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September 9 - 15, 2014

The Many Tentacles of Oedipus and Antigone
The Real Atlanteans -- Pirates and Debauched Kings
Pictus and Molosse -- Brutes and Kings
The Good, The Bad, and The Egremonts
The Pygmalion Amalekites

After unexpectedly finding (in the last update) a slew of surnames tracing to Atlanteans in Aetolia, it came to mind to try for an Atlas surname, and up came the white-on-blue lion used by James' and Dowels. The latter have been are suspect as Dol / Doyle / Doley liners for quite some time, but such terms are now posed as Aetol terms. "Toll" even gets the Dol surname in Atlas-lion colors.

The two lion heads in the Atlas/Atley Crest are rare (why are they brown, an unofficial heraldry color?), and they strike me as play or code on the two "Hercules pillars," suggesting that the Atlas/Atley lion is the Hercules lion. Hercules was portrayed in the far-west in a ship of Helios shaped like a cup. It's the same as saying that Danaans out of Rhodes came to the far west by sea, and that some entity amongst them had a grail symbol, possibly chalice-like Cilix = Cilicia, where Danaans had some origins. Atlanteans under discussion at Aetolia were largely Gileki > Cilicia liners.

As Toll's/Dols were first found in Mecklenburg, it could suggest that they had been viking pirates. I expect this in the ancestry of the Alans of Dol. I expect them as Cottian liners forming Anglo-Saxon elements, but as Alans were strong Vere kin, I expect then with the Varangians. I have a chapter, "Who's the Wheel Dragon Line," pointing out the Varangians were named after a wheel entity of a "Rod'r" kind. I hardly knew heraldry at all in that year. I can now point out that the Rita's/Rheda's, who smack of "Aereda," the term to which I traced the wheel-Varangians, use the James / Atlas lion, and were moreover part of Pinocchio code work.

The first-known Varangians were in Wieringen, Holland, and then Dutch Verone's/Varenne's are using ravens in Varn colors. It's probably important that these are Levi colors too, for Verona's/Vairs were first found in the same place as Levi's. The raven belonged to the Stout vikings, and then the Stouts/Stows share a gold fitchee cross with Wide's/Woods. You'll see shortly why the Wide's/Woods are included here.

The Toll/Dol fesse is the wavy Dutch-Ghent fesse too, and then Atlas'/Atleys were first found in Kent, where the Ghent-related Gaunts were first found. John of Gaunt was married to Catherine Roet, who not only smacks of the Rheda variation of Rita's, but Catherine's symbol was a Catherine WHEEL! I didn't know this when tracing Varangians to the wheel. That wheel symbol traced to mythical "Rhoda," wife of Helios on Rhodes.

It just so happens that while Gaunts are part of the Montfort-gonfanon entity that traced with the Stock and Stack lions to Aetolia, Gaunts are also suspect with the Guenet variation of Gon(n)e's, important because mythical AntiGONE was just looked up after coming across her (in the last update). We'll get to myth codes in Antigone's relatives, but let's first show the Wheelers, who came to mind with the whale in the Tole/Dol Coat before I mentioned the Varangian wheel above. That is, the Wheelers are the reason that the wheel topic has been raised after many years of lying dormant.

The Whale's, by the way, as expected, use Alan colors and a lion half red in the Crest, the color of the Stewart lion. The other half of the Whale lion is white, the color of the Atlas / James / Dowel lion. Gaunts share a red bend with Whale's and Rita's, what a coincidence. The Gaunt Shield can be using the Stout/Stow bars.

Wheelers/Whalers were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Watts; the latter became suspect with the Wessel line of Cottians, and moreover the Wessel line was suspect in forming Jutes / Geats.

In the last update or two, there has been elaboration on the proto-Alan trace with proto-Visconti's to various areas, and then it came out to my satisfaction that this merger involved the Vita's/Vitone's/Vio's that I traced to the Viu tributary of the Riparia river. It just so happens that Wheelers/Whalers use the erect Ripper/Ripley lion (same colors and position, that is) as well as an "AVITO" motto term. What a coincidence, can you see my smile, round as a wheel, from ear to ear? This indicates that the Alans of Dols, who already traced to a fundamental merger with Cottians (they ruled on the Riparia), had some elements on the Viu and Riparia rivers. What could they have been?

I would guess that the Wheeler/Whaler Shield belongs to Herods/Hurls/Haralds and Forez', to the west side of the Cottian Alps. The Forez Coat likewise (as with Atlas') uses double lions in Crest, and Forez is a mountain system along the west side of the Rhodanus river (i.e. suspect as Redones, Varangi family), beside Saint Etienne and Mount Pilat. The Dutch Stouts happen to use a "plate" (white roundel) in Pilate / Toll/Dol / Atlas colors. Dutch-Varangian liners are suspect in the great number of Rosicrucians of Holland.

The Vido variation of Vita's suggests the Wide's/Woods who were part of Pinocchio codes (last update). As Savages traced to Aetolia (with Eagle's/Hegels), the savage in the Wide/Wood Coat may be informing us that Wide's and Vito's may also trace there. The club, held by the Wide/Wood savage, is a known symbol of Hercules.

I want to say that I've been tracing Alans to Attila's house of Dulo, and yet "Dol" and Attila-like "Atoll" are tracing to Aetolia. Does this mean that I've got to abandon the Alan trace to Attila? I'm not, because there was good evidence and logic for it. What if Attila was an Aetolian entity seeking to conquer to the Atlantic? He tried just that.

To be sure that the Wheelers/Whalers link to the Toll/Dol whale, the Wheeler motto in full, "Avito Jure" must be for the French Gore/Jore surname sharing a version of the French-Alan Coat. The Gore's/Core's use the English-Alan fesse in colors reversed. The Gore's/Core's have been traced to Coronis, the Greek raven. That's another reason for tracing Alan ancestry to the Stout vikings. The 666 bloodline suspect on Patmos (where the Biblical 666 concept originated) was probably at the city of Chora, symbol of Coronis.

In the last chapter, I thought that I clinched a trace of Pollocks (originated from Ala-of-Dol elements) to the Atlanteans. In that discussion, the Aude entity of Pollocks was mentioned, perhaps related to a term in the following quote:

In Greek mythology, Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, Oedipus' mother...

Antigone is a daughter of the unwittingly incestuous marriage between King Oedipus of Thebes and his mother Jocasta.

. Ignore routine definitions given by Wikipedia article's on myth terms, unless you enjoy being deceived. Trace instead to an Oed entity at some other place. Wow, what a brainstorm; don't you think historians thought of that? Yes, but they lie anyway, those who are the keepers of myth secrets. Oedipus was the son of Laius, a line from the "Danites" of Laish. That's why he gouged his eyes out, because the same happened to the "Danite," Samson (= proto-Hercules Atlanteans) in his mythical account. And Samson took down two pillars, the symbol of Hercules.

Oedipus wasn't raised by his parents, but rather by king PolyBUS (= Bozrah elements) and queen Merope. The latter is easily deciphered as the line of king Merops of Kos, because that line put out Aedon, Merops' granddaughter, queen of Thebes, where Oedipus migrated when out he left Corinth. Therefore, proto-Merovingians were in Corinth too. Oedipus was originally an entity in Coronis-related Corinth, of the Hercules = Cronus cult in Tyre. The way that this line can go to Chora on Patmos is by being beside Samos (not far from Kos).

Oedipus' mother, JOCasta, looks like a JOKtanite line merged with an Asta-like entity, as, for example, Astymedusa, Oedipus' wife. I identified both Joktanites and Samson with Hyksos.

While in Corinth, Oedipus was involved with the Delphi oracle, and that city's alternative name, Pythia, was mentioned in the last update while on the topic of tracing Pollocks to AUDEville in PITHiviers (France). The Pollock motto also traced to a PHTHia location, and then mythical king Merops of Ethiopia (suspect from Merowe/Meroe) had a son, PHAETHon, who crashed Helios' chariot in an Eridanus river suspect with or beside the Rhodanus. That means that Merops traces from way down in Sudan, the Kos, to Corinth, and then to Thebes, where Laius lived, who was a queer-box cult, like Hercules. Demented peoples.

As Pollocks were apparently from two Pitt-like cities, could it explain why Pitts use the Stewart checks?

OEDipus was likely code for elements of mount Oeta: "Mount Oeta is located on the boundaries of the prefectures of Phocis in the south and PHTHiotis in the north. "

Then, here is how Pollocks can trace (by their heraldic kin) to the Akheloos river, encoded by "Achilles": " bordered by the Malian Gulf to the east, Boeotia in the south, Phocis [not to be confused with Phocaea] in the south, Aetolia-Acarnania in the southwest...The name dates back to ancient times. It is best known as the home of Achilles" (Wikipedia's PhthiOTIS article). Surname's such as Oats/Otis can apply to OEDipus; they use roundels (plates) in the colors of the same of Dutch Stouts. This surname was identified with the Cotta's and Ottone's, meaning that Vita's and related Ottone's can trace with Cotta's to "Oeta." Oeta was part of the Pindos range, a term like the Penders/Pinders, in Oats/Otis colors, and using the lion in the colors of the Atlas / James / Rita lion. It's telling me that the Jonathan Levites were progressing in this direction. Recalling that the Atlas Crest seems to be honoring Hercules, it's notable that a myth writer chose Oeta as the location of Hercules' death.

The "fide" motto term of Penders/Pinders can be for the Wide and/or Vita/Vido bloodline. The latter are in the colors of the FIDElows and English Pints, but Spanish Pints are using the English-Pint Coat in Oats/Otis / Pinder colors. Oedipus' son was styled, EteOCLES, perhaps word play on Hercules (also "HerACLES") at Oeta. Why were Italian Otto's/Ottone's (rings, suspect with Elis Olympics) first found in Pharisee-like Perusia? The Odie's, first found in the same place as Odins/Hoddys (like "Aedon"), are in Oats/Otis / Otto/Ottone / Hood/Hudd colors. Are Odins using the Stock / Stake lion? The Odin/Hoddy Crest shares a white horse with Freys/Free's/PHREEZE's, and then mythical Odin was related to mythical Frey.

It seems clear to me that Aedon was from "Aden" in Yemen, home of some Joktanites. We can now glean that Jocasta represented these Aden-liner Joktanites. They were traced (by me) through YEMen-suspect KEMMis, then to the Tanis proto-Danaans, and then, in accordance with myth writers, to POSeidon of Tyre, suspect with PolyBUS but being very related to Hercules of Tyre, the same as the MELQart cult suspect with AMALEK (the latter had likely lived in Bozrah with his father, Eliphaz). Antigone's sister, ISmene, may be play on Israel-Mene, for Hercules' mother was, AlcMENE, daughter of an ELEK term suspect with a hard-form of "Elis." It had been proposed (by me) that Elis liners were after Eleazars in the family of the Jonathan line of pagan priests.

Aedon has traced for years to Autun's AEDui peoples, what seems clearly to be from "OEDipus elements at Thebes. I've been linking (this month) the Autun area to the neighboring Yonne area, and tracing GON(N)E's to "Yonne," and here we find that Oedipus was the father of AntiGONE. Are things like this ALL coincidences? It had been suspect that Yonne was named after a line from Jonathan, the Levite priest in Judges, and then Jonathan was traced to the Jones', who share the Pender / Atlas / James / Rita lion. More coincidence? The Gone's/Kohns even share the Rita bend, apparently. As the other Gone surname has a Cohen-like Gowen variation, it seems that whatever Antigone represented, the name was ultimately after "cohen," the Hebrew for "priest."

The Pollock saltire is used as a fat cross (same colors) in the Arms of Pula. The Alans of Dol traced to Pula too, without doubt, with their Petty kin (parrot, pirate symbol), a term like "Pitt." Pula was in the area where Colchians settled, whom I view as Argo-related pirates. The point, however, is that Pula is on Istria, so that JocASTA might apply. Este is right around the northern corner of Italy from Istria, and Este is where I trace Merovingian roots. Just draw your Merops line from Thebes to Istria.

Este uses an eagle, symbol now going to the Akheloos river of Aetolia, and the Este eagle is in Atlas / Toll/Dol colors. Este had been traced to AstiBUS of the Paeonians, but then Stubbs and Stubbings were traced to Stobi of the Paeonians, important here because Stubbings ("QuiesCAM" motto) share gold roundels on black with Pitts. Why is there another white lion in the Stubbing Crest? (The Stubbing Coat looks like a version of the Malbone / Hanan / Eure Coat.) These particular roundels can be traced to Alan-related Treeby's (first found in the same place as English Stewarts), no doubt a branch of Trabys whose Astikas kin had traced to Astakos on the Akheloos river. The Astika's were clinched in the Stock and Stack lions (colors reversed from the Stewart lion), both white, like the Treeby and Stubbing lions!

As I trace Stewarts to the raven vikings in Shetland, the Yell location there (of the Yule's) may be related to the YEALmpton location that Treebys are traced to in their write-up. The Yale's are obviously related to the Bone's. and that pirate picture may hook up with Malbone's. As Treeby's are traced (in their write-up) to a Colunces entity, the Cula/Coll surname (MacDonald eagle), using ravens and another spread eagle, may apply.

Aha! I couldn't at first recall whom I had seen using gold-on-black garbs, the Yule/Yell symbol, until I looked at the Treeby lion momentarily asking what the Sticks use (because "Stick" is suspect with "Astikas"), and that's when it came flooding to mind that it's they using garbs in those colors! Therefore, we have a triangle between Treebys of Yealmpton, Trabys in Vilnius, and the raven vikings at Yell.

Lately, I've been suggesting that Y terms like "Yule/Yell" were at one time J terms like "Julian." I've just come across another idea, that Kills/Keele's, who share a black crescent with Yule's/Yells, were proto Yule's/Yells! That can trace Yell to CILNius Maecenas (see him in the last update). KILNers use the Este eagle but on a black Shield. To help trace this Kilner eagle to the Aetolia eagle / phoenix, we see the Kilner eagle used by Balance's, first found in the same place as Atlas'. The balance symbol, used by both the Arms of Vilnius (where Astikas' lived) and the Siren-suspect Sirons/Sire's/Sirets, is now explicable thanks to the eagle of the Balance's. The Balance eagle is in the colors of the Balan estoiles, white, like the Mott estoile, and then Motts use a crescent in colors reversed from the Yell / Keele crescent. Things are adding up fast to 666, number of the global-bully cult. safe to say, Balances were a branch of Balls/Ballans, first found in Brittany.

The Ball ermines are suspect with the Amy/AMOTT ermines. I know what this is, the Maccabee line of Jonathan that merged with Alexander Balus. Alexanders, part of the MacDonald crew, use a crescent in both color schemes above. That explains why the Balans (could be using a version of the Putent Coat) share a rooster with Jonathans.

English Balls are using the black-on-white lion likewise tracing to Aetolians (on account of being colors reversed from the Stock / Stake / Eagle lions), and then the Ball-Crest description is: "A hand and arm in mail, grasping a fireball." I came across "grasping" in the last update but was unable to see how it may have been code, for there is no Grasp surname. But Pings just came to mind, and they are the Paeonian branch of Pagans/Pagnells/Pungs, with yet another black eagle in Crest (color of the Hagel-Crest eagle, for example). That crown (in the Ping Crest) with four squared-off sections is often called a coronet for Coronis elements, but at times it's also a "mural crown," as it is in the case of both Pings and Wheelers/Whalers.

It just so happens that mural-like Muriels (from the Pollocks) share blue-on-gold fleur-de-lys with Pings! I wouldn't have realized this at this time had I not loaded the Muriel/Merrill Coat when seeing the Wheeler mural crown earlier.

AHA!! Contrary to what you may suppose, I do not have a book of Coats, or pictures on my wall, to help me make links. It's all done by memory as best I can. The only other surname using blue fleur that I can think of, only because I've had it ingrained in my brain, are the Gingrich's. Upon re-loading them, I saw the GingGRAS variation!!! Therefore, "GRASping" is code for the Gras entity honored by Gingrich's as well as the Pings/Pagans. Gingrich's may be a branch of Gangs, honored likely by the "Gang" motto term of Paeonian-related Stirlings (they use the bend of Stubbs, who in-turn use another eagle).

The "arma" motto term of Stubbs, shared by Gonne's/Gowens, can go to the Army/Ermine surname, using another large ermine. This ermine was a symbol of Vannes, and so while the Voirs/Voyers were first found in the Vannes / Morbihan area, it explains why the gold lion in the Voir Chief is identical with the gold lion in the Army Chief. The Army's seem very linkable to the Armors/Lamors and Armers/Amore's, the latter using another "mural crown."

Oedipus was given an alternative wife, aside from Jocasta and Astymedusa. She was Europa suspect EuryGANeia, suspect with his daughter, AntiGONE. The French Gains/Genauds were not only first found in the same place as Chappes' (whom Hugh de Payens married), but are using three bends in colors reversed to the three Ping/Pagan bends. I would suggest that AstyMEDUSA, Oedipus' wife, was a line from Perseus at Joppa, who trace to Juno-line Jonathans on the Oeneus river of Japodes. Then, the Gens/Genns (Levi colors, martlets in Saddock- and Levin-martlet colors) are also "Jeune/Jennes," like the June/Jeun/Jung surname that shares three fleur-de-lys, in the same positions and black color, with the Gens/Gennes! Very good for making Euryganeia look like proto-Juno, though there is no evidence here that she traces to the Gens/Genns. Both the latter and the June's were first found in the same pace (Cambridgeshire) as Capone's and Chapmans.

AHA! After writing the above, the Ganns were looked at to find a "pondere" motto term for the Pindus range at Oeta! As the Ganns/MacCANNA are using fretty lattice, they must be a branch of Caens/Canns. The Gann/Canna fretty is of the Modane-suspect Modens/Modleys.

Reminder: Medusa was part of the head entity of myth writers, and the Haddingtons and Heads seemed to fit well into that picture. By what coincidence is "OED" like "head" while the Heads/Heeds use a version of the Este Coat! Just look at two of Oedipus' wives to see Este written all over. "Hodd" gets the fret-using Hoods/Hudds. Oeta could have been a place of the Uat cult, and so note that the pronunciation of "Oeta" is like "wetta," suggesting the Wete's/Wheats using the gold dancette of English Gains/Gayns/Gagne's.

JUST FOUND: Heads and Wete's were first found in the same place, where Benjamins were first found! What are the chances of that? Wete's had traced to Wessels, from Este-suspect Vestalis. Wests use a dancette too, as well as a "vie" motto code for the Viu valley. Plus, Wheelers, in Wete colors, traced to the Viu with their motto, "Avito Jure," and it just so happens that West's use "Jour." As Jore's are Gore's, it should be added that English Gore's are using a Coat like the Gains/Gayns.

The best piece of evidence for a surname trace to Euryganeia is from the motto of the Gann surname, but that trace's Caens to her too, which could mean that she was from the Caeni peoples near the Paeti (Hebros river) that I trace to the Pettys, using martlets in Wete colors.

Alright, so what we have are the Phoenicians of Boiotia, including the Laish Sidonians, spreading north through Delphi into a Pindus area on the north of Calydon. The latter term is expected in the Caledonian Picts of proto-Scotland, and its king Meleager is expected now to be the carrier of Amalek blood to proto-Scotland. We also saw a Malian area that can apply. I think I know where this Amalek line went, but before getting to that, let a few more points be made. Repeat from above what seemed like a weak argument: "Oeta was part of the Pindus range, a term like the Penders/Pinders, in Oats/Otis colors, and using the lion in the colors of the Atlas / James / Rita lion. It's telling me that the Jonathan Levites [i.e. to the Jones lion] were progressing in this direction." Drawing a line from Boiotia through the Oedipus area gets one to Epirus, where Achilles and his circle of codes, which includes a Helenus code, were portrayed. Cadmus and Harmonia liners of Boiotia, which included Laius liners, went further north from Epirus to Butua, beside Scotland-suspect Scodra, and the Laish>Laius line is expected at the Lissus river of the Cavii, the latter expected to house the Jonathan Levites, explaining why the Caepio-line lion is colors reversed from the Jones lion. Remember that while Oedipus was a Samson>Hercules line, the Sam/Sammes lion plays into the Jones lion.

Helenus was made the brother of Paris, same line as Perseus, and so their sister, CASSandra, is the same as Cassiopeia, at Joppa, mother of ANDROmeda. Isn't this fun? We can unravel myth like no one has. Trace Ben-Jabeshites to Helenus at Epirus, but also to the Malian coast, and ask why Achilles' mother dipped him in a vat of sweet ambrosia, for this Malian location is a mele-sweet one, isn't it, that can also use in a mali=bitter theme.

The northern part of the Pindus is in ALBAnia, which apparently named proto-Scotland. The range goes across Epirus, on the other side of Thessaly, and thus the THESprotians of Epirus seem to apply to Zeus-Ixion-Aeson elements on the Thessaly side of these mountains. I see "ThessPROTian" as the Aphrodite cult that named Epirus, then named Aprutium, the Abruzzo capital. It's the same as saying the proto-Britons of Brittany...and Abruzzo's Eburovices formed the blue Caepio-line lion through Brescia and the Scot-royal Bruce's. Also in Epirus, there were Molossians that trace to "Molise," on the south side of Abruzzo. This term is so much like "Moloch" that I'm pegging it now as the Amalekite line from Meleager Calydonians.

In fact, in the Maiella mountains of Abruzzo, the goddess Maja traces well to Maia of the Greeks, which was made the daughter of Atlas, and mother of Hermes; just draw a migrational line from Attaleia to the Hermus river of downtown Lydia. Therefore, the white-on-blue lion of the Atlas/Atley surname can trace through Maiella. Moreover, the son of Aedon of Boiotia was Itylus, like "Italy," and like "Attaleia," where Atlas traces. Therefore, it seems that the Attaleia line to Aetolia traces through the Merops > Aedon line, and to this it can be added that the eagle symbol of Aetolia is used in the Arms of Abruzzo. The current Abruzzo capital is L'Aquila, and so we can start to glean the importance of this eagle, expected to trace to the American eagle, not forgetting that the book of Francis Bacon (Rosicrucian in royal-England circles), "New Atlantis," refers to America.

Ask why Bacons use a boar, not necessarily because they named it after bacon meat, for the name was not likely "Bacon" to begin with, but could have evolved a Bacon version as per its boar symbol from the Calydonian-boar entity. The Fullers, whom I identified, as Calydon-based Pollocks (use a boar), use a beacon as code for Beacons/Bacons. It appears that Amalekites can trace to this Fuller>Bacon line. French Bacons share the BUS cinquefoil so that Bacons may have been a branch of Busca, where boar-using Bush's / Buschs trace. This evokes the trace of Salyes, of neighboring Saluzzo, and in Atlas colors, to the Salto river of Abruzzo.

As Fullers (suspect from FULbert "the tanner" tracing to the Tanaro near Saluzzo and Busca) were related early to Moline's/DeMols, the Moline's/Moulins, known to be of the "tanner's direct family, may have been Molise elements to such entities as Malahule of More. "Hule" gets the Hulls, expected from Helen > Helenus elements out of Epirus. The Catter Coat is much like the Hule/Hull Coat, and the Catter fish trace strongly to the fish symbol of Kotor (north if Epirus, at Butua), noting that the Cutters use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's in colors reversed. If Catters (suspect in the line to Porcius Cato, boar users) are thus linked to Helenus liners, expected from Elis of Pisa, it can explain the white griffin in the Catter Crest as the symbol also of the Ali/AliOTTO's. Kotor's fish symbol was from Kodros of Athens, who was given a boar symbol too.

As Pollocks traced to Oedipus, it's very interesting that they also trace to Dobrawa, Mieszko's wife, represented in the Dobers / Dobermans using a white griffin head and the Pollock bend. Oedipus elements are thus tracing to the Terme location of Ali's/Aliotto's, and that place is like "Teramo," the new and modern name of Aprutium. Cab we imagine a boar symbol for "EBURovices/EBROIcum of Abruzzo? As they named Eboracum, proto-York, note that Hule's/Hulls, Hallams (Bruce lion) and Bruce's were first found there too.

In short, the Bruce lion is tracing through the Atlas lion back to the Hercules lion. After all, Atlas was given a Herculean symbol of holding up the earth, and, besides, while the Hercules lion was the Lydian lion, TANTALus and Pelops, kings of Lydia, trace back to ANTALya=Attaleia (meaning that Atlas Atlanteans went through Lydia to Latins, beside mount Maiella).

The concept on Jonathan Levites in Abruzzo is new to me, as is the trace of Amalekites to Molise. These things are raising my antennae, and turning my scope. The time has come to emphasize Calydon and Aetolia in dozens of surnames.

I don't mention Hulls and Halls very much because they both use talbots, a difficult symbol to nail down to any one entity (too many talbot dogs in heraldry) for to make a solid picture. I trace Hulls, Halls and Pape's to Phrygians and proto-Pepin Paphlagonians at the HELLESpont, same basic entity as Pelops, ruler at (H)Eneti. The Hall write-up suggests Lucy Taillebois of Lincolnshire, who married Meschin. The "Kingston upon Hull" location of Hulls should trace to Kingstons, first found in the same place as Hulls. But Kingstons are said to be from "cyninges," striking me as the Cunninghams, kin of Forkers/Farquars that can trace to "Phrygian." Phrygians/Brigians are expected at Briancon/Brigantium, and then the Brians happen to share a "Lamh" motto term with Salyes-based Sullivans, important because Oedipus elements were in relation to the LAMia location (Greece). Cunninghams use a 'Y' along with their "fork" motto term, but that letter was suspect as code for "York," where Kingstons were first found. That works.

A talbot is used in the Arms of OETtingen-Oettingen, along with a saltire in the white color of the Oddie saltire. Oddie's and Odins were first found in the same place as Hulls.

The Kingstons, however, use a lion in Kinner colors, the latter kin to the Kays that use a "kyne" motto term, like "CYNinges." The Sullivans use a "robin," but it's the same bird design as the Kay bird, which the Kinners showed until recently. The Hull line is thus connecting to the Hector-of-Troy line to mythical Ector (Arthurian myth), father of mythical Kay, code for the real Ector/Hector surname (using two symbols in the Hiedler/Hitler Coat), first found in the same area (Fife/Angus) as Kinners. This works well because Hector's brother, Paris, abducted Helen of Sparta. But Paris and his father, Priam, were code for Parion/Parium, a real place on the HELLESpont waters / domain, and then the Caens/Canns use a motto term apparently in honor of Parium. Thus, Caens/Canns are linking to "cyninges" and Kingstons.

The latter are using the King lion, in the colors of the same in the arms of Kyburg, while Hitlers are suspect in using a version of the Coburg Coat and Arms of Zurich. The Kyburg lion is easily clinched as the Hagel lion, and that surname traces to the river in downtown Aetolia.

The talbot became suspect recently with mythical Talaus of Argos, husband of Lysimachia, that being code for the real location of Lysimache, opposite the thin waters from Parium. It's known that Muses of the Gorgon kind lived in Parium, evoking AstyMedusa, wife of Oedipus. These particular Gorgons removed to mount PARNassus (Parion-like term), on the east side of the Pindus mountains at Delphi. Did the white-on-black lions of the Eagle's/Hegels trace to the Akheloos? Yes, and Corks/Corrs use forked-tailed lion tails in those colors while Parnassus was home to the CORYCian nymphs as well as Muses, evoking MUSkerry at Cork (Ireland). Why FORKed tail, unless it hooks up with Cunninghams. The cloud in the Cork/Corr Crest can go to Ixion and Nephele, on the same side of the Pindus as Parnassus.

I had been wondering whether Kings / Kingstons were a branch of Gingrich's/GAINgras' (suspect with Oedipus' wife), but soon after came to the English Corys (Kilpatrick Shield?) using cinquefoils in the colors of the Gang/Gigg/Gedge cinquefoils! Note that buckles are shared by "Gang"-using Stirlings and Auleys/Cauleys, suspect from "Calydon." Gangs/Giggs were first found in the same place as Caleys and Benjamins, and Caleys/Calleys, suspect with the Auleys/Cauleys, use the quartered Shield of Kills/Keele's. Kills/Keele's were first found in the same place as Halls/Aule's. The other Aule's use the Murena tower in the colors of the Kelly tower (important below). One Auley/Cauley surname is apparently using the Forker Coat!

Irish Cory's use the estoile, suspect with Oedipus' Asty / Asta elements. The Coriel version of Irish Corys (in Carrol colors) can be for the Carrols using the upright lion (same format as the two lions of Calydon-suspect Kellys) in the colors of the same of Kings / Kingstons / Hagels.

There is a river beginning with "Sperk" on my atlas, flowing in the valley from Parnassus, suggesting the eagle-using Sparks. The Coat uses only a white spread eagle, tracing massively to Aetolians at this time. The Sparks were first found in the same place as Masseys/Maceys, suggesting the Masci eagle wing. The swan in the Spark Crest can link to any of Leda's children, including Helen.

I would like to prove that the Hellen / Elis line goes back to an entity of the Jonathan Levites, but thus far it's not clinched. The Oedipus > AntiGONE line apparently includes Heneti in the "Anti" term. One Gonne/Gowen surname uses boar heads that can trace to the Calydonian boar. The Gonne boars are in the colors of the Wheelers/Whalers, honored by Tolls/Dols, which recalls my trace of Alans of Dol to Helions/Helms and Brittany's Hellens/Hillions (look like Este's / Pepins). I therefore checked "Heller" as a possible "Wheeler" variation, and found blood drops in the Heller Coat (!), symbol of the Jones and Sam/Sammes lions. Plus, the Sam/Sammes lion is colors reversed from the Kingston / King lion, and thus links to Helen>Hull liners (from Parium). The English Paris surname (in the colors of three Hall surnames) was first found in the same place as Halls.

The Helions/Helms and Hellens/Hellions go back, with Pendragon (HELMet) elements, to proto-Merovingians / proto-Pepins at the Bebba Bernicians = Bebbanburgs (explains the PAPENBURG variation of Pape's), and the Carrols, now linking to Hall liners of the Kyburg / Zurich kind, are suspect with CAROLingian royals, who were half Pepins, from the Pepin merger with Martels, the latter first found in the same place (Gascony) as Hall-related Aule's. The Helions/Helms were even first found in Surrey while Surreys have a Zurich-like Surrich variation.

The Apple of French Paris' (Lorraine) makes them suspect from Avallon, in Yonne, not-bad evidence that this Paris surname was from the Pharisee line (if Yonne traces to Jonathan the Levite). French Paris' are using the Herve/Harvey Coat (same place as Caleys/Calleys and Benjamins), apparently, in that Hellens are said to be from Herve d'Helion. Alans of Dol were closely connected to Bellamys (near Alancon, uses an eagle), and the latter surname traced to the Arve river over-looking lake Geneva. The French Herve Coat is nearly the Heller Coat. That traces Helen-swan lines (Sadducee suspects) to lake Geneva. Why shouldn't Helen's sister (AmyMONE) have been there too? How many coincidences can we take before we realize what really is going yonne here? Why do Italian Paris'/PariSATO's share the oak tree on a red Shield with Panico's on the SETTA, beside the Savena? Ask Sevan-liner Sadducees in the Seatons/Sittons of the Setta. Trace to Chappes liners in the Ottone's in PERUSia.

Hellers are in Toll/Dol / Jones colors. When Hulls and Halls were emphasized (a few years ago), Hulls and Halls were traced to Massey liners, from Mysians (Hellespont is in Mysia), but here I find that Hellers are using the Macey Shield (in Jones colors probably for a priest-of-Israel reason). It's similar to the Shield of Pinders (Cheshire), meaning that Hellers are truly tracing to northern Greece. Hellers (Sinclair-rooster design in Crest) are traced in their write-up to a mount Helliers at Rouen, and Rouen happens to be at an AUDemer location. The Pape's/Papenburgs, using the Hall / Hull talbots in colors reversed, are using the fesse design (called "ragullee") as Juggs/Judds, and if the latter surname traces to the proto-Maccabee Amymone entity (she has a jug symbol anciently), it's notable that the white boar head is shared by Juggs/Judds and Oats/Otis'. That is, it's conceivable that Amymone elements linked to Oedipus liners, and, lest you've forgotten, Amymone was an alternative term for Hypermnestra, Helen's sister.

The Norman rulers at Rouen chose the lions of the Abreu > Evreux line as the symbol of Normandy, that being the Eburovices now tracing to the namers of Epirus. Malahule of More was of this ruling family, and he's tracing tentatively to Molise and/or Malian elements in conjunction with Helenus > Helliers liners. Malahule's descendants were rulers in the Bessin/Bayeux, beside Rouen. The HELYar variation of Hellers is interesting for tracing to the Halys river, on the east border of the Heneti. The KHALDi can trace easily to the Halys with their Halybes kin.

As "Helyar" may link to "Kelly," who were suspect in the Maccabee formation as per CILNius Maecenas (married Murena), compare his surname with "Macey." It just so happens that Kellys/Killia's use two lions in the colors of the Jones / Atlas lions!!! And that's how one can get real Levite blood to the Maccabees!!! I needed that. But this blood was so convoluted by that time, and drawn through sinful circles, that God's anger simply burns against it.

Although the Kelly Crest looks like a green greyhound, the Kelly description is, "A green enfield on a ducal coronet." The enfield griffin is also in the Crest of Hitler's/Hiedlers/Hutters, but the latter are suspect with HOOD/Hudds now tracing to Oedipus-Medusa liners = Medusa-HEAD entity, which can link to talbot HEADS of Hulls and Pape's/Papenburgs that trace to Paphlagonians on the Parthenius river, origin of Perseus, the slayer of Medusa, and husband of AnrdoMEDA, daughter of Caiaphas-like Cepheus, king of Oed-like ETHiopia. Reminder: a son of Oedipus was ETEocles. I had traced "AEDon" (same place as Oedipus), from Merops of Ethiopia, to "ETHiopia" too, and that's where PosEIDON was from. This recalls that Poseidon in Yemen/Aden had traced to Tanais elements, home of Helen-suspect Alans. It was this Poseidon line that mated with Amymone to produce the Creusa/Aeneas line to Annas of Israel. This line was out of Aenus, near the Paeti now suspect with "Phaethon" from Helios elements in Merops of Ethiopia.

Hood/Hudd and Hood/Hope liners are honored in the "hope" motto term and anchor of Kinners now suspect at Kingston upon Hull. The backbone for a Kelly trace to Hull liners is where the Enfield surname links likely to the Fields/Felde's (in Hull colors and format), first found in Yorkshire (i.e. location of Kingston upon Hull). Feld liners had traced to the Falticeni location on/near the BistRITA river, and two lions in the colors of the two Kelly / Rita lions (Bisset colors) were found at the Arms of Suceava, also in the BISTrita theater. The Heller blood drops can be traced to the same of Irish Pattersons using scallops in Heller colors, and so it's notable that Scottish Pattersons, first found in the same place as Bissets, use peliCANs. I'm wondering if that's part code for the Cann liners out of Kingstons, for the Caeni were beside the Paeti, and Pattersons smack of the Paeti.

It was an emailer with Patterson bloodline that got me onto Hall liners, because she was also a Hall liner. This was at the time of her dream that convinced me to be from God, where a blue lion with the name "something like "Cappeo" appeared just as she awoke one morning. I then got onto Hall-liner investigations and found the blue lion of Hallams/Hallans -- with blood drops on the lion -- first found in the same place as Hulls. It's remarkable, if not incredible. Pattersons also use blood drops.

Mount Parnassus is named after Parnassos [not reality], the [mythical] son of the nymph Kleodora and the man Kleopompus...The citizens ran from the flood, following wolves' [Leto > Apollo symbol, traces to Leda > Pollux], howling, up the mountain slope. There the survivors built another city, and called it Lykoreia (proto-Ligurians?], which in Greek means "the howling of the wolves" [probably not the original derivation]. While Orpheus [= Rephaites, traces to the Riparia] was living with his mother and his eight beautiful aunts [the nine Muses] on Parnassus, he met Apollo who was courting the laughing muse Thalia [proto-Thall/Tall = Talbot bloodline??? It works well for talbot linkage to Halls and Hulls]. Apollo became fond of Orpheus and gave him a little golden lyre, and taught him to play it [= Apollo-line merger with Rephaites, from harp-like ARRAPachitis/Arrapha]...Parnassus was the site of the fountain Castalia [mythical Caster swan?] and the home of the Muses; according to other traditions, that honor fell to Mount Helicon, another mountain in the same range.

Helicon (probably from a Helicon/Helike/Eliki location beside Elis) smacks of an Elig- / Elek-like Elis variation. It's like the Hellion liners under discussion. I once read that early Stewarts worshiped the dog. Thalia may be the proto-Thule society of the Nazi's, for Julians are suspect in Nazi ancestry, and Julians can trace to "Helike" i.e. like "Gileki." The Gileki (to whom the swastika traces) were merged with Cadusii that trace to ArCADia, on the south side of Helike. In the last update, we saw the Traby ostrich feathers trace to Aetolia, and so the ostrich feathers in the Thall/Tall Crest can trace that surname to Thalia. Hitler's mother, a Polzl, traced to Maschi's, who were from Muses, Thalia being one of them. The Thall/Tall bend, in the colors of the Talbot bend, looks to be in use in the Italian Paris Coat (see also the Massena bend), and the Paris-related Panico's trace to Maschi liners well.

In myth, Thule was an Atlantean entity in the north of Europe, a good reason to trace to Thalia of the Aetolia-line Atlanteans. Doesn't "Thule" look like the Toll variation of Dols? Hitler's nephew with Hitler surname even renamed himself (to disguise his Hitler link), Stuart-Houston. Why do Talbots (lion of Stewarts in Coat, and lion of Stewart-related Brocks in Crest) use "Prest" in their motto? Or, why do Prests/Priests share a black martlet with Josephs? Prests (share a white Chief with Brocks) share red estoiles and a black Shield with Corys that can trace to the Corycian nymphs of Muse Land. It's yet another reason to trace Thalls/Talls and Talbots to Thalia.

This is a first, the first time that I've had a confident grip on what Talbots were. It's not a wonder that Taillebois' married Meschin. Recall the forked-tailed lion tails of Corks, for Tailers use lions too, in the colors of the Cork tails, and the Tailer lions happen to be the Levi lions in color reversed. The Talbots above were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Meschins, home of Alans and suspect as a Creusa>Shrewsbury line.

Creusa was birthed as Acrisius by AmyMONE, and then the MONmouths share the red lion of Mauds (Cheshire, beside Shropshire = Shrewsbury), the color of the Talbot lion, the color of the lion at Ranulf-le-Meschin's Wikipedia article, and the latter's lion is colors reversed from the one in the Second/Segur Coat, important because the Thall/Tall Coat uses quarters in colors reversed from the Second/Segur quarters. I even traced the Caepio treasure to Meschins, and here we are finding a potential link between Meschins and Junia Secunda Caepio. Le Meschin's son (Ranulph de Gernon) linked well to the human-foot theme used by Prime's, suspect from Junia Caepio Prima. You need to google "Junia Secunda" to get her article, leave out the "Caepionis" because Google is as anti-educational as it can be now, deliberately so...because the lower classes are becoming too educated by the Internet, making them too dangerous to the elite. It's true. We are learning things kept in darkness previously.

The Second/Segur lion is in the colors of the Ligh/Legh lion, and the human leg of Prime's and ProFETTs likely includes this Ligure line to swan-based Leicestershire. I'm using this paragraph to ask whether these Ligures were from "Lykoreia" of the Muses. In previous years, Ligurians had traced to the Leda Spartans, apparently part of this Atlantean theme. Ligurians were co-founded by Phocaeans, probably the namers of Phocis at the Parnassus area. Lacydon of the Phocaean-Ligures was near Muse-like Massalia. I apologize for not even thinking to get readers a map of Greece:

Pict Liners

I'm not sure how much credence to give the Thule-People article below, but on this one point I think I can agree:

The Thule Tradition, which lasted from about 200 BC to A.D. 1600, developed around the Bering Strait, and are the prehistoric ancestors of the Inuit who now live in Northern Labrador.

That can explain the Labrador species of the heraldic "talbot" dog. The article doesn't have the disposition to include Hyperboreans in with Thule elements, but Wikipedia's articles on Thule and Hyperboreans does equate the two entities.

Claudian believed that the inhabitants of Thule were Picts. This is supported by a physical description of the inhabitants of Thule by the Roman poet Silius Italicus, who wrote that the people of Thule were blue painted:

... the blue-painted native of Thule, when he fights, drives around the close-packed ranks in his scythe-bearing chariot.

The Picts are often said to have derived their name from Latin pingere "to paint"; pictus, "painted". Martial talks about "blue" and "painted Britons", just like Julius Caesar.

"Pingere" smacks of the Pings/Pungs/Pagans (BLUE bends), kin of Payens/Pagans/PAOINts (BLUE Shield), suspect with the Points and related Pinks/Pincs that I traced to pink PUNCH...that I thought was derived in blood-brother pacts of the Arpads, near/on the Pek river at Pincum. I thought that their own blood and water (hence, a pink color, perhaps) were mixed in a cup (or "punch bowl"?), and shared by members as a drink to confirm the pact. The "grasPING" term was found to be part-code for the GingGRAS surname, sharing BLUE fleur-de-lys with Pings/Pungs. I expected these Arpad scythians to use their needles, not only to draw blood, but to create tattoos. I therefore reasoned that this would be the 666 bloodline, tattooing everyone in a massive effort to make the world succumb to witchcraft ideology. The ermine looked to me, at that time, like a needle point and ink drops, but as the pheon arrow head (used by Caledonia-suspect Celts/Cults/Colts) is a similar feature to an ermine, and because it smacks of "Paeoni," it was reasoned that the Payens/Paeons/Paionts were part of this needle set. In Italian, a cup is a coppa, like Cuppae on the Pek, and as I think Daphne traces there, it can go back to her cult of Delphi, a term that should link to "Delos," Apollo's sacred island.

I have the sense that Pollocks and Spears will be at the charge of this global effort. That's being said aside from some thoughts that proceeded: a tattooed body gives the impression of a dragon/serpent, does it not? Delphi, very near Parnassus, was represented by mythical Python, clearly the entity to Melusine (she is suspect from the Spree river, and hence led to Spears). The Vere's located her in Scotland, home of Picts.

If Thule was a real place inhabited by Picts, then the Thule trace to mythical Thalia (near/at Calydon) could indicate the Caledonian Picts. Apparently, the heraldry masters, or at least the Thall/Tall bloodline, had Thule located on Labrador. The Labor surname (all-seeing-eye) uses thin, double fesse bars, symbol of Mauds, Monmouths and Wassa's.

If we ask why the Spartan "AmyMONE" was a substitute for "HyperMN(estra)," we might ask the Hoppers/Happers using the white Aule tower, tracing to the family of Cilnius Maecenas and Tarentius Varro Murena. The Murena's use this tower in red, and share eagles with Trents and red-eagle Tarents, a starter-indication of a Hopper trace to Aetolians.

Motto codes are important for establishing / verifying surname traces to people groups. For example, the "regis" motto term of Hoppers (in Pape colors) can be suspect with the "rege" term of Pattersons, and while we're at it let's ask what "ragullee" is code for (used by Pape's and Juggs). If "ragullee" leads us to Amymone, it's a good bet that the Juggs were named after her jug symbol. We can then ask why "Judd" should trace to Amymone elements. Pape's call it "RaGULY." There is a Gully surname (Oxfordshire, where Vere's ruled), smacking of Hulls. It just so happens that Hoppers were first found in Durham, on the Wear river, while Wears/Were's share the crosslets Gullys, though Gullys are using a colors-reversed version of the Toste/Taft/Tuff Coat which also uses the crosslets. There is a red eagle in the Toste/Taff Crest, suggesting a trace to Aetolia, where TAPHians lived. We have a story. The Wear bend uses arrows upon it, while the Amy/Amott bend uses ermine spots, which can be construed, possibly, as an evolution from arrow heads / pheons. The Amott-suspect Motts were first found in the same Nord place of Brittany as a Jugon location, where I'm tracing the Juggs/Judds. The other Amy's use the Hagel pile.

As Juggs/Judds come up as "Judge," connection to the Gedge variation of Gangs/Giggs/Geggs is possible, and then the Gogue's (happen to use boars) come up as "Gudge." I've not known this before. It looks like the Judds trace to the Gogi aspects in Oedipus' Calydon elements, and to this we can add that Gogue's/Gudge's use an AUDaces" motto term.

None of this seemingly proves that "raguly" is part code for Gullys, but it did help to find the Julian/Gillian cross in the Gully surname ("Nil Sine Cruce" motto). It is highly suggestive that Gullys (in Yule/Yell colors) are Julian liners of a Gule / Yule kind. Gulls ("Sine" motto term) were first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars; the Gull bars are even in the German-Julian Coat. Therefore, as Dutch Gulls/Gollens/Gollers use a seagull, any other surname using it is suspect with the Julian line. I beg your pardon, the Gull seagull has been changed to a red-breasted bird looking like a robin. The description just calls if "a bird," but if it's a robin, it can be of the Sullivan robin, important because Salyes were at GuillESTRE. German Gulls, first found in Holland, use a seagull. Sullivans trace with Brians to Briancon, very close to Modane, and then AmyMONE traces to Hasmoneans of Modane while she was also HypermnESTRA. It could look like she traces to the naming of Guillestre, and that is close to sine-suspect Sion. In fact, Hypermnestra was born from a swan father, and Sine's are listed with Swans. Therefore, Julian liners of the Gull / Gully kind did hook up with the namers of Sion, explaining why German Julians use the Seaton/Sitten crescents in colors reversed.

It could appear that Julians trace with Kills/Keale's / Killions/Kellys to "Calydon," whereas Julians were tracing well to the Gileki namers of the Akheloos river in neighboring Aetolia. The eagle in the arms of Guillestre is therefore suspect from the Akheloos river. In other words, it looks like the Gels/Gileki and the Khaldi / Chaldeans may have been the same stock. Calders/Cadders use a swan, and a "ViGILANs" motto term. Gilans are listed with Gellone's/Gillians (share a "fire bomb" in Crest with the Balance-suspect Balls). Scottish Gilans/Gillilands share the grail cup with the Giles'/Jiles' (pelicans in Chief). As it's the Mitanni / Wassukanni elements of this picture that trace to Julius' mother, it's notable that the Spanish Gulls/Guels are using double-fesse bars, symbol of Washingtons.

Wikipedia's article on the Pindus mountains says that the west side -- Epirus -- was called, Ioannina. Assuming the Ionians and/or the namers of this place were from Jonathan the Levite, it can explain a Jonathan trace to Abruzzo and/or Molise. "Ioannina, often called Yannena within Greece, is the capital and largest city of Epirus..." It says the place was named after John / Janina, but doesn't give further details, and, besides, Wikipedia's history writers have been given the green light from Wikipedia bosses to chose any off-the-wall derivation that they deem best, without explanation.

We've seen white and black lions go to Aetolia, the colors of the WORK lions, and then Joans (looked up as per Ioannina") were first found in WORCestershire, where Watts were first found who share the human eye with Thalia-suspect Labors. While Labors use the double thin bars of Wassa's, Work (honored in the Sinclair motto) use the double bars of Washingtons in Sinclair colors. Joans, who could be using the Touch/TAFF lions, are using a quartered Shield in the colors of the same of Thalls/Tall (!), which I did not yet know when writing the two sentences immediately above. Looks like my labor was not in vain. I even recall that, in Poland, a Shield-on-Shield, which I see Talbots using, is called, "janina" (I have this recorded in many updates, but the anti-educational Google won't bring them all up if you search for it with "tribwatch" as part of the search).

The mount Grammos of the Pindus range can go to the Grampian region of Pictland, where i traced some Sinclair elements. I recall that there was a mythical Pictus related to mythical Molossians. I have this recorded in some updates and several Ladon-book chapters, including the chapter, "Who Pict Green for Lothian?" It's recorded there that Pictus was made the brother of mythical PergaMON was Molosse. Just trace back to the Pyxites river near the Khaldi of Trabzon. Note that Modens/Modleys were first found in Perg-like Berkshire. Pictons are using the lion of the Traby-suspect Trevors, but it's also the King / Kingston lion. This is important in proving that Picts are 666 liners, as Trabys are, says me.

One BLUE-Shielded Pick surname (shares gold crosslets with Kings) with Pix/Pixt variations was first found in the same place (Kent) as one Scott surname (as well as Worcesters), while both Scott surnames use versions of the Talbot Coats, important if Picts were Thule liners from Talbot-rooted Thalia. This Pick/Pixt Coat ("Pict" variations may have been deliberately left out) could be using the Payen chevron. As Thalia was near Delphi, where the dolphin symbol of Apollo and Daphne derived, what about the Payens being first found in dolphin-using Dauphine?

Grams/Grahams (i.e. looked up as per the Grammos mountain) share gold scallops with Worcesters. Grams were first found in the same place (Lothian) as Sinclairs). As the Works of Sinclair kinship became suspect with Worcesters, two things are notable: 1) the Gram Coat could be a version of the Coat of Sinclair-related Tanners; 2) Smolls/Smalls (Traby-suspect Derbyshire) could be using the Sinclair / Conan cross (are Conans Jonathan liners of the Gonne/Kohn kind?), important where the Pindus range has a SMOLikas mountain. German Tanners use PINE cones (part code for the Cone / Conte/Comites line in the "Commit" motto term of Sinclairs), and Pine's/Pyne's could be Pinder/Pynder kin. German Grams/Gremlings use three ostrich feathers, and in the last update there were two ostrich feathers used by Rye's. The Sinclairs of Pont d'Eveque (Normandy) were about 50 miles from the Ryes location, and between them is Cabourg, suspect with any gold-on-black lion, such as is used by Kings and Pictons. To this it can be added that the Rollo's badge is the Celt/Colt stag head, again suggesting that Sinclair Rus were merged with Caledonian Picts.

The Pine's/Pyne's are using the Wayne Coat and as such "Pyne" is a Wayne / Veyne variation, explaining why Maschi's use pine cones too, as code for the Fane's/Veyne's out of Fano, near Rimini. But this can reveal that the namers of Picenum, an area that reaches north to Fano, were the Pict bloodline. French Pines, in BLUE, were first found in the same place (Limousin) as Talbot-suspect Seconds/Segurs, and Seagars (moline cross, symbol of a branch of "the tanner" of Falaise) had already traced to Justine of Picenum, thus tending to verify that the Maschi and Tanner pine cones are for Picenum-related Pine's out of tracing tentatively to the Pindus mountain. Penningtons share a horizontal string of blue-on-gold lozenges with Justine-honoring Sirons/Sirets, tracing now to Aetolia, location of Calydon.

The Pindus has a GAMila mountain that may be of the Cams/Game's / James'/Geames', or the Gamble's. If the Italian Peris/Perico surname (in Comet colors) is from the Peristeri mountain (Pindus), then that surname's comet code can trace Combs/Comets, first found in Limousin, and in Comyn colors, to the Pindus with the Pine's of Limousin. Peris', Comets and Comyns all have BLUE Shields, and are in Graff colors too, who perhaps trace to the Agrafa mountain (Pindus). The Comets are likely of the Comites variation of Conte's,rulers of a Comyns location. Thus, the Paris/Perico's are linking to Sinclairs.

Pine's, by the way, use the Gingrich cinquefoils in colors reversed, as well as the Conte crescents in colors reversed. To clinch a Pine trace to the Pindus, the Pine crescents are colors reversed from the Pint(o) crescents.

The only other two entities that I know of using comets are the Arms of the Salesians of Don Bosco, and the Steffani's/Stepans, first found in Bologna and using the Panico Shield. Earlier, it was asked: "Why do Italian Paris'/PariSATO's share the oak tree on a red Shield with Panico's on the SETTA...?" That should explain why Peris' (not the same page as Italian Paris') are using a ParICO variation (same ending as "Panico").

Let's go back to the Smolls/Smalls, first found in Derbyshire, where Grave's (two different spread eagles) were first found who were looked up as per "Agrafa." French Grave's were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Conte's. The Graven variation of Dutch Grave's (in Acton colors) can suggest the Cravens, Croatian suspects who honor the Actons, from an Axton location in Kent. Time's/Timms were likewise first found in Kent, and then the Pindus has a TIMfi mountain. The "avance" motto term of Actons is interesting for bringing up the Evens with the Avans surname, terms like the Evenus river, location of Calydon!!! Those exclamatons are for the Picks/Pixts, likewise first found in Kent...where I trace Ixion's Centaurs. Also interesting is that CALDers and Celts/Colts share a stag with the Evens/Avans.

The Evens/Avans use the round-tailed lion of Gate's, in the same colors. Deins/Deans use this lion design too, and Deins throw in crescents in the colors of the English-Pint crescents. The other Pick surname gets the Pike's/Pickens, kin of Gate-suspect Geddes/Geddy's. The Geddy's/Gideons use a fesse in colors reversed from the Wheeler/Whaler fesse. Another surname using the round-tailed lion are the Hollands, using it in the colors of the same lion of Atlas'/Atleys, first found in Kent (!), and colors reversed from the Hallam/Halland lion.

Here's how Picts can trace to Molossians and Molise but by way of Calydon: "In Greek mythology, Pylus is a son of Ares and Demonice. His brothers were Evenus, Molus and Thestius." That Evenus part is in fact the Evenus river of Calydon, and so we just go to another myth writer who made Pictus a brother of Molosse (hard to find online last I tired), meaning that a Pictus entity (obviously from the Pyxites river, near the proto-Calydon Khaldi) was at the Evenus theater along with Molossians. Pylus is very interesting here for the claim of some, that the mother of Pontius Pilate was a Pict from Perthshire, where Celts/Colts were first found who use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed. It suggests that Pilate was a Calydon liner.

"Evenus" could be play on "Venus," for the Venus surname likewise uses a stag. If that's correct, then I would trace Heneti, en route to forming the Veneti = Venus, to Calydon. This can explain why Ares was made the father, for the Heneti were represented by Aphrodite, mate of Ares. But other writers substituted Ares with Agenor, grandson of Calydon. The Agenor term used here traces this lot to the Tyrians. Venus' were first found in Heneti-like Kent!!

This is not the first time that a Heneti-Khaldi merger has been insinuated. This picture can explain why Hungarian myth takes the stag back to Nimrod of very-ancient Assyria. It has to do with the CHAROPs > Orpheus line at Parnassus, roughly in the Calydon theater, going to the ARPad (founder of Hungarians). The stag is used by HENETi likely for the ANTlers, and Heneti are suspect from mythical Anat, likely the namer of both AnaTOLIA (i.e. like "AETOLIA") and ANTalya...not to mention mythical ANTenor, symbol of the Heneti > Veneti > Venus line. Did you notice that the Evens/Avans stag is in the position of the Venus stag? My identification of "Orpheus" as a line from Arrapha was made without this Nimrod theory in mind, but it just so happens that Arrapha was a VERY-ANCIENT ASSYRIAN city. See Wikipedia on Arrapha, though last time I checked, it no longer shared the "Arrapachitis" version of the city...probably due to a movement in Wikipedia circles to keep Biblical characters out of history articles.

Can you see that "ARPAD" was from "ARRAPHA"?

It's interesting that the white-on-black lions tracing to Aetolia included Newmans, they have been suspect from NUMidians, possible from term honoring Nimrod. The Gates were first traced to Getuli Numidians, and then to the Neame surname suspect from Neamt in what was ancient Scythia. But the Gate lion is now tracing to the namers of the Evenus river. It was presented in the last update that Cage's are using the Gate Shield, and Cage's use a stag in Crest! Just trace the Atlas surname, first found in the same place as Venus', to the Geddy/Gideon Shield, and make a Venus link thereby to Gate liners. But note how "Gideon smacks of "Kition," a location on Cyprus where Aphrodite (= the Roman Venus) was made born.

ZOWIE. There was a myth where a PYGmalion (a Tyrian in Cyprus) was in love with Aphrodite on Cyprus, and the Geddes honor the PIKE surname with pike fish! That's a new discovery fresh off the hook. Geddes' trace to Kittion, I am certain, and it looks like Pyxites elements were in Tyre. Pygmalion was made the father, with Aphrodite, of the real city of Paphos. From that, one can trace the proto-Picts to Paphlagonian Heneti. The Pyxites was not far from the Anatolian mainland from Cyprus. Possibly, "PygMALION" was part-code for Malia. Repeat: " bordered by the MALIAN Gulf to the east, Boeotia in the south, Phocis [not to be confused with Phocaea] in the south, Aetolia-Acarnania in the southwest...The name dates back to ancient times. It is best known as the home of Achilles" It means that the namers of the Akheloos at the far-west of Greece were from this Malian-sea area on the east side, and it suggests that proto-Picts in Cyprus, as well as proto-Geddes, may have moved together in this east-to-west migration, explaining why Gate's and tracing to Evenus elements.

Wikipedia: "At an unknown date, later authors give as the name of [Pygmalion's] statue that of the sea-nymph Galatea or Galathea." For some reason, they were tracing Aphrodite's Heneti to a Galat-like entity, which is much like "Calyd(on)." This recalls my trace of Aphrodite's Heneti to Moldova, location of Galati. This city is near the mouth of the Rimna river, where proto-Roman Benjamites trace. Aphrodite was herself made a proto-Roman by being the mother of Aeneas.

Seeking surnames that might go to "PYGmalion," we can first appeal to the Pike's and Picks/Pix's/Pixts. But recently, the Piggs and Biggs were discussed together in a potential trace to DenBIGH, where Jones' were first found. There was little clue that the black boars of the Piggs could trace to Pygmalion, until the Mallys were loaded to find a boar! The Biggs happen to use a red leopard face, the symbol of the ANTONs, like mythical ANTONor!!! The Mally Crest is the Gunn ship, but Gunns became suspect as Gonne = Yonne = Jonathan liners, same as the Jones!!!

As Aeneas wife, Creusa, was identified as the Acrisius Danaans, might they have named DENbigh when the Rhodian Danaan came to the west as Atlanteans, along with Picts? Recall the Limousin location coming up twice in the Pindus discussion, for the Santones, beside the Lemovices founder of Limousin, were themselves beside the Pictones. Santones -- who smack of mythical Sandon, otherwise known as the Cilician / Lydian or Hercules lion -- trace to Sintians on Lemnos, operated by Aphrodite's husband. He traces well to the Khaldi metal makers! Hercules (a Danaan out of Argos liners) was an Atlantean entity in the ship of Helios i.e. he was moving west with Danaans of Rhodes.

The Mallys share the red-on-gold boar with the Less/Lusk surname that traced to Lesbos (loosely between Lemnos and Rhodes). The Lesbos and Less/Lusk entity had been traced with Phocaeans to the formation of Lacydon Ligurians, but they are suspect with the area of Phocis too, in the Calydon theater. It just so happens the Malleys were first found in Mayo (Ireland), smacking of Maia, Atlas' daughter. As Irish legend traces to Miletus, on the Anatolian mainland from Rhodes, perhaps Malian elements in Pygmalion were the namers of Miletus.

Malbone's are suspect as a Mal merger with Bone's. As Skull and Bones was actually named after the Skull and Bone surnames, and while it's a Yale holy cow, what about a trace to Yell on Shetland, by which I mean to ask about the "BYGGar" motto term in the Arms of Shetland (part of Pictland, we can assume, at one time). Does this reveal that Malbone's were from the Malion entity in Pygmalion? It works well if he was a proto-Pict entity. Does this mean that Biggars were Pict liners? Apparently. But didn't I trace Biggars to the Khazars/Kabars on the Mures, at BIHAR? Yes, and Khazar kings were called, bigs. This concept of Pict liners with Khazars seems too strange, but the Bihar Khazars were part of Hungarian formation with Magyars, and the latter were allies of PECHENegs, like the Picken variation of Pike's. The Pickens could be using the gold-on-red saltire of Cage's.

What are the chances that the Biks/Bichs/Bicks (in Pike colors), while using stags, were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Mally-related Less/Lasks, a known branch of Leslie's who are in-turn known to be stag-based Hungarians?

Recall that Talbots and Picts both traced to Thule, suspect from the Thalia Muse. The Talbots share a "prest" motto term with Pickets/Pigotts/Picoys, first found in the same place (Cambridge) as Cage's. The Pickets use three large ermines, but without the three spots per point. It had been determined that Talbots use the Brock lion, making the Prest Chief suspect as the Brock Chief, and so see the Brock lion in the Coat of the Biggs, first found in the same place (Essex) as BIGOTs, looked up as per "prest"-using Pickets/PICOTS! I had written: "Or, why do Prests/Priests share a black martlet with Josephs? Prests (share a white Chief with Brocks) share red estoiles and a black Shield with Corys that can trace to the Corycian nymphs of Muse Land. It's yet another reason to trace Thalls/Talls and Talbots to Thalia." It just so happens that the Core/Gore surname was likewise first found in Essex, not to mention the Jonathan-suspect Yonge's, who share the Hoger annulets in colors reversed. Hogans are suspect from the On-Ogurs = proto-Hungarians Ugrians, from mythical Oeagrus, part of the Charops > Orpheus line.

As Atlanteans were largely from Rhodes, we could expect the Roets and Rita's/Rheda's in this Pict-liner investigation. First of all, the "prest" motto term is translated, "ready," and the latter is a motto term of a surname that I've forgotten, likely in honor of Reeds/Reade's who use the Picken saltire. Scottish Reeds/Rieds show a red stag, and red eagles now tracing to Aetolia, as well as sharing a "book" in Crest with Roets. Then, Bigots share a tortoise with Chaucers (first found in Kent yet again), who married a sister of Catherine Roet. Chaucers happen to use a bend in the red-on-white colors of the Rita/Rheda bend, a bend used by Biks/BIGHs, and then the Rita lion is that also of the Jones, first found in DenBIGH, as well as that of Atlas'/Atleys, first found in the same place as Chaucers (and Chalkers).

Why is the snake in the Bigot Crest called an "ADDer proper"? Is that an Atlas-line entity? Why does it specify that it's the "right" hand that holds the adder? Why is the gauntlet glove called "in armor"? The Rights/Wrights, in Armor colors, use leopard faces in the colors of the Atlas/Atley lion. There are some, including me, who see Atlanteans in American natives, of the Pict kind, meaning that we should not be surprised to find Pict liners linked to Atlas liners. Atters/Atee's/MacAteers happen to share the red eagle (of MacDonalds) with Reeds. Atters were first found in Scotland's IONA, a Jonathan suspect from Greek Ionians.

Recall that the Hungarian stag had traced to Arrapha, the proto-Arpad entity. It must trace first to Arpad in Syria before going to Arad at the Bihar theater. Syrian Arpad was also "ARADos, a term to which Reed liners may trace, and to let's re-mention the Bik/Bigh bend in Rita-bend colors, for the Bik bend has stag heads. Does that seem to you a good reason for tracing "Bik" to Biggar-suspect "Bihar"? Coens/Kagans trace there too, but "Cohen" smacks of the Gowen and Kohn variation of Gonne's. The Bigot-suspect Rights/Wrights (Scottish branch) use checks in Cohen-check colors, a motto (MeRITEz) that can trace to the MenMURAT Khazars at Biharia, as well as more eagle heads and a single, white ostrich feather that are now tracing together to Aetolia. That motto makes "Right" suspect with Rita's.

The Armors (Moray /Cohen/Kagan stars) have been gleaned as More elements, likely from the Mures, but the Armers/Amore's have been gleaned as using a version of the MALbone Coat, a surname suspect with "PygMALion." It's interesting that while "PYG" smacks of "Pagan," the Payne kin of Pagans/Payens use "malo mori" as a motto term. The same motto is used by GIFFards, and it dawns on me now that "Giff" can be from an evolution such as Pyg > Pygh > Pyff > Wyff > Guiff > Giff. Just as "Haugh" is pronounced, Hoff, so "Pigh" could have become "Piff." The anchor-using Pfiefers might therefore apply. Their anchor is in the colors of Morgans, while Pfiefers (rose in Crest) show a PFEYfer variation, possibly revealing that Morgan le Fey was from this bloodline. The Picts could easily have been on Rothesay = Avalon. The Vey/Vivian surname uses the FIFE Shield. The Fife's and Five's share a red lion that can trace to the red lion of Pigh-like Bighs. That's interesting, especially as Payne's use the Bigh lion in colors reversed. It looks like Payens/Pagans were of Pygmalion, as well as Pict liners.

Let's go back to the similarity between AEDon and OEDipus (both from Thebes of Boiotia), and let's assume that I'm, correct to identify "Aedon" as the Atun sun-god line from pharaoh AkhenATEN, husband of NEFERtiti, the two of whom trace by their descendants to NEVERs and neighboring AUTUN. The Datons, said to be derived in d'Autun, are using the same red-on-white lion as Brocks and Biggs, and then the Datons are traced to one "Picot d'Autun." The Nevers, who could be using the Elis cross-and-fleur, were first found beside Fife. This, as well as the "NeVEY" variation of Nevers, is suggesting a fundamental link between the Akhenaten line and Morgan le Fay. Was Pygmalion an Akhenaten liner?

Compare the name of Akhenaten's wife, "NEFERTITI," to "APHRODITE." It looks like Pygmalion was in love with Nefertiti's line. It just so happens that a descendant of Malahule was a Balso D'EsPAINES. Nicholas de Vere traced his witchcraft cult of Vere's both to Melusine on Avalon and to the suspect in Yuya, horse trainer of Akhenaten. As we saw the Yuya line go to METHymna on Lesbos, by what coincidence was Pygmalion given a daughter, METHarme? This Yuya line had been identified as the one to Ben-Jabesh-ites.

There is a Meth/Methley surname said to be founders of a Methley location that "inspired the sculptures of Henry MOORE," interesting because Pygmalion was occupied in sculptures. Aha! The Meth surname is using the BEAK/BEKE Shield! Irish Moore's even use the Morgan lion! It just so happens that these Coats use the three black-on-white horizontal bars that are the Arms of Trebizond Empire, where the Pyxites flowed!!! Therefore, "Beak" is from "Pyx." Beaks must be using the Traby ostrich in Crest.

The Pygmalion statue was named, according to Wikipedia, in the 18th century: "According to Meyer Reinhold, the name 'Galatea' was first given wide circulation in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's scene lyrique of 1762, Pygmalion. The name had become a commonplace of pastoral fictions, because of the well known myth of Acis and Galatea..." Clicking to the Acis-and-Galatea article, we find Galatea, a Sicilian entity on the Acis river, daughter of Nereus and Doris. It's evoking the Gela location on Sicily. "Others claim the [Galatea] story was invented to explain the presence of a shrine dedicated to Galatea on Mount Etna." ETna," which may go to OEDipus and his son, ETeocles, was beside Messina area of Sicily, land of Sicels whom I trace to the Szekely on the Mures.

As I trace the Neretva area of Illyria to Nereus' so-called Nereids, one of which was Achilles (at home at the Malian sea, the area of OEDipus), and because I trace Neretva elements to the Nerthus goddess of the Angles, note how the EOTens = Jutes smack of "OEDipus" or "Oeta" or, better yet, of "ETNa." The Jutts/Judds happen to share boar heads with the Piggs.

The Galts (upright bear), looked up seeking Galatea lines, show a Gall variation that can go to Gela. Recall the Gulls and Gullys, how they traced to Julians. The Galts/Galls happen to have been first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Celts/Colts, and are therefore suspect with Calydonian Picts. Pygincidence? Galts/Galls, said to use "a black bear with a red muzzle," can link to the Alis bear because it's also said to be muzzled, but then Alis' can trace to Ali's/AliOTTO's of Thermodon-suspect Messina i.e. which could have covered Etna in those days. That gets the Galts traced to Galatea lickety-split. The "Patentia vincit" motto of Galts traces to the muzzled bear of Vincents.

Jutts/Judds (and Pape's) are the ones using a raGULLY fesse, which brought up the Gully topic, but by-gully note that "RAGully" can be double code, for Ragusa is a location on the same side of Sicily as Etna!

Of further coincidental interest, the Galati surname (in OTTOne and Visconti colors) was first found in Milan, where Ottone Visconti ruled (he smacks of "Eoten"), and Milans were first found in Messina, almost the location of mythical Galatea and OTTONe-like ETNa. Were proto-Jute's in Milan as the proto-Visconti's? Didn't I trace the founding of Jutes to the Cottius family AFTER clinching the Cottius link to Visconti's??? The Galati Coat uses three white-on-blue bends, colors reversed from the bend used in the marine industry for the number, 6. It wouldn't have been mentioned if 666-suspect Picts and Trabys weren't involved here. See the same-colored three Murton bends too (in Moray colors), for it can now help make a Sicil link to Szekelys on the Mures.

To put it another way, Galatea-related Sicils migrated to the Mures (or perhaps vice-versa), and got involved with Rollo's at Reghin (on the Mures), then became the Galts and Colts/Celts, the latter sharing the Rollo-badge stag! That works. And the Sicil area of Sicily is across from Reggeo in Calabria, though I would guess that Reghin was named after Ragusa. I traced the name of Rollo's father, RAGnvald, to Reghin, but Ragnvald was brother to Malahule of More (!!!) thus clinching a trace of Pygmalion to Malahule's name. How about that. And the monster partner of the Scylla monster in the land of Sicils was CHAYBdis, which traced excellently to "Charops" (the entity that founded the Arpad Hungarians) precisely due to Szekelys claiming to be ancestral to Hungarians. Thus, Pygmalion does trace to Hungarians and probably the Pechenegs.

Where Revelation 17 speaks on a grail cup filled with blood and murder of Christians, it can be referring to the Arpad blood oaths, and the practice that came before them in other scythians of the Pyxites kind. As the Picts are suspect with the 666 "tattoo" on account of their painted bodies, this additional point doesn't seem trivial. It had occurred to me a couple of hours before writing here that the 6 of the UPC's right side, two vertical thin lines, could be a take from two heraldic pale bars. The first such bars to come to mind were the one in the Seat/Seed/Cede Coat, and they are BLUE-on-white, as with the marine bends for the number, 6 (see Wikipedia's article on the number six). Note the ermines behind the double bars. I can't think of any other surname using double pale bars.

The surname using a "cede" motto term, the Steers, may have been Seat(on) liners, by the looks of it. The Steer lions are in the colors, positions and style of the Payne lions. The Payne's just proved to trace to the Akhenaten - Yuya circle through Pygmalion, and Yuya is suspect with mythical king GUGU of Lydia, a line expected to the anti-Christ. The Steers can be traced to Pygmalion too, for while he was thought by ancients to be a line to mythical Dodo, a Tyrian princess that was the founder of Carthage in Tunisia, the Steer motto is "TU NE Cede me." apparent code for Tunis. I traced the Akhenaten line to Meshwesh at Tanis, but it's been years (not now for convenience) since making a Meshwesh-of-Tanis trace to the naming of Tunis (beside the Massi Numidians). The lion's paw in the Steer Crest has become suspect, as with all lion's paws, with the human-sacrifice cult of African Boofima, and that of course can be linked easily to the human sacrifices in Carthage.

The over-riding importance in all this is the so-called "steer" in the German Bach Coat, likely traceable to the Bachs of DenBIGH (Wales), where the Jones were first found who are suspect from a Hyksos merger with Jonathan the Levite. That is, pharaoh APACHnas, the Exodus pharaoh, had family that joined Jonathan in corrupting him, taking him from the God of Israel, because Jonathan's grandfather, Moses/Moshe, was brought up and named in the house of Apachnas, a house that I say was of the proto-Meshwesh Mus entity at Lake Van. In other words, Jonathan's cousins-by-adoption joined him, or so it seems to me. The prior symbol showing for German Bachs was a gold calf; I saw it with my own eyes several times until it changed, after I wrote / published several times that the heraldry masters knew that Bachs traced to the golden calf in the Exodus i.e. they knew that Bachs were from the Exodus pharaoh. But they weren't telling anyone. The number 6 is "hex," like "HYKSos."

Etna is in Catania, and then the Arms of CATANia (elephant) shares a gold-on-blue castle with CHATTANs! The Chattan page shows the clan badge as the Mosca / Chives leopard. The Chattan motto, "OmniBUS AMIcus," suggests Amymone elements fully expected in Messina (because they trace to Mitanni elements at Modon/METHoni of Messene). In fact. Amymone gave birth to the Atlantean line of Creusa, who was at Agrigento, same island as per Catania. The Mosca family was hooked at the Agrigento area with the Drake namers of the Drago river, and the Gela founders of Agrigento (Gela is about 50 miles from Catania and less from Etna) are now suspect in mythical Galatea of Etna. The Ragusa area of Sicily traced to Ragusa of Illyria, where Carrick-suspect Saraca's lived, and then proto-Carricks are expected at the naming of "ACRAGas," the alternative name of Agrigento.

As Chattans show a Cato variation, Porcius Cato is now suspect from Catania elements. Moments before coming to this topic, the Pallet surname was entered to find boar heads in the colors of the Porcius boars (which wasn't going to be mentioned until getting to the Catania paragraph). The Pallets were looked at because more than one pale bar is called a "pallet," and so the Seats/Seeds and Seatons can now be viewed as a branch of "Catan / Cato." This theory, that Cato's were Seatons, was put forth months ago nor other reasons, but here we have good explanation for it.

A further point is that while the book of Enoch traces the black boar to Edom, so the Porcius and Pallet boars are black, as are the Bush boars, which is partly why I trace Bush's to the Edom capital, BOZrah/BOSrah, like the "OmniBUS" code of Chattans/Cato's (in Gate colors). The masters knew of this trace, didn't they, but were not telling, snakes that they were.

An idea that came to mind is that "hexaGRAM" can trace to Grammos, a mountain in the Pindus range, where the Ixion-branch Hyksos lived. The Grammos term could possibly be of our "grammar." My dictionary says that "grammar" is from the Greek "gramma," to write or draw. The Corycian nymphs at the Muse area of the Pindus range, where the Mus household of Apachnas' descendants could be expected, may trace to Chora on Patmos, where God's Revelation to John of the 666 took place. The Huck and Huckabys use marine-6 colors in their chevrons, but Huckabys use ASCLEPius rods, traceable to Scala on Patmos because he was son of Coronis at Chora. Ixion at the Muse theater of Greece was Coronis' brother. Have you been enlightened? Grams/Grahams use Asclepios-suspect scallops traceable to Scylla at Messina. .

Hmm, German Grams, in the colors of the marine 6, use (three black) ostrich feathers. Hmm, there is a Grammar surname listed with Crammers/Cremers, using a ram's head (it can be shown that Ramesses was a Massey liner) in the colors of the Gram/Graham Coat. The Gram/Graham Coat looks linkable to that of Young-related, Hungarian-suspect Hogans, which may not have mentioned had not the Hogens/Hogers (with an 'e') use ram heads. Aha!Crams/Crambs use the marine-6 colors as well as six fitchee crosses! Croms use a cat traceable to the Catania liners. Crams/Crambs use the Macey-colored chevron, colors reversed to the Huck / Huckaby chevrons, perfectly expected in a Mus-Hyksos relationship.

Aha! Crombys/Cromys, looked up as per "Cramb," were first found in the GRAMPian theater, what was traced earlier to the Grammos mountain (because Pict liners are expected in both places). I would say that Cromby liners named Grampian.

Scottish Milans/Macmillans can trace to Messina because Italian Milans (Cromby colors) were first found there. With a trace of Pygmalion's daughter (Metharme) to the Messina area Sicily, it explains the Scottish Milan write-up tracing to a Methlan character, son of a Buchanan chief. Buchan was an area to the east of Grampian, and the "BUCHAN" is like "APACHNas." Methley-like Medleys are said to have lived in BUXstead! See BUXENtum/PYXUS on the left side of this map of old Lucania (at the arch of Italy's boot), with a GRUMentum nearby:

It seems undeniable that Buchan and neighboring Grampian trace to this part of Italy, not far from eastern Sicily, and easily accessed by ship. The Grumentium location is on an ACIRis river, which has got to be from the Acis entity of Galatea myth because it was at/near modern ACIReale. Wikipedia: "An actual statue [of Galatea] by a pool in the public gardens of Acireale, the Sicilian town where the transformation of Acis is supposed to have taken place..." When starting on the Grammos > Grampian topic, I had no idea that it could trace smack to Galatea. Not until I got the map for you to show Buxentium/Pyxus did that news appear. With Pygmalion tracing also to the arch of Italy's boot, it's feasible that his elements named PUGlia at the boot's heel. "Aciris" smacks of Acrisius. And by the way, as Lucania is beside Bruttium, I expect Moldova / Trypillian elements of the Prut-river kind at this area, which can explain the Siris river that you see beside Grumentum and Buxentum (i.e. from Siret-river Trypillians).

Italian Milans use a dark-brown tree stump, the color of the stag in the Hex/Heck Coat. That stag is in the design of the same of Celts/Colts, first found on the south side of the Grampian mountains. The "Transfigum" motto of Celts/Colts is suspect, with the "Transfixus" motto of Walsh's, in a trace to TRANSylvanians, and the Szekely from the Messina area of Sicily were in Transylvania (location of the Mures).

A few paragraphs above, while on the six fitchees of Crams/Crambs, the concept of fixing a tattoo came to mind. I wasn't going to mention either it nor my look at the Fix/Fick surname, until coming to the "TransFIXus" motto just a few minutes later. Was there something to that? Why did "fix" jump into my head at that time. To give a fix, from a needle, that was the idea. Of interest is where the Fessys, like the Feck term of Fix's, use the same cross as seen in the Arms of Catania.

German Vicks'/Fecks/FEDDima (looks like the Foot / ProFETT / Fitch line) use nothing but a large HEXagram. The Wicks' use axes, a symbol of Drake's that show a 666-like dragon tail, and moreover some axes are suspect as code for Hyksos liners, especially the Drake's who honor the Mosca's in their motto. Here's a version of the Drake Coat in the Tile/Tlley surname from a Tilley location "from near Caen,"using the Vicks axe design. At Wikipedia's Thule article, we find that it was also "Tile." As the Tile dragon is a wyVERN species, does it suggest the Varni (proto-viking suspects) at Thule? The Tile's are suspect as Vere's here because the Tile's took over the estate's from a Mandeville surname, that itself used the Vere Shield in colors reversed. Both surnames were first found roughly in the same place, Wiltshire and Dorset. Thule goes back before the mention of "Varni" in history books, and so who were the proto-Varni? For a possible clue or answer, see the next mention of Dorset below, for it includes the Nereids, and so is it coincidental that Norths (share a black dragon with Tile's) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Wicks.

As Norths use the same lion as Voirs, was "Varni" a Voir/Voyer / Boiorix line? The Gripel location of Voirs/Voyers could be of the Gripp/Grabben Coat sharing a bend in Varn-bend colors. The North dragon is "chained," meaning that the Chaine/Chenay surname may be of "Caen."

I'm going to argue that Mandeville's/Manville's, because they use the Vere / Massey quarters in colors reversed, as the namers of Manche, and as such they trace to the foot-using Isle of Man (where Manannan Danaan came to roost). From there, trace back in time through the Irish Danann to the Scythian line of mythical Scota, in a line out of Miletus, smack beside Latmus. Now we understand clearly.

Later, you will see the Duncan Scottish royals trace to the theater of mount Etna with Eotens=Jutes and Eatons, and the very female goddess of Etna looks like proto-Nerthus, for Etna was near the Aeolian the coast of Messina, where Ali's/Aliotto's were first found. As the latter in the colors of Leto's/Alitto's, I'm going to peg the "letho" motto term of Samsons as code for that line, for Samsons were once showing the cross design used by Eatons, though both crosses were changed. Good, it helps to make other links. The Samson cross now the design of the Ironside cross, and king Ironside was an Aetheling!!! Just think of it, the Aethelings tracing to Aeolus lines in Sicily, as expected if Aethelings were from the mythical Aethlius entity at early Elis! We have a story.

To understand the foundings of Elis suspect in the Uranus>Cronus cult: "Endymion, who sometimes is also called son of Zeus, founded the city of Elis after having led the Aeolians out of Thessaly." That traces from one side of the Pindus range to the other. It starts at the theater of Zeus' mount Olympus, and goes to Olympus at Elis. Compare "AETHL(ius)" to "THESSALy", and then consider Aeson / Iasion of Thessaly, terms like "AETHeling. Then, it just so happens that while Ironside's first name was Edmond, the HETH and EDmond Coats (Gunn ship in Crest) are matches while quite-apparently being versions of the AESon and Eyston Coats. The heraldry masters forgot to tell us of all this. We were left in the dark with superficial history class. Heths and Ironside's were first found in the same place, Durham, on the Were river, which explains why the gold crosslet (Julian-cross design) of Were's (in HESLINGton colors) is that of Ironside's. Is it logical to expect Varni with the Anglo-Saxon Aethelings? Ask the Angles that likewise worshiped Nerthus.

A further point as that while the Doris/D"oris surname is traced to Thessalie, we just saw Nereid-suspect Enarete come to Elis from Thessaly! Then, the wyvern-using Tile's were first found in DORSet, while the mother of Nereids was mythical Dorus, expected from mythical Doris, brother of Aeolus. Does this make Thule/Tile suspect with Nereid liners?

The SALAmander of Julians can now be discussed with Mandeville and SALMONeus of Elis in view, for Salmons are in Saleman colors while Salemans use the Sale bend. My trace of Julians to Guillestre is on the Durance river of the Salyes, and then the Durants (Sale fleur) share the Gunn ship with Edmonds while the latter are in Saleman / Salmon colors and moreover share fleur with Sale's. I can add more arguments for tracing Varni to the Salyes theater, but you've heard them too many times. The EdMON variation is interesting, for "ED" seems to be a root term linking to AETHelings, now highly suspect with the Eotens = Jute's from mount ETNa.

English Vicks' use a pale bar in Fessey colors; the bar is half the Fessey cross. It can now appear that Fesseys, Fitch's and Foots are Hyksos liners of the Vick > Fich kind, same as what named vikings, right? I trace "viking" to "Vexin," the south side of which is at VERNon. The Vernon surname (probably the Hazel Shield) was first found at SHIPbrooke, highly suspect with the Shiptons / Skiptons (because Meschins of Skipton provided lords of Tonbridge that Vere-Drakenbergs honor), and it just so happens that Vernons settled "near NORTHwich" (Cheshire), a term that seems to be a North-Wick combo. The Diens/Dives were first found in the same place as Norths, and the Dien/Dives wing design was shown until recently for the Chaine's/Chenays and the Masci's, and so lets mention that Tilley / Caen are near the Dives river.

It appears here that Norths were the carriers of the Nerthus cult suspect from Enarete and Aeolus, but also from Nereus and Dorus, the latter known to be a sea-faring entity. The Vernon Crest: "A demi goddess holding three ears of wheat and a scythe." The scythe is another name for a sickle, and I traced that symbol to Elis, where Aeolus lines ruled (see Salmoneus, son of Aeolus and Enarete, king of Elis). That should explain the Elis-Crest woman as a Nerthus liner. The Arms of Vernon use garbs or wheat sheaves. The Vernon Coat is a version of the Weir/Vere Shield.

The first ruler of Elis, by the way, was Aetheling-like AETHLius, who married a daughter of Aeolus and Enarete. This is an astounding mention, actually, because I traced "HAZEL" to "AETHELing, and here we just saw the Shield of Hazels (Cheshire) used by Vernons (Cheshire)! It looks like Aethelings and Hazels both were of Elis elements! Thank you heraldry. The Meschins of Skipton even came to rule Egremont while the Edgar surname shows an Eger variation. There was one Edgar the Aetheling! Later, you'll see the "nihil" motto term of Weirs/Vere's trace to Chamberlains, who are discovered as the Chalmer>Malcolm line that married Meschins of Skipton, the very ones who provided William, lord of Egremont. The "Man do it" motto of Edgars/Egers must be for the Mandeville elements on Vernons, but the dagger in the Edgar/Eger Crest gives away that the "Manu" motto term of dagger-using Mackays were involved with Aethelings. Did you spot the white-on-black colors of the Edgar lion, the colors of the lions tracing to Elis-related Aetolia??? This is a huge key to find Elis elements in Aethelings and the Varni, definitely proving that Aeolus elements were involved.

As Aethlius and this daughter were the parents of Endymion at Latmus, one can trace the proto-Nerthus cult to Latmus, beside Clarus, where Clare's should trace...who married Alice de Meschin for to rule Tonbridge. This Meschin marriage to Clare's evoke's the Mosca marriage to MonteChiaro (line of Chiaro's/Claro's), for Mosca's are honored in the Drake motto.

As the Elis-Crest woman was suspect with mythical Holle from Holstein (links easily to the neighboring Nerthus theater), let's quote this (from the Aethlius link above): "Pelops came to Pisa from Asia, killed King Oenomaus [Jonathan-Mitanni liner to Juno] through treachery, took his daughter [Ben-Jabesh line] and the kingdom, and paid with ingratitude the treason of Myrtilus against Oenomaus." MYRTILus is the topic here, for the MIRROR of Melusine, whom Elis' use in place of the woman now showing, traces to the Mire/MIREUX surname (Anjou) now using a MYRTLE tree, though it previously showed a holly tree. Is it coincidental that the Myrtilus character was in the Elis theater? No. Therefore, Elis elements were rulers at Anjou. By what coincidence do Morte's/Motts, like "MYRTilus" (Myrt-Elis?), share the white-on-black crescent of Elis'???

Myrtilus, the charioteer of Oenomaus, was likely an Ixion liner, and yet it evokes Yuya, the Mitanni horse trainer of Akhenaten. Recall my trace of Yuya Mitanni to Tanis, and the likelihood that Yuya was connected to Ethiopians such as Merops, the family that produced Phaethon, for I now find that Myrtilus' mother was made "Phaethusa, daughter of Danaus". As Phaethon was a son of Clymene, it's not a coincidence that "another" Clymene was made an alternative mother of Myrtilus. As a son of Hermes, Myrtilus can trace to mount Ixion-suspect Sion, but note MryTILUS, suspect with Thule/Tile. Didn't we just see the Tile's linked to Vere's who trace themselves via Melusine to the Myrtle-using Mire's? It looks like "MYRtilus" was a Mire-Tile combo. It suggests that MYRtilus was the line of Merowe/Meroe, the representation of "Merops," meaning also that mythical Merovee was linked to the Mire's on Anjou, explaining why king Clovis is given credit for the fleur-de-lys used by Anjou.

Myrtilus joined Pelops in a conspiracy, and later we find a mythical Yuya-like Gugu, king of Lydia, where Pelops ruled.

It's interesting that Oenomaus married Enarete-like Evarete, daughter of Acrisius, and smacking of Avars. The Avars had a Mand-like branch (evokes Mandeville of the VERnon- and Vere-suspect Tile's) that I traced to "Manto," mythical grand-daughter of EVERes, from Avaris of the Hyksos. By what coincidence does Enarete trace to Vere-suspect Varni? Doesn't it mean that "Evarete" was spelled like "Enarete" for a kinship reason? Remember, the Acrisius > Creusa line was at Agrigento, location of the Drago river...of the Drake's sharing the wyvern with Tile's. It looks like Thule/Tile was a Creusa-Danaan liner to the Danes.

It's also interesting that Vernons are said to receive lands from Hugh D'Avrances, the latter term like "Varangi" so as to seemingly equate Varni with Varangian liners. If Varangians named Avrances, why did Varangians get a high place in the Norman leadership? Were Sinclairs Varangians to begin with?

Fix's/Fichs are said to be from one Ficko de Wesera, and then Weis'/Weisers (line that started the Bavarian Illuminati) are using the Vicks (and Payen) hexagrams. Which terms came first? Do they all trace to an Apachnas > Pach > Bach > Pek evolution? Did Apachnas lines name the Pyxites river? Are Apachnas lines the tattoo champions, the brutes seeking to reduce mankind to a money-maker number but using "bright future" as the bait to make the masses bite?

I still have not decided whether Weis' were Wassa's, an idea I've kicked around. The Weiser hexagram, in the same colors, is used also by HHogars (PEGasus in Crest). Recall that Cram liners seemingly linked to Hungarian suspects, Hogans and Hogens/Hogers, for Hungarians are suspect with Pict liners of the PECHeneg kind. But it is amazing, perhaps, that the large Hogar hexagram is used also (different color) by Hagar(d)s, first found in the same place as Galts and Celts/Colts. That's the same thing as saying that Pechenegs trace to Pygmalion elements at Galatea while Hungarians trace to nearby Charibdis. If lines from Hagar, mother of Ishmaelites, named the Ugrians, then one can suspect Amalekite liners wherever they go. If mythical Pictus was the brother of Amalek-based Molosse, we have a story. Just trace Malahule to Payne's and Pagans (share the Weiser / Hogar star), now suspect from a PYGmalion line. Paeoni can trace to Phoenicians, and the Pygmalion > Galatea line is said to be Phoenicians, sometimes identified with the real Tyrian princess, Elissa.

Recall the idea that "Pigh" could have become "Piff" and then "Pfieifer/PFEYfer." The CROMwells are sharing a bend in colors reversed from Wise's/Weisers, important if the latter were from an evolution roughly of Pigh > Wick > Wise. The Cromwell Coat is of the three colors and look of the Veys/Vivians and Fife's, who can certainly be Pfiefer/Pfeyfer liners. Moreover, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cromwells is that of Annandale's as used by Bruce's, and Ananes Gauls were at Placentia, beside CREMona, where I think Crombys et-al should trace.

Wassa up with the UPC 6?

We still want to know whether the 666 will be from the hexagram lovers. I'd like to go back to the idea that the 6 on the right side of the UPC bar code (on all products purchased) is a representation of double heraldic bars, for Medleys use them horizontally. But so do Wassa's, thin, like the Medley bars, though Washingtons use them much thicker. Just google " 'Washington Monument' 6666 " to get a load of some 6 codes intended for that tower by Washington Masons. In short, the tower is a few millimeters short of 6,666 inches tall, and 660 inches wide, or 55 feet wide and 555 feet tall. It looks like they tried hard for their magic numbers, but ran out of cement.

The so-called "dishEVELed" woman in the Elis Crest should be code for some surname. The Shovels may apply. No Hevel surname comes up, but the Evels are listed with Elmsley's/Emesley's, who smack of Mesleys / Medleys / METHhleys, the latter applying possibly to Pygmalion's daughter, and to AmyMone, mother of Acrisius. The green Medley tiger can apply to the green Evel/Emesley Shield. Methleys (Beak kin) were first found in the same place as Evels/Emesleys, and the latter use the Spark eagle in the same colors, while there is a Sperk-like river at Parnassus (I can't read it properly on my atlas).

The Elms can apply to "Elmsley" where the double-fesse bars of Elms are in the colors of the triple fesse bars of Methleys, but Medleys double-up their thin double fesse bars. Reminder: Fessys, likely honored in the fesse symbol, are linkable to Fix/Fick/Feck liners. The latter were first found in the same place (Luneburg) as pelican-on-NEST Langs, and the Ness/Nest surnames use the Washington double bars. For your information if you may need it, the double Elm bars are used by Flecks/Flacks and Palmers.

The Fix's can thus be of VIS terms such as "Visconti" and "Vis-de-Loop"...and Weis/Wise-like Vise's using the Celt/Cult stag in very-dark brown (Brunswick code), nearly in the black color of the Tile wyvern, important because the DeVise branch is said to be from Wiltshire, where the Mandeville kin of Tile's were first found. Recall how mythical MyrTILUS had linked squarely with the Tile and Morte/Mott bloodline, for the Vise write-up speaks on a Vyse Wood location in MORTHoe, and then Mortains were likewise first found in Wiltshire. As Myrtilus was a son of Hermes along with the Pan goat, note that Mortains use a goat! Therefore, Hermes-Pan and Hermes Myrtilus Phoenicians were at Wiltshire (beside Dorset).

Aha! While off topic, this is the place to insert this. The Avon river, with a source in Wiltshire, runs along side Dorset. The Avon surname is listed with the Evans/Avans that have traced to the Evenus river of CALYDon, where CELTS/Colts are from, in my opinion. That explains the Celt/Colt stag in the Vise's if Wiltshire, meaning that Calydonians were at Wiltshire. The fact that a stag is used by these surname goes to the idea that "EVENUS" is a version of the VENUS surname using the dark brown! It's telling us that Calydon elements were at Brunswick, and it just so happens that Scalia's were first found in the same place (Florence) as Bruno's!

The Elm-Crest "woman" is described with "head and shoulders" while "Shoulder" is like the Shovel/Shouler surname (in Skull colors, suspect with Schole's/Scayle's and Scalia's) so that, quite apparently, the Elis "woman" with "hair diSHEVELed" is a clever double code, both for Shovels and Evels/ELMsleys. The Shovels even share white crescents with Elis'. The SCHOLEfields are in Shovel colors, and were first found in the same place as Elms. The SHOWel variation (of Shovels) suggests the Shows/Schauers/Schaws/Schore's using the Shovel crescent, suspect with the Pint crescents because the Speck-like river is at the Pindus range.

The Irish Elmers (Kay colors) use the Kay bird design, and Kays use just two, black bars. English Elmers (Hampshire, location of the Avon river) look like they use a version of the James Coat. The Irish version of Elmers, AIGHLmear," looks like it can trace to the Akheloos (i.e. Elis-related), explaining why the Elmers and Elis' share the same black cross. In this picture, Elmers may be Elis-Mire's, which is to say Elis elements merged with Myrtilus elements. We saw that merger already. If Elms were merely a corruption of Elmers, it can explain why Elms trace to Elis'. It should also be said that "Elm" is like the root of "OLYMpia."

The white-on-red fleur-de-lys of Shovels is in the colors of the Lys/Lise fleur, partially-suspect with "Florence," and then Scalia's (use a scala = ladder) of Florence smack of Scalea, a location on my modern atlas smack beside Laus (of Lucania), important because I traced the transition of the Kotor fish used by Saraca's to the fleur-de-lys. Saraka's are said by Wikipedia to be from Kotor and Ragusa (up the coast from the Lissus river), and Ragusa was also called, Laus.

The Shovel chevron and format was suspect with the same of Childs/Chills (from Childeric, father of Clovis), and the same of Hebrons, suspect with Eshcol lines from Hebron, and the same of with Tudors.

If the Medley Coat amounts to two 6's, the Mauds use three. Every UPC comes with three sets of these double bars. Monmouths (two sets only) were first found in the same place as Traby-related Trevors (of Tudor Trevor).

This got me concentrating harder on the Maud/Mawd/Mold/Mould/Molds surname, seeking kin. "Mudd" get that surname to come up, but "Modes" got the lattice-using Modeys/Moderbys that come up also as "Moden." As one was first found in Cheshire, it makes sense that the other, using fretty, is related, both to Maceys, whom I link always not to Gace near Ferte-Mace. And that's why it was important to find a Molton/Molson/Maltons surname using fretty lattice in their white chevron, surrounded by stars, as though it were a Macey Shield in red. It was more important that Moltons/Molsons are said to be from Lisieux, smack at the Touques river (river upon which Gace is found)! Therefore, the theory that the UPC 6 is in doubled-up heraldic bars has some teeth. See also the Maldens/Moldens with three solid bars rather than three sets of thin double bars.

The Moltons/Molsons are said to be from a Meules location in Lisieux, and then the Mule's are using the double Washington bars in the same colors! Instead of three red-on-white stars in Chief, as used by Washingtons, there are three red-on-white roundels in the Mule Chief. I didn't know this until all the above was written. Very surprising indeed. Mules were even first found in the same place (Devon) as Moltens/Molsons! We have a story to tell at the dinner table. "Hey all, there's this really strange guy online, and he finds all sorts of stories to tell; want to hear one?" As soon as the Meules=Mule idea entered my mind, I saw that the Molton/Molson chevron is also the Donkey/DOWNin chevron, a surname that can trace, and did recently trace, to Hamon de Massey at Dunham-Massey, in Cheshire, where the Mauds/Molds were first found.

The crescents of the Mullens can now go to those of French Masseys while the Millen "dagger" can go to the Mackay "dagger," and then while Mackays were first found in Sutherland, the Sutherlands are using the Moray stars, the write-up says, in gold-on-red, the colors of the Molton/Molson stars, but the Molle's/Mowe's use them in standard Moray-star colors.

A curiosity is that "Meul" gets the Neils ("mori" motto term), but the so-called fetterlocks in the Meul/Neil Coat were shown for some years in an alternative Moray Coat no longer shown. Were the Neils simply a branch of Meules that formed 'N' versions? Possibly. As Neils come up as "Nail," note that German Nails use a saltire in colors reversed from that of Malcolms, for the Malcolm royals were of the Donkey /. Duncan bloodline.

As Moline/Moulins and Molyneux's (from Normandy, near Lisieux) share the moline cross with Seagars, note how the Scottish Milans/MacMillans (the ones that traced above to Milans in Messina) use a motto phrase, "SUCCURrere disco," for Donkeys and Duncans use "Disce pati." It was not more than a couple of hours ago, while on the Messina topic, that I spotted a Patti location smack at Messina (about 30 miles west of the city of Messina)! The Succur term smacks of the Segur variation of Seconds, or of the Segurana variation of Segni's, who likewise use a moline cross.

The Milans/Macmillans were first found at Tayside, smack at the south side of the Grampian range. Didn't we see Spartan elements at the Pindus mountains? Yes, and Sparta is at a TAYgeti range, where perhaps the proto-Gates / Geddes passed through.

It could be a jumping to conclusions to think that Molle's and the rest were originated in a Mule take from the Donkey version of Duncans. It could be a sort of drive-by modification where Molle liners, coming into contact with Donkeys, got the brainstorm to become Mule's, but, with his/her descendants being teased, they changed it to Meules and other such disguising terms.

We now come to the Mollys , who bring up the Mallys/Maileys mentioned earlier in the PygMALIon topic. The Meally variation compels us to check out the Meals (same place as Mauds/Molds) with Meoles/Mele variations (good job disguising, instead of the mule, honey). The Scottish Meals bring up the Neils again, yet the masters of disguise didn't show that, nor the Meul variation, on the page, just as though there was something to hide. I can't recall ever identifying "Neil" with any people group or geography.

The honey goddess of Crete was Amalek-suspect Amalthea. can this trace Amalekites to the Mele's/Meoles' and Mule liners? There was a Tartak donkey god of the Biblical Avvites that passed through Phrygia with the Apollo cult (see Midas' donkey ears). Repeat from above: "If mythical Pictus was the brother of Amalek-based Molosse, we have a story. Just trace Malahule to Payne's and Pagans..." By what coincidence does the write-up of Mails/Male's/Maylors derive the surname in "to paint"? "Mail" is a variation also of the Mele's/Meoles'. The latter use the same black-on-white lion heads as Works, who in-turn use more black double fesse bars. The Werk variation smacks of Berks...and Pergamon, the third brother of Pictus and Molosse.

Just to show the viability of tracing the "tendit" motto term of "Tantalus" at Atlantean Antalya, the Roys, honored in the Berk/Gillick motto, use that motto term along with a ship in Crest. The first time the "tendit" motto term was pointed out in this respect (last update), it was that of Jamie's, who are honored in the motto of the James' who in-turn share the same lion as Roys. The Berks/Gillicks are colors reversed to Porci's, important because the latter share the gold-on-red fleur with Ungers , suspect in the "ung" motto term of Berks/Gillicks. It therefore appears correct to trace Berks and Burgs/Bergs to "Porcia." But that surname may have been from Pergamum (modern Bergama). That city was on the coast from Lesbos, and so while a Methymna location is at Lesbos, the Meth term used for Pygmalion's daughter can trace to that place with his Pictus line i.e. explaining why Pictus was made a brother of Pergamon.

The Ungers (in Picken/Pike colors) are said to be from HUNGARians, and that means we can include the Pict-suspect Pechenegs. It just so happens that while I traced "Tartak" to "Tartus," this place was founded on the mainland by the peoples of the island of ARPAD/Arados!!! That's the proto-Hungarian Arpads, meaning that they trace to the Tartak donkey. And here we are.

The Molly/Mally/Mailys (ship in Crest) boar is in the colors of the Mollesons/Mollis, smacking of "Molise." The Mayo region of Mollys/Mallys is said to be "Maigh Eo" to the Gaels. Now for a major discovery. The Mayo location had been suspect with Maja / Maia, an important daughter of Atlas, and while the Atlas/Atley surname was found to use two back-to-back lion heads (rare), I think we can glean that they link to the back-to-back lion heads (same design) in the French MAJor/Mayou Coat! We need that to prove that the Atlas surname is not some off-the-wall invention, but that it's from lines of mythical Atlas. The anchor of English Majors/Magers is in the colors of the Unger stars. Moreover, I have a John-Yonge Coat (Welshman) in my possession using a greyhound in Crest, symbol of the Major/Magor Crest.

Now here is something I was waiting for, a surname first found in DORSet, for Galatea in Sicily was made a daughter of mythical Doris. And the surname is...drumroll please Eeyore -- the donkey-using Chamberlains, using a version of the Duncan Coat! They even use a "nihil" motto term that I've been tracing for years to the Nihill variation of Neils! I had no idea that this surprise was coming. Now the Dorset location does NOT prove that Chamberlains trace to Galatea, but the Duncan dynasty was called, DunKELD, and the GALTs and CELTs/Colts both were first found at the Grampian region, and the Malcolm Coat is now showing the red Celt/Colt stag. Plus, the Chamberlain scallops trace to Messina. The Chamberlain Coat is in the colors of the Italian Patti Coat (first found in Messina, and perhaps using a version of the Maschi Shield). This Patti location is where Pattersons and Patricks can trace, explaining the Patterson scallops (!) and the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks.

REMEMBER: the Duncan royals hooked up with Hungarians of the Leslie / BARTHolomew kind, and the Molly/Mally boar is also the Less/Lusk and BARD boar, and meanwhile the Chamberlain donkey can now trace to the donkey god to which Hungarians just traced. To put it another way, the Duncans were given a Donkey variation for this reason, but it must be coincidental that "Duncan" and "Donkey" are much alike. Sometimes, word-play falls happen-chance that way. The Mollisons/Mollis (red antler, brown stag) were first found in the same place (Aberdeen) as Leslie's, if that helps to trace Mollys/Malleys to Hungarians. One can now venture a trace of the Molly/Mally boar to the Calydonian boar killed by Amalekite-suspect MELEAGer, for the Mollison/Mollis stag traces to Calydon / Aetolian / Hungarian elements.

The shot-through boar of Pollocks is said by Wikipedia to use a "dart" rather than an arrow, and darts could trace to lines from "Tartak / Tartus." The Magyars were far-enough east as to come into contact with Russian Tartars. The Dart surname comes up as "Tart." The Huns could have been Tartars...whom in ancient times founded Thule (now tracing with Pollocks to Calydon, region of mythical Thalia), which could then explain the Hun house of Dulo (Pollocks had been of Dol elements). The Major/Magor greyHOUND likely denotes the Huns of the Hound/Houn surname. The Tartus liners seem to be the ones that were given the underground - Tartarus code, ruled by Cadusii-suspect Hades, and Perseus-suspect Persephone (I tentatively view "phone" ending on mythical terms as Phoenician lines, such as Gorgophone of Joppa, not far from Phoenicia).

The Avvites should be a tough line to nail down as per surnames. The Eve's/Evers/Ivers (from Eure), who use the three human legs that are the Arms of Fussen and of the Isle of Man, are connectable to the Eure's/Ivars/Evers. I trace "Eure" to Europa, a Phoenician line. The Avv(ites) at their AVITH location had been traced on some merit to "JABESH," which itself has been traced to "Joppa." That works not-bad for tracing Eve's/Evers to Avvites of a line not through Jabesh-ites (but likely merged with them at some points). One can glean here that Europa/EVR(opa) was the HEBRew peoples in Joppa, the Ben-Jabeshites, the same as mythical Hebe, daughter of Hera and wife of Hercules. A Hebe equation with Europa explains why the myth writer had the Zeus bull seize Europa for his mate.

I had even traced Hera to Ares / Hros elements at "JEREvan" and therefore to GAREB at JERusalem, beside the Jabesh-suspect Jebusites that smack of "Hebe." I say her Hros peoples developed into the Horites of Edom, notable where Avith was ruled (according to the Bible) by an Edomite. A trace of Hercules to Hebe=Europa is as easy as Timna of Edom to Timnah of Samson to the human-sacrifice cult of Hercules at Tyre. That was the Zeus-Hera entity, a very sore spot in the history of negligent, ruinous, and vain humanity. That cult was Moloch/Molech, suspect now with AMELEK and his line to the fitchee-using Mollisons/Mollis'.

As the red antler (Mollison/Mollis symbol) was that of Veringers of Baden-Wurttemberg, of the family that gave the red eagle to Hohens of neighboring Swabia, the red-and-white checks in the Molleson/Mollis Chief should trace to the Hohen checks. There is a Male/Mayler/Mailer surname (MacArthur crown), first found in Wurttemberg. The Miles'-related Mile's/Mylles use a moline cross, and are suspect with Milo de Vere, likely the mythical son of Melusine.

[IN FACT, the day after writing the above, I checked the Italian Maio surname (only an oak tree) and had the Malone's come to mind with the Maione variation, and Malone's are now only in Miles' colors, but use the same lion as Morgans! We can now understand Milo de Vere as code for the Miles - Malone line to Morgan le Fey (not a real woman, just surname code). Below it's found that Maylors are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Ukrainian Romanovs, and so let me add here that the same is used by the Miles'. It makes the Drake liners at Masovia suspect upon the Russian throne of Romanovs. The Miles' were first found in the same place as Tile's and Drake's, and the latter two use the Drake / Masovia-duke wyvern. The "mill rinds" of Miles' makes all Miller / Milner surnames suspect as Melusine and/or Amalekite liners. As the Tile's and Mile's are suspect together as mythical Myrtilus of the Elis theater, the "FidELIS" motto term of Malone's, and others using the term, is now suspect with Elis elements.

The "knight" in the Malone Crest suggests the Knights (same place as Blois') using a version of the Arms of the counts of Blois, and then while one Blois surname (in Ark colors) could be using the Drake dragons in colors reversed, the French Blois'/DUBLOIS (in LaBEL colors) are the one's to which we might trace the DOUBLE code of heraldry. As the Melusine line of Anjou / Lusignan was linkable to Orleans by ambitious-territorial considerations, it's conspicuous that the French Blois Coat (shares the gold-on-blue scallop of Aurelia's) is like the Aurelia Coat, and shares a white patee with the Aurelia-like Coat of Sens'/Senns. The Blois surname could be of the Skipton-honored Belloe/Bellow surname (Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento), with a "Vita" motto term that has already traced to the Cotta's, and even a "PECTore" term that looks like double code for both Pictone lines and the Ore/Orr branch of Aurelia's / Orells.

Aha! The Bellois surname was just found sharing three vertical bars with the Knights! I don't recall ever trying for a Bellois surname to match "Blois." The Bellois' are listed with what I usually call the Italian Belli's, kin of Bacons (share the same cinquefoils of Belloe's/Bellows), Fullers and Carpenters.

Orleans is equally between Sens and Blois, on opposite sides, and while Sens is in Yonne, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Miles' and the others (GREEN Chief, WHITE Shield) is used by Gonne's/Gowans, who use a "decORI" motto term. It's plain that the line of Aurelia Cotta was all around Orleans. The Orleans surname shares red roundel with Ore's and Orrels, as well as using GREEN and WHITE bars. The seven red roundels must be code for the Septon/Saxon surname using a version of the Orell Coat, but the Septon/Sefton (same place as Septons/Saxons surname uses the green-and-gold colors of the Gonne/Gowan Chief.

I've only just realized that the scarlet annulets of the Septons/Saxons are the red Vita annulet, the only Vita symbol. Note the two thin bars in the Saxton/Sexton Coat, for the scarlet color (rare in heraldry) may have the Revelation dragon in mind. As SEXTuplets refers to six children, couldn't the 666 belong to the SEXTon variation of Septons/Saxons? The only other surnames I know of using scarlet are the Tresure's/Treasure's, part of the DOUBLE-Tressure heraldry symbol, and a couple of surnames (Flemings included) using the double tressure in scarlet. That could indicate that the two thin bars of the Saxons, and the two thin borderlines of the double-tressure, are code for six, explaining why thin double bars are used in the UPC. The Flemings above (in Vita colors) even use a "Let" motto term likely linkable to the Vita annuLET. German Flemings use the Italian Romanov wolf design.

In ending this insert, let it be pointed out that both symbols in the Aurelia Coat trace to the Patti / Messina area of Sicily. That point was missed in this update otherwise.]

As the Patch's share black hunting horns with Trypillian Trabys, it's a good bet that Galati, in Moldova i.e. anciently the home of Trypillians, put forth the Galatea goddess from the Trypillian hourglass goddess, both suspect as aspects of Aphrodite, or from the merger of Aphrodite-Heneti with Celt-based Khaldi. The Biblical Galatians were Gauls / Celts of Europe who returned to the Heneti / Khaldi theater.

Eeyore is a donkey on WINNIE the Pooh cartoon. This recalls the Neil branch of Sweneys ("lizard," now tracing with the Hare/Garry lizard to Lezarde elements at Montvilliers), who show a WHINNIE variation. It looks like the masters of disguise have been at it again, making money off of children while shooting their minds with Masonic language, concepts and nuances. There is no room for God in cartoons. Cartoons are purely atheistic and often of mythical material. These days, cartoons have evolved satanic qualities. There should be a war started over this, and there will be.

The scallops can also trace to Scalea (recall the Schole surname with Scayle variation) on the north side of Laus, and therefore beside Buxentium/Pyxus, now tracing to Picts in the Buchan area (see map of Lucania). The Scalia's are shown with Skeoch-like terms, which may therefore link with Skeochs/Skits (hourglass Shield). The royal Dunkelds were an outflow of royal Picts, you see, so that both can trace to the Scylla > Scalea wolf. Chamberlains are in the colors of the Trips that use a scala = ladder. German Trips use the French-Massey boots (no longer showing). A trace of Chamberlains to Sicily / Lucania doesn't necessarily mean that Chamberlain liners were there, for they could have merged with lines from Sicily / Lucania, and adopted their symbols. This rule applies for all traces. But in this case, where Chamberlains are expected as Cimmerians while linked to Picts, the Cimmerians at the southern coast of the Black sea make sense in a merger with Pyxites elements.

My guess is that the "Prodesse" motto term of Chamberlains is for the Dess surname, first found in the same place (London) as the Capes' who are seemingly using a version of the Chamberlain Coat. Geoffrey of Monmouth seemingly had cause for tracing Bruttium peoples, which I say he encoded as "Brutus," to London. That's where he put Brutus. So, Chamberlains look like they link to Bruttium peoples that founded the Brits, for Scalea is on the Lucania Bruttium border. I have it recoded somewhere that Bruttium was also called, "Breche," or something like that. This is being mentioned only because the Dess Chief is using the same lion as the Brocks.

I also have this recorded on the Williams surname: "First found in Breconshire and Monmouthshire on the English/Welsh border, where they are traditionally believed to be descended from Brychan Brecheiniog who was Lord of Brecknock at the time of King Arthur of the Round Table. The mediaeval seat of the ancestors of the William family was at Llangibby Castle in County Monmouth." While the English Brocks share the fleur in the colors used my MontGOMERys and Chambers, German Brocks share the brown tree stump with Milans, first found in Messina (opposite the small waters from Bruttium).

Just found after writing the above! It was only natural to check the Brechs, and they use the Chamberlain / Duncan chevron, as well as share hunting horns with Duncans! Therefore, I think a Duncan trace to Patti is clinched. Brechs were first found in Shropshire, were Alans of BRITTany lived (i.e. Brittany is suspect with Bruttium elements), who became the Stewarts that share the Brock motto!

A Tonbridge of Garbedge at Egremont

NOW, to put it all together, recall that we got to Chamberlains while investigating Mauds, Modes and similar others leading to Mule-like terms. The French Chambers/Chambre's were first found in Savoy, which uses the same cross as found in the Arms of Catania. But a Chambre location is on the same Arc river (Savoy) as Modane! And that's where Modes/Moderbys/Modens must trace due to their sharing the Cotta lattice. So, it looks like Chamberlain kin went from the Scylla area to Savoy, just as Milans went from Messina to Milan, or just as proto-Ottones and perhaps Aliotto's came north from mount Etna. As Samsons (scallops) have traced well on numerous occasions to the Samsam Saracens of Sicily, it needs to be said that Eatons, first found in Cheshire, once showed the same cross design as Samsons, which is why I will henceforth trace "EATON" to "ETNA." The Edens (more scallops) happen to be using the Chamberlain / Duncan chevron (said loosely). To my delight now, the Eaton cross was changed to a PATEE cross!!! We now know where patee crosses trace, and it just so happens that the Messina/Massena surname uses the patee!

The Milan/Macmillan write-up tells that Camerons became the Chalmers, but Chalmers are listed with Scottish Chambers, suggesting that CAMERons were CIMMERians. The Chalmers, it is said, drove the Milans out of one place into Argyll and Galloway, and so note that Calms/Callams/MALCOLMs were first found in Argyllshire. It clearly look like the Duncans (who gave birth to king Malcolm) were the Chamberlains of the Chalmer kind. Chambers/Chalmers were first found in DenBIGH, where Hercules Danaans traced, as well as to Powys on the south of Denbigh, from a mythical "Poias" entity, the one who helped Hercules die (symbol of utterly-stupid, willing human sacrifice) at Oeta. So, did Hercules come with Picts to DenBIGH? Perhaps we should ask the "consPICI" motto term of Chamberlains, for they are in Pike/Pickens colors while the latter were first found in Ayrshire, beside Argyllshire.

If I have that motto term figured correctly, it stands to reason that "Cons" is code for Chamberlain kin. The Cons are listed with the Conns (Grampian), obvious kin of Cony's (Dorset), both Meschin / Mussel suspects in the colors of the Kings and Kingstons, the latter said to derive in "cyninges" term that was apparently thrown around by royals. The Kingstons were first found in Yorkshire, where Meschins of Skipton lived that had a daughter, Alice (de Romilly-Skipton, not to be confused with Alice de Meschin), who married the line of king Duncan of Scotland.

Alice and William, son of king Duncan, gave birth to a lord of Egremont, and Egremonts are using the Massin/Mason lion...which should make the purple Skipton and Lacy lion a version of the Egremont lion, itself linked to the Bruce lion (Scottish Bruces show a somewhat purple-blue lion). The Massins/Masons were first found in Kent, location of TonBRIDGE, where the children of Alice de Meschin with a Mr. Clare ruled. Skiptons share the stag in the same design as that of BRIDGEwaters (and Cage's). The makes the red triple chevrons of Waters suspect with the same of Clare's, and the Water chevrons were traced to the same in the Arms of Eure-et-Loir, making "EGRE" somewhat suspect with "EURE," especially as Eure's use the Massey Shield. For example, the MacCure variation of Eure's could become "Egre." But there are other theories for the derivation of "Egre."

The fact that there's a red lion on the Egremont Crest tends to assure that the personal lion of Ranulph le Meschin was red. I don't know what to trace "Egre" or "Eg(mont)" to. The Eggs/Edge's/Age's were first found in Cheshire, and they happen to use a white spread eagle, the color of the Masci wings. This is all new to me. German Eggers/Eggs look like they are using the Arms of Zurich with roundels thrown in. Recall the Edgar/Eger discussion that applied, all tracing to Aethlius, founder of Elis, for Meschins liked the Alice name (ALEXanders use the same crescent as Elis').

The Tonbridge Shield (more crescents) is colors reversed from the Meschin Shield. The TonBRIDGE/BRIGG/BRICK surname (Elis colors) can trace with "BRIQUESsart" to Brigantium, near Modane. "Tonne" gets the German Tanners sharing the Maschi pine cones, part- code for the Conteville line to earl the wife of Briquessart, parents of Ranulf le Meschin. The Tonbridge crescents are in the colors of the Alexander crescents, and I have good reason to identify these Alexanders with Alexander Balus, from the anti-Christ bloodline, probably, who formed an alliance with Jonathan Maccabee at Modi'in, which traced to Modane i.e. so that Alexander liners can be expected there. That's why it was pointed out that the Tunbridge crescent could be closely linked to the Alexander crescent.

The Saracens/SARSENs share the Tonbridge Shield apparently, which may reveal that "BriquesSART" is partly in honor of Saracen-suspect SARZana (Massa-Carrara area) liners. That's a new one for me. The Massey/Masse surname was first found in Savoy, i.e. location of Modane, and uses the crescent of the Luna's, from Luna at Sarzana. That works.

Tell the evolutionist historians to shut up when they trace western Europeans to ice-age cavemen in the fantasies of their minds, for as you can see, everything traces in recent times to the Greeks, Anatolians, and Caucasians about mount Ararat. It can be gleaned easily in ancient writings that the population of the largest cities were not large enough to warrant the fantasy that mankind is millions of years old. The ice age was invented for two basic purposes: 1) to discredit the global Flood by substituting vast ice sheets as the creators of sharp mountain peaks; 2) to explain the low populations of recent history in the ballpark of 2,000 BC. In Abraham's days, kings had armies only in the 100s. Read your Bible.

Luna had traced rather well to Selene, the moon goddess of Latmus, and we saw that an Endymion entity at Latmus was founded by a line of proto-Aetheling Aethlius, from Elis. That explains why Luna is beside Pisa. It may also explain why Edmonds and Heths are using Saracen/Sarson colors. The Egremonts / Edgars/Egers and Eggs/EGGERs might just be from HAGAR(d)s, for the latter use a HEXagram in the colors of Eggs/Eggers. As the Arms of Zurich is like the Egg/Egger Shield, compare the Surrichs/Surreys/Sarks to "Saracen" (both use gold Shields). It means that Sarzana elements go both to Zurich and to Aethelings. The Arms of Kyburg, where the Aetolia Hagels trace, are in the colors of Edmonds / Heths / Saracens / Surreys. But as Carrols are using the same lion as Hagels, it can mean that CARolingiins were named after SARacen elements, and indeed you can read online that the personal symbol of Charlemagne was a black eagle, the Hagel symbol! To put it another way, Carrols and Charles' trace to Carrara, near Sarzana, because both places were named after the same stock.

As Saracens were in eastern Sicily, and as the cross of Meschin-related Samson has traced with Eatons to Etna, I'll bet that "TON(bridge)" is an ETNa term without the capital. Compare "EGRE(mont)" to "AGRIgento," for the Meschin family at Egremont had a branch at Tonbridge.

As I was wondering what King / Kingston branches might be (because they share the Carrol / Hagel / Kyburg lion), The Singers came to mind. Whether or not Kings are a Singer branch, I don't yet know, but Singers can tell us a few things. English Singers (garbs in King colors) are using the Frey/Free/Phreeze horse (same colors even), and the horse head once shown for the Este Crest, but then Este-related Wessels use a horse in the same position, and moreover Wessels share gold garbs with Singers. We need to keep in mind the trace of Wessels to Eotens=Jutes that was made before Etna became a topic, for Frisians are represented by mythical Frey while: 1) Frisians are a branch of Eoten-like mythical Odin, and, 2) Frisians are from Angles, who appeared in northern Germany at roughly the same time as Jutes. As Goths were of the Jutes theater, it's notable that Hagars use the Goth-surname hexagram (same colors).

Having said that, one can now identify the Singers as a branch of Segurs / Seagars / Sawyers because the German-Singer quarters are in the colors of the Primo/Primeau quarters while that surname has traced to Junia Caepio Prima, sister of Junia Secunda that traced to the quartered checks of the Second/Segur surname. The Primo's even use a patee cross now tracing without doubt to Patti at Messina. The mirror in the Primo Coat is now tracing to Mire's and therefore to mythical Mrytilus = Elis / Pisa elements expected to go from Sicily to the Sarzana / Pisa theater.

English Singers, suspect with the gold garbs of Wessels but in the two colors of the King Coat, were first found in the same place (Devon) as Kings. The latter use gold crosslets, the color of the Quint fitchee crosslet. (For readers jumping into this page, the Wessel line was from Vestalis, son of Cottius, whose ancestor was the mother of Julius Caesar, and the latter had an affair with Servilia Caepio(nis), mother of the two Junia's).

Now, let's bring the trace of Galts to Galatea at Etna back to mind, for German Singers/Sangers/Sengers are using the very same upright-bear design as English Galts!!! What a roaring coincidence. German Galts show a GeltSAYER variation, and then Sayers (Varn bend?), first found in the same place (Essex) as Vere's and Quints, are using a motto, BEAR and ForBEAR." Sayers are suspect with Sawyers and Seagars, both using white-on-blue and first found in the same place as Benjamins, the latter fully expected in Messina with the Elis elements of Myrtilus, son of Hermes, born in bear-depicted Arcadia (the Arcadian bear was made the Ursa constellations). MyrTILUS had traced well to the Tile's, related to the Mandeville's, first found in the same place as Mortains/Mortons using quarters in the colors of the Second/Segur quarters. At this point we need to ask whether Kings are Singers = Segurs that can trace to Junia Secunda, and it just so happens that Kings / Kingstons use upright gold lions, a symbol in the Second/Segur Coat.

Why are Junia-Caepio elements tracing to Kyburg? The Arms of Zurich are even in the colors of the Primo quarters. I'll bet this has to do with the Hohenstaufens / Hohenzollerns of Swabia, who use quarters too, in black-and-white. One of these Hohen branches uses lions in colors reversed from the King / Kingston / Kyburg lion, as well as sharing a black eagle with Hagels. German Singers were first found in the Bavarian part of Swabia, and I see Swabia linked close to Zurich elements so that, indeed, Singers should be a King branch. It should also be said that Neordlingen (where Singers were first found) is at the Baden-Wurttemberg border so that the Wessel antler can trace to the Zahringen (blue antlers) and Veringer antler.

The red Veringen antler is suspect with the red Molleson/Mollis antler, a Pict-liner suspect, and then Scottish Bayers/Buyers (Boiorix liner?) share a red boar with Mallys/Mollys, important because German Bayers are using the upright bear design of German Singers. Reminder: Mollesons/Mollis' use the Hohen checks, but this Hohen surname shares a version of the Cohen Shield so that both surnames can trace to Gonne's/Kohns and Gonne's/Gowens, thus making Amalek lines suspect in a merger with Jonathan-Levite lines to priestly Cohens.

German Bayers are said to be named after Bavaria, which is BAYERn to Germans. Consider also that if the Sayer bend is the Gripp/Grabber bend, then Bayers / Buyers can indeed be Boiorix liners of the Voir/Voyer king at GRIPel. To this it must be added that Julia Domna and Julia Maesa had an uncle, Julius AGRIPPA. Read below how these Julia's enter this picture.

The FORBes', suspect with the "forbear" motto term of Sayers, use muzzled bears too. Let me re-quote from above: "Galts/Galls, said to use "a black bear with a red muzzle," can link to the Alis bear because it's also said to be muzzled, but then Alis' [probably for Alice Meschin] can trace to Ali's/AliOTTO's of Thermodon-suspect Messina i.e. which could have covered Etna in those days. That gets the Galts traced to Galatea lickety-split. The "Patentia vincit" motto of Galts traces to the muzzled bear of Vincents." It just so happens that "vincit" is also in the English-Singer motto, which tends to re-assure that bear-using German Singers are a branch of English Singers.

And "vincit" is used also by Alis' that, if they were named after Alice de Meschin, they can trace with Tonbridge to Etna. In my opinion, Alis' are using the Mackay bear, and yet it's in the colors and design of the Forbes bear too. The "grace" motto term of Forbes' can link to the Grace/GRAS surname that was suspect in the GingGRAS variation of Sing-like GINGrich's (fleur in colors reversed from the Alis fleur). The Rich's (look like Drake kin), in typical Berg / Burg colors, share a "foy" motto term with Berks/Gillicks that traced suggestively to PERGamon, brother of Pictus and Molosse. The Forbes' are said to have been Picts, and the Forbes' were first found in the same place as Mollesons/Mollis'!

The Quintus Caepio treasure was stolen in-part by king Boiorix (when they fought a war), but a merger between the two lines is insinuated in the two features of the Boyer/Bowyers Coat used by Quints. The Boyer motto, "CONTEentment passe RICHess" (contentment surpasses riches), could be expected by a clan having much of that treasure hidden away. The Rich's (from Richeza, daughter and wife of Mieszko Lambert?), who come up as "Richess," even use the Quint chevron in colors reversed. Therefore, add Gingrich's / Singers / Kings to the list of Caepio-treasure suspects. French Boyers, first found in the same place (Languedoc, where the treasure was founded roughly) as Conte's, are using the upright Chiaro/Claro bull in the colors of two Bayer surnames. Chiaro's/Claro's could truly be using the blue bend of German Galts/Geltsayers (Hamburg), and thus trace to the three silver bars of Drummonds, first found in Hamburg, and using the three bars of Trabzon-based Haughts, meaning also that the Chiaro's/Claro's can trace to Massey-related Trips of Hamburg, noting that one Trip Coat uses a scala = ladder as probably code for Scylla.

The wyvern in the Rich Crest is in the white color of the Dober or Doberman griffin, and the griffin in the Rick Crest is in a goldish color, the color of the Dober or Doberman griffin. As the latter two are from Mieszko's wife (Dobrawa), the Rich's and Ricks both can trace to Richeza. Ricks, who look like a merger with Cravens, were first found in the same place as Tresure's/Treasure's and Mele's/Meoles' (Cheshire). The latter surname's black-on-white bend can now be identified with the same of the Cheshire Hoffs, suspect with same-colored Haughts/HOUGHtons/Hectors/Hoctors (Cheshire, silver bars) that trace to Sigrid the Haughty, Mieszko's daughter (he had at least two wives). Note that the Haught Crest is white.

I've been waiting for white-on-black bars to help figure out who the Eve's from Eure are. The three legs in the Eve's Crest are said to be joined at the 'thigh," a term that gets no surname but looks like code for Teague's (in Mele / Hoff / Haught colors), who happen to use the wolf-head design (Scylla was a wolf monster) of the Hoff Crest.

I have the sense that, due to Mieszko links to Traby's, the Meals/Mele's/Meoles', part of the Mailer discussion earlier, trace to the Maylors term in the Trevor write-up, and then Maylors use another "vincit" motto term. Maylors happen to use an "Amor" motto term while Amore's share the black bend of Hoffs, Mele's/Meoles', and Eure's/Ivers. As Poland is beside the Ukraine, it's notable that Maylors are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Ukrainian Roman(ov)s, perhaps the line to the Romanovs of Moscow that were supplanted by Communist Russia. Can anyone fathom Benjamites in a ruling position over Russia? German Maylors (MacArthur crown), were first found in the same areas as to where Singers were found, and then Russian Romanov's are sharing the gyronny symbol with MacArthur-related Campbells. What's that?

Bingo! After writing the above, the Dove's (Crest suspect with Mouse Tower of Mieszko origins) were loaded due to the Dove Point location of the Mele's/Meoles', and that got a Coat like the Eve's/Ivers Coat! It's probably important that the three Eve's legs are used in the Arms of Sicily, but the three Traby bugles are placed in the same fashion as the legs. The Patiens" motto of the Dove's can now trace to Patti in Messina, noting that the griffin of Messina's Ali's/Aliotto's is white, likely tracing to the Dober / Doberman griffins, and very-certainly to the white wyvern in the Rich Crest, for the red Drake wyvern was used by dukes of Masovia, where Mieszko liners ruled. Thus, Mieszko's and Massovia trace to Messina.

Dove's (Pendragon colors) were first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found, and then Irish Arthurs share "hurts" (blue roundels) with Agrigento-suspect Eggs/Eggers, a symbol suspect with the Hurt surname looking like a Meschin-related version of the Eves Coat, expected where Eure's are using the Massey Shield. The Hurts substitute cinquefoils for the Eves TREFoils, in the colors of the cinquefoils same of Galt-suspect Sayers that are apparently using the Mosca leopard, shared as a clan badge by Teague-related Clan Chattan.

The Grasse location to which the Grace's/Gras' derived uses an Arms in white-on-blue, the colors of Singers, Zurich, and of the muzzled bear under discussion. The write-up of the DuMAS/DuMAIS/DuMay surname (looks Maisy-related) traces to a Le Mas location very near Grasse, and the LaMas surname happens to share white-on-blue lambs (suspect with Mieszko Lambert and the Lambert surnames, one from Surrey) with the Arms of Grasse, which is being repeated (from months ago) because English Bayers/Beyer/Baiers use a "Domus" motto term, likely for Julia Domna (before 200 AD), sister of Julia MAESa. That tends to identify the Maisy / May bloodline with that family, whom the emperor, Saracen-suspect Caracalla, married...though I don't know whether Saracens proper were at Sicily in 200 AD.

I trace Caracalla to ACRAGus in southern Sicily, suggesting that Saracens were named after that place, and that Tonbridge's trace there too, and because Acragas was founded by Gela elements (according to Wikipedia's Agrigento article), it's now more likely than before that mythical Galatea related to Gela (between SYRACuse and Agrigento). You therefore need to trace Pygmalion elements to Agrigento, noting that Forbes' are said to be Picts. That should trace the Gillick variation of Pergamon-suspect Berks to Gela elements, while explaining the love of mythical Glaucus (Gileki liner in my opinion) for Scylla. That is, Gela elements at the Messina area were mythicized as Glaucus...whom I trace to "Gloucester," where Samsons (trace to Etna) and Buyers/Bayers/Baiers were first found. As per a typical 'l' yo 'r' switch (or vice versa), it's feasible that "GLAUCUS" was a play on "ACRAGAS." The snake symbol of Glaucus can go to the Drago river into Acragas. As I trace "Craig" and related Carricks to "Acragas," note that Craigs are using crescents (Saracen symbol) in the colors of the Elis crescents, and that Craigs were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Mollesons/Mollis.'

Who were the Buyers in Sicily? What sort of Bavarians or proto-Bavarians (said to be from a Baii peoples) were in Sicily? For one thing, the Bayers/Buyers seem to be using the Sawyer Shield, but the footless martlets shared by both are used by the Hipps' (first found in the same place as Sawyers and Seagars) that traced to the Hypsas river, the alternative name of the Drago. It just so happens that while I identify Glaucus with the green snake, one is used by Seagars, thus tending to verify that Glaucus was a Gela liner in Acragas, and therefore suspect with Galatea. Pygmalion was at Cyprus, off the coast of Gileki-suspect Cilicia.

The Hipps' are also "Hipkin," suspect as a branch oh pistol-using Hopkins, and so PISTols (red stag head shared by Pict-suspect Celts/Colts) might just be a PICT liner, in which case it could seem that mythical Pictus was from Grecian PISA. It had been argued (by me) that ancient BISTones were one with PISIDians, and I suppose that Pisidians could have named the PYXITes river. That's the same as saying that the Apsu/Abzu cult of Sumerian, to which I trace POSeidon, was at the Pyxites river, and evidence for this is where Anu, the chief god of the Abzu entity, traces by his wife, Antu = Anat, to the naming of Antalya, the Pisidian capital. As Anu was the representation of the Anaki /Annunaki peoples, by what coincidence does the Anchor/ANNACKer Coat use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento? I'm pointing out that, where the Anaki of Hebron were at Agrigento, why not also the line(s) from Amalekites?

I reasoned that Boofima of Africa went to the Bavarian Illuminati while noting the similarity between BOOF, BAPH(omet), and BAV, and that while Boof terms had evolved into/from Bough terms, the Bogans of Bavaria gave the Arms of Bavaria their blue-and-white lozenges. The Crest of the Weishaupt surname, that founded the Bavarian Illuminati, uses an ibex = goat, the symbol of Baphomet (ugly god with a goat head, has garbage dumps in common with bears). This recalls that the Cabrera surname (likely from the Capra's, first found in Aragon) was first found in Aragona, seven miles north of Agrigento and therefore off the Drago / Hypsas. This Cabrera surname was thanks to a reader (see updates in March 2013), the only reason Agrigento ever became a topic. It was later found that this Cabrera surname was at Montechiaro elements (between Agrigento and Gela).

The Weishaupt-Coat goat head is in the colors and design of the full goat of the Capra surname (means "goat"), first found in Piedmont. The Cabrera surname at Agrigento was traced to the Stura valley of Piedmont.

The namers of the Drago river were traced to Draguignan, in Provence, location of Grasse, and where Grace's/Gras' were first found. That tends to trace Forbes ("grace" motto term) to Caracalla (a term like "Grace/Gras," by the way), and it's the Sayers that seem to honor the Forbes so that Galts/Geltsayers can trace to the same, and thus Geltsayers can trace to Galatea elements too, as half-expected anyway. The Sayer leopard is thus revealed as the Mosca leopard, from Mosca-Montechiaro liners near the Drago, which is a picture very similar to Alice de Meschin marrying Clare's and ruling Saracen-related Tonbridge. The Bridge part of that name goes to Brigantium, up the Durance river that had a mouth at Provence. It stands to reason that the Cabrera's were merged with Masci's, first found in Piedmont, which may explain why the Cabrera goat is in the colors of the Massins/Masons and Egremont lion, suggesting a possible "EGREmont = AGRIgento" equation, meaning the Zurich-suspect Eggs/Eggers can trace to the same city, explaining why "Zurich" is like a soft-c version of "ACRAGas."

I've known for a while that the Hagans use a solid chevron in the colors of the Hagel pile. But Hagans didn't come to mind until seeing the Egener variation of Eggs/Eggers. It just so happens that while the Hagan quarters are colors reversed from the Primo quarters, the Hagans share an upright gold lion with Seconds/Segurs and the Arms of Kyburg. This reminds me of Kenneth Hagan and Kenneth Copeland, two money-racketeering false-Christian television preachers, for the Meschins of Egremont were also lords of Copeland. The Copelands use the double bars of Washingtons / Ness'/Nests, as well as a bar that I would trace to the same as Amore's/Armers and Eure's. It had been suspect that ":Egre" could trace to "Eure," and while that idea doesn't sit well with me, the Eure's are likely from "Evreux" and therefore trace to the Abreu's, who were the proto-Bruces that share the Egremont lion, and, the point is, the Abreu lion is also the Hagan lion.

As we saw the Neils come up as "Muel" and "Meal," note that Eure's share the black bend with Mele's/Meoles' while Hagans (in Hagar colors) are said to have lived in Neil territory. I suppose that this can trace Amalekites to Agrigento in a relationship with Egre-Hagar-Hagan elements. English Mele's use a fret in Ferte colors, as well as in the colors of the Hood/Hope anchor. The Mele's were first found beside the fret-using Hoods/Hutts that likewise use the anchor, likely traceable, in this picture, to the Anchors/Annackers out of Agrigento. The Hood/Huud crescents are colors reversed from the Tonbridge / Saracen crescents. The trace of Hoods/Hudds to Gela-stacked Agrigento is important for tracing Hiedlers/Hitlers/Hutters to the swastika-suspect line of Gileki > Gela. I trace Hodd/Hutt colors to the Saluzzo's and Salemans / Salmans, who appear honored in the "Zealous" motto (of Hoods/Hutts).

Hoods/Hutts (fret in the white color of the Cotta fretty) were first found in the same place (Devon) as Kings, Singers and Mosca-related Chives', all three now tracing to the line of Aurelia Cotta through to the Caepio Joseph Caiaphas by one of the sisters. The Hood/Hutt Shield is in the colors of the English Joseph Shield, and the Hood/Hutt bird is in the black color of the bird(s) (a dove and a martlet) used in the French Joseph Coat. Sarzana is not very far from Cevo, and then Caves' (Chives kin) use fretty in both colors of the Hood/Hutt fret. The quarters used by Chives are colors reversed from the same of Zollerns, and these were used by Hohenzollerns too, important where Agrigento elements have just traced on multiple counts to the Swabia frontier at Zurich.

It's probably important that Boyers/Bowyers, said to be from makers of bows (but don't believe it in this case), smacking of the bow-using Bogans, and thus very linkable to the arrow-using Bowers>Bauers>Rothschilds, have "vair fur" in the colors of the Quint vair, and in the colors of the Bavarian lozenges and the Hood/Hutt fret. Dutch Hagens (with an 'e') even use white-on-blue lozenges. Was Kenneth Hagan an Illuminati plant of the Rothschild kind to steal from and mock Christians? The bow in this case is mere code for Bowers / Bauers, and then the Hiedlers/Hitlers/Hutts use the same three stars as Bauers. It can be gleaned here that the Rothschilds and Hitlers had a piece of the massive Caepio treasure (50,000 15-pound gold bars and some silver bars to boot)...that was likely used throughout the Christian ages in warfare for the quest of absolute global conquest.

It can also be gleaned that some of the treasure was shipped through to the sea past Rennes-le-Chateau and Roquefeuil, then to Sicily, where Hohens had resorts, and where Rollo-liner Guiscards ventured for some hellish reason for to topple the pope and all of Italy if possible. You don't do such things with peanuts. Where did Guiscard get the money? Ask the Caepio>Caiaphas line(s) that joined the Claro's=Sinclairs.

Repeat: "The best piece of evidence for a surname trace to Euryganeia is from the motto of the Gann surname, but that trace's Caens to her too, which could mean that she was from the Caeni peoples near the Paeti (Hebros river) that I trace to the Pettys, using martlets in Wete colors." Sorry to trouble your brain with things that might be clear to me but make you roll your eyes back and forth trying to guess what the point is. I can't imagine to many people putting up with this material unless they have the deep desire to see where it's going. It has turned out to be a mega-European-Israelism of the demonic kind, very badly needed to make Freemasons have second thoughts on being Free Masons. The Hebrews on the Hebros are tracing with Pettys to Patti at Messene, are they not? And the Caeni, dog-suspects, can then go to the Scylla monster, given that portrayal for a reason, not because the Scylla peoples were saints.

The point above was the Wessel-Wheat trace to Messina along with Caen-related Caens, the same as saying that Julius Caesar -- the epitome of the dictatorial, world-conquest dragonism outlined in Revelation 13 and 17 -- traces to Messina, the very epitome of FreeMASONry. Ask the Freie/Frey lion what it has to do with Egremont and Massins/Masons.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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