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September 1 - 8, 2014

Lesbos and Ireland
Yuya's Mitanni at Mytilene

The "CotiCULA" motto term of Villers/Fillers (in Fuller colors) can actually be linked to Cottians, starting with a spread eagle, of the Cula/Coll/Cull surname, in the colors of the Cult/Colt/Celt stag. The latter also come up as Coutes/Coots. But the unexpected CODolf variatioin of the Colls/Culls suggests the Cottians. "Coddell" was entered to find only a bend, but in the colors of the Coll/Cull/Codolf eagle, which is known to be the MacDonald eagle. But MacDonalds are not the only users of this eagle. As Ferte's use it too, the Cottle/Cottell variations of Coddells must be for Fret-using Cattle's/Cattells, whom are said to be from a term much like the dancette-using Chettle's (the dancette is red, like the bend and eagle above).

As Chettle's were first found in the same place as Maceys/Mace's, it's not likely coincidental that Kettle's (said to be DANish) use the same lion exactly (colors included) as the Maschi Chief. I trace Cattle's to "Cattolica," beside Rimini, where the Benjamites of Rimmon settled. And it's the Maschi's of Rimini who trace to Ferte-Mace. The Kettle Coat is essentially the Macey Shield, but with a fesse instead of a chevron, and the cinquefoils, whomever owned them previously, were made the red color of the Chettle fesse. Kettle's, you see, were first found in the same place as Colts/Cults sharing the Kettle and Rollo stag head, wherefore, the "malum" motto term of the Kettle's is for the Dane, Malahule of More, Rollo's uncle, and the ancestor of AnKETILLE as well as Ranulph le Meschin. It's probably important that the Kettle Coat is in Cutter colors because these surnames under discussion are suspect with "Keturah."

Having said that without making a rock-solid link between Colls/Culls/Codolfs and Cattle's / Kettle's / Colts, it can be hardened by a Villers/Bocage location about 35 miles from Ferte-Mace. Villers-Bocage is smack beside Caen while Caens share the Cotta fretty lattice. The Caen lattice is in the white-on-blue of the Bocage/Beaucage trees. The latter (using the oak theme of Alans) were first found in Brittany, evoking the Alan-Visconti line to Vis-de-Loop that I envisioned. This picture allows one to view the scallop colors of Villers in respect of the leopard faces of Caens. The "Fidei" motto term of Villers is likely for Fidelow, otherwise called, Vis-de-Lou/Loop, somewhere in Normandy.

[Later in the update, the Benjamite line to the James' will be traced to the Villers-Bocage area, at which time I come to the Whistle/Wissel surname for the first time, that must be a branch of Wessels whom have traced to both the Dives and Touques rivers to the near-east of Villers/Bocage. The James' were first found in the same place (Surrey) as Fidelows. It's therefore interesting that Fidelows show an early FIDELaire variation that could conceivably be from "Wissel." The Fidelows are in the colors of the VITa/Vio surname that can very-well be a branch of "FIDelow," and the latter use a wreath in Crest that can easily match the annulet used by Vito's. This picture is clearly the Cottian-Visconti line to Normandy. Compare "WHIStle/WISsel" to "VISconti / "VIS-de-Loop." The James investigation includes the Jamie/Jameson surname from the James motto term, "J'aime," and it just so happens that the latter use as "LITTora" motto term partly linkable to the annuLET (Benjamin symbol) and partly linkable to the Aurelia > Orell > Orr bloodline. The Whistle's even use a bend in the colors of the Doris/D'Oris surname while Caens were first found in DORset, near the Somerset location of the first Whistle's.

The 'harp" in the Whistle Crest suggests the Harp(er) surname ("sauVIS" motto term, haha, they don't tell us these things), first found in Lennox. The Lennox surname (Annan saltire?), with unexpected LEVENax variation, links well to the Leng variation of Scottish Langs, and while the Lennox motto uses "DEFend," and Leng/Lang Coat uses "ABCDEF." The Alan-related Langs are the very ones that I traced to Vis-de-Loop. The French Alans/ALENGS/ALLAINS were first found in Normandy. The English Alans (share oak leaves with Langs/Lengs) come up as "Allien." It was recent when the Stewart-Alan link was made to the Cottians by various methods, and here we are finding them merged in Normandy. It comes out later that Deweys are using the Lang/Leng fesse, but it should be mentioned here the Deweys were first found in the same place as English Stewarts.

Dewey's could be DeVey because Veys were first found in neighboring Cornwall. As such Deweys trace as Lang liners to Morgan le fey in Bute = Avalon, where Alan-suspect Jamie's were first found. Bute was conquered as Rothesay by raven-depicted vikings in Orkney, where the Gunns were first found who use the Jamie-Crest ship. This is the Argo ship, I am sure, from the Orchomenos Boiotians that named Orkney. Later, we'll see how these pirates trace to Taphians.

The apparent code for an End entity of the "defEND" suggests the English Enders sharing arrows with one Lang Coat. These Enders were first found in the same place as Veys. As the latter trace to Fife's, it's likely that Gunns are using the Angus stars. German Ends/Endersuse stars in the colors of the French-Alan stars (and the white LeMIEUX unicorn). Recall the "True to the END" motto of Hume's, for the Taphians will be traced to the Touch/TAFF surname using the Hume lion in colors reversed. Ends/Enders were first found in Saxony (Suspect with the Orrel-related Saxons and True's) where German Julians were first found. End Insert]

The Cattle's were first found in the same place as Benjamins, and share a black saltire with them. The above is good evidence that the Colls/Culls/CULA's trace to the COLApis river of the Japodes. Yet, this discussion appears to be on the Cottians as well, as though they too traced to the Benjamites, same as the Romans.

Really. Benjamites did not merge with Romans; they co-founded them. Benjamites must therefore have been Trojans. It's a hard concept to digest. But I declare it. According to Virgil, Romans were a DarDANUS > Aeneas line, and all I do is carry it logically to the Oeneus river...and so the Dardanus > Oeneus line amounts to a Danite-of-Laish merger with Jonathan the Levite. The merger is already in the book of Judges. It declares that Jonathan Levites were at Aenus, at the mouth of the Hebros, a city merged with a Creusa entity, which went to the "crux" term in the "cotacula crux" phrase of the Villers/Fillers. The related Cula's were first found in the Hebrides, and the mythical Heber of Ireland is traced by the Irish to scythians in Miletus, near Rhodes, where I trace Creusa. But I now have a new theory on where else Creusa traces.

As per the Dardanus > Aeneas terms seeming devoid of Benjamites, I thought a little harder for finding how Benjamites fit into mythical Trojan make-up. I can't neatly prove that the Scamander > Teucer > Batia terms were from Benjamites or Jabesh Gilead. But that's when ABAS of Argos came to mind, for he was of the line to Danaans of Argos, likely the same people that named Dardanus. Abas was made the father of Chrys(ippus)-like ACRISius, and the latter was made the father of Danae, symbol of the Argos Danaans. Creusa is now identifiable as the line of Danaans in Rhodes who later went to Argos; so says mythology. How absolutely neat: a Danaan-Creusa entity to an Acrisius>Danae entity. I traced "ACRIsius" either to mount Acra at Jerusalem, and/or to Ekron in Philistia, either of which can trace to Acre/Akko in northern Israel, not far from Joppa.

Then, Danae was made the mother of Perseus, and some myth writer went to the trouble of locating him in Joppa with a Cassiopeia entity, partly named after Joppa/Ioppa. Cassi, let's call her, was made the wife of CEPHeus, which was from the Greek word for "head." Let me tell you what is conspicuous about this now, but not until it's added that Perseus cut Medusa's head off as proof that the head theme was in play by this myth writer. It was Athena that was born from the head of Zeus, and Athena is suspect with the Atun cult of pharaoh AhkenATEN, who was way up the Nile, and suspect from Joktanite elements in ADEN of Yemen, across from the Ethiopia of the day. Cepheus was made a king of Ethiopia. The prediction was that PosEIDON of Ethiopia, an Aden line, became the Atun sun god of Ahkenaten prior to being in Tanis as per the Danaus > Agenor > Poseidon line of Phoenicia's founding.

The head entity of Cepheus can be NEATLY traced to the Head surname (Este kin) that is seemingly a branch of Haddingtons, where Keaths = Seatons were first found who trace to STHENelus, the name of a son of Gorgophone, mythical daughter of Perseus with Cepheus' daughter! It just so happens that none of the paragraph above was planned when I started on the Filler/Viller surname, yet it uses the same red-on-white cross (typical fat design of the Creusa line) as Haddingtons!!! Everything you just read occurred in a moment of time. It predicts that the head entity (probably Gorgonic) of Joppa traces to Lothian, which is to say that Jabeshites trace there, even mythical Abas. Recall Talaus of Argos, husband of Laish-suspect Lysimache, for Lothians use a talbot with their pine tree.

It could be that "Abas" went also by an Abat term that produced Batia, mother of Trojans. That would trace Abas (and Jabesh) to the Bat Caucasians smack beside the Lazi/LUZi. Plus, Sithones / StheneLUS are expected to be the Sidonians of Laish. But a new look at the Chris/Christman surname, a swan, is in order to see if it shows links to Acrisius. It just so happens that, while Abas was the son of Lynceus, the Pennys, from Penestae, use a lynx in Crest. That traces the Abas > Acrisius line to the Lyncestes, beside swan lake, Lychnidus (upstream from Penestae). If "Lyncestes" was a consonant-reversal from "Lychnidus," then the Abas > Acrisius Danaans can trace to lake Lychnis = Sevan, meaning that Tanais-river scythians are expected at lake Sevan, a thing that has already been established with a Sittaceni line to Soducena. It just so happens that the Soducena-suspect Shutz' share the greyhound with Pennys.

There's more. The wife of Lynceus was HypermnESTRA, clearly a take of the real location of LyncESTES. I can finally identify "Mnestra," as a Mon-Estra term, for a myth writer gave it away when giving her another name, AmyMONE. I have the great sense that this is the line to Hasmoneans, and so, when I elaborate on Amymone at the Amie topic below, remember that Amymone's family has just traced to the lake where Soducena was located. [The last section of this update will have emphasis on Amymone's lines to various surnames.]

Sthenelus was father of the swan king, and so this line represents Savona, like "Savoy," and the red cross under discussion is used in colors reversed by Savoy and Savoys. The Heads trace, of course, with Seatons/Sittens to the naming of Sitten, beside HAUTE Savoy. They say it means "Upper Savoi," but we can wonder whether it was at one time a Head / Hadd-liner area, for Haddingtons are apparently using the Savoy cross.

Cepheus may have been named after the Cephissus river between Athens and Boeotia (remember, Keturah was a line to mythical king Kodros of Athens), and while Boetus-branch Sadducees are suspect from Boeotians, "Cephissus" smacks of the Sadducee, Caiaphas. Hmmmm. Caiaphas' birth is suspect from the line of Aurelia Cotta.

With the head entity of Perseus partially in a Cassi entity, which I traced to the Kassites of Susa, who had a Habira tribe, suddenly Caesar elements expected out of Ligurian circles can be from the Cassi entity in Joppa. This is more important than realized when the thought first occurred, for what I have to say below on Font de Ville's was already in the planning when this thought occurred. I'll show you how it leads to the Cass'.

The Heberites in Ireland were likely from Creusa-Danaans, which can perhaps explain the Cruithne of Ireland. It can certainly explain the Ireland Danann that ended up with Liguria-suspect Lug on the Isle-of-Man (same waters as the Hebrides). The Villers/Fillers were first found in Ligure-based Leicestershire. I'll show below how Yuya of Egypt traces to both the Heberites and Villers, important because Irish legend traced Heberites to Scota-branch scythians in Egypt.

There is a small detail on the Viller page that seems to reveal who they were. But before getting to that, let me show the raven in the Crest of fret-using Hoods/Hudds, because they are suddenly suspect as a Cott variation, and indeed, their fret is in the colors of the Aurelia stars. I might not have gone as far as to make that claim had the Colls/Culls/CODolfs not likewise shown a raven in their Crest. So, were Hoods/Hudds, whom I trace to Hiedlers/Hitlers (the Arms of Zurich?) and Heidlers, part of the Head / Hadd liners? The Hiedlers use another anchor, and so these Anaki-giant liners could have been of the Gorgonic giants..with ugly heads like Adolph Hilters.

The small detail is the Devilliere's variation, from Villieres, the home of Villers in Calvados (Normandy). It reminds me of the Font de Villes, whose lion design was at one time shown for the Italian Conte's, until I mentioned it many times, afterwhich the Conte lion was changed. Why? What difference does it make whether the Conte lion is in the design shown now or the design of the Ville's (the colors and position have remained the same)??? Nothing, unless specific design shows potential for close kinship. I say they don't want us to know that Conte's of Languedoc were merged with Font de Ville's of Languedoc in forming the Conteville's. Why? What's there to hide?

I traced Font de Ville's logically to Fontana's and Fountains, and that's where the "fountain" symbol of the Cass' come in. With the Villers/Fillers suddenly tracing to a head entity at Joppa, the Cass' can go to Cassiopeia, wife of Caiaphas-suspect Cepheus. Let's assume that the namers of the Cephissus river at Athens/Boiotia carried their name in various versions over the centuries until they named Caepio's and Caiaphas. We would then expect an Athenian/Boiotian line in either the Julian / Cottian line. Isn't that the Boetus house of the Sadducees? [Later, a remarkable trace of Sadducee liners goes to a merger with lines from AhkenATEN, this being the Scythian line to the Irish and Scots.]

I want to go back to the idea that Julians put out the Yule's/Yells, Yale's, Yellows, Velis' and Welles, all but one in Elis colors. The one not in Elis colors, the Yale's, are using a saltire in the colors of the similar Viller/Filler cross, as well as showing signs of being from both Annas and Caiaphas. Do you think that Yale's could have been a branch of Villers? AMAZING! I have mentioned the Yale's twice recently without reading the write-up, until now. It says that Yale's "were descended from Ellis, second son of Griffith Ap Einion, Lord of Yale." AMAZING. It can explain why Ali's/Aliotto's use a griffin, and nothing else. [Aliotto's will trace with Elis liners to Lesbos, but the Aliotto's of the Little kind will be found honored in the motto of a Benjamin line, the Jamie's.]

Recall how Gellone's have a JELLing variation that can allow modification to "Yell." Can we see a Gels / Gillis / Willis term from "Elis" liners? I can. And Gels/Jells are in Elis colors once again. The latter can make the Varns look like Elis liners, which is important because Aeolians (i.e. Enarete) have traced to the Varni goddess. If Julians/Gillians were Aeolians, then they trace to that goddess. I suppose it's possible that the 'Ae' combination (i.e. pronounced like the long 'I') could have been an 'I' so that "Aeolus" was also "Iolus." Isn't that a lot like "Iulius"? Of interest here is that the Lige/Lise surname, evoking the Elis=Elig concept of the last update, is shown also as "Gillie."

The father of Guerin of Provence is thought by some to have been William Gellone. Then, the Warringtons (in Warren colors, look like Guerin liners) are said to have been at the root of Villieres, the home of the Villers/Fillers. Can this trace Elis liners of the Villieres kind to the Varni? Or is it wrong to identify "Ville" as an Elis term? How important is it? I'm trying to find a junction between Perseus in Joppa and the creation of Villers in order to identify what they were in ancient times. I even suspected months ago that "William/Guillliam / Will" was a Julian term. If Yale's are from an Ellis character, while using the German-Julian crescent, then Villers, using a cross in Yale-saltire colors, could be both Elis' and Julians. Isn't a gale a wind, symbol of Aeolus?

The Villers/Fillers are said to have been lords of ROKESby, and I see the latter (kin of Rooks) as a Rockefeller line. That's why the Filler variation is important. You might say that, if Villers are Rockefellers, then they were not Julians or Elis'. But the question is, what was "Feuil" named after? Viller liners? See how the Rokesbys look like kin of Yule's. Or, as Yule's were of Yell in SHETland, founded by the Shutz bloodline, it's mentionable that the Shutz's share a black greyhound with the Varn-suspect Gels. German Gels/Gelas' not only use a lion (round-tailed, same as Gate's lion) in the colors of the Warrington lion, but were first found in Hamburg, the Varni theater. Is this tracing Julians both to the Gellone > Guerin line and further back to the Varni? Who were the Gileki liners amongst the Varni? You'd need to ask Enarete's husband, the wind bag, and the line of Sisyphus to Saxons. Just ask Elis why Sisyphus was code for Sicyon (i.e. beside Elis).

Perhaps the truth is that the Gilead area of Jabesh went by many names, forming many branches, one in FALTiceni. Yes, "Falt / Valt / Walt" can form from "GILEAD." And if Falts and Falls can, so can "Feuil." The Feils/Felde's/Fields (colors-reversed format of Rokesbys), Gels, and Rokesbys have Yorkshire in common with Wagrian-suspect Wagers, and the Feils share garbs with Villers/Fillers so as to trace to Jerusalem, where Jebusites lived that are suspect with Joppa / Gilead stock. Again, the Viller cross is identical to the Haddington/HEADington cross, the head entity from Joppa...which became the white Pegasus born from Medusa's head, and then the Feils use their garbs in the colors of the white unicorn heads of Heads. See also the Gripps/Grabbers using the same bend as Varns and Gels. Unicorns are suspect as Pegasus but also as part-code for the Una river of the Ben-Jabeshites. Heads were first found in the same place as Benjamins. Is this making sense?

Yes, but I'd like to know what Aeolians in the Varni theater became as a people group. I don't know of any Gulians. But I do know that vikings founded Shetland, and probably Yell. What about mythical Holle at Holstein? Yes, that works, but what are the people of Holstein called? Hollers? Are we taking about Holland here? Yes, for the first known Varangian, Rurik, was out of Halland's WIERENGen location, the namer of VARANGi, obviously. But Rurik's brother (Harald) ruled Schleswig, beside Holstein. That makes sense. Harald may have had some part in Holstein. The Danish HARcourts may have been part of HARald's line, for Harcourts had a surname, Vielles (I think that's the right spelling), a surname that gave birth to Beaumonts of Leicestershire, related to Montforts from Monforte / Mon(t)ferrat, where I expect some aspect of Varni ancestry.

The Villers/Fillers can be traces to Rockefellers by another method, as per the Warrington write-up, which, by the way, mentions Pagan de Villieres (about 1100). Warrington is said to be a Saxon entity from a Wering/Wearing term (sure does smack of Wieringen), and Saxons do trace to the Varni theater. Tacitus did not mention the Saxons in the list of Nerthus worshipers; perhaps Saxons (white-dragon code in Arthurian lore) were not yet formed under that name. The point is, the Warrington location is said to have been in the possession of a Mr. Boteler entity, and the Botel surname (much like the Warrington Coat) is listed with Bothwells (from Bute), using trefoils in a Feller-Coat format!!! We needed that for clinching Fillers = Fellers. Note that "Filler" is not shown in the Viller list, as though we are not to get any ideas.

Don't you think that the Bute's/Boets/Butts (like "Boethus") of Germany can link to the Bute's/Butts and Bothwells from Bute? Ask the Alan kin of Boyds whether they trace to Forum Allieni. Should we begin to suspect that Mr. Botel was a Boethus-Sadducee liner?

One can now trace Bute's and Bothwells to Botosani, beside Falticeni, and to the nearby Budini. But one can include the Bottle's/Butils, using three crowns in the colors of the Head unicorns! As the Beatles band was from Liverpool, where Bottle's/Butils were from, note that the Beatles Coat uses both an hourglass Shield (allows a trace to Botosani's Trypillians) and the white rock in Crest that was showing for years in the Roque Coat. The "fort" in the Beatles Crest in "in flames," what I expect from Trypillians...whose Trip/Treff branch was beside Holstein. In that way, Aeolians can trace to very-ancient Trypillians (they had a Trypillia location beside Kiev, and Budini were at one time to the south of Kiev), meaning that the Trypillian goddess can be proto-Nerthus = Enarete! I like that. It's sits well with me. The Alan Sarmatians were no-doubt part of the Trypillians (from a Trabzon-Gargarian merger to the founding of Sarmatians).

Let's go back to Ellis, son of Griffin Einion, lord of Yale. Note that the Warrington lions are in the colors of the Bone lions, and that the Warrington-related Botels/Bothwells use a "boy" in Crest, for together it smacks of the Boii of Bononia, what I trace to Skull and Bones at Yale. The Skulls [link later to Rita's on a Moldavian river who trace back to Rize at Trabzon], in colors reversed to the Fillers/Viller and Fullers, were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Fullers and Trevors, both of which trace to Trypillians / Moldava. The Skull-suspect Schole's share a lozengy Shield with hourglass Beatles'.

[It can be gleaned that the Lazi of Lazona are in the lozenges of this picture, now looking like a Lazi-Beatles merger that can trace Budini to the namers of Batumi, beside the Lazi Caucasians. There is a good chance that the "emBATTLEd symbol, shared by Rocco's and Feller-related Tragers, is code for a Beatles line. LIVerpool sounds like it can be a Levi / Livius line.]

To link Villers/Fillers to the Yale's, one needs to go the Einion Coat page to see how the variations smack of the variations on the Annandale page. The latter use the same saltire as Villers-related Yale's, you see, which is a version of the Viller cross. And as these strange variations of the Annans had seemingly linked to the variations on the Nane page, just gawk at how the Nane Shield is nothing but blue and gold checks, symbol of the Warren Coat!!! That means that Nane's/Nene's, Annons and Einions were identical stock, all related to Warringtons at the Villieres location of Villers/Fillers, and so let's repeat that Falticeni is smack beside Neamt. It just so happens that the Warrington lions are in two color schemes, both schemes used by Name's/Neame's/Neme's!!!

The upright white lion in the Viller/Filler Crest is linkable with the same in the Warren canton, what amounts to a Varni merger with Rockefellers (I trace the latter, as Roxolani, to Rostock, on the Warnou river of the Varni, explaining why Wagers (= Wagrians from that river) use a form of the Feller / Butel Coat).

Then, recall that the stag of the Hands, Hanna's. Anne's and Annabels traced to the stag of Humorului (beside Falticeni), for Einions use "a hand..." These same Einions use "mill rinds" that look very much like frets. We saw two surnames with frets upon following the "coticula" motto term of Villers/Fillers. It strikes me, therefore, that the mill rind is likely code for fret / fretty liners that link also to the Rinds, which happen to use "gillie flowers."

The Rinds are suspect as Reno / Rhine lines due to their blue bend with gold symbols, like that of the Purse's/Pierce's using the Masci symbols on their bend. The latter's symbols are on the blue Panico Chief, and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Panico's is that of Maschi's. The Rind symbols are gold scallops, the Viller/Filler symbol too, and now that Warringtons are discovered as Warrens, let's re-mention that the Panico topic always included Guido Guerra III who eventually got identified with GUERIN of Provence. In other words, the reason that the Rinds are linking to Panico's is that Yale's are kin of Villers who were in-turn merged with Guerra lines of the Warrington kind.

If you'd like to know why Purse's/Pierce's are now linking to the Panico set, compare the Pink lozenges to those of Percy's (share the white crescent with LaBels), and recall that the label in the Panico Chief is code for Bellamys of Perche. How many birds did we kill with one stone there? The Marshalls -- lived in Haddington! -- use the same sort of lozengy pattern. Gillie's, honored in the Rind Crest, were first found in Lothian, location of Haddington.

JUST REALIZED what was missed in the past (so far as i can recall). As Skits and Scheds/Sheds are always linked to the Panico / Guerra set, what about the "vireSCIT" variation of Scottish Marshals?!? Plus, they use the leaves of the House's / Hazels...and Falts!!! Aha!! The "virescit" is also code for the Vires'/Verona's/Vairs/Vers using a version of the Feller / Butel Coat!!! The Vires' are likely from the Vire river in Manche, for the Ver location is also in Manche, yet Vire's were first found in the same place (Ile-de-France) as Levi's. Chappes' and Lys'. Recall Tessy-sur-Vire, for they trace to the Tessen/Ticino, where the Lavi lived! That gives us good reason to certify that the Levi surname is from the Laevi of France in BC times, no blessed Israelites, that's for sure.

With the Viller/Filler cross identified as a version of the Annandale saltire, one has reason to trace to Kilpatricks...because the same cross used by Pascals/Patchins now traces to the Kilpatricks just because they were linked to Annans. For adding weight to the Viller link to Kilpatricks, there is Pagan de Villieres, and then Pascels were identified as a Payen/Pagan line. This tends to identify Villers/Fillers with the Paeoni, and may therefore identify either Roque's, or whatever named Feuil, as Paeoni liners. The Panico's seemed to be Paeoni liners, until they were identified as Benjamites. There may not be a contradiction there if the Benjamites were at Panias/Banias, and I now think they named it. The Paeoni were named directly after Benjamites, in other words, if Paeoni were from "Panias." Reminder: Roets, from Payne de Roet, share an oak tree with Panico's. Reminder: Panias was at Laish.

The Viller write-up says that Pagan de Villieres, baron of Warrington, was "lord of Crosby." As Crosbys(Wigton, same as Hanna's) use a fat cross, same as Villers, they are both suspect as Creusa-Aeneas liners, explaining the Viller link to Annans. Now is the time to remind that Guerins -- in the Warringtons -- use the pierced Payen Zionist stars. And these stars are in the format of several Feller-version Coats. The Crosby motto could be code for the Reesors, because the English branch uses Crosby colors. Welsh Reesors are Rice's, but showing a different page than when one enters "Rice." Both Reesors and Rice's share ravens with the Viller-honored Cula's/Codolf, suspect as Cotta liners. The Reesor motto even uses "meliORES."

Now for the surprise. The Nams/Noms/Nons/Nevins are Aurelia liners from Sophonisba. I didn't realize it until now. The surname was suspect a year or so ago with Sophonisba, but I have not been very familiar with the Aurelia Coat. Both Coats use two white symbols at the top and one gold at the bottom, both on blue Shields, and the white Nam/Non/Nevin symbols are crescents, the symbol of the Sens using the same format. It's only been days since the start of seeking evidence for a Numidian link to the Cottians. It looks rather compelling. Did I mention that the gold Aurelia scallop could be the reason that Villers/Fillers use that color for their scallops?

I don't recall if I had known previously that Nons/Nevins came up as "Nam." This indicates a possible trace to the Nane's and Name's, and as the latter two are good candidates for Annan liners (from Ananes), note the "speranDUM" motto term (part code for Dumfries, location of Annandale) of the Nons/Nevins, for Annans use "Sperabo." You just saw a good reason for linking Annas of Israel to Aurelia Cotta.

Aha! The InYONEy variation of Annans caught my eye as per the Yonne area of France, location of Sens!!! Perhaps the Ananes Gauls, if that's what they had been prior to settling Italy, had originated in Yonne. Place bets in gold bars on whether "Yonne" is from "Jonathan." It's now notable that the Reesor and Rice Coats are used by Welsh Yonne-like Johns ("paSCIT" motto term could be double code, one for Pascals).

Recall that Warrington was possessed by a Mr. Boteler, who may have been of the Botels/Bothwells off of Bute = Avalon. A real Avallon is in Yonne. The Yonne river is a tributary of the Sion-like Seine river flowing through Paris, where Chappes' and Levi's were first found. There is no Yonne / Yone surname, but "Gone/Gonne" gets two Coats to be discussed in the Pinocchio codes. One Gonne surname uses a "decORI" motto term now suspect with Aurelia lines of the Orr/Ore kind on the Ticino with Decks/Daggers / Dyke's / Tecks/Tess'.


This is so important that I think I will start on the Pinocchio codes right now. It all started with the Rita's using the lion of Welsh Jones'. I then suspected the Gone's as a Jones line, and found one Gon(n)e Coat sharing a red bend with Rita's. The Gonne's/Gowins/Gowens above use the green and gold colors that Walt Disney gave to Pinocchio's hat. There's a lot more to that one code alone.

The point here is that I didn't know yesterday that both Gone Coats come up as "Gonne," a term that was tried only now seeking Yonne elements. The fact that the Pinocchio codes were cracked yesterday with the Jones' at the core has me feeling certain that the Yonne was settled by Jonathan Levites. The Laevi on the Ticino, and the Ananes Gauls, may therefore have lived in Yonne before settling Italy. They both would have had kin staying behind in Yonne. The Belgian Gonne's are also "Gohn" and "Kohn," the latter term being the Jewish surname that John Kerry was born with. It's online that John Kerry was born Jewish (partly, anyway) from Kohns. That helps to identify the Yonne river with Jews / Hebrews. "Kohn" is like the Jewish word, "cohen," meaning "priest," what we expect on the Yonne if Levites were there. It therefore appears that "Gowen/Gavin" was formed by Yonne-river elements in respect of cohens there.

It was after several Pinocchio codes were cracked, to the point of tracing them to Plantagenet Fulks, that the Wikipedia article on Pinocchio was loaded, to find:

When Walt Disney Productions was developing the story for the film Pinocchio (1940) they intended to keep the more obnoxious traits from the original story, but Walt Disney himself felt that this made the character too unlikable and so alterations were made to incorporate traits of innocence to make Pinocchio more likable. Pinocchio was voiced by Dickie JONES [ CAPS MINE!!! ]. This incarnation later appeared in Who Framed Roger Rabbit voiced by Peter WESTy, Disney's House of Mouse voiced by Michael Welch, and Kingdom Hearts voiced by Seth Adkins. Elijah Wood portrayed the real-boy version of Pinocchio in the live-action segments for the updated Jiminy Cricket

The Atkins (woosters) are also "Aiken," suspect with pharaoh AHKENaten, who traces to Nevers and Autun, beside Avallon and Yonne. Elijah WOOD figured in Pinocchio codes before I got to this article, not just because Pinocchio was made of wood, but because the Jones lion as used by Rita's is described like so: "Blue shield with a silver lion rampant holding pieces of silver WOOD surmounted by a curved bendlet." I think this clue tipped me off on Rita links to Pinocchio, but only because I had been previously asking the reader why Geppetto was made his creator. You see, "PINOCCHIO" looks like "PANICO," the Benjamites...and "Geppetto" is therefore code for Jabesh elements at mythical Jupiter (the real Japodes). The creator of Pinocchio may or may not have known that Jabesh / Benjamin elements were involved.

The Wood surname even shares the Panico oak! The Gonne's/Gowens share fleur in Chief with the Panico Chief. The locations of the Gonne's/Gowans, so near to Bosco's, indicates that they were related to Bosco's, and then the Woods are said to have been Vosco's because the term means, "wood." Actually, it means "woods / forest / the bush," suggesting that Bosco's and Woods both were Bush liners from Busca in Gone-like Cuneo. To trace Gonne's/Gowens to Benjamites more solidly, they use a "JUNCta" motto code likely for Jung / Yonge lines. Yonge's share an erect red lion with Gonne's/Gowens. These Gonne's are the ones with a "decORI" motto term.

In short, when I saw the wood in the Rita description, I knew the Rita lion was the Jones lion, even though the Rita's were being linked far from Wales, in the BistRITA river of Moldova. But, as you can see in the Wikipedia quote, there is a Welch surname...that has traced to Moldova.

As per Jiminy Cricket, there's more gold and green in the Cricket Coat. The Wikipedia article has a picture of the original Pinocchio with a gold hat and green shorts. The original was created by a Collodi surname, like the Cula/Coll surname. The Crickets use the same-style, same gold-color cross ("couped and pierced") as the Arms of Suceava! The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Crickets is in Hume colors, and Humorului is on the BistRITA river. What a coincidence. The Crichtons use as lion in colors reversed to the Rita and Suceava lions. Crickets lived at CriqueTOT, explaining why Crickets use crescents in colors reversed from the Tout/Toot crescents.

The Jiminys must be code for the James', using the lion in the colors of both the Crichton and of the Rita lions! The James' had been suspect with the variations of the French Benjamins, who were first found in Normandy, location of Criquetot.

The three Cricket-Chief crescents can be construed as the three Massey/Masse-Chief crescents (colors reversed), which traces the Rita / Suceava lion to Massa-Carrara and Luna, beside Pisa. That tends to clinch identification of the Rita / Jones lion with the Pisa lion.

The Riddle's were checked to find them in the colors of Rita's. Riddle's, first found in RYEdale, share "ears of rye" with Saddocks. Variations of the Rye's suggest Rice's, and the latter shares the raven with the Culo/Coll Crest. The Rye bend is colors reversed to the Belgian Gonne bend, and neither surname uses anything but the bend. It's more important now that Welsh Johns, who use the Rice ravens, smack of "Yonne." It looks like the Bistrita was named after Rize elements at the Trabzon theater. This was the area of the Pyxites river that named Picts, and so compare "PYXITes" with "BISTrita." Could it be that Bisset liners -- and Bistones -- were from the same stock as Picts?

The Pictons are said to be from a Picton location operated by a RHUDLand surname, somewhat like the Riddle surname. The Pictones peoples were at one time not far from Yonne. Rutlands are traced in their write-up to Bayeux, which was also the Bessen, suspect with Besancons/BESSETS, Bistons and Bessins/Beestons! It looks like we now have a means to trace these elements to (proto-)Bistones at the Pyxites. It looks like the line of Malahule of More controlled Pict-related peoples in the Bessen, a place said to have been founded by BAIOCasses. Rutlands, who look to be using a version of the Massey horse, are the ones sharing the "orle" with Rutherfords. Rutlands/ROUSHlands therefore look like Meshech-Rosh elements at the Rize theater, which could indicate that the Rosh, same as the Hros (= Creusa in my opinion), named Rize.

Rutlands should trace to Leicester, where Woods were first found.

The Pictons (Flintshire, beside the Denbigh of Jones!) are likely using the Sam/Sammes lion in colors reversed because the Picton lion looks like a version of the Trevor lion, i.e. Welsh elements that can link to the Jones' (as do the Sam/Sammes'). We have a large story here, don't we?

There are Belgian Riddle's/Riddlers using malets in colors reversed from the Belgian Gonne's/Kohns, suggesting Maccabee liners. The Belgian Flecks use a Shield split in green and gold (i.e. Pinocchio colors), as do the Fulke's/Folks, first found in the same place as Benjamins. This is expected where Pinocchio's green-and-gold hat is given a sprig, the Plantagenet symbol.

By the way, the Gonne/Gowen write-up verifies that the Nith river named the Ness river through Inverness, where these Gonne's lived. That allows one to figure the Geds / Geddes of the Nith into this picture. If the Picts painted their bodies with tattoos, as some suggest, they are suspect with Kilpatricks and Trabys with the 666 bloodline, and Trabys (include Trevors) just happen to trace to Trabzon, the Pyxites theater! I suggested that ermine drops (three small spots at the end of a needle-like point) are code for tattoo ink, and then the Trevor and Picton Shields are filled with ermine spots. Pictons are said to be named after sharp points. It looks like the Sadducee line of Saddocks got hooked up with this Pict line in days before Caiaphas, in the land of Gaul.

The Turin surname shares a red bend with Rita's and Gonne's/Kohns, as well as using gold boar heads on the bend that are used in the Gonne/Gowen Chief. What's this mean? Turins were first found in Aberdeenshire, land of the Picts. Could Rita liners in Rize have been from Rey/Rey/Rhagae, mother of Zeus? Turin is about 30 miles downriver from Zeus-like Susa. Was Rize named after the namers of Rhagae? Look at how Rye's smack of "Rey"? The "Audentes" motto term of Turins suggests the "Audacter" term of Pollocks, and Jewish Pollocks share a white-on-red bend with Rye's! Identifying Zeus with the Hros peoples explains why Ares was made his son. Ares was from the Aras/Arak river that could have named nearby Rhagae.

Rey or Ray, also known as Rhages, Rhagai; Latin: Rhagae or Rhaganae) and formerly as Arsacia [ARAS-like], is the capital of Rey County, Tehran [like "Taurus"] Province, Iran, and is the oldest existing city in the province.,_Iran

As Panico elements traced to the Pek river, was that place named by Pyxites liners?

The Gonne/Kohn bend can be suspect with the saltire of the Mate's/Mathys, in the colors of the Annan saltire. If Mate's/Mathys can be traced to the Yonne, it builds the case for tracing the Ananes Gauls there. It just so happens that Mate's were first found in Champagne. My atlas has the 'Ch' of "Champagne" smack beside Sens. The Mate's are using the Mander Coat, and while the latter use an "omnibus" motto term, the Omans/ORmandys look like they are using a version of the Rice / John Coat.

The axes in the John Coats, by the way, could have been a symbol of the Essenes, for they uses axes in their initiation process. This is important if Humorului (on the BistRITA) was named after Qumran elements. In this picture, it looks like proto-Essenes were in cahoots with Jonathan liners. It would be interesting to find what the proto-Essenes named in Moldova = ancient Scythia. Were they named after Esau liners? Should we expect them in the Aeson > Iason line to the Cotesii?

Why are Carlisle's in the colors of the Turin bend? Repeat: "The Lille's (fitchees), first found in the same place as Benjamins, are also "Lysle" so as to trace to CarLISLE, near Penrith, and then the Carlisle Crest is a "pen. The Carlysle motto, "HumiliTATE" should link to the "AssiduiTATE" of Licks/Locks just because Carlisle's are tracing to the Penestae / Lychnidus theater. By what coincidence does the Carlysle motto honor Humorului elements? No coincidence. We are learning something, that heraldry codes are to be trusted 300 times more than your history teacher. The Gomerians / Cimmerians expected in the Cumberland area of Carlysle's can trace to Gomer-like HUMORului.

If that's not the correct view of the term, consider HumORULUI, making is suspect with Orells and "Aurelia." I've just checked the Rule surname to find that it was first found in Roxolani-suspect Roxburghshire, where ORLE-using Rutherfords were first found!! Rule's use hearts (suspect with Wagers) in Carlysle colors, and are suspect in using the Rutland Coat, because Rutlands also use the so-called orle border. "

I went on to find that Irish Hares link solidly to Hume's of Humorului on the BistRITA river, and that they traced to Carlysle, which itself traces to Penestae on the Drilon...meaning that Humorului elements do trace to the Drilon after all. One can now ask if "Drilon" was a sort of D'Orle term. By what coincidence do Doris'/D'Oris/DorRISSE's use nothing but a bend in the colors of nothing-but-a-bend Rye's, in colors reversed from nothing-but-a-bend Gonne's/Kohns? Doris'/Oris' were first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Paeoni-suspect Payens. The motto of the Rice-related Reesor surname: "meliORES" (suspect as an Aurelia-Melusine line) to Anjou). The Gonne's/Gowens, who use "decORI," show cinquefoils in colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Cumberland, where Carlysle's were first found.

The Ruel variation of German Rule's allows us to bring the Roets (from Payne Roet) into this Rutland picture, and they share the oak with Pinocchio-suspect Woods and Panico's. Plantagenet's are definitely Panico liners aside from the French branch of Plante's sharing the oak, but the write-up of French Plante's/Planque's traces them to Montreuil (Picardy), where Payne Roet lived and/or ruled. Amazingly, it looks like Roets were foundational to "Aurelia," an impossibility to glean apart from heraldic evidence. It's just a theory, but it looks like there was an evolution of terms: Aras > Arados > Rhodes > Aereda (in Redone France) out of which Roets and related Reeds / Readys issued, but then I'm seeing an Aerel term forming too. It just so happens that while I see the Aras river as origin of Ares, it makes good sense to trace the Bistones (Cyrene), Ares worshipers, to "Aures" in Numidia. Perhaps Aures-branch Rhodians formed apart from the Roets. The Shawia of Aures trace to lake Sevan, near the Aras.

Let's get back to Jiminy Cricket. As Criquetot is at Longueville, either of the Longville surnames can apply. The French Lonqueville's use nothing but a red chevron in the two colors of the Quint chevron, and in the colors of the Turin bend. Longueville is at Tancarville, and Tankerville's traced by their cinquefoils to Bacau, at the mouth of the Bistrita. Wikipedia on Longueville: "In 1364, following the death of John II of France, the County of Tancarville was separated from the County of Longueville, while the city of Montivilliers was attached to the royal demesne." MontVILLIERS??? It's Deja VIU, you'll see.

Wikipedia on Montvilliers: "A large light industrial and farming town by the banks of the river Lezarde in the Pays de Caux, situated just 4 miles (6.4 km) north of Le Havre...." That can explain the green "lizard" in the Hare/Garry Crest. There is a green lizard in the Arms of Montvilliers (in the colors of English Longville's). In fact, "Hare" and "Havre" are so alike that it evokes the Hare trace to "Aures," which is was also, AWRaba, i.e. like "Havr"! It looks like the Villers/Fillers were linked to trefoil-using Hare's/Garrys, and that Feuil liners may have been from the Aures Numidians. Why were Shawia at the mouth of the Seine? Ask the Chappes' and Levi upstream.

As Longueville's use the same chevron as Quints, it recalls an idea that Quintus-Caepio liners traced to the naming on "Kanza," the wife of Idris of Morocco. The Kenneths and MacAlpins applied to this line as it went through Guerin of Provence, suspect as the Drakenberg-Vere line to quasi-mythical Kenneth MacAlpin (shown with fretty lattice at his Wikipedia article). .

There is a Villers-Bocage location in Calvados (MontVillieres is just outside Calvados at the mouth of the Seine) smack beside Caen, and then Caens use fretty lattice. This Villers-Bocage is suspect was the Villieres location of Guerin-suspect Warringtons. Guerin are said to have been "Grand Masters of the Order of St. Jean of Jerusalem," and then Jeans use the Caepio-line lion, in colors reversed to the Jones lion, very suspicious. St. Jean is merely a false figurehead for the Jones reality. Heraldry used "saints" regularly to disguise the real entity behind the name. It just so happens that the fork-tailed blue lion (probably code for Forkers) in the Jean Crest is in the Thistle Crest while Gonne's/Gowens share the thistle with Alpins. The same blue, fork-tailed lion is in the Crest of Jiminy-represented James', who use the same lion in the Coat as Jiminy-represented Crichtons. The "grace" motto term of Crichtons finds a Grace/Grass surname first found in Provence (from Grasse in Provence).

There is a Bocage/Beaucage Coat (Brittany) using rare white oak trees. These could be related to the Teague's/Caige's, which is well capable of tracing Bocage elements to the Touques river. "BOcage" may be evidence of the Boii that some trace to the Baiocasses founders of the Bessin.

As Plantagenets will trace to the Gonne's with little doubt, we need to keep in mind that Drakenberg Vere's claimed that the first counts of Anjou, before the Fulks and Geoffrey Plantagenet, were Vere's in about 750-800 AD. Guerin of Provence was not long after that period, and his line traces definitely to the Vere "counts" of Anjou in some way, I can sense it. Guerin was made a ruler over many areas of France quite distance from Provence. Therefore, the red lion in the Gone/Gowen Coat could be the red one in the Guerin Chief.

English Longville's (dancette) use a "Till" motto code for wyvern-using Tills, who moreover share the axe with wyvern-using Drake's. Recalling that the Villers of Villieres had traced to Kettle's, the Longville dancette must be the Chettle dancette (in colors reversed). The Longville's are in the colors of the two large annulets of German Tills, and it's colors reversed from the larger, single annulet of Vita's/Vitone's/Vio's (trace to the Viu valley between Susa and Turin). Vita's were suspect as the Visconti line to Vis-de-Loop (Normandy), but I claimed that it was a Langhe-Visconti line, and here we are at Longue elements. Why do LongWOODs/Longworths (the Tresure / Maisy / Dewey dragon heads in Landon/Langdon colors) use a BROWN boar? Ask Langhe lines to Brunswick.

Just around the small waters from Montvilliers is Trouville, at the mouth of the Touques. It reminds us of the True/Trow surname honored in the Hume motto. The True's are the ones using a version of the Orrel and Saxon Coats both linking to Aurelia Cotta, and that explains why Wessels trace to Gace on the Touques. German True's (in Sach colors) are listed with such variations as "Secrest," evoking the "Secret" motto term of Rice's. The Secrest variations look like they can be both of the Sachs and Seconds/Segurs. The Touques was suspect (but is now clinched) with the Touch's using the Hume lion in colors reversed. Why were Humorului on the Touques? Ask the Gomerian founders of Humorului. Why was Togarmah on the Touques wish Sachs liners? Ask SCAmander, mythical father of Teucer, suspect as Saca scythians on the Maeander.

The German True's/Secrets use lettering on their white-on-black fesse, as do Scottish and English Langs (share oak theme with Alans) on their white-on-black fesse! This is all new. I cannot remember it all. But the Langs are tracing to Longueville, that's for sure. Scottish Langs were first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire, where the Landon/Langdon bears trace, and the Bernicians of that place has a Brunswick-like Bryneich location. That was part of the evidence presented when tracing Pepin, who originated at Landon of Belgium, to ancestry in the Bebba Bernicians / Bebbanburgs.

The Lang write-up suggests that Lennox'/LEVENax's (Annan saltire?) are Lang liners. The "defEND" motto term suggests the "True to the end" Hume motto.

French Longs use the Maisy and Dewey cinquefoil, apparently, but in Levi colors. True's are the ones that come up as "Tree," making it suspect with the Massey/Masse tree with NO LEAVES. It predicts Maccabee lines from Ferte-Mace on the Touques with Jonathan Levites. But Meschins were in the Calvados, beside Villers-Bocage on one side and smack closer to a Ryes location (in the Bessen) on the other, which recalls the Meshech-Rosh alliance at Rize that came up earlier by another method. Didn't Rye's trace to the Bessen- and Biston-suspect BistRITA? Now we see why. Recall the Seneca/SENESchal mascles, for the latter are from Hamon Le Senechal (suspect with Hamon de Massey) from Lisieux on the Touques. That tends to trace Sens / Yonne elements to the Touques, as expected where Wessels traced to Gace and where Aurelia's are using a version of the Sens Coat. The namers of Swiss Sion were on the Touques. Why? Ask the Scythians around the Sensii?

The Long surname uses the white crosslets of the Longville's in the colors of the Meschin scallops, and these are colors reversed from the big Julian cross, same design, and named after Julians. They call it "St. Julian's Cross" I've always wondered whether the Julian salamander is code for Scamander > Teucer lines. Batia, Teucer's daughter, was traced to the Caucasian Bat peoples at Batumi, which was on the edge of the Moschian mountains. That works. The Teucer-suspect Teague's, kin of Touque's, are using the Long / Julian crosses.

Where have we seen the Long lion before? Ask Newmans from Numidia, or Raines' from African Uranus. Ask the John / Rice ravens in Cimmerian Wales which way Cronus went? As Zeus is now looking like a Rosh liner. Cronus must have been an entity in contact with the Rosh in the Rhagae theater. There is a modern Rasht location in the land of the Gileki, not far from Rhagae, but I have never been able to find a Cronus-like location or people-group in those parts. I'm not seeking it, anyway, but waiting for it to crop up. Cronus swallowed his children, a cannibal cult, like Tantalus > Pelops in the Tmolus theater of Scamander. Were Scythians brute-beast enough to eat human flesh?

The Giffards ruled at Longueville, and they could be using the Jonathan/Jonas rooster in colors reversed. Giffards (share the Payne motto tracing to Malahule of More, ancestor of the Bessen / Bayeux rulers) use lozenges in the colors of the Hound lozenges, and in the colors of the crescent of Maccabee-suspect Morte's/Motts (this is the Elis-crescent color). The greyHOUNDs of the Sadducee-suspect Shutz's (share a black Shield with Giffards) can apply here. Giffards were first found in Langhe-suspect LANCashire. Lancasters (can certainly be using the Brunswick lion) could be using the double-fess bars of English and Scottish Hare's, for the latter are now suspect from the Havre entity of Longueville elements.

The Lancaster bars have a bit of dancetty-like border to them, and the Hare Chiefs definitely use dancetty. As this traced to Donnus, a possible brother of Julius Caesar, by what coincidence is the Lancaster Chief showing the roses of the Caesar Chief? Therefore, that proto-Visconti line out of Langhe that I saw slithering to Brunswick / Luneburg must have been the Julius-Caesar line. I predicted that this line carried the line of the Israeli priests. The Moor child that the Visconti snake is gulping down was expected to respect the Chappes Moor head. That works.

There is a lot more to glean in this explosion than I'm reporting off the top of my head. The War of the Roses (between Lancastrians and Yorks) can now be gleaned as a war between the white and red roses in the Caesar Coat. One side was from the white-rose line, and the other from John of Gaunt in Lancaster. See the Gaunt-like variation of the Gonne's/Kohns, or the "cupias" motto term of Yorks, first found in the same place (Wiltshire) was white-lion Longs. Why is the York-Crest lion brown?

Longs use a "Pieux" motto term suggesting that their lion is a version of the Picton lion, and that Longs trace to something of the namers of the Pyxites river. Were Alan Huns there? It makes sense because Amazons of the Pyxites area were traced (by Herodotus) to the founding of Sarmatians, and Alans are said to have been Sarmatians. The Hounds/Houns are suspect with Huns of some sort, and we just saw Giffards of Longueville who use the Hound/Houn lozenges. Do you think that "Gonne/Kohn" can apply to Hounds/Houns? If so, how can it be explained? The Khazars were descended from Attila elements, and Khazars gave the world the Cohen/Kagan surname. The Schutz liners traced to Shetland, which uses a "Byggar" motto term that I trace to Bihar, home of Khazars on the Mures. Khazars called their kings, begs.

Hounds (share a black Shield with Shutz') were first found in the same place as Julians / Capone's, and the latter are in Shutz colors. Recall how Belgian Gone's/Kohns had linked to other Belgians, for Belgian Schuts' (with an 's') use a lion on colors reversed to the Long lion.

It is necessary for Belgian Flecks to apply to Pinocchio codes because Pinocchio wore a sprig in his hat in the colors of the Flecks and Folks. The English Flecks share double-fesse bars with Lancasters while sprig-depicted Plantagenets (red rose) were Lancastrians. English Flecks use the Meschin scallops, important where these scallops were linked to the colors of the Julian crosses used by Longs. English Flecks were first found in the same place (NorFOLK) as Folks/Fulke's (and Benjamins) that use the split Belgian Flack Shield in colors reversed. One might get the impression that "PlantaGENET" (in Gone/Kohn colors) was named after Gaunt/Ghent and/or Gonne/Kohn/GUENET (!!!) elements. That discovery hot off the explosion is new, making the Fulk line to Geoffrey Plantagenet suspect as Jonathan liners of the Yonne kind.

This is a good place to say that a so-called GONfanon was a symbol used by Montforts. They say a gonfanon is a banner, but I think that's mere code.

French Guenets/GUYnets/Guinne's use LEAVES, and they happen to be the leaves of French Caseys (Caesar suspects to Khazars), first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes! With these elements tracing to Yonne at the south end of Champagne, the bend of Scottish Caseys is suspect with the Champagne bend. Irish Caseys can now be construed as using Gone/Guenet colors in particular.

The write-up of Brooms/Brome's (in Long / Giffard colors) traces to the sprig in Plantagenet's hat. But the Brooms show leaves on their so-called "broom sprigs," and they look much like the green "ears of wheat used by Scottish Chappes/Chaips. The Sprigg/Spragg surname uses "rose leaves," and more double bars (Lancaster / Hare symbol), this time vertical bars. The Sprigg Crest (erect sword) has a crown of OLIVE branches; we get it. Olive's/OLIFFs (Leaf/Lief kin, do doubt) are the ones using the Bass/Bassen and likely the Shutz greyhound. The Olive-branch Levites are thus tracing to the Yonne river with Plantagenets, but only if the Gonne's/Guenets trace to "Yonne." That's why the paragraph above this one is important.

The Geames variation of James' indicates that Benjamins morphed to Gam-like terms, and so why not Cam-like terms such as Cambridge, where Hounds, June's/Jungs, Chapmans and Capone's were first found. I trace Julius Caesar to Guillestre, on the Durance river beside Brigantium/Briancon, and then the Cambridge/CamBRIGG surname is in the colors of the Briggs (said to be from "Brugge's"), both first found in Yorkshire with the Brugg-suspect Bruce's. As English Licks/Lucks share the no-nest pelican of Briggs, the Cambridge/Cambrigg swans link to the same of Scottish Licks/Locks. The latter use the French-Joseph swan in Crest, and it can be determined that both Licks Coats link to the Coat of Sadducee-suspect Shutz's. That should explain why Briggs are using an IneSCUTheon similar to that of Saddocks. Actually, they don't call their white Shield an inescutcheon, but do call their smaller shields such. The Brigg description is stacked with codework suggesting the pelican link to the True's/Trees (share greyhounds with Licks/Lucks and Shutz's).

Have we linked the Cambridge's to the James'/Geames'? Yes, if the James dolphin goes back to that of the Caesars. But the Cambridge patee is in the colors of the Sens patee (I made a mistake in the last update when thinking the Sens crescent was white), and Sens are Sion liners while Sions/Swans use swans too. That works, tracing the Cams to Sion. Who were the Cams? The "quam" motto term of Cambridge's is used by Masters (Bellamy-Massey liners can trace with Harveys and Perche-related Garveys to the Arve river near Sion) and Payne's, which is why I view Hugh de Payens (first grand master), as part of "Grand Master" code work. The Payne's (same place as Deins, Diens/Dives', more-assures a Wessel trace to the Dives river) are using the two lions in the Whistle/Wissel Coat! That is excellent corroboration of a Paeoni trace to the Cottian family.

There is a Cam surname using the same bars (same position) as the English Babwells/Babels, and as the latter use the eagle in the Arms of Guillestre, it's very notable that German Julians are using the same bars in white and black. They are vertical bars in all three surnames, called "pale," and then BABcocks/Batcocks (using the red Cocker roosters) use a single pale bar in the colors of the Julian pale bars!!! We have a game, especially as Julians/Gillians were first found in Cambridge, WHILE CAMS COME UP AS "GAME." We have just discovered what Cambridge was named after, but the Masons didn't inform the rest of the world. They didn't want us to know that they are seeking to resurrect dictatorial-Caesarian world rule, as they become strong / confident enough.

The gate in the Babwell/Babel Crest links to the Cage's (first found in Cambridgeshire !) using the split Shield in the colors of the same of Gate's, by which I mean to say that the Villers-BoCage should apply. That should explain why the rare white-on-blue colors (those of cams/Game's) are using for the Bocage/Beaucage oak trees (species not given so as to be code for Tree's/True's). The "branches" used by Cams/Game's comes without a species indicating code for the Branch surname (first found in the same place as Wessels/Gastels) that could be using the Washington stars i.e. as per a trace to Gace, on a Touques river suspect with Daphne elements of the Touch/Taff kind. The Toste's/Tafts/Tuff's trace to a Dane viking by the surname of Tosti; I'll bet he was on Orkney as a Taphian line there. Just compare the Toste/Tuff Coat (Julian cross in red) to the Branch Coat and you'll be able to trace Taphians to the Cam/Game and James/Geames line. Tosti was related to Forkbeard, suggesting the Forkers!

As Forkbeard was married to Sigurd "the Haughty," the German-Julian bars are now linkable to the Haught bars...which makes a Julian trace to Mieszko's. The BATcocks were first found in the same place as WITkowo-based WATTS, and the Batcock / Cocker roosters trace by way of the Aiken rooster to the rooster of Koppels, suspect from Goplo's Mouse Tower, where SiemoWIT (Mieszko's mythical ancestry) lived. Are Taphians tracing to Mieszko's?

"Tosti" brings up no Coat as though the masters are trying to hide his line, but "Tosti" is in the list of shown variations of the Tosts, who seem to be using a version of the Pek Coat, important because I think "dove" and "Daphne" are related terms. The City of Doves (Cuppae) on the Pek river can be a Taphian city, therefore. By what coincidence do Cams/Game's use A dove between two branches?

I can now trace Taphians from the Pek to the Stout vikings of Orkney and Shetland. It's some that I fell on after writing all the above. It starts with a look at the dove-using Page's, who use the same chevron as Peks. The French Page's/Pagenels (DAUPHINE) then use the blue-on-gold horizontal bars of the Stouts/Stows (do not show "Stout" like someones may be trying to hide a Stewart link to Stout vikings). The Stout/Stow (Cambridgeshire!) fitchees are of the same style and colors exactly of the Pinks/Pincs tracing to Pincum at the mouth of the Pek! I've known all this before, but never knew that Taphians were involved, let alone to Orkney. The Pinks are even using the Brigg/Brugge Shield.

This allows us to identify the Bocage's as a Boii-Cage combo. I don't yet know what people-group "Cage" can be for (unless it's a corruption of "Teague," not likely), but the Cage Coat is a Gate-Jefferson or Gate-Messey combo. Cage's look like a McLeod/Lutt/Loud sept...suggesting the Lotan>Ladon-dragon line.

Yuya's Mitanni lines to Mainline Heraldry

It's a very good bet that the white Pek patee can be traced to the same of Cambridge's. This brings up a mystery, for patees trace to Patchie's / Patch's. These were Kilpatricks who share a "laidir" motto term with Brings/Brians, another reason for tracing Cambridge's/Cambriggs to Brigantium (suspect with the Briges/Brigians = Phrygians). James' branch Benjamites were at Brigantium, weren't they, with the Jonathan Gonne's > Gunns, weren't they?

The mystery is that Cage's are expected to link to the CAIGE variation of Taphian-suspect Teague's (suggests a Togarmite or Batia>Teucer link to Taphians) while English Page's (Sussex, same place as Payne's) -- suspect with Taphians as per the Dauphine location of French Page's -- are Caige-like "PAIGE." Then, the Cage's are Patch-like "Cadge." Perhaps this is the Gace-suspect Cage bloodline. A Teague/Caige link to Gace on the Touques makes great sense, and identifies the cage's as Mitanni liners.

If the Paeoni were the Boii, or at least related to the Boii in Pannonia, that's how "Bocage/BeauCAGE" can trace to the Boii...under the condition that the term is not to be understood as "Boc/Beauch." TheBeech's/Bechs (pile, trace to Pylos beside the Mitanni of Methoni) look like Champagne kin (now suspect with Cam / James liners), and are from a man who ruled Lilley, Langley, Cokenach and Aldenham, terms I would trace to northern Moldava...and the Aluta river, where "Lotan / Lothian / Luton / Loud" is now tracing. It is well known that Hugh de Payens was in cahoots with the count of Champagne, and so I would guess that Beech's/Bechs were Pek elements, I think I can now identify the Cams/Game's, as I did years ago, with the ancient Kemmites out of the upper Nile, because Beech's/Bechs share vair, not only with Champagne's, but with Welsh Bachs who in-turn look like a branch of the Kemmis surname (!), first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Cams/Game's (!!) and Cam-like SAMsons!!! It could mean that the Sames sun god of Sophene was related to "Kemmis."

Kemmis is where Yuya (Mitanni suspect) was from, that being the right-hand man of Ahkenaten. It suggests that Ahkenaten liners merged with Benjamites at some point en route to Nevers and Autun, smack beside Avalon and Yonne. The Cage's were first found in CAMbridge, and then the Gace's/Wassa's to whom I think Cage's trace well were from the Mitanni capital, Wassukanni!!! That tends to prove that Yuya's Mitanni family were the line to Gace's. To put it another way, Cage's and Benjamin-based Cams -- including the royal-Stewart James' (likely) -- trace to Yuya's family. As both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were involved in the Masonic foundations of America, it's no coincidence that Jabesh-based Jeffersons are using the Cage saltire. Welsh Jeffersons are in Gace-star colors.

Daphne, however, was not traced by ancients to Yuya, so far as I know, but to Hyksos in AVARIS. That's from mythical Tiresias, alternative father of Daphne, son of EVERES (there's more to it). I'm seeing a Yuya-Mitanni trace to Sophene, at the source waters of the Khabur river, the river of the Mitanni. The Hyksos of Egypt (predated Ahkenaten), a Hebrew tribe, could easily have had ancestry on the Khabur.

There are many gleanings to be had here, including a Taphian trace to the Cottians with the Paeoni trace to Cottians. The Cottians had been the Cotesii = Kutaisi pirates out of Colchis. And there was a dragon that protected the golden fleece (belonged to Phrygian-suspect Phrixus now tracing to Brigantium, Cottian Alps), which, although revealed by ancients as the Ares dragon called "Sparti," may also have been the Ladon dragon (Ladon river has a source near northern Sparta), which one myth writer, at least, made the father of Daphne. The third father of Daphne, the Peneus river, smacks of Panias/BANIas, now suspect with "BENYAmin."

I'm having a problem on whether to identify the Banias Benjamites directly (without merger involved) with the Paeoni. I can't trace "Benjamin" to proto-Pan at Lake Van, which is where I tend to trace Paeoni. As I see the heraldic red eagle (used by Toste's/Tafts/Tuff's) as the phoenix out of Lake Van and into Panias, proto-Taphians may have been of a Daphne entity at Van (Sophene was beside Lake Van). The Sparti dragon was born from the teeth (could be identified with an entity like "tooth" in Greek) of the dragon killed by Cadmus in Boiotia. There seems to be some mixing here of Cadusii-based Boiotians with Paeoni suspects together with Taphians. The Paeoni, or at least one of their branches, can be half-expected on the Peneus (beside the Ladon), running through the Pisa / Elis area. The Poseidon-related namers of Pisa were mythically made the father of Phoenix, father of Cadmus.

Myth writer's traced the Poseidon line back in time to Danaus and Aegyptus, whom sometimes appear to me as Hyksos, but at other times as a later wave out of Egypt. There was about a century between KHYAN and the similar AHKENaten. For the latter entity to reach France, it likely came into the Nile delta first. It could have merged with the Meshwesh at Tanis. It strikes me now that the Kemmis-Ahkenaten entity may have been the line to Teucer while the Danaans out of Tanis were the Dardanus side of the Trojans (horse symbol), for Yuya was the royal horse trainer, and Teucer-like Tokers use a sea horse. The Irish Cohens/KYNE's likewise use a sea horse, and they are now suspect wit the Jonathan Levites to Yonne.

The fact that the Kemmis surname uses a near-version of the Welsh Bach Coat can suggest, if Khyan was APACHnas, that the Kemmis liners got in touch with the Khyan liners at some point, and that's where the Hyksos-suspect Hecuba-Hector Trojans come in, of a later date than the Dardanus-Teucer merger.

"Yuya" can be expected to form Guy-like terms, and it just so happens that Gays were first found in the same place (Savoy) as the Messey's using the Cage saltire. There you see once again the Gace liners linking to Ferte-Mace liners, as though, quite logically, the Kemmis liners got merged with the very Meshwesh that became part of the Ben-Jabeshites to the Romans (they must trace back to Trojans). The Gay's come up as "Gays," much like "Gace"!!! It's a new thought, suggesting that, while "Wassa" traces to "Wassukanni," the Gace-like variations are from a "Yuya > Guy > Gay" evolution of terms.

AHA!!! The Guys/Gyse surname was first found in the same place as Kemmis'!!!! That is an incredible stroke of "luck." The Guys are in Gace-star colors, and even use vair in their lozenges, the Kemmis symbol. And zowie, the Guys use a "TUTior" motto term for king Tut, son of Ahkenaten!!!! Suddenly, Yuya can trace to the Guis variation of Guido's in Guys / Gace colors. There are all sorts of possibilities with this new concept nailed down. It can trace Yuya to VISconti's, to Vita's, and consequently to the Viu valley. It can trace him to Veys and Fife's, explaining why Fife's and Guis'/Guido's share the upright red lion.

If Yuya goes to Veys, then he goes to the witch cult (suspect with Muses of Apollo) in Avalon = Bute, which can explain the horse of the Bute's. Recall the ArBUTHnotts, kin of Oliphants that share the TOOT and Massey crescents. I have a feeling that the Kemmis liners go to mythical Butes in Athens, but that idea arose before the Bute idea was in mind. Butes of Athens was a priest of Poseidon, which recalls my tracing the Poseidon cult of Ethiopia (before he arrived to Phoenicia) to Kemmis. AhkenATEN's Atun cult should trace to the naming of Athens, and the fish symbol of king Kodros of Athens may be in the German Bute/Butt Coat. The boar symbol of Kodros can then go to the boars of Booths, highly suspect with Bothwells as Bute liners. The older name of Bute, ROTHesay, can then go to Biblical Rosh.

I think there is little way to separate the Kemmis liners from the Ben-Jabeshites. I think proto-Massey liners were one with Yuya liners, even as Gog is called the chief of Meshech and Tubal (this was referring to Mazaca and neighboring Tabal on the north side of Cilicia / Syria).

The Gaiy variation of Gays' is like the Cai variations of Kays/Keys. Consider the KEYmish variation of the Kemmis surname. The English Kay write-up refers to the first-known Kay surname (1199) in Gloucestershire, where Gays and Kemmis' were first found. I'm no longer surprised, I think that we are on Yuya lines. I suggested a trace of "Yuya" to mythical GYGES/GUGU of Lydia, who was around 700 BC, at the right tome to be the Biblical Gog. In that picture, the Cocks/Cockers, sharing the rooster with Gays, might just be Yuya liners.

Consider that while mythical Kay was made (by an Arthurian writer) a son of Hector-like Ector, the combination might just be a Yuya-line merger with the Hyksos-based Trojans at Parium. ZOWIE, the Kyne-like CAENs use a Parium-suspect motto term...but, the problem is, there is the choice between tracing Caen-like terms either to "Khyan" or "Ahken(aten).

The Scottish Kay/Key surname uses Cyner-like motto terms because Ector's alternative name was, Cyner, not only like the KENYs variation of Kemmis', but like "AHKENaten." One of the motto terms is "kyne." It doesn't matter whether Kay's were a corruption of "Mackay," or whether Maceys took on a Mackay version in honor of Kays. Either way, Kays were related to Macey's who trace to Mysia, location of Troy.

The Kinners (Fife) once showed the Kay bird. The DOUBLE anchors of Kinners are used by Hope's, whom are honored in the Kinner motto. The Hope's are also "Hood," and the Hoods/Hudds not only share the anchor, but still use the Kay bird. These anchors are suspect with the Anchor/Annacker surname, from Anaki out of Hebron. That's where Keturah was from who traces definitely to "KODRos." Kodros traces to the fish symbol of KOTOR, smack beside BUTua. The Kinners have just led us to lines suspect from the Kemmis (or "Chemmis") entity.

You haven't forgotten, have you, that Kemmis is tracing to the Cam / James/Geames liners that were Benjamites.

VERY INTERESTING. There is an English Kin/Kyne Coat using two chevrons in the colors of the two Kay bendlets (bends and "let" trace to Benjamins and their annulets suspect as part-code for Anaki lines), but the black Kin/Kyne chevrons are thick, like the three black ones that Levi's showed for years (they are no longer showing thick). It's been a long time since I've loaded the Levi Coat; I just saw it's "SECOND" motto term! I know what this is. The Kemmis lines go with Jonathan Levites to Lesbos, location of Lapiths who trace to the Lepidus surname married by Junia Caepionis Tertia.

It was immediately after suggesting the trace of Kemmis elements to Lesbos that I noted (on my atlas) the MITilini location on Lesbos. Wikipedia calls it Mytilene, the island's capital, and zowie look at the Methoni-like location on Lesbos:

Mytilene contested successfully with Methymna in the north of the island for the leadership of the island in the 7th century BC...

The Arms of Mytilene use a harp!!! Mythical Orpheus (son of Charops / Oeagrus) floated with his harp down the Hebros river (like "(K)Habur," river of the Mitanni) to Lesbos.

ZOWIE, it must be my lucky day. The Scottish Kin/Kimmie/Shimis surname was first found on Bute!!! That's where anchor-using Jamie's were first found who are a branch of Kemmis-based James'/Geames!!! It works. It suggests that Jamie's were a branch of Kimmie's.

The "littora" motto term of Jaimie's can be identified with Little's because they are said to have become close kin of Douglas', who use "Jamaise" in their motto. The Little's have their own motto code, apparently, in their "Magnum in" phrase, looking like it's code for Numens/Newmans (trace to Arran, beside Bute), in Little colors. The fact that Little's lived beside Elliots makes them both suspect with the Ali's/Aliotto's, this being one piece of evidence for tracing the latter to Elis', for Little's are using a saltire in Elis-cross white, and both surnames use crescents.

I'm fairly sure that Little's/Liddels are a line of Latins in relation to Julius Caesar. First off, the Latin surname (share the Little saltire) was linked to Patrician-suspect Kilpatricks, and Little's use a saltire in the colors of the one Kilpatrick saltire. We then go to Latter's sharing the piles of "littora" suspect Orrs, and Latters look like they are using a version of the German Julian Coat, expected because Ore's trace to Julius' mother.

It is probably not coincidental that the Melusine-using Lapps/Leaps (Lapith suspects) were first found in the same place as Latins while the Melusine-using Prestwicks can trace to Ayrshire, where Latters were first found (beside the Orrs of Newman-related Renfrew). The woman in the Elis Coat is sometimes substituted with a red Melusine, which could be a colors-reversed version of the white-on-red Prestwick Melusine.

The Melusines peoples of LUSIGnan are now tracing to the Less/LUSK surname, very suspect from Lapiths on Lesbos. The Leslie-suspect Lasks (same place as Leslie's) are using Little / Latin / Latter colors, as well as symbols, including a white crescent, in Elis-crescent colors. This makes the horizontal blue-on-white bar of the Jamie's suspect with the same-colors bars in the Arms of Lusignan. The Tokers, now suspect with the Yuya line to James', are likewise using horizontal bars in white and blue.

There is the question of whether "Bocage" should be understood as Bo-Cage or a Boch term or both. The Boch/Bauch surname uses the Boofima-goat symbol in the colors of the rare white-on-blue Bocage oaks. Hmm. The "NobLESSE ObLIGE" motto of Bochs can suggest the Lige/MacLise/Gillie surname, with DOUBLE chevrons in the red color of the same of Perche's who can easily link to the Double's/DoBELLS (use bells). The latter happen to use the same stag design as Cage's!!! Amazing. In just a few sentences, upon asking whether Bocage's even trace to Cage's, they show up. Why are Cage's linking to Bellamy's? It's that same Gace link to Ferte-Mace seen repeatedly. Reminder: the Caige variation of Teague's can trace Cage's to the Touques, where Tokers can trace as per the Took/Toke variations of the Touque's.

The Bellamys had traced to the Arve river (near Sion) that links to "Harvey / Garvey," and the latter use the double Perche chevrons in both colors. Without much evidence, I've traced Harveys / Garveys to "Harbiye," a place in Syria that was also called, Daphne.

The Boch/Bauch surname is also in the colors of the DOUBLE fleur of Germans BOS'/Boschs. What a coincidence, for the Bock motto term, NobLESSE, if that's how it's to be understood, traces well to LesBOS (Boch-like term). For me. Lesbos speaks of a trace to Lacydon's Ligures, for the Losh and Lush variations of the Less/Lusk surname suggest swan-liner Locks and Lucks.

I now have another story, starting with the Kemmis-based Kinners using half the Shutz/Schutz saltire. This has to do with the Skit and Sched/Shed surnames tracing to Guido's, the Guis variation now suspect with Yuya. A reader emailed to say that the Skeetz surname (like the Scheds) as a version of the Schutz surname. I'm starting on this paragraph because I looked up the Middle's, who are also "Mittel," in seeking lines from Mytilene. I wanted to know whose black-on-white lion the Middle's/Mittels use, and that's when the Belgian-Schuts lion (same as Sitler/SCHITner lion) came to mind. I think this works well. I'm not sure whether this traces the Schutz et-al to Lesbos, but it does connect them to Mitanni off of Lesbos, and yet this Mitanni line from Kemmis is now highly suspect with the Jonathan Levites.

Note that the Middle/Mittel Shield border looks like the Rutherford "orle," and that it's in the colors of the same of Scotts, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Rutherfords and Little's. As the Little-honoring Jamie's were first found on Bute, it's meaningful that Rutherfords trace to "Rothesay." Massey liners won't stay out of this Kemmis picture for long, and so note that the Middle/Mittel uses a fesse like that of Masters (probably using the Shield of Bellamy's, first found in the same place as Middle's/Mittels), with "quam" motto term used also by Cams/Game's. Masters (and Masons) were first found in Kent, where the particular Scotts were first found that share the Middle/Mittel border. This paragraph was not conceived when I thought the Middle's should trace to Skits, Scheds and Schuts'. It's verification. I'm very happy to be getting good at this, for your sake who have been trying to follow this material, and for my sake.

Note too that the Middle/Mittel fesse is in the colors of the Leslie bend, for Leslie's are now tracing with little doubt to the namers of Lesbos. By what coincidence were Cam/Game-related Babwells/Babels first found in MIDDLEsex? I think someone was playing code with that place, named after Mytilene elements, for German Babels even use Melusine! And come to think of it, so do Yuya-like Hugos!!! She's even holding an anchor! The first anchor we saw in a string of them was in the Kinner Crest!

Middletons use the same engrailed saltire of Latins, in colors reversed from the Little saltire.

Are the Gamble's and CampBELLs a line of Benjamins? Why do Camps use the colors and format of Cambridge Capone's? Did Benjamite lines of the Cam / James kind name Campania (CamPANE as per the Pane variation of Panico's?) and ChamPAGNE? Did Benjamites live in Abellinum=Avellino, and then move to Avallon in Yonne? Looks like. As Benjamites must trace to the formation of Romans, consider that the Hirpini of Avellino are said to mean, "wolf people," for Romulus -- from the Rimmon term of Benjamites -- was given a wolf symbol.

[ZIKERS!!! I missed it initially, but the white eagle in the Middleton Crest looks like the white one in the Dutch Camp Coat!!!]

Consider also that Maschi's of Rimini may be using PINE cones for Pinocchio / Panico / Pink lines to the Pine surname. "Cone" can be a variation of "Gone / Yonne." Panico's do share the Masci fleur. Were the Cone-related Conte's and Conteville's a line of Jonathan Levites? Were VisCONTI's a line from Jonathan??? Is that why Emma de Conteville married Gace-like Goz? That makes a lot of sense: the Levites were sticking to their own lines, albeit in a merger with Gog elements from early times.

It is made clear that Plantagenets (share the oak tree with Panico's) were from Pinocchio = Panico's, explaining why the two surnames share labels. Then, English Champagne's use a Shield filled with vair, which is a BELL pattern for a LaBel reason.

The Melusine entity, that Drakenberg Vere's traced to counts of Anjou (immediately before Fulks became the Anjou counts), is known to have named the Melusines of Lusignan. Her presence at neighboring Anjou is a mystery to history. It sounds like Vere's were speaking in code. The Arms of Lusignan use blue-and-white horizontal bars, and these are in the colors of the LaBels, who use only crescents in the colors of the Sens crescent so that this entity too can trace Plantagenets to Yonne / Champagne. But the Conte crescents, in the colors of the LaBel crescents, were traced to the Falcon crescents because Falcons and Conte's were first found in the same place (Languedoc, suspect with "Langhe" at MontFerrat). Falcons are, in this picture, a line of Fulke's. One could get the impression that Melusine was a Bellamy / Champagne line of the VAIR / Vere kind, not forgetting that we saw three vair-using surnames in the Kemmis lines. Then, her trace by Vere's to Avalon traces her to Avallon, not far south of Champagne, and between Yonne and Nevers. It looks like a Vair line was ruling Anjou. There are Ferrat-related Vairs, but then the Verona's/Vairs (Rockefeller trefoils), first found in the same place as Levi's, can apply here.

With the Sens involved in Melusine make-up, "MeluSINE" can be part code for the Sine/Sion/Swan surname. As she was called the "ELVin princess," that link to the Sions/Swans easily traces her to the Italian ALBa's, using a swan. In Italian, "alba" means "tree," which could be the reason for the Panico / Plante oak tree. But wait. I traced Melusine from a Lapith line to the Lepidus and Lapp surnames. It's not necessarily contradictory, especially as the Lapith, IXION, smacks of "Sion." And "LUSIGnan" smacks of the Lusk variation of the Less', and the latter are going for the first time to "Lesbos." It may be difficult to find, but some have reported online that Lapiths were on Lesbos, and I found a mountain on that island named very much like "Lapith" (I cannot recall the spelling). Therefore, Lusignan and Luzica/Luzica (= Lusatia) can trace to the namers of Lesbos, suspect now with the Lazi / Luzi Caucasians that I trace to the Lys surname.

The Hugo surname (Melusine) was first found in Basil, northern Switzerland, and Sens'/Senns are said to have been first found in northern Switzerland. I'll bet that Hugo's were linked to Melu-SENS, if you catch the point: Melusine must have been a line from the Sensii.

I just went searching my files for the name of that mountain and found the following in the 6th update of January,2011, at a time when I was not familiar with Lesbos. In fact, I've never been familiar with it, and didn't know consciously that it was offshore of Phocaea:

Back to the article where I started this morning. We read: "The Libui came next [into Italy after the Cenomani] and the Saluvii [= the Salyes]: they settled near the ancient tribe of the Laevi..." [the Libui may have been Levites of the Livius kind]

We read: "In the Greek mythology, the Locrians [like "Ligure / Lock"] are closely related to the Phocians and Eleans." But of course. The dragon bloodline leading to Ligurians must always come from the Pelops line at Lydia, where the Hermus river flowed through. Phocaea was at the mouth of the Hermus. Lets then look at the Eleans (of Elis/Pisa), for it's known that Pelops married the daughter of mythical Oenomaus, king of Pisa.

On this map of Elis (western side of the Peloponnesus), we see the city of Oenoe [I had forgotten about this], telling that mythical Oenomaus depicted that location. That is, the Pelops line of Heneti Lydians removed to Oenoe, and as the place is located on the Ladon river, it's very good evidence that the river was named by Lydians. At the source of the Ladon, you can see Lasion [probably from Lazona of the Lazi], a term smacking of the Lasonii (Lydians, I think), fellow tribe with Pisidians who named Pisa and Pisatis both found on the map. There you see Olympia in Pisatis, named quite obviously after the Olympos at Pisidia.

Could we trace "Lacydon," therefore, to "Lasion"? And as these Pelops-related peoples came from the Hermus river, shouldn't Lasion trace to Laish at mount Hermon? I realized that the Ladon river traced back to Laish on other grounds, because Laish was at Panias, smacking of the Peneus into which the Ladon flows. The city of Elis is shown on the Peneus.

Suddenly, with Laish, we're back to the Samson Danaans, and there, south of Pisatis we find Samicum at mount Lapithas [I had forgotten about that location too]. I traced Lapiths, depicted by mythical Ixion, to Sion, summit of mount Hermon. But it's also known that Lapiths lived at, and named, Lesbos, which you can see on this map directly offshore of Phocaea (not shown).

That makes it pretty plain that Lapithas at Pisa was from the Lesbos Lapiths. It's making the Kemmis liners very closely related to the Ben-Jabeshites, and I think it's very safe to say that the Yuya line of Mitanni went from Lesbos to Oenoe to mythical Oeneus, father of Methoni. I'm so busy accumulating and writing the points that I don't allow these things to sit deeply in my conscience. I forget things easily. It looks again like the Yuya Mitanni were one with Jonathan Levites in the Oenoe entity.

As Melusine's son at Anjou is said to be a Milo de Ver, "Melusine" looks like part-code for a surname like the Mile's. It could trace to "Milan," where Visconti's ruled, and therefore to surnames like the Milans / Moulins/Moline's.

A trace of Melusine to the Sens gets her to Sens, smack at neighboring Avallon! That works too well not to be correct. She was therefore an Avellino (= Apollo) liner, and the Arthurian warlocks knew it. That's why they put NINE witches on Avalon, the number of Apollo's Muses. Melusine must either be a perfect reflection of Morgan le Fay, or related closely to Morgans and Fays / Veys / Foys...who are now suspect with Yuya > Gay liners. If I recall correctly, one Foy Coat uses the split Shield of Sprows/Spruce's, highly suspect with Sprowston in Norfolk, where Fulke's were first found. But the Weir/Vere write-up traces Vere's to Sprowestun in Roxburghshire.

It just so happens that Sprows' evoke the Spriggs and Spree's, meaning that it's not contradictory to trace Melusine both to Spree and Vey elements. A few years ago, before knowing of the Sprigg link to Plantagenet-related Brooms, I concluded that Melusine was a line from the Spree river. The split-Shield of Sprows/Spruce's looks very linkable to the same of Latins, whom we just saw in a link to MIDDLEtons!!! It means Spree-river LUSatians may trace to Lesbos elements of the Mytilene kind. And, by the way, there was a Melitene area on the north side of the Mitanni, to which I traced "MELusine," that may have gotten a consonant reversal to become "Mytilene."

The Ritters/Rutters (in Rodham / Rother colors), perhaps linkable to Rita's, use a "Melitae" motto term." German Ritters are also "Rider," which might be in the rider-on-horse code, and so see such a one in the Mittel-like Motel surname, named after a Mottola location.

By what coincidence were Mittens/Moutons first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Middle's/Mittels? The Rodham write-up suggests a trace to the Rodden river of Shropshire. The Myrton variation of Mittens/MOUTons suggests the Morte's/Motts.

Repeat from above: "The Villers/Fillers were first found in Ligure-based Leicestershire [Lacy-line Ligure's are suspect from Lesbos elements]. I'll show below how Yuya of Egypt traces to both the Heberites and Villers, important because Irish legend traced Heberites to Scota-branch scythians in Egypt." We saw the Schutz liners tracing to Mytilene shortly above, but I'd like to add that Miletus is not far from Lesbos, and Miletus can trace to "Melitene." It is predictable that the Yuya line had merged with proto-Scots somewhere along the way. Here is what could be the proto-Scot entity:

"The Scythini of Xenopho, I certainly think are connected with the mountain called SCYDisces [caps mine] by Strabo, and Scotius by Appian, (Mithr. c. 100.) as we know besides that they were contiguous to the Macrones. The position of these peoples is of considerable importance...from the river called Harpasus by Xenophon...a river of Armenia, a river apparently separating the country of the Armenian Chalybes from that of the Scythini."

From an Adobe article on the Pontus

The article goes on to say that a tributary of the Araxes [Aras river] called "Harpasou" was "in all probability" the Harpasus of Xenophon. I not only see that mythical Scota (and therefore the Irish/Scots) depicted just the peoples who named the Scotius river, but I imagine that the harp symbol of Ireland is secret code for just those peoples of the Harpasus river.

That was from my chapter, Vere-y Interestink, somewhere in the ballpark of 2006. I do not think I knew at that time that Soducena was at the Harpasus river, for Soducena is not mentioned at all in that chapter. Lately, I insisted that the Shutz/Schutz surname is a Sadducee-liner from Soducena. I had wholly forgotten about the quote above, and so note that the harp symbol to the Arms of Mytilene seems to be in play at HARPasus. That's the same as saying that the Scythians at Scotius on the Harpasus went to Lesbos. Send me an apple, Mr. Skeetz. Sorry this took so long. There was another Harpasus river, tributary of the Maeander, if I recall correctly. The fesse of the Middle's/Mittels is called "emBATTled," likely code for Bat liners out of the Batumi area. The Vere-y-Interestink chapter has some material on Melusine, if you are interested, including this quote not from me, but from

The Dragon Motif [of the Veres] turns up later on the seal of Hugh de Vere in 1200 ad whilst the Blue Boar; a Druidic caste badge also called Le Solitaire, was derived from Melusine's husband's family, hence the Blue Boar and "Harpy" or wouivre supporters in the Vere Arms."

The Harpy? I think we get it, especially as Nicholas de Vere traced Vere's to the Mitanni. His Drakenberg cult must have known that Mitanni went through Mytilene. Previously, I traced the red hand of Ireland to a Miletus colony in Colchis, and here the Irish harp is tracing to Mytilene, a line that can be traced back to Arados/Arpad in Syria, expected as proto-Creusa, honored in the Viller/Filler motto.

Note too that while Rollo's use the blue-boar harpy, Rollo Claro traces to Clarus, which I think was between Miletus and Mytilene. I can't recall and can't get online now to check.

The Spriggs are using the Vey/Vivian / Fife Shield, probably, due to Fulke's, Flecks and Gonne's/Gowens using Morgan colors. There is a good chance that Spriggs are Spree-river liners from Lusatia, the German version ("Luzica") of which I linked closely (before knowing of Spriggs) to "Lusignan" for a Spree reason. That trace's Less'/Lusk and Lasks to Lusatians. It very mush suggests that Fulks were from PHOCaeans, and therefore from Fucino, where the Salto flows to which I trace the Salyes Ligurians. It means that Phocaeans were in the land of Abruzzo and the Marsi, so let's not forget the article above as it traced the Laevi to a spot beside the Salyes Ligures. It then becomes obvious the Abruzzo was named after Hebrews that involved the Jonathan Levites. I'm saying this in spite of claiming for years that Freemasonry does NOT trace to Israelite Hebrews. But Ixion carried the Pelegite Hebrews, who were not Israelitish.

And Arphaxadites, ancestors of Hebrews, were at the Riparia river, where I'm now tracing the Vey liners suspect from Yuya. The Arphaxadites lived at Arrapha/Arrapachitis (Assyria), and I traced them from the Rephaites of Israel to ORPHeus, the one who floated down the Hebros to Lesbos! I knew at that time that the Viu valley was tributary to the Riparia, but had no idea that the Viu could link to the Melusine line out of Lesbos. I didn't yet know that Melusine was from Lesbos elements. Now those elements are coming to light. Some say that Nefertiti, Ahkenaten's wife, was a transvestite, and so let's repeat that Lesbos is the origin of "lesbian." One could expect the mythical Hermaphrodite, a male-female being, to be in Lesbos directly off the Hermus river.

It just so happens that Fulke's/Folks use the Shakespeare spear, thus tracing Shakespeare's to the Spree. This link of Lusatians to the Moldova area must be a story in itself, but it likely involves Lazi lines in cahoots with the Cotesii. The Weirs/Vere's use stars in the colors of the same of Sens-related Aurelia's, while Shakespeare-related Varns share the gold scallop with Aurelia's.

To trace Melusine to the Lapiths, we first note that Lapps use Melusine. Then, her mother, Pressina, and other versions of that name, can link to Prestwicks because they too use Melusine. The Longs were first found in the same place as Lapps, and then one Long motto term is "preux," close enough to "Press," and probably code for Evreux / Abrussi lines (the PRIESTley/PRESley Coat uses two Abreu/Abrussi symbols). This traces Melusine elements from Langhe to Longueville, and to other parts of Normandy no doubt. Scottish Langs use a fess in Lask-fesse colors.

It just dawned on me that, since Prestwick is an AYRshire location, "EVReux," in EURE, should trace to the Aures/AWRaba Numidians (same as where Aurelia's are suspect). But as Evreux is known to be a location of Eburovices, it predicts that Eburovices were Hebrews in Aures! That can make Kanza a Caepio liner. Kanza is the one that linked to "Kenneth" and therefore to Kenneth MacAlpin, and that's exactly where Nicholas von Drakenberg traced his Vere line i.e. to the royal-Pict transition to royal Scots.

It just so happens that while York was called, Eboracum, like the Ebroicum variation of "Eburovices," the Yorks were first found in the same place as Lapps! Thus, Melusine's mother was this Eburovices line through Abreu's' = Aphrodite. The Drake's were a line from Abruzzo, explaining why Nicholas von Drakenberg traces his Vere surname to Melusine. Therefore, her snake tail was thus given in respect of the Angitia snake goddess of Abruzzo's Marsi, and as such, Angers and related Anjou were named after Angitia! I had suggested that before, but the evidence was not as strong as it is solid now. It traces the Marsi > Marici line to Anjou, and it just so happens that Marici were allied to the Laevi!

This picture requires a link between the Laevi in Yonne and Anjou, and that's where the Jewish-priest-faker Gonne's/Kohns and Gonne's/Gowens come in, by which I mean to say that Prestwicks, Priestlys and the Prestbury of Kerricks (Ayrshire bloodline of Carricks) trace to pagan-Levites that liked to think of themselves as priestly-cohenim blessed of God, somehow carrying the Plan of God to the far West. Spit! The far West is the Revelation harlot, like Jonathan and his father, Gershom, who abandoned Moses and fornicated with the Gentiles. The Jewish Cohen/Kagan Coat uses stars in the colors of the Aurelia stars, as well as a gold symbol thrown in, as do the Aurelia and Sens Coats.

Ignore what you're told about the origin of the Lucy's, who share pike fish with the Geddes'. As Gate's share the split Shield of Cage's, and as the latter are from Yuya's Mitanni family, just trace forward in time to Laish, and the Lazi/Luzi suspect at that place. Then, go forward to the Lasonii, in the Lydia theater, for that's where mythical Gugu comes in at about 700 BC. Yuyincidence? As we saw the Lasonii trace to Pisa, let's mention mythical DASCYlus, who was made father of Gugu, and let's trace DascyLUS to TUSCULUS in southern Tuscany, for that's near Pisa. Tusculus is on the Latium-Tuscany border, and so let's recall that Latin liners had traced to Lesbos' Mytilene. One could get the impression that the Ladon-Taphian line was on Lesbos, especially as Lesbos elements have traced to Oenomaus at Pisa.

The "CapTAT" motto term of Geddes (in Tatton and Capes colors) might be clever for Capet liners along with king-Tut liners of the Tatton kind. Tattons share the Spree and Speer (and Tout) crescents. Such as tangled web, these various lines will come to war with one another, what else?

None of this was said due to the name of my online book, TRACKING LADON GOG AND THE HEBREW ROSE . This book was my crack at understanding the Biblical-dragon line. As you can see, I spent a few hours on it. In the first chapter, you can read my claim that God sent me into the house, to my computer, to find the line of Buzites, but never before now have I stressed LesBOS. Io, suspect with Jonathan=Ionians, was a founding cult of BOSphorus, but the point in repeating it here is that, on a map presented above, Ionia is stamped at Phocaea, suggesting Bos-Levite elements at PHOCaea, and at neighboring LesBOS. This is the Revelation Harlot, probably from Edom's Bozrah, capital of Esau, whom God hated. If God had not chosen Abraham from the dragon bloodline that he knew would rule the earth to Armageddon, Jacob, Esau's twin brother, may not have been born. But Jacob may have been created by God, from the womb, to make a new thing after Esau-ites bring the world to military Armageddon. God enters that scene and shakes the planet in fierce heat, noise, and tempest. Ezekiel 38-39 and Isaiah 34 both tell that both Gog and Armageddon ends at Edom, the location, apparently, of the Lake of Fire.

Amymone Danaans

I can now trace Kyburg elements at Zurich to Cabourg at the mouth of the Dives (to the near-west of the mouth of the Touques). This topic starts off as an aside, but comes right back to the main path. I saw Cabourg in the atlas while writing earlier on Montevilliers, but had no idea how it could, or if it would, trace to Kyburg. But it does via the "J'Aime" motto term of James', first found in Surrey. The fact that the Surrich variation of Surreys helps to trace James' to Kyburg is not necessary for the trace. We simply identify the motto term with the Amie surname sharing a pile in colors reversed from the pile of English Hagels (the Casey / Guenet leaves), and then note how the German Hagels use the lion and the two gold bars in the Arms of Kyburg. While this traces the James' to Kyburg, how does it get Kyburg elements to Cabourg?

I would not have known about the Teague surname if not for knowing a woman with a Friend surname who married a Teague, important here because Cabourg is so close to the Touques. The Amie's are said to be named after "friend," seemingly correct because Friends use a chevron in the colors of the Amie pile (= upside-down PERCHevron). Friends and Hagels were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Perche-related Percivals and Pierces. Percivals share muzzled bears with Amie's, you see, and bears are used by the French (Normandy) Benjamins with the James-like variations such as "Jammes / Jamin / Jamet". What do you make of this? Were the Stewart-related king James' all Benjamin liners? Have we been lied to? Do royal Stewarts have long noses?

I have created a problem. I am suggesting that the same motto term of James' is in honor of both Jamie's and Aime's. This seems permissible under two conditions, that James' were named after an Amy entity, such as mythical Amymone, the only important daughter of Danaus, and that her "Amy" portion was a corruption from BenYAMIn. To the Hebrews, "ben" means "son" so that "Benjamin" can be reduced to "Jamin/Yamin." You can either entertain this paragraph or ignore it as I go on to what looks like a very key discovery. I have not known of Amymone before, nor have I ever stressed Hypermnestra, Amymone's alternative name. I've always had trouble deciphering "mnestra," until this update.

Repeat from above: "The wife of Lynceus was HypermnESTRA, clearly a take of the real location of LyncESTES]. I can finally identify "Mnestra," as a Mon-Estra term, for a myth writer gave it away when giving her another name, AmyMONE. I have the great sense that this is the line to HasMONeans, and so, when I elaborate on Amymone at the Amie topic below, remember that Amymone's family has just traced to the lake where Soducena was located." In other words, tracing Hasmoneans and Sadducees to the same people group / geography makes sense.

The Amie surname uses nothing but bears on a pile, suggesting a trace to Pylos and Arcadia (the Greek bear symbol was given to mythical Arcas, representation of Arcadia). This topic may not have been had not French Amys shown "AMOTTE" and similar variations, strikingly like the Hasmonean-suspect Motts (ESToile!). What a grand coincidence, for HasMONeans lived at MODi'in, from Methoni, beside Pylos. It looks like the Amy's/Amotts (Este colors) were named after Amymone elements, and they even use ermines on their Benjamin-suspect bend, a symbol that can be for Hermes, who was made born in Arcadia. So many coincidences seem to be anything but. I am already sure that Amymone was the proto-Maccabee and proto-Caiaphas line.

The "Hyper" term could be for "Kypris," the alternative for Aphrodite, or just for a Hebrew term such as the ancient "Apiru." For example, the Apiru were with Mitanni-related Idrimi near Halab/Aleppo in the days of the Mitanni, about 1400 BC my time (I don't go by the dating scheme of historians before 1500 BC, but bring those dates to lower numbers). That date is about one generation after the Exodus, smack at the time of the book-of-Judges story on the Benjamites. The Hyksos Hebrews had already escaped Egypt into Canaan, and they would name Kizzuwatna very near Idrimi's territory, and right beside Adana, where Danaans are expected. The woman I knew was Adana Teague. I had known no-one else with a Teague surname, so important now, especially as it uses the Julian cross in Julian-cross colors, and therefore traces to the Caiaphas-suspect family.

Before going on, let's try to get a handle on who the Friends had been before they took on a version that honored the Amy's. Believe it or not, this can lead right back to the James'. It begins with the horseshoes of Irish Ferrents/Fearons/Ferrans (in the colors of the annulet-using Crane's, important because English Ferrents/Farrands use a crane), and from there goes to the horseshoes of Ferrari's and Ferris'/Ferriers (some Ferris' are listed with Fergus(on)s). The Ferris/Ferriers Crest is an ostrich, the symbol of the James' who are using the Caesar-suspect dolphin. There is good potential here for a trace to Taphians at the Hagel-suspect Akheloos river, but it should also be said that Idrimi was near the Syrian city of Daphne.

"Idrimi" was identified with ADRAM(molech), the Sepharvite god, and "SEPHAR" was traced to the formation of Spartans, one of which was Amymone! That works. I trace "Adram" to "Hadoram," a son of Joktan that, according to Genesis, lived at/beside Sephar.

The Ferrents/Ferriers (Hugh D'Avrances kin), Ferrris' and Crane's are in the gold-on-red colors of the James dolphin. English Ferrends/Farrands were first found in Norfolk and Cambridge, where Benjamins and Julians were first found. Ferrends/Farrands use the double fesse, which can trace to the same of Ness' and Washingtons, both from Pylos / Methoni liners. The Ferris red-on-white bend, with bendlets, is the symbol of Belgian Gonne's! For me, this is tracing Pharisee suspects to Yonne. The Gonne's/Guenets (suspect with the gauntlet gloves of Wayne's / Fane's) had linked to the gonfanon of the Montforts, and the Montfort lion is suspect in the Stock/Stoaks and Stake/Stacks surnames (both related to Pembrokeshire), now tracing tentatively to ASTAKos at the Akheloos river. The Stake's/Stacks use their lion ermined-white on red, the Friend symbol, and the colors of the Daphne-suspect David/Daffy Coat. Moreover, the Friend chevron is that of Wayne's too, and Wayne's are kin of the Fane's/Vains that are likewise part of "gonFANon"!

As Hagels use an eagle as play-on-word, the eagle in the Ferrent/Fearon crest may certainly apply (if Ferrents are a Friend branch). If the eagle was initially the phoenix, then I would trace it to the Lake-Van line (where Wayne's and Fane's trace) to the formation of Phoenicians, and proto-Hermes of Phoenicia is in the Friend / Wayne ermines. As I go on to trace Amymone to Lesbos, keep in mind that the related Phocaeans were at the mouth of the Hermus over-looking Lesbos.

Recall that Teague-like surnames had linked to Daphne-suspects such as Macintock-related Touch's/Taffs. Therefore, indeed, James' and related Hagels are now tracing to the Akheloos river! I wrote that before realizing that, where "ASTAKOS" smacks of "ASTIKAS," the surname that ostrich-using Trabys merged with, it traces the James ostrich to Trabys of Lithuania. It suggests that the white James (and Dougal / Dowel) lion is that also of the Stocks and Stacks! There was a Douglas-like term in Lithuania to which I had traced the James-related Douglas', but I have forgotten the term and the entity to which it belonged.

It should be added that Ferrents evoked the Frame's and Frane's; the latter were first found in the same place (Burgundy, location of Nevers / Autun, beside Yonne) as Fairs/Vairs that use the Gonne bend in colors reversed. Frames (see Fairholme's/FARME's/Ferme's and Fairs/Fayers) are again in gold on red (colors of Farrs, Crane's, Ferris', Vere's), but using an upright gold lion, the Kyburg / Hagel (and Ferrari / Ferguson) symbol. If you understand me, we are apparently tracing Friends to Pharisee suspects at the Touques / Cabourg theater, and then the Ferris' are said to be from Henry de Fereres, "Lord of Longueville." Longueville, lest you've forgotten, is around a small cove from the mouth of the Touques, and beside Montvilliers, suspect with Villers-Bocage to the other side of the Touques (Villers/Fillers are again in gold on red). It looks like Friends and Teague's both are tracing to that part of Normandy, and so shouldn't the Hasmonean-liner, Friend-related Amie's / Amys also trace there???

Could the Bocage-suspect BOCHs (share the Seir-suspect goat with Time's) trace to "PHOCaea"? Bochs are in Amy/Amott colors, and the latter use ermines too. While LesBOS became suspect as a line from Buz, the Amys/Amotts use the same bend as Buz-based Botters, and the latter belong to Chatans and Clan Chattan, the ones who use, "TOUCH not the cat, BOT a glove." Is that motto part code for the gauntlet glove of Wayne's / Fane's?

Hmm, the three white-on-red stag heads of Friends are in gold on red in the Anne/Hanne/ANNIE Coat, perhaps revealing that Anne liners were in AMY(mone), though I'm not equating the two terms as variations. This recalls that the counts of HAINaut use the three Levi chevrons, and that the Hainaut capital is MONS! Amymone Spartans must trace to Hainaut, therefore. Amy-like Hamons (in Teague colors) share an ermined chevron with Friends, and were first found in the same place (Kent) as Time's/Timms, honored by the Teague motto term, "MeTUAM," which looks like it could be honoring Mytilene elements too. Teague's and Time's use similar chevrons, and Time's are with very-little doubt from Timna, sister of Lotan, while the latter traced to the Lotan > Ladon > Daphne line! The Taphians had been on the Ladon river with very-little doubt, but then while Timna is expected to have lived at Bozrah, likely home of her husband (Esau's husband), it traces her line to LesBOS, location of Mytilene and MethyMNa!

Recall that the Caige variation of Teague's can be variation of Gace-suspect Cage's, for the latter show a split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Mitanni-suspect Mittens/Moutons.

Now here is what looks like a solid revelation. As I was tracing Amymone to Joktan's son moments ago, it can't be coincidental that while Hadoram is suspect in Yemen with other Joktanites (this topic is online), "MethYMNa smacks of "Yemen." This recalls my trace of Ethiopian PosEIDON to Aden at Yemen, but merging with the Yuya Mitanni en route to Tanis and the formation thereof of the Poseidon Phoenicians. It was Poseidon that was made the mate of Amymone! Plus, as Aden is an Adana-like term, it could suggest that mythical Danaus at Tanis was from Aden elements. In any case, the Meshwesh out of Tanis and into the Ben-Jabesh family are suspect with this Poseidon-Amymone line. Compare "MESH" with "METHymna." Although I wouldn't equate the two terms as variations, they trace to Messene and Methoni respectively. The Meshwesh, or whatever they were called at the time, trace to Mus at lake Van but also to CadMUS, grandson of Phoenician Poseidon. It's perfectly understandable if we just make the natural conclusions: Joktanites from Yemen tagged up with Mus elements at Tanis, yet as Joktanites lived between MESHa and Sephar, the Meshwesh/Mus entity was in the first place a merger with Joktanites before they got to Yemen. Why "JokTAN"? I would ask proto-Gogarene elements at the Tanais river.

I traced "JOKtan" to the OAK symbol, used by Bocage's in the colors of the Amys/Amott, the ermines of whom originated in Brittany, where the Bocage's were first found. Bochs use the goat, symbol of Hermes' son. I think this is meaningful, especially as Alans share the oak theme with Bocage's. The Motts were from Cotes du Nord, smack beside the Dol area...meaning that Danaan-of-Amymone elements -- Lynchestes liners -- were right there. These colors are also used by the lions of the James'/GeAMES', wherefore the "amis" motto term of the Forkers, and the Ames/AMES surname (bendLETS, shares annuLETs with Benjamins), plays well into the Amy topic below. "Amis" is listed with French Amys/Amotts, and Amis'/Ames' are in Mott colors.

The HAYmes version of the Amis/Ames surname suggests merger with Hayers / Ayers, both sharing the quatrefoil with Amis'/Amos'. Forkers were first found in AYRshire, you see. Amis'/Ames', in Dien/Dives colors, are said to be from Orne, where Ferte-Mace, Gace and the upper Dives rivers are located. The Dives passes some 25 miles from Villers-Bocage. Therefore, the Amis'/Amos' are apparently honoring the Fame's/Fane's/Vains with their "famo/fame" motto term, from Fano, beside the Maschi's of Rimini, a Ben-Jabesh settlement. Hamons, suspect with the "Amis/Ames," use "discRIMINA" in their motto. The Hamon motto can trace the Wayne's / Friends to the "Disce"-using Donkeys (chevron in Wayne/ Friend-chevron colors), the royal-Duncan Scotts that trace to Miletus and Mytilene. That helps to equate Amis'/Ames' with the Amymone line, predicting that Romans and Scotts had the same ancestry.

I've just realized why the Duncans married the Meschins of Skipton, for the DOWNkin variation of Donkeys can link to the Downhams/Dunhans (same place as Benjamins) suspect at Dunham-Masci, where Hamon de Masci lived!!! The Downs/Doune's, first found in the same place as Diens/Dives', are in Bocage colors while using the Cage stag! That traces the Duncan royals and Dunham-Masci/Massey to the Dives river, roughly where Amymone elements (suspect hard with Maccabee-based Masci's) have already traced. The black star on the Down stag is likely that of the Hamon Coat. The Donkey surname (using Duncan symbols) was first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Amis'/Ames'. The "tot" motto term of Hamons is now tracing to Kemmis / Ahkenaten elements that have proven to be in the Geames / Cam/Game surnames; it easily explains Hamon de MASCI and Tattons-of-Massey.

The "cado" motto term of Forkers can go to Cattle's/Cattels (fret)...and Cattolica, between Rimini and Fano, and that makes Forkers/Farquar's suspect, with Fergus'/Ferris', as Ferrara liners. Just think of Massey-Ferguson.

As Fane's/Vains (sept of Yuya-suspect, Macca-like Mackays) were first found in MONmouthshire, it looks like AmyMONE elements were at Monmouth (south Wales). That's important because the Cimmerians who founded Wales had traced to Cimmerians at Rhodes and Lycia, yet these Cimmerians were first at Sinope (about a century before Ezekiel), to the near-west of AMISos. Maschi liners came to rest in Cheshire, beside Wales, perfectly expected in the Meshech-Gomer alliance spoken of by Ezekiel.

Long used as a Hittite port, which appears in Hittite sources as "Sinuwa", the city [of Sinope] proper was re-founded as a Greek colony from the city of Miletus in the 7th century BC,_Turkey

As Benjamites must always be amongst proto-Massey liners, by what coincidence does the Amis/Ames Crest show a gold annulet, the color of the Benjamin annulet? As SINope ("ope" is a common Greek suffix) was in the Hattusa theater, shouldn't it's namers trace to SION at mount Hermon, named after the Hermes Cadusii? Why are Swans/Sions/Sine's (Macey Shield) in Amy/Amott colors while using falconer's gloves (it once showed as the Macey gauntlet gloves).

According to Corinna, and Diodorus Siculus, [mythical] Sinope was seized by the god Apollo and carried over to the place where later stood the city honouring her name. Diodorus adds that she bore to Apollo a son named Syrus, supposedly afterwards king of the Syrians, who were named after him.

I would suggest that this has to do with the Sensii living at/near the mouth of the Siret. Mythical Akhelous was made the father of the Sirens, meaning that heraldic Melusine (I've seen her called a Siren) can trace to the Akheloos river (Aetolia). Read on and you will see how this river can be an Elis line to Julians.

The Hamon(d) ermines are in the colors of the same of Ayer-related Shaws (the latter of the king-Massena line), and the Hamon chevron (in Chives colors) is thus easily linked to the same of Shaws. It looks like the Amis/Ames/Hames surname (in Hamon colors) links to Hamon de Masci, and therefore to the "Amo" motto of the Scotts. This is important where Scots and Irish trace themselves to Scota elements in cahoots with scythians out of Miletus. The last time on that topic, Mytilene was part of it, and then the Forkers are not only using the red hand of Ireland, but the same upright, black-on-white lion of the Middle's/Mittels. So many coincidences. We may ask whether the white rose of Amis'/Ames is that of the Saka-suspect Sachs'.

In short, the Amymone proto-Maccabees look like they trace to Amisos, also called Samsun, and so it's notable that Samsons (in Amis/Ames colors) use the Meschin scallops, that being a surname that traces to "Mazaca," probably the most-important center of the AMAZons that I see in "AMISos." In this picture, Amazons trace to Joktanites out of Yemen, meaning that Amymone co-founded Amazons.

I therefore conclude that the James-branch Benjamites were at Amisos as the proto-Scotts. The same that formed Romans formed Scotts.

As the Amis'/Ames' were first found in the same place as Rodhams/Rodans, the ermined white bend of the latter can link to the same of Amys/Amotts. And this is a very good link because the "deFICIT" motto term of Rodhams can be double code, one for Def elements and the other for Fichtenberg. This is important to the "Victor" motto of the James'/Geames' because Victors have a Fichter variation. It can be gleaned that Rodhams, Rutlands, Rutherfords and Rothers all trace to Rosh elements that I say the Cimmerians of Sinope hooked up with when the Cimmerians conquered king Rusa of Lake Van.

The pine tree in the Arms of Fichtenberg and in the Ficht surname was traced to the same of Constances because it suggested a Fichtenberg link to lake Constance (Germany). Constance's were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Amys/Amotts, perfectly expected if the latter are sharing the Rodham bend. The Fichts (share red Shield with Rodhams) are also "Fichtel," probably insinuating Fichtelberg, also in Germany. Now you know why Rodhams and Rutherfords use "nec" in their motto, as code for the Neckar river of the Fichtenberg / STUTTgart theater. The Arms of Heidenheim, in the Stuttgart theater, uses the same fesse as Alans.

The Hitler-suspect Heidel Coat shares an anchor with Jamie's, and the Heidel bend is in the colors of the same as Amys/Amotts (and Rodhams). Heidels were loaded as per German Ling(en)s said to be from Heidelberg. Might Heidelberg and Heidenheim be Head / Haddington liners? The Heidels share an upright white lion with the particular James'/Geames' that use a version of the English Ling Coat. That surname can trace to Lynceus, husband of Amymone. Probably does.

Ask the Hiedler/Hitler (share anchor with Jamie's) and Coburg Shields, like the Arms of Zurich, why Jamie's are Kyburg-important. Doesn't that trace James' to Kyburg? "Cabourg" tends to reveal for me that this was a line from mythical Kybele, of the Cabelees peoples (Lydia theater), but this is hasty.

The MUNich location of Hiedlers is now suspect with AmyMONE elements. If she passed through the Parthenius river (one river west of the Halys), Munich elements can trace to the Perseus head symbol. The Parthenius is where Heneti lived, and Sinope was in Paphlagonia. The Heneti > Veneti line was from "Van," same as mythical Pan, but note how the Venus surname (symbol of the Veneti in my opinion) uses a stag. Venus' were first found in the same place (Kent, a "Heneti-like term for a Centaur reason) ) as Amymone-related Hamons, and Irish Munichs/Mannix'/Mangans use a stag in the position of the Venus stag!

Irish Munichs make Amymone elements suspect with the Manx peoples on the Isle of Man if the white stag in the Coat is that of the Hamon-related Downs!!! We have a story. These Munichs are related to the German Munichs because the latter share double blue bends with Mannix-like Mannes'/Manners. The latter are suspect in using the Mens Chief, and that Chief looks to be used by the Frame's/FREYme's, important because the Munich stag is in the colors of the Free/Frey/PHREEZE horses. The Frane's/FRASneys could be using a version of the bars of the Amymone-suspect Cam/Game bars (= Kemmis Mitanni merged with Yemen Hebrews). A Frisian link to Mens suggests the Phryxus Phrygians on the Maeander.

As the James dolphin is suspect with the Caesar dolphin, it's notable that Lings were first found in Bridgewater, which evokes the Brigantium location near GuillESTRE. Ask neighboring Modane why Amymone elements should have been at Brigantium. The Bridgewater Coat even shares the black Roman eagle with the Arms of Guillestre. The last time we saw this eagle (same one) was in the Cam/Game-related Babel Coat!!! These Babels are the ones using a gate while Bridgewaters use the same stag design as the Cage's (first found in CamBRIDGE!) sharing the Gate Shield. The Cage / Bridgewater stag is almost like those of the Munichs / Downs. [Aha! The Gete's/Jette's (ignore write-up's trace to "Judah") use the Cage saltire in colors reversed!]

This is a good place to mention that the Mittens/Moutons, who may be using the Cage / Gate Shield in colors reversed, show the same eagle design as Syphax-suspect Spacks/Specks. It was suspect that Syphax Carthaginians / Numidians were in the Brigantium theater with the Cottius family prior to the birth, from that family, of Syphax-like Caiaphas. Behind the Spack/Speck eagle are bars in the colors of the Cam/Game and Babel bars. The Gate's had been suspect with Getuli Numidians, but are now suspect in a merger with Wassukanni elements of the Cage / Gace/Wassa kind.

One could get the impression that a Babel link to Gates traces the latter to the Bebba Bernicians, where the Amie bear should trace. The idea now is that the Kemmis / Yuya Mitanni went also to the Bebba Bernicians. This looks like the same thing as saying that Geta, brother of Caracalla (about 200 AD), and founder in my opinion of the Gate bloodline, evolved into a partnership with Bebba Bernicians, who lived in or just outside of Yorkshire, where Geta and Caracalla were stationed in a war. The Geta line was traced first to the proto-Geddes Geds (about 400 AD, pre-dated Bebba), and so note that the Jamie-Shield version of Lings uses fish (called "lings"), the Geddes symbol. The "ling's HEADS erased" are in the colors of the Saraca fish, that being the surname to which I had traced "Caracalla." This very fish symbol was clinched as the proto-fleur-de-lys from the area of lake Scodra, same area generally as Lychnidus, and therefore where Amymone liners are suspect. Then, the "erased" code was thought to be for the Eras/Rasmussens who share the Asman bend and show Asman-like variation that I trace to "Hasmon(ean)." Rasmussens (Rosh-Meshech elements at Mus?] look to be using the Pepin bend, and Pepin-of-Landon ancestry traced to queen Bebba.

As the Rasmussen unicorn was traced with the same of Fire's to the Stura entity, and because the Demonte surname from the Stura valley uses a unicorn, I would suggest that Bridewaters (same place as Bridge's, Lings, Any-related Friends, Hagels and bear-using Percivals) are using the Saluzzo Shield. This can explain why Lingers/LinGards (share wolf with Gards) are using a version of the Sale bend. German Lingers are listed as Lindens, a good example of a Lynceus-Danaan trace to Lindos on Rhodes (i.e. the city founded mythically by the Danaans). The list of surnames in the brackets are from SOMERset, and it dawned on me, shortly before this paragraph was written, that this location was named after "Gomer," an important theory now because Cimmerians/Gamir had named Kamiros on Rhodes. That was where I had traced the Kemmis liners e route to Cams/Game's.

While English Hagels share the Amy pile, German Hagels share the spread black eagle. Heids (in MOTT colors) are also "HAGELshiemer." The arrow on the white Hied/Hagelshiemer bend looks linkable to the Amy/AMOTT (and Heiden) bend. The Double's/DoBELLs share the Cage / Bridgewater stag design, and then the German Heids share the three LaBel crescents. This reminds me of neo-Nazi's at Aryan Nation at Hayden Lake, Idaho. One of the men involved with it had a Mangel surname (suspect from Joseph Mengele, Nazi in Hitler's inner circle)...using the so-called "maunches" (or "sleeves") seen in the Farr Crest. I didn't know until this topic came up here, when re-loading the Mangel/Mansel Coat, that it shares a flame in Crest with the Julian/Gillian Crest, important because the Julian/Gillian Cross is highly suspect as the makings of the swastika! Before this was written, I was going to say, but decided against it, that Hitlers look like they trace to the Akheloos river with HAGELshiemers, and so the SwaSTIKA tends to clinch it (because ASTAKos is off the Akheloos)!!! No small discovery. The Nazi's must have been senseless Taphian pirates.

The Mansel variation easily links now to the Munichs and related Maness/Manner surname. I would guess that, because the maunches are code for Manche, where Masseys were from, the Mangel Coat is a version of the Hamon Coat. It recalls that I traced the mother of Adolf Hitler to Maschi's at Cattolica. As Wikipedia's article on the swastika has a photo of an ancient swastika jewel found in the land of the Geliki/Gels, where I trace "Julian/Gillian," it looks like Gileki named "AKHELoos," and so I would now trace that place to the Gela founders of Agrigento.

It's simply unbelievable the great number of discoveries that "I" (or heraldry) have made through the years that historians seem not to know. That's just one more. It's perfectly expected to have Amymone elements at Agrigento because that was the place of mythical Creusa, while Amymone's son, Acrisius, has been equated with Creusa. The Acrisius Danaans were at Agrigento, and they trace to the Carricks with certainty. The anchors that we've been seeing (one in the Helder Coat) are code for Anchors/Annakers (Anaki Aryans that Nazi's no doubt honored) who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento, no coincidence.

As "Traby" is said to mean "horn," though I reject that as anything but code for some horn entity, see here on mythical Akhelous:

In their wrestling contest, Herakles tore of [Akhelous'] horn, out of which was made a cornucopia or horn of plenty. The river occurs in Greek art in three forms. In vase painting he was depicted as either a "merman," with a coiled fish tail descending from below his chest, or as a large man-headed bull. In both cases his head was crowned with a horn.

As the cornucopia in another myth was from Zeus and Amalthea of Crete, not only does this trace the Traby ostrich to the ostrich eggs of Crete, but the Akhelous bull is deciphered as Zeus. And I traced him to Iranians, from whom the Gileki were from. They lived smack at Rhagae/Ray, suspect as Zeus' mother, Rhea (of Crete, just draw the migrational line). Then, as Zeus' grandfather was Uranus, suspect with Iranians, note that Uranus' castration traces him to Elis, suspect from "Gel/Gileki." Therefore, the known Elis attachment to Aetolia goes to the naming of the Akheloos river. Aetolia goes to "Attaleia," in Pisidia, Zeus' brother, and mate of Amymone. On Beside Attaleia was an Olympus location, as there was in Elis, as there was a third in Thessaly, the latter being the mountain of Zeus. Spit on garbage! Zeus must have been a Gileki peoples beside or in the midst of Pisidians.

Sirens are suspect as the proto-Uranus line to Horites in Seir, suggesting that Horites named Cornith.

The Stout vikings came to rule the Orkneys and Shetland, and the Orkneys is where LINKletters were first found. The Rutherford and Rutland "orle" is for the Aurelia line that includes Orrs, who share piles with Amie's and Latters, and the latter are suspect with "LinkLETTER"! That works. It can suggest that the Rodham and Amy/Amott bend should be that of the Doris'/D'ORis' too.

The Schole's (may be a branch of Skulls sharing the same bend as Rodhams), who share the gold annulet with Benjamins and Amis'/Amos', as well as showing the black Julian / Teague cross in Crest, are apparently honored in the Linkletter motto.

The Letter/LAUDer surname (double tresure), in the colors of the Rodham / Doris bends, is using the Ali/Aliotto griffin (colors included), a good reason for identifying Little's, Letts, and similar others with the Aliotto and Leto/Alitto bloodline. The Little's, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Rutherfords, became suspect with the "LITTora" motto term of Amy-suspect Jamie's. It just so happens that the Letter Crest shares "a goose sitting on a rock" with the Rutherford Crest.

As "LAUDer" smacks of the McLeods/Louds/Lutts, and because I traced those surnames to the Aluta river, note the "ALTer" motto term of Rodhams. The Mott-suspect Mauds using a version of the MONmouth Coat (both use the red Stewart lion) are traced to a Monte ALTA.

I just realized that Mauds should be kin of Mittens/MOUTons, from Mytilene, and, so, checking for a Model surname, it brought up the Middle's/Mittels. I just dawned that the SHREWSbury location of Models/Mittels can trace to "Creusa." Or, the Crewes' (same lion as James'), first found beside Shrewsbury!

AHA! The Secord surname was just found using a swan. It was looked up as per the "Sequor" motto term of Crewes'., the Secords were first found in the same place (Maine) as French Joseph's...who showed the swan (until recently! That tends to indicate that Secords are a branch of Seconds/Segurs from Junia Secunda Caepio(nis)!!! It looks like Joseph Caiaphas was a grandson of this Junia.

I will maintain that these swans go to the Italian-Alba swan, and so note that German Alba's using nothing but a large fleur-de-lys in Alba-swan colors, and in the color of the fleur as used by Lys'/Lisse's, while the fleur traces to Lissus in the CAVII theater. This paragraph is subtle evidence that: 1) the Alba swan is the Joseph swan; 2) that the Joseph surname is for Joseph Caiaphas ; 3) that the Cavii are proto-Caepio's; 4) that the Caepio's named Caiaphas; 5) the Alba's were from the Albani(ans) of the Cavii theater. Spanish Alba's (Levi colors) were first found in Navarre, a place like "Novara," where Laevi lived.

The German Alba Shield is split in the colors of the split Trent Shield (see Arms of Sion too), and then the Spanish-Alba wolf is also the Spanish Varro wolf while Terentius Varro Murena is suspect in the family that produced Maccabees (via the ancestry of Cilnius Maecena, husband of Terentia Murena). The Baro variation of Varro's looks linkable to the Barone's using the blue Vere boar, as well as what should be the five, gold, Benjamin annulets. French Verone's/Vairs were first found in the same place as Levi's. Assume that Italian Barone's are using a version of the Guerra bendy and that Spanish Alba's are using the Panico oak (tree to Italian slang is an "alba", or "albero" properly, smacking of Alberts of Bologna, involved with Panico's). Who's white-on-blue annulet is at the center of the Italian Albert Coat? Ask Ottone Visconti.

The Crows were checked for links to the Crewes>SHREWsbury line. It was surprising to find the oak tree at the Irish Crow/MacEnroe Coat along with a "Skeagh" motto term, smacking of the Skit/Skeoch surname (Guido Shield) that I traced to Panico's! See the greyhound in the Crow/MacEnroe Crest, Mr. Skeetz. This picture must be placed beside the Schuts-suspect lion on the Scott-suspect Shield of Middle's/Mittels/Models (Shrewsbury), for it tends to paint Sadducees, merged with Modi'in's Maccabees, at the Setta valley (Bologne), and then removed to Shrewsbury = Shropshire, were Alans lived that were suspect in the first place in the Setta valley of the 1st century AD.

The evolution of "Shrews" to "Shropp," if that's what it is, suggests some Creusa lines to be found in Crop-like surnames. German Crops use bulls horns alone (a Cheney / Biden symbol), suggesting Ahkeloos.

Recalling that this topic started with the Chris/Christman swan that was able to link the surname to the Acrisius Danaans at lake Lychnidus, by what coincidence was Amymone his mother while the Linkletter/Linklitter/Linklet write-up traces to one Norseman (DANish?), CRISTE Aelingeklaet. As the Linkletters share a chequey fesse with Stewarts (suspect in their ancestry with the Stout vikings), do we think that Lynceus / Lynchestes elements trace to the Alans/ALENGs and the Langs/LENGs? Now that is starting to close an important gap, because Alans are expected to trace to Sarmatians at Tanais!!! This is completely new to me, that Alans had been from the Lynceus Danaans (although Aegyptus was the father of Lynceus, the latter is yet regarded as a Danaan-of-Argos patriarch). This well explains why Stewarts were Pendragon kin, both of them having elements at Rothesay.

French Stewarts showed ducks for years, the Linkletter symbol too! Criste's/Kists (share a horizontally-split Shield with Links) were first found in the same place (Austria) as Links. This is a great key for tracking the dragon cult. It jibes with the suggested trace of Paeonians of the Penestae theater to the Tanaro river, location of Langhe. IN FACT ZOWIE, the ASTIbus location (in Paeonia) traced to ASTI on the Tanaro, and that smacks of LynchESTes! We have a super reason thereby to trace Argos Danaans to Langhe, and so why not also to ARGentera? The latter is on the Stura river through Demonte, and then the DeMONs/Desmonds (Orleans) share a Coat much like the Criste/Kist Coat! They both uses roses, expected from Rhodians. Plus, the Stura was identified with the Satrae Thracians beside Paeonia.

This was the entity that was traced to Luneburg and Brunswick, so see first the double lions (suspect with Strange's) of the French DuMONs/Demonte's (!!!) in the colors and position of the Arms-of-Brunswick lion. These lions are in the colors of the Italian-Demonte unicorn, and the Monts come up as "Mon(s)." It looks like Amymone elements were at Demonte, but then this area was traced to Agrigento, where the Hitler-line Amymone just traced.

Then, German Langs (first found in Luneburg) use a pelican on NEST (Stewart symbol too) that traces to mythical Nestor at Pylos, where the Amie / Latter / Ore piles trace. To have AmyMONE elements at Pylos is not surprising because it's in Messene, the expected origin of Hasmoneans. The Alotto's were first found in Terme of Messina, and I trace that place to "Thermodon," home of Amazons who named Amisos.

Nestor looked like he could trace to the DNESTRE river (an Este- / Ishtar-like term), perhaps named after the Tanais, and that's the area where the Moldava capital, KISHin'ov, is located that was suspect with Kish/Kiss surname that became suspect with the Kist variation of Criste's. Previously, Criste's were traced to "Creusa," but she had also traced to Rhodes until she was discovered to be a Dannan-of-Rhodes entity, same as the Acrisis Danaans. As the Chris'/Christmans were first found in the same place as English Josephs, the Chris/Christman swan links easily to the swan shown previously in the French Joseph Coat...meaning that Joseph Caiaphas is tracing again to Acrisius elements at the Lynchestes theater. Then, the Alba swan is suspect from Alba at Langhe, and beside LynchESTes-suspect Asti.

After writing all the above, I tried for a Medal surname to find it listed with MacDowels, using the same lion as James'/Geames. How odd. It could be that "Macdowel was an Irish alteration from "Mytil(ene)." As the James' and Douglas' share similar motto terms, suspect with ANY(mone) elements, while James' share the Dowel lions, this could be one way to glean an Amymone line through Lesbos, the island with a MethyMNa location!! I've just only realized now that Amymone's alternative name, Hypermnestra, goes to the ending on Methymna, which then identifies the latter as Methy-Mona! And it surely traces to Methoni, root of Modi'in. Seriously, Hasmoneans were from Methymna, I guarantee it.

From Wikipedia's article on Amymone: "Poseidon approaches Amy[m]one, whose identity is symbolized by the water jug, with the Cupid above representing the erotic motive..." Then, from the last update: "There are Krug/Crug surname's both using jugs in Pastor colors. The latter use a fesse in colors reversed to the Craig fesse, and in the Craig fesse are crescents (Saracen symbol) in the colors of the Alexander crescent." The latter statement tends to trace the jugs to proto-Craigs at Akragas = Agrigento. This city must have been the proto-Caracalla / Saraca line that we saw above in relation to the Ling fish. It's suggesting again that Amymone liners came through Agrigento, or at least merged with the namers of that city.

It just so happens that the Juggs/Jutts/Judds were traced recently to the Cotes de Nord area of the Motts! It's exactly where Amymone is expected. My system is playing tricks with me (it doesn't always find terms that I ask for), not finding the file with "Jugon" (Cotes du Nord), a term I thought I had mentioned a couple of times recently while on this Jugg surname. I've searched each file in the last five weeks for "Jugon," but nothing turned up. Is someone erasing my work? I DID mention that place as a priority.

The Cupit/Cubit/Cobbitt surname happens to use the blue Caepio-line lion, used by James'. With surnames at hand tracing to pagan elements, it's not surprising if a surname should be named after the Roman Cubit, who was the Greek Eros (brother of Erotes), son of Ares, expected on Rhodes, and then Cubits were first found in Lincolnshire, the old name of which was like "Lindos." Note the cloud in the Cupid Crest, for Nephele (cloud symbol) may have been code for Nauplius: "To Poseidon she [Amymone] bore Nauplius, 'the navigator,' who gave his name to the port city of Argos." It just so happens that the blue lion is shared by Nauplius-like Nobels (Northumberland). The Nobel lion is expected as the one in the Arms of COPEland, thus tracing Cupid elements to that place. Dutch Nobels share the rose Cope's and Copps. The Copelands (Northumberland) are the ones with a "Benigno" motto term, much like "Benjamin."

Place bets on whether "Cupid" was from "Jabesh." There were quite a few centuries between Benjamites of Israel and the Romans, with twists and turns expected in Jabesh terms. Compare "Cupid" to "Jupiter."

Did you note LINColnshire? Was that deliberate? Looks like. I now understand why it could be. The Aime surname is listed with Haine's (the Mott crescent?), first found in Lincolnshire. The Hannity's, who share a blue leopard face with Jeffersons, were likewise first found in Lincolnshire. The Hannity greyhound can trace them to the Penny greyhound, important because Penestae was on the same river as a Has location. German Haineys/HAYNE have a variation like the Amis/Ames/HAYMES surname. Couldn't this indicate that AMYmone was the Annas-Hasmonean line to Modi'in??? Yep. English Haineys may be using the Matt and/or Sam and/or Flanders lion.

German Haineys use a Shield split diagonally, like the Arms of Zurich, and while James' traced to the Kyburg area of Zurich, the Haineys share an upright white lion with James. This is important now that the "J'Aime" motto term of James can include Hain liners. As Haineys were first found in Silesia, where Sitlers/Schitners are from, it looks like the Belgian Haineys are using the Sitler lion. There is good reason here to trace the Schitners to the Arms of Flanders, and Mr. Skeetz told me that his surname should trace to Flanders aside from this evidence.

It appears that Amymone was a Pisidian line from Poseidon's Atlantean entity out of Attaleia, and that she ended up with the Leda swan liners in Sparta, for the sister of Elis-suspect Helen was CLYTEmnestra, while Plato gave a "CLEITO" (probably the Khaldi line to mythical Atalanta, queen of Calydon) as the wife of Atlantean Poseidon. Therefore, as Hypermnestra=Amymone was part of Clytemnestra, I now know who the latter was after years of darkness on her identification. "Hyper" is likely code for the Apollo worshipers, Hyperboreans. Apollo likely evolved into Pollux, Clytemnestra's brother. As swan liners, there are expected at lake Lychnidus. Although the neighboring Lynchestes location was not a Spartan one, but from Argos, note that Pelops' son, Atreus, became a king of Argos while Atreus father, MENElaus, was married to Helen above.

While I trace Pelop's father to Attaleia's alternative name, Antalya, note the "tendit" motto term of the Jaime's, for not only can it be code for entities from "Tantalus" (Pelop's father), but the Jamie Crest uses a ship while the Coat uses anchors, two Atlantean symbols. And the "littora" motto term (of Jaimie's) can go to Leda liners.

Akheloos Like Never Before

Not that James' are tracing seemingly well to a Kyburg entity, it's suspect with the Coburg line to the current queen of England. She is also a Teck...from the Ticino, and therefore of a line to Tessy-sur-Vire, some 50 miles from Cabourg, and only about 20 from Villers-Bocage. JJ Tolkien would have been familiar with all this; I'm not.

The JaMOT variation of French Benjamins could be to honor the Motts, both using a black Shield. As English Benjamins (same place as the Fulk > Plantagenet line) use a version of the Elis cross, Motts are likely using the Elis crescent. As Elis elements are now tracing potentially to Akheloos, Motts could go there. Motts are said to be from Cotes du Nord in Normandy, but I couldn't find such a location aside from smack beside Dol of Brittany. Dol is in Vilaine, and Vilains use Mott colors. I recently showed how Vilaine-like terms could be Gileki / Julian liners. The Caesar dolphin is making Julius Caesar suspect with the Taphians at Akheloos.

It could look like Benjamins/Jamots were Stewart-related Mott liners by merger, explaining why Mauds/Molds use the Stewart lion. The only thing I can say, at the moment, about the Vilain Coat is that it looks like the Tanner Coat. The Vilaine area may therefore have been named by TANcarville elements at MontVILLIERS. That latter location was at Longueville, and Giffards, who ruled there, use only lozenges, in the colors of the Mott crescent, in their Coat. In the Giffard Crest, the Maccabee-suspect rooster. The Sinclairs may have picked up their rooster when merging with Tanner elements, after Tanners picked it up from Giffards. Both Giffards and Motts use the colors of the Eagle'/Hegels, from a L'Aigle location in Normandy, suspect with Taphians and/or Aetolians at Akheloos. The two-headed eagle in the Arms of L'Aigle can certainly trace to Julians.

The Eagle/Hegel symbol is just six lions in white, the colors of the Stake/Stack and Stock lions! This number six is important because the Astikas and Trabys together were suspect as 666 liners, as were Kilpatricks using a dexter lion's paw as part of that theme. The Eagle's/Hegels use "A lion's paw grasping an eagle's leg." For whatever it might mean, Savages use six lions in the same configuration, in colors reversed, and the Savage Crest likewise uses a lion paw. I've remarked in the past that the Savidge variation looks like they could be a branch of Davids, first found in the same place as Savage's, but Davids are also "Daffy." The Stock and Stake lions are, remember, from Monforte, at Montferrat, i.e. along the Tanaro. The Stock lion happens to be in the two colors of the Eagle/Hegel lions, thus clinching a trace to Astakos. Like the Giffard symbol, the Stock lion is ermined.

It just so happens, that, before finding these lions in colors reversed. I found a Coat using nothing but the Savage lion from the Jeff surname, which happens to include a JEFFER variation. I looked it up checking to see whether GEFFARD" was a Jeff / Jefferson liner. And there you are. Jeffs/Jeffers were first found in the same place as Traby-related Trevors. Geffers/Gevers/Jeevers (the Bos/Bosch and Bush/Busch fleur, traces to Esau's capital) are in Gopher/Gover/Gofair colors. Heffers use a "mon" motto term, lest we forget the James-and-Amymone trace to the Akheloos.

Recall that Daphne traces well to the heraldic dove as per Cuppae, for the Stock Crest has a dove with OLIVE LEAF, clearly suggesting that Levi's of the Olive / Oliver kind may have been at Akheloos. Keep in mind that Daphne's Ladon river traces to Lotan in Seir. Therefore, the Lotan > Timna-Eliphas line was likely depicted by the nasty Sirens of Akheloos. Seir is where I trace the shaggy goat, note that Mortains use a goat in both Crest and Coat, for L'Aigle is in Mortagne-au-Perche. By what coincidence do Scottish Olivers share two red-on-white chevrons with Perche's???

The German Stocks can prove to be from Akheloos too. There is no way I could use trickery to make all these thing work so well. The German Stock description says that the Crest is "An armored man holding a raised sword." The Armors happen to use a "Cassis" motto term, and then Lotan was "killed" (defeated) by Baal when he lived on mount Cassius = Saphon. You see, the heraldry masters knew where Lotan's line was at.

The Armors can link to Giffards by way of the Lamour/Lamor variations (of Armors), which begins to indicate that these are More liners. This is made plain where the Armers (with an 'e') show properly, "Amore," important because Giffards use "Malo mori" in their motto. That's Malahule of More, apparently honored in the "malus" motto term of Armers/Amore's. The first Armer/Amore is said to be OLIVA of More. The Armer/Amore Coat is a version of the Hanan and MALbone/Malls Coats, and the latter surname was not only first found in the same place as Savage's, but at STOCKport!

There is a Malis/Mellish surname (swans), first found in Daphne-suspect Devon. It's said ti descend from Hugh of Rennes at a Melhuish location in Devon. Rennes evokes the Raines', and they use lions in the colors of the Stock and Eagle/Hegel lions!!! That traces Raines liners, and Rennes as a whole, which is in VILAINe, to Akheloos, where Astika's of VILNius trace! Recall the Patchie-suspect Pattys, using lions in the same colors again (of Raines', etc.), for Patch's share black hunting horns with Trabys. No coincidence.

By the way, Devons use ducks, which seems to have something to do with them naming of Daffy duck, in black and white, the colors of the Devon ducks. As I've said, if Daphne elements named Devon, then they likely named Davenports (in Devon colors) and the Diva location near Davenports. Diens/Dives (white-on-black EAGLE wing, hmm) were first found in the same place as Devons, and then Deins, also first found in the same place (Sussex) share a round-tailed lion with Davins/Devans/Devine's.

It strikes me now that the Masci eagle wing, which was of a different design than the one now showing, and which was used in the center of the Dien/Dives Coat until it too changed design, traces the Masci's to Akheloos. I can support this idea where the Siren/Siret surname traces to Justine of Picenum, near the Maschi surname's early origins. The Sirons/Sirets (first found in the same place as Messeys), are the ones that traced to Vilnius without doubt along with Justine's family (about 400 AD). The Masseys/Masse's share the crescents of Eliphas-suspect Oliphants, you see. The Masci trace to Akheloos can go either on it's own, or via a merger with the namers of L'Aigle, the Arms of which share a blue Chief with Masci's, use the Masci fleur, and an eagle in the colors of the Massi/Mattis eagle. The Maschi lion is the lion of Voirs (Brittany), and then Voirs honor the Oliphant-related Touts who likewise use the Oliphant / Massey crescents. These lines trace to Massa-Carrara and neighboring Luna, close enough to Pisa to expect Akheloos elements in that area. Besides, the Ferte-Mace location was related to Bellamys at Perche (there is a Belleme location at Mortagne-au-Perche).

Now that Macey liners have played into this L'aigle entity, let's go back to the swans of the Malis/Mellis Coat, and let's toss in the MALATesta entity in the Maschi write-up, for Mallats can be a version of the Mallis'. Let's also toss in the Malbone's, first found in the same place as Masseys/Macey's, and using the Massey Shield. And while we're at it, see the MaLISE variation (of Malis'), for Masseys use the Lys/Lise fleur in the same colors. The Swan/SINE/Sion surname uses, not only swans, but the Macey Shield and the Macey gauntlet gloves. Then, recall that MeluSINE has been called a Siren. Then compare MELLis and similar terms to "MELusine." It's clear: Massey liners trace with Melusine elements to the Akheloos river. The heart at the center of the Swan/Sion Coat might just belong closely to the one in the French-Sauvage Coat.

What dos swans and Akheloos remind you of? Swan liners Helen, suspect from Elis, and her sister, Amymone. Mythical ACHILLES (human-sacrifice cult, same as Zeus) must have been from the AKHELOOS, explaining why Achilles was of Epirus elements, due north of the Akheloos.

It all means that there should be surnames after "Aetolia." Tolls and Dols are coming to mind, and zowie, as the white lion has traced there, what about the white on red lion (in the colors of the Stock lion) of Tools? What about "DOWELs," who come up as "Dool," using another white lion, even the James lion???

Let's go back to the Rita's, who use the James lion too, and while we're at it, let's bring up the lion, in colors reversed, of Cert's, who can be suspect with the Siret variation of Sirons/Sire's. If Dol traces to "Aetolia," it jibes with Motts of neighboring Cotes-du-Nord, suspect with the Amott line of Amys, the latter (large ermines) in the colors of the Dols and Bocards (Brittany); the latter share the oak theme with Alans of Dol. The oak was a symbol of Zeus, not contradictory to my tracing it to Joktanites because I think "JOKtan" is the makings of the OX, a Zeus symbol, but also of mythical Akheloos.

The Mott Crest is an eight-pointed estoile, a symbol linked suggestively to "Wessel" elements of the West / Este kind, yet the GASTel variation of Wessels (along with other evidence) traces them to the Gace location on the Touques, and as GUSTs share a curved bar with Rita's (had traced to the Rice/Rhys / Rye surnames), it's likely that they both trace to a Ryes location (in the Bessen), about 20 miles from Villers-Bocage. To put it another way, the estoile should trace to Asti on the Tanaro, and as such the estoile can trace to the Vilains (share Tanner Coat)...and therefore to Vilaine, smack beside the Motts at Cotes du Nord. It looks like Gastels were named after Asti or vice-versa. Ryes is a few miles from the Dives, which can explain why Diens/Dives and Rye's/Ryse's/Rise's were first found in the same place.

Perhaps an estoile was used because it ends in 'l', as does "Wessel/Gastel." This is one way to get the James' from Kyburg to Cabourg, by tracing Benjamin kin to the Touques. But as Cabourg is at the Dives river, note that the Dives/Dyva Coat uses a dancette, and so the Donnus Cottians can be traced to the Dives river too. But doesn't the Dives term trace to Taphians along with James'? I think so, yes, and even the Dove/Dow surname ("PATIEns" motto), uses a dancette...and doves, both in Mott colors / Devon-duck colors. Moreover, Taffeys/Taffe's share the Cotta fretty lattice, which itself honors Ferte-Mace so that it gets to the Akheloos by way of Maceys. This provides a reason to explore Aetolian-related myth characters for further gleanings.

To verify that the James motto term is in honor of Amie's, the fork-tailed lion of James' links in some way to Forkers/Farquers, first found in the same place as "fork"-using Cunninghams, suspect with fretty-using "Caen," smack between Villers-Bocage and Ryes, and about a dozen miles from Cabourg. Forkers use both a "cado" and an "amis" motto term, suggesting that Amie's, Friends and Hagels were common / fundamental kin to Cottians. Thus, we have been able to trace the James' Benjamites from Kyburg to Cabourg.

The Cabbage's/Cobells ("angustis" motto term), who likewise use white-on-black lions now tracing to the Akheloos, might just apply to CABourg. Recall the lion's paw grasping an eagle's leg, for the latter is a symbol of the August Coat. That lion's paw was used by the Eagle's/Hegels using six lions in the colors of the Cabbage lion. Bingo! The Cabbage chevron is not only in the colors of the Levi chevron, but colors reversed from the chevron of Talons that use eagle talons/legs! It's the CAPone colors and format so that Cabourg and Kyburg might just be Caepionis liners. After all, Capone's were first found in the same place as Julians, and Italian Capone's even use a black-on-white lion, which moreover happens to be the colors of the Jewish Levi lion! I do declare, the Jonathan Levites were at Aetolia, and therefore likely at Attaleia.

Talons/Tallants could be Dol / Tool liners. The Cabbage Chief had linked solidly to the same of English Bakers, and then German Bakers use what looks like the Doris/D'Oris bend, in the colors of the Rye/Ryse bend. As the latter surname was first found in Susa-like Sussex, while Wessex can be construed as a West- / Vestalis-liner entity, it recalls that Orells are using a version of the Saxon Coat, and that the Saxon-related Jutes / Geats were tracing to the Cottius family, and that the latter was suspect in a merger with Saxon-like Sequani. It tends to reveal that Sussex and Wessex, Saxon domains, are evidence of Cottius roots in the formation of the Saxon peoples. There are double-meaning terms used regularly by anything tracing to real but mythicized Greek entities. Therefore, I would suggest that Sussex and Wessex were named secretly after the line of Aurelia Cotta, but made to appear named after south and west. It can be the same idea at Suffolk and Norfolk, where Folks were first found.

Recall the Pinocchio discussion that traced to Fulks as well as Brooms using what was suspect as the Chappes' "ears of wheat," for Saddocks (Sussex) use "ears of rye" so as to trace Saddocks, Chaddocks, Chadwicks and Chads to the Ryes location, or neat to it. Anytime we find a white Shield with a black inner Shield, it can be suspect as a Saddock liner. And that's what we could have in the German Talon Coat, albeit is use an inner Shield with gold-and-black bars...the colors of the bars in the Arms of Saxony. Then, while Wessels/Gastels (suspect from "Vestalis", son of Cottius) use "WHEAT grabs" in their description, the Wettins are using the Arms of Saxony in full! It means that wheat symbols must at times be code for Wettins, said by some to be the root of the Windsors, known to be from Saxe-Gotha and Coburg. Figure out what this means, or to what sort of Israeli's the Brit royals trace to, and you will learn that the Illuminati is in play, those still seeking to kill Jesus.

Although I've known it in the past, I couldn't recall it while first on the Rita topic, that another surname using a curved bend (Rita symbol) is the Wettin surname.

Danish Rye's use two, white ostrich feathers that can trace Ryes elements to Astakos. Perfectly expected now. Ryes and other locations under discussion are near the Orne river too, a term like "horn." The Traby horn, and the horn symbol of mythical Akhelous, are coming to mind.

I'm wondering whether Rays/Rae's apply to Ryes because they are suspect as Zeus' wife, while Akhelous was suspect as the Zeus taurus. Repeat from above: "The Downs/Doune's, first found in the same place as Diens/Dives', are in Bocage colors while using the Cage stag!" The Ray Crest uses this stag while the Ray Coat uses stags in the colors of the Munich stags.

There was a mythical (H)Esus (woodcutter symbol links well to Essenes) that is said to have had a crane-and-bull combination symbol. As Cronus ate his children, it's notable that Esus was a cannibal, as that human condition likely passed to the Zeus-Rhea entity. It's not a pretty picture. I just came across a crane in the Danish Rye Coat, thus making the Rays suspect from Esus and Akhelous, and moreover tending to equate Rays, and Rhea, with Rye's. The two Rye ostrich feathers are in a 'V' shape, like two horns.

As Rhea was the great-mother goddess, it reveals that Ishtar was in Rhagae/Ray. Then, while French Rays use an "escarBUNCLE," the Buncle's use buckles in the colors of the Ishtar-like Stirlings/Sturlings/Sterlings (branch of Stobi / Stubbs / Stubbing Paeonians), and the black-skinned Moor head of Stirlings links easily to the Chappes'/Chaips, first found in Stirlingshire. I think I can now identify the reason for ESCARbuncle as part-code for the Schere's using "ears of wheat"! Wheat-suspect English Wettins use buckles!!! Therefore, as Wettins share a curved chevron with Rita's, it seems that Rita's are also from Zeus-Rhea elements.

The black Schere-Crest eagle is in the design of the black Hagel-Crest eagle! If either of them changes, I've checked it to assure the identicality at this time.

Reminder: Chaip-suspect Kaip(f)s use a curved perchevron, as do Visconti's. Read on. English Wettins were first found in GLOUCestershire, which I trace to mythical Glaucus, who was given a snake symbol in one myth involving Asclepios (the latter's symbol was one snake coiled around a staff / rod). I identified it with the green Visconti snake, that was later made blue, because they say that "Glaucus" means "green-blue." There is a green coiled snake, around a so-called "stick" (!!!), in the Schere Coat. It means that these surnames trace to mythical Coronis, mother of Asclepios, and obviously the line of Cronus, husband of Rhea! And that's why the Rays use the ESCARbuncle, for links to the Rhea-liner Schere / Scherf / Sheer suspect with Seir > Siren elements, especially as Sirons/Sirets use a "green snake looking at himself in a mirror" (code for the mirror of the snake-tail woman, Melusine). In another myth, Glaucus was given a fish tail, meaning that he traces to the same place as Melusine.

The three exclamation marks above are for ASTIKa-like "stick." The heraldry masters knew of this trace to Astakos! And as the Visconti snake is eating a child, the heraldry masters knew of this trace to cannibals in the Akheloos river. As Hagels use the Amie pile, let's not forget that the fish-tail symbol always connects to Poseidon, who mated with AMYmone to produce Acrisius, a line to Agrigento where the Drago river named the Melusine-related Drakes. The latter seem to be using three 6's in the dragon's tail. It's notable that Visconti-suspect Guiscards/Wisharts were first found in Stirlingshire, and that the Guiscard piles are in the colors of the Hagel / Amy pile. That should explain the eagle in the Guiscard Crest. The Atlanteans of Aetolia are tracing to Stirling. Why do Guiscards use "deSIRE" in their motto?

It's not a pretty picture. Zeus was born to Rhea in a cave, where demons find peace from the Light of God. The Cronus cannibals (= the Moloch-bull human-sacrifice cult) were after the infant Zeus at the time. We get it. As I traced the Cann/Caen motto term to the Imperi peoples that conducted human / goat sacrifices in Africa, might "Cann" be named after cannibals? The Zeus infant was linked by myth writers to the goat horn of AMALthea, suspect with AMALEKites (a peoples that disgusted the God of Israel) who may have named Moloch/MOLECH."

Melusine is now tracing to Malis'/Mellis' and Malahule of More, patriarch of the Meschins in the Bessin (location of Ryes) using scallops as code for Scylla, whom Glaucus loved. Scallops in Meschin colors are used by Cabbage-related Bakers (both tracing with Masseys to Akhelous) and Samsons, the latter likewise first found in GloucESTERshire. Was MALahule named after AMALthea elements? Have the Amalekites traced to the Sinclair vikings? Note that mythical Atalanta, suspect with Aetolia, was married to MELeager. JJ Tolkien gave him a MELKor code suggesting that the root is Molech-like "MELEAG." Aren't Amalekites highly suspect now at Aetolia and Calydon? Yes, for the goat horn of Amalthea has already traced to the Akheloos in Aetolia.

But Amalthea was also made into a honey/bee goddess, recalling that I traced Cretan elements (the birth goddess, Eleuthia) to the bee cult of Ephesus, which cult was called, "essenes," suspect with the bull cult of Esus. Proto-Essenes of Israel are suspect with the Aeson > Iason line to the Argo-ship Atlanteans.

A trace of the Rye's/Rhys' to mythical Rhea does not necessarily discredit a trace to Rize, a location beside Trabzon, for the Rye / Ray liners are tracing to the same place as Trabys. There was apparently a migration of proto-Trojan Zeus elements to the Akheloos river. But these elements are proving to be from Seir in particular, as well as the human-sacrifice cult of Tyre, which was called Hercules (this is online), from Samson in Timnah. The Taurus-related Cretans that removed to the Ephesus area were otherwise given the code, SARPedon, like "serpent," whom I trace to the Sorbs of Lusatian, a Melusine haunt.

Amalek is a figure in the Hebrew Bible. According to the Book of Genesis and 1 Chronicles, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz and the concubine Timna. Timna was a Horite and sister of Lotan.

We have a story, but not until now, thanks to lines tracing (for the first time) from Crete to Sirens at the Akheloos, have I had the evidence to expose Amalthea as an Amalekite line. Until now, I could not prove that Amalekites created the Moloch-bull cult. But that's partly due to my being unfamiliar with mythical Akheloos. Never before have I had reason to stress the Akheloos river, which I knew only due to the presence of Ladon-related Taphians. There's the proof that Lotan's line created the Ladon dragon. The problem has been that the honey goddess of Boiotia (where Ephesus' Pandareus elements evolved into Aeson-suspect queen Aedon), Melia, can trace to both "Amalek" and "mel" = "honey." It was hard to prove that she was an Amalek line for that reason. Melia was made a part of Inachus, the founder of Argos, symbolized with the white Zeus cow, Io, founder of Bozrah-suspect Bosphorus.

In my mind, Kyburg's importance to heraldry is of the Cohen-related Hohens of neighboring Swabia, who share the Fer/Ferrat Shield in the red colors of the Gonne's/Kohns. The Hohenzollerns and/or Hohenstaufens of Swabia got a RED eagle, you see, from antler-using Zahringens, an antler from the Arms of Spree-Neisse (Lusatia), but suspect with the antler of Jones- and Gonne-like Cone's. Does it look like the Cone's are Cohens? Yes, suggesting that antler-using Conte's were too. It simply means that Jonathan's Levites went to Emma Conteville, wife of Richard Goz, suspect with the Gace location because Goz's likewise share the white-on-blue stars of the Aurelia's.

The question is: how many heraldic eagle's trace to Akheloos? As Edom had a red-color symbol, shouldn't a red eagle be of utmost importance out of Akheloos? Did the Zahringers and Veringens come out of Aetolia's Sarpedon > Sorb liners? When Cadmus, brother of Europa (Sarpedon's grandmother) on Crete, followed a bull to the founding of Thebes (in Boiotia), was that proto-Akheloos? It makes sense. It would tend to trace CadMUS elements from Mus/Tarun of Lake Van to the Proto-Masseys at Akheloos, and it just so happens that the red eagle is used by Tarans/Tarants (Trents use an eagle too).

From Hasmonean-suspect Amymone in Akheloos, we just go forward in time to Cilnius Maecenas, who married Terentia. "Cilnius" was traced to Kills/Keele's (in Eagle/Hegel colors), using the Mott crescent, possibly, and the quartered Shield of HohenZollern-suspect Zollerns. As Cadmus was a Cadusii liner (symbolized by two snakes coiled around a rod in the so-called caduceus symbol of Hermes), and as I identified one of the two caduceus snakes as the Gileki, and while the Gileki are tracing to Elis as well as "AKHELoos," not only does it look like the Gileki are responsible for the Akheloos eagle, but the Gileki are suspect in the Kill/Keele surname. Quartered Crests, used also by Zollerns, had been suspect with the Junia Caepio's? If the Hagels trace to the Akheloos-eagle line, so do Amie's.

As "Staufer" is said to mean "grail bearer," while Staufers use a cup, the grail-using Giles can apply to Gileki liners of the Kill / Zollern kind. The Zollerns are suspect from Sol = Helios elements, and I think Helios, like "helix," was from the Gileki. I think the Gileki serpent doing a helix around a rod is code for Helios lines. The Killins, in Kill/Keele colors, are also "Gilin," suspect with Julians/Gillians in colors reversed. Sellers use grails too, as well as the Joseph swan design.

After writing that, the Kelners/KILNers were checked as per "CILNius," to find a giant spread eagle in typical black-and-white colors of Akheloos liners! This is very good evidence that Maecenas' surname was an Amymone liner to the formation of Maccabees. The Kelner eagle is even white, the color of the Masci eagle wing. German Kelners/Kellers (suspect with Sellers) were first found in Swabia! These Kelners use a key symbol traceable to the Caiaphas line of Chives (the Mosca leopard) and Sheaves (= Shawia Numidians related to Maecenas-like king Massena). I even recall an old trace of Kelners to the Caves'/Cavie's (fretty lattice), now tracing to the Chives'.

Feasibly, "Cilnius" became "Vilnius" by a long route, for example after "Cilnius" formed 'G' and 'Gu' versions, then 'W' versions.

Caves' are said to be from "Chaff," but, hogwash, we get the truth. The black greyhound in the Caves Crest traces to the Lissus river of the Cavii. But the "chaff" = "bald" idea in the Caves write-up suggests clever code for the American bald eagle. Very interestick. The Sticks share gold garbs with Josephs, and the "stick" code of Rhea-liner Schere's tends to prove that Sticks are from "Astikas" (I identified Astikas' as Stewart liners). The Sticks -- first found in the same place (Somerset) as Friends and Hagels -- happen to use their garbs in the two colors of the Traby bugle. I've got the sense that the Stick scallops are being used by Villers/Fillers, which has the tendency to identify them with "VILnius." In this picture, the Dol-suspect Bocage's are in Caves colors for a kinship reason, for Villers-Bocage is smack beside fretty Caen.

I'd like to mention the "Ghost Society" of WESTcott and Hort. As WestCOTTs seem clearly to be of Wessel-line Cottians, it dawns on me that "Ghost" is code for the Goz's / Gusts.

Whistle's/Wissells just came to mind for the first time, who were first found in the same place as Friends and Hagels (!), tending to trace the Kyburg elements in the Hagel family to the Touques / Dives river. If that's the Tool lion in the Whistle/Wissell Coat, it's another potential reason for tracing Cottians to Akheloos (if Tools were named after a corruption of "Aetolia"). The Whistle's, in the colors of the Gace/Wassa star, use a string of lozenges that recently linked to Panico's. I have been linking Tool-suspect Strange's (Stewart kin) to Panico's ever since Panico's were introduced! When I traced Strange's from Forum Allieni through Langhe, to the Visconti-Alan entity at Brunswick-Luneburg, I did not yet know that the entity was a Cottian line. Therefore, I think the two Whistle lions are the two Strange lions, and I'll bet that the Tool's trace to the Caepio treasure found at TOULouse. Compare the ending of "TouLOUSe" with mythical AkheLOUS." It looks like Toulouse was an Aetolia-Akheloos entity, but first it needs to be clinched that Tools trace to "Aetolia."

The Armstrongs/ArmSTRANGs are suspect with the Strange's. The Armstrongs use bars in the colors of the Cam/Game bars (but in the very sizes, number, and positions of the bars, in colors reversed, of Frane's). The Cams/Game's, who can trace to Akheloos with James/Geames', were linked to the bars of the Babels...who have a black eagle over their bars. Recall that Armors and Armers had linked to Giffards that were themselves tracing hintingly to Akheloos. It's hard to tell without greater inspection, but the Armer-Crest talbot head looks like the Zollern-Crest talbot head. Hmm, the so-called "squire's helmet" (code for Sire-related Squire's/Squirrels/Square's) of Armors looks like that talbot-head design.

As KENNedy's use a squire's helmet (and dolphins), I would suggest that Kennedys link to the Kenys variation of Cam/Game-related Kemmis'. ARMstrongs and ARMors (in Armstrong colors) share the bent-ARM symbol. Therefore, it looks like Strange's can trace to Akheloos with Armers / Armstrongs. Notice the bent arm in the Wallace/Wallis Crest, for Wallace's use a lion in Tool- / Strange-lion colors. Wallace's were Alan-of-Dol kin, if that helps to identify Tools/Dools with "Dol," and Alans of Dol liked the Walter surname. I would suggest that German Walters are using the lion of Voirs/Voyers (suspect with Boiorix, owner of some Caepio treasure), from Penhoet at the Vannes area of Brittany, named after the Veneti to whom I trace "Kennedy." Were Kemmis liners at Vannes? Ask the large ermines of Amys/Amotts, for ermines originated in Vannes. English Walters/Watters/Wattis' are in Wettin colors, suggesting that Wessel / Whistle elements of the Wheat/Wete and Wettin kind trace to the formation of "Walter." The latter is like "Flaad," the first-known Alan of Dol. Vlads and Walters share Zionist stars, but the Vlad star is in the colors of the Hagar star, begging the question of whether Ishmaelites, born of Hagar, trace with Amalekites to Akheloos' Hagels.

As per the "J'aime" motto term of James', "Jamie" had been entered to find Jamiesons, first found on Bute = Avalon. Reminder: Avallon is a real place in Yonne, and here we find Benjamites of the James kind tracing to Avalon. What's this? The Stewarts, as soon as they climbed the Scottish throne (not long before the first James king of Scotland), seized Bute for themselves. Why? Did they have ancestry on Avalon? That's what I've been thinking (for years). They had been the Raven-depicted Stout vikings that conquered Rothesay. The Stouts/Stows are using bars in the colors of the Donnas bars. Doesn't it seem like Cottians were at Rothesay, this being the root of the Rothschild and Round Table Illuminati?

The Jamiesons are using a "littORA" motto term that identifies with the annuLETs of Benjamins. That tends to clinch a Benjamite identification for the James', and meanwhile traces Benjamites to Aurelia Cotta herself just because James' share a dolphin with Caesars. Is that not amazing, to be able to trace Ben-Jabeshites to the mother of Julius Caesar? Where can one find a history class like this? Send me an apple, or better yet, a pomegranate.

Another surname first found on Bute are the Julian-suspect Glass' (use Melusine, who was in Avalon, according to Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg), and then the Julian-related DuGLASS' use a motto term in honor of James'. It is simple to understand that this Glass entity links to the Ore's, first found in the GLASgow area, thus clinching the "littora" motto term as being in honor of the Aurelia > Orell > Ore line. That traces the Benjamites of the James kind to Orleans, smack beside Yonne!

The salamander shared by Duglass' and Julians can be somewhat suspect with the lizard in the Arms of Montvilliers, but named in honor of other entities aside from the Lezarde river. We now need to ask why Duglass' are using the same stars as Aurelia's, for some branch of Douglas' trace smack to her door matt, as in her husband, Mr. Caesar Patrician. Morgan le Fay was the chief witch of Avalon, according even to the Arthurian myth writers, and her Fay line is tracing with Rippers to the Viu valley of Ms. Cotta's regional homestead. As Rippers were identified with Rephaites of Israel, note that Amalekites waged war with Moses at Rephidim (Exodus 17:8-10). Downriver on the Riparia, there is the taurus entity of Turin, important where Amalekites were fundamental to the Zeus taurus in Crete. I trace Rephaites to Arphaxadites at Arrapha, in Assyria, a region also known as Subartu, which smacks of the Sephar area of Joktanites...who I trace to the ox = bull symbol.

Why do I have the sense that the Melusine element was the Gonne entity to the Fulks? I have that sense aside from the Gonne/Gowan thistle, shared by Paisleys of GLASgow, whom I know to be a branch of Pace's/Pascels using the spears of the Glasgow-theater Spears, found also in the spear of the Fulke Crest. Plus, it has just occurred to me by following that logic, that the gold boars in the Gone/Gowan Chief are those of the Spears! That means that the other Gonne/Kohn surname uses a red-on-white bend because it's colors reversed from the same of Glasgow-area Pollocks, albeit it's the bend of Jewish Pollocks (no location given). Compare the Gonne/Kohn Coat to the English Walters (boars), for Pollocks are from the circle of Dol Alans. The shot-through Pollock Boar had been traced to Atalanta and Meleager (!), long before coming to this Aetolia topic. The Atlanteans trace to Pollocks; ask the Maxwell eagle.

Reminder: Peter Pollock was lord of a Rothes Castle in Moray, where the Duglass stars trace, and yet Bute was also "Rothesay." It's now clear: the Arthurian-Illuminati element in Avalon was the Cottian-Julian line, and it led to the formation of Julian-based Glass branches in that area and thus entered the Pollock family at Glasgow. The WATsons that Lady Rothes married use the tree stump of Rodhams, a branch of Rothers. Hillary Rodham Clinton became anything politically just because she's of this line. Rodhams share the bend in Pollock / Rye bend colors, in colors reversed from the Rita/Rheda and Gonne bends.

Pollocks, in Orne/HornAthorn / Tool colors, should trace to Ryes near the horn-suspect Orne river. Hawthorns ("Stabo" motto term suggests Stobi of Paeonians), first found in the same place (Durham) as Orne's/Athorns, are suspect as Hauteville's / Tancreds. It can suggest that "Haute," like the "AUDacter" motto term of Pollocks, traces with Aude liners to "Aetolia." The Pollock hunting horn had been suspect with the Traby horn. Mallets, Maccabee suspects along with Malis'/Mellis', use a "haut" motto term.

There was a so-called "Achilles' TENDon," and then Jamie's (ship, Atlantean symbol) use a "tendit" motto term traced earlier to "Tantalus," suspect as code for Antalya, the Atlantean capital in my opinion. "Achilles' most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy." Compare "Hector" to "AudACTER." Aude's of Audeville were traced to an Audeville in Pithiviers, which itself shares the thistle with Pollock-related Paisley elements. The Achilles article at Wikipedia article goes on: "Agamemnon agrees and sent Odysseus and two other chieftains, Ajax and Phoenix, to Achilles..." There you have the Phoenix suspect with Akheloos.

I had reported years ago, before finding any bloodline that could be construed as a 666-loving line, that "Phoenikia" added up to 666 using the standard numeral system of the Greek alphabet, and that "Europia," if the 'o' were an omega (value 400) rather than an omicrom (value 70), adds up to 666. This seemed important where Europa was the daughter of Phoenix, and where myth had the Zeus bull carry Europa away, on its back, to a rape her, very evocative of Revelation-17 symbolism, with the harlot on the anti-Christ's back, but raped by him in the end. It's as though God was equating her with Europa.

It's now very apparent that Europa was the mother goddess (Ishtar line) evolving into Rhea on Crete, and then going to the Phoenix entity involved with Achilles at Akheloos. I have never known until now that Achilles refers to Akheloos. Alexander "the Great," the third beast of Daniel 7, traced himself to Achilles. The third beast of Daniel 8 is the same Alexander, depicted as a prominent goat horn, symbol of mythical Akhelous. Amazing. No prophecy writer I know of has reported this. Perhaps we should ask the 666 bloodline on Patmos, where Coronis / Cronus traces, what this is all about. One can now understand that Cronus was named after a horn entity, or rather that the entity that he was had been given a horn symbol. A horn is a corn to some languages. The cornucopia (goat horn) was a symbol of Amalthea.

The Irish Arthur Coat was traced to the Wayne Coat, and the latter are using the Friend Coat, while Friends are honored by James'. The Douglas branch of this picture is traced in the Douglas write-up to Hardy's, who are honored in the motto of raven-using Rice's. It can be gleaned that Hardys were Arthurs from Ardahan, near Rize. The Khaldi were at Rize, and Khaldi trace to "Calydon," which was ravaged by a mythical boar shot through with an arrow. The Booths, suspect with the Bute-based Bothwells, share black boars with Hardy's, if that traces Hardys better to Ardahan.

We saw how the Gonne's/Kohns are also Gaunt-like "Guenet" variation, and it just so happens that Wayne's use the GAUNTlet glove. The relevance here is that Friends and Amie's are James kin who trace to Yonne, thus making the Gonne's more suspect with "Yonne."

BUT GET A LOAD OF THIS: Wayne's share the gauntlet glove [I kid you not, as I wrote the last word, a lighting bolt occurred outside my screen door that caused a large spark with noise on my desk in the area of my mouse and a pack of batteries (still in the package). My mouse still works. Nothing of my computer is linked to the outside because I have solar power alone, and I disconnected the system from the internal house wires as the storm approached. There is no way for the bolt to come in by way of wires. That bolt was so strong, it literally lit the mouse or the batteries up. I'm just wondering about the timing.] with Fane's from Fano, and then I identified (years ago) the gonFANan with Fano elements. Looks like I was brilliantly correct, but I think the lightning bolt is telling me that this in not my work, but His. Does this bolt mean I'm finished, or that I've arrived to a topic that makes God angry?

Benjamites were at Fano, likely, because it's in the Rimini theater. Therefore, safe to say, Jonathan's Yonne=Gonne elements went to Montforts (owners of the gonfanon), from Monforte at Montferrat. It always starts at proto-Montferrat, in the Chieri (at Turin) area that traces to the Chiaro's/Claro's (bull, Turin symbol), first found in Ferrara. The white lion of the Jones' is then the Montfort lion, apparently. It's two-tailed, like the Welles lion (in Matt- and Sam-lion colors), but very suspect with the Arms-of-Bohemian lion, likely tracing to the Boii of Bologna, where Gonne-related Pace's were first found.

The origin of Astika's in Vilaine-suspect Vilnius (Lithuania) has been a mystery to me. I identified them with the 666 bloodline, and thought they might be in the Sticks, Stocks / Stake's / Stoke's / Stacks. The latter four are using the Montfort lion, quite apparently. Recently, it was while mentioning the Taphians on the Akheloos river (near Calydon), and viewing my atlas at that location to get the correct spelling, that I saw a modern ASTAKOS location smack at that river. I had not known this before. The three Greek letters for 666 include Sigma, which was also STIGma, like "Astikas." The Stewarts are also "STIGweard." The "forWARD" motto term of Paeonian Stirlings likely applies to StigWEARD. It evokes the Warren- and-Ward-suspect Warringtons of Villers/Fillers.

Asking why Astikas could trace to Akheloos, it was recalled that Lithuania had a goddess, Lada, much like the Ladon river, home of Taphian-suspect Daphne. The Ladon is not very far south of the Akheloos. We would expect the Taphian pirates to trace to the Templar pirates as part of end-time Ladon-dragon and its 666 code.

The Hagel pile traces to Pylos. The Amie line honored by James' seems encoded as "AMIS" in the Forker motto, and the "coda" term of the Forkers can therefore trace all of these elements to ancient AMISos, which goes by "Samsun" too. Near Amisos is where I trace the Cotys entity, though I'm not sure to where aside from Hattusa, near Amisos. This was downtown PHRYGia, smacking of the FARQuar variation of Forkers. Can the Benjamites trace to Amisos? Yes, and I would expect it. "Amisos" can be gleaned after "Amazon," and then the Calydonian boar was sent by Artemis, the Amazon goddess. What in the Calydon area would this boar have represented? The Taphians? Perhaps. Years ago, I pegged it as the Corinthians, but Corinth was ruled by mythical Aeetes, meaning only that the Hatti of Hattusa were in Corinth. Attis, the representation of the Hatti, was made a son of Cotys, wherefore it seems that Forkers (likely kin of Ferger(son)s, suspect with Ferrara) trace to the Hattusa Phrygians / Amazons on two counts of their motto.

Daphne got her dolphin symbol from Delphi, across the Corinthian sea from Corinth, on the same side of the sea as Calydon and the Taphians. Delphi was near Calydon, but Delphi went by another name, Pythos, smacking of Pithiviers. It just so happens that a mythical Actor character, suspect in the POollock motto, was king at a Phthia location. Actor's soin. EURytion, suggests "EURopa" Hebrews.

In Phthia, Peleus was purified by Eurytion for the murder of Phocus [= Phocaeans] and married AntiGONE [caps mine], Eurytion's daughter. Peleus accidentally killed Eurytion during the hunt for the Calydonian Boar and fled from Phthia to Iolcus [home of the Aeson > Iason entity], where he was purified by Acastus.

Feasibly, Antigone was the Heneti-Jonathan line to the namers of Yonne, via Phocaeans on the Rhone.

With MontFORTs out of Montferrat or proto-Montferrat, the likelihood is that Forts were Sforza's; the latter share the Ferrari lion. If I now understand this right, Montferrat and Ferrari's were Phrygian elements, and the Ferrari lion goes to Kybele (does she trace to the Capelli?), symbol of the Phrygian mother goddess who was next in line after Rhea. Per chance, Kybele/Cybele traces to Cabourg.

The Ladon river was essentially Lydus, son of Attis, wherefore Taphians can trace to Amisos. The line of Daphne from Daphne (real location) in Syria to the Ladon river is completely dark in my mind, except that myth made Daphne related close to Apollo, son of Leto. The reason that Trabys merged with Astikas seems to be that Trabzon / Khaldi Amazons were linked to Daphne's Ladon elements to Lithuania. The Rize entity at Trabzon can help as here by tracing to the Rita's on the Bistrita, and then to the lion of Hume's out of Humorului, which is colors reversed from the Touch/TAFF lion.

The Fano elements in the Fane's/Vains/Veynes' and Wayne's trace to Lake Van, and I say Van elements named the Heneti > Veneti line, relevant because Heneti lived roughly or exactly in the Amisos theater. I'm showing how the Gonne Levites, merged with Fano liners, and together honored by Montforts, can trace back to Amisos, important if the James' motto term, "J'Amie," is code for the Amisos line. As the Montfort lion can connect to the Taphian-suspect Astika's if the latter were Stocks and Stacks, the reasoning is that Taphians were in Montferrat, and that the Montfort lion is the Hume / Touch/Taff lion. To find Taphians of the Touch kind in Montferrat, look for members of Clan Chattan, who look like they should trace to the Cadusii in Hattusa. Recall Porcius Cato that developed into a boar theme.

Chieri, because Chiaro's are also "Claro," can trace to Clarus in Lydia. Sinclairs of the Ragnvald kind are likely related to dolphin-using Reagans, which can reveal Taphian liners in the Clarus / Ephesus theater. Why do Rollo's use the stag of Khaldi-like Celts/Colts? Ask the Caledonian Picts. Or, ask the Rollo boar! That possibly makes Taphians the Calydonian-boar entity, symbol of war between Calydon and Taphians in Aetolia.

I am unable to figure whether Spree elements were in Avalon prior to the first counts of Anjou. Repeat from above: "The Spriggs are using the Vey/Vivian / Fife Shield." It makes a link between the Spree liners and Morgan le Fey from the Cottians, but were the Sprigg liners in Avalon? Or did they just merge with the Cottians at the Anjou / Lusignan area? Either way, the Cotta liners were counts in Anjou, and they included the Jonathan Levites in a Viu > Vita > Visconti line out of Montferrat and into Normandy (I can't find Vis-de-Loop), although I don't know the dates. They were apparently at Rothesay by 500 AD, the Arthurian period. The one who killed Arthur in Avalon was Mordred, also "MODred." It recalls that Arddu in the Ordovices theater (Wales) may have had something to do with the formation of Hasmoneans (of MODi'in) in the first place. "MORDred" looks like the Morte variation of Motts, and then one myth involving Mordred was "Le MORTE d'Arthur." Clever Masons, but stupids all the same. They shouldn't like to get in the way of God's lighting bolts.

You see, the Morte/Mott crescent, a giant one, is the Uranus sickle, and Uranus elements must have named Arran, beside Bute, where MacAbee's lived. It's all so peculiar. The priest-kings of Israel have become the Round Table Illuminati. You wouldn't believe the wrath of God against this thing.

Repeat from above: "Dewey's could be DeVey because Veys were first found in neighboring Cornwall. As such Deweys trace as Lang liners to Morgan le Fey in Bute = Avalon, where Alan-suspect Jamie's were first found. Bute was conquered as Rothesay by raven-depicted vikings in Orkney, where the Gunns were first found who use the Jamie-Crest ship. This is the Argo ship, I am sure, from the Orchomenos Boiotians that named Orkney. Later, we'll see how these pirates trace to Taphians." As the Jamie's are Benjamites, shouldn't Gunns be of the Gonne line?

It should be correct that the "True to the End" motto of Hume's applies here. The True's/Tree's can be traced to the "trees" (no species given suggests that "tree" is the code) of the Brittany Bocage's. With Gunns suspect as Taphians in the Orkneys, lets add that while the dolphin-using James/Geame's just linked to Cams/Game's that trace to Brigantium on the DURANCE river, The Gunn ship is used by French Durants too! The Durant motto is translated with a "Bring" term that gets the Brings/Brians (!) sharing the "Lamh" motto term with Salyes-based Sullivans. One Durant Coat even uses the Sale symbol in the same colors (important because Salyes lived on the Durance).

In conclusion of the Pinocchio codes, I say that the creator knew a Plantagenet link to Panico's and Woods, and ridiculed Plantagenets for being liars. He also knew that a Geppett-like entity linked to Panico's. He may not have known that Caiaphas and Benjamites were involved. The Walt Disney people knew of a link to the Jones', and it's they who tacked on the sprig to his hat, which I saw on a Pinocchio-search results page. At his Wikipedia article, Plantagenet is shown with a Shield having lions; if I recall correctly, they were white on blue, the color of the Jones lion.

I was completely "lucky" that, when I was going to say only that "My name is not Pinocchio; I lie not," I happened to be on the Rita surname at the time. The wood used by Rita's gave the impetus to briefly look into Pinocchio codes. A few checks revealed that Rita's were part of Pinocchio codes, and so I wrote to you in the last update:

"My name is not Pinocchio; I lie not. Do you know how Pinocchio can trace to Rita's? Ask the Benjamites on the Bistrita. Can you figure out this rittle? Why do Riddle's share "ears of rye" with Chappes'/Chaips? But the rittle is not yet solved completely. You'll need a broom to figure this out. This is Vey over your head [as in a sprig on the hat]. Its Gowin, Cohen, Gones. Too late. I'll explain later."

The "rittle" was for the Ritters. The Riddle's should prove to be Rita liners...that link to the "sprig of broom" of Brooms....proving that the sprigs of the Brooms are a version of the Chappes ears of rye, especially as Rita liners linked to Rye's. The rare curved bend of Rita's (I don't know of any other) is in the colors of the curved chevron of Gusts, whom I trace to the Gastel variation of the Wessels, but others that use curved chevrons are the Rita- and Rye-suspect Rice's, Chaips-suspect Kaip(f)s, and the Chappes-suspect Ottone's now tracing to the Viu, the latter sharing annulets with Benjamins. The Rita bend is called a "bendLET," and then the Letts share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Veys and Spriggs, which, according to how I interpret the Lett combination, are a colors reversed version of the Annandale Shield and Chief, from the Ananes now tracing to Yonne.

With the Rita's tracing to a river where Humorului is located, the Plantagenet stag can trace to the stag in the Arms of Humorului because the Fulke/Folk fleur is in the colors of the Hume lion. The fleur can trace to Lilieci, also on the Bistrita, and then the Fulke fleur is also white-on-red, the colors of the Arms-of-Lille fleur. Lille is near the Belgian border, and the Lys river there enters Belgium. The Lys has a source near Montreuil, where Plantagenets are traced in their write-up. It's the heraldic masters who have the long noses.


The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents