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The Irvingites were led by a Henry Drummond of England, a banker heavily involved in politics, also High Sheriff of Surrey, who in 1826 brought together an assembly of men into his 63-chimney mansion home (in Albury Park) to tackle the question of the end times, or so we are to believe. Not only did this gathering partake in the early Zionist movement of Rothschilds, but it's leaders manufactured an elaborate scheme, convincing some in their midst to be the chosen of God to re-institute the 1st-century Apostolic ministry. These were to produce prophecies toward that end, to gather the Church in unity, and to usher in the Millennial Kingdom.

They prophesied unto themselves 12 apostles (did Jesus truly ordain two sets of 12 Apostles?) wherein Henry Drummond himself took the high position, apostle of Scotland. Akin to the far-fetched doctrine of Anglo-Israelism, they proclaimed that the Christian Church was a European pie consisting of the 12 Tribes of be ruled, of course, by their own 12 Apostles (Francis V. Woodhouse was the Apostle over America). To convince the world that they were truly a movement of God, they emphasized speaking in tongues and feigned other Heaven-sent gifts.

But feigning the visible return of Jesus, and rapture, would prove impossible, and this problem goes far in explaining another new claim: that Jesus would come invisibly. Not that they planned to feign the disappearance of millions of Christians worldwide (at least I hope not), but the teaching of an invisible coming was to be coupled with a re-definition of the rapture itself, as a transformation process into Godhood while we are yet here in our earthly bodies. To convince of such an illusion, false-miracle claims and transformative hype were spun. Keep the members believing that God is really-really working in their church (keeps the money coming in, right). It's now the so-called "Manifest Sons of God" doctrine, typically found in ultra-charismatic circles.

Others besides the Irvingites latched onto pre-tribulationism (e.g. John Darby), and took it seriously as Gospel-truth; they even took credit away from the Irvingites, unto themselves. But from the beginning, pre-tribulationism was, I believe, a first-degree scam to introduce new ideas about the rapture that could better coincide with the setting up of a counterfeit Millennial kingdom than the visible coming and literal translation of saints into the sky. They thought they could call for such a coming of Jesus at anytime, what small minds.

Consider James Hatley Frere, involved with Drummond long before the Albury meetings. He is known for his strong influence on Edward Irving: "James Hatley Frere...a man of incisive mind and strong individuality, who seems to have deliberately selected Irving to be the popular mouthpiece of his Apocalyptic speculations" (

Robert Compton, in "Counting the Days to Armageddon," had this to say:

"Of particular note...was James Hately Frere who, in 1815, had published A Combined View of the Prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St. John, in which he expressed the belief that the second coming would be not a literal event but a spiritual one and would take place in 1822-3..." (

General internet information on Hatley Frere is scarce, let alone on his belief above. But it sounds as though he was the propaganda machine, perhaps on behalf of Drummond, for the invisible coming, which at that time (1815 and prior to) was not tied to pre-tribulationism because the idea of a pre-trib' coming would not enter the picture until about 1830. In fact, a pre-trib' coming may not have been a planned part of the counterfeit-Millennium scheme, but may rather have been a late addition infused by others, namely by some in the Irving church, into the propaganda. These small minds were unable to foresee that their schemes were preposterous enough to instantly fail.

When a pre-tribulation Coming of Jesus first popped up in the mind of someone in Irvingite circles, it came to be fused with the other false doctrine of an invisible coming. After all, the invisible coming was being simultaneously promoted by Irving and other Drummond/Frere propaganda machines. But, if indeed the pre-trib Return was part of now-Millennial mechanics, what could have been its purpose? How do you make people disappear shortly before calling the Millennium into existance manually? What kind of mad lunatics were these?

At the objections of those who could prove Biblically that Jesus comes visibly and after the tribulation, a two-stage coming of Jesus was created as a compromise -- one coming before, and one after, the tribulation period -- what is taught to this day by pre-tribulationists.

While the Compton quote above has Hatley Frere predicting the Return for 1822-23, another website ( has him predicting, in the same book quoted above, that Jesus would return in 1866. I don't know what to make of that apparent discrepancy. Perhaps he predicted for two dates, akin to Charles Russell who, while claiming that Jesus returned invisibly in 1874, also claimed that the Kingdom of God would not be set up until 1914...with Jesus yet remaining invisible after that.

The www.premier1 website above says that the invisible-coming doctrine "was picked up later by [Joseph] Seiss and Jonsson concludes Russell probably 'plagiarized' the works of Seiss in his 'invisible presence' doctrine." Joseph Seiss was an advocate of pyramidology and Christian astrology and therefore he rated as a Rosicrucian. This in itself doesn't prove that the elite on the Drummond team were Rosicrucians, but when the Drummond invisible-coming scheme continues through Seiss to the Christian pyramidologist, Charles Russell, a Freemason working as the propaganda machine for the Rothschilds, suddenly a suspicion arises: that Nathan Rothschild may have played a/the leadership role in the Drummond attempt at world rule, for Nathan was living in London at the time, as was Henry Drummond. Apparently, feigning Armageddon was a part of the Rothschild hoax, for Russell had predicted the setting up of God's Kingdom on the first year of the war (1914). What kind of mad lunatics were these, did you say?

By the time that the last of the 12 apostles (Francis Woodhouse) had died, in 1901, the Irvingite hoax crumbled for good, for an Irvingite prophecy had been made previous stating that Jesus would return before the last of these apostles would die. But someone else (John Dowie) picked up the Irving torch and started the hoax all over again, this time in the United States, and several others who got onto his wagon gave us the Manifest-Sons-of-God "rapture." What do you suppose they stood to gain from such ambitious schemes? Were they going to make their enemies, true Christians, "disappear"? Where?

Merely some modest research, admittedly restricted to the internet, leads me to conclude confidently that the early Rothschild Illuminati was connected to the Drummond Apostolic cult, and that the two groups worked well together with the Anglican Church and other European powers to springboard Zionism. As the Drummond cult faded into the background after the mid 1800s, the Rothschilds would hold tenaciously to the British power structures; together, they would become instrumental in creating the state of Israel. By then (1948), the official commencement of the Golden-Dawn Paradise had definitely been scheduled for the year 2000. We thus see a mad, long-range plan to underline the importance to them, of this scheme, and it's just a no-brainer that it incudes a counterfeit God to run the empire. But, dopes, nobody is going to believe you, STUPIDS. You're nuts. That's the good news. The bad news: they are going to force the people to "love" them and behave as their imperial citizens. Not me, count me out, yikes, I don't want to be infected with mential illness.

As the world hardly appeared as a Utopia or a Paradise as 2000 drew near, the best the Illuminatists could do was to call it their old-hat "New World Order," but the less often they mentioned that phrase, the better, for the world hardly seemed as though it were renewing itself. And it hasn't. The Illuminatists perhaps don't realize (it's called stupidity) that a world controlled by the force of their money and selfish ambitions can never be Utopia (duh). Therein is their greatest problem: themselves. For in a Utopia, the people must willingly serve their masters. No one is going to willingly serve the Illuminatists once it becomes known how wicked they have treated the people of the past. It is God's will to expose them, and the demons behind their work, that the world might willingly serve Him who, by the ministry of Jesus Christ, has proven Himself to be Honorable.

We don't find too many people on street corners with signs, "New World Order Now." No, but those who espouse globalism are all in the upper levels of governments hoping to become part of the godhood. That's not going to work, humans. You are more apt to spitting on your fellow schemers, humans...long before the masses line up at your doors to kiss your divine hands. Globalists in lower levels are going to covet the positions of those in higher levels (read, "hate"), because they are greedy / vein in the first place to willingly be in the lower levels.

I first learned of a possible tie between the first Rothschild (Mayer) and two Drummond bankers upon stumbling across an official internet document of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Learning therein that the Drummonds had been one of the foremost banking families helped to solidify my theory that some of them were tied to the Rothschild Illuminati (itself led by world-scope bankers). But the document also led me to discover that, almost-certainly, Drummond bankers had been involved with the first Rothschild of Germany. I then strongly suspected that the Drummond clan was tied to the early Scottish Hungarians...whom I had suspected were proto-Rosicrucians. It was a long shot, but worth a little effort in internet research. What I found was beyond my wildest expectations: some very elite Drummond individuals of long ago made the claim, in writing, that there was a "Maurice" who had sailed the ship that brought Margaret and the other Hungarians to Britain. And Maurice was said to be a progenitor of the Drummond clan!!!

[Insert January, 2021-- You can read of Hungarian ancestry in the write-up of the Drummond surname: "'The family of Drummond derive their name from Drymen in Stirlingshire, but trace their descent from Maurice, a Hungarian, who is said to have accompanied Edgar Etheling and his sisters to Scotland from Hungary in 1068, and to have been made, by Malcolm Canmore, after his [Malcolm's] marriage with Margaret, steward of Lennox.'" Okay, Drummonds were rulers of Lennox. We saw Mr. Woodhouse above as part of the Drummond scheme of 12 apostles, and Lennox's were at Woodhead. Woodhouse's were first found in Leicestershire with Woods, and the latter share a "defend" motto term with Lennox's. Woodheads (load them from Drummond link) have quadrants colors reversed from the quadrants in this Arms of Rothschild.

The Pettys share the Rothschild quadrants too while Petits are in the motto of Malcolms. The quote above doesn't tell that Maurice married the sister of king Malcolm Canmore. End insert]

In further research, it was high on my list of priorities to find evidence showing that Henry Drummond was also in acceptance of the Maurice story. I soon found a most amazing fact: Henry Drummond himself had written a book, called "Histories of British Noble Families," wherein he not only claimed that the Drummond clan issued forth from Maurice, but that Maurice's bloodline was by a marriage between the Magyar-Hun blood of king Andrew (of Hungary) and his wife, a Russian woman, daughter of a Varangian-Rus king! Although there is more to it, it is due to the Russian side of Maurice that I started to view the Drummond clan as a(nother) Ros(e) Line.

That there were at least two Ros Lines is evidenced by the War of the Roses, where the red rose of Lancaster went to war against the white rose of York. The House of York somehow became the "baby" of the Drummonds, exposed as such in that James III, king of Scotland with Drummond blood, made Sir John Drummond his Ambassador to England...whose job it was to marry the king and the king's sons to daughters of the kings of the House of York (

Did Henry Drummond see his ancestry in the savage Huns? Was he, in his Histories, leaking information that Drummond elitists/Illuminatists didn't want leaked, that their secrets are bound, not only in Attila, but in the Huns previous to him? The Huns are traced back to a union between a Scythian and a Sumerian (i.e. a Magogite and Nimrod)--the mortal enemies of the Biblical God...the God which the Drummonds professed to serve?

In a Hungarian myth, Nimrod (the engineer of the Tower of Babel) begot two sons, Hunor and Magor, who migrated north to Caucasia/Magog and lived there. Modern Hungarians still freely claim descent from both Huns and Magyars. After Attila settled Hungary temporarily, he was followed a century later by the Avar Huns and, finally, a century after the Avar empire came to a close (in 796), the Magyar king, Arpad, became the patriarch of the modern Hungarians.

In a Hungarian myth-like legend, a Magogite by the name of "Ugyek" had a son, "Almos," who is destined to be a great conqueror toward the west into Europe...i.e. so as to finish the world-conquest job that Attila started but failed to complete. Almos was the father of Arpad. What's interesting is that Ugyek is said to be a descendant of "king Magog" of Ezekiel's time, and "Magyar" looks like it can derive from "Magogar."

Hun legend emphasizes a "Sword of God" by which Attila would slay the world, as well as the coming of Attila's son from the sky. Both pictures evoke the Revelation-19 coming of Jesus from the sky with a sword by which to slay the nations. In fact, Hun legend includes the thunder, lightning and a shaking of the earth that will accompany the return of Jesus. Here's a snippet of the legend:

The king of the Huns took hold of [the magical Sword of God] and struck with it toward the four corners of the earth. His strokes were followed by thunder and lightning that began to shake the whole world. Attila was now certain that the ancient [Revelation] prophecy would be fulfilled. He was convinced that he would conquer much of the world and would create an empire that would surpass all other empires before him. He was also sure that he was indeed the Scourge of God who had been chosen by the heavens to inflict punishment upon the sinful people of this earth" (

This lunatic story smacks of the counterfeit Biblical Millennium expected from Illuminatists. While Almos and Arpad did conquer Hungary, the world conquest never came about...yet, anyway. It is not inconceivable that Maurice Drummond carried the Attila dream/scheme to Britain, to be handed down to Rosicrucians and Templars and finally to Henry Drummond, banker, topic of this chapter. The dispersal of Templars under de Molay (14th century) brought them protection from royal Bruce's of Scotland, and that very family married Annabel Drummond.

Annabel's mother was Mary MontiFEX while Fix's/Fecks have a wavy-blue fesse that can be of the wavy-Drummond fesses. "...Mary Montifex, co-heiress of Montefichet..." Apparently, Montifex was MontFICHET. Feschs are FECHTers too, and they share the crossed swords of Barrows while WOODhouse's (Leicestershire, same as Woods) were at Barrow-upon-Soar. The "segno" motto term of Woodhouse's is for Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genoa with Fesch-like Fieschi (see their Wikipedia article). Francis Woodhouse was the "apostle" for American when Henry Drummond (nutcase), owner of the Catholic Apostolic Church, had 12 Apostles over Europe. Woodheads probably have a version of the Seager/Sugar Crest. Montfichets are listed with Muschats, and then Muscats (without the 'h') share the double fesses of Annabels (use the Hungarian stag, we may assume). (For a little more on this topic, see (Montifex" in my 3rd update in January, 2021.)

Is it not for us to ask a question when we learn that Maurice was, according to Henry Drummond, the grandson of king Andrew, while the Scottish flag soon after became known as "Andrew's Cross"? Andrew was of the Arpad bloodline, and he (Andrew) was to follow and fulfill a Blood Oath made by several Hungarian rulers on behalf of Arpad blood. The Oath promised to fulfill Attila's "holy" global quest. It is well understood that Scotland has for almost a thousand years been synonymous with Freemasonry, but how does it change our perspective to view the country's upper levels as a remote camp for Hun, world-order conspiracy?

Britannica's best shot at defining "Varangian" is to derive it from the Scandanavian word, "Vaeringjar," meaning "men under oath." The idea brings me to an important point. Magogians (i.e. Scythians), when swearing oaths or making blood-brother pacts, had made it a custom to slit their wrists, to pour some blood into a cup of wine, and to seal the oaths by drinking the blood together.

Of course, cups of wine remind us of the Cup of Jesus, and we may assume that the pagan "holy grail" is a satanic attempt to undermine the covenant that Jesus made with his true apostles. With this in mind, note the following concerning the founding of Hungary:

"Soon after Arpad's birth, the seven princes of the Magyars elected Almos as their ruler. They sealed this election with an oath, called the "Blood Oath,' so called because the princes all drank from a single cup in which their blood had been intermingled. They swore to accept Almos and all his descendants as their rulers...'If any of the descendants should be disloyal to the ruler and cause discord among the ruler and his relatives, then shall their blood pour out as ours does now as we make the bond of blood with you'...[and] 'If anyone of the descendants breaks this oath should he be forever cursed.'"

What we have in the "Blood Oath" is a life-long brotherhood pact to protect a bloodline for world rule. Might the infamous "Rose Line" be referring to this very Arpad bloodline? Andrew married a Varangian Rus, and, if not mistaken, Rosicrucians arose in Hungary. Here's the Almos bloodline starting with his son, Arpad:

Arpad fathered Zoltan, prince of Hungary;
Zoltan fathered Taksony, prince of Hungary;
Taksony fathered duke Mihaly (Michael);
Michael fathered duke Vazul (Basil) and duke Laszlo (Ladislas "the Bald") [not king Ladislav];
and either Basil or Ladislav fathered king Andras I (Andrew I)...
the royal line ends a century and a half later in 1301.

Because duke Ladislav (or Lazslo) modifies to "Leslie," he figures in this story where he's suspected to be Bartholomew's father; while I don't know the reasoning behind this possibility, it is supported by some internet sites showing his full name as "Bartholemew Ladislaus Leslie." King Ladislav was born too late to be Bartholemew's father, by the way. Bartholemew came from Hungary with Margaret and Maurice Drummond, and while she married the king of Scotland, he married that king's sister. I should add here that, in time, the Leslie clan of Scotland (that came forth from Bartholemew) furnished the chiefs (i.e. earls) of Ross and of Rothes. The 21st earl of Rothes is alive today and is head of the Clan Leslie Society. Casimir of Poland married a Varangian Rus too, and Leslie's had married the Pollock builders / owners of the castle at Rothes, near Ross-shire.

Andrew I theoretically becomes the progenitor of a Ros Line simply because there arose a Clann Aindrea (alternative, "Clan Andras") which evolved into, and was alternatively called, the "Ross" clan of Scotland.

Let me spell this theory out to you in case you are confused: the Drummond clan is the Rose Line, for George, father of the first Drummond (maurice), was the son of Andrew I, as well as the son of Anastasia, daughter of a Rus father and a Russian mother (the Russians of that time were Rusyn/Ruthene Slavs, unlike the Varangian Rus).

I came across this line in Britannica: "[Yaroslav, king of the Rus] gave another daughter to Andrew I of Hungary." Who was she? In the Arpad Genealogy, I found that Andrew's second wife was "Anastasia Yaroslavna of Kiev" (i.e. Anastasia daughter of Yaroslav). These findings were my first requirements to connect the Drummonds to a Rus/Ros Line, but was this Anastasia truly the mother of George??? In the genealogy above, the identity of George's mother is not revealed, and moreover we read that he had been born "illegitimate." But in the genealogy of Henry Drummond (where we first see that duke Ladislaus is his father), we read:

Andrew I, King of Hungary...m[arried] 1) Anastasia of Russia (mother of George..."

Clearly, the man that brought the world the cult that brought Christianity pre-tribulationism knew that he was a descendant of the Arpad blood oath and of the royal Viking Rus. Andrew's father is shown elsewhere as Basil, but if it was duke Ladislav, who's wife was a Rus -- Premislavna, the daughter of the great Varangian pirate, Vladimir I -- then Andrew had both a Russian wife and a Russian mother. Both women were wives of Viking-Rus kings. Moreover, if Drummond was correct in claiming that Andrew was the son of duke Ladislav, then Andrew could have been the brother of Bartholemew, founder of Scottish Leslie's.

If you loaded the Arms of ROTHSchild above, you will see that they share the quadrants of Fasts and Falstaffs, and so see the "fast" motto term of Leslie's, earls of ROTHES. Don't believe family fables created to hide the real reasons for mottoes; they are almost always code for kin. The Ross surname has the Russell lion in colors reversed, and Russell-like Roslins share the buckle (different colors and design) with Leslie's; buckles and the Buckle / Buckley surnames can be suspect with a Buckie location at the mouth of the Spey river, the river upon which is Rothes.

The Scottish flag shows only an X-cross (i.e. a "saltire"), named, "Andrew's Cross," while the English flag with the normal cross was named the "Cross of St. George." Just as the true Andrew (of Hungary) is disguised as a Christian saint, the apostle Andrew, the proposed reason for "Andrew's Cross," so the true George of Hungary is disguised as a Christian saint, George. Now I can't prove to you that the English flag is derived from George of the Drummond clan, but if it's not, there's one amazing coincidence in these two names representing the two British flags. And see below that George was in fact in Britain:

"...(illegitimate) Gyorgy [George], who, according to Europaeische Stammtafeln, went to Scotland in 1055 and became ancestor of the Drummond family. E.S. cites a 1959 work published in Warsaw as the source for this. I know that it has long been asserted that the Drummond family was founded by a Hungarian who returned to Britain with Edward Atheling, so this may be true""

The page below has George marrying "Agatha, dau. Gundolph Podiebradius, Grandduke of Bohemia." That's PodeBRADY (Bohemia), which should explain why George's sister (Adelaide) married WRATIslav of Bohemia, what looks like "BRATislav." It's possible that Agatha above was Margaret's mother, also named Agatha, in which case Margaret was Maurice's half-sister, explaining why Maurice got to marry the sister of Margaret's royal husband. Aside from a couple of genealogy sites at google, which may be sourcing in the article above, I know of no other source giving the name of George's wife, or where she was from.

It became my theory, from the ship in the Arms of Shetland, that the symbol of Maurice Drummond was a ship, for he is said to have been the pilot of a ship that brought Margaret from Hungary to Scotland. The Gundolph-like Guns use a giant ship, the ship also of Renfrews, and while Pollocks of Rothes castle were living also in Renfrewshire, it could appear that Gundolph, Agatha's father, is the line to Guns, especially as Guns were first found in the Orkneys, ruled later by Sinclairs of Roslin. I believe that queen Margaret arranged for her cup-bearer, Henry Sinclair, to possess Roslin. She named her heir, David, a name used by king Andrew too, which can be explained if Maurice Drummond, Andrew's grandson, was her half-brother. Otherwise, I see no David's in Margaret's family.

Scottish Andrews, who look like they share the Pollock saltire in colors reversed, were first found in Caithness, over-looking the Orkneys...which includes Shetland. As I see the "ORGAN pipes" of Lets/Late's as part-code for ORKNey, note that the Andrews share the Let/Late saltire. Guns use a "bellum" motto term, and LaBels share the crescent of Swedish Anders, suggesting king Bela, king Andrew's brother. The Gunwells, though curiously tracing to Conteville's, use what looks like the Sinclair cross in the colors of the "Andrews Cross" of Scotland. Both Arms show nothing but their crosses. The Andrew's Cross is just a saltire in colors reversed from that of Malcolms/COLUMNs, and we may assume that the latter are from Malcolm Canmore. The Pelosi/ Pilati surname has stars above their COLUMNS in the colors of the Salome/Solomon stars.

Why do you think that king Andrew and his Rus wife had two sons, Salomon and David?

Drummonds became associated with the Scottish Highlands...where the Ross and Rose clans were also located eventually (not to mention the village of Rossal). The Drummonds took a major role in the Jacobite movement, the movement of the Highlanders to get would-be-king James III and IV on the throne of England ("James" in Latin is "Jacobus"). All the king James' were of Drummond blood, in fact.

Back in the reign of James VI of Scotland, because he also became king James I of England, England and Scotland were joined, wherefore the George Cross of England was superimposed upon the Andrew Cross of Scotland to form the Union Jack...and I think that we can guess where the term "Jack" originated since "Jacob" is a variation of "James." Were these James' named after Jaqued de Molay? The James surname shares the lion of Scottish Roys, and so see a quote from my previous chapter:

"In the twelfth century there arose in Khazaria a Messianic movement, a rudimentary attempt at a Jewish crusade, aimed at the conquest of Palestine by force of arms. The initiator of the movement was a Khazar Jew, one Solomon ben Duji (or Ruhi or ROY), aided by his son Menahem and a Palestinian scribe. 'They wrote letters to all the Jews, near and far, in all the lands around them...They said that the time had come in which God would gather Israel, His people from all lands to Jerusalem, the holy city, and that Solomon Ben Duji was Elijah, and his son the Messiah'" (

It just so happens that French Roys have a bend-with-stars in colors reversed from the salome/Solomon bend-with stars! Amazing. The Salome/Solomon stars are those also of Victor(ia)s expected in the "VICTRix" motto term of Scottish Andrews. The Lane's use "English lions," the three on the Union Jack, but the phrase used is code for the English's sharing the Roy lion, for "roy" is a Lane motto term. English's share the Moray stars, and Rothes is at Moray.

If correct that Ross' were supporting the English royals instead of the Jacobites, one could say that they were supporting the Union, making sense because the Ross' had been in both countries. Ross' were first found in England's Yorkshire with the Mars who probably share their lion, and as Drummonds were at KilDRUMMy castle of the Mars, it appears that Mars were Maurice liners. In fact, French Mars share the scallops of Swedish Andrews.

Clan Rosich, Na Gille Andras

No where else on the internet was the Ross clan so identified with what appears to be the ancient version of the name, "Rosich." The phrase in its entirety means, "Rosich Clan, Children of Andras." Unbelievable! When seeing this term, "Rosich," for the first time, it had special significance for me because, having previously theorized that the Rosicrucians have had nothing at all to do with the so-called "Rosi Cross," I noticed that "Rosicrucian" had possibly to do with "Rosic-Russian" in some way.

I therefore entertained "Rosic Ross," which appears to be cleverly disguised in "Rosi Cross." But I also entertained "Rosic Rus" due to an official Rosicrucian term, "Rosi Crucis," or other variations of "cross" that end with what sounds like "rus." Take another example, "Rose Croix," which modifies to "Rosic Roix," while "Rox," as historians know, is an alternative of "Ros," the roots of the Varangian Rus. But in the year-long period in which I theorized that Rosicrucian origins were in Russia, I could not determine what the "Rosic" might have stood for...until I came across the "Rosich" at the website above (December 2003). Either I am the victim of amazing coincidences, or else I have stumbled upon some dirt realities.

If "Rosich" has anything to do with Russians, we can perhaps read between the lines the following paraphrase:

"Clan Rosich of Yaroslav, Children of king Andrew of Hungary"?

I am convinced, YES! Here's what I found merely on the internet:

"How many armies are there in Russia?...The Internal Troops number over 200,000 servicemen and have light arms, light armored vehicles, and aviation (also light). And several special assignment units like the Vityaz regiment and Rus, Rosich, and Skif detachments" (

There you have it, the Rus and Rosich detachments are Russian fighters, meaning that "Rosich" is a Russian term. At another Russian-military website, I found this: "Special Assignment Units of the Interior Ministry (Vityaz, Rus, Rosich, Skif, OMON, SOBR)" Once again, "Rus" is side-by-side with "Rosich." It's notable that English Marks share the Maurice lion, that being of Maurice Drummond, while Jewish Marks at Marx's too. Karl Marx, they say, was of Illuminati elements, and they founded Communist Russia, didn't they?

At an ancient-Russian pagan/occult website (, "Rosich" is said to be the name of ancient pagan Russians. These pagans are there said to have been holy, clean, filled with some contrast with barbarian Russians (e.g. Scythians). And, I quote, the "Rosiches considered themselves to be demigods." Is that like mere men who think they have the absolute right to be communist tyrants? Also: "In the history of Ancient (Pre-Christianity) Russia there was not the slightest hint that incoming tribes could win a battle over the Rosiches."

Apparently, modern Russians call some of their military units by the name of the old Rosich peoples...because they had never lost a battle to any opposing tribe (that's an obvious stretch, but we get the idea). If true that the Rosich peoples date back to pre-Christian times, then they were very likely the Biblical Rosh. In my research, I traced the Rosh to a branch of Cimmerians of Lake Van, who took over the realm of king Rusa, and lo and behold, the Cimmerians worshipped their leaders as gods. These are the true Aryan "supremacists" (they think they should be supreme.)

One Varangian king of Kiev (founders of pre-Communist Moscow) gave some four daughters to European kings spread across Europe, in a bold quest to rule the globe. I think that was YARoslav, possibly to the Yarborough/Yearby (Andrew's Cross colors) and/or Year surnames; the latter was first found in Stirlingshire with the Drymen location of Drummonds, and beside the first-known Drummonds in Perthshire.

Take a look at the name of the legendary man, Ugyek, the Magogite who, in the 9th century AD, gave the world the brother tribes, the Huns and Magyars. See that "Ugyek" evokes "Gug" when "yek" (synonymous with "iek") is treated the same as the suffix "ich" (as in "Rosich" or "Halich"). That is, the root of "Ugyek" is "Ug" or "Ugy," and if a reason can be provided for dropping a capital "G," then the original root word was "Gug" or "Gugi" (a "y" commonly interchanges with an "i" as in "Halych" versus "Halich"). In fact, the Assyrians used the word "Mat-Gugi" in referring to Magog.

Just as "Galli" is a variation of "Halli" that can moreover modify to "Alli," so "Ugi" may have had the variation, "Hugi." Therefore, "Hugh" could be rooted in "Gug" i.e. "Gog." earl Hugh D'AVARCHes looks VARANGi. Did you know that all the first-born of the Ross clan were to be named "Hugh," and that this tradition is continued to this day?

When the Rosicrucians arrived to Britain, it could be that they used the rose to depict (and disguise) themselves because "Ros" in Gaelic means "rose" (the flower). However, also note that "Rosh" means "chief" in Hebrew, and that "Ros" and "Ross" in Celtic likewise mean "head."

In case you're doing a study on these matters, the Ross clan started in Ayrshire due west of Roslin, while the Drummonds started off in Stirlingshire not far west of Roslin (Roslin is at Edinburgh). The Ross and Rose clans then moved far to the north-east to Ross-shire/Cromarty (from "Crimea," home of Cimmerians?), and Rossal was still further north in Sutherlandshire. The Drummonds also moved north to Perthshire, near to the Hungarian Leslie's in Aberdeenshire. (see map, compliments of


Drummond Ties to the Rothschilds
Here's something that you've never read before on possible links
between Henry Drummond of pre-tribulation rapture fame
and the early Rothschild Illuminati.

Table of Contents
Pre-Tribulation Planning for a Post-Tribulation Rapture