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June 9 - 15, 2015

Peeling Back the Ausones Layer
But I Still Can't Find Caiaphas' Umbilical Cord
Yet Hazard, I Did Find Proto-Sadducees in the Sidicini
Pendragons of Uscana, the Dexaroi Daggers, and the Apsus Abantians

A Department of Homeland Security whistleblower testified [June 11] that the "retaliation" against her for probing a controversial visa program was so extensive she was told she couldn't "carry or own a personal weapon" -- a step she described as a constitutional rights violation, and just one of several ways she was punished for speaking out.

Taylor Johnson, a senior special agent in the Homeland Security Investigations division of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, testified at a Senate hearing alongside whistleblowers from several other agencies who claim to have faced similar harassment.

Johnson told lawmakers she ran into resistance after investigating the so-called EB-5 program, which offers visas to investors...

...Johnson told the Senate Homeland Security Committee her "weapon and credentials" were taken, her government vehicle was confiscated, and her access to the building where she worked and government databases was revoked.

...Johnson also asserted that when a social worker tried to verify her employment, the worker was told Johnson had been terminated over a "criminal offense."

Choking up, Johnson testified, "I almost lost my 1-year-old-child."

She wasn't terminated, though. Instead, Johnson said she was told to report to another building that houses inmates and processes parolees. She said she was "held a hostage by my own agency."

The article doesn't tell what she was charged with, or give any details, but it sounds as though the trumped charges were dropped or had failed against her. Homeland Security is ruled by very cruel monsters. The name of the organization is a facade.

I haven't checked Middle East news in a few days, but there wasn't much to report on until then. So on to another topic. This update goes to some solid traces and makes me more familiar with what to look for as the parent of Joseph Caiaphas.

Jesus was not a rebel except that the leaders of Israel didn't appreciate him. The war between he and they started with a word. It seemed that Jesus was attempting treason, and raising men to overthrow the government. He would pick apart the lifestyles and attitudes of the leaders. He never charged them with gross crimes or having prostitutes and brothels. They didn't have sanctuaries for pagan gods as did past leaders of Israel. They tithed regularly, or at least some of them did, and they kept clean hands and attractive cups. They even taught the Word of God rightly in most cases, for Jesus said that the people must obey them, yet not do as they do. What was their biggest problem or sin? Why couldn't their sins be forgiven like those whom Jesus loved? Why couldn't Jesus love them as he loved others? Why did he take opportunity to insult them even at the dinner table, and before all the guests?

Probably, the leaders tithed, not because God ordered it, but because it was the standard set up by the highest circle, that of Annas and Caiaphas. It's similar to when you go to a church that expects and requests your "tithes and offerings." If you don't participate, you will be less valued, and if you give plenty, you will be honored the leadership. But, ever since God ripped the curtain of the Temple, he did away with the concept of the Levite priesthood managing the Temple. Therefore, the day of the 10-percent tithe was over, and our religious leaders today know it. yet they keep on asking for the tithe because 10-percent of the incomes of all members is one whopping bonanza for them. If the religious leaders can't resist from asking for the tithe, you need to get out of that church no mater how much they make you believe that they are doing a work of God. Chances are, they are using methods to make the church and themselves appear blessed of God.

The religious leaders in Israel are not called Levites. I wonder why. Yet Jesus said that they sit on the seat of Moses. They weren't offering up lambs and goats on the temple altar, or at least we don't hear of it. We never read anything pertaining to regular Temple duties as called for by the Mosaic Law. But they were allowing sales to take place at the Temple grounds, turning it into a market. Likely, Annas and Caiaphas received a fee from the sellers, or, even worse, the sellers were their employees. We read that doves, sheep and oxen were being sold, and we assume that these were sacrificed, but we don't read of the sacrifices taking place. We don't read of a major barbecue taking place, with the food offered to the visitors. What did the priests do with the animals? Re-sell them, likely.

For the past several months while emphasizing Bassus QUADRatus, legate of Judea, and seeking the parents of Caiaphas in his bloodline, I did not know of the Quadros character of Israel's priesthood. I found him after writing the paragraph above, while seeking details on the Temple market:

Even many of the high priests during the first century seemed to have given up their love of God for the love of money. Most notably the High priest whom Jesus was brought before, Annas, along with his five sons who succeeded him to that position. The Temple sacrifice during their reigns can best be summed up by the words "The Marketplace of the family of Annas."

The historian Josephus sheds some light on the actions of one member of this family, Annas the younger, the man who had James (the writer of he book of James in the Bible) stoned to death. Josephus states:

"The high priest, Ananus, (after he had been relieved from his office) to some degree, was respected and feared by the citizens, but in a bad way; for he loved to hoard money. He became good friends with Albinus, and of the newly installed high priest. He did so by offering them bribes; he also had wicked servants, who associated with the most vilest sort of characters, and went to the thrashing-floors, and took the tithes that belonged to the priests by force, and beat anyone who would not give these tithes to them. So the other high priests that followed him as well as his servants acted likewise, without anyone being able to stop them; so that some of the priests, those who were old and were being supported with those tithes, died for lack of food."

A matter of fact, Jewish history records that these High priests who walked the temple courts during the first century, were despised by the majority of the people for their brutality and hunger for money. So much so that there is a strong condemnation of these men in the Talmud.

Tosefta, Menachoth 13.21 states a Rabbinic Lament over the brutality of the Sadducees - Abba Saul ben Betnith and Abba Jose ben Johanan of Jerusalem say:

"Woe to the house of Boethus! Woe to me because of their rods!" (Simon, son of Boethus, was father in-law to Herod. He was a high priest during the reign of Herod the Great. Shortly after Simon died, Eleazar and Joazar, who were also the sons of Boethus, became high priests.)

"Woe to the house of Qadros (Cantheros)! Woe to me because of their pens!" (Simon Cantheros was one of the high priests appointed during the rule of Herod Agrippa).

"Woe to the house of Elhanan, woe to the house of whispers!" (Elhanan is translated 'Ananus or Annas' in Greek and here refers to the high priest Annas of the New Testament and his sons.)

"Woe to the house of Elisha! Woe to me because of their pens!"

"Woe to the house of Ismael ben Phiabi! For they are high priests and their sons, treasurers and their sons-in-law who were (temple) officers!" "And their servants came and beat us up with staves!" (Ishmael son of Phabi (Fabus) was a high priest under Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea. Phabi served as priest for one year from 15-16 A.D. Later, around 56-62 A.D., Ishmael ben Phabi was also appointed as high priest.)

I had read that Annas was also known as "Hanan," and here in this quote he's also "ElHANAN" (El means "God"). Simon Boethus was the father of Mariamne II, but Quadratus married the line of Mariamne I Maccabee, both wives of Herod "the great." Quadratus was relevant as a Roman pawn after the Temple had been destroyed, but Quadros was earlier. In all my files, I don't have the word, "Quadros." As I write, I know nothing of him. I seldom find an article with the detail we see above on the priesthood in the days of Jesus. Where did the writer find this Quadros character. A Google search for " Quadros Cantheros " gets nothing on this man. Googling "Simon Cantheros" gets a half dozen pages all sharing the quote on him above. At Wikipedia's article on priests of Israel, he might be Simon ben Camithus. Here's his entire article:

Simon ben Camithus was a 1st-century High Priest of Israel.[

He was High Priest of Israel from 24AD to 25AD. Very little is known of him, however he was often ridiculed in the Talmud and according to Josephus was succeeded as High Priest by Joseph Caiaphas

At the article with the lists of priests, he's dated 17-18 AD while Caiaphas is dated 18-36. Apparently, there is disagreement on the dating for Caiaphas. There is no other Simon listed, in the days of Jesus, aside from Simon Boethus. But we also find this: "Elioneus ben Simon Cantatheras 43-44 (Sadducee)." That must be Simon Cantheros' son or descendant.

When I click the link for Elioneus ben Simon Cantatheras, it brings me to the page on Boethusians. In that article, we find:

The family of Boethus produced the following high priests:
Simon, son of Boethus, or Boethus himself (24-5 BC)
Joazar, son of Boethus (4 BC and before 6 AD)...
Eleazar, son of Boethus (4-3 BC)...
Simon Cantheras, son of Boethus (41-42 AD)
Elioneus, son of Simon Cantheras (43-44 AD)
Joshua, son of Gamaliel (64 AD), whose wife Martha belonged to the house

Herod Agrippa ruled as king until 44 so that, indeed, Cantheras was the priest during Agrippa's time. The line to Quadratus was from Simon Maccabee, after whom this and other Simons may have been named. Note how "Cantheras" is like the Cather variation of fish-using Catters (topic of the last update), for the German BOETs/Bute's/Butts use the fish too. The latter use the fish on a fesse, as does the Arms of Saraca (see Wikipedia's article on "Saraka"). Boets/Bute's trace to Butua, beside Catter-suspect Kotor (home of Saraca's), which itself traces to mythical KODRos of Athens, whom had a fish and a boar symbol. Abraham's descendants with Keturah (his other Biblical wife) traced to these lines, and was a topic of the last update not to be missed.

While the Maccabees of Israel lived at Modi'in, the Modens/Modeys were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Catters/Cathars (Sale colors, important). Interestingly, Modens/Modeys share a Shield filled with "fretty" with Cotta's/Cottins/COTTARels. We simply ask whether the heraldic things being pointed out are coincidences, or connected because the heraldic masters loved the satanic Herods and the Israeli priests. The world would have you believe that they were not satanic, but rather normal people. Yes, they were normal rulers, but normal rulers, of that day especially, were satanic.

We now have reason for tracing "CANTetheras" to such surnames as Cantons/Gantons/Gamtons, using the Annas star, apparently. Annas' are in Hanan colors, and the latter are using the same quartered Shield as Maccabee-suspect Masseys/Maceys, making the black Hanan bend suspect with the Sale's. The patee crosses in the Hanan bend trace to Patti in Messina. The Massins/Masons were first found in Kent, founded by a CANTII peoples. Hmm. Massins/Masons trace with no doubt to the Shawia Numidians, and the Shaws list the Seth surname while tracing to a Sadducee-like Sithech entity. In their write-ups, "Sithech" is erroneously traced to "wolf," as is "Leavel."

In and around 100 BC, between Israel and Syria, the latter being the home of Annas' father (Seth), there was a Massyas region also called, "Marsyas," like the mythical goat of the last update that was traced tentatively to the Hall / Sale bloodline on the Isle of Wight, location of Cowes. As the Cowes/Ku surname was linked to the Leavells thanks partly to a Laevillus character in the Qewe/Kue area of Cilicia, just look at this: Canters/Gaunters use six fesse bars (called "barry" and traceable to fish-depicted Bar near Kotor) in the colors of the six used by Leavells!!! The daughter of Quadratus married Laevillus, you see, and that line is suspect now with the CANTHERas family, also called, "Quadros." It's verification that heraldry and Freemasonry traces to the historical beasts of Hell.

Canters/Gaunters (in Massey/Macey colors) are said to derive in gauntlet / glove makers, but this is mere code for the gauntlet glove of Maceys/Mace's.

Cantons are honored in the heraldic canton, and use the Washington Coat in colors reversed, and then the Great Seal of the United States uses the motto, "ANNUIT COEPTIS," what looks like double code for the Annas and Caepio lines. The Canters use 13 roundels (why 13?) that are half besants, suspect with the Bassus > Bassianus line. Julius Bassus was the father of Quadratus, and a little later there come one Julius Bassianus, nephew (I think it was) of Julius Agrippa. The Bassianus' made it to the imperial throne of Rome. The other half of the Canter roundels are red, the color of the Orr and Orrel roundels, important because these surnames traced to AURelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar. The latter was have sex for many years with Servilia Caepio(nis), and I've been seeking the birth of Caiaphas from that "affair." The Shawia Numidians, suspect from "Qewe," and being called by other terms more like "Qewe," lived in AURes. Orrels were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Washingtons, and Orrs share so-called piles with Leavells and Cowes'.

The Orrels look linkable to Ince's / Inch's and Kays, the latter possibly Shaw / Qewe liners. The "kynn" motto term of Kays (Yorkshire, same as Cantons) may be in honor of the Kins'/Kyne's (in Kay colors) and Kinglseys/Kinseys, the latter having been on the Isle of Wight as special kin to the Halls / Aula's there (see 5th update in May for the Kingsley link to Warin de Aula of Wight). For years, the French Levi surname used thick chevrons in the black color of the black chevrons of Kins'/Kyne's, but then showed thin chevrons. Why the switch? It may mean something to the keepers of heraldic secrets.

Jewish Levi's use two lions in pale (vertical), a topic of the last update as per the two lions of Abraham-suspect Bramtons, whom were married by Warin de Aula. The Bramtons had linked solidly to the fish-using Bar line, important because Abraham's wife, "KETURah," traced years ago to neighboring Kotor. But it's only in this update that I'm getting whiff of a Keturah trace to Catheros / Catheras / Cantatheras." It can appear that "Theras" was a term all itself. The Canters happen to use a "terret" motto term, not to mention sharing "Quam" with Masters (Kent) and Paine's. Masters and Canters both share a "non" motto term too. Paine's happen to use two lions too, though not necessarily in pale proper. French Paine's/PaineLEVE's (lived at Payen, Normandy) are a branch of Payens that became the first Grand MASTERs of Templarism, very suspect with Sadducee liners because the first grand master married the Chappes', first found in the same place as French Levi's.

I traced Caepio's to Cuppae, called "city of doves" (suspect with the District of Columbia otherwise known as Washington DC), and then, after tracing Payens to the Pek river off of which Cuppae was located, I came across the PainLEVE variation of Paine's, important because the Leve/Leaf surname uses the dove in Crest. See also the doves of English Page's, for French Page's/Pageons were first found in the same place as Payens/Pagans. The Leve/Leaf Shield is very suspect with the Macey/Mace Shield because Leve's are likely using the Bessin/Beeston / Biston bees. Caen is in the Bessin, and Caens (same place as Caepio-suspect Quints) use more fretty as code for nearby Ferte-Mace. In the last update, Abraham and Keturah were traced to Parium/Parion of Mysia, and then Caens use a "Perimus" motto term. Caens share a red-on-blue fesse with Painleve's, and use fretty in the colors of the Leve/Leaf Coat.

To this it can be added that the Canter Crest is a set of leaves.

English Page's (suspect with the Covert/Cofferts chevron) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as same-colored Paine's/Paynells and Coverts/Cofferts. Paynells seem like an obvious branch of Pagans/Pungs/Pagnells, first found in the same place as Cantons, the latter sharing the white-on-red fesse with Paine's/Paynells (see Rome/Room fesse and motto, and link Rome's/Rooms to Annandale and same-colored Annans). The Paine's/Paynells share the lion paw with Quints, but the Paine paw holds a BROKEN spear, code for Brocks/Broke's/Broges' that are being traced to the Brogitarus ancestry of Quadratus. As Paine's are in Chaddock / Chadwick colors, and first found in the same place as Sadducee-suspect Saddocks/Sedgwicks, it's likely relevant that Brocuffs -- using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks/Broges' and Cutters -- share the so-called "potent" cross of Chads. The Templar-Jerusalem flag used a potent cross.

So, what's the "terret" motto term of Canters for? The Terrets (same place as Quints) happen to be listed with Terents, suspect from Terentia's Terentius surname. Terentia married Cilnius Maecenas who, in my hunch over the past couple of years, had the surname that named Maccabees. The Terret/Terent Coat (shares a red chevron with Quints) is suspect as a color-reversed version of the CHILL/Child Coat, and therefore suspect from the CILnius family (from Arettium, traces to Arras, the Artois capital). Chills trace to the Chillingham location of Hebrons/Hepburns, and Hebrons are suspect with Abraham liners. The "KEPE" motto term of "Kynn"-using Kays is like the "KEEP" motto term of HEPburns. But the Kays use "KYND KYNN," possibly for CANTer liners.

If CantaTHERAS was for a Theras entity, it's interesting that while many red lions came up in the last update, along with the red Bramton lion, that the Theres/Thiers surname (Austria) uses the lion in both colors of the Bramton lion. Terah was the father of Abraham, which tends to reveal that there was even a tribe of peoples named after Terah. I would have no reason to trace Terah's tribe to Cantetheras had it not been for the Cantheras / Quadros variation of that name. Put plainly, Keturah liners are suspect to a QUADRos / QUADRatus line, and so let's re-mention that the Aures area of the Shawia traces to the QUATRefoil-using Ayers, for the Arms of AYRshire uses a "shaw" motto term. Ayers use "Lighter than air" for a motto while the Arms of Ayrshire uses "shaw the light" for a phrase. The Lights use swans in the colors and format of the Chill/Child Coat, making Lights linkable to the Canter motto term that brought the Theres to topic in the first place.

The Terents and Trents are now suspect as Terah liners. The split Trent Shield has been traced to the same in the Arms of Sion, while swans are the symbol of the Sions/Swans (Macey chevron); the latter once showed the gauntlet glove, but has since changed them to falconer's gloves. The stars in the Arms of Sion are linkable to the Canton / Annas stars.

The lion of There's/Thiers is in MacDonald colors while the latter use a "terras" motto term. The Teers/Tire's/Atters use MacDonald symbols and an "ardua" motto term The red Teer / MacDonald eagle now becomes linkable closely to the Child / Terret/Terrent eagle. MacDonalds, who call their ship a "galley," lived in the same Argyllshire area as MacArthurs. There are two Terras surnames, one listed with German Derras'/Derrs/Terans/Terrah's (Bavaria) using rooks on a bend that look Sale-ish (I've traced Keturah to a Saluzzo root of Sale's), and one listed with the Terrace's/Turris' (Moray) that look like a branch of Scotts (CATHERine wheel). Probably by no coincidence, the "Amore" motto term of Terras'/Terrace's is for Amore's (white talbot head) sharing six barry (same colors) with Leavells and Cantors, and sharing the black-on-white bend with Derras'/Terras'. Amore's and Damorys (blue talbot head) were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Canters. While Amore's and Damorys use their barry in half the colors of the Leavel / Canter barry, Damorys use their six-barry in the wavy style of Drummonds who use it in both colors, albeit the Drummond bars are called fesses.

The Cantors are also "CanTOUR," making them linkable to the turris = tower of Tours, and thereby making Tours suspect from a tribe of Terah. This is excellent, for Amore's are also "AMOOR" while Murena's/Moratins (There colors) use the tower and trace, in my opinion, to the Murena family of the Terentia mentioned above. That family was of Terentius Varro, and Vere's, who share the Hanan Shield were of the Oxford location.

The Canton Coat can be viewed either as two white fesses on a red Shield, or as red-and-white barry. The description calls it "A silver shield divided barry of four silver and red, and three silver stars on a red chief." But if the Chief is viewed as another bar, then there is a six-barry Shield in the colors of the Amore barry so that Amore's are related both to Canters and Cantons. Heraldic barry is for the first time ever suspect with Abraham. The Washington description: "Silver with two red bars and at the top three red stars."

It's not at all necessarily trivial that "top" is used instead of "Chief" (defined as the top of the Shield), for the Top surname happens to be described like so: "Silver on a red CANTON a gold gauntlet clasped." The Top Crest is "A gauntlet holding a hand." That's how you know, and how heraldic stupids (liars, secret-keepers, willfully-darkened minds, calling evil for good) know, that Washingtons were merged with Cantons.

Tops were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as MORtons (goat head), whom may be viewed as MORTons of a Murena/MORATin line. Morte's are listed with Motts suspect from Modi'in, which helps to assure that Moratins were to / from a Maccabee line.

As Murena's/Moratins are Spanish, as are same-colored Solana's, it's interesting that Javier Solana was a line from Madariaga's, for the latter share half-gold and half-red roundels (rare symbol) with Canters. The Madariaga's use their roundels in someone's quarter colors, which happen to be the colors of the quartered horse of Masseys/Maceys. Madariaga's share gold-on-blue stars with Maceys/Mace's and the EU flag (said to be a product of the Madariaga > Solana line).

Canters, along with "Cantatheras," can be suspect from mythical Centaurs, and so let's re-mention that Masseys/Maceys share the Vere / Hanan Shield while tracing to king Massena, the expected root of Cilnius MAECENas. As "Quadros" is tracing with Mackay-related Quade's to Cilicia, or as Quadros is suspect with Quade's and some similar Mackay variations, let's re-mention that mythical Ixion, father of Centaurs, was suspect from Pharaoh Khyan (Hyksos), whom I thought was of the Mus = proto-Massey household, from Mus of ancient Lake Van (Armenia), which area was also called, Tarun, perhaps part of the Terah bloodline, for Mus / Tarun was home to the Nairi, suspect with Abraham's brother. There was at least one other Nahor in Terah's family. The Terrets/Terents suspect with Maecenas are also "Taran." The Nairns share QUATRefoils with Ayers from the Shawia Numidians while king Massena was king of Numidia. Massins/Masons were first found in Kent, founded by the Cantii, and then mythical Kent elements use the horse. Teers/Tire's share the dagger with Mackays. Kays use a "KYND Kynn" motto phrase probably for Kins'/Kyne's, a surname very traceable to "Khyan." As Centaurs were paired anciently with Keturah-suspect Satyrs, let's also mention the goat of Kinseys/Kingsleys. Ixion was a Lapith, a peoples that went through PatMOS.

The point of all that was to say that Hyksos (Heka KHASEWET) named Kizzuwatna, in Cilicia. I suppose that the Hyksos were yet in Cilicia during the time of Quadratus and Quadros, and of course I expect the Maccabees to be from the Mus household of Hyksos. In fact, it can be determined that king Massena was a Meshwesh/Mazyes element, and Meshwesh actually ruled Egypt (starting in the 21st dynasty) not long after the Hyksos had done so. I see the evolution like so: Mus > Meshwesh > Moesians > Mysians > Meshwesh of Cyrene > Massena > Maecenas and Massyas > Maccabaeus. Somewhere in that family of terms there was also Messene and Messina, important because Canton-related Washingtons were from Messene. The latter was home to Methoni, also called, Modon, much like "Modi'in."

Tops are said to be from "Toppr," and can thereby trace to Dobers / Dobermans. There is/was a Dober location a couple of miles from Koplik/Cupionich.

Gaunts/Gants are clearly Canton liners, and were first found in Kent. Gaunts share the wolf head with Quade's to more-assure that Gaunts trace to Quadros Cantatheras. The six-barry Shield of Gaunts is obviously linked to the same of Canters, clinching the latter's trace to "Cantheras." But why should heraldry, and even Washington DC, trace to the little-known high priest, Simon Cantheras? Surely, he was of the Caiaphas / Annas bloodline. The Great Seal of the United States not only uses "Annuit Coeptis," but 13 as its favorite number, the number of roundels in the Canter barry.

There are two Scott surnames, with the one suspect in using the Amore Coat being in Gaunt colors. The other Scotts, first found in the same place as Gaunts, uses Catherine wheels, known symbol of Catherine Roet, wife of John of Gaunt. There is a question here on whether "Catherine" was a favorite name for the Cantheras line. The Scotts are said to descend from an Alexander of CHILham castle. This Alexander is therefore suspect with Julius Alexander Maccabee, the one who's daughter (Iotapa of Cilicia) married Quadratus. "Iotapa" is like "Joseph," and is the closest thing to a Joseph that I've thus-far found in the Maccabee-Herod line.

IOtapa could logically have been an Io liner (from Io, goddess of Argos / Mycenae), because Argos was founded by Cilician elements at Kizzuwatna / Adana). The Tapps are IoTAPA-interesting, being first found in the same place as Quints, and beside the Tops and Mortons. Tapps use the motto of Peacocks whom are honored by the Paw peacocks, and Paws are suspect with the paw of the Quint crest, which holds a fitchee cross, symbol of Tapps, Teers and MacDonalds. The Tapp lion is white on blue, colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion. Tapps share the greyhound with MacDonald-honored Galleys, and then there was one OpGALLI woman, wife of Tigranes V, father, I think it was, of Gauis Julius Alexander above (he was king of Armenia under willing, Roman authority). Opgalli became suspect as even a sister of Caiaphas.

I don't know what "Op" may have stood for, but Hopkins/Hobkins ("primos" motto term) look like a merger with Capone's. The Hobs (suspect in the "OBstantia" motto of Arthurs) were first found in the same place as Arthurs and Aide's, and the latter are in the Levi motto along with a "second" term that could be code for Junia Caepionis Secunda, even as "primos" can be code for her sister, Junia Caepionis Prima. That works excellently if indeed Hopkins (same place as Capone's) are indeed using the Capone chevron. The pistols used by Hopkins must be code for the Pistols/Pestors sharing a red-on-gold chevron with Quints. It really looks like we have an Opgalli trace to Quintus Caepio and his granddaughter, mother of the Junia's. There was also a third sister, Junia Tertia, which may be in code in the heraldic torteaux = the red roundel used by Canters.

As Publius Pulcher was said to be the grandson of the same Quintus Caepio, let's recall that Appius Pulcher was adopted by the Livius family which married the line to the three Junia's. Appius was married to a daughter of Lurco who traced to Lurch's/Larchers and Enders, the latter suspect in the "Inter" motto term of Hopkins/Hobkins.

If Iotapa traces to Dobers, note that Dobys (helmet) use more fitchee crosses as well as a "proSEQUOR" motto term that can be for Seconds/Segurs/Segours with lions in colors reversed to the same of Theres'/Thiers'. The Second/Segur lions had been traced to the Brunswick lions before finding that the Bramton lions were a version of the Brunswick lions. The Fitch's/Fitts/Fichets (Coat like that of Herods/Hurls) were first found in the same place as English Clare's while French Clairs were first found in the same place as Seconds/Segurs. [Late in the update, Segni's/Segurana's trace well to a new-found proto-Sadducee line.]

As Capone's are suspect with the Coat of Talants, it's possible that Hopkins and their branches trace to at Apsus river (lower-left of map, at the Adriatic coast) in the land of the Taulantii. In any case, if correct to identify Talbots as a line from the Taulantii, it brings the Halls close to the Caepio line. It can be gleaned that Halls (Lincolnshire) were merged with the Taillebois of Lincolnshire, but as they are said to have moved to Scotland for to receive favors from Malcolm III, Halls/Aule's can be suspect in a merger with the Scotts that use version of the two Talbot Coats, which is the same as saying that the French Talbots and Scottish Scotts ("Amo" motto) are using a version of the Terrace/Turris Coat, and it's the "Amore" motto of Terrace's that brings one around to the white talbot dog (color of the Hall talbots) of Amore's.

The Hall-potential Galleys (black-and-white checks) use white greyhounds (compare the Grey Coat with one Scott Coat) in both colors of the Hall talbots, as well as sharing a checkered fesse with Scottish Alleys/Auleys/Cauleys. These checks bring us back to the Pope / Pape link to Halls, and then the colors of the Galley checks are used by Italian Pepoli's. The Popoli's (same place as CANDida's) and use a Shield split horizontally in the colors of the same of German Halls. Halleys/Haly's use white boar heads (reflecting white dog heads of Halls) in the colors of the English Alley lion. As Galleys are honored in the MacDonald "galley" while MacDonalds use the Ferte eagle, it can bring Hall liners round to Ferte-Mace, as expected.

The letter 'P' in the Popoli Coat is a peculiarity (letters are used by Alan-related Langs) that I'm linking to LinkLETTERs (share ducks with French Alans), who likewise use checks (partly black) on a fesse, as well as the MacDonald ship design, though they call it a "black lymphad in base." Stuarts use this ship, calling it "a black galley, sails up, oars in action." The Stuart unicorn is "crined" while Crine's are also Crome's/Crooms and therefore linkable to Krume. Scottish Crine's use an "Amor" motto term.

The English Base surname (same place as Halls and Taillebois') uses the two Brunswick lions, and then the letter-using Langs link to the pelican-using Langs of Luneburg, the place that merged with Brunswick. I've been tracing the proto-Alans of Dol, along with Israeli priestly lines, to Brunswick-Luneburg for years. The Alans of Alauna (see end of February, start of March of this year), in the area that became Manche, had traced solidly (via a lynx symbol) to Lyncestes (lynx is used by Pennys/Penes' that share the black greyhound with Galleys), and these Alans must have become the Stewarts / Stuarts that likewise use checks on a fesse.

As the Brunswick lions are now known to be a colors-reversed version of the Bramton lions, it's not likely coincidental that Base's are traced to "fish mongers," for this speaks of code for the Abraham-Keturah fish line to Bar, the root of Brunswick. In fact, I have insisted over the years that Bruno's are using a version of the Scott bend, and Scotts trace to Scodra, smack at Bar (it's on the Adriatic coast due west of lake Scodra). It seems that the Keturah line developed a Bass surname as per the fish symbol. However, Base's and Bassens (share black greyhound with Pennys/Penes') have been traced to Bassania (on map above), near the mouth of the Drilon river, location of Penestae, root of the Pennys/Penes'. But I am now seeing that Italian Bassans use the six-barry in colors reversed to the same of Canters! And the latter use besants while English and German Bassans/Bessens (branch of Bessins and Bistons) are also "Besant." No one but the devil can argue with the solid implications being made here.

So, yes, Halls/Aule's may be able to help us find the parent of Joseph Caiaphas. Note "Phaebatae" on the southern banks of the Apsus river, for it may be related to this quote: "Ishmael son of Phabi (Fabus) was a high priest under Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea. Phabi served as priest for one year from 15-16 A.D. Later, around 56-62 A.D., Ishmael ben Phabi was also appointed as high priest.)" Why Ishmael? Was this a line to Ashmole's (another black greyhound, in the design of the Penny/Penes and Lys/Lisse greyhound) and/or As(h)mans / Rassmussens/Assmans? The crined unicorn of Stuarts can link to the Rasmussen unicorn because the related Asmans share the Crine fleur-de-lys, which are in the colors of the Lys/Lisse and Massey fleur for a trace to Lissus. It implies Lyncestes links to Lissus / Bassania (English Fabers use besants), and then Phaebatae is due west of Lyncestes. Fabers/Faebers (share a gold lion in Crest with the Stuart Crest) are said to be related to Wrights that share the Stewart checks i.e. Fabers can trace to Lyncestes with the Alan-Stewarts, and thus be from Phaebatae elements. Ashmole's were first found in Staffordshire, location of some Paeoni lines, while Lyncestes is in the Paeoni theater.

Italian Fabers (fesse in colors reversed to the fesse of German Fabers above) were first found in Modena, suspect with "Modi'in." The HASMONeans of Modi'in are suspect with the ASSMAN / Asman surnames, and the naming of the first-known Hasmonean, Mattathias, has been suspect (by me) with a people / family from the Mathis river between the Taulantii and Cavii. The Mathis river (not marked on map above) is the location of Bassania, and the Bassus family from Brogitarus, which married the line of Opgalli and Iotapa Maccabee, was from AKMONia. To prove that Mathis-river peoples had a surname, the Mathis' share the black moline with Cavii-suspect Chives'. The Mathers, suspect with Madariaga's, may be from Mathis elements. On the map, the 'T' of "Taulantii" is at "Phaebatae."

The Oeneum location shown along the Arbatus tributary of the Mathis should trace to mythical Oeneus, father of Methoni/Modon (a real place), and from that one can glean a trace between the Mathis and Modi'in of Israel, as though "Mathis" (and Matthew Hasmonean) was a Methoni line.

German Fabers share the anchor with Greys so that one can perhaps expect the Anaki of Hebron mixed with Phaebatae liners. As I trace the Anaki and Anchors/Annackers to mythical Aeneas (much like "Annas") at Agrigento, it's notable that the Hypsas river through Agrigento is like the Apsus river of the Phaebatae. It just so happens that there is a KODRium location marked upon the Apsus. A little north of the Apsus is Corragum, marked under the 'AU" of "Taulantii," and then the Corks/Corte's are using the white-on-black lion tails of the same-colored lions of Tailors. The Tailer lions (in pale) are the Levi lions (in pale) in colors reversed. German Talls/Thalls once showed the bee design of Bessins so that Talls, too, can trace to Bassania and therefore to Taulantii at Bassania.

What is the bee element in this trace to Bassania / Taulantii? For one, it's the gold bees found in the tomb / coffin of king Childeric, husband of Basina, from Thuringia, where Talls were first found. There can be no mistake about this trace of the Merovingians to Bassania and Lissus, and the bee must be for Bassania liners. And so what was "MaccaBAEUS/Maccabee" all about if not Bassania elements? There must have been a Macca-like family in relation to Bassianus, and as Meschins were first found in the Bessin, and because they were likely named after Masci's / Masseys/Maceys of Cheshire, it looks full-proof that Maccabees named the Masseys and Meschins, and the Asmans and Rasmussens.

There have been Phaebatae-like terms linked to the naming of Apollo when he was portrayed as a sun god, and so the Apollonian location on the south side of the Apsus can trace with Kodrium to Keturah, if indeed Apollo's mother, Leto, was a Letushite line. The LAUDs/Lords share the blue-on-white fesse of German Fabers. How about that. This gets more staggering in the following "coincidences," and I'm only very happy that Keturah lines can be nailed down here so that some don't get the impression that Israelite lines are at topic.

Apollonian is at Epirus, and if I'm correct in tracing the latter term to "Aphrodite," the same that named Aprutium (old capital of Abruzzo), then Epirus traces to "Hebron," as have the Chills/Childs suspect in "Childeric," and in Chilham of the Scott surname. As Aphrodite (wife of the craftsman, Hephaestus) is said to have evolved into the Roman Venus, who must have been code for the Veneti, I trace her to the Heneti at the Parthenius river (near the Halys), and these elements can then go to the Parthini, shown in the thick of the Taulantii theater. Here's the map again:

The Parthini are beside the Albani so that both can trace to Alba (proto-Scotland) and to "Perth." In fact, as I traced mythical Perdix (craftsman, traceable to the craftsman-suspect Phaebatae) to Berry in France, it may be true that Parthini named Bar at Scodra, in which case Abraham traces to the Parthini. Again, Hagars were first found in Perthshire, and Hagar was the mother of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham if he hadn't already had sons with Keturah. I had found one webpage telling a rare thing not found elsewhere, that there had been a mythical Pictus, brother of mythical Molossus, symbol of the Molossians of Epirus (Molise is beside Abruzzo). The AshMOLE's are coming to mind. Did a tribe from Ishmael name Molossians? Hmm. Maybe not.

The DYRRachium location shown on the coast from the Parthini can now trace suggestively to the Teers/Tire's and Derras/Terras', for example, who were suspect with Terah, Abraham's father. Derras'/Terras" were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as German Fabers/FAEBers, a perfect expectation if Fabers trace to the PHAEBatae. Recall the name, PasiPHAE, suspect from Phaestos and therefore from Hephaestus, but also traceable to Phasis in the Colchian area of the golden fleece. Aeetes and Kutaisi trace to Hattusa, beside the Parthenius river (i.e. they can also trace to the Parthini / Epirus theater). Moreover, Pasiphae was wife to mythical Minos, himself a son of Hebrew- and Aphrodite-suspect Europa. As the golden fleece was closely related to mythical Helle, the mythical Hellenus of Epirus can apply.

I had found a GENETES location near the Pyxites river, between Thermodon and Colchis, to which I traced "Heneti," and as the latter were on the Parthenius, note the GENUSUS river between the Parthini and the Apsus river. There is what looks like a CLODiana location along the Genusus, smacking of CLODevech (Latinized Clovis), son of Childeric [wait until you see a hard and eye-opening trace of McLeods/Clouds to Oscans along with the Penestae peoples]. As "Genetes" can trace to "Ghent," otherwise known as Gaunt, the Quadros-Cantetheras line to the Israeli priesthood, which was at the Temple nearly at the same time as the Fabus / Phabi family, can trace to Genusus / Parthenius elements. But the lion of Seconds/Segurs is suspect with that of Genova's, kin apparently of the moline-using Segni's/Segurana's of Genova. Segurs are suspect from the Sakarya river, beside the Parthenius.

There is an Arnissa location shown on the Genusus that can explain the Arness/Arnison variation of the Canton-suspect Annas surname. The Angus surname, expected to be an Annas/Arness branch, is from the Perth area expected to trace to the Parthini. When things work this well, I can begin to smell dragon breath. Angusta was on / off the AGARus river, far away in what is now Moldova, but the "coincidence" that Hagars were first found in Perthshire shows how a Moldova connection to the Parthini can be realized. Heneti had been traced big-time to Moldova. The Scottish Drummonds were first found in Perthshire while German Drummonds were first found in Hamburg, where Trips were first found that can trace to Trypillians, whom lived in very-ancient Moldova. The Drummond bars are used (in a different color) by Damory's, a branch of Amore's now tracing to Quadros Cantheras. The "Amor" motto term is used by Crine's, suspect with Krume's that were likewise first found in Hamburg. Even as Crine's/Crooms use the Massey fleur, the Trips use the boot design once showing for French Masseys/Masse's. There is what I see as continuous evidence that priests of Israel had ancestry were from the part of Albania now under discussion.

To the east side of the Parthini, and cutting through Penestae, there is a CANDova mountain system shown on the map. At the southern end of the Candova's, there is a lake LYCHnitis having a Lychnidus location. This lake is the source of the Drilon river that flows by Lissus, and then the Scottish Lich surname (CANTon!) is also "Lise," and first found in Perthshire. These Lichs are using two chevrons in the colors of the Quint chevrons, important because this lake is suspect with Sadducee liners, from a Soducena entity at a lake Lychnis in Caucasia.

German Luchs/Lux' (the Mieske bull?) are said to derive in "Luchs = lynx," but for me this means a trace to Lyncestes.

The other Lichs/Loge's/Lodge's (traced to Has with the lodged stag of Haslips/Islips) are using what looks like as version of the Grey/Gray Coat, important because the Licks/Lucks (with a 'k') use GREYhounds, and they are even black like half of the Penny/Penes greyhounds. This is strong proof that Lichs and Licks (Berwickshire) trace to Lychnidus, but there is more, for the Licks/Lucks use the pelican for a trace to the Caepio>Pulcher line, as well as using FIVE (suspect as a Quint / Quince symbol) mascles, and then mascles are used by Quince's. At the northern-most part of lake Lychnidus, there is shown a point called, Servilu (it's the best I can read it), while both Quintus Caepio's (father and son) named their daughters, Servilia. The older Servilia has been said to be the mother of Publius Pulcher. To the near-east of lake Lychnidus there is a pelican-suspect PELAGonia area (in the land of the Paeoni). There is a Brygias location between Lychnidus and Pelagonia that might be of "Brogitarus."

I kid you not that while Scottish Licks/Locks use the swan in Crest and Coat, lake Lychnis was also called, and is to this day, lake Sevan. I kid you not, that the French Joseph Coat, until recently, was showing the swan design in the Lick/Lock/Loch Crest. The mythical Swan Knight (Arthurian myth) was LOHENgrin, while there is a German Loch/LOGEN surname likewise using the swan, and then Arthurianism has already traced to the Penestae area to the near-north of Lychnidus. The Licks were even first found in the same place as Arthurs and the Quade-suspect Aide's honored in the Levi motto.

For your information, the Aide bend had traced hard to the bend of Stevensons (same place as Greys and Siward of Northumberland), and in-turn the Stevenson bend (Sword colors) traced to the Valentin bend with squirrels (Squirrels/Squire's are also "Square" and are therefore part of the canton SQUARE line), important here because Justine of Picenum traced to the Justine's, first found in Perthshire, who share the symbols of Assi's suspect in the "ASSIduitate" motto term of Scottish Licks/Locks. As the Hazels use the squirrel, I'd say that Assi's (Shetland) were Has elements to Hazels and Haslips/Islips. The Valentin squirrels are in the colors of the Hazeltons/Heslingtons, the latter suspect with Siward of Heslington, who was the root of the Swords sharing swords with Justine's and Assi's. Of further interest is that while I trace Lissus to Lissae at the sources of the Hebros river, there was a Serdi peoples there that belonged to a Sardica/Serdica location, shown on this alternative map that also shows the Mathis river:

The Lichs with chevrons in the colors of the Quint chevron have their match in the two chevrons of Clarens/Larens, in the colors of the three chevrons of Clare's, first found in the same place (Sussex) as English Lichs and Deacons, and the latter use lions in colors reversed to the lion of English Lichs. It just so happens that Clarens/Larens were first found beside the Carricks (said to be from "Craig") while the Clarens/Larens use a "Creag" motto term. Then, while Carricks use their talbot dog in black, i.e. linkable to the black greyhound under discussion, there is a Kerax location shown at the north-west side of lake Lychnidus.

On the alternative map, Has (not shown) is further downstream on the Drilon from Gabuleum. There is a Scardus region shown between Gabuleum and Penestae, a term like "Sardis," suspect with the namers of Sardinia. The Shurtan variation of Jordans can go to a merger between Scardus and Eordaei to the south of the Parthini. I thought it was a Sign that a dead squirrel was found in the pocket of my SHORTs, and, interesting now, the Shorts were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Quints and pelican-related Palins/Pawleys. The latter share a black-on-white lion with Jordans/Shurtans, and go to the paw of Quints. Shorts use a large griffin in the colors of large lion of English Jordans, first found in the same place as Lichs/Loge's/Lodge's, Hazeltons/Heslingtons, and Gable's/Gabells. The latter must be using the green-on-white chevron of Hazeltons/Heslingtons because Gable's can trace to Gabuleum! Nailed it. It strongly tends to prove that Hazel liners trace to the namers of Has.

The Dallington location in the Hazelton write-up may be of the Dale's using a giant swan in the colors of the Lichs/Loge's/Lodge's. The Dawling variation of Dallings (acorns) reminds of the Dawsons that use a "lodged" stag. The Dale swan is in the colors of the giant swan of Italian Alba's while German swans use a giant fleur-de-lys (in Lys lys colors) for a trace to Lissus, suggesting that Alba's are from the namers of Albanians.

There is a question to be asked of the three nails of Scottish Logens and Irish Logans/LOHANs/Ducks (suspect with "LOHENgrin"): are they code for the nails that nailed Jesus to the cross? Are we not seeing evidence that Caiaphas traces to the Lychnidus area? Isn't the giant Logen heart a symbol for "Herod"? Unfortunately, heraldic links are often too loose to use them for finding someone's unknown parents.

The Dalling description: "A cubit arm [with cuff] erect holding a sprig of oak, fructed." The sprig reminds of the Abraham-suspect Brooms/Brome's, from the sprig-of-broom code of Geoffrey Fulk, whose family settled Norfolk, where Dallings were first found. The "fructed" term, which could be code for Frocks/Froggs, is used by English Coppers/Coppers, suspect with Kypros, mother of Herod "the great." As Haslips/Islips use holly, note the Cooper description: "holly branch fructed proper." The Dutch Coopers use a saltire in the colors of the House cross, important because Hazeltons are a branch of House's, and then Cubits/Cupids/Cobbetts share the cloud in Crest with House's.

As Dallings are also DAULings while using the same bend as used by Sale's and Salemans, they look like they are D'Aule-ings. As Warin de Aula's (also "Warin de Sale") family had merged with Kingsleys, let's add that the Kingsley cross is the House cross, essentially, or the Cooper saltire. Daule's are listed with Aule's. The Daule's/Aule's are said to have had an Hault branch (in Anvers), whom are listed with squirrel-using Holts.

The Hulse's/Hulles' (same place as Hazels) are said to descend from Bigot de Loges, which connects them to the lodged stag of Haslips/Islips and Dawsons. Hulse's/Hulles' use piles in the colors of the same of Cades'/Catys'/Cade's (good reason to trace Halls and Hulls to the Hatti), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Hulls of Kingston-upon-Hull. German Hulse's/Huls/Hilse's ("heart-shaped leaf") use an upside-down leaf in the shape of the same of Hazels and French House's. This is clarification that Halls / Hulls had linked to Hazels, etc. French House's call it a cabbage leaf while Cabbage's/Cubbolds (Levi suspects) use an "angustis" motto term.

"Hault" is bringing us close to "Alders / Alder / Alderton." Aults/Aulds happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens'/Menzes that use an "I zal" motto phrase looking like code for Islips. As expected, Halls / Aula's are now figuring closely into the family make-up of Joseph Caiaphas. Yet, it's difficult to prove with any one heraldic point that Caiaphas was a Caepio liner. The totality of the circumstantial heraldic evidence is overwhelming, however.

Whaleys/Wallets share the black canton with Lichs/Lise's.

Jews in the Vatican

Aside from loving gold cups and having lots of money, what really was the sin of Israel's religious leaders? What made them so guilty of rejecting Jesus? After all, he looked like an ordinary man. No one who looked at him remarked that he had a special gleam in his eyes, or anything special. The only thing to prove that he was who he said he was was his miracles. If not for the miracles, the religious leaders would not have been guilty of rejecting the only begotten Son of God. However, when one acknowledged that his miraculous powers derived from God rather than from some magical power, there were other clues that he was the Son of God. To emphasize miracles, Jesus would perform them on the Sabbath, making a speakable issue in Israel that got around to the gossip circles. Was it right to do miracles on the Sabbath or not? It seems insane that anyone should ask such a question without recognizing that this man was an important instrument of God, but that's exactly the insanity of the religious leaders.

Or, had the apostles lied about the miracles? Had they fabricated them when in real fact Jesus performed none? If that were the case, word would have gotten around that the apostles were liars. The New-Testament claim is that he performed miracles as a routine everywhere he went. Had the apostles been lying, who in their right minds, in Israel, would have followed them? Lazarus was raised from the dead very near Jerusalem, and would have become the talk of the town. Or, if he was not raised from the dead, how possibly could the apostles have made the claim without being discovered throughout Jerusalem as frauds? The way in which the account is told, this resurrection was a key part of God's plan. God waited a few days after the death to do the miracle to assure the people that it was not a trick.

But why couldn't they have wrapped a living Lazarus in cloth, and put him in a sealed tomb with food and water, to play a trick on everyone, fooling them to believe that Jesus performed the ultimate miracle? If that was the case, just imagine what sort of corrupted people the insider apostle-group consisted of. Everything about Jesus was a sham, and the apostles were conniving to rob the religious people of their money in the same way that fake-miracle workers do today.

But wait. God had slipped a little message to the world in Isaiah 53. It doesn't blare out the words, "HE WILL BE RESURRECTED," but that's what the text implies without doubt. One wonders how this message (from Isaiah) failed to become the talk of the subsequent prophets, or the talk of all Israel. Well, perhaps they thought the prophet was having a bad day in his utterances when he spoke of the "servant" of God dying for the sins of the nation, and afterwards ruling the planet. Perhaps Isaiah had too much wine when he penned that in 53. But, my point is, he penned it centuries before the apostles. No one is going to argue that Isaiah 53 was written after Jesus, not even the Jews who, to this day, deny that it's speaking about Jesus. Instead, they say, it's allegory where the "servant" is the Israeli nation that "dies" and later rules the planet. In light of the Jesus message, I don't but the view of the Israelis, who, like the Sadducees and Pharisees before them, simply rejected Jesus outright as too surreal to be true.

But why is Jesus too much to be true? The Jews scoff at the idea that God should have a Son of his own in a human body. It's a trick, they say, played by demented "apostles." Yet many of these same Israelis, throughout the centuries until today, expect the Messiah that the old prophets predicted. Where is that Messiah if it's not Jesus? What message did God send these Israelis when He allowed the Romans to destroy the Temple, and afterward allowed the Muslims to build their shrine on the Temple site? Are the Jews so ignorant, stupid and wickedly callous toward their own families, that they fail to read the message? Yes, they have been exactly that.

Let's face it, the idea of a man claiming to be God in the flesh is a wild one, and, most likely, is bound to be the message of a demented cult leader. But such a person would get nowhere with spreading his message and building a group of followers. Jesus had so many followers that the religious leaders felt the need to kill him before he and they overtook and replaced them at the head of the nation. Joseph Caiaphas was at the charge of the murder plot, putting it into such words that the murder would be, not wicked, but a favor to Israel, saving the nation even.

Most likely. Most likely, a man claiming to be God in the flesh is a demented soul. Many have made such a claim from long before Jesus. Most likely. But in the case of Jesus, people still believe the report to this day. Jesus doesn't come across as demented. Nor do the New-Testament writers. There are many educated people today that will tell you how God works in their lives. Or, they claim that there are signs in their lives that God actually lives inside their beings in some inexplicable way. Essentially, they are claiming that they are human bodies filled with God, similar to the claim of demented false prophets claiming to be special tools of God. It's nothing new, for the apostles spoke of this as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is the energizing force of Christianity, the part that makes it desirable and gives it fuel. But if it's all a scam, then it hardly becomes desirable.

What are the advantages in life with God living inside of you? It depends on what you might like God to do for you. You don't get to chose how He lives in you, or what you get to have done for your life while He abides in you. But there are great advantages to having God in you, obviously, and eternal life is the ultimate gift. But some people cannot bring themselves past the scoffing point. It's just too good to be true, and they do not want to fall prey to a scam. Nor do I.

Jesus goes beyond the calling of living a good life. He says that he and his Father want to be ONE with us. What is that? It's sounds so personal and even intrusive. It's exactly what the religious leaders did NOT want, for selfish quality is not conducive to being one with anyone. Selfishness wants to overcome everyone else, to be superior and to have what belongs to others. Wanting to be one with God means that you respect God's thinking, and trust His motives and the outcome(s) of your life. But if God doesn't really come to live with us, then what exactly are we trusting in?

Is it logical that God should want to be one with us? Yes. Is it too-far fetched of a concept? No. Then what's the problem with most people? Why don't they equate Jesus with the Holy Spirit living within us? Because, it's too-far fetched to think that a man, born of a woman, gets to be the Holy Spirit too. Yes, the Holy Spirit existed before the birth of Jesus, but Jesus said that, unless he "goes away," the Spirit cannot come to those who trust in him. It implies that this will be a different Holy Spirit than in the past, a Spirit merged with a crucified Lamb. It's a blending of the Creator with something new. The angry and terrifying God of Moses becomes the Gentle One, no longer holding violations against us. It's another one of those too-good-to-be-true scenarios.

Were the apostles guilty of offering too-good-to-be true scenarios in order to bait and hook people? Or is God in fact the fisherman offering a predetermined set of win-win scenarios to a certain chosen few while leaving the rest to their own inability to believe? It must be true that believers are such only as God enables them to believe, for, no matter how we view the words of the apostles and prophets, there is always an argument to be made that none of it is true. How will anyone arrive to the truth on this issue, with all the weeds blocking the light? We can't see what we try to see on account of the various tones of grey shadows that distort the Reality. We are powerless to see, though Christians report that they have "seen the Light." What does that mean? It depends on whether you ask another Christian or a weed. The weeds will tell you that your Light is your imaginary pet or crutch. But that's only because they haven't seen the Light.

Seeing the Light is when God removes the blockage. But, in that case, if it all depends on God, how can anyone find this Light by his/her own attempts? This goes to One-ness. The person who notifies the Father that he/she is interested in One-ness with him, that's the person that gets the blockage removed. Later, that person may ask, was it real? Did I really see the True Light, or was it some trick I played on myself? The devil will be standing right there to answer the question. Things could get to the point of critical. The mind might suffer and the soul may become contorted. But One-ness overcomes because the Other One is there too. The devil has a chance of overcoming the Christian like a pail of water has the chance of putting out the flames of Hell. So long as the believer continues to honor The One, One-ness will be maintained in spite of the many battles advanced by demonic and weed forces.

But this talk is just too much for a weakened believer. The devil? Does he really exist? Not if he's the cartoon devil with horns on his head, and holding a pitchfork. But, really, is the devil a real person, or is he, like Jesus, an invention of the apostles? There was never so much talk of demonic possession in Israel as when Jesus came to Israel. Were all those claims to removing evil spirits mere fabrications? Why ask me? The One that wants to be One with you claims to be inside of you. Ask Him. If He doesn't make Himself known to you when you ask, that's when you have a real problem. The weed says that He's not answering because He doesn't exist. There is always an argument to be made that Jesus is a scam. But as you bob up and down in the relentless waves, when you can see nothing at the lowest levels for the waves being in the line of your sight, and when you can see nothing at the highest levels for the sea being so wide, that's when the One will bob you toward eternal life in spite of these battles. The day will come when the bobbing finds you on a solid rock on the shore, but the sea weeds are there, still scoffing as you step ashore in relief. God did something to restore your slipping faith because you wanted it saved. If you didn't want it saved, He would have allowed you to slip below water line into your sinful ways again.

After suffering troubles, God is the Comforter. He's not the Pamperer, but will allow the battles and then come save the day at some painful point. Pain is the opposite of pleasure, and He did not make the Christian experience pure pleasure. Mainly, the pain is the result of worldly conditions, for this world has been given to satan. It's the plan of God to save people from the hopeless, even insane, conditions of this world. We have been promised The Pure Pleasure, an end to all pain, which is yet another one of those too-good-to-be-true scenarios.

It's not a sin to ask, "Father, I'm having a hard time believing that story told by the apostles, of demons being forced by Jesus to enter a herd of swine, upon which they all rushed down to the water to drown themselves. It's not something I see everyday. I've never heard anything like this before." The apostles had more demon accounts than anyone, ever. This swine event can be placed into the category of Jesus' claim to Jonah in the whale, very unusual, very hard to explain, and harder to believe as truth. Or what about making food appear in thin air to feed four and five thousand people? One can argue that, if the apostles were schemers, they wouldn't likely have hampered their chances of success with the introduction of unnecessary, hard-to-believe stories. Or, one can argue that such fantastic stories were introduced, at a risk, to portray Jesus as far-more unusual or different than the ordinary man.

Peter claims in his epistle (2 Peter 1:16-18) to have seen the "transfiguration" of Jesus on a mountain, the same event spoken of in the Gospels where Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus while he was instantly and temporarily transformed before their eyes. Peter held on to this story to his elderly years. He assured that he and the others were not cleverly making up stories with this claim. My spirit thinks that Peter was telling the truth. Which is harder to believe, that Moses and Elijah filled the eyes of Peter, James and John, or that Jonah was in a whale (probably dead) for three days, then spit out on a shore to live again?

One thing is certain, that one cannot approach the New Testament with the mind of modern man. There is too much in the New Testament that betrays modern science or goes well beyond the bounds of acceptable modern realities. The modern world will have you believe that it has evolved forward when in fact it has evolved backward. Discovering that the world is round or full of electricity is not necessarily the achievement of mankind, though modern humanism takes credit for these things. The true test of advancement is whether modern science is using science to discover God's nature. In fact, modern science abhors God and wants not to mix Him with its science.

One can argue that Jesus opened the eyes of the world to the routine presence of demons never-before understood or noticed. The modern world would rather view that demonic activity as brain-based illnesses or seizures. One can argue that the purpose of Jesus in extracting so many demons from people was to emphasize his powers over satan's powers, and to expose demons as the nothings that they truly are. They are invisible and able to think, but ultimately they are nothings in the realm of respectable things. They like to abide in people, and control their actions, if possible, and make a destructive mess of their lives. This is not a trivial revelation. It goes to the heart of the human condition as a routine. It's the reason that mankind has taken control of its present and future circumstances, playing god with them. They, not God, must be the master of their destiny.

There are no demons in the modern fix of things. Modern man has a new enlightenment that is their fix for the future, and this fix will war head-to-head with Jesus. It is plain to virtually every Christian that a modern flux is in place as preparation for welding the peoples of the world to war against Christianity. If some of the peoples on the side of the world still haven't realized that this conspiracy exists, the modern rulers will make sure they do get it, so that all the peoples will turn rabid upon Christians as a lot. The timing for announcing such a war has not yet arrived, because the world is not yet ready. When the obstacles have been overcome, that's when Jesus allows the obstacles to be removed from their midst. When they see the obstacles out of their way, they will have their aha moment, and they will think that they can finally overcome the Christian enemy.

God can be such a deceiver. In fact, God uses deception of His own against the deceivers. The coming of Jesus as a thief in the night is based on deception, the sort used in any ambush, when the world has its woe moment while the aha is still on its lips. It will be the ahawoe hour, or the yahooohno hour. Or perhaps I'm just out of my mind to speak like this, to take old prophecy as actually true to reality. There is always an argument to be made that favors the non-believers.

One-ness with God. Jesus was saying that, if the Sadducees really did respect God, they would want to be one with Him, but their God didn't even resurrect people. As far as Sadducees were concerned, this life is all there is. How illogical is that? The Sadducees would have fit right into the modern world. They emphasized living it up in this world because this life is all there is. We're not here for a long time, but a good time. There's no Hell to pay for stealing the old woman's last penny. God favors the clever and abandons the poor. One-ness with God? What is that? I'd like it if God were my personal genie. Can I have 3000 wishes come true? Will you do what I command, my God? I like that sort of One-ness.

So, Caiaphas and Annas didn't even believe in human resurrection, let alone the resurrection of Jesus. God could not have chosen more-willful enemies to go against the apostles' message. But, surely, Caiaphas was a symbol of the last-days war against Christianity. And the marriage of Caiaphas to Annas' daughter likely represents some end-time union on a grand, global scale. When the Ambush in the Sky arrives, it will fall down on the Caiaphas-Annas union. The two will turn in their graves and see the Resurrected One sticking the sword of his mouth into their eyes. That's what God has in mind: to save some of their children as pain against them, and to destroy the rest as more pain against them. My view of late has been that the lines of Caiaphas and Annas evolved into the leading Europeans and Americans. They are the ones who laugh now and weep later, the ones who enjoy pleasure now and reap pain later, and the first will be the last and no-more.

It's interesting that while God predicted to Abraham that his descendants will become many nations, and more numerous than the stars of the sky, the EU flag is TWELVE stars. Why 12? Isn't that the number of Israel? Wasn't Abraham the father of Israel? Didn't we see the line of Abraham and Keturah evolving into Athenians, the origin of modern democracy? Isn't it true that the many nations from Abraham should include the Europeans? But of all those nations, only one gets to be the nation of God, or the one viewed by God as the tried-and-true descendants of Abraham. The apostles are the ones who spread that concept, that Abraham represented, not Jews by blood only, but Gentiles whom, by the Spirit, were brought into the family of Abraham. And Jesus sent the Sadducees a wake-up call, saying that as God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there would be a resurrection of these men, otherwise God is the God of the dead.

Heraldry has spoken. The enemies of Jesus, while he was still alive, had sons that evolved into members of the surnames honored by the old heraldic masters. They tracked the lines of Caiaphas and Annas to the Roman emperors of the "Holy" Roman empire, though it tracked to Caracalla too, who was an emperor before Constantine I turned Rome to a "holy" (spit) empire. From Constantine I, it went to Valentinian and the Merovingians, the latter being joined to the Vatican (spit) in a global-rule attempt using the Frank armies. After the Vatican resorted to Germanic rulers and armies, the Franks, under Napoleon, spoiled Vatican powers and started the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, where science and new investigation was to dominate over the dark-age concepts pushed by infallible (spit) popes. From this vantage point, the new Europe would go also against Scripture, promising a new era even while it was the start of human demise.

However, the Vatican needs to be differentiated from the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and neo-Templars, but this situation was mud at times, like the clay of Daniel 2, where the Roman iron was predicted to mix with clay to weaken the Roman grid. It is predictable that the Vatican had expended itself, since the aftermath of the French Revolution, on regaining the loftiness of its previous powers, but as per the 1980s, the Vatican was found desperate still, resorting to taking on a Protestant-like face, dishing out the Bible to its dwindling members and using all methods that were succeeding for certain Protestant denominations. That too is like mud on the spinning wheel, and the final shape of the clay pot yet needs to be determined. Like the Pharisees, the Vatican priests paint the outer pots to look beautiful, but inside there is the blood of war and kingdom-building.

I do find it a little discomforting to advance the notion that descendants of Sadducees and Pharisees came to control the Vatican priesthood, but a situation such as this can be entertained, and even expected, where their descendants were first the heraldic creature, the Templars. I have never attempted to verify the claim of some, that the Vatican Jesuits had been a branch of the Templar or Freemasonic mould. It is likely that the Sadducees and Pharisees didn't care about the species of religion they were pushing, so long as it gave them power, positions of respect, and a livelihood on the religious donations of others. That is, I'm trying to wrap my head around the "Christianization" of the descendants of anti-Christian Caiaphas. I don't find such a thing nearly impossible, but the reader might tend not to agree with it.

Although the first Templars were indeed descendants of Caiaphas, they used the Vatican to assure the passage of their Norman and Frankish armies to Jerusalem. It could be viewed as a convenient marriage, and, as expected, the marriage came to a feud, and was dissolved with great wrath from the Vatican. Jacques de Molay (descendant of Hugh de Payens) was removed, and the world heard no more from the Templars proper. They didn't disappear, and many went into the shade of Scotland's king, Bruce I. The birth of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, right? But God revealed to me and my readers that the Bruce lion traces to Caiaphas. I trace the Bruce lion to rulers of Levi-suspect Louvain, and it just so happens that Louvains, the surname, were first found in the same place as the Mason surname, and the two use exactly the same blue-on-gold lion, as do the Free-like Freie's.

Belgium's Louvain was also "Leuven," and the Leuven/Lauerfingen/Laufer/Lauffen surname (Wurttemberg) is showing nothing but bear PAWs. One can glean from the variations that Leuvens had merged with Clarens/Larins, Lawrence's, or similar others, and then Italian Leuvens/Livelys (Padua, beside bear-paw Bellino's) use a chevron Shield in the red color of the Claren/Laren and Clare chevrons. The six Leuven/Lively chevrons are in the two colors of the Love/Luff fesse bars, and in half the colors of the six barry of Leavells/Lowells. From this, one can determine that the Leavell bars link to the Clare chevrons.

As Leuvens and Louvains are expected in the Flemish sector of the Templars (actually, the Frankish part of Templars was largely Flemish), it's notable that the Jewish Finger surname uses the flame. Usually, Jewish surnames show no variations and give no write-ups, as though a deal was struck with the heraldic masters not to divulge that information. The Fingers show no variations but can be suspect with "Lauerfingen." German and Jewish Finks use a Shield filled with lozengy in the colors of the same of Scottish Crone's ("fish" in Crest). The Jewish Finks have a write-up (inconsistent with the German-Fink write-up), having arranged to derive the surname in "spark," and from that it goes to a "sparkling diamond," but this is nonsense in an effort to explain the lozenges, which are diamond-shaped. Lozenges are code for Colchians of Losinj, and for a similar location of Normandy, and are at times called "fusils," suspect with "Phasis" in Colchis. The Lauers are the ones listed with Laus', which can trace Laeurfingens to Laus, beside Flanders-suspect Blanda.

The Wings/Winks (share Moor head with Chappes') are traced in their write-up to a Rutland location said to be near LAUFFENham, and as Lauerfingens are listed with Lauffens, we can now understand Fings as a branch of Wings. As Rutlands share the so-called orle border with Rutherfords, it's notable that the Rutherford martlet is in the design of the Fink martlet. The orle traces to Orrs and Orrels and is therefore suspect with Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar. Then, by no coincidence, the Wings share the black Julian cross used also by Schole's/Scayles, and the latter likewise use a Shield filled with the colors of the same of PATents suspect with the potent cross of Templar Jerusalem, and with Skala of PATmos. The WATsons, likewise first found in Rutland, have been suspect with Patent-like Battins/Badens whom can trace to Baden...of Wurttemberg, where Leuvens/Lauerfingens/Laufers/Lauffens were first found. Finks share the footless martlet with English Wingers. This could be the Vince/Vinch line.

Schole's/Scayle's are suspect with "Eschol" in Hebron. Keturah and Abraham of Hebron had traced to Colchians. In this way, Abraham can trace to the Louvain / Bruce lion, even as Templars disappeared into the shade of king Robert Bruce...whose family was from Annas-suspect Annandale. Reminder: Clarens/Larens and Clare's are suspect with the chevron of Quints, and Servilia Caepionis was sexing around with Julius Caesar i.e. he was getting all her secrets out while in bed with her. Surely, she knew the location of the Caepio treasure. Servilia's first daughter, perhaps wrongly viewed as a daughter of her official husband, was Junia Prima, and then Rutlands use a "praemia" motto term.

That's not all. The "Post" motto term of Rutlands gets the English-Bruce lion, in colors reversed, in the English and German Post surnames, while same-colored Dutch Posts use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters. The same-colored lion is used by English Bratts/Bradds (Edinburgh) while the "PRAEilia" motto term of Rutlands (same ending as "Servilia") suggests the Prays/Praters/Prathers (share the wolf with English Pratts). Belgian Pratts/Praets/Praits use the same Coat (minus the Chief) as Scottish Bruce's and Annandale's (all in Quint colors), not forgetting that Louvain is in Belgium. English Pratts were first found in the same place as Quints. The Irish Prays are said to be from "Preith," and look like they are using a version of the Bruce Coat but with the German-Julian bars.

The PRYors/Priors (may or may not be a Pray branch), who share a motto like that of Annandale's, share the scallops of Capes' and Apps'/Abbs' (lozenges) that might possibly trace to the namers of the Apsus river, location of Keturah-suspect Kodrium. If this trace is correct, all sorts of surnames, from Chapmans, Chappes', Chaplets and Chapels, and even the Austrian Habsburgs evident in the Abbs/Apps fesse, can trace to the Apsus. The Chaplins/Caplins are interesting for being first found in the same place as Josephs and Drake's while the latter trace to the Drago river, also called the Apsus-like Hypsas. The Chaplins/Caplins use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters (same place as Quints) in colors reversed, as well as sharing the griffin heads in the colors of the Cutter dragon heads. The three Chaplin griffin heads are in the Chief, as are the three, same-colored garbs of Josephs. French Josephs were showing the swan in the colors of the Chaplet swans. This paragraph makes it possible to trace Cutters to "KODRium." Cutters have a Shield comparing with that of Posts, but I can't see how Posts trace to the Apsus.

If there is an apparent contradiction here in tracing Caepio's both to the Apsus and to Cupionich, the white griffin head in the Crest of Chaplins is linkable to the white griffin head used by the Dober / Doberman line, and thus it can trace to Dober, two or three miles from Cupionich. Dobers / Dobermans also used their griffin head in gold, the color of the Chaplin/Caplin griffin head. Reminder: Cupionich was also Koplik while Koppels use a giant bird in the colors of both giant birds of French Josephs. As CAPLins/KEPLaine's look like "Koppel," one may argue that Chaplins/Caplins trace, not to the Apsus, but to Koplik.

Coplins/Copelands use a canton and the double fesse bars of Washingtons, all very linkable to Cantons. Coplins and Joplins were both first found in the same place (Northumberland). The Habsburg/Hapsburg surname (Baden), rather than showing the fesse that is the Arms of Austria, which they owned, show a red lion in the colors of what I now view as the Abraham-line lion. Does it thereby make sense to trace HAPSburgs/HAPSburgs to Kodrium on the APSus river???

The Habsburg lion is used by Lee's/Lighs/Leghs whom I trace to Leicestershire's Legro river, the location of Rutland. The Rodhams (share "nec" motto term with Rutland-related Rutherfords), likewise first found in Northumberland, trace to Rutland.

It was determined that Lancelot was myth code for Lancastrians, especially the Banisters (Lancashire) that smack of Ban/BANT, Lancelot's father. Washingtons were first found in Lancaster, and it has been determined that Gaunts, who ruled Lancaster, were a line of Abraham. The new point is the BANTia location shown at the upper Apsus. Bennets (Canton stars?), who became suspect with the Pierleoni of Rome (concurrent with the first Templar movements), were first found in Lancaster. Dutch Bennets use just a lion in colors reversed to the Habsburg lion, a powerful tool to trace both to the Apsus and possibly also to the Hypsas. The Pierleoni (Jews who ran the Vatican) are expected to use lions.

The Pierleoni (from the Jewish part of Rome) were named after Leo de Benedicto (not his birth name), and Benedicts are said to be a line of Bennets. English Benedicts (same motto as Bennets) use lions in the colors of the Dutch-Bennet lion. IT JUST SO HAPPENS that Benedicts / Bennets were traced a few months ago to the two Avon rivers of southern England, one (through Southampton / Hampshire) very near the first-known Chaplins/Caplins, and ZOWIE, German Benedicts/BENDits use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Chaplins/Caplins!!! This does allow a trace of Chaplins and Kaplins to the Apsus river. Heraldic bends may have been in honor of Pierleoni liners, for the Bends (blue lion), partly first found in Lancashire, are said to be of Benedictine monks.

There was a Pierleoni anti-pope by the name of ANACletus, what almost conforms to "annulet," an heraldic term that I view as Annas-Lett code. That could be important where Bennets use the same star colors as the Annas stars. Reminder: the Arniss variation of Annas' is now suspect from an Arnissa location one major river (the Genusus) north of the Apsus. The Letts (share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas'), who could be using the Capone stars, use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Bruce's in colors reversed (the Bruce's are known to use the Annandale Coat but with a gold background). Was Anacletus named after an Anaki line?

It just so happens that the Guiness surname (giant lion), looked up just now as per "Genusus," is said to be from an Angus surname, which itself shares the star colors of the Annas star.

As Wikipedia calls Anacletus' brother, Jordan, it's suspicious that two Jordan surnames use lions. As I suspected the Jordans/Shurtans to be a branch of Shorts, it's interesting that Shorts (Dorset, beside Chaplins) share the gold griffin on blue with Chaplins. This can trace Jordan Pierleoni to the Apsus. The Short griffin is in the colors of the Avon and Jordan lions, how about that. As Shorts are expected to trace to Squirrels/Squire's and therefore to Valentinian I, while Cass' and Cush's/Cuss' have already traced to his wife, the "PerCUSSA" motto term of Jordans is interesting in that regard. German Cuss'/Guss' (same place as Habsburgs) use the Roy / Dawson Coat while French Roys (same place as French Jordans!) appear honored in the Bennet and Benedict motto.

Reminder: there is a Eordaei region stamped along the upper Apsus (look under the second 'I' of "ILLYRIA").

I get the distinct impression that Abraham traces to Rome's Pierleoni, and that this is the Revelation harlot destined to war against God even aside from the injection of God's counter-plan via the Abraham-Israeli nation. The Pierleoni used the name, Peter, while the Valentin(ian) line traces to Peter Pollock, who was part of the Pocket bloodline. The dead squirrel in the pocket of my shorts, a story reported in the first update of May, was immediately after the last emphasizing of the Pierleoni, itself a topic started in the middle of March. I had no idea that Shorts could link to Pierleoni, until this minute. The Pockets/Pouchers trace to the Leicester cinquefoil.

Wikipedia says that the supporters of Anacletus, when he lost the bid to become the pope, included Roger Guiscard of Sicily. He's in a portrait with his brother with a pulley at their feet, and then I've just found that the Pulley/Pullen Coat is a good reflection of the Patria/Petrie Coat, which uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of CUTTERs (and Brocks). Patria's (sun in Crest) were just looked up as per Antipatria, on the Apsus river, downstream from KODRium. That works. Patria's and Pulleys share the red scallop with Savona's, sharing the Pulsipher/Polesdon stars that had traced with Foggs to Liguria-based Phocaeans (Savona is in Liguria).

Note the lattice on one of the Guiscards, symbol of the Cotta's/COTTARds. That lattice is on the socks of Siemowit at his Wikipedia article. Siemowit was a myth code for the ancestry of the Mieszko line Poles out of GOPLO, a term I trace to "KOPLik" because Mieszko I married Dober-like Dobrawa. Cotters (share a blue Shield with Cutters) use yet another lion. The brown lion in the Cottar Crest is identical to the brown one in the Coplin/Copeland Crest, and brown traces to Abraham-rooted Brunswick. The Coplin motto honors the lion-using Newmans and possibly the lion-using Bings/Binks, the latter suspect with a version of the Chives Coat. The Chives' are in-turn suspect with the Tailer leopards, which are in the Cork lion tails, and the Corks may trace to "Corragum," in the land of the Taulantii, and to the near-north of Antipatria, modern Berat. Barrets/Barrats use a black talbot, very linkable, suddenly, to the same of Carricks! That's because Carricks and Craigs can trace to Corragum smack at Antipatria, the Taulantii theater!! English Barrets (barry) were first found in Lincolnshire, home of the Taillebois!

Part of the Apsus is now the Seman while Siemowit is suspect with Siemens. The Seman is said to flow out to the Adriatic near a Tropoje location (Kucove), but I have a Tropoje location on my Atlas to the near-east of Koplik at Kosovo. The Drops/Trope's (another lion) use a Shield filled with drops (i.e. some heraldic drops trace to the Drops/Trope's) that were traced to the Patterson and KilPatrick drops while Pattersons (another lion) and Patria's are both said to be from "Patrick." It just so happens that Pattersons use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Chaplins! The Patterson scallops are, like the Patria/Petrie scallops, in their Chief. Therefore, we have just found the origin of Patricks and Pattersons along with Petrie's.

Note that Pattersons are also "Cussane," like the Cush/Cuss/Kiss surname suspect with the Jordan motto. Cussane's are also Kissane's while Kissane's are Guiscard-like Guissane's, and the latter share the stag with Patria's/Petrie's (Kincardineshire).

Therefore, it looks like Drops/Trope's trace to Tropoje upon the Apsus. The "grege" motto term of Scottish Pattersons may trace to Corragum elements...such as are suspect in Carricks / Craigs (Cork colors) who trace to the Hypsas river's Acragas location.

The so-called "slab" of Siemens can now trace to Slavs of Albania, but it's likely for a Slab-like surname. Recalling the Drummonds trace to Ross-shire's namers, while Scottish Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire, while Ross' use a lion in the colors of the Drop/Trope lion, note that the German-Drummond bars are in use with Semans/Seamans, for German Drummonds were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Trope-suspect Trips. The giant Seman crescent thus looks linkable to the giant crescent of Krume's, first found in Hamburg. The Kosovo-related Tropoje location is on a river with a mouth on the Drilon not far downstream from Krume.

On the ancient map I've been using, there is an unmarked tributary of the Apsus that is now the Devoll river. Devolls are listed with Font de Ville's (another lion), and were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Cotta's/Cottards. The map I've been using is not true to correct geography. I believe that the alternative map below has correct geography:

On the alternative map, there is a Boius area between the upper Apsus and upper Devoll while German Benedicts use a so-called "boilers in the middle." The boilers look like the letter 'T'. It looks like Trypillians were on the Apsus. German Benedicts use "a rose between wings" in their Crest, and we saw the Wings using the black Julian cross, though in this Apsus investigation, Caesar's mother is tracing to things upon the river. The Caesar surname itself uses roses, and the Rose surname, from the Ross-shire area, uses water bougets, the symbol of Banisters whom I'm apt to trace to Bantia upon the Apsus, where I'm tracing Benedicts. Just look at how close Bantia is on one map to Boius on the other! As the map with Bantia is wrong, while the map makers had it at the near-end of the river, it should be much closer to Lychnidus than it shows.

Repeat: "English Barrets (barry) were first found in Lincolnshire, home of the TailleBOIS!" I can feel it in my bones, a Bois trace to Boius.

There is no Boiler / Boylar surname coming up, but Boulier's/Boullins (rooks) were first found in the same place (Brittany) as French Jordans and Benedict-suspect Roys. Bantia was between two Eordaei regions, the easterly one suspect with mythical Gordias, father of King Midas from lake Bermius (shown on the alternative map).

The CELETrum location beside the easterly Eordaei can trace interestingly to the Celts/Colts of Perthshire because the neighboring Orestis/Orestia can trace to the Ores/Orr surname (cornuCOPIA) using "Bona and "bonis" in the motto, suspect with the Boii of Bononia. That is, the Boii can trace to Boius because Boius is smack beside Orestis and Celetrum. The Celts/Colts are the ones using the Pilate pheon (traces to the Paeoni near or in Celetrum) while the piles of Ores'/Orrs should trace to the line that created the Pilate's. I had reason to suspect that the ancestry of Pontius Pilate would be common with the ancestry of Caiaphas.

The Aurelia stars are in the Chief, and are in the colors of the Patterson-Chief scallops while Aurelia's (first found near Bononia) use a scallop of their own. This is important for my trace of "Patterson / Patrick" to the Roman Patricians to which Aurelia Cotta's husband belonged, and here, for the first time, Pattersons are tracing to the same river as Aurelia Cotta. Previously, she was traced to the Cotesii (top-right of map) of the Trypillian theater, but the Cotesii had become suspect with "Soducena" at lake Sevan, which was also Lychnis, suspect with the namers of Lychnidus. Therefore, the Sadducees, Caiaphas, Annas, and Pontius Pilate are all suspect from things on the Apsus river. "APS" can be the makings of "Caiaphas."

The Julian cross is used by Teague's/Caige's that use a "Summum" motto term, like the modern Osum river that was once the upper Apsus. Previously, the motto term was traced to the Somme river of Picardy, but that's the Artois theater that can trace to Arthurs that use a "rest" symbol like "Orestis" beside what is now the Osum river. There was an Orestaei location (later Hadrianopolis) at Arda upon the Hebros river. How many coincidences can we allow before the reader admits I'm not stretching reality to something unreal?

The Tighs/Tease's may mean that Tassels/Teasels (same place as Quints) apply, and they share the crescents on a fesse of Craigs. Belgian Tassels are using the Alan fesse. The other Tease's are the Tess'/Tecks that trace to Annandale's from a Ticino area in southern Switzerland, and very suspect with Sion of Switzerland that will trace momentarily to the Apsus. As the Ticino (home of the Laevi) was also "Tessen," perhaps the Dasseratae/Dexaroi along the Devoll river apply. I've been tracing DEXARoi-like Deckers/Daggers/Decks to the Ticino, and then there are the Daggers/Dackers (suspect with Capes') sharing the red bull in the Savona Crest. Capes' were first found in the same place as Dess'/Dash's! The ultimate ancestry of Caiaphas is suspect from lake Sevan. English Josephs honor the red-bull Charo's (Ferrara) in their motto, and the red bull is used by Borgia's that are likely a branch from John de Burgo of Conteville and Comyn.

Aha! I had traced the "Prodesse" motto term of Chamberlains to the Dess', and here I recalled that Chamberlains use the same three gold-on-red scallops as Daggers/Dackers!!! It's clinched: Dess' and Chamberlains (same place as Quints, kin of Chad liners such as Chaddocks) trace to the Dasseratae. Reminder: Capes and Happs/Apps/Abs, suspect from the Apsus, both use white-on-red scallops.

Aha! There is a DAGGER (!) in the "dexter paw" of the lion in the Crest of Comyns, that being a surname linked to the Conteville's (they ruled Comyn) that merged with Devolls! The Comyns even use the motto, "Courage," a term like "Corragum" (in the Dexaroi theater).

The Dassaretae, or Dexaroi, were an ancient Greek tribe of Epirus living from Mount Amyron (Mount Tomorr) to Lake Lychnitis (Lake Ohrid) on the border with Illyria. They were the northern-most subtribe of the Chaonians...Their cities were Pellion, Antipatrea, Chrysondyon, Gertus (or Gerous) and Creonion.

By what coincidence do the Patria's/Petrie's use a coat like the Pulleys/Pullens while here we find Pellion??? The Pulleys share the pelican with Pelle's (same place as English Barrets now suspect with Berat = Antipatria), and the latter are suspect in the Arthur motto. It seems clinched that Pulleys/Pullens and even the Pulchers trace to Pellion. Can the Chaonians of Pellion trace to Caens? The latter share the fretty lattice of Cotta's/Cottards.

I kid you not, that I didn't get to reading the Berat article until the paragraph above was written. Look at this:

The name of the city in Albanian is Berat or Berati...It is believed to have been the site of an Ancient Macedonian stronghold, Antipatreia (..."city of Antipater") or Antipatrea in Latin, while during the early Byzantine Empire the name of the town was PULCHERiopolis (..."city of Pulcheria")

Well, what do you know. It looks like we have found both the root of Pulchers and of Caepio's, and it just so happens that Antipater was the name of the father of Herod "the great." From the 3rd update of last February, a term much like ANACletus: "Pulcheria, of the Byzantine imperials ruling both Rome and Constantinople. Pulcheria was a sister of Placidia (Valentinian family), who married emperor ANICius Olybrius [Anici family], himself tentatively suspect as a Levi liner of the Lieber / Leiber / Oliver kind." As Pulcheria was a Byzantine imperial of an early time, what about the Rangabe Byzantines who share a white flory cross with Boullier-like Bouillons? Does this trace Bouillons to Boius?

As there is a Creuse region of France beside the place where Bouillons were first found, this is a good place to mention that Annas-suspect Aeneas was placed in Epirus for a certain stint. As Aeneas' wife was Creusa, and as they were placed on the Hypsas river by the myth writer, the Dexaroi city of Chrysondyon looks like it could apply to "Creusa". This recalls a mythical Chrysippus that I found as part of the proto-Roman line of the Rimmon Benjamites. Wikipedia: "Chrysondyon was an ancient Greek city of the Dassaretae to the north of Mount Tomor in Chaonia...Kodrion figured in the wars between Macedon and Rome. It was in the general vicinity of Antipatreia and Gertous. The name could also be found as Codrio or Codrion in Latin." It reads as though Kodrium was Chrysondyon itself, begging the question of whether Creusa was a Keturah line. Aeneas is known to be from Dardania of Mysia, but there might easily have been Moesian Dardani around Kodrium, such as the Aeneas Dardanians, you see. Although there was a Dardani-Trojan peoples in Mysia, the Wikipedia writer has the dunce-ness of tracing "Dardania" to a pear, but then pears are used by Berat-like surnames such as Perots (lion), and as Perots are said to be of "Peter," it looks like Perots trace to Berat = Antipatria. This recalls the pear symbol of Pierleoni liners whom are also tracing to the Antipatria theater. The Perot lion is in the colors of the Patterson lion.

The CRISpins/Crepons, first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Pears/Pearls and pear-using Abbots ("patria" motto code!!), happen to use barry in the colors of the Barret barry. Abbots share the unicorn with Piers/Pierce's. French Crispons/Crepons are using the same bend as Pulleys/Pullens, and are said to be from a Parez location in Lorraine, where also BAR-le-Duc (fish) is located that is a Keturah line. This recalls that the Lorraine Crispons married the early Fulks of Anjou where it involved a Loges line. The same-colored barry is used by Barrys (Angus), while German Barrys use fish heads. Irish Barrys (double-fesse bars in the same colors) were first found in Cork, now tracing to Corragum, near the Genusus river that is suspect with Angus-related Guiness'. French Barrys are listed with talbot-using Barrets/Barrats that trace to the black talbot of Corragum-suspect Carricks. Mythical Perdix (Talus) was given a fish-jaw symbol.

Just realized: the Berrets/Barrats share a "bien" motto term with Carricks!

Just realized: the Kerrick Crest uses a "calTROP"!!! Bingo. Kerricks even use a "PARATus" motto term. Drops/Trope's are tracing to Berat with the Patterson drops. The Kerrick/Kerrage Coat uses a "galtrap" as an alternative code. I trace "paratus" to the Prut / Pyretus river of the Trypillians (shown as the Porata / Pareduis on the darker map's upper-right). There is a Parat/Pare surname (badgers), first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons.

Here's a quote with a Bouillon-like term:

If Berat be the site of Antipatria, it will follow that the Dassaretae possessed all the lower mountainous country lying between Koritza and Berat, beyond which latter the frontiers of the Dassaretae met those of the Taulantii Bylliones and Chaonians of Epirus...

I recall claiming that Keturah was a fundamental line, forward in time, to the Hyksos Hebrews that came to rule Egypt while fledgling Israel was living there, and I identified the Hyksos king, Khyan, with a Mus household tracing to Moesians / Mysians, but here we have Khyan-like Chaonians in Hebrew-suspect Epirus. The Molossians of Epirus can perhaps go to the moline cross of Chives' whom I see using a version of the Bing/Beng Coat. As Benjamites became suspect with the Bings/Bengs, and their "Teubor" motto is interesting for possibly tracing to mount "Tomor." "The [Tomor] mountain is located east of the towns of Berat and Poliçan..." There's a pelican-like term, though the city is said to be built recently. Still, Scottish Pattersons use the pelican, and we'd like to know what Polican was named after. Bings/Bengs/Binks were traced to Moesia's Pincum location at the mouth of the Pek.

BANTia can be deemed to be between Celetrum and Lyncestes / Lyncus (mythically, this was a Danaan-Aegyptus line), and then the proto-Alans of Alaunia (Normandy) had traced to Lyncestes. The English Alans then share oak leaves with the BANTs/Bans. Bantincidence? French Alans/Alengs (Normandy) are now showing footless martlets in the red-on-white colors of the same of Hips' (sphinx) suspect with "Hypsas." The Alan Chief uses the French-Julian stars. The Hips sphinx links to the same of Brocuffs while Stewarts use the Brock motto, and then both Brocks and Brocuffs use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters now tracing to Kodrium i.e. smack on the Osum branch of the Apsus. "Coincidence" after "coincidence," my only regret is that it took this long to make these important traces to the Apsus.

Its Osum-interesting that the Some surname is listed with the SWANS/Sions, traceable to Sevan elements. The Some/Swan talbot can trace to the Taulantii. As the Some's/Swans use the Macey chevron while once showing the gauntlet glove of Maceys, the Some's/Swans are MaccaBAEUS elements, but never before have I emphasized the Boius part of the Apsus. In fact, I don't recall seeing it. The Mallets happen to use scallops in the colors of the Aurelia scallops while Aurelia's were first found in Padua, beside the Boii of Bononia. Then, there is a Sone/Somes surname using..."mallets, I kid thee not.

The gauntlet gloves of Some's/Swans was changed to falconers gloves, and then the Sone/Somes Crest is "A falcon standing on a lure." No need to act so surprised. German Sommers use a Shield split in the two colors of the split Shield of Falcon-suspect Fulke's/Folks (same place as Hips'), and moreover Falcons share the crescents of Conte's who merged with Font de Villes/DEVOLLS (and Lafins/La Fonts) in forming Conteville's, and therefore that picture too, which was claimed to be a Caiaphas line, traces to the Apsus tributary, the Devoll. The Sone's/Somes' (same place as Hips') can be gleaned as using a colors-reversed version of the Clare / Burg chevrons (the Burgs no longer show them, but they traced without doubt to John de Burgo, father of Conteville's).

Let's go back to Chamberlains (kin of Duncans / Donkeys) now tracing to the Dexaroi. It recalls the trace of Chamberlains to Chambre (Arc river), for Chambre's share the red rose on a stem with Avezzano's, suspect with Avis'/Avisons honored in the Kennedy motto, "Avise la fin" i.e. part-code for Lafins/La Fonts (first found in the same place as Irish Kennedys and using the Conte lion). The Comyns share the Joseph garbs, in the gold color of the Chamberlain / Dagger garbs.

It's Apsus-important that Josephs and Chaplins/Caplins were first found in the same place as Drake's, for the latter trace to the Drago = Hypsas river while Chaplins trace to the Apsus. It's also important that an online article tells that the Josephs of Hampshire develop from a Henry Joseph or Joseph Henry (I can't recall which) of Hampshire while Henrys share the Hypsas martlets. These martlets are the symbol of Charles Martel the hammer / mallet, and used by French Josephs.

The Maccabees are therefore tracing to Boius. I can't believe that this has evaded me for this long. The fault lies in the fact that "Boius" is printed in a vertical direction (i.e. hard to see). My files indicate that "Boius" was mentioned only in the 7th and 8th updates of November, 2010. I said: "Checking the Wikipedia article, I find that the Boii were also the 'Boius,' smacking of 'MaccaBaeus.'"

So, now, I have very good indication that Caiaphas was a son of the Julian line and tracing to families on the Apsus. I take it that these families were of his ancestry. The fact that Some's/Swans are also Sions is telling enough, and the Sitten variation of Switzerland's Sion may be from Sation, on the darker map smack at the southern end of lake Lychnidus, the general location also of Bantia. I had reason to suspect that proto-Alans had been with Trypillians at Forum Allieni = proto-Ferrara (beside Bononia), and here I can see how that worked. They came from the Lyncestes area and along the Apsus, and they were merged with Bantia elements suspect with the old Abanti(ans) of Boius-like Euboea, beside Boiotia and Athens. There was a cultic Abaeus entity at the Boiotia theater. Hence, these same Kodros-suspect elements can trace from Kodrium and Boius to Kotor and Butua a little up the Adriatic coast.

It just so happens that English Satins/Suttons (blue lion with wings) are said to be from Sutton Montague of SOMErset (where Tailers were first found), and Scottish Satins are listed with Seatons/Sittens. The latter use a dragon in the green color of the Satin/Sutton lion, but this lion has two tails, as does the lion that is the Arms of Bohemia. Satins/Suttons use their lion in colors reversed to the GUINESS lion, and then Sation is smack at the source of what looks like the GENUSus river! That works. Seatons/Sittens use the crescents in colors reversed to the same of German Julians.

One question is, when and how were proto-Alans of the Apsus linked with the Cotta / Julian line? How close were they? Probably as close as the Roxolani Alans lived to the Cotesii. The other question is whether the namers of the Apsus also named the Cavii, for the lynx of Lyncestes is used by elements from Penestae in the Cavii theater.

With Crispins of Lorraine tracing to Chrysondyon, the Sutton lion can link to the same-colored one of Lorraine's, the latter first found in the same place as Greys suspect with "gris," a term like "Cris." Suttons (same motto as paw-liner Manners/Maness') and Berrats/Barrats share a "pour" motto term suspect with paw-liner Poors / Powers. There is a French Gris surname (same lion as paw-liner Poole's) that looks linkable to the Aurelia Coat, and sharing an upright lion on a blue Shield with the Creuse's (lion paw in Crest). Gris' even share a white star with Aeneas-suspect Annas'.

German Gris'/Griims were first found in the same place as Trips and Grim-suspect Krume's, important where proto-Roman Benjamites (i.e. expected with mythical Creusa) traced to the Rimna area of the Siret/Agarus river, home of Trypillians. The latter peoples had an hourGLASS goddess that was somewhat traceable to the Glass surname (though I neglected that trace even though Houstons of GLASgow use an hourglass), and it just so happens that the Glass / Kyle / Gleason star colors are used by the giant star of German Gris'/Griims. GRIMaldi's were at Monaco, and the French Gris' look like they use two symbols of the Monaco surname (fesse in the colors of the Crispin bend), though the latter uses the stars as hexagrams, in the same colors as the HAGAR hexagram, suggesting a Gris trace to the AGARus river. The Monaco's even show the same lion as Creuse's. Monaco liners traced to Monks, first found in the same place (Devon) as the BUStards honored in the bustards of TRAPs. Compare the five-pointed, giant star of Gris'/Griims to the five-peddled, giant cinquefoil of Bus'. According to Wikipedia, Trypillians would burn their houses down routinely, apparently as a religious custom, and then Monaco's use flames.

Grimaldi's share the lozenges of Cocks and Cochs while "Coch" is a variation of the Corks/Core's, which can trace Grimaldi's (or should I say Creusa liners) to Corragum. If Creusa was a Keturah line expected at Chrysondyon = Kodrium, let's recall the Shield filled with lozenges of Eschol-suspect Schole's, for Grimaldi's and Cocks use Shields filled with lozengy. Eschol was home to the Biblical Anaki suspect with "Aeneas / Annas," and so let's also mention the giant star of Annas/Arness' now tracing to Arnissa, near Corragum. The Annas star is colors reversed to the giant star of Gris'/Griims. To my great surprise, Grimaldi's had traced well (but with difficulty, not simplicity) to Maccabee liners.

Creusa was suspect as a Hros line to the Rus, which can explain the roses of the Chris/Christ surname. It just so happens that the Chriss/Christ Shield is split horizontally in colors reversed from the same of Decks/Daggers i.e. while Chrysondyon was a city of the Dexaroi! The Chriss/Christ Coat is a good reflection of the Hips Coat while Agrigento upon the Hypsas was home to mythical Creusa prior to her part in forming the Romans.

The KIST variation of Chriss'/Christs is a term found in Moldova. The surname uses roses in two colors schemes, as does the Caesar surname that can trace to the Cass'/Cash's and related Cuss'/KISS' (shares the red rooster with Cocks). Cocks became suspect with Cogaeonus at the upper Agarus river, and I view Gogi colors as the white on blue ones of Hagars. Wasn't this Gog and Rosh in Scythia? The Roxolani Rus were neighbors to the Cotesii on a BUZau river, right beside Rimna. But as Roxolani were partially Alan Huns, might Roxolani trace to the proto-Alan surname in Lyncestes? The Gris' suspect with a version of the Aurelia Coat were first found in the same place (Brittany) as Alans, and the line of Aurelia Cotta was traced to COTentin (Manche), location of Alauna. In Caucasia, Alania was at an Ardon river. The Alan Huns are known to have been in La Mancha of Spain in centuries before the Alans of Brittany were known of. Much of Spanish heraldry is expected from the Alans of Spain.

My search feature is unable to find the lynx in an Arms that proved (for me) the trace of Alauna to Lyncestes. But I did just find a page never published with some treatment on Camallen, a real place on an Allan river in the Sterling theater, where Chappes'/Chaips were first found that share wheat with the Cottius-suspect Wessels (swans, same garbs as Josephs). I had said in this page that "Ardoch (Roman fort) on that river has the local alternative, 'Alauna.' This is evocative of the Arduinici that I later traced to Alauna of Normandy. I can't understand why a search for "lynx" does not bring the Arms in question up. I don't recall what city used the lynx. My search feature sometimes becomes corrupted. Searching "Alauna" at this time does not get the Alauna investigation whatsoever, which was before the 3rd update of last February. I've scrolled back through the updates and still can't find any mention of Alauna.

With the Genusus river flowing along the CANDavii mountains, the trace of Genetes which I made to the Ghents / Gaunts comes to mind, especially as John of Gaunt/Ghent was a leader of the rose-using Lancastrians whose Arthurian elements are now tracing to Bantia. The Ghents share three gold eagles in a black Chief with Side's/Sudys (Fife, beside Perth and Angus) that can be clinched as a branch of Satins/Seatons/Sittens by simply noting the motto of the Sutys/Suddys (Perthshire). Therefore, as Sation is near the source of the Genusus, and at the southern end of the Candavii mountains, the Belgian Gaunts / Ghents are tracing to this area. Dutch Ghents share the wavy fesse bar with Sutys (different colors).

The Satins/Suttons use a lion in colors reversed, not only of the Guiness' of the Genusus river, but of the Morgans that are part of mythical Morgan le Fay. The Veys/Vivians are using the Fife Coat, you see, so that Morgan le Fay now connects to Sation elements. The "Nothing" motto term of Sutys can be for the Nothing/Northen surname (shares fire-breathing green dragon with Seatons) that share a white-on-blue chevron with Some's/Swans/Sions, and while Sion is not far upstream from lake Geneva, Morgan le Fay was traced (years ago) to Morges on the northern shore of lake Geneva, a term that can trace to the namers of the Genusus. The Seaton-related Says were traced to Seyssel at the western end of lake Geneva, near Annas-like Annecy.

Nothings are suspect with Nottings, and then the Bugs (share water bouget with Rose's), first found in Nottinghamshire, trace to the Bug river, home of Trypillians and of the Neuri, suggesting that the Northen variation is a Neuri line. This is a great way to trace Roxolani to the Rose surname and perhaps also to the namers of neighboring Ross-shire. The latter became suspect with Varangian Rus of Kiev, but then the Budini and a Trypillia location were to the near-south of Kiev.

The martlet design of Nothings/Northens is used by Rutherfords (and Finks), whose orle goes to Aurelia Cotta and therefore to the Cottians from the Cotesii, beside the Roxolani that trace to Roxburghshire, where Rutherfords were first found. The Cotesii are marked beside the SENsi that I traced to "Sion." The Cottians were themselves not far from Geneva. The Sutys are using the same lion as the Conte's and Lafins/La Fonts now tracing with Font de Ville's/Devolls to the Devoll tributary of the Apsus (see the lighter map for a true(r) view of this river), roughly the location of Sation. The Lafins are honored in the "la fin" motto phrase of Genetes-suspect Kennedys.

The Dutch Ghents come up also as "Gentle." But there are five gentle surnames altogether. German Gentle's/Gentile's (Louvain lion?) use quarters in colors reversed to the Petty quarters, while Scottish Pettys use parrots now traceable to Berat = Antipatria. Pettys use an "Ut" motto term suspect with Uts (Biblical spelling), the first-born son of Nahor. Buz was his second son, suspect with the Buzau river. The German Gentle's (Bavaria) are using the stars of Bauers (Bavaria), and then the design of the Bauer wings, which appears to place an iron fist between the wings, is used upside-down by Geneva's/Genova's.

English Gentle's/Gentile's/Gentrys look like they use a version of the Chriss/Christ Coat, important where i traced both Ghents and "Aeneas" to "Heneti." I had found, but could not re-find, an article telling that a term like "Annette" was wife to mythical Aeneas (with a 'u'). I was convinced, therefore, that Heneti was at Aenus (mouth of the Hebros), and besides, before realizing that Aphrodite was a Heneti entity, I had traced her to the Hebros river. English Gentle's/Gentile's/Gentrys were first found in the same place as wyvern-using Drake's while French Gentle's are said to use a wyvern. Drake's are important here because they trace with Chriss'/Christs to the Hypsas river. English Gentle's/Gentile's/Gentrys use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of AgriGENTo in colors reversed. The Anchor/ANNACKer Coat traces to those Arms.

It can hereby appear as though Acragas, which can trace to "Corragum," was changed to "Agrigento" as play on the Genetes liners that I see at Candavii / Genusus. Let's not forget Kerax smack at the lakeside foothills of the Candavii range. That Lychnitis lake is suspect with proto-Sadducees, and then the footless martlets of Saddocks are in Cork / Craig colors. The Saddock "escutcheon" (part-code for the Skits / Skeets' / Schuts' (shares the black greyhound with Licks) is in the colors of the Kerrick/Kerrage pile, and then Celts/Colts can relate to the pile wherefore the CALTrop can be a double code, one for Drops/Trope's at Tropoje, and one for Celt liners. As the other Tropoje is near Decani, it's notable that Kerricks were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Deacons.

Saddocks/Sedgwicks can even trace to "Sation" off the southern shores of the same swan-suspect lake, wherefore it's notable that the Side/Sudy Coat is one lion in the colors of the Joseph swan and martlet. But wait, as the map that has Sation is distorted, let's reconsider. Sation is marked between the lake and the source of the Genusus river, but, on thelighter map, the Genusus does not reach the southern shores of the lake, wherefore Sation must have been more toward Kerax. That makes good sense of a Kerrick link to Saddocks/Sedgwicks. And then the related Chaddocks / Chadwicks link with Chamberlains to Chads (= the known ancestry of the DunKELD royals) whom share the potent cross of Skits and Skeets'.

The Daggers/Dackers, in using the same red bull as Savona's, allows one to trace to the Sviones Scandinavians because they lived beside the Sitones. If not mistaken, some say that Candy elements were fundamental with "SCANDinavia," meaning that Scandinavians can trace to the Candavii mountains while Sitones can trace to Sation's namers. Here's an online quote from Google books: "Sation, a town of the Dassaretse, in Illyria, on Lychnitis palus..." Here's another: "The towns of Enchelanae, Cerax, Sation, and Boii, stood on the Enchelanae. shores of..." On the darker map, Enchelanae is shown between Kerax and Sation. Might the proto-Anglos have named Enchelanae? And then there is this to show that Sation was probably not on the southern shore: "Enchelariae, Cerax, Sation, and Boii (Polyb. l. c.). These four towns were, it has been inferred, on its W. shore..."

The Comyns call them, "garbs of wheat," and then Wheats/Wetts, suspect with swan-using Wessels, use gold garbs in their Chief too, and were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Comyns. The Wheats are using a dancette in the colors of the Joseph chevrons, yet the latter's are suspect with the double green chevrons of English Burghs (same place as Josephs), a potential / likely line from John de Burgo of Comyn. This is a good place to say that English Burghs share annulets with the squirrel-using Dutch Dykes that trace obviously to squirrel-using Decks/Daggers...meaning that Dexaroi can thus be traced to Holland.

The Genters/Gaunters/Gunters, first found in the same place (Powys) as Commins Coch of the Comyn write-up, use GAUNTlet gloves in Cork/Coch / Craig colors. The Corks use tails, of the Tailer lions, remember, so as to suggest a Taulantii link to Corragum / Kerax. The following quote tells of the Taulantii neighbors of the Dexaroi, but let's add that the DEXTER paw of Comyns is suspect with Dexaroi elements (i.e. the Dexter/Deckster surname is from the Dexaroi) just because the paw holds a dagger:

...the statement in Polybius (v. 108) who in addition to the towns on the lake of Lychnitis represents the Phoebatae, Pissantini, Calicoeni, and Pirustae all as tribes of Dassaretia. (Leake, Trav. in North Greece, vol. iii. pp. 325, foll.) The Phoebatae chiefly inhabited the valley of the Uzumi, and the Pissantini that of the Devol. The Pirustae would seem to have been on the N. frontier of Dassaretia, as they joined the Taulantii and some other more northerly Illyrians to assist the Romans in the reduction of Gentius. (Liv. xlv. 26). They probably occupied an intermediate tract between the Pissantini on the lower part of the Devol and the S. extremity of the lake Lychnitis, in which case there is only the plain of Korytza to the left of the Eordaicus for the situation of the Calicoeni.

I recall writing several times on the symbol of the Presleys/Priestlys, remarking that it was the same symbol as the caltrop of Kerricks, and here we find Priestly-like Pirustae roughly at, or even upon, the Genusus river, location of Arnissa. The Priestlys call their symbol a "grappling iron" at this time (it was once a "grappling hook"), and they have changed the design from what was the Kerrick symbol. I counted the Presleys as Abruzzo liners because they use two symbols of the Abreu's/Abruzzo's, but as I traced "Abruzzo/Aprutium" to "EPIRUS," note "PIRUStae." The red cockatrice of the Presley Crest traces with Drake's to Agrigento, home of Aeneas, son of Aphrodite, the origin of Aprutium.

It therefore appears that we have nailed the Aeneas line of Epirus as the Pirustae, the namers of Epirus, albeit this is in general terms. We want to know what peoples exactly he was code for that were out of Epirus. The Priestlys are in Annas (and Cock / Coch) colors, and Annas was a priest. The CockaTRICE must be part code for the Trice/TRIST surname ("TREPidum" motto code for Tropoje elements) sharing the white-on-red star of Annas'/Arniss'. The center of the Trice/Tryss Coat is a large rose in the colors of the large Annas/Arniss star, and that rose is used in the same colors by Creusa-suspect Chriss'/Christs. No coincidences. It looks like Aeneas traces to an Arnissa merger with Chrysondyon = Kodrium. As the Keturah line to Kodrium must go back to Hebron, it's no coincidence that the Hebron surname (a rose in the colors of the Chriss/Christ rose) uses "Keep TRYST" as the motto. The Trice/Trist Coat is a near replica of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coats, but stops short of using eight border symbols, using only seven.

As Kodrium is tracing to fish-depicted Kodros, note the Trice Crest: "A falcon holding in its mouth a fish." The Trice's even use a canton but call it a "square," though the houseofnames page doesn't show it: "Red a silver rose surrounded by seven silver stars and at top left an ermine square." The Square's are the Squirrels honored by Daggers. Perfect for tracing Trice's to Dexaroi.

We read above that the Pissantini lived on the Devoll river closest to the Apsus, interesting where APSus is like PISS, though this is not a conclusive link at all. But mythical Chrysippus (symbol of queer cult, hooked up with the Cadmus line to Boiotia) was a son of Pelops or Pelops' wife, Hippodamia (I can't recall which and am too tired to check), the point being that Pelops was a Pisidian line while Hippodamia was the princess / queen of Grecian PISA. Pelops' wife sounds like the Epidamnus location to the north side of the mouth of the Genusus. Pelops was a ruler in (H)Eneti, and therefore he was linked to the Heneti that lived on the Parthenius river, and then Epidamnus is right beside the Parthini. The latter peoples are able to trace Aphrodite lovers to the Arnissa location on the Genusus, the latter being a term like "Venus," the cult that Romans identified with Aphrodite. Actually, Virgil made his Aeneas character the son of Venus, and so there you have it fullproof.

One of the chief suspects to the priests of Israel is Lychnidus, the town. IN the article above: "...Lychnidus, which was the principal town of the Dassaretae..." It had been my claim that Dexters would be a 666 bloodline along with the Arms of Trabys and the Kilpatrick Crest, the latter having the Levi lion using its "dexter [right] paw" on the head of a green dragon (can trace to Sation with Sutys), and here I find the Dexaroi at the Tropoje theater, while Kilpatricks use blood drops as code for that location. And the 666 bloodline was predicted to be from the priests of Israel because that became logic to me, and here we are. Whose black lion is it that is the black lion paw of Quints?

The Crispons use pomeGRANates that I traced to the Greek crane goddess, something like "Geranus," I can't recall the spelling. But as Crispins are now suspect with Creusa liners at Chrysondyon, see here: "The Dassaretae had several towns besides Lychnidus. GERUNium [caps mine] and Atipatria [where the Kilpatrick name traces] were in Phoebatis both on the Uzumi; to the E. of these on the Devol may be placed Orgessus which was a town of the Pissantini..." The Picentini of the Naples area? Pisidians were in Posidonia of that theater. "Orgessus" reminds me of the "organ pipes" of Letts. The Uzumi reminds me of Biblical Uz, otherwise "Uts," son of Nahor, especially as "im" is the Hebrew suffix so as to render "Uzumi" as possibly rooted in "Uz." We can expect Nahor elements where the lines of his brother trace, and even Peleg, son of Eber, and ancestor both of mythical Aphrodite and the historical Abraham and Nahor, looks to be in "Pelagonia." Reminder: PULCHERiopolis (suspect with Pelagonia liners) was the city of Antipatria. If this is the Atipatria in the quote above, then I'm noting that both my maps have it on the Apsus. However, the modern-day upper Apsus is called the Asom, a term likely from "Uzumi." In this picture, the Some/Swan/Sion and Sone/Somes surnames traces tentatively to Uz.

There was another Gerunium in southern Italy, found on the same day that neighboring Larino/Larinus was found that expected a trace to Clarens/Larens. The latter were linked earlier in this update to Lychnidus elements (the Lick liners), and a little later, Clarens/Larens were linked to Leuvens/Lauerfingens/Lauffens. The Gerunium of the Devoll river needs to be near Sation / Kerax, and so let's repeat that Clarens/Larens ("Creag" motto term) were first found beside the Carricks. The Clarens/Laren motto claims to trace to a boar, but that was a second symbol of mythical Kodros. One of Kodros' son was said to be the founder of Ephesus, very near Clarus, and then Leto of Clarus is tracing from the Letushite descendants of Keturah to the organ-using Letts.

The Abantians in the Penestae Line to Opgalli

Of some interest where Leto's son, Apollo, is in Revelation 9, where he owns an ABYSS, and is called ABADDON, is that these terms reflect "PISSANtini." Consider the ABANTi(ans), if they trace to Bantia, not far from the Pissantini of the Devoll (there may have been other Pissantini in Bantia). Myth tells that Abantians were led by mythical ABAS. He looks like the abysmal one in this picture. Bantia and the related Boius (also called "Boii") are very traceable to Abantians of Euboea. If only we can find a locust entity in this picture, or men with hair like women. Abantians were suspect with Benjamites because "Abas" is like "Jabesh." The Benjamin surname uses annuLETs. Benjamites and Jabesh-ites must always trace to Aeneas. Abas is hereby suspect as proto-Jupiter.

This argument doesn't obliterate the old trace of "Abaddon" suggestively to Abydos in Mysia, which is beside Dardanus, the people-group to which the Aeneas entity belonged.

At the top of a map of ancient Lucania, there is a Bantia location next to Venusia, another potential Venus > Aeneas settlement. Note POTENTia to the south of these locations. Downstream on the Bradanus from Bantia, see Genusia.

Besants are said to be Byzantine coins, but I don't view this as the primary origin of the besant bloodline. It's likely that Byzantines got mixed up with the Bassianus line. This paragraph plays to that theme, where the Bullis / Byllis location in Chaonia (south of the Apsus) prompted a look at the Bullis surname. The English branch is also "Buliard," and is in Bouillon colors while the white Bouillon flory cross is used by Byzantine Rangabe's (see Michael I Rangabe). The Bullis/Biliard Coat uses red roundels that it calls "red coins," and inside the coins are the Annas / Vere star. Fortunately, I found this surname using "Bullis," for it was first found in the same place as Blois', and is in the same colors. Therefore, Blois traces to Bullis elements, and may even go to the Benedict boilers. Bullis is quite near to Arnissa, suggesting that the Bullis/Buliard stars can trace the surname to Bullis.

German Bullis/Bullingers use a "ploughSHARE," which recalls the plough of Verys/Fairys, and the Plow/Plough surname using the fleur-de-lys of Buschs and the colors of Bulls' and Coyne's/Coins/Coens/Cohens (besant). Busca is in CUNeo, a term like "Chaonia," and like "Coin." This recalls the Cal(l)iCOENI at the upper Apsus = Uzumi. Caens were from Caen in the Bessin. "Coeni" can be from the Hebrew word for priest, "cohen." The Share's/Sheers (Carrick colors) are sharing the Carrick talbot, suggesting that Carrick / Kerrick liners softened to Sare / Sere terms. The Share talbot head is identical to the one of Barrets/Barrats (share "bien" with Carricks), a surname from Antipatria (beside Bullis) and using "deSIRE" in their motto in honor of the line that uses the Shire variation of Share's. German Share's/Schore's use a version of the Bosco symbol. This is the Scherf bloodline. Bosco's (in Busch / Bosch colors) are also "Boist," suggesting a trace to the Boius on the Apsus.

If the Pissantini were Pisidians of the Atlantean kind, then I'll repeat an old theory, that while Plato, the founder of Atlantean Poseidon, gave Atlas (Poseidon's first son) a twin brother, Eumulus, I traced the term to Kemuel, third-listed son of Nahor. If the Uzumi was named after the Uz-branch Nahorites, Kemuel elements can trace to the same area. The Sation elements of Sutys already traced to Nahorites of the Nothing/Northen kind. This all has to do with the Campbells/CAMMELs, in the colors of the Camps that I suspected with the Capone's and the Talants, the latter suspect with "Taulantii." The Campbells/Cammells use so-called "gyronny," like "Gerunium." The gyronny traces without doubt to Gironde, for it's used in its Arms, and John of GAUNT was stationed at / beside Gironde, but definitely was involved with neighboring CANDale. The Kyle candles might apply to Candale, and then Carricks were first found in the same place as Kyle, the home of Kyle's who claim to trace to king Cole of CAMMULOdunum. I can't make all of these coincidences up out of thin air.

The non-conclusive trace of Fabers to Phaebatae, if correct, would trace Fabers to the Uzumi river. The English Fabers use a Shield like the Saddocks and Chaddocks, but with besants around the border. Possibly, "besant" traces to "Pissantini." One Besant surname uses a lion in colors reversed to the Devoll lion, and then Pissantini were on the Devoll. But if Besants trace to these peoples, then I would expect them at the root of the Bassus > Bassianus bloodline. Note that Tankerville's (same place as Lucy Taillebois), said to be from TanerDEVILLA (Devoll liner?), use cinquefoils in colors reversed from the Bus and HAMILton cinquefoil (Hamiltons are suspect from "Kemuel"). The Tankerville Coat is a good reflection of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coats, and is therefore linkable to the Faber Coat. The French Deville's are listed with Devolls.

English Deville's were first found in the same place as Saddocks, and use more besants, not to mention a lion suspect as the Abraham lion. They also use a pale bar while Pale's/Pailie's use a CAMEL and lions in the colors of the Deville lion. It's a little rare for houseofnames to put fork-tailed lions in a Coat, for they are usually found in Crests, but both the Deville's and Pale's show fork-tailed lions. Tailers use the pale bar too. I trace the fork code to Forkers/Farquhars, first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Kyle, Carricks, and CUNNinghams ("fork" motto term), the latter perhaps a line of Chaonians. Previously, I traced Cunninghams to Caens/Canns who share five white ostrich feathers in Crest with the Arms of Traby, but these feathers are also in the Scamp/Scope/Scrope Crest (see Clairs too). The latter surname uses a bend in colors reversed from the Pale bend, but even if that's not a correct link, the Scamps were just looked up for the first time as per the Scampa location upon the Genusus river. Possibly, Scampa's were Camp liners, for both Camps and Scamps were first found in Yorkshire.

German Camps use nothing but a dancette, a Carrick symbol. The Dance surname was first found in Piedmont, location of Cuneo, and of a Tanaro river having source waters in Cuneo to which TANERdevilla may trace.

In all likeliness, Nahorites of the Neuri kind (Bug river) were Trypillians. The Treff variation of Trips caused me to trace the trefoil to Trip liners, but I found the treFOIL to be a symbol of Fellers and other RoqueFEUIL liners whom I trace to the Roxolani, whom in turn have been suspect for years in a relationship with the Neuri. The TROWells can be a TREFF line because they use trefoils, six of them, in the colors of the Trip crosslets. But as Trowells come up as "Trill," while I was using that term in seeking the namers of the DRILon river, perhaps the Trills can apply to it. Trills/Trowels were first found in the same place (Nottinghamshire) as the Bug-river suspects, the Bugs. When things get this boring, the trill is gone.

The water BOUGUETs of the Bugs trace primarily with little doubt to English BUCKETS/Bouchards (piles in the colors of the Guiscard piles), first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as cinquefoil-using Tankerville's. French Buckets/Boquets use cinquefoils. Tankerville's are a branch of Tancreds and the latter were ancestral to Guiscards. The Tancred-related Hauteville's are represented by Hawthorns using cinquefoils in colors reversed to the Bus / Hamilton / Tanekerville cinquefoil. Hawthorns use a "tree" while Tree's are also TROWs.

I didn't know until loading an article quoted from above that Penestae was the name of a peoples:

Penestae a people of Illyricum, who appear [p. 574] to have--possessed a large tract of mountainous country 10 [sic] the N. of the Dassaretae, and extending to the E. as far as the frontier of Macedonia, while on the W. and NW. it almost reached to the Labeates and the dominions of Gentius. (Liv. xliii. 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, xliv. 11.) The principal city of this warlike tribe was Uscana; besides which they had the two fortresses of Draudacum and Oaeneum.

The last term looks linkable to mythical Oeneus or Oenomaus (father of Hippodamia of Pisa), a line that I claim to be that of Juno, wife of Jupiter, and from the Biblical Jonathan, the pagan Levite of Laish. It's feasible for Oaeneum to have been an Aeneas entity. The Etruscans shared the Juno entity (which I identify with the Oeneus = Una river) but called it, Ina, wife of their chief god, Tinia. He can be suspect from the ATINtanes peoples, on the lighter map to the near-west of Bullis.

Abantia, postea Amantia, a town of the Atintanes, Illyria, on Polyanthes fl. 30 m. s.E. from Apollonian ; built by the Euboean Abantes, on their way home from Troy. Near Nivitza,

That gets the Abantians ever so close to Bantia, so why doesn't the piece above mention that too? It offers another quote: "Abantes, a people who from Thrace settled at various periods in Phods, Ionia, Chios^ Thesprotia, and Euboea." Thesprotia is in Epirus, location of the Atintanes, but this recalls that the family of Seleucus I, the Old-Testament symbol / ancestor / type of the end-time anti-Christ, was joined in some way, according to an article I came across, with Thesprotians.

On the same page:

Amantia, Illyria, i. q. Abantia.

Amantini (Amantes), a people of Pannonia Inferior, e. of the Boii...

...Bantia...on Genusus fl., bet[ween]. Cerax and Debonuu

Things are starting to shape up with the Boii proper of Pannonia (= proto-Bohemians) tracing to Euboea with little doubt, but likely also to neighboring Boiotians. This had only been theoretical in my mind until now. And there you have Bantia on the same river as Arnissa, thereby linking Aeneas to Bantia, the same as saying that Aeneas links to Jabeshites and Benjamites. The page also has an Avalon term as an alternative of an Aballo entity of the Mandubii of Lugdunensis, a possible branch of the Amantini = Abantians. I didn't know until now that Abantians also went by Amanti terms. What about Amyntes, son of Brogitarus? Amantia is on the darker map.

I can now trace the Penestae peoples to the Salto river, exactly where I traced the Pendragon fleur-de-lys (because I trace them to the lys of Sale's/Salette's). You just read that the Penestae had the principle city of Uscana, and then the Osci / Oscan language belonged to the area smack around the Salto river. Wikipedia places the Oscans between the Romans and Samnites, and says that Samnites themselves spoke Oscan. Everyone tends to agree that Samnites were a tribe of Sabines, from mount Sabina smack beside the Salto river. The geographical extent of Samnites had reached as far south as Bantia / Venusia. Wikipedia's article on the Osci doesn't truly convince me that they were the Ausones or the Aurunci.

Uscana (in Illyria) of the Penestae was also, Hyscana. Wikipedia says nothing more on this in its Uscana article. It's a big secret, apparently. Perhaps the place named Tuscany, with the Atintanes naming the chief Etruscan god. The Oaeneum entity of the Penestae then became Ina. Was this the mythical line of Dascylus > Gyges? Dascylus, if I recall correctly, was a real location at the Dardanus theater. Was Draudacum, the Penestae fortress, a Dardanus term? There is an Osk/Usk surname using bat wings, possibly from Batia, mother of the Trojans. Batia (short for Abantians?) married mythical Dardanus! However, I didn't yet see the bat wings of the Osks when writing the above on a Dardanus possibility. And I felt the Spirit of God upon loading the Osks (Pendragon colors), as if He was saying, "you got it." However, this is not to say that I'm convinced of a Dardanus equation with "Draud." Osks were first found in Monmouthshire, where an eager-beaver Arthurian myth writer lived.

The Osks/Usks became suspect a few months ago with Donald Tusk, the new EU "king."

The Wings use a Shield filled with billets, which may trace to Byllus / Bullis, beside the Atintanes, and also beside Amantia. The Minute's/Mynetts, suspect with Amyntes, share the Pendragon helmet! And Amyntes was father to Arthur-suspect Artemidoros (Artems/Aitons were first found in the same place as Arthurs). This effectively traces the Brogitarus "Galatians" line to Oscans of the Salto river. That suggests that "Broge" is a Bruce/Brusi line from "Abrussi/Abruzzo."

If we ask whether Oscans can trace to the Euskals, called Basques by others, perhaps we should ask the Baskets, who use a version of the Pender Coat (share gold lions in Crest). Penders are using white-on-blue lions, colors reversed from the Bruce lion, and in the colors of the Poole lion, from Poole of Dorset. The Baskets are said to be from Basques, but first found on the Isle of Wight and neighboring Dorset, prime fodder for the Quintus-Caepio line to which the Brogitarus Galatians traced. They were a Trocmi peoples from Toulouse, where Quintus stole 50,000 gold bars (15 pounds each, reportedly), and some silver ones too. That's a lot of gold, 750,000 pounds = 12 million ounces = 12 billion dollars at $1,000 per ounce. With a world population as large as it is today, that's chump change, but the world was many times smaller in 100 BC. It was enough gold to put the owner over the top in conquering Europe, even as Julius Caesar did, shortly after Caepio. Gold nets gold when in the hands of wicked, selfish creatures.

I know that the Spirit had led me purposely to Avezzano of the Salto / Turano theater, last winter. That theater links to a Nera river to Terni, a location at the end of the Turano river, which itself meets the Salto at Rieti, where the Vespasian line originated as it climbed the Roman throne after Nero had owned it. The Nero surname happens to share vair fur with Irish Penders/Pendergrass' and Quints, and Wights. Nero's are said to be from the Tuscan city of Lucca.

BASKETs/Basquette's are in the colors of the silver billets of Besancons/BASSETs (Forez, Mont Pilate), suggesting that Bassets and Bissets (bend like that of Botters of Lucca) are Basket = Basque liners, from Uscana. They are all in Pender colors. The Billets/Billiards/Billiez' (same place as French Josephs), use the same chevron as Penders and Baskets, and can trace to Byllus. It seems that Penders are basically a Penestae line fashioned after the variations of PENDragons. But the Billets have the look of Pen-like Payens while the Penestae were beside the Paeoni, and while Payens were first found in Dauphine, the Forez theater. It looks like the first grand master of the Templars was a Penestae element that married the Caiaphas line from somewhere in the Penestae / Apsus theater. The only thing I haven't yet found is the umbilical cord of his mother.

The English Bassets (Morgannwg, Wales) share the uniCORN-head design of OSCars. No guff. The UNIcorn became partly suspect with the Una-river liners, which happen to be in play at the moment with Ina, and partly for elements of Cornwall, where Pendragons were first found who honor the Tippers sharing the dolphin with the Arms of Dauphine. The June's happen to use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Pendragons, and June's are expected to be from one or the other Junia Caepionis. Therefore, we follow the tracks of the Pen Dragon to Artemidoros, and ask whom his unknown son / daughter was that gave birth to Mr. Severus. Someone must have covered this person up because he / she was the parent of Joseph Caiaphas. It must have been someone from the line of a Junia Caepio. June's were first found in the same place as Capone's, and Yonge's that honor June's in their motto were first found in the same place as Quints. The dragon cult needs to cough up what it is covering up.

The unicorn is used by Rasmussens/Assmans that can trace to Akmonia, home of Mr. Julius Severus and likely his unknown parent(s) too. Julius Caesar was busy defending Asia Minor from the eastern enemy, and he would have given gifts to the local Asian rulers to rule on his behalf. If one of the Junia's was his daughter (June's were first found in the same place as Julians), he would have used her to shore up an important realm, and as the Artemidoros line was likely privy to / involved with the Caepio treasure, perhaps he married Junia to ArtemiDORos with the aim of making the gold secure his Roman realm as far away as Israel and Edom. Augustus carried on what Julius had started, and Julius Severus' son was himself named Julius. The latter's Bassus surname has a Basset ring to it, and the Baskets are using what could be a version of the Macey Coat. Penders, using the same chevron, were first found in the same place as Maceys. One could entertain the Basques from this Bassus bloodline.

The Bassus line produced Quadratus Bassus, and then Quade-suspect AIDe's, loved by Levi's and first found in the same place as Artems/AITons, share the gold leopard with Baskets, albeit the Aide's use a leopard face, and it's reflective of the gold lion head of the Penders. We are right on the threshold of the bedroom door of Caiaphas' mother, and we need only knock and ask who's in there. Knock knock. Who's there? Fort. Fort who? Fort Knox.

The Knock/Knox surname shares a falcon facing left with the five SAFFER falcons, both on red Shields, and these five are suspect with Julius SEVERUS while the number five is suspect with Quintus Caepio. Until now, I've been wrongly calling the Safer birds, eagles. Both surnames call them falcons. It recalls the Some/Swan/Sion chevrons, in the colors of the Basket / Pender chevron, now using falconers gloves. Falcons were first found in Languedoc, where one could expect Basques. The Knock-Crest falcon is used by English Falcons.

I had come to the conclusion, years ago, that the Forts are using the blue-and-red colors of Gascony, which place was named by Basques. These are the double colors used on the Oscar chevron, the Oscars that share the Basset unicorn. The Fort motto was traced to the Pollock motto, and Pollocks were first found in the same place as Knocks/Knox's. Fort Knox, actually, was likely undermined by the Rothschild bloodline as it overtook the central bank, but Rothschilds are from Pollocks. The Forts use "A lion seated on a rock holding a [fitchee] cross." The Quints use a lion holding a fitchee cross. The gold lion above (of Baskets and Penders) can trace to that of Fort-suspect Sfroza's, which holds a quince. The Knacks/Knechts (Austria) use the same lion as Sforza's and holding what looks like a scythe / sickle. The Sforza's inherited the Visconti titles, and were thereby able to use the so-called biscone, the Visconti snake, a term like the Biscay region of the Basques. Ottone Visconti traces to the Chappes' without a doubt.

Oscars share blue cinquefoils with Amptons, and Quince's were first found in NorthAmpton. Amptons also use besants and possibly the red chevron of Quints. The Ampton besants are in the colors of the Gore's, and both surnames share the white wolf in Crest. Gore's were discovered without doubt to be in mythical GORlois of Cornwall, quasi-father of king Arthur, which is to say that he was an image or close kin of Pendragon.

Due to lack of information of the bloodline under discussion, I've got to assume that Julius Severus had married a Bassus woman, but that just led me to find the Bassas/Basta surname, first found in Verona, and then the Verona's (same place as Levi's and Chappes') are also "Vair," and thereby linkable to the Quint vair. Verona's are Feller / Rockefeller liners, tending to link to the Fort rock. The Bassas'/Basta's use the same bend as Varn's, which is in Levi colors, and the surname can link both to "Basset" and to the Beaston location in Cheshire, home of the Beastons/Bessins that share a black bend with Sale's (Cheshire) and Bassas'/Basta's.

Bear-paw Bellino's/Belli's were first found in Verona, and their gold paw is in the two colors of the Knock/Knox falcon. This bear paw can go to the bear-depicted Berwicks / Barwicks, home of the Aide's and Artems. The Barwicks use bears in Bassas/Basta colors. The Percivals, first found in the same place as Leavells, use the bear too, as do Quade-related Mackays. The Barwick motto seems to be honoring the bear-using Forbes'.

The Knocks use a border around their Shield a little like the Rutherford orle, but call it a "silver goldle." What in tarnation is a goldle? Google refuses to bring up webpages using "goldle," and attempts to pretend as though they don't exist. A little manipulation starts to bring them out, but even when searching " goldle knock -goldlie ", it doesn't bring up the webpage that clearly says "silver goldle" on a Knock-surname page. When searching " 'silver goldle' 'a falcon' " together, Google pretends the page with both of those phrases doesn't exist. Goggle has become absolutely lousy. I can't find a goldle-like surname.

The Noke's/Nocks are a branch of Oke's and may include OkeHAMPTON.

I'm not looking for Severus' wife, however, but his mother or father. Wikipedia gives an unbroken line from Brogitarus through to Quadratilla Bassus (wife of Laevillus), aside from leaving out Severus' parents. The trick is to find and clinch as many surnames as possible that trace to Julius Severus, and then guess at which ones are for his descendants versus his ancestry. The "guessing" involves knowing the various people around Severus' life. The Barwicks recalls that the line married by Quadratus Bassus had one BERENICius character, virtually the same as "Bernician," the peoples of Berwick. But that was not Severus' ancestry. Was there a Verona gal that could have been his mother? The Goldie's/Gadys (Edinburgh, gold garb) share trefoils with Verona's, and they are in the colors of the Rod trefoils, from Henri IV Rodez, who married Roquefeuil.

Were the Falcons part of Severus' parents? It doesn't tell me anything, nor does the Italian Falconi Coat, because I don't know of any Falc-like people in Severus' life. There is virtually nothing online about him that Google is willing to bring up. I am sure that Google's people can bug my computer so that some of the online pages simply won't come up when my computer searches for them. And not only my computer. This is probably the way of the Internet future to keep the Masonic secrets. The Falconi's (Messina) could be using the Bellamy Shield just because Belli liners (suspect with the "bello" motto term of Bouillons) have entered this picture. The Billets are kin to Bellows, and Bellows with their Shipton kin trace to general Scipio, who made an alliance with king Massena. This was possibly the ancestry of Severus, because I see Akmonia as a Hasmonean entity into which the Massena line had injected itself. The Skiptons are viewed as a branch of Skiptons, who had merged with Meschins of Yorkshire, where Catys'/Cade's were first found, and then Meschins and Bellamys were first found in the same place. Meschins are a line of Mussels/Muscels that trace to Musselburgh, beside Edinburgh, where Goldie's/Gade's were first found who look like Catti liners of the Keith and Catys kind.

Catys'/Caddy's ("A red cockatrice with gold" share the pennants of Cowes', which brings them both into the Penestae mould, but this doesn't tell us whether they belong to Severus' ancestry or to his descendants centuries later. I need a key for making a guess at which surname(s) relates to his ancestry. What does it mean, "A red cockatrice with gold"? With gold what? Is it code for the Knox goldle? For the Goldie's? For the Caepio gold?

A rooster having a different-colored crest on its head is said to be "jellOPed," which could be code for Jell / Gell liners, but the OP term in that word could be for OpGALLi, you see, the Jewish Galatian that was suspect as Caiaphas' sister. The red rooster now showing in the Catys/Caddy Crest has a gold crest, and is therefore jelloped. I assume that the cockatrice, not showing now, is likewise with a gold crest on its head. Opgalli was wife to Tigranes Maccabee of about 20 AD, same period as Julius Severus. My guess is that Caiaphas was born about 20 BC.

Jells/Gells (Yorkshire) use the same bend as Bassas'/Basta's! I didn't remember the Jell Coat when writing the paragraph above. Jells use a black greyhound. The Jell/Gell Coat is a good reflection of the Varn Coat, and the Varn Crest is a "A falcon killing a stork." We are yet on the Knox bloodline with Jells, apparently, for Jells and Varns are in Noke/Nock colors, and the related Oke's are likely using the Meschin fesse. Varns are in the colors of the Varro wolves, black and traceable to the Quade wolves, and the Varro fleur are suspect with the Plows and therefore with the Verys/Fairys. There was an elite Varro line in Italy that I half-expect in Maccabee ancestry.

Why should a rooster or cockatrice trace to Opgalli? The Galli were famous for using the gallina = rooster. So, there you have it, the Catys'/Caddys and Goldie's/Gadys and Keith Catti and goldle-using Knox's and Jells/Gells are tracing to Opgalli, the Galatian, from the more-ancient Galli priests suspect from more-ancient Levites, from Jonathan the pagan Levite, likely honored in the rooster-using Jonathans/Jonas'. Who's colors do the latter's roosters use? Not only Jell colors, but of the Joseph birds, the martlet and the swan, and even in the colors of the Kopple rooster. Opgalli was:

The wife of Tigranes; & the mother of: Gaius Julius Alexander of Cilicia and Herodian princess Julia (who becomes a priestess of Artemis); & the grandmother (through Alexander) of: Julia of Cilicia, Gaius Julius Agrippa, and Gaius Julius Alexander Berenicianus

[Opgalli] is given by different sources as

1) JULIA OF CHALCIS, DAUGHTER OF HEROD POLLIO OF CHALCIS (Wagner, Sir Anthony Richard; ‘Pedigree and Progress: Essays in the Genealogical Interpretation of History’ and

2) OPGALLI, A PHRYGIAN NOBLEWOMAN who may have been a Hellenic Jew...Opgalli bore Tigranes at least two known children: a son Gaius Julius Alexander and a daughter Julia. Tigranes and his children were the last royal descendants of the Kings of Cappadocia.")


Failing any reply on this, and also not finding any original source confirmation for the existence of any daughter (only 2 sons) of Herod Pollio & Julia Berenice, Queen of Chalcis, I am presuming that Wagner wasn't aware that the mother, Berenike. was also called Julia Berenike, and erroneously assumed there must have been a daughter called Julia.

The writer wants to know which of the two theories is correct. I've not heard theory 1) before on Julia Berenice of CHALCis. It just so happens that a tortoise is used both by Goldie's/Gadys and Chaucers, the latter being kin of swan-using CHALKers. The Goldie symbol is said to be "a red tortoise in base," as if to include the Bassus bloodline in the Base surname, which uses the BRUNSWICK lions, that place being related in my opinion with the Bernicians (or BRYNEICH) suspect in "Berenice." I suppose that Wagner was playing Mrs. Berenice on the Berenicianus name in Opgalli's family, but this alone doesn't make Julia Berenice the same as Opgalli. Yet, the heraldry above seems to suggest that some people did take this view. We may wonder whether the tortoise was a symbol for Junia Caepio Tertia.

The Chaucer Shield is split vertically in colors reversed from the same of Trents, feasibly from Terentia, who was of a Varro family. Trents were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets, and that a Mr. Chaucer (don't recall his first name) is known for marrying the sister of Catherine Roet. SOMErset may me SOME/Swan/Sion-important here because the Arms of Sion use a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Chaucers. That can explain the Chalker swan, and of course it's suspect with the Josephs. Terentia's husband, Cilnius Maecenas, is suspect with Massins/Masons, first found in the same place (Kent) as Chaucers and Chalkers. Kent is expected to have many Shawia-line Numidians, and than Chaucers are also CHAWcer. However, I can't see a Shawia - Chalcis equation, albeit the Shawia go by alternative names such as, Chaouis. The wavy Chalker fesse bars look linkable to the same of Bassets/BASEts, in colors reversed from the Base's.

The Gaetuli Numidians, mentioned in the Shawia article above, might have to do with the tortoise-using Goldie's/Gadys. That makes sense where Chawcers trace to Shawia. The question is, did Shawia have anything to do with naming "Qewe"? That's roughly or exactly where Opgalli's family ruled as kings. Chalcidice is on the maps with its middle peninsula stamped with the Sithones, the Seaton/Sitten suspects that named Sitten, the same city as Sion to which Chaucers and Chalkers have apparently traced. However, Chalcis is not Chalcidice, though they are related. Chalcis is in Euboea. The namers of Chalcis can therefore trace to elements on and near the Apsus river. "Chalkis was usually called Euripos..."

Smack at Bantia, there is a CALICoeni entity that I assumed was a Coen one, but in light of expected Chalcis elements at Bantia, I've changed my mind. There you have the likely lines of Chaucers and Chalkers. Bants share the oak theme with Roets, and Roets may (or may not) now trace to ERETria, also on Euboea.

As I expect Jabesh-ites at Euboea, from mythical Abas, what about Base's / Bassets as a line of those peoples? That sounds right, and Bassets look like Chalkers. Bassets share a "Pro rege" motto phrase with the Pattersons that trace to the Apsus. The namers of Chalcis are prime candidates for terms like "Galicia, Galatia." Opgalli the Galatian might definitely have been of the Berenice family in Chalcis. Reminder: Hobs/Habs, suspect in the Arthur motto (i.e. Hobs/Habs trace to Artemidoros) were first found in the land of Bernicians. But the Hobs'/Hopps' (fish), in Chaucer / Chalker colors, were first found in the same place as Roets. The alternative Hobs'/Hops' use eagles in the colors of the Ghent eagles, thus proving that this surname traces to Catherine Roet, wife of John of gaunt.

The Hobs/Habs had become important a few months ago because they were found with a TIGER in Crest while Opgalli married TIGRanes, thus identifying heraldic tigers with Tigranes elements. But the Hobs/Habs also use left-facing hawks (belled and jessed) reflective of the left-facing falcons of Saffers. It tends to weld Opgalli to Julius Severus, two persons that were concurrent, and if correct that the "OBstantia" motto term of Arthurs is for Hobs/Habs, then Opgalli is suspect in some relationship with Artemidoros.

There is a Tiger surname and page but it has not shown a Coat. Tigers were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Deacons who use a good reflection of the Artem Coat. This could mean that there was a Tiger-like Deacon variation, something like Deacer > Dagger. Or, conversely, there was a Tager-like surname, such as Taggerts or Teagers, whom trace to Tigranes. Teagers are the Teague's with an OPtem motto term, no coincidence. The Gullys/Golleys (reminds me of the Arms of Carrick and the GILberts) sharing the Teager crosslets can go either to "Opgalli" or to Julians/Gillians; or to both. The German Hope's/Hops' (colors reversed to the Anchors) use the anchor as their only symbol, which defines the Anaki line to Aeneas at Agrigento, and I now know the close link of this line to Abantians, whom may have become the apis and opis bee themes, and therefore the Ops bee cult of the Sabines. Shouldn't we expect the Penestae of the Oscan Sabines to have been part with the Ops cult, thus explaining the Hobs and Hops'? Reconsider the OPEN helmets of Minute's and Pendragons.

Or what about the BIStones that used an erect sword in worshiping Ares? The Pendragon trace to Sale's is also one to the Beastons/Bessin and Biston surnames using the erect sword. Were Bistones the proto-Ops cult from "Abas"? We might ask the bee symbol of the Bistone surname. Why should Abas elements in EuBOEA become a bee theme? We should ask BOIOtians, whom had Melia, the honey goddess, who was made closely related to Anaki-suspect Inachus of Argos, whose main goddess was Io the cow = Apis, the namer of BOSphorus, according to myth writers. This again speaks to the Anaki with Keturah elements in a trace to Boiotians and Abantians, but the new theme suddenly is Chalcis and their potential founding of the Shawia. The Shawia are suspect from the Meshwesh, who once occupied eastern Libya = Cyrene, home also of the Bistones, and then, if I recall correctly, Io gave birth to the Egyptian entity, Epaphus, from Euboean elements, and Epaphus, if I recall correctly, was made married to mythical Libya. This seems to speak of the Bistones from the Abas cult, which came to name the Bessin, home of Meschins, a line from the Meshwesh/Mazyes. It's known that after the historical king, Apophis, was defeated, the Meshwesh came to rule Egypt, and so the Epaphus term may have been used for a line of Apophis to the Meshwesh just as they re-took the Nile delta, where Apophis had ruled (his capital was Avaris). Apophis was a Hyksos king, and Hyksos, after Apophis' defeat, traced to Kizzuwatna and Qewe (if it existed with that name at that time), which was in Adana, the known derivation of Argos elements. Hence, the Hyksos went to Io, you see, and then back to Africa as the Epaphus (Ephesus?) Euboeans. Ephesus was founded by Amazons, and Meshwesh are known as African Amazons.

The Hyksos line to Argos was likely portrayed with Perseus in JOPpa, which was also IOppa, the makings of "Io." Joppa was depicted by mythical CassIOPeia, whose daughter Perseus married. She was AndroMEDA, suspect as the Keturah > Medan line to mythical Media and also to the Kodros > Medon line that was of the Athenian family which myth writers made the founders of Ephesus. Athena was herself placed in Libya probably for the same reason that Io's line went there. As "Joppa" sounds like "Japode," the namers of Joppa can be the Jabesh line to Japodes, allowing the trace of Jabesh to go to Io, and then there was a prominent Abas of Argos (kin to Crysippis-suspect ACRISius) that was involved with the make-up of Danaans, who happen to have been from Perseus, himself a Danaan line. The Danaans were from mythical Danaus, code for "Tanis," where the Meshwesh ruled the 21st dynasty of Egypt i.e. after / while the Hyksos had settled Argos.

By the way, I've been tracing Gore's (suspect as a Quint branch) and Cole's, and therefore Kyle's, to Servitium of the Japodes and Juno theater, from before the realization that Gorlois was part-code for Gore's and Windsors. When seeing the "Nil sine" phrase of Gullys, it looked like Neilsons (two erect swords) could apply, whom I'm not familiar with. They happen to use a "servitium" motto term, and were first found in Ayrshire, location of Kyle's and Shaw liners (and the Gilbert>Carrick line). The "His" motto term of Neilsons can go to the Hiss surname listed with the Hesse's. Neilsons are suspect with the Boofima Africans, the Imperi, as they formed Imperia = Oneglia, the Nagle / Nail / Neil line. Boofima traced to Roets, but they are now suspect from the namers of Eretria's Euboeans, though this is very preliminary. The Arduinici of Oneglia were also in Ivrea, and that term traces to Somerset, where Roets / Percivals were first found.

As the Junia's trace to Juno, their mother's name, Servilia, was expected to go to Servitium elements, even as her surname was expected at "Kupa," the alternative name of the COLapis, the river of the Japodes. These rivers, being suspect with the Jabesh-ites, are expected to be from Abantians, so that Chalcis elements can trace there too. Possibly, "Abas" morphed to mythical Apis, forming "ColAPIS." Apis was a bull cult, and the Cole's use a bull, as well as a Servitium-like motto term.

With the Abantians now known as Amantia elements, and expected to trace to Amyntes, another look at the Mandys/Mondays, for example, or the Minds/Munds (bees!), is in order. The Mandy/Monday Shield (lozenges) is split in red and black, the colors of the Openheim Shield (anchor, Hops symbol too), and Openheimers are suspect with the OPEN helmets of Mandy-like Minute's/Mynetts, first found in the same place (Kent) as Hamon(d)s. The Hamond motto is suspect with RIMMONs/Crimmons, and therefore the Hamonds can be in the thick of Jabesh elements to Diva and other parts of Maschi-related Cheshire. Rimmons/Crimmons use a Keturah-like motto term, and a red lion now suspect with Abraham. Jabesh elements must always be closely tagged to Meshwesh lines, and Hamonds are clearly of Hamon de Masci / Massey. Minds/Munds were first found in the same place as Meschins and Macey-related Bellamys. The black wolf head of Mandys was traced to the same of Quade's so that Mandys do figure into the Amyntes line. The Mandy Chief uses talons, the symbol of Talants that trace to Taulantii, in the area almost / roughly of Amantia of Epirus. How about that.

It looks like we have found Abantians in the Mandys/Mondays (beside Cheshire). If not mistaken, I think I just read yesterday that Abantians were involved with purple dye, and Mandys use purple lozenges. Here's the quote: "...Chalcis founded thirty townships on the peninsula of Chalcidice and several important cities in Magna Graecia, such as Naxos, Rhegion and Cumae. Its mineral produce, metal-work, purple and pottery not only found markets among these settlements, but were distributed over the Mediterranean in the ships of Corinth and Samos." Naxos was sacred to Dionysus, who had a MAENAD symbol, a term like "Mandy." Were Maenads a branch of Amantians? But I've insisted that Maenads were Maeonians on the Maeander river. Were Maeonians from Abantians? That's new. The source of the Maeander was not far from Derbe, and Mandys were first found in Derbyshire. The Tattons-of-Massey trace to lake Tatta, near Derbe.

As the Hamond Crest shares the antlers of the Conte's, part of the Conteville's of Comyn, it's a clue that Comyn might trace to the Chalcis-based location of modern Cuma, the ancient Cumae above (near Naples), a name said to derive in a Cyme area of Euboea. It just so happens that Hamonds were first found in the same place as and Chalkers / Chaucers! The Conteville's even birthed Ranulph le Meschin, suspect with a line from Hamon de Masci. There is a Combs village in Derbyshire, according to the write-up of Cume's/Cooms/Combs' (in the colors of the Welsh dragon). The Comyn dagger traces to Dexaroi at Antipatria. With Pattersons tracing to Antipatria, near the CALACoeni (at the Boius / Bantia theater), the "Pro rege et grege" motto of Pattersons may be for the Rhegion entity of the Chalcis Euboeans (it's Reggio at Calabria, across from scallop-depicted Scylla). The Sodhans in the Patterson ancestry trace to Sodans/Sowtons (scallops in colors reversed to Patterson scallops), first found in the same place (Devon) as Cooms/Combs. The Patti location at the Scylla /Messina theater traces to the heraldic patee (used by the Messina surname), and Patty's are using lions in colors reversed from the Patterson scallops, suggesting a trace of Antipatria / Berat elements to Patti.

Aha! The Kimmers (shown properly as "Kammer"), using the same lion as Cooms/Combs', are showing virtually the Deck/Dagger Coat!!! Instead of the red squirrel, Kimmers use the red lion, otherwise the Coats are identical. This tends to trace the Comyn dagger hard to Kimmers, and makes the trace to Cyme very possible. As the Chimera dragon was defeated by Bellerophon (at the Maeander theater) and his Pegasus, note that Masseys use both the fleur in the Kimmer / Dagger Coats and a pegasus.

The Cumae article claims that Euboeans were influential in Roman make-up, and even founded Naples. Reminder: I trace "Rome" back to Rimmon of Israel, home of the Jabeshites, we may assume, and then through Rimini of Italy, where Maschi's were first found, and here we have a Euboean peoples linking rather well to Hamon de Masci and/or the Hamon surname with a "discRIMINa" motto term. The "disc" goes to the Duncan motto, for the early Duncan royal family had married Meschins...who used a red lion, symbol in the Crimmon/Rimmon Crest. Cumae was destroyed / defeated by the Oscans in 421 BC, suggesting a possible merger of Cumae elements with the proto-Pendragons. The Cymbri (Cumbrians) of Wales, thought to be Cimmerians, are coming to mind as per Commins Coch of Wales (Cochs and Cocks are in red, a common color here). The Wikipedia article implies that Cyme in Euboea was a Cimmerian entity. The Daggers/Dackers were first found in CUMBERland.

Wikipedia's article on Reggio makes a pretty good case that "Italy" was a term derived in both the Ausones and the Chalcis Euboeans at their Reggio settlement. As Ausones are thought to have become the AURunci, that theory in which Chalcis names the Shawia is coming to mind because Shawia lived at Aures/Awraba. More red lions are used by the Aurs/Aures', not forgetting the red roundels of Orrs and Orrels, and then Reggio is said to have been built on the city of Erythra "the red one," apparently from the namers of Eretria. This recalls mythical Erytheia of Hercules (Danaan line), which I identified as Erethlyn in northern Wales, expected to be linked to neighboring DENbigh, where the Bachs were first found that use a version of the KEMMis Coat. The neighboring Powys area that I trace to Hercules' buddy, Poias, is where Commins Coch is located. Orthos, the two-headed dog of Erytheia, might just relate to Chalcis and Eretria, but in any case I traced the dog to the ORDOvices, beside Erethlyn.

Hercules had a lion symbol, and then another red lion, in both colors of the Aur/Aures lions, is found in the Orrey/Ure Coat (AYRshire), along with a red lion paw in the Crest. Why are Aures elements use red lions? Does Aures/Awraba trace to Eretria as well as Chalcis? IDRis of Morocco (from the Syria theater) married a woman (Kanza) from the Awraba tribe, and he was identified (by me) as a ITURean peoples that one can spot in a Shaw motto.

The Ausones can now be identified as a Keturah line through mythical Aedon (Boiotia) and Autun. Aedon's son, Itylus, is suspect as the naming of Italy. An Ausones relationship with Euboeans of Reggio is thereby well explained. The Datons (patee crosses), said to be from "D'Auton," use another red-on-white lion, in the same position as the Kimmer/Kammer and Coom/Combs' lion. Datons were somewhat suspect with the Aiton surname that lists Artems, and thus Chalcis Euboeans can trace to Amyntes, Artemidoros' father. Chaucers and Chalkers are both in red. The Peks likewise use patee crosses, and then the Reggio article says: "Osci (sometimes referred to as Opici)..." I trace the Picks/Pike's/Pickens (AYRshire, from Aures) to Reeds who share a book with Roets. Might these have been from Eretria? Did I mention that Rieti, where Roets and Reeds were traced previously, is in the Oscan neck of the country?

Reeds were first found in the same place as RODDens (red Shield) that share a bend in Chaucer-bend colors. The JOPlins of the same place (NorthUMBERland) use Chaucer colors. Reeds (gold garbs) share a red Shield with French Saffers, and both use the left-facing do Hobs/Habs, almost, no small point amongst the importance of Reeds. Hobs use left-facing hawks while the Hawk surname uses PURPLE (pilgrims staves), though this suggested trace of purple to Chalcis is about my fourth theory on heraldic purple. Stave's/Stevensons were likewise first found in the same place as English Reeds, and the Hawks are implied in the Herod/Hurl "hawk's lure," tracing Hobs indirectly to some Herod line. This is a good clue for understanding Opgalli's circle of links now that she's been nailed as a Hob liner. The Lure's share the same chevron colors as Stave's/Stevensons, and the latter share the cloud in Crest with House's (and Reeds) while McLeods/Clouds are the ones whom have Herods and Lure's listed as their septs. If you follow Hauke's to the House-suspect Hause's (i.e. Hawks look like a House branch), you will find reason to load Hoffs, which use another black wolf head and the same bend as Sale's and Cuffs. Then go to German Hoffs and see the MacArthur crown on the black leopard face of Newports, feasibly from Newport of Wight, location also of Cuff-like Cowes. See the same leopard face in the Aide's that are suspect with black-wolf Quade's. The Hob hawks are "jessed" while the Aide-Crest leopard is "jessant." If I was correct to interpret "jessed" with a possible Joseph branch called the Guests/Jeste's (swans, as with Josephs), it could help find the mystery line of men named Joseph that named Joseph Caiaphas.

The Fitch Crest uses a leopard face jessant in the same colors as the Aide leopard face, important where the fitchee cross of Quints traces to Fitch's. This tends to prove that Quints were Levi liners.

English Guests (black swan, same as Josephs) share an ermined gold chevron with Hawks/Hauke's. It may be important to find whose blue fleur-de-lys are on the Guest chevron, and it so happens that Stave's use blue fleur-de-lys. This recalls the definite trace of the Aide bend to the Stevenson bend, in colors reversed from the bend of falcon-themed Swans. By what coincidence do falcon-showing Stevens use a solid chevron in the colors of the Swan chevron as well as the solid chevron of Caiaphas-suspect Chappes'?

English Saffers look linkable to Bachs/Baghs (Annas/Arniss star?) that can be of the Book/Bogg bloodline (i.e. all three surnames link to Reeds / Roets suspect as the Euboean elements to/from Julius Severus), and then while Saffers traced with the unicorn of others to this Mr. Severus, English Saffers use the unicorn too. These Saffers and the Bachs/Baghs (black talbot can trace to Arnissa in the Taulantii theater) share the blue vair fur of Quints, and while we're at it lets add that Stevens were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as blue-vair Kemmis' now under exploration for a trace to Cyme of Euboea. These Saffers use two instances of "Aut" in their motto, what could be for the Autun / Ausones entity, and the latter are now identifiable with Avezzano, upon a river flowing into Cimmerian- / Comb-suspect Umbria.

It was just realized: look at how a Romanized version of "Ausones," or Avsone, is like "Avezzano! Like the Reeds, the Avisons use gold garbs! This looks very meaningful in linking Rieti and Avezzano elements to Joseph Caiaphas, making the Reeds all that much more important. It looks like the Pendragon elements through the Oscans had merged with the namers of Avezzano in producing the birth of Caiaphas at the household of Artemidoros, and Opgalli can trace to the Ops cult of Oscans. The Asks/Askeys were first found in CUMBERland, suspect from Umbria, and then Asks (look like Mussels / Meschins) share the donkey with Cumbria-suspect Chamberlains. In fact, the Kemmis write-up traces to HUMPHRey the Chamberlain, and "Humphrey" is itself an Umber-like term. Repeat: the Chambre's share a red rose on a stem with Avezzano's! Zikers, that all works very well. Avezzano's share the now-illegal gold-on-silver combination with Hawks/Hauke's, and so compare "Hauke / HAUSe" with "AUSone." Humphreys (red Shield) look like they are using a version of the Bouillon cross, but, in any case, they were first found in the same place in Wales as Bachs/Baghs.

The HAUKEwells (red Shield), listing Axelrods, use three axes in the colors of the Saffer falcons. Haukeswells were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as same-colored Blois', who are now tracing to Bullis/Byllus, smack near Amantia. Bullis is on an Aous river that may have named the Ausones and the House bloodline. It just so happens that the Bullis/Buliard surname is likewise in Blois colors and first found in the Suffolk! Zowie. It looks like Ausones were from the Aous. God gave me a clear Sign (months ago) to mark the Avezzano bloodline as that of Caiaphas.

Aha! The "consPICI" term of the Chamberlain motto is like the "OPici" alternative name for the Oscan peoples, as goes the theory of others! The "quam" motto term Chamberlains is used my Masters who in-turn use a motto term of Roets! That can help clinch a Chamberlain trace to Rieti, for the "ProDESSE" motto term of the same Chamberlains should be for the Dess/Dash surname said to be from "D'ASSCH"!!! The Chamberlains knew of their trace to the OSCans!!! But they didn't inform the world, nor did the heraldic masters.

This opens up the possibility that the Ash's / Aschs / Ashmans / Assmans are all Oscan liners along with Akmonia. Asks are in AshMOLE colors, and then there was ESCHYNa de Molle. I think she married a son of the first Pollocks, but was originally married to a Mr. Croce (also spelled "Croc"), and then the Croce/Crosse Coat (beside the HUMBER river) uses the same type potent cross as Chads, while the other Chamberlain Coat is a version of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coat with certainty because the Duncan / Donkey surname is known to be of the DunCHADs, and moreover known to trace to St. Chad of Lichfield (and his mentor, Columba), that location being the home of Chadwicks (version of the Arms of Rochdale in Lancashire). With Lichfield, are you thinking a Chaddock = Sadducee link to LYCHnidus, or to lake Lychnis, location of a Soducena entity?

The cross type of Chaddocks (Lancashire) is used by Italian Croce's/Crose's (same place as Valentins). Creusa liners, right? It's now possible that the "Disce" motto term of Duncans / Donkeys is another variation from "OSCan." The Scottish Crocs happen to use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Chaddocks and Chadwicks. Irish Crocs/CROAKs (recalls the screaming frogs) use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of AshMOLE's! It's 7:23 Sunday evening as I write, and there are no frog noises at all, which is completely unusual at this time. Is this what the Thursday-night Sign was for? Scottish Crocs were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Frocks/Froggs.

The potent-using Croce's share a "spero" motto term with Asks. HOSKins use a "resPICE" motto term. Suddenly, we have many keys and leads for finding Oscan liners. As per the Sidicini about to come to topic, note that Hoskins could be using a version of the Stone Coat, Stone's share the Craig motto, and share a talbot with Carricks so that Stone's can trace to "Sation," where the Sidicini may also trace as per what you are reading here on a Penestae trace to the Sidicini.

I just stumbled over the Piscinas location of Sardinia because I had spelled it wrong in some work I had further down this page (that part won't be part of this update); I had misspelled it, "Picinas," and came across it while using the Find feature, looking for an earlier mention of "pici." It just so happens that Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia! Bingo. It looks like Piscinas was named by the Opici (not yet sure if they were identical to Oscans). As "Piscinas" was formed likely because it's a dictionary word, "fountain" in Italian, note that Kemmis' share three red fesse bars, symbol of Fountains suspect with Font de Ville's/Devolls.

Let's continue with the trace of falcon-using Reeds to Julius Severus for as far as I can swing it to date. Scottish Reeds (red eagles in colors reversed to the Saffer falcons) share the red chevron of Quints and even share the gold fitchee with Quints. The "Pax copia" motto of English Reeds can trace to Cuppae off the Pek river, but the Oscans were likely connected to Ops, which had a cornuCOPIA symbol, the symbol also of the Orr Crest. The clues for finding that umbilical cord are building. You understand that if Opgalli was Julia of Chalcis, the importance of tracing the Ops cult to Euboeans is underscored. The mythical uniCORN may have developed from the same Cretan cult that originated the Cornucopia, and that was AMALthea, the Cretan bee and goat-horn goddess. She's highly suspect as a line of AMALekites, and with Moloch, the Zeus bull cult that included Amalthea.

There is a question as to whether the Italian Cornelli family was named after this horn entity, but it's been noted that Cornwalls (red lion) are also "Cornell." Scottish Cornwalls (same place as Cooms/Combs') use a "beg" motto term and look linkable to Bachs/Baghs. These Cornwalls (same stars as the Reed stars) link well to Reeds because the Cornwall Crest uses a rock FACE, while the Face/Fessy Coat shares the Macclesfield cross (in Cornwall colors). ThisArms of Macclesfield shares the "copia" term of Reeds. It's all Artemidoros pertinent, in my excited opinion. He's predicted to have married someone from the Rieti area, otherwise he himself was from there. This may even be teaching us that the Caepio's were from Rieti.

Further clues come from the link of the Reed write-up to Robertsons (French Saffer colors), who share wolf heads with Quade's and Irish Mackays, making the Reed stars suspect with the Sutherland stars because Mackays were first found there. Roys, one branch of which uses a "Qua" motto term like some Mackay variations, share stars in colors reversed, and probably explain the MacInROY variation listed with Robertsons. The "gloria" term of Robertsons is linkable to the "gloriosa" of English Saffers, and the Gael version of the Glory/Lowry surname (a giant grail), a branch of Laurie's, looks like it's in code with the "labore" motto term of Reeds. Some variations of Robertsons look like the Donkey surname.

The Redders/Raeds (I think the alternative spelling for Rieti was, Rhaeta) were just looked up (as per ERETRia) to find them using nothing but the white-on-blue Zionist star in the OPenheim Chief. The Hagar(d)s use this star too, and they were first found in the same place as Shaws. Can Hagars therefore trace to Chalcis / Eretria? Redders/Raeds were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Aurs/Aures' (and Rotors/Rothes'), how about that. Roters/Rothes share the raven with Gettels/Gartzens (annulets), my best attempt to find Gaetuli-possible lines. From Apollo myth, the raven is suspect with white liners in north Africa, especially the Meshwesh of a Coronis > Cyrene line. This traces to Corinth, where Medea lived before moving to Athens with her team of dragons.

We could expect the Hagar > Ishmael line with Keturah lines, and the latter's has traced to COLCHIS, a term like "Chalcis." The Medea Colchians had lived in Athens, and from there are expected to have spread to Chalcis. Medea worshiped Hecate, suspect by others with Keket, the frog goddess, and Frocks/Froggs (annulets, Keturah line to Aeneas) were first found in the same place as Minds/Munds, while Froggits (Cotter-like Coat) were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Mandys/Mondays. Coincidence? I'm therefore to expect Hecate liners (from Abraham's line to Priam > Hector) ) at Euboea, and then the Raiders/Raits (anchor = Aeneas line) use a "MELiora" motto term than can be for Melia of Boiotia and even the Orr bloodline (i.e. that came to use the honey-related cornucopia of Ops). The Hectors are in red.

I had what looked like a Sign on Thursday night (it's now Sunday). The frogs outside by place were screaming so loud it hurt. While trying to get some sleep, I breathed a natural prayer concerning them, but didn't expect the prayer to be answered within 20 minutes. I almost missed it, but there was a complete silence at that point, neither of the two species of frogs making any noise. It was wonderful. They normally go on non-stop to midnight or later. Just as my faith started to waver when asking whether this was an act of God, the loudest frog started up, but only for a couple of croaks, after which dead silence returned. I was extremely surprised that, the next day and night, these louder frogs were not heard. Where did they go? I have five frog ponds near the house to look after mosquito larvae. I failed to tell readers of this on Saturday, and the frogs screamed even louder on Saturday. So, I thought I had better tell you this now, as it's what caused me to start the paragraph above, which made me see how well it fit into this morning's Mandy topic. Hecate must have been an Abas > Abantian line to Amantia, beside Aulon, perhaps a root of the Aule's / Aula's that came to use dogs (talbots), the symbol of Hecate. Her dog symbol is expected at Scylla and Charibdis, the latter thought to be at Reggio theater, which was a Chalcis / Eretria settlement. Scylla traces to Skala of Patmos, home of Coronis. Recall the Chalcis article's mention of the Corinthian shipping lanes of Chalcis.

Pollocks had traced to Colchians around Istria, and their "Audacter" motto term can be code for an Aedon > Autun line to Aude, as well as for the (H)Ectors (sun, symbol of the Medea cult). Jewish Pollocks use a bend in colors reversed to the three Hector bends, and these together are in the colors of the counterchanged bend of Chaucers. The Chaucer Shield is said to be divided "perpale," and while that's referring to "pale = vertical," it may also be a smooth code for the purple of Chalcis. Perhaps Eretria was named after a scarlet shade of purple.

Recall the goldle of Knocks (red Shield), for it was the Goldie's/Gadys (suspect with the Gaetuli Numidians) that share a tortoise with Chaucers. The Knacks smack of Naxos, another Chalcis settlement, meaning that Knocks/Knox's can trace to Naxos liners. Dionysus had a wife, Ariadne, a term I've not yet deciphered, but perhaps it's from Eretria elements. There is no Toise surname, and I cannot decipher "tortoise" with any surname.

Here is a list of McLeod septs, showing some Ask-like septs (that I had forgotten when mentioning the Asks/Askeys above). It includes Haskels and Casgels, etc., etc., very suspect with Oscan liners. The Haskels use the same vair-Shield as Champagne's while French Champagne's use a bend similar to that of Avezzano's. Then, the Oscans, and the Chalcis elements from CYME, were in the Campania area of Italy while Champagne in France was also called, Campania. The Casgels and McLeods, and many of their septs, were first found on SKYE and Lewis, "Skye" now suspect as an ASKEY line.

Septs of McLeods even include the Corks that were traceable to the general area of Illyrian Abantians. Corks traced to an area between the Abantians and the Penestae, and it's the latter that had the capital of Uscana. The McLeods even have the septs of Rimmons and Crimmons, who, by the way, use the so-called "CRUSader cross," perhaps code for Creusa, mother of Romans. The Crusader cross is the type used also by Julians/Gilliand and Teague's, the latter likewise listed as a sept of McLeods. Who were McLeods anciently? Along with Teague's and their variation, the Caige's, the sept list includes "Taige, Taish and TASKill," as though Teague's may gave started out as Oscan liners of a d'Ask kind.

One might think that the MacWilliam/Cullie sept of McLeods was named after a William. Not so, says me. Note how a couple of variations look like "Gully," a surname using the Teague / Julian cross, and then look at the William/Cully Coat to find roses in the two color schemes of the Caesar roses. It's indicating that this William surname was a Julian one originally, but later morphed to include "William." The Teeger sept finds an alternative Teeger surname using the eight-pointed star (old symbol of Ishtar but not necessarily code for Ishtar at all times). Unfortunately, the Teegers don't in themselves help me to make a link to Opgalli and Tigranes, unless the eight-pointed star transferred to Cybele, for the Tigranes line married the line that had a priesthood to Cybele.

The Degen variation of Teegers brings up two other surnames, one using a Deger variation (just an oak tree) that may perhaps reveal Dagger liners. The other Degens are Irish, as are Teegers/Teague's, and the Irish Degens/Dugens use nine eight-pointed estoiles in the colors of the Teeger/Degen star, and moreover Teegers/Teague's use nine crosses. It looks like the nine witches of Bute (see the Bute estoiles and the seven-pointed star of Bude's). Keturah traced to Butua. Moreover, the Irish Degens/Dugans/Dougans (share gold lion with Crimmons) use the same crescent (Dougal colors) as Krume's while the Crimmons ("Caetera" motto term) have a Crummyn variation smacking of Krume's, and then Crimmons/Crummyns (reflect the Stave Coat) share the Teeger/Teague crosslets (different colors). We now have a great mystery in understanding who, amongst all the options, the first / earliest / truest Teague's were. Note that Krume is at Has while the Hesse' use a sun in the colors of the Teeger/Degen star and the Degen estoiles. Were Teague's from Decani?

The Teeger/Teague motto term, "SUMmum," was suspect as part code for the Osum part of the Apsus, and so Teague's can trace to Dexaroi. The "OPtem" motto term of Teague's has traced to Timms/Time's, first found in the same place as Chaucers / Chalkers while Chalcis kin, of the Bantia kind, were on the Osum. The Roets married my Chaucers were at PICardy's Montreuil, off the SOMME river. Was Picardy an Opici entity? Roets were first found in Somerset, suggesting a possible trace of that place to the Somme river.

The mystery thickens where the Egers use a dagger in Crest, and were first found in Berwickshire, where the Artemidoros-Tigranes line traces. The Egers use a motto, "Man do it," looking like code for the Mandys that trace to Amyntes. The reason that Egers were loaded is that I remembered their white plate on blue, the symbol of Teegers/Degens, though I was wrong; it's the Eggers/Egens that use it, along with blue roundels, symbol of Irish Arthurs. The idea would seem to be that Egers and Egens came first, followed by Degers and Degens, but that doesn't work where the Eger dagger would trace them to the Dexaroi, suggesting the Daggers and Degers came first. Or, perhaps the Dexaroi were first called by an Eger-like name. The Eger plate is in Hagar colors, which might just reveal that Dexaroi were Ishmaelites / Hagarites. Hagens (dish) are in Hagar colors. Note that one Eger surname uses "A right hand holding a dagger." The right hand is the DEXster hand, and Dexters/Decksers use chevrons in Eger colors. The Hagens are said to use "An arm in red holding a dagger." This really does look like the Hagar - Keturah liners, for the Dexaroi were at Kodrium

I only just noticed the frogs acting up now, at 8:42, extremely late, because for many days previous, they were starting up in the afternoon. Note how HAGar is like "HECate." The idea is that while Keturah traced by her son, Medan, to Medea, the latter worshiped Hecate the Hagarite line. That makes sense. Medea and Hecate were both witches, like the nine at Avalon = Bute. Hagens use a boot.

Daggers/Dackers (CUMBERland, same place as Asks/Askeys) share the scallops in the colors of the same of Chamberlains, thus tracing Daggers to a line of Oscans. It implies a Dexaroi merger with the neighboring Penestae. Scallops trace to the Scylla-wolf monster, which had multiple wolf heads, the symbol of Hecate. Note how "Hector" can be a Hagar variation, for Hector's father was Abram-like Priam. Priam married Hecuba, a term I haven't made any sense of aside from linkage to Hector. The double blue-on-white chevrons of Dexters are used by Hucks (share owl with Taggerts), and five in the same blue color are used by Huckabys, suggesting that Huck liners trace to Hecate / Hector.

I can now trace Dexaroi to Quintus Caepio, where the Dexter Crest is "Two weights hanging from a tree." The Hangs/Ings were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Dexters, and Hangs/Ings use a version of the Fitch Coat, itself sharing the Crest if Levi-beloved Aide's. The Dexter motto traces to the Loyal variation of a surname (Oxfordshire) suspect with Doyle's, a term like the Dougals, which tends to trace the Dagger bull to the red ox of Oxford.

The Hose's (legs), with a Huckaby-like Huseby variation, were likewise first found in Leicestershire (leg-like Legro river). The Hose's can trace to the Aous river, where Ausones are tracing, to the near-south of the Dexaroi. I would suggest that Ausones were originally something like AUXon. It reminds me of mythical Aeson, father of Jason/Iason, whom I traced both to "Aedon" and to "Ixion," husband of Nephele ("cloud" in Greek), important because House's use the cloud, albeit it may have been code for McLeods/Clouds. The three Hose legs are colors reversed from the three HAUKEwells axes that traced rather hard to the Aous river (see "Blois / Bullis" earlier in this update for that).

In the Hose write-up, William Hose was also William Neuris, a Neuri-suspect name. The septs of McLeods hap[pens to include the Norris'/Norreys, thus making Norri's suspect with "Neuris" and tracing the Neuri possibly to Aous elements. The Norrys (Hose colors) are said to have become associated as a sept of McLeods. McLeods/Clouds may have been from CLODiana on the Genusus river.

I had noted that, sometimes, heraldic cranes can be code for "Ukraine." For example, the Norreys use a "Feythfully serve" motto while the Feythful surname uses a crane. With the trace of the Neuri to Leicestershire via the Hose's, it jibes with the Buz and Hamilton cinquefoil used in the Arms of Leicestershire, but there are also the so-called "pot Hangers" of Danish Cnuts, important not just because Hangs/Ings (suspect with the Yngvi = Angles) were first found in Leicestershire, but because Cnut named Nottinghamshire, where the Bugs were first found, suspect with the Bug river (Ukraine), home of the Neuri. You can't argue with all of this. The Danish Cnut Crest even shares little flags (but called "banners") with the McLeod Crest.

The trefoils of the Danish Cnuts are predicted to be of the Rods, that being the Rodez family in a marriage with the Roquefeuils = Roxolani liners.

Norris'/Norreys use ravens, symbol of the raven-depicted vikings of Shetland, and then the Arms of Shetland use, not only the raven, but a unicorn, symbol in the Crest of English Cnuts. It's in the design of the Oscar unicorn, and while Oscars are slated to be Oscans, the so-called AURUNCi, thought to be Oscans, look like they could have named ORKNey (beside Shetland). I had traced "Orkney" to "Orchomenos," the Boiotian city that filled the mythical Argo ship, and then the Ausones, who are lumped in / equated with Aurunci, were suspect with mythical Aeson, the family that controlled the Argo. As Letts use ORGAN pipes, they can trace to this Ausones entity, and with that we trace Letts to the Aous river, where we might expect Leto, mother, so to speak, of Apollonian, a city at the mouth area of the Aous. The Leto surname (Bullis / Blois / Haukeswell / Organ colors) uses "a crane DRINKing", perhaps code for a surname that developed from the idea of D'AURUNCa." There is a Drink/Dreng surname (Hose colors) with a red lion like that of Daytons/D'Autons (= Ausones suspects) and Dreux's.

If the Aurunci lived at the Salto or neighboring Turano river, then consider the Salyes of the Durance, for Aurunci-like Orange is a city near the mouth of the Durance. Quintus Caepio fought a war against Boiorix at Orange the year after he commissioned his men to steal 50,000 gold bars from his own Roman bosses. The theory is that he had his men bring at least some of the treasure to the Orange area. Why? Did Caepio have family there? Was he an Aurunci liner? There is an Oricum location to the south of the Aous that might apply, but I'd like something with more teeth. As Organs/Arragans were first found in Cork, compare Organ with "Corragum." Orange became joined to Nassau, and the Nassau surname (Annas liner?) uses gold billets = gold bars. Shocking, isn't it? Something in Orange must have transferred some gold to the Nassau's.

There is an Orange surname using a giant hunting HORN, and so they are likely a branch of Horns/Orne's/Athorns, using herons in the colors of the drinking crane of Leto's. The Thorns use a "quinis" term buried in the motto, as well as sharing a black lion in Crest with Quints. Thorns have been suspect with "Turano."

The Ausones are said in Wikipedia to have lived on the west side of the Liri(s) river, and the Aurunci, said to be the same peoples, lived on the east side of the Liris. The McLeod septs include Liri-like septs, and so let's recall the "hawk's lure," for Hawks/Hauke's are already suspect with Ausones. The Lure's come up as "Lire." They use a chevron in the colors of the Stave chevron, expected from the staves of the Hawks/Hauke's. Previously, the McLeod flags had traced to Flag/Fleck liners at Velch (north of Rome), while Ausones lived in Volsci (south of Rome). German Leirs must be using the Lure/Lire star, while the Brittany Leirs/Liers use scallops in the colors of the Flag/Fleck scallops. This may have been the Falcon family too honored by Stave liners such as Stevens.

I can see that the wavy Leir bars link to Side's/Sudy's and Sutys, important because Ausones trace to Seatons/Sittens in more than one way. "A few years later (337 BC), they were compelled by the attacks of their neighbours the SIDicini, to apply for aid to Rome, and meanwhile abandoned their stronghold on the mountain and established themselves in their new city of Suessa." The latter city must trace to ancient Sais in the Nile Delta, location roughly of Samannud, also called Sebennytos, the proto-Samnites and proto-Sabines. The Seatons/Sittens had a Say town.

Now compare "SIDIC" with "SADDUCee," or the Sithech" term to which Shaws are traced. As one Shaw surname uses what must be a version of the Ayer Coat, note that they, along with the tiger-using Side's/Sudys (Fife, near / amid Shaws), the Levi's and the French Josephs, are in the colors of Dutch Arsons/AERSsens (share black-and-white checks with Spanish falcons), suspect with Ayers from "Aures," origin of Shaws. Sutys/Suddys (share "hazard" with Seatons) were first found in the same place as Scottish Shaws, and Side's are expected to be using the Levi lion.

One now has reason to trace Side's and the Sidicini to a wolf line of the Shawia, for "Sithech" is said to mean "wolf," though that must be mere code. The QUATRefoils of Ayers may indicate the Quade wolf, or a wolf line to Quadratus. The Liri river and the Ausones were in the general area of the Hirpini = "wolf peoples." The Side/Suty tiger is white, like the Hob/Hab tiger, and Tigranes was ancestor to Quadratilla, wife of Laevillus.

There is a Scottish Orren/Orme surname (like "AURUNci") using what can be the Hawk chevron upon the Schole Shield, though Orrens use two of them. They are in gold, the colors of the two chevrons used by both French Chaplins and English Josephs; English Chaplins were first found in the same place as English Josephs. If only there were some code in heraldry to indicate ancestry versus descendancy. Are Chiefs or Crests solely intended for ancestry? I don't know. It would make the job a lot easier to ferret out the symbols going to Caiaphas ancestry.

I was expecting the Shawia to possibly name Qewe/Kue, though I don't know when that place received that name, whether long before Tigranes or about the same time. Here we find the Sidicini mixed up with the very Ausones / Aurunci that are proving to have something to do with Caiaphas, the peoples that I think God is directing us to. Here are the "qui" Shaws/Sheaves (Berkshire) with the "itur" term buried in the motto, and tracing to the keys of the Abruzzo Sheaves that have a Caiaphas-like Chiapponi variation, and others variations suggesting the Chives' that, instead of white tigers, use white "cats." The Shaw/Sheaves lozenges are in the colors of the lozengy Shield of Orrens, but also of the lozengy Shield of Patents, and then the Shaws/Sheaves use "patITUR" as the full motto term, suggesting the Patents and thus connecting Shaws/Sheaves to Orrens. The Aurunci are expected to have flowed out into neighboring Abruzzo.

The Thicks/Thecks share ermined lozenges with Shaws/Sheaves, and may have formed some variations from "SiTHECH." The Thecker variation may indicate Daggers / Deckers and therefore the Hagar-suspect Dexaroi. Hagars were first found in the same place as the Sithech-Shaws. We should be expecting the Dexaroi mixed in with Aurunci. The Thicks/Theckers call their lozenges "diamonds," a rare term, and it's got to be code for the Diamonds, the Irish branch of which has a "Disco" motto term so as to link Diamonds to the "Disce"-using Duncans / Donkeys and therefore to the Chamberlains that had traced to Avezzano (suspect with "Ausones") and the Oscans. It just so happens that Chamberlains trace to Chambre, on the same Arc river as Modane, while Modens/Modeys were first found in the same place as Shaws/Sheaves. Medleys use another tiger. English Diamonds use ermined lozenges in the colors of the same of Thicks/Theckers. Recalling how Reeds trace to the Rieti and/or Caiaphas liners, let's add that the Thicks/Theckers (Reed colors) use "A bittern settling in the reeds." Why SETTLing"?

Settle's (more lozenges) were first found in the same place as Saddock-related Chaddocks / Chadocks, the Chamberlain and Donkey kin. They are potent-cross liners, perhaps linkable to Patents (same motto as Joseph-suspect Pulleys/Pullens), for there is not a Potent surname coming up. This paragraph makes Settle's and Saddocks suspect with the Sidicini. Wikipedia has no article on them yet. I've not known of them before. There is a modern Sezze location, anciently Setia, between the biturn-like Butteri peoples and the Liri(s) river. The Chives "cats" are expected to link to the Chattans and Chatans that had linked squarely with the Botters, and the Cato variation of Chattans may be from Porcius Cato, who grew up in Abruzzo.

Actually, Wikipedia had an Italian article on the Sidicini, translated like so:

The Sidicini were one of the Italic peoples of ' old Italy , neighbors of the Samnites and Campani, who had for capital Teanum Sidicinum (today Teano). Their territory extended north to the valley of the river Liri , which dominates the region until Fregellae, and later passed to the Volsci. Strabo says were a people Osco extinct (the coins of Teano report inscriptions Osco). They were allies of the town bells (south), the Ausoni and Aurunci (west).

"Sezze" looks like it may have been of Sessa, the Aurunci city. Teano may go to the Deans. The Deins/Deans (share red crescents with Seatons) and Diens/Dives were both first found in the same place as Saddocks. There is a Tean surname listed with the Thames'/Tiens (Oxford, same place as Thames river), using stars in colors reversed from the Capone stars while Italian Capone's are also "Capua," from Capua in Campania. The Teans can therefore trace to the Sidicini, allies of the Campani. This recalls my link of the Camp Coat to the Capone Coat! Amazing. The Teans use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas' and Letts. It's the Capote's/Capone's that use a mule in German-Camp colors. The Dean crescents may thus link to the same-colored one if Chapmans, first found in the same place as English Capone's.

It's possible that mythical Capys, a Trojan like Aeneas, and said to name Capua, was the namer of the Apsus river.

The namers of Teano appear to have named the Thames river, which is like "ArTEMIS," or the THEMIScyra location to which I trace her, at the THERModon river, where I trace "DRUMmond". The latter are in Tean colors, and were first found in the same place as Sithech-Shaws! Wolf-line Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo expected at Avellino of Campania, known home of the Hirpini! This must be the Sithech wolf line. Letts trace to Leto, mother of the twins, and she too had a wolf symbol. The crane DRINKing of Letts (Drink/Dreng surname) was traced to the DRENGot Normans who came to rule at Capua and other areas of the Italian coast west of the Liri. The Side's were linked to the Drengots when I treated them. This works.

The Deans use a "fideli" motto term for the wolf-using Fiddle's. Italian Deans (more red crescents), in Deacon / Decan colors, are also "Degan," recalling the Teegers/Degens and their Degen kin. Scottish Deans ("arte" motto term) were likewise first found in the same place as Saddocks, and should be using the MacArthur moline as per their motto term. Scottish Deans share the patee cross with Diens/Dives. Their moline can trace to the same-colored one of Segni//Segurana's, and then there is a Segni location near Sezza/Setio. Segni is either on the Liri or its main tributary. "Liri" smacks of Apollo's lyre symbol.

So, there we have a very good revelation on the formation of Sadducees, from the Sidicini. And while Vere's at Oxford are suspect with "Pharisee," the Sidicini location of Teano is seemingly tracing to Oxfordshire.

The Segni's (not necessarily exact with "Segur / Seagar") are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Stave's, important because Hawks are tracing to Ausones. As Segni's were first found at Genova while the Genova surname is also, Geneva, it's a good bet that the Segni's were of a line that named Sion, even as a Sidicini branch is suspect in naming it, Sitten. Let's not forget that Sithones were at Chalcidice, for Chalcis elements are expected in this picture. The Stave's use a chevron in colors reversed to the Swan/Sion chevron, and Stevens, who share the falcon theme with Swans/Sions, use a chevron in the same colors as Swans/Sions.

I'm out of time for this week. I still have not found the umbilical cord. I'm going to take a look at anything I can find on Julia of Chalcis and her Herod-Pollio family. I can tell you right here that this Herod (a Maccabee) can trace to Bullis of Epirus for an anti-Christ-line reason. What I didn't know until now is that Chalcis is in Syria, not the Chalcis of Greece. Still, Grecian Chalcis elements can trace to Amantia, beside Bullis, where Maccabee ancestry can trace, as you shall see in the next update.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

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