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June 1 - 8, 2015

Hall and Oaks
The Abraham Line in the Island of Ogyges

The Sweeping Lines from Abraham

It would be a good idea to be familiar with the last update's bloodline topics in order to better understand the basis for starting this one. The Halls of the Aula kind in Wight and Devon became a topic, and the Cowes location on Wight has been traced to Cilicia's Qewe location. I'm going to entertain a trace of Halls to "Halys," an ancient river of central Anatolia, part of Galatia, where the line of Brogitarus > Amyntes > Artemidoros ruled. Let's begin with this from the last update:

The cuffed arm of the Como's (relevant because Adam's mother was of a Comyn surname) is "HOLDing an silver arrow with a hold tip, the bottom is silver and blue per bend with a dancette partition." The Holders (and Carricks) use a dancette of their own, and while one might think that "hold tip" is an error because it should be "gold tip," it seems that it's a deliberate error as code for Holders. Thus, Adam Kilconquhar and the Carricks trace with Holders (Gloucestershire) to Vinkovci [alternatively called, Cibalae] and therefore to the Sibals.

The very next paragraph takes the topic to Sicily's Gela (potential proto-Halls), crucial to the topic at hand, but before getting to that, let me provide some further background information. Note how "Sibal" can be a term from "CYBELE," the Phrygian great-mother goddess at the Halys theater. Brogitarus was her high priest. The Sibals have traced to CIBALae in what became a Sorb>Serb theater that I've traced to mythical SARPedon of Crete, who was a Minoan (descended from Hebrew-suspect Europa) and therefore directly related to Rhea, mother of Zeus and the great-mother goddess of Crete...i.e. expected in a fundamental link with Cybele. I say that the latter represented the Cabelees people, fellow tribe with Pisidians = Poseidon, brother of Zeus. In the old triad, there was Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, the latter traced (by me) to "Atti(s)," husband of Cybele and code for the Hatti of Hattusa on the Halys river.

Attis was Aeetes, the golden-fleece entity, speaking of associations between Hatti at the mouth of the Halys and the Glaucus river of Colchis. Kutaisi, home of the golden fleece, was on the ancient Glaucus river, a term like "Colchis, and "Kutaisi" is like "Hattusa." The rider of the golden fleece, when it was still alive, was Phryxes/Phrixus (various spellings), a term like "Phrygia," and his sister, who died in the Hellespont, was Helle, speaking of associations between Hellespont and the namers of the Halys. In Greek, "Halys" means "salt," and "Sale" is like the Latin word for salt, though this could be coincidental. There's the Salto river with a source in Abruzzo, named after Aphrodite, who was a representation of the Heneti on the Parthenius river, beside the Halys. The Marsi at the sources of the Salto, were the representation of Mars, likely from Marmara, a body of water connected with the Hellespont. Parium/Parion, home of mythical Paris (possibly from the Persian/Parthian namers of Parthenius), was situated between Marmara and Hellespont, and Paris loved and abducted Helen, likely code for Hellespont. Mars was somehow connected to Ares, the special mate of Aphrodite, who owned the dragon that protected the golden fleece. It links Ares fundamentally to Attis, father if Lydus = the Ladon dragon.

King Priam, father of Paris and code for "Parium," traced excellently to the Biblical "Abram/Abraham," though not to Israelites but to his children with his other wife, Keturah (Genesis 25). Keturah's son, Medan, traced to mythical Media, daughter of Aeetes and the likely representation of the golden fleece. Media's goddess, Hecate/Keket, may have been named after "KETurah," but in any case she traced to "HECTor," brother of Paris. With PRIAM / ABRAM in mind, let's repeat this from the last update: "A couple of years ago, someone reminded me that the Sale write-up traces to "dining hall." I have never bought that idea, but now that you [emailer] come up with this Warin [de Aula / de la Sale] character, I looked into it. I found that he married Juliana Brampton, and then the Bram(p)tons happen to use a talbot dog in their Crest, the Hall symbol." It was reasoned that the line of Abraham with Keturah was destined to be the dragon cult so that God took another wife for Abraham to form Israel by which to defeat the dragon cult. I expect surnames from "Abraham," therefore, that are important to Freemasonry. It's interesting that Bramptons and Bramms both use lions, the symbol of Cybele, and that the Bramm lion holds a fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Ashmole's, who smack of "Ishmael," son of Abraham. Attis had a castration symbol, which I took to be a fanciful way for myth writers to express circumcision, but this was many years before realizing that Keturah traced very well to Attis (someone said that he named Attica, at Athens). The Ashmole greyhound design is used by the Lys/Lisse surname, whom I trace to the Lazi Caucasians / Circasians, who lived at Ladon-like Lazona at or beside the Glaucus river. The Lazi were therefore the golden-fleece entity, and they are highly suspect with the Lasonii, fellow tribe with the Cabelees. It can also be said that Abraham and Keturah were the ancestors of Letushites that can trace to "Leto," mother of Cabelees-like Apollo.

The Bramm lion is colors reversed from the Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen lion, and Bramms were first found in Nuremberg, a location of those Hohens. The Ashmole quarters are colors reversed from the Ottinger quarters (see also the Zollern / Hohenzollern quarters), and Ottingers were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Oettingen-Oettingen, the latter using a talbot in the Crest of their Arms. Hohens were a branch of Cohens from Khazars, a term like "Ketur(ah). The Keturah > Medan line was traced to mythical Kodros, father of Medon, and the symbol of Kodros was a fish, the symbol in the Catter/Cather surname.

Something just struck me for a possible trace of Talbots to "Halybes." I was wondering how Talbots might trace to that Halys. As Attis was made the father of Lydus = Lydia, the Attis entity was a proto-Latin one i.e. speaking a part of the proto-Latin language, and as such, "Halybes" could have been fronted with a capital 'D'. Compare "D'HALYBes" with "TALBot," but this, though it doesn't strike me as correct, requires a re-mention of the possible trace of "Chalybes" (their alternative name) to Biblical Caleb (tribe of Judah), whose name in Hebrew means, dog. Hmm, how interesting, even though I opted to trace "(C)Halybes" to "Eliphas" (son of Esau) rather than to Caleb. However, Freemasons (some of whom who like to trace themselves to Israelites) don't always get their traces correct. They may have traced Halybes to Caleb wrongly. I should probably disregard this entire paragraph and trace the talbot to a wolf line...or, on second thought, to the Dogs/Doaks (the Oke's?), first found in the same place as Hagars ("star of David"), the name of Abraham's concubine and mother of Ishmael! The Dog's/Doags use the colors and format of Hebrons/Hepburns, and then Abraham lived in Hebron!! The Hebrons share a red lion with Bramms!!!

The Hebrons, because they are said to be from Chillingham, were traced to the Chills/Childs that use the same-colored chevron as Hebrons (and Dogs/Doags). The Chills/Childs (see last update) trace to Childeric, father of king Clovis, this family being the one to which most researchers trace the fleur-de-lys. We just saw the Ashmole's linking hard to the Lys/Lisse surname, and then the Lys'/Lisse's use the greyhound as code for Greys using a lion in colors reversed to the Hebron lion, and moreover Greys first found in the same place (Northumberland) as the Hebrons. The Grey anchor theme traces to the ancient and Biblical Anaki of Hebron because the Anchors are also ANNACKer. But the Anchors are also suspect from such places as Ankara, not far from the Halys, and an alternative name of Nicaea at Marmara.

I had traced "Chalybes" to "Calabria," location of Reggio, where I traced "Rhea" of Crete because I identified her earliest representation as the city of Rhagae in the theater of the Gels/GILEKI, whom I traced to the Galli priests of Cybele, to the naming of CILICIA, as well as considering a trace to Gela of Sicily. But I had also traced "Chalybes" to the myth code, ExCALIBUR, and due to the Arthurian elements of the Cornwall peninsula, I opted to identify the "Ex" with Exeter...which is a major part of Devon, home of the family that reportedly birthed Warin of Aula (see last update). The Gileki were traced to the Scylla (wolf entity) part of Sicily because, in myth, Glaucus loved Scylla while I identify Glaucus with "Gileki." The Holders were first found in GLOUCestershire, and moreover the Como's that were just seen linking to Holders created the Comyn surname using "garbs" that trace to the SARPedon > Sorb line.

The Daily's were looked up after writing the "D'Halybes term, to find the same greyhound (with oak tree) in Crest as the Ashmole Crest. The greyhound can of course be part of the talbot-dog line but honoring the lion-using Greys. The Daily's use a "Regi" motto term that might just be come for Reggio in particular. It just so happens that the Daily lion is in the colors of the Bramm lion! The single Daily sword, suspect somewhat with the Excalibur, is code for the SWORDs, who use the same-colored sword, but the Sword write-up traces to "SIWARD" of Northumberland, and may therefore connect with same-colored Hebrons / Greys. The Clavin variation of Swords is a Chalybes-like term, and then the Irish Hand surname is listed with Clavens while Dailys use the heraldic hand symbol.

I didn't know until writing further below that the Aule-suspect Cauleys/Auleys use a version of the Daily Coat, including the red lion and the two hands in the same positioning!

Much of this, especially the red-lion trace to Abraham, is new to me right here and now. I'm not of course sold on a Daily trace to "D'Halybes," but am very open for a trace to the namers Talbots, whom I view as the Taulantii peoples south of Lissus (see last update), where I trace the Lys/Lisse surname. Dailys are traced in their write-up to Cork while the Cork surname uses nothing but lion tails in the colors of the Tailer/Taylor lions, which are colors reversed to the upper half of the Daily lion. The Cavii peoples at the Lissus theater can trace to "Cabelees."

Late in the last update, a new idea was introduced wherein the Dagger variation of Deck(er)s was entertained from "D'Hagar" (not necessarily meaning that the whole surname was originated in the root of Hagars), and here I find the Tale's using a dagger in Crest. The "I dare" motto of Tale's suggest a look at the Dare's, who use another red lion! The "paw" word in the Dare description goes to the two Paw surnames sharing the peacock with Manners/Maness', which can link to the "naked man" in the Tale Coat (I have yet to decipher "naked"). The Dare's were first found in the same place (Essex) as paw-using Quints, and the German Paws look like a branch of Powers (Devon), who themselves use a version of the Coat of Palins/PAWlentys, first found in the same place (Dorset) as Quints. You have a lot of solid connections here, thanks to heraldic codes, and the sacrifice of many years of my life to learning them. I hope their is a reward for this. The Palins/Pawlentys use the same black-on-white lion as the upper half of the Daily lion.

German Dare's use garbs in the colors of the same of Comyns / Josephs / Avisons (honored by Heneti-suspect Kennedys). The Dern variation of German Dare's can suggest the Durance river because the Salyes of that river were from the Salto river, location of Avison-suspect Avezzano. If this is correct, then the Dare's trace to "Durance," and therefore to similar "Turano," the other river through Avezzano. Just like that, we can trace Dare's, and perhaps the Tale's that honor the Dare's, to Avezzano. The German Dorns happen to share the red rose with Avezzano's. Note the anchor with a sleeved and cuffed arm in the Avison Crest, for the Cuffs (said to have a Durnan variation) use a version of the Sale Coat while sleeves (sometimes called maunches) are sometimes code for "The Sleeve," the English Channel off of Manche, home of Sale-related Masseys that use the Lys/Lisse fleur. The Dorn bend rises in the sinister direction, a feature of Masci's, Massena's and Rasmussens.

To assure that the Durance-river peoples had surnames, the Sale fleur are used by Durants/Dante's, and thus this assures that Sale's/Sallete's trace to the Salyes. I missed it in the last update, but the Aule tower is used in the same colors by Italian Durants/Dante's (compare with Italian Narbonne's/Denardo's). This tower is likely code for the Towers / Tours (Languedoc, location of Narbonne) who may have had a Turris branch i.e. a little like "Turano." The Turris' (Moray) look like a merger with the Scott surname, traceable to lake Scodra near Lissus (central-left of map). The "Amore" motto term of Turris' traces well to the Mauritanians suspect in the Moratin surname sharing the red tower with Tours/Thors (Devon again, home of the family that birthed Warin de Aula). I tend to see the Tuareg Berbers at the root of Towers and Tours, and then the Gellone's, Barbers, Barbera's and therefore Guarin of Provence may trace to Tuaregs.

At the mention in the last update that Juliana Brampton had a child, Fulk, I inserted (Wednesday) what you may have missed: "German Warins (colors of Italy?) look like they may be using a version of the Fulke/Folk Coat, in which case these Warins were named likely after Warin de Aula." These Warins also share the elephant trunks, as heraldry calls them, of Swedish Thors. This is another way of tracing Warin de Aula / Sale to the Turano / Salto river.

It strikes me only now that "Aula" (view as Avla) may have been the representation of mythical Avalon. Just a thought. It can be argued that the Avezzano bend links to the bend of Champagne's and the Arms of Champagne, and then French Avallon is to the south of Champagne. Moreover, the Champagne bend is much like the Pullen/Pulley and Romney bend while the bend of the latter two shares the red scallop with French Warins, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Avallon. However, if "Aula" traces to "Avallon" and Avellino (Campania, Italy), then it doesn't likely trace fundamentally to "Hall / Hull" (i.e. the link exists only as a merger of Avalon and Hall elements). On the other hand, Aula's may have been Hall liners that merged with Avalon liners. I had traced the mythical Muses of Apollo to Avalon, and the Halls were traced to Mysia (location of Hellespont and Parium) so that, indeed, Halls may have been at Avalon. Avalon must always trace back to Pendragons in the Cornwall peninsula, location of Warin's ancestry.

The Italian Cavalli's (Ferrara, same place as Charo's/Claro's honored by the Joseph motto) use the horse, no surprise, but they also use the feathered helmet, a symbol on the coin of Herod Archelaus. The Brogitarus line that served as priesthood to Cavalli-like Cybele had married the line of Glaphyra Archelaus, wife of Herod Archelaus. If the Cavalli's, therefore, were a Cybele / Cabelees line, they look in-particular like a Brogitarus line into Ferrara, the place that may have been named by "Pharisee," though I think the term also traces to elements from mythical Paris. The Cavalli horse and rider looks linkable to the same of Italian Motels, from Turano-like Taranto. Motels may have been a branch of Motts/Morte's whom trace definitely to king Arthur's death in Avalon. How about that! It really looks like Cavelli liners named Avallon. And even as Keturah was suspect in "Satyr," the mythical founders of Taranto were of Satyrion. Here is from one of my Ladon chapters:

I believe I have found the origin of Flanders in Sparta, in the Spartans depicted by "Phalantos." He was the mythical founder of so-called "Parthenians" who moved to southern Italy, specifically to the Satyrion region of Apulia/Puglia:
" In Ancient Greece, the Partheniae or Parthenians...are a lower ranking Spartiate population which, according to tradition, left Laconia to go to Magna Graecia [i.e. southern Italy] and founded Taras, modern Taranto, in the current region of Apulia, in southern Italy."

One wonders if Laconia named Lucania between the Bruttii and Puglia (see map of Lucania). See "Blanda" north of Laus, and ask if this wasn't the link between Phalantos and Flanders.

On the map (arch of Italy), a Hales location up the coast from LAUS (Lazi / Lissus entity?) is not far south of Abellinum (Avellino) at the northern edge of the map. "Laus Deo" is a motto phrase of the ArBUTHnotts, suspect from Bute = Avalon (Bothwells are from Bute). The Booths use black boars while the boar was a symbol of mythical Kodros i.e. the line of Keturah. Kodros traces to Kotor (Adriatic coast), home of a fish symbol (see Saraka at Wikipedia), and Kotor is beside Butua/Budva, where Bute traces without doubt. The Manders likewise use "Laus Deo," and then the Manners share the peacock with the Arbuthnott Crest. As the Manner peacock links to Palins/Pawlentys, note Cape PALINurus between Laus and the hales river. The Arbuthnotts are said to have derived in the land of Olifards, who are part of the Oliphant surname suspect in the elephant trunks of Warins. I trace Oliphants to Eliphas, son of Esau that is expected in the namers of Halybes. The ExCALIBUR sword as also called the Caliburnus, and so see Alburnus mountain inland from the Hales. A

Arbuthnotts are said to have been the most prolific name in Peterhead, at Buchan, but are using the Moray stars. Between Moray and Peterhead was Rothes and its castle owned / built by Peter Pollock, and then the Peacocks are a sept of Pollocks. The idea here is that whatever named Peacocks had merged with Pollocks to become a Pollock sept, but as Palins were linked to peacock-using clans such as Paws, perhaps Peacocks were named after Pyxus/Buxentum, which is on the map between Laus and Palinurus. Compare "BUXENtun to "Buchan"! That is pauerful. The Picts, who lived at and around Buchan, may trace to "Pyxus."

If Paws are from "Pawlenty," then the Quint paw should trace to Palinurus. Might "Palmer" apply? English Palmers (Yorkshire) are using the black Daily greyhound (design of Lys'/Lisse's while English Palms (Yorkshire, same as Hulls) use the Lys/Lisse fleur, and then, because Caepio's trace to the Cavii at Lissus, how interesting is it that the Palm Chief share blue "vair fur" with Quints???! Lys'/Lisse's were first found in the same place (northern Paris) as Chappes'. This paragraph suggests that "Palin" was the original surname of the group, with "Pawlenty" developing in the merger with Powers. I would suggest a trace of Powells to Palinurus. Powers are traced in their write-up to PICardy (Pyxus-Arthur combo?), and then there is a Saint Quentin location in that theater.

Suddenly, due to the sound logic of these surnames tracing to the Palinurus theater, Halls and Hulls can trace well to "Hales."

It just so happens that Powys' are using the bear paw of Bellino's in colors reversed while Bellino's were first found in Verona while Verona's (in Bellamy colors) are also "Vair," and first found in the same place as Lys' and Chappes'.

The English Powers who share the Palin Chief are said to be from "poor," and were first found in the same place (Devon) as Poors. I won't believe that "poor" was the original derivation, however, as that's simpleton theory until proven. The other English Powers, who may be using the MacARTHY stag, are said to be from Pois/Poix of PicARDY (Poix may be rooted in the same that named the first syllable of "Picardy"). As Devon was home to the line of Warin de Aula of Wight (more vair fur), what about Halls sharing talbot heads in colors reversed to the those of German Pape's/Papenburgs/PapenBROEKs, for Powers and Poors are both said to be from "pauper," what looks like code for Pape's. At least one online article tells that Papenheims of Bavaria use "kettle hats" that are identical to vair fur, and likely code for the Kettle bloodline, and the Papenburg-suspect Babenbergs happen to share a Shield filled with red-and-white checks with Vairs. English Pape's/Pope's happen to use checks in the colors of the Warren checks. German Poppers/Poppens/Bopf's are using the same oak tree as Dailys, as well as elephant trunks of the kind used by Warins. German Brocks share the tree trunk / stump with Italian Milans while the latter's horizontally-split Shield is colors reversed from the same of Powers. Oak-using Roets, a branch of Reeds who are in-turn looking like the Pike's/Pickens, were from Picardy too.

The Hull Coat and Crest is a virtual copy of the same from Pape's/Papenburgs. Hulls are said to be from Kingston Upon Hull while Kings (Devon) and Kingstons share the gold-on-black lion with Danish Pauers. I don't ever recall entering "Pauer" to get the Dutch and German Paws/Pauers, but here I find that Danish Pauers are the Danish Bauers (share the "hurt" (blue roundel) with Irish Arthurs) that I've been citing for years. Suddenly, we have excellent reason for tracing the Power / Palin bloodline to Peter Pollock, for his Rothes entity is the root of the Bauer>Rothschild line. This is the same as saying that Pauers and Paws are Bauers and Bowers. While I've traced Pollocks/POKE's/POOKs (share green Shield and arrow with Bauers and Bowers) without doubt to Pietas-Julia = Pula/Pola on Istria, the Pettys were first found in the same place (Peebles) as Bowers. I would suggest that Poix was a Pollock branch of the Poke kind.

This webpage says that Muriel, daughter of Peter Pollock, birthed Eva Mortach = Lady Rothes. She must be the one who married Watsons.

Reminder: Bole's share the boar shot through with an arrow with the Pollock Crest, suggesting a Bole trace to "Pola", and Pole's are listed with Poole's, from Poole of Dorset, where Palins were first found, and directly on-shore from Wight. The suspicion had been that Pula was a Colchian settlement, and so the Keturah line to Colchians is likely involved (because Freemasons / Templars would track that line and honor it). As a boar shot through with an arrow was a symbol of the Calydonian Boar (Greek myth), let's remention that Caledonians of Scotland were Picts while I had reason to view Cauleys/Auleys as Caledonians...because English Cauleys/Caleys use a "Callide" motto term. It was while looking up Cauleys (red lion) here that I found them to be using the Daily Coat (their red lion suspect with Abraham), suggesting that Dailys were D'Aule's of sorts. In fact, compare "Caul" with "Zoll" and see the talbot-using Zollerns/Sollerns.

Of further Aula-Sale interest is that Dollys share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of SALuzzo's (in colors reversed from the same of Keturah-suspect Cutters, and so the Cauleys might actually be a branch of Sale's, especially as Callide-using Cauleys/Caley's use a bend with three white symbols, as do Sale's. Scottish Cauleys/Cawleys (arrows) use buckles that can now trace to Buxentum elements. The Cawleys use leopard faces in the colors of Danish Pauer/Bauer lion, and are likely of the Cauleys/Auleys. Cawley colors look linkable to SALEmans and Salmons (fish, Keturah-line symbol), begging whether the Cuffs are a variation of "CAWley." The Caffs/Chafe's (Cavii suspects) use a peacock and were first found in the same place as Palins / Quints.

Fortunately, I recalled the so-called Cornish CHOUGH (a raven) used by Scottish Cornwalls, and loaded the Cornwalls ("Durante" motto term traces to Durance river and the Salyes) to find the red Cawley / Daily lion yet again, but of course this is the Stewart lion, for Cornwalls were first found in Devon. Why do Cornwalls use "La Vie" in their motto? Isn't that the Salyes link to the Laevi Ligurians? The Cowes-suspect Leavells were no further away than right next door to Cornwall.

Cornwalls use a " a Cornish chough hatching in the face of a rock proper" that traces both to Roquefeuil liners (Rooks / Rookbys use the raven too) and the Face's/Fesseys (in Cornwall colors). The "beg" motto term of Cornwalls traces well to the German Bachs once showing a gold calf, using a

NOW, compare one Peter Coat to the Palin Coat, and recall from the last update that these Peters are using the BUCHANan lion. There we have a Palin trace to the Buxentum / Palinurus theater yet again. The Pollens/Paulins are an obvious branch of Pulleys/Pullens and share the pelican with Scottish Stewarts, kin of Pollocks. This is the pelican suspect with Appius Pulcher, but let's remention the PULCiphers, shown as "Pulsiphers/Polesdons", with stars in the colors of the Palin stars. Polesdons are also "Pilson," linkable to the Pile's/Pills (Pilotte colors) that trace to Pylos (a real place), ruled by mythical NESTor, who is represented in the NEST of the pelican. Washingtons trace to Methoni (beside Pylos), and Washingtons use a version of the Canton Coat while Pile's/Pills use a canton. Heraldic pile's are used by Cowes' and expected to trace to the Pylos-based family of Pontius Pilate at the Qewe theater.

I'm not saying that Pullens and Pollocks are necessarily from Palinurus (partly from "Neuri?), but are at least related to its namers. The heraldic pile is often in "pale," the heraldic term for vertical. The Pale's are also "Pailey," and are using the red lion again, this time in both colors of the Daily lion, making the upper half of the Daily lion more suspect with the Palin lion. Pale's use the bend in colors reversed from the Pollen/Pauley bend, which itself has scallops linkable to the Patterson (and Sowden) scallops, important because Pattersons: 1) share the camel head with Pale's; 2) use pelicans on nest; 3) share the same lion as Palins. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Pattersons can be that of Dollys/Dooleys (trefoils, Roquefeuil symbol). I don't respect the Dolly/Dooley write-up when it assumes that the surname originates in a Gaelic form. As I trace Alans of Dol to Roxolani Alans while linking the latter to the Neuri, it's notable that Dollys/Dooleys use the North lion. The Dolly/Dooley Coat looks like a version of the Panico Coat (fleur in the colors of the Masci fleur) with the Maschi lion thrown in. Panico's were at the Reno river that traces well to "Rennes," beside Dol. Voirs of Brittany use the Dolly/Dooley lion too. Mythical Nereus (fish symbol) are Doris were at the Neretva river to the near-north of Kotor.

If mythical Aeneas was Oeneus, then the namers of Palinurus can trace to Pylos because Oeneus was made the father of neighboring Methoni. "Palinurus, in Roman mythology and especially Virgil's Aeneid, is the helmsman of Aeneas's ship. Later authors used him as a general type of navigator or guide." The fish symbol of Nereus was likely due to the mariner background of that people group. Perhaps Pylos-Nereus is what's behind the Palinurus location. Aeneas and his wife, Creusa, stopped at Agrigento before founding the Romans, and as Aeneas' father was ANCHises, he must be of the Anchor/Annacker surname (lozenges, Colchian-line symbol) that shares the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. This surname is suspect with a Keturah line out of Hebron. Roman mythology seems to have known of a fundamental link between Agrigento and Palinurus. Reminder: Norths use the Narbonne/DeNORDI lion while the latter uses the Aule tower, a good reason to trace Norths to Cape PaliNURO.

Cape Palinurus is smack at the mouth of a Melpes river (flows through Buxentum) while there is a Malpas location in Cheshire, home of the Maschi bloodline (if you didn't catch it, the North lion is also the Maschi lion). To support that trace of Malpas to Melpes at Palinurus, the Hugh surname uses the same lion as Palins, and then: "After the Norman conquest of 1066 Malpas is recorded as being called Depenbech {citation needed} and is mentioned in the Domesday book of 1086 as belonging to Robert FitzHugh, Baron of Malpas. Malpas and other holdings were given to his family for defensive services along the Welsh border." Again, the Palin stars are likely in use by the Polesdons, first found in Cheshire. The Palin / Hugh lion is in the colors of the Buchan lion heads. Surprise. This trace is new to me, at least with all of this strong evidence.

Maschi's were first found in Rimini, from Israel's Rimmon, where the proto-Roman Benjamites lived. Thus, Rimini elements are expected in the Aeneas-Palinurus entity. There was an mythical Aeneus (with a 'u') that was code for Aenos (mouth of the ancient Hebros), smack beside an ancient Sale location. The last update showed the fundamental link of Warin de Aula to Maschi liners of the Meschin kind, but then the Meschins descended from MALaHULE of More (NORway). There is a More location in Shropshire, where Meschins were first found. Malpas is at the Welsh-Shropshire-Cheshire border. As the Alans of Dol chose to live in Shropshire, some Neuri elements are expected there. The Maschi write-up has one MALATesta entity, and then Mallets (same place as Clare's and Blois') are traced to the same peoples (Mercians) as the Malpas location. Moreover, Mallets are said to derive from the family of Rollo of More, who was a nephew of Malahule.

The Voirs (Mercia colors) that use the Maschi lion call it the lion of a St Mark, but this must be code for certain Mercians of a Mark surname. French Marks happen to use the Stewart fesse-with-checks (Cohen checks), linkable to the Stewart-related Boyds from the Budini of the Ukraine, kin of the Neuri (the latter lived near or at Doly). See also the Cohen-related Meriks (Voir colors) using two possible symbols of Dols and Alans. The Mercian flag was the Messey/Messier saltire, and Mercians trace to the Marsi = mythical Mars, the mother side of the Aeneus Romans. Aeneas was a Trojan from Dardanus in MYSIA, part of the Apollo Muses traceable to the Roman wolf, which is to say that the Benjamin-Jabesh line to Romans is expected to go through the Apollo-Muse entity in Mysia. It's expected to be the same as a PELops line to Pylos, but including Pollock-like Pollux, the Spartan Apollo. English Marks were first found in Cornwall.

Good morning. It's Friday. On Wednesday, a curious thing happened. It looked like the re-invasion of the squirrels. Since removing 16 squirrels from my attic last fall, there have been no more squirrels up there (they are readily heard running along the attic floor). There were at least three, likely four, of them coming through my car port and along my porch all day long, two days ago. They were coming through very often as though they were moving in, and walked casually past me as close as five of six feet. They played all day, at the trees of my front yard, like they were courting and ready to have families. It was the day that I had mentioned Poix and discerned that it was a branch of Pollocks of the Poke/Pook kind. But yesterday, there were no squirrels at all. It amount to another strange event involving squirrels.

This morning, I awoke wondering about whether this was another squirrel sign. To make it very short, there was one of the 16 squirrels that I called, Satan, which managed to get away from me, and created situations unlike the others. The last I saw it was in my vehicle; it had escaped under the dash somewhere and wouldn't come out. I thought that it may have escaped the next day, out the door from behind the seat, without me seeing it, as I got in to check for it. But a few months later, not many weeks ago, I got around to putting some work shorts into the new washing machine, and hung them up to dry (haven't hooked up the gas dryer yet). When I put the shorts on and felt something in the pocket, it turned out to be a shriveled squirrel (the reddish ones, on the small side). I figured that the shorts were in my vehicle (probably brought them to the town laundromat but didn't get around to washing them yet), and that it crawled into a pocket to get warm, then died there because I don't use the vehicle but once per week or more. Unless it had rabies, I cannot think of any other way for a squirrel to die in the shorts pocket, and there was no squirrel in my house for as long as it would take for it to die of thirst.

The point is, I took this squirrel and some others for a Sign, and so I got onto the Pocket/POUCHER (i.e. like "Power") and Short surname. I was able to glean that the Pockets/Pouchers were Pollocks (descended from squirrel-using Valentins). And POCKet is like "Poix." Coincidence?

The squirrel in my pocket was the topic in the first update of May. Here's a couple of paragraphs (from that update) where the shorts may have been used as a Sign for the Brittany Shurtans, for Pockets were a Brittany entity. :

The link between Pockets and Shorts can be made, at least tentatively. Pockets/Powchers/POUCHERs are said to be from a Brittany entity of "Poher," and then Irish Jordans/Shurtans/Shurdanes are much like "Sherd/Sherrat." French Jordans were first found in Brittany. Irish Jordans/Shurtans are traced (in their write-up) to a family in Devon, where Powers (share a Shield with PAWleys) were first found whom can link to the two Paw surnames using peacocks. German Paws (blue peacocks) are "PAUKER/Pauer/Pauwer," and share a red-on-white chevron with Exeters and Shorts (see Maine's of Devon too).

...The Arms of Leicester uses the giant Bus cinquefoil, colors reversed from the giant cinquefoil of Pockets/Pouchers said to be from "POHER." The Munich-suspect Monks (white COCKatrice, part-code for Grimaldi-related Cocks), suspect with the Desmond monkey, and first found in Devon, where Short liners of the Sherd / Jordan kind are suspect, are said to be from POTHERidge, and then Potters share a white cinquefoil with Bus'. Keep in mind that Pollock-related Stewarts were first found in Devon, though they originated from Brittany, where Jordans were first found, for the Pocket write-up uses a "pokes" term that is a surname listed with Pollocks...who happen to share the boar with BARDs, and then, the BARDSleys (Manchester) are found in the Pocket write-up. The Bus cinquefoil is used by Hamiltons, first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as Hamiltons. The namers of Renfrew trace to Rennes of Brittany, where Judicael ruled that is found in the Pocket write-up.

Not everything in the second paragraph is relevant here, but do note how the topic involved Devon, where the Flowers were first found that use a giant, white cinquefoil, in the colors of the Potter cinquefoils, as well as sharing the lion head in Crest with one Peter Crest (I trace all three Peter surnames to Peter Pollock). It just so happens that Buchans use a sunFLOWER, important because Pockets/Pouchers are now expected as Palin-related Powers of Poix while Buchans and Palins both trace to Palinurus. Again, as Buchans are expected at BUXENtum/PYXus, the Poix location and the Poke's/Pochs look like they are from that place. Then, English Pike's were likewise first found in Devon, while Scottish Pike's/PICKENs share a gold saltire with Pollocks. As pierced stars, used by Pike's, came to be called mullets in honor of Mullets (share the white hunting horn with Pollocks), perhaps they were from "MELpes." "Picken" can trace both to "Buxentum" and to then PICENtia at the top-left of the map.

Mullets are in Mallet colors while Mallets share the scallops of the Rothes-related Peters (Devon) using red cinquefoils, the color of the Pocket cinquefoil. French Mallets use more buckles, symbol of the Leslie's who were in cahoots with Buchan.

The Mullets share the six-pointed mullets in the colors of the same of Payens that traced to the PEK river, leading me to think that the namers of the Pek were at Pyxus. The Pek-river families of importance had traced to Panico's/Panetta's. The Payen stars are called "spur rowels" while Spurrs (use a mullet) were likewise first found in Devon.

The Poher location of Pockets looks like it furnished the Poors (Devon again). It looks like the squirrel in my pocket, and the squirrels on the day of writing on Poix, want me to acknowledge that families from southern Italy ended up at Devon and Renfrew, two main homes of Stewarts. Poors/Pohers (said to be from "Pohiers" = the peoples of Picardy) look linkable to the Glasgows (Renfrew), Lauds/Lords (cinquefoils) and Glass' of Renfrew. The Lords/Lauds share cinquefoils in the colors used for them by Hamptons, who may be in the OkeHAMPTOn location in Devon. Unbelievably, the one who informed me that "Laus Deo" is written at the top of the Washington Monument has a Hampton surname! The Washington Monument is the 666 monument, and it's now tracing to Laus right beside Buxentum! Man, those squirrels sure can tell a story. The Hampton/Ampton besants are in the colors of the same of Manders (Devon again!) who use "Laus Deo" in their motto. The Mander motto also uses "omniBUS Laus Deo" so as to be potentially linkable to Pockets.

The Jordans/Shurtans/Shurdanes should trace to Davis Starr Jordan, first president of Illuminati-based Stanford University. Stanfords use goats in the colors of the Kingsley cross, and the Kingsleys use goats themselves that were borrowed by the Halls / Aula's of Wight (see last update for Kingsleys). Stanfords and Kingsleys are in Starr colors, and Starrs share. As Staffs are suspect with the Quints while Quints share blue vair fur with Wights, see the blue vair fur of Stamfords/Stanfords. As Staffs trace to Stobi of the Paeoni while Pendragons trace to the same peoples, note that Irish Penders use a version of the Stamford Coat while English Penders use lions in the colors of the Poole lions, for Poole is in the same place as Quints were first found.

Hamptons/Amptons (share besants with Paeoni-suspect Stubbings) were first found in Staffordshire, home of Stubbs / Stubbings, and where Stanfords were first found. Hamptons are highly suspect in using the Staff / Quint chevron. The Paeoni-suspect Payens use rowels for a reason, and then Rowels, who share besants on a chevron with Hamptons, are listed with ROTHwells. Rowels/Rothwells share two chevrons in the same black-on-white colors with the Ash's, first found in Devon, but these chevrons were found in the last update with the Kins'/Cyne's when entertaining them with the Kinsey variation of Kingsleys, the ones whom had merged with the Aula's of Wight (i.e. from Okehampton). It strike's me here that a chevron in the same colors is used by Ash-like Cash's, and as Ash's are said to be from D'Esse Court, they with Cass'/Cash's appear to trace to Hesse-Cassel, where the first Rothschild found his fortune.

The following was added to the last update late this week:

Kerry wrote back to say, "The Name 'Nairn is pre celtic in origin in gaelic means ''River of Alders''( the trees)." I don't usually buy statements like that, but I did look up the Alders', said to have moved from London and Middlesex to Haddington as Alderstons. The Aldertons (Chapel colors) should apply. Alders'/Alderstons use the same sun as Hesse's while Keiths of Haddington are said to be a Catti peoples...while a Chatti peoples are said to have founded Hesse. I think this is a good argument for identifying the Keiths and Marshalls from the German Chatti [Hatti suspects]. The Alders chevron is white and ermined one, used also by Catters/Cathers. Calders/Cauders/CADDERs ("cadit" motto term), sharing the stag head with Keiths, were first found in Inverness-shire, suggesting that Nairns had merged with Calders = Alders, a Chatti line. In the Calder write-up, a Hugh de Cadella (Klaudouer) is said to have been granted Nairnshire. Calders, with a stag in the colors of the Chaplet swans, use a swan in Crest. Note that the Calder antlers are in a different color (red) than the head, as though to stress them for the purpose of tracing to Veringers / Zahringers (Veringers use the antler in red, Zahringers in blue).

Quite a bit was added to the last update when introducing the Chapel surname because it shares the giant chaplet with Nairns, though Chapels call it a "wreath." But the Wreath surname was first found in Inverness-shire, where Nairn is located. I would say that the paragraph above is a good one for tracing Abraham and Keturah to Nairn elements, and it just so happens that Nahor was Abraham's brother (a good reason to view Nairns as Nahor liners). However, I'm leaving room for a "Nairn" trace to Ayers and "Nairs/NAYERS," the latter suspect with the mother of Pontius Pilate and using the red, Abraham-suspect lion yet again. Ayers had traced with red-lion Aurs to the Awraba/Aures home of the Shawia Numidians. It is said by some that Pilate's mother was from Perthshire, where Nairs/Nayers and Shaws were first found, and it just so happens that Nairs/Nayers/Nerrys share the blue pheon with CELTS/Colts/Cults (Perthshire) while the latter use a giant stag head, symbol of CALDers.

It gets a little confusing on whether to trace "Calder" to Catter / Chatti liners versus to Celt liners. I had traced Celts to the Khaldi (Anatolia), whom are often conflated (by historians) with Halybes, though I don't view them as exactly the same peoples but have no choice in viewing them as a closely-merged peoples similar to the Gaul-Celt relationship. The blue pheon is used also by Galls/MacCole's/MacCalls/MacAULs (Argyllshire, near Kyle), though I don't know whether this is an Aula liner because it uses the same stars as Glass' and Kyle's, and more likely traces to the relationships between the Colapis and Clausula rivers. The Koplik location on the Clausula traces to Kopple's/Koppels, and they happen to use the black-on-gold rooster of German Galls/Gallusha's/Gallus', having Clausula-like variations. That looks like an important find.

This rooster can trace to Gallipolis at the Hellespont / Marmara, right in the thick of things for the Keturah liners to the Hector Trojans. Hectors, first found beside Perthshire, share the sun with Hesse's, as well as sharing three red bends with German Galls/Gallusha's. The Kopple rooster is in the black-on-gold colors of the French-Joseph bird, no small point when suspecting Joseph Caiaphas -- the likely king of all heraldry in the eyes of some -- from a proposed (by me) Cupionich > Caepionis line.

If Gallipolis was named by the Galli of Cybele, then they trace well to the Halybes, and as such can be expected in the Hall / Hull bloodline. The Aula goats can trace to mythical Marsyas of Phrygia, though as yet I don't know how "Kingsley" can trace to Phrygians, aside from pointing out the Kingston-on-Hull location...of Yorkshire, where Paris elements were early (I've read that the Parisii co-founded York). Kings and Kingstons share the upright gold lion with Italian Galls/Gallus. The Galli are highly suspect as proto-Gali=Gauls, making perfect sense where the Khaldi formed the Gaul-related Celts. The Kingsley / Aula goats are in Alderton colors, and the Kingsley cross (same colors) is virtually the same of English House's/Howes' while Hazels (suspect with Colt-like Holts) are definitely related to French House's. Hazeltons/Heslingtons (of Heslington House / Siward's Howe in Yorkshire) are in colors reversed to the House / Kingsley cross.

Reminder: the Kinsey variation of Kingsleys can be a branch of Kins'/Kinns/Cyne's that share two black-on-white chevrons with Ash's of D'Esse Coat, very possibly linked to the Okehampton>Aula line that connected with Ranulf le Meschin of Cheshire, where Kingsleys were first found. The Ash's become suspect with Has by their Hesse-like look.

Hesse had traced to modern Has (Drilon river of the Cavii, where besants trace), near the Clausula river, and the Koplik location on the Clausula was also "Cupionich," suspect both with "Caepionis" and the Cuppae location off the Pek, though I trace Cuppae elements to "Kupa," the alternative name of the Colapis. The "Lady Fortune" in the KLASSEN Coat had traced to "CLAUSula," and then the Lady surname is also "Laudyman," linkable to the Lords/Lauds honored in the "Lord" motto term of GLASgows. The Fortuna's share the white talbot with Hulls / Halls. Ladys use annuLETs, and were first found in NorthAMPTONshire, same as Aldertons. Hugh de Cadella above (= Alderton suspect) looks like his surname (Klaudouer) was linkable to oak-themed Clauds that have a Claus-like variation. There's a question on whether Clauds trace to "Khaldi" with "Alder." The Gage's, possibly from Ogyges elements, may be using a version of the Claud Coat.

Of some interest, the club symbol of Hercules is in the hand of the lion of German Fortuna's/Forts. This lion is also the Sforza / Ferrari lion, as well as that of French Galls. The quince held by the Sforza lion goes to Northhampton's Quince's, same place as Aldertons and Ladys. That works to link the two Fortuna surnames, and even tends to assure a link to "Sforza." Hercules was the symbol of the shapely, muscular queer, and the Galli were extreme queers. At, there is a webpage title, "Hercules and Hylas - World History of Gay Love," and the statement, "Homosexual Greek myth of the love between Hercules and his beloved Hylas..." I'm sure that the normal person wants to know all the details (sarcasm).

The point is, what was "Hylas / Hyllus" code for? All myth characters had names as symbols for something. Hyllus, son of Melite and Hercules, "became king and eponym of a non-Greek tribe, the Hylleis," though that's typical Greek myth where they lied and turned things around. The reality is that the myth writers named Hyllus purposely for depicting the tribe (Wikipedia doesn't give a link to an article on this tribe). "Melite" is rooted in the Greek "honey," and tends to trace back to Samson's honey in a lion carcass. What was this lion-with-honey symbol for, in the domain of Samson, not far from Hebron? Judges says that it's code for "the strong," not exactly enlightening, but perhaps finding its way to "force > Sforza."

Hyllus lived on the mythical island of Scheria, home of occult Phaeacians ("faggot"?), an island visited by Odysseus upon leaving an island of Ogyges, the name of the ruler of proto-Athens, explaining why Athena figures into the Odysseus account upon Scheria. But Ogyges should relate to the Keturah line into Athens. The Biblical Og was ruler of Rephaites that lived partly in the Rephaite valley on the west side of Jerusalem, facing Hebron.

Homer's island of Ogyges was home to Calypso, a Galli and Chalybes-like term. There was no island of Ogygia, suggesting that it was code for the peoples represented by mythical Ogyges. Gyges/Gugu of Lydia may trace back to the Letushites, descended from Keturah and Abraham, and even to the AnnuLETs of Ladys/Laudymans. "Lady Fortuna" might just be a double code for a Samson-Keturah merger (to the chagrin of most Christians, I view the Samson account in Judges as myth code, and do not believe that Samson existed). I had found mythical Leto at ancient Clarus, near Samos, and then the Galli / Kabeiri were on Samothrace. Hercules' wife, Hebe, can trace back to the namers of "Hebron."

The daughter of ALCinous was on Ogyges, and plays into the Odysseus myth there, but the point is that ALCmena was the mother of Hercules. There was a mythical giant with "Alk" as the first syllable (forget the spelling). Therefore, the Samson > Hercules line was fundamental to Ogyges, and Og was a real giant, mighty. "Alcinous was, in Greek mythology, a son of Nausithous, or of Phaeax (the son of Poseidon and Corcyra), and father of Nausicaa, Halius, Clytoneus [see Poseidon's Atlantean wife as per Plato] and Laodamas with Arete. His name literally means "mighty mind". He married his brother Rhexenor's daughter after Rhexenor was killed." In that one quote, we find that Hylas / Hyllus was likely the same as Halius, and that Phaeacians were of Phaeax, a line of Pisidians.

The code-name of Samson's father was traced to the Maenads (all-females) of DioNYSUS the Galli transvestite, and I think I can see Nysus / Nuzi elements in AlciNOUS, and in NAUSicaa (she was in Ogyges). In the article on Laodamas, "Laodamas and Halius are the best dancers among the Phaeacians," but then dancing was the special symbol of Maenads. Maenads led to the Manders with "Laus Deo" motto phrase. Pisidians are said to be a tribe of Lasonii. "Laud" is like "Laus" and "Laod(amas)."

The same article has: "[Laodamas] is the most handsome of the Phaeacians [queer symbolism], and the best boxer in the games held in Odysseus's honor." The boxing symbol was that of Pollux, son of LEDA, a little like "LAODama." Leda was the Spartan Leto while Pollux was the Spartan Apollo. The Olympics was a symbol fundamental to Hercules, but the Olympics originated in the land of Grecian Pisa, from the Pisidians. We are finding a fundamental link of Hercules to Pisidians here, from Poseidon of Tyre, where the Hercules cult was a child-sacrifice one. Everything sickening and depraved goes to and through Hercules. His human-sacrifice cult was portrayed at his death (at Oeta) with the use of one Poias character that I traced to paw-using Powys, and then the Fortuna club is said to be held by a "paw." Recall the Pois / Poix location of Powers, asking if Poix-related PicARDY traces to "Arete." .

Another Laodamas was made the son of Hector, or grandson of Priam, from Parium at the HELLESpont, location of Gallipolis.

As for Arete: "Arete is a descendant of Poseidon, who, making love to Periboea, begot Nausithous, who in turn had two sons, Rhexenor and Alcinous. Rhexenor later spawned Arete with Apollo." "Rhexenor reminds me of Eryx, a city in Sicily's Drepana/Trapani area, and then: "In the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, Alcinous is represented as living with his wife Arete in Drepane" (Alcinous article). I have traced the Keturah > Medan line both to Athens (where Medea ended up with her chariot of 12 dragons), and to mythical Medea of Colchis. "When the Argonauts arrived at the island, Arete and her husband received them and Medea hospitably..." It goes on to show a fundamental link between Medea and Arete. I had traced her 12 dragons to the 12 reindeer of Santa CLAUS, which, if I was correct on the accusation that Santa Claus was invented by Illuminatists in honor of the Clausula, can trace Medea elements (from the Hatti) to that river.

"The king of the Phaeacians at that time on Scheria was Alkinoos, son of Phaeax, son of Poseidon, who ruled with a council of 12 archons that were equal to him in governing. The palace on the island of Scheria is said to have had bronze walls and golden gates shining like the Sun. The palace was guarded by mechanical dogs 'Hecate symbol] made [by Hephaestus, ruler of the Galli] of silver and gold." That sounds like code for Helios, brother of Medea. The 12 archons evokes the 12 sons of Israel, a thing not to be ignored when tracing Abraham lines.

The PHAEacians are probably from the same that named mythical PasiPHAE of Minoan Crete, probably part-play on the city of Phaestus on Crete, but also suspect (by me) from Phasis/Poti at the mouth of the Glaucus river (Colchis) upon which the golden fleece was at home. They say that "Glaucus" means "blue-green" as per the colors of the sea, and that "Phaeacian" (a mariner peoples) is rooted in "grey." But "AlkiNOOS" / NAUSicaa" are giving me the impression of "nausea," or sea-sickness, or grey-dull themes. Wikipedia: "Nausea (Latin nausea, from Greek nausia, - nautia, motion sickness"... Nautia? As in nautical? Dionysus got his wife off of Crete and brought her to Lemnos, but he was essentially the same character, minus the craftsmanship, as Hephaestus, himself likely play on "Phaestus."

The Claus/Clausen surname uses a red lion (upright) in the two colors of the Brampton lions. "Clausen" is like the Klassens of Lady Fortune. She holds a banner as code for the Scottish Banners (Aberdeenshire), suspect with Bohemians in the Hungarian circles of Aberdeenshire, and using a banner in the colors of the Fortuna talbot. German Banners/Bainers use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Nairns (beside Aberdeenshire), while Nairs/Nayers/Nerrys/Narrys (Melusine mermaid, Keturah and Lady-Fortune suspect), who share the blue pheon with Galls, are using the Claus lion exactly, in colors reversed to the lion of Italian Galls.

The Aldertons, without the 's', are yet suspect with Alders'/Alderstons (with an 's') in the land of the Keith Catti, and it just so happens that Aldertons share the green Shield with Bowers and Bauers. This looks like the Rothschild connection to Peter Pollock's domain (beside Nairn), and meanwhile connecting with Nairns, though the logic suggests that Germanics got linked to Nairn liners before the latter reached proto-Scotland, which was Alba, a Halybes-like term. The Elderton variation links without doubt to Elders/Alders (Aldertons colors), first found in Edinburghshire i.e. near Haddington. The Elders are showing a NORavaich variation (Norwich's were first found in NORfolk). The "duce" motto term of Elders gets more red lions, virtually identical to the double lions in pale used by BRAMtons (Norfolk), who are the Abram/Abraham suspects (married by Warin de Aula). The Brampton talbot is red, which can be obtained from a colors-reversed version of the white-on-red talbot of Fortuna's.

As the talbot is being traced to the Cavii theater, Duce's might be a branch of Decans and Deakens, both of which have more red lions.

Norfolk is where the line of Fulk Nerra is said to have settled (see Fulke write-up), and then these Fulks had one Geoffrey Plantagenet as member, who was supposedly named after a sprig of BROOM...but I've found that this was mere code for the Brooms/Brome's/Brume's, because they use "green broom sprigs"). Is this another Abraham line? The Brooms/Brome's (Kent, home of Shawia liners) just happen to use a chevron in the colors of the Catter/Cather chevron. You heard right. It doesn't look like I'm crazy after all to be making these crazy traces to Abraham. But it was the line from his other wife, not from Sarah, yet the Fulke's use "Qui sera sera" as their motto. Russells (goat, Keturah-suspect Satyr line) use "Que sara sara." The Freemasons (or proto-Freemasons) were lying to themselves, apparently, or perhaps they were not but playing games on Sarah when in fact they knew their roots in Keturah.

The Gidge's/Giggs (Bone/Bohum and Gage colors), who come up as "Gang," were first found in the same place as Fulke's. The Hungarian Drummonds use a "Gang" motto term, and so let's repeat that the patriarch of the Drummonds was George, son of Andrew I, who married a woman of Podebrady in Bohemia, making George's line now suspect with the Aberdeen Banners...who happen to be in the colors of the white-on-red lion in the Arms of Bohemia. German Drummonds (in Krume colors) were first found in the same place as Krume's.

The Broom Crest seems filled with code for kin: "A silver cockatrice, winged blue [Here / Heyer / Bauer liners?], beaked legged combed and wattled red." Combs use three red lions in pale that must be of the Brampton lions!

Ordinarily, I would consider whether Broom-like terms trace to Bar at lake Scodra, to the immediate west of the Clausula. I always trace the fish in the Arms of Bar-le-DUC (Lorraine) to Bar, and the latter happens to be near fish-depicted KOTOR. How about that! Was modern Bar named by Abraham liners? What was Bar's ancient name? I had traced Bar elements to Bruno's and therefore to Brunswick, and, no word of a lie, the Brunswicks, and the Arms of Brunswick, use two lions in pale in colors reversed from the two lions in pale of Bramptons. The Bars/Baars of Bar-le-Duc are known to be from Brunswick's Este elements, where they used the curved fish as well. I am amazed here at tracing Abraham liners to Brunswick.

There is a Bari location in Puglia/Apulia, across the Adriatic from Bar. I had traced the pugilist (boxing) symbol of Pollux to "Puglia," and even traced the Phaeacians (tentatively) to that area of Italy, to a similar term I cannot recall the spelling of. In Wikipedia's Corfu article, that being an island thought to be related closely to mythical Ogyges: "Also many Italian Jews took refuge in Corfu during the Venetian centuries and spoke their own language (Italian), a mixture of Hebrew-Italian in a Venetian or Apulian dialect with some Greek words." The Taranto location of Apulia uses mythical Taras, son of Poseidon, riding on a dolphin, in the white-on-blue colors of the fish used by Saraka's (lived in Kotor), and in the colors of the Bar-le-Duc fish. Suddenly, the "duce" motto term of Elders/Alders can go to Bar-le-Duc, especially as Elders/Alders use the dolphin.

Brooms are in Bremmer/Brommer colors. Brimmers (white, ermined fesse), first found in Devon, have a Priam-like Primar variation, and they use dragon heads in the colors of the Bramton lions. German Brume's were first found where Veringens and Zahringers ruled. They feature a knight holding a sword and shield, roughly the Bremmer/Brommer symbol. The Aberdeen Banners, with a knight holding an erect sword in their Crest, have what I view as "Andrew's Cross" on their banner. Another surname using Andrew's Cross in a tiny fashion is the Eugene's/Ewins (red lion and red sun), feasibly from "Ogyges" elements. The Eugene's/Ewins look like they are using a version of the Chief of Galls/MacCole's/MacCalls/MacAuls (same place as Eugene's/Ewins). The Augers (Gage colors), sharing the French-Gall lion, have an "AGENdo" motto term that can be for a family of Euganeo, beside Este. Compare with "Gager," a variation of the Gage's. There is also a Gauger/Gauge surname (Normandy), in Auger colors.

As Holders can be Calders / Holts, let's re-mention that Holders were first found in Gloucestershire, which is where Breams/Breme's/Brims (Holder colors) were first found that show only fish, a very good reason to trace to the Abraham-Keturah line. The Bream Crest is "A hand HOLDing a fish." Breams use a "defENDER" motto term, and share the blue Shield with Ingers/Enders. Spriggs/Spragge's were likewise first found in Gloucestershire, and they use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Warriors/Werriers / Verys, a line of Vere's (likely) that traced themselves to Melusine-Anjou elements that were, supposedly, related to the Avalon=Bute elements of Melusine.

The Melusine of the Nair Crest is in use by the Glass', first found on Buteshire, which traces to Butua, beside Kotor, home of the Athenian fish line suspect in mythical Nereus. The red lion, in the style used by Bramtons, is in use by Datons, said to be from "Autun," a line that traces to "Athens" as well as mythical Aedon in Boiotia (beside Athens). Boiotians named Butua, in my opinion, because CADmus (Cadusii line to the namers of Hattusa), who had settled Boiotia, was moved by myth writers to Butua. German Bute's/Butts use a fish.

Cadmus' wife, Harmonia, might just be the root of the ermine symbol. In fact, I read that the Bistones of Cyrene used an erect sword as their temple to Ares, father of Harmonia, and then the erect sword is in the Sprigg/Spragge Crest as well as in the Bremmer/Brommer Coat. An Abraham trace to Ares and Aphrodite? Perfect sense where Keturah was the dragon line. Aphrodite was traced from the Habur river of Babylon to the namers of Hebron, and from there to the Parthenius river beside the Hatti. The Ermine/Armine surname (a single ermine spot in Crest), sharing a red Chief with Spriggs, uses a lion in the same design of, and colors reversed from, the Bramton lion. Reminder; Kybele had a lion symbol that likely became the Lydian / Hercules lion with a sunburst on its forehead.

So, Alders and Aldertons are suspect from the Khaldi and Calydonians, the namers also of the Pictish Caledonians, which, if correct, ceases to trace them fundamentally to "Chatti," though some relationship with the Chatti is evident, and the Cadder variation of Calders suggests that Chatti were from Keturah. It's a very good bet that Hatti were intermingled with Khaldi (at or near a Pyxites river at one point). The Hatti may have named Attica, at Athens, and that area was also "Acte," a term that can trace to Hecate and Hector (son of Abraham-suspect Priam), but then why not also to the Hector surname sharing the sun with Hesse's. The Hector sun was a giant one but reduced to a small one only recently.

As Rothschild involvement in Hesse-Cassel is often linked (by others) to the Bavarian Illuminati, note that Alders/Alderstons and Aldertons (no 's') are both traced to "WISE WARRIOR," for the visible founder of the Bavarian Illuminati was Adam WEIShaupt. The Wise surname is listed with Weis', suggesting that the Alders write-up is just code for kin, not the true derivation of the term. English Wise's (red lion again, suspect with the Stewart lion, and it holds a mace) were first found in Devon, and look linkable to both Ash surnames, the Devon branch said to be from D'ESSE Court. English Wise's use three ermined chevrons in the colors of the same of Catters/Cathers. The Wise mace may explain why Maceys/Mace's use stars in Weis-star colors, but, as per "Cadella," let's also mention the fret of Cattle's', for Maceys/Mace's were from Ferte-Mace. .

I'm keeping in mind that the Calydonian boar can trace to the Pollock Crest while Pollocks likewise share a green Shield with Aldertons. The latter share a white bend with Jewish Pollocks, and, drats, I had traced these Pollocks to a German surname sharing the WHITE-ON-GREEN BEND (House colors) with Aldertons, but cannot recall the surname. There is a Warrior surname (Vere colors), and it uses the English Very/VERRIER Coat exactly (both share a single lion only in Chief with Oxfords), excellent for proving code work because Iverys (Oxfordshire, another red lion) use a GREEN-ON-WHITE BEND! Scottish Verys/Fairys use two red lions combatant, which traces round-about to Battle's (Ivery kin) and Badens/Battins (battle-axe's), suspect from VERingens of Baden. Warriors and Verys are in the colors of Warners (same bend as the Arms of Baden and related to Turins / Turners), and the Warner squirrel links well to that of Valentins...who happen to use a bend in the colors of the Pollock bend. But HAZels (Has suspects), likwise use a squirrel in Crest, as do Colt-like Holts. .

Has is smack beside Krume, which I had traced to Grooms, but may not have had reason at the time to trace to GRUMentium to the near east of Buxentum! Repeat: "Mullets are in Mallet colors while Mallets share the scallops of the Rothes-related Peters (Devon) using red cinquefoils, the color of the Pocket cinquefoil. French Mallets use more buckles, symbol of the Leslie's who were in cahoots with Buchan. " As Peter Pollock's father was in a relationship of some kind with the Dol Alans while the latter came to be the Stewarts sharing the Brock/Broke/Broges motto, it's likely relevant that the Peter scallops are used by Broggers/Brokars/Brockers (sea horse), but this surname can trace to Brogitarus, because I trace Publius Pulcher to Pollocks. As Brogitarus' son was ARTEMidoros, it's notable here that Artems (same place as Arthurs) are using what could be a version of the Decan / Deacon Coats while a Decani location was near Has, and while the Broggers could be using a version of the Hazel Coat. The GriMALDi's, who were considered a Mallet branch, had traced to Krume.

However, the Artems are listed with an Aiton surname, in Daton/D'Autun colors, so as to be traceable to Autun and therefore to Keturah's Aedon > Athena elements...from the old sun god, Atun, owned by pharaoh AkhenATEN, husband of NEFERtiti, whose name I trace to NEVERS, beside Autun. It is important to my work that the Brogitarus line should trace to Has and Krume, for these locations were beside Gabuleum, suspect with the sun god, El-Gabal, the priesthood of which has been under investigation for a trace back to the priesthood of Brogitarus. This sun god is why the giant sun of Has-like Hesse's is important. The Nevers/Neve surname (lily in Crest) uses fleur-de-lys for a trace back Lissus i.e. on the same river (Drilon) at which Has and Krume are located. Lissus may even trace to "Laus." It just so happens that there is a Lys river in Artois while the Nevers Coat is a good reflection of the Artois surname, suspect with "Arthur."

Reminder: "the Bramm lion holds a fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Ashmole's [possible Hesse liner of the Ash kind], who smack of "Ishmael," son of Abraham." The same-colored fleur are used by the Artois surname, which also comes up as "Arrow," expected to be in code with some heraldic arrows, such as those of Lurch's/Larchers and Archers. This has the potential to trace the Keturah line to Brogitarus and Artemidoros. The Nevers/Neve fleur are colors reversed from the Pendragon fleur, and Pendragons -- who use the same chevron colors as Catter/Cathers -- trace to PENEStae upon the same Drilon river. For example, the Pennys/PENES' (MacArthur crown) share the greyhound design of the Lys/Lisse surname, and as this assures a trace of Pennys to Penestae, it compels us to trace the Pendragon fleur to Lissus. (The Bramm lion is possibly in the Arms of Kyburg, beside Bavaria, where Bramms were first found).

The Pendragon Crest uses an open helmet, as do Minutes/Minnets whom smack of "AMYNTes," son of Brogitarus. In the Minute description, the helmets are actually said to be "open." The Artois capital was Atrecht while there was an Utrecht location further north, but the point is that Pendragon was given an UTHER code, like UTRecht or the UTRumQUE and UTRoQUE terms in the Deacon motto, which terms look like part-code for Qewe/Que...not forgetting that Cowes'/Ku's call their piles, PENNants. The Artois/Arrow surname uses "quae" in its motto. ("KYburg" might just be from Qewe elements.)

I can't trace Caiaphas both to the Cavii and to the Brogitarus line unless there was a connection between the two areas, and I think the above begins to make a solid case for the connection. The open helmets are suspect with Openheimers, who use the MacArthur crown as well as what could be the Hagar star. To find the Hagar star just as Ishmael becomes a potential topic is not too shabby. Hagars were first found in PERTHshire, while the Deacon motto includes "paratus, which can trace to the Prut river, anciently going by Paratus-like terms, and moreover "Hagar" is suspect with the Agarus (now the Siret), the other major river, beside the Prut, of Moldova (previously a part of Scythia).

The other Openheims actually use a sphinx, symbol also of the Prokopps/Brocuffs that share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks/Broges'...and Keturah-suspect Cutters. The so-called potent cross of Prokopps/Brocuffs is used by Scythia-suspect Skits and Skeets', while the Brocks use a "VireSCIT" motto term. It tends to trace Openheims, Pendragons and MacArthurs to Brogitarus > Amyntes >Artemidoros, the ancestry of the Bassus' suspect from Bassania, beside Lissus. Openheims even use besants. The Open bloodline might be from GOPPINgen, home of Hohens. The pheons of the HELMs tends to assure that Penestae (beside the Paeoni) was a Paeoni entity. Somewhat between Penestae and the Paeoni, there was a LYNCestes location that traces to the LYNX in the Penny/Penes Crest, meaning that heraldic masters, and those who appointed symbols for themselves, secretly knew of these traces. The Pennys/Penes' were first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Sphinx-suspect Spinks and Quintus-suspect Quince's.

The Brock/Broges Chief, with yet another red lion, is a copy of the Oxford Chief, but as both use only the lion, these Chiefs are linkable to the same of Verys/Verriers and Warriors (Bavarian-Illuminati suspects). The Vere's of Oxford's political system were connected to Drake's in some way, while the Drake's can be traced without doubt to dukes of Masovia in WARsaw (Poland). Warwicks/Warricks share the battle-axe with Drake's and lions in the colors of the Pender and Poole/Pole lions (Irish Pender use Vere-related vair). The Warwick battle-axe design (house of names has countless designs) is like the one used by Decans, but the Deacons use a black battle-axe in the design of the black one used by Drake's, and both axe's are held by a similar hand (no armor). It wouldn't be surprising if "PenDRAGON" was intended as code for this wyvern line. The DRAIKE variation is like the DAIKEN variation.

The Penny greyhounds are said to be "perPALE," or in pale (vertically placed), code for camel-using Pale's, likely a merger with Cammels/Campbells, close kin of MacArthurs. The Lys greyhounds are in pale. The Brampton lions are in pale, as are the Brian lions, not to mention the lions of Maghans/Manns, kin of Mathie's/Manns that use the MacArthur crown (five points, the special number of Arthurs) yet again. Were Pale's/Paleys from "Palinurus"? Why do Pale's use more red lions, in the colors of the Brampton lions?

The MacArthur moline is in the colors of the Seagar moline, and "Seagar" can trace to the SAKARya river, location of Akmonia, home of Severus, grandson of Artemidoros. The "DerCEPTE" motto term of Artems/Aitons could be for SEPTimius Severus, or for Capet / Capote / Caputo liners.

In one of Thomas Horn's pages, we find this: "Professor Kevin Warwick, the first known recipient of a biometric chip implant, speaks excitedly of microchip implantation. 'Right-o, got the signal, got the implant; all I've got to do is run a wire from the implant to my nervous system. I'm so excited about it, I want to get on with the next step straight away. Let's see if we can control computers directly from our nervous system.'" It could appear as though Vere liners are at the front of the advertising crusade for the coming, human-machine nightmare. And they do want this to be a nightmare for Christians.

Thomas doesn't know his Biblical prophecy very well because he says that the anti-Christ will come as a Jesus type peacemaker with all of the world's answers. I don't read any of that in prophecy. The anti-Christ is always a destroyer, hater, blasphemer, and war monger. Where's your head, Thomas? The anti-Christ will be "worshiped" by people just as bad or anti-Christian or anti-Israeli as himself. Revelation has him making war on Christians but does not say that attempts to come initially as a masked Jesus, as if that would work with the modern world, anyway. You're looking for the wrong man if you're looking for a Jesus look-alike. That idea probably has its roots in Freemasonic Christians apt to distort the Biblical texts.

Nevertheless, Mr. Horn has some solid research done on the coming skincode system. At one point he says: "George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism." This is the creep that has crawled into American politics at the highest levels, and this is the creep expected to push the 666 because it's an insane creep that, like a mosquito, hasn't the sense to fear the one about to swat it instantly to death as soon as it lands and begins to suck blood. Go ahead, stupids, make God's day. Are you having second thoughts? Why so slow?

Thomas goes on:

...he documents reveal that the firm [Prescott Bush] worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war. (Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, "How Bush's Grandfather Helped Hitler's Rise to Power," The Guardian, September 25, 2004)

It's the bankers that are expected to push the 666 system. On the same page, he has a video with a Deacon-suspect Dugan surname, and earlier on the page he has a quote from Robert Cook-Deegan. The Cooks can be Cocks and Cochs both of which link easily to Grimaldi's that had traced to Krume's. The red Cock rooster can link to the same of Catys'/Cade's/Cadyes', though in the description page the Crest symbol is a "cockatrice" (they use both the Cock rooster and a cockatrice, the latter being a version of the red Drake wyvern. The Brooms use the cockatrice. The Catys'/Cade's use the same-type pennants as Cowes', and that's what both surnames call them so that Cocks are thereby traceable to Penestae i.e. near Krume and Decani. Here's on the video:

Audience applauds as Regina E. Dugan -- former Director of DARPA and current executive at Google -- describes with excitement the coming BEAST TECH smart tattoos and ingestible biochips that are ALREADY FDA APPROVED and that people will want to receive (and then be REQUIRED to receive) by 2017. She glows about the "super powers" the PROTEUS MARK (Proteus was a Shape-Shifter in Greek Mythology) will give her and says today's generation are going to want them too. Unfortunately, she is right.

It just so happens that Dugans/Deegans share the large, white-on-blue crescent of Krume's, something I didn't know when linking Krume elements on the Drilon to Decani. The Dugans/Deegans even use NINE estoiles as likely symbol of the nine witches of Avalon = Bute (Bute's use estoiles in the same colors). Ignore the Dugan write-up's trace to "dubh = black," as this is an oft-repeated error with many Irish surnames.

If you look at the tail of the Drake wyvern, it can be viewed as a 666 code. The dukes of Masovia used a wyvern dragon (no front feet) in the colors of the Drake wyvern, and the Arms of Warsaw uses the Melusine mermaid beloved of the Drakenberg Vere's. Although Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg said that Melusine was from Avalon, he traced her to Anjou's counts while the Brocks/Broges' are said to be from Broc of Anjou. This should explain why Oxfords (Vere's ruled Oxford for centuries) use the Brock Chief. Although I have yet to find the Vere location in Normandy's Manche that Nicholas traces his family to, there is a Vire river of Manche that's likely in the "VIREscit" motto term of Brocks.

I'm more than ready to claim that king Arthur traces without doubt to three fundamental places outside of Western Europe, even four: Albania, Laus, and Galatia. The Lasonii may be common to all three. I traced Lissus to Lissae on the upper Hebros river, while the middle Hebros had an Arta region. Lissae was beside the Bessi priests of the Satrae, suggesting that the Bessi named Bassania at Lissus. The Bessi must therefore have been the root of Basina, mother of Merovingians. If Keturah liners named the Satrae (a real peoples), then her line traces through the Bessi Thracians to the first Franks. "Merovee" traces to "Merops," of Kos, grandfather of Aedon, the line to the Aitons/Aytons, likely, who, for some reason having to do with Artemidoros, had an Artem variation that is not very close in spelling to "Aiton."

The Artens (with an 'n') are NOT listed with Aitons, but are listed rather with Arthurs, whose "ImPELLE" motto term as well as a PELican is traceable to Pulcher. English Artens/Ardens, who share the ermined Shield with Satters, were first found in Warwickshire. Pelle's use an ermined Shield of their own, as well as another pelican, and the Pelle Crest is "A wreath in which there is a gold pelican." Like the Chapel wreath, the Pelle wreath has roses upon it while the chaplet-using Nairns lived in the Rose theater, beside Peter Pollock. The Pelle write-up suggests linkage to the Lincolnshire Peters. The Pelle's share the canton with Pile's while Cantons use a Coat version of the Washingtons, and we'd like to know whose idea it was to write "Laus Deo" in the monument representing Washington DC. It seems to me that the future / current 666 schemers had their bloodline through Laus. French Chapels, who could be using the cross of Baths/Atha's, were first found at Forez, the Mont-Pilat area to which Pelle's should trace, though from a line of NESTor at Pylos. Baths/Atha's (king-Arthur elements) and Badens/Battins were first found in the same place as pile-using Leavells, whom are traced to a Percival line in Yvery (Somerset), a term that I trace to Ivrea (north Italy), home of an ARDUinici family.

There is a German Laus surname (why Bohemia?) listed with Lauers/Lau's/Lawers and therefore suspect with Laws and similar terms. To support the trace of Cupionich to the Laus theater, we find that Scottish Laws/Lawers (mullets) use a "ComPOSITUM" motto term, like Posidonia and neighboring POSIDIUM on the north side of Palinurus. Scottish Lawers even share the rooster with Koplik-like Koppels.

English Lawers/Lawrence's (same place as Washingtons) use the motto, "BE ready," perhaps part code for Boii liners of the Bee kind (I see Buz as a bee liner). I had identified POSeidon (Posidonia is named after him) with Buz, son of Nahor, and then the Bus' must be from Buz because related Hamiltons look like they are named from Kemuel, another son of Nahor. The Bee surname (Massey Shield), using the Sale bend in the colors of the bend of bee-using Bessins, is a reflection of the Mall/Mallibone Coat, a surname first found in the same place as Bessins and the Malpas location so as to trace Malls/MalliBONE''s and Bee's to Melpes (i.e. beside Laus)! Note that Bessins use the format of Bone's/Bohums i.e. suspect as Bohemians, thought by some to have named that Baiocasses of the Bessin. The Bessin bees are thus code for Boii liners, and they include the Bee family.

The turbot fish in the Lawer/Lawrence Crest must be code for Turbots (fish), who use a "trident" (Poseidon symbol). Lawers/Lawrence's use a cross (Washington colors) in the colors of the Decan and Deacan crosses while Decani is near Cupionich/Koplik. Decans were first found in Rutland, at Bus-related Leicestershire. Decans show a DAIKEN variation that can suggest linkage to Aikens, whose black roosters I have traced to the Kopple rooster, a good way to link these families to Koplik.

The description of the Laus/Lawer Coat ignores two symbols and describes simply as"A black shield showing a man." The Mann/Mangus surname is interesting for tracing to the Aula's of Wight because they and Manns/Mangus' use the goat, and because the "stablis" motto term of Manns suggests the Staple's (use the motto of the Devon Peters), first found in Devon. The crowned Staple-Crest lion is also the crowned Rothes lion (same design for a reason), assuring that the Peters using the Staple motto are from Peter Pollock at Rothes castle. To help prove that Staple's linked to Okehampton, the Rothes (beside the Sale's) are using a version of the Sale bend. As Aula's were fundamental with talbots, I'll add that Peters were suspect in using the Scott bend while both Scott Coats are suspect with both talbot Coats. I trace Scotts to SCODra (a lake into which the Clausula flows).

It's Monday morning. There was not one squirrel seen nor heard here since the day that they were here. They were here all day on Wednesday, not as though they were passing through, but as though they had moved in. They were completely conformable with me.

Can Hall Liners find Caiaphas' Parents?

One wonders whether EBURum between Picentia and the Alburnus mountains named ABERdeen. I don't think so. Even before looking at the Aberdeen surname, it traced well to "KABARDINO," the Caucasian homeland of Kabars beside the Khazars, for Leslie's settled Aberdeen while Hungarians were part Kabars. But the Aberdeen motto is very telling with its InterMERATA term, for the Kabars/Khazars on the Mures river were led by a MenuMURAT/MORUT/MORAT (I always forget the proper spelling). But the INTERmerata term must also code for a line from Inger the Varangian (married Melissena Rangabe of the royal Khazars) because Ingers are listed with Inter-like Henters/Enders (Cornwall).

Eburum is near the Calore river, perhaps an origin of some Cauley/Auley liners. The Calor Crest uses five bunched arrows ("sheaf of arrows"), the Bower symbol. As the Hales river is beside the Calore river, it's let's introduce the Hales surname ("principiBUS" motto term), first found in the same place as Malpas. Like the Ingers/Enders, the Hales' use arrows, and the Hales Crest even shares the red arrow with Ingers/Enders. The Hales Coat links excellently to the Lurch's/Larchers and Archers whom have traced to Marcus Aufidius Lurco, father-in-law of Appius Pulcher, the family that provided the wife of Augustus. By the way, in the last update, I mistakenly said that Appius Pulcher was the one who assisted Brogitarus; it was Publius Pulcher. With a Hales trace to Pulchers, the Hales river can indeed trace to the Halys river.

The Prince's, suggested by the Hales motto, share a gold-on-red saltire with Pike's/Pickens. The PINEapples in the Hales Crest are used by Pine's/Pyne's, perhaps a branch of Payens/Pagans whom I had traced to the namers of the Picentini mountains, beside the Calore river. The pineapple-using pine's (Devon again) may be using a version of the Aberdeen Coat so as to make Kabars (or proto-Kabars) suspect at Eburum. Kabars may have been Avars. French Pine's look linkable to Lords/Lauds and Hamptons.

Some of Warin Aula's family lived on the Isle of Wight (near Devon). He was expected to trace to the Brogitarus > Bassus > Laevillus line that came to rule a part of Cilicia; Wikipedia does not reveal what part, but I assume it included Qewe, also called, Que/Kue, and then the Cowes location on Wight is expected with the Cowes/Koo/Ku surname using pennants as code for some aspect of the Cornwall Pendragons. The Cowes/Ku Crest even uses the Julian cross, and so lets now quote from the paragraph of the last update that immediately follows the quote above: "It looks like there was a Gela / Agrigento trace to Vinkovci, and that the Duncan-Carrick gull, if indeed it is a gull, traces to Gela. This tends to assure that Gulls, Gullys and Julians trace to the namers of Gela. "

The Pendragon motto was traced to Tipps' and Tippers (Cornwall), and so let's repeat that the arm of Como's is "HOLDing an silver arrow with a hold TIP..." There is a reason for mentioning the tip, just as there is a reason for the end of that sentence reading, "a dancette partition." For one thing, the Dance/Danse surname shares a red-on-white fesse with Leavells, and for a second thing, the proto-Danaans of Argos are known to originate at Adana, beside or even part of Qewe. The black horsehead of the Dance/Danse Crest was once showing for the East Crest, and is used also by Bute's/Butts.

Heraldic piles were traced to Pylos, in Grecian Messene, and I agree with Wikipedia's trace to "Messene" to the Messina area of Sicily, which happens to include Scylla. In myth, Scylla was made partner with a Charibdis monster opposite the strait at Calabria, but that's the outskirts of Reggio. Possibly, "Charib" and "Chalyb" are related terms.

Laevillus, about whom virtually nothing is known (unless there has been a cover-up), traces well to Leavells/Lowells because one branch uses piles while the Cowes pennants are usually called, piles. Moreover, the Leavells are wrongly traced to "lou = wolf," an idea that is likely code for the wolves of Quade's, suspect with QUADratilla, wife of Laevillus.

The Pennant surname uses the same Coat as the Trevors of Wales (a secondary king-Arthur homeland), and Trevors were fundamental Tudors whom I've traced to the Taddei's (merged with the Bouillon line), a surname similar to certain ones that have been traced (by me) to lake Tatta off the upper Halys river. On the shore of Tatta, there was a Perta location, in wolf-depicted Lycaonia (mythical Lycaon was turned into a wolf by Zeus i.e. related to the Zeus entity), and QUADE's use black wolf heads.

I've seen many dancettes, which I trace suggestively to the dancing theme of Dionysus' Maenads, but I don't recall any other surname, aside from Como's, using a "a dancette PARTition." Maenads were code for Amazons on the Maeander river, having a source not extremely far from PERTa. Donnus, father of king Cottius, was found traceable to the Italian Dance surname, and to the dancette, but that idea may not have been clinched. "Cottius" and the Cottian mountains were traced to the Cotesii peoples, suspect with mythical Cotys, which was, buy some ancients, viewed as the father of Attis and son of Manes. The latter was known to be code for the Maeonians that named the Maeander, and this entity may have been from Mannae/Mannai, an area of Armenia beside or even amongst the Gileki. It just so happens that Julius Caesar, whose first name I trace to the Gileki, was the son of Aurelia Cotta, expected with the Cottians (because Caesar had an alliance with the Cottians). I've not been able to identify a Cotys-like entity in the Maeander / Hatti theater, unless it was code for a branch of Hattusa.

I know for a fact that a Welshman, John Yonge, used the Pennant / Trevor Coat, the point being that Yonge's/Youngs (black wolf) share black-on-white piles with Pennants, thus explaining why piles can be called pennants. Whenever you wish to verify my claims on the names of heraldic items, see / bookmark this page:

One way to support a trace of Halls to this picture is by their link to Sale's, for the latter use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of June's (same place as Julians/Gillians), whom are honored in the Yonge/Young motto (i.e. Yonge's / Jungs look like a branch of June's). June's and Yonge's have been traced with little doubt to the "Una" river of mythical Juno, a river that was also "Oeneus." In myth, Oeneus was made the father of Methoni, a real city beside Pylos in Messene, explaining the Yonge piles as code for Pylos. Messina is expected from the African Amazons called Amazighen and Meshwesh, from Mazaca (now Caesarea) on the Cilician border region.

I'm still seeking the parents of Joseph Caiaphas from the seed of Julius Caesar and Servilia Caepionis the younger. Brogitarus -- who was elevated to the high-priesthood of Cybele by Appius Pulcher, thought by some to have been the son of Servilia Caepionis the elder (not mother and daughter) -- married a peoples called, TectoSAGE's, whom were entertained in the Sage / Seager surname. The Sagans and Julians/Gillians both use a salaMANDER as code for Mander elements highly traceable to "Maeander." The SALAamander may also be code for the Sale variation of "Aula." It should be pointed out that, in the last update where Sale-like terms was encountered as alternatives for "aula," only two individuals were found using the term, and I know of no other instances where "Sale" equates with "Aula / Aule / Hall.

Teague's use the Julian cross too (in the same color), and I've only met one person with a Teague surname, her first name, Adana. Hmm. The Sale write-up traces to a "dining hall," but I've known uncountable heraldic write-ups from to be pure and deliberate code (for other surnames) rather than scholarly works. There are two Dine surnames, one being the Dives/Diens/Dinne's, from the Dives river of Normandy, not far from the Touques river from which Teague's and Tooks/Touque's originate. There is another Dives surname, in the colors of the Dine moline, that uses a dancette, and was first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Julians/Gillians. The moline is used by both Seagers and Segni's/Segurana's, and Segni's are suspect with Sagans/Segans so as to link the whole to Julius Caesar...the idea being that Tectosages may have been married to, or descended from, a descendant of Julius Caesar from the loins also of Quintus Caepio.

As the Capes' (London, beside Cambridgeshire) share the white-on-red scallops of the Dives', the Julian-Caepio / Julian-Caiaphas line is suspect in the "dining hall" phrase of Sale's. I was able to clinch a trace of Julius Caesar to a Guillestre location (opposite the Cottian mountains from the royal-Cottian capital at Segusia), on the Durance river of the Salyes Ligures. That's where the Sale's trace.

It's the French Dine's that use the moline, and it comes with FIVE roses (five is suspect at times with "Quintus"). As the Fears use the same moline (same colors), it speaks somewhat to FEARchar (see last update), the originator of the Ross-shire counts (the Rose's were at Ross-shire). The Fear write-up is the only one I've seen that mentions the Vere location of Normandy. The write-up says that Aubrey de Vere was in a couple of places of Northampton, a place tentatively suspect with the OkeHAMPTOn location of the proto-Aula's of Wight.

There had been a theory treated seriously, that the Primo/Primeau and Second/Segur surnames were from Junia Caepionis Prima and Junia Caepionis Secunda, sisters, daughters of Servilia Caepionis the younger (long-time mistress of Julius Caesar). This is repeated here because French Rose's and Seconds/Segurs were both first found in Limousin. I'm noting that they are both in Fear / Dives colors, and the Roses even use the same chevron as Sere's/Serts, in the colors of the Zerr/Zehrer hatchets. The latter two surnames were tracing to the Ross-shire topic. The Seconds/Segurs share the lion of Geneva's/Genova's, said to be from Genoa, where Segni's/Segurana's were first found. That's a match, and you'll note that both the Geneva's/Genova's share white, upside-down wings with Dine's/Dives'. The Dives river is near Ferte-Mace, and the Dine's/Dives are still showing the white wing design that had been shown for years with Masci's. The last update will tell you why Aula's and Sales's were Masci > Meschin liners. Ranulf le Meschin ruled at Diva, later called, Chester. But as Dine's are tracing to the Cottians, let's add that Cotta's/Cottins use "FRETTY" (lattice) as code, likely, for Ferte-Mace. Masci's were first found in the same place (Piedmont) as Italian Dance's...who come up as "Donnas," almost like "Donnus," father of Cottius.

I've only seen three heraldic mirrors thus far, one held by the mermaid (see Glass'), one in the Sire/Siret surname that was linked well to Zerrs/Zehrers, and one in the Primo/Primeau Coat. Actually, there appears to be a mirror in the Arms of Vic-en Bigorre (topic in the 3rd update of last January), and it's held by a red lion, the color of the lion beside the Primeau mirror.

I was just staring at the gold patee cross (Messey/Messier colors) of Primeau's when I ignored the gold cross and concentrated only on the blue parts, which look like heraldic piles. The patee cross has traced excellently to Patti in the Messina part of Sicily, where Pylos elements are expected. Primeau's were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Pilate's, and the latter were linked excellently, for example in the last update, to Meschin / Messey liners. The Messina/Massena surname (version of Masci Coat) uses patee crosses. JUNIA Prima and Junia Secunda were Juno liners to which pile-using Yonge's can trace, for there should always be a trace of heraldic symbols to the main players at the root of heraldry. The June's, remember, were first found in the same place as Julians. This is speaking to a link of Pontius Pilate to Junia Caepio.

Fearchar was linked fundamentally with Taggerts, and the latter share the owl with Prime's. There had been a question (months before coming to Fearchar) as to whether Taggerts trace to king Tigranes Maccabee (father of Julius Alexander), the pro-Roman tool that furnished one side of the Quadratilla line (Julius Alexander's daughter married Quadratus Bassus).

Title's were looked up as per "Ditylaos," tetrarch of the Tectosages and father of another Amyntes, of the family married by the Brogitarus line. I had wondered whether Deeds/Dade's applied to "Dytilaos," and following up on that idea, the Title's were found in Deed/Dade colors while using the Seaton crescents in colors reversed. The Title's were even first found in the same place (Haddington) as Keaths, which is probably where Seatons lived too. Seatons were Flemings while it's the Flemings that use a "deed" motto term.

The Title's are also "Tatler," which allows the Tuttle's/Toothills to apply. In fact, "Tittle" was entered before trying "Title," and that found the Tuttle's. Tittle's/Tuttle's are said to be named after cauldrons, but that's got to be code. The Titles even use an "OcCULTus" motto term for a Colt/Cult trace to Perta elements of lake Tatta, such as the namers of Perth, where Colts/Cults were first found. The write-up traces in-part to "Thor." See map:

The Tittle's/Tuttle's use a black leopard, symbol of Seaton- and Keith-like Keatons and Aide's , the latter first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Artems/Aitons. Aide's are in the Levi motto and suspect as a branch of Quade's from QUADRatus (Keturah-like term), legate of Judea, his daughter married Laevillus, suspect with the Levi line, you see. Title's -- using FIVE rays of the sun from a cloud -- were first found in the same place as Quints, and then Publius Pulcher (said to be Caepio's grandson) was supporting the family of Amyntes, the one whose son married a daughter of the other Amyntes, son of Dytilaos. The Deed/Dade chevron is colors reversed from the Quint chevron, and the gold garbs of Deeds/Dade's link to Joseph Caiaphas in a number of ways. The other Toothills were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Chapmans and Capone's.

Antipater of Derbe, a friend of Cicero, was ruler of Derbe, but was killed by Amyntas of Galatia, who added Derbe to his possessions." That was Amyntes, son of Brogitarus. English Brecks/Britch's (Shropshire, linkable therefore with Brocks/Broges') are using the colors and format of Deeds/Dade's, and Derbe was near lake Tatta. The Darbys/Derbys even share the antelope with Brecks, and the latter share the hunting horn with Brians from Briancon = BRIGantium. The Breck chevron is colors reversed from the Quint chevron. Tattons of Cheshire were beside Derbyshire, and Brecks were likewise first found beside Tattons.

German Brecks/Brechters (same checks as Hohens) are using the same lion as Bramms, or, better yet, the lion of Kyburg, which is colors reversed from the Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen lion. "Brechter" is so close to "Brogitarus" that Proctors came to mind, and they too were first found in Cambridgeshire. Proctors share the footless martlet with French Josephs, and the three Proctor nails -- an apt symbol for Joseph Caiaphas -- are in the colors of the Joseph martlet. The pelican-using Pulleys/Pullens use the same martlets as Josephs, and Pulleys are expected from Brogitarus circles. Proctors look linkable to Yonge's/Youngs (same place as Quints), who are expected to be a branch of June's, first found in Cambridgeshire.

Brecks were first found in the same place as Frocks/Froggs, a surname that can trace to "BROG." Compare Froggits, first found in Derbyshire, to "BROGITarus." Frocks/Froggs are in-code in the Grimaldi write-up while the latter had already traced to Caepio-suspect elements. Procks are listed with Prokopps/Brocuffs.

Let's go back to the Seager trace to "Sakarya," which was also the Sangarius river, flowing out to sea not far from Marmara, a place suspect with Mars / Marsi liners. As OpenHEIMERS use the MacArthur crown while MacArthurs use the Seagar moline, let's start by pointing out that Hams and HAMMERS are in white-on-green, the colors of the Halls on the Isle of Wight. These are also the colors of Sangarius-like Sangers/Singers, while the latter are using a horse in the colors of the same of Freys'/Phreeze's (Pharisees?), whom I trace to Phrygians, who lived in the Sangarius theater. But Phrygians are suspect with mythical Phrixus/Phryxes, brother of Helle, and then there was a mythical Phrygian goat, Marsyas, that can trace to Marmara's namers, the home, generally, of Helle. The Halls of Wight use goats.

The Zingers/Zangers ("chess rook") are interesting for being first found in Saka-suspect Saxony, for the Saka may have named the Sakarya. The Chess/Chuse/Cheser surname was first found in the same place as Seagars and Sawyers. Rooks use more suns. The Zengl variation can be suspect with Singletarys, who share the antelope with Derbe-suspect Derbys. It could thereby appears that Singletarys (share the white Sawyer martlets) were from the Sakarya river. Only a dope would agree that Singletarys are derived from "a farm in the burnt clearing." I would suggest that the phrase is code for Clears/Clairs, first found in the same place (Limousin) as Seconds/SEGURs. As Clears/Clairs are traced to a "secreTARY," it's begging the question of whether the SingleTARY variation of Single's/Singletons was play on the Rice bloodline, for Rice's (look like they use the Rookby Coat) use "Secret et hardi" for a motto (i.e. like "SECRETary"), while Rooks and Rice's share the raven. Doesn't "SECRet" look like a Segur liner?

With Rice's tracing to Rize, the "hardi" term must be code for Ardahan elements. Rize is at the area where the Khaldi once lived, and so let's mention that the white-on-green colors above are used by Aldertons and Elders/Alders, who had become identified as Khaldi liners.

The Halls didn't reveal the parent of Caiaphas. Should I keep looking? It gives me nausea. Feasibly, Phaeacians were Homer's secret (or non-secret) play on Phocaeans (from modern Foca, ancient Phocaea), which I trace to lake Fucino of the Marsi, and we saw that Halls (especially the Hall goat) should link to Marsyas-goat elements. Fucino happens to be at the sources of the Salto river while Halls of the Aula kind had close links to Sale's/Salette's. Recall the potential Phaeacian trace to Eryx of Sicily (I traced mythical Butes of Athens there years ago), for the Arms of Sicily use the thee human legs in the Arms of Fucino-suspect Fussen (on the leg-like Lech river suspect with Ligurians, possibly the Salyes Ligures).

I traced Foggs to Foca, and they share black-on-white annulets with Frocks/Froggs, suspect from Phrygians and in code in the write-up of the Ligurian GRIMaldi's. Doesn't "grim" jibe with the "grey" that "Phaeacian" is said to derive in? Phocaeans are known for co-founding Ligurians and Marsi-suspect Marseilles. Foggs traced to Foca because they use the Medley stars while Medleys were suspect with a location or two on Lesbos (out to sea from Foca), which is where the head of Orpheus floated after floating down the Hebros river, the river that Hebron elements are suspect upon. Correct or not, I had claimed that "ORPHeus" was from "Repha(ite), the peoples ruled by Og. I had reasons for that claim. I had even traced "Hercules" to "KURKura," a city that had previously been "Arrapha," an apt root of the Rephaites. Arrapha was beside Nuzi, where I trace the origins of Dionysus, whose Maenads were given a lunatic symbol similar to nausea.

Foggs are in the colors of Cuts, who share the white dog (in this case, a GREYhound) with Halls / Hulls, as well as using a version of the Sale bend. Nice, a Ligurian location to which I trace Dionysus' Nice/Nike elements, is near Grasse, and then the Foggs are traced ridiculously to "the grass that was left to grow once the hay has been cut." Sheer code work. The Hounds/Houns, first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Cuts, are in Cut / Fogg colors. There is a Grow/Grew surname (in Grey colors) but am not sure whether it can apply.

This update has not been proof-read.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

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