Previous Update: August 12 - 17

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Aug 18 - 21, 2009

See August 19 -- 20 -- 21

August 18

The Iraqi referendum on U.S. troop stay has finally arrived, though it's not being sponsored by the Sunni:

"BAGHDAD, Aug. 17 -- U.S. troops could be forced by Iraqi voters to withdraw a year ahead of schedule under a referendum the Iraqi government backed [yesterday]...

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's move appeared to disregard the wishes of the U.S. government, which has quietly lobbied against the plebiscite. American officials fear it could lead to the annulment of an agreement allowing U.S. troops to stay until the end of 2011, and instead force them out by the start of that year.

The Maliki government's announcement came on the day that the top U.S. general in Iraq proposed a plan to deploy troops to disputed areas in the restive north...

Gen. Ray Odierno said American troops would partner with contingents of the Iraqi army and the Kurdish regional government's paramilitary force, marking the first organized effort to pair U.S. forces with the militia, known as the pesh merga...

...It is unclear whether parliament, which is in recess until next month, would approve the referendum.... ...senior Pentagon officials played down Maliki's announcement, saying it was an expected part of Iraq's political process. Senior Iraqi officials did not raise the possibility of the referendum with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates when he visited the country earlier this month, Pentagon officials said.

Why has the U.S. military suddenly taken sides with the Kurds when up until now it seemed to be more for the Sunni Arab (enemies of Kurds? I would suggest that Maliki (a Shi'ite) has offered this referendum to his country because he's not happy with American support for the Sunni, wherefore the Americans, doing all they can to remain in Iraq because the O-Trotters don't want to shelf them in Afghanistan anytime soon, showed a Kurd-friendly face.

You see, general Odierno is in the process of suggesting to Maliki that American military be allowed back into the population centers of northern Iraq via a deal between the U.S., the Maliki government, and the Kurd government...but a fourth party, the Sunni of Mosul, are NOT included. Why not? Why this slap in the face to the Sunni? Because the globetrotters will do anything necessary at the moment to stay in Iraq as long as possible.

The article has a statement that could explain why the Sunni-backed referendum on troop stay has not yet materialized: "But many Iraqis, particularly Sunnis and Kurds, consider the presence of the U.S. military a key deterrent to abuses of power by the Shiite-led government." In other words, the Americans befriended the Sunni to avoid their referendum, and the Sunni use the Americans to protect themselves from Maliki intrusions. Maliki caught on and decided to get rid of (try, at least) the Americans sooner rather than later. As a ploy to ultimately over-ride the Maliki referendum (and perhaps also to facilitate Western interest in Kurdish oil), Odierno has decided to seek the role of mediator between Kurds and Shi'ites...even though recent escalation of violence in the north has been, according to himself, Sunni-on-Shi'ite.

One would think that Odierno should be seeking to be mediator between Sunni and Maliki, but instead he requests a role between Kurds and Maliki because he knows there is a greater chance of success there. Therefore, the Americans appear prepared to betray the Sunni of Nineveh and Mosul, though in reality -- under the radar -- the Odierno circle may be spinning the best of friendships with them.

Whether this situation is being monitored by the king of the north is not a question at all, as we can assume he's watching closely; the question is: how will it affect or facilitate the timing and nature of his Iraqi entry?

With Obama's numbers going down due to a loss of support from the Middle, the Liberal Left is being betrayed in an effort to shore up the Middle again. That is, Obama has given the health-care fight to the Middle and angered his Liberal base for doing so. He may not recover the Middle and he may continue to anger the Left. His enemies are smelling blood, and they are not sparing the vicious attacks:

"We are witnessing one of the more rapid turnabouts in recent American political history. President Obama's popularity has plummeted to 50 percent and lower in some polls, while the public expresses even less confidence in the Democratic-led Congress and the direction of the country at large. Yet, just eight months ago, liberals were talking in Rovian style about a new generation to come of progressive politics -- and the end of both the Republican party and the legacy of Reaganism itself. Barack Obama was to be the new FDR and his radical agenda an even better New Deal.

What happened, other than the usual hubris of the party in power?

...[Americans] wanted better government, not bigger, DMV-style government. There is a growing realization that Obama enticed voters last summer with the flashy lure of discontent. But now that they are hooked, he is reeling them in to an entirely different -- and, for many a frightening -- agenda. Nothing is worse for a president than a growing belief among the public that it has been had.

Second, Americans were at first merely scared about the growing collective debt. But by June they became outraged that Obama has quadrupled the annual deficit in proposing all sorts of new federal programs at a time when most finally had acknowledged that the U.S. has lived beyond its means for years. They elected Obama, in part, out of anger at George W. Bush for multi-billion dollar shortfalls -- and yet as a remedy for that red ink got Obama's novel multi-trillion-dollar deficits.

Third, many voters really believed in the 'no more red/blue state America' healing rhetoric. Instead, polls show they got the most polarizing president in recent history -- both in his radical programs and in the manner in which he has demonized the opposition to ram them through without bipartisan support. 'Punch back harder' has replaced 'Yes, we can.'

...Fifth, even skeptics are surprised at the partisan cynicism. A year ago, Democratic leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama praised organizing, dissidents, and protest. Today they have become near-Nixonian in demonizing popular resistance to their collectivized health-care plans as mob-like, inauthentic, scripted, Nazi-like, and un-American....The public is sensing not only that Obama has failed to run the most ethically clean government, as promised, but indeed that he is not running as ethically clean a government as the predecessor whom he so assiduously ridiculed.

...Seventh, the Obama cabinet is sounding downright uncouth and boorish. The tax-challenged Treasury secretary, Tim Geithner, unleashed a profanity-laced diatribe against bank regulators. Hillary Clinton's recent outburst in the Congo, captured on YouTube, was something out of Days of Our Lives. Joe Biden cannot speak extemporaneously without causing an incident with the Russians or misleading the public about swine flu. Attorney General Holder sounds like a tired scold...

...Ninth, Democratic populism turned out to be largely aristocratic elitism. Obama spends more money on himself than did Bush. The liberal Congress has a strange fondness for pricy private jets. Those environmentalists and racialists who lecture us about our ecological and ethical shortcomings prefer Martha's Vineyard and country estates to Dayton and Bakersfield. Offering left-wing populist sermonizing for others while enjoying the high life oneself is never a winning combination.


By Victor Davis Hanson, National Review Online

Then there is the headline: Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll. What thoughts are crossing the minds of Liberals who despise Christians at this time, who count Bush-supporting Republicans as Christians? I suppose that only the Liberals and Satan know the whole truth, but that we will eventually discover it too, the hard way. Only watch how the Liberals react under this current bout of pressure. Watch their childishness, and their impish reactions. Their brutishness will come out. If even we are being stained with evil in these days though trying to avoid it, how many sinful human traits can we expect from Liberals who step foot into the spiritual cesspool with glee?

My prediction is that Obama, for a few months high on his personality successes and therefore straying from his wolf pack somewhat, will seek the pack now to submit more-wholly to it's wishes as his only hope of pulling out of his tailspin. By "wolf pack," I'm referring to the inner circle of his particular illuminati (I'm going to stop capitalizing that term too). "Illuminati" is a term for globalists when one wants to stress their Satanic parts. The wolf, which eats what is not his, is also a symbol of Satan.

For a WND article on Obama-government website abilities to collect your computer information and create profiles of the American (and non-American) public, see

The article suggests that Obama wishes to form an enemies list, an accusation leveled also by others recently. This is standard Illuminati fare. The Obama government has secured deals with internet organizations for the purpose of collecting data. This is what I have feared, our enemies entering our computers via "cookies" and recording various things about us. Later, the information can be used against us, as for example Iranian courts and jailhouses are abusing political enemies. My computer holds no private information. Does yours?

Perhaps as a means to shore up some Clintonites, "President Barack Obama will meet with Bill Clinton [today], the White House said, in their first meeting since Clinton's trip to North Korea to secure the release of two American journalists." I wonder: Is the plan to give Bill a large role in Obama foreign policy, a role ordered by the Rhodes illumianti?

Or, is he wanting to talk to Bill about his political troubles? To see the failure of Obama so soon must be giving Hillary a resurgent heartbeat. She would dearly like to replace him in 2012. Depending on whether she and Bill are getting along, he might like to see her in the interesting>White House too. Obama might like to take Bill away from Hillary, to himself. We shall see.

This is all for today (I say this for those who wait for the end of the update, because I load updates in pieces over a span of hours).

August 19

On yesterday's topic, I have some additional comments, some of them proving that Polish royalty traces to the Samson surname and therefore tending to affirm that the Jones surname was from the Polish Janina. On second thought, I don't necessarily think that the Jones trace to Jonathan of the book of Judges, but I am now fairly convinced that it traces to the Janina. This in itself is a surprising and important find because it enters Polish royalty into the dragon bloodline, something that had evaded me until I discovered Mieszko recently.

I ended up yesterday finding a Miesk surname with Mesech variation, what seems like a sure sign that king Mieszko I was named in honor of the Biblical Meshech. It supports my assumption that the Masci surname with Meschin variation was also in honor of the Meshech/Mushki. A couple of days ago, it seemed that "Masci" was a development of "MacIan" (from "MacJohn") so that "Masci" would in all actuality be a variation of "John." But if only one of the two theories can be true, I would pick the first: Masci derivation from "Meshech."

This does not necessarily discredit the idea that names such as "Macie" and "Macey" arose from "MacIan," in which case I may need to distinguish the Maceys of Cheshire from the Mascis of Cheshire. The curiosity is that the Macie version uses the Leslie symbol (buckle/horseshoe) used also by the Janina of Poland. I have yet to trace the Janina fold to Mieszko, but already I see a possibility in Mieszko's "legendary" grandfather, Lestko (I'm assuming that "ko" is a suffix in both names). Because "Lestko" (also "Leszek") is legendary, it should be a creation to reflect a people and/or their geography. Wikipedia says:

"Though proof of his actual existence is unclear, if he did exist, he must have been an influential person, because the tribes that lived in what is now Poland were known as 'Lestkowici'."

If we click the link to Lestko's father, we see a drawing with the man wearing diamonds (!) on his stockings, thus tending to prove that Ladislaus I, shown with a diamond on his breast, does trace to the Lestkowici stock of Leslies.

By a means that seems too fortuitous to be coincidental, I discovered that the Simms surname was a variation of "Samson." I made that discovery just minutes after learning that Lestko's father was "Siemowit" (root = "Siem"), and that Lestko's son (also said to be "legendary") was SIEMomysl (= father of Mieszko I). The "mysl" suffix on the latter name reflects "mascle," the official name of the hollow diamonds that I trace to the Meschin/Masci fold of surnames. In fact, the first variations shown at the Meschine-Coat page are: Mascelin, Maskelyne, Maskelyne, Masculine, Masculyne, Maslen, and Maslin.

This cannot be coincidental because the Meschin Coat smacks too much of the Samson Coat. One might also consider the similar Baker Coat as part of the Samson-Meschin fold, especially as Bakers were first in Durham, where the Meschines were before moving to Cheshire.

Fortunately, back on June 30 I recorded another surname using hollow diamonds: the Lask surname (!!) of Spain/Aragon. This cannot be a coincidence either, especially as the Lascases surname was part of the Lask topic at that time; the Lascases Coat is a shield on shield (!), the very definition of "Janina."

On June 30, I had written:

"The Lask/Laisk (Laish?) surname was first found in Aberdeen, where the Leslies were first found. The Lascases Coat uses what appear to be griffin heads, the symbol in the Leslie Crest...The possibility now is that "Lacy" is a corruption of "Lasci"...

The Lacys were merged [in Wexford Ireland] with peacock-using Comforts, and the Peacock-surname Coat uses hollow diamonds as does the Lask Coat. I therefore think there is something more than similarity of terms that links Lacys to the Lascases.

On that day, I was pointing out that both Lascases and the Peacock surname (of England) use hollow diamonds, and so look at the Janina article (link above) to see (green) peacock feathers in the Crest. If not for FE's email on Sobieski, I would NOT have been able to prove what I had said on June 10. Thank you, FE!!

On the day that I opened her email, I opened an email from CC who commented that God was using emailers from key bloodlines that would facilitate the revelation of these things. It was on that day that FE shared her own bloodline from Sobek, a surname that is found in the Sobieski databank. Thus, FE is of the Lask-Leslie fold.

Here's what I did that was fortuitous. Seeing that "Sampson" was a Samson variation, I entered "Simpson" to get a black lion on gold, the Sam-Coat lion (minus the blood droplets). After seeing the green and white of the Scottish Simpson Coat, I checked out the Simms Coat to find two symbols, ravens and the battle axe, found also on the English Jones Coat. I now knew I had something veering on solid evidence, for the other/Welsh Jones Coat is the one with lion and blood droplets with obvious link, therefore, to the Sam surname.

Just moments after making the Simp(son) and Simms links to the Sam and Sampson surnames, I saw that Lestko was associated with the Seim term. I thought that this was incredible.

But there seems to be more to discover, for somewhere in the same frame of investigation, I saw a Solymi-like term that I could not find again. It got me thinking that the Leslies could now be proven to link back to the Lasonii (who I long-ago traced to Laish), a fellow tribe of the Solymi (Lydio-Lycian theater). As I looked for more terms in the legendary Polish royalty that could link to these tribes, I saw that Mieszko and his legendary ancestors under discussion were lumped in the Piast dynasty, from the father of Siemowit: "Piast the Wheelwright."

Fortunately, I had as much study on those tribes as the internet will allow, and knew that another fellow tribe was the Pisidians. One can see how "Pisid" could modify to "Piast."

We then find that Piast was the son of Choscisko, with "Choscis" as the root, smacking of the Kaskas (Hyksos?) to which I traced these very royal Poles just days ago. You should also note that in all portraits of these Polish kings, they have long hair, i.e. like Samson. The article says: "...the last Piast George IV William of Legnica." At his webpage, one sees a long-haired man. The Arms of Legnica use white keys on blue, possibly linked to the blue keys of Sheaves/Shaw.

The "wheelwright" term comes from what some believe is the definition of Piast's surname, Kolodziej. As one can see on the map at the Pisidia article, the region was beside Caria, which was in turn continental Rhodes (a term like "roda," meaning "wheel"). This was the Lycian region ruled by mythical Sarpedon of Crete, to whom I've traced the Traby fold of Poland, and I suspect that the Traby fold was linked to the Polish royals under discussion. I traced "Traby" to Trabzon, which was in the vicinity of the Khaldi, a term somewhat reflecting "Kolodziej." Moreover, I have identified Trabzon Amazons as Meshech.

Keep in mind here the Carter family of peoples who use the cartwheel as symbol, for I ventured to trace them to the Kartli Gargars/Georgians (who merged with the Trabzon Amazons), and then to the Curetes (i.e. named after Kartli elements) that I think founded the Carians. These were an extremely Satanic bunch tied to Zeus; there was a Solymi-Zeus cult that I trace to JeruSALEM and Zeus' mount "OLYMpus". I link the "JERU/HIERO" term to Hera (Zeus' wife), who was predominantly worshiped on the island of Samos. It's a long-standing idea of others that "Solymi" links to "HieroSOLYMA, the Greek for Jerusalem.

Another fellow tribe with the Pisidians (who by the way I identify with "Poseidon," Zeus' "brother"), was the Cabelees of the Kybele cult (her symbol was a lion, just like the Sam/Sammes and Simms surnames). It dawns on me now that "Cabelee" smacks of "capelli," the Italian for "hair." Dionysus, a Kybele cult god, was portrayed as a transvestite, and I've already traced him to the Samson cult for reasons other than his mythical mother, Semele.

If Cadmus was representative of a peoples named after Ishmael's son, Kedemah, it tends to prove that Ishmaelites were integral to Dionysus and Kybele because Semele was made the daughter of Cadmus (and Harmonia). Cadmus and Harmonia were depicted as two serpents founding Europe from Greece, and of course Cadmus' sister was named Europa. Ishmael-, and therefore Abraham-blood, can then be viewed as foundational to Europe. The problem is, this Europe is not a holy entity, for God gave it to Satan and will deal with it in the Final Act.

Previously I had traced "Cadmus" to the Cadusii Armenians represented by the Hermes caduceus staff (= two entwined serpents), a theory supported well by the similarity of "Harmonia" to both "Armenia" and "Hermes." This does not necessary contradict a Cadmus-Kedemah equation, for it could mean that the Kedemah-branch Ishmaelites were founders of Cadusia.

The trace can go to Samson again when investigating the Simms surname (the Simms Coat uses Zionists stars, by the way) because it's said to be of the Simon surname. The "Jewish" Simon Coat looks to me like a red fox, a symbol of Samson (who used foxes to fight Philistines; Judges 15). The Italian Simon Coat uses a red lion and a Zionist star. The write up: ""First found in Trepani". For newer readers, I've traced of Trabzon and Traby to Trepani (western Sicily).

We then find that the same Simons also lived in Campania, where we find the Apollo wolf cult of Avellino that made up the Romans. It is easily traced to Avallon, near Champagne (France), and then to the Arthurian cult. The English Simon Coat uses gold clovers on black, smacking of the Ayers Coat (of Ayrshire) and other potential Ishmaelites.

In fact, looking back in my files just now, I find gold clovers on black in the Cleve Coat, this surname smacking of "Havilah." It's probably not a coincidence that the Cleve Coat also uses wolves, since I traced Apollo (his symbol was a wolf) and Avalon to Abilene, the capital of which was Abila, smacking of "Havilah."

On June 24, several weeks before coming to the Havilah topic as per the home of Ishmaelites (Genesis 25), I wrote on the Havel location in Germany, and later (June 27) asked whether it linked to Havilah, son of Joktan. In fact, on that day (June 24), I was writing on Mieszko I! Here is what I wrote:

In light of George (father of Maurice Drummond) marrying a Bohemian girl (about 1050), and with the likelihood that "Drum" was also "Drub/Darby/Traby/etc" (remember, Trabys proper are from Poland), see that "In 965 Mieszko married Dobrawa (Dobrava, Dubrawka), daughter of Boleslav I [not The Brave], Duke of Bohemia." Now look at Boleslav's father: Vratislaus I. Isn't "Vratis" linked to PodeBRADY, the place where George married his girl???

Zikies!! After saying that, I found that Vratislav's wife was Drahomira, a Drummond-making term if ever we saw one.

Drahomira (Drago-Mira?) was from Germany, specifically from the Hevelli or Stodoranie...

"...around the river Havel in the Havelland area of Brandenburg...The Hevelli built fortifications at Brenna (later to become Brandenburg an der Havel)..."

The Kyles trace themselves to king Cole, a term perhaps from "Kolod" (= term in the Mieszko ancestry). Having just checked the Cole Coat after that thought, it turns out to be black on gold (!), using a black bull...which we saw in the Miesk/Mesech Coat!!! It, too is black on gold!!!! And the Miesk surname was first found in Brandenburg parts, where Havel(land) is located.

I can't draw all the conclusions as there are just so many to be made. By all means, help me out. What do these pictures tell us??? Keep in mind that the Abel/Abelle Coat uses purple (the color of the Polish Janina), and that the write-up has the surname deriving in a "Hevel" surname/term.

The Poland Coat uses black (scallops) on gold diamonds, and the surname was first found in Staffordshire, what I think to trace to the Hohenstaufens...who also used black on gold, even a black lion on gold like the Sam and Simpson Coats.

I've already traced the suits in decks of cards to the Hohens, whom I've long traced to two main lines, one from the Khazars and the other from southern Italy. To what does the clover (used by Davis and Rockefeller-suspected families) link to? In days gone by it occurred to me that it may be a symbol of Clovis, the famous Merovingian king. Merovingians were "long-haired" kings. I traced them to Moravia, a region that was part of Silesia; the Piast dynasty was of Silesia. Merovingians trace themselves to a bull cult encoded, "Quinotaur," and that to me should link to the black bull of Miesk under discussion.

My suspicion is that the "Quino" code traces to Tarquinia, an Etruscan region in Lazio province (Italy), and usually traced back to mythical Tarchon of the Lydians/Lasonii. I form this theory more confidently because I've traced Pisidians to Pisa of Etruscan realms. Investigating the theory just now, I found the Arms of Tarquinia showing a shield identical to the Randolph Coat (of Moray).

I linked the Baal cult (using a bull as symbol) of the Hyksos to the Zeus bull of Tyre/Tyrus, and further back to the Zeus peoples depicted by "Taurus": the Turrukaeans (many variant spellings) of the Zagros hills in Iran. I then made the Taurus/Turruk(k)u trace to the Tros-based Trojans, and from that vantage point it was a no-brainer to see a link to the Tyrrhenians (compare "Turruk" to "Tyrrhenian"). Tyrrhenians, mythified as Tyrrhenus, are viewed identical with Etruscans, and were made the "brother" of Tarchon, both being of the mythical Atti(s) > Lydus line.

Clovis is the one credited as founder of the fleur-de-lys symbol (that I trace to the Lasonii fold of peoples leading up to the Leslies of Lusatia, beside Silesia), a three-part flower reflecting a clover somewhat. Note that in a deck of cards, a club is a clover. Why a clover? Could it be that "club" and "clover" have the same root in "Clovis."

In an Italian deck of cards, the club is an actual club of war (symbol of Hercules Danaan, the Greek extension of Samson), and that deck has a suit of red cups, no doubt indicating the holy which Clovis was associated. The Italian deck also uses "spada," a blue sword, that in the English deck became the spade...that is in fact a linden leaf (I think Lindos on Rhodes, founded by Danaans). Red diamonds could then link to the red diamond of Ladislaus I. Red hearts should trace to the Douglas clan of Moray, and Moray (also "Moravia") should be linked to Moravia/Silesia and Merovingians of that region.

The Poland Coat page shows surnames using "Paul" as root rather than anything linking to Poland. But the diamonds, the black and gold, and the pelican (possible symbol of Polocks), can link to Poland. The Paul surname has colors similar to the Poland surname, but the Saul Coat uses the same colors in shield-on-shield (!) (Saul and Paul are the same names, Saul being Hebrew/Semite).

Masovia has the same ending as "Merovi" and the Polabi(ans). As you may know, I've linked the Pollock surname to the Plock/Plunk surname, but that was before yesterday, when I learned that there is a Plock region in Masovia. Masovia is the part of central Poland where we find A HREF="">Podkowa Lesna; it's beside the PodLASKIE province, also known as "PodLASIE," and herein is where the Lacy/Lasci surname should derive. If "Masci/Meschin" does not derive from Massa, Ishmael's son, because it derives from the Meshech instead, then perhaps "Masovia" derives from Massa.

More anciently, Podlasie was Podlachia, and therefore named after "Lachia," the alternative name for Poles. Therefore, Leslies were simply Lachia-branch Poles. I traced that term to Lycaon=Lycia; Lycaon was mythically a wolf of Zeus associations. Podlachia is located off the Beibrza river (perhaps linked to Beb/Bab terms) on which we find the town of Radzilow, what looks to be ground zero to the Radziwill family of Traby association (which I had independently traced to Lycia's wolf symbol). "The history of Radzilow is closely connected with the history of Masovia Province..."

Both the Arms of Masovia and the Arms of Podkowa Lesna are white on red, the latter using a pine tree, the symbol of both mythical Atti(s) (= the Hatti of Hattusa, from the Cadusia) and Lothian (Scotland). The Arms of PodLASKIE province are also white on red, and while the houseofnames Leslie Coat does not show these colors, the English Randolph Coat does. I say this because the Randolph Coat includes horseshoes, the other symbol used by Podkowa Lesna.

The French Mass Coat (surname from 'mace') should link to the mace seen in the portrait of Mieszko I. The mace is used by the Macey surname and may therefore not link to the Masci surname if "Macey" isn't. The problem of distinguishing Macey from Masci while having the two link any may be solved in a merger of Massa elements with the Meshech produce two similarly-named entities, Mass and Masc, living together.

As the Mass surname was first found in Savoy, beside Piedmont, it appears to be a Masci variation because both it and the Italian Mass surname were first found in Piedmont.

I've noted that PodKowa has a Kowa root, a term that could derive as a hard-C variation of "Sobie/Sobe.

To my surprise there was no Sob/Sobe/Sobey/Sobee Coat, but I did find a Savory Coat when entering "Sovey" (compare with IrishFleming Coat). It uses all the colors (especially red and blue) of the Masci Coat and some of the Mass Coat. This seemed like a clue that "Sobieski/Sobek" was a variant somehow of "Savoy" (though I'm not anywhere convinced yet), and that got me to check out the Savoy Coat: it's the Randolph Shield (!)...and therefore the Arms of Tarquinia.

This trace of Randolphs to Poland's royals adds to what readers may have viewed as shallow, that Randolphs were derived from "Ranulph" de Meschin.

Interestingly, the Savage surname was first found in Cheshire, the location of the English Mascis/Masseys, Maceys, and Meschins. The Savage Coat reflects the Lacy/Lacey Coat and uses the Dougal crest.

Hmm, since "Dougal" is also "Dowell," it may be that the Sobie term had a 'd' variation such as "Dobies" that evolved into "Dowell." When I entered my first 'd' surname in a search, it was "Dobe" (German), using Dobel variations (!) and a cartwheel, the symbol of the Piast dynasty that was foundational to the Sobieski royals. That find gave reason to seek a Sobel Coat (i.e. as per "Dobel"), and I got one, a very rare Russian one, from a "Jewish" family. It uses a fleur de lys and what could be the Bauer stars, suggesting a trace to Franconia/Bavaria.

The write-up: "The Sobel surname is derived from the Polish word 'sobol,' which is a type of marten..." The French Samson Coat uses (horizontal) martins in the same colors.

Just a thought, since the Meshech are typically lumped with Tubal in the Bible, that "Sobel" may be clue to the Tubal ancestry of king Sobieski.

The Bauers were first in Austria before coming to Bavaria, and so we find a German Dober Coat, in the three colors of the Sobels, with the Dober/Tober surname found first in Austria. The English Dober Coat? Gold clovers (on red), the colors of the German Dobe Coat.

I wonder where the term, "Soviet," comes from? From 'Sobie(ski)"? Is Sobie the root of the socialist Illuminati that founded Communist Russia and that seeks the demise of America to this day while feeding on it like a parasite?

August 20

Nearing the end of yesterday's update, I sought the Western families that might have derived from the Kolod term in the Kolod(ziej) surname of "Piast the Wheelwright." I was hoping to find links to the Carter fold, or other suspected Ishmaelites, whether they use cartwheels or not. After trying a dozen or so Kolod-like terms, I was led to the cartwheels in the Scottish Colter Coat. But let me begin from the start of yesterday's investigation.

After finding no Kolod surname, I tried "Cold," which brought up the black bull (on gold) of the Cole Coat, indicating somewhat that "Kolod" was indeed part of Kyle/Cole stock (keep in mins that Kyle-Society webpage">Kyles early used black candles on gold).

The Kolt term was entered next, bringing up a Kell/Keld Coat with red stars, which I recalled being used on the Kyle Coat. When I clicked over to the Scottish Kolt Coat (using Kelt variations but showing no Colt variations), I learned that they were first found in Perthshire; I recalled that Shaws (suspected Ishmaelites) moved from Perthshire (where they were first found) to Ayrshire, where Kyles lived. Perthshire, near Aberdeen (where Leslies were first found) is also where the Drummonds (from Hungarian-royal descent) were first found, a family that I've linked very closely to Leslies.

After looking at the Gold Coats, I entered "Celt" to find the Colt/Cult surname, also first found in Perthshire. It's obviously a branch of the Scottish Kelt surname above, which by the way uses black stars on white, the Kyle colors. It's beginning to look as though Kyles were from Piast Kolodziej "the wheelwright," who is considered founder of the Piast dynasty, wherefore when asking myself whether Kyles showed signs of being linked to Pisidians (= Poseidon cult), I took note of the sea symbol (anchor) in their Crest.

I didn't know what to make of the Gold Coat yesterday, but just now, on a second look, I made a fantastic discovery. The Gold Coat uses a gold lion, wherefore I wondered whether it linked to a gold lion seen yesterday, and when finding it, it turned out to be in Arms of Legnica. I was stunned, for I was taking another look at this lion only to see whether it was on blue background, as in the Gold Coat.

Not only was it on a blue background, but it was holding keys, what I've found to be Shaw symbols. AND, the only reason that I was at the Legnica page is: the Piast-the-Wheelwright page tells that the last Piast royal was of Legnica!! Therefore, the English Gold surname, with Gould variation, links to the Piast dynasty.

There is yet more evidence. First, see again the blue keys of the Italian Chaves/Sheaves Coat, a surname found in the English Shaw clan. BUT, the English Shaw Coat uses diamonds (black on white), the symbol seen in the stockings of Siemowit, son of Piast the Wheelwright!! AND, Siemowit is portrayed wearing a kilt, not only a Scottish item but "kilt" reflects the very Kelt/Colt surname under that the kilt might be rooted in Piast's Kolod surname.

Wikipedia says that the kilt originates in the Scottish highlands of the 16th century, which was centuries after Siemowit (9th century) and family.

The bunched arrows in the Shaw Crest are crossed, as are the keys in the Arms of Legnica. The crossed keys are also the symbol of the papacy, but as yet I'm not rushing to a papacy link with the Piast dynasty, though it's curious that the last Pope, taking "John-Paul" for a name, was Polish. Yesterday, I discussed the Paul surname that is included in the Poland-surname clan, and of course I have been on the topic of the Polish Janina...which I think is rooted in "John." The Poland Coat uses diamonds but also black scallops (within the diamonds), a symbol of the present pope's Arms.

The next Kolod-like term to be entered was "Cauld, and this too brought up the black bull of the Cole surname. There showed a link to a Scottish Cauld surname, but it turned out to be the above Colt/Coult/Cult clan of Perthshire (using a red stag that should trace to the Arpads of Hungary).

Next, I tried "Gald and got a German clan with Geld and Gelt variations, using a blue diagonal band on white. I didn't have time yesterday to check the family links to this particular symbol, but this morning I can report that two surnames using it are Dulles and Biggar...having identical Coats using red stars i.e. likely linked to the red stars seen above in the Kyle and Colt Coats.

Finding a Biggar link to the Piast dynasty in this preliminary way is fantastic, for I had traced the Biggars to Biharia (Transylvania near the Hungary border) and its capital at Oradea. I knew when I saw Legnica's gold lion on blue that the Oradea Arms also uses a gold lion, but I couldn't recall the background color. I found just now that it, too, like the Legnica and Gold-surname lions, is on a blue background!

Note at the Oradea link above the old town (Varadinium) with a cinquefoil-like design. Also, at the same page, we learn that various Hungarian kings were buried at Oradea, including Ladislaus I. These kings were of the Arpad dynasty, and I had traced that name from Arvad/Arados of Syria to...Oradea and Arad to its south. That should explain the royal burials there. What has me reeling is that I had just considered a trace of "Tartar" -- as per the Scottish tartan -- to the Kelts/Colts because of the link just made to the kilt, while the city of Tartus (on-shore of Arvad/Arados) was founded by peoples of Arvad/Arados. Mythical Tartarus (term used for the Biblical Hell) comes to mind, associated with mythical Typhus/Typhon, who I think depicted the Taphians of the Daphne cult.

"Varadinium" reminded me of the Bratt/Bradd surname, and checking it again I found a shield-on-shield (Janina symbol) in the German Bratt Coat! It uses an anchor (like the Kyles). I had also forgotten what the Pratt Coat was, but having linked the surname to Bradd, I checked it just find hollow diamonds (!!!), a symbol I've traced to the Piast dynasty. I'm simply amazed at how previous work is all coming together so well at this Polish junction.

You may recall that I traced the red saltire on gold of the Belgian Pratts to the same of the Bruces (from Bruges, Belgium).

After the Gald/Geld surname, I entered "Holtzer" and "Goltzer" and finally "Colter" to find the cartwheels. This Scottish surname was first found in Lanarkshire, beside Ayrshire, which is significant not only because the Arms of Ayrshire uses the Bruce/Pratt saltire, but because the next term entered was "Colten" in an effort to seek Colter branches; the English Colten Coat uses a gold "engrailed" saltire on black, Ayrshire colors but also reflecting the black on gold Shaw Coat with engrailed chevron. The Ayrshire motto is: "God Shaw the Richt."

ALSO, there's the gold-on-black Meschin Coat with engrailed band. The Meschins were merged with the Bruces at more than one point, including the clans at Dunham Masci (Cheshire).

Compare the Arms of Biharia to the top-left quadrant in the Arms of Ayrshire; in both designs one sees a castle on blue and white waves. Blue and white waves are the German-Drummond symbol, and while Drummonds were born of king Andrew of Hungary, I had traced the Drummond name to the Piast dynasty (see yesterday's update), though I don't know how that trace works out.

As red is a common theme in the surnames under discussion (including the red diamond of Ladislaus and the red stag of the Colts), I'll mention the red and white German Gold/Golt Coat, using bugles as the only symbol and therefore possibly linked to the Pollock bugles, especially as the Jewish Pollock Coat is red and white.

When I re-read that Ranulph de Meschin of Cheshire "held the honour of Skipton" (where the English Bruces ruled), I took another look at the Skipton Coat (I had forgotten it's design) find a purple lion!!! I went back through my files to see if this was mentioned, and found that it was mentioned May 3, quite a while before learning of the purple lion of the Lacys/Lascis and Luz'. I had never before made the Skipton link to the Leslie clan, but there you have yet more evidence that the Meschin surname traces to the Miesk/Mesech surname and then back to Mieszko I of the Piast and Lestko (of PodLaskie) bloodlines.

When in the Skipton write-up I read that "Skipton Castle was acquired by the Cliffords," I brought up the Clifford Coat while thinking that "Cliff" might be a Cleve variation. I could see no evidence for a Cleve link in the Clifford Coat, though I note it's use of a shield-full of blue and gold Cohen-like checks, and a red wyvern dragon in the Crest. It was at that point that I entered "Cleve Coat" to take another look, being reminded that it uses a gold clover on black, the Shaw symbol and very akin to the Ayers-surname symbol.

When I re-viewed the three fish (in Traby style) of the Dutch Cleve Coat, I was reminded of the fish in the Macie/MacIan/MacKane fold of surnames that I had traced to the Polish Janina. There are fish also in the Arms of Oradea. BUT immediately after seeing the Dutch Cleve Coat, I entered "Cliff" without the "ford" ending and got the Welsh Cleve Coat!!! That's when I realized that Cliff was a variation of "Cleve," for in fact "Cliffe" is the first variation shown.

To make the Cleve link to the Skiptons all the more solid, the wolf head in the Cleve Coat and Crest is identical to the wolf head in the English Pratt Crest; the latter surname ( using hollow diamonds) traces to the Bruces of Skipton (Yorkshire) i.e. the Bruces of Skipton changed their blue lion symbol to the Pratt saltire symbol. As I had noted recently that the lion in the English Bruce Crest is purple, not blue, it is now made obvious that it links to the purple lion of the Skipton Thus, it would appear that Cleves took the Skipton castle because Skiptons and Cliffs were both from the Leslie fold of Poles of the Piast dynasty.

In the news. Just as the Iraqis pulled down the concrete slabs (erected by the Americans to protect from bombings) around the "Green Zone" of Baghdad, and just as the American military (i.e. general Odierno) is warning Iraq of increased bombings by the Sunni -- with the offered solution that Americans should be allowed back into the fight -- the largest bomb of the year went off near the Green zone, making a crater the size of a three-story house. "Iraq's prime minister has blamed Sunni insurgents for a wave of deadly bombings in Baghdad and says the Iraqi government must re-evaluate security to confront the challenge.";_ylt=AjLywsWN9oBS.JWpWaA7PYb5SpZ4

Question: is the Odierno circle responsible for these huge blasts? Is that circle working in concert with the Sunni to create cause for remaining in Iraq longer than the Iraqis want them?

If you think I'm a little over the top for suggesting that, how about the story below on Obama's mass murder program:

"Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A 'Planetary Regime' with the power of life and death over American citizens.

The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?

These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology -- informally known as the United States' Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that..."

My point is the Holdren surname because it was found after all the above of Colt/Colter/Colten was written. The Holdren Coat is blue and white, like the Colter/Colder Coat. The Holdren Crest uses the Arm and Scimitar, a Kyle symbol but tracing to the same in the Roxburghshire Arms. The Holdren Coat uses footless swallows/martlets, used also in the shield-on-shield Coat of the Rutherfords...first found in Roxburghshire.

With that Holdren trace to the Rutherfords of Maxton, we might expect links to the Meschine branch of Maxtons. As "Colder" is included in the Colter databank, see the Holder surname (includes "Holter"), using gold on blue like the Holdren Coat, and what could be a version of the Scottish Randolph dancette, which could explain why Mr. Holdren is high up in the O-Team.

So what did Mr. Holdren write?

"Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;

The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;

Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;

...A transnational 'Planetary Regime' should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force."

I can't wait. When does all this bliss begin. Bring on the Utopia, and please geld me so that I don't bring anymore babies into the world.

That's all for today.

PS -- The John-Holdren article appeared TODAY at I had not seen it before. How can it be that my writings were on Colter this very morning before knowing of the Holdren story? What could it mean? That the Holdren mentality is what we are to watch out for in coming years from the O-lluminati?

August 21

The story below tells that Iraqi Sunni may be turning their sites on crushing Shi'ite ruled Syria in an effort to have a crack at Israel via the Golan Heights. As you may know, I expect the Gog-Sunni invasion to come through Syria by an attack on it:

...Al-Madi continued by saying that 'the fall of the Syrian regime or its collapse into chaos will have a direct impact on the neighboring Sunnis in Iraq and Lebanon, and they will liberate themselves from the constraints on their movement and will find in Syria, a free, important space for movement and supply.' In such a scenario the writer thinks that the 'fall of Syria' will cut off land transport of Iranian land supplies to Hezbollah in Lebanon. This will equalize the strength of the Lebanese Sunnis with Lebanon's Shi'a community. According to the author, Syria will serve as a backyard to support the fight against Americans in Iraq. 'More importantly, the jihadi project will be in direct contact with Israel in an area which is ideal for guerrilla warfare, namely the occupied Golan Heights, without having to fight a costly battle to overcome the Shiite strongholds in southern Lebanon'"[tt_news]=35435&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=5bda9d1909

The article points out that Syria is predominantly that in a war, the Sunni could take the country handily if only the numbers of Sunni willing to fight are there. I think this is going to be the case. But while the Gog-Sunni war club will devastate Syria, I don't think it will harm Hezbollah because Gog and Iran will be allied, and Hezbollah is an Iranian arm.

That's all for the news. For anyone interested, there's more on the Sobieski-Janina links, this time to Rockefellers, Cohens, and Basques. I started off by checking the John Coat (something not done previously) to find a branch of the English Jones/John surname, for they two use near-identical Coats (ravens and crossed axes). No surprise, except that the John Coat is Welsh has a black chevron so as to be exactly the Welsh Rys/Rice Coat...which I had previously linked to Rockefeller-proven branches of Rocksby and Rook/Roch.

I had found the latter two only due to reading at the Rosselin/Roslin-Coat page that the surname was from Rigsby (Yorkshire). I wrote then that I knew Rockefellers were from Rigsby, but won't explain it here (see the end of June 9), except to say that I trace this Rosselin surname to Rosellon/Roussillon of the Rodez region of Lanquedoc (France), where the initial Rockefellers, as per "Roquefeuil," originated (see August 7).

I didn't know on June 9 what to do with the Rosselin/Roslin symbol, which turned out to be buckles (see verification)!! This could therefore link the Rockefellers to the Leslie buckle (used also in the Sobieski/Sobek Coat).

I wondered why the Johns and Rices would have the same Coat (both lived in Carmarthen of Wales), whether by merger of divergent families, or by similar backgrounds in the Janina clans. I then sought the root of the Rys surname. I had previously linked its raven to the same in the German Roth Coat, but this time I thought to check the Russell surname (said by some to be one of the biggest Illuminati families), especially as it is said to mean red as is the explanation for the Roth surname. Aside from the white scallops on black, the Meschine symbol, the Russells use a white goat with gold horns in the Crest, similar to the black goat with gold horns in the Rigsby Crest.

Seeing the Russell motto, "Che sara sara," I checked the Sarah Coat to find gold cinquefoils on black that I didn't know where to link until I tried (moments later) the Rigsby Coat!! A little later I thought to try for a Risby Coat (as per the Rhys surname)...and got one, four red cinquefoils around an engrailed saltire on black (this is evocative of the symbol of the German Rosicrucian leader, Johannes Andreae: four red roses around a saltire). The black Risby/Rysby saltire is likely linked to the black Rhys chevron, especially as the Roswell Coat (of Lincolnshire) uses engrailed chevrons. I made the Roquefeuil of Rodez link to the Roswells of Lincolnshire because I trace the Rodez location back to Lindos on Rhodes (Greece), which I then connect to Lincolnshire's old name(formerly "Lindsey").

I was very pleased when, after checking the Sarah Coat, I tried the Sarre surname and found a French Serres/Saire family in Lanquedoc! Since the Rodez location was founded by the Ruthene, also called "Rus(s)i," it's likely that the Russells trace to that peoples, wherefore the Russell motto, "Che sara sara," is likely code for the Serres/Saire family and it's branches. I also note that "Che sara" sounds like "Khazar" and "Cathar" (the latter were in Lanquedoc as Templar-related cultists).

I can report that the Serres/Saire Coat is near-identical with the German Joost Coat, but that's another investigation for a later time, though I will say that, after seeing the Joost Coat yesterday, I ran into an article with Porter Goss, former CIA director. The Goss Coat appears to be somewhat Joost-related, but also begs links to the Sears/Seers surname...which itself has red stars in colors reversed from the Serres/Saire Coat. Moreover, the red scallop in the Sears Coat may link to the giant one in the German Johannes Coat.

Thus, if the Rice/Rhys surname links to the Russell surname, then likely the Rice/Rhys family was linked to the German Johannes family, reflecting the Rice/Rhys link to the British Johns and Jones'. Possibly, the Johannes surname was linked to the Polish Janina.

In the course of this investigation, the Joanne/Joan Coat was found to use a lion (green on white) with bloodied mouth, similar to the Welsh Jones Coat with a lion and blood droplets from mouth.

It was only because I lived in a neighborhood with a Reesors street that I checked the find a distinct Welsh Rees/Rhys Coat identical to the Rhys/Rice Coat except that the first uses a gold lab in the Crest. The gold Lab, like the Joost and Goss surnames, links to the Basques of Gascony (beside Lanquedoc), namely to the proto-Washingtons, the Wassas/Gaces. Washingtons use red stars on white, like the Goss and Sears Coats, but for the longest time I didn't know that the Washington Crest was a raven (see verification). The gold Lab is technically a "talbot" for official reasons I don't yet know, but the Talbot Shield is that of the Arms of Jacques de Molay (Jacques is French for "John"), a French Templar leader.

The Ashbourne Coat uses white stars on red, and in the recent past I linked this surname to the Washingtons of Gascony. Both the Ashley Crest Ashman Coat use black Lab heads, and that makes me suspect that the Ash surname was fundamental to the United States, especially as the German Ash/Asch Coat uses a triple white chevron on red.

I of course suspect that the Ash surname was Ishmaelite; to support it, the red wyvern in the English Ash/Aschey Crest is the red wyvern in the Clifford Coat ("Cliff" is a Cleve variation; see earlier in this update for explanation). The Ash Coat uses a double black chevron, what I would peg as the black Rockefeller chevron.

After another investigation on Sobie-like names, I actually found the Sobieski surname in Germany by entering "Sobbe." I'll get to that later, but before finding the Sobbe Coat, I landed on the Sowell/Soul Coat...only because I had linked Dowells to the Sobieski fold; the Dowells have a Doul variation, as the Sowells have a Soul variation.

The Sowell/Soul Coat uses fish, as do the Kanes (white on green), Keons (white on blue), Keans (these being variations of the MacIan = MacJohn surnames, using the Sobieski buckle) that I had previously linked to the Janina, but to assure the Sowell link to "Sobieski" (a Janina-family surname), the Sowell/Soul Coat is a shield-on-shield (the definition of "Janina")!!

As a result of the Sobieski hunt, I came across the Dober Coat; it's practically the Kain Coat (the latter is yet another variation found at the MacIan=MacJohn page). To increase the chances of a Dober link to the Janina (suspected as a Leslie branch because the Janina Coat is purple), the Dober Crest (as well as the Doberman Crest) is the Leslie griffin. That clinches it: Dobers were Sobies!

You will note than many of the Coats under discussion are white and blue, white and red, or both. The Dobermans (reflective of the Hebrew Pollock Coat) use a white on red version of the Dobers white on blue. This has me thinking that the Sobieski family had a Pollock-related Dobie branch, for the Dobie/Doby surname (blue on white but also red on white) was first found in Renfrewshire (where Scottish Pollocks were first recorded). The Dobie symbol is said to be a helmet, but I don't see it.

I naturally tried "Tobie" to find a red cinquefoil on a black and gold checkered (i.e. Cohen-like) shield. As Paisley Abbey is in Renfrewshire, I decided at that very point, as the very next search, to try for a Pais surname...and got black and gold checks in the Spanish Pelaez/Paez/Baez Coat!! I couldn't believe it. PLUS, the top of the Pelaez Shield is half the Scottish Pollock Coat. What could possibly be the Pollock link to a Spanish surname??? Or was it initially Spanish? I don't think so.

I noted that "Pilaaez" reflects "Bilis," the name of the river in Pamphylia to which I trace the German Bils surname...using a shield filled with black and gold checks. I recall that there is a river of similar name in Polabia.

On April 10, I wrote on the Dober surname, linking it to the Lutons et al of Liecester/Ligurian associations and their cinquefoil symbol in the Cinque Port region of southern England:

"...I now know some of these Bedfordites moved to Dover (Kent) and took on the Dover surname (using a large cinquefoil), and I know that "Dover" is rooted in "dofre," an old word for "potter"... as per the German Dopfner surname deriving from "toepfer" = potter [Potter Coat uses cinquefoils in reversed colors to Dover). Armed with this information, the Dober surname (Austrian) was checked, and sure enough, there were Taupfer and Teupfer variations. I then found that this Austrian Dober/Tober Coat had virtually the same design as in the German Doberman Coat, and yet houseofnames fails to derive the latter from "toepfer," opting instead for "dobr" meaning "good." There we have reason to be careful with houseofnames derivations."

I can now add that "Dover" may be a Sobieski branch. The Dover Coat uses a bugle in the colors of the Pollocks, giving more reason for a Pollock link to the Dobies, but in such a case the Dovers look like a Dobie/Doby branch...which could explain why the English Dobbs/Dobey Coat is black and white like the Dover Coat.

After seeing possible Sobie links to the Duke/Dook and Dog/Doag surnames (remember, Dowells were also "Dougals), I fell upon the German Sobbe/Sober/Zobisch Coat, saying:

"...the Slavic personal name Sobieslaw, which is represented in German as Sobisch or Zobisch...The name dates back to the 12th century when the name Sobisch was a Slavic ducal name in Bohemia."

I then knew I had the Sobieski branch in Germany! It strikes me that the online definition of "Sobieslav" is "usurper of glory," a theme that my Pollock friend re-told to me several times concerning the Scottish Leslies. She said, in effect, that Leslies would by nature elbow other families aside to take top-dog positions.

As we can see that the German Sobbe/Sober Coat uses three white oak leaves on red, it's just got to be a branch of the Irish Tobin/Torbin surname, using three white oak leaves on blue. But one would never know it by reading the Tobin write-up. The write-up does give hint that Tobins were Leslies: "First found in Devonshire, where they were seated at the manor of Ashton known as 'Place Barton...'"

Another Ash. The Ashton/Ascheton Coat is a single large black star on white, evocative of the Dover Coat, but the point is the Barton term, for last night I made a major discovery on the German Bart surname. It's a shield-on-shield (!), and in the colors of the shield-on-shield German Bratt Coat!!! It's not much a surprise that Bratts and Barts were the same family, but what this tends to do is support all the more the trace of proto-Bruce Pratts to the Janina. Both the Pratts and Scottish Bards use red and gold, and the Bard Crest uses the green Leslie griffin.

By some coincidence, I found that the Rut/Rudd Coat used three white bells on blue (Moray colors), while Doble Coat uses three white bells on red. The Doble surname was sought as a result of similarity with "Dowell," but the Rut Coat was sought seeking possible roots of Rutland (Liecester) because I was veering toward Rod(h)am- and Ruth-like designs in the Rys/Rice investigation (see Ries/Ryse Coat).

The Ruttle variation of the Rut/Rudd surname is a possible clue to Rutland links, but when checking my files for more clues I found the Rutland Arms, a horseshoe amid acorns, what could be hint of links to the oak leaves of the German Sobieskis, especially as I claim that the Sobieski buckle doubles as a horseshoe with nail. The Rutland horseshoe compares with the one of A HREF="">Podkowa Lesna (Poland).

The Rut/Rudd Crest uses a hand with scroll, as does the Moray Crest, and the Ruth Coat shows no Ruth variations but only the Randolph surname...that was first in Moray. In fact, the Ruth-Randolph Coat write-up tells that the family was first found in Moray. What's more, the Ruth-Randolph Coat uses black stars while the Rodham Coat uses black cinquefoils, reflecting the similarity between the Ashton and Dover Coats respectively.

At this point, we've got to see the Welsh Davis Coat again because it not only seems to be a variation of the Doberman, Rodham and Ryse/Ries Coats (the Rhys/Rice surname was in Wales too), but "Davis" smacks of "Dober/Dobie/Dowell/etc. In fact, as the Davis surname should trace to David I of Scotland, since Randolphs trace to his bloodline, note that the Dobie surname of Scotland is also "Dawbie/y."

Since the Doberman Coat smacks of the Jewish Pollock Coat, I would have to say that the similar Davis Coat links to the Renfrew Pollocks...since the Dobie surname was first found in Renfrew. What this does, if true, is trace Obama's (not to mention Hillary's) bloodline to the Polish circle of families under investigation.

Back to the Lab symbol of the Rees(or)/Rhys surname of Wales. The Talbots also use a shield-on-shield (white on red), thus tending to trace the Lab both to the Pollock circle of Roxburghshire and to the Polish Janina. But another surname using the Lab/talbot is Tanner, and in fact the Tanner Crest uses a GOLD Lab as does the Welsh Rees/Rhys Crest.

The point is, when searching "Yann" (i.e. a potential Jan=John variation), the Tanner Coat comes up. All that work on tracing the Lab was not in vain, and I recall that the Comerfords of Wexford also use a white Lab, and meanwhile they lived among the Lacys/Lascis of Wexford. Thus the Lab bloodline does seem to link to the Janina, and I have the feeling that my Pollock friend, and other email friends, have been leading me, via the Holy Spirit working through them, to the Polish Janina as a base of the end-time dragon powers.

? The GOLD Lab is used also by the Oettingen-Oettingen Arms, what I had traced solidly to Odin-cult elements bringing forth the Washingtons. I now note the bell-shaped design in the Oettingen Arms, for this (in blue and white) is used by the Flemings. For my previous treatment on Oettingen, see starting in the 2nd update in July.

The Cully Coat uses GOLD Labs, and my suspicion is that other Gaul-like terms link to the Keld/Colt/etc surnames discussed yesterday, all linking to "Kolod" of the Piast dynasty. The Tanner surname was previously linked to the Tankerville and Tancred family of terms, but their trace also to the Janina is suspected as per the Tankerville/Tanerdevilla Coat, a shied-on-shield (!) surrounded by cinquefoils. And the related Tancred surname uses red scallops, seen this day in the German Johannes Coat.

I came upon the Tankerville and Tancred surnames only by searching "Tack" (I was seeking Takala variations), and so let me now repeat that the Tack/Thackery Coat uses a purple Chief. The Thackery write-up says: "...historians claim that the [Thackery] family probably sprang from Tancred, a Norman Baron, who lived in 912 A.D, and share a common ancestry with the Tankervilles and Tancreds."

I hope that's enough headspin for today. I have been keeping tabs on the news, but lately it's been non-important. I'll be back to make the important points. Have a nice weekend.


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