Horus. As that was an Egyptian cult, note that Charles Russell, visible founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, had a pyramid at his tomb (he had been grossly into pyramidology, which he mixed with his Christianity, a quasi-Kabalistic concept).

The Tower/Toures surname uses the MORatin tower design, and that latter surname is suspect from the Moors / Mauritanians that had merged with Scandinavian Rus of the Sinclair kind at More-like locations. French Bacons use white-on-red cinquefoils, a symbol of the Tankervilles who had been Tancreds, the latter being a fundamental branch of the Guiscard-branch Sinclairs. Cinquefoils were a symbol of the Sinclair invasion (1066) of the so-called Cinqueports, five cities that included Dover and Hastings.

By now you may know that TanCARDs are traced by me to CARTHaginians, fiends who performed human sacrifices of the MelQART kind. But I suspect that the "MEDiocria" motto term of English Bacons is code for the BaphoMET cult, itself from the human-sacrifice Boofima cult out of Africa. By what coincidence is it that French Bacons show a BacQUART variation???

I ventured to identify "BaphoMET" as part-code for the Medusa Gorgons in north Africa, related to mythical AndroMEDA Gorgons, and probably carried forward into Africa along with the Atlantean and Amazon entity, mythical queen Myrina. She was also queen of Amazons on Lemnos, the island to which I traced Mormons as per some Mormon codes. Other Mormon codes include Samson-related entities, and then Guiscards had merged with Samsam and Timnah, two Saracen rulers in Sicily.

The Guiscard surname uses so-called "piles, as does the Latter/Latto Coat (that can't be coincidental), as does the Scottish Yonge/Young Coat, and then early Mormons were led by Brigham Young...after the death of Joseph Smith. I traced the Smith surname to the Lemnos metal cult of Hephaestus, supposing that "Samson" had morphed into "smith." The Latter write-up: "The first recorded Chief of the name was Thomas Laithis 'of that Ilk.'" It just so happens that both the Guiscards and mythical Seimowit of Mieszko ancestry were given lattice designs by certain artists who portrayed them. SeimoWIT was (in my opinion) part-code for the all-seeing-eye symbol of WITkowo, Poland.

The crescents of the Latter Coat are in the colors of the crescent in the German Siemen Coat (shows the Ishtar star in the colors used by German Rothschilds/Rothsteins). The Siemen crescent is a sleeping moon, a symbol that I traced to the sleeping mythical character, Endymion, lover of the moon goddess at LATmus. That effectively traces Latters/Lattos, and therefore Mormons, to Latmus, near Miletus!

The Mead/Medes surname, entered just now as per "Medusa," gets a "Toujours" motto term, used also by English Yonges/Youngs (roses, chief symbol of Rosicrucians). I trace the pelican-on-nest in the Mead/Medes Crest to mythical Nestor at Pylos, the location in Greece that heraldic piles are suspect for.

German Yonges/Jungs were first found in Bavaria, the chief place to which I had traced the Baphomet cult out of Africa. These Yonges/Jungs use a stag, a symbol on several Hannibal-Carthaginian bloodlines. Pale-using Wagners (from Silesia, they look like Wheelwright > Mieszko Poles) could apply to Watch's/Wadges (use a wedge symbol), and then Waggs/Wedges use rings ("annulets") in the colors of the Yonge piles while the same Yonges use rings in their Chief. Did we see the Meads/Medes' using the same motto term as Yonges? It just so happens that both Meads/Medes' and Waggs/Wedges were first found in Somerset.

Dorset, beside Somerset, is not only where Palins/Pawlins were first found who use stars in the colors of the Watch/Wadge stars, but where Russells (is that the Baphomet goat?) were first found. This is now becoming quite amazing because Watch's/Wadge's (Cornwall and Somerset!) are in this discussion as per the Watch Tower of the Charles-Russell of cult.

Charles Russell's middle name, Taze, evokes the Tessen/Ticino river and various surnames that I traced to it. I had traced proto-Hungarians, in the shape of the proto-Yonge surname, to the Ticino theater, and Yonges had been traced by their "juene" motto term to Juno and Jupiter, chief deities of Rome. There was more to the Yonge trace to Juno than similarity between "jeune" and "Juno." The point now is that entering "Tase" (shown previously as the Tass surname) gets a "Deo juvante" motto, the very phrase that I had earlier traced to Jupiter (English Tass'/Tash's use a greyhound, as does the John Yonge Crest). One of my first proofs that Yonges traced to Juno and Jupiter was the "Deo juvat" motto of the Duffs, and it just so happens that both Duffs and Tase's were first found in Perthshire.

It appears, therefore (because both Yonges and Duffs were traced to the Pict bloodline that was mother to Pontius Pilate), that we are now tracing the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses to the Roman bloodline of Pontius Pilate. I had linked "Tessen/Ticino" to "Taksony" (from Biharia). "...the Gesta Hungarorum's anonymous author has Arpad say[:] The land stretching between the Danube and the Tisza used to belong to my forefather, the mighty Attila." TISZA???

Taksony's son was succeeded by king Stephen, who used this flag looking like the Yonge piles in red and white. In this Arms of Arpad, we see what appears to be a red-and-white pile. It's important that Andrew I of Hungary had a brother, Levente, while the Laevi lived on the Ticino river. It tends to identify "Anders" with "AlessANDRia" while simultaneously tracing Hungarians to the Laevi Galli.

In the Arpad article at link above: "In 1188, Bela [father of Levente) occupied Halych, whose prince had been dethroned by his boyars, and granted the principality to his second son Andrew..." Queen Margaret of Scotland was with Andrew I, Bela's brother, before he became king, you see, so that there is good reason to trace Maurice Drummond, Andrew's grandson, to (Galli-suspect) Halych. Thus, the Ross clan is suspect from Halych's Varangians, and Russells use a lion in colors reversed to the Ross lion.

As the lattice symbol was traced fundamentally to Siemowit, and therefore to Mieszko, by what coincidence do we see lattice in the drawing of Ladislaus I of Hungary, another son of Bela? It just so happens that the mother of Ladislaus was Richeza, daughter of Mieszko II of Poland. Further below in the Ladislaus article, we see him with a single red-on-gold diamond, a symbol in the Chief of the Thomas-Randolph Coat (1st earl of Moray).

Russells, who use scallops in Chief in the colors of the Palin-Chief stars, and in the colors of the Latter piles, use a "Che sara sara" motto that should be code for Guiscard's Saracens. As Shakespeare is suspect by many as a Rosicrucian writer, and as some feel that he was truly Francis Bacon, note that the Shakespeare spear is used by English Fulkes, who use a "Chi sera sera" motto. "Chi sera" and "Che sara" could be "chi-xi-stigma" codes.

Recalling the gauntlet gloves used by Wagon-like Waynes, it just so happens that the Wagg/Wedge Crest is a "A hand gauntletted." The Hand surname (McCARTHy stag design) is one of the Hannibal-suspect surnames using a stag. Remember, "Gant" is being traced to "Sant," "Sainte" and Santones, who trace to Lemnos' Sintians. The Shakespeare Coat uses a "sanz" motto term. The Fulks of Anjou together with Shakespeares have got to be from the Spree river, Lusatia, explaining the large fleur-de-lys used by Fulkes.

What follows amazed me. If I'm confused by all the information that came forth after starting the Galatians topic, so must you be. I was wondering how all this could link to Galatians, and for the first time asked what surname could might link to them. "Galt" came to mind immediately, but before the Galt Coat loaded, I had the Celts/Cults/Colts of Perthshire on my mind, whom I've traced to the wagonwheel-using Coulters whom I've traced in turn to KOLODziej the Wheelwright, ancestor to mythical Siemowit.

When the Galt/Gall Coat loaded, there was a surname first found in Perthshire!!! Remember GALLUS Anonymous, the writer of myth codes on Kolodziej the Wheelwright (father of Siemowit and son of Choscisko), for Gallus (suspect as a mouse / cheese entity) was linked to the Callus/Cole/Aul surname (stars in Kyle- and Botter-star colors), also first found in Perthshire (the latter, as well as Celts/Colts, use a pheon in colors reversed to the Pilate pheons).

When I saw the Wayne Surname working into this, which I link fundamentally to the Arthur Coat, I was already asking whether the Arthurian cult traced to Galatians. But then the Galt Coat showed a bear!

It just so happens that entering "Gallus" (rooster in Koppel colors, traced to "Goplo," home of Kolodziej's dynasty) gets a Gaw variation, as with the Galt list of variations! Entering "Caw" gets more bears, those of the Mieszko-suspect Mackays / Maceys!!! The Mackays are traced to the raven-using Mackies/Mackeys of Ayrshire, where Kyles lived and near Callus/Cole clan (the latter were first found in the same place as MacArthurs), and then entering "Gallat" gets ravens in the colors of the Cole and Mieske bull, and of the Koppel and Gallus rooster. There's a good chance that Koppels/Coppels trace to "Cybele" and "Kabala."

Aha! A few updates ago, I was lamenting that I had forgotten which surname use lattice in Maccabee white on green. The Cable/Cabell Coat! The latter uses the sword and arm used also in the Mieske Coat. Consider here that Mackies/Mackeys were linked to nearby MacCabes/MacAbees (white-on-green) in Arran, for Mieszko-related lattice must trace fundamentally to these clans. That is, there's a good chance that Cables/Cabbells trace to the namers of "Goplo." This is all very good, for the Galatians topic started out, hours before I got to this point, with the theory that Galatians had been of the Cybele/Kybele > Kabala cult.

It took until now to check the Galatia article for further clues. Wikipedia's Halych article suggests linkage to Galatians, but other articles claim that the history of Galatians is unknown aside from their originating in European Celts. I didn't know the following when introducing Francis Bacon's Rosicrucians above: "Seeing something of a Hellenized savage in the Galatians, Francis Bacon and other Renaissance writers called them 'Gallo-Graeci', 'Gauls settled among the Greeks'..."

Just found at the article above, that of the three tribes Galatian entering Anatolia / Phrygia from Europe, one was the Tolistobogii tribe: "...the Tolistobogii on the west, round Pessinus as their chief town, sacred to Cybele..." These peoples were free-radical vagabonds, anti-society dirt, attacking the innocent wherever they could, a lustful lot producing a society of their own just before Paul walked in their midst. Then:

Pessinus was the mythological capital of King Midas (given donkey ears in myth]...the founder of the temple of Cybele, Midas's mother. Cybele is the mother of the Gods in the Phrygian tradition and her importance is the reason for the existence of Pessinus.

Pessinus ("Pissinous" to the Greeks) is new territory for me. As Midas was traced by others to mount Bermion near mount Olympus, and as there was another Olympus in Pisidia, Pissinous appears to be a Pisidian entity. Cybele was also mother, with Attis as father, of Lydians, and the mythical Lydian king, Pelops, who's father's name was traced (by me) to "Antalya" of the Pisidians (this city was the origin of the old Atlantis that Francis Bacon was playing off of), married into Pisa elements. Both Pelops and Phryxus were of the golden fleece (= False Prophet / Revelation harlot) bloodline, and Phryxus (or "Phrixes") was code for Phrygians of the Midas kind (I cannot recall the details that traced Phryxus to the Lydian theater, but see Galatia map).

In Wikipedia's Galatia article, a sunburst is shown, and then Attis was a sun god. "Helios," another sun god, is traced by me to "Halys," the river on which Galatians lived. Attis depicted the Hatti living at Hattusa on the Halys river. We get it. But then see a sun on the head of the woman -- who looks like the Statue of Liberty -- at the Tolistobogii, and as whether "Tolis" was from "Solis." It evokes the Solymi and fellow tribe of Cabelees (Pisidians and Lasonii were fellow tribes too).

Pelops and his father ruled (H)Eneti, and as these evolved into the Veneti, note that the Tolistobogii were settled at Vindia. As Gants / Ghents are ultimately traced to the Heneti > Veneti, but what coincidence do we see the Dutch Gant Shield used by the German Dol/Dolls Coat??? I'm think that Dol in Brittany was a Veneti-of-Brittany location and named after "TOLIStobogii." If that's correct, then linking "Dol" to Attila's house of Dulo seems incorrect.

As Dols/Dolls' were first found in Mechlenberg, by what coincidence is it that the Toll/Tolles surname was first found in neighboring Pomerania? The black and white checks of the police caps in England were from Stewarts, I had read, and then such checks are used by Tolls'/Tolles'. Stewarts use blue and white checks, as do English Toles/Tolles. In the Crest of the latter, a pyramid.

There are more checks in the German Dole Coat (surname said to be from "tol"), and a grape vine as used by Levins/Levines of Brittany. The Dole grape vine looks much like the one used by German Blates/Platts...whom I link to Blatand "bluetooth," the Rus-viking ancestry (I say) of the Dol Stewarts. The Dole Crest looks like ostrich feathers, as does the German Tall/Thale Coat that I trace to French Talbots. The bees in the Tall/Thale Coat can be for the Boii if indeed they were part of "TolistoBOGII. Entering "Dolles" gets the Dallas/Dulles Coat with blue-on-white bend, the color of the Tall/Thall and Talbot bends (the latter looks like a variation of the Masci bend).

Isn't that interesting all of a sudden, for Talbots were "TailleBOIs" in the time that le Meschin married one. It's as though "Tolistobogii" became "Taillebois," for even the writer of Wikipedia's Tolistobogii article says that "Bogii" and "Boii" are essentially the same term. There is logic in identifying Meschins with Gauls who became Galatians because Samsons are related to Meschins while I've long traced the Samson cult to Galli. Gauls of Bellovesus are highly suspect in Masci ancestry. As English Talbots use a "Prest motto term, the Laevi Gauls are implied in my mind. I'm not forgetting that Israel's priesthood came to power as per MaccaBEES proper, whom were somehow connected to Maceys.

It can't be coincidental that both English Stewarts and English Talbots use red-on-white lions, for these Talbots were first found in Shropshire, where Dol's proto-Stewarts came to live. One Avranches man of the Macey location (Normandy) married a woman of Dol in the time of le Meschin.

There is not necessarily a contradiction in all this for tracing Talbots to Salyes Ligurians (the latter are suspect as named of Salop), for Doles/Doyles were first found in Leinster, that place founded by Lug (sun = sol god) and therefore by Ligurians. The Sole/Sully Coat uses the same sort of border as English Talbots, and Soles/Sullys were from "Subligny near Avranche. Richard Subligny was Bishop of Avranches." As Talls/Thalls use ostrich feathers, suggesting the Stewart trace to Astikas / Trabys, I note that Soles/Sullys were first found in DERBYshire.

As you may be aware of, the clans under discussion are all 666-suspect, and it was prior to this update that the Galli priesthood had been identified as the 666 bloodline. We could get the impression that the end-time 666 will come from the Israeli priesthood lines as they connected to the clans in the paragraph above. The Soles/Sullys, says their write-up, connected to the Painells of the Cornwall peninsula (including Devon), whom, I'm assuming by certain clues, were the Paines of Payen (Normandy). One variation, "PainDAVOINE," suggests Devon, but there is also one PainLEVE variation.

The above allows one to identify DAVENports of Cheshire as Paines / Payens and Paindevoins, for we read in the Paine/Paynell (broken spear) write-up that they were named after "paganus, meaning rustic or countryman." Why on earth would the write-up use "rustic" for a countryman? Because, there is a Rust/Roost surname...using the Davenport crosslets. The Davenport write-up tells that the clan was in Astbury, and then the Astbury Shield is also the Paine/Paynell Shield. You just know that this is not coincidental, and that the writers of the latter's write-up were lying concerning "rustic."

In the Rust/Roost Crest, a red wyvern, the Drake-of-Masovia symbol. The Sinclair rooster could be code for the Rust/Roost family that uses a cross much like the Sinclair cross. The rooster was also a symbol of Lug, though it may have been a version of the Galli chicken.

Entering "Davon" or "Devon" gets so-called "sheldrake" ducklings, which tends to clinch that these are part-code for Drakes. The Drake write-up even uses "duck."

Didn't Painells / Paines enter this discussion from the Sole/Sully write-up? How is it that the lion of the Paine/Paynell Coat is used large by the Tool Coat? How is it that Paines/Paynells linked to Rusts while the same lion (though upright) is used by the Ross'/Roose's? The upright Ross lions are then in the Capet/Capes Coat, important because the Davon/Devon description uses the motto, "Spero et captivus nitor." Capets/Capes use white scallops, the Meschin-scallop color, and then in the Meschin write-up we find the phrase, "in Capite in Shropshire."

I'm skeptical of the Tool write-up's derivation: "First found in County Kildare, seated at O'Toole's Castle, where they were descended from Tuathal, King of Leinster who died in 950 A.D." Could "TuaTHAL" be code for the Talls/Thalls? Earlier, the write-up said: "Tool appeared as O Tuathail, which is derived from 'tuathal,' which means 'people mighty.'" Recently (starting 2nd update in December), in a discussion of Tweeds of Tweedale of Peebles-shire, "people" was thought to be code for Peebles, suggesting that Tools were linked to Peebles elements. I started to make the Tool link to Tweedale but wasn't able to clinch it. I think I can now do so.

LOOKIE. The Tools were first found in Kildare, and then the Kildare surname uses that Desmond saltire because Kildares are said to be a branch of Desmonds. For me, because I trace the Desmond saltire to Annan(dale)s and therefore to Ananes Gauls, this verifies the claims in the Tweed discussions, that Pharisees were of Tweedale elements of the Fraser ("Je suis PRET" motto) kind. From the third update in December: "In the Shimmy write-up: 'The first chief to settle was named Simon Frazer, and his lands were called Keith Simon. Their stronghold was Oliver Castle on the Tweed.'" I trace Olivers to "Laevi."

Check out and compare the Tweed Coat with the Kildare and Desmond Coats. As further proof that Tools belonged to Tweeds, the latter use a "Thol" motto term...which term I had missed (shame shame) when on the Tweed discussion, at which time it was said:

The Tweed-colored Tewes/Tewells, and therefore the same-colored Tools, may apply [to Tweedale].

...The Tool write-up traces to "...'tuathal,' which means 'people mighty,'" which seems very convenient because "people" smacks of "Peebles."...The Peeble surname uses "POPINjays," and then Popes/Papes likewise use talbots.

The Thole surname is also "Tooley." Shame shame, I missed that too. Compare Tholes/Tooleys with Salemans/Salmans, an obvious branch of Sales. The English Yoke/Joke Coat compares well with the Thole/Tooley Coat, and then the German Yoke/Hoch Coat uses the swan of the DALEs/Dayles (i.e. Tool-like surname. THEN ZOWIE, there is a white-on-blue swan, the colors of the Yoke swan, in the Toth/Tott Coat, suggesting STRONGLY to me that Tools were named, not after "tuatha," but after the Thoth line of Egypt.

The Todds? Foxes.

The Tweed Crest happens to be the Say-Crest bull head, and so let me repeat that I traced Says to "Sais" in Egypt, for I also traced the "Je SUIS prest" motto of Frasers to Sais. Even before discovering that Frasers use both the Shimmy/CAMMIE Coat and motto, I had traced "Cammie" to Sais, home of Chemmites. Says link to Seatons of Saytown, and Seatons were Keiths/Keaths, which should explain why Shimmys/Cammies include Keith Frazer in their write-up, as well as the Keith stag. The Fraser write-up: "First found in Tweedale, Peebles-shire, where Sir Simon Frasee held part of the lands of Keith"

Chemmites had themselves claimed identify with Perseus-branch Danaans, and then it just so happens that British Danann were "Tuatha de Danann."

...they are often referred to simply as the Tuatha De, a phrase also used to refer to the Israelites in early Irish Christian texts)

...[Danann] is also written Donann and Domnann, which may link them with the Fir Domnann ("men of the Domnainn"), a people associated with the Fir Bolg in myth, who are historically attested in Connacht and may be related to the British Dumnonii.

Dumnonii were in Devon, and that's where the Painell-branch Tolistobogii were. Therefore, as Tools were, apparently, called "Tuathail" (though not necessarily derived in that term), one could venture to trace Tools to Chemmite Danaans for reasons above, which in turn identifies Tolistobogii as those Chemmites. Below we have reason to trace "Tool" to "Dol" elements, as expected, but before getting to that, let's introduce English Tollers, who use more leaves as well as the Bouillon cross in colors reversed. I trace Bouillons to Fir Bolgs because Godfrey de Bouillon was from the Belgian theater's Boulogne.

Cammies and Shimmies are listed as septs of Stuarts, though not as septs of Stewarts. The latter list shows many Dan-using septs, however, including "Daniel". The Kinlay stag is also the Italian Daniel stag, and then the latter clan was first found in Bolg-suspect Bologna, i.e. where Boii ruled whom are suspect in "TolistoBOGII." The Kinlay stag is in the colors of the Boger/Bogy/BOLGY Coat (!), and while Kinlays (= Stewart sept) were first found in Perthshire, Bogers/Bogys/Bolgys were first found in neighboring Fife.

By the way, Dans, Danes, and Daniels, all showing different Coats, were first found in Sussex.

German Bogers use a nail, and then Neillys are also listed as a Stewart sept. In this Chemmite picture, the Neils and related Niles' could be named after elements from "Nile," the river of Egypt. As per the red hands to be shown below, so red hands are used in the Niles/Neilson Coat.

The whale in the Dol/Dolls Coat should be code for Gauls of the Wales kind, and so we don't neglect that Brittany was founded by Welsh Brits. The fact that Dols/Dolls use the Dutch Gant wave suggests that Santones and Tolistobogii had merged, and indeed another Galatian tribe, treated below, was in the Toulouse part of France where Santones could be expected. The implication is that Toulouse was named by, or vice versa, Tolistobogii.

Remember, Santones were from Lemnos, a chief location of the Kabeiri / Galli peoples, where the proto-Veneti as represented by Aphrodite>Venus were stationed. The Venus-Coat stag is that also of the English Stewart Crest. Wales and Brittany shared Veneti elements that link, quite obviously, to Ghent and Gant elements. Vains/Vanes use gauntlets for this reason, we must suspect, which makes Maceys suspect in Wales. But who were the Maceys of Wales? The Ordovices of Gwynedd? Yes, I think.

Prior to tracing the tooth-like bend of English Stewarts to Blatand bluetooth, it had been traced to Sawyers and Seagers due to the suspicion that it was saw-toothed. The idea was that it traced to seca-like surnames because "seca" means saw. And so I traced the saw/seca line to mythical Perdix, inventor of the saw, and it just so happens that Perdix had been given (by ancients) an alternative name of Talus. Tolis-incidence? We'll see Sawyers and Seagers shortly below, but for now I'd like to mention the Sagans, for they use a salamander in flames as do Tolis-suspect Douglas'. Douglas' were Flemings, the reason for the "flames."

As Doles/Dallas'/Dulles' were first found in Moray while Douglas' use the Moray stars (and besides, Douglas' were close to Biggars who use the Dallas/Dulles Coat), see the Dole/Doyle write-up: "The original Gaelic form of the name Dole is O Dubhghaill..." If that's true, it seems that Douglas' were from Tolistobogii.

The Hands use the same colors, and they, whom I link to Hannas of Galloway, use the same stag, almost, as Stewarts. The Hand stag is that of McCarthys of Cork / Muskerry, and then entering "Dail(y)," the term found in the Dallas/Dulles write-up, gets a clan first found in Cork, and using red hands, used also by Hands.

I don't think it's coincidental that the red stag used in the Boggs Coat is used also by Irish Doles/Doyles. This strongly suggests that the Boggs' were from the TolistoBOGII, which in turn verifies that Doles were from "Tolis." The Bogg Crest is an hour glass, and then the "Jewish" Glass Coat uses the Fulk wings so as to form an hour-glass shape. I trace Glass' to Glasgow, in Renfrewshire, where Stewarts abounded, and Renfrew was named after Rennes of Brittany. The Glasgow Coat uses the same chevron as the Hands, and the Glasgow Crest is Melusine (Moray symbol but also of the Anjou Fulks / Veres) holding a mirror, a piece of glass.

Again, Bogers/Bogys/Bolgys are very Bologna suspect, for the Boii ruled there for a time. As "Bononia" is an alternative name for Bologna, and as Skull and Bones was traced (by me) strongly to "Bononia," but previously to Eschol in Hebron, by what coincidence is it that Bolgers use the Hebron chevron (that chevron is suspect as a 666 code). Both Bogers/Bolgys and Hebrons ("tryst" motto term) use roses, moreover, and the Boger/Bolgy rose in the colors of the Trist rose.

German Bogers/Bognars, suspect as Bogens/Boegers of Bavaria, use a nail in the colors of the German Nails/Negels/Neils, but also in the colors of the lozenges of Bavaria that are known to have been borrowed from Bogens. Who else uses nails? The Logans/Lohans, where the nails are through a heart. Logans were first found in Ayrshire, where Niles/Neilsons were first found, thus clinching a relationship of both clans with nail-using Bogers.

Both Tweedales and Irish Neils use estoiles and a fish. The white Neil fish is in a sort of "engrailed" blue sea, while German Nails/Neils use a blue-on-white engrailed saltire. Tweeds use a red engrailed saltire on a blue and white Shield. Why are Tweeds and Neils now linking, just after Neils became a topic as per Boger-branch Tolistobogii, and just after Tools were linked both to Tweeds and Tolistobogii?

Isn't it amazing that, in the previous Tweed discussion, when linked to Tewells, Tweeds were traced to Tew and Tiye, of the Egyptian royal family? [INSERT: Hours after saying that, as well as writing the below, the Tweed saltire was found in a Tait/Tayte/Tate Coat, with a red Chief just like the Annan(dale) Coat!! I haven't changed anything in the rest of this paragraph, or for many paragraphs since adding this insert. end insert] Tiye (daughter of Thuya) was daughter to Yuya (he had blonde hair), who lived in Chemmis (!) on the Nile. Yuya had a son, Anen, who became a chief priest of Lower Egypt, which could explain how Chemmites from Chemmis (Upper Egypt) got to Sais in Lower Egypt). The point is, might the Ananes, and the chief priest of Israel, Annas/Ananias, have been named after a peoples named after Anen??? "Anen is depicted in a notable surviving statue (Turin 5484), now in Turin Italy." Turin is awfully close to the Ananes.

ZOWIE YES, for as the Italian Daniels/Dani (= Stewart sept) and Niles use the same stag, which should be the Venus stag because Stewarts use it too, they all ought to trace to the Heneti > Veneti line, and "Heneti" smacks of "Anen"!!! Anen may even have evolved into the Hand surname (nearly the same stag) using the red hands of the Neils and Niles! The Hand chevron is also the Tay/Tey/Teye chevron!!!

The Hand stag is identical to the MacCarthy stag (red, as with the Daniel stag), and MacCarthys were Desmonds who's saltire has in-turn been traced to the ANNANdale saltire!!!!!! ZOWZERS! I know a logical trace when I see it. I am already convinced that Ananes Gauls were from Yuya's son, THE PRIEST!!!!!! The Annan(dale) saltire is in the colors of the Tweed saltire!!!!!!

Three pairs of six exclamatons, just as the 666 cult deserves. It's a sudden surprise for me, clinching the Tweed trace to "Tiye" and "Tew" (at the moment, I can't find a reference for Tew, or how she was related in particular to Yuya). See below for another reason to trace Chemmites to Heneti:

Akhmim [also "Chemmis"] was known in Ancient Egypt as Ipu, Apu or Khent-min. It was the capital of the ninth (Chemmite) nome of Upper Egypt. The city is a suggested hometown for Yuya, the official of Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III...Herodotus mentions the temple dedicated to Perseus and asserts that Chemmis was remarkable for the celebration of games in honor of that hero...

KHENT??? As in "Centaur"??? Yuya was the horse trainer and keeper of the Egyptian royals. By what coincidence were Gants/Gaunts (from GHENT) first found in Kent, named after the Candie-like Cantii??? By what coincidence do Candies use saltires in colors reversed to the Annan(dale) saltire??? By what coincidence do Cantors/Ganters use a "Quam" motto term (likely code here for Camerons) that in the past has been suggested as code for Chemmites? Paines/Paynells (Sussex) use "quam" too, and they (from Sinclairs, as with Candies) use Candie colors.

Dutch Thys/Tyes use a fox (symbol of Todds too who should trace to Thoth of Egypt and therefore to Tools), and indeed I trace Samson to Chemmite Danaans. English Dyes/Ties use stars in Bacon-star colors, suggesting the possibilty that Dees / Days/Deas (Stewart / Venus stag) were from Tiye-and-Yuya blood. INDEED, Days/Deas use snakes in the colors of the Deas Coat, and Deas' are known to have been Desmonds. PLUS: "The tale of the name Deas begins with a family who lived in Angus (in the modern region of TAYside)..." Caps mine.

By what coincidence do both Bacons and Hannitys use "firme" in their motto. The term has already been establsihed as code for Fir Bolgs, but the point here is a Hannity trace to the Heneti suspect from Yuya's son. (See also the Haines in Bacon colors.) The Dyes/Ties that use Bacon-colored stars were first found in Yorkshire, where stag-using Annes/Hannes/Hannys were first found. Annabels/Hannibals use the Stewart and Venus stag once again. Deaincidence?

Again, Daniels were first found in Sussex, where Saddocks were first found who were recently traced to Sadducees (from a Boetus ancestry!) and to Seatons...that I trace to Sais! UNBELIEVABLY, this is disclosing that the chief priests of Israel were from Yuya's family of Chemmites / Danaans. As Chemites claimed to be from Perseus, what about my claims that "Pharisee" traces to mythical Paris, who in turn traces to Perseus???

The Neil/Nihil write-up: "First found in County Tyrone, and County Clare where O'Neill was chief of Clan Dalvy and of Tradree, a district in the barony of Inchiquinn." DALVY??? Both the Neils/Nihills and Dalys/Dailys use red hands.

Remember, Veres were Ferraris (or so I claim). I trace a Vere motto term ("nihil") to Neils/Nihills, though it may be code instead for Nevilles...whom I've trace over the years to Nibelungs, traced in-turn to the wife (Nefertiti) of pharaoh Akhenaten (son of Tiye), the horses of whom were cared for by...Yuya! Moreover, I trace Nibelungs to "Nephele," mythical mother of Centaurs. Coincidence after coincidence here assures that we could in fact have a Centaur trace to Anen, where Ixion, father of Centaurs, may have been named after pharoah "AKHEN(aten)," worshiper of the sun god, Aten.

I traced Nefertiti to "Nevers," France, and so see the "Sola" motto term of the Nevers surname. I traced Salyes Ligurians to "Sol," and then the Nevers Coat uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the fleur-de-lys of the Sales-of-Masci. [All of this was written before engaging the Navaho topic way below, when the Navaho are traced solidly to Mascis in a special revelation.]

Yuya was of the 18th dynasty, the dynasty that took Lower Egypt from Hyksos. As Khyan was nearly the last Hyksos ruler, compare his name to "Akhen." Perhaps someone from the Mus household of Khyan created the Aten-sun god cult. It's my personal idea that the house of Khyan was from Mus of lake Van, where also I've traced the Deas / Desmonds. The brother of Akhenaten was ThutMOSE, you see. Their father was Amenhotep III, son of ThutMOSE/ThutMOSIS IV. It's likely that whatever entity named these Thutmose's also named Moses. Thutmose was maded in-part after Thoth, a Tuatha-like term if ever we saw one. The latter's mother was Tiaa.

By whay coincidence was it that the first pharaoh of the 18th dynasty was AhMOSE I, who reigned a generation after the death of Khyan (if we can trust the Egyptologists). Ahmose's wife: NEFERtari. It could be that Ahmose I (brother of KaMOSE) was named after the Mus house of Khyan when merging with it by marriage after the fall of the Hyksos empire (under Apophis/Apepi). Wikipedia suggests that the mother of Ahmose I is not known with certainty, but note that there is something like an eagle (symbol I trace to Lake Van) on the head of his supposed mother, Ahhotep. Her mother was Tetisheri, and in her article we find an archaeologist by the name of A. C. Mace (he found the pyramid of her family line to Ahmose). Mace-incidence?

Hmm, the Tattons-of-Masci come to mind with a TETIsheri link to Maces. Tattons/Taytons are in the colors of the Teddys/Tudors, said to be from "TEWdwr," a Tweed-like term. As Twaithes were suggested as a Tweed branch, why does the Twaithe Coat use the same cross as the Nevers'? Did Nevers' use "Sola"? Tweeds use "Thol." Tweeds are in the Shield colors of Soles and Nevins.

Tattons use a crescent in the colors of the Toots/Tuts, and then king Tut was a grandson of Tiye and son of Ahkenaten. Toothills use the Mackie/Mackey lion, to be expected if the pharoah's under discussion were of proto-Masseys. Tuttles show a Toothill variation. Tuttles are suspect in carrying the defective porphyria genes, thought to derive when royals inter-married too closley, and then the pharoah's under discussion married their own siblings. I had traced Masseys to porphyria genes for other reasons than the one at hand.

I have a fundamental trace of the Hyksos house of proto-Masseys to Messene (Greece), location of Pylos and Methoni/Modon. I had traced both Pharisees and proto-Maccabees to Modena of the Ferrara region, but long before that, I identified Methoni and Modena as Mitanni locations related to one another. It just so happens that Yuya is thought to have been a MITANni bloodline in Egypt. Then, as we saw that Yuya's royal household had ancestry in pharoah's AhMOSE and KaMOSE, which terms may even be a variations of "Chemmis," what about the fact that Moses, who lived about the time of those pharaohs, was friend to a MIDIAN nation???

I ignore the idea of some that the Biblical God was a product of Midian paganism. Moses ("Mousa" to Greeks and "Musa" to Arabs) left the pharoah's household that named him, escaping to Midian, where he lived for 40 years. Let's assume that Tiye and her father, Yuya, were Midiate-branch Mitanni. Let's assume that south-Egyptian pharoahs, Kamose and Ahmose (brothers), were, as with Moses, likewise named after the proto-Massey or Mus household of north-Egyptian pharoah Khyan, the latter being the Exodus pharoah from whom Moses escaped. It's known that Khyan was the second-last Hyksos ruler, and that his successor, Apophis, was not Kyhan's son.

Ahmose faught war against Apophis after the latter survived war againbst Kamose. It may be that Ahmose married a daughter of the household of Khyan where Apophis usurped Khyan's throne. The Bible tells that pharoah's daughter named Moses, and so might she be the daughter of Khyan who married Ahmose's father??? The idea in my mind is that Khyan, in trouble politically, financially, and militarily due to the 10 Plagues, reached out for help, by merging with the father of Ahmose, in an effort to remove the Apophis circle of contenders for his Hyksos throne.

[Ahmose] was a member of the Theban royal house, the son of pharaoh Tao II Seqenenre and brother of the last pharaoh of the Seventeenth dynasty, King Kamose.

By what coincidence did CadMUS found a Thebes in Greece??? I have traced "CadMUS" to the Mus household of Khyan, but then why not also suspect the householf of Ahmose and Kamose? The latter brother was first on the Theban throne, and he smacks much of "Cadmus." We also read: "During the reign of his [Ahmose's] father or grandfather, Thebes rebelled against the Hyksos, the rulers of Lower Egypt." Why did they rebel then? Wasn't it because Khyan suffered a major blow from the God of Israel? Might not the beginnings of an Apophis betrayal have started as a result of the degredation of the nation as per the Plagues?

Keep in mind here that the dating of Egyptian events and pharoahs of the times under discussion are not quite accurate, wherefore they will not align perfectly with the dates of the Exodus as calculated from Biblical data. This blinds some of us to discovering the real Exodus pharoah. Before returning to the Ahmose topic, let me quote from one of my Ladon-book chapters:

King Menes of Egypt is timed by secular "experts" at 3200ish BC [i.e. long before Noah's Flood, and therefore impossible]; the lists begin at that time with Narmer, father of Menes. It is obvious, however, that Egyptian king lists have much repetition, and there's no doubt in my mind that "experts" know it but disregard their own dishonesty. When I spent merely an hour seeking some repetition, I found it! Depending on who is giving the data, the first dynasty list is roughly as follows:
"Menes, Djer, Athothis, Teti/Ati, Djet, Merbapin, Semerkhet...(and later) Sneferka."

These kings are the same as those below, listed (by Britannica) for the end of the fifth dynasty and start of the sixth (approx. 2400-2200 BC according to Britannica):

"Menkauhor, Djedkare, Isesi, Unas, Teti, Userkare (Phiops), Pepe I Meryre...(and later) Neferkare" (Britannica "Egypt" 1970).

It's common knowledge that Menes was also called "Aha," wherefore it is easy to see that Menkauhor is a Menes-Aha combination.

Djer easily modifies to Djedkare.

Athothis easily equates with Isesi.

Sometimes Djer is viewed as Uenephes (see website below), which easily equates to Unas [by the way, mythical Oeneus was father to Methoni, the city mentioned above in in Messene; and an Una river, depicting mythical Juno and Uni, is also the Oeneus river].

And Merbapin, when flipped to "Bapin-Mer," easily becomes "Pepi Meryre."

A few generations later, Sneferka is named as a first-dynasty possibility, who must have been the same as Neferkare of the sixth dynasty.

I can't help but pity the impoverished historians who made that blunder. The serious question is, how many other kings have been repeated twice, or even three times, by our worshipful Egyptologists?

Okay, now you know that the dating was stretched back from the Flood (about 2350 BC) to 3200 BC by abusing variant names of kings who ruled in later times, after the Flood. The point is, due to this stretching of the king lists, we can yet expect the dates to be wrong at about the time of the Exodus in 1446 BC. At Wikipedia, Ahmose's father (Seqenenre Tao II) is given the throne-ascention years of 1560 or 1558 BC, a century before the Exodus. I don't think that's correct.

Remember, archeaology concerning queen Tetisheri, the mother of Seqenenre Tao II, was investigated by a Mace surname. Then, in the article below: "The mummy [of Seqenenre] was unwrapped by Gaston MASpero on June 9, 1886." Masincidence? "Maspero" might be a variation of "Masovi." Why were these Mus-like surnames involved in investigations of this family?

The suggestion below is that Seqenenre at first attacked Khyan, but then we do see his attacking Apophis/Apepi to some degree:

Seqenenre Tao II is credited with starting the opening moves in the war of liberation against the Hyksos, which was ended by his son Ahmose.

Later New Kingdom literary tradition states that Seqenenre Tao II came into contact with his Hyksos contemporary in the north, Aawoserra Apopi...

...His son and successor Wadj-kheper-re credited with launching a successful campaign in the Theban war of liberation against the Hyksos...

It doesn't tell us whether Kamose attacked Khyan or Apophis, though the implication is Apophis. In the article, we read: "Until 2009 the main hypotheses have been that [Seqenenre] died either in a battle against the Hyksos or was killed while sleeping; A reconstruction of his death by Egyptologist Garry Shaw and a weapons expert suggested a third, which they saw as the likeliest, that Seqenenre was executed by the Hyksos king." Why SHAW??? Isn't that the Sithech line that I say was from the Israeli chief priests that killed Jesus? If Shaws/Sheaves (also "Shay") were Kays/Keys (logical because Sheaves use keys), then what about mythical Kay's father, Cyner??? Compare with "Khyan," and see the Kay/Key motto terms.

As I traced Shaws (said to derive in "Sithech") to Sutekh in Egypt, an alternative name for Set/Seth, note that, in the Hyksos article, Seth is said to have been the Hyksos god at the time of the invasion Kamose. "Kamose sailed north from Thebes at the head of his army in his third regnal year. He surprised and overran the southernmost garrison of the Hyksos at Nefrusy, just north of Cusae..." Remember, the line forward in time to AKHENaten (Tiye's son) is suspect (by me) from "Khyan," and Ahkenaten married NEFERtiti, a term apparently applicable to "NEFRusy." If Kamose attacked Nefrusy first of all, there may have been some blood reason for it, since his own sister was Nefertari. Morerover, the mother of Segenenre's mother was Neferu.

It's interesting that while Nefrusy was in the Cusae theater, the king of Cush was Kamose' ally. There is a Cass/Cash surname using the symbols of the Kiss/Cush surname, you see. The proto-Nibelung line may have furnished the Cush-related Nubians.

The COSTigan Coat is that of Irish KilPatricks (Levi lion), and then Kilpatricks are also shown as "Shera" and similar terms, smacking of "TetiSHERI," mother of Seqenenre! I had actually traced the Kilpatrick motto, "I make sure," to the Philstine coast. I can now ask why there is a "PeriMUS" motto term in the Sure/Shore Coat???

[Insert -- Some days later the following was found and written in the next update:

On page 174 of this work, the prenomen for pharaoh Apachnas is said to be, "Shura."

End Insert]

But I also traced Kilpatricks to Butteri at Poitiers, near and/or in the CHER and Berry locations. The ancient capital of Berry was Avaricum, smacking of Avaris where Apophis (and Khyan) ruled, but also where Ahmose set up his throne after booting Hyksos out. Cher is beside Nevers, which may be important for the origin of "Navajo." The Pictones lived in Poitiers, asnd then Picts, as with some American natives, used tattoes.

It should be added that Cher is beside Creuse, while one Creuse surname shows Cree-like Crew and Crewe variations as well as "Croux." The Coat above uses a lion in colors reversed to the Crichton/Creighton Coat, of a surname that I trace to Cretans / Curetes and the Cree/Craith surnames. As with English Mascis, the Cruise surname was first in Cheshire.

It's hard for me to say whether king Tut was named after the same elements as Tetisheri, but we can assume that Thoth was at the root. It just so happens that the Creuse/Crew motto uses the same motto term (Sequor) as the Totten Coat. PLUS, Tottens uses thin dancettes throughout the Coat, which we see as symbols for Anen, son of Yuya. In case the symbols disappear, the Wikipedia article above shows two thin dancette-like lines.

Doesn't "Sequor" have some similarity with SEQENenre? There were a Sequani branch of Gauls near northern Italy.

There was no mention of Khyan at all, in the Seqenenre article above, in the wars against the household of Ahmose. I wouldn't expect Khyan to be mentioned as an enemy if his household had merged with Seqenenre. In the Khyan article, he is "SeuserENRE Khyan", using the same ending as per "SeqenENRE." I did not know this when suggesting above that Seqenenre had made the marital alliance by marrying Khyan's daughter? If Khyan was not himself from the proto-Massey household that named Moses, then I assume that his daughter's mother was. If that daughter who named Moses married Seqenenre, we have cause for "AhMOSE" and "KaMOSE."

The Sure/Shore Coat uses a "A stork holding a stone," and then we read (from link above) that "Khyan's name is transcribed as STAAN [caps mine] in Africanus' version of Manetho's Epitome." The Stan/Stain surname write-up traces to "stones," and you may have read recently (4th update December) that the Ishtar cult linked to Stone / Stein / Stainer surnames of the Rothschild kind (compare English Esters with English Steins).

Reminder: the Kilpatrick Crest is a picture of the Ishtar harlot riding the dragon beast of Revelation, and that harlot is shown as the Levi surname.

This is a new theory for me, that Khyan may link to Stan- and Stone-like surnames. It just so happens that Khyan's name (as "Hayanu") is traced in the article to the bloodline of Shamsi-Adad, the Amorite king of Babylon and Assyria...who brought the Ishtar cult of Babylon to Assyria. Shamsi-Adad lived on the Habur river, the Euphrates tributary where Mitanni lived. "The name Hayanu is recorded in the Assyrian king lists -- see 'Khorsabad List I, 17 and the SDAS List, I, 16'--'for a remote ancestor of Shamshi-Adad I (c.1800 BC).'"

In this picture, it seems that Amorite kin of Shamshi-Adad brought Ishtar to Egypt and converted her to Set(h). The latter was of the all-seeing-eye cult of Horus, and so see the all-seeing-eye in the Star Coat. As I traced Hyksos to the Samson cult, and he to Sames (sun god) of Armenia, what about the origin of "Shamsi"? Seqenenre's father had the additonal name of "Siamun." CONSPICUOUSLY, the Siemen surname uses an eight pointed star (in the colors of the same of Dutch Steins), the number of points in an Ishtar star!

Asking what surnames "Hayanu" might have become, the many Hanny-like surnames come to mind...which I traced to Hannibal Carthaginians but also to Meshwesh "Libyans." Amazingly, the Stanely Coat uses the same stag heads as the Annes/Hannes (!!!), and the Stanely bend is in the colors of the Hand and Hanna chevrons!

I note that Hayes' were first found in Sussex, where Saddocks/Sedgwicks and Ryes were first found. Did I trace Saddocks/Sedgewicks to Sithechs = Shaws and Set? It was Saddocks who use "ears of rye" as code for the Rye surname, which itself uses two feathers as did some Egyptian head-dresses. See Tiye's two feathers, for one of her sons was Sitamun ("amun" is a suffix so that the root is "Sit"). Two feathers are used also on ther head of Tetisheri.

To my great surprise, the Irish Hay(es) surname was first found in Cork, home of MUSkerry, and it uses a sleeved arm holding a sword encoiled by a green snake, as does this Mackesy Coat.

I've already traced Scottish Hays (partly in Sussex) to Lake Van i.e. home of Mus. The Mus area was also "Tarun," and then this Tarun Coat uses the Holden eagles. The Hay Coat had been linked to the HOLDen Coat.

THEN WOW, we have a Rye-suspect RyHOLT surname speaking on Khyan:

The Danish Egyptologist, Kim Ryholt...states that:
a stela set up in Avaris contains the nomen and prenomen of Khayan and a now lost dedication (presumably to Seth, Lord of Avaris) below which are inscribed the title and name of the Eldest King's Son Yanassi. The association of Khayan with those of his eldest son upon this stela suggests that the latter in fact was his designated successor, as also implied by his title.

Khyan was, however, succeeded by Apophis who apparently was a usurper. Ryholt argues that the Turin Canon gives Khyan a reign of thirty to forty years due to the large numbers of objects known for this Hyksos king. Since both Bietak and Ryholt record that Yanassi was apparently Khyan's designated successor, Apophis may have staged a coup d'etat to seize power -- perhaps immediately after the death of Khyan to pre-empt the latter's son from assuming the throne.

At Avaris were recently excavated the remains of a palace. Seal impressions of Khyan were found there, indicating that this was his palace.

Ryholt apparently has no idea that Khyan was the Exodus pharoah, for had he known, he might have mentioned in the quote above that Khyan's son was killed by the 10th Plague.

After writing the above, I thought to be finished for the time being on that topic. But turning to email, GD had a follow-up on the Dineh natives of Arizona and New Mexico, a peoples otherwise called Navajo, though they apparently include Apache and all the Athabaskan language group. GD wrote in previously asking whether they might link to the Dinay peoples or even the "Daniy" (Hebrew term used in Judges) to describe Samson's nationality. I trace the Daniy to Tanis in the Hyksos theater.

There's a good chance that the god, Aten/Atun, traces to "Tanis," the location of the Hyksos where Meshwesh/Mazyes/MAXYes later ruled (21st-22nd Egyptian dynasties). I also suggest that "Athena" of Libya was code for Tunis, home no doubt of some Meshwesh.

After telling GD that I had some time to look into the Dineh / Dine natives, I came across a Mescalero term in a Navajo article. You know what I was thinking: these were from the Hyksos house of Mus, and related to the Mascal surnames. Checking, it turned out more wild than expected because Mescaleros were Apache!!! Khyan's alternative name: Apachnas.

Amazing, as if this email from GD is yet another example of God's timing, to prove to readers that He's working through her, that it's not my imagination.

In the meantime, Tim sent in the Sutcliffe Coat for me to save, the one with ostrich feathers in Crest. As you can see the elephant, what about the elephant of the Mascals??? Didn't we just see how the Seth-worshiping house of Kyhan traced to Sut-like surnames?

It was then found:

Apache is from the Zuni word 'apachu' which means . . . enemy. Then the Spaniards named the Apache bands according to their traits or locale: Mescalero, for the mescale gatherers, several tribes for the closest mountain, 'Apache de Jicarilla' for their baskets, and the 'Apache de Navaju' which they borrowed from the Tewa word - 'Navaju' meaning 'the arroyo with the cultivated fields.' Isn't it interesting that these peoples who claim precedence accept the names given by late-comers? Research continues and updates will be added.

I take little seriously in such definitions. The point is the "Tewa" term, for it smacks of Tweeds and Tewells / Tools / etc that are treated more below in writings that came a day or two before what you are now reading. As we see that some Apache were named after thei basket making, what about the AthaBASKA term? What if it's just Masonic crock that they were named after baskets, when in truth they come from Basques. I have traced Meschins (escallops), with a Masculine variation, to Gascony-branch Basques / Euskals.

The Navajo article says (brackets not mine): "First man and first woman were created by the Holy People (basketmakers), and brought to the surface through a series of underworlds [blah blah]." The Basket Coat" gets a Macey Shield and a write-up suggesting derivation either in the Pascal surname or in Basques?

Earlier in the article: "Next arrivals came into southern Colorado, and some went on to southwest Kansas, the Oklahoma panhandle, and central-west Texas. These became known as ...Kiowa-Apache, and as an item of interest the Kiowa have a connection to the Hopi through a language group." The term smacks of "Chiava," a key variation in the Sheaves surname. Spanish and Portuguese Chaves' use the same Coat as Sheaves, and of course Spanish invaders were in Mexico and Texas. My impression in many cases is that surnames of early American explorers tranbsferred to natives, you see, and even the Mexica namers of Mexica smack of Meschins / Mascis. There is even a Maschi/Maskaly clan. I'm part Masci and have a bare chest. Not funny. Even my Masci mother has no hair on her chest. And I like my hair longish if I have the choice. I even like nature, and live in the woods. My first high-school love was a native. What's going on here?

By what coincidence is it that the Dine/Dien Coat uses the Masci wing??? WOW, I didn't realize this until I was writing further down. The Dein surname was recalled that was investigated last year, when the Dien wing was found. Now it comes in mighty big. Both Diens and Deins were first found in Sussex.

English Sheaves/Shaws (arrows in Crest) were traced to the Dents for obvious reason of sharing the same lozenges, and the point is that Dents were traced to Harald Bluetooth, a DANE king. Although "Dineh" and "Dine" is reportedly said to mean, "people," the term may have had an older meaning, as in Danes or Danann. Certainly, we should expect Danish sailers in the Americas before anyone in Europe caught on. In the article above: "These early [Athabasacn] people are now the Ingalik, Koyukon, Tanana, Holikachuk, Gwich'in, Han, Upper Tanana, Ahtna and Tanaina..." Tanana and Tanaina??? Were not the ancient Irish Danann sea-farers?

The Thick/Thecker surname uses the ermined Dent diamonds/lozenges, and I say Thicks/Theckers were SiTHECHs = Sheaves/Shaws for that reason alone.

What's more amazing is that GD's email on the Baats (see 4th update December) led to the Welsh Baths/Athas, and here we now find Athabascans to which Navajo and Apache belong:

"The People" - Dine'e - (now Navajo) diverged from this [Athabascan] group about 700-1000 years ago. The first Athabascans arrived about 1350 AD in the Southwest. The b is pronounced as p and there is no written p in the Athabascan (Navajo and Apache) language.

Boor beople couldn't sbell AthaPASCA??? Doesn't that evoke the Pasca/Pascal surname? The one shown there uses a "spes" motto term, meaning "hope," a term also used by the Hopes (the latter were first found in Traby-suspect Dertbyshire, and the "spes" term traces to Traby-related Vilnius). Might the Hopi have been named after Hopes, therefore, or even vice-versa? Why is the Hope Crest a globe of the earth?

WOW!!! Guess who else uses "spes"? The German Pach/Bach surname using a golden lamb that should trace to the Exodus golden lamb, and therefore to "Apachnas". Amazing coincidence! Welsh Bachs were first found in DENbigh, and entering "Den" gets the Deins.

The Italian Pascal Coat (Levi lion) uses a red-on-white cross of the same type in colors reversed to the Bath/Atha Coat? Coincidence? The Levi lion is important as per the trace I make of Shaws to Laevi and Ananes.

Hmm, just noticed in the Bath/Atha write-up that the clan was from Tawton (surname shown properly as "Tarleton"), and entering that term, the same motto as used by Jeffreys was found. This is AMAZING, for, no guff, as soon as I saw the "people" definition of "Dineh," it recalled the "people" code (of the Tool write-up) for Peebles. The Tweeds were from Peeebles-shire, and as I siuspected Tewells to be realted, I now find Tawtons related to Jeffreys...first found in Peebles-shire!!! The Jeffrey and Tawton motto: "Post nubillia PHOEBUS". Amazing coincidence!

WOW SOME MORE. It was the Jefferson motto term, "cruce," that was discovered earlier in this update as code for the Goplo Mouse Tower in KRUSZwica, and now I find that the Pach/Bach motto uses "cruce spes." Don't forget the Polish Pack surname, for Goplo is in Poland. It's even possibly that "GOP" modified to "Hop(e)," for as German Hopes use an anchor (symbol of sea travel to the new world?), so does the Arms of Vilnius that uses a "spes" motto term.

AHA! Compare the Big(g) Coat (Jefferson style leopard) to the Welsh Jefferson Coat. The Bigs were entered as per the Bachs of DenBigh.

Then, as Baths/Athas are shown as a Welsh clan, check out the similarity between the Welsh Bach and Bascan/Baskens Coats, for to me this spells the Athabascans.

The Tawton Crest: two white ostrich feathers, and the same leopard head as Jeffersons. DANISH Ryes also use two white ostrich feathers, and as they and related Saddocks were first found in Sussex, shouldn't the Diens and Deins of Sussex apply? Didn't natives wear feathers on their heads, just as queen Tiye is depicted in ancient art??? Weren't both Trabys (five white ostrich feathers) and Ryes traced to Crete?

Entering "Dan" gets yet another clan first found in Sussex, and they use red and white checks, the symbol of the Atha Coat!

Aha! The Tooth Coat uses more white ostrich feathers, but it was not entered as per similarity with "Tawton," but as per the Dents. The Tooths Coat even uses the griffin design of Jeffersons!!! Let's not forget that Tewell-suspect Tools had been traced to mythical Thoth. Tooths are in the colors of Tottens and Tools, and Tottens had been linked suggestively to Anen, son of Yuya, because Tottens use thin dancettes as does the Wikipedia page on Anen's symbols. Dancettes always strike me as American-native symbols.

THEN WOW, as Tools were first found in Kildare while the Kildare surname (write-up links to Desmonds) uses the ANNAN(dale) saltire, it's as may have been expected: that Ananes were named after Anen!!! In such a case, we would expect Yuya- and/or Tiye-honoring elements where the Ananes and/or Annandales lived; the latter were in Dumfries, where Kilpatricks/Sheras/PATCHIES (!) were first found who were traced to TETisheri.

Aha! As Tetisheri was mother to SEQENenre, and as it was suggested earlier that he may have led to the Sequani Gauls, not that they were named in relation to a Sion-like and Jerusalem-like location not far from Sion of Switzerland:

Sequani, in ancient geography, were a Gallic people who occupied the upper river basin of the Arar (Saone), the valley of the Doubs and the Jura Mountains, their territory corresponding to Franche-Comte and part of Burgundy."

Burgundy is where Aten/Atun-like Auton and Nevers were located, and it was the direct family of Seqenenre that was related to NEFER terms!!! My trace of "Nevers" to "Nephele" assumes that her husband, Ixion, was part-code for Sion and/or Zion elements. By the way, the Seine river was also "Sequana."

Next to the Sequani lies Macon, anciently "MATISco," smacking of the Mattiaci treated recently (2nd update of December) that were traced surprisingly well to Maskalys/Maschis...and therefore likely to Massis/MATTIS'. The leader of America's Central Command today, ever since Obama, is a Mattis surname. The Mattiaci were also shown to be Maccabee bloodliners on the Rhine.

As per KilDARE, the Dare Coat was checked: crescents in Tatton-crescent and Tout/Tut-crescent colors. Deins/Denes/Dianas use the same colored crescents. AND, both Dares and Tuttles/TOOTHills were first found in the same place (Essex). The other Toothills use the Mackie/Mackey / Mackesy lion.

Isn't it true that it's not me who's crazy or way out on a limb here, but rather that we have been lied to concerning the true nature of American natives? The Athabascans are said to come from Siberia by way of Alaska. That just can't be true in light of all this evidence, unless European clans were named after native terms rather than vice versa.

As Basques called themselves Euskals, what about the five white ostrich feathers in the Scale Crest, and the white (e)scallops in the Scale Coat? One can't get more Euskal than that. They were first found in Hertfordshire, and so perhaps that place was filled with basques of the Meschin and Samson kind. Trabys may have been Minoan Cretans, but Minoans were in Sicily, where scallops trace. In my opinion based on nothing that you're redding here, the Samson cult of Daniy were the Minoans / Minyae, and I've traced the related Curetes to Cree natives already. If you had been convinced in the 4th update of December that the Casey Crest garb was the Gascony garb, then see the French-Casey leaves in the ship-using Cree/Rie/Craith Coat.

As Danann are thought to have been Dumnonii of the Cornwall peninsula, The Dives variation of the Diens (Masci wing) suggests Devon's Daphne cult as it led to Diva (later Chester), ruled by the Masci / Meschin bloodline. The Dive Coat can be seen to be a variation of the Meschin Coat but also of the Chee/Cheatle Coat, the latter being the clan that I've long suspected named Chester / Cheshire. Both Chees and Dives use dancettes, and Chees use theirs in the colors of the Totten dancette!

REMINDER: I trace Chees/Cheatles to Keith Catti, and thee latter come up when entering "Mascal." Moreover, it's known that the Chester rulers were in charge of keeping the Welsh in check, and I even traced Mascis of Cheshire (beside Wales) to the Welsh Bath/Atha surname (first found in Cheshire) as per MacHETH links to Mackays / Maceys. Then, as Welsh Bachs use a bell pattern that links fundamentally to the Bellamy > Macey > Masci bloodline, the Mescalero Apache come forcefully to mind.

The Mascis that named the DUNham-Masci location (Cheshire) had control of Hopland (Meschins had Copeland), and then the Hopi were part of the Utes natives of Meschin-suspect Mexico. "Ute" is much like "Atha," and even "AZTec" (of Mexico) may apply. LOOKIE:

The Hopi are strongly tied to the Utes by this [Shoshonean] language.

Also of the Shoshonean language group are Bannocks [Mackays have a bane sept], CoMANCHES (Masseys and Maceys were in Manche], Chemehuev [Chemmites?], Goshutes [Ranulf le Meschin was a Goz/Gois on his mother's side], Paiutes [Paines?], and of course Shoshones.

As with Tottens, the Shoshones can be suspect as from "Thoth." Tootens (in Tooth colors) were first found in Middleton, and then there is a tooth-like bend in the Middle Coat. Recalling from shortly above that Toothills use the Mackie/Mackey lion (not to mention they share ravens / crows), note that the latter clan was first found in Ayrshire, for which reason in-part they were linked to MacCabes/MacAbees of Arran, the island that JJ Tolkien encoded as "Numenor." You will see a Numa term in a quote below for the Paiutes.

Paines, who use a "Malo mori" motto phrase, were from Malahule of More and Opland, and I trace that Opland to "Hopland" because Ranulf le Meschin's ancestry on his father's side led back to Malahule through Balso d'EsPAINES. It's probably no bascincidence that the following suggests linkage of Paiutes (to be understood as Pai-Utes) to Pays / Puys /Payens, the latter being (in my opinion) relatives of Paines and Pascals / Pays/Pascels/Paces:

The Northern Paiute call themselves Numa (sometimes written Numu); the Southern Paiute call themselves Nuwuvi. Both terms mean "the people." The Northern Paiute are sometimes referred to as Paviotso. Early Spanish explorers called the Southern Paiute Payuchi (they did not make contact with the Northern Paiute).

We now see that there were multiple terms evolving into "the people." "Navajo" and "Nuwuvi" smack of the Italian term for "nebula," which starts with "nuv." As per the Paviotso term by which they called themselves, smacking of Italians, by what coincidence do we have more white scallops in the Pavi Coat, first found in Italy, in Piedmont to be exact, where Mascis were first found. By now you may have guessed that these Paviotsi were from Pavia in Piedmont, which was also "Papia," for which reason I had traced them to Pepins.

By what cosmic coincidence is it that when we enter "People," the Pepin Coat (with Massey horse) comes up??? "Dine" is also said to mean "people," but then the Dine Coat shows the Masci wing. Are we beginning to believe that God just led GD to lead me and you to these understandings? Isn't one of His purposes to expose the liars who educate the world on such historical matters? As Samson was a Daniy, compare the Dine Coat to the Samson Coat, and ask whether the "Pejus" motto term of Samsons is code for the Paiute bloodline.

There's a question as to whether the "Uther" Pendragon code was of the Utes. One Arthur-related clan was "Derth," said to derive in "Airth." WOW INCREDIBLE. No sooner was that sentence on my tongue that the Derths were recalled to be first found in Stirling. I had not yet recalled this when seeing, a moment earlier, that Bannocks (no Coat shown) were first found in Stirlingshire! In case you missed it, the Bannocks are named as part of the Shoshones in the above quote. "Bannock speak a dialect of Northern Paiute..."

Much of the above was inserted after the below was written as continuation to some section way above. Sorry about that.

The Centaurs now tracing well to Yuya's horse line are giving the impression that the pyramid in the Great Seal of the United States is code for his line. This idea filling my senses, even apart from the "Annuit" motto term of that Seal, is the Heneti peoples that I now see in Yuya's son, Anen. I had long ago traced Centaurs to Heneti, and even traced "Nefertiti" independently to "Aphrodite," the latter being easily pegged as the Heneti line to Veneti / Venus. I just traced the 13 blood drops of the Cantors/Ganters (Oxford) to the founding of the American flag, and the surname is said to be from "gaunter," what should be code for the Macey gauntlets.

It's the Tolles that use a pyramid in Crest, and Tolles had linked to Tools and Thols/Tooleys that had linked to Tweeds that had traced to Tiye well enough to discover many new ideas shortly above. One Tolle variation of early times was in one "Robert TUYlet in 1295." German Tolles, like their English branch above, use checks too, and were first found in Pomerania, the theater of the Varni and Angli. This is being mentioned because German Cantors/Kantes use only a "rectangle." That had got to be code for the Angle surname (horse in Crest!), first found in Pomerania.

So you see, the Cantors smack of Centaurs, and related Angles use a flying horse, as do Masseys. As English Cantors were first found in Oxfordshire, note my trace, not only of Oxford's Veres to the Varni, but of Oxford / Oxnaforda / Oxenford to the Oxonae peoples that were worshipers of the mother goddess of the as Varni and Angli. Did we see checks used by Tolles and relatives? Warrenes use a Shield filled with checks, and they smack of Warnabians, the alternative name of the Varni.

It may be coincidental, or it may be that heraldic checks are code for the Check/Cheke/Chick surname...using crescents in the colors of the Tattons (and Speers and Sprees), and colors reversed to Touts/Tuts.

As Drakes are suspect as Vere-branch Drakenbergs, what about the other Galatian tribe, the TROCmi? Entering "Droke" gets the Drake Coat, while entering "Troke" gets the Tooks/Tolkiens. Entering "Track" gets a sun in Crest (i.e. a symbol suspect from the Galli) and a Trigg/Trick surname.

AHA! After sustaining a long and fruitless effort to find more Troc-possible surnames, the Troggers/Trogens (Bavaria) were found using what looks like the saw-toothed Stewart bend. The surname smacks of Trojans, and of course the Drakes are suspect from "Thraco."

AHA! As per this clue that Trocmi were Trojans, the Troy surnames were looked up, and seeing the Trahy and Trehy variations of the Irish Troy surname, the True/Trew/Trow surname was recalled, said to be from "trog," and using a Coat like the Inch Coat. It reminds of the Inchequinn location of Neils, especially as Neils were from TYRone and Clare county, the latter being where Irish Troys were first found. Not only do Neils and Dalys both use red hands, but Dalys and Trues/Trews both use the same black greyhound.

Man, I thought that I had finished the native discussion, but it must now be added that the Atha Coat uses a "trahi" motto term. The Atha Shield, filled with red and white checks, may be related to the same of the French Vair/Fers Coat. The latter were in Dijonais (Burgundy) and then it just so happens that, while Diens/Dines use the Masci wing, the Dion surname (Auvergne) shows Dien-like variations, and uses the same Shield as Maceys. Consider also the Bellamy > Mace(y) line because heraldic "vair" is a bell pattern. The Dion variation of "Diennes" evokes the Dennis surname using axes of the kind that American natives would use.

Entering "Trucker" gets a Polish and German Drucker/Druck/Drigger surname (Drake colors!) first found in Polesie (!!), where Radziwills lived (Radziwills were fundamental Astikas / Trabys)!!! Budda-bing budda-bong, or however you say it (I'm not much of an Italian). The Drake dragon was used by dukes of Masovia (Poland), and then while Melusine of the Veres is used in the Arms of Warsaw (Masovia capital)," and while Traby is a Polish location beside Masovia, the Trues/Trews (also in Drake colors!) were first found in WARwickshire, a place that I trace with little doubt to "Warsaw." The Drakenberg organization lies bare before us, apparently from the Trocmi Galli.

Truckers/Drucks use upside-down "bulls' horns, similar to Cheneys that have already traced to Goplo elements of Poland. But as Drakes were first found in Hampshire, where Bidens/Buttins were first found, the Biden bull horns could be relevant.

AHA! We can strip the Drakes further as per the Driker and Drigger variations, for they suggested a look at the Drink surname...showing the Oxford-Coat lion (!!!) and Dreng, Dring, Tring, and Drenge variations. The Oxford lion is in Drake colors -- a red lion -- and then the Arms of Oxford uses a red bull. Clearly, Drakes were also Drengs/Drings.

I'm not sure whether Dules/Doyles of Oxford apply to Dol elements, as they are said to derive in "d'Ouilli," and then Wills use the wyvern. However, Scottish Wills use suns (i.e. an apt symbol for a Sol > Dol line). Perhaps not by coincidence, the Wheels/Weels use a blue boar, the color of the Vere boar. Like the Dol Alans, Wheels/Weels were first found in Shropshire. AND, the Wheale variation smacks of the whale in the Dol Coat!!! Just like that, where the paragraph started off in doubt, we have some decent heraldic confirmation of Dule/Doyle links to Dol.

I traced the red Oxford bull to the red bull of Lusatia because Vere-related Speers (and Melusine herself) trace to Lusatia. As Silesia overlapped Lusatia, it's not likely coincidental that the German Dragon surname, first found in Silesia, uses a red dragon. Variations of this surname: Draganich, Daroevich, Dragomanni, Dogomir, Dargno, Darno, Dragomonoff, and Dragonow. Many other potential branches are hinted at therein.

I had traced Raines to Rennes, noting that a "Rainfrou" character in Vere-of-Melusine lore smacks of "Renfrew." The Dobys were first found in Renfrewshire, and they use the same "helmet" as English Dragons/Drayners/Drainers (in Raines colors). I don't think it's coincidental that "Drainer" shows a buried "rainer." Rainers/Rhiners look like they might apply to the Rhine river. (See also the Drane/Drain/Drone/Drayn surname with orange-y lion.)

The Dragon/Drayner clan was first found in Kent, where Tooks/Tolkiens were first found, and then both Melusine and JJ-Tolkien myth stressed elves. The Took/Tolkien griffin design is used by Dobers.

As per the Trocmi trace to Trojans, it's interesting that the Raines (also "Reins") motto includes "Judicium parium," for while the first term traces to Judicael, duke of Rennes/Brittany, Parium/Parion was the location that produced mythical Priam and Paris, Trojan kings. Raines were first found in the same place (Essex) as Tyrones/Tyrells/Turrells.

The liars who wrote the latter's write-up: "The surname Tyrone is derived from the Old French word tirer, which means to draw. This is used in the same sense as the word tirand, which means 'one who pulls on the REINS;'...[caps mine to show the lie] thus it may be that it was used as a nickname for a stubborn person, before coming to be used as a hereditary surname." "Stubborn" should be code for Stubbs and Stubbings, the latter said to be named after tree cutting or tree "stumps," the symbol of Esus (and the TreVERI near Paris / Troyes) that I trace to "Essex." Both the Raines/Reins and Stubbings were first found in Essex, and I trace the Stubbing besants to the same of the Treebys/Trebys.

On the third Galatian tribe: "The Tectosagii were a sept of the Volcae who moved through Macedonia into Asia Minor circa 270 BCE. Strabo says the Tectosagii came originally from the region near modern Toulouse, in France." It's probably not coincidental that the German Volk surname shows the same sort of pointed hat called a "Phrygian cap." The other Volk Coat belongs to the Shakespeare-related Fulkes mentioned earlier, very conspicuous because the Volcae are traced to southern France near Anjou (i.e. a place ruled early by Fulks).

I identify Fulks of Anjou with Veres (themselves Stewarts), and then trace Veres to Volsci and Velch (on either side of Rome). Velch is near Pisa. The Hernici -- also called Hircinians -- lived beside Volsci, and then the Volcae are traced in their article to the Hercynian forest (and Moravia, beside the Boii).

Then, a Volcei location (see map of Lucania) is at mount Alburnus, a term that I trace to "Caliburnus," the Welsh name for the Excalibur sword...which I identify as code for a line to "Calabria" from (C)Halybes on the Halys river. Near Volcei we see the Hales river. On that Italian coast, we see Poseidon-named locations that can trace to Pisidians.

Between Alburnus and the Hales river there flowed the Calor river. As the Galli priests used serpents coiled around a rod for a symbol, here's the description of the Calor/Calyer Crest: A sheaf of arrows entwined with a serpent. The Calor/Calyer Coat uses the bull design of the Coles. Not just the Kyles, but the Coles' (with an 's') use coiled serpents.

The bull design above has been traced to the Boii in Bologna, and then the TolistoBOGII are thought by some to have been part Boii.

The Calors/Calyers are in Clear/Clere and Clare colors, and typical of a Sinclair/Saint trace to the Sintian > Santones line, Clears/Cleres were first found in Limousin. As per "Latter Day Saints," the Irish Day/Dea Coat also uses green snakes, the color of the Coles' snake (coiled around a "pillar"), and these Days were first found in County Clare! These Days/Deas likely trace to Strongbow-Clare elements in Wales, and the Dee river there. Apparently, the Days/Deas are related to MacCarthys and to the Deas-branch Desmonds, for the Deas' are in the same green-on-white of the Days/Dea snake.

I had traced the Kyles to Galloway-branch Galli, and so see that the Day snake design is used by the Save Coat, of a surname tracing to the Save/Sava/Sau river. Sauers are said to be from that river, and then we find more green coiled snakes in the Seager/Sugar Crest, this surname being a variant of "Sawyer." The Sauer write-up: "Dieteri Galleri was the first to take on this name, and according to chronicles, appeared under the name Caspar Sauer as early as 1313." The Galloway surname shows a Gallery variation! That tends to trace the Days/Deas, out of which came a chief Rosicrucian, to Galatians.

I recall suggesting that Seagers were Sagans (salamander in flames, as with Douglas' traced above to Tolistobogii) and German Sages/Saegers. I knew nothing at the time of the Galatian tribe of TectoSAGES!!! For me now, this suggests that the snake cult, Sugaar, was from Tectosages. It just so happens that while Basques lived in southern France, where the Tectosages lived too, Sugaar was married to Mari, a chief Basque goddess. The mention of Douglas' recalls that the heart symbol (used by Douglas') was found in Sava-suspect bloodlines such as Savages/Sauvages.

The Sages/Saegers above use checks, and were first found in Pomerania as with check-using Tolles. The last time that I was on these checks, I had introduced the Check surname with crescents in the colors of the Spree crescents, for one, which is repeated here because Sprees use a "sage" motto term. It suggests that peoples from the Spree river in Lusatia had linked up with Tectosagii.

As the Tolistobogii lived at Pessinus, here's the Pessinus article: "Pessinus...a city in Anatolia, the Asian part of Turkey on the upper course of the river Sakarya River (Sangarios)..." SAKAR??? You get it.

It had been Gauls under SEGOvesus (brother of Bellovesus) that had raided the Hercynian forest centuries before the TectoSAGii got there. You get it. Bellovesus invaded northern Italy, stacking it with Gauls, Recall the Tessen/Ticino river as it linked to Tess-like terms, for the Swiss Tess surname -- using leaves around a saltire in colors reversed to the Annan(dale) saltire -- comes up when entering "Tech" or "Teck"!!! That not only may suggest that Tectosagii named the Ticini river (or vice versa), but that Taksony of the Hungarians was a Tectosagii. As the Magyar Hungarians had been linked to Pechenegs, compare the latter with "Pessinus."

Entering "Tysson" got Tesson / Tewson / Tison variations with a suspicious write-up: "The Norman name Tysson was originally used for a person who was a feisty or hot-tempered person. The name is a metaphor derived from the Old French word tison meaning fire-brand." I happened to know that the German Brand surname uses a fagot of sticks on fire (the other German Brand Coat uses the Bellamy Shield, trace-able to Bellovesus). The Brand write-up: "The surname Brand also evolved as a nickname type of surname for a person who was hot tempered."

"Hey son, we are hot-headed people, therefore carry on the Brand surname, would'ja son?" Silly. Instead, trace to "Brandenburg," an area overlapping Lusatia to which Tectosagii were just linked.

English Brands are very comparable to English Brenners (both use hands and red cocks), but then ask if there's a link of the two to the Hands who use a chevron in the colors of the Brenners.

The Tysson/Tesson write-up: "First found in Northumberland...where the name originally was Tesson, one of the most powerful families in Normandy seated at Angouleme...They were later seated at Anjou and Raoul Tesson the first Lord of Cingueleiz led 120 knights at Val-Des-Dunes in 1047" The latter location was involved with nearby Lusignan, and it just so happens that I traced Lusatians on the Spree river to Lusignan. The Tectosagii were just linked to Spree-river peoples by way of the "sage" motto term of Sprees, but that was before finding a trace of Tectosagii-suspect Tessons to the Lusignan theater.

The CinqueLEIZ location is interesting, not only for reflecting "Luzica," the German form of "Lusatia," but because 1047 was before the Norman invasion of England 19 years later. If the Cinqueports at Hastings were named at that invasion and not earlier, one might ask whether the cities were named playfully in honor of Tessons at Cinqueleiz. Later, possibly named after Raoul Tesson, there was a Raoul V Beaumont (born 1094) Lord of Thury-en-Cingueleiz. The latter man was of Nevers on his father's mother's side (i.e. Beaumonts had merged with rulers of Nevers), suggesting at this point that Tyssons/Tessons were from "Tiye," as expected from the start of introducing them. In this picture, "Raoul" may even have been named after the Egyptian Ra.

Checking, it turns out that English Beaumonts use the Say bull head (!!!), and crescents in colors reversed to Touts/Tuts, in the colors of the Tatton/Teyton and Spree crescents. Excellent for a trace to Yuya's and Tiye's Chemmites. Note that the Beaumont bull head is quartered in white and red, the colors of the Tatton/Teyton and Spree quarters.

Tacks/Thackerys (said to be a branch of cinquefoil-using Tancreds / Tankervilles) use another "sol" motto term, suggesting that this clan too was from Tectosagii. The "to" in "Tectosagii" seems like a suffix, as in "Tolistobogii." Tacks/Thackerys use a green Shield, as with Tyssons/Tessons.

English Sages were first found in Devon, the place to which I trace the Halybes from proto-Excaliburs in Calabria. The Hebrew Galli on the Halys had been traced further back to Hebron in Israel, and then the Sage Coat above uses the same chevron as the Hebron surname.

As further evidence that the Trocmi Galatian tribe was of Trojans in Europe, here's the mythical Sangarius article: " a Phrygian river-god of Greek mythology. He is described as the son of Oceanus and Tethys, and as the husband of Metope, by whom he became the father of Hecuba." Hecuba was the wife of king Priam. Tethys smacks of "Thoth," the Sakarya river may just have been named after Seqenenre and Tetisheri elements.

Hecube was also "Hecabe,' and then by some "coincidence" the Huckabee and Huck Coats both use multiple blue chevrons, which I mention because Hucks use two blue-on-white chevrons, the number of the blue-on-white Tyrone/Tyrell chevrons! Excellent, a fresh discovery here tending to prove that Hucks trace to Hecabe- and Hector-related Trojans. As I'm sure we're dealing with Galli here, note the coiled serpents in the Huckabee Chief.

AHA! As the sun symbol was seen to belong to Galli, and even used by Tolistobogii, so the Ector/Hector Coat uses a sun!!! That's excellent corroboration for an Ector trace to Trojans.

AHA! As Huckabees (also "Hokestaple") and Hokes were first found in Devon, and while Hucks are also "Ucke," they must link to Tuckers (Huck colors), first found in Devon!!! Those exclamatons are for the Toker variation (of Tuckers) already traced to Teucer Trojans.

Tuckers/Tokers use a saw-tooth (my term) chevron called "embattled," likely code for Batia, Teucer's daughter. This recalls my trace of the saw inventor, Perdix="Talus", to "Salami," this location founded by the Teucer bloodline (in myth, Salamis was encoded as mythical Telemon, father of Teucer).

At the Hecuba article, she is shown in an ancient depiction with worm-like hair, as in this coin of a Parisii of Paris (France). There is a worm on the reverse of the coin, and this symbol must have been a version of the snakes used for Gorgon hair, for mythical Paris was from Parion/Parium (Mysia), a location of Gorgons. Here's a coin from Parion (P A R I in Greek letters on the reverse), showing a Gorgon head with worm-like snakes around the head.

What I find amazingly "coincidental" is that the Parisii coin uses a checkerboard pattern just like several coins of Byzantine imperials, as for example this coin of emperor Basil I, or this coin of Constantine VII, or this coin of Nikephoros. You may have noticed the Byzantines using a double cross, shown also in the Arms of Vilnius. The child in the latter's Arms (with solar disc behind the head, as with Byzantine emperors) is pointing up with his two fingers, while Michael III of Byzantium is pointing up with his middle finger.

Both Michael III and Basil I were married to Eudokia Ingerina, daughter of Inger (the Varangian) and Melissena (I link mythical Melusine to Melissena, part royal Khazar and therefore foundress, in my guest-imation, of Fers and Cohens/Kagans). Michael II was of the Amorian or Phrygian dynasty, which may be clue that AMORC Rosicrucians, and Fers > Veres > Stewarts were from Galatians out of Phrygia. Melissena was daughter of a Rangabe surname shared by Michael I of Byzantium, and Rangabees are suspect as the Raines entity that I trace to Veres. Years ago, I had traced Veres partly to the Robertian bloodline out of Worms (Germany) that made it to the throne of Paris. Wormincidences?

There are dragons in the German Worms Coat, even a green one in the Crest, the color of a Vere dragon.

I traced "Rangabe" tentatively to "Anjevin," the name of peoples from Anjou and/or nearby Angers. The Arms of Vilnius uses an anchor, and then Ankara (the capital of the Galatians) has a river by the same name that is tributary to the Sakarya/Sangarius river. It is therefore suspect that the Amorian dynasty is from the Ankara / Sakarya theater. Compare "Sangar(ius)" to "Anger." Wikipedia's Ankara article: "By that time the city also took its name Agkura (Ankyra, meaning Anchor in Greek)..."

Remember here that Melusine-related Veres trace themselves, not only to Angers, but to Anaki / Anunnaki, while the Anchor/Annacker surname likely relates, for it uses a red bull, symbol of Vere-infested Oxford. This is now suggesting that Anaki named Ankara. The Amorians are named after Amorium, which seems to be smack at the sources of the Sakarya river.

In Hebron lived not only the Anaki, but Amorites, anciently the Amurru. THEN: "Arab/Islamic sources refer to the city [of Amorium] as Ammuriye." Did I trace Thomas de Vere to Thomas Randolph of Moray? It could explain why the Arms of Thomas Randolph are three diamonds in colors reversed to the three diamonds in the Anchor/Annacker Chief. When on the Anchor surname and many anchors in the 4th update of last August: "There are more anchors in the Toly/Tolle Coat (pyramid in Crest)..." That's the surname mentioned above as belonging to the Tolistobogii Galatians!!!

The Toly/Tolle anchors are found on the same Shield used by French (Brittany) Fers/Ferrats. The Toly/Tolle surname ("adVERSis" motto code) ought to link to "Dol," therefore, without doubt.

Recalling other checks used by Dol-like surnames (eg. Tolles use them in black and white), the Bils Coat should be re-visited, filled with black and gold checks. I had traced it to a Bilis river in Paphlagonia, and while I could not find any info on that river, I now see a Bilecik location smack on an unnamed tributary of the Sakarya river.

It's probably not coincidental that I saw a Bilis-like term (Bille) in Polabia while the Tolys/Tolles, who use black and white checks (I had found these colors to depict several Paphlagonian lines), were first found in Pomerania. On this map of Polabia (click to enlarge), we see Billungs and Wilzians with Warmabians = Varni between them. Looking to the west of the Billungs, you'll see an Angria region. Were the namers of the Sangrius river at that region? After all, the EastPHALIA region next to Angria is a term used also by PamPHYLians, and the Bilis river was that of the Pamphylians. There you see Brunswick under Eastphalia, depicted by Barny Rubble, father of Bamm Bamm. In one of my published files:

What's more, these "crazy" notions have led me to identify the Billungs as fundamental parts of Bamm Bamm [says me, depiction of PAMphylian line to Bamberg's Babenbergs].

Yes indeed, the details will come later, but to tweak your interest let me say here that Bamm Bamm depicted the Pamphylians on the Bilis (!!) river of Paphlagonia.

Mythical Sangarius married Metope, a location near Corinth / Sicyon. I had traced Sicyon to Segovesus (and Bellovesus) on some solid evidence via details on Bellerophon's ancestry in Corinth / Sicyon. Metope was the mother of the Ladon dragon, and of Salamis. It seems, therefore, that "Sakar" was a variant of "Teucer" and "Togarmah." But then note the TrocMi Galatians traced already to Trojans, for those peoples smack of "TogarMa."

It just so happens that the Trojans to which Trocmi traced were Gorgons, and so we are on the Gogi alliance of Ezekiel 38 here. As Tubal is one of those allies, what about the "Bilis" term found in "T'bilis," the modern name of Tubal?

"[Sangarius] is also the father of Nana and therefore the grandfather of Attis." Mythical Nun, the Egyptian frog god, should apply to Nana without doubt, for Hecate/Keket was the frog goddess, and Sangarius was father to Hecuba, herself mother to Hecate-like Hector. This is great evidence to trace so-called "frogs" -- the French -- to frog-like Phrygia. Nun was traced (by me) to Trojans of the PolyXENA kind at Lacydon, the founding area of Ligurians. Lacydon was co-founded by a mythical Gyptis and EuXENOs (some details 7th update August, 2008). The point here is that Hecuba was mother to Polyxena (the latter was a symbol of child sacrifice by willing parents).

In the map of the Sakarya river, there is shown its Kirmir tributary, smacking of Jim Hensen's Kermit the frog. Phrygincidence? Why does "Hensen" smack of the Heneti, who lived in Phrygia? Metope, Sangarius' wife, was made mother of the Ladon dragon, but then Attis -- the Sangarius line -- was father to Lydus.

Why do Hensens use a green snake? Entering "Sakar" gets the green snake of the Seagers/Sugars. The Hensen LOZENges (diamonds) may be those of the Lombard surname (Renfrewshire).

If you had read my lengthy treatment on Boofima (a goat-represented human-sacrifice cult) several months ago, as it traced back to Phrygians of the Marsyas-goat kind, you might recall that I traced the related BaphoMET goat cult (of Templars) in-part to Met terms such as "Medusa." I don't recall, however, whether I had linked such terms to METope. Although she was symbol for the Metope river near Sicyon, yet she was paired there with mythical Asopus (symbol for Asopus river near Sicyon), and he traces to an Asopus river in Phrygia, suggesting that Metope elements did too. Therefore, the Baphomet Templars were of the Ladon bloodline.

Marsyas was traced to "Marseille," the location that Lacydon elements merged with in the Gyptis mythology.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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